IRC log for #android on 20081116

00:01.04spikebikehtc touch hd
00:01.36danfuzzthough keep in mind that 2x pixels doesn't mean 2x the area.
00:02.08spikebikejust nicer fonts, more paper like
00:02.38spikebikeimagine characters more than 1 pixel thick
00:04.20geistdares to dream
00:04.21Dammokay, I have to ask... how does my G1 know my location by my Wifi
00:04.36Dammall my wifi has in it is 'Seattle, WA' as my location and my email address
00:04.41Dammthat's so puzzling
00:04.47DammI'm not talking a large blue blob
00:04.57Dammit's showing the radius of my wifi as the blue blob and it's tiny
00:05.10RyeBryeDamm - The NSA?
00:05.19DammRyeBrye, seriously i'm thinking that.
00:05.33tech9inerpolls for raised hands of those whom have tried tethering g1's to laptops?
00:05.41RyeBryeDamm - so it's more specific than just geolocation based on your wifi's public IP?
00:05.45danfuzzi think it makes associations between wifi macids and gps when both are available
00:05.56danfuzzunsure though
00:06.04DammRyeBrye, my public IP doesn't know more then my geoip
00:06.08Dammwhich is the greater seattle area
00:06.48RyeBryedanfuzz - and then it sends both those values to the NSA... I think I saw it in the source under stalkTerroristWifiUsers( ) ;)
00:08.50*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
00:09.36Dammat one point I stored my lat/long in my blog
00:09.41Dammbut I haven't done that in ages.
00:16.09Guest47569any body have info on unpacking a .apk
00:16.46danfuzzit's just a zipfile
00:17.05danfuzzso: unzip blort.apk
00:17.06Guest47569use it with winzip?
00:17.10Guest47569or 7zip
00:17.40danfuzzi don't use windows, but anything that can read standard zipfiles should work
00:18.41Guest47569ok im really new at this but im diving in... how do i open .dex and other files
00:19.17danfuzzdex is the executable format. you don't generally open it, but you could always hexdump it
00:19.26danfuzzor use the "dexdump" tool
00:19.30geisti think dex files are actually random data, used to give you the illusion of actually running something on the device
00:19.33danfuzzwhat are you trying to do?
00:19.37Andomicis there a workaround that would allow me to stream online media that uses flash?
00:19.48geistin reality, dalvik knows what you want and directly inserts it into your brain
00:19.52Guest47569ok the g1 came out with the tetherbit
00:20.12danfuzzheh, geist
00:20.19Guest47569rc30 came out and aparently its not working anymore
00:20.43danfuzzsorry, i can't help you there
00:21.05Guest47569blehh... thanks  anyways
00:21.31Guest47569all i really wanna know how to do is open the .apk so i can see how the guy coded it
00:21.54Guest47569just some kind of something so i can see how it works
00:23.39danfuzzwell you won't find source code
00:23.53danfuzzbut dexdump can show you the disassembly
00:24.07danfuzzyou'll have to learn dalvik bytecode, though
00:24.35danfuzzthat's documented in the source tree in <platform/dalvik/docs>
00:27.49RyeBryeI write my stuff straight in dalvik bytecode anyway
00:28.14danfuzzrock on!
00:28.22RyeBryewell... maybe not :) But I thought about it :)
00:28.44RyeBryemaybe I'll write a Hello World or something
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00:29.07danfuzzevery time someone codes in dalvik bytecode, an angel gets his wings
00:35.33tech9ineris there ANY work arounds for downloading via 3g files unrestricted.. ? or is this practically impossible without major hacks?
00:36.07tech9ineris still taken aback that g1 has such restrictive net access
00:36.22RyeBryeI think it just needs to have something in the system registered to be able to handle the MIME type - so talking to the people who write a file manager like Glance and asking them to register file handlers for stuff would probably do it
00:36.41RyeBryeI think the reason they don't have it just download arbitrary files is because the system was designed to not require a file manager
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00:54.04jammrAm I just stupid or can you not connect an OnClickListener to an ImageButton? :/
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00:54.56d03boyyou're just stupid
00:57.06jackalopenask 499 more times and you might find out.
01:01.02*** join/#android wastrel (n=wastrel@nylug/member/wastrel)
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01:56.32Hiro2how can I fix my android when its running slow..?
01:56.47Hiro2Or how do i check how much memory i have on my phone? not storage card
01:58.58Dammlol, you don't know how to do that by now?
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01:59.37Hiro2found it
01:59.40*** join/#android mib_cufg4x (i=d0365a37@gateway/web/ajax/
01:59.57Hiro236MB available, so why will my phone be lagging when opening messages?
02:00.37Dammtoo many apps open
02:00.38Dammrestart it
02:01.33Hiro2any other reason?
02:01.42Hiro2and btw no apps will install on sd card right? so there's always a limit of how much app we can download?
02:02.05Dammclear your browser cache
02:02.10Dammand no you cannot install apps on your sd card
02:03.02DammKNY, I'll believe it when I see it.
02:03.23Hiro2how do i clear cache?
02:03.23RyeBryeI think it will be a while until that happens
02:03.29KNYI don't think it's a lie or anything, I just won't be holding my breath
02:03.39KNYHiro2, browser settings
02:03.44mib_cufg4xanyone in manhattan up for yakitori and drinks around st marks? bs over android, like whatever
02:03.47DammKNY, pretty much what you just said is my opinion
02:04.11Hiro2KNY: thank you
02:04.36RyeBryeI think what will happen is that future android phones will have a decent amount of internal flash, so nobody else will care except for G1 users
02:05.07mib_cufg4xthat's just cruel to g1 users
02:05.10Hiro2mib: wow yakitori sounds very good right now...
02:05.13DammRyeBrye, the more NAND ram you have the more power it consumes
02:05.25DammRyeBrye, so if you have 512meg you have a lesser battery life
02:05.41KNYDamm, less than the G1? does it have enough juice to boot? ;)
02:06.40DammKNY, the G1 has 256meg? I think
02:06.44DammI forget
02:06.51KNYDamm, that was a rip on the G1's battery life
02:07.00*** part/#android Surye (
02:07.11mib_cufg4xHiro2, yeah one of our japanese friends will be joining us. gonna be a fun night even with the rain
02:07.13d03boyit takes power to run your multiplexors!
02:07.29DammKNY, ahh
02:07.42*** join/#android tech9iner (
02:08.00DammI reached 6days standby on my Sony Ericsson Z750a
02:08.08Dammhowever my G1... lasts 2-days tops
02:08.21tech9inerso mates.. htf does one get all ones data from one g1 to a replacement g1.. /me was asking 2 days here for true backup..
02:08.24RyeBryeDamm - you get 2 days? WTF? What are you doing to get such awesome battery life?
02:08.35tech9ineri just swapped out my phone & lotsa contacts & call logs etc are all gone..
02:08.36RyeBryeDamm - Mine wont last more than overnight if i don't have it plugged in
02:08.39DammRyeBrye, 0 talk time... only use it for text
02:08.51RyeBryeI have brightness on 0 too
02:08.58tech9inerhtf does one move  A L L  data over to new g1 from old g1 please?
02:09.02Dammwifi is turned off
02:09.07RyeBryeALthough I think some piece of shit app is making my GPS be polled constantly
02:09.10Dammno background apps running cept messaging
02:09.19RyeBryeI can't figure out what the hell is doing it - I think it might be pintail
02:09.30Dammgps should be off unless the app is in foreground
02:09.31Dammi thought
02:09.39RyeBryeYeah, you would htink
02:09.46RyeBryeRight now it's not doing it
02:10.10RyeBryebut I completely reloaded my phone and I haven't launched pintail on it yet
02:10.30DammI barely have anything on mine cept a few games
02:10.32Dammunloaded Locale
02:10.45RyeBryeLocale is a cool idea
02:10.46Dammvibrate + ring at the highest volume, all I get is nagios text messages
02:10.58Dammyeah I was trying to track down what was causing my phone to not wake me at night
02:11.06Dammjust switched nagios to send to my gmail instead
02:11.17Dammi may hard reset it, and create a custom gmail just for nagios
02:11.36Dammgmail = faster then mms/text.
02:11.56RyeBryeyour nagios is sending SMS through an email gateway?
02:11.57Dammand it works over wifi/etc
02:12.07RyeBryeYeah, that is slow
02:12.21RyeBryeSMS from a straight up SMSC gateway is super fast - but it costs per each message you send
02:13.09RyeBryeI'm working on an on-call notification system for doctors right now and we use SMS as one of the notfication methods... it's so fast that we can get replies up on the screen in the ED before the doctors phone has even registered it is done sending the message
02:13.17RyeBryeI was amazed to see it work that fast
02:14.17Dammwell it's in a datacenter
02:14.24Dammso to a SMSC isn't really worth while
02:14.33unix_infidelRyeBrye: heh, as compared to other messaging protocols that operate on basic IP ;-P where the lag is an extra 100ms.
02:14.36RyeBryeYeah, doing straight email make sense
02:14.40unix_infideland 100x cheaper.
02:14.50RyeBryeunix_infidel - you are right
02:15.01Dammwell we have unlimited text/mms
02:15.05Dammso we don't care about cost
02:15.21Dammcompany ponied up a bunch of G1's with 5k minutes and unlim data/text/mms
02:15.22RyeBryeunix_infidel - but we don't buy the phones for the doctors, and sms is a lot easier to support across all phones than IP-based stuff
02:15.25unix_infidelDamm: he's setting up a system, which will require cost of setting up a messaging service.
02:15.34Hiro2mib: it'll be 1+ japanese friend if i go, lol
02:15.49Hiro2ah he's not here
02:15.51Dammunix_infidel, honestly i don't think i've ever done to an SMSC... there's usually a modem involved and dialing up
02:15.56RyeBryeunix_infidel - the cost of each message could be 100x higher than it is, and it still would beirrelevant
02:16.01Dammand it's just not available on non 250+ line accounts with t-mobile
02:16.09Dammif memory serves
02:16.26DammI forget what the service is called off the top of my head, but it's a 9600 baud modem that you just dialup to and send a text message thru
02:16.42RyeBryeYeah, we outsource our sms stuff though - so we don't have the smsc connection ourselves
02:17.18RyeBryeSMS isn't the end-all be-all of the messaging system either - it's just one method
02:17.19unix_infidelRyeBrye: but that's the banality of telecom.
