IRC log for #android on 20081106

00:00.10faddenMaking really precise phone calls?
00:00.10cmonexas ive yet to see one with it
00:00.11cmonexand i've had more than just qc phones
00:00.18ttuttlefcrick: no problem
00:00.19jbqI've worked on many phones and I've never seen one that had an FPU.
00:00.28cmonexfadden: hahaha... no but if you want to run some neat apps..
00:00.41jbqThe biggest use case for an FPU on the phone is to run javascript, because it doesn't have a notion of integers.
00:00.49Chainfirehow about multimedia? :)
00:00.55faddencmonex: I can certainly see uses for it with something like Android, but for most phones it doesn't seem useful.
00:01.01ttuttlehates JavaScript.
00:01.13ttuttleAnd Flash.
00:01.18Chainfiregraphics stuff is much nicer when floating point is fast, rather than slow.
00:01.57cmonexfadden: i think my problem is ive not used a dumbphone since 2005 :)
00:02.08Chainfiresame here
00:02.14cmonexwhich ones had fpu?
00:02.22Chainfiresome of the omap do
00:02.30cmonexreally, "some"
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00:02.37cmonexmy pdaphones all lacked fpu =(
00:02.41cmonexor if it was there nobody used it
00:02.42Chainfire(n95 does too, as does iPhone)
00:03.01cmonexyeah, i dont have n95 or iphone, but good point, i wanted to ask if iphone has it (and uses it?)
00:03.12Chainfirewell i assume it uses it...
00:03.17spikebikewow, viewing google doc spreadsheets on the g1 sucks
00:03.19spikebikecan't edit
00:03.20Chainfirethen again... I'm used to HTC so
00:03.28spikebikecan't even scroll to see all columns
00:03.32ttuttleWe should make a list of the Google services we want ported to Android, and vote on them.
00:05.36cmonexspikebike: does that work on your n800
00:05.39ttuttlejasta: I've installed musicbrainz-3.0.1 (it includes /usr/lib/ but for five-server won't find it.
00:06.04spikebikecmonex pretty sure it does
00:06.14spikebikeI'd have to check for this particular spreadsheet
00:06.19cmonexspikebike: i read that it works, yes,.. except i think excel editing?
00:06.28cmonexno, wait it must have been something else :P
00:06.34spikebikewell I don't care about the editing as much as the seeing
00:06.40cmonexby "it" i meant the whole google docs
00:06.59spikebikeI'd have to check, think so
00:07.08spikebikerather few things work in firefox and not the n800
00:07.25spikebikeI kinda expected a google doc to work on the g1 though... at least read only
00:08.54cmonexthe 480x320 isnt big enough for it i think..
00:09.16ttuttleOh, and PDF READER!
00:09.57andyrossYeah, a poppler-based thing would be really useful.  The G1 as a whole is really lacking in document-friendly apps.
00:10.05waldo_has anyone set up a project "sign up board" where people can write app proposals or group together to write them
00:10.05spikebikecmonex there's these things called scroll bars ;-)
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00:10.55spikebikeI was just hoping for property number, description, and serial number not something with 100 columns or anything
00:11.11cmonexspikebike: horizontal scroll bars can get annoying
00:11.22spikebikethe funny thing is that it has horizontal scroll bars
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00:11.28andyrossWhy bother with scrollbars when you have touch scrolling and a trackball?
00:11.28spikebikebut that only gets you one more column
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00:11.46spikebikeandy so you know where you are
00:11.50andyross(I guess the browser does technically have them, but they're tiny 2-pixel transparent things on the screen edges)
00:12.19andyrossspikebike: Look at the way the browser represents big scrollable areas.  I think scrollbars are the wrong metaphor.
00:13.27spikebikeheh, well philosophical arguments aside, I'd like to see small spreadsheets on my g1
00:14.11cmonexandyross: touch scrolling is even more tiresome.
00:14.29cmonexi dont like iphone for that reason
00:14.35cmonexspikebike: port gnumeric :)
00:14.42cmonexi've yet to try it on my n810 though
00:14.46spikebikeexpecially when those documents are in a web browser and represent probably 5-10% of the nyt or slashdot home pages
00:14.48cmonex(it's ported to it)
00:14.56andyrossYou've tried the zoom feature?  I'll be honest, I have an *easier* time navigating big pages on the G1 than in Firefox.
00:15.09cmonexandyross: i guess this is subjective. a PC for me will always win
00:15.17cmonexdue to the 1280x1024 and faster cpu
00:15.25ttuttlejasta: "The plugin 'org.jvending.masa.plugins:maven-dx-plugin' does not exist or no valid version could be found
00:15.30andyrossI said navigating, not reading.  But getting from one side of the page to another is faster on the phone.
00:15.42cmonexandyross: i meant navigating
00:15.54andyrossThen why bring up resolution?
00:15.59Chainfirereally? i press the end button
00:16.01cmonexreading is the same as long as the screen is not VERY small
00:16.02Chainfireinstant satisfaction.
00:16.17cmonexwell, navigating for me is ... the bigger the screen res is the better nav will be for me
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00:17.31andyrossApples and oranges, though.  I'm talking about UI metahors for navigating in a page (any page) that is much larger horizontally than the display (any display) size.  The actual size of the display isn't the issue -- of *course* it's easier to read a web page on a 1920x1200 monit.r
00:17.47cworthandyross: A poppler-based PDF viewer would be quite nice.
00:18.03andyrossBut given a page that is 4x wider than the screen, the G1 is better than the browser at reading it.  It just is.
00:18.57Chainfirei must say ive never encountered a web page thats 4x wider than my PC desktop.
00:19.55andyrossThe use case was google docs spreadsheets.  Those are routinely enormous.  In a similar vein, I wrote a html report generator here at work with 200 columns.
00:20.51andyrossWide pages are, obviously, "bad design".  But they happen, and especially on small devices you need a UI for dealing with them.  Desktop browsers use horizontal scrollbars.  The G1 has a zoom gadget.  My point was that the latter is just plain better.
00:21.02ttuttlejasta: Lemme know when you're around so you can help me get it set up. ;-)
00:22.04cworthandyross: You mentioned bionic integration earlier. I'm using jimps sugested recipe successfully (with an emdebian toolchain) just great for native builds with -static. What would it take to get from here to a dynamic build?
00:23.55andyrossWhat I did was log a dalvikvm build and snip out the compiler arguments from that.  The prebuilt toolchain works well, but isn't terribly well integrated.  You have to specify -nostdlib and some custom crt.o objects, plus a bunch of other options I forget.
00:24.33cworthandyross: "standard toolchain" meaning what comes with the "android sdk"?
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00:25.08cworthandyross: I'm not willing to click through the license agreement there. I do like this clause:
00:25.10cworth3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of the SDK licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not this License Agreement.
00:25.24cworthSo I'd be glad to get access only to those components.
00:25.51cworthandyross: Anyway, if you happen to run across the details again and care to share them, that would be great.
00:25.56andyrossNo, in the source tree.  There's a prebuilt toolchain in there.  It's just built GNU software, so it's GPL.
00:26.05cworthOh, much better.
00:26.10cworthI'll go look there.
00:26.21cworthnaively expected the source tree to just have source...
00:26.48andyrossI don't think there's much special about it.  It's a little endian arm-eabi target.
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00:27.49andyrossI have a perl script that wraps the mess into something that looks like a normal gcc.  I got started packing it up into a demo with a little JNI library and application, but got distracted with other toys.
00:28.09cworthRight. So what I have from emdebian is probably fine, (and was easier to get at). I just need a recipe for doing a build against bionic.
00:28.35cworthandyross: Hehe. I understand distractions. But do let me know if you've got that script for me to look at somewhere.
00:28.43andyrossSure, hold on...
00:30.23andyrossHere: -- YMMV, obviously.  But basically, you need a source checkout with a successful bionic build, and the arm-eabi-* tools from the prebuilt toolchain on your path.
00:31.05cworthandyross: Thanks.
00:31.35RyeBryeUgh - I have to sign a paper contribuor license agreement?
00:32.07RyeBryeyou guys have heard of UETA right?
00:32.22danfuzzi believe it can be done electronically
00:33.02RyeBryescanning a paper that I sign and emailing a PDF is hardly esigning
00:33.04danfuzz(btw, i had to look up UETA)
00:33.15danfuzzi thought there was a completely electronic way
00:33.21danfuzzmy apologies if i was mistaken
00:33.22RyeBryeI worked for a startup that did e-signing for medical stuff...
00:33.23RyeBryeIt's ok
00:34.17RyeBryemy patch isn't crucial anyway - it just fixes the htc/dream build so it works
00:34.30cworthhas never read UETA but seems to be lately running across things of the form "Typing your intials in the text entry below will be considered your signature" which seems specious.
00:34.48RyeBryeThe typing-your-initials woudln't hold up
00:35.02RyeBryeI'd say more, but I've got screaming kids I must tame
00:35.03cworthRyeBrye: I would hope and assume not.
00:35.12cworthRyeBrye: Hehe. Good luck.
00:35.15danfuzzi hear sugar water helps
00:35.21cworth(And we're off topic anyway...)
00:35.23danfuzzalso coffee ice cream
00:35.24RyeBryeit has to be captured in context, basically... we recorded images on a pdf and stored it and it's 100% the same as wet signature
00:35.38cworthdanfuzz: Sugar always helps, (but only for a very short-term fix).
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00:38.53tweaktdoes anyone know if it's possible to sample audio directly into a memory buffer? or does it have to go to a file first? Wondering how Shazam works...
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00:39.24tweaktMediaRecorder doesn't seem to offer many options, unless there's some mock File class I can use
00:39.54danfuzztweakt: not 100% sure, but i think you have to save to a file. this is probably a good question for one of the mailing lists
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01:01.53*** join/#android ITechJunkie (
01:05.22ITechJunkieis busybox the most complete method to get a shell on android?
01:10.03Acsiait s an addon ot the current shell
01:10.16Acsiamissing binaries
01:10.20jastawell, its a shell too
01:10.38Acsiahey jasta, have you tried five on the G1 yet?
01:11.27cworthITechJunkie: What does "complete" mean?
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01:12.25cworthITechJunkie: I don't see a noticeable difference between the busybox shell and the original shell. But busybox certainly adds a lot of other useful utilities, (cp for starters).
01:12.28ITechJunkieright. i understand what is. I was just wanting to know if there is a better or more complete method to get a shell on the g1
01:12.43zhobbsITechJunkie: never got the Term app to work?
01:13.17ITechJunkiezhobbs: yeah i did. adb worked thanks
01:13.28zhobbsITechJunkie: cool
01:14.35jastaAcsia: yeah, i use it every day to and from work
01:14.54zhobbsjasta: does it work on edge?
01:15.05jastacurrently, no.
01:15.12ITechJunkiei'm trying to get the most complete set of binaries for cli
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01:15.36jastaalthough ive been doing some speed tests and i think i can make it work if i use a feature to transcode to 128kbps mp3s
01:15.51jastabecause in my tests i get about 130-140kbps over EDGE
01:16.08jastabut meh, over 3G it doesnt matter.  T-Mobile's 3G network is really fast.
01:16.16jastai test 700kbps+
01:16.40AcsiaI might give it a go when I have a minute
01:16.46zhobbswow, that is pretty fast
01:17.35jastamost of my music is 192kbps, so without reencoding on the server i need 3G to work
01:17.43jastawhich is fine, i seem to get 3G everywhere that matters around seattle
01:18.02jastaand it does enough prefetching that losing 3G for a shor twhile isnt a big deal
01:18.18unix_infidelnot as bad as I thought it would be here in dallas either...
01:18.23unix_infidelregularly get 700+
01:18.33jastaAcsia: there's one big bug im fixing this week :)
01:18.58jastaAcsia: when downloads fail (which as it turns out is a LOT when youre on the freeway), the retry policy is too broken to work right
01:19.08jastaso you end up with decent signal but the download stalls
01:19.34jastathe fix is not as simple as it seems, i'm basically absorbing some of the sophistication found in the DownloadProvider to make it work optimally
01:19.50Acsiahum k
01:20.12jastait'll be fixed probably tonight :)
01:20.25Acsiawell I ll wait then
01:20.31jastaotherwise yeah it works great
01:20.35jastai functionally use it all the time
01:20.57Acsiathat s really nice
01:21.05Acsiait s a very good idea
01:21.34ITechJunkiewhat app are you guys talking about?
01:21.54zhobbshmm...I need to know if a service is running, and can't bind or do anything asynchronously
01:22.02ITechJunkiewhat does it do?
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01:23.30zhobbsbecause you can't do anything asyncronously in a BroadcastReceiver's onReceive(), because the process is considered done when onReceive() is finished...
01:24.35zhobbsITechJunkie: Five streams your library from your desktop to your phone
01:24.51zhobbsITechJunkie: it on the market yet?
01:25.26zhobbsno, don't think it's ready yet
01:25.46jastazhobbs: you're asking for the impossible.  you need IPC to see if a service is up, and anytime you communicate with another process there will be delay
01:26.11jastathe better strategy would be to start the service with a particular intent and let the service work out what to do in onStart()
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01:26.30zhobbsjasta: yeah...I know.  That's what I normally do
01:26.39jastaITechJunkie: no, it's still in alpha/beta status.
01:27.03zhobbsjasta: but in this case I may or may not want to abort the intent broadcast based on what the service is doing
01:27.04ITechJunkiejasta: i see.
01:27.19`vipany way to see the battery percentage left ?
01:27.28`vipinstead of just the color indicator ?
01:27.31jasta`vip: burried in the settings app, yes.
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01:28.06satadruquick question: what are the standard perms of /system/bin/sh ?
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01:28.45`vipah thanks jasta found it
01:28.55zhobbs$ ls -l /system/bin/sh
01:28.55zhobbs-rwxr-xr-x root     shell       86936 2008-08-01 08:00 sh
01:29.30KNYhey guys, I need some help signing my applications. I followed the instructions on the site exactly (AFAIK), and I get "package file was not signed correctly" when installing. `jarsigner -verify App.apk` says "jar verified."
01:29.57zhobbsKNY: uninstall the previous installed one, will give that error if keys don't match
01:30.10zhobbsor certs don't match I should say
01:30.21KNYuninstall the previous app?
01:30.23satadruthanks zhobbs
01:30.54zhobbsKNY: well, if eclipse installed your app while you were developing it then it signed it with a debug key
01:31.08KNYyeah, I've tried uninstalling the debug one
01:32.39KNYalso, I can't get `adb devices` to see my phone; I've tried killing adb and restarting and all that (x86_64, linux)
01:32.43KNYbut that's another issue
01:33.56KNYI'll look into that
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01:34.30KNYso, I've uninstalled the debug version, but when I go to install the new version (from HTTP) it says "the application will replace another application"
01:34.35KNYwhy would it still say that?
01:34.58zhobbsKNY: goes by package name
01:35.01zhobbsI think
01:35.14KNYzhobbs, but I've totally (or so I thought) removed the old app
01:35.15xavdKNY how did you uninstall?
01:35.25KNYxavd, through settings > applications
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01:40.03KNYthere we go, I got it installed through adb
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01:48.12`vipquestion, do i have to install trak via my PC ?
01:48.57zhobbs`vip: if it's not on the Market
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01:53.16KNY"The certificate that signed this apk must is not valid until the future." Holy crap, Google
01:53.22KNYthat's quite the Engrish
01:54.00danfuzzwhat the your is with problem that?
01:54.18KNYmust is not valid until the future?
01:54.23Disconnectput his intellishield on tonight, yay
01:54.38xavdKNY: where did you see that?
01:54.49KNYxavd, when uploading my signed app to the market :-/
01:54.52danfuzzfine perfectly to is that seeming me
01:55.01KNYI guess I messed something up ...
01:55.17cbeust_KNY:  I'll pass this on to the Market people
01:55.36KNYcbeust_, thanks. Tell them they can just cut me a check ;)
01:56.03KNYcbeust_, also, you could pass on that I don't see a way to delete uploaded applications--just unpublish them
01:58.15cbeust_KNY: bug filed
01:58.24KNYcbeust_, excellent. Thanks!
01:58.44cworthdanfuzz: You channel Yoda well.
02:01.07Disconnectok its creepy to watch tivo'd simpsons from before the election.
02:02.34tweakty is that?
02:03.00Disconnectthe constant barrage of attack ads is a lot weirder when you know who wins
02:03.09tweaktoooh the ads, yeah, gotcha
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02:09.19KNYhey so here's a question: why would the md5sum of a .apk change when downloaded via HTTP?
02:09.44KNYif I md5sum it on the live server, it's different than on the SD card
02:09.55cbeust_gzip-compressed maybe?
02:10.06spikebikesame zie on both ends?
02:10.11spikebikeI've heard comcast playing strange games
02:10.25languisht-mobile caching server?
02:11.03KNYlanguish, possibly
02:11.05poetic_folly|G5i see zodttd
02:11.25zodttdhi pf
02:11.27poetic_folly|G5hey guess what
02:11.31poetic_folly|G5your phone shipped out today
02:11.36zodttdYAYS! :)
02:11.50poetic_folly|G5wait wtf
02:11.56KNYbut I think that is what was causing my problem--if I download it, mount the SD card, swap the .APK with the one from the server, then disconnect the phone, and select the .apk from the browser download list, it installs perfectly
02:12.52languishKNY OOOOH that problem
02:12.56languishI know how to fix that
02:13.07languishit's not downloading as the correct mime type
02:13.13languishit's an issue with the browser
02:13.15languishon the g1
02:13.28languishthere are a few steps to try, one of them *will* work
02:14.06KNYlanguish, interesting
02:14.26KNYit just had me worried that I had borked something with the signing procedure
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02:14.59languish1) set the correct mime encoding for apk's in the server settings 2) use the www. of the domain, not just domain.tld if it has a non www. hostname well, try another  3) on the server, change the name of the ,apk, that's all just change the name if it's samhain.apk make it samhain007.apk
02:15.33languishthere was one other step, i forget what it was, but.. one or a combo of those will work
02:15.45languishtry the last first
02:15.52languishand don't ask for explainations, I have none.
02:16.10KNYlanguish, haha
02:16.19KNYI'll change it on the server-side
02:16.23KNYdo you know what the proper one is?
02:16.43languishyou'll also notice.. that the same urls that this occurs with, are the ones that the g1 browser doesn't remember in history or autocomplete dropdown
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02:17.38languishKNY it's application/
02:17.50KNYlanguish, thanks
02:18.28languishand yeah, google knows about this
02:19.07languishKNY, btw, what version are you running? rc 19, 29?
02:19.21languishor that incomplete bastardization from the uk
02:19.23languishrc7 or something
02:19.36KNYwhatever shipped with the G1...?
02:19.38languishsetting, about phone
02:20.08languishat the bottom, build number
02:20.18KNYRC 28
02:20.28languish'k thanks
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02:22.24languishG1's came in handy tonight while shopping with my wife
02:22.35KNYshopsavvy ftw
02:22.41languishthat too
02:22.43KNYI keep scanning everything in my hours
02:22.51KNYlanguish, haha, well played
02:22.59KNYin my house, too
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02:24.23languishi'm resisting becomming that guy that sticks hidden clear-lable bar codes on everything in the house to catalog
02:24.25KNYone thing the G1 is missing (and maybe someone should write it...?) is that there's no setting to vibrate and then ring after 30 seconds or so
02:24.47languishthat's prolly coming down the road
02:25.05KNYlanguish, it could just be an app, no?
02:25.06languishbut you can list it as a feature request
02:25.12languishi guess it could
02:25.34KNYmy #1 feature request is a charting API
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02:26.07cbeust_KNY: sounds like a good opportunity for a third part, more so than something that would part of the platform
02:26.15cbeust_Ok I can't type tonight
02:26.46KNYcbeust_, yeah. I tried jfreechart and eclipse would die (outofmemoryexception) every time as long as the .jar was on the build path
02:27.02cbeust_KNY: increase the heap used by Eclipse
02:27.26xavdKNY: we use jfreechart in the android tools (ddms and eclipse plugin)
02:27.35KNYxavd, hmm
02:27.43KNYI might have to revisit it, then...
02:28.53languishcbeust_, know if there's a google-developed or sanctioned blogger app in the pipeline?
02:29.03languishaside from 3rd party
02:29.24wastrelwhat's a charting api?
02:29.25cbeust_Can't comment, sorry.
02:29.31wastrelfor like pie charts?
02:29.34languishcbeust_, nod
02:29.46languishnow has hope :)
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02:30.05KNYwastrel, yeah, and bar charts and line graphs
02:30.11cbeust_wonders if there is a way to not comment that won't get anyone to think in any direction...
02:30.51KNYcbeust_, I'm going to take that as an admission of guilt
02:30.56languishcbeust_ "i couldn't tell you offhand"
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02:31.50languishif you're asked to check "if we do or don't it's unlikely i would even be allowed"
02:32.06languishthat leaves little room for assumption
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02:32.21cworthadmires the following message:
02:32.23cworthmake: *** No rule to make target `Please-install-JDK-5.0,-update-12-or-higher,'
02:32.39Cedric2_There, this way nobody will recognize me
02:32.40KNYimpressive, cworth
02:32.40cworthI'm a big fan of subverting tools to give users better error messages.
02:32.52KNYhey guys, where did Cedric_ go?
02:33.04languishi think he lept out the window
02:33.08KNYgood riddance
02:33.22Cedric2_Watch it, I still have the power
02:34.51languishbut you're not here to use it, remember?
02:35.27KNYCedric2_, nice, reaching out from beyond the grave
02:36.13KNYhey, is there a built-in control to do the "default" text input things that are used in like, the Google Search box on the main page?
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02:36.27KNYwhere the text is grayed out and disappears once you start typing?
02:37.23meoblast001languish: i fixed up my site....
02:37.54Cedric2_KNY: it's called a text hint
02:37.59Cedric2_you can configure it in your layout file
02:38.11KNYoh man
02:38.15KNYhow did I not see that?
02:38.25languishmeoblast001, that's sorta inappropriate
02:38.36languishwhile I don't disagree
02:38.38KNYand I put in all this work with focus listeners...
02:38.41languishit's still inappropriate
02:39.02meoblast001actually thats on my personal page i made on my server with a different subdomain.... i made it cuz a friend of mine hates macs
02:39.40languishjust be aware that google's a non-discriminatory company
02:39.51languishyou could say macs suck :)
02:40.03meoblast001i could... but that only requres 2 Macs
02:40.04meoblast001i made 3
02:40.05KNYlanguish, how do you know he didn't mean it as a compliment?
02:40.10meoblast001dragged them onto my canvas
02:40.22languishKNY, true, they sure did look like they were having a party
02:40.25Chainfirelanguish> how about discrimination on location? :) I still cant make a Google Checkout Merchant account...
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02:40.58languishChainfire, ohh I'd say that sucks, but it's regional business policy, not discrimination :)
02:41.08languishor just "not there, yet."
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02:42.22Chainfireor just unfair competition, or just bla. discrimination is not an easy word to use and usually to say one does or does not use discriminatory tactics is a folly in itself
02:43.07cworthThe make error is similar to what I convinced gcc to spit out for cairo:
02:43.07cworthcairo-text.c:(.text+0x1f): undefined reference to `cairo_current_path_DEPRECATED_BY_cairo_copy_path
02:43.07languishusually regional law is what holds such things up
02:43.31languishi'm sure google would love to have checkout evailable everywhere there's commerce
02:43.35Chainfirefor two years... for a company the size of Google? :)
02:43.53languishsure, look at the problems microsoft has with europe
02:44.22Chainfirelike ?
02:45.08ChainfireI don't see PayPal having any trouble
02:45.17languishpaypals been around a bit longer
02:45.19Cedric2_You don't? :)
02:45.22Chainfireand they're scammers..
02:45.44languishChainfire, just note.. I had a bad experience with google checkout
02:45.51Chainfireno doubt
02:46.03Chainfirebut I wonder if they took $15k from you like PayPal did from me
02:46.18languishthe one time I needed them to interact with a vendor that was blaming an issue ON google checkout
02:46.49languishthey just kept telling me "go deal with the vendor" because the rep that was handling the issue for google didn't comprehend the issue at all
02:46.58jastagod, spell checking in Eclipse is so irritating
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02:47.11Cedric2_jasta: agree, I just turn it off
02:47.54Chainfireheh, PayPal just completely ignored the issue :) held my cash for almost a year and cost me about $8k in lawyering to eventually get it back. Don't you doubt, all the horror stories you read about them are true. And yet, there is no alternative.
02:48.35ChainfireOnce, long ago, when Google Checkout came out I thought change may come... guess I'll be hoping that for the next 4 or 5 years to come.
02:48.35languishChainfire, and yeah, there's a reason i use paypal as minimally as possible, don't link them to a bank account that will allow an overdraft request, and don't keep money in that account for paypal to suck
02:49.20languishand even then, they're the last option
02:49.55languishi mostly use them to get some small items sold on ebay, then use that money to donate to projects
02:49.56Chainfireyep, but in the meantime, I have the #4 ranked safest CC processor in the world, and people still continuously ask me about PayPal support
02:50.06ITechJunkiehey guys, why doesn't ifconfig have any output on the system?
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02:50.19ChainfireITechJunkie suffix it with the interface name
02:50.27Chainfireits not 'normal' ifconfig
02:51.04ITechJunkieChainfire: Is there something similar on the system? And can the normal version be ported over?
02:51.26ChainfireITechJunkie no clue, still waiting for my G1. That's just something I picked up playing with emulator :)
02:51.51ITechJunkieChainfire: Bummer bro, you live outside the states?
02:52.09Chainfireim importing one though... its already been sent... just waiting for it to arrive
02:52.18Chainfireno Netherlands
02:52.30Chainfireif I was in the UK I would suddenly have a lot less issues... :)
02:52.40ITechJunkieright on. I bet the wait is killing ya
02:53.23ChainfireIt was... since I know my direct competitors in the US are working on the same thing I am
02:53.46ChainfireBut before I didn't release the G1 is just a glorified Java-phone, I actually thought it would be open.
02:53.53ITechJunkieWhat are you working on?
02:53.57KNYI take what I said about my #1 feature being a charting API
02:54.03KNYthere should be a google docs API
02:54.21KNYso I don't have to try and use POI or something
02:56.30Hiro2anybody know how i can get the ringtone files that comes in G1?
02:56.47Hiro2is it on some website? or anyway to grab the file?
02:56.55ChainfireITechJunkie> now if I told you that, everybody would be doing it :)
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02:57.45ITechJunkieChainfire: I understand bro. Good luck with it, and I'll be keeping an eye out for your name in the Market
02:57.54jastaChainfire: you must be one of those annoying "precious snowflake" kids.
02:58.11Chainfire"precious snowflake" ?
02:58.27Chainfireill concede I can be horribly annoying though.
02:58.33jastaif your idea is trivial enough that anyone could do it, and good enough that anyone would, then it's already been done.
02:58.40ITechJunkieChainfire: lol
02:58.51jastaif not, then you might as well publicly discuss it :)
02:58.55Cedric2_jasta: ideas alone don't make good products
02:59.03Cedric2_lot of people might have tried your idea and failed for different reasons
02:59.08Cedric2_certainly doesn't mean you shouldn't try
02:59.18Chainfirejasta> right :)
02:59.28jastaCedric2_: i dont think you and i are reading the same conversation :)
02:59.30Chainfireguess that's why I make one of the top-5 selling WM apps and you don't
02:59.56Chainfireand on that, i shall say goodnight.
03:00.49wastrelwinmob apps eh
03:00.56jastaincidentally, i have been a WM user for years and have yet to encounter a single app worth money
03:01.07jastathe only reason any apps sell is because the builtins are _SO_ terrible
03:01.34jastaand there's no decent community behind the entire platform to build all the trivial apps
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03:08.50poetic_folly|G5 heh
03:12.58jastahehe, i can't wait until he delivers something for Android that lets us pay to use netfilter :)
03:14.49poetic_folly|G5yah doesn't already do that
03:15.10Dammthe only thing I shudder at... is the that someone fixes up email really nice and charges 29.99 for
03:15.14romainguy__it requires USB tethering
03:15.32Dammsomething about the winmo developers scare me
03:15.39Dammthey charge 9.99 for the flashlight type apps
03:15.51romainguy__because they want to make money? :)
03:16.05Dammromainguy__, making money for crap is still crap
03:16.13poetic_folly|G5silly dev's wanting to make money for their work
03:16.25Dammall that happens is people crack/pirate/steal/whatever their work
03:16.26poetic_folly|G5although $10 for a flashlight app is a bit ridiculous. ;)
03:16.38romainguy__which is not much better
03:16.40Dammpoetic_folly|G5, there is such a thing.
03:16.50poetic_folly|G5i paid $5 for the entire Thriller album the other day in iTunes.
03:16.54languishperceived value is the issue
03:17.03Hiro2apps cost money now?
03:17.11DammI remember back in the day (DOS 3.2) I found a nice 'cls' alternative
03:17.13Dammit cost 10$
03:17.24languishHiro2, there are app stores not the android market, that yes, are charging
03:17.27DammI mean it was written in ASM, but all it did was a fancy way of clearing your screen
03:17.42Hiro2languish: how do you install it?
03:17.44languishHiro2, and there are apps, that forward you to their own websites to pay as well
03:17.47DammHiro2, trials
03:17.51languishHiro2, off the web
03:17.56Hiro2i see
03:18.04Hiro2are you guys making your own softwares also?
03:18.04Dammyou install it, it works a few times, it forwards you to a paypal page saying pay up sucker
03:18.22languishor you pay the app store itself
03:18.38languishthen download it, and they foward you a code
03:18.46Hiro2it sucks how i have lots of ideas for apps, but i can't code at all :(
03:18.51languishor authenticate over the net
03:19.24Dammi'm waiting for the one that reads your contact information and spams you to pay for it
03:19.53Hiro2are there any virus out there for G1 already?
03:20.02Hiro2or I guess I should say android
03:20.24DammI doubt a "virus" would do much
03:20.30Dammas it is now you'd have to install it manually
03:20.33Dammso it's not much of a virus
03:20.49Hiro2if it could get all your pw you enter, gmail, etc
03:20.52Hiro2that's big risk
03:21.14eladwell the g1 has been rooted
03:21.26Dammelad, but that's not exactly getting your passwords
03:21.44romainguy__elad: and it requires user intervention
03:21.51eladnope, but root does help if an app can take advantage of that
03:21.55romainguy__it's not remotely rooted
03:22.00eladnot yet :O
03:22.10Cedric2_The user has to allow this, I don't see how an antivirus would even work
03:22.16DammT-Mobile firewalls your device
03:22.18ITechJunkiehey guys, I know that the Android Team is supposed to be releasing a virtual keyboard sometime next year. Do you know if anyone else has started developing one that might be out sooner?
03:22.30Dammno one can connect to any port of your G1 on the 3G network
03:22.32Dammonly via wifi
03:22.40Dammso realistically someone rooting your G1 remotely is slim
03:22.45romainguy__ITechJunkie: you can't do it correctly without modifying the framework
03:23.24ITechJunkieromainguy__: I'm no programmer, but i'm assuming that it can be done? With a lot of work i'm assuming.
03:23.34DammITechJunkie, not decently
03:23.46Hiro2oh btw, what apps do you guys like?
03:23.52romainguy__ITechJunkie: to do it right you need to modify the core libraries, which means you need to update the phone
03:23.59romainguy__and it's not simple
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03:24.08ITechJunkieromainguy__: Ah
03:24.12romainguy__anyway it's coming for Q1 2009 unreliable?
