IRC log for #android on 20081031

00:00.38languishnice, more apps are coming with an "exit" button
00:01.55unix_infidelit's possible to use the end call button as an onCreate trigger right?
00:01.59unix_infidelwhen your app has focus?
00:02.23unix_infidelerm, onStop()
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00:29.44languishI missed hearing another message alert because the volume controls are global
00:31.09*** join/#android cbeust_ (n=cbeust@
00:31.20languishneed individual volume settings for each app and a separate option to choose between raising/lowering the active app's volume or all apps.  maybe even a pririty level deal where you can set different apps to different priority groups and have a different volume setting for each group
00:31.48*** join/#android markf (n=markf@nat/google/x-54caed3424bb14a8)
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00:42.22tecchidoes anybody know where i can find the source to connect to the gsm modem? i want to make my own data calls to the phones modem
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00:46.38gdsxtecchi: you don't.  We don't even have the source for the RIL
00:47.03tecchiwill that ever be possible?
00:48.10gdsxtecchi: ever? who knows?  I'm confident that it won't happen unless someone screws up somewhere (and I believe Qualcomm wrote the RIL)
00:48.53tecchihmpf....bad news
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00:49.28tmccraryI'd settle for root
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00:53.26eladtomorrow is a new beginning
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01:02.10jastahehe, i hav eto charge my G1 every day immediately when i get home from work :)
01:02.16jastabattery is terrible :)
01:02.33Adamantjasta: same as iThings, honestly
01:02.42tmccraryI am usually about 30% or so
01:04.09eladif you manage it, you can come home with about 60-70% battery
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01:09.56languishwife's halloween prep
01:10.29languishthat pics from the g1
01:10.34languishcamera :/
01:11.04AragonMy battery is not dying. I have wifi n gps on. No 3g though. It's getting better compared to first day.
01:11.49languishAragon, yeah.. it seems to improve with time.
01:11.56languishhoping it's not shory lived lol
01:12.03languishpessimistically optimistic
01:12.31AragonActually I'm waiting for it to drain
01:13.27eladgo watch some youtbes
01:13.33eladthat will pwn your battery
01:13.39Aragongood idea!
01:14.46AragonIm gonna start with evolution of dance :p
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01:15.09eladvery good choice sir
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01:41.59tmccraryHas google been having problems lately?
01:42.05eladso has anyone done the math on how many combinations there is to unlock the g1
01:42.07tmccrarySearches have been slow as well for the past couple days here
01:42.15tmccraryand its only google
01:44.45gdsxelad: yes, one of the folks on the team wrote a script that generates all of the combinations
01:45.04gdsxI don't remember quite how many there are, but suffice it to say, the answer is "many"
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01:46.49*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
01:46.56spikebikeelad might be many, but the ones folks are going to use will likely be one of the first 10 you try
01:47.29eladtrue, but I'm interested in the number
01:47.41eladits got to be huge
01:48.26spikebikewhat are the rules?
01:48.42spikebikeis it 9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2?
01:48.49scootleyno, it's not that simple
01:49.28scootleyconnect at least 4 dots, but not all combinations of dots can be connected in sequence
01:49.31scootleybecause other dots are in the way
01:49.40eladatleast 4?
01:49.51spikebikedoes it have to be a single stroke
01:49.54eladatleast 2?
01:50.01wastrelat least 4, a single stroke
01:50.25scootleyand the single stroke can retrace over previously connected dots
01:50.43eladbut not connect
01:52.19waldo_oh good someone finally wrote a tip calculator fo rthe market
01:55.47michaelnovakjr__there's like 100
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01:56.09michaelnovakjr__i've seen 5 people talking about writing one
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01:56.46eladisnt tip like 15% everywhere?
01:57.57`vipi thought was the new standard
01:57.57spikebikedouble the tax is close enough
01:57.57scootleyelad: there are apparently 389112 possible unlock patterns (
01:57.57spikebike(in most)
01:57.57`vipyeah my tax is 8% here
01:57.57spikebikeor 20% (which is also to calculate)
01:57.57gdsxscootley: yeah, that's Cedric2's
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01:58.32scootleythanks Cedric2
01:58.37cbeust_Yup, that's me. As was said before, there are a lot more combinations than it looks
01:59.08tmccraryAt lunch, I let a coworker try and guess mine
01:59.11tmccrarydidn't work
01:59.19tmccraryand then it locked the phone
01:59.20eladvery nice
01:59.20gdsxtmccrary: well, there's the backoff also
01:59.29tmccraryand apparently forces a reset on the pattern
01:59.35cbeust_Thanks, Elad.  This page will not work on IE btw (it uses a <canvas>)
02:00.40tmccrarythere's a simple solution to that
02:01.50gdsxcbeust_: does that just go through all 4! permutations and filter out the ones that would end up as 5 or more dots? (for the 4-dot case)
02:02.09gdsxerr... not 4! :o)
02:02.21gdsx(9 c 4)
02:03.03cbeust_gdsx: I just go through all the combinations and eliminate the invalid ones
02:03.08cbeust_turns out that not many are invalid
02:03.27cbeust_Considering our implementation, I'm not sure it can be captured in a simple math formula
02:04.46`vipG1 has no exchange support, right ??
02:04.58gdsxcbeust_: no, I was saying that I think there are (9 c 4)*4! total 4-dot patterns, of which some are invalid
02:05.05cbeust_Not out of the box, but there is an app that does that from Funambol I believe
02:05.26cbeust_yup, 9x8x7x6 minus the invalid ones
02:05.49AragonNope. that app just sync contacts
02:05.51eladthat canvas is beautiful
02:05.58cbeust_Thanks elad :)
02:05.59eladso neat
02:06.18eladnever seen that done before, good job
02:06.50cbeust_I generated the combinations in Java in a Javascript compatible format and then I just pasted these numbers in the Javascript code that manipulates the cnavas
02:08.52michaelnovakjr__`vip: right no exchange support. although you can connect using pop or imap
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02:22.01waldo_vip there's some 3rd party exchange stuff but I haven't checked it out..
02:24.13michaelnovakjr__waldo_: yea?
02:27.12gambler - for the budget conscious
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02:40.17eladthe g1 battery is pretty stubborn at <15%
02:40.22eladdoesn't wanna die
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02:43.18EA2009hello everyone.
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02:44.43trippsso any word on when the music player will support .pls internet streams?
02:45.13americanmI'm trying to activate my unlocked g1, but every time i get the "there is a prob comunicating with google servers" can anyone help?
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02:47.24cbeust_APN settings probably
02:47.58cbeust_elad: the battery needs to fulled charged and then drained a few times before the sensors become accurate
02:48.20eladcbeust_: aye, im on my 3rd "Deep cycle"
02:50.21languishcbeust_, why would root be running top ?
02:50.22americanmbefore the sensors become accurate? what sensors?
02:50.30languishon a production g1
02:50.42cbeust_The battery sensors
02:50.54americanmwhats that got to do with the vpn?
02:51.00americanmi mean APN?
02:51.12cbeust_I was answering to 2 different questions
02:51.23EA2009what folders in the 'generic' folder after the build, are necessary for android to run?
02:51.53americanmI have tried diferent apn settings, and I see the edge icon, but always get the same erros
02:52.09cbeust_what carrier?
02:52.35cbeust_Does browsing work?
02:52.53americanmdon't know I am trying to activate it
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02:58.30EA2009what folders in the 'generic' folder after the build, are necessary for android to run?
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03:13.40ralphtsystem and data i think; not sure if initrd is in there or not...
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03:17.42EA20091sorry, my wi-fi disconnected me, what did you say?
03:18.31ralphtjust that system and data are the two main folders; but it needs the initial ramdisk too (which contains init, etc)
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03:19.35RyeBryeAre there some things that just plain don't work on edge?
03:19.58RyeBryeI was trying to use GPS Tracker, but it kept saying service error
03:20.12RyeBryeand when I tried to send an image over Maverick, it couldn't upload the thing to picassa
03:20.21RyeBryebut web browsing and IM'ing worked fine
03:21.51neekersRyeBrye, which GPS tracker were you using?
03:24.43neekersRyeBrye: ?
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03:27.16ttuttlehey, what's pgup/pgdn in connectbot?
03:28.21BHSPitMonkeyumdk1d3, are you around
03:28.51romainguyttuttle: probably the same as in any scrollview/listview
03:29.16ttuttleromainguy: i mean in the terminal screen.  it's not a listview.
03:30.35romainguyis it a scrollview?
03:30.57ttuttlemaybe, but space types space!
03:31.21romainguyah yes
03:31.22romainguyduh :)
03:31.25ttuttleas does shift-space
03:31.27romainguywell too bad then :)
03:31.35wastrelthe zombie game is pretty fun
03:31.53ttuttlealso, i want to *send* a pgup/pgdn key, not scroll the scrollback.
03:32.24languishttuttle, left screen is pgup/dn
03:32.29languishright screen is buffer
03:32.52languishslide your finger u/d the screen
03:34.00trippsso any word on when the music player will support .pls internet streams?
03:34.02languishyeahm they did an awesome job with that
03:34.26languishtripps, "the" music player? there's a few of them already
03:34.41trippslanguish, the one that comes with the g1
03:35.14languishdunno. maybe try out some of the others
03:36.25trippslanguish, i tried a couple of others but no dice
03:37.00trippsalso, is there a specific way to end an application?
03:37.07AragonHow is the music quality with a good pair of headphone? I've not received my adapter yet. If it's as good as Walkman then I'd buy a 8GB card, else 1GB is enough for me
03:37.11languishno, there isn't
03:37.51trippsi can't access the market right now - anyone else getting the same message? "server error has occurred"
03:37.55languishAragon, the headphones that come with the g1 are kinda low volume. not good in noisy spaces for music/videos, though they work fine for phone calls
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03:38.25wastrelgarbage night. /me throws away his G1 box.
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03:38.30wastrel... guess i'll keep it
03:38.32languishfor example, they're not loud enough for me to enjoy encoded vids eveb with a 40db + on the encode
03:38.34Aragonlanguish: no I was asking WITH a good pair of headphone
03:38.44languishah with a good pair it should be juuuust fine
03:39.14languishsome people have even modded the g1 headphones and soldered in a better pair
03:39.22languishand say the quality is great
03:39.31Aragonhmm. Hopefully I'll get the adapter next week.
03:39.44languishyou can live with the G1 pair for a week
03:39.55languishthey're not terrible, they're just not terribly loud
03:40.01wastrelstill need a decent integrated task management app for this thing
03:40.18AragonYeah.. I'm not much into portable music. I have a Zen. Never use it though. lol
03:40.18RyeBryeneekers - still around? I was active in another window
03:40.24romainguyso you guys want a task manager and to be root
03:40.31neekersRyeBrye: yes
03:40.31romainguythinks you want Windows Mobile
03:40.41RyeBryeromainguy - if I have root I don't need a task manager
03:40.54wastreli want a task management app/todo list/organizer.   i want a palm pilot :]
03:41.01eladAragon: same, was never into mp3 players.
03:41.15neekersRyeBrye: which gps tracker are you using?
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03:41.30eladRye: need gui for noobs
03:41.32RyeBryeneekers - the one called simply "GPS Tracker"
03:41.40RyeBryeneekers - It tracks on that instamapper site
03:41.54neekersdo you have a url?
03:42.05michaelnovakjr__romainguy, taskmanager is pointless on a phone
03:42.06michaelnovakjr__what's the need
03:42.15michaelnovakjr__i think your right about winmo :)
03:42.19AragonAny progress on that IRC app?
03:42.48trippsany word on when there will be a pdf reader?
03:43.06RyeBryeneekers - I just downloaded it off of the market
03:43.16RyeBryeneekers - is the site that it dumps to though
03:45.33wastreli'm not talking about task manager like windows, i mean a todo/organizer thing
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03:45.53romainguywastrel: :)
03:46.05michaelnovakjr__good point
03:46.11michaelnovakjr__that would make more sense
03:46.31trippsso is the multitouch gestures, etc., not on the g1 due to IP issues or something else?
03:46.41wastreland shame on you windows lovers for even thinking that
03:46.44languishyou need a task manager? download pterminal then type ps and you'll see all your processes
03:46.49languishyou just can't kill most of them
03:46.51wastrelwas the furthest thing from my mind.
03:46.56trippslanguish, lol
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03:49.19romainguywastrel: yeah, sorry, my mind got soiled by all these root-geeks here :))
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03:50.42Visitor15If I've downloaded the source on OS X, I'm sure it's just as easy to copy the directory to a linux machine and rebuild the source, yeah?
03:51.36RyeBryeVisitor15 - depends. If you downloaded the source on a non-case sensitive filesystem, then probably not
03:52.13Visitor15It was non-case sensitive... So I guess I'm out of luck?
03:52.29RyeBryeAFAIK yeah, you have to download again because it will clobber things
03:52.37RyeBryebut you can just make a disk image on your mac if you want to do it there
03:52.50Visitor15Mmm.. Lovely.
03:52.53RyeBryeit's a lot easier to make a case-senstive disk image to work with than it is to reformat your whole filesystem
03:53.04romainguythat's what we do at the office
03:53.10romainguymany of us use Mac OS X
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03:53.15romainguywe just slap the build on a disk image
03:53.51Visitor15I'll try that. That was my plan B. I was just trying to not have to rely on my laptop for it.
03:53.53RyeBryeromainguy - do you use journaled disk images? I would think that the journaling option for the fs of a disk image would be a waste if you have it on a journaled file system already
03:54.04romainguywe use journaled images yes
03:54.34romainguybut for the open source version of Android I just formatted one of my external hard drive with a case sensitive fs
03:54.34RyeBryeIs there a benefit to that? woudln't the journalling on the main disk you have the disk image file already on handle journaling any writes to the disk image?
03:54.42romainguyno idea :)
03:54.46romainguyit works, so I don't care :)
03:54.53RyeBryeYeah, I built mine journaled
03:55.01RyeBryeand then after the fact thought about it more
03:55.19muthuunbelievable how G1 can mess up the email thing so bad
03:55.27muthulots of users complaining about mail..
03:55.45RyeBryeI'm not complaining about email, and I'm a user.
03:55.48RyeBryemust be dumb
03:55.58Aragonah my battery is dead now..
03:56.11RyeBryeAragon - did it take a while to finally kill it?
03:56.15romainguynot complaining either
03:56.16languishmy gmail email app works great on the g1
03:56.33RyeBryeI'm going to try to drain mine to 0% and hope that it will calibrate itself better
03:56.33cbeust_muthu: Gmail or Email?
03:56.37languishmy imap e-mail app ont he g1 to a gmail addy, not so good
03:56.41AragonRyeBrye: yeah.
03:56.50muthucbeust_: gmail
03:56.51RyeBryewhat was the voltage when it died?
03:56.57cbeust_muthu: Can you be more specific?
03:57.12RyeBryemine is at 3694 mV and it thinks it's at 22% - which I disagree with
03:57.36muthucbeust_: example, the tree view for imap folders not supported
03:57.40AragonRyeBrye: pretty much same @ 2%..
03:58.07cbeust_muthu: you said Gmail, Gmail doesn't support IMAP
03:58.23RyeBryeAragon - did you drain it dead to recalibrate it, or just for fun>
03:59.11AragonI did 1day. I wanted to do it again and tomorrow I'll check how long it lasts with everything ON.
03:59.15muthucbeust_: really? hmm.. thought Gmail offered IMap
03:59.30cbeust_Email does, not Gmail
03:59.48AragonYes Gmail offer IMAP
03:59.52RyeBryeGmail does IMAP
03:59.55RyeBryeand it has for a while
04:00.11RyeBryeIt's much nicer through IMAP if you check it in multiple places
04:00.17cbeust_We are talking about Gmail on Android
04:00.37cbeust_And yes, I work on Gmail, I know what it supports :)
04:00.50RyeBryeNo, I know what it supports. I use it.
04:01.24AragonAnyone received update?
04:01.34RyeBryeI'm not holding my breath
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04:01.46eladim STILL at rc19
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04:02.30RyeBryeWhen people ask you "which do you like better, the G1 or the iPhone" what is your answer?
04:02.37RyeBryebecause I get asked that every time I tell someone about the G1
04:03.02AragonWhat do you expect us to answer?
04:03.03unix_infidelRyeBrye: it's a valid question.
04:03.16RyeBryeI know, it's a valid question... I have my answer... Just curious what other people say :)
04:03.18unix_infidelyou'r essentially a proxy for whether they should enter into a 2 year agreement.
04:03.21AragonIt's not about the phone. For me, it's the Platform
04:03.50RyeBryemy answer is that the iPhone has some cooler applications for it right now, and the games like Super Monkey Ball are pretty nuts - but that after using the G1 for just a day there are things that I have on the G1 that would frustrate me to no end on the iPhone that it lacks
04:03.56unix_infidelAragon: there were linux phones well before the G1.
04:04.09unix_infidelRyeBrye: like.
04:04.17RyeBryelike hardware keyboard, notifications, copy and paste to name a few
04:04.22RyeBryeand does it do Voice dialing?
04:04.27AragonReally.. One or two from Motorola?
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04:04.43RyeBryeI can't remember - but the voice recognition of the Android is pretty slick and should definitely be sold more as a feature
04:05.25unix_infidel23:04 < Aragon> Really.. One or two from Motorola?
04:05.28RyeBryebecause to say "Voice Dialing" makes me think it's just that standard piece of shit every cell phone has done for 5 years (well, every cell phone but the iPhone IIRC) - where you 'record' the voice, and then when you voice dial it matches what you say against the recording
04:06.16RyeBryeThe fact that it can't understand me when I tell it to dial numbers would make it great for meeting new people too! :) (it's pretty good when I say names - but numbers I guess I mumble or osmething because I swear it just spits out a random number generator to the screen)
04:07.24RyeBryeThe other thing i like about the G1 is that there are goign to be some amazing applications written for it that are impossible on the iphone. Just the little white pages lookup wouldn't be possible on the iPhone from my understanding of the rules over there
04:08.32AragonIt's all about apps.. :)
04:08.41RyeBryeYes, it is
04:08.46muthurepo sync reports the following - info: A new version of repo is available
04:08.55muthuanyone know how to get the new version of repo?
04:09.18RyeBryerepo sink - info: your sink has been taken back by the bank.
04:09.41RyeBryeno idea
04:09.44mikez5you get the new repo automatically.  You just need to copy the repo script to wherever it is in your path
04:09.57mikez5It prints out a line like:
04:10.12muthumikez5: automatically where?
04:10.18mikez5cp /home/me/android/.repo/repo/repo /home/me/bin/repo
04:10.40mikez5so just execute that "cp" line
04:10.56RyeBryeI was thinking of writing a really simple / stupid application that would let you see the pervasiveness of android phones in your area - and in other areas... people would just give it access to the coarse location and it would basically build a heatmap of the phones of people who cared to use it...
04:10.58muthuoh its in bin
04:11.08RyeBryebut it would also tell you how cool you are based on how many other people around you have one
04:11.20mikez5everything is automatic, except updating the repo wrapper in your path
04:11.37RyeBryei.e. 1 phone in 30 mile radius = you are obviously cool... but 100 phones in 1 mile radius = you are such a sellout ;)
04:11.58muthumikez5: where do we download the new repo from?
04:12.08AragonApparently I'm "The G Man" in My office :D
04:13.02muthuok, got it.. using curl
04:13.17RyeBrye Ha ha ha
04:13.29RyeBryeeven the iPhone uses that shitty "record a sample" voice dialing... and it's not even in the OS for the phone
04:13.45RyeBryeso... yeah - voice dialing is another one of those features I'd put on the list of things that would annoy the hell out of me should I get on an iphone
04:14.38RyeBrye"The software works with all languages. It does not depend on a dictionary or vocabulary, but it stores your speech samples and links them to contacts."
04:14.44muthuha, now i see what mikez5 meant
04:14.48RyeBryewhat that SHOULD read is"The software works equally crappy with all languages. It does not depend on a dictionary or vocabulary, but it stores your speech samples and links them to contacts.
04:15.10Aragon$33!!! you gotta be kidding me..
04:15.21RyeBryeI think it's $9.99 now
04:15.34mikez5repo is in a git repository, so repo sync gets you the new repo.
04:15.54mikez5It lives in your .repo directory
04:16.10mikez5There is just one file that you need to manually move when it changes
04:16.14mikez5I mean copy
04:16.31muthumikez5: thx, got it
04:16.35RyeBryeI'm surprised nobody has written a wardriver program yet
04:17.01RyeBryealthough maybe they did, and their battery ran out when they backed out of their driveway with wifi and GPS both enabled to test it ;)
04:17.04romainguybecause it doesn't really matter when you have a 3G connection?
04:17.20RyeBryeI'm in EDGE land :(
04:17.28RyeBryeOn edge it's not too bad
04:17.37RyeBryebut edge can't do both data and voice at the same time, right?
04:17.38romainguydepends what you do with it
04:17.48RyeBryeit can?
04:17.52romainguyI used EDGE on the G1 until a few weeks ago
04:17.54romainguyno you can't
04:18.43RyeBryeI hope they will plan their next rollout areas based on where the nerds are at
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04:19.08RyeBryeLike "Hmm... we sold X G1's to this area with no 3G - so obviously that's a good area for us to go put 3G in"
04:19.20AragonI don't get 3g in my house or office.
04:19.30RyeBryealthough they might just say "Hmm... those people will buy our phones even with a slow network, so we can skip over them and go here:"
04:19.52romainguyI thought they didn't seel it in non 3G areas
04:20.24RyeBryeYeah, but I used the tracking service one guy had on his and hunted him down and killed him in a pagan ritual - then claimed the phone as my own
04:20.37RyeBrye... or I was GOING to do that
04:20.41muthumikez5: actually, it doesn't happen auto
04:20.48RyeBryebut they sell them online to people in non 3G areas
04:20.48muthuyou need to manually curl it
04:20.56romainguyRyeBrye: that remark was in response to your "although they might just say "Hmm... those people will buy our phones even with a slow network, so we can skip over them and go here:""
04:21.02romainguyah ok, online sales
04:21.35RyeBryeAlthough there is some speculation that some of the 550 walmarts selling them for $148 will be in some non-3G areas
04:21.45romainguythat'd be cool
04:23.37RyeBryeI haven't missed a call yet on the G1 - what's the default behavior?
04:23.46mikez5muthu: you only need to curl the repo script the first time
04:23.47romainguywhat do you mean?
04:24.04romainguyand repo self updates
04:24.10muthumikez5: just checked..
04:24.14muthuit didn't auto get
04:24.16RyeBryeOne feature I loved on my P990 was that if you missed a call or sent a call to voicemail it would automatically have a dialog box saying "would you like to schedule a reminder to call them back?"
04:24.27muthunow i manually curled it and copyd to bin
04:24.34RyeBryethe P990 had some amazing little convenience features - it was like your own personal secretary was in there doing crap for you
04:24.37romainguyRyeBrye: ah, there's no such thing
04:24.43romainguythat's Sony's right?
04:24.45RyeBryeI could write one though, right?
04:24.46mikez5Then after you repo init, there is a copy in .repo/repo/
04:24.47RyeBryeyeah, Sony's
04:24.54romainguymy previous phone was a Sony too, the w810i
04:24.58romainguyit was awesome
04:25.03romainguyfull of cool little features like this
04:25.05muthumikez5: yes
04:25.11muthubut that doesn't seem to get updated
04:25.12RyeBryethe other big thing that I've mentioned in here before was Business Card OCR -> contacts list
04:25.17mikez5But you need to manually update the copy in your path.
