IRC log for #android on 20081109

00:01.19Fnord^no idea where it gets the password from
00:01.27alansjhey dream_kill, what's the secret to the boot logo?
00:02.34DarkriftXfull rc30 added to:
00:02.42DammDarkriftX, yeah... wish that was there earlier
00:02.45DarkriftXif anyone sees any errors or soemthing missing, please let me know
00:02.47Dammwoulda saved me some $$
00:02.55DarkriftXi just found out about it 5 mins ago
00:03.04DammDarkriftX, when I did prolly
00:03.09DarkriftXnot having a g1 makes it hard for me to keep up with everything and keep everthing updated
00:03.29saurikDarkriftX: no, it actually deletes telnetd
00:03.33saurik(responding to your wiki post)
00:03.38Dammoh that's interesting,
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00:03.44DarkriftXreally saurik
00:03.49Dammthat means you can shutoff HSUPA/DPA from the firmware?
00:03.56DarkriftXi was told the script deletes it, but that its still there after reboot
00:04.00Dammand it's a class 10 gprs... I figured that much.
00:04.11DarkriftXcan you confirm? or was it telnet vs telnetd and i missed it
00:04.15Dammthat answers the data + voice question
00:04.18spikebikemaybe it deletes it and installs a new one?
00:04.24DarkriftXlol,that would be funny as hell
00:04.24saurikDarkriftX: if that's true then the script is broken; but I can tell you that the full rc30 restore definitely no longer has the file at all
00:04.30spikebike2 folks that upgraded last night reported telnetd was sitll htere
00:04.32DarkriftXlets delete that!!! (then add a new one on accident)
00:04.55alansjwhy did they push out an rc30 full update?
00:05.10spikebikebecause some folks never made it to rc19
00:05.12spikebikeer rc29
00:05.15saurikalans: for us users who are still using rc19
00:05.17spikebikelike my 2nd phone
00:05.19DammDarkriftX, telnetd is gone.
00:05.28DarkriftXon rc30 patch or rc30 full?
00:05.31Dammspikebike, right, because if they do the patch RC30, it doesn't format system
00:05.36DammDarkriftX, full
00:05.37alansjheh, spikebike did you brick or just accidentally upgrade to rc30?
00:05.39Dammpatch failed me.
00:05.43DarkriftXanyone got rc30 patch?
00:05.50Dammalansj, I bricked on RC30
00:05.50spikebikeI have one phone at rc19 and one at rc29
00:05.52alansjI dled it earlier
00:06.00alansj(rc30 patch)
00:06.00Dammon the patch rc30
00:06.04Dammfull rc30 worked just fine
00:06.12DarkriftXanyone who has rc30 patch (the 4mb one) tell me if you still have telnetd file in /system/bin
00:06.17Damm ... that's what I got when I did the rc30 4mb patch.
00:06.24Dammand it was toast.
00:06.25lethalcodelaunches a new app on Market. Anybody who regularly watches movies on the G1 interested in testing it? :D.
00:06.36alansjDarkriftX: ah, I have the update file but did not apply it.
00:06.42spikebikeg1er, and er somebody I can't remember did the batch trying to sneak suid files past the rc30 upgrade
00:06.48lethalcodeDarkriftX: telnetd still exists, but is no longer a root hole.
00:06.57saurikFnord^: that's the su from the android 'extra' commands as distributed by google, it doesn't need to get a password form anywhere, it just always grants access
00:07.00DarkriftXok, thats what i thought
00:07.00lethalcodeIn fact, weren't you here last night when I did that? ;).
00:07.12digitalspaghettihrmm, that android guy didn;t last long, his blogs down already
00:07.12DarkriftXtheir delete telnet line in the script must have been fookered
00:07.16Fnord^so basically a suid shell
00:07.23spikebikeor it was a delete and recreate
00:07.33saurikFnord^: pretty much, it just does setuid/setgid/execlp(sh)
00:07.34DarkriftXthats probably more possible spikebike
00:07.47saurikit definitely doesn't recreate it as the file isn't in the thing anymore
00:07.49DarkriftXthey prob forgot to remove it from the system image lol
00:07.55saurikit might be that they only think they have a delete command and they don't
00:08.00DarkriftXsaurik, we mean in the patch version
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00:08.05saurikDarkriftX: so do I
00:08.19saurikit only comes with a single file: recovery.img
00:08.22Fnord^delete command would be in recovery.img:/sbin/recovery
00:08.23DarkriftXlots are reporting it still exists in rc30 patch but not full rc30
00:08.24saurikall other files in system are modified by patches
00:08.42saurikagain, they probably got something wrong with their delete command
00:09.39saurikdamm: as it is doing an applypatch that isn't the full rc30
00:09.48saurikoh, sorry, you said "did the rc30 4mb patch"
00:10.02saurik(remembered damm saying he was going to try the rc30 full patch, and then saw another error url go by(
00:10.40waldo_hey guys...  anyone know if it's safe to keep my and cacerts.bks file renamed to avoid the rc30 update?
00:10.48DarkriftXseems so waldo-g1
00:11.08spikebikesafe yes
00:11.11waldo_DarkriftX: someone had said it could cause some problems w/ssl and other stuff.
00:11.16spikebikewill still periodically download
00:11.29spikebikeoh no need on the cacerts.bks that breaks ssl
00:11.31waldo_I just want a stopgap so I don't hit rc30 while everyone's figuring this out
00:11.41spikebikejust the ota file
00:11.49spikebikeor airplane mode ;-)
00:11.52waldo_I just followed
00:12.06waldo_So I can rename back and it won't be able to do the rc30 update?
00:12.16DarkriftXota is what matters
00:12.37spikebikeRyeBrye RyeBrye is offline
00:12.38spikebikeJunior Member
00:13.01spikebikeso yes, response #5 is right
00:13.02waldo_okay...  let me do that now
00:13.13waldo_let me move it back
00:13.52eladwhats the url for a list of all available apps on market?
00:15.32waldo_what is the deal with this recovery image.  What is it used for and what is the replacement one about?
00:16.34Fnord^boot.img on rc30 full - safe
00:17.37waldo_where are all the binary files I'm running from the # prompt?
00:17.41waldo_ie, ping etc
00:17.45waldo_they're not in sbin
00:17.52waldo_there is no bin or /usr..
00:17.56alansjFnord^: what do you mean the boot.img is safe?
00:18.08Fnord^alansj, no recursive permission resets or other naughtyness
00:18.23Fnord^other than the usual reflash recovery.img on every boot thing
00:18.46alansjah, so all the naughtyness is in the update script?
00:18.50waynewardive move should i have or not?
00:19.01waldo_so to be clear, moving makes me good to go for now?
00:19.09Fnord^and the existance of recovery.img in system
00:19.14Fnord^waldo-g1, yep
00:19.44alansjohhh.. does the recovery.img in system/ get reflashed to mtd1 on every reboot?
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00:20.53Fnord^alansj, yup
00:20.57alansjI was wondering why it was in there.  Why do you think they do that?
00:21.00Fnord^it has since rc28 or below
00:21.05Fnord^i dunno
00:21.59Fnord^heh the bins in system/bin are the same as in rc29
00:22.56alansjI wonder if JesusFreke's boot.img replaces the recovery.img inside of itself or if on reboot it's reverting mtd1 back to the stock version
00:23.14spikebikeya, seems like rc30 is a kernel boot parameter, tweak telnet, remove suid, and tweaks to a bunch of the java files
00:26.06andyrossThere's also a pretty big (376k) patch to
00:26.22digitalspaghettit-mobile us seem to be way ahead of t-mobile uk.  We haven't even had rc29 yet
00:26.23spikebikeah, webkit tweak?
00:26.36spikebikedigitalspaghetti: my 2nd phone is still at rc19
00:26.40DarkriftXdigitalspaghetti, tc4-tc7 is uk's latest
00:26.59DarkriftXuk version came out later, so fixes were done sooner and yo have less updates that are needed
00:26.59andyrossMore likely bugfix.  I've seen the browser crash on a few occasions, dunno how common that is, but it's something that would probably be a high priority fix.
00:27.16DarkriftXuk's rc7 is = to rc29 us
00:27.32digitalspaghettii've got TC5-RC7
00:27.41DarkriftXthats the same as rc29 for the us
00:28.04waynewardive got tc5-rct aswell and got root :)
00:28.05saurikspikebike: I think the changes to the java files are almost entirely updated timestamps from a new build
00:28.11DarkriftXtechnically uk is ahead of us
00:28.12digitalspaghettioh, well that was the release version here so i suppose we'll see rc30 in the next few days
00:28.21DarkriftXyours will prob not say rc30
00:28.27DarkriftXwill prob be like rc10 or something
00:28.35DarkriftXor rc8
00:29.03spikebikesaurik ah, lame, seems like silly just to include a bunch of files for new timestamps
00:29.05waynewardso will it try to install update but fail because i moved certs?
00:29.35spikebikeassuming you mean otacers
00:30.15DarkriftXwe need a page on what has been attempted to get root on rc30 so ppl can find out what not to try
00:30.16digitalspaghettii hope a fix comes soon to install stuff on the sd card, i ran out of space yesterday :)
00:30.25DarkriftXouch digitalspaghetti :S
00:30.32DarkriftXthere is a root hack to fix that a little
00:30.40DarkriftXmoves cache and other stuff to the sd card
00:30.48DarkriftXbut once you update it would stop working
00:30.52DarkriftXand prob cause hell
00:31.22digitalspaghettiyea, i;ve decided not to hack about too much just now
00:31.28digitalspaghettiwho knows what will change
00:31.33DarkriftXyeah :(
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00:34.36wastreli applied the rc30 update
00:34.37Fnord^ok, rc30 rixes made, signed...wish me luck
00:34.43Fnord^wastrel, modded?
00:34.45alansjI wonder if its worth looking at the recovery bin for root opportunities
00:35.24Fnord^brb, updating while smoking >.>
00:36.10RyeBryeWhich files in the RC29 contain the vulnerabilities? the boot.img?
00:36.22spikebikeone is just a boot parameter
00:36.23RyeBryeis that where the system console thing is set?
00:36.36spikebikeconsole=null fixes it
00:36.44spikebikekernel parameter
00:36.45RyeBryeRight - but that is encapsulated in which file?
00:37.43waldo_Fnord are you updating a modded rc30?
00:39.34Fnord^well i tried. it failed initial versioncheck
00:40.00Fnord^wonder why
00:40.33DarkriftXi made a page on what attempts to preserve root from rc29 to rc30, but its pretty bare right now
00:40.58alansjFnord^: are you flashing directly or doing an update from sdcard?
00:41.26waldo_Fnord^: you self-signed this?
00:41.26Fnord^full update
00:41.36Fnord^it didn't look like a signing error
00:41.41Fnord^version check failed
00:41.50waldo_version check of what
00:41.51DarkriftXedit the version check out of the update script lol
00:42.01DarkriftX2nd or 3rd line if i remember correctly
00:42.11waldo_what's it checking the version of?
00:42.17DarkriftXcurrent RC
00:42.19Fnord^gotta find what
00:42.28Fnord^is in jk's recovery
00:42.36Fnord^but yeah i suppose i could take it out
00:42.54DarkriftXwould have to recreate the hash for that file thought, right?
00:43.21Fnord^no, it's a version check
00:45.24Fnord^ 1.0 TC3 eng.jesusfreke.20081105.164210 test-keys
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00:55.40Fnord^trying again
00:55.48dream_killsend + menu + power off -> CTRL+ALT+DEL :D
00:55.49Fnord^added his fingerprint
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00:58.19Fnord^formatting system, copying files..
01:00.17Fnord^booting :D
01:02.06`vipwhats the best scanner app ?
01:02.09Fnord^rootshell is not 4755........
01:02.19Fnord^fuck ><
01:02.55spikebikeoh does it do it during install/upgrade and boot?
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01:03.41spikebikedid you change init.rd to add a suid shell?
01:03.42Fnord^wtfwtf wtf wtf
01:04.07`vipis the market down ?
01:04.14Fnord^set_perm 0 2000 4755 SYSTEM:bin/rootshell
01:04.14`vipcant access it
01:04.31spikebikedid you rename cacert?
01:04.31Fnord^that should have been 04755?
01:05.46Fnord^that makes absolutely no sense ><
01:06.01saurikit probably passes it through strtoul(, 0)
01:06.06saurikwhich means it needs the leading 0 to know it is octal
01:06.29Fnord^now i gotta return this and make sure the next one doesn't update
01:06.59spikebikemight look at ebay
01:07.04spikebikemight even be able to turn a profit
01:07.19Fnord^i'm still within the 14 day 'return or exchange' period
01:07.44LazFnord^:  you didnt have the modified recovery files?
01:07.45alansjwait Fnord^ what happened?  I got netsplit or something
01:08.08Fnord^alansj, i used the wrong permission mask for my rootshell =[
01:08.15Fnord^but the update worked
01:08.21Fnord^i just...don't have root..
01:08.22alansjoh noes
01:08.33Fnord^04755 not 4755
01:08.36DarkriftXFnord^, if you return it, find something physical to bitch about so its not apparent why
01:08.41spikebikeoh wait
01:08.50spikebikefnord you updated both images?
01:08.58spikebikerecovery and the system image?
01:08.59eladFnord, what color g1 do you have?
01:09.23spikebikeFnord^: so your keys are on the g1... right?
01:09.25Fnord^I DID NOT :D
01:09.36Fnord^redoes update!
01:09.49spikebikeer did not what?
01:09.53Lazjust go back to rc29
01:09.56alansjdon't reboot if the recovery.img is stock!
01:10.14alansjor is your own with bad perms!
01:10.30alansjbecause, according to Fnord, mtd1 gets overwritten with it on every reboot
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01:10.38Fnord^i updated the recovery image in the
01:10.47raidfiveIs it possible to construct a Uri that when clicked in the webkit browser will launch your app with some associated data?
01:10.54Fnord^elad: black one
01:11.03alansjto allow you to apply updates with your own signed files?
01:11.13spikebikefnord cool so you can keep updating
01:11.24Fnord^second try's a charm?
01:11.27spikebikeget it right this time ;-)
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01:15.01Fnord^brb tryin
01:18.02DarkriftXhopes for a non brick
01:19.45Fnord^radio image writing
01:20.31alansjwhat's in the radio image?
01:20.59andyrossNo doubt that's a binary blob from qualcomm.
01:21.25Fnord^rc30, root
01:21.33alansjklap klap
01:23.09waldo_fnord do a full write-up somewhere on what you did
01:23.16waldo_from start to finish
01:23.18waldo_& congrats
01:23.37andyrossAnd maybe post the file you used. :)
01:23.46alansjthis ^
01:24.16spikebikediffs, and the keys you used would be ideal
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01:24.51Fnord^i'll upload to mega
01:25.38spikebikeer fnort
01:25.46spikebikeset_perm 0 2000 04755 SYSTEM:bin/rootshell
01:25.47spikebikeset_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 SYSTEM:bin
01:25.57spikebikewon't that 2nd statement undo the first?
01:25.59Fnord^...yeah typo
01:30.16alansjFnord^: your instructions say to replace system/recovery.img with the rc29 recovery.img, but ideally don't you want to also update the rc30 recovery.img and put that there instead?
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01:31.24DarkriftXFnord^, i can host it on my wiki if you dont mind
01:32.16Fnord^not the rc29 one
01:32.25Fnord^jesusfrek's recovery
01:32.46Fnord^and i see no need in updating to rc30's recovery
01:33.08alansjright, jesusfreke's is based on rc29
01:33.19DarkriftXxda-devs is down for me
01:33.26alansjyeah, I dunno if anything is new, but ideally I suppose you want to keep updating it
01:33.27Fnord^the only issue is...oops forgot to post that part
01:33.31Fnord^the fingerprint issue
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01:33.57laxxthe only thing in RC30 is the fix for root
01:34.30Fnord^beh can't telnet
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01:37.50andyrosslaxx: no, there are modifications to a bunch of the application files, and a comparatively large patch to webkit.
01:38.19Fnord^note: while adding glibc to the system saves space, it makes it a PAIN cuz /lib needs to be resymlinked after boot
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01:49.04Fnord^ugh the default sh sucks
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01:50.04gdsxFnord^: surprise! :o)
01:51.55alansjI think we need an update that includes Term.apk and busybox.
01:52.32Fnord^Heh yeah
01:53.22Fnord^if [ ! -e /lib ]; then all I want =[
01:53.53DarkriftXFnord^, are you atomiddryad?
01:54.23DarkriftXare you still editing that page?
01:54.47Fnord^nah, done. uploading stuff
01:57.12LazThey need to note down changes in each update, make apps install in SDCARD... Its feels like android is being handled by kids ;(
01:59.38alansjFnord^: any thoughts on why it's better to have a suid root su rather than getprop
02:00.44DarkriftXone thing Fnord^, "Resign with the utility provided in the above link" i dont see this link/utility
02:00.45Fnord^alansj, the latter requires a custom boot and is less convenient?
02:01.04Fnord^darkhorse, the util is included in the custom recovery image zip
02:01.10DarkriftXahhh, ok
02:02.48gdsxLaz: we're all kids at heart
02:02.48DarkriftX (did some editing, but mostly to point to files i already hosted and for wiki formatting). didnt change much of your text
02:03.52gdsxLaz: in seriousness, though, I would offer that you considerably underestimate how difficult it is to create an operating system.
02:05.49raidfivehow do I have a link in the browser launch my application?
02:06.51gdsxraidfive: what sort of link?
02:07.31Fnord^DarkriftX, feel free to edit whatever
02:08.03romainguy__Laz: installing apps on the sdcard opens up a shitload of new issues
02:08.50romainguy__(you know, what happens when the SD-card is mounted on your PC but an app is running from the sdcard? or what happens if the sdcard is removed? etc.)
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02:10.07raidfivegdsx: can't you craft a uri to open your application? like appname://blah
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02:10.26romainguy__raidfive: you can
02:10.34romainguy__you need your application to have a special intent-filter
02:10.36gdsxraidfive: I know that you use an IntentFilter with certain parameters.  I'm not sure if the specific types of transports (http://, https://, etc) are hard-coded into the browser or not
02:10.40romainguy__and register a scheme + host that works
02:10.49romainguy__gdsx: you can choose your scheme
02:11.01romainguy__for instance you could have an intent filter for myapp://blah
02:11.11romainguy__but it's not a good idea to invent new schemes
02:11.14romainguy__we try to avoid that
02:11.16gdsxromainguy__: oh, I know.  I'm thinking of where it picks un-<anchor>ed linkes out from the text
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02:11.25gdsxthat's hard-coded
02:11.53DJTachyonthat console command thing is hilarious
02:11.55raidfiveromainguy__:  I currently have the following in my manifest
02:12.23romainguy__again, I'd advise you against using a custom scheme
02:12.25raidfivebut hitting the url mwu:// from the browser doesn't seem to do anything
02:12.29DJTachyonromainguy: what revision of the firmware disables echoing keystrokes to the shell?
02:12.42romainguy__DJTachyon: RC30
02:13.02cbeust_raidfive: Did you try to filter the action VIEW instead of ATTACH_DATA?
02:13.03Fnord^aka the remote exploit
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02:13.14DJTachyoni still have RC19
02:13.20DJTachyonjust tried the reboot command .. haha
02:13.24DJTachyongood stuff :)
02:13.27romainguy__Fnord^: it's not a remote exploit
02:13.53DJTachyonI'm assuming it's a "debug" feature
02:13.54raidfivecbeust_: not yet ... trying now
02:14.04g1erwow, active today.
02:14.22languishDJTachyon <swetland> the whole thing really was a small collection of bugs working together  1. no console=null kernel commandline caused init to find tty1 as default console  2. console switching code removed to avoid a deadlock caused the runtime to not switch away from tty1  3. telnetd (a test binary) accidentally left in the final "user" manifest
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02:15.33raidfivecbeust_: still nothing
02:15.33raidfiveromainguy__:  how else would you accomplish this task without a custom scheme?
02:15.33cbeust_Take a look at the logcat and see what Intent the browser is firing
02:15.33DJTachyonlanguish: oh very interesting
02:15.33g1erso how do I add all that into RC101? heh
02:15.56DJTachyoni havent had time to work on the audio low-level api calls
02:16.54DJTachyoni blame red alert 3, fallout 3, VJ gigs, and remodeling my house :p
02:16.56raidfivecbeust_: Starting activity: Intent { action=android.intent.action.VIEW data=mwu://testintent?blah comp={} }
02:18.35DJTachyonhaha Go Go Bordello is going to be at Webster Hall near the end of december
02:19.26DJTachyonthey are supposed to be great fun
02:19.51languishI guess I
02:19.56languishwill have to start wearin purple
02:20.06DJTachyonwhy for?
02:20.14languishit's a go go bordello song
02:20.23languish"gogol bordello
02:21.40languishlol yeah that's it
02:22.07languishgo go bordello and gogol bordello != it seems lol
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02:22.11DJTachyontheir genre is "Immigrant Punk" ?
02:22.18languishgypsy punk
02:22.23DJTachyonah okay ;)
02:23.23DJTachyonwell ... i think its time for some Fallout 3 ... I hurt from painting and moving crap all day ..
02:23.42cbeust_is not enjoying Fallout3
02:23.55romainguy__cbeust_: me neither
02:23.56languishheh l8r
02:24.21*** part/#android mikez5 (
02:24.37cbeust_Can someone please make a game that's more fun than WoW? PLEASE?
02:24.37gdsxman... I feel like the only person who doesn't play games that much
02:25.03languishcbeust_, fun girls are more funw ith wow, ansd their games are a lot better too
02:25.04romainguy__cbeust_: well pretty much any game I've played since WoW came out :p
02:25.41cbeust_romainguy__: for me, no games that I've played since I started wow has kept my attention for more than a few hours
02:26.00romainguy__cbeust_: you are obviously an addict :)
02:26.01languishaddict :/
02:26.07cbeust_I know :(
02:26.46neekersbetter a witty fool than a foolish wit.
02:26.47gdsxcbeust_: you need to become addicted to photography like I am.  Or cycling.
02:26.59romainguy__gdsx: I'm addicted to photography
02:27.01neekerswilliam shakespeare
02:27.05gdsxromainguy__: *high five*
02:27.05romainguy__it's an annoying addiction sometimes
02:27.06ieatlintthe best way to solve an addiction is by concentrating on another addiction
02:27.08ieatlinttry alcohol
02:27.16gdsxromainguy__: true
02:27.20cbeust_I'm addicted to snowboarding, scuba diving, squash and volleyball
02:27.24romainguy__I have a f*cking backlog of pictures to develop
02:27.32cbeust_still love to play wow :)
02:27.35gdsxcbeust_: oh, sounds like you should add pole vault
02:27.36drasarHi there. Could somebody tell me please why is pin's direction set like this way in the kernel?   GPDR(60) |= GPIO_bit(60)
02:27.40gdsxcbeust_: that's my favorite addiction
02:27.44unix_remotewishes there an all night coffee place with wifi around here...
02:27.51unix_remote*le sigh*
02:28.13gdsxromainguy__: haha, I'm sifting through photos right now :o)
02:28.20neekersunix, where do you live?
02:28.30romainguy__I still have to finish the batch from my road trip
02:29.10unix_remoteneekers: dallas, one of the suburbs.
02:29.43neekersthere isnt all night wifi there?
02:29.53neekersin a hotel?
02:29.57unix_remoteneekers: i mean a proper coffee place, not a starbucks with grade schoolers and their parents supporting their 20 dollar a day caffeine habit.
02:30.39unix_remoteneekers: we're about to get a co-working space here.
02:30.50cbeust_romainguy__: I would love to get addicted to photography but not sure I have it in me
02:30.58ieatlintfunny, i'm at a co-working type place right now
02:31.07neekershow many co workers?
02:31.07unix_remotecbeust_: it's an expensive hobby i hear ;-)
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02:31.13romainguy__cbeust_: it's a huge investment in time and money
02:31.31spikebikedunno, not really
02:31.32cbeust_So that's where photographers spend most of their time: sorting out photos?
02:31.40romainguy__cbeust_: almost
02:31.43spikebikecertainly you can
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02:31.57romainguy__sorting photos and, in case of people like me taking photos of landscape, going to the right spot at the right time
02:32.06spikebikebut you could also just buy a d70 used and have a fine camera to use how ever man hours a month as you want
02:32.23romainguy__spikebike: the body is not the expensive part :)
02:32.28unix_remoteromainguy__: also a very lonely habit in a lot of cases.
02:32.36spikebikewell you don't have to get a ton of lenses
02:32.37romainguy__I'm fine with this
02:32.41romainguy__actually that's part of what I like about it
02:32.53unix_remotespikebike: why buy a d70 when a d90 is only marginally more expensive.
02:33.15romainguy__spikebike: no, but a few good quality lenses is still expensive; plus all the accessories you get to find mandatory as you become more and more involved in your hobby
02:33.16spikebikedecause you can get a d70 fit for a few hundred instead of a d90 for $1200
02:33.54unix_remotelast d70 kit i saw was around 500-600. a d90 is 999 last i heard.
02:34.08spikebikezillions of folks are upgrading from the d70 -> d90
02:34.29unix_remotespikebike: I'd agree there.  If you're looking to buy used no better deal out there.
02:34.30romainguy__cbeust_: << I woke up at 3 am several days in a row to be able to be on site when I wanted :)
02:34.31spikebikehell even used d300s in unopened boxes were going cheap as people decided to get the d90 instead
02:34.58spikebikeyah, there's an opportunity because hordes are upgrading for double the pixels and of course movies
02:34.59gdsxspikebike: unfortunately, I don't think sd is really an option for serious photographers (in that you couldn't share cards among different bodies)
02:35.15jham_romainguy_: You should see the wind mills in west Texas ;-)
02:35.16romainguy__gdsx: I second that
02:35.18gdsx(that is, the D80 and D90 don't use compact flash)
02:35.20spikebikegdsx who cares?
02:35.25romainguy__jham_: I'd love to
02:35.31spikebike8 GB cards are like $15
02:35.39gdsxspikebike: uhh... not for quality cards
02:35.41romainguy__spikebike: not the good ones
02:35.45spikebikemaybe double that
02:35.47gdsxspikebike: and quality makes a _big_ difference
02:35.48romainguy__and unfortunately that matters a lot
02:36.06unix_remoteromainguy__: which city are you in?
02:36.12spikebikehell even the premium type 6 micro/mini whatever they are are only $30 for 8GB
02:36.21romainguy__unix_remote: but I lived in Santa Clara at the time
02:36.37unix_remoteah, well yea, it's nice to get out and be alone when you're in a big city like that.
02:36.52unix_remotesuburbia is very isoltaed.
02:37.34*** join/#android Jennie (
02:37.57JennieHEY GUYS
02:38.04JennieCan you tell me where I can buy an android
02:38.37gdsxJennie: you can make one in 10 easy steps if you have a willing neighbor
02:39.14Jennie10 is too much I am grotesquely obese
02:39.43gdsxJennie: well at least you can spell :o)
02:40.30JennieThank you, it comes from spending all my time reading menus that I send my android out to steal from restaurants but I don't actually go out to those restaurants because I am too fat.
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02:41.40tretle_hi, can anyone tell me whether android has been properly hacked onto other devices yet and not just run on top of symbian/windows mobile?
02:42.08unix_remotetretle_: there are rumors of a semi-functional buil on the HTC vogue.
02:42.09cbeust_tretle_: Android only runs on G1 as of today, AFAIK
02:43.09tretle_too bad the g1 wont be sold in ireland any time soon
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02:44.04gdsxtretle_: I know TMUK launched recently.  Do they not serve Ireland? (I don't know)
02:45.03spikebiketretle do they have gsm/edge there?
02:45.29tretle_no tmobile in ireland
02:45.35spikebikeI didn't ask that
02:45.40tretle_02, vodafone, metor an three only
02:45.50spikebiketretle do they have gsm/edge there?
02:46.14tretle_Ireland were one of the fiorst countriesa to switch to 3g :)
02:46.30tretle_first countries
02:46.33spikebikebzzt try again
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02:46.43spikebike3G != no gsm/edge
02:47.53tretle_well edge was used before 3g
02:48.20spikebiketries to extract teeth
02:48.29spikebikeso no edge/gsm there?
02:48.54tretle_Im sure there is, meteor never made the switch to 3g
02:49.53tretle_I think its more of a case of non of the cell phone carriers being part of the open handset alliance
02:50.16tretle_the original iphone used edge didnt it
02:50.21raidfiveShould I be able to cause an Intent to fire to open the dialer by hitting tel:2125551212 in the browser?
02:50.36spikebikewell with gsm and edge you can do it yourself
02:50.36tmztcbeust_: android release (1.0) only runs on g1, but earlier versions are running on vogue, titan, kaiser, I think.  also, there were attempts to use it on n810/n800
02:50.53spikebikeheh yeah
02:51.08spikebikegoogle for android on at youtube
02:52.54tretle_that was running on top of windows mobile/symbian though, I would be looking for a phone that I could completely replace symbian/windows mobile with android
02:53.35gdsxtretle_: the short answer is that no, there is currently no phone you'd actually want to use that's running Android
02:53.41gdsx(other than G1)
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02:56.58g1erwouldn't the Wing boot even without a sim?
