IRC log for #android on 20081029

00:02.37mlesterhow do u write to the log with an andoid app
00:04.13neekerswell, i can justify the expense in the hopes of making money off the code i write...
00:04.13mlesterthanks :)
00:04.42ttuttleneekers: Money?
00:04.54ttuttleneekers: You can't, like, OWN code, man!  You can't CHARGE for it!
00:05.00ttuttleneekers: Code wants to be FREEEEEE, dude!
00:05.03neekersyes, i actually code for money... :o)
00:05.04ttuttleneekers: (j/k)
00:05.23ttuttleneekers: ;-)
00:05.30ttuttleneekers: Whatcha coding, anyway?
00:05.33neekersi have written some pretty popular open source though...
00:05.37ttuttleneekers: Oh?
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00:06.50neekersit's been downloaded 50,000 times
00:07.02neekersi'm writing an android client for it right now
00:10.03neekersi'll open source the android client too
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00:12.43foobar``neekers, have you gotten the maps app to work against the open-source base?
00:13.46neekersfoobar: do you mean the android maps app against my open source?
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00:14.24foobar``i mean the android maps app against the opensource base OS
00:14.35foobar``as opposed to the base OS in the last SDK release
00:15.22neekerswell, i have the android maps app working on the g1 if that's what you mean
00:15.23umdk1d3does the binary maps.apk want to be in the same processgroup as the core os?
00:15.43umdk1d3and because the signing key on the newly built core os is different, it decides to not let maps run
00:15.48umdk1d3just speculation on my part
00:15.54foobar``umdk1d3, maybe that's it
00:16.05foobar``im not too familair with the signing process
00:16.14foobar``where can i find more info on it/what the restrictions are?
00:16.15mlesterhey why is when I try and open a db I its looks for andorid_metadata table
00:16.23umdk1d3can you unsign an apk and resign it with a new key?
00:16.36umdk1d3i think its just the signatures in the manifest dir inside the apjk
00:16.38dug_anyone know of a good beginner's demo of making an android app, like a bouncing balls thing
00:16.45neekersi had quite a challenge getting the maps app working properly on the G1, check out this thread that i started on the google group
00:16.52umdk1d3might be easy enough to remove the original google sigs on their maps.apk and resign it with your core os key
00:16.59neekersone sec, i'll get the url
00:17.23mmatticehow hard would it be to mod the battery icon to show the percentage instead?
00:17.26neekersi have a good understanding of how to sign apps and use the release maps key on the G1
00:17.42foobar``Im not sure if I have a core OS key
00:17.48foobar``unless it automatically generates one
00:18.13foobar``neekers, wait, isn't maps included on the g1?
00:19.03neekersyes, google maps is included on the g1, but if you want to write your own map app, you have to sign the app with a maps api key
00:19.10neekersand it's a little tricky!!!
00:19.16foobar``ah ok
00:19.23neekerscheck out this threead:
00:19.43mmatticeyou have to sign the app with the same key that the maps API key is assigned to, they're not the same key are they?
00:19.46umdk1d3neekers: thats referring to using the google maps library in a mapview though right?
00:19.47neekersit took me hours to figure out what i was doing wrong
00:20.18umdk1d3ohhhhh maybe the core google maps apk uses an api key internally that only works with their signature  :/
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00:20.38umdk1d3trigatch4: ^.^
00:20.39neekersno, you have to create your own keys
00:20.48neekerson the G1
00:20.48trigatch4umdk1d3 ?
00:20.58umdk1d3mr. phandroid?
00:21.03trigatch4yeah whats up?
00:21.19umdk1d3lol didnt realize you came around these parts  :)
00:21.35umdk1d3you idle here often?
00:21.37trigatch4i've been popping in consistently since about 9 months ago or so
00:21.47trigatch4yeah i idle here a decent amount
00:21.48umdk1d3oh cool, i never connected the nick with you
00:21.56trigatch4thats me
00:22.04mlesterwhen I do this: myDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase("/sdcard/bbe.db",null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY); I get this : no such table: android_metadata
00:22.06trigatch4what should i "connect" with umdk1d3?
00:22.14trigatch4and how did you connect me while i wasn't here?
00:22.29umdk1d3your "name" is in your joinstring
00:22.37trigatch4ah gotchya
00:23.51mmatticeso, is that an I don't know?
00:26.06umdk1d3hmm tar is giving me a "short read" error
00:26.10mlesterdo I need to supply as cursor factory?
00:26.50gdsxumdk1d3: for what file?
00:28.57gdsxumdk1d3: err... huh? where'd you get this tarball?
00:29.12gdsxI think sysfs falls under "things that you don't really want to tar"
00:29.13ironfroggy_are there underlying filesystem APIs exposed that could allow implementing something like NFS or windows file sharing? maybe even mounting over ssh?
00:29.21umdk1d3lol true
00:29.37waldo_is back (gone 00:52:33)
00:29.48waldo_back :)
00:29.55gdsxwaldo_: hey; could you turn your away/back script off, please?
00:30.15waldo_yeh yeah
00:30.32waldo_it's off
00:30.41gamblerno more "Wheres Waldo"
00:31.05waldo_so question for the group-- I have a 5v2a GPS car charger w/ups (for one of those Tom Tom things) can I safely use it w/the g1?
00:31.21waldo_ups?  I meant usb
00:31.22mlesteris it possible to open a sqlite database from the sdcard or does android prevent it
00:31.53zhobbswaldo_: I think USB should always be a 5v connector
00:32.01zhobbsbut don't take my word for it :)
00:32.06ironfroggy_im hoping to avoid keeping media files on my actual device, both because i always have a connection of course and there isn't enough room anyway.
00:32.48zhobbsmlester: should be possible, I've opened them from my /data/data/<package> folder before...not sure why you shouldn't be able to hit the /sdcard
00:33.26gamblerironfroggy_, A developer on this channel has written a media player for that exact reason.
00:33.31gamblerironfroggy_, google Five
00:33.40waldo_zhobbs maybe I'll risk my phone on it :)
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00:33.58trigatch4Has anybody here used the "Service Viewer" application on the Android Market?
00:34.02ironfroggy_id love to just mount a remote volume for any app to access, too. but thats great.
00:34.09mlesterzhobbs: I think I can but I get this error about not finding andoid_metadata table so I think it needs that to open it
00:34.27zhobbstrigatch4: yeah
00:34.41trigatch4zhobbs: tunewiki review tomorrow but i had a few questions
00:35.00gamblerironfroggy_, I imagine most apps wont be bad enough that you will need to browse the filesystem.
00:35.11waldo_is this the five?
00:35.30zhobbswaldo_: yeah
00:35.39trigatch4zhobbs: on service viewer, can you explain the technical difference between "Services" and "Task" as far as the OS goes and whether, technically speaking, you could add the functionality to "kill" a service or task?
00:35.40waldo_what does it use on the server side to stream?
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00:36.04romainguy_trigatch4: youcan't kill tasks and/or services (or processes) from an app
00:36.17umdk1d3waldo_: there is a custom server that runs on your desktop
00:36.43waldo_ah... it would be cool if it could use avahi or something.. :)
00:36.48trigatch4romainguy_: what is the definition of a "service" and "task" relative to android - excuse my programming ignorance
00:36.49waldo_umdk1d3: is this your app?
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00:36.57trigatch4jasta's app waldo
00:36.58umdk1d3waldo_: no lol, thats jasta
00:37.05romainguy_trigatch4: service is basically a background application
00:37.05ironfroggy_this Five app isn't available packaged? and it requires its own server?
00:37.24romainguy_trigatch4: a task is a set of activities from one or more processes
00:37.24umdk1d3ironfroggy_: its still under heavy dev right now
00:37.37romainguy_trigatch4: an activity is more or less a screen within an application
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00:37.52romainguy_I'm sure there's a doc somewhere describing all this more clearly and more precisely :))
00:38.23trigatch4thanks man, much appreciated
00:38.39ironfroggy_i do really want to do some dev here, and id probably be easier to contribute to something than go from scratch.
00:38.57ironfroggy_and since this is one of the first things i was after actually having a device in my hands..
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00:46.56mlesterman this sqlitedatabase thing is driving me crazy I can't open the db in my app but if I open a shell to the emul and start sqlite3 then I can access that data
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01:00.24DJTachyonwhew time for another repo sync
01:01.01DJTachyonnow that I have my Ubuntu Intrepid VM Up and running :)
01:01.17wastrelhi i have intrepid
01:02.05DJTachyonactually I have Kubuntu Intrepid ;)
01:02.06d0net2hey im trying to install five
01:02.10d0net2i am so close
01:02.12d0net2Embedded error: ANDROID-040-001: Could not execute: Command = /bin/sh -c "cd /home/hebs/five-read-only/five-client && aidl -I/home/hebs/five-read-only/five-client/src /home/hebs/five-read-only/five-client/src/org/devtcg/five/service/ICacheService.aidl /home/hebs/five-read-only/five-client/target/generated-sources/org/devtcg/five/service/", Result = 1
01:02.26d0net2i get that when i do $ mvn -Dmasa.debug=true install
01:02.36DJTachyonput in five and get one back eh?
01:02.36d0net2any ideas?
01:05.57DJTachyonlol just found bitpim in the dev app list .. i used that on my Motorola E815 :P
01:08.11languishheya DannyB
01:09.06mlesterman why didn't u guys tell i Just needed to use the NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATORS flagt
01:09.49languishI was wondering.. I saw the branding page... and it restricts the use of naming apps with a derivation of Android.  What how is that going to be handled with so many apps being named "Andthisorthat" and "whateverDroid" ?
01:12.20DJTachyonwow i just happened to look at the size of the android repo sync
01:12.59DJTachyona mere 1.5GB & 70000 files :)
01:13.02ttuttlegrr, i wish connectbot didn't steal the volume keys.
01:13.24wastrelwhat does it use them for?
01:13.30ttuttlefont size
01:14.02ttuttleit's cute, but i irc and listen to music, and i want to be able to change the volume too!
01:15.14wastrelsubmit a patch :]
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01:16.01languisha software volume overlay :D
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01:21.36DJTachyonwell my first make attempt on ubuntu failed
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01:24.30VJTachyonhmm.. /bin/bash: prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.2.1/bin/arm-eabi-gcc: No such file or directory
01:24.36foobar``how can DNS still br broken after a week
01:27.14VJTachyonanybody know where or what that is
01:27.20foobar``it's there
01:28.42VJTachyonthanks ..
01:29.36foobar``the file is there
01:29.37foobar``isn't it
01:29.43VJTachyon/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory
01:29.44VJTachyonmake: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/acp_intermediates/acp.o] Error 1
01:30.02foobar``you don't have a 32-bit development env
01:30.07VJTachyonuh oh
01:30.09foobar``did you install an AMD64 ubuntu?
01:30.14VJTachyonhehehe nooooooooooooo~
01:30.19foobar``if you're using a VM you should have probably just installed 32bit
01:30.27VJTachyonlol good lord
01:30.29foobar``i got it to build on amd64
01:30.31VJTachyoni can't win today
01:30.33foobar``it was a bunch of work though
01:30.41foobar``some of the 32-bit dev packages are broken
01:30.47foobar``and some symlinks are missing
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01:30.52VJTachyonokie dokie guess im off to delete this VM
01:31.03foobar``i think you need to manually add symlinks for and
01:31.12foobar``in /usr/lib32
01:31.20foobar``but yeah maybe just easier to make a 32-bit vm
01:31.28VJTachyonyeah who knows what else ill run into
01:31.42VJTachyonokay im gonna kill this VM ...
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01:32.10anechoicjust install the 32-bit build chain
01:32.16anechoicor that
01:32.27DJTachyoninstall the 32-bit build chain?
01:33.04DJTachyonhow may i go about that then?
01:33.54foobar``anechoic, there are soem problems with it
01:34.13anechoicjust a sec, playing with aptitude on someone else's 64 bit install
01:34.18foobar``for some reason it looks for unversioned .so files
01:34.18anechoicwhat problems?
01:34.21solcahi, I get this when compiling the source with a self cross compiler, any idea:
01:34.22solcaframeworks/base/libs/utils/CallStack.cpp:75: error: '_Unwind_Backtrace' was not declared in this scope
01:34.24foobar``even if you install all the correct packages
01:34.39foobar``you need to manually add some symlinks
01:34.47anechoicso, not problems with gcc -m32 on Hardy/Intrepid, right?
01:34.55foobar``on hardy at least
01:34.57foobar``install all the packages
01:35.02foobar``and try to compile hello world with
01:35.05foobar``gcc -m32 -lz hello.c
01:35.11foobar``it will fail
01:35.14*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
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01:35.20foobar``since it's looking for an unversioned
01:35.29foobar``and the only thing in /lib32 is a
01:35.41foobar``there's a few things like that
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01:38.59d0net2hey if i got five music to build and work in the emulator
01:39.04d0net2how do i get it on my phone?
01:39.51DJTachyonas an apk?
01:39.54anechoic$ dpkg -c lib32z1-dev_1%3a1.2.3.3.dfsg-7ubuntu1_amd64.deb
01:39.54anechoic-rw-r--r-- root/root     90374 2007-11-15 07:12 ./usr/lib32/libz.a
01:39.54anechoiclrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2007-11-15 07:12 ./usr/lib32/ ->
01:40.10anechoicI don't think you need to add the symlink
01:40.23DJTachyond0net2: you can always just post the apk on the web and download it with the browser on the phone :)
01:40.44thoraxedoes twidroid really put "twidroid for" in front of everything???
