IRC log for #android on 20081125

00:01.00*** join/#android grey- (n=grey@
00:02.12grey-well looks like someone added an app to the market today which will be a good workaround with one of my sms quibbles - sending an sms to a group!
00:02.30grey-'s used to symbian being able to mark all ->send sms easily.
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00:07.19foonixxgrey-: which app is that?
00:07.26grey-lemme check, just downloaded it.
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00:08.10grey-foonixx: text easy
00:08.12grey-I haven't used it yet.
00:08.28grey-but it sure would've come in handy when I got the thing to update all my friends with new # (didn't do number port)
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00:09.09KNYgrey-, does it do one text per contact or does it do a multicast-type thing?
00:09.21KNYthat could get expensive in a hurry, if it's the former
00:09.31grey-KNY: afaik all sms is 1-to-1
00:09.42grey-KNY: but if your sms application can make it easier for you, so much the better.
00:10.01grey-also $10/mo unlimited sms is a handy thing. ;)
00:10.09grey-but yeah, I've got almost 400 contacts. ;)
00:10.14KNYGamma-X, do you have a link for Android Flash?
00:10.22grey-let's just say one of my other quibbles with the android sms
00:10.29grey-is when you're sending a lot (say 20+ sms's)
00:10.36grey-the app will (naturally) take some time
00:10.37KNYgrey-, as a user who hates getting group SMS, I want to slap that author :)
00:10.39Gamma-XKNY, they only announced it last week. there comin out with it soon i hope.
00:10.44grey-and you get the force quit, wait questioning.
00:10.45KNYGamma-X, nice
00:11.03grey-KNY: moreover... if it times out an sms
00:11.10grey-it will apparently do some sort of autoretry
00:11.15grey-but also ask you if you want to manually retry.
00:11.33grey-I ended up re-sms'ing some friends 5+ times as a result of that.
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00:11.37grey-because I thought they didn't get it
00:11.40grey-so manually resent
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00:12.06grey-the built-in sms will also start to hang if you input more than 25 or so contacts to send to.
00:12.13grey-had to pop the battery once. ;-/
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00:57.09KNYdamn it, why is Xorg using 1.7 GiB of RAM?
00:57.41Leedshow much memory do you have on your graphics card?
00:58.10KNY512MB I think
00:58.50Leedsthat's a start then... it's probably mapped into Xorg's address space
01:05.40KNYLeeds, `free -m` gives total: 3959 and used: 3208, so I don't think it's that
01:05.46KNYsince I have 4 GiB of RAM
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01:08.44*** join/#android BHSPitMonkey (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey)
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01:12.58khertanyone else having trouble mounting their SD card after the RC30 update?
01:14.36grey-huh MSM7201A runs OKL4 which is gpl3'd?
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01:15.18romainguy_khert: what's the problem?
01:16.13khertxp won't recognize my g1 when i plug in the usb cable, even tho it's charging off it
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01:17.54romainguy_khert: don't you get a notification in the status bar?
01:17.58spikebikeunder linux I had to make some tweaks to let it automount
01:17.58romainguy_that lets you mount the device
01:18.05spikebikeRC28 "just worked"
01:18.27khertyeah, had no problem before the update, now i don't get notification onthe phone or the pc
01:19.09romainguy_what did you get before RC30?
01:19.21romainguy_was it automounting or did you have to go in the status bar to click the USB notification?
01:19.42khertdrive e: showed in the pc, a usb icon inthe notification bar, and after mounting i could transfer files
01:19.52khertmanual mount
01:20.06romainguy_then I don't know :(
01:22.16khertwonder if a factory reset would do it
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01:31.25*** join/#android Gary|tp (
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01:38.27umdk1d3for a listview that has recycled textviews, would it be faster to use fill_parent on width so it might not have to do an entire refresh of the surroundin view tree?
01:40.35umdk1d3ie, when recalcing the bounds of the updated textview
01:41.13eldenzwas there a stereo adapter in the G1 box?
01:42.30eldenzi hate the earphones that were in my box.. does anyone use stock earphones anyway?
01:42.45grey-I am currently.
01:42.52grey-need to get one of those headphone jack dealios
01:43.08eldenzi don't understand why they didn't make that stock earphone unpluggable /after/ the device for volume
01:43.26grey-well they did in what's shipping now, right?
01:43.49KNYhas anyone else seen performance problems with ListActivity?
01:43.57eldenzgrey-, what do you mean?
01:44.04KNYif you have long lists, scrolling is dog slow
01:44.51eldenzgrey-, i don't know how to call it but that earphone has that volumethingie.. ;) and it would be pretty usefull to have for my own headphones...
01:45.50eldenzi want that :f
01:45.53grey-the title is misleading.
01:46.02grey-no jack on the phone, just a usb-> jack adapter.
01:46.06eldenzyeah, well i don't mind carrying an adapter :)
01:46.29eldenzbut i hate carrying around two earphones :P (one for mp3 player and one for g1 plz)
01:47.14eldenzthat's actually even better with the adapter.. if you can adjust volume
01:47.24eldenzand play/pause
01:47.28grey-yeah not sure.
01:47.58Dammthe idea of using the g1 for music makes me laugh... do you need to charge your ipod every 12 hours?
01:48.12grey-*shrug* iphone gets similar battery life.
01:48.20grey-and is also the 'next' ipod, right? ;)
01:48.34grey-albeit the music player is arguably much nicer on an iphone.
01:49.42Dammi get about 36hours of playtime on my ipod... (i think) ... i charge it every 1.5weeks
01:50.27eldenzexcept mine is a shuffle :f
01:50.30Dammand i said ipod... not ihockey(iphone)...
01:50.57eldenzit's still apple :p
01:51.41Dammi would not turn down a free iphone, but i would not pay for that phone/service at all
01:52.05Dammyes it is... the less sucky side of apple
01:53.19Dammi love apple... i just think the iphone is a sick joke
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02:03.04Gary|tpDamm: you're going to be charging your phone anyway
02:03.09Gary|tpwhy not use it as an MP3 player
02:03.16Gary|tpbeats carrying around two devices
02:03.31Gary|tphas 'net access for streaming
02:04.17Gary|tp"Well it sounds like T-Mobile has taken note of this problem and now has a fix for those who have not yet purchased the G1."
02:04.31Gary|tpWhy does that post make it sound like it's a T-Mobile issue? HTC handles that, not T-Mobile.
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02:11.26umdk1d3hmm WebView appears to not like certain types of urls
02:12.17umdk1d3or maybe its not liking the content-type being returned
02:15.13kRutOnumdk1d3: sup
02:16.03kRutOnI need finer control of glyph substitution...
02:16.16kRutOnor, really, any control
02:16.42umdk1d3kRutOn: not much  :)
02:16.52umdk1d3finally on something non-dialupish  ;)
02:17.16umdk1d3just pulled 20mbps easily at old univ  ^.^
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02:34.20`vipif a friend just bought a G1, how long until he should receive RC30 ?
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02:36.25jbqtypically a few days
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02:44.02*** join/#android DannyB (
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02:50.32P2Eis it just me or is wifi not working at all on my g1 =[
02:50.46P2Eis there something I could have broken (I can connect to a wap just fine
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03:01.20unix_infidelanyone ever get the G1 at walmart for 150?
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03:05.22gamblerdoes walmart sell them without a contract?
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03:08.56Leedsnot for $150, they don't
03:09.28unix_infidelheh, that's my point, they have to put it on the shelf before they can price it. so that's why i'm asking ;-)
03:11.08spikebikeya, I'd expect $400 ish without contract
03:11.24spikebikemaybe $350 if they are undercutting tmo
03:19.03Leedseven the out-of-contract ones need unlocking, right?
03:20.54spikebike$23 ish
03:21.03spikebikehtc doesn't sell direct yet 8-(
03:25.07KNYspikebike, they charged you to unlock?
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03:27.21spikebikea 3rd party does
03:27.27spikebiketmo will unlock after 90 days or simialr
03:31.36*** join/#android KNY (
03:32.18KNYI will be extremely grateful to anyone who can tell me how to get rid of the outline and properties views in eclipse
03:32.19KNYfor good
03:32.39romainguycreate a new perspective
03:35.02KNYromainguy, I tried it, we'll see if they come back
03:35.16KNYI keep clicking their "close" buttons but they keep popping up and stealing focus at the worst times
03:35.42offby1steals KNY's focus, along with his prized Chimay
03:36.23KNYcuts off offby1's hands for thievery
03:36.58LeedsKNY: you have Chimay?
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03:37.27KNYI have no idea what Chimay is
03:38.34KNYLeeds, for comparison, I just rebooted and Xorg is using 43.3 MiB of RAM
03:38.45KNYin like 12 hours it'll be using ~2 GiB
03:39.03Leedsare you using firefox 2 by any chance?
03:39.12offby1KNY: I may not have any hands, but I have known Chimay
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03:40.14P2Eno one has ever had trouble with wifi connectivity have they
03:41.03jbqknows a good way to get rid of any annoyance in Eclipse, but that's not usually what people want to hear ;-)
03:41.18romainguyjbq: it's called IntelliJ ^^
03:41.22Leedsjbq: use vim/emacs?
03:42.05jbqromainguy: well, I also know a way to get rid of any IntelliJ annoyance ;-)
03:42.16jbqLeeds: pick your poison...
03:42.16romainguyjbq: /ignore jbq? :)
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03:44.58IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
03:45.56jbqorders a new battery for his PSP.
03:46.02romainguyjbq: pandora?
03:46.22jbqromainguy: no, just old PSP where the battery doesn't last 10 minutes any more.
03:46.32jbq(to play games on the go)
03:46.41romainguyas opposed to the 20 minutes you get with a fresh battery? :)
03:47.00jbqit used to last a few hours for me.
03:47.10romainguyyeah I get about 4 hours while playing
03:47.17romainguybut it sucks for a portable gaming system
03:48.11jbqI like to just have it in the car, stop somewhere quiet, and play for a while.
03:48.25jbqThe GBA is way more portable, but the games just aren't the same.
03:48.36romainguyI actually play a lot more on GBA/DS
03:48.43romainguyI'm deeply bored by the PSP games
03:48.52romainguyI mean, for the very few that come out :)
03:50.15KNYthe DS is so useless without a DSTT
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03:50.40KNYallows you to play ROMS off a microsd card
03:50.54romainguyyou're that kind of gamer
03:50.55KNYI can carry all my games without any carts
03:51.07KNYoh don't get me wrong, I don't do it for the free games
03:51.22KNYit's just that I'm not about to carry all my games with me all the time
03:51.22romainguyDS games are far from being hard to carry around
03:51.25romainguygiven their size... :))
03:51.42Leedsbut isn't Andoid the perfect gaming platform?
03:51.51KNYyeah but can you hit L+R+A+B+X+Y and drop back to a list of all your games in under a second? :)
03:52.03romainguyKNY: I'm not that in a hurry
03:52.33KNYI would play my ds like, once a month before I got a DSTT
03:52.54KNYI'd recommend getting one, but it seems that you're one of the morally-opposed gamers ;)
03:53.03romainguyI am indeed :)
03:53.33romainguybecause of (a short) experience in the industry and many friends who work in the industry
03:54.09KNYI have zero problems paying for games. I just hate carrying them around.
03:54.18romainguyI understand
03:54.27romainguyI'm just saying that DS games don't bother me to carry around
03:54.30romainguyPSP games are more annoying
03:54.36romainguythey need protection :(
03:55.48KNYhaha definitely
03:55.51KNYoptical media ftl
03:56.37romainguyat least now I got the 2nd rev of the PSP, it stopped throwing the discs across the room when opening the lid
03:56.55romainguymy first one was the first batch of Japanese PSP
03:57.08romainguylet's say that it was a pretty and shiny as rushed and unfinished inside :)
03:57.18unix_infidelwould the G1 be a viable gaming platform when you only have around 100MB real world to work with?
03:57.52KNYunix_infidel, very few DS ROMs are over 64MB
03:57.59romainguyunix_infidel: size is not the problem
03:58.15romainguyunix_infidel: it's more the hardware
03:58.21jbqunix_infidel: well, a game could store its assets on the SD card (possibly downloaded through a PC). My concern would be battery life, and the fact that once you've run through your battery you have no phone left.
03:58.21romainguyespecially the trackball ^^
03:58.23unix_infidelKNY: and how many games would you say make a platform appealing.
03:58.32romainguy(at least we don't ha to play games with the sensors like on iPhone !##)
03:58.47romainguyunix_infidel: one is enough :)
03:59.45unix_infidelsame thing was said of a number quite like 640K
04:00.07Dammthe barrier still exists on your phone!
04:00.12Dammnow that's fud.
04:00.13romainguyexcept history showed that one game is enough to sell loads of consoles :)
04:00.14KNYunix_infidel, just one, if it's good
04:00.37jbqromainguy: GT3? ;-) (I bought my PS2 for it)
04:00.53unix_infidelromainguy: that is, if you're interested in selling...stuff.
04:01.01romainguyjbq: Tetris for the GameBoy, Super Mario Bros for the NES, Halo for the Xbox, etc.
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04:01.15KNYGoldeneye for the N64 (in my experience)
04:01.22unix_infidelKNY: good call ;-)
04:01.41romainguyunix_infidel: that's the best way to get a salary at the end of the month, selling stuff :)
04:02.19unix_infideldidnt know google was in the business of selling stuff ;-P
04:02.37romainguylike ads?
04:02.59unix_infidelugh, where did all these worms come from ;-)
04:03.15romainguygo click on a few links :p
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04:11.19herriojrhey, has anyone run into the problem while trying to write to the stream that is returned by calling insert on Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, that it never actually creates the file?
