IRC log for #android on 20081123

00:02.12*** join/#android mattbnz (
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00:28.59`vipslow in here today
00:29.01`vipsup nyt
00:29.56nytircin it up, waitin for the wifeys show to start
00:32.40DarkriftXgets really slow in here during weekends oddly
00:38.39*** join/#android den0ts|G1 (
00:41.41*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
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00:45.51den0ts|G1does mythtv work with android?
00:46.20tmztdcordes: has anyone tried rmnet on kaiser?
00:47.18tmzt(assuming the standard on amss part is right, but there is probably some other qmi channel in that case)
00:48.10tmztden0ts|G1: the protocol is pretty open, isn't it? just mysql commands and some kind of tcp transport?
00:48.35den0ts|G1no idea
00:49.08tmztden0ts|G1: there is also a gstreamer based implmentation, but gstreamer would need to be made to work under zygote somehow, maybe with a gl surface?
00:54.19*** join/#android skbohra1 (n=best@
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01:42.32spikebikedisks are under $10 per 100G
01:42.39*** join/#android nyt (
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01:50.35spikebikeah, crap, python-pam is to call pam from python, not be a python module
01:50.47*** join/#android nyt (
01:52.29*** join/#android ecubuntu (
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01:54.21infernixok so if a filetype, say a pdf, can't be opened in android, i can't download it? not even to attach and forward in mail, or store on sd card?
01:55.25spikebikecurrently yes (I think)
01:55.34spikebikebut if you rename it to .foo I think it works
01:57.22*** join/#android nyt (
01:58.02`vippossible to backup txt msgs ?
02:04.37*** join/#android DannyB_ (
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02:30.41ecubuntuhey guys did you know some apps to use irc on G1?
02:31.52*** join/#android offby1`` (
02:35.09nyt im writing it
02:35.25nytand using it now
02:38.00DarkriftXi wonder if my mom would give me her %20 discount on black friday for a g1
02:38.11DarkriftX$150 minus $30 would be nice
02:44.18ecubuntulet me try nyt
02:46.13*** join/#android dueynz (n=duey@
02:52.22infernixis there no ssh client on the phone?!?
02:52.41*** join/#android raidfive (
02:53.23DarkriftXid be surprised if it didnt come up in the market if you search for "ssh"
02:54.04infernixnor does connectbot
02:54.12DarkriftXi have a link to it on my site
02:54.15DarkriftXsomewhere :S
02:54.59infernixgoogled it, thanks
02:57.09*** join/#android jasonparekh (
02:58.20yakischlobaSo I'm in my next billing period but I don't see the bill _or_ usage from my first month?..
02:58.38lokeyakischloba: don't you have unlimited data?
02:58.57yakischlobaIs my first month free or something?
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03:14.14infernixbeen reading some reports about the alarm not being stable.. anyone here using it as a morning alarm clock?
03:14.39infernixwouldn't want to be late and cough up as an excuse that android failed
03:14.53*** join/#android plusminus_ (i=4421a620@gateway/web/ajax/
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03:34.26DarkriftXlol infernix
03:35.19infernixand i don't think I can get rid of that emergency dialer when sceen is locked, or can I
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03:35.33DarkriftXno idea :(
03:35.35DarkriftXwb nyt
03:35.50infernixthinks he has to get down and dirty with the SDK
03:36.36wastrelhi hi
03:37.00wastreli experienced crappy battery today
03:37.33wastrelfully charged at 3pm, dead at 10:00
03:38.42DarkriftXgps on?
03:38.48*** join/#android djo_ (n=djo@eclipse/developer/Tools/djo)
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03:39.09DarkriftXi wonder if any cool extended batteries will come out that arent huge
03:39.27DarkriftXi loved my wizards extended battery, even though it made my phone a lot bigger
03:40.22*** join/#android mib_js2psq (i=48d0a5ea@gateway/web/ajax/
03:41.34djo_Hi all: Quick newbie question (but I can't seem to find anything on Google):  I have a multi-line EditText.  When there's only one line of text in it, it is vertically centered.  What is the correct attribute to make the text align to the top of the EditText?
03:42.11djo_ie: if I were in HTML tables: <td valign="top>...</td>
03:45.10DarkriftXits dead in here tonight djo_
03:47.13djo_DarkriftX: I *guess*...
03:47.36djo_It's *cold* in
03:47.52djo_Chicago; nothing else to do but hack Android tonight.
03:48.03djo_Other places must have better luck... :-D
03:51.09djo_DarkriftX: Any idea where I should search, at least?  I obviously don't know the right keywords yet, so Google is no help nor is the manual nor "Hello Android" nor "The Busy Coder's Guide to Android".  Well, I'm sure that at least one or more of these would be of help if I only knew the right question to ask.
