IRC log for #android on 20081102

00:00.09SamSeriousAny suggestions where to start? I've looked into hello world. But, since I don't know java I could not figure out much.. :|
00:00.31cbeust_SamSerious: I think "Thinking in Java" is still considered a decent beginner book and it's free
00:01.10SamSeriouscool. Thanks cbeust_, I'll give it a try.
00:01.23tmccraryYeah, make sure you write and compile your hello world app using something like gedit and the command line tools
00:01.31tmccraryeclipse hides a lot of stuff that you should know about
00:02.17donomoi cant believe i have to instance a socket factory in order to instance a socket. im surprised there isnt a socket factory manager i have to instance first.
00:03.31Cedric_donomo: pretty easy to write if you need one, but the extra flexibility offered by the factory comes in handy
00:03.59donomoCedric_: yeah i like factories in general, i just expected the socket creation mechanism to be a static method.
00:04.57Cedric_Java sometimes lacks higher level convenience functions like this one (another example would be a copyFile method)
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00:05.37elad1Core Java by hosrtmann are all good
00:05.55SoriumIs this most popular Android channel on IRC?
00:05.55romainguydonomo: you don't have to create a socket factory
00:06.00romainguyyou can create a socket directly
00:06.28jshermanheh actually i think the android code is probably on the better side of code i've seen in terms of not overusing patterns
00:06.29donomoromainguy: what im using is sock = (new PlainSocketFactory()).createSocket();
00:06.38romainguywhy no new Socket()?
00:07.06donomoromainguy: Ha Ha. i never thought of that.
00:07.14romainguyyou have a twisted mind :)
00:07.29jshermanon one project I worked on it seemed like the other developers tried to cram as many design patterns as possible into each file
00:08.00romainguyit's often the mark of beginners or not-so-good programmers
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00:08.40Soriumi'm simultneously learning JAva and the Andriod SDK -- not an easy task haha
00:09.09michaelnovakjr__new Socket() works just fine :)
00:11.50Soriumim tryin to write an RSS reader for Android
00:11.58Soriumanyone know any helpful links on doin this
00:13.01*** part/#android Sorium (
00:13.10d0netshow would it be innovative
00:13.13d0netscompared to google reader
00:13.20DarkriftXhe left
00:13.20elad1is TSheets a webview app?
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00:13.27DarkriftXwasnt popular enough for him in here
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00:14.08DarkriftXand he returns
00:14.11d0netssorium whats wrong with google reader
00:14.35Soriumnothin -- just lookin for an exercise to increase my android skillz
00:14.51d0netshelp me
00:14.58d0netsim trying to port a guitar tuner
00:15.15michaelnovakjr__skills ends with an s not a z
00:15.19AlekseyHow do I check for updates for installed market apps?
00:18.16Cedric_Aleksey: can't right now, you need to do it manually
00:18.59jshermanwhere can I find the licenses for the stuff on the G1
00:19.04jshermane.g. people posted ROM dumps online
00:19.05jshermanis that legal?
00:19.54neekersaleksey, you can have your program on the G1 perodically check a website for updates
00:21.07coding1what games for Android exists atm?
00:21.16neekersand then inform the user an update is available
00:21.19Cedric_Quite a few, look in the Games section
00:21.31Cedric_PacMan is one of the most popular :)
00:22.25coding1Is android able to code games similar to PSP ?
00:22.57tmccraryDo you guys know if there are any xvid capable video players for android?
00:23.19Alekseyneekers, how
00:23.49languishsuggestion for android.. on the screen lock screen.. allow users to add a name to the device.  We have a couple of g1's in the house and sometimes have to take a moment to figure out which is which. It'd be easier to look at the screenlock info and just "see"
00:23.54romainguycoding1: you can write games, even 3d games, but the PSP is more powerful for games
00:24.08languishanyway, tome for sushi
00:24.09romainguylanguish: file a feature request
00:24.20Cedric_languish: Good point, I use a sticker on mine to tell it from my wife's
00:24.24languishromainguy, 'k
00:24.29coding1romainguy: so we cannot code quality games?
00:24.34romainguyCedric_: mine is the one with the serial number :)
00:24.37tmccraryThe G1 should be pretty comparable, if you had native access
00:24.39romainguycoding1: I didn't say that
00:24.47tmccraryDalvik is what slows Android down
00:24.51Cedric_romainguy: yeah mine only has a serial number on the keyboard
00:24.53romainguytmccrary: not really
00:24.54tmccraryno hardware acceleration, no jit
00:25.02romainguythere is hardware acceleration for OpenGL
00:25.10tmccraryyeah but that's not what I'm talking about
00:25.17Cedric_tmccrary: I know a few people who would say Dalvik is what makes Java fast on Android :)
00:25.42tmccraryyeah, they'd be called "mentall challenged"
00:25.56Cedric_Er, not exactly, no
00:26.02Cedric_They are actually pretty good at what they do
00:26.14romainguyremembers our prototype before Dream, it was running faster than Windows Mobile, on the same device
00:26.41jshermanandroid runs much faster on the touch than windowsmobile
00:26.44michaelnovakjr__tmccrary: :)
00:26.49michaelnovakjr__it makes java fast
00:26.54coding1romainguy: and Android how many times faster than WinMob is?
00:27.00romainguyjsherman: that's not possible, Android doesn't have a JIT!!
00:27.35jshermani guess by "faster" i mean
00:27.36romainguyjsherman: that was sarcasm
00:27.37jshermanit feels faster
00:27.39jshermanah ok
00:27.39tmccraryI'm experienced with game development, I've been the lead developer on a pretty serious game engine for PC's
00:27.48michaelnovakjr__romainguy: i think the appropriate comparsion would be Android is more responsive than WinMo
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00:28.03Cedric_tmccrary: Were you writing your games in Java?
00:28.03coding1tmccrary: are you the one who ruined Starcraft?
00:28.11tmccraryCedric_: yep
00:28.15jshermanactually for raw #s, data transfers were faster too
00:28.18michaelnovakjr__are you kidding?
00:28.28jshermanwhich is strance since I figured winmo uses the BSD stack
00:28.29tmccraryyes, I ruined starcraft, sorry :(
00:28.34michaelnovakjr__tmccrary: you were writing games for windows in java?
00:28.36romainguymichaelnovakjr__: no really, I've seen it draw faster :)
00:28.49tmccrarygames for windows in java?
00:28.52jshermanmaybe they added dumb stuff ontop of it and ruined the beautiful BSD networking stack
00:29.23michaelnovakjr__you said you wrote windows games in Java
00:29.32tmccraryNo I didn't
00:29.51michaelnovakjr__tmccrary: Were you writing your games in Java?
00:30.01michaelnovakjr__Cedric_: yep
00:30.19coding1I never seen a decent Java based Game, that was atractive to play... most were boring
00:30.37tmccraryyeah, there haven't been many
00:30.46unix_infidelfreespace2000 was in java iirc.
00:30.58tmccrarymichaelnovakjr: Yes, we have a java version of our engine, it complements our C++ implementation and is used inside eclipse for tools
00:31.01unix_infidelerm, freespace2
00:31.13tmccrarythey are based around the same set of specifications
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00:31.25tmccraryand they use the same format
00:31.42michaelnovakjr__interesting, wouldn't have thought java made sense for that
00:31.59tmccraryJava is very, very fast today, with all the fancy JIT and everything
00:32.10Cedric_tmccrary: interesting. Is it because Eclipse is better for development than your C++ IDE?
00:32.16coding1what is JIT?
00:32.25tmccraryEclipse is our C++ IDE
00:32.28Dougie187michaelnovakjr: hows it going?
00:32.35tmccraryand our Java IDE and our python IDE
00:32.50Cedric_tmccrary: kinda answers my question, the JDT is better than the CDT :)
00:33.00tmccraryyeah, much better
00:33.05tmccraryalthough CDT is at least usable now
00:33.12Cedric_I hear it's making good progress
00:33.18tmccrarythere was a time when it was not very good at all
00:33.31tmccraryI guess you could say that about Java and Eclipse as well
00:34.07michaelnovakjr__Dougie187: howdy
00:34.19tmccrarycoding1: Just In Time Compilation
00:34.28michaelnovakjr__tmccrary: Java is good for certain things, i just didn't think games was one of them
00:34.46coding1so Android has JIT as well?
00:34.51romainguyinterestingly Java has been used for parts of games
00:35.03romainguyI think it was IL2 Sturmovik that had a physics engine written in Java
00:35.13tmccraryFrom a graphics standpoint, the language performance doesn't even matter today, at least with hardware accelerated paths
00:35.29Cedric_A JIT is not that much of a clearcut improvement on a mobile device
00:35.36tmccraryYou typically try to keep most calls to the graphics api to a minimum and batch data wherever possible
00:35.37Cedric_still worth considering though
00:35.44romainguya generational GC would be a much better improvement
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00:37.06andatcheis there any way to empty the trash, thus removing deleted messages in the mail client?
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00:44.06Korzunstill no 3g in nyc
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00:45.07Ramblurris it possible to debug services in remote sessions?
00:45.28elad1wow no 3g in nyc?
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00:45.35Ramblurris it possible to debug a remote service  (i.e., a an out of process service)?
00:45.36elad1thats hard to believe
00:47.01michaelnovakjr__elad1: i have 3G in New York
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00:51.06Korzunno you don't
00:51.08Korzunyou have edge
00:51.10Korzunthere is outage.
00:51.46wastreli'm on edge
00:51.57wastrelbut it's ok i'm at home so actually i'm on wifi
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00:54.04*** join/#android Damm (
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01:24.54michaelnovakjr__Korzun: maybe for you
01:24.59michaelnovakjr__i have the 3G icon
01:26.34andatcheis there no way to actually delete mail from trash in the mail app?
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01:40.41Dammandatche, the Email application doesn't delete mail for IMAP for me.
01:40.44Dammso I switched to K9
01:41.09andatcheyeah, I may have to do the same
01:41.14andatcheseems a bit silly that it doesn't
01:43.39*** join/#android coding (
01:45.03Dammthat's what you get for running a beta phone
01:45.21Dammis still waiting for rc29
01:45.27Dammor whatever... (is on rc19)
01:46.01andatcheI'm on TC5 - RC7 apparently
01:46.04andatche(in the uk)
01:46.05zhobbsDamm: you can do it manually
01:46.10Dammzhobbs, how?
01:46.31romainguyandatche: yes the UK have TC5
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01:46.49andatcheusing any cut you can create a shortcut to a page with an update button on it
01:47.26romainguyDamm: the update will come
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01:47.34andatcheromainguy: that newer than RC29?
01:47.51romainguyit's another branch
01:48.12Dammromainguy, updating now.
01:48.16romainguyso you're TC5 RC7 is the equivalent of TC4 RC29 or 28
01:48.28romainguywith some adjustments for the UK
01:48.37andatcheoh, ok. any major differences between the branches?
01:48.51romainguyjust stuff required for UK launch
01:48.58zhobbsno amazon
01:48.59romainguywhich are probably very minimal
01:53.43Korzunhow can i check for updates for market apps
01:54.27zhobbsKorzun: there's no built in way to do that :(
01:54.51Cedric_Korzun: yeah can't do that right now, but we're working on it
01:54.53*** join/#android tchwbs (
01:58.23Dammjust replace the app
01:58.32*** join/#android OpnSrc1 (i=harisha1@gateway/tor/x-8e376f88efe262b8)
01:58.40Dammwhen K-9 gets updated, go to the market, and click install, and it'll overwrite the old version
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02:07.41elad1romain: around?
02:07.50*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
02:09.55elad1man android is so lovely
02:09.56michaelnovakjr__Damm, does that replace the accounts too?
02:10.17*** join/#android philsw__ (
02:10.20elad1i must get the android tattooed on me
02:11.20Dammmichaelnovakjr__, ? accounts?
02:11.31michaelnovakjr__for k-9
02:11.32Dammmichaelnovakjr__, you need to delete your regular Email account before you add it in K-9
02:11.38Dammoh replacing it keeps your stuff
02:11.47DammI reinstalled K-9 and lost nothing.
02:12.08michaelnovakjr__awesome, it would kinda suck if you had to enter your account each time you update it
02:12.23Dammit sucked the first time.
02:12.33DammI had Email crash on me because my SMTP server was having issues
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02:13.27michaelnovakjr__i haven't messed with Email, i have my google apps email through the gmail app
02:13.37wastreli had the home app crash
02:13.41wastrelalso the browser
02:13.54DammI use Email because suprise... I have an IMAP account elsewhere that I want my email on
02:14.02Dammand I refuse to have Google be my only email client.
02:14.26DammK-9 is just a minor upgrade to Email, if you use Gmail... stick to the built in crud
02:14.28elad1wastrel: if you exit out of a browser close quickly, you can crash it everytime..
02:14.39elad1also some bugs with taskmanager and home app sometimes
02:15.17Dammi'm looking for an app to close stuff that refuses to close..
02:16.52d0netsarent we all
02:17.33Dammas long as it doesn't cost 19.99 I think i'll be happy.
02:18.08DarkriftXi know its been asked but my xchat has a small buffer. If i want to get started (learning to) write stuff for android, what do i need to setup. I am on kubuntu 7.10 if that matters
02:18.17DarkriftXdo I just need the sdk?
02:19.17BHSPitLappythat, and a latest version of Eclipse from their site
02:19.29michaelnovakjr__that and Java 1.5 is a good idea
02:19.39BHSPitLappythe Eclipse in the repos isn't new enough
02:19.42DarkriftXwow, that site has changed a lot this week
02:19.47wastreldo ou know java?
02:19.58DarkriftXbut i learn fast ;)
02:21.37michaelnovakjr__Eclipse in the repo sucks
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02:28.06tweaktdo yourself a favor and go get 3.4 from ;-)
02:29.17zhobbsyeah, ganymede is nice
02:29.32*** join/#android luck (
02:30.33michaelnovakjr__big improvement
02:30.47languishdamn, still only have edge, no 3g
02:31.12DarkriftXok, eclipse installed and androidized
02:31.14andatchetrying to install the eclipse plugin is causing me problems
02:31.27andatchewhen trying to add the repo I just get an error saying no repo exists at .....
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02:31.45andatchethis is on 3.4 EE
02:31.45DarkriftXyou on eclipse 3.3 or 3.4?
02:31.54DarkriftXits "add site" i thought
02:32.56andatcheadd site, then I enter the url ( and get an error
02:33.17DarkriftXtry removing the s on https
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02:34.18andatchenope, still the same, something is complaining about unconnected sockets not implemented
02:34.20BHSPitLappyandatche, yeah, make it http
02:34.48BHSPitLappytry again and make sure it's correct?
02:35.23andatcheok, seems happy now
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02:40.45Dammretarded, can't get the update to work.
02:40.52Dammcan't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
02:40.55Dammno such file or directory
02:41.04*** join/#android crib- (
02:41.35DarkriftXtry a non factory sd card
02:41.48DammDarkriftX, I kinda figured that was part of the problem.
02:42.06DarkriftXnot proven yet, but seems to be the issue for a lot of ppl
02:42.55Dammi'll just dd it, save it... then properly fdisk it
02:42.58Dammand see if that helps
02:44.04DarkriftXprob wont, some of the ppl with problems seemed like knowledgeable linux users and im sure they would have tried that
02:44.10DarkriftXbut please let me know if it does
02:44.19Dammnothing to loose as i'm making a backup
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02:45.43meoblast001anyone giveing away free g1s?
02:46.09zhobbsin the UK they are supposedly
02:46.14zhobbsand still no one got one
02:46.47meoblast001i have sprint
02:46.54meoblast001but my mom said shes sick of sprint
02:47.04meoblast001so we're going to AT&T or T-Mobile
02:47.11meoblast001whichever one will give us the best no-contract deal
02:47.22andatcheI got my G1 free on tmobile in the UK
02:48.20Dammoh wow... the G1 is slow for USB access
02:48.29Dammmakes me wish I had a Micro SD card reader.
02:49.01Dammi'll just steal my woman's memory card.
02:50.36Dammtook 5minutes to copy 124meg
02:50.38Dammvia dd...
02:53.44zhobbsDamm: that seems slow to me...
02:55.52Dammzhobbs, you think?
02:56.03DarkriftXw00t, im an android programmer now! i just copied and pasted my hello world and ran it. lookout world, here comes Goodbye World :S
02:56.05Dammhrm, maybe my system
02:56.07zhobbshehe, I mean, seems slower than I've experienced
02:56.10DarkriftXdisables sarcasm now
02:57.04zhobbscoding on a saturday night....makes me wish I didn't procrastinate all week...
02:57.42Dammso i'm going to just hit the power on this box as it's decided to have a fit me doing this
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03:04.49Dammthat's exactly it
03:04.55Dammit's the partiton table on the factory disks
03:05.14Dammmy woman's memory card has 1 partiton while the factory disk was formatted with no actual partitons
03:05.24Damm(e.g. mount /dev/sdb /mnt) = factory
03:05.28Dammworking one is /dev/sdb1 /mnt
03:06.39Dammi don't know if i can modify the partiton table though the phone, and I have no clue where my microsd to sd adapter is.
03:07.21Dammbut i'll try once it's updated :)
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03:13.01tweaktwhere do I put audio files to have them as resources in my project?
03:13.39tweakt'drawable' ? seems wierd...
03:14.16zhobbsres/raw maybe?
03:15.43DarkriftXgood to hear damn
03:15.56DarkriftXalso from what ive heard, RC29 fixes that problem so it wouldnt matter from now on anyways
03:16.39DammDarkriftX, now i can't seem to get it to mount on my mac.
03:18.48Dammah no medium found
03:19.07zhobbsyou're done for
03:19.26Dammzhobbs, on the memory card?
03:19.30Dammit's just time to reformat it prolly
03:20.01Dammoh i see, weird... first it comes as sdb1, then disconnects and comes back as sdb
03:20.05Dammwith no medium found
03:21.00DarkriftXthats how sd cards always show on my system
03:21.08DarkriftXsda, sdb, sdc
03:21.22DarkriftXits like even thogh ejected its still registered and the next letter gets assigned
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03:22.00DammDarkriftX, yep.
03:22.05Dammand my mac won't see it
03:22.08Dammi'm sure it's similar
03:22.33Dammbut the phone clearly see's it and uses it.
03:22.38Dammwishes it had OBEX already.
03:22.48DarkriftXthats how it was before, the phone could read it but the bootloader couldnt
03:24.09*** join/#android weilawei (
03:24.22Dammwell I now have a SD card I can use for the next update.
03:24.26weilaweiokay so a common method of exchanging phones is for one guy to call another, but not pick up. you go to the missed call and save the #
03:24.29weilaweihow do i do that on my g1?
03:24.31weilaweii cant seem to find an option for it
03:24.46Dammoh dur
03:24.50Dammselect the notification
03:24.55Dammand it gives you an option of mount and do not mount
03:25.29weilaweiis there a firmware past 1.0 now?
03:25.38weilaweihas not seen an update type of thingie
03:25.55DammDarkriftX, seems to be using a standard partiton table.... (non guid/gpt)
03:26.04andyrossweilawei: Not sure, but I'm pretty sure that version number refers to the boot firmware, which isn't likely to change, ever.
03:26.43weilaweii hope it does so we get full on bluetooth profiles
03:26.51weilaweicurrently bluetooth is well nigh useless on th g1
03:26.55andyrossThere was an update already pushed to the device software, which is now current at R29
03:27.25DarkriftXDamm, is your card a sandisk?
03:27.41weilaweiandyross: uh... firmware, baseband, kernek, or build? xD
03:27.59weilaweiso many versions, so little time
03:28.00DammDarkriftX, no
03:28.12Dammtranscend afaik
03:28.17DarkriftXsomeone else posted they got a sandisk 1g with their g1
03:28.29DarkriftXanything identifiable on the card itself?
03:28.41andyross"baseband" is the goofball name of the secondary CPU that manages the phone itself.  We can't touch that, and don't really care about what software version it's running as long as it isn't buggy.  The kernel/build numbers will go together in a single release.
03:28.44DarkriftXsanDisk 1gb 082280342OC2EJ <-- this guy said his worked
03:29.12weilaweimine is sandisk 1g
03:29.21weilaweijust got my g1 this week
03:29.24DarkriftXdid the manual update work for you?
03:29.29DarkriftXor did you wait for the OTA
03:29.31weilaweimanual update?
03:29.43weilaweii havent seen anything about updates
03:29.45DarkriftXyeah, manually forcing the OTA update
03:29.46weilaweihow do i do it?
03:30.23DarkriftXyou arent in the uk are you?
03:30.28DarkriftXnot sure if it works on uk g1's
03:31.33weilaweidoes the update fix anything i need?
03:31.35weilaweiim in the US
03:31.39weilaweicause itworks fine right now
03:31.41DarkriftXminor bugs
03:31.46weilaweiand i dont want to mess with it since im taking a trip tomorrow
03:32.02DarkriftXfair enough, you will get it soon anyways
03:32.11DarkriftXthis is just for ppl that do not want to wait for it
03:32.19weilaweiyeah but im definitely going to play with this stuff sooner than later
03:32.22Dammnow to install a mkfs.vfat
03:32.35weilaweiive got the adroid source and ive been reading through it, mostly the binder/servicemanager code
03:32.41weilaweii want to run apps off the SD card
03:32.43weilaweiso im working on that
03:33.03Dammweilawei, does android currently let you run them off the SD card?
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03:34.59DammDarkriftX, yes you can fdisk through the phone.
03:35.13Dammso it's totally possible to just dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=4
03:35.26Dammthen fdisk it, create a regular partiton table, then mkfs.vfat it, and put on it
03:35.43Dammwaves to DannyB.
03:38.25DarkriftXok, i got my hello android app working. I do not know java but ive done a little bit of php/perl and some scripting. what would be the best thing for me to jump into? (i learn better editing and tweaking stuff than i do from reading).
03:38.57DarkriftXare there any other example programs or walkthroughs i would want to look at?
03:39.21DarkriftXahh, thx
03:40.07Dammso thank you all for helping me update and do a little fun
03:40.15DarkriftXheh, enjoy
03:40.39DarkriftXif you find out anymore about brand/serial on the card, please post here:
03:43.45Korzuntmobile where is my 3g
03:44.03Korzunsick of outages
03:44.23eladhaving trouble with goog maps
03:44.30umdk1d3hmm is there a good way of "tinting" a textview?
03:44.32Dammwow perfect signal
03:44.34Damm-51 dbm
03:44.57zhobbsumdk1d3: change textview font to be darker?
03:45.00umdk1d3Korzun: have you called tmobile customer service?
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03:45.12umdk1d3zhobbs: well, more like making the background tinted a specific color, like greenish
03:45.16Korzunumdk1d3, yeah.. they have recording saying its an outage
03:45.19Korzunevery weekend
03:45.24umdk1d3Korzun: ouch thats a bummer  :/
03:45.35eladDamm: -81 here
03:45.40mimorIs there a way to put android on a SonyEricson P910i ?
03:45.50mimorI saw some pictures of the p990i running it :)
03:45.59gdsxDamm: -51 is pretty sweet
03:46.37umdk1d3-63 dbm here  ^.^
03:46.43eladi go and work out and because everyone is closed, i had to get a sonic burger..........
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03:47.14umdk1d3-63 on a gprs network doesnt count tho  ;)
03:47.49umdk1d3ooh now i have -101 dbm on an edge tower lol
03:49.34zhobbsanyone have any ideas how to setup a quick launch shortcut to the wifi settings? search + w to pull up wifi settings would be nice :)
03:49.43eladthe closer to 0 is better or?
03:49.47michaelnovakjr__hm, trying to add my device to the computer and the device doesn't show up in the list
03:49.58Damm-51 is just about perfect
03:50.01gdsxelad: more-positive is better
03:50.11Damm-101 is 2 bars
03:50.34gdsxelad: dBm actually stands for dBmW, "decibel milliwatts"
03:51.02gdsxelad: so it's a log scale of power (hence why it's negative)
03:51.29gdsxwell... not power, but a power ratio
03:51.44jasta9pm the next night and i'm finally feeling recovered from my party last night :)
03:51.50gdsxDamm: 2 bars because it's got two "1"s in it? :o)
03:52.25wastrelzhobbs: anycut or there's another app on the marketplace now that would work
03:53.02wastreltoggle settings
03:53.05zhobbswastrel: I couldn't figure out how to do it with anycut?  I see how to add shortcuts to your home screen, but not the quick launch
03:53.37Dammgdsx, no, -101 is 2-3 bars
03:53.39Dammtypically 2
03:53.50wastrelok what's the quick launch :]
03:54.19zhobbswastrel: settings -> applications -> quick launch
03:54.28zhobbssearch + b = browser, search + m = maps, etc
03:56.10zhobbsyeah, wanted to make search + w wifi
03:57.10Dammzhobbs, btw, I wasn't hosed.
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04:00.00DannyBDamm: how are you
04:00.55KorzunGuys I really need to transfer MMS picture i recieved, someone please help me it's picture of my nephew
04:01.02KorzunI can't save it to phone or e-mail it
04:01.02eladits possbile to modify system settings via another app, correct?
04:01.17eladkrozun, long press or menu it?
04:01.37KorzunNo luck
04:02.18DammDannyB, doing much better now that I updated to rc29, got my card fixed :)
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04:07.31KorzunYou guys updating android os?
04:07.38KorzunCan I read up on procedure?
04:12.08romainguy_just wait
04:12.15romainguy_you'll get an update from T-Mobile automatically
04:12.50michaelnovakjr__does the music player offer any intents to other apps? where can i see that info
04:12.53Korzunromainguy_, I need to save picture from MMS :(
04:13.04eladDarkriftX: heh
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04:13.57elad<DarkriftX> w00t, im an android programmer
04:14.11eladwas in backlog thinking that was current heh
04:14.21DarkriftXlol, couldnt resist
04:14.45DarkriftXi went 1337 with it and made it say "Goodbye World", thats some skillz there
04:26.17muthuyo mo jo
04:26.24muthuslideme is hiring.. cool
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04:27.46zhobbsmuthu: shane is hiring developers?
04:28.38muthuzhobbs: yeah
04:28.43muthuequity stake
04:29.09muthuslideme will be a viable alternate to market
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04:29.27michaelnovakjr__eh, wouldn't you only want the one Market?
