IRC log for #android on 20081101

00:03.56*** join/#android jbq (n=jbq@nat/google/x-dace7b37d32026a3)
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00:42.59eladmy friends detest android
00:43.21eladwith their uber "Symbian devices"
00:43.29cbeustAh, nice
00:43.41cbeustI can understand preferring the iPhone over the G1
00:43.48cbeustBut Symbian over G1? <scratches head>
00:43.56eladyea theyre retarded
00:44.09eladthey think once the google hype wears off, its over.
00:44.18eladwhat hype?
00:46.45*** join/#android `vip (
00:51.05spikebikes60 on the newer devices is alot more capable than an iphone
00:51.18spikebikeMMS, multitasking, cut/paste, etc.
00:51.28eladyea but the whole point is android is to easy to develop for..
00:51.49spikebikethere is no s60 devel for linux 8-(
00:51.50eladand besides they hate java as well, they think its some nasty language
00:54.29*** join/#android osmosis (
00:55.01osmosiswhat do I use to convert to android h.264 mpeg4 videos?  ffmpeg ?  what settings?
00:56.55`vipanyone tried androidboy yet /
00:57.34osmosis`vip: yah, it runs too slow to use
00:57.40`vipah ok
00:57.41*** join/#android mocsrox (
00:57.48osmosishow do I create a video that I can copy to and play on my G1 ?
00:57.53osmosisfor the 'Video Player' app
00:57.54`vipjust saw it on androidcommunity
00:58.43tweaktwhat's the delay time for a "long press" to register?
01:00.23mocsroxne1 haxorin with the GridView?
01:02.02osmosisso no video converting help ?
01:03.35ttuttlemocsrox: that is not english
01:03.39*** join/#android nivardus (n=gontaMal@unaffiliated/nivardus)
01:04.05mocsroxttuttle: the deciphered version.. is anyone working with GridView
01:04.47ttuttlemocsrox: I'm not, sorry. ;-)
01:06.17*** join/#android unix_remote (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
01:07.25mocsroxall quiet on #android-dev as well
01:08.02eladi haxor with gridview all the time
01:08.11eladexcept thats in .net
01:08.20mocsroxelad: killing me
01:08.28eladsorry man I had too!
01:15.40*** join/#android waldo-g1 (n=waldo@
01:16.34waldo-g1so is it safe to plug any usb cable (say form a car charger) into the g1 to charge it?
01:17.18cbeustYes, but it won't always work (it will in most cases)
01:17.30cbeustThe USB plug needs to be powered, which most are
01:17.31waldo-g1has a tomtom gps cable
01:17.54waldo-g1cool lemme try it now..   in car how cool is that?
01:18.08cbeustAlso it won't charge as fast as a power outlet cable
01:18.19cbeustbut it's definitely awesome when you're traveling and you can recharge from your laptop
01:18.37waldo-g1wow!  works
01:18.50waldo-g1charge light on
01:19.46waldo-g1this is almost decadent it's so cool
01:30.28*** part/#android ErikT (
01:31.28spikebikeFor best results I'd recommend a 1 amp car charger
01:31.35spikebike(same with wall warts)
01:31.45spikebikeusb cables are safe
01:35.33waldo-g1this is 2a i think
01:36.12eladanyone here live in houston,texas
01:36.38spikebikeshould be plenty
01:36.48spikebikeg1's expecting 5v1a
01:37.37waldo-g1its a little warm actually
01:38.53*** join/#android jlapenna (
01:39.02waldo-g1hopoe it doesnt hurt it
01:39.14spikebikemy understanding is that it should be fine
01:39.17*** join/#android wastrel (n=wastrel@nylug/member/wastrel)
01:39.18spikebikeyou aren't overdriving it
01:39.22*** join/#android SR71-Blackbird (n=nirvana@unaffiliated/sr71-blackbird)
01:39.25romainguywaldo-g1: it's normal
01:39.28spikebike10V at 2 amps would be different
01:39.31eladman i love the map/gps on g1
01:39.46wastrelit doesn't work in my apartment
01:40.31romainguythe gps? that's normal
01:40.53*** join/#android annodomini (n=lambda@wikipedia/lambda)
01:42.59spikebikeyeah, might work if you get a lock outside first
01:43.09spikebikeless so if you have other apartments above you
01:43.27spikebikeI wish the g1 allowed you to set long/lat for an access point
01:44.05eladit does
01:44.26eladyou just have to develop that feature :P
01:44.46romainguyit should be able to get you a location using cell id though
01:45.16eladwhat do they call lounges/coffee shops that are open 24/7?
01:47.46jcanfield_My g1 alarm didn't wake me up this morning...anyone else seen this behavior?
01:48.32eladuser error most likely
01:48.50eladmost of the time its my fault as well :P
01:49.01eladlike everytime actually
01:49.19romainguyjcanfield_: known bug
01:50.04romainguysorry :(
01:50.16umdk1d3wait, theres a bug in the alarm clock?  its always worked for me
01:50.29romainguyask ttuttle
01:50.32romainguyprobably his fault :)
01:51.28eladim a little unclear, so it is possible to push mail from an exchange server or isnt?
01:51.50*** join/#android nebi (
01:52.22spikebikeelad don't think so, imap without imap idle so far
01:52.24romainguyelad: push, no
01:52.36spikebikejcan mine went off this morning
01:52.52spikebikeoften when I'm near a wifi there's no cell signal
01:54.37eladromain: is it possible via imap?
01:54.54romainguyat least if the exchange server supports IMAP
01:55.00eladvery nice
01:56.35*** join/#android aggtrfrad (
01:57.48jcanfield_romainguy, thanks!  Strange behavior, worked for three days then this morning the screen pop'd up but no rooster sound. :)
01:57.58romainguyyeah I've seen it too
01:58.02romainguyI don't know the cause
01:58.07romainguyblount might know
01:59.06jcanfield_guess I'll be going back to the old buzzer until we get an update.. I guess i could always use one of  the ten million countdown timers. :P
02:00.00waldo_wow my irc session stayed for a 5 mile drive... nice
02:00.06d03boyirc session? :\
02:01.18*** join/#android dmoffett (n=dmoffett@
02:09.28spikebikeany done the RC29 update?
02:09.33spikebikeor a OTA RC28?
02:10.25*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
02:18.47waldo_well I just did a comparison to the rc29 update from the rc28... they are different and the files inside are all different as well
02:19.50romainguywell yes since they are two different updates :)
02:20.17waldo_well the rc28 update had been reported as saying "RC29"
02:20.19waldo_in the device
02:20.25spikebikeyeah, I've heard that
02:20.33waldo_so I dunno.. also here's something:
02:20.34waldo_< assert getprop("") == "tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC29/115247:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys" || getprop("") == "tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC28/114235:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys" || getprop("") == "tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC19/109652:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys" || getprop("") == "tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC29/115247:us
02:20.34waldo_er/ota-rel-keys,test-keys" || getprop("") == "tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC28/114235:user/ota-rel-keys,test-keys" || getprop("") == "tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC19/109652:user/ota-rel-keys,test-keys"
02:20.37waldo_> assert getprop("") == "tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC29/115247:user/ota-rel-keys,for-testing,release-keys" || getprop("") == "tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC29/115247:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys" || getprop("") == "tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC29/115247:user/ota-rel-keys,for-testing,test-keys" || getprop("") == "tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1
02:20.46spikebikeI'm kinda curious if the update will happen over wifi, edge, or just 3d
02:20.46waldo_sorry for the little flood there
02:20.59romainguyspikebike: it happens over edge or 3g
02:21.01romainguyI don't know about WiFi
02:21.08romainguyduring the development they were happening over wifi too
02:21.10spikebikeor good
02:21.13spikebikeno 3g here
02:21.14waldo_is there anything interesting in that?
02:21.47waldo_they look like they have the same build number 115247 whatever that is about.
02:21.53waldo_romainguy: you work at google right?
02:21.59romainguyI do
02:22.17waldo_is there a difference between rc28 and rc29?  Should I install one over the other?
02:22.27romainguyyou know
02:22.32waldo_i ask because rc28 reports as rc29 anyway
02:22.38waldo_or so I'm told...
02:22.39romainguywe don't release updates that you should NOT install
02:22.45romainguyjust use the latest
02:22.47spikebikeheh well
02:22.54waldo_okay.  rc29 it is :)
02:22.59romainguythat's why you should just get the OTA updates as they arrive
02:23.04romainguynot trying to do what you're doing :))
02:23.04spikebikeI'm not sure I'd call random files floating around rapidshare as updates
02:23.12waldo_romainguy: well I've been patient...
02:23.20romainguyupdates will come
02:23.21waldo_spikebike: these aren't from rapidshare.. these are both downloaded from google direct
02:23.27romainguythey are not rolled out to all users at the same time etc
02:23.30eladhell im still at rc19
02:23.34waldo_elad me too
02:23.38spikebikesame here
02:23.58spikebikeromain do you know if the download can be resumed?
02:24.05waldo_romainguy: yeah...   but y'know we're early adopters so we have to have the latest/greatest... wish there was some "here's whats' new" doc somewhere tho
02:24.20spikebikenot sure how often I get an edge connection for long enough to get a 45MB download at one time
02:24.32waldo_spikebike: download with your computer then just ocpy the file
02:24.33romainguyspikebike: no worry, it doesn't have to happen in one shot
02:24.41spikebikeah, cool, I'll wait then
02:24.45waldo_oh you mean for an OTA...
02:25.00waldo_romainguy:  is there some reason you don't publicize the changes?
02:25.16romainguyno idea
02:25.27romainguybecause it's probably a bunch of fixes that don't mean much to users
02:25.40spikebikeheh, it would still be nice
02:27.27*** join/#android loke_ (
02:35.57waldo_Both were built Oct 24th, but it looks like RC19+28 was built at 4:08 PM and RC29 was built at 4:58 PM
02:36.41*** join/#android EpiC_ (n=tom@
02:41.55waldo_the rc29 says "for-testing" all over it.
02:44.15waldo_maybe if I install that one I'll be an unofficial member of the testing program... <grin>
02:46.02spikebikeproblem is, if google finds out something wrong with the update and stops the OTA update... you won't know
02:46.31waldo_I'm guessing rc29 is some beta for the next version
02:46.44spikebikewell news blurbs claim rc28 was in distribution
02:46.47spikebikean issue found
02:46.53spikebikeOTA updates stopped
02:46.54*** join/#android dglazkov (
02:46.59waldo_yes...  i heard that...
02:47.00spikebikethan RC29 was released
02:47.21spikebikethe g1 has some annoying bugs
02:47.23waldo_It's confusing because rc19+rc28 claims to be rc29.  Then you have ANOTHER rc29 built an hour later that says "for-testing"
02:47.28spikebikebut nothing too bad, so I'll wait
02:47.45spikebikewell I'm not confident that whoever uploaded the files named them correctly
02:47.58waldo_these files are from google
02:48.04spikebikealthough I kinda would like a little daemon that watches activity on my sd card
02:48.24spikebikefrom google where?
02:48.35*** join/#android aufegu- (n=angu@
02:48.51spikebikeis there docs with it?
02:48.55spikebikepublished checksums?
02:49.05spikebikeintended for distribution?
02:49.22*** join/#android jbq (n=jbq@
02:49.38waldo_intended I think to be d/l'd by the phone directly
02:49.42waldo_not a web browser
02:49.50waldo_but you can force the update
02:50.18*** join/#android JoeBrain (
02:52.08spikebikeah, it is straight from google, that's definitely more encouraging
02:53.23*** join/#android dglazkov_ (n=dglazkov@
02:53.50waldo_that said-- i have no idea what this RC29 is all about
02:56.09ttuttlewaldo_: I've heard it's an update to fix the browser vulnerability, but I'm honestly not sure.
02:56.40spikebikeyeah, that was mentioned
02:56.55spikebikeNot heard much about 19->28 though
02:57.05*** join/#android unix_remote (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
02:58.21waldo_ttuttle: well check this out
02:58.22*** join/#android cfreak200 (
02:58.50waldo_apparently it's not good to do RC29... although this guy doesn't say what happened to his phone exactly.
02:59.56*** join/#android dglazkov (n=dglazkov@
03:00.41ttuttlewaldo_: hrm.
03:00.47ttuttlewaldo_: Seems fine to me.
03:01.20*** join/#android vbabiy (
03:08.36spikebikeponders openid for a g1
03:10.14*** join/#android Elijah (
03:10.19waldo_ttuttle did you install the RC19->28 or the real rc29
03:10.25gdsxspikebike: it'd be pretty useless, seeing how OpenID is pretty useless, since sites don't want to trust other sites
03:10.42ElijahSo who here has bought an Android?
03:10.58spikebikegdsx true, although I'm hoping that replacing passwords with a strong key might make them less worried about weak passwords
03:11.04spikebikeelijah if you mean a g1, I did.
03:11.18Elijahspikebike: yes, a G1. So how do you like it!
03:11.25spikebikeit's awesome
03:11.36spikebikealthough this isn't a particularly good place for unbiased reviews ;-)
03:12.06ElijahWell I have heard some bad reviews but that is for people that have no clue of it's potential!