02:57.52g1erwon't* mine does nothing since starting to use the G1(i think it killed itself!)
02:58.03tretle_hmmm... would be cool to see it running natively on the touch hd
03:00.21tmzttretle_: that starts from windows, but it replaces it in the ram when running
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03:02.19tretle_I guess all we need now is a standard boot loader
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03:13.27spikebiketretle you could just buy a g1
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03:19.36KNYI don't suppose we have any UK folk here, do we?
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03:28.54wastrelok anyone using fbreaderj?   it doesn't save location in the book when the app is killed
03:28.57wastrelv. annoing
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03:33.51offby1For how long should the "Unlocking SIM card..." message persist?
03:33.59offby1it's been there for a minute or more ...
03:34.17ramgardenHas anyone thought about asking ESRI to support their mobile GIS platform on Android?
03:35.07ramgardenI have an excellent idea for an augmented reality mobile device for utility field workers...
03:35.37*** join/#android paigeadele (i=erratic@
03:36.20paigeadeletelnetd doesn't seem to open port 23, any ideas?
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03:36.38g1erhave you upgraded ro RC30?
03:36.45paigeadelei dont think so
03:36.54wastreli did
03:37.00g1ermenu-settings-about phone, near the botton
03:37.01DarkriftXtelnet cannot open port 23 unless its root
03:37.13g1er:X someone wiser
03:37.31DarkriftXso if you do not have the root bug anymore (rc30) you cannot use telnet on ports lower than 1024
03:38.00paigeadelethe build number says kila-user 1.0 TC4-RC19
03:38.19g1ercool, your just missing a step somewhere then
03:38.50DarkriftXpaigeadele, reboot the phone and as soon as you get to the home screen type "telnetd" and hit enter
03:38.53DarkriftXthen try to connect to it
03:39.02DarkriftXif you know the local ip that is
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03:42.16paigeadeleok the slashdot trick worked
03:43.06DarkriftXslashdot or dotslash
03:43.26Neverenderwastrel: yeah
03:43.35Neverenderfbreader needs some work
03:43.50paigeadeleok another person here
03:43.54paigeadeleIm build 29
03:44.03paigeadelehang on a sec
03:44.09paigeadelewe're gonna try it again on mine
03:44.14paigeadeleit didn't work for me though
03:45.03paigeadeleit worked for me
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03:51.07g1erso from what I understand..
03:52.26g1erthis = android
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03:53.58g1erjust curious of the possabilities :)
03:55.57gdsxg1er: my impression is that the bootloader is more closely-tied to the hardware than the software it's loading
03:56.46gdsx(for instance, linux has a different bootloader for pretty much every desktop platform it runs on
03:56.56DarkriftXi dont think your radio will work though
03:57.44g1erDarkriftX, that's ok. My wing is about dead anyway. :)
03:57.57DarkriftXi wanna get android on my axim x51
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03:59.25g1erthanks gdsx, kind of what I gathered from the other HTC attempts out there.
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04:11.07DarkriftXwow, dying out in here earlier then normal
04:11.36g1errefining my statement from waaaaaay earlier "Android system recovery utility E:can't open /cache/recovery/command"
04:11.57g1ernk. I'm not going to learn much tonight :P
04:12.31g1er^^ what is stated in the home+power alt+l screen
04:12.44alansjg1er: yes, that's an interesting error message... I've been wondering about it
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04:13.24g1erI'm wondering if it checks there first, then sys memory for the recovery install
04:13.58alansjdoes it check sys memory for the recovery install at all?
04:14.11alansjas far as I could tell, it only ever checks /sdcard/
04:14.14alansjbut I could be wrong
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04:14.36DarkriftXthe "command" part makes it seem like its not an image its looking for
04:15.29g1ero.0 ok, i just re-installed RC30
04:15.52g1erdeleted a bunch of stuff...then new boot etc.
04:16.10DarkriftXg1er, did you hear the good news? (well, not for you)
04:16.19DarkriftXthey figured out how to get to rc30 with root
04:16.25g1erlol ya
04:16.43mocsroxhey guys.. anyone know if you can get a unique identifier from an android phone?
04:16.50mocsroxe.g. a device id or something?
04:16.51DarkriftXnow if only i can still find an rc19-29 g1 when im ready to buy
04:17.07DarkriftXmocsrox, someone asked about this a week ago and i think the answer was no
04:17.11KNYmocsrox, that's been asked on android-beginners
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04:17.16KNYI think there's an ANDROID_ID
04:17.17cbeust_mocsrox: the IMEI
04:17.19g1erkinda on my own over here :P (gives spikebike the eveil stare) jk, i learned alot anyway
04:17.19KNYtry searching there
04:17.43DarkriftXg1er, return it saying the usb plug is loose or something lol
04:17.53KNYif I define something in arrays.xml, can I access that in the code? (strings.xml has getString())
04:18.03DarkriftXmake it seem hardware related, not software :) lol
04:18.34mocsroxKNY: the email list?
04:18.53KNYmocsrox, yeah
04:18.55mocsroxcbeust_: there's a programmatic way to get the IMEI via the sdk?
04:19.04mocsroxKNY: thx
04:19.05g1eras long as I can mod RC30 and keep reinstalling modded versions I'm happy for now :)
04:19.59cbeust_mocsrox: I don't know but I doubt it for privacy reasons
04:20.55KNYof course I don't see how they can guarantee ANDROID_ID is unique, but it's most likely unique enough
04:21.01KNYseeing as it's 64-bit hex
04:22.41mocsroxKNY: sweet thx!
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04:23.38ionstormwhat set suid files are in rc30
04:23.46ionstormeh processes
04:23.52ionstormwhat processes are setuid
04:25.53g1eram I going to brick my phone if i change a few of the pictures in the RC and re-install it?
04:26.09g1erionstorm, how can i check 4 ya?
04:26.18ionstormbusybox find / -type f \( -perm -04000 -o -perm -02000 \) \-exec ls -lg {} \;
04:26.54ionstormbut busybox wont work on thatg
04:26.59ionstormgotta find another way
04:27.14RyeBryeDarkriftX - how to root on rc30?
04:27.54RyeBryekeeping root, yes, but gaining root?
04:27.56ionstormbasically we need to exploit a setuid process
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04:29.29RyeBryeJesusFreke himself is now locked out on his own phone, so if we can find a solution for him to gain root that would be good
04:30.48g1erwe can reinstall RC's can't something be changed to establish root again?
04:31.09RyeBryewell... not if you have lost it
04:31.32RyeBryebecause they are signed and sealed, basically - you can't change any of the files without breaking the signatures
04:32.10RyeBryeand the signatures file itself is then digested and the digest is signed and stored at the end of the CERT.RSA file - so the whole thing is pretty bulletproof
04:32.42g1erbummer :/
04:33.05RyeBryeTo be honest, I think we need to start an organized way to request T-mobile to let people request developer versions of the firmware -
04:33.08DarkriftXby locked out what do we mean?
04:33.11DarkriftXcannot even boot?
04:33.16RyeBryeNo, cannot gain root
04:33.27DarkriftXnot as badd, but yeah.... sucks
04:33.37DarkriftXmaybe that will motivate him lol
04:33.59RyeBryeI'm sure it will - but the next exploit will take much longer to find
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04:34.14g1eras for RC101, impossible as well?
04:34.25RyeBryehuh? What RC101 are you talking about?
04:34.40g1ercooked RC possibilities
04:35.00RyeBryeIf your recovery image is only looking for files signed by HTC, you can't exactly cook anything
04:35.07RyeBryeunless you have their private key
04:35.15RyeBryeand if you have their private key, please send it to me! :P
04:35.17g1eroh, are they hiring?
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04:39.44gdsxahaberlacho: maybe I should apply...
04:39.57RyeBryegdsx - what is your current position?
04:40.16RyeBryeDamm - did your phone bricking ever get fixed?
04:40.16gdsxRyeBrye: SET for Android :o)
04:40.27RyeBryegdsx - same thing?
04:41.12DammRyeBrye, yep
04:41.13gdsxRyeBrye: not quite; Mobile includes software for other platforms as well
04:41.23DammRyeBrye, flashed RC29, then grabbed the full RC30 patch
04:41.27Dammall is good, no root... but I don't mind
04:41.48Dammif it was my personal phone I would have cooked the rom and fucked with it
04:41.55Dammbut, it's not, it's a company phone.
04:41.56RyeBryeIt should very embarassing for google that your phoen was bricked - seeing as it failed on a file you never touched
04:42.16Dammwell T-Mobile has stopped sending RC30 out
04:42.32Dammonly a short amount of people got RC30, the rest are the idiots like me who downloaded it.
04:42.53RyeBryeReally? Everyone here was getting peppered with it
04:42.55Dammso obviously the 4meg patch had something wrong.
04:43.02RyeBryeI wonder if my phone is still trying to get it
04:43.04Dammit shouldn't be going out.
04:43.16Dammunless they are OTA'ing the full
04:43.27spikebikewell T-Mobile has stopped sending RC30 out
04:43.41Dammspikebike, according to someone inside tmo yes
04:43.48RyeBryeWas it on a forum?
04:43.50Dammthey got assaulted with people with their phones bricked
04:44.01DammRyeBrye, no my woman works for t-mobile
04:44.01RyeBryeThose people on the official t-mobile forums seriously have their heads up their butts
04:44.13RyeBryeMine is still trying to download the 4 meg version
04:44.16Dammoh I don't trust those idiots
04:44.18RyeBryeso they didn't stop sending it out
04:44.33RyeBryemaybe they stopped letting new android ID's download it  but they didn't stop it going out
04:44.38DammTSG's story is they stopped sending it out.
04:44.47oyeojrc30 is briking phones?
04:44.51Dammoyeoj, yes
04:44.56Dammthe 4meg patch bricked my phone
04:45.01RyeBryeRC30 is a pimple on the ass of software
04:45.06Damm ...
04:45.08wastreli got it
04:45.16Dammthat's what I got when I got the 4meg version
04:45.38oyeoji got it OTA
04:46.11g1ermy RC30 is still hanging in there,  a bit slower but, working.
04:47.16DammT-Mobile got assaulted with people who tried the 4meg update either OTA or downloaded
04:47.19Dammand it bricked their phones
04:47.26Dammso they had to replace 200 phones on the first day
04:47.45Dammmy phone wasn't modified what so ever (except for busybox)
04:47.51Dammso it shouldn't have had a problem updating
04:48.11oyeojyeah mine was unmodded
04:48.21RyeBryeThat's hilarious
04:48.28RyeBryeWhat RC was on the ones they replaced?
04:48.40DammRyeBrye, RC29
04:48.43wastrelmine was unmodded and was rc25 or whatever htey updated 19 with
04:48.48wastrelnow rc30 and ticking along
04:48.50g1erthey 4meg was RC29 only
04:48.58Dammg1er, correct
04:49.08wastreli didn't know there was a 29
04:49.11Dammg1er, I ended up doing the RC19-RC28-RC29 patch
04:49.34g1erya, I went through it last night, 19 -> 29 -> 30
04:49.50g1erno problems thus far
04:49.52wastreli thought it was 25.  i'm bad with numbers :]
04:50.00RyeBrye???? my phone randomly just rebooted itself
04:50.24g1er28 was just for a minute. until the first exploit was found a few days into it.. then 29
04:50.38RyeBryeWhat was the exploit on 28?
04:51.04g1erI don't think it was a 28 specific but rather an android specific
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04:51.29Dammbrowser exploit if i recall
04:51.52RyeBryespeaking of browser - is there a way to do a "find on page" in the browser on Android?
04:52.00RyeBryesearching within a page?
04:52.06g1ernot yet :/
04:52.28Dammmini chrome
04:52.32g1erseems dumb to leave that out
04:52.53g1ernot mini-chrome.. ? webkit ?
04:52.56Dammbut we have copy and paste
04:53.28RyeBryeWell - can you select text that's not in a text input field on a web page?
04:53.28Dammwell it is chrome is it not?
04:53.37RyeBryeno, it's not chrome - it's webkit
04:53.42RyeBryewhich chrome is based on
04:54.18Dammand it recognizes numbers and addresses
04:54.24RyeBryeHow do you select it?
04:54.43Dammso lookup papamurphys and find your location
04:55.09Dammscroll over the # and hit the green call key
04:55.37Dammor press and hold the track ball and select copy
04:56.08Dammthen go to contacts and paste the #
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04:57.32RyeBryebut what about selecting like a paragraph of text or something?
04:57.55Dammdunno not tried that
04:57.58wastrelscroll down yes?
04:58.53RyeBryeI can copy URLs, but I can't see how to copy random text
04:59.27g1erI don't think that's possible either :/
04:59.28KNYRyeBrye, alt + trackball selects, IIRC
04:59.51waldo_so if you move that I gues syou can't download off the market any more huh
04:59.52Dammsorry about that, was typing on the G1 in connectbot for irc
05:00.05RyeBryewaldo - no
05:00.11waldo_wait I may take that back
05:00.12Dammwaldo_, that's not a huge deal you can install manually
05:00.15RyeBryeif you move the cacerts - you can't
05:00.26waldo_I take it back it totally worked
05:00.26Dammwaldo_, did you do the hostfile trick?
05:00.30waldo_what's the hostfile trick?
05:00.31RyeBryeif you moved the cacerts after I specifically said not to, I will pimp slap you
05:00.58ahaberlachoAnd RyeBrye is pretty hardcore pimpish!
05:01.05Dammwaldo_, someone was trying to sell adding to the hostfile would stop the OTA.
05:01.13gdsxRyeBrye: keep in mind that the G1 will pimp-slap you back
05:01.22waldo_damm ah, that's an interesting idea
05:01.34RyeBryewaldo - just move the OTAcerts - that will take care of it
05:01.42RyeBryethe host file thing DOES block the market, iirc
05:01.49waldo_RyeBrye: that's waht I did
05:01.55Dammthat's awesome
05:02.03Dammi didn't realize that everything we typed was going out as root
05:02.07waldo_damm yup
05:02.10Dammwaldo_, breaks the market.
05:02.22waldo_nah the market works fine I realize now
05:02.25Dammand to me that's unacceptable
05:02.29waldo_w/otacert being renamed
05:02.32Dammwaldo_, if you do the hostfile trick, it breaks it.
05:03.14RyeBryeyeah, moving otacerts doesn't hurt it
05:03.21RyeBryeit just hurts the OTA updates
05:03.37Dammso uh, with RC30 can you still do reboot from the keyboard
05:04.28Dammnah, but that's funny as heck
05:04.29paigeadelewhat is this udp port 9000 that listening on
05:04.48paigeadeleon the android *
05:07.37RyeBryeDamm - RC30 blocks the reboot from the keyboard
05:08.42DammRyeBrye, right.
05:08.54Dammso if you type on the keyboard ping
05:08.59Dammyou can keep an open ping running as root
05:09.13Dammwhich will keep your data connection open until you r-e-b-o-o-t
05:09.38Dammthat's even more nefarious then I thought to begin with
05:11.53gdsxDamm: what do you mean?
05:11.57oyeojwait rc30 doesnt disable the whole phantom shell? just blocks reboot??!?
05:12.16oyeojthat cant be right
05:12.18DarkriftXno oyeoj
05:12.37DarkriftXi think he is saying it removes permissions from everythign except for ping which still has root permissions
05:13.03Fnord^AFKthat's normal
05:14.08DammDarkriftX, ... don't speak for me ever again.
05:14.24DarkriftXDamm, grow up
05:14.40DarkriftXi think damm is brutesource
05:14.47DarkriftXboth do nothing but troll
05:15.39ahaberlachoTroll, Troll, Troll your chan
05:15.43ionstormcan u reflash once upgraded to rc30
05:15.45ahaberlachoGently down the tubes
05:15.48ionstormwith a modd'd fw
05:15.54ahaberlachoMerrily, merrily merrily, merrily
05:15.58ahaberlachoUh, whatever.
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05:16.21Dammionstorm, yes
05:16.24Dammwell no
05:16.27Dammyou have to go to rc29 first
05:16.28Dammand then yes
05:16.38ionstormu can downgrade?
05:16.45Fnord^AFKyou can go to 29 from 30?
05:16.48Dammit's not upgrading the boot loader, there will be a point when they upgrade the boot loader, or do something that won't let you downgrade.
05:17.02DammFnord^AFK, if you grab the RC19-RC28 yes
05:17.05Fnord^AFKthey do update the bootloader
05:17.16Dammthey update boot.img
05:17.16Dammnot the same thing
05:17.25Fnord^And recovery.img
05:17.37ionstormso u can downgrade from rc30 to rc 19
05:17.45Dammsomeone give me a rc29 bootloader info
05:17.47Dammionstorm, should be able to yes
05:17.57ionstormcant downgrade to rc29 tho?
05:18.14Dammto rc19? if you have a full rc19 image
05:18.28Dammdrea100 pvt 32b... hboot 0.95.0000 cpld-4 radio-
05:18.31DarkriftXrc19-rc28 zip file is rc29
05:18.36Dammi assume that's the same
05:19.21Dammif someone who has rc29 will shut off their phone, power it on holding the camera button
05:19.24Dammwe can confirm or deny
05:19.43Dammand no your emulator does not count DarkriftX.
05:19.47DarkriftXi have screenshots of rc29
05:19.55DarkriftXbut im not confirming shit for your ass
05:20.07DarkriftXok, not screenshots, camera pics taken of the rc29 bootloader
05:20.56DammDarkriftX, good because I wouldn't believe it if you tried.
05:21.23DarkriftXi wouldnt blame you, trolls never believe anything they are told
05:21.39DarkriftXthey are always right and everyone else is always wrong
05:21.55Fnord^anyway rc29 update wouldn't have rc30 in it's initial version check
05:22.25DammFnord^, why would a full version do a version check anywho?
05:22.41DarkriftXbecause the script tells it to
05:22.46DarkriftXmy emulator told me that one :)
05:22.46Fnord^No clue. rc30fuil does
05:23.14DarkriftXrc29 does also
05:23.21DarkriftXfirst few lines of the update script
05:23.38paigeadele# cat udp  sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode                                40: 00000000:2328 00000000:0000 07 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000  1010        0 658 2 c593bba0
05:23.45paigeadeleanyone know how to look up that inode?
05:24.50Fnord^find / -ls |grep inode?
05:25.28Fnord^never seen a hexadecimal inode
05:25.29DammFnord^, you got find on your G1?
05:25.38DammFnord^, it's YAFFS2... so I wouldn't be shocked
05:25.55Fnord^damn, got busybox which has it
05:27.48DammFnord^, busybox rocks.
05:28.16jriley60hey can someone explain adb to me
05:28.35jriley60i did jesusfreke's new update and the telnetd command didn't stick around
05:29.00jriley60so i'm either learning about adb or turning back to rc29
05:30.34ismarcDamm: sorry it took me a bit, rc29 booting is: drea100 pvt 32b hboot-0.95.0000 cpld-4 radio-, sep 2 2008
05:30.51Dammismarc, so it's xactly the same then.
05:31.03Dammso clearly you can turn back to rc29 if you wanted.
05:31.42Dammi wonder how boring mtty would be with that screen
05:32.31RyeBryejriley60 - just get the official terminal app
05:32.32g1erk.. we got a failure
05:32.40Dammg1er, ?
05:32.42RyeBryeg1er - what re you trying?
05:32.47Dammcan't go back to rc29?
05:32.51g1erlol ya
05:32.59Dammwhat happened?
05:33.07RyeBryeyou can never go backk..... you can NEVER GO BACKKK>>>>
05:33.26g1erE:Failure at line 1: (you want all the tech stuff as well)?
05:33.32DammRyeBrye, sure you can... otherwise when I bricked my phone with RC30... i shouldn't have been able to reinstall RC30
05:33.34jriley60from the market ryebrye? that's what i tried
05:33.37Dammg1er, sure, it
05:33.54g1erok give me a minute
05:34.20RyeBryewelll.. ues
05:34.48RyeBryejriley - pterminal sucks
05:34.56RyeBryejriley - use the real one, the one hello android put up there
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05:35.13RyeBryejriley - if you have JesusFrekes mods on there, you will see # instead of $ when you do it - or you can at least do su
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05:35.56Adamantswetland: is there any chance of getting a tailcall instruction in Dalvik?
05:36.12jriley60huh well damn it's not working
05:36.16DarkriftXi thought we already covered the reasons why you cannot downgrade (without editing the script to not check current versions)
05:36.21AdamantI think it's been proposed for Java 7 but I don't know if they care enough to do it or not
05:36.26jriley60i see $ and i followed the link from his latest post
05:36.28RyeBryejriley60 - are you using pterminal or are you usng the real one?
05:36.40jriley60what's the real one
05:36.44swetlandadamant: I know Dan (the vm lead) is open to adding more features
05:36.44RyeBryelook in the market
05:36.50RyeBryepterminal is a piece of crap
05:37.01jriley60ah got a name for the other one
05:37.07Adamantswetland: the VM's open source, right?
05:37.11RyeBryeTerminal Emulator, I think
05:37.14DarkriftXterminal might work jriley60
05:37.26Adamantswetland: thank you
05:38.34jriley60terminal emulator is giving the same thing
05:38.40Adamantswetland: that will make it much easier to get "higher-level languages" into Dalvik and have them compile to something decent
05:38.41jriley60ahh sucky
05:41.31g1erphone's working fine after failed install, fyi.
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05:43.30plusminus_irc from G1...
05:44.59swetlandadamant: I know dan is definitely interested in seeing other languages target the dalvik vm, so I suspect he'd be supportive of such efforts
05:45.15Dammg1er, interesting...
05:45.24Dammg1er, makes me wonder if they changed the keys
05:45.41RyeBryeDarkriftX - it seems every full update checks for "test_keys" - so if there was ever a version released that had "test_keys" again by accident like there was last time - someone could install that and then go back in time to any update
05:46.18RyeBryeG1er- what version were you on and which were you going back to?
05:46.30g1errc30 going to rc29
05:46.35RyeBryeYeah, that's why it failed
05:46.35g1errc30 patch*
05:46.37RyeBryeyou failed that check
05:46.38Fnord^they did change keys
05:46.47RyeBryeTHey changed the ota keys?
05:46.58DarkriftXRyeBrye, good to know, i will be getting a copy of that test update soon
05:46.58RyeBryeHow do you know?
05:47.00Fnord^it was in the patchlist.
05:47.13Dammg1er, yes the keys are different
05:47.21Dammreleasekey.x509.pem is different in rc29 and rc30
05:47.29Dammso then I guess you can't go back.
05:47.45RyeBryeMaybe that was the reason
05:48.00Dammunless you can find a way to replace /etc/security/
05:48.23RyeBryeI don't care at all about what they do with their keys... since my phone will never use them
05:48.35RyeBryebut it is funny they would change the key like that
05:48.37g1erfyi you can.. reinstall rc30 patch and full rc30 over rc30 patch
05:48.53g1erdon't know if thats helpful tho
05:48.59RyeBryethe full versions are nice because you can always reinstall them over themselves
05:49.02DarkriftXyou can always install the same version over itself
05:49.07Dammnot really helpful
05:49.15RyeBryethat's why I was a little miffed and a little nervous seeing on the 4mb patch go out
05:49.16DarkriftXyou were able to install the rc19-rc29 update over itself
05:49.30DarkriftXalthough i dont officially know that, being an emulator user myself
05:49.30RyeBryewell, it's good to know they haven't removed the feature
05:49.42Dammthat's kinda interesting how they change the release key
05:50.28Dammchange you key on each release, sign the new update with the key you updated on the last release
05:50.38Dammensures that if your key is ever comprimised... your not doomed
05:51.06RyeBryeMaybe they did cryptanalysis on it and determined it was a weaker key - so weak, in fact, taht it would only take 10^120 years instead of the normal 10^138 years to crack with our current technology
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05:51.39Fnord^did they hire a bunch of people from sony or what?
05:51.42RyeBryeYeah, interesting practice. I can't see any good reason NOT to do it - and it is easy enough to do
05:51.48DammFnord^, no Danger.
05:51.57RyeBryebut... seriously... using a 2048 bit key should be enough for the next couple of billion years
05:51.58Fnord^cuz this is reminding me of psp drama
05:52.18RyeBrye(ok, maybe the next 50)
05:52.28jriley60anyone got a link to a tutorial to get me headed in the right direction using adb
05:52.37DarkriftXfor what jriley60?
05:52.42RyeBryeI guess the generally accepted date for a 2048 bit key is 2030
05:52.48jriley60to learn
05:52.49DarkriftXjriley60, do you have the sdk installed?
05:52.53RyeBryeif my phone still works in 2030, I will be impressed
05:53.08g1er2010 and I'll be impressed
05:53.20unix_infidelyea, the G1 doesnt feel that solid to me.
05:53.30unix_infideli'd wager it gives out soon after the 2 year contract is over, if not before then.
05:54.22RyeBryeDarkriftX - are you getting an RC30 test_keys release?
05:54.34DarkriftXno, the rc29 one
05:54.43DarkriftXthe one that dissapeared
05:54.52RyeBryebut the key did change between the releases though? :(
05:55.11RyeBryeI wonder what the RC29 test key update script looks like
05:55.15DarkriftXno idea, i havent seen the file myself
05:55.18RyeBryebut yeah, if oyu can get that, I'd be interested
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05:56.11RyeBrye... note to anyone who ever posts on t-mobile's abomination of a forum:
05:56.21RyeBryedon't EVER say "subscribe" on a thread
05:56.41Dammwhy's that?
05:57.02Dammhasn't bothered with the t-mobile forums
05:57.10DarkriftXRyeBrye, as soon as i get it it will be hosted on the wiki
05:57.26RyeBryeoh, nm, I did find the unsubscribe button - they just buryit
05:57.30spikebike2048-bit RSA keys to 112-bit symmetric keys
05:58.08spikebikehow many ops to check a key these days? 100?
05:58.33g1erwas active in the t-mo forums for about the first week of the g1
05:58.49g1ergood for basic user GUI questions
05:58.53jriley60i was active there till i got my phone
05:59.08jriley60bitching about it not coming fast enough with everyone else
05:59.32RyeBryeThe admins on there are technically incompetant
05:59.36jriley60haven't been back since i have it
05:59.45DammRyeBrye, reminds me of most of T-Mobile Employee's then.
06:00.00jriley60i did get a 81 page thread shut down though i got so bored
06:00.00RyeBryeYeah. I would have thought they could hire at least one or two smart people and have them run a forum
06:00.02Dammi'm shocked that T-Mobile can get as much done as they do.
06:00.21RyeBryeif you are going to run a forum on a SmartPhone - maybe hire a SmartPerson?
06:00.44Dammtoo much drama in T-Mobile
06:00.44Dammrequires someone who can create drama
06:00.56radixif you're a smart person, why would you be buggered to run a forum when you could get a better job?
06:01.25Dammexcellent point
06:01.31RyeBryeradix - the salary would have to be competitive
06:01.51RyeBryebut, of course, the salary would also have to compensate for the career-killing factor of working running the forum at T-mobile :)
06:02.12DarkriftXRyeBrye, calling a tmo tech competent would be like calling a rock soft
06:02.42RyeBryeI think one smart person at $80k would be a lot better than 2 dumb people at $40k or 3 dum people at $30k or so
06:03.13spikebikebut the think is the people who work for tmo aren't smart enough to recognize someone worth $80k
06:03.18DammRyeBrye, more then likely they hired some nubs in Canada who recently moved from India.
06:03.19DarkriftXexplain that to the execs at tmo, they arent all that competent either.
06:03.25spikebikeand if they did they would stick around for 6 months before moving to somewhere better
06:03.30Dammand are being held hostage by T-Mobile's outsourced center in Canada.
06:03.32jriley60hmm can't get my sd card to mount either
06:04.03DammI forget the name of the "PDA" Support Center for T-Mobile, but they traffic their 'good reps' from India to Canada.
06:04.25Dammno it's really disgusting
06:04.44DarkriftXjriley60, is this a factory sd card that shipped with the g1?
06:05.40jriley60it will mount on my windows box
06:06.09DarkriftXdidnt you install updates using that card before?
06:06.38jriley60yes i'm not sure what's going on right now. i shoulda stuck with rc29 i was happy lol
06:06.51DarkriftXis your card sandisk by chance?
06:06.54DarkriftX(guessing no)
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06:07.05jriley60yes it is
06:07.22g1erjriley60 rc30.. you probably know but in the notification bar you have to select to mount it
06:07.46jriley60it won't mount from the card reader either i don't think it's a phone thing
06:07.48DarkriftXdo you mean wont mount during normal boot, or during recovery console
06:08.04DarkriftXprob needs to be repartitioned
06:08.20jriley60i'm going to reboot
06:08.23DarkriftXfirst ive heard of a problem with the factory sandisk cards though, normally its the other brand they shipped
06:08.29jriley60and then repartition
06:08.46jriley60i really think it might be my machine
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06:11.52jriley60yup stupid box
06:14.13jriley60is it possible to flash from jesusfrekes modded rc30 back to the old modded rc29?
