IRC log for #android on 20081030

00:02.21*** join/#android aufegu- (n=angu@
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00:08.42gamblerjaek: Change your password? It says password, not passwords or passphrase right.
00:09.50*** join/#android jbq (n=jbq@
00:09.55Disconnectironfroggy_: go from browser.. bookmark it, you can create a shortcut to the bookmark
00:11.27*** join/#android mpardo (
00:11.40mpardohas anyone implemented a solution for app updates?
00:13.24jastawe are expecting the market to provide that
00:13.43mpardohmmm, but until then?
00:13.54jastauntil then i wouldnt waste your time
00:14.13mpardowell my client is demanding it lol
00:14.16jaekgambler, if you didnt notice, spaces are valid characters in most (sane) systems
00:14.24mpardoi have something, but i need something better
00:14.26mpardoand quick
00:14.33jastampardo: well then waste your time if you want to.  the most obvious way would be to just pester them to redownload from the market
00:14.54jaekand if the android mail application is garbling spaces it is a bug
00:15.09jastajaek: source is available :)
00:15.14mpardothat's what it does now... i have a "check for updates" button that takes to them the market
00:15.16jastaive already fixed a bug in it
00:15.23mpardobut the client wants it to check automatically
00:15.41jastampardo: so have it check automatically.  write a service and hook it up to the alarmmanager
00:15.42mpardoi guess I'm asking the wrong question
00:15.53jastathen use a notification if it finds updates
00:15.55jastareally simple
00:16.04mpardothe method i use now crashes the app if there is no connection
00:16.16mpardocuz it waits to connect untill a timeout... freezing the app and UI
00:16.17rwhitbymorning droids
00:16.24mpardoi need to check for connectivity i guess
00:17.27mpardowhat's the best way to check for connectivity?
00:17.53jbqConnectivityService - lemme find the exact class.
00:18.45rwhitbyCan anyone point me towards Android documentation of the interface between the lowest layer of the Java API and Dalvik VM, and actual hardware on a new device to which Android is being ported?  In particular, what Linux device drivers are required, and what other stuff outside of Linux device drivers is required?
00:19.05*** join/#android wastrel (n=wastrel@nylug/member/wastrel)
00:20.09mpardok thx
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00:21.09fadden0rwhitby: wouldn't that be libc?
00:21.45rwhitbyfadden0: I'm thinking of support for specific hardware devices, rather than C libraries.
00:21.50mpardojbq: not quite sure how to use that
00:22.02jbqCheck the last function in;a=blob;f=src/com/android/providers/downloads/;h=f966a7f56577e65a4a99e278273c82c5a159ae0b;hb=HEAD
00:22.09rwhitbye.g. if someone put a digital compass on an Android phone, what would one need to do to make it available to applications?
00:22.48fadden0rwhitby: hardware/libhardware/* might be what you want
00:23.24umdk1d3rwhitby: you mean available through intents?
00:23.30umdk1d3like the radar app?
00:23.55rwhitbyumdk1d3: dunno what application abstraction it would be yet, just learning how the plumbing underneath works.
00:23.56fadden0You need device driver -> hardware abstraction -> JNI natives
00:24.18umdk1d3ohhhh from a hardware perspective
00:24.41umdk1d3might look at providing it up through SensorManager
00:25.41rwhitbyfadden: and the hardware abstraction is in hardware/libhardware/* ?
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00:27.39fadden0hardware/libhardware/sensors/sensors_trout.c has some low-level sensor stuff; /base/core/jni/server/com_android_server_SensorService.cpp uses hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/sensors.h; SensorService uses the JNI functions.
00:28.28jbqrwhitby: in the spirit of transparency, you'll want to know that some work in underway to greatly extend the sensor APIs beyond what exists in 1.0, and you might want to wait a tiny bit until those are publicly available (I don't have any timeframe), so that you don't waste time learning the current APIs to have them change under your feet for the next release.
00:28.32fadden0rwhitby: usually
00:29.51rwhitbyjbq: thanks for the heads up
00:30.07rwhitbyfadden0: that's exactly the chain of source code relationships I was looking for - thanks!
00:30.39fadden0rwhitby: please do bear in mind that none of this constitutes a public API, and is subject to change in ways that maximize inconvenience. :-)
00:31.08rwhitbyfadden0: understood.  I'm used to working with bleeding edge :-)
00:33.09*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
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00:40.16exmanwhat method called by pivot ?
00:41.44rwhitbyjbq: as far as the API roadmaps goes, is that still OHA member access only, or is the Android API available for community participation now?
00:42.55*** part/#android ErikT (
00:43.21jbqpublic APIs are public as part of 1.0.
00:43.48jbqAs for the rest, it'll all be progressively into the public view as part of the open-source effort.
00:44.11jbqpublic API are "application" API, not porting APIs.
00:44.58*** join/#android dglazkov (
00:45.03rwhitbyjbq: For an example, what if I had a new type of device (let's take an "ultrasound ruler" as an example) - how does someone who is not an OHA member influence the public API to include an abstraction for that new type of device?
00:46.28jbqrwhitby: the OHA has little to do with this, to be honest. In a nutshell, you'd discuss that with myself and the other engineer who has worked on the new sensor APIs. We've designed it such that you can introduce device-specific sensor types in addition to the list of well-defined ones.
00:47.23rwhitbyjbq: and the relevant google engineers act as the clearing house for device-specific sensor type registrations?
00:47.49rwhitbyjbq: is there a formal process for this, or do we just chat in IRC and email like this? ;-)
00:48.01jbqif you want to make your sensor types as part of the public API, yes (it's really little more than a list of integers, to be honest).
00:48.40jbq(a sensor is little more than an entity with an enumerated type, that returns or sends arrays of floating-point values)
00:48.47rwhitbyand if we have a contribution which is a new sensor type, we can just submit it through gerrit and it gets reviewed for possible inclusion?
00:49.15jbqYes - pending approval by the API council.
00:49.27jbq(that's where I recommend waiting until the "new" API is visible in git).
00:49.56mpardois this how?
00:49.59mpardoConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
00:50.13waldo_wow this life simulation is pretty cool
00:50.22jbqmpardo: sorry, gotta go (really). you're on the right track.
00:50.27rwhitbyjbq: is the process the same for other things, like new display types, new input types, new audio types etc?
00:50.31jbqtry getActiveNetworkInfo(), easier to deal with.
00:50.35mpardoah! it breates there
00:54.18*** join/#android satadru (
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01:01.13*** join/#android dglazkov_ (n=dglazkov@
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01:09.03*** join/#android After_Math (
01:09.17After_Mathso java will work cleanly inside android?
01:09.22After_Maththere need to be no change?
01:11.17waldo_how is babby formed?
01:13.41*** join/#android jlapenna (
01:16.36*** join/#android romainguy_ (n=gfx@
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01:19.29*** join/#android romainguy__ (n=gfx@
01:21.09Ramblurranyone familiar with the aidl tool?
01:21.26*** join/#android romainguy_ (n=gfx@
01:21.47Ramblurrromainguy_:  hey, are you familiar with the aidl tool?
01:21.52romainguy_not at all
01:21.58hackbodramblurr, what do you want to know about it?
01:22.28Ramblurri've got a  custom lib im using in a non-android eclipse  project
01:22.36Ramblurrbut ive made some classes Parcelable
01:22.41Ramblurrand ive created aidl files for them
01:23.02Ramblurrbut when i try to import the Parcelable classes in my service interface aidl file
01:23.20hackbodyou'll need to have the source .aidl available and in the path the tool searches
01:23.38Ramblurrit says it "couldn't find import for class Blah"
01:24.12Ramblurri use the -I flag to specify the directory of the Parcelable's aidl files
01:24.20hackbodunfortunately i'm not sure how the ide sets up the paths
01:24.34hackbodyou may need to make the include path the base directory
01:24.36Ramblurrso im trying to do it in the shell
01:24.43Ramblurrhm ok
01:24.51hackbodi think it uses the package name to map to a dir path, like java
01:24.59hackbodbut i'd need to look at the code to be sure :)
01:25.33Ramblurrhm so im slightly confused
01:25.37Ramblurri have several aidl files
01:25.46Ramblurra couple that are for the Parcelable classes
01:26.08Ramblurrthat just say   package;  parcelable Blah;
01:26.16Ramblurrthen the aidl for my Interface
01:26.52hackbodi believe they should all be in directories matching their packages
01:27.20hackbodso src/com/foo/blah/Blah.aidl
01:27.25hackbodand you would -I src
01:27.47hackbodbut i'm really not sure
01:27.52Ramblurrthat worked i think
01:28.45Ramblurryea it did
01:28.45Ramblurrgreat :)
01:28.51Ramblurronly the IDE still can't find the import statement
01:28.56Ramblurrso it's generating an error
01:30.41hackbodwhat error?
01:32.15*** join/#android lresende (
01:32.15Ramblurrcouldn't find import for class
01:32.37*** join/#android nslu2-log (
01:32.38Ramblurrthis is the ADT eclipse plugin
01:32.42*** join/#android d0nets (
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01:34.46*** join/#android rwhitby (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
01:35.04*** join/#android p_quarles (
01:35.51d0netshows everyone
01:36.05d0netsany cool new stuff?
01:36.31languishyep goo wiki conway's game of life, then download automata
01:36.40languishdon't do it in reverse
01:36.43kslaterbeen that kind of last two weeks d0nets, hasn't it
01:37.12*** join/#android `vip (
01:37.16d0netsim confroosed
01:37.35languishd03boy, wiki search for "conway's game of life"  read about it
01:37.38unix_infidelanyone here running eclipse on a netbook?
01:37.40d0netsoh high intoit
01:37.44languishthen download the app automata
01:37.48d0netshigh fives intoit
01:37.48Ramblurrhackbod: can i submit a bug report for the ADT plugin and
01:38.02languishd0nets, you just figured out it was me?  lol
01:38.18d0netsi knew you were in here
01:38.21d0netsbut i wasnt sure twat nick
01:38.24*** join/#android dglazkov (
01:38.27languishI even referred to you as st0ned earlier
01:38.37d0netslol wtf really?
01:38.39d0netswas i here?
01:38.59Ramblurrhackbod: looks like there already is one :\
01:39.07languish[12:20] <Disconnect> he had a legit question (eventually, once it was dragged out of him) .. although he didn't like the answer so he asked a few more times..
01:39.10languish[12:20] <languish> well, he is st0ned
01:39.30d0netswait what question was i asking
01:39.38languishDO NOt BRING IT UP AGAIN
01:39.39d0netsohhh that question
01:39.44d0netsthe L word
01:40.15d0netsyou know i now see why
01:40.21d0netsits kinda the "politics" of software dev
01:40.36hackbodRamblurr, it certainly works in the platform build system; unfortunately i don't know anything about the Eclipse plug-ins to know what problem might be going on there
01:40.40hackbodit's the same aidl tool
01:40.54d0netsi tried doing a log cat dump for five-music
01:41.06d0netsmy g1 didnt show up in my ubuntu eclipse
01:41.08d0netsnor my windblows
01:41.13Ramblurrhackbod: perhaps the plug-in isn't passing the correct -I parameter?
01:41.13d0netsthe windblows i updated the sdk today
01:41.17poetic_folly|G5hey do we have read/write access to system files on the G1 yet? I've been out a couple days
01:41.19d0netsand i updated the plugin
01:41.19unix_infidelle sigh
01:41.29d0netsbut it gave me an error about adb
01:41.39d0netsit says im using 1.8 and i need 2.0
01:41.44Ramblurrhackbod: it should probably pass -I for items in the android projectbuild path
01:41.50d0netsyesterday my ubuntu partition said the opposite hahaha
01:41.51Ramblurrproject's build path*
01:41.58d0netsim using 2.0 and in eeded at least 1.8
01:42.00romainguy_poetic_folly: no :)
01:42.13poetic_follyromainguy_: hey. seen your apps in market. ;)
01:42.23poetic_follydo you know if anyone  is working on that yet?
01:42.42d0netsi know someone that would be good at all that
01:42.52d0netsunlocking, hacking the filesys
01:43.14d0netsbut she doesnt use the phone and it would dumb to pay 4-500 for the phone to make free apps for folks
01:43.28Ramblurrhackbod:  i think it's strange no ones run into this problem yet.. Parcelables seem to be a crucial part of th Service architecture
01:46.09*** join/#android dglazkov_ (n=dglazkov@
01:46.23hackbodramblurr, could be
01:46.41hackbodfrom the error message it looks like the root "src" directory might be taken as the base of the path
01:47.02hackbodthere is an arg to aapt to set the base path; maybe that is being set to the project dir instead of its inner src dir
01:50.52*** join/#android michaelnovakjr__ (
01:52.53*** join/#android AlekseyKorzun (
01:53.18AlekseyKorzunDid anybody else loose 3G icon in New York? I get E all day today
01:54.23*** join/#android Laz (
01:55.10wastrelyes, nyc - no 3g all day
01:55.38AlekseyKorzunWhat gives?
01:55.41AlekseyKorzunDo you know why
01:56.28wastrelno just noticed i've been on edge all day
01:56.28AlekseyKorzunThat's wierd
01:56.28AlekseyKorzunYou have G1 plan right?
01:57.36AlekseyKorzunThat's... really wierd
01:57.53AlekseyKorzunIt would be halarious if we went over the BW cap of some sort
01:57.57AlekseyKorzunAnyone in NY can confirm
01:59.41*** join/#android jasonparekh_ (n=jasonpar@
02:06.06d03boythat is lame
02:07.31Ramblurrhackbod: i've submitted a detailed bug report
02:08.13Ramblurrhackbod: what part of android do you work on? (/me assumed hackbod was an android dev)
02:10.07jmohackbod works on the framework
02:10.22jmothat bug looks like it's for the tools team
02:11.47Ramblurryea, it definitely is
02:12.49unix_infidelment).ready() not $("#idhere").ready()
02:13.07unix_infidelwhoops, stupid terminal.
02:20.03hackbodramblurr, yeah i work on the framework (resources, activity manager, window manager, etc)
02:21.06*** part/#android dabdroid (n=dab@nat/google/x-0ab701366f028614)
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02:28.20hackbodtime to go home, goodnight.
02:28.27Ramblurrhackbod: thanks for your help
02:29.26jastai wish the SDK image came with a better shell :)
02:29.44*** join/#android Laz (
02:29.52jastaloads up busybox again
02:29.56unix_remotejasta: you can't use the shell on the go again either can you?
02:30.55*** part/#android tsunami (
02:33.14unix_remotejasta: you cant use the adb shell when not tethered.
02:34.08*** join/#android tchwbs (
02:34.13jastaim just talking about wanting a better shell to use
02:34.16jastafor development
02:34.20jastaone with tab completion and such :)
02:34.28unix_remotejasta: heh, and i'm asking about the currently available shell :-O
02:35.04*** join/#android cbeust (
02:35.45languish<wastrel> yes, nyc - no 3g all day
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02:36.01languishtmo has an alert on their 611 about it
02:36.15languish"issues in your market, may experience ..blah blah"
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02:43.22trigatch4jasta: you around?
02:45.05*** join/#android dabdroid (n=dab@nat/google/x-aedea0e8beb8f0be)
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02:51.19jastatrigatch4: yup
02:51.29jastawhats up?
02:52.55jan247hey guys. looking for some help..
02:54.46neerhajanyone knows how to update the contents of a ListView on resume ?
02:54.58romainguywhat do you mean?
02:55.59neerhajwhen the Activity resumes, I want to remove certain items and add some. But right now, only new items are being added and old items are still there.
02:56.11romainguyhow do you remove items?
02:57.05neerhajthats my question.
02:57.22jastaneerhaj: well, you control the adapter, so...
02:57.30romainguyit depends on the adapter you use
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02:59.30neerhaji was thinking if onResume, i empty the ListView and then fill it up again , would that be efficient ?
02:59.45romainguydoesn't make a difference
02:59.54romainguywhat adapter are you using?
03:03.21ttuttlehey, anyone know how to add ssh keys to connectbot?
03:03.24neerhajdoes setListAdapter(null) work to empty the listview ?
03:05.44d0netshey does anyone want to help me port an open source java guitar tuner to android?
03:07.02*** part/#android Neverender (
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03:09.33mpardocan you do an array push in java?
03:11.44*** join/#android israr[a] (n=israr@
03:14.21waldo_d0nets sounds cool but you can't call it "tunedroid"....  as much as I wish you could cuz it's a great name
03:15.02waldo_d0nets what are you porting?
03:15.08tweaktmpardo, use an ArrayList and convert to array as needed
03:15.45tweaktArrayList implements Collection, which has .add(element)
03:15.50d0netsyea i heard about that earlier
03:16.40d0netsyea i thought it was a good name too
03:16.41d0nets"GuitarTuner" was already taken
03:16.44languishd0nets, how about StrungRight
03:17.02languishor CoolStrings
03:17.06d0netsim gonna right that down
03:17.16*** join/#android shadez (
03:17.18d0netsi was thinkin about GootarTuner
03:17.18languishor HighGuitar
03:18.27*** part/#android UKCode1 (n=Les@
03:18.37languishanyway, DannyB should come back any day now with the final decision on that naming issue
03:18.48languishif he comes back and says don't use it, i suggest you don't
03:19.30benleyhey, has anybody got TunesRemote working on a real device yet?
03:19.37romainguyworks fine
03:19.56benleyromainguy: presumably not using the apk on
03:20.12romainguyI'm using whatever Jeff sent me a couple of weeks ago
03:20.20ttuttleHey, if I register a LocationListener to get gps updates with an interval of 1 minute, will the device go to sleep, then wake up a minute later, get a GPS fix, send it to me, and go back to sleep?
03:20.38benleyromainguy: can you share me the apk?  the one on his site didn't install properly last I tried.
03:20.40romainguyttuttle: give it a try :)
03:20.57romainguybenley: what about the one from Market?
03:21.14benleyit's in market?! that's new
03:21.22romainguysince Monday
03:21.31DannyBlanguish: still waiting for an answer myserlf.   :)
03:21.32benleyheh, ok I'm slow
03:21.34languishanother reason we need that market website
03:21.46ttuttlebenley: hey, how's it going?
03:21.57languishDannyB, I just appreciate you're willing to look in to it :)
03:21.57benleyttuttle: it's good
03:22.08romainguylanguish: I was waiting for your next complaint :)
03:22.18DannyBin this case legal actually agrees with me, just waiting for marketing :)
03:22.30languishromainguy, hey, i'm just hear to help, via volumes of feedback :)
03:22.38languishDannyB, sweet
03:22.40romainguyoh you do volume :))
03:23.59jastaromainguy: what is your guys' indentation policy for continuations again?  this email app is way inconsistent with itself
03:24.02jasta8 spaces?
03:24.07romainguyyes 8
03:24.14romainguyand if you split over several lines
03:24.16romainguywhatever looks good
03:24.47jastaand is there any policy about wrapping to 80 column boundaries?
03:24.51jastaor is that hit or miss?
03:25.03romainguynot 80
03:25.24benleyis mystified as to why the google indentation policy differs from the android one
03:25.34romainguybecause Android is not Google
03:25.38romainguyand Google is not Android
03:25.56romainguyjasta: we changed the 80/100 columns rule about 1 year ago, so the code is not always consistent wrt to this
03:26.02*** join/#android mithro (n=tim@unaffiliated/mithro)
03:26.07jbq_100 columns. Keeping the block comments within 80 columns is appreciated but not strongly enforced (so that people who read the code with 80 columns can still reasonably read those)
03:26.31romainguyjbq_: 80 for comments was also mostly for the code review tool
03:26.57jbq_Also, if you modify a file that currently fits in 80 columns, try to keep it that way.
03:27.28jastagotcha, thanks
03:27.34waldo_are you guys talking about modifications to android itself?
03:27.43waldo_have there been many changes/submissions so far?
03:27.45neekersi just got my 8G memory card for my G1, it was 20 bucks on amazon
03:27.47waldo_I shold check
03:28.24waldo_looks like there's 1 checkin a day at
03:28.52romainguywaldo_: it will get better when the core Android team switches to git
03:29.04romainguywe're still wrapping up some things internally on perforce
03:29.06waldo_what are they using now?  svn?
03:29.15*** join/#android sramv23 (n=vmarshal@
03:29.27jastait'll also pick up once the community gets rollin' on this
03:29.49waldo_yeah I was thinking there'd be a million checkins by now...  like when mozilla first opened...  there were patches right and left
03:30.07waldo_of course that was a pos mess of unrunnable code
03:30.15romainguyoh yeah
03:30.23romainguyI remember contributing a patch or two to Mozilla
03:30.24waldo_sorry I mean "Netscape Communicator 5" or whatever
03:30.28romainguythe code base... argh
03:30.32ttuttleis getting "/home/tom/android/Foo/build.xml:109: Execute failed: Cannot run program "/home/tom/android-sdk-linux_x86-1.0_r1/tools/aapt": error=12, Cannot allocate memory". What do I do?
03:30.39waldo_it wouldn't even compile
03:30.42romainguythey enjoyed comments even less than we do ;))
03:31.29*** join/#android WadeMealing1 (
03:31.42sramv23ok, so I built and signed my first application, i put it on the phone, and when I try and install I get a warning that says "Replace Application",The application you are trying to install will replace another application" but this is the first time I have installed it
03:32.00romainguyis this an application from the open source repository?
03:32.14sramv23nope, one I just built
03:32.26languishsramv23, HOW are you putting it on the phone?
03:32.31WadeMealing1just wondering, what the street price is for a non contract G1 in the US ?
03:32.38WadeMealing1i dont know a better place to ask
03:32.47sramv23downloaded over the web to the downloads folder
03:33.02waldo_sramv23: did you try adb -d install filename.apk?
03:33.10languishsramv23, a) try using www. in the domain, b) try renaming the .apk
03:33.20WadeMealing1would like to run it in au, but doesn't look like anyone is selling it
03:33.26romainguyalso add -r
03:33.26languishit's some wonky issue with the G1 browser
03:33.57sramv23waldo, languish, it downloads and acts like it's about to install, i just stopped because of the error message. /me was afraid it was going to nuke something else
03:33.58romainguylanguish: he said he built it, it's not an install through the browser
03:34.07neekerswade: i beleive ebay has them for like $399
03:34.08waldo_speaking of the OS did anyone get that update yet?
03:34.17languishromainguy,  <sramv23> downloaded over the web to the downloads folder
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03:34.42romainguyah doh
03:34.47romainguybuilt then put on the web
03:34.51romainguythat's a funky way to do it
03:35.02languishromainguy_, a lot of devs are doing it that way
03:35.08romainguyer why?
03:35.09WadeMealing1the <-- it mentions "google" gets to make the choice if its launching in australia
03:35.11sramv23well, i was trying to emulate how a 'partner' would install it
03:35.12WadeMealing1dont know how true that is
03:35.16romainguyUSB is a lot easier and faster
03:35.16languishthey want to know it downloads and installs over the web properly
03:35.20waldo_i noticed strangeness too where i couldn't install stuff from the web that I could if I downloaded it to my computer and used adb...  strangely
03:35.30sramv23has anyone seen that error before?
03:35.31languishfort users
03:35.41languishsramv23 yes a number of times
03:35.46languishI can help you work around it
03:36.14waldo_sramv23: a partner could d/l it with a computer then adb it over... that's how I wa doing michaelnovak's file browser
03:36.45languishsramv23 first make sure you have the proper mime type set in your httpd's configuration for .apk
03:36.45sramv23well, i'm mostly concerned about the error message, what is is trying to write over?