04:25.31romainguyRyeBrye: ooh OCR
04:25.37romainguyyou can do QR codes only for now on G1
04:25.41mikez5Right, it doesn't try to update the copy in your path, in case you put it in /usr/local or something like that
04:25.45AragonI'd be sold if SE comes up with Android phone next year
04:26.00muthumikez5: checked the file stamps.. it was the same
04:26.03romainguyrepo self updates when you sync
04:26.50muthuoh, is it a problem if i have uncommitted changes
04:26.53RyeBryeromainguy - the ocr worked amazingly well - and it would put all of the stuff it couldn't easily identify a field for into the notes section fo that contact
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04:27.03romainguythat's sweet
04:27.24RyeBryeThere are a few OSS OCR libraries - one of them Google was involved in getting open
04:27.44RyeBryeis your roadmap a wiki ;)
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04:29.51muthuromainguy: are you sure repo auto updates?
04:30.02romainguy__it should
04:30.08muthuok, it doesn't so far
04:30.14romainguy__probably because there's no update?
04:30.25muthuit says, new version is available
04:31.00romainguy__who says that?
04:31.08muthuplatform]$ repo sync
04:31.08muthuinfo: A new version of repo is available
04:31.08muthuwarn: [repo] commit (or discard) uncommitted changes before sync
04:31.19romainguy__ah then they removed the auto update
04:31.20mikez5It says that in the output from "repo sync"
04:31.44muthuand the new repo still says the same..
04:31.52muthulooks like a bug
04:32.11mikez5And then it told me to execute:
04:32.12mikez5cp /home/lockwood/android/.repo/repo/repo /home/lockwood/bin/repo
04:32.25romainguy__yeah, that's a bug
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04:32.34romainguy__it's the path of one of the guys who works on repo
04:32.38mikez5to copy the repo script from the git repository in .repo to where I keep it in my path
04:33.03muthumay be i should copy it from bin back to repo
04:33.03mikez5mikez5 == lockwood, so not a bug :-)
04:33.24romainguy__ah lol
04:33.39mikez5someone already had "lockwood" on freenode
04:34.07muthumikez5: your repo sync is fine?
04:34.15romainguy__my repo sync auto updated repo
04:34.17romainguy__"info: Restarting repo with latest version"
04:34.44muthuthe only thing i can think is.. i'm in a default branch
04:34.48muthuwith some local changes
04:35.04muthumay be that's the problem
04:35.27muthushit, this is where repo branch would be greatly useful
04:35.36muthuto quickly change over to another branch
04:35.42romainguy__use git for this
04:35.56muthuthere's like 25 projects
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04:36.40mikez5I did a repo sync a couple hours ago and it seemed OK.
04:37.06mikez5Unfortunately I haven't been able to move all my work to the outside repositories yet.
04:37.35muthuok.. am going to ignore the new repo for now
04:38.02muthuromainguy__: i'm looking at the alertdialog bug, that i reported
04:38.17romainguy__which one?
04:38.27muthuwhere the checkboxe states are not rendered correctly when backed from cursor
04:39.59romainguy__can you reproduce the bug outside of an AlertDialog?
04:40.17muthuhaven't tried outside alertdialog
04:40.24romainguy__then try outside of alertdialog
04:40.35romainguy__to narrow down where the bug is
04:40.40muthuoh ok
04:40.47romainguy__it can be ListView, the Adapter or AlertDialog.Builder
04:41.00muthuok, will dig deep today
04:41.03romainguy__you might as well try to eliminate ListView or AlertDialog before doing serious debugging
04:41.15muthuit should be the adapters
04:41.35languishthis lightcycle game is fun
04:41.36muthumy guess is when the adapter reuses the view, it messes up the state
04:41.39languishtrin clones ftw
04:43.40RyeBryeI think iSafe should have a feature where you can have it adjust the scales based on you answering some questions like: "Are you a male? Do you weigh more than 90 lbs? Do you own a gun? Is it loaded? Are you carrying it right now? Is that legal?..."
04:43.49Dialektso how is it so far?
04:43.54Dialektg1 gentlemen
04:43.55Dialekttell me
04:44.12RyeBryeIf you like T-mobile, don't hesitate - just go buy it
04:44.22RyeBryethey aren't going to get a better phone for a while, so why wait?
04:44.30muthuwas thinking about this idea
04:44.31RyeBryeI like it
04:44.40muthuwhere the phone makes an emergency call automatically
04:45.02RyeBryeI'm not sure if 911 operators would like that kind of feature
04:45.10muthuyeah.. that's the tricky part
04:45.19muthuin case of accident, auto dial
04:45.21RyeBryeyou could have it send a message to a trusted friend
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04:46.30muthudetecting emergency scenarios is the tough part
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04:46.56RyeBryeYeah... you'd probably need access to the airbags or something
04:47.03RyeBryein which case you're probably talking about OnStar
04:47.20muthusomething like that
04:47.25muthuwould be definitely useful
04:47.36performancehi does the android work with wifi ? for browsing and for calls?
04:47.48performancei mean android phone G1
04:47.58RyeBryeI think it works great
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04:48.06RyeBryeI was expecting it to be really rough, but I was pleasantly surprised
04:48.25cbeust_I find your lack of faith disturbing
04:48.50performancegreat for calls too?
04:48.53d03boycan anyone help me make a gallery with buttons in it?
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04:49.15muthuis it halloween already?
04:49.26romainguyd03boy: create a custom adapters
04:49.32romainguy(and that sounds like a bad idea :)
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04:49.43muthugallery with buttons dont work well
04:50.05performanceso can i go ahead and order it online? i so want the phone, but no 3G in my area, and teh customer support guy from t-mobile was not sure if it could do regular  calls through wifi
04:50.10d03boymaybe i'll just do a horizontal linear layout then
04:50.22RyeBryecbeust_ - All I heard marching up to release day was how things were being gutted - like bluetooth or other stuff... so I was just hoping it would at least work :)
04:50.43RyeBryecbeust - and I STILL want bluetooth APIs! :P
04:51.03d03boyperformance, i know someone who has the phone but we dont have 3G. He got some other plan and it works
04:51.12RyeBryeI ahve no 3G
04:51.21RyeBryeNo, you can't do calls through wifi yet
04:51.30RyeBryeI ordered mine online
04:51.49RyeBryeIf you like T-mobile, and are happy with them and would likely be with them for 2 years anway - then just get it
04:51.51RyeBryeThat was my situation
04:52.06RyeBryeI'm on wifi most of the time, but the phone works fine on EDGE
04:52.23performancethe coverage map shows two bars average at my bldg..  and no 3g only EDGE/GPRS
04:52.25RyeBryethe annoying thing about EDGE is that you can't use data and voice at the same time
04:52.38RyeBryeperformance - how is AT&T GSM coverage in your area
04:53.05RyeBryehere's a dirty little secret: T-mobile phones and AT&T phones roam on each other's networks - and since you have free roaming on domestic partners its not like it costs you anything
04:53.12RyeBryeThe 3G doesn't roam
04:53.16RyeBryebut the normal GSM stuff does jsut fine
04:53.17performancei dont know:( i am a Tmo customer for 3 years..  the old moto v 360 phone started losing signal.
04:54.11RyeBryeIt will have as good a signal as any other tmobile phone you have had
04:54.12RyeBryelikely better
04:54.17performanceactually thats 5 years including the two years of v300!
04:55.06RyeBryeIt's really a personal decision that you have to obviously make for yourself - but I'm happy with my G1
04:55.20RyeBryeIt's probably not perfect, but so far I like things about it I didn't think I would
04:55.28RyeBryelike the hardware keyboard is nice - and I normally hate hardware keyboards
04:55.38RyeBrye(on phones that is)
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04:55.55performancei tried it at teh local store, they just had a demo unit.. i like it except for the big obstacle to teh right when typing
04:56.12RyeBryedid they let you hold it out of some kind of tether?
04:56.22RyeBryeI didn't notice that "big obstacle" until you just pointed it out
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04:56.31RyeBryeThanks, jerk
04:56.50performancebut i kept going there to see if they got one in stock, so they brought another unit from inside for me to play :)
04:56.52RyeBryeEven that's not too bad, I guess it depends on how you hold it.
04:57.12RyeBryeYou could try holding out until November 3rd to see if a walmart near you gets one
04:57.22RyeBryethey will have them cheaper than T-mobile is selling them for
04:57.34RyeBryesame contract deals -but $148.88 instead of $179
04:57.39RyeBrye(walmart loves their 8's)
04:57.51performancewhat??? they dont have enough to stock their won stores, and now they sell at W ?
04:58.07RyeBryeThey don't WANT to stock their stores in non 3G areas
04:58.31RyeBryeI don't know why
04:58.45RyeBryebut they want to create low expectations for using it on EDGE I guess
04:59.00performancehmm maybe
04:59.01RyeBryebut some walmarts outside of the 3G coverage areas will likely stock them, but I don't know
04:59.07RyeBryeonly 550 walmarts will sell them
04:59.10RyeBryefrom what I've read
04:59.27RyeBryeThe little crap like using the camera to barcode can and comparisson shop is cool
04:59.28performancei hate buying anything at walmart, but if thats the only place i can get the phone,i'll go
04:59.36RyeBryeYou can buy online also
04:59.59performancei miss buying the phone in person.
05:00.05RyeBryeit sucks buying it online
05:00.11RyeBryeI bought it online without having held one in person
05:00.18RyeBryeI was happy it was smaller than I thought it was going to be
05:00.50performanceits so tempting to just go to the Dark Side/Apple store across and buy the damn i phone in person
05:00.53RyeBryeThe main reason I wanted to get one though was because I'm a java developer and the API looked pretty straightforward
05:00.56tweaktRyeBrye, same here, not sure what gave the impression of it being larger, maybe all that staring the huge emulator on my screen ?
05:01.20RyeBryeI don't know... I think the other device I've had with a similar form factor was an old Sony Clie NZ90
05:01.24RyeBryewhere it had a screen and buttons below it
05:01.27RyeBryeand that thing was huge
05:02.09RyeBryeI can't really believe I carried that thing around to be honest
05:02.32performanceit wil be a major shift for me, i have only used clam shell phones till now
05:02.58RyeBryeyou'll probably want to get some kind of screen protector for it if you aren't used to having phones with screens exposed
05:03.01RyeBryekeys like to eat screens
05:03.50tweaktStill have the plastic on mine, but need to get a InvisiShield for it
05:03.58RyeBryetweakt - me too :)
05:04.09RyeBryeI'm trying to decide if I want to slime the whole phone or just the screen
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05:04.16RyeBryeI like the texture of the G1's plastic
05:04.26RyeBryeand I really don't like the feel of those invisishields
05:04.32RyeBryebut on the screen they make sense
05:05.12performancewont they affect the touch screen performance/
05:05.23RyeBryeNo, it shouldn't
05:05.29RyeBryethe plastic thing on it that it came with doesn't
05:05.42performancebut it can be peeled off easily
05:05.45RyeBryebut don't invisishields have more of a friction to them thatn the plastic screen protector?
05:05.47RyeBryeyeah, I think they can be
05:05.56AragonThink I'm gonna exchange it after couple of months. Sliding mechanism doesn't look solid. Mine already started making noise.
05:06.06performanceuh oh
05:06.22mza-what are the ban words here?;)
05:06.25RyeBryemine seems ok
05:06.30RyeBryeI don't think so
05:06.31mza-tethering perhaps
05:06.52RyeBryeI said brainfuck earlier and didn't get banned, but it was in a legitimate discussion of programming languages
05:07.09performancei started making simple apps , but my killer app idea is to make the key pad act like a mouse trackpad
05:07.25mza-so who's working on a tethering app? surprised it's taken this long
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05:07.36mza-is it true that it's "impossible"
05:07.37performancethat way we can do multi touch etc.. i already did the basic logic for that need to implement and iterate
05:08.10RyeBryemza - not sure. I was wondering if the connectbot could be used to set up a proxy server
05:08.27AragonRyeBrye: your's does not make noise when you press screen?
05:08.28RyeBryeit can be used to open tunnels both remote and local - so if you had a socks proxy on the phone you could easily use that to tether
05:08.46RyeBryearagon - when I slide it open, or when I push on it when it is open?
05:08.59RyeBryeit makes a clicking noise when I open it
05:09.01AragonPush on it when closed
05:09.15RyeBryeI don't hear any noise
05:09.25RyeBryejust tapping of my finger
05:09.36wastrelyeah mine creaks
05:09.36Aragonhow many days you have it?
05:09.40RyeBryejsut 2
05:09.48Aragonoh. mine a week
05:10.00wastrelmine creaks, it's been doing it the whole time
05:10.05wastrelannoying but i can live with it
05:10.12languishthere's a solution to the creaking
05:10.14RyeBryeWill t-mobile swap phones out for you if they are being crappy?
05:10.17languishon one of the forums
05:10.30Aragonfeels like its gonna fall apart after a month or two
05:10.31RyeBryei.e. after a few months you go in and say "hey, this phone is being crappy"
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05:10.45languishRyeBrye, if you get insurance...
05:10.47AragonMe thinking the same
05:10.55performancewhat insurance?
05:11.01RyeBryeYeah, the insurance has a $130 deductible for any decent phone though
05:11.06languishbut then, if enough of them fall apart.. class action time
05:11.08RyeBryeor maybe they call it a copay
05:11.25Aragonlanguish: if i dont have insurance? its under 1 yr warranty, right?
05:11.37languishas far as I know
05:11.41RyeBryeIt does have a 1 year warranty right>
05:11.44languishcheck your box info
05:11.45RyeBryeso yeah, that should be covered
05:11.54languishshould say so in the manual
05:12.00languishdon't have mine handy
05:12.03RyeBryeI accidently voided the warranty on my p990 because I assumed it was expired and tried to fix it myself but busted a screw in the process
05:12.20performanceyeah shell out 180 bucks and realise if the screen cracks, all you get is a grin
05:12.25RyeBryenow I ALWAYS check the warranty before I take a screw driver out
05:13.20RyeBryejust turned on flashlight to try to drain his battery faster now
05:13.54wastrelthat horrible pet thing that runs the vibrate supposedly drains battery pretty good
05:13.59performancealright folks, ill wait till nov 3 and see if it shows up at local W mart
05:14.06RyeBryeOh, there is a pet thing?
05:14.23performancethanks for the conversation.. gnite n good luck
05:14.27RyeBryeperformance - you might be able to ask your local walmart if they will be getting them
05:15.08performanceyeah i'll ask.
05:15.19performancethere are two nearby
05:15.27performancebut only one has 3G
05:15.38performancei mean is in teh 3G area in their map
05:15.45RyeBryeoh, interesting
05:16.00RyeBryewell that one might be most likely to get one
05:16.16performanceyeah, ill call them first thing tomorrow
05:16.36performancei already wasted some gas going to two different stores
05:16.48rob-cswhen an application gets updated, is there a system in place that notifies people that an app they currently have has an updated version?
05:17.09performancetoday was teh worst, when called at 2:00 pm he said they had them in stock, when went to buy one after work, he was sold out
05:17.15d03boydo you guys like to use the xml files for layout or do you prefer to do it in code?
05:17.55RyeBryeCnet likes it
05:18.04performancebetter separation of view in MVC
05:18.55AragonOK Manual says 1 year warranty :)
05:20.49d03boywhen do you use an Activity vs View
05:21.19RyeBryeWTF? Kesterl has you just rub some nasy hairball?
05:21.20EpiC_any word on when other carriers will get android phones?
05:21.26d03boycan someone relate these to Swing or something?
05:21.33Aragond03boy: how is your ircell coming up?
05:21.49d03boyAragon, it would be coming up if I knew what I was doing with the View portion of the program, ha
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05:22.55RyeBryeCool.. that hairball program will lock if you rub your finger around nonstop - and then it will sit there doing the vibrate constnatly with the force close dialog open
05:23.01languishheh, I'm suprised you're not getting a bunch of other devs offering to work with you on it
05:23.04RyeBrye... that should help drain my battery :)
05:23.37d03boylanguish, I know... I can do the IRC part no problem. The views is the tricky part for me because I havent had tons of time to read up on it yet
05:24.23DarkriftXhows it going languish
05:25.10DarkriftXahh, your the one doing ircell... ive been reading about that one waiting for a release
05:25.25DarkriftXgood to hear its still in development and hasnt been forgotten like lots of apps
05:25.33umdk1d3d03boy: working on an android irc client?
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05:25.49DarkriftXlots of ppl are going to like you d03boy
05:25.55DarkriftXits been heavily requested
05:26.15umdk1d3also, people will prolly be using it with BNCs mostly i think
05:26.19d03boyumdk1d3, comment on =P
05:26.29AragonI'd pay for it :p
05:26.37d03boyi'd like it to be free
05:26.47gdsxyou'd pay for an IRC client? wow
05:26.54DarkriftXmake a free version and a paid version and add something in the paid
05:26.59umdk1d3d03boy: its opensource right  =D
05:27.02RyeBryeDCC in the paid version :)
05:27.06d03boyumdk1d3, yesh
05:27.09AragonConsidering there is none, yes i would
05:27.10RyeBryethe irony of making warezboys pay :)
05:27.12umdk1d3rofl dcc over phone
05:27.13DarkriftXsomething trivial like changing default colors or something
05:27.26gdsxAragon: just port netcat, voila
05:27.33DarkriftXhey, i used to dcc on my winmo phones
05:27.39gdsx(where by "port," I mean "install")
05:27.47cbeust_Make the dcc version free and if you want to chat in a channel, you have to buy it
05:28.15d03boycbeust_, haha, that's using your noggin
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05:28.25cbeust_... profit!
05:28.32AragonI'd like something like Gtalk that runs at background and gives notification when highlighted. That would be cool!
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05:28.46d03boyAragon, noted!
05:28.50praveendhi all
05:28.58umdk1d3d03boy: have you conisdering looking into the android IM framework?  it looks like it might be abstracted enough to add irc as a new IM protocol
05:29.02Aragond03boy: thanks!
05:29.16d03boyumdk1d3, i'll look into that
05:29.17umdk1d3not sure about channels and stuff, but it might be good to integrate with that if possible
05:29.25umdk1d3d03boy: it was in the source dump /me pulls it out
05:29.34praveendanybody working on android porting
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05:30.53umdk1d3however, it might not be as abstract as i thought
05:31.47praveendanyone working on smdk6400 board?
05:32.32d03boyi'll check it out
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05:44.55RyeBryeDid Google really say that it is multi touch capable?
05:45.33RyeBryeOn that forum, a couple of people say: "Google said that it has hardware support for multi touch, but that there is no software support (currently)."
05:46.33umdk1d3what is that "tmobile payment" notification?  o.o
05:49.18umdk1d3sigh, just because it looks like it registers multiple touches doesnt mean it feeds anything useful back through its device driver that android could pick up
05:49.58umdk1d3its probably summarizing the touches at a very low hardware level, which means it might be near impossible to get access to the raw data
05:50.15RyeBryeYeah, I'm ignoring those videos
05:50.25RyeBryeI'm just wondering about those quotes people are throwing out and attributing to Google
05:51.03spikebikewell ideally if the hardware supports it google will make it available in the future
05:51.24RyeBryeYes, that makes sense - but the real question I have is did Google ever state that it did have it available?
05:52.00umdk1d3has anyone been brave enough to post gut-shots of the device taking it apart?
05:52.07RyeBryeI haven't seen any
05:52.44RyeBryethe "void" sticker on that screw might turn people off :)
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05:56.41umdk1d3gah i think my cable provider changed their QAM channel mappings again  >:/
05:56.49umdk1d3goes to dig into mythtv
06:06.24gdsxRyeBrye: taking my Google hat off for a bit, it seems plausible that a Googler mentioned that the device can report approximate touch "size"/accuracy (which it can), and rephrased that as "the hardware supports multi-touch"
06:06.42spikebikeer no not really
06:06.53gdsxspikebike: "no" to which part?
06:07.02spikebikesize/accuracy/pressure is not at all the same as multitouch
06:07.27RyeBryeI can see how a marketing person could say something stupid like that though
06:07.31gdsxspikebike: I meant to say "and the person on the forum rephrased..."
06:07.33spikebikeideally you get a X wave form and a Y
06:07.33gdsxRyeBrye: ^^^
06:07.41gdsxspikebike: I know how multitouch works
06:07.47spikebikeoh, sorry,
06:07.49gdsxI jus tmisspoke
06:07.58RyeBryeOr even more lkely - a person on a forum :)
06:08.04spikebikeyeah, an over eager rephrasing that then claim multi
06:08.10RyeBryeyeah, so the device DOES NOT support multitouch, right?
06:08.12spikebikeso yeah it might not be multi
06:08.13RyeBrye(the G1)
06:08.17spikebikeI've no idea
06:08.36gdsxRyeBrye: I don't think so, but I couldn't say for certain
06:08.54DarkriftXlets just say that you can touch it however you want and leave it at that
06:09.03*** part/#android p_quarles (n=lee@unaffiliated/pquarles)
06:09.11RyeBryeMy phone likes to be touched
06:09.30DarkriftXwhat you multitouch on your own time is your own business
06:10.09DarkriftXthis whole multitouch convo is so easy to have converted to perverted
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06:20.53DarkriftXit sure died in here fast
06:21.19waldo_is touching his phone
06:21.19DarkriftXd03boy, if you release your app for free, can I host a copy of it on my site?
06:21.33DarkriftXis touching waldo_'s phone too
06:21.44waldo_d0boy if you use androids built-in IM there might be a SMS charge for it
06:21.56RyeBryeThe G1 will pair pretty easily with my Logitech bluetooth keyboards - but - alas - they wont connect :( (no surprise there)
06:21.59waldo_or pseudo XMPP or whatever it is
06:22.06waldo_easy darkriftx.. gentle now
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06:22.13d03boywaldo_, whats wrong with just the data connection?
06:22.34DarkriftXthere you go, paid version could have the choice :)
06:22.45DarkriftXsome ppl have unlim data, some unlim text messaging
06:22.49waldo_d03boy data is unlmited but as I understand it tmobile counts IM as text messaging
06:22.56waldo_probably anything that comes over that gtalk channel
06:23.07android123anyone working on  android porting?
06:23.19DarkriftXdoesnt seem like many are in here android123
06:23.27DarkriftXmost seem to be working on development for android
06:23.29waldo_which I understand is a kind of streaming XML (XMPP, formerly known as jabber) that's been modified
06:23.51d03boydoes irc have to go through that or something?
06:23.53waldo_they use it for email notifications and ims and sms and stuff that they can push in low-power mode
06:24.04waldo_no but I think umdk1d3 suggested it
06:24.05RyeBryeHuh? so they count the google talk stuff as text messaging?
06:24.09DarkriftXd03boy, he is talking about what was mentioned earlier about how you should try that
06:24.09d03boyoh, didnt see that
06:24.14waldo_RyeBrye: yah
06:24.16d03boyoh, the notifications
06:24.19RyeBryeThat's total bullshit
06:24.32DarkriftXumdk1d3 said you should look into using built in IM api for irc
06:24.42cbeustRyeBrye: no
06:24.53waldo_right and I'm saying if you do that I wonder if tmobile would charge for it (?)