03:24.18romainguy__(early Q1 possibly)
03:24.25ITechJunkieDamn: romainguy__ : thanks for clearing that up
03:26.19Hiro2so, anybody with their favorite app?
03:26.41ITechJunkieHiro2: I really like weatherbug
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03:27.15Hiro2ItechJunkie: It's always sunny here in miami... :( I dont think I can enjoy it much
03:27.15ITechJunkieHiro2: and LightRacer is a blast
03:27.19wastrelHiro2: i like the doodle one
03:27.29Hiro2ItechJunkie: yeah lightracer is pretty good
03:27.41Hiro2wastrel: what'd doodle? the bluebrush?
03:28.04ITechJunkieHiro2: I'm in oklahoma, I never know whats gonna happen here. Example, yesterday high 80's. Today low 60's and I'm currently under a tornado watch
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03:28.34ITechJunkieHiro2: no kiddin
03:29.37Hiro2btw do we have an app that listens what your listening to and tells you what song it is?
03:29.41ITechJunkieHiro2: Shazam is pretty cool too, I have no idea how that even works.
03:29.50wastrelwhat's shazam
03:29.53ITechJunkieHiro2: thats what Shazam is
03:29.56Cedric2_+! for shazam
03:30.00Cedric2_+1 I mean
03:30.02wastreli don't listen to music
03:30.08ITechJunkieFreakin awsome app though
03:31.01ITechJunkieI also like imeem, but will be replaced whenever the guys at Pandora stop dragging their ass about making an app for android
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03:31.21Hiro2oh, yeah i wanted to contact them, pandora
03:31.34Hiro2they took pretty long to come up for iphone, how long do you think they'll take for android?
03:32.14yxz97Can be so kind to shared with me the latest Android features?
03:32.20ITechJunkieHiro2: I doubt it'll be as long as the iphone. But the main guy over there doesn't want to devote any of his developers on it just yet.
03:32.51Hiro2ItechJunkie: how do you know all this?
03:34.04ITechJunkieHiro2: I asked the oracle.
03:35.15Hiro2ItechJunkie: oracle the software?
03:35.27ITechJunkieHiro2: Oracle=Google
03:35.59Hiro2ItechJunkie: oh, haha ok
03:36.55Hiro2shazam, awesome
03:37.00Hiro2it detected the song pretty good
03:37.15jastathat technology needs to go away ;)
03:37.17ITechJunkieHiro2: I'm telling you bro, it's magic
03:37.48Hiro2ItechJunkie: let's see if it can detect japanese music ;)
03:37.49ITechJunkieI dont understand how it does it so quick
03:38.03ITechJunkieHiro2: suhweet
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03:39.07ITechJunkiecrosses fingers
03:39.13Hiro2first test, tokyo drift theme song
03:39.21Hiro2not really japanese but, yeah it got it
03:39.26ITechJunkiehah nice
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03:40.17Hiro2ok, next test pure japanese
03:40.24Hiro21st try, fail
03:40.31Hiro22nd try
03:40.51Hiro2ok, another song
03:41.31Hiro2next song, songs that some of ppl in US know, from japan
03:41.42ITechJunkieoky guys i'm outta here
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03:51.45zhobbsjasta: is it safe to call RemoteCallBackList.beginBroadCast() just to get the number of listeners? (ie, just beginBroadcast() and finishBroadcast() without calling each getBroadcastItem(int))
03:52.59zhobbshmm, looks like it's probably ok
03:53.34zhobbsmaybe not efficient, but ok
03:54.59jastayeah, very ineficient tho
03:55.23jastaespecially if you're just testing it for emptiness
03:55.35zhobbsthat's all I want to do
03:55.53zhobbsmight just have to track that in my addListener/removeListener methods
03:56.39jastazhobbs: you could extend it and track that
03:56.57yxz97any smart phone commercially that comes with Android for common use in routine (I'm software engineer)?
03:57.02jastajust make sure to synchronize :)
03:57.13yxz97:( can anyone see me ?
03:57.16Hiro2anybody know who takes streetview images?
03:57.31DisconnectHiro2: its this guy named john
03:57.40zhobbsjasta: that's true, maybe I should just extend it
03:57.45Hiro2Disconnect: does his last name happen to be smith?
03:57.55Disconnecti'm pretty sure its not
03:58.04jastazhobbs: they dont let you have access to mCallbacks, but thats how they synchronize, so you'd basically have to wrap the entire thing in order to preserve thread safety
03:58.15Hiro2Disconnect: isn't it some company partnered up with google that's taking all those images?
03:58.19jastaand you'd lose a lot of efficiency that way
03:58.24jastasince there would be two monitor locks instead of 1
03:58.40jastaon that note, i'm often frustrated by the fields that google chooses to keep private instead of protected.
03:59.14zhobbsjasta: I agree...I find myself cursing some private fields
03:59.29jastain a lot of cases you have to inefficiently work around it
03:59.53jastawhich is not a win for a mobile platform, even to promote a simpler stable interface
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04:00.46jastain the case of RemoteCalbackList, though, i wonder why they synchronize on mCallbacks and not this
04:01.01jastaif they synchronized on this, then you could wrap it easily.
04:01.31dgilmoremy G1 has in the last 20 minutes having home  stoping responding
04:01.49jastadgilmore: the browser seems to do this.
04:02.41dgilmoreim getting a message that says "Sorry! Activity Home (in process android.process.acore) is not responding." witha  force close or wait button that doesnt work
04:03.29RyeBryedgilmore - pull the battery and reboot?
04:03.41dgilmoreRyeBrye: done that three times
04:04.39RyeBryedgilmore - did you try booting into safe mode?
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04:04.52dgilmoreRyeBrye: how do i do that?
04:05.45RyeBryehold down menu when you turn it on
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04:13.56Disconnectanyone have dropbear builds?
04:14.07RyeBryeI do for dropbear client
04:14.12RyeBryeand for scp
04:14.18RyeBrye... they are part of the normal android build :)
04:14.22Disconnectlooking for server
04:14.23RyeBrye(not installed, but in the SDK build)
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04:15.35Disconnector notes on doing cross-builds with teh platform code
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04:16.13RyeBryeI know people say they've installed sshd or whatever - but I wonder how they configure it
04:16.25RyeBryeit's not like password-based auth would work with a system with no passwords
04:16.50ElijahI cannot believe Sprint! They give new customers a prorated ETF but not their exisiting customers!!!
04:16.52SplasPoodkey auth maybe?
04:17.03RyeBryeyeah, key auth would likely work
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04:17.19Disconnectnevermind, was missing a thread
04:18.02RyeBryedgilmore - did that fix it?
04:18.19DisconnectRyeBrye: with a crypted password (dropbear doesn't allow passwordless auth)
04:18.21dgilmoreRyeBrye: its not booting into safe mode
04:18.44RyeBryedgilmore - have you done anything funky to the phone/
04:19.01dgilmoreRyeBrye: nope
04:19.27dgilmorei was looking at a photo i took, and it went wonky
04:20.16RyeBryemount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system in your post can be trimmed down... "mount -o remount rw /system" works too
04:20.30Disconnectonly with busybox. w/ default you need the long one
04:20.40RyeBryedgilmore - one thing you can try that is relatively safe is to do the SDcard update
04:20.53RyeBryedgilmore - it doesn't delete any data but would purge your /system directory
04:21.09RyeBryedgilmore - do you have an SD Card that didn't come with the phone in there? the ones that came with the phone are sometimes funky
04:21.21dgilmoreRyeBrye: is it documented somewhere?
04:21.28dgilmorei have the one it came with
04:21.42RyeBryeDisconnect - no, I'm positive I've used the shorter one every time
04:21.59RyeBryeDisconnect, and I don't have mount pointing to busybox on my machine and I use the shorter one every time for all the filesystems
04:22.07spikebikepretty sure I'd used dropbear with a cert on the n800
04:22.15spikebikehrm, maybe I installed osshd
04:22.55Disconnectn800 is a totally different animal
04:23.06spikebikewell I figure dropbear = dropbear
04:23.27Disconnectyah but n800 has standard auth
04:23.43cmonexdgilmore what happpened?
04:23.52cmonexah i see
04:24.08Dammit would be nice if the kernel supported ext2/3 or we could format the SD Card to be usable for apps
04:24.15Dammthen we should shove apps onto it
04:24.49cmonexi'd try a hard reset first, before reflash..
04:25.27spikebikeioerror mentioned getting that to work
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04:25.37spikebikeI think he just made a link
04:25.39ioerrorspikebike, what?
04:25.49ioerrorThe kernel does support yaffs2
04:25.55spikebikedidn't you mention extending the application storage with making a link to the sd card?
04:25.57Dammspikebike, i got an error about cross-device symlink
04:25.57ioerrorSo you could format an sdcard with that non vfast file system
04:26.04ioerroror try a loop device on a file
04:26.16Dammioerror, right... but how do you make a yaffs2 filesystem? wikipedia says there is no 'formatting'?
04:26.20lethalcodeHowdy folks - I can use requestWindowFeature to turn off the title. But how do I turn off the notification window shade?
04:26.39spikebikehard links can't cross filesystems, did you try a soft link?
04:26.44ioerrorDamm, mkfs?
04:27.25dgilmorecmonex: ive pulled the battery at least 5 times now
04:27.35zhobbslethalcode: getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);
04:27.37romainguy_lethalcode: you need to use the theme Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen
04:27.43romainguy_zhobbs: it's better to use a theme
04:27.44Dammioerror, hrmph i seemed to have missed that :)
04:27.49romainguy_this avoids the window to be launched not fullscreen
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04:27.52cmonexdgilmore: i mean hard reset from recovery mode.
04:27.53romainguy_and therefore avoids the "flicker"
04:27.58romainguy_same goes for removing the titlebar
04:28.03DisconnectRyeBrye: pastebin hang on
04:28.09cmonexthere is an option in there for clearing data
04:28.51dgilmorecmonex: i cant get to recovery mode
04:28.55RyeBryeDisconnect - oh, did you point to busybox for your mount?
04:29.01lethalcodezhobbs, romainguy_ - Thanks!
04:29.07ioerrorHas anyone managed to hack their boot screen?
04:29.11zhobbsromainguy_: hmm, never noticed the flicker
04:29.20romainguy_well if you don't use a theme
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04:29.26romainguy_the window will start with a title bar and not fullscreen
04:29.33romainguy_and then will switch to title bar + fullscreen
04:29.42romainguy_it's especially noticeable when you turn on window animations
04:29.52romainguy_so, use a theme :)
04:29.57romainguy_(and it's easier)
04:29.59DisconnectRyeBrye: no check the pastebin. system mount rejects anything that doesn't have "source target"
04:30.14RyeBryeDisconnect - you put in a comma... DONT
04:30.19RyeBrye# mount -o remount rw /system
04:30.20zhobbsromainguy_: do you know the line to add to an existing theme for fullscreen?
04:30.30zhobbsromainguy_: <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item> is the titlebar
04:30.33DisconnectRyeBrye: right. because that says "mount with options 'rewrite' rw on /system"
04:30.41DisconnectRyeBrye: the comma is important
04:30.45zhobbsI guess I can find it now that I have the source
04:30.55romainguy_zhobbs: I don't remember, look at common/res/values/themes.xml in the git tree
04:31.03zhobbsromainguy_: thanks
04:31.07RyeBryeDisconnect, I know - it's normally important - but their build is weird. I promise you the command I just pasted is what i use every single time and it works every single time
04:31.10Dammioerror, hrm, permission denied in terminal
04:31.13Dammcan't find it in the shell?
04:32.14ioerrorDamm, get a real linux box
04:32.20ioerrorDamm, mount your sdcard
04:32.29ioerrordetermine the raw device, say like /dev/sda1
04:32.33ioerrorand then mkfs
04:32.34Dammioerror, uh I run linux... It doesn't have yaffs2
04:32.42Dammformat it ext3?
04:33.03ioerrorDamm, custom kernel?
04:33.07ioerrorOr a distro?
04:33.11Dammcustom kernel
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04:33.41zhobbslethalcode: it's <item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item> in case you want it in an existing theme
04:33.43ioerrorI imagine two things are relevant, you may want to look at the kernel sources that android ships with
04:33.48ioerrorthe second is
04:34.46cmonexdgilmore: are you sure? did you properly follow the streps? what happens?
04:35.29ioerrorI don't have my phone attached to my laptop, so i haven't even looked to see if there's a mkfs anywhere on the device
04:35.39ioerrordanfuzz, are you around?
04:36.14lethalcodezhobbs: Thanks!
04:36.23Dammioerror, ah this should be a load of fun.
04:37.15ioerrorDamm, If you check out the full android source, you should see : ./external/yaffs2
04:37.32romainguy_stupid Mac OS X
04:37.40Dammioerror, i've had a very painful time doing repo sync
04:37.42ioerrorOr ./kernel/fs/yaffs2
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04:38.13Dammi've yet to be able to get a full repo sync... last time i tried (a few hours ago) failed me
04:39.07ioerrorDamm, in ./external/yaffs2/yaffs2/utils/ - you should see 'mkyaffs2image.c' and 'mkyaffsimage.c'
04:39.13ioerrorThose might be useful, I have no real idea
04:39.22ioerroris compiling them now
04:39.22Dammioerror, creates an image... i guess I can dd it
04:39.36Dammyeah I already compiled them, snagged it from aleph one's cvs
04:39.42ioerroraleph one
04:40.03Dammexport cvs logon
04:40.09Dammcvs login, no password... cvs co yaffs2
04:40.16dgilmorecmonex: i held down menu then pressed power.  it started  then i get nothing other than keyboard backlight
04:40.17Dammfrom :)
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04:40.39Dammand theirs compiles
04:40.44Dammwhere as clearly i'm 64bit
04:40.46ioerrorah, not the guy that wrote smashing the stack for fun and profit
04:41.25ioerrormkyaffsimage is the tool you want
04:41.37ioerrorit takes a directory and it makes an image of that directory
04:41.47ioerrorit also can deal with big endian v little endian
04:41.50cmonexdgilmore: you have to press alt something too, iirc
04:42.11Dammimage: VMS Alpha executable
04:42.14Dammthat's disturbing
04:42.30Dammthat'll let you mount -o loop an image
04:42.37dgilmorecmonex: is there some documentation i can read somewhere?
04:42.39Dammnot exactly my goal but eh it's close
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04:43.13ioerrorDamm, i assume that once you have such an image, you should be able to mount it, modify it, etc and eventually put it into your sd card
04:43.15ioerrorI hope that helps
04:43.27Dammioerror, it does.
04:43.34cmonexapparently Alt+W is the hard reset
04:43.41cmonexafter you get the menu options..
04:44.00ioerrorso what's this about an unsigned bootloader?
04:44.50RyeBryeioerror - not at the HTC bootloader level, but easily done in the anroid recovery mode
04:45.02ioerrorRyeBrye, so single user mode?
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04:45.37ioerrorAny idea what the format of this file name is?
04:45.39RyeBryeNo, not really single user mode - but using the existing recovery mode but modifying what it checks for
04:46.08ioerrorI'd like to see what other releases are on the site but I don't understand what the 115247 number means, i assume a build id
04:46.23RyeBryeI think RC19 was released on there somewhere
04:46.31RyeBryeI have RC19 and RC29
04:46.41romainguy_RC19 is the one that the phone shipped with
04:47.02RyeBryebut for some reason an OTA update exists for it
04:47.12romainguy_that was for us
04:47.15RyeBryeOh :)
04:47.20DarkriftXwell, my site survived a day of /. but my analytics didnt :(
04:47.30DarkriftXmy analytics shut down after 10k visits
04:47.40ioerrorwhat's the url of that?
04:47.45DarkriftXof what
04:47.50ioerrorof the first image?
04:47.59DarkriftXgimme a min, i got em both on my site
04:48.01RyeBryethere is a link in the xda forums somewhere
04:48.04romainguy_you can't downgrade btw
04:48.05RyeBryeor DarkriftX has them
04:48.11ioerrorI've never upgraded
04:48.24DarkriftXyou want google link or rapidshare?
04:48.30ioerrorI just want to unpack them and see what's in the sqllite databases without having to use a debugger on an airplane
04:48.44RyeBryeI've accomplished everything I think I wanted to with root on the phone... now I'm going to focus on building apps :)
04:48.46DarkriftXand do you want the first ota (rc19) or the second (rc29)
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04:49.06ioerrorRyeBrye, did you find a way to keep root through upgrades?
04:49.17ioerrorDarkriftX, the first
04:49.21ioerrori think i have the second
04:49.25RyeBryeioerror - yeah, my recovery mode only accepts things signed with a key I hold now :)
04:49.38ioerrorRyeBrye, did you document it?
04:49.49DarkriftXerm.... i dont have the google link
04:49.51ioerrorRyeBrye, you created your own ca then?
04:50.00ioerrorDarkriftX, what's the file name?
04:50.01DarkriftXi have it hosted on my site, but not the orig link
04:50.21RyeBryeioerror - not yet - right now I'm just using the default testing one in the open source build
04:50.46ioerrorRyeBrye, so you've flashed your own imag?E
04:50.51RyeBryealthouh ioerror - it is theoretically possible that I could be dumb enough to unpack and resign an OTA update without ensuring that I maintained root I suppose
04:50.52ioerror(awesome, if so)
04:51.15RyeBryeioerror - I didn't but I was working with dream_kill today and he did his
04:51.26RyeBryehe had more balls than me I guess :)
04:51.26DarkriftXioerror, try to add the google url to the front of that one
04:51.37ioerrorDarkriftX, no go
04:51.39ioerroroh well
04:51.42ioerrori got what i wanted
04:51.44DarkriftXits hosted on my site
04:51.50DarkriftXyou have to reg to click the link
04:51.50ioerrorRyeBrye, that's awesome
04:51.56RyeBrye that guy talks about flashing too
04:52.00ioerrorRyeBrye, i really want to unlock my phone in the next week
04:52.56RyeBryeThere is one thing left that I'm considering, which is to backup everything to the SDcard - and then blow out /cache and /data and and resize /cache to 10 megs and /data to much bigger
04:53.03RyeBryethen restore all from the SD card
04:53.08RyeBrye(all the /data)
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04:53.13cworthis delighted with andyross's agcc script
04:53.32ioerrorhrm, it appears that there are some interesting things in that .zip
04:53.35DarkriftXRyeBrye, have you tried moving an installed android app to sd and symlinking it?
04:53.42RyeBryeDarkriftX - I haven't
04:53.45RyeBryeDarkriftX - does that work?
04:53.51DarkriftXor even moving the internet cache to card and symlinking that?
04:53.52ioerrorDid you guys read the isec paper?
04:53.52DarkriftXim sure it would
04:54.09RyeBryeDarkriftX - Moving /cache to SDCard would be cool :)
04:54.18ioerrorIf you guys haven't read that, I really really suggestit
04:55.24RyeBryethat looks like a good read
04:55.33ioerrorHas anyone unpacked radio.img?
04:55.38ioerrorIt looks like a job for Ida Pro
04:55.45RyeBryeYeah, I think some people are working on it
04:56.14RyeBryeI'm mostly interested in the OS layer stuff... I'm a developer not a radio hacker
04:56.24ioerrortake a look at META-INF/com/google/android/update-script
04:56.37ioerrorspecifically, set_perm for ping
04:56.41RyeBryeYep, that's what does the updating - the commands there are interpreted by some stuff
04:56.51RyeBryeis very specific with "some stuff"
04:57.08RyeBryeThis platform is really pretty sweet
04:57.19RyeBryeIt's absolutely the best phone platform out there if you can get ownership of your device
04:57.20ioerroryes, I agree
04:57.25ioerrorYes, it really is
04:57.42cworthRyeBrye: I tried the shorter command when I first did a remount (I didn't have any instructions in front of me), and I'm sure it failed and I created by giving it device and path.
04:57.53ioerrorGoogle had some of the best people in the world on this project (people from the sidekick team + other googlers)
04:57.58RyeBryecworth - did you have a comma in it?
04:58.11RyeBryecworth - if you have a comma in it, it will fail
04:58.19RyeBrye(the short version)
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04:58.31ioerrorthese images are just mtd block device images, no?
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04:58.41cworthRyeBrye: Yes, I had a comma.
04:58.52RyeBryecworth - try the short version again without a comma
04:58.58cworthRyeBrye: But I had the comma in both the short and long versions.
04:59.00RyeBryecworth - someone has a bug in their mount command :)
04:59.08RyeBryecworth - yes, in the LONG version, the comma works
04:59.09cworthRyeBrye: Heh. Will try next time.
04:59.16cworthRyeBrye: Bizarre.
04:59.20RyeBryemaybe we should patch it so it works properly :)
04:59.25cworthis still catching up on backlog
04:59.45cworthAnyone replace the kernel yet?
05:00.12RyeBryeI've not heard of anyone doing it
05:00.20spikebikeit's not possible is it?
05:00.29RyeBryethe OTA updates do, don't they?
05:00.32RyeBryeoh wait
05:00.46RyeBryemaybe they don't
05:00.47spikebikeI thought the kernel was signed
05:01.02RyeBryeYeah, I think replacing the kernel could be a bad idea
05:01.14spikebikeactually I was curious if the initrd could be replaced, it overwrites /
05:01.30RyeBryeis it in the OTA update?
05:01.31spikebikewell it shouldn't brick, might have to do a factory restore though
05:01.51RyeBryethe factory restore sits on top of linux
05:02.10RyeBryeif you are flashing the underbelly out from under it, then you remove the restore and the OS at the same time
05:02.16DisconnectRyeBrye: seriously, it doesn't work.
05:02.46cworthRyeBrye: Ah, your own signing key for recovery mode. Nice!
05:03.17DisconnectRyeBrye: it only does that because it defaults to rw mounts. so "-o remount screwthisnoise /system" would have the same effect
05:03.27Disconnectbut -o remount ro doesn't work
05:03.36RyeBryeAh, gotcha :)
05:03.39RyeBryestands corrected
05:03.59RyeBryeI've only ever wanted to mount rw - so I guess that's why
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05:06.15Disconnectawesome. just gotta convince dropbear the root user exists (it doesn't like the faked-up /etc/passwd) [7728] Nov 06 05:05:39 login attempt for nonexistent user from
05:07.02ioerrorhrm, there aren't any sqlite databases in this .zip?
05:07.14cworthRyeBrye: I'll agree with "best phone platform" after I see if I can actually take ownership of my own device. :-)
05:07.22ioerrorRyeBrye, have you unpacked the recovery.img?
05:07.36RyeBryeioerror - no... but I've built one
05:07.56DarkriftXromainguy, you got any ideas about users?
05:07.58romainguy_ioerror: what sqlite databases do you want to look at?
05:08.02ioerrorromainguy, all of them
05:08.03romainguy_there's no database in the system image
05:08.07romainguy_they are created in your data partition
05:08.30ioerrorromainguy_, I'm trying to figure out the mystery of this telnetd weirdness
05:08.34spikebikeI bought 2 g1's
05:08.48ioerrorspikebike, want to meet at the hacklab tomorrow?
05:08.49spikebikesame store, same minute, off adjacent spots on the shelf
05:09.07spikebikeI got an update last night, wife has no update 8-(
05:09.13DarkriftXthey are random
05:09.17DarkriftXcompletely random
05:09.19spikebikeknows not of the hacklab
05:09.22romainguy_not really random :)
05:09.29romainguy_but they're not pushed to everybody at the same time
05:09.30spikebikeoh maybe by IMEI or something
05:09.38DarkriftXits random madness! random i tell you!
05:09.46DarkriftXsettles down
05:09.51RyeBryespikebike - I heard it's based on the Android ID
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05:10.09ioerrorromainguy_, do you have all of the files hosted somewhere?
05:10.17romainguy_what files?
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05:10.24DarkriftXso romainguy do you have any ideas on what to do about ssh not working because no users? is there a way to create users, or any other idas?
05:10.32romainguy_DarkriftX: no idea
05:10.47romainguy_to be honest, I don't give a shit about the low layers of the platform :)
05:11.26spikebikeioerror ah, interesting, is something in particular going on?
05:11.28ioerrorromainguy, the files in / on the g1 ;-)
05:11.32spikebikethat would be 3 ish hours in a car
05:11.37ioerrorspikebike, not unless we're hacking on android all night
05:11.43romainguy_ioerror: they're on the phone
05:11.48romainguy_or if you want easier access, in the emualtor
05:11.50ioerrorromainguy, well, yes
05:11.56ioerrorromainguy, actually, perhaps you know
05:11.59romainguy_so I still don't get what you want
05:12.02cworthRyeBrye: But if kernel updates are not possible, then the hardware's pretty boring to me.
05:12.06ioerrorwell, I have neither in front of me
05:12.17romainguy_then download the SDK :)
05:12.29spikebikenot ready for anything like that, need to review that modile auth url you sent and decide if I should use/help with that or do something completely different
05:12.29ioerrorromainguy, Perhaps you know this? Why does telnetd have uid/gid of root when launched as a normal user?
05:12.45romainguy_ioerror: no I don't know
05:12.49spikebikeioerror that's quite a good puzzle
05:12.53ioerrorit's pretty wacky
05:13.03RyeBryecworth - we need to hack the HTC bootloader to give us a safety net
05:13.48Disconnecthmm. i've convinced 'id' and such that i'm legit. but not dropbear.
05:14.20DarkriftXRyeBrye, someone is working on that already
05:14.24DarkriftXand getting close
05:14.45RyeBryeIf we can get fastboot on the HTC bootloader, I'm so going to pee myself
05:14.59gdsxRyeBrye: TMI
05:16.35muthuhow to run activitycreator, from android source?
05:16.50gamblermuthu, are you having problems with eclipse?
05:17.03muthugambler: am not using eclipse
05:17.11muthuchecked out the source.. did make
05:17.14gdsxmuthu: it's a java app now
05:17.27gdsxmuthu: so if you run it, it should just DTRT
05:17.29spikebikeioerror my theory is the binary is signed and there's a sql table that has signature <-> auth
05:17.39muthugdsx: its not setting the path right..
05:17.50romainguy_muthu: it works only with the SDK
05:17.53ioerrorspikebike, yes, that's why i'd like to see the sql table!
05:17.55gamblergdsx, does the eclipse android auto-update? all of a sudden im having tons of problems with android on eclipse.
05:18.06muthuromainguy_: hmmm..
05:18.12gdsxgambler: dunno; I've never used eclipse
05:18.19gambler:/ lucky you
05:18.22romainguy_muthu: what are you trying to do?
05:18.32gdsxgambler: yeah, sorry
05:18.34muthuadd some improvements to activitycreator
05:18.40muthulike running tests etc.,
05:19.08gdsxmuthu: tests in what sense?
05:19.11muthuwant to generate a test folder and a test build.xml which can run your tests
05:19.51muthujust like the apidemos
05:20.04Hiro2do you guys know where i can download the default ringtones from android? or how i can grab it myself?
05:20.22romainguy_they're probably in the open source tree
05:20.47Hiro2romainguy: where?
05:20.53gdsxmuthu: if you do `find -i 'activitycreator*'`, do you find anything?
05:20.59romainguy_it's in tools/
05:21.02muthugdsx: yes, it in out
05:21.26muthui can run them, except.. the template directory needs to be set right
05:21.46gdsxmuthu: well, where's the source for it?
05:21.46muthuwhich is what the script used to do, before
05:21.55muthugdsx: the source is in development/tools
05:22.19Hiro2romainguy: i cant find tools
05:22.26gdsxmuthu: is the template directory not where it should be? can you not find it at all?  If not, can you just borrow it from the SDK?
05:22.31romainguy_Hiro2: I wasn't talking to you :)
05:22.32gdsx(and file a bug)
05:22.35Hiro2oh oops
05:22.38romainguy_Hiro2: the ringtones are in the common resources
05:22.42muthugdsx: yeah, the templates cannot be found.. its a bug
05:22.54romainguy_activitycreator is meant to be run from the SDK
05:22.58romainguy_you need to build the SDK
05:23.02romainguy_as in make sdk
05:23.05Hiro2romainguy: im sorry, can you read me?
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05:23.14Hiro2romainguy: im sorry, can you link me*
05:23.15muthuromainguy_:  make sdk, doesn' generate the sdk
05:23.24muthuall it does is generate sdk docs
05:23.37romainguy_it doesn't generate the SDK zip in out/?
05:24.04muthuwhich is frustrating.. since we don't know how you guys do it
05:24.14romainguy_as I said several times
05:24.20romainguy_the git tree is totally different from our internal tree
05:24.24romainguy_so things are a bit flaky
05:24.27romainguy_we're working on it
05:24.32muthuohhhh ok
05:24.55gamblerromainguy, regarding out discussion the other day, I was able to get beanshell running on android no problem, but not groovy.
05:24.58Dammkinda weird.
05:24.59romainguy_you've seen the size of the tree, that can give you an idea on how complex it is to switch to a new tree layout on a new version control system :))
05:25.02gamblerromainguy, anyone inside google using groovy on android?
05:25.05Dammi'd expect them to be similar if not exact
05:25.11romainguy_gambler: yeah I'm not surprised, Groovy relies a lot on dynamic stuff
05:25.15muthushould be fairly straightforward to generate tests and instrumentaton et al
05:25.17romainguy_gambler: not that I know of
05:25.20Disconnectromainguy: any hints on abusing the cross-compile toolchain?
05:25.22romainguy_Damm: well they're not
05:25.24gdsxDamm: "surprise!"
05:25.32romainguy_Disconnect: why abuse it? can't you just use it?
05:26.27Disconnectwell any use is 'abuse' since its not supported.
05:26.38gdsxmuthu: anyway, let me know how this stuff goes.  Instrumentation is at least partly my baby now
05:27.04muthugdsx: i can't work on it, since would not be able to test it right
05:27.20muthubut here's what needs to be done:
05:27.26romainguy_muthu: did you sourced
05:28.14muthucreate tests folder, and do almost the same as that of main
05:28.22muthuinstead of activity, create activityinstrumentationtest
05:28.30muthuthat's it
05:28.50muthuand include a target that can do 'adb shell...'
05:29.44lethalcodeAnother Q: When switching apps (by pressing the 'Home' button), my app quits, then restarts when home'd back to.
05:29.54gdsxmuthu: unfortunately, I have other highish-priority stuff to work on
05:30.11romainguy_muthu: when I make sdk, it build everything, not just the docs
05:30.22romainguy_lethalcode: define "quits"
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05:30.28lethalcodeWhat I'd like to do is have it running until it's explicitly quit by the user: Most notably because it generally takes a long time to finish it, and I want them to feel free to check e-mail, reply to SMS, etc.
05:30.34lethalcoderomainguy: Presses back instead of home.
05:30.35cworthromainguy_: Is that the same as just "make" or different?
05:30.44alexzhangIs all of the software of G1 compiled from google's release source codes?
05:30.47gdsxlethalcode: have you read the docs about how Android apps work?
05:31.04gdsxlethalcode: The android app lifecycle, I believe it's called
05:31.08lethalcodegdsx: Aye. I *could* use savedStateBundle to fake it, but that still costs a lot in preload time.
05:31.09muthuromainguy_: yeah, our env is different
05:31.17romainguy_lethalcode: that's how it works
05:31.18muthuas you said, not everything is in there in source
05:31.27romainguy_muthu: I'm talgkin about the public tree
05:31.31romainguy_that's what I'm building right now
05:31.50JairunCalothhow would you go about installing an app you copied over to the SD card over usb?
