IRC log for #android on 20081104

00:00.36Dammthat should be painful
00:00.42languishso wehn she's near the store that carrys my favorite chocolate, it'll remind her to get some.  and when she's near the store that carrys my favorite soda, it reminds her to get some
00:01.23cmonexhehe nice idea.
00:01.37languishhaving one of these apps integrated with the calendar would be even better
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00:02.41languishcmonex :)
00:03.34languishso i can set location based alerts only on certain dates/times
00:04.14languishalso, enabling the gps only during a particular time period, so it doesn't run down battery the whole day
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00:06.23languish"I know she arrives at the station between 4pm and 5:30pm on Thursdays, enable gps during this time period, and set a location based alert when she's near my favorite deli to remind her pick up my favorite antipasto salad, which we're always out of by Thrusday
00:07.24languishthen again, she's gonna have me picking up gallons of milk on the way home from work
00:07.35kRutOnmmm, week-old salad
00:08.31kRutOn"whenever she's near that guy' house I suspect her of cheating on me with, call me and enable speakerphone."
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00:09.06languishisn't there an app like that already?
00:09.44*** join/#android Chainfire (n=Chainfir@unaffiliated/chainfire)
00:09.54languishbut yea, an at or chron function would have been really nice
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00:11.09Chainfirehi folks im having a hell of a time trying to compile android on ubuntu 8.04/amd64.. my libz seems to be incorrect - i think it wants a 32-bit libz and i only have 64-bit. apt-get for libz-dev doesn't help :( any clues?
00:11.38DammChainfire, setup a chroot with libz for 32bit
00:11.42Dammyou basically need a 32bit chroot
00:12.40Chainfireerr... ok. is that a one-liner or do you have some links i could look at for that?
00:13.02Dammdunno i haven't used ubuntu.
00:13.14Dammhowever, i'm sure there's something decent on google
00:14.52Dammotherwise you'd have to build the toolchain for arm
00:14.55Dammand all that fun stuff.
00:15.06spikebikeI was hoping the 64 bit stuff under ubuntu was better by now
00:15.09Dammcan't imagine the 64bit would make the sdk that much of a waste.
00:15.11spikebikea friend has an interesting approach
00:15.16Dammspikebike, nah
00:15.17spikebike100% 32 bit system
00:15.23spikebikeexcept the kernel which is 64 bit
00:15.28spikebikeit actually works really well
00:15.28DammI have a simple one... server = 64bit
00:15.34DammMacbook Pro = 32bit
00:15.36spikebikewell this was a desktop
00:15.37Dammuse MBP to use SDK.
00:15.47spikebikeso you can use >= 4GB quite well
00:16.23spikebikeyes don't have the issues with flash, java plugins, acroread, and other binaries
00:17.30Dammspikebike, gentoo's 32bit chroot is pretty decent.
00:17.58spikebikeI've does similar with ubuntu, it's just painful
00:18.03spikebike2 systems to patch
00:18.10Dammnah gentoo does it via portage
00:18.20Dammjust install the proper packages it installs it into /chroot
00:18.26Damminstalls X, etc etc for you
00:18.28Dammvery easy
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00:18.50DammI also find the 64bit support on Gentoo to be quite mature.
00:18.52spikebikestill seems cleanest to just have a 64 bit kernel and 32 bit user space
00:19.01spikebikeno replication
00:19.14Dammgentoo doesn't make you enter the chroot
00:19.27Dammdlload() and ld handle the magic for you
00:19.46Dammso the library's sit in /chroot, while your applications are wherever, and they can see your $HOME
00:19.49Dammand so forth
00:20.13Dammno required mount -o bind /dev /chroot/dev and then etc and bleh
00:20.24Dammthe idea of having to do apt-get update in your system and then a chroot is vile
00:22.23languishwhat's the path to check device (not sync) updates again?
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00:22.49languishi could have sworn I'm looking in the right section
00:23.03jastareads the topic
00:23.07*** part/#android Terdhex (
00:23.09jastawonders why the topic gives anyone a vote
00:23.13jastaas if #android is not already being logged
00:23.24Chainfiredang for chroot i pretty much have to reinstall a whole 32-bit system into it ?
00:23.44andyrossThat's kind of what a chroot is, yeah.
00:23.50faddenjasta: can you move your device a little closer?  I can't quite guess your password from the keyboard noises.
00:24.06jastafadden: hmm?
00:24.23Dammyes Chainfire.
00:24.26Chainfireeh for gawds sake
00:24.33Chainfirethis is why I hate linux.
00:25.09DammChainfire, this isn't a linux issue... this is a Ubuntu issue.
00:25.18Dammtake it up with Ubuntu for not handling things better.
00:25.44Damm64bit has been around for what a decade now? easily... there is absolutely no reason for 64bit support to be as pathetic as it is in ubuntu.
00:25.52Dammwell 32bit chroots
00:26.01Chainfireso, what distro allows me to compile android without jumping through hoops easily?
00:26.06Dammit should be smooth, it should be handled easily.
00:26.15Dammjust mentioned one above... but it's more of an advanced linux distro.
00:26.17marconeChainfire: Ubuntu
00:26.30Dammmarcone, he runs 64bit ubuntu
00:26.33Dammdoesn't want to do a chroot
00:26.43Dammor atleast an chroot that's easier then ubuntu's
00:26.50marconeI'm running 64 bit Ubuntu too, and it builds Android OK
00:27.05faddenmarcone: with the open-source rel?
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00:27.12andyrossDamm: its' more the debian/ubuntu tradition is to assume "64 bit" is a different architecture, where the redhat/sun tradition assumes it's a special case and actually complicates installation of "native" binaries.  The details are subtle, and not easily amenable to platform flamage.
00:28.00Dammandyross, well Solaris had their crud detailed in the lib/sparcv9 and lib/ crud... their linker handled it almost sanely
00:28.05Chainfireok then marcone perhaps you can answer why I'm getting libz errors then? :) skipping all i got when searching for -lz, apt-get install libz-dev is no help
00:28.14Chainfire(ubuntu 8.04)
00:28.16andyrossI can get through a "dalvikvm" build, which builds everything I want right now, on 64 bit ubuntu  just fine.  A full build stops right now looking for 32 bit X11 libraries which aren't available in development ("*.so") links.
00:28.19Dammbut I would overall say that 64bit solaris is a joke.
00:28.33marconeChainfire: you need to also install the 32 bit compatibility libraries
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00:28.55Dammandyross, right, and with Gentoo it will install the X11 32bit library's and base library's quite easily for you
00:29.09marconei.e. lib32z1-dev, etc
00:29.14Dammall in a tightly packed folder.
00:29.17andyrossMust we get into a platform flame war?  Just stop.
00:29.33Dammputs himself out.
00:29.56Chainfirethx marcone, that seems to work
00:30.02languishOK, my 3G indicators keeps showing data transfer. I don't have any recent apps that would download, and it's not indicating that it's syncing. the logcat keeps showing the following...
00:30.03languishE/SOCKETLOG(  189): add_recv_stats recv 0
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00:30.49Dammstop downloading pr0n?
00:31.21umdk1d3noooo mexican fail
00:31.23jastayay, i get all night to hack on the Email app
00:31.32umdk1d3lol wrong chan
00:31.34jastai will probably have a version worth giving to people :)
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00:32.59yakischlobajasta: maybe you can fix the bug that makes it useless to me ;)
00:33.59jastayakischloba: what's that?  i do know the code base quite well at this point
00:34.16Chainfireso, a week ago or so somebody was saying something about a tutorial about running C++ code on Android ... that ever happen?
00:34.31yakischlobajasta: Shortly after setting up a new account, I will re-open the Email app to find it back at the setup screen (my account has been removed)
00:34.53jastathat doesn't surprise me too much.  the way that the app stores accounts makes absolutely no sense
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00:35.07jastait uses SharedPreferences
00:35.16jastadespite that it uses a sqlite3 database for everything else
00:35.20jastamessages, folders, etc.
00:35.26yakischlobayeah, it has happened to me without fail within about 4 hours every time. I just got RC29 so I tried it on the bus, and it happened within 2 minutes
00:35.44romainguyjasta: in what this doesn't make sense?
00:35.55jastai can't parse that :)
00:35.57Dammyakischloba, install K-9.
00:36.15Dammemail client
00:36.18Dammit's in themarket.
00:36.21jastaK-9 mail is some dude hacking on the e-mail app, although somewhat recklessly i've heard.
00:36.38Dammworks quite well here.
00:36.55umdk1d3has he opensourced his changes?
00:37.22umdk1d3(why did he feel the need to fork?)
00:37.39spikebikebecause he can ;-)
00:37.40Dammbecause real men use forks and not spoons
00:38.11jastaumdk1d3: because he was extremely impatient
00:38.47jastaand he thought it was necessary for some dumb reason.  probably because he was too impatient to think about it :)
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00:39.15gamblerjasta, your sending your changes back upstream?
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00:40.50jastaumdk1d3: i think he thought that he had to fork in order to load it onto his phone.  i, meanwhile, wrote a script that lets me load it onto the phone :)
00:41.09Chainfiremarcone> having the same issue now with X11 libs... lib32x11-dev doesn't seem to exist, though
00:41.22jastaumdk1d3: he really didnt organize his changes to go upstream either.  major hackjobs all over
00:41.54umdk1d3ouch  :/
00:42.54jastai still might tackle some of the issues and get them sent upstream
00:43.05jastaeven if i just clean up his patches to do it
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00:43.32DammI look at it this way, the email client is a joke.
00:43.46Dammatleast with K-9mail it works decently, and does what it says it does.
00:44.04DammI was annoyed when Email didn't push the 'delete' back to my IMAP server
00:44.13Dammwhy even have a delete button if it doesn't do a thing?
00:44.14umdk1d3"It's my intent to feed back improvements to the core Email application, though I'm not 100% sure everything we do will be deemed 'right' for a coreapplication. "  --quote from dev
00:44.18andyrossChainfire: it's probably enough to just make .so.X.Y -> .so links for each of your lib32/libX*.so.X.Y libraries.
00:44.21jastaDamm: i disagree, i just think its not feature rich
00:44.29jastait is well built, and open sourced.  there is a lot of potential to improve it easily
00:44.40marconeChainfire: I believe that is an Ubuntu packing issue. I ended up making the symlink for myself
00:44.41umdk1d3how many more features is he providing beyond the original app?
00:45.02jastaumdk1d3: that is his quote, sure, and yet he has no commits currently
00:45.06Dammperformance, works like it should.
00:45.06gamblerDoes it use Maildir or an Androidism to store the messages?
00:45.07jastaso... :)
00:45.21Dammjasta, he's been pushing revisions out pretty fast, how can he have no commits?
00:45.22jastagambler: the email app uses a sqlite3 database to store messages
00:45.33umdk1d3Damm: i think he meant the core android tree
00:45.35jastaDamm: because he has not bothered to contribute any of those changes to upstream
00:45.40Dammumdk1d3, ah
00:45.47jastaand i dont think he really intends to.  i talked to him a bit
00:46.19Dammit wouldn't be that hard to submit it for him
00:46.24Dammif you were so inclined
00:46.31jastahe has a very reckless attitude about the whole thing, and he's perfectly happy letting his tree grow unmanagably apart from android's
00:46.40umdk1d3jasta: i wonder if he expects other devs to do the actual porting back to the android tree?
00:46.43Chainfiremarcone> then it says its incompatible... doesnt seem to be a libX11 in my lib32
00:46.53Chainfiresymlink, incompatible
00:46.58jastaDamm: well, at this point it is possible.  but eventually his changes are gonna be so far reaching and poorly thought out that it would be more work to fix them up than to just hack on the original app
00:47.13jastaumdk1d3: he probably doesn't give a shit about porting back. :)
00:48.53marconeChainfire: not sure how to fix that. My system had it preinstalled.
00:51.10Chainfireremove/install ia32-libs did the trick :/
00:52.03marcone$ dpkg -S /usr/lib32/
00:52.03marconeia32-libs: /usr/lib32/
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00:52.45Chainfirefunny i had it installed, though
00:53.20Chainfiresomeday im going to know something about linux, haha
00:54.17andyrossDoes anyone know which android component(s) fail in 64 bit mode, for that matter?  Seems like the simplest solution here would just be to fix whatever platform bug is forcing the mixed mode build.
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00:56.16Chainfireoh you got to be kidding me... android market requires google checkout... which is not available in my country... nice!
00:56.19languishhuh. it looks like that error was an attempt to update the g1
00:56.25languishand it's failing
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00:56.36languishit wasn't able to download the update for some reason
01:01.21umdk1d3criez, my G1 has a dead pixel now :(
01:01.36cmonexmm,how would that happen?
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01:01.51cmonexyou got a g1?
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01:01.53languishumdk1d3, get that strobe app and run it through
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01:02.32jpalmerChainfire: you porting WMWifiRouter to android?
01:02.43umdk1d3languish: ahh, good idea  :)
01:02.51languishgood luck
01:03.13Chainfirecmonex> it on its way here yah
01:03.18Chainfirejpalmer> yes
01:03.28languishhugs Chainfire just because
01:03.33Chainfireltxda hooked me up
01:03.58umdk1d3ahhhhhh /me seizes
01:04.07Chainfirenow i just need to come to terms with Android... The emulator crashing on me constantly :D
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01:06.55cmonexso uh, is ltxda also getting one? :O
01:07.13Chainfirehe could've gotten 4 dev devices but he passed
01:07.24Chainfireand he didnt tell me... so he hooked me up with someone else ;)
01:08.47Chainfireltxda thinks it aint ready yet
01:08.47Chainfireand that the G1 is friggin ugly... and I'd have to agree on that last point ;)
01:09.54*** join/#android jbq (n=jbq@
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01:10.38languishdoesn't find the G1 to be ugly, just not sexy
01:11.01languishit's.. sorta basic/utilitarian
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01:11.10languishand woulda been a wet dream 5+ years ago
01:11.45Disconnectyah but thats true of basically any modern tech. what would you give me for a wind u100 5 years ago?
01:12.01Disconnectistr the vaio was close (only what, half the cpu power and 1/3 the storage?) and it ran 1500+
01:12.20Disconnectnow its retail $400
01:12.59wastreli don't think it's ugly
01:13.06wastrelbut then, i like my thinkpad too :]
01:14.19unix_infidelDisconnect: heh, your wind u100 just dropped about 50 bucks.
01:15.55Chainfirehmm smth else... did anyone notice certain commands that are available if you build Android are not available on the emulator? Wonder if they'll be available on the actual device...
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01:17.22unix_infidelDisconnect: you said you paid about 400 for it, it's down to 350.
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01:17.53unix_infidelwhich is pretty substantial for a netbook, around 15% off.
01:18.10Disconnect@ bestbuy?
01:18.58Disconnectcool. take the reciept in, get $55 back. nice.
01:19.10waldo_Chainfire: what commands?  what do you mean?
01:19.27unix_infidelDisconnect: it's actually about par imho.
01:19.46Disconnectif i can find someone else (retail) advertising it i'll get $55. otherwise its $50. still...
01:20.09tweaktwhat can I apply a <style>resource to... ?
01:20.13unix_infidelyou can get a 6-cell 1000H for 430 off amazon with bigger hard drive.
01:20.31tweaktfor instance, I have 12 buttons, I want them to all be the same size and shape....
01:20.42tweaktI'm thinking like I would use CSS right?
01:21.04tweaktall I can find is textAppearance
01:21.27cmonex[02:11:48] <Disconnect> yah but thats true of basically any modern tech. what would you give me for a wind u100 5 years ago?
01:21.33cmonexnothing, too big =)
01:21.42Disconnectunix_infidel: yah looked at that
01:22.07tweaktoh nevermind, I see there is a seperate <dimen> resource type
01:22.44unix_infidelDisconnect: ya I was considering it, I need to fend off my tech lust just a couple more weeks.
01:22.59unix_infidelprobably save a couple hundered dollars.
01:23.22Disconnectunix_infidel: isnt' that the one that isn't an atom tho?
01:23.39unix_infidelDisconnect: no, the 1000H ships with an atom.
01:24.26Disconnectyah $120 more tho
01:24.39unix_infidelerm, sorry 1000HA.
01:24.41Disconnectfor the extra $120 i'll slap a touchscreen on the wind instead
01:25.11Disconnectthe wider touchpad might be nice
01:25.22Disconnectdamnit. wtf is beeping at me?
01:25.29unix_infidelabout 40 bucks more.  but you get 40GB more HD and a 6 cell.
01:26.17Disconnect$425 vs $350
01:30.27*** join/#android ralpht (
01:30.31jastai waited too long and now traffic is bad
01:30.52Disconnectso stay @ work and watch the skins trounce the steelers (about 15 miles from here)
01:31.56unix_infideljasta: irc-ing on the road?
01:32.25ralphthey, does anyone know how i can become root in the terminal app (in development settings on a build from the sources, not a g1)? I have su in xbin, but I can't run it (permission denied...).
01:33.28jbq_is irc-ing on the road
01:33.47Disconnecti heard rumours the eng units (some of htem at least) had sudo
01:33.59Chainfirewell whaddaya know... android compiled!
01:34.19ralphtit builds su as part of the build
01:34.32ralphti just can't seem to run it (and i think that the permissions are okay on it)
01:37.14*** join/#android Gary|thinkpad (
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01:39.05Gary|thinkpadAnyone know off hand where applications are installed to? I can't find them for the life of me.
01:41.30michaelnovakjr__its a very hidden directory
01:41.35michaelnovakjr__you can't read it
01:41.38Gary|thinkpad/data is empty
01:41.39Gary|thinkpadahh :/
01:41.54michaelnovakjr__Gary|thinkpad: there's no read permissions on it
01:42.26Gary|thinkpadwell, that's.... annoying.
01:42.32Chainfireok im officially stuck until I have the device in-hand... fookers.
01:42.58Gary|thinkpadSo there is no way to bypass that?
01:43.46Chainfireso, you cant run apps as root on android?
01:44.15Chainfireaint that annoying
01:44.43Gary|thinkpadthis just keeps getting worse and worse, tbh :/.
01:44.45jbq_would be annoyed if any app could get to his private data on the phone.
01:45.05Chainfireif no app can get to it... how would you put this private data on there? :P
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01:45.31jbq_Each app can access its own data in there.
01:45.38jbq_Just not other apps' data.
01:45.47Gary|thinkpadjbq_: indeed, but YOU should be able to use root
01:46.15jbq_Gary|thinkpad: No, with DRM you shouldn't be allowed to get root access.
01:46.38Chainfirei dont care what anybody says
01:46.49Chainfirenobody knows best what to do with my stuff, except me
01:47.06romainguyhere we go again :)
01:47.08ChainfireI should be able to be root, period. useful or not :)
01:47.29Gary|thinkpadChainfire: It's legal issues, likely.
01:47.35jbq_I'm not a US citizen, so I don't get to vote in any way that's related to US copyright laws.
01:47.58romainguyChainfire: why do you want to be root?
01:48.05Gary|thinkpadI went with the G1 because I figured it would be open, should have just gotten a jailbroken iPhone tbh :/.
01:48.09romainguy(other than "because I want to be root")
01:48.24Chainfirebecause I payed an assload of money for a device
01:48.29Chainfireif I wish to be root, I should be.
01:49.03Chainfirenobody is going to stop me from throwing it out of a window cause "thats your choice"
01:49.12Chainfirebut its not my choice to do <whatever> ?
01:49.23jbq_I wish I could be rich, live in a large house, and have a pny.
01:50.46jbq_(oh, and while I'm at it, I wish the DMCA didn't exist!)
01:50.54Chainfireits a principle thing, really
01:51.00Gary|thinkpadThere's a huge difference there. Root is locked off for a reason.
01:51.03Chainfireand once you sign over your principles to Google... well :P
01:51.56Chainfirethe reason being... ?
01:52.03Gary|thinkpadI still really want it, but the reason I want it is.... somewhat malicious :P and I think thats the main reason people would want root access
01:53.00Chainfirei want it so I can do anything I please to something I payed for...
01:53.08Chainfirewether or not I need it, is completely irrelevant
01:54.02Gary|thinkpadYou're starting to sound like a whiny 12 year old.
01:54.24Gary|thinkpadJust wait for it to be cracked like everyone else.
01:54.26Disconnectthinks vpns are hardly 'malicious'. nor are backups.
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01:54.55cmonexGary|thinkpad: if everyone is waiting for it to be cracked, it will never be cracked.
01:55.00cmonexDisconnect gave some good reasons now =)
01:55.21Chainfirewhiny 12 year old :)
01:55.22cmonexand yeah, tethering app!!
01:55.44Chainfireyou sounding like somebody who sold his soul long ago
01:55.50Gary|thinkpadcmonex: Tethering is out, just a socks (v4?) proxy
01:56.07Chainfireits a http proxy, actually
01:56.12Gary|thinkpadChainfire: Welcome to the phone scene. Android is still a very large step in the right direction.
01:56.14Gary|thinkpadAhh, annoying.
01:56.32Gary|thinkpadWhy wouldn't they make it into a socks? it'd be just as easy?
01:56.35cmonexin the right direction? what is "the right direction"? just curious what you mean.
01:56.43Chainfireill make it into a socks ;)
01:56.49Chainfiresoon as i get my device.
01:57.03Chainfiremyeah im curious about your "right direction" as well
01:57.11cmonexto me so far it looks like N810 is more in the right direction...
01:57.20Gary|thinkpadcmonex: Moving away from closed proprietary software.
01:57.26cmonexnice 800x480 screen, you can use ported C linux apps easily...
01:57.36cmonex(no phone, nokia is working on that)
01:57.39Gary|thinkpadIt's not as huge as I expected it would be.... and yeah I'm a bit pissed off about some of the stuff you can't do
01:57.42Chainfiremoving away from closed apps... to a closed platform?
01:57.51cmonexand..yeah N810 runs linux too, but a lot more open
01:58.17Chainfirewhat use is being able to fix the source if you cant run it
01:58.25Gary|thinkpadAnyway, I was looking forward to cracking some java apps :(. now I dunno what to do.
01:58.36cmonexthat's correct Chainfire: you can't flash your own update
01:58.59cmonexwonder if that was tmobile's decision
01:59.47Gary|thinkpadI bet that's why you can't install apps to the SD card, actually.
01:59.52cmonexyou can't?
01:59.58cmonexI would have hoped they'd solve that
02:00.03cmonexsame problem on N810, without big hacks you can't
02:00.34Chainfireso far for the right direction :)
02:00.37Gary|thinkpadwell, they'd have to do some extra work to UMS to stop it from reading that directory, I dunno how you'd get windows to write to it without overwriting an area it doesn't know exists
02:00.58Gary|thinkpadIt still is :P
02:01.33Disconnectdon't screw with ums, just use a userspace filesystem or (better) a loopback device
02:01.38Gary|thinkpadAnd they have a good reason for that of course. my main reason for wanting access to /data/app is to crack Fire Wallet
02:02.05Gary|thinkpadIt's a useful program, but fuck if it's worth money.
02:02.14cmonexheh not even 5 usd?
02:02.20cmonex(I have no idea how much it costs, btw)
02:02.21ttuttleGary|thinkpad: How are they doing billing?
02:02.28Gary|thinkpadttuttle: No idea.
02:02.45Gary|thinkpadcmonex: Moneys pretty tight D:.
02:02.59Gary|thinkpadand even so, beyond the point
02:03.03ttuttleGary|thinkpad: /me really doesn't like it when people charge for tiny apps.
02:03.10Chainfirea noble effort :/
02:03.10Chainfirecalls dibs on "I'm rich" for Android.
02:03.16ttuttleChainfire: heh
02:03.22ttuttleChainfire: /me hopes someone does that, and Google leaves it up ;-)
02:03.25Gary|thinkpadThats the main reason, ttuttle.
02:03.33ttuttleChainfire: Someone should make a whole set of them with different gems for different amounts.
02:03.36Gary|thinkpadFireWallet is useful, but it's like very very little work to make it
02:03.47Gary|thinkpaddgMoney or whatever is almost the same thing but I like firewallets UI better.
02:04.02ttuttleGary|thinkpad: So make your own.
02:04.13Gary|thinkpadI don't know java, nor do I learn to care :)
02:04.14ttuttleGary|thinkpad: The best thing to do if you think software is overpriced is don't use it ;-)
02:04.22Gary|thinkpaddo I care to learn heh
02:04.22ttuttleyeah, i know what you meant to say
02:04.38cmonexGary|thinkpad did you ever sell your own software?
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02:05.04Gary|thinkpadMost of my work has been GPL'd.
02:05.57cmonexthat's nice
02:05.57ttuttleGary|thinkpad: Good.
02:05.57Chainfirewhy dont you just go rob a bank while you're at it, then?
02:05.57ttuttleis a fan of the "sell the *service* of writing software" model, when it's possible.
02:05.57waldo_wow old video from february 08 shows the g1
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02:05.59ttuttleChainfire: ?
02:06.14waldo_where's my quake I wonder
02:06.47Gary|thinkpadChainfire: weren't you the one whining about not having root access for no reason :P ?
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02:07.44unix_infidelwonders what it takes to be a creater vs a founer.
02:07.58cmonexweird question (=P
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02:10.31unix_infidelcmonex: heh, well it's a valid question, a creator has done at least some engineering work (design, development, etc)
02:11.00cmonexyeah, and why is this a question?
02:11.00unix_infidela founder can be any number of things, "head honcho" is along those same lines.
02:11.20unix_infidelcmonex: BBC called andy the "creator" of android.
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02:13.29Chainfiregot lonely there for a sec :)
02:13.57cmonex<unix_infidel> cmonex: BBC called andy the "creator" of android.
02:14.02cmonexdo you disagree? =P
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02:14.34cbeust_It's accurate
02:17.53unix_infidelcmonex: no, I dont disagree. just wondering what qualifies a founder vs a creator.
02:20.26BHSPitMonkeyI created Android.  Stupid.
02:20.43cmonexwell, if it was his idea..
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02:23.39unix_infidelcmonex: my point exactly ideas have a quality of being creative, they dont create.
02:24.31cmonexhmm, yeah
02:24.45tmccraryideas mean exactly jack
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02:25.57unix_infidelcmonex: i'm not knocking andy, i'm just trying to figure out if i'm disillusioned ;-)
02:26.44cmonexheheh :P
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02:29.41cmonexyou got a g1 btw? unix_infidel
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02:50.29ionstormwhere is a good place where ppl share code/develop new droid apps
02:50.59jastahmm, is there some way to get your notification or detect if it had been cleared?
02:51.21jastaionstorm: here and the android developers group.
02:52.18romainguy___jasta: nope
02:52.41jastaromainguy___: hmm, well, how am i supposed to report how many new e-mails the user has?
02:53.01romainguy___just post a notification with the same id?
02:53.16jastabut how do i know how many new e-mails they had last time i got new messages?
02:53.42romainguy___up to you
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02:54.20romainguy___Gmail just tells you how many unread messages sit in your inbox
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02:57.26jastaromainguy___: hmm.  that'll work i guess.
02:57.53romainguy___btw, if you implement several features/bugs, you should create several patches
02:59.36jastaof course, i ignored your advice to the contrary earlier
02:59.56romainguy___no, I said before that one big patch was okay
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03:00.02romainguy___but in the context of implementing IMAP IDLE
03:00.13romainguy___I wasn't saying you should roll several features in one patch
03:00.21jastawell, i still think that should be broken up into two patches, one big redesign, then one small patch implementing IMAP IDLE
03:00.46jastabecause 90% of this current patch i have is just redesigning the way the whole app comes together
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03:01.04romainguy___sounds good
03:01.22Dammjasta's fixing up email?
03:01.55jastaim doing my part to.
03:02.10languishyeah, but hell will freeze over before t-mobile approves and disseminates an update with it
03:02.21languishbtw, hell is rumored to freeze over in 1Q09
03:02.41jastai don't have to care about that.  i mostly just want someone to be able to do a clean checkout from git, build it, and load it onto their phone
03:02.46jastaloading it on your phone is pretty simple.
03:02.52cbeust_romainguy: not quite, we just show how many new conversations *since you last checked*
03:03.08cbeust_which is a bit more useful, since a lot of people have Gmail inboxes with thousands of unread conversations
03:03.17romainguy___cbeust_: really? because it keeps showing me the total number of unread emails I have in my inbox
03:03.17offby1any idea why my phone has twice rebooted while I was in the middle of a call?
03:03.23jastacbeust_: right, so how do you do that?
03:03.28cbeust_romainguy___:  yes but not in the notification
03:03.33jastaif the user clears the notification, how do you know next time to show 1 unread?
03:03.45cbeust_memorize the number of unread
03:03.49jastaversus if they had not cleared the notification, showing the previous number + 1?
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03:04.08romainguy___cbeust_: if I have 3 unread, clear the notification, open gmail, get out, get an email, it tells me I have 4 unreads
03:04.16romainguy___(or at least that's how I remember it to work)
03:04.23jastaand thats the behaviour i was after
03:04.30cbeust_Yes sorry I'm not being clear
03:04.31romainguy___although I totally believe you because the behavior you describe would be much smarter :))
03:05.02cbeust_That's why we make the distinction between "new" and "unread"
03:05.08romainguy___ah ok
03:05.14cbeust_the unread count will only go down if you actually open a conversation
03:05.46ugaritI'm following these instructions but my g1 android device is not detected only my emulator is.  My g1 phone is connected via USB.  What am I doing wrong?
03:05.53jastacbeust_: so the notification shows unread or new?
03:06.00romainguy___ugarit: on WIndows?
03:06.06cbeust_New, because unread is not meaningful most of the time
03:06.10ugaritMac OS X
03:06.16cbeust_You would see "1211 unread message", you clear it
03:06.20cbeust_then you see "1213 unread messages"
03:06.22cbeust_not very helpful
03:06.24romainguy___did you enable USB debugging on the phone?
03:06.43ugaritromainguy___ no, just a sec
03:06.49jastacbeust_: so, how do you figure out the new count?  if i have 1 new, then i get another new, you show 2 by just remembering the number right?  so what if i hit "clear", how do you detect that?
03:08.17ugaritromainguy___ hmm, how do I do that?
03:08.31romainguy___ugarit: settings > applications > development > check USB debugging
03:09.05ugaritit now works! :-) thank you
03:09.34ugaritis it safe to go from RC19 to RC29 without the OTA?
03:10.00romainguy___it's up to you :)
03:10.12romainguy___I would tell you to just wait for the OTA
03:11.03michaelrnovaki don't see what's the rush :)
03:11.36ugarithow often is OTA pushed to phones?
03:14.49ugaritI see that ln is available.  Is it safe to symlink .apk to a real apk file on sdcard?
03:15.15romainguy___well you cannot create the link in the right place
03:15.15romainguy___so it won't help
03:16.55ugaritah too bad.  I hope they formally do this so I don't fill up my onboard storage capacity
03:17.17romainguy___we're thinking about it :)
03:17.41incandenzadoes the OTA update require a certain amount of free space to succeed?
03:17.57romainguy___this space is reserved already
03:18.01romainguy___so no need to worry about it
03:18.06jastareally?  that's clever :)
03:18.17incandenzaah, I see
03:18.24ugaritI installed HelloAndroid.apk on my device and I can see it on the phone but I don't c it in /system/app, where does it get installed?
03:18.34jastaugarit: /data/app
03:18.46romainguy___but you cannot see it there either
03:19.16jbqowns the space that's used to temporarily store the OTA updates.
03:19.17ugaritjasta: it's odd I can ls /system/app but not /data/app, I get permission denied
03:19.27romainguy___jbq: gimme some!
03:19.44romainguy___ugarit: it's by design :)
03:19.53jbqromainguy___: that's in my plans... if I continue to work on the download manager, that is.
03:20.03ugaritbut I would guess system is more critical
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03:20.12romainguy___jbq: wanna take over the Home screen instead? )
03:20.27romainguy___ugarit: you cannot write in /system
03:20.40jbqromainguy___: no, thanks (plus you do a great job with it)
03:20.52romainguy___that's because you haven't read Home's code :p
03:20.54ugaritbut I can ls /system but cannot /data
03:21.01romainguy___ugarit: yes
03:21.12jbqromainguy___: did you read the download manager code? :p
03:21.13romainguy___you still cannot write in either
03:21.20ugaritso how do I uninstall via the shell?
03:21.32romainguy___ugarit: adb uninstall
03:21.43romainguy___jbq: I wanted to but I read adb first and my eyes started bleeding :)
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03:21.58ugaritmaybe /usr/local would be good to have
03:22.00romainguy___(works with aapt too :)
03:22.05ugaritand their one can symlink
03:22.15ugaritand there one can symlink
03:22.18jbqoh gee, aapt is "interesting", I
03:22.27romainguy___to say the least ^^
03:22.31jbqI've tried to mess with it a bit, I ended up with papercuts everywhere on my hands.
03:23.29romainguy___adb will make your eyes bleed, aapt will cut your hands, ViewRoot will make you want to die and ListView will eat your babies
03:23.35romainguy___(I exaggerate)
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03:24.03ugaritso why are there apache jars in the sdk?
03:24.15Dammjasta, well it sounds good... i'll be eager to see what comes out of it
03:24.19romainguy___because we use apache libraries?
03:24.42jbqAndroid builds on several dozen open-source projects.
03:24.43ugaritare there plan to run apache as a server?
03:24.55romainguy___apache != web server ugarit
03:25.00Dammbetween ant, and apr
03:25.06Dammand the other things you can use from apache outside of httpd
03:25.10romainguy___Apache as in the Apache Software Foundation
03:25.22ugaritI c apache license?
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03:26.20jbqyes, a lot of the code that was written specifically for android was licensed under the apache licence 2.0.
03:26.53ugaritany plans to have an on screen keyboard?
03:27.08ugaritso I one can text with one hand
03:27.12romainguy___planned for 1st Q2009
03:27.48ugaritand when is the app installations onto the sdcard going to be available?
03:27.54romainguy___no eta
03:28.16ugaritthat would seem to be a higher priority IMHO :-)
03:28.43romainguy___everybody has a higher priority ^^
03:29.08ugaritbut I may not have enough storage for the onscreen keyboard :-)
03:29.22tmccrarythe solution is simple
03:29.22romainguy___don't worry about that, we have reserved space
03:29.25tmccrarybuy two G1's
03:30.32ugarithow about emoticons for sms?
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03:31.01ugariton screen that is
03:31.07romainguy___no idea
03:31.58romainguy___that's my shuttle stop
03:32.07jbqOnce you start to talk about features in individual apps (as opposed to framework features), there's a lot more flexibility, and therefore the roadmaps and schedules are a lot more fuzzy.
03:32.18ugarithow about irc client?
03:32.29michaelnovakjr_ugarit: i am working on an irc client
03:32.29romainguy___I'm pretty sure that won't happen :)
03:32.32romainguy___at least not as a core app
03:32.34jbq"excellent 3rd-party opportunity"
03:32.41romainguy___lol jbq
03:32.48jbqIRC over IMPS would be interesting.
03:32.49michaelnovakjr_i've started work on one :)
03:32.51ugaritmichaelnoakjr what's the eta?
03:32.55jbq(or over XMPP)
03:33.00michaelnovakjr_no idea
03:33.13romainguy___jbq: over IMPS? hope you have unlimited text :)
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03:33.29ugarithow about streaming (.pls) audio?
03:33.37michaelnovakjr_romainguy__ i have come to see unlimited text as necessary
03:33.43ugaritfor radio stations (shoutcast)
03:33.44romainguy___yep me too :)
03:33.49romainguy___ugarit: I think it works in the browser
03:33.51romainguy___not sure though
03:33.59ugaritit doesn't
03:34.03jbqIMPS is an open standard, people can roll out their free servers.
03:34.04michaelnovakjr_ugarit: when are you going to start writing some of this stuff you are asking for?
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03:34.21ugaritI should but I don't know java
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03:36.43ugaritis there a list of changes between rc19 and rc29 and if so where can one find them?
03:37.00ionstormsomeone should make an app auto updater, I hate the fact that I need to download updates manually
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03:37.40skbohrahi everybody
03:37.54skbohrai am new to android
03:38.16skbohradoes android sdk works fine on fedora 9
03:38.38tmccraryyes, its java
03:38.45Dammdoes java work on fedora 9?