02:17.20*** join/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
02:17.30unix_infidelsimilar to email.
02:18.31RyeBryebut... anyway... the original point was - SMS can be very fast if you aren't using the email gateways, but unless you really need it to be as fast as it can be the cost really doesn't justify it
02:19.04RyeBrye$0.05 per message for < 1 sec or $0.00 per message for ??? time
02:19.07DammRyeBrye, T-Mobile's pretty crappy when it comes to SMS though, it can come 8hours late even from another T-mobile Customer
02:19.30*** join/#android mattgyver83 (
02:19.37unix_infidelRyeBrye: that's if you're outsourcing, like you are...
02:19.44Dammtruthfully i'd stick it on my Z750a but there's no point after i set it to gmail
02:20.28RyeBryeunix_infidel - yeah, I suppose smsc would be even cheaper if you did it yourself... but this is still a project in its early phases
02:20.58Dammsadly that was my first project at this job I have
02:21.00Dammroll out nagios
02:21.07unix_infidelRyeBrye: i'm under the impression that high availability messaging will be scooped under the medical devices umbrella.
02:21.14Dammit was like new to them, because they never had nagios
02:21.16unix_infidelif you say you didnt get the page, you'll be accountable.
02:21.29DammI can't imagine the thought of a company not having nagios
02:21.40unix_infidelno more, the carrier effed up, or my device is unreliable.
02:21.40Dammif you buy 2 F5 BigIP's, and you don't have nagios?
02:21.42RyeBryeunix_infidel - Yeah, that's why sms isn't the end-all be-all of the messaging system... each specialty has different requirements and we have fallback methods
02:21.59unix_infidelRyeBrye: which is the wrong approach entirely.
02:22.07unix_infidelthat's like saying, lets have multiple crappy encryption methods.
02:22.37Hiro2tech9iner: ping
02:22.39RyeBryeunix_infidel - having a strong encyrption doesn't matter if the client on the other end refuses to use it
02:22.43Hiro2tech9iner: how did you get a new G1?
02:23.01RyeBryeunix_infidel - Doctors don't like to be told how to do their jobs...
02:23.18unix_infidelRyeBrye: unless they are told how to do their jobs.
02:24.30RyeBryeunix_infidel - if you saw the current systems they use, you'd probably cry
02:24.41unix_infidelRyeBrye: i'm well aware.
02:24.51tech9inerHiro2, ordered it from tmo?
02:25.02RyeBryeunix_infidel - just picture an ED room with a person with a binder with about 3-dozen sheets of paper all in different formats listing who is on call for which specialty...
02:25.18RyeBryeand that's for the LUCKY ones that have it organized into 1 binder
02:25.26Hiro2tech9iner: did you get a replacement? or just one G1?
02:25.27unix_infidelRyeBrye: the words thumb tack come to mind.
02:25.34RyeBryeYeah, no joke
02:25.45tech9inerHiro2, oh wait.. u mean how 2nd replacement?.. called & bitched them out daily since 2nd day i had it 2.5 wks back.. have huge documentation of all tmo's shortcomings & g1's eccentricities mate..
02:26.23Hiro2tech9iner: I'm still under 14 days since I got it, do you think I can get a new one if I bitch them?
02:26.27tech9inerHiro2, new g1 in box.. then replacement only.. they literally sent me just the phone.. no battery.. no cover.. no micro sd.. phone only..
02:26.55tech9inerHiro2, with legitimate whines of course.. id get a new one in 73 days if need be..
02:27.02Hiro2tech9iner: I wonder if it's refurbished
02:27.22RyeBryeMy one that I bought new was obviously at least used once before - it was already activated and had some weird gmail account already paired with it
02:27.27RyeBryeI bought it online
02:27.31Hiro2tech9iner: Pm?
02:27.31RyeBrye(from tmobile)
02:27.33tech9inersqueeky wheel gets da grease as it were #1.. #2.. t9's an old telecom consultant.. ;]]].. i know how to grind 'em dow
02:28.22tech9inerHiro2, suspect it is refurb'd mate.. they warned me.. the only way they assure brand new replacements?.. is if one ships phone to them in orig box.. THEN they ship new r&r.. i bitched them out bout that too hehe
02:29.03RyeBryetech9iner - my "New in box" wasn't even "new in box" (see my comment above - it was already paired with some strange gmail account)
02:29.17Hiro2ByeBrye: that sucks, I guess I should think I'm fortunate?
02:29.26tech9inerwtf tmobile???? its been on street for days & you cant send me brand new boxed r&r when my 1st g1 had reset mid call probs on 3rd day of use??.. 'sir if you asked us to send replacement then let u return rma phone.. no gaurantees its new' omfg..
02:29.39tech9inerive been w tmo for less than 3 wks.. & already abhor them
02:29.55tech9inerRyeBrye, via tmo i suspect eh?
02:29.58tech9inertmo sux..
02:30.06tech9inertheir 3g is intermettent..
02:30.07Hiro2tech9iner: does "let me talk to your supervisor" work?
02:30.30tech9inertakes bout 3 calls Hiro2  to get expidited to tier 2 support
02:30.55tech9inerHiro2, and thats only after calling them ea day & forcing many notes on acct..
02:31.45tech9inerea time u have g1 hiccups.. call THEN.., & demand even if no time to hang out & resolve/troubleshoot.. just force them to note the problem then hangup.. take notes locally of the rep name time date etc..
02:32.03tech9inerjust like courts of law.. the one w most documentation WINS!
02:32.32tech9inerjust saw ur pm request Hiro2 .. mea culpa.. wasnt ignoring it.. missed it lad
02:32.34*** join/#android m2 (n=marcelo@
02:32.54tech9inernow me beaf is.. htf? does one move ALL data over tween the g1's..
02:33.05tech9ineri ASSumed the sim had 98%..
02:33.18tech9inerbut lost all call logs.. important to my biz.. etc..
02:33.42tech9inercant seem to find ANY apps or ?? ways to do g1 FULL backups ANYwhere?
02:33.58Hiro2have 2 SIM cards, start both up and manually transfer I guess?
02:34.16tech9ineras bad as i wanted this phone.. im living my suspiciouns pre'order.. its out the door microsux style.. undeveloped & supported
02:34.40tech9inerHiro2, sim card doesnt contain call logs mate..
02:35.20unix_infidelpre-order in the UK?
02:35.21tech9inerjust reverted the g1 swap out.. sure enough.. call logs still maintained in orig g1..
02:35.38tech9ineris usa..
02:39.24Dammtech9iner, nope
02:39.30Dammthere's nothing on the sim
02:39.32*** join/#android matt_c (
02:39.34Dammit's mostly on the google cloud
02:39.41Dammtech9iner, you can do an adb pull / adb push
02:39.43Dammbetween devices
02:40.23mattgyver83is it possible to sync a wireless keyboard to work with the g1?
02:40.31mattgyver83via bluetooth
02:40.54Dammmattgyver83, no bluetooth profile cept voice gateway
02:40.59d03boyanything is possible when you're in pappy's cabin
02:41.00Dammnot even obex
02:41.46mattgyver83too bad theres no vnc client yet.
02:42.01Dammthat too
02:42.11d03boyalright hoes
02:42.16d03boyI need to make myself a screen
02:43.13tech9inerDamm, again?.. adb pull / push?..
02:43.43tech9inerDamm, perhaps not clear as mudd lad.. i have one simm card.. one battery.. & 2 g1 shells ;]]
02:44.34tech9inerthat'll be $5 d03boy .. same as downtown..
02:44.47tech9inerd03boy, 'hoes' ;]]
02:45.18tech9inergoogles 'adb pull or push'
02:46.46tech9ineris a cheap arse hoe.. will negotiate for mcgriddles for breakfast ..
02:47.24tech9inerDamm, are you saying my call logs on the g1 are in cloud?.. be bit surprised here if yes..
02:47.59tech9inerthinks.. call logs in cloud.. yet cant download a fckg file or two?.. go figure..
02:48.33*** join/#android Leeds (
02:48.53tech9inerlol @ damm .. 'damm' you good..
02:49.02d03boyPUN INTENDED
02:49.43*** part/#android donio (
02:50.47tech9inerDamm, must admit mate.. this is beyond me skills.. too too command line warlock'ish for my video brain.. isnt the a tard simple way to just backup all data on a laptop at all via g1's tether?
02:51.05tech9iner*there a tard...
02:52.19*** join/#android muthu_ (n=mobeegal@
02:58.27tech9inerlotsa hand hacks/work rounds 2 b had that site.. finally.. even howto down mp3's from gmail.. niyice
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03:09.26tech9inerniyice.. mibbit irc via g1.. coo ness
03:09.57tech9iner_t9 sux!!! ;))
03:11.13d03boyi like t9
03:11.27tech9iner& here i was awaiting irc client for g1.. bah
03:11.40d03boytech, lol
03:11.42tech9inernow i can beg n whine bout g1 FROM g1 hehe
03:12.10tech9inerchecks off one g1 wishlist i tim
03:12.12fnordg1connectbot+irssi ftw
03:12.36tech9ineroyea tx fnordg1 .. we 4got that mention earlier this day lad..
03:13.05tech9inerwtf's our fav root access terminal app for g1 specific to the adb push/pulls then lads N lassies police?
03:13.40tech9inerhas a new kid on block feel like his sux2tux migration days bout 7 yrs back all afresh n fun like..
03:13.58SplasPoodhax up ansi art for initlogo.rle use
03:13.58fnordg1that made no sense :p
03:14.07tech9inernot getting any of my business tasks completed for now.. but.. having fun i am iyam
03:14.30tech9inerfnordg1, if the music is too loud lad.. you're too old applies here ;]]]]
03:15.29tech9inerfnordg1, have a favorite root terminal for your g1?.. or just into language parse critiques hehe
03:17.09fnordg1tech9iner: tcsh
03:17.35tech9inerchecks market..
03:18.24fnordg1screw bash and it's lack of complete-word-fwd
03:19.03tmzttab? it's not emacs
03:19.45tech9inertx tmzt .. seeking best fit for the adb push/pull specifically..
03:19.47fnordg1oh you said terminal not shell. i use my modifid term.apk
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03:22.53Neverender2wants an equalizer
03:23.21tech9inerfnordg1, term.apk?.. is that via market then please?
03:23.39tech9ineris looking now & not seeing terminals in market yet..