04:29.34michaelnovakjr__its nice to have one place to look
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04:29.41muthuchoice is good
04:29.57wastreli'm pro choice
04:29.58michaelnovakjr__its annoying to have to download slideme because a developer only put it there
04:30.36muthui like the way the slideme guys have approached this
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04:31.18muthuonly one market will take the consumers for a ride
04:31.24umdk1d3okay seriously wtf, people are using market comments to argue about political stuff
04:31.43michaelnovakjr__muthu, how does it take them for a ride?
04:31.46umdk1d3"vote mccain and not the antiamerican unexperienced obama"
04:31.55muthumichaelnovakjr__: isn't it what called monopoly?
04:32.01muthuand isn't that bad for consumers?
04:32.02Cedric_umdk1d3: what application has this comment? I'll have it removed
04:32.07umdk1d3"vote obama 08 and yes on #2 for all us potheads thank you"   lol  :P
04:32.14geistno dont kill the application!
04:32.18geistit didn't mean it
04:32.22Cedric_I want to have the comment removed
04:32.25geistthe comments are unreleated!
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04:33.48michaelnovakjr__muthu, what do you mean by taken for a ride?
04:33.52michaelnovakjr__i dont' follow
04:34.15muthumichaelnovakjr__: for some reason, the market banned you.. for ex
04:34.21muthuits good to have some alternates
04:34.31michaelnovakjr__who the developer?
04:34.41muthuyeah, the developer or the app.. whatever
04:35.00michaelnovakjr__i don't think you get banned unless there's good reason...
04:35.20languishthere could be controversial business reasons that have nothiong to do with the dev
04:35.20Cedric_muthu still has a point, having alternative markets is good for everyone
04:35.50michaelnovakjr__i guess, i just don't see myself using slideme
04:35.57languishme either
04:35.59michaelnovakjr__when there's already a market provided
04:36.08zhobbsyeah, but the alternative won't be viable until google does start banning/screwing over people
04:36.22zhobbsuntil then everyone will be fine with the normal Market
04:36.39michaelnovakjr__true, but i don't see it being an issue
04:36.46michaelnovakjr__Google stated its a security thing
04:36.47zhobbsmichaelnovakjr__: I don't think it will be either
04:36.50languishbut I do think there should be an single site for listing ALL apps, and mentioning what app store they're in, includng apps that infividual dev's may put on their own sites, and not in a market
04:37.05michaelnovakjr__if the app got banned im not sure i'd get it somewhere else :) you never know :)
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04:37.36michaelnovakjr__i have an apk on my site, but it will definitely be in the market too
04:37.45michaelnovakjr__makes it easy for the use
04:38.11umdk1d3once market takes off, i could see something like a digg-style apps list
04:38.13languishassume some app has a piece of technology in it that google and any google affiliate is banned legally from having anything to do with due to some patent dispute
04:38.16umdk1d3that maybe even points intents over to market
04:38.24languishbut the dev has full rights to distribute it
04:38.28umdk1d3to really help good apps bubble up to the top over all the noise
04:38.33languishit may get pulled from the market
04:39.03languishdoes that mean consumers shouldn't have a way to get it through another market?
04:39.16muthua digg for android apps - great idea
04:39.32michaelnovakjr__i'm not saying another market is a bad idea, but i just won't use those apps
04:39.42michaelnovakjr__i don't need two markets on my phone :)
04:39.56michaelnovakjr__you don't install two AIM clients right?
04:40.08languishwhat if you find apps on other markets you'd really enjoy using or need for business?
04:40.29michaelnovakjr__i'd just write an open source one and stick it on the Google market
04:40.40michaelnovakjr__or just not use it :) depends on importance
04:40.41muthualternate market makes sense already.. coz you can list your paid apps
04:40.48umdk1d3michaelnovakjr__: there is a non-compete in the market upload terms
04:41.01michaelnovakjr__non-compete in what way?
04:41.05umdk1d3thats why we dont see slidemes app in googles market
04:41.08michaelnovakjr__if its not on the market :)
04:41.26Cedric_'m pretty sure that if an app gets banned from Market, it will be for good reasons and you probably won't want to use it at all, but I'm probably biased :)
04:41.38michaelnovakjr__:) i agree Cedric_
04:42.09michaelnovakjr__i wouldn't pay for an app either, so that kills my need for a paid market
04:42.15languishI think both good reasons and business reasons would exist for apps being banned from the market, and the latter, is not necessarily a good reason
04:42.37michaelnovakjr__which is why there's good and business reasons :)
04:42.44michaelnovakjr__good distinction
04:42.58DarkriftXumdk1d3, care to give more details on the non-compete
04:43.14DarkriftXmeaning a dev cannot put his app on the market and on another type of market?
04:43.16languishand then there's reasons of legality, which may or may not fall under business reasons
04:43.37languishand I don't mean "illegal" or unlawful
04:43.41michaelnovakjr__yea umdk1d3 what does the non-compete include?
04:43.55umdk1d3DarkriftX: its meant to prevent adding a second "Market"-like app into Market for distribution
04:44.07umdk1d3so like adding the SlideMe app to Google's Market
04:44.14DarkriftXoh, i c
04:44.19languishwhich is a good business reason :)
04:44.22michaelnovakjr__what about two RSS Readers, a crappy one and a good one ?
04:44.33michaelnovakjr__does that not apply
04:44.34umdk1d3you still can totally list your normal app in any number stores/markets you want
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04:44.50michaelnovakjr__makes sense
04:45.00umdk1d3ive played with the OI reader, it works--but havent tried the other one
04:45.17umdk1d3ive been halfway creeped out by the permissions some of these apps ask for, and so i dont install them
04:45.20michaelnovakjr__i haven't tried either yet
04:45.24michaelnovakjr__umdk1d3: yea
04:45.29umdk1d3liek why does weather channel need to send txt msgs?  o.o
04:45.42michaelnovakjr__umdk1d3: i was going to have Glance ask for your location
04:45.51umdk1d3roooofl  :P
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04:46.00michaelnovakjr__umdk1d3: and to place calls
04:46.21michaelnovakjr__if you lose a file, you'll be able to find it :)
04:46.26umdk1d3hmm we need a THERMITE permission to go along with BRICK  ;)
04:46.29michaelnovakjr__thank you GPS
04:46.50languishforget thermite, make it DETONATE
04:47.12zhobbshow do you set the name of the SharedPreferences being editted by a PreferenceActivity?
04:47.19RyeBryeYes, DETONATE - would go great with the hand-grenade intent of my improved iSafe
04:47.26umdk1d3thermite is best for hard drive data tho, i think it might be just as good for flash memory
04:47.47languishthermite's great for whatever material you wanna slag
04:47.48umdk1d3zhobbs: you can override  getSharedPreferences() on the PreferenceActivity
04:47.48RyeBryeThermite is also good for terminators
04:47.58zhobbsumdk1d3: thanks :)
04:48.07languishRyeBrye, depends on what model :P
04:48.28umdk1d3zhobbs: you could check the requested name there, or feed it an explicit SharedPreferences there
04:49.07RyeBryeI think someone activated Thermite on my battery
04:49.12zhobbsumdk1d3: actually, don't see getSharedPreferences()
04:49.15RyeBryelittle bugger gets warm
04:49.48zhobbshmm, getPreferencesManager.getSharedPreferencesName()
04:49.55umdk1d3zhobbs: looks like its inherited down into PreferenceActivity from ContextWrapper
04:50.09umdk1d3but its there in PreferenceActivity
04:50.13zhobbsoh, ok
04:50.23Cedric_You can override that name, it just changes the name of the .xml file that gets saved
04:50.50umdk1d3Cedric_: ah cool  :)  that deffy makes it easier
04:51.12Dammumdk1d3, use weatherbug... weaterhchannel is nasty/dirty.
04:51.15Cedric_FYI, you'll find it in somewhere like /data/data/<package>/shared_preferences/Foo.xml
04:51.21Cedric_or something like that
04:51.36zhobbsCedric_: yeah, but I have existing preferences, but don't use on the next upgrade I'd rather have the new PreferenceActivity edit the existing preference file
04:51.40Dammquite frankly I find weatherchannel and accuweather to be a waste of an install.
04:51.54umdk1d3Damm: why does weatherbug need my contact information tho?  o.o
04:52.06umdk1d3creeped out
04:52.11zhobbsweather channel asks for every permissions ever invented
04:52.13languishthere's some warning about weatherbug in various forums
04:52.15Cedric_zhobbs: makes sense. You could also transparently upgrade the old name to a newone
04:52.28zhobbsCedric_: yeah, considering that also...
04:52.30Dammumdk1d3, to find out where you live.
04:52.33Cedric_umdk1d3: sometimes, apps require the CONTACTS preference when all they need is to email or SMS
04:52.36Dammumdk1d3, that's less annoying then the rest.
04:52.39languishi haven't bothered to read about it though as I don't intend to use weatherbug
04:52.46umdk1d3sigh there are /intents/ for sending email tho that dont need all that lol
04:52.49Dammumdk1d3, and you can send a snapshot of it.
04:52.57Dammvia sms/email
04:53.19Cedric_umdk1d3: I know, but it's a mistake that's easy to make it (and I made it myself :) )
04:54.00Dammumdk1d3, that and atleast weatherbug does what it should and has a nice overlay for radar.
04:54.21DarkriftXwell, i think multiple markets are a good thing, but i dont see the second ones becoming very popular for the first 6-12 months
04:54.30umdk1d3speaking of asking for too many intents, does "fine" resolution location inherit the "course" resolution as well?  im asking for both permissions right now to be sure
04:54.33DarkriftXppl need time to build preferences and find reasons to use the others
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04:56.38zhobbsumdk1d3, Cedric_ : looks like you can just getPreferenceManager().setSharedPreferencesName(PREFS_NAME); in the PreferenceActivity's onCreate()
04:56.53umdk1d3ah cool
04:56.57malaclypshmm so i've created a custom view which inherits from SurfaceView, but the onDraw method isn't being called on startup in the emulator
04:57.03malaclypsdo I need to dirty it or something?
04:57.18malaclypsit seems to be being called in Eclipse's layout manager ok
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04:58.27malaclypshmm, interesting, maybe I just need to be using View
04:58.57zhobbsmalaclyps: not sure that's how you're supposed to work with a Surface...noticed in LunarLander they don't use onDraw
04:59.27mleste1how do u install an app on a real android phone as opposed to just the emulator
04:59.28malaclypszhobbs: right -- maybe i'm overcomplicating it by using surfaceview. It's odd that it works in the layout manager though.
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05:00.17zhobbsmalaclyps: with SurfaceView you can edit the Surface's canvas from any thread
05:00.44zhobbsmalaclyps: with View you just call invalidate and do everything in onDraw() in the UI thread
05:00.47romainguy_malaclyps: if you override SurfaceView, you're not supposed to override onDraw
05:00.54romainguy_just use a normal View
05:01.58zhobbsmleste1: you install an app on the phone the same as on an emulator
05:02.10zhobbs"adb install <apk>"
05:02.18mleste1ok cool
05:02.31mleste1and if the emulator isn't running then it will default to the device
05:02.39zhobbsmleste1: yeah
05:02.49mleste1ok sounds good to me :)
05:03.07michaelnovakjr__zhobbs: don't you have to specify -d for device?
05:03.09zhobbsmleste1: or you can use the -d flag to send to the device if the emulator is running
05:03.23zhobbsmichaelnovakjr__: only if the emulator is running
05:03.34michaelnovakjr__zhobbs: don't you have to specify -d for device?
05:03.45michaelnovakjr__forgot i had an emulator running
05:03.48mleste1ok gotcha
05:04.10RyeBryeumdk1d3 - you use myth too?
05:04.58jshermanwhere is the debug.keystore for the git release?
05:05.11jshermanit doesn't look like one is made in ~/.android
05:05.24romainguy_what keystore?
05:05.47RyeBryethe release keystore... I lost my copy - someone want to send it to me?
05:05.54jshermanthe dev docs say that in the SDK, you are automatically given a default debug keystore
05:06.12jshermanand it is written to ~/.android/debug.keystore
05:06.24zhobbsRyeBrye: maybe they'll fall for it next time :)
05:06.37RyeBryeI limit it to once a day, but maybe... just maybe... ;)
05:06.49romainguy_jsherman: that should be done by the Eclipse plugin
05:06.51romainguy_not by the SDK
05:06.58romainguy_even less by the git tree
05:06.58jshermanim not using eclipse
05:07.19jshermanI see
05:07.52jshermaner is the intent for the git tree to replace the SDK
05:08.03jshermanand so people who are just writing apps will use that
05:08.46jshermanor is the intent to have the git tree be for those who want to make changes to the core OS, and google will release a separate (much smaller, maybe even binary-only) SDK for those who only want to develop apps
05:09.06jshermanzhobbs, yeah, that applies to the SDK release, I'm using the git tree
05:09.13romainguy_er no
05:09.16romainguy_the SDK is the SDK
05:09.22romainguy_the git tree is the open source source tree
05:09.31romainguy_the SDK will remain what it is
05:09.34romainguy_it's for apps developers
05:09.53swetlandthe SDK is buildable from the git tree and yes will remain as a piece that is available for standalone install for apps developers
05:10.02jshermanah ok
05:11.00DarkriftXhey, its that impostor swetland again!
05:11.21swetlandI believe the 1.0rX SDK is not currently 1:1 with what you'd generate from the 1.0 git tree due to some variation between them (there was a lot of shuffling and cleanup for the open source effort), but they should be converging (at some point the standard core sdk will be 1:1 with make sdk from the standard core git tree)
05:11.30swetlanddark: curses, foiled again!
05:11.42jshermanok I get it
05:12.13jshermanso for the maps key signing
05:12.32jshermanif the maps app is using google's own key
05:12.39jshermandoes it also require the base framework be signed by google?
05:16.36gdsxswetland: so, I'm sure there'll be another opportunity.  I wanted to mess with the Segway because I was wearing my "I wanna roll with the gangstas, but I'm too white and nerdy" shirt and wearing my noogler cap
05:16.48gdsxswetland: would make for an awesome photo :o)
05:18.00jshermanoh hey i should have run showcommands it's in build/target/product/security/testkey.x509.pem
05:18.39mleste1do you need a driver to connect a g1 to adb
05:18.48gdsxmleste1: what OS?
05:18.48romainguy_on Windwos yes
05:23.09DarkriftXi just had one of those really funny ideas that you wont ever do anything with, but its almost good enough to try
05:23.21swetlandgsdx: ahahah, Pr0n for your Android device!
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05:24.08swetlandmleste1: you only need a device driver on win32. linux and osx thankfully have some sane apis for usb access from userspace
05:27.11zhobbsDarkriftX: haha, I saw someone say that TuneWiki should include pr0n in its video search in the Market comments
05:28.32zhobbswonder if a porn app would get banned from the Market
05:28.37RyeBryeMandroid would be male porn (or gay porn)?
05:28.54zhobbsRyeBrye: that's what it sounds like
05:29.03RyeBryeShedroid would be a more logical name for female robot porn
05:29.18mleste1hey how do u create a widget like that retard analog clock
05:29.19BHSPitLappyI'm perfectly fine with robot porn
05:29.47BHSPitLappyThe clock is a retard?
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05:30.31wastrelyou can remove the clock
05:31.02mleste1yeah I know
05:31.29Dammwas hoping to see more wigets already...
05:31.39Dammclock widgets to be exact
05:32.05mleste1sorry the use of derogatory terms distracted from my real question
05:32.13mleste1is how do u develop an app like that
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05:36.26scootleydoes anyone notice the time in the upper right of the notification bar stuck at 12:59? (east coast US) i wonder if this is a DST bug
05:36.31RyeBryeYeah... where ARE the widgets?
05:36.37RyeBryehas a widget conspiracy theory
05:37.13RyeBryeThere are a handful of weather applications but no weather widgets?
05:37.22DammRyeBrye, yep... sad huh
05:37.27Dammscootley, tonight is DST isn't it?
05:37.33mleste1I haven't seen any widgets period
05:37.42mleste1except for the ones that came preoloded
05:37.42scootleytonight is DST fallback, in ~22 mins
05:37.50tomgibaraYou can't build widgets yet
05:38.09mleste1ah not open yet
05:38.12tomgibaraApps can add shortcuts to the desktop though.
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05:39.58spikebikescootley for your timezone
05:40.40Dammscootley, right so expect a little fun, nothing unusual as we gain an hour.
05:40.57Dammmy woman is going to try and go to work an hour early... woops
05:41.20scootleyin my time zone, US East, fallback has not yet occurred. the time in the upper right of my G1 is stuck at 12:59, while the clock displayed on the "unlock" screen is correct at 1:40 right now
05:42.39DarkriftXwow, xda-devs site go down for anyone else?
05:44.52DarkriftXlol scootley thats funny
05:45.25DarkriftXG1Y2K, DST Strikes Back
05:46.21jasonparekh_zhobbs: re: your earlier question on search+w for wi-fi, in the quick launch activity chooser, you can do Menu > Shortcuts
05:47.48zhobbsjasonparekh_: nice, thanks!
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05:51.01romainguy_RyeBrye: Yeah... where ARE the widgets? << you can't create widgets
05:51.24romainguy_Damm was hoping to see more wigets already... << not possible at the moment
05:51.52RyeBryeAh... my conspiracy theory is validated
05:51.56RyeBryewe're being held back by the man
05:52.07romainguy_the man being me
05:52.13RyeBryeYou da man?
05:52.14romainguy_me not having time to do it :)
05:52.16DJTachyonso yeah definately some wierd connectivity issues in NYC
05:52.30scootleyyeah the upper-right time, the analog clock on the home screen (widget), and the time display on the unlock screen are all different and actually each incorrect right now. very strange
05:52.37RyeBryeless talky - more widget makey
05:52.37DJTachyonbanging from 4 bars of 3G to nothing to 4 bars of EDGE to nothing and back again
05:52.47romainguy_scootley: that is weird indeed
05:52.58romainguy_especially since the code they use should be pretty much the same
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05:54.27tomgibaraIs this just me, or is it extremely difficult to build a library for android? Packaging it as an apk would be much easier, but users can't be expected to install dependencies manually.
05:54.31DJTachyon*yawn* .. okay two night in NYC is enough to make me beat
05:54.33DJTachyongnight all
05:55.46tomgibaraI don't know what the best solution is, but I think the android platform needs significant work in the direction of supporting apk dependencies.
05:56.50BruteSourcei hear all this talk of being able to buy a g1 for 400 usd with no contract, but every store tells me its not true?
05:57.14romainguy_tomgibara: like I said several times, we know and we're planning/working on it
05:57.16BruteSourceits evenin  tmobile press release
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05:58.02BruteSourceit is even in a tmobile press release i mean
05:58.36tomgibararomainguy_: I hadn't seen you make those comments. I think from a 'strategic engineering' perspective (if there is such a thing) it's a very high priority.
05:58.38BruteSourcesomething about having it for 3 months month to month gets it unlocked as well
05:58.55Cedric_tomgibara: It is high, but there were higher priorities for 1.0
05:59.25tomgibaraCedric_: Obviously, or it would have been in 1.0 :)
05:59.32BruteSourcebut no one in the stores will sell it without a contract, so wtf
05:59.32romainguy_tomgibara: the problem is that there are higher priorities :))
05:59.40romainguy_everyone has a different idea of high priorities
06:00.40BruteSourceseems like a load of mininformation to me
06:01.04tomgibaraI understand that, I'm just giving feedback. As an external developer, I can state with confidence that the lack of the capability is almost paralyzing for building some functionality.
06:01.19zhobbsBruteSource: I think I've heard of people getting them for $400
06:02.15BruteSourcei have heard lots of people saying they have heard of people, just havent talked to someone who has themselfs
06:02.28Cedric_tomgibara: Impractical, for sure, but paralyzing?
06:02.39BruteSourceand why would 4 different stores in seattle tell me they cant sell them ful retail, and 2 in portland told my friend the same?
06:03.08tomgibaraWell, here's a concrete example: I want to improve my hasty little Veecheck library:
06:03.30meoblast001anyone here see the G2?
06:03.42BruteSourcewhen you try to buy it online you get all the way through and it says to call tmobile
06:04.02BruteSourceg2 is a myth lol
06:04.08meoblast001is it?
06:04.11tomgibaraI want to make a modest improvement where the library handles remembering whether a notification was displayed and display an activity allowing the user to 'ignore future updates'.
06:04.13romainguy_tomgibara: I understand and welcome your feedback
06:04.16BruteSourcenext android phone will be a motorola
06:04.17meoblast001selling for 800 dollars
06:04.18meoblast001i want one
06:04.30romainguy_I'm just saying that we have about a million of "high priority" features :)
06:04.32meoblast001G2 isnt a phone
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06:04.40meoblast001its a computer
06:04.49BruteSourceoh your saying there is already a g2 and its for sale? lmao
06:04.50meoblast001made by a company obsessed with Google and Apple lol
06:05.04meoblast001their OS looks just like Mac but contains millions of Google features
06:05.07BruteSourceforget that
06:05.07summatusmentisso I saw the G1 for the first time this weekend... beautiful
06:05.13RyeBryeThe G1 is nice
06:05.20tomgibaraThe problem is that there is effectively no way to bundle any layout/graphics etc. with the library - so supporting UI is impractical to the point of impossibility.
06:05.26eladyou can buy a G1 of ebay
06:05.43RyeBryeI need to find where to get a backpack full of batteries for it though
06:05.43romainguy_tomgibara: you could use RemoteViews
06:05.50BruteSourceya for like 550 dollars plus shiping for a new one fuck that
06:05.52tomgibaraThe only other option is to build an APK, but that requires the user to install a separate apk.
06:06.05RyeBryeand it's annoying that if it's plugged into USB it wont have enough juice to keep alive while you swap batteries
06:06.23RyeBrye(although it does have enough juice to pull the battery out if you are on the booloader screen and attached to USB)
06:06.27BruteSourcetmobile is supposed to be selling them contract free for 400 dollars
06:06.37tomgibararomainguy_: I've looked into that, but it seems slightly backwards for my purposes. I'll take another look.
06:06.40RyeBryeBruteSource - ETF is only $200
06:06.56RyeBryeBruteSource - so buy at wallmart, pay a month, and then terminate the contract and you get it for $348
06:06.57romainguy_tomgibara: well it lets you use layouts from anoter apk/process
06:07.08BruteSourcewhat does that have to do with the price of eans in china?
06:07.09RyeBryewell.. $348 + the month
06:07.20zhobbstomgibara: you could check for the existence of the dependency on the first boot and send them to the market to install it
06:07.25RyeBryeBruteSource, this is #android, not #brute-source-bitches-about-tmobile
06:07.36BruteSourceif i could get on a contract with tmobile, don't you think i would have already?
06:07.43RyeBryeOh, gotcha
06:07.44romainguy_Cedric_: nice blog :)
06:07.48tomgibararomainguy_: Yes, I'm familiar with it. But there was something about it that didn't quite fit right, maybe I need to change my thinking.
06:07.51BruteSourcego troll somewhrere else
06:07.52romainguy_Cedric_: reminds me of 2008, 2007, ... 1997
06:08.05Cedric_romainguy_: haha
06:08.07Cedric_Couldn't help it
06:08.15romainguy_you bet
06:08.32tomgibarazhobbs: I'm resisting any approach like that because I don't think the updating library should tie developers to any market - directly or indirectly.
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06:09.03romainguy_tomgibara: well you give yourself pretty big constraints :)
06:09.16romainguy_make that an option :)
06:09.47tomgibarahmm... useful feedback, needs more thought.
06:10.01romainguy_but again, yes we need better support for all this
06:10.12romainguy_likewise, it'd be great if installing an app from market could pull another apk
06:10.16romainguy_(like Radar)
06:11.05tomgibaraYes, but a total muddle ensues when version dependencies arise - or the user decides to remove one app that another depends upon.
06:11.15RyeBryeIs radar open source? I want to make one that is pink with little hearts and call it "Gaydar"
06:11.18romainguy_I never said it'd be easy
06:11.24romainguy_I said it's something we are thinking about
06:11.26tomgibaraThis is an extremely delicate problem - I'm happy you're taking your time :)
06:11.31romainguy_RyeBrye: it is open source
06:11.42RyeBryeromainguy - did you write it?
06:12.12RyeBryeDoes it tell you how big they are?
06:12.23RyeBryeI already filled my phone once and had to delete stuff
06:12.29tomgibaraHence the paralysis: It's extremely tricky atm to judge the best approach to anything like this.
06:12.31romainguy_spikebike: well the thing is the normal cell phone user doesn't care :)
06:12.36RyeBrye(btw: calculating sizes - can't that be done lazily? holy crap that takes forever)
06:12.50romainguy_RyeBrye: yeah, we have a fix for the next version of the OS
06:13.01RyeBryeSweet. I'll compile and install it now!
06:13.03RyeBryeoh... wait... ;)
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06:13.08romainguy_RyeBrye: and yes, Market tells you the size of each app
06:13.14RyeBryeok, I just haven't been looking
06:13.19zhobbsspikebike: yeah, I like when they mention it's open source and give a url in the description
06:13.20romainguy_RyeBrye: the fix is not in the public tree
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06:13.58RyeBryeIt's in the Setec Astronomy tree?
06:14.05romainguy_er what?
06:14.26RyeBryesneakers reference.... nm
06:14.46BruteSourcei should just buy a vogue, that way i can have android and root
06:15.10RyeBryeI should just use one of the friend finder apps to find a google engineer
06:15.16RyeBryeso I can bludgeon him and get android and root
06:15.16romainguy_hey it's almost been a day without hearing a reference to being root :)
06:15.26RyeBryeit's a weekend :)
06:15.31romainguy_true :)
06:15.45muthuroot root ;)
06:16.34BruteSourcebecause linux is almost useless without root, whats the use of having this great os with a linux subsystem and no root
06:16.50romainguy_Linux? useless without root?
06:17.10BruteSourceis what i said, if you can read
06:17.17romainguy_even almost
06:17.18spikebikedunno it works for me, there's only a few things I can think of that nneed root
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06:17.33tomgibaraI think I've said this before, but I'm glad there's no root access - it makes my phone more secure.