03:38.51tmccraryworks great on linux, tons of money has been put into it
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03:39.05tmccraryuh.. yeah, fedora is the community version of red hat's distro
03:39.09tmccraryred hat is big on Java
03:39.44mikez6seeing discussion of .pls on the scroll up.
03:40.21mikez6We support .pls files that point to files on the SD card, but unfortunately not http:// for streaming audio
03:40.29ugaritromainguy___ .pls via browser and from shoutcast: sorry the player doesn't support this type of audio file
03:41.26mikez6a lot of people have been complaining about the .pls streaming audio problem and the right people know about it.
03:41.29Dammit's not really an audiofile... it's just a simple markup for where to fetch the http:// stream.
03:41.51Dammmikez6, well android is open source... how about fixing it?
03:42.05ugaritmikez6 the browser downloads the .pls file and puts it in the sdcard but it still won't work
03:42.21docpaulsupposedly android binaries for the openmoko freerunner are out in the wild... anyone seen them?
03:42.34ugaritdocpaul saw the story
03:42.37skbohrawhats the hardware required for running android OS
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03:43.41ugaritI just noticed that some apk files get installed on the sdcard! handycalc and tabletop
03:43.56docpaulugarit: neat, i'll have to go look for that
03:44.14mikez6ugarit: nothing is hooked up to handle pls files, so it just gets downloaded and nothing happens after that.
03:44.54mikez6It might be possible for a 3rd party app to register to handle the PLS file type, read the URL and ask the music app to play it.
03:44.56ugaritis there and eta to enhance
03:45.04_avatarso, has anyone seen a "SIM card full" notification shortly after getting their G1? i press the notification, and it takes me to a white screen with "Refreshing..." in the title, and an indeterminate progress bar in the upper right corner. nothing ever happens.
03:45.05mikez6But it would be better if android did that automatically.
03:45.55mikez6Damm:  /me already working full time on fixing android stuff
03:45.58jbqmikez6: "excellent 3rd-party opportunity"
03:46.59jbqI must have said that hundreds of times over the years.
03:47.09michaelnovakjr_jbq, rightfully so
03:47.18michaelnovakjr_there's no need to bloat the core os with stuff like that
03:47.44jbqwell, Moore's law will take care of the bloat, eventually.
03:48.42unix_infideli'm not exactly sure moore's law applies to mobile platforms.
03:49.32ugarithow do I do ctrl-c on the keyboard?
03:50.10jbqIt pretty much does. I've been in the mobile industry for 8 years, and phones have stayed consistently 10 to 15 years behind PCs.
03:50.13unix_infideloh jebus, I just had my first taste at assembly and I think I need to wash my hands.
03:50.28romainguy_some say Java is verbose
03:50.32romainguy_I find assembly verbose :))
03:50.46michaelnovakjr_romainguy_ agreed
03:51.05michaelnovakjr_unix_infidel: i like assembly... but it certainly is verbose
03:51.20michaelnovakjr_i also have grown to like Java
03:51.26unix_infidelromainguy_: well, these were guys who wore suits with vests in the middle of the summer.
03:51.29tmccraryI find java verbose but Eclipse fixes that problem and the resulting code is easier to understand by other people
03:51.40romainguy_tmccrary: agreed
03:51.42tmccraryso its basically win win
03:52.54_avatarso, clarifying my last question, is there any way to figure out why my SIM card is full?
03:53.28unix_infidelI know nothing about language design, but verbosity when it counts is hardly a bad thing.
03:53.30jbq_avatar: did you transfer it from another phone where you might have had many contacts or done much text messaging?
03:54.04_avatarjbq: yeah, t-mobile transferred the contents of my old SIM card to the new one. i'd like to figure out whats on there, and delete it
03:54.07Dammneeds a saner way then txt messages for nagios.
03:54.21Dammprays that TXT's don't stay on the SIM
03:55.03_avatarRyeBrye: i did some research, i don't think SMSs are stored on the SIM. i'm sure its whatever was on the old SIM
03:55.09_avatarwhich may very well be messages from my old phone, i guess
03:55.33Dammmost phones store it on the SIM
03:55.38Dammand 64k doesn't give you much room
03:55.38RyeBryeAndroid might not store stuff on the SIM - but your old phone might have
03:55.45RyeBryeit's pretty common for phones to store SMS on the SIM
03:55.47_avatarright, that's what i'm saying
03:55.58RyeBryeSo... SMSes might be filling it up then :)
03:56.13_avatarso, the important question, how do i delete the old messages (or whatever)? :)
03:56.24RyeBryeswetland - you around?
03:56.33_avatarah, i bet i can throw the SIM in my old phone.
03:56.42RyeBryeI'm trying (just for giggles) to build the HTC dream tree from git... I'm getting this error: make: *** No rule to make target `dream/proprietary/akmd', needed by `out/target/product/generic/system/bin/akmd'.  Stop.
03:56.51_avatardon't know why i didn't think of that immediately, its been a long day i guess
03:57.07ttuttleRyeBrye: sounds like it's proprietary~
03:57.22jbqRyeBrye: yeah, at this point the open-source tree doesn't have enough to build the relevant system image (and boot image)
03:57.29cbeust__avatar: saved contacts?
03:57.47RyeBryejbq - this makes me sad
03:57.54Dammjbq, yeah don't you have to copy some of it off the phone?
03:57.58mikez6RyeBrye: you should be able to adb pull it off the device
03:58.14RyeBryeI'll try again - but I'm pretty sure I did do the or whatever it was called
03:58.23mikez6akmd is a daemon that takes care of the Dream compass/accelerometer
03:58.24skbohrahow can i get android mobile in INDIA
03:58.25jbqRyeBrye: me even more so, because I have a flashable phone and I can't use the open-source build on my phone.
03:58.40swetlandrye: somewhat. what's up?
03:58.42RyeBryejbq - where do you live, just out of curiosity?
03:58.50jbqRyeBrye: Bay Area.
03:59.11RyeBryeswetland - I was just asking about a build error for the dream thing - but I think the answer is: "it's not working yet"
03:59.15DannyBi thought akmd was rewritten at some point
03:59.16swetlandrye: look at vendor/htc/dream/README.txt
03:59.22swetlandactually it is working
03:59.30jbqDannyB: not in 1.0
03:59.39swetlandthere are a couple missing bits but they're getting wrapped up. you *should* be able to build though
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03:59.47RyeBryeI'll re-read it. I'm pretty sure I did the extract-files part, but I'll run it again for good measure
03:59.53DannyBi just remember rlove saying something about it
04:00.04RyeBryedo I also need to override the pre-built kernel image?
04:00.09jbqDannyB: mathias and I have been working on a replacement.
04:00.12swetlandright now audio, 3d, gps are not going to work on these builds, but we should get these soon
04:00.15RyeBryeIt says "if you wish to" - but I didn't wish to
04:00.18swetlandrye: nah, the prebuilt kernel should be fine
04:00.55swetlandakmd is one of the files copies (your error above), so I think either it had a problem or you didn't run the script while in the vendor/htc/dream directory
04:01.22RyeBryeoh, interesting - I DO have akmd in vendor/htc/dream/proprietary
04:01.35swetlandodd. not sure why the build can't find it them
04:02.16RyeBryeI'll try to run make again
04:02.28RyeBryecan someone send me the production pk8 and pem files? they would really help
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04:04.22jbqwill re-try a device build from the open-source tree tomorrow.
04:04.23DammRyeBrye, you can build the image for the emulator... but a self built image on the G1 is very unlikely.
04:04.38RyeBryeYeah, I know
04:05.01RyeBryeI think that the recovery files in the open source tree are different from what are on our phones as well
04:05.03Dammbesides it's not really the pem
04:05.09Dammwhat you need is the keystore and the password for it
04:05.25Dammkeytool does all the signing just like the apps
04:05.29RyeBryeno, what I need is the pk8 and the pem so I can just use signapk the same way they do on their production builds
04:05.31Dammgood ole way of signing java apps :)
04:05.45Dammyou need that also
04:05.45RyeBryebelieve me, I've been looking into this a LOT today
04:05.51RyeBryeyou CAN use keytool
04:05.58RyeBryebut they don't use keytool on their OTA builds
04:06.30Dammsure looked like it.
04:06.43RyeBryeRead the first 3 lines of the CERT.SF file
04:06.49osmosisI put together a cheat sheet of all the android shortcut keys.
04:07.13RyeBryeCreated-By: 1.0 (Android SignApk)
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04:07.53Dammdidn't read that file
04:08.00RyeBryeIt doesn't do anything magical or special compared to the normal build - but that's the tool they use
04:08.01Dammusually certs are not very readable
04:08.11RyeBryeI dont' want to read it :)
04:08.15orcihi all, i just got a G1, it says charging, 100% on it, is it charging or charged?
04:08.41Dammorci, is your phone on fire yet?
04:08.52RyeBryeYes, it will catch fire when it's ready
04:09.10mikez6Actually the only difference in the recovery sources between open source release and G1 release is cleaning up copyright headers.
04:09.12orcisince this is the first charge i do not want to cut it early
04:09.43RyeBryemikez6 - really? I could have sworn that the recovery in the open source explicitly skips over manifest, and *.SF and *.RSA files
04:09.55orciDamm, i guess i can unplug it no?
04:10.09Dammorci, quite.
04:10.18RyeBryebut I'm postive my phone got pissed at me today when I tried to verify that behavior by tweaking the manifest in a trivial way to break the hash on it
04:10.52RyeBryeI'll look into it more and see why I pissed it off if they are functionally the same as the release versions
04:10.53mikez6RyeBrye: I haven't looked at the code, but the diff output is just adding "The Android Open Source Project" and some different paths in the makefile
04:11.07DammRyeBrye, careful don't want the google MIB to come take you away.
04:11.25Dammlol ty DannyB.
04:11.27RyeBryeWell... I was just trying to understand this platform more deeply so I can better appreciate all their hard work
04:12.01muthu_election time.. jooooot
04:12.15muthu_hope all of you are voting ;)
04:12.22jbqis no US citizen
04:12.28DammI appreciate the fact it's the most open phone i've ever had the pleasure of using(renting from my company I guess)
04:12.32DannyBnot just voting, is my 20% project :)
04:12.46muthu_ha, nicee
04:12.52_avatarhey guys, thanks, used my old phone to clear my sim card contacts and messages. everything seems fine now :)
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04:13.09_avatarkind of a crappy user experience, seems like i should have been able to do that from my G1 somehow. maybe I don't know what i'm talking about, though.
04:13.21muthu_jbq: good, you don't have to make a decision :)
04:13.34muthu_we can enjoy all the fun from outside
04:13.43jbqmuthu_: do you live in the US?
04:13.53muthu_used to, not anymore
04:13.58muthu_now live in chennai, india
04:14.13jbqAh. I'll enjoy the fun from the inside.
04:14.23jbq(but still as a spectator)
04:14.25swetlandI'm hoping for a better result in 2008, but 2004 pretty much crushed my faith in the US voting public to readily recover from bad decisions ^^
04:14.43Dammthe G1 really doesn't use your sim for contacts (as far as i could gather)
04:14.44muthu_if obama doesn't win.. i'll say US is pretty messed up
04:15.14_avatarDamm: no, i don't think it does. but it seems like if it shows an error about the sim being full, and bugs you about it constantly, there should be a way to fix it without using another device
04:15.31swetlandmuthu: I think we're pretty messed up either way. but yes, there's always room to make it worse...
04:15.40docpaulmuthu: i'd go so far as to say it could provoke a lot of really bad things to happen
04:16.01muthu_yeah, but all likely obama wins
04:16.20muthu_there's this election history in my local paper.. and it says, democat backed kansas-nebraska act 1854
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04:16.52muthu_didn't really know republican party founded by anti-slavery activists
04:17.32jbqhistory has many interesting twists.
04:17.36muthu_1860-1929 - reps win 14 of 18 elections
04:18.03muthu_1932-64 - dems win 7 of 9
04:18.27muthu_1968-04 - reps win 7 of 10
04:19.42muthu_looks like reps win by default, unless there's some major crisis coming along
04:20.45jbqThere was an interesting poll a few weeks ago in France. At the time, if the French voted, they'd have voted 93% for Obama.
04:21.03muthu_yeah, pretty much like the rest of the world ;)
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04:21.48skbohrawhy france care ?
04:21.50muthu_just by being on this channel, i can see who votes for whom :))
04:22.01jbqas a comparison, in the 2002 French presidential election between a conservative and a fascist, the conservative won by 82% to 18%.
04:26.11swetlanddiscussion between my officemates (neither of which are US citizens):
04:26.20swetland"Is there *anything* you can vote on if you're a permanent resident?"
04:26.25swetland"Yeah, like American Idol."
04:26.41jbqif you're a permanent resident you can make campaign contributions.
04:27.03swetlandjbq: interesting. I didn't know that
04:27.03muthu_even aliens can donate
04:27.47jbqas a temporary (non-immigrant) I'm not allowed to donate.
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04:28.41orcidoes fennec run on android?
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04:31.15RyeBryeAnyone want to help me build a quantum computer capable of cracking 2048 bit keys?
04:31.21ttuttleRyeBrye: no
04:31.29ttuttleRyeBrye: I have a vested interest in that not happening.
04:31.43RyeBryeYou have invested in a bank or something?
04:31.54RyeBryeI'd only use it once
04:31.56ttuttleno, I have keys I would not like cracked.
04:32.05RyeBryeOk... maybe twice
04:32.05jbqRyeBrye: if your goal is to get Android running on your own device, it'd be cheaper to just build a phone.
04:32.10ttuttle== jbq
04:32.11RyeBryeYes, I know
04:32.53RyeBryeIt would probably be cheaper to buy all of google's shares than it would be to build a quantum computer capable of crackign 2048 bit encryption
04:33.09DannyBand probably impossible
04:33.25DannyBsince i believe the number of voting outstanding shares is too small
04:33.30ttuttlewell, larry and sergey probably won't sell their shares, and they're worth 10x the voting power
04:33.53DannyBeven if you bought all the outstanding shares they would still outvote you
04:33.57absurdhero... or you could just license it from them
04:34.18RyeBryescrounges for that $104 trillion check he had lying around somewhere....
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04:39.23DannyBas jbq said, it would be 100x cheaper to have someone build you a dream that didn't have the boot loader check for signing
04:39.32DannyBmaybe 100000x
04:40.05jbqIf you could build a 2048-bit key cracker for the price of 100 phones, someone would have done it already...
04:40.19jbqArguably, even for 100000x.
04:40.34RyeBryeI read somewhere it was estimated a $1billion computer could do 1024 bit encryption
04:40.40RyeBryein 5 minutes or something
04:40.50RyeBryeand the NSA probably has one already...
04:40.59Adamantif it's larger than the combined budgets of the NSA and other world technical intelligence agencies
04:41.06Adamantit's probably not realistic
04:41.30RyeBryeI'll just start trying to guess the hash
04:41.32RyeBryeThat will be faster
04:41.33DannyBthat isn't larger than the nsa budget
04:41.38jbqThat's why we went for 2048 bits - so that it takes them 10 minutes instead of 5.
04:42.05AdamantDannyB: $1 billion isn't, a machine that can do 2048-bit is
04:42.07RyeBryeI think 2048 was still on the order of many many years
04:42.16Adamantunless the NSA has secret algorithmic sauce
04:42.24Adamantwhich they very well may
04:42.55jbqremembers that the Atari 2600 only had 1024 bits of RAM.
04:43.18DannyBthe NSA is good at math
04:43.22RyeBryeThey just need a really good network and a crapton of crappy computers - each computer has one key it permanently tries - and they just do a classic scatter / gather approach
04:43.36RyeBryethat one computer really feels lucky when it gets BINGO
04:43.38DannyBit is rare they bother with brute force crackig anymore
04:43.43DannyBthey have no need
04:43.59DannyBthey also produce so much information these days we can't process it fast enough
04:44.10RyeBryeThe NSA are probably spitting their milk out as they eavsedrop on this conversation
04:44.19DannyBthat's the thing
04:44.24DannyBthis is probably lost in the noise
04:44.49RyeBryeYeah, unless someone changes their nick to 'bin Laden' and starts speaking arabic you're probably right
04:45.19RyeBryeMan... I was super excited earlier today when I skipped over a line or two of the verify.c in the recovery piece
04:45.42RyeBryeI didn't read where it had the array of public keys passed in and assumed it was just using the public key in the zip file.... which would have made me very happy :)
04:45.50Dammactually the NSA would love the G1
04:45.50_avatari'm trying to create a nice looking background for my G1. i saved my image as a 8bpp RGB png at 640x480, but i see noticable "banding" artifacts when its displayed on my desktop. it looks fine with "Picture" app, though.
04:46.00Dammbecause it allows them to easily add high cryto to it
04:46.03RyeBryeThe NSA does love it. That's why we can't have root
04:46.05eladi want a mouse for my g1
04:46.11romainguy__avatar: welcome to the wonderful world of 565 displays
04:46.22Dammand most of us know that T-Mobile + NSA = *heart*
04:46.41RyeBryeThe G1 doesn't use SELinux does it?
04:46.44_avatarromainguy_: yeah, i figured it was a product of conversion to 565, but why does it look fine in the Picture app?
04:46.48RyeBryeNSA wouldn't go for that at all
04:46.55DammT-mobile has an old Motorola Crypto phone that works on T-Mobile... uses CSD to communicate the pubkey.
04:46.57romainguy_they probably use the slower 565 conversion code path
04:47.03romainguy__avatar: you should dither your image in your graphics editor
04:47.13Adamantunless you get service from Qwest
04:47.18Dammonly GSM cell phone carrier that supports CSD anymore is T-Mobile (major)
04:47.25romainguy_(that or when the wallpaper is set/loaded a 565 conversion is not made)
04:47.26Dammwho is Qwest with now? Verizon?
04:47.37Adamantwho IIRC was fighting the federal government on something unrelated at the time
04:47.46Adamantall your carriers <3 NSA
04:48.11Dammyou have nothing to fear from the NSA... when you have the Department of Homeland Security around.
04:48.12RyeBryeAnyone remember that whole clipper chip fiasco? 'Here, everyone - use this crypto.... but don't ask where the keys are'
04:48.15_avatarromainguy_: got it, thanks :)
04:48.28jbqhmmm, CSD, here's a trip down memory lane...
04:48.31Dammmy dad has a clipper box
04:48.38Dammjbq, T-Mobile still offers CSD
04:48.47Damminfact you get free CSD out with a T-Mobile account
04:49.11Dammso technically your G1 could be used as a modem to dialup to an isp at 9600 baud
04:49.12jastayay, got my car charger/audio adapter thingy
04:49.14Dammmmm swinging
04:49.14jbqIt's free as in minutes, right?
04:49.17jastafirst time i got to drive around and listen to five :)
04:49.21Dammjbq, right, minutes.
04:49.36DammAT&T used to charge 10$/mo for CSD access
04:50.00Damm(well that was orange, i don't recall blue)
04:50.17Dammhad a stint working for a 3rd party company that had contracts with T-Mobile and Cingular/ATT and Verizon
04:51.19RyeBryeI'm going to submit some patches that I would like to see put into the next recovery verifier.c - okay :P
04:51.53RyeBryeMostly just code cleanup... I think I can speed up the verification by an order of 10x
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04:55.32Dammi now understand why you can't use | more in pterminal
04:55.37Dammduh more's not installed
04:55.53RyeBryenot much is
04:56.12Dammwhere are the applications stored on the memory?
04:56.19RyeBryeon the left side
04:56.25Dammright side!
04:56.40Dammromainguy_, they stay in .apk format?
04:56.40RyeBryeoh, right - right side... I was thinking my left
04:56.45Dammkinda thought they unpacked
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04:57.18jbqif you're gonna play with a shell, might as well do "adb shell" instead of bothering with pterminal (no offense, but it's not quite as, well, friendly).
04:57.22Dammso anyone try and symlink /data/app to their /sdcard/data/app?
04:57.28romainguy_you *can't*
04:57.47Dammjbq, eh i'm playing.
04:57.50romainguy_you cannot write in /data/app
04:57.54gamblerromainguy_, can you tell me how I can access my String here?
04:58.38RyeBryeI wonder what definition of open google chose to use
04:58.44romainguy_gambler: (String) msg.obj
04:59.03languishwhat is Blocked by block_crash_reports about?
04:59.05DarkriftXopen as in the door with 3 armed bouncers standing next to it
04:59.05romainguy_RyeBrye: the Android OS is open
04:59.13languishI mean, why block the crash reports?
04:59.14DarkriftXits open, but you cant get in without lots of pain
04:59.18romainguy_RyeBrye: that doesn't mean you get root access on your G1
04:59.26romainguy_ah whatever
04:59.35Dammthere's a difference between open and ... 'hack your phone'
04:59.37geistthrows a hissy fit
04:59.39geisti want root!
04:59.45RyeBryeYes, but if you google "define: open" - I think the Open definition that it's using is 'not having been filled; "the job is still open"' .... ZING!
04:59.48jbqAndroid is open enough that people can do non-open devices with it.
04:59.52languishhands geist a carrot
05:00.01RyeBryeI had to reboot the piece of shit 3 times today when I was out just to get the web browser to work
05:00.09gamblerromainguy, thx. wow. I coulda swore I did that.
05:00.15gamblerscratches head
05:00.16Dammwell when you run telnetd your id=0 root
05:00.24Dammadb shell gives you id = shell
05:00.41Dammwhich you can access via telnet, but not via adb shell
05:01.08Dammerr you can access /data/app
05:01.11languishSo, I googled block_crash_reports and 0 results. hence I'm asking here.
05:01.13Dammwhere as you try in adb shell... it fails
05:02.49RyeBryeI'll admit - I DO like the OS a lot - but fighting to get a data connection consistently really blows - and it's not the networks fault Im' pretty sure because one app will work fine while another one will just throw connection errors
05:03.14romainguy_RyeBrye: file a bug then because I certainly never experienced such a thing
05:03.30Dammromainguy_, I so can access /data/app and write files in there
05:03.40romainguy_then do it
05:03.46eladRyeBrye: I get the samething
05:03.55eladalot of times with maps
05:03.55RyeBryeShopSavvy - gets images and prices
05:03.58Dammoh geeze no cp
05:03.59RyeBryeBrowser - goes apeshit
05:04.04RyeBryeor vice versa
05:04.12Dammcross device link?
05:04.13mikez6Damm:  adbd has write access to /data/app.  It needs that for "adb install" to work.
05:04.35Dammmikez6, adb shell says permission denied
05:04.46Dammwhen I do cd /data/app
05:05.10RyeBryeAlthough... Android DOES have copy and paste - so maybe I should quit my bitching :)
05:05.10DarkriftXDamm, can you mv?
05:05.15DammDarkriftX, no
05:05.19Damm# mv /data/app .
05:05.19Dammfailed on '/data/app' - Cross-device link
05:05.20jbqDamm: you can use cat or dd to copy files.
05:05.33Dammfrom /sdcard/data
05:05.34mikez6Oh, sorry.  actually adb writes the app to /data/local/tmp/
05:05.37Dammjbq, true enough
05:05.41DarkriftXtry renaming an app
05:05.48mikez6Then the package manager copies it to /data/app
05:05.51DarkriftXi dont think there is touch :(
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05:06.03Damm# mv app.moneys.apk
05:06.05DarkriftXhow about chmod?
05:06.11Dammthere is no touch
05:06.11Hiro2Anybody here actually own G1 phone?
05:06.16Dammthere is chmod
05:06.21DarkriftXwow, mv worked
05:06.27summatusmentisHiro2: a fair number of people do
05:06.28languishHiro2, yes, a few
05:06.28DarkriftXthis is via telnet?
05:06.31DammDarkriftX, yes
05:06.40Hiro2How do I copy pictures from sd card into phone?
05:06.47RyeBryeDamm - is whoami installed?
05:07.06DarkriftXuname -a
05:07.25languishuname -a didn't work in pterminal lulz
05:07.26RyeBryeso you can tinker with pterminal?
05:07.41Dammyou can't move it to /sdcard
05:07.56Dammi'd have to use yaffs2
05:07.58Dammwhatever that is
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05:08.16RyeBryeOh... interestin
05:08.18languish"yet another *something* file system 2" ?
05:08.23Hiro2Damm: are you talking to me?
05:08.28DammHiro2, no
05:08.46DarkriftXlol, chgrp -R shell /
05:08.50DarkriftX(dont do it)
05:08.56Hiro2can anybody tell me how I can copy images from SD card into android phone?
05:09.17DammDarkriftX, ...
05:09.24Dammlanguish, dunno ask the google folks
05:09.25DarkriftXi think that would kill your install
05:09.28ttuttleHiro2: What do you mean "into phone"?
05:09.30Dammnfi what yaffs2 is
05:09.38ttuttleHiro2: The phone stores pictures on the SD card only, I think.
05:09.47ttuttleHiro2: It does not ever store them in internal memory.
05:09.49DarkriftXhow about chgrp <somelinux command you cant use in shell> shell
05:09.58DarkriftXso you can try to use it in the standard shell
05:09.59Hiro2Oh, I'm having a hard time transfering files from old phone into new phone
05:10.09Dammonly mkdir and mkfs.msdosfs
05:10.13ttuttleHiro2: Do you have them on a computer yet?
05:10.18Dammclearly I have nfi how to do mkfs.yaffs2
05:10.29Dammhowever, if you can format your sd card to yaffs2
05:10.30mikez6If you have the pictures on the SD card, the Pictures app should find them
05:10.32RyeBryecan you run stuff off of the sdcard?
05:10.34Dammyou can put your apps on the sd card
05:10.36Hiro2I have 2GB sd card, and old phone doesn't read it, so I was using 1 GB to transfer, then save it to G1
05:10.38RyeBryenot apps, but shell apps?
05:10.44DammRyeBrye, yes
05:10.55ttuttleHiro2: You can't really do that.  You'll need to copy them to a computer.
05:11.00Hiro2I see
05:11.06Hiro2How do we watch videos btw?
05:11.16DarkriftXDamm, did that work?
05:11.18RyeBryearen't there some cool apps built for engineering builds that aren't installed on production ones? dropbear or others come to mind
05:11.19ttuttleHiro2: Not quite sure how to encode them, but there's a video player in the market.
05:11.27RyeBryebut I dn't think dropbear would work without root access
05:11.30DammDarkriftX, nah failure
05:11.31RyeBryeMaybe elinks?
05:11.36Hiro2ttuttle: or how do i access the sd card?
05:11.37RyeBryeOh... it takes input... nm
05:11.39DammRyeBrye, I have root supposidly
05:11.41DarkriftXwhat kinda failure?
05:11.42Hiro2open it i mean?
05:11.48Damm# id
05:11.48Dammuid=0(root) gid=0(root)
05:11.53ttuttleHiro2: Plug in the phone over USB, open the status bar, click "USB connected", click "Mount".
05:11.57DammDarkriftX, dd if=/system/bin/route of=route works
05:12.03Dammbut then chmod +x route = bad mode
05:12.05RyeBryeDamm - if you have root, you're my hero
05:12.14ttuttlehas root, but it's on an eng device ;-)
05:12.24Dammnothing new
05:12.28romainguy_ttuttle: you say this about 4 times a day :)
05:12.33ttuttleromainguy_: I know.
05:12.37ttuttleromainguy_: I'm proud of it =D
05:12.56ttuttleromainguy_: Plus don't forget that I'm running Android 2.1 beta RC 234!
05:13.03ttuttleromainguy_: And my phone can shoot lasers!
05:13.23Hiro2ttuttle: how do i go to status bar?
05:13.23ttuttleromainguy_: ;-)
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05:13.30ttuttleHiro2: Just drag it down from the top of the screen.
05:13.33ttuttleHiro2: On the phone.
05:13.35languishttuttle's the next campus shooter, coming tp CMU this holiday season
05:13.41RyeBryeDamm - oh, that is clever... well... given root access you shuold be able to run C applications that just touch whatever you want
05:13.44ttuttlelanguish: what?!
05:13.49ttuttlelanguish: Oh, lasers.
05:13.52languishttuttle with your lasers
05:13.55Hiro2ttuttle: COOL THANKS
05:13.56ttuttlelanguish: lasers are pretty
05:13.59ttuttleHiro2: No problem.
05:14.03DammRyeBrye, no compiler
05:14.03languishya they are
05:14.07ttuttlelanguish: especially green ones ;-)
05:14.13languishat least the ones in the visible spectrum
05:14.24ttuttlelanguish: yeah
05:14.36Dammusing netbsd's libc
05:14.50Dammchristos Exp $$NetBSD: ns_name.c,v 1.3 2004/11/07 02:19:49 christos Exp $$NetBSD: ns_parse.c,v 1.2 2004/05/20 20:35:05 christos Exp $$NetBSD: ns_ttl.c,v 1.2 2004/05/20 20:35:05 christos Exp $$NetBSD: ...
05:14.53muthuttuttle: is it android 2.1?
05:15.05ttuttlemuthu: no, that was a joke
05:15.06Dammnot like you need to include a bsd license
05:15.11Dammand that's much lighter then glibc
05:15.33ttuttlemuthu: Most of the time I'm running the same build you guys are, just with engineering features turned on.  Sometimes I'm running a newer build, so they can get bugreports before they release it to everyone.
05:16.13RyeBryeDamm - cross compile on your machine
05:16.20DarkriftXdamn, im out of ideas Damm
05:16.21muthuttuttle: thx for clarify
05:16.23DammRyeBrye, yep
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05:16.39DammDarkriftX, well quite frankly part 1 would be getting a filesystem it liked.
05:16.49Hiro2ttuttle: can i formatt sd card on google phone? or from windows?
05:17.12ttuttleHiro2: They usually come formatted.
05:17.14tweaktI'm trying to apply a style to a button to set it's size, is this possible or am I on the wrong track?
05:17.16Dammthat's the filesystems it supports
05:17.20ttuttleHiro2: I'm not sure if the phone can format it, but a computer certainly can.
05:17.33languishttuttle, windows, though an sd formatting app should be available at some point
05:17.34tweaktall I've managed to do is set the font size, using textSize
05:17.52Hiro2should it be FAT32 or FAT?
05:17.58ttuttleHiro2: FAT32
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05:18.39Dammsupports vfat so technically it could do fat16
05:19.25DarkriftXdamnit i want a g1 now lol
05:19.36Hiro2i wonder if i could transfer txt/pic messages from old phone?
05:19.45ttuttleHiro2: Are they on your SIM card?
05:19.53Hiro2Hmmm, they can be
05:20.06ttuttleHiro2: Then yeah, you can read them on the android phone.
05:20.08Hiro2actually I dont think android imported the ones that were on SIM card
05:20.17Hiro2Contacts I was able to
05:20.18ttuttleHiro2: it won't import them, but you can view them in Messaging.
05:20.30Hiro2can I import it? or move it to sd?
05:20.57DarkriftXDamm, i dont remember how to give a group root permissions
05:20.58ttuttleHiro2: Not sure, I don't have any on my SIM.
05:21.05DarkriftXdamm does su work?
05:21.15Hiro2googlephone is linux?
05:21.32DammDarkriftX, not found
05:21.43DarkriftXlol, yes
05:21.45Dammthere is no chown
05:21.52ttuttleHiro2: "Google Phone" is the T-Mobile G1, codenamed the HTC Dream, which runs Android.  Android is a platform that includes the Linux kernel and a Google-written virtual machine and framework.
05:22.02DarkriftXDamm, when you login to shell, what is your username?
05:22.26Dammfor the last time *sigh*
05:22.27Damm# id
05:22.27Dammuid=0(root) gid=0(root)
05:22.34DarkriftXnormal shell
05:22.42Dammwhat shell?
05:22.46DarkriftXi know the group is "shell" but what is the username
05:22.49Dammi just telnet ip, and get that
05:22.51DarkriftXadb shell
05:22.59Hiro2ttutle: is that the same phone you have?
05:23.10Dammroot     26    1     724   316   c0049a2c afe0c4cc S /system/bin/sh
05:23.28DammDarkriftX, next?
05:23.30DarkriftXwhen you arent root, who are you
05:23.55Dammsits on DarkriftX.
05:24.08ttuttleHiro2: Yeah, I have a G1.
05:24.14DarkriftXnot sure how else to ask
05:24.22Hiro2ttuttle: can you teach me how to use this phone? lol
05:24.25DarkriftXwhat is the username for a normal user on the G1 who does NOT have root
05:24.35ttuttleHiro2: What do you need to know?
05:24.49Dammapp_34   263   31    103408 12724 ffffffff afe0c824 S
05:24.52Dammdes that help?
05:25.04ttuttleHiro2: Let's start somewhere.
05:25.47Dammuh that's odd
05:25.53DarkriftXDamm, basically i want to extend root access to the normal shell. but we need to know the username
05:25.59DarkriftXthat one might be it, but seems odd
05:26.07ttuttleI think it varies.
05:26.07Hiro2ttuttle: can I PM?
05:26.16ttuttleHiro2: sure
05:26.33DarkriftXdamm try "groups"
05:26.42Dammgroups is not found
05:26.54DarkriftXtaht sux
05:27.20Dammyou should expect that
05:27.28DammGoogle had no intention for you to have a shell
05:27.32DarkriftXi forget which file has a list of all groups
05:27.41DarkriftXim rusty on my shell commands :S
05:27.45RyeBryeDamm - you want a mkyaffs2image?
05:28.03DammRyeBrye, I want mkyaffs2
05:28.09Dammso I can format my SD card Yaffs2
05:28.12DarkriftXcat /etc/passwd and output it to pastebin if you can
05:28.13RyeBryeIN the git, there are a lot of goodies that should be easy to cross compile - I think they might already be cross compiled
05:28.18RyeBryeas part of the make
05:28.18DammDarkriftX, there is none.
05:28.28DammRyeBrye, hrm need to repo sync
05:28.56DarkriftXi wonder if you could edit the permissions file lol
05:29.06DarkriftXno editor ims ure
05:29.12ttuttleDarkriftX: If you can edit /init.rc, you can pull off lots of stuff.
05:29.16RyeBryeI'll get pico in there :)
05:29.46DarkriftXlemme pull up the emu so i know whats where
05:31.23RyeBryeooooh this is fun
05:31.31DarkriftXooooh, forgot
05:31.37DarkriftXpermissions are set a different way
05:31.38RyeBryetakes back everything nasty he ever said abotu Android not being open
05:31.45DarkriftXfinds the update-script file
05:33.09wastreli want vim pls
05:33.25DarkriftXooooh, Damm
05:33.27DarkriftXif you put linux app on yoru sd can you run it?
05:33.51DarkriftXthinks of something simple :S
05:33.52ttuttleDarkriftX: Nope, it's mounted noexec.
05:34.06DarkriftXwait, it would have to be compiled for that cpu
05:34.16DarkriftXthats easy ttuttle he has root, he can remount
05:34.16wastrelthat's how they get you
05:34.24ttuttleDarkriftX: oh okay
05:34.29RyeBryeIs tar installed on this?
05:34.33ttuttlewait, how'd he get root?
05:34.39RyeBryeHA HA HA HA HA
05:34.41DammDarkriftX, i'm 64bit amd64
05:34.42ttuttlei thought you couldn't do that on production devices?
05:34.45DarkriftXmy goal is to xfer root permissions to the normal user
05:34.47Dammthat is so far from ARM it's not even funny.
05:34.53ttuttleOh, easy.  Compile su.
05:34.57Dammno tar.
05:34.57DarkriftXheh ttuttle he figured something out
05:35.14ttuttleBut the hard bit is getting the su permissions set.
05:35.14RyeBryeI'm root on mine now too
05:35.14Dammttuttle, nope, no su required.
05:35.14ttuttleRyeBrye: Wait, you have root?
05:35.14ttuttleDamm: Oh?
05:35.15DammI realize it will be fixed on RC30
05:35.17ttuttleRyeBrye: Hacked?
05:35.19DarkriftXyeah Damm would take a long cross compile too
05:35.20RyeBryeNot yet
05:35.22Dammbut for now ..
05:35.27ttuttleRyeBrye: I mean, were you *supposed* to have root?
05:35.33RyeBryeNot supposed to
05:35.37DarkriftXdo NOT let any OTA install
05:35.38ttuttleRyeBrye: Nice.  How'd you do it?
05:35.51DarkriftXonce we figure it out we can fix the OTA's :)
05:35.53RyeBryeDamm told me how
05:35.59ttuttleDamm: How's it work?