06:14.30DarkriftXactually, im sure it is if you edit the modded rc29 script
06:14.30RyeBryejriley - yeah
06:14.39RyeBryejust mod the install script on rc29
06:14.40jriley60ah good
06:14.42DarkriftXeither remvoe the version checking line or edit it
06:14.46RyeBryethat's kind of the point of the modded thing
06:15.29jriley60thank little baby jebus
06:15.29RyeBryeI think your time is better spent figuring out ADB than reverting to what you already know
06:15.29jriley60yea where do i start
06:15.29jriley60i need to learn anyway
06:16.17Dammlooking over jesusfreke's modded recovery and boot images
06:16.22Dammmakes his modded rc30 interesting
06:16.25spikebikeya me as well
06:16.34Fnord^he modded rc30?
06:16.36spikebikeI kinda wish he'd post simple straight forward directions
06:16.40RyeBryeThat guy is committed
06:16.49spikebikeinstead of saying go check this other thread
06:16.56DammFnord^, yes.
06:17.00spikebikethen come back and er implement something from 3 other threads
06:17.01RyeBryeHe BOUGHT another G1 because he accidently upgraded his to RC30 as a mistake
06:17.07Dammhe bought a new phone that had rc29, and blah
06:17.26spikebikerye dunno seems like a g1 is worth the cost new one bay
06:17.50RyeBryeI can't parse that :P
06:17.57Fnord^so much for my spotlight XD
06:18.39RyeBrye If anyone wants to jump on the bandwagon...
06:18.56Dammthe only real point of going the way of jesusfreke
06:18.57RyeBryeit wont accomplish anything, but I'm going to start trying to make some noise towards T-mobile
06:19.07Dammwill be when the android tree can be built easily
06:19.20Dammyou can keep up with the changes to make your G1 stable, and yet still rooted
06:19.37RyeBryeDamm - it can be - but the problem is that the open source build lacks some things like YouTube or other apps
06:19.57RyeBryeDamm - but yeah, a full open source build would be what I would prefer to run with
06:20.19RyeBryeJust repo sync and rebuild whenever a new noteworthy feature comes out - and never have to do an OTA update again
06:20.43RyeBryeI would alrady be banging on the latest tree - but they don't have their latest "next" kind of tree public yet
06:20.54DammRyeBrye, you can grab those .apk's from a regular phone and install them in your image
06:21.11Dammnot a huge deal
06:21.18RyeBryeDamm - yeah, but I think some apks need to be signed wtht he same key that the platform is signed with
06:21.26RyeBryeI suppose I could resign them with my platform key
06:21.34Dammresign them with your test key
06:21.41RyeBryeyeah, that would work
06:22.21Dammall the signing is... is java's jarsign
06:22.26Dammso it's not a huge deal
06:22.44RyeBryealthough I like the signapk tool they have a bit better for using
06:23.21RyeBryekeytool is like a maze that only the most well-trained rats can navigate in my experience
06:23.28RyeBryemight just be a dumb rat
06:23.29Dammisn't it the same basic thing?
06:23.45RyeBryeyeah, but the args are simpler
06:23.53Dammi remember how much fun it was converting a .pem key+cert into keytool
06:24.08Dammhad to convert them to pkcs12
06:24.20Dammzomg it took me like 4 hours to find decent instructions
06:24.27RyeBryeI did a support gig once and I had to do something similar for someone
06:24.32Dammand I never got the CA in... so it wasn't trusted well
06:24.51Dammso our tomcat webapp never served the CA
06:24.52RyeBryeThey were on Windows... I had them use the windows key thing to import their key and then export it since the keytool was so borked
06:25.16Dammwhich means if the CA wasn't installed, it was untrusted
06:25.20Dammwhich is fail
06:25.34RyeBryeooops :)
06:25.51jriley60how do i start adb this is crazy heh
06:25.58Dammjriley60, tools/adb?
06:26.12jriley60yea i guess
06:26.13RyeBryeloves screenshot2 in the tools the most
06:26.39RyeBryeWhat's the max framerate you can get out of that thing doing screenshot2 I wonder ?
06:26.42RyeBrye3 fps?
06:31.16Fnord^RyeBrye, i dunno if changing the build.fingerprint is a good idea
06:31.27Fnord^the phone..phones home
06:33.26DammFnord^, correct
06:33.35Dammmost phones phone home kinda
06:34.04Fnord^spewing out a modded version string might cause 'problems' with your account or your brakelines
06:34.24Dammwhat scares me the most is how no one minds giving google their gooey details anymore
06:35.04Fnord^speaking of
06:35.05cbeust_What scares me is that people give all their information to the Internet providers and don't care about it
06:35.16Fnord^has anyone figured out how to change the account yet?
06:35.29DammFnord^, factory reset.
06:35.31cbeust_Fnord^: factory reset
06:35.31jriley60bash: adb: command not found
06:35.38Fnord^-besides- that
06:35.41Dammjriley60, tools/adb
06:35.49ionstormchrist I cant believe google has pwn'd us with rc30
06:35.49michaelnovakjr__jriley60: put it in your path
06:36.19ionstormthey could have at least left our root axs allone
06:36.30Dammionstorm, there was a bigger problem then root.
06:36.37michaelnovakjr__ionstorm: i still don't see what's great about the root access
06:36.44Dammtechnically you could do rm -rf /* on the keyboard
06:36.50Dammand it would wipe the phone
06:37.06Dammcourse /system is mounted ro
06:37.09Dammbut that's not the point
06:37.33ionstormthey could have left our chmod'd files
06:38.09ionstormthats evil
06:38.15ionstormevil evil evil
06:38.16jriley60could the fact that i'm on 64 bit cause complications with adb?>
06:38.28michaelnovakjr__jriley60: you need to put it in your path
06:38.45jriley60i tired
06:38.55michaelnovakjr__jriley60: or go to the directory that has android in it go to tools and run ./adb
06:39.01ionstormwhat directory is left allone during the rc30 update?
06:39.07jham_Damm: I'm pretty sure that the rm on the phone doesn't do -r
06:39.15ionstormcan we hide a file somewhere?
06:39.17michaelnovakjr__jham_: i think it does
06:39.31Dammjham_, test it for us?
06:39.33jriley60ah thank you michael
06:39.43michaelnovakjr__:) that means it didn't get added to your path
06:39.44DarkriftXjham_, i think it does
06:39.57Fnord^ionstorm, /data, /cache, but both are mounted nosuid
06:40.01michaelnovakjr__you'll have to run it from the directory with ./adb unless you do
06:40.04Dammactually DarkriftX can test it for us... load up a RC29 emulator
06:40.07Dammand rm -rf /*
06:40.26cbeust_How about trying on a different directory? :)
06:40.26ionstormwhere are apps downloaded
06:40.35ionstormand installed
06:40.47michaelnovakjr__or just create one and put stuff in it and try it :)
06:40.50Fnord^can the emulator install updates?
06:40.50Dammionstorm, /data/app
06:41.01DammFnord^, can't imagine why not?
06:41.02jham_look at that, rm does do -r
06:41.08jham_though no -f
06:41.12Fnord^not quite the same os
06:41.23DarkriftXno Fnord^ he thinks that someone who does not own a g1 cannot know anything about android and trolls about it all day long
06:41.33Dammjham_, without -f it's not as devastating.
06:41.57ionstormwhy not hide su in /data/app ?
06:41.59Dammwill ou please shutup already about everyone trolling DarkriftX.
06:42.01RyeBryeDamm - unless they don't have a -f because it doesn't have a -i ?
06:42.03Fnord^errr i was just wondering if it could install updates. good way to test mods
06:42.04geistdont listen to jham_
06:42.08DarkriftXnot everyone, just you
06:42.09geisthe's a troll
06:42.26michaelnovakjr__rm only has recursive
06:42.28spikebikerc29 g1 now thinks that my home access point is a t-mobile access point
06:42.29michaelnovakjr__no other options
06:42.31DammRyeBrye, true you don't need -f.
06:42.37Dammno need for forcng
06:42.40jham_Listen to geist, he totally knows what he's talking about
06:42.45geistdamn straight.
06:42.58geisthey wait, you just tried to reverse-troll me!
06:43.00DarkriftXignores jham_ for excessive trolling
06:43.01Dammforce of habbit to rm -rf
06:43.08RyeBryeme too
06:43.22RyeBryespikebike - that's funnny... maybe they hacked your AP to get back at you for hacking on their phone
06:43.29jham_geist: I'm tricky like that
06:43.46DarkriftXignores self for lack of having a g1
06:43.52spikebikeiostorm only system allows suid
06:44.02RyeBryeinfobot: who is your mother
06:44.03infobotMrs. Apt is well, thank you.
06:44.12DarkriftXi love that bot
06:44.24DarkriftXthe most unexpected things work on it
06:44.25RyeBryeinfobot: What do you think of DarkriftX
06:44.35DarkriftXinfobot, have we met beore?
06:46.28michaelnovakjr__that's annoying
06:47.00jriley60hey hey now i'm getting somewhere
06:47.09*** join/#android fnord (
06:47.13DarkriftXgood to hear jriley60
06:47.17DarkriftXwhere is somewhere
06:47.27jriley60eh i got adb running
06:47.46fnordnow to make modded boot image
06:47.54jriley60only showing emulator as device
06:48.10jriley60no modded boot images for me
06:48.16DarkriftXi read about that happening, dont remember what to do to fix it though
06:48.34michaelnovakjr__jriley60: you are trying to adb your G1?
06:49.08michaelnovakjr__that's instructions for setting it up
06:50.52ionstormis the mod'd recovery and full rc30 mod safe?
06:51.00jriley60thank you
06:51.03DarkriftXnothing is safe
06:51.04jriley60cd ..
06:51.10DarkriftXbut a couple ppl have gotten it working ionstorm
06:51.29DarkriftXfnord would be the one to ask i believe
06:51.29jriley60i'm using it
06:51.55jriley60now that i finally figured out how to use adb i have root
06:52.33ionstormonce that is installed how do u install future updates?
06:52.51DarkriftXmod them and resign, then rename to and force it
06:52.51fnordmodded recovery is safe, and i know my rc30 is. i'd trust JF's rc30, though his might make future updates more troublesome
06:52.54michaelnovakjr__ionstorm: there's a disclaimer... you have to code them yourself :)
06:53.16DarkriftXnot code, just change some lines in the script
06:53.26ionstormupdate-script ic
06:53.29saurikanyone here randomly happen to still be specifically on rc28? (not rc29?)
06:53.31DarkriftXnot full coding*
06:53.41michaelnovakjr__DarkriftX: i'm being an ass, i still think root access is pretty stupid :)
06:53.50fnordfor config.gz?
06:53.59RyeBryeFnord - how would his make future updates harder?
06:54.01DarkriftXmichaelnovakjr, i understand your point, for most users it is
06:54.06saurikfnord: yeah; it /must/ be the same, but I am anal
06:54.10fnordRyeBrye, he customizes version strings
06:54.11DarkriftXbut some ppl like to tweak stuff
06:54.12michaelnovakjr__i'm still on RC19
06:54.17ionstormRyeBrye, have u updated to the mod'd rc30 /
06:54.22DarkriftXsaurik, ive never seen anyone on rc28
06:54.24RyeBryeI'm going to update to his now
06:54.28saurik(rc19 and rc29 are the same, except for the comment that indicates when the kernel was built)
06:54.52RyeBryeFnord - it's good that he mods his version strings, as it prevents you from screwing your phone over by accident by re-signing the update without first removing stuff form it
06:55.20fnordRyeBrye, true, but also exposes you to detection :P
06:55.39DarkriftXwho cares, you block their ota
06:55.41spikebikerye moving to JF's?  He mentioned putting a new release without the permissio problem
06:55.49RyeBryeThey can detect me all I want - I never signed anything I wouldn't
06:55.59RyeBryespikebike - oh? I'll wait then
06:56.27RyeBryeerr I mean I never signed anything saying I wouldn't play with my own phone
06:56.39RyeBryewhat are they going to do? Shoot me?
06:57.33saurikrye: you probably at least signed something saying you wouldn't do it /and/ keep your warranty (not that I'm at all saying you should care or that they would ever track you down and prove "we aren't accepting this warranty fix because our server logs noticed a weird version string a couple months ago")
06:57.43SplasPoodfor JF's RC30...  do I just stick the zip containing system/ boot.img and radio.img, etc in as on the sd
06:58.34RyeBryesaurik - If I ever bricked my phone by doing a bad reflash, that would apply - but they couldn't say that my screen wasn't under warranty because I changed my software
06:58.45fnordsaurik, what was the url of your page?
06:58.46spikebikeToday, 07:09 AM
06:58.57spikebikeHuh. Interesting. I can't either. It doesn't look like I got the permissions set on it correctly. You'll have to connect via adb, and change the permissions
06:59.05spikebikeI'll get that fixed and post a new update.
06:59.06spikebikeThanks for pointing it out
06:59.08saurikrye: they probably did if yo uread the fine print, but again I am not saying they would ever care, just that I think "I never signed anything saying I wouldn't..." is kind of strong ;P
06:59.10spikebike(thats UTC)
06:59.17RyeBryesaurik - yeah, point take
06:59.19fnordpermissions on what?
06:59.46SplasPoodD:\Android>adb shell
06:59.47SplasPood# cd /system/bin
06:59.47SplasPoodcd /system/bin
06:59.47SplasPood# chmod 4755 su
06:59.48SplasPoodchmod 4755 su
06:59.48SplasPoodon that
07:00.10jriley60i just figured that out as well
07:00.22SplasPoodnot a huge deal to fix 'by hand' in any case
07:00.42DarkriftXwhat about making a second busybox that has full root perms lol
07:00.54DarkriftXactually, i guess sh covers that also
07:00.57DarkriftXand smaller
07:01.02*** join/#android plusminus_ (i=4421a620@gateway/web/ajax/
07:01.12RyeBryeso the only "issue" in his build now is that the sh isn't suid?
07:01.14DarkriftXhola plusminus_
07:01.35SplasPoodRyeBrye: seems that way from the thread
07:01.54fnordmaybe dynamically linking busybox wasn't a good idea
07:02.46SplasPoodSo.. to install the modified RC30... is that just an ?
07:02.58DarkriftXafter you have edited it, yes
07:03.18SplasPoodDarkriftX: what's the edit?
07:03.36DarkriftXedit scripts, change the recovery to the modded recovery, repack, resign, rename, force (i think this is the right order, someone please correct me if im wrong)
07:03.55RyeBryesomeone will write an sh to do that for us one day :)
07:04.06DarkriftXSplasPood, as some will point out, i do not have a g1 so im going off massive reading, but no experience
07:04.09DarkriftXdo not take my word for it
07:04.20SplasPoodWe'll take Rye's word for it then ;)
07:04.29SplasPoodRyeBrye: I thought that all is what JF released..
07:04.34ionstormbleh someone should make a so ppl dont fuck up the editing lol
07:04.45DarkriftXionstorm, i agree, ill put it on the wiki :)
07:04.52RyeBryehe released the built version - not the "build your own version" tools
07:04.54ionstormsoon we'll see ppl come in here and trash their defice
07:05.01ionstormDarkriftX, good idea
07:05.20ionstormthe wiki r0x btw
07:05.23SplasPoodRyeBrye: thats what I thought... so its just a drop in and re-flash with the bootloader ya?  Presuming you are using the modified rc29 already?
07:05.43RyeBryeYes, it is
07:05.54RyeBryeyou can even drop it in FROm the bootloader if you are using the flashed one
07:06.01RyeBryesince he has adb enabled on the recovery in his modified one
07:06.54DarkriftXionstorm, thanks, good to hear. I am lucky that RyeBrye is doing most of the work, i just go edit formatting and change links around
07:07.22RyeBryeit hasn't been much work yet
07:07.46SplasPoodyea keeping all this info in one place rather than 1000s of threads is important, thanks guys :)
07:07.47DarkriftXits still got a lot already
07:08.02DarkriftXjust one page that needs major editing and that is the modified recovery page
07:08.22DarkriftXi stay away from editing pages on processes i dont know very well
07:08.32RyeBryeok, I'll go take a peek at it
07:09.06DarkriftXeven with the "your own risk" warning, i wouldnt want to be the cause of a brick or 200 because i typed soemthing in the wrong order
07:09.43ionstormthat would suck
07:10.19ionstormadd a shortcut key part
07:10.33DarkriftXbtw, wiki is publicly editable
07:10.52DarkriftXif you have something useful and a few minutes, please by all means add it
07:10.52fnordHOLY FUCK toolbox is annoying
07:10.58RyeBryeyes, toolbox sucks
07:11.03michaelnovakjr__jeeze, easy with the f bomb
07:11.21DarkriftXif you dont want to sign up to add something, pm me the details ill see what i can do
07:11.56fnordactually i blame the keyboard being too small
07:12.12fnordbut yeah no 'test'
07:12.58fnordwhich caused my su script to fail
07:13.08fnordleaving me in this horrible environment =[
07:17.01ionstormhas anyone created an irc app yet
07:17.15SplasPoodionstorm: connectbot + screen and irssi, done ;)
07:17.22ionstormyea ;)
07:17.49michaelnovakjr__ionstorm: i'm working on one
07:19.52*** join/#android living_sword (i=living_s@
07:20.56living_sworddid anyone outside US with a US G1 get prompt for update ?
07:22.08SplasPoodnice, runnin RC30 and I still have root... :)
07:22.23*** join/#android cktakahasi (n=cktakaha@
07:24.13dvyjonesWhat arch is the G1?
07:25.47dvyjonesAnd what mach? :P
07:26.05RyeBryearm7 isn't it?
07:27.05g1erthought i read something about a mach based kernel here in the channel? could be wrong tho
07:27.24g1er*or something*
07:27.44michaelnovakjr__g1er: nope
07:27.51michaelnovakjr__no mach based kernel
07:35.04gdsxRyeBrye: it's either arm7/arm9 or arm9/arm11 for radio/(general processing)
07:35.07gdsxI forget which
07:35.17RyeBryeoh, I think maybe arm9/arm11
07:35.30RyeBryethat sounds more correct
07:35.35DarkriftXi did hear the radio was arm11
07:35.38DarkriftXso yeah, id agree
07:35.44gdsxthe radio's not arm11, no
07:35.47DarkriftXerm, vice versa
07:36.08gdsxok, so arm9/arm11;  that seems right to me also
07:36.28DarkriftXi was reading tour x/x comment when i typed and got it backwards
07:37.34gdsxnp :o)
07:37.50fnordjoins the carping on tmobile forums :P
07:37.53*** join/#android mib_nckr0i (i=4bab072a@gateway/web/ajax/
07:38.10SplasPoodrunning modded RC30...  adb shell gives me root... I chmod'd 4755 /system/bin/sh ... but that from a terminal instance on the phone does not give me uid 0 for some reason..
07:38.26RyeBryecan you su in that though?
07:38.30fnordis /system mounted ro?
07:38.37RyeBryeby default, yes
07:38.39SplasPoodfnord: newp, remounted to do the chmod ;)
07:38.52fnordnot nosuid?
07:39.01SplasPood/dev/block/mtdblock3 /system yaffs2 rw 0 0
07:39.07fnordit's actually 4755?
07:39.17SplasPood# ls -l /system/bin/sh
07:39.17SplasPood-rwsr-xr-x root     root        86936 2008-08-01 08:00 sh
07:39.29ionstorm_g1w00t mibbit works
07:39.33ionstormirc on my g1
07:39.51SplasPoodfnord: no clue..  I mean I have root via adb so its not fubar, but..
07:40.21fnordyeah this is one of my fears...that the next patch will disable setuid in the kernel
07:40.22DarkriftXchmod telnetd
07:40.29fnordsetuid 0 at least
07:41.09SplasPoodfnord: how could we check?
07:43.38fnordperl r30/boot.img 17412 | gunzip -c | strings | grep suid
07:43.46fnordalso in the libc, that would be bad too
07:44.11fnordstrings rc30/system/lib/ |grep setuid
07:44.33fnordthat  won't catch a function rewrite tho
07:44.58SplasPoodwell it's in libc at least
07:45.27SplasPoodwhat's from?
07:45.30fnordyeh. rc30 works for me
07:45.59fnordsomething i wrote
07:46.37fnordopen F,"$ARGV[0]" or die;
07:46.37fnordbinmode F;
07:46.37fnordseek F,$ARGV[1],0;
07:46.37fnordread F,$spew,1533952;;
07:46.37fnordprint $spew;
07:46.40fnordpretty simple
07:48.27SplasPoodSo I wonder why it works for you and not me
07:49.01*** part/#android ionstorm_g1 (i=4bab072a@gateway/web/ajax/
07:49.23fnordI dunno, I rolled my own rc30
07:49.44fnordJF is gonna release one without the permission issue I think
07:50.05SplasPoododd tho...  it should just be a matter of adding the suid bit..
07:51.34RyeBryehe just did
07:51.49fnordso you 'sh' and uid != 0? does sh actually run?
07:52.00RyeBryedunno, still downloading
07:52.03fnordholy! --->
07:52.08SplasPoodahh I see
07:52.33SplasPoodfnord: yup it does, because I need to back out of it with exit and my original shell remains
07:52.40fnordHTCFlasher -formerly known as HERMflasher- is an open source tool which allows you to flash ROMs on most current HTC devices. It has some extra features that the original HTC RUU doesn't have, like for example it can present a serial prompt to the bootloader (replacing mtty), or it can dump NBH file contents (.nb ROM parts).
07:52.41ionstormRyeBrye, whats that
07:53.08fnordwith -that- having g1 support lockouts would be a thing of the past
07:53.31SplasPoodeven a suid telnetd does not work
07:53.46*** join/#android ion_g1 (i=4bab072a@gateway/web/ajax/
07:53.59fcrickhmmm...if i want to mess with my g1 in the future should i avoid the update my phone just told me about?
07:54.09SplasPoodfcrick: RC30?
07:54.30unix_infidelit'll do it when you're idling so ...
07:54.34fcrickSplasPood: i have RC29 atm
07:55.23fcrickwasn't there some rooting with some bug in telnetd permissions...?
07:55.35fcrickwill RC30 close up that hole?
07:55.37SplasPoodwell not that specifically, but there was a root bug yes
07:55.39SplasPoodand yes..
07:55.46SplasPoodthere is a modified RC30 that JF put out
07:55.50SplasPoodthats what I'm mucking with now
07:56.08RyeBryefcrick - if you want to keep root, right now go move your file to a new location
07:56.15fcrickmany ppl brick their phone messing with it?
07:56.21RyeBryenone that I'm aware of
07:56.29SplasPoodbut you should do what rye said
07:56.32RyeBryeironically, more people have bricked their phones with Google's official R30 update than with this
07:56.36DarkriftXif by bricking you mean losing root, yeah, some lol
07:56.36SplasPoodbefore you wind up stuck on stock RC30
07:56.45RyeBryeStock R30 = major buzz kill
07:56.58fcrickRyeBrye: ok so that means i need to actually get root on the phone then right?
07:57.03RyeBryefcrick - yes
07:57.07SplasPoodvery easy too
07:57.08RyeBryefcrick - btu thtat is easy
07:57.18fcrickhow do i 'telnet to the device'?
07:57.19SplasPoodYou don't even need pTerminal like I originally thought ;)
07:57.30fcrickthat was the one part i read i wasn't sure about - like just hit up its IP, right?
07:57.41SplasPoodif telnetd has been run
07:57.46SplasPoodit'll just drop you to a root shell
07:57.53dvyjonesI want to port android to a new device, and tried to follow the guide in development/pdk/docs, but that doesn't use the same directory structure as repo... It seems like I need access to google's git servers...
07:58.14fcrickand just renaming the certs file will prevent further updates?
07:58.26SplasPoodfcrick: yes, although I believe it will still download them
07:58.59*** join/#android rubik (
07:59.07fcrickthis is so exciting i feel like such a script kiddie
07:59.27SplasPoodfcrick: heh think of how I felt the first time! :)
08:00.03fcricki've messed with online games but this linux and devices stuff is very daunting
08:00.18fcrickthough i guess its a lot easier with the source code lol
08:00.40ionstormgoogle a11 yur b4s3z 4r3 b310/\/g t0 us
08:00.56sodnewhere is
08:01.40fnordsaurik, hey, are you there?
08:01.41ionstormmv /system/etc/security/ /system/etc/security/
08:01.51sodnethat will do it?
08:02.19ionstormfirst rm the /cache/*.zip file
08:02.31ionstormso it doesnt force update
08:02.37ionstormand kill the update proc
08:02.50saurikfnord: ?
08:02.50fnordor does anyone have the android kernel source tree built
08:02.59ionstorm1.8 gig shit
08:03.06sodneit says mv source... destination
08:03.17fnordsaurik, yeah, see above XD is there a tarball that's relatively painless to get?
08:03.18saurikfnord: need rc30 .kos? give me the kernel.release stamp
08:03.31fcrickhow do i get my g1's IP address - i'm not on the local wireless
08:03.42saurikI just got the android source code
08:03.45saurikhad the kernel in it
08:03.48fnordsaurik, if DEVMEM can be a module, yes. and tun would be good too
08:04.05ionstormnetstat shows the ip
08:04.10ionstormor busybox ifconfig
08:04.12saurikjust give me the kernel.release stamp and I can build stuff
08:04.20SplasPoodRyeBrye: I should be able to just flash 1.1 over the same way as I did 1.0, yea?
08:04.22fnord2.6.25-01843-gfea26b0 #6 PREEMPT Mon Oct 6 14:13:36 PDT 2008 armv6l
08:04.31saurikwill also put a new ext2.ko and unionfs.ko up for debian
08:05.09RyeBryeSpasPood - yeah
08:05.12*** join/#android gyudon7 (
08:05.21RyeBryefnord - is that a custom kernel?
08:05.33fnordRyeBrye, nah, rc30 kernel
08:05.46RyeBryeI was wondering why it was Oct 6 :)
08:06.05fcrickbleh i can't seem to connect
08:06.05sodenroxits tellling me i cant mv it
08:06.11fnordeh it seems they didn't update the kernel
08:06.35fnordsaurik, the modules and such that you're building come from the android git repo?
08:06.55fcrickshould the LISTEN line in netstat show the IP its listening on?  right now i see
08:07.09ionstormwhats the screenshot adb command
08:07.18fnord0.0.0.0 = everything
08:07.26fnordso it's listening on all interfaces, basically
08:07.42fcrickahh ok...well, it doesn't seem to be getting the connect i'm sending it
08:08.12RyeBryeionstorm - on mine it's 'screenshot2'
08:08.40saurikfnord: yeah (and for the record it doesn't seem like linux comes with devmem buildable as a module)
08:09.00fnordsaurik, doh!
08:09.00ionstormRyeBrye, which dir in the sdk?
08:09.04ionstormdidnt find that bin
08:09.24saurikwait, I'm confused
08:09.30saurik2.6.25-01843-gfea26b0 is rc29
08:09.33RyeBryeit's all ears :)
08:09.38saurikI already built tun.ko for you on that one
08:09.42fnordit's also rc30
08:10.18fnordhmm. g1 can safely boot into a homebrew kernel built from that tree?
08:10.38saurikI doubt it
08:10.51fnordThat's a problem then
08:10.57fcrickbusybox ifconfig doesn't have any output - am i doing something wrong? (trying to get IP)
08:10.58saurikI would actually guess "no chance in hell"
08:11.11saurikwell, its a problem if you want to do that
08:11.15saurikbut you don't: you wanted modules
08:11.16ionstormfcrick, just use netstat
08:11.18RyeBryesaurik - why not? it has to be signed?
08:11.22ionstorm# netstat
08:11.28fcrickionstorm: the IP i see there isn't picking up?
08:11.29saurikrye: no, it is missing the MSM kernel drivers
08:11.39ionstormare u on wifi?
08:11.41fcrickionstorm: i think maybe t-mobile is blocking telnet connections
08:12.01ionstormuse wifi
08:12.10fcrickwell, there is wifi but i don't have the key
08:12.10fnorduse wifi or ssh tunnel yeah
08:12.12sodenroxhow can i change it from read only?
08:12.19fnordgot a shell acct?
08:12.19ionstormgrab the telnet app and telnet to localhost
08:12.22fcrickits like an annoying hex key and i typed it in on this machine and i don't have it
08:12.43fcrickis there a way in windows to see the key you used on a wireless connection set up you have?
08:12.47RyeBryefcrick - no way to click "show password" ?
08:12.57RyeBryethere probably is
08:13.19ionstormtelnet to localhost
08:13.28RyeBryesweet. the 1.1 update by JF works
08:13.31dvyjonesAny guides for porting android to another device?
08:13.49RyeBryedvyjones- ask infobot, he might know
08:14.49gdsxdvyjones: (1) get a bootloader running, (2) get the kernel running, (3) get dalvik running, (4) ???, (5) profit!
08:15.02fcrickbleh i guess i have to wait until tomorrow till i get my wireless key
08:15.26fcrickmaybe i can set windows to have a bridge and make itself a WAP
08:15.29RyeBryefcrick - keep the phone in airplane mode until then
08:15.44RyeBryebecause you DO NOT want an RC30 update coming down on your phone
08:16.07fcrickRyeBrye: ok thanks i'll do that
08:16.07SplasPoodRyeBrye: just about done flashing over here
08:16.35RyeBryeSpasPood - I just confirmed I was able to get root in both the "Terminal Emulator" program and by adb shell
08:16.39fcrickhas google made any public comment in regards to the root access?
08:16.45RyeBryeYes, they said "Ooops"
08:16.50SplasPoodoh yea?