03:51.32DarkriftXno ideas, sorry. im not a developer
03:51.40DarkriftXjust hang out, ppl peek in once in a while
03:51.52djo_Cool; well thanks. :-)
04:00.37*** join/#android muthu_ (n=mobeegal@
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04:06.25umdk1d3mm the land of dialup
04:06.46umdk1d3i think im connected at 21kbps tonight  ^.^
04:06.58muthu_are you india :P
04:07.40umdk1d3nah, middle of nowhere in minnesota  ;)
04:07.47muthu_we get unlimited broadband at that speed ;)
04:08.05muthu_actually broadband has its own definition in india
04:08.25muthu_umdk1d3: went back to college huh
04:08.33muthu_thought you settled in the valley
04:09.59umdk1d3lol not yet  ;)
04:10.19umdk1d3moving soonish tho, need to hit craigslist soon
04:10.32gamblerhey umdk1d3 ...your joining google eh? gl
04:12.41*** join/#android bert0h (
04:15.36DarkriftXhrmmmmm, died in here agian
04:21.48*** join/#android ecubuntu (
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04:33.09djo_Figured it out: android:gravity="top"
04:36.35*** join/#android dueynz (n=duey@
04:41.07unix_infidelRyeBrye: looks like you made made engadget this time ;-)
04:42.56Dammdoesn't suprise me
04:46.01*** join/#android muthu (n=mobeegal@
04:46.33unix_infidelit would be really nice if someone came out with a browser hack (non rooted G1 require) that allows for multitouch gestures.
04:49.19DarkriftXi had the same thought earlier
04:49.29DarkriftXbut RyeBrye is the only one workign on it from what i can tell
04:49.54DarkriftXalthough it would require a rooted g1, because non rooted g1's do not have multitouch enabled
04:50.57ionstormyea multitouch will definately happen
04:51.24ionstormeither we will ghetto hack  it or htc/google will enable it
04:51.29ionstormwe'll prolly hack it first
04:51.49unix_infidelwell, rooted G1 just requires a rebuilt synaptics driver as I've pointed out from the beginning (see RyeBrye original post)
04:52.26unix_infidelshould be an easy patch, though, since HTC didnt spec out a multitouch display from the beginning i'm sure it'll be tough for the Android team to release such a patch.
04:56.07skbohra1had anybody ever heard about a tuxphone
04:56.47*** join/#android andyross (
04:58.55DarkriftXi dont see how it would be done without root
05:03.48Dammit's not really the root... it's that T-Mobile has locked down the ability to re-flash the device easily
05:04.06Dammhaving root just enables you to flash it
05:04.07*** join/#android raidfive (
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05:07.17*** join/#android milluminu (
05:07.47milluminuthe one thing that gets on my nerves about android os is that it's impossible to kill processes--either that or it's extremely unintuitive as i still haven't figured out how
05:07.56milluminuthere isn't even a close option for applications
05:08.03milluminuthey just keep running, choking, choking, choking
05:08.21milluminuto play a video properly you have to reboot to kill all the crappy apps because none of them have close options
05:14.58*** join/#android spackest (
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05:40.20Memphisany word on turn by turn navi for android?
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06:27.13*** join/#android EdLin (
06:27.34EdLinis there an IRC client available for Android?
06:29.21*** part/#android EdLin (
06:30.25*** join/#android poetic_folly|G5 (
06:41.14*** join/#android nickd8301 (
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06:42.23nickd8301so i've been reading about the multi-touch recently - what's the news on it these days?
06:44.02*** join/#android synthead (
07:05.14romainguymilluminu: because there's no need to close applications, they are paused/killed as needed
07:13.47*** join/#android Hai-Fai (
07:18.04*** join/#android jsherman (
07:21.21languishok, when I press the wired headset call anser button when there is no call, it turns on the music player.  How do I disable this?
07:23.14*** part/#android raidfive (
07:23.39languishnickd8301,read the update on ryebrye's blog.
07:23.43languishat the bottom
07:24.26languishthere's been some discussion on dirty hacks to get multi touch like functionality, but it's not part of android
07:25.03languishI shoudl rephrase. It's not enabled for the G1
07:25.32sodenroxits enabled...
07:25.40*** join/#android RyeBrye (
07:25.52sodenroxno programming fo rit
07:26.06sodenroxryebrye has pwned it^^
07:26.18languishsodenrox, it's not enabled in the G1.
07:26.38languishIt exists as part of android, but is commented out for the G1
07:27.16sodenrox... multitouch isnt "enabled" or "disabled" its either available or not
07:27.59languishso the width data has been "enabled" for the G1 without "hacking" it?
07:28.09sodenrox0o0o u cant join...
07:28.12sodenroxso you dont know shit
07:29.19languishrather than be an ass, explain it.
07:29.28languishor are you incapable of it?
07:29.36sodenroxi'm pretty hammered right now
07:29.37languish"I know what yopu don't, nyah nyah"
07:29.42sodenroxactually i just got back from the bar
07:30.36languishand it makes you such pleasant company.