05:36.08RyeBryeOh, jeez - like the OTA's deploy anyway
05:36.14Dammpterminal... cd system enter... cd bin ... enter
05:36.20Dammtelnet to your phone's ip
05:36.23RyeBryeRC29 will take until Nov 12 to push out
05:36.26Damm(presuming you are on wifi of course)
05:36.36Dammyou get dropped to a shell
05:36.39RyeBryeIs there a host file?
05:36.41Dammid = 0
05:36.45ttuttleThat'll get fixed, I assume.
05:36.46DammRyeBrye, yeah it only has localhost
05:36.55Dammttuttle, oh i bet telnetd won't be around
05:37.01ttuttlechecks if his device has it.
05:37.02RyeBryewell... I'm going to add the google update server to my hostfile and no more phoning home... :)
05:37.12Dammttuttle, that's why i'm going to copy telnetd to /sdcard
05:37.12DarkriftXso anyone here know how to give the "shell" group "root"'s permissions?
05:37.13ttuttleRyeBrye: heh
05:37.15DarkriftXive never tried that before
05:37.16Dammjust encase :)
05:37.23ttuttleDamm: Check the permissions on it first
05:37.37ttuttleDamm: If it's suid, then you can't restore it without root.
05:37.42RyeBryefinally... a nice perk for the early adopters :)
05:37.43DarkriftXDamm, get the apk file for me
05:37.44DarkriftXi need it :)
05:37.45Dammttuttle, it's not suid.
05:37.54RyeBryeI bet the guy who put telnetd on these phones is being tied to the whipping post as we speak
05:37.54ttuttleDamm: how does it give you a root shell then?  I'm confused.
05:37.56Dammthat's the weird part.
05:38.05DarkriftXi was just getting VERY dissapointed in the g1
05:38.06RyeBryeIt just does
05:38.08ttuttleIt must have a way to become root.
05:38.10DarkriftXnow its geting exciting
05:38.18Dammttuttle, pterminal seems to run telnetd as root
05:38.21RyeBryeI can't stop giggling like a school girl, this is seriosuly fun
05:38.24ttuttleHow, and why?
05:38.27ttuttlemust know!
05:38.27Damm# ls -l telnetd
05:38.28Damm-rwxr-xr-x root     shell        9752 2008-08-01 05:00 telnetd
05:38.40RyeBryeI didn't do it
05:38.44RyeBryeI was trying to do other things
05:38.46ttuttleRyeBrye: no, I mean the giggling bit ;-)
05:38.54DarkriftXand they said ptermintal was crap!!
05:39.09RyeBryeI bet you could do it from adb terminal as well though
05:39.13RyeBryeor adb shell that is
05:39.19Dammadb shell = uid = shell
05:39.23DarkriftXsomewhere there is a file with the users listed
05:39.23Dammtelnet = uid = 0
05:39.40RyeBryeNo, I mean - you could start telenetd from adb shell, can't you?
05:39.42DammDarkriftX, no find, no more, nor less.
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05:39.48DammRyeBrye, hrm try?
05:39.53DarkriftXfound the certs1
05:39.55DarkriftXin /security there are 2 zips
05:39.57DarkriftXdownload those lol
05:39.59RyeBryeYep, copied off :)
05:40.01DammDarkriftX, i saw those.
05:40.06Dammput em on my sd card.
05:40.16RyeBryeThe recovery mode has the public keys compiled into it
05:40.19DarkriftXi thought we would have to search like crazy for those
05:40.20RyeBryeso changing those wont influence it
05:40.28DarkriftXdidnt think they would be one subdir deep
05:40.31RyeBryethose aren't the private keys, right? just public certs?
05:40.38DammRyeBrye, prolly public
05:40.42DarkriftXthere is a
05:41.02RyeBryethe recovery includes a file called "" which has one of the strangest formats I've seen for defining the keys
05:41.14DammArchive: testing: releasekey.x509.pem      OK
05:41.38RyeBryeI'm going to start cross compiling like a mad man so I can get tar and gz on this so I can just back up the whole thing to my sdcard
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05:41.45RyeBryeI guess I don't need gz
05:41.50Dammcacerts is just CA's
05:42.10mattgyver83Is .apk a full program, or just for use with the emulator?
05:42.20Dammapk is a full program
05:42.25DarkriftXits an archive
05:42.28RyeBryenotices the full-time google people have gotten surprisingly quiet
05:42.35Dammright that.
05:42.35mattgyver83how do you get it on your phone?
05:42.46Dammmattgyver83, from browser, or market.
05:42.47romainguy_RyeBrye: lol, what do you want us to say?
05:43.02mattgyver83I downloaded via browser, but i cant figure out how to install, or find it on the phone
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05:43.07Dammthere's nothing to say, I didn't gain squat.
05:43.17Dammmattgyver83, it's sitting on your sd card, you just tap on it
05:43.21Dammafter it's done downloading
05:43.26Dammensure you enable 'allow unsigned installs'
05:43.39Dammit's under settings and software.
05:43.45Damm(or applications i forget)
05:44.06*** part/#android skbohra (n=root@
05:44.08mattgyver83Do you mean unknown sources?
05:44.23mattgyver83I had that checked, now i just need to find it on my SD you say
05:44.25Dammsorry... brain was elsewhere.
05:44.32Dammgo to the market and pickup android file manager
05:44.44mattgyver83That would explain it, thanks let me try that
05:44.51Dammor glance
05:44.52michaelnovakjr_Damm ... Glance!!!
05:45.02Dammmichaelnovakjr_, it was coming damn you!
05:45.09DammI just had to cd /data/app to remember the name
05:45.35mattgyver83is glance better?
05:45.43mattgyver83Okay, ill get that
05:45.47michaelnovakjr_:) thanks
05:46.29mattgyver83I heart my new g1, i can tell i wont be able to live without this thing
05:46.45mattgyver83cant wait to brick..
05:47.09wastrelhi i'm not going to root my g1
05:47.12wastrelif that's ok.
05:47.56Dammthat's perfectly fine.
05:47.59DarkriftXany linux guru's here?
05:48.14DarkriftXneed more ideas on how to give the group "shell" roots permissions
05:48.52RyeBryeok... maybe now we should tell the Google folks it has just been an elaborate april fools! (early) - no need to change anything! :)
05:48.57Dammoh that's neat... /data/tombstone
05:49.01Dammhas your crash dumps
05:49.09RyeBryeno wonder my phone was full ;)
05:49.38DammDarkriftX, be a man... install pterminal
05:49.48RyeBryeYou know you want to
05:49.51DarkriftXno g1 :(
05:49.53DarkriftXor id be doing it
05:49.59Dammthen wth you doing here?
05:50.15DarkriftXim always the first to test new roms on my phones, ive bricked plenty
05:50.16mattgyver83Does the g1 use a specific outgoing port, i think my firewall is blocking the download
05:50.20RyeBryeI wonder if T-mobile will set the record for fastest OTA update tomorrow morning :)
05:50.32DammRyeBrye, no, they can't handle it.
05:50.40DarkriftXblock it RyeBrye lol
05:50.41Dammthey can only OTA so many in a day without overloading
05:50.41RyeBryeGoogle's servers are the ones handling it
05:50.49RyeBryeIt doesn't go OTA
05:50.49Dammyes and no
05:50.51RyeBryeit goes from Google
05:50.52DammT-Mobile is sending it.
05:51.15Dammthe "OTA" is Sidekick Technology
05:51.15RyeBryeOh, right
05:51.21Dammaka Danger
05:51.28Dammwhich Google has a few danger folks in it's ranks
05:51.32Damm(in the android team)
05:52.14DammRyeBrye, do me a favor and replace logo.rle
05:52.26Dammdd if=logo.rle of=/sdcard/logo.rle
05:52.38Dammthen replace it, and dd if=/sdcard/logo.rle of=/logo.rle
05:52.44Dammreboot, and watch your work.
05:52.52RyeBryeis this some kind of college prank?
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05:53.03Dammi'm being serious
05:53.10Dammlogo.rle is either your android logo, or T-Mobile logo
05:53.11Dammfind out
05:54.06geisthah, rle
05:54.13geistswetland couldn't even come up with a decent image format
05:54.18geistuse TGA if you want RLE
05:54.25geisthe's such a poser
05:54.41Dammi'm going to bed... RyeBrye is going to be busy for awhile
05:54.52Dammgotta vote and make a difference
05:54.53jbqActually, that's not Android code....
05:54.54Dammor something
05:55.05geistjbq: HTC is a bunch of posers
05:55.09mattgyver83Damm, now i can see the file, however i still cant install it.
05:55.10geisthows that
05:55.19Dammmattgyver83, why not?
05:55.20jbqgeist: that's your opinion
05:55.49geistrle, sheesh
05:55.57RyeBryeDamm - /logo.rle: cannot open for write: Read-only file system
05:56.02RyeBryeDo I have to mount something rw?
05:56.14mattgyver83dont know, when i select it, nothing happens.
05:56.16Dammkinda thought / would be rw.
05:56.17jbqI don't want to share my opinion, otherwise I feel like I only have half an opinion.
05:56.31mattgyver83Wait... i installed glance, i cant install the .apk for the other program
05:56.57geistjbq: well, actually i just want to insult swetland to get him to quit being a recluse
05:57.17Gary|thinkpadso wait, someone got root access over telnet?
05:57.50ttuttlegeist: Don't be mean to swetland.  He's awesome.
05:58.01geistttuttle: he beat me at Magic the other day
05:58.07geistso i'm a little grouchy
05:58.09ttuttlegeist: ...
05:58.12RyeBryeyeah, but being root in Android right now is like being Prom King in a Russian Folk dance - you know you are cool, but have no idea what the hell to do with yourself
05:58.18RyeBryeit's not quite the same as normal linux
05:58.29DarkriftXlol, i wonder if we killed the permissions service what would happen
05:58.33DarkriftXservice list
05:58.41DarkriftXshows permissions as a service
05:58.51Gary|thinkpadRyeBrye: does it allow access to /data ?
05:58.58Gary|thinkpadthats my main interest atm :P
05:59.02spikebikeryebrye still, sounds promising
05:59.03RyeBryeHell yes :)
05:59.11RyeBryeI just made a "foo" directory in /data
05:59.13RyeBryejust for fun
05:59.17RyeBryenow I'll delete it
05:59.18RyeBryejust for fun
05:59.23geistjust like that
05:59.27geistlike you just dont care
05:59.29Gary|thinkpad/data/app shows up? with all files in it?
05:59.48Gary|thinkpadugh, awesome
06:00.00eladhey Gary what thinkpad do you own?
06:00.37RyeBryeit lists off a bunch of apk files
06:00.45RyeBryein /data/app
06:01.00Gary|thinkpadSQLite files are there?
06:01.14Gary|thinkpadthose are my main interest atm :)
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06:01.31Gary|thinkpadis pterminal on the market?
06:01.49fadden0Does this mean Disconnect is going to shut up for a while? :-)
06:01.54RyeBryeI hope so
06:02.06DarkriftXwish we could edit this stuff
06:02.18Gary|thinkpadyou can't :( ?
06:02.23RyeBryewe can
06:02.27RyeBryewhy can't we?
06:02.39DarkriftXhow? you got a text editor on there?
06:02.48DarkriftXwell, i guess you coudl downlaod it, edit and reupload
06:03.01RyeBryewell that - or I could just cross compile an editor
06:03.17DarkriftXdo it!
06:03.30geoff_are you talking about the SDK or the source?
06:03.31RyeBryewhat's the lightest editor? nano?
06:03.35DarkriftXgroups, passwd and an editor lol
06:03.58DarkriftXneither geoff_
06:03.59DarkriftXnano is good
06:03.59DarkriftXnano FTW
06:04.29Gary|thinkpadack I can't find pterminals apk
06:04.57RyeBryedid they pull it?
06:05.17Gary|thinkpadsearched for pterm, nothing
06:06.07RyeBryethe search sucks - search for pterminal
06:06.07DarkriftXoh, and grep lol
06:06.07Gary|thinkpadregex is v. hard, google
06:06.08Gary|thinkpadyeah that worked :/
06:06.14RyeBryeThey outsource their search for the market apps to apparently ;)
06:06.30ionstormanyone notice the gmail app is slower than gmail in the android browser ?
06:06.35ttuttleionstorm: No.
06:07.14DarkriftXwe need to find out the standard adb shells username
06:07.18ionstormhmm, it takes 30 secs to send an email within the app for me over 100mbit wifi
06:07.20DarkriftXthat app_xx didnt look right
06:07.27ttuttleDarkriftX: it's not standard, I think.
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06:07.34DarkriftXsomeone log into the G1 using normal adb shell
06:07.36ttuttleionstorm: there's no such thing as 100mbit wifi.
06:07.40ttuttleDarkriftX: hold on
06:07.52DarkriftXi have 108mb wifi ttuttle
06:07.53Gary|thinkpadhaha awesome, working
06:07.54ionstormwell 100mbit connection over 54M wifi
06:08.12ttuttleDarkriftX: that's great, but the G1 doesn't support it.
06:08.19ttuttleDarkriftX: or, rather, it's proprietary.
06:08.23DarkriftXof course not
06:08.34ttuttleI believe it runs as user "shell".
06:08.46DarkriftXi thought that was the group name :(
06:08.56DarkriftXi dont know how to give a group roots permissions
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06:10.28wastrelyou can't
06:10.53DarkriftXok, we need su compiled lol
06:10.57DarkriftXand we need roots pw
06:11.06DarkriftXso and passwd lol
06:11.07RyeBryedoesn't su install on the dev builds?
06:11.26DarkriftXthanks infobot
06:11.27infobotDarkriftX: sure thing
06:11.46DarkriftXpets infobot
06:11.58RyeBryeis infobot a bot?
06:12.19RyeBryethanks infobot!
06:12.19infobotRyeBrye: pas de quoi
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06:12.43geoff_so... android RAZR, is this good or very bad?
06:12.54ttuttlegeoff_: bad
06:12.55Gary|thinkpadmore annoying as shit comments on market
06:12.55_avatarromainguy_: out of curiosity, what do you use to dither wallpaper images for android? i found depthdither, which seems to work pretty well
06:13.04ttuttleGary|thinkpad: /me wants a "destroy user" button for those users.
06:13.09romainguy_I use a plugin called 565 for Photoshop
06:13.11Gary|thinkpad"LOL WTF THis iS USELESS WAT IS A TERMINAL"
06:13.22ttuttleGary|thinkpad: idiots
06:13.37Gary|thinkpadit completely fucks up the rating system
06:13.38jshermanurl for one of those?
06:13.48Gary|thinkpadporn will be #1, useful shit will be last
06:14.02geoff_Gary : what do you mean annoying comments?
06:14.03DarkriftXhola romainguy
06:14.05_avatarromainguy_: thanks, i'll look into it. is it free?
06:14.13Gary|thinkpadgeoff_: Have you looked at the market?
06:14.17_avatargreat :)
06:14.26geoff_checking now...
06:14.32Gary|thinkpad90% of the commenters are complete dipshits.
06:14.39jshermanis there a way to see it from a browser w/o a g1?
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06:14.59RyeBryehm... I think I now regret making clean and setting up my local build to build a G1 release build :)
06:15.11RyeBryeI've got to go set up a generic build so I can get those goodies built again
06:15.30geoff_can you check the market without a G1?
06:15.32_avatarromainguy_: thanks! :)
06:15.49DarkriftXDamm, chown does exist
06:15.58DarkriftXits in init.rc
06:16.24jshermanis there any way to view the market apps/comments from a browser w/o a g1?
06:16.40romainguy__avatar: also, use Photoshop's Save For Web option, to minimize the size of the assets (even for PNG for apps)
06:16.44Gary|thinkpadwe heard you the first time.
06:16.47romainguy_it strips out keywords, color profiles, etc.
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06:18.18DarkriftXis this a typo:  mkdir /data/misc 01771 system misc
06:19.19_avatarromainguy_: oh, thanks, nice tip. i didn't know that.
06:19.32romainguy_it's especially important with icons
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06:19.54romainguy_for instance with my Photoshop CS3, if I save a 32x32 grayscale icon in PNG, it takes 72 KB on disk
06:20.02romainguy_if I use Save for Web, it takes only 4 KB
06:20.07RyeBryeI've got to rebuild a clean version of this, so it will be a while
06:20.13romainguy_slaps color profiles
06:20.16DarkriftXim lost, chown seems to be missing, but chown is in init.rc
06:20.24ttuttleDarkriftX: chown is internal to init.
06:20.31ttuttleDarkriftX: There may not be a chown binary.
06:20.41scootleyjsherman: not that I've seen
06:20.46DarkriftXso we would have to edit the init.rc first
06:20.48RyeBryeahh - so we just need to set up our chowning in init :)
06:20.51ralphtromainguy_: it can also be important to dither gradients as otherwise they'll get bands in 16bpp.
06:20.58DarkriftXchown that mofo
06:21.01ralphtromainguy_: super annoying!
06:21.05romainguy_ralpht: I know :)
06:21.12romainguy_do not dither ninepatches
06:21.12DarkriftXi wish i had $400 right now
06:21.18DarkriftXid have a g1 in 2 hours
06:21.19romainguy_or bitmaps that will be stretched on screen
06:21.21ttuttleDarkriftX: heh
06:21.25RyeBryeYeah, you want to get a G1 fast
06:21.27DarkriftXsucks being poor
06:21.36DarkriftXbefore they fix this shit
06:21.37RyeBryebefore they start selling them with RC30+ installed
06:21.43DarkriftXif they fixed it before i bought it, id return it
06:23.37Yar1fixed what?
06:23.38RyeBryedropbear supports scp, right?
06:23.40Yar1i missed it
06:23.42*** part/#android ttuttle (n=tom@pdpc/supporter/student/gentoo.contributor.ttuttle)
06:23.48DarkriftXthis method of getting root
06:24.00RyeBryesomeone left a telnetd on there... woops... and it's the shortbus ride to root
06:24.09Yar1oh wow
06:24.34RyeBryeI should go buy another one for my wife tomorrow
06:25.00spikebikehow does telnetd help?
06:25.05spikebikedoes the root account not have a pw?
06:25.06RyeBryeit runs as ROOT!
06:25.13RyeBryeSo you just telnet in and... voila!
06:25.26spikebikeso you can telnet to it over wifi?
06:25.56RyeBryepterminal lets you start telnetd - but I bet adb shell would work as well - I haven't tried it
06:26.02DarkriftXno wonder they were laughing at us for not rooting it sooner
06:26.20DarkriftXi bet romainguy knew about this :@
06:26.25RyeBryeI doubt it
06:26.26DarkriftXhim and the rest of them
06:26.40DarkriftXthey sat their laughing their asses off
06:26.41RyeBryewell, maybe
06:26.55DarkriftXthey said they expected it rooted the first day
06:26.57umdk1d3wait wtf, you can get root just by telneting to it?  i thought the default services were pretty locked down, like if you nmap someones device
06:27.02DarkriftXone of them did, dont remember which
06:27.08RyeBryeyou have to start telnetd first
06:27.15DarkriftXlol umdk1d3 apparently not
06:27.23umdk1d3RyeBrye: oh ic, so its not running by default
06:27.23RyeBryetelnetd doesn't run by default
06:27.24spikebikewow, cool
06:27.30spikebikeI'm in over wifi
06:27.34RyeBryeyou have to start it, and you have to tell your screen not to go to sleep... etc.
06:27.51umdk1d3RyeBrye: what permission does an app need to start telnetd?
06:27.59RyeBryepterminal can do it
06:29.08RyeBryespikebike - you in now?
06:29.39RyeBryenot surprisingly - most of the stuff is the same as what you see built in the git source
06:29.43spikebikequestion is how do we prevent from getting locked out again
06:29.50RyeBryeI'm jsut goign to block any OTA updates
06:30.08DarkriftXso RyeBrye: download pterminal, start telnetd, telnet in from desktop, is that all?
06:30.10RyeBryeI might resize the /cache so it's too small to even receive one if one snuck through! :P
06:30.15RyeBryeDarkriftX - yes
06:30.30DarkriftXgonna post this on my forum
06:30.33DarkriftXlots of ppl wanting this
06:30.48RyeBryeBe sure to put a big caveat emptor on there
06:30.57DarkriftXlol, of course
06:30.58RyeBryeyou can really fuck your device up
06:32.05RyeBryesuddenly feels hypocritical for not wanting everyone to know how to do this...
06:32.30obrawoot. that was easy
06:32.34DarkriftXmore ppl who know means more ppl working on it
06:32.37RyeBryeYeah, I know
06:32.39obra(using the devtools terminal rather than pterminal)
06:32.47RyeBryeObra - adb shell worked as well?
06:32.50DarkriftXppl who know more about linux then i do will be useful
06:33.03obraRyeBrye: it didn't for me, but I may have messed up the timing
06:33.06RyeBryeNo, by all means - tell people... But the part of me that cringes is funny...
06:33.06DarkriftXalso ppl who actaully have a g1 lol
06:33.20RyeBryebecause I'm sure that's how the google people feel...
06:33.58fcricki would just like to say that the new ConnectBot app in the market is freakin awesome
06:34.06RyeBryeit was updated?
06:34.11unix_infidelstopped my walmart today, no G1's :-P
06:34.26fcrickumm i dunno but it wasn't in the market before today (i didn't see it at least)
06:34.29unix_infideleither that or it was a really productive booze run and not much else.
06:34.59DarkriftXRyeBrye, can you dcc me the pterminal apk file?
06:35.00RyeBryewhat does 'monkey' in /system/bin do?
06:35.12romainguy_monkey is a testing app
06:35.12DarkriftXtry it RyeBrye
06:35.12fcrickRyeBrye its for testing
06:35.12RyeBryeDarkriftX - I don't have dcc
06:35.14romainguy_it's in the emulator
06:35.15romainguy_and documented
06:35.22romainguy_it just generates streams of input events
06:35.28romainguy_like a million monkeys banging on your device
06:35.47romainguy_we have a lab with device being monkeyed day and night for each build for each commit :)
06:35.50RyeBryeThat's like half load then compared to my apish banging :)
06:36.07RyeBryeThat's awesome
06:36.18RyeBryePETA will sue
06:36.38RyeBryeyou'll have to change it to free-range-monkey for the next release ;)
06:36.40romainguy_and let me tell you
06:36.43romainguy_I HATE the monkeys
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06:36.56romainguy_I had to fix bugs that were freakin' impossible to reproduce manually
06:37.11romainguy_it would take an hour to figure out how the hell the monkeys were causing the bug
06:37.18DarkriftXRyeBrye, pm
06:37.25DarkriftXno logs romainguy?
06:37.36romainguy_logs of what?
06:37.48romainguy_the monkeys log everything they do
06:37.58RyeBryeI was a monkey once a while ago
06:38.00romainguy_but when they fail after 20 000 events...
06:38.08ttuttleromainguy_: Those are always fun ;-)
06:38.18romainguy_and sometimes it was stuff that was physically impossible to do :)
06:38.27RyeBryeI beta tested some software - and I woudl find some weird bugs like "if you command-click 100 times on the top left corner and then drag the mouse to the right it crashes the app"
06:38.32romainguy_like press "1" while pressing the menu key while the screen is opening
06:38.48spikebikeobra how do you alunch it from the devtools terminal?
06:38.54romainguy_and since to press 1 you need to have the keyboard open...
06:39.05romainguy_or the monkeys would trigger things that are humanly impossible
06:39.11DarkriftXcan anyone dcc me the pterminal apk file?
06:39.22spikebikeyeah I think so
06:39.24romainguy_like manager to press two keys on each side of the keyboard before the device finishes running a couple lines of code :)
06:39.25RyeBryepressing every other key simultaneously :)
06:39.25spikebikeexactly where is it?
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06:39.44DarkriftXlol romainguy sounds like fun!
06:39.52RyeBryeThat's cool that you have such a thorough QA as part of the build
06:40.04RyeBryeI'm on a smaller team where I work, and we just use some of the annoying people as our monkeys
06:40.06RyeBrye"here, go test this"
06:40.15ttuttleMonkey is great because, just like "my code's compiling", it's a great excuse to go grab a snack.
06:40.28ttuttleAlso, interns make good monkeys.
06:40.30RyeBryeI thought at Google they brougth you snacks :)
06:40.42ttuttleRyeBrye: No, but they're within 150 feet at all times, I believe.
06:40.45RyeBryeOh, ok
06:40.47swetlandthey make us get our own snacks!
06:40.49swetlandit's horrible
06:40.57ttuttleRyeBrye: I was about 10 feet from a micro-kitchen, which was great but meant I ate too much.
06:40.57RyeBryeYou should look for a place with better working conditions!
06:40.59swetlandhave to walk all the way to a minikitchen
06:41.05ttuttleMicrosoft will deliver your lunch to your office...
06:41.09ttuttle...just sayin'...
06:41.18swetlandmicrosoft also believes in actual closed offices
06:41.21ttuttle(Personally I think it's a horrible idea, as lunch is a wonderful break and social time.)
06:41.38swetlandwhich is one thing I'll give them over everywhere I've ever worked
06:41.40RyeBryeYeah, when I interviewed with MS two things struck me as interesting.
06:41.52wasabiso i was wondering... has anybody done any apps using GPS yet? I've got some nifty ideas... like publish your location automatically to jabber, and have all your friends positions viewable on a map
06:41.53swetlandttuttle: I actually preferred working in downtown PA to at google
06:41.57wasabiand geotagging and cool stuff
06:41.59wasabianybody done any of that yet?
06:42.00swetlandwalking somewhere for lunch was always nice
06:42.01RyeBrye1: They give people little 2" by 2" cubes for every patent they are repsonsible for with a big "Thanks"
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06:42.23ttuttlewasabi: I wrote a tiny app that just pushes my location to a website.
06:42.30RyeBryeand 2: The offices are based entirely on seniority in the company - not position... so in theory a new VP level guy would be in a crappy internal office, but a guy who had been there for 10 years would be in a nice corner office
06:42.44ttuttleRyeBrye: heh, nice.
06:42.48spikebikethere's a publish location to an email app
06:42.54RyeBryeEveryone I interviewed with that day had at least 4 or 5 cubes
06:43.01RyeBrye... they have a lot of patents there
06:43.06ttuttlespikebike: I don't trust anyone else's app with access to my location + internet.
06:43.13wasabiMan. I'd really like an android phone. Just not a t mobile one.
06:43.18spikebikeI haven't checked, maybe it's opensource
06:43.22jbqAh, walking to the microkitchen...
06:43.59wastrelit's past my bedtime
06:44.16wastrelshame on you for doing interesting stuff while i'm supposed to be sleeping
06:44.18RyeBryeIf I wanted to add some shell tools to my emulator build, would it be a pretty simple thing to just put them in the external directory and edit the makefiles?
06:44.34RyeBryelike say I wanted to have pico available in the shell in the emulator?
06:45.05DarkriftXare the apk files in /data/app usable for instalation?
06:45.11DarkriftXor are they modified somehow
06:45.18RyeBryeThey appear exploded
06:45.56RyeBryethey don't appear exploded
06:46.46DarkriftXRyeBrye, is pterminal
06:47.00RyeBryeyes, it appears it is
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06:51.09wasabiSo has anybody managed to figure out how to get custom firmware or whatever onto the htc dream?
06:51.20RyeBryeno, but I'm not too worried about it now
06:51.33RyeBryeshouldn't be brain surgery now
06:52.01spikebikewhat (if any) binaries are signed?
06:52.12RyeBryeThe installer verifies the update package
06:52.15wasabiAre there signed binaries? How are they even checked.
06:52.17RyeBryethen it installs it
06:52.34RyeBryeAFAIK there is no runtime checking of the stuff - but I may be wrong
06:52.45wasabiHas anybody rooted it yet?
06:52.57wasabiLike, I don't know much about the platform.
06:53.08wasabiAre you forced to write in Dalvik stuff, or can you get to the Linux?
06:53.35RyeBryeI'm trying to pipe down about it... I think it rubs the people who have worked on this for the past few years the wrong way
06:53.44spikebikewhy does telnet run as root?
06:53.48spikebikeit doesn't look suid?
06:53.52RyeBryeGoogle loves us?
06:53.58wasabiWell, I'd like to at least get into it, and figure out the closed parts.
06:54.15RyeBryeThe closed parts are available without getting into it
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06:54.23wasabiI'm more interested in figuring out how to get a plain distro running on it.
06:54.26RyeBryeyou can extract them from the phone and disassemble once they are back there
06:54.34RyeBryeyeah, that would be interesting
06:54.40fcrick_phoneyay irc on my g1 :)
06:54.47wasabiAnd then get the android specific pieces running on a plain distro
06:54.48RyeBryefcirk_phone - what client?
06:54.51wasabidialer, ui, etc.
06:55.03fcrick_phoneircii using connectbot
06:55.06RyeBryeI dunno... I like their kernel stack etc
06:55.11ttuttleuses irssi.
06:55.15RyeBryeI'm just going to throw a couple more pieces in there
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06:55.31wasabiI desire a normal dpkg based system.
06:55.33fcrick_phonelike i guess im on my linux machinr technically
06:55.49DarkriftXwasabi, RyeBrye is working on compiling us some more standard linux utils
06:55.56wasabiI don't mind having the rest running, but I want to pull it apart and make it run like a normal linux system.
06:55.59DarkriftXso we can make android closer to a plain distro without the beefiness
06:56.00wasabiHow much onboard memory does it have?
06:56.02fcrick_phonebut im logged into it and using screen from my g1
06:56.04RyeBryeYeah, might be a while because I might fall asleep before I get the normal build done
06:56.11spikebikeryebrye you mentioned some keys files?
06:56.31DarkriftXin /security i think
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06:56.48RyeBryeI did? there are some public keys there on the device - I'm pretty sure they are the same as what gets built in the git build though
06:57.00ionstormdamn ping works in the android g1 with pterminal, here comes ddos
06:57.02RyeBryeThere are some keys that get compiled into the recovery tool
06:57.11wasabiWhat size is the onboard flash?
06:57.20wasabiOh. ENough for a decent distro.
06:57.28ionstorm192 ram
06:57.34wasabiWay more than enough.
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06:58.16wasabiDoes the camera support video? Silly question since I don't much care.
06:58.17RyeBryeOnce I get things adjusted the way I like - I'm going to see if I can start hammering away part time at some of the features I would like to see in there... like bluetooth keyboard! :)
06:58.20wasabiHardware limitation?
06:58.29RyeBryeI don't see why it would be
06:58.39DarkriftXlol ionstorm ping will be removed in the next OTA because of that comment lol
06:58.43wasabiOh. Up to 8gb of SD. Cool. That can be /usr if need be.
06:58.55ttuttlewasabi: why not 16gb?
06:58.55RyeBryeno, up to 2 TB of SD
06:59.05RyeBryeThey just only make 16 Gb Micro SD as of now
06:59.07wasabiIt supports addressing that high?
06:59.17RyeBryebut I think SDHC supports up to 2 TB from what I hear
06:59.38wasabiSo... I guess I'd end up getting it booting off the SD.
06:59.41RyeBryeand if you are still using a G1 when the 2 TB micro SD SDHC cards come out - you deserve to be using one! :)
06:59.53wasabiFigure out how to get the kernel/initramfs in the right place, / on the SD
06:59.54jbqthe SDHC standard only goes to 32GB, but the protocol trivially goes beyond that.
07:00.05wasabiThen I can 'upgrade' it by just pulling the SD and popping it into a PC
07:00.07ttuttlei should go to bed soon. 'night.
07:00.29DarkriftXgn ttuttle
07:00.32wasabiAny word on when more hardware will be out, for othe rproviders? Any hints at all?
07:00.35wasabiI desire AT&T.
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07:00.46spikebikeryebrye I'd love bluetooth gps
07:00.48wasabiOr maybe some european hardware in the same bands
07:00.54jbqmostly because when the standard was designed the largest pseudo-card they could make (for testing and validation purposes) was 32GB.
07:00.55RyeBryespikebike  -- oooh, yes
07:01.07spikebikemore battery life and dramatically better performance
07:01.21spikebikenot to mention you can put it where there's optimal signal and keep the screen where its' optimally easy to see
07:01.29RyeBryeI want bluetooth GPS too
07:02.05wasabiit has onboard GPS though right?
07:02.05wasabiwhy you need bluetooth?
07:02.11praveendhi all,i am a beginner in android porting
07:02.18spikebikebetter gps
07:02.22RyeBryeThe SiRF III is nuts
07:02.30spikebikemtk is even better ;-)
07:02.32RyeBryeIt has 200,000 correlators to do calculations super fast
07:03.19RyeBryeromaingu - nice photos
07:03.34spikebikeryebrye you could tweak the otacerts ;-)
07:03.40praveendwith the android source code released ,i would like to know the steps in porting to smdk6400
07:03.59RyeBryespikebike - I'm not sure those are used for the updater, to be honest
07:04.13wub_a/j #connectbot
07:04.13spikebikeI'd hope updates were checked somehow
07:04.16RyeBryespikebike - the recovery specifically includes a file
07:04.17wub_ooops :)
07:04.23ionstormwhat kernel is android running on Rc29
07:04.50spikebikehey does anyone here have rc29?
07:04.58spikebikedoes telnet work?
07:05.01ionstormjust install it
07:05.04ionstormlet me look
07:05.19RyeBryeI know this because I was banging my head against the recovery today trying to hack it... but I've gotten very familiar with some parts of how it works and how it verifies
07:05.36RyeBryeIt's very well written
07:05.39RyeBryeand very locked down
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07:05.51spikebikeyup, but the weak link in the chain should be all we need
07:05.59RyeBryewe found the weak link
07:06.01ionstormim pretty sure I can get root
07:06.06RyeBryeionstorm - we already have
07:06.17wasabiWell if you've got root, that's all you need.
07:06.22RyeBryeYes, exactly
07:06.37RyeBryeI'll probably just recompile a new updater that checks for signatures that I would prefer it check for
07:06.43wasabiFrom there you can get anything on it. Just a matter of figuring out what you want. :)
07:06.48RyeBryeand block signatures I would prefer that it NOT let be used :)
07:06.50spikebikeionstorm I'd be very curious if you can get root on rc29
07:06.52RyeBrye... no more OTA forme :)
07:07.02RyeBryespikebike - we DID get root on RC29
07:07.11spikebikeah... we = not I
07:07.15ionstormi will, if anything I'll code a new local exp
07:07.17DarkriftXspikebike, its rc30 that it will be disabled on lol
07:07.18spikebikeI got root on rc19
07:07.20ionstormand keep it to myself
07:07.47spikebikeyeah ideally we could just "bless" binaries with this ability
07:07.53spikebikeso when they update it still works
07:08.00spikebikethe problem is I have no idea how telnet is suid
07:08.02RyeBryewell... I'm not going to let them update mine ever again
07:08.02DarkriftXRyeBrye, compile x and throw a minimalistic wm on there lol
07:08.06spikebikels doesn't report it as suid
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07:08.18RyeBryeMe neither
07:08.22RyeBryeIt just works
07:08.25ionstormcan u downgrade firmware
07:08.37RyeBryeNot if you haven't hacked it
07:08.38DarkriftXspikebike, the updates rewrite all the permissions
07:08.49RyeBryeI will never let an OTA run on my device ever again
07:08.52spikebikedark even for files that don't exist in the distribution?
07:08.57DarkriftXalmost all major perms are rewritten druing the upgrade, so be careful
07:09.03DarkriftXprob not spikebike good idea
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07:09.08ionstormcan u revert back to rc19 from rc29
07:09.12RyeBryeNo, you can't
07:09.14RyeBryeit checks versions
07:09.15spikebikelike say copy telnetd to bills_favorite_bin
07:09.17DarkriftXcp /system/bin /mybin
07:09.18fcrickRyeBrye: 29 that bad?
07:09.21RyeBrye29 is good
07:09.29RyeBryebut I don't want to lose root
07:09.43RyeBryeso I'll just compile and update my own once I get that flashing working
07:09.57DarkriftXsomeone dcc me a g1
07:10.01fcrickis there a way i can update my phone to RC29?
07:10.05RyeBryeif RC30 or whatever the next release is doesn't take away telnetd, I'll be surprised
07:10.10fcricklike, before its rolled out to me
07:10.12RyeBryefcrick - yes
07:10.16ionstormRyeBrye, rooot on what rc29?
07:10.34RyeBryeionstorm - yes
07:10.35DarkriftXionstorm, what?