03:37.16sramv23is there something in the Android manifest that is set to a 'default' ?
03:37.29languishsramv23, i'm only guessing here, but i think the G1's browser is downloading the .apk as text not data, from certain urls.
03:37.32jastaromainguy: is there some fancy way to runtime enable Config.LOGV/LOGD or will i need to build the entire image and load it onto the emulator to get debug?
03:37.40romainguyyou have to build the image
03:37.50jastak, just checking :)
03:37.50romainguyespecially since static final fields are inlined by javac
03:38.07languishsramv23, the same urls it has trouble with, are the ones it doesn't save in the browser history
03:38.11romainguythat said you can just rebuild the framework, not the entire device
03:38.29jbq_Also, you have to disable API checking (because changing LOGD/LOGV is a change in the public API).
03:38.36sramv23languish, i'm pretty sure it downloaded fine, it's just what it's about to overwrite concerns me
03:38.48languishsramv23, i've been through this with a number of devs
03:39.29languishI've been testing apps, and I've helped a number of devs in here fix the issue with some trial and error
03:39.53RyeBryeAnyone know anything about this geocaching app: ?
03:40.24WadeMealing1guess not, ah well.
03:40.52RyeBryeNot sure if the developer is really building it, or what is up with that
03:41.02RyeBryelooks promising
03:41.13languishI couldn't tell you what it thinks it's about to overwrite, but I can help you to get it to stop bringing up that message
03:41.35sramv23*will* it overwrite something?
03:41.40languishI have no idea
03:41.49sramv23that's my problem :-)
03:41.54languishwell no..
03:42.02languishbecause it's not a problem with your apk
03:42.12languishit's a problem with how the apk is being downloaded
03:42.19languisha bug in the browser
03:43.04sramv23so what was the command line way of installing it again?
03:43.17jbqlanguish: do you have any details about that? If I have a bug in the download manager, I'd like to know about it so I can fix it.
03:43.50languishjbq, all I can tell you are the steps I've gone through with other devs that have worked around the issue.
03:44.08languishso when the file downloads, it installs properly, without that warning
03:44.18RyeBryethe 400 messages on the $25 plan is 400 SMS and MMS, right?
03:44.42jbqlanguish: is it OK if I copy-paste what you're telling me right now?
03:44.53languishjbq 100% ok
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03:47.43languishthe steps that have worked thus far are: 1) make sure the mime type for .apk is correct in the webservers config.  2) some hostnames as in host.domain.tld do not appear to be liked much by the G1 browser, particularly ones that are not www.  so use www.domain.tld/..path  3) change the name of the actual file. If it's myapp.apk  make it myapprulezomgwtfbbq.apk
03:48.01languish4) it seems some redirected urls also don't work
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03:48.27languishso make it a direct download as in..
03:48.46ErikTI wonder how you figured that one out. ;-)
03:48.53languishErikT :)
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03:48.59languishnot just you buddy :P
03:49.10ErikTYeah, everyone, pretty much.
03:50.05jbqI know about the redirect part, if you select "save link" on a link that goes to a redirected URI, the 1.0 download manager doesn't know how to deal with it.
03:50.24languishjbq, a side note: the urls that seem to cause the issue, are the same urls the G1 browser doesn't remember in its history
03:51.04jbqThat part is very interesting - especially because the browser history code and the download code were written entirely independently.
03:51.19languishso when I type nonworkingdowinloadhost.domain.tld/directory/myapp.apk
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03:51.53languishand then I go back to type it in again.. it doesn't autocomplete and it's not in the history (even after visiting the location)
03:52.39languishwhich has been annoying because some devs have been using encrypted/obfuscated direct urls
03:53.49unix_infidelthat's more just a part of the framework so you cant hotlink directly to the apk
03:54.00wastreli don't know how to get to my google "homepage" on the g1
03:54.21BHSPitMonkeywastrel, that's pretty unreasonable
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03:58.49wastrelBHSPitMonkey: can you get to yours?
03:59.05BHSPitMonkeywastrel, don't own one
03:59.16wastrelyou don't have an android phone?
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04:00.19unix_infidelwastrel: you mean igoogle for mobile?
04:00.33unix_infidelmobile devices*
04:00.45wastreligoogle is what it's called?
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04:05.26BHSPitMonkeywastrel, I'm getting there... Just booted Linux on my phone for the first time at all yesterday (might be the first time -anyone-'s booted linux on a strtrk...)
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04:19.20convivialdoes android sdk work on xp 64bit professional?
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04:20.56jt436convivial: I would guess it does,
04:22.17convivialdoes not say so there
04:22.34wastrelthis is a bug in google.  can't get to my google start page
04:23.28After_Mathcan someone take a look or even run my code and tell me why it doesnt print out the text when it recieves it
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04:24.36convivialI can't gbet eclipse to run
04:24.40convivialon xp 64bit
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04:25.58languishwastrel, you can't get to your google start page because going from results in too many redirects, which the g1 browser doesn't seem to like
04:26.11languishit's not a bug, it's a feature :)
04:26.13michaelnovakjr__convivial: xp 64 bit is always a bad idea
04:26.33convivialmichaelnovakjr__: now ya tell me :(
04:26.35convivialtoo late now
04:27.06michaelnovakjr__i don't know much that does work with windows 64 bit
04:27.20jt436you could use another IDE
04:27.29convivialjt436: such as?
04:27.43jt436no idea, sorry
04:27.47wastrellanguish google should fix that.
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04:29.42languishwastrel, well, it is a mobile browser, and the redirect limitation 'protects" us from some nefarious sites. but yes I agree, I would prefer all google services I use are available through the G1 browser too
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04:31.20convivialwill vista biz 32bit work?
04:32.31michaelnovakjr__convivial: i used that before
04:32.48wastrellanguish: did you file a bug?
04:32.56convivialmichaelnovakjr ok
04:33.00languishwastrel, on this issue? no, i haven't
04:33.09languishwastrel, tehy know about it, it's not a bug.
04:33.16languishit's an intentional behaviour
04:33.33convivialI can not get eclpse to run
04:33.44wastrelthe intent is that i be unable to reach that page from the android browser?
04:34.09languishwastrel, stop being to put this nicely.. .nevermind, can't think of a nice way to put it..
04:34.31languishjust file it as an issue (not a bug)
04:34.47languishand likely they'll fix it with updates to the browser
04:35.12wastrelissue ok
04:36.31convivialeclipsed tested on Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, x86-64, Win32 running (any of):
04:36.42convivialand is EM64Y?
04:37.09convivialI have intel t9300 cpu
04:41.00conviviali think eclipse only will run with jdk 1.5
04:42.46d0netswow nice
04:42.52d0netsmy iphone sold for 499 buy it now
04:42.57d0netsafter 3 days
04:43.05d0netsand instant payment and they are in TX
04:43.09d0netsnot algeria or something
04:43.36romainguyhmm I should sell mine :)
04:43.50convivialeclipse will not work on xp 64biy
04:43.54convivialwhat a piece of shitware
04:44.24jt436well that sucks
04:45.00convivialsays JVM terminated with Exit code =-1
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04:48.19spikebiked0net iphone or iphone 3g?
04:48.40convivialandroid ain't shit
04:49.23spikebikenot much works on xp 64 bit from what I hear
04:49.38spikebikeincluding many microsoft products which I find doubly amusing
04:50.32convivialthis means I have to return my computer :(
04:50.44convivialbecause it came with XP 64bit
04:50.49spikebikeor reinstall it with xp 32 bit
04:50.59spikebikeor a better OS ;-)
04:51.02convivialto switch to 32bit I have to get diff system or buy it
04:51.14convivialit's a dell refurb
04:51.23convivialcant swap out OS
04:51.26spikebikeoh, you mean licensing, not some technical restriction
04:51.43spikebikeya not familiar with if a xp license lets you run both versions of xp
04:51.43michaelnovakjr__convivial: ubuntu is the way :)
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04:51.52convivialcan't do that
04:51.58convivialalso using windows mobile too
04:52.09michaelnovakjr__that is terrible
04:53.15spikebikeI wonder what the first netbook running android will be
04:54.19convivialthis is error when I run eclipse:
04:54.50convivialwhat about windows 2008?
04:54.53convivialwill that work?
04:58.51convivialshit xp pro is 199.00
04:59.14spikebikeyeah, it's a racket
04:59.47convivialwell, I have xp pro disk from my old computer
04:59.51convivialmaybe i'll install that
05:00.00convivialbut I don't have any of the dell drivers :(
05:00.02spikebikeyou buy a machine with a license... oh your it group wants to customize it... need another license... oh your ap requires 32 bits... another license... oh shit you need one that can run virtualized... another license... etc.
05:00.26conviviali'm lost
05:00.34conviviali'll call dell tommorrow and see what they say
05:00.57michaelnovakjr__they'll point you towards Ubuntu
05:01.07michaelnovakjr__just use vmware to run windows
05:01.15convivialI am running windows mobile sdk too
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05:01.23spikebikeactually I think there's an official downgrad to xp 32 bit
05:01.33languishugh, people spamming in the market comments
05:01.39convivialI have downdgrade to xp 64bit
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05:02.57jt436languish: tell me about it
05:03.05convivialthis sucks
05:03.08convivialms sucks
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05:03.12convivialfreaking crooks
05:03.35spikebikesomeome should come out with a free os that runs on desktops, servers, laptops, pdas, and even phones.
05:03.53waldo_languish literally spamming?
05:04.00UKCoderis there anything that is a lil funky (i.e. known bugs, or something that might not be blatantly obvious) that I should know about with MediaPlayer and pulling resources via http/rtsp?  I can play local resources but nada from anything via a URL
05:04.34romainguyUKCoder: ask jasta :)
05:04.52UKCoderoh? :)
05:05.08languishwaldo_, yes, spamming their myspace production company urls
05:05.12convivialxp home o0nly $99.00
05:05.30convivialoh well fuck it until tomorrow
05:05.43convivialcan you program android in C++ too>
05:05.51waldo_languish: blah.. can we rate comments yet?
05:06.21languishshould be a licence to comment, but then, I'd be denied :(
05:06.27languish"Complains too much"
05:07.00jt436I like the ones where people feel the need to abuse you
05:07.13languishsome of those are awesomew
05:07.35romainguylanguish: 'xactly :)
05:07.40waldo_languish which app?
05:07.46languishso far, the most entertaining thing about this entire experience has been some of the market comments
05:08.04romainguyvery YouTube like
05:08.18romainguythe email they send to the devs are also very entertaining
05:08.33waldo_romain you should have a gallery of shame of comments
05:08.34languishwaldo_, one of them's on the recent pacman update.. scrolls down to the guy named Hue
05:08.40jt436romainguy: yes true, but you also get some good ones
05:08.47languishromainguy, lol :)
05:09.23romainguyI especially love the emails I get from people accusing me of breaking their phone's camera with my app
05:09.29romainguyapp that does nothing to the camera
05:09.44waldo_holy crap someone posted the following description of their new app:  "Do not use.  Currently written for one user onely but with be generalized for others..." etc etc
05:09.49waldo_that's hilarious
05:09.55waldo_it's called "mockup of Web Camera"
05:10.11languishwaldo_, IN the market?
05:10.20waldo_view all apps by date
05:10.27jt436did you d/l it?
05:10.55waldo_or do a search for "mockup of web cam viewer"  -- speaking of funny comments.. this should be good.
05:11.07languishyeah I see it
05:11.14languishoyfg that's hysterical
05:11.18languishhere come the trolls
05:11.47waldo_once this hits walmart this platform will turn into a circus
05:11.56waldo_like I say, it's like when AOL hit the Internet.
05:11.57UKCoderromainguy: what does jasta know that I should about MP and URLs? :)
05:12.03waldo_first one to make a NASCAR app wins.
05:12.05romainguyI don't know
05:12.12romainguyhe's been bitching a lot about it for the past 12 months
05:12.17romainguyso he must know about it :))
05:12.56UKCoderhas anyone in here managed to get MediaPlayer to work with URLs?
05:13.13waldo_no but it works fine w/urls
05:13.13waldo_I mean
05:13.14waldo_with files
05:14.02languishyeah, my wife's 2 eps away from finishing watching the first season of House on her G1
05:14.03UKCoderyeah, I've got it working today with files, I was hoping URLs would work too to prevent me from having to macguvor it
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05:15.34spikebikeI seem to recall an issue with media player and streaming
05:15.35DarkriftXnice, she playing the full sized 350mb files?
05:15.50spikebikemy 8GB card for the g1 didn't come today 8-(
05:16.10jargonjustinI'm trying to get the SDK setup on a PPC Mac.  The emulator builds, but experiences issues.  I was hoping to set it up and debug with my G1, but can't seem to find the source to build the rest of the SDK.  Any pointers?
05:21.01languishDarkriftX, no, i encoded them in mp4 for the G1
05:21.50languishDarkriftX, WHEN tmo news comes back online,
05:21.53languishso save the url
05:22.08DarkriftXi was hoping you didnt have to re-encode
05:22.27DarkriftXi download tv eps in xvid
05:22.50DarkriftXavg size is about 350mb and i was hoping those would play nicely
05:22.50languishit'll xcome eventually
05:23.46waldo_how long until people are actually using the market to spam their products?  ie, "Virtual Viagra From Sp^MVi^gr^.com!"
05:24.24DarkriftXwith the $25 price, probably not soon
05:24.35DarkriftXbecause getting caught once would get them canceled
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05:24.42languishI'm pretty sure some idiot's already realized they can sign up bogus gmail accounts and do it
05:25.02DarkriftXyeah but your "license" can get revoked
05:25.12languishi don't mean the devs putting up apps
05:25.17languishi meant in the comments
05:25.37waldo_i meant as an app
05:25.44languishah yeah
05:25.54waldo_you need a phone to post comments for now anyway
05:25.54languishi guess $25 is worth the exposure
05:25.58muthumarket submissions would be moderated
05:26.22languishmuthu, then what happened to that camera mockuop intended for.. 1 person
05:26.31waldo_at least that dick hue put his IM address so everyone can thank him personally for spamming
05:28.21languishi begin to wonder id it's a test by one of the gdevs
05:28.35languishsee how many curious folks download it
05:29.15BHSPitMonkeyeverybody download it
05:29.36DarkriftXno, thats what htey expect
05:29.38DarkriftXnobody download it!
05:29.41DarkriftXmake thier test fail!
05:33.58umdk1d3hmm?  what shoudl i be downloading?  :P
05:35.15waldo_there's this really awesome demo....
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05:36.14theCarpenteri'm trying to get Android's PackageInstaller app imported as a valid Eclipse project
05:37.01languishwaldo_, check the most recent comment for "mini space war" in the market  (lastest version of it)
05:37.06theCarpenteranyone tried this before? i've been trying to do this for a few days now but eclipse is a pain to manually import projects into, and everything goes wonky with the importing quickly
05:37.12languishno, that's not me.
05:37.23romainguyanybody used the sound recording API yet?
05:38.11languishthere's a DroidRecord in the market
05:38.13theCarpenteris there a clean guide or something i can follow to get the packageinstaller imported cleanly??
05:38.16languishso someone did
05:38.24DarkriftXquestion, can an app be made to record the call? or does the device not have access to the audio on the phone like most wm devices
05:38.43theCarpenterromainguy: it's impossible to write an app to record a call?
05:38.49romainguycurrently yes
05:38.52DarkriftXthat f
05:38.55DarkriftXf'ing sucks
05:38.57theCarpenterromainguy: ... what? why?
05:39.23languishyou'll be able to get in-line adaptors to record calls
05:39.30languishthey come out for all phones
05:39.31DarkriftXscrew that
05:39.34theCarpenternot even as some obscure permission you can declare somewhere?
05:39.39DarkriftXid want a software recording
05:39.49theCarpenterthat's insane...
05:39.52theCarpenterwhy not?
05:39.52languishI want softwre recording too, but *shrug*
05:39.56DarkriftXi hate being saved from my self by software limitations
05:39.59romainguytheCarpenter: security
05:40.10romainguythat said it'd be nice if the system came with a call recorder
05:40.10theCarpenterhow does it improve security?
05:40.21romainguythat random apps can't record your phone calls?
05:40.25languishDarkriftX, more like they're saving pizzahut from you
05:40.26theCarpenterapps can declare complete access to virtually every other part of the system though
05:40.56DarkriftXif the install told you that app had permission to record calls, that makes it secure enough
05:41.10theCarpenterDarkriftX: i suppose its not considered secure enough
05:41.19languishromainguy, is this because the gsm dsp is integrated in to the core that handles telephony ?
05:41.23theCarpentersurely it would be possible to hack the android platform itself..?
05:41.33romainguylanguish: no idea
05:41.34DarkriftXprob soon theCarpenter
05:41.41DarkriftXonce it gets hacked, the real fun begins
05:41.56theCarpenteri imagine there's gotta be a way to hook into speaker at a lower level somehow
05:41.58DarkriftXits good now, but will be great then
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05:43.57waldo_languish: someone could do a study of these comments
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05:49.03umdk1d3gah my market is caching data somewhere i think
05:49.32DarkriftXwow, splitmuch tonight
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05:54.16jastawhat the fuck, the Messaging app scrolls really slow
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05:54.53umdk1d3jasta: i think its because of compositing the image behind the listview
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05:55.48romainguymessaging doesn't have a background image
05:55.55romainguybut it disables the color cache hint
05:55.58romainguywhich doesn't help
05:56.45romainguy(makes the fade very costly for instance)
05:56.45d0netshey can the g1 receive data in through usb?
05:56.55jan247convivial... are you sure you're using the eclipse for 64bit?
05:56.56d0netssuch as datalogging an ecu via obd2 to usb interface
05:57.27DarkriftXi think its a usb client only d0nets
05:57.37DarkriftXi havent read anything about usb host anywhere
05:58.05d0netsi guess you could make a bluetooth obd2 to usb adapter : /
05:58.34d0netsor i mean bluetooth obd2
05:58.34DarkriftXthat would be a great idea
05:58.50DarkriftXwould work pefectly
05:58.50d0netsyea you can do digital gauges
05:58.57d0netslike subarus have a really nice ecu
05:58.59DarkriftXyeah, and not ahve to worry about a plug
05:59.27d0netsto data log i run this app, and i hit my rear defrost button, and it starts the log, i do WOT till redline, and hit the button again
06:00.18d0netsthen you can submit the log to the creater of your ecu rom for some refinement via the web (open source tuning)
06:01.34d0netsso it would be nice to not have to lug the laptop around while im doing 60-100
06:02.10d0netsthen, you can make digital gauges using the live ecu data
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06:02.26jastaumdk1d3: what image?  it just shows contact and the last message
06:02.32jastai think its just doing some stupid query or something
06:02.35d0netshigh jasta
06:02.52jastainteresting, the Messaging app appears not to be part of the source?
06:02.56umdk1d3jasta: sorry i thought you meant the IM app
06:03.06jastaoh maybe its the Mmms app?
06:04.03RyeBryeneed more apps
06:05.27d0netshelp me port this guitar tuner ryebrye
06:05.55umdk1d3sigh market is caching things on me, and i dont know how to stop it  :/
06:06.03umdk1d3either that or its internally messed up atm
06:07.19umdk1d3(how could shopsavvy with 5-10k installs be above wikimobile which has 10-15k installs in the popular-sorted list?)
06:07.40spikebikemaybe it's installs * rating?
06:08.39umdk1d3idk it just seems like there is some tampering going on behind the scenes, unless it keeps some sort of local cache that is goofing things up
06:09.56DarkriftXits the government
06:09.59DarkriftXthey took control of google!
06:10.38umdk1d3oh noez  =O
06:17.18muthushopsavvy must be more downloads
06:17.27muthuis it only 5-10k?
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06:18.38baron1804i can wait to get my g1
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06:18.45RyeBryeMine came today, it's nice
06:18.53RyeBryealthough I feel a bit of the "after install letdown"
06:19.04RyeBrye... It wasn't very hard for me to install evey worthwhile app in the market
06:19.27RyeBryethe base phone functionality works well
06:19.29muthuhow many apps in market now?
06:19.34weilaweimine came today. letdown. said no sim card in phone. checked it out, big dent down the back.
06:19.45RyeBryethat sucks
06:19.56weilaweibut it looks rather better than the photos
06:20.15RyeBryeYeah, it is smaller than the photos make it look - which is good
06:20.40weilaweialso, im not sure yet, but i think i like it being thinner around the waist than the iphone
06:20.43weilaweifits in the hand better
06:21.17RyeBryeThe GPS works pretty well in it - which is more than I can say about iphone 3g
06:21.31weilaweigood enough for geocaching?
06:21.31RyeBryeAlthough I wonder which is more of a battery hog - bluetooth, or GPS
06:21.41RyeBryeDon't know. There isn't a good enough geocaching app out yet
06:22.04RyeBryeI imagine it would be good enough for geocaching though
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06:22.31weilaweii cant wait until it's more than a brick next to my bed
06:22.36weilaweiit works as a hard drive though :)
06:23.28RyeBryeIt really bugs me that the apps seem to all just hang out on the phone and not the SD card
06:23.29RyeBryebecause this phone has shit for memory
06:24.24RyeBryeMy router has more storage space for applications than this phone does (albeit because I installed an SD card into it - but still - I can actually use that SD card for applications - and it seems that thus far I can't do that for the applications on the G1)
06:25.00weilaweii need to get my drive repartitioned and format one with a case sensitive fs -__- android's source is oicky
06:25.12RyeBryeAre you on a mac?
06:25.17weilaweibut i just heard about that and it'd be neat to fix
06:25.19RyeBryejust create a disk image
06:25.23RyeBryeit's much easier
06:25.24weilaweioh right
06:25.29weilaweithank you!
06:25.44RyeBryeyeah, they should point that out on their instructions
06:25.50weilaweiisnt it a wiki>
06:26.01RyeBryeI'm pretty sure their main android page isn't a wiki
06:26.19weilaweiaw.. well im off to dive into that sd card thing.. ^__^ i needed a prohect
06:26.21RyeBryeYou'll want to make it at least 8 gigs
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06:54.49Zeininwhat is up party people.
06:55.35muthuyo yo
06:56.29Zeininhey, I come from a mostly numerical/simulation programming background. I am having a really hard time figuring out how to develop for this thing. Are there any good sites to bone up on basic java application programing?
06:57.09muthuto learn java.. start coding java
06:57.24muthuthat's the best way to get started ;)
06:57.51muthusame goes for android :)
06:58.07muthuandroid & java - the 2 most easiest stuff on earth
06:59.37ZeininI dunno this is very difficult to understand. for instance, what does this whole thing mean: . Why is there a com before that? it's stuff like that I am not getting
06:59.39Zeininis it just a namespace thing
07:00.56muthugo thru some tutorials in javapassion
07:01.14muthuits a namespace thing.. right
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07:15.21gamblerhey Zeinin
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07:15.56gamblerim also from a numerical background
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07:16.14gambleryou'll learn it easily
07:16.20gamblerim a little slow :p
07:17.06Zeininit is a bit confusing because the problems I am used to solving are much more simplistic. integration is a ton easier than getting a mouse event to be captured it seems
07:17.54gamblerwow i totally disagree but I tend to have an oddball view on things
07:18.33gamblerto me codings feels like tons of useless integration+glue
07:19.11Zeininyeah, that;s what I mean
07:19.30Zeinini can write something that does stuff easier than stuff that makes stuff look right
07:19.51gamblerwell get used to it, thats the nature of the beast
07:20.28gamblerregarding mouse events, I just learned about something called 'state drawables', they look pretty nifty - you might want to check them out
07:23.50muthugambler: what's happening?