03:24.03Neverender2should be called Terminal Emulator
03:24.05Neverender2in the market
03:24.17tech9inertx Neverender2
03:24.49*** join/#android andyross (
03:30.01tech9ineranyone here adb pushed out to cloud their g1's data yet?.. or have a handy howto on it?
03:30.35*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
03:30.49tech9inerlol.. im getting lotsa perm denied sofar lol
03:31.23fnordg1clarify cloud g1 data :p
03:32.32fnordg1and you do have root yeh?
03:33.08andyrossis trying to decide if cloud is a verb in that question...
03:34.35tech9inerroflmfao @ me me me.. AGain! lol.. t9 found his first working term emulator command that works flawlessly on the g1.. woohoo.. 'exit'
03:34.40fnordg1heh hmm the app is actually good
03:35.19tech9inerive enjoyed somewhat fnordg1 the imeem too.. albeit its library appears to loop bout 11 songs per station over n over n ..... blah blah infinitum
03:35.29tech9inernods n waves..
03:36.12fnordg1yeh i listen to obscure stuff
03:36.53tech9inerfnordg1, sorry.. off googling androidish things.. 'cloud' as in adb pushing out all my original g1's call logs etc.. iow.. grab A L L orig g1's data & push out to cloud.. then swap out battery / simm to replacement g1.. & pull down same from cloud
03:38.05tech9inertoo sad noone's created a true top2bottom backup util for g1's data yet
03:38.33tech9inerbe nice to backup all.. swap out rma g1's.. then just restore
03:38.43fnordg1tech9iner: oh i just rsync to my sserver
03:39.29fnordg1but restores are iffy
03:40.40tech9inerfnordg1, cant afford iffy with all my mission critical client data etc..
03:41.01andyrosstech9iner: that won't work for a stock G1.  Applications can't write to each other's data.  With root, it's fairly trivial.  Just copy the /data partition.
03:41.07fnordg1iffy = ?
03:41.09tech9inerryder penske fedex etc execs have no patience for excuses like.. 'i lost ur number'
03:41.27tech9inerfnordg1, ?.. re: your <fnordg1> but restores are iffy
03:41.51tech9inermission critical my data here..
03:41.55tech9inerby the by..
03:42.11fnordg1contacts are easy. also sms
03:42.32fnordg1app settings is another story
03:42.49*** join/#android Neverender1 (
03:42.51tech9ineranyone sides t9 having tard time getting a palm treo 700wx [ugh.. microsux mobile[NOT!] 5] to successfully pair via bluetooth to complete beams of contact data ?
03:42.53wastrelthere's no todo/organizer app
03:43.10wastreli've never used bluetooth
03:43.11tech9inerfnordg1, apps as in android's call logs iow?
03:43.21wastrelyou can beam data over bluetooth on palm?  neat
03:43.25wastrelpalm -> android?
03:43.44fnordg1as in connectbot prefs
03:44.08tech9inerNOT wastrel .. i could not one single time get the mobileKnott 5 on my old treo to pair either way with g1
03:44.10LeedsI would go as far as to say Palm 'popularised' obox over bluetooth
03:44.22Leedsthe g1 does not support that sort of thing... yet
03:45.39tech9inerfnordg1, hmmm.. mk.. so still no takers here on aforementioned adb push android core data out to cloud from original g1 phone.. then adb pull down same data to rma replacement g1 then?
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03:47.02tech9inersomeone here earlier this day mentioned this like it was eyes closed simple.. course they were with geekazoid brain.. im strange combination of mouse hating keyboard pc operator that is utterly nonlogical or video brain type & command line challenged.. go figure.. '20%'er' here..
03:47.40tech9inerLeeds, so seems the g1 supports simple headset pairing via bt.. but not beaming via bt then aye?
03:48.02Leedsas far as I know, that's the case now
03:48.22tech9inercoo ness tx for educated guess Leeds mate..
03:48.55infernixanyone tried cdc ethernet between a G1 and pc/laptop?
03:49.16infernixover USB that is?
03:49.28Leedsassuming one can write to the contact list, it shouldn't be horribly hard to do incoming contacts...
03:50.04fnordg1got root? got server? know how to use rsync or such? then yes you can backup. got a little time? then yes you can restore.
03:50.54fnordg1call logs are in an sqlite db. find it and you know what to restore
03:52.17tech9inerfnordg1, got any handy dandy dirty diaper saving howto url's that are granny simple on using rsync on g1's as referred?.. NO pressure! ;]]
03:52.20Leedsfnordg1: the question for all the sqlite stuff is what the chances are that there is some other data somewhere you need to copy as well
03:52.51fnordg1Leeds: true.
03:53.17fnordg1i should release a backup script heh
03:53.33Leedshmm, is the sqlite binary command-line tool on the phone?
03:54.00fnordg1no but i cross compiled one
03:54.32fnordg1it needs glibc. sec
03:55.03tech9inerfnordg1, if one has huge 250g hdd on one's lappy?.. wtf not just rsync every i0i0 on the g1 period?
03:55.19tech9inershirley g1's internal rom cant hold much data..
03:59.21tech9inerahh.. t9 found some cli's to play with.. prolly just enough to destroy my g1 muahahaha
04:00.09tech9inerfnordg1, sorry to keep confusing thee mate.. i0i0 meaning entire g1's data.. 1's & 0's ;]]
04:00.25Leedstech9iner: can I suggest the amazing thing we call "English"
04:00.34d03boyLeeds, thank you!
04:00.52tech9inerbeyond my skills Leeds but tx for suggestions.. ;]]
04:01.29fnordg1well that's what rsync is does heh
04:02.06tech9inerfnordg1, ie your .. should i grab any of that?.. or best leave b?
04:02.43fnordg1tech9iner: do you know unix admin stuff?
04:02.47tech9inerfnordg1, thinking these are needed to accomplish your advised rsync no?
04:03.26tech9inernot sans warm soft hands of the generous few that are admins admittedly fnordg1 ;]].. note the 2nd word in 'gui dependent' ? ;]]
04:03.56fnordg1nah that is for peeking at internals
04:04.09tech9inerfnordg1, so not needed for rsync then
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04:04.59tech9inerfnordg1, i do have the rma phone in hand here & would love to get me call logs & all user data over to it from original g1 SINcerely..
04:05.41fnordg1ok. do you have root on both?
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04:06.51fnordg1if so i can tell you what to do when i get home
04:07.19fnordg1if not...i am not sure
04:07.22tech9inerfnordg1, lol.. mate.. i have one battery.. one simm card.. one case cover.. one microsd.. and two g1 shells..
04:08.05Leedsthere should be an easy answer to this: how do I get my battery level without plugging in?
04:08.28`vipPhone Info
04:08.32tech9inerfnordg1, i was sheeting you not laddie when i said tmobile literally send g1 barely.. no cover.. no battery.. no sd.. no simm.. barely included the rma return shipping label.. counting me blessings with tard tmobile in me 3wks with them
04:08.36`vipsomething like that :l
04:09.05Leeds`vip: danke - 1%
04:09.43tech9inerFnord^-, i do have two handy laptops sporting vista xp & opensuse 11 tho fnordg1 .. hehe.. does rsync play well with either of them os's?.. methinks yes yes
04:09.47Leedsup 63 hours... I'm trying to kill the battery so I can do a full discharge/recharge cycle
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04:11.05fnordg1tech9iner: you need root access to both g1s
04:11.25tech9inerLeeds, i ignored tmo's ChicGeekGrrl support tech's early suggestion upon my complaints bout my brand new g1's battery not holding charges well.. i mean really.. 2008.. battery memory is obsolete no?.. well.. accidentally let phone die 2 nites past.. omfg.. it now holds charge bout 3x as well as before
04:11.41fnordg1unless there is an official way
04:11.55Leedstech9iner: English, motherfscker, do you speak it?
04:11.58tech9inerponders if his similar battery in his treo 700wx would fit back 0 a g1..
04:12.35tech9inerLeeds, breathe lad.. lets not be english snob please..
04:12.46fnordg1oh? draining batt makes it last longer?
04:12.51LeedsI'm English and I'm a snob
04:13.00tech9inerLeeds, indeed lad.. indeed
04:13.13tech9inersuch a waste of good community..
04:13.40Leedsfnordg1: it's certainly the case in other phones - not so much that it lasts longer as it lets the charging circuitry calibrate against your actual phone/battery, rather than an assumed 'average'
04:14.41tech9inerfnordg1, last clarification mate.. is there no way to rsync to laptop?.. then restore from said laptop to rma g1?
04:14.44Leedsfor example, on my old Palm, it tended to last a *long* time on 1% or 0% - because the battery wasn't really as empty as it thought
04:15.26wastrelsorry, wishful thinking :]
04:15.54unix_infideli dunno, if the battery life issue with the G1 is simply a software bug, or a calibration bug, it seems like a high priority bugfix is in order.
04:16.02unix_infidelmaybe not as big as a root bugfix, but along the same lines.
04:16.13fnordg1not unless you have root
04:16.15Leedsdepending on the load you were putting on it, easily 30-45 minutes after it hit 0%
04:16.16wastrelmy battery gets me through the day
04:16.33wastrelwhich is more than i could say for my old hpone
04:16.36fnordg1mineis terrible
04:16.45wastreli have gps off
04:16.52unix_infidelwastrel: a day is not 12 hours on the planet I'm from.
04:16.52RyeBryeMy battery will go from 100% until 15% (telling me I need to plug it in) if I just leave it next to my bed at night with the screen off
04:17.00tech9inerfnordg1, root is not an  issue on laptops.. now.. this begs question.. is there an issue with accessing root privileges on g1's via terminal emulators then perhaps?
04:17.15wastrel"the day" yeah not 24hr
04:17.25tech9inerfires up terminal in g1 & checks.. hmm.. no whoami on android seems..
04:17.31wastreli think it helps that i'm a block from a cell tower
04:17.34RyeBryetech9iner - type "id"
04:17.40RyeBryetech9iner if it is 0, you are root
04:17.48RyeBryetech9iner - but you are probably not root
04:18.04tech9inertx muchly RyeBrye
04:18.08LeedsRyeBrye: not necessarily
04:18.13unix_infidelarent there shortcuts you can place on the main screens to turn off GPS, 3G, WiFi (respectively)
04:18.37Dammthere's an application for it
04:18.40fnordg1yes there is an issue..tmo or htc or google do not want you to have root
04:18.47Dammbut nah, there is no real shortcut
04:19.03unix_infidelDamm: meaning it's more than two taps away?