03:12.15ElijahI know what to expect for now
03:12.37ElijahI am thinking of jumping ship from Sprint since Sprint said they weren't going Andorid for a while
03:12.38spikebikeit's quite user friendly, you don't need to be a linux expert for it to be useful
03:13.19spikebikemy wife, and a friends gf are quite happy with them as well
03:13.20*** join/#android babelawra (
03:13.40ElijahIs the app store up and running for Android yet?
03:14.02spikebikeI don't know the number, but I'd eyeball it at 100-200 apps
03:14.36wastrelsome major missing pieces
03:14.59wastrelebook reader
03:15.26babelawrahi , i have some troubles to get the source code, i followed the instructions on the website but when i try : repo init -u git://
03:15.37babelawrai get bash: /bin/repo: Permission denied
03:15.40ElijahWell, it is in it's infancy so I will just be happy to efficiently use my Google apps for now
03:15.47ElijahGcalendar and Gmail for the most part
03:16.00wastrelv. easy & well integrated
03:16.07wastreldoesn't handle to-dos though :[
03:16.26ElijahIs it pretty responsive or is it laggy?
03:16.42ElijahMy Motorola ic902 is laggy as ____
03:17.36spikebikeI'd say it's quite snappy
03:17.52wastrelsometimes get slow loading of things
03:18.01wastrelmostly pretty responsive
03:18.27spikebikebut interactively, scrolling, pulling down the notification bar, bargging icons around, etc is pretty smooth
03:19.02*** join/#android nebi (
03:19.05ttuttlewaldo_: I'm running a totally different build.
03:19.32ttuttlewaldo_: I got my phone through the friends and family program, so I run a sort of testing builds.  (More cutting-edge than the "for-testing" ones.)
03:19.43ElijahIs there anyway of buying one of these and putting it on Sprints network?
03:19.47ttuttleElijah: No.
03:19.51ttuttleElijah: Sprint is not GSM.
03:20.00spikebikettuttle right
03:20.02ElijahHow bout ATT then
03:20.13ttuttleElijah: Certainly, if you can convince T-Mo to unlock it.
03:20.16spikebikeyeah, if you pay full price gsm should work
03:20.20ttuttleElijah: I'm using mine with AT&T.
03:20.27spikebikeor pay for the unlock
03:20.28ttuttleElijah: Just beware that the 3G won't work.
03:20.32Elijahttuttle: how did you do that?
03:20.45ElijahThe G1 is not 3G?
03:20.47ttuttleElijah: I'm testing for Google, so I asked for an unlocked one.
03:20.51spikebikeit's 3g only on tmobile
03:20.54ttuttleElijah: The G1 is 3G, but it only works on T-Mo's frequencies.
03:21.04ttuttleElijah: It could work on AT&T, but they'd need to change the hardware slightly.
03:21.09spikebikeit's pretty damn nice on edge though
03:21.15ElijahI want one badly but T-mobile coverage isn't the greatest here
03:21.18ttuttleElijah: It's actually not so bad... ever since iPhone 1G, EDGE on AT&T has been *much* faster.
03:22.50unix_remoteverizon has rolled out GSM right?
03:22.57ttuttleunix_remote: No!  They're CDMA, I think.
03:23.12unix_remotettuttle: hmm.
03:23.59ttuttleYeah, they're CDMA.
03:24.18*** join/#android satadru (
03:26.38spikebikeyeah, tmo and AT&T are the 2 biggest gsm folks in the usa
03:27.01spikebikesprint, verizon, nextel aren't
03:27.28*** join/#android satadru (
03:27.47spikebikethere is a lame book reader btw
03:30.14ElijahI am really disappointed the Sprint is not adopting an Android phone yet
03:31.19ElijahDo any of you have the G1 in Tmobile edge
03:31.26ElijahIs it fast at all?
03:31.33spikebikeyeah, it's fine
03:32.38ElijahDo you have to pay extra for 3G
03:32.50ttuttleElijah: no
03:32.54ttuttleElijah: it's part of the G1 data plan.
03:33.35spikebikemaps, app downloads, even youtube is reasonable over edge
03:34.03spikebikegtalk/im works well
03:34.03ElijahOk, Well I am gonna see if I can get out of my Sprint plan, its been well over a year
03:34.12ElijahI hear they are pro rating ETF now
03:34.16spikebikegood luck.
03:35.23ttuttleElijah: Oh, that's good.
03:48.27eladyea right
03:48.35eladi was with verizon for 7 years
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03:56.06spikebikeit doesn't seem like android is really related to linux
03:56.11RyeBryeMy bluetooth keyboard will pair with the G1 just fine - but wont connect or do anything useful.
03:56.15*** join/#android Tinyboom (
03:56.20RyeBryenow starts bitching about not being able to fix it himself
03:56.22spikebikecouldn't a dalvik port to windows mobile, sybian, or OSX allow the same apps to run?
03:57.03spikebikeRyebyre I believe the roadmap includes an extension to allow arbitrary user input devices ... like an onscreen keyboard
03:57.28RyeBryeI'd FIX IT myself - and contribute patches - but since I'd have no reliable way of testing if it works - and even if I did get it working in the emulator or something I'd have to wait an unknown period of time to get my own patches on my own device... I don't see any reason to hack away at it
03:58.23RyeBryeYeah, the interface framework will be good once it's written - and it's probably a prerequisite to getting a bluetooth keyboard working properly - but I would think bluetooh HID would be handled much nicer at the OS level that in some background process running in userspace
03:58.52RyeBryeI would even accept a service where if you write patches and google likes them - they send you back a signed image to flash on your own phone
03:59.11RyeBryewithout haven't to wait until whenever to get the OTA update
04:00.23spikebikeyeah the tmo device isn't really open
04:00.59RyeBryeYeah, and so far it seems like it's even more locked down than other t-mobile HTC devices
04:01.03spikebikethe openmoko looks like it will have an open android
04:01.15RyeBryeThe Free Runner you mean?
04:01.26RyeBryeOpenMoko is the OS
04:01.40spikebikesupposedly they will have an android phone in nov
04:01.43*** join/#android Waldo-g1 (n=waldo@
04:01.53Waldo-g1does ircii not suppor color?!
04:01.55RyeBryeThat will be completely useless because there is no onscreen keyboard yet
04:02.09RyeBryeand the Free Runner lacks a hardware keyboard
04:02.17spikebikethey might add one, does't seem that hard
04:02.29RyeBryethere is one on the roadmap from google in Q1 of 09
04:02.41RyeBryeso they could add one, but it would be a throwaway hack
04:02.45wastrelirssi supports color
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04:03.06Waldo-g1wastrel but not ircii huh?  Hmm
04:03.12unix_remoteRyeBrye: among other things it also lacks a back button.
04:03.14Waldo-g1guess I installed the wrong one.
04:03.27spikebikethus the wait for a month ;-)
04:03.33wastrelWaldo-g1: i was using ircii in 1993 :]
04:03.35spikebikealas the hardy is kinda sucky in general
04:03.39wastrelit's ancient
04:03.42spikebikeer hardware
04:04.04spikebikehopefully folks will jailbrake the g1 so folks can hack on it willy nilly
04:04.06RyeBryeYeah, it was pretty decent when they announced it - but it took so long it was outdated when it hit the shelves
04:04.09Waldo-g1wastrel yeah... that's the last time I had to install an irc client!
04:04.22RyeBryeI've been poking around, but there are no obvious weak links - or so it seems
04:04.42*** join/#android galtoid (
04:04.47Waldo-g1wastrel so is irssi the best text-based one?  I remember bitchx being popular at one point
04:05.04unix_remotetry both.
04:05.12unix_remoteirssi works on virtually everything though.
04:05.19Waldo-g1okay I'll go with irssi then...
04:05.21spikebikeirssi works decently for me from connectbox
04:05.21Waldo-g1and junk this one
04:05.26wastrelirssi is the new bitchx
04:05.29Waldo-g1got it
04:05.30spikebikealthough the status line would get wonky
04:05.33Waldo-g1okay then irssi...
04:05.47Waldo-g1it is..  I mean..  seirously I haven't used irc in a while..
04:05.55Waldo-g1gonna switch... back in a few.
04:06.19spikebikeif the other htc devices are less locked down maybe someone will port android to one of them
04:06.27spikebikethe other nice fit would be the treo pro
04:06.31spikebikealmost identical hardware
04:06.52spikebike(resolution, cpu, gps, memory, graphics, etc.)
04:07.02spikebikeand of course a hardware keyboard
04:07.22spikebikehas the same qualcom 7201 or whatever it's called
04:08.52RyeBryeI wonder how hard it would be to create an SD simulator - basically a little card that would present itself as if it were an SD card - but you can control it...
04:09.09RyeBryeI'm not thinking it's practical, but it'd be a pretty cool little hacking device
04:11.39*** join/#android waldo___ (n=waldo@
04:11.51waldo___ooo purty
04:12.49*** join/#android BHSPitLappy (n=BHSPitLa@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey)
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04:13.32waldo___way more readable
04:14.42spikebikecan you see the entire status bar?
04:15.06waldo___no its too long
04:15.19waldo___but the color is great
04:15.38BHSPitLappyyou're using a non-G1?
04:17.44waldo___im using a g1
04:20.07eladwaldo__: are you using irissi?
04:20.24umdk1d3<3 irssi
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04:22.21waldo-g1i'll have to fool w the default settings later but the color/indentation is really nice as opposed to ircii.
04:22.45waldo-g1hey michaelnovakjr_
04:23.13waldo-g1congrats on the phone  ;)
04:23.32RyeBryeAre the for-testing private keys in the repo, or are those also locked down?
04:24.04RyeBryei.e. ota-rel-keys,for-testing,release-keys is what one user got on their phone after running some update
04:25.04michaelnovakjr_this phone is slick
04:25.16RyeBryeThe g1? yeah, it's nice
04:25.34michaelnovakjr_just picked mine up today
04:26.33spikebikewhich build are you running?
04:26.40michaelnovakjr_no idea
04:26.47RyeBryedo the update
04:27.00RyeBrye post 77
04:27.04spikebikesettings -> about phone -> build number
04:27.05RyeBryethe rc28 makes it a little nicer even
04:27.12spikebikehow so?
04:27.20RyeBryethe USB status indicator is pretty nice
04:27.29spikebikeah, k
04:27.31spikebikesame ehre
04:28.21michaelnovakjr_shipping with a flight of the conchords song is awesome
04:28.46wastrelthat's a tv show
04:28.58michaelnovakjr_but they are music :)
04:29.53spikebikeI don't see that song
04:29.58spikebikeor is it a ring tone?
04:30.19michaelnovakjr_its in /sdcard/music
04:30.22michaelnovakjr_or in the music player
04:30.33michaelnovakjr_.. same thing
04:30.44RyeBryeIsn't that on your sdcard?
04:31.11RyeBrye... maybe you bought someone's returned G1 with crap on the SD card already? :)
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04:31.32michaelnovakjr_:) they did a good job packaging it up then :)
04:31.50wastrelno i got that too on mine
04:32.29spikebikeah, I didn't see it under music
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04:32.33RyeBryeMine was returned, but it looked brand new
04:32.33spikebikeI do see it moutned though
04:32.41RyeBryeand I ordered it from t-mobile
04:33.00RyeBryeWhen I went to go to the web or something, it asked me to give a password for some random gmail account I've never heard of
04:33.01michaelnovakjr_i went to a store and got it
04:33.11RyeBryeno big deal - I just did a factory reset - but it was really strange
04:33.22michaelnovakjr_i was able to set my google apps account in gmail
04:33.26michaelnovakjr_that was nice :)
04:33.36michaelnovakjr_google apps === gmail :) was the guy who had mine before
04:33.51michaelnovakjr_what a dumb email address
04:33.53RyeBryeI even emailed him about it - but I think (based on the name) that was just a throwaway account
04:33.55spikebikedoes anyone know how to clean up your gtalk contacts?
04:34.02spikebikeI've got a bunch I want to delete but can't seem to
04:34.29spikebikeI tried firefix -> gmail, firefox -> talkgadget, and g1 -> IM -> gtalk
04:34.42RyeBryespikebike: that should do the trick
04:35.10RyeBryeOh, you mean just deleting them?
04:35.21RyeBryedon't know
04:35.23spikebikeya, the junk ones
04:39.54DarkriftXRyeBrye, any news on the update hacking?
04:40.02DarkriftXxda-devs seems to have quieted down
04:40.04waldo-g1i like the pgup & down in irssi
04:40.21spikebikewaldo how do you type that on the g1?
04:40.31spikebikeyour using connectbot?
04:40.57waldo-g1swipe up on the left side of the screen
04:41.05waldo-g1on g1 now yes
04:41.13spikebikesweet, I was looking for that today
04:41.43waldo-g1lets you scroll beyond phone's memory
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04:50.26michaelnovakjr_why would one of my machines tell me the compliance level is 1.4 when i have 1.5 installed and the same exact project builds fine on two other machines??
04:55.57waldo-g1complience level of java?
05:05.01michaelnovakjr_gcj is the worst thing ever created
05:08.08waldo_michaelnovakjr is there a new glance to try out?
05:08.16michaelnovakjr_trying to build
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05:14.06waldo_using eclipse instead of ant or something?