07:54.22milluminuif there is no need to kill applications, why does video playback choke and stutter when other apps are running but "apparently" closed?
07:55.07milluminui am becoming more and more unhappy with the way the android system opts to take away control from the user, it's worse than windows
08:07.32*** join/#android aufegu-_ (n=angu@
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08:35.41fnordwtf is with dennis's comment on android convert?
08:42.13languishwtd does "netwalk" a *GAME* need to have access to "phone calls" ?
08:52.38*** join/#android mokolade (n=mokolade@
08:59.50ismarclanguish: until this moment, I had completely discounted the game and not taken a second look.  By requiring something odd and unrelated, they generate more talk about the game...thus, free publicity
09:02.25ismarckRutOn: I actually emailed the authors of the weather channel app because it was requesting weird things (camera, sms, etc.)
09:02.37ismarcthe response was "we plan on adding blah blah blah functionality"
09:02.55ismarcthey also included a link to their privacy policy in the response
09:03.19ismarcso your suggestion must be the case
09:16.14*** join/#android P1ro (n=Piro@gentoo/user/p1ro)
09:22.47languishismarc, adding questionable access permissions to a game, may generate "interest" when people wank about it, but it also gets me to not approve the installation.
09:38.37*** join/#android dcordes (
09:59.08*** join/#android LanceHaig (n=lanceh@foresight/member/lhaig)
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10:08.57*** join/#android Miek (n=mike@unaffiliated/mikechml)
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11:32.41xsdgmilluminu: for one, have you confirmed that the same behavior doesn't happen on boot?
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11:45.41rick_2047is it possible to install android on those duplicate chinese mobiles (those really cheap but feature rich ones)??
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11:57.03eldenzis the owner/maintainer of here on irc?
11:57.28eldenzsomeone shold tell him to enable url rewriting feature in teh wiki
11:58.45languishyeah he's around
11:58.52languishthought dunno if he's awake
12:03.09eldenzmeh cannot connect to telnet on localhost ;< is there a way to tell whether telnetd has been started?
12:03.57eldenzService Viewer!
12:07.57eldenzcould it be telnetd was removed from RC19 phones afterwards in-store?
12:08.37eldenznope, it's there :x
12:09.41*** join/#android eris (
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12:18.29eldenzLocale should be able to change more settings
12:44.31xsdgeldenz: they're working on it
12:47.43*** join/#android mike1o (n=mike@
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12:50.59eldenznic eto hear
13:14.43*** join/#android AceLan (
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13:19.29eldenzis there no way to change first-day-of-week to monday?
13:19.49eldenzit's set to Monday on google cal..
13:20.00eldenzbut G1 displays Sun ;<
13:33.35*** join/#android budwaa (n=tom@unaffiliated/budwaa)
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13:41.55budwaaIs there a channel about for the t-mobile g1?
13:45.07xsdgbudwaa: oh, the G1 channel is thattaway ---->
13:45.27xsdgbudwaa: that said, do you have a question?
13:47.37budwaajust info about root access..
13:48.01budwaamainly wether i should take my updated phone back because its *broken* or wait for a possible new exploitt
13:51.18budwaaBtw, im interested to know why my initial Q was so funny :S. Help me be cool plz.
13:59.06*** join/#android ionstorm (
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14:07.47eldenz'The download of "PAC-MAN by Namco" was declined becauseyou haven't purchased it.'
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14:58.08JozerHi all! I'm trying to get my G1 in recovery mode by rebooting then taking power (hangup/red button) and home button, the, after the android logo with the green robot appears, I have to open the slide the hit ALT then L? I tried three times without luck :( Any toughts?
14:58.39*** join/#android o3u (
14:59.36syntheadI'm not sure
14:59.52syntheadI'm one of many in here though
15:00.42*** join/#android cullend_ (
15:02.23syntheadI'm still trying to find a way into root after the update.  A downgrade would be sufficient but it seems like that's not possible either.
15:02.47syntheadit seems like this shouldn't be a problem since the entire project is open source
15:07.41*** join/#android KNY (
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15:29.14infernixsynalx: except for the part where you flash the rom for the first time using the bootloader
15:29.32infernixerr, synthead i ment
15:41.19*** join/#android andyross (
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16:00.33*** join/#android synthead (
16:01.02syntheadI'm having issues getting the sdk to recognize my G1 in linux :P
16:01.12syntheadis anyone around who can lend me a hand?
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16:56.17blauhey guys
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17:06.34KNYis there a way to get all the child views of an activity?
17:06.51KNYif you have a form and change the screen orientation, any new changes get undone
17:07.19KNY(well, if the Activity is in a TabHost, anyway)
17:17.14*** join/#android Joz3r (
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17:20.35orcihi all, may be already implemented but here is a project idea: it would be nice if there was a project gutenberg downloader and reader
17:20.37d0netsFNanyone home today
17:20.42d0netsFNjasta are you here?