05:31.51romainguy_lethalcode: all the core apps work this way, surely your app can do the same :))
05:32.05muthuromainguy_: make sdk
05:32.10muthuthat's what i run in public tree
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05:32.33muthumay be i'll clean and run
05:32.41romainguy_lemme check
05:33.28lethalcoderomainguy_: That's what I thought. I must be doing something wrong.
05:33.45lethalcodeOh wait - Yeah - Do sensors run on acitivies in the background?
05:34.19gdsxlethalcode: activities, no
05:34.24gdsxlethalcode: services, yes
05:34.26romainguy_your app is supposed to stop them when it goes in the background
05:34.35gdsxerr... what he said :o)
05:34.47romainguy_(unless you want to drain the battery and be mean to the user :)
05:35.44lethalcodeCiao again, back to code.
05:35.55lethalcodeAnd thanks.
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05:38.43cworthJairunCaloth: I first did that over telnet with something like:
05:40.04cworthdd if=/sdcard/binary of=/system/bin/binary bs=1 count=[actual_size_of_file_here]
05:40.09JairunCalothI'm not trying to install the app over usb, I copied the app over useb to the SD card. I just want to get it installed
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05:40.20cworthBut maybe it "should" go to /data not /system.
05:40.36cworthJairunCaloth: Yes, same here.
05:40.50jimpcworth: "cat /sdcard/binary > /system/bin/binary" is easier to type :)
05:41.09JairunCalothor just busybox cp /sdcard/blah /system/bin/blash
05:41.09cworthAfter I used that same trick to get busybox in place, I could use "cp" which is simpler.
05:41.20cworthjimp: Yeah, fair point. :-)
05:41.34gdsxcworth: uhh... why not just use cp?
05:41.42jimpgdsx: because toolbox doesn't have cp
05:41.42cworthtries to avoid cat abuse
05:41.43JairunCalothanywho, does that work for .apk files?
05:41.50gdsxok, point :o)
05:41.51cworthgdsx: Eerily doesn't exist.
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05:42.50cworthJairunCaloth: Oh, presumably those will need to be fed to some installer. No idea how to do that on the command line, (or if it's possible). Or if one can point some GUI installer to /sdcard.
05:43.31JairunCalothso you can do it from the browser but not from the phone... lol
05:43.31RyeBryeI'd recommend installing stuff to /data/local/bin
05:43.33RyeBryeinstead of /system/bi
05:43.36RyeBryeerr /system/bin
05:44.23JairunCalothWell, for cli apps, I'm thinking about setting up a dir on the SD card, then simlinking to it
05:44.32cworthRyeBrye: We really need a good single place to collect best-known practices for things like this.
05:44.33RyeBryeyeah, that woudl work too
05:44.38RyeBryeYeah, a wiki would be good
05:44.46cworthStuff is spread all over various fora right now.
05:45.03romainguy_muthu: when I run make sdk on the git tree, I get: ./out/host/darwin-x86/sdk/
05:45.24romainguy_in this directory you'll have a dir named android-sdk_eng.USERNAME_ARCH
05:45.26DarkriftXi have a forum specifically for this if you want to take a stab at posting soem of it cworth
05:45.33romainguy_and in there you can find the compiled version of activitycreator
05:45.34cworthromainguy_: For me, "make" completed, but "make sdk" aborts with some javadoc error.
05:45.41DarkriftXxda-devs is a great place but its really full of junk right now
05:45.56romainguy_cworth: did you change anything in the tree?
05:46.04romainguy_it's a tree I synced a few days ago
05:46.14romainguy_muthu: and when you want to compile only activitycreator for your tests, run mmm development/tools/activitycreator/
05:46.15cworthDarkriftX: I'm not interested in a forum format I don't think. I just want a single page that can be updated I think.
05:46.21cworthromainguy: Nope.
05:46.36cworthromainguy: But it could be I've not got a sufficient javadoc installation on my end or something.
05:46.41romainguy_(mmm in general is used to compile a specific sub-project, like mmm packages/apps/Launcher/ to build Home)
05:46.51romainguy_cworth: if you have a Sun's JDK you should be good
05:47.09cworthromainguy_: I probably don't.
05:47.10JairunCalothForums are great and all, but wikis truely rule for some things
05:47.16cworthI installed something from Debian main.
05:47.55cworth"openjdk-6-jdk", (but I have no idea what that actually is)
05:48.36cworthBefore I installed that, "make" wouldn't do anything, but afterwards it seemed quite happy, (gave the appearance of running to completion without fatal errors anyway).
05:49.13JairunCalothscrew it...
05:49.23JairunCalothpoints his browser at the app on his G1 and installs it that way
05:49.32cworthJairunCaloth: Heh.
05:49.46jimpcworth: not to contribute to the huge proliferation of sites, but I could certainly set up a wiki if you'd like
05:50.01JairunCalothI'm amazed that it is the only known way to install those apps right now
05:50.22cworthjimp: I haven't seen any other wiki yet, so that might not be bad proliferation.
05:50.47RyeBryeDarkriftX might be setting one up
05:51.12DarkriftXyeah, ill set it up if you guys will use it
05:51.13romainguy_JairunCaloth: you can use adb install
05:51.30JairunCalothromainguy_: ahhh awsome thanks :)
05:51.41JairunCalothI just discovered adb tonight
05:51.46RyeBryeadb rules
05:52.06JairunCalothI've been battleing my G1 to get it on my wifi for the past week and a half. I have barely even gotten to play with it
05:52.06cworthadb seems totally bizarre to me
05:52.20gdsxcworth: how so?
05:52.24romainguy_cworth: how so?
05:52.25cworthWhy require a custom binary on the remote end?
05:52.31DarkriftXRyeBrye, you want to be in charge of the wiki?
05:52.33gdsxcworth: as opposed to...
05:52.35JairunCalothIt's up and working on wifi now thought, just in time to really dig into it
05:52.41RyeBryeI can be - but I'd like another admin or two
05:52.55cworthThings like USB file transfer, ssh, and real shells are so much comfortable, (for someone like me at least).
05:52.57RyeBryesomeone with mediawiki experience would be good
05:53.11romainguy_cworth: adb stands for Android Debug Bridge
05:53.11RyeBryenot that it's that hard
05:53.25RyeBryewill every phone that ships Android meet certain minimum requirements
05:53.27romainguy_cworth: it's mainly used to hook up debuggers to apps running on the phone
05:54.08RyeBryelike... allowing ADB and such?
05:55.50cmonexRyeBrye: PM
06:00.34JairunCalothI can't get root on the terminal app
06:01.15JairunCalothah nevermind, I just had to type in the full path
06:01.55cworthromainguy_: Yeah, I can see wanting a program on the other end for things like that. I guess it's just odd to me that the default shell environment on the device itself is so limited.
06:02.15romainguy_why? it's just a phone
06:02.25romainguy_there's no reason to pack more
06:02.53RyeBryeYeah, I agree that packing more by default is a waste of space for others
06:03.12romainguy_in more than 18 months of work on Android I've rarely used the shell on the device
06:03.18romainguy_I just sometimes delete a file from a cache
06:03.23romainguy_or inspect a sqlite3 database
06:03.27romainguy_and that's pretty much it
06:04.09RyeBryebut... then again... setting up a 60 meg cache directory that is only used once every couple of months is a bit wacky too
06:04.29gdsxRyeBrye: cache is used for other things
06:04.32Cedric2_And most of the shell operations are easier to do from a real shell with adb shell
06:04.44romainguy_the cache is used not just for OTA
06:04.48RyeBryegdsx - so far all I've seen in it are a couple of jpgs and the OTA updates
06:04.53romainguy_and OTA are much much more important than saving a few megs :)
06:05.17cworthromainguy: I suppose if I were happy with Eclipse+Android SDK then I wouldn't have much need for the shell.
06:05.19RyeBrye"In order to update, you must insert an SD card into your phone."
06:05.21RyeBryeHow hard is that?
06:05.29gdsxRyeBrye: that's not really acceptable
06:05.30romainguy_cworth: what do you want to do in the shell anyway?
06:05.46romainguy_RyeBrye: nope :)
06:06.16romainguy_cworth: when  you develop an app I mean
06:06.17JairunCalothromainguy_: get root :-p
06:06.19cworthromainguy_: So far I'm just exploring the device and looking at native development.
06:06.32romainguy_but native development is not supported :)
06:06.43cworthromainguy_: I didn't say I expected support. ;-)
06:06.48gdsxRyeBrye: most folks don't have a spare microSD card handy if they lose it.
06:06.56RyeBryehow would they lose it?
06:06.56romainguy_really we should buy you guys very small Linux laptops
06:07.03gdsxRyeBrye: take it out and drop it
06:07.04romainguy_cause apparently all you care about is being root and writing C code :)
06:07.07gdsxRyeBrye: those things are _tiny_
06:07.12cworthBut not supporting that is just as goofy to me too. ;-)
06:07.16RyeBryeyes, and they are impossible to remove unless you are a jedi
06:07.28cworthromainguy_: I've got plenty of very small Linux laptops.
06:07.29gdsxRyeBrye: what if you have a curious kid playing with it?
06:07.32RyeBryeand the only reason someone would remove one... is if they have another one :)
06:07.33romainguy_RyeBrye: and also you could remove the sdcard during the OTA :) and they could fail, or they could be running out of space, etc.
06:07.33cworthBut thanks. ;-)
06:07.41RyeBryeOk, fair enough
06:07.46romainguy_cworth: native code is nice... but brings a shitload of issue
06:07.59romainguy_a big one being that the binaries won't run across all sort of CPUs :p
06:08.02RyeBrye"In order to run this update - I must delete 10 of your apps. Pick which ones, or I will start deleting them at random. You have 10 seconds."
06:08.02romainguy_not cool for the users
06:08.08RyeBryeThat's user friendly :)
06:08.11cworthromainguy: Total non-issue for open source.
06:08.14JairunCalothfor me, it's more about haveing power over the device
06:08.27JairunCalothI hate being locked out of stuff
06:09.16romainguy_cworth: open source has *nothing* to do with this
06:09.16cworthromainguy: Sure it does. It's the only thing I plan on writing.
06:09.16gdsxcworth: .apk files aren't delivered in source form
06:09.16gdsxcworth: that's the point
06:09.16cworthromainguy: So for my code, the non-CPU-portability is a non-issue.
06:09.16gdsxcworth: what's on the device, as it is today, won't run on multiple devices
06:09.16romainguy_that doesn't make any sense
06:09.17RyeBryeif the browser starts to use /cache - I'll totally agree that it's fine to have it there
06:09.17cworthgdsx: Sure. I understand that.
06:09.17Cedric2_JairunCaloth: I suggest you get a phone that's more free than
06:09.20romainguy_open source has nothing to do with CPU architectures
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06:09.54fadden0Apparently it's running on OpenMoko devices.  Get one of those and put Android on it.  Problem(s) solved.
06:09.59cworthromainguy: With open source programs, "binaries won't run across all sort of CPUs" is not significant. Just recompile.
06:10.13romainguy_cworth: you totally don't get my point then :)
06:10.18spikebikefadden as long as you don't want 3g, keyboard, or even quad band
06:10.23fadden0cworth: only if your target market consists entirely of people with cross-compilers.
06:10.24cworthromainguy_: Maybe I don't.
06:10.41fadden0spikebike: you're guaranteed to have root; why do those other things even matter?
06:11.06JairunCalothfadden0: we've got root on the G1 :-p
06:11.07spikebikeI'm guaranteed to have root on my g1.
06:11.39cworthfadden0: Not really. Package upload could do server-side compilation for many targets. But really that kind of thing isn't at all what I'm interested in.
06:12.24cworthromainguy_: There's plenty of native code running on the device already, and I'm interested in exploring things in that layer.
06:12.56JairunCalothstarts wondering if there is an irssi port
06:12.57romainguy_cworth: except that native code is part of the platform, it's not part of apps that are distributed to end users through external channels
06:12.59fadden0The native code on the device is part of the system, not an app.
06:13.15fadden0loses to romainguy_
06:13.18cworthromainguy_: Fine.
06:13.32cworthromainguy_: Then I'm interested in hacking on the platform.
06:13.41ttuttlejust met another G1 user in the wild!
06:14.01spikebikejairun I was pondering an irc client (writing one), not sure I'd do an irssi port
06:14.04cworthWhen did I ever say I wanted to write an app?
06:14.13unix_infidelttuttle: you mean another geek?
06:14.13RyeBryeromainguy_ - but one thing I have been thinking of where native code would be worthwhile is if I could get one of the OSS OCR platforms to work and then tie it into the platform
06:14.15spikebikebut if I have net then I can use ssh + remote screen + remote irssi
06:14.17romainguy_cworth: well since you cannot flash the device, that's pretty much all you can do
06:14.22spikebikenot sure I see a good reason for local irssi
06:14.34RyeBryesince when can we not flash the device?
06:14.42ttuttleunix_infidel: materials science + biomedical engineering. decide for yourself.
06:14.50romainguy_cworth: anyway, I was just telling you why native code is not (yet) supported
06:14.52unix_infidelttuttle: my kind of geek ;-)
06:14.53cworthromainguy_: Well, some background on my involvement here:
06:14.53JairunCalothspikebike: true.. but if you're away from home it might not be the most optimal setup
06:14.53ttuttlespikebike: irssi over ssh is very nice
06:14.54swetlandrye: I'm pretty positive the app backup method described in that xda-developers thread will not actually preserve the entire partition (unless I'm totally wrong about the mtd block interface, I don't think you'll get the extra data)
06:15.18RyeBryeOk, you're probably right
06:15.28swetlandalso restore is a little more complicated, depending on the if the bad blocks are identical or not
06:15.39cworthI've been waiting for devices to get into hands of people I knew so I could find out if things like native development and redlashing were possible. Without that, I'm not interested in the device at all, (as you've noted).
06:15.40JairunCalothI don't leave my computer at home running 24/7
06:15.53romainguy_RyeBrye: yeah that'd be nice, but we can't start importing tons of random things in the platform either
06:15.54ttuttleswetland: people in real life bought G1s!
06:16.01swetlandttuttle: what? no!
06:16.18romainguy_cworth: then the G1 is probably not what you want
06:16.29cworthAnd then, quite independently, my wife happened to buy one, so I got a closer look sooner than expected, and I'm seeing that some of this stuff *is* possible, (even if not well supported).
06:17.01cworthromainguy_: Yeah, probably not. But it's funny that it might let me do everything I want, (if accidentally).
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06:18.18xorlwhat does it mean on the G1 when the music logo is crossed out?
06:18.53JairunCalothme is going crazy without tab completion
06:19.08JairunCalothmy memory isn't that good :-p
06:19.22RyeBryeJairunCaloth - install an arm-compiled bash on your /data/local/bin and then use it if you want
06:19.48cworthromainguy_: But one reason I would really like a phone like this is to give my laptop network connectivity from anywhere I've got cell-phone coverage. And that looks like an obvious enough thing to do with native code.
06:20.44ttuttlecworth: you can do that with bluetooth and almost any phone.
06:20.50DarkriftXwho all was asking for the wiki?
06:20.53cworthMost everything else I want to do is actually closer to "application" level things, but with a different software stack than what Android uses.
06:21.45romainguy_cworth: it's already possible
06:21.50romainguy_cworth: without native code :)
06:21.50cworthttuttle: Yeah, but I also want something I can put my own Linux software on.
06:22.08cworthromainguy_: Ah, even better. That can save me some work. :-)
06:22.18romainguy_just adb + a proxy app
06:22.25romainguy_since adb can forward local port to the device
06:23.07fadden0If you really want to go open-source, port glibc and then work up an X11/GTK port.  Maybe give it a name like "taxi".  Or "limo".
06:23.35ttuttleswetland: people in real life bought G1s!/win 2
06:23.43spikebikelooks like ipchains is in the kernel
06:23.55spikebikeso with a userspace iptables compiled I suspect it would work
06:24.04cworthI've been playing with various little Linux devices for several years, (since Compaq iPAQ), but have only ever found myself carrying a phone consistently, so I've been waiting for a device to combine phone with tiny Linux device.
06:24.13xorlno driver for 64bit yet for android?
06:24.19xorl(for windows)
06:24.32RyeBryewindows = shame :P
06:24.40xorlno OS war crap :P
06:24.40fadden0xorl: have at it
06:24.43xorlbias == shame
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06:25.10xorlfadden0: I can't find the sources for the USB driver.
06:25.17cworth(So things like n800 go unused in a drawer here. The neo1973 I was given had a lot of promise, but the "functional phone" part still seems to be lacking.)
06:25.21xorlthey have a 32bit build but no sources for said driver
06:25.39spikebikecworth sadly I agree
06:25.55spikebikeneo has been a long sad story
06:26.06cworthspikebike: Yeah.
06:26.19JairunCalothany ideas on this?
06:26.19JairunCalothmv /system/bin/busybox /sdcard/userapps/
06:26.20xorli have the Neo as well.
06:26.20JairunCalothfailed on '/system/bin/busybox' - Cross-device link
06:26.23xorlIt's still sad.
06:26.29fadden0xorl: what's in development/host/windows/usb/driver/ ?  (I'm not a Windows driver guy)
06:26.35spikebikespeaking of which I'm hoping that HTC realizes they could just sell direct
06:26.37jimpcworth, RyeBrye, DarkriftX: I went away to set it up and missed where darkriftx offered to do it... but I set up a wiki at
06:26.46jimpif anyone wants to use it, go ahead, or ignore it, whatever :)
06:26.47spikebikeespecially if they were unlocked/unencrypted
06:26.50cworthSo Android people shouldn't be too surprised that there are people like me with a lot of interest in the device, (even if not a lot of interest in the higher-level parts of Android as far as coding).
06:27.16fadden0JairunCaloth: "mv" can only rename files
06:27.22DarkriftXi put one up on and RyeBrye is registering for it
06:27.24jimpJairunCaloth: It probably makes a hard link then deletes the original.  Just copy instead (cat old > new; rm old)
06:27.24swetlandcworth: not at all surprising
06:27.31DarkriftXbut im not worried about who uses what
06:27.32fadden0The fancy version of "mv" renames or copies as needed.
06:27.34JairunCalothah gotcha
06:27.37DarkriftXjust care about what gets put on it :)
06:27.42jimpDarkriftX: agreed :)
06:27.57jimpbut, I did put a cool logo up :)
06:28.24DarkriftXim lazy, i put up my avatar as the logo lol
06:28.34DarkriftXsomeone made me avatar, logos and more on a forum
06:28.36DarkriftXso i just used those lol
06:28.46DarkriftXsucks with graphics, so i outsource that stuff
06:29.16romainguy_cworth: we're not surprised :)
06:29.37cworthjimp: I'll throw some text in.
06:29.39swetlandwin32 driver source for adb
06:30.00cworthDarkriftX: Feel free to copy liberally of course. Obviously getting the content is more important than where it lives.
06:30.01RyeBryespeaking of surprised... I was surprised when I went to launch an app in the emulator the other day and nothing happened... but a few minutes later my phone was saying "Hello Android! You are my bitch!"
06:30.19RyeBryehad it install his modified hello-world to the phone - which was cool... but totally surprised him :)
06:30.22romainguy_RyeBrye: well now that you raped your phone with a root shell, who knows? :))
06:30.34RyeBryeI didn't rape it - she was begging for it
06:30.40swetlandhonestly the thing that surprises me the most
06:30.55swetlandis people valiantly reverse-engineering everything when source code to the whole platform is available
06:31.09RyeBryeJust making sure it's the same stuff :)
06:31.19spikebikeswet like?
06:31.30fadden0There are no "head fakes" in the device binaries. :-)
06:31.45RyeBryeI'LL BE THE JUDGE OF THAT ;)
06:31.54fadden0By all means. :-)
06:31.59romainguy_RyeBrye: you guys should learn to stop distrusting someday :))
06:32.13RyeBryeI'm just kidding
06:32.18romainguy_#paranoid-control-freaks :)))
06:32.27RyeBryeI was there, but the channel was monitored
06:32.27RyeBryeI think
06:32.46DarkriftXok RyeBrye symlinking apk files i /data/app does NOT work
06:32.54romainguy_RyeBrye: I'm surprised you accept to be on an IRC channel without being op ^^
06:32.55DarkriftXthey dissapear from androids list
06:32.56JairunCalothhrm... the sdcard is mounted by default as noexec
06:32.58romainguy_you're locked down!
06:33.00DarkriftXbut when you put it back, it re-appears
06:33.08romainguy_ok, I'll stop being annoying :)
06:33.11RyeBryeromainguy - I can accept it on freenode since I trust teh powers that be :)
06:33.25RyeBryeromainguy - but on EFnet I have to roll about 10 deep with bots :P
06:33.39JairunCalothDarkriftX: did you remount the SD card without noexec?
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06:34.07JairunCalothyeah I was just trying to figure out how come I couldn't run busybox from the sdcard
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06:34.20DarkriftXwhats the command for that?
06:34.21JairunCalothI'm like... I'm root bioch, don't tell me permission denied
06:34.38DarkriftX"I'm root bioch"
06:34.38JairunCalothdid a mount and noticed the sd card had noexec
06:34.40DarkriftXthats great
06:35.13DarkriftXRyeBrye, you know mediawiki enough to know how to give users admin?
06:35.41JairunCalothso you'll need something along the lines of mount -o remount,blahblah
06:36.15cworthromainguy_: Funny, I see paranoia on the other side with all the signatures and lockdown. ;-) ;-)
06:36.25romainguy_cworth: except you guys proved us right so far :))
06:36.34cworthromainguy_: What?!
06:36.51RyeBryeI don't see anyone passing malware around
06:36.54cworthromainguy_: I just want to run my own code for my own entertainment.
06:37.00fadden0RyeBrye: and we hope to keep it that way
06:37.05RyeBryeI do too
06:37.19fadden0Not too many viruses on Linux.
06:37.39RyeBryeIt's in the best interest of anyone who plans to code for this device that it has a reputation of being secure and kickass
06:37.50cworthAnd if the paranoia is about carriers' control of their network, then what about my control of my home network where my wife is bringing this device?
06:38.18JairunCalothRyeBrye: the PSP has been hacked here and back again and you don't see people panicking in the streets about zomb psp viruses.
06:38.43RyeBryeJairunCaloth - I'm not saying there will be android viruses
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06:38.52romainguy_JairunCaloth: except the PSP is not used as a cell phone :))
06:39.01RyeBryeWell... if you hack it... oh... wait
06:39.03jimpLatest PSP hardware finally fixes the biggest holes.. but one big thing about the PSP is that it's rarely online.
06:39.04JairunCalothit's still got wifi
06:39.19JairunCalothmine was online all the time till I got my G1
06:39.20swetlandI am totally behind the times on psp fun
06:39.21romainguy_JairunCaloth: last time I checked I never called 911 with my PSP :p
06:39.27swetlandfun device to code for
06:39.27romainguy_yeah me too
06:39.36romainguy_it got too annoying to keep up with the exploits
06:39.43romainguy_last time I checked you needed to hack the battery
06:39.43swetlandbut I haven't followed the whole pspdev thing for a year or two now
06:39.52romainguy_stupid PSP slim
06:40.00KenSentMeIm running Android on the Openmoko Neo Freerunner using Sean McNeils images. Installing and running works, but the phone doesnt accept my PIN code for my sim card. Is that a know problem?
06:40.00swetlandromain: I have a handful of older PSPs
06:40.14swetlandromain: from the days of the old tiff exploit
06:40.24cworthhas a linux server in his closet with a phone-line connection---no mysterious 911 calls from that one either
06:40.28romainguy_swetland: I had a phat but I sold it :(
06:40.58jimpThe battery hack is great.
06:41.01swetlandken: you'll have to ask the openmoko folks, I think.  I don't think anyone here knows anything about their radio or how they've integrated it with android
06:41.04romainguy_cworth: so obviously you can generalize this experience to an entire nationwide cellular network :)
06:41.06languishMy wife uses her psp to skype japan almost every night :|
06:41.18languishit's cheaper than tmo's LD rates
06:41.25KenSentMeswetland, doing that too, but it was worth a shot trying over here :)
06:41.48romainguy_swetland: well they removed some code in their patches, so they might have removed something that causes trouble with PIN codes
06:42.01romainguy_I'm most notably worried about the auto-provisioning
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06:42.13RyeBryeI think it should go without saying that most of the people in this room who are busy hacking away probably hold a large circle of influence over what their less technically savy friends do
06:42.16languishI'd like to see skype on the G1, not blocked by tmo, and not using minutes
06:42.29JairunCalothanywho... my point is, you release a device and people are going to try to make it do things it was never intended to do. Somtimes with great results.
06:42.46romainguy_RyeBrye: I would more describe people in this room as the annoying guys who always try to push their own choice of tech to their friends :)
06:43.01RyeBryeNah, my friends always ask me :) - but yes, that category also works
06:43.23languishdoesn't like making technology recommendations to friends
06:43.37RyeBryeI don't usually - but I'm sure I've gotten 5 people to buy a G1 now
06:43.48languishpoor them
06:43.48romainguy_JairunCaloth: sure, but you have to admit that out of the box the G1 lets you do a lot; so sure probably not enough for some of you, but still a lot
06:44.17JairunCalothromainguy_: Absolutely, I wouldn't have bought one if it didn't.
06:44.19RyeBryeHell - ADB? The Eclipse plugin? That crap would cost some serious $$$ if you wanted to develop on Symbian
06:44.43romainguy_surprisingly, J2ME phones have very decent dev environments
06:44.52jimpHackers can really influence things though.  The majority of PSP features were introduced by hackers first and Sony later.
06:44.56romainguy_my last Sony Ericsson phone coupled with the Sony SDK and NetBeans was pretyt awesome to play with
06:45.03RyeBryeReally? that's cool
06:45.15RyeBryeThe C++ side of the Symbian OS was a bear
06:45.19swetlandjimp: pretty sure sony still doesn't let approved devs do a lot of stuff the psp homebrew tools do
06:45.26romainguy_NetBeans J2ME module is really really good
06:45.29jimpswetland: definitely, they don't get kernel mode :)
06:45.33romainguy_and the Sony emulators were not too shabby :)
06:45.36swetlandjimp: of course sony is trying to ensure compatibility across future hardware revs, etc
06:45.47romainguy_(and they supported debugging over USB, with the USB cable in the box)
06:45.54swetlandjimp: or direct access to the second cpu, which is presented as a blackbox media accel unit
06:46.15jimpswetland: true, the ME is still off limits, although they do provide libs for just about everything you'd reasonably want to use it for
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06:46.19romainguy_swetland: the only thing I want from Sony is a reliable Remote Play from the PSP to the PS3 :)
06:46.40swetlandI'm happy with just using the ps3 with the ps3 controllers myself
06:47.03jimpI hear Resistance 2 will have (or has) a mode where you can do that, use the PS3 controller to play on the PSP.
06:47.13romainguy_swetland: I once managed to watch an episode of a TV Show streamed from my mac to my ps3 then to my ps3 to my psp... in the google shuttle :)
06:48.36languishand now you'll be able to do it from your mac to your G1 without the ps3
06:48.55romainguy_yeah but that's not as fun :)
06:49.30RyeBryeWait, G1 has a streaming solutoin?
06:49.46languishyeah, but it'd more convenient than carrying multiple devices
06:52.52Cedric2_romainguy: I disagree, the J2ME environment developments are still pretty lame
06:53.08Cedric2_emulators are still blackboxes, can barely inspect stuff in the middle of midlets running
06:53.26Cedric2_Sun finally calling quits on WTK (5 years overdue)
06:53.33romainguy_WTK :)
06:53.34xorldamnit so close, the G1 is seen as a drive by Vista 64 but just doesn't let me access it at all
06:54.02ttuttlexorl: Have you opened the "USB connected" dialog on the phone and clicked "Mount"?
06:54.41offby1xorl: I couldn't get that working on Vista 32 either
06:54.52offby1worked fine on Linux
06:54.53ttuttleIt's just a @#$% USB mass storage device.  How can Vista screw that up?
06:55.36trissmoWhat turtle said about the dialog box.
06:55.46offby1Vista has disabled this device, which is suspected of harboring ``Open Source'', for your protection
06:57.21spikebikerc29 broke mountain for me with ubuntu
06:57.22JairunCalothwhen specifying uid and guid in mount, does that override the uid and gid set on a file?
06:57.25spikebikeer mounting
06:57.27cworthjimp: OK. I added some notes on cross-compiling with the android prebuilt toolchain, (and andyross's agcc script).
06:57.38spikebikeand yes I click on mount from the dialog
06:57.44spikebikeI have to manually mount
07:01.00swetlandballmer is always a riot
07:01.14romainguy_I like this argument "I don't get it, therefore it's dumb"
07:01.20ttuttleromainguy_: That's a great argument.
07:01.26ttuttleromainguy_: See: most reviews in Market.
07:01.36romainguy_oh yeah
07:01.42romainguy_you should see the emails I get for Shutter Speed :)
07:01.53ttuttleromainguy_: noobs
07:02.09romainguy_bah :)
07:02.38RyeBrye... how soon until quake is in the git repo? :)
07:03.52RyeBryeHmm... would ZeroConf have any place in the android platform? I.e. you log onto wifi and you are able to discover other stuff on there? If it was in the OS level and APIs were exposed, it would be easy to make something that would connect to a DAAP server I would imagine
07:03.58ttuttlejasta: you around?
07:04.16romainguy_RyeBrye: you can just include the lib in your app
07:04.21romainguy_that's what umdk1d3 did for Tunes Remotes
07:04.37*** join/#android tweakt (
07:04.57RyeBryeWell hell... You guys are so smart - you even think like me!
07:05.38RyeBryeI'm wanting a Growl -> Android notification bridge... just because it would be cool to get Growl notifications when I'm walking around the house
07:05.42ttuttleromainguy_: Heh.
07:05.44ttuttleromainguy_: er
07:05.46ttuttleRyeBrye: Heh.
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07:14.48tmztRyeBrye: what do you mean by OS level?
07:15.50RyeBryetmzt - just saying if it was implemented at a low level with high-level APIs...
07:16.06tmztoh, yeah I figured it out, you meant in the platform
07:16.55muthuromainguy_: back after a power shutdown..
07:17.09tmztI can't see why you can't bring up a virtual interface :1 and use avahi though?
07:17.11muthudid you say something about sdk generated in out?
07:17.48muthuafaik, it generates only docs under out
07:18.32ttuttlejasta: ping
07:18.37ttuttletrissmo: Did you call me "turtle"?
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07:19.08muthupartner_setup function sets up a 'generic' product which results in host/linux-x86
07:19.22muthushould this be changed, to get the sdk generated?
07:19.44muthuttuttle: lol, yeah i guess he mispronounced ;)
07:19.50ttuttlemuthu: heh
07:19.53muthuor misspelled, rather
07:20.03DarkriftXRyeBrye, any ideas on what to replace the wiki background image with that isnt too tacky?
07:20.18DarkriftXthat image is kinda ugly
07:20.44RyeBryeyeah, it's ugly
07:21.46trissmottuttle: haha sorry im not with it today.
07:21.52ttuttletrissmo: oh it's okay
07:22.36muthuttuttle: any idea, on how to generate the sdk from source?