06:17.46BruteSourcewell ya the average windows computer user will be fine with it
06:17.49romainguy_tomgibara: I think they want to be root just for the sake of being root
06:18.06BruteSourceya thats it
06:18.10RyeBryeWell, that's part of it
06:18.24RyeBryeI don't really care if I'm locked out of root - I just wnat to be able to flash my own images onto the phone
06:18.30DarkriftXi dont want to be root
06:18.33spikebikea 3G <-> wifi router/tether would be nice, although tmo's not going to like it
06:18.35DarkriftXbut i want root access to reflash
06:18.38spikebikea VPN would be very nice as well
06:18.46romainguy_you don't need to be root to reflash the device
06:19.06BruteSourceroot has nothing to do with reflashing, thats the locked htc bootloader
06:19.08RyeBryeYeah, I don't want root - I want a way to flash unsigned images - I should be more specific
06:19.13DarkriftXwell, ok
06:19.22DarkriftXwith root we might not need to reflash an image
06:19.36zhobbs"adb flash my_android.img"
06:19.43RyeBryeThe HTC bootloader appears to be neutered, and the next step in the chain is the Android recovery mode - and it only like signed images
06:19.46BruteSourcethe bootloader has nothing to do with linux
06:19.52jsherman:( even user-created maps linking against the maps lib won't work on git base
06:19.53DarkriftXzhobbs, they are signed and we cant get past that
06:20.21jshermanthat padlock leads me to believe it's intentional
06:20.41BruteSourcedream is not the first device to come with a locked bootloader
06:20.55RyeBryeNo, probably not
06:21.05DarkriftXwe are past that part already BruteSource
06:21.20BruteSourcejust dont talk
06:21.30DarkriftXwhy, am i a fake google employee too?
06:21.40DarkriftXyou gonna send me an email?
06:21.42BruteSourcelol get some new material
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06:22.08BruteSourcegotta love the on guard google script kiddies always on duty here
06:22.10DarkriftXlol, go find a bottle, you are much more informative when you are drunk and trolling
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06:22.38BruteSourcehaha, again no one cares for your lame repeated material
06:22.47RyeBryeSomeone got the HTC bootloader unlocked? I think the t-mobile update thing that people are working with is going to be a very long process since we don't have the private key and everything it wants is signed
06:22.54BHSPitLappyhere we go
06:22.56RyeBryeerr rather the android update recovery mode
06:23.28BruteSourceyes it has been done with the cdma diamond
06:23.54BruteSourcewhich had a locked bootloader, so im sure something similar can be done with the dream
06:24.29RyeBryewell buy whoever did that a beer and a G1
06:25.01BruteSourcelol sure, soon as i can find someone to sell me the damn thing for 400 usd lol
06:26.05ChicagoHi, on the page it says we need Ubuntu to build Android. Since I have Gentoo instead, are there other Gentoo users here?
06:26.16romainguy_jsherman:  even user-created maps linking against the maps lib won't work on git base << with a Maps API key?
06:26.38jshermansigned with a different key from the base system though
06:26.47jshermani made an apk with the 1.0 sdk
06:26.54jshermaninstalling it in the 1.0 emulator -> everything ok says you need ubuntu?
06:27.06BruteSourceandroid even
06:27.08romainguy_jsherman: what do you mean "signed"?
06:27.14romainguy_the Maps API key doesn't require signing
06:27.17jshermaninstalling it in git emulator with maps framework copied from 1.0 system image -> doesn't work
06:27.22jshermanthe API key you use
06:27.30jshermanhas to be linked with the key that signed the apk
06:27.35ChicagoBruteSource: Yes it does, right in section 2.1 "Linux".
06:27.38romainguy_ah yes I remember
06:27.40romainguy_you're right
06:27.50romainguy_then you should then emails to the Android Google Groups
06:27.51romainguy_or file bugs
06:27.57romainguy_we'll get that to the Maps guys
06:28.03jshermani sent an email
06:28.05BruteSourcewhy the hell would they say you needed ubuntu?
06:28.06jshermani can file an issue for it too
06:28.33BruteSourcenot like google to endorse one particular distro
06:29.07romainguy_BruteSource: because that's probably the only distro we tested it against
06:29.13romainguy_it's not endorsement
06:29.21romainguy_it's what we know works
06:29.41romainguy_and apparently that was a good idea since we needed patches to make it build on Fedora for instance
06:29.41BruteSourcewhy would it be any different than any other distro?
06:29.57romainguy_because it's Linux
06:30.03BruteSourcei had no trouble building it on gentoo
06:30.10romainguy_good then
06:30.18romainguy_file an issue saying the page shoul dbe updated
06:30.25romainguy_but like I said, it would not build on Fedora
06:30.25jshermanBruteSource, they can't really claim "this will build on any linux distro"
06:30.34jshermanwhat should they say instead?
06:30.36BruteSourcei had to use an arm toolchain but i imagine any distro would be tthe same
06:30.51romainguy_but there's an ARM toolchain included in the tree?
06:30.57ChicagoThe main thing I am concerned with is whether or not there is a Python 2.4 requirement.  The same section says to make sure I have Python 2.4.... but I have already upgraded to Python 2.5 and removed the older version a few months ago.
06:31.19romainguy_Chicago: it worked with Python 2.5 for me
06:31.25romainguy_there were problems with 2.4
06:31.26BruteSourcewhat does ubuntu have that fc doesnt?
06:31.29romainguy_but they've been fixed
06:31.40romainguy_BruteSource: I don't know, look at the patches
06:32.04umdk1d3eek is there a way to use Resources to get the value="" values for a <string-array> defined in xml?
06:32.10BruteSourceubuntu is becoming some kind of crooked linux standard
06:32.18BruteSourceits sick
06:32.19romainguy_umdk1d3: say again?
06:32.22ChicagoSection 2.1 also says I need 6GB free to complete the build.  The only other suite I have which needs that much space is openoffice.
06:32.39romainguy_Chicago: it's not a small project :)
06:32.45umdk1d3so i have <string-array>  <item value="4">name</item>
06:33.05umdk1d3getResources().getStringArray() returns the text values fine, but im trying to figrue out how to get my hands on the value's list
06:33.23romainguy_oh, the entries ids?
06:33.27BruteSourceso google uses ubuntu for development? or just this project?
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06:33.40romainguy_BruteSource: many in the team use OS X :)
06:34.00BruteSourceso why not reccomend that?
06:34.15BruteSourceew i can't believe i just said that lol
06:34.22romainguy_er what? we don't recommend Ubuntu
06:35.03BruteSourcefor building the android source you do apparently
06:35.16romainguy_we don't recommend Ubuntu over Mac OS X
06:35.33romainguy_and we just say that you need Ubuntu because, again, that's the only distro we know works
06:35.40romainguy_if you know other distros that work, file a bug
06:35.47romainguy_submit a patch with the detailed explanations
06:35.50romainguy_and we'll update the page
06:35.58gamblerFedora 9 compiled first try
06:36.08romainguy_because we accepted patches to make that work :)
06:36.17muthuf9 - no issues
06:36.17Cedric_So if other distros work, it's a bug? :)
06:36.26BruteSourcewhy did you not build on osx yourselfs? ubuntu was easier?
06:36.27romainguy_Cedric_: yes :)
06:36.28Chicagoemerge bison -pv
06:36.31Dammman repo... is annoying
06:36.41Dammkept failing on wlan/ti sync
06:36.46Cedric_BruteSource: we build on Linux and Mac all the time but we had to focus on one distribution for 1.0
06:36.51Chicagooops sorry about that, lol
06:37.23umdk1d3its just odd that android:entryValues somehow is able to read those value's from <item>s
06:37.25BruteSourceim just saying, it doesnt say osx or ubuntu, just says ubuntu
06:37.49romainguy_BruteSource: there's an entire section for Mac OS
06:37.56DarkriftXTo build the Android source under Linux, you will need Ubuntu. The Android build is routinely tested on recent versions of Ubuntu (6.06 and later), but reports of successes or failures on other distributions are welcome.
06:38.02BruteSourceanyways i guess one linux distro is better than saying use only osx
06:38.40romainguy_"To build the Android source files, you will need to use Linux or Mac OS. Building under Windows is not currently supported."
06:38.40DarkriftXTo build the Android files in a Mac OS environment, you need an Intel/x86 machine. The Android build system and tools do not support the obsolete PowerPC architecture.
06:38.44romainguy_straight from the web site
06:38.49umdk1d3that phrase "will need" is kinda strong though, talking about ubuntu
06:39.00romainguy_file bugs
06:39.02romainguy_submit changes
06:39.07BruteSourcelol ya they do not get hat
06:39.11BruteSourcebut oh well
06:39.18BruteSourceits not a bug
06:39.19romainguy_complaining about the words we used here won't help
06:39.28DarkriftXyeah, i noticed that too umdk1d3
06:39.39DarkriftXi think the wording could be better
06:39.39eladhmm anyone seen the new hummer3 truck
06:39.46DarkriftXbut they do explain it in the next sentance
06:39.56romainguy_file bugs
06:39.59DarkriftXif its not h1, it sux
06:40.00romainguy_submit changes
06:40.37tomgibaraWow, android has turned into a real open source project quickly!
06:40.40BruteSourceagain it is not a bug
06:40.58romainguy_BruteSource: I'm telling you it is
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06:41.19romainguy_BruteSource: if you want the team to know about something, that's the best way to go atm
06:41.23BruteSourcewell you are wrong, im sure it is some kind of marketing agenda
06:41.38BruteSourceanyways, i dont care
06:41.45DarkriftXnext week we see the headline "google buys ubuntu"
06:42.01romainguy_tomgibara: apparently :)
06:42.02Cedric_Ubuntu pays us to promote their distribution
06:42.07Cedric_Google developers need to eat!
06:42.29romainguy_wait we have a Windows SDK
06:42.31Cedric_Ubuntu even remodeled my house for free
06:42.36RyeBryeGoogle developers don't need to eat
06:42.37romainguy_there must be a scheme there too
06:42.46RyeBryethey get spoon fed caviar as they code
06:42.48languish<BruteSource> anyways, i dont care <- new tactic from the nightly "I'm sorry, you were right..."
06:42.50romainguy_RyeBrye: well Cedric and I work from home regularly
06:42.55gamblerCedric Stevens?
06:43.03romainguy_RyeBrye: so we need to eat :)
06:43.05RyeBryeOh, you can work from home at google?
06:43.07Cedric_Beust. Cedric Beust.
06:43.16romainguy_RyeBrye: no :)
06:43.23gamblerthanks for the clarification.
06:43.23Cedric_(tried my best 007 voice here)
06:43.29KorzunWe need a windshield mount for android for GPS
06:43.38RyeBryeworks from home at his current job, and only goes in for meetings
06:43.41DarkriftXi thought about htat last night Korzun
06:43.45DarkriftXit will be here soon
06:43.52KorzunFor under $10
06:43.58DarkriftXi work to get away from home :S
06:44.05ChicagoDoes android require wxGTK2.6 as listed on the source homepage in the linux section? I have version wxGTK instead.
06:44.11DarkriftXmarried with 3 kids can do that to you
06:44.58ErikTThe two french guys work from home. Interesting. ;-)
06:45.22Cedric_I actually could work from home a lot more than I do, I just love being on the campus
06:45.42romainguy_same thing
06:46.01romainguy_it's also a lot easier to be on the campus considering how many persons I need to interact with
06:46.37muthuworking from home is nearly impossible if you have a family
06:47.06romainguy_depends on where they are during the day I guess?
06:47.12RyeBryeI was going to interview with google at one time right after I got out of school, but a local startup (that later failed) was so much faster with the interview process and made me an offer I couldn't refuse
06:47.14muthuCedric_: lol, you the next bond, huh?
06:47.33RyeBryeliterally... they had guns to my head... it was kind of scary
06:47.37muthuthu. Mu. thu.
06:47.43muthuthat's my bond ;)
06:47.43gamblerI hope they didnt put a horse's head in your bed RyeBrye
06:47.45gamblerah ofc
06:47.57Cedric_RyeBrye: yeah we lose people to startups that can interview faster
06:48.18muthugoog interview process is krazy
06:48.24muthu10 layers?
06:48.25RyeBryeI hear it takes 3 months or something
06:48.33jshermandef not
06:48.34muthuwho the hell goes thru that?
06:48.37jshermanoh maybe for fulltime
06:48.38romainguy_definitely not
06:48.40jshermandef not for interns
06:48.44Cedric_Not 10 layers
06:48.56Cedric_Usually a phone screen, then a day of interviews with 5-6 eng
06:49.04Cedric_but it does take  a while
06:49.12romainguy_and when you're an intern you get through 2 interviews to be converted to full time
06:49.28romainguy_(+ assessment from your manager/team)
06:49.32muthuany org should be agile enough to quickly hire imo
06:49.49muthu& quickly fire.. hehe
06:50.19RyeBryeI did an HR phone screen, and then the HR lady called me back to set up the phone screen with someone and asked me to rate myself on a ton of categories - but prefacing it by telling me something like "If you say you are too high, they will think you are an ass. If you say too low, it's ok."
06:51.14muthuthat sux
06:51.43RyeBryeyeah, I was like... "umm... put me down at 1 for everything then? that's a rather foolish way of setting up a self-evaluation system"
06:52.03spikebikewell I've seen apps that have 60-70 categories
06:52.10RyeBryeonthe market?
06:52.14RyeBryeOh - job apps
06:52.23spikebikeand the top rating it notable expert and have had people put the top rating for every category
06:52.32RyeBryeThat's awesome
06:52.38RyeBryeWas the candidate Peter Norton?
06:52.49RyeBryeor Dr. Dobbs himself?
06:53.00spikebikeoh sweet
06:53.09spikebikejust got 2 8GB cards for the g1
06:53.16spikebikeamusingly they come with an adapter for the next larger size
06:53.16RyeBryetape them together
06:53.25spikebikeand another adapter for the next larger size
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06:53.34RyeBryeYeah, it's like a russian doll
06:53.50spikebikeadata, 8GB class 6
06:53.56spikebike$30 USA
06:54.20ErikTThat's like 2 euros, right? ;-)
06:54.21Dammwhat's the point of 8gb sdhc cards if you can't store applications on the memory card?
06:54.38Dammerr microsdhc
06:54.44romainguy_Damm: to store music and pictures for instance
06:54.45muthuhang on.. things would happen
06:54.51romainguy_or just to store data that apps generate
06:54.54muthuits only a matter of time before apps start running from sdcard
06:55.05Dammromainguy_, music = ipod.
06:55.10romainguy_for you
06:55.12spikebikedamn that might change
06:55.13Dammnot even BT stereo
06:55.15BHSPitLappymuthu, applications just have to learn how to do that, right
06:55.19spikebikeand yeah, music, pictures, even video
06:55.19romainguy_Damm: so?
06:55.22Dammnow you give me flac support
06:55.25muthuBHSPitLappy: true
06:55.26Dammand I'll be interested
06:55.28spikebikethere's stereo headphones included
06:55.29BHSPitLappyapps are smart, they'll figure it out
06:55.30geistyeah, totally
06:55.38geisti was pretty unhappy that there's no flac or alac
06:55.46geisthalf my music is that
06:55.48spikebikethere's ogg support, mp3, good enough for me, not like flac -> ogg is rocket science
06:55.53jshermanwhere is the coding convention document
06:55.54RyeBryeI need aflac
06:55.56spikebikegeist transcoding is easy
06:56.08BHSPitLappytranscoding shouldn't be necessary
06:56.11geistso is writing a decoder for flac
06:56.13muthuyummm... fish fry in the air :))
06:56.14BHSPitLappyand it's an open platform
06:56.15spikebikekeep the master on a big disk with flac, then fill up your phone with a script
06:56.17romainguy_jsherman: it might be somewhere in the tree, otherwise, just look at existing files
06:56.25romainguy_jsherman: are you looking to write Java code?
06:56.36jshermani want to submit a one line patch to fix a null pointer exception
06:56.39jshermani want to know the max line length
06:56.42geistyean i know, it's just annoying enough that i dont bother
06:56.44jshermansome lines go over 80
06:56.46spikebikeI've heard for whatever reason the ogg decoder is especially efficient on the g1
06:57.05geistprobably just never been tuned for arm at all
06:57.08romainguy_jsherman: and are good example of the Java coding style
06:57.13RyeBryewhere are the code guidelines? do all google projects have the same ones? (i.e. alphabetical function names... etc.?)
06:57.17geistit's pretty easy for plain old x86 code to turn out to be terrible on arm
06:57.29romainguy_RyeBrye: Android's convention are a bit different from Google's
06:57.41RyeBryeAre your function names required to be alphabetical?
06:57.50romainguy_what do you mean?
06:58.02romainguy_I certainly hope you use letters to name your methods :)
06:58.28RyeBryeGWT requires that all method and function names are organized in the file in alphabetical order
06:58.37shackanascii letters ? ;)
06:58.38romainguy_no, we don't do that
06:58.44romainguy_that's what IDEs are good at :)
06:58.45RyeBryeYeah, it seemed a little third-reich
06:58.48romainguy_sort the methods for you
06:58.52jshermanis there a way to submit a patch without actually making a local git commit
06:58.56romainguy_jsherman: no
06:59.14jshermanwill there be problems when I sync then
06:59.14ErikTIs there any easy to initiate an action (like clicking on a button) when a user hits enter in a TextView, etc? Can't seem to find much about it.
06:59.20romainguy_jsherman: I doubt it
06:59.24jshermanim not familiar with git, i'm used to perforce
06:59.29romainguy_ErikT: setOnClickListener()
06:59.39romainguy_jsherman: yeah, so are we :)
06:59.43romainguy_Android uses perforce internally
06:59.48jshermanyeah so I've heard
06:59.55ErikTRomain, That's works for "enter" in a field?
07:00.00romainguy_we're wrapping up stuff before switching everything to git
07:00.04romainguy_ErikT: yes
07:00.07romainguy_shackan: why perforce?
07:00.17shackanromainguy_: yes
07:00.25RyeBryeromainguy: here's their code style
07:00.35romainguy_shackan: because perforce is good, has good IDE support and is widely used within Google :)
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07:01.04romainguy_note that many files in our tree do not follow the proper style guide
07:01.21romainguy_they were written in the beginning of the project, when things were more... liberal
07:01.35shackanromainguy_: how does it compare to git?
07:01.36romainguy_we update them slowly as we maintain them
07:01.54romainguy_shackan: it's quite different, and I don't have enough experience with git to compare them properly
07:02.09shackannp :)
07:02.14romainguy_but git seems to do everything we need, so I'd say it's at least as good :)
07:02.15jshermanso i mean if i make a commit locally
07:02.34geistgit is quite amazing once you figure it out
07:02.44geistthe learning curve is a little steeper
07:02.47jshermanwon't things get messed up since my history will be out of sync with the central repo
07:02.51spikebikethank god er, whoever dumped linux
07:03.00romainguy_jsherman: you could always rollback your local change
07:03.02geistjsherman: nope, actually that's what it's great at
07:03.04muthufiguring out git is the hard part
07:03.11romainguy_but I doubt you'll have trouble
07:03.13geistor you can roll forward your change real easily
07:03.18jshermanhm ok
07:03.20geistyou just gotta know how to do it
07:03.21shackanjsherman: git is usually good at sorting that out
07:03.35umdk1d3is there a programatic way of getting "/sdcard", maybe from Context, in case its different in the future?
07:03.40muthubut then goog has this repo thing..
07:03.51romainguy_repo is just a git wrapper
07:04.00ErikTRomain, works like a charm. Very nice.
07:04.04shackangeist: that would be a rebase?
07:04.05romainguy_umdk1d3: there's an external storage API somewhere
07:04.32muthuwas trying to use 'repo sync' in my own git repo ;)
07:04.45geistshackan: right
07:04.52umdk1d3romainguy_: awesome  =D
07:05.05geistyou can just keep playing your change on top of the new head
07:05.17muthuumdk1d3: accessing sdcard is pretty straightforward
07:05.17geistso that it always looks like you had just hacked it right there
07:05.24romainguy_geist: what does rebase do exactly? I keep hearing about it :)
07:05.37muthuwas thinking about storing all my app data in sdcard.. but didn't do it
07:05.39geistwell, you can do a lot with it actually
07:05.56tomgibaraThe thing that threw me about repo, was that the documentation claims it automatically does a rebase after a sync, but I didn't see any evidence of it.
07:05.59geistbut the usual use case is to take your changes you've made and reapply them on top of a new head
07:06.11geistso you made a branch at revsion A of the mainline
07:06.21geistmake two patches on your branch, A1, A2
07:06.27geistthen mainline goes to C
07:06.29umdk1d3muthu: what happens if the motoroloa phone uses "/media/flash" or something weird for its external storage?  ;)  using this approach allows you to be ready for that
07:06.33romainguy_geist: ok I see
07:06.37romainguy_geist: that sounds cool
07:06.55geistif you rebase your change on C, it'll essentially switch to C and then play back your changes one at a time, letting you resolve changs
07:07.02geistend result is now you have a C1 and C2
07:07.30geistthere are tons of other things you can do while rebasing, like rearranging theorder you apply them in, merge some of them together, split some apart
07:07.50geistso it's common to also flatten all your changes on some topic branch into 1, then just drop them into mainline
07:08.03romainguy_that's cool
07:08.13romainguy_what really excites me about switching to git is branches support
07:08.24geistand since essentially nothing in git is destructive, it just creates new commits when it rebases
07:08.27romainguy_and the fact that git seems really smart about figuring out what you changed in the tree
07:08.30romainguy_(like moving files)
07:08.31geistsince the new changes will have a different hash
07:08.37romainguy_perforce sucks at moving files
07:08.42geistyou never actually lose anything, you just create new changes
07:08.50muthui don't see any git branches for android other than master
07:08.57geistso if it goes terribly wrong, you just switch back to your old branch
07:09.02muthuhow does android maintain releases?
07:09.07romainguy_we branch
07:09.11romainguy_but we're not using git internally
07:09.13romainguy_not yet
07:09.45geistthat's what rad about it. git actually has no concept of branches
07:09.55geistit just tracks a given history back through each commit's parent
07:10.08geistwhen you create a branch, it's really just a convention to call it that
07:10.17romainguy_yep, it's basically free
07:10.18geistyou're really just making changes on some point in the commit chain
07:10.24romainguy_which is what I like :)
07:10.26geistand it's only a branch if you want to think of it as such
07:10.39muthugeist: so its one long trunk?
07:10.42geistand usually one 'branch' is considered mainline purely by convention
07:11.16geistmuthu: sort of, yeah. since each commit is globally unique, and comtains a reference to it's globaly unique parent
07:11.27geistgiven any commit hash, you can trace it's history back to the beginning of time
07:11.28romainguy_geist: thinking in terms of branches is helpful for releases maintenance I find
07:11.46geistalso means given any two commits you can find their common ancestor by just tracking their parent until they collide
07:11.48romainguy_but again, I'm a total newbie when it comes to git :)
07:11.56geistor if one is a parent of another, etc
07:12.13geistso the structure of the branches is implicit given any commit hash
07:12.49geistthe globally uniqueness of the commits is rad too. for linux stuff it's really handy to cherry pick a change from the future
07:13.05romainguy_yes, I'm sure it's gonna be very handy for Android
07:13.10geistlinus checkks in somethign in trunk, you can just sync with their repo and cherry pick the change to your tree
07:13.14muthui like the fact you can just do your thing locally
07:13.31geista server to git is just a local repository in some shared spot
07:13.34geistnothing different about it
07:13.50geistso at work, for example, I point my home machine at my work machine and vice versa
07:13.58geistone is a remote of another
07:14.11geistso i can make a change, commit it, go home and pull it down and keep playing
07:14.35geistand since you can commit whatever you want, it doesn't really exist until you push it somewhere global
07:14.48geistyou can make all sorts of temporary commits, as long as you clean them up later, which is super easy to do
07:14.59geistflattening them, undoing them, deleting them from history, etc
07:15.07romainguy_what's flattening?
07:15.26geistlike going back in history and merging a a bunch of commits into each other
07:15.33romainguy_ok that's what I thought
07:15.47geistyou can rearrange them, flatten them, or split them pretty easily
07:15.55geistor just drop em
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07:16.22geistonce you get really handy at that, svn and p4 and whatnot gets relaly annoying, since it forces you down this linear time thing
07:16.28geistthat starst feeling really restrictive
07:16.48romainguy_oh they can be annoying even without using git :)
07:16.54geistthat too
07:17.01muthugeist: when you switch branch, the local unversioned files are not deleted, right?
07:17.23geistif you check out another local branch?
07:17.26geistyeah, they're left there
07:17.39geistthough if you have work pending you can also just commit it s 'foobar' or something
07:17.53geistand there's a 'git stash' that just makes a hidden commit to store pending work
07:17.55romainguy_geist: the most annoying thing with perforce is how heavy branching can be, it makes working on several changelists for the same files at the same time really annoying
07:18.04geistone trick you can do with git is commit something as foobar or whatever you want
07:18.07spikebikeI wonder what percentage of g1's have gotten an OTA update
07:18.11geistthen later on you can do a
07:18.17geistgit reset --soft HEAD^
07:18.27geistwhich reverts the commit as if it never happened, but leaves the files alone
07:18.33geistso now you're left with a bunch of unversioned stuff
07:19.13geistromainguy_: yeah, though it does a half decent job at tracking what has and hasn't been merged
07:19.17geistsvn is kind of a nightmare with that
07:19.30geistlast company i worked for had 30 or 40GB of data per 'branch'
07:19.34muthuam porting all svn stuff to git :)
07:19.47geistso with p4 everytime you needed a new branch it'd take an hour or so to just check it out before you could start
07:19.47romainguy_although moving things between branches in perforce can be quite confusing at times :)
07:20.01geistsince you can't do anything server side like you can on svn
07:20.03muthugeist: isn't git takes a lot more storage?