17:21.04d0netsFNim wanting to know if there would be any interest in a mythtv client
17:22.59*** join/#android p_quarles (n=lee@unaffiliated/pquarles)
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17:24.04KNYd0netsFN, why not start the project and see?
17:25.18d0netsFNno i wanted people to go vote there
17:25.29d0netsFNand post if you are a member
17:26.36d0netsFNwhat types of video can be streamed to android atm?
17:28.19*** join/#android Zer0reZ (n=Z@
17:29.45d0netsFNso flash
17:30.06blaunot really, just youtube
17:30.14blauthere isnt a full flash implementation afaik
17:32.24blauany news on whether or not the market stats are correct yet
17:36.52*** join/#android cutmasta (
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17:58.44mikeyi cant see any way to type on this app
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18:48.31umdk1d3anyone around with a phone handy?
18:48.53nickd8301I wish, gettin' mine tomorrow :-)
18:49.13umdk1d3so ive found a combination of things in the source
18:50.03nickd8301secret codes
18:50.09umdk1d3hopefully someone can put those two things together, and see what happens on a normal non-root phone
18:50.32nickd8301uh, did you see the android.intent.action.BRICK
18:50.36nickd8301I may be careful around here
18:51.00umdk1d3thats for a different activity
18:51.16nickd8301ah ok
18:51.22umdk1d3its interesting to note the different types of OTA updates offered
18:51.35*** join/#android chomchom (n=chomchom@
18:51.46umdk1d3wink wink nudge nudge
18:52.26nickd8301ENG/CAN/NOT ?
18:52.44nickd8301I'm kind of slow - what do you think they mean?
18:54.05chomchomHello peeps
18:54.26chomchomI'm just doing my first build of android and poking around in the source
18:55.00chomchomI have to say I'm a little surprised at the organisation of the Apps internally
18:55.11chomchomAnd I'd like to learn from anyone who could comment on them
18:55.38umdk1d3surprised how?
18:55.44chomchomI come from a professional Java development background and so the large classes and lack of package structure is initially daunting
18:55.51mikey|you online at adullam?
18:56.01umdk1d3hm i should be lol
18:56.11mikey|i was asking for you yesterday
18:56.25mikey|apparently you're on a trip somewhere
18:56.28*** join/#android Ramblurr (n=rmblr@amarok/developer/Ramblurr)
18:56.30mikey|and using dialip
18:56.31umdk1d3ah lol yea im on dialup  ;)
18:56.36chomchomI'd like to learn from those who could explain the rational for this.
18:56.38mikey|dialup *
18:56.45chomchomooh on dial up, poor guy
18:56.55mikey|gonna be back anytime soon?
18:57.18umdk1d3i think i linked at 23.3kbps today, best yet so far
18:57.46mikey|where are you anyway?
18:58.02umdk1d3middle of nowhere in minnesota
18:58.09chomchom23.3kps, reminds me of when I used to queue mp3s at 64k quality and then wait a week.
19:00.55*** join/#android nostferka (i=ed@unaffiliated/nostferka)
19:01.42chomchomJust browsing the applications, I cannot see any way of ensuring their maintainability through any form of testing, are there a separate test suite repositories associated with the individual projects that are not retrieved when checking out via the repo tool?
19:02.14nickd8301umdk: I don't know much about the oTA codes - but I looked them up on wikipedia and they look to be service provider specific
19:02.18nickd8301are they also phone specifi?
19:05.06DarkriftXumdk1d3: i have a list of those "secret codes" on my wiki
19:05.26DarkriftXseeems im missing some though :)
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19:08.45ttuttleDarkriftX: shiny
19:09.01*** part/#android cutmasta (
19:09.04ttuttleDarkriftX: /me knows a few more, but they're useless on non-eng builds.
19:10.08DarkriftXfeel free to add them :)
19:10.32DarkriftXi just foudn the "OTAENG" "OTACAN" "OTANOT" ones
19:10.34umdk1d3ttuttle: im wondering if "normal" phones can be converted  ;)
19:11.02DarkriftXconverted to what?
19:12.30ttuttleDarkriftX: Oh, okay.  That's them.
19:12.42DarkriftXwhat do those do?
19:12.49DarkriftXthey dont have descriptions
19:12.53ttuttleDarkriftX: They just change the requested build type.
19:13.11DarkriftXi c
19:13.30ttuttleDarkriftX: Give it a try and let me know what shows up in Device Info.
19:13.41DarkriftXheh, no g1 still
19:13.45ttuttleDarkriftX: :(
19:13.48ttuttleumdk1d3: Er, "converted"?
19:13.50DarkriftXyeah, :(
19:14.15ttuttleumdk1d3: If you 1. can flash anything on your phone (unlocked bootloader or hacked recovery), and 2. have an engineering build, then yes.