08:16.55rubikughh... update available prompt. ouch.. build info shows ~4mb img downloaded successfully. (i said 'no')
08:17.05RyeBryea couple of articles I've seen they say they addressed it
08:17.10RyeBryeI don't have the URLs
08:17.23RyeBryerubik - why haven't you moved the otacerts yet?
08:17.36rubikbeen lazy.. ):
08:17.51fcrickwhere do they put the update file when they downoad it?  I thought I might just check and delete it if i see it
08:17.51fnordrubik, get a custom rc30 :P
08:17.52rubikok if i do that now and rm the update file?
08:18.01fnordin /cache
08:18.10RyeBryerubik - rm the file in /cache first, then move the second
08:18.13rubik(while i figure out the custom test-signed stuff from the xda forum)
08:18.17RyeBryeif the file is sitting there it's already confirmed it
08:18.26RyeBryeso delete it, pronto
08:18.30fcrickahh good /cache is empty
08:18.45rubikchecking /cache in a sec
08:19.13rubikhaha.. wow.. second "A system update is available" prompt in 5 mins
08:19.28RyeBryeit will keep nagging you
08:19.36RyeBryeand if you miss one, it will just install it for you I believe
08:19.47fcrickdang i guess i got lucky then
08:20.15SplasPoodRyeBrye: Hrm...  So I ran terminal..  prompt is $ id is uid 10053 ...   run su ...  prompt is # .. id is still uid 10053
08:20.26RyeBryeNo shit - type in "su" now
08:20.32RyeBryeoh wait
08:20.33RyeBryeyou did
08:20.44ionstormif u can run ps u got root
08:21.04SplasPoodI can run it... although there is no output
08:21.06fcrickionstorm: sure about that?
08:21.10rubik# ls -l /cache
08:21.11rubik-rw-r--r-- app_7    app_7     4209550 2008-11-08 22:26
08:21.15rubikyep.. deleting that
08:21.20SplasPoodionstorm: other than the headers, that is
08:21.39RyeBryeSpasPood - one you su in the terminal app you can't see ps info?
08:21.40ionstormtry this
08:21.40ionstormmount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
08:21.42geistdont fight it. accept the patch unto thee
08:21.45ionstormif u can do that your root
08:21.55geisttake it into your heart, and it will show you the way
08:22.30fcrickwhere is the cert file?
08:22.31RyeBryewondered why the "available update" had a picture of a cup of kool-aid next to it
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08:22.59fnordRyeBrye, see /msg
08:23.40DarkriftXRyeBrye, by any chance when you are logged in to the wiki do you see your nick or mine?
08:23.42SplasPoodionstorm: well that I can do, its still a bit odd
08:23.54DarkriftXmy analytics always shows I am making edits when you are in there
08:24.33rubikthat wiki entry assumes you've remounted rw, right?
08:24.35RyeBryeDarkriftX - my nick, why?
08:24.46fcrickionstorm: i think you can rus ps just fine without root
08:24.50RyeBryerubik - good point, should add that to it
08:24.54rubik(remounted rw /system, that is.. cause otherwise, can't rename, right)
08:25.03fcrickoh hmm...
08:25.33RyeBryeok, rubik - it's updated now
08:25.41SplasPoodadb shell drops me to a proper (per id) root shell at least
08:26.33RyeBryeit's kind of funny... every time there is an update we'll have to have our own QA dept test all this stuff out now :)
08:27.11rubikdoes the remounting kill telnetd? cause i just got kicked off
08:27.39RyeBryerubik - be sure to turn on the developer feature to keep the thing on while plugged in
08:28.01DarkriftXgonna have to hire a volunteer staff RyeBrye lol
08:28.03rubiki've got to set up adb immediately (been slacking)
08:29.48rubikwhew.. ok.. update deleted from /cache and renamed for now while i figure out best way to proceed (while still at RC29)
08:30.19RyeBryeok, there you go :)
08:30.31RyeBryeYeah, the JF RC30 modified update is good
08:30.46RyeBryebut you have to reflash your recovery.img first
08:31.08rubikyeah, been reading those 2 threads, thanks
08:31.45rubikjust to make sure.. we can always go back to rel-keys and the "good" recovery.img if needed, right?
08:31.56rubik(back from test-keys that is)
08:33.30RyeBryebut that is a one-way street
08:34.28rubikunderstood.. meaning if we ever "accidentally" take a release  (or unknowingly if not prompted) while using the rel-keys, we're stuck without root
08:35.11RyeBryebut you should always move your - which should prevent that from happening
08:36.45rubikyep, sounds good.. thanks again for all the help.. i'll look at patching the boot & recovery images in the morning since i should be "safe" for now
08:37.54rubikoh, one more thing.. i see in his (JF) modified RC30 build, he's setting a new fingerprint.. any way for google/t-mobile to parse that and brick phones with 'xda-dev' in there?
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08:40.20RyeBryeI don't see any reason why
08:40.38RyeBryeplus, anything they try to push down to your phone wont validate with the signature
08:40.52RyeBryesince you move
08:41.34rubikright.. but is that the only absolute way for them to change something on your phone?
08:41.48RyeBryeI'm much happier having xda-dev in there because it PREVENTS you from accidently de-rooting your phone - you have to re-install a custom build that doesn't have that version string in it
08:42.21RyeBryeIf T-mobile acts like that, I'll be happy to take my business elsewhere
08:42.53fcrickwin :)
08:42.54rubikindeed... and i'm just being too paranoid but trying to keep in mind the whole "kill switch" thing
08:42.58RyeBryeplus... we'll probably disable the OTA checking anyway
08:43.18RyeBryeYeah, but who even knows what the hell they mean by the kill switch - from what I understand it's just a way of them to uninstall market app stuff
08:43.43fnordRyeBrye, they have access to the test key too
08:43.49RyeBryefnord - correct
08:44.04RyeBryebut the isn't there - so the phone's OTA updater wont be able to validate anything they send down
08:44.14RyeBryeyou always move the regardless
08:44.34RyeBryeso even if they did send you down something signed with the test key - big deal - it will still fail the check
08:45.04RyeBryewho knows how this mysterious kill switch works - but I think they are aware that is the nuclear bomb of their platform
08:45.09rubikdoes anything/any process (during reboot?) check for and replace it if it doesn't exist?
08:45.13rubik(stupid question, sorry)
08:45.20rubikok, cool
08:45.25RyeBryebut thanks for giving Google the idea
08:45.31RyeBrye(although we'd just disable that)
08:45.49rubikhaha.. sorry
08:46.27fcrickstupid vista with telnet not installed by default...
08:46.53rubikone of the first things i do after i reinstall xp/vista is download putty.exe.. hah
08:47.09fcrickoh yeah putty...
08:47.15RyeBryeone of the first things I do after I install / reinstall XP or Vista is cry
08:47.22DarkriftXone of the first things i do after reinstalling windows is formatting and installing linux
08:47.23RyeBryeand then close whatever VM I'm running it in
08:47.41michaelnovakjr__RyeBrye: i just remove it after i install it :)
08:47.41fcrickyay root achieved
08:47.53DarkriftXsee, this is why we need root
08:47.54RyeBryefcrick, today you became a man
08:48.00rubikwell.. correct answer (for vista) as far as first thing done is disabling UAC
08:48.00DarkriftXlook how happy everyone gets when they get root
08:48.07michaelnovakjr__i bought a new laptop and didn't even do the initial windows boot, went right to the linux live cd
08:48.25DarkriftXyou are one of the learned michaelnovakjr
08:48.38michaelnovakjr__i really dislike windows
08:48.42RyeBryeOn my new box, I did install XP to an ESATA laptop drive so I could do stability testing / temp monitoring for OC'ing - since all the good tools are in windows for that
08:48.48michaelnovakjr__mac has been pissing me off lately too
08:48.50*** part/#android jwjw (i=opera@
08:49.06fcrickyay moved :)
08:49.22DarkriftXdont do like someone else did earlier and move it to itself.... lol
08:49.25RyeBryefcrick - now you can turn your phone off of airplane mode
08:49.47DarkriftXand wow, the wiki is coming along nicely
08:49.49fcrickRyeBrye: well i had to do that to telnet to it
08:49.53DarkriftXits gettign big and full of useful info
08:50.18fcrickRyeBrye: so i actually see in /cache now - the RC30 update is sitting there - am i safe?
08:50.31RyeBryefcrick - delete it
08:50.48RyeBryerm /cache/signed* or whatever it is called
08:51.08fcricki feel so empowered
08:51.11rubikdoes it try to re-download it upon cert failing even if it's still there in /cache?
08:51.35RyeBryebut it only does it once every couple of hours
08:51.37rubiksilly update process
08:51.41RyeBryeyes, very stupid
08:51.42fcricki think i'm gonna reboot my phone just in case
08:51.52DarkriftXstill RyeBrye for soemone with limited data plans, that would be bad
08:51.56DarkriftXwe need to find a way to stop that
08:52.21RyeBryeyeah, we'll have to poke harder because I don't think the pieces that are in use for the OTA updates are open source
08:52.25fnordmkdir /cache/NAME-OF-UPDATE
08:52.26rubikcan we chown/chmod the file?
08:52.32fnordmkfifo /cache/NAME
08:52.42fnordln -s /dev/null /cache/NAME
08:52.44rubikso that it can't overwrite it? oh.. duh.. it'd still keep downloading it
08:53.23fnordfill up /cache?
08:53.27fcrickok i guess next step is getting this busybox thing on here
08:53.30fnordremount /cache ro?
08:53.39RyeBryeother things use cache
08:53.46fnordyeah? what?
08:54.15rubikfcrick: JF's modified RC30 has /system/bin/busybox included, right?
08:54.34RyeBryecool - move your browser cache to SD :)
08:55.02fnordRyeBrye, that's /data not /cache :P
08:55.11fcrickrubik: i dunno i'm gonna give it a few more days before i flash with a hacked image
08:55.21fcrickbut you can just download it
08:55.58fcricki guess now potentially the problem is t-mobile cutting off hacked phones, right?
08:56.39fcricki guess i shouldn't give them any ideas
08:56.40rubikwould be a pretty shitty thing to do but, yeah...
08:56.47DarkriftXwm phones get hacked all the time and they never do shit
08:57.04DarkriftXand they dont detect shit
08:57.14DarkriftXi had a phone for a year with free internet and they never noticed
08:57.38rubikfcrick: gotcha re: busybox.. so you plan on just staying at RC29 for a few days until the dust settles? (same here, i think)
08:57.59RyeBryefnord - yeah, I know - but still the browser cache belongs in /sdcard a lot better than in /data
08:58.14sodenroxwhere do my downloads go?
08:58.23RyeBryefcrick - why would t-mobile do this? I see no reason
08:58.33rubiki think i still don't have the G1 internet plan on my account and it's running off my grandfathered $2.99 unlimited t-zones
08:58.46rubikbut i'm not going to call them to fix that if it's indeed the case
08:58.53fcrickRyeBrye: i dunno they are an evil corp they do mean stuff all the time
08:58.54RyeBryeif they cut me off, I'll just go to AT&T and give them my money and still use my G1 - since I'm not in a 3G area I wouldn't lose anything
08:59.26RyeBryemakes a note to get his unlock code
09:00.36jastai bought a new car stereo today hehe
09:00.39rubikoh yeah.. about that.. any kind of sniffing/logging that would give hints as to how the unlocking happens (at the OS level)?
09:00.41jastato use five
09:01.18jastadrove all around today, sounds great ;)
09:01.35jastaexcept t-mobile basically doesnt provide 3G anywhere outside of seattle proper
09:02.20RyeBryeinfobot: bedtime
09:02.21infobotmethinks bedtime is set to be  9:02:21 ryebrye so get to bed!
09:02.57rubiki'm out too.. good night fancy hacker people. :P
09:04.22fcrickhmm when i grabbed busybox i got busybox.asc instead of - this is fine, right?
09:05.03fcricki guess i'll copy it over manually if this fails
09:06.10fcrickyeah nm md5's match
09:06.34jastaIMAP IDLE is working again with my redesigned patch
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09:07.42DarkriftXwelcome back cmonex
09:08.12fnordimap idle?
09:09.36jastafnord: push e-mail for IMAP
09:10.58fcrickheh my phone is downloading the update...sucker
09:11.19languishjasta - about damn time.. err I mean.. congrats dude, awesome.. really.. we're all thankful! :)
09:11.32fcrickhmm i think it actually downloads the update over and over and deletes it every time
09:11.46jastalanguish: uhm?
09:11.52jastayou know i had it working over a week ago
09:12.25languishyeah but every time you get it reworking, we get closer to it in an update :)
09:12.49jastamy changes are not going to make it into an OTA update for a long, long time
09:12.53jastaand i dont expect them to
09:13.04fcrickthanks all!  OTA disabled and root preserved :)
09:13.39languishjasta, that's one of the more disappointing things about the carrier relationship
09:14.01languishbut yeah, I expect the testing period is necessary
09:14.03jastaits just practical.  especially for an open source project that affects plenty of users who know nothing about open source
09:14.15jastaand absolutely under no condition want new bugs introduced automatically
09:14.33languishit'd be nice ot have patch tiers, for customers willing to accept certain updates
09:14.42jastabut regardless, with this recent set of changes, i'm comfortable releasing an APK for users to try ;)
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09:15.17jastalanguish: the only way they could do something like that is to provide you with absolutely no warranty or support, which even power users would be foolish to accept
09:15.29languishwould your apk fucntion as a separate app, or a replacement of the existing one?
09:15.32jastait's a phone for crying out loud, it can't just go bricking itself at random.
09:15.42jastalanguish: a separate app.  you cannot replace existing apps
09:15.57jasta...that are signed by google and stored on /system :)
09:16.31languishjasta, nod. I would think that the untested tier would go without warranty, unless switched back to the approved tier and reflashed with the approved firmware
09:16.38languishor image
09:16.46jastathis is both an important security feature (to prevent hijacking data) and a technical limitation (/system is unwritable, so resetting to factory defaults is possible)
09:17.18jastai initially wanted to distribute my changes with K-9 mail
09:17.38languishissues with the dev?
09:17.42jastabut honestly, i've heard quite a few folks chime in that K-9 mail is not well tested and is approving low quality changes
09:17.49jastaso i don't think i want to actually persoanlly run it ;)
09:18.12fnordactually trashing /system isn't an issue
09:18.16jastaperhaps i will just provide a patch and let them decide what to do with it.  while distributing my own apk as well
09:18.43fnordthe big updates reformat it
09:18.43languishfnord, it would be for the average end user and the comapnies supporting them
09:18.57languishthey can't have /system getting trashed by random apps
09:19.10languishI get jastas point :)
09:19.37fnordyeah i was actually just nitpicking about the factory defaults part
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09:20.14languishwell, our factory defaults came with root access :P
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09:20.31fnordwhich pleases me greatly
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09:20.53fnordbut having to look for system takeover attempts with each update will be annoying
09:21.18fcrickits a shame so many ppl will miss out on root until another hole is found
09:21.21languishget cracking on the htc bootloader and we may not have to worry about it so much
09:21.35fcrickseems like most users will have RC30 Real Soon Now
09:21.45languishyeah, my wife already accepted it
09:21.51fnordthe bootloader gets overwritten
09:21.53*** part/#android jwjw (i=opera@
09:23.17fcrickhmm...can ppl who got RC30 do like an emergency recovery to get back an earlier version?
09:23.26fnordHTCflasher looks promising
09:23.35languishfcrick, not currently
09:23.38languishno reversion
09:23.53fcrickahh each version updates the recovery, eh...
09:24.17fcricki guess i don't really know how it works
09:27.06fnordota is: JavaUpdater receiving commands to download, then checking with keys in if it matches, it reboots into recovery.img, which has an /sbin/recovery app, with builtin keys, that checks's signature as well. then it checks it's version against the version in's update-script, then runs the commands in that script
09:27.20fnordAt least I believe so
09:28.15languishif you have the downloaded update, but don't accept the install, will your method still work, after a reset?
09:28.36languishmight have to do this on my cousins
09:28.43fnordwhich method are we speaking of?
09:28.49fnordmodded rc30?
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09:29.34languishgetting and maintaning root access on an rc29 with a downloaded but not updated rc30
09:29.36fnordyeah, if you flash the custom recovery.img and put a cleansed rc30 update on the sdcard...
09:29.51fnordjust delete the update file from /cache?
09:30.14BHSPitLappySorry for not keeping up, but was the news of that huge RC29 problem really true?
09:30.15fnordyeah wait, sorry misunderstood
09:30.27fnordyou need to make sure the rc30 update is at least 40 megs
09:30.40BHSPitLappyInterpreting keystrokes and automatically executing them?
09:30.41fnordthe 4 meg one can potentially break your phone
09:30.54fnordBHSPitLappy, just type 'cat' :P
09:31.03fnordbut yeah
09:31.08BHSPitLappygood lord
09:31.18fnordgoogle fixed it, but also attempted to remove people's root access
09:31.19BHSPitLappythat's got the be the worst thing I've ever heard of, ever.
09:31.37fnordI'm glad for the bug actually :P
09:31.52BHSPitLappysure, there's helpful exploitations of it
09:32.01fnordnow the bug is gone from my phone and I retain full control
09:32.12BHSPitLappybut that's mind-blowingly bad
09:32.27languishwhich is why they issues a fix
09:32.44fnordnot as bad as a magically rootable telnetd actually
09:32.59fnordbecause market apps and such can't type on the console
09:33.16BHSPitLappylanguish, yeah, but the fact that that went into production that way astounds me.
09:33.39languishblame t-mobile for pushing to have the device out so early :)
09:34.28BHSPitLappybrb, gotta find someone with a G1 I can borrow to make a phone call
09:34.40BHSPitLappyto my good friend "rm -rf /"
09:34.59languishBHSPitLappy that happened to a few people
09:35.07BHSPitLappy"Dude, what's wrong with your phone?"  *hand back to owner*
09:36.31DarkriftXthat is wrong
09:36.40DarkriftXon so many levels
09:36.53BHSPitLappyso is the bug
09:37.55gdsxlanguish: I think you might be mistaken
09:38.27gdsxnote that you can't actually send most non-word characters to the shell because of keymap issues, so no "-", and no "/", specifically
09:39.26gdsxalso, I think my new favorite insect is the incredibly oddly-named "Cockchafer"
09:40.00fnordyeah 'reboot'' seems the most destructive
09:40.42BHSPitLappyWhat's the working directory it executes from?
09:40.48fnordtime to write a ghetto su. tho i might actually have it use sqlite...hmm....
09:41.01gdsxBHSPitLappy: /
09:41.12fnordthere's an i could link to...have it open a database and check a password value...
09:41.32rrecktime to get a new favorite insect
09:41.33gdsxBHSPitLappy: you can't pass wildcards, though, since they're not [a-z0-9]
09:41.44gdsxrreck: :o)
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09:50.30languish<gdsx> languish: I think you might be mistaken
09:50.40languishthat's very possible, I'm only going by claims I've seen on the net
09:50.54languishfor that issue anyway
09:50.55SplasPoodhrm... it'd be nice if I could get RSS feeds off xda-developers forums
09:53.37fnord=[ PS1='\[\033]0;PHONE \w\007\]\[\033[01;32m\]PHONE\[\033[01;34m\] \w \$\[\033[00m\] ' does not play nice with the terminal app
09:54.45jasta(because it isnt a terminal app)
09:55.18BHSPitLappySplasPood, and why can't you?
09:56.58Neverenderso i flashed the recovery image
09:57.15Neverendernow all i have to do is update with JF's modified rc30?
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10:05.29Neverenderok trying it
10:05.39Neverenderits your fault if i brick my phone
10:06.37fnordno it's not :>
10:09.13Neverenderok rebooting...
10:09.30Neverenderrebooting again..
10:09.39DarkriftXlol, jk
10:09.49Neverenderoh whew
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10:10.06Neverenderthe android is pulsing
10:10.10Neverenderthats a good sign
10:11.04fnordyeah it reboots a couple of times, and reboots slowly
10:11.33Neverenderrc30 and i have root
10:13.38cmonex[22:58:36] <RyeBrye> It's so ironic that the more hacked your phone is, the less likely it is to be bricked now isn't it? ->that  was always true on WM HTC phones too.. and on other pda's as well.
10:15.54Neverenderwhat is this scrolling text thing about?
10:15.58Neverenderdoesnt see any..
10:18.02DarkriftXlong shortcut names on home screen
10:18.43DarkriftXneeds sleep now
10:18.44DarkriftXgn all
10:20.45Neverenderthey dont seem to be scrolling for me
10:26.39DrudgeryMy cousin told me to do this myself. Can I get help here?
10:27.04fnordHelp with what?
10:27.06DrudgeryI am trying to follow the directions here:
10:28.07DrudgeryI know how to use the telnetd to get root on my phone. I do not completely understand the use of ADB.
10:28.52DrudgeryI have used ADB to connect my phone. I can see the log with it.
10:29.02fnordwhich part are you stuck on?
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10:30.08DrudgeryDo I need to some how gain access to root using ADB, before following these directions?
10:30.26fnordthe shell commands can be done via telnet or terminal or adb
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10:31.59DrudgeryI would like to follow them as closely as possible. Which I am guessing is through ADB.  I am not fully confident I understand every thing in the directions. Which is why I am asking here.
10:32.40DrudgeryI am using a Command Prompt on Windows XP with ADB.
10:33.58fnordwhich part don't you understand?
10:34.11fnordBut yeah the commands need to be done as root
10:34.35DrudgeryHow do I achieve root in ADB?
10:34.49DrudgeryI only see how through telnet.
10:35.28fnordcreate a setuid shell in telnet?
10:35.43fnordcat /system/bin/sh > /system/bin/rootme
10:35.51fnordchmod 4755 /system/bin/rootme
10:35.57fnordthen in adb type 'rootme'
10:36.12DrudgeryI will try that now.
10:37.17mokoladeis it possible to start a reverse shell with netcat (nc) during boot on the Android, I have tried to edit init.rc on my Android-Freerunner but can't seem to get it started... missing telnetd :(
10:37.30mokolade(no linux guru)
10:38.08DrudgeryEach time I telnet in, I must use pTerminal to start telnetd first. Is there a workaround to achieve root with out this step, or is that what I am doing now?
10:40.30Drudgery<fnord> cat /system/bin/sh > /system/bin/rootme
10:40.33fnordmokolade, what are the commands in init?
10:40.45DrudgeryI get an error: cannot create... read only file system
10:41.07fnordand drudgery, yeah, you won't need telnet afterwards. but pterminal has to go, there's a better terminal
10:41.25DrudgeryI see it in the Market
10:41.49DrudgeryMy cousin has it on his phone. It looks like a Commodore 64 screen.
10:43.16DrudgeryI think I understand
10:43.23DrudgeryDo I have to do this first?  mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
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10:43.31Drudgeryand then the commands you told me?
10:44.02DrudgeryTrying now.
10:46.07DrudgeryDoes this mean I also have to make Busybox executable again too?
10:46.49fnordafter updating?
10:48.06jastayay, now idle mode supports setting new flags and deleting messages efficiently
10:48.09DrudgeryAfter I copied over busybox the first time, I have since rebooted my phone.
10:48.10jastainstead of just scheduling a new sync
10:48.13mokoladefnord, one commandline I have tried is: /system/xbin/nc -e /system/bin/sh 3333
10:48.55mokoladegot it working in debian on the freerunner, so it's working on my desktop computer...
10:48.59DrudgeryDoes rebooting the phone remove the symlink I created?
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10:50.13fnordmokolade, hmm
10:50.35fnorddunno why that would fail :-O
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10:52.29mokoladeokey, I'll guess I just have too try some more..
10:52.41DrudgeryI have completed these commands:
10:52.42Drudgery[05:35] <fnord> cat /system/bin/sh > /system/bin/rootme
10:52.42Drudgery[05:35] <fnord> chmod 4755 /system/bin/rootme
10:52.42Drudgery[05:35] <fnord> then in adb type 'rootme'
10:53.07DrudgeryWhen I type rootme, it says rootme is not recognized
10:53.26DrudgeryThis is in the Command prompt.
10:53.33fnordadb shell?
10:53.47DrudgeryI think that is where I am confused.
10:53.59DrudgeryIs there a step to enter the adb shell?
10:54.10DrudgerySo far I have just used ADB -commands
10:54.32DrudgerySuch as ADB device, and ADB netcat
10:55.00fnord'adb shell'
10:55.15fnordthink of it as telnet
10:55.28DrudgeryPlease forgive my ignorance. I really appreciate your help.
10:56.10Drudgeryabd shell has worked, I now have a $ prompt
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10:56.28dream_killgot disconnectd
10:56.36DrudgeryThe commands in the wiki should now work?
10:56.57DrudgeryOr do I have to somehow gain root through the ADB shell?
10:57.14DrudgeryAhh, you said type rootme. Sorry.
10:57.29DrudgeryThe prompt has changes to #
10:59.35fnordyup now the commands should work
11:00.00Drudgeryis my sdcard now "D:" ?
11:00.31fnordmaybe? o.o irrelevant
11:00.33DrudgeryThe first step on the wiki was to: 1: download the replacement recovery image and unzip it to your sd card.
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11:00.57DrudgeryThe instructions look as though the files should be on my local harddisk.
11:01.03fnordyou did: adb push recovery_testkeys.img /data/local/recovery.img
11:01.50DrudgeryNot yet. I am trying to understand where it will get the recovery_testkeys.img from, in that command.
11:02.19DrudgeryIt will automagically see it on the sdcard using the adb push command?
11:02.55DrudgeryOr must I place the recovery_testkeys.img somewhere else?
11:03.04fnordjust put it in your adb directory
11:03.13fnordand do the adb push thing
11:03.29DrudgeryYes, that is what I was thinking. Thank you. That makes more sense.
11:05.20DrudgeryNot found
11:05.45DrudgeryMy ADB directory is E:\android-sdk-windows-1.0_r1\tools
11:05.57DrudgeryI have the recovery_testkeys.img under \tools
11:06.14fnordand you're running it from tools?
11:07.13fnorddir recovery_testkeys.img shows it?
11:08.12DrudgeryI see it in the tools folder in Windows Explorer
11:10.07DrudgeryOH! I think I understand what is wrong.  I am typing: adb push recovery_testkeys.img /data/local/recovery.img
11:10.32DrudgeryPerhaps I do not need to type "adb" already being in the shell?
11:10.38DrudgeryI will try this.
11:11.10DrudgeryNo. It failed.
11:14.14fnordexit the shell
11:14.34DrudgeryYes, I just opened a second Command Prompt and performed the command.
11:14.43DrudgeryThis seems to have worked.
11:15.26fnordnow go back into shell and do the linux commands
11:16.40DrudgeryWhen I performed the push command, it said: 703 KB/s (0 bytes in 1767424.002s)
11:16.49Drudgery0 bytes? Is this correct?
11:18.20DrudgeryCan the ls command in the adb shell show me more information than just the file names? I tried la -al which did not display more information.
11:19.14DrudgeryOH. Just -l works.
11:20.07DrudgeryI am glad I checked. The date on the recovery.img is 2008-11-06 20:41 recovery.img
11:20.31sauriktoolbox sucks, you need to do ls -l -a instead of ls -la
11:20.47DrudgerySo my overwrite of recovery_testkeys.img to recovery.img did not work?
11:24.23Drudgeryperhaps I will do this on the G1 directly from the sd card
11:27.24fnordls -l /usr/local/rec*
11:27.33fnordls -l /data/local/rec*
11:28.13Drudgeryyes, the ls -l command worked. It showed the push did not change the filedate
11:28.30DrudgeryI was suspicious that it had not been modified.
11:28.55DrudgeryWhen I performed the push, it said: 703 KB/s (0 bytes in 1767424.002s)
11:29.39fnordthis exactly: ls -l /usr/local/rec*
11:30.52DrudgeryThe path was /data/local not /usr/local
11:31.17DrudgeryOr am I looking in the wrong place?
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11:34.13DrudgeryI must have done something incorrectly along the way.
11:34.25fnordyeah. i'm tired. it should be in /data/local
11:34.39fnordand what's the size?
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11:35.23DrudgeryI simply cp'd the recovery_testkeys.img recovery.img on the phone itself. Now the file shows todays date.
11:35.53DrudgeryThe filesize is now 1767424
11:36.04Drudgeryfor the rtecovery.img on the phone.
11:36.35DrudgeryThat was recovery.img
11:38.10Drudgeryhopes he did not just hose his phone.
11:39.40DrudgeryIn this wiki, it says to $ su
11:39.57DrudgeryThe reply was Permission denied
11:40.05DrudgeryDoes the "rootme" replace "su"?
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11:45.47DrudgeryI have rebooted in to recover mode. It says: Android system utility Using test keys.   E: Can't open cache/recovery/command
11:46.28DrudgeryThe wiki says that first line should be the "next to top line"  does that mean I am missing something on this screen that should be there?
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11:46.51DrudgeryAs opposed to "Android system utility Using test keys." being THE top line.
11:47.35DrudgeryAlso, is "E: Can't open cache/recovery/command" a problem?
11:48.04fnordit's not a problem
11:48.08fnordit means there's no OTA waiting
11:48.20fnordeverything seems to be fine :>
11:48.30DrudgeryOH!  Good. I deleted the RC30 OTA that was in cache.