05:14.12michaelnovakjr_no its ant
05:14.14michaelnovakjr_i figured it out
05:14.31michaelnovakjr_it was gcj and all its extra crap that ubuntu installs when installing eclipse
05:14.39michaelnovakjr_eclipse package in ubuntu is horrible
05:14.52michaelnovakjr_all my other machines i installed it manually, go figur
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05:17.38romainguygcj :((
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05:22.37michaelnovakjr__yea romainguy its annoying
05:22.51michaelnovakjr__got a G1 though romainguy :)
05:22.56romainguyglad to hear it :)
05:23.19michaelnovakjr__the graphics look great on it
05:24.01michaelnovakjr__went with the blue mountain background...
05:24.21BHSPitLappyAre there alternate UIs out yet?
05:24.46michaelnovakjr__haven't seen any.... do we need them?
05:24.49michaelnovakjr__i like the UI
05:24.56romainguymichaelnovakjr__: I took that picture :p
05:25.12michaelnovakjr__i know :)
05:25.19BHSPitLappymichaelnovakjr, try running it on a QVGA-P screen
05:25.21michaelnovakjr__i think its the best one in the bunch
05:25.31romainguyBHSPitLappy: well the UI is meant for HVGA :)
05:25.35BHSPitLappymichaelnovakjr, or a non-touchscreen, or a combination of the two
05:25.57michaelnovakjr__BHSPitLappy: or just the G1 :)
05:26.17BHSPitLappymichaelnovakjr, if the OS was only for the G1, I wouldn't really mind
05:26.46waldo_hope we start seeing it on car navigation systems...
05:26.54BHSPitLappythe emulator comes with HVGA and QVGA modes
05:26.59michaelnovakjr__BHSPitLappy: well, currently it is :)
05:27.06michaelnovakjr__as far as devices go...
05:27.27romainguy << speaking of photos, here is a new one
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05:29.00michaelnovakjr__that's cool
05:29.03michaelnovakjr__i like that one
05:29.28romainguymichaelnovakjr__: I still have 20 or so from that place to go through
05:29.38romainguywe actually had such a wallpaper in M3
05:29.47romainguyI'm glad I can finally bring it back but with my own work :))
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05:30.13michaelnovakjr__the m5 one was good too
05:30.24romainguywhich one?
05:31.30BHSPitLappyromainguy, go shoot Hueco Tanks
05:32.28michaelnovakjr__it was similar to the mountain one...
05:32.46romainguymichaelnovakjr__: well in M5 there was a sunset over the mountains
05:32.49romainguyand it's in 1.0
05:32.55romainguythere was also a sunrise over rice fields
05:32.57romainguyalso in 1.0
05:32.58michaelnovakjr__yea, that was it
05:33.01romainguyBHSPitLappy: looks awesome
05:33.03michaelnovakjr__the sun over mountains
05:33.12romainguyit's in 1.0 :)
05:33.54michaelnovakjr__the second one :)
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05:34.03BHSPitLappyromainguy, spent a week there bouldering this summer, it's amazing
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06:07.13RyeBryeromainguy - do you do a lot of canyoneering?
06:09.33RyeBryeromainguy - do you do the technical ones? If you ever are up in the Utah area again and want to go through some of the cool ones in Zion or the San Rafael Swell - let me know :)
06:10.12umdk1d3yay just saw the g1 commercial in 720p  ^.^
06:10.30RyeBryemy g1 isn't 720p
06:10.34RyeBryeI should return it ;(
06:10.38RyeBryeerr ;)
06:10.40ttuttleRyeBrye: no you shouldn't ;-)
06:10.54ttuttleG1 commercial?!
06:10.56ttuttleLemme see!
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06:11.02umdk1d3lol its the same one on youtube
06:11.04RyeBryeI kind of wonder if to the rest of the world the G1 commercials are as easy to tune out as those stupid Samsung Instinct commercials
06:11.05romainguyRyeBrye: I just take pictures and walk around, nothing technical :))
06:11.13umdk1d3was nice seeing it in hd tho
06:11.27ttuttledoesn't tune out the Instinct commercials. Are those the product-placement movie ones? They're hilarious.
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06:11.43umdk1d3will have to mythtranscode it out later and rapidshare it or something
06:11.48RyeBryettuttle - I watch them - but I think 'Hm. that phone is probably a piece of crap'
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06:12.56RyeBryeromainguy - if you had any desire to do some of the technical stuff though, we've got enough gear between me and the 2 other guys I go with that we were able to bring 6 other beginners through a canyon in Arches last November
06:13.08romainguythat could be cool
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06:15.25RyeBrye that's a video of a short fun one that you could take a camera in very easily and get some good shots depending on the time of day... I edited that in the car on the way back from the trip last time
06:15.56RyeBryenow wonders how many years until the cell phone is capable of doing video editing of high-res video clips on the fly :)
06:17.11romainguyhauling photo gear in there must suck :))
06:17.33RyeBryeIt's not nearly as bad as hauling 400 feet of rope through some of the things we do
06:17.55romainguywell I have a lot of photo gear
06:17.58romainguybut I believe you :))
06:18.40RyeBryeYeah, you'd probably want to be selective on what you brought - one of the guys we sometimes go with is also a big photo buff and he could probably give you pointers on what he does with his stuff to make sure it survives and that he has what he wants
06:18.59romainguyyeah protecting the gear must be hard sometimes :)
06:19.51RyeBryeI spaced it and had my video camera in the top of my pack one time because it was acting up... normally I have it in a hard plastic underwater case but this canyon was a dry one so I didn't want that extra weight
06:20.40RyeBryeonce stuff goes into your pack, it's very easy to forget what is in there and just toss it around
06:20.47romainguyI bet
06:21.01romainguyI often do the same on hikes
06:21.04romainguyso I can't imagine there :)
06:24.13RyeBryeIf you had a good, lightweight, but really adjustable tripod or something you could use to brace the camera against sandstone - you could get some amazing shots in some of these canyons
06:24.31RyeBryeThe problem, of course, is that the lighting is always really low
06:24.46romainguyyeah, in Antelope I had my big sturdy tripod because it's a dry one with sand at the bottom
06:25.11romainguyI'd definitely not take this one in a canyon like the one from your video :)
06:26.49RyeBryeThe Subway in Zion is a good one for photos - and it wouldn't be bad to take a camera through that one since the parts where you really want the nice photos it's safe to take all your gear out and stuff
06:27.14romainguyI'm planning on getting a new camera by the end of the year
06:27.22romainguyso I'll have at least one to sacrifice if need be ^^
06:27.40romainguy(I sacrificed one in China already)
06:27.46RyeBryeThat stinks
06:28.38RyeBryeYeah, we're always looking for excuses to get out - so if you were coming up whenever just drop me a line and we could work something out... you could even probably just pick ones you wanted to do and we'd either be excited about it or tell you if they suck
06:28.45RyeBrye(most are good, but some suck)
06:28.55romainguysuck in what way?
06:28.57romainguyjust boring?
06:29.02RyeBryeYeah, boring
06:29.19RyeBryeor a really really long boring approach for a not-that-exciting canyon, followed by a really long buswacking exit
06:29.36romainguyway to ruin your groove :)
06:29.50RyeBryeyou've heard of the narrows in Zion, right? There are 3 canyons that exit into the narrows
06:30.01romainguyyes, but I've never been to the narrows
06:30.01RyeBryeboth Mystery and Imlay are awesome canyons
06:31.02romainguyat least they must not be too crowded
06:31.08RyeBryeImlay is a very technical canyon - and it's not crowded at all
06:31.11romainguyAntelope was very disappointing in that regard :((
06:31.15RyeBryeOh, yeah
06:31.24RyeBryeThese canyons are not at all crowded - you wont see anyone but the people in your group
06:31.26romainguystupid foreign tourists :))
06:31.37romainguyeheh that's cool
06:32.28RyeBryeAlthough when you drop into the narrows, usually that is crowded - more so in Mystery because it's close to the bus stop
06:32.56romainguymust suck to get caught in a flash flood in there :)
06:33.02RyeBryeYeah, you really watch the weather
06:33.15RyeBryea flash flood would most definitely ruin your day
06:34.01romainguy-r day
06:34.18RyeBryeThere are some canyons that have exits - but most do not
06:34.48romainguywell you can exit up and dead :)
06:35.17RyeBryeThere is one in the San Rafael Swell called the Squeeze that's fun - and the exact opposite of crowded. At one point before you drop in the canyon, you can look in every direction and see absolutely no other person
06:35.28romainguyahah sweet
06:35.30RyeBryefor several miles in every direction
06:37.07RyeBryeMost of the people who are really into technical slot canyons that I know are also technical people... lots of programmers, a few engineers, and one guy that now has a company making canyoneering gear graduated from MIT in something
06:37.33romainguyI wonder if there's a link :)
06:38.16RyeBryeThere are a lot of fun challenges to it one you get into it - plus there must be some part of the brain that likes going through canyons that also likes doing other technical stuff.... I don't know
06:39.43RyeBryeThe guy who did these photos is one of my friends too - but not in my regular group:
06:39.49RyeBryehe's also a big photo buff / canyoneering buff
06:42.51BHSPitLappyhey umdk1d3
06:44.45RyeBrye those are his trip reports - is one when I was with him in imlay
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06:49.41DarkriftXi wonder what android devices will be available by tax return time :S
06:51.12unix_remoteDarkriftX: you'll likely get a couple nice stimulus checks in the mail before then.
06:51.28DarkriftXi wouldnt count on it
06:51.39DarkriftXwould be nice though
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06:56.02mattgyver83is programming for android difficult, anyone have any good reads?
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06:57.55muthuandroid sdk docs is pretty good
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07:37.38RyeBryeI like t-mobile's response:
07:38.02RyeBrye"The updates are being sent out to everyone.  We didn't plan the OTA updates to be installed on a phone which had already been updated manually.  Hopefully the OTA installer is smart enough to realize the update is present, but who knows.  If your phone is 'bricked' due to the offical OTA being installed on a manually updated phone, once again, you are out of luck."
07:38.15RyeBryeWow, that's dumb.
07:38.18RyeBryeI also like the tags on that guy's post
07:38.22fritoofc they are gonna say that is called cya
07:38.47fritoi did the manual update though no problems worked fine =D
07:38.49umdk1d3RyeBrye: rofl @ tagged as "fearmongering"
07:39.13fritolol yeah inaccuarte, technically wrong lol
07:40.01romainguylove the last sentence of the description
07:40.26d03boyyour mom goes to college
07:41.00RyeBryeThe guy at t-mobile has this impression I think in his mind like they have some kind of pipe that they just shove things down
07:41.02umdk1d3idk it sounds like a very interesting idea
07:41.04jshermanromainguy, do you know if screenlocking is intentionally not supposed to work in the eng build
07:41.06RyeBryeand they magically fall into the hole in the phone or something
07:41.10jshermanand only in user builds or something
07:41.10frito"incase i do not survive the incident
07:41.18romainguyjsherman: what eng build?
07:41.28jshermaner the default target
07:41.40romainguyhe also wants to use keyboard, mouses and printers on his phone...
07:41.41umdk1d3frito: i mean, imagine like an explosion or something
07:41.41jshermanis an "eng" type build as opposed to a "user" one
07:41.46romainguyI should buy him a laptop
07:41.54romainguyjsherman: the open source release?
07:42.06romainguyit's probably normal
07:42.48RyeBryeromainguy - I want to use a bluetooth keyboard on mine - does that mean the bad guys are likely going to sieze my phone too?
07:43.06romainguyRyeBrye: if you use a CUPS printer with your phone, you're gonna die
07:43.07fritoi dont think i would be concerned with my phone getting data of what is happening safe more than gettin my ass outta there and safe tbh
07:43.11romainguyor maybe I got confused :)
07:43.17romainguyfrito: true :)
07:43.23romainguyespecially if you have an EDGE connection ^^
07:43.31romainguyor it's night time
07:43.35romainguygood luck with pictures
07:43.45romainguyah the joys of public bug trackers
07:43.52RyeBryeYes - a better feature request would be being able to push the camera button in a special sequence of presses and have the phone turn into a hand grenade
07:43.56RyeBryeor at the very least a flash bomb
07:43.58fritonighttime pictures = teh sux
07:44.06romainguythis one is nice too
07:44.22fritoand everyone knows the bad shit goes down at night ofc
07:44.44RyeBryeI could post one just like that guy:
07:45.29RyeBrye"I want my phone to be more like the kitchenaid I just bought: 1: accept different attachments so I can mash potatoes or beat eggs 2: have a detachable bowl that is dishwasher safe..."
07:45.52fritoi vote for #2!!
07:47.26RyeBryeHmm... this guy wins for worst explanation for wanting shell access on the phone:
07:47.33RyeBrye"Doing everything on an emulator is a hassle. When I am on the road I want
07:47.33RyeBryeto be able to develop and test directly on the G1 without having to carry a
07:47.33RyeBryelaptop around."
07:47.54RyeBryeI can't wait to see him start Eclipse on his phone
07:48.04DarkriftXA member of our Android Community (lgsilvaas), has just found instructions showing how to update your G1 without getting the over-the-air update. All you need is a MicroSD card to update to the new RC29 firmware.