06:24.59waldo_since they charge for IM
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06:25.07d03boywe'd have to test, or ask I suppose
06:25.17waldo_if it was solely data then it's not a concern
06:25.19DaMiEn667so, who knows about this?!
06:25.25RyeBryecbeust: no to which part?
06:25.37cbeustGoogle Talk is part of data, it's not sms
06:25.43waldo_has anyone gotten the ota update?
06:25.50DarkriftXdude, chill out
06:25.53DarkriftXgive ppl a chance to read it
06:25.56DaMiEn667I have the OTA zip file on my desktop on my PC?
06:26.06waldo_cbeust: are you SURE about that/
06:26.13DarkriftXServer Error
06:26.14DarkriftXThe service you requested is not available yet.
06:26.14DarkriftXPlease try again in 30 seconds.
06:26.21d03boysame here
06:26.28DaMiEn667you need to get the CA cert off of your phone for that link to work
06:26.35DaMiEn667otherwise it gives you a error 530
06:26.48DarkriftXi c
06:26.50DaMiEn667I got the link off of my phone when I did a manual check-in to get an update
06:26.51DaMiEn667I/CheckinService( 8980): Checkin triggered: Intent { action=android.server.checkin.CHECKIN }
06:26.52DaMiEn667I/CheckinService( 8980): Sending checkin request (709 bytes)...
06:26.52DaMiEn667I/CheckinService( 8980): From server: Intent { action=android.server.checkin.FOTA_UPDATE data= }
06:26.54DaMiEn667I/UpdateReceiver( 8980): Received update intent to download
06:26.57DaMiEn667I/UpdateReceiver( 8980): Update is already being verified.
06:26.59DaMiEn667I/CheckinService( 8980): Checkin success
06:27.01RyeBryeI just authorized it and it works
06:27.13DaMiEn667get crack-a-lackin guys!
06:27.15d03boykeep pasting stuff. We wont be annoyed at all...
06:27.27waldo_is that android.clients link for your phone?
06:27.28RyeBryeIt's not encrypted, just signed, right?
06:27.37DaMiEn667it's for the G1
06:27.38DarkriftXRyeBrye, did you dl it?
06:27.43RyeBryeI'm DLing it now
06:27.51DaMiEn667it's just a plain zip file
06:27.53RyeBryehow big is it?
06:27.59RyeBryeI'm close then
06:28.15Aragonwhere is RC29?
06:28.19DaMiEn667who knows
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06:28.23DaMiEn667it's the OTA I got just now
06:28.29DaMiEn667I'm on t-mobile in TX
06:28.40Aragonthey are supposed to send out RC29.
06:28.41waldo_DaMiEn667: you just got that link on your phone?
06:28.44waldo_rc29 is supposed to be out
06:28.49RyeBryeYeah, I thought rc29 was out
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06:29.01DaMiEn667yeah, I had the adb shell open and doing a logcat when it came across
06:29.06RyeBryecool :)
06:29.08waldo_DaMiEn667: that's awesome
06:29.15DaMiEn667and it gave me a "update is ready to install" popup
06:29.19DaMiEn667so... it's the real deal guys
06:29.40DarkriftXdo you know how to force it to install?
06:29.48AragonDaMiEn667: you got the link as sms or something?
06:29.57waldo_he says he got it w/adb
06:29.59DaMiEn667no, it was a forced intent to checkin to google's update server
06:30.07DaMiEn667and it responded with an intent to the link
06:30.10waldo_adb shell or adb logcat
06:30.23DaMiEn667adb shell, then ran logcat inside the shell
06:30.28waldo_wonder what that 115247 means
06:30.35DarkriftXso the file itself is useless without the server telling you to download it?
06:30.53waldo_well I'm downloading it and it's huge
06:31.04DaMiEn667it has the bin for radio
06:31.07DaMiEn667for firmware
06:31.10DaMiEn667for boot partition
06:31.12DaMiEn667for everything
06:31.18waldo_44.7 MB
06:31.24DarkriftX44mb is all android takes?
06:31.26waldo_strange that they let you get it over the internet
06:31.35waldo_well 44 zipped
06:31.42DaMiEn667you need their ssl cert for their server to let you download it
06:31.45DarkriftXwaldo_, probably only does because you are tricking it with the cert
06:31.48waldo_lets see whts inside
06:32.59waldo_telnetd ?
06:33.02RyeBryeI don't need the cert to download it
06:33.14waldo_you can just download it w/a browser
06:33.17RyeBryeI just had to accept the one they were presenting
06:33.26DaMiEn667depends on the browser
06:33.30DaMiEn667I used firefox
06:33.32DarkriftXme either now
06:33.38DarkriftX5th refresh and its letting me dl
06:33.46DarkriftXnice speed :)
06:33.52RyeBryeI downloaded it at 560 or 600
06:34.28RyeBryeIs there anything in this that we dont' already know from the source?
06:34.38RyeBryeI mean - it's nice to update our phones without waiting for the OTA thing
06:34.39DarkriftXim sure its all new
06:34.52DaMiEn667ummm... I don't think the OTA file format was known
06:34.58DaMiEn667or the structure of it
06:35.03DarkriftXand, maybe someone can figure out how to create their own OTA update and trick it to installing :)
06:35.06RyeBryeok, good point
06:35.17DarkriftXthis is great news for ppl that like to dig into that crap
06:35.18RyeBryeyeah, as soon as I find that private key of theirs I've been hiding away :)
06:35.23RyeBryeYes, it's true
06:35.43DaMiEn667now we need to cook our own, spoof the google site and see if we can get a root shell on the phones :-)
06:36.01ttuttleDaMiEn667: good luck, sir.
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06:36.09cbeustAnd make sure Google never hears about it
06:36.16ttuttlecbeust: They'll hear, don't worry.
06:36.18DaMiEn667I was waiting for YOU guys to do it for me!
06:36.22ttuttleDaMiEn667: heh
06:36.26DarkriftXyeah, there are google devs in here, tey already heard about it
06:36.29cbeustttuttle: they just did
06:36.32DarkriftXits all logged
06:36.39DaMiEn667like they care
06:36.44DaMiEn667it's t-mo we gotta worry about
06:36.48DarkriftXbut still, its not google that wants it unhacked i think, its just tmo lol
06:36.54cbeustWe kind of do
06:37.03RyeBryethey want the DRM panties to stay on, I think
06:37.09DarkriftXim sure google would like this to grow and expand more hten the carriers would
06:37.30DaMiEn667and it's not just DRM
06:37.34DaMiEn667it's IP too
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06:37.44DaMiEn667since the hardware supports multi-touch
06:37.45DarkriftXim looking forwrd to android becoming more of a small computer and less of a phone :)
06:38.05DaMiEn667if we get root access... we can have multi-touch drivers inserted :-)
06:38.19RyeBryeOk, I'm still not convinced that the hardware supports multi touch
06:38.35spikebikein a similar vein I wonder if the g1 will ever support UMA
06:38.41spikebikesome claim it can be done in software
06:39.51DaMiEn667I don't know if you guys are aware... but I got the interest of everyone at xda-developers... we have a thread going for what we're trying to do...
06:40.19DaMiEn667these are the guys that did all the hacking with HTC bootloaders for the previous HTC windows phones
06:41.15RyeBryeThey are the best bet to get into this
06:44.08waldo_i'm trying to figure if anything here will run on the emulator
06:44.09DaMiEn667also... just an FYI... if you take the file, rename it to update (with no file extension), put it on the root of your SD card... power off the phone and hold HOME+POWER to go into bootloader... then ALT+L and ALT+S.... bootloader flashes the update from SD
06:44.31DaMiEn667no need to wait for OTA notification
06:44.46DaMiEn667no need to spoof google site
06:44.59RyeBryeonce it updates, can you have it reflash with the same update again?
06:44.59DaMiEn667now we need to know if we can update it with our own code
06:45.10cbeustGood, I'll call back the commandos heading to you
06:45.22RyeBryeThere's a REASON GPS is a required part of the platform :)
06:45.34DaMiEn667good thing I had the phone off?
06:45.34RyeBryeand there's a REASON google just bought a fighter jet
06:45.46cbeustLike we need the phone to locate you
06:45.54DaMiEn667they'll never find me in my lead box!
06:46.20cbeustDon't worry, you're safe as long as you're not connected on the Internet
06:46.35RyeBryeFor a second there I was worried
06:46.38d03boyg'night sirs
06:49.11waldo_DaMiEn667: how did you figure that out... the UPDATE thing?
06:49.19waldo_these apps won't load to the emulator
06:49.35RyeBryethat's interesting about the emulator
06:49.57waldo_error -11
06:49.58waldo_but anyway
06:50.09waldo_this is beyond my abilities.
06:50.09DaMiEn667waldo_: I used AnyCut to create a shortcut to Device Info on the phone
06:50.26DaMiEn667at the bottom of that window, you have a way to force the update
06:50.40DaMiEn667and when I did, I actually got a response from the sever with a location for the update file
06:51.02DaMiEn667so I plugged it into my PC and got the intent information fro logcat
06:51.43RyeBryeThis battery is remarkably hard to kill - I hope that the calibration is off in the battery and not the OS, and by draining it down to zero I can get it to realize it's full potential
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06:51.47DarkriftXdamn, i wonder if thats why the dl only works half the time
06:51.52DarkriftXppl forcing upgrades :S
06:52.02DaMiEn667google is throttling that server for sure
06:52.10waldo_actually some things install to the emulator.  Hmm.
06:52.56DarkriftXlike what?
06:53.03DarkriftXsettings app? lol
06:53.23waldo_IM.apk.  I think if it was there already maybe.
06:53.30waldo_error [-11] on the others
06:54.52waldo_ah...  i'll let minds greater than mine figure this out.  It's all open source anyway.
06:55.02spikebikeit's possible to for an upgrade?
06:55.13waldo_spikebike: the upgrades are coming over the air to a phone near you
06:55.19spikebikeyeah so I've heard
06:55.32spikebikeI've got 2... neither upgraded yet
06:55.37RyeBryeI wonder if someone else can try to force and upgade and use the same logcat method to see the link for RC29
06:55.40spikebikeis it possible to force an upgrade?
06:56.02DaMiEn667one guy tried the bootloader method
06:56.09DaMiEn667but I think we have the first reported bricked G1
06:56.18RyeBryewoops :/
06:56.25spikebikeah, I love my g1 to much to risk a brick
06:56.40DaMiEn667he said the phone is stuck in the android bootup screen
06:56.48DaMiEn667but I dunno... that means the kernel is loaded
06:56.49AragonAnyone tried that update?
06:56.57spikebikeI'm going for a dog walk, maybe God^H^H^HGoogle will notice me wandering under the stars with 4 bars of signal
06:58.11DaMiEn667later ya'll...
06:58.18DaMiEn667have fun
06:58.39RyeBryeThat guy updated his post and it sounds like he got it working
06:58.52DaMiEn667maybe it does work through SD after all
06:59.10LenoliumMan, even with "Check For Upgrade" it still is leaving me at RC19
06:59.51RyeBryeoh, it should definitely flash through SD
06:59.55RyeBryeI've been told that many times by googlers
07:00.12RyeBryebut the answer is pretty much "no" if it will flash unsigned through SD
07:00.39DaMiEn667Lenolium: download the file from the link I posted earlier and you can do an manual update over SD
07:01.04RyeBryeDaMiEn667 - you just do adb logcat when you did the force update?
07:01.18DaMiEn667and it shows you the intents/actions
07:01.26DaMiEn667and in the response it told me the address to the update
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07:02.25DaMiEn667this is what I saw when I did catlog:
07:02.26DaMiEn667I/ActivityManager( 8980): Starting activity: Intent { action=android.server.checkin.FOTA_READY flags=0x30800004 comp={} (has extras) }
07:02.26DaMiEn667I/PesterActivity(10094): OTA update available: /cache/
07:02.26DaMiEn667I/PesterActivity(10094): Next OTA prompt in 1799 sec
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07:03.04DaMiEn667except that one says the location in cache :-p
07:03.13DaMiEn667now we know where it saves it on the phone
07:05.35DaMiEn667I saved my logcat on my PC for later if you guys want it
07:05.42waldo_that means it annoys you ever 1/2 hour that it's sitting on your sdcard waiting to update I guess
07:05.49DaMiEn667yes, it does
07:05.53DaMiEn667it's pretty annoying
07:06.02RyeBryeGood lord... DL'ing 44 megs over EDGE?
07:06.08RyeBryethat would take forever
07:06.16RyeBryeI wonder if they will even push OTA updates to people on edge
07:06.29spikebikeI'm edge only
07:06.35spikebikewell sometimes wifi
07:06.36RyeBryedid you get a pushed update?
07:06.46DaMiEn667it checks for update over any connection it can resolve the domain name on
07:06.56RyeBryeso it would DL over wifi?
07:07.03DaMiEn667I did over wifi
07:07.13DaMiEn667zoom zoom
07:07.26RyeBryeMy android ID hasn't been 'chosen' I guess
07:07.28spikebikeI only have 37MB free on the phone, 900 ish free on the sd card
07:07.30RyeBryeI force and force and force
07:07.34RyeBryebut no update comes
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07:07.46RyeBrye(jus twondering if I could get an RC29 link)
07:07.49Aragoncontent not supported
07:08.23DaMiEn667I got an R28 filename... but I dunno if it's actually R29 since I haven't done the update
07:08.26waldo_so honestly...  at any time during that 1/2 hour it's waiting to nag you, you could just pop the sdcard and grab the update that way
07:08.35AragonI could not download using phone browser
07:08.46DaMiEn667phone browser doesn't know what to do with zip files
07:08.52DaMiEn667you need to use PC browser
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07:09.02Aragonyeah, thats what i did.
07:09.08waldo_damien why did it give you an intent with the .zip then?
07:09.22DaMiEn667because I forced the update check
07:09.27DaMiEn667through a dialog window
07:09.29DaMiEn667on the phone
07:09.43DaMiEn667and I guess it was just "my turn"
07:09.46DaMiEn667to get it
07:10.09waldo_but what does the phone know about .zip?
07:10.12LenoliumDaMiEn667: Are you in a 3G area? or near one?
07:10.20DaMiEn667I'm in 3g area
07:10.30LenoliumAhh, I bet they pushed the update to phones sold in a 3G area first.
07:10.50spikebikemy phone was sold in a 3G area
07:10.54spikebikeno update 8-(
07:11.01DaMiEn667I even tried calling the intent manually through a quick test app I made
07:11.08DaMiEn667but that failed and got an exception
07:11.20RyeBrye"Get back in line, chump!"
07:11.53DaMiEn667you guys can download the file from the link I gave, put the file on SD and have the bootloader update your phone and not have to wait in line any more :-p
07:12.08spikebikefor rc28 or rc29?
07:12.13DaMiEn667it looks like 28
07:12.15RyeBryeDaMiEn667 - what happens if you push for an update now?
07:12.30RyeBryeI wonder if RC29 just goes out to the RC28  people
07:12.31DaMiEn667it tells me that it's ready for me to update and brings up the message box to do so
07:12.36RyeBryeoh, ok
07:12.44waldo_kila = alternate name for the htc dream btw
07:13.19RyeBryeYes, because the HTC dream needs more names
07:13.34cbeustwaldo_: not exactly
07:14.10DaMiEn667time for me to sleep on this new development... later ya'll
07:14.14cbeustIt's a release name, not a hardware name
07:15.06DarkriftXposted it on my site
07:15.50RyeBrye Hey - one of you google guys want to go fix that server?
07:15.56RyeBryedirectory listings appear to be disabled ;)
07:15.59AragonI'm getting Can't mount /dev/block/mmvblk0p1 (no such file or directory)
07:16.11cbeustRyeBrye: I'll get right on that
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07:20.14DarkriftXlol RyeBrye
07:20.23DarkriftXand also remove the speed cap please
07:20.27DarkriftXand give me a private login if you dont mind
07:20.43mehulvedand remove all the files from in there
07:25.43RyeBryereject serialno=HT7*|HT80*|HT81* ... engineering prefixes?
07:27.08AragonOMG I'm getting TMobile hot-spot in my house :O
07:27.26RyeBryeYou need to move out of that Kinkos and get a nicer place
07:27.56AragonNo, really!
07:29.46DarkriftXthats awesome
07:31.19DarkriftXsure settled down in here
07:31.24DarkriftXwe need more excitement!
07:31.38RyeBryeI want to see two things...
07:32.03RyeBrye1: if once you've run the RC28 update if you put it on there and do the bootloader flashing thing again from the SD card if it will try to reflash again with the same version
07:32.27RyeBryeand 2: what happens if you try to toy with some files in it and then update with that
07:32.28DarkriftXgood idea
07:32.29AragonI could not run the update
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07:32.43RyeBryeWhat does your SN start with?
07:33.10RyeBryeThe next 2 digits?
07:33.23DarkriftX7* or 81* or 80* ?
07:33.41DarkriftX<RyeBrye> reject serialno=HT7*|HT80*|HT81* ... engineering prefixes?
07:33.43RyeBryebut not being able to run the update, and it still didn't do anything bad?
07:33.54AragonCan't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 (no such file or directory)
07:34.13RyeBryedid you change your SD card from teh stock one?
07:34.30AragonIt's the stock one
07:34.43AragonThin I should format it
07:34.51RyeBryeI don't know
07:34.55RyeBryeI haven't tried the update yet
07:35.28DarkriftXRyeBrye, every file is marked
07:35.30DarkriftXName: system/lib/
07:35.30DarkriftXSHA1-Digest: Psku+xsKIfG3cDYOi2dJkO7qzn4=
07:36.42DarkriftXwow, lots of interesting info in here
07:36.57LenoliumA base64-encoded sha512?
07:37.09DarkriftXthey have a busybox type "toolbox" program for most commands :(
07:37.21DarkriftXsymlink toolbox SYSTEM:bin/mkdosfs
07:37.30LenoliumI wonder if that's the actual sha512, or if it's encoded with some special sauce.
07:37.41jham_DarkriftX: You can find that stuff in the source code too :-)
07:37.50DarkriftXyeah, i cant read source lol
07:37.58DarkriftXthis is easier for me to mess with lol
07:38.04DarkriftXthe update-script file
07:38.31DarkriftXim not good enough in linux to do anything useful but maybe someday
07:38.46RyeBryeThe stuff that is interesting to me is that the radio images are in there - and those aren't OSS, right?
07:39.22DarkriftXwrite_raw_image PACKAGE:boot.img BOOT:
07:39.34DarkriftXi guess thats how the bootloader is updated lol
07:40.26DarkriftXradio is written differently: write_radio_image PACKAGE:radio.img
07:40.37DarkriftXanyone know the device name for the emu?
07:41.06DarkriftXassert getprop("ro.product.device") == "dream" || getprop("") == "dream" <--might be useful in trying to get it running on the emulator
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07:41.30RyeBryeWell... I'm really tired so I'm off to bed
07:41.51android123porting android?
07:42.45android123i am new to porting
07:42.55ascii__how can i start another activity from my current one?
07:43.09ascii__say i want some user input on a new screen, how is the best way to do that?
07:43.17waldo_in teh same package ascii?
07:43.32android123any one has useful resources on android porting?
07:43.32waldo_can't you just create a new class?
07:43.44waldo_new myActivity();
07:44.26ascii__that easy?...what do i do when i resume my current activity then?
07:44.27waldo_android plenty of documentaiton online
07:44.40DarkriftXno android123
07:44.45DarkriftXnot many ppl in here working on porting
07:44.50DarkriftXcheck xda-developers forums
07:56.31DarkriftXdamn, quite here and on that forum, everyone must be off testing or tweaking
07:57.22muthuDarkriftX: howdy
07:58.44DarkriftXhola muthu
07:58.58muthuhaving fun with your G1?
07:59.03DarkriftXdont have one yet
07:59.20muthuoh ok
07:59.25muthuyou in london?
07:59.40muthunot buying it?
07:59.51DarkriftXnot yet
07:59.53DarkriftXbut soon
08:00.00muthuwaiting for 99$ deal huh ;)
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08:00.12DarkriftXcontracts scare me lol
08:00.29mattgyver83How do you get a app that you create onto the g1?  (i dont have the phone just curious)
08:00.39DarkriftXmake an installer and install it
08:00.46DarkriftXeither from command line or from a website
08:01.08muthumattgyver83: publish it on market
08:01.21DarkriftXmuthu, you playing with the OTA?
08:01.32muthunope, don't have a G1
08:01.46muthuwill get one soon
08:01.46DarkriftXim thinking it might work on the emu if edited a lil
08:02.04muthuis the market available for emu?
08:02.07macbozis there sth like a desktop buddy for the G1 where I can load a binary into and it is gonna be installed on the device. (like activesync, bb desktop manager, etc.)?
08:02.17DarkriftXno, but maybe it would be after this update lol
08:02.40DarkriftXkinda macboz its command line though from what ive heard
08:02.52DarkriftXadb install filename.apk
08:03.01deebowhens northern europe getting the g1 :(
08:03.03deebowant one so bad
08:03.07macbozbut that's not really convenient for 0815 users :)
08:03.55muthumarket was supposed to do all that
08:04.10muthuslideme is another option
08:05.15macbozit seems the android story still needs a lot of work ... especially to make it very easy to use for my mom :)
08:06.11DarkriftXits not a "for my mom" phone
08:06.17DarkriftXnot yet anyways
08:07.05spikebikeI disagree actually
08:07.09macbozhopefully this changes soon. as this is the only way to rule the market. anyhoo, the API is pretty nice - i like it so far
08:07.32spikebikeif your mom can manage to click on firefox, and click on a point and shoot's shutter button they can likely handle the phone
08:07.41spikebikemy wife is definitelya  newbie, and she loves it
08:08.08spikebikeif you can manage to get a web browser to and edit contacts you are plenty technical enough to enjoy the phone
08:08.24macbozspikebike: how does she install an app if she doesn't have a browser at hand but has the program file on her computer?
08:08.44spikebikehow would that happen?
08:08.54Lenoliumgmail's contact editor needs work, preferrably a lot of stolen code from the google spreadsheet.
08:09.04spikebikethat's just thinking about it wrong, in alot of ways many geeks have the wrong habits
08:09.22Lenoliummacboz: Wouldn't she just install the app from the market?
08:09.54spikebikethere's an app browser built in.  Click market -> games or market -> applications and drag your finger around
08:10.26spikebikeif you sent her a URL she could go to a random website and download an app, but that's not what most users do
08:10.30spikebikeat least not yet
08:10.57spikebikeby default there's not even an address sync button.. it just works... edit contacts locally or at google and it just works
08:11.08spikebikeread mail at gmail.. don't worry about where it's stored
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08:11.33macbozwell .. it sync's with your google account
08:11.34spikebikeread calendar... again don't worry about where it's stored... for the most part it's just magic, it works, and it's easy to sue
08:11.45macbozi don't have a google account so i can't use it?
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08:11.57spikebikeyou have to create one if you don't
08:12.02spikebikeotherwise you have a brick
08:12.06macbozi would like to sync it with my outlook as well.
08:12.28spikebikeso far contacts can sync, but not email (afaik)
08:12.37spikebikeif you export to spreadsheet, google can import
08:12.46spikebike(for contacts)
08:13.11spikebikebut it's not a full email, cal, address sync with exchange... at least not yet
08:15.24macbozi think i have to stick with by blackberry and just get a G1 for playing around... and I really want to know how the app installation works. really wanna see that.