04:12.43romainguyinsert() doesn't return a URI to a file
04:12.57herriojrit returns the uri that you open the output stream on
04:14.07romainguydo you get any IOException herriojr?
04:14.40herriojrnope, not at all
04:14.43herriojrthat's why I'm confused
04:14.55romainguywhat happens when you write in the outputstream?
04:15.48offby1the fish die
04:16.09KNYI love when people email you application suggestions. "Hey make one where you can like listen to the radio,just like we put in the radio station but make it easy plez and make sure it work"
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04:17.24offby1damn those users.  If only ...
04:17.29herriojrBitmap b2 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResource(),resource);.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 50, outStream)
04:17.34herriojrwasn't finished
04:17.42herriojrbasically, when I compress to the stream, it returns true
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04:18.38herriojrlet me pastebin the code
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04:20.14herriojrwhen I go to the pictures application, I don't see the images
04:20.33herriojrI basically copy+pasted this code from another application I wrote, and it worked fine in the other app
04:22.33herriojrromainguy: does anything in that look strange to you?  I'm calling the function like: storePNGImage(R.drawable.icon, "The Icon", null);
04:25.16herriojrand R.drawable.icon does exist
04:25.27KNYoffby1, I replied to that guy saying that the G1 doesn't have radio hardware and here's what I got back: "O dude un cool weel can you add fun stuff"
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04:30.53BHSPitMonkeyorders a zzzphone
04:32.45benleyno dood you should get a
04:33.32offby1KNY: just smile and back away slowly
04:34.11romainguyherriojr: no idea what's going on
04:34.13KNYoffby1, I was like "So-and-so, I'll do my best. Cheers, KNY" and he replied back with some variant of "Awesome! thanks man!"
04:34.29BHSPitMonkeybenley, that phone is what I want, when I need it
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04:35.30herriojrand this isn't really an error I can report, since it is only reproducible in this app and nothing else....I can't make a test case to show it
04:35.48P2Eok, screw this, I'm updating because my wifi is broken
04:35.54P2Eand I'd love for it to be fixed
04:36.00P2Eand maybe r30 fixes it
04:36.22Leedsbefore you update to r30...
04:37.13benleyis there actually fun stuff you can do with a rooted g1 that you can't do otherwise yet?
04:37.28romainguydepends what kind of user you are
04:37.40unix_infidelthe fun kind?
04:37.51KNYdepends on what you do for fun
04:37.57unix_infidelfun stuff?
04:38.06unix_infidelhas Louis CK flashback ;-)
04:38.12KNYunix_infidel, in that case, yes ;)
04:38.16BHSPitMonkeyunix_infidel, sorry, you are not a fun person
04:38.35BHSPitMonkeyhas decreed it.
04:40.36unix_infidelbenley: there is fun stuff yes, but no one has been able to make it "turn key" fun stuff as of yet.  seeing as the platform is literally just about a month old.
04:41.14benleyunix_infidel: maybe from your perspective it's only a month old :)
04:42.01P2ELeeds: uh. waiting for what comes after the ...
04:42.25unix_infidelbenley: yes from everyone's perspective who's soul isnt tethered to a large stone with an NDA etched in on it ;-)
04:42.30LeedsP2E: do you have root? do you want root? do you want to keep root?
04:42.59P2Ethere are things I could want root for but I can't really seem to run the things that would require those permissions.
04:43.17P2Ehow would I become root in the first place from a terminal?
04:43.38P2EI can't even run whoami
04:43.57P2Ecan't do that either.
04:44.07P2Eand I tried sudo bash
04:44.12P2Ejust for the hell of it
04:45.26herriojryou have to find another application that is running root and exploit it to run root commands
04:45.33herriojrthat's how the original root bug was found
04:45.57herriojrkind of by accident
04:51.05herriojrbasically, go through the android source and see if you can see anything you can exploit
04:51.21herriojreventually they'll all get plugged up
04:51.21romainguywe're still waiting for a real exploit :p
04:51.35P2EI guess I just don't really see a bonus right now
04:51.48P2EI'm sure I will later and then I'll regret upgrading
04:52.11RyeBryeP2E - type "id"
04:52.27RyeBryeP2E - install busybox, it gives you a lot of commands that aren't in android
04:52.29herriojrmaybe you can somehow exploit the over-the-air os updater
04:53.00P2Edoesn't seem to be 1 =]
04:53.28RyeBryewhat RC are you on?
04:53.37P2Ephone shipped that way
04:53.51RyeBryereboot, on the phone type "telnetd" - then telnet into the phone over wifi
04:53.57RyeBryethat's the only way to get root on the phone
04:54.07P2Eoh, hmm
04:54.09P2Ewell, I just ran that
04:54.22RyeBryedid you connect from telnet?
04:54.45RyeBryeRunning telnetd doesn't magically make you root - it's just that the phone happens to echo crap to the root shell, and so running telnetd as root will give you the ability to get in as root
04:54.57P2Eno, I understand how telnet works
04:55.06RyeBryedid you telnet into the phone?
04:55.11P2EI just did, now
04:56.34RyeBryeso you see the # ?
04:56.34P2EI was using a terminal on the phone before
04:56.34P2Eyes, now I'm uid0
04:56.35RyeBryeYep, now you are root
04:56.35P2Eok, I have root access.
04:56.35RyeBryeyou can read the android wiki to see how to preserve it and such
04:56.35P2Eis the android wiki official google stuff?
04:56.36P2Ealso, there is a pretty severe amount of lag between my machine and the phone, is this normal or should it be snappy (I'm trying to figure out if something is physically wrong with my phone)
04:58.27P2Eargh, now I can't telnet again
04:58.35P2Edoes telnetd die when the phone sleeps?
04:59.11P2Eugh, ok
04:59.17P2EI'll plug it in and tell it not to sleep
04:59.43spikebikeand exits telnetd when you kill the last connection
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05:02.14P2EI know the ip's right...
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05:08.53Leedsthe easiest way to get in is to use adb to redirect the telnet port, in my limited experience
05:09.39P2Eeh. rebooted and I'm in again
05:09.49P2Estill a really laggy connection
05:09.52P2Eseems weird
05:10.17P2Eshould it be this slow?
05:10.57P2E(about as slow as, say, ssh over grps)
05:10.59P2Eer, gprs
05:11.16herriojrromainguy: so, it seems to be somehow placing it in a location where only my application can access it
05:11.31romainguyin /data?
05:11.31herriojrromainguy: in reference to the images being written
05:12.06herriojrit says it is in /external/images/media/114
05:12.41herriojrbut for some reason, I can only see it in my own application...meaning I can pull it out of there, but when I try to access it elsewhere, the images don't appear
05:13.00herriojrwhen I try to access it in other applications, it doesn't exist
05:13.13herriojrsorry, I'm tired and my line of thought is starting to disappear
05:14.24romainguyherriojr: but that's a content:// URI right?
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05:14.42P2Ehow much ram does this thing have anyway
05:14.54P2Eand can I turn off something like myfaves to get more battery life
05:14.55herriojroh, I'm just telling you what I print out with uri.fromPath()
05:15.02romainguywhat's the scheme?
05:15.06romainguyit doesn't point to a file
05:15.17romainguyit points to a content:// URI to be used with ContentResolver.query()
05:16.11P2Eapp_8    106   32    89924 13196 ffffffff afe0c824 S com.tmobile.myfaves
05:16.11herriojrI'm sorry, the scheme for what?
05:16.11P2Eseems like 13M of ram I don't need to be wasting
05:16.11romainguythe scheme of the URI
05:16.25romainguyP2E: it contains all your contacts
05:16.29romainguyso you probably want to keep it
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05:16.34herriojryes, it's content://
05:16.35P2Eoh. nevermind =]
05:16.52romainguy*never* clear the data for myFaves in settings > apps > manage apps
05:16.57romainguyyou'd lose all your contacts :))
05:17.06romainguyherriojr: then you have to use ContentResolver.query()
05:17.53*** join/#android Nafai (
05:18.00P2Ewait, are these values in k, or bytes?
05:18.35romainguywhat are they?
05:18.37P2EI'm assuming k
05:18.38romainguyis that just a ps output?
05:18.42P2Eroot     246   61    724   324   c0049a2c afe0c4cc S /system/bin/sh
05:19.42romainguyit's in k
05:20.10herriojrromainguy: so where on the sdcard should the image be stored?  I'll use glance to see if anything is written
05:20.36romainguyherriojr: what folders do you have on your sdcard?
05:20.57herriojrMusic, albumthumbs, dcim, .Trash-1000, download
05:21.18romainguyhmm I would need to check the source code
05:21.27Nafaiis there not a way for me to browse the apps available in the Android Market from a desktop machine?  I'm getting a G1 soon and wanted to see what's available
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05:23.01herriojrwell, I have a crapload of images in /sdcard/dcim/Camera, but I only see 1 under pictures
05:23.12herriojrand their jpg, so not the format I told it to write in
05:23.52P2ENafai: 77?
05:25.11P2Eoh. thought I knew you for a second.
05:25.20P2Eoh. maybe I do =]
05:25.27NafaiYou do :)
05:26.47herriojrromainguy: ok, I've found the images on the sdcard, but they're in jpeg not png format and I can't view them under Pictures, what would cause Pictures not to be able to see them?
05:27.11romainguyno idea
05:27.20romainguyhave you tried to reboot to force a media scan?
05:27.30herriojrhow do I force a media scan?
05:27.40herriojrsorry, didn't see that
05:27.42romainguya reboot will work
05:27.43herriojrok, I'll try that
05:27.45romainguyyou can also send an intent
05:27.48romainguydon't remember which one though
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05:28.47P2Eis there anything good to stream vorbis in android?
05:28.48herriojrso, when I tell it to write the file as png, is there a reason it writes it as jpg?
05:29.23romainguybecause the outpustream probably doesn't write it in the file directly
05:29.54herriojrok, that did it
05:30.06herriojrwith at least seeing it on the sdcard
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05:42.06herriojris there a way to get the Pictures application to refresh without resetting?
05:42.30romainguy"romainguy: you can also send an intent"
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06:35.36fnordhmm is there a way to specify which contacts are synced to the phone?
06:35.52grey-I think it's all of them, no?
06:36.06grey-no granularity with syncing afaik.
06:36.20grey-same with e.g. OSX address book <-> gmail contact sync.
06:36.26grey-all contacts synced.
06:36.27fnordit's not importing gmail contacts, but a number isn't associated with it
06:36.37fnordi'm concerned about phone contacts
06:36.51grey-(I have noticed a bug in syncing addressbook -> gmail in that hone numbers with dashes don't get synced)
06:37.11grey-fnord: so you have a contact that -isn't- being synced?
06:38.00fnordemail contacts don't get put on the dialer, no
06:38.16fnordbasically i need to clean out my HUGE list of numbers from my 5 yr old sim
06:38.32grey-ah, hmm.
06:38.40fnordwondering what happens if I delete them at they go off the phone? do they reappear?
06:38.57fnorddo i need to delete from both to keep something from appearing on the other? etc, etc
06:39.42grey-my experience if it gets deleted on one, it gets deleted on the other.
06:39.46grey-unless you've turned off syncing.
06:39.52grey-[until you turn it back on]
06:40.25fnordoh nice. i can just create an 'old' group and it won't display by default
06:41.21fnordbut it won't go off the 'my contacts' grp
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06:42.30fnordand deleting them deletes them off the old group. fooie
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06:54.30P2Eargh my phone is being wholly too retarded
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07:51.00kRutOnhm, looks like the only way to control glyph substitution is to make a font that has all the BMP glyphs accounted forj
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08:00.53ripis there any way build and test external/opencore/engines/player ? there are few sample application file given ?
08:01.04ripis it possible ? has any one tried ?
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08:04.59Gary|tpoh shit
08:05.06Gary|tpwe were talking about this yesterday :o
08:05.08Gary|tpGC app is out
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08:56.11rip_has any one triedn running the OpenCORE test framework (the one mentioned in "pvplayer_engine_unit_test_guide.pdf") after building the entire Android source ?
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08:59.06rip_has any one triedn running the OpenCORE test framework (the one mentioned in "pvplayer_engine_unit_test_guide.pdf") after building the entire Android source ?
09:31.16DarkriftXi hate idiots who repeat the same thing over and over without even having it leave the screen
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12:40.30riphow do i test the pv player from command line ?
12:49.24ripis it possible ?
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13:00.04kslatermy daughter tossed mine early in it's life playing Bonzai
13:00.35kslaterhad to snap something back into place, but it survived
13:01.12kslaterrealizes he's trying to respond to an ancient comment
13:01.35kslateranyone working on an OWA mail client? I'd gladly pay some $ for that app about now.
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13:19.10blaugrr something works in emu but not my stupid g1
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13:22.38blauand my host is down grrr
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13:28.26blaufor some reason i seem to be cacheing an old copy of this file
13:29.40blauit doesnt make sense at all
13:30.04blaureally weird
13:30.10blaui had to go into the browser and refresh
13:30.26blaubecause somehow i was egtting old data with URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
13:37.00blaureally weird
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14:09.09andreafmmm, if I add an onclicklistener to a imagebutton I have to enable some permission in the manifest ?
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14:18.24gfindsterhello all
14:18.36gfindsterr u there
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14:21.11snadgeis there a website about hacking the g1 phone?
14:21.34snadgei cant figure out how to share internet using bluetooth pan for example
14:21.57snadgethe manual that comes with it is practically useless ;)
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14:24.05blaugrandcentral rocks
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14:25.13pctechnerdHello everyone
14:25.29pctechnerdhow is everyone doing?