04:19.06Dammfnordg1, s/(htc|google)/t-mobile
04:19.13wastrelyou can use anycut
04:19.30Dammunix_infidel, well there was an App I installed (toggler or something stupid like that) and it let me turn on wifi/gps/etc with a single tap
04:19.33wastrelfor wifi at least, i haven't made enough use of gps to bother with that
04:19.37Dammrun the app, tap it on, click close
04:19.51Dammi forget why i removed it
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04:20.10wastrelwith anycut i have an icon that pops me right into wifi prefs, it can apparently do that with any activity on the device
04:20.21wastrelthen it's a single tap to enable or disable
04:20.40unix_infidelLeeds: you're only on 2.5G in HK right?
04:21.08unix_infidelgood metric for battery life there...
04:21.14Leedsunix_infidel: yeah... there's loads of 3G, and I actually did try out a 3G contract recently with my previous phone, but I'm happy with my cheap-n-cheerful EDGE :-)
04:21.48Leedsunder US$15 for unlimited EDGE, unlimited use of my network's wifi, 1000 minutes of voice...
04:22.24tech9inerhmm.. ie root.. my term output of 'id' cli =
04:22.25Leedsanyway, yes, that should improve the battery lif
04:22.47unix_infidelLeeds: it's more of a question of how's your battery life at 3G off all the time.
04:22.53tech9inerwtf speeds is edge there Leeds ?
04:23.13Leedstech9iner: tops out around 200kbit
04:24.03tech9inerhmm.. thats better than my recently etf charged & killed tard spring u727 broadband speeds even for US$60 ! damn
04:24.42d03boytech9iner, you really do need to take your time while typing
04:25.31tech9ineri used to sit my laptop on hood of my auto next to one of my lead technician's laptop with verizon air card.. my down was maxed out round 200 kbps down/ max on good days of 75up.. his?.. 2500 down/600up
04:26.08Leedsjust downloaded a speedtest :-)
04:26.10DarkriftXtech9iner, you do not have root in that pic
04:26.11tech9inertx d03boy .. u loved me earlier.. hehe.. should've gotten it in writing before you changed your mind lad rolf..
04:26.17DarkriftXit would be uid 0
04:26.19tech9inerDarkriftX, tx muchly..
04:26.27tech9inerso how do we reach root mates?
04:26.38wastrelis your phone updated to R30 ?
04:26.38Leedstech9iner: are you running r30?
04:26.50DarkriftXyeah, do you ahve rc30?
04:26.57tech9ineri suppose the bits i read bout updates i saw down yesterday or before killed root huh
04:27.14tech9inerlemme check DarkriftX .. ASSuming yes on this
04:27.28DarkriftXif so, you cannot get root until a new expliot is released
04:27.34wastrelin home menu>settings>about phone
04:27.51wastrelbuild number should have string RC30
04:27.59wastrel"RC30" in it
04:28.02DarkriftXand im sure it does
04:28.05LeedsI seem to be maxing around 90kbit now
04:28.16DarkriftXits been a while since its released, unless you activly stopped it, you prob got the update forced
04:28.29tech9inerwastrel, tx chum
04:28.30wastreli have rc30
04:28.44unix_infidelLeeds: that's pretty terrible especially for SE Asia.
04:29.21Leedsunix_infidel: I've seen faster... may well depend on the cell, the usage, etc. - and remember, "cheap'n'cheerful"
04:29.37tech9inerindeedy rc30 mates..
04:29.44DarkriftXthen you can give up on root for now
04:29.45Leedstech9iner: then no root for you!
04:29.48unix_infidelLeeds: how much is WiMax in HK?
04:29.56Leedsthere is no wimax in HK
04:30.04DarkriftXkeep an eye on my wiki, some ppl are working on a new root and ill post it there when its ready
04:30.06Fnord^-no root = no backup/restore, unless someone knows of another way
04:31.18tech9inerDarkriftX, supposing this is only good IF ONE prepped the last rc29 eh?
04:31.21Leedsunix_infidel: why would you think there would be?  the only places which have rolled-out wimax are Korea and a couple of US cities, AFAIK
04:32.24tech9inerhmmm.. dammit.. as much a fan as i yam of all google things.. seems they've designed this android os overly restrictive ..
04:32.25unix_infidelLeeds: not sure, just assumed. ya know how that goes.
04:32.33DarkriftXblame tmo
04:32.36unix_infidelwould be interested to see how People's 3G speeds compare though.
04:32.41unix_infidel(real world)
04:32.42DarkriftXgoogle would have left it more open
04:32.55LeedsPeoples don't have 3G - they're the only network in HK who don't
04:33.04LeedsDarkriftX: don't bet on it
04:33.24unix_infidelwow, crazy.
04:33.27tech9inerso basically im fsckd out of root access to adb push all my orig g1's data out to cloud or even rsync back it up & restore it to rma g1 eh gents?
04:33.32Leedsmaking your user run as a non-root user on top of a Unix kernel gives you a *lot* of security, out of the box
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04:33.47Leedsyay, not enough battery to even boot :-D
04:34.07unix_infidelLeeds: heh, how long since your last charge :-P
04:34.07Leedsunix_infidel: in some ways, HK is very advanced - in others, it's really backward
04:34.25unix_infidelLeeds: like, the lack of breatheable air in certain seasons ;-P
04:34.33Leedsabout 8 hours since it was unplugged, but it was only charged to something like 40% then
04:34.46tech9inerconcentrates on Leeds battery drain'age with all his strange esp powers... hehe
04:35.17Leedsit was fully-charged 19 hours ago or so, and has had maybe 15-20 minutes of power (the good strong 240V stuff!) since then
04:35.28tech9inerponders if the rma g1 sent BEFORE the rc updates pushed out is still rc29..
04:36.12tech9inerdont suppose that would help much tho huh fnordg1 .. one phone having root but #1 g1 no root.. same catch 22 huh
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04:36.45DarkriftXwell if the new one is rc28, then turn it off, deny any updates and read my wiki
04:36.57Fnord^-i don't think you'd have permissions to access call log database
04:36.57DarkriftXyou can do the "keeping root" method and update that way
04:37.10DarkriftXso at least you get root afterwards
04:37.42tech9inerthinks he may just give up on g1 & may just work on installing his fresh down of opensuse11 dvd iso on this microsux vista laptop anyhow
04:38.14tech9inerhell for chitz & giggles.. lemme swap battery & see rc on rma g1
04:38.55Leedsunix_infidel: $98 (+$12 or so for 'tunnel fees') is stabilising as the standard fee for a data-centric contact... PCCW give 60MB of 3G data, unlimited wifi - and they have a lot of access points - and a bunch of voice, with extra data charges capped around $268 - so a maximum of around US$50 for unlimited wifi, data and lots of voice
04:39.05tech9inerhad already had the brilliant idea of using tether usb cable to power up the 2nd g1.. eh.. ahem.. so much for that idea.. battery necessity seems hehe
04:40.27unix_infidelLeeds: heh, i'd rather pay the extra 75 bucks in the US and get all that plus decent public services like potable water ;-)
04:40.39unix_infidelheh, jk.
04:41.09tech9inerdammit.. heres a simple ? mates.. wtf? is the best g1 cover removal tact police?
04:41.12Leedsthe water here is perfectly potable... but the plumbing in a lot of buldings isn't safe
04:41.26d03boytech9iner, your "sentence" doesnt make sense
04:41.29tech9inerno clear tab / grab slots like on some phones.. dont wanna break of tabs
04:41.33unix_infidelI've been dying to make it out to China / HK in the next year.
04:41.36Leedsreaches for his /ignore
04:41.43Leedsunix_infidel: if you do, ping me :-)
04:41.44d03boyLeeds, ill go with ya
04:41.51tech9inerhow to remove the cover?
04:41.55tech9inersimple enough?
04:41.57d03boyI wish my /ignore would still show when someone types, just not show what they type
04:42.20unix_infidelLeeds: heh, in a couple months, currency arbitrage will make it extremely attractive ;-)
04:43.02Leedsunix_infidel: are you coming from the US?
04:43.07unix_infidelLeeds: yes.
04:43.33LeedsHKD/USD is formally pegged - and the HK government has spent a fortune recently supporting the peg... CNY/USD is informally pegged
04:44.15Leedsfloating pegs, but not allowed to float very far
04:44.22tech9inerwow DarkriftX lol.. this rma phone is rc19 .. tmobile is right on top as usual seems hehe
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04:44.59tech9inerDarkriftX, so.. if i follow your wiki steps on rc19.. will it help me keep root on this unit forward then?
04:45.17DarkriftXroot it, update the recovery, then update to rc30
04:45.25DarkriftXfirst, rename your certs
04:45.33Fnord^-modified rc30
04:45.41DarkriftXroot, rename certs, update recovery, update to modified RC30
04:45.46tech9inershow me the url on your wiki please DarkriftX
04:46.32DarkriftX then  (2 links at bottom of that page for after you root it, folow those)
04:46.38unix_infidelLeeds: my point being you can only put so may "pegs" in a sinking ship.
04:46.48tech9inerlol.. i pressed f6 form my years on konversation.. doesnt do much on xchat lol
04:47.28tech9inertx muchly DarkriftX .. tis appreciated.. IS appreciated even lmao..
04:51.31tech9inernotes in term on rma g1 that 'id' output looks suspicously similar to the no root original g1.. hopes..
04:52.20Leedstech9iner: hit return, type "telnetd", hit return
04:52.51Leedsnow telnet into your phone, and hey presto root
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04:54.41tech9inerleeds.. this isnt the first time this 'typing commands while ignoring screen output' hasnt faired well for me.. the 'reboot' trick never worked either..
04:55.07Leedsremembers his ignore
04:55.39tech9inerLeeds, i rebooted phone.. pressed the return key.. typed t e l n e t d & pressed enter key again.. it left me in contacts showing the command typed searching for matching contact records.. no terminal on screen ?
04:56.00tech9inerLeeds, ignore for wtf for mate?.. english no good now?
04:56.05Leedsarse... and how does that include "telnet into your phone"?
04:56.41tech9inermissed that line entirely Leeds .. could be related to the outcome.. lmao
04:56.43tech9iner@ me me
04:56.57tech9inergoogles howto telnet into g1's ..