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08:15.37macbozgonna take a look to youtube now :)
08:16.17spikebikeheh, click.. wait
08:16.20spikebikethat's it
08:16.59Lenoliummacboz: Just FYI (because it's not a full solution, just a workaround), the browser on the G1 is perfectly capable of handling the Outlook Web Access stuff.
08:17.00jpalmerwonders when skyfire will be ported to android
08:17.17gamblerwhats skyfire
08:17.39macbozLenolium: thanks for the hint :)
08:18.23macbozah, another question: does anyone knows if I can rotate the Android simulator of the SDK on Mac OS X?
08:18.24jpalmerstill in beta,  but they have symbian, WM, and iphone support now I think
08:18.51DarkriftXok, thought id give installing Settings.apk a try but that failed
08:18.58DarkriftXso much for my genius ideas :(
08:21.11jpalmeranyhow, skyfire is a browser for mobile platforms.  all the rendering is done server side, so it supports flash, and java, and whatnot. just as your desktop browser does.  instead of WAP friendly sites,  you can view any site just as you would on your desktop machine
08:21.16muthuDarkriftX: are you building from source?
08:21.35DarkriftXnever was good with source
08:21.42DarkriftXwhich is why i like debian/*buntu
08:21.42muthuthe source version has almost everything except market
08:21.45DarkriftXapt FTW!
08:22.10DarkriftXive been looking for it pre-compiled so i could try it
08:22.15DarkriftXnobody seems to host it though
08:22.42Lenoliumjpalmer: That seems... interesting... but I would think the bandwidth between the renderer and your screen is bigger than the bandwidth between the browser and the internet, and it seems like the bandwidth is the limiting factor on the G1
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08:23.13jpalmerLenolium: quite possible.  I don't have a G1, so I wouldn't know the limitations there
08:23.26DarkriftXLenolium, thats not a problem with most other mobile devices
08:23.32DarkriftXthe biggest complaint about it is privacy
08:23.42DarkriftXeverything you view is rendered server side :S
08:24.12jpalmeryeah, i wouldn't use it for private sites. banking, anything with a login..  etc
08:24.29NiZoXit's like opera mini
08:24.29DarkriftXor pr0n if you are a fetishist (spelled right?)
08:24.56jpalmerNiZoX: it's not like opera mini.  lol
08:25.26DarkriftXI can see it now: "Man found looking at donkey-human relations using server side rendering browser!"
08:26.00NiZoXjpalmer: opera mini uses a proxy to adapt web pages
08:26.04LenoliumSee, opera mini I at least understand.
08:26.05jpalmerDarkriftX: while that wouldn't be too far from the truth,  I do know it works with flash enabled porn sites like youporn and redtube.
08:26.06DarkriftX"wow, he was on that last picture for 2 minutes and suddenly closed the browser... wonder why"
08:26.18DarkriftXyes jpalmer thats its biggest + from what ive heard
08:27.19jpalmermy phone is a WM device.  I use PIE for most browsing, but when a site won't work or display correclty in PIE (and it's not sensitive/private/confidential) I view it in skyfire.
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08:27.38LenoliumSo, it sounds to me like skyfire is just a newer VNC/rdesktop?
08:27.40DarkriftXLenolium, skyfire takes your devices specs and reports it to server and the server sends back a very small version (less data) of the original page as its being rendered
08:28.00romainguyDarkriftX: sounds like Opera Mini like he said :)
08:28.03DarkriftXbut imagine a vnc that made a thumbnail sized pic since its knows your res is small
08:28.26DarkriftXno, opera mini rewrites the html to make it mobile compat i thought
08:28.33romainguyit also rewrites the images
08:28.35DarkriftXlike adding a mobile css
08:28.35romainguyreformats the page
08:28.38DarkriftXoh, didnt know that
08:28.53DarkriftXso yeah, close
08:28.56DarkriftXand good morning romainguy
08:28.58jpalmerwell, I guess you could look at it that way.  it's not really like a vnc,  but more like.. your phone essentially becomes a dumb terminal, all the processing and rendering is done on the server.. your phone just dispays the resulting sites/sounds
08:29.16LenoliumAnd it actually compresses the html/css into a pre-parsed binary format for faster rendering on slower processors.
08:29.20romainguyopera mini even handles javascript on the server
08:29.32romainguyso web sites with dynamic javascript (kinda) work
08:30.10DarkriftXlol, someone on xda-devs is working on extracting the radio/bootloader images from the OTA
08:30.11LenoliumEssentially, opera mini sounds like it would be neat on GPRS, and skyfire sounds like it would be neat on 3G
08:30.38jpalmerI use skyfire on evdo/cdma
08:30.40NiZoXskyfire works fine on 3G
08:30.42romainguyI used Opera Mini a lot on GPRS and EDGE
08:30.45romainguyit was awesome
08:30.46NiZoXyoutube, etc..
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08:39.07DarkriftXi need to go to sleep but i wanna watch that xda thread lol
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08:39.49jpalmerhrm, I thought the g1 had built in gps,  but the features page doesn't mention it
08:40.47Lenoliumjpalmer: It has it, I've used it. It also has an electronic compass (of varying accuracy)
08:41.26anno^da_romainguy: do you know if there is a possibility to get system updates using a unlocked g1 (so no T-Mobile SIM) ? If there is a possibility I could buy now an unlocked G1. :-)
08:41.43gamblerwhats the name of the android market app called
08:41.45romainguyI have no idea
08:41.46jpalmerI'm not seeing it on the features page.  is it actual gps? or simulated by triangulation or distance from tower?
08:41.50LenoliumI thought BestBuy was selling unlocked G1's.
08:42.28Lenoliumjpalmer: It's actual GPS from what I know, either that or they got really good at cell tower triangulation
08:42.53jpalmerhrm, I'll have to dig a bit deeper then
08:42.58jpalmerthnks for the info
08:43.13romainguyit's a real GPS
08:43.20romainguy+ assisted GPS when you don't get a real GPS fix
08:43.26romainguyan app can ask for one, the other or both
08:44.01jpalmerwell,  if it's anything like WM devices,  aGPS helps get fixes faster by finding out sat locations/trajectories for faster locks
08:44.23anno^da_ok thx. :)
08:44.37jpalmerbut regardless,   seems like something they'd advertise.  and I'm looking at their features page and their downloadable pdf,  I see no mention of it :/
08:44.50Lenoliumjpalmer: What romainguy was saying is that apps can ask for different levels of information, and when you install them it gives you a little warning about how detailed of a location the app is going to get.
08:46.05LenoliumBut yes, having a GPS should be in big bold letters somewhere, I'm just waiting for TomTom/someone to put out a good turn-by-turn nav app on this and I can put my standard GPS in a closet somewhere.
08:46.34jpalmerthats what I did.  I had a $400 magellan GPS that is now in a closet.  hehe
08:46.41DarkriftXanno^da_, there is now because someone found out how to download the updates
08:47.05DarkriftXand install them*
08:47.41anno^da_DarkriftX: Is there some How To available ?
08:47.55DarkriftXthey are still working on it, they figured it out a few hours ago
08:48.05anno^da_a great thanks
08:48.35anno^da_they should bundle into an application :-)
08:48.52romainguytold you you could update from the sdcard :p
08:49.21DarkriftXits an htc device, of course you can
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08:49.47DarkriftXfigureing out how was the question (was)
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09:00.37anno^da_great so I can buy a G1 now :-)
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09:04.30DarkriftXthey are only going to get better :)
09:13.55spikebikereads back. AGPS seems like a scam
09:16.05Taunono, its still GPS but better :P
09:17.38Taunoenables faster GPS lock-ons and enables GPS lock where the signal strength is too weak for the device to calculate its position on its own
09:18.14Taunodepends on the implementation I guess... but that's the main selling argument
09:19.28spikebikesort of
09:19.38spikebikeagps isn't the hard part
09:19.44spikebikeand it doesn't decay quickly
09:19.59spikebikeso you could boot once a day and it takes 30 seconds... done
09:20.28spikebikemost external GPS boot way quicker without agps than the gps models do with agps
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09:22.11jpalmeragps speeds up locks because it obtains ephemeris data another way.  without it,  the gps receiever has to download the data, then start it's calculations.  which takes time.  agps just supplies the ephemeris data from the DoD data
09:23.23spikebikebut that data lasts awhile
09:23.31spikebikeit's not like you need to download it per point
09:23.35jpalmeron bigger, more expensive gps units,  they can get the ephemeris data faster, and do the calculations quicker,  so they do get faster locks.  the small recievers in things like cellphones take a while to obtain that data (it has to be uninterupted from the bird) and perform the calcs.  so TTFF can be upwards of 10 minutes.
09:24.24spikebikeseems like someone got the bright idea, lets save $1.00 on the chip, then we can charge for the agps data
09:24.30jpalmerspikebike: right,  we''re assuming first fix here.   after that,  even if you don't use the gps for a week or two, you can get locks in 30 seconds without agps.
09:25.18jpalmermy phone, without agps, gets locks in about 18 seconds.  with agps,  I'll lock 9 birds in 6 seconds, inside my house.
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09:26.10Taunospikebike, agps chips are not cheaper than gps chips if that's what you mean...
09:26.43spikebikeso does the agps work on the g1?
09:26.55spikebikedo the updates come in over edge/3g?
09:27.02spikebikeor is it just unimplemented
09:27.04Taunoit should work if your operator supports it :)
09:27.26jpalmerhaven't looked at the g1,  but you can get agps data over your data conenction if it's enabled.
09:27.28Taunoor whatever seervice provider..
09:28.18spikebikemine is tmo
09:28.40spikebikeThe only feedback I've gotten so far is cute little sat dish+wave animations
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09:30.52jpalmerspikebike: do you see a place where you can put in agps server info?  if so, I know for a fact that alltel runs a trusted PDE (as in, anyone can use it)  I can get you the info to connect to it.
09:31.57Taunofor me  agps is not working because there is no assistance server capable of assisting me in my country :/
09:32.35jpalmertauno, what country?
09:32.36spikebikeI've poked around a good bit and found no place where anything like that is mentioned
09:33.07jpalmertauno,  you should be able to use any PDE, as long as it's open.  it's just ephemeris data.
09:34.07Taunojpalmer, but the assistance server provides assistance based on what? based on cell info?
09:34.44jpalmerDoD ephemeris data
09:35.05DarkriftXoh, thats not what the wiki said :S
09:35.14Taunoindeed :)
09:35.15jpalmerall your agps does,  it gets rid of the long download of ephemeris data from the bird, for the first lock.
09:35.39Taunook.. it said so amongst other things :)
09:35.41DarkriftXsaid it jump starts normal gps by gathering gps data from cell towers to get a rough guess of your location and giving you info that would assist the gps in finding the stats
09:36.23jpalmerDarkriftX: agps doesn't use "cell towers" at all.  unless they mean the cell tower carries your data packets, and sends the ephemeris data over your data plan ;)
09:36.48Taunowiki says also that "The assistance server can locate the phone roughly by which cell site it is connected to on the cellular network." <- thats why I tought that it wouldn't work here - the assistance server knows nothing about the cells that I am in..
09:36.53jpalmerDarkriftX: one of the problems with a wiki as a primary source of info,   anyone can edit it. regardless of their knowledge level.
09:37.07DarkriftXit was talking about cell towers having EXACT known locations and using that to provide a rough location so your gps can pick the correct sats faster
09:37.12DarkriftXthats paraphrasing of course
09:37.30DarkriftXand yes, i understand that, im just saying what that said
09:37.45jpalmerTauno: I assure you,  the cell towers have nothing to do with calculating the birds locations and channels.  that info comes directly from the ephemeris data.
09:38.13Taunocare to edit the wiki page if you are sure? ;)
09:38.14DarkriftXsorta backing up that what he is saying was from the wiki, and i read the same thing.
09:38.15DarkriftXi c
09:38.16jpalmerwithout agps,  you download that data directly from the bird.  it takes time.  with agps,  you get that data much faster over your data connection.  period.
09:38.27DarkriftXi c
09:38.44DarkriftXdamn, i need sleep
09:38.45DarkriftXits late
09:38.53jpalmerI don't waste my time on wikis.  as soon as it's edited properly,  some other person who completely misunderstands will just nullify all your work.
09:38.57DarkriftXgn all, good luck hacking at that update for all who are :)
09:39.03macbozjpalmer: cell triangulation is common technique that might be part of agps
09:39.29jpalmermacboz: cell triangulation is something completely different.  and yes, it's commonly misnamed "agps" by carriers.
09:39.58macbozso tell me. where does your data connection know the location from? :)
09:40.07jpalmera PDE server
09:40.35jpalmer(position determination entity)
09:40.46Tauno..did my BS work on relative positioning based on cells.. that was fun :P
09:41.13jpalmerwhich ultimatly, gets the ephemeris data from the DoD
09:41.19macbozok, and which location does the PDE deliver?
09:41.53jpalmerit doesn't deliver any "location"  it delivers the ephemeris data.   the locations and channels of the birds in orbit.
09:43.10macbozbut that data the cell tower delivers is based on the cell tower's location, right? because if not, that wouldn't make any sense as there are just a bunch of satellites and every gps receiver could carry their locations ...
09:43.10jpalmerwhen you cold start a gps reciever,  it doesn't even know what channels to listen on.  it picks some at random (how many, depends on your reciever)  and attempts to download the ephemeris data directly from a bird.  if it finds nothing on that channel,  it ties the next channel..
09:43.40jpalmeryou are confusing cell triangulation with true agps.
09:43.52jpalmercell tower location has absolutly nothing to do with true agps.
09:44.05macbozi didn't say anything about triangulation since my first sentence ... :)
09:44.33jpalmerok.  let me ask you.   what data do you think a cell tower delivers, that relates to true agps ;)
09:45.08macboza timestamp
09:45.41jpalmerhold on.  let me find a post that tells you how GPS works.  maybe it can explain better than I can
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09:46.40macbozlike to see that
09:46.44jpalmerhere,  this is actually pretty informative.   they are discussing a program for HTC phones, that gets GPS data.   disregard that, and read about how agps works.   first post
09:47.10jpalmer(quickgps is the program they are discussin, apparently)
09:48.36Taunojpalmer, you were right.. there is a LOT of mixing up stuff when talking about agps it seems.. For example the book "Next generation wireless networks" explains agps by a combination of cell triangulation and gps
09:48.50macbozyou're right. maybe i expressed myself in a wrong way
09:49.25jpalmerTauno: unfortunately, cellular providers have called multiple things "agps"  so,  it can quickly become confusing
09:49.26macbozwhat i actually wanted to say is: the sentence in the wiki is correct and even fits your description
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09:50.10Taunowell.. it explains it the same way that I have always understood it - the cell network knows your surrounding cells/sectors and based on that info can give your device better data about the birds and stuff..
09:50.27jpalmerok, thats not correct. :)
09:50.45macbozjap Tauno I see it the same
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09:51.34Taunoargh.. why canät there be a public and free specification of  some sort? currently (for me at least) its your word against a book :P
09:51.57macbozthe word "locate" in the expression "The assistance server can locate the phone roughly by which cell site it is connected to on the cellular network." does not refer to the GPS location. it more refers to the actual tower's area the phone is logged in.
09:52.20Tauno"Assisted GPS for Wireless Phone Location — Technology and Standards " is $25  @ springerlink :P
09:52.30jpalmer*shrug*  I guess unless you are writing a program that needs GPS data,  it doesn't really matter if I'm correct or not. as long as your device somehow eventually can get the ephemeris data.
09:52.59TaunoI'm not writing anything related to gps right now.. I'm just curious :)
09:53.21macbozWell, I wrote several GPS apps (at least partially) and some are quite good selling. So I guess I made sth. right ... :)
09:54.16jpalmerwhat is sth?
09:54.38macbozsomething ...
09:54.59jpalmerhuh? I'm confused
09:55.24jpalmeroh..  sth is some kind of shorthand for "something"  cripes.  thats horrible.
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09:55.42macbozthe point: i must have wrote some lines of code using GPS stuff I didn't really understand :)
09:56.50jpalmerdid your app have anything to do with plotting the flight path/pattern of the bird?  or projecting itss location at a specific time in the past or future?
09:57.56jpalmerthen, you probably still didn't have to worry about how GPS actually works :)
09:58.57macbozgood to know
09:59.38jpalmerand keep in mind,  agps loses a lot of it's benefit, if you use your gps often.  it really only helps from a cold start,  when you've never locked onto a sat before,  or.. an extended period of time has passed since the last lock (the term "extended" is relative to your device)
10:00.37macbozyou won't believe it. but i already knew that ...
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10:01.57ascii__hi, i'm doing some http-connections in the background..what i get is "Application not responding" warning, how can i avoid that?
10:02.21muthuuse a thread
10:02.32muthufrom your service
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10:03.49ascii__and how do i "wait" for that thread to finish?
10:03.51ascii__by using callbacks?
10:03.52anno^da_muthu: Do you have a G1 right now ?
10:04.01muthuanno^da_: nope
10:04.05muthuascii__: yep
10:04.09ascii__sweet, thanks..
10:04.29muthuwaiting for a g1 to land in my hands
10:04.31muthunot sure when..
10:07.27macbozhey, did anyone of you buy a G1 at ebay? they got unlocked ones in there...
10:08.13muthucan't find anyone to ship india
10:08.16anno^da_ah great muthu. :-)
10:08.33anno^da_Oh well I could buy one and ship it to India but that could be expensive :/
10:08.38Taunojpalmer, I dug a little more and.. well.. yeah, your word wins:)  It's just about getting the ephemeris data to the phone faster than it would take to receive the navigation message from the bird. respect++ for you :)
10:08.54anno^da_Buying in Germany means a lot of taxes when I import it from the US :/
10:09.05muthuanno^da_: yep, i've asked someone to bring
10:09.13anno^da_ah great.
10:09.22muthuyeah, it works out cheap :)
10:09.42anno^da_thats great
10:10.00anno^da_I hope that I can get one very cheap on Sunday
10:10.11anno^da_without the import taxes :)
10:10.27anno^da_and unlocked
10:10.32muthuwow, great
10:10.47anno^da_Lets hope that it works. :-)
10:10.58muthuit should
10:11.00macbozI'd like to get one shipped to Hong Kong please :)
10:11.28anno^da_hehe :)
10:11.59Taunosend one unlocked one to Estonia as well :P
10:12.04muthuhaven't checked the black markets..
10:12.10macbozthough we usually have everything first ... we don't get the G1 over here. that's really frustrating ...
10:12.11muthuprolly must be here already ;)
10:12.47muthuoh sorry.. probabaly
10:13.11muthuha there it is
10:14.27macbozdoes anyone know how it works if you surf a website, see a nice image and you want to put it as your phone background?
10:15.12macbozon my blackberry i just go to the menu and say "save image -> tick the set as home screen background". is there anything like this in the G1 browser as well?
10:15.26macbozCouldn't do that with the simulator :(
10:15.57romainguyyou can
10:16.22macbozis it as easy as on the bb?
10:16.31romainguyyou long press the image
10:16.34romainguyclick Save Image
10:16.37romainguythen you go in Home
10:16.42romainguyMenu > Wallpaper > Pictures
10:16.45romainguyand there you go
10:16.58romainguyor after download you open the image
10:16.59macbozyou mean with the simulator?
10:17.06romainguythen Menu > Set As > Wallpaper
10:17.14romainguyon the actual device
10:17.19romainguyand that should work on the emulator too
10:17.44macbozlet me try that quickly :)
10:17.49*** part/#android DASPRiD (n=dasprid@tremulous/developer/DASPRiD)
10:17.53romainguyjust tried it on my G1 :)
10:18.49macbozgreat! that's all I needed to know :)
10:18.57macbozthanks a lot
10:19.18muthuthere should be a 'set as wallpaper' right on the image menu
10:19.25romainguymuthu: file a bug
10:19.36muthuha, let me file a patch ;)
10:19.49romainguysure go ahead
10:20.02romainguyas long as you do everything that needs to be done to support this feature :)
10:20.02muthufixed the alertdialog bug
10:20.09romainguywhat was the issue?
10:20.26muthubindview was not setting state..
10:20.39muthuthe code  is a bit ugly..
10:20.53muthusomeone's calling bindview from newview
10:21.00romainguyyeah so?
10:21.31muthuand only setting state in new view
10:22.23romainguyyeah I'm reading it
10:22.35romainguythere's an improvement you could make
10:22.41muthuyeah i know
10:22.44romainguywhich one?
10:22.50muthudidn't want to do too many things..
10:23.21muthuso kept it simple
10:23.31romainguywhat are the other improvements you had in mind?
10:23.53muthuthe same improvements that you have in your mind ;)
10:24.07muthuok bindview could directly work with view
10:24.14muthunewview can getrid of bind view call
10:24.18muthuand on and on..
10:25.05muthuthe original code looks like a quick hack
10:25.50romainguyyeah, it's called shipping in time :)
10:26.09muthunice.. we got sourcecode now
10:26.26romainguyer yes
10:26.51muthui'll rather take an early release, than a perfect release :)
10:28.45romainguyok I have a patch with all the optimizations for this adapter
10:28.49romainguythanks for pointing to it
10:28.53romainguyit does suck indeed
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10:33.43jpalmerTauno: yeah.  too bad this is surrounded by such confusion.  it could help a lot of people with weaker/slower devices
10:34.58tomgibararomainguy: When something gets marked as LGTM in the source review, does that mean it's been tested or simple reviewed by sight?
10:35.34Dialektso how's the device so far?
10:35.44Dialektamateur feeling?
10:35.50Dialektsidekick like ..?
10:36.21jpalmerDialekt: HTC makes a quality product.  I'd expect no less on the g1 / dream.
10:36.30macbozromainguy: FYI: alright, I just tried the "save image" in the emulator. it is there but it does not work because it wants to save the file on the SD card which is not present. Anyway, thanks for the tip :)
10:36.33Dialektu'd expect?
10:36.36Dialektbut do you own?
10:36.49Taunoyou know what else sucks? wanting to port an app from j2me as a "straight port" to Android, then realizing that you have to change a few things here and there and then somewhere else etc till you have an app that's part Android part j2me that you have to "ship in time" but you know the app is crap, it will not integrate nicely with the system and everybody is mocking it after you release...
10:36.50jpalmerown? no.  touched, yes. the only good thing is that nobody will know that I had any part in this :P
10:37.54Dialekti held one
10:38.02Dialektinterface felt really smooth
10:38.07Dialektmade me wanna jump ship to t-mobile agian
10:38.25Dialektt-mobile stopped being on the bleeding edge 2 years ago i'm a bit skeptical
10:39.13jpalmerbleeding edge is great for a lot of things.  something mission critical like my cellular provider? no thanks.  tried and true for me.
10:41.49macbozI know a puppet maker that is called "bleeding edge" :)
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10:55.16andatchedoes anybody know how often gmail is sync'd and is it possible to change the period like you can in the email application?
10:56.04jbq_it's a push from the server, so the client doesn't control it.
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10:56.56andatcheoh right, sweet
10:57.08andatchejust trying to save battery life as much as possible :)
10:58.57jbq_the push mechanism has little impact on battery life if there's little activity on that account. If you have an account with a lot of activity, you can disable sync for times when you're not using the phone. On the gmail front, you can control quite precisely what gets synced by using gmail filters.
11:01.21andatcheyeah, that's really neat :)
11:01.50andatchedo the calander and contacts also work on a push?
11:02.30Taunojbq_ how does the push technically work?