07:25.19gamblermuthu: ei oh ei...just threw away 1-1.5 months work because I found a better way of doing it
07:27.21gambleractually I should be able to salvage a reasonable hunk of that
07:27.51gamblermeh who knows
07:29.14gamblerI read some crazy article on about Indian real estate gangs...
07:30.54muthugambler: oh yeah
07:30.58muthuthere's tons of gangs here
07:31.31muthuits a miracle people live here without going insane
07:32.31gamblerso many ppl there...ah well just more customers for mobegall...wheee
07:32.42jastadoes anyone know if a WakeLock is also a WifiLock?
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07:33.27muthugambler: haha
07:33.36jastaas i understand it, wifi goes off after x seconds of screen inactivity, so only a WakeLock that holds the screen on would serve as a WifiLock, but i'm not certain.
07:33.45jastaand it would be time consuming to test ;)
07:33.55muthujasta: no idea
07:35.31chomchomAre there any UK dwellers currently in the room? The G1 is now available in limited supply to those who signed up early. Is anyone else getting it?
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07:56.38waldo_does anyone know if are on the g1s?  They must be, right?
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08:06.21chomchomI guess I'm going to have to purchase the exhorbantly expensive G1 £40 a month plan to develop on then, bit of a bummer. Its more expensive than my iphone
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08:28.19jan247hi guys
08:28.23jan247wanted to ask
08:28.35jan247if there's a utility somewhere, where i can feed in a jar, or a set of class files
08:28.50jan247and tell me if there'll be VerifyErrors or whatnot
08:29.14jan247or, even at least tell me which part of the code is causing verifyerrors..
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08:49.42gdsxjasta: no, there is such a thing as a WifiLock, which prevents the wifi from being brought down completely, but doesn't keep the screen on.  I don't know if the API is public or not, though
08:51.03gdsxjasta: however, note that after the 2-minute timeout after the screen turns off, wifi will move into a lower-power mode which reduces the throughput (even though it's still up)
08:51.13gdsx(that is, with a wifi lock on)
08:52.08gdsxjasta: for instance, try downloading some songs on AmazonMP3 and let the screen time out.  (this is only useful if you have some external way of monitoring the phone's bandwidth usage, such as a WAP with fancy firmware)
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09:22.32Taunoanyone knows for what day do I have to book my flight (to the UK) to get a G1? rumors were that some people got their phone today.. but when can I just walk in and buy myself one direct form the store?
09:23.04ErikTAre the UK G1's sim locked too?
09:30.29davidwTauno, just get a friend to get one?
09:31.43tomgibaraTauno: I live in the UK and afaik pre-ordering (if that's what it is) still isn't available.
09:32.41tomgibaraI got an email yesterday saying that I could order one after 9:00 today, it's now 9:30 and the supplied link stil doesn't work
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09:32.48tomgibaraIt's looking shambolic.
09:34.05pjvhmm tom, I got a link that said 2pm
09:34.59tomgibarapjv: Odd, perhaps they sent out a batch and then changed their minds - either way, I think the UK launch isn't shaping up very well.
09:35.29pjvI think it's great, the information on the UK website is really thorough
09:36.00tomgibaraIt is? When is the phone available then?
09:36.02pjvanyway, it's not for me, as I don't live in the UK (I was on the list just to hear about the G1 coming to Europe)
09:36.52pjvthe mails speak about it coming out today
09:37.24pjvtoday the people on the list get an exclusive chance to order one and receive it in the next few days
09:37.31languishfhmm terminal app in the market, nice
09:37.43pjvat least, that's how I understand it
09:37.50languisheven has ping, but it doesn't seem to work for me yet
09:39.28pjvespecially this info is quite complete:
09:40.13tomgibarapjv: That's how it seems but t-mobile haven't given any concrete information about when the phone will be available except in an email yesterday saying they are taking orders today.
09:40.44languishYou guys are getting 2GB microcd cards?
09:40.59languishwtf t-mobile wtf
09:41.01ieatlintyeah, that's no fair.. bastard pommies
09:41.13ErikTNot only that, languish, it's *free* with a contract.
09:41.25pjvin the email before that: " Are you in the London area on 30 October 2008? If you fancy being one of the first to see the G1 in the flesh, T-Mobile is hosting an exclusive early opening of our store at 287 Oxford Street, London, W1C 2DP (nearest Tube Oxford Circus). You’ll need to be there for 7am to find out what we have planned for the T-Mobile G1 launch.  "
09:41.25tomgibaraWe're paying a lot more in the UK
09:41.28languishErikT, yeah been through that, their contracts are alot more expensive than ours
09:41.47ieatlintand it actually works on more carriers than tmobile uk (not saying it's not sim locked, just pointing out the hardware supports it)
09:42.00tomgibarapjv: Yeah, and a quick search in Google news reveals that no-one picked it up.
09:42.37languish'eh there's a service sending unlock codes for money already
09:42.51languishpeople in the us are using it to jumop to att (but no 3g)
09:43.02ieatlintyeah, and no 3g is a huge hit
09:43.35ieatlintfrom what i hear, tmobile will already unlock the g1
09:43.38pjvwell, no need to head over there unless you want to buy a phone
09:43.45ieatlintyou just need to find the right representative and be convincing
09:43.46tomgibaraIt's amazing actually. They launched the G1 at 7am this morning (3hrs ago) and not a single news item on Google news. How can an operator get it so wrong?
09:47.33pjvWell, it's not a worldwide launch anymore, it's not even a launch, just the start of the selling. It's also targeted towards customers, not the press.
09:47.59pjvNothing in the UK media huh? (no TV, no newspapers?)
09:48.25pjvthat's a bit weird
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09:48.59andreafhi *
09:49.08ieatlinti think he also means that google is pushing the phone hard here, so it's odd they aren't pushing it in the uk
09:49.46ieatlintfor the past week google's homepage has had a link on it below the search field saying something like "T-Mobile G1 out! Buy one today!"
09:49.53pjvI don't know about the UK, but in my part of Europe it's normal that people don't queue up when a new phone comes out ;-)
09:50.20ieatlintwell, depends on the phone
09:50.31ieatlintdid you queue up for the wii?
09:50.36ieatlintor the ps3, or similar...
09:51.06tomgibaraieatlint: Well, I didn't expect Google to do any pushing - I didn't see those ads. But you'd expect a major UK carrier with a major launch to get coverage in UK.
09:51.16pjvnope, some 20 people for the iPhone (several months later, almost right before the 3G), but that was clearly put in scene by Apple
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09:52.05ieatlintwell, clearly you belgians need to work on being better consumer whores
09:52.15ieatlinttake a look at the uk, us and japan for examples
09:55.00kristian-mhey - has anyone bought a G1 in europe yet? - there is an ebay offer for a simlock free G1, could this be legit?
09:55.09kristian-m<-- is in .de
09:55.57ieatlinteven if it is, be wary that you aren't getting the US version, which will work fine for gsm, but not at all for 3g
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09:57.31kristian-mieatlint well, i guess it is the us version, are there umts versions sold anywhere? UK?
09:57.31languishieatlint, the US model works on the .uk's networks too, just fine
09:57.31languishit's the same unit
09:57.32ieatlintthe US version is umts, just uses a different frequency
09:57.49ieatlintthe uk uses tmobile US's weird hybrid umts bands?
09:58.07languishyes but the G1 has the config for using the .uk network
09:58.15languishit's the *same* shipping model
09:58.46kristian-mon ebay they call it "UMTS Dualband"
09:59.04ieatlinthrm... i'm somehow skeptical
09:59.18languishbe sceptical, it's fact
09:59.32ieatlintas i understand it, the tmo us uses 1700/2100 hybrid, and europe uses 2100
09:59.54kristian-msounds good to me ;-)
09:59.57languishieatlint, again.. the device is configured to use both networks. in hardware and software
10:00.02languishit's the *same* shipping model.
10:00.16kristian-manyway are there ways to buy the G1 without contract?
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10:00.33languishkristian-m, if you pay full price
10:00.38ieatlintbut the radio is highly unlikely to be software controlled... and if it works on the 2100 only bands, why isn't it being advertised as such?
10:00.39languishor off ebay
10:00.47kristian-mthat would be about $ 400,-?
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10:00.58languishieatlint, go do some googling
10:01.03languishnot gonna bother
10:01.21ieatlinti am, and i see nothing to support what you're saying as of yet
10:02.39ieatlinthmmm, i am simply unsure... the terminology is vague, and i'm sure you'll forgive me for not taking some random person on irc's word for it ;)
10:03.57languisht-mobile's been downplaying it, because they don't want people selling it across the pond
10:04.06languishit's less expensive here overall
10:05.57languishnow, it's possible that tmo might have the image being put on the G1 modified at some point
10:05.57kristian-mlanguish how much would it be to get the contract free version? - just so i have a number
10:06.01ieatlinthsupa doesn't define bands
10:06.10hendryis there source for surfaceflinger?
10:06.44languishkristian-m, I have no idea
10:06.50languishI'm in the USA
10:07.03languishI've been chatting with friends in the .uk about it
10:07.18kristian-mlanguish and they can use umts?
10:07.26ieatlintthe US g1 supports tmobiles 2100/1700 hybrid, with 2100 down, 1700 up.... whereas the UK uses 2100/1900, with 2100 being downlink and 1900 uplink
10:07.36ieatlinti see nothing indicating support for 1900 for umts on the g1
10:07.52languishieatlint, give it a week and it'll be all over
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10:10.23trigatch4kristian-m: apparently you can scoop a G1 up for $399 if you talk to the right store
10:10.30trigatch4some will sell without contract
10:10.30ieatlintok, i concede that i am simply wrong
10:10.31trigatch4others wont
10:10.37ieatlintsorry :)
10:11.02ieatlinthappily wrong at that... nice to have umts outside the us
10:11.13trigatch4how is everyone doing this AM (or whatever time it is there)?
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10:11.51languishsame 'ol same 'ol, someone challenges me, and eventually apologizes and admits they're wrong right around this time
10:12.10ieatlinthah, how gracious of you ;)
10:12.25languishi wish i were kidding :|
10:12.25kristian-mieatlint okay, so umts will work in .de? \o/
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10:12.34languishyesterday it was umm
10:12.34ieatlinti believe so
10:12.48languishforgot who it was nigth before
10:13.21languishbut I'm gonna stop having these nightly convos while I'm ahead
10:14.16ieatlintand i should probably get to bed
10:15.14kristian-msleep well oer there
10:15.37ieatlintand enjoy your lunch over there :P
10:16.09kristian-mjust has his morning coffee
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10:31.55trigatch4i just have my *two* large coffees hehe
10:32.45languish'mornin :)
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10:46.49Taunolunch time.. gotta find something to eat..
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11:13.37ascii__I need some help regarding dynamicly creating a ListView..application keep crashing when i add an ArrayAdapter...anyone got a tutorial or something on this?
11:13.48ascii__i don't want to use the ListAcitivity..
11:15.01*** part/#android ErikT (
11:21.55muthuascii__: ApiDemos
11:22.05ascii__they use ListAcitivity
11:22.10Taunowhat exception is thrown?
11:22.31Taunojust use it like any other view..
11:24.51ascii__i add the ArrayAdapter with mylist.setAdapter(myadapter) fine when noe data is in the adapter, but when data i sinserteded, it crashes..
11:25.43Taunois there a error message is in LogCat?
11:26.22ascii__i eclipse crash when i add the debug logcat option :/
11:26.50Taunoare you using windows? :)
11:27.03ascii__nope, linux..
11:27.40Taunook, then run "adb logcat" from console.. it gives you the output of logcat
11:28.28Taunolet it running and try again - you get the error message there and then you can see what went wrong :)
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11:31.13ascii__as i thought...
11:31.23ascii__at android.widget.ArrayAdapter.createViewFromResource(
11:32.14Taunowhats the first line of the stacktrace?
11:33.04ascii__E/AndroidRuntime(  237): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.NullPointerException: println needs a message
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11:34.32ascii__hmm..seems like the Log.d() causes that one..
11:36.18ascii__it the debugger thingy!
11:36.21ascii__cheers mate..
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11:40.11andreafhi, i'm trying to make a very simple application. A window with "hello world" and, with the selected of an item a new windows with "hello world 2". May I have a tips about windows switching in androd ? there is something like a "setCurrentDysplay" ?
11:40.30eldenzandreaf, check the samples
11:41.44andreafeldenz: i'm gophering in the code... (Notepadv1 example) but I found only a setListAdapter
11:42.03andreafnot an explicit exchange between two view..
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11:48.27TaunoI'm not sure that I understand what you are asking but are you trying to launch another activity from your first activity?
11:50.37andreafTauno: yes, it is :)
11:51.14scootleylook here:
11:51.47andreafscootley: thanks a lot.
11:52.17Taunolook for startActivity() there :)
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11:52.58eldenzand don't forget to do ex3 as well
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11:56.45DASPRiDoh there's actually a channel on freenoe for android :x
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11:57.44DASPRiDdoes anyone of you know facts about multi-touch abillity of the htc dream?
11:58.10cygnusx9not possible
11:58.14cygnusx9as far as i know
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11:59.57DASPRiDbecause the latest information i have are, that the hardware is cappable of it, but it's disabled at software level due to patent conflicts with apple
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12:02.09eldenzi hate apple
12:02.25languisheat a worm?
12:03.13eldenzhow many $$$ of the iPhone's price will go towards that patent? :p
12:03.33Dougie187you guys all gearing up for your ubuntu parties?
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12:07.07chris_debianHi, all.  I'm an Openmoko fan, but I understand that Google have opened all of the software on the new handsert.  Is that true?
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12:07.23kslatergood morning
12:07.55kslaterdoes the android have a nuclear reactor hidden inside and does anyone know where I can find a good tip calculator?
12:08.32kslaterfigured he should get things off to a proper start
12:09.15Tauno(a girl at work asked yesterday if we should also have a Ubuntu party... everybody was silent for a few moments and then everybody burst out in laughter.. so no.. I'm not gearing up for it I guess :/ )
12:10.00DASPRiDgogo ubuntu party! :x
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12:11.12DASPRiDopens the champagner
12:11.57Dougie187oh man, everyone needs to have an ubuntu party.
12:12.24eldenzwhen will it be released?
12:12.36eldenztime known?
12:12.38Dougie187probably around 11am est
12:12.47Dougie187so in about 3 hours i would assume.
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12:12.49eldenzest is like GMT-5?
12:12.56Dougie187i don't know if that is the right time though
12:13.00Dougie187i forget when it was last time.
12:13.07Dougie187so its basically just a guess
12:13.18eldenzchangelog already available?
12:13.27eldenzah found it
12:14.25davidwchris_debian, I don't know if *all* the code that's there is open, but enough is that you would have a working phone
12:14.35davidwthere's a ton of stuff in the sources
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12:16.04chris_debiandavidw:: Thanks for that.  I thought I read somewhere that the day before release, Google opened the whole stack.  GPLv2 and the Apache licence sounds good to me.  Additionally, Openmoko is not quite as ready as I'd like it to be, so I may be getting the G1 when my current contract runs out in December.
12:17.15davidwchris_debian, I think the nice thing about android is that you get open source and you actually get someone big dedicating a lot of resources to it
12:17.47davidwchris_debian, one caveat though, is that you should do some research to see if it's actually possible to recompile everything and reload the phone, if that's something that interests you.
12:19.22rwhitbyit's possible to recompile almost everything - there are some proprietary binaries on the G1 for which there is no source.
12:19.43rwhitbyand there is no documented way know (yet?) to reload a built image onto a production G1.
12:19.54chris_debianRecompiling everything doesn't bother me, as I guess the compile was optimized for the hardware, anyway.  I'm a big GNU/Linux advocate and have been Windows free since 1998, because I like openness.  The openness is what attracts me :-)
12:20.34davidwchris_debian, then I think it's a pretty good deal
12:20.35rwhitbychris_debian: remember that the bootloader on the G1 doesn't need to be open, and it doesn't need to allow you to actually load a modified image to flash.
12:20.38davidwit's cool to have source code for stuff
12:21.28rwhitbybut if everthing you want to do sits on the existing platform (i.e. you're an app developer), then it should be open enough for your needs :-)
12:23.44Dougie187i haven't heard of anything yet.
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12:24.41mpardois there any way to run a method on the first run of an app?
12:25.00mpardoor delete all the files made by an app when it's reinstalled?
12:25.37Dougie187anyone want some usb?
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12:31.20scootleymy G1 got the RC29 update overnight
12:32.06scootleyand now I have 3G reception in Washington, DC
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12:35.27Dougie187any other significant changes so far?
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13:01.53michaelnovakjrDougie187: i'm looking at getting a G1 through tmobile
13:02.05Dougie187michaelnovakjr: oh yeah?
13:02.11Dougie187just for dev? or with a contract?
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13:02.27michaelnovakjrwell... i don't want to pay $400 for the phone....
13:02.38michaelnovakjrit would be mostly for dev purposes
13:02.50michaelnovakjrit sucks not having a device to test with
13:03.26Dougie187thats pretty cool though
13:03.31Dougie187i have heard good things about the G1
13:03.57michaelnovakjrcheapest plan they have with the good data plan is 65 bucks
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13:04.33Dougie187is that with the $25 one? or the $35 one?
13:04.42michaelnovakjr35 dollar one
13:04.56michaelnovakjrapparently email isn't unlimited with the 25 dollar one either
13:05.08michaelnovakjrso that's kinda pointless
13:05.41Dougie187but you can do wifi.
13:05.42Dougie187and then it is
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13:05.57michaelnovakjri'm interested in getting everyday use testing out of it
13:06.08Dougie187you keeping your iphone too?
13:06.18Dougie187man its expensive being a dev.
13:06.25michaelnovakjrhaha tell me about it
13:06.36michaelnovakjrespecially a free and open source one L)
13:06.53Dougie187you can charge someone up the ass to be a dev though
13:06.55Dougie187and make a lot of money.
13:07.08Dougie187but most of them don't have souls.
13:07.12michaelnovakjryea, but it takes the fun out of it
13:07.31Dougie187i have to come up with a halloween costume....
13:07.39Dougie187we are going to a party tomorrow... and i don't know what i should be.
13:07.42michaelnovakjryou should be the android
13:08.01Dougie187ok. buy you have like 24 hours to make an android costume.
13:08.05Dougie187ready. set. go
13:08.20Dougie187oh man, today is ubuntu party day too
13:08.26michaelnovakjrhaha yea
13:08.27Dougie187im not going to get any work done tonight
13:08.37trigatch4whattup sir
13:08.43trigatch4i got that info for you
13:08.54trigatch4hey dogie187 how are ya
13:09.18Dougie187hey trigatch4.
13:09.19Dougie187im good.
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13:09.33languishwelcome to the android frathouse
13:09.46Dougie187lol are you welcoming trigatch4?
13:09.51languishno, an_dev
13:09.53Dougie187oh ok
13:09.53languishbut hey
13:10.04Dougie187i was gonna say... i think hes been around here longer then you have.
13:12.00trigatch4and i don't even develop anything
13:12.08Dougie187me either trigatch4
13:12.10Dougie187i do homework.
13:12.11languishyeah, me either buddy, me either
13:12.16trigatch4well thats not entirely true... i develop an apetite every coupla hours
13:12.26languishthe gdevs are sitting there facepalming
13:12.29Dougie187speaking of which.. does anyone know the backward error analysis for an outer product?
13:12.52trigatch4speaking of which
13:12.54trigatch4jasonchen: are you around?
13:13.28michaelnovakjrhe's sneaky sneaky
13:13.36Dougie187and never around
13:13.41Dougie187i haven't talked to him in like 4 months.
13:13.51Dougie187probably longer than that.
13:13.57Dougie187i was arguing with him back before IO
13:14.05Dougie187i think thats the last time i talked with him.
13:14.44michaelnovakjri'll be there next year
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13:18.31DJTachyon_whew that was a lot of work
13:18.44DJTachyon_my zazzle android store is now unbranded :P
13:18.50DJTachyon_working on cafe press now
13:19.05languishas in your nick is off it?
13:19.21DJTachyon_no ... apparently using the custom android font is a no-no
13:19.36languishyou need to get special written permission to do that
13:19.45languisha teachers note
13:19.46DJTachyon_wish i could have it ;)
13:19.54languishwell, submit a request
13:20.00languishwithe the exact design
13:20.04Dougie187whats your android store?
13:20.09languishwho knows, they might consider it
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13:20.41DJTachyon_I'm uploading the unbranded images to my cafe press store now:
13:20.44languishparticularly likes the black hoodie with the small bugdroid on front, and large on back
13:21.01Dougie187... your making android products?
13:21.07DJTachyon_did you see my stamp got image of the day?
13:21.15languishahah cool
13:21.15DJTachyon_or product of the day ..
13:21.19trigatch4DJTachyon... bad idea
13:21.26trigatch4violates trademark law
13:21.29DJTachyon_nope :)
13:21.51trigatch4On my forums I was going to make a few CafePress products because members wanted Android Shirts
13:22.06trigatch4Was going to use the proceeds to have apps developed based on voting by community of what they wanted
13:22.15trigatch4but someone from Google messaged me
13:22.19trigatch4and said i shouldnt
13:22.23languishhe can use the bugdroid, not the android text logo
13:22.33DJTachyon_i read the fine print
13:23.07DJTachyon_not to mention the creative commons license on the wallpapers page
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13:23.40ironfroggy_has anyone else had trouble with connectbot and ports other than 22?
13:23.46DJTachyon_i spent hours re-rendering those images in 8000x6000, 300dpi images
13:23.58Dougie187you are supposed to have that line on your site though
13:24.02DJTachyon_it is
13:24.05Dougie187"Portions of this page are reproduced from work created and shared by Google  and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons  2.5 Attribution License. "
13:24.06DJTachyon_look at the store front
13:24.27DJTachyon_i do need to add the branding page though
13:24.41DJTachyon_b/c i just found out about that one
13:24.51DJTachyon_hence why i am removing all the text
13:25.11DJTachyon_languish, when you need to print a post, you need a BIG image :P
13:25.15DJTachyon_poster *
13:25.21languishya, i know :)
13:25.44trigatch4there is a difference between "using"
13:25.46trigatch4and "selling"
13:25.47trigatch4is there not?
13:26.10DJTachyon_the only feedback from google employees ive gotten is to not use the font
13:26.27DJTachyon_if you are selling an app with the droid, that is fine
13:26.33DJTachyon_that is the point
13:26.41DJTachyon_its marketing for them, what do they care?
13:26.58DJTachyon_its like allowing fan sites for a game and giving image packages ..
13:27.14jbqDJTachyon_: sadly, trademark law is bizarre that way.
13:27.26trigatch4sometimes you will get a cease and desist letter
13:27.28trigatch4sometimes you won't
13:27.35trigatch4but its within their RIGHT to prevent you
13:27.43trigatch4although Google will probably just turn the other way
13:27.51DJTachyon_well even if it's not, I don't have the money for litigation
13:27.55jbqit's more than that. If the trademark isn't actively enforced, it loses protection.