01:41.25d0net2yea thats my prolem
01:41.27d0net2im newb
01:41.34d0net2and this is the first i have REALLY dont anything with android
01:41.38d0net2how do i go about making the apk
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01:42.13michaelnovakjr_you need to build for release and sign it
01:43.59DJTachyonoops sorry got distracted
01:44.02DJTachyonyeah that
01:44.04foobar``anechoic, oh, I guess you're right
01:44.11foobar``I remember searching for that package
01:44.17foobar``oh well
01:44.18DJTachyonmeh i have run into too many x64 issues
01:44.30anechoicDJTachyon: aptitude is your friend
01:44.52DJTachyonand so is all the other stuff im working on ;)
01:45.30DJTachyonall this stuff is so much higher level than im used to .. i do embedded procedural C for DSPs and HDL
01:47.08anechoicapt-get install fftw-dev
01:47.12anechoicj/k,  :-)
01:47.50DJTachyonwoo :P
01:48.14DJTachyonmotor control actually but yea
01:48.15anechoicgcc-multilib should pull most stuff in when you install it, especially if you go through the "suggests" in aptitude
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01:48.55AlekseyKorzunIs there a web site to view all updates to market?
01:48.57anechoicno RF?  :-(
01:49.01AlekseyKorzunMy phone doesn't show latest applications
01:49.12AlekseyKorzunI have to use search to find them
01:49.42cbeustAlekseyKorzun: no, you can only see it on the phone for now
01:49.50cbeustJust select to show the applications by date
01:49.57cbeustyou'll see the most recently uploaded at the top
01:50.26anechoicor you can scrap the VM like you originally suggested, it might be less headache in the long run
01:50.32*** part/#android ginge (
01:51.17anechoicor I can dig around on this other 64-bit machine and try the stuff for you, I'm sure its owner won't mind
01:52.01foobar``I'll send you a PM with all my packages with 32 in them
01:52.03anechoicplays with aptitude on mmattice's work machine...
01:52.09d03boynobody fear, i am here
01:52.28languishut oh, there goes the neighborhood
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01:55.45languishhmm this mshare app reminds me. lastnight i wanted to send a file from my g1 directly to my wife's G1, much as you would a song with the zune.  I wonder if that functionality is possible with the current android version, and if anyone's working on it already
01:56.12languishbt or wifi
01:56.22wastrelad hoc wifi?
01:56.30languishwifi would have to auto establish an ad hoc connection
01:56.52languishseek out other g1's sharing using the same app with it enabled
01:57.41languishdamn that's a kinky thought.. 69 dhcp
01:58.08languishlet's exchange ip's baby
01:58.32foobar``'ia32-libs, lib32asound2, lib32gcc1, lib32gomp1, lib32mudflap0, lib32ncurses5, lib32ncurses5-dev, lib32nss-mdns, lib32stdc++6, lib32z1, lib32z1-dev, libdns32, libisc32, mingw32, mingw32-binutils, mingw32-runtime'
01:58.41foobar``those are all my packages with 32 in the name
01:58.46foobar``so you need those
01:59.09foobar``and g++-multilib, gcc-multilib
01:59.39foobar``and libc6-dev-i386
02:06.26d0net2hey i found these apks
02:06.38d0net2but when i put them on my storage card and try to open them it says file reading not supported
02:06.52ttuttled0net2: How are you opening them?
02:07.02d0net2clicking them and clicking open
02:07.08ttuttled0net2: Where?
02:07.16d0net2i put them in my download folder
02:07.20d0net2on my sd card
02:07.22ttuttled0net2: Are you talking about on the G1?
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02:07.33ttuttled0net2: Oh, the web server needs the .apk MIME type set up properly.
02:07.45d0net2explain for a newb
02:07.57ttuttled0net2: You can't fix it.
02:08.04d0net2awww crap
02:08.18d0net2i just spent like 5 hours getting it working in the emu
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02:14.16exmanis there any chm or devhelp for android ?
02:15.24languishask in here
02:15.39wastrelwhat's chm?
02:15.46exmanandroid API Document
02:16.03gamblerits a special format for MCSE
02:16.27exmani want chm or devhelp format
02:17.12languishexman, grab the info off and convert it to .chm  then
02:17.51languishlikely you can use a crawler that converts to chm
02:18.14languishjust remember to set the threads low
02:18.23languishand limit the transfer rate
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02:24.42DJTachyongnight all
02:25.25languishgoes to see if there'll be a hamachi app for g1
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02:34.12wastrelchm is a file format for windows help files
02:34.55d03boyits just compressed html
02:35.05exmanactually i want devhelp format. :-) (for ubuntu)
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02:35.35disappearednghi everyone
02:35.39disappearednghi everyone
02:37.31disappearedngHow do I simply get a GPS location for testing?
02:37.56disappearedngI m getting error for the following:         Double latPoint = myManager.getLastKnownLocation("gps").getLatitude();
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02:38.24d03boywhat is the error
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02:40.12neekerstry that
02:40.20disappearedngD/LocationManager(  230): Constructor: service = android.location.ILocationManager$Stub$Proxy@433734f0
02:40.20disappearedngD/AndroidRuntime(  230): Shutting down VM
02:40.20disappearedngW/dalvikvm(  230): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40010e28)
02:40.20disappearedngE/AndroidRuntime(  230): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
02:40.20disappearedngE/AndroidRuntime(  230): java.lang.NullPointerException
02:40.29d03boywow. Use a pastebin
02:40.34disappearedngOh sorry
02:41.13neekersdisappearedng: did you see my post?
02:41.15waldo_umdk1d3 is famous
02:43.38disappearedngHow do I getLatitude on GeoPoint
02:43.54d03boyanyone know of screenshots for every layout by chance?
02:44.42disappearedngOk I checked the API
02:44.59romainguyd03boy: they would not help you much
02:45.06romainguythere are not many layouts in the platform
02:45.10romainguyand what they do is very simple
02:45.47d03boyim just looking for a horizontal list of some sort
02:45.57romainguyor Gallery
02:46.09d03boyi need it to scroll though
02:46.21d03boycan I put buttons in a gallery?
02:46.25romainguyanything you want
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02:46.30d03boyok i'll try that
02:46.55romainguynote that horizontal scrolling list are a bit awkward to use on the G1
02:47.12romainguythe horizontal scrolling gesture is a bit less natural than vertical scrolling
02:47.36d03boyromainguy, does it let you 'pull' it?
02:47.52romainguywhat do you mean?
02:48.01d03boycan you scroll by 'flicking' it or whatever
02:48.07disappearedngcan anyone tell him how to find the current GPS Location? I am getting an error for         Double latPoint = myManager.getLastKnownLocation("gps").getLatitude();
02:48.29romainguyd03boy: yeah, that's why I'm talking about when I say it's less natural than vertical scrolling
02:48.37languishd03boy, install the task switcher app to see what it looks like
02:48.51languish(and how it functions)
02:48.58d03boyi dont actually have a g1
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02:49.05romainguylook at the apidemos
02:49.07d03boyi'll see if I can get it on the emulator
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02:52.01gamblerumdk1d3, where do you get that pricing info for local stores? seems like that is not in their interest to publish that
02:52.28rjaymis there a simple way to close the current application?
02:52.33gamblerlearned about stateful drawables
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02:53.33trigatch4any google staffers here?
02:54.15trigatch4hey romainguy, so... do you know a "Robin" from Android Operations team at Google?
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02:55.12d03boyhow's the battery life on these beasts?
02:55.19trigatch4romainguy: on we talked about having some Android T-Shirts made and sticking them on CafePress... just because members want the shirts and there isn't really an easier way to go about it
02:55.49trigatch4she basically said we shouldn't... and I can understand why
02:56.02d03boyat the top of the android market app, there is a scrolling thing. Is that a gallery?
02:56.09trigatch4but wondering if theres any way to find a coupla "freebies" to give away in a contest or something?
02:56.34summatusmentistrigatch4: umm... couldn't be that google owns the copyright to android...
02:56.36jcanfield_d03boy, depends,what you are doing with it.. I'm barely making it through the day on a battery.
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02:56.39romainguytrigatch4: you should contact the advocates, look for Jason Chen or Dan Morrill (morrilldl)
02:56.50d03boyjcanfield_, do you talk on it much?
02:57.09jcanfield_average about 30 minutes talking.
02:57.22d03boynot surprising
02:57.30wastrelwhere do i go to file a bug for the contacts app?
02:57.37d03boyi can talk on my razr for about 20 seconds and it's dead these days
02:57.47jcanfield_wifi seems to really seems to suck the juice.
02:57.47trigatch4thanks romainguy
02:58.02romainguyit also depends a lot on the apps you use
02:58.04wastrelalready logged :[
02:58.06wastreli am too slow!
02:58.26spikebiketurning off 3g helps alot
02:59.04d03boyanyone know if the market app has the gallery at the top? is that a gallery?
02:59.07jcanfield_d03boy, and playing media is scary. I ripped a movie and not sure it will play a 2 hour movie on one charge.
02:59.11d03boythats exactly what I need
02:59.23romainguyd03boy: that's a gallery
02:59.30spikebiked03boy that sounds like the market application
02:59.42d03boyjcanfield_, eh, oh well. phones arent made for movies :)
02:59.58foobar``romainguy, is anyone actively working on the DNS issue?
03:00.03romainguywhat DNS issue?
03:00.10jcanfield_d03boy, haha.
03:00.20foobar``internet on the emulator hasn't ever worked since release
03:00.21jbqDNS is broken the version that we released.
03:00.26foobar``ah jbq
03:00.36jbqIssue 996.
03:00.41foobar``yeah, the one you filed
03:00.54rjaymThis is rediculous that I can't close chrome lite
03:01.02romainguychrome lite?
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03:01.23rjaymwhatever the g1 browser is, I heard it was chrome lite
03:01.27romainguyit's not
03:01.38romainguyand what do you mean you cannot close it?
03:01.41ttuttleis so sick of it being called "Chrome Lite".
03:01.42romainguywhy do you want to close it?
03:01.59ttuttlerjaym: Notice how it is called "Browser" in the launcher.
03:02.01rjaymI want to close it because it's on my t-mobile account page
03:02.14ttuttlerjaym: So just go to a different page.
03:02.16rjaymand I don't want to keep that up
03:02.22ttuttlerjaym: It doesn't "stay open", it just remembers what page you were on.
03:02.24romainguyrjaym: Menu > Windows close the window
03:03.02rjaymwhy should I jump to another page when I want to close my current one, I'm not interested in another page, I'm interested in clearing out my phone's current memory usage
03:03.14romainguyMenu > Windows
03:03.14murlidharhas linux been ever ported to sony ericsson w910i like phones ?
03:03.19foobar``jbq, do you have any idea what it might be?
03:03.23romainguyyou don't have to "clear the phone's memory usage"
03:03.30romainguythe system takes care of that for you
03:03.31ttuttlerjaym: It will kill things when it needs memory.
03:03.37jbqfoobar``: it's low enough that it affects multiple applications.
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03:03.43d03boyi cant seem to find an example for a view xml file for gallery :(
03:03.43romainguyyou are guaranteed to always have the amount of RAM you need to run the application you are using
03:03.57romainguyd03boy: look at the ApiDemos like I said before
03:04.00romainguythat's what they're for
03:04.03foobar``yeah uh it affects everything
03:04.03ttuttleromainguy: /me loves that bit ;-)
03:04.07d03boyromainguy, i'm on it. I only see a .java file
03:04.14jbqfoobar``: don't know if it's the native or interpreted code, don't know if it's the emulator, the kernel or user-space.
03:04.15romainguyd03boy: there are .xml files in res/
03:04.20d03boyoh, no wonder
03:04.27foobar``jbq, is there any document describing the emulator's networking stack?
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03:05.01foobar``jbq, it doesn't look like there's a resolv.conf in /system/etc in either this version or the working old version
03:05.12foobar``so it does something else..
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03:05.59rjaymit just seems rediculous that they even let you set the home page of the browser when you'll never navigate back to it.. ever..
03:06.17plusminus_In the device-settings we can enable "Audible Selection". Can we en/disable such stuff using code ?
03:06.22romainguyrjaym: ??
03:07.02plusminus_with WRITE_SETTINGS ?
03:07.15romainguywhy do you want your app to change a system setting?
03:07.28foobar``is there a way I can change libc and then just rebuild one thing
03:07.29foobar``like ping
03:07.33foobar``instead of having it rebuild the entire system
03:07.53rjaymwell yes it's true I could search+space to get to my home page, or go to it going through 2 menus, but it seems intrinsic to me that I should be able to close any browser when I'm done using it, and upon opening it up again, expect my new home page to show up
03:07.58plusminus_romainguy: I want to enabled that Audible-Selection programatically
03:08.14romainguyrjaym: that's not how apps work on Android
03:08.21romainguyplusminus_: sure, but why?
03:08.31romainguyplusminus_: I'd be really pissed at your app if it did that :))
03:08.42ttuttleseconds that.
03:08.55plusminus_romainguy: because of the permission or the sound-feedback ?
03:08.56ttuttleUnless I give your { app, web page, email, ... } permission to make noise, it damn well better not.
03:09.03romainguyplusminus_: because of the sound feedback
03:09.29plusminus_when using my navigation app I want to give the user a possibility to get feedback without looking at the screen.
03:09.42romainguythen you should just launch the settings activity
03:09.45romainguyor even the settings page
03:10.00romainguyit seems that enabling *system wide* audible selection for your app is *not* the right way to do it
03:10.06ttuttleplusminus_: Consider having your app actually read back the titles, instead of just making clicks.
03:10.12ttuttleplusminus_: That's probably more useful to your users.
03:10.21ttuttleplusminus_: You could probably extend ListView to do that.
03:10.27plusminus_ttuttle: A TTS would be fine for that
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03:10.39ttuttleplusminus_: Yeah.
03:10.54plusminus_btw why has it been removed from th emarket :/
03:11.08ttuttleplusminus_: Which is this?
03:11.27plusminus_there had been a T2S library while the market was not yet public
03:11.33ttuttleplusminus_: Oh.
03:11.35romainguybecause the market was reset
03:11.42romainguyI guess whoever put it there didn't put it back
03:11.50ttuttleplusminus_: Protip: "libraries" *really* confuse people.  You're likely to get a 1-star rating because it "doesn't do anything".
03:11.59romainguylike Radar
03:12.09ttuttleplusminus_: You should try to find a way to avoid that.
03:12.16ttuttleplusminus_: I'm not sure how.