07:22.43ttuttlemuthu: no clue
07:22.56muthuromainguy_: claims, he can
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07:26.29DarkriftXthere RyeBrye, replaced it with the striped background from my main sites header for now
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07:27.50cworthromainguy_: So the AndroidProxy thing there is really short of what I want. I definitely want something more along the lines of this on the phone:
07:27.51cworthiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
07:28.26cworthAnd then just a standard network connection between laptop and phone, (over bluetooth or USB).
07:28.30gdsxcworth: that command just burned my retinas
07:28.37gdsxcworth: (I hate NAT)
07:28.48cworthReally basic stuff given two linux boxes.
07:29.15gdsxcworth: you should go ahead and ignore me, though, because I'm not saying anything useful right now :o)
07:29.42cworthgdsx: Well, me neither to tell the truth. :-) Time to sleep now.
07:30.28tmztok, I read the technical explaination earlier, but I don't get how it's hiding the -s- status?
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07:32.14JairunCalothyou know... something I thought about earlier. It bothers me that the root password is apparently blank
07:32.44languishso change it to something, you can now
07:33.28JairunCalothI wonder if it will break things though
07:34.02languishyeah, i haven't messed with it yet so not sure
07:35.02jimptmzt: which explanation are you talking about?  It's also very suspicious to me, seems almost like an intentional backdoor !
07:35.31swetlandI can confirm that it most definitely is not intentional
07:35.37jimp(ok, conspiracy theories aside, it's definitely strange)
07:35.59jimpI have no clue how uid=euid=suid=10040 can turn into euid=0.
07:36.21languishjimp, easy.. "oshi..oops!"
07:36.35ttuttleinstalls Five, to see what all the fuss is about.
07:36.36languishGoogle.. "We shipped what?"
07:36.43tmztI had only looked in the kernel source at the release and saw all the strange dependencies on uid, I even asked swetland what was going on, so I'm guessing this was in the userspace only??? but telnetd has to launch something, and it has to get port 23 from somewhere?? is "shell" special
07:36.56languishjust be glad it came that way
07:37.10tmztsorry, telnetd has to launch something, if not /bin/login something else
07:37.24DarkriftXcworth, i copied your cross compiling page since you said you didnt mind
07:37.59cworthDarkriftX: Sure. No problem.
07:38.09jimpYou copied my part too, what's the license on your wiki? >:)
07:38.11tmztoh well, change root debian while you still can :)
07:39.11DarkriftXfree for all license
07:39.21tmztjimp: have you looked at the kernel source, search for rlove
07:39.27cworthjimp: Interested in CC-BY-SA instead of GFDL? ;-)
07:39.49jimpIt was contributed past nov 1, you can't do that :)
07:40.32cworthjimp: You've got a new wiki with no content here. You can do any license rule you want.
07:40.42tmztmotorola went with NSA tecnology for a reason, but I guess they messed it up to
07:40.55jimpcworth: I thought you were trying to relicense my GFDL content as CC-BY-SA by that strange new clause in GFDL 1.3.
07:41.00cworth(Though yes, I'd need to grant you permission for my piece, which I do gladly do.)
07:41.20DarkriftXwhich piece is whose
07:41.22JairunCalothbrb, I need to reboot into linux and grab a cig
07:41.41cworthjimp: Hehe. No. But I was referring to the strange new clause, (and that it perhaps points out some infelicities in GFDL usage).
07:42.54jimpcworth: Well, it's more the problem with "or any later version" than with any particular license
07:43.05jimpcworth: :)
07:43.17cworthjimp: Oh, I don't see that as a problem though.
07:43.34cworthI just mean the general problems of the GFDL, (possibilities of invariant sections, etc.).
07:44.05jimpAah true.  The "any later version" sure puts a lot of trust in the future-FSF though.
07:44.06cworthThough I really don't think the license for an Android Hackers wiki will ever be a significant issue.
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07:44.20jimpof course
07:44.39jimptmzt: I searched for rlove, didn't find much.. are you referring to something in particular?
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07:48.54jimpyeah, I see that, that looks fine to me.
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07:49.17languishso what's the timeline on my android enabled fridge noticing I'm low on vodka, checking local stores along my most traveled paths for the best price on my favorite brand, deciding on a few best cost suggestions, and notifying my android handset?
07:49.47languishthen dumping the whole shebang on a google map with all the info
07:49.55JairunCaloth2 weeks :-p
07:50.02languishAWESOME DUDE
07:50.08jimptmzt: Unless they had a truly monumentally fatheaded bug like using "current->euid = 0" instead of "current->euid == 0" in one of their builds.
07:50.12tmztwell, that's why I'm asking? it can't be suid it has to be something else
07:50.14languishholy cow
07:50.20ttuttlejimp: But that would be false.
07:50.21languishI just thought of the BEST APP EVER
07:50.27languishttuttle get this
07:50.35ttuttlegets ready to get.
07:50.37languisha period tracker
07:50.44ttuttlelanguish: I'm sure it's been done.
07:50.46jimpttuttle: Sure, but:   (current->euid = 0 || current->egid == AF_INET)
07:50.49languishyes, that kinda period
07:50.59languishso you know when to get frisky, and when to aboid
07:51.06languishit also can work as a business app
07:51.10jimpI mean, that's what it is now:
07:51.10ttuttleconsiders condoms a better idea.
07:51.10jimpreturn (!current->euid || current->egid == AID_INET ||
07:51.11holymooi can just imagine the sound effects on this one
07:51.18languishknowing when not to put too much on your secretary/receptionist
07:51.52languishthey randomly mention it, so when they do, just note it in the app
07:52.00languishafter awhile it can generate a profile of her cycle
07:52.16languishthen update your personal google calendar with warning..err alerts
07:52.57languishthe app should allow for tracking of multiple women
07:53.05languishnot just the ones you bed
07:53.21languishthat way we know when to be most considerate :D
07:53.39languishor when to notice she's low on tampons/pads
07:53.49languishand not be around to get sent to the store for more
07:53.59jimpWhere's the kernel source that matches the binary I was given on my G1?  Anyone know?
07:54.11languish(btw, I'm adding humor, but yeah.. it might make for a decent app anyway)
07:54.43ttuttlejasta: ping
07:55.27cworthI see 18ac882 in "uname -a" on mine.
07:55.52tmztlet's see, you have an /init process that has root, it could fork and give caps to certain processes, but it doesn't so that apparently didn't work.
07:55.53jimpcworth: Yeah, and "git show 18ac882" shows me nothing
07:55.57cworthBut no such object in kernel/.git
07:56.05cworthjimp: Right.
07:56.08jimpswetland: That's just making the configs match..
07:56.36swetlandwe did not publish the internal git tree -- patches were collapsed / combined / etc
07:56.49cworthchalks up another point for wanting to build and install his own kernel
07:56.50swetlandsource lines up but the commit is, for obvious reasons, not the same hash
07:56.55ttuttleis going to bed.
07:57.41swetlandthe external tree matches up, but the internal tree had some chunks of history which could not be published
07:57.52jimpOK, as long as it lines up I'm happy
07:58.13RyeBryeas long as jimp is happy, I'm happy
07:58.18jimpI'm happy
07:58.18cworthdoesn't seem to have c092738e01ab8 either
07:58.24swetlandif you build from that commit, you should have a kernel that is identical to what shipped on g1
07:58.49swetlandin particular, make distclean && make msm_defconfig && make
07:59.01jimpswetland: thanks
08:00.12JairunCalothbah... adb isn't seeing my phone in linux
08:00.34jimpcheck permissions?
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08:02.26RyeBryejimp - you had a toolchain working, right?
08:02.57jimpyeah, I don't have a phone handy at the moment
08:03.08jimp(to respond to your privmsg) -- can't you just dd /dev/mem?
08:03.50RyeBryeOh, ok
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08:04.38RyeBryels /dev | grep mem only shows pmem_camera pmem_gpu1 pmem_gpu0 pmem_adsp pmem ashmem
08:04.53RyeBryeand if I dd any of them, I get nothing it seems
08:05.30DarkriftXjimp, was there something you wanted removed?
08:05.42jimpmaybe: mknod /dev/mem c 1 1
08:05.48jimpDarkriftX: nah, I was just being a pain :)
08:05.52DarkriftXoh lol
08:06.09DarkriftXi got lost in your guys license convo and gave up trying to figure it out
08:09.52holymoois the email client imap capable?
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08:10.19cworthDarkriftX: Oh, you were taking jimp too seriously.
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08:10.34cworthDarkriftX: I guessed that was the case, but couldn't speak for jimp. ;-)
08:10.49DarkriftXim always careful abotu copying other ppls stuff
08:10.59cworthholymoo: Yes. It seems to work.
08:11.09DarkriftXi always hated my stuff getting copied so thats one of my pet peevs
08:11.14holymoothat alone kills blackberries for us
08:11.53cworth(Though "ssl only" was failing for my self-signed certificate while "TLS if available" works---with my server talking only SSL as far as I know.)
08:12.23holymooso some debugging required, not bad
08:12.54holymooanother question ... does the applicatio nframework have any sort of security/lockdown mechanism in place for applying security via policies?
08:13.23cworthreally does sleep this time
08:13.39holymook. thx for your answer btw :)
08:17.49DarkriftXits funny how many mac and apple related sites are covering the g1 root story
08:18.13DarkriftXi have 28 mac blogs linking to my forum since yesterday
08:19.12holymoomac community technical ignorance isn't exactly a surprise
08:20.58RyeBryeDevelopers often love macs
08:21.45spikebikeeven linux hackers often have a mac laptop
08:22.13JairunCalothis dual booting linux/osx
08:22.13summatusmentisI <3 my mac
08:22.27JairunCalothI wouldn't call myself a linux hacker though
08:22.37JairunCalothor a developer for that matter
08:23.49spikebikeafter the 2nd or 3rd time it gets old trying to get linux laptop to do everything right
08:24.02spikebikeflash, movies, dvds, sleep, wifi, etc.
08:24.28RyeBryespeeking of sleep.... :)
08:24.39JairunCalothyeah... I've been fighting it
08:24.42RyeBryegoes to sleep... possibly hibernate
08:25.03JairunCalothgotta work tomorrow and stuff too
08:25.40DarkriftXmy linux laptop does everything :(
08:25.53DarkriftXflash, movies, games, dvds, sleep, wifi, etc
08:25.55spikebikeall the keys work?
08:26.03JairunCalothruns pretty damn well on macbook pro
08:26.08spikebikeyou can just shut the lid?
08:26.16DarkriftXmy wifi takes a long ass time to get working, but thats because im a n00b
08:26.24spikebikewifi works after opening th e lid?
08:26.33spikebikeah so there are a few warts ;-)
08:26.52DarkriftXthe default drivers work, but dont give any options
08:27.07DarkriftXi like to change settings and so i use different drivers
08:27.07spikebikealas sometimes everything works
08:27.12spikebikebut it's hard to be sure ahead of time
08:27.19spikebikeespecially with all the options
08:27.42spikebikeI was looking at a thinkpad x200 there's one "ibm" option for wifi
08:27.44spikebikeand 2-3 intel
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08:28.18spikebikeit was rather hard to find any comments on which to get and what if any would work well, had good/stable drivers, would wake up after sleep, etc.
08:28.44spikebikeand that's of course with a thinkpad which I believe is the number 1 laptop for linux users
08:29.00spikebikegod forbid you get some random toshiba, asus, dell, hp, whatever
08:29.10swetland[   17.373089] ath_pci: wifi0: Atheros 5424/2424: mem=0xf2500000, irq=21
08:29.13swetlandis what's on my x200
08:29.27swetlandit's a little cranky. I should move to the latest driver and see if it's happier
08:29.34JairunCalothatheros roxxors
08:29.37swetlandsuspend/resume isn't perfect either
08:29.38spikebikehow do you like the x200?
08:29.56swetlandlove the machine. it's the perfect successor to x40/x60
08:29.59spikebikeI'm very close to getting one... of course the x200s is tempting as well
08:30.13JairunCalothI've got that same chip on my old laptop. it makes a great wireless router now >.>
08:30.24swetlandjust a little bit wider, so keyboard is slightly larger, larger display, but still pretty damn small and light
08:30.52RyeBryewants Apple to announce 17" MBP's with a mobile quad core
08:30.54swetlandI'm running ubuntu 8.04.1
08:31.08swetlandhad to download the wifi driver and build it myself to get it to work
08:31.08spikebikethat's what I'd run
08:31.35swetlandand sometimes it gets cranky and X won't restart coming out of suspend
08:31.44JairunCalothyeah, you do have to build the 3rd party atheros drivers if you want to use them. but it's not bad
08:31.50spikebikekinda burns me that it doesn't have digital video out (display port or dvi)
08:31.53swetlandbut generally works well
08:31.57spikebikeespecially in this day and age
08:31.59swetlandspike: yeah that's my main gripe really
08:32.04JairunCalothand in the newer ubuntu
08:32.08swetlandI almost never use an external monitor with a laptop
08:32.12swetlandso it wasn't a dealkiller
08:32.12JairunCalothyou can just install linux-restricted-modules
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08:32.22swetlandbut dvi/hdmo would have been nicer than vga
08:32.24swetlander hdmi
08:32.32spikebikenot sure how I"d use it, but I am planning a nice new LCD soonish
08:32.34JairunCalothI'm going to bed
08:33.29umdk1d3oh interesting people were talking about thinkpads
08:33.42umdk1d3im having issues with mine  :/
08:34.00Death_Syni miss my thinkpad
08:34.06Death_Synthankfully, next job is going to give me a new one
08:34.19umdk1d3i can kill it hard with glxgears in under a minute
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08:34.39umdk1d3i think its an nvidia issue, because non-graphics-intensive stuff will run for days
08:34.41Death_Synsounds like toasted video chip
08:34.51Death_Synor bad driver
08:34.58Death_Syni used to beat the crap out of mine with 3d all the tie
08:34.59Death_Syner time
08:35.02umdk1d3i just got off the phone with some wonderful guy in georgia who didnt have a clue what i was telling him
08:35.14umdk1d3im running the latest nvidia linux driver
08:35.37umdk1d3it did last longer when i forced the fan to run at fullspeed, but still died in under 5 mins
08:35.50umdk1d3he was telling me i needed more RAM
08:35.50spikebikeumk1d3 there is a known issue with nvidia graphics ships in laptops
08:35.52Death_Synhow long you had this thinkpad?
08:35.54spikebikethey are basically all defective
08:35.59DarkriftXcan someone cat me this to pastebin? /system/core/include/private/android_filesystem_config.h.
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08:36.11spikebikeif that ona  g1?
08:36.17spikebikeor the source tree?
08:36.18Death_Synspikebike: lenovo puts quadro 570s in their's
08:36.28umdk1d3spikebike: yea ive been reading that on forums, mostly hoping that it wasnt true in my case
08:36.30Death_Synnot the consumer-grade geforce
08:36.41spikebikeI believe it's all the chip
08:36.46DarkriftXspikebike, its not on the emu but im not sure
08:36.48DarkriftXmaybe in the source
08:36.50spikebikethey made a poor decision for the mechanical aspects of the chip
08:36.52umdk1d3ive got a t61 with an nvidia m140 iirc
08:37.05Death_Synahh, that's older
08:37.06DarkriftXsomeone posted on my forums that all guids and uids are listed in there
08:37.12DarkriftXi want to see if there are more then what we have listed
08:37.20spikebikebasically the heat cycling causes physical stress which is too much for the pin/pad interface had a 3 article series (each pretty long) on all the mechanical engineering issues with what they did
08:38.20umdk1d3im going to call lenovo back in the morning and hope for a better tech
08:38.45umdk1d3DarkriftX: im not seeing anything /system/core/* on my g1, did you look in the git tree?
08:38.57DarkriftXwouldnt know how
08:39.14umdk1d3you do know that git is browsable online?
08:39.39lethalcodeHi again folks: I'm using startActivityForResult(). In the child, any way I can hook when they press the back button so I can call setResult()?
08:40.00lethalcodeonPause, onStop, etc are all called after the calling activity has received the results.
08:40.17DarkriftXi searched it for "android_filesystem_config" and nothing
08:40.42umdk1d3DarkriftX: where did that person come up with that path i wonder?
08:40.58DarkriftXfull post is: All UIDs and GIDs are defined in system/core/include/private/android_filesystem_config.h.
08:41.48DarkriftXfound this:  Add the user id and group id used by android on the NFS server.
08:41.53DarkriftXoh crap, sorry
08:41.56DarkriftXthought it was one line
08:44.12umdk1d3kRutOn: good find  :)
08:44.35umdk1d3and man, your up early :P
08:44.50kRutOnmy son woke me up crying about nothing
08:45.24spikebikekRutOn how old is your kid?
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08:45.53kRutOnthe one that woke me up is almost 3
08:46.02spikebikemine is 4
08:47.42RyeBryeon edge: 200 Kbit/sec down, 42 Kbit/sec up
08:48.04spikebiketested how?
08:48.13RyeBryeXtremelabs app
08:48.26spikebikefrom the market?
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09:13.39kIDDAIhas anyone seen mobile ip support for android
09:13.47kIDDAIgoogle search isnt giving many clues
09:20.45spikebikemobile ip?
09:20.49DarkriftXwhoa :S
09:20.59DarkriftXspikebike, did you read about executing commands in dialer?
09:21.24DarkriftXreboot your phone and open dialer, type "reboot" instead of a phone number and hit enter
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09:21.53spikebikeaand it reboots?
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09:22.47kRutOnThere is a bug report on ConnectBot that rebooting a remote computer with it reboots the phone as well.
09:23.06DarkriftXseems this works with sending texts ect
09:23.10kRutOnAnd it's been confirmed by 2 different people.
09:23.20DarkriftXsending a text "reboot" would reboot your pjhone lol
09:25.53DarkriftXyeah, ive heard of that one
09:26.05DarkriftXnot a huge issue i wouldnt think
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09:26.10DarkriftXvice versa would suck
09:26.29DarkriftXspikebike, did it work?
09:26.40kRutOnlook at his entry here, though:
09:26.41DarkriftXdamnit, i want one of these buggy g1s
09:26.49DarkriftXif they patch all this shit i wont buy one
09:26.58kRutOnThe next thing I tried was (on the remote server) symlinking /sbin/reboot
09:27.01kRutOnto /sbin/clk
09:27.09kRutOnWhen I then typed "clk" on the command line of the remote server via
09:27.09kRutOnconnectbot, the remote server rebooted as expected, and the gphone did not
09:27.09kRutOnreboot (also as expected).
09:27.21kRutOnthat's hilarious
09:28.30spikebikeI can imagine the admin that replaced kruton going WTF, why would anyone link clk to reboot
09:28.42DarkriftXgood thing is its not a connectbot issue
09:29.10DarkriftXok, i need sleep
09:29.13DarkriftXwork tomorrow
09:29.20DarkriftXgn and have fun everyone :)
09:29.39kRutOnspikebike: That wasn't me. I would have symlinked "ls" to "reboot"
09:29.41DarkriftXi should add that info to the wiki tomorrow btw
09:30.18spikebikebtw I get 130kbit and 40 kbit
09:31.35spikebikeoh cool
09:31.43spikebikein the dialer you can spell a phone number
09:31.43kRutOnI'm sed to getting around 900/600 on Sprint
09:31.59spikebikeso you can type 1-800-gotmilk or whatever
09:32.12kRutOnluckily reboot doesn't match a 7 digit number
09:32.53kRutOn. o O ( Give me a call at 732668 )
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09:49.03digitalspaghettiDoes anyone know if there is a application that uploads to Picasa and supports the phone's geolocation support?  I can only find Pixelpipe and it doesn't seem to take the geolocation stuff, just the photo
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10:07.52P2EI am now cradling my new tmo g1
10:09.23P2Edoes anyone know anything about how the album/music thumbnail voodoo works?
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10:10.58umdk1d3P2E: i assume it extracts it from embedded id3v2 tags?
10:11.28P2Eyes, but then it's stored on the card
10:11.35P2Ein thumbnails/ or whatever
10:12.50P2Eso, for example, we have thumbnails/1225404254133 which is just a jpeg cover and Brett Dennen - Ain't No Reason.mp3 in music/
10:12.53umdk1d3P2E: it looks liek MediaStore keeps all of it organized, along with the MediaScanner service that you can connect with
10:13.23P2Ewhat I'm wondering is, how did we come up with 1225404254133
10:13.36P2Ebecause if we can figure that out, we don't need to embed art (which I can't do, because I don't use mp3s)
10:14.09umdk1d3that looks slightly like a unix timestamp
10:14.41umdk1d3along with maybe a 3-digit unique identifier
10:15.02P2Ewell, the thumbs for the bundled music on the phone are unique to the last 5 digits
10:15.12P2Ethat is, all are 12254042xxxxx
10:15.42umdk1d3what is the file modified time in unix time?  (does the time differ between the mp3s?)
10:15.49P2Ehold on, let me find out
10:16.01P2Ethe datestamp definitely doesn't
10:16.21umdk1d3i wonder if you touch them all before mediascanner gets to them
10:16.21kRutOn1225404254 => "Thu Oct 30 15:04:14 2008 PDT"
10:16.51umdk1d3well lol we have the source now, /me goes to dig for it
10:16.58P2Eok, so yeah, that's good
10:17.04P2Ebut now, 133
10:17.21kRutOnthat's just the MHz rating of your Pentium II
10:17.28umdk1d3:P lol
10:17.46P2Elose =] I used a k5 back then
10:18.12kRutOnYou so poor you used a Cyrix
10:18.20P2Elose again =] amd made the k5
10:18.39kRutOnI know, but Cyrix were the cheapest
10:18.51P2Eand worst
10:19.23P2Elooks for other information.... md5 is 39b740f1522ff33a92dce558da72f07d filesize is 5275165
10:20.20P2Eripped with iTunes =[
10:20.33umdk1d3aww, eac ftw
10:23.13digitalspaghettiDoes anyone know if there is a application that uploads to Picasa and supports the phone's geolocation support?  I can only find Pixelpipe and it doesn't seem to take the geolocation stuff, just the photo
10:23.24digitalspaghetti(sorry the channel didn't look active until now :)
10:24.14digitalspaghettihey kRutOn, umdk1d3 :)
10:24.21P2Eall album thumbnail files are 1225404254133, 1225404255145, 1225404258383, 1225404259392, 1225404259873, 1225404260043, 1225404260728, 1225404260952, 1225404261155, 1225404261598, 1225404262271
10:24.47P2Emaybe I'll copy the same song on again as another filename and see if 133 stays the same
10:26.08kRutOnP2E: maybe it's just the row id that SQLite picked
10:26.27umdk1d3yea its the sqlite "_data" column looks like
10:26.33umdk1d3tryign to find where its generated tho
10:27.55P2Eand more importantly
10:28.01P2Ehow to get it for whatever file
10:28.20kRutOnString name = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
10:28.44P2Eok, with the new file, it didn't regenerate art.
10:28.51umdk1d3well P2E to get info you should use the normal contentresolver approach
10:28.53P2Eeven though it was a different name
10:29.07umdk1d3kRutOn: aha thats what those extra three digits are  ;)  milliseconds
10:29.25kRutOnumdk1d3: yeah, duh.. should have thought of it
10:29.33P2EI'm trying to take this from an enduser approach
10:29.35umdk1d3its late  ;)
10:29.51P2EI don't want to write anything on the phone, just figure out what I need to name a file for an app to get stuff onto it
10:30.01kRutOnumdk1d3: Do you think I should extend ArrayAdapter or create a new Cursor...
10:30.08umdk1d3P2E: what does the end user want to do with thte thumbnails?
10:30.17umdk1d3kRutOn: for ssh hosts not in the db?
10:30.22P2Euh, you mean other than see them when they're playing their music? =]
10:30.29kRutOnumdk1d3: This is actually for the port forwards
10:30.49umdk1d3P2E: to see them on their desktop, or on the phone?
10:30.53P2Eon the phone.
10:31.26kRutOnumdk1d3: ArrayAdapter doesn't offer a view binder
10:31.39umdk1d3well, like i said, the MediaStore provides a nice ContentProvider that you could query
10:31.49kRutOnumdk1d3: Which I guess makes sense
10:31.54P2Ethe media store does not catalog videogame soundtracks =]
10:31.58umdk1d3kRutOn: SimpleAdapter also provides a binder?
10:32.49umdk1d3well, thats the issue i suppose, its looking for indexes to bind from
10:33.05umdk1d3its pretty easy to write your own adapter
10:33.22umdk1d3sometimes ArrayAdapter can get in the way
10:33.46umdk1d3instead of repackaging stuff into arrays for it to use, a custom adapter could easily iterate over the List of tunnels
10:34.19kRutOnumdk1d3: I think I'll just make a small extension of ArrayAdapter that has a custom getView
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10:36.35umdk1d3oops we ignored digitalspaghetti
10:37.04digitalspaghettithats ok, you seem to be in a groove :)
10:37.06umdk1d3digitalspaghetti: i havent really dug into all the apps, so not sure
10:37.10kRutOndigitalspaghetti: sorry, I must admit I prefer analog spaghetti
10:37.55digitalspaghettiumdk1d3: yea it seems to no apps use the option to add geocoding to a photo
10:38.34umdk1d3digitalspaghetti: have you emailed the pixelpipe devs and asked if its an upcoming feature?
10:38.49umdk1d3has done horrible job of ignoring all market emails ;)
10:38.51digitalspaghettino, but i was going to
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10:50.20P2Ewhoops, locked up my phone
10:50.53P2Eoh, no I didn't
10:51.54Tauno..used the BRICK permission? :P
10:52.15P2EI don't need permission to lay bricks
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10:53.50nesoiany new phones coming out that run android? or any new ports?
10:59.30cmonexheh cant believe the locking down had such a big hole (mtd)
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11:02.41pandzillacmonex: mhm, which one?
11:04.43pandzillacmonex: do you mean the telnetd thingy?
11:05.40P2Ehmm, naming a jpeg as the unix timestamp didn't seem to wkr
11:05.42P2Eer, work
11:05.58P2EI added 000 to the end of it just for the sake of matching
11:06.46cmonexno, mtd.
11:07.28cmonexwell mtd to read the partitions.. then that flash image tool..
11:08.02cmonexthis would never happen on the unsecure WM .. that htc would leave a tool that calls the nand driver to flash the bootloader at will :)
11:08.16cmonexof course the recovery is not bootloader, but it has the ability to flash that too..
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11:09.20pandzillaI see, I see
11:09.24cmonexyeah, i'm speechless. what a big hole
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11:10.25cmonexit being open source certainly helped too... recompiling recovery is easier than patching an existing one ;)
11:11.37pandzillafor sure :)
11:12.23rwhitbyhow long ago was the hole found?
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11:18.36cmonexrwhitby: today.. (my time)
11:18.58rwhitbyadds the links to
11:19.23cmonexbut i'm saying the hack is not complete until a patched hboot.img is flashed via this custom recovery.. so if something goes wrong you can easily fall back to SPL. also the recovery should just accept any key, not just that test cert
11:19.51cmonexofcourse the problem is getting the hboot.img, but i have ideas about dumping it
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11:34.18digitalspaghettioh i just read abut the jailbreaking via telnet :)
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11:50.35umdk1d3ohwow i just realised its been a year since the public android announcement
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12:01.38rwhitbyumdk1d3: :-)
12:04.01rwhitby"Nov 12 16:21:10 <rangen> downloads available.
12:05.25umdk1d3rwhitby: awesome
12:05.47umdk1d3goes to look at logs
12:06.52umdk1d3doh i only have logs going back to february
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12:09.04bloohey guys
12:09.12blooany bugs with the market and number of downloads?
12:09.20nesoiso what device should I get to run android?
12:09.31blooI'm still showing < 50 downloads and now up to 24 reviews
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12:09.43umdk1d3bloo: yea i think there is some funky stuff happening
12:09.53blooI can't imagine any market application has  > %50 review to download ratio
12:09.53umdk1d3like there are some apps with <50 downloads at the top of the popular list
12:09.54dream_kill_officmanaged to get root in adb :D
12:09.57dream_kill_offic(no su)
12:10.15dream_kill_officjust adb -d shell and got root now :D
12:10.20dream_kill_officfull jailbreak ;)
12:10.33blooand previously i was getting like 1000 downloads a day with other versions, but this has been at like < 50 since saturday
12:13.05bloothanks umdk1d3
12:13.29blooanyone have an opinion on whether essential functions should be in context menus only on mobile devices
12:14.04bloowith desktop apps, its usually a nono, but on mobile platforms i feel that the scarcity of screen space makes it acceptable
12:14.26umdk1d3you mean the general menus?
12:14.33bloobut of course, i get a bunch of people who cant figure out how to delete something in my program
12:14.37umdk1d3(context menus still hold their place with longpress on items)
12:14.58umdk1d3imho people will get used to it
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12:15.16umdk1d3as long as you follow the pattern in other packaged apps that come with the platform
12:17.47tweakt_dream_kill_offic, ??
12:17.50blooumdk: i feel like I do, and I still get people leaving reviews like the screen is blank, I cant figure out what to do, or please let us delete items
12:18.08dream_kill_officsimple :D
12:18.13dream_kill_officflashed my recovery
12:18.22dream_kill_officthen made my own
12:18.23umdk1d3bloo: are you showing an @android:id/empty if using a listactivity?
12:18.31blooand then on the other hand, when people email me to offer suggestions and I ask them, "why do you use my software"
12:18.38bloothey say its because of the interface
12:18.40dream_kill_officwhich removed the jailbrak :D
12:19.08dream_kill_officsi now when i adb -d shell now is drect root
12:19.11blooumdk: no, I'm just showing a textview when it's empty and hiding it when its full, didnt realise that android:empty existed
12:19.23blooim assuming that displays some text when a list view has nothing in it?
12:19.53umdk1d3bloo: yea sounds like you already have that tho
12:20.26umdk1d3there isnt anything super special about android:id/empty
12:20.47blooits just simpler than checking, oh is the list empty and setting my textview to display
12:20.52umdk1d3when used along with a android:id/list in a ListActivity, it takes care of showing hiding as needed based on the Adapter having items/empty
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12:21.24umdk1d3so if you have empty helper text there, people are still complaining?  lol
12:21.35umdk1d3longpress to edit/delete is all over the place
12:22.01umdk1d3its probably them just not "getting it" yet
12:22.09blooumdk: yeh i dont know how these people even got into the market
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12:22.37umdk1d3ive gotten the most odd emails from people
12:22.42tomgibaraI wish you could meta moderate the app market comments
12:22.57umdk1d3i wish you could get external access to the market content/comments
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12:23.23tomgibaraexternal as in website or webservice?
12:23.26umdk1d3tomgibara: agreed, all those wallpaper spam adverts and political stuff
12:23.34andatcheanyone having trouble downloading apps off the market right now? (in the UK at least)
12:23.39blooi concur
12:23.46blooi had problems browsing the market this morning
12:23.47umdk1d3well, i would be very interested in getting an rss feed of new market apps at least
12:23.48tomgibaraandatche: No (and am in UK)
12:24.10andatcheeverything else seems to work, and I can browse it fine, it just never downloads anything
12:24.22tomgibaraI was thinking more of people who don't understand what an app does, so give it 1*
12:24.38blooi wish theyd have an auto updater
12:24.51blooi have wayyy too many people emailing me with feature requests that ive already implemented
12:25.32umdk1d3bloo: do you have an update checker of your own written in yet?