07:10.46RyeBryeionstorm - you aren't listening to me, are you :P
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07:11.29RyeBryeromainguy - nice photos.... Do you like having thousands of people see your photos now that you're default in photostream :)
07:11.54DarkriftXsup Dialekt
07:12.59DarkriftXg1 dun gots r00ted
07:12.59Dialekti'm hyped man
07:13.15Dialektmy video rocks
07:13.34Dialektturn HD on
07:13.37DarkriftXdonkey porn?
07:15.21DarkriftXchoppy for me
07:15.49DarkriftXcpu usage is up a bit though
07:15.53DarkriftXlots of stuff running
07:16.38Dialektturn hd off then
07:16.54RyeBryeDialekt - that's your video?
07:16.56RyeBryeit's pretty cool
07:17.13Dialektim in the video
07:17.13Dialektsorry to be uncleaer
07:17.13Dialektim the guy breakdancing
07:17.17Dialektone of them.
07:17.21fcrickuh oh
07:17.42fcricki put the 'update' file on my phone and now when i boot i have a big yellow !
07:17.46fcrickshould i just wait?
07:17.53RyeBryethen alt-S
07:18.03fcrickoh i have to hold down the alt
07:18.07spikebikeah I tried to backup telnetd
07:18.09RyeBryethen just wait
07:18.15Dialektmy dock broke?
07:18.18Dialektor expose rather
07:18.39spikebikeI was trying to see if telnetd's magic would work on a new file with identical contents
07:19.20DarkriftXspikebike, you are root
07:19.33fcrickbleh 'some users found just plain update works best' is just for ppl hiding extensions :/
07:19.35RyeBryewell, maybe it gets flashed as a RO filesystem though
07:19.37DarkriftXoh wait, /system is mounted ro
07:19.50DarkriftXthat can be fixed i bet lol
07:19.54DarkriftXwe need nano!
07:19.57RyeBryehmm... nope, it's yaffs2
07:20.01RyeBryecarry on
07:20.16RyeBryeyeah, I'll work on nano or something once my normal build gets done
07:20.20RyeBryeit takes forever
07:20.26RyeBryeit's building webkit now
07:20.37DarkriftXso the list is: su, nano, passwd, sshd
07:20.40RyeBryeDoes the recovery mode boot straight from recovery.img?
07:20.55RyeBryesu will come from the normal build
07:21.08RyeBryesshd is probably too heavy, but dropbear will come from the normal build
07:21.10DarkriftXnot sure
07:21.11RyeBryedropbear = ssh server
07:21.19fcrickRyeBrye: there's no cli shell actually on the phone yet, right?
07:21.21DarkriftXthat would work lol
07:21.21RyeBryeI use it on the fonera routers I have hacked
07:21.25RyeBryefcrick - pterminal
07:21.33fcrickahh nice
07:22.22DarkriftXwe need to find out how to run sh from the gui
07:23.36DarkriftXDialekt, which one are you?
07:25.01RyeBryedoes make -j X work on the android build to speed it up?
07:25.18Dialekthard to say
07:25.25Dialektme and my roomate are in it
07:25.31Dialekthe's lighter than me i believe
07:26.47Dialektat about 45 seconds they do the first close-up
07:28.47fcrickso...can i build my own image from source?
07:28.57Dialektim hyped Darkrift
07:29.01Dialektso many cool things happening
07:29.02fcrickand put it on my phone :)
07:29.15RyeBryewhile my thing is building, someone figure out how to make the /system rw
07:29.17DarkriftXnot yet fcrick
07:29.19DarkriftXsoon though
07:29.31fcrickDarkriftX: ok cool :)
07:29.33DarkriftXRyeBrye, i think it would require editing the init.rc
07:29.37spikebikeI'm kinda warry of mount -o remount,rw /system
07:29.38DarkriftXand reboot most likely
07:29.40DarkriftXprob remount
07:29.40Dialektyou like the G1 though DarkriftX ?
07:29.49Dialektor you too busy hacking the hell outta it
07:29.50RyeBryespikebike - why?
07:29.53DarkriftXi want one, but im broke
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07:30.18Dialekti love my iPhone
07:30.22Dialektsad to say
07:30.25Dialektits just too sexy
07:30.27RyeBryemount -o remount rw /system works
07:30.29fcrickmy biggest complaint about the g1 is the battery life
07:30.30Dialektunfunctionally sexy
07:30.31RyeBryeno comma
07:30.35RyeBryeI just mkdir foo in /system/bin
07:30.44Dialekteverything looks like a damn million steps backwards in comparison to the GUI
07:30.50spikebikerye cool
07:30.58spikebikecp telnetd mytelnetd
07:31.06spikebikekill telnetd
07:31.13spikebikeor just exit the connection
07:31.23RyeBryespikebike - there is no cp :)
07:31.25spikebikethen pterminal -> mytelnetd
07:31.31spikebikecat telnetd > mytelnetd
07:31.41spikebikepterminal -> mytelnetd
07:31.42RyeBryedd if=telnetd of=mytelnetd :)
07:31.49spikebikeand see if it still runs as root
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07:32.12DarkriftXahh, i see your thinking
07:32.40spikebikeit's not normal for linux to have a binary run as root even when you aren't
07:32.46DarkriftXi know
07:32.58Dialektwhy am i blinded?
07:35.16spikebikebtw, for those using telnet
07:35.26spikebikeif you connect usb it doesn't go to sleep and kick you off
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07:36.02RyeBryeI have it on USB already
07:36.06RyeBryeand I set it to never sleep
07:36.47fcrick_phoneyeah you can set it to never aleep when powered
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07:38.27spikebikewithout usb I have to keep clicking on the buttons to keep it awake
07:38.38spikebikewith usb seems like by default it just keeps running wifi/telnet
07:38.47spikebikeI didn't click any never sleep slection
07:40.47RyeBryeThere is one in the developer settings
07:42.39spikebikemaybe telnet traffic is enough
07:42.54spikebikeI spend dinner whining about android on g1 being as closed as any smartphone
07:42.57spikebikeI'm glad to be wrong ;-)
07:43.04RyeBryeWell... until RC30 :P
07:43.18RyeBryeYeah, I was complaining earlier today about some fickle network connection issue
07:43.21RyeBryeNO COMPLAINTS
07:43.42DarkriftXi was about to give up on android for a year or so, not anymore :)
07:43.44DarkriftXty google :)
07:43.51RyeBryeBecause... quite frankly... now if I have a complaint
07:43.58RyeBryeI can either fix it myself, or shut the hell up
07:44.02RyeBryewell... not quite yet - but soon
07:45.26gamblerwow. so what does this mean? Can you load any unsigned kernel?
07:45.41fcrick_phoneis there an xserver android project?
07:45.44RyeBryeWell... I have RW access
07:45.53RyeBryeand I can rewrite the recovery.img
07:46.06RyeBryeso... I can make recovery.img load wtf I want...
07:46.17RyeBryeso yes, it's a short step to bricking my phone :)
07:46.20spikebikewhere is recovery.img?
07:46.30RyeBryelook in init.rc
07:46.31spikebikeI don't see it mounted
07:46.35RyeBryeit doesn't mount
07:46.49RyeBryeservice flash_recovery /system/bin/flash_image recovery /system/recovery.img
07:47.39spikebikeonce I get an update I'll move to a different file and see if it still bugs me about updates
07:48.05ErikTJust uploading three apps (1 update, 2 new) to the market,
07:48.31ChicagoDoes the android build care which specific kernel I have built for it?
07:48.35RyeBryeActually... what's cool is that we should be able to tear down any google OTA update - tear it down, and replace what we don't like - then resign it and use a custom recovery.img to load it
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07:50.37fcrick_phoneRyeBrye: what happens if our recovery image has some fatal problem?
07:50.39DarkriftXspikebike, who is the owner of telnetd?
07:51.32spikebikethat is a mystery
07:52.30spikebikeI wonder if this will trigger a backdoor
07:52.36spikebikeandroid has a killswitch no?
07:52.42spikebikecouldn't they just killswitch telnet?
07:53.45RyeBryewill block google domains temporarily I think
07:54.09RyeBryewho knows what the killswitch is
07:54.18RyeBryebut it would be nice to get it out in the open early on so we can learn to block it
07:55.34swetlandI really would suggest caution in reflashing recovery.  recovery *is* the safetynet if your system partition gets hosed.
07:55.50DarkriftXjust hope the killswitch doesnt involve guns or fire
07:56.08spikebikegoogle MIB
07:56.26RyeBryejust a second... someone is knocking at my door
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07:56.47RyeBryethat's the REAL reason for the GPS in these phones
07:56.48DarkriftXRyeBrye, is that you?
07:56.53DarkriftXthe REAL you?
07:56.59fcrick_phoneprobably an obama volunteer
07:57.12GlibReaperRyeBrye: the kill switch goes over the air
07:57.15DarkriftXswetland, did you guys know about this?
07:57.49GlibReaperunless you're blocking the domains via firewall on the phone, adjusting your firewall won't keep you safe
07:58.29RyeBryeWell, since they conveniently disable the data on the phone when wifi is on
07:58.31DarkriftXand do you think they will fix it super fast?
07:58.42DarkriftXlol RyeBrye !!
07:58.52DarkriftXi need a friggen smoke
07:58.54spikebikeit's not clear to me that google wants to
07:59.04spikebikemore open == good
07:59.04swetlandI can't comment publicly on security issues.  At some point some official communication will be made, I'm sure.
07:59.06RyeBryeGoogle can't say if they want to or not
07:59.07spikebiketmo on the other hand
07:59.07DarkriftXid think google would be ok with it being more open if tmo didnt care
07:59.26DarkriftXim sure tmo makes google want it less hackable
07:59.38spikebikenokia doesn't care about people messing with the n800
07:59.39DarkriftXbut being hackable means that more ppl will work on it
07:59.51RyeBryefree developers ftw!
07:59.52DarkriftXthey arent a service provider
08:00.03DarkriftXthe person selling you limited 3g cares
08:00.27umdk1d3my guess would be that the "killswitch" operates at a java package level, and is checked via the package manager
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08:00.41RyeBryeI thought the kill switch thing was only for market apps
08:00.45spikebikeso they could kill pterminal
08:00.57RyeBryeWell, kiling pterminal would be funy
08:00.58spikebikebut telnet is likely part of one of the packages?
08:01.03umdk1d3we have no idea if theyve even implemented it yet tho, its just a clause in the TOS
08:01.20umdk1d3they might by CTA for the future
08:01.34spikebikeswetland any idea how telnet resets the uid without being suid?
08:01.58spikebikejust a ls <-> yaffs2 bug?
08:02.05spikebikesome extended attribute?
08:04.14DarkriftXi wonder
08:04.17spikebikeRyeBrye mount -o remount,rw /system worked for you?
08:04.24DarkriftXif you set the uid of one of hte apk files to root, woudl it run as root?
08:04.32DarkriftXspikebike, he said no comma
08:05.11DarkriftXactually, the apk is just a container....
08:05.21DarkriftXi wonder if there is an extraction method built in
08:05.27DarkriftXextract, set as root, repackage :S
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08:06.07spikebikeoh, er, I.. nevermind. k
08:06.38DarkriftXi wonder if there are linux apps already compiled for this cpu
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08:07.59RyeBryespikebike - no comma
08:08.23spikebikeuse a space?
08:08.36spikebikeoh another -o?
08:08.44RyeBryemount yaffs2 mtd@system /system ro remount
08:08.48RyeBryethat's in the init.rc
08:08.50RyeBryeso mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system rw remount
08:09.00RyeBryethat should also work (minus the so in front of it, obviously)
08:09.50paulproteusmount -t yaffs2 mtd@system /system -o ro,remount # you mean that?
08:10.18DarkriftXthis isnt normal mount
08:10.51RyeBryeI just copied straight out of the init.rc
08:12.31spikebikeah iptables is in the kernel
08:14.49spikebike# mount yaffs2 mtd@system /system ro remount
08:14.49spikebikeUsage: mount [-r] [-w] [-o options] [-t type] device directory
08:14.52RyeBryewhat happens if the phone stops checking in with google?
08:14.56*** join/#android ioerror (
08:14.59spikebike# mount -t yaffs2 mtd@system /system -o ro,remount
08:14.59spikebikeUsage: mount [-r] [-w] [-o options] [-t type] device directory
08:15.10ioerrorspikebike, I just did that in another channel
08:15.15RyeBryemount -o remount rw /system
08:15.17RyeBryethat's what I did
08:15.28spikebikeso you have heard ;-)
08:15.36ioerrormount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system; chmod 4777  /system/bin/sh
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08:15.50ioerrorIf you have a local terminal app, that allows you to spawn a root shell
08:15.58ioerroror with the debugger, whichever works for you
08:16.02spikebikeya, been discussing that for awhil e;-)
08:16.19RyeBryechmod 4777 /system/bin/sh should go in the init.rc :)
08:17.48spikebikeioerror any idea how telnetd manages to launch as root?
08:18.33ioerrorspikebike, not a clue
08:18.38ioerrorIt's not setuid/setgid
08:18.45ioerrorand my shell is running as an app_
08:19.03spikebikemaybe a yaffs2 <-> ls bug?
08:19.08spikebikeor maybe an extended attribute
08:19.13languishD/DeviceInfoSettings(  299): Updated intent on copyright to Intent { comp={} }
08:19.15spikebikethere is no lsattr 8-(
08:19.35ioerrorspikebike, did you ln it to toolbox?
08:20.06spikebikegood idea though, no idea if busybox or whatever includes that
08:20.06RyeBryewhat else does toolbox have in it?
08:21.51ioerrorperhaps run strings on a copy of the binary to see what they compiled in?
08:21.53DarkriftXno way to tell cept for trying "toolbox <command>
08:22.33spikebikeI'm thinking of renamign /system/etc/security/ to prevent updates
08:22.42DarkriftXmight not be smart :s
08:23.53spikebikeI could always undo it
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08:24.01DarkriftXtoolbox top = bad on emulator
08:24.05DarkriftXno way to get out of it
08:24.16spikebikeassuming that reboot doesn't check and brick if missing
08:24.44ioerrorspikebike, :
08:24.49ionstormcat /proc/loadavg whats your load averages?
08:25.23ionstormi got 3.5, crazy
08:25.25RyeBryewaht are the different targets for make?
08:25.34RyeBryefor the git source - i.e. if I wnat to make the engineering build
08:26.48ionstormjesus, 3.5 load average, thats not good at all
08:27.09spikebikenot necessarily
08:27.27spikebikethat just means the runqueue has 3 things in it
08:27.45ioerror# cat /proc/loadavg
08:27.45ioerror44.60 15.94 8.46 2/211 7251
08:28.29ionstormwell as far as I know it would need 3 times as much processing speed to reach below 1
08:28.47RyeBryenot necessarily
08:28.59RyeBryeit's not always waiting on CPU
08:29.37RyeBryeI had a stupid LCD proc that would always wait for the next screen in a stupid way that would always make my loads > 1 when nothing else was running
08:29.37ioerrorthere isn't a bug in the yaffs2 code regarding setuid reading as far as i can see
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08:29.40ionstormnetcat would be perfect for a shell
08:29.42ioerrorthere are other setuid programs
08:29.43ionstormcompile it for arm
08:30.00ioerror(ping is setgid)
08:30.23DarkriftXgetprop shows all the settings that the updates look for to tell your device
08:30.25DarkriftXand setprop lets you change them
08:30.35DarkriftXwe could probably change those and force an old update to install
08:30.56DarkriftX[]: [generic-sdk 1.0 110632 110632 test-keys]
08:30.56DarkriftX[]: [generic/generic/generic/:1.0/110632/110632:sdk/test-keys]
08:31.21ionstormi cant get telnetd to run
08:31.40spikebikedon't cheat
08:31.46spikebikecd /system/bin
08:31.49spikebikethen telnetd
08:31.57spikebikefor whatever reason running it from elsewhere does't work
08:32.14DarkriftXsomeone run getprop and paste me the fingerprint line :)
08:32.15ioerrorhrm, just running /system/bin/telnetd also works for me
08:32.18DarkriftXand the description
08:32.19ionstormive been doin that
08:32.24ionstormi will reboot then try
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08:33.26spikebike[]: [tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC19/109652:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys]
08:33.48*** part/#android PINguAR_ (n=PINguAR_@
08:34.04DarkriftXok, setprop doesnt seem to work :S
08:34.09ionstormtelnetd work on rc29?
08:34.12spikebikeioerror ah, just read that somewhere I hadn't tried it
08:34.23RyeBryeI see dropbear in the git source, but odn't know how to get it to build it :)
08:35.03ioerrori'll reboot my phone and check to see if the setuid backdoor sticks (it should)
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08:35.34ionstormexport TARGET=arm-linux
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08:36.30ioerrori have root after a reboot
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08:36.51spikebikewhat worries me is that a killswitch/update could trivially look for all suid binaries that don't belong
08:37.19DarkriftXso did that uid trick work?
08:37.28RyeBryeWell, update is easy
08:37.33RyeBryejsut don't update
08:37.45spikebikewell it might not be the ask first ota update
08:37.46RyeBryeunless you compile it yourself
08:37.59DarkriftXspikebike, thats easy
08:38.01ioerrorspikebike, that's easy
08:38.05spikebikehrm, no chgrp
08:38.11DarkriftXedit your hosts file and change to localhost :)
08:38.12ionstormfinally got in via telnetd
08:38.18DarkriftXso your OTa's will never download
08:38.24ioerrorspikebike, try ln -s to create a chrgrp
08:38.24RyeBryeor your searches or email :P
08:38.30DarkriftXbut dont expect to use search lol
08:38.42DarkriftXyeah, you could do the server that the updates coem from more specifically i guess
08:39.05DarkriftXmake that resolve to
08:39.06RyeBryejust look in the source and see what does the OTA updates
08:39.16RyeBryeand neuter it
08:39.38DarkriftXanyone know what zygote is?
08:40.05ioerrorperhaps time to grab it and decompile?
08:40.13spikebikechgrp: no such tool
08:40.15DarkriftXit restarts when killed
08:40.41spikebikeremoving the otacert seems like a good idea
08:40.49DarkriftXi think chgrp might work in the init.rc
08:40.57DarkriftXdownload it, edit and reupload it to the device
08:41.03DarkriftXmake it chgrp a file or 2 and test it
08:41.14RyeBryeI'll just move the otacert
08:41.25DarkriftXwaits for the first rooted brick
08:41.41ioerrorwhy mess with init.rc at all?
08:41.50spikebikewell a system reset should still result in a fresh rc19 system for me
08:41.50ioerrorwhy not just setuid /system/bin/sh and be done with it?
08:41.54DarkriftXbecause it can chown and probably chgrp
08:42.00spikebikeioerror because they might fix it
08:42.08ioerrorFix what? the setuid bit?
08:42.29DarkriftXhas anyone tried that? to see if it even works?
08:42.33ioerrori just did it
08:42.40DarkriftXand you get root shell every time?
08:42.46spikebikeif tmo can tell the g1 to run something that removes all unknown suid binaries in system
08:42.48ioerrorthe setuid shell is persistent
08:43.04ioerrorspikebike, unless i'm mistaken, you are prompted for OTA updates
08:43.10ioerrorSimply refuse them for now?
08:43.14RyeBryewhat about the android market app?
08:43.22RyeBryedidn't that one appear like magic for people?
08:43.36spikebikeioerror not sure they can be refused... google did admit to a kill switch
08:44.19ioerrora kill switch is different than something that rolls through your entire file system with root privs
08:44.29ioerrorAt least, I sure as heck hope it is different :-/
08:44.44DarkriftXioerror, can i copy that into a post on my forum (with backlink of course)
08:44.55RyeBryeI want to be the kill switch
08:45.01ioerrorDarkriftX, sure, i don't mind
08:45.03RyeBrye"a kill switch is different than something that rolls through your entire file system with root privs"
08:45.12RyeBryeit's a tank!
08:45.26RyeBryeI found dropbear in my build
08:45.33RyeBryebut it's built as a client only
08:45.39RyeBryeI'm going to change and see if I can make it a client / server
08:45.40spikebikea few lines of script could hunt/destroy telnetd and find any untrusted suid files in /system
08:45.42RyeBryeand then put it on my phone
08:45.44RyeBryeshouldn't be ahrd
08:45.55RyeBryethey rename it to ssh - which is why I had a hard time finding it
08:46.23Gary|thinkpadIIRC theres a force update switch in the g1
08:46.28Gary|thinkpadto auto update without agreeing
08:46.33spikebikeI decided to copy sh -> billsh and suid billsh
08:46.34Gary|thinkpadanyway back to afk lol
08:46.39ioerrorspikebike, i agree that it's trival to find setuid binaries
08:46.51ioerrorspikebike, I think though that you're safe for now
08:47.03ioerroralternatively, you could create a new directory say, /owned/
08:47.08spikebikewhen I sleep I think I'll go into airplane mode
08:47.17RyeBryeWell... they can't auto-update if their update engine doesn't trust their binaries any more
08:47.39ioerrorIn /owned, you could chown it to a user that's not root and inside it, put a setuid shell
08:47.51RyeBryeioerror - good thinking
08:48.16ioerrorso that only that user can open it, etc
08:48.20spikebikenot sure / is writeable
08:48.26ioerrorsure it is ;-)
08:48.27ioerroryou're root
08:48.27RyeBryewell... make it writeable :)
08:48.50DarkriftXlol, paranoid of system updates
08:48.59spikebikewell I'm not sure the media's it's mounted is writeable
08:49.03spikebikeI can't even find the device
08:49.50RyeBryerootfs / rootfs ro 0 0
08:49.54RyeBryejust type... "mount"
08:49.58spikebikeya I got that
08:50.01RyeBryeoh, ok :)
08:50.06spikebikebut what filesystem is it?
08:50.08spikebikehow big is it?
08:50.13spikebikewhat device is it on?
08:51.17DarkriftXioerror:  (if you cared, i only edited it to remove extra lines and add [code])
08:52.07spikebikeioerror btw, ironically I was trying to track you down to discuss using the g1 as a hardware token for ssh-agent/openid because it's so secure a place to hide a private key
08:52.41ioerroryes, i was working on something to stuff my private key into my sim
08:52.49spikebikeah chown apparently had chgrp like functionality built in
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08:53.29ioerrorspikebike, if you want to write something like that, i've got some good news for you...
08:54.25RyeBryescp and ssh installed - but ssh seems to be in client mode :)
08:54.27ioerrorerr, x fail
08:54.34ioerrorspikebike, ^^^
08:54.49DarkriftXlol RyeBrye
08:54.57DarkriftXtelnet into a device to ssh out of it
08:55.05ioerrorSo this attack doesn't appear to work on rc-29
08:55.10RyeBryewhich attack?
08:55.11RyeBryeI'm on RC29
08:55.15RyeBryeI'm rooted on it
08:55.16ioerrorand you have local root?
08:55.19RyeBryehell yes
08:55.22ionstormword me too rooted rc29
08:55.29ioerrorjoin #noisebridge and help 'ieatlint' ?
08:55.34ioerrorHe can't get it to work on his phone?
08:55.39DarkriftXhave him come here :S
08:55.52ionstormwhich process kills the telnetd
08:55.56ieatlinti'm here too
08:56.05ioerrorieatlint, ah, there you go ;-)
08:56.08spikebikeioerror I was pondering writing a ssh-agent and openid server proxy that communicated with a g1 over XMPP
08:56.08RyeBryescp is nice though
08:56.19ieatlintare you starting telnetd in pterminal, or in the debug bridge?
08:56.20DarkriftXwait RyeBrye
08:56.25ioerrorspikebike, you're crazy ;-)
08:56.26DarkriftXdoes scp work as a local copy?
08:56.27ionstormRyeBrye, the telnetd times out after a few min or gets killed
08:56.32DarkriftXcan you scp to localhost?
08:56.37ionstormnot sure if its going to sleep or what
08:56.47spikebikeionstorm it does that to me until I attached usb
08:56.48DarkriftXif so, write a quick .sh file called cp and we can use that
08:56.56spikebike(unless I kept hitting keys on the g1 to keep it awake)
08:57.35ionstormah word thnx spikebike
08:57.54spikebikeioerror well xmpp works over wifi and cellular
08:58.17ioerrorspikebike, you're still crazy ;-)
08:58.20ionstormshit, root is all we  need to do whatever we want
08:58.21DarkriftXsomeone good with bash scripting give us a 1 liner (with no grep or awk) to convert "cp filename newfilename" into scp lol
08:58.26ioerrorthough it's starting to rub off on me ;-)
08:58.37ionstormgotta install aircrack-ng now lol
08:58.37ioerrorspikebike, you're always writing software and I <3 you for it
08:58.49paulproteusDarkriftX, You're best off just installing busybox.
08:58.51ioerrorwhat kind of wireless hardware does this handset have?
08:59.00ioerrorpaulproteus, toolbox is busybox, no?
08:59.12paulproteusioerror, Oh, yes, exactly
08:59.34ioerrorionstorm, does the kernel source for android have full sources? Or is it a binary blob?
08:59.42ionstormfull src
09:00.06ionstorma few bins i think
09:00.22ioerrorhrm, i'm curious about monitor mode
09:00.24ioerrori will look
09:00.28paulproteusioerror, Are there any exciting files in /dev ?
09:00.41ioerrorpaulproteus, like what?
09:00.48paulproteusWith this access, you can overwrite the recovery image, but can you flash the thing directly?
09:00.59DarkriftXomg, root = hw access = ability to flash the bootloader. didnt someone say there is a device that is almost exact specs with unlocked bootloader?
09:01.06DarkriftXor am i missing something
09:01.23ieatlintwith root, you can also read all the partitions off the mtd
09:01.26paulproteus(Like the boot loader; the NAND you can just write to, with your root powers)
09:01.29ieatlintwhich will give you a lot more info
09:01.37ieatlint(things like the recovery partition, for example)
09:01.37RyeBryeHmm... it will probably take a while to get dropbear server buildng for the G1
09:01.38DarkriftXthere are built in commands to flash the boot partition
09:01.54RyeBryeThey have a funky makefile format they use
09:01.54ionstormsomeone should just make an app that enables disables telnetd on the fly as root with authentication
09:01.54DarkriftXieatlint, jump on it ;)
09:01.54ionstormor just sshd
09:01.54ieatlinti can't get root on my phone
09:02.04RyeBryedropbear is pretty much sshd
09:02.05ionstormieatlint, reboot the phone and do it quickly
09:02.24ieatlintwhen you run telnetd, it doesn't return you to a prompt, correct?
09:02.30RyeBryeno, it doesn't
09:02.37RyeBryeyou have to telnet INTO the phone
09:02.46spikebikevia wifi
09:02.46RyeBryeso you have to do it over wifi
09:02.48ieatlint"bind(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(23), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)"
09:02.55ieatlintthat's why i can't run telnetd
09:02.57ioerrorieatlint, how are you getting that?
09:03.01ioerroryou have strace on the phone?
09:03.06ionstormkyle@ion:~$ telnet
09:03.06ionstormConnected to
09:03.06ionstormEscape character is '^]'.
09:03.06ionstorm# id
09:03.06ionstormuid=0(root) gid=0(root)
09:03.08spikebikeieatlint what release are you running?
09:03.19RyeBryeduh dun dun
09:03.28ionstormLinux version 2.6.25-01843-gfea26b0 ( (gcc version 4.2.1) #6 PREEMPT Mon Oct 6 14:13:36 PDT 2008
09:03.33RyeBryeieatlint - are oyu on wifi?
09:03.38ieatlinti can't bind to any port under 1024
09:03.47RyeBryewhich is expected
09:03.49ieatlinttried it on wifi and not
09:03.55RyeBryewell... not expected
09:04.02RyeBryebut you would think it would be expected
09:04.09RyeBryeexcept for in bizarroland
09:04.25ieatlintand i can run telnetd on another port
09:04.28RyeBryeieatlint - did you do the RC29 thing via OTA?
09:04.37ieatlintbut when i telnet in, it's still just the shell user, not root
09:04.43ieatlintyeah, ota, not forced/usb
09:04.55DarkriftXmaybe the forced did it
09:04.57RyeBryeI think all of us did forced USB
09:04.57ieatlintyou guys do ota or forced?
09:05.01RyeBryeHell yes forced USB
09:05.01DarkriftXieatlint, try the forced way
09:05.01spikebikeI wonder if there is a new rc29
09:05.03ieatlintmaybe i should force it
09:05.06ioerrorcan you downgrade?
09:05.12ieatlintno, you can't downgrade
09:05.13RyeBryeyes, force it - you can't downgrade
09:05.15DarkriftXi think you can force the same version
09:05.17RyeBryebut you can reflash the same version
09:05.18ieatlintbut i seem to recall reading you can reinstall
09:05.19DarkriftXbut not a lower
09:05.32DarkriftXwow, i wonder if our forcing it caused this
09:05.37RyeBryeWhich would be awesome
09:05.47DarkriftXwe caused the hole!
09:05.51spikebikehas a vanilla RC19 as purchased tmo
09:05.56spikebikeand root works
09:06.00ieatlintok, need to go lookup the directions on forcing, one min
09:06.02ioerrori haven't done anything to mine
09:06.06ioerrorno ota, stock firmware
09:06.29spikebikethank god for ieatlint
09:06.45spikebikeotherwise I might have happily accepted a rc29 update
09:06.51DarkriftXso who can create a dump of all the good stuff for us?
09:06.52RyeBryeYeah, don't do it OTA
09:06.55ieatlintheh, well, let's see how the force works? :P
09:06.59DarkriftXapp partitions etc
09:07.13RyeBryehopefully the force will wor
09:07.17ioerrorWhat kind of a dump do you want?
09:07.27DarkriftXanything that might be useful
09:07.38*** join/#android mattgyver83 (
09:07.41RyeBryeI can scp it all off of mine :)
09:07.55ioerrori mean, you have root ;-)
09:07.56spikebikeprolly safer to just dd it all to the sdcard
09:08.00ioerrorwhat more do you want?
09:08.03spikebikeeach mountable device
09:08.10RyeBryeI wonder what "radiooptions" does
09:08.15DarkriftX<ieatlint> with root, you can also read all the partitions off the mtd  <paulproteus> (Like the boot loader; the NAND you can just write to, with your root powers)  <ieatlint> which will give you a lot more info  <ieatlint> (things like the recovery partition, for example)
09:08.46ioerrorok, ok, i agree you can get more with root ;-)
09:08.49paulproteusieatlint, iirc you can't read /dev as that luser user you are?
09:08.51ioerrorBut I mean, what are you looking for?
09:08.59ieatlinti can read /dev as the shell user
09:09.01DarkriftXioerror, this might be a temp thing
09:09.04paulproteusOh, okay, great.
09:09.05ieatlintbut not access the devs
09:09.07ieatlintjust list them
09:09.09DarkriftXmore info now might make hacking the next versions easier
09:09.19ieatlintthe compass device nod could be interesting :)
09:09.33spikebikeyeah like a full copy of the bootloader
09:09.39RyeBryeyeah, that
09:09.39ieatlintecho 1 into a file in /sys and then get readings.. same with the accelerometer
09:09.59ieatlintalso can control all the LEDs in /sys
09:10.01ioerrorthe best file is by far /init.rc
09:10.07ieatlintso you can force the keyboard light on, or alter the brightness of the lcd
09:10.21ieatlintlots of good stuffs can be done with root
09:10.32spikebikeieatlint hmm, I wonder if we should try the root procedure one more time before you reflash
09:10.54ieatlinti already flashed
09:11.00ieatlintwell, just finishing it up now
09:11.00spikebikeah, nevermind
09:11.11ieatlintbut i can guarantee you, that it wouldn't work
09:11.14spikebikethis should be interesting
09:11.31ieatlintstarting up now...
09:11.37DarkriftXfunny if they already figured it out and patched it
09:12.12RyeBryeIf by funny you mean tragic - you're right
09:12.16ieatlintno go
09:12.25spikebikeno go means what?
09:12.30spikebikepterminal doesn't run?
09:12.32ieatlintsame error
09:12.37ieatlintcan't bind to port 23
09:12.39spikebikewhat exactly are you doing
09:12.44DarkriftXgotta be your device or something
09:12.45spikebikepterminal then?
09:12.47RyeBryeyour phone sucks - you should return it and get a new one that is still rc19 :)
09:12.57paulproteusRyeBrye's onto something!
09:12.58DarkriftX'i wanna return this, i cant root it'
09:13.14ioerror# cat init.goldfish.rc
09:13.14ioerroron boot
09:13.16ieatlinti run telnetd and it exits without error in the shell (through  the adb)
09:13.21DarkriftX'you got anything in say, white? or rc19?'
09:13.34spikebiketry pterminal
09:13.44ioerror# disable some daemons the emulator doesn't want
09:13.46RyeBryeieatlint - have you been using pterminal?
09:13.48ioerrorthat's interesting stuff
09:13.57swetlandahahahha. how did we check the ARGH thing in
09:14.03ieatlintoooh, pterminal does it
09:14.09RyeBryedid it not do it before?
09:14.11swetlandinit.goldfish.rc doesn't run on dream/g1 btw
09:14.12paulproteuslol, swetland! (-:
09:14.13spikebikeI thought so
09:14.14ieatlintit didn't before, before it wouldn't start telnetd
09:14.19swetlandonly on the emulator (goldfish)
09:14.32ieatlintscrew you guys, i wanted to go to bed "early" tonight
09:14.32ioerrorswetland, did you check that in?
09:14.33RyeBryeWell... Swetland - we figured out the issue - and it's nothing big
09:14.34DarkriftXwhat about init.dream.rc ?
09:14.56swetlandI'm pretty sure setprop ARGH ARGH was from when I was debugging the device-specific init rc file stuff
09:15.03RyeBryeWe're busy patching our phones so we can't get root on them ever again...
09:15.04DarkriftXswetland, it was all a joke, no root.. tell google not to fix anything since its not broken
09:15.14RyeBryeAPRIL FOOLS :)
09:15.16ioerrorHow many google engineers are in here laughing at people disclosing local root bugs and discussing how to thwart those same engineers
09:15.20RyeBryeTurns out... we were all using emulators
09:15.24ioerrorI guess it's non-zero
09:15.38swetlandyou guys are fine upstanding citizens, setting a good example like that ^^
09:15.46Gary|thinkpadso wheres most of the g1 hacking going on, as far as forums
09:15.47RyeBryeYes, it's the least we can do
09:15.52DarkriftXswetland, we are doing it for google
09:15.56DarkriftXGary|thinkpad, xda-devs
09:16.00Gary|thinkpadeveryplace I'm at is starting to annoy me
09:16.05DarkriftXyeah, tahts normal
09:16.08RyeBryeOoh... su - that's going on for SURe
09:16.14DarkriftXi post the info on my site but not much chat about it there
09:16.22Gary|thinkpadDarkriftX: first post I saw on xda:
09:16.31Gary|thinkpadHOW DOES I CONNECT G1 TO INTEL LOL
09:16.39ioerrorswetland, any idea why telnetd gives root?
09:16.44DarkriftXsu passwd, ssh, groups, chgrp
09:17.04DarkriftXoh, and NANO!!!
09:17.13Gary|thinkpadI didn't look around at all after that post
09:17.21ioerrorany idea where the kernel modules are on the phone?
09:17.33swetlandI know quite a bit about this particular issue, but can't discuss it at this point.   Will be fun to chat about what's going on once official response, disclosure, patch, etc are done.
09:17.43RyeBryeI don't like that last part
09:17.49languishpatch :/
09:17.58paulproteusWhy would you patch this?
09:18.00DarkriftXlol Gary|thinkpad !!! thats funny
09:18.12paulproteusThis doesn't sound like a security issue.  Only people who own their phones can take advantage of it.
09:18.14languishpaulproteus, they have to make t-mobile happy
09:18.18ionstormim looking in /dev where is the main drive ?
09:18.37paulproteusNo, seriously swetland, what's the "security" risk?
09:18.57RyeBryeswetland - just out of curiosity and so I can better understand the platform... the recovery.img in /system is what is booted when you hold down home + power, right?
09:18.58DarkriftXswetland, tell them to take their time in fixing it please
09:19.01DarkriftXwe need to enjoy this
09:19.01languishthe security risk is what users will do to the carriers network
09:19.13RyeBryeI'm on EDGE
09:19.21paulproteuslanguish, Dude, I have an OpenMoko FreeRunner sitting next to me.  I have experience with root on a GSM phone.