03:12.24plusminus_ttuttle:  me too ^^
03:12.40plusminus_T2S should be a part of the android core
03:12.43plusminus_or api
03:13.03romainguythat's debatable
03:13.22plusminus_imo it would enrich many apps
03:13.27plusminus_and decrease file-sizes
03:13.55wastrelwhat's t2s?
03:14.02plusminus_half of my AndNav2 is currently painfully pad mp3s
03:14.24plusminus_... I'm mean half of the apk size
03:15.53Gooseythe market reaaaaaaaaaaly needs a seperate 'library' category and a way for apps to specify librarys they require in a way that the market will auto-fetch them if possible
03:16.15romainguythere is one
03:16.16GooseyOtherwise I totally agree, they just confuse end users and result in people not understanding how to use your app
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03:16.37romainguy"Software libraries"
03:16.53GooseyYea, but it is under "Applications"
03:17.30Gooseywhich doesn't really make sense to me? and many users (inc myself) havn't even looked at categories, just the 'all' view
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03:18.07tsunamiin regards to registering for location updates from LocationManager, it looks to me like the manager registers an alarm with the AlarmManager. does that alarm wakeup the device on sleep to run location update code?
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03:24.10plusminus_romainguy: could you give me a hint on how to start a specific settings-page programatically ?
03:25.37spikebikeor even toggle a specific setting, like say turning wifi on
03:25.56plusminus_spikebike: yep that would be fine too
03:26.06spikebikeI've been pondering writing a itty bittly little ap that toggles 3g, wifi, and bluetooth
03:26.13spikebikestores it's state in it's icon
03:26.20spikebikei.e. wifi-on icon
03:26.21unix_infidelspikebike: heh, you stole my idea.
03:26.32spikebikeyou click it, it looks at the icon, turns wifi off, and swaps the icon
03:26.36d03boyhave you guys been able to keep a consistent connection? Does 3g flake out at all?
03:26.57spikebikethat way you waste zero bytes of ram
03:27.19spikebikeand with the virtual desktop there's plenty of room for a tiny icon with a red/green light or something
03:27.37wastreli think i have good battery life @ home because i'm like a block from a cell tower
03:27.38spikebikeunix_infidel I've written zero lines of code, so don't let me stop ya
03:27.59spikebiked03 I've not noticed any... I don't spend a ton of time in 3g aras though
03:28.00unix_infidelspikebike: nah, I've had this idea for a long time, just havent bothered to write it :-P
03:28.24spikebikeclearly with the battery life issue it would be nice
03:28.40spikebikethat and a program to say... ah your connected to access poitn X, turn off cellular
03:29.02spikebikemy office has zero signal (except wifi)
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03:29.06unix_infidelyou'd essentially need to keep some of these options have to be mutually exclusive.
03:29.49romainguyplusminus_: why don't you just use View.setSoundEffectsEnabled(true)?
03:29.51unix_infidelso in order to maintain connectivity, 802.11 b/g or 3G would be on.
03:29.59disappearedngHow do I get Current Position for Android?
03:30.24romainguyspikebike: AnyCut already lets you toggle Wifi/bluetooth
03:30.43spikebikeno based on access point
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03:30.45spikebikeer not
03:32.34unix_infidelspikebike: you mean based on if a SSID like this is in range then turn off 3G?
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03:37.39waldo_is it insanely quiet or is it just me?
03:38.02languishnot just you
03:38.05languishand multiple networks
03:38.18waldo_i thought I was disconnected or something
03:38.26d03boydoes it make sense for me to create my  own Adapter class for some buttons in a gallery?
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03:40.13languishd03boy, yes, it does, as you'd be adding to the poll
03:40.22languishsomeone else might like it
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03:40.36d03boyalrighty then
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03:52.28rjaymis there any decent alternative to the g1's built in music player yet?
03:53.06plusminus_romainguy: View.setSoundEffectsEnabled(true); works only if "Audible-Selection" was activated in the settings.
03:53.58foobar``did google write the SLIRP qemu code?
03:54.13foobar``modify the SLIRP qemu code
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04:04.44d03boyanyone know how I would go about making a gallery with buttons in it instead of images?
04:04.56wastrelbuttons you say
04:05.25d03boybuttons galore
04:07.03muthud03boy: you can add whatever widget you want inside a gallery
04:07.42Lazhow do i write c++ apps for android?
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04:07.59foobar``you don't
04:08.27wastrelthe correct answer is, you write them in java
04:09.24muthuLaz: hook up them through jni
04:09.53d03boymuthu, im not entirely sure how though
04:10.28muthud03boy: check out java tutorial
04:10.29d03boydo I need to make my own ButtonView and ButtonAdapter and stuff?
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04:10.43muthuoh, sry
04:10.53d03boyi know java quite well :P
04:11.00muthuoops that was for jni
04:11.09muthud03boy: just add the buttons to the gallery
04:11.23d03boyok then
04:11.35muthuwrite you own adapter
04:11.43muthuand then return button as the view
04:12.05muthugallery can take a list adapter
04:15.02muthuapps running from sdcard seem to be major request
04:17.22Lazshould of been like that by default
04:18.00muthuyeah, internal memory runs out soon
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04:21.55muthudid anyone upload notepad to the market?
04:22.06muthuits there in sdk.. and everyone is asking for it
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04:27.09gamblerpls remember to tell me in two months how much you made with muthupad
04:28.03d03boycant charge $ right now so it gives others a chance to pollute the market with apps :(
04:28.33gambleryou cant charge yet? hmmm
04:28.40gamblerwhen does that get turned on
04:29.11muthugambler: haha
04:29.51muthuam thinking of uploading notepad to market as is if no one else has done it
04:31.15rjaymI want a 7-zip implementation to
04:31.30d03boythat could be a bit resource intensive?
04:31.50rjaymcause I was just browsing some apps, and some guy put his apk in a zip
04:34.03gamblerso you want a whole app for a tiny corner case that can be sorted out in 30 seconds on a desktop PC?
04:34.45rjaymI kill time at work browsing stuff
04:34.46gamblerseems like a pretty easy app to write given the high quality java compression libs out there
04:35.08gamblerbut I think I'd kill myself before I ever plucked fruit that was hanging that low
04:36.27rjaymI also want to be able to set my wallpaper without it being re-scaled, I tried to set a wallpaper that has a vector graphic drawn logo, and it looks horribly unsharp and blurred with graphic artifacts etc.., and that was when I sized the wall-paper to the supposed native resolution of G1's wallpaper's, 640x480
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04:37.37gamblergoes back to working on his nethack port
04:39.12rjaymsounds cool I wouldn't mind playing that
04:39.28plusminus_startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_SECURITY_SETTINGS));  // WORKS
04:39.46plusminus_startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_DISPLAY_SETTINGS)); // Works NOT
04:39.48plusminus_any ideas ?
04:40.08plusminus_LogCat says "No Activity found to handle this Intent."
04:40.15plusminus_So my question is how to bring up i.e. the "Sound & Display"-Settings-Activity. ?
04:41.06muthuplusminus_: are you setting the right type?
04:41.20muthusome intents require action and type
04:42.13plusminus_even if, why should the ones above be different?
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04:47.25muthuhow do you switch branch using 'repo'?
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04:48.49muthurepo start.. creates a branch
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04:49.02muthunow need to switch to another branch
04:49.32muthuis the US working this week or not ? ;)
04:49.54bguptaGotta say I love the G1. Anyone figure out how to get a shell prompt yet?
04:50.15d0net2not local bgupta
04:50.23d0net2im sure you know about connectbot though
04:51.36foobar``is there an easy way to just
04:51.40foobar``restore a file
04:51.45foobar``with uncommitted edits
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04:52.52rjaymI usually just delete/update
04:54.14d0net2anyone use five music?
04:54.34d0net2i cant get it to sync
04:55.23wastreloh dear
04:55.36muthufoobar``: git revert?
04:56.02muthuhmm.. looks like repo has only a few commands
04:56.07muthuno way to switch branch
04:57.35DarkriftXany cool new programs written today?
04:57.43foobar``i think i fixed the dns problem
04:58.00wastrelthere's a dns problem?
04:58.00muthuDarkriftX: is there a notepad app in the market?
04:58.09DarkriftXno idea, i dont ahve a g1
04:58.15DarkriftXthere was one on my site but it didnt work
04:58.24wastrelmuthu: not afaict
04:58.32muthuthere's one in source..
04:58.39DarkriftXtrying to find new apps/games to submit to my site
04:59.03muthuwastrel: am planning to build the notepad from android source and upload to market
04:59.12muthuguess it should be ok
04:59.26DarkriftXthats the one that was on my site and didnt work
04:59.31wastrelmake it so i can hand-write notes on the screen as well as type
04:59.40wastrelalso make it sync to google docs or something
04:59.51wastrelalso make it location aware ffs, not enough stuff depends on gps
05:00.05DarkriftXyou are at work, so your font will be x
05:03.08bguptaWastrel: Here are some ideas for apps: podcatcher, pdf viewer, office document editor (or a functional google docs), mobipocket compaitble ereader, video camcorder, weather gadget for homescreen, more advanced media player, memopad/outliner/todo with websync, video player with autoscale (so I dont have to downsample my standard videos),
05:03.50trigatch4jasonchen: around?
05:03.55DarkriftXcan someone with a g1 test this?
05:04.07bguptaOh and while you are at it, a root shell, an A2DP driver, and a dialup networking client.
05:04.09DarkriftXlast version that was submitted didnt work, but it was re-submitted today and i dont know if it works
05:04.26bguptaDarkriftX: I can test it
05:04.38wastrelthere's an ereader in development, a pdf reader apparently in development but it's all in chinese so who knows, homescreen widgets aren't supported yet, there's a todo with websync but it's a mess UI-wise.
05:04.42DarkriftXty, i dont want to add it to my official download page if it doesnt work like the last one
05:04.43wastreldunno about that other jaz
05:04.54DarkriftXand yeah, most of those ideas are good for apps
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05:05.21trigatch4what "official" download page?
05:05.22DarkriftXfile browser, aim app (cheap or freeware, $20 is expensive for an im client) and an irc client are must-have's
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05:05.43rjaymsrsly.. irc client.. none yet?
05:05.45DarkriftXtrigatch4, i have a "user submitted" forum, and i have a "downloads" forum
05:06.02trigatch4ah, nice... friendly competition ;)
05:06.06trigatch4whats the site?
05:06.07DarkriftXthat file was in my downloads but didnt work so it was removed and a user re-submitted it today
05:06.30DarkriftXuser submitted stuff gets moved but this app was already in there and didnt work
05:07.19bguptaMilage calculator crashed (process com.techmethods.mileage) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.
05:07.45bguptaDarkriftX: That was for you.
05:07.56DarkriftXok, thx
05:08.06DarkriftXill edit the post and not move it to downloads :(
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05:12.28bguptaDarkriftX: I didn't give you the full and exact error: Sorry! The application Mileage Calculator (process com.techmethods.mileage) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.
05:12.44DarkriftXthats ok
05:12.55DarkriftXjust the fact it failed tells me not to add it
05:14.55bguptaHey any blackberry devs around? I'm curious how easy it's gonna be to port Java apps from BB to Android?
05:15.36bguptaThere are some pretty cool apps starting to surface on the BB side.. so was hoping some porting might go on.
05:15.38RyeBryeThe UI stuff changes
05:15.48RyeBryethat's the first obvious change
05:15.52bguptaAh, that makes sense.
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05:16.38RyeBryeand I find it funny that BB is finally starting to get apps built r it
05:17.07RyeBryeI had one about 3 or 4 years ago and the best I could find for it was mobipocket and that built-in breakout clone
05:17.49bguptaYeah.. it took awhile... but I think the biggest factors is the PalmOS devs getting tired of a dying platform, and going to where the growth was.
05:18.43RyeBryeI've not built any aps yet - but I'm planning to get started hacking away soon
05:18.52RyeBryebut from what I've seen it looks pretty straightforward
05:19.02RyeBryeporting existing java stuff shouldn't be brain surgery
05:19.06bguptacool. Any J2ME experience?
05:19.23RyeBryeNo, only desktop and server
05:19.27RyeBryeJ2SE and J2EE
05:21.01RyeBryeI saw one program I wanted to start hacking away at porting - a pure java x86 emulator called JPC - I loaded it up into eclipse in an android project and the only errors I was seeing were in UI stuff and a couple of Java 1.6-only functions it was using
05:22.27RyeBryeIt uses swing extensively, so porting it wont be trivial - but it should be an interesting project
05:24.16wastreli don't know any java :]
05:24.42romainguyit uses Swing??
05:25.00RyeBryeromainguy - yes, they use swing a lot, with a bit of awt mixed in
05:25.02romainguyah yes indeed
05:25.04RyeBryejust for presentation
05:25.05romainguythey changed it
05:25.13romainguythe last time I saw it, it had no UI
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05:25.21romainguythere's not that much UI to it
05:25.22RyeBryeOh, it was just a command-line thing?
05:25.29romainguyit was an applet
05:25.36romainguybut just the DOS emulator, nothing else around
05:25.42romainguyso probably just using Java 2D
05:25.52romainguyporting Java 2D stuff to Skia is probably quite easy
05:26.03RyeBryeHmm... maybe I can just pick which part to port then
05:26.06RyeBryeand port the easy part :)
05:26.46bguptaRyeBrye: Just wish we could get to the shell and then we could run some real emulators..
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05:27.13RyeBryeYeah, I know... porting emulators to the phones will be a real bitch because of that - but maybe it will spawn the era of the Java-based emulator
05:27.28RyeBrye(doubtful... but hey... stranger things have happened)
05:27.37romainguyI certainly hope we have enough horsepower to write stuff like SNES emulators in Java
05:27.51D0netshey guys im pretty newb but if i found a java guitar tuner app
05:28.03D0netshow hard would it be to make an android app with it
05:28.03bguptaUgg.. I'm thinking, that we aren't gonna see alot of that stuff until we break out of Davlik.