07:20.09geistno no, that's the best part about git
07:20.12geistit's extremely compact
07:20.23geistin the .git dir on your checkout you essentially have the entire repository
07:20.34geistbut it's packed super tight
07:20.41geistthe entire history of linux, for example, is about 250-300MB
07:21.06spikebikewow, that is impressive
07:21.07geistbasically git is a big content addressible file system, keyed by the SHA-1 hash of the object
07:21.15geistwith a patch management thing built on top of it
07:21.19spikebiketoday's kernel is impressively big
07:21.20muthubut storing all contents instead of delta, not an overhead?
07:21.27spikebike(just a single snapshot)
07:21.45geistso first and foremost it has a very compact way of storing each object as deltas from other objects
07:21.58geistbut from the upper levels of the code, it's just a pile of a million objects, or so
07:22.06jshermani have no idea what im doing w.r.t git
07:22.15jshermanhopefully that is done right
07:22.46geistif you unpacked the git db for linux, it'd probably be many gigabytes, but given that most objects are probably just simple deltas from another, it tries to pack them
07:23.00geistand does a darn good job at it
07:24.06geistgit at the high level doesn't actually store deltas between commits, it just stores a new snapshots
07:24.12muthuwhen did git released?
07:24.13geistif a file changed, it results in a new object
07:24.30geistso deltas for diff purposes or merges or whatnot are actually calculated at run time
07:24.51geistalso renames are tracked that way too. git just does a search to see if a blob shows up in a new spot, and assumes that's a rename
07:25.00romainguy_jsherman: I just reviewed your change, there's a little edit to make :)
07:25.09romainguy_geist: and that is sweeet
07:25.18romainguy_to handle moves/renames we use a p4 wrapper at google
07:25.23romainguy_slaps the stupid integrates
07:25.27geistit has some little heuristic to determine that a file showed up in a new spot
07:26.29geistanywya, we're pushing to move stuff to git at work too
07:26.42geistbut there's a big mental hurdle to get people off
07:26.53muthugeist: is git new?
07:26.57geistand there's always some idiot that wants to use windows...
07:27.01muthubeen hearing about git only now..
07:27.06geistmuthu: couple years i think
07:27.15tomgibaraGit is how source control systems should have worked for decades
07:27.34geistsupposedly some of the other distributed source control systems have similar features as well
07:27.43geistbut git is the first one i used
07:27.45Cedric_It also has a command line syntax that feels decades old
07:28.06geistyeah, that's a complaint, a lot of thecommands are seriously overloaded
07:28.09geistgit checkout, git reset, git diff
07:28.17geistlots of not quite the same thing you can do with them
07:28.36jshermaner is it supposed to make another reviedw
07:28.40jshermaninstead of just updating the existing one?
07:29.00romainguy_geist: Mercurial looks very similar indeed
07:29.15muthuthe ide's seem to be lagging in git support
07:29.50jshermanromainguy_, is it supposed to make another review page, or update the existing one?
07:30.07romainguy_no idea
07:30.09romainguy_I don't see any update
07:30.12tomgibaramuthu: things move slowly...
07:30.14jshermanyeah it made another page
07:30.18gamblermuthu, there is QGit, thats pretty handy
07:30.25romainguy_I can't see your new change
07:30.31geistyeah, doesn't bug me  since i'm command line only
07:30.34romainguy_there's an Eclipse plugin
07:30.34geistbut i can see the issue
07:30.42romainguy_also an IntelliJ plugin
07:30.42jshermanoh maybe i am supposed to just cancel this one?
07:31.03romainguy_ok I see the new one
07:31.04jshermanok i guess ill just delete the old one
07:31.16romainguy_it might be because I LGTM'd your first change
07:31.27romainguy_ah there's another edit you should make
07:31.34romainguy_sorry I missed it
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07:31.40romainguy_continuation indents are 8 spaces
07:31.44romainguy_the original file was wrong
07:31.51romainguy_but while you're at it... :)
07:32.02romainguy_so 4 more spaces before "mContext.getSystem..."
07:32.11romainguy_try to see if this updates the change
07:32.14muthuagree, ide's would come out with git support once its used more heavily
07:32.15romainguy_I haven't reviewed it
07:32.34muthuqgit, giggle, gitgui
07:32.36romainguy_I'm gonna miss IntelliJ's support for p4 annotate
07:32.43jshermanhmm i thought i saw something else indented 4
07:32.48jshermanoh ya
07:32.49tomgibaramuthu: git is used heavily, only by people who don't use ide's
07:32.54jshermanthe existing code is indented 4
07:32.58romainguy_jsherman: I know
07:33.08geistgitk is all i use
07:33.10romainguy_but you modified the line, so you should adapt it to the actual style :))
07:33.12muthutomgibara: yeah, we need ide users to get into the git bandwagon
07:33.36muthumyself haven't seen the need for git, until android
07:33.54geisttoo actually, through swetland
07:33.57tomgibaratomgibara: It's a circular dependency.. many ide users only use what their ide provides
07:34.04romainguy_as long as I'm not using CVS, I'm happy :)
07:34.37jshermanit submitted another one
07:34.40romainguy_jsherman: hmm ok
07:34.46jshermani am following the directions in the docs
07:34.47romainguy_there must be a command to update the change then
07:34.59jshermanit says to use git commit -a --amend
07:35.02jshermanand then re-upload
07:35.22tomgibarajsherman: My understanding is that there's currently no way to update a change submitted by repo
07:35.48tomgibaraThat's only what I understood from the docs though.
07:36.34muthuyou can revert a commit.. but not recommended
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07:38.00RyeBryedoes intellij have any decent android plugins yet?
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07:38.38RyeBryedarn. I hate eclipse.
07:38.47systmanyone here know of a PDF reader?
07:39.00systmfor android
07:39.14romainguy_RyeBrye: if that can make you feel better, I use IntelliJ for both Android framework code and personal apps :)
07:39.14DarkriftXsystm, multireader?
07:39.18systmaReader is on the Market, but it seems to suck.
07:39.30systmDarkriftX, where do I get that, on market?
07:39.34DarkriftXnot sure
07:39.42RyeBryeromainguy - that makes me feel better. now I will go sleep peacefully :)
07:39.44DarkriftXi have a version on my site but id think its on market also
07:40.09romainguy_RyeBrye: :))
07:40.17systmDarkriftX, reg?
07:40.21muthuthe good thing is.. you don't actually need an android plugin to work with android
07:40.42muthuant seems to be good enough for android
07:41.03romainguy_RyeBrye: I generate an ant build with activitycreator, then I add the build.xml as an Ant build in IntelliJ
07:41.15romainguy_and I finally bind a shortcut (Ctrl-D) to the reinstall target from that build file
07:41.24romainguy_so with one key press it builds and deploys the project on my phone
07:41.31Cedric_romainguy_: you mean IDEA still doesn't doincremental compilation?   :\
07:41.33romainguy_hardly need a plugin :))
07:41.42RyeBryeI'll probably do that
07:41.45romainguy_Cedric_: javac doesnt support it
07:42.01romainguy_Cedric_: and that suprisingly annoyed me when I left Eclipse, but I really don't care anymore
07:42.03Cedric_Oh yeah, blame Sun
07:42.46romainguy_but yeah, it'd be nice to have
07:43.03RyeBryeI prefer maven over ant for most of my projects where I have multiple modules involved - but I guess ant would be good enough for a single application
07:43.23gamblermy favourite eclipse feature is when characters im typing suddenly turn into other non-weird characters
07:43.30romainguy_I find maven way overblown for Android apps
07:43.35RyeBryeYeah, it probably is
07:43.45romainguy_I know jasta is using it
07:44.14RyeBryeI do mostly web development and rather large projects - so I use it all the time
07:44.19romainguy_that makes sense
07:44.46RyeBryebut yeah, scaling back to doing just one thing with one artifact that needs to get built - it would be overkill
07:45.25RyeBryethe only thing nice about it would be the automated running of unit tests and how it has you structure your code by convention in the source - but I could follow the same conventions with ant
07:46.31romainguy_well activitycreator will give you a project structure
07:46.33romainguy_the one we use everywhere
07:47.08RyeBryeprobably makes sense to follow that convention then :)
07:47.20romainguy_well some directories
07:47.35romainguy_are mandatory
07:47.39romainguy_assets and res for instance
07:47.55romainguy_you could have them someplace else but the names must be these names
07:48.53jastaexcept that activitycreator's build system doesn't support automated testing.
07:49.04romainguy_we could update it easily
07:49.06RyeBryeYeah, I do love that about maven
07:49.13jastaof course you could add it yourself in a way that doesn't extend to other projects
07:49.22RyeBryethe fact that you have to explictly tell it NOT to run tests is a great feature, imo
07:49.22jastawhere meanwhile, Maven supports this already, and in a tidy and centralized way
07:49.55romainguy_it's funny you like Maven so much when I see so many complaints about it on the web :)
07:50.13jastaso it surprises you that i have my own opinion?
07:50.25romainguy_that's exactly what I said, yes
07:50.31romainguy_nice deduction jasta :)
07:50.47Cedric_People start having problems with Maven when they need customized goals
07:51.08romainguy_Cedric_: I seem to recall that Maven was an easy target for Hani :)
07:51.12jastai find the Ant approach to fall 1 layer short of being a proper build environment.  it's analogous to writing Makefiles by hand, with merely some niceties piled onto it
07:51.19Cedric_romainguy_: Rightfully so
07:51.40tomgibaraI use maven for moseycode, and I've used it several times before - version 2 was a major improvement over the original
07:51.42Cedric_jasta: I would place ant above makefile but lower level than maven
07:51.55Cedric_Maven is a great idea with terrible implementation and design
07:52.31RyeBryemaven 2.0.9 works pretty well
07:52.35jastathe other thing i absolutely can't stand about lots of java build systems is that they encourage the developer to distribute the project dependencies.  dependency resolution is a problem for distribution, NOT for developers.
07:53.07tomgibaraCedric_: I don't think I'd agree, I think maybe it was too ambitious in its scope to get everything done well
07:53.08RyeBryeI agree... I worked on one OSS project that was a 50 meg download from subvesion - and 48 megs of that was dependencies
07:53.25RyeBryeby worked on I mean I DLed the code, rewrote it in a maven build, and submitted it back to the guy
07:53.34RyeBrye"here's the 2 meg version of your repository"
07:53.34romainguy_well Android comes with pretty much all the dependencies you need to build it :)
07:53.57systmDarkriftX, is MultiReader App yours?
07:54.08systmit doesnt open PDFS.
07:54.13tomgibaraFor me, managing dependencies is one significant reason for using Maven in large projects
07:54.21DarkriftXi just found screenshots for the last person who replied on that thread so i remembered it
07:54.36DarkriftXoh, i thought it shows a pdf being viewed in the screenshot
07:54.43RyeBryeOne cool thing about maven is the extensible build platform it has. In my current project, we are doing flex and java stuff - we use a flex mojo to build and run unit tests on the flex stuff, and then take the compiled swf and put it into our webapp before it gets bundled up
07:54.45umdk1d3how easy is it for maven to apply a simple patchset to any stuff from other repos?
07:54.48systmit does but it fails
07:55.13DarkriftXwell, its new...
07:55.16DarkriftXlemme look around for you
07:55.45tomgibaraumdk1d3: as far as I know, there's nothing built-in to do that
07:55.47RyeBryeumdk1d3 - you mean patch your dependencies? It can't - but if you want to do that you have to rebuild your dependencies anyway - which it can do quite nicely
07:55.49jastaumdk1d3: you'd either find or write a plugin.
07:55.54systmDarkriftX, Yea I know, just to let you know the file is 13.8
07:55.57jastaumdk1d3: a quick google reveals that such a plugin does exist.
07:56.06jastagoogle search*
07:56.43ChicagoI get an error when trying to run 'make' after using repo. I have the same problem as Issue #985 here ->  The problem is, the fix doesn't work for me.
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07:57.12RyeBryeMaven makes me happy. Now I must go sleep.
07:57.49RyeBrye <-- maybe Android 1.2 should be built on top of Windows 7! ;)
07:58.08RyeBrye(that title is so overly broad it's not even funny)
07:58.19jshermanAt the recent PDC, where Windows 7 was unveiled, Windows and Windows Live senior vice president Steve Sinofsky claimed that Windows 7 used less than half of the 1 GB of RAM on his Lenovo S10 netbook
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07:58.34Cedric_Funny I linked to that article in my latest post:
07:58.39Cedric_Windows 7 is looking pretty good
07:58.40jshermanhe should be embarassed to call that impressive
07:58.57Cedric_There are some cool UI innovations
07:59.01romainguy_Cedric_: I like the UI changes
07:59.11Cedric_The window management
07:59.11romainguy_Cedric_: even though I would have hoped they went even futher
07:59.31jastayeah, what "innovations"? :)
07:59.37Cedric_You maximize by dragging a window to the top
07:59.39spikebikecedric the vertically maxmize on an edge, then return to normal size when you pull it away?
07:59.42Cedric_minimize like that too when a window is maximized
07:59.49jastaCedric_: compiz does that now
07:59.53Cedric_automatic half split when dragging a window to the left or right
07:59.59spikebikejasta ya for some time now
08:00.10umdk1d3jasta: tomgibara RyeBrye thanks @ maven patching question  :)
08:00.16Cedric_spikebike: sounds right
08:00.31jastaso, actually i have an android question ;)
08:00.33DarkriftXwow systm there really isnt much out there
08:00.44Cedric_I guess we'll see these features in MacOS in one year or so
08:00.45DarkriftXi searched all my normal sources :(
08:01.19romainguy_Cedric_: at least this time it's useful features (compared to the Alt-Tab in 3D :)
08:01.20jastahow sophisticated are WifiLocks?  specifically, if i acquire one but no wi-fi network is connected, will the lock hold then if some time later wi-fi is connected?
08:01.39Cedric_agreed, the 3d alt-tab is not very useful, but awesome for dekmos
08:01.47romainguy_that's basically all it is
08:02.04romainguy_I actually didn't find it practical considering the improvements they brought to the regular alt-tab
08:02.14Cedric_If Vista had a decent shell and filesystem, I would dump my Mac in a heartbeat
08:02.31romainguy_also, I doubt the new window management features will come to Mac OS X
08:02.38romainguy_the way windows are used is just different
08:02.45jastawhen will Microsoft support multiple desktops, I wonder? :)
08:03.05Cedric_Some of these innovationds would work well for both
08:03.08RyeBryeThat would take another 450 MB or ram
08:03.20Cedric_Having a maxed out window and moving it should always be possible
08:03.38romainguy_Cedric_: I'll speak from personal experience, but since I switched to Mac OS X, I basically stopped maximizing windows
08:03.41gamblerCedric2, you could just use Cygwin on top of windows
08:03.53Cedric_gambler: cygwin is not good enough
08:03.55jasonparekh_jasta: yup, grab a wifi lock and it'll keep it awake (and looking for networks) until you release
08:04.00romainguy_Cedric_: I very much like the "document as window" approach
08:04.20gamblerCedric2, what exactly do you want?
08:04.21romainguy_but I'd love to use these new features in my Windows XP :)
08:04.23Cedric_romainguy_: agree I'm not a big maximizer myself, but I still don't like the document as window fascism
08:04.28jasonparekh_romainguy_: you dont maximize cause you have a 30inch monitor :)
08:04.28Cedric_sometimes it's what I want, other times not
08:04.32jastajasonparekh_: hmm, i might need to add some sophistication for my usage to actually see if the user is on 3G or not.
08:04.44romainguy_Cedric_: that I can understand, it just works for me
08:05.01romainguy_jasonparekh_: I started Mac OS X with a 12" Powerbook :)
08:05.07jastabecause if their connectivity is < 3G, i'd want to hold a wifilock just arbitrarily i think.
08:05.25Cedric_Reading and writing text is not practical with maximized windows, but so many people do it... never ceases to surprise me
08:05.31romainguy_Cedric_: have you tried the new .NET based shell? I really really like it, I just find every command way to complicated to type :)
08:05.47jasonparekh_jasta: we tear down the data network whenever wifi is up, in most cases
08:05.49romainguy_Cedric_: helps focus on the task at hand I guess
08:05.55Cedric_romainguy_: PowerShell? I tried it a bit, very interesting concepts that blow the Unix shells out of the water
08:06.06jasonparekh_jasta: the exception is for MMS
08:06.13romainguy_Cedric_: totally agree
08:06.15Cedric_great for writing shell scripts, still subpar for user interactivity
08:06.23romainguy_Cedric_: yeah that's what I meant
08:06.25jasonparekh_jasta: though there may be a public API to keep the mobile data network up, not sure
08:06.29romainguy_I found it tedious for day to day use
08:06.34romainguy_but damn, it is very powerful
08:06.37gamblerromainguy_, I dont know if you've heard but mono now ships the equivalent of javascript eval for C#... you can make the compiler a library, some awesome features there.
08:06.46jastajasonparekh_: you mean when you actually get service over wi-fi right?  holding a wifilock won't just arbitrarily shut off the cellular data network right?
08:06.52Cedric_Once you start using it, UNIX pipes look like dinosaurs
08:07.03romainguy_gambler: it's just like using BeanShell or Groovy in eval mode :)
08:07.10romainguy_Cedric_: :)
08:07.20romainguy_Cedric_: like you said, too bad this is not backed by a good file system :p
08:07.21jasonparekh_tiling window managers rock!
08:07.26jastajasonparekh_: also, how would GTalk deal with that?  with the way wifi works now it would frequently need to reconnect as wifi comes on and goes away
08:07.31jasonparekh_jasta: right
08:07.55jasta(assuming you shut off the cellular network, i mean)
08:07.56jasonparekh_jasta: yep, gtalk (and other background network srevices) listen for connectivity changes and reconnect accordingly
08:08.33jastahmm, that doesn't seem efficient to me without some logic in place to detect a minimum threshold and reconnect only if below it.
08:08.57jastabut i guess if the mobile network shuts off for wi-fi then there's nothing you could do.
08:09.26jastathat just seems really abrupt to me.  would connections just fail immediately when wi-fi comes on?
08:09.31jasonparekh_jasta: yeah, that's the bottleneck.  our revamped connection manager will be much smarter about managing the different interfaces
08:09.54jasonparekh_jasta: hm, they wouldn't fail because they'd be going over wifi?
08:10.24jastajasonparekh_: i thought you were saying that when wi-fi is on, the mobile data network is disabled.  so my question was when wi-fi comes on, would all existing connections immediately fail?
08:10.48jastaor does the radio not really shut off, it just is no longer the dfeault route?
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08:11.11jasonparekh_jasta: sorry, I meant when wifi is connected to an AP, the mobile data is torn down.
08:11.33jastayeah that's what i meant by "wi-fi is on" in that case.
08:11.56jastaso existing connections would fail immediately then?
08:12.05jastaok, interesting
08:12.22jasonparekh_there may be some small overlapping period, but for the most case that's how it works
08:13.28ChicagoBefore make'ing Android. Is there a build environment variable I can set for my java virtual machine? I keep getting this error "make: *** No rule to make target `run-java-tool', needed by `out/target/common/docs/framework-timestamp'.  Stop."
08:13.48jastajasonparekh_: how heavy is holding the wifi radio on?
08:13.56romainguy_Chicago: do you have javac & stuff in your PATH?
08:14.12jastai understand it as being more efficient than the mobile data network for almost every case, so it would really be pretty light to keep on
08:14.31jasonparekh_jasta: it's more expensive than mobile data networks
08:14.41jasonparekh_jasta: especially if there's some amount of broadcast traffic
08:15.01jastamy music player app needs to stream music a lot, but it does work just fine over 3G.  so i was thinking of holding a wifi lock if the mobile data network is less than 3G speeds.
08:15.17jastabut that might not be smart
08:15.44umdk1d3im curious if it keeps lat/lon of ssids youve connected to in the past, and it maybe reduces its scan frequency when outside of areas with previously connected networks
08:15.57jastamaybe i could use a wifilock only if it detects your are connected
08:16.10jastaand if you lose connectivity, release the wifilock
08:16.13tomgibaraI'm hazy on the conditions under which it's sensible to retry a failed http connection.
08:16.18jastaby connected, i mean associated with an AP.
08:16.37jastatomgibara: look for the DownloadProvider in the source tree.  it's got very sophisticated logic for this.
08:16.44jasonparekh_jasta: so having the chipset on, but not associated is okay
08:16.48tomgibarajasta: Thanks for the tip
08:16.54umdk1d3it would be awesome if someone wrote an app to turn off wifi automatically when you leave areas that youve defined, like you home or office
08:17.04umdk1d3or turn off bluetooth if you havent used it in last 15-mins or something
08:17.08umdk1d3pokes locale team
08:17.15Chicagoromainguy_: First, I think its because /usr/bin/java is a symlink to run-java-tool. But javac is in /usr/bin which is in my path. This is $PATH of my user which tries to run make ->
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08:17.28jastai actually would prefer to be able to have wifi off always, but at my house T-Mobile only gives me EDGE and my app doesnt work at all over EDGE
08:17.35jastaso its hard to play with it / test :\
08:17.42romainguy_Chicago: what JDK are you using? Sun's?
08:18.45tomgibaraumdk1d3: I just can't see these things being generally practical with GPS/network based location finding.
08:19.49jasonparekh_jasta: so, just to make sure I'm thinking about the same scenario as you.  screen is off (otherwise wifi chipset is on, looking for networks).  if user is on EDGE, you want to grab wifi lock indefinitely, so you can switch over once he comes in range?
08:19.58jastaumdk1d3: well, wi-fi is off when the phone sleeps for a little while
08:20.13tomgibaraMy experience with the G1 to date is that, around where I live, network location accuracy is typically about 1km, and you have almost no chance of GPS working indoors.
08:20.29jastajasonparekh_: i want the wifilock so that the system can use wifi when it needs data, which is likely pretty often but not constant.
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08:21.28Chicagoromainguy_: The package is dev-java/sun-jdk-
08:21.43jasonparekh_jasta: ok.. the background scan can get expensive if it's always doign it (even when screen is off), so I'd suggest grabbing wifi lock, allow it to check for networks, and release if it doesn't connect
08:21.47jastatomgibara: GPS doesn't work indoors because of its design.  it needs line of sight to the sky, basically.
08:21.49romainguy_I asked cause I see a bunch of blackdown JDKs in your path
08:22.36jastajasonparekh_: yeah, that sounds like a good strategy.  that way if the user turns the screen on wifi will return in either case and my apps check for connectivity can happen again
08:22.43tomgibarajasta: Doesn't seem universally true, it does work inside my mother's house for example - one window can be enough it seems.
08:23.15jastatomgibara: what i meant was, it isn't expected to work indoors.
08:23.43jastaso if it ever does, it's a fluke :)
08:25.05Chicagoromainguy_: With gentoo, there is a setup for virtual/jdk installs. I have 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 available.  Both the system-vm and user-vm are set to sun-jdk-1.5.
08:25.13tomgibarajasta: Yes. My broader point is that I don't see how all of these location based services are expecting to work well using only phone's location hardware.
08:25.24romainguy_Chicago: what do you get when you type javac --version?
08:25.36jastatomgibara: well, the phone can use google's "my location", which doesn't use GPS
08:25.50jastaand it can also use wi-fi hotspot identification to determine location (which it does seem to do?)
08:26.10Chicagoromainguy_: 'javac -version' reports "javac 1.5.0_16" and then gives the usage information.
08:26.18jastagoogle's "my location" is based on cell tower identification, so that will work just about anywhere with strong service
08:26.28romainguy_Chicago: then I have no idea :)
08:26.44jasonparekh_wi-fi-based location is pretty amazing
08:26.44romainguy_jasta: and where we do have the location of the cells :)
08:26.58tomgibarajasta: As I commented above, network location is only accurate to within roughly 1km where I live
08:27.09jastaromainguy_: right, but you guys get that for major cities by just driving around, right?
08:27.19romainguy_I don't know how we get the data
08:27.28jastatomgibara: right, but for Locale and such, 1km is probably enough
08:27.36jastafor instance, my work is not within 1km of anywhere else i go except work :)
08:28.09gamblerevery country's version of the FCC publishes that data, or at least they did before it became evil terrorist information
08:28.12tomgibarajasta: In America where things are more spread out, maybe 1km is enough
08:28.47tomgibaraI think its an open question for the urban areas of western Europe
08:29.04jastawell, those services are not intended to work everywhere for everyone.
08:29.14jastaand i think there are lots of apps that have that caveat
08:29.30jastafor instance, my app will be pointless for anyone without a strong 3G network all around them
08:29.35jastanearly everywhere they go
08:29.46jastathat condition is true for me, and that's why i wrote it :)
08:29.55tomgibaranaturally, I've almost finished my location based app, and I make the same caveats
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08:40.51Chicagoromainguy_: Dang man... I finally figured it out. I misread the info on the download page and explicitly set ANDROID_JAVA_HOME in my environment to /opt/sun-jdk- but I was supposed to set it literally to "$JAVA_HOME"...
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08:45.24lethalcodeAny reason I might be getting a Resources.NotFoundException error when the resources are there? ...
08:45.36lethalcodeI have res.openRawResourceFd(R.raw.words).
08:45.47lethalcoderes/raw/words.txt is there, and it's listed inside as well.
08:45.58lethalcodeThe message from the error reads, oddly:
08:46.16lethalcode"File res/raw/words.txt from drawable resource ID #0x7f040000"
08:47.47triclethalcode: is i words.txt, or maybe Words.txt?
08:48.05lethalcodetric: words.txt
08:48.14lethalcoderes/ doesn't allow upper case characters.
08:48.51umdk1d3its odd that it thinks its a drawable
08:49.14lethalcodeumdk1d3: My thoughts exactly.
08:49.56jasonparekh_lethalcode: do a getCause() on the exception
08:50.16jasonparekh_lethalcode: looking at the code, it caches any exception and re-throws it with that drawable message
08:50.26lethalcodeDoing so.
08:51.24lethalcode"This file can not be opened as a file descriptor; it is probably compressed"
08:51.46lethalcodemumbles a bit. Gotta use openRawResource, then, it seems.
08:52.54lethalcodealso mumbles at BufferedInputStream not having readLine.
08:53.56lethalcodeOkay, thanks, getCause() set me on my way.
08:54.24tomgibaramumbles back that BufferedReader has such a method
08:55.16lethalcodeThat's why I was using openRawResourceFd.