19:14.17umdk1d3so end user devices could get legit root
19:14.18ttuttleumdk1d3: But that's hard.
19:14.36DarkriftXi dont think there is a legit root
19:14.36ttuttleumdk1d3: No they can't.
19:14.43DarkriftXbesides using the modified ota method
19:14.45ttuttleumdk1d3: Test builds are signed with a test key, and regular builds don't accept them.
19:14.56umdk1d3is it just that
19:15.04ttuttleumdk1d3: Not sure.
19:15.10ttuttleumdk1d3: But you'd need the right key, besides.
19:15.12romainguyumdk1d3: btw, you suck coming here early 1 month early, I won't mentor you because I'll be in Europe :p
19:15.28umdk1d3oh lol  :)
19:15.34ttuttleumdk1d3: It's not easy.
19:15.41DarkriftXthe modified ota updates will read the test keys
19:15.58ttuttleDarkriftX: Does it have the test key, or does it just not check the key?
19:16.06DarkriftXthey read keys
19:16.07umdk1d3romainguy: so it was awesome when i saw linux desktops were *standard*  =D
19:16.14ttuttleDarkriftX: Whoa.  Where'd you get it?
19:16.15DarkriftXso that they will deny the normal OTA's
19:16.27ttuttleDarkriftX: Do you mean test like the internal testing builds?
19:16.32romainguyumdk1d3: well we don't really have a standard since you get to pick your OS
19:16.41DarkriftXi dont know, i just know it says "using test keys"
19:16.45ttuttleDarkriftX: Hrm.
19:16.53ttuttleDarkriftX: Well, you'd still need a testing build.
19:17.10DarkriftXRyeBrye would be able to explain better
19:17.26ttuttleRyeBrye: hey
19:17.33DarkriftX(if he is here)
19:18.08ttuttlelikes testing builds ;-)
19:18.22umdk1d3romainguy: going to europe for holidays?
19:18.27*** join/#android polymar (
19:19.08romainguyand work
19:19.19romainguyI'm going to give a couple of Android talks at Devoxx in Antwerp
19:19.25ttuttleromainguy: Cool.
19:19.36ttuttleromainguy: Hey, you're not wearing any underscores today.
19:20.27umdk1d3ah cool, sounds like im starting on dec15
19:20.48umdk1d3no clue what to expect, but im excited  =D
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19:21.24DarkriftXwhat are you going to be doing there umdk1d3?
19:23.56romainguyumdk1d3: well it's a good time to start, a week later everybody's on vacation :))
19:25.34umdk1d3cept i dont think ill have any pto by then, so ill be stuck alone?  :P
19:25.55DarkriftXjust you and security
19:26.22DarkriftXdamn, no way you will be able to steal the good secrets with 5 security gaurds and just you :(
19:27.01DarkriftXand the hidden google ninja assassins :(
19:29.25DarkriftXexcept the like to be called ninGas
19:30.01synalxi thought that was the gninjas?
19:30.03romainguyumdk1d3: we have like 3 days for christmas and 3 days for new year's eve
19:30.15DarkriftXlol synalx that would actually work
19:30.23romainguyumdk1d3: so at least you'll get that :p
19:32.12umdk1d3romainguy: oh cool, i was wondering about that
19:35.01romainguybesides, I'm taking 4 days at christmas and I have accrued 4 hours... :)
19:35.27*** join/#android mpagano (n=mpagano@gentoo/developer/mpagano)
19:39.53DarkriftXi work thanksgiving day and the day after, but i get paid for 5 days for those 2
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20:11.46dcordes2 days ago there were massive commits to the android-msm-2.6.27 branch. can this branch produce a bootable kernel for the g1 already?
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20:16.11Joz3rHi guys. I installed a modded recovery image, that I now want to test. How I can put the phone in recovery mode without corrupting the main firmware?
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20:34.51KNYhey, is anyone else having trouble with their phone when making or receiving calls? people on the other end keep reporting that they don't hear anything but the "gsm buzz" you get when you hold the phone next to a speaker
20:35.07KNYI don't hear anything, but they can't hear anything I say--just the "buzz"
20:37.10*** join/#android LanceHaig_ (
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20:37.50dcordesSanMehat: ping
20:37.55*** part/#android nyt (
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20:43.22ttuttleis going to attempt to build and install the open-source tree on his G1.
20:44.11Gary|tpKNY: Had that once, hung up and called back, hasn't happened since
20:44.20Gary|tpand I'm on the phon 6+ hours a day
20:44.26KNYGary|tp, I just had it happen three times in 24 hours
20:44.31KNYout of four calls I've made
20:44.47KNYand I tried rebooting the phone after the first one but just had it happen twice in an hour
20:44.57Gary|tpNo idea :/
20:44.58KNYI'm on EDGE, if that means anything
20:45.45*** join/#android tauno (
20:46.36Gary|tpOT: when did grandcentral go private?