05:28.55RyeBryeWell... If JPC can be ported, and works with decent speed - you could conceivably run x86 hosted emulators in JPC on top of ARM
05:29.11romainguythere are console emulators written in Java
05:29.11RyeBryeBut then your head would explode just thinking about it
05:29.20DarkriftXromainguy, im sure there is
05:29.26romainguylike this one
05:29.38DarkriftXtons of ppc apps do it on slower processors and android seems better at resource management
05:32.29bguptaOk. so on my 2.4 GHz machine, JPC is benchmarking as a 40 MHz x86 box. :(
05:33.25RyeBryeI'll have to download the app and test it on mine
05:33.57RyeBryeis there some benchmark util you ran?
05:34.43bguptaI ran the linux demo
05:35.34RyeBryehow many bogomips does the processor have?
05:35.37romainguyneed to compile on the laptop @!#
05:36.17bguptaneed to relaunch it.. I already shut it down
05:36.22muthuweird, repo doesn't have a branch command to switch branches
05:36.29romainguymuthu: use git
05:36.33RyeBryerepo is like git for dummies, isn't it?
05:36.39romainguynot really
05:36.46romainguythe thing is the Android project is made of 100 git repos
05:36.59romainguyso repo is just here to perform batch operations across these repos
05:37.10romainguyyou still need to use git
05:37.19romainguyto do the staging for instance
05:37.19muthuromainguy: exactly
05:37.21romainguyor commit
05:38.22RyeBryeboycott advance is java?
05:38.31RyeBryeInteresting, that's one of the better GBA emulators
05:38.42romainguyI was using boycott advance when I was working for Atari
05:38.49romainguythe official Nintendo dev kit was too annoying :)
05:39.21RyeBryeI nominate Romainguy to port that one then ;)
05:39.45bgupta Someone needs to port this.
05:40.34RyeBrye"2006-03-04: New games!" That would be a bitch to merge with the latest MAME, no doubt
05:40.46RyeBryeI guess merge isn't the right word
05:40.55RyeBryeit would be a bitch to bring up to date to match the latest MAME
05:42.34RyeBryeI don't think BAO is OSS
05:42.44RyeBryeat least I can't find a source link for it - and the bao.jar is obfuscated
05:43.09RyeBryeI mean.. I can decompile it just fine - but porting over a bunch of code with one-letter variable names isn't my idea of fun :)
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05:45.59romainguylooking at the URL I thought it was an N64 emulator
05:46.01romainguyit scared me :)
05:46.59DarkriftXlol RyeBrye
05:47.22DarkriftXRyeBrye, run a regex script to change all the vars
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05:49.11bguptaRyeBrye: Maybe I was too quick to write off Java based emulators...
05:49.31bguptaWe can certainly emulate some of the older stuff.
05:50.25bguptaI mean the c64 was 1 MHz if I recall..
05:52.08*** join/#android JoeBrain (
05:53.02D0netshey when i try to build this app (five)
05:53.06D0netsit says build successful
05:53.09D0netsbut i get lots of errors
05:53.31umdk1d3hmm, did you use maven to build?
05:53.52D0nets[Error] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class that doesnt come with an associated EnclosingMethod attribute. (This class was probably produced by a broken compiler.)
05:54.01umdk1d3those are just warnings tho
05:54.04romainguywhat compiler are you using?
05:54.53D0netsjavac 1.5.0_13
05:54.55D0netshave you guys tried five?
05:55.07umdk1d3ive been using it for awhile  :)
05:55.12romainguywould like to
05:55.24romainguybtu I'm too lazy to setup the server
05:55.48D0netswhenever i click on anything i get "Sorry! The application (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.
05:55.54D0netsin five music
05:56.32D0netsany ideas umdk1d3?
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05:59.33umdk1d3D0nets: have you looked at a logcat dump?
06:02.31umdk1d3D0nets: so errors in android get dumped into logcat, which you can view from eclipse
06:02.36umdk1d3do you have the SDK installed?
06:02.41D0netson my laptop
06:03.12D0netsok eclipse is up
06:03.44umdk1d3have you enabled usb debug mode on your device?
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06:05.03umdk1d3"1. Enable USB debugging. Go into Settings, Applications, Development, and enable the "USB debugging" option. "
06:06.24D0netsok its enabled
06:06.43umdk1d3cool, now if you go into the "DDMS" perspective in eclipse, you should hopefully see your device
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06:08.09D0netshrmm, im not seing it
06:08.49D0netsi see it
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06:09.24D0nets"Required maximum version of adb: 1.0.18. Current version is 1.0.20"
06:09.51umdk1d3umm not sure what would cause that
06:09.52umdk1d3are you running the 1.0 sdk?
06:10.16umdk1d3odd i havent run into that error before
06:10.30umdk1d3is your eclipse plugin updated for 1.0 as well?
06:11.02umdk1d3D0nets: heres a solution looks like  -->
06:11.57jaakkeehey. anyone know if wpa enterprise is a doable application (is the hardware limiting)? Or just not in the API yet?  I saw wpa_supplicant in /system/bin/
06:15.14D0netsumdk1d3 thanks
06:15.40D0netscould that have something to do with my problem with five?
06:15.54umdk1d3probably not, because it compiled fine
06:16.06D0netswell somethings def not right lol
06:16.14gdsxjaakkee: do you have a more specific description of what you mean by "wpa enterprise"?  If you mean with PKCS certs and whatnot, I don't believe there's a UI for it, if the framework even supports it
06:16.15D0netsyou are able to stream music right?
06:16.37D0netsok umdk1d3 im back in the sdk
06:16.47umdk1d3D0nets: yep it works great for me
06:16.55umdk1d3first step would be seeing what that error its giving you
06:17.20umdk1d3when you get into logcat in ddms, try maximizing it and looking through for the five error
06:17.30umdk1d3then copy the stacktrace to pastebin or somewhere
06:17.33D0netsok i clicked window perspective ddms
06:18.01umdk1d3does it connect to your device now?
06:18.18D0netswhere should i be looking?
06:18.41umdk1d3so in ddms, there is a devices tab
06:19.02*** join/#android UKCoder (n=Les@
06:19.03D0netsyea i see that
06:19.07D0netsit shows the emulator 5554
06:19.30umdk1d3it should show your G1 if you have it connected over usb
06:19.36umdk1d3in addition to any running emulators
06:20.17UKCoderHi all, does anyone know if there's a known bug that prevents audio play out with the emulator when used on vista?  I don't get any errors while playing out audio, but there is no sound either.  There's no other application currently using audio (, and the -useaudio flag isn't a valid startup option).
06:23.20D0netsi dont see it umdk1d3
06:23.24D0netsi see devices
06:23.27D0netsits plugged in
06:23.35D0netsusb debugging and stay awake are checked
06:24.28umdk1d3D0nets: what OS are you using?
06:24.57umdk1d3there are some things you might need to add:
06:27.19D0netswhere is androidmanifest.xml
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06:28.35scriptdevilWhen I run the emulator, all the emulator displays is ANDROID even though I am running the sample applications. Any pointers as to what may have caused this?
06:33.05scriptdevilI am using Archlinux by the way
06:33.26D0netsumdk1d3 any idears?
06:34.26D0netsi see in tools/lib there is androidmanifest.alias.template
06:34.33D0netsand androidmanifest.template
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06:49.35D0netsanyone here?
06:49.53D0netsIn Eclipse, you can do this from the Application tab when viewing the Manifest     (on the right side, set Debuggable to true). Otherwise, in the AndroidManifest.xml     file, add android:debuggable="true" to the <application> element.
06:49.56D0netswhere is the manifest
06:50.02*** join/#android jasta_ (
06:52.01Taunousually in project root/AndroidManifest.xml
06:53.00D0netscould you elaborate
06:53.04D0netsis that a dir in the sdk?
06:53.53D0netsoh i see
06:54.01D0netsbut hrmm, im just trying to get my device to show up
06:54.56*** join/#android exman (n=exman@
06:55.00jota-hey can anyone tell me how easy it actually is to get a g1 with no contract for the 400$ price? Can you just walk in to any tmobile store and theyÄll sell it to youwith no trouble? what about walmart?
06:56.33languishtwo g1's plugged in to the same pc via usb. second g1 doesn't show up as a removable drive
06:57.01Taunod0nets, oh, didn't know what you were trying to do :) (have no idea how you get the device to show up.. I don't have one :|)
07:02.58RyeBryejota- they aren't in walmart yet AFAIK - but they will be shortly is the rumor - and the other rumor is they will be there for $148 for those buying a contract or an upgrade
07:03.10RyeBrye$148 + $200 ETF < $400
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07:03.48foobar``you also need to pay for a month of service
07:03.57RyeBryeok, in that case you might be about even
07:04.45jota-ETF = ?
07:04.46swetlandrye: you are famous!
07:05.17RyeBryewow... my random quote made it to boing boing?
07:05.33swetlandhackers have extracted the g1 firmware via camera driver exploitz!
07:06.04jota-You probably cant get a crontract if you dont have a US billing addres(which I dont). Thats why im interested on the no contract option
07:06.22foobar``RyeBrye, that is clever
07:06.22swetlandactually this one referring to the bb article is better:
07:06.52RyeBrye"Using Canon cameras, hackers have been able to take images of the chips and then analyze pixels to determin vulnerabilities in the space time continuum that allow wormholes to form around coders..."
07:07.18RyeBryeOk... that techdigest one shows that someone needs to work on reading comprehension.
07:07.34languishman that's hysterical
07:07.41languishscary, stupidm but funny
07:07.59foobar``RyeBrye, how does the stuff on the g1 differ from the release opensource version?
07:08.43RyeBryeAnd... I haven't even gotten my G1 yet - so I'd be uber 1337 if I had already dumped the bootloader or something using an LED trick
07:08.50swetlandthe main differences on production g1:
07:08.58swetland- runs in "secure" mode (adb is not root, etc)
07:09.18swetland- has a handful of hardware-specific proprietary libs (qualcomm opengles library, htc radio interface library, etc)
07:09.26swetland- has some google apps (maps, gmail, etc)
07:10.02foobar``will those binaries run on the opensource base OS?
07:10.16languishRyeBrye, you should respond in the comments to the techdigest blog with something akin to "James O'Malley you're a reading comprehension challenged idiot."
07:12.37*** join/#android Hai-Fai (
07:12.45RyeBryeYeah, I did just reply to them... I was a bit more polite than that - but are the camera doesn't even have an auto focus LED
07:14.28RyeBryeerr... that didn't come out correctly... but yeah - I'm not quite sure that dumping the firmware of the device would even matter
07:14.51RyeBryealthough dumping the bootloader might help - if there were some helpful symbols left in it to identify what some of the functions might do in it
07:14.55foobar``what did you do?
07:15.05RyeBryeCanon camera - blinked the firmware out of the autofocus LED
07:15.16RyeBryeNOTHING to the G1 yet
07:15.26RyeBryeit comes tomorrow
07:16.22RyeBryeI've found info on getting into the bootloader, and talked to other people about it - but nobody seems to know how to get into it yet
07:16.36RyeBryeor more specifically - how to do something when you are in the bootloader
07:17.01RyeBrye(hold down the camera button when you boot and you get into the bootloader and it says "Serial 0" but nothing much else goes on there it seems)
07:17.36rwhitbyRyeBrye: I expect there is a serial port on the PCB somewhere where you'd then get a prompt.
07:18.00RyeBryeYeah, there was also a thought that the extra audio pins on the underside of the EXT-USB might be used as serial in that mode
07:18.04rwhitby(or not, if they've shut down console access on the bootloader as a final testing step)
07:18.21RyeBryeMost other HTC phones get busted open it seems
07:18.22swetlandthey were supposed to ^^
07:18.31RyeBryeOh, they were? :(
07:18.44rwhitbyswetland: supposed to shut down the console access?
07:18.59swetlandshut down download/debug features on the production bootloader
07:19.19rwhitbydealt with a Linksys WRP400 router which had u-boot with the serial port console locked as the final manufacturing step.
07:19.44rwhitby... and then kernel output redirected *away* from the serial port on boot ...
07:19.49swetlandthe bootloader is pretty much a black box to me though
07:21.42RyeBryeWere they supposed to do that to the G1 specifically or just to phones in general?
07:26.36foobar``it looks like ConnectivityManager has a method called "dump" which seems to be callable via some IPC thing
07:26.40foobar``not part of it's interface
07:26.53foobar``is there some simple program that will call "dump" on a given service object?
07:27.10*** join/#android BruteSource (
07:27.42swetlandfoobar: dumpsys
07:28.17swetlandwith no arguments it asks *all* services to dump state
07:28.20swetlandwhich can be a little chatty
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07:30.09foobar``so the problem with the dns is "net.dns1" system property is not set
07:30.18foobar``"net.eth0.dns1" is set
07:30.19BruteSourcehows it swetland?
07:30.47theCarpenterso im trying to modify the PackageInstaller, and i copied the relevant source files out of the android source directory into my eclipse workspace
07:31.05theCarpenternow how the heck do i get eclipse to recognize it as a valid project? it just doesnt appear in the project explorer and i cant import it or anything
07:31.15theCarpenterall the right parts seem to be there, so what am i missing?
07:32.09theCarpenteris there an additional global eclipse projects directory i need to tool with?
07:41.59foobar``D/MobileDataStateTracker(   51): Received android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE broadcast - state = DISCONNECTED, unavailable = true, reason = radioTurnedOff
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08:04.52Taunoanyone knows where the source for java.lang.* classes is (what *.git)? I couldn't find them in base.git
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08:10.10RyeBryeHas anyone taken apart a G1 yet and posted images?
08:20.43BruteSourceman im single handedly defending android while they beat the crap out of it in ubuntu-offtopic
08:22.21theCarpenterpeople care about ubuntu-off-topic?
08:22.36Taunook, another one - I can't get my TextView to scroll by its own. Adding a ScrollView around it solves vertical scrolling but I heard rumors that TextView should be able to scroll by itself.. and also horizontally. Any pointers?
08:26.05BruteSourceoh man gotta give it to ubuntu users
08:26.40BruteSourcenm there must be some in here
08:27.06muthuBruteSource: what they saying?