14:25.39pctechnerdglad to hear it
14:25.53pctechnerdI've been doing my daily android info search, and thought I'd stop by and say hi
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14:26.21pctechnerdfound good info, found good research, found bad info
14:26.31pctechnerdfor the most part not very dissappointing at all
14:26.39pctechnerdI love my lil droid phone
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14:27.09pctechnerdso what's everyone up to?
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14:28.29pctechnerdanyone?  lol
14:30.53pctechnerdI myself was researching bluetooth profile updates for android, among other things
14:31.13pctechnerdand also still trying to find a freaking way to get into Grand Central lol.  It's the only google tool that's out of my reach
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14:32.08pctechnerdfound some info on bluetooth stack updates, which is good.  Also found info on base program updates
14:32.19pctechnerdafk for a smoke
14:33.56snadgei bought an unlocked g1 phone from wireless warehouse in manhattan
14:34.03snadgefor $550
14:34.19snadgeis that ok? :P
14:34.33pctechnerdit's ok if you are ok with paying that
14:34.43pctechnerdworth is defined by the owner, not the population
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14:34.49pctechnerdnow afk for a smoke
14:34.56snadgewell not really.. i mean, i really wanted an android based phone
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14:36.13gfindster_andhi all
14:36.33snadgeso far im quite happy with it.. but i want to know if i can share 3g internet via bluetooth pan, or the usb cable
14:37.11gfindsteri am interested to get g1 for testing
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14:42.56snadgeit would appear that the g1.. whilst i love it, the software and interface etc.. its a little bit basic
14:43.13snadgeand t-mobile have practically ruined it by being so anal about forcing people onto a plan
14:43.22blauwhat makes you say the interface is basic
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14:43.44snadgewell its not so much basic, but for example.. not being able to use the g1 as a 3g modem for say, a laptop, or a pc
14:43.46snadgethats annoying
14:43.58snadgethe bluetooth only being useful for wireless headsets??
14:44.00Death_Synyeah, i do rather want to tether my g1
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14:44.11Death_Synatt's network around here is dog slow
14:44.23blaudo any "smart" phones allow you to do anything useful with bluetooth besides headsets?
14:44.24andyrossThe interface is spare.  There are certainly some feaures that would be nice (video, better bluetooth integration).  Not sure what the complaint is about the TMO plan.  Subsidized phones are the rule these days, and the G1 isn't particularly notable.
14:44.38blaui always hear peopple bitching about bluetooth when a new smartphone comes out
14:44.53snadgemy friend has a htc titan tytn ii.. it allows to share internet (ie tethering)
14:45.06Death_Synblau: my treo would allow tethering, hotsynching and some other fun stuff over bluetooth
14:45.25blauout of the box?
14:45.28snadgethe only reason i didnt buy one.. is because it runs windows
14:45.31Death_Synblau: yeah
14:45.39snadgei pay him out because its extremely slow.. and it crashes ALL the time
14:45.40andyrossStandard bluetooth stuff is OBEX and headsets, and sometimes DUN.  The G1 does headsets.
14:45.53Death_Synandyross: right
14:45.55blauoh, winmo treo
14:46.00Death_Synno, my treo is palm
14:46.12snadgei dont think my friends winmo phone has had an uptime greater than about 2 days.. is that a standard winmo thing? :P
14:46.13Death_Syni never would do a winmo treo
14:46.20blauhow do you do that?
14:46.23Death_Syni had a samsung winmo phone once
14:46.34gfindsterscroll view is not scrolling up? any samples
14:46.51Death_Synsnadge: my samsung would last a week uptime wise, if I barely used it
14:46.54snadgei bought a "crippled" g1 phone.. over anything else.. because well.. its vastly superior, despite its limitations
14:47.14blaudeath: how do i enable tethering?
14:47.43blauive been using usbmodem for my centro
14:48.11snadgei was hoping there was some kind of unofficial "g1" hacking site.. which explains how to do things t-mobile doesnt want you to.. and actually get some real use out of your phone
14:48.33snadgeie.. installing ssh, changing your gmail address.. bypassing the registration procedure, or using it with a non t-mobile sim etc
14:48.39Death_Synblau: I basically turned on the bluetooth serial connection, and then dialed over that
14:49.02Death_Synsnadge: connectbot is your ssh client
14:49.07Death_Synits on the market, even
14:49.15andyrossThe upshot is basically, "don't upgrade to RC30"
14:49.18blaui think he wants to actually ssh into the phone
14:49.26Death_Synhe wants sshd
14:49.40Death_Synyeah, wouldn't mind that myself
14:49.42jbqfunny how when something is not possible people automatically assume "someone doesn't want me to do this"
14:49.48snadgeright.. but the person who sold me my g1, put her own email address into the market software.. it it keeps trying to log inas her
14:49.59Death_Synsnadge: yuck
14:50.05Death_Synsounds like time for reset
14:50.11andyrossjbq: probably true for some definition of "someone".  Carriers, as a rule, don't like those "feature" things.
14:50.31snadgecorrect.. but the first time i switched it on.. it kept coming up with an error "your sim card is not provisioned for data services" or something like that
14:50.47Death_Synsnadge: who is your carrier in .au?
14:50.48snadgeso im scared to do a reset on it.. in case i cant figure out how to get around that problem
14:51.01snadgeat the moment im in florida, and i have a t-mobile prepaid sim
14:51.06jbqandyross: it's true for some aspects, I won't deny it, but "it isn't implemented" can often be a reasonable explanation as well.
14:51.18Death_Syni didn't think the g1 worked with prepaid sims
14:51.28snadgeshe did test it with my aussie optus sim (on roaming) and it worked though
14:51.30andyrosssnadge: The "factory reset" option wipes the data partition, and with it the gmail account that the phone was registered with.
14:51.35Death_Syni would love to have an openvpn or ipsec client on my g1
14:51.50jbqsnadge: on the setup wizard screen you can bring up the configuration panel to enter your APN data.
14:51.52snadgeDeath_Syn: its been unlocked apparently
14:52.20snadgeshe gave me a piece of paper with the unlock code in case i needed it
14:52.55pctechnerdok back
14:53.15pctechnerdby the by, does anyone have a spare grand central invite lying around they'd be willing to trade for something?
14:55.46pctechnerdanyone at all?
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14:58.03snadgewhat is APN data?
14:58.03pctechnerdi'm willing to trade for geek services or electronics ^^
14:58.19pctechnerdAPN = the addy that is connected to for data/mms
14:58.35pctechnerdlike t-mobile is
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14:59.10jbqsnadge: yup, it's the setup information for data connections. (actually, I don't know that T-Mobile uses for the G1).
14:59.42jbqsnadge: anyway, if you're not comfortable with those, I'd recommend against doing a factor reset of a G1 in which you don't have a T-Mobile SIM.
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14:59.54pctechnerdi think for the g1 is used
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15:00.07pctechnerdthat's the APN for smartphone data plans, like with blackberry etc..
15:00.32pctechnerdi know that the sidekick has it's own custom apn, but that's because it routes through danger's servers
15:00.46jbqI'm reasonably sure that the G1 uses
15:01.15nice_burgerhey gang, how do i go about learning how to get photos from g1 to my ubuntu laptop (usb)?
15:01.26andyrossThere's a list of about 30 APNs configured by default.  No idea which is what.
15:01.33blaunice: they are stored on the sd card
15:01.44andyrossnice_burger: plug the phone in, click "mount", drag files to desktop
15:01.52nice_burgerblau: indeed
15:01.54pctechnerdyup, it's  thanks google search ^^
15:02.02nice_burgerandyross: where is 'mount' ?
15:02.04Death_Synnice_burger: plug it in, phone will ask to mount, click mount, ubuntu will say it has a new removable drive available, mount it, drag files about
15:02.12Death_Synnice_burger: on the phone
15:02.28Death_Synif you have older firmware, you won't have to click mount
15:02.33nice_burgeri plug it in, get 'usb connected' on phone, but no offer to 'mount'
15:02.36snadgewhere can i check what APN my g1 phone is using?
15:02.44snadgethat way if i do a reset.. i can just set it back to that
15:02.59pctechnerdif you're on t-mobile, then it's
15:03.19snadgei wonder if that will work when im back in australia
15:03.22nice_burgerah, i see 'mount' now - had to drop down the notification thingie
15:03.24pctechnerdif you do a hardware reset, it should reset back to
15:03.35nice_burgerthanks all :)
15:03.38pctechnerdsnadge, that will only work on tmobile's network
15:03.53snadgewell when it was first booted up.. the registration wizard kept complaining that data services where not provisioned on the sim.. no matter what sim we tried
15:03.54jbqsnadge: in .au with a different SIM you'll probably have to enter the relevant APN data for your operator.
15:04.27snadgebut then the lady who actually knew what she was doing .. got it working, but she never told me anything about apns or what to use etc
15:04.30nice_burgerhmm. should i first have to go to SD card area in settings and 'unmount'?
15:04.36pctechnerdSnadge: if you were using a T-mobile sim it sounds like you were either using an unprovisioned sim or a defunct one
15:04.55pctechnerdi think it's hard coded into the g1 in the factory settings
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15:05.14pctechnerdthat's why us with older sims just popped our sims into the phone when we got it and we still connected through the correct apn
15:05.18Death_Synsnadge: he's using a prepaid sim
15:05.23nice_burgerah, no to my own question -done automatically - got it all working now, thanks again
15:05.37Death_Syner pctechnerd ^^
15:05.46andyrossnice_burger: once you select "mount" from the notification dialog (I still hate that google chose that terminology), you should see the device appear automatically as a usb storage device and Ubuntu will mount it for you on the PC
15:05.55pctechnerdah, prepaid like flexpay or like go phone type?
15:06.34nice_burgerandyross: yep it's working now. what would you have called it?
15:06.44pctechnerdthe only way to use a G1 on a prepay sim is to first put in a working activated standard T-mobile sim, register with your google account, then you can switch it to your prepaid sim
15:07.21snadgei see.. so i wont be able to remove her email address from my phone then.. because there is no standard t-mobile sim in australia
15:07.29andyrossSomething other than a 1970's Unix term, yeah.  And even for a geek, it's ambiguous: you're mounting the drive on the PC and *un*mounting it from the phone's filesystem.
15:07.31*** part/#android an_dev (
15:07.32pctechnerdyou can't register your G1 using only a prepaid sim as the prepaid sims are configured differently, and don't even allow standard data packages from T-mobile
15:07.46pctechnerdtheir packages are data restrictive, and you pay for specific limits
15:07.57pctechnerdso they work through a different setup, apn, configuration, etc..
15:08.22nice_burgerandyross: yep, i agree then
15:09.05snadgeoh well.. i'll just have to wait until a less restrictive android phone is released, and buy that then
15:09.11snadgeit seems im going to have little joy with this phone
15:09.21pctechnerdnot at aqll snadge
15:09.33pctechnerdjust hit up a friend, or even a tmobile store
15:09.51pctechnerdput in their activated sim for a sec, register, then after the phone is on, connect via wifi and put in your prepaid sim
15:09.57snadgein australia? i think not.. :/ i'll just have to leave it activated with this lady's email in it, and not use the market or gmail functionality etc
15:10.03pctechnerdor just switch to a flexpay account
15:10.13blaumarket and gmail is awesome dude
15:10.18blauyou are missing out on so much
15:10.23pctechnerdwait, you're not understanding snadge
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15:10.36pctechnerdyou only need to ACTIVATE your google account on the t-mobile sim
15:10.52pctechnerdafter that, all other functionality is still usable with changing the network settings from inside the phone
15:11.05snadgesure, but i dont have any friends that have a t-mobile sim on a plan.. except for one who lives in the UK
15:11.17blauthey dont officially have tmobile down there?
15:11.17pctechnerdyou can say, activate it, then put in a ATT sim (if unlocked) and still have the gmail, market, etc..
15:11.26blaugoto a store?
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15:11.47snadgeso if i reset the phone whilst im in australia.. im up the creek without a paddle.. unless i mail the phone to someone in the USA, get them to activate it for me.. and mail it back
15:11.51pctechnerdyea, just borrow a store's sim for a second, they won't mind as long as you don't try to make a run for it
15:11.54snadget-mobile doesnt exist in australia
15:12.00blaumail it to me
15:12.05blauill babysit it :)
15:12.08nice_burgerhere comes a nice bonehead q - can the SD card be physically removed from the g1?
15:12.11Disconnectthere's a way to activate on non-tmob sims but istr it needs root and such
15:12.25vol_nice_burger: yes
15:12.26andyrossIt's a microSD card.  Yes.
15:12.31pctechnerdnice_burger: yes, but you won't be able to access the files on it while it's not in the phone
15:12.41Disconnect..don't remember his name, but there was a guy here from the middle east who did it no prob
15:12.42vol_flip up the keyboard, it's right "below" the call key
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15:12.50snadgeok i have to go..
15:12.51vol_there's a tab that feels like it shouldn't come off but it does
15:12.55snadgeunfortunately not my laptop
15:12.57nice_burgerright - i found that, opened it - how to get the card out ?
15:13.06pctechnerdwell ima go to bed now.  if anyone wants to politely send me a grand central invite please email it to me at
15:13.13vol_nice_burger: push it in
15:13.13pctechnerdyou guys have a great day, i'll be back on after i wake up :)
15:13.15vol_it will pop out
15:13.24nice_burgervol_: thanks
15:13.41andyrossPush it in with a pen, it will click out.  Then scrape it with a fingernail or pair of tweezers until it comes out.  And be careful not to snap off the door/cover/flap thing.  Yeah, not the best mechanical design.