11:49.10DrudgeryI'll now move on to the next steps!
11:50.16DrudgeryI hope my ignorance some how helps to make the wiki article more clear for people like me.
11:52.26snadgeis there a google phone that supports 2100mhz?
11:52.31snadgethat totally blows chunks ;)
11:52.49snadgeso it looks like.. from what i can tell.. i can only use it in gsm mode.. ie.. no internet in australia
11:53.16snadgei have the option of buying them off ebay from hong kong.. but not sure if its the same frequency bands
11:54.43Drudgerysnadge, my cousin says to look here:
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12:04.59DrudgeryFor what ever reason, I can not push from my local directory to the phone. However, I can cp from the sd card, and it seems to work just as well.
12:06.29DrudgeryI am now running the modified boot image! YAY!
12:07.22rreckyikes, my phone wants to update. will that ruin the ability to get r00t?
12:07.37pandzillathis pipe-to-execution bug left me fairly speechless
12:07.52Drudgeryfnord, thank you again for your help!  I am now going to attempt
12:08.10Drudgeryrreck, deny the update.
12:08.14DrudgeryThat is what I did
12:08.22DrudgeryThen I deleted the update from the /cache
12:08.32DrudgeryThat saved me!
12:08.34fnordDrudgery, someone released a modified update, that might work better
12:08.45DrudgeryA modified update?
12:08.58fnordyeah basically what does
12:09.18DrudgeryDo you know where I can find it with directions?
12:10.14Neverenderthe "reboot" bug is being reported as if its not the same thing as the "jailbreak" bug
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12:15.00Neverenderjust download that file, put it in the root dir of your sdcard and rename to
12:19.14DrudgeryNeverender, thank you. I will read this thread.
12:20.18Neverenderthen you can follow
12:20.21DrudgeryIf I get all this done with out bothering my cousin, he will buy me dinner at Knickerbockers. If I had his kind of money, I would do the same for you guys. I will be glad to buy you a hotdog though! :)
12:20.36Neverenderusing the modified
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13:28.59Neverenderthe comments in the market anger me
13:32.25Drudgeryoh sorry
13:33.34languishNeverender, but yeah.. it's sad there are so many extreme asshats out there
13:34.29taunocan people without an actual G1 see the comments somewhere?
13:35.14languishnot that I know if
13:35.40languishFrom what I've seen, even the devs that put up the apps don't get to
13:35.48languishunless they have a G1 and service
13:36.20taunohuh.. thats weird..
13:37.09languishthey get to see the ratings, but the way the market is unregulated right now, that doesn't mean much
13:37.38languishpeople are giving bad reviews just because they don't know what an apps purpose is, like ssh with connectbot
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13:57.24languishowe my cousin a dinner
13:57.34languish*sigh* thanks guys </sarcasm>
13:58.09languishglad he's come along far enough to follow directions
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14:10.34languishhrm, wifi scanner in the market now
14:11.39digitalspaghettiyea, seems to work well
14:11.59digitalspaghettinice that it dumps out the geolocation so you can go back if your warring :)
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14:21.32mr_louApple Store has a 10mb filesize limit. Which means, if an iPhone dev makes a game >10mb, players has to download and install via iTunes instead of directly from Apple Store. Is there somewhat same limits for the Android market?
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14:57.10KNYmr_lou, I kind of doubt it, since there is no iTunes for Android
14:57.16KNYbut I don't know for certain
14:58.02mr_louNo but isn't there an equivalent for Apple Store called Android Marked?
14:58.08mr_lou...or sumthin.
14:59.07KNYyeah, but stuff is downloaded via the network
14:59.33mr_louLike GPRS or 3G?
14:59.45KNYI'm not familiar with how Apple does it, there isn't a specific desktop client for Android
14:59.49KNYmr_lou, yes, or WiFi
15:02.39taunoanyone knows what key generates a KEYCODE_SOFT_LEFT code?
15:06.38anno^da_Anything new regarding developer G1s? :-)
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15:17.27languishDo you really need a "developer" g1 when you have root and can flash your own image on now?
15:17.40anno^da_languish: I dont have any G1.
15:17.47languishlol ohh ok :)
15:17.59anno^da_Because I dont want to pay 700€ in Germany at ebay.
15:18.09anno^da_which means over 1000$
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15:19.42languishWonder if the initialization routine can be set to enable wifi instead of 3g, and DHCP an addy, in order to do the gmail sign-in
15:19.53languishperhaps for a custom image
15:20.28languishand ignore the lack of SIM
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15:27.48cmonexmr_lou: considering Google are more than happy to do FOTA updates by downloading it off your GPRS/UMTS/HSDPA connection, I doubt it
15:28.03cmonexthey seem to assume everyone just gets unlimited internet
15:28.35languishcmonex, that's t-mobiles call
15:28.42cmonexand since they force the FOTA updates, you'll eventually get it in the ass money wise
15:28.57cmonexlanguish: you've heard my bf's opinion, as he stole my keyboard :)
15:29.12languishgoogle would provide them over the net if t-mobile woild allow it
15:29.18languishcmonex, lol
15:29.44mr_louYou do indeed need unlimited internet with Android and iPhone.
15:29.53cmonexso making the updates not download till you OK it obviously isn't the sensible thing to do
15:29.53languishwell smack him with the keyboard and tell him to get his facts straight. google's at fault for enough shit, but put blame where it's due
15:30.43cmonexare you on crack? are you telling me it's not possible for Google to make FOTA updates download only after authorisation
15:30.45cmonexcut the bullshit
15:31.38languishthey're legally bound not to
15:31.46KNYhey, I see on the docs about shared preferences ( that you can't share across packages.. does that mean just not across and or can I not do and ?
15:31.56languishfor the G1, t-mobile has to approve all updates
15:32.25cmonexfine, T-mobile has to approve it, that still doesn't factor in to allowing users to delay the download
15:32.28languishit's the T-Mobile G1. Not the Google G-1.
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15:32.55taunoI don't plan on getting unlimited data for just the fact that my phone needs to download an update.. I'm not that rich (it'll be $40 a month just to be sure that when the G1 downloads its updates, I'll be safe)
15:32.58bguptaAre there any alternate firmwares available yet?
15:33.00languishOther carriers may or may not be as restrictive in the future.
15:33.18languishbgupta, yes there's a "hacked" firmware
15:33.20cmonexas it stands, it currently downloads without authorisation and then asks for permission to install
15:33.22languishfor the G1
15:33.29KNYtauno, doesn't t-mo require unlimited data?
15:33.34cmonexand that times out eventually anyway
15:33.35languishbut it requires some prerequisites
15:33.45taunoKNY, there's no t-mo in my country :)
15:33.50cmonexKNY -> hungarian tmobile does not offer unlimited data whatsoever
15:33.52KNYtauno, ahh
15:33.55bguptalanguish: DO you have a link?
15:34.27languishremeber those prerequisites
15:34.45cmonexlegally speaking though, T-mobile should disclude FOTA updates from customer bandwidth usage
15:34.59languishcmonex, I agree. and I think they do
15:35.01taunoI mean.. I have a freaking 5MB data package (I use wifi most of the time).. and if suddenly my phone tries to download stuff without my knowledge and authorization, then I'm going to be REALLY pissed :P
15:35.06languishbut I'd have to confirm it
15:35.36languishtauno, how much do you pay for 5MB data?
15:35.47cmonexthen they should also have the FOTA images stored on an intranet location
15:35.49taunothats included in my package..
15:35.55cmonexso that they can't be accessed from other providers
15:36.11languishcmonex, it's t-mobile, why would they do that?
15:36.13cmonexlanguish: they do what?
15:36.20cmonex<languish> cmonex, I agree. and I think they do
15:36.32languishcmonex, exloude the data from your tally
15:36.44cmonexit's a T-Mobile device that's intended to be used on T-mobile network
15:36.55cmonexwhy should they put the FOTA update on the internet
15:37.15cmonexif someone does use their phone with another provider, that FOTA will probably cost
15:37.30cmonexif they locate the updates on a T-mobile internal intranet server, that won't happen, simple as that
15:37.33languishcmonex, because sometimes you have issues with t-mobile connectivity, and still need a patch.
15:38.39cmonexfine, then if you apply it using that method, it shouldn't be mandatory
15:39.09languish(btw, am I chatting with cmonex or the unreasonable boyfriend?)
15:39.34languishyeah, i figured, from the unreasonable tone :P
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15:40.31languishI understand why tmo is doing what they're doing, but I disagree with it due to the open *intent* of android
15:41.20taunoSo my only option is to get a G1 from UK (ok, I already got it ordered over here), It'll be $1129 (£40/month, 18 months) + unlocking $24 + $40/month for the rest of the g1 lifetime in case it wants to update behind my back....
15:41.21cmonexalso, (gf now), I saw a guy complaining that t-mobile charged him a packet for going over his limit... thanks to the FOTA
15:41.38taunoIt'll be fun...
15:41.39languishcmonex, he went over 10GB?
15:41.41cmonextauno: hack the updater so it doesn't download hehe
15:41.45taunoI'm broke :P
15:41.46cmonexlanguish he wasn't on 10GB apparently
15:41.53cmonexnot everyone wants to pay 40usd :)
15:41.55anno^da_Well to be honest I dont understand it since they would sell much more G1s if it would be available without all this lock downs.
15:42.05rrecktmobile has a data limit?
15:42.23cmonexrreck: yes, 10GB is the "unlimited" internet :)
15:42.38languishcmonex, then he wasn't going "by the rules" t-mobile set up for use with being a T-Mobile g1 customer.  He has nothing to complain about. He tried to make an end run around their pricing policy and lost
15:42.41rrecki will cancel it immediately
15:42.52rreckyou have to be kidding
15:43.00cmonexuh huh, uh huh
15:43.07languishrreck, after 10GB they limit your speed to modem speeds. they don't charge you more, and they don't cut you off
15:43.12languishthey just rate limit you
15:43.15cmonexyou seem to tow the party line quite admirably languisg
15:43.25cmonexare they paying you for this crap?
15:43.25rreckholy fuck
15:43.36cmonexI've never seen someone backing such an evidently unfair practice
15:44.02languishcmonex, no.. I'm just happy that it's not 1GB, that they don't charge more for overage beyhond 10GB, that they don't completely cut us off after 10GB...
15:44.04cmonexyou think that railroading people into a 40 dollar a month contract for owning a G1 is fair practice then?
15:44.23cmonexI call T-Mobile shill
15:44.24taunostarts to put money aside.. g1 will start eating $40/month just to update itself..
15:44.35languishit's a fair market practice, but I don't like it and hope they lose a class action on it, but doubt they will
15:44.50languishI would prefer to just pay $25 for data, and no voice plan
15:45.19taunoit's not tmobile's fault in my case.. I know the risks that I take..
15:45.26rreckim so happy im under 14 days
15:45.34rrecki will cancel immediately based on that bs
15:45.41languishon what BS?
15:45.50rreck10g limit
15:45.53languishYou planned on using more than 10GB/mo on a cell phone?
15:46.04ismarcdo you know how hard it is to hit 10GB?
15:46.13rreckim not going to be lied to about what unlimited is
15:46.14ismarcyou have to be actively TRYING to break that limit
15:46.17cmonexhard? not hard at all if you tether ;)
15:46.17taunobut generally.. even if I got the phone free.. I didn't want it to update it without my knowledge/authorization..
15:46.23languishYou realize on tmo's wireless data network, if you used bittorrent, you'd fuck with the network for everyone ?
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15:46.36taunoas a developer I have to live with the fact that it does.. as a consumer I would NEVER buys such a phone
15:46.37KNYrreck, technically, unless the speed was unlimited, you could never use an unlimited amount ;)
15:46.39ismarcon any data network bittorrent fucks with the network
15:46.48cmonex(in europe there is no extra charge on tethering... so yeah, I used a phone last summer for months when I had no DSL yet)
15:47.02rreckwell as a consumer im allowed an opinion and that is mine
15:47.06languishand yes, I agree, t-mobile should be sanctioned for using the word "unlimited" because it isn't.
15:47.12orcihi, doesn't t-mobile g1 has bluetooth networking feature? or is it because that feature is not enabled in android platform yet?
15:47.13anno^da_(in europe the whole mobile market is more open *caugh*)
15:47.15cmonex(and no I didn't use torrent but had to try hard not to go over a few GB's :( )
15:47.20rreckto have a limit and make it unspecified when i signed up is the issue not the amount
15:47.38KNYorci, it has bluetooth support, but it's not in the API yet, so we (developers) can't use it yet
15:47.40ismarcIf you actually read everything, they do not promise the speed at which you'll have unlimited internet access
15:47.48ismarcjust that you'll have unlimited
15:47.57ismarcand they don't cut you off after 10GB, just rate limit you
15:47.57languishBut $25 for 10GB data and no overage charges when I pass it.. just a rate limiting.. I can live with that for the price.
15:48.09cmonexthe other thing I'm also thinking, perhaps progress related to hacking custom software into the G1 should become more secretive; it's self-evident that Google were following the telnet activity very closely
15:48.16rreckgreat im an idiot and not a lawyer, but as a consumer im allowed to return it
15:48.25cmonex(this is the bf, my opinion on this differs :) )
15:48.26KNYthat you are.
15:48.34taunowell we have a option of 3GB "unlimited" access here.. so you are lucky to have 10GB :P
15:48.38languishcmonex, of course they were, it was being discussed in the freakin android channel.
15:48.45rreckrather be an idiot than a troll
15:49.08orciKNY, I can expect to have that feature with the same hardware in the future, am I correct?
15:49.09languishrreck, he's either a troll or inexperienced.
15:49.13ismarclanguish: Another stance is, Google is one of the few companies where the company as a whole and it's employees still take pride in what they deliver
15:49.21cmonextauno: yeah, we have 5GB then FUP over 5GB, in hungary, and it is not even tmobile. tmobile doesn't have that option at all
15:49.34KNYorci, yes. The word is that bluetooth API support will be coming in a future Android update.
15:49.35languishismarc, I only partially agree with that.
15:49.38anno^da_From the consumer point of view unlimted is unlimited and NO cut down version after 10GB. I dont think we have to argue about that. "Unlimited" is fucking marketing.
15:49.53languishismarc, some of the employees may be proud of their individual work.
15:50.02languishBut Google is just another large corp like any other
15:50.05orciKNY, thank you
15:50.11KNYismarc, as a software dev, I can tell you that the company I work for is pretty proud of their products :)
15:50.14KNYorci, no problem.
15:50.27ismarcKNY: Mine is/was, too
15:50.58languishremember, Google is a marketing and market analytics company. They're all about ad revenue.
15:51.10orcican I expect to see mozilla/firefox/fennec on android sometime? since they are not developed in Java?
15:51.18languishTheir "products" as the average consumer sees it, are their enticements.
15:51.39ismarcorci: I doubt the gekko rendering engine will ever be lightweight enough for reasonable mobile performance
15:51.50taunoam I the only one here who (as a consumer) would never buy a device that does multi MB updates without your knowledge? I mean.. imagine if Microsoft did that.. and it seems that this isn't bothering you guys much :/
15:52.21ismarctauno: it isn't without your knowledge
15:52.35taunoI can see and disable the downloading progress?
15:52.36ismarctauno: when I received my first OTA upgrade, I had the option to not install it or anything
15:52.41languishtauno, they don't do the update without your knowledge. They give you the choice of accepting the update or not.  All they do is enable and auto-download of the update.
15:52.58taunoI mean the downloading process - it asks you AFTER it has been downloaded to the deivce..
15:53.04languishso what?
15:53.07orciI am really havinghad time with the browser on android platform. it is not very practical for me to browse, I wish zoom in and zoom out was easier such as double click
15:53.20kRutOnlanguish: I think his point is that data isn't cheap all over the world.
15:53.29languishyou're supposed to be on t-mobiles $25 or $35 data plan. The download is not a big deal.
15:53.30ismarcorci: I agree, that's the one missing feature the iphone has that I enjoy, the double-click zoom to a paragraph
15:53.31cmonexorci: how does zoom work then? I've yet to see a G1 :)
15:53.40taunolanguish, and you would also be OK when your linux/windows distro downloaded all the updates and you had no way of disabling it?
15:53.46cmonexwe don't all live in the USA, languisa
15:53.48languishkRutOn, and t-mobile doesn't offer the G1 all over the world :)
15:53.49orcicmonex, there is a button
15:53.55ismarcorci: however, the default loading the page to a reasonable reading size and the preview move around thing is nicer
15:53.59languishhis point is moot until it's offered in his region.
15:54.02ismarcerr, nicer than the iphones
15:54.02cmonexand how does the button work?
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15:54.19ismarccmonex: mash the button and it zooms in or out some
15:54.23orciismarc, that is a good feature yes
15:54.34cmonexlanguish (now gf): my opinion is that it is stupid to require a data plan for a phone :)
15:54.42ismarccmonex: it's difficult to get it so the paragraph you're reading fits the width of the screen sometimes
15:54.46languishWhen the G1 is (if it ever is) offered in your region, there may be different methods to get your localized G1 updates, OR your provider may diclude the updates from your data usage.
15:54.54cmonexismarc: as for iphone zoom, it is horrible, my personal opinion.
15:55.00orciismarc, I do not really understand why would not double click zoom in or zoom out
15:55.13orciismarc, does not do anything as of now
15:55.16cmonexa phone is a phone, internet is internet
15:55.26taunolanguish, that's not my point:) I mean.. if my data was free, then I still wouldn't want my phone to automatically download stuff behind my back
15:55.31tauno..or am I weird? :P
15:55.33cmonexand now you're just quoting what they might do, so thanks for stating the bloody obvious there
15:55.48cmonexand precisely what tauno states too
15:56.01languishtauno, the general public doesn't care as long as their devices "work"
15:56.23languishtechies, prefer to know every thing their device does, and have disapproval/control
15:56.33cmonexthough the reason for forcing the updates has nothing to do with keeping the public happy
15:56.42taunoMy internet is "free" and I don't want windows to download stuff without my consent... why should my phone get away with it?
15:56.48languishcmonex, in part it does
15:56.50cmonexit's specifically to mitigate any damage that useful hacks might do
15:56.56languishcmonex, not true.
15:57.03languishit's only partly for that reason :)
15:57.10languishthough it IS part of the reason.
15:57.20cmonexif you present Joe 6Pack with a dialog saying "look, New update! download now? Yes/No"
15:57.31cmonexyou can expect Joey will click Yes
15:57.38taunodidn't someone from google say that if you refuse the update x times, it'll autoupdate anyway? :P
15:57.47languishdid they?
15:57.49cmonexas it is, he currently receives one asking him whether to install or not
15:57.59cmonexyes tauno, that's correct. i looked at the src
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15:58.26languishI read they said that if the download fails it will keep trying to download
15:58.32cmonexthat too
15:58.45cmonexand if it doesn't fail but you press the "Later" button
15:58.56cmonexand keep pressing that choice
15:58.59taunocmonex can you point me to the source? this is.. outrageous IMO..
15:59.00cmonexit will eventually just decide to install
15:59.10cmonexand apparently RC30 installs right away without asking
15:59.14languishif x# of update rejections by the user results in a forced update anyway, that is wrong.
15:59.15cmonextauno, one sec, let me find it
15:59.31languish<cmonex> and apparently RC30 installs right away without asking  <- wrong.
15:59.45languishRC30 asked me if I wanted to install
15:59.52languishI said later, then deleted it from my cache
16:00.03languishthen haxed the G1
16:00.03cmonexscroll to the bottom
16:00.25languishMy wife's RC30 update also *asked*
16:00.27cmonexlanguish: heh it didn't ask someone else. he had a bit of a trouble to prevent it from removing his root access :)
16:00.38cmonexhe did not remove the otacerts file, though
16:00.47cmonexhe moved the updater app, or something, iirc
16:00.55cmonexso then it errored out and that was his luck :)
16:01.07cmonexthen he had to hard reset to get it booting again..
16:01.18cmonexi think it was ionstorm
16:01.21languishcmonex, he likely either lied or didn't realize he hit the prompt. Which is very possible.
16:01.34languishI almost hit the prompt when I came out of the lock screen
16:01.37cmonexor you are wrong, and he didn't lie.
16:01.56languishI doubt it. I've seen that it asks for permission
16:02.02cmonex[22:24:56] <ionstorm> RyeBrye, its downloading
16:02.02cmonex[22:24:56] <ionstorm> wtf
16:02.02cmonex[22:25:15] <DarkriftX> i dont think it will install though ionstorm
16:02.02cmonex[22:25:16] <ionstorm> fuck
16:02.02cmonex[22:25:18] <ionstorm> its updating
16:02.02cmonex[22:25:20] <DarkriftX> lets hope not
16:02.04cmonex[22:25:21] <DarkriftX> oh shit
16:02.06cmonex[22:25:26] <ttuttle> ionstorm: Quick, kill the network.
16:02.08cmonex[22:25:28] <ionstorm> shIT
16:02.10cmonex[22:25:31] <ttuttle> ionstorm: Settings > Wireless > Airplane mode
16:02.12cmonex[22:25:32] <ionstorm> nope
16:02.14cmonex[22:25:32] <spikebike> uh oh
16:02.16cmonex[22:25:34] <ionstorm> its flashing
16:02.22languishand I doubt they issued different versions
16:02.28languishyeah I saw that
16:02.43languishand he likely just didn't want to admit he hit install by accident
16:02.45cmonexwell dearie... the source code never lies, let's see if google have the capability to do an unprompted update
16:02.51languishor did so without realizing
16:03.08cmonexlanguish: you are likely just not to admit you might be wrong about something :)
16:03.17languishI admit I'm wrong often
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16:03.19languishwhen I am
16:03.19blauhey guys
16:03.26languishI have no issue with being wrong
16:03.31blauim working on an sms groups app
16:03.32DannyBcmonex: so can you figure out the path through the code that actaully causes this to happen?
16:03.41DannyBit certainly doesn't happen simply because you say no enough times
16:03.59languishBut I doubt very much that an update that was *just* received, will install itself unprompted, from the evidence I've seen to the contrary
16:04.07taunocmonex, hmm.. yeah.. seems updates can be two types.. either they ask you forever or they ask you X times and then forse update... and this is scary IMHO
16:04.36cmonexso... set it to ask 0 times?
16:04.39languishright, but none so far download and auto-install without a prompt
16:04.57languishit may happen in the future
16:04.58DannyBcmonex: no, that wouldn't work, since there is no "how many times to ask"
16:05.01taunolanguish, only seeing that this is possible gives me chills..
16:05.10languishtauno I agree with that
16:05.13DannyBinstead only "how often should i ask"
16:05.14olinexbetter that way :)
16:05.19Lazlong now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
16:05.33DannyBlook through getNextPromptTime
16:06.23neekerslanguish: did you have any problems with the automatic update?
16:06.28DannyBsee when forever becomes false
16:06.30orciI installed the android SDK how can I run the emulator to use with operaMini.apk for example?
16:06.33languishneekers, none.
16:06.34blauany suggesions on what needs to go into the sms groups? edit should just be a list of all numbers on your phone will multiple choice, or should it be a list thatyucan add or delete from one at a time
16:06.41neekersme niether
16:06.42olinexif (intervals.endsWith(",...")) {
16:06.42olinex86                 forever = true;
16:06.42olinex87                 intervals = intervals.substring(0, intervals.length() - 4);
16:06.42olinex88             } else {
16:06.42olinex89                 forever = false;
16:06.43olinex90             }
16:07.04orciactually I installed the eclipse plugin only, does this mean I do not have an emulator?
16:07.14olinexthat's from getNextPromptTime
16:07.30DannyBand now see if anyone actually calls the updater with a promptMinutes interval that doesn't include ...
16:07.31languishblau, and multi-select if possible :)
16:07.39blauorci, you have to install the SDK?
16:08.02orciblau, not sure do I have to?
16:08.07taunoDannyB, why the hell is this check there then?
16:08.36taunoDannyB, I guess it's not without a reason :P
16:08.37olinexand how do we do that DannyB
16:08.52olinexso you've basically gone from "Google can't do that" to "Google don't do that"
16:09.02olinexdoesn't really lend you much credibilitz
16:09.12olinexfucking Hungarian keyboards
16:09.14DannyBolinex: uh, it's an activity. you have the source, you can look
16:09.23olinex...yeah my bf can't get used to these keyboards :)
16:09.28olinexI have the source code
16:09.33olinexnot a bloody update
16:10.01eggyta do
16:10.01DannyByou have the update zips too!
16:10.16olinexno DannyB, my bf doesn't have them...
16:10.27languishthen he shouldn't wank until he does :)
16:10.28incandenzabut not all possible future updates
16:10.28olinexhowever I have them, so we can look up this for him
16:10.31taunoDannyB, yeah, but future updates can still do it?
16:10.36incandenzaso even if none of them so far do it, they might later
16:10.37olinexincandenza is so correct ;Õ
16:10.37DannyBtauno: there are legit times you may need to force an update
16:10.49languishDannyB, that would be the kill switch :)
16:10.51taunoDannyB, are you a linux or windows user?
16:10.54olinexok. DannyB have you lived in a dictatorship?
16:11.06DannyBlanguish: no, but i have watched phones that break cell phone networks :)
16:11.13languishDannyB, nod.
16:11.19DannyBdue to bad protocol implementations, etc
16:11.31languishyeah, I expect a rash of those any day now.
16:11.41olinexwhy would you?
16:11.43DannyBlanguish: it happened with iphone 2.0
16:11.46Lazthen those phone networks suck
16:11.48DannyBhence 2.0.1
16:11.59languisholinex, because there are people out there that will dev apps just to mess with everyone else.
16:12.02taunoDannyB, I have also seen computers break computer networks. Now imagine if Windows included code that allows someone to just FORCE UPDATE it to never start again... cool with that?
16:12.12DannyBtauno: it uh, does include such code!
16:12.25olinexlanguish hmm i've yet to see that happen
16:12.26languisholinex, and there are devs that just have no clue and don't test properly. They bang out unproven code and release it.
16:12.45DannyBalso, the kill switch press neglected to note that only apps you download from market can be killswitched. but that's neither here nor there :)
16:12.51olinexbad apps tend to get bad names, people aren't going to get wide publicity for device malware
16:13.11DannyBit would be wildly stupid of us to not have a way to force update phones if we really needed to
16:13.12olinexthe overriding reason for google to force an update is purely to prevent people from being able to do something interesting with their device
16:13.17olinexthe current update is material proof
16:13.21languishDannyB, is that a function of the Market app, or just a restriction due to the market terms?
16:13.30DannyBif we didn't want people to do interseting things with their device we never would have released the source
16:13.35olinexnot only did google plug the bug, they took out the ability to get yourself root
16:13.42olinexDannyB you are with google? i.e. a dev?
16:13.51DannyBi am
16:13.51languisholinex is gonna love this answer
16:14.00languishyou gave him the short answer
16:14.12taunoDannyB, any link to somewhere to back this up? (windows kill switch I mean) :)
16:14.21olinexhim? her. that was gf's (cmonex) question =)
16:14.34olinexDannyB works as a dev and also didn't know that Google can force a FOTA
16:14.40DannyBi knew
16:14.41olinexnow THAT *is* scary
16:14.45languisholinex haha well you're both using the same nick
16:14.46DannyBwhere did i say i didn't know
16:14.53olinexoh, so what, propaganda?
16:15.06DannyBthe discussion was
16:15.09DannyB"does rc30 force update"
16:15.18DannyBI pointed out how to figure it out
16:15.21DannyBwhere is the propaganda?
16:15.25olinex<DannyB> cmonex: no, that wouldn't work, since there is no "how many times to ask"
16:15.35DannyBthere is no how many times to ask
16:15.40DannyBthere is only "when should i next ask"
16:15.45DannyBwhich is exactly what i said
16:15.47languishWell that was everyone's discussion but olinex's who was discussing potential forced updates at any point
16:15.51taunoDannyB, are you in the legal team? ;)
16:15.52olinexoh, so now you're just being clever with words
16:15.58DannyBclever with words?
16:16.04DannyBI'm saying what the code does
16:16.25DannyByou are just grabbing lines out of context and pretending i didn't say things 5 seconds later
16:16.26olinexyou're just being anal retentive over the wording to describe the end result of the code
16:16.44olinexwe're taking YOU out of context?
16:16.49languishDannyB, olinex is on a mission.
16:16.51olinexpot, kettle, black
16:16.55languishAnd he's a bit.. out there.
16:17.03DannyB11:05:12] <DannyB> instead only "how often should i ask"
16:17.11languishDon't expect reason, and I suspect he's high too.
16:17.17DannyBi figure as much
16:17.18tauno[18:14] <tauno> DannyB, any link to somewhere to back this up? (windows kill switch I mean) :)
16:17.20DannyBno skin off my back
16:17.22olinexI think we were pretty clear that we said they can force a FOTA
16:17.25DannyBtauno: they've done it before
16:17.34taunoagain, evidence?
16:17.36DannyBtauno: they kill swithced a bunch of chinese pirated copies
16:17.59LazThey can force it on virgin g1's but not on mine :P
16:18.01DannyBsearch microsoft kill swithc windows
16:18.08DannyBand you'll see they removed it in vista sp1
16:18.13DannyBbut prior to that, they could kill switch machines
16:18.32DannyBthey kill switched some chinese machines using WGA before
16:18.41DannyByou couldn't login, only enter a new product key :)
16:19.06taunoDannyB, you see.. they removed it :) it isn't there anymore ;)
16:19.14olinexalthough you could recover by going into safe mode i believe
16:19.29olinexas winlogon.exe doesn't check out licensing in safe mode
16:19.47languishThis is a rediculous discussion now.