20:47.23dcordesKNY: did you install the latest software update?
20:47.36KNYdcordes, I'm on rc30
20:47.38KNYfrom ota
20:47.50KNYGary|tp, I can hook you up with an invite if you want
20:48.01KNYthough grandcentral has been pretty stagnant for some time now
20:48.04Gary|tpnah I've got one, but I thought invites were off too
20:48.31KNYwhy what?
20:48.40Gary|tplike, just no new features?
20:48.44Gary|tpupdates etc?
20:49.06KNYyeah, they had all these big features planned and there hasn't been anything since april 22nd
20:49.16KNYand weird, I guess the invites did disappear
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20:49.38Gary|tpwanted to make one for my GF so she could abuse the unlimited minutes with myfaves thing
20:49.41KNYyou would have thought Google would take this Android opportunity and incorporate grandcentral somehow
20:50.07*** join/#android ideamonk (n=ideamonk@
20:50.25KNYI like grandcentral except for how hard it is to make outgoing calls. I have to be at my computer with an internet connection, which is pretty pointless
20:50.25Gary|tpat least give us visual voicemail D:
20:50.35KNYand voicemail -> MP3
20:50.46Gary|tpcan't you do it from your phone? or is it flash based?
20:51.22KNYthey have a crummy mobile web interface, but that's lame
20:51.30*** join/#android donomo (
20:51.50KNYwhy can't I just set my outgoing number to be my gc #? a PBX can do it, right?
20:52.55Gary|tpno idea
20:53.24Gary|tpGC should allow you to call your own number, then just dial any number you want to call
20:53.35Gary|tpthat could easily be automated with android
20:54.18jeevi got a blackberry curve, suggestions to get the g1 ?
20:54.23*** join/#android blau (
20:55.55KNYGary|tp, definitely. Or even an SMS interface like Google's.
20:56.38Gary|tpI suppose you could automate it currently
20:56.52Gary|tpjust by making an app that connects via HTTP in the background
20:56.56KNYmaking the HTTP--yeah.
20:57.23KNYbut then you also have to have your GC contacts in sync with your G1 contacts
20:58.42blauwhatcha guys tslking bout
21:01.11Gary|tpyep, and you'd have to add a contact in order to call them
21:01.44Gary|tpWho knows, maybe Google has some huge update for android planned with GC support, and they'll update gc at the same time
21:01.48KNYyeah. I wonder if Google is going to silently kill off GrandCentral
21:02.19Gary|tpwould suck :/, I use it if I need to talk for a while with someone not on myfaves
21:03.00KNYI use it for posting my number online and such because I couldn't care less if telemarketers get a hold of my GC number
21:03.11Gary|tpthat too lol
21:03.14KNYI can just straight-to-voicemail them and/or flag as spam
21:05.33Gary|tpJoz3r: if it boots after you reflash the official, then it was corrupted. try reflashing the modded one again.
21:09.40KNYlanguish, ping
21:10.11DarkriftXKNY, pong
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21:13.22DarkriftXi looked at grand central the other night. seems like something google would buy out
21:13.26DarkriftXjust wish i had an invite
21:13.59KNYDarkriftX, they /did/ buy it out. I'd hook you up with an invite but Gary|tp pointed out that they removed them.
21:14.04KNYseems they went private-only
21:14.51DarkriftXand yeah, i noticed it was bought out
21:14.56blauive been looing for a gc invite
21:15.01DarkriftXmy first comment was just not written right
21:16.12DarkriftXoddly it still asks for an invite code
21:16.22DarkriftXand says the only way to get in is from an invite code
21:17.20DarkriftXslaps google for buying to many sites that they cant even update them properly
21:18.58DarkriftXit seems lots of stuff google buys kinda dies out
21:19.04DarkriftXlike urchin
21:19.45DarkriftXgoogle could have done something amazing with that, but GA sucks hairy goat balls....
21:19.56ttuttleDarkriftX: Why do so many sites use it then?
21:20.29KNYyeah, I don't know what he's talking about--I like GA
21:20.57ttuttleI mean, I don't particularly like it (it's not a good fit for personal sites), but it looks excellent for commercial sites.
21:22.15*** join/#android matt_c (
21:23.01KNYI'd rather watch glTail/glTrail :)
21:26.21*** join/#android Ramblurr (
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21:31.35DarkriftXttuttle: its better than most of the rest, but cmon.... google owns it, it should be much better
21:31.58DarkriftXlook at what woopra did
21:32.08DarkriftXgoogle will probably buy them out next
21:33.33ttuttleDarkriftX: What's woopra?
21:33.42DarkriftXthe best analytics there is :)
21:33.56DarkriftXits still beta, but its the best
21:34.11blaugoogle owns so much now
21:34.13ttuttleEverything is beta ;)
21:34.21DarkriftXgoogle is going to own the world
21:34.21blauis there a place to see all the things they purchasd?