15:14.12andyrossBasically: buy a 16G card, swap it once, then pretend like it's soldered down. :)
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15:15.10nice_burgerthanks again - i guess i just wasn't pushing hard enough - it's out, man is this a tiny little thang
15:16.18mkitzmanHey everyone out there in Android land!  I need a bit of assistance with my G1.  I would like to trade it, does anyone have any suggestions of where to go to do this?  I have looked on craigslist but didn't find much.  Any help would be appreciated.
15:17.06blauyou want to get rid of it?
15:17.19nice_burgerhmm. took card out, put it back in, tried to take a photo. says 'please put a SD card in there'.
15:17.24mkitzmanno, I have the Bronze one and want to trade for a black one.
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15:17.36blaugood luck :/
15:17.38mkitzmantmo won't allow me to exchange it.
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15:17.46blaumkitz: in the us you have 14 days to return it
15:17.52blauand then buy a nother one
15:18.03blauprovided you bought from an actual tmobile store
15:18.07andyrossMight have to mount (opposite sense: mount from the phone's perspective) it again.  It's in Settings -> SD Card
15:18.10vol_mkitzman: ebay?
15:18.14blauthe authorized dealers might have slightly different rules
15:18.44nice_burgerandyross: would have thought, but only option there is 'unmount/eject SD card' and it's disabled
15:18.46mkitzmanDoes eBay do trades?  I am not all that familiar with eBay.
15:18.58andyrossCheck that it's seated well.  Maybe reboot?
15:19.39andyrossMust it be a trade?  Get it unlocked, pay the early termination fee, then sell it.  Seems like you should be able to make $1-200US profit if the existing prices are market.
15:20.15mkitzmanHmm, not in it for the money, I love the phone too much!  But would much rather have the black one than the Bronze
15:20.51blaukitz: how long have you had it
15:20.54nice_burgerandyross: answer was : unplug from usb hehe
15:21.25mkitzmanabout 3 weeks now.
15:21.58andyrossnice_burger: Yeah, that.  For dumb technical reasons you can't have the card visible on both the phone and the PC at the same time.
15:23.02andyrosslikes the bronze one, actually. The contrast with the keyboard backplate is more attractive. But he just got lucky: it was a pre-order and he selected "brown" (!) on the assumption that demand would be less and it might ship faster.
15:23.15nice_burgerok, got that sorted. next, what's the getting-root-access situation now? can i haz whatever linux apps i want yet?
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15:23.27andyrosswould love to meet the now-unemployed marketing employee who thought that "brown" was a good description for a tech product.
15:23.59pandzillaandyross: they're now happily united with their Zune brothers
15:24.37Disconnectandyross: the brown is nice but i hate the kb coloring. basically impossible to see - if the lighting is ok for the white-lit-on-white keys then the super-faint orange symbols fade out :(
15:25.11Disconnectif i'd seen the kb in real life before ordering i'd have gotten black with the (shockingly easy to see) white on black backlighting. (who'd have thought that silver on silver would be hard to see?)
15:25.17andyrossnice_burger: the simple answer is "say no to upgrades" until you get it rooted, because the most recent version closes the hole.  There isn't a lot of truly great root stuff available yet unless you're a developer.  Check for details (most are even correct)
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15:25.52Disconnectnice_burger: 'say no' means hacking it, because eventually it updates anyway
15:26.19andyrossNot sure what the complaint it there -- the keyboard symbols are translucent and show up fine when backlit.
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15:26.34mkitzmanDisconnect: I agree with the keyboard, which is why I want to trade it.  The phone is AWESOME otherwise!
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15:27.05Disconnectandyross: maybe yours is brighter than mine but mine goes silver on silver in any sort of 'dusk' environment
15:27.23nice_burgerDisconnect: ja gathered as much. well i don't want to start missing out on upgrades just yet.
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15:27.38Disconnectdoesn't "miss out" but ok
15:28.28andyrossnice_burger: just recognize that once you upgrade to RC30, the hole is closed and you can't go back until/unless someone finds a new exploit.
15:28.36bricod1Is there any way to remove the patented codecs from Android?
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15:29.29nice_burgerandyross: i'm already showing RC30 under 'build number', so i guess that's a fait accompli hehe
15:29.30andyrossbricod1: rebuild your own tree, I guess.  Although I'm not sure what codecs you'd have left.  A patent somewhere covers pretty much everything.
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15:30.57bricod1andyross: I've done that and am having problems.
15:31.38nice_burgeris there a better way to develop than the setups outlined on andoid dev site? i've tried getting it all set up a few times on ubuntu, but trouble with eclipse/android plugin etc. wonder if there's a completely different route - or better instructions out there
15:32.43andyrossuses Makefiles and the low-level tools. Just read through the ant build.xml file for a sample project and you'll see how the pieces fit together.
15:33.52nice_burgerandyross: ah, sounds good, thanks
15:33.59blaunice: its easy
15:34.06blauwhat are you having trouble with
15:34.15blauor do you mean building the actual android source
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15:35.05bricod1Building the source fine. BUILD_WITHOUT_PV flag doesn't work to remove codecs as it has unmet dependencies.
15:35.42blaueclipse rules, i dont know why you wouldnt want to use it
15:36.03andyrossOoh, editor flame war.  And one I didn't start.!
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15:36.22pandzillawell, at least for Java it does
15:36.40blauyeah and android dev is in java or did i miss something
15:36.41nice_burgerblau: oh, i do, i do. i forget what was stopping me. will try again, then beg for help again when i get stuck (now that i found this channel)
15:37.05blauive setup a build environment on osx, ubuntu, and windows
15:37.09blauno problems
15:37.15nice_burgerblau: not building andoid source no. just wanna get a hello world app working
15:37.32blauinstall eclipse, unzip the android sdk somewhere
15:37.40blauinstall the android plugins for eclipse
15:37.46blaupoint them to your sdk dir
15:37.57blaui think thats basically it
15:38.23nice_burgergot ganymede, starting it up now to see..
15:39.42nice_burgerblau: got the sdk.... plugins plugins...
15:40.07blauthe plugins are the "hardest"
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15:40.25blaugoto help, find and install, enter the right url for the version of eclipse you have
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15:40.48tricnice_burger: just make sure you are using sun java on your dev box and not openjdk or something
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15:42.13nice_burgeryer kidding - software updates is under 'Help' wtf?
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15:43.37vol_nice_burger: welcome to eclipse :)
15:44.59IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
15:45.11nice_burgeri see i previously got android developer tools, including an editor(?)
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15:46.22nice_burgersigh, could it be i already installed it all good, and just don't know how to get started? how do it create a new app?
15:46.31blauif the tools are installed
15:46.41blauyou goto new->other
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15:46.48blaustart typing android
15:46.52blauand see if android project pops up
15:47.10blauotherwise goto window->preferences and see if android is in the list
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15:48.13nice_burgerblau: is this same difference - i went to File/New/Andoid Project  ?
15:48.46blauif you have it there great
15:48.59blaui was in a different view that didnt
15:49.35nice_burgerblau: so i filled in the project fields with some crap it accepted. then what? just showing the welcome screen with those floating icons still.
15:50.03nice_burgersorry, obviously i've not been patient enough to find out how eclipse works
15:50.16blauclose the stupid welcome screen
15:50.19unix_infideleclipse was a simple setup here.
15:50.22blauand you should get a nice view of stuff
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15:51.03blauor goto window menu -> show view -> package explorer
15:51.07nice_burgerblau: got it. now i see my new proj plus my earlier attempt 'HelloAndoid'
15:51.24nice_burgeris there an emulator?
15:51.29blaujust run it
15:51.34blaushould start automagically
15:52.44nice_burgercool, working
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15:53.11nice_burgeromg, i hope it doesn't have to go through the long boot everytime i run..
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15:53.30blauits realllly lon the first time
15:53.33blaubut it speeds up
15:53.40blauand you dont have o restart it everytime you run the app again
15:53.48blauit handles uninstall/install seemlessly
15:54.54nice_burgerblau: do you find you get crashes/freezes? have to kill processes with this setup?
15:54.54blaugmail doesnt let you make an email with google in it
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15:55.12blaudo you mean in the emulator
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15:55.41nice_burgertried to close emulator while booting , black window, everything hanging
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15:56.17blauive done it with no issues
15:56.22nice_burgeryou can't have even?
15:56.28blauexcept in ubuntu
15:56.34blauubuntu didnt like when i closed it on load
15:56.49nice_burgeri promise not to do it again
15:57.16nice_burgerfunny it gives the process id in the title bar, as if it knows i'll need it...
15:57.40blaui dont think its the process id, or maybe it is
15:57.44Disconnectyou will if you have multiple emu's running.
15:57.56blaui thought it was just some unique emu detail
15:57.58nice_burgerer, it's a build number perhaps, no such process
15:58.18Disconnectits the emu id. so you can select between them (and devices, etc) when debugging
15:58.29blauif you found my help helpful please email saying how awesome I am
15:59.36nice_burgerblau: thought you said you couldn't create such an email?
15:59.59nice_burgerDisconnect: ah thanks
16:00.14blaugoog, not google
16:00.46nice_burgerah missed that
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16:02.02nice_burger...and i can't seem to kill the emulator process. hate when that happens, tried kill, killall, other suggestions besides powering off this machine?
16:02.20KNYpkill -9 java ?
16:02.47KNYand `pkill -9 emulator` (or whatever the process is called; I don't remember off the top of my head)
16:02.57jbqnice_burger: on linux?
16:03.02nice_burgerubuntu, yes
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16:03.47KNY`sudo shutdown -r now` ;)
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16:04.14jbqYeah, there's a bug in some desktop linux kernels in one of the audio drivers (which causes applications hitting that bug to be stuck in an unkillable state), and the emulator hits that codepath.
16:04.19nice_burgerhere's the line from ps aux|grep emulator :
16:04.20nice_burgerchris    10047  5.7 11.1 166364 100428 ?       Sl   10:52   0:28 /home/chris/android-sdk-linux_x86-1.0_r1/tools/emulator -skin HVGA -netspeed full -netdelay none
16:04.45nice_burgerjbq: ah.
16:05.06jbqThe emulator has options about which audio API to use, and the bug only affects one of the audio APIs (I think that the emulator support 3 different audio APIs under linux).
16:05.08nice_burgerKNY: the pkill -9 java is to kill all java processes?
16:05.48KNYwell, I think it would just kill one
16:05.55KNYkillall -9 java would do all of them
16:06.03KNYincluding Eclipse, if you've got that going
16:07.06nice_burgerKNY: ah i see, hence the 'all'. but don't nece want to kill all that - so if just want to kill the emulator, 'pkill -9 10047'   ?
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16:07.54nice_burgerKNY: has no effect
16:08.43KNY`sudo killall -9 emulator`
16:09.25nice_burgerok, what's my password
16:09.31nice_burgerkidding - that worked, thanks
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16:14.18nice_burgeroh man, this is going to be fun, looks like i'm all set up. thanks everyone
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16:18.18nice_burgerblau: sent that email
16:19.23blau1thanks nice!
16:20.17nice_burgergfindster: hello, ask me anything, i'm the new expert, as of 2 minutes ago
16:20.53Disconnectnice_burger: why does my app work fine in the emu but crash when i try to write to the db on the device?
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16:21.11blau1disc: bad db?
16:21.18blau1try uninstalling and reinstalling?
16:21.19Disconnectsame db on emu
16:21.22Disconnectliterally same file
16:21.34nice_burgerDisconnect: no idea - is there a log?
16:21.37Disconnectsame perms (well its app_80 on device, app_24 or some such on emu) etc
16:21.49nice_burgerhow does it crash also
16:22.00blau1disc: are you using databasehelper?
16:22.29Disconnectyep. it says 'sqlexception: 14'
16:24.53DisconnectE/AndroidRuntime(20191): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: error code 14
16:24.55blau1you are using databasehelper? probably had some issue with database versions then unable to upgrade?
16:24.57Disconnectits fun :(
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16:25.25jastai used databasehelper too, of course.  Disconnect: have you tried looking at the source to figure out what that error is or where its coming from?
16:25.38jastai bet you could get a quick resolution that way
16:25.41Disconnectnot yet. its E/AndroidRuntime(20191): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.native_execute(Native Method) so pita
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16:25.54jastathat doesnt make it any harder to debug
16:25.57blau1disconnect: go further down the trace until you see your code mentioned
16:26.09Disconnectyah its in any update/insert statement.
16:26.24blau1i bet your update/insert isnt getting run on the emu
16:26.29Disconnectworks fine on the emu
16:26.32blau1but is on your device because of the db versions
16:26.42Disconnectnope. it runs 100% fine on the emu
16:27.39jastait looks like sqlite3_step is failing and returning 13...
16:27.41jastaerr 14
16:27.47jastaso lets look at sqlite3 docs
16:28.29jasta#define SQLITE_CANTOPEN    14   /* Unable to open the database file */
16:29.01blau1try rebooting, i get them on the emulator sometimes
16:29.06blau1i usually need to reinstall my app
16:29.07NafaiDoes there exist a tool for android to query ldap for contact info?
16:29.12blau1havent seen it on the actual device
16:29.15jastaDisconnect: so code up a simple test to see if you can even open and read from the file
16:29.28jastarunning on the device, as the user having the problem
16:29.52blau1i had a weird problem this morning
16:29.59blau1i was using an urlconnection and get old data
16:30.00Disconnectit reads fine, simple cursor displays the summaries, the edit page loads the data..
16:30.06blau1on my device but not the emu
16:30.15jastaDisconnect: then where are you getting that error from?
16:30.27Disconnectupdate or insert
16:30.42Disconnectmeeting :/ bbiab
16:30.48blau1disc: can you select?
16:31.06jastaDisconnect: ok, well then see if you can open and write to the file.