07:48.14DarkriftXi like how they try to take credit for this
07:48.19DarkriftXit was first posted at xda-developers
07:48.26DarkriftXI am the one who posted it FIRST on androidcommunity
07:48.40RyeBryeYeah, that's lame
07:48.49fritoShould be able to attach, perhaps via USB or bluetooth, printers,
07:48.49fritoscannners, and other such peripherals. Most important, initially, would be
07:48.51DarkriftXi dont even want credit, but shit, give the credit to xda-devs
07:48.52RyeBryebut... apparently T-mobile might fry your phone
07:48.54fritobuy a pc pls
07:49.01RyeBryeand Don't do it! You can't trust 3-rd party upgrades!
07:49.09RyeBryeSheesh - I WISH you couldn't trust 3rd party upgrades
07:49.11DarkriftXgoogle isnt 3rd party
07:49.13RyeBryeI know
07:49.14DarkriftXthey are 4th party!
07:49.17RyeBryebtu that warning is such a joke
07:49.23DarkriftXi know, i laughed
07:49.34romainguyRyeBrye: they have a point, if you get the update from an untrusted source.... :)
07:49.35DarkriftXi can see some nerdy guy writing that while performing the upgrade
07:49.36RyeBryeif there was a legitimate reason to be worried about a 3rd party putting together a malicious update at this point, I would be overjoyed
07:49.53DarkriftXlol RyeBrye good point
07:50.09RyeBryeYes, they probably haven't been trying to bang their way into as hard as the rest of us have
07:50.17romainguylook at it from their perspective
07:50.35RyeBryeThey don't understand the signing process... etc. - I get that
07:50.41romainguyif they suddenly get a bunch of customers complaining that their phone is toast because they fucked up a manual update...
07:51.18RyeBryeIt's true
07:51.41RyeBryeThere is also a bug in the RC19 recovery mode that it only reads a certain kind of partition table
07:51.56RyeBrye(apparently) - I had to put it on a different micro SD card than the one that came with my phone to get it to work
07:52.30RyeBryeyeah, and I can understand T-mobile's approach... but the rollout speed for this update is ridiculously slow
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07:53.07DarkriftXthat or the updates are too publicly known lol
07:53.20DarkriftXmaybe all OTA updates are like that but most ppl arent expecting them
07:53.20RyeBryeYeah, that might be the case as well
07:53.42fritoi would say it prob is
07:53.43romainguyRyeBrye: don't be impatient
07:54.08romainguyOTAing tons of phone over a brand new 3G network is probably not something they want to fuck up :)
07:54.21romainguythe new RC won't give you tons of cool new shiny features :)
07:54.30RyeBryeIt gives the USB indicator though :)
07:54.32fritothing is theres too many of our type of users that bought this phone that enjoy tweaking and modding their stuff so its to be expected imo
07:54.34RyeBryeThat's shiny enough
07:55.07romainguyRyeBrye: agreed
07:55.12romainguybut that's about it :)
07:55.22romainguywait for the 1.x updates to get excites
07:55.29romainguyI have a cool feature for Home :p
07:55.32fritolol yeah after i updated mine i was like look rc29 oo usb on status bar ooo
07:56.13RyeBryeI think it might change the algorithm for how they move the battery indicator - the battery info reads the same, but when it's at 60 on the battery info it has a lot more green in the battery icon than it used to I think
07:56.18RyeBryebut I might be crazy
07:56.26fritois still waiting for stereo bluetooth and/or music sent to mono bluetooth headsets
07:56.36DarkriftXromainguy, which is why we hosted that update all over rapidshare, to take the heat off their 3g network ;)
07:56.45romainguyRyeBrye: the battery charge sensors suck :)
07:56.50DarkriftXmake rs foot the bw bill lol
07:56.57RyeBryeThe battery has surprisingly good live
07:56.59RyeBryeerr life
07:57.07romainguyyes but the indicator is just a big fat lie
07:57.09romainguy(I exaggerate)
07:57.11RyeBryeIt's just that half of that life happens to be from 10% to 0% :)
07:57.20romainguylike sometimes it's at 15% for me
07:57.27romainguyI reboot the phone and it's actually at 50%
07:57.27fritoyeah it works good so long as you dont blast the brightness and be a dumb user
07:57.35romainguy(my MacBook Pro does the same for some reason)
07:57.51fritohave you done a full discharge a few times?
07:57.53romainguyDarkriftX: glad it makes you guys feel powerful to do the update manually :)
07:57.56jshermanwhat does it mean for a device to be "provisioned"
07:58.09DarkriftXromainguy, probably using a calculation of current power to "guess" current battery left instead of checking it every 3 minutes
07:58.14romainguyfrito: yes but... I develop all day long on my devices, so they keep being plugged/unplugged :)
07:58.19RyeBryejsherman - it means you need to fed-ex it to me... if it's an engineering device
07:58.22romainguyjsherman: that you went through the setupwizard
07:58.24fritoi had that same thing happening untill i killed the battery 2 times and recharged it and now my bat gauge seems to be alot more accurate
07:58.32romainguywithout provisionning, things get werid
07:58.32jshermanwhat setup wizard?
07:58.37romainguylike the Home key not working etc
07:58.41romainguyit doesn't exist on git
07:58.47romainguyit's replaced by an automatic dummy app
07:58.50jshermanugh that is what is messing everything up
07:59.02romainguyyou can wipe your data
07:59.05romainguythat should fix the problem
07:59.18RyeBryeYeah, the LiIon batteries have their own internal thing that you can help calibrate by getting them dead as a doornail
07:59.20jshermandidnt you say its not on git
07:59.31romainguyjsherman: but it has a replacement
07:59.40jshermanwhat does the replacement do?
07:59.46romainguyif you were using the emulator from before the git version, you might have stale data that does weird things
07:59.53romainguyit sets the provisioned flag
08:00.09romainguyRyeBrye: yeah, when the manufacturer doesn't get cheap :)
08:00.15jshermanno the emulator im using was built with git
08:00.20jshermanand the data and system images
08:00.23romainguybut did you use one from the SDK before?
08:00.32romainguyon the same machine
08:00.39romainguyso wipe data
08:00.45romainguyor rm -Rf ~/.android
08:00.46jshermanbut isn't the data image stored in data.img?
08:00.53romainguythat's the base data image
08:01.00jshermani'm an idiot
08:01.00romainguydata you write is stored in ~/.android
08:01.17jshermanemulator -wipe-data will remove that stuff?
08:01.21romainguyit should yes
08:01.36romainguyit's something you learn quickly when you work on the source code of the Android OS :)
08:02.04romainguy(for instance, our system currently hates being downgraded :)
08:02.49RyeBryeHow would a 'test' build differ from a 'user' build? aside from having the test keys installed with it?
08:03.15romainguyI've never heard of test builds
08:03.16RyeBryeI assume that the 'for-testing' keys are also held secret and aren't in any repo anywhere?
08:03.30RyeBryeThere is at least one normal person whohas one now :)
08:03.48*** join/#android davidw (n=davidw@
08:04.03jshermanthat did not provision it
08:04.20RyeBryepost #19
08:04.33RyeBryehis keys list: ota-rel-keys,for-testing,release-keys
08:04.42romainguythat's just a tag
08:04.47romainguyhe has a simple user build
08:04.54jshermanromainguy, it doesn't provision
08:04.57romainguyfor-testing means it was approved to go to QA
08:05.19RyeBryesomeone forgot to remove it apparently
08:05.27romainguydoesn't matter
08:05.47jshermanwhat *exactly* does provisioning entail
08:05.49jshermanin a real build
08:05.56jshermani don't have a G1 so i've never seen this setup wizard
08:05.57romainguyjust what I said
08:06.10romainguyyou just enter your Google login/password
08:06.13RyeBryeMine was already provisioned when I got it for some random user
08:06.16romainguya provision flag is set to 1
08:06.20romainguyand that's about it
08:06.20RyeBryeapparently it had been returned before
08:06.25jshermanwhat is the purpose of it?
08:06.53romainguyjsherman: to know that you provisioned the device correctly :)
08:07.18jshermanyou're sure the git version has some fake provisioner?
08:07.19jshermani can't find it
08:07.32romainguyit should be there
08:08.52*** join/#android waldo___ (n=waldo@
08:09.10waldo___how do i reattach a screen session?
08:09.20gdsxwaldo___: screen -r
08:09.59romainguyjsherman: it might be a prebuilt binary
08:10.10jshermani'll keep looking
08:10.14romainguyor the keyguard/screenlock isn't simply activated
08:10.23romainguyI seem to recall that my mainline emulator didn't have it today
08:10.38jshermanit isn't turning on (and also home key) b/c the device is not provisioned
08:11.05romainguylemme try my git tree
08:11.14waldo___thx...   gonna try it
08:11.15jsherman./development/apps/SdkSetup/src/com/android/sdksetup/        System.putInt(getContentResolver(), System.DEVICE_PROVISIONED, 1);
08:11.23jshermani guess that isn't getting run
08:11.28romainguyhere you go, that's the one
08:11.52romainguyyou can always go set this flag to 1 in the database yourself
08:12.04jshermani mean
08:12.11romainguyyeah it doesn't work for me either
08:12.11jshermanit seems to me these things should work, no?
08:12.16jshermani mean you should be able to download the source
08:12.18jshermancompile it
08:12.22jshermanand it should just work
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08:12.26DarkriftXanyone know what the version of "androidboy" is in the market?
08:12.30romainguyyou know, it's a HUGE project
08:12.37romainguyand open sourcing it was NOT simple
08:12.44*** join/#android milos_ (n=mikici@
08:12.46jshermanyeah yeah im not complaining
08:12.46romainguyin particular the entire tree layout has changed
08:12.55romainguyand there are tons of build specific things
08:12.55jshermani thought you were saying
08:13.04romainguyso yeah there are hiccups and I'm sorry for them :((
08:13.06jshermanit was intended to be that way
08:13.10romainguyI'm sure somebody's on it
08:13.13romainguyoh no
08:13.17jshermani am :]
08:13.25jshermani fixed the dns problem, and now ill fix the other 2 issues I filed
08:13.26romainguyI was saying it looks like a bug that we also have internally
08:13.47jshermanah ok
08:14.22jsherman Type Version Security Status Owner Summary
08:15.18*** part/#android milos_ (n=mikici@
08:15.22romainguyI'm sad that most changes so far are for boring stuff like DNS and makefiles :p
08:15.34romainguywhy is nobody fixing my bugs in the android.* packages? :)
08:15.45romainguybunch of slackers you all :p
08:16.12DarkriftXfixes them with a trusty ole' rm -R *
08:16.15DarkriftXall fixed!
08:16.17jshermanyeah its another
08:16.20jshermanmake problem
08:16.31jshermanSdkSetup isn't copied
08:25.34gdsxromainguy: so, does it ever rain around here?  Or are do the forecasters scare away the precipitation?
08:27.09jshermanhmm what determines what apps are copied to /system
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08:39.26romainguygdsx: it doesn't rain from march to november
08:39.49romainguyjsherman: look at the files of the apps
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09:03.35jshermanthis is really confusing
09:03.40jshermanit seems like there's two build systems
09:03.55jshermanstuff can be included via LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS including "eng"
09:04.09jshermanor it can be included if LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME is listed in PRODUCT_PACKAGES
09:04.15jshermanwhy are there two ways?
09:18.16ascii__how do you add scroll to a view?
09:18.29ascii__for example a LinearLaout..
09:18.40*** join/#android Hai-Fai (
09:19.19muthuuse a scrollview
09:20.24ascii__does anyone have an api better than the one on ?
09:20.34ascii__btw, thanks muthu :)
09:20.56muthuascii__: welcome, the source code is the new api ;)
09:21.20muthuthere are docs in git, but not sure if its uptodate
09:21.46ascii__i had a javadoc like api earlier..but my firefox crashed and i can't remember where i found it..
09:22.03muthuits bundled with your sdkj
09:22.25ascii__i know, but that one is shit..
09:22.37muthuthat's what we got
09:22.42muthuor build from git
09:23.49ascii__dammit..i had a good one earlier..with frames - packages in one window, classes in the other and references in the last..
09:24.08*** join/#android JoeBrain (
09:24.19muthudo you have the sdk?
09:24.21JoeBrainHappy Halloweeeeeen!
09:24.26muthucheck in tools folder
09:24.56muthuhappy hallooooooweeeeen
09:26.09muthuascii__: if you build from git
09:26.18muthuthere are docs in 'out/target/common/docs'
09:27.33ascii__i've got one more question you prob can answer...i have a couple of listviews and stuff in my application, when i rotate my device(open the keyboard), the lists clear - how can i avoid that?
09:28.08muthusave your state in onsaveinstancestate
09:28.27muthuand then reload them from bundle in oncreate
09:32.07ascii__that means i have to save every variable in use to the bundle?
09:32.27muthumost of them would be autosaved
09:32.42muthubut if you lose state, then manually save them
09:37.13*** join/#android pjv (n=pjv@
09:37.15ascii__i can't save objects to bundle which is not serializable or parcelable ?
09:40.05ascii__yep i can, or yep i can't? :p
09:40.53muthuuse one of the bundle methods
09:41.43ascii__yea, thought so..