09:19.24ioerroryou can already do arbitrary tcp connections without root
09:19.26RyeBryeAnything I could possibly do to them is no worse than what they are doing to me
09:19.27DarkriftXnothign languish ppl just want more power, not to run ktorrent on the damned things
09:19.40paulproteusAll this lets you do is send serial commands to the modem, woo frickin' hoo.  No impact on T-Mobile's network.
09:19.48languishpaulproteus, i know, this is the *concern* not a "problen"
09:19.53ieatlinti'm pulling the stuff from the mtd now
09:19.59swetlandrye: the recovery.img from the recovery partition is booted when you hold HOME. again, I'd advise against blindly replacing it as it does make it really hard to fix a device if you muck up the system partition
09:20.11languishthe carrirs are paranoid control freaks
09:20.11RyeBryeI'm not planning to replace it
09:20.17ioerrorhuh, what's recovery.img?
09:20.20RyeBryesince I don't see where it's built
09:20.24paulproteusswetland, If you just tell me where the JTAG traces are, we can just flash a replacement image on anyway.
09:20.32DarkriftXso make sure if you replace it, DO NOT "MUCK" UP YOUR SYSTEM PARTITION!!!
09:20.44ionstormwhat is the drive device in /dev im going to make a copy
09:20.46ionstormfor everyone
09:20.55paulproteusswetland, I don't mean to be too much of a jerk, sorry if I come off that way this late night.
09:21.13paulproteusMemory Technology Device - the NAND flash
09:21.29ieatlintwell, mtd is the device, but you probably want to pull the partitions
09:21.34DarkriftXcmonex, wakie wakie
09:21.36ieatlintthere's mtd0 through mtd5
09:21.55paulproteusswetland, Please do take seriously the idea that isn't a "security" issue.
09:21.56ieatlintmisc, recovery, boot, system, cache, userdata (in order)
09:21.59DarkriftXieatlint, if you can dcc me whatever you get id appreciate it
09:22.02swetlandpaul: that's fine. there are limits to what we can discuss publicly at times and I'm sure it's annoying.
09:22.17DarkriftXrecovery boot system
09:22.22ieatlintDarkriftX, it's likely it contains info that is private
09:22.35ieatlinteg, my SMSs, call log, and other stuff
09:22.38DarkriftXi c
09:22.45DarkriftXfactory reset and then do it lol
09:22.53RyeBryeswetland - is the recovery.img just a renamed version of the file built in the recovery_intermediates/LINKED/recovery ?
09:22.54ieatlinthah, no thanks, find someone else :)
09:23.19ionstormdd if=/dev/mtd/mtd0 of=/sdcard/mtd0.bin
09:23.22swetlandrye: a full device build should drop a recovery.img in out/target/product/$name/ iirc
09:23.24ionstormthat works
09:23.35DarkriftXioerror, nice
09:23.44swetlanda generic build (the default) will not build a recovery image (because generic/emulator builds don't have a recovery partition)
09:23.50RyeBryeAhhh, gotcha
09:24.53DarkriftXanyone who pulls any images off here that do not contain private data, feel free to dcc them to me and ill host them for those who want em
09:24.54RyeBryeTo prevent us from being attacked by malicious people spoofing OTA updates, all OTA things are checked against the OTA keys prior to being deployed, correct?
09:25.26DarkriftXand also malicious google trying to take away our root!
09:25.26swetlandall OTAs are signed, yes
09:25.47ioerrorswetland, is a signature required for a local recover.img?
09:25.49RyeBryeIt appears that the keys that the recovery checks against are compiled in from the
09:25.53spikebikewith a certs stored in /system/etc/security/
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09:26.06DarkriftXeg, edit hosts and put pointing to for now
09:26.13swetlandI honestly would have to dig through the source to sort out exactly where all the bits come from
09:26.19RyeBryeno problem
09:26.33swetlandI didn't have much involvement in the recovery process besides some general suggestions on the design
09:26.59ioerrorswetland, any comment on when the hacker friendly version of the firmware comes out for us to build our own OS?
09:27.27DarkriftXnever :(
09:27.37ioerrorThat's not true.
09:27.42DarkriftXi think thats the carriers choice
09:28.02ieatlintin theory we can take the base linux that is given and tear out android and put in what we want
09:28.21swetlandwe're still investigation options for making developer hardware available somehow, and yes, the oems/carriers could choose to build/ship devices that allow enduser replacement of the system
09:28.24DarkriftXlets get x with icewm on there lol
09:28.40spikebikelike openmoko plans to
09:28.57cmonexDarkriftX yes..?
09:29.05cmonexswetland one question
09:29.08cmonexyou said:
09:29.09cmonex[08:55:36] <swetland> I really would suggest caution in reflashing recovery.  recovery *is* the safetynet if your system partition gets hosed.
09:29.14DarkriftXwas asking what you wanted dd'd
09:29.25cmonexcan't the bootloader reflash if you manage to flash junk for recoveryr?
09:29.33RyeBryenot on these devices
09:29.36cmonexthe htc bootloader
09:30.03RyeBryethe htc bootloader afaik is totally neutered
09:30.17swetlandthe regular usb based download/flash mechanism we use for development does not exist in the production bootloader
09:30.18DarkriftX*snip snip*
09:30.23ioerrorKernel modules are in /system/lib/modules
09:30.29cmonexswetland: doesit not have ability to read image from SD?
09:30.52ionstormjust wlan.ko is in there
09:30.55RyeBryeI'm pretty sure it doesn't
09:31.02ioerrorionstorm, correct
09:31.06RyeBryebut we can disassmble and look once we have it dumped
09:31.17cmonexRyeBrye: did you talk to the engineers or how do you know all this so well? :P
09:31.23cmonexI'm of course just trying to be optimistic :)
09:31.36RyeBryecmonex - I've been attacking the bootloader first, and the recovery mode secodn for several days now
09:31.36swetlandI don't think the bootloader is actually readable from the arm11 side of the world
09:31.51RyeBryeThat would make some sense
09:31.59swetlandI may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the bootloader partition is on the arm9 exclusive side of flash
09:32.02ionstormi wish  lsof was on here
09:32.07cmonexswetland: no, no, I'm not talking about the radio bootloader.
09:32.15swetlandyes I know
09:32.16cmonexI'm talking about the arm11 bootloader, the one that has tricolour screen
09:32.17swetlandthe arm11 bl
09:32.31cmonexwhich is btw pretty much standard HTC SPL behaviour
09:32.34swetlandit's loaded by the arm9 bl and I'm pretty positive it's on a partition only readable from the arm9 side
09:32.35cmonexthe tricolour screen thingie :)
09:32.51cmonexwhy are you positive?
09:33.16cmonexon other HTC devices it is readable and reflashable by the ARM11, by using the (ARM11) bootloader to reflash itself
09:33.18swetlandbecause we only update it from itself
09:33.20ioerrorwhat's the logo.rle?
09:33.21cmonexis that changed on this phone?
09:33.41cmonexit is readable and reflashable ->i mean arm11 bl again
09:33.42DarkriftXlol, rle is an OLD format
09:33.48DarkriftXits a bitmap ioerror
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09:33.54DarkriftXused to be standard in win3.0 days
09:33.57ioerrordarkhorse, interesting
09:34.16DarkriftXwinlogo.rle was the windows logo (boot splash, but win3.0 didnt really boot, just just started up)
09:34.22swetland*I* actually can't tell without trying, and I haven't tried.  I did recommend that it be on the secure side of the flash partitioning.  It's certainly possible they didn't listen to me.
09:34.34DarkriftXit supported animation of sorts (color cycling) so im sure its the animated droid
09:34.42cmonexRyeBrye: I have a PM for you
09:35.05anno^da_swetland: Do you know or can say something about the possible developer G1s?
09:35.28DarkriftXpoor google devs... not enough of them to go around
09:35.31DarkriftXwe need to clone them!
09:35.38swetlandanno: can't say anything other than it's something being investigated. if something comes of it, there will be a public announcement
09:36.00RyeBryeIf they rush an update for this, but made us all wait around for the RC29 OTA update, I'm going to be really mad
09:36.06Yar1i got rc29 OTA and the telnet thing works fine
09:36.26spikebikeah interesting
09:36.37spikebikeI copied telnetd to foo
09:36.45swetlandI was sort of hoping for availability of such things early on, so that there would be a nice clear path for system developers, also in case we managed to ship with no security holes ^^
09:36.47spikebikeand when I run it, it still runs as root
09:36.52cmonexswetland: thanks for answering :)
09:37.04DarkriftXodd spikebike
09:37.36swetlandcmonex: I do what I can. Some questions I'm just not going to be able to answer publicly.  I probably push the limit of what management would approve of as it is.
09:37.39spikebikeI used cat
09:38.02DarkriftXcat telnetd > newfile?
09:38.17DarkriftXnever thought of that for binaries
09:38.21RyeBryetelnetd = magic
09:38.25RyeBryethat's all there is to it
09:38.28swetlandthere are some awkward areas inbetween the open platform / source code and the specific devices that partners ship
09:38.29DarkriftXgoogle magic!
09:38.43ioerrorspikebike, interesting
09:39.11Gigawattslol, yeah, i never thought of using cat to cp a bin like that, very interesting
09:39.14ieatlintecho 255 > /sys/class/leds/blue/brightness
09:39.26DarkriftXso whats everyones view on trying to run an apk as root? think it would change naything or do yuo think the java layer would make it useless (i know the apk is an archive, just dont know what to call the binary inside it)
09:39.30ieatlinthave fun with that ( echo 0 to turn it off, and look in the leds folder for other ones)
09:39.46RyeBryemy phone is teh blue ghost!
09:40.22RyeBryeI'm trying to pipe images out of the camera to recreate scenes in real life
09:40.24RyeBryeno such luck yet
09:40.41ieatlintyou have the camera dev node?
09:40.54ioerrorhrm, any idea how to edit this bitmap? the gimp doesn't like it.
09:41.09RyeBryepmem_camera ?
09:41.21DarkriftXioerror, mspaint
09:41.33DarkriftXthats what i used to use in win3.0/95 days
09:41.35ioerrorshit, i'll just go fire up my windows 95 machine
09:41.40cutmastais that "new" news?
09:41.50DarkriftXreda it 3 days ago
09:41.55ioerroroh crapp, i left that back in 1997!
09:42.07cutmastaDarkriftX, hmm, okay, thanks
09:42.10DarkriftXioerror, win vista has mspaint :S
09:42.28DarkriftXso does xp
09:42.39DarkriftX2k3, 2k, etc
09:42.40ioerrorah, sadly, i left those back in america
09:43.01ionstormthis is a big hole, any app could execute telnet and people could remotely root your phone
09:43.05ionstormbe careful
09:43.06DarkriftXim sure oyu can find mspaint.exe somewhere
09:43.32Gigawattsyeah, mspaint runs great in wine :)
09:43.41Phlogianyone knows a good rss feed for g1 / android?
09:43.49DarkriftXOI news reader seems to be good
09:43.55DarkriftXgets lots of downloads on my site
09:43.59DarkriftXand its free/donationware
09:44.33languishi wonder now how quickly the EA games will get cracked and distro'd as installable .apk's
09:44.46DarkriftXea games SUXOR
09:44.59languishEA suzors, not all ea games do
09:45.02anno^da_swetland: Thank you. Just thought that there could be some timeframe to make the decision easier. Buying a G1 right now at ebay and paying about 700+x $ or being able to wait for the developer program.
09:45.03DarkriftXthey cut them down too much
09:45.17cmonexswetland: yeah I understand.. you are being pretty nice to us though ;)
09:45.38DarkriftXwow, 2 very delayed reactions there
09:45.58DarkriftXi keep loooking for a recent comment form him
09:46.35RyeBryeman... I'm super tired
09:46.40spikebikeioerror when you demonstrated the suid shell on your page where did you type that?
09:46.42cmonexRyeBrye... a PM again :)
09:46.59cmonexbtw, what is this developer program? I must have missed something
09:47.02ioerrorspikebike, no comment
09:47.11cmonexa new chance for getting dev devices? :)
09:47.14languishwho actually first announced they discovered the exploit?
09:47.22cmonexlanguish: xdadevs forum
09:47.24spikebikeI meant what program, not what physical location
09:48.11languishcmonex, of course, I meant when some tech blogsistes start saying "user blah blah from the xda forums"
09:48.35DarkriftXlanguish, ill paste url
09:49.02cmonexlanguish: ah, no idea
09:49.13cmonexis it out there on any blogs yet anyway? :)
09:50.16languishsomeone posted in their livejournal
09:50.29DarkriftXSplasPood <---- orig poster
09:50.41languishi'm waiting for tmonews or engadget to pick it up
09:50.41DarkriftXthat was ioerror
09:50.50DarkriftXlets /.it
09:50.53ioerrorlanguish, yes, i did
09:51.01DarkriftXand digg!!!
09:51.02languishioerror :)
09:51.02ioerrorlanguish, i linked to the first place i saw it
09:51.22languishi'm just curious, i'm not a writer or anything
09:51.51languishi get amused by the inaccuracy most writers put in their blogs/articles
09:55.58Gigawattscan i assume that this root exploit is for the g1 only right now, and not in the pc emulator?
09:56.34RyeBryewhich is cool to cat
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09:59.17ieatlintlet's see if dropbear works :)
09:59.26RyeBryeit does
09:59.30RyeBryeit compiles in client only though
09:59.43RyeBryeand I'm way to tired to make it compile as server in their build
09:59.47ieatlinti have it compiled as daemon and client
09:59.51RyeBryeOh, you did?
09:59.54ieatlintgenerating the rsa key now
10:00.07RyeBryedid you modify the
10:00.18ieatlintdon't even know what that is
10:00.25RyeBryehow did you compile it then?
10:00.32RyeBryeI was just using the version in the git repo
10:00.49ieatlinti cross compiled it
10:00.56ieatlintusing gcc... statically linked
10:01.10RyeBryeI should have just done that
10:01.33RyeBryedo nano next :)
10:01.44RyeBryeI'm off to bed
10:01.48RyeBryeI hope I'll still be root in the morning :)
10:02.20cmonexgnite :)
10:02.27cmonexmaybe power off the device =
10:02.39RyeBryeI proably will
10:02.46RyeBryebut I'm going to block the or whatever it was
10:03.54RyeBryeecho "" >> hosts
10:03.55spikebikeryebrye removing /system/etc/security seems to have worked
10:04.26languishy helo system security *yank*
10:05.00ieatlintRyeBrye, dropbear will need to be fed some fake stuffs... "login attempt for nonexistent user from"
10:05.10ieatlintit needs a passwd to reference methinks
10:05.12RyeBryeahhh... gotcha
10:06.23RyeBryeneed to cross-compile passwd :)
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10:06.24RyeBryeI'm too tired
10:06.24ieatlintbusybox has passwd
10:06.24kRutOnmy god.. it's full of star
10:06.24ieatlintand it's on my system
10:06.24ieatlintbut adduser is more like :P
10:06.29RyeBryeoh, yeah.. that
10:06.36RyeBryeI'm way too tired to keep my eyes opened any more
10:06.53DarkriftXoooh, oooh... cant remember the movie name
10:07.01DarkriftXhal9000 used to be my bots name though
10:07.25DarkriftXerm, come to think about it, maybe digging that article with my link wasnt a good idea :S
10:07.48DarkriftXi should have used xda-devs, they prob have better servers then i am on
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10:08.56languishDarkriftX, hahaha
10:09.09languishhope you have a capped hosting bill
10:09.20DarkriftXheh, i work at my host :)
10:09.36languishboss is gonna keeljoo
10:09.43DarkriftXi also have access to a couple dedicated servers, butnot enough time to move it over
10:09.59DarkriftXthe bw is fine, its the 50 concurrent sql connections that bothers me
10:10.52Gigawattsim trying to download pterminal from a link on, and it seems to not exist, is the file down?
10:10.57RyeBryeeven with pointing to in my hosts file, it seems to still resolve it
10:11.02DarkriftXoooh, let me check it Gigawatts
10:11.04RyeBryebecause it gets there with the checking
10:11.16RyeBryeerr check-in that is
10:11.27Gigawattsis the link i was looking at
10:13.48TaunoRyeBrye, if you find the cause, then reply to this also :P
10:14.27RyeBryewhoa - you can make /system mountable wiht adb remount?
10:14.30RyeBryeer writeable?
10:14.31DarkriftXyeah Gigawatts not sure whats wrong with my link :S
10:14.37DarkriftXthe file exists, htacccess is blocking it somehow
10:14.51Gigawattswierd, yeah, i was hoping to join the fun on an emulator
10:15.19Gigawattsknow of any other mirrors for the file?
10:15.40DarkriftXfixed Gigawatts
10:15.50DarkriftXno idea what was wrong
10:15.56DarkriftXput it in a different folder and its working
10:16.31cmonexDarkriftX still bad here
10:16.39DarkriftXrefresh the page
10:16.51DarkriftXgives me a download prompt
10:17.05DarkriftXkeep in mind, you have to click the link from my site
10:17.13DarkriftXcant click links from other sites to .apk files
10:17.17cmonexok give me a page where i can click it from
10:17.32DarkriftXin step 1
10:17.38Gigawattsyup, that did it, thankx DarkriftX
10:17.46DarkriftXno, thank you lol
10:17.46cmonexnvm found on
10:17.49DarkriftXthat would have been bad :(
10:18.01DarkriftXi need a smoke
10:18.04cmonexYour job, to find out how to make this permanent (well, how to get it on the device itself, or how to get it from the adb shell) and find out how this helps us flash custom (edited, unsigned) updates.
10:18.05DarkriftXits almost 3:30 am :(
10:18.06Gigawattsyeah, espcially since your the only google hit on pterminal.apk
10:18.18DarkriftXim on google already?
10:18.26DarkriftXthats been up for 20 minutes if that
10:18.26ioerrorHas anyone figured out how to decode or replace the logo.rle?
10:18.33ioerrorI think there's code in the git repo for it
10:18.45cmonexgoogle watches ya. :
10:18.48Gigawattsgoogle knows no bounds =]
10:18.49DarkriftXsomeone to dump the physical ram at 0x0, first 512KB
10:18.51spikebikeI got at least the header
10:19.08spikebikeImage size: 512x512
10:19.08spikebike24 bit color image, no colormap.
10:19.08spikebikeNo alpha channel.
10:19.09spikebikeUse only non-background pixels, clear to background color (default).
10:19.20ioerrorspikebike, how did you get that?
10:19.26languish<Gigawatts> google knows no bounds =] <- robots.txt to block teh adnroids creators
10:19.27ioerrorspikebike, i didn't see that header
10:19.27cmonexsee DarkriftX's question
10:19.30cmonexerr, request
10:19.39cmonex[11:18:52] <DarkriftX> someone to dump the physical ram at 0x0, first 512KB
10:19.50spikebikedark what is there?
10:20.00ioerrorspikebike, too bad it segfaults :-(
10:20.03DarkriftXits not about bounds, its about how damned fast they crawled that shit
10:20.12DarkriftXnormally takes 2-3 days for a new page to hit google :S
10:20.26DarkriftXspikebike, ask cmonex
10:20.28DarkriftXshe asked me to ask
10:20.35cmonexjust dump it =P
10:20.46DarkriftXshe wouldnt ask if it werent gonna be good
10:21.36languishu betcha
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10:26.59DarkriftXGigawatts, that installed correctly right?
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10:27.42Gigawattsit did
10:28.15Gigawattsim just working on figuring out what port it opened the telnet server on, as im working with localhost, lol
10:28.26Gigawattsand it doesnt appear to be 23
10:32.49Phlogican I use the android market with the emulator?
10:33.28PhlogiDarkriftX: can I install the software manually somehow?
10:34.36GigawattsPhlogi, that will explain the install process
10:35.08Gigawattsyour just using the adb command in tools to install the apk file
10:37.05trigatch4DJTachyon: dude...
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10:40.34Gigawattshmm, somehow, i dont think telnetd is running properly on the emulator
10:41.14DarkriftXGigawatts, you already have root on the emu
10:41.21DarkriftXand this bug seems to be g1 related
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10:41.44DarkriftXjust use -shell on the emulator ot get the same shell they are getting
10:42.38DarkriftXgoes to bed
10:42.40DarkriftXgn all
10:42.41DarkriftXhave fun :)
10:42.49Gigawattsthanks for everything
10:44.57Taunolunch time for me...
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10:47.31nesoihey so what sprint phones does android support currently?
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10:48.20spikebikenone afaik
10:58.40nesoino, there's a port for the htc touch
11:00.55nesoinot fully functional... no GPS, no camera, no sd card support
11:01.06spikebikepower management?
11:01.22nesoiit seems to make calls and use the data net
11:01.34nesoifollow the link
11:01.38nesoiit sez
11:01.40spikebikei did
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11:02.09kRutOnnesoi: the EDGE/GPRS stuff and EVDO radio are different, I'd suspect
11:02.22nesoithis is evdo obviously
11:02.59spikebikebetter than I would have guessed
11:03.16nesoiI was on here b4 and some idiot was telling me that NO android port has a working radio
11:03.23nesoihe was totally arrogant about it too
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11:04.58nesoiif it worked on the touch pro I'd get one. but I think this guy is only porting for his own phone and he's got a touch
11:05.19kRutOnnesoi: sorry, I don't see where that says EVDO
11:05.50nesoikRutOn, if the network works on high speed on sprint, that's EVDO
11:09.21kRutOnnesoi: I can try it out tomorrow. I have a Touch, Touch Pro, and Touch Diamond
11:09.48nesoicool kRutOn. I'd love to know if it runs on the touch pro.
11:09.52nesoibtw, what do you think of the touch pro?
11:10.13nesoidoes it have that trackball the tmobile android phone  has?
11:10.19kRutOnI haven't used it much because it's running WinMo
11:10.35Gigawattsyeah, ive waiting to hear bout android + touch pro, as that is what im waiting for in my next phone purchase
11:11.11kRutOnthe touch pro has a directional pad made out of bendable plastic that's kind of hard to use
11:11.29Gigawattsand its hardware specs are nearly identical with the g1's so i figured it was only a matter of time
11:11.31nesoidang. I like that trackball
11:11.55cmonexkRutOn, bleh, diamond is the same crap
11:12.08kRutOnyeah, diamond is pro without the keyboard
11:13.41Gigawattsdoes anyone know if tmobile retail store have g1 demo phones on display to play with?
11:13.51Gigawattsive been meaning to go check one out in person
11:14.00kRutOnsome do, but I haven't been to one yet
11:14.10kRutOnI went to one store and they just had the fake ones
11:14.29nesoikRutOn, why do you have all those phones?
11:14.42Gigawattsyeah, really, want to sell one?
11:14.46nesoiGigawatts, I saw one at a tmobile store in SF, and my friend bought one so I played with it for a while
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11:16.26trigatch4touch pro on verizon.. i might get it
11:16.37trigatch4although i don't want to reward them for not adopting android
11:17.06Gigawattsallright, i think im going to head out for the "night", talk to you guys later
11:18.17kRutOnnesoi: They're not mine
11:18.35nesoicool, but why do you have them? for development use?
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11:42.49languishtrigatch4, supposedly verizons version of the touch pro is crippled in hardware in various ways, not sure what the differences will be on the shipping model, but you may want to check
11:43.17spikebikeyeah pretty common/lame
11:43.22spikebiketake a decent phone
11:43.25spikebikecripple it
11:43.36spikebikethen sell the extra features
11:43.49spikebikeor just not bother and leave the incentive for buying the next upgraded phone
11:46.04Taunospeaking of features - going to get a Nokia n96 tomorrow... can't wait to see how DVB-H works in real life :)
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12:23.52mlesterwhat part of the activity life cycle happens when someone opens the keyboard
12:26.33tricmlester: i guess, screen-rotate->onCreate()?
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12:30.35mlesterso when you do its goes  onPause->onStop->onCreate?
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13:35.49mlesterso when rotating view when keyboard opens is it onPause -> onResume or onPause ->onCreate
13:39.02jbq_Should be onPause -> onResume.
13:40.06jbq_Well, onPause should be followed by onResume if that's the codepart that's being followed in that case.
13:40.42jbq_onPause -> onCreate isn't supposed to happen within a single process, and when opening the keyboard you're likely to stay within the same process.
13:41.15jreznikHi, any success running Android on Freerunner (GTA02)? I have black screen only...
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13:41.43tweaktis there a simple way to emulate "onMouseDown" ? I want something to fire as soon as it's touched, but only once
13:42.00tweaktonClick only fires after touch/untouch
13:42.17jbq_I thought that onCreate would be called as part of the default process to re-generate the view hierarchy, so I'd expect to see it go all the way down to onDestroy, and then to restart from onCreate.
13:42.20uluatufreerunners: Anybody had success on this images?
13:43.52jreznikuluatu: black screen
13:44.10uluatujreznik: same here
13:44.36uluatuseems that Cedris on mailling list got success...
13:44.47uluatuIt worked for me !
13:44.47uluatuI can reach main menu, launch apps...
13:44.47uluatunote that here I started without SIM card... will try with it...
13:45.01uluatuthis is what he said about it.
13:45.25jreznikuluatu: could you point me to that mail?
13:45.40uluatuI tried without the SIM, even not beleive, but no success.
13:46.05jreznikI tried without SIM, SD card, from NAND uboot but no success
13:46.23Hiro2anybody here know how to unlock android?
13:46.46uluatusame here
13:46.54uluatuI thinks his is running on 1973
13:47.07uluatunot sure yet, I just ask him about it
13:47.39jreznikuluatu: yeah, seems to be different LCD
13:48.04uluatujreznik: yep
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13:48.40uluatuI can ping the system and running nmap against I can confirma the linux kernel
13:48.50uluatuthe system is there, behind the shadow ;)
13:49.11jreznikI know, but no ssh
13:49.21uluatuonly a 5555 port
13:49.42jreznikwhat's running on 5555?
13:50.24swetlandthat's the failover if it can't find the usb client device
13:52.03uluatuso the system is there but no screens available
13:52.21uluatuim gonna check the diferences on video between 1973 and freerunner
13:52.59jreznikso I'm going back to QtE for now... I don't have time to build kernel for Freerunner and investigate changes
13:53.50uluatujreznik: I didn have success running QtE, GPRS is not working properly
13:54.09jreznikuluatu: GPRS is working only in Qtopia 4.3.2
13:54.20uluatuthere is no stable freerunner dist available
13:54.37jreznikQtE is best but still so many bugs :(
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14:00.20tp-workthis is going to sound like a really stupid question, and probably not the right place, but I'm running out of options.
14:00.31tp-workWhat's the default location for videos on the MicroSD card?
14:00.43uluatutwo more guys got it running
14:02.15languishtp-work, there isn't one.  the downloadable video player scans the microsd card and if itfind compatiblevideos will display them in a selectable list to play
14:02.16Disconnectuluatu: do you still have to carry around a usb keyboard?
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14:02.34languishtp-work, you have to encode the videos properly, with the correect file extention
14:02.53tp-workI've got a few 3gp files that came with splashplay.
14:03.02tp-worknon of them are coming up in either of the video players.
14:03.16uluatuDisconnect: corry?
14:03.25uluatuDisconnect: sorry?
14:03.31tp-workthe videos themselves work fine in splashplay.
14:03.37Disconnectlast i heard of android on openmoko you had to use a usb keyboard
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14:04.02trigatch4plusminus_ whats up man
14:04.07tethridgethanks for the vote of confidence.
14:04.30uluatuDisconnect: yes, for now we dont have a virtual keyboard. The first goal is to bring the system up on our ARMV4t arch
14:07.19tp-worklanguish: no.
14:07.19tp-workbut nevermind.
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14:09.44oktopoucemartin made an on screen keyboard for the htc vogue (see update 19/5/08)
14:11.02jrezniki'll try newer uboot
14:11.23languishwow, gotta love that whoever wrote those fortune reviews didn't put their name on 'em
14:12.24Lazhey can you telnet in connectbot ?
14:12.45ttuttlevoted =D
14:13.03Lazi think i voted
14:16.14jasta_still needs to drop his ballot off
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14:18.31Lazthey are not even asking for id to vote....
14:18.31Disconnectis in crooked e-voting hell. but i'll vote anyway.
14:20.18volTo repaste what I pasted in #android-dev
14:20.40volwhat stupid error is preventing the view from inflating
14:20.47michaelnovakjrvoted for darrell hammond and tina fey
14:21.09michaelnovakjr(write in)
14:22.28volsigh... non-public constructors maybe?
14:22.33vol(it's too early for thinking)
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14:41.44uluatujreznik: I tried with the
14:41.50uluatujreznik: no success either
14:45.07volHas anyone had any success with 565 Bitmaps in Android? It seems to require 8888 (ARGB) for the color bits, even if I specify Bitmap.Config.RGB_565
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14:48.50CompBrainAnyone know where the hook is to tie in with the picture 'share' menu ala myspace?
14:54.32jreznikuluatu: well, we have to wait :(
14:55.10uluatujreznik: Sorry, I didnt try it with the latest ubooot, I thought I was doing that but i dont.
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15:03.40michaelnovakjrthe music player isn't bad.... only thing is there could be a fade when a call is coming in, easier on the ears than a complete stop for the ring
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15:16.47ChicagoWhere is /system/bin/playmp3?
15:16.48neekersyou think the music player with the stock headphone sounds good?
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15:19.03d0netsim still on rc19
15:19.13d0netsi guess its time to do it manually
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15:20.29michaelnovakjrneekers: it sounds good, but the headphones are kinda big
15:20.50d0netsneekers yea it actually sounds really good IMO
15:20.52michaelnovakjri'm certainly going to look for new headphones that are comfortable
15:20.59mikez5got a $4 adaptor on Amazon so I could use better headphones
15:21.12neekersi think it sounds kinda small and tinny. nothing like what my mp3 player does
15:21.17mikez5I would get a headache if I listened to the stock phones for too long.
15:21.22d0netsi paid 2.77 shipped
15:21.30neekersthey suck
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15:21.39d0netsthey hurt my ears
15:21.43d0netscause they are too fat
15:21.46d0netsthey are fugly
15:21.51d0netsbut they sound ok to me
15:22.01languishinsufficient volume
15:22.02mikez5You can get an adaptor that is compatible with TMobile Dash.  But avoid the fancy HTC headphones with a lot of buttons on them.  They don't work
15:22.06languishthe headphones, not d0nets
15:22.18neekersman, if that sounds ok, then you havent listened to good mp3 players...
15:22.51neekersyeah, the volume is low to... no rocking out to GnR on that thing
15:23.10languishor to anything while in transit
15:23.38michaelnovakjrneekers: are you hard of hearing?
15:23.41michaelnovakjryou call that low?
15:23.46michaelnovakjrdid you try the volume button?
15:24.05michaelnovakjri could hear it over the NYC subway pulling in the station :)
15:24.28neekersyes, i did turn it up. maybe i should take mine back to the store and compare it to another... it doesnt sound good
15:24.37ChicagoI compiled Android with repo as per the instructions. In the dmesg output on my device when I boot... I get an error about playing the boot sound failing because playmp3 is missing.
15:25.09d0netsyea freal, the first time i plugged them in
15:25.13d0netsit started playing music
15:25.16d0netsi almost shat myself
15:25.24d0netsbecause i had the headphones and the phone all the way up
15:25.25languishi encoded video with a +40db audio boost and it still wasn't loud enough on the subway to hear what the characters in the show were saying with the stock headphones
15:25.37languishnow, I can hear phone calls just fine
15:25.50languishbut wider band audio...
15:25.52languishnot so much
15:26.01neekerslanguish: are you still using the stock headphones?
15:26.13languishneekers, for the moment yeah
15:26.19languishgonna replace 'em soon
15:26.32neekersdo you think they sound good for mp3 music?
15:26.37languishthe sound on 'em is fine, but insufficient volume
15:26.44languishthey're "ok" not "good"
15:27.00neekersi'm not hearing any low end at all, it sounds really tinny
15:27.01languishand it depends on the quality of the mp3
15:27.05michaelnovakjri just think they are uncomforatble
15:27.09languishthen yours have a problem
15:27.13languishget them replaced
15:27.23languishmichaelnovakjr, i agree there too
15:27.24michaelnovakjrneekers: yea, i'd get them replaced
15:27.31neekersi'll take it back to tmobile and compare it to another then
15:27.41michaelnovakjrthey were falling out of my ears... i have small ears... doesn't work well for me
15:27.56languishmichaelnovakjr, did you use the foam pads?
15:28.10languishi was gonna try those next
15:28.11wastreli am mad at my googlephone
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15:28.16neekersmichaelnovakjr: crazy glue!
15:28.20michaelnovakjrlanguish: not yet :)
15:28.23languishwastrel, well is doesn't like you either
15:28.24wastrelcompletely failed to make phone call yesterday
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15:28.43languishwastrel, phone failure, or t-mobile failure?
15:29.04michaelnovakjrmy iPhone does this thing where after an hour on the phone it drops the call :)
15:29.07wastrelcalled home after the F stopped running
15:29.13wastrelto tell wiffy imma be late,
15:29.20wastrelrings, she picks up, disconnects
15:29.24wastrel8 times or so
15:29.25offby1`michaelnovakjr: mine does this thing where it reboots when I'm in the middle of a call :(
15:29.29wastrelwas able to call a different number
15:29.44languishmighta been wiffy
15:29.47languishbeing huffy
15:29.49wastrelnuh uh
15:29.53languishcuz she found your prego porn stache
15:29.54wastrelshe doesn't do that
15:30.23wastreli use the prego porn as cover for the really nasty stuff
15:30.30wastrelthey don't usually look further than that
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15:30.48languishi'd say more, but this isn;t the place :)
15:30.52wastrelbut as i was saying, couldn't complete the call
15:30.57languishyeah that sucks
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15:31.17languishi had tmo refund me the data charges for this month because of all the service problems
15:31.26d0netswastrel did you hard reset?
15:31.41languishand for each day they lose voice, it'll be another $5 off my bill
15:31.48languishthen we'll see how they do next month
15:32.03d0netsintoit did you ever get the vnc app working
15:32.11languishd0nets, i didn't try
15:32.30d0netsid like to try
15:32.35languishgo ahead
15:32.41wastreld0nets: that's a negative
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15:32.59wastreli was able to complete a call to a diff number
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15:33.17wastreland when i finally got smart and stopped dialing her, she was able to call me
15:33.26wastreli dunno, never had problems like this before - i blame google.
15:33.31RyeBryeAnyoneAnything happen since last night?
15:33.39wastrelgoogle can't get anything right ;]
15:33.41RyeBryeerr... anything new since last night?
15:33.51offby1`smells abbrev expansion
15:33.53RyeBryeor rather... five hours ago?
15:33.54languishRyeBrye, no
15:33.56d0netsdunno ryebrye i just woke up
15:34.02languishbeen up
15:34.04michaelnovakjrRyeBrye: with what?
15:34.10RyeBryeThe root party :)
15:34.19languishg1's been rooted
15:34.35michaelnovakjreh, not really interested :)
15:34.48RyeBryeI seriously woke up several times throughout the night anxiety that my phone got patched or something and i didn't have root anymore
15:34.56RyeBryeneeds to get some professional help
15:35.21languishmichaelnovakjr, you should be interested in how. it's hilarious
15:35.35michaelnovakjrhow was it done?
15:35.41languishtelnet runs as root
15:35.51michaelnovakjrhaha, oh boy
15:36.06RyeBryeThe funniest thing was the first person to do it probably wasn't aware of what he / she did
15:36.10d0netswait what?
15:36.13RyeBryeTHey just wanted to telnet into their phone :)
15:36.23RyeBryed0nets -
15:36.56languishioerror's lj entry is a better quickref
15:37.16RyeBryeI don't have the URL to it
15:37.34d0netshey wiat
15:37.42d0netsi coulda sworn i remember reading about telneting in
15:37.44d0netson day 1
15:38.10languishi mentioned it awhile ago when messing with pterminal, but I ende dup trying to get sshd working instead
15:38.16RyeBryehow did you start the telnetd proc?