08:30.58BruteSourcethey kicked me lol
08:31.19muthuhaha.. you need to gang up and go :)
08:32.14BruteSourceno, im not really a troll i just don't like when they talk about android badly, especially when then have never used it.
08:32.51*** join/#android Justin_Raynes (
08:40.04Tauno(about scrolling TextView) android:scrollHorizontally = "true" is not helping...neither is android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack="true" or android:scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack="true"
08:40.58Taunothe combination of android:scrollHorizontally ="true" android:scrollbars="horizontal|vertical" is almost working.. as it displays the scrollbars.. but you can't interact with them..
08:45.05TaunoI know it has to be a simple thing that I have to set somewhere... the ScrollView doc says: "The TextView class also takes care of its own scrolling, so does not require a ScrollView"
08:45.20muthutextview does it own scrolling yes
08:45.48muthuare you using edittext?
08:45.56Taunono, plain TextView
08:47.45Taunothe layout of the activity is just a TextView and an EditText (both are inside a LinearLayout) TextView has the following params: android:layout_width="fill_parent"  android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_weight="1"
08:48.23TaunoEditText has android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"  and android:singleLine="true"
08:48.26muthutry to set lines
08:48.50TaunoI tried android:singleLine="false".. nothing
08:49.02Tauno(in TextView)
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08:50.48Taunoif it matters, I set the text with .append("...");
08:58.13*** part/#android Paddy_EIRE (n=patrick@
08:59.02TaunoI'm out of ideas
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09:11.54muthuTauno: run the hierarchyviewer and check layout
09:12.00muthuit might throw some tips
09:12.17foobar``is there a way to dump the sqllite db
09:13.05muthuthere's sqlite3 tool available
09:13.11muthunot sure if it dumps
09:19.51Taunohierarchyviewer shows that the textview has the following properties disabled: hasFocus() isClickable() isFocusable() isFocused() isInTouchMode() wonder if any of these prevent the scrolling?
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09:20.40muthuif all the text gets displayed, then scrollbars will not be visible
09:21.34foobar``do you know where dbs are written on the filesystem?
09:21.36TaunoIt does not.. the text is like 10meters long and 1meter wide ;)
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09:32.15muthufoobar``: /data/data/your.package/databases
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09:34.30foobar``i fixed the dns problem
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09:45.39andreafhi *
09:50.10andreafsorry there is a sort of System.out.println in android ? i would like to have some console output ?
09:50.28gamblerSystem.out.err works too
09:50.53gamblerSystem.err I mean
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09:52.59andreafis studying android with the tutorial (the program does'nt works)
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11:07.52Delvienanyone else not able to access the web from their g1? i canssh through the net but bnot web browse
11:08.19Tauno..if only I had a G1 ;)
11:08.24*** join/#android Hongbo (
11:08.47neekersthe web works fine on my G1
11:08.54neekersjust tired it
11:09.05DelvienTauno: they.are cheap go buy one
11:09.28neekersi love my G1
11:10.03neekersit kicks iPhoney butt :o)
11:10.14TaunoI'm in Europe.. they don't sell them here and they don't sell eunlocked G1s in USA so that I could just go there and get one and come back :(
11:10.40neekersthey sell unlocked G1s on ebay
11:10.55Taunorumors are that these are fake..
11:11.19neekersand doesn't G1 start selling in britain very soon?
11:11.26neekerslike in the next couple of days?
11:11.36Taunootherwise I would buy more than just one.. we are many developers here :)
11:11.59TaunoI'm also not in UK.. and they also don't sell it without a contract or unlocked versions  AFAIK
11:12.53neekerswhere are you?
11:13.44TaunoEstonia -  a small forgotten country between Russia and the civilized world :)
11:13.49BruteSourcethey dont sell it anywhere without a contract
11:14.00BruteSourcewell ebay
11:14.05neekersi hear it's a beautiful country
11:14.44neekerswith the most beautiful girls in the world
11:15.26Taunothat's the problem here.. they won't be selling them in my country any time soon (we don't have big telcos like T-mobile etc.. here).. for example the iPhone came to sale here in the beginning of this september
11:16.21Taunoneekers, well that's true :)
11:17.35BruteSourcethe first iphone?
11:18.10tomgibaraTauno: I've been to Estonia are you in Tallinn?
11:18.18tomgibaraBeautiful country.
11:18.33Taunotomgibara, no I'm not in Tallinn
11:20.31TaunoBruteSource, the second gen one the first one is not sold here at all. (the price is about 1600$ here)
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11:23.15neekersi've decided to go on a news diet and not read the news for a week. there is so much negativity in the news that i think it has a bad effect on people
11:23.30Taunothat is.. the price when you want it without a contract.. if you get the contract then it'll be a total of ~1600$ too.. and thats the 8GB version with 100 free mins, 100 free sms and 100mb free data per month
11:23.39Delvienneekers just figuring that out ? :)
11:24.25neekersdelvien: well... i just want to see if it has an effect on me by not reading all that negativity
11:25.26Delvienneekers: its designed to make people watch it not give you all of the facts
11:25.33Tauno(offtopic) oh.. just calculated that if I want an iPhone with unlimited data then it'll be >$2500..
11:26.20neekersyes, you're right, its an addictive negativity drug
11:26.44neekersdesigned to surpress the spirit! :o)
11:26.55neekersok, im going a little off the deep end....
11:27.49Tauno(offtopic) the average wage is something like ~$900/month.. no wonder that almost nobody has an iPhone here ;)
11:28.57Delvientauno 900? that stinks. price of housing must be low?
11:29.05neekersi wsa thinking just that, it must be several months wages...
11:29.41Taunoso to conclude.. I'm in a twisted country that has a beautiful nature with the most beautiful women.. but living here is a little.. pricey..
11:30.14Delvienneekers i havent read the news or watched tv in 4 years. im a happier man because of it
11:30.43Delvientauno so id be considered rich there.....
11:31.04neekersdelvien: that sounds excellent, you must have lots of time to do good positive things
11:31.22TaunoDelvien, a 2 room apartment (45 square meters) costs about $100 000 here (not in the capital.. there it costs more).. in an old building.. I don't know if it's cheap or not compared to *
11:31.35Delvientauno find myself a beautiful wife and live in a cottage. sounds like a plan to me
11:32.02neekersit does sound like a good plan
11:32.02Delvientauno $100.00 ?
11:32.44TaunoDelvien you don't want to live here.. because you would have to earn money here.. so you won't be rich anymore ;) you just want to get here.. get a girl (believe me.. foreign rich men are a hit here amongst women) and get out of here :) You'll see the nature if you are visiting your girls parents :)
11:33.00neekersi have the secret
11:33.17neekerslive there and earn your money all off the internet.
11:33.30Delvientauno wow a hundrd thousand? is that us dollars
11:33.32neekersit doesn't matter where you live
11:33.34tomgibaraA lot of British and Americans have invested in property in Estonia pushing the prices up.
11:33.37Taunoyes, US dollars
11:34.09Delvienthats expensive
11:34.25Taunonow compare it with our wages.. THAT's expensive :P
11:34.40Delvieni pay /$700 a month for my 1200 sq ft apt
11:34.58Taunothat's the price if you want to buy it .. not rent :)
11:35.02neekersdelvein: where are you?
11:36.26Taunoit's about $500/month here for ~500sq ft  (thats also not in the capital.. there it's more I guess)
11:36.37Delvienneekers ohio usa
11:36.39Taunooh, sry got the dimensions wrong
11:36.59neekersi live just outside of seattle .I was right :P
11:37.11Delvientauno for the avg wage thats pricey
11:37.18Taunoit sure is :)
11:37.38Delviencapialism for the lose
11:38.29Taunoif we are offtopic already.. how many hours do you have to work there  per week?
11:40.00Taunook, then it's the same
11:40.20Delvienwhat country?
11:41.11Delvienwhere abouts is that?
11:42.22Tauno(and the reason why nobody uses macs here is that for example macbook pro (17" 2.5GHz/4GB/320GB/GeForce 8600MGT) costs ~$4000)
11:42.56*** part/#android DrTune (
11:43.03Taunoit's between finland, latvia, russia and sweden
11:43.32neekersit's a stone's throw from russia... get it? stones throw? estonia? errr... nevermind....
11:44.07neekersyeah, that was pretty bad...
11:44.42Taunonot to be confused with Elbonia (hint@dilbert)..
11:47.12Delvienin soviet russia...stone throws YOU
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11:52.49bguptaTauno: You in Talin?
11:53.38bguptaerrr.... Talinn that is.
11:54.03bguptaCool.. I used to work with someone from Estonia.
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11:55.03bguptaAl the Kazaa and Skype guys are from Estonia, no?
11:55.36Taunonot all.. but most of them are indeed
11:56.10bguptaI heard Estonia has a really cool technology scene right now.
11:56.21bguptaIE: It's really cool to be in tech...
11:56.50Taunomostly true.. depends of the context :)
12:04.35Taunobut speaking of technology... we like to think that we are ahead of the rest of the world :P (e-voting (voting from internet), m-voting is coming next time (voting from your mobile), wireless access basically everywhere (using a dedicated 450MHz network that covers almost the whole country.. I think it covers something like 98% of the land area) etc etc etc..)
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12:07.08Taunoand no, the voting is not done by diebold :P
12:07.24Delvienweird i can access data services but websites wqont load2
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12:08.19neekersdelvien: are you indoors?
12:08.44neekerstry going outdoors for just a few minutes
12:08.54Delvienyes but that shouldnt matter
12:09.09Delvienim taslking to you on the phone...
12:09.10neekersjust a short little experiment
12:09.27neekersand restart your phone
12:09.31Delvienso http wont load but i still have data
12:09.50Delvienand did the bat treset too
12:10.14neekerstry the little outdoor experiment for a couple of minutes where you have max reception...
12:10.33Dougie187try to go to a website by ip
12:10.55Dougie187like this
12:10.59Dougie187that should be google
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12:13.55DelvienDougie187: nope says fail to communicate with the server
12:14.09neekerstry my experiment
12:14.28Delvienim working i cant leave my desk
12:14.46kslaterman, what kind of place do you work in?
12:14.48oinkboinkwhat i have to do to restart playback(that dont works)  ...mabe with threads?
12:15.05Delvienbut earlier on the way to work it was not woeking
12:15.14Delvienwhen ia
12:15.31Delvienwow whats up with connect bot
12:16.30DelvienDougie187: was that to me?
12:16.37Dougie187no this is just in general
12:18.07Delvienkslater a crappy job
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12:18.25Delvienkslater if i leave my desk i get yelled at
12:18.58kslatersorry to hear that. At least you have us.
12:19.07Delvienhaha yeah
12:19.08kslateroh, maybe that's not a benefit. ;-)
12:19.28kslaterand an Android phone, don't forget that
12:19.49neekerswow, slave labor, i would quit in a heartbeat and tell those @sshats to go to hell
12:19.54languishf'ing t-mobile
12:19.57languishservice keeps dropping out
12:20.17languishstrangely, it happened to my wife's phone
12:20.18neekerslanguish: do you have a g1?
12:20.20languishbut not mine
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12:20.24languishnow it's happening to mine
12:20.26Delvienneekers only decent paying job i could find
12:20.32languishneekers, yeah, 2 of them
12:20.57Delvienlanguish its your area prolly
12:21.09languishDelvien, no doubt
12:21.54kslaterweak service area? have you been a t-mo customer since before the g1?
12:22.17languishyea, since before t-mobile even came to the US
12:22.19Delvienlanguish: im in columbus ohio. best carrier here
12:22.29languishno, string signal area
12:24.43languishyeah, it's t-mobile messing with the network here
12:27.01languishcouldn't make a call, signal indicator showed no connection, tried to make a call and got no network selected, but can use gchat just fine
12:27.08languishnow it's showing edge
12:27.11languishbut no 3g
12:27.16languishgo go tmo
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12:28.00Delvieni dont have 3g in my area
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12:28.17Delvienim on edge for the next 1-6 months
12:28.25languishi keep the 3g disabled much of the time to save battery. it's not that bad
12:28.32plb_I recently purchased the g1 and also use linux...wondering how I would go about formatting an sd for use in it...I see no mention of format in handbook
12:29.25bguptaplb_:  It should work with the Fat32 filesystem that comes from the factory
12:29.35Delvienplb_ dont need to format just mount it and delet the file. its in setting sd card something saying usb
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12:30.02Delvienplb_ files you need to delete *
12:30.21neekerslanguish: is it a requirement to pay extra for the 3g service?
12:30.21plb_yeah it all popped up fine I was just curious about the formatting..I had a symbian before this and I just formatted the sd card from within the phone
12:31.39plb_very fun phone to play with =)
12:31.47languishneekers, with t-mobile, it depends on how you aquire the g1
12:31.59neekerswhat do you mean?
12:32.08plb_I did the $25 plan
12:32.19plb_they said aim msn etc count as text?
12:32.24Delvienplb_: mount command should show you filesystem type
12:32.27languishneekers, they don't charge "extra" just for 3g per se. They try to make you get an unlimited data plan if you sign up with a contract
12:32.44languishif you buy the G1 at full price, you aren't forced to choose a data plan
12:33.02languish(full price, assuming you don't sign up for the 2 year contract)
12:33.22neekersi mean will the G1 work *without* having the 3g data plan, are there any limitations other than speed
12:33.26languishbut no, they don't do anything like charge you $9.99 to have 3g over edge
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12:33.54Dougie187also, you can just use wifi though
12:33.57Dougie187but i hear wifi sucks on it
12:34.04Delvientmo in my area is esge till they install 3g
12:34.09languishneekers, some people have been using the G1 with the $5.99 t-zones plan. The speed is a limited gprs connection.  You do lose some functionailty
12:34.21DelvienDougie187:  sucks bat life hardcopre
12:34.28*** part/#android Zagor (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor)
12:34.31plb_wifi works good
12:34.35plb_just kills battery
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12:34.46Dougie187plb_: i have heard people saying its hard to keep a connection with the wifi
12:34.58DelvienDougie187: i dont
12:35.09plb_I dunno...I just got mine yesterday and it works fine
12:35.24languishDougie187, that depends on the chipset in their wifi router/AP, and signal strength
12:35.26Dougie187I don't have a phone so i couldn't tell you. this is just what i have heard from other people in here.