16:19.58olinexa useful trick someone made involved writing a hook driver that makes winlogon always think you were in safe mode
16:20.01languishshould check
16:20.39olinexwell, I think the argument was that a) forcing a FOTA to download is evil
16:20.53olinexand b) inevitable update is also evil
16:21.12DannyByou are going to be hard pressed to find a phone that doesn't have this
16:21.13Lazolinex you installed the modified RC30?
16:21.28olinexLaz: we don't have a G1... yet
16:21.45olinexfind a phone that doesn't have what?
16:21.46taunoyes, this is getting pretty rediculous. If MS would include a FORCE update mechanism that can replace the whole system if it wanted to, people would go crazy. If Google does the same, people just live with it.
16:22.00olinexDannyB, we have a lot of HTC devices
16:22.06DannyBtauno: find me a phone that doesn't include a way to force updates
16:22.07olinexand they don't, and can't do this
16:22.10taunoIn my opinion this is false. It's just my opinion..
16:22.14DannyBnow that's just bullshit
16:22.19olinexDannyB: I've never seen one before G1 that did this..
16:22.39olinexno Danny, it's not, there is nothing inside the WM ROM that allows HTC to put an update on the device
16:22.52olinexall updates have to be downloaded by the user and flashed over USB
16:23.05LazDannyB: The modified G1 doesnt force auto updates ;p
16:23.10olinexFOTA is supported for the radio, but not implemented
16:23.47olinexso DannyB why do you think this statement was BS?
16:24.10DannyBbecuase they can force update the radio
16:24.20DannyBokay dude
16:24.24olinexthere's no listener on the OS
16:24.27olinexnothing that calls home
16:24.49languishsomeone give eggy a listing
16:24.49DannyBanyway, i'm going to go enjoy my sunday
16:24.59eggywrong window =p
16:25.00olinexit's ok DannyB =)
16:25.17olinexour sunday ends soon, past 5PM here
16:25.46taunoDannyB, now "[18:22] <DannyB> tauno: find me a phone that doesn't include a way to force updates" is not a very good argument isn't it? I doubt you guys did it just becasue everyone else is doing it.. You did this for a specific reason.. and whatever that reason might be, it's wrong in my opinion -there just isn't an excuse for this in my book.. sorry.
16:26.19DannyBtauno: if your option comes down to "release a phone with a way to force update", and "don't release a phone", you are saying you would choose the latter?
16:26.20olinexI thought Google devs might be a bit more clued up than this
16:26.29languishtauno, the phone is on t-mobiles network. You think t-mobile wants a phone on their network they can't control?
16:26.35languishfor legal purposes
16:26.41olinexstill, if this is the road you're going down, you are absolutely going to LOVE us as time goes by
16:26.48languishI mean, they KNOW people will hack the phones.
16:26.53DannyBi hate to break it to you
16:26.56DannyBsince you seem to think we care
16:27.06DannyBbut if you want to go hack your phone
16:27.09DannyBpersonally, i say "have fun"
16:27.17taunoDannyB, so someone else gave you the cchoice that either Android supports this feature or there will NEVER be phones that use that OS?
16:27.38languishtauno, Google just makes an OS and helps with the overall platform
16:27.45DannyBtauno: i'm just asking questions here :)
16:28.00olinexDannyB: wrong impression there
16:28.04languishtauno, google isn't the "isp" and the "G1" isn't "Google's phone"
16:28.22olinexbtw tauno, I was told by some other google dev that the G1 is like this,
16:28.25michaelnovakjr__this whole root access thing is stupid
16:28.30olinexbut other android phones won1t necessarily be locked down
16:28.30michaelnovakjr__people need to get over it
16:29.10cmonexmichaelnovakjr__: well no, because it's the gateway to being able to flash the device with your own shit
16:29.14languisholinex, the device's state of lockdownedness is up to the carrier that distributes the phone.
16:29.15taunoand that's why I don't see how they would care what tmo says.. just make a damn good OS and thats it.. if a mobile netwok operator wants his special stuff.. then they can include it (and they would have to disclose it to the buyers of the phones that they can still do whatever they want to do with the phones.. even after the phones are legally not theirs anymore).. it's an open source project.. I just don't see it why this should be included i
16:29.32michaelnovakjr__cmonex: like...
16:29.34DannyBtauno: hey great, so then we have a phone OS that nobody can use
16:29.36cmonexlanguish: this is what I hinted to above, yes
16:29.39DannyBthat would work out amazing :)
16:30.13cmonexmichaelnovakjr: like anything :)
16:30.13taunoDannyB, so you say that there are no mobile hardware makers in the world that will include android when it doesn't have a force update mechanism? I call BS ;)
16:30.14DannyBhold on, wife's parents leaving
16:30.18cmonexsee xda-developers
16:30.23cmonexcustom roms are flooding it..
16:30.33cmonexto be honest I don't know why they are this popular, but they are :)
16:30.35languishtauno, the problem there is.. certain aspects of the device are protected by the carrier, google couldn't legally put some of the drivers in, so the OS wouldn't work fully on the devices.
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16:30.54cmonexin any case, your updater mechanism can only do so much to lock people down
16:30.58languishAnd then no one would be interested
16:31.17languishThe google devs have stated repeatedly.. they wish the G1 weren't so locked down. It wasn't their call.
16:31.42languishIt wasn't even googles call
16:31.55languishbut then, this is just the G1, not "android" that is so locked down
16:32.02languish(and not so locked down at the same time)
16:32.27languishI don't like every choice made with this device.. but at least put the blame where it belongs.
16:32.47languishI think Google should have told TMO to go screw themselves on releasing it as unfinished as it is
16:32.55languishbut that was TMO's call
16:33.03languishthey wanted it out "now" not later.
16:33.12languishso sayeth a few gdevs
16:33.57languishSo if you want to evangelize, just do it in the right peoples faces
16:35.07languishor at least make the correct points at google that are actually googles fault
16:35.16taunoI think that google should stand up and say to tmo that "you can implement your locking down part of the code if you wish.. it's open source afterall and we won't implement crappy stuff in our main branch just because YOU want to have total controll over the devices that you don't legally own.. do it yourself if you want to..we don't care" I know that this is not possible in todays world.. I'm living in a perfect world here where people are go
16:35.41michaelnovakjr__except you sign the contract :)
16:35.43languishyou cut off after where people are
16:35.49michaelnovakjr__just get over it already :)
16:35.56languishmichaelnovakjr, no he buys it off ebay
16:36.18languishor lives somewhere there's no t-mobile service, but wants a G1 anyway
16:36.42taunoeven if I bought it directly from tmo - is it really written in the contract that they can do whatever they want to do with your phone after you have bought it?.. just wondering
16:36.43languishor gets it from t-mobile, but tries to make it run off the t-zones plan
16:36.47michaelnovakjr__after having an iPhone i can't complain :)
16:36.49languishand complains about data usage charges
16:37.21taunolanguish, I don't complain about charges - I complain over the fact that I can't control them :)
16:37.22cmonexlanguish: contrary to your belief, it wasn't a mission :)
16:37.24ahaberlachoAnyone compared the size of Google to the size of T-Mobile lately?
16:37.29michaelnovakjr__tauno: i believe they have control of usage on their network
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16:37.54languishcmonex, it was a rant :)  and sometimes an unstable one :/  I agree with the concepts completely, but the presentation needs work.
16:38.03taunomichaelnovakjr__ but if I'm not on their network, they can still force the update and do whatever they want with my device - is this also in their contract? :)
16:38.05DannyBwhere were we in burning google in effigy
16:38.06cmonexit wasn't a presentation either :)
16:38.15cmonexjust a rant in a channel... we believe in free speech :P
16:38.17languishcmonex, that's not what that use of presentation means
16:38.20cmonexok, we are going now
16:38.25LazWeird the g1 says im connected to a tmobile hotspot but when i find all the information about the hotspot it has my phones ip as if the phone is the hotspot
16:38.29michaelnovakjr__tauno: if you aren't on their network that shouldn't eork
16:38.38cmonexback in 1 hr, then my bf will have his own nick too :) (he was using my pc now.)
16:38.48taunomichaelnovakjr__ wait what?..
16:38.49cmonexolipro, btw :) if anyone got a WM htc phone here..
16:38.58ahaberlachoSo, uh, why have none of you taken the open-source code, put it on a device, and sold is as an unlocked product to the developers who obviously want it?  What is stopping you?
16:40.03ahaberlachoI'm pretty sure there are no technical or legal barriers.
16:40.06DannyBahaberlacho: free market fails us again :(
16:40.12ahaberlacho(Although I'm not a lawyer)
16:40.17ahaberlachoI know someone who is!
16:40.26DannyBthe only issue you'd hit is the audio/video codecs issue
16:40.29cmonexok one last thing... I would also ask why nobody uses the SPL's (bootloader) flashing ability; and why did USB connection get disabled in production phones?
16:40.29KNYahaberlacho, isn't that what the openmoko project is all about?
16:40.32DannyBbut if you worked with a pre-existing phone carrier
16:40.36DannyByou'd be fine
16:40.38cmonex(USB in bootloader, i.e. "fastboot")
16:40.42DannyBs/carrier/handset maker/
16:41.05ahaberlachoKNY: Sure, but their software sucks and their organization is a total failure.  Android just handed you the software, and organization is just a logistics issue.  I ask again: why aren't people doing this?
16:41.11ahaberlachoOr are we assuming that people are?
16:41.17DannyBcmonex: i use the bootloader flashing all the time :)
16:41.22KNYahaberlacho, I believe they're moving to android
16:41.49cmonexDannyB: this is why I am asking. why did USB get disabled in production phones? and why are there no updates to flash from bootloader?
16:42.37DannyBcmonex: Don't remember whether we were asked or whether we did it. I believe tmo asked us to.
16:42.47cmonexwhat reason could they have for that?
16:42.50DannyBcmonex: but don't quote me on that ;)
16:42.52cmonextmobile WM HTC phones have the ability
16:43.02cmonex(WM=windows mobile of course)
16:43.04DannyBthe WM phones are not open source
16:43.14DannyBas much as you guys do to them
16:43.22cmonexhow does that have anything to do with the SPL disabling on g1?
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16:43.33cmonexthe SPL is not open source, btw.
16:43.40cmonexi mean not even on the G1.
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16:43.58languishcmonex, if you want to know the reasons for restrictions that tmo put in place, ask tmo?
16:43.59eldenzwhen G2 coming?
16:44.01cmonexnor is the radio :D
16:44.07DannyBcmonex: you have a very good appreciate of the technical side of this, but very little of the legal side
16:44.11eldenzwith beter resolution
16:44.12cmonexlanguish: how am i to know if it was even tmo?
16:44.33cmonexDannyB: this is why i'm asking about the reasons.
16:44.48DannyByes, but you implicitly assume the reasons are rational
16:44.51languishcmonex, if you paid attention on the channel.. you'd know from dev comments that the majority of the issues you're complaining about were enforced by tmo
16:44.52DannyBand logical
16:44.55cmonexI did not assume anything, DannyB
16:44.56languishthey wanted the phone locked down
16:45.19DannyBcmonex: Sure, because you asked "wy would they do that"
16:45.25DannyBthe answer is "because"
16:45.29eldenzlol fun, sry
16:45.30cmonexlanguish: devs never explicitly stated it was tmo. see DannyB's reply abvoe. they always say they don't remember...
16:45.35cmonexinteresting that too
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16:45.40DannyBcmonex: i can look it up if you like
16:45.46languishcmonex, yes they did.
16:45.47cmonexthen please do :)
16:45.48DannyBcmonex: whether it was us or tmo
16:45.55cmonexlanguish: hmm never when i asked..
16:45.56languishcmonex you may not have been on the channel long enough
16:46.01cmonexand i asked a few times
16:46.02DannyBit's simply a sunday and the people i'd need to ask are not around
16:46.10cmonexcool, DannyB
16:46.12languishcmonex, it may have been how you asked :)
16:46.23ahaberlachoI'd be pretty sure that it was at T-Mobile's request that the phones are locked.
16:46.36ahaberlachoBut as Danny said, I don't think either of us are willing to speak for the company on that.  :)
16:46.44languishcmonex, the gdevs at various times have redressed this issue
16:46.44cmonexahaberlacho: my q wasn't about the locking - I'm just curious why there are no NBH updates
16:46.59ahaberlachoI was actually out on paternity leave when all the image-signing stuff was implemented and tested.
16:47.03cmonexas it is clear that the SPL can receive a signed NBH update even in production phones off the SD
16:47.17taunoDannyB, one more thing.. do you really believe that when you hadn't implemented user-unfriendly stuff that tmo wanted, then Android would never become a widely used platform? :)
16:47.26cmonexwe just had a guess at this, as the WM HTC SPL's use ****IMG.NBH to flash from SD...
16:47.41cmonexand yes the G1 detects it and the error code is the same as a WM SPL would give you if the NBH is not signed
16:48.04ahaberlachoI'm pretty sure that if we had launched a completely unlocked and unsubsidized phone for twice the cost and with no carrier backing, that we would not be hwere we are today.
16:48.19DannyBi wouldn't say "never"
16:48.29DannyBI would say "not in the next 5 years"
16:48.33cmonexI'm just surprised that USB is disabled, and that NBH's aren't redist'd, just these OTA's :)
16:48.41cmonexthanks for asking them, DannyB
16:48.43ahaberlachoAnd T-Mobile and HTC were both pretty crucial to making the G-1 a successful device.
16:48.58cmonexhehe, i think google's name alone sells it already :)
16:48.58languishcmonex but they are redistributed, by the underground :)
16:49.13languishcmonex and everyone knew that was going to happen eventually
16:49.14cmonexlanguish: Ive yet to see a real DREAIMG.NBH
16:49.36ahaberlachocmonex : Yeah, but it would sell it to 10,000 die-hards who would spend all their time getting root on it and not turning it onto a profitable product.
16:49.55cmonexwhat I do find interesting really is the exclusivity T-Mobile got on this; if anything, Google should be positioned to lay down the law to T-Mob
16:49.59ahaberlachoI still don't know what an NBH is or what you want.
16:50.01cmonex(oops my bf stole keyb again)
16:50.13cmonexahaberlacho: I (well, we) come from WM HTC phones
16:50.26ahaberlachocmonex : Once again, check the relative sizes of T-Mobile and Google.  Also, Google doesn't exactly own a nationwide 3G network.  :)
16:50.28cmonexNBH is the file extension of the updates and the bootloader (SPL) flashes it
16:50.48cmonexahaberlacho: my guess is ATT already took the iphone eh ;)
16:50.54ahaberlachoBut are you complaining that you can't install updates from the sdcard?  People have been doing that.
16:51.01ahaberlachoIt's just that you can't generate your updates, it seems.
16:51.01cmonexthe iPhone is still the iPhone
16:51.13cmonexit's not the ATT ePhone
16:51.16DannyBahaberlacho: we almost did :)
16:51.20DannyBown a nationwide 3g network
16:51.27cmonexthe brand awareness is centered around Apple
16:51.48cmonexare you saying Google aren't confident enough about their brand awareness to put their own name on the device?
16:51.48ahaberlachoDannyB : Oh, sure, but that would make less sense than YouTube.  :)
16:51.55cmonexand yes, I realise the "G" is for Google
16:52.07olinexi hate how he steals my keyb..
16:52.30DannyBbeat him down
16:52.32languishcmonex, tell olinex to use own of his winmo devices to irc.
16:52.36ahaberlachocmonex : No, but Google wants to put their name on _all_ devices, and if it's too much on the G-1, then people think we're too in bed with T-Mobile and don't want the name on their device.
16:52.40blauit says google on the back
16:52.43olinexbut it's still the "T-mobile G1" which in branding terms, and definitely in my mind, labels you as their bitch
16:52.47olinexlanguish: cool idea
16:52.51ahaberlachoGoogle wants to be associated with Android, not the T-Mobile G1.
16:53.13ttuttleIt's the "T-Mobile G1 with Google".
16:53.24olinexahaberlacho: good explanation
16:53.40olinex[17:48:52] <ahaberlacho> But are you complaining that you can't install updates from the sdcard?  People have been doing that.
16:53.47olinexno, i'm complaning about removing USB from SPL
16:53.53olinex(SPL : htc bootloader)
16:54.08DannyBso update the bootloaer
16:54.19DannyByou have it from similar HTC devices, no?
16:54.26ahaberlachoSo you're complaining that you can't install updates from the bootloader?  Why not use the sdcard? :)
16:54.27olinexis that a joke?
16:54.30MikHelHi guys!
16:54.46DannyBolinex: i've written bootloaders for embedded boards, so no
16:54.48olinexahaberlacho: it takes signed NBH apparently. and I've yet to see one out there
16:55.00MikHelis back online and sees there's a big marketing philosophy discussion going on! :D
16:55.05olinexDannyB: so yes you were joking... "similar" is not enough.
16:55.17DannyByou can get the target board specs fairly easily
16:55.21ahaberlachoIt's olinex's way or the highway!
16:55.22DannyBit's not like those are secret
16:55.36olinexahaberlacho: I don't see the point of personal remarks
16:55.43olinexDannyB: htc keeps it all secret
16:55.45ahaberlachoAll you need is a soldering iron and a jtag rig!  :)
16:56.00MikHelHas anybody been able to play music audio to a bluetooth headset?
16:56.07cmonexahaberlacho: and the testpoints and their order
16:56.20DannyByou are talking about a few weeks of work
16:56.28DannyBlook, if swetland can do it, .....
16:56.29languishMikHel, the G1 doesn't support stereo bluetooth, yet.
16:56.29ahaberlachoMikHel : A2DP is not in this version of the software, but you can assume that we're working on it.
16:56.32cmonexwhat's the purpose of that work then?
16:56.44cmonexthisi s getting pretty pointless
16:56.44DannyBthen you have a bootloader with USB support, which you seem to want
16:56.54DannyBsince you don't seem to like updates from sdcard
16:56.57taunoDannyB, I'm sure it wouldn't be as quick as it is currently.. But what about releasing A GREAT product that the users LOVE and are willing to pay more becasue it's just so damn good? instead of releasing a stripped version of it just so people would pick it up more quickly.. Other than that - there are markets (and not only very small ones) where the operators have no role in what phones people buy - there's no operator branding/subsidizing or
16:56.58cmonexall I asked was *why* was the USB removed and why are there no NBH updates
16:57.08cmonexSD is fine, I just wondered about the reasob
16:57.17DannyBwhat do we need to update in NBH right now?
16:57.19MikHellanguish, ahaberlacho: ah! OK I guess I will have to be patient. A bit disappointing though.
16:57.33cmonexlanguish: my bf doesnt want to use WM phone for irc, he decided to leave when i didnt let him access the keyb :P
16:57.35ahaberlachoMikHel : Yeah, I wasn't so happy about it either.
16:57.39DannyBand i told you i'd find out whether usb was removed by us or tmo in a day or two :)
16:57.39languishMikHel, yeah.. I was disappointed too :|
16:57.51cmonexDannyB: all I asked was *why* was the USB removed and why are there no NBH updates. wondered about the reasons is *all*.
16:57.52languishcmonex, bit of a hothead 'eh
16:57.56MikHelLet's hope it comes up soon...
16:58.03cmonexDannyB ok cool, thanks for that =)
16:58.12cmonexlanguish: that's an understatement
16:58.32languishcmonex, my real question was.. how high was he today?
16:58.32cmonexok, reaally going now :)
16:58.38cmonexoh? he never took drugs
16:58.47languishdefine drugs
16:58.56languishproscribed pharms?
16:59.00cmonexwhatever makes you high
16:59.17languishhe's on something, and if, maybe should be :|
16:59.22languish*if not
16:59.31cmonexnah he's not that bad :)
16:59.34languishbut yeah, tell'im to keep up the good fight
16:59.41taunoDannyB, I know you won't ever do it becasue Google is a company after all that wants to get as much money and as quickly as it can :) But againg.. I'm living in a perfect world here.. and these kind of things make me a little sad :/
16:59.42cmonexok bye bye
16:59.43languishat least he has ideals
16:59.56DannyBtauno: yes because we make so much money off these phones
17:01.18taunoDannyB, err.. more G1s -> more Ad revenue for google.. how can you say that you are not making money? ;)
17:01.20languishI'm actually curiously waiting for Googles break even announcement on android
17:01.26ahaberlachoAnyway, to come back to another discussion: has anyone built a "kill app" that would make me or anyone want root access on their phone?  Or is it still just theoreetical?
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17:01.59SplasPoodahaberlacho: you can hax your startup logo ;)
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17:02.19languishyeah, full theming is a start
17:02.34DannyBtauno: look, in a perfect world, you'd say "screw everyone", release it completely unsubsidized, and nobody would use it. Sometimes you have to make compromises the first time just to get things out there so you can do better things later. as ahaberlach said, you guys are more than free to take the source and build your own phone. that's in fact, part of the point!
17:02.37SplasPoodwell I wouldn't say *full*
17:02.42SplasPoodthats the only thing, I thought...
17:02.45languishI wanna put a party hat on my android startup animation
17:02.53taunoG1's will drive people to Googles products -> Google makes more money. The faster the G1 sells the faster Google makes money.. isn't that hard is it..
17:02.56DannyBahaberlacho: i wanna put the cylon animation back
17:03.15languishDannyB, can you show us the cylon animation?
17:03.23SplasPoodI was about to ask
17:03.29DannyBisn't it still in the early sdk's?
17:03.30ahaberlacholanguish : Fix in your mind the image of a cylon eye going back and forth.
17:03.34ahaberlachoOk, you've got it.
17:03.40ahaberlachoDannyB : I believe so.
17:03.45languishI dunno
17:03.53languishahaberlacho :)
17:03.58SplasPoodMaybe I should learn how to hack up JF's RC30 so I can drop my own logo in
17:04.25ahaberlachoYou can also hum the "Knight Rider" theme and think of K.I.T.T. if you're old-school.
17:04.27taunoDannyB, My point is that there are markets where no phones are subsidized.. these markets are not that small.. why not release a unsubsidized phone there (becasue it's an even playing field) - if it's a bad phone/OS nobody will buy it as you sayd.. if it's a good phone/OS people will buy it more than other phones..
17:04.34SplasPoodahaberlacho: same thought
17:04.40ahaberlachoAnd if you mention the non-Hasslhoff Knight Rider I'll do what I can to get you banned from the channel.
17:04.50languishahh to me, cylons are older school than kitt
17:04.56DannyBtauno: because then your platform dies a horrible death because nobody uses it?
17:05.13DannyBSee: BeOS
17:05.24DannyBIt was better than what was out there
17:05.31DannyBit was not put in front of a big enough audience for various reasons
17:05.43NetShadowI think making it high-quality and open source just about guarantees it'll get used all over the place
17:06.11ahaberlachoAnd it appealed to hackers who wanted root on their systems and not people who wanted to pay money for platforms or apps.
17:06.11languishNetShadow, do you consider Ubuntu to be high quality?
17:06.27ahaberlachoNetShadow : Like Linux!  Why, as the dominant desktop software platform, Linux demonstrates that nicely!
17:06.48NetShadowYeah, I'd say so.  No platform's perfect but it's very usable and stable for most.
17:06.50languishWell, what we ARE talking about here, IS linux.
17:06.55languishwith a vm
17:07.25ahaberlachoWhile I admit that on the server side, Linux and its associated open-source services have been awesome, there's a bigger difference to the enlightened consumer between "free as in beer" and "paying an assload of money to Microsoft, Sun, and Oracle every year."
17:07.38languishAnd if you look at another linux, that IS on handsets..
17:07.44languishand show me just how open THAT is..
17:07.49ahaberlachoOn the desktop side, however, people want a computer they can buy at Circuit City that is well-supported and keeps working.
17:07.59ahaberlachoThey don't want to spend every Friday night updating their audio drivers.
17:08.02taunoDannyB, err.. what do you mean by "nobody uses it" ? I don't get you :/ I'm not talking about USA or UK here where phones are subsidized.. I'm talking about "free" markets here where people use the phone that is the best.. there are millions of phone users there.. why do you think that if you'd put an Android based phone there, then "nobody would use it"? That's the same as admitting that Android is worse then Symbian, WM etc..
17:08.35NetShadowOpenMoko's a good example, there *will* be good ports of Android for open platforms, given enough time.  It's just a shame the G1 wasn't an open platform.
17:08.53ahaberlachoOk, "nobody" can be interpreted as "not enough", then.  I know the ballpark figure of how much money Google has spent bringing Android up to the G1.  It's not cheap.  :)
17:09.07ahaberlachoNetShadow : The platform is open, but the G1 device is not.
17:09.25ahaberlachoAnd the G1 is not going to remain the only device forever, especially because the platform is open.
17:09.30NetShadowerr, right, open handset hardware stacks, I should have said
17:10.22languishtauno, do you get that google doesn't make the hardware? and they don't run the cell networks? they just make the OS?
17:10.34languishtauno, your local cell providers can bring android to your region at any time
17:10.48ahaberlachoHave 'em give Andy Rubin a call!
17:10.53taunolanguish, I made an impression that I don't get it? sry.. I totally know this..
17:11.09languishtauno, so your point is?
17:11.43languishYou're pointing fingers at google for not bringing HTC's hardware and t-mobiles branded device, to your region?
17:11.53taunolanguish, that Android as a OS should not implement changes that some random mobile network operator in the USA/UK wants :P
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17:12.01taunolanguish, no
17:12.17NetShadowAnd of course hackers will reverse engineer their existing phones and gain complete control over everything, given time.  It's just ironic at this point that an HTC Windows Mobile device + Haret gives you more control over the Android image you run, at this point, than does the G1
17:12.29languishtauno, I agree, they shouldn't have. But their overriding goals urged them to anyway.
17:12.39languishLarge corps do not have a morality
17:13.06languishthey only have a responsibility to shareholders, profit, the bottom line, and not getting busted for illegal activity
17:13.16languishand only then, then it doesn't hurt the bottom line
17:13.57ahaberlacholanguish : Ah, but corporattions, particularly Google, do have the ability to think long-term and strategically when they must.
17:13.57languishI disagree with them supporting the release of a handset to the public at retail, that is unfinished.
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17:14.16languishLimited bluetooth profiles.. and insufficient testing
17:14.23languishand that crappy ass camera
17:14.39ahaberlachoI blame Qualcomm for the camera, but in theory I'm the guy responsible for the testing.
17:14.39languishI realize the public is beta testing it
17:14.40taunolanguish, whoa.. nice.. you got my point :) the whole whining part is about Google being a "we want money" company vs a "we do something to make the world better and we don't care about the money that it will bring"
17:14.44ahaberlachowonders if he's talking too much.
17:15.01ahaberlachoIf you think what you have now is Beta, you should've seen it a few months ago.  :)
17:15.03languishtauno yep everyone gets your point, just not why you keep harping on it, when everyone gets it
17:15.21taunoyea.. I'll shut up
17:15.25incandenzaI don't get the "compare the size of google to t-mobile" comment.  isn't google bigger?  google $105B market cap, deutsche telekom $65B
17:15.26taunoit doesn't change anything anyway
17:15.33languishI do think they are making the world a better place, they're just taking the sleazy road to it
17:16.05languishI disagree with the ends justify the means
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17:16.13languishwhich is how google's proceeding
17:16.22NetShadowOnly one question for Google really.... why wasn't Android entirely developed in the open as an Open Source project?  It seems like we'd be a lot farther along by now..
17:16.41ahaberlachoI'm not convinced that you understand the "ends" in this particular situation.
17:16.46ttuttleNetShadow: It requires extra administrative work to accept patches, especially for things like security review.
17:16.48languishNetShadow, you wouldn't. Google obviously needed telecom and telecom hardware partners
17:17.08cbeust_NetShadow: similar efforts in the past show that you're wrong
17:17.16ahaberlachoNetShadow : Because too many chefs spoil the broth.
17:17.21ttuttleNetShadow: And they needed to ship it on the G1 by a certain date.  That wouldn't have happened if everyone was feeding them patches to fix their favorite bugs and they were accepting them all.
17:17.21NetShadowlanguish: so your point is that these partners won't join an OSS project?
17:17.34languishNetShadow, has HTC open sourced their bootloader?
17:17.49ttuttlelanguish: Has your computer manufacturer open-sourced their BIOS?
17:18.05languishNetShadow, look at the issues with the 3-D drivers for the htc kaiser
17:18.14ahaberlachoAlso, we looked at things like LiMo and OpenMoko and said "Hey, do we need another open source project that takes forever to get nowhere?"
17:18.33NetShadowlanguish: good point, but pressure from Google might have changed things, if openness was really the goal
17:18.34languishttuttle, my computer doesn't need to run on a cellular network :)
17:18.55ttuttlelanguish: Yeah, but my point is the HTC bootloader is about as relevant to running an open-source OS as your computer's BIOS is.
17:18.58ahaberlacholanguish : And oddly enough, with the addition of a GPRS radio, it can!