12:25.48dream_kill_officmarket works here too (uk using t-mobile 3g)
12:25.48umdk1d3bloo: might take a peek at
12:26.13tomgibarabloo: Yeah, I fixed a bad puppy of a bug in that a couple of days ago
12:26.25andatchewill reboot and see if that fixes it
12:26.43umdk1d3bloo: or something like this if your looking for something a bit lighter -->
12:27.04umdk1d3actually, that versoin is a bit bloated
12:27.09umdk1d3with frequency checks
12:27.14bloomy plan was to automatically download updated apps
12:27.29umdk1d3  <-- that one is simpler and more general
12:27.34bloobut i cant because the installer crashes if i install my app through downloading it by the browser
12:27.48umdk1d3bloo: all you can really do is launch an intent over to market
12:27.50bloosomething about INSTALL_SHORTCUT permission
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12:28.07blooohhh didnt realise the market has intents
12:28.14bloothanks guys
12:28.35umdk1d3bloo: yea take a peek at that second link there, its some simple code that gets the job done
12:28.54umdk1d3and if you need something more flexible, check out veecheck
12:29.21Ez-DvDi have this error when i try to compile, help WARNING: adding test OTA key
12:29.21Ez-DvDbuild/core/ implicitly installing apns-conf_sdk.xml
12:29.21Ez-DvDmake: *** No rule to make target `/lib/tools.jar', needed by `out/target/common/docs/framework-timestamp'. Stop.
12:31.05bloogrrr this stupid thing doesnt work on my g1 but does in emulator
12:31.13eldenzare mac fonts .ttf as well?
12:35.04blooanyone have wakelock experience?
12:36.34pandzilladon't even know what that is...?!
12:36.39umdk1d3bloo: connectbot is using it in ConsoleActivity
12:36.49umdk1d3pandzilla: it can keep your device from falling alseep
12:37.07blooit seems to work fine in the emulator
12:37.14bloobut on my g1 i cant get the screen to flick on
12:37.32umdk1d3oh you want to force wake up the device?
12:38.07blooi have an sms receiver
12:38.18blooi want to turn the screen on when an sms is received
12:38.41blooi got it working on the emulator
12:38.48bloobut doesnt seem to wanna turn on in my g1
12:42.15bloohmm seems like as soon as you release the wake lock, the screen goes to sleep maybe on the g1?
12:42.19bloobut not on the emulator?
12:42.58blooi basically amd doing wakelock.acquire;wakelock.release
12:43.07blooif i comment out release it turns the screen on
12:43.31blooon my g1 but obviously doesnt let it turn off
12:48.35Dialektturn me on
12:48.43DialektTURN ME ON with this g1
12:48.54Dialektall these fix this fix that crap
12:48.55Dialektlol sheesh
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12:49.27blooon_after_release doesnt seem to be working for me
12:52.19blooyeah thats it, i just noticed the screen flickers on for like a 5th of a second
12:52.28bloofinal PowerManager.WakeLockwakelock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK | PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP | PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE, "power lock");
12:52.32blooanything look wrong with that?
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13:10.05TaunoIf I use canvas.drawText(...) then it draws it base don the baseline of the font.. can I somehow change it so that it draws the top/bottom/center (whatever else) at the coordinates that I specify?
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13:14.42tomgibaraAnyone know if android resource URIs can be supplied directly to a WebView? - doesn't seem to work.
13:18.51Taunothe dox say that: "The origin is interpreted based on the Align setting in the paint. " but I can only set the horizontal alignment for the paint with paint.setTextAlign() is there a possibility to set the vertical one too? Or at least determine where the baseline is compared to absolute top/bottom ?
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13:25.40Taunocome on.. somebody has surely cried over the same problem as I'm facing :P
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13:26.38Tauno..textPaint.baselineShift is also 0.. so this one is not helping either :/
13:29.16Taunook, found it :) paint.getFontMetrics().bottom
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13:46.49tweakt_Does video recording work? It's not in the public docs, but it's in the java api...
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13:48.19jbq_There's no video recording on the G1 at this point. I'm not sure whether that's because of hardware restrictions, driver restrictions or android framework restrictions.
13:48.50thoraxejbq_: hopefully it'll get sorted
13:48.58thoraxeis there a picture -> flickr app yet?
13:49.31tweakt_MediaRecorder mr = new MediaRecorder(); mr.setVideoSource(VideoSource.CAMERA);
13:50.05digitalspaghettithoraxe: yes, PixelPipe
13:50.20digitalspaghettihowever it doesn't support geoencoding photo's yet :(
13:50.32tweakt_its in the java API I pulled from git at least, in 1.0 release
13:50.36thoraxedigitalspaghetti: is it in the marketplace?
13:50.40digitalspaghettithoraxe: yes
13:51.01digitalspaghettithe app can upload to several targets including flickr, picasa, facebook, twitter, etv
13:51.02thoraxeno matches for pixel
13:51.09thoraxethe app search is really poor
13:51.35digitalspaghettijust search by date, there was a recent update to it
13:51.38thoraxeyou'd think a company founded on SEARCH could make their app SEARCH work
13:51.42thoraxei had to search for pixelpipe
13:51.43digitalspaghettiyou also need to sign up a pixelpipe account
13:51.54iDialekt_____Sorry digital
13:51.55Chainfirehey digitalspaghetti... didn't you use to hang out in #jquery?
13:52.01jbq_tweakt_: if it's not in the SDK, you shouldn't assume that it's gonna stay there.
13:52.01digitalspaghettithoraxe: yea, google have missed some tricks on the phone
13:52.02iDialekt_____iPhone typo
13:52.03digitalspaghettiChainfire: still do :)
13:52.15Chainfireheh i knew I knew that nick from somewhere :)
13:52.20thoraxei spent some time in jquery not too long ago
13:52.25thoraxethen i abandoned the project i wanted to do with it
13:52.26dream_kill_officvideo recording not working on G1?
13:52.26tweakt_jbq_: blah, yeah it's not in the official jar file from the SDK
13:53.29digitalspaghettithoraxe: you would think Google would have a Picasa app that tied into the Geocoding for photo's on launch :|
13:53.33thoraxedigitalspaghetti: i wonder when pixelpipe is going to start charging
13:53.35iDialekt_____Man Im scared to purchase a g1
13:53.40thoraxedigitalspaghetti: dude that would make sense right?
13:53.48thoraxemaybe google realizes picasa is a pile of poo
13:56.16Chainfireis that app name request form for use of the Android name up yet?
13:56.28digitalspaghettiyea, but at least you get 2g space as opposed to Picasa's 200 picture limit
13:56.48thoraxepicasa has a 200 picture limit?
13:57.00digitalspaghettiFlickr's 200 picture limit even
13:57.08thoraxeflickr is 200 pics *per month*
13:57.10thoraxenot 200 pics total
13:57.36digitalspaghettireally?  oh!  that would make sense then
13:57.47thoraxedigitalspaghetti: i thought the same as you at first too, then i re-read
13:59.03digitalspaghettistill only have the 3 album limit though :(
13:59.13Dougie187with picasa you only get 1 gig
13:59.22thoraxealbums or sets?
13:59.53thoraxecan you use pixelpipe with a blog?
14:00.01digitalspaghettithoraxe: yes
14:00.24thoraxedigitalspaghetti: hmm... do you have to supply the login url or the root blog url
14:00.51digitalspaghettiprobally the xml-rpc url
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14:08.03digitalspaghettidid it work?
14:08.25thoraxedidn't trty
14:09.49thoraxei'm more interested in just finding a lifestream plugin/mod for wordpress that puts the twitter/flickr/etc. in the wordpress loop
14:09.50thoraxeall the lifestream plugins i'm finding put the lifestream in like a sidebar or something
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14:16.28bloopublished my second app to the market yay
14:17.19KenSentMebloo, what kind of app?
14:17.29bloomore of a utility
14:17.38blooit turns the screen on when you get a sms
14:17.52bloouseful for when you have it sitting on your desk
14:18.02digitalspaghettichecking it out now
14:18.07blooit got annoying real quick having to grab phone unlock it and check
14:18.41digitalspaghettihello Mike DiGiovanni ;)
14:18.58bloohello digital spaghetti
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14:20.17digitalspaghettii'll need to wait and get a text now :)
14:20.39bloothats why you need 2 phones now
14:21.55digitalspaghettii already asked t-mobile :)
14:21.57bloomy other app isnt showing up now when searching by date grrr
14:22.09digitalspaghettithey said no, as i'm a new customer, i have to wait at least 3 months
14:22.31blooi still have my old sprint account
14:22.38bloohoping sprint gets a android phone soon
14:22.42digitalspaghettiUK T-Mobile
14:22.57blooooh yeah i forgot they launched in uk already
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14:28.26ionstormwhere is a good place for allot of src code for android apps
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14:30.09bloohey is robert stevens here?
14:31.07Disconnectmorning all
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14:31.21ionstormgood morning Disconnect
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14:32.18Disconnectsees no 'light-up sms' app in the marketplace btw :/
14:32.20ionstormyea, what is the issue w/video recording?  Is it possible to drop resolution?
14:32.43Disconnectscratch that, found it. stupid cache :/
14:32.50bloodisconnect, dg Screen On
14:32.59blooi need a better name and icon
14:33.15volClever android fellows using gdb, what version are you using? ? Or are you compiling your own?
14:33.34Disconnectand fyi you can always sms google to get incoming sms's :) or i think there's a tmob service that msgs you your minutes or something, good for a quick (free) response
14:34.05Disconnectbloo: nobody will use it cuz it doesn't ask for gps and net access or the ability to read my contacts or anything.
14:34.06ionstormbloo, sms screen alert
14:34.21Disconnectalso "timeout" text is truncated
14:35.01Disconnectdonation should indicate where it goes (amazon it looks like?) eg "Donate via my Amazon donation page" or something in the text
14:35.06ionstormbloo,  can u make the screen blink different ways?
14:35.22digitalspaghettithats a new one - my gf phoned there and my PC just picked up the call and routed it through the speakers!
14:35.29blooionstorm, i had originally tried to drop the keyguard
14:35.42bloobut for some reason it turned into a complete mess and wasn reliable
14:35.56blooso i fell back to this which works good enough for me
14:36.12bloobut if theres a lot of requests for the original way id look into it
14:36.33bloomy original plan was to display a screen showing the entire text message for some period of time
14:37.13ionstormyea, a popup of some sort, maybe a little bubble
14:37.27ionstorma fade away alert
14:38.05ionstormdude, what about a app update notification app
14:38.50ionstormthat would be tight because you'll never know if the app you got updated unless u constantly check the app market
14:38.57ionstormlike apt-get update
14:39.41Disconnectionstorm: they're working on that on the lists right now
14:40.04digitalspaghettiso is the marketplace open source too?
14:40.11bloobut i couldnt figure out how to relock the screen, even though the api seemed to indicate it was easy
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14:43.38bloosince i put the screen on app up, ive gotten like 5 emails from it
14:44.10bloodid anyone try it? i got one email saying it didnt work, and
14:44.11ionstormDisconnect, which lists
14:45.45bloogrr it doesnt work
14:45.51blooi swear i tested it
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14:47.44Disconnectionstorm: i'll dig it out in a bit but its one of the main android-* ones
14:48.48bloough wtf did i do
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14:54.28blooi broke it how the fuck did i break it
14:55.39blooit still works in the emulator of course grrr
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14:57.44blooi swear i tested it on the phone
14:58.19blooand now i cant get the debugger to attach to my phone
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14:59.53dysinger_Is it possible to try the android market and download stuff to the android emulator ?
15:00.12dysinger_I can't figure it out
15:00.26offby1I'd have thought so
15:00.29offby1lemme try
15:00.59bloothis is the most frustrating thing ive ever witnessed
15:01.08thoraxemy screen just died
15:01.09blooi know i had it working because i remember not being able to get the screen to go off
15:01.11thoraxeit won't come on
15:01.39thoraxeit's like poewred up
15:01.44thoraxebut it's not showing anything
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15:02.09offby1dysinger_: ah, now I see your dilemma.  I have no "Market" icon.
15:02.19ionstormfound the app updater
15:02.29offby1so is there any kind of support for the Android, besides this channel?
15:02.59ionstormoffby1, the android developer group
15:03.05bloook so i found the problem out and its lame
15:03.13mikez5mailing lists:
15:03.16jimp< DarkriftX> reboot your phone and open dialer, type "reboot" instead of a phone number and hit enter
15:03.21thoraxeoffby1: t-mobile if you have a g1
15:03.23jimpwow, that's ...
15:03.24offby1ionstorm: what is that?  A mailing list?
15:03.27offby1thoraxe: ugh :)
15:03.41offby1thoraxe: I've already got a couple of requests in to them; they're idiots
15:03.43jimpHow did they manage to fsck up Linux so badly?!
15:04.05jimpDid they just leave a spawned shell listening to the keyboard in the background by accident?
15:04.07jbq_offby1: the official mailing lists.
15:04.28jimpThat could explain how the telnetd root hack works (if it's running telnetd in some background root shell, rather than in pterminal, because it's listening to the keyboard)
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15:04.54Disconnectjimp: 'reboot' is a shortcut just like all the various *#min#* and such
15:05.11wastreldoes it work in the emulator?
15:05.12offby1ionstorm: thanks
15:05.17ionstormoffby1, np
15:05.26Disconnect(why do people always leap to such -entertaining- assumptions??)
15:05.34jimpDisconnect: the xda post suggested that it works outside the dialer (like in SMS)
15:05.40jimpand that other apps like telnetd also can be run through the dialer
15:05.52jimpSo shortcut makes no sense.
15:06.01thoraxelet's see how t-mobile handles my broken g1
15:06.09Disconnect..and did you try it?
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15:06.27offby1thoraxe: I suspect: they won't :-|
15:06.29jimpDisconnect: No, I'm waiting for a phone call and don't want to keep rebooting my phone.
15:06.29blooim so confused
15:06.36offby1thoraxe: well, maybe if you nag them constantly.
15:06.40joakimethoraxe, saw another customer have your blank screen problem while I was purchasing my g-1, yanking the battery and replacing it worked for her.  might help you too.
15:06.41blooi had a final PowerManager.wakelock used in an innerclass.
15:06.48Disconnectreboot in the 'to' field makes perfect sense - same handler as dialer.
15:06.48thoraxejoakime: already tried that twice
15:06.57jimpThe post clearly says that you must do it shortly after rebooting and that you can't cut-and-paste, you must type.
15:07.04jimpShortcuts dont' fit that description.  Have you read the post?
15:07.07thoraxewell, not only do i have insurance i also have had the phone less than a month
15:07.15thoraxeso they BETTER do something about it.
15:07.23offby1thoraxe: I hope they do!
15:07.28offby1and I hope they get back to me, too :-|
15:07.32Disconnectthoraxe: ask them to make sure you don't lose all your sent/received sms's.
15:07.42thoraxeDisconnect: i couldnt' care less about them
15:07.45offby1Disconnect: where are those stored?
15:07.54offby1knows but little of cell phones
15:07.57thoraxethere is really nothing in the phone i am concerned about besides a few pics and mp3s, but those are on the SD card
15:08.14`vipis there an app to let me save youtube vids to my phone ?
15:08.19Disconnectthoraxe: yah but its a standard replacing-a-phone feature to move the data over. i'd love to hear them explain why you can't be trusted with your backups.
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15:09.18thoraxei'm surprised i've had to hold this long for a rep
15:09.41thoraxewhich leads me to believe there are bigger issues afoot
15:09.58blooa local wakelock appears to release as soon as the method ends
15:10.10blooeven if its final and used in an anonymous class
15:11.18blooi dont get it sigh
15:11.23jimpDisconnect: I've searched through the source for the dialer and related apps and can't find this "reboot" shortcut that you insist exists.  Can you point to the file?
15:11.25d0netsany word of a sirius/sm player?
15:11.52d0netswhen they do make a sirius/xm* player, it would be nice to have a "tivo" option
15:12.17d0netswhere it has a buffer of like 10 mins
15:12.23d0netsand you can hit record
15:12.59thoraxe"let me try one more time for you.  it seems like no one is picking up [in the android service department]"
15:13.29thoraxewell, good to know that there are people there to assist
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15:14.07Disconnectjimp: did you find the IMEI display from *#06#? cuz if not, you're in the wrong place
15:14.44jimpDisconnect: Yeah, of course.
15:15.08jimpAnd there's nothing in there about reboot.
15:15.24Disconnectalso, did you type "ps" on the console and see if there is a getty or something listening?
15:16.10Disconnect(and i just dialed reboot. nada.)
15:16.17jimpYou're thick.
15:16.24jimpDid you forget the part about how you need to do this soon after reboot?
15:17.34Disconnectisn't the one making wild (illogical -and- untested) assumptions about the phone.
15:17.43Disconnecti did reboot first dumbass
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15:18.11jimpDisconnect: so you turn around and make equally illogical counterarguments.  Useful!
15:18.18*** part/#android DubLo7 (n=DubLo7@
15:18.23jimpIt's clearly not a shortcut, so don't act like you know what's going on.
15:18.39Disconnectright. its not a shortcut because it -doesn't work-..
15:18.40jimpI was speculating and admitting that I was speculating, not stating things as fact.
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15:18.56jimp10:04 < Disconnect> jimp: 'reboot' is a shortcut just like all the various *#min#* and such
15:19.03jimp^^ clearly untrue from the source.
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15:19.33jimpAlso, for the record, I did just try it -- and shortly after powering on the phone, yes, typing "reboot" into the dialer with the keyboard reboots the phone.
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15:20.55bloook fixed my screen turn onner i think
15:21.26Disconnectalso, 'telnetd' works even long after a reboot.
15:21.39jimpNot in my tests.
15:21.42jimpAre you making things up again?
15:21.57jimpYou'll notice that posts like:
15:22.03jimpInclude the phrase:
15:22.10jimp"reboot your phone, open pterminal quickly"
15:22.52SplasPoodwhen I originally discovered the telnetd thing
15:22.56SplasPoodmy phone had been on for a couple days..
15:23.01Disconnecti've never had to reboot to run it. only rebooted once because it wasn't working (the broken shell won't parse /system/bin/telnetd properly - rebooting didn't fix that but cd system ; cd bin did..)
15:23.10SplasPoodbut yea
15:23.18SplasPoodI found I needed to actually be *in* bin to do it
15:23.26Disconnectit also says "type telnetd 2 or 3 times" .. that post is hardly a font of good advice
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15:23.49thoraxetried to do a reset, didn't work
15:23.58thoraxeit's under 14 days so they will exchange it in the store
15:26.53Ez-DvDCan anyone help? I get this error when I try to compile android from source: build/core/ WARNING: adding test OTA key
15:26.54Ez-DvDbuild/core/ implicitly installing apns-conf_sdk.xml
15:26.54Ez-DvDmake: *** No rule to make target `/lib/tools.jar', needed by `out/target/common/docs/framework-timestamp'. Stop.
15:28.46Ez-DvDslackware 12.1 if that makes any difference
15:28.58Ez-DvDjdk 6.0
15:30.55jimpEz-DvD: I don't know, but "/lib/tools.jar" seems to be missing something important before it
15:31.08jimpmaybe check the makefile and see what variable should have been expanded there, then figure out why it's empty
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15:33.38bloopublished the new and working dg SMS Screen Alert
15:35.06jimp## Daemon processes to be run by init.
15:35.06jimpservice console /system/bin/sh console
15:35.21jimpIt's almost certainly my suspicion.
15:35.33jimp/system/bin/sh is spawned on the console by /init.rc !!!
15:35.48jimpThat's awesome.
15:36.03jimp(Also, disconnect, you can suck it.)
15:39.05jimpYes, that is certainly the cause of both the dialer bug and the telnetd bug.
15:39.15jimp"cat /dev/console" on the device clearly shows everything that you type on the keyboard.
15:39.55jimpAnd init.c opens /dev/console and uses it if the open succeeds.
15:39.57wastrelso test in the dialer, touch a file on the file system
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15:40.31jimpwastrel: It's a little tricky because the keyboard mapping isn't right
15:40.45jimpso things like alt don't work, and I can't type a slash
15:41.22jimpyou can even type "reboot" at the lock screen, and it still reboots the phone.
15:42.46wastrelok that is fun
15:42.59*** part/#android Dougie187 (
15:43.05marconeFinally someone figured it out. Too bad really. All that talk about the "magic telnetd" was quite entertaining. :)
15:45.32wastrelok works for me in the dialer, not at the lock screen
15:46.08jimpWell, it's going to be finicky because you have multiple apps trying to read the keyboard at once, I suppose.
15:46.12mattgyver83can you set a hostname for an android device?
15:47.56jimpmattgyver83: not that I'm aware
15:48.57Taunosorry to disturb but but how can I change the divider color in ListView? setting android:divider= to something removes the divider completely
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15:49.14mattgyver83I tried creating a hostname file to put in /etc/ however the folder is read only, can i change that as root temporarily?
15:49.52an_devcan somebody explain me the steps to put my own application in the source code
15:50.08Disconnectmattgyver83: you'll still need to put the infrastructure in place (in the libc) to set/read the hostname
15:50.12marconemattgyver83: what are you trying to achieve? Even if you could make your phone think it had a hostname that way (which I doubt), you still wouldn't be able to reach it by that name, because no DNS would know about it.
15:50.15bloowakelocks r horrible and make me wanna cry
15:54.06neekersdoes tmobile assign the g1 some kind of dynamic ip behind thier proxy?
15:54.42offby1mine is usually 10.something
15:54.57neekerscan you use a dynamic ip service to resolve the phone name?
15:55.10Disconnectits internal
15:55.26jimpwastrel: Aah, I know the reason for the unreliability:  if you type a command like "cat" or anything else that doesn't return, the shell will just hang waiting for the process
15:55.29jimpso future input gets ignored.
15:55.43jimpThat's why you need to do this stuff after reboot, in some cases.
15:56.11pawallsjimp, You're kinda barking up the wrong tree.
15:56.27jimppawalls: explain
15:56.29pawallsjimp, The stuff in init.rc gets started through the "service" binary, which drops privs (among other things)
15:56.53pawallsAt least.. presumably. So just because those services are started via init doesn't mean they continue running as root.
15:56.53jimpNo, it's getting executed by the "init" binary.
15:57.01pawallsjimp, I'm aware of what "init.rc" does.
15:57.14pawallsjimp, I'm saying that they run "service" which is a separate (android specific) binary.
15:57.17Disconnectpawalls: there is a root shell running with uid 0
15:57.23Disconnectand no children
15:57.39jimppawalls: Check the source.  The console command is not run through service or anything else.
15:57.51Disconnect(er, duh, root shell == uid 0 from the redundancy department of redundancy" but anyway..) root     26    1     724   208   c0049a2c afe0c4cc S /system/bin/sh
15:57.55pawallsDisconnect, I see that.
15:58.04pawallsI'm simply saying that because something is run by init doesn't mean it continues to run as init.
15:58.10jimpClearly this shell was started before the service manager
15:58.36pawallsAlso.. a process can fork() and exec() to reparent the process to init.
15:58.46jimpI should just stop arguing and find a channel with people willing to check the source.
15:59.10jimppawalls: Here's the proof.
15:59.15jimpLoad up your phone, get a shell.
15:59.22jimpLook at process list, notice /system/bin/sh running with UID=0.
15:59.29mikez5some people think it is more fun to read objdump output than to use git to check out the source :-)
15:59.31jimpNow check /proc/26/fd and notice how its stdin is mapped to /dev/console.
15:59.43jimpThen use a root shell to verify that "cat /dev/console" shows all keyboard input.
15:59.46jimpViola, I win.
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16:00.49pawallsjimp, And what leads you to believe that the telnetd "exploit" has anything to do w/ that running sh binary?
16:01.07jimppawalls: Damn, everyone's a critic today.  Think about it.  Any time you type any command, it gets executed as root by this shell.
16:01.08jbqjimp: (you actually meant "voila")
16:01.12jimpjbq: clearly :)
16:01.32jimppawalls: It should be obvious that "pterminal" should not have access to even listen to a socket, let alone spawn a root sh.
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16:04.41Disconnects/socket/reserved socket/ but yah. something there is weird. easy test though - does it work w/o pterminal or term? (can you just reboot, type it in and then connect or use pterminal to run ps.)
16:04.58Disconnectis more interested in hacking a working dropbear server right now
16:05.06jimpDisconnect: No, s/socket/socket/.  Dammit, fuck, read the fucking kernel source and the Android-specific additions that prevent sockets from being opened without AID_INET capability.
16:05.59Disconnectso you're saying they gave that capability to "sh"?
16:06.15jimpNo, they gave that capability to uid==0 or gid==AID_INET
16:06.19jimpAnd clearly, a root shell has uid==0.
16:07.14Chainfirejimp> I'm still confused about why telnetd would be executed by this running root sh when started from pTerminal, though
16:07.54jimpChainfire: It's not related to pterminal.  The running root sh picks up everything you type, so it just happens to pick up the same command (if you type it right)
16:08.49blountfive points for gryffindor
16:08.51jimpChainfire: That's why typing "/system/bin/telnetd" doesn't actually work -- the root terminal sees ".system.bin.telnetd" (no Alt mapping) so it fails to run it
16:09.29Chainfireso you can actually run any command as root without starting telnetd if you 'phrase' it correctly?
16:09.29jimpChainfire: hence SplasPood's slightly incorrect conclusion that he needed to type "cd /system/bin" and "telnetd" as two separate commands
16:10.07jimpyeah!  you're just a little limited by the lack of slash, so you can't (for example) just type "sh /sdcard/myscript" and have it execute
16:11.06Chainfirethat is nifty
16:11.27Chainfirethough they'll prolly fix it :(
16:12.03jimpSure, but it's too late now, now that I have root access I won't let them patch my phone without inserting my own backdoor first.
16:12.31blooi give eup i cant get my sms alert app working right
16:13.05Chainfirejimp> yeah but it'll suck for people who get a new device with a new update :D
16:13.10TaunoI'll give up.. can't change the color of dividers in a plain simple ListView it's complaining about finding java 2 runtime enviroment
16:13.18jimpChainfire: Sure
16:13.37Chainfireso now... how do we fix it up to support the / ?
16:13.43offby1Ez-DvD: I think the developers recommend Debian, not gentoo
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16:13.57marconeTauno: how did you try to change it?
16:14.41Taunomarcone, <Tauno>sorry to disturb but but how can I change the divider color in ListView? setting android:divider= to something removes the divider completely
16:14.42Ez-DvDubuntu, and i'm on slackware
16:14.46Chainfirethx for all the info, btw, jimp :)
16:14.50Ez-DvDgives up and installs ubuntu
16:14.58Ez-DvDquad boot for the win!
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16:15.17Taunoandroid:divider="#FF00FF00"  for example..
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16:15.46marconethe divider is a drawable. I don't know if simply putting a color should work
16:15.57ralphtyes, colors are drawables in the XML
16:16.22ralphtbut not in some styles iirc
16:16.37Taunoandroid:divider  - Drawable or color to draw between list items. May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".  May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
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16:17.31Tauno"May be a color value" <-- I understand that I can just use a color value there.. "#xxx"..
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16:17.44marconedid you try setting it in code? (ListView.setDivider)
16:17.50Taunowill try
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16:18.22trigatch4whats up people
16:18.28trigatch4now logged on the web i see
16:18.47trigatch4anything i say or do can be used against me in the robot law
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16:24.55Taunobtw android:divider="@drawable/solid_blue"  and ... <drawable name="solid_blue">#0000ff</drawable>  is not wokring also
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16:26.28Taunosetting it from code is also not working (((ListView)findViewById(;)
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16:28.20Taunothere has to be some simple thing that I miss..
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16:28.42Taunosetting the divider height (((ListView)findViewById(;) is also not helping
16:29.44romainguy_you need to do both
16:29.49romainguy_set the divider's drawable and set its height
16:30.26marconeweird. When I set the divider to a red drawable, and set the divider height to 2, I get a listview with a completely red background.
16:30.56Taunoromainguy_ I do.. 1st line sets height, 2nd one sets drawable
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16:31.08romainguy_the other way around
16:31.17Taunoit .. matters? :)
16:31.21romainguy_yes it does
16:31.50LordMetroidAndroid is a linux-distribution, I haven't really understood what it is...
16:32.12Taunoit worked.. kinda.. all the listview is blue now.. but it's 20px if i scroll it and then returns to all-blue
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16:32.45Taunolet me see if I can get it working from xml too..
16:34.04Taunonope.. android:divider="@drawable/solid_blue"  android:dividerHeight="20px" is not working..
16:34.52LordMetroidIs there any compilers for C or C++ to android?
16:35.11LordMetroidSo Java it is than?
16:35.34wastrelsupposedly JNI works but you'd have to have a java shim to load your native code
16:35.37LordMetroidAlright, cool, I can live with that
16:35.41Taunoromainguy_ the order of color/height calls should be documented I guess... otherwise there will be more guys like me with tears in their eyes because they just spent 1 hour figuring the right order :)
16:35.41plusminus_anyone knows a RemoteDesktop-Host sowtware ?
16:35.50wastrelbut jni isn't supported and may break in upgrades
16:36.18Tauno..and I still can't get it working from XML :/
16:36.47wastreljoakime: good link thx
16:37.21joakimewastrel, it's a bit dated, but still relevant to the question.
16:37.33LordMetroidIs there any figures on how many android phones that has been sold?
16:37.47DannyBwe have sold at least 1 phone
16:37.54DannyBsan bought it
16:37.58Chainfirelast number I saw was 2.5M
16:38.19sgrabhamhas anyone found an easy GUI tool for creating layouts for a GUI windows. is any thing for eclipse IDE.
16:38.35joakimewastrel, i found that link on the one about JNI (from 2007!!) -
16:39.51RyeBryeI don't think 2.5M is correct - I thought I saw T-mobile was expected to sell 600k by the end of 2008
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16:39.56DannyBi cried when i discovered how hard it is to make the UI seriously inconsistent
16:40.16RyeBryeYeah, didn't they learn a thing from swing's PLAF?
16:40.46cbeust_As in: nobody uses the PLAF?
16:41.00RyeBryeYeah, pretty much :)
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16:41.56sjschultzehas anybody worked on making changes to the root filesystem on the phone and having them preserved on reboot?
16:42.19TaunoDannyB yeah, it's damn hard if you HAVE to do it but you can't just figure out how..
16:42.23LordMetroidAlright, not as many units on the market as the iPhone yet... But will it be possible to make money off android software even though?
16:42.35DannyBwhy do you *have* to do it?
16:42.46TaunoI'm only a code monkey ;)
16:42.57jimpsjschultze: site seems down right now, but I think  had some info on it
16:43.12sgrabhamdoes anyone know if the USB interface can be used on the HTC G1, if so can someone give the url for source code.
16:43.44jimpsgrabham: used by what, for what?
16:43.50sjschultzedid it involve editing a ramdisk stored somewhere in special memory or something along those lines?  It seems like the root fs is being overwritten from an undisclosed location upon boot.
16:44.08jimpsgrabham: certainly it can be used as mass storage pretty easily, that's a built-in feature.  as well as the adb stuff.
16:44.21Disconnectsjschultze: root is wiped during reboot. /system and /data are better.
16:44.23jimpsjschultze: Yeah, / itself should be an initramfs in the kernel image.
16:44.42sgrabhamwould like to use like a RS232 with hyperterm type of data input
16:44.52sjschultzeDisconnect: right, but you have to change / if you want to change certain things like init.rc
16:45.11ahaberlachoBluetooth Serial?
16:45.12jimpsgrabham: Hook a USB->serial gadget up to the G1?  I'm not sure that's possible, does G1 have OTG?