12:35.37languishthe wifi radio in the G1 is a bit weak, but it's not bad per se
12:35.57languishbut there do seem to be some minor incompatibility issues that haven't been fully addressed yet
12:36.06languishwith certain wifi chipsets
12:36.12languishlikely it'll improve with updates
12:36.40languish<neekers> i mean will the G1 work *without* having the 3g data plan, are there any limitations other than speed
12:37.03languishdo you mean not having *any* data plan? or or just not having the expensive data plan?
12:37.34neekerswell, if you just have the $5.99 plan, what do you lose?
12:37.41neekersthe t-zone plan
12:38.05Dougie187Aren't these plans detailed on their website?
12:38.20languishwith the lower end plan (t-zones) you can read about it here
12:38.44languishI haven't personally messed with using the g1 with t-zones
12:39.17plb_When I went to the tmo store yesterday...seemed everyone was buying the g1 heh
12:39.37Dougie187heh thats the only reason people like tmobile.
12:40.02plb_basically lol
12:40.14languishneekers, there's more discussion on it here
12:41.07languishfrom what I understand, tmo is going to kill the ability to use t-zones with the g1 later this year after they revamp their data plans
12:41.25plb_just me or does the phone and all accessories have that new shoe smell lol
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12:43.30languishmy only gripe with the data plan, is that tmo requires you have a voice plan
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12:43.52d03boy99% of people need a voice plan im sure
12:44.04languish$25 or $35 for unlimited data is and texting is exactly the price point I would want
12:44.38languishan additional $40 plus fees and taxes...well :/
12:44.55languishd03boy, not once voip is available
12:45.00smrdid they get rid of the 1GiB per month limit?
12:45.05plb_I went with the $25 one but is it true that aim msn etc count as texting?
12:45.22smrplb_ depends on the IM client
12:45.27languishsmr, yes, now it's 10GB per month, after which they limit you to around dialup modem speeds
12:45.45languishbut they don't cut you off
12:45.47d03boy10GB is pretty high.. i'd be surprised if anyone got that high
12:46.03smrlanguish: that's awesome. I'd much rather get my speed cut than be cut off or pay $5 per megabyte or something so what are the must have apps?
12:47.23languishsmr, agreed.  tmo does have some plan looming where if you have a lower end data plan (like a $20/mo plan) and you go over.. you get charged for extra data usage, but they cap it at $15 more, pretty much making it equivalent to the $35 unlimited plan
12:47.40languishbut that may not be for the G1, might just be for blackberries and such
12:48.07languishplb, did you get your linux microsd formatting question answered?
12:48.23plb_yeah..I just deleted all data on the card
12:48.28plb_as someone suggested
12:49.00languishplb for future reference
12:49.01languishsudo -s
12:49.01languishenter password:xxxxxxxxxxxx
12:49.01languishumount /dev/sda1
12:49.01languishmkfs.msdos -F16 /dev/sda1
12:49.01languishmount /dev/sda1 /media/usbdisk
12:49.06plb_just looking for some interesting apps now
12:49.07smrI had tmo before with the blackberry data plan. it was a good unlimited plan for $20, but I didn'
12:49.09plb_ah thanks
12:49.17languishwhere sda1 is your microsd card
12:49.23smrt even have EDGE coverage where I am. Speeds were crap
12:50.03plb_hm 16gb cards are still a bit pricey
12:50.22plb_looks like my 8gb will have to do
12:50.23languish8GB is fine for now unless you just want to show off or really have the need for the storage
12:50.39plb_so you can't install apps to memory card?
12:50.44languishnot yet
12:50.52plb_that sucks...hope they fix that
12:51.01languishbut when you download apps from 3rd party websites, they download to the microsd card
12:51.07languishnot from the market
12:51.12plb_ah..well thats good at least
12:51.13umdk1d3but they dont stay on the sdcard
12:51.26languishumdk1d3, really? mine did after I installed them
12:51.26umdk1d3they are still installed to the base flash
12:51.37umdk1d3the reason being unix filesystem permissions
12:51.37languishyes, they get installed to the flash
12:51.44umdk1d3they cant be enforced on fat32
12:51.54languishnod, makes sense
12:52.31umdk1d3so for android security to work (program separation) they need to be on a user/permission based filesystem
12:53.06plb_they need to make it so the workspace to the right and left can run different things on it kind of like how on that would be awesome
12:53.12jbq_that's only one aspect, though. there's also the fact that the SD card can be pulled at any time, and isn't guaranteed to be there, so anything that deals with applications needs to deal with those two aspects as well.
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12:54.32languishI'm just fine with the apps installing to the flash. I just want to be able to keep a copy of the apk to reinstall at a later time from local network webserver or whatever
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12:54.49languishnot have to redownload it every time
12:55.16languishor install from the microsd
12:55.19languishto the flash
12:55.46jbqinstalling from SD is possible (in fact that's what happens when you download an app through the web browser)
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13:01.07languishjbq, yeah, just no file browser that allows you to do it yet
13:01.14languishthat I'm aware of anyway
13:01.27languishI know there are two filebrowsers out there
13:01.58languishbut last time I checked, no ability to "open" the .apk's for installation
13:02.06jbqAny file browser that allows to "open" (i.e. view) files will be able to do that. There's nothing specific to apks.
13:02.17languishnod, that's good to know
13:02.50languishnow to get the market to download a copy of the apk to the microsd
13:03.00languishthe way it works with 3rd party sites
13:03.14jbqThat's not possible.
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13:03.21languishyeah, drm
13:03.50jbqannoying for sure (at least for me as an engineer who's got to deal with it)
13:04.32jbqAdmittedly, going through a private area allows to install market apps even if there's no SD crd in the device, which has its own merits.
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13:05.23jbqBut I would definitely prefer to see more flexibility here.
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13:09.13michaelnovakjris there still no way to see apps in the market online without a phone?
13:09.14languishyeah, perhaps market forces can accomplish it
13:10.27languishmichaelnovakjr_, seems to still be the "official" site for it
13:10.38languishand it only presents the original winning apps
13:10.57Dougie187how do you upload apps to the app market.
13:11.03Dougie187maybe in that you can see what apps are in it?
13:12.09d03boyi paid my $25 and I cant see the apps
13:12.26languishand no, you can't
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13:12.56smrI wonder if they are not puting it on the web because certain apps will be locked down or only available for certain cellular providers
13:13.35languishI just think they haven't gotten to it yet.  They didn't know what to expect with devs publishing their apps
13:13.41smrproviders are very authoritarian; you play by their rules if you want to use their networks
13:14.17smrlanguish: maybe. but I prefer to be more cynical
13:14.24languishi doubt they'll provide a way to "buy" them on the web, but likely should put up an "available in the Android market on your android device" listing
13:14.52smrI wouldn't be surprized if they did offer that service, but only through your own provider's website
13:15.16smrso you would have to log into your tmobile account to access the market
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13:16.05languishI would hate that
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13:16.27languisht-mobiles site has a history of breaking regularly
13:16.44smryeah, I dealt with that for three years
13:16.59smrI couldn't understand why they couldn't get it right
13:17.11smrThe site was probably developed in java :D
13:18.55smrI'm new to this java thing. Maybe I'm spoiled by C# and python, but things just seem harder than they should be. Maybe my puny brain is understanding "different" to be "difficult," but either way it's a pain in my arse
13:19.00thoraxeon the sidekick you could only access a special mobile version of the t-mobile site
13:19.05thoraxedespite the fact that you were using a "real" web browser
13:19.55d03boysmr, if you need help, ask
13:20.16smrThanks ;)
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13:23.53DJTachyonwell looks like i cant work on my VM of Kubuntu over Remote Desktop, everytime I hit a key it gets repeated 5 times
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13:24.15smrA lot of my frustration is just from eclipse working differently than I'd expect it to, which is no fault of eclipse's
13:24.46smrDJTachyon: can you set up a VNC server on your VM instance?
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13:25.25smrThen instead of remote desktoping in you'd VNC in
13:27.14Disconnector just light up remote desktop on the vm directly. you never want to hit the host, always the guest.. solves problems like that (since the host has to do really weird key handling)
13:27.33michaelnovakjryea i paid the $25 too
13:27.38michaelnovakjrto start putting apps up
13:27.46michaelnovakjrits stupid i can't see what's already there
13:27.57umdk1d3ooh michaelnovakjr uploaded?
13:28.04michaelnovakjrnot yet...
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13:29.20smrDisconnect: can he host RDP on Kubuntu? Wouldn't he have to use something else like VNC?
13:29.29Disconnectno it'll do either, like i said
13:29.38Disconnectactually like i meant to say, doh
13:29.43Disconnectbut yah, it'll do either one
13:32.17smrhow can it do either? Does VMWare have an RDP server built in?
13:33.21Disconnectno (although istr virtualbox does) but it does it the same way it does vnc - with a daemon. (..why wouldn't it be able to do both? different ports, different protocols..)
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13:33.44smris there an RDP server implementation for linux?
13:34.20Delviensmr no rdp is not secure
13:34.43Disconnecti was pretty sure there was, although that could be wrong - not finding it now. either way, vnc is a better bet.
13:34.51DisconnectDelvien: neither is vnc.
13:36.37smrI secure my VNC by only accepting connections locally. I use SSH to tunnel in
13:37.45Delviendelvien nope but you can tunnel it
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13:38.49Disconnectyou can tunnel either one. (and for the record, you are Delvien, i am Disconnect :) ..)
13:39.13michaelnovakjrumdk1d3: i'm planning a few more tweaks and then i'm going to stick it up on the market
13:39.41Delvienlol. weird
13:39.53Delviendidnt even realize i did that
13:40.05Delvieni talk to myself evidently
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13:43.14languishDoes the Droid Robot have a nickname over at google?
13:43.54languishah, hrmm
13:43.55Disconnectany thoughts on adding an rss feed to the market (or some other form of "whats new since i last looked" list..?)
13:44.24DelvienDisconnect: there is a feed reader
13:44.27languishyeah, a "what's new since I last looked" function would be great
13:44.45DisconnectDelvien: right. now what do i aim that reader (or any other) at to see new apps?
13:45.18Disconnectlanguish: you can kinda do it by just reading down to the last app you installed. but thats gonna get old fast as apps start updating more regularly (so they won't show "installed") and new apps come in faster
13:46.22languishDisconnect, nod
13:46.30languishthat's sort of what I've been doing
13:46.33umdk1d3gah /me has munchies
13:46.37neekersi have a friend who has an HTC phone in india, not a G1. when she tired to install an app with adb install, it says that it succcesfully installed but it does not show up in the list of applications, any ideas?
13:46.41DelvienDisconnect: it asks you to add a fees
13:47.16languishDelvien, he doesn't mean a standard rss reader
13:47.19DisconnectDelvien: right. reread the question - i want a list of new apps. it can be in a feed reader, it can be in the marketplace app, it can be on a webpage for all i caere..
13:47.25languishDelvien, he means for the android market itself
13:49.15Delvieni see. sorry
13:50.00plb_I'd like a feed reader widget
13:50.14languishI'd like some new widgets period :)
13:50.26plb_good point
13:50.42languishoh man
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13:50.46languishagain with the no service
13:51.00languishthese growing pains are discommunicational
13:51.32thoraxesomeone needs to make a pandora app for android
13:52.04languishI'm suprised we haven't seen a star trek tricorder app yet
13:52.35languishevidence the franchise is waning
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13:53.08smrbut the new movie is coming out when?
13:53.16thoraxeit has definitely had its run
13:53.42languishsmr, no idea, though I'll see it, I suspect I'll enjoy it, but in no way appreciate it
13:53.49Disconnectok its #1117
13:53.52smrI refuse to acknowledge your theory, thoraxe
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13:54.16languishDannyB, hi. I had a question for you...
13:55.14languishwaits for a response as none was forthcoming yesterdy
13:56.37languishthanks B
13:57.01TreyBHuh.  Either the bot knows when to do it, it got shut down, or it ignores /me lines.
13:57.46TreyBIt won't let someone else fix your messages :-)
13:58.01DannyBlanguish: what's up
13:58.32languishAhh heya DannyB. I was wondering.. I saw the branding page... and it restricts the use of naming apps with a derivation of Android.  How is that going to be handled with so many apps being named "Andthisorthat" and "whateverDroid" ?
13:59.38Disconnectgoogle is just waiting a month or two, then they're gonna sue everyone and collect all their money. :)
13:59.48DannyBhold on one sec, let me go reread the actualr eleased guidelines and i'll give you some advice :)
13:59.57languishDannyB cool thanks
14:00.05languishDisconnect, lol
14:00.20DannyBlanguish: In theory you shouldn't be naming that stuff DroidWhatever, etc
14:00.27TreyBGoogle already has all the money.
14:00.29Tauno..thats how you make money with an oepn source thing :P
14:00.32DannyBIn practice, let me go bonk someon eover the head and see if we can change it :)
14:00.39languishDannyB, awesome :)
14:00.40Disconnectdoes agree with the ml post about "I invested a ton of effort in this name, branding, domain, etc and now, at the 11th hour, you spring this"
14:01.08languishml post?
14:01.10Disconnect(istr it was fitdroid or fitroid or something. i know, clearly the branding worked since i can't remember the actual name :P ..)
14:01.35languishwell, someone should have read the branding page :/
14:01.39languishmany someones
14:01.53Disconnectbranding page came late i thought
14:02.05languishI wouldn't be suprised
14:02.15thoraxethere's a huge pile
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14:02.22languishsteaming pile
14:02.33Disconnectyah "october 2008" just like everything else...
14:02.51tmccraryI'm in the detroit area and my G1 Edge or now 3G service has never all?
14:02.57tmccraryAnyone else in the michigan area have the same issue?