04:57.11tech9ineri havent telnet into anything at all in years
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04:59.42ITechJunkieHey guys, is there any way to use vlc to stream video to android?
05:00.04ITechJunkieAnd assuming there is, how can you view it?
05:00.23Leedsprobably not - yet
05:00.40ITechJunkieLeeds: what makes you think so?
05:01.04Leedsbecause I'm not aware of anything, and I am a know-it-all
05:01.17ITechJunkieLeeds: lol
05:01.28ITechJunkieI guess i'll just have to take you're word for it
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05:05.22tech9inerpossibly the first hiccup your wiki howto DarkriftX .. following # Type "telnetd\r" ON THE PHONE KEYBOARD .. and pressing enter i see output "not found" ?..
05:05.36tech9inerDarkriftX, ignore & continue ?
05:06.03Leedstech9iner: did you actually type the \r?
05:06.09tech9inerDarkriftX, dont have the simm card in this rc19 rma g1..
05:07.11LeedsDarkriftX: little test to catch those who don't know enough to deserve root? ;-)
05:09.17Gary135791(22:58:59) (tech9iner) i havent telnet into anything at all in years
05:09.25Gary135791How do you forget how to telnet?
05:09.30Gary135791telnet <insert IP here>
05:09.50tech9iner Leeds
05:09.56Gary135791(23:01:30) (ITechJunkie) Hey guys, is there any way to use vlc to stream video to android?
05:09.56tech9ineryes is the answer..
05:10.02Gary135791Probably not, but whats wrong with orb?
05:10.11Leedsha ha ha, fail!
05:10.18DarkriftXtech9iner, that wiki somewhat assumes you know what to do with root, which assumes you know \r is a return
05:10.30DarkriftXand i didnt write the wiki, i host it
05:10.35DarkriftXits written by the community
05:10.50DarkriftXyou type "telnetd" and hit enter
05:10.58tech9ineraha.. like pos manpages eh DarkriftX .. lol.. written by geeks for geeks ASSumptively
05:11.06ITechJunkieGary135791: how do I get orb for android?!
05:11.10Gary135791tech9iner: why are you trying to start telnetd when you're already running it?
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05:11.17Gary135791ITechJunkie: IIRC they added it a couple days ago
05:11.19Gary135791I haven't tried it
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05:11.27Gary135791just go to on your g1 I guess
05:11.49ITechJunkieGary135791: awesome, thanks
05:11.56wastrelwhat's orb?
05:12.02Gary135791tech9iner: If you don't know something this simple, root will probably screw up your g1 anyway.
05:13.01tech9ineraye DarkriftX  the quotations round "telnetd\r" arent very clear to nongeeks huh..
05:13.09ITechJunkiewastrel: media streamer, video, tv, music, whatever. to multiple devices
05:13.19DarkriftXtech9iner, arent you a linux user?
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05:13.57wastreli don't have any medai
05:13.57Gary135791DarkriftX: Linux doesn't require common sense anymore, thanks to ubuntu!
05:14.04wastrelubuntu <3
05:14.08DarkriftXhey, i use *buntu :@
05:14.09ITechJunkiewastrel: bummer
05:14.09wastrelwon't play my dvds tho
05:14.14Gary135791I did too
05:14.20Gary135791Love it, but it oversimplifies a lot imo
05:14.27DarkriftXeasiest to make look like windows so my wife would stop bitching about using it
05:14.31ITechJunkiewastrel: I have ubuntu as well
05:14.51DarkriftXbesides those crap distros like lindows etc
05:14.57Gary135791last time I used it, it fought with my thinkpad for days
05:14.59Gary135791and I gave up
05:15.04DarkriftXworks great for me
05:15.04Gary135791went to a slimmed down XP
05:15.20Dammhasn't used windows in about 2-3years
05:15.37wastreli haven't ever used windows as a primary OS
05:15.54Gary135791Wine just still isn't good enough for me to make the switch. VMs are nice, but slow.
05:15.57DammI started with an Apple II, DOS.
05:16.01wastrelappalingly ignorant about it given my job involves supporting it :]
05:16.01LeedsI haven't used windows as a primary OS since 1998
05:16.03DammI used Windows for a short time
05:16.24LeedsI have worked for two Unix vendors since then :-)
05:16.42eladi work on windows every day
05:17.00eladuse it at home(xp) and vista ulti on my laptop ;/
05:17.24tech9inerDarkriftX, yes i am.. quite adept at fedora core 1,2,3,4 then suse 9.2 thru to 11.. but all the while via 98% gui .. aside from zypper or yum command line package managers.. one THANKfully does not need to be some archaic command line god to run several mission critical businesses etc for 6+ years on linux.. its the reason tux distros have made so much headway last 2 years.. in spite of command line geek snobs that imply someone such
05:18.03tech9inerDarkriftX, now.. thanks for asking hehe ;]]
05:18.08Gary135791" one THANKfully does not need to be some archaic command line god to run several mission critical businesses etc for 6+ years on linux"
05:18.09Gary135791hahaha what
05:18.27Gary135791if you don't know that \r = return, I somehow doubt above statement
05:18.43KNYyeah, wow. what servers do you run? I'd like to never use them...
05:19.12Gary135791Hell, even if you did, the fact that you're managing *nix servers, yet never touch the terminal scares me.
05:19.13DarkriftXwell good luck tech9iner, hope everything works out for you
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05:21.48tech9inerservers?.. lmao.. is that your 'linux for business professionals' perspective Gary135791? one has to run servers to use modern desktop linux distros for business purposes? this is utterly wrong.
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05:22.43Gary135791So, what do you use it for then.
05:22.51Leedsunix_infidel: the Hong Kong government spent over HK$3billion (US$400million) supporting the HKD... on this past Friday alone.
05:22.51mattgyver83anybody know of a good virtual keyboard app?
05:22.54tech9ineri have never ever administrated servers directly sans godaddy account access for websites etc. laugh now for all the gods of *nix present ;]]
05:23.59Gary135791(22:56:56) • Leeds remembers his ignore
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05:24.17tech9inerGary135791, ?.. every aspect of my business for clients ie Penske FedEx JBHunt BMW and too many more to mention here? does every windows desktop user use server admins to run their business? no..
05:26.31tech9inerwill be truly sad if this channel will be run amuck by the atypical geeks only snobs and not true community support & development for all that has kept bill gates richer than he should have been when tux had better safer alternatives for so many years. Torvalds has covered this for years now.
05:27.07SanMehattech9iner: do you have an android question I can help you with?
05:27.30Leedstech9iner: torvalds would tear you to shreds and leave your remains by the wayside - you ever read anything he wrote?
05:28.05Leedsand that's my last words on the subject
05:28.56tech9inerfor years now Leeds .. im a fan of his.
05:29.51tech9inersadly many SanMehat ;].. but now java haus i have spent the day at is shuttering. thanks and more later. your offer is appreciated mate.
05:30.12SanMehattech9iner: np
05:33.43tech9inerciao all and thanks for the handups and info..
05:33.45*** part/#android tech9iner (
05:35.15Leedsyay :-)
05:35.32SanMehatnow now.. :)
05:35.46*** join/#android duey (n=duey@
05:36.06SanMehatwastrel: whats up?
05:36.58wastrelheh wrong channel :]
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05:41.54ITechJunkieOrb is aWs00mE!
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05:45.24wastrelT.T is a question ?
05:47.55neekersi think he went to take a tt and he was just letting us know
05:48.48*** join/#android noodlyappendage (
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05:50.29kslaterIf I want two spinners in a linear layout and I want them to each take up 1/2 the total width, what attributes allow me to do that?
05:53.25noodlyappendageandroid:layout_width maybe
05:53.32g1erandroid:layout_weight="1"; (in each layout to make them even, smaller the number larger percentage of the screen it takes up)
05:53.57kslatergler: thanks. Looking for the details in the docs now
05:54.06kslaterg1er: sorry
05:54.22g1erjust learning the xml too :)
05:55.54g1erthese are linearlayout
05:56.08d03boyson of a bitch
05:56.10noodlyappendageits good to see a number of people taking interest in andreoid dev
05:56.18d03boywindows just friggin closed Eclipse because it was out of VM
05:56.33g1er12 components, from 1.25 weight to 6
05:56.45noodlyappendagei know how to fix that
05:58.03noodlyappendageinstall linux
05:58.34wastrelfeh linux
05:58.36wastreli'm kindof sick of it
05:58.39d03boyi have more linux than windows boxen
05:58.55p_quarlesbecause nothing bad happens when Linux runs out of swap . . .
05:59.04d03boyp_quarles, haha no kidding
05:59.08*** join/#android mib_n69prn (i=4c18fe0a@gateway/web/ajax/
05:59.13d03boyI purposely turned off my swap on windows because it thrashes too much
05:59.20d03boyi just turned it back on because I need more ram
05:59.27noodlyappendagebecause linux is less likely to in the first place
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06:01.14d03boynoodlyappendage, probably because there are less apps to run :P
06:01.20d03boyso less memory needs to be used
06:02.43p_quarleswell Linux does have some memory handling advantages over at least XP; but ultimately Eclipse crashing is an Eclipse problem, not strictly the OS's issue
06:03.07d03boyp_quarles, whats eclipse supposed to do if its not given access to any memory?
06:03.13d03boyeat itself?
06:03.50p_quarlesd03boy: generally, it should tell the user that it's out of memory
06:04.08RyeBryeand then tell you to change the ini file and up the Xmx
06:04.31d03boyRyeBrye, i have paging turned off though...
06:04.51d03boymy os is not allowed to use swap
06:04.59RyeBryeSo, what does that have to do with eclipse?
06:05.02RyeBryeIt runs in a VM
06:05.07d03boythe vm has no more memory
06:05.16RyeBryeWell, then when it runs out, it bombs
06:05.35RyeBryeand tell you "the workspace has run out of memory because eclipse eats RAM like a fat kid eats donuts - would you like to quit?"
06:05.54RyeBryeOr maybe a different message depending upon your localization
06:06.08p_quarlesRyeBrye: I go with the classics: "lp0 on fire"
06:07.03RyeBryed03boy - how did you determine your Xmx setting for eclipse?