13:27.56DJTachyon_so I would stop :P
13:27.59trigatch4I actually should contact them since Android is in my freaking domain name
13:28.07jbqUnlike patents, you can't have a submarine trademark.
13:28.08tmccraryI don't think you can trademark a particular font
13:28.15DJTachyon_jbq: lol
13:28.23tmccraryalthough, that probably falls under copyright
13:28.37DJTachyon_well i am obeying the branding page now
13:28.37languishyou can patent a font, no?
13:28.43tmccraryuh, definately not
13:28.43jbqtmccrary: it's recognizable, isn't it? that probably makes is a trademark.
13:28.48wasabiYou can't trademark the font, you can copyright the font.
13:28.51tmccraryyou could patent font rendering techniques though
13:28.56wasabiAs long as they made it.
13:29.05wasabiYou can trademark a logo using the font.
13:29.10tmccrarythat said, imitations would be tough to win in court
13:29.29tmccraryerr, suing imitations would be tough to win in court
13:29.40tmccrarybut google could probably tie you up in court for a while before they lost
13:29.47tmccraryif they even felt it was worth it
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13:32.16DJTachyon_well im glad romainguy pointed me to the branding page
13:32.24DJTachyon_i was looking for something like that before starting this
13:32.43DJTachyon_so now im pulling the font
13:33.00tmccraryis there even an actual font like that or is it just vector art?
13:33.14DJTachyon_well if it exists, its not public
13:33.23DJTachyon_trust me i looked ;)
13:33.46DJTachyon_there, zazzle is done
13:34.59michaelnovakjri just walked into starbucks... within two minutes att sent me a text message saying... hey you get free wifi here
13:35.25trigatch4the font took 2 years to develop
13:35.29trigatch4and is called Droid Sans
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13:35.36trigatch4theres a really, really interesting article about it somewhere
13:35.37michaelnovakjrisn't it on the phone?
13:35.39Death_Synmichaelnovakjr: what device are you using that got you that info?
13:35.49tmccrarythey just renabled it
13:35.54Death_Synits when you hit their AP
13:35.54DJTachyon_2 years? jebus
13:35.54trigatch4DJTachyon, Google isn't going to sue you
13:35.59trigatch4at the most, they'd ask you to take it down
13:36.04DJTachyon_well right
13:36.06Death_SynI get complimentary ATT wifi with my ATT DSL
13:36.09trigatch4its good you asked romainguy
13:36.18tmccrarywell, "ask to take it down or we'll sue you"
13:36.18Death_Synand I got tmo hotspot, too with my tmo data plan
13:36.22DJTachyon_yup yup :)
13:36.41Death_Synso basically I get to hop my notebook on the ATT and my G1 on the hotspot at starbucks, and leech both pipes
13:36.43michaelnovakjryea Death_Syn it is just on my iPhone in starbucks... don't get it on my computer for free .. ( lame )
13:36.57Death_Synthat's pretty lame
13:36.58DJTachyon_i still cant believe my plan is $55 a month for a G1 when I was paying $80/mo for a motorola q plan on verizon
13:37.11Death_Syntmobile's prices are much cheaper than VZW
13:37.12trigatch4unfortunately DJTachyon_ you're now going to have a competitor ;)
13:37.27Death_Synbut the service area isn't as good
13:37.28Death_Synits a trade
13:37.42DJTachyon_now i actually have to think about cool ideas instead of just slap the generic droid on everything
13:37.44Death_Synthankfully for me, my coverage in D/FW is good with tmobile, too
13:38.10tmccraryThankfully for me, tmobile just turned on 3G :)
13:38.12DJTachyon_and i should really be doing work right now
13:38.17plusminus_I woke up this morning and my G1 is showing 3G instead of EDGE :D *DANCE*
13:38.17tmccrarylike yesterday
13:38.21Death_Syntmccrary: ncie
13:38.23Death_Syner nice
13:38.29languishbugdroid with a lightsaber slicing an iphone
13:38.35tmccraryI did a double take when it first showed up
13:38.45languishsorry, an iphonish clone
13:38.55tmccraryand then I was sad, because tmobile didn't add the data plan to my phone when I bought it
13:39.01languisha clonephone
13:39.03tmccrarydespite my protests to put it on
13:39.09DJTachyon_ugh stupid ups wouldnt resolve my work address for my new g1 from tmobile .. now its delayed
13:39.21DJTachyon_i hate my company for not have a street address
13:40.27Disconnectplusminus_: what city?
13:41.02DJTachyon_at least i have my broken g1 :P
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13:41.12plusminus_Disconnect: Wider washington area
13:41.17plusminus_College park
13:41.44plusminus_it seems a bit more responsive but the youyube videos I just tested still seem a bit poor quality
13:42.00Death_Syntmccrary: they wouldn't sell you the data plan?
13:42.11Disconnectis in silver spring.. home is near crofton.. hope hope
13:42.18Disconnectyes 3g in silver spring !!
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13:42.53Disconnectplusminus_: thanks for the heads up :) :)
13:43.02tmccraryDeath_Syn: yeah, I told them specifically to add the data plan and they didn't
13:43.18tmccrarybut I heard that t-mobile's network in detroit sucks for data
13:43.21Death_Synsounds like time to call 611 and complain
13:43.33tmccraryso when 3G started showing up and still didn't work
13:43.38tmccraryI called to see wtf was going on
13:43.45tmccraryand that's when they told me I had to data plan
13:43.52tmccrarytmobile FTW!
13:43.58Taunodoes anyone know if I can obfuscate my apps package name to something like a.a or do I have to use a correct package name?
13:44.12TaunoI guess the later one.. but why? what does depend on it?
13:44.30plusminus_Disconnect: market downloads still do not work for me :'(\
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13:44.57DJTachyon_trigatch4: Talk to me when you get on the Top Pick of the Day on Zazzle ;)
13:44.59Disconnectheh. .. picked the biggest file.. "unstable/too fast a result"
13:45.40languishDisconnect, you have to pick a file bigger than 100k
13:45.48Disconnectyah it doesn't offer the 1m at first
13:45.50languishpick the next series of files and choose 1MB
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13:46.07languishI was gettin 819 earlier
13:46.09plusminus_FYI AndNav2 alpha-test:
13:46.23languishbefore that I was getting high edge speed even on 3g
13:46.26Disconnect636 on the 2nd try, not sitting on my lap
13:46.33DJTachyonheh i have no reception at work
13:46.37DJTachyonbut im going into the city tonight
13:46.48DJTachyonand the club im setting up at has a 3g antennea on the roof :P
13:47.36DJTachyongonna be a crazy halloween party :)
13:47.59DJTachyonanybody in NYC? :P
13:48.16Disconnecti was gonna bum up to baltimore this weekend to try it out. saves me a drive, if it works @ the bar in bowie (course, the bar has wifi :) but they started filtering :( linkedin and facebook, etc is blocked. but not WoW cuz the manager spends all day playing..)
13:48.20languishwhich club?
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13:48.26plusminus_504kbit/s inside a building
13:48.45Disconnectis next door to discover channel
13:49.21Disconnectplusminus_: market worked for me, just installed jumpy in basically no time at all (took way longer to set up the dl than to complete and install)
13:49.35michaelnovakjrim in NYC
13:50.06DJTachyonWell the pendulum show at Webster Hall had one too last weekend ;)
13:50.21plusminus_Disconnect: my Android-version seems to be not up to date :(
13:50.28tethridgeI was talking to my buddy at google last night
13:50.44tethridgethe punk was telling me that google gave out g1s.
13:50.54Disconnectplusminus_: commercial g1?
13:50.55tethridgegoogle pays for the data plan too.
13:51.02plusminus_Disconnect: yes
13:51.04PegaBurnsI heard the same
13:51.07tethridgewhat a punk.  :-)
13:51.17plusminus_Disconnect: and i'm not the only one
13:51.18Disconnectplusminus_: suck :( and weird. i'm still on the original retail rev (r18?)
13:51.29PegaBurnsthe guy i chatted with showed me, neat phone, wouldn't mind dropping verizon (teh suck)
13:51.48DJTachyoni dont think any of you would be interesting in the type of music at the club im VJ'ing tomorrow :P
13:52.22Disconnectso for other 3g g1 people.. is it as bad for battery as i've been hearing? cuz battery is pretty crap to begin with
13:52.28DisconnectDJTachyon: what music?
13:52.43DJTachyonhappy hardcore and Drum and Bass :P
13:52.58Disconnectis more a goth/ind/techno kind of guy, but..
13:53.00languishDJTachyon, I used to hang out at orchard regularly
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13:53.11languishplenty of dnb
13:53.34DJTachyonClub Love has a great DnB night
13:53.49michaelnovakjri'm into the low key places.... not the crazy places :)
13:53.55DJTachyon"The Secret Night of Science"
13:54.11languishmichaelnovakjr, nowdays I'm in to the low key places too
13:54.15DJTachyonSNoS is pretty low key .. black door club, good sound
13:54.27languishgot some nice ones in brooklyn I like
13:54.35DJTachyonyeah Club Exit is in Brooklyn
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13:54.46michaelnovakjrlanguish: i hang out in Bay Ridge
13:54.55languishthis russian pimp wanted to take one of my friends to club exit to meet his grils
13:55.14languishit was rather amusing
13:55.59DJTachyonyeah this party is at exit tomorrow, im heading there tonight
13:56.03DJTachyonto setup
13:56.17DJTachyonfunny shit ..
13:56.26languishyeah, we were at a lounge down by ave X & ocean, and this pimp tried to get my friend to head over to exit with him to meet his girls
13:56.43languishif you need ho's I have his # somewhere :/
13:56.48DJTachyonwell luckily this isnt a normal club night
13:57.41DJTachyonso its a whole different production krew
13:57.41tmccrarysounds like a movie i've seen recently
13:57.51languishseems with the economy the way it is, fewer people are hooking up with the ho's, and the pimps are trying to drum up business
13:58.06DJTachyonwell there wont be any of that going on
13:58.09languishno joke, NYT's even mentioned it in an article
13:58.14DJTachyonnot with a $30 cover ;)
13:58.59languishI also like this other place down in brooklyn by neck road.. Anyway Cafe
13:59.21DJTachyonim not familiar with that once .. i dont live in the city, im in NJ
13:59.25languishthere's one here in manhattan too, but it's always too packed
13:59.30Taunodoes anyone have info about the UK launch of the G1? Is it available @ t-mobile stores currently?
13:59.40DJTachyonits at walmart store in the US ;)
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14:00.55jbq_Tauno: someone reported (I think on android-discuss@) that they had bought one.
14:01.27languishi guess the local chat should subside in here.  so.. #NYCsocial
14:01.54DJTachyonMy G1 is broken :(
14:02.07languishhow'd you manage that?
14:02.17DJTachyonThe Accelerometer/Compass package was defective from the factory
14:02.31languishhead to a store and swap it on the spot
14:02.33DJTachyontrying to explain that to a Tier 1 at T-Mobile was a blast
14:02.50DJTachyoni cant ..  ordered off the website
14:02.55languishso what
14:02.59languishI wouldn't care
14:03.12DJTachyonthey do ... they wont do it
14:03.17DJTachyonthey said they dont have enough stock
14:03.21languishBS :)
14:03.32DJTachyonyeah i know .. but they crossed shipped
14:03.33languishthey don't want to, but they will if you push it
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14:03.44Disconnectcall 611 and tell them that the store (actual tmob store, not the "wireless store" crap) wouldn't do it.. they'll get on them about it.
14:04.07DJTachyonactually i did, and they have been advised to not let people do it
14:04.10DJTachyonits wierd
14:04.15Taunojbq_ yeah, the same guy who's last blog post was about "Why I won’t be buying the Android T-Mobile G1 phone" and the next one is about how he bought a G1 so that's why I'm asking for confirmation that I can just walk in there and buy one :) (or do I have to pre register on their homepage or anything? :)
14:04.34languishDJTachyon, when you call in and get the AVR, after saying "English"  just say "G1"
14:04.41languishyou go directly to a certain group
14:04.50languishrather than the numbnuts
14:05.02jbq_Tauno: I don't know the details (I'm in the US).
14:05.02DJTachyonthat would be nice
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14:16.48Dougie187no ubuntu party yet :(
14:17.01DJTachyonthere .. the cafepress store is done ..
14:17.11DJTachyonno more Droid Sans font
14:17.14yakischlobaDougie187: will my package manager thing update all that stuff, or is it the type of thing I have to reinstall whole distro?
14:17.29Dougie187yakischloba package manage will take care of it
14:17.34Dougie187i have never had good luck with it though
14:17.38Dougie187so i always reinstall
14:17.45Dougie187but this time im making a seperate home dir
14:18.02michaelnovakjri do the upgrade each time
14:18.05Dougie187don't forget to back up your shit before you update
14:18.06michaelnovakjrworks well for me
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14:18.20michaelnovakjrall my stuff lives on servers :)
14:18.20andreafhas found the right example for view forwarding...
14:18.39Dougie187DJTachyon: are you just making like 10000 android stores?
14:19.07Dougie187michaelnovakjr: yeah.... i don't have servers to store my stuff on.. well my school stuff i do, but nothing else.
14:19.14Dougie187i have external harddrives
14:19.26michaelnovakjrDougie187: my hosting company gave me unlimited space :)
14:19.28yakischlobaanything of value on my work computer is also in svn and git
14:20.07Dougie187unix_lappy: thats too bad...
14:20.36Dougie187michaelnovakjr: so your work?
14:20.45michaelnovakjrnope, dreamhost
14:20.52unix_lappyDougie187: motorola has always been terrible at making handsets.  now they are just saying it out loud.
14:21.17Dougie187my little brother has the Q9c and he likes it..
14:21.45andreafunix_lappy: maybe in sw but in hardware morotola handsets are good (imho)
14:21.59Dougie187UBUNTU PARTY!!!
14:22.11cutmasta_thx Dougie187
14:22.12unix_lappyandreaf: yea I do like a couple of their devices from the hardware side.
14:22.25unix_lappyandreaf: though, they've been terrible at providing all around products for a long time.
14:22.32andreafunix_lappy: best of all the microphone and loudspeaker part
14:22.42Dougie187Lets get this party started!
14:22.46oinkboinki have to create about 32 squarisch elements on the screen, and they should react on clicks and change look, what class can do that?
14:23.07unix_lappyandreaf: honestly, best OVERALL handest i've ever owned was the c116.
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14:24.45oinkboinkclass Button ofcourse, but maybe theres another possibility
14:25.38andreafunix_lappy minimal, no frills :)
14:26.06tmccrarybummer about the snacks guys
14:26.16unix_lappytmccrary: ?
14:26.20Dougie187no snacks for the party?
14:26.31Disconnecthas 3g snackies
14:27.05Dougie187the torrent is slower than mirrors are right now, just so everyone knows
14:27.11andreafunix_lappy: for nokia an old and good handset was 6310. a rock (ok without programming enviroment)
14:27.27Disconnectis kubuntu-upgrading @ about 250kb/s
14:27.33Disconnectbut its my work desktop so who cares.
14:27.59Disconnectdid a couple of netbook netboot installs last night on the wif's wind, that was fairly quick
14:28.02DASPRiDoh its out!
14:28.03unix_lappyandreaf: what type of devices do you THINK makes nokia #1 in market share thoughout the world...
14:28.51unix_lappyit's certainly not a bunch of N95's floating around.  it's old, feature phones from the early 2000's.
14:28.51tmccrarynot a bad idea, ride the waves
14:29.19andreafunix_lappy first series 3xxx ? when devices were only phones ? or maybe the 6600 smartphone ?
14:30.10DASPRiDDisconnect, upgradding at 2mb/s
14:30.16unix_lappyandreaf: exactly.
14:30.26Disconnectyah mine is climbing and falling, peaks around 500k it looks like
14:30.50andreafunix_lappy: and the strong usability of devices (different devices, same approach to the gui)
14:30.52DASPRiDyeah its also constantly changing here between 2 and 3mb/s
14:31.01DASPRiDtakes 20 minutes :/
14:31.14DASPRiDoh, down to 15
14:31.47Taunonokia 5110 - the phone that survived dropping in water, a competition where you would stick it in the ground by its antenna and then kicking it really hard to see who can kick it the furthest, dropping it into a fireplace so the bottom part of it kind of melt (including the battery to the rest of the body etc..
14:32.23volsounds like my kind of phone ;)
14:33.55Taunothe only thing that it didn't have that I missed were event reminders.. I always forgot something :)
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14:34.56andreafunix_lappy: 6630  / N70 is a "recent" quite good device (with a symbian not DRM)
14:36.29Dougie187i got my copy!
14:36.58Dougie187anyone else get theirs?
14:37.18DASPRiDTauno, believe in us, we will remind you :D
14:37.43michaelnovakjrdownloading now....
14:37.48Dougie187michaelnovakjr: how much left?
14:37.54Dougie187michaelnovakjr: hit up OSU OSL
14:37.57michaelnovakjr99 percent
14:38.00Dougie187its always a super quick mirror
14:38.50DASPRiDopens the champagner for ubuntu 8.10
14:38.55languishugh, someone using the market to show code examples/techniques and their website :|
14:39.02languishmore spam
14:39.13languishand that idiot with the camera mockup again
14:39.27languishcheck the Market
14:39.37languishapps by date
14:39.40michaelnovakjrnice pulling 1.2 mb/sec
14:40.00Dougie187im going to install it in a vm first
14:40.03languishstreaming video should be a go :)
14:40.05Dougie187michaelnovakjr: what mirror did you use/
14:40.16languishoh for ubuntu
14:40.41Dougie187thats my alma mater.
14:41.24Disconnectsigh. tmob is trashing our accounts again. 3rd time the wif has had to call to explain that she STILL has a blackberry and I STILL have a g1, and we STILL need the appropriate services...
14:41.53volyeah, I lost data yesterday, called to figure out what was going on, turns out it was under the 7 day "free trial" plan?
14:41.56DASPRiDmichaelnovakjr, 1.2 mb/s is slow :x
14:42.00Taunolanguish, can't check it.. don't have a device :(
14:42.11languishTauno :(
14:42.26languishi need a screenshot app for the G1
14:42.26Dougie187DASPRiD: Faster then the torrents... those are like 150kbs
14:42.46DASPRiDDougie187, well as i said, im leeching with between 2 and 3 mb/s :)
14:42.53DASPRiDseems like i got a faster mirro probably
14:42.57Dougie187DASPRiD: From the torrents now?
14:43.04*** join/#android vbabiy (
14:43.09DASPRiDusual upgrade within the system
14:43.10Dougie187well what mirror did you grab from?
14:43.13Dougie187oh ok
14:43.25Dougie187my system hasn't even said you can update yet.
14:43.31michaelnovakjrDASPRiD: not for open source mirrors :)
14:43.36DASPRiDDougie187, you have to enable it
14:43.48Dougie187no you don't it will inform you in update-manager once its available
14:43.53DisconnectDougie187: if you are on LTS it won't tell you
14:43.57michaelnovakjryea, once your computer checks it
14:44.01DASPRiDDisconnect, right
14:44.02Dougie187yes it will
14:44.12michaelnovakjrit told me
14:44.18Dougie187once the mirrors update it will inform you
14:44.20DASPRiDmichaelnovakjr, then it was yet enabled
14:44.22Dougie187which mine hasn't done yet
14:44.35Dougie187anyways, i have to go to class.
14:44.37Dougie187ill bbl
14:44.37Disconnect"By default Ubuntu 8.04 LTS will not offer a upgrade to 8.10. This is because the 8.04 LTS version is a long term support release and 8.10 is a regular release." from
14:44.40Dougie187have fun with ubuntu!
14:44.43DASPRiDdid you follow those steps? no, no it won't
14:45.03Dougie187but class time.
14:45.09Dougie187ill bbl.
14:45.10DASPRiDbibi, hf
14:46.40*** part/#android Dougie187 (
14:50.50thoraxeis there a way to send pictures in your phone direct to flickr yet?
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14:51.22eldenzhow much does the G1 cost without a contract?
14:51.32DASPRiD$399 afaik
14:51.41DASPRiDtho i could be wrong
14:51.53eldenzhm, that's so cheap ;< i'm tempted to import one :f
14:51.53michaelnovakjrthat is what tmo site says
14:52.15DASPRiDhow much does an iphone costs without contract?
14:52.23michaelnovakjrdon't  want to know
14:52.30michaelnovakjrits probably insane
14:52.35eldenzin switzerland it's CHF850
14:52.37michaelnovakjri paid 300 for mine in contract
14:52.57eldenzwhich is $750
14:53.18DASPRiDfor that you get two gPhones
14:53.27michaelnovakjryea pretty much
14:53.30michaelnovakjrits nuts
14:53.33eldenzalthough i didn't really look around just at my carrier's price.. which probably is higher than at other places
14:53.36DASPRiDapple really has to lower it's prices soon
14:54.00michaelnovakjrDASPRiD: you can get one for $199
14:54.06TreyBlanguish: I suspect you'll never see a screenshot app for Android.  You'll have to make do with grabbing screens from the simulator.
14:54.10DASPRiDmichaelnovakjr, with contract
14:54.18michaelnovakjrwhich is $20 more than the G1 w/contract
14:54.26DASPRiDlast thing i read was $179
14:54.33DASPRiDah iphone
14:54.33eldenz(ok cheapest is $708)
14:54.36michaelnovakjrTreyB why not?
14:54.46TreyBmichaelnovakjr: security issues.
14:55.02michaelnovakjrmakes sense i guess
14:55.23michaelnovakjrthat's not a big deal though
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14:57.16mpardohow do I get the UID for my app?
14:57.44DisconnectTreyB: it'd have to come from google, users are "protected" from that sort of thing. its like backups..
14:57.59Disconnecter, to michaelnovakjr  not TreyB
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14:59.08TreyBGiven the display model I assume Dianne and Mathias used, an app just wouldn't have the rights to grab anything outside of its window.
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14:59.46Disconnectscreenshot app jsut needs to read /dev/fb0 and save it to a useful format (png is usually a real simple transform)
14:59.56jbqThe issues are more technical than security (security is fairly easy to solve, let each app say whether it can be in a screenshot, and forbid screenshots if any of the apps on-screen prevents is).
15:00.05Disconnectits usually one of the first apps on a mobile linux platform because its so simple
15:00.38TreyBDisconnect: that assumes a *lot* about the layout of fb0 which will probably not hold true with graphics acceleration in the future.
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15:00.53jbqThe real problem is that there's no single place where the entire screen exists at any given time, other than the LCD itself which isn't accessible.
15:00.59fadden0In particular, it assumes the existence of a frame buffer. :-)
15:01.01mpardoanyone know where i can find my app's UID?
15:01.07michaelnovakjrDisconnect: yea... its cool
15:01.29TreyBfadden0: correct.
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15:03.36Disconnectrecalls a cheater-method from the ipaq days.. transform was done by a cgi script, so you could get a screenshot on most arm platforms by just running "nc < /dev/fb0"
15:04.09Disconnectthere's no way to interrogate the graphics subsystem?
15:04.28fadden0DDMS does something similar through adb...
15:04.32TreyBDisconnect: jbq would know, but I suspect normal apps wouldn't have the rights.
15:04.42jbqWhat Trey said.
15:05.05jbqWe can't possibly let apps directly control a piece of hardware that's capable of DMA.