14:03.43Disconnectif you never had working data its a tmob issue, gotta get on with 611 and bitch
14:03.51languishDannyB, as an idea.. giving limited licence to use the stated naming dervivations so long as the application fits within the developers guidlines for the Market, might work
14:04.43DannyBDisconnect: got a link to that post?
14:04.47languishand limiting them to "Andxxx" "xxxDroid" "droidxxx" and "Android xxxx xxxx" ?
14:04.49DannyBI'd like to include it in my internal discussion :)
14:04.49Disconnecti can find it prolly
14:05.15D0netsi cant get my g1 to show up in the emulator in ubuntu
14:05.16D0netsany ideas?
14:05.24languishbtw, IANAL
14:05.30languishfor whatever that's worth
14:05.34DannyBI am :)
14:05.40DannyBand a compiler developer
14:05.43languishyep, tis why you're the man
14:05.52DannyBno, it's why i'm in debt
14:06.14smryou're a lawyer and a compiler developer?
14:06.22DannyBsmr: yes
14:06.24Dougie187xxxDroid sounds like a robot strip club.
14:06.29smrWhat compiler do you work on?
14:06.34DannyBgcc and llvm
14:06.39thoraxeif you pay a robot to get you off, is it still prostitution?
14:06.42TreyBYou can't use phones in Detroit.  You have to support the car companies and drive to whomever you want to speak with.
14:06.52languishthoraxe, the real question is, is it still cheating?
14:07.06smrcool. I was obsessed with compilers for a couple years a few years back. Even managed to write one here at work :D
14:07.10thoraxelanguish: if you get off another guy, but you're controlling a robot arm, is it gay?
14:07.17Disconnectsmr: that makes sense, both fields deal with arcane rules and huge, unreadable, incomprehensible masses of text. and there are awards in both fields for producing such, or making them less easily parsable...
14:07.26languishthoraxe, undoubtly.
14:07.29thoraxeoh man... so inapropriate.
14:07.34Dougie187thoraxe: i think you just crossed the line.
14:07.57*** join/#android jbq (n=jbq@nat/google/x-9dbcdd12355e2512)
14:08.01Dougie187and now, you are added to the "should be banned" list.
14:08.14Disconnectnice to know the 13 year olds got their phones on time. :(
14:08.16languishfear the reaper
14:08.28Dougie187languish: seasons dont.
14:08.39Rawplayerhi DougieMurder
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14:09.06tmccraryCalling 600 just said "Your phone is not authorized in this area at this time."
14:09.32DannyBsmr: ;)
14:09.43DannyBDisconnect: i'm also a registered patent attorney ;)
14:09.48DannyBDisconnect: which fits into your theory
14:09.52Disconnectheh yah seriously
14:09.54Dougie187tmccrary: i get that shit on my stupid katana. that happens when im in a timezone thats not the same as my local phone number's timezone
14:09.59Disconnecttmccrary: 611
14:10.08DannyBFWIW, the reason most of legal writing is horrible is because of bad writers, not becase you have to write like that
14:10.33DannyByou can write perfectly understandable english contracfts, and except for a few phrases required by statutes, it would be perfectly understandable
14:10.46Disconnectwell and the fact that we've gotten away from intent and into exact-wording :(
14:10.55Dougie187DannyB: lawyers need to hire some english majors. that would be a good use of their 4 years.
14:11.10languishDannyB, it's cool with me. I got paid awhile back to review tech contracts for mistakes due to the poor writing skills if the legal beagles
14:11.11DannyBit doesn't happen because most partners in law firms are older than mandatory legal writing classes,  and they control what their associates do
14:11.22smrThey often do, don't they? Hire english majors, that is
14:11.26DannyBso you end up with associates who write well, then hand it to the partners and get told to rewrite it much worse ;)
14:11.53smrMy girlfriend is an english major/teacher and says if she gets fed up with teaching should could work at a law office
14:12.01DannyBi would not recommend it
14:12.10DannyBi don't work in private practice because it's mostly paperwork
14:12.11languishyeah bad move for you
14:12.15DannyB99% of law is paperwork
14:12.19smrI think english majors and lawyers should not be allowed to write documentation
14:12.32languishsmr, neither should most tech writers
14:12.39smror UIs
14:12.54jbqYeah, leave the UI to the engineers ;-)
14:13.03languishthough, some whitepapers make for excellent sleeping aids
14:13.06DannyBjbq: you start coding, i'll go upstairs and see what the users want
14:13.30jbqusers? why not do what I want?
14:13.41neekerslanguish: see my im?
14:13.46smrError. [A]bort, [R]etry, [I]gnore?
14:14.28DannyBjbq: whoosh
14:14.34DannyBjbq: that was the point
14:14.35DisconnectDannyB: amusing legal-writing story.. wif was getting divorced and her ex-mother-in-law was all paranoid (they bought a couple acres in tx, were "about to strike huge oil" etc) so she insisted they use her lawyer. commercial real-estate lawyer. in the end it cost her 5x as much, took almost a year, and my wif STILL could have taken everything he ever owned. (the first version - not even draft! - was so bad it wasn't even legally a divorce decree..)
14:14.55DannyBnot surprising
14:15.07DannyBmy wife is a divorce attorney
14:15.10DannyBso i've seen stuff like this
14:15.34Disconnectthere wasn't anything contested, it was a simple "you keep your car, i keep the cats, etc" sort of thing.
14:15.53Disconnectif it wasn't in VA they literally could have done it w/o a lawyer at all..
14:15.55smrthose are the easiest. That's how mine was
14:16.02DannyBinteresting fact: In a lot of states, you can't get divorced without having grounds
14:16.08Disconnectbtw you saw that link right?
14:16.08DannyBIE you can't get divorced simply because you want to
14:16.19smrDannyB: Right, Illinois (where I live) is a grounds state.
14:16.30DannyBDisconnect: yes. I included it. thanks. When mountain view wakes up we'll see what happens :)
14:17.05smrThat's why lawyers came up with the idea of "Irreconcilable differences"
14:17.14DannyBand "separate and apart"
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14:17.43unix_lappyDannyB: even worse, in texas common law is an absolute pain.
14:17.57smrWhen I got divorced my grounds were "My wife is a cheating ho bag."
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14:21.31neekersin the android market, can 2 developers have the same name?
14:21.47neekersor is it unique?
14:21.55michaelnovakjrneekers: you can... mine is Google :)
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14:22.09michaelnovakjrnot really sure though :)
14:22.22neekersi wonder how long that name will  last
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14:25.06tmccraryooh, looks like the t-mobile store I bought my G1 at never actually put my data plan on
14:25.34tmccraryeven though we discussed what plan to get and features I want everything
14:25.45Disconnectand fyi evidently my wif convinced the 611 people to leave us on the existing family plan instead of forcing us to a g1-specific plan :)
14:25.46jasonchentrigatch4: i am now. what's up?
14:26.05Disconnecttmccrary: that seems to happen with some regularity. i suspect there's a workflow problem..
14:26.06Dougie187tmccrary: well at least you are getting it taken care of?
14:26.40Dougie187Disconnect: or that tmobile store employees are morons.. which is probably more likely.
14:27.02languishthey're just underpaid and undertrained
14:27.13DisconnectDougie187: yes and no. its still a workflow issue if it doesn't flag it "why are you selling a voice-only plan on a data phone, are you sure"...
14:27.30Dougie187i guess thats true.
14:27.51Dougie187languish: i wouldn't say they are underpaid... its not like they do a whole lot... they just sell cell phones.
14:28.04languishthe majority of them barely do that
14:28.21languishthose are the revolving door employees
14:28.28languishthey don't earn much commission
14:28.34languishthey're not motivated
14:28.39languishand barely trained
14:28.53Dougie187its like a mcdonalds job.
14:29.03Dougie187i mean it sucks that they aren't trained. but i don't think they are underpaid.
14:29.10languishlook at the stories of how so many of the ones expected to anser G1 questions, were giving a total of 15 minutes with a G1
14:29.12Dougie187it seems like a minimum wage job to me.
14:29.28michaelnovakjryea Dougie187 i agree
14:29.29languishto me, minimum wage is not a living wage
14:29.32duncanfoodoes anyone know if the G1 is locked?
14:29.37tmccrarygreat, I have to do a "master reset" on my phone, because data still doesn't work after they enabled it
14:29.40languishand if you're not earning a living wage, why care about your job
14:30.08Dougie187languish: that implies that the employees are independant. i would expect highschool students to work in a tmobile store.
14:30.39languishwork is work, if you don't pay even a highschool student a fair wage, don't expect them to take the work seriously.
14:31.26Dougie187any wage is fair for a highschool student.
14:31.32Dougie187they have almost no expenses.
14:31.50Dougie187so their wage is almost 100% pure income.
14:31.56smrwhy is it the employer's business what the employee's expenses are?
14:31.56Taunosorry for being a little on-topic here but KeyEvent has two separate constants KEYCODE_CLEAR and KEYCODE_DEL - I can see the del key on the keyboard (emulator) but where's the key that triggers KEYCODE_CLEAR? :) and what's the difference between them?
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14:32.17Dougie187smr: well, noones going to work at a company that pays less then cost of living.
14:32.25Dougie187unless they have no expenses.
14:32.28smrWould it be fair for my boss to come to me and say: "Patrick, since you've got no kids and almost no debt, we're gonna cut your pay."
14:32.33languishDougie187, a significant number of HS students that would work in a tmo store, tend to be dropouts trying to make it on their own
14:32.38zhobbsTauno: on the phone it's alt + del
14:32.39Dougie187smr: no not at all.
14:32.52zhobbsTauno: it clears the whole EditText you're focused in
14:33.03Dougie187languish: well, thats their fault. i don't think tmobile needs to pay them more because they dropped out of highschool.
14:33.16Taunozhobbs, thanks! :)
14:33.34languishDougie187, no, t-mobile needs to pay them more to take their job seriously.
14:33.42Dougie187languish: thats kinda the point. if they drop out of highschool, things are not going to be as easy.
14:33.43famast1i have a family member who works for tmoible, she gets well paid
14:33.47smrI just don't think that one's expenses should ever be a part of the "fair pay" equasion unless that employee's expenses are increased because of the work he does
14:33.54Dougie187famast1: is she a sales person in the store?
14:34.29Dougie187smr: i agree if you are referring to personal expenses, but i think a reasonable company needs to consider cost of living for their salary ranges.
14:34.31languisht-mobile store managers actually pay different employees at different rates, based on what they can get away with paying someone to do the job
14:34.41famast1she was at one point, made it to manager now
14:34.42languishso if someone's desperate, they WILL take advantage of them
14:34.53jbqPay is fair if both the employee and the employer get more out of the relationship then they invest in it - that's a free market.
14:34.55languishand if you think they all pay standard corporate office set wages, you're wrong
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14:35.04elementzhi everybody
14:35.10Dougie187smr: but i don't think a company should create a salary based on an individual expense report.
14:35.12famast1selling phones was commision, so your either good or not
14:35.13smrCost of living of course, but to discriminate against people who have lower cost of living is not fair
14:35.25famast1also it depends on how busy the store is
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14:35.52languishif you open up a business in a low traffic location, you fail
14:35.52elementzare there any devices as of yet, to which the android os has been ported?
14:35.55Dougie187languish: either way, i wouldn't say tmobile employees being underpaid is an issue.
14:35.58smrMan, I hope dalvik is fast... I have a feeling my renderer is going to be too slow
14:36.08languishyour employees shouldn't suffer for your own poor choices
14:36.11famast1what was the issue? I missed it all
14:36.36languishDougie187, I disagree, knowing a few of them, I see how it is.
14:36.40Dougie187famast1: we were discussing tmobiles recent increase in mistakes when setting up new accounts (for the  g1 in particular)
14:36.41smrOnce I get to optimizing I think I'm going to have to make a lot of compromises
14:36.53Dougie187famast1: languish mentioned it was because they were underpaid and undertrained.
14:37.04languishThat's part fo the reason.
14:37.05famast1its not just the employee that suffers, the entire chain will suffer in low  areas.. But employees have can try to move or just quit
14:37.11Dougie187i agree in the undertrained, but i feel underpaid doesn't have anything to do with it.
14:37.17famast1probably so
14:37.49languisht-mobile store sales employees do quit, all the time.. it's a revolving door position with high churn
14:38.03Dougie187languish: like almost any other sale person job.
14:38.04languishwhich is why people get such poor service from them
14:38.10languishthere's no incentive to stay
14:38.10Dougie187languish: based on commission that is.
14:38.30languishand the salary structure is the point of failure
14:38.35D0netshey guys
14:38.42D0netshow hard would it be to bring that to android?
14:38.48famast1actually from what i've heard by others tmobile has decent sales support, here is why:
14:38.58Dougie187languish: no, i think its personal motivation. maybe these people don't care to do what they are doing. or they don't know how. so they just give up.
14:39.17Dougie187languish: maybe its just a job, so they treat it as, just a job.
14:39.18famast1you will get commision on your sale, but if the customer does not stay for 13 months, they take the money back
14:39.30languish"they don't know how" = proper hiring and training
14:39.33Dougie187famast1: how do they take your money back?
14:39.34tmccraryD0nets: the hardest stuff should require little to no porting. i.e. signal analysis
14:39.39famast1through your paycheck
14:39.46Dougie187languish: you can't teach someone to be a good sales person.
14:39.57tmccrarybut the gui code and sound capture code will probably need to be redone
14:40.09Dougie187languish: you can teach someone about the phone and the process, but not how to actually sell the product.
14:40.09famast1ok i better get back to work myself :)
14:40.13languishDougie187, no, but you can teach them to do basic paperwork and answer questions about your products properly
14:40.30Dougie187languish: true. and i agree, these places do a poor job of that.
14:40.31famast1I know they handed out the g1 to at least manager level early, but not THAT early
14:40.36D0netstmcrary how long would it take a single experienced java developer?