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16:45.18jimpBluetooth serial is a good idea.
16:45.24Disconnectyah :( the image is available tho iirc
16:45.48TaunoDannyB, there's not much room for me to say "hey, the app is all-green/yellow but I really can't change the divider color to match the overall design of the app.. and by the way the overall design is seriously inconsistent.."
16:45.56sjschultzeDisconnect: available, like you can somehow access it on the device?
16:46.01Disconnecti believe so
16:46.11sjschultzehm, well that would be cool
16:46.13sgrabhamI don't have a G1 yet so unsure, still using the SDK app
16:46.38jimpsjschultze: The initramfs is typically just a gzipped cpio archive tacked onto the end of the kernel.
16:46.48jimpYou could pull the kernel out of flash, change that image, and flash it back.
16:47.10sjschultzeah, I haven't accessed flash at all, do tools exist?
16:47.26jimpSure, cat /dev/mtdblock1 :)
16:47.52jimpThe post at xda-developers gives useful info, too bad the site's down at the moment
16:48.18ralphtso does anyone have mtdtools compiled against bionic?
16:48.31jimpBasically you can zero out a partition then use /system/bin/flash_image to write to it.
16:48.56jimp"cat /proc/mtd" to get partition names
16:49.01Disconnectjimp: there was a statement from google at one point that the bootloader checked kernel sig when booting (although that could be misinformation of course) .. anyone actually tried flashing a non-htc kernel yet?
16:49.34jimpThen, "cat /dev/zero > /dev/mtd2 ; flash_image boot mykernel.img" might do the trick
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16:49.53jimpDisconnect: I think that guy at the link successfully changed his recovery kernel
16:51.57Disconnectoh and nail in the coffin for the "its not pid 26" people: look at the ppid of telnetd. (oops, its 26) (and yes, i just tried from the dialer successfully. cd system<CR>cd bin<CR>telnetd worked)
16:52.59Disconnectso there are two huge wtf's here.. first is wtf did they ship telnetd to begin with.. should have caught it in the rootfs audit. second is wtf did they allow it to run a root console? should have caught it in the process audit. both of which should have happened a long time before it went gold..
16:53.00d0netshey im looking at this guitar tuner source
16:53.08d0netswhat do i do if theres stuff that isnt in the android library
16:53.10cworthjimp: Nice work.
16:53.16cworthjimp: One whopper of a bug here.
16:53.36jimpcworth: thanks, yeah, I'm still laughing about it
16:53.42andyrossIs there a writeup for how that works?  I'm still not clear on how telnetd gets its privilege elevation.  (And to be fair, this still doesn't work for me, although I didn't spend any time on it last night)
16:53.53Disconnectd0nets: port it
16:54.02d0netslike in "" , it has a bunch of "import.javax.sound.*'s
16:54.04jimpandyross: I figured it out before you joined
16:54.14d0netslike javax.sound.samplesd.AudoFormat;
16:54.30Disconnectandyross: i sum up. init spawns pid 26 /system/bin/sh as root. it listens to console (so it reads kb input but not alt/shift/etc).
16:54.34d0nets"   ".AudioInputStream;
16:54.44d0nets" ". AudioSystem;
16:55.02*** join/#android jexe_ (
16:55.28Disconnectandyross: so when you type "/system/bin/telnetd" it reads ".system.bin.telnetd" and nothing happens. but "cd system" "cd bin" "telnetd" all work. so even though the one int he terminal exits (its not forking, its exiting, no priv elevation) the one @ pid26 runs it.
16:55.37*** join/#android haxi (
16:55.55cworthandyross: No real escalation at all. It's just getting launched by a root shell, (not by pterminal).
16:55.57Disconnectdo it without terminal, too. try "cd .." a few times, then "cd system" "cd bin" "telnetd" from (eg) dialer. or a notepad app.
16:56.04andyrossOh, wait wait.  You type it on the *phone* keyboard.  I'd completely misunderstood this and was trying it from an adb shell
16:56.12jimpandyross: Yep
16:56.26cworthandyross: Right. Will never work from the adb shell.
16:56.39cworth(Which does explain how some people couldn't get the telnet thing to work.)
16:56.51jimpAlso, for what it's worth, it's not possible for a rogue Android app to root your phone automatically (which was one of my concerns)
16:57.05andyrossYeah.  I heard "just run /system/bin/telnetd" and figured I'd run it the only way I knew how.
16:57.05cworthjimp: Yeah. This is ideal, really.
16:57.21cworthA way for people with physical access to get root, but nobody else.
16:57.32andyrossWhich, frankly, is exactly what we want anyway.
16:57.37cworth(Barring social-engineering hacks to get people to type in funny things on the keyboard...)
16:57.53andyrossAnd of course now I'm not on a wifi network so I can't test.  Does telnetd listen on by any chance?
16:58.00wastrela typing tutor game
16:58.35cworthandyross: I heard someone say it does, but I haven't tested.
16:58.39jimpandryross - INADDR_ANY i presume
16:58.49*** part/#android tsunami (
16:58.52cworthwastrel: Ooh. You're evil. Think of the children learning to type! ;-)
16:58.54andyrossThere's an adb port forward, isn't there?
16:59.04Disconnectyes tcp        0      0   *              LISTEN
16:59.25jimpandyross: although you don't need telnetd.  Make a shell script somewhere, then just type "cd .." "cd .." "cd data" "cd local" "sh script"
16:59.38jimpshould work if all those keypresses make it to /dev/console cleanly
16:59.58Disconnectexplains reboot, too. you were prolly in /system/bin already.
17:00.31pawallsI imagine someone is already busy cross-compiling 'su' and dropping it (setuid 0) onto the system image. Having telnet running on an open network isn't exactly what I'd call "ideal". :-)
17:00.59Disconnecti'm working the other way - hacking the auth bits out of dropbear
17:01.00andyrossbingo: "adb forward tcp:9988 tcp:23", "telnet localhost 9988"
17:01.06andyrossI'm in :)
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17:03.19cworthjimp: So has anyone documented the simplest way to ensure root access doesn't magically disappear some day?
17:03.37cworthSay, like just disabling the auto-update or so.
17:03.46Disconnectcworth: move out of /etc/security
17:03.51Disconnectand don't do manual flashing
17:03.53andyrossHard to ensure without a reflash of the boot loader.  For a start, how about a setuid shell binary somewhere in /data
17:03.54sjschultzepawalls: busybox has sh
17:04.05Disconnectthere might be another backdoor somewhere but thats the easy ones
17:04.19Disconnectandyross: /data is mounted nosuid
17:04.27andyrossAh, that's harder then :)
17:04.41trigatch4anyone have an opinion on the "Anti-Virus" application that was announced?
17:05.18d0netsthey are saying no java sound api
17:05.24Disconnecttrigatch4: lol
17:05.27Disconnectd0nets: i'm not writing your app for you, go away.
17:05.41d0netsim not asking you to
17:05.49cbeust_trigatch4: ask them what viruses they protect you from...
17:05.53sjschultzepwalls: also
17:07.20jimpanyway, i'm heading out, later guys
17:07.28raidfiveDoes anyone know if you can embed GPS info in pictures taken using the Camera API ?
17:07.57danfuzzfwiw, the shipping camera app does just that, i'm pretty sure
17:08.41raidfiveyea I noticed that
17:08.49Disconnectraidfive: it can i believe, but it doesn't seem to have as much success as i'd like (nokia betalabs had an app to do that that spoiled me - better about remembering locations, lit up for a gps fix as soon as you open the camera, etc)
17:08.50raidfivethat is why I am asking about the API
17:08.56danfuzzrecommends you refer to the source
17:10.18danfuzztwo possible outcomes: (a) you will discover it uses something in the public API, in which case you can just use it. (b) you will discover that it uses non-public API in which case you would be advised to file a bug to get it finalized for public consumption
17:10.28SplasPoodwin goto 2
17:11.49streeterI figured out why I couldn't get any internet access. tmob forgot to put the data plan on my phone
17:12.10wastrelstreeter: were you able to get gmail/calendar?
17:12.11danfuzzdidn't leave the store until he verified data was working
17:12.14SplasPoodwow so *thats* why it runs as root
17:12.57cworth1. "boot phone" 2. open keyboard 3. type "telnetd"
17:13.08streeterwastrel: I'm not sure. I think that was only working when I was WiFi connected
17:13.09cworthThat really is the funniest thing.
17:13.39cworthAnd much easier than installing pterminal, etc.
17:14.03streeterdanfuzz: ordered mine online. they don't show up in the stores here til the 15th (that's when we're supposed to get 3G)
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17:14.15danfuzzah righto
17:14.32SplasPoodthis is a riot
17:14.47andyrossSo who's crawled around the root environment so far?  Is the /system device reflashable, for example?  There are device files for two flash partitions that aren't mounted.  What's in them?  Are they reflashable? etc...  I have more questions than I have time to investigate myself.
17:14.49raidfiveCan I browse the source code online or do I have to download it?
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17:14.55RyeBryeandyross - yes, it is
17:15.23danfuzzbrowse source: <>
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17:15.36cworthandyross: There's a forum post with flashing instructions and a brief mention of each partition. That should get put into the wiki.
17:15.38raidfivethanks danfuzz
17:15.40Chainfiredocuments the flashing...
17:15.43Chainfirebut xda is down right now.
17:15.51danfuzzthough it's so easy to download that i'd recommend going that route
17:15.54andyrossWhich explains why that link you posted doesn't work :)
17:16.06danfuzzthen you can use all your happy local tools. (grep is my friend)
17:16.15trigatch4jasta: you around?
17:16.28trigatch4k gonna MSG you
17:17.15Chainfireandyross> xda is not normally down for more than an hour when it goes down... so just save the link somewhere and try later :)
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17:18.09chxhello world. anyone tried running a LAMP stack on the G1?
17:18.10RyeBryeChainfire - there is a caveat emptor about the dumping of the partitions via mtd - we need to made damn sure that it dumps everything you'd need to recover it... and if you are trying to recover that it actually works... (i.e. no problems if there are bad blocks that don't line up... etc)
17:18.36RyeBryeI wont run MySQL on my phone any time soon
17:18.45Disconnectchx: you should do it, it'll rock. first you have to port apache to java. then you have to port over php. and finally, you need to port mysql..
17:19.15Chainfirechx> waiting for your download :D
17:19.15joeloneDid anybody build an hello-world using prebuilt toolchain successfully? Got some issue with the PATH setting:
17:19.35chxuh oh
17:19.36ChainfireRyeBrye true that... but give it a bit of time... :)
17:20.21RyeBryeAnyone know how to dump the ram out of the pmem /dev devices? dd if=/dev/pmem of=/sdcard/dump fails...
17:22.23cworthjoelone: printf hello, world? Yes.
17:22.31mikez5wonders who will be first to brick their phone
17:22.49cworthjoelone: I put notes on that here:
17:23.00andyrossjoelone: it's much more complicated than that.  The prebuilt tools don't integrate with bionic, you need to specify a ton of custom include and linker options to make them work.  There's a wrapper script I wrote at which works for me.  Not terribly easy though.
17:23.04cworth(Thanks to anyross for the agcc script that does the hard stuff.)
17:23.10joeloneThanks cworth.
17:23.16cworthandyross even
17:23.20andyrossOh, heh.  Apparently it's already linked :)  Never mind.
17:23.29cworthandyross: We try! ;-)
17:23.30joelonethx andross 2 ;/
17:24.37andyrossNote that this is a hack: the right solution is to build a toolchain for a new "arm-eabi-bionic" target that understands all of this stuff.  No doubt that's on google's plate for the upcoming native SDK...
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17:25.36andyrossAnd I didn't spend much time figuring out what's important.  Lots of those options are probably chaff (like special warning flags -- if they don't complain for the bionic headers, they can be dropped).
17:26.22joeloneYes, try to build a NDK before, but the hello-world compiled with my NDK didn't work on emulator.
17:26.55joeloneSo I try to compile it with prebuilt one
17:27.21andyrossThat's because the C library for Android isn't glibc, or even uclibc.  It doesn't even use the standard ld-linux runtime linker.
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17:28.19cworthrewrites that wiki page for a bit more clarity
17:28.36cworthandyross: Feel free to add your ideas for an arm-eabi-bionic target there
17:28.45joeloneIn the prebuilt toolchain folder, it said The objects in this prebuilt directory can be rebuilt using the source archive android-toolchain-20081019.tar.bz2
17:28.51joeloneThe objects in this prebuilt directory can be rebuilt
17:28.52joeloneusing the source archive
17:29.09joelonehosted at <>
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17:30.16blooso who wants to hire me?
17:30.31ionstormwhat is the key combo to reboot
17:30.34joeloneIf we don't have the toolchain with bionic libc, how can we write JNI?
17:30.45marconebloo: depends. What do you do?
17:30.46andyrossYou can't
17:30.53joeloneDoes JNI work without bionic libc?
17:30.57blooengineer software!
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17:31.46marconeme too!
17:31.55Chainfirewhat a coincidence!
17:32.05fadden0So much in common.
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17:37.21kRutOnI engineer new planets.
17:37.53kRutOnAnyone have a terraforming project they want to hire me for?
17:38.12marconeno, but you can tile my living room floor for me
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17:38.29kRutOnclose enough
17:38.41marconecome to think of it, my front yard could use some terraforming
17:38.47cworthbacks up each flash partition, sets aside, and goes out for the day
17:38.49cworthThanks all.
17:39.11Disconnectjoelone: look at the mandelbrot zoomer app, it uses jni and works on the device
17:39.17kRutOnmarcone: If we place a volcano in the back, we can save energy since you won't need to mow the lawn or clean the house.
17:43.00blooi cant figure out how the api demo for a non full screen activity works
17:43.01marconekRutOn: I'd appreciate it if you could put the volcano in my neighbor's yard. As close to their house as possible.
17:43.38SanMehatis glad he doesnt live near marcone
17:44.04marconebloo: what do you mean?
17:44.45bloolike i dont see whats making it not full screen
17:45.07bloothe layout is one textview
17:45.47bloobut somehow its a default theme and not fullscreen
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17:46.39thoraxeok got my phone replaced
17:46.43thoraxescreen was definitely dead
17:47.15unix_lappyhow long is the warranty on the G1's, a year?
17:47.46thoraxei guess, i was still within t-mobile's 14-day "buyer's remorse" window
17:47.48marconebloo: it's because the Activity's theme is set to look like a dialog. That makes it not fullscreen. Look in the AndroidManifest.xml for android:theme="@style/Theme.CustomDialog"
17:47.50thoraxeso they just did an exchange
17:47.56andyrossbloo: I'm not an expert on the UI-level stuff, but fullscreenness is a property of the window object, not the activity or view.
17:48.20marconeactually, it *is* a property of the Activity in this case
17:48.43unix_lappythoraxe: hmm.
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17:49.00bloooh marcone thanks you are a genius
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17:49.17andyrossNo, I mean in code.  The Activity contains a Window, which has flags that control size.  I'm sure there's a way to do it in the resource XML, I'm just talking about where I'd start looking if I had to answer the question.
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17:54.02Disconnectyay! most of the way to working dropbear. connections work, auth works. just gotta clean up the session creation.
17:54.07Disconnectexit after auth (root): couldn'tchange user as non-root
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17:55.28bloosomeone wants my sms screen alert to have the option to stay on indefinately
17:56.35blooi dont understand the reasoning behind it
17:56.38Disconnectthats not a terrible idea if it also beeps/notifies periodically
17:56.54Disconnectbloo: its 3am, your pager just went off. you wake up and the screen is off so you go back to sleep...
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17:57.05blooindefinately means goodbye battery
17:57.16RyeBryeindefinitely if plugged in?
17:57.17blooyou can set it to 99 seconds awake though
17:57.29bloomaybe if plugged in is a good idea
17:57.32bloorye, thanks!
17:59.13blooi thought there was an option to do that though in settings, maybe just flick that on or off?
17:59.34Disconnectwooooohooo working ssh!
17:59.35dgilmoreis there anyway on a G1 to get a serial console from the bootloader?
17:59.47sjschultzeDisconnect: nice, tunnel time
17:59.49Disconnectpasswd is hardcoded and it drops you to uid2000 (but thats what suid shell is for..)
18:00.13mikez5dgilmore: yes with a special cable.  But it is probably disabled in the production bootloader.
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18:00.49sjschultzeso can someone help me with this one... feeling stupid but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong:
18:00.51sjschultze# busybox mount /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system/flashmount
18:00.51dgilmoremikez5: :(  ok.  mine is dead.
18:00.51sjschultzemount: mounting /dev/block/mtdblock1 on /system/flashmount failed: Invalid argument
18:01.13dgilmorei was hoping to see if i could get some debug info before it goes back
18:01.22LordMetroid$25 to get on the android market... yeewww
18:01.33P2ELordMetroid: how so?
18:01.33LordMetroidDoes it costs to get on to the iPhone market as well?
18:01.44RyeBryeIt costs your soul, from what I remember
18:01.52P2Eoh, do you mean to get your application onto?
18:01.53Disconnectsjschultze: fs type?
18:01.57LordMetroidI see, than $25 don't seem so bad all of a sudden
18:02.11Disconnectsjschultze: if you have busybox installed run 'dmesg'
18:02.12andyrossI hear Windows Mobile takes your first born child.
18:02.20RyeBryeYeah. The soul thing is burried under page 103,387,989 of the NDA Apple has to develop on the iPhone
18:02.46andyrossTo be fair: the iPhone mess has apparently cleaned up a lot in the wake of the G1 release.  Competition is a good thing.
18:02.53mikez5dgilmore: did it die from natural causes, or doing fun stuff as root?
18:03.05andyrossDisconnect: there's a dmesg on the phone already, no need for busybox for that
18:03.19sjschultze[ 4682.710289] msm_nand_read_oob: unsupported ops->len, 512
18:03.19sjschultze[ 4682.710900] end_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock1, sector 0
18:03.19sjschultze[ 4682.713606] FAT: unable to read boot sector
18:03.19sjschultze[ 4682.715223] yaffs: dev is 32505857 name is "mtdblock1"
18:03.20sjschultze[ 4682.715773] yaffs: passed flags ""
18:03.20sjschultze[ 4682.716597] yaffs: Attempting MTD mount on 31.1, "mtdblock1"
18:03.21sjschultze[ 4682.717115] yaffs: auto selecting yaffs2
18:03.23sjschultze[ 4682.742507] yaffs: dev is 32505857 name is "mtdblock1"
18:03.25sjschultze[ 4682.742507] yaffs: passed flags ""
18:03.27sjschultze[ 4682.742507] yaffs: Attempting MTD mount on 31.1, "mtdblock1"
18:03.29sjschultzesorry for the flood
18:03.31Disconnectsjschultze: no no no no nono no no nono no
18:03.55Disconnectand mtdblock1 might not be a fat or yaffs partition
18:03.59dgilmoremikez5: it died while i was viewing a photo id taken
18:04.30LordMetroidHmm, maybe one should develop some software for Android...
18:04.31dgilmoremikez5: right after that the home app locked up.
18:04.33blooanyone interested in a quick launcher like quicksilver on the pc/osx
18:04.47andyrossThe "unsupported ops->len, 512" error kinda sounds to me like a driver configuration issue.  Trying a hard drive block size on a flash device maybe doesn't work?  Is there a mount option that specifies block size?
18:04.56dgilmoremikez5: then on reboot home locked up.  now i get just the backlight on
18:05.06dgilmoremikez5: im guessing the nand failed
18:05.36P2Eso, speaking of all of this fun terminal business
18:05.53P2Eall I have is pterminal, is there a better option without being a developer
18:06.02sjschultzeyes, Term.apk
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18:06.26P2Eok. where can I get it?
18:06.40dgilmorewants to be able to run the phone as a wifi ap. and share out the net connection with the laptop
18:06.43P2Eenable unknown apps, drag and drop it anywhere special?
18:06.54neerhajDisconnect: ssh working ?
18:06.59sjschultzenope, it should just work
18:07.16sjschultze*(reply to P2E)
18:07.22neerhajwhere do u blog ?
18:07.27Disconnecti don't
18:07.31P2Eok. but in terms of getting it onto the phone, just the root of the sdcard, or?
18:07.50neerhajDisconnect: mind sharing the steps ?
18:07.53sjschultzeyou can go to the url on the phone, download the apk, and then click on it from the downloads and tell it to install
18:08.00andyrossOr just "adb install"
18:08.02sjschultzebut yes, probably save to root of sdcard first
18:08.13Disconnectjust had to hack auth to death. i'll post a bin later today prolly.
18:08.40sjschultzeso anyone have any other clues for filesystem types I should try for mounting mtdblock1?
18:08.54sjschultzeI'm using busybox mount... dunno what all it supports
18:08.55Disconnectits probably a data area, or the kenrel.
18:09.01Disconnectin fact, its almost certainly the kenrnel
18:10.06Disconnectand its not about what mount supports, its about what the kernel supports (cat /proc/filesystems)
18:10.06sjschultzeah, so trying to mount that is like trying to mount lilo?  Am I getting the analogy correct?
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18:11.24Disconnectclose enough
18:11.30Disconnectmore like /boot/vmlinuz but sure
18:12.04sjschultzeand we don't have a lilo-like tool for updating the partition, I'm assuming
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18:13.02Disconnectits not a partition. if you want an analogy to normal linux, its /boot/vmlinuz (a file) and /boot/init.rd (a file) smooshed together. the bootloader (mtdblock0 most likely) loads it and runs the kernel.
18:13.29spikebikeI just tested my g1 bandwidth on wifi
18:13.32spikebike6mbit ;-)
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18:13.38RyeBryethe bootloader isn't mtdblock0 - the bootloader config is in mtdblock0 but we can't see the bootloader
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18:13.49RyeBryeit's in it's own little world
18:14.14andyrossFWIW, it's entirely possible that the first-stage bootloader runs on the baseband core.
18:15.29sjschultzeI see, so we could potentially flash mtdblock1 and when xda-developers comes back up maybe that thread will have the instructions
18:15.57Disconnectexcept chances are at least decent that bootloader will look for signed kernel
18:16.28spikebikeI'd be happy to be able to have an unsigned initrd ;-)
18:16.55andyrossAlthough if we can reflash /system, all that needs to happen is (1) never accept an OTA update, (2) someone caches the update file and repacks a "with root" /system image, (3) the hacker public reflashes with that instead.
18:17.29spikebikethat would be cool
18:17.30sjschultzespikebike: yes, agreed
18:17.37andyrossSo it might not be possible to recover a phone that's been updated to a fixed version, but features *in* those updates should still be accessible.  At least as long as the update files continue to be unencrypted zips -- they could change that too, of course.
18:17.50Disconnect..maybe we shouldn't give them ideas?
18:17.57Disconnectno matter how badly they need them.
18:18.04andyrossThey're smart enough to figure that out on their own.   Google, remember? :)
18:18.11spikebikewell I don't think google wants to lock it down more than necessary, after all the source is open
18:18.19spikebiketmo on the other hand
18:18.19Disconnecti've got a semi-private channel here and i'll set up an invite-only forum later if needed
18:18.45Disconnectandyross: erm. they made 4 -huge- unforgivable security errors on this thing. lets not do their security consulting for them...
18:18.47spikebikedenying update checks should be relatively eas
18:19.21andyrossSome very smart people have made "unforgivable" security errors.  It just happens.  All the time, in fact.  Whole-system security is insanely hard.
18:19.25spikebikethe kernel has iptables
18:19.34spikebikeheh, yeah, not to mention they were kinda rushed
18:19.41mikez5My personal opinion is: 1) we don't want remote exploits that could be used by malicious apps or web sites, and 2) a lot of people bricking their phones and trying to return them at the TMo store.
18:19.56RyeBryeI agree
18:20.01RyeBryeIf I brick my phone, I'd not return it
18:20.04Disconnect"What files should we include?" "What daemons are running?" .. super core things that should have been done -months- before the release. probably even before any engineering devices went out to non-google employees..
18:20.07RyeBryeI'd have my wife do it
18:20.16spikebikeon the other hand a few risks to allow reflashing /system would be worth it
18:20.18Disconnect"Does this security policy allow for basic use cases?" (such as backups)
18:21.23blooapps should support a backup_intent maybe
18:21.34blooand restore
18:21.37ahaberlachoMy wife would get annoyed pretty quick if I asked her to take my device back to T-Mo to get it fixed.  :)
18:21.38andyrossDisconnect: the bug here was almost unavoidable.  The system starts with a shell, and that shell reads from the console.  Duh.  Someone else wired up the console code, and figured that it should read from the keyboard.  Again, duh.  Those are no brainers in most circumstances -- it's actually hard to imagine a security audit that *would* catch this.l
18:21.39RyeBryeIsn't is already confirmed that the telnetd thing is not an exploit that can be exploited remotely?
18:22.12Disconnectandyross: a simple list of what is running after boot should have caught that. "whats this shell doing running as root? it has no children."
18:22.40joeloneI'm back, thanks Disconnect
18:22.46RyeBryeIt's not a bug, it's a feature!
18:23.02andyrossIsn't that shell the init process?  Maybe not, I haven't checked.
18:23.05RyeBryeI like being able to type "reboot" while android is pulsing :)
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18:23.37wastrelyou like to play with your pulsing android
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18:24.05andyrossBut again: this exact problem (i.e. boot your linux box to single user mode) isn't considered a "security" flaw on desktop computers because no one looks at the person sitting at the console as a threat.  That model changes in the mobile world, and this just slipped through.
18:24.12Disconnecthas done embedded-linux security audits before. The basics like that don't take any time at all and prevent a LOT of problems later.
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18:24.44RyeBryeMost embedded devices have some kind of exploit on the first revision
18:24.48Disconnectandyross: that shell is parented by init (regardless of how its started, although pid 27 or 26 means its probably started by init..) and has no children
18:25.24Disconnecteither way. i'm just suggesting that if you want to -keep- root on your devices, perhaps its not the best idea to be pointing out all the things google/tmob could do to close it out.
18:25.27SplasPoodthis ACTION blah stuff is...  BLAH
18:25.57RyeBryeAgreed. No more trying to prove you are smarter than google by saying how you would mess with us all
18:26.06Chainfirewell one could argue that reminding them again and again may eventually allow them to just do it out-of-the-box?
18:26.10andyrossAgain, google engineers are plenty smart enough to figure this out on their own.  Exploit engineering that relies on stupid upstream developers is fragile. :)
18:26.37Disconnectwoohoo my dbclient works also
18:26.46SplasPoodI agree with andy here..
18:26.57Disconnectandyross: sure. but why help?
18:27.10RyeBryedbclient is part of the normal android build - they just rename it "ssh" - but it sits in the external directory
18:27.18RyeBrye(not on the phone, but in the open source build)
18:27.32Chainfirewhere's the phone build, btw?
18:27.38Disconnectthere are a bunch of simple ways to prevent this from happening (and even close off the hole thats there) but i'm not planning on giving them a roadmap. (at least not w/o an eng device to play with myself..)
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18:28.04DisconnectRyeBrye: yah but i was concerned that this one would be broken since i had to hack on dropbear to get sshd working. its not broken, so i'm happy.
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18:28.18RyeBryeDisconnect - that's good
18:30.11Disconnectshould prolly see if public key auth can be used in any reasonable way. but first, lunch
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18:38.20anno^da_Godód evening
18:38.28anno^da_Could someone extend the email app with a possibility to use GnuPG for email encryption? :-)
18:40.09bloook so i have a slight problem and it probably comes from a lack of knowledge about how activities work
18:40.25blooim doing startactivity, and i run the activity
18:40.36bloobut now whenever i hit the keyboard shortcut to my software
18:40.43bloothe activity i ran pops up
18:40.51blooinstead of my program
18:41.19digitalspaghettiso guys, i'm trying to still understand some stuff about android
18:41.55digitalspaghettifor example, can i write a app that ties into the browser, and when you hold your finger on the page, it can bring up a Share menu (i.e. delicious, magnolia, reddit, etc)
18:42.03digitalspaghettiwould that be an intent?
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18:43.45ionstormwhat wifi chipset is used on the g1
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18:45.39digitalspaghettidoesn't say there, but the link might have more info
18:45.41joeloneHi andyross, could take a look at this?
18:46.02joeloneI got some error msg by using agcc
18:48.00thoraxeis there an ipsec vpn client yet? :)
18:48.17andyrossYour input source file seems to be named "hello", not "hello.o" or "hello.c".
18:48.34LordMetroidHmm, google only produced the OS and not the phone itself, how's that going to play out in the future, I fear the OS will not have as good levy as the iPhone has
18:48.50thoraxeLordMetroid: how does Windows play out?
18:48.55Disconnectthoraxe: i'll prolly do openvpn once i get a cross toolchain that talks to bionic instead of just building everything static
18:49.00Disconnectthoraxe: ..poorly
18:49.13thoraxeDisconnect: yes, but you're overlooking the point
18:49.21P2Erandom non-development question, does anyone have any good leads on getting my vcards in from my other phone?
18:49.21thoraxethe operating system is just the standard around which hardware can be produced
18:49.38thoraxelinux, windows, macos (to some degree) -- they don't relaly have anything to do with the hardware
18:49.47thoraxethat hasn't stopped awesome hardware from coming out
18:49.49LordMetroidthoraxe: Of course that OS is going strong but it is another kind of market, users decide on that and not the mobile phone producers
18:50.02thoraxeLordMetroid: and users don't decide on mobile phones now?
18:50.02ionstormdamn that link has nothing about the g1 wifi chipset
18:50.13LordMetroidOf course they do
18:50.25thoraxeso what's your point?
18:50.51LordMetroidBut from a user perspective the phone and OS is not seperate like it is in windows and the PC-system
18:50.54thoraxethink about it this way -- android allows mobilephone manufacturers to concentrate on hardware development instead of hardware AND software development, so it saves them a ton of money
18:51.13thoraxeLordMetroid: from the user perpective for 90+% of computer users the OS is not separate
18:51.53digitalspaghettiplus you don't need to write games and apps that target variations in the java vm for mobile
18:51.56jimpionstorm: It's a TI 1251.  Check the source.
18:52.04digitalspaghettiyou have one, standard, java platform that you can sell on
18:52.23LordMetroiddigitalspaghetti: that is indeed a beneficial aspect of it all
18:52.38digitalspaghettiso the choice in device actually becomes the primary focus for a customer
18:52.50digitalspaghettibecause it'll be the choice of asthetics and comfort
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18:54.07digitalspaghettifor me it was a simple choice - I am not a mac user, I am open source and use google applications to handle my main email - so the google OS swung me
18:54.48digitalspaghettithe hardware i didn't care about so much, but having touch screen and gps are nice
18:54.56LordMetroidDo complex games have a market for mobile phone markets or is it mainly puzzleish games that sell?
18:55.16bloomainly puzzlish and rpgs
18:55.17digitalspaghettibut in the end, most customers won't care except if it can take photos and play music, as well as act as a phone
18:55.18blooi think
18:55.40digitalspaghettiLordMetroid: Nokia tried with the nGage - that didn't work out well for them
18:55.52blooanyway to disable home key or absorb it?
18:56.00LordMetroidnGage was a total flop
18:56.01RyeBryebloo - toddler lock does
18:56.10digitalspaghettibut i think the power wasn't there - moore's law dictates that the g1 should probably be as good as the PSP now, though
18:56.13RyeBryebloo - toddler lock disables everything but the power key, so there has to be a way
18:56.29blooooooo that sounds awesome
18:57.13bloohow to figure it out though ,....