08:55.32lethalcodeI may be missing something, but InputStream can't be passed to BufferedReader.
08:55.39tomgibaraWrap a Reader round it
08:55.40systmDarkriftX, did you find a reader?
08:56.17lethalcodeI just found that. Thanks, I feel like an idiot now ;).
08:58.44lethalcodeAnd now another one:
08:58.50lethalcodeData exceeds UNCOMPRESS_DATA_MAX
08:59.36lethalcodeGuess I'll split it into several separate files.
08:59.45umdk1d3yea i had to split stuff to be under 1mb
08:59.51romainguy_makes me fear the size of your apk :)
09:00.07lethalcoderomainguy_: 512k. I'm making a word game, and using the ENABLE word list.
09:00.44romainguy_I want someone to port Lumines and Meteos to Android :)
09:02.00umdk1d3hmm gameloft has written a port of lunines, and they have android people
09:02.10romainguy_can't wait
09:02.24jastai find that i really enjoy MisMisMatch
09:03.26lethalcodeA'ight. G'night, guys, and thanks for the help =).
09:03.40jastanever even heard of it before android
09:04.13umdk1d3ohcrap  "On the first Sunday in November, clocks are set back one hour at 2:00 a.m. local daylight time, which becomes 1:00 a.m. local standard time."
09:04.41jastayou didnt know it was daylight savings time? :)
09:04.50umdk1d3wait, i think my zonefile might have automatically changed it for me
09:04.56muthuyou get an extra hour of tv watching ;)
09:05.01umdk1d3i thought it felt later than it was
09:05.04geistyeah, welcome to the hour you lost in march
09:05.31umdk1d3yay its MST instead of MDT now  ^.^
09:06.16Adamantcomputers usually do it automatically if they have the right patch for current DST setup and not the old one
09:06.31jastaalso, linux machines typically do it as a function of ntp.
09:06.45Adamantwell, all major OS's
09:07.03umdk1d3i thought it was based on the time interpritation instructions in /etc/localtime
09:07.14Adamantit is usually
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09:14.35spikebikemy g1's clock at the top say 1:32
09:14.45spikebikebut the lock screen says 1:16
09:22.42geistyeah, mine is whacked out too
09:22.52geistsays it's 1:44 on the lock screen (it's 1:22)
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09:23.14geistoh well, actually worse than that. says it's 1:44 even once i log in
09:23.29spikebikepowercycle fixed mine
09:23.33spikebikeboth now read corrct
09:24.04geistdid it get out of whack before the time zone change?
09:25.28geistoh weird
09:25.30geistit's not moving
09:25.36geistit's stuck at 1:44
09:26.35geisti betcha it's a display bug
09:26.44geistsystem time moved back, but the title bar got confused
09:26.48geistso it wont update itself or something
09:27.04geisti betcha when it gets to be 1:44 it'll pick up and start updating
09:27.27geistand the first 1:44 was the last time it updated
09:38.55jshermandoes g1 have bluetooth?
09:39.39jshermanif not, clock problems night be same as in emulator
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09:44.50jastajsherman: it has bluetooth.
09:45.02jshermanok nm then
10:01.53geistyep, it resolved itself as it hit 1:44
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10:14.10spikebikeah so
10:14.24spikebikeit only updates when time > display time
10:15.43geisti can just imagine the bug. it's probably something like in most cases the time is set from the java level, so the menu gets the update
10:16.01geistbut this is the one case where the os will set it from underneath java
10:16.10geistand so it doesn't catch the change, etc
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10:22.28eleftherioshas anyone managed to use a G1 without creating/using a Google account?
10:25.57spikebikedo you have religious objections?
10:27.34eleftheriosno, I just don't want to create an account. I don't need it, I have my own mail server etc.
10:27.50languisheleftherios "it doesn't work that way"
10:28.13languishit's a "t-mobile g1 *with google*"
10:28.22languishwelcome to the cloud
10:28.31eleftheriosIt is *my* hardware
10:28.34eleftheriosI paid for it
10:28.49eleftheriosand I have a right to use in any way I want
10:29.10Dialektshould i grab a g1 tomorrow ?
10:29.12languishyou paid for a locked down piece of technology. if you figure out how to get around the locked down part...
10:29.26Dialektlocked down piece of technology?
10:29.31DialektI PAID FOR ONE OF THOSE
10:29.37DialektSTUPID iPhonian in my hands
10:29.50Dialektlanguish: happy with your g1 yet ?
10:30.12languishDialekt, still mixed feeling, but i do find it to be very entertaining all around
10:30.59languishmy wife likes it
10:31.05Dialektmixed feelings in comparison to another device or to what you were "expecting" ???
10:31.10languishbut she's *really* annoyed with t-mobile
10:31.26languishdue to the constant service outages
10:32.18languishwell there are things I like about the G1, and things I don't
10:32.24languishthe camera is practically useless to me
10:32.34Dialektyeah .. ive been spoiled by cameras
10:32.41Dialekthence using nokias for a very long time
10:32.47Dialekteverything else is useless in comparison
10:32.49languisheven with the awesome apps that use the camera, I couldn't use them in a number of situations due to poor lighting
10:32.58Dialekti really need to grab a camera on its own
10:33.02languishthe camera is crap
10:33.03Dialektim sick of phone cameras
10:33.05Dialektand tweaking
10:33.40spikebikeis very happy with the g1... and even the camera
10:34.00languishnow, I get a real kick out of the market, and seein the new apps pop up, and reading all the hilarious comments
10:34.10languishexcept for the spam and the "firsts"
10:34.24spikebikeI was reading during a dog walk and kept opening new browser windows
10:34.34spikebikeI was impressed on how well it handled them
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10:35.05languishyes, I'm happy with the browser, at least WHEN it remembers addresses and when I have 3g, which has been about 3 or 4 days out of 7
10:35.52languishI'll live with the 3g hardware for a few months
10:35.57languishuntil a better device comes along
10:36.01spikebikeI don't mind it on edge, I was kinda surprised how fast edge is
10:36.12languishoh, edge would have even been nice
10:36.16spikebikeI guess I shouldn't be surprised, the original iphone folks sounded pretty happy
10:36.26languishtoday, and the other day, we even lost voice service for hours
10:36.32spikebikewow, where are you?
10:36.51languishit worked on our razr's, not on our g1's. yay tmo
10:37.11spikebikeI did hear about folks having their g1 on "free" data for 1 week
10:37.14languishit wasn't isolated to us, some web forums are full of customers complaining about the same thing
10:37.22spikebikebut then it expired and requires readding the data
10:37.27spikebikeall in nyc?
10:37.44languishdifferent areas across the city
10:38.31Dialekti really wanna give that device a shot
10:38.34Dialektmore so than the storm
10:38.39languishDialekt, it's worth playing with
10:38.40Dialektbut the storm is just gonna bulletproof
10:38.42languishit's a fun device
10:38.44Dialektas most blackberries are
10:38.48languishandroid is nice, if still very much a beta
10:38.50Dialektbut i know what to expect with a blackberry
10:38.59languishbut they really shouldn't be selling the G1 at retail
10:39.07Dialektyeah but i wonder what's so new about it
10:39.09languishit's just not well rounded enough yet
10:39.15Dialektlike in comparison to other devices
10:39.18Dialekti see
10:39.26languishthe screen is very nice
10:39.33languishthe method of swiveling the screen is nice
10:40.00languishhaving the trackball is a very nice addition to touch screen and the keybaord
10:40.14languishthe keyboard I could take or leave.. it's functional, but the htc touch pro's is much better
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10:40.51languishthe OS is nice and snappy, good response
10:41.01languishit has upseides and down
10:41.18phyburnI'm trying to make a game clock, and I was able to create it in java today but I didn't think android wouldn't have ActionListeners. What should I use instead?
10:41.36languishthe downs will most likely be fixed with future revisions, but the device overall right now, isn't to be relied on as a day to day phone
10:41.47Dialektyeah but what other devices
10:41.51Dialekthave u been using?
10:42.01Dialektwould u rather go back to them only for stability>
10:42.06languishtouch pro, some other winmo's
10:42.10Dialektor can u live with its current shortcomings?
10:42.13spikebikelanguish that seems pretty strong
10:42.22spikebikeI've definitely had worse phones
10:42.24languishit's my opinion
10:42.38languishbetween mine, my wife's, and our neighbors that have the G1
10:42.53spikebikeheh my wife and 2 friends have them
10:43.04spikebikeand one of their wives
10:43.05languishit's kinda cool, we like it, but it's not ready for prime time. too many little glitches, like the email problems
10:43.11jastai can't even fathom choosing any WinMo phone over the G1.
10:43.13languishmy wife likes it
10:43.16languishbut she's frustrated with it
10:43.23spikebikeoh?  with what?
10:43.23jastai have been a windows mobile user for years and its miserably bad
10:43.32spikebikethe 2 wives seem pleased
10:43.41languishmy wife's more techy than most
10:43.52languishthen again, in this company.. who knows
10:43.56spikebikeI expected worse considering how new the platform is, crashes and the like
10:44.06languishwell we do get crashes
10:44.19languishrather it turns off and doesn't turn back on until the battery's removed
10:44.29languish(and replaced)
10:44.32spikebikeI've not seen that
10:44.38languishlucky us :)
10:44.40jastaneither have i.
10:44.51jastamine has been running since the day i got it
10:45.14jastawell, that's not true, i did have to hard reset it when i discovered some irritating shortcoming with package signing :)
10:45.15spikebikeI use mine pretty hard as well
10:45.20phyburnwhat do you use instead of Actionlisteners?
10:45.20languishI've heard up and down stories from all sides
10:45.38spikebikelanguish I'm definitely interested in your experience
10:46.24spikebikeI'd say in general if you drink the coolaid, use gmail, like gmaps, don't mind managing contacts on google's servers it's a pretty good all around phone
10:46.38languishmy own experience is that mostly due to t-mobile, partially due to htc, and becuase of some of the shortcomings of android needing a little more maturity, it's not a ready for primetime device. It should have been released AS a beta, or sold directly to dev's first
10:46.39spikebikenot as slick and polished as an iphone
10:46.50spikebike(although much more functional in various ways)
10:46.50languishspikebike, I drink the coolaid
10:47.19languishI just don't turn into an evangelist because I drank the cool aid. I turn in to an evangelist because I'm wowed by the product
10:47.20spikebikelanguish sure, just sharing my thoughts as well, not trying to speak fo rya
10:47.33spikebikeso it doesn't do imap as well as others
10:47.38languishheh dude
10:50.33jastaspikebike: i'm working on that ;)
10:50.35spikebikedoesn't do irc at all
10:50.35spikebikedoesnt' have a great ebook reader
10:50.35languishit spammed a friend of mine with 8 messaged WHILE I was composing 1
10:50.35spikebikelanguish ya, I remember reading about that
10:50.35languishbasically sending during the composing
10:50.35spikebikevia imap?
10:50.35spikebikeor gmail?
10:50.35languishspikebike, yeah
10:50.35languishno not gmail
10:50.35languishthe gmail app, the gchat, works perfectly
10:50.35spikebikesee the cool aide ;-)
10:50.35languishexcept some of us have to use other addys
10:50.36jastai am quite familiar with the Email apps code base at this point and i can tell you there are lots of bugs in it
10:50.36jastait was a rushed app
10:50.36languishand infact, it was a secong gmail addy that was being used, int he email app
10:50.36spikebikeyeah I'm pretty impressed with gchat, it basically removes my need for sms
10:50.36jastabut it is well written none-the-less, and easily fixed.
10:50.36languishwhicht he email app auto-set up for imap
10:50.36spikebikejasta yeah, seemed like google wanted to wait till 2009
10:50.36spikebikebut tmo wanted to roll it out with 3g so they cut some corners
10:50.36jastaspikebike: i've been hacking extensively on the Email app for the past week
10:50.36spikebikejasta yeah, I've been following.  Got idle working yet?
10:50.36languishtmo wasn't ready to roll out with 3g
10:50.36languishthey still aren't
10:50.37spikebikeheh, well they are.... for some cities
10:50.37languishnot in nyc
10:50.37spikebikebut yeah there's some issues along the way
10:50.37jastaspikebike: i've had it working for a week, but i'm rewriting my support to be optimal
10:50.37spikebikesacramento hasn't had any isuses I know of
10:50.37spikebikejasta that kind of thing warms my soul
10:50.37jastaspikebike: my first crack at it was just a lame hack.  right now i'm doing major surgery.
10:50.43spikebikeactually improving a build in app, imagine that... why can't anyone else allowing that
10:50.47languishI'm used to tmo doing this, but I'm not used to not having voice service for over an hours (in this case half the day, again)
10:50.47jastai'm wrapping up the first set of changes though.
10:51.05spikebikelanguish that's out of control.. I wonder if the story will come out
10:51.07languishpreviously, when they had their edge rollout, and back in 2000 when they transitioned from voicestream
10:51.22languishmonths of headaches, but short lived each one
10:51.23spikebikeheh my previous phone (that the g1 replaced) was bought from AT&T
10:51.35spikebikebut spent 100% on tmo... and always reported voicestream
10:51.54chris_debianGuys, I haven't got my G1 yet, but was wondering how the software gets updated (in light of the past comments). What I mean is, will the updates be automatic, like on most GNU/Linux distros?
10:52.14languishchris_debian, yes it's automatic, over the air.
10:52.15jastachris_debian: the updates are pestering, not automatic.
10:52.28spikebikewell they download automatially
10:52.35spikebikebut don't apply till approved (right?)
10:53.01chris_debianCheers, guys.  So it looks like these initial buggy bits will get worked out and be applied fairly quickly.
10:53.02jastachris_debian: and the commits likely will be built up into a 1.1 stable release and then updated.  no small incremental changes will make it in surely.
10:54.52languishchris_debian, the software side should be juuust fine after a few updates
10:55.08languishwhich my guess is will take a number of months to come
10:55.30languishjust don't expect to take decent pics under anything but decent sunlight
10:55.56chris_debianWell my current contract ends in December, so things may be a bit better then.  It still sounds like the device is much more mature than Openmoko.
10:56.03swetlandjasta: yeah, the nature of carrier acceptance means that doing rapid/continuous updates is difficult
10:56.17Dialekti really am torn between the g1, going back to symbian, or the storm
10:56.24Dialekti kinda hate using my iPhone..
10:56.30swetlandcritical/security fixes are likely to see a fast track, most other stuff bundled into periodic updates
10:56.36Dialektall though a variety of features are just a software update away
10:56.45Dialekti dont think apple has the balls to give us what we want
10:56.48Dialektso that's out
10:58.19spikebikechris_debian way way more mature than openmoko
10:59.17spikebikedialekt big advantages over iphone: multitasking, cut/paste, MMS, and filltime gtalk
10:59.22languishas long as you don't *need* the g1 for windows environment specific backend connectivity at this time, or the camera, I'd say get the G1 for the fun of it
10:59.35chris_debianI'd been waiting to get my Openmoko, but it's come to the crunch, and apparently Openmoko has terrible call quality, and that's just not acceptable on a telephone!  Shame, as I liked the openness of the project.
10:59.40Dialektwindows environment?
10:59.42Dialekti use a mac
10:59.53languishthen you're fine :)
10:59.55Dialekti do like the symbian platform..
11:00.05Dialektmainly because of the extreme hardware
11:00.10Dialektbut their logic is retarded
11:00.14languishbut I said windows *back end*.. usng exchange server.. etc
11:00.18Dialektor just not logical.
11:00.38jastalanguish: we use Exchange at work but i wouldnt say anyone needs integration with it.  just set up your outlook calendar to sync with google calendar and then hook up IMAP for e-mail
11:00.43Dialektooo exchange server options can be crucial but since I havent used them in such a long time ..push is not mandatory
11:01.00languishjasta, depends on your company policies
11:01.01spikebikeI crashed 3 different distributions at linuxworld (on the openmoko)
11:01.03Dialektany missing entries/fields you wish that gmail had?
11:01.18jastalanguish: you mean if they don't allow IMAP?  well, bonehead IT people should be bitchslapped into submission.
11:01.22Dialekti don't want any missing info if I synced with google.
11:01.44languishjasta, or if they don't allow you to sync with google calendar either :P
11:01.53jastathe solution is the same
11:02.00languish'eh, not always so simple
11:02.17spikebikethe g1 is way better hardware.  3G, quad band, keyboard, better battery life, more reliable, etc.
11:02.18languishDialekt, zero issues witht he calendar app on my end
11:02.26jastai am an IT person, and yes i know that convincing other lesser admins of things can be difficult
11:02.36Dialektwhat about contacts
11:02.43jastabut it can be done, if you sufficiently prove that they are retarded :)
11:03.00jastaDialekt: contacts can work the same way if you want.  just make outlook do it.
11:03.00spikebikedialekt it's kinda lame. allows editing grouping contacts
11:03.11spikebikebut the g1 just has a big list, it auto-syncs if you want
11:03.58Dialektgrouping  contacts?
11:03.59languishjasta, it's not just the admins. it's the executives that have external security auditing going on and use their recommendations to enforce controls on IT
11:03.59Dialektmeaning contact groups etc?
11:03.59Dialektdistribution lists like on blackberry?
11:04.23spikebikedialekt say you have a group for friends, one for family, one for work
11:04.43spikebikenot mailing list, just grouping for ease of finding em
11:05.06Dialektand there's ONE BIG LIST on g1?
11:05.14spikebikeyeah, seems a little rushed
11:05.21swetlandI actually the app knows about groups
11:05.27swetlandand you can choose which group you want to see
11:05.31spikebikeoh you can?
11:05.36swetlandbut there's no local ui, so you have to setup groups using the web stuff
11:05.42swetlandwhich is unfortunate
11:05.52swetlandthere's a "view which group" menu option
11:06.06languishhah nice new app in the Market
11:06.13languishuse the phone as a level
11:07.11spikebiketakes it back
11:07.17spikebikeswetland thanks
11:07.33spikebikeand it doesn't bother me that you have to create them on the web
11:07.34languishah which reminds me. if you need a specific app *now* to function well, for example.. you need a fully featured video player.. then wait on the g1. it has a basic video play, it works, I use it, but it has some useability issues, needs polish.
11:08.13languishif you can wait for updates to it, great, but for certain tasks, you may need to wait until you, or someone else, develops the app to satisfy them
11:08.40languishif you can't wait for something another device does that the g1 doesn't "yet" then wait
11:09.02languishif you're a dev, get it anyway and code for it, your efforts will be worth it
11:09.56spikebikewith that said, even if you write nothing it's a very useful phone.. not yet an awesome mp3 player, movie player, etc...
11:10.33jastayay, my new patch is so far 1300 lines :)
11:10.39jastaand there's still more to do
11:10.43Dialektwhat about for everyday use
11:10.48Dialektfor a text messaging whore like me?
11:10.50spikebikeit's fine (IMO)
11:10.50swetlandspikebike: I'd prefer that there were local UI.  Hopefully we'll fix that ^^
11:10.54Dialekti use the web all the time..
11:10.59Dialekti use irc often..
11:11.03languishfor text messaging it's fine, as long as you have service...
11:11.05Dialekti use AIM RELIGIOUSLY
11:11.13languishaim it's less hot on
11:11.14spikebikeno irc client afaik, but there is ssh
11:11.19languishmove to gchat
11:11.27spikebikeI use gtalk which I like, which does aim, but I don't use it that way
11:11.30spikebikeer gchat
11:11.39spikebiketry the googlegadget, its' very similar
11:11.43languishgchat is the bees knees
11:11.58spikebikedialekt you can try the simulator, it's a decent representation
11:12.16spikebikeyeah I like gchat over SMS because it's free, and it works over wifi and cellular
11:13.57Dialektwhoo ho
11:14.08Dialektgchat sucks
11:14.17Dialektsimulator doesn't mac worky
11:14.29Dialektgchat doesn't suck but i dont know many people who use it/pay attention to it
11:14.32spikebikesvetland interesting looks like there's a big bug
11:14.42spikebikeer swetland
11:14.50spikebikeonly user created groups show
11:15.00spikebikebut the google default groups like family don't carry over
11:15.50Dialektim excited
11:15.57Dialekti got featured in the biggest spoof on the web
11:20.30coding1does the G1 plays HD 1080p?
11:21.02languishonly if you reencode it down to a format and size playable by the G1 :)
11:22.07coding1when will be coming the g2?
11:23.01PoohbaLTugh.  i need a file viewer.  y didn't one come with the device?  :(
11:25.41tweaktwhat good is 1080p on 480x320?
11:25.52tweaktthink about it ;-)
11:26.58spikebikeit would be kinda cool to not have to transcode
11:27.14languishon a ~500mhz processor?
11:27.26languishtry playing 1080p on any 500mhz machine
11:27.37languishnot happening
11:27.53languishso why would you expect a handset to do it?
11:28.03coding1i can play HD in pocketPc's
11:28.22languishyou cannot play a 1080p file on a typical pocketpc
11:28.35languishperhaps you can stream a file that's being encoded on the fly
11:28.44languishthat's not the same thing
11:29.09coding1no i just copy paste to the SD and plays
11:29.45languishi just realized the g1 browser doesn't have refresh :|
11:30.11coding1install opera mini
11:30.43languishi have my own reasons for not using opera mini, thanks though :)
11:30.57coding1midget related?
11:32.04languishsure, blame the little people whydontcha
11:32.05Adamantcoding1: midget is not the preferred nomenclature, dude
11:32.32Adamantgahh, sleeeeeeep
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11:47.36languishakin to sms, what transport protocol does gchat use?
11:48.44ErikTDoes anybody know if when you send a text message via the SmsManager, a copy of the message is placed in the messaging outbox?
11:53.24tweaktdoes anyone know if there are USB adapters with a microphone jack? I'd like to use my G1 to record but need better audio
11:54.59mimoris there a way to put android on the sonyericsson p910I ?
11:58.57languishahh I remmeber
11:59.06languishn/m my last question
11:59.58spikebikeer languish?  no refresh?
12:00.15spikebikeis opera available for android?
12:02.16languishopera mini is
12:02.34spikebikenews to me
12:02.38languishor so I've been told
12:02.43spikebikethe built in browser does have refresh
12:02.57languishah wait
12:03.18languish<coding1> install opera mini
12:03.51languishyep, there is opera mini for android
12:03.58spikebikeya found it
12:04.10spikebikeif you try it let me know, I'm pretty happy with the builtin
12:04.15spikebikeand refresh is under menu ;-)
12:04.24languishyeah I'm not going to be installing opera mini
12:04.46languishoh duh
12:05.01languishI was looking for it in the damnshortcuts
12:05.29languishspike, thanks
12:06.33languishi think I need my two hours of sleep
12:07.03Dialektanother thing i love about the blackberry are all the shortcuts
12:07.10Dialektthat's gonna be odd without a keyboard on the STORM
12:07.51mimorIs there already some manufacturer that will ship their android-based phones to europe?
12:08.10languisht-mobile sells the G1 in the .uk
12:10.23mimorbut the problem is, I'm in belgium, and T-mobile doesn't operate here...
12:11.43languishwife's g1 just updated
12:11.53languishmine, sitting 2 feet from it, did not
12:12.11languishand now her's connect to t-mobile as roaming
12:18.45mimoris it possible to buy it sim-lock free in the uk?
12:19.44mimoras i found out it will get sold in the netherlands somewhere the first months of 2009 for aprox €308
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12:26.43jastai just put together a 2000 line patch that worked on first run
12:27.00jastai am baffled
12:27.18spikebikewishes mind did
12:27.24spikebikelanguish are you on 3g?
12:27.27jastai suppose i did implement this feature once before, but still i did it much crappier last time
12:27.40jastaoops, there's the first bug :)
12:37.30spikebikelanguish is your wife using the standard 1GB card that came with the phone?
12:39.05tweaktjust discovered "Emulator Controls" view in Eclipse... wow, awsome!
12:40.22jastaddms (stand alone) has lots more options too
12:41.48tweaktIs there anything I can do to get more responsive playback of sounds? I'm using MediaPlayer and calling start() in response to click events. Sometimes they delay random amounts
12:42.26PoohbaLTugh!  how do u delete albums?  I've ran out of space
12:42.42PoohbaLTthis is why a file browser would be helpful
12:57.50andatchea proper file browser would be very useful :)
12:58.33Delvienandatche: there is one on the market
12:58.43andatcheyeah, I have that one isntalled
12:58.47andatcheit's rather basic though
12:59.18Delvienwhat more do you need?
13:00.35phyburnanyone mind taking a look at my code and letting me know where I failed with my Timer
13:01.05Delvienphyburn:  what kind of timer
13:01.20phyburnI'm trying to create a clock that displays the time
13:01.28phyburnso I need it to run over and over untill the application is closed
13:02.23phyburnI got it working with umm java standared? lol I don;t know what you call it
13:02.48phyburnthen I thought it would work with android but I didn't know android doesn;t have ActionListener
13:07.35mimorHow do I put android on an existing phone?
13:07.41mimorif it is possible at all
13:08.54CompBraindepends on the phone
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13:20.34tweaktAnyone have problems playing very short sounds?
13:22.32tweaktI'm using MediaPlayer, I think OnCompletionListener doesn't fire sometimes?
13:23.22phyburnany good android forums out there for developers?
13:24.34phyburnthanks gambler
13:24.46phyburnneed some helpzzz
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14:01.18tweaktI'm definitely having problems with playback of very short audio files (< 150ms)
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14:01.37tweaktsometimes just do not play, though the API response normally
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14:18.56tweaktShould I be using multiple MediaPlayer instances for each sound effect, or just one and setting data source each time?
14:19.15tweaktcause this way is really inconsistent
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14:31.21jelgI was wondering about the Android debug-protocol between Eclipse and the target: is it based on gdb? (documented somewhere?)
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14:42.33eladif I wanted to write a little back ground app to send my cordinates to a webserver say every 5minutes
14:42.45eladwould threading be needed for this?
14:46.07tweaktYou'd want to write it as a Service
14:46.07gamblerelad yep.
14:46.39tweaktbecause your activity will be suspended if you switch away from it
14:46.41eladand this should be very simplistic I assume?
14:46.51eladthanks for the advice tweak
14:47.39tweaktIn the service you start a thread
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14:58.52kanerhi, i am doing the notepad tutorial on linux, eclipse. i get a "serListAdapter unknown" in a class derived from ListActivity. Any pointers?