09:42.09muthubig overhead.. so avoid bundling objects
10:05.26ascii__okey, this is confusing me, so i have a onCreate() where i set listviews adapters and other stuff...when i open the keyboard, the onCreate() will be called that why my list get reset?
10:05.49ascii__or is the lists already empty before onCreate is called?ergo, it's a new instance of the activity..
10:06.16muthuthe activity is recreated.. so oncreate is called again
10:06.42ascii__thats a, excuse me, fuckin hazzel..
10:07.58ascii__that means i have to go through all me ArrayAdapters, Lists etc and make 'em Arrays, then save em to the bundle, and then check if they are there in the onCreate() method..?
10:08.46muthulists can maintain their state
10:08.54muthunot sure why your list is blanking out
10:09.27muthuyeah, so don't initialize the list in oncreate
10:09.32muthudo it in onresume
10:09.49muthuonstart probly
10:18.14ascii__aha...i'll give it a shot :p
10:19.38ascii__is there a way to simulate this in the emulator?
10:22.06muthucntl f11
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10:27.18ascii__i initialize my list in both onresume and onstart..blanks out anyway..
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14:34.42codinghelp!! Where to download the JAVA SDK installer? there is no such thing anymore in sun website
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14:37.04tweaktJava SE Development Kit (JDK) 6 Update 10
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14:41.50codingtweakt: which one sir?
14:42.14codingtweakt: Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 6 Update 10   or        JDK 6 Update 10 with Java EE  ?
14:43.21tweaktSE like I said
14:43.27codingah thanks\
14:43.46codingwhy they dont fix that in the Google guide, its confusing
14:51.02*** join/#android muthu (n=mobeegal@
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15:03.10michaelnovakjr__did the Android File Manager get taken off the market?
15:05.54waldo_i dunno
15:06.11michaelnovakjr__i don't see it there anymore
15:06.26michaelnovakjr__that mobeegal app is terrible
15:06.30waldo_maybe becasue of the name (?)
15:06.50waldo_i'm getting server errors on the market
15:07.55codingmay i use VIM instead of Eclipse?
15:08.07gambleryou may
15:08.46waldo_hmm network is odd for my phone
15:09.04michaelnovakjr__coding: you can use anything you want
15:09.17michaelnovakjr__coding: you can build on the command line using Ant or Mvn
15:09.53waldo_michaelnovakjr check again its the very latest by date
15:10.08gamblercoding: eclim / vimplugin is probably what your looking for
15:10.42codinghow long takes to learn Android?
15:11.03waldo_michaelnovakjr:  "In version 1.1.1 you can view the thubnails directly and hear song.  You can press the file to open it. And the edit menu will be poped up when you do one long press.  Next version has multiselect, sort, trash, more powerful pic and music function.  Updated everyweek."
15:11.18waldo_downloading now
15:11.21gamblercoding, A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
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15:11.36codinggambler: like 1 year?
15:11.53gamblercoding, so if your travelling 100 mph, it takes exactly 10 hours.
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15:12.32waldo_michaelnovakjr__ did you find it?
15:12.44elad1nice metaphors gamblers
15:12.53codinggambler: ahhh 1 month!! nice
15:13.01michaelnovakjr__where is it
15:13.15gamblerelad1, thx. I can tell you how to say that in japanese too :p
15:13.16waldo_it's at the very very top of "Applications->All->by Date"
15:14.14michaelnovakjr__found it
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15:17.21michaelnovakjr__is it just me or can you only navigate the sdcard?
15:18.46waldo_w/her thing?
15:19.54waldo_yeah... i can't scroll down
15:20.48waldo_no controls for the music playing either
15:23.23*** join/#android philsw_ (
15:23.29muthumichaelnovakjr: what's terrible about mobeegal?
15:24.52muthuthat guy is the sorest loser i've ever seen
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15:27.14muthudoes nothing but bitch about others
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15:30.50michaelnovakjr__so why am i a sore loser muthu?
15:30.50michaelnovakjr__the app wouldn't work for me
15:31.03michaelnovakjr__muthu i'm obviously not alone, the app has one star
15:31.09michaelnovakjr__so chill :)
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15:40.45elad1anyone here own a newer thinpad, with hybrid graphics?
15:41.07gamblerelad1, yep
15:42.17elad1how the heck do you switch from integrated back to discrete?
15:44.10gamblerdunno :/
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15:45.00elad1I opened the lid and it asked me if I wanted to switch to integrated
15:45.20gamblermaybe try #thinkpad?
15:45.23elad1since i've never done it before I was gonna test it, but now I cant get back
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15:50.32babelawra_hi , after building android sources , how can i put it on my htc ? please
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15:51.24commonsguyif by "htc" you mean the G1, i'm not sure you can
15:51.30michaelnovakjr__babelawra_: you can't
15:52.15commonsguywith luck, other devices in the future will allow flashing unsigned firmware
15:52.25babelawra_ok thx
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15:56.25elad1well I set it back via bios
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16:22.14gdsxromainguy: In Soviet California, the rain eludes you
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16:47.54coding1what JDT and WST needs to be installed in Eclipse?
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16:49.55mmatticeis it just me, or do sms notifications not do anything other than make noise?   can you not make it vibrate?
16:50.18coding1dunno, im installing eclipse
16:50.32coding1any other models with android coming soon?
16:51.13mmatticeI've heard rumors that sprint is going to have an android phone
16:51.47commonsguycoding1: Asus rumored early 2009, OpenMoko rumored early 2009, Motorola late 2009
16:52.16coding1ah cool, is it necessary to get a phone to code?
16:52.43commonsguythe SDK comes with an emulator
16:52.55commonsguymost of us have only had phones in the past week or two
16:53.12coding1what model is in fashion now?
16:53.26commonsguythe only one that's available: T-Mobile G1
16:53.32neekerswell, white or black.
16:54.04neekersisn't it white? i bought a black one
16:54.16commonsguyactually, i heard white was back at the shop due to paint-flaking problems
16:54.29commonsguyblack and 'bronze' (brown) should be available tho
16:54.42neekersi love my black g1, it is slick
16:55.31SamSeriousmine is not.. creaking screen :( I checked brown and it feels solid
16:55.47SamSeriousbut it has back light problem
16:56.01neekerscreaking screen? take it back.....
16:56.07mmatticeSamSerious: I seriously (no pun intended) doubt the bronzes won't have the same problems
16:56.21neekersmy screen does not creek
16:56.29tmccrarymy bronze rocks
16:56.32tmccraryno creaking
16:57.14SamSeriousYeah. I checked at tmo store..
16:57.35SamSeriousthey kept both on display.
16:59.02SamSerioustmccrary: can you send a pic of your bronze in dark with backlihgt on? I wanna see how bad it is. Probably I'll exchange with bronze.
16:59.56coding1guys, what eclipse , WST addon should be installed?
17:01.18tmccrarySamSerious: Sorry, I just tried but with the camera on, the backlight turns off
17:01.27tmccraryI don't have another camera
17:01.49tmccraryI grabbed another mirror ;(
17:01.52tmccrarybut that said, its not bad
17:02.12tmccrarywith the light from the keyboard and the backlight, it isn't that bad in the dark
17:02.18tmccraryalthough I have pretty decent vision
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17:02.26SamSeriousI have glasses :p
17:02.46tmccraryah, I don't
17:03.36SamSeriousOK, whats the process of sending it back? Tmobile pays for shipping?
17:03.57elad1yo gambler you here?
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17:06.57RyeBrye probably old news, but the use of the J2ME emulator thing is a cool idea if it works fast
17:06.58coding1SamSerious: you dont like the phone?
17:07.26SamSeriouscreaking screen.. :|
17:07.57RyeBryeI imagine the process for getting if fixed involves first calling them up
17:08.04RyeBryeand then they will probably tell you the rest of the process
17:08.07*** join/#android halley (
17:08.20tmccraryWhat they don't say is "We developed an android port... because Apple banned us"
17:08.28scootleymmattice: home->messaging->menu:settings->notification settings->vibrate
17:08.36RyeBryeApple are bastards about that
17:08.46SamSeriousAh. OK. will do
17:08.58RyeBryeI really don't want to run Firefox on my phone, but I know they will eventually have an android version - which will be cool
17:09.23mmatticescootley: thanks.  would think that setting would be in the main group of settings
17:09.24SamSeriousI'd prefer Opera
17:10.06tmccraryyeah, my quad core intel at home barely handles firefox @ 2560x1600 anymore
17:10.12RyeBryeyeah, but opera mini is really underpowered compared to webkit
17:10.13tmccraryits gets choppy, which is sad
17:13.19halleyI *almost* don't need a voice phone at all, but want edge/g3 networking fulltime unlike finding wifi.  Too bad t-mobile has to stack a ridiculously expensive voice plan on top of the data plan (or vice versa).
17:13.55*** join/#android jasonparekh_ (
17:14.12tmccraryhalley: buy a Nokia n810 instead then
17:14.33tmccrarymy voice plain is 24.99
17:14.38tmccrarynot really that expensive
17:14.38halleyI have one of those.  But please read my phrase 'fulltime unlike finding wifi'.
17:14.53tmccrarythere is a version that has that
17:14.59tmccraryI think it's from sprint?
17:15.08coding1No repository found at   Error reading update site   Unconnected sockets not implemented
17:15.25coding1Why i get this error in Eclipse?
17:15.27halleyThat's wimax which is useless in USA.
17:15.41coding1halley: why is useless wimax?
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17:16.01SamSerious3G would be nice
17:16.12halleyCoverage area of all of USA fits inside my desk drawer.
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17:18.26coding1Help, i got this error in eclipse updates: No repository found at   Error reading update site   Unconnected sockets not implemented
17:19.03commonsguycoding1: try switching to http instead of https in the URL
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17:19.52coding1thank you!
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17:34.44DarkriftXi have firefox (gran paridiso) running on a handheld device. its VERY slow but it runs
17:35.02DarkriftX266mhz i believe it is
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18:08.38DarkriftXsure is quiet in here today
18:08.48codingwhen i create a project
18:09.03codingthe wizard ask for 2 indentifiers in the name, whats that?
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18:09.37cbeust_Aren't these the package and the main activity name?
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18:12.10WildCaterpillarwhat should the firmware be after the newest update?
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18:13.22WildCaterpillaroh so not the firmware version, but the build number
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18:14.02WildCaterpillarand is there a webpage which lists releases with build numbers and release dates?, was this release 'tagged' on the repo?
18:14.24fritonot that i know of but theres only been 3
18:14.32zhobbshmm...can't figure out how to unset a contact's picture
18:14.44fritorc19,rc28(got canceled), and rc29
18:15.17WildCaterpillarok.  thanks!
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18:15.48WildCaterpillarand btw, is this channel meant primarily as a user or dev channel?
18:16.09cbeust_Either, and more
18:17.20WildCaterpillarzhobbs: press "Menu" : "Remove Icon"
18:17.44DarkriftXfrito, do you have anymore detailed info on the releases?
18:17.47DarkriftXfilenames etc?
18:18.11DarkriftXi was making exactly what he is asking for (list of updates and info about them) but wasnt able to find anything
18:18.44fritoi could dig up the fourm post with what has been fixed in rc29
18:19.31zhobbsWildCaterpillar: nice, that was obvious
18:19.34zhobbsWildCaterpillar: thanks
18:19.50*** part/#android halley (
18:22.44fritolist of changes in the update
18:23.30WildCaterpillardoes someone have the repo checked out?   does 'git tag -l'  list this latest release?
18:23.40codingWoooohooo ive made HELLO WORLD!
18:23.49fritowhere would i find that
18:23.52codingnow i can call myself, Android Developer
18:24.42WildCaterpillarfind what?
18:24.52DarkriftXok, ty
18:24.57fritorepo  not sure what that is
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18:25.11WildCaterpillarthe git repository:
18:26.42fritooh idk i'm not a dev and not that programmer savy etc
18:26.54fritoyou want the link to the update so you could look?
18:30.01WildCaterpillarhmm...anyone know how to unset a lock pattern? i have previously set one...but now i'd like to clear it altogether
18:30.02*** part/#android commonsguy (
18:30.41geistlook on the smudge on your screen, follow the pattern, then turn off the key lock in the settings
18:31.00WildCaterpillarsure, i can turn "Require Pattern" off
18:31.08WildCaterpillarbut i'd really like to *clear* it
18:31.21geistgood point
18:31.31geistguess you have to just set it to something else
18:31.37WildCaterpillari don't want to have to remember it 6 months from now if i ever decide to turn it back on
18:32.15fritoi think the only way to clear it back to default is to do a factory reset prolly
18:32.39WildCaterpillarsounds like this needs to be a new "feature"...
18:32.41fritoi just made mine a simple down and right pattern so its hard to forget and use it all the time
18:32.46cbeust_WildCaterpillar: what's the difference between not requiring it and clearing it?
18:32.49codingwhy the street view doesnt work in the Android emulator?