18:57.26andyrossThe nGage was Series 60.  'nuff said.
18:57.50bloono special permissions modify global settings, change wifi, prevent phone from sleeping,
18:58.07thoraxelook at the iphone / ipod touch games though
18:58.10thoraxethey are fairly advanced
18:58.26thoraxei think you will see more of a market for mobile device games as the power of mobile devices comes up
18:58.40thoraxeandroid is also still very new, it will take time for people to exploit its features
18:58.46thoraxethe first iphone games were probably crappy too
18:58.50andyrossYeah, some games along those lines would be really nice for android.  It's hardware 3D is comparable.
18:58.52digitalspaghettiso glad i didn't buy an openmoko in the end :)
18:59.26andyrossI have the OpenGL experience and a native build environment.  But no art or game design skills. :(
19:00.07LordMetroidSo how do one access the 3d? is JOGL available in Android's Java?
19:00.11digitalspaghettii have the design skill, but no java experience (although I code Python & Actionscript 3 so I have an idea of whats goign on, just not where to start)
19:00.38Disconnectdigitalspaghetti: the problem is (reading back) that its going into walmart without the ability to take decent photos or play music :/
19:01.23Disconnectand fyi scripting isn't gonna help much learning java :( it won't hurt (much) but..
19:01.37digitalspaghettii'd like my first app to either utlilise the GPS + Fire Eagle or Brightkite in some way, or adding delicious sharing the browser - probably the first will be easier
19:01.53joeloneandyross, you caught me,thanks
19:02.14digitalspaghettiDisconnect: i have some c/c++ experience from back in the day, plus PHP, JavaScript and HaXe
19:02.24Disconnectthat'll help a lot more :)
19:03.10digitalspaghettii've looked at the app source for some things and i can see what it's doing, it's just learning the syntax and semantics of java and getting time to do it in the context of learning android's API too
19:03.14andyrossLordMetroid: yes, check out the DemoApi's code.  There is an OpenGL ES 1.0 core (an ATI Imageon, AFAICT) on the phone.
19:03.26Disconnectdigitalspaghetti: head first java is an awesome learning book
19:03.45digitalspaghettii#ve got one java book...
19:04.02andyrossFWIW, if you're just coming up to speed as a developer, games and graphics programming are probably a poor place to start.
19:04.25digitalspaghettiDietel & Dietel Java: How To Program, but i think it's a bit old
19:05.01digitalspaghettiyea, only covers java 2, 1.2 (about 1999)
19:06.02digitalspaghettialthough it'll probably cover the basic's well enough (OO, control structures, etc)
19:06.05Disconnectyah mine were that old also :) so get head first java, its really nice
19:06.30Disconnectyou'll find its not so useful. -lots- has changed.
19:06.36andyrossMy Java fu was 7 years old, so I picked up a copy of Bloch's "Effective Java" to come up to speed on the new stuff.  It didn't make me dislike the environment any less, but it's a good book, with dense (!) and insightful content.  Recommended.
19:06.41Disconnect(think wfw3.11 programming vs vista)
19:06.45digitalspaghettiO'Reilly one?
19:07.30Disconnecthead first uses the same modern teaching methods as 'dummies' and all that, only with actual content instead of entire chapters devoted to why power strips should not be plugged into themselves.
19:07.32digitalspaghettiyou all using Eclipse as well?  I see there is a plugin for IntelliJ, but I don't know if it's for 1.0 sdk
19:07.34Disconnectit moves pretty fast
19:08.15andyrosswouldn't be caught dead using one of those I.D.E things all these young'uns are talking about.
19:08.41digitalspaghettiDisconnect: 2nd Edition (2005) ?
19:08.56digitalspaghettiandyross is oldskool command line ;)
19:09.25digitalspaghettiyou code in Vi, don't you ;)
19:09.39andyrossEmacs.  Although I've been known to switch hit on occasion.
19:09.39faddenuses vi
19:09.39thoraxeandyross: my ide is vim :)
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19:10.00faddendoesn't write Java apps though
19:10.07Disconnectuses vi except for android-java-stuff (eclipse)
19:10.27digitalspaghettias much as my work have seen the phone and love it, they won't let me take time at work to do anything :)
19:10.38andyrossAny statement of the form "I use this text editor except for ..." just fails to parse.  What's the point of having an editor if it's not what you use to edit stuff?
19:10.45bloois there a way to make like an email receiver?
19:10.50bloolike sms receiver but for email?
19:10.58faddenandyross: using the right tool for the job
19:11.02Disconnectandyross: welcome to the 1990s, we have enough memory to load more than one app at a time now. its amazing.
19:11.14digitalspaghettibloo: well there is an email notification, so maybe?
19:11.45andyrossThe point is more subtle though: learning new tools for old tasks makes all those tasks slower.  I'm completely crippled in a CUA-style editor.
19:11.50Disconnectuses xm for music except when he's listening to the radio (because xm is the wrong tool for the morning show i like) or the g1 (because xm is the wrong tool when i want to hear a particular album or artist)
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19:12.23Disconnectthats just an unwillingness to learn
19:12.34andyrossFlawed analogy: You don't use the UI of a music player constantly.  If you had to train your ears for each player, you might be a little more assertive about your preferneces.
19:13.12Disconnectmaybe you don't but i do. less so with radio (since its basically task-specific) but both mp3 playback and xm radio are very interactive. and wildly different interfaces.
19:13.56Disconnectit took less than a week (maybe 3 evenings - about a week i guess, but thats cuz i have a lot of otehr crap interfering) to get used to the core features of eclipse (jump to line, search/replace, etc) and get up to speed with coding
19:14.03Disconnectrather, up to speed with editing
19:14.27andyrossAgain: if those players *sounded* different, you might care.  Everything about a different editor feels different to your fingers.  If you're not bothered by that, it probably means that you are still using stuff like the arrow keys and haven't really internalized your editor choice.  That's fine, but for those of us who *have*, there are huge advantages.
19:14.37faddenThe Eclipse debugger is also far more useful than the command-line equivalent (jdb).
19:14.58Disconnecthahahaha wow. because you can't adapt everyone who can must not be as good as you? thats pretty funny.
19:15.06danfuzzis a fan of jswat for the occasional debug session
19:15.24Disconnectmaybe some of us just stay more adaptable..
19:15.37andyrossDisconnect: chill.  When did I say you aren't as good as me?  I said I use emacs and like it, and am much more productive there than I am with a CUA editor, and tried to explain why.  Leave the flaming at the door please.
19:16.22Disconnect"it probably means you are still using stuff like the arrow keys" .. that whole thing was an incredibly condescending and fairly hostile statement.
19:16.30Disconnectso .. how about right there?
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19:16.45andyrossThen I apologize.  It certainly wasn't meant as incredibly condescending.
19:16.51oyeojanyone else having wifi issues since rc29?
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19:17.03Disconnectoyeoj: my wifi seems to have gotten a little better
19:17.27Disconnectnot a lot (it still -hates- one of the APs at home, and that 2-minute-disconnect-even-on-AC is ridiculous.. but its better.)
19:17.44oyeoji cant connect to ANY APs anymore
19:18.06oyeojwhen i select one it immediately drops it to the bottom of the list as "out of range"
19:18.21Disconnectuninstall the tmobile hotspot finder and remove the AP it inserted
19:18.40oyeojok. known issue?
19:18.49Disconnectreally crappy app
19:19.15Disconnecti'd suspect its doing something non-kosher with that AP it inserts, because even with the app gone i still had that problem
19:19.38Disconnecthey .. so how do i get repo to feed me a diff of changes without prettyprinting? I just want to have a  standard patchfile i can edit..
19:20.09Disconnect(and i'm betting no.. but does anyone @ google want a patch to dropbear to allow root logins over ssh with a fixed passwd? ..didn't think so. :) ..)
19:20.25oyeojah tmohs? is the tmobile hotspot one?
19:20.51digitalspaghettiI dunno if this is a bug or not - I ported my number to T-Mobile from my old provider, but when i go into status it shows my old number (although my new number is working)
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19:21.05Disconnectdigitalspaghetti: reboot?
19:21.08digitalspaghettithe number isn't hard-coded on the SIM, right?
19:21.16Disconnectthe # is on the sim but its changable
19:21.17digitalspaghettiDisconnect: several times since then
19:21.35SanMehatdigitalspaghetti: you're probably just in the wierd 'inbetween' porting state
19:21.36Disconnectchrist. i am getting -really- -really- tired of the thing randomly unsilencing
19:21.40Disconnectat work no less
19:22.01SanMehatDisconnect: hitting the speaker buttons on the side unintentionally?
19:22.02digitalspaghettiDisconnect: do you have Locale/Locations installed?
19:22.11DisconnectSanMehat: its sitting on the desk untouched
19:22.24Disconnectdigitalspaghetti: its set to mute @ work and then i toggled it off entirely and muted again
19:22.26Disconnectyah :(
19:22.53Disconnectonly thing i'm doing is usb mount, remove/replug usb, test, repeat.. (test is via adb - no touching the device) and the mount/umount i've been doing w/o picking up the phone
19:22.57digitalspaghettithe problem with locale is in my office and house, i don't get a good enough GPS
19:23.16digitalspaghettiso at home it woudl switch off my Wifi and turn on GPS
19:24.16oyeojDisconnect: still not working. thoughts?
19:24.16digitalspaghettiand today, my phone was bluetooth teathed to my PC, and my call got routed through my PC!
19:24.46Disconnectoyeoj: reboot
19:24.56Disconnectdigitalspaghetti: bluetooth tethered?
19:25.20digitalspaghettiyea, if you pair your pc and phone, you can set the PC to be a headset
19:25.39digitalspaghettiso your call comes through, and goes through the PC speaker/mic
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19:26.14Disconnectah ok
19:26.37Disconnectpairing no tethering and pc as headset/mic is a little different than call routing :)
19:26.40Disconnectwas confused
19:27.16oyeojstill no
19:27.29Disconnectdunno then
19:27.38Disconnectwifi on these things is rather a mess
19:27.55oyeojis it worth trying a hard reset?
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19:28.46orcihi how can I install a latest version of android platform on my htc g1 telephone?
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19:28.58spikebikeyou can't
19:29.30Disconnectorci: start by getting a large rock. it should preferably be dark in color but not covered in tar or anything.
19:29.37osmosisyah you can, but you shouldnt. thats nerdy.
19:29.38Disconnectlemme know when you have that.
19:29.46spikebikeyou can?
19:30.07osmosisyah, i saw a manual process for it on some blog.
19:30.19osmosisbut the updates should get pushed to you over the air automatically, so dont bother
19:30.25osmosisthere are no good updates yet anyways
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19:30.44Disconnectosmosis: ..thats not the latest platform. thats the release that tmob is pushing OTA. different animal entirely.
19:31.03osmosiswhat is 'latest platform' then?  like a alpha build ?
19:31.06spikebikeosmosis oh umm
19:31.15spikebikeyou are talking about tmo's distribution not android
19:31.18orciosmosis, I see sound recorder in applications list but it has 0 size and is not in the launchers list what may be the problem?
19:31.19Disconnectlatest platform is what you get from 'repo sync'
19:31.22blooanyone play with keyguardlock?
19:31.25spikebikeyes you can manually do update
19:31.32osmosisspikebike: i didnt realize there was anything other then tmobs
19:31.36blooorci, its not launchable
19:31.50orcibloo, why would that be?
19:31.50spikebikeosmosis google has some 100 ish repos for android
19:31.52osmosisspikebike: should I flash over to the 'generic android' ??
19:31.59spikebikeyou can't
19:32.08orcibloo, any other sound recorder apps you might suggest?
19:32.12osmosiscan I store apps on my sdcard? I ran out of space for apps on the interal memory.
19:32.20blooringdroid is kinda good
19:32.20spikebikethat's the issue, currently tmo's shipping a pretty closed phone
19:32.23tweaktw00t. connectBot + irssi FTW
19:32.25osmosisspikebike: 100 different versions??!
19:32.29Disconnectbloo: ringdroid is slick
19:32.30orcibloo, oh does it do that?
19:32.53osmosisspikebike: whats the benefits ?
19:33.50orciwhere can I see the android platform version I am running?
19:33.56orciif there is such thing
19:34.20romainguyMenu > Settings > About phone
19:34.27languishosmosis, different devices/carriers/branding/manufacturers
19:34.29spikebikeno 100 different repos for pieces of android
19:34.49spikebikeosmosis ability to control your phone, to do anything you want with it
19:35.03spikebikelike say turn it into a firewall, router, gateway, etc.
19:36.21osmosisthat would be cooL!
19:37.22spikebiketweak kernels, run the latest apps, etc.
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19:43.40oyeojstill no luck with wifi
19:43.43oyeojsuucks :(
19:43.56Disconnectreboot the AP, just for S&G
19:44.26Disconnectits not an actual fix but i've got one that it won't talk to unless i reboot it occasionally. (its a g1 problem tho, other devices - from phones to desktops and most things in between) have no issues..
19:44.55SplasPoodtweakt: yea connectbot is the shit
19:45.26tweakthow do I hit Ctrl in connect bot?
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19:45.35SplasPoodthe .. yea
19:45.45herriojrhey, is the android eclipse plugin open source?
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19:45.55tweaktsorry, meant alt
19:45.57herriojrI want to modify it
19:46.25oyeojwell wtf that did it
19:46.33Disconnecttweakt: hit 'about' it'll show the stupid non-clickthrough clickthrough and then the help
19:46.33oyeojDisconnect: thx for being patient
19:46.35jastayes it is open
19:46.52herriojrwhere do I find the source?
19:47.07jastalook at the downloads section of the google code page
19:50.32unix_lappyandroid coming to ATT next month!
19:50.32Disconnectbloo: timeout is in seconds? and it should prolly be a picker rather than a textbox. so no keyboard needed.
19:51.04bloodisconnect, good idea
19:51.17unix_lappyprays to cieling cat for a better device ;-)
19:51.26bmunger_android coming to sprint.....never
19:51.34umdk1d3unix_lappy: source?
19:51.39RamblurrI've got a service running, and when i go away from the activity that created it the service dies with an IllegalStateException
19:52.38zhobbsRamblurr: do you start the service or just bind to id?
19:52.43zhobbsto it*
19:53.19Ramblurrzhobbs: I use bindService(aIntent, mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
19:53.29unix_lappyumdk1d3: AT&T CEO @ Web2.0 Summit.
19:53.58zhobbsRamblurr: if you want a service to live after your activity is gone it's best to start it before you bind it
19:54.28umdk1d3unix_lappy: ah interesting.  i wonder how they balance that with their iphone investment
19:54.45umdk1d3and if we was pressured to make that statement, or how he mentioned it
19:54.48unix_lappyumdk1d3: make iPhone tethering supported.
19:55.31bloozomg stupid sms thing went back to not working
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19:55.47bloowait nm i dont know
19:55.53Ramblurrzhobbs: what should the Context be  in the Intent i use to start the service?
19:56.15zhobbsRamblurr: your activity inherits Context
19:56.24zhobbsRamblurr: so in an activity just use "this"
19:56.27Ramblurrso the current activity is ok?
19:56.28unix_lappyand maybe put android on another (or the same) sub-par's still a nascent platform  no need to let all the cats out of the bag.
19:56.33zhobbsRamblurr: yes
19:56.51Ramblurryea, that's what im doing in my binderService() intent, i wasnt sure if it held for startService too
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19:57.57tweakthmm still can't seem to send alt-2 (switch windows in irssi)
19:58.47Ramblurrzhobbs: that worked, thanks
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19:59.53Disconnectmake dropbear work on android (building it is up to you, as is setting the password - hint: debug.h. provided without support. in fact, i'll prolly ridicule you if i don't like the question. :) ..)
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20:13.30sjschultzeDisconnect, is the idea that we apply this to the dropbear project that's in git?
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20:13.46Disconnectyah and do a native static build.
20:17.00Disconnecthaven't gotten key auth working but i didn't look that hard at it
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20:17.43Disconnectin theory since it gets homedir as /data ...oooh. thats where i broke it. cool
20:19.36Ramblurris there a way the service can tell the OS it is ready to be killed ?
20:19.57Ramblurrsort of like the mediaplayback service
20:20.04jastaRamblurr: stopSelf()
20:20.07Ramblurrwhen a track is paused.. the backend service can be killed
20:20.08romainguya service can stop itself
20:20.20Ramblurrbut i dont necessarily want to stop the service
20:20.27Ramblurronly if the OS wants/needs to
20:20.30Ramblurrdoes that make sense?
20:20.34digitalspaghettihey - no one answered this before, i'm trying to still understand some stuff about android
20:20.41jastaRamblurr: not really.  but the OS will kill you if it wants to no matter what you say.
20:20.49digitalspaghettifor example, can i write a app that ties into the browser, and when you hold your finger on the page, it can bring up a Share menu (i.e. delicious, magnolia, reddit, etc)
20:20.53jastai would setForeground(false), though.
20:21.12digitalspaghettiwould that be an intent, and can i hook it into the browser?
20:21.58Ramblurrjasta: ah, that's exactly what i need.. can i toggle that on and off?
20:22.37Ramblurrcause ive got a problem where if a user starts a track, then pauses it
20:22.44Ramblurrthe service wont die
20:23.06jastayou're not thinking clearly :)
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20:24.02jastamy music playing service uses a deferral pattern to die.  it waits 2 minutes after pause/stop before it calls stopSelf() and releases its wake lock
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20:24.14jastathen when it dies, it saves the playlist/player state to disk
20:24.16jastaand recovers it in onCreate
20:24.21jastaso the user doesn't know what happened
20:24.36jastabut you definitely want it to die.
20:25.09jastaalso, you want to use setForeground(true)
20:25.17jastabecause while you are alive, you should be playing
20:25.42jastaoh, and make sure to use a WakeLock else the CPU will sleep and your audio will stop.  the MediaPlayer object has a convenience method for this
20:25.44Ramblurrhm cool
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20:26.53jastathat is the service i designed, although im sure my requirements are much greater than yours so there is a lot of complexity you could eliminate
20:27.42Ramblurrah :) i've seen your app when looking for some examples before
20:27.53jastaexcellent, that's why i published it after all :)
20:28.01Ramblurrit's been very helpful
20:31.43jastawhat app are you working on btw?
20:32.58Ramblurrjust curious why do the low level wakelock as opposed to setting MediaPlayer.setScreenOnWhilePlaying(true) ?
20:33.14Ramblurrjasta: a application
20:33.25zhobbsRamblurr: official or unofficial?
20:33.33jastabecause at the time, i didn't have the source code to the MediaPlayer and have come to distrust everything it does
20:35.05jastain particular, i wasnt sure that the wakelock would persist until i release it, or if it would automatically release when the mediaplayer stopped
20:35.21jastawhich is not what i want, because i want my service to still be awake if the user pauses
20:35.43jastaand i wanted to use the deferred stop so that if the user pauses quickly, exits the application, and returns, that the service would not have died yet
20:36.02jastaif the CPU were to fall asleep during this time, then my service would live much longer than i want.
20:36.36Ramblurrwhat's with the CacheService?
20:36.51Ramblurris that another service you use to download tracks?
20:36.53jastayou must realize that non-realtime timers like Thread.sleep, Handler.sendMessageDelayed, etc guarantee only a MINIMUM amount of time
20:37.14jastano, actually the PlaylistService manages downloading tracks (through the DownloadManager class, but in the PlaylistService thread)
20:37.18Ramblurrheh yea i've figured that one out already
20:37.43jastathe CacheService is just a simple service that abstracts the mechanics of the cache
20:38.02jastait could have been just a class and not a service, or a shared thread even, but i felt it was tidier to expose as a service
20:38.34jastaits main job is to manage the cache policy that five uses, so that the playlistservice can simply request storage and "commit" objects to cache without fussing with disk space
20:40.07jastaRamblurr: is this client official or unofficial?
20:40.32jastabecause i do want to point out that Five integrates with, and numerous features using that integration are coming soon
20:40.33dipenwhere can i find source code for this: D/VolumePanel(   48): onShowVolumeChanged(streamType: 2, flags: 17), index: 0
20:40.33dipenD/VolumePanel(   48): setRingerIcon(index: 0), ringerMode: 1
20:40.35jastaincluding radio
20:40.45dipenit is the volume down key
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20:40.56jastaso collaboration would certainly be appreciated :)
20:41.39Ramblurrjasta (and zhobbs) : it's an unofficial client
20:41.55jastadipen: it's in frameworks/base/core/java/android/view
20:42.09jastaRamblurr: is it the one on the market already?
20:42.18Ramblurri'm aimed at having feature parity with the iphone app
20:42.22jastai had heard that one was very buggy :)
20:42.23Ramblurrjasta: heh, no
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20:42.36Ramblurryea, it's a good attempt
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20:42.57Ramblurrjasta: there is a java lastfm library
20:43.13jastayeah, i dont intend to use that though
20:43.20Ramblurrbut it's not really designed for a mobile platform
20:43.33Ramblurri've started stripping it down
20:43.36jastait's very inefficient.  i looked at the source already
20:43.37jmobanyone have good advice for squeezing more life out of the g1 battery?
20:43.39Ramblurrand optimizing it
20:43.45Ramblurrjasta: uber inefficient
20:43.47dipenwow, thanks jasta
20:44.01jmobshould i just return my device?
20:44.33jastajmob: if you want.
20:44.47RyeBryejmob - have you actually run the battery downto zero? The calibration on it really sucks... It takes a lot longer to go from 10% -> 0 than it does to go from 100% -> 50% in my experience
20:44.50jastayou could try a number of small tweaks/optimizations like turning off push sync support
20:44.59jastaor you could try not playing with it quite so much :)
20:45.04andyrossjmob: turn off the radios  you arent using (wifi, bluetooth, gps).  Turn down the screen brightness.  Reboot to make sure no third party apps are spinning in the background.  Standard stuff.  The G1 has a weak battery, but not a useless one.  I'm still in the "new toy" mode with mine, and get 24 hours at a time out of it.
20:45.23jmobdon't /reallt/ want to, just want some hope that i'm not gonna be totally burned by a first gen device
20:45.24jastabut truthfully, the battery is small and the platform sucks it dry.
20:45.26RyeBryeyou get 24 hours? I'm jealous
20:45.28zhobbsRamblurr: what's the license on that library?
20:45.29Disconnectcalibration makes a -huge- difference
20:46.03RyeBryeYeah, running it down to zero does help it a lot - but it's still not perfect even once it gets itself calibrated
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20:46.03Disconnectrun it down until it absolutely will not power on, then charge it -uninterrupted- for as long as you can (24 hours is good, 8 hours is ok, prolly more than 24 is a waste)
20:46.05Ramblurrzhobbs: the original was BSD
20:46.09jastaRyeBrye: ive noticed the calibration is off as well.
20:46.11jmobDisconnect: yeah i've seen it getting better
20:46.32andyrossI lied about 24 hours.  I have it charging overnight, so it's more like 16-18.  And obviously  not all that time is surfing or playing -- maybe 6 hours total.
20:46.36jastauses Five on his drive home every night, so that charges my phone in the car
20:46.42jastawhich is owrking really well for me so far
20:46.59RyeBryeI just plug it into USB whenever I'm near a computer
20:47.06RyeBryeand for me, that's like... 20 hours a day :P
20:47.36jmobRyeBrye:  a lot of the comps i'm near don't put out enough juice from the usb port
20:47.51Ramblurrzhobbs: oops i havent uploaded the license for mine
20:48.23RyeBryebecause I'm near my computer so much, I was actually thinking of some cool ways to use the G1 as a little status monitor for my computer - or a place to dump notices about what my various systems are doing... the easiest way to do that woudl be to somehow make a growl client I think
20:48.44DisconnectRyeBrye: the uninterrupted bit is important for calibration
20:48.56Disconnectyah growl can talk to tcp ports. so should be prety easy
20:49.03Disconnectjust turn it into a notification
20:49.04RyeBryeYeah, just a matter of time
20:49.13RyeBryeWell - I was thinking of using the full screen of the G1
20:49.25zhobbsRamblurr: what's's policy on radio clients? I don't think radio is in the v2.0 API right, and they might cut people off at any time?
20:49.28RyeBryeso it would be like a little LCD panel kind of thing - only with a much nicer screen
20:49.36jastazhobbs: have you looked at all these properties that the MediaPlaybackActivity specifies?
20:49.53jastataskAffinity="", launchMode=singleTask, clearTaskOnLaunch=true, excludeFromRecents=true?
20:49.57Ramblurrzhobbs: Radio is in the 2.0 api
20:50.00jastado you do similar in your app?
20:50.03ionstormIs the G1 video record capable, any src code on it or api dox
20:50.14Ramblurrzhobbs: however usage is restricted by your API key,  your api key needs to get permissions to use the radio
20:50.25zhobbsjasta: I do singleTask
20:50.36jastawhere is the documentation for this?
20:50.38Ramblurrzhobbs: and yes the pre 2.0 radio api could be disabled at any moment
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20:51.06jastazhobbs: nm i found it
20:51.17jastathey have improved this it seems ;)
20:51.38zhobbsjasta: I use launchMode="singleTask" for my main activity also
20:52.15jastai gotta read about this, i just didnt even think about it but i hate the way my activity history/stack works implicitly in five
20:52.18jastadrives me bonkers
20:54.03zhobbsclearTaskOnLaunch=true and excludeFromRecents=true are interesting, I'll have to research those
20:54.34jastais it just me or does taskAffinity="" and launchMode="singleTask" seem to imply launchMode="singleInstance"?
20:55.15Gary|tpfor some reason
20:55.42Gary|tppTerminal, telnetd, the proxy/tethering application, or leaving USB debugging seriously drains the battery
20:55.55jastazhobbs: ive never even seen thi appmodel documentation
20:56.00voljasta: Have you gotten gdb working?
20:56.03volIf so, did you use
20:56.07Gary|tpmy battery went from 100% to dead, while in my pocket, in a single hour
20:56.18volthe gdbserver linked from there?
20:56.29Disconnectproxy/tethering prolly since it keeps it awake
20:56.39Gary|tpthats what my guess was
20:56.49zhobbsjasta: yeah, the term "Task" isn't used much anywhere else
20:57.16faddenvol: FWIW, "adb forward tcp:1234 tcp:1234" will do the job of the "telnet"+"redir" line
20:57.17Gary|tpWhy does it keep it awake, and what does it mean if it's "asleep"? it just stops processing all non-essential programs?
20:57.38faddenvol: and it works for the real device too
20:57.49volfadden: right, the issue is that gdbserver didn't seem to stop for breakpoints last time we tried
20:57.56Gary|tphow does stuff like maverick stay connected while asleep then
20:57.56volthough I haven't had the change to try that yet
20:58.02vol(that was another dev)
21:00.16ionstormanyone notice that gtalk disconnects while asleep too?
21:00.23zhobbsRamblurr: when you apply for an API key that will allow radio did you just do "non-commercial"? Or "Bespoke"?
21:00.24ionstormany way to prevent that?
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21:00.56Ramblurrzhobbs: isnt handing out API keys with radio access
21:01.43Ramblurrit's a big debacle, heh
21:01.59Ramblurrall third-party clients are to use the old radio apis
21:02.20zhobbsahh, so you are using the old radio api's?
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21:09.24Ramblurrzhobbs: im pretty much forced to :(
21:09.45Ramblurrif i ever get a key with sufficient perms, i've got the code ready to drop in
21:10.11Disconnectcoooool [1335] Nov 06 21:07:57 pubkey auth succeeded for 'root' with key md5
21:11.45jastazhobbs: the source code has revealed so much magic its ridiculous :)
21:12.12jastalike, who knew about setVolumeControlStream, sheesh :0
21:12.27zhobbsjasta: it's nice though...I grep the source all the time to find out wtf is going on
21:12.33jastayeah, me too
21:12.35volfadden: in any event, is that an acceptable gdbserver ot use, or do you compile your own via the toolchain?
21:12.36jastavery, very helpful
21:13.23zhobbsI actually figured out how to zip up the source and have eclipse pick it now I can step right into the framework classes
21:13.35Disconnectok i put up with some tweaks and a little bit of advice
21:13.49Disconnect(building/using it advice)
21:13.59romainguyzhobbs: you don't need to zip the source
21:13.59bl0rpl3Has anyone had success installing Term.apk on the G1? (this one - It always fails when I try.
21:14.17zhobbsbl0rpl3: I have
21:14.24zhobbsromainguy: where do you put it?
21:14.36romainguyyou can just point Eclipse to a directory with the source inside
21:14.51romainguyI just sync the git repositories and target platform/base/core/java
21:15.11zhobbsromainguy: the eclipse plugin hard codes the source location, and it's "non modifiable"
21:15.25romainguystupid plugin :)
21:15.25bl0rpl3zhobbs: did you have to do anything special? I even tried restoring everything to the original state.
21:15.31romainguywell, if you were not using the plugin, it'd work :p
21:15.57zhobbsyeah, should probably change it to be "modifiable"
21:16.10zhobbsbl0rpl3: I've done it via the browser and via adb
21:16.36zhobbsbl0rpl3: but there was someone in here who couldn't get it to work via the browser yesterday, but did get adb to install it
21:17.09bl0rpl3zhobbs: ok thanks. i will definitely try that.
21:17.28faddenvol: we have a prebuilt one in the source tree.  Let me see how it compares.
21:17.57fadden(source tree == old internal one; I don't see it in the open-source one)
21:20.01volfadden: ah. That might be why other people are having more success with gdb than we have been.
21:20.31Ramblurrhow does the activity stack behave   if the user goes back to an activity  that changed it's contentview with setContentView more than once?
21:20.42Ramblurrdoes it just show the last state of the activity
21:20.53Ramblurri suppose so, if it doesnt have to recreate it
21:21.22bl0rpl3zhobbs: yep that did it. thank you so much.
21:21.40zhobbsbl0rpl3: cool...not sure why it doesn't work in the browser for some people
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21:23.30faddenvol: I replaced the one on my device with the one from the web site
21:23.42faddenIt seemed to work -- I could attach to a process and get a stack trace.
21:23.55faddenWasn't so happy with a breakpoint -- process terminated with a SIGTRAP.
21:24.04faddenLet me retry the experiment with our gdbserver.
21:25.16volfadden: yeah, we can't get breakpoints to work with that one.
21:25.32volIs there a version we SHOULD be using, or is there a version that you can provide?
21:25.54faddenBreakpoint worked with my version.
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21:27.16volalright, I have yet to actually try this version myself, lets see what happens
21:27.40faddenvol: let me figure out where this copy of gdbserver came from
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21:28.02volfadden: tjamls
21:28.02faddenLooks like you may need our version.
21:28.08xp_prghi all, I am quite new to android, I am curious is there an api to see where you are in 3 dimensional space with android?
21:28.19xp_prgwith gps?
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21:29.47volxp_prg: the geolocation utils have getAltitude methods iirc
21:30.05xp_prgso that is z, what about x and y?
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21:31.35sjschultzexda-developers appears to be back
21:31.50xp_prghello anyone know the answer to that, it is important to me
21:32.28volxp_prg: look at the geolocation libraries
21:32.32volthey'll provide you lat/long
21:32.42volremember, the earth is not a perfect sphere
21:32.46spikebikegps is a lousy source of z
21:33.06xp_prgso your saying I can determine where I am in 3d space then?
21:33.17volxp_prg: you won't get exactly x/y
21:33.21volbut you will get lat/long
21:33.29voland if you have an alt fix you'll get altitude as well
21:33.31xp_prgwell how close can I get?