16:31.18jastaindependent of sqlite3
16:31.28jastaof course you'll clobber it, but who cares
16:31.31jastayou can just put it back again
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16:34.58indiabolbol1any developers here
16:35.41nice_burgerindiabolbol1: couple hundred looks like
16:35.47dd94300i guess everyone
16:36.25indiabolbol1thats a good
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16:40.33offby1not me.
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16:49.26indiabolbol1/whois offby1
16:51.06PocketIRCany new news
16:51.32indiabolbol1how many g1 has been sold??
16:52.32blountten billion
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16:52.41indiabolbol1you wish
16:52.57andyross1Story yesterday said that HTC had upped its estimate for 1 year sales from 600k to 1M units.
16:53.28indiabolbol1i heard a month back it was over million
16:54.26andyrossI don't buy that 1M  have already shipped.   The most popular apps in the market are still in the 50-250k range.
16:55.10indiabolbol1thanks for the link...letme check out
16:56.24indiabolbol1the link talks about their plans
16:56.38indiabolbol1not actual sold g1s
16:58.36andyrossRight, I have nothing on how many units are actually live other than the vague numbers from the market.
16:59.04indiabolbol1ya i know...
16:59.35indiabolbol1but there is lot of hype about the numbers , I think
17:00.44unix_infideli think forresters numbers were a bit more accurate.
17:00.48andyrossThere's always hype about sales numbers.  :)
17:00.55unix_infidelthough, those are probably those produced ready for market, not fulfilled orders.
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17:01.21nice_burgerok, i've created the next-big-thing, how do i get it onto my phone?
17:02.26Bonksgoogle: install apk files
17:02.43indiabolbol1is the numbers of g1 close to any other competitor
17:02.47nice_burgeri'm so there dude, thanks
17:03.08blau1nice: enable developer stuff on your phone
17:03.29blau1and hook it via usb, check that it shows up in the DDMS view in eclipse
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17:03.44blau1then you can run it on your phone just like that
17:05.40Bonksi wonder what the next big thing is?? :x
17:06.14blau1i hope its pizza
17:06.44nice_burgerblau1: 'enable developer stuff' = settings/application/development/usb debugging?   is there more to it?
17:06.50blau1i think thats it
17:07.24nice_burgerdoes it actually get installed, so i can unplug and still have it work?
17:07.36nice_burgermust be
17:08.26nice_burgerused to have a cat named Bonk - coz it bonked into things of course
17:08.42Bonksbonkers is a bobcat in a cartoon
17:08.47blau1one thing to note, if you install it that way, its signed with the default key
17:09.02blau1which means you have to uninstall it to install it with a real key
17:09.11nice_burgerk, just for testing now
17:09.21blau1so if you plan on publishing it to the market you need to create your own key and sign it with that
17:09.33Bonksi must say, the G1 Central app is the big thing for me right now
17:09.38nice_burgerok, super
17:10.58blau1yeah bravo to the g1 central guy
17:11.08blau1now give us access to our voicemails and he can have a hug
17:15.02dd94300I/DEBUG   (  278): debuggerd committing suicide to free the zombie!
17:17.07blau1ne1 use gizmo5?
17:17.51jbqis afraid of free zombies
17:18.51unix_infidelomg free zom pies?
17:18.52nice_burgerblau1: i see it in DDMS, what're the steps though to see it on phone? have to close emulator first? if it's in DDMS perspective, does that mean it's already loaded on phone?
17:19.47dd94300does anybody know how to connect micro phone to emulator............i am getting dead zombies
17:21.05nice_burgeroh cripe, i'll be late for the psychiatryst, must run, thanks again all
17:21.41blau1burger: ask me again when you get back
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17:27.06unix_infideldoes google docs not have a mobile pdf viewer?
17:27.40jastawhen the native sdk is released, someone will probably just port xpdf
17:27.52jasta(the engine is very portable)
17:28.07NafaiJust ordered my phone
17:28.12unix_infideljasta: native SDK?
17:28.28jastaunix_infidel: google is working on a native SDK, to officially support writing C/C++ to support Java
17:28.52jastait's not such a stretch really.  that approach is obviously being used on the phone already
17:28.52unix_infideljasta: where is this on the Roadmap?
17:29.10jastait's not officially
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17:29.22jastabut it has been confirmed by numerous google employees
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17:29.41andyrossYou can do native development right now.  It's not hard.  It's just that the APIs might change on future phones (or updates, maybe).
17:30.13jbqThere's an interesting dilemma about that: on the one hand, we're not ready to officially support native code fully end-to-end, on the other hand, apps will be less likely to break if we can give some clear guidelines about  what's likely to not change much and what's likely to change a lot.
17:30.23andyrossBut if what you're doing is, say, writing to an already-standardized native API (unix stuff, sockets, bluez, OpenGL, etc...) you're safe regardless.
17:31.19jbqandyross: long as the CPU in the device can execute the instruction set you compiled for...
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17:31.38andyrossYeah, indeed.  It's not free.  But it's not brain surgery either.
17:31.53vol_yeah, that's what we're counting on for our product
17:31.58jastait matters a great deal to have official support in the product, though.
17:32.14jastai wouldn't waste my time building an app that depends on something google won't guarantee
17:33.20jbqI think that for now we're unlikely to have very hard guarantees. I expect something along the lines of "if you follow those guidelines, things are a lot less likely to break in the future".
17:33.24vol_Sigh. Having trouble getting this stupid emulator to play sound for me...
17:33.33andyrossOn the flip side, folks doing native work now have a huge first-mover advantage over the people waiting on an SDK.  Which choice is right depends a lot on the app, I suspect.  I notice that the neocore 3D demo is native code (no doubt a port of an existing Brew application), while Opera went with an all-java solution.
17:34.12vol_Opera probably had a java solution more or less sitting around though, I suspect
17:34.22vol_the hardest part was probably hooking it up with android
17:35.43andyrossA good example of why root-on-the-phone is important for developers, btw: the ability to see how other people's apps are put together :)
17:35.47Nafaiandyross: So you can do native code on the android?
17:36.00Disconnectok i feel dumb now. i just fixed it. adb created 'databases' as root:root with no world-writable perms. so the app could write to the file but not to the dir.
17:36.03Disconnectso .. no writes.
17:36.10Disconnectwhat a total pita
17:36.24vol_Nafai: You can do it, it's just not "officiall supported"
17:36.26blau1disc: you created the db non programatically?
17:36.59andyrossThis wiki link came up in the channel a while back, and it's a good whirlwind overview:
17:37.40Disconnectblau1: created it in the app, sucked it down with adb and repopulated it, then replaced it. emu that worked, but on the device adb push changed ownership of the databases directory :(
17:37.44blau1andy: like what do you mean?
17:38.01andyrossWhat do I mean about what?
17:38.02blau1disc: why not just populate it while on the device?
17:38.16blau1andy: about seeing how other apps are put together
17:39.01andyrossWithout root, you can't look at the /proc/.../maps file of a process to see that it has native libraries linked in.  Nor can you see the .apk files, etc...
17:40.05blau1i think you can get apk files off the device
17:40.17blau1i could be wrong tho
17:40.48blau1oh wtf
17:40.54blau1i cant get into the data dir anymore :/
17:41.22blau1arent the installed apps stored in /data?
17:41.55jbqyes, installed apps are in /data.
17:42.08blau1and their databases too right?
17:42.30blau1for some reason im getting opendir failed, permission denied in /data
17:42.35blau1when i do an ls
17:42.38blau1i swear it worked before
17:43.45blau1hmm i can get to data in the emulator
17:43.51blau1maybe i never actually did it on my phone?
17:44.15blau1any ideas, am i going crazy
17:44.53Disconnectblau1: ls only works as root.
17:44.57Disconnectblau1:  cd /data/data
17:45.11blau1disc, so we have root in the emulator?
17:45.55blau1oh, i guess inever did this on the actual device, lol
17:46.11blau1this is annoying, how can i get at a database thats on my g1
17:46.53Disconnectcd /data/data
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17:47.39blau1im getting the same thing
17:48.38jastablau1: on the g1 you can use adb pull
17:48.51blau1i cant just connect to the database with sqlite3?
17:49.29blau1i give up
17:49.33blau1g1 is useless without root
17:50.18jbqI think that in the future we want to make the files that belong to debuggable apps visible to adb.
17:50.31blau1i like it
17:50.59jbqIt just takes a bit more work on the permissions that we were comfortable putting in 1.0.
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17:51.47andyrossBut, but... I thought the G1 and the Android platform were different things, and the platform was open and all... :)
17:52.44jbq"open platform" doesn't mean "no restrictions on which code can do what".
17:53.12Disconnectblau1: cd /data/data ; ls works for me as user
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17:53.26blau1on your g1?
17:53.30jbqanyway, that part of the G1 comes straight from Android, and any restriction that exists there is an Android restriction.
17:53.45jbq(well, I'd rather say "limitation" than "restriction")
17:54.00Disconnectlemme triple-check (adb shell is root)
17:54.03romainguy__we should have a pot
17:54.11andyrossI know.  I'm just needling you (semi-seriously, despite the smiley) about the "android is open, the G1 is not" dodge.  Clearly you guys did make affirmative decisions about your security model, and those decisions have consequences you can't dodge your way around.  Meh.  Not a flame war that hasn't been had a thousand times already.
17:54.55jbqandyross: yes, we definitely need to engineer the platform a bit more for situations like the one that blau1 is running into.
17:55.11Disconnectblau1: yah but my bad, data/data is not accessible to shell user.
17:55.32romainguy__jbq: the easiest would be to have dev devices
17:55.34eldenzif anyone is interested, i wrote a serverside php app to parse opera bookmarks (opera6.adr)  and display a mobile suitable interface to search (w/ or w/o ajax)..
17:55.53eldenzall you need is a php5 capable server with mysql (sqlite possible as well but not tested)
17:56.48blau1i think im working on an app ot sync google bookmarks with your g1
17:56.59jbqromainguy__: sure, sure, but there are always going to be devices that are about as non-open as the G1, and having the right facilities in production builds for developers to be able to debug on such devices will still be necessary.
17:57.15romainguy__I agree
17:57.20romainguy__that's why I said the "easiest"
17:57.42romainguy__but I have to admit that when I write apps, I seldom need more control for debugging
17:57.58romainguy__the only thing I wish I had is what blau1 is asking for: access to your sqlite3 db
17:58.05Disconnectromainguy_: anyone who uses sqlite will occasionally want to pull the db to examine it, or .. ok you are already there :)
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18:00.08blau1romain: i do have access in the emulator
18:00.11blau1just not the g1
18:00.43romainguy__I know :)
18:00.50blau1ok just making sure
18:00.56Disconnect(and to answer an earlier question, i preloaded the data for my app because i have several hundred records ready to go and i needed to find out if it was gonna bomb out or not. the answer was not :) except the perms problem)
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18:01.33blau1disc: one of my apps has several thousand records in a list view from a db and its silky smooth!
18:02.02romainguy__blau1: ListView doesn't care whether you have 20 or 20 billion records :)
18:02.12romainguy__(except you can't have 20 billion because of the size of an int :))
18:02.26blau1i know, i was concerned there would be some other issue though
18:02.35xsdgromainguy__: clearly we need 64-bit ints
18:02.36blau1some magical issue
18:02.50romainguy__xsdg: it's called a long
18:02.56blau1listview doesnt use longs?
18:02.58romainguy__but I'm sure the G1 would not like this :)
18:03.19xsdgromainguy__: :o)
18:03.32romainguy__blau1: no, it's a very reasonable tradeoff
18:03.42romainguy__I'm more concerned about SGL using shorts
18:03.53romainguy__(today you can easily make a UI that blows up SGL)
18:04.19xsdgromainguy__: btw, what are 64-bit variables in Java?  In C, there's (long long), or (uint64_t).  I don't think there's a type in C++ that's _guaranteed_ to be 64 bits.  Is there one in Java?
18:04.29jastaxsdg: in Java, they are long.
18:04.33xsdgaah, weird
18:04.39romainguy__how is that weird? :)
18:04.49jastaJava's primitives have a defined size, unlike C/C++.
18:04.57romainguy__which is nice
18:05.00jastaAnd long happens to be defined as 64-bit, int as 32-bit.
18:05.18blountif you have 2+ billion items in your listview, I'd say usability problems will bite you long before coding problems do... :-)
18:05.28jastaromainguy__: agreed, however C also has primitives of defined sizes now.
18:05.29romainguy__blount: quite so :))
18:05.49blau1not really
18:05.54blau1what if you have a nice way to search them
18:05.58jastaromainguy__: the latest C standard offers u/int32_t, u/int64_t, etc.
18:06.10blau1i still feel that for familiarity, you should show all 2 billion items there
18:06.50xsdgblau1: fortunately, each entry is only a nibble, so it all fits in memory ;o)
18:07.07blau1gets to work on the 2 billion item listview project!
18:07.34blau1now to find useful data thats 2 billion entries and will fit on the g1
18:07.37blountwhy have a contact list, when you can have The Contact List
18:07.39xsdgsort of reminds me of the billenium party we had here a few years back
18:07.58romainguy__reminds me I have another optimization for ListView
18:08.04romainguy__I should get on that one
18:08.09xsdgblau1: numbers from 1 to 2-billion should fit, and is easy to encode ;o)
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18:08.46xsdgspearce: bah; the joke doesn't work with this nick :o)
18:09.01jastai have found that performing sqlite3 queries on the order of a hundred thousand records or so takes quite a long time
18:09.10jastajust fyi :)
18:09.19jastaseveral seconds, at least
18:09.30jastaeven if you have no criteria, just select * from foo
18:09.33romainguy__I'm surprised you even need hundred thousands to reach that conclusion ^^
18:09.53jastaromainguy__: i did, actually.  it didnt start becoming noticable until about 10k
18:09.56romainguy__just doing a query that returns a few thousands is slow
18:10.02Disconnecton the defined-size-primitives.. remember that java is a virtual machine. so it only makes sense - c primitives are mapped to the underlying hardware..