18:33.07DarkriftXfrito, that link yo just pasted, is that the rc29 update or the rc28 update :S
18:33.11WildCaterpillarcbeust_: because i think if you ever want to change it 6 months from now, you still need to input your old one
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18:33.38WildCaterpillarcbeust_: so it requires that you remember something you arent even using....which is sad
18:33.43cbeust_Ah I see
18:33.47fritothat is the RC29 update
18:33.54DarkriftXok, thats waht i thought
18:34.01fritoi know i installed it on my phone
18:34.18fritoits confusing the way they worded the file though
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18:35.20fritobut if you notice it says prereq.TC4-RC19+RC28  meaning the update will update from RC19 or RC29
18:35.44DarkriftXlooks like it says anything from rc19-28 can handle that update
18:35.54fritoerr yea meant to say RC28
18:36.26fritothat is possible but if there are versions between RC19-28 they were never made public
18:36.53DarkriftXi dont like how they call them "RC"
18:37.01WildCaterpillarwhy is that?
18:37.01DarkriftXmakes me think release candidate
18:37.11cbeust_That's what they are
18:37.12DarkriftXeven though most realize this is a beta
18:37.14WildCaterpillaris it not, in their mind?
18:37.18cbeust_and that's why we call them that
18:37.25DarkriftXselling it as a beta seems to lower the value in my mind
18:37.25fritowe are all beta testers
18:37.36DarkriftXyeah, that should be assumed though lol
18:37.50DarkriftXits like throwing a big "BETA" sticker on the box
18:37.51fritowell you bought the phone not the software that part is free  ;)
18:37.59DarkriftXdidnt buy anything yet
18:38.11DarkriftXbut yeah, i understand
18:38.32DarkriftXits more about semantics then it is the fact that its actually a beta still.
18:41.01og__can someone who is familiar with the notepadv1 tutorial... what i dont get is where the cursor adapter get attached to the notepad_list
18:41.25cbeust_There is a setAdapter call somewhere
18:41.32cbeust_probably getListView().setAdapter() in the activity
18:41.40cbeust_(just guessing, I haven't looked at this tutorial in a while)
18:41.41og__setlist adapter
18:41.58og__sorry typing on the g1
18:42.12og__internet down at home
18:42.31DarkriftXsee? this poor guy needs a tethering app pronto!
18:42.50codingwow, you can connect to irc from g1?
18:43.01fritoyeah i was gonna say that
18:43.04codingwhere is the installare?
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18:43.12og__to a friends box
18:44.11og__right so the main class sets its contentview to notepad_list
18:44.45og__so setlistadapter attaches the notes_row?
18:45.24og__hard to articulate ona small keyboard on a not perfect ssh client
18:45.25WildCaterpillarself-signed certs for imap mail:  i've read that one must select "Use SSL (if available)".  How can i be sure that i am actually using it
18:46.20DarkriftXanyone here know what the sd card is on the g1 (in /dev/)?
18:47.29DarkriftXin the emu i think its mmcblk0 but someone getting errors installing shows its mmcblk0p1 and im guessing its a partition problem but wanting to validate that idea first
18:48.18DarkriftXok, i said that wrong. someone trying to install the upgrade is getting failures saying "E: cant mount dev/block/mmcblk0p1" and I am guessing its a partition error
18:48.54og__hmm i think i get it
18:54.04og__hmm perhaps i'll understand a bit better once the code gets a bit more complicated
18:54.34og__thanks guys
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19:00.19kslateranyone lose cell data access today?
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19:08.45DarkriftXhrmmmm, seems the g1 doesnt like the factory 1g's
19:10.01DarkriftXfound 4 users now all getting failure messages mounting sd during upgrade. all 4 are (or were) using the factory card (3 of them tried fat32 and fat16 and still failed). 3 of them have since tried a new card and the upgrade worked flawlessly
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19:10.58coding1any good coding tutorials for beginners?
19:11.14SamSeriousDarkriftX: same here
19:12.00DarkriftXgood to know
19:12.28DarkriftXgood news is that is should NOT affect the "real" ota because from what we can tell that gets downloaded to /cache and not to the card
19:12.34SamSeriousgood? I ordered 8GB one even though I don't need it ATM
19:12.59DarkriftXwell not good that it doesnt work, but good to know the pattern is being proven
19:13.25SamSeriousOnly if I could copy it to phone memory's cache
19:13.45DarkriftXwell, if you could spoof googles update server you could lol
19:13.52DarkriftXbut dont think anyone found much out about that part
19:16.26gdsxkslater: yup; I cycled the radio and it started working again
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19:16.33gdsxkslater: are you on 3G or edge?
19:16.34kslaterDarkriftX: you're saying people's sd card got whacked during the update?
19:16.59kslatergdsx: you?
19:17.00DarkriftXim saying the bootloader doesnt like the default 1g card that comes with the g1
19:17.06gdsxhmm... dunno.  I was on 3G
19:17.20gdsxDarkriftX: 1GB?
19:17.26DarkriftXthe g1 can read it just fine, but the bootloader fails to mount it and cannot upgrade from that card
19:17.53gdsxok.  as cute as it might be, "1g" doesn't really make any sense
19:18.22romainguyjust got my OTA \o/
19:18.27DarkriftXneither did 56K but it stuck for 10 years
19:18.44gdsxDarkriftX: true
19:19.12DarkriftXi leave the b off because it always starts wars in the linux channel about bytes/bits for some reason
19:19.49gdsxDarkriftX: just for the record, I hate the whole "XiB" thing
19:20.01DarkriftXi agree
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19:20.14gdsxand I also hate hard drive manufacturers for giving people to think it was a good idea
19:20.22gdsxgiving people a reason*
19:20.24DarkriftXusing case to differentiate between something when most of the world uses non case sensitive windows isnt too smart
19:20.45DarkriftXlinux users notice the difference, windows users normally dont
19:21.06cbeust_You can always rely on the Linux crowd to fight unwinnable battles
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19:21.24DarkriftXi agree lol
19:21.59wasabiIf you want case insensitivity, it should be implemented at the UI level, imo
19:22.07wasabiso. Linux should stay as it is. :)
19:22.24cbeust_At the UI level?
19:22.39lethalcodeHowdy folks - I'm working on a game where the main Activity spawns the GameActivity to start the game.
19:22.40wasabiYes. Where you have a good text toolkit available.
19:22.52wasabiNot at the kernel, which should only concern itself with a filename being a string of bytes.
19:23.18lethalcodeThe GameActivity needs the contents of a file (That's currently at 1MB).
19:23.34lethalcodeEach GameACtivity lasts maybe 1 minute, then goes back to the main screen.
19:24.07lethalcodeIf I load that 1MB into a HashMap, then pass it through to the GameActivity via Intent extra, does android clone the 1MB object, or just pass a reference?
19:25.04DarkriftXso can anyone with a g1 do me a favor in shell: ls /dev/mmc*
19:25.39lethalcodeDarkriftX: No such file or directory, for me.
19:25.50DarkriftXdo you have your sd card inserted?
19:26.14DarkriftXwhat about: cat /etc/mountd
19:26.17DarkriftXi think thats it
19:26.17lethalcodeOh wait, I have UMS on.
19:26.27DarkriftXopens the emu to find out
19:26.29lethalcodeLemme disable it.
19:26.46SamSeriousNo such file or directory
19:27.05DarkriftXi think thats the wrong file but im checking
19:27.23DarkriftXcat /etc/mountd.conf
19:27.39romainguylethalcode: if it's in the same process, that might be ok
19:28.13DarkriftXahhh, on emu, its in dev/block/, didnt even notice that before
19:28.28lethalcoderomainguy: Same process, different Activity. So it's referencing the same object?
19:28.33romainguyit should
19:28.41lethalcodeDarkriftX: Yup, I have /dev/block/mmcblk0{,p1}
19:28.46romainguyyou can check by printing the object's identity
19:29.03lethalcoderomainguy: Perfect, thanks =).
19:29.09DarkriftXlethalcode, what does your /etc/mountd.conf say? mmcblk0 or mmcblk0pX
19:29.13cbeust_wasabi: it's not the kernel's role, for sure, but it definitely belongs in the file system, not the UI
19:29.40lethalcodeDarkriftX: block_device /dev/block/mmcblk0 // mount_point /sdcard // enable_ums true
19:29.53DarkriftXthat is odd
19:30.11DarkriftXactually, the initrd must be different
19:30.29DarkriftXthe bootloader is looking for /dev/mmc* not /dev/block/mmc*
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19:31.33DarkriftXhello RyeBrye
19:32.11DarkriftXok, no it doesnt, one user typed the message manaully and left /block/ out :(
19:32.49DarkriftXso back to hardware issues... the factory 1GB mini sd seems to be unmountable by the bootloader
19:37.37*** join/#android BruteSource (
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19:40.41elad1hey im watching a google dev vid, he calls a static property People.PREFE(it clips off the video tutorial) I assume its preference?
19:41.01elad1however, I cant find any property near that when I call people
19:42.24RyeBryeDarkriftX - apparently it is fixed in RC29
19:42.37RyeBryesome issue with partition tables
19:42.40BruteSourcei hear there is  decent terminal emulator in the android market now?
19:42.55DarkriftXBruteSource, connectbot?
19:43.12BruteSourceno thats an ssh client
19:43.23DarkriftXi know but they were adding a lot more to it last i read in there
19:43.24BruteSourcepterminal ya
19:43.25lethalcodeThere's an SSH client now? Huzzah.
19:43.41BruteSourcehas anyone tried pterminal?
19:43.41DarkriftXssh client has been there for a while
19:43.43RyeBryeyeah. connectbot is cool it even opens tunnels
19:44.13RyeBryeNow we just need a cisco VPN client and I'll be able to do a bunch of server admin stuff from my phone! :)
19:44.25DarkriftXi like how connectbot is treating it more like a small computer and less like a pretty phone with games
19:44.35elad1long phoneid = c.getlong(c.getcolumnindex(People.PRIMARY_PHONE_ID))
19:44.57tmccraryis it possible to setup adhoc wifi networks with the G1?
19:48.01lethalcodeDarkriftX: Does it support keys, though? I locked down my server a long time ago to pubkey auth only.
19:48.42waldo_I can't take this shit any more I'm gonna hve to update manually..
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19:53.41DarkriftXlethalcode, not sure, i dont have it
19:54.13DarkriftXwaldo_, dont use the 1GB that came with the G1 lol
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19:55.39languish<BruteSource> has anyone tried pterminal?
19:55.51languishdu, netstat and a few other commands work on it
19:56.25languishfcking t-mobile
19:56.44languishservice outages all day, and when I call them, they say "oh you're the first one in your area to report it"
19:56.46elad1hmm, I should be able to call Phones.CONTENT_URI.addId
19:57.00languisheven though half the people on my block have called to report it
19:57.35languishthey're blaming the sim cards, saying if we're using the sim cards we had with our existing service, that's the cause for the problem
20:00.37lethalcodeCripes, no pubkey auth.
20:00.42lethalcodeStill nifty =)
20:01.29languishconnectbot? yeah it's awesome and getting better
20:02.28waldo_DarkriftX: why not?
20:03.23waldo_DarkriftX: nothing wrong in trying it though.
20:03.32waldo_I was even thinking of trying the RC29 "for-testing" version
20:03.39SamSeriousHow do you force it?
20:04.00waldo_SamSerious: go to
20:04.15SamSeriousNo, I have the same SD card problem
20:04.15coding1where i can find tutorials on coding?
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20:05.09waldo_coding what?
20:07.00languishcoding1, tutorials and info for coding for android
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20:07.21coding1languish: thank you !
20:07.28languishno prob
20:07.42DarkriftXwell waldo_ seems one user has reported it working on the factory card
20:07.51waldo_DarkriftX: yeah others have too
20:08.06waldo_i'll try it and if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.
20:11.21gdsxromainguy: for, is there a situation where LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME or LOCAL_CERTIFICATE would legitimately contain whitespace?
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20:22.05romainguygdsx: I doubt it
20:22.06waldo_DarkriftX: Update: I just did it w/the factory card.
20:22.27DarkriftXso now we have to narrow it down more :(
20:22.40DarkriftXwhat specifically about the factory card causes it to fail for some but not for others
20:22.52waldo_this was the RC19+RC28 version.. not the RC29 for-testing one
20:22.59waldo_and the 1 gig american sd
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20:23.00DarkriftXare there any markings or brand names or anything on it?
20:23.26waldo_honestly I've never openedi t.
20:23.36waldo_one difference in the new firmware is that apparently this logged me into AIM...
20:23.42waldo_the other one didn't.
20:23.43herriojrI'm getting an Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_SHARED_USER_INCOMPATIBLE, but I'm building both of my applications via eclipse, so they should be compatible shouldn't they?
20:23.48waldo_or something.. I actually ahve to check my settings there.
20:23.50eleftheriosI just got a G1 as a gift. I'd like to use it without a google account and I need to unlock it. Any info on unlocking G1?
20:24.05DarkriftXcall tmo and ask for a code
20:24.20DarkriftXor pay $50'ish at that site
20:24.32DarkriftXtmo code will take a few weeks from what ive heard
20:24.47DarkriftXand only if you are an existing customer
20:24.58waldo_one difference-- you get a USB Connected notification when you're using USB...
20:25.07DarkriftXalso its been stated that 3g does not work on at&t on the g1
20:25.25DarkriftXyes waldo_, seems most other updates were behind the scenes bugs
20:26.46herriojrhow do I sign an app via command line?
20:27.23eleftheriosDarkriftX: I am not in the US. Thanks.