15:05.40TreyBMuch less let them read from the framebuffer and slow down the GPU.
15:06.03fadden0Ah, ADB's framebuffer_service.c copies /dev/graphics/fb0 out.
15:06.21Disconnectgiven how much trouble people have replicating the device behavior in the emulator (or vice versa) it seems like a screenshot call would be almost a requirement in the api..
15:06.25TreyBModdern graphics hardware *really* want you to treat it as a write-only device.
15:07.06*** part/#android UKCoder (n=Les@
15:07.25DisconnectTreyB: nobody expects a screenshot to be snappy. or to happen without freezing the UI briefly.
15:07.42fadden0TreyB: read-modify-write over PCI ... shudder.
15:08.13jbqAs for the graphics architecture, as far as I know the *actual* framebuffer is in the LCD in a place that's not accessible in software. What the software see is a scratch pad for dirty regions, and it only pushes to the LCD what is actually dirty. I'm not sure how 3D acceleration comes into play there, but I know that it introduces an additional layer of indirection with tiling.
15:09.26fadden0GIT: system/core/adb/framebuffer_service.c
15:10.04thoraxemy kingdom for functional imap mail
15:10.33cbeustthoraxe: any specific request?
15:11.01thoraxecbeust: just waiting for some of the bugs that i posted to get fixed (deletes, folder sync, etc.) and for some enhancements to happen (move mail between folders)
15:11.06thoraxei need to give k9 a try
15:11.47cbeustCan you email me a link to these bugs?
15:13.07languish<TreyB> languish: I suspect you'll never see a screenshot app for Android.  You'll have to make do with grabbing screens from the simulator.
15:13.11thoraxewhat's your email address
15:13.15languishin other words, giving up freedom for security
15:13.46thoraxecbeust: well, the only one i posted was 1096
15:13.51thoraxe1097 is about AOL
15:14.03thoraxebut i'll send you some links to "important" imap related bugs
15:14.08cbeustThan ks
15:14.16languishi know, give me a usbext flexible attachment to point at the screen and take a snapshot :P
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15:20.46Disconnectthoraxe: k-9 is nice
15:21.02Disconnectcbeust: i've got some too, lemme see the #s real quick
15:22.04neerhajanyone can point me to android.content package in the source tree ? cant seem to find it.
15:23.15languishactually, are usbext attachments with compatible apps, possible for the G1?
15:23.16Disconnectcbeust: #1016, #1029, #1030, #1031, #1046, #1047, #1050, #1063, #1069, #1077 (dupe), #1098 (gmail),  #1105
15:23.19languishlet alone android?
15:23.29languish(besides headphones)
15:23.42Disconnectthey aren't all mine btw but i'm following most of the email/imap bugs so i had a handy * list
15:23.51neerhajjbq: thanks :)
15:24.45*** join/#android Goosey (n=Goosey@
15:25.16Disconnectand #1128
15:25.20thoraxeDisconnect: add 1096 to that list and email it to him :P
15:25.42DASPRiDby the way, could it be possible to install ubuntu mobile on th G1?
15:25.55DisconnectDASPRiD: we can't even install new android on a g1..
15:25.59Disconnectthoraxe: ok
15:26.02DASPRiDDisconnect, uh?
15:26.26DASPRiDso no upgrades or so?
15:26.41tmccraryofficial upgrades
15:26.50DisconnectDASPRiD: no reflash. so to get an update (or security fix..) you need to wait for google to produce or accept it. then you need to wait for tmob to test it. then you need to wait for tmob to queue up an OTA update (which is a moderately risky operation due to users being users) which is gonna be infrequent at best.
15:27.27tmccraryor wait until it's hacked and install at your lesiure
15:27.41jbqDisconnect: note that technically updates could be distributed to install through the SD card.
15:27.59jbq(so that removes the actual cost of sending terabytes of data OTA).
15:28.11cbeustGot the bugs, thanks
15:28.22Disconnectjbq: true but only for users who are savvy enough to do that
15:28.33Disconnectwhich is great for devs, actually, but only if tmob approves..
15:28.50jbqDisconnect: yeah. In the context of someone asking if they can install ubuntu, I assume that the savviness is there.
15:28.50Disconnectok gotta get coffee and snack. bbiab.
15:29.15Disconnectjbq: ubuntu mobile.. on an arm.. with about 140m of storage.. i'm not making that assumption.
15:29.23Disconnectubuntu mobile is aimed at netbooks and laptops.
15:29.24d0netshey does anyone want to help a newb and a future htc employee to port an open source java guitar tuner?
15:29.49languishnewbs at htc, whodathunkit
15:30.38DASPRiDDisconnect, thats wrong
15:30.53DASPRiDubuntu mobile is for mobile devices like smart phones and internet tablets
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15:33.53TreyBlanguish: heh
15:35.09Disconnectthought that was ubuntu embedded
15:35.18kslaterd0nets: that sounds like a good app
15:35.20vold0nets: I think people will be happy to answer questions if you ask them in specifics
15:35.34kslaterand I think I could really make use of it too
15:35.47d0netsheres the links to the source and stuff
15:35.57Disconnectyah from the wiki "The current focus is on mobile devices which tend to have a touch screen, generous amounts of flash storage and RAM, and wireless Internet connectivity. These are sometimes called "Internet tablets" or "mobile Internet devices" (MID)." ... g1 has a touchscreen but thats all.
15:36.00Disconnectoh and net connectivity
15:36.02d0netsand i know i might have to change my name
15:36.07d0netsfrom tunedroid
15:36.43Disconnecteither way :) no, there's no current way to flash a retail g1. (although... some people are sitting on engineering releases with the reflashable bootloader. perhaps once we break the retail g1 they could be enticed to give up a bootloader image..)
15:36.52d0netsbut im total newb with java and deving in general
15:37.19d0netsi created a new project in the sdk and pasted the code lol, but i dont know what im doing
15:37.31d0netstheres red lines everywhere
15:37.52tmccrary:( I'd love to see a guitar tuner, but I'm too busy on a different android project
15:38.05d0netsmy buddy said it should only take him an hour
15:38.11wastreli want a molecular structure viewer
15:38.12tmccraryyeah, or two weeks ;)
15:38.32wastrelwould be coooool to browse the protein databank and be able to pull up structrues for inspection
15:38.44tmccraryman, how awesome would it be!
15:38.56d0netsi got a protein database
15:39.06wastreli think you are being sarcastic
15:39.10unix_lappywastrel: what would you do with them after you got them?
15:39.32wastrelimpress your biologist friends
15:39.57unix_lappyyou cant do much with out a proper rendering engine and you cant do much else other than render with a 500mhz ARM
15:40.18d0netswhen are they gonna make online dev tools
15:40.20d0netslike google docs
15:40.30wastrelwell thanks captain buzzkill
15:41.02kslaterd0nets: where'd the original code come from?
15:41.13d0netsthe intarwebs
15:41.19d0netsi google open source java tuner
15:41.26kslatermore specifically?
15:41.35d0netsumm one sec
15:41.38d0netsits a french site
15:42.00Taunois the DDMSeclipse plugin source available somewhere?
15:42.02tmccrarythere is some kind of online ide
15:42.18tmccrarybut you can take my eclipse from me, when you pry it from cold, dead hands
15:42.49tmccraryWe use eclipse for a lot of stuff, internal tools, java, C/C++, python, xml, javascript, etc
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15:44.44d0netssorry i couldnt find it
15:44.49kslaterno prob
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15:45.14kslaterI found another on Freshmeat that looked interesting
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15:46.20whoami_need help installing source on ubuntu, make fails
15:46.24kslaterI'll try building it after lunch
15:46.33d0netstry sudo make
15:46.35Disconnectwhoami_: did you check the known issues page?
15:46.40whoami_i have
15:46.48Disconnect..don't sudo :/
15:47.08d0netsim newb
15:47.09d0netsdont listen
15:47.14d0netsdl's 8.10
15:47.27d0netsive been waiting for it to install the sdk on my desktop
15:47.34d0netsive been having to tinker on the laptop
15:49.14d0netskslater that does look nice
15:49.17whoami_running make for giggles now, failed again with first error line: external/clearsilver/cgi/cgi.c:22:18: error: zlib.h: No such file or directory
15:49.19d0netsi will forward that to a friend
15:49.27Disconnectwhoami_: install libzlib-dev
15:49.32whoami_thank you
15:49.47Disconnectmaybe its zlib1g-dev
15:49.53Disconnecteither way.. the zlib dev package :)
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15:52.24DASPRiDby the way, is the used window manager on android gnome? cause the panel looks like the gnome-panel
15:53.22kslaterd0nets: I have it built and running on my desktop. Time to investigate Android dev a bit. And time for lunch.
15:55.28d0netsnice yea im looking at it
15:55.33d0netsdo me a favor and pm me when you get back
15:55.41d0netswant to join my project?
15:55.45whoami_Disconnect,  you are a hero,  zlib1g-dev makes make happy
15:59.02volwhat is this zlib1g-dev
15:59.04volthat you speak of
16:00.10whoami_vol,  i had trouble making source on ubuntu, certain header file was missing, Disconnect suggested installing that library, and now i'm making out like a bandit
16:00.15languishmy G1 has an active network connection with an ip that's not googles. And afaik, none of the apps I have in memory should be making this connection
16:00.39Disconnectlanguish: tmob?
16:00.41Disconnectwhats the ip?
16:01.02Disconnectoh thats my password logger
16:01.06languishit resolves to
16:01.22languishmaybe that is tmo
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16:01.45languishi saw the mo as missouri
16:02.07languishslap too, but wow, slack seems to fit
16:03.13languishdman tmo should have all their ip's reverse to one of their domains, not a backhaul provider for them
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16:04.59DJTachyonlol omg
16:05.08DJTachyoni got on zazzle's today's best again
16:05.20languishyou mean bugdroid did
16:06.13languishquitter :|
16:06.15DJTachyonhey i spent a long time re-rendering that image into publishing quality
16:06.28jbqused to work in the same building as zazzle
16:06.33DJTachyonhah nice
16:06.37DJTachyonwhere are they located?
16:06.38jbqnice people.
16:06.51jbqThey were in Redwood City at the time.
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16:06.55michaelnovakjrDJTachyon: you should have a short sleeve shirt with the small logo on the chest with nothing on the back
16:07.13DJTachyonokay ill add one ..a cheap tee or a nice quality one?
16:07.46DisconnectDJTachyon: do a nice one. maybe polo shirt too.
16:07.49michaelnovakjri'd say a nice one
16:07.54michaelnovakjryea polo is a good ide
16:08.23DJTachyonyeah .. though finding some of the other colors in those is hard
16:08.24languishzazzles pricey for what they sell, but they do better quality printing than places like cafepress
16:08.44languishthe black hoodie they have should be $30, not $50
16:09.05DJTachyonyeah ... but it is designer ;)
16:09.05languishbut DJTachyon's design on it with bugdroid works for me
16:09.23DJTachyonthe polo is only white or grey
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16:09.47gustavoldI couldn't create an android project using the activityCreator:
16:09.47gustavoldtools$ ./activitycreator -o myapp MyClass
16:09.47gustavoldException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/android/activitycreator/ActivityCreator
16:10.29languishDJTachyon, did you make a ladies black bugdroid hoodie on zazzle?
16:10.39michaelnovakjrgustavold: package
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16:11.04DJTachyonhmm i dont think so .. lemme check
16:11.04michaelnovakjrgustavold: activityCreator -out myapp com.mydomain.myapp.MyClass
16:11.38DJTachyonthey dont have womens hoodies in black
16:11.39DJTachyoni dont think
16:11.42languishhmm I like the raglan shirt too
16:11.45michaelnovakjrDJTachyon: no polo in black?
16:12.01DJTachyonnope =/
16:12.03gustavoldmichaelnovakjr: same error
16:12.31michaelnovakjrdid you download or build from source?
16:12.49ascii__why can't i blur my screen, isn't it just getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND); ?
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16:13.33michaelnovakjrgustavold: win/linux/mac? and where is your android folder located?
16:15.17gustavoldmichaelnovakjr: linux,
16:15.18gustavold$ echo $PATH
16:15.48michaelnovakjrgo into another directory and try t
16:15.50gustavoldmichaelnovakjr: myapp is an empty folder in tools
16:16.01michaelnovakjryou don't want your app in the tools directory
16:16.10michaelnovakjrput it in your home directory
16:16.32gustavoldmichaelnovakjr: I got it from:
16:17.12Disconnectheya jasta
16:17.31jastai started last night on my tidier patch to support IMAP IDLE
16:17.32whoami_make failed again on ubuntu, could not find -lncurses, what's missing?
16:17.38jastai have a much better design this time around :)
16:17.47michaelnovakjrwhoami_: ncurses-dev
16:17.50michaelnovakjryou need the headers
16:17.54whoami_thank you
16:17.55michaelnovakjryou can get it from the package manager
16:18.03jastai'm gonna implement it in phases though.  all told, a lot of stuff has to be reworked to get it ready to submit to google
16:18.39Disconnectncurses5-dev istr
16:18.39gustavoldmichaelnovakjr: ~/Desktop/android/hello$ activitycreator --out `pwd` pack.MyClass
16:18.39gustavoldException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/android/activitycreator/ActivityCreator
16:20.02michaelnovakjri've never seen that before
16:20.23Disconnectwould love a 5 minute screen timeout :( 2 mins is way too short, 10 mins is too long. 5 porridge is -just- right..
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16:22.40DJTachyonhere is one black little android shirt:
16:23.13DJTachyonill make a grey polo and see how it looks
16:23.25gustavoldmichaelnovakjr: there is no activitycreator.jar in the lib folder
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16:24.11michaelnovakjrthere should be
16:24.14michaelnovakjrredownload it
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16:27.01gustavoldmichaelnovakjr: I'm downloading from:
16:27.02gustavolddo you know another url where I can download it (maybe an older version)
16:27.19michaelnovakjrthat should be a good one
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16:28.06DJTachyonHere is the polo:
16:28.20weilaweihow the heck do i quti an app?
16:28.22weilaweilike imeem or aim?
16:29.30Disconnectif it doesn't have a specific quit you can only hope.
16:29.41Disconnectalthough.. if aim won't quit.. and aim messages are billed as sms's.. nice little racket there.
16:29.50weilaweiim only wifi only
16:30.00Disconnectyah but still
16:30.04weilaweiplus it has a preaid released sim card in it ;)
16:30.07weilaweithey can charge it all they want
16:30.25weilaweii have to call back tomorrow
16:30.28weilaweito get it activated on my account
16:30.32weilaweii tried 5 sim cards
16:30.36weilaweionly my old one worked
16:30.38weilaweiso i released it
16:30.42weilaweiand im acticating it tomorow
16:31.26weilaweithe one that came in it had a big dent
16:31.32weilaweii tried more at a tmobile store
16:31.33Disconnect(and btw, enter is not IRC-talk for "i'm taking a breath" :) ..)
16:31.36weilaweiall the same result
16:31.54DJTachyonDisconnect .. what do you think of the polo?
16:32.21Disconnectthe image is all zoomed in..
16:32.25Disconnectcan't see the whole shirt
16:32.32Disconnectoh nm foudn it
16:32.44Disconnectdoes it come in darker grey?
16:32.59DJTachyonwhite or light grey
16:33.10DJTachyonyou can try my other store
16:33.12Disconnectit needs to be dark grey i think
16:33.25DJTachyonsee if any of those fit the bill ;)
16:33.27languishIf an app runs as a service, and you open up 6+ more apps after it, does the service app get killed as with other apps?
16:35.16DJTachyonno other colors
16:35.18DJTachyonbesides white
16:35.26languishnod :) thanks
16:35.41DisconnectDJTachyon: what about green hoodie with white droid?
16:35.59DJTachyonin mens or womens
16:36.02languishDJTachyon, oh geeze, that model
16:36.05languishin that hoodie
16:36.08Disconnectlanguish: yah :(
16:36.11DJTachyonjust light blue and white
16:36.50languishbecause of her figure, I can't tell if the placement of the bugdroid is right on the front
16:37.03Disconnectthats not a figure. its a disaster.
16:37.14kingkungi had a question about Bitmap alpha values...
16:37.49kingkungI store my PNG file into the Images content provider
16:37.59kingkungthe file is semi-transparent (the background is transparent)
16:38.38kingkungwhen i pull it back out
16:38.38kingkungas a bitmap
16:38.38kingkungthe transparent areas have become black
16:38.38kingkungand the bitmap hasAlpha is false.
16:38.38kingkunghow do I restore the alpha values?
16:40.07weilaweihey, what is the music folder structure supposed to look like?
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16:40.13Disconnectkingkung: can you
16:40.15Disconnectsay more than one or two
16:40.17Disconnectwords per line?
16:40.29DJTachyonThis one came out nice:
16:40.46michaelnovakjrDJTachyon: nice
16:41.19michaelnovakjrkingkung: did you try extractAlpha() ?
16:41.49michaelnovakjrDJTachyon: i'd keep that one up there
16:42.01kingkungi'm not exactly how that works
16:42.26kingkungyes, i know the reference
16:42.35kingkungi know that it extracts the alpha values and puts it in a bitmap
16:42.51kingkungi'm not sure what that actually means
16:43.14michaelnovakjrtrial and error :)
16:43.18osmosiswhat program do I used on linux to convert a video to a compatible format to play on my phone ?
16:43.31kingkungi have
16:43.43kingkungi don't think it makes sense with what i want to do
16:43.52smrIt probably creates a monochrome bitmap where each pixel's intensity represents the corresponding pixel's alpha in the original bitmap
16:43.57smrIf I had to guess
16:44.11kingkungyes, i agree
16:44.24kingkungbut how does that help me save/restore the original bitmap image with alphas?
16:44.37smrosmosis: I don't know what type of video you're talking about but try out VLC media player
16:44.46kingkungsomehow i have to tell the bitmap that doesn't have alphas to use those alpha values, right?
16:45.01smrI don't know
16:45.10osmosissmr: the video player is on android.
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16:45.30smrbut I don't know what the original video is
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16:52.16gustavoldmichaelnovakjr: I downloaded the sdk again and now it works :-P
16:52.16gustavoldI used the same url, I don't know what happened... anyway, thank you for helping
16:52.33michaelnovakjrno problem
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16:54.07d0netsyou guys kknow what we need?
16:54.26d0netson the top slide down blind
16:54.30d0netswhere it says tmobile
16:54.46d0netswe need to replace that with information, like battery info, cpu and ram usage
16:55.40languishd0nets, that's come
16:55.43languish*that'll come
16:55.44davidwI think girls is a higher priority;-)  I have two myself, though, so I'd settle for a G1
16:55.56d0netsyea i have one
16:55.59michaelnovakjr+1 on the g1
16:56.12languishdavidw, with 2 girls, you'll need something to keep them stimulated
16:56.15d0nets-.5 on batt life
16:56.16languishG1 should suffice
16:56.26thoraxeis there a video RECORDING app yet?
16:56.27d0netswe gotta do something about batt life
16:56.33d0netsits in the works
16:56.40d0netsthe apk didnt work for me
16:56.42androoidbatt life is horrible on 3g
16:56.47d0netsi have 3g
16:56.49androoidi can only youtube 2-3 videos
16:56.50d0netsi mean
16:56.50RyeBryebattt life is horrible on wifi with GPS turned on
16:56.56d0netsi have 3g off and its still horrible
16:57.18DaMiEn667batt life is horrible if  you have apps like Locale running
16:57.26DaMiEn667they drain your battery like crazy
16:57.31d0netswell we need to be able to close apps
16:57.31DaMiEn667even with wifi and gps off
16:57.35RyeBryeThere needs to be something like "powertop" on this bitch
16:57.36d0netsany word on that ?
16:57.41d0netsyea powertop ftw
16:57.56RyeBryethinks the G1 likes to be referred to as "this bitch"
16:58.18d0netssmall and black, thats how i like my bitches
16:58.23d0netsjk guys
16:58.24DaMiEn667so... any new developments on getting bootloader interaction?
16:59.40thoraxeDaMiEn667: does locale kill battery if you don't use it with gps features?  i just want to change the sound settings by time
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16:59.52thoraxebasically i just want to disable all sounds but the actual ringtones after 9pm and until 7am
16:59.56DaMiEn667yes, I noticed Locale ran down my battery drastically
17:00.09ieatlintDaMiEn667, my guess is there is either an internal connection, or something needs to be switched to debug mode
17:00.22d0netsconnectbot with bitchx runs mine down quite a bit
17:00.25d0netsand it gets really hot
17:00.30d0netsjust with edge
17:00.38DaMiEn667when you're using the network, the chip will heat up
17:00.49ieatlintprobably something needs to switched... flip a bit on the boot partition on the mtd
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17:00.51DaMiEn667it drains a lot of battery to transmit data over lare distances
17:01.23languishany word on a google blogger app?
17:01.26d0netswell i am def not an iphone fanboi, but it had incredible batt life
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17:01.57DJTachyonargh .. too bad Zazzle doesnt have a decent banner for my website
17:02.00d0netsif htc would release the touch hd and touch hd pro with android
17:02.06d0netsit would be game over
17:02.08ieatlintd0nets, when the iphone 3g first came out, it was worse than the g1... give it time, it's a software issue
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17:02.22d0netsok thats what i like to hear ieatlint
17:02.27d0netsi have faith
17:02.44thoraxei think of phones like these like gaming consoles
17:02.46languishd0nets, the touch pro is missing some of the G1's functionality.  It doesn't have a capacitive screen, and it doesn't have the compass
17:02.52thoraxewhen they first come out, there's a few stellar showcase features
17:03.00d0netsoh, lame
17:03.00languishthough, I like the touch pro's keyboard better
17:03.01thoraxebut it isn't until about a year into it that people figure out what they can start to do
17:03.14d0netsdoes the touch hd have those features?
17:03.18thoraxeand then about 2-3 years in, they have figured out all the ins and outs and start releasing stuff that fully uses the capabilities
17:03.30androoidany word on 2nd gen?
17:03.30andyrossTo be fair, any discussion about iPhone battery life needs to include an explanation for what happens after two years when the cells die.  I'll take a small replaceable unit over a sealed box, even if I'd have hoped for longer life in the G1.
17:03.37ieatlintlanguish, resistive touchscreens aren't too bad, and the compass has yet to serve a very useful purpose from what i've seen
17:04.10ieatlinti see the compass as cool, but ... well, not 100% useful
17:04.12andyrossieatlint: Depends on application.  I have a hiking GPS with a magnetic compass, and it's absolutely invaluable.
17:04.14d0netslol yea ive watched a video androoid
17:04.16languishieatlint, the compass is very useful when you're navigating city streets with ,apping
17:04.18d0netsit looked intense
17:04.26androoido_O link???????
17:04.27unix_lappyandyross: you walk around with a spare battery?
17:04.33ieatlintandyross, very true, but do you want to walk around hiking with your g1 out?
17:04.41ieatlinti have a durable hiking gps for that...
17:04.48RyeBryeDoes the G1 really have a magnetic compass in it?
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17:04.56RyeBryethe compass seems to be a complete piece of shit in mine
17:05.02andyrossNo, a Garmin unit with replacable AA cells.  But the point being that a pure location isn't that helpful if you don't know which way is which.
17:05.12cbeustRyeBrye: you need to calibrate it
17:05.17RyeBryeHow do you calibrate it?