11:02.31jbq_In the settings, you can control them individually, so you could decide to keep calendar synced but not the others.
11:03.15jbq_Tauno: the client keeps a socket open to the server, blocked waiting for data from the server.
11:03.57Taunounderstood, that's what I'm doing also.. Was just wondering if server initiated connections are somehow possible :)
11:04.15jbq_In TCP, once the socket has been established, there's no fundamental different between both ends. NAT means that only the client can initiate the connection, but after that it's just the same.
11:04.36jbq_No, don't count on server-initiated connections, especially not from a server on the internet.
11:04.56Taunosure but isn't there overhead (data/battery) of keeping the tcp connection alive?
11:05.42swetlandthere is a little overhead from the necessity of periodically generating *some* traffic, so various proxies, load balancers, etc don't forget about you
11:06.33swetlandso it's not entirely free, but generally works out to be cheaper than setting up a new connection every X units of time to poll, if you want updates that are in any way timely
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11:06.59jbq_It depends a lot on how often you lose your connection and have to re-establish it. For a device that doesn't move a lot and stays with the same tower all the time, you still have days of battery life. If you're going in and out of dead zones all the time it can be costly.
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11:07.13swetlandalso true
11:09.02Taunooh, ok, that's great :) I was just wondering if I had to implement something like a) is my app has foreground, then keep the socket open b) if app has no foreground then open a connection every xxx seconds to check if there's something new on the server.
11:10.01jbq_new connection every few seconds = battery dead in a few hours.
11:10.34Taunowell the seconds were more in the 1-3 minute range :)
11:10.55jbq_you might last a day or 2 at most just doing the pings.
11:10.57andatchewifi kills the battery pretty quickly too
11:11.21Taunook, so I'll go with the always on connection then.
11:11.31andatchethough it seems to disable wifi and drop back to 3G/GPRS when it goes into standby which is pretty neat
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11:12.05jbq_If I remember correctly, bringing the network up to do an actual data transfer costs about 0.1% of the battery (very rough order of magnitude).
11:13.04jbq_start with a phone that can do 8 days on idle, ping a server every 15 minutes (and do nothing else at all), and your battery life is about 4 days.
11:14.15andatcheI'm getting a day's use at best at the moment out of the G1
11:14.42Taunoif I have an active tcp connection that blocks and waits for data, and the phone suspends and drops wifi and falls back to gprs then how will this affect my tcp connection?
11:15.11jbq_You'll get an IOException (or something equivalent) and you'll have to create a new one.
11:18.15Taunothat's logical :/ is there a way that I can force the use of gprs? I mean.. if the user is in a hotspot area but i still want my app to use gprs (so the connection does not drop when the phone goes idle)?
11:19.35jbq_There is a way (MMS uses it), but it's really only a good idea if you use a protocol which can't possibly be used over wifi (and that shouldn't be your case, plus it'll make your users unhappy when they're in wifi-only situations).
11:19.50andatchewith regards to IM on android, all the information I've seen says the IM client can connect to msn, aim etc etc as well as google talk, yet I can't see any option to add other accounts.... anyone know?
11:20.11AdamantI think IM got neutered partially
11:20.17Adamantnot enough dev time
11:20.34andatcheI also read something about it using text messages which seems a bit backward
11:21.42andreafmmm, sorry, maybe is a FAQ, but if I add an "application" class on an android application (a class that extends ) this class will be the entry point of the application ?
11:21.49jbq_andatche: IM as it ships in the G1 is hard-coded to those account types.
11:22.50jbq_andreaf: there's not really a single entry point, since everything is based on callbacks. this'll just let you use another callback (the application's onCreate if I remember correctly)
11:23.44andatchejbq_: the only type it has is google talk, yet even in the information that came with the phone, it says it supports other protocols
11:24.02Taunojbq_, so I have to choose between unhappy users1(the ones who happen to be in a wifi only area)  or unhappy users2(the ones who switch between wifi/gprs frequently, leading to my app reconnecting all the time and reducing battery) - I think I'm going for unhappy users2 then, since they can't direclty see that my app is the battery drainer:P ..just kidding.. I think I have to let the user...
11:24.04Tauno...choose the behaviour from my app settings
11:24.11andreafok,  the application class on create is the entry point. but then how the Application class knows the first view to show ? how it choices the right view ?
11:24.51jbq_you can't do that from the application. You do that when one of your activities is created.
11:25.26andreafin the AndrodManifest.xml
11:25.52andreafthe applicationclass is quite useless or not ?
11:26.16jbq_It's useful to keep track of information that's not tied to a specific activity.
11:26.26jbq_(but you can often do entirely without it)
11:26.34andreafunderstood. thanks
11:30.08Taunomore general question... if I was going to ship my own IM app, what are the possibilities of integrating it with the system? I know you can add IM accounts to your contacts (the shipped Contacts app) but the contact app is broken and does not generate Intents for some of the types so I can't catch the event when the user clicks on the contact. Is there any other way? (are some other apps...
11:30.10Tauno...using presence information etc? If yes, then how should my app publish it?)
11:31.29jbq_Tauno: Sorry I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a bit more rigid in 1.0 than we'd like it to be, and if you had to roll out your own solution for now.
11:32.08jbq_It'd be sweet to be able to add account types to the existing IM apps, and to have that integrate well with contacts.
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11:34.17Taunoif only was fixed - it would be a good start if the user could just launch the right IM application by clicking on the IM option in Contacts app :)
11:35.23Taunoand it would be nice if you open the contact info and you see the presence status behind every IM entry the contact has :)
11:35.45jbq_I'm sure we'll come to it at some point (and we'll gladly accept contributions to fix it).
11:37.17tomgibaraAm I right in understanding that: if a thread waits, the cpu could very well sleep during that wait and therefore not resume the thread until something else say an alarm, wakes the cpu?
11:37.46tomgibaraI'm going to have to be careful
11:38.14jbq_Thread.sleep() (and most time-based functions except the alarm manager) count in CPU time, i.e. for them time stops when the CPU stops.
11:38.27tomgibaraYes, that's what I thought
11:38.29jbq_(and if the CPU doesn't stop almost all the time battery life is measured in hours)
11:38.49tomgibaraThere are presumably wait statements stashed behind lots the standard java libs
11:39.09andatchedoes the periodic email checking in the mail application stop when the phone is in standby?
11:39.33jbq_I don't know. Someone could look it up in the source code.
11:39.34andatchesometimes it seems to pick up mail and othertimes not
11:40.05andatchethough I'm guessing it could be related to what tomgibara just mentioned
11:41.13Taunoregarding that - If I block on a and the CPU goes to sleep.. then what will happen if something comes in from the network? the CPU awakes and my code gets executed automatically?
11:41.17tomgibarajbq_: This is a bit of a newbie question, but can the cpu go to sleep while my thread is running?
11:41.57jbq_Tauno: the CPU wakes up momentarily when there's some network activity (enough that you can grab a wake lock from the power manager and keep the CPU on for longer).
11:42.29jbq_Tauno: yes, the CPU can go to sleep while your thread is running, except if you hold a wake lock.
11:42.47jbq_uh, that was for tomgibara sorry
11:43.00jbq_should sleep
11:43.10tomgibarajbq_: Thanks, that's what I thought.
11:43.40andatcheso it is possible that email isn't checked until something else wakes the cpu?
11:44.45Taunojbq_ err.. huh? if I have a blocking and something comes in, then the next line is executed and I should grab a wake lock there?
11:45.12jbq_If that's the way the Email app is written, yes, it's theoretically possible. I didn't work on that app (or even look at its design or at its source code), so I have no idea whether what you're observing is intentional behavior or not.
11:45.54andatchejbq_: cheers
11:46.34tomgibaraandatche: Having just received my phone, and in testing a small app I've written, it's definitely possible to have a bug like that :)
11:47.50andatcheit seems to be the case, sometimes it does seem to get the emails though, so I imagine that is when something else has awoken the cpu
11:51.49andatchehmm, just tested sending myself an sms from another phone, shortly after the sms notification the email one arrived
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11:54.00Taunojbq_, if that's the case then I'd have to request a wake lock every time something is coming in from the net, and then release it after my app is done generating a response to it?
11:54.10jbq_Tauno: yes
11:54.15tricah, nice, the -qemu bug is fixed in current git.
11:54.28tricas well as the missing setting
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11:58.26Taunojbq_ I hope that won't slow things down as I may have stuff coming in quite frequently :)
11:58.56jbq_Tauno: it'll hurt battery life, that's all.
12:01.28jbq_Oversimplifying, there are 4 things on the phone that use battery power: CPU, screen, cell radio, wifi. Leave any of those on continuously and you have a few hours of battery life.
12:02.03Taunowell I guess I have to live with it then since I have to deliver notifications to the user even when he leaves his phone sitting on the desk for an hour :)
12:02.05jbq_Really, the way a phone can last a week on such a tiny battery is by shutting itself down all the time.
12:02.21tomgibaraWhat I don't understand is, does anything guarantee that the the wake lock will be obtained before the CPU decides to sleep again?
12:03.07tomgibarais determined to write a power efficient app
12:03.30jbq_tomgibara: I have a notion in the back of my mind that there might be a 30-second window to grab the wake lock, but I might be wrong.
12:03.48jbq_(after some network activity, that is).
12:03.55tomgibaraWell that would be a long long time
12:04.06tomgibaraI was thinking in terms of milliseconds
12:04.40Tauno30 seconds? I need only a few seconds to parse network data and do something meaningful :)
12:04.42jbq_The CPU can still go to sleep when idle while a wake lock is held - it just doesn't go to the deepest sleep where it has to entirely reboot.
12:05.03tomgibarajbq_: I understand
12:05.44tomgibaraThis matches the behaviour I'm seeing in my app anyway.
12:05.52jbq_So, holding a wake lock for a few extra seconds doesn't have a huge impact on battery life. Just don't hold it for hours.
12:06.22jbq_BTW, I'm not an expert in that domain, and there's a huge chance that I might be wrong. You've been warned.
12:06.30Taunoif I need only a few seconds after read() returns then I don't have to use a wake lock at all? (because the cpu will awake for 30 secs anyway?) :)
12:06.41jbq_(I didn't even write the code that deals with wake locks in my apps, someone else did that for me).
12:07.33tomgibarajbq_: Thanks, that's useful information, especially if I can get it corrobroated :)
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12:07.36jbq_Tauno: you should have a wake lock in that case.
12:07.56Taunowhy so?
12:08.13jbq_Tauno: it can only help. There's no guarantee on the 30-second part.
12:08.58jbq_Worst case, the CPU is already aware, and it doesn't cost anything. Best case, you're the only one with a wake lock, your code gets to run, and the CPU goes back to sleep as soon as you're done.
12:09.11jbq_Seems like a win-win situation to me.
12:09.35Dialektso many problems?
12:09.44Taunook, thanks jbq_ :)
12:09.55Dialektis this a dev channel only?
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12:10.06Dialektanyone actually happy using the g1 stock out of the box?
12:10.40neekersdialekt: how else can you use it?
12:10.52Dialekthell if i know
12:11.00Dialektdidn't know if you guys were modifying anything
12:11.06Dialektit sounds all sketchy in here
12:11.14Dialektlike app talk etc
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12:15.31ascii__when i use an intent to call a sub-activity, i want to transfer a object back, but it only lets me transfer primitive types, any solution to this?
12:16.20Dialektwtf are u even talking about?
12:16.22Dialektstraight up man
12:16.32Dialektlike what language are you speaking?
12:16.37Dialektor everyone in here
12:16.40Dialektis it dev chat?
12:16.44Dialektis lost
12:16.56neekershe's making perfect sense to me
12:17.09ascii__i can't see whats wrong with that sentence..
12:17.12neekersbut i don't have an answer to his question
12:17.23ascii__i found out though...i can use parcelable..
12:17.29ascii__i think..
12:17.45Dialektoh i see
12:17.55Dialektanyone wanna chat consumer talk?
12:18.02Dialektor hofo'r style talk?
12:18.11Dialektim really interested in a g1
12:18.22Dialektbut intimidated to jump ship for it
12:18.29Dougie187Dialekt: i think thats over in #android-bs
12:18.33Dialektas im still interested in verizon's blackberry storm
12:18.39Dialektgrr Dougiester
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12:20.12Dougie187what type of consumer talk are you looking for?
12:20.46DJTachyon_hah .. Zazzle just added embroidery
12:21.33Dougie187DJTachyon_: no offense... but wouldn't you rather do something... respectable to make some money?
12:22.19DJTachyon_like create free android applications? :P
12:22.27Dougie187well.. not free ones.
12:22.31Dougie187create ones that cost money to use.
12:23.24DJTachyon_well sure .. but since it is all quite high level and the applications I want don't currently have the low-level audio API calls, I just got a VM of Kubuntu up and running so I can see if I can manage to add the necessary calls I need for my app
12:23.45DJTachyon_I got the repo and got it to build
12:24.30DJTachyon_Not to mention i specialize in embedded procedural C for DSPs and HDL for CPLDs & FPGAs .. so these higher level languages are taking a bit of getting used to
12:24.36Dougie187what kinda apps are you looking to write?
12:24.43Dougie187or is it a trade secret?
12:24.52DJTachyon_guess by my screenname
12:25.09Dougie187something involving music?
12:25.31Dougie187and what ever tachyon is?
12:25.35neekersDJ: do you work a lot with AVRs?
12:26.03DialektDougie: just about the device itself
12:26.06DJTachyon_nah .. motor control actually
12:26.08Dialektmaybe in comparison to other ones
12:26.12Dougie187Dialekt: do you have any questions?
12:26.13Dialektthat are commonly used
12:26.15Dougie187in particular?
12:26.28DJTachyon_TI DSPs, Xilinx programmable logic, etc
12:26.28neekersI want to get into AVR prgramming
12:26.32Dialektwell anyone come from another smartphone and happy with the switch?
12:26.42DJTachyon_i am
12:26.46Dialektie: blackberry, iphone 3G, nokia N/E-series?
12:26.55DialektDJ: why?
12:26.56DJTachyon_windows moto q
12:27.06Dialektoh easy switch
12:27.24Dougie187Dialekt: i don't think anyone has come from an iphone yet...
12:27.28Dialektthe native im app uses sms or data?
12:27.43Dougie187it count's as messaging.
12:27.45DialektDougie: an iphone still shouldn't be considered a smartphone as of yet
12:27.46Dougie187same with the email app
12:27.54Dougie187you said iphone.
12:27.56Dialektadvanced dumbphone more like it
12:27.57Dougie187so i was just commenting on that.
12:28.00Dialektyes i did
12:28.11Dialektso i was correcting myself
12:28.19Dialektemail uses sms?!
12:28.26Dialektor better yet how>
12:28.28Dougie187i don't know if it uses sms, but it counts as messaging.
12:28.33Dialektoh yeah
12:28.35DJTachyon_does it??
12:28.35Dialekti see
12:28.41Dialekti believe it counts as data
12:28.42DJTachyon_gmail does or imap/pop does?
12:28.50Dialektin reference to whatever data plan you are using
12:28.53Dougie187DJTachyon_: afaik. it says on their site email and im's count towards your messaging limit
12:29.03DJTachyon_thats absurd
12:29.11andatchesurely email isn't actually implemented via sms though?
12:29.12Dialektnot really
12:29.16Dialektits not a real im client then
12:29.21Dialektits the stock one that comes with the device
12:29.23Dougie187andatche: i doubt it.
12:29.29Dialekta lot of devices use that
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12:29.39andatcheI think the plans in the US/UK are pretty different
12:29.43DJTachyon_ill go check my account
12:29.49andatchewill have to look into the specifics of my contract
12:29.53Dougie187Dialekt: yeah they count it somehow through a proprietary gateway.
12:30.21Dougie187its only with those apps afaik. like if someone ports pidgin, then that shouldn't count
12:30.23Dialektthe device i felt for a brief second had a smooth interface
12:30.26Dougie187that would be data instead
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12:31.07hendryi have android mounted, but I can't figure out which dir Pictures are supposed to go in
12:31.15DJTachyon_it says ive only used 58 messages
12:31.19hendryKept getting "No pictures found" any ideas?
12:31.21DJTachyon_so gmail does count towards it
12:31.22Dougie187hendry: can't you just put them on the sd card?
12:31.37Dougie187DJTachyon_: afaik.
12:31.44DJTachyon_If GMAIL counted towards the limit I would be over 100 already :P
12:31.47hendryDougie187: that's what I've done. To Pictures and dcim/
12:32.03DJTachyon_but i have sent a bunch of text message and a couple IM's
12:32.12DJTachyon_i dont have pop/imap setup so i can judge that
12:32.23Dougie187setup your gmail on your imap as well.
12:32.26Dougie187then test with the two
12:33.20DJTachyon_bah .. zazzle charges for emroidery design conversion?
12:33.23Dialektok so..
12:33.33Dialektfor sms you guys get a preview sms pop up somewhere?
12:33.43Dialektor scroll on the top preview like the sidekick
12:33.53Dougie187DJTachyon_: here. this is from the $25 G1 Data Plan "Includes Unlimited Web access and 400 domestic text, picture, e-mail, or instant messages"
12:33.58Dialektor do u just get an envelope piece of crap?
12:34.00DJTachyon_yeah dialekt .. in the top
12:34.15Dougie187Dialekt: have you tried the SDK?
12:34.15tweaktDialekt, in the notification area on the top, breifly shows a one line preview
12:34.21Dialektno i wish i could
12:34.22Dialekti'm o mac
12:34.29Dougie187it has a mac version....
12:34.29DJTachyon_dougie: well that must not include gmail
12:34.29andatcheah, don't think email/IMs are counted on UK plans, not that it matters as I have a plan with unlimited messaging anyway
12:34.30Dialekttweakt: that's awesome..
12:34.33Dialektreally WHERE?!
12:34.42tweaktMac Linux and Windows
12:35.13Dialekti really love this chan
12:35.15Dougie187i guess unless your on a PPC mac.
12:35.30Dougie187you can even get the source and compile that.
12:35.43Dialektso i can play with a g1 right now basically?
12:35.46Dialekthow awesome is that?!
12:35.50Dougie187i think it comes with an emulator so you can see what the phone has (minus some non-open sourced apps)
12:35.53Dialektor at least gain an idea out of it
12:36.06Dougie187Dialekt: no.. its not as full featured as the G1. its just an sdk, but its a basic idea of android..
12:36.54DJTachyon_no fair .. all the embroidery clothes are cooler than the other clothes on zazzle .. but it costs $35 to convert a freakin android image
12:36.54Dialekti wonder does the gmail contacts leave improper fields or missing fields etc/?
12:36.55Dougie187the compiled source would be closer to the G1 then the SDK
12:36.59tweaktgets you a very close idea of the UI, just not all the extra hardware features (camera, motion sensors, wifi, etc)
12:37.26Dialektim so scared to sync with google
12:37.31Dialektwhen i should cause i use it every day
12:37.39Dialektbut what handles contacts specifically?
12:37.44Dialekteach email address?
12:37.48Dialektor a seperate google app?
12:37.55tweaktDialekt, do you use gmail?
12:38.02Dialektyes but i have 4 email addresses
12:38.04Dougie187oh i don't know how they are handled on the phone, but they are synced with the cloud afaik.
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12:38.06Dialektthat i use on a daily basis
12:38.06Dougie187i don'
12:38.21Dougie187Dialekt: i know, you can't add more than one gmail address to the gmail app on your phone right now though.
12:38.45Dougie187you can add the other addresses into you're email app.
12:39.05Dougie187but i don't think the contacts are synced as you would hope, but i am not sure about that as I do not have a G1
12:40.04Dialekti use all addresses fairly equally
12:40.10Dialektalways have them setup on each of my phones
12:40.20Dialektas i have a blackberry curve and an iphone right now
12:40.21tweaktcontacts are synced
12:40.33Dougie187tweakt: with the email app too? or just the gmail app?
12:40.34DJTachyon_$620 to convert a Bugdroid image to a 10" high embroidery pattern
12:40.36Dialektsynched but if the contacts are in all email addresses how would that work out?
12:40.37tweaktbetween gmail and your phone
12:40.48Dougie187tweakt: but only the default gmail account you add to your phone.
12:41.01Dialektso whichever email address is default and filled with contacts?
12:41.05languishDJTachyon_, there are less expensive embroidery conversion shops in nyc
12:41.07Dougie187tweakt: so basically, you can only sync your contacts with one gmail account.
12:41.14tweaktDougie187, but isn't that the same "Content List" content provider used by other apps?
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12:41.32tweaktOh... yes, I see, not sure how you could use multiple gmail accounts
12:41.45tweakt*"Contact List"* srt
12:42.02Dougie187tweakt: i have no idea. im just talking by what i have heard, and have never messed with it. but i know if you want to use multiple gmail account, you would add the other ones into the email app instead of the gmail app, but your contacts are not synced afaik.
12:42.15Dialektyou could always be retarded and forward ?
12:42.24Dougie187lol be retarded?
12:42.44Dougie187I'd be curious if you get the same "send as" options as you get in the web based gmail.
12:43.18tweaktDialekt, I do that, but you want to send as an alias (ie reply with another From address, it does put gmail into the label of the from address)
12:43.28tweaktjust so you know, some people don't like that
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12:43.46tweaktIf it's for business for example...
12:44.04Dougie187tweakt: if you have other "From addresses" in your web based gmail, do you get them on the G1 gmail app as "from address" options?
12:44.09languishI tried using gmail in the e-mail app (not gmail app).. it auto configures for imap, and it's buggy.  While I was *composing* messages it was sending them, so the recipient was getting partially composed messaged.. 8 of them
12:44.18tweaktI haven't checked... hang on
12:44.53Taunoreally? that's a nice mess in this case :(
12:45.05languishI guess I can try composing a message without putting in the recipient until I'm finished
12:45.08tweaktCompose options: send, add cc/bcc, attach, edit subject, discard
12:45.28tweaktdoesn't seem like it
12:45.38Dougie187tweakt: so you can't change the from address then... do you have multiple addresses tied to that gmail account?
12:46.21tweaktI do, so if emailing from my G1, I have to send as the primary
12:46.21languishDougie187, you can change the from address. You set up another account, in the email app, and select it as "send from this address" as default
12:46.37Dougie187languish: not in the email app, in the gmail app.
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12:46.43languishahh in the gmail app, no.
12:47.06Dougie187thats disappointing. i would have though they would have let you do that.
12:47.21Dougie187lemme see if i can with the gmail 2.0 app
12:48.18Dougie187man, my phone sucks.
12:48.20tweaktIf they could fit the option, it should be on compose: add a From field, which is a select list, prefilled with your verified from addresses in Gmail
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12:49.05Dougie187i wouldn't think it would be too difficult to add.
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12:49.57Dougie187I can't change it on my phone either though
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12:53.31Dialektjar file could not be launched
12:53.37Dialektdo i need something else for the sdk on my mac?
12:53.45andatchejust tested sending IMs and email from the phone then checking my used stuff online, doesn't look like they count as messages in the UK
12:54.09Dougie187Dialekt: run android-sdk/tools/emulator
12:54.28Dougie187andatche: check their website for the plan info.
12:54.46Dialektprocess completed]
12:55.20Dougie187Dialekt: emulator should start up the sdk emulator for you. You should see something like a phone with android running on it.
12:55.35Dialekt"Cannot create data directory"
12:55.49Dialekt"Please specify a writable directory with -datadir.