18:10.14romainguy__if you have an address book with 6,000 contacts for instance you'll definitely notice
18:10.22jastaromainguy__: well, my queries were not meaningful, it had no where clause
18:10.29jastaand it was not fragmented
18:10.36jastaso sqlite hardly had any work to do
18:10.45romainguy__I'm also talking about such a query
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18:12.49jastaromainguy__: scrolling is remarkably fast even on such a set though
18:12.59jastaprobably because the windowed cursor implementation is so tidy
18:13.01romainguy__glad to hear that
18:13.14romainguy__yes, the window fill helps a lot
18:13.27romainguy__it's also what takes a lot of time when you query tons of records
18:13.29jastaromainguy__: did i tell you i got my code working to replace a database on the fly?
18:13.39languishdid something change with the Market?  When I go to all apps, by date, it only shows me the 1st screen/group of apps.. I used to be able to scroll down, and it'd load the older apps..
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18:13.58romainguy__jasta: Yes I saw that, I'd be interested in reading it, I'm sure it's something I could use in a project
18:14.10romainguy__languish: it still does that
18:14.15romainguy__at least yesterday night it was
18:14.23jastaromainguy__: the strategy i use is to track the cursors and hold the uncompiled sql query
18:14.30jastaand add two methods notifyDatabaseInvalidated and notifyDatabaseChanged
18:14.32languishromainguy_, yeah it was doing it for me lastnight too. now it's not
18:14.38Bonkslanguish: im getting that too
18:14.43Bonksjust checked now
18:14.51languishdamn, this is annoying
18:14.59jastawhich kind of fudges around the cursor dataset/content observers.  notifyDatabaseChanged sends the new database handle which triggers a new cursor to be generated by the wrapper
18:15.06romainguy__ah indeed
18:15.07jastabut it works generally, and tahts the important part.
18:15.18jastaso any open cursors will get requeried properly
18:15.20languishBonks, thanks
18:15.39romainguy__languish: same thing here
18:16.15jastathe important part is ReplaceDbThread and MyCursorWrapper
18:16.36languishgood thing I remembered what the app I wanted was named, so I could search for it
18:16.44jastagah, formatting is kind of screwed up.  one sec, fixing :)
18:17.01languishwould if I hadn't, it would have fit under multiple categories, and been very annoying to look for
18:17.23romainguy__languish: looks like a server-side issue
18:17.34romainguy__so... be patient :))
18:17.54languishI'm jsut hoping it's not a "functional improvement" :)
18:18.01romainguy__jasta: that's cool
18:19.55jastaromainguy__: drives me bonkers that eclipse randomly mixes spaces and tabs when i use the copy and paste functionality.
18:19.57NafaiSo which contacts are synced from Gmail to the android phone?  All of them?  Or just "my contacts?"  I don't want suggested contacts on my phone for mobile web, works nicely
18:21.40languishNafai, it did not sync suggested contacts for me. You can also delete suggested contacts from your account via the web.
18:22.05jastaromainguy__: anyway, there are two gotchas that could be fixed: one, all open cursors are immediately requeried when the database changes, and not on demand.  two, i use a busy latch to stop any database operations while replacing the db, but my critical section is longer than it needs to be.  it could be tightened up to only block access between lines 465 and 478.
18:22.27KNYlanguish, just a plug for my app: find "G1 Central" under Communications :)
18:22.51jastaromainguy__: instead the whole ReplaceDbThread is holding the resource.  not a huge issue in practice, though.
18:23.00languishKNY, that's what I was looking for and downloaded :)  But having looked at it I'm not quite sure what its functionality is?
18:23.05Nafailanguish: Thanks.  I just ordered my G1 and wanted to get things ready when it gets here :)
18:23.11languishNafai :)
18:23.14KNYlanguish, you can make calls using your GC number
18:23.36BonksKNY: can you? i never found an option
18:23.38languishKNY, that's what I was thinking. I never bothered to make calls with GC, just receive.
18:23.51KNYlanguish, same (because I couldn't with my old phones)
18:23.58KNYBonks, get "G1 Central" from Market
18:24.01Bonksohhh ok nvm. i thought you meant by calling your GC # then making an outgoing call
18:24.07KNYnah, I wish
18:24.12BonksKNY: yes i use it its awesome
18:24.26languishKNY, btw.. I left a note on the grandcentral blog to Craig.. about your app
18:24.43Bonkswhich app did you write KNY?
18:24.48KNYI wonder if I'm going to get in trouble for that. I bet it's against their ToS
18:24.52languishI suggest maybe you do the same, with more info than I put... :)
18:25.08KNYit just automates the HTTP requests to
18:25.12rubyonlinuxso, grandcentral sounds just like skypeout style to your cell, except it always comes from the same phone # so you can add it to favs?
18:26.01languishKNY, do they charge currently for outgoing calls on the GC #?
18:26.06KNYrubyonlinux, there are a lot of cool features like multiple phones and call recording and ListenIn and mp3 voicemail, etc
18:26.22KNYlanguish, does GC? I don't think so since they're still in beta
18:26.38KNYas I recall, you have a balance but it magically refills when it gets empty
18:26.48rubyonlinuxKNY the main feature i need is bypassing minutes usage ..
18:27.05languishI know they granted a limited number of minutes/credits, we were supposed to refill at some point, but I never bothered to use it
18:27.13languishfor outgoing only
18:27.56Bonksooh nice i didnt know there was a mobile GC (with voicemails!)
18:27.59languishyeah, I guess that's the next question, is this data or minutes usage
18:28.22Bonksits minutes ... because your GC # calls your phone
18:28.25raidfiveis it possible to get the current location without setting up listeners?
18:28.45languishBonks, ahh, nod
18:28.51languishI'll play with it more tonight
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18:29.09rubyonlinuxi didn't sign up for fave 5, but .. combine GC with fave five sounds like unlimited calling .. unless im missing something
18:29.13KNYlanguish, I think they're removing comments left on their blog
18:29.17languishKNY, does any of the G! central info go through your own server? Do you get access to user data in any way?
18:29.20KNYrubyonlinux, that's exactly what it is :)
18:29.28KNYlanguish, zero.
18:30.00languishKNY, I think you're right about them removing comments. It was there earlier
18:30.14languishnod, thanks.
18:30.18Disconnectrubyonlinux: what you are missing is that tmob will detect it pretty quick and then bill you overage-minute-rates for the calls...
18:30.18KNYlanguish, yeah, my comment from a week ago disappeared too
18:30.28KNYlanguish, this is the relevant class:
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18:31.07languishI hope they work with you, and look forward to seeing if something even better comes of it
18:31.30KNYhell, I hope they just write their own so I can stop getting invitation requests ;-)
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18:33.15rubyonlinuxDisconnect: you think?  If GC calls from the same number then how would that violate tmobile agreement?  except for of course, blocking all GC numbers ..
18:33.47languishthey'll end up updating their ToS
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18:33.51languishif they haven't already
18:33.56Disconnectrubyonlinux: its in the tos already.
18:34.06rubyonlinuxoh wow, good to know
18:34.07KNYbut how could they detect it? GC numbers are no different than any other
18:34.08Disconnectdoes think he's the only one who ever reads anything before signing or clicking
18:34.18rubyonlinuxfunny that google bought them .. im sure tmobile wasn't too happy about that
18:34.53languisht-mobile has zero customer loyalty. Who cares what they're happy about.
18:35.02KNYit's funny up until you realized that ever since they bought them, basically nothing has happened with GC
18:35.14languishthey use us, we use them. customers tend to care more than tmo execs do.
18:35.52languishKNY, I'm perfectly happy with GC staying *exactly* as it is, forever.
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18:36.06KNYlanguish, I'd like it to be out of beta
18:36.11KNYand get my invitations back
18:36.19languishpeople can still sign up..
18:36.32languishthey don't need invitations
18:36.33KNYdo they give out new accounts?
18:36.42languishclick reserve a number
18:36.48languishwait a bit
18:36.52languishget an email..
18:37.45KNYI should try just calling craig; don't they give you the numbers when you sign up?
18:37.48languishthey also have the "tell a friend" button.. when you're logged in
18:38.09languishyes, you pick your number when you sign up
18:38.18languishI don't know how long it takes for it to be approved
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18:38.36KNYno I meant don't they give you craig as a contact?
18:38.38tethridgeis there charges for your phone?
18:38.46tethridgedon't you have to forward all of your numbers to them?
18:38.49languishKNY, I signed up long ago, I don't remember
18:39.03tethridgeSprint charges 20 cent a minute when forwarding calls.
18:39.07languishif they did, I removed him
18:39.18tethridgeI just checked out last night and that's what they said
18:39.40languishtethridge, some people assign it as their fave five #
18:39.45languishso no
18:39.57languishI don't use fave five
18:39.59tethridgethat works, if you have tmo
18:40.00languishso *shrug*
18:40.11tethridgeI have Sprint, at least until Feb
18:40.19languishno idea how/if it'd work for sprint
18:40.27languishI hate Sprint as a company.
18:40.45tethridgeSprint's stupid CEO pisses me off everytime I see him in one of their commercials.
18:41.09languishTheir lack of caring about massive repetative billing errors, pisses me off.
18:41.38languishWhich is why I moved everyone I had influence with, off them.
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18:41.43languishyears ago.
18:42.00languishand will *never* go back, so long as any member of their executive board remains
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18:44.20jastawe use Sprint for our business account at work ;)
18:44.42jastamuch cheaper than everyone else :)
18:45.47languishWe used them for multiple accounts.. and were getting frequent billing errors in the $1000's of $.
18:46.14languishInsane obvious errors that were impossible for anyone with service to have charged up in any way
18:46.39languishand they just told us they knew it was an error but there was nothing they could do about it, and billing still came after us to pay.. disconnecting lines..etc
18:46.50languishand that went on with different lines, every few months
18:46.55languishand we weren't alone..
18:47.48languishthen when we cancelled the contracts, we ended up having to get a judge to tell them to fuck off
18:47.55jastathis is twice now you've mentioned a major issue dealing with some large corporation
18:48.04eldenzis there a way to make screenshots with adb?
18:48.09languishYes, because I don't take bullshit.
18:48.16jastaare you sure that it's not just your inability to communicate with them that's the problem?
18:48.24romainguy__eldenz: you can  use DDMS or the tool called screenshot2
18:48.27languishI don't accept consistent problems as "business as usual"
18:48.29eldenzthanks romainguy__
18:48.35jastafor instance, have you tried escalating your issue "up the chain"?
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18:49.50jastaor did you just spend hours and hours talking to do-nothing customer service people?
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18:50.39jastaand, for instance, did you involve the better business bureau?  they have a way of getting things done with large businesses.
18:51.04languishjasta, we were dealing with executives by the time we were going to court. They KNEW it was a problem, admitted it, even in court, and stated their policies were such and such and when they were able to fix the accounting errors they would be happy to accomodate us.  In the mean time, they were turning off service for non payment, and were reporting our business and individual lines to credit reporting agencies.
18:51.36jastawell you do have to pay them until the matter is sorted out.  everyone knows that.
18:52.06jastait's like when stupid renters think they don't owe their landlords rent until they fix the sink or whatever.  that's not true :)
18:52.06languishwe were paying.. what our monthly service fees were, not the thousands of dollars that were erroniously showing up on the bill randomly
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18:52.31jastawell you do have to pay that stuff as well, of course.  then you could just sue them for interest later.
18:52.39jastapretty straight forward thing to do actually
18:52.59languishjasta, landlords with a rental fee of say, $1500/mo, don't suddenly bill a tenant for $50,000 in one month, when the accounts are not in arrears.
18:53.18languishand then say "oh we have a billing problem, we know.. just pay the $50,000 and we'll see what we can do"
18:53.25jastawell so you say you took them to court, yeah?
18:53.29jastawhat happened there?
18:54.00languishbinding arbitration and they were told to stop all collections efforts on us and to clear our accounts.
18:54.08vol_1393 *((char*)0xdeadd00d) = 38
18:54.13vol_in dalvik/vm/Init.c
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18:54.20vol_oops :D
18:54.49jastalanguish: and what about the credit impact?  did you get that taken care of?
18:55.28jastacould have probalby sued them and gotten legal fees paid for that too
18:55.30languishjasta, yes.. we were dealing directly with 2 of the big 3 reporting agencies from the get go.
18:55.38languishSo we didn't have any real major impact from it
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18:55.53jastawell good, i'm glad to hear you actually handled it :)
18:57.03languishrefrains from making a personal attack
18:57.14vol_13:50 < jasta> and, for instance, did you involve the better business bureau?  they have a way of getting things done with large businesses.
18:57.15jastawhy would you personally attack me?
18:57.23vol_You DO realize the BBB is funded by these companies
18:57.27vol_and usually ends up defending them
18:57.32vol_they're pretty much just a PR agency
18:57.35jastavol_: not in my experience.
18:57.39languishjasta, let's just say I find you to be a supercilioous ***
18:57.49jastavol_: the BBB had comcast award me an entire free year of service once.
18:57.55jastathat was pretty sweet
18:58.01KNYthe BBB is a crock
18:58.06vol_jasta: Ah yes, that's such a punishment
18:58.12vol_they've kept you as a customer
18:58.12languishthe BBB is a 50/50 shot
18:58.19jastaand most recently got a $2000 bill from the UW Medical Center revoked.
18:58.25KNYI'd say it's more like 95/5
18:58.32languishBut over all, the BBB is for the business, not the consumer.