21:34.28DarkriftXsoon there will be no governments, just google
21:34.54DarkriftX"Google buys the UK and US, plans to buy the rest of the world scheduled for tomorrow"
21:35.15KNYUS (beta)
21:35.25DarkriftXUK (alpha)
21:35.27DarkriftXlol, jk
21:37.36DarkriftXim waiting for google to buy out a major tv network :S
21:37.37blaui cant wait for android sdk to have some support for doing stuff with the calendar
21:37.41DarkriftXi can see it now.... more commercials
21:38.07DarkriftXgCNN, now with 1/1 commercial/show ratio
21:38.47KNYhell, many tv shows are nearing that ratio anyway
21:38.48benleyseems more likely to me that it would be fewer ads overall if google was doing it
21:39.00benleygiven the direction google ads have gone on the web
21:46.49eldenzis there an app with improved bookmark manager?
21:46.55eldenzpossibly through tags or hierarchies
21:47.01blausweet got 2 more dollars for my screen on app
21:47.22blauguess ill merge it with myvibration
21:47.34eldenz'screen on app'?
21:47.46DarkriftXdonations or paid?
21:47.49blauturns the screen on when you get an sms
21:47.56DarkriftXhow much so far?
21:48.10blaui think for that one like 10 total
21:56.31eldenzblau, what's its name? dg SMS Screen Alert?
21:57.20blauim uploading a new release today/tommorow
21:58.51*** join/#android EdLin (
21:59.08EdLinis there an IRC client available for android?
21:59.22infernixis there a keyboard shortcut for renaming icons on the home screen?
21:59.25blaupeople are working on them
21:59.54mikey|omg, i cant believe this mistake -.-
21:59.58blauno way to rename icons without an extra program
22:00.02blauinfernix, anycut lets you do that
22:00.17mikey|all this time i've been wandering wtf is wrong with my proggie, and it was an arrayindexoutofbounds which I didnt log.d
22:00.21mikey|smacks self
22:00.24EdLinabout how many apps have been written for android?
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22:02.56DisconnectEdLin: 3
22:03.04EdLinI'm sorry for asking stupid questions, I haven't been able to find out this information from google (either their search or their websites on android ;-) )
22:03.22EdLinDisconnect: I've written a fourth one!
22:03.48EdLinthough I haven't tested it on a handset. :-)
22:04.01*** join/#android mgross (n=mgross@
22:09.34blauhey someone give me like a 10 word sentence describing how to enter a series of times in ms
22:09.48blauwhere they alternate between vibrate x ms and pause y ms
22:10.36infernixone thing amazing about the g1 is how quick it charges over usb
22:10.42infernixmy 1350mAh Kaiser took 4 hours
22:11.04infernixim not sure but i think G1 charges from ~10% to full in an hour
22:12.19dcordesinfernix: heya
22:12.35*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
22:12.59dcordesinfernix: did you get root commandline yet?
22:13.14infernixno, rc30 on it
22:14.01blauanyone play around with the screen_on, screen_off intent?
22:14.39unix_infidelblau: planning on a malicious app?
22:15.21ttuttleblau: Yeah, I've played with them.  That's why the wifi turns off after 2 minutes with the screen off (unless a wifilock is held). ;-)
22:15.29dcordesinfernix: can you establish the telnet connection?
22:15.45infernixhavent tried, just started setting up SDK
22:16.04blaufor some reason my receiver never gets triger on screen_on or off
22:16.15Disconnectttuttle: its your fault it doesn't do bog-standard super useful wifi powersaving? :(
22:16.17blaui forgot exactly why i was looking to respond to those though lol
22:16.25ttuttleDisconnect: It does both, I assume.
22:16.41ttuttleDisconnect: And, hey, I was just an intern.  I did what I was told.
22:17.23blaui think i was trying to make a "recplacement" for the keyguard lock
22:17.31KNYanyone have any tips on how to get the G1 to be able to send MMS to Verizon?
22:17.39ttuttleblau: I don't think that's possible yet.  (You can write it, but you can't make it be a screen lock.)
22:17.39Disconnectit doesn't, or at least idle wifi sucks power like a hooker on a naval base. decent powersaving (1sec or so polling, etc) can cut that -way- -way- down. (alternately, going to deep-save mode on screen blank lets it come back without a huge delay for reassociation)
22:17.43KNYall I'm getting is a white screen
22:17.59ttuttleDisconnect: Hrm.  /me doesn't know much about that.
22:18.07DisconnectKNY: it should work fine. i sent one to sprint and verizon both last weekend, works fine
22:18.31KNYDisconnect, nothing here. At first they didn't get anything, then someone online said to send one to 222 first, and now they just get a white screen
22:18.44Disconnectcall 611?
22:20.00Disconnectttuttle: check 'iwconfig power period' and such
22:20.24ttuttleDisconnect: Yeah, I've seen that.