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17:05.20languishRyeBrye, it's possible your compass is borked.  Mine works very well
17:05.31ieatlintandyross, agreed... and i was happy to download the compass app that showed up on the wiki
17:05.37ieatlintbut i still see it as more novelty and necessity
17:05.37RyeBryeMine randomly just spins in wild directions if I move it slightly
17:05.46androoidmine doesn't even spin
17:05.55DaMiEn667you have to hold the phone upright
17:05.55RyeBryeI walk directly "due north" on the compass - then turn around and walk in the opposite direction - and now I'm suddenly walking SSW instead of directly south
17:05.56ieatlinti like having it, but it's not something that would turn me away from a phone for not having it
17:06.06romainguyRyeBrye: it might need calibration
17:06.18romainguydone by moving the device in all directions for a while
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17:06.33languishieatlint, again.. if you're navigating a strange city even with mapping software, the compass makes a HUGE difference, which you'll learn as certain apps come out that take advantage of it
17:06.38RyeBryeromainguy - just wave it around like a wild man?
17:06.40cbeustI hear making a figure eight in the device helps
17:06.46Disconnectfwiw battery life out of the box is a disaster because of the poor factory battery calibration. (usually li-ion devices have a "passable" factory calibration built in.. this thing is a disaster) so it stops charging too soon and/or shuts down too early.
17:06.46cbeustin the air*
17:06.47ieatlintlanguish, hopefully :)
17:06.48andyrossieatlint: it's a phone.... how much of it is "necessity" at all?  Some people care more about navigation than browsing, others the reverse.  You pick the hardware feature by what you think the market wants.  The fact that *you* don't want it isn't that informative.
17:06.56languishieatlint, I'm sure.
17:07.29RyeBryeI actually WOULD really like to rely on the compass in this
17:07.33ieatlintandyross, i'm not saying i don't want it, and i'm not even going to pretend i'm even slightly representative of the market as a whole
17:07.41RyeBryeI have an antenna in my attic I need to aim properly
17:07.44rzajachi guys, when i hold home button longer on my g1 i get tasks running. what i actually have to do to close running program?
17:07.57cbeustrzajac: you can't
17:07.59Disconnectrzajac: reboot
17:08.01cbeustyou don't have to
17:08.09ieatlinti'm simply pointing out that it's not something that is generally viewed as mission critical -- other phones don't have it, and it's not even being advertised as a major feature of the g1
17:08.10andyrossrzajac: The architecture is that you can't.  The system will kill them for you as needed.
17:08.17Disconnectcbeust: depends on the app. since aim is billed as sms's........
17:08.35RyeBryeGoogle talk isn't billed as SMS is it?
17:08.39Disconnectnot afaik
17:08.41andyrossNot sure what the user is supposed to do with an app that starts busy-looping in the background, though.  Powercycle I guess.
17:08.42RyeBryestarts to wonder if the 400 message plan would be enough :)
17:08.43romainguyrzajac: these are not the running tasks, they are the recently launched tasks
17:08.47rzajacok thanks all i thought i'm missing something :P
17:08.55Disconnectandyross: thats what i've had to do
17:08.58languishieatlint, when the apps that take advantage of it come out, frequent travellers will come to consider it as necessary as most consider txting
17:09.05Disconnectrzajac: there is a tasks app out there that shows running tasks
17:09.23andyrossRyeBrye: having discovered the built-in Jabber client, I may never send an SMS again.
17:09.28Disconnect(and random side note 3g 3g 3g 3g!)
17:09.34rzajacDisconnect, but as far as i know you cant kill app with it
17:09.38Disconnectrzajac: ope
17:09.54RyeBryeSo the compass works best whe the phone is held vertically?
17:09.55andyrossApplications are firewalled into their own uids, so they can't kill each other.
17:10.03unix_lappyi wonder if GPS could extrapolate direction based on movement.
17:10.05Disconnectandyross: jabber? thought just gtalk..
17:10.22RyeBryewill have to fight against all his previous compass experience and resist the temptation to hold it perfectly flat
17:10.23Disconnectunix_lappy: the problem is it doesn't know where its facing
17:10.25cbeustRyeBrye: no. Once calibrated, it should work well everywhere
17:10.28RyeBryeOk, good
17:10.28romainguycbeust:,39029453,49299636,00.htm :)
17:10.33ieatlintunix_lappy, it can, but it can be inaccurate over short distances
17:10.34andyrossSorry, google talk.  Not sure if it's doing jabber or something proprietary.  I use a jabber client with it normally.
17:11.00ieatlintunix_lappy, especially if there's any drift... which there likely will be
17:11.02kslaterhow does one calibrate the compass?
17:11.05Disconnectyah gtalk != jabber, not quite. and certainly a gtalk client isn't a jabber client, if it was i wouldn't need im+ :)
17:11.08unix_lappyieatlint: obviously, i'd be curious to know what sort of variables would be required to build an app like that.
17:11.19Disconnectkslater: the macarana seems to be a good set of calibration moves
17:11.22andyrossunix_lappy: Yes, motion filtering will get you direction.  But that's a huge pain in the ass if you're standing somewhere.  Try geocaching sometime, with and without a compass.  It makes a huge difference.
17:11.33ieatlintunix_lappy, the geographical coords from the gps can do it
17:11.48ieatlintthere's a math formula to take two sets of geographical coordinates and calculate its heading
17:12.06andyrossWhere "math formula" == "subtraction" :)
17:12.35unix_lappywhere subtraction yields slope :-P
17:13.20ieatlintanyway, the problem is that you need to move to get the direction, and because the gps has at best a 3m range, you may need to move a bit to get an accurate reading
17:14.31d0netshey you know what would be cool, if we could get tethering working, and also tether the gps to a laptop, for road trips
17:14.36unix_lappymeh, walking 25-50 meters to get a reasonable heading without a compass and just a phone is something i'd settle for.
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17:15.00d0netsfor a full pc gps app, and to be able to use edge on the laptop
17:15.02ieatlintd0nets, you can do the gps with a little bit of scripting and the debug bridge methinks
17:15.37andyrossPretty sure the receiver is A-GPS only, right?  So if you're not in a configured cell (e.g. road trips) it
17:15.44andyross... isn't likely to be reliable
17:15.57ieatlintyou can do a half-assed tethering job by compiing a tiny proxy to run on the phone, and then use the adb's to port forward to it
17:16.06RyeBryeIsn't the A just to assist in getting the almanac, but it can still use satellites to get a fix if it has no assist?
17:16.09ieatlint(which would break the TOS with tmobile, i'm quite sure)
17:16.21ieatlintRyeBrye, yes
17:16.39RyeBryeso it should work just fine - but slower on trips
17:16.59ieatlintwell, it has warm gps starting too
17:17.31ieatlintso if you go to a place where it can't use the cell towers for agps, then it will take a while to get a first fix
17:17.31RyeBryeWhat I'm wondering though is how long until I can use a bluetooth GPS device with it - although I'm not sure which would suck more battery (blueooth or GPS)
17:17.37andyrossDunno, I'm no expert.  But my understanding was that A-GPS also feeds time calibration info, so you don't need as consistent a signal from each satellite.  Serious GPS antennas are much larger than what's in the G1...
17:17.56ieatlintonce you have it, and turn it off, the next time you turn it on it'll assume you're in the same spot
17:18.34ieatlint...assuming you're not too far from that spot, your time to get a fix will not be all too bad
17:18.51ieatlint(and by not too far, i mean a few miles...)
17:19.34RyeBryeWe need a geocaching application, stat :)
17:19.43ieatlinti think there are some on the market
17:19.52unix_lappywouldnt do much good for anyone really.
17:20.01RyeBryeI didn't see any last night, were more put up?
17:20.04unix_lappymost people who have G1's live in urban areas with 3G.
17:20.11ieatlinti may be wrong.. dunno
17:20.34andyrossis pretty sure that most people who *don't* have G1's live in urban areas, too. :)
17:20.55RyeBryeThis guy posted some screen shots and then dropped off the face of the earth
17:20.57ieatlintyay for urban areas
17:21.13unix_lappyandyross: you have an iPhone as well no?
17:21.38ieatlintmaybe because he went to east palo alto
17:21.41andyrossNo, I've only played with friends'.
17:22.06unix_lappywhat was your previous smartphone?
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17:22.16RyeBrye"The compas sensor doesn't work in landscape mode."
17:22.51andyrossNote that that caching app is really easy to do.  It's just a custom browser for the existing pocketquery format, which is an XML thing.
17:23.42RyeBryeThe "College Football Live" app seems to lose preference changes between reboots
17:23.52andyrossMy older phone was a 3.5 year old Motorola A780 -- a failed branch of their linux/Qt architecture that ultimately ended up in the RAZR2.
17:24.01Disconnectthe pro football one screwed me all up last week - game times were 3 hours off :(
17:24.15RyeBryeI guess they really want me to see LSU information?
17:24.34ieatlintDisconnect, time zone issue?
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17:25.42RyeBryeI read over the FAQ of the myFaves plan, and it only says "numbers" - not "people" for the 5 things you dial - so I think using iSkoot for Skype's outbound number as one of your fave would work fine to use your skype out for cheap outbound calls
17:26.16Disconnectieatlint: prolly. but i'm eastern and it listed 1pm games as 4pm. so... annoying.
17:26.30DisconnectRyeBrye: ooh evil. prolly they'll drop that eventually
17:26.37andyrossRyeBrye: I'd have to believe that's exactly the sort of thing that is hedged against deep in your contract documents. :)
17:26.50RyeBryeI'll send a copy to my lawyers
17:26.55unix_lappywell it looks like my dreams for a better device are over.  motorola / verizon wont happen till same time next year, sprint hasnt even started working on a phone.
17:26.55RyeBrye... oh wait
17:26.56ieatlintthey already have it banned
17:27.04RyeBryeoh, they do?
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17:27.11ieatlintthe myfaves thing says it can't be a forwarding service
17:27.24ieatlintlike a calling card number, either, for instance
17:27.55ieatlinti think they even reserve the right to bill you for the minutes you use on it if they catch you abusing it
17:29.07ieatlintfunny though, i just vaguely assumed iskoot used sip... it dials out a number?
17:29.12unix_lappySo that means T-Mobile must be partnering with HTC to put out another device that's similar internally but better overall than the Dream / G1.
17:29.34RyeBryeYeah, it dials out a number
17:29.45RyeBryeI live in a sex offender area!
17:29.48ieatlintthat explains why tmobile didn't freak
17:29.48RyeBryethanks iSafe
17:29.57ieatlinteveryone lives in a sex offender area
17:30.13eldenziSafe reports that? kidding me?
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17:31.05languishthey haven't billed anyone forwarding to a grandcentral number
17:31.19languishbut those are standard phone #'s
17:31.37eldenzyou could validate that tomorrow... they are supposed to put stickers on their doorsteps on halloween i've heard
17:31.39languishnot a single service number
17:31.57ieatlintoh, except me... hah, there are no sex offenders in my neighbourhood in san francisco
17:32.03RyeBryeGrand Central is going to cost eventually isn't it?
17:32.11languishin some way
17:32.19languishbe nice to know what googles doing with it
17:32.19ieatlintsomeone make a grand central app
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17:32.29kRutOnit will just take a part of your soul each time you use GrandCentral
17:32.45languishkRutOn, I guess I can't pay then
17:32.47ieatlintkRutOn, what if you've no soul left?
17:32.53ieatlintcan i offer my gf's soul?
17:33.05languishno, but they might accept your g/f
17:33.20kRutOnGrandCentral: tits or gtfo
17:33.32RyeBryeI signed up for it, but the thought that I would tell everyone to dial that number instead of my cell directly - only to have that number start to cost an undetermined amount in the future seems like a pain to me
17:33.35languishGrandcentral: tits or DTMF
17:33.37ieatlintsounds like a slogan
17:34.08kRutOnlanguish: shouldn't that be "tits then DTMF"
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17:34.24mpardodoes anyone know how to get your apps market UID?
17:34.26ieatlintas in, dtmf tones?
17:34.33languishRyeBrye, more likely, as google owns grandcentral, your callers will have to listen to short audio ads
17:34.38languishieatlint yes
17:34.45languishas in, dialing with a number pad
17:35.05romainguy__languish: RyeBrye, more likely, as google owns grandcentral, your callers will have to listen to short audio ads << just like Android was supposed to be full of ads everywhere right?
17:35.05RyeBryeI had friends develop an ad supported free calling service, but after they built all the software they just kind of let it die
17:35.06ieatlinti only wish dtmf had more to do with tits...
17:35.32languishromainguy, have you looked in the market lately? it's getting there :|
17:35.34umdk1d3rootfl @ dtmf
17:35.37languishthey're just not google ads
17:35.38RyeBryeromainguy_ they don't need to put ads on android... they use the location of where I am and my browsing history to send targeted singing telegrams to me
17:35.48umdk1d3if only tmobile accepted red box tones  lol
17:35.55ieatlintromainguy, so people will call me and start getting penis enlargement offers?
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17:36.19michaelnovakjr>> /dev/null
17:36.45languishwait until you're just standing there and you get hit with packets from googles RFC1149 network
17:37.03ieatlintis that the pidgen rfc?
17:37.19languishStandard for the transmission of IP datagrams on avian carriers
17:37.38RyeBryeiSafe just spoke to me and told me I was in a sex offender neighborhood, and I shoudl be careful
17:37.41ieatlintyeah, and that norweigan group that implemented rfc1149 back in like 2003
17:37.48RyeBryeI haven't moved since I opened it, but it's nice to know
17:37.48Disconnect btw in case anyone missed it earlier :)
17:38.06languish<mpardo> does anyone know how to get your apps market UID?  <- someone answer this guy?
17:38.12RyeBryealthough I wish the app would link to map view instead of street view - because it just gives me a black screen when I try to see where the perv lives
17:38.31mpardonot yet
17:38.34mpardoi need an answer tho lol
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17:38.47DisconnectRyeBrye: i love that stuff. you can get on the registered list by getting caught peeing behind a bar..
17:39.02umdk1d3ooh does radar support multiple locations in its launching intent
17:39.09RyeBryedepends on the state, but you're right - some people are on the list for frivolous things
17:39.22RyeBryeradar should be expanded to allow custom icons and text for the different bogies
17:39.31languishmpardo, yeah, that's why I pointed it out. :)
17:39.47mpardolanguish: thanks
17:39.47languishmpardo, did you publish an app in the market?
17:40.01mpardowell yes, kind of
17:40.06languishmpardo, do you know what google address you used to sign in with?
17:40.06mpardoi wrote an app that a company bought
17:40.16mpardoim working with them
17:40.28mpardothey published it and they can't figure out the uid either
17:40.42languishmpardo, do they know what gmail address they used?
17:40.46RyeBryempardo - is it one of the flash light apps?
17:40.52mpardolol no
17:40.57mpardolanguish, i can ask
17:41.12languishmpardo, the gamil addy would be the first step, get the login info for it
17:41.34languishthen go log in to the market, it might be there
17:41.40mpardoand then? I don't think they'll just give me that... they have a pretty tight process over there
17:41.47languishthough I'm just guessing, it seems like the place.
17:41.50mpardothey showed me a url
17:42.03mpardoit was like
17:42.08mpardoer something
17:42.29languishwell have THEM log in, and you stand over their shoulder.  They likely received it in email on that addy, or can view it when they login with that addy to the market
17:42.42languishthat's my guess
17:42.49jastaits my understanding that onResume will fire after onCreate in all cases, right?
17:42.52mpardoyea, I'll bug them about it
17:43.09mpardoi can't really look over their shoulder though their on the other side of the US
17:43.11languishmpardo, hang around anyway for one of the gdevs that may know for sure
17:43.21languishmpardo, remote desktop :)
17:43.25mpardowho's a google dev in here?
17:43.48languisha few people. repost your question in a little while if you don't get your anser
17:44.24Disconnectmpardo: screencasting
17:44.31unix_lappyjasta: not according to the application lifecycle diagram that I can see.
17:44.32Disconnectyou can at least peer over their mouse pointer
17:45.16languishor pee in their soup, freeze it and ship it to them via refridgerated cargo, every day, until they give you the login
17:45.31languishand charge them for the shipping, and the soup.
17:45.46languishruin their credit if they don't pay. :|
17:46.23languishbtw, that's not a suggestion
17:47.15mpardoit seems like it would be something that google would provide... i mean its part of the publishing process!
17:47.39languishliekly so, it seems you just don't have the credentials to access it
17:47.52mpardolol i was going to say that
17:47.57mpardothat would help
17:48.34romainguy__why do you need your market app UID?
17:48.49mpardofor updates
17:48.56mpardowe need to push an update
17:49.14mpardoand direct the user to the market place
17:49.31languishmpardo, the marketplace is not on the web, at all
17:49.36mpardoi know
17:49.51romainguy__mpardo: ah I see :)
17:49.58mpardovia an Intent
17:50.08romainguy__isn't the UID what appears in the URL on the website?
17:50.11*** join/#android Dougie187 (
17:50.19Dougie187Hows the party coming?
17:50.30mpardonot sure... maybe i should give that a try
17:50.57unix_lappyjasta: what are you trying to do?
17:54.41jastaunix_lappy: im not, im just noticing what appears to be a smal bug in the Email app
17:54.50jastait adds a remote listener in both onCreate and onResume
17:55.16jastai guess it wont matter in practice since he's using a HashSet, but stil ;)
17:55.30romainguy__I seem to remember we had to do this
17:55.36romainguy__because onResume wasn't always called
17:55.42romainguy__but I can't swear on it
17:56.13jastawell teh life cycle docs make it pretty clear that it is
17:56.18jastaand i seem to remember that in practice as well
17:57.56unix_lappyjasta: Reference?
17:58.28unix_lappythat onCreate() is called after onResume()
17:58.49jastajust look at Activity's documentation.  there's a flow chart that shows it
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17:59.01jastabut i didnt say it was called after, i said the other way around :)
17:59.40RyeBryeAny estimates on how long before I can pair a bluetooth keyboard with the phone?
18:00.20DisconnectRyeBrye: production g1?
18:00.25Disconnectprolly months to years.
18:00.25unix_lappyjasta: ahh yea, that's correct.
18:00.43Disconnectcuz even if you get patches accepted today, tmob has to want it bad enough to produce/test/distribute an image
18:00.44mpardoi think the UID is the number the url
18:00.46unix_lappyi thought you asked of onCreate is always after onResume() which made zero sense.
18:00.57romainguympardo: :))
18:01.17Disconnect(even if distribute is just the sd reflash and not OTA)
18:01.18RyeBryeyeah, I know... Google needs to leak info on that process so they can get free kernel hackers
18:01.25mpardoi'll let you know if it works
18:01.37Disconnectgoogle will likely never get another carrier contract again if they do that.
18:02.02RyeBryeLet me rephrase that
18:02.09RyeBryeThe information to hack these things needs to somehow be discovered.
18:02.35unix_lappyis it possible to increase the size of the flash memory in the emulator to make it easy to test multiple apps without the constriction of a live environments storage restrictions?
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18:02.54Disconnectif i still worked @ an embedded company i'd slice and dice an 11pin cable and hit it with the logic analyzer, see if that "serial 0" couldn't be exploited somehow
18:03.16RyeBryeI do have a friend who works at an embedded company, come to think of it
18:03.26RyeBryeI'll email him and see if he has any logic analyzer or any hardware that would help
18:03.40RyeBryehe's close by and he's an embedded linux developer...
18:03.49Disconnectso see if he can find rs232 or tty pins active
18:04.14Dougie187michaelnovakjr: hows the party?
18:04.37Dougie187going good?
18:04.42Dougie187you get it all updated and everything?
18:05.14michaelnovakjrthe actual update is taking forever
18:05.42Dougie187Its still going?
18:05.43Disconnectis 'cleaning up' about to reboot
18:06.02Dougie187Disconnect: didn't you start like 3.5 hours ago too?
18:06.14Disconnect1500 packages to download
18:06.18Dougie187thats crazy though.
18:06.24Disconnectit didn't do too bad, about 250k most of the time
18:06.24Dougie187i guess a bunch of people are hammering it.
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18:06.48Dougie187they should come up with a way to update from the cd.
18:07.10Disconnecti thought they had one.
18:07.20tricdougie: there is a way.
18:07.32tricsimply add the cd as a source to your source.list
18:08.05tricbut selecting a good mirror works best most of the time
18:08.17Dougie187well, what if you already have the cd?
18:08.22Dougie187wouldn't the cd be faster then a mirror?
18:08.26Dougie187esp today?
18:08.39tricbut why did you download the cd when you like to update?
18:08.46Dougie187i don't like to update.
18:08.50Dougie187but im just saying
18:09.00Dougie187ive had the cd since 11:30.
18:09.19Dougie187they have been updating since 11:30
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18:12.10Dougie187tric: did you update?
18:14.04unix_lappyanyone here running a netbook with eclipse + emulator?
18:14.48*** part/#android enf (n=enf@nat/google/x-626ef4653087e180)
18:14.59unix_lappy(asus eee, msi wind, dell mini 9, acer aspire, etc)
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18:16.41mpardolanguish, romainguy__: the UID is the number in the url romainguy__ was correct
18:17.36languishmpardo :)
18:17.46mpardotested succesfully
18:17.51languishwhich app?
18:17.55kRutOnAnyone know how to include the SVN revision in the AndroidManifest.xml or somewhere it can be accessed?
18:18.40Disconnectunix_lappy: i was told that if i valued my jewels i would not install the sdk on the wif's new wind. so.. no.
18:19.05Disconnectbut lemme know how it works out, i'm pondering a wind of my own for use on metro and stuff (the various places that a 17" mbp is way too huge to deal with)
18:19.27unix_lappy17" MBP is borderline portable desktop.
18:19.43Disconnectnot borderline, thats exactly what its for :)
18:19.56Disconnectwas at a virtual company at the time.
18:20.00unix_lappyvery high premium.
18:20.15unix_lappywhatever floats your mac lust, *shrug*
18:20.24Disconnecta virtual company that was lucky enough to be a prized apple reseller (they were hoping we'd sell supercomputer clusters to .gov) so we got wicked discounts on hardware
18:22.14unix_lappywell i'd be putting os x on it.  hopefully this thing wont fall far below 400.
18:24.30Disconnecti like the wind for it's keyboard - goes 100% to the edge of the thing.
18:24.47Disconnectactually looks like that one does too. cool. the older eee's don't..
18:25.04jastakRutOn: just make a comment and put $Id$ in it
18:25.31jastakRutOn: and set the svn:keywords prop to Id if not already
18:26.38unix_lappyDisconnect: URL to the wind / price?
18:27.11Disconnectsurprisingly decent retail pricing, who'd have thought.
18:27.18Disconnectu100 model, amazon etc has it also
18:27.26Disconnect(3 cell battery, 120g drive)
18:28.30mpardois there a way in code to check if the phone is on 2g?
18:28.47unix_lappy390 for the U100 after rebates on amazon.
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18:29.24mpardoor just MOBILE & WIFI
18:29.25Disconnectlol. opera mini on 3g.
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18:34.06DJTachyon_hey disconnect
18:34.33unix_lappyDisconnect: i'm guessing you paid around 400 for your u100 too?