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14:59.22kaneralso, this.<list of routines> in eclipse does not show "serListAdapter()"
15:00.09tweaktyour activity must extend ListActivity
15:00.26kanerit does
15:00.39kanerpublic class Notepadv1 extends ListActivity
15:01.40gamblermaybe try setListAdapter instead?
15:02.41kanerthat also explains this: "Your search - listactivity serListAdapter - did not match any documents."
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15:24.22jelgGot the following when installing the Android for Eclipse on Ubuntu: "No repository found at
15:25.29michaelnovakjr__try just http://
15:25.46jelgokay will do
15:26.57jelgseems to work! thanks michaelnovakjr
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15:29.07michaelnovakjr__cool, np
15:29.34DaFreezehey, i'm listening to the NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast. is there a way to cancel the call?
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15:34.06michaelnovakjr__did you try unregisterReceiver?
15:34.19DaFreezeill read about that
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15:41.00DaFreezehmm.. how will this cancel the outgoing call?
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15:43.24michaelnovakjr__ah sorry
15:43.27michaelnovakjr__it wont
15:44.57michaelnovakjr__misread it, i dont think you can
15:45.40ieatlintwell... now i see why tmobile is so slowly pushing out the OTA update... it's 45mb... makes you wonder why they don't do themselves a favour and (officially) allow updates over usb/sd
15:46.20DaFreezeah.. k.. thx
15:46.32michaelnovakjr__ieatlint: not over wifi either?
15:47.09ieatlintit may have worked over wifi, i dunno... the update is pushed in the background
15:47.33ieatlintthe phone will download it without you having a clue, and then a screen will popup notifying you an update is available and asking if you want to proceed
15:48.40andatcheis it possible to use any cut to create a shortcut to a url that should open in the browser?
15:49.28cbeust_andatche: Yes but you can do that without Any Cut
15:49.34cbeust_Just make a bookmark and create a shortcut to it
15:49.45andatcheah right, cool. didn't realise you could do that :)
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16:03.52andatcheare there any plans for iplayer on android?
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16:06.49igorguehow do I make a update check?
16:07.11igorgueI think, I'm not updated... (my G1)
16:07.49Dougie187i think its in your phone settings.
16:07.49Dougie187but i don't have a G1
16:07.55Dougie187there is something that tells you the version in settings i believe
16:09.01michaelnovakjr__yea its in settings
16:09.34michaelnovakjr__there's a lot of g1 commercials on discovery today
16:09.52Dougie187yeah i started to see them a little while ago
16:09.59Dougie187like right after it came out i started seeing them
16:13.19Death_SynI'm still not updated
16:16.20d0netsme neither
16:16.42igorgueI read this:
16:16.49cbeustThe updates are being rolled out progressively, don't worry, you will be updated
16:17.01igorguetoo late
16:17.18igorgueI tried another "hack" and my phone got formated :D
16:17.24igorgueI have no apps now :(
16:17.37igorguethe cool thing is that everything else is on my google account ;)
16:17.43d0netswhat all does the update include
16:17.57igorgueit says security patches...
16:18.22igorguebut I hope it comes with updates, stability updates...
16:18.27ieatlintit includes a lot more than a browser security patch
16:18.41igorgueieatlint: nice!, cant wait!
16:18.42ieatlintbut i don't see any real difference from a user point of view --- except one thing
16:18.53igorgueanyway but I will wait...
16:18.58ieatlintwhen you connect usb, you get an item in your notifications saying so
16:19.07ieatlintif you click on it, it asks if you want to mount the sd card on the computer
16:19.25ieatlintkinda nice, actually
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16:29.17roxfanwhat directory corresponds to what's visible over usb mass storage (if there is one)?
16:29.38ieatlinton the phone? /sdcard
16:29.59roxfanonly sd card is exported? there's no internal storage?
16:30.11ieatlintinternal storage is restricted
16:30.46ieatlint/system /data /cache are each mtd partitions
16:30.49roxfan(i don't have a phone, just an emulator)
16:31.04ieatlintah, the emulator doesn't have the same permission restrictions
16:31.32roxfanso when you connect the phone, you just see the drive letter for sd card?
16:32.20ieatlintwhen you connect the phone over usb to a computer, the computer will see a removable storage device -- depending on how the phone is configured by the user, the computer will see the partition on the sd card
16:32.49ieatlint(so in other words, at the user's discretion, yes -- you'll see a drive letter for the sd card, as though you were using a generic usb sd card reader)
16:33.02roxfani see
16:33.24ieatlintand the phone can't use the sd card when it's mounted on a computer
16:34.27roxfanso ACTION_MEDIA_SHARED etc only cover the sd card?
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16:39.09holydhaliwalhey guys im having trouble starting the android emulator included in the sdk, i just want to play around with the os really so i was wondering how i get it running...what happens is when i open the emulator application a command prompt window opens up and closes right away, then nothing, any ideas?
16:40.03roxfantry running it from a command prompt window
16:40.15roxfanso you can see the error messages if there are any
16:40.43holydhaliwalhow would i do that? open the command prompt and just point to the emulators path?
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16:42.03roxfanyea, e.g. "c:\android-sdk-windows-1.0_r1\tools\emulator.exe"
16:42.18roxfanor you can cd to that directory and run emulator.exe from there
16:42.51michaelnovakjr__note, the emulator doesn't give the phone justice
16:43.04michaelnovakjr__its not meant for a demo, but for development
16:44.30koszhi everybody
16:45.00holydhaliwalyes im fine with that, roxfan i pointed to the file and it gave the message cannot create data directory: C:\Users\Paul\Appdata\Local\Android\Sdk-1.0 Please specify a writable directory with -datadir
16:45.28roxfanweird that it's not writable
16:45.36michaelnovakjr__that is because it doesn't exist
16:45.46michaelnovakjr__you need to create that directory
16:45.50roxfanwell, it should be able to create it
16:45.51michaelnovakjr__then run it again
16:46.01roxfani didn't have to create one myself
16:46.02michaelnovakjr__nope, even on linux it gives the same issue
16:46.12michaelnovakjr__i had that on two of my machines
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16:46.27holydhaliwalso i just create a bunch of folders in that form?
16:47.53holydhaliwaloh wow that worked! thanks a bunch guys!
16:49.44holydhaliwaljust another question, you said that it runs smoother on the actual g1 rather then the emulator?
16:52.09holydhaliwalalright cool thanks a lot
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16:54.31offby1ooh, lots of folks here
16:55.10offby1So my phone downloaded and installed an update last night, and now it works a bit -worse- than before, in one aspect ... where can I go to get a notion of what changed?
16:55.18offby1i.e., what changes were introduced by that update?
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17:19.51koszI am curious can android also run on Iphones, or for iPhones i'd be stuck to developing with the toolkit they provide and the cocoa framework ?
17:20.06cbeustandroid doesn't run on iPhones
17:21.14roxfanit might be ported, but it's not an easy task
17:21.49koszwell thanks, that's a bit sad news for me
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17:22.20koszwhat devices does android run on ?
17:22.34cbeustOfficially as of today, only on the G1
17:22.43koszi know most of them ran symbian for the past while
17:22.51michaelnovakjr__android on the iPhone?
17:22.57michaelnovakjr__why would anyone do that?
17:22.58cbeust"of them"?  Which ones/
17:23.04koszah so not many devices out either ?
17:23.24koszcbeust : sorry quite the clueless noob at this
17:23.35koszmy last real phone is a nokia e70
17:23.36cbeustkosz: sorry don't understand your question
17:23.45cbeustYes, Nokias run Symbian
17:23.49koszi was talking about devices
17:23.59koszand they'll keep on running symbian ?
17:24.20cbeustWho knows?
17:24.21koszwhat phones will be using android ? I remember seeing Samsung as one of the partners
17:24.29cbeustBut it's likely since Nokia acquired Symbian
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17:24.42michaelnovakjr__Symbian is going open source
17:24.57cbeustmichaelnovakjr: Yes, I wonder what prompted that :)
17:25.04neekerssymbian is slowwwwww
17:25.06michaelnovakjr__Motorola is hiring a bunch of android folks..... so they seem to be investing a ton in the platform
17:25.08koszalso michaelnovakjr__ why are you saying android on iphone is not recomended ... why ?
17:25.23michaelnovakjr__kosz: the iPhone is a great phone
17:25.29koszsimbian is slow indeed :(
17:25.38pawallsSome of the posts on xda-developers makes me lose faith in humanity.
17:25.43pawalls*make me
17:25.46michaelnovakjr__why would you get an iPhone just to get android?
17:26.14koszmichaelnovakjr__ so iPhone is good enough with it's own OS you are saying ?
17:26.32cbeustkosz: Yes, the iPhone is a very good phone too
17:26.43koszok makes sens ... mac os is indeed great
17:26.55BHSPitLappyI'd certainly love to play with Android on iPhone hardware (or, in my case, iPod Touch hardware)
17:27.00michaelnovakjr__don't get me wrong... i have a G1 too and its great
17:27.06kosztoday i was reading that most of the os on the iphone is mac os ...
17:27.17michaelnovakjr__kosz: not really
17:27.29koszno ?
17:27.34cbeustIt's a very customized version of MacOS
17:27.44BHSPitLappymichaelnovakjr, I don't think people want Android on their iPhones to replace iphoneos, I think it's because we're hackers and it's hackish :P
17:27.47michaelnovakjr__the kernel i'd say is the common ground
17:27.48roxfanit is OSX
17:27.56michaelnovakjr__the cocoa framework is very different
17:27.56roxfanjust ported to arm
17:28.15michaelnovakjr__the differences in the framework are visible
17:28.17roxfanwell yes, the ui is naturally different
17:28.26michaelnovakjr__the apps are different
17:28.35michaelnovakjr__the common ground would be the kernel
17:28.59koszand some apis i'd think
17:29.02roxfani guess depends on your definition of "OS" where it's different
17:29.06michaelnovakjr__i would say it was modeled like osx, but to say it is, that isn't true
17:29.40koszwhat's the processing power like ?
17:29.40koszwould u say P3 like or still ... slow handheld like ?
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17:30.02roxfaniphone? it's an arm11 ar 400mhz with graphics accelerator
17:30.03koszwell last handheld i had was a dell palm
17:30.06michaelnovakjr__it depends on what you are doing
17:30.09roxfanso quite powerful
17:30.24koszi see
17:30.32koszwould you be able to run 3d games ?
17:30.32geistyeah, i'd say an arm11 at 400 is about like a P2 266 or so
17:30.37michaelnovakjr__it doesn't like multitasking much though
17:30.45koszah thanks geist :)
17:31.10geistkind of depends on what you're doing
17:31.20ieatlint3d is overrated... i'm just waiting for the oregon trail to come out for android
17:31.25geistbut most arm11s are totally cache starved, which really limits their performance
17:31.39roxfanthe cpu is actually underclocked... i guess they did it to reduce head and power usage
17:31.41koszwhat's oregon trail ?
17:32.09ieatlintclassic computer game... may have just been a US thing
17:32.09geistwell not really, but it's definitely not super fast
17:32.41neekersgeist, all are arms built on AVRs?
17:32.45michaelnovakjr__both the g1 and iphone have good battery life
17:32.50roxfanbtw dunno what they did but iphone os 2.x feels sluggier than 1.x
17:32.59roxfanneekers: arms are build on arms :)
17:33.04roxfannot related to avr at all
17:33.18neekersroxfan: are you sure about that?
17:33.23roxfanof course
17:33.26cbeustieatlint: no I played Oregon Trail back in France too, it's a classic
17:33.45kosznever did
17:33.48cbeustWe have hardware acceleration for OpenGL, though, so the door is definitely open for 3D games
17:33.53koszplayed diablo thuogh
17:33.55cbeustbut yes, there are limits
17:34.01ieatlinti'm serious... oregon trail would be awesome :)
17:34.14koszgoogles oregon trail
17:34.24geistneekers: no, not at all. has nothing to do with AVR
17:34.33geistARM is ARM, its it's own instruction set
17:34.43geistbeen around since the early 80s
17:35.12koszoh that is some ghetto lemings shit
17:35.14geistit's done by ARM, ltd. they license cores to various vendors
17:35.20cbeustThere are a lot of 80-90 games that would run easily on the G1 (we even have Quake running), but the interface will be the limiting factor
17:35.23geistTI, Qualcomm, freescale, samsung, etc
17:35.29neekersok, so avr is just another risc based processor?
17:35.43geistavr is some other risc thing done by i forget the company
17:35.53ieatlintkosz, it's nothing like lemmings...
17:35.56geistthey recently came out with a 32bit variant, to compete with arm
17:36.32neekersi would like to learn more about coding arm processors
17:36.33roxfanatmel does arm chips too :)
17:36.56koszah ok
17:37.04kosznow i found newer screenshots
17:37.10koszlooks like sailor moon :)
17:37.11neekersoh... i see, so they atmel makes arm and avr, but they are different
17:37.27geistright. avr is a tiny 8 bit cpu
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17:37.33geistnot even in the same class
17:37.34koszbut diablo one like games should be achiavable as well i'd say
17:37.43koszafter all i played diablo one on something like a p 233
17:37.45geistit's extremely simple, and you can easily embed the design in your fpga or so
17:37.47roxfanneekers: #edev or ##microcontrollers might be good channels to idle then
17:37.54neekersavr is more than 8bit, i'm pretty certaqin about that
17:38.02geistno, not avr
17:38.07geistavr32 is probably what you're thinking of
17:38.09geistthat's something else
17:38.16geistthat's the thing that's pretty arm like
17:38.25geistbut it's relatively new, not sure how well used it is
17:38.27roxfanbtw arm has a core designed for fpga... cortex m-1
17:38.35geistyep, they do
17:38.45geistthe new low end cortex stuff is pretty small
17:38.51neekersthanks roxfan
17:39.03geistnot sure how easy it is to license it for your designs, though
17:39.08geistavr you usually got for free essentially
17:39.23geistjust another block you can stuff on the side of your fpga to drive the logic
17:39.38neekersi bought an avr butterfly to learn with, it was 20 bucks
17:39.39geistor of course you can get the little 20 pin chip
17:40.32neekersit's pretty nice for 20 bucks
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17:57.02neekersdid the channel die or did my connection die?
17:57.24BHSPitLappyyour connection died
17:57.34BHSPitLappyalso your face
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17:57.58BHSPitLappyin all honesty, nothing happened
18:00.19BHSPitLappy"There are free plans to convert the Butterfly into a portable AVR-ISP device (see Buttload) for programming a whole family of AVR devices."
18:00.40tweakt"buttload" ?
18:00.45BHSPitLappyNo, Wikipedia, I will NOT see buttload.
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18:01.53BHSPitLappyneekers, YOU posted it
18:02.09neekersoh... :o)
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18:04.36roxfanarduino seems to be a standard for avr now
18:04.45roxfanso i'd use that if starting now
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18:09.21neekersdoesnt arduino have some where c variant langauge?
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18:13.01tweaktneekers, AVR is programmed in it's own language very similar to C
18:13.24tweaktArduino is just a higher level language which compiles to AVR machine code
18:33.20DarkriftXwow, androidcommunity has become a bitchfest
18:33.26DarkriftXjust massive amount of complaining
18:33.36offby1So I wanted to look at pictures, but my phone says the SD card is busy.  But when I go to Settings/SD Card & Phone Storage, the "Unmount/eject SD card" item is greyed out, and does nothing when I click on it (apart from blinking and making the "click" sound).  Wozzup with that?
18:33.39DarkriftXi wish they would just take it back and stfu so the ones who do like it dont have to hear it
18:35.01DarkriftXtheir g1
18:35.37Death_Syn<3 my G1
18:35.42DarkriftXgo look, i cant find any good threads because they are all buried under "my 3g dont work" and "really pissed about this" threads
18:35.46neekersdarkriftx: what are they complaining about?
18:35.56DarkriftXyou name it, theres a complaint about it
18:36.07neekerswhiners unite.
18:36.11BruteSourcewell what does that mea?
18:36.30DarkriftXit means they were stupid enough to buy a beta phone expecting it to be perfect
18:36.47benleyoffby1: try turning off mass storage mode
18:36.48DarkriftXgee, lets try vista beta3 and throw a fit when it crashes.....
18:37.11benleyoffby1: it probably thinks it is connected to a computer (or maybe it is!)
18:37.35ChicagoHello, 'make' finished successfully and now I have a system.img/ramdisk.img/userdata.img.  Where are the instructions for building the 2.6.25 bzImage for my mpm7500/ HTC Titan?
18:37.47BruteSourceit isnt supposed to be a beta, its a release
18:37.50andyrossFWIW: The G1 isn't a beta phone, it's a real product, with pretty significant advertising campaign behind it.  I don't know what the complaints are, but people *do* tend to have the expectation that a high end smart phone will do what they want.
18:38.14offby1benley: it is indeed connected, but disconnecting doesn't help.  And as far as I can tell, the "mass storage mode" switch is now gone, and has been _replaced_ by the menu item I mentioned.  (The phone updated itself last night)
18:38.51benleyoffby1: hm.  Try rebooting if it's gotten itself stuck - rc29 is supposed to handle this stuff more smoothly than rc19 did
18:38.56BruteSourcei would complain as well if i purchased a product and things didnt work
18:39.06DarkriftXwell stop trying to buy one then
18:39.07offby1benley: I'm sure rebooting will work, but I was hoping to avoid that :)
18:39.09DarkriftXsome stuff doesnt work
18:39.13benleyoffby1: like, it should prompt you and ask whether or not you want to mount as usb storage when you plug it in
18:39.15DarkriftXand we dont need another person bitching
18:39.20benleyoffby1: sure.  I haven't run into that problem though :)
18:39.23offby1benley: it does do that prompting properly
18:39.34offby1puts a nice little logo in the notification area and everything.
18:39.50BruteSourcelmao, your opinion ias valuable as msn for a search engine
18:40.06DarkriftXdo you come here to argue?
18:40.17BruteSourceno i think you do
18:40.19DarkriftXyou seem to find a way to argue every time you come
18:40.26DarkriftXnope, only with you it seems
18:40.33benleybah, all smartphone forums are giant bitchfests
18:40.36DarkriftXthats ok, ignore works great
18:40.46BruteSourceobviously, since your outnumbered on the issue at hand again
18:40.57BruteSourcehehe, good for you
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18:42.03ChicagoCan somebody give me a hand, please.
18:42.16ChicagoThe source for Android finished mak'ing while I slept.
18:43.28ChicagoI am still a bit unclear on howto find the lastest .config and kernel tree to use in order to create my bzImage.
18:44.08benleyChicago: have you seen this?
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18:44.52Chicagobenley: At the bottom of that page, I read "diffs against android git on 6 July 08 (branch android-msm-2.6.25 available from here commit 07fe2e3914202167a4d314bf5e81bbd2f5d3062b)"
18:46.44Chicagobenley: I also see, the latest version posted there is date stamped today.
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18:46.58ChicagoHowever, I would like to use the tools to build my own.
18:47.04benleydoesn't know how to do that :)
18:47.33BruteSourceseems martin has got power managment working now
18:47.33michaelnovakjr__benley: is that updated?
18:47.39benleymichaelnovakjr__: no idea
18:47.50benleyI don't have an xv6800, I just started googling :)
18:47.59ChicagoWhat is the 'board=' line supposed to say in out/target/product/generic/android-info.txt?
18:48.23michaelnovakjr__benley: i wrote a few apps for that back in the summer
18:48.42michaelnovakjr__haven't looked at it since 0.9
18:50.04morrildl__All I want for Christmas is for someone to clean up the Wikipedia article on Android
18:50.11BruteSourcewell android doesnt exactly have symbian shakin in their boots yet
18:51.17Chicagobenley: Also, the kernel .config from the page you mentioned -> is from 9/25/2008....  Is there a real repository for these files? Or do they just exist as downloads from a webpage?
18:51.25benleyChicago: dunno
18:51.47BruteSourcemartins git repo
18:55.25ChicagoBruteSource: Is that git repository address posted somewhere on
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18:56.59ChicagoBruteSource: Nevermind, I see the git repository link at the bottom of the vogue page.
18:57.09romainguy_morrildl__: All I want for Christmas is for someone to clean up the Wikipedia article on Android << I want the same thing!
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19:07.07ChicagoBruteSource: Am I supposed to have used martins git repo before I ran 'make' in the android project dir?
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19:10.02Chicagobenley: Ah... Well, I wish I knew that.
19:10.50benleyyou generally want to patch your source tree before you build it :)
19:11.00BruteSourceif you want his latest work, then yes
19:11.51ChicagoBruteSource: So, are you saying after the 'repo sync' step, I need to get Martin's repo... and then run make?
19:15.17ChicagoBruteSource: Where are these steps documented? Right now I don't know which subdirectory of my project folder to git martins files into.
19:17.15BruteSourcei am sure sure thay are documented
19:18.07ChicagoUm, should I use #htc-linux for these questions?
19:19.31BruteSourcei don't know?
19:19.55michaelnovakjr_Chicago: maybe startup #android-vogue
19:21.10BruteSourcei know there is a huge thread about ot on xda devs
19:22.50Chicagomichaelnovakjr_: I fired up a few channels...  We could call it #android-msm7500
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19:23.02michaelnovakjr_that too
19:23.18ChicagoAnd then #android-p4000
19:23.39morrildlChicago: swetland would be the right person to ask
19:23.58morrildlBut IMO it's probably better to only fork channels when you need to
19:24.01ChicagoBut maybe they could be under the #htc-msm7500 hierarchy instead...?
19:24.37ChicagoCause there is already an #htc-linux  channel with about 100 users.
19:24.40michaelnovakjr_well, its not officially supported so i think that warrants a channel
19:27.02morrildlmichaelnovakjr_: just because no one's building a device from it commercially doesn't mean the work is not "officially supported"
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19:27.34michaelnovakjr_is it then?
19:27.58morrildlare we going to assume full-time engineers to work on it? probably not
19:28.16morrildlbut that doesn't mean the discussion has to flee from #android -- at least not unless it would be helpful
19:28.31ChicagoHmm hmm hmm
19:28.39morrildlI'm just saying don't go create a channel just because you feel like you have to
19:28.44morrildlif you need to, sure :)
19:28.48ChicagoBeing on FreeNode is the most helpful :)
19:31.09ChicagoOther users like me will eventually land here...  The route I used was first browsing then found #htc-linux here on FreeNode and then #android.
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19:33.18AnimaSanaanyone wanting to partner? funds are available...
19:33.19BruteSourcei wonder if someone was stranded on a desert island with only irc.. if anyone would believe them to send help
19:33.38BruteSourcepartner for what?
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19:34.07AnimaSanaandroid application development
19:34.28sylarhi all
19:34.30AnimaSanai was thinking games, but other ideas are welcome too
19:35.03BruteSourcespeaking of that, has anyone tried pterminal yet?
19:36.07AnimaSanawhat is that? :P
19:36.17ChicagoAnimaSana: We could make an interactive fiction game and use gps and sell advertising in the game based on the gps.
19:36.25BruteSourcea terminal app for android
19:36.45DisconnectBruteSource: from the description, its more of a command runner than a terminal
19:37.22umdk1d3its more of an emulator right?  i think it could only do "ls" and similar commands
19:37.30BruteSourcenaw its a full terminal from what i have read
19:37.34umdk1d3it didnt actually "run" commands
19:37.40umdk1d3tries to use cat with pipes
19:37.43AnimaSanahmm chicago, i do not think advertising is the way to go
19:37.50AnimaSanai prefer making users pay
19:37.50DisconnectBruteSource: says it doesn't run any interactive comands. so...
19:38.04zhobbsthere is a Term app in the git repo
19:38.05geistyeah, it's pretty cheesy
19:38.06BruteSourceyou guys are thinking of the emulator that comes with the develop sdk
19:38.16Disconnectumdk1d3: it does run commands, but not through a shell. (so pipes are out) or with any input (like a termianl)
19:38.16zhobbsjust rune "make Term" and it'll generate the Term.apk
19:38.19BruteSourcenot ptermnal,
19:38.25ChicagoAnimaSana: Well, I was thinking the game should have its own economy and that users have to grind a few hours here or there to pay for anything in the game...
19:38.35umdk1d3zhobbs: yea that term app is exactly what you need, but idk if just anyone can compile and install it
19:38.39BruteSourcepterminal is in android market, created recently
19:38.40DisconnectBruteSource: ..i think i know the difference between the emulator and the phone but thanks for assuming we're idiots anyway.
19:38.52umdk1d3zhobbs: will it install and work after built?
19:38.55BruteSourceno your just confused
19:38.59zhobbsumdk1d3: yeah, works fine
19:39.02incandenzaBruteSource: I've used it, but I didn't really see anything interesting to do with it
19:39.13plusminus_HI @all
19:39.17plusminus_when picking an Contact, using (Intent iPick = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);) is there a way to add constraints, i.e. select only ones having an address?
19:39.22zhobbsumdk1d3: want the APK?
19:39.30umdk1d3zhobbs: i have it already ;)
19:39.41umdk1d3have it on desktop using anycut
19:39.51BruteSourceyour talking about the terminal emulator google made for the developer sdk, not pterminal which is a 3rd party application only created recently
19:40.30zhobbsBruteSource: yeah, I have tried pterminal...been using google's
19:40.32DisconnectBruteSource: no, i'm explicitly not. the one google made works, and can run interactive commands, pipes, etc.
19:40.46zhobbsI haven't*
19:41.01*** part/#android sylar (n=erica@
19:41.06BruteSourcep terminal is a fully funtional terminal emulator and can run commands, go read the thread on xda dev lmao
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19:41.30Disconnecthere we are (stupid market needs a web interface) "you can not run commands that ask for user input at this time"...
19:41.31umdk1d3BruteSource: umm fully functional?  no
19:41.32MikHelI am having problem with Android on Eclipse...
19:41.59BruteSourceim not talking about the same program as you obviously
19:42.14Disconnectterm is fully functional, with a few minor bugs. pterminal is, by it's own description, a simple command executor.
19:42.34MikHelThe layout editor is not coming up and the log shows that com/android/layoutlib/api/ILayoutLibBridge cannot be found....