20:27.51DarkriftXmaybe it will work then :)
20:30.35eleftheriosDarkriftX: the 3G you mean?
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20:34.30coding1does Android support 3D open GL rendering?
20:34.50gdsxcoding1: it does hw-accelerated OpenGL ES 1.0, iirc
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20:35.36coding1is it possible to port WoW in the 1G?
20:38.54spikebike192MB ram would be tight
20:39.00spikebikeand lack of source a problem
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20:39.09spikebikeand the screen is rather small
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20:40.53gdsxspikebike: also, 192MB is for the whole system, not just a single app.
20:41.22spikebikeand of course there's the lack of native application devel
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21:01.32herriojrok, I figured out how to fix my signature issue
21:02.05Ramblurrif I want to use something like in one of my layouts.. do i have to copy the source, or can i include it somehow?
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21:21.45coding1is there any future working as a Android developer?
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21:22.29coding1why not
21:22.53cbeust_A lot of us hope so :)
21:23.17spikebikeI think the safest thing to say is unknown
21:24.03spikebikethe market for g1 software is $0 or so
21:24.10spikebikebut does look promising
21:24.22spikebikebut a long way off from being larger than the iphone market
21:24.22cbeust_You mean the current market
21:24.47spikebikethe known one
21:25.43spikebikeI think it would be unwise to quit your day job and become a g1 developer
21:25.58spikebikebut certainly worth some time to get familiar with and program for
21:26.01cbeust_I would call it Android developer, not G1 developers
21:26.16DarkriftXanyone here know much about the signing of files in the OTA update?
21:26.27coding1G1? like the G-Force?
21:26.35spikebikecbeust that remains to be seen
21:26.49cbeust_What you're writing on Android will work on other phones than the G1
21:27.03spikebikejava promised the same thing ;-)
21:27.09DarkriftXi know nothign of it, but for example, would changing a line in a file "the red cat jumped over the blue ball" to "the blue cat jumped over the red ball" make a difference in the signature?
21:27.15cbeust_Well, Java delivered pretty well
21:27.18cbeust_and we plan to do the same
21:27.24spikebikedarkrift I'
21:27.31spikebiked be shocked if not
21:27.42DarkriftXme to, but i was hoping
21:27.44spikebikecbeust the developers I've talked to disagree
21:28.01spikebikebasically every phone has to be tested
21:28.02cbeust_spikebike: ah, they have run their code on other Android phones than the G1? :)
21:28.10spikebikediffering resolution, jvms, ram, etc.
21:28.19cbeust_Ah you're talking about Java
21:28.26cbeust_I've been developing in Java for 10+ years
21:28.33coding1will Android run in Intel Atom ?
21:28.35spikebikewrite once, test everywhere ;-)
21:28.38cbeust_JavaSE and JavaEE are very portable
21:28.38cbeust_Java ME less so but still decent
21:29.16cbeust_At any rate, our goal is certainly to make Android phone-agnostic
21:29.19spikebikebut different hardware, buttons, keyboard (or lack of), screens, ram, etc can make a dig difference to an application
21:29.26spikebikecbeust undoubtedly
21:29.31cbeust_so I stand by what I said: writing Android code will make your code run on different hardware
21:29.54cbeust_Yes spikebike, there is more work to be done to cover a few hardware things that don't exist on the G1
21:29.57cbeust_we're working on that
21:30.13spikebikeand yes android could be ported to other chips like the atom
21:30.19d0netsany devs that play guitar want to help out with a guitar app?
21:30.34d0netstuner/metronome/chords/drum machine
21:30.56d0netsi found 2 or 3 open source java apps to use
21:32.35tweaktd0nets, PM me some info... I gotta run, but i'll be back a little later
21:32.56coding1so basically the ones who are getting rich are IPHONE developers?
21:33.11spikebiketoday, yes
21:33.23cbeust_coding1: well, only developers that Apple allows to sell their apps :)
21:33.24tweaktcoding1, android market will be able to charge $$ after Jan 1st I think
21:33.32cbeust_tweakt: correct
21:33.41tmccrarywell you could be selling your app
21:33.45d0netsyea i know
21:33.48d0netsthats what im wanting to do
21:33.52DarkriftXsome are selling them using their own sites
21:33.52d0netsis do a basic guitar tuner
21:33.52tmccraryyou just can't do it through the official market yet
21:33.55d0netsand basic piano tuner
21:34.00tmccrarywhat about
21:34.00d0netsthen have a pro versin of each to release in januar
21:34.03tmccrarya tuna fish
21:34.04coding1so we have 2 months to develo anything and start to sell
21:34.05d0netsfor like .99 or 1.99
21:34.12d0netsthat includes more functionality
21:34.21DarkriftXi think that if almost every program is $2 or less, the authors will make a lot more money from mass purchases
21:34.55DarkriftXiphones and wm have too many apps for $30-$50 each and they dont sell that well
21:35.04DarkriftXtoo much for someone to pay for a little program on their phone
21:36.08d0netsand you know what happened when i started comming accross those 30$ apps i wanted?
21:36.11DarkriftXwhatshisname.... plusminus has a few games he is selling for $2 and I can see those selling pretty well
21:36.19d0netsi would (p word) them
21:36.20DarkriftXyou found a warez channel on efnet
21:36.50DarkriftXi know, thats what most do
21:37.04DarkriftXwhich is why i think $2 would scare away less ppl and make the author more in the long run
21:37.17d0netshigh fives
21:37.28DarkriftXwhich in turn would motivate them to make better stuff to make more money :)
21:37.28d0netsi mean if they do sell 600,000 phones
21:37.39DarkriftXmeaning we see better apps all the time
21:37.40d0netsand i sold the pro version for 1.99 or .99 to 2000 people
21:37.46d0netsthats 2000-4000 $ to make
21:37.51elad11.99 not 2.00!
21:37.59d0netsoh yes
21:38.09DarkriftXvs $20 and getting 100 ppl
21:38.22d0netsits one thing if the app whipes my ass for me
21:38.36d0netsbut like dynolicious
21:38.39andyrossSo far the "most popular" apps in the market are showing 50k-250k downloads.  So there's still a long way to go before any paid application sells 600k copies.
21:38.41d0netsi use it maybe once or twice
21:38.44d0netsand it was expensive
21:39.06DarkriftXmajor gps programs or something i can see being like $10 or something, but basic stuff, like an irc client, im program, little games should be less
21:39.06d0netsandyross i said 600k phones sold by the end of this year
21:39.15d0netsi was saying i fi could manage to sell to 2000 people
21:39.35spikebikeI'm hoping that the silly simple stuff stays free
21:39.36d0netshell yea
21:39.41d0netsand i would pay 10$ for like tom tom or somethin
21:39.53DarkriftXthats how i do my domain sales on my site, I try to keep them as low as I can and just hope for more customers to make up for it
21:39.55spikebikeseems insane to pay for irc, irssi, ssh, etc.
21:40.02*** join/#android ttuttle (n=tom@MAROON.RES.CMU.EDU)
21:40.09d0netsand you wont
21:40.10DarkriftXwell me too, but id rather it be $2 then $20
21:40.10ttuttlehas RC30 ;-)
21:40.17DarkriftXooooh ttuttle
21:40.21DarkriftXhook it up :)
21:40.26jshermantuttle did you work on android for google
21:40.45DarkriftXttuttle, what was the filename?
21:40.46ttuttlejsherman: yeah. i was an intern last summer.
21:40.53DarkriftXim making a list of all hte updates :)
21:41.01jshermanthat's why some of the keymaps are named tuttle.kl
21:41.03ttuttleDarkriftX: it's not flashable on regular dreams.
21:41.05spikebikenoticeable differences?
21:41.16ttuttlejsherman: no it's not!
21:41.19DarkriftXso guess wouldnt be a good idea to add it to the list
21:41.26ttuttlejs!it just happened to be a codename
21:41.39ttuttle*it just
21:43.57d0netsim still on rc19
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21:45.27DJTachyon*yawn* .. that was a long night
21:45.32DJTachyonnow to head back into manhatten
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21:56.23milluminuhow come the browser doesnt do unicode and will it?
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21:56.37coding1you cant read chinese?
21:56.44milluminucant read arabic
21:58.18romainguythe browser does unicode
21:58.28romainguythere might not be an arabic font though
21:58.33milluminutrying to make a site thats android friendly even though flash doesnt work at the moment, so no audio, but now i worry--no audio and no text
21:58.42romainguyI know Chinese, Japanese and Russian work great
21:59.04coding1nobody reads Arabic
21:59.08cbeust_Left-to-right languages should display mostly correctly
21:59.10milluminusook, alright ill keep an eye open for arabic
21:59.14cbeust_Right-to-left, not yet
22:01.21BHSPitLappyttuttle, tell us your secrets from the inside.
22:01.24cbeust_He can't, we put a chip in his brain that will explode if he does
22:01.24DarkriftXits not a secret
22:01.32DarkriftXits called "apply to work at google"
22:02.38ttuttlealso, i hope to work for them again, and many of their employees are in this channel.
22:03.08BHSPitLappyttuttle, use a different nick / Mibbit
22:05.42jshermanwho works on the maps app
22:06.02jshermanand are they ever in this channel
22:06.24ttuttleromainguy: greetings!
22:06.32jshermani want to get the maps app working on the git base
22:06.36DarkriftXany google employees know a way around the signatures in the META-INF folder on the updates they would be willing to share?
22:07.00jshermancopying the binary Maps.apk and framework.jar from the 1.0-rc SDK to the git base fs
22:07.19jshermanmakes the maps app come up but it jsut shows a blank grid
22:07.19jshermanwith a little padlock icon in the lower left
22:07.26jshermanand the log shows lots of:
22:07.32jshermanD/skia    (  169): xxxxxxxxxxx jpeg error 53 Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x
22:07.35jshermanE/MapView (  169): IllegalStateException on drawMap. Wiping cache.
22:07.40jshermanE/MapView (  169): java.lang.IllegalStateException: Null Bitmap!/loading_tile.png=17301864
22:08.05jshermanthe padlock seems to imply it's not supposed to work
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22:08.13jshermanbut that error seems to imply maybe it should
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22:15.10DaFreezeis this a good place to ask for help?
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22:15.52romainguyDaFreeze: sure
22:15.53`vipmost of the time, DaFreeze
22:16.56DaFreezegreat :)
22:17.36DaFreezei'm listening to the NEW_OUTGOING_CALL intent
22:17.50DaFreezewhat id like to do is cancel the call
22:18.00DaFreezeis that possible?
22:18.08romainguyI don't think it is
22:18.36cbeust_Sounds potentially hostile toward the user, why would you want to do that?
22:18.45SamSeriousIs squaretrade any good for $38.40 for 2 years?
22:18.56DaFreezewell it wont do that always.. only under some conditions
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22:20.53DaFreezethe documentation says: Once the broadcast is finished, the resultData is used as the actual number to call. If null, no call will be placed.
22:21.28DaFreezebut i couldnt use this information to cancel the call.. maybe you people understand more? :P
22:21.39DaFreezerefrence* :P
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22:22.09jshermanromainguy, any suggestion for how to go about figuring out what the problem is?
22:22.21romainguyjsherman: nope :)
22:22.47jshermanis there a mailing list or something the maps authors read
22:23.09BHSPitLappyIs a Google account required just to merely use Android or a G1, or just to access Google's apps?
22:23.23cbeust_Only a Gmail account
22:23.37romainguyand only required for the G1
22:23.48romainguy(at least in the US version)
22:23.58BHSPitLappycbeust_, sounds like a Google account :P
22:24.20DaFreezeshould i try asking later or is it 100% not possible?
22:24.33romainguyDaFreeze: ask on the Android Google Group
22:24.48DaFreezeill do that
22:24.53cbeust_Yes, sorry, thought you meant a account, which is pretty restricted :)
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22:26.37spikebikeactually you can skip the gmail account I believe
22:26.54spikebikeyou just need to borrow a valid sim
22:26.58spikebikeor was that backwards
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22:27.16romainguyyou need to sign in with a Gmail account on the first startup
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22:27.44spikebikeyeah, I think you can just borrow a sim to skip that part
22:27.59romainguyno you can't
22:28.00languishskip, no
22:28.01cbeust_You won't be able to skip that part easily
22:28.03romainguyit has nothing to do with the SIM
22:28.21spikebikeI saw a work around, forget what it was exactly
22:28.42languishpeople "borrow" a sim, to sign up with a gmail account, then remove it to use the phone but not have cellular service
22:28.52languishthey use it on wifi or just to test apps, whatever
22:29.04romainguybut you still need a gmail account :)
22:29.06spikebikeah, maybe that was it
22:29.12cbeust_I don't see the point in this, the important part is the sim card, you can create a dummy gmail account if you want to pass that
22:29.19languishbut if the phone gets reset, they need a sim again
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22:29.43BHSPitLappyMust say that the more I find out, the less "Happy Open Sunshine" the OS seems to appear
22:30.01romainguythis has nothing to do with the OS
22:30.04languishBHSPitLappy, on top of which, I'm having major headaches with t-mobile
22:30.47languishI understand this launch is more of a beta than anything, but I wouldn't even call it a beta
22:31.08languishtmo wasn't prepared for it
22:31.19romainguysorry to hear that
22:31.25BHSPitLappyI still use AT&T and and older HTC
22:31.25romainguyit works great in the Bay Area
22:31.27languishyeah, *sigh* me too
22:31.48romainguylanguish: but I'm glad you complained today, I was starting to wonder if you were feeling well :)
22:32.11languishok, I'll move my family on to the mountainview campus, and we'll all have happy sunshine says together
22:32.26languishdude, I had an awesome night lastnight
22:32.49languishhalloween in nyc is always a blast
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22:33.19languishbut part of the reason you didn't hear from me earlier today, is becaue I had no connectivity on the g1 :P
22:33.55DJTachyonoh lame
22:34.05languishsup tach
22:34.11DJTachyonnuthin ..