12:55.54Dougie187did you do this?
12:55.56Dougie187export PATH=${PATH}:<your_sdk_dir>/tools
12:56.48DJTachyon_how you guys like this?
12:58.06Dialektno i meant
12:58.20Dialektman i dont even know how to identify paths on a mac
12:58.32Dougie187here are the instructions.
12:58.37Dialektim using that
12:58.42DJTachyon_no feedback? ;P
12:59.03Dougie187after that, you should be able to just type "emulator"
12:59.26Dougie187DJTachyon_: thats a nice looking shirt.
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12:59.44DJTachyon_I have to pay $30 to convert the design to embroidery
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12:59.57DJTachyon_is that a good size for the bugdroid?
13:00.06Dialekt"On a Mac, look in your home directory for .bash_profile and proceed as for Linux. You can create the .bash_profile, if you haven't already set one up on your machine."
13:00.12Dialektive never set up a bash profile
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13:00.15DJTachyon_1.7" x 2.1"
13:00.16Dialekthow in the name do you do that?
13:00.17TaunoI would look for something more nerdcore :P
13:00.23Dialektwhy is this so difficult?
13:00.28Dougie187Dialekt: type "echo $SHELL"
13:00.37Dougie187see if you are using bash
13:01.01Dialektsays bin/bash
13:01.19Dougie187do you use vim?
13:01.26Dialektim a normal consumer
13:01.28tricyeah, build on debian amd64 without chroot works, nice, finally i can start developing again.
13:01.29Dialektwith no clue
13:01.32Dialektas to anything
13:01.42Dialektespecially not a mac
13:01.45Dougie187how do you write files?
13:01.48Dialektonly 1 year on the mac
13:01.50Dougie187lol why do you have a mac then?
13:01.52Dialekthow do i write files?
13:01.53Dialekti don't
13:01.58Dougie187yeah, what do you use to write files?
13:02.05Dialektwrite files?
13:02.06tweaktAny word on 16GB SHDC yet? I know they are due out soon, right?
13:02.14Dialekti use the internal hard drive
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13:02.16Dialekti guess
13:02.18Dougie187when you have a text file to write. how do you write it?
13:02.24tweaktsorry, mean MicroSDHC
13:02.31Dialekti just save as blablabal .txt
13:02.34Dialektin text edit
13:02.40Dialektor use microsoft 2008 for mac
13:02.53Dougie187open text edit then.
13:03.02Dougie187and name the file .bash_profile
13:03.04Dougie187or open that file
13:03.08Dougie187it should be there i would think.
13:04.06Dialektsays it will save as a system file
13:04.26Dialektthis is frustrating ...sorry but this is way beyond drag n drop
13:04.31Dialektor hell even normal installation
13:04.43Dialekthope android doesn't install apps this way
13:04.56Dougie187you are playing with the sdk, not android.
13:05.18Dialektwell trying to play with the sdk
13:05.21michaelnovakjris this computers 101?
13:05.23Dialektim not looking for development
13:05.35Dialekti just wanted to see how the actual android is
13:05.41Dialektmaybe i should go to the web emulator
13:05.43Dougie187i know, you just wanted to see what android looks like.
13:05.43Dialektand call it a night
13:05.55Dialektyeah exactly dougie187
13:05.57michaelnovakjrDialekt: or just go to a store
13:06.03Dialektbut this whole command line stuff is CRAZY
13:06.15Dougie187Dialekt: command line stuff is not crazy...
13:06.18michaelnovakjrdude, the sdk is for developers :)
13:06.25DJTachyon_"Is your computer plugged in? Is your computer turned on? Are you using the cd-rom tray as a coffee cup holder?"
13:06.51michaelnovakjrthe emulator isn't a try me option for end users
13:07.19Dialekthow much do g1's retail for
13:07.23Dialektchecks craigs list
13:07.29Dougie187with or without a contract?
13:07.39DJTachyon_they retail for $400
13:07.41Dougie187with - $180, ~$150 from walmart.
13:07.43michaelnovakjr$400 w/o contract, and $180 /with
13:07.46Dougie187without contract $400
13:08.09Dougie187Dialekt: you would be lucky to find one on craigslist...
13:08.19Dougie187i wouldn't think they would be on there yet.
13:08.24Dialektthey are everywhere on craigs
13:08.30DialektLos Angeles is a nutjob city
13:08.32Dialektbuy and sell
13:08.51Dougie187thats dumb.
13:08.59Dougie187DJTachyon_: how come your not doing that yet?
13:09.42Dialekthow is the device out of the box gentlemen?
13:09.46DialektThe G1 that is
13:09.49Dialekthow do you like it?
13:10.01Dougie187its a phone...
13:10.07Dougie187most people fall in love with them.
13:10.10Dougie187and get married to them
13:10.14Dougie187and live happily ever after.
13:10.58Dougie187i've heard mostly good things about it.
13:11.04Dougie187but you can try it out at the store too.
13:11.06Dougie187and see how it feels.
13:11.14Dougie187if it would be a suitable partner.
13:11.26Dialektits tough
13:11.32Dialekti usually need a day to see how it runs
13:11.40Dialektbuying at retail would be cool
13:11.41Dougie187well you have 14 days to return it.
13:11.45Dialektand having a return policy
13:11.57Dialekti wonder if im gonna be charged an arm and a leg
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13:12.05Dougie187we just told you how much it was...
13:12.08Dialekti remember i had a 500 deposit on my account when i was with t-mobile
13:12.14Dialektno i meant for credit check etc
13:12.24Dialekti switched to at&t a year ago
13:12.28Dialekthaven't really looked back..
13:12.32Dialekti miss t-mobious
13:12.39Dialektbut they don't call dibbs on any phones anymore
13:12.41Dougie187i think if you have good credit you don't have to pay more then the activation and the phone price.
13:12.43Dialektsoooooo slow on roll outs
13:12.55Dialektyeah but bad credit is probably still 500.00 cop out
13:13.14Dougie187but afaik you typically get that back if you pay your bill on time for like a year or something
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13:29.18tweaktIs there a way in plain web app to recognize a "long press"? I'd like to enhance a mobile website for android browsers a bit
13:30.10tweaktI wonder if it's just onMouseDown... with a timeout?
13:31.05tweaktit's wierd cause there's no such thing as a mouseover any more
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13:37.21kslaterwow, interesting dialog with Dialekt
13:37.33kslaterdid a -dev channel ever get off the ground?
13:37.54Dougie187there is one.
13:37.56Dougie187but noone goes to it
13:39.11kslatertoo bad. I have to say I love my android overlord phone (in response to Dialekt's question)
13:39.36kslaterbut then I'm not the typical end-user consumer
13:40.02kslaterI'm willing to put up with some quirks so that I can use ssh in the far flung reaches over gprs if needed
13:40.47kslaterI just wish it had a better way to utilize the expandable storage space
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13:48.02voltweakt: that's a good question, I'm curious myself now.
13:49.43Disconnectso fyi, while i was unfarking my data plan this morning (purchased it yesterday, woke up to no data :( ..) i got them to send me the unlock code. for free. well within 90 days.
13:50.03Disconnectthey say you need a non-tmob sim to do it, so i'll prolly just bum an iphone sim off a coworker when i do it. should have the code w/in 24 hours they say.
13:51.39Dougie187thats pretty cool
13:51.45Dougie187was it a pain to get the code from them?
13:53.04Dougie187or did you just ask for it, and they then send it to you
13:53.54oyeojyeah i noticed that
13:54.01oyeojwhen i plugged in my old att sim
13:54.06oyeojit asked for an unlock code
13:54.46DisconnectDougie187: i just asked and she looked it up (took a couple mins to get docs) and said "sure no problem"
13:54.47andreafsorry, just a clarification about buttons: I have to add a View.OnClickListener for every button that I put in a view ? If i have a "ok - cancel" button I have to add 2 listener ? (according to docs)
13:55.18oyeoji was going to transfer contacts from my old SIM but it doesnt recognize it when it's locked i guess
13:55.42Dougie187oyeoj: call up and get an unlock code.
13:56.20oyeojeh, i got them manually moved now. and i'm locked into a contract anyway
13:56.22DisconnectDougie187: been with tmob since 04 tho, might have had a lot to do with it (2 lines, family plan. awesome plan actually, still got free tmob-to-tmob, free nights and weekends, 400 minutes, etc for $40.)
13:56.27oyeoji'll call up if i need it unlocked
13:56.32oyeojgood to know tmob arent jerks
13:56.34Disconnecttold them i might be going to london in a couple weeks
13:56.42Disconnectoyeoj: sometimes they are. get into the smartphone/blackberry support pool
13:56.55Disconnectmy first call was a disaster, ended up in teh normal pool and she was a total bitch and a half.
13:57.00thoraxeis there a flickr app yet?
13:57.15Dougie187thoraxe: check the market?
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13:57.50thoraxei wish you could check the market from the pc
13:57.54oyeojwhen i called up to get my number ported, the dude said i was "authorized for five lines"
13:57.58oyeojor something similar
13:58.07oyeoji dunno if that is a credit check or what
13:58.17languishit is
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13:59.15oyeojclearly their models are wrong ;-)
13:59.18Disconnectcould save $5/mo on minimum plans and gain a couple hundred minutes, but we'd lose a ton of free times. not a win.
13:59.54thoraxeromainguy: ping
14:00.03jbqwishes he could get a G1 with 100, 60 or even 30 minutes a month.
14:00.05languishoyeoj, their models are based on lowest common denominator.. poor fold in places like kentucky that tend to have horrific credit
14:00.10thoraxeDougie187: there's photostream but I don't think that lets you upload photos to flickr
14:00.30Dougie187yeah, i have no idea.
14:01.30kslaterthoraxe: photostream doesn't allow uploads. I already ask mr. guy
14:01.41thoraxekslater: is it planned?
14:01.56languishjbq, t-mobiles coming out with a new prepaid or no contract month to month deal.. you'll be able to get that
14:02.13jbqlanguish: can I have that with unlimited data, though?
14:02.14kslaterhe didn't really say, but the app was more of a way to show off gui effects on the phone than anything else
14:02.38languishjbq good question. I would hope so.  They're revamping their plans by the end of the year
14:02.42jbq(so far none of the carriers I've talked to would let me have pay-as-you-go voice with a 2-yr data-only contract)
14:02.47unix_lappyyou dont want a phone then, you want a MID.
14:02.52languishso we'll see then what they actually decide on
14:02.56kslaterso from that I'd guess no, but the code is out there in the android samples (I think)
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14:03.25oyeoji havent figured out how to "update" marketplace apps
14:03.25jbqunix_lappy: but those plans are usually much more expensive (like $60 to $80 a month, compared to $25 forthe G1 plan)
14:03.36languishjbq, yeah, it won't be a contract, so you may pay full price for the G1
14:04.08languishand likely they'd bump up the data plan cost a bit
14:04.15jbqI don't mind paying an extra $250 on the device if I can save $750 on the voice.
14:04.42jbqanyway, last time I talked to them they didn't have anything like that, so I decided not to buy one for now (I have one from work anyway)
14:04.56languishyeah, they still don't, but they might in a couple of months
14:05.13languishthey have a big plan overhaul going on
14:05.44languishand from experience with tmo, the currently announced "these will be the new plans" won't be exactly what we see after it's done
14:07.46languishstill, it looks liek they want to compete with tracphone
14:07.52languishso should be interesting
14:08.25languisha $40 non-contract unlimited data plan with buy as you go minutes would be a win
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14:22.51volandreaf: no
14:23.25volyou may want to, though
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14:25.08languishI'm really looking forward to a G2 or something, that has a camera I can use at night
14:25.17andreafvol: mmm ok, i can choice which button I clicked ? with the id  i suppose ?
14:25.25languishhaving a device with a camera, and still needing to carry a camera, ugh
14:25.35andreafvol: but  i need at least a "listener" i suppose.
14:27.02volandreaf: yes
14:27.07volyou need at least one
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14:27.26volyou can give all the buttons a common listener, and discern between them inside the action method
14:28.48andreafvol: thanks i will try.
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14:29.41Acsiaanybody managed to install an app on the G1 from linux?
14:30.19fadden0"adb install blah.apk" ?
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14:30.44Acsiaha well the device does not seem to be recognized
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14:30.50volAcsia: start adb-server as root
14:30.53Acsiano device attached
14:30.56volif it's already running, kill the server
14:30.59volthen start it as root
14:31.12volthere's something you can do to run it without requiring root, but I forget what
14:31.22volalso, ensure "enable debug via usb" is enabled
14:32.30Acsiaroot works
14:32.37Acsiathx guys
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14:34.56Disconnectdamn for just a sec i thought it was on-device root
14:35.35Dougie187thats because thats all you care about.
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14:36.27Disconnectpretty much i'd just like to be able to backup and restore..
14:37.31volOk, I just got offered the OTA upgrade. I chose "later", how do I start doing the update now?
14:37.34Taunoa general noob question from me: I have two activities - one activity needs to do something if the user presses the back key to return to the previous one. How do I determine this event? catching KEYCODE_BACK in onKeyUp() does not do the trick because it is triggered also when I close the options menu in this activity.. but I wan tto catch it only when the user is navigating back to the...
14:37.36Tauno...prev. activity..
14:38.45Taunoor should I head to #android-dev with this sort of questions? :)
14:38.55volno one is in #android-dev
14:39.32languishtoday is halloween, you might find many devs distracted by their party preps for later
14:39.50languishor office parties
14:40.01languishand tomorrow, they'll be hung over
14:40.08kslaterno one goes to #android-dev
14:41.36languishzhobbs best of luck to him :)
14:41.43Dougie187yeah, #androd-dev is kinda a waste of time.
14:41.44zhobbsI like #android-dev
14:41.48Dougie187you'd probably get more help here.
14:42.47TaunoI'll just crosspost.. maybe someone gets bothered enough to spare a few minutes and reply me :P
14:44.14muthui like the separation #android for general yak yak.. and #android-dev for dev yak yak
14:44.36muthuhey, who's dressed like the killer droid today ;)
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14:48.52unix_lappymuthu: here in the West if you dress up like that you run the risk of looking like a Dalek
14:49.04unix_lappyand getting laughed at for being a total Doctor Who nerd.
14:50.54Dougie187and getting beat up by all the jocks.
14:52.40voland being beaten up by lesser nerds total android opportunity just -screaming- for an app.
14:53.07Dougie187and just being beat up in general.
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14:53.45Dougie187Disconnect: that is pretty cool
14:55.23Dougie187now if only they would expand to other cities.
14:55.52Dougie187throw in gps location, and bam, you found yourself a toilet.
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14:58.11oinkboinktest 2
14:58.24Dougie187fail 2.
14:59.30oinkboinksorry ^^
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15:37.18eladmy new laptop came with an att 3g sim card,
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15:40.37Disconnectelad: call tmob, tell them you might be going to london for work next week and need an unlock code. if you talk to smartphone/blackberry support they will probably do it for you.
15:44.23eladso what does that net me?
15:44.44Dougie187if you have a g1 at least.
15:45.02eladso they just unlock the sim?
15:45.11Dougie187they give you an unlock code
15:45.14Dougie187then you swap the sim cards.
15:45.19Dougie187and it asks you for an unlock code.
15:45.28Dougie187you enter you code, and swap the sim cards back
15:45.31Dougie187then your phone is unlocked.
15:46.54eladthen I put my g1 on ebay and proft$$
15:46.58eladprofit, even
15:48.17*** join/#android YanivC (n=YanivC@
15:48.25YanivCholy crap
15:48.28YanivClook how many people
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15:49.20YanivCok excellent.... help if anyone cna provide some.... Im assuming I can place an AbsoluteLayour within a LinearLayout correct/ If so, why is it when I try this, and switch screen orientation, I cant scroll down?
15:49.35*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
15:49.39Disconnectis mostly doing it just to conclusively shut up all the "omg i can't wait 60 more days" people
15:49.53YanivC60 more days?
15:50.12Disconnecttmob will give unlock codes to anyone after 90 days
15:50.24Disconnector at least, that is their policy with all the other subsidized phones
15:50.27YanivCoh ya just got mine for my old curve lol
15:50.36YanivCso anyone? help? layouts?
15:50.47eladDisconnect: are you charging
15:50.48Disconnecti haven't looked recently but i thought absolutelayout was toplevel
15:51.09YanivCwell Ive read that Absolute was not good to use and to avoid using it
15:51.17YanivCbut sometimes you WANT that kind of control
15:51.17marconeyou should be able to put absolutelayout within other layouts
15:51.20romainguydon't use it
15:51.31YanivCromain but why?
15:51.36marconewhy not? It's faster :)
15:51.44romainguybecause it's gonna break on different resolutions
15:52.05YanivCok thats a given, so point is ... use it if you know what youre doing
15:52.33romainguybut you're screwing over yourself and the user
15:52.53YanivCromainguy__ so then whats the best layout?
15:53.00romainguythere's no best layout
15:53.04romainguyit depends on what you want to do
15:53.04YanivCfor scrolling and placing multple elemnts on a row
15:53.10YanivCexample a form,
15:53.20romainguyScrollView with a vertical LinearLayout inside
15:53.22YanivCTextView and Edit View on one row
15:53.24romainguyor a TableLayout inside
15:53.33marcone"elements in a row" pretty much means "LinearLayout"
15:53.51YanivCbut i thought linear means ONE element per row
15:53.55DisconnectYanivC: i do that with a horizontal linear (w/ buttons) inside a vertical linear inside a scroll.
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15:54.04Disconnectlinear can do horizontal
15:54.04romainguyYanivC: but this one element can be another layout
15:54.05ttuttleYanivC: Yes, and you can put a LinearLayout inside it.
15:54.06marconeYanivC: you can nest them
15:54.09romainguyor you can just use TableLayout
15:54.13ttuttleTableLayout is nice. everyone yell at once :)
15:54.21ttuttleYELLS REALLY LOUDLY!
15:54.30YanivCits like learning HTML all over again :)
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15:54.34ttuttleYanivC: Heh.
15:54.35YanivCI LOVE LAMP!!!
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15:55.19YanivCok so then maybe its just that I cant find good definitions... ayone here can explain precisely the definitions of the layouts... from what Im reading online its leading me to do things I s'pose i dont want to do
15:55.21illuminumwhat the fuckhappened to the moust usb option in settings? how the shit fuck bitch slut do i mount the phone and umount the phone now without losing data
15:55.38romainguy__illuminum: ?
15:55.39marconeI don't entirely agree with romainguy about absolutelayout though. Sure, if someone comes out with a device that has a different resolution, you'll probably have to update your app or it will look like crap. But, you can anticipate and create layouts for a few different resolutions (you can try them all out in the emulator).
15:55.50illuminumall i see is /dev/sdf in /dev, no /dev/sdf1 or /dev/sde1 or anything indicating i have a mountable partition
15:55.59ttuttleilluminum: Did you see the "USB connected" notification?
15:55.59illuminumi want to fucking mont my sd card and you sluts changedf aroung settings
15:56.05illuminumyes i do
15:56.10ttuttleilluminum: Click it.
15:56.17romainguy__illuminum: insulting us won't help
15:56.23illuminumgood enough
15:56.26illuminumthanks ttuttle
15:56.26ttuttleilluminum: See the "Mount" button?
15:56.28marconeI think you have to tell him to "fucking click it", otherwise he won't understand
15:56.33ttuttleilluminum: You're welcome.  Please be more polite next time.
15:56.51YanivCthat was funny marcone
15:57.03illuminumaye, a word of advise. upon system updates present a list of things that were changed
15:57.37marconeNoted. We'll display a popup that says "fixed bugs".
15:57.42ErikTIs there any documentation on accessing the clipboard yet? Not having much luck finding anything about it.
15:57.50romainguy__marcone: seriously, there are very little reasons to use AbsoluteLayout, save not lear how to properly use layouts, which will cause you more work as soon as different devices are out there
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15:57.59YanivChey ttuttle u have any url to good layout design examples?
15:58.16ttuttleYanivC: No, I don't.  If you can tell me what you're trying to do, I might be able to help you pick one.
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15:58.43RyeBrye"i want to fucking mont my sd card and you sluts changedf aroung settings" That's the quote of the day
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15:59.03YanivCsimple form really, TextViews & EditTexts (one per line) witha  button at the bottom
15:59.24ttuttleYanivC: Okay.  I'd suggest a TableLayout containing a TableRow for each field/label pair.
15:59.26RyeBryeSomeone needs to enable a "Pretentious Mobile Phone User" setting on the email client
15:59.27Death_SynTMO data seems to be down in Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area
15:59.30Death_Syner :/
15:59.44RyeBryewhere it will add one of those "Sent wirelessly from my Android phone" or some crap to the signature line
15:59.53RyeBryeI suppose you could call it "Blackberry mode" ;)
16:00.01ttuttleYanivC: So something like <TableLayout><TableRow><TextView /><Edit Text /></TableRow> <!-- more TableRows --> <Button /></TableLayout>
16:00.13ttuttleYanivC: Note that you can include things other than TableRows in a table, and they will simply span the row.
16:00.14romainguy__cf the ApiDemos in the SDK :)
16:00.28ttuttleRyeBrye: Mine says "-- Sent from my Dream^W T-Mobile G1.  Visit to get your own!"
16:00.30RyeBryeI know there is a "Signature" field - but if I type that in myself, then I just look like a tool :)
16:00.40RyeBryettuttle - that's pretty sweet
16:00.42ttuttleis a tool.
16:00.52romainguy__no, you're a cheerleader :)
16:00.55ttuttleRyeBrye: heh
16:00.58ttuttleromainguy__: heh
16:01.05romainguy__time to go to work :)
16:01.06ttuttlewhips out green pom-poms with Android antennae.
16:01.23YanivCttuttle thanks... i think i understand now....
16:01.29ttuttleYanivC: You're welcome.
16:01.39YanivCso basically layouts can be contained within other oayuts
16:01.47ttuttleYanivC: Yes.  (Like HTML tags ;-)
16:02.01YanivCok reading googles pages for a week and NOT ONCE did i see that ANYWEHRE
16:02.17RyeBryeI >THINK< the old "drain the Lithium-Ion cell to get it to calibrate itself properly" trick might have worked on my battery - so far it seems to be reporting more accurately its charge level
16:02.19YanivCme thinks someone needs to write some better examples for google
16:02.29romainguyYanivC: because a layout is just a view
16:02.36romainguyYanivC: and you could check the ApiDemos :))
16:02.56DisconnectDeath_Syn: down for just you might be a tmob issue (i had to call in, then reboot) down for others... well.. thats down :)
16:02.58YanivCya no... theyre very basic and so you dont really get a jist of layout design there
16:03.13YanivCbut tis ok just found some good examples, thanks guys/gals
16:03.16Death_SynDisconnect: well, i called tmob, they say they have an open ticket for it
16:03.16romainguythey show how to use every layout included in the platform
16:03.21RyeBryeBefore it would drop to 80% after an hour of use on battery... but when I sat there and tried to drain it, I think it took me 2 or 3 hours to go from 5% to dead - and I was using every battery intensive thing I could think of (Bluetooth on and discoverable, GPS on, Wifi on... etc)
16:03.26*** part/#android YanivC (n=YanivC@
16:03.27DisconnectRyeBrye: yah i can't believe how bad it starts
16:03.39DisconnectDeath_Syn: thats another good way to tell :)
16:03.47ttuttleglares at HTC but doesn't say anything.