18:58.53languishThey want those fees they exact from the corps to be "members"
18:58.57dd94300a quick eclipse question.....................i can see the device using DDMS in shell but not in the DDMS view in eclipse? why?
18:58.58jastamy experience has been quite the opposite.  but i'd say that in general with dealing with large corporations.
18:59.11vol_that was a fun read at the time
18:59.29languishjasta, did the BBB charge you for assisting you? A filing fee..etc?
18:59.31vol_the BBB pretty much completely defended BestBuy, going so far as to say that the Ti4800 wasn't out at the time (it was obsolute at that point, actually)
18:59.34jastathe winning strategy is to complain up the chain until you get someone too rich and busy to care about your problem, but not so rich or busy that they won't just wave their hand and make it go away :)
18:59.41jastalanguish: no, of course not.
18:59.51languishHere in NYC, at one point, they were charging consumers to file complaints against businesses.
18:59.52vol_dd94300: click the device
18:59.59languishI believe they stopped, but they did it for awhile.
19:00.03vol_on the "devices" tab
19:00.23jastalanguish: a lot of times, i have found, consumers complain about things that are totally their fault and those are the things they end up losing.
19:00.37jastaand feeling wronged about it for some reason.  so much so that they complain on IRC years later :)
19:00.50dd94300vol_: i did but still nothing
19:01.09vol_adb kill-server; adb start-server
19:01.11vol_worth a shot : )
19:01.20jastalike when broke ass people try to get overdraft charges and late fees taken off their accounts ;)
19:01.38vol_when you click the device/emulator in the "devices" tab it should automatically attach logcat
19:01.42languishjasta, and yet, while this is true.. some consumers do make complaints when the issue is completely their own fault, there are times when the consumer is wronged, and has a legitimate gripe to complain about, any time.
19:01.57vol_jasta: you mean when the bank holds your check deposit for 2 weeks, but puts in withdrawls immediately?
19:02.02vol_even cash deposits! :D
19:02.16jastalanguish: well in my personal experience i feel like i've gotten some measure of justice out of every complaint i've had with a large corporation.
19:02.24jastai even took staples to small claims court once :)
19:02.56languishJasta, for the most part in my personal, not business life.. I've exacted significant reparations from corps that have wronged me as a consumer.
19:03.04languishIn business, I have to be more careful.
19:03.21jastai have also found the opposite.  it's even easier to deal with corporations as one yourself.
19:03.51languishAlso, when I seek reparations, I don't just do it for myself. I also hound the company to ensure the issue doesn't affect other consumers.
19:04.28languishWhich I did recently with T-Mobile and HTC, over the G1 accessories warranty :)
19:05.02jastaall i was trying to say is that i think your approach might be the biggest part of your problem.  i don't really care if you believe me :)
19:05.26languishJasta, and you don't know what my approach is.
19:05.37unix_infideljasta: meh, you could play both sides of the seesaw there.
19:05.41languishYou're coming to conclusions based on interaction on IRC.
19:06.00unix_infidelcorporations pay a premium over consumer grade, consumers are inherently your first priority as a retailer etc etc.
19:09.54rubyonlinuxlol, so funy you mention BBB, i actually had to use them against t-mobile a couple years ago, cause tmobile wrongly shortened the 'trial' period, and then wouldn't cancel my business account without the fee
19:10.07rubyonlinuxthe bbb got on their ass, and low and behold, tmobile called me up and apologized
19:10.57jastarubyonlinux: which is certainly consistent with my experience.  the BBB has been nothing but helpful in every case i have involved them with.  as i said, most recently i got a large hospital to cancel a $2000 bill to my gf for services she actually received :)
19:10.59Death_Synall the wireless carriers are evil, unfortunately
19:11.14KNYDeath_Syn, definitely.
19:11.27KNYand the wired ones, too (ISPs)
19:11.38jastawhich actually was a $10K bill for the hospital, $8K was originally covered by insurance but the whole thing got tossed out
19:12.09languishthe BBB doesn't really get on any companies ass. It's a game. The BBB really provides a mix of service and extortion to companies. Where they identify customers willing to go out of their way to "take action" (since most companies rely on consumers being too lazy)
19:12.24jastathey performed an elective surgery without consent or consulting her family.  so we got the BBB involved and they dropped the charges.
19:13.01jastathrough a lengthy process, of course, but still ultimately the right thing happened.  probably because the hospital was afraid of malpractice lawsuits :)
19:13.04jastabut either way hehe
19:13.13rubyonlinuxheh, well i went way out of my way previous to contacting the bbb also, but tmobile basically ignored me until i filed the complaint, and I wasn't a pushover either
19:13.41languishthings have changed a bit since about 2003
19:13.44jastarubyonlinux: the BBB is very good at getting the conversation to the right people.  from there, it's up to you usually.
19:13.52languishcompanies have become more responsive to "active" consumers
19:13.56jastabut that still is a very helpful service
19:14.21languishpartly because of the word of mouth on the internet hurting business, and alerting lawyers to class action potential..
19:14.53languishand partly because some finally found consumers respond positively to a more responsive corp
19:15.09KNYI wish developers could e-mail reviewers directly :-/
19:15.23languishKNY, that's a nightmare, trust me
19:15.35KNYsomeone reported a bug in the comments which is due to them not configuring the app properly. It's a two-second fix (for them).
19:16.25languishPut a short url in each Market descriptions with :problems? report here:
19:17.20Death_Syni really hate market reviews
19:17.23Death_Synthey're completely worthless
19:17.24languishjust got the new batteries from tmo
19:17.31Death_Synnew batteries?
19:17.32KNYlanguish, I have my email in it
19:17.33Death_Synyou had bad ones?
19:17.48languishDeath_Syn, my wife did. they decided to replace both anyway
19:18.04unix_infidellanguish: both?
19:18.15Death_Syni just conditioned mine and it was good
19:18.17Death_Syngot lucky, i guess
19:18.20languishunix_infidel both my wife and I have G1's
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19:24.33vol_Quick stupid question; is the browser supposed to work on the emulator?
19:26.37jbqvol_: yes, it's supposed to work.
19:26.37vol_hmm. Any way to troubleshoot why it isn't?
19:26.41jbqno idea off-hand. browsers are tricky beasts.
19:26.50vol_windows machine running linux vmware instance, but the linux instance has working internet (firefox works)
19:27.06jbqI'd suspect some proxy issue.
19:27.41jbq(but that doesn't mean that I know how to fix it)
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19:34.16kRutOnvol_: Is the emulator running under Windows or Linux
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19:38.39unix_infidelanyone on my earlier question regarding people who actually got their G1 from Wal-mart at the 150 price point?
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19:44.58IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
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19:45.19Death_Syni could live with $148.88 G1 after I paid $180
19:45.32unix_infidelDisconnect: at walmart.
19:45.32Death_Synit was the under $100 line that i wasn't happy hearing
19:45.40Death_Synthankfully, it doesn't seem to have come to pass
19:45.57Death_Synbut, I bet black friday may have a <$100 G1 at walmart
19:46.15unix_infidelDeath_Syn: it is at 0 dollars in the UK iirc.
19:46.29Death_Synwell, considering they don't take dollars, I'm sure
19:46.31Disconnectunix_infidel: when. as in, what time period was it actually available for that.
19:46.39Death_Synprobably need pounds sterling
19:46.42andyrossI saw a ton of coverage of the "G1 $30 off at Walmart" thing, but haven't heard of anyone who actually bought the phone for that price.  And I don't see it on ...
19:46.54Death_Synit was on for a bit
19:47.04Death_Synbut wsan't in stock
19:47.06vol_paid $300
19:47.08unix_infidelandyross: same here.  i'm guessing it is a black friday thing, which is why i'm curious.
19:47.16vol_are they requiring a contract at walmart or something
19:47.32*** part/#android topeira (n=lucio@unaffiliated/topeira)
19:47.56andyrossI'm sure it's with a contract -- the contract is where TMO actually makes their money.  The data plan is probably a loss, and I'm sure the cost from HTC of a new phone is around $150 or so.
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19:48.45unix_infidelandyross: yea they estimated the cost to be around 146 or so.
19:48.46Dammif even that
19:49.13unix_infidelit's only like 20 dollars less expensive than the iPhone in bare cost.  the rest is just design flaw ;-)
19:50.01unix_infidelDeath_Syn: what about it?
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19:55.21vol_jbq kRutOn: logcat tells me   browser   onReceivedError code:-2 The URL could not be found.
19:55.25DisconnectDeath_Syn: "price varies by store"
19:56.00jbqvol_: do other network-based apps work on that emulator?
19:56.23vol_jbq: I haven't tried that yet. Any others you can think of?
19:56.38jbqIs that an official SDK?
19:56.42vol_I just closed the emu to test whether the ones on windows work
19:56.52vol_I tried the one built from android source, and the official sdk emu
19:57.06jbqSDK should have maps (I think), and from source should have Email.
19:57.42vol_I'm going to try windows first, just in case. It could well be a vmware issue.
19:57.55*** join/#android Goosey (n=Goosey@
19:58.00jbqThere've been originally issues with emulators built from source (where the APN data for the emulated GSM stack wasn't properly set), and those were sticky until you did a clean build and wiped the emulator data.
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19:59.16vol_ah, actually, I'm using -datadir
19:59.18vol_I wonder if that's it?
19:59.23jbqmight be
19:59.54vol_ok, let me try running the emu w/o datadir, see if that works, and if it doesn't i'll try sdk emu w/o datadir
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20:01.42vol_argh, yep, that's it.
20:01.49vol_ok, let me try wiping the data and trying again.
20:04.42vol_hmmm. Ok, wiping data doesn't let me use the browser.
20:05.32jbqhmmmm :(
20:06.02jbqUnfortunately, that part of the system is a big mystery for me as well, so I don't have any real fix for you, just "recipes" to try.
20:06.11vol_removed userdata-qemu, used -sdcard instead of -datadir
20:06.13vol_that worked
20:06.28jbqah, ok.
20:06.47jbqglad that you figured it out. I'm not sure which of the steps was the right one, though.
20:07.07vol_I suspect it was -datadir that was killing it. I'm trying again, after rming userdata-qemu and using -datadir
20:07.12vol_-datadir and -wipe-data
20:08.17vol_ugh, no dice.
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20:38.19dranfiDo you know how to add android market to the android emulator?
20:40.13KNYI don't believe you can
20:40.23KNYwe don't have the source for it
20:40.42KNYmaybe you could get someone with a rooted G1 to give you the .apk?
20:42.44dranfiThe Android Market is closed-source, no?
20:43.18vol_yes, it's closed source.
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20:44.51laura--Hey.. how can one profile an Android application?
20:44.52dranfiBut does it's licence allow copy? or It can only be provided with the phone system?
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21:08.10jastalaura--: using traceview
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21:09.50mpardowhats the best way to see if my custom service is currently running?
21:12.38jastahow do you mean "running"?  if you want to know if the process is there, use ps.
21:13.00jastaif you want to see what its doing, use a debugger
21:13.06jastampardo: adb shell ps
21:13.21mpardoi want my activity to see if a service it started is running
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21:13.50mpardothe service is not bound to the activity either
21:13.54jastawell, here is where you get to define what "running" means.
21:14.24mpardohas not reached onDestroy()
21:14.44jastayou could do this a few ways, depending on your requirement.
21:14.50jastathe most precise would be to bind to it and ask it.
21:15.02jastathe easiest might be to just have it fire an intent broadcast when it finishes doing work
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21:16.09mpardothe only way it would ever reach onDestroy is if it somehow broke, or the more likely case is when someone stopped the service from the activity which started it
21:16.17mpardobasically a start/stop button is what i need
21:16.24mpardoi have on implemented, but very poorly
21:17.52jastai advise you to bind to the service and ask it what its doing.
21:17.55KNYlanguish, ping
21:18.21mpardoif i bind the service then wont the service stop when the activity closes?
21:18.41mpardoi need the service to live longer than the activity which starts and stops it
21:18.56jastampardo: what you're missing here is that starting and stopping the service from android's point of view can be quite diferent than starting and stopping work from your point of view
21:19.43jastayou could, for instance, bind to it, then implement an interface atop it where you can start work, see what work is happening, etc.
21:20.03jastawhen you start work, the service could start itself, and when it finishes work, stop itself
21:20.21jastathis way, it will live longer than it is boudn to the activity
21:20.53mpardowhat if the "work" that it's doing is never stopped unless directed to by the user
21:20.57jastaconversely, you could have the activity start the service, then bind to it (a very popular pattern), but then stopSelf in the service during onUnbind or whatever you want to do
21:21.15jastampardo: doesn't matter.
21:21.39jastathen you'd just have a very simple AIDL to implement: start(), stop(), and isStarted().
21:21.55jastathen you can happily bind to the service without affecting its state.
21:22.03mpardomaybe i should read up on AIDL then
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21:22.08jastayou wouldn't even implement onStart().
21:23.03jastaif you wanted to be much lazier and sloppier, you could also just implement a special intent you can pass to onStart that just has it fire an intent broadcast saying what its doing
21:23.07jastainstead of actually starting
21:23.34mpardoaidl is cleaner?
21:23.49vol_Is it possible to get NMEA messages from LBS on android?
21:23.56jastai believe so, yes.  you get a more direct context with which to communicate with your service.
21:23.58vol_or are we stuck with "Here you are, here's the accuracy, have fun"
21:24.05mpardok i'm reading the docs no
21:24.45jastampardo: look at, for instance, the music player app.  it implements this pattern.
21:25.00jastain that, startService() does not have anything to do with whether the player service is playing music or not
21:25.01mpardomusic player uses aidl?
21:25.05jastayes, it does.
21:25.09vol_of course : )
21:25.13vol_that is how it exists in the background
21:25.14mpardois source available?