18:35.21DJTachyon_there is black polos on my cafe press site
18:35.39Disconnectno time right now tho :)
18:37.10Disconnectthats nice
18:37.21eburnetteHP MiniNote $299 now,
18:37.25Disconnectalthough i really am serious about looking for dark grey :)
18:37.43Disconnect4g drive :(
18:38.14Dougie187Disconnect: you can make a ssd with sd cards. lol i don't know how well it works though.
18:38.38Dougie187but they have adapters that hold up to 6 sdhc cards
18:38.53Disconnectyah but yuck
18:38.56Dougie187so thats like 192gigs
18:39.05jbqOr you can use CF cards - I think they're essentially a PATA bus + an ISA bus (might be wrong).
18:39.09Disconnectdoesn't mind spinning disks
18:39.14Dougie187but also, the adapters cost like 99 bucks, and the sd cards are not very cheap either.
18:39.40Dougie187they should make an adapter that holds like 50 micro sd cards.
18:39.42Disconnectjbq: pcmcia is just an isa bus and yah i think pcmcia hdd and cf is just stripped-down pata
18:39.43Dougie187that would be sweet.
18:39.57Disconnectusb hubs and card readers..
18:40.15Disconnectnothing beats the density of 64g sdhc
18:40.22Dougie187Here is the adapter. this is kinda old though.
18:40.25Disconnectand my desktop broke on upgrade btw
18:40.38Dougie187thats sad.
18:40.39Dougie187what happened?
18:40.45*** join/#android cbeust (n=cbeust@
18:41.03Disconnectx probs, dunno
18:41.08unix_lappyeburnette: i'd rather pay the extra 100 bucks and get an atom.
18:41.12Disconnectthats why i'm kinda busy :) gotta fix it
18:43.46spikebikethe 2133 runs most of the case at 105-110F
18:44.04spikebikeseems like you could do better for $300 (atom)
18:44.16spikebikeor much better for $400 (atom + bigger screen and double the ram)
18:44.21dvyjonesWhat should I set the width to in the XML layout when I want three buttons to fill the screen?
18:44.44romainguy__dvyjones: in a row?
18:44.47romainguy__with equal widgets?
18:44.51romainguy__equal widths
18:45.46Disconnectanyone ever get a definitiive list of g1 3g freqs? is it tmob-only or will the uk ver have international?
18:46.05dvyjonesActually, the two first should fill 50% of the width, and the third the last 50 %
18:46.06jastait includes UMTS2100
18:46.21romainguy__dvyjones: give them all a width of 0dip
18:46.22jbqDisconnect: quad-band 2G + 1700 and 2100 3G.
18:46.28thoraxedoes someone have the url for the k9 code
18:46.36romainguy__dvyjones: then give the first two a layout_weight of 0.25
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18:46.41romainguy__and the last one a layout_weight of 0.5
18:46.51romainguy__then put them all in a horizontal LinearLayout whose width is set to fill_parent
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18:47.33mpardois there no easy way to do a pause or delay? ie: sleep(1000);
18:47.52romainguy__on a background thread, thread.sleep is what you want
18:48.00romainguy__on the UI thread, just use a Handler and post a delayed message
18:48.09romainguy__(or use View.postDelayed(Runnable) directly)
18:48.29mpardok thx
18:48.43mpardow/ try catch around it?
18:49.48thoraxeso i just figured out how to fix the "bug" with folder syncing with imap mail
18:49.55thoraxeyou have to hit "refresh" from the account list page
18:50.01dvyjonesromainguy__: layout_weight or layout_width?
18:50.07thoraxethen it actually goes and looks at all the folders again
18:50.31romainguy__dvyjones: for what?
18:51.41dvyjonesromainguy__: The 0.25 and 0.5 (See my question above / your answer (14:46))
18:52.07romainguy__well I said it was for the weight :)
18:53.27wastrelinteresting, that zombie game, virtual reality type thing
18:54.06Dougie187zombie game?
18:54.26thoraxezombie run!
18:54.33thoraxei haven't tried it yet, but it was downloaded
19:01.11Disconnectzombie run? sounds fun
19:01.20Disconnectout of space tho :(
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19:02.35Disconnectok wtf is an "extra location provider command"? (esp considering the constant barrage of "we need security options the users understand" i get when i question the almighty security policy..)
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19:07.07Dougie187Disconnect: did you get your desktop fixed?
19:08.41Disconnectkinda. now its cloning the monitors instead of desktopping them
19:09.08Dougie187Did you read through the release note's known issues?
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19:11.26Disconnecti'm on an x700 not r300
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19:13.11Dougie187oh ok
19:13.54Dougie187Heh there are 30 megs of updates available for it already too
19:14.18Dougie187a new kernel.
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19:16.01Bonkscan anyone get onto Market?
19:16.14BonksI get "a server error has occured"
19:16.20kristian-mIs Jython running on Android now? - Any change there?
19:17.06jastaBonks: might be useful to see if adb logcat says anything useful...
19:17.15volI'm on market
19:17.25volyou mean on your phone?
19:17.31Bonksyes on my phone
19:17.46volhave you too mysteriously lost your data plan? (check your browser)
19:18.01Bonksbrowser works
19:19.12Disconnectkristian-m: its not a simple port, jython produces bytecode. dalvik doesn't use standard bytecode.
19:19.35jastaerm, yes it does.
19:19.55jastaor rather, the dalvik toolchain does use standard bytecode
19:20.18jastai understood the problem as that jython does _not_ produce bytecode, but rather just crudely embeds an interpreter which has all sorts of problems fooling the JVM.
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19:21.32romainguy__jasta: Jython has both
19:21.37romainguy__it has an interpreter
19:21.41romainguy__but it also has a compiler
19:21.49romainguy__at least it had years ago, the last time I worked with it
19:22.36kristian-mjasta so its still on the roadmap? - i thought its simply a problem with some nonexisting exec functionality in dalvik
19:22.55kristian-mwas hoping the problem would be solved by now, hmm seems to be a bigger problem then
19:25.57jastaromainguy__: the bytecode compiler is probably just as crude as the interpreter then. :)
19:26.22jastai looked at the project pretty recently and the latest stable seemed not to have a bytecode compiler, but i never checked out the dev branch
19:30.46Dougie187the 3G addition to network manager seems pretty cool
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19:33.19Dougie187i don't have an att phone to tether though, so i don't know how easy it is to use.
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19:35.59RyeBryeYou can load apks straight from the SD card, right?
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19:39.17eladslaps vol around a bit with a large trout
19:39.57Disconnectzombie run would be nice if the icon was even vaguely lighter than the background :)
19:41.44thoraxewait, is there tethering for g1 yet?
19:42.11eladhopefully, I'd like to steal some intarwebs
19:42.25Dougie187it would be pretty sweet.
19:43.03umdk1d3thoraxe: you can "teather" if you know what youre doing
19:43.58thoraxeumdk1d3: can you teach me what i'm doing? :P
19:44.04umdk1d3no  ;)
19:44.14umdk1d3only l33ts deserve to get teathering
19:44.15morrildlromainguy__: last time I checked, Jython did not compile to bytecode, or at least I couldn't figure out how to make it
19:44.28thoraxeumdk1d3: only l33ts deserve to spell TETHERING correctly.
19:44.48RyeBryeCool... The guy who is writing that geocaching app pm'ed me back on the forum he's on... he's working on getting it working with the 1.0 final SDK and then he wants to test it - but he's not dropped off the face of the earth which is good news misspell on purpose so people cant grep their logs?
19:45.54romainguy__morrildl: I remember a jythonc in the distribution
19:46.10morrildlromainguy__: yes, but all it does is emit .java files
19:46.19morrildlthat are then compiled via javac
19:46.24romainguy__morrildl: yes
19:46.29romainguy__then you compile that to dex :)
19:47.00morrildlromainguy__: yes, but the Java that it generates has no relationship to your Python code
19:47.18morrildlWhat it emits is basically a stubbed out class that instantiates an interpreter and starts feeding it your code
19:47.18romainguy__how so?
19:47.21romainguy__ah ok
19:47.27romainguy__that sucks :))
19:47.33morrildlSo for instance you can write a class in Python taht extends Activity
19:48.07morrildlbut what you get is a Java class that extends Object that, when it starts running, starts synthesizing Java bytecode (yes, at runtime IIRC) that corresponds to your Python class that extends Activity
19:48.12morrildlit would work fine for a Servlet
19:48.26morrildlbut it can't compile to static bytecode corresponding to your Python code
19:49.30romainguystupid Jython
19:49.38morrildlI was depressed :)
19:49.53morrildlI sooooo wanted to write an Android app in Python
19:49.58morrildlon the plus side, apparently Scala works
19:50.21Dougie187why does everyone love python so much?
19:50.37geistit's a good language
19:50.41romainguybecause it's good?
19:50.57Dougie187but thats all relative.. i mean, what do you like about it?
19:50.59geistit's not the end all of everything, but i enjoy writing code on it
19:51.04unix_lappyheh, apparently it's good, but not good for much of anything else besides scripting.
19:51.16unix_lappypython web frameworks havent really gained traction :-(
19:51.45Dougie187heh, i have a friend who writes these scientific programs in python, until he finds out python can't handle the data set he needs to account for. then he has to re-write everything in c
19:51.58romainguyunix_lappy: I did write apps in Python
19:52.00romainguyit's fine :)
19:52.35Dougie187why would  you use it over any other language?
19:52.48romainguyI find it clean and simple
19:52.50michaelnovakjrpython 3000 is my life
19:52.51andyrossI won't speak to python specifically (not really my favorite language in that space), but once you've spent significant time writing in a scripting language, it's hard to go back to strongly typed compiled stuff.
19:53.04romainguyandyross: I kinda disagree
19:53.09michaelnovakjrme too
19:53.20andyrossI find as I get older, I'm most productive in perl and C.  Anything in between is like pulling teeth.
19:53.22RyeBryeI think once you've spent a long time compiled languages, you write a lot better in scripted languages :)
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19:53.49unix_lappyi'd agree there for the most part, but if you're disciplined enough i'm sure you could do it.
19:54.00unix_lappyi'm not disciplined enough ;-)
19:54.22RyeBryeIn my current job I jump between Java and AS3 (flex) a lot - but fortunately they are pretty similar so I don't get too confused
19:54.26romainguymy only problem with Python is the ton of old cruft in the APIs
19:54.35andyrossThe trick is that you have to get beyond the "write the same kind of code you're used to" syndrome.  Once you learn how to think in the script world, huge chunks of problems become eaiser to think about and *much* easier to type.
19:54.44michaelnovakjrromainguy have you messed with python 3000?
19:54.48romainguynot yet
19:54.55michaelnovakjrits apparently a rewrite
19:55.07Dougie187i typically use c or c++, makefiles and bash to take care of all my issues.
19:55.20Dougie187sometimes i have to use fortran.
19:55.21andyrossYeah, python's library environment is my main beef with it.  That, and it keeps adding syntax for syntax's sake.  We've seen where that went with C++.
19:55.22Dougie187and java
19:56.05michaelnovakjri don't have a language preference
19:56.05Dougie187michaelnovakjr: did your update get finished?
19:56.10romainguyandyross: The trick is that you have to get beyond the "write the same kind of code you're used to" syndrome. << it's true pretty much every time you change language
19:56.21michaelnovakjrhaha, its got 3 minutes left on the install part now
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19:56.23romainguyanyway, Python is just another tool :)
19:56.36Dougie187michaelnovakjr: you don't have a preference on a language? so what do you write in when you write for fun and have a choice?
19:56.41michaelnovakjri'm on the office wireless ... a.k.a shitty wireless
19:56.51michaelnovakjrDougie187: different languages
19:56.57michaelnovakjri like writing assembly :)
19:57.02michaelnovakjrand C and Java....
19:57.19andyrossromainguy: No.  Or only trivially.  Moving from between Java, C++, obj-c and C# doesn't really change the idiom, only the syntax.  Moving to Lisp or Javascript or Python *does* fundamentally change the way you're expected to solve problems.
19:57.19michaelnovakjrno preference though.... not like everything has to be done in Java and only Java !
19:57.25Dougie187i don't mind java, i need to write more of it to get it back. but i usually write in c or c++...
19:57.39andyrossLikewise perl/python/ruby/javascript are all in the same core family
19:57.45Dougie187then again, i mostly write scientific applications, so there is little need to move between languages.
19:57.47michaelnovakjrno andyross
19:57.54Dougie187and scripting languages are not sufficient for the problems i do.
19:57.55michaelnovakjrruby is the language from hell
19:57.56romainguyandyross: I disagree
19:57.59RyeBryeHow many people are on the android team inside Google?
19:58.09romainguyJavaScript/Python/blah are not that far from statically typed language
19:58.13DisconnectRyeBrye: 3
19:58.18romainguybut moving to stuff like Haskell or Lisp is very different indeed
19:58.24umdk1d3RyeBrye: ovar 9000  =O
19:58.43RyeBryeMotorola is hiring 350 - which seems like a lot
19:58.53Dougie187RyeBrye: are they still hireing 350?
19:58.55romainguybesides, it's becoming hard to know where C# fits in all this now :))
19:59.05Dougie187Even after their "Earnings" statement?
19:59.05romainguyespecially with the late typing they're adding in C# 4.0 :))
19:59.09andyrossSorry, but Javascript is a full-on functional language.  It's *closer* to Lisp or Haskell than it is to C++.  That you would argue otherwise tells me that you're still not beyond the "write C++ in Javascript" phase.  I'll shut up now before this turns into a big flame war.
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19:59.19michaelnovakjreasy romainguy, C# doesn't
19:59.49morrildlandyross: too late
19:59.56morrildlHow did this happen?
20:00.02morrildlDidn't we just have one of these yesterday?
20:00.05RyeBryeI just code in brainfuck mostly, and then after I get working demos I port the code to other OSes
20:00.18andyrossCorrection: strictly, Javascript is close to Lisp.  Haskell is a typed language and lives in its own space with the *ML languages.
20:01.18jbqRyeBrye: languages with 4-letter words in their names aren't allowed on this channel.
20:01.22Cedric2Strictly, Javascript is close to Lisp? Uh?
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20:01.39RyeBryeI code in brain*****
20:01.52jeldjbq, can I mention lisp and perl?
20:02.18Dougie187jbq: i think you have to allow java too.
20:02.28jeldDougie187, :)
20:02.30andyrossCedric2: yes.  Closures?  Check.  Late binding? Check.  Garbage collection?  Check.  All it lacks is s-expressions and the unified code representation.  Which of those does C++ have?  You have to look beyond the syntax, which was my point earlier.
20:02.45jbq(just kiddin' - have you tried brainfork and braintwist?)
20:02.56jbqDougie187: that's a 4-letter word too.
20:03.08Cedric2sexps are what defines the Lisp family
20:03.10romainguyandyross: C# has closures and late binding and GC... so C# is close to Lisp now?
20:03.21Cedric2Functional features as well
20:03.26Cedric2JS has neither
20:03.26romainguythat too
20:03.40RyeBryeIs javascript turing complete?
20:03.44blountLANGUAGE WAR!!!
20:03.55jbqRyeBrye: yes, you can write a bf interpreter in js :)
20:04.01blountFIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
20:04.07romainguythe only language one needs is SmallTalk anyway ^^
20:04.13andyrossCedric2: 100% wrong.  I just pointed out that Javascript *is* a functional language.  It has first class functions, lambdas, the works.  I mean, look: you can argue if you like, but don't make stuff up.
20:04.47jbqblount: are you commenting of keeping score?
20:05.03Cedric2andyross: I recommend posting this on comp.lang.lisp, you are going to have a lot fun
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20:05.13blountgoes back to the code
20:05.30RyeBryeWow... XSLT 1.0 is turing complete?
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20:06.47trippsis there a way to play pls mp3 streams from online radio stations on the g1? it says it doesn't recognize it.
20:06.55Cedric2Javascript is usually seen more as belonging to the prototype family, by the way
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20:07.12andyrossCedric2: just stop.
20:07.26Cedric2Ok, I won't
20:08.17michaelnovakjr... > /dev/null
20:08.34Dougie187michaelnovakjr: #code-bs
20:08.52michaelnovakjror #infinite-loop
20:09.13Dougie187still installing?
20:09.25Dougie187now installing the new kernel?
20:09.29RyeBryeAnyone have a scope? my embedded guru friend suggests that he things the + / - data pins are most likely to be used over USB in the bootloader mode rather than the extra pins
20:09.41unix_lappyhaha, excellent ad placement by mibbit, "Javascript: The Good Parts (new window)  - Get the book for $19.79 from Amazon"
20:10.10Dougie187michaelnovakjr: are you updating it on your laptop?
20:10.12Dougie187or something else?
20:10.17michaelnovakjrlaptop first
20:10.27mikez6RyeBrye: you trying to crack the bootloader or something?
20:10.45RyeBryeseeing if reflashing from the bootloader is possible, yeah
20:10.58RyeBryejust looking for the weakest link really
20:11.09Disconnectmore to the point, whether the bootloader insists on silly things like signing
20:11.17mikez6The bootloader works with a totally standard USB cable.  But I think the USB support is disabled in the production devices.
20:11.22andyrossThe source to the bootloader is in git.  There's an rsa implementation in there, and a key check stubbed out.  I don't think hardware hacking (short of manually reflashing the chip) is likely to work here.
20:11.43mikez6I'm not sure if that is the same bootloader
20:11.53mikez6The bootloader on the devices came from HTC
20:11.54RyeBryemikez6 - you have one of the engineering ones?
20:12.15andyrossIt's got a msm7k directory, so it was clearly intended for this hardware.  Obviously I don't have any special knowledge of what actually shipped.
20:12.18mikez6Yes, mine has a "working" bootloader
20:12.26RyeBryewant to trade?
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20:13.11RyeBryemikez6 - does yours say "serial0" when it boots into bootloader mode?
20:13.21mikez6I am hoping bootloader unlocked phones will be made available.  I think the main problem is most of the devices are going to the stores.
20:13.42mikez6It says Serial0 at first, but then changes to "Fastboot" after USB is connected.
20:15.33mikez6If you boot with the back button held down it goes into USB mode, and the camera button enables a serial mode that can be used for changing various parameters (in an unlocked bootloader, that is)
20:16.08RyeBryeDREA100 PVT 32B HBOOT-0.95.0000 CPLD-4 RADIO-  Sep 2 2008 is my version string
20:16.28mikez6where does that string come from?
20:16.36RyeBryeon the top of the bootloader screen
20:16.41mikez6oh right
20:16.43RyeBryein the red panel with yellow text
20:17.20andyrosshas RADIO-
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20:18.14mikez6andyross: you must have gotten the OTA update
20:18.34andyrossYes.  So that's a firmware version, not the bootloader version?
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20:20.02mikez6Yes, RADIO- is the ARM9 firmware for the radio
20:20.08RyeBryeI'm on EDGE, so I wonder if they will push the update out to me
20:20.10mikez6HBOOT-0.95.0000 is the bootloader
20:20.46eladim still rc19
20:21.04RyeBryemikez6 - you work for google I presume?
20:21.07jbqThe "bootloader" in the source tree is a later stage, just before the kernel. Think of the difference on a linux desktop between the BIOS and LILO (or GRUB).
20:21.14andyrossDumb question: is there a software mechanism for exiting the bootloader?  Or do I just pull the battery?
20:21.24RyeBryeI wish I knew that too andyrooss :)
20:21.39jbqandyross: you might be able to three-finger-salute out of it (green-menu-red)
20:21.59andyrossApparently not.
20:22.04RyeBryewhen I do the back button and the power button, it still says "serial0" but I see a USB device now: productID: 0x0c01 vendorID: 0x0bb4
20:22.18RyeBrye(usb device I see from my computer - screen on the phone looks the same)
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20:22.30RyeBrye3-finger salute reboots it from there
20:22.41trigatch4has anyone here published an app to the market yet? wondering what the turn around time is.
20:23.06umdk1d3trigatch4: pretty fast, but i think the market app does some caching on your device
20:23.16umdk1d3so it doenst force-reload the recent list every time
20:23.16mikez6RyeBrye: Oh, so you can see it on the USB bus?  I figured they would have disabled that
20:23.21RyeBryeI THINK I can
20:23.34RyeBryeI'll reboot again and make sure that I wasn't just looking at a non-refreshed version
20:23.45mikez6Yeah, if you see 0x0bb4/0x0c01 then you see the bootloader
20:24.03mikez6I wonder why they didn't completely disable USB
20:24.11RyeBryeI see that device ID  / vendor ID on my bus when it's booted normaly though
20:24.11DisconnectRyeBrye: see if you can get usb serial talking to that device
20:24.25jbqmikez6: probably to minimize the delta between versions.
20:24.33mikez6You see that when the device is in the bootloader (rainbow screen)?
20:24.35RyeBryeI'll move over to a linux box... I'm on my mac now
20:24.45RyeBryeI'll double check for sure before I get too excited
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20:26.11wastrelhow do i know if i've received the OTA update?
20:26.11trigatch4umdk1d3: does it depend on the complexity of the app at all? what is considered "fast"?
20:26.24trigatch4wastrel: go into your settings and check phone version
20:26.26RyeBryehmm... this time I don't see it
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20:26.44umdk1d3trigatch4: ive seen it within a minute of uploading on the market site
20:26.44mikez6You should see PID 0x0c01 in the bootloader, or device if adb is disabled.
20:26.56mikez6If adb is enabled, then we use 0x0c02 for the PID
20:27.11trigatch4wastrel: About Phone > Build Number.... and then look at the number next to the RC
20:27.14trigatch4RC19 is the old one
20:27.23andyrossThis is the source in git:;a=tree;f=usbloader;hb=HEAD
20:27.23andyrossThe command handlers are in usbloader.c, you could see if those match what you see over the wire.  But again, note the key up at the top of the file, and the presense of an rsa implementation in ../libc.  I doubt this is going to work unless HTC screwed up somehow
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20:27.47wastreli have RC19 :[  my phone is old and out of date.
20:28.03wastreltrigatch4: thanks for the info :]
20:29.09andyrossMy guess is that finding an exploit in one of the runtime root processes is likely to be a better bet.  Bootloaders are simple software, and pretty easy to lock down.
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20:30.22andyrosskudos to whoever wrote that rsa.c by the way.  Very short, very clean.
20:30.25Disconnecthtc has screwed up before
20:30.37Disconnectalthough that might encourage them to keep this one solid
20:30.44mikez6Oh, so I guess the production bootloader is exactly the same, but with a different key.
20:30.45andyrossYeah, but in this case they just have to use the source google gave them and change the key.
20:32.25Disconnecthmm. wonder if that check is correct - at first glance it only seems to validate the kernel
20:32.34RyeBryeI don't know if I do see USB when it's in bootloader after all
20:32.49RyeBryeI thought I did before, and I thought I refreshed my device list, but maybe it was left over from before
20:33.37andyrossTry kicking it again with back (or whatever restarts the bootloader).  The USB implementation might not notice the host unless you get it in the right state.  Simple software, after all :)
20:34.01mikez6If the bootloader has USB enabled you should see
20:34.03mikez6Bus 005 Device 034: ID 0bb4:0c01 High Tech Computer Corp.
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20:36.57mikez6I don't see any crypto stuff in fastboot, so I think that RSA key must be for something else.