15:38.27languishfigured telnet wasn't secure and blah blah overlooke dit
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15:39.23RyeBryeturns out, you had no idea how insecure telnet actually was :P
15:40.02offby1how could it be even less secure than I thought?  I thought it had zero security
15:40.23DisconnectRyeBrye: i saw that but thought "no, there's no way that works on a retail device"
15:40.26languishlike i said, hilarious
15:40.33Disconnectshouldn't have assumed
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15:41.05languishyep the gdevs musta been laffin their ascii's off
15:41.14languishat how long it took to get noticed
15:41.18languishbut shh
15:41.20ttuttle|votedRyeBrye: Morning.
15:41.28Disconnectso now who wants to accidentally drop an engineering bootloader onto rapidshare?
15:41.48RyeBryeI don't know if we can flash the bootloader on the HTC side yet
15:41.59RyeBryeIT's on some protected partition from what I heard last night
15:42.09languishdear google, my dev g1 was stolen from my hand by a passing eprommer
15:42.19languishplease send another
15:42.27languishand let live
15:42.35RyeBryewell... you wouldn't need another... if they got the dump ok :)
15:42.39RyeBryeoyu could just get a produciton one :)
15:42.40ttuttle|votedlanguish: /me jealously guards his G1.
15:43.46Disconnectfurther stands by his opinion of the security policy..
15:43.53d0netsok im aboot to smoke a bowl and then play in root
15:44.19languishDisconnect, "WHAT sedcurity policy?"
15:44.19Disconnectwhich is that it should have been reviewed by security techs -and- product people. instead of just being some dev's bright idea one morning. :)
15:44.29languishsekret winks and covert handshakes?
15:45.04d0nets"Thank you for the tip. It doesn't appear to be a root shell, BUT the process runs as root, which should be just as good as soon as I drop my own sshd in there... just have to compile for the right processor hehe..."
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15:45.31RyeBryeit is totally root
15:45.35RyeBryewho said that?
15:45.36Disconnectlanguish: the one that prevents backup apps, vpns, etc. (not the lack of review that resulted in telnetd being shipped to begin with, and as root no less)
15:45.40RyeBryejust type "id"
15:45.48RyeBryeI like that there is a /dev/sme27 or somethign that gives you raw NMEA
15:45.50RyeBryewhich is cool
15:45.59wastrelok what's nmea?
15:46.07RyeBryeYou could take that and pipe it out to a bluetooth serial port and turn your phone into a poor mans Bluetooth GPS
15:46.18RyeBryeNMEA = GPS's txt protocol
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15:47.08languishDisconnect, 'eh, i'm kinda confident it's google's way of wriggling withing the constricted bounds of t-mobnile, but shh remember, google never said that.
15:47.24Disconnecti doubt it but its possible
15:47.42languishit benefits google for the g1 to be jailbroken as swiftly as possible
15:47.46cmonex[16:42:02] <RyeBrye> IT's on some protected partition from what I heard last night
15:47.48cmonexthat is not proven until we check it out. :)
15:47.50cmonexit was just a suggestion from some devs
15:48.01Disconnectlanguish: not if they want other providers to pick up android it doesn't
15:48.19Disconnect...crap. anyone tested this on rc29?
15:48.27languishDisconnect yes
15:48.32languishDisconnect, well that's political.. anyway
15:48.33d0netslol i was aboot to say
15:48.42RyeBryeone guy had a problem on an rc29 - but he re-upped it from the SD flash and it worked
15:48.51d0netsi knew there was something good about being to lazy to manually update (if you could only get root with rc19)
15:49.01languishandroid "works" on t-mobile, and consumer demand may force other carriers to get it
15:49.12languishtheir foots in the door
15:49.15volOk, can someone confirm this for me? Bitmap.Config only affects internal storage of a bitmap?
15:49.18languishregardless of what other carriers want
15:49.21RyeBryeI want to change mybot logo
15:49.33volSo there's no way to create a Bitmap aside from passing ARGB_8888?
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15:49.45volbecause if so that sucks horribly
15:50.01cmonexwell now, put a toolchain together and compile an app to dump memory..
15:50.28RyeBryeI think I have the toolchain
15:51.23RyeBryeIf we could flash the HTC bootloader with a dev version, I would go buy a truckload of these phones and root them all
15:51.27d0netsput that thing away ryebrye
15:51.28RyeBryeand make them blink lights at me in my sleep
15:52.28DisconnectRyeBrye: fwiw there is already a flash-partition-unlocker on arm (from nokia tablets and wrt routers and such) so "locked" might not matter unless its physically on a sep chip w/ no in-system reflash capability (can we say expensive?)
15:52.56cmonexRyeBrye: very nice, can you compile an app for this then? :)
15:53.14cmonexif this works out..i' might get a g1 :)
15:53.17RyeBryecmonex - I think so... I should have asked ieatlint last night what he was doing for his cross compiles
15:53.31cmonexDisconnect: what is this flash partition unlocker?
15:53.38RyeBryebut I'm sure I can figure it out - I've got the cross compiler built - andoid's git source has one prebuilt for it
15:53.54cmonexsounds great
15:54.32kIDDAIsourcery toolchain can be used as cross compiler
15:54.34Disconnectcmonex: mtd-tools 'mtd unlock {part}'
15:54.55kIDDAIandroid sources have a toolchain included, too (as already mentioned)
15:55.00cmonexhmm Disconnect and what is the result of that?
15:55.13cmonexI have an N810 by the way.. got it recently
15:55.22Disconnectit makes a non-writable flash partition writable
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15:55.47cmonexhm, sounds pretty good... bigger hole than what you have on windows mobile then!
15:56.00cmonexfor this reason I find this hard to believe
15:56.06RyeBryeI've been a T-mobile customer for like... 6 years... if they have a problem with me having root I can find a new carrier
15:56.10cmonexdoes this hack also allow access to bootloader on n810?
15:56.16RyeBryeone that lets me "be who I am" ;)
15:56.24cmonexRyeBrye come to europe :)
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15:57.31d0netsanyone really good with the android interfaces in XML?
15:57.55ttuttle|votedd0nets: I'm decent, why?
15:58.00ttuttle|votedd0nets: You mean like layouts?
15:58.12RyeBryeIs there a good wiki for G1 hacking yet?
15:58.16d0netsyea ttuttle
15:58.20d0netscan i pm you?
15:58.21languishttuttle, he's on again about his guitar tuner app
15:58.23RyeBryewith entries of things like - changing the bootlogo... etc
15:58.26ttuttle|votedd0nets: What do you need?
15:58.27d0netsi have a buddy who is wiring me up a tuner app
15:58.34unix_lappyheh, what other xml based interfaces are there that i'm not aware of for Android?
15:58.37ttuttle|votedlanguish: Sounds cool to me.
15:58.38d0netsbut he hasnt done any layouts yet
15:58.54ttuttle|votedunix_lappy: Well, not interfaces, but there are many other XML things.
15:59.43RyeBryeI know this whole rooting thing will have to be patched quickly... etc - but it's a shame...
15:59.44michaelnovakjrd0nets: i just wrote one
15:59.48michaelnovakjrit took me two hours
16:00.01michaelnovakjr:) j/k
16:00.10d0netshe said it wouldnt take long
16:00.12RyeBryeI know I can protect mine probably to keep it from being patched - but it's a good thing to have people be able to have the whole platorm available
16:00.15d0netsbut he isnt sure about the interface
16:00.16michaelnovakjryea, it shouldn't be that hard
16:00.18unix_lappyttuttle|voted: yea...xml is fairly widely used...we're talking about interfaces though ;-)
16:00.43RyeBryeBecause... I know I wont ever bitch again about something that I'm not willing to put serious time into fixing myself
16:01.45RyeBryeThe fact that most of us have the same hardware means that writing device drivers... etc. wont be that important
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16:03.02RyeBryeI wonder how long until Google has an official response
16:03.07gamblerRyeBrye, yo can you respond to my p.m. im about to go to sleep
16:03.12RyeBryeoh, sorry
16:06.31Disconnectok weird, gonna try reflashing
16:06.47RyeBryeDisconnect - flashing RC29 or a custom?
16:06.55Disconnectcan't get telnetd to answer
16:07.05RyeBryeyou are connecting over wifi, right?
16:07.17RyeBryeturn on the "never sleep" crap in your debug mode too
16:07.22Disconnecthas done this before :)
16:07.25Disconnectits refusing connection
16:07.33RyeBryeok, gotcha
16:07.38RyeBryefile a bug report :P
16:08.10gamblertime to meet the sandman
16:09.18RyeBrye"Telnetd sometimes doesn't accept connections. This sucks when I'm trying to get root on it and I can't. Please make this more reliable"
16:11.44RyeBryeI'm gonna shower, then start cross compiling some stuff
16:11.52RyeBryesomeone should find a wiki place to document some basic stuff about this
16:11.57RyeBryeI want to change my logo.rle next :)
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16:13.21RyeBryeI wonder if we compile mkyaffs2 or whatever to arm and we reformat our SD card to yaffs2 if we could use /sdcard as /data/apps
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16:13.31RyeBryeor at lesat put a 1G yaffs2 partition on the SD card
16:13.37RyeBryeand use that as /data/apps
16:13.44RyeBrye... and never swap the SD card of course
16:13.48d0netswhat if we just did a site
16:13.51ttuttle|votedYAFFS is *not* intended for fake block devices like SD cards!
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16:14.01ttuttle|votedIt's for *real* flash devices that don't have an emulation layer.
16:14.10RyeBryenow I need to root my SD card too! ;)
16:14.17RyeBryeok... I guess that's a bad idea
16:14.27ttuttle|votedRyeBrye: Er, how do you root an SD card?  That makes no sense. :-P
16:14.37RyeBryeI was kidding...
16:14.39ttuttle|votedRyeBrye: lol
16:14.40d0netsis anyone close to running apps from sd card?
16:14.41RyeBryebut if it can be done...
16:14.50ttuttle|votedRyeBrye: I mean, they've got microcontrollers, but...
16:15.06RyeBryeare there any other fs already in the kernel on android?
16:15.12mikez5You can root your SD card by typing dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/mmcblk0
16:15.13Disconnectok this sucks. reflashed rc29, still no joy
16:15.14RyeBryemaybe just a non-lame fs would help
16:15.14mikez5have fun
16:15.22Disconnectthis is hardly rocket science :)
16:15.40ttuttle|votedmikez5: lol
16:15.41RyeBryeI already installed su and set suid on a few things so I can get root again if my telnet doesn't work
16:15.43ttuttle|votedmikez5: Don't troll them :-P
16:16.14RyeBryeuntil Google sends down the brick from on high and smites us all for trying to be like Gods
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16:16.40Disconnectdoh. for some reason "cd system;cd bin; telnetd" is different from "/system/bin/telnetd" stupid g1
16:16.43Disconnecti need me a better busybox :)
16:16.46wastrelhi i didn't root my phone because i am a good boy
16:16.52wastreli don't want google to be mad at me
16:16.52ttuttle|votedwastrel: Here, have a cookie.
16:17.00wastrelsee yes!
16:17.57ttuttle|votedis not authorized to hand out cookies in any official role.
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16:19.21RyeBryeSince I did a phone screening interview with Google, can I hand out cookies too?
16:19.36ttuttle|votedRyeBrye: Sure, just don't put Google logos on them or anything.
16:19.41RyeBryeGood point
16:19.45RyeBryeedits his cookies
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16:20.03ttuttle|votedRyeBrye: Like I said, that cookie was given out as a personal gesture of appreciation, not a professional representation of my opinion as a past (and possibly future) Google intern and/or employee.
16:20.12ttuttle|votedmorrildl: Greetings!
16:20.38andyrossRyeBrye: you have a writeup somewhere? :)
16:22.07Disconnectfyi instead of breaking sh just do:
16:22.21Disconnect(cp it to rootsh and chmod that instead)
16:22.58andyrossWhy, though?  The sh binary is only used by adb, and there's no reason a cracked phone would ever want to expose a *non* root shell to the user.
16:22.59Disconnectand of course
16:24.04andyrossAnd FWIW: has anyone checked that a factory reset bounces the phone back to R19 (think that was the version) and not the current version?  If so, this will be very scary for TMO to patch around.
16:24.12Disconnect last comment says otherwise..
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16:24.27ttuttle|votedFactory reset does not reset the phone to the original build, it just clears user data.
16:24.41Disconnect(i know, comments on the interwebs..)
16:25.38Disconnecter, sorry, that was a bin earlier. description page is
16:26.17Disconnectttuttle|voted: does the bootloader check versions? i don't recall seeing that it did. so sd-reflashing rc29 might be enough.
16:26.20andyrossOK, next question (probably can't be answered until the next update) is will the bootloader do a backwards update from the sdcard?   If we can always flash back to R29, it's likewise hard to patch around.
16:26.28Disconnectbut i agree, disabling forced OTA is the first big problem.
16:26.31Disconnectandyross: lol
16:26.37ttuttle|votedDisconnect: /me cannot help with this, sorry.
16:28.41Disconnectthats kinda what i thought. <shrug>
16:29.40ttuttle|votedDisconnect: Sorry.  Future employment opportunities and all.
16:30.20Disconnectyah good luck with that or whatever. <shrug> i'm not that concerned.
16:33.14RyeBryeandyross - the upgrade modes DO check versions
16:33.19RyeBryei.e. you can't flash an RC19 on an RC29
16:33.27RyeBryebut you can reflash RC29 over itself
16:33.42cmonexone question...
16:33.50RyeBryeI'm going to see about building a custom recovery.img that has an extra "Flash unsigned" version that will just verify the manifest but no signatures
16:33.51cmonexwhat happened if you flashed a corrupt recovery.img ...
16:34.03RyeBryeWell... recovery should prevent that
16:34.08RyeBryeunless someone was really dumb
16:34.12RyeBryeand signed a corrupt installer
16:34.22cmonexsee your own plan
16:34.30RyeBryeoh, me?
16:34.34RyeBryeyeah, I could screw myself over
16:34.38cmonexanyway, my theory is it will fall back to htc bootloader in that case
16:34.38andyrossHrm... /systen/bin/telnetd not working for me.  Just exits.
16:34.41RyeBryecaveat emptor
16:34.45cmonexwill be interesting to see if this happens :P
16:35.10RyeBryeMaybe I'll wait to see if we can get the HTC bootloader flashed until I get this thing working
16:35.13cmonexit's ok on eng builds, they can just connect to fastboot and reflash from htc bootloader..
16:35.22cmonexnot sure if the prod builds can at least access SD
16:35.24RyeBryeI do need a saftey net
16:35.36cmonexone thing is for sure - the SD read function is not removed
16:35.45cmonexoh wait, actually i have a question about this
16:35.45RyeBryemaybe I'll just put my sim card in my old phone, and just use wifi and block on my router
16:35.50Disconnectandyross: cd system cd bin telnetd
16:35.56Disconnectdunno why /system/bin/telnetd doesn't work
16:36.06cmonexRyeBrye: if you press camera + whatever to get to tricolour screen, with SD not inserted, do you see "Loading" or not?
16:36.16RyeBryeLoading... No image found!
16:36.16cmonexwith SD out?
16:36.21RyeBryeOh. never tried it
16:36.24cmonextry please
16:36.33cmonexcool. can you try now?
16:36.36Disconnectand um .. for the record.. maybe we shouldn't be working on how to further crack this while google and tmob are standing around?
16:36.49andyrossNope, still no joy running it with cwd=/system/bin
16:37.23Disconnectandyross: it exits but shows up in ps
16:37.54Disconnectand of course oyu can telnet to it :)
16:38.05andyrossNope, no telnetd in ps.  Wonder what's different with my box.
16:38.20RyeBryetry reflashing with the SD RC29 update
16:38.29RyeBryejust for giggles
16:38.36andyrossI have an OTA R29.  Maybe they're different?
16:38.38RyeBryethat fixed it for ieatlint last night
16:38.54RyeBryehe had an OTA 29 - but others have had OTA 29's and they've worked
16:39.17cmonexRyeBrye: ok, after reflashing, can you try? =)
16:39.46andyrossJust trying a reboot first.  No time this morning to do a reflash, and I'm not going to be on a wifi network until this evening.
16:40.47Disconnectandyross: it worked for me immediately after a reboot
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16:41.10Disconnectonce i did the cd instead of just running /system/bin/telnetd
16:41.25andyrossStill curious about the mechanism.  Clearly *something* has to be suid in the chain, because nothing else is going to elevate privileges.  Maybe the real issue is that the phone's ls binary doesn't show the suid bit?  But it does show sgid, so dunno.
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16:41.46RyeBryecmonex - yes
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16:41.55cmonexRyeBrye yes what? :)
16:41.59RyeBryecomex - confirmed... the Loading... screen DOES NOT show up with no SD card in
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16:42.05cmonexthat is good
16:42.07RyeBryebut DOES with an SD card in and camera + poewr
16:42.12RyeBryeYes, it is good
16:42.13cmonexso it can definitely see the SD card physically
16:42.25cmonexbtw, identical behaviour in windows mobile based HTC devices
16:42.26RyeBryeWe need to dump that loader somehow
16:42.33cmonexyou get the Loading screen there too with SD in
16:42.44mowgliThe readme file in the /development/pdk/ndk/readme reference android_ndk.tar.gz. But it is not available in the opensource. where can we get the NDK toolchain?
16:42.45cmonexis it a grey screen?
16:42.50RyeBryegrey with blue text
16:42.52cmonexhehe, exact same then
16:43.01RyeBryethen a split second later... "No image found!" or whatever
16:43.16andyrossAh well, no luck.  Will try again tonight.
16:43.20cmonexyeah, hmm, and it doesnt really look for a DREAIMG.NBH, does it?
16:43.27cmonexon a FAT32 formatted SD of course
16:43.34RyeBryeIt didn't for me, no
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16:43.42RyeBryeIt still said the same thing
16:43.44cmonexok, so they use some different files now
16:43.59cmonexthe sd was formatted fat32? on other htc devices that's a requirement
16:44.02RyeBryeYes, it was
16:44.08RyeBryethat's the only file format that Android supports
16:44.11RyeBryefor SDcard IIRC
16:44.11cmonexthen it's not NBH for sure
16:44.21cmonexi thought it was using some exotic linux fs for it :P
16:44.22RyeBryeI can try with the other SD card that has a different partition table style
16:44.26RyeBryeNo, not for the SD card
16:44.28cmonexyeah, give it a try
16:44.35cmonexhtc bootloaders are a  bit picky
16:45.03RyeBryeI'll try it in a few minutes
16:45.06RyeBryeI've got to go vote
16:45.07cmonexok, cool
16:45.26Disconnectcmonex: no if it used linux fs it would be possible to install apps to it
16:45.56RyeBryethe only fs compiled in are yaffs2 and fat32, right?
16:46.05cmonexuh, Disconnect, so it wont install apps on it eh?
16:46.18cmonexmy N810 has same issue though, so dont bash only google for this :)
16:46.31RyeBryeI'm not bashing google at all about anything now :)
16:47.10cmonexi said that to Disconnect :)
16:47.22cmonexbut yeah, some of the things (limitations) mentioned sound pretty bad..
16:47.24mowglidoes anyone know where to download the NDK toolchain android_ndk.tar.gz
16:49.30michaelnovakjranyone get headphones for the G1 that have a button that works?
16:49.38michaelnovakjrothr than the ones that come with the G1 :)
16:49.48Disconnectso on an unrelated note, other than salling media sync ($) or (all files, 1 folder, no good) is there a decent itunes->g1 syncer yet?
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16:50.02Disconnectmichaelnovakjr: presumably any htc headphones, although it sounds like not so much
16:50.33michaelnovakjryea Disconnect i was trying to avoid HTC headphones, wasnt sure if anyone else made headphones with the button
16:50.44Disconnectyes but nobody else makes headphones with the usb
16:51.12michaelnovakjrDisconnect: that's fine, i picked up the adapter
16:51.31danfuzzsome of the adapters are very compact
16:51.48Disconnectis it a stereo+headset adapter? some of them don't pass all the pins
16:52.00danfuzzmine is just a little elbow-shaped piece
16:52.07danfuzzyeah itls only audio
16:52.16michaelnovakjryea it was like 2 bucks.... Disconnect have you gotten other headphones yet?
16:52.31Disconnecthaven't gotten a working adapter yet. the 3-way one causes the music player to have epileptic fits.
16:52.34danfuzzbut a slightly bigger one has breakouts for audio and usb
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16:54.40michaelnovakjri'd like the music player to fade when a call comes in
16:54.52michaelnovakjreasier transition
16:55.35mikez5beware - some of the HTC headsets do not work
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16:56.11mikez5One of my coworkers bought an HTC headset that had media player buttons (pause, play, etc) but G1 could not detect it.
16:57.17mowglihas anyone downloaded and played around with the NDK toolchain?
16:57.54RyeBryeHmm... that is interesting - how does HTC expose those things extra pins to the OS?
16:58.03Disconnectmowgli: ndk? not sdk?
16:58.10RyeBryemikez5 - I wonder if it was just an issue of theG1 not listenng for the mdia player buttons?
16:58.53mikez5The electrical signals are different, and the kernel driver does not support it.
16:59.08mikez5So the device doesn't know the headphones are there, and routes audio to the speaker instead.
16:59.33RyeBryeThe kernel driver might not support it - but does the G1 hardware even see it? (i.e. could it in theory be supported in the kernel driver?)
17:00.15mowglidisconnect: the open source tree had a ndk
17:00.22mikez5There have also been problems with false button press events with some of the headphone adaptors (which can result in the music player starting/stopping when you connect the adaptor).
17:00.43mikez5But for the most part, the simple adaptors designed for other HTC phones seem to work.
17:01.05Disconnectmikez5: what would cause it to twitch, switch songs and jump back to the main 'artist playlist songs' etc screen, losing track of what it was playing?
17:01.13RyeBryeAlso, the binary-only blobs in the G1 source tree... like the thing for the compass - I wonder how hard it would be to create an open-source version of some of those pieces (not for google to do... but possibly for one of us...)
17:01.15Disconnect(cuz its not ff/rw, those seem to maintain at least some istory)
17:01.17mikez5RyeBrye: I'm not sure if supporting that headset is possible, or would require hardware change.
17:01.25RyeBryemikez5 - gotcha
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17:01.37mowgliThe readme file under android_root/development/pdk/ndk references the NDK toolchain android_ndk.tar.gz
17:01.58RyeBryeok... I've read up on the ballot issues... etc. - time to vote
17:02.10RyeBryeHey, did everyone else know this was a presidential election year?
17:02.13jbqmowgli: sounds like outdated documentation to me.
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17:02.54Gigawattslol RyeBrye
17:03.04Gigawattsive tried to avoid the fact, but its true
17:03.26jbqmowgli: the toolchain you're looking for is somewhere in the source tree (I don't know the location off-hand)
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17:06.22mowglijbq: are you refering to /root/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.2.1
17:06.38jbqsomething like this, yes.
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17:07.05mowgliso the whole pdk section under development is obsolete?
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17:07.51jbqI haven't read it in detail, so I wouldn't know for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the non-SDK doc in the source tree was outdated.
17:08.24mikez5Disconnect: yeah, the bogus button events could cause the music player to do crazy things
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17:08.33Disconnectmikez5: sigh. sw fix or hw fix?
17:08.51jbqAnything that's designed to help people work without source tree access went obsolete as soon as the source tree got released.
17:09.00Disconnectpoints to all the doubters yesterday "oh music works fine blah blah" and goes pthththtthhth :)
17:09.03mikez5I'm not sure
17:09.18marconeMusic works fine, it's your stupid headset adapters that don't :)
17:09.40Disconnectmarcone: i still lay that on the g1, same adapter works fine on other htc phones
17:09.52Disconnectshould try that specific physical item on a different phone soon tho
17:10.50mikez5FYI - the driver that handles the headset detect and button events is arch/arm/mach-msm/board-trout-h2w.c
17:11.14Disconnectand now that i've got root it should be possible to reflash.. :)
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17:11.36Disconnectanyone know off the top of their heads if the bootloader does sig verification on boot? or just on flash?
17:12.14jbqSomeone at HTC would know.
17:12.26marconeThe fact that some random adapter doesn't work with the G1 just means that that adapter doesn't behave according to spec. Now admittedly, HTC has lots of different adapters, and doesn't like sharing how they work. But still: the adapter that came with your phone works, some other adapter doesn't. Blame that adapter.
17:12.57Disconnectmarcone: erm, no adapter came with my phone. but thanks for playing :)
17:13.05jbqThe flaw there, of course, is that phones came with no adapter...
17:13.15jbq(what Disconnect said) adapter, no stereo bt support, etc
17:13.44Disconnectthere is no way to get music off the phone into anything other than a wired phone-call headset. (well or as files over usb which is less useful)
17:13.56geistyeah, stupid custom connector
17:14.07Gigawattsdoes the g1 use the same small blade usb connection that like ALL other htc phones use?
17:14.12jastai just recently bought an adapter for my car that is working well
17:14.30jbqGigawatts: it looks physically the same, but obviously it doesn't behave exactly the same.
17:14.32jastathough i have yet to say that i am satisfied with the sound quality.  i need to experiment more :)
17:14.55Gigawatts:P I have the htc star-trek, and i hate that connector
17:15.24jbqDisconnect: the irony is that you complain about headsets adapters that don't always work, and that's the reason why bt stereo isn't present...
17:15.37Gigawattsim also waiting for an android port, to ditch wimo :)
17:16.01Disconnectjbq: the issue i have is that it has no way to get audio out.. not that this adapter or that profile is missing.
17:16.22jastaDisconnect: do you want to know the adapter i bought? :)
17:16.35jastait supports power + audio out, i just hooked it up in my car yesterday
17:16.52Disconnecti have the 3way in my eeep, thats the one that went wacko
17:17.01jastamine isnt 3 way
17:17.12jastai bought a more compact one which supports only power + 3.5mm
17:17.15jastait was only $8
17:17.25jastaand a car charger for $7 :)
17:17.48jastathen it came to me in a shady-looking box from hong kong that the USPS found highly suspect and made me provide all kinds of identification to pick up
17:17.51jastabut hey, it works :)
17:17.52mowglijbq: so the pdk section under development which talks abt device.git and kernel.git is no more valid?
17:18.24jbqmowgli: that's possible (likely in fact). I'm not familiar with that specific part of the documentation.
17:19.25mowglijbq: how can I confirm this? It looks like we need special permissions from google account managers to download the device and kernel.git files
17:20.19jbqI don't know what you're trying to achieve, and specifically I don't know what you're trying to achieve that the open-source tree doesn't let you do.
17:20.23*** part/#android DubLo7 (n=DubLo7@
17:21.22mowglijbq: i just want to confirm that the pdk is not something specific for OEMs which require approvals from google account managers
17:21.54*** join/#android Dougie187 (
17:22.43mowglijbq: and also the fact(?) that the pdk was probably  meant for distribution to OHA folks before the open source  was released
17:22.47jbqmowgli: as far as I know everything that an OEM needs should be in the open-source tree (including the appropriate licenses). If it's not the case, that's a bug.
17:27.06mowglijbq: thanks. can you confirm with folks in you team that the PDK section under the opensource is infact obsolete. i was mislead for one looking at the PDK documentation that the OEMs need special approvals in getting  device.git and kernel.git referenced in the PDK docs
17:27.58jbqmowgli: your safest bet is to file a bug - that'll leave a trace that can be acted on. Thanks :)
17:28.04*** join/#android jreznik (
17:28.36mowglijbq: will do thanks.
17:29.46Dougie187does anyone know how much space flickr gives you?
17:30.27michaelnovakjr1TB L(
17:30.35michaelnovakjrits the cloud man
17:30.44Dougie187are you serious?
17:30.57michaelnovakjrnope j/k
17:31.00michaelnovakjri have no idea
17:31.08michaelnovakjrhaha sorry :
17:31.14Dougie187i figured you were lying... google's photo manager only gives you 1gig
17:31.22michaelnovakjrthat's pretty good
17:31.32Dougie187not for 10 mp pictures...
17:31.41mowglijbq: is this the rt place to log the bug for tracking?
17:31.44romainguy___Flickr gives you 200 MB
17:31.48romainguy___for free account
17:31.52romainguy___unlimited for pro accounts
17:32.02Dougie187how much is pro?
17:32.07jbqmowgli: you're looking for
17:32.25jbq(which currently redirects to )
17:32.29d0netshow do i see what ip my g1 is using
17:32.39romainguy___Dougie187: $25 per year if I remember correctly
17:32.55Dougie187do they have a size restriction for pictures?
17:32.58d0netslocal ip
17:33.00d0netsif im using wifi
17:33.34romainguy___which to me is totally worth it
17:33.58Dougie187romainguy___: do you know if they have a size restriction on pictures?
17:34.05Dougie187in pixels or mb?
17:36.25d0netsnobody knows how to see my local ip?
17:36.37michaelnovakjrromainguy__ is there an app for flickr yet
17:36.38d0netsim trying to telnet in to test out the root access
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17:36.51Gigawattscheck your router
17:36.58d0netsbleh ok
17:37.10Gigawattsi dont know the android software well enough to answer you, sorry
17:37.43RyeBryed0nets - go to setings -> wireless -> wifi - then tap on the hting you are already connected to
17:37.59RyeBryethe dialog box comes up and it tells you Connected / speed/ signal strength / security / IP address
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17:38.16romainguy___I think the picture could not be more than 10,000 pixels large
17:38.16romainguy___but I seem to recall they changed that policy
17:38.16romainguy___suffice it to say that I never had any trouble
17:38.19romainguy___I upload 2 to 3 MB jpeg files all the time
17:38.33d0netsi long pressed but didnt try tapping
17:38.33romainguy___michaelnovakjr: on Android?
17:38.50RyeBryeromainguy - that last bit of images in photostream are really nice
17:38.59amjadok looks like android.location.manager is busted in sdk1.0. many people complain about it in android-beginners forum
17:39.06romainguy___michaelnovakjr: the only one I know of is the one I wrote but it's very limited
17:39.10tweaktanyone run into issues where the Eclipse layout editor does not render the same as the emulator or on real hardware?
17:39.17spikebikechecks in
17:39.25spikebikeall seems pretty quite
17:39.27tweaktthe layout editor is how I want it, but when run, it's not the same at all
17:39.40Disconnecttweakt: i have issues where the layout editor sucks down 1.5 gigs of ram, does that count?
17:39.41RyeBryeDoes the internal camera automatically geotag the images in the EXIF? I haven't checked yet
17:39.51tweaktDisconnect, well, besides that ;-)
17:40.03romainguy___tweakt: weird, because the layout editor runs the actual framework code
17:40.20tweaktmy table layout is being expanded
17:40.28tweaktin width
17:41.00tweaktI'm probably doing things wrong, but I'm learning how I always do, by experimenting and seeing what happens
17:42.56unix_lappyDisconnect: well you're lucky you're not on windows where that's half of the amount of RAM that you can use :-P
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17:51.01themimeim looking for a netbeans plugin for android, i heard about undroid but i can't find an actual download link on their page - can someone point me in the right direction?
17:51.38themimeactually before i start, i should ask if it has an emulator of sorts, some way of testing code, because i can't afford the G1 right now but I'd still like to play around
17:51.58waldo_does anyone know if it's possible to play sound through a phone connection in sdk 1.0?
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17:52.56romainguy___themime: there is, in the SDK
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17:54.22DarkriftXRyeBrye, whats new?
17:54.35d0netsroot wewt
17:54.39waldo_so, no?
17:55.03DarkriftXi know abvout that
17:55.03themimeromainguy___: an emulator or plugin?
17:55.07DarkriftXwondering what anyone has done with root lol
17:55.26d0netsi just did "ls"
17:55.26kslaterthemime: he left
17:55.27DarkriftXRyeBrye, ever get nano compiled?
17:55.30d0netsim l337
17:55.38kslaterthere is an emulator in the SDK
17:55.55kslaterI have the undroid plugin for Netbeans, but it's not really usable with the current sdk
17:55.57Disconnectstuck busybox up there (in /system/busybox) and is letting the sources build so he can suborn the toolchain into building dropbear
17:56.16kslaterjust as easy to get eclipse ganymead and get the plugin for it
17:56.23kslaterworks better (for now) too
17:56.37DarkriftXDisconnect, is busybox better then the toolbox?
17:57.11themimekslater: hmm i guess i might try it then.  i used jcreator then netbeans for a class and have been mostly using that one since, i was hoping not to learn a new IDE, but the curve on them isn't bad, and ive heard good things about eclipse anyway
17:57.13Disconnectits designed as a multicall binary that can be wedged into tiny places and still provide a reasonable interface (either user interface or scripts)
17:57.13DarkriftXjust dont change the existing symlinks, the toolbox has unusual command syntax for soem commands
17:57.18DarkriftXmight break stuff like mount etc
17:57.20Disconnectduh :)
17:57.40DarkriftXi know, my nec900c has busybox (debian)
17:57.47romainguythemime: you can use NetBeans without a plugin
17:57.48kslaterthemime: believe me, Netbeans is my preferred IDE, if there was an easy way to use, I would
17:57.55romainguythemime: I use IntelliJ without a plugin
17:58.00romainguythe SDK comes with a project generator
17:58.04romainguybased on Ant
17:58.05kslaterbut you don't get the nice integration
17:58.09romainguyand NetBeans likes ant
17:58.42kslaterus old dudes like things as easy as possible
17:59.02waldo_so I guess no one knows how to play sound through a phone line... so much for androidredbox I guess
17:59.02romainguyit's really not much harder ^^
17:59.08waldo_I meant android soundboard.
17:59.22jreznikuluatu: ping, any success with freerunner?
17:59.26d0netsyea i wanted a soundboard
17:59.32d0netsit would be cool to download boards from the intarweb
17:59.40d0netslike an arnold soundboar
17:59.41waldo_d0nets: exactly.. but is it supported in the API?
17:59.42d0netsor bush
18:00.35waldo_in the sdk
18:00.36uluatujreznik: none....
18:00.45d0netsim not sure
18:00.54uluatujreznik: people are saying that the problem is related to the uSD card
18:01.07uluatuit should have an empty ext3 partition.
18:01.19uluatuI did that, but with no success either.
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18:02.02jreznikok, thanks for info
18:02.19themimeill try out eclipse, ive been meaning to anyway, the reason i used it before is because i was doing java ME for mobile phone game development and netbeans had good support for the necessary plugins used for that
18:02.37themimes/used it/used netbeans/
18:02.48themimehaha, weird
18:06.03andyrossreading scrollback: just read the generated build.xml once to figure out the tools and write your own makefile. If you try to change your development environment just to avoid learning something, the terrorists have already won.
18:07.00GigawattsDarkriftX, where did you get that rendered Android logo for your forum? Did you come up with that, or did you get it from somewhere else?
18:07.07DarkriftXsomeone made it for me
18:07.13DarkriftXno idea what they did
18:07.23DarkriftXit was a graphics forum
18:07.43DarkriftXthey made me some decent sigs to but they look like crap on vb forums
18:08.34Gigawattsah, ok, b/c i had found this ( a while ago, and always thought it would be cool to have a much larger version, for a wallpaper
18:08.51Gigawattsand i saw your forum logo, an was like "hey! thats teh same dude!"
18:09.02DarkriftXlol, its exactly the same
18:09.07DarkriftXjust shrunk
18:09.11Gigawattsyeah, thats why i asked
18:10.31DarkriftXwow, hes good
18:10.34Gigawattsthat would be an awesome wallpaper, if the view was zoomed out a bit, and showed a few more of them
18:10.40DarkriftXshould pm him and ask for a big version lol
18:10.52DarkriftXerm s/pm/email/
18:10.57Gigawattsyeah, i was browsing his site last week, some impressive stuff
18:11.08Gigawattsyeah, i couldnt find an email address on his page though
18:11.47themimewow, eclipse is sexy
18:12.17romainguythemime: no, it's not :)
18:12.35d0netswhat are you forums darkriftx
18:13.21Gigawattsyou could probably take a shot in the dark and assume that his email is
18:13.31DarkriftXor maybe he has a catchall
18:13.48DarkriftXhas to get ready for work :(
18:13.54DarkriftXand i cant irc from work, just forums
18:14.05DarkriftXand nothing is going on in the xda-devs forums so ill be out of the loop all day
18:14.22d0netsyea thats where im lurking atm
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18:14.46Gigawattswell, enjoy work
18:15.26themimehave you seen ganymede?  at the very least its aesthetically pleasing
18:15.46Gigawattsthats what she said
18:16.48romainguythemime: I always found Eclipse weird looking
18:17.02romainguythey try to look native but then do weird shit like their rounded tabs
18:22.10d0netshrmm, a web tethering app?