21:25.18jastampardo: yes.
21:25.44mpardogood cuz example seem to be the only way i figure junk out lol
21:26.49mpardowhere can i find the source?
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21:29.08jastampardo: i also use this pattern in almost all of my service implementations
21:29.33jastaand my code is available
21:31.07mpardowhere can i find your code jasta?, mostly.  but also contains a bit of it
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21:32.57mpardoso AIDL is basically and implementation of interfaces?
21:33.49jastampardo: AIDL is way to provide your own arbitrary IPC interface.
21:33.53vol_something like that.
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21:33.57vol_AIDL lets you specify interfaces
21:34.00vol_which you then implement
21:34.15mpardoah.. gotcha
21:34.15vol_and then you can call against those interfaces in other processes
21:38.26mpardoaidl basically declares all the interface methods?
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21:38.43mpardowhich are then implemented in the service right?
21:38.50vol_something like that.
21:39.08vol_there should be an example or two on
21:39.45vol_that's more clear (and correct)
21:42.10mpardokl thanks guys
21:42.18jastampardo: there is probably other reasons for your app to have such functionality too btw.
21:42.26jastafor instance, you can now tell the user if the service is actually CONNECTED to something meaningful
21:42.32jastaor if it has errored, or if it bla bla bla
21:42.36KNYis there a way to get the versionName from the manifest from the code?
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21:45.22umdk1d3KNY: yep, heres a link in a sec
21:45.35KNYI found PackageInfo, but I can't find how you get that
21:46.04umdk1d3kicks stupid dialup
21:46.23jastai thought you were tethering?
21:46.32jastaoh i bet you only get EDGE?  then your phone wont work heeh
21:48.33jastai cant believe we have to deal with shit like that right now :(
21:48.34KNYumdk1d3, thanks
21:51.50pctechnerdI'm back
21:52.30pctechnerdhello everybody
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21:54.26d0netshey what are iphone apps written in?
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21:54.36d0netsc++ ?
21:54.52khertobject c?
21:55.11vol_objective c
21:55.32d0netsok is it just called object c?
21:55.32d0netsor orbjective c
21:55.37d0netssorry im newb, but im doing a project for my project management class
21:55.39romainguy__it's called Objective-C
21:55.48vol_objective c
21:55.52khertthat's what i meant :)
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21:56.48d0netswe have to go through the steps up to developing a pda application
21:56.49d0netswe started back in the spring and we were going to use the shop savvy idea but since it was actually developed we changed to the iphone
21:56.49d0netsand called it "froogle scan"
21:56.56unix_infidelthere are various ObjC bridges so you can use a lot of different things.
21:56.58mikey|my service class issue got resolved by using onStart instead of onCreate
21:57.00d0netswe have to present in a couple hours : /
21:57.09mikey|strangely enough, the api samples use onCreate
21:57.14d0netsand its judged by a panel of big wigs in our area
21:57.20d0netslike a vp at fedex
21:57.25d0netslead project manager at autozone
21:57.48vol_oh boy
21:57.51d0netswel i dont need to actually develope it
21:57.53vol_lead project manager of autozone
21:57.57vol_that's some hot shit there
21:58.13pctechnerdso has anyone used the G1 Central app?
21:58.16d0netsim sensing sarcasm
21:58.29d0netshes not a bad guy, hes actually our mentor for the project
21:58.37KNYpctechnerd, I'm the author. :)
21:58.40d0netshes going to try to hook me up with an internship
21:58.44unix_infidelg1 central?
21:58.54pctechnerdnice KNY
21:59.09KNYjust about to publish an update, actually (bug fix)
21:59.16pctechnerdI've so wanted to use that program, but i've also been spending the past 7 months trying to find a way to get an invite, lol
21:59.35KNYpctechnerd, haha. They took away my invites :/
21:59.40d0netswhat is that?
21:59.41pctechnerdbut I still downloaded the program hoping there's still a gleam of hope
21:59.42KNYhave you signed up to reserve a number?
21:59.53d0netssomeone needs to create an rss feed for market updates
21:59.53streeteranybody got a grandcentral invite?
21:59.54d0netsso i can put it in my google reader
21:59.57KNYd0nets, G1 interface for grandcentral
21:59.59pctechnerdoh yea, like a year ago
22:00.05d0netswhat is grandcentral
22:00.10languishpctechnerd, do it again
22:00.15KNYanother google-bought company
22:00.15pctechnerdi did
22:00.17pctechnerdlike 3 times
22:00.47pctechnerda developer friend of mine (his makes the dgMoney program) just got an invite from someone 3 days ago from here
22:00.48streeterpctechnerd: I meant, anybody have an invite they can give me.
22:00.58KNYpctechnerd, that's 'blau' on this clannel
22:01.08pctechnerdoh nice
22:01.31pctechnerdhe advised me because i'm kinda "muse"ing for him right now, that being here might be a good way to finally get what i've wanted lol
22:01.39d0netspcterd, it is invite only at,?
22:01.42pctechnerdI was here first streeter, stay away lol
22:01.53pctechnerdand even then, not everyone can invite
22:02.09KNYpctechnerd, I believe no one can invite
22:02.27pctechnerdmatter of fact I gave him the idea of the enxt app he's working on, which is going to be freaking awesome
22:02.40pctechnerdhe's already working on it, and it should hopefully be in the store within a week or two
22:02.54pctechnerdKNY, he just got an invite 3 days ago
22:02.57KNYoh, next
22:02.59pctechnerderr, next lol
22:03.08KNYpctechnerd, for grandcentral? really?
22:03.24KNYI thought they discontinued the invite system. Well, that gives me hope that they're not killing off the service :)
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22:03.52mikey|can't believe the solution to his onCreate problem >.<
22:04.16mikey|was using OnCreate(bundle b), the service onCreate doesnt take args >.<
22:04.35languishimeem/android ad revenuw
22:04.43pctechnerdand it's not Blau, Blau is my friend the developer
22:04.47pctechnerdhe's the one that got the invite lol
22:05.08KNYlanguish, thanks, I'll stay away from imeem now :)
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22:05.41languishKNY :)
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22:06.13KNYhopefully once they add the ability to charge on the market, not too many people will use ads
22:06.19KNYI don't want ads on my phone
22:06.29languishbut then.. google..
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22:07.01P2Egrandcentral looks interesting but a lot of this should be solved on-phone
22:07.18RyeBryeGrandcentral + myfaves
22:07.22P2Eyou can apparently already send callers directly to voicemail with the g1 as a callblock
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22:07.32P2Ethat's nice
22:07.36KNYgrr, stupid ctrl+w
22:07.42KNYP2E, yeah, but GC offers a lot more than that
22:07.50languishp2e, grandcentral has other benefits.
22:07.56pctechnerdyea, but GC has options I need.  I work from home for my employer, and having multiple numbers ring and such would be great
22:07.57languishIncluding a separate phone #
22:08.00RyeBryeI wish grandcentral would sync with google contacts
22:08.16P2Eyeah, I don't really care about having 4 phone numbers
22:08.20pctechnerdI've been looking for a way in for almost a year.  And I mean extensive googling and looking, not just passive browsing lol
22:08.22P2EI have one phone, it's my cell =]
22:08.45languishp2e, I don't always care to give everyone my direct cell # :)
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22:08.49KNYP2E, I like GC because I can transfer my number to my girlfriend's phone when we're visiting her family out in the boonies where I don't get service
22:08.58RyeBryeThe whole "web call" thing in GC is king of cool
22:09.05P2EKNY: ok, that would be nice, I spose
22:09.10languishand yes, transfer a # when there's no signal to a landline
22:09.11KNYalso, it serves as a line of defense against telemarketers--I couldn't care less if they get my GC number
22:09.16RyeBryebut also of questionable utility. I don't want to put a link on my blog for people to randomly call me
22:09.28RyeBryeGC also has spam blocking for callers, btw
22:09.31khertand it's cool to have a 989 area code
22:09.39KNYRyeBrye, if I ran a store or something, I'd use click-to-call
22:09.57RyeBryeI was thinking of pretending to be a hawaiian - with an 808 or something
22:09.59languishI do use click to call
22:10.00pctechnerdaparently there is still the option for invites, though they are few and far between
22:10.17RyeBryeOh, GC is closed now?
22:10.20kherti just signed up, let's see what happens
22:10.24KNYRyeBrye, very close to it  check the latest post
22:10.50RyeBryeI think I signed up a half dozen accounts a year ago - but I have no idea what email addresses most of them were :/
22:11.35RyeBryelanguish - the latest post from April '08?
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22:13.31khertheh, i was checking my spam folder in gmail, and the ad that showed up was a "Spam Skillet Casserole" recipe
22:13.36KNYI like how they say they want our feature suggestions but delete/hide all comments :-/
22:14.46RyeBryeThe reliance of flash for the WHOLE UI is a bit of overkill... I don't really see what they are doing in flash they can't rewrite in GWT For most of it - obviously the audio playback stuff might be a bit tricky
22:14.49vol_I liked how they used to only have spam recipies in the spam folders
22:15.00vol_but google has started to put in real text adds there now : (
22:15.06RyeBryeof course, I might not care as much when I get a flash player on my phone :)
22:15.36KNYRyeBrye, I agree with the overuse of Flash
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22:16.32RyeBryeAlthough I might be kind of a hypocrite... as I also do a lot of flex development for my day job - and I've been asked to do my fair share of crap in flex just because it's being done in flex
22:18.41romainguy__hmmmm Pixel Bender
22:19.32unix_infidelman, i just got rid of my decision ever.
22:19.34KNYI like writing in Flex, just not using it ;)
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22:37.20dranfiDo you know where I can get the android market for the emulator?
22:37.34romainguyit's not available
22:39.32dranfiAnd the "jailbreak" on the emulator?
22:40.48pctechnerdanyone have a valid Grand Central invite?  I'm willing to trade for geek services or electronics :)
22:40.59dranfiI installed Term.apk and Telnet.apk
22:41.07RyeBryedranfi - you don't need to jailbreak the emulator. it's already jailbroken
22:41.24RyeBryedranfi - you already have root access in the emulator
22:43.32dranfithru the telnet console aka telnet localhost 5554
22:43.46dranfiand term.apk is not launched as root.
22:44.23RyeBryedanfi - so inside term.apk type "su"
22:44.37RyeBryedranfi - telnet is worthless on the emulator
22:44.52vol_dranfi: type "adb shell" :P
22:45.24RyeBryedranfi - the emulator is not set up to be a secure environment, so you can easily get root on it. There is nothing to jailbreak, and following instructions that apply to a specific device for the emulator is like following instructions on how to cook a turkey for a ham - it's just plain dumb
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22:50.02pctechnerdstill willing to offer if anyone has one
22:50.36vol_I will only accept sexual favors
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22:50.56pctechnerdwell Vol, if you can get me a GC invite I can get you laid
22:51.00pctechnerdeven trade rofl
22:51.07dranfiok I have said something dumb :p
22:51.25pctechnerdwhat's that dranfi
22:52.02vol_pctechnerd: I demand brojobs
22:52.19pctechnerdGC Invite, then we'll talk hahaha
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22:53.18pctechnerdso what android related websites does everyone peruse?
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22:57.24pctechnerdso maybe someone can answer a question that i've wondered for a long long time.  Why is it that people enter a irc chat, and then don't talk or do anything?
22:57.41pctechnerdtake this room for example, there's well over 30 people in here, but only about 1 or 2 actually do or say anything
22:57.56RyeBryethere are 253 people in here
22:58.05pctechnerdoh yea, lol
22:58.06RyeBryeperhaps it is personal though
22:58.12RyeBryemaybe you have considered that?
22:58.21pctechnerdhaha RyeBrye
22:58.32pctechnerdeverone all logged in at the same time to torment me.  I like the sound of that
22:58.51pctechnerdmakes me feel important.  well at least important enough to annoy by a mass majority
22:59.54pctechnerdanyone want a WRE54G?
23:03.40dranfiyes please :p
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23:06.09pctechnerdi'm willing to give it up and ship it out for a GC invite
23:06.38pctechnerdi have a spare WRE54G lying around that i'm not using, so might as well get some use out of it lol
23:07.22dranfiGC invite?
23:07.27pctechnerdgrand central
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23:25.21rubyonlinuxduuude, why does the aim for android (stock) suck soo bad
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23:27.55RyeBryepctechnerd - for GC did you try that reserve a number thing?
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23:38.14vol_awesome, finally got my project running on device! :D
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23:38.24vol_too bad it's hella slow because we're not using SurfaceFlinger : (
23:40.58RyeBryewhat's the project?
23:40.59Dammer nm
23:44.22thesquiburm, what is SurfaceFlinger?
23:44.59IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
23:45.01thesquiboh this is related to porting android?
23:45.46Dammisn't public aways pretty much a kline offense on freenode?
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23:48.32danfuzzi didn't know that, though i certainly find them annoying
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23:52.06romainguy__thesquib: you cannot not use SurfaceFlinger
23:52.13romainguy__without it, you wouldn't see anything on screen ^^
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23:53.39jastai think you meant vol
23:56.18pctechnerdi have tried reserving so many times
23:56.31pctechnerdthat's why i'm offering geek services or electronics if someone can give me a invite
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23:58.36pctechnerdwhat android related websites does everyone frequent?
23:59.06grey-I've got errr...
23:59.22grey-android community syndicated feed, as well as the android developer's blog syndicated feed.
23:59.37jbqI read but that's because it's part of my workflow ;-)
23:59.40grey-androidguys never updates.
23:59.59pctechnerdAndroid community is pretty decent, but i'm still trying to find a site that searches as much as possible for any new info, including renegade apps that are in development

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