14:41.01languishand if customers stopped getting "lied to" by undertrained revolving door reps they'd get pissed off less often
14:41.23famast1another big thing to consider is if your realling going to a "real" tmobile store or a 3rd party who just has a tmobile sign
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14:41.46languishfamast1, yes that is another issue. poor oversight of the master dealers and resellers
14:41.53languishbut that goes with training practices
14:41.55Dougie187famast1: i think we are talking about real tmobile stores.
14:41.58languishyou train, and review
14:42.05Disconnectfor the record, i finally got a useful answer from amazon. if you get a corrupted mp3, just "buy it" again and it'll redownload without charging.
14:42.16famast1yes, that would be my family members biggest complaint. She gets more customers complaining about being ripped off when they went to a "tmobile store" when it ends up not really being one
14:43.06famast1theres rules about the type of signs the 3rd party can display, but I guess it just kinds gets looked over
14:43.33languishthe culture at t-mobile stores on the east coast at least, is competitive between employees which is fine, but insufficient support structure to help the employees to be competitive vs the one guy that works part time that knows his shit and wracks up sales
14:44.00Taunod0nets, depends on how the signal processing is done.. if this part is compatible with the API's that Android has, then the UI porting (if you don't want it to look exactly as it does :P) would take a day max I guess.
14:44.19languishwhile "that guy" is a role model, the average employee isn't paid enough to "deal with his shit, and the managers shit" while not being trained properly
14:44.32famast1sounds about right
14:44.34famast1is there a channel more specific to android development?
14:44.42Dougie187famast1: thats what this is.
14:44.49Dougie187famast1: we jt got side tracked.
14:44.55languishmy bad :)
14:45.22michaelnovakjrsomeone should start #android-bs
14:45.28famast1I know, I just hear alot of general android talk here (which is fine by me, just wanted to know if there was something more specific)
14:45.30Dougie187or #tmobile-bs
14:45.55famast1I think it should be split like the google groups
14:46.07duncanfooanyone know whether you can put another carriers SIM into a g1, and have it work? (ie: rogers)
14:46.12Dougie187lol google could take over IRC as well
14:46.20languishis there
14:46.34michaelnovakjrlanguish: i like #android-bs better ;)
14:46.48michaelnovakjrit really is a fitting name
14:46.51languishi don't like channels with dashes :/
14:46.53tmccrarygreat, my data service works now!
14:46.54RyeBryeGoogle would only take over IRC if they could inject ads into your channels every once in a while...
14:46.59tmccraryand 3g just came online in my area
14:47.10languishtmccrary sweet
14:47.34tmccraryI wasn't really expecting it until the end of Nov
14:47.44tmccraryand now it official starts in detroit on monday
14:47.51tmccrarybut its already up
14:48.05Dougie187RyeBrye: thats what ChanServ could be used for.
14:48.13Dougie187every hour dump an ad in here.
14:48.27RyeBryeI was thinkng it would pm them to people
14:48.33Dougie187"Go out and by colemann's butt paste today! Only 3.99 at"
14:49.01Dougie187then you click on walmart and it takes you to some other random retarded site that has nothing to do with walmart.
14:49.04RyeBryelike "Pardon me, but when you said 'lol, yu n00b, stfu!' it reminded me of this site: "
14:49.11Dougie187just like the sponsored links in google.
14:49.36RyeBryeBut an actually good application would be an intelligent bot that would listen and gather a FAQ together
14:49.47RyeBryeand would automatically paste google links into the chat room for people
14:49.55jbqand auto-post the most savor bits to
14:49.56RyeBryeso that the google links would handle the monetization
14:50.06michaelnovakjrfile this conversation under #android-bs
14:50.15Dougie187michaelnovakjr: filed*
14:50.23RyeBryeSo when people come in and say: "hey, does the G1 have a nuclear explosive device embedded in it?"
14:50.35michaelnovakjrRyeBrye: #android-bs
14:50.39michaelnovakjrits like the /dev/null
14:50.46RyeBryeYeah, that works too
14:50.53Dougie187michaelnovakjr: do you have a better conversation?
14:50.58michaelnovakjrhaha, nope :)
14:51.07Dougie187michaelnovakjr: then don't complain. lol
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14:52.48Dougie187tomorrow = ubuntu party
14:52.52Dougie187everyone joining?
14:53.27michaelnovakjri'm already there!
14:53.59Dougie187i wonder if thats a real room...
14:54.18Dougie187omg 3 whole people!
14:54.55RyeBryeThe party was getting crowded
14:55.16Dougie187yeah... us nerds make a room stink pretty quick.
14:55.40languishdamn ubuntu-lemonpartys
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14:56.15languishok on that note, time to go find some food
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15:03.04__AlexAnyone know how to rebuild a single app package in the android source code?  There isn't a makefile in the app's directory and there isn't an ant script (build.xml), like I've been using to build my own packages.
15:03.52__AlexI certainly don't want to wait while it processes the whole damn thing, to find it only needs to build that one application. is a makefile, actually.
15:04.26jbq(but it won't work in isolation)
15:05.05jbqI think you're looking for the 'mm' and 'mmm' commands, which are installed by running build/ - but I'm not actually familiar with them.
15:05.58muthu_its a pita to build everything
15:06.15jbqYou only have to do it once, though.
15:06.38muthu_still, build in isolation would be nice
15:07.02__AlexI don't see mm within the kernel tree, but it isn't a standalone program.
15:07.04michaelnovakjrmuthu, its easy :)
15:07.06__Alexerr, do
15:07.19muthu_michaelnovakjr: how?
15:07.22jbqI think it's installed in your shell environment.
15:07.23__AlexWell, it was as easy as "make", it just took a long time.
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15:07.45Dougie187muthu_: pita's are awesome
15:07.49Dougie187muthu_: have you ever been to pita pit?
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15:09.20__AlexIt annoys me that they have a preference to turn off the camera's shutter sound and there is an obvious place to use it within, but it's commented out.
15:14.14tmccrarythat's some kind of privacy thing isn't it?
15:14.20d0netshey how do i make a
15:14.21tmccraryso people in the area know you're taking pictures
15:14.28d0netsim going to make this guitar app i think
15:14.36d0netsi have a guy that will help
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15:14.59d0netshe actually just interviewed for a job at htc
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15:16.23d0netswhat should i call it?
15:16.40TaunoDroidTuner :P
15:16.56d0netsgootar tuner?
15:17.35d0netsi dont think we can use droid can we ?
15:18.01d0netsi thought i read an article where a guy had a conflict with google over using a reference to android
15:18.06languishd03boy, wait for DannyB to come back with an answer on that tomorrow
15:18.16languishI asked him about it today
15:18.27languish(i wasn;t the guy in the article)
15:18.27Taunosure you can.,, it's not like google is going to sue a poor guy who made an opesource small app and used HALF a word that google uses ;)
15:18.52languishTauno, #4
15:19.31languishgranted, DannyB's going to see if he can get it changed without affecting the strength of their brand
15:19.45languishrather the legal hold on it
15:19.51Taunosure, they are saying it on their page.. but they won't use this against you in this case.. I mean.. they are human being too @ google :)
15:20.05d0netsTuneDroid ?
15:20.33languishTauno, the law doesn't work that way, if they don't act to protect their IP they lose the ability to do so.  though again, DannyB's going to see what they can do about it
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15:20.55wizkoderhy everybody
15:21.06cbeustYes, you should probably avoid using "droid"
15:21.16d0netsi think tunedroid would have been great
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15:21.50d0netsok what about Gootar Tuner?
15:21.52Disconnectcould be worse. istr that in the 90s a company tried to protect "e*" (as in "eMachine" and "eLearning" and all the rest of that crap)
15:22.17languishd0nets, Dr10dTuner
15:22.46languishthat's sufficiently non-derivitive imo
15:23.11wizkoderjust started reading about the android project. is there an x server, sdl and g++ that I could use for development? or only java stuff?
15:23.12languishbut IANAL
15:23.15cbeustAs for "big companies not suing the lonely guy", it's usually not true
15:23.19d0netshow about Guitar Tuner ?
15:23.26cbeustcompanies have to enforce their copyright everywhere or they might lose it
15:23.34romainguymuthu_: __Alex : to build one app, type mmm path/to/the/app
15:23.35romainguythat's it
15:23.40romainguynot very difficult :)
15:23.58languishappearently Tauno's mad at me for contradicting him
15:24.04Delvienwizkoder: from what i understand android is linux but its applications are not
15:24.28eldenzso if android is the OS.. t-mobile the carrier.. what do you call the phone? G1? HTC Dream?
15:24.41languishthe current phone is the T-mobile G1
15:24.44Taunolanguish, yeah I heard rumors about the law you have there.. but is it really sane that an OS developer can deny anyone using some part of their trademark (or whatever) name? I mean.. for example Micfosoft - look how many products end or start with *soft or *micro that run on Microsofts OS :)
15:24.46languishthere will be other android phones
15:25.17eldenzunfortunately in my country there is no such thing as current.. only future :p
15:25.22languishTauno, I made that same argument :)  regardless, the little guy can't afford the legal bills even if he wins.
15:25.44eldenzso i'm probably gonna write some mails to my carrier and ask for teh G1
15:25.55languisheldenz, good call :)
15:26.08eldenzlet them know there is request :p
15:26.09languishbut only do it if you're developing for it
15:26.23languishit;s not the best hardware for just having it
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15:26.34languishit's cool, but it has issues
15:26.42Taunook, I have no idea how things work in your contry, but If I get sued, I'm given a defending lawyer for free (if I loose the case, then I have to pay)
15:27.08cbeustTauno: isn't this only for criminal law?
15:27.08languishTauno, here you only get the free lawyer if it's criminal court
15:27.18eldenzlanguish, i have been waiting for thousands of years for an opensource phone : ) sms could even be non-working i would be getting one :p
15:27.19languishlawsuits are civil court
15:27.23cbeustThere you go
15:27.25d0netshey what license do i need to choose for this app?
15:27.36d0netsmy buddy said the source code im using is gnu
15:27.38Disconnecteldenz: for a proper open phone you should get the moko..
15:27.50DisconnectD0nets: if you use gpl its probably viral.
15:27.53gdsxeldenz: well, your carrier is highly unlikely to get a G1, given that it's T-mobile's phone
15:27.56cbeustd03boy: Avoid GPL and LGPL, Apache is good
15:28.02Delvienmoko sux though
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15:28.17languisheldenz, the G1 is not an open source phone. The hardware is not open source.  there ARE open source devices, the G1 is not one of them.  The OS (android) is *mostly* open source.
15:28.17DisconnectD0nets: viral == expands to cover the project that uses the code
15:28.28Taunoit's for every case AFAIK.. so you just can't sue random poor people because they don't have the money to defend them.. but either way.. I don't have experienced this myself so I can't say for sure
15:28.38eldenzDisconnect, i might said it wrong... i want a smartphone with the features the G1 has for which i /can/ develop apps myself without too much of a hassle
15:29.03Disconnectiphone is available in way more countries/providers and you can dev apps
15:29.06gdsxeldenz: the closest you'll get, most likely, is if HTC sells the same handset to your carrier
15:29.07languisheldenz, as I said, if you're developing apps for android, then it's cool to get the G1 to test them on :)
15:29.29eldenzgdsx, hmm, that's bad news then.. but i'll ask anyway for some android powered phones
15:29.54languisheldenz, but you have to make sure you can access a t-mobile account.. because the phone has to be "initialized" with a working t-mobile SIM card and account each time it's fully reset (master reset)
15:29.57eldenzDisconnect, problem with iphone is you need a mac to code apps, afaik
15:30.12lokegdsx: I've started to believe that HTC actually doesn't want to tupport Android, and that is the reason G1 is only sold by the carrier
15:30.38lokeif that is the case, we'll never see an HTC phone with android
15:30.42cutmastauh, asus wants also an android device
15:31.00languishloke, the carriers still control the game
15:31.03gdsxloke: the G1 is T-mobile's phone.  The hardware itself is not called G1
15:31.09lokelanguish: no
15:31.27gdsxloke: and as for whether there will be future HTC Android phones, only time will tell
15:31.55languishthere are two non-htc comnpanies that have announced android phones
15:31.57lokelanguish: the carriers only do stuff like that in the US, but even in the US you can usually (except for the G1 and Iphone) always buy a normal phone directly from, say, Nokia
15:31.59eldenzDisconnect, and i have my problems with apple (although they create nice and well working things). but they put stones in your way over and over for which you even pay. i just don't like their philosophy sometimes
15:32.02lokeand then they will not be neutered
15:32.20Disconnecteldenz: then you'll hate the g1 philosophy...
15:32.32eldenzwhy Disconnect? :)
15:33.08lokegdsx: I really nike the HTC hardware for the phones, but I just can't stand windows ce
15:33.18Disconnecteldenz: cuz its a closed phone. no reflashing (so no platform changes that don't come from tmobile), no replacing built-in apps, bunch of google-only apis, no root..
15:33.20languisheldenz, currently, for the G1, you can only develop for the java userspace.  You CANNOT (yet anyway) flash the firmware with your own modded version of android
15:33.33d0netswhat license should i choose if i want the tuner to be free, but eventually make a pay version with chords and metronome and such?
15:34.07cbeustd0nets: again, Apache is a good fit for this
15:34.10loked0nets: free as in freedom or free as in no cost?
15:34.18d0netsno cost
15:34.20loke(and freedom for whom?)
15:34.35d0netswell i could leave the tuner open source
15:34.36loked0nets: an no cost. then just normal commercial licensing
15:34.38eldenzoh too bad ;< but anyway, i'm comparing it to the iPhone which limits me even more i think
15:34.46loked0nets: just license your limited version at 0 cost
15:34.46Disconnectcbeust: apache is terrible for that..
15:34.57marconeif you're not open sourcing it, what do you need a license for? If you *are* open sourcing it, good luck making any money off it :)
15:35.03d0netscould i make the tuner open, and when it evolves to fit the needs, add the other features in a pro version and profit off of it?
15:35.20Disconnectand remember, regardless of license, you can do what you want with it as well. gpl doesn't bind you, for example, if its 100% your original work.
15:35.49d0netsits source code from a java tuner with gnu license
15:35.54DisconnectD0nets: yep