17:19.00languisha cellular network controlled by rententive management
17:19.21ttuttleAlso you're missing a word :-
17:19.23ttuttle* :-)
17:19.27cbeust_NetShadow: A product that is so intensively focused on end users need to be directed by a simple entity with uncompromising focus on user interface and QA. Which open source projects suck at.
17:19.30languishyes ok, the bootloader was a bad example :0
17:19.50languishttuttle, yes, I certainly was :D
17:20.10NetShadowcbeust_:  Are there no good Linux distros?
17:20.14ttuttleloves how Google & co. make a phone that's (let's say) 90% open source, as opposed to the usual 0%, and everyone complains about the remaining 10%.
17:20.31cbeust_NetShadow: They all have pros and cons, but we're not talking distros here, we're talking user interface and usability
17:21.08languishttuttle, the reason for that is.. Google happily let slip how "open" Android would be, allowing public misconceptions to propagate
17:21.09orciactually I installed the eclipse plugin only, does this mean I do not have an emulator?
17:21.18ahaberlachoAlso, I installed my first linux distro 12 years ago.  It took a lot of time and effort for Linux to get where it is.  :)
17:21.37languishttuttle, asumptions were made publically that the device android was on would be open, and Google took their time in denying it
17:21.38ttuttlelanguish: The only closed bits, AFAIK, are the G1-specific bits that hardware manufacturers won't allow them to share, and their own apps running on the platform.
17:21.39NetShadowttuttle: I hope you don't think I'm complaining about what we were given.  It's great.  Just pointing out that we're not at the point where even google thinks all this can be done in the open.
17:21.44MikHelAnybody has a suggestion for a fast way to parse long strings into tokens? Using the string tokenizer and string split is awfully slow!!!
17:21.53ahaberlacholanguish : Once again, Android is open.  Almost totally.  You can go get the source today.  The G-1, not entirely so.  Future phones maybe more (and maybe less!)
17:22.08ttuttleNetShadow: Of course it can't be done all in the open.  They want to guide where it goes.
17:22.11languishttuttle, android is the OS. No root on the OS (or at least not intentionally)  that's closed.
17:22.21MikHelahaberlacho: Sprint apparently want to make theirs LESS open!
17:22.28languishbut then, open and closed are a matter of definition and perception
17:22.28ttuttlelanguish: No, that's tivoized.
17:22.31cbeust_languish: without that, the G1 and Android would not exist.
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17:22.41ahaberlachoMikHel : And thanks to the power of the free market and Apache licensing, they can!
17:22.53languishcbeust_, I know :)  I'm not arguing that at all. Necessary evil and all.
17:22.58ttuttlelanguish: Open-source doesn't mean "lets the user do whatever they want", it means "Lets the user see, copy, and modify the source code."
17:23.07languishI disagree with the concept of necessary evil.
17:23.28ttuttlelanguish: So, if you make a totally open phone, most users will get pwned by viruses and spyware.
17:23.37languishttuttle, I know :)  and I make some money supporting OSS
17:23.41ahaberlachoOk, my wife wants me to clean the porch, so I have to handle a priority interrupt.  Laters, ya'll.  I'll catch up on this discussion when it loops around again.
17:23.49ttuttlelanguish: Can you point to an OS where the user has full control that doesn't get hijacked?  Even Linux gets SSH worms.
17:23.53ttuttleahaberlacho: see ya
17:24.02languishl8r ahaberlacho
17:24.39ttuttlelanguish: It's just not acceptable to companies like T-Mobile to have a phone where, say, rogue apps can flood 911 call centers with bogus calls, or DDoS random websites.
17:24.40NetShadowttuttle: totally disagree re: viruses and spyware.  counter-example, Linux distro's
17:24.56languishttuttle, I agree the average user needs to be protected from themselves. However, the more technically apt users should not be completely left out of the equation.
17:25.05ttuttleNetShadow: WRONG.
17:25.12ahaberlachocybereagle: makin' money -- now is the time to hook up with a hardware vendor (possibly HTC) to purchase devices under your own terms (locked, unlocked, whatever), bundle them with whatever tools/services people will want/need for development, and then sell them at a profit
17:25.29ttuttleNetShadow: There are ssh worms that will bruteforce passwords.  If you have a crummy password, they will break in to your account and start sshing to other computers, doing the same thing.
17:25.32ahaberlachoErr, that wasn't to cybereagle that was to languish.
17:25.49ttuttlelanguish: Sure, but then suppose there is a sequence of steps to grant an app root privileges.
17:25.55ahaberlachoBut anyway, there's lots of money to be made, and I'm pretty sure most of it doesn't entail spending Sunday morning bitching about lack of root on #android.  :)
17:26.00ahaberlachoreally runs away.
17:26.02languishahaberlacho, I'm working on that with whitespace development :)
17:26.10NetShadowttuttle: sure, that's a problem with any computer (and all phones are computers).  but I don't think most users are going to start up sshd's on their phones, even if it's easy to do.
17:26.20ttuttlelanguish: The only people who will be smart enough NOT to do them just 'cause the app says to are the users who already know what "root" means.
17:26.33ttuttlelanguish: The rest of the users will just blindly follow directions that an app provides.
17:26.46languishttuttle, that's happened anyway :|
17:27.00languishAnd it would have over time
17:27.01ttuttlelanguish: I mean, you've seen those studies about browser confirmation dialogs, right?  Users will click "Yes" on *anything* to get their free porn/games/iPods/whatever.
17:27.11languishWell aware of it.
17:27.16ttuttlelanguish: Well, that was a bug, and the n00bs will get their phones patched automatically.
17:27.34ttuttlelanguish: So it's not surprising that there's no (intentional) way to get root on the G1.
17:28.20languishttuttle, the way I believe it should have been handled, would have been for a unique code per phone to be required to enable root access functionality through settings
17:28.20ttuttlelanguish: I mean, believe me, I'd like it if production builds had an allow-root switch somewhere, but it'll get abused.
17:28.44ttuttlelanguish: How does that limit who can get it?  Do you give people a quiz before you give them the code?
17:28.50languishSo devs and advanced users could go, sign up, and get their unique code back.
17:29.02languishaverage users would mostly be too lazy to go that far
17:29.07ttuttlelanguish: I mean, all it takes is some clever app to say "Gee, we're overriding some really cool stuff, so you need to enable root on your phone.  Go here and do this."
17:29.10ttuttlelanguish: Meh, I guess.
17:29.18ttuttlelanguish: I just never underestimate the stupidity of average phone users.
17:29.28languishor the public in general
17:29.44languishlook at all the people downloading the hacked RC30 blindly
17:29.45ttuttlelanguish: yeah.
17:30.13languishjust to "keep" root
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17:30.43languishI told my wife to let her phone update normally
17:30.54languishI can mess with my own all I want
17:30.54ttuttlelanguish: Good.
17:31.08languishbut she needs a device that'll "just work"
17:31.24languishwhich till now, the G1 hasn't exactly been *sigh again*
17:32.34languishHopefully google finds their way to their own national wireless network that's connected at a minimum expense to the public phone exchange
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17:33.20languishRight now all I see is google moving in to whitespace networking
17:34.12languishthough I'm interested to see if it'll be as a national thing with cellular style antennas (or something similar) or some form of public grid cloud
17:34.38languishwhich has been tried before and failed
17:35.17languishthough we wouldn't have had to deal with cell carriers anymore if it had worked
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17:35.45languishok I rant on alone now. gonna go grab lunch
17:36.01mikez5just logged in - missed your rant
17:36.12languishit's a rant.. be glad :)
17:36.22ttuttlemikez5: morning!
17:36.33mikez5ttuttle: what timezone you in today?
17:36.35ttuttlemikez5: Wait, it's noon on a Sunday.  Don't you have anywhere else to be? :-P
17:36.43ttuttlemikez5: Same one, but it's still logical morning.  I woke up about an hour ago.
17:36.56mikez5yeah, I need to put away the groceries.
17:36.59languishttuttle, my wife's been sleeping with her head on my leg, so no.
17:37.08languishoh him.
17:37.13ttuttlelanguish: Awwwww.
17:37.13languishfood.  o/
17:37.53mikez5read about debian on G1 on my G1 while waiting in line at the grocery checkout.
17:41.52ttuttlemikez5: oh, Debian?
17:43.18mikez5waits for debian. It would be fun to bootstrap on a phone.
17:43.27mikez5Oops, I meant gentoo.
17:44.25Dammmikez5, crappy linking?
17:52.59michaelnovakjr__believe it when i see screenshots
17:54.09Mieki think you're confusing fun with something else D:
17:59.25eggyhm - does the G1 come with a microSD card?
17:59.45incandenzaeggy: yes, a 1 gig
18:00.23eggyah :-)
18:00.49languishunless you're in the .uk, then a 2Gb card
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18:11.38DarkriftXis jesusfreke here (with a different nick)??
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18:43.34DarkriftXadded JesusFreke's modded RC30 to the wiki with instructions:
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18:57.42Disconnectfor the record.. is exactly why tmob isn't going to do tons of ota updates.. (and why its unlikely that patches for non-critical problems will come on any sort of regular basis.) yes, it hasn't been shown yet to be the case, but ..
18:59.14romainguy__except that it's on a phone the guy messed up with
19:01.45sherlokthe guy reset the root password, I guess the update needs to run a script as root or something...and can't
19:02.01DarkriftXDisconnect and romainguy_ some ppl reported problems with the rc30 patch version without any prior tweaking
19:02.07ttuttleThat's bogus.
19:02.15ttuttlerecovery doesn't need to know the root password to the main system.
19:02.22languishresists the urge to reply to sherlok woth 'no shit.."
19:02.23DarkriftXthey probably think that is what he is experiencing
19:02.47DarkriftXits funny how they say "yeah, we heard about that happening" basically
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19:04.07Disconnectthats what i was saying earlier. you are basically gonna brick a few devices every time.
19:04.48Disconnectits not responsible for them to do frequent updates
19:05.16ttuttleDisconnect: Either that, or they need to do them in such a way that devices aren't bricked ;-)
19:05.21DarkriftXlol ttuttle
19:05.24DarkriftXi agree!
19:05.40DarkriftXi will say its pretty hard to brick these things
19:05.46DarkriftXwith the recovery partition and all
19:06.22romainguy__I agree that bricking is a possibility
19:06.30romainguy__but it's very hard in my experience
19:06.45romainguy__in 18 months of flashing devices several times a day, I never bricked one
19:06.50languishI was at a local tmo store where this guy was telling the girl at the counter his phone was "broked" so she said "do you mean bricked?" so he told her no, he didn't hit it with a brick, he wasn't that mad yet.
19:06.56romainguy__and I've done some serious shit to the devices (like pulling the battery during a flash :)
19:07.24Disconnectromainguy_: yah but thats different from flashing 300,000 remote devices in 300,000 different states :)
19:07.53romainguy__actually we have way less states on these remote devices than on our internal ones :)
19:08.00Disconnectthe evidence is out there in the fact that a few phones - modified and unmodified - have been bricked :)
19:09.17DarkriftXromainguy_, id have to say for all the hacking that is happening, these devices are surprisingly resilient
19:09.20Disconnectbut anyway i'm gonna light up jesusfreke's rc30. even with the better-calibrated battery i got fscked over yesterday. 45 minutes of charging (well, 3g+gps charging but still) and then turned off gps, it died within 30 mins :(
19:10.01anno^da_  <- And again. I think that I will import more than one G1 from the US. :) Buying for 500$ (duty included) and selling for more than 1000$ sounds nice.
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19:13.20orci_hi, is this cool locking mechanism safe enough? Do i have to use any encrypted sdcard or something like that in order to keep whatever is on my telephone private?
19:13.48geistsafe enough from what?
19:14.14orci_thieves who may stole the hardware from me
19:14.16DarkriftXthe government
19:14.22Disconnectits by no means a secure device in that sense. hw access (to take out the sd card, or open it and read the flash) will get your data.
19:14.24DarkriftXthey want what you have!
19:14.26geistwrap it in tin foil
19:14.28orci_government is already in there I know that
19:14.44geistbut they'll just pull the info out of your head
19:14.48d0netshey my gf and i are picking out aniversary gifts
19:14.52d0netsis this what i need?
19:15.09DarkriftXand i thought i was a geek
19:15.16geistwas thinking the same
19:15.21orci_Disconnect, can I make it safer, so that the web site passwords etc may not be reached even if the hardware is stolen?
19:15.28DarkriftXasking for a micro sd card for your anniversary is probably not a smooth move
19:15.55d0netsno no its not for my gf
19:15.57d0netsits for me
19:15.59d0netsshe wants the wii fit
19:16.08DarkriftXit screams "all i want is geek toys"
19:16.17DarkriftXalthough it might be true
19:16.24DarkriftXgirls think about that crap
19:16.27d0netswell it would be this or gauges for my car
19:16.40d0netsor maybe some ram for my laptop
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19:17.34d0netsbut is that the card i need for my g1?
19:17.57Disconnectlooks like it
19:17.58d0netsit says transflash?
19:18.04DarkriftXyes,  microsd
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19:19.07d0netsany progress on running apps from it?
19:19.29orci_Disconnect, does the locking mechanism safe at least to protect the non micro sd part of the hard disk space?
19:19.53orci_Disconnect, i think browser is keeping stuff outside of cdcard anyways
19:19.54Disconnectnot if you have physical access to it
19:20.11Disconnectno phone does. not even most devices are secure (including encrypted hdds and such) if you have physical access.
19:20.18orci_Disconnect, so the locking mechanism does not encrypt
19:20.38ttuttleWhat locking mechanism?
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19:20.52orci_Disconnect, I know that anything can be broken into however i thought encrypted ddisks were safe enough
19:20.53Disconnectttuttle: i think he means the device lock
19:21.08ttuttleThat doesn't keep any data safe.
19:21.10orci_ttuttle, that cute locking unlocking mechanism
19:21.22ttuttleOh, that's just a screen lock.  No encryption or anything.  It'd be dumb.
19:21.41orci_ttuttle, it'd be dump to have encryption? why?
19:21.42Disconnectfyi i hate the fact that the sim lock fires when you go in and out of airplane mode and it doesn't have a "on sim change" option (so it fires every time or never. not as useful.)
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19:22.40MystSparks_I have a question... since we have root access with RC29 and lower... I believe the updates will only work with signed updates... but can hey change the bootloader to not allow RC29 and previous releases with the root shell? Anotherwords, in future updates, can they disallow allowing us to do a manual update to RC29?
19:22.45ttuttleorci_: It's not a long enough password.
19:23.19ttuttleorci_: The encryption key is going to have to be encrypted itself by the unlock code, and the unlock code is a maximum of 9! = 362800 codes.
19:23.24ttuttleorci_: That's trivial to bruteforce.
19:23.40ttuttleorci_: They'd need to give it a real password lock, with long passwords, to make encryption worthwhile.
19:23.52orci_ttuttle, I think we could give the option of chosing longer passwords?
19:24.34ttuttleorci_: Me too.
19:24.44ttuttleorci_: But with just the doodle-lock, there's no point in encryption.
19:24.46spikebikeit's not 9! btw
19:24.52Disconnectttuttle: its not 9! either
19:24.58ttuttlespikebike: Oh, okay, it's a little bigger.
19:25.02Disconnectno its smaller
19:25.08spikebikeno, smaller
19:25.15spikebiketry to select 1,3 without 2
19:25.16ttuttleYou can wiggle your way between them.
19:25.18DarkriftXMystSparks_, when you apply the custom bootloader (actually its hte recovery) you have to edit your updates before applying them. when you edit it, you replace their recovery with yours again ensuring you always have a hacked one
19:25.25Disconnectlook at it as a numeric keypad. you can't go 139
19:25.26spikebiketry it
19:25.34ttuttleOh, you're right.
19:25.37ttuttleSo it's even worse.
19:26.02cmonex[17:59:24] <ahaberlacho> Anyway, to come back to another discussion: has anyone built a "kill app" that would make me or anyone want root access on their phone?  Or is it still just theoreetical?
19:26.09orci_there is an app called splashID passwrod, i do not know if worths trying
19:26.11cmonexask Chainfire, he wants to port WMWifiRouter
19:26.18DarkriftXorci_, its a phone, they are not safe
19:26.19cmonexdont expect full blown apps in 2 days :)
19:26.20spikebikeso no 1,3, no 3,6, no 7,9
19:26.22Disconnectplus you can be fairly certain most users select a complete set, so you know its 9 long
19:26.33spikebikeno 1 7, 2 8 or 3 9
19:26.55Disconnectspikebike: sorta. 213 works but 132 doesn't.
19:27.37spikebikethere's some hard one
19:27.49spikebike7 -> 2 -> 9
19:27.55orci_DarkriftX, even if there was some encryption, that would save from most stupid thieves
19:28.21spikebikedisk encryption only helps if the machine is off
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19:28.26spikebike(on a desktop/laptop)
19:28.32orci_darkhorse, pareto principle :)
19:28.56DarkriftXorci_, you want security? get a gun and a good phone case
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19:29.05DarkriftXand dont let your wife use your phone
19:29.12MystSparks_So basically, Darkriftx, you're saying we have to apply our own update to ensure their recovery won't disallow root in the future.. makes sense.
19:29.27DarkriftXeach update from now on will have to be downloaded and edited
19:29.34orci_that was a sexist joke
19:30.05DarkriftXreplace the recovery.img inside the file with a new one, and edit the script to install on yoru device (and of course edit whatever tmo is doing to take away your root access) then flash that
19:30.11DarkriftXno, it wasnt a joke
19:30.20DarkriftXmy wife used my phone and took it to target and left it in the cart
19:30.26DarkriftXi am no longer the owner of that phone
19:30.40DarkriftXno, wizard
19:30.47DarkriftXand tmo bent me over about that one
19:30.47spikebikeah, no loss then ;-)
19:30.59spikebikedoes tmo insurance cover that kind of thing?
19:31.09MystSparks_those that let their upate go to R30, won't have any way to go back to an old version once they install it then... (without another exploit anyway)?
19:31.14DarkriftXtold me i had 3 days to buy a new phone that was compatible with that plan (another wizard basically) or they were canceling my service and charging me $250
19:31.21spikebikemyst correct
19:31.31DarkriftXspikebike, i bought 3rd party so no ins
19:31.59DarkriftXthey told me i could not "disrupt" my service without the $250 fee (i wanted 2 weeks to get a new phone from ebay)
19:32.01spikebikeso as soon as I find a phone I'd rather have than a g1 I should cancel insurance
19:32.27DarkriftXso i could either leave it on, and let the theives use it, shut it off and pay $250 or buy another wizard from them for $450
19:32.32DarkriftXi told em to fuck off
19:34.27spikebikeHrm, maybe a lojack program should lock th ephone and offer $30 for return
19:34.54spikebikeand of course be installed in the recovery partition as well
19:35.17ttuttlespikebike: You can't install programs in the recovery partition.
19:35.23Disconnectspikebike: installing to recovery partition wouldn't be "secure" enough for google.
19:35.35Disconnectlike backing up your data.
19:36.02spikebikethe recovery partition can reinstall the main partition, right?
19:36.26spikebikeor is it just enough to load from sdcard?
19:37.44DarkriftXorci_, google for pinpoint, if the author ever released it it lets you track your phone if it gets stolen
19:37.55DarkriftXand of course get a gun to confront them with
19:37.56spikebikeyeah it's out there
19:38.05Disconnectits released. but it doesn't work great.
19:38.05spikebikesay locate and a pin
19:38.16DarkriftXits a great idea
19:38.25DarkriftXthe author said he might not release it though
19:38.29DarkriftXso i wasnt sure
19:38.42Disconnectgood for "i wonder if i left my phone at home" not so good for "i stole this phone adn left it turned on and left it unlocked and left it gps enabled and its outside somewhere, very still so it can get a fix"...
19:38.55Disconnectoh and on the original sim, etc
19:39.04Disconnectand i didn't do a factory wipe
19:39.05spikebikeit can turn on gps I think
19:39.11orci_I still think there must be encryption on the sdcard as well as the main memory/hdd
19:39.20DarkriftXmost ppl who steal a phone wont htink to do all that at first
19:39.20Disconnectit can't toggle it on blindly, thats not 'secure' :)
19:39.31DarkriftXorci_, never going to happen
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19:39.45DisconnectDarkriftX: most people who steal phones immediately pull the sim. phone is expensive, sim is worthless.
19:39.50orci_DarkriftX, is it too expensive in cpu time or something?
19:40.11DarkriftXim sure there is that also
19:40.31orci_DarkriftX, because you just think that it would be useless
19:40.44DarkriftXno, i have no say over android
19:40.52DarkriftXbut ive seen hundreds of pda phones over the years
19:40.57DarkriftXnone have a real encryption method
19:41.05orci_no I was questionning the rationale behind that it ould never happen
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19:41.14DarkriftXthat was my rationale
19:41.18spikebikeso you really want something that detects the sim/number change and then locks GPS on and reports it's position regularly
19:41.26spikebikemaybe reports call logs as well
19:41.26DarkriftXif it were going to happen, im sure it would have
19:42.04orci_spikebike, just like screenlock, it would lock the whole system each time after some idle time
19:42.07Disconnectspikebike: most smartphones i've had in the past could do a sim lock/phone lock on sim change.
19:42.38orci_spikebike, or at least important data such as website passwords, phone book, etc.
19:43.02orci_i would not like somebody looking at my pictures as well
19:43.07Disconnectmaybe implement a bb-style wipe on pass failure
19:44.28DarkriftXand orci_ im almost sure that encrypted fs is not built into this so that would mean more then just a program installed. would mean a completely new os being built to enable it
19:46.30orci_DarkriftX, i would say that this is required, lots of information about me is on that phone
19:46.42orci_I think that is very important for everybody
19:46.55DarkriftXim not trying to argue, but look at it this way
19:47.06DarkriftXlots of ppl want security and it still has not been done
19:47.08DarkriftXthat has to tell you soemthing
19:47.45orci_DarkriftX, I think we are not at zero point. I perfectly understand that no lock is safe, however any lock is increasing your security
19:48.16orci_I think we can develop an optimum security level
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19:49.01LaserHello all
19:49.07LaserI have basic questions about the android OS
19:49.14LaserIs this a good place to ask such questions?
19:50.04eladprobably the best place
19:51.20LaserOk Basic question:
19:51.31LaserIs Android only an application or does it include radio source code?
19:51.42Laserfor example: radio source code for GSM/UMTS etc?
19:51.50geistno, does not
19:51.53LaserI tried downloading the android source code kit and could find only java files
19:52.16geistradio implementations vary between vendors
19:52.20LaserSo android is only java software that works for particular hardware platforms
19:52.28stellegThere are lots of c core libraries.  They are in the external folder.
19:52.32geistandroid is the OS that runs on the application processor
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19:52.41geistthere is usually a secondary processor that runs the radio stack
19:52.43LaserSo Android = NO RADIO
19:52.56After_Mathwhere might I find information on how to format videos to play on Android?
19:52.58geistthat is correct
19:53.03cmonexLaser why do you care?
19:53.05LaserThanks Geist
19:53.08cmonexask or blame qualcomm
19:53.13LaserOK I am basically a radio guy
19:53.13cmonex(if you mean the G1, that is.)
19:53.21LaserWas seeing if I could contribute to the radio part of it
19:53.23geistradio stacks are incredibly complicated, each vendor has their own
19:53.48geistusually it's an rtos + the stack
19:54.00LaserI couldnt agree less with you geist
19:54.03geistmsm solutions are stranger than that
19:54.04LaserRadio stacks are very complicated
19:54.04cmonexwhat kind of contributions ?
19:54.07DarkriftXLaser, the g1 radio img is available in the ota updates
19:54.19geistuh... okay
19:54.20LaserG1 radio?
19:54.24LaserCan you please define.
19:54.31LaserI am quite a novice to android
19:54.32cmonexqualcomm radio, to be precise
19:54.34DarkriftXOTA = over the air (google sends out updates)
19:54.42LaserOK I get what OTA is
19:54.48geistsure, the OTA has a binary update of the radio
19:54.50DarkriftXthese updates have a radio.img in them
19:54.57geistdoes not mean that android did it
19:55.04LaserOh OK
19:55.14DarkriftXnot sure if that will help you ot not
19:55.21cmonexLaser: it is pretty much like any WM HTC MSM72xx radio
19:55.23Laserso G1 radio is included as a part of android and in actuality G1 radio has been developed by Qualcomm
19:55.26After_Mathwhere might I find information on how to format videos to play on Android?
19:55.54orci_After_Math, check the website for the video player application that you use
19:55.55geistthe chip in the G1 is a shared die radio + app processor
19:56.05After_Mathorci_, k
19:56.20After_Mathscootley, thanks
19:56.23cmonexbut of course qualcomm is not giving out the datasheets
19:56.29geistof course
19:56.29cmonexfor this chipset
19:56.33orci_After_Math, as far as I know android does not have a default video format or something like that, it can play anything as long as there is a player
19:56.44geistcmonex: dont worry, it's a nightmare anyway
19:56.46LaserSo users need to pay the royalty $ to qualcomm
19:56.49geistthe data sheets dont help that much
19:56.57cmonexgeist -> oh, why?
19:56.59After_Mathorci_, I have a player, just not sure how to encode it
19:57.04geistcmonex: because it's a nightmare
19:57.12cmonexokay but how is it a nightmare
19:57.12LaserIf someone has to use the android software, they need to pay $ to Qualcomm?
19:57.14orci_After_Math, which player is that
19:57.18geisti dont work for android, but i work with essentially the same chip elsewhere
19:57.28geistbecause it's a terrible terrible design
19:57.31After_Mathorci_, one sec
19:57.35geistfull of bugs, badly documented
19:57.43stellegwhats the app core?
19:57.43cmonexbugs? I bet
19:57.56geistand the app processor is a slave to the radio, so you dont have a lot of control over low level details
19:58.03geistyou end up having to send the radio a ton of rpcs
19:58.09LaserSo Android = G1 radio (from Qualcomm) + application stack
19:58.11geistand you're at the mercy of whatever radio build is on there
19:58.11cmonexyes I know it is the slave
19:58.12After_Mathorci_, Video Player
19:58.14Laserwould that definition be correct
19:58.24cmonexI don't like that design
19:58.29geistit's actually a testamont to how great the android team is
19:58.34geistthey actually got it working
19:58.40DisconnectLaser: thats the g1, android is a phone application stack
19:58.49cmonexheh WM is great too then. :)
19:58.52LaserDisconnect - thanks
19:59.09Disconnectnot necessarily that particular radio or arch. (and in fact, its been ported to the moko and n810 and such already. n810 doesn't have a phone radio at all..)
19:59.18LaserSo when you see the HTC, what radio stack is HTC using inside to get the android phone working?
19:59.26jham_For Video Player just use the converters for iPods, and use the iPod Touch settings
19:59.29wasabithis whole conversation is dumb sounding.
19:59.30jham_You want H.264 video
19:59.35cmonexthese MSM based devices, all seem full of bugs, unlike the previous HTC devices
19:59.38geistright, presumably android running on another fone with another radio stack would need some modifications to talk to the other radio stack, but otherwise would just be the apps stuff
19:59.49cmonexlaser, what do you mean?
19:59.58LaserGeist - I got the answer
20:00.00geistLaser: the QC radio
20:00.03stelleghey do you guys know if its possible to wake on an incoming packet from a certain port
20:00.16geistQC has a radio stack they put on their core
20:00.24wasabistelleg: Not really.
20:00.25LaserGeist - thanks mate.
20:00.27geistit's whatever they want to call it. AMSS I believe is the main component
20:00.32stellegthanks wasabi
20:00.34wasabistelleg: Not without a router sending WOL events.
20:00.37Disconnecthmm. lots of reboots in rc30
20:00.39LaserCmonex - I am just trying to understand the whole concept of android
20:00.45geistIIRC, it's an L4 kernel + a bunch of services
20:00.52LaserCmonex - Geist has clarified my doubts about android
20:01.13geistawww, clarified doubts
20:01.18incandenzaI still only have RC19.  should I be concerned yet?
20:01.25Disconnectgeist: clarified doubts are awesome with crab legs
20:01.26stellegwasabi: thanks I'll look into that
20:01.29LaserGeist - Well I knew pretty much nothing about android :)
20:01.35cmonexwhat doubts Laser?
20:01.37Disconnectincandenza: if i were you i'd do manual updates to rc29 and then the patched rc30
20:01.37LaserDisconnect - thanks
20:01.49oyeojL4 kernel?
20:01.50geistdo you have doubts or are you just using the wrong word?
20:01.50Lasercmonex - what a solution the android actually is?
20:01.56cmonexhow do you mean, Laser?
20:02.12stellegwasabi: any idea how sipphones wake from sleep on incoming calls?
20:02.13jham_Laser: The RIL is the radio abstraction, that's the part that you'd need to replace to talk to another vendor's radio
20:02.26wasabistelleg: Never seen a sip phone sleep.
20:02.35Laserjham_ and all the other guys - I now understand the stuff about Android
20:02.43LaserI used to think that radio stacks  are quite complicated and they are the costly ones
20:02.48geistthey are
20:02.52LaserI thought companies are more than happy to develop their own apps
20:03.02stellegwasabi: strange, thanks
20:03.03cmonexthe radio is not just an app..