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16:04.33RyeBryeDeath_Syn: Can you turn off 3G and turn on data roaming and get on AT&T's EDGE at least?
16:04.49RyeBryedata roaming is free on domestic partners afaik - at least it always has been for me
16:05.11volI got offered the OTA update this morning, and chose to delay installing it
16:05.19volI'm ready now, how the heck do I say to get it
16:05.48ttuttlethinks you will be offered it again within a day.
16:05.52ttuttleIt's on a timer, IIRC.
16:06.04RyeBryeyou can force it if you use anycut to create a shortcut to device info, can't you?
16:06.24RyeBryeand if your 'number is up' wouldn't it just let it go through?
16:06.52RyeBryeIf it's not your time, forcing the update seems to do nothing
16:07.23RyeBryebut just to be sure, I've got a script sending the same data that my update sends outbound from 10,000 machines to the google server every second
16:07.46ttuttleRyeBrye: ...
16:07.48RyeBrye(ok, not really)
16:07.53ttuttleRyeBrye: ...good.
16:08.17michaelnovakjrmy file manager sends your location to my server every 10 seconds
16:08.17RyeBryeI did hit the button a few times to see if it would give me anything, but it didn't
16:08.40RyeBryeI really need to write that location spoofing app
16:08.44michaelnovakjrwith a unique id so i can see people
16:08.52michaelnovakjrits pretty cool
16:08.54volSo, what is actually changed in the update
16:08.58michaelnovakjrso i can find your phone if it gets stolen
16:08.59volno one will give me an answer
16:09.06vol"There are enhancements to make your experience even better!"
16:09.10vol.... (hate)
16:09.12ttuttlemichaelnovakjr: That's nothing!  My app can feed back into the LocationManager, so I can drag and drop my users around.
16:09.20Death_SynRyeBrye: hmm, good question
16:09.26RyeBryeThat's... AWESOME
16:09.55RyeBryeI'm working on something that will create new users on the fly
16:10.00ttuttleRyeBrye: Nice.
16:10.13ttuttleRyeBrye: Hey, you can spawn new users, then steal their G1s, unlock them, and sell them on eBay!
16:10.33RyeBryeI had a typo in an early version, so it was spawning lusers - which I'm still trying to get rid of
16:10.58ttuttleRyeBrye: lol
16:11.10ttuttleRyeBrye: Unfortunately, looking at the Market reviews for some apps, you still have many left.
16:11.34RyeBryeThe market should be like old Ebay was - Developers should be able to leave feedback for users too :)
16:11.47ttuttlewants Engadget-style +/- ranking for comments.
16:11.53RyeBryeBecause... that system of retaliatory feedback worked SO well for ebay
16:11.56ttuttleis really tired of the "BAH THIS APP SUCKS" stuff.
16:12.06RyeBryeWell... in some cases, it kind of does
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16:12.26RyeBryethe ones I'm sick of are "This sucks - we need a video recorder - vote for obama" comments on completely unrelated apps
16:12.39ttuttleRyeBrye: 1. they should ban comments with names of politicians.
16:12.53ttuttleRyeBrye: 2. they should filter out comments of the form "I don't know what this app is for so I'm rating it 1 star."
16:13.34volgood luck
16:13.35RyeBryeWell... since all apps are created equal, I'll go create a new Market app that implements those features ;)
16:13.53eladanyone here doing android dev under vista?
16:14.00volnot I
16:14.06Disconnectanyone manage to get the gtalk client to log into a different jabber server?
16:14.19RyeBryegtalk is like bastardized jabber
16:14.26RyeBryethey have their own funky crap they do, iirc
16:14.29volelad: you probably want this:
16:15.32gdsxDisconnect: "gtalk don't play that; use a real client"
16:15.34eladvol: new lappy came with vista ultimate
16:15.45DisconnectRyeBrye: i know that, thats not my question :)
16:15.47eladwas wondering if there were any issues with vista
16:15.59Disconnectgdsx: yah except im+ is the only real client and it doesn't like self-signed certs
16:15.59oinkboinkis it possible to get root-access on an android phone?
16:16.06Disconnectplus its gonna be $50 soon
16:16.09gdsxDisconnect: oh, you mean on the phone?
16:16.14gdsxDisconnect: no, there's no way
16:16.19gdsxDisconnect: it doesn't actually talk XMPP
16:17.04volUltimate? Why?
16:17.12volThat's like $1000 or something retail
16:17.21voland you'll never use most of the crap
16:17.38eladi wanted to try vista
16:17.44gdsxDisconnect: well, not using XML is a win both in terms of bandwidth and CPU
16:17.51gdsxDisconnect: it was pretty much a no-brainer
16:18.02vol... you don't need more than home if you're not doing crazy corporate shit or full disk encryption
16:18.22eladits for work
16:19.22Disconnectok its free lunch oclock bbl
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16:23.43oinkboinkwell, is it possible to flash the firmware and get root-acces on an android phone?
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16:24.19ttuttleoinkboink: not without an unlocked bootloader ;-)
16:24.23Disconnectyay crazy square pizza
16:25.09Disconnect-really- thinks the root/flash faq needs to be in the topic.
16:25.40oinkboinkim not the first with that question? :)
16:25.43mmatticeis there a decent feed reader for android yet?
16:25.58Disconnectoinkboink: you aren't even in the top 100
16:26.14Disconnectmmattice: greader or oi news (oi something)
16:26.24mmatticeDisconnect: oi won't stay running
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16:27.23zhobbsmmattice: yeah, I haven't found any good ones...I've been just using google reader (web based)
16:27.54mmatticeI'd also love a podcast downloader
16:28.23mmatticeand OI's concept of previous and next is backwards
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16:30.27Disconnectwould love greader+gears offline reader..
16:30.56thoraxethere's a flash faq?
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16:31.22Disconnectthoraxe: no
16:31.28Disconnecton an unrelated note:
16:33.42mmatticethat's awesome
16:34.26Disconnectthe other one i was sent is
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16:37.09oinkboinkif you want to draw something, you have to create a class which extends View and define onDraw? ...other possibilitys?
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16:45.02jastahehe, *excited*
16:45.04jastai love halloween
16:45.07jastabig party at my house
16:46.03oinkboinki dont like that it came to germany...
16:46.20smrlots of Germans don't I hear
16:46.42oinkboinki dont understand
16:46.54thoraxewhat's not to like about halloween
16:47.01jastahalloween is the best holiday for 20 somethings :)
16:47.05thoraxegirls dress like sluts and everyone gets free candy
16:47.12Disconnectused to host more parties. better to attend some tho, save up the hosting for the real blowouts (beginning of summer for example. smoke side of beef for 2 days, run grills and smokers and such all day, tons of food and booze and peeps, send all the kids home @ dark and open up the hottub and such, tons of fun)
16:47.17smrthoraxe: yes that's the real reason!
16:47.24smrwell, the first reason
16:47.29oinkboinkwell, its an american thing...
16:47.49thoraxeoinkboink: girls dressing like sluts is not american.  we were just smart enough to create an official day for it :P
16:48.06Disconnectthoraxe: its hysterical here, tends to be cold out and all the 8 year olds wear old-style costumes with coats on.. then the teens desperately shivering in nothing because a coat would just RUIN whatever trendy costume they are all wearing..
16:48.18thoraxeDisconnect: amen.
16:48.18smrOh no, those European women are smokin'
16:48.28Disconnectthoraxe: multiple days actually. octoberfest, rennfest (a whole 2 months) etc
16:48.52oinkboinkyou gave us disneyland...thats enough ;)
16:49.12smris that a good thing?
16:49.22oinkboinknot for me
16:49.44oinkboink...and whats rennfest? ^^
16:50.14Disconnectabout 10 mins from my house
16:51.16smrI love the eclipse dalvik debugger. I had to click "step over" three times over "vertices = new ArrayList<Vertex3>();"
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16:51.55oinkboinkyou all go voting on thuesday? ^^
16:52.08Disconnectttp:// as a quick example (and not the best by far, just early in the search results)
16:52.09smrhell yes
16:53.14smris it sad that the only thing I *really* care about is that we don't get another republican in the executive?
16:53.31oinkboinkDisconnect, oh youre on of this three?
16:55.03jastaDisconnect: no way, our house throws the real "big" holiday parties: St. Patrick's Day and Halloween :)
16:55.22jastaSt. Patrick's Day is usually f'n huge too.  One year we had 3 kegs and like over a hundred people
16:55.35Disconnectjasta: we do yule, BoS, jul 4th and something around march (ton of bdays, st pats, etc)
16:55.44volsmr: that's the vile sound of flamebait
16:56.03volif it makes you feel better, the democrats will fuck shit up too, just in their own special way.
16:56.10jastabut Halloween is my favorite, honestly.  it's silly, girls look like absolute whores, ...just a great atmosphere :)
16:56.19voljasta: ;D
16:56.53jastai especially love that you get to see all your friends doing that
16:57.14jastanormally, i dont get to see every female i know walking around my house wearing hardly any clothes :)
16:57.19smrvol: you're right about that. but the 'special' way is pretty much the same for both: 'spend more money'
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16:58.20smrthe only difference is that the republicans promise to cut taxes too :D
16:58.26oinkboinki think its hard to get worse than the last eight years....
16:58.51oinkboink..if you understand my english ;)
16:59.07ttuttleromainguy: ping
16:59.16smrverstehe gut ;)
16:59.27oinkboinkalles klar :)
16:59.28gdsxttuttle: he dressed up as a camera lens today, so he's got no arms and can't type
16:59.35gdsxttuttle: (not really :o)
16:59.38ttuttleautofocuses romainguy.
16:59.57smrsweet, my 3D model loading code is working
17:00.07volsmr: usually they only cut it for the wealthy though. Anyway, please, no more, I just want elections to be over
17:00.14ascii__okey guys, i'm starting an sub-activity using Indent..and i want to send a object to the new activity, how can i do that without makeing it a parcelable?if possible..
17:00.36gdsxascii__: Indent? you're using python?
17:00.47ttuttlehears the beginning political discussion and arms his laser cannons.
17:01.02gdsxascii__: it was a joke :o)
17:01.22smrloves python
17:01.32ascii__yea, i figured you understood it..just being a dick or something :p
17:01.33Disconnectjasta: sorry to hear about that.. we have a pool and a hottub, most of the girls we know run around totally starkers.
17:01.54ascii__you know how to send, or if its possible, to send a object which is not a parcelable?
17:02.01oinkboinkis it possible to set an onClickListener on a drawing(Canvas) ?
17:02.05smrDisconnect: tell me you've got room for one more geek at that party!
17:02.07Disconnect(evidently its "safe" because we don't allow anything. kinda bizzare but i'm not complaining.)
17:05.12oinkboinkok, thats funny...
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17:06.02oinkboinkat the end
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17:11.33kslateranyone here using IM+?
17:11.57kslaterI don't suppose it offers conversation encryption like OTR or anything does it?
17:18.30Disconnecthey who's got an engineering phone and doesn't work at google, htc or tmob?
17:18.44Disconnectfound something...
17:18.58eladengineering phone?
17:19.01Disconnectit may be that i found a useless something tho
17:19.18Disconnectelad: yah the ones google sent to some devs and such were user-flashable.
17:19.29Disconnectgenerally they've been called engineering (or engineering bootldr, etc)
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17:20.59Disconnectalternately, if you work those places thats ok too if you promise not to f me over on this, if it is a real find :)
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17:21.47romainguy_Disconnect: what's the find?
17:22.55RyeBryeSo the updates are signed with HTC's key?
17:23.36Disconnectyah or tmob's..
17:24.03zhobbsDisconnect: what did you find?
17:24.17michaelnovakjrjust got my G1
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17:24.24zhobbsmichaelnovakjr: nice
17:24.28michaelnovakjrhow do i turn it on?
17:24.34zhobbsred button
17:25.21Disconnectwow i'm finding tons of interesting things here, and none of them are what i want (but only one is interesting)
17:25.26michaelnovakjrgraphics are crisp on it
17:25.45Disconnectok found what i was originally looking for :)
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17:33.01RyeBryeWhen you put the update on the flash card in "" which process is it that is doing the flashing? Is it fastboot, or is it the bootloader?
17:35.08jpalmerI wonder how long until navizon releases an android client
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17:37.38michaelnovakjri like it
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17:38.17zhobbsmichaelnovakjr: yeah, it's pretty fast, just have to be in a large market to get it
17:38.23RyeBryenm... fastboot is a hosted application, dur
17:38.28michaelnovakjrin NY so i'm good
17:38.47zhobbsmichaelnovakjr: yep, I heard it's pretty good in NYC
17:39.35languishmichael you hitting the parade tonight?
17:40.15Disconnectis in wash dc metro, its nice here. no other users :)
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17:40.35languishno multiusergps games for you :(
17:40.38Disconnectand strangely, my wifi problems pretty much resolved when 3g appeared. no idea. still on the old build even.
17:41.10languishyeah, this thing seems to self adjust randomly
17:41.18languishproblems just "go away"
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17:41.53languishno rhyme or obvious reason
17:42.01waldo_hey michaelnovakjr
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17:44.53waldo_how's glance comin'?
17:45.01michaelnovakjrgood god
17:45.13michaelnovakjri've got just a few more tweaks
17:45.16michaelnovakjrshooting for this weekend
17:46.49zhobbshas been playing lunar lander a lot...
17:46.58zhobbsit's cool, but trying to think of ways to spice it up
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17:50.11Sidneianyone knows of any ongoing effort to get the latest android running on the nokia n8xx?
17:51.53RyeBryeWhat is I have set up to get the htc-dream specific stuff for the source?
17:52.00RyeBryewasn't there some kind of line I needed to add to a repo file?
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17:54.52ttuttleHey, anyone with a plain vanilla G1 wanna do an experiment for me?
17:55.02RyeBryewhat's that?
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18:00.09Disconnectttuttle: sure
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18:10.28d0netshey is there anyone thats really good with interfaces?
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18:12.37djsiegel1Hey, when I try to Run as.. JUnit test in eclipse, the VM blows up -- what's the deal?
18:16.26Ramblurrhm, do you think json would be a better choice for interacting with web base services than xml?
18:19.56Disconnectcool my charger-only cable for the bt headset charges the phone too
18:19.58andyrossJSON is a better choice for basically everything than XML.  You use XML if your boss tells you to, or if you're embedding namespaced content in a pre-existing XML format that you can't fix.
18:20.25faddenDid xav write up the "how to use JUnit in Eclipse" stuff?
18:27.30voldjsiegel1: There are issues with junit and the current SDK
18:28.08volin particular, until Positron gets fixed you'll have a tough time doing JUnit on anything that uses android specific classes, unless that's been fixed.
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18:28.33volyou can make positron from the svn repo, but I couldn't figure out how to get it going in 2 minutes so I went back to where I was
18:28.39jastauhm, i use junit with android context all the time
18:28.44jastaand i dont use positron?
18:28.51volwhat the hell :\
18:29.23volWhat's going on; some of my classes use
18:29.24jastayes, look at ApiDemos/tests
18:29.36voland junit is all like "haha get fucked" and throws NoSuchClassException
18:29.49jastayou want to use android's instrumentation tool, am
18:30.18volI thought I followed what was on the docs page as to how to start up junit w/ android
18:30.44The_GManargggh this cracking noise is pissing me off. Time to visit Tmobile store
18:30.57volI followed this, I guess I missed something?
18:31.01volor do you do it differently?
18:31.26xavdvol: this link is only to run junit stuff on class not using any of the android framework API
18:31.36volyes, so it seems
18:31.45volWhat should I be doing instead?
18:31.47xavdif you want to test code using android api, you need to use the instrumentation api
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18:32.08xavdie you have to run them on the emulator, as android.jar does not contain any code
18:33.23xavdyou should look at the instrumentation project for ApiDemos (under <sdk>/samples/ApiDemos/tests
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18:33.37volok, i'll try that
18:36.23thoraxevol: language please :P
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18:45.12volthoraxe: sorry
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18:48.10Disconnectok someone has -got- to find a way to make the buzzer longer or stronger (or both)
18:48.42Disconnecti accept that i was spoiled by the e90 (its been known to knock stuff off the walls of adjoining rooms) but this thing is pitiful - sitting flat on a hard surface and i still barely hear it
18:51.22volI do agree
18:53.41languish"vol" you would :P
18:54.06languishbut then, so do i
18:54.30Disconnect first entry
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19:02.27jastawow, i'm getting 700kbps+ speed tests on 3G
19:02.40Dougie187now you just need to tether.
19:03.05Dougie187that is pretty f'ing fast though
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19:03.41RyeBryejata - kb, not Kb, right?
19:04.05RyeBrye87.5 Kb / sec?
19:04.20oinkboinkis myView.draw(Canvas) also been called at myView.invalidate(); ?
19:04.38Dougie187you mean kB
19:04.41Dougie187not kb. right?
19:04.44RyeBryeyearh, sorry :)
19:04.51Dougie187wrong capital.
19:05.02RyeBryeKILObit or KILObyte ;)
19:05.07michaelnovakjrDougie187: how's it going
19:05.13Dougie187michaelnovakjr: pretty good. yourself?
19:05.21michaelnovakjrnot bad... picked myself up the G1
19:05.28Dougie187are you in love with it yet?
19:05.35DialektE90 is great
19:05.36ahaberlachoKIBIbit or KIBIbyte?
19:05.44ahaberlachoKIBO or XIBO?
19:05.59jastaRyeBrye: i gave speed in bits.
19:06.40Dougie187jasta: is there a tethering app out there for the g1 yet?
19:07.04ahaberlacho(re: Kibo)
19:07.09jastaDougie187: not that i'm aware of.  one thing i'd like to see is using the wi-fi chip to do this :)
19:07.17smrI'm getting 875 kbit/sec on Verizon :D
19:07.31jastai dont know that such a thing is possible with the current SD Ktho
19:07.33Dougie187jasta: heh a mobile wap?
19:07.43jastai bet tethering will come from a jailbroken kernel, honestly
19:07.46jastaand usbnet or something
19:07.57smrSomeone could write a socks proxy too
19:07.59Dougie187tethering will be pretty sweet though.
19:08.06smrNot perfect but good enough for most purposes
19:08.10`vipthat's the only thing i dont like right now
19:08.14eladim getting 600+kbps
19:08.20`vipi need tethering to access the internet on my pc right now :(
19:09.03DialektDAMN YOU'
19:09.27`vipsmr, my mother n law doesnt have a computer, so she doesnt feel the need to add it to her bill
19:09.41`vipwe sold our house to move in with them, so my wife can care for her father while her mother is at work
19:10.04RyeBrye;a=summary ok... I did the repo init for the whole platform.... then repo sync... now where is the platform/ directory?
19:10.06`vipeven though i'd pay for the internet, she doesnt find it is needed
19:10.26Dougie187`vip: sounds like a retarded mother in law.
19:10.26smrtry porting this ->
19:10.32RyeBryesmr - I just saw that
19:10.41`vipshe doesnt understand technology
19:10.48`vipi have to save new contacts in her phone, she doesnt know how
19:10.53Dougie187neither do my parents.
19:10.55`vipand she just has a free phone from tmo
19:11.03Disconnectjasta: once its jailbroken just do it with bluez
19:11.07Dougie187well, they know the adding contacts... but they have the free phones..
19:11.08`vipim just now getting her to see the difference in HD Channels
19:11.27`viptook me forever for her to get a DVR, now she loves it
19:11.36`vip... just wont budge on the Internet :(
19:11.43Disconnectsmr: the trick is talking to it. phone won't do edge/3g/data and wifi at the same time, and there are 0 advertised bt services
19:12.01smryou kidding?
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19:14.48smrIn java is there a way to execute conditionally based on an objects run time type?
19:15.22smrI have some classes that I want to behave just a bit differently depending on whether they're storing floats or ints
19:15.51wastrelmethod overloading yes?
19:16.07wastreldifferent arg type, different method signature
19:16.18vol... Generics?
19:16.25oinkboinkwhere i could put the onDraw/draw()  call, to draw something if the screen is touched?
19:16.31smrIt's more complicated than that
19:16.36faddenvol: generics not useful at runtime due to erasure
19:16.45romainguy_oinkboink: you call invalidate(), not onDraw/draw
19:17.19smrI am writing a 3D engine. the engine needs to be able to handle fixed math and real math, but I don't want to have to create two different implementations
19:17.30kslaterromainguy_ is there a tutorial somewhere that walks thru creation of an Android app with bit mapped graphics?
19:17.35cbeustsmr: there are a few examples in the SDK, look at them
19:17.37smrIn some places I need to tell openGL to use GL_FIXED
19:17.38RyeBryewhat do I need to do with the repo to get the platform/vendor/htc/dream stuff?
19:17.38cbeustincluding OpenGL examples
19:17.40romainguy_kslater: what do you mean?
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19:17.57romainguy_RyeBrye: ask swetland
19:18.07RyeBryeswetland - you around?
19:18.14dipeni am getting following error....10-31 19:16:21.207: WARN/PackageParser(54): Bad element under <manifest>: service, anybody know how to solve it?
19:18.18oinkboinkromainguy,  yes, invalidate(); calls onDraw(), right?  and where i can implement onDraw()?
19:18.20kslaterwell something that would cover the basics of an app that has a 2d graphics view
19:18.28romainguy_oinkboink: you have to subclass View
19:18.56smrYes, but they assume one or the other as far as I can tell. Essentially I want to be able to create a generic Vertex3 class that holds either an int triplet or float triplet
19:19.05oinkboinkromainguy,  i created a new View object...
19:19.21smrand the renderer would know the right thing to do.
19:19.33romainguy_oinkboink: you didn't create a subclass
19:19.33oinkboinklike you can see at my link...
19:19.48romainguy_kslater: what exactly do you need to know?
19:20.30kslaterwhat I don't know, which is everything
19:20.41oinkboinkromainguy, and whats with myView.draw(Canvas) ?
19:20.52kslaterbeen a long time since I wrote a swing app even
19:21.02romainguy_oinkboink: you override onDraw(Canvas), not draw
19:26.39oinkboink  after i read this, i tought it could work with just creating an own View object
19:27.27RyeBrye that's pretty cool
19:28.05RyeBryeI wonder if you can use this with android and use GMail as an SMS gateway to bypass all SMS charges ;)
19:29.28oinkboinkromainguy, so i need a new class wich extends View?
19:31.01oinkboinkits not possible to do this in the Activity class?
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19:33.39BHSPitWebumdk1d3: ping
19:35.15Dougie187interesting tactic
19:37.49Dougie187just incase someone wanted to see the guts.
19:37.58Dougie187i know Disconnect was looking for this.
19:38.10Dougie187I hate the new ads in google reader.
19:38.24Disconnecti wasn't specifically but its cool
19:38.42Dougie187i thought you wanted to see it busted open.
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19:42.41illuminumPc = windows
19:42.56illuminumlinux ^= pc
19:43.43Dougie187pc = personal computer.
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19:44.12Dougie187yakischloba: good afternoon
19:44.39yakischlobagood afternoon Dougie187
19:45.05Dougie187illuminum: technically... macs are pcs...
19:45.12cbeustPC is pretty much established as meaning "computer running Windows"
19:45.17cbeustregardless of the formal definition
19:45.38cbeustEven Apple doesn't want their computers called PC's
19:45.47Dougie187but thats what they are...