22:34.20languishhow's your service been today?
22:34.23DJTachyoni left some equipment at the club i need to go get before it gets lost
22:34.28DJTachyonits been fine
22:34.40DJTachyonbut im in NJ right now
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22:34.45DJTachyonim heading into the city now i think
22:35.04languishright now, no 3g, just edge, which is more than we had earlier
22:35.09DJTachyonhmm wierd
22:35.20DJTachyonso did your deligation have a good time?
22:35.28languishawesome dude :)
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22:35.40languishi heard a couple of them got home around 8am
22:36.06DJTachyonthose parties are always wild
22:36.18languishyeah, I just have to question if I'm tool old for it
22:36.49DJTachyonmeh the people throwing it and dj's are mostly older than me ;)
22:37.02languishwell that's the business end
22:37.18languishwe weren't ostracised though
22:37.27languishcouple girls tried to pick me up
22:37.48DJTachyongood times
22:38.27DJTachyonsorry i couldn't get you VIP or guestlist .. I would have had to find the promoter and convince him
22:40.06DJTachyonanyway i better get down there ...
22:40.46DJTachyontake it easy ..
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22:46.22languishTach, no problem man, I wasn't expecting comp, getting in without headaches was nice, and the party was awesome
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23:09.04eleftherioscan one put apps on the phone without getting them from the android market?
23:09.15eleftheriosromainguy: how?
23:09.24romainguyyou can use the Eclipse plugin, the adb command line tool or a web site
23:09.25cbeust_Any web site or adb install
23:09.36eleftheriosah thanks
23:10.18coding1May I play Crysis in Android phone?
23:10.36DarkriftXthe website must have a hard link to the file (eg because other links will not work (eg
23:10.39jshermanso the maps app doesn't even try to connect to google
23:10.47jshermanwhen run in the git version
23:12.06romainguyDarkriftX: even when the dynamic link returns the correct mime type?
23:12.15DarkriftXim pretty sure
23:12.31DarkriftXi set my mime types with dynamic downlaod components and they still failed
23:12.42RamblurrHow exatly does bindSerivce() work?  the connection seems to happen asyncronously.. because i can't bind and start using the service immedietly
23:12.49romainguyI really don't see how using a dynamic link would fail
23:12.55DarkriftXi dont either
23:13.14DarkriftXi have 3 download components and 2 of them support adding mime types, neither worked on g1's
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23:14.11DarkriftXadding mime type to htaccess file fixed hard links though, so i know i have the right mime type
23:15.28jshermanwould be very grateful if a google dev happened to paste the output of 'grep -srnH lock_asset' in the maps code directory
23:16.17cbeust_You don't need to set a special mime type for .apk, we take care of this in the download manager
23:16.17DarkriftXand while they are at it, they should paste the info needed to generate the signatures needed to edit files in the OTA update
23:16.39DarkriftX.apk files failed on the g1 until a mime type was set
23:16.41eleftheriosis there another way known way to unlock G1? (other than giving your imei # to these guys and paying $30)?
23:16.47DarkriftXgave unknown application type error or something
23:17.04DarkriftXbut as soon as i added the mime type my static links started working
23:17.18DarkriftXeleftherios, requesting a key from tmo if you are a customer
23:18.10jshermanis the android-internals group broken?
23:18.17jshermani sent an email awhile ago and it still hasn't shown up
23:18.21romainguyjsherman: Google Maps code is not open source, we can't give you that information
23:18.23cbeust_I believe we are deprecating this group
23:18.44romainguywe are
23:18.53DarkriftXcbeust_/romainguy if one if you can prove this wrong i would be really happy :) that would allow me to re-use my old download method instead of forum topics
23:19.15eleftheriosDarkriftX: not a customer, got the phone as a gift
23:19.22eleftheriosI am not in the US
23:19.25DarkriftXyeah, so thats all yuo can do
23:20.20jshermani just want to run maps on the opensource base
23:20.27romainguyI understand
23:20.35romainguybut we still cannot give you private information
23:20.46jshermancan you tell me if
23:20.48jshermanthis is something that
23:20.54jshermanintentionally does not work
23:21.01romainguyI have no idea, but I highly doubt it
23:21.06jshermanhmm ok
23:21.07romainguywe ship Maps in the SDK after all
23:21.18coding1does Ajax works in Android?
23:21.18romainguyagain, the source tree has completely changed in git
23:21.27romainguyit probably broke a bunch of stuff
23:21.29romainguycoding1: yes
23:21.35eleftheriosDarkriftX: thank you
23:21.50coding1romainguy: full? prototype, extjs, mootools?
23:23.22DarkriftXa mootools feature on one of my sites works in the emu browser
23:24.32jshermanabout the build system
23:24.45jshermanit seems like there are two
23:24.57jshermani fixed a couple more issues
23:25.14jshermanbut again I don't know what is an appropriate patch because I don't understand the build system
23:25.22jshermanit seems like things can get pulled in in two different ways
23:25.34jshermaneither by being included in PRODUCT_PACKAGES in the
23:25.48jshermanor by defining some LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS = that's included by the particular target
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23:26.08jshermanand it seems like half of the things are pulled in one way, half are pulled in another
23:26.24jshermanis this just leftover stuff from switching between two systems?
23:26.41jshermanor is there a reason to have two different ways to do things?
23:28.30coding1do i need to know java to program for android?
23:29.33coding1may i avoid to learn java?
23:29.52coding1is java similar to php?
23:30.03romainguyjsherman: no, the files haven't changed
23:30.30romainguyask questions on the mailing list
23:30.32jshermanwhat's with the two ways to do things then?
23:31.15coding1is java similar to c++ ?
23:31.32neekersnot really, it's clsoest to c#
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23:32.20neekersjava has memory management and does not have pointers, which are things you have to deal with in c++
23:32.40cbeust_To be more specific, it has pointers but not pointer arithmetic
23:34.22neekerscoding1: learning java will only make you a better programmer
23:36.16andyrossTrue enough.  Although there are a whole lot of bad habits Java will teach you too.  I guess that's true of everything.
23:37.38cbeust_If you're programming in C++, you have probably acquired all the bad habits that can possibly exist :)
23:39.43andyrossNo, Java's are different.  Java's libraries (com.somewhere.package.subpackage.ReallLongSymbolStringFascadeFactory) and typical block nesting (class A { void F() { try { synchronized(L) { ... }}}) lead to some of the longest lines I've seen anywhere.
23:40.16cbeust_That's more a style question, it's pretty easy to reduce line lengths
23:40.27cbeust_But yes, Java is verbose
23:40.32tmccraryyeah, for a reason
23:40.39andyrossLikewise C++ programmers aren't normally in the habit of writing seven lines of markup documentation and two lines of comment convention above every private variable.  And I count "style" in the list of bad habits, FWIW.
23:40.41tmccraryI'd rather have verbose code than stuff like _ca
23:42.22andyrossSymbol names should be verbose where they're required to be verbose, generally because they are used in areas of code that aren't on the same screen at the same time.  Java makes that more likely, therefore you need verbose symbols.  Other languages can be terser because, well, they're terser to begin with.  Lisp is especially good at that.
23:42.50DarkriftXits funny if i look at my sites visitor map the visitors draw a line from north california to new york and rarely stray from that point (like florida is rare, same with seattle)
23:43.06DarkriftXi wonder if that has to do with the availability of G1's in certain areas
23:43.08andyrossLook at some of Paul Graham's Arc examples, like the hacker news web application, for some really good examples of readable-because-it's-terse code.
23:43.10cbeust_I would use a different word than "good", but point taken
23:43.32cbeust_Er, no, Paul Graham's code is not exactly readable. Arc was very underwhelming too.
23:43.33coding1How long takes to learn Java? 1 week?
23:43.45tmccrarydepends, how much programming experience do you have?
23:43.49andyrossMeh.  I liked it.  And I read a lot of code.  But I guess there's some room for taste.
23:43.54cbeust_1 week to learn, a lifestyle to master :)
23:44.03coding110 years coding in PHP
23:44.11cbeust_andyross: I think he could be a good coder if he didn't such an elitist attitude
23:44.12tmccraryThere is no hope for you
23:44.13andyrossYou can come up to speed in Java about as fast as in anything else, actually.  It's got a very soft learning curve.
23:44.19tmccrary;) j/
23:44.36tmccraryJava is an easy language to learn, especially the basics
23:44.40tmccrarytake things one step at a time
23:44.56tmccraryI'd say six months to be general proficient and have a decent understanding of the basics
23:45.04tmccrarywith serious use/study anyway
23:45.38coding1what if i ditch Java and i go directly to code Android?
23:45.50cbeust_coding1: android is in Java
23:45.55cbeust_we don't support native code
23:45.56romainguyJava *language*
23:46.12tmccraryJava is much easier than native programming with embedded devices, at least from a learning standpoint
23:46.25tmccraryyou will be insulated from many details and you can go straight to doing useful stuff
23:46.33tmccraryi.e. less plumbing
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23:47.29languishtmo rep referred to the g1 as "the blackberry G1"
23:48.05tmccraryI read that as "tmccrary referred to g1 as "the blackberry G1"
23:48.26languishtmccrary, it's not all about you buddy. sometimes it's about me. :P
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23:48.33coding1Thank you guys, ill start to learn java then
23:48.41SamSeriousMy friends call it google phone.. lol
23:48.49languishSamSerious, yeah, most people do
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23:49.08languishwhich isn't a bad thing, except for some of the negative issues around it
23:49.20languishsup michael
23:49.30michaelnovakjr__not much, how's it going?
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23:49.53languishawesome night, many tmo outages today
23:50.03michaelnovakjr__where are you?
23:50.04jshermancoding1, you can start here
23:50.05AlekseyUmmmmm how do i save threaded mms picture msgs?
23:50.33michaelnovakjr__hm me too
23:50.39michaelnovakjr__its been pretty good
23:50.50languishyeah I know, you were in #android-nyc yesterday :|
23:50.54michaelnovakjr__yea :)
23:51.27michaelnovakjr__i haven't had any issues, 3G has been insanely fast
23:51.32michaelnovakjr__faster than my iPhone for sure
23:51.46languishnice, for some reason some areas are having insane outages, including voice service
23:51.52languishcurrently we only have edge
23:52.03Alekseyyeah edge
23:52.11Alekseyjust like an outage last weekend
23:52.17Alekseypoor service.
23:52.22michaelnovakjr__i'm in Brooklyn (south) its been good
23:52.30AlekseyHow do I save picture messages to my pictures?
23:52.33michaelnovakjr__i work in downtown manhattan, it was good there too
23:52.34languishI got them to refund this months data charges
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23:53.02languish5 out of 7 days connectivity problems warranted it
23:53.38languishAleksey, what do you mean "to my pictures" ?
23:53.43languishahh nevermind
23:53.49languishpress and hold on the picture
23:53.54languishshould give you a menu
23:55.04SamSeriousI like Voice dialing. Works perfect :)
23:55.46languishyeah the voide dialing is cool, except for entries I have that have a few consonants as the first few letters
23:56.09languishlike using peoples nicks/nicknames for their entry
23:56.10donomohow do i create a new socket? (im trying to read the assigned IP address). here is my attempt, and error,
23:56.38michaelnovakjr__donomo: what are you trying to accomplish/
23:56.40romainguydid you ask for the INTERNET permission?
23:56.44cbeust_Did your app request the INTERNET permission?
23:56.47michaelnovakjr__yea you need that
23:56.51donomooh maybe thats it heh.
23:57.03michaelnovakjr__its not the best error message :)
23:57.07DarkriftXlanguish, 499 members
23:57.11cbeust_Yeah sorry about that
23:57.12donomoi'll say :)
23:57.43michaelnovakjr__plusminus documented it on his forums, so at least it is searchable
23:58.19Alekseylanguish, you cant long press on picture
23:58.21Alekseyonly message
23:58.25SamSeriousThink I'll grab some java books. I'm not a programmer but I'd love to learn some Android programming.
23:58.28Alekseyand that results in.. Show Slideshow
23:58.41donomoim getting a different problem now, but i think im past the socket creation error. thanks!
23:58.46cbeust_SamSerious: That's great to hear
23:58.57michaelnovakjr__romainguy: onContextMenuClosed.... when that method is called is the context menu closing or already closed
23:59.06romainguyno idea
23:59.07DarkriftXive been tossing the idea around myself but im not good at following through with new languages
23:59.10romainguycheck out the source code
23:59.17DarkriftXi always learn enough to fix what im working on and then give up :(

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