18:22.15Phlogiwhat was the original price of the G1 from tmobile?
18:22.49Dammd0nets, the SDK can let you tether
18:24.16Phlogiit was 399 right?
18:24.24d0netsoh really damm?
18:24.26d0netsi wasnt sure
18:24.29Gigawattswithout a plan, that sounds right
18:24.34d0netsyea you run it t hrough the debug bridge i think
18:26.01Dammpretty weak way
18:26.03Dammbut it works
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18:28.02morrildlw00t, 251 peeps
18:28.05morrildlI think this is a new high
18:28.19DarkriftXand you killed it
18:28.22DarkriftXback to 250
18:28.42DarkriftXi think it will grow a lot bigger once the root news spreads more
18:28.48DarkriftXno /. yet
18:29.53unix_lappymorrildl: how many of the near 250 voted to start chan logging?
18:30.04morrildlunix_lappy: I was just going to look :)
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18:30.30jbqhow many people log it on their local machines without asking for permission? :)
18:30.41ttuttle|votedjbq: er, you don't need permission for that.
18:30.43DarkriftXthere is no chan logging yet?
18:30.46unix_lappyjbq: publicly available logs.
18:30.46jimpI don't need permission
18:30.51ttuttle|votedjbq: It's just poor form to share them.
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18:31.46morrildl14 opposed, 28 don't mind
18:31.47mattgyver83Does an working IRC client exist for android?
18:32.14morrildl16% voter turnout :)
18:32.15DarkriftXsoon mattgyver83
18:32.26unix_lappymattgyver83: there's an ssh client for now...
18:32.29mikez5Or an IRC server? :-)
18:32.30Disconnectmattgyver83: connectbot + screen +bitchx
18:32.32DarkriftXim sure someone will compile a command line one going
18:32.43morrildlivantis: I think it was you who wanted to start the web log, right?
18:32.57RyeBryeWhat command line tools do we want? I'm building nano now
18:33.03morrildlivantis: looks like the predominant view is that it's okay
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18:33.16DarkriftXnano, su, groups, passwd
18:33.28RyeBryeifconfig is there
18:33.32*** part/#android jham (n=jham@nat/google/x-1f17c03c2390cb34)
18:33.34RyeBryesu is already built by the git tree
18:33.43unix_lappydoes android ship with ncurses?
18:33.52DarkriftXanything else that is needed but missing lol
18:33.55ttuttle|votedunix_lappy: no
18:33.56Gigawattsyeah, i dont exactly have a g1, so im out of the loop
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18:34.39RyeBryehmm... nano is being a bit of a bugger to cross-compile...
18:34.53unix_lappyRyeBrye: where are you getting your sources from?
18:35.02RyeBryeandroid or nano?
18:35.23spikebikerye mornin
18:35.28Gigawattsor pico
18:35.35Gigawattsworks the same
18:35.45RyeBryeI'm not sure... but I jsut realized I grabbed the unstable branch
18:35.48Gigawattsor hell, go all out and port vi
18:35.49RyeBryemorning spikebike
18:36.03spikebikeany news?
18:36.19Disconnectspikebike: other than root?
18:36.38unix_lappywould be interesting to see if you could get the dependencies sorted out how much of the debian arm project would port over.
18:37.01*** topic/#android by morrildl -> Open Source Release: | Android Market is now open for new applications:
18:37.27*** topic/#android by morrildl -> Open Source Release: | Android Market is now open for new applications: | Public Service Announcement: this channel may now be logged on the web
18:37.48Gigawattsis android using a debian-ish system?
18:38.10morrildlGigawatts: that can mean many things
18:38.18morrildlGigawatts: fortunately the answer is always 'no'
18:38.25Gigawattsyeah, i know
18:38.49morrildlAndroid doesn't use dpkg, nor is it SysV-style init like Debian is (IIRC)
18:38.56morrildlAndroid is also not BSD-style init :)
18:39.08ttuttle|votedmorrildl: Don't forget the entirely different libc.
18:39.13morrildlThat too
18:39.26Disconnectlooks at the topic.. all the more reason to do device-hacking somewhere else
18:39.56morrildlDisconnect: why? any channel can be logged, and this one might have been all along even without us knowing
18:40.09faddenHint: click on the link I posted 8 lines up.
18:40.12Disconnectyep. but now its a policy.
18:40.12morrildlWe're just warning people that it might now be logged where it was not previously
18:40.18fadden(jasta told me about that yesterday)
18:40.35DisconnectDannyB: dd?
18:40.36*** part/#android DannyB (
18:41.00unix_lappyhmm, me takes a stab....upstart?
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18:41.45Gigawattsor just excietment?
18:42.00Disconnect..or a joke
18:42.52Gigawattsor narcalepsy?
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18:45.58d0netsdayyb freal?
18:46.37DannyBwould i lie
18:46.49morrildlDannyB: apparently :)
18:47.09Gigawattswell, give us a reason to think otherwise
18:47.16DannyBmorrildl: Did i say retail phone I meant my PVT :)
18:47.44DannyBfastboot -w baby
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18:48.23muthuman, record voting turnouts
18:49.26RyeBryeHmm... getting nano on there is a bit involved. I've got to get ncurses first, which is also a bit involved :)
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18:49.51DannyBncurses isn't too hard
18:50.02DannyBi did it during dev days
18:50.03DannyBsame with stlport
18:50.17RyeBryeDid you have to point it to include android kernel headers... etc>?
18:50.22Gigawattscan you define pvt?
18:50.39DannyByou can use the linux headers or the bionic headers
18:50.50DannyBif you use the bionic headers you will have to hack them up a bit to get it to ignore the wchar stuff
18:51.21DannyBGigawatts: basically, one of the last hardware revs before shipping
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18:52.50RyeBryeYeah, I don't think retail phones have fastboot, do they?
18:53.20DannyBthere is nothing that prevents it from running on retail phones
18:53.30DannyBonly the fact that the bootloader with fastboot is not installed
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18:56.35spikebikethus the need fore root
18:56.43morrildlspikebike: root would not help
18:56.45DannyBroot doesn't help you here at all
18:56.53DannyBin fact, root gives you absolutely nothing on this device
18:57.05Disconnectmtd-tools might
18:57.06DannyBit is a massive waste of time to hunt root
18:57.08morrildlDannyB: ...except the ability to screw up your device :)
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18:57.20DisconnectDannyB: its a waste to hunt because its been gotten already. but moving right along.. :)
18:57.21DannyBmorrildl: sure, but in terms of flashing a new image
18:57.42mattgyver83Is there a way to set the device name for android?
18:57.46morrildlroot is convenient for certain forms of debugging, people aren't wrong to want root for development devices
18:57.59morrildlbut currently the retail devices restrict root for user security
18:58.01DisconnectDannyB: with root i can (to beat the same drum) backup my data and use vpn software. i can also (potentially) flash testing, development or debug versions of android or the core apps.
18:58.19DannyBwhat makes you think you can flash stuff just because you have root
18:58.29ionstormanyone try and arp poison android
18:58.36morrildlDisconnect: the bootloader is not accessible to the running system at all, root or not
18:58.47DannyBalso nothing prevents you from running vpn software without root
18:58.54morrildlDannyB: yes it does
18:59.09spikebikeor iptables
18:59.10RyeBryeI can get raw NMEA out of the GPS with one command
18:59.13morrildlYou can't access the needed sysctls to fool around with the routing table as non-root
18:59.22ionstormhas anyone made a better terminal app than pterminal
18:59.23DannyBi thought there was a perm to enable that
18:59.24spikebikeor replace any binary
18:59.27ionstormi hate the iface
18:59.28morrildlDannyB: not in 1.0
18:59.37DannyBmy bad
18:59.38morrildlthe RIGHT thing to do would be add a sane API for it
18:59.50DannyBin any case, root will not let you replace the bootloader, which is what you really need to do here
19:00.01DannyBof course, you could always just use a flash programmer
19:00.04DannyBif you really cared
19:00.05DisconnectDannyB: you can't alter routes, raise or lower virtual interfaces, etc without root.(as said earlier)
19:00.09morrildlDannyB: indeed
19:00.17DannyBDisconnect: in 1.0 you are right, my bad
19:00.20Disconnectand in general with security software (such as ssh or vpn) its -much- better to leverage an upstream source than to rewrite it
19:00.21RyeBryeThere are 2 'bootloaders' working here... The HTC one and then the Android one
19:00.22morrildlDannyB: but that would violate the warranty ;)
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19:00.42DannyBmorrildl: so did the toilet :(
19:01.16morrildlRyeBrye: there is only one bootloader.  It boots Linux
19:01.34morrildlLinux starts init, init fires up the Dalvik zygote, etc.
19:01.48Phlogiis it possible to unlock the g1 without paying?
19:02.03ionstormmost definately
19:02.03DannyBtmobile will give you unlock codes if you have been a customer for long enough
19:02.05RyeBryeHTC bootloader -> linux -> init which then if it's recovery mode will open up the recovery mode...
19:02.09ionstormwe'll find that out soon
19:02.13spikebikeis overwritten during boot
19:02.17DisconnectPhlogi: i did, just called 611 and asked.
19:02.18ionstormi consider root unlocked
19:02.30spikebikenot sure if we can control /
19:02.31DannyByou guys are hilarious
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19:02.43PhlogiDisconnect: what is 611?
19:02.49ionstormcust svc
19:03.04marconeit's like 911, but upside down
19:03.12ionstormhow long do u have to have tmo before they unlock?
19:03.14ionstorm90 days?
19:03.17RyeBrye90 days I think
19:03.18Gigawattsthats 116
19:03.35marconeGigawatts: not if you turn each number individually
19:03.52Gigawattspssh, i was rotating the whole thing
19:04.13morrildlodd vs. even symmetry
19:04.16faddenWrite it on a piece of glass, then flip the glass over and view it from behind.
19:04.27morrildlreflect through a point, or reflect through a line/plane ;)
19:04.38faddenView your reflection in a spoon.
19:04.53wastrelanother bad voice call :p
19:04.59marconeionstorm: only charges $25 or so I think.
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19:05.09wastrelcaller couldn't hear me.  i blame google
19:05.16ionstormi'll wait for the keygen
19:05.30jbqInstead of having people say "I want root" for applications like VPN or backups (which, as far as I'm concerned, are legitimate applications), I'd much prefer to see the energy spent in creating the appropriate system APIs, with the appropriate permissions, that will allow such apps to be developed securely.
19:05.48RyeBryeYeah, I'm all for that too
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19:05.53DannyBif you submit patches to create a VPN api, we'd happily accept them (after some design discussion, etc)
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19:07.07RyeBryeIn my spare time, I code stuff that helps me out... and pushign something upstream that will take 6 months to get back to my device doesn't help me out much
19:07.32RyeBryebut... if I can put something together, build my own tree, and use it locally while the patch is waitign approval...e tc. - it helps me and it helps other sout
19:08.03RyeBryeplus I like to make the blue light blink i should throw away upstream security knowledge and investment and rewrite my vpn of choice in java with android apis? given what we know about android and security... heh. no.
19:08.59RyeBryeI think he was saying if you write it low-level and get it in the tree, you could expose APIs to it that would help do stuff in the Java layer
19:09.02Phlogianyone knows how this locking is done technically?
19:09.35DisconnectPhlogi: its intrinsic to the gsm hardware
19:10.25Disconnectyou need a legit unlock code, period. (or gsm firmware and the ability to write it, which is what happened to the iphone. but thats unlikely to do any more than destroy the radio, assuming you can get in there to begin with)
19:10.49Phlogiok I see... and that code is specific to the phone or what?
19:10.50RyeBryeI like the idea of android as a platform and the benefits of application portability goes without saying... I would never write an application to distribute on the linux layer of the phone - that would be dumb
19:11.12ionstormno it wouldnt
19:11.16ionstormu could run apache or a server
19:11.35ionstormor whatever
19:11.36RyeBryeI wouldn't distribute that though
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19:12.15PhlogiDisconnect: I think you will give an uid or something of your phone and they can calculate a number that unlocks only your phone right?
19:12.30Disconnectbased on the imei
19:12.35ttuttle|votedIt's almost always based on IMEI.
19:12.38ttuttle|votedOn almost every phone.
19:13.32ionstormtype dmesg within telnetd
19:13.37PhlogiDisconnect: how can ppl at now how to do that but not anyone else?
19:13.43DisconnectRyeBrye: the biggest advantage of an app on the linux layer is the ability to leverage upstream work. don't write ssh client in java, use a term and leverage openssh. don't write 500 media codecs, just capture the screen and fire off mplayer.
19:13.57DannyBDisconnect: so instead your plan is to try to get real users to install linux mode software?
19:14.01DisconnectPhlogi: probably by purchasing it from htc
19:14.26DisconnectDannyB: lots of 'real users' on osx install commandline software. they just don't know it. its bundled.
19:14.38PhlogiDisconnect: yes they talk about a manufactors code
19:15.36ionstormi wonder if powertop would benefit this phone
19:15.47ionstormsave battery
19:17.15spikebikemost of the vlue of the andeoid source to fis and extend are removed by tmo and given back by having root
19:17.23ralphtionstorm: latencytop is already in system/extras/, hard to believe that the low hanging fruit for power management wasn't already all collected though.
19:17.30spikebikeer fix
19:19.51ionstormI got an idea, we can use our sd card as a ramdisk
19:20.03ionstormpossibly speed up the phone
19:21.06marconeionstorm: right, because surely the sd card is faster than the ram...
19:21.38Gigawattsthats like saying readyboost with a slow ass usb drive is going to speed up vista
19:22.12spikebikeoops perf
19:22.30capuchinAND: could not write file /home/mike/Desktop/android-sdk-linux_x86-1.0_r1/tools/lib/images//system.img, File exists
19:22.51capuchinanyone seen that error in eclipse?
19:23.55marconemikeeeee: did you by any chance run eclipse as root prior to this, so that it now isn't able to delete this file?
19:24.03mikeeeeethe system.img is there and writeable ... tried removing it but eclipse complains the file is not present if I remove it...
19:25.01Phlogidoes bluetooth work?
19:25.21mikeeeeemarcone: to test I made system.img world writeable, eclipse still complains...
19:25.38marconeno idea then
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19:34.42Gary|tpgrep: not found
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19:36.52DisconnectGary|tp: install busybox
19:37.21Disconnectok how long is "target Dex: framework" supposed to take? :/
19:37.22Gary|tpI went to sleep early, it seems ;)
19:37.50DisconnectGary|tp: i saw the initial info a while ago and thought "there is no way this works on retail devices" .. shoul dhave tried it. doh.
19:37.59DisconnectGary|tp: but google "android busybox" for the busybox bin
19:38.21*** part/#android Dougie187 (
19:38.46danfuzzDisconnect: the framework is, relatively speaking, huge, so it takes a while to convert to a dex
19:38.52danfuzzsimilarly the core library
19:39.03Disconnecta while like multiple hours?
19:39.21danfuzzno. it might be as much as 30 seconds on my machine
19:39.37danfuzzthough if you don't have much RAM you might find that it's totally swaptastic
19:40.14danfuzzif that's the case, then it conceivably could take many minutes
19:40.16Disconnect1 gig, of which java is taking 800M
19:40.35danfuzzhrm, you could be in the right territory
19:40.43Disconnectoooh. damn. swapped out.
19:40.48danfuzzi have 10 gigs on my dev box
19:41.04Disconnect48k of swap left doh
19:41.27Disconnectyah its my fileserver/myth box. mostly its good for gobs of storage and dual-core cpu.
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19:41.46danfuzzi'd recommend getting at least 4gb
19:42.24Disconnectbeen dragging my feet but yah. all i gotta do is try to remember what it takes w/o having to open it up and look :)
19:42.47Disconnectfor now.. swapspaced
19:42.48danfuzzdx (the dex converter tool) reads in all the files to convert and keeps it all in memory, so it's not exactly frugal with the RAM
19:42.59Disconnect(auto-adds/auto-removes swap files)
19:43.25Disconnectyah so thats something i was expecting to see.. nobody is writing a new launcher?
19:43.35Disconnectdid they hit that one so perfectly (sans widgets) that nobody feels like changing it?
19:43.43jbqYeah, stuff is buildable in 2GB, but 4GB is better if you want to keep using the machine while building, especially if you have multi-core hardware and like to build with -j8 :)
19:43.55Disconnectheh. "Starting dynamic swap manager: swapspaceInitial memory status: would prefer 659529200 extra bytes"
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19:44.26Disconnectit'll promptly swap thrash but at least progress will happen
19:44.44mikez5I think 2gig is the magic number.  My laptop has 2gig and I can work on it OK.
19:45.16Disconnecthas 4 on the mbp but out of storage :(
19:45.35jbq"quick, an extra terabyte"
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19:46.53mikez5running Linux. MacOS might require more RAM.
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19:47.47jastai recently bought a machine with 6GB hehe
19:48.01jastaim sick of Eclipse sucking all my ram
19:48.04jbqjasta: fun, I did the same :)
19:48.08chouman82hey guys
19:48.12chouman82quick question
19:48.16morrildljasta: that won't stop, Eclipse will just suck all 6GB ;)
19:48.18jastaalso, lets face it.  Firefox is basically one giant memory leak
19:48.21jastaand so is compiz
19:48.28wastrelwe use 4GB standard here for ppl using eclipse or v12n
19:48.32BHSPitWebjasta: firefox 2, yeah
19:48.33morrildljasta: fortunately compiz is optional
19:48.37mikez5also not using eclipse :-)
19:48.45chouman82i am installed my applicaion on the G1, and even after a factory reset, the downloaded apps start to have numbers appended to it
19:48.49jastamorrildl: not for me.  i can't work without it anymore.
19:48.53jastai find it truly an improvement in usability
19:48.59chouman82anyone have an idea?
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19:49.14fcrickchouman82: example?
19:49.17wastrelcompiz is breaky in ubuntu ibex for my videocard
19:49.23jastai use the zoom feature daily, and window negatives quite a lot as well.  my gf hates the bright monitors when she is trying to sleep :)
19:49.44chouman82like i developer my app called clock
19:49.52jastaand when i wake up in the mroning i sometimes just zoom the irc window instead of putting my glasses on :)
19:49.56chouman82so i put on the server and downloaded it over the air
19:50.05jastait makes each letter like 3/4" tall :)
19:50.08chouman82the first time it installed it's called clock.apk
19:50.19chouman82but then i reset the phone and downloaded it again
19:50.27chouman82it shows downing "clock-2.apk"
19:51.01Disconnectdownloads go to sd cad
19:51.19unix_lappyjasta: which machine did you buy?
19:51.19fcrickchouman82: maybe the browser is renaming it? maybe try installing a file manager and clearing out the old versions
19:51.32jastaunix_lappy: just some acer i found at Fry's.
19:51.40fcricklook in /sdcard
19:51.42chouman82so when i do facotry reset or uninstall the app
19:51.46cbeustThe download manager is renaming them
19:51.46chouman82they dont get removed?
19:52.03jastaunix_lappy: my main machine died and i didnt want to hassle with building a new one, so i just drove to fry's and bought one. moved the video card, and setup ubuntu hehe
19:52.05fcrickno they are on the storage card
19:52.24unix_lappyjasta: heh, 2 weeks before black friday ;-P
19:52.31fcrickit doesn't get wiped its like where you'd put your music
19:52.39jastaunix_lappy: i actually did this 2 weeks ago
19:52.46Dougie187Everyone go get their free stuff todayt?
19:52.50jastabut honestly, i dont care about the cost :)
19:53.05unix_lappyjasta: it's your expendable income :-)
19:53.12jbqThe download manager generates unique filenames when there's already a file with a given name. The annoying part is that there isn't any app to manage the apks on the SD card (general android design say that there should be, but there wasn't enough time for it).
19:53.50Dougie187you guys should go get your free coffee/donut/chicken sandwich/dinner discount...
19:53.55Dougie187and appetizer.
19:54.00Dougie187but i think you only get one of them.
19:54.02fcrickthe file managers in the market ive tried have all been good
19:54.46unix_lappyjasta: the girlfriend, tech lust, wallet paradox yields the ultimate race condition ;-)
19:55.33jastaim not a material person :)
19:56.12jastaand i dont really have tech lust.
19:56.44jastai waste money on cell phones, but thats about it.  i buy a new computer and/or laptop about once every 2 years, but i get each sub $1000
19:56.54jastai own my car, pay cheap rent, etc ;)
19:58.47jbqis happy to see that DNS is working on the open-source emulator "out of the box"
19:58.51Gigawattsspeaking of black friday and frys, where are you at jasta? like what city/frys
19:58.52michaelnovakjri have tech lust :)
19:59.00jastaGigawatts: Seattle
19:59.04Gigawattsah, ok
19:59.24Gigawattsi used to work at the only frys in Illinois
19:59.39Gigawattsand during black friday, that was not pretty
19:59.40Dougie187Frys is insane on black friday
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19:59.53Dougie1871-2 hour checkout lines.
20:00.04Gigawattsomg, i almost killed myself working black friday '06
20:00.15Gigawatts1-2 hour? your lucky, we had like 3 hours
20:00.25Dougie187well.. this was 30 minutes after the store opened.
20:00.39Gigawattsah, yes, ok
20:00.40Dougie187and this is oregon.
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20:00.48trigatch4whats upu kids
20:00.54Gigawattsyeah, this was chicago-ish
20:00.59Dougie187good afternoon trigatch4
20:01.08Dougie187it was pretty terrible though
20:01.15jastaDougie187: you live in Oregon?
20:01.17Dougie187camping out is by far the best solution...
20:01.20Dougie187jasta: not anymore.
20:01.32Gigawattsyup, i havent felt the same way about the holidays since that day
20:01.32Dougie187jasta: thats where my family lives, and i moved from there about 1.5 years ago
20:01.38jastawhere do you live now?
20:01.42Dougie187jasta: florida.
20:01.46jastaoh, right
20:01.53Dougie187only for grad school thought
20:01.56jastahave you ever lived in a fun state tho? :)
20:01.58Dougie187i would never live here forever.
20:02.06wastrelmy g1 is asking if i want to upgrade
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20:02.09wastreli got the OTA
20:02.11ahaberlachoWhere in Oregon?
20:02.14Dougie187i have lived in Illinois, Indiana, and New Jersey
20:02.14wastrelnow what do i do
20:02.19jastawastrel: whatever you want
20:02.22trigatch4Dougie187: Did you also take the Oregon Trail when leaving? And did Diane die from Influenza and did the oxen make it across the river?
20:02.26Dougie187ahaberlacho: nothing... except the home of the famous oregon trail.
20:02.34wastrelDougie187: i've been to Illinois, Indiana and New Jersey
20:02.36ahaberlachowent to school at Oregon State.
20:02.43wastreljasta: but then i won't be able to get root
20:02.45Dougie187trigatch4: yes, and my wife got bit by a snake and my son broke his leg...
20:02.53trigatch4i mean that sucks
20:03.00Dougie187it was not a pretty picture..
20:03.01jastawastrel: i don't think the exploit was a root exploit, actually.
20:03.01trigatch4as long as you have enough bullets to go buffalo hunting
20:03.03trigatch4all is well
20:03.04Dougie187but i ended up with 1500 points.
20:03.06faddenType: B A N G
20:03.20wastrelwell they said it was rooty
20:03.28ahaberlachofadden: Old-school!  We played that varient in 3rd grade!
20:03.29wastreli wasn't goign to do it anyway
20:03.37faddenThat was the original.
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20:03.46ahaberlachoBy dialing in from a terminal to the school district's mainframe.
20:03.47Yar1wastrel: I got the OTA update and the telnetd thing worked for me
20:03.54Disconnectwastrel: rc29 works for root
20:04.09ahaberlachoPeople don't believe me when I talk about the days when you used to get a bunch of kids around the keyboard to type "B A N G" as fast as possible.
20:04.11wastreli can have my root and my update <3 google
20:04.17mikez5who wants to go out for a root beer after work?
20:04.26Dougie187that sounds fun.
20:04.28Disconnectwastrel: it'll get closed pretty soon i'm sure
20:04.28ttuttle|votedmikez5: I would if I was there ;-)
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20:04.32ahaberlachoI think there are 3d shooter versions of Oregon Trail now.  It loses the character of the original.
20:04.33faddenahaberlacho: here's the fun part: in the Apple II version, the only thing that mattered was how fast you hit the first key.
20:04.36wastrelthe update icon is cute
20:04.41Dougie187ttuttle|voted: did you get your free stuff?
20:04.44faddenAfter that it dropped into an INPUT statement.
20:04.48ttuttle|votedDougie187: Free stuff?
20:04.56Dougie187ttuttle|voted: did you get an i voted sticker?
20:05.04ttuttle|votedDougie187: Yeah, and a coffee.
20:05.05trigatch4i did
20:05.05ahaberlachoMECC #76, I believe.
20:05.12trigatch4but since im inside all day it doesnt matter
20:05.14ttuttle|votedDougie187: Reminds me how bad Starbucks coffee is.  It's always burnt. :-\
20:05.15trigatch4nobody sees it
20:05.31Dougie187ttuttle|voted: then you can go to starbucks and get coffee, and krispy kreme and get a donut, and chick-fil-a and get a chicken sandwich, and there are two other places to get free stuff too... one sec
20:05.42trigatch4shoulda asked for it medium rare ;)
20:05.48Dougie187ill find the other free stuff one sec
20:06.01wastrelthe other update icon is also cute
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20:06.28ttuttle|votedUpdate icon?  Where?
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20:07.35Dougie187ttuttle|voted: do you have a Pat & Oscar's or a Daily Grill close to you?
20:07.39wastrelttuttle|voted: when the upgrade is going there's a picture on the screen, of the thing going into the box
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20:07.50wastrelthen it reboots again and the thing is going into the IC chip
20:07.59Dougie187Oh. And Ben and Jerry's give free ice cream today too
20:08.10ttuttle|votedDougie187: nope
20:08.21Dougie187the Coffee and Ben and Jerry's is good for everyone though, not just voters
20:08.22ttuttle|votedwastrel: Oh yeah, they're fun to watch.
20:08.28RyeBryeAnd a couple local candidates gave me $5 each to vote for them...
20:08.45RyeBryewell... no
20:08.46fcrickice cream free from 5pm to 8pm according to msnbc
20:08.54ttuttle|votedYeah but it'll be fucking mobbed.
20:09.05RyeBryegrew up where Ben & Jerry's main factory is
20:09.14Dougie187I would be surprised if they have any ice cream left.
20:09.22fcrickapparently starbucks is giving out free coffee
20:09.29Dougie187fcrick: we just covered that.
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20:09.33RyeBryeMy sisters worked there in the gift shop over teh summers... Every employee gets to bring home 3 pints of Ben & Jerry's factory seconds each day
20:09.48tethridgeI'd be fat
20:09.53Dougie187me too
20:09.58RyeBryethey call it "the ben 10"
20:10.06andyrossI miss Ben & Jerry's.  We only have one in all of Portland.
20:10.06fcrickDougie187: yeah my g1 screen doesn't show a long chat history :)
20:10.47Dougie187andyross: go to winco or safeway.. they should have some there.
20:10.56Dougie187you don't get the actual store... but you get the ice cream.
20:11.12andyrossNot the same.
20:11.32wastrelthe update turned on my gps
20:11.48andyrossClose enough.  The real problem is that there's a serious lack of good ice cream stores in the area.  Out in the west suburbs where I live, all we have are Cold Stone, which is *awful*.
20:12.14andyrossI grew up in Cambridge, c.f. Emack & Bolios, Steve's, Herrel's...  Hard to adjust.
20:12.33Dougie187andyross: yeah im not a fan of cold stone..
20:13.04wastrelstone cold creamery
20:13.04RyeBryeSo the goldfish is the emulator build, right?
20:13.14wastrelwoo there's a goldfish app?
20:13.17RyeBryeIf you make an htc dream image, it wont load in the emulator?
20:13.42RyeBryewastrel: Goldfish is the name of the 'device' that you run in the emulator from what I understand
20:13.52RyeBryebut an OpenGL-based golfish would be cool
20:14.04RyeBryeand a hell of a lot more useful than "Marvin"
20:14.05Dougie187like glx-gears?
20:14.09Dougie187but glx-goldfish
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20:14.19mikez5RyeBrye: dream firmware should run in the emulator, as long as you use the goldfish kernel
20:14.40mikez5we do that all the time here in androidland
20:14.53RyeBryehow much are tickets ot androidland these days?
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20:15.17faddenFree, but you have to wrestle the 20' bugdroid.
20:15.24faddenFew survive.
20:15.28DammRyeBrye, so how did you fair?
20:15.32mikez5hmm, should we open an android theme park?
20:15.37Dougie187we could gang up on him....
20:15.43faddenI thought I worked in an android theme park.
20:16.05RyeBryeDamm - I'm not as skilled at cross-compiling as i would have liked
20:16.13mikez5we get to go on the rides all we want after closing time.
20:16.13RyeBryebut I got a lot of tools on there from the normal android build
20:16.30RyeBryemikez5 - that'd be sweet
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20:17.27Dougie187How can one get at the irc logs?
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20:17.45Dougie187not that i want to... im just curious
20:18.24Dougie187are there statistics for the vote that took place somewhere?
20:18.42faddenmorrildl posted them earlier
20:18.46DammRyeBrye, nice.
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20:19.04unix_lappyjasta: so you run windows in VMWare or VirtualBox inside linux with that 6GB?
20:19.10Dougie187lol jasta you were right.
20:20.14fcrickthere any apps out that will record my phonecalls?
20:20.40RyeBryefcrick - the NSA has one
20:20.42faddenfcrick: you understand there are some legal issues with that?
20:20.43RyeBryebut it runs on their servers
20:21.03RyeBryeLegal issues - yeah... maybe... but my SE phones have all had voice memo that worked when I was on the phone
20:21.23RyeBryeWhich is really convenient when someone is giving oyu a phone number or instructions over the phone and you don't have time to write it down
20:21.36RyeBryes/SE/Sony Ericcson/
20:21.44andyrossDoes the API even expose the audio stream from the GSM stack?  I thought that was all across the bus on the baseband CPU?
20:22.30Dougie187fadden: don't those "legal issues" change from state to state.
20:24.13fadden came up first in Google
20:25.01RyeBryeUIQ3 devices can all do voice recording of phone calls
20:25.06faddenLooks like 38 states allow you to record conversations without informing the other party.
20:25.35fcrickfadden: UIQ3?
20:25.37Dougie187i found this too
20:25.45fcricki don't care what the state thinks
20:25.49RyeBryeUIQ3 = Symbian (basically)
20:26.00fcrickif i go to prison for recording my own calls then i'm happy to make a statement
20:26.21RyeBryeI don't really think that the most common use case will be to Linda Tripp your friends into embarassing things
20:26.36Dougie187fcrick: well most states don't care, as long as one of the two parties involved know that the recording is happening..
20:26.39RyeBryeI'm thinking it will be used for mostly voice memos, or recording stuff like phone numbers - which is what I've used one for before
20:27.29Dougie187not for blackmail or other devious intentions?
20:27.34RyeBryeThe point is... it's not a technological limitation
20:27.38fcricki'm tired of signing up for services and having them lie through their teeth to me then not having evidence later
20:27.56RyeBryeWell - in that case fcrick- you would have to probably abide by the law :)
20:28.07fcricknot really
20:28.24fcrickits not like i have the money to sue them, but i can post the recordings online in a blog or something and make fools of them
20:28.36RyeBryeof course, it MAY be a technological limitation of the particular hardware in the G1 - I don't know that - but not all GSM chipsets prevent the software on the phone from recording audio
20:28.38Dougie187fcrick: you can go to an Indian reservation to record it, federal law is only one party consent.
20:28.55fcrickwell, again i don't care... android specific apps?
20:29.17RyeBryeBut even more important than that is - I want the voice stream accessible to me so that I can play with it :)
20:29.25RyeBryei.e. music on hold, or a voice scrambler
20:29.40Dougie187RyeBrye: or write a fax receiver?
20:30.00andyrossCertainly nothing under android.telephony exposes the audio stream.  Would have to check the C++ underneath the phone application...
20:30.16RyeBryeright - and then we'd have to create patches to the API and submit them
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20:38.55herriojrhow do I delete stuff off of the sd card on the device?
20:39.23RyeBryeT-mobile only lets you do 3-way calling right? even though GSM supports up to 5 connections per call?
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20:39.48Disconnectdamn.. segfault
20:40.46trigatch45-way calling? dang yo you could really have a 1-900 lovefest on the G1
20:40.55trigatch4hahahah going to subway, seeya later guys
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20:41.09RyeBryeI've had other phones that have supported 5 way - but never actually used it since I've never had a carrier support it
20:42.19wastrelRyeBrye likes it 5-way
20:42.26RyeBryeyou know it
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20:45.06dd94300getting 'web page not available' when launching i need to enable any setting?
20:45.13RyeBryereboot it
20:45.24RyeBryeIt happens to me a few times a day
20:45.33RyeBryesometimes i will have to reboot twice to get it to work
20:46.09blountinstead of reboot, try toggling airplane mode
20:47.21disappearedngWHat happened to IntentReceiver?
20:47.23Disconnecttoggle works for me
20:47.26disappearedngHas it been deprecated?
20:47.35dd94300i should mention her, i am not using GL here, trying to get it work on emulator
20:47.37RyeBryethe thing for RMI of intents?
20:47.39disappearedngimport android.content.IntentReceiver
20:47.42Disconnectbut you know, don't say that sort of thing too loud, people will try to blame the software bugs on hardware :)
20:47.57RyeBryeIt got the axe because it was a security issue
20:48.07mikez5IntentReceiver is now BroadcastReceiver
20:48.08RyeBryeI saw an article on it somewhere
20:48.23RyeBryeor maybe mikez5 knows better because he actually works on teh stuff :)
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20:48.35disappearedngSo RyeBrye, can I extend a BroadcastReceiver Instead? is it an abstract type
20:49.06RyeBryeNo idea
20:49.24disappearedngthx anyway
20:49.25mikez5You subclass BroadcastReceiver and implement the onReceive() method to receive the Intents
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20:49.41disappearedngyou know where I can find a list of functions that have been deprecated?
20:50.06faddenSearch for the "deprecated" annotation?
20:50.12disappearednggoogling doesn't help, all google shows is a bunch of old tutorials that uses these functions that wouldn't help me to know whether these have been deprecated
20:50.25mikez5not offhand, but there must be release notes with the SDK somewhere
20:50.27jrezniknice, it's running on freerunner now
20:50.32volwhy do you want to find deprecated funtions?
20:50.35volcheck the changelog?
20:50.44disappearedngI am using a book
20:50.51disappearedngwhich was SDK 0.8
20:51.48herriojrWhen trying to install multiple applications I made with the same user id, I get "Replace application: The application you are installing will replace another application.  All previous user data will be saved."  what is going on?
20:52.09volsame packagename?
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20:52.31herriojrbut when I select ok, nothing happens, I can't run the app
20:53.00plusminus_Just tested Remote-Desktop-Client for Android... amazing :)
20:54.09herriojrwhat did the firmware update do to the phones?
20:54.53ionstormwhere is the remotedesktop app
20:54.54herriojrI can install just fine when I do it over usb, but when I try and install them over the web, it's messed up
20:56.03ionstormherriojr, where is the rdp app
20:56.22herriojrI don't know, I'm not using it
20:56.38ionstormplusminus_, where is it @
20:57.10herriojrare you talking about the vnc viewer app?
20:57.22herriojrtry searching for android vnc viewer
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21:01.37plusminus_ionstorm: don't know if I can say that
21:02.16ionstormwell i can surely help test, submit bugs ideas
21:02.23ionstormi use rdp in linux daily
21:03.43plusminus_but i can say that you can watch small videos over Wifi(a.b.g router) at around 5 fps (with half connection strength)
21:03.55herriojrso, when I all my applications which share a userid via usb, they install fine, but when I install them over the web, installation fails.
21:03.56volHmm. I want to put shared libs onto my device and use them. Unfortunately, putting them on the sdcard doesn't seem to work, and I don't have permissions to data.
21:03.59plusminus_ionstorm: its nto my app, I already asked the author if I can write sth about it
21:04.37volIs there any place I can put a shared lib that it can be loaded from?