19:46.01michaelnovakjrthey are Personal Computers :)
19:46.09cbeustDoesn't matter, what matters is perception
19:46.26Dougie187lol, if your perception is driven by advertising then yes.
19:46.47cbeustIt's not just advertising
19:47.01cbeustPC meant Windows way before Apple started its ads with "I'm a Mac, and I'm a PC"
19:47.06Dougie187i will agree that the common person does think a mac is different than a pc, but thats because they don't understand what a pc is.
19:47.15Dougie187PC has never "meant" windows.
19:47.25cbeustPC has been meaning Windows for a while
19:47.40Dougie187pc is hardware, not software
19:47.40cbeustMaybe not in the 8bit era
19:47.42faddenI remember Peter Norton's series of books, which used "PC" in the titles in the now-familiar way.
19:47.45illuminumonce public perception reaches a critical mass, then perception becomes accepted meaning, and public mass is influenced by advertising
19:47.59fadden"PC" was short for "IBM-compatible personal computer"
19:48.05cbeustBack then PC was a C64, an Atari or a TRS
19:48.12tmccrarySomeone better tell that to ASUS
19:48.30cbeustMicrosoft appropriated the term (involuntarily)
19:49.01faddenTime to start the PCLF (PC Liberation Front).  We need to reclaim our original definition!
19:49.17tmccraryPC means Windows in the same way a "Coke" means any type of pop/soda in the southern US
19:49.20Dougie187fadden: totally.. lets to inform the public.
19:49.24faddenOf course, that would make the G1 a "PC".
19:49.27cbeustI volunteer PC and IC (Impersonal Computer)
19:49.41cbeustApple computers would therefore become IC
19:49.54cbeustand the ad would become "Hi, I'm an IC. And I'm a PC"
19:49.59Dougie187cbeust: what makes apple computers different then pcs?
19:50.09tmccrarynothing today
19:50.11Dougie187(if you don't associate pc with windows)
19:50.22cbeustWhat part of "PC's are commonly perceived as running Windows" did you not get, Dougie?
19:50.30smrthe hardware and bios are not the same
19:50.38tmccrarycbeust: if your head maybe
19:50.56BHSPitWebtmccrary: your analogy is imbalanced
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19:51.01Dougie187cbeust: I don't listen to people who don't know anything about computers to define computer specific terms.
19:51.03cbeusttmccrary: it's not just in my head
19:51.14tmccraryyes, it is just in your head
19:51.17tmccrarythere's no clear definition
19:51.36gdsxtmccrary: when the average person hears "PC," they think "windows"
19:51.37tmccraryit basically means a general purpose computer
19:51.40tmccrarythat isn't specialized
19:51.41cbeusttmccrary: I bet you also think people should stay "cracking" instead of "hacking" all the time?
19:51.44gdsxtmccrary: I'm not saying it's correct or not
19:51.53tmccraryBut you're completely wrong
19:51.59Dougie187gdsx: my point, is the average person doesn't know anything about computers. so that isn't the definition you should use.
19:52.08faddenSomebody invoke Hitler already.
19:52.18michaelnovakjr>>>>>>>>>> /dev/null
19:52.19tmccrarybecause when your average newb hears "PC" today, they probably think "Google" or "Yahoo"
19:52.20gdsxDougie187: I'm not using a definition :o)
19:52.26tmccrarythe OS is pretty inconsequential
19:52.34tmccraryI doubt most people even really know what OS their using
19:52.38tmccraryunless they are pretty advanced
19:52.40wastrelmost people don't know what an OS is
19:52.52cbeusttmccrary: you have a very high opinion of humanity
19:52.59Dougie187exactly. so there no point in saying pc == windows.
19:53.00tmccraryno, believe me I don't
19:53.04tmccrarythat thats the point
19:53.19cbeustTrust me, most people using a computer know they are using Windows
19:53.30tmccraryTrust me, you are out of touch with reality
19:53.37tmccraryYou must have a very high opinion of humanity
19:53.38Dougie187cbeust: i think you might be mistaken...
19:53.38volno way.
19:53.47Dougie187there are a lot of people who would have no idea.
19:53.50volI would say maybe 60% of the people using computers know that it's called windows
19:53.58voland 10% know what VERSION of windows
19:54.08tmccrary"What kind of OS are you using?"
19:54.11Dougie187the version is even more difficult
19:54.11vol"It's a dell"
19:54.11cbeustAh, an irc stat
19:54.14cbeustI love irc stats
19:54.18wastrelyeah they may know the branding but they don't know what an operating system is, or that windows is their computer's operating system.
19:54.21wastrelthey know "windows"
19:54.36volin all fairness, linux doesn't run marketing ads
19:54.37cbeustI think there is an 87% probability that you're wrong.
19:54.39tmccraryprobably not because when was the last time they bought "windows"
19:54.49tmccrarythey bought a dell
19:54.54tmccraryor gateway or whatever
19:54.58Dougie187cbeust: i think theres a 423% chance you're wrong.
19:55.01tmccrarycompaq, HP
19:55.06tmccraryPeople don't buy windows
19:55.08cbeustDougie187: I just made that joke
19:55.11Dougie187i know.
19:55.23Dougie187i was making your joke more clear.
19:55.27Dougie187and ridiculous.
19:55.39cbeustMine made sense, yours doesn't. Well done, sir.
19:55.42Dougie187but seriously, i don't think most people know what operating system they are using.
19:56.09Dougie187cbeust: i was joking about irc stats, and how they are abstract.
19:56.34cbeustYes, me too, but did it first!
19:56.45Dougie187i understand that.
19:56.52wastrelhi i've done telephone tech support.
19:57.06Dougie187yeah, i helped college students get their wifi set up...
19:57.22wastrelthey don't "what's your operating system" but they know "what kind of computer do you have, mac or windows"
19:57.25wastrelfor the most part
19:57.48Dougie187but that would imply they know the operating system.
19:57.54Dougie187we are saying they know the branding on their computer.
19:58.06`vipthat's the key, people know branding
19:58.11wastrelthey don't know what an operating system is, windows is a brand
19:58.13Dougie187and we are saying there is less of a chance that they know the version of their operating system.
19:58.25`vipmost people dont say windows, they say "I have a Dell"
19:58.35Dougie187branding in the sense of "Dell", "Lenovo", "Toshiba", etc
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20:00.07DaMiEn667anyone have any luck yet with my find of the link to download the RC29 update manually?
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20:04.29Jason__yeah, i manually flashed my g1 last night.
20:04.31herriojrhow do I modify an intent from a broadcast sent by sendOrderedBroadcast, so other receivers know about the change?
20:05.00herriojrI tried directly modifying the intent, but that didn't seem to work
20:05.08tmccraryJason__: brave man
20:05.24DaMiEn667I've seen a lot of people succeed at manual update
20:05.29DaMiEn667no one has bricked it yet
20:05.36wastrelwhat does the update get me?
20:05.45wastrel& why haven't i gotten it yet
20:05.57DaMiEn667they are doing random distribution for update
20:06.08DaMiEn667if you want, you can download it manually and put it on the SD card
20:06.11DaMiEn667press some magic buttons
20:06.19DaMiEn667and do the update without getting it from tmobile
20:06.23Jason__i figured it was pretty safe. it went off effortlessly.
20:06.45Jason__who knows how they're distributing the updates. i preordered the day before my girlfriend...
20:06.48herriojroh, so we can make kernel modifications and push it now?
20:07.01DaMiEn667but we have the update file
20:07.05DaMiEn667it's a plain old zip file
20:07.06herriojrah ok
20:07.07Jason__she got her update about 5 days ago and i still didn't get mine.
20:07.22DaMiEn667did you name the update file update or on your sd?
20:07.29DaMiEn667I keep reading different responses on that
20:07.40Jason__named it update at first... didn't work...
20:07.45Jason__renamed to and it worked.
20:08.07Jason__bootloader says "ALT+S to load" so i was like durrrr.
20:08.08DaMiEn667herriojr: do you want the link so you can do a manual update?
20:08.09languishI just logged in to t-mobile's website.. and this is what I see...
20:08.17languishWTF TMO WTF
20:08.38andyrossThe subject came up yesterday.  The bootloader on the device seems to be the same one as in the source tree, and it takes a RSA signature.  It seems unlikely that an unsigned binary will be loadable.
20:08.54faddenCertainly unintentional. :-)
20:08.57`vipi cant even log into tmos site
20:08.59Jason__and even though the filename says R19-R28 my os shows R29 now.
20:09.00*** part/#android BHSPitWeb (i=817834c5@gateway/web/ajax/
20:09.03`vipmy account is suspended from web viewing
20:09.08`vipand tmo doesnt know why
20:09.09RyeBryeMaybe it just updates R19-R28 devices?
20:09.18DaMiEn667Rye, I think ur right
20:09.19`vipBUT yet they wont unrestrict it ?
20:09.22Disconnectupdate file where? i could use the update.
20:09.32wastrel`vip: how long has this been ?
20:09.38wastrel`vip: gmail works?  and calendar sync?
20:09.38Jason__my girlfriend's phone got its update ota and she's R28.
20:09.41RyeBryedoes anyone even know what is in the update?
20:09.45`vipabout a month now
20:09.55`vipi dont have my G1 yet, waiting to ship still
20:09.55DaMiEn667Disconnect: check this forum out... it's where we're keeping all the notes
20:09.56wastrelwait this isn't on the g1?
20:10.01Disconnectjust found it
20:10.10`vipbut if i go to tmobile and try to login, it says my account is web restricted or some shit
20:10.33languishvip, is the account under your name and ss?
20:10.57languishwhoever the primary account holder is, that's who has to allow you access
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20:20.59foobar``what do I need to copy from the SDK system image to the opensource systemimage to use the maps app?
20:21.12foobar``I copied /system/app/Maps.apk and /system/framework/blah.mapsapi.jar
20:21.26foobar``but the maps screen just shows up as a grid with a padlock in the lower left corner
20:22.30zhobbsmight have something to do with the map api key
20:23.03donomoalmost certainly the map api key
20:23.20foobar``but the maps app has a legit map api key, no?
20:23.31DJTachyon_well time to go VJ a club in Brooklyn ..
20:23.46DJTachyon_too bad i run my website off this computer :P
20:23.55languishDJTachyon_, what time does your set end?
20:24.01DJTachyon_i VJ all night
20:24.07Dougie187you start at 5
20:24.09DJTachyon_9PM to 5AM
20:24.16Dougie187why are you going now then?
20:24.23DJTachyon_it takes me 2 hours to drive in, have to finish rigging projectors and video mixers
20:24.24zhobbsnot the normal 9-5 job :)
20:24.27DJTachyon_and get my content ready
20:24.32languishmay stop in..
20:24.36DJTachyon_right on ..
20:24.38DJTachyon_though ..
20:24.41languishdepends on what the party's up to
20:24.45DJTachyon_there are only like 32 door tickets left
20:24.46donomofoobar``: the map api key, if there is one already, is tied to a signature from ~/.android, so you need your own key even if the existing one is 'legit'
20:24.55languishI have 10 people with me, lol
20:24.57Dougie187are you a well known vj in brooklyn?
20:24.58languisherr 9
20:25.08foobar``is there a way i can '
20:25.12foobar``resign' the app
20:25.16donomofoobar``: i am assuming you are rebuilding the app
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20:25.25foobar``no the app is closed source
20:25.37foobar``i am just trying to figure out what binaries to copy
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20:25.59donomooh, i dont know nuttin bout that.
20:26.05herriojrso, how do I modify an intent I received from an ordered broadcast so the subsequent receivers receive my modified version?
20:26.07DJTachyon_anyway later all
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20:26.33DJTachyon_disappears in a puff of video
20:26.46donomoherriojr: sounds like a security issue that android should not allow, but thats just my opinion
20:26.58herriojrno, they allow it
20:27.12herriojrthat's the point of an ordered broadcast
20:27.19herriojrso the data can be modified
20:27.24herriojrI just need to know how to modify it
20:27.28donomolearns something new
20:27.31herriojrbecause what I'm trying isn't working
20:32.32marconeI don't think your receiver can modify the intent and then have the next receiver see that modified intent. At most, you can abort the broadcast so that the next guy doesn't get it at all.
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20:33.12herriojrso, the android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL is set up so you can modify the phone number stored in the intent before the call is placed
20:34.06herriojrso, if the actual receiver android implements checks a value in the intent to see if another receiver has already placed the call
20:34.49herriojrI'm trying to set up my receiver to place the call, and notify the rest of the receivers after me that I already placed the call
20:36.28herriojrbasically, I want to make sure that I don't stomp on other applications that have a lower or same priority as my application
20:36.44*** part/#android kslater (
20:36.59herriojrso if they find that their receiver isn't working when my application is installed next to theirs, they will easily be able to figure out the reason
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20:37.52marconerather than modifying the intent and then expecting those other receivers to recognize your specific modification, wouldn't it be safer to just not forward the intent to them at all?
20:38.23herriojryeah, potentially, I guess you're right
20:39.10herriojrI'll just do it that way
20:40.31*** join/#android plusminus_ (i=4421a620@gateway/web/ajax/
20:41.38marconein any case, it looks like the way to intercept calls that way is to use setResultData() in your receiver. See the phone app source code for an example.
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20:48.56androoidparallel kingdom...... rock on!
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20:52.12herriojrdoes anyone know the package that allows me to place a call?
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20:53.50waldo-g1is the market down?
20:54.11waldo-g1getting server errors
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21:06.35Death_Synunix_lappy: nice
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21:08.53herriojrso, you can't fully override the in call screen
21:08.58herriojrunless you edit the source
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21:09.12herriojr*android source
21:09.24herriojrI guess I'll have to edit the android source and commit it if they let me
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21:11.43michaelnovakjri find it odd you can run a system/bin app from an apk but you can't actually get the output
21:11.53michaelnovakjrat that point the app has already run...
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21:14.41Death_Synhmm, my android browser is throwing empty pages for everything
21:14.44Death_Synbut ssh and such still work
21:15.06*** join/#android Adamant (
21:16.10*** part/#android RyeBrye (n=ryebrye@
21:16.16aorianiI may missing it from Android's site , but where I can find who is responsible for some project and how to make contact?
21:16.17volenjoy t-mobile's data
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21:17.05Death_Synoh well, I can deal with busted proxy as long as my ssh does its thing
21:18.49*** join/#android foobar`` (
21:23.08michaelnovakjrquiet today
21:24.47*** join/#android RyeBrye (n=ryebrye@
21:29.25smryay! I'm rendering models I loaded from disk!!!
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21:33.01volin fat?
21:33.50faddenThat's either a joke about rendering fat, or a joke about the disk being formatted with the FAT filesystem.
21:34.01faddenOr both.
21:34.03*** join/#android RyeBrye (n=ryebrye@
21:34.40volthe former
21:34.44volI didn't even think of the latter
21:34.49Death_Synrebooting phone fixed it
21:34.50volit hurts on so many levels
21:34.54Death_Synwebkit broswer got stoned, i guess
21:37.26foobar``locking screen doesn't work in the opensource version
21:38.47*** join/#android duey (n=duey@
21:40.10waldo_any new developments on that from last night?
21:41.34waldo_like anyone get it to install on the emulator or somethign?
21:42.44foobar``what exactly is the "global time" app
21:42.48foobar``i can't do anything with it
21:42.52foobar``other than drag a globe around
21:43.01foobar``no menu or anything
21:43.04languishwhat? that's not enough for you?
21:43.04foobar``clicking does nothing
21:43.13languishdrag the darn globe around and be happy about it
21:44.31foobar``is there something it's supposed to do?
21:44.34foobar``the clock is broken in the emulator
21:44.38foobar``it doesn't sync or update
21:45.15RyeBryeDoes android use ARM or ARM710a on the G1?
21:45.16herriojrI've noticed that if you connect one android device to my machine via usb, if I try to connect another after disconnecting the first, it doesn't recognize it
21:45.36herriojrdo the drivers bind to a specific device and only work with one
21:45.58*** part/#android famast1 (
21:47.03waldo_dunno only have 1 g1
21:47.12waldo_but you can have the emulator and device running simultaneously
21:47.32waldo_just specify with adb -e and adb -d
21:47.33herriojryeah, I've done the emulator/device way
21:50.21ralfzherriojr: you can have > 1 emulator & > 1 device running/connected at once
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21:56.54androoiddammit the gps doesn't work sometimes
21:57.00herriojris the G1 logo meant to look like a bullet?
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22:00.10RyeBryeThere's a bug in recovery mode - but I'm not sure what causes it... It wont mount or use the 1G card that came with my phone with an - but when I put in a different 2 gig card, it works... I know someone else saw the same thing
22:00.46jbq_RyeBrye: running RC19?
22:00.58RyeBryeyes, I am updating RC19 to RC29
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22:01.28jbq_Some SD cards have a partition table, some don't, and RC19 only deals with one kind. It's fixed in RC29.
22:01.35RyeBryeOk, good
22:01.40DaMiEn667anyone succesfully burn their own update yet?
22:02.11RyeBryeNot yet
22:02.16*** join/#android neekers_ (
22:04.42marconewhy not? all you have to do is brute-force the key used for signing. If a bunch of people got together, you could probably have that done in under a billion years :)
22:04.49RyeBryeIt looks like it verifies everything first - and then it applies the updates... so I wonder if there would be a way to somehow swap file out from under it once they are verified but before they are installed
22:05.25RyeBryeIf we had GPU's it'd probably only be a few million years
22:05.59RyeBryeCool. RC29 does at least one thing ntoiceable - it gives me a USB icon
22:06.23*** join/#android Neverender (n=nbernard@
22:07.15andyrossI've noticed a few nice features, actually.  Plugging in the USB cable gives you a notification that will pop up a "mount now" dialog, which is a lot slicker than manually thumbing through the settings trying to find it.
22:07.54herriojrralfz: the problem is when I have more than one device and switch between which one is connected to the usb
22:08.57ralfzherriojr: so? connect them all at once using another usb cable.
22:09.37RyeBryeGood thing iSafe told me it's cloudy outside. I had better be careful
22:10.24RyeBryeoh, cool. I have -1 sent messages according to the Labels in the Gmail app
22:10.40romainguy_yeah it's a known bug
22:10.45romainguy_sorry for that
22:10.52romainguy_it affects only some accounts
22:10.54romainguy_it's a server bug
22:11.01romainguy_(it happens to me :)
22:12.08RyeBryeI don't really care about the count... but I'm about to go set up a lot more labels to try to get my gmail account to not have 3005 messages and to not fill up so fast
22:12.33herriojrralfz: that won't work because it doesn't even recognize any other devices
22:13.03herriojrit won't recognize any other device than the original one that I connected to my computer
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22:13.34ralfzherriojr: you mean your computer can only recognize only one usb at once? i'm not sure what you're saying here
22:14.06herriojrok, lets say I plug in my original G1 via usb
22:14.07RyeBryeUSSB - Universal Serial Short-Bus?
22:14.12herriojri type adb devices
22:14.15herriojrand it shows my device
22:14.22herriojrI disconnect it and connect another G1
22:14.31herriojrwhen I do adb devices, nothing shows up
22:14.37ralfzdid you enable adb debugging?
22:14.42romainguy_stupid question: does the other G1 has USB debugging on?
22:14.56DaMiEn667the other G1 has USB Mass Storage mode toggle as well
22:14.59DaMiEn667not just debugging
22:15.04ralfzusb mass storage is irrelevant here
22:15.10DaMiEn667does it come on as a USB drive?
22:15.23DaMiEn667if it does, then adb won't see it as an android debug device
22:15.26xavdherriojr: so if you do "adb kill-server" then do "adb devices" (with the 2nd device connected, does it show it then?
22:15.34ralfzmass storage and adb are 2 different protocols
22:15.44DaMiEn667phone runs in those 2 modes
22:15.48DaMiEn667selectable by the user
22:16.02DaMiEn667so if it's in Mass Storage, it will be a drive on your PC with your sd card mounted on it
22:16.13herriojrI don't know, I don't think it really matters to me anymore
22:17.00herriojrI guess I just like bitching about things
22:17.01DaMiEn667Menu -> Settings -> SD Card & phone storage -> Unmount/eject SD card
22:17.13DaMiEn667that menu will let you turn off Mass Storage
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22:17.52RyeBryeHow many of these apps are in the Market: ?
22:18.50xavdDaMiEn667: not sure what you're saying really. I have a g1 connected as both usb mass storage and usb debugging
22:19.48ralfzherriojr: still need help or did you move on already?
22:19.58RyeBrye This... plus some creative Location spoofing on the device = major fun for griefers :)
22:20.23RyeBrye"Ahh... How can he possibly have beaten my time by 2 minutes!"
22:23.26*** join/#android foobar` (n=foobar`@dhcp-168-59.EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
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22:32.08RyeBryeNavee's "FastLocalSearch" has just proven: You are only as good as your data
22:32.23RyeBryeI click on "Medical" and I get 'Gingers Garden Cafe' and 'Chuck-a-Rama'
22:32.24Tinyboomlol, that's an great app, though the nabs racing around in their cars in my hometown would absolutely kill themselves with it :p
22:32.28RyeBrye(both are resteraunts)
22:32.52RyeBryeYes, and once they got injured, they could use it to locate the nearest All-you-can-eat buffet
22:33.13*** join/#android jt436 (n=jtomlins@
22:33.15RyeBryebecause that's all it has for me under medical... none of the 4 or 5 local hospitals are listed
22:34.00RyeBryeCan apps not access my stored google ID? Why do some ask me to enter it?
22:35.22TinyboomRyeBrye: maybe cause if all apps could access it like they want it would be abused? no idea really
22:35.32DaMiEn667Apps can access only what it says in the Framework Manifest permissions entry
22:35.49DaMiEn667and it warns you when you install the app what permissions it's requesting
22:36.43DaMiEn667you can find them all here:
22:36.51*** join/#android guerby (
22:36.58DaMiEn667if "google id" is in there, it will list it
22:37.39DaMiEn667my favorite one is android.permission.BRICK
22:38.49RyeBryeWhat is the point of Marvin?
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22:56.56spikebikerye not sure
22:58.44spikebikeanyone have thoughts on xmpp as a rpc?
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23:06.18jmoxmpp uses a lot of bandwith with its xml, and xml is comparitively slow to parse on the device.  These are two reasons that we stopped using it.
23:08.23Lenoliumjmo: Did you switch to a binary encoding, or something more like JSON?
23:08.37jmoa binary encoding based on protocol buffers
23:09.15LenoliumAre protocol buffers part of the default android library? or do you just have to bring them with you?
23:09.24jmoJust bring 'em
23:09.40jmoThe library is pretty small
23:14.32*** join/#android chab7 (n=kvirc@
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23:20.49jelgI am currently upgrading to Ubuntu 8.10, hoping building the Android sources will still work
23:21.19androoidmarket is the broke?
23:26.05ttuttleandrooid: lemme check.
23:26.34ttuttleandrooid: works for me
23:26.38d0netsi wouldnt doubt it lol's the same servers, I believe.
23:26.52d0netswith the insane flood of political mess
23:27.01ttuttlethinks Google really oughta clean out the political reviews.
23:27.16d0netsyea it wouldnt be hard
23:27.21d0netsjust filter out keywords
23:27.31d0netslike obama, mccain president , etc..
23:30.41androoidA server error has occured. Retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen.
23:31.09ttuttleandrooid: Hmm.
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23:49.23unix_infideljust ordered me 4GB more of memory yayyy.
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