06:07.24d03boyi didnt
06:07.49d03boya message popped up on my computer saying windows was out of virtual memory
06:07.52d03boyand 2 seconds later eclipse dies
06:08.39RyeBryeHmm... That shouldn't really happen unless I suppose it was trying to grow its heap because windows lied to it when it started about how much memory it would be able to grab - but I've not had that problem because I don't use windows
06:09.51RyeBryeYou coudl modify it to make Xmx and Xms the same so it doesn't grow or shrink its heap and just grabs it all at the startup
06:10.45d03boyi wasnt even running anything
06:10.51d03boyjust using the editor in eclipse
06:10.59d03boything eats memory like crazy
06:12.25RyeBryeyeah, I hate eclipse
06:12.40d03boyit used to be awesome
06:12.54RyeBryeI'm not sure it's ever been better than IntelliJ
06:14.23d03boy<Button id="@+id/status"
06:14.26d03boydoes that look ok?
06:14.27d03boyeclipse is whining
06:14.40noodlyappendagedo3boy you should watch for inspiration.
06:15.44d03boyi hate steve ballmer
06:16.38d03boybut that is a great song
06:17.12d03boyThe application X (process org.X) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.
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06:25.34Davinello... anyone alive?
06:26.10Davinwhew, thats good =)
06:26.21Davinanyone done any work with ssl sockets?
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06:27.43Davinaka: socketFactory.setHostnameVerifier(new AllowAllHostnameVerifier());
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06:33.34Leedsah, that's interesting
06:34.22LeedsDavin: seen people in here before getting upset because they were told they were using an unverified hostname :-)
06:37.09d03boywhy wont my app run. it crashes on load
06:37.12Davinyea.... its an irritating bug/lack of feature =P
06:37.46Davinthere seems to be no global certificate store for non-root certs
06:39.12Davindo3boy: throw a Log.d message on your exceptions =P  need more info than that
06:39.36Davinor look at your stacktrace
06:40.04d03boymaybe its because I havent configured the manifest at all
06:40.30Davinthats a good place to start mate =)
06:41.40Davinpermissions failure are sometimes a little cryptic... since they just throw an exception
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06:46.21Davinso... Im trying to write an ms_exchange mail client... as you guessed, im hung up on the invalid ssl cert
06:46.45Davini think i have the ntlm authentication licked, but... cant tell till im past the ssl deal
06:46.58Leedsew, ntlm
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06:47.20Davinaye...  nasty =P
06:47.46Davinso... i wait for my new exchange server to install, that i can disable ssl on =P
06:47.53ionstormis the screen hardware on the g1 multitouch capable?
06:48.00*** part/#android spackest (n=cahillej@
06:48.06Davinno, i dont belive it is
06:48.16ionstormis it just a software limitation?
06:48.44Leedsno, I don't believe it is
06:48.53Davini "think" its hardware....
06:49.30Davinits using the default synaptics drivers... so i doubt it is
06:52.10ionstormI think the hardware is capable
06:54.01Leedson what basis?
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06:56.56ionstormi heard the ability wont be implemented until the patents expire somewhere
06:57.07Zelig_Has anyone fiddled with the accelerometers in an app that's making sounds? \
06:57.19Leedsso another 22 years or something like that?
06:57.38ionstorm"As the only touch interface company in the Alliance, Synaptics is
06:57.39ionstormproviding mobile handset designers with a powerful yet easy-to-use
06:57.39ionstormtool to develop advanced, multi-touch gestures for the Android
06:58.08Leedsand why do you think that tells you anything about the HTC Dream device?
06:58.56ionstormI looked at the touch events example code and multi-touch might be supported as soon as we can associate the specific touch event instance with an action in the code. In order to do so, Android would have to provide the developer a touch event with some kind of a unique id or make it possible to track the events by ourselves (what is the position of the new action down and up event).
06:59.20Leedsand why do you think that tells you anything about the HTC Dream device?
06:59.51ionstormthe screen notices too touches when messing with certain things
06:59.59Leedshave you noticed from the docs that android supports a device with a tricoder attachment being used on the death star?
07:00.00ionstormlike the notification bar
07:01.18Leedseh, afk
07:03.11ionstormsome interesting info
07:03.44RyeBryeYeah, but that doesn't say anything about the specific hardware in the G1
07:03.48ionstormim pretty sure all their touch screens are multitouch capable, if the g1 uses synaptics then i think its capable
07:04.01ionstormdoes it use synaptics?
07:04.17RyeBryeIt uses the synaptics driver - but that doesn't necessarily mean they use synaptics hardware
07:04.30RyeBryeI have a touch screen that's not my synaptics that I use the synaptics driver for
07:05.54RyeBryeI think having a multitouch screen would be such a big selling feature that they would have been bonkers to not mention it
07:06.36ionstorm im not sure if this is regarding the hardware or the driver
07:06.39ionstormor both
07:08.16RyeBryesounds like it is talking about the hardware there
07:08.32ITechJunkieHey guys, has anyone figured out a way to get Orb working with shoutcast tv?
07:10.45ionstormim pretty sure its just not programmed in, i think it will be added to android in the future, they are probably coming up with ideas for gestures
07:11.06RyeBryeIt sounds like the gestures are done in the hardware not the software
07:11.19Davinmeh... android is incomplete.. but not that incomplete =P
07:11.23RyeBryeEGR gives customers the option to enable single-finger gestures (i.e., Tap, Double Tap, Pinch, Press, and Flick) as well as multi-finger gestures (e.g., Pinch) directly from Synaptics' touch module. No additional recognition software is required on the host processor to implement these gestures.
07:12.19spikebikeryebrye so that means what?
07:12.24spikebikeand what is EGR?
07:13.21ionstormEnhanced Gesture Recognition
07:14.07RyeBryeIt means that it sounds like IF the screen in the G1 has it, the gestures would be done at the hardware level and passed to the host
07:14.32RyeBryewhich seems a little od
07:15.25spikebikeI have to say that in general many of the value add features in the embedded space do not end up implemented
07:15.37spikebikeI'm not sure if it's just the cost of implementing or licensing
07:16.00spikebikei.e. bitblt in the cpu, jazelle for java acceleration, secure mode, etc.
07:16.26spikebikebut I'd love to hear that the chip in the g1 has EGR, did the g1 bgreakdown include the list of chips in the g1?
07:16.41Davingeneraly speaking... its usualy due to the footprint of said feature... thats probably not the case in the G1 tho
07:16.43RyeBryethe EGR is on the touchscreen
07:17.04spikebikeegr is in the g1 touchscreen?
07:17.33RyeBryeOh, not sure if it is - but if it was anywhere it'd be in the touchscreen
07:17.36Davinegr is a feature of the touchscreen...  not the g1 chipset
07:17.57spikebikeok, but is egr a feature of the g1 touchscreen?
07:18.07Davinunknown.. but unlikely
07:18.33Davinon an unrelated note... hows chromes "plugin" support?
07:18.47unix_infidelchrome or G1 browser.
07:18.54ionstormegr is in the screen to have the ability of any of those gestures
07:18.58ionstormit said it itself
07:19.02Davingood point... g1 browser
07:19.07ionstormflick tap double tap etc
07:19.40Davinhave a cool idea, unrelated to my current project... a "tilt to scroll" option
07:20.02RyeBryeThat could be cool
07:20.04Davinwould be great while im googleing in the car
07:20.12RyeBryeif there was some way to indicate you wanted to use it or not
07:20.36Davinyea... would have to be an option to enable... cus it would just be annoying sometimes
07:20.42RyeBryemaybe tilt to scroll if you are pushing the camera button or something
07:20.50unix_infidela zoom gesture like those on synaptics touchpads would be nice.
07:21.12RyeBryeI don't know what ChiralRotate is - but it sounds exotic
07:21.46Davinit sounds like something you might catch from an unsavory one night stand...
07:21.58RyeBrye"Synaptics excels in gestures and multi-touch technology, and has a growing library of solutions that can be integrated in our human interfaces. Enhanced Gesture Recognition (EGR), Flick, Two-finger Flick, ChiralMotion™, and ChiralRotate™ all put new functionality at the user’s fingertips. "
07:22.46RyeBryeIt's kind of interesting to think about the Newton now in todays technology landscape... I wonder if a handwriting-recognition based device would ever do well
07:23.03Davinehh... think "palm"
07:23.03RyeBryeI think the answer is "probably not"
07:23.21RyeBryePalm never tried handwritng recognition, they licensed Grafiti
07:23.51Davinits an awfull similar concept tho =P
07:24.00RyeBryeThe newton you would just write like normal and it would recognize it
07:24.13Davinand windows mobile has had it for years... tho never used
07:24.34RyeBryeYeah, I guess I'm sometimes just nostalgic for the Newton :)
07:25.04Davinwhen all human kind can write legibly, and faster than typing... handwriting recognition might take off
07:25.15Davinaka: neva
07:26.07Davini see nural interfaces taking off first =)
07:33.12unix_infidelRyeBrye: take a look at the synaptics drivers for the G1
07:33.19unix_infidelnotice the stuff commented out ;-)
07:33.19d03boyalright. Before I sleep I want to have this simple UI finished. Who can help me out?
07:33.24*** join/#android yoyo123 (
07:34.28unix_infidelit's a software thing i'm guessing, they just threw it out because of pending patent stuff, they just didnt have the time to come up with their own gestures ;-)
07:37.13g1erwhat kind of help d03boy?
07:38.31d03boyg1er, my crap crashes lol
07:38.58d03boyim not sure what i changed
07:39.33*** join/#android winfield (n=winfield@
07:39.55g1erah, you're messing with the java stuff huh?
07:40.35g1erheads back to the 'only knows xml' corner..
07:41.27d03boyactually I think it is xml
07:41.32d03boyi havent really touched the java stuff
07:41.51g1erah! eclipse isn't telling you anything?
07:42.10d03boyofcourse not
07:42.13d03boyeclipse never does anything useful
07:43.41g1eryou know what file it's in? can u pastebin?
07:46.20d03boyya hold up
07:46.25d03boywriting an article abotu teh "stanky leg"
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07:49.13captain_how do I format the my 4gb sdfc card for the g1?
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07:57.36RyeBryemkfs.msdos -F 32
07:59.16RyeBryeunix_infidel  - if you uncomment it and throw debug statements in it  for the different gestures, does it output anything?
08:03.06unix_infidelRyeBrye: give it a try ;-)
08:04.16RyeBryeI might
08:04.29RyeBryeit already has printk stuff in it
08:05.53mattgyver83does browser download to SD?