21:33.32spikebikeyes, with varying degrees of accuracy
21:33.36`vipquestions, where are tones stored that are used for notifications
21:33.42volthat's as best as you can do
21:33.48`vipi want to use the mario warp pipe sound for SMS but i dunno where to place it
21:33.49volyou can always do your own great circle calculations
21:34.06spikebikeyeah coordinate conversion isn't very tough
21:34.07xp_prgvol what are you talking about?
21:34.40zhobbshow can I build an unsigned apk in the android-git tree?
21:34.57xp_prgdoes the tmobile that runs android have blue thing wireless communication?
21:35.29Gigawatts`vip /system/media/audio/notifications/
21:35.38spikebikeya, but not exposed to programmers yet
21:35.39`vipok thanks
21:35.40volxp_prg: the geolocation libraries won't provide x/y/z
21:35.45Disconnectfyi SanMehat  et al, xp is just a troll that wandered in from somewhere else.
21:35.45volthey'll provide lat/long/alt
21:35.46spikebikeso headset if fine
21:36.00xp_prgvol but you can convert that to x/xy/z right?
21:36.05volthe earth isn't a perfect sphere, so you can't do that and get x/y/z locs without doing specific calculations
21:36.16volyou can get approximate locations
21:36.18xp_prgright but the calculations are trivial
21:36.28volit's pretty CLOSE to a sphere
21:36.36xp_prghow approximate are they do you think, like += 3 feet or something?
21:36.40volbut if you're in alaska you may be off by a hundred miles.
21:36.48Chainfireits more like a circle, I heard in church.
21:36.52volxp_prg: look it up
21:36.52spikebikevol er, no not 100 miles
21:37.00vol10 or even 1
21:37.06volis still a good amount if you're trying to be exact
21:37.09spikebikenot even 1
21:37.21volnot perfect
21:37.23volmore than 3 feet
21:37.27spikebikegps is 90% within 10 meters
21:37.30xp_prgwhen is the bluethood api going to be released?
21:37.42spikebikeassuming a good view of the sky, enough sats, and enough time
21:37.42Gigawattsi belive civilan spec gps's are 3m
21:37.49Gigawattsso yeah, 9ft ish
21:38.07spikebikepretty sure it's 10m
21:38.09spikebikewas 100m
21:38.19spikebikethen they stopped adding the error
21:38.21Gigawattsno, definatly not
21:38.24`vipwell that sucks when i try to paste using glance, i get an error ... The application Glance (process com.androidnerds.utilities.Glance) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. :(
21:38.29xp_prgwhen is the bluethood api going to be released?
21:38.31Gigawattsright, in like 04
21:38.32spikebikethe 3m is just a fake where they time average
21:39.08spikebikeor maybe it's 50% with 3m and 90% within 10m or something
21:39.12volspikebike: hey, whatever, I guess the earth is a perfect sphere after all, good luck on your x/y/z calcs.
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21:39.41xp_prgwhat about a reference tmobile phone, would that correct the error and give you exact xyz?
21:39.50xp_prgso you would have 2 phones
21:40.09xp_prgif you know for sure where the first phone is, you can know exactly where the 2nd phone is yes?
21:40.09Gigawattsnothing about gps is 'exact'
21:40.21xp_prgbut you can get greater access with that approach yes?
21:40.40eladany advances towards tethering?
21:40.50xp_prgI mean accuracy
21:40.50volxp_prg: it will give you very precise lat/long/altitude
21:41.05xp_prgmore preceise then 3 meters right?
21:41.10volthat does not necessarily translate to x/y/z without taking into account the fact that the earth is more a donut than a sphere
21:41.12Gigawattsthey are still both going to experience inacturaccies, and  when you multiply accuracies together, they get worse
21:41.28volif you just want to show approximate locations, that's absolutely fine
21:41.36volyou're off by 100 feet, yeah, whatever.
21:41.53xp_prgok when is the bluetooth api going to be released?
21:41.55Gigawatts90% approx * 90% approx  = 81% approx location
21:41.58volbut if you want to be precise, you'll need to do more accurate calculations from lat/long to x/y/z
21:42.11xp_prgbut a reference phone would help right?
21:42.39Gigawattsno, not really
21:42.47xp_prgwhy not Gigawatts?
21:42.48Gigawattsand it would be way more trouble than its worth
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21:42.58xp_prgis anyone going to answer my bluethooth api question?
21:43.08gdsxGigawatts: uhh... I'm not sure that's how it works (the .9*.9=.81 thing)
21:43.18Gigawattsbecause then your just multiplying approximations, and coming up with worse approximations
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21:44.36xp_prghello bluetooth anyone?
21:45.09`vip_is there a way to view the system folder when i have it plugged in via USB ?
21:46.06zhobbs`vip_: adb shell
21:46.18zhobbs`vip_: or ddms has a file browser I think
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21:50.22gdsxGigawatts: for instance, if you've got 100 phones, you have 100 estimates.  Your accuracy is certainly going to be higher than .9^100
21:51.00gdsxGigawatts: and, generally, averaging gives you a low-pass filter effect, which tends to attenuate noise
21:51.22tweaktzhobbs: yes
21:51.34xp_prgthere is only one bluetooth phone currently right?
21:51.35tweaktit's nice and allows upload and download
21:52.46*** join/#android TimRiker (n=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
21:53.51TimRikercan the G1 handle wpa2 enterprise? ie: is there a way to load a cert using the gui?
21:54.06*** join/#android wastrel (n=wastrel@nylug/member/wastrel)
21:54.47TimRikernotices the topic... "may now be logged" is not nearly as useful as pointing to the logs.
21:54.52infobotAll conversations are logged to, where "channel" is replaced by the URL-encoded channel name, such as %23freenode for #freenode. Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
21:55.22TimRikerDisconnect: what about using dev tools? ie: not the gui.
21:55.36spikebikevol gotta run to a meeting, but the radium varies by 21km
21:55.40Disconnectg1 is locked (well, supposedly)
21:55.44spikebike(polar vs equator)
21:55.44TimRikerI can get my iPhone on the corporate net, but not the G1. :(
21:55.57spikebikebut the GPS reference takes that into account
21:56.10Disconnectwelcome to cutting edge. istr original iphone w/ original load couldn't even do wpa2-personal. so.. it'll happen
21:56.12Disconnectfile a bug
21:56.44TimRikerthe iPhone needs a profile config to do it, but it does handle it.
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21:56.56TimRikerwhere should I file the bug? :)
21:57.25gdsxTimRiker: oh, hey.  I recognize you from somewhere
21:57.40*** join/#android bloo (
21:57.47DisconnectTimRiker: it does now, but it didn't when it was new. and there's an issue tracker
21:57.48TimRikerwell, I run the abused^Wpopular infobot here.
21:58.08Disconnectits not that popular here
21:58.33gdsxTimRiker: no, I recognize you from elsewhere (probably another channel or something)
21:58.37TimRikergdsx: but I'm involved in many other open source projects. including many embedded Linux projects.
21:59.09gdsxTimRiker:, no?
21:59.10TimRikerBZFlag, elinux, tuxscreen, infobot, debian, busybox, uclibc, ...
21:59.18TimRikeryeah, too.
21:59.22gdsxyeah, that's where
21:59.48gdsxI used to run familiar/intimate on my iPaqs
22:01.31LordMetroidIs there any emulator and debugger available for developers to ease the production of android software?
22:01.46TimRikerLordMetroid: the SDK includes an emulator.
22:01.49pandzillaof course
22:02.09Disconnectwe need this.
22:03.01TimRikerDisconnect: got that back when it was still free.
22:03.43d0netsanyone know if it is possible to stream m3u, asx, or pls files?
22:03.52*** join/#android theCarpenter (
22:04.01TimRikerneed a better labyrinth game too. with 3d effects, sound, user editable levels, network speed competitions, non-flat floors, etc. :)
22:04.46thoraxeDisconnect: i don't get how you know you want to get out of something in advance?
22:04.53thoraxeDisconnect: do you like go to th ebathroom and then set up your fake call ?
22:05.19volfadden: know where it came from?
22:05.22TimRikerthoraxe: just pop your phone under the table, and hit the shortcut. "oops! I gotta get that call..."
22:05.25volor still looking?
22:05.30Disconnectyou could. or just set it up as an escape - just beaouse it goes off odesn' tmean you have to bail
22:05.31thoraxed0nets: why would you stream a playlist?
22:05.39faddenvol: we built it internally
22:05.43d0netsi use jinzora
22:05.46Disconnectso set it for 15-30 mins and "oh its not important" or "damn i gotta go"
22:05.48thoraxem3u and pls are playlists
22:05.53faddenvol: the question is whether the difference is in the configuration or the sources
22:05.58thoraxeplaylist != music
22:06.05volfadden: bleh.
22:06.09d0netsi dont know how jinzora works
22:06.10faddenvol: if the sources are different, then I need to make sure we're making the changed sources available to satisfy GPL requirements
22:06.11thoraxeand stream from where to where?
22:06.12wastrelopera mini was running on the sdk before release
22:06.14d0netsbut you can choose between those
22:06.16theCarpenteris Marketplace just some website somewhere?
22:06.17wastrelanyone heard about current status?
22:06.21d0netsjinzora is kinda like Orb
22:06.26d0netsfor music on linux
22:06.35volfadden: "we built it internally" meaning "we grabbed the gdbserver source and compiled it via toolchain"
22:06.46volor "we made our own very spcial customizations
22:07.00faddenvol: right -- I'm not sure which of those is the case.
22:07.03Gigawattsso, you want to stream an internet radio broadcast to the g1?
22:07.09d0netsi guess
22:07.09thoraxed0nets: so what you're really asking is if android supports playing streamed media
22:07.16Disconnectdecides to be kind (ish) and release dropbear bins
22:07.19d0netsi know it does
22:07.19Gigawattsyeah, id like to know that too
22:07.32thoraxei don't have an answer to that, bu ti'd like to know it too
22:07.39d0netsbut when i click the files, it looks like its downloading something in the browser, but doesnt do anything past that
22:07.42thoraxei know there is an imeem and client, so my assumption is yes
22:07.55d0netsthoraxe right, but i want to stream personal media
22:08.03thoraxed0nets: an m3u or pls is just a playlist, it has instructions on what server to connect to
22:08.13thoraxemy guess is that the media player doesn't understand those files to begin with
22:08.24Gigawattsright, so can the g1 open streamed music from a playlist file?
22:08.43thoraxei don't think out of the box it can, and i don't think there are apps for tha tyet
22:08.46d0netsthe .ask files worked in wm6
22:08.49marconethe music app understands .m3u and .pls, but only insofar as they refer to local files.
22:08.59thoraxethat's because .asx is a windows media playlist file
22:09.03marconeplaylist files that reference streams are not supported
22:09.19d0netswell we need that
22:09.23d0netsand we need sirius/xm
22:09.25thoraxemarcone: i wonder if it'd be possible to hack the media player app and allow it to do that
22:09.37d0netsand i need to get my guitar tuner ported, but the java source uses javax.sound
22:09.39Gigawattsis there an ability to type in a url in the g1's media player?
22:09.41d0netsbut that was removed from the sdk
22:09.45marconethere is no reason why you couldn't write your own app that handles playlist files and then streams the URLs they reference
22:10.44eladman its so strange everytime i turn off my phone and back on it always come up with an exclamation and phone icon
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22:10.44d0netsunplug the battery
22:10.44d0netsand then try
22:10.44eladbattery reset didnt help this time
22:10.45eladi tried
22:10.45d0netshold power and home
22:10.45Cedric2elad: can you drag the exclamation point down?
22:10.45d0netsafter you do batt reset
22:10.45Cedric2I suspect there is a password problem
22:10.45thoraxemarcone: well, that assumes that android has support for playing streaming formats
22:11.03*** join/#android rginaCrewBaen_ (
22:11.11marconethoraxe: it does
22:11.20marconewell, some of them at least
22:11.39thoraxemarcone: i'm surprised then that no one has yet written an app to access that crap then
22:11.43thoraxewhat's taking so long!!!
22:11.55thoraxehow much java do you need to know to write android apps?
22:12.00eladstill no luck
22:12.23d0netsthoraxe i dont know any
22:12.25eladguess ill go to the tmobile store
22:12.27d0netsand i dont know wtf im doing
22:12.43thoraxed0nets: so does that mean you have not written any apps yet? :P
22:12.56LordMetroidJava isn't hard to learn
22:12.57d0netsbut im working on porting one
22:13.05d0netsbut they dont have some things i need in the library
22:13.09d0netsso im at a block
22:13.12thoraxeLordMetroid: i work quite often in ruby on rails and i've done a fair bit of php
22:13.20thoraxeLordMetroid: i guess i should look into it
22:13.34d0netsmy buddy does ruby on rails
22:13.36thoraxei can't think of an app i'd want to write though
22:13.45d0netshelp me port my guitar tuner lol
22:13.50d0netsor we need a sirius/xm app
22:13.51LordMetroidThere is excellent although a little bit hard to understand at first documentation for Java
22:13.53d0netsor the streaming app
22:14.07LordMetroidI am sure you will get a hang of it quickly
22:14.19thoraxed0nets: yeah but i don't need any of that stuff - no incentive for me :P
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22:14.36Gigawattshow do you plan on using a xm app?
22:14.46thoraxeGigawatts: to play the xm web audio
22:14.47d0netsgigawatts what do you mean
22:14.59thoraxeGigawatts: if you have an xm subscription you can also listen over the web
22:15.02d0netsi loved having sirius on my htc wizard
22:15.06Gigawattsah, didnt know that
22:15.15thoraxeyup yup
22:15.16Gigawattswell, that fits right in with our streaming media problem
22:15.18thoraxeyup yup
22:15.19d0netsand like i said earlier, it would be AWSOME to have a "tivo" like functionality with it
22:19.08RyeBryespeaking of TIVO - how about a UPNP video player :P
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22:26.23wastreli require opera mini
22:29.58xp_prgbluetooth api?
22:31.39volxp_prg: whatever is available at is what we know.
22:31.53volafaik bluetooth is not directly available as an api?
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22:32.52xp_prgI hate that :(
22:33.02xp_prghow can I communicate easily with my arduino board then :(
22:33.10KNYit's coming (soon?)
22:33.39theCarpenterso how many packages are in marketplace right now?
22:33.49xp_prgthere is only one android phone right now right?
22:34.02KNYxp_prg, yes, though people have it running on the N810
22:34.07KNYtheCarpenter, quite a few
22:34.46theCarpenteris there any way of finding out?
22:35.10theCarpenteri'm trying to write up something for my boss
22:35.16KNYdo you have a phone?
22:35.20theCarpenterand a good ballpark figure woudl be nice
22:35.21theCarpenterno lol
22:35.30theCarpenterthis is to convince the company to spring for phones ;)
22:35.31KNYlet me see if I can make an estimate
22:35.33xp_prgwhen are more phones coming out?
22:35.37theCarpenteralright, thank you :)
22:35.47KNYxp_prg, I believe kyocera announced that they are working on one
22:35.58xp_prghow long will it be?
22:36.30KNYxp_prg, you'll have to ask Kyocera
22:37.31*** join/#android Laz (
22:38.37KNYtheCarpenter, man, I thought I'd be able to look at the All Applications list and guess, but it stops after a certain number
22:38.59theCarpenterKNY: what number?
22:39.05KNYtheCarpenter, I'm not sure :)
22:39.15KNYI would guess ~200?
22:39.36KNYit's ordered by date and where it stopped, they aren't even that recent
22:39.49KNYand that doesn't count games
22:40.07KNYjust pulling a number from you-know-where, maybe 500?
22:40.28KNYwith an uncertainty of +/- 1000 ;)
22:41.10*** join/#android BHSPitWeb (i=817834c5@gateway/web/ajax/
22:41.55anno^da_Why does the main screen doesnt support the accelerometer? Every review on YouTube mentions now that the G1 hasnt got accelerometer which is wrong. :P
22:42.13oyeojyeh it's annoying
22:42.20KNYI'll third that
22:42.58romainguyI would hate my G1 to change the orientation based on the accelerometers
22:43.12anno^da_romainguy: ok thats true. :-)
22:43.24anno^da_It just leads to some wrong statements in the reviews.
22:43.26romainguyI hated it on my iPhone
22:43.30romainguyand I hate it on my iPod nano
22:43.35romainguyyes, that's unfortunate
22:43.36anno^da_Nearly every review mentions that :)
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22:43.55romainguygood for them if they like getting stuck in the stupid CoverFlow mode :)
22:44.05anno^da_Yeah just wanted to know I understand the reason for that. :-)
22:44.20oyeojwell a configurable option would make everyone happy then yes?
22:44.31anno^da_looks at his old gen 1 nano :D
22:44.40zhobbsI noticed PicSay changes orientation based on the accelerometer
22:44.42Gigawattsrockbox, ftw
22:44.48romainguyan app can request it in the manifest
22:44.54anno^da_Gigawatts: only rockbox :-)
22:45.07digitalspaghettiheh, whats the terminal emulator that's shown up in the marketplace?
22:45.10Gigawatts:) thats the only reason i have a 1st gen nano
22:45.18LazAccelerometer is there, The default Movie player changes position when you move it :)
22:45.22BHSPitWebit's cool, when you're not trying to listen to music lying down or in bed
22:45.26zhobbsdigitalspaghetti: I stuck that up there :)
22:45.42Lazterm.apk is better and its from google
22:45.54zhobbsLaz: I stuck Term.apk on the Market
22:46.24KNYthat pTerminal or whatever is complete garbage
22:46.26KNYdo not install
22:46.30Lazlol why
22:46.38BHSPitWebI heard good things about it
22:46.39KNYit's totally worthless
22:46.41anno^da_Gigawatts: yeah me too. I just hate the battery life of my nano after years of usage. :D
22:47.14LazKNY: actual reasons please
22:47.38KNYLaz, maybe I'm not using it right, but the only thing that works is ls
22:47.41Gigawattsyeah, mine hasnt seen much use from its prev owner, so mines still pretty good
22:47.41BHSPitWebKNY: I guess it's worthless if you don't use ssh
22:47.42theCarpenterdoes anyone have any idea what IP address the marketplace is at?
22:47.44zhobbsI'm going to regret putting it on there, I've already gotten a few emails like "what is this application for and why should I install it?"
22:47.45theCarpenteror URL?
22:47.50theCarpenterthe one that android accesses via phone i mean
22:47.54BHSPitWebIsn't pTerminal a ssh client?
22:47.57KNYBHSPitWeb, no
22:48.05LazKNY: something is wrong
22:48.07zhobbsBHSPitWeb: that's ConnectBot
22:48.08Gigawattsvery much know
22:48.12KNYConnectBot is the best
22:48.35BHSPitWebzhobbs: oh, right
22:48.43KNYLaz, I see it's been updated since I installed it last
22:49.05KNYat least the description has been updated, anyway
22:49.14Lazdropbear with root is the best
22:49.24cworthTimRiker: Hi there!
22:49.26*** join/#android ErikT (
22:50.23gdsxcworth: wait... you're a person also, aren't you?
22:50.34cworthgdsx: I was long ago, yes.
22:50.38digitalspaghettinice, you can ping from terminal
22:50.41gdsxcworth: awesome
22:50.55gdsxcworth: I've asked you various questions before, I think
22:51.03digitalspaghettiave 600ms ping to on my phone data
22:51.10gdsxcworth: possibly as xsdg, or possibly as yossarian
22:51.13cworthgdsx: I can't refute that. :-)
22:51.24cworthAh, yes, xsdg does seem more familiar.
22:51.48Lazirssi is finally working on the g1 :)
22:52.25KNYLaz, ConnectBot + screen = irssi :)
22:52.49Laznative irssi ftw
22:53.01KNYif I'm creating my own list of stuff (but not a ListActivity), is there a way I can get that nice gradient divider that ListActivity gets?
22:53.05digitalspaghettiyea, and set up a session and then connect using -x from android, you can see yourself typing :)
22:54.09jimpAny way to make connectbot send ^^ (control-^, \x1e)?  I use that as my screen key since I actually use ^A all the time for other things.
22:54.22unix_lappyLaz: nice, how'd you get that working?
22:54.38Lazcompiled it for the g1
22:55.21zhobbsLaz, share the binary
22:55.25Lazcross compiler
22:55.54Lazill get the script for you
22:56.27P2Eis there any way to poke the g1 into opening a file off sd
22:56.32P2Ejust like, a random file
22:56.41*** join/#android mpagano (n=mpagano@gentoo/developer/mpagano)
22:56.52jimpWhat do you mean, opening?  I can look at pictures on my SD card, no problem.
22:57.31P2EI want it to use whatever the default application is to open a file I specify
22:58.03herriojrdoes anyone have experience setting up the eclipse environment for editing the android eclipse plugin?
22:58.04marconeKNY: look at ListView.setDivider()
22:58.11P2EI can't use file:///sdcard/somefile.ext can I?
22:58.29jimpI dunno, give it a go and let us know :)
22:58.38zhobbsherriojr: there are docs in the source that give pretty good instructions on getting it setup
22:58.47KNYmarcone, I'll look into that
22:58.56herriojryeah, I've been reading those
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22:59.25zhobbsherriojr: I haven't done it, just stumbled upon that doc
22:59.42herriojrthe doc is missing things
23:00.33digitalspaghettihaha, idea ping - a android MUD client :)
23:01.10blountstep 3: profit!
23:02.55*** join/#android bojangles (
23:04.35jelddigitalspaghetti, and while we are at it an android z-code machine
23:05.29digitalspaghettioh yea, zorking it on the bus :)
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23:05.48danfuzzjeld, digitalspaghetti: <>
23:05.51herriojrI think I should make a script for them to do all this instead of having to do it manually
23:05.55P2Eargh I would kill to be able to change my trackball sensitivity
23:06.55digitalspaghettidanfuzz: <3
23:07.08gdsxhehe :o)
23:08.02digitalspaghettiwhy are these apps not in the marketplace yet?  I suppose the developers haven't paid the $25 yet
23:08.59*** join/#android Neverende1 (n=nbernard@
23:09.23digitalspaghettiwhere is the source code for terminal?  I found a simple telnet client example, and I'd like to try port it to do MUD connections
23:10.06wasabiSo you guys have root now eh/
23:10.18wasabihave you taken a look to figure out exactly what closed source pieces are present?
23:10.29wasabiI'm curious to know whether there are many closed source drivers in it.
23:11.25jelddanfuzz, Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED] :( :( :(
23:11.44danfuzzdurn, must still be built against a pre-1.0 sdk
23:12.09danfuzzactual priject page: <>
23:12.20*** join/#android sjschultze (
23:12.20jelddanfuzz, great, I can build my own
23:17.23digitalspaghettiwhere is the guide to complile and upload to the phone via USB?
23:17.59danfuzzstart here: <>
23:18.32danfuzzactually, here is better: <>
23:19.05danfuzzesp: <>
23:21.32*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
23:26.29P2Eargh, so if the thumbnails are unix timestamp+ms, is that first play or filespec, and isn't ms *not* stored in fat?
23:27.16BHSPitWebunix_lappy: a cross-compiler?
23:27.24BHSPitWebunix_lappy: ignore
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23:31.16unix_lappyall depends on whether he can post a viable make script or a binary
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23:36.25*** join/#android theCarpenter (
23:37.45theCarpenteranyone knwo the IP address the phone hits to pull Android Market information?
23:38.39KNYtheCarpenter, still trying to get that number? :P
23:38.47theCarpenteryeah :P
23:38.54theCarpenterthis is kinda driving me insane
23:39.14KNYsome Google employees hang around here--they might be able to help you
23:40.02cworthwasabi: I haven't heard what parts might be proprietary.
23:40.15summatusmentisare there not basic cli apps available?
23:41.04cworthwasabi: A great way of finding out is creating and flashing new images created from source. But I haven't heard yet that it's not risky to do that, (eg. if the bootloader refuses to boot a kernel if not signed with a particular signature).
23:41.12ttuttlejasta: ping
23:41.21cworthsummatusmentis: Define "basic". ;-)
23:41.40cworthsummatusmentis: The default install is extremely limited, but you can install busybox to get a fairly complete set.
23:41.48KNYhey guys, layout question: how can I get the following to happen? [[this is one LinearLayout]---------[smaller]] They're both dynamic sizes, and I want them to stay as far apart as they can
23:41.57summatusmentiscworth: well, shouldn't there be a way to watch net traffic from the cli?
23:42.03KNYin CSS, it'd be like float: right and float: left
23:42.20theCarpenterIndeed... although i think i've been whining enough about this that they may have heard me by now and chosen simply not to respond ;)
23:42.21jastattuttle: pong
23:42.36KNYtheCarpenter, haha
23:42.45ttuttlejasta: can you help me with five later tonight?
23:42.57d0netsanyone know wtf to do if an app im trying to port uses javax.sound?
23:43.00ttuttlejasta: i'm having trouble getting it to play stuff.
23:43.15jastasure.  do you have some general idea what's going on?
23:43.25d0netsme or tuttle?
23:43.32ttuttlejasta: it crashes when i tap a song.
23:43.33cworthsummatusmentis: I'd like a lot of things along those lines. But apparently the people who assembled the default images didn't expect users to want to do that kind of thing.
23:43.38andyrosscworth: The bootloader can restore from the sdcard, so hopefully you'd be able to recover a bricked phone with an official image.  Obviously not tested by me yet.
23:43.41d0netstuttle i have the same prob with five
23:43.49wasabicworth: Probably easy enough to just get root access adn look around.
23:43.57ttuttlejasta: also, one of the mbid updates fails in the server.
23:43.57d0netsjasta i got a log cat last night but its in my windblows partition
23:44.03umdk1d3KNY: you could have the right layout in a relative layout and android:layout_alignParentRight
23:44.06jastattuttle: hmm, interesting.
23:44.19jbqandyross: actually, the recovery code can read a system update from the SD card (not the bootloader).
23:44.23KNYumdk1d3, thanks, I'll look into it
23:44.26cworthandyross: Hmm.. So "restore from sdcard" should be easy enough to attempt without needing to do the bricking part first. :-)
23:44.30jastattuttle: how do you mean re the mbid update?
23:44.49digitalspaghettinice, i just compiled and installed my first android app (not my app, but first time i've installed this way)
23:44.57cworthjbq: Oh, if that's "recovery code" running under Linux, then yeah, that would make things less safe.
23:45.09ttuttlejasta: one of the sqlite queries (the one that saves an mbid) fails. i can get you more details later
23:45.19jastathat's pretty bizarre
23:45.23andyrossOh, yeah, clearly that's not going to work if it's not in the bootloader.
23:45.30umdk1d3KNY: or you might have the layout_weight of the left object=1, havent tried that approach though
23:45.42KNYumdk1d3, hmm, that sounds right
23:45.42cworthandyross: It actually would be surprising for the bootloader to be able to read from an SD card.
23:45.46jbqif you screw up the system to the point recovery doesn't work, you have a permanent brick.
23:45.50jastattuttle: ok, well, the crash in the music player is probably much more critical.  send me an e-mail with the logcat or something and i will definitely take a look
23:46.02ttuttlejasta: okay.
23:46.08andyrosswonders if TMO has a setup for factory-reflashing phones...
23:46.28KNYandyross, yeah, but they probably charge you ~$399.00 :)
23:46.29jbqalso, if all you have is recovery and an update image, that image will only install if it can still recognize the prerequisite version.
23:46.33volsomehow I suspect it involves sending it to HTC's factory in taiwan
23:46.50theCarpenterokay, new, unrelated question!
23:46.50d0netsjasta any idea about my question about javax.sound ?
23:46.51theCarpentercan i update repo from repo?
23:47.00KNYumdk1d3, weight="1" was exactly what I wanted it
23:47.07KNYtheCarpenter, eh?
23:47.12andyrossIsn't repo just a single shell script?
23:47.21jastad0nets: there is no equivalent to that package space in Android.  only very limited media capabilities exist in Android.
23:47.29theCarpenterit says ... A new repo command (  1.7) is available.
23:47.30theCarpenter... You should upgrade soon:
23:47.33jastad0nets: see MediaPlayer.  if it cannot do what you need, then you're sol.
23:47.45jbqtheCarpenter: in fact it almost auto-updates itself - when it finds there's a new version of itself it'll ask you to install the new version in the right place.
23:47.50faddenjasta: dalvik/libcore-disabled/sound/src/main/java/javax/sound
23:47.53andyrossRight, but the instructions for installing repo are just fetching a single script of a web server.
23:48.07andyrossHeh, even simpler :)
23:48.34danfuzzwhat fadden said. the code isn't yet done enough to be part of a stable API, but we did make a go at it
23:48.36d0netsfadden whats that mean?
23:48.58danfuzzyou are welcome to contribute high quality patches towards making it a real, usable part of the platform
23:49.10faddend0nets: see danfuzz ^^
23:49.17jastafadden: do you know that this actually works?  it's undocumented/private.
23:49.37danfuzzit most assuredly *doesn't* work, at least not completely
23:49.44romainguyjasta: this API is part of Java SE so you can lookup docs and examples for Java SE
23:49.53danfuzzand it isn't included on any device builds YET
23:49.58romainguythat too :)
23:50.10spikebikeanyone compiled the iptables userspace for the g1 yet?
23:50.10danfuzzshould it mature, it almost certainly will be included
23:50.31d0netstheres the code that uses it
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23:50.41danfuzzit's not a particularly high priority inside the android team, but again we will happily accept good patches
23:50.51d0netsany idears if it is possible to do at this point?
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23:51.17andyrossThere's a AudioTrack/AudioRecord C++ API in there which does callback-based mixing of streams.  I haven't gotten around to trying it yet.
23:51.20cworthspikebike: It's next on my list. Let me know if you find a binary before I create one.
23:51.29spikebikewill do
23:52.23danfuzzd0nets: there's no javax.sound.* in the 1.0 API, so no that code won't work
23:52.52d0netswell right
23:53.02d0netsbut is there a way to do what the app needs to , with what is available?
23:53.24danfuzzsorry, i don't know off-hand.
23:53.42danfuzzmail the android-development list maybe?
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23:54.20andyrossd0nets: what are the requirements again?  Like I said, the native libraries seem to have a reasonably streaming interface (it does a copy over IPC instead of mapping shared buffers, I think, so not perfect, but not bad either)
23:54.24tweakt_andyross, I was just wondering about that... no way to do that from java is there?
23:54.46andyrossNot that I found, no.
23:55.16tweakt_I have two different ideas that involve being able to process sampled audio in real time, and another generating audio.... in both cases it looks like I have to write to a file first :-(
23:55.31andyrossOr do JNI.  It's really not so hard.
23:56.08andyrossAssuming, that is, that AudioTrack works the way I think it does and doesn't have bugs.  Again, I haven't done anything but read source code.
23:56.31d0netsandyross im nto sure
23:56.36d0netsim still learning java
23:56.54d0netsim just trying to port and it was throwing errors about the javax.sound
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23:58.08tweakt_andyross, yeah... something like that would be necessary for more advanced games too, rather than just playing samples
23:58.18tweakt_it sounds like AudioTrack is what MediaPlayer uses, cause you can play multiple audio files concurrently right now
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23:59.47andyrossYeah, the architecture seems to be a fairly typical sound server.  You make binder calls into it to register your AudioTrack object, then it calls back into your process periodically to fill buffers.  AFAICT, the buffer is actually copied over the IPC though, which is unfortunate.  But I'm hardly an expert here.

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