21:04.44volwould I have to bundle it with my apk somehow?
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21:05.57herriojrok, via logger, when I try installing over the web, I get "failed to open Zip archive '/sdcard/download/myapplication.apk'"
21:07.01faddenvol: app-specific data area on /data
21:07.20faddenYou get the path from a ContextThingy (I don't remember the details).
21:07.44volfadden: Hmm. Any way to actually view that folder? I don't have read permissions to Data
21:07.47faddenAlso, that way your lib gets cleaned up when the app is uninstalled.
21:08.08volthat's how we've been doing it, but I tinkered with the sdcard since I didn't have read/push permission on my device?
21:08.30herriojrso, when trying to downlod the apk via the browser, it seems to get corrupted
21:08.36faddenThe app should be able to read its own SDK and write to the app-private area.
21:08.44Disconnectvol: /data/data/ i think
21:08.56spikebikenice the last 17 updates to see if there was a new OTA update filed
21:09.15volcan't opendir on /data/data/
21:09.18RyeBryespikebike - ?
21:09.18voltrying to ls
21:09.22faddenherriojr: if you pull the APK off and run it through "unzip -t" does it complain?
21:09.26volI can cd in :P
21:09.33spikebikerye I disabled ota updates
21:09.38RyeBryeOh, gotcha
21:09.48RyeBryehow again? moving the keys around or what?
21:09.48faddenvol: the path could move in a future release, so you should not be hard-coding a path in.
21:09.59herriojrlet me see
21:10.01volfadden: hmm, alright.
21:10.03spikebikemkdir /system/etc/security/backup
21:10.14spikebikemv /system/etc/security/* /system/etc/security/backup
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21:10.28RyeBryeHmm... that might be smarter than what I did. I just moved the whole dir
21:10.39volAh, I guess I have to guess when I'm on the device
21:10.47faddenvol: ?
21:10.48volI can cd to /data/data/packagename and view contents there
21:10.56spikebikedevice_info now gives me an openssl error when it tries to check
21:10.57volI just can't view anything in /data or /data/data
21:11.05RyeBryenice :)
21:11.10volso, no typos, and no browsing via ddms?
21:11.18herriojryup, it's corrupt
21:11.31faddenherriojr: look at it with "xxd file | less"
21:11.33herriojrsomehow it gets corrupted when transferring it via the browser downloader
21:11.34jimpspikebike: wouldn't just moving do the trick?
21:11.45faddenSee if there's an ASCII header or some junk on it.
21:11.50jimpseems cacerts would still be useful for normal SSL stuff.
21:12.08RyeBryemine still says "CHECKIN_SUCCESS" ?
21:12.12herriojrlooks like a bunch of junk
21:12.29Disconnectyah isn't cacerts the main ca pool?
21:12.31faddenherriojr: does it start 504b 0304 ...?
21:12.42RyeBryeoh... NM
21:12.46herriojrnope, 1f8b 0800
21:12.54RyeBryeafter "Checkin_sucess" it then spits out a
21:12.59spikebikejimp most certs seem elsewhere, those are just the ota certs
21:13.06jimpspikebike: aah, ok.
21:13.08faddenherriojr: rename it to "" and "gunzip" it
21:13.24spikebikeat least I haven't noticed anything yet
21:13.40herriojrthat did it
21:13.45herriojrit extracted
21:13.56Disconnecthmmmmmm i thought i saw something before. cool. look its yet another Stupid Android Thinko thats easily solved by technical users with root access..
21:14.21herriojrit seems to be missing the classes
21:14.26Disconnectspikebike: cacerts is toplevel certs for ssl
21:14.57jimpthat's what it looks like to me
21:15.04spikebikeso I should put back that one file
21:15.23jimpmv otacerts.goaway
21:15.53herriojrI wonder how it got gzipped
21:16.12faddenherriojr: web server might be expecting the client to do the gunzip transparently
21:16.22RyeBryeYeah, I oved the cacerts back
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21:16.43herriojrbut the interesting thing is I transferred 3 of them, and the first one didn't come in the gzip format
21:16.44Disconnectis planning to add cacert to his at some point. but first, voting time.
21:17.17RyeBryein case anyone is wondering, if you look at the recovery verifier.c it pulls its public key list from a compiled-in "" header file... so replacing with your own special certs wont help in setting up a spoofed update server
21:17.27volfadden: $ adb push /data/data/
21:17.28volfailed to copy '' to '/data/data/': Permission denied
21:17.55volI hope that I'm not grossly misunderstanding what I should be doing
21:18.05mikez5vol: adb push can do that in the emulator, but not on the device
21:18.06faddenvol: you're likely to have better success stuffing it into your APK, installing the APK, and extracting it as a resource on startup
21:18.17mikez5adbd runs non-root on devices
21:18.21volfadden: sigh, yeah.
21:18.27RyeBryeHow is the logo.rle created? I can't seem to find any info on its file format
21:18.29volI was afraid it would be something like that.
21:18.40spikebikeryebrye I found some info
21:18.48spikebikebut it's overwritten at boot
21:18.52volso, do I pretty much stuff this into the assets dir for the project?
21:18.53spikebikewhat are you trying to do?
21:18.59RyeBryeJust change the boot logo :)
21:19.01faddenAll of the usual java.lang.whatever resource stuff works, as well as the AssetManager classes.
21:19.18spikebikewell that would require changing the initrd which rebuilds / on boot
21:19.20herriojrwhy would it send 2 files as gzipped and 1 file not gzipped?
21:19.24spikebikenot sure if that is checksummed
21:19.43spikebikeI've not tracked it down
21:19.46spikebikeioerror replaced it
21:19.59spikebikeit reverted on next boot
21:20.01ioerrorI did what?
21:20.02faddenvol: not sure; if you experiment with it on the emulator you can see all of the files and directory layout
21:20.05Dammemail doesn't connect to a non trusted ssl cert?
21:20.07ioerrorah, yes the image
21:20.08spikebikereplaced logo.rle
21:20.11Dammuses a self signed cert with no issues
21:20.18ioerrorspikebike, what happens when you replace the cert package with your own cert?
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21:20.25ioerrorand mitm your own phone?
21:20.35spikebikeioerror I've not tried that yet
21:20.35volfadden: Yeah. What we're doing on the emulator is putting the shared lib in /data/packagename/
21:20.44voland then calling it using absolute paths (ok, we can change that)
21:20.48voland it loads correctly
21:20.48spikebikepresumably I could replaced any piece of the phone
21:20.54spikebikewell maybe not the bootloader
21:21.02volthe problem is the emulator is pretty slow, so I wanted to see how fast it actually ran on the device
21:21.08faddenvol: you still use an absolute path; it's just determined at runtime.
21:21.15spikebikeioerror any idea on the magic inside telnetd?
21:22.07Dammmagic behind telnetd?
21:22.09Dammthere's no magic
21:22.38spikebikethere isn't?
21:22.39jimpthere's lots of magic
21:22.45ioerrorspikebike, none
21:22.52spikebikehow does it get run as a user and somehow run as root
21:22.54ioerrorI hacked on other stuff since then
21:23.15spikebikeI'm wondering if the binary is signed and there's a signed binary to permission map somewhere
21:23.19spikebikeI've yet to elfdump
21:23.21ioerrorMy thought is that if you launch a native C program from inside an android app, something is happening that's not related to the file system
21:23.30jimpwhere is the uid to name map?
21:23.58ioerrorTraditionally it's /etc/passwd
21:24.03jimpyeah, of course
21:24.07jimpbut there's no /etc/passwd or /etc/group
21:24.31jimpnor /etc/nsswitch.conf
21:24.55spikebiketraditionally you can'd do what telnet does without suid ;-)
21:25.08Dammbut without passwd, group, etc
21:25.11Dammthere is no userlist
21:25.14Dammso it would default to root
21:25.29Dammgoogle has the user switching elsewhere
21:25.35jimpUmm, no, there are still uids.  And toolbox ls shows a name associated with each uid.
21:25.38Dammso kernel layer is bad
21:25.48Dammright, but there really isn't any uids, it's all artificial
21:25.52Dammthere's a layer faking it
21:25.56Damm(prolly, that's a guess)
21:25.57jimpYou're just making things up now
21:26.51Dammjimp, just call it magic then.
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21:26.57ioerrorWhat? Artifical?
21:27.07ioerrorIt's linux, there are user ids
21:27.16Dammioerror, we moved on... it's magic now
21:27.24spikebikeer damm that's not the way it works
21:27.35spikebikejust because you delete etc/*
21:27.42ioerrori sense some cargocult
21:27.52spikebikedoes not mean when a user launches telnet that it somehow managed to spawn root processes
21:28.11Dammspikebike, in a normal system yes... but android isn't a normal system
21:28.12spikebikemaybe if it was already running as root it might let in an unauthed conenction, but that's completely different
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21:28.38spikebikebut user <-> UID mapping isn't really related
21:28.39jimpTypically telnetd could spawn a suid /bin/login or something.. but there are no suid binaries as far as I see.
21:28.50jimpspikebike: yeah, that was just an aside.
21:29.08ioerrorjimp, there are two set gid binaries
21:29.11ioerrorthe networking config and ping
21:29.14Dammjimp, it's logical to think whatever does the setuid and setegid... did not happen when you ran telnetd?
21:29.41ioerrorDoes anyone have strace on their android?
21:29.43Dammshoots and fails
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21:29.53ioerrorif so, it should be possible to watch telnetd with strace and see what's going on
21:30.08ioerrorstrace -fF -v -o /tmp/stracelog /system/bin/telnetd
21:30.14ioerrorand then kill telnetd after a login
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21:30.19thoraxeis there a vpn client app floating around yet?
21:30.28spikebikeiptables is enabled
21:30.38spikebikeuserspace is missing at the moment afaik
21:30.57Dammthoraxe, you know it might actually be worth cross compiling vpnc over
21:31.02Dammconfiguration could be a pain
21:31.21thoraxeDamm: vpnc would at least be faster to market than someone trying to code something from scratch, no?
21:31.38thoraxeand the type of people that need ipsec vpn probably can handle configuration
21:31.47thoraxeor just support vpnc config files
21:32.05ioerroropenvpn would be quite quick also
21:32.09Dammthoraxe, right, it's existing... cross compile it, root your g1, install it, make it read the config off of /sdcard
21:32.19spikebikeis there a way on a g1 to see what my ip address is, with or without root
21:32.23ioerrorAlternatively, cross compile openssh
21:32.30Dammspikebike, ifconfig exists
21:32.35spikebikeI tried ifconfig
21:32.37spikebikeand ifconfig -a
21:32.38ioerrorspikebike, ifconfig doesn't return anything though
21:32.45ioerror-a isn't a valid interface ;-)
21:32.47Dammifconfig tiwlan?
21:32.53thoraxeDamm: i would not be able to perform most of the tasks you specified
21:33.03thoraxethey need to get flash so that we can use pandora :)
21:33.06Dammthoraxe, i'm not up to cross compiling.
21:33.13Dammotherwise I could
21:33.58spikebiketiwlan0 ;-)
21:34.12RyeBryeMaybe we can fix wifi for them
21:34.53DammRyeBrye, what's wrong with it other then no WPA2
21:35.05RyeBryeI am sitting about 10 or 15 feet from my router
21:35.13RyeBryeand it loses connection a lot
21:35.23DammRyeBrye, what wifi router?
21:35.39Dammyour fired
21:35.48RyeBryeI got it for free
21:35.56DammI just retired one of those in the office because it blew goats... kept resettng my connection every 5-7minutes
21:36.00spikebikerye well it shuts off wifi when the screen blanks
21:36.03Dammpeice of crap
21:36.04spikebikeunless you have usb attached
21:36.16RyeBryeI do have usb attached... but shouldn't it reconnect to wifi after it comes back on?
21:36.17spikebike(by default)
21:36.17Dammspikebike, and enable the screen on
21:36.34Dammright, but then telnetd segfaults
21:36.38Dammso who cares
21:36.38bl0rpl3I believe someone already compiled openssh -
21:36.42ioerrorTell the device not to go to sleep when in usb debugging mode
21:36.54ioerrorand telnetd will segfault when the phone sleeps
21:36.56ioerrorthis makes sense
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21:37.12Dammioerror, i do like it how they call it tombstone
21:37.29ioerrorSorry, I'm not familar?
21:37.34Dammioerror, cd /data/tombstone
21:37.40Dammit's the crash handler.
21:37.50spikebikeah, bash, nice
21:38.32bl0rpl3I tried ssh from the command line and it worked great on the g1.
21:38.38ioerrorawesome awesome, he ported ssl
21:38.55bl0rpl3i'm confused how sshd would work though without login credentials
21:39.29spikebikecould just use a cert
21:39.41ioerrorwell, bl0rpl3 you'll alway shave some kind of login credentials
21:39.43RyeBryecould just give you root
21:39.56ioerrorbl0rpl3, if you disable pam, which you should, you can use key based auth
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21:40.11ioerrorthough I'm unclear on how getpwent() or whatever the call is called, will return without /etc/passwd
21:40.48spikebikewell that's controlled by libc
21:40.56bl0rpl3but where on the filesystem would I copy my key?
21:40.59spikebikewhich presumably redirects it to a directory service
21:41.04spikebikemost likely in the sql database
21:41.44RyeBryeI totaly want to cross-compile elinks
21:41.49RyeBryeI want a REAL browser on this device
21:42.00StephenPolleiyes getpwent was always something libc controled and might not have used /etc/passwd as a flat text file, nis+ for example
21:42.13spikebikeldap, kerberos, etc.
21:42.54jimpLooks like getpwent is compiled into libc.
21:43.06bl0rpl3RyeBrye, what are you waiting for? I would love to use elinks
21:44.25volfadden: I feel like a tremendous idiot having to ask, but I'm just not exactly sure what I should be doing with AssetManager and System. System.load/loadLibrary take Strings for pathnames, while AssetManager takes resources and provides InputStreams. Are you suggesting that I stream the library out of the APK, save it somewhere, and then pass that location to System.load?
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21:47.44faddenvol: yup
21:48.29volfadden: Oh. Hmm.
21:48.36volfeels a little hacky, but ok :)
21:48.41faddenJust a bit.
21:48.56faddenSuch is life in "not officially supported" land. :-)
21:50.26Disconnectfyi (from a while back, reading scrollback :) ..) i'm gonna get openvpn running before too much longer. no promises about a pretty package tho. (and no frontend gui, can't be arsed) of course, it'll require rooting either way since it needs to be suid or run as root.
21:51.39Dammit should be mentioned that android is a stripped down version of libc from netbs
21:51.51DisconnectRyeBrye: and the wifi thing.. so far i get lots of fanboi yelling about how dare i demean such a wonderful platform and it must be my router (and my office routers, plus all the free wifi in silver spring and the bar in bowie, and....)
21:51.52Dammso if there's something missing or not what your used to, that's why.
21:52.23Disconnectok there's my ride, whee. bbl.
21:53.08jastaDisconnect: i dont know why you think its some big conspiracy.
21:53.13jastathe wifi chip in the G1 is clearly weak
21:53.42marconemaybe the air between your G1 and access point is too thick
21:53.51marconetry a higher altitude
21:53.53jastai just shut it off because the range isnt good enough to be useful imo
21:54.15spikebikemy wifi seems to work just fine
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21:54.25spikebikenot as good as my n800
21:54.28mikez5Has anyone ported android to the National SR-LA18NW yet?
21:54.29spikebikebut better than most laptops
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21:57.59jastaponders a good download retry strategy for five
21:58.12jastanow that ive been doing a lot more real world tests i realize i need to tweak this logic a bit :)
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22:01.16ivantismorrildl: i got your message in my log...
22:01.26ivantis<morrildl>ivantis: I think it was you who wanted to start the web log, right?
22:01.34ivantis<morrildl>ivantis: looks like the predominant view is that it's okay
22:07.20joel_hi, do anyone has an idea about binutils in Android toolchain?Thanks
22:07.20voljoel_: they're a bad idea. that's my idea.
22:08.28joel_Got some strange error when compiling the toolchain... totally no clue
22:09.04volgood thing you won't tell us what it is
22:09.24joel_Had texinfo warning before, then got other issue after upgrade texinfo from 4.11 to 4.12
22:10.01joel_/home/joel/android/development/pdk/ndk/toolchain/binutils-2.17/binutils/bucomm.c:426: warning: the use of `mktemp' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp' or `mkdtemp'
22:10.01joel_make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/joel/android/development/pdk/ndk/toolchain/binutils-2.17/binutils'
22:10.01joel_make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
22:10.01joel_make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/joel/android/development/pdk/ndk/toolchain/binutils-2.17/binutils'
22:10.01joel_make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
22:10.03joel_make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/joel/android/development/pdk/ndk/toolchain/binutils-2.17/binutils'
22:10.05joel_make[1]: *** [all-binutils] Error 2
22:10.07joel_make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/joel/android/development/pdk/ndk/toolchain/binutils-2.17'
22:10.09joel_make: *** [all] Error 2
22:10.37joel_It does not tell me where is the problem, I am lost now.
22:10.50thoraxejoel_: try to use or in the future
22:11.18joel_ok, I will try
22:13.17*** part/#android emacsian (n=ram@
22:13.32joel_/home/joel/android/development/pdk/ndk/toolchain/binutils-2.17/binutils/bucomm.c:426: warning: the use of `mktemp' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp' or `mkdtemp'
22:13.35joel_make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/joel/android/development/pdk/ndk/toolchain/binutils-2.17/binutils'
22:13.37joel_make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
22:13.39joel_make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/joel/android/development/pdk/ndk/toolchain/binutils-2.17/binutils'
22:13.41joel_make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
22:13.45joel_make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/joel/android/development/pdk/ndk/toolchain/binutils-2.17/binutils'
22:13.46joel_make[1]: *** [all-binutils] Error 2
22:13.49joel_make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/joel/android/development/pdk/ndk/toolchain/binutils-2.17'
22:13.51joel_make: *** [all] Error 2
22:13.53joel_It is from :(
22:13.59volyou paste the url
22:14.03volnot what you put into fpaste
22:14.07voland then we go to the url
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22:14.18voland say "aha, there is the reams of data, which did not need to be pasted into the channel"
22:14.35joel_Sorry, mis-understand...
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22:15.42joel_Thank you for remind,vol.
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22:16.08joel_Here is the error message:
22:16.44andyrossThat's not an error.  Are you sure you don't have stderr redirected?
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22:17.15joel_make does not give me an error until last minute.
22:17.25andyrossAre you sure you don't have stderr redirected?
22:18.00volthere should be some error in there somewhere
22:19.50joel_It is all I got for stderr redirected,
22:20.11joel_using make 1>out.txt 2>err.txt
22:20.22jimpioerror: I can't seem to make the magic work through strace.  It just gets "socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)" and doesn't work.
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22:20.41ioerrorjimp, interesting
22:20.45ioerrorjimp, if you don't strace it?
22:20.46jimpMaybe it's just someone forgot to set both UID and EUID when spawning apps..?
22:21.11jimpIf I reboot the phone and run /system/bin/telnetd it works.
22:21.44ioerrorjimp, if you reboot and run /system/bin/telnetd with strace, no go?
22:21.45jimpIf I reboot the phone and run /data/x it fails with that error.  /data/x contains "/data/local/strace -fF -v -o /data/local/strace.log /system/bin/telnetd"
22:22.01ioerrorjimp, interesting
22:22.18jimpBut it might be a difference in spawning directly vs. spawning though a shell, I don't know.
22:22.34jimp(in the strace, it's EUID=0 if I have +s on /system/bin/sh, and EUID=UID=10040 otherwise)
22:22.41andyrossjoel_: First, don't split the streams like that.  Do "make 2>&1" if you need to capture a single log.  Second, there's a pretty clear error right at the top of that log.  sh is trying to run "no" and complaining that it can't find it.  I don't know what that means either, but the command text (in the other stream!) might be a good clue...
22:22.42Disconnectjasta: i don't think its some big conspiracy. i think the wifi association logic is a mess and the thing drops connection left and right - on purpose - when its got (by it's own admittedly-coarse scale) a good connection. and roaming AP to AP is totally broken.
22:23.23jastayup i'd believe that
22:23.35jastafile a bug and be done with it
22:24.35jasta(or fix it *grin*)
22:24.43joel_andyross: this is the whole thing here:
22:25.15og01anybody got an example of a longclick on a listactivity
22:26.16andyrossjoel_: No idea.  Looks like it's doing its gettext stuff at the time.  Maybe you're missing a development package?
22:27.01jastaog01: i'm sure the ApiDemos does
22:27.35joel_I will do the whole make instead of only make in binutil directory.
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22:27.49jastaog01: it's called a context menu
22:29.06og01jasta: your refering to the list?
22:29.30andyrossrealizes what is being built. joel_: you realize there's a prebuilt toolchain, right?
22:29.55joel_Yes, I know there is prebuilt toolchain.
22:30.00jastaog01: i'm referring to a long click menu.  they are called context menus
22:30.11joel_But I was asked to build one from source.
22:30.49og01jasta: i'll look into it thanks
22:32.00joel_andyross:This is the make log from top folder: , Thank you very much!!!
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22:42.19jimpjoel_: You are missing msgfmt which is usually part of the gettext package.
22:43.02jimpIt's not clear why configure doesn't figure that out automatically ... but installing gettext should fix it
22:49.37pjvWhy can't I use wildcards in a more general way in mimeType in an IntentFilter? For instance "" matches to "" but not to "*", while I think "audio/aiff" to "audio/*" would work. And as I understand I can't change the ""-part. How can I work around this? Or what's the
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22:51.05volfadden: didn't quite work out. "IOException: Data exceeds UNCOMPRESS_DATA_MAX (7064551 vs 1048576)"
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22:53.04faddenvol: two choices
22:53.17faddenoption #1, don't store it compressed.  option #2, try using the Java getResourceAsStream stuff.
22:54.00faddenIncidentally, that's a HUGE library.
22:54.15volwe're basically linking together some smaller libs
22:54.27fadden7MB compressed with deflate?
22:54.31volhowever, there are some alone > 1mb, so that's not something solvable.
22:54.42voler, I suppose so, I could try using deflate by itself.
22:54.47volI just tossed it into the res folder ;|
22:55.42joel_jimp: checked my ubuntu, gettext was there, and msgfmt was found as part of ruby, any idea? Will try to remove gettext then reinstall
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22:56.24volurgh, what command line tool uses deflate?
22:56.37faddengzip, zip
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22:57.03volalright, thought gzip did it.
22:57.23volby default., right? compresses to 1.7mb
22:57.37voler, 1.9
22:57.49burngregDoes anybody have any idea if the source for MyLocationOverlay is available through and if so where I might find it.
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22:58.03faddenvol: so you definitely want that compressed in the APK if at all possible :-)
22:58.49volugh, I went from delightful android land around rc5 6months ago, to grueling useless maintainance programming, back to 1.0_r1 and delving straight into crazy shit like this.
22:59.11volmy head hurts from having to relearn everything
22:59.23andyrossNo doubt you can manually pack an apk with jar or zip, no?
22:59.42volyeah, I can
23:00.15andyrossBut I agree, that's a scary large library.
23:00.25faddenTry ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream().
23:00.28volandyross: it's more like half an entire program :P
23:01.00andyrossYeah, but 7M of "an entire program" is something like a web browser or word processor....  Did you try -Os?
23:01.17volandyross: nng, don't even recall what the setting is, let me check
23:01.43andyross-mthumb helps a little too if you're really strapped.
23:01.48faddenandyross: I'm guessing it's more about the symbol tables and perhaps debug info than the code gen
23:02.04volyeah, I think that symbol tables and debug stuff is still in there
23:02.08andyrossYeah, good point . "strip" works better than any code generation flag will :)
23:02.09faddenAndroid does some fancy "prelink" stuff to reduce the symbol tables to the minimum.
23:02.24volyeah, -O0
23:02.40volcould remake with -O, but I'm ready to go home ._.
23:03.24faddenDropping the "-g" will reduce the size a fair bit.
23:04.10volalright, I'm remaking with -O and no -g, lets see how this goes
23:05.15andyrossWhat you really want is "-Os" for a small binary.
23:05.30volI can try that next, I'll see how -O goes by itself
23:06.16andyrossAnd you can get the effect of "no -g flag" with just arm-eabi-strip, you don't need to recompile (although I'm not 100% sure that there are zero changes in the generated code, almost all the extra space is in the debug segments)
23:06.37burngregDoes anybody know how google render the compass in Mylocation overlay as the sensor readings I get from the Orientation Sensor have no relation to the compass bearing and yet the compass on the Map enabled via the MyLocationOverlay works perfectly.
23:06.48faddenandyross: do the defaults work correctly for a .so?
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23:06.54volandyross: Aha, that's what I need to use, was trying just plain old strip :P
23:06.56volstupid me I guess
23:06.58faddeni.e. is it smart enough to leave the rloc tables
23:07.15andyrossNo.  Or not sure.  What I did was copy the flags out of a build log and write a wrapper script.
23:07.17volha, ok, that weighs in at 2.8M
23:07.37voland squeeks in gzipped at 964k!
23:08.33andyrossNope, that's not in there.   --gc-sections, -z,nocopyreloc, --no-undefined are the only linker flags that deal with what to eject, I think.
23:08.40volarm-eabi-strip lops off 500k
23:09.09faddenandyross: those sound like args to the linker, not strip
23:09.38andyrossYes, I thought that was the question.  I haven't tested a strip myself.
23:09.40voland gzipping that takes it to 500k total.
23:09.46volthat might be the ticket then.
23:09.50faddenWell, whatever works.  If the .so doesn't work after stripping, try it in "raw" form before panicing. :-)
23:10.38volso, hold on, you mentioned deflate. Are things in the res dir automatically deflated?
23:10.56faddenPro tip: if your shared library is larger than WebKit, you're doing something wrong. :-)
23:11.34faddenvol: I was referring to deflate in the context of stuff in the APK file being deflated.
23:11.35volas mentioned, we're chunking together several of our shared libs and linking them into this one lib
23:11.47faddenI actually misinterpreted something earlier -- I thought the 7MB was the deflated size, but it's the uncompressed size.
23:12.20faddenThe uncompressed size of an asset is capped at 1MB.  I don't believe the ClassLoader resource stuff has a similar restriction.
23:12.48volSo, I can't put anything larger than 1M (uncompressed) into the APK file?
23:12.59volOr can I?
23:13.35faddenYou can't take something larger than 1MB and use Zip compression on it.  You could have a big fat PNG or MP3 because those don't get compressed by aapt when the zip/apk is created.
23:13.56faddenAnd to further clarify: you can't extract it with the AssetManager.
23:14.00volalright, so it can go into the apk, it just won't be compressed?
23:14.03faddenYou can have it in there, and extract it through other means.
23:14.22faddenaapt knows about jpeg, png, and some others; I don't think it knows about .so.
23:14.27andyrossIsn't a gzip stream exposed in the API somewhere?  No reason you couldn't compress it yourself.
23:14.35volso I get it via ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream?
23:14.47volegh, at this point, I just want it to work
23:14.48faddenvol: that should work, and should not be size-limited.
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23:16.52volRemind me, how should I get the ClassLoader?
23:17.00volI don't just create a new one, I recall you have to get it by calling some method
23:17.04faddenIn your application, this.getClass().getClassLoader().
23:17.09volright : )
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23:17.26faddenOr suitable substitute.
23:17.29volthis.getClassLoader seems to work too
23:18.02andyrossAny advantage to doing that instead of System.load()?  Seems like it needs to end up in the filesystem ultimately so it can be mapped.
23:18.05faddenOnly if "this" is an instance of a class that declares that method.
23:18.18faddenandyross: that's where he's trying to get to.
23:18.28volandyross: $&$@!^(%*&!%(!*&@#
23:18.29faddenIt needs to come out of the app APK and into the filesystem.
23:18.35volplease, PLEASE tell me where I can just place it ON A DEVICE
23:18.38volthat I can just use System.load
23:18.42volbecause I would kiss you
23:18.54volpreferably in a way that ends up distributable to end users without having to use adb push
23:19.07Disconnect..don't kiss him in a distributable way. end users don't want that. trust me.
23:19.17jastaisnt there a libs folder in the apps structure?
23:19.30faddenjasta: yup
23:19.32volthere is
23:19.36andyrossI just put it in /data/data/<java_pkg_name>/
23:19.40jastaand can't you use System.loadLibrary from there?
23:19.46volandyross: emulator or device
23:19.54volI'm trying for device here
23:20.10faddenandyross: the full path ought to come out of the app ContextThingy in case it moves in a future release.
23:20.44Disconnectok where are the docs on the build system? i know they are out there somewhere :)
23:20.54andyrossDevice.  Here, this is Java part of the quickie demo that I meant to pack up but never got around to:
23:21.23andyrossfadden: yeah, indeed.  I wasn't sure where to get that info.
23:22.28andyrossThe other stuff is just a copy of the HelloActivity demo.  initNative() is the only thing you need to bother reading.
23:22.44volergh. What should I be putting as the string in getResourceAsStream here? getResourceName would be nice but my lib doesn't show up in
23:23.16faddenvol: should be the path in the zip file ...
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23:24.18volah, so assets/filename
23:24.45faddenI'm not sure if it's assets/filename or /assets/filename.  Either way, it should work the same as a desktop VM.
23:25.29volahhhh. that seemed to work :)
23:25.49volhooray! :D
23:25.54volit correctly extracted
23:25.55faddenDoes it run?
23:26.02volthat is STEP 3!
23:26.06volStep 2 is "Go home"
23:26.08faddenI thought profit was step 3.
23:26.13volthat's step 5
23:26.21volright after "???"
23:26.38volthanks all of you for helping me through this : )
23:26.56volI don't think I would have correctly thought to do all of this on my own
23:27.35spikebikeI've got a script that will send me a gtalk message to my g1 every time the electoral vote totals change
23:27.45jastajams to band of horses
23:28.11andyrossThat sounds excessively annoying.  Too lazy to just bookmark your election site of choice?
23:28.24jastaand i get to listen to them on my drive home.  *hugs five*
23:28.54spikebikewell I kinda prefer push, track the totals, and not having to keep checking a website
23:29.06andyrossI'm having trouble just dealing with the fact that my wife knows she can IM me on my phone.  I don't need any push mode automated stuff, thank you very much :)
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23:29.55andyrossIt's a brain style thing, I guess.  My stack is deep, but stiff.  Pushing off a context is expensive.
23:30.07spikebikeheh, that's one of my favorite features of the g1
23:30.17spikebikeI'm not reachable via wifi or cellular
23:30.23spikebikeI often have one but not the other
23:31.10jastai still have to go drop my ballot off
23:31.12jastalame :)
23:34.58unix_lappyjasta: lol, you live in the boonies?
23:37.06Dammdear god i live in the same state as jasta.
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23:38.19andyrossInteresting that there are mostly americans here.  Most of the other irc environments I frequent are euro-dominated.   I wonder what that says about the android platform, if anything.
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23:38.51eldenzwell it's only available in US/UK if i'm not mistaken, no?
23:39.37andyrossYeah, but the SDK and buzz is reasonably global.  Certainly stuff like the iPhone, etc... are pretty internatinoal.
23:40.09spikebikeengland came out recently
23:40.29eldenziphone is available almost everywhere in europe
23:40.41jastaunix_lappy: no, i live in a major city.
23:40.57andyrossRight.  My point was more sociological: is there something about android that appeals to americans specifically, or is it just dumb luck?
23:40.58eldenzpeople probably can't stand you guys talking about G1 wihle they can't get one ;) (like me;<)
23:41.07pjvandyross: europeans here too, including me
23:41.51jastaDamm: pardon me?
23:42.11unix_lappyandyross: it was the first country to get it's hands on the device?
23:42.21jbqis French
23:42.27unix_lappyandyross: i'd like to see the distribution of countries in the ADC as well.
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23:47.04jastaman i can't wait to see how Washington votes
23:47.07jastathis is gonna be hilarious
23:47.07jaakkeehas anyone had success using wpa_supplicant for wpa2 enterprise since we gained root access?
23:47.19Dougie187lol who are you gunnin for?
23:47.35jastathat's not really the point.
23:47.41jastai just mean that Washington is *so* predictable :)
23:47.41Dougie187i understand.
23:47.48eldenzare the votes underway now? any link for an overview of votes so far?
23:47.50Dougie187like oregon..
23:48.01Dougie187florida's polls end in 15 minutes
23:48.21jastai bet itll be like 70 to 30 in washington
23:48.35Dougie187for who?
23:48.50sodenroxbunch of blackies in washington
23:48.54Dougie187i didn't know who washington goes for mostly.
23:48.55jastaor <insert democrat here>
23:48.57andyrossWA and OR have only been predictably "blue" the last two or three cycles.  The inner part of the states are libertarian wild west areas.
23:49.00Dougie187but oregon will go to obama
23:49.46jbqdo all polls in florida end in 15 minutes, or just in *most* of florida? (been there, done that)
23:49.49trigatch4Dougie187... florida ends at 8pm EST
23:49.52trigatch4not 7PM
23:49.56Dougie187oh i thought it ended at 7
23:49.56andyrossAnd there are lots of results pages out there.  Any US news organization will have a big graphic on the front page.  Indiana is coming in right now, should be a few hours yet before they start calling the important east coast states (pennsylvania, virginia, florida...)
23:50.02trigatch4Virginia is at 7pm
23:50.13spikebikehrm, I think it's working
23:50.49trigatch4If McCain wins, I'd put money on rioting in multiple cities
23:51.00Dougie187a few poles have closed already
23:51.11sodenroxbecause americans are stupid
23:51.17sodenroxfirst we put bush in for 2 terms
23:51.23sodenroxnow we are gonna put obama in
23:51.31trigatch4who is stupid here?
23:51.34trigatch4mccain = bush
23:51.40Dougie187omg.. don't start a political argument in here.
23:51.40trigatch4you are contradicting yourself buddy
23:51.41Dougie187please.. lol
23:51.48trigatch4yeah i'm stopping
23:51.50trigatch4i'm done
23:51.52sodenroxlol i voted democrat in the last 2 elections
23:51.55sodenroxme too.
23:52.10trigatch4i don't really care
23:52.11andyrossOK, no politics please.  Discussion about the election might not get us in trouble, but the stuff above is a flame fest waiting to happen.
23:52.16trigatch4the only thing to discuss is talking points
23:52.20Dougie187political arguments get way to personal.
23:52.20trigatch4and i'm independent anyways
23:52.25sodenroxme too
23:53.02sodenroxbut we will see in a few hours ^^
23:53.47sodenroxhave any apps been created that use the g-sensor
23:54.00eldenzsomeone hit me with a result link, can't find a meaningful one
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23:55.22orcihi all, after umounting the android sdcard from my ubuntu desktop, android still tells me that it is busy, I guess it does not automatically remount it, how can I remount it to android
23:55.24andyrosseldenz: is probably fine, I'm looking at for analysis, not sure how fresh the data is.
23:56.04eldenzthanks andyross
23:56.05spikebikeorci I've had pull the usb
23:56.06RyeBryeorci - I unplug and replug in the USB
23:56.18RyeBryethey haven't declared a winner yet?
23:56.25RyeBryeI could have done that yesterday
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23:56.52spikebikeslurps a cnn scraper in python and when the totals change it will IM me
23:56.53heatRyeBrye: Bob Barr?
23:56.57spikebike15:55:30 Obama=(0, 0) Mccain=(0, 0)
23:57.13orciRyeBrye, spikebike oh is that the right way of handling this
23:57.22RyeBryeRight way... ? maybe :)
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23:57.30orcirightous :)
23:57.47orciRyeBrye, proper may be more proper
23:58.10spikebikenot sure if a usb client can tell when the usb server is done with the filesystem
23:58.26RyeBryeThe iPod does, doesn't it?
23:58.30spikebike(if the usb connection is still present)
23:58.36spikebikethe ipod as storage?
23:58.42spikebikeor the ipod as the object interface?
23:58.45RyeBryeI think it has a "you may disconnect now"
23:58.54spikebikenot sure I ever got that working in linux
23:59.06RyeBryehmm... good point... I don't know if I've done that in linux
23:59.14andyrossNo amount of USB device intelligence can protect it against a dirty cache on the host though.  USB storage for active devices like phones was a terrible idea.
23:59.58andyross(actually USB storage for filesystems like FAT was a terrible idea too, for the same reason)

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