08:06.12RyeBryenext time I compile my kernel, I will try playing with that stuff
08:08.04d03boyok im back and black
08:11.43g1ermattgyver83: yup
08:12.09mattgyver83is there a way to change the path on the card?
08:14.14d03boysorry, I was busy doing the Stanky Leg
08:15.39g1ertryin to memorize this ---> 8|
08:16.00unix_infidelg1er: heh, there is javadoc ;-)
08:27.22*** join/#android anno^da_ (n=anno^
08:29.06g1ergtg, thx unix_infidel. I'm new to all this :)
08:30.54ka_howdy, all!
08:32.10languishyakitori was a sucess
08:32.17languishbar after even more so
08:32.38languishtoo bad more guys weren't with us
08:33.13languishthe girls we met = more than the guys with us
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09:50.02trippsso here's my $64k question - when is the google voice search app going to be available for the android?
09:53.21Leedswhen it's written?
09:54.18trippsLeeds, well it's written for the iphone, so I presume porting it to android wouldn't require a complete rewrite?
09:54.46languishtripps, do you mean "android" or do you mean "the g1" ?
09:55.18trippslanguish, well I presume if written for android it would function on the g1. correct?
09:55.43languishfunction, but released for...?
09:55.50languishthat's up to t-mobile.
09:56.39ionstormyea how does google plan on updating individual google apps, upgrading the firmware?
09:56.43trippslanguish, well yes in my case the G1. i thought the OHA had clauses in it to prevent the carriers from futzing/having prohibitions on stuff.
09:57.19languishionstorm, some apps can be independantly updated, others, will need to be updated with an OTA/patch/firmware update
09:57.55languishthey have both technical issues, and legal ones to consider
09:57.56trippslanguish, of course it would have to be written first for android. would this be an OTA firmware type app or a market app, then?
09:58.04ionstormany ideas about google docs for mobile editing capability?
09:58.07ionstormor is that a never
09:58.21languish<tripps> languish, well yes in my case the G1. i thought the OHA had clauses in it to prevent the carriers from futzing/having prohibitions on stuff.
09:58.30languishon the G1, T-Mobile decides all.
09:58.36languishIt's T-Mobiles device
09:58.47Leedsmine isn't
09:58.58languish(aside from rooting/jailbreaking it)
09:59.06trippswishes all these devices were merely sold unlocked and cut all the BS out of it ;)
09:59.26languishunlocked is not the same as completely ipen source, or open hardware
09:59.46languishunlocked only means it can be used with another carrier
09:59.48trippsthis is my fifth smart phone with t-mobile and the first actual t-mobile phone. all my treos and nokias were bought unlocked off the shelf
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10:00.24languishunlocked is not a big deal. you can get just about any handset unlocked.
10:00.48trippslanguish, right. then it wouldn't be t-mobiles to control. right?
10:01.01languishahh... not exactly
10:01.18languishyour updates would still come from t-mobile.
10:01.26spikebikeheh, well amusing there's source or lack or, root or lack of, and the freedom to switch networks (or lack of)
10:01.28languishor not at all
10:01.44languishso you'd have to root the device, or live with the last update you received
10:01.57trippslanguish, gotcha. i wonder if there will eventually be a central ota repo for unlocked android devices
10:02.18languishmaybe, in the future
10:02.37languishbut remember, the individual devices may have different driver needs
10:02.58languishthe G1 has proprietary (closed source) drivers for certain hardware
10:03.19languishon openmoko, well.. android would be completely "open" in the sense you wish the G1 was
10:03.29trippsafter all, my machine is xpc, carrier is phonoscope, distro is linux but all my updates come from the repos and not from hardware or carrier . . . eventually the phones will merely be handheld computers in that manner I suppose
10:03.49languishyep, one day
10:03.55languishhopefully sooner than later
10:04.09languishwhich is sort of what google is aiming for
10:04.15languishthey got their foot in the door
10:04.37trippsperhaps a sneak attack. the carriers don't know exactly what they've gotten themselves into ;)
10:04.50languishbut the carriers and hardware manufacturers are still too uptight/conservative
10:04.57languishthey know
10:05.04languishthey;re "seeing how it goes"
10:05.15languishthey already have "open" devices on some of their networks
10:05.53languishbut the real issue is their concern for keeping the network stable, in case of a severely misconfigured device, or badly developed app
10:06.05languish(or intentionally destrictive app)
10:06.23trippsright I suppose that's a legitimate concern
10:06.27languishverses their potential revenue stream from "managed" devices
10:07.07languishthey ave legitimate concerns, but they're still asshats about how they usually handle them
10:07.30trippsno doubt
10:07.38languishgoogles taking the high slow road to dealing with it, but...
10:07.50trippsthe writing's on the wall. they can go the way of the typewriter or get with the program
10:08.01languishnot necessarily
10:08.12languishif the experiment fails..
10:08.25languishthey can turn around and point and say "see this doesn't work"
10:08.39trippsdidn't google secure its purchase of craploads of spectrum?
10:08.41languishnew technologies may outdate them anyway
10:08.53languishno, google didn't buy the spectrum
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10:09.15trippssupposed that was a hedge or something else entirely?
10:09.19languishthey just ensured some part of it was available to alternative devices
10:09.42languishthat carriers had to allow non destructive devices on their networks
10:09.47languishlike the G1
10:10.02languishor openmoko
10:10.47languishthat doesn't mean the carriers have to do it for free
10:10.55languishbut this whole whitespaces issue...
10:11.05languishmight rectify the problem of carrier controls
10:11.41languish<languish> like the G1 <- was a bad example since the G1 is a carrier device
10:12.38trippsand i suppose verizon is still on the fence about it? and sprint thinks "android isn't good enough?"
10:12.44languishbut now you can still bring your standards compliant open source hardware device to the party
10:13.18languishsorint just isn; in a position to take adavtage of it yet, but they're all for it. so for now they're spindoctoring
10:13.43languishverizon, who knows
10:14.12trippsi know M$ is negotiating aggressively to get verizon
10:16.28languishwell getting a device on verizon isn't the same thing as getting verizon to go tiwht them exclusively
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10:17.18languishit should be interesting to see what microsoft does
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10:17.31trippsyeah M$ plays for keeps :)
10:17.47languishmicrosoft is just trying to keep up right now
10:18.07languishthey own danger now, but much of dangers talent went elsewhere. partly to android
10:18.39languishdanger = hiptop/sidekick
10:19.38languishi think their purchase of danger was a poor decision, but they may have something in mind, we'll just have to wait and see
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11:55.03blaudo i have to do anything special to get vibration output in logcat
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11:58.05blauand even if you have vibrate off, the phone still vibrates if you have the vibrate mode profile on
12:03.05SplasPoodManaging rings/vibrate properly with android is still a bit of a mystery to me
12:06.27blaulike the +/- on an actual g1
12:06.36blauwhere it lowers volume, then hits vibrat emode then hits silent
12:06.51blauyou can uncheck invcoming call vibrate in settings but it still vibrates
12:07.12SplasPoodyea, I it really seems like this stuff is scattered all over
12:07.29SplasPoodoh, that's cute
12:10.40blaui cant see vibration logs in logcat but i see like a billion people on google able to
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12:24.04vijayhi is there a direct link for android source code? ....... im behing a firewall of institute and cant download it
12:24.15vijaythrough git
12:24.33vijayif someone could share that would be of great help
12:25.23vijayi want to compile it for my beagleboard  .....
12:26.54vijayhow big is the complete source?
12:27.12blau2 gigish
12:28.20blaugrrr there appears to be no way to cancel a listener for phone calls
12:28.52gamblerreally? I guess you will have to do bool ignore;
12:29.20vijay2 gigs? its so big ............ are there any snapshots available for direct download?
12:30.02blauoh wait there is nevermind
12:31.05kRutOnvijay: try transconnect
12:31.25blauTo unregister a listener, pass the listener object and set the events argument to LISTEN_NONE (0).
12:31.25blaulistenerThe PhoneStateListener object to register (or unregister)
12:32.33blauwonder if it has to be the same listener or just same class
12:33.39taunovijay, ->;a=snapshot for example
12:34.15taunoI'm too slow :(
12:34.31kRutOnI'll pretend you were typing that over an EDGE network
12:34.54kRutOnWhich means you could have possibly typed it 5 minutes ago and the packets are just now arriving.
12:38.08vijaysould i checkout the complete base.git? for compiling android ........ is there any thing else i need
12:39.16kRutOnvijay: I believe you need everything mentioned in the manifest
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12:45.59blaugrrr, phonecall listener needs the exact same number
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13:16.30vijay@kRutOn .......... thats lots of stuff to download ........ i dont know how much time it will take :( with my 10kbps speed
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16:40.09Disconnectanyone got a simple example of a standard listview? the docs i'm finding either cover the simplelistview thing that takes a db cursor or super custom wacky ones. i just need a basic listview :)
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16:57.23taunoWhat's up with the download in Market? If I try to download the "PAC-MAN" thingie, then it alerts me with "Download declined. The download of .... was declined because you haven't purchased it." <- were'nt apps suposed to be free? Or isn't this a Market app dialog?
16:57.34taunowrong place for the '
17:01.47Disconnecttauno: it goes back and forth. that one is a pita.
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17:05.58d0netslol someones comment about the telnet client on the market says "rm -rf /"
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17:20.17taunoDisconnect, so the Market app is buggy? (or the backend)
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17:28.24KNYtauno, I would guess that app is buggy
17:28.33KNYI installed it without problem
17:29.06KNYI would guess they wrote in the for-pay functionality but disabled it until the Market gets the ability to charge, but something causes it to re-enable itself for some people
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17:53.10taunoKNY, k
17:53.27blaudoes logcat sitll show vibration?
17:53.35taunowhat's the de facto standard app for reading qrcodes on Android?
17:57.08taunofound "Barcode scanner (ZXing Team)" from market.. let's give it a try then :)
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18:01.53mattgyver83When i try to download some mp3 files through browser i get 'download unsuccessful' does anyone know why this might be?