22:20.41Disconnectmakes a big difference
22:21.10Disconnectcould irc from his n800 for a -very- long time with wifi period set to 2s and so forth
22:21.20Disconnect..probably still can but i haven't in a long time :)
22:21.21*** join/#android yakischloba (n=jake@
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22:40.35DarkriftXi think its funny how many ppl find my site by pasting one of my urls into google
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22:40.46DarkriftXinstead of pasting it into the address bar, they search for that url :S
22:42.19blaui do that alot too, since chrome doesnt try to append a .com
22:42.25blaulike safari does
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22:45.00unix_remoteRyeBrye: did you ever do a writeup on how you got the multitouch demo working?
22:47.59unix_remoteaaand, RyeBrye makes Techmeme ;-P
22:49.40*** join/#android bascht (
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22:54.32mikey|when using ViewFlipper, is there anyway to flip to a window using a tag as a reference?
22:54.56mikey|I can't seem to find any methods for it
22:56.29*** join/#android skyjumper (n=pedant@unaffiliated/skyjumper)
22:56.38Dammi'm sitting here with gps on
22:56.43Dammwatching my phone move
22:56.54skyjumperis there a location for open source android apps?
22:57.06Dammthe 'my location' is moving up and down, and yet i'm clearly not moving.
22:57.14Dammi'm not sure if that's funny, or sad.
22:57.48skyjumperisn't that just android itself?
22:59.02Dammskyjumper, well there isn't exactly 1 url of all the 'market' apps source code
22:59.59skyjumperwas looking for a way to browse only open-source apps. it's probably in there somewhere...
23:02.37*** join/#android beylulbahta (
23:03.38DarkriftXyou mean sort market by open source only?
23:03.51DarkriftXinteresting but i havent heard of that feature yet
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23:09.36infernixdoes anyone know what goes on in /sqlite_stmt_journals ?
23:10.03*** join/#android Olipro (n=Olipro@uncyclopedia/Olipro)
23:12.07infernixwonders whether if any root apps read or write from there
23:12.14xsdginfernix: bank statements (no, I have no idea)
23:21.30eldenzanybod knows what's the max mp3 bitrate videoplayer can play?
23:21.45*** join/#android Slackwise (
23:22.03eldenzVIDEO:  [h264]  480x320  24bpp  25.000 fps  462.1 kbps (56.4 kbyte/s)
23:22.03MystSparkshey, I'm not an Androd Java expert or anything, but I was trying to spay with the android-vnc-view code base that was made with the previous SDK. I modified it to get a viewable VNC viewer on the screen, but now.. trying to see what I can do to control a remote session...
23:22.04eldenzAUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 64.0 kbit/4.17% (ratio: 8000->192000)
23:22.10eldenzand it tells me it cannot play it ;<
23:22.32MystSparksI get "key dispatching timed out sending to android.androidVNC
23:23.00*** join/#android unix_remote (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
23:23.10MystSparkscontinuing to wait for key to be dispatched.... on the WindowManager... does that possibly mean that the application isn't doing anythign with user input on the device?
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23:26.29aggtrfradhey whats the command to install an app from command shell?
23:26.39eldenzaggtrfrad, adb install foo.apk
23:27.36aggtrfradhm i never had adb
23:30.04eldenzit comes with the sdk
23:30.47aggtrfradoh i thought i could do it from my phone directly
23:36.21*** join/#android p_quarles (n=lee@unaffiliated/pquarles)
23:37.09eldenzah yes
23:37.32eldenzi'm not sure how :p unless you download it through the browser
23:38.20eldenzi thought you meant 'command shell' as in terminal on your desktop pc
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23:41.08eldenzah i had the wrong container (avi instead of lavf/mp4)
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23:49.47infernixwhen you turn off GPS but leave the wireless network location setting on, does that consume much extra power?
23:50.03infernixi  would guess not since its based upon cell information which it gets anyway, but i'm not sure
23:50.37blaui dont think so
23:50.44blaui havent noticed a difference
23:52.29*** join/#android oxigen_0 (
23:53.03infernixeldenz: it might be the H264 profile you used
23:53.09infernixtry various levels
23:53.38infernixor you could try and find out what levels are supported
23:53.46infernixnot really sure where to look for that info though
23:53.54eldenzif i can figure out how to set it in mencoder^^
23:54.00infernixthats the easy part
23:54.16blauany idea if you can expand the "hint" in a preferences dialog?
23:54.30blauthe summary i mean
23:55.21*** join/#android fadden_ (
23:57.18eldenzstill complains with L2.2
23:57.38infernixeldenz: whats your commandline
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23:59.08eldenzaudio is mp3 vbr
23:59.17infernixhm are you sure it supports mp3 in mp4? shouldn't that be aac
23:59.32eldenzi will try aac
23:59.39infernixtry without audio as well
23:59.52infernixi'll do some testing here too
23:59.52*** join/#android beert0 (

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