19:42.34BruteSourcegod im sick of you windows users, thinking you even have an inkling of what your talking about in here
19:42.37DisconnectBruteSource: there's only one pterminal
19:43.08BruteSourcethats not pterminals description, not on the site or in android market
19:43.11umdk1d3sigh lol @ BruteSource   hes kinda cute
19:43.11Disconnectwahahahaha thats awesome. guess i know who wrote pterminal. unbunch your panties.
19:43.39lethalcodeDon't suppose there's a way to include a pre-made sqlite db with the .apk?
19:44.05Disconnecti'm looking at it right now in marketplace. "information: android limitations: <root access, etc, which is true for any term at the moment on non-engineering devices>" next paragraph "you cannot run commands that ask for user input at this time, I will work on this and error control for the next version." (bad punctuation - , vs ; - and all)
19:44.08zhobbslethalcode: you can include in in your apk's assets and then copy it to your area in data
19:44.19BruteSourceanyways, anybody who actually knows something about actual terminal emulation, tried pterminal?
19:44.45MikHelis there a channel for android code development?
19:45.00BruteSourcelol if there is it is not here
19:45.14zhobbsMikHel: sometimes, but also try #android-dev
19:45.23BruteSourcetheses guys couldnt write a hello world in english let alone a real language
19:45.25MikHelzhobbs: Thanks.
19:45.46lethalcodeBruteSource: Can too. "lethalcode, say Hello World"
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19:45.50lethalcodebrainfaults. :-(.
19:46.13BruteSourcelol @ brainfault
19:47.35DammI thought this was android-dev?
19:47.57BruteSourcethis is android
19:48.28BruteSourcehome of minly people who don't even understand the device they are using lmao
19:49.47Disconnectyah its funny, because his app sucks according to it's own description, nobody else could -possibly- understand the device. hysterical.
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19:50.35BruteSourcemy app?
19:51.23Disconnectkind of thought the -point- of a "terminal" was to take user input and hand it to other apps (eg a shell) and prettyprint the output based on a predefined terminal display command spec (such as vt100), but i'm obviously a confused windows user.
19:52.24BruteSourcewhich it can, if you would actually use it
19:54.31BruteSourceyou wouldn't know what to use a shell for anyways, which is why your happy with your pretty gui apps
19:54.57cbeustBruteSource: didn't you forget to add "M$ sux"?
19:55.04Disconnecthahahaha no i use term because it works, but thanks anyway.
19:55.27romainguy_is happy to be productive with pretty GUI apps
19:55.30BruteSourceya i am sure ya do
19:55.59romainguy_but that must make me a very bad programmer
19:56.24Disconnectwas one of the people to hack and port sshd to the directivo (s1 and s2). and wrote the kernel module to selectively enable/disable encryption based on the task (playback of encrypted files vs recording clear or playback clear..) but yah i've never seen a shell wtf is that "$" this app is broken
19:56.31BruteSourceyour not a programmer, not even a bad one
19:56.45Disconnectwow. you're AWESOME.
19:56.48umdk1d3sigh dont feed the trolls
19:56.56cbeustAnd you're not a very good speller, BruteSource, but either way, cut it out please
19:56.58Disconnectumdk1d3: but he's funny as shit.
19:57.00DarkriftXmy sentiments exactly umdk1d3
19:57.11BruteSourceshut your mouth
19:58.13lethalcodeBruteSource: We apologize for not fitting your BS-centric world view.
19:59.07cbeustDisagreeing is fine, insulting other people on this channel is not
19:59.08romainguy_cbeust: << I like that
19:59.14BruteSourceirc is just not the place for computer illiterate users is all, at least not this sirver. Try dalnet.
19:59.29lethalcodeBruteSource: Then why are you here?
19:59.35DarkriftXive already got him on ignore, but my guess is he hit the bottle again (yeah, old material.. i know)
19:59.55DarkriftXhe sat here for 3 hours the other night telling us all how stupid we are for believing google devs would actually sit in an irc channel
20:00.00DarkriftXsaying they were all fake
20:00.10BruteSourcehe doesn't have me o ignore, obviously
20:00.12cbeustGood one
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20:00.16romainguy_DarkriftX: hence the name Android
20:00.26DarkriftXlol, exactly
20:00.29romainguy_DarkriftX: cbeust and I are androids built by Google
20:00.41DarkriftXhe wasnt rude about it at first, but then it started getting bad
20:00.44BruteSourceya because all the windows devs are in #windows
20:00.59DarkriftXand every since then he gets pissed at someone and goes off
20:01.02cbeustBruteSource: Microsoft and Google are two different companies
20:01.17BruteSourceso hat, stil mutes your point
20:01.31cbeustMutes? Or did you mean moot?
20:01.41BruteSourcei meant mute
20:01.44lethalcodeBruteSource: Let's try that again. "So what, it still moots your point."
20:01.46BruteSourcego read  book
20:02.05cbeustBruteSource, I hope your code is better than you English
20:02.14BruteSourceis that easier to understand?
20:02.25DarkriftXi almost wish i didnt have him on ignore now, this sounds interesting
20:02.45BruteSourcehe doesn't have me on ignore, lmao.
20:04.40BruteSourcewe need to rename this channel to #my-daddy-bought-me-a-g1-cause-its-the-latest-thing
20:04.44lethalcodecbeust: You forget, he's already stated he can't code.
20:04.56BruteSourcei did?
20:05.09lethalcodecbeust: 1) Nobody who's on #android can code. 2) He's on #android. Ergo, he can't code.
20:05.10neekersdid we go through day light savings time change recently??
20:05.29neekerswhen did that happen?
20:05.35benleylast night
20:05.38DarkriftXneekers, yeah, last night had an interesting bug in here
20:05.38lethalcodeneekers: At 2am.
20:05.40benleyI just noticed it a few minutes ago :-P
20:05.43BruteSource2am in your time zone
20:05.45neekersoh.. thanks :o)
20:05.58DarkriftXsomeone had the home clock showing 12:59 and the screen lock clock showing 01:40
20:06.55neekersi guess i slept an extra hour and didnt even know it
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20:14.03trigatch4jasonchen: you around?
20:14.07morrildlBruteSource: knock it off.  I'm not in a 3-strikes sort of mood
20:14.21trigatch4oooh dan, whats up... need your help if you have a couple minutes
20:14.27morrildltrigatch4: sure, what's up
20:15.06trigatch4so on, members were asking me about "Android Robot" gear...
20:15.12trigatch4like t-shirts and stuff like that
20:15.16trigatch4I wanted to give some away
20:15.26trigatch4but a Google Staffer stopped by on PMed me
20:15.53trigatch4and said that my idea to set up a "Cafe Press Store", using proceeds to fund Forum giveaways... was a bad idea
20:16.18Disconnectevidently only DJTachyon can do that. with his huge piles of semi-identical stuff on 3 different stores :)
20:16.37trigatch4hahah yeah i saw him do that
20:16.39Disconnectfwiw they are being serious about the android fonts - the droid is CC but the fonts aren't.
20:17.06trigatch4but i wanted to have a discussion with someone who could actuall approve/disapprove or give the actual low down on the showdown
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20:17.15trigatch4didn't want to do anything out of speculation
20:17.25morrildltrigatch4: well, first things first -- did you check out the "branding guidelines"?
20:17.35trigatch4yeah i saw those
20:17.43DarkriftXi wanted one of those android plush figures :(
20:17.53morrildlso in a nutshell, the green bug droid is creative-commons
20:18.06morrildl'Android' itself is a registered trademark and we have to protect it
20:18.29DarkriftXor better yet, a 3d little android robot
20:19.01trigatch4so the "bug droid" (i call it robot haha)... what does creative-commons allow?
20:19.16morrildltrigatch4: you can do whatever you want with the bug droid, more or less
20:19.20trigatch4because it says "marketing communications" but i would consider cafe press store going beyond that
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20:19.29morrildlyou know, we need to change that phrase
20:19.40morrildlyou're the second person who has interpreted that to mean more than we intend it to mean
20:19.48trigatch4okay so i'm pretty much free game to use it
20:19.52morrildlthe branding guidelines were written for like companies to use
20:19.54trigatch4anything i should be aware of
20:19.57trigatch4that i can't use the robot in?
20:19.59morrildland they think of all that stuff as "marketing communications" so....
20:20.08morrildlrobot is free game
20:20.21morrildlthe bug droid is more of our mascot than a part of the "branding"
20:20.50morrildlThe name Android, and in particular the the curvy font face thing is off limits
20:21.10morrildlbut, if you want to print up t-shirts that say "Android rules" with the bug droid or something, that might be possible
20:21.20DarkriftXwhy doesnt google put out more stuff with that though
20:21.23morrildlif you want to check in on specific ideas, feel free to email me
20:21.29morrildlDarkriftX: good question :)
20:21.43DarkriftXim not wanting to make or sell them, just buy them lol
20:21.45trigatch4yeah i noticed that "android" itself isn't supposed to be used in domains either
20:21.59trigatch4thinking i should probably put in an official submission notifying on that
20:21.59morrildltrigatch4: actually that's not really true
20:22.10morrildlsee also etc.
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20:22.27morrildlobviously we would object to "" or something :)
20:22.57morrildlanyway I gotta run for a bit
20:22.59trigatch4okay well looks like that clears everything up
20:23.02trigatch4thanks for your help man
20:23.15DarkriftXtell google to make us some more android stuff!
20:23.20morrildlif you want more detailed or perhaps private info, please feel free to email me
20:23.28morrildlDarkriftX: noted, I will look into it :)
20:23.50morrildlI wonder if we could get the proceeds routed to a computer science charity or something, that would rock
20:23.57DarkriftXlike a little android figure with a crushed microsoft butteryfly in his hand behind his back and an evil grin
20:24.20mocsroxis there a preferred way to detect orientation change on the android?
20:24.20morrildlDarkriftX: yeah I'm going to go ahead right now and say that's never going to happen ;)
20:24.36DarkriftXof course not
20:24.43morrildlanyway gotta boogie, be back later
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20:28.36ChicagoHow do I patch Android with Martin's mobile-linux/kernel.git tree? I am trying to build the development kernel
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20:46.46DJTachyonhow do i know if i got the security patch or not?
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20:48.10DarkriftXsomething about using anycut to make a shortcut to device info i think
20:48.25romainguy_no need
20:48.32romainguy_you can look at the build number in settings > about phone
20:48.41DJTachyonthats what i figured
20:48.46DJTachyonwhat version am i looking for?
20:48.47ben_anyone know if you can set sound volumes for calls, sms, and im separately on the G1?
20:48.51DarkriftXromainguy_, does the android font have a name?
20:49.01DJTachyonand its trademarked
20:49.07romainguy_at least the font used on the phone is called Droid
20:49.10romainguy_and that one is free to use
20:49.12DJTachyonDroid Sans
20:49.16romainguy_but the android logo font, no idea
20:49.17DarkriftXnot the one on the phone
20:49.19DarkriftXthe one on the logo
20:49.19DJTachyonohhh right
20:49.23DisconnectDJTachyon: 28 iirc. the original version is 18 or 19, new one is high-20s (28, 29?)
20:49.24DJTachyonyeah thats trademarked
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20:49.39romainguy_the latest update should be TC4 RC29
20:49.41DarkriftXi know it cannot be used, but someone was asking the name of it
20:49.55DJTachyonyeah im RC19
20:49.57DisconnectDJTachyon: and you can install it from sd (i got tired of waiting)
20:50.31DJTachyonwell im getting a new phone next week
20:50.33trigatch4Disconnect: T-Mobile said update at your own risk, if you do the update manually then they won't be responsible fro anything that happens to your phone
20:50.34DJTachyonso i dont care much
20:50.41trigatch4DJTachyon: why?
20:50.49DJTachyonaccelerometer/compass package is broken
20:51.08DarkriftXnice, that means you can test the hell out of it without worry :)
20:51.27DJTachyoncustom builds, custom apps, using it as a basemall
20:51.38DarkriftXmy thoughts exactly
20:51.52DarkriftX"sorry, im not sure why its burnt... must be that defective compass"
20:52.09DJTachyonyeah the compass led me into a volcano
20:52.44DJTachyonyeah if i use compass mode, it just looks at the ground
20:52.57DJTachyonand if i try accelerometer games, it either crashes or pacman just heads into a wall
20:53.11DisconnectDJTachyon: try bubble level.
20:53.26Disconnect(its pretty slick, and a lot easier than pushing my mbp against walls all the time)
20:53.34DJTachyonbubble level?
20:53.38Disconnectin the appstore
20:54.06DJTachyonso i was in nyc last night and reception was wacky
20:54.22DJTachyon4 Bars of 3G to Nothing for 5 minutes to 4 bars of EDGE and back again
20:54.55DJTachyonlangish was saying he was having problems in nyc too
20:55.39DJTachyonbubble is a good idea
20:55.44DJTachyonoh well this doesnt work well lol
20:56.00DJTachyonit just sticks in one spot
20:56.07DJTachyona little up and to the left
20:56.14DJTachyonand doesnt move no matter what i do
20:56.15Disconnectmight just be crowded, plus tons of reflections and such. you'd think they retested (for the new freqs) but they can't have nearly the testing coverage they got from standard gsm over the years
20:57.22Disconnecthey so how is everyone handling passing db refs around between activities? i was just reopening it and got a reference-leak crash (actually worse, it opened twice on boot rather than creating the activity when i hit the button to switch screens)
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21:11.15DJTachyonomg F*CKING EA ..
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21:11.27DJTachyonI just bought Red Alert 3 .. and the key doesnt work
21:11.35DJTachyonwhy do I even bother?
21:11.50DJTachyonanother hit to DRM ... my god.
21:11.58roxfanpwned by drm
21:13.05Disconnectrandom side note. amazon's support (on my 2nd or third try last week) eventually told me to just repurchase any corrupted/missing downloads and they'd redownload w/o rebilling. seems to have worked. (original answer was "this never happens to anyone, you should call in and wait on hold. call from a different line and be prepared to spend 30 mins or more"etc..)
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21:13.23DJTachyon*shakes head*
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21:13.50DJTachyonwait a second
21:13.57DJTachyonthere is a god damn character missing in this key
21:14.10Disconnectenough cussing, esp OT cussing....
21:14.21DJTachyondoes anybody here have RA3?
21:14.26Disconnectyou can talk about the damned layout xml tho :)
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21:29.54trigatch4hey DJTachyon
21:30.03trigatch4where is the largest image of the robot you could find?
21:30.33Disconnectthere's no vector robots? :(
21:31.22trigatch4if there are, i don't know where they are
21:31.30trigatch4george jetson must be hiding it somewhere
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21:43.00Disconnectenjoy :)
21:43.55kanererm. are the docs available somewhere for offline-use, i am doing wget -r currently
21:44.07romainguy_they're in the SDK
21:44.08Disconnectwhich docs?
21:44.14Disconnectcode docs are part of the sdk yah
21:44.53kanerthey are? heh
21:44.56kanerreference as well?
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21:45.30kanerthey are.
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21:57.48RyeBryeHmm... There don't seem to be any good opensource readers of mobipocket files :(
21:57.55RyeBrye(on any platform)
21:58.36RyeBrye Any chance android will support this?
21:58.52RyeBrye(in the G1)
21:59.08offby1in three years the G1 will be given away in Cracker Jacks boxes.
21:59.15RyeBryeYes, that's true
21:59.16DarkriftXtthats about what i was thinking
21:59.29DarkriftXhow about ask "will the g7 support this?"
21:59.31michaelnovakjr__what's the largest sdcard size available for the G1 now?
21:59.38``viphopefully the "G2" will look better
21:59.40RyeBryeI htink 16
21:59.41DisconnectRyeBrye: mobi w/ drm is a closed format. so no, no open source readers...
21:59.58michaelnovakjr__i'll have to pick up a 16GB one then :)
22:00.01RyeBryeDisconnect - mobi without DRM is what I'm looking for
22:00.08Disconnectand yah, supposedly the beauty of sdhc is once you support it you are golden out to the limits of size.
22:00.38RyeBryeThat's cool
22:00.48DisconnectRyeBrye: fbreader has been ported all over, does non-drm mobi iirc.
22:01.02RyeBryefbreader works on android? Cool. I'll look at that
22:01.03Disconnect(er, limits of sdhc rather. which is prolly something like 512g but i don't recall off the top of my head)
22:01.23RyeBryeA 512G FAT-32 formatted SD card, wont that be a site to see
22:01.58Disconnectaccording to wikipedia "SDHC: 1 GB to 64 GB [1] (theoretical max for SDHC is 2 TB.)"
22:02.26RyeBryeI want a 2 TB SDHC card... now
22:02.30DarkriftXnice, a 2TB postage stamp :)
22:02.32RyeBryeOh wait... it wouldn't do much good
22:02.55RyeBryeI want... a 2 TB SDHC card and anrdoid to store apps on the SDHC card.... now...
22:03.33DisconnectRyeBrye: don't you want a 2tb micro-sdhc instead? so that it'd work in the phone (potentially)?
22:04.22RyeBryeOh, yes
22:04.22Disconnectbeing able to plug it in is a good first step :)
22:04.22RyeBryeThat too :)
22:04.22RyeBryeWell... I could run wires out to the SDHC if I had to :)
22:04.22Disconnectand still close the door? its got a mag sensor :(
22:04.45DarkriftXthe sensor can be tricked :P
22:05.02Disconnectok but i'm not making any progress fixing my stupid db problem. i can't open it twice cuz that makes too much sense. and i can't close it cuz the listview requires a working cursor. hmm.
22:05.25romainguy_Disconnect: use a ContentProvider?
22:06.34Disconnectanyone else have wacky problems with the music app btw? it acts like a crazy cd player stuck on 'intro' .. skips forward randomly and totally loses track of where it was (eg if you hit ff/rw you can walk - eg - 1 2 [3] 4 5 .. up to 4, back to 3, 2.. even on shuffle. but when it skips it totally resets the history.)
22:07.10michaelnovakjr__Disconnect: why not make your own listview adapter?
22:07.17michaelnovakjr__extend it i mean
22:08.12Disconnectmichaelnovakjr_: the stock one works fine for me. all i need to do is open a dialog to take a new entry and dump it into the db. (i didn't expect that to be hard :( ..)
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22:09.39michaelnovakjr__you can pastebin code if you need help
22:09.52Disconnectsomeone refresh me so i don't have to dig out my java book. how do i flag a class such that it only gets instantiated once and each future reference uses the same one? that'd prolly solve it. (yes i know, its got a specific name but i can't recall. and while java isn't my first.. or third.. programming language i'm at heart a procedural guy :) ..)
22:12.35RamblurrDisconnect: singleton behahavior
22:13.55Disconnectcool thats perfect. thanks :)
22:14.11RyeBryeDisconnect - you don't really 'flag the class' - you just have to remove a public constructor from the class and create a static getInstance() method that returns the object - with getInstance responsible for creating it if it doesn't already exist or returning the created one if it does
22:14.13Disconnectprolly won't work (my luck has been that way this weekend) but i'll try it anyway :)
22:14.33RyeBryealthough if you are wanting it to be thread safe you do have to be a little bit more careful about how you go about things
22:14.41DisconnectRyeBrye: yah i found which is perfect. :)
22:14.46andyrossOr have it not be an object at all and just make a class with a bunch of static methods.  That often works better, and is simpler.
22:15.14andyrossThe dance involved with making a private constructor and a factory method just to have a bunch of static stuff seems silly to me.
22:17.13michaelnovakjr__when does the onCreateOptionsMenu function get called on an activity... it was working and now no longer does.... i added a debug line in the method and its not printing either
22:18.09eladis it possible to modify phone settings via an app? like if i mage an app that had a toggle button that could toggle between 3g and 2g?
22:18.48RyeBryeI think so - toggler does just that for lots of other settings
22:18.53Disconnectelad: isn't "togglesettings" or "toggle" or something like that already in the market?
22:18.56Disconnectyah toggler thats it
22:19.05eladbah ;/
22:19.33RyeBryeit toggles wifi / gps / silent mode / root access / scren never times out ... etc
22:19.36Disconnectand fyi it was nice to see locale light up with some new functionality the other day. :)
22:19.45RyeBryeWhat functionality was that?
22:20.17Disconnectistr it can change ringtones, backgrounds etc now. something like 5-6 more knobs.
22:20.29RyeBryeYeah, I saw that
22:24.57RyeBryeI gave into the fact that this device battery is not so great and I bought a mini USB car charger yesterday
22:25.11RyeBryeso pretty much I will just use the battery to temporarily shuttle it between being tethered to a power connection
22:26.58DarkriftXthats how all my devices work :)
22:28.26michaelnovakjr__i just went two days on the battery :)
22:28.27RyeBryeDoes the G1 use the same model battery as any other phones, or is it unique to it?
22:28.33RyeBryemichaelnovakjr - you lie
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22:29.07michaelnovakjr__RyeBrye: nope :)
22:29.13offby1RyeBrye: ooh!  car charger.  Sounds like a good idea.  Got a link?
22:29.25RyeBryeI picked one up at wal-mart for $9
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22:29.55RyeBryeIt says it's for RAZRs or Blackberry Pearls - or a few other devices, but it's basically just a mini-usb plug
22:30.01RyeBryeI haven't tested it yet, but I'm pretty sure it will work
22:30.34BruteSourceprobably wont since almost all devices need a different voltage and amperage
22:31.12RyeBryeBruteSource - no, it probably will, since it's using mini USB and it will just take whatever it's given and charge on it
22:31.12Disconnect..right. because miniusb is just a random collection of voltages. its not solid 5v at 500-1000 mwatts or anything.
22:31.45RyeBryeIt is a conspiracy that devices from 3 different manufacturers just happen to be listed on the box as the ones that it offically supports
22:31.57BruteSourceno, thats not how electronics work, thats why i cant use my razr charger on my excalibur, or my psp charger
22:32.00Disconnect(fyi i am using a blackberry charger on mine no prob, tmob sold it to me with the belt case. and its been charged off a bt headset miniusb charger, as well as an AC-usb adapter + cable that came from my ebook reader.)
22:32.28morrildlDJTachyon:  you want RC29 or later
22:33.07Disconnectbb devices are crazy in that they require talkback before they go into charge mode (without that some will trickle-charge, some won't do anything) but the charger doesn't care what the device is on the other end otherwise.
22:33.51BruteSourceits tge device that cares what voltage it gets, needs to match whats on the battery
22:34.14RyeBryeYeah, it it just said RAZR I wouldn't have gotten the charger - but since it listed both BB curve, BB pearl, and Razr VR, SLVR... etc. - I figured it was truly basically a mini-usb charger and not some funky RAZR only thing
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22:34.19Disconnectyou realize that every single usb port on every computer that has one is 5v, and will not supply any other voltage no matter what, right?
22:34.22RyeBryeWell, it charges fine on my USB port
22:34.59BruteSourceya because your computer can manage the output voltage and give it what it wants
22:35.03Disconnect(and you need a daemon - or driver for windows, and istr it ships w/ osx - to get blackberries to charge off a pc because of that talkback)
22:35.10BruteSourcean ac adapter cant
22:35.16Disconnectno.. no it doesn't. if you get more than 5v off a usb port its because its BROKEN
22:35.41BruteSourceno your wrong, the driver tels it what voltaage to use
22:35.51RyeBryeNo, I'm positive you are wrong
22:36.02BruteSourcewell you are a fool
22:36.05Disconnect4.75 to 5.25 is in-spec. and its not controllable.
22:36.13eladanyone know of a good mouse for a laptop
22:36.20RyeBryeAnd that's interesting about the driver being needed for windows - I plugged in my BB into my mac USB all the time to charge it without any drivers
22:36.31BruteSourcedrivers include power managment interupts to control output voltage
22:36.33DisconnectRyeBrye: yah osx ships it i think. part of isync.
22:36.48DisconnectBruteSource: ..thats not control output voltage. thats turn off the port and/or put the device into power saving mode
22:36.49BruteSourcestraight from wiki
22:36.59Disconnectwaits for a link
22:37.01BruteSourceyour incorrect
22:37.03morrildlBruteSource: that doesn't even make any sense
22:37.24morrildldo you even know what an interrupt is?
22:37.56DarkriftXlol, here we go again
22:38.06Disconnectnah cuz i'm eating
22:39.04BruteSourceThis kid get schooled so much, im suprised he even comes on here anymore.
22:39.12rwhitbygets out the popcorn
22:39.25Disconnectalthough its funny watching him sit on his WM phone badmouthing windows users (I don't think there even are any here, except him..)
22:39.29offby1passes the salt
22:39.31BruteSourceI think i will just ignore him this time
22:39.32morrildlBruteSource: as far as I'm concerned you're a troll
22:39.37morrildlI don't really have time to deal with trolls
22:39.45morrildlknock it off or you'll be banned
22:40.04DarkriftXsteals some popcorn
22:40.08eladmirrildl: i think that is strike2 :)
22:40.13DarkriftXadds LOTS of butter and salt
22:40.25morrildlelad: yeah and I already said I'm not in a 3-strikes sort of mood :)
22:40.25BruteSourcelmao im so scared of an uneducated person that is trolling themself calling me a troll.
22:40.25DarkriftXstrike what?
22:40.38BruteSourcehe thinks he is an op
22:40.56languishhere we go again
22:41.04michaelnovakjr__just kick em
22:41.08rwhitbychecks BruteSource's blood alcohol level ...