18:02.04mattgyver83i can download anything else
18:05.32taunothe builtin browser assumes that you are a thief I guess :/
18:05.43blaui cant get lofcat to show vibration
18:06.08taunojust kidding.. I think it has to be a bug ;)
18:06.36p_quarlesmattgyver83: the browser has trouble with dynamic content -- file parameters that point to a dynamic file won't download correctly, I've noticed
18:07.28tauno(the barcode scanner that I tried worked just fine.. it's just the camera that doesn't allow it to scan small codes printed on various products :( )
18:08.40blautried to make a custom vibration for phone calls but it didnt work grr
18:09.39mattgyver83p_quarels, if you had root w/busybox setup would wget be a sufficient workaround, or would it be the same issue?
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19:02.16Smoke777ScreenHi everyone
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19:02.50wastrelthe included earbuds don't fit me well
19:02.59Smoke777ScreenAnybody know whether there is a free file manager for Android out there? Crazy that one isn't included
19:03.44offby1pretty sure there's one in the Market, under Applications
19:03.48offby1can't remember what it's called
19:04.34Smoke777Screenum stupid question but how do I get to the market :) I'm using the emulator
19:04.46offby1dunno if that's in the emulator or not.
19:04.49offby1lemme check
19:05.04DarkriftXno market in emulator
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19:05.42offby1"Android File Manager" by
19:05.45Smoke777Screen:( the only apk of a file manager I could find gives me an error message when I try install it using adb
19:06.15offby1there might be others, too; that's just the first one I found
19:06.40Smoke777Screenany way of accessing the sdcard from Windows
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19:06.50Smoke777ScreenI know you can put stuff on
19:06.58wastrelso if i want to listen to streaming content how do i go about doing that?
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19:07.16offby1Smoke777Screen: I've never gotten Windows to recognize the card.  This is the one case I know of where Linux works unequivocally better than Windows :)
19:07.44Smoke777Screenoffby1: Yeah was just there
19:08.13Smoke777Screenoffby1: They're selling it for $10
19:12.12offby1I'd have thought that any app that my phone could download, could be easily downloaded by a normal browser.
19:13.36Smoke777Screendoes the market just a web page or an app on the G1
19:14.30wastreli need an adapter so i can use my good earbuds - any recommendations?
19:15.15offby1Smoke777Screen: I didn't understand your question.
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19:16.20Smoke777Screenoffby1: you said you could download using your phones browser so why not a normal one. I was wondering if you were refering to downloading from the Android Market and if so what is the URL
19:18.24offby1oh, I didn't mean that I could download using my phone's _browser_; I just meant that the "Market" app was able to download them.  But I'd be surprised if the Market app were not doing a simple http GET.
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19:20.01mikey|hello all, I have a textview with android:autoLink set to web|email. When I enter a web or email addy, it doesn't linkify it. When I rotate and then restore to original orientation, it does link them. Any ideas why it doesn't work properly?
19:21.09Smoke777Screenoffby1: yeah
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19:27.58taunomikey| are you setting the value of the TextView also in xml?
19:28.19mikey|no, just autoLink value
19:28.25mikey|the data is added later
19:29.12mikey|tauno: when you say value, do you mean android:text?
19:29.54taunoyes, the content of the TextView :)
19:30.19taunoeg android:text from xml or textView.setText() from code
19:30.35mikey|originally I use setText, then I use append()
19:31.12taunoand the links are added by the append()?
19:32.37mikey|do I need to run the text via the linkify class when appending text?
19:32.59mikey|append doesnt link the text, but when changing and restoring orientation, the text is linked
19:34.00taunoI mean are the links added in append .. like append("something") or do you add the links in setText("something")?
19:35.08mikey|it takes input from the user via an edittext and then uses append() to append that text onto the textview
19:35.33mikey|i put in, no link
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19:36.30taunojust a test - try to call textView.setText(textView.getText()) AFTER you append something to it
19:36.57taunojust add it to the next line after your append() call
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19:37.45mikey|still nothing
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19:38.49taunook, then it's not a bug in TextViews append() at least I guess :)
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19:49.20taunomikey| I tried to make a simple test application -> if I just use textView.append(" "); then the text WON'T be linkified. If I do textView.append(" "); textView.setText(textView.getText()); then it DOES linkify stuff..
19:49.59mikey|i tried that line of code, but it didnt work for me
19:50.11mikey|the code worked, it just didnt do the links
19:52.07taunostrange indeed. sure that you called textView.setText(textView.getText()); after you appended stuff to it? :) (and sure that it's the right textview etc..?)
19:52.15taunojust to be sure doublecheck it :)
19:53.11mikey|i'll try it again
19:54.37mikey|nope, still didnt link it
19:54.40taunoit's just that:
19:55.34taunobut in your case it has to be something other then
19:55.57mikey|i'm using an edittext which sends the input text to a handler, the handler method using Message.obj.toString(), and appends that. Could that be an issue?
19:57.05mikey|i stuck setText( as the first thing my app does, and it does link it then
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20:17.45Gainwhen developing apps in eclipse is there someway to avoid continuously booting up the phone when debugging your app
20:17.52Gain(the emulator phone)
20:18.22umdk1d3you can keep the emulator on the whole time, and it will auto reinstall your app when you run it
20:18.28kRutOnGain: don't exit the emulator...
20:18.39blauyou dont have to  restart the emu
20:19.20blauhow can i test vibration in the emu
20:19.30blauit seems that at some point logcat talked about vibration
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20:37.40tech9inerhello all
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20:41.43tech9inerSanMehat, any known full backup path or app or ?? of all data including call logs etc please?
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20:50.41d03boytech9iner, how many times are you going to ask that
20:52.05tech9inerd03boy, dad? that you?
20:52.59d03boygo sit in the corner
20:53.08d03boyand dont come out until you've learned your lesson
20:53.12tech9inerlmao.. aww paw..
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20:55.21kherthow do i find out the IP on my G1?
20:56.19d03boywhat should I name my Activity when I'm creating my new android project
20:56.38d03boyis ther eany sort of guideline?
20:57.07d03boyhow many Activities will an app have
20:57.35d03boyone for closed screen and oen for opened?
20:57.53blau1no, you can have the same activity for both
20:58.09blau1its probably ideal for it to be the same
20:59.01tech9ineranyone played with way to utilize the gremote market app without internet connections? perhaps way to configure the pc's server for it to local? (can imagine using this feature for client presentations on laptops; would be impressive if stable)
20:59.02d03boywhat should I name it
20:59.19blau1do you have any background in programming?
20:59.37d03boyim just not entirely sure what an activity is for
20:59.58blau1the way i understand it, is an activity is basically a screen
21:00.11d03boybut then whats a view?
21:00.21blau1a view is like a component or control
21:02.54d03boyso what should I name my activity
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21:24.56d03boyshould I leave teh AndroidManifest.xml named that?
21:25.05d03boyor should it be AppnameManifest.xml
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21:27.38d03boythank you sir
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21:28.44mikey|can Eclipse show lines to show where a brace starts and ends? Like the feature in Notepad++
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22:00.48Andois there an alternative for certain sites that use flash for the G1 phone?
22:04.00jastause other sites? :)
22:06.25blau1i had someone who used my shortcut program, email me to make a flash app :(
22:07.53KNYblau1, haha, nice
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22:12.48mpardoHow can I start an activity automatically when the OS is booted?
22:12.50DammI wish flash wasn't so damned popular.
22:17.57blau1mpardo: boot_completed action
22:17.58blau1setup a receiver for it
22:18.38mpardoah thx... that's what I'm reading
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22:34.24vipdroidyay @ irc on g1
22:35.26blau1or via app?
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22:37.32vipdroidnope beta
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22:44.58KNYI think we have about 10 different people all working on IRC applications
22:45.28blau1i know michaelnovakjr is
22:45.34d03boyi am
22:45.39blau1im working on wayy too many apps
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22:46.11d03boyis there any reason you should be able to type in irc from the vertical view?
22:46.20blau1ran into a problem with custom vibration for phone calls
22:46.25d03boyfor me, im just making it a viewer
22:46.27blau1d03: no reason you shouldnt be able to
22:46.28KNYd03boy, only if someone makes an OSK
22:46.39KNYor if a new device comes out
22:46.58blau1if you are considering removing the text box that you type into when they close the keyboard
22:47.00blau1id leave it there
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22:53.30d03boyi dont understand why we dont team up on the whole irc business
22:56.09blau1everyone has different ideas
22:56.19blau1implement them and steal the good ones from others
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23:16.31blau1think im gonna work on fake phone call app
23:16.53blau1steal some thunder from the iphone app
23:17.26Disconnectwe need the one that was featured in one of the ads, for randomly selecting restaurants
23:18.11blau1i feel like i saw that app recently
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23:18.35blau1local search spinner
23:19.11Disconnectyah roulette wheel (with motion sensor for shaking) that spins food type, restaurant, cost..
23:19.14d03boywhy is this so damn difficult to find a simple button example
23:19.51blau1d03: whatcha trying to do
23:20.00tech9inerappreciates d03boy 's plight.. sux being a human bean on all levels huh lad hehe..
23:20.21d03boyim trying to make a button lol
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23:20.28d03boyi dont remember the attributes or whatever
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23:26.52kcouryhey guys, I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem I'm having on an orientation change
23:29.55d03boyis this a pop quiz?
23:32.36kcouryI'm starting a new thread to handle a long running task in my app but when orientation changes and the thread posts to the handler I guess the thread is referring to the old handler and my UI isn't getting updated
23:33.03blauahh hmm
23:33.15blauupdate something in the thread on orientation change
23:33.55taunokcoury, you guess or you know?
23:36.18kcourytauno: I'm actually not sure. I know the handler is being called after the orientation change but it's not affecting the UI like it would if I didn't change the orientation
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23:48.36kcourythere is a lot of discussion on the group about it but no sample code that really illustrates how it should work
23:48.52blauhave you used the debugger?
23:49.23kcouryyeah I've been adding log output to all parts of my code
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23:53.41zhobbskcoury: check out Activity.getLastNonConfigurationInstance()
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23:53.57zhobbskcoury: that will let you pass 1 object during an orientation change
23:54.02zhobbsand get it back on the other side
23:54.11zhobbsso you could pass a Thread
23:56.14kcouryzhobbs: thanks, I'm going to try that
23:57.07zhobbskcoury: it's kinda tricky to do, you have to manage the state in the thread, and keep the results of the work around in case the thread finishes during the orientation change
23:59.04zhobbsI did this for one Activity/Thread and decided that in my case managing the orientation change manually was much easier

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