20:03.32LaserBut I think that now companies have a ready made application in java that they can use and integrate the radio stacks from providers to take out phones
20:03.33geistmost smart phones use a two cpu solution to seperate the rado from the apps
20:03.44cmonexwhy would you do your own radio stack if not needed
20:03.45LaserGeist - yes, I am aware of the radio architecture
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20:04.16geistand you usually buy the radio, since it's not really feasible to develop it in house
20:04.16Lasercmonex - with just android, I dont think a company can sell phones. they would need to integrate the android with the radio from another provider.
20:04.28cmonexand whats the point? :)
20:04.30geistyeah, why can't they sell that?
20:04.53cmonexthey also need to integrate the hardware with android :P
20:05.00LaserCompanies like Nokia already have radios. Nokia has symbian too. Why is Nokia trying to invest in Android?
20:05.19wasabiMaybe because they think it's better than Symbian.
20:05.29geistand maybe nokia wont, but there are a lot of other companies out there
20:05.35LaserBy radio, I mean - hardware (chipset) + radio protocol stack
20:06.19LaserI keep reading in the blogs that Nokia has formed a team to look at android
20:06.28Disconnectwell wifi is no better on rc30 :/
20:06.42geistthen they have an even easier job than most
20:06.50geistespecially if they develop their own radio stack
20:06.57oyeojDisconnect: yeah :(
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20:07.06Laseryeah Nokia stacks are pretty stable and they are known world over for their phones
20:07.09systmhey DarkriftX
20:07.16geistright, so nokia could do it
20:07.24LaserSo the future for mobile application developer companies doesnt look that bright eh!
20:08.17geistwhy would it not look bright?
20:08.37DarkriftXoooh, someone is writing an "editing bootloader" page on my wiki :S
20:08.44LaserWhat would happen to Symbian if Nokia would want to completely or largely move on to android?
20:08.47LaserJust a thought
20:08.55geistthey'd die. good riddance
20:08.57systmim trying to install the modified RC30 and Recovery Image, when i type su after adb shell, i dont have root
20:09.02LaserI started using linux over 8 years ago and find an increasing population who will be happy with linux now
20:09.05oyeojwho cares about symbian?
20:09.13jriley60good darkrift i've been looking for 0one of those
20:09.15jriley60: )
20:09.18cmonexso Laser, the app devs will just move to android.
20:09.21systmoyeoj, about 45% of the phone user populatioN?
20:09.22LaserI dont care about symbian
20:09.38oyeojsystm: lies. they dont even know what their phone runs.
20:09.44systmoyeoj, lol
20:09.44Laseri was just trying to picture what would be the future say in about 7 years time
20:09.58cmonexso why is it not a bright future..
20:10.05cmonexthey can dev for android or whatever the hype will be then
20:10.22Laseryeah I think to survive they will have to make a move or open source their own kind of legacy systems
20:10.40systmDarkriftX, is that something you know about
20:10.56LaserSo Java might end up leading the mobile application space. [I pray this happens]
20:11.06DarkriftXsystm, i dont actaully have a g1 so i might not be the best help
20:11.12DarkriftXi just collect info :))
20:11.21cmonexit's already leading on non smart phones :)
20:11.33systmDarkriftX, well, i just thought you got root on adb?
20:11.39LaserIn Europe, what is the cheapest price the android might be available for? To see if I can afford one :)
20:11.57LaserSmartphones are the future I believe.
20:12.13geisti thought children were the future
20:12.14Laseryeah popular smart phones heavily use Java
20:12.28LaserGeist - good one :) :)
20:13.01LaserWell guys, it is getting a bit late for me. Thanks to all of you for being patient enough to help me understand Android
20:13.07oyeojmusic has the right to children
20:13.08LaserI neednt have to dig my head into those documents
20:13.27LaserI have to get on to couple of things before the weekend really slips out of my hand
20:13.32LaserHave a nice evening
20:13.37LaserSee you folks sometime later
20:13.40Laserbye for now
20:13.53rreckhow do i know the IP address to telnet to, when I "telnet into the device"?
20:13.55systmhow do i get root with adb?
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20:15.54Gary|tprreck: netstat on the device
20:16.05Gary|tpor check router
20:17.07spikebikeI check the dhcp logs
20:17.21spikebiketill I assigned it an IP anyways
20:18.11rreckspikebike: are you talking to me?
20:18.17Disconnectlot easier to just click on the wifi AP (in settings) and it'll show it
20:18.46rreckoic i needs to be on your wifi, i thought you could telnet back in through internet
20:19.06spikebikeyou can
20:19.17spikebikenetstat can tell you locally
20:19.17rreckit aint answering
20:19.28spikebikeis it running?  check with ps
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20:20.00Disconnectmost of the time tmob's proxy will NAT so you can't get in from outside
20:20.09systmhow do you reboot in recovery mode on the G1
20:20.13Disconnectyou aren't on rc30 yet right?
20:20.18Disconnectsystm: hold down home while booting
20:21.03rreckyeah its running and tmob must be filtering
20:21.06rreckthanks for the answers
20:21.16rrecki will have to deal with it hating my wep
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20:21.54Dammrreck, netstat
20:22.04Gary|tpyeah, you can't use tmobiles connection because of the nat
20:22.07DisconnectDamm: erm, lagged? :)
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20:22.42DammDisconnect, slow response
20:22.51rrecki guess i can stop telnet without root? i get permission denied when i try to kill it
20:22.51rreckcant i mean
20:22.53spikebikeyeah, best to use wifi
20:23.17Gary|tpwell yeah cause its running as root :P
20:23.35rreckbut how did i start it as root though?
20:23.46Disconnectrreck: hit enter enter kill (whatever)
20:23.47Disconnectshould work
20:24.01Disconnectand then go read about what it is actually doing in rc19/28/29
20:24.29zewm_is away.. autoaway/10m [lp!on]
20:24.39rreckyeah i read, i was just having brain fart. thanks again
20:24.57cmonexbtw, interesting post
20:25.03cmonexhe claims he wasnt asked..
20:25.17rreckcmonex: tmob said there is no 10g cap
20:25.24rreckor step down in service
20:25.26cmonexheh and one last thing:[20:07:16] <DarkriftX> romainguy_, id have to say for all the hacking that is happening, these devices are surprisingly resilient ----> would be more resilient if you could install NBH's from SPL..
20:25.41cmonexrreck: cool, then maybe
20:25.51cmonexso, then maybe that was a different package, hmm..
20:25.54rreckcmonex: are you in the US?
20:26.10rreckcmonex: i am getting a second opinion
20:26.26cmonexbut the "unlimited" internet here involves similar things too, so i wasnt surprised when i heard tmobile put the cap at 10GB
20:26.42rreckcmonex: im outside washington DC
20:26.45cmonexok, do get a second opinion and see
20:27.04rreckcmonex: exactly im checking with other people in corporate before believing them
20:27.06cmonexDarkriftX... dont ya agree :P
20:27.18cmonexeven if you hose both boot.img and recovery.img you coul reinstall them from NBH
20:27.27DarkriftXi was commenting on the fact that the recovery makes it a lil safer
20:27.40cmonexhm, without it it wouldn't be safe at all :)
20:27.45cmonexand not somezhing that can be released
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20:28.08DarkriftXanyone know how to add a new link to navigation on mediawiki?
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20:34.38systmfor some reason i cannot put the recovery image on the G1
20:35.02scootleyDarkriftX: does this help:
20:35.11DarkriftXyeah, found it :)
20:35.42systmDarkriftX, where is your wiki?
20:35.44DarkriftXinteresting read
20:37.31digitalspaghettiso the debian hack?  is that basically adding a boot manager to startup to you can boot android or deb?
20:38.47Jamie__no; just a debian chroot
20:39.33Jamie__just installed it.  Trying to bring up openvpn.  Anybody here built kernel modules for the G1 yet?
20:40.35Jamie__I assume the git tree from is the place to start.
20:41.45systmanyone know how to get root with adb?
20:43.14DarkriftXsystm, have you installed the custom RC30
20:43.28DarkriftXoh, nvm, just read above
20:43.35systmno, im trying to.. i need the recovery on installed first
20:43.43DarkriftXyou need to get root through terminal first
20:43.55DarkriftXare you on rc29?
20:44.14DarkriftXok, im going to try to help you
20:44.21DarkriftXbut i have not done this, so beware now
20:44.29systmok :|
20:44.30DarkriftXfirst, reboot your phone
20:45.21DarkriftXsecond, as soon as its rebooted, type "telnetd" and hit enter
20:45.29DarkriftXthird, on your computer, telnet into your phones IP
20:45.56DarkriftXif it does not connect, try telnetd again and try to reconnect
20:46.14systmcant i just use pterminal? cd /system/bin , telnetd?
20:46.17MystSparks_I'm doing the same thing right now... trying to get adb working.. instlaling the modified recovery image on a rc29 system
20:46.18DarkriftXyou can
20:46.20DarkriftXbut its not needed
20:46.31DarkriftXtelnetd just made you think it was doing something
20:46.38DarkriftXall it was doing was giving you a box to type in
20:46.45DarkriftXwhich is not needed
20:47.02DarkriftXeverything you type goes to a root terminal already (that is the bug)
20:47.11DarkriftXwe just originally thought it had to be done through a terminal
20:48.04systmits not doing anything.
20:48.12Disconnectand the root shell doesn't understand modifiers. so cd /system reads as cd .system
20:48.14DarkriftXunable to connect?
20:48.21systmthere we gi
20:48.32systmok in shell
20:48.37DarkriftXtype id
20:48.40DarkriftXtell me if you are root
20:49.04DarkriftXmount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
20:49.11DarkriftXthat will make your system writeable
20:49.48DarkriftXthen cat /system/bin/sh > /system/bin/su
20:50.00DarkriftXchmod 4755 /system/bin/su
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20:50.12DarkriftXthat should give you a "su" command that makes you root
20:50.17DarkriftXtry running that command from adb
20:50.21DarkriftXyou should have root
20:50.24DarkriftXbut FIRST
20:50.30DarkriftXyou need to rename your certs so you dont get an update
20:50.53DarkriftXmv /system/etc/security/ /system/etc/security/
20:51.34systmhold up, the telnet for windows is fail, it cant go back, or anything and its annoying..
20:51.54DarkriftXyou have to fix that by running the su or sh commands
20:53.20orci_best imap client?
20:54.11systmok.. got it
20:54.57DarkriftXdid you rename the certs?
20:55.15DarkriftXif so, you are good to install the modified recovery now per instructions
20:55.50systmif its already in /system, could i just reboot with home and see
20:55.57DarkriftXis it?
20:56.03DarkriftXthats the default one
20:56.13DarkriftXdid you put the modified one on yet?
20:57.08systmno i mean from the xda thread
20:57.14DarkriftXthats the same one
20:57.30DarkriftXi took JesusFreke's and put it on my wiki (he helped edit the wiki a little)
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20:58.29DarkriftXflash the modified recovery, then reboot and flash the modified rc30
20:58.31DarkriftXand you should be good
20:59.17DarkriftXi really want a way to put android on my axim :(
20:59.21DarkriftXnobody seems to be workign on this
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21:00.47systmhow do i boot into recovery mode, someone said home and i dont think thats right
21:01.20DarkriftXhome + power
21:01.38systmthen i am doing something wrong
21:01.43MystSparks_what is the boot_nosecure.img file in the
21:01.52DarkriftXhold home, press power, keep holding home till you see the triangle image
21:02.15DarkriftXit removes the secure (enables root) MystSparks_  (i think anyways)
21:03.20systma hah!
21:03.25systmok, nao what?
21:04.05DarkriftXdid you already flash the recovery image?
21:04.18DarkriftXdo you see "using testing keys" at the top?
21:05.04systmi did the recovery, but have not flashed yet, and i cannot get to the SD Card atm
21:05.14DarkriftXthen dont do anythign else yet
21:05.22systmhow do i reboot?
21:05.25DarkriftXyou have to flash that before going farther
21:05.27DarkriftXhold power i think
21:06.14DarkriftXlike i said, i havent done this
21:06.19DarkriftXim just reading from others info
21:06.22systmpulling battery
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21:13.21alansjhey, I noticed that JesusFreke's modified rc30 boot.img does not include the new console=null kernel arg... what's the consensus on whether or not we want that?
21:13.22systmok here we go.. :)
21:13.29ChainfireDarkriftX we got root on rc30 now? :)
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21:18.31poetic_folly|G5a bit offtopic - any .htaccess experts here? how do i make RewriteRule dists/stable/Release stats.php NOT redirect the file Release.gpg, ONLY Release?
21:19.49systmok.. i updated it, now what
21:20.19MystSparks_sounds like a regular expression issue. In the RewriteCond, make sure there is a $ at the end
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21:23.41systmwhat can i do now with RC30?
21:24.42andyrossHrm... FWIW, removing Update.* does *not* prevent an update from happening.  My phone apparently pulled and applied it last night anyway (which failed, of course).  I woke up to a brick this morning and had to recover with the R29 image.
21:25.46poetic_folly|G5thanks MystSparks_ - so: RewriteRule dists/stable/Release$ stats.php
21:27.07MystSparks_I've never used the adb... I have it installed now... I unzipped the recovery image to the sd card, it's mounted currently, I execute the adb push from that directory and get "error: device not found"
21:27.19MystSparks_probably need the debugging mode or something
21:28.08MystSparks_poetic: I'd say try it and see if it works. I forget the syntax at the moment, but if it's using rgular expressions, you'll need the $ at the end to say the string ends that way
21:30.14poetic_folly|G5MystSparks_: thanks, it worked. ;)
21:31.13spikebikeandy yeah we had that happen to someone else
21:31.30spikebikeas annoying as it is, the safest thing to do is remove otacerts
21:31.33MystSparks_np poetic
21:31.48andyrossOr just install the hacked R30 I guess, which is more surgery than I planned on.
21:31.49DarkriftXChainfire, yes, but you have to start it on rc29
21:31.52spikebikeoalthough it occurs to me what we should do is just change the host it updates from
21:32.57DarkriftXwe tried that spikebike
21:33.05DarkriftXit kills im and market
21:33.12DarkriftXand contacts i think
21:34.30spikebikeideally we can find source
21:34.32DarkriftXand i was almost crucified for having that idea
21:34.42spikebikeand redirect only updates
21:34.58DarkriftXbetter yet, write our own updater :)
21:35.18DarkriftXhave a central hub with update hosts and ahve it connect, get a url and download/install the modified update
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21:37.29elliotttanyone have time for a linux/g1 question?
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21:38.25elliottti've got the udev rules all set to change the mode of the device when it's connected, and i've verified it with udevadm test, but i never see it registered with ./adb devices
21:38.27DarkriftXjust ask
21:38.30DarkriftXif someone knows they will reply
21:39.12elliotttis there something more that i need to do to make this happen?  i've also got all the eclipse business set up, but that seemed unrelated to any of this.
21:39.53elliottteverything that i've read online seems to indicate that things should just work at this point, and i can't find any information about the case where there's no device being registered
21:40.02michaelnovakjr_elliottt: did you select USB debugging on the G1 in the settings?
21:41.06elliotttmichaelnovakjr_: yep
21:41.27michaelnovakjr_did you chmod your 50-android.rules file?
21:41.43andyrossOr just run adb as root to test -- if it works, then your udev setup isn't working right.
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21:42.23elliotttmichaelnovakjr_: yes, a+rx, though i can't see why the x is needed
21:42.38elliotttmichaelnovakjr_: running udevadm test with the path to the device showed the rule firing even without the x
21:43.18elliotttandyross: it isn't working if i run it as root, either
21:43.22michaelnovakjr_have you disconnected and reconnected the phone since you made your changes?
21:43.27elliotttmichaelnovakjr_: yes
21:43.30elliotttmany times :)
21:43.45andyrossThe device is on the bus?  lsusb should show something like:
21:43.45andyrossBus 005 Device 039: ID 0bb4:0c02 High Tech Computer Corp.
21:43.53michaelnovakjr_pastebin your 50-android.rules file
21:44.03elliotttmichaelnovakjr_: Bus 001 Device 009: ID 0bb4:0c02 High Tech Computer Corp.
21:44.30michaelnovakjr_that isn't your 50-android.rules file :)
21:44.35michaelnovakjr_or atleast it shouldn't be
21:44.59elliotttmichaelnovakjr_: sorry, that should have been to andyross.
21:45.08andyrossAnd Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging is checked?
21:45.14elliotttandyross: yes, it's checked
21:45.27michaelnovakjr_change ATTRS to SYSFS
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21:47.07andyrosselliottt: When in doubt, reboot both endpoints and reattach?  I did have a glitch once when I noticed an oops in dmesg.
21:47.22elliotttmichaelnovakjr_: no change with the ATTRS/SYSFS change
21:47.42elliotttandyross: i've tried rebooting my laptop, and the phone, no change :(
21:49.15michaelnovakjr_elliottt: what linux are you running?
21:50.20elliotttmichaelnovakjr_: archlinux with kernel 2.6.27
21:52.05michaelnovakjr_hm, following the instructions on the site has worked for me, not sure what your issue could be, I've setup three machines with device debugging
21:53.07elliotttmichaelnovakjr_: bummer.  sounds like it's something to do with my configuration then :/
21:54.03elliottti should give this a go on my other machin, and see if i get the same result
21:54.29michaelnovakjr_it's worth a shot
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22:05.09orciso where does yahoo messenger save my password, for example? not on sdcard, right?
22:05.31DarkriftXits in /etc/yahoopassword.xml
22:05.41MystSparks_So when trying to run "adb shell" after the recovery.img is updated, and I'm in recovery mode.. using test keys... I get"exec '/system/bin/sh' failed; No such file or direcotry92) - i verified it exists and has proper permissions
22:06.12DarkriftXodd MystSparks_
22:06.19DarkriftXcan you go manually execute it?
22:06.22orciDarkriftX, is that an sdcard, too? (that's a bit harder to remove?)
22:06.23DarkriftXor doyou not even get shell like that
22:06.28DarkriftXorci, i was joking
22:06.58DarkriftXi forgot you were talking about security till after i commented
22:07.10orciheh ok
22:07.12MystSparks_it just exits... If I boot into the system, I can telnetd and then I have root fine... just in recovery mode
22:07.35DarkriftXthats odd
22:07.41DarkriftXi wish jesusfreke was in here
22:07.45DarkriftXpost that in his thread
22:08.03MystSparks_alright... I'll verify I didn't do anything stupid first. :)
22:08.09DarkriftXlol. ok
22:08.33orcican I increase the / size? can I replace that card? is it also a flash memory card?
22:08.53DarkriftXeverything that is not /sdcard is unchangeable
22:09.12DarkriftXthey are custom partitions built into the device
22:09.38orciDarkriftX, so they need serious equipment to read that card without breaking the screen lock
22:09.53DarkriftXthere is no card
22:09.54DarkriftXand no
22:10.16DarkriftXscreen lock is not a security feature
22:10.27DarkriftXits so you do not press buttons while your phone is in your pocket
22:10.47elliotttmichaelnovakjr_: also failed on my other machine
22:11.05michaelnovakjr_what config is your other machine elliottt ?
22:11.16elliotttalso archlinux, unfortunately
22:11.24elliotttbut an i686, instead of x86_64
22:11.58elliottti'll talk to a co-worker about it.  he uses debian, and has gotten it working successfully.
22:12.04michaelnovakjr_hm, not sure... i'm using ubuntu without an issue
22:12.18DarkriftXelliottt, try a vm
22:12.31elliotttDarkriftX: good idea.
22:12.39DarkriftXsomeone earlier used a win vm to mess with it, so an ubuntu vm would prob work also
22:12.58DarkriftXs/mess with it/connect to the device/
22:13.02DarkriftXnot sure what you are doing, but might work
22:13.21orcido we have basic unix commands such as du, fdisk etc.?
22:13.28DarkriftXsome orci
22:13.33DarkriftXonce you install busybox, you have most
22:13.42DarkriftXi think there is df, no du or fdisk
22:13.58elliotttDarkriftX: all i wanted to do was run ./adb devices to see what i could do
22:14.08orciDarkriftX, busybox is not in market I guess
22:14.18DarkriftXno orci its not an android
22:14.54DarkriftXan android app
22:15.02DarkriftXits a linux multi-call binary
22:17.36orciDarkriftX, OK thank you
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22:24.30MystSparks_darkriftx, looks like I cannot be in recovery mode to use adb shell, that's why i was getting that error...
22:24.38MystSparks_works fine when i boot normally
22:25.14DarkriftXahhhh, makes sense
22:25.21MystSparks_;) silly me
22:25.34DarkriftXoh yeah, it only gives you file access
22:26.04MystSparks_(I'm learning a lot today bout this little toy, lol)
22:28.06*** join/#android ion_g1 (i=4bab072a@gateway/web/ajax/
22:30.44ttuttleAnyone know when A2DP is slated to be released?
22:32.10mikez5ttuttle: when you find out, let me know
22:32.27ttuttlemikez5: Okay.  I'll ask lockwo... damn.
22:32.54mikez5ttuttle:  It is all ready to go now, except for a small matter of getting it to work :-)
22:33.12ttuttlemikez5: Oh.  Lemme know when I can try it.  I've ordered the headset from sellout.woot today.
22:33.49ttuttlemikez5: The nice bit about it is that I can plug in any headphones I like.
22:34.40mikez5Maybe some y'all could stop playing with root and start writing something useful and contributing to the project :-)
22:35.09DarkriftXMystSparks_, i know what you mean
22:35.19DarkriftXi dont even have one yet and i almost know it inside and out
22:35.26ttuttleputs his hands on his hips next to mikez5 and says "Yeah, what he said!"
22:35.50ionstormanyone know of all the changes with the rc30 full update
22:36.04DarkriftXno ionstorm im still looking for a list to add to the wiki
22:36.14DarkriftXthere are like 2-3 changes i have on there
22:36.37DarkriftXFixes: root bug by setting console=null to stop the redirection, removes telnetd (telnetd does not seem to even exist in this update), ????
22:36.37DarkriftXNew Features: Scrolling text for home screen (???)
22:36.51ttuttleScrolling text?
22:36.56DarkriftXyeah :S
22:37.01ttuttleWhat do you mean?
22:37.03DarkriftXhavent found more details
22:37.22DarkriftXbut i think it was romainguy_ that said his scrolling text made it into the update
22:37.30DarkriftXfrom what ive heard it makes long shortcut names scroll
22:37.33DarkriftXinstead of wrapping
22:37.39DarkriftXbut that could be wrong
22:37.43ttuttleI've never seen them wrap.
22:37.55ttuttleI hope they don't scroll actively all the time.  That sounds distracting.
22:38.08*** join/#android jlapenna (
22:38.23ttuttleOH wow!
22:38.26ttuttleThey *do* scroll.
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22:40.44anno^da_to all the us guys here what does "In Box Factory" mean ?
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22:41.33DarkriftXmeaning exactly as it came when you removed it from the box?
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22:54.05MystSparks_Anyone know of a way to make a backup of files recursively i.e  the system... I don't want to have to cat each individual file
22:54.44DarkriftXMystSparks_, "busybox cp -s busybox cp" then "cp -s busybox tar"
22:55.03DarkriftXdo that in the /system/bin folder btw
22:55.11DarkriftXassuming you ahve busybox there already
22:55.41MystSparks_cool, thanks
22:58.06Fnord^./system/core/rootdir/init.rc:service flash_recovery /system/bin/flash_image recovery /system/recovery.img
22:58.24Fnord^wonder why they do that
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23:06.06tsunamianyone else having debugging problems with rc30? i can no longer connect to my phone from eclipse (exception follows), and mapview no longer seems to respect my debugging api key. looks to me as if the jailbreak fix disabled the shell for debugging as well?
23:06.15languishttuttle, huhwhat? what shortcut names exactly do scroll? device (HT839GZ28780) request rejected: device offline
23:06.19tsunamiat Source)
23:06.19tsunamiat Source)
23:06.19tsunamiat Source)
23:06.19tsunamiat$ Source)
23:06.32languishtsunami, use pastbin don't flood
23:06.37tsunamimy bad
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23:13.34RamblurrI have a <shape> inside which i am defining  <corners android:radius="foo">
23:14.04Ramblurr(shape is type=rectangle) this results in a rectangle with all 4 corners rounded
23:14.24Ramblurrhowever, when i change android:radius to android:topRightRadius and android:topLeftRadius
23:14.35Ramblurri get a rectangle with zero rounded corners
23:14.52*** part/#android tsunami (
23:18.42Ramblurrhm ok
23:19.01Ramblurradding android:bottomLeft/RightRadius="0.1dp" created the desired effect
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23:29.10elliotttandyross: i ran adb kill-server as root, and was able to list a device.  oddly enough, i couldn't then kill the server and list it as a normal user.
23:29.27elliotttandyross: i think that there must be some sort of odd permissions issue somewhere
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23:35.43mikez5elliottt: when you type "adb devices", it will restart the server.
23:35.58elliotttmikez5: ah, thanks.  i'll stop typing adb kill-server :)
23:36.17mikez5Confusing things will happen if you use some adb commands as root and some as not.  So it is best to get the /etc/udev/rules.d thing working.
23:36.44elliotttmikez5: well, i thought i had it working.  must be some subtle difference between how archlinux and ubuntu are using udev
23:36.53mikez5adb kill-server shouldn't be necessary very often.  It is used to restart adb if something goes wrong.
23:37.01*** join/#android Sorium (
23:37.02elliottti noticed that if i don't set the group, it sets the group as root, so i changed that
23:37.19Soriumhey anyone know any good articles on mobile telephony?? -- understanding the real process of what's going on behind the code?
23:37.20mikez5I had trouble getting it to work under gentoo, but I found adding my user to the "usb" group worked.
23:37.30elliotttthough, i guess that shouldn't matter if the mode is 0666
23:37.50mikez5You might need to be in plugdev group for the udev trick to work.
23:38.02Ramblurris there a way to draw a border/outline around a shape?
23:38.10mikez5The problem is the USB device files get recreated every time you reconnect, so chmod 666 isn't very convenient.
23:40.02elliotttmikez5: plugdev doesn't exist on my system
23:42.43elliotttmikez5: i don't think that adb devices does kill the server.  if i run it as root first, it works as a normal user afterword, but fails the otherway around
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23:43.52mikez5The first time you run adb, it forks itself and leaves a "server" copy of itself running.  The second time, adb connects to the adb server via a socket.
23:44.15mikez5It is the forked server that needs access to the USB driver, so that is why it works if you run it as root the first time.
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23:44.57mikez5adb kill-server connects to the server process and sends it a message telling it to quit.  So that should work if you type it as non-root.
23:45.33mikez5Anyway, it is much simpler if you can fix the permissions.
23:45.37mikez5Try ls -l /dev/bus/usb/001
23:46.07mikez5Add yourself to whatever group those files belong to.
23:46.21mikez5For example, on my system I have:
23:46.23elliotttwell, i've got the created symlink with 0666 permissions in /dev, so i'm not sure what else could be the problem, at this point
23:46.23mikez5crw-rw-r-- 1 root usb 189, 0 Oct 23 13:47 001
23:46.45mikez5So adding myself to usb group worked for me.
23:47.03mikez5what symlinks?
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23:47.32elliotttsorry, device in /dev
23:47.40elliottthere's what i've got at the moment:
23:47.55elliotttcrw-rw-rw- 1 root users 189, 21 2008-11-09 15:47 /dev/usbdev1.22
23:48.06elliottti'm a member of the users group, so i'm not sure why adb devices is failing
23:48.38mikez5Oh, adb does not use the /dev/usbdev files.
23:49.05elliotttah, ok
23:49.09mikez5adb looks for the device in /dev/bus/usb/
23:49.49elliotttcrw-r--r-- 1 root root 189, 21 2008-11-09 15:47 022
23:49.59elliotttthanks for that, i felt like i was going insane :)
23:50.13mikez5For example, it might be /dev/bus/usb/005/083
23:50.27mikez5The 005 might differ depending on which hub you plug it into.
23:50.30elliotttso now i just need to figure out how to work with those permissions, instead of the ones in /dev
23:50.37mikez5and the 083 will increment each time you connect/disconnect.
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23:51.20Chainfiregdx> are the arm-eabi-* in the Android source dist GNU compatible? (ie, take same options etc as GNU binutils) ?
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23:51.51zhobbs_neat, mibbit works pretty well in the android browser
23:52.32unix_infidelzhobbs_: did mibbit put a mobile mibbit version?
23:52.54zhobbs_dont know, never used it on the desktop
23:53.11unix_infidelwould be insane trying to use mibbit without a trackball or dpad.
23:53.51DarkriftXi was gonna add an ajax irc chat to my site but wasnt sure how well it would work
23:54.00DarkriftXon a device that is
23:54.44mikez5Chainfire: yes, the android arm-eabi-* tools are GNU.
23:54.58gdsxChainfire: dunno.  Are they not GNU or branched from the GNU... yeah... what mikez5 said
23:54.59Chainfirethx mikez5 ... means I got other issues :)
23:55.48unix_infidelanyone been running their G1 on 2.5G getting more than 24 hours on "mixed use?"
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23:57.55unix_infidelDarkriftX: mibbit has an embedded version you can throw anywhere in your site.
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23:58.53unix_infidelwould require some magic ponies to make mibbit persist while the rest of the site remained dynamic...

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