22:41.08eladsteals a sip from Dark's dr. pepper
22:41.14DarkriftXhow do you turn off xchat ignore
22:41.17BruteSourceit is okay i ignored him already
22:41.23umdk1d3Disconnect:  /ignore -nick
22:41.30umdk1d3maybe, i think
22:41.41*** kick/#android [BruteSource!n=morrildl@] by morrildl (morrildl)
22:41.43Disconnecthaha how do you look at someone who -already has ops- active in the channel and say "he's not an op"
22:41.48DarkriftXi missed the good shit
22:41.48*** mode/#android [+b brutesource!*@*] by morrildl
22:41.52delinkayou can't  /ignore kicks  :P
22:42.04DarkriftXi know, but i missed him talking shit back, and i KNOW he was
22:42.12languishthis is brutesource's nightly thing
22:42.12DarkriftXhe told swetland off for like 3 hours the other night
22:42.24DarkriftXthen he came in the next day saying he was sorry because he was drunk
22:42.27morrildlDarkriftX: I highly doubt that ;)
22:42.36DarkriftXask him
22:42.49morrildlDarkriftX: No I'm sure he TALKED to swetland for 3 hours
22:42.52languishhe picks one thing to argue about, goes on about it for awhile, then apologizes and "admits he was wrong" when he gets tired of playing
22:42.57morrildlbut I highly doubt anyone other than him thinks he told him off ;)
22:43.03umdk1d3now you just hope that he doesnt have some sort of botnet to try getting revenge with
22:43.04pawallsmorrildl, I'm not sure a nick ban is very effective ;-)
22:43.08morrildlis currently figuring out whether it's safe to ban that IP
22:43.25DarkriftXhe kept saying swetland was fake and should stop pretending to be related to google
22:43.34Disconnectits tmob edge :(
22:43.45morrildlyeah probably not
22:43.59Disconnectfile a complaint with his isp :)
22:44.00rwhitbymorrildl: yeah, BruteSource was no match for swetland the other night.
22:44.12languishi really wish tmo would assign static ip's. it'd make life so much easier
22:44.14DarkriftXit was very entertaining to say the least
22:44.37rwhitbyDarkriftX: best laugh I'd had all week
22:44.43DarkriftXi know lol
22:44.48gamblerrwhitby, you need to get out mroe
22:45.14rwhitbyneeds a laugh this morning, after spending the weekend on a cub scout camp with 2000 kids.
22:45.18DarkriftXhe never changes his ident
22:45.31DarkriftXouch, that sounds like a pain
22:45.39DarkriftXi hope they were at least 12yrs old
22:45.45rwhitbyDarkriftX: 6 to 10
22:45.47DarkriftXyounger then that and id shoot myself
22:45.59DarkriftXthe older ones would require less babying
22:46.14DisconnectDarkriftX: 12-16 is prolly brutesource's age tho
22:46.15rwhitbynah, I ruled my troop of 42 with an iron fist :-)
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22:47.17rwhitbyDisconnect: yeah, I think all the kids on the weekend were more mature than BruteSource
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22:47.47morrildlIf we keep talking about BruteSource, the terrorists win ;)
22:48.45rwhitbymaybe we can just shorten it to BS - quite a fitting contraction I think ...
22:48.52*** mode/#android [+b *!*BruceSou*@*] by morrildl
22:49.08morrildlDarkriftX: thanks, that ban pattern looks good
22:49.10Disconnectif we don't DOS him off the net, he'll just go annoy someone else.
22:49.23Disconnectso really, in this case, a basic DOS is for the greater good.
22:49.26*** mode/#android [+b *!*BruteSou*@*] by morrildl
22:49.39languishDisconnect, you'd be dossing t-mobile. :/
22:49.45DarkriftXhey morrildl how did you do that? you just think you are an op
22:49.46Disconnectwon't someone -please- think of the -children- he might be bothering?
22:49.57Disconnectlanguish: just his ip. i doubt tmob has only enough bw for 1 user at a time :)
22:50.00morrildlcannot advocate a DoS.
22:50.12Disconnectmorrildl: ..but you can watch one? :)
22:50.18morrildlDarkriftX: well, if you really set your mind to it, you can do anything you want ;)
22:50.20DarkriftXyes you can, denial of android service, wheres that killswitch at?
22:51.09Disconnecthe's on windows mobile, "BruteSource") && exit
22:51.22DarkriftXhe put android on his wm phone
22:51.28*** join/#android Sorium (
22:51.32Soriumyou guys post on any android forums/
22:51.44DarkriftXpost what?
22:51.46DisconnectDarkriftX: really believe that? given that he was using a wm irc client...
22:51.50languishSorium, sure.. to what purpose are you asking?
22:51.54DarkriftXnot sure Disconnect
22:52.25Disconnectwould post but he can't get his account activated (and the forum admins are awol or at least ignoring my reqs)
22:52.38morrildlDisconnect: ?
22:52.40morrildlwhich forum?
22:52.46SoriumAndroid community forums, just wonderin what kinds of forums if anyone post on them. unless u just chill in this chat
22:53.03morrildlDisconnect: ah
22:53.07Disconnectsent a bunch of emails, pms, etc. no response.
22:53.12morrildlnever mind then, not my problem :)
22:53.13Disconnectnever got the activation email and there is no 'resend' button
22:53.21languishSorium, I post in a few, including's forums, and the forums.t-mobile .com forums
22:53.25DarkriftXDisconnect, which forums?
22:53.33DarkriftXoh lol
22:53.35DarkriftXalready been asked
22:53.39michaelnovakjr__haha,, xda-developers and i think thats about it
22:54.36languishi know plusminus hangs out here, he runs the anddev forums.. i forget if the androdcommunity admin hangs here too
22:54.45Soriumi just wnat to hang where the developers hang
22:54.50languishand DarkriftX runs the forums
22:54.56Soriumthis shit is the future
22:55.02DarkriftXdoesnt develop anything
22:55.15Soriumyea DarkriftX is the man, he showed me his forums last night
22:56.05Soriumso far, there's about 0 tutorials out there except the one provided by google
22:56.16languishSorium, there are a number of them
22:56.32Soriumshow me 1
22:56.46Soriumi've seen some here or there, but nothing totally comprehensive
22:56.47languishstart here
22:56.50morrildlwhat is that, "why I hate Android"?
22:56.54morrildl"Android one-liners"?
22:57.11languishmorrildl, dls
22:57.16Soriumwhat about the iPhone/
22:57.20morrildlstupid fonts
22:57.26Soriumi'm betting it all on Android guys
22:57.46DarkriftXlol morrildl
22:57.49DarkriftXi like that
22:58.03DarkriftXi should register and tell all those asses on androidcommunity to go there and bitch
22:58.20DarkriftXi stopped reading that forum because of all the complaint threads
22:58.31languishoh, then you should /ignore me
22:58.41DarkriftXyou at least try to be constructive about it
22:58.45Disconnectdoesn't complain, he files bugs
22:59.04Disconnectbut fwiw the current software load is full of fail
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22:59.46Disconnecti'm really afraid of what'll happen when it goes properly mass-market via walmart. could (might.. :/ ..) destroy its commercial viability in one swell foop.
23:00.00SoriumXDA-developers is OK
23:00.14DarkriftXnah, most walmart buyers wouldnt know enough to tell a bug from a feature
23:00.16Soriumbut the android dev community is really small it looks like
23:00.22Soriumthats true
23:00.25Disconnectcuz if you give this thing to people for christmas they're gonna freak and punch you in the face
23:00.32DarkriftXoh, the keyboard doesnt work, must be a feature to protect it from scratches!
23:00.47michaelnovakjr__i think the phone has been excellent so far
23:00.59Dammkinda scary knowing that walmart is selling em
23:01.03Soriumi cant believe XDA Developers is such a big forum, what the hell are these people posting about....
23:01.15DarkriftXSorium, its been there for years
23:01.15michaelnovakjr__what's wrong with walmart selling them?
23:01.23DarkriftXits basically a forum about hacking htc devices
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23:01.38DammDarkriftX, technically it started hacking the XDA.
23:01.40Soriumyeah, looks like it
23:01.46Dammand kinda went on from there
23:01.50DarkriftXstarted, but didnt stay there
23:01.54SoriumHTC seems to make the most advanced phones, is that true?
23:02.01Dammthey used to have ROMS for virtually every single build of WM5
23:02.02DarkriftXi would say so
23:02.02Soriumi hadn't heard about HTC till about 6 months ago
23:02.03Dammand more
23:02.15DammSorium, 8125? 8525? SDA? MDA?
23:02.24DammHTC made the Palm Treo 600 and 650
23:02.26DarkriftXi had the wizard
23:02.30BHSPitLappySorium, that's because their phones have names like T-Mobile G1
23:02.31DammHTC made your Motorola RAZR
23:02.41Disconnectmichaelnovakjr__: lets see, from the top. email (imap) doesn't work. wifi is intermittent at best. browser sometimes keeps your pages, sometimes refreshes (losing state) and sometimes comes up blank. music player interface is junk, even assuming the problems i had are mp3-related and not bugs. and thats all from -today- without looking at my list of bugs.
23:02.42BHSPitLappythey make phones to be rebranded
23:02.59DammHTC has the ability to fab the whole process
23:03.02SoriumHTC made Motorola RAZR?
23:03.03Dammwhich is why company's go to them
23:03.05Soriumthats what i use now, i don't have a G1
23:03.07DammSorium, yes.
23:03.17BHSPitLappymy phone, the HTC StarTrek, is sold under the names Cingular 3125, Qtek 8500, iMate Smartflip, and a few others
23:03.22DammMotorola doesn't do as much fabwork as they used to.
23:03.31Soriumo shit
23:03.42DammSony Ericsson outsources their fabwork
23:03.55Soriumso is Android a waste to develop on?
23:04.00Soriumare you guys coding apps for it right now?
23:04.01Dammthat's why Apple bought that one company (i forget their name) for the fab ability
23:04.13michaelnovakjr__Sorium: i am developing for it
23:04.21Soriumwhat are you working on right now/
23:04.22romainguy_Sorium: no it's not, Disconnect is just a very unhappy person on this channel in general :))
23:04.31morrildlSorium: there's a separate channel for app development that we set up since this one has more open-source-related discussion
23:04.38morrildlSorium: #android-dev
23:04.42AdamantDamm: PA Semi was fabless IIRC
23:04.52DarkriftXDisconnect just hangs out in here with brutesource too much and the negativity rubs off.
23:04.54languishSorium, there's a very large number of android developers. most of them are not in this channel
23:04.57DammAdamant, no apple was fabless, PA Semi had the ability to fab.
23:05.03Disconnectromainguy_: i think it -could- be great. but i think the way it is right now if you give it to mom (or gf or wife) they are gonna hate it.
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23:05.06Adamantthey bought them for the design talent
23:05.08DammAdamant, between apple and PA Semi... it made Apple able to fab their own chips
23:05.09Disconnectoh and lets not forget the camera.
23:05.15Disconnectas much as i'd like to..
23:05.21Dammapple has always designed their chips
23:05.24Dammbut never fabricated them
23:05.28romainguy_Disconnect: well I gave one to my girlfriend, she really likes it
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23:05.37Disconnectromainguy_: is it running retail software?
23:05.43AdamantDamm: do you mean ability to design chips or having an actual fab?
23:05.44morrildlDisconnect: my wife has one and loves it
23:05.51DammAdamant, actual fab.
23:05.52romainguy_(you don't want to be running our mainline :))
23:06.04DammAdamant, as you notice the chips in the iphone 3g are majority apple branded.
23:06.12Dammsame with the new ipod
23:06.16Adamantsays it was fabless
23:06.42Disconnectand how often do they buy phones at walmart? (or from tmob directly, either in the "popular-phone" genre or in the blackberry line?)
23:06.49Dammthere was a time I trusted what wikipedia said.
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23:07.07Dammbut there is a disconnect with wikipedia, they try to stay neutral to the point where they would rather have disinformation or no information
23:07.27AdamantDamm: ok dude, if you want to believe they have fabs that's good, unless you have insider info I'm sticking with Wiki
23:07.54DammAdamant, I do, but that's beside the point.
23:09.00Adamanttheir old website on Google
23:09.10Adamantsays from their own mouth, they are fabless
23:10.00DammAdamant, yeah and I can't find any articles saying they are fab...
23:10.13Dammohwell, i'll gladly bow out and give wikipedia a bone.
23:10.23Adamantcool, we all have thinkos
23:10.49DammPA Semi was doing some hardcore chips
23:10.56Adamantthey were
23:10.57Dammthe TI Omap was very popular with HTC
23:11.21DammI was never a fan of the Samsung ARM
23:11.39Dammthe Intel X-Scale was yummy, but power hungry in it's earlier versions
23:11.47Dammhasn't kept up on the ARM chips in awhile
23:12.11DarkriftXim dissapointed, all of the hacking and cracking seems to have stopped on that OTA
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23:13.13morrildlDarkriftX: ?
23:13.44DammDarkriftX, I was a bit disappointed in the OTA... better signal, the email app still blows goats, and there really isn't much more there to be considered worthy.
23:14.06DarkriftXthere was an effort to try to modify the OTA and reflash it to a device
23:14.08Disconnectis there any good reason to extend SQLiteOpenHelper?
23:14.09Dammi mean my phone has the OBEX Profile according to my Bluetooth profiler on OS X... yet doesn't work.
23:14.14jshermani'm guessing adb/jdwp won't let you do things that are low level, right?
23:14.15DarkriftXbut the signatures stopped that
23:14.18DarkriftXand everyone just gave up
23:14.18Dammthe OTA isn't a full image?
23:14.21jshermanlike print current registers
23:14.48Dammreject serialno=HT7*|HT80*|HT81*
23:14.52jshermanor print arguments to a function
23:15.41morrildlDamm: well, it was a security update :)
23:15.58Dammwell i'm a HT84...
23:16.06Dammso I imagine those are engineering serial numbers
23:16.19Dammi'm sure DannyB could illuminate on that.
23:16.44DarkriftXthe hope was to be able to flash custom images, or change permissions in the current update to give more access to the device
23:17.04Dammoh i'm sure there will be that ability DarkriftX.
23:17.06Dammgive it time
23:17.22Dammfirst you will want a full rom dump
23:17.29DarkriftXif only soemone at google could sneak us the info needed to crack those sha1-digest signatures
23:17.39Dammsha1 is easy to crack
23:17.45DarkriftXwell jump on it!
23:17.46romainguy_DarkriftX: that would be cheating
23:17.50Dammtakes what 45minutes on a Pentium 4?
23:17.50DisconnectDarkriftX: that'd be a great way to never work in the embedded industry again..
23:17.51DarkriftXi know romainguy_
23:18.02Disconnectpossibly even get jailtime depending on how much tmob wants to push damages
23:18.07Dammand 4.5minutes on the core 2's
23:18.09romainguy_besides, I don't think we have the keys at Google
23:18.13romainguy_it's T-Mobile's G1
23:18.15romainguy_not Google's
23:18.16DammDisconnect, nah it would be google.
23:18.29Dammbecause it would burn the whole Android project up
23:18.38Dammand make it non viable
23:18.44DarkriftXromainguy_, they seem to be signed by htc, so im guessing they would be the ones needed to leak them
23:18.45DisconnectDamm: google isn't gonna stand behind an employee that did that. tmob owns the device (and keys) so tmob would be the ones with damages and harm, etc
23:18.46jshermani'm no lawyer, but I think DMCA explicitly allows reverse engineering for the purpose of unlocking phones
23:19.11romainguy_jsherman: he's talking about someone from Google leaking private information
23:19.12Dammjsherman, that's still up for debate, it does... but if i recall the last version of the DMCA that passed, removed that clause.
23:19.24romainguy_that's quite different from doing reverse engineering :)
23:19.26Sorium@jsherman: you have statute in the law on that ?? (that's interesting)
23:19.35morrildlWe do not have the signing key, no
23:19.45DarkriftXi was joking guys, i didnt expect the info to be handed to me
23:19.58Dammit's SHA1, it should be no sweat to crack the key.
23:20.05Dammthen google will change the key
23:20.13DarkriftXwell chime in if you would
23:20.18DarkriftXthere are threads on it at xda-devs
23:20.26morrildlDamm: no, because it's not our key :)
23:20.32jshermanmaybe you could convince one of the lenstra brothers to do it
23:20.35DarkriftXonce the signatures were found everyone stopped everything
23:20.41Soriumcan someone telle me what hte point is to cracking the key or unlocking?
23:20.48languishyay! New Bug!!!!
23:20.50DarkriftXeasy Sorium
23:20.51Soriumi haven't unlocked any phone i have .... is there some feature im misssing ?
23:20.52languishwhooo hoo
23:21.11DammDarkriftX, unless there's a thread of why they stopped... there's just a pause
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23:21.22DarkriftXwe could change permissions on any files in the update, add our own, delete stuff (lots of ppl want to delete all the built in media for some reason) and repack the the update and flash it
23:21.41Soriumflash as on -- put Flash on it?
23:21.44DarkriftXright now, ANY edit to the update causes it to fail in flashing it
23:21.45languishmy wife just called, then hung up, so I got a missed call notification.. but the phone didn't stop ringing and bussing, even after I check the notification and hit the end key.. it was like the energizer bunny if it were a an alert
23:21.53DarkriftXflash as in apply the update
23:21.56languishit just kept going and going..
23:21.58DammDarkriftX, it's a signed zip
23:21.58gamblerhmmm I wonder why here is not a GNU version of to crack these vendor lock in keys
23:22.04Soriumwhat are some things i could do to hack my RAZR ??
23:22.06Dammjust like a signed jar.
23:22.12Soriumand make it super powerful
23:22.20Soriumi dont have internet access on it
23:22.37DarkriftXwrong place to ask Sorium
23:22.38Adamantgambler: because any vendor that isn't stupid uses one can't touch in a realistic timeframe
23:22.56languishSorium, have you ever used the nick BruteSource?
23:22.59Adamantalso the SHA1 breaks are for collisons, not invertibility
23:23.11DarkriftXlol, thats not him
23:23.16AdamantSHA1 and even MD5 are still quite strong against inversions currently
23:23.32Disconnectif you can collide you might be able to pad out the image tho
23:23.49jshermanhow would a collision help you
23:23.51gamblerAdamant, touche ... and I dont think inversions are even possible with hash algs
23:23.54Soriumhave u seen Howard forums/
23:24.01Adamantgambler: they are with really bad ones
23:24.07Adamantthey're the hardest break to do
23:24.18Adamantit's usually much easier to find collisions
23:24.42Adamantwhich is usually an existance proof the hash is insecure and should be discontinued
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23:25.52Disconnectok so i've been going through tons of hoops trying not to populate an arraylist of potentially hundreds of entries. but perhaps i should just do the full list for now and by the time i get hundreds of entries (or anyone else does) i'll fix it :)
23:26.11DarkriftXhey, whatever works
23:27.15Disconnectyah :( but i was under the impression sqlite could handle multiple opens .. since it gets mad at me... ohwell.
23:28.18DammDarkriftX, what more then likely will happen eventually is someone will find a way to duplicate the key and let a 3rd party sign it.
23:28.36DammDisconnect, sqlite isn't exactly a 'high speed' sql database/server/client/whatever.
23:28.46Dammsqlite3 is /ALOT/ better then sqlite2
23:29.00Dammi'm a bit disturbed about how apple abuses sqlite
23:29.18Disconnectyah but since it allows for readonly opens (that return rw objects if its unlocked and ro objects if its locked) that screamed "multi-access" to me
23:29.23Adamantif someone is serious about hacking Android, bugs in the Linux layer are probably the best way to do it
23:29.25romainguy_Damm: yeah, they use it everywhere now :)
23:29.42DisconnectAdamant: yah i'm looking into some things in that arena.
23:30.00phyburnwhat would be better for updating a clock handler or timertask
23:30.10romainguy_a handler
23:30.46Disconnectand of course dalvik is new, might be able to find an overflow somewhere with hostile bytecode
23:31.17romainguy_you'd still be confined in one process
23:31.20romainguy_there's one vm per app
23:31.34Dammi'll just wait for wiget ability to happen
23:31.45Dammit'll hit by xmas prolly and be a 'present'
23:32.05romainguy_Damm: if by "xmas" you means "xmas 2009," sure :)
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23:32.46jshermani guess maybe you could try setting up a SAT instance for the inversion, run it through a survey propagation SAT solver, and see if you get lucky
23:32.53Disconnectwidgets would be perfect given how connected its supposed to be
23:32.59jshermanit seems to work for the statistical physicists
23:33.11Dammromainguy_, i said xmas.. didn't say which xmas
23:33.18romainguy_good :)
23:33.24Adamantjsherman: SAT solvers are already factored in by top crypto people in designs
23:33.32romainguy_because widgets are much more difficult to implement than it sounds :)
23:33.46Dammthe only thing I find painful is reading xda-developers...
23:33.48Dammmakes my head hurt
23:33.51Adamantanyway, I think anyone hoping for a Xbox like crypto break is in for a surprise
23:34.05waldo_anyone have a suggestion why   scrollarea.myscrollarea(0,top.getBottom()); is scrolling down to everything but the last appended text?
23:34.07AdamantMS wouldn't make that mistake anymore and didn't on Xbox360
23:34.17waldo_sorry that should be
23:34.20jshermanwhat was the xbox break?
23:34.36romainguy_waldo_: probably an ordering issue
23:34.43romainguy_waldo_: try to post your call to scrollTo
23:34.43jshermanah ok
23:34.45waldo_top.getBottom() is the textview inside the scrollview
23:34.53romainguy_also calling top.getBottom() will scroll too much
23:34.53jshermanI don't know anything about applied crypto, just theory
23:35.03Adamantand I'm pretty sure Google's security team took a look at Android before it got released. Google has several crypto people on staff
23:35.15waldo_romainguy_: what's the right way to scroll to the bottom of a scrollview with a textview inside it?
23:35.20Adamantso there will be no RC4'ing or TEA'ing
23:35.24AdamantI expect
23:36.13waldo_I am trying to append text to the inner textview and then scroll down a la a terminal.  But it appends and then scrolls down to the line BEFORE the line I just added.
23:36.16jshermani thought survey propagation was relatively new, much newer than SHA at least
23:36.36Adamantjsherman: it's all algebraic right?
23:36.36DisconnectAdamant: tivo did that for everything before the s3 .. but they forgot one critical piece - so long as the bootloader was in-system flashable it could be broken (even when the sw to flash was missing). their eventual fix was to put more effort into a simpler, more stable validating bootloader that had no reflashing hardware.
23:37.11andyrossIt's not about the algorithm.  You can write a perfectly good crypto protocol with RC4 or XTEA (TEA itself had a bug, but wasn't broken AFAIK).  Crypto breaks come from protocol bugs -- secure encryption algorithms are a dime a dozen.
23:37.13AdamantI thought survey propagation was something about one of the new algebraic attacks in vogue
23:37.15Disconnect(and then their chain was stable - firmware validates kernel+initrd, initrd validates main system, main system validates or blanks scratch/cache areas)
23:37.35waldo_romainguy_: the problem isn't too much scrolling it's not enough
23:37.38romainguy_wasabi: like I said, post the scrollTo
23:37.54Adamantandyross: I agree but RC4 and TEA are contradictated for new use for a reason. too easy to screw up implementation.
23:38.05jshermanAdamant, it's a SAT solving algorithm
23:38.44Adamantjsherman: I doubt it would break SHA but I could be wrong. whoever could do it could write a pretty awesome crypto paper
23:38.55romainguy_wasabi: look at
23:39.00jshermannot in general
23:39.14Adamantoh, you mean (very) probablistically
23:39.15waldo_romainguy_: I'll lok
23:39.27jshermanyou only need a single instance
23:39.46phyburnhow would you get a handler to run over and over (about every second) a timer?
23:39.47romainguy_waldo_: basically the problem is that the layout with your next text hasn't happened yet, so the textview has still its current/old size
23:39.51jshermanbut yeah it probably won't work, i was half-serious
23:40.02romainguy_waldo_: by posting you will basically wait for the layout before scrolling
23:40.17romainguy_philsw__: you send a delayedMessage and when you receive it you post it again
23:40.30Adamantjsherman: gonna read up on it so I talk out of my butt less
23:40.51waldo_romainguy_: okay let me see how it works.. i'll give it a shot...  i thought something like that (timing) might be the issue..
23:40.56waldo_let me see how to post one sec.
23:41.16waldo_gotta figure out what a "runnable" is :)
23:41.53Disconnectok i've confused myself. i've got a listview thats populating successfully. thats great. except i can't find the flipping code thats doing it :)
23:42.17Disconnectoutsmarted himself somewhere
23:42.35romainguy_waldo_: it's just an interface that contains a single run() method
23:42.50waldo_so do I just say; ?
23:42.52romainguy_for instance: Runnable() { public void run() { scrollView.scrollTo(...); } });
23:42.54waldo_after appending?
23:43.24waldo_let me try that.
23:43.25jshermanAdamant, good luck, here's the paper: -- I personally don't quite understand it fully
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23:45.17waldo_wow romain guy.. worked!  That's a fair amount of code just to wait for the screen to update, but hey it worked great!  Thx.
23:45.39Disconnectoh damnit. there it is. that 'test function' that throws data into the db isn't. oops. :) time to rename it.
23:46.34waldo_actually I take it back.. not so hard or long.. just had to be told how to do it ;)
23:48.13romainguy_waldo_: using a Runnable is a very common idiom in Java :)
23:50.10waldo_sorry I'm just learning java so bear with me ;)
23:50.29andyrossIndeed, because the language lacks the notion of an indirected function reference and has to fake it with OOP. :)
23:50.35waldo_romainguy_: I appreciate the assist
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23:51.33phyburncan anyone recomend an android book to help you get used to android?
23:52.21waldo_phyburn: right now the best thing is to peruse through the online documentation (google "android code")
23:52.26waldo_at least as far as I know
23:52.34waldo_there's a book on amazon but it's gotten poor reviews
23:52.43yakischlobaruh roh
23:52.59yakischlobaandroid.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly :/
23:55.42gamblerphyburn, Oreilly has a book on their rough cuts service. I'd advise against buying it. Its very incomplete.
23:55.45gamblerPretty cheeky imo to sell a book that has maybe 1 chapter done.
23:55.56phyburnyeah I just saw that
23:56.03yakischlobawhen do I get a fuckin OTA update :/
23:57.36gamblerI felt bad for a man who didn't have an OTA update, until I met a man who had no phone.
23:57.44michaelnovakjr__easy with the f bomb
23:58.04romainguy_yakischloba: be patient, it will come
23:59.16languishyakischloba, my wife got the update thismorning, I'm still waiting for it
23:59.29donomomy GPS tracker was doing fine until an hour ago when all the lat/long reports are 47/-130, a couple thousand miles into the pacific ocean at 10,000 meters up
23:59.41donomothis is on a G1, not in the emulator.
23:59.45donomoany ideas?

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