20:37.17thoraxebah, k9 doesn't handle deletes any better
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20:37.25thoraxethat stupid magical trash folder is a giant piece of shit
20:37.26RyeBryeInteresting... this time I did the power + back button and after I see the rainbow screen it flashed white with blue text saying "loading" then it wen tback to the rainbow screen
20:40.55RyeBryeI know that they don't want these things hacked, but I woudl think they would have kept some easy way to reflash them when they got back to the factory in case there was a problem bricking them or something
20:42.25RyeBryeWhat processes run as root on the device?
20:42.48mikez6not many.  we made as many non-root as possible :-)
20:43.16RyeBryeyeah, makes sense
20:43.21andyross"adb shell ps | fgrep root".  Everything up to /system/bin/sh (pid 27 on my phone) is a kernel thread.
20:44.12mikez6I think there are about 4 that need root.
20:45.09andyrossmountd, debuggerd, zygote, installd, maybe audmgr_rpg (not sure if that's a kernel thread or not).
20:48.11DisconnectRyeBrye: and the factory can easily reflash, by simply using a signed image
20:48.46jastaso clearly we must infiltrate htc
20:48.55RyeBryeDisconnect - ahh, good point
20:49.22wastrelwhat's k9?
20:49.35Disconnectwastrel: forked email app
20:49.52Disconnectis betting on debuggerd as the easy target
20:49.53wastrelah right the email app.  ok jolly jingles
20:49.57Disconnectbut i haven't looked at code so..
20:50.04jastais it really forked?
20:50.19jastaim working on email bur i dont intend to fork
20:50.22thoraxeDisconnect: k9 delete doesn't work right either
20:50.28Disconnectthoraxe: works for me just fine.
20:50.30eladwill we eventually be able to write apps that run in the background?
20:50.33wastrelthe proper way to delete is to move to trash folder then delete and purge from inbox
20:50.39Disconnectelad: you can do that now
20:50.43wastrelat least from my perspective
20:50.45Disconnectwastrel: ...according to which rfc?
20:50.47eladi mean as a service
20:50.48thoraxeDisconnect: if you delete a message, delete from trash, and refresh, the message re-appears in your trash
20:50.51eladnot parallel
20:51.04thoraxeDisconnect: also, if you unmark for delete the message on the server, it appears in both your trash and its original folder
20:51.05Disconnectimap says "flag as deleted" and whether you hide it or show it (or make a virtual trash box) locally is up to the app and/or user..
20:51.20wastrelDisconnect: i haven't actually read the imap rfc's :]
20:51.37thoraxewastrel: "move to trash" is optional
20:51.44thoraxewastrel: pure imap is simply "mark for delete"
20:51.46Disconnectwastrel: if you haven't at least skimmed them you probably shouldn't be discussing the "proper way" to do imap...
20:51.48wastrelyeah that's why outlook is such a headache.
20:51.49jastaif anyone cares im working on imap idle support
20:51.56wastrelDisconnect: that's how i as a user would like it to work.
20:51.57Disconnectjasta: i care..
20:52.03thoraxejasta: delete is more important :P but i care
20:52.12jastai disagree completely
20:52.22thoraxewastrel: what you like and what the published stuff is differ
20:52.24Cedric2elad: you can write background apps today
20:52.33thoraxewastrel: if you want the published stuff to be what you like, go sit on the board of the committees :P
20:52.39Disconnectalso cares about the whales. and you.
20:52.42jastadelete on your mobile is nothing like instant notifications and efficient battery usage
20:53.03Disconnectits less efficient to delete it 5 or 10 times than to have it 'stick' once :)
20:53.25Disconnectbut fwiw i hit delete on k9, refresh on mail (or thunderbird) and its marked deleted. doesn't take all that long.
20:53.26jastaanyway back to work (at lunch)
20:54.02thoraxeDisconnect: yeah, but what about your magic trash folder in k9
20:54.57Disconnect..what about it? who cares? magic trash folder is half of whats wrong with email to begin with. i care that i can successfully mark stuff read, unread and deleted..
20:55.11thoraxeDisconnect: i suppose
20:55.42Disconnectemail-the-app not email-the-concept
20:55.58thoraxeif you're gonna have a magic trash folder at least make it work right :)
20:56.26Disconnectk-9 inherited the magic folder
20:57.05thoraxeno i know
20:57.27thoraxei just simply have not been using the mail client for anything but reading
20:57.39thoraxei've been taking care of deletes and moving mails on a real client
20:59.31Disconnectso.. is it really google's official position that the only important thing on your phone is gmail? (no backup app, no chance for one) or is that more of a "very soon" problem?
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21:01.30wastrelwhat's the magic trash folder?
21:03.13jeldwastrel, I would guess that it is a virtual folder where any messages marked as deleted appear
21:03.33volif you're storing important information on your phone, you're Doing It Wrong, I would imagine is their position
21:03.43jeldwastrel, where in reality the messages never been moved anywhere
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21:16.34Disconnectvol: then the security guidelines are just self-whanking if none fo the data is important anyway
21:17.17volI misspoke
21:17.36Disconnectok.. so recover my sms's for me. or tell teh phone to store them on sd card..
21:21.01Disconnectalternately, just because I -can- go through and reinstall a dozen apps, reconfigure them and so forth doesn't mean i want to.
21:21.21Disconnecteasier one, less security impact: my phone died, i got a new one. recover my bookmarks.
21:22.08wastrelfbreader ebook reader seems to work
21:22.15wastrelneed to load a book or 2... :]
21:22.37spikebikeI used that a good bit on my n800
21:22.46spikebikeI wonder how nice it will be to use with 1/2 the pixels
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21:26.49jastahelp me think of costume ideas, one of the guys in my group bailed out and so i gotta think of a new one
21:27.31wastrellocation-aware mobile application
21:27.48wastreljust go around saying you can't find any satellites
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21:29.16jastamy friends are not as nerdy as you think :)
21:29.30ttuttlewastrel: lol
21:29.45ttuttlewastrel: /me has already put up a "Where is ttuttle?" page on his website (password-protected, of course).
21:29.46jastamy friends and i were gonna go as the A-Team, but we lost Mr. T :(
21:29.53jastaand Mr.T is hard to replace in Seattle ;)
21:30.17jastattuttle: that's cool, i wonder if all the other people's "where is ttuttle?" pages are password protected too
21:30.31ttuttlejasta: ...and that's why I didn't download a Market app to do this.
21:30.45ttuttlejasta: The updates aren't encrypted, but if you can sniff the update, you're close enough to know where I am ;-)
21:31.07wastreldon't be a wimp, go in blackface
21:31.32wastrelheh and on that note, i'mma stay classy and head home for the night
21:32.37jastattuttle: so far, most of the apps that i've seen are grossly misusing location data.
21:33.10jastai won't call anyone out, but _quite a few_ people are improperly collecting this data to see how popular their apps are in what regions, with privacy policies whatsoever
21:33.17ttuttlejasta: That's slimy.
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21:33.43jastattuttle: i don't think it's slimy as much as it is ignorant.
21:34.05jastathe folks i have seen just thought it would be a cool gimmick to slap something like that together, not appreciating their responsibility to user privacy
21:34.11ttuttlejasta: It's both.
21:34.15jastathis is why, so far, i have rejected any app on the market which needs my location
21:34.26ttuttlewill only accept ones that actually use my location.
21:34.36jastabecause even if i "trust" that its not malicious, i don't trust that the developer is responsible
21:35.04jastattuttle: even if they use it, if there is any sort of server component you can bet your ass that they are collecting this data unless they have specifically called it out in a privacy policy
21:35.11jastaso far, none of the apps have even HAD privacy policies (*EEK!*)
21:35.34jastadevelopers need to get it together and treat this data with respect
21:35.57ttuttlejasta: I agree.
21:36.49jastathis is why i was babbling about more granular permissions.
21:36.58jastathere are lots of apps that are asking for my location which frighten me
21:37.09jastafor instance, i would not give TuneWiki access to my location.  nor would i give the Quickpedia app access to this.
21:37.23michaelnovakjrwhy is TuneWiki looking for your location
21:37.26jastabut these apps are otherwise useful independent of that feature
21:37.28ttuttle"social networking"
21:37.29jastamichaelnovakjr: *exactly* :)
21:37.52michaelnovakjrthat would be like my iPod asking for my location
21:37.58ttuttlemichaelnovakjr: ...yeah.
21:38.07trigatch4jasta: every time I come in here you're babbling about something that sounds like it would make a great article... but I always come in mid conversation ;)
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21:38.12michaelnovakjrwhat's the purpose..... is my favorite band around the corner from me or something?
21:38.26ttuttlemichaelnovakjr: maybe ;-)
21:39.36jastatrigatch4: it's because i'm always talking :)
21:41.23Zeininthere should be a ladies developer challenge
21:41.31ttuttleZeinin: ....?!?!?!
21:41.34gdsxZeinin: huh?
21:41.37ttuttleZeinin: What's wrong with the regular one?
21:41.44ttuttleZeinin: Did they ban female developers?
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21:42.22Disconnectttuttle: no he's just assuming girls couldn't win cuz coding is hard.
21:43.15ZeininDisconnect: no
21:43.18ttuttleDisconnect: That's stupid.  I know plenty of girls who can code, and plenty of guys who can't.
21:43.31ttuttleZeinin: Then what's the point?
21:43.38ttuttleZeinin: Why do you need two of them?
21:45.19ttuttleenjoys the awkward silence.
21:46.53Zeininwhy do you think?
21:47.14ttuttleZeinin: I'm not sure.  I think it's grossly sexist to suggest that it's because they "aren't smart enough" to cut it in the regular challenge.
21:47.18michaelnovakjragain guys
21:47.24michaelnovakjr>> /dev/null
21:47.42ttuttleZeinin: And I think it's misguided to suggest that it's because they are "under-represented", as there's honestly nothing wrong with different industries having different gender ratios.
21:47.46ttuttleOkay, sorry.
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21:52.13jasta*gah*, stupid google code is giving me "server error" when i add a comment to an issue
21:52.25faddenjasta: same here
21:52.52jastai wrote like 4 paragraphs :)
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21:53.38romainguy__that'll teach you to use a bugs db the way it's supposed to be used :)
21:53.38Disconnectnight all.
21:54.12jastamore and more romain is starting to sound like a bot :)
21:54.14eladhrmm, i powered my phone off, back on and it comes up with a  phone and an exclamation mark in a triangle, what does this mean?
21:54.27ttuttleelad: failed update?
21:54.36ttuttlejasta: you didn't know he was one?
21:54.36languishjasta, that's what the __ stands for
21:54.41ttuttlejasta: he's the beta version of google's evil robot army.
21:54.42gdsxlanguish: I think you just volunteered to un-crackify this set of shell scripts that were dropped in my lap :o)
21:54.58languishoh my
21:54.59romainguy__jasta: who said I wasn't?
21:55.06eladoh shit, i may have turn it off in the middle of an update... i was tring to text and it wasnt going through.. so i turned it off
21:55.25gdsxromainguy__: botsnack
21:55.26ttuttleelad: nah, if it was updating, you wouldn't have been texting.  it would have been at an update screen.
21:55.51eladhmm do I just pull the battery out?
21:55.54ttuttlegdsx: romainguy__ is a Google robot.  He doesn't eat mere botsnacks.  You must procure organic, locally-grown botsnacks, prepared by the best executive bot chefs on the planet.
21:55.58ttuttleelad: Nah, give it a little while.
21:56.15eladits been like this for about 5 minutes
21:56.26ttuttleelad: Okay, pull the battery.
21:58.07gdsxttuttle: quotefiled :o)
21:58.07ttuttlegdsx: heh
21:58.07ttuttlegdsx: link?
21:58.46gdsxttuttle: oh, in a dotfile in ~ :o)
21:59.02ttuttleoh okay
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22:03.18RyeBryecan connectbot be used to set up a socks proxy on the phone?
22:05.41jastataps his foot waiting for google code to stop sucking
22:06.54eladi pulled the battery
22:07.07eladand it still comes up with the error
22:07.19spikebikeheh, wife is used to a almost 10 year old phone (gsm, monochrom screen, barely does sms)
22:07.32spikebikeshe's now googling for phone numbers, clicking on the result, and take pictures
22:07.50spikebikeso I'm getting photos of my kid in costume running around the city
22:08.04spikebikeshe's a big fan of the g1
22:08.05unix_lappystupid technology.
22:08.36RyeBryespikebike - you should have her use isafe and get her to take pics in front of all the sex offenders houses
22:12.44eladdam guess ill have to go to tmobile
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22:17.12languishelad, did you do a master reset using the physical buttons?
22:17.26languish(or attempt to?)
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22:18.05languishyou want to try?
22:18.24eladpulled the battery and waited 60 seconds that seemed to have worked
22:18.30languishahh ok
22:19.03Lazwhen do we get root access to the g1?
22:19.09unix_lappyfor a poll size of about 150 regular users and about 50-100 transient users...
22:19.16languishlaz, when someone cracks it
22:19.20unix_lappy...i'm seeing  a high frequency of defective handsets.
22:20.04ttuttleSo, does *anyone* here take iSafe seriously?
22:20.13languishnot I
22:20.21ttuttlejust checking.
22:26.16languishoh shit
22:26.25languishI just realized what the dialer doesn't have
22:26.40languisha setting to block outgoing caller id
22:26.48RyeBryethere is a setting on the phone though
22:26.52RyeBryebut just not in the dialer
22:26.55ttuttlelanguish: It's in Settings.
22:27.04languishlike i said, "the dialer"
22:27.27languishhrm, gonna request that from one of the dialling apps
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22:28.05languishhavign to go in to settings, then in to the dialer is inefficient
22:28.10RyeBryeI wonder how long until those "adult friend finder" apps get built for android
22:28.25RyeBryenot that I want one, just saw a banner ad that made me think of it
22:28.33ttuttleRyeBrye: Ooh!  iSafe could be expanded so you can find out when there are hot new sex offenders in your city!
22:29.25languishthere were some JHS girls in the area that found one of the sex offender registry sites, and started scoping out an offender to blackmail
22:29.25BHSPitWebunix_lappy: you have to accentuate the positive
22:29.57BHSPitWeblanguish: it IS in the dialer
22:29.59languishthey got busted after one of them sent a txt to her tutor instead of her friend
22:30.03BHSPitWeb*67 :)
22:30.15languishBHSPitWeb, I've had problems with that on tmo
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22:32.20unix_lappyBHSPitWeb: fine, people are either really happy or really pissed off about their G1 purchase ;-)
22:32.31languishI'm mixed
22:32.57languishthere are some really great features and functions
22:33.03languishawesome benefits
22:33.05unix_lappylanguish: bah, i've seen you use a couple four letter words in here regarding the G1.
22:33.09languishand then some tragic downsides
22:33.09eladthe only rub with me is the battery, thats IT
22:33.24languishunix_lappy, yes, it's called feedback
22:33.40BHSPitWebI'm excited about Android, but not about the G1.
22:33.53BHSPitWebunix_lappy: I'm able to boot linux on my strtrk now :)
22:36.54Lazwhen the g1 is r00ted the fun starts
22:36.59unix_lappyBHSPitWeb: cool, motorola spent SO much money on their custom distribution and had zero follow through .
22:37.06unix_lappywhat build you using?
22:39.04Lenoliumelad: I was upset about the battery until I tried to run it out, man, it sat at 1% forever.
22:39.09BHSPitWebunix_lappy: what?  I knew Moto was working on something, I didn't know something had happened?
22:39.19BHSPitWebunix_lappy: linwizard
22:40.13androoidthere needs to be more apps
22:40.15androoidfor free
22:40.17androoidthat's good
22:40.47unix_lappyBHSPitWeb: back then, i meant.
22:40.52BHSPitWebandrooid: make them
22:41.08androoidi am :D
22:41.13BHSPitWebunix_lappy: before android?
22:41.18unix_lappynow they are making a last ditch effort to find a niche in a market they helped commoditize.
22:41.21unix_lappyBHSPitWeb: yup.
22:41.39BHSPitWebunix_lappy: well, they seem to have made a commitment to Android at least...
22:42.10BHSPitWebI'm somewhat relieved their phones' OSes won't suck as bad
22:44.02jastaim getting the sense that the guy behind K9 Mail is an idiot
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22:44.19BHSPitWebStill trying to get a good feel for how much access the android SDK provides
22:44.27BHSPitWeblike to the Wifi subsystem, for example
22:44.40jastaBHSPitWeb: WifiManager
22:45.18jastaBHSPitWeb: look at the docs for WifiManager.  actually, a good overview of what Android can do system-level is to look at all the system services
22:45.24jastasee Context.getSystemService()
22:45.27BHSPitWebjasta: thanks for the tip, I'm looking over it now
22:45.54androoidVIBRATOR_SERVICE ("vibrator")  probably the best
22:46.15BHSPitWebjasta: this WifiInfo object class is perfect
22:46.30BHSPitWebI was looking for a way to see what SSID the user is connected to
22:47.31jastano problem
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22:51.19BHSPitWebIs the SDK (or the Market) friendly toward creating background services that start at boot?
22:51.53jastaBHSPitWeb: yes, there is no problem with that
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22:52.16jastaBHSPitWeb: but the community of users does ask that you develop responsibly.  write efficient code, and take advatnage of the tools android gives you
22:52.30jastarealize that everything drains battery, memory is scarce, etc.
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22:53.16BHSPitWebYeah.  I'm seeking to write an android app that automates signing into my campus wifi.
22:53.42jastatalk to umdk1d3, he has done a lot of work with wi-fi and wanted to develop an app to do this already
22:53.57BHSPitWebIt could be easily done in a kind of applet that the user has to launch, but a background process would be much more win
22:54.12jastaBHSPitWeb: actually, that's not true.
22:54.22jastayou would want to use android's intent receiver system to notify you of when your wi-fi network is connected
22:54.26jastathen react.
22:54.27umdk1d3ooh BHSPitWeb   =D
22:54.30jastabut not have a service running indefinitely
22:54.42BHSPitWebjasta: I was just about to ask about delegation like that
22:55.21BHSPitWebjasta: as long as it requires no user interaction, it's win ;)
22:55.34BHSPitWebbut you're giving me lots of good news
22:55.50BHSPitWebimagine how much trouble I've had doing a similar app on the iPhone SDK.
22:56.41umdk1d3BHSPitWeb: so here was the other part of my app idea  ;)
22:56.52BHSPitWebIt HAS to be launched by the user, there's no access to details about the wifi state so I've had to do everything using connections and interpreting http responses, etc
22:57.01BHSPitWebumdk1d3: eh?
22:57.03umdk1d3wait /me doesnt share in public channel  :P
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23:02.56faddenHey, I can add comments to the bug tracker again.
23:05.51jastaumdk1d3: you don't what?
23:06.00jastafadden: yeah, i got mine through about 10 minutes ago
23:19.01jastaumdk1d3: fix connectbots session list to not collide long hostnames with the status icon
23:19.18jastayour relativelayout is busted
23:19.35f00f-also umdk1d3 make sessions removable
23:19.41f00f-i dont want the example hosts there plz
23:19.46jastalong click
23:20.09f00f-maybe i didnt try long enough
23:20.18f00f-i guess i'm used to the C/Clear button on my other device
23:21.01jastalong clicks pretty consistent throughout android for this :)
23:21.18f00f-yeah i know, i implement it inmy app
23:21.27jastabut he should remove the examples :)
23:21.53f00f-gah service really sucks here for t-mobile :/
23:22.30jastain sf?
23:23.00jastaservice is acceptable in seattle, but at@t was better :)
23:24.24jasta& i meant  on connectbot :)
23:24.40f00f-i'm in south san jose right now
23:24.46f00f-i barely get 2 bars at home
23:24.49f00f-but no 3G whatsoever
23:24.56f00f-even though the coverage viewer says i'm blanketed with it
23:26.21spikebikelast I looked most 3G markets weren't labeled with 3G
23:26.24spikebikelike say sacramento
23:26.39f00f-they have a list on their site
23:26.50f00f-but does it mean all those metros have actually launched 3G yet?
23:27.00f00f-or is it some kind of sick TODO list
23:27.39mmatticeTODO: put the 3gZ in A11 m4rk3t5 and pr0f17!
23:29.11eladnice i can replicate the process to crash
23:29.20spikebikeah, they updated the sac map
23:30.41androoidthat happened to me once
23:30.58androoidthis is quality app, strobelight
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23:34.09languishSTOOBE LIGHT APPPPP
23:34.12languishWOOOO PARTAY
23:34.38languishi was just giving the dog seizures with it
23:35.44ttuttlelanguish: ...
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23:38.00languishyes, dear?
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23:38.22languishdon't worry, the comment was just for effect, no pooches were harmed in the making of this message.
23:38.38languishHe loves the strobe :/
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23:42.17f00f-strobes, flashlights, tip calculators ftw
23:42.31languishnow let's have an all-in one
23:42.43eladi want android office
23:43.03f00f-comin right up
23:43.07languishit can strobe the amount of the tip as you use the light to count your change in a dark restaurant
23:43.50languishstrobe app's gonna come in handy tomorrow night
23:44.10languishhalloween parade and after parties
23:44.18ttuttlewants a strobe that can synchronize among devices, so we can have raves where all the dreams^W G1s flash in unison ;-)
23:44.28eladhalloween is tomorrow oh shit
23:44.32f00f-oh that is pimp ttuttle
23:44.35languishdamn, I should see how many ppl at the parties have G1's and get them all to strobe
23:45.06languishttuttle, get on it. :|
23:45.33languishif wireless strobing isn't possible, then do it time sync based
23:45.42ttuttlef00f-: Imagine a computer lab full of computers doing that, with synchronized colors and music.
23:45.49ttuttlef00f-: It's called a cluster rave, and it's been done before ;-)
23:45.51languishttuttle, btdt
23:46.31languishcouplea girl got dizzy :|
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23:46.37languishoh man
23:46.52ttuttlelanguish: btdt?
23:46.58ttuttlei see
23:49.07Dougie187anyone keeping the ubuntu party going?
23:49.19languishoi flashlight app is using automatic updates
23:49.29languish(for a flashlight app ) :/
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23:51.08ttuttleis REALLY tired of apps requesting internet permission for automatic updates.
23:51.39languishI'm more tired of location based aware apps asking for gps
23:51.59languishI'm more tired of non-location based aware apps asking for gps"
23:52.03ttuttleyeah that's dumb
23:52.06ttuttleI have one GPS-enabled app.
23:52.11ttuttleIt posts my location to my website.
23:52.17ttuttleI wrote it, so I know exactly what it does.
23:52.38eladtuttle: are you using sql?
23:52.43ttuttleelad: No.
23:52.44languishit's good to know exactly where you are when you're sitting at your pc
23:52.55ttuttlelanguish: Well, it's more so a few selected *other* people can know where I am.
23:53.26languishhook it up to a twitter feed
23:53.34ttuttlelanguish: er no
23:53.38languish* tweet: bathroom
23:53.42eladttuttle: so If I figure out your website, I can effectively stalk you?
23:53.57eladghost mode
23:54.33eladI may do something like that, with google maps that would be fun
23:55.03languishgameboy emu
23:55.40languishheh needs work
23:55.44languishbut cool
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23:57.26RyeBryeI just used my G1 to fix my TV :)
23:57.52RyeBryeI used compass to help me aim my antenna in my attic to the proper orientation, and I used Connectbot to ssh into my linux box that had 2 screens monitoring the signal strength on my HD HomeRun
23:58.21eladlol nice
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23:59.23languishRyeBrye sweet :)  and ieatlint said the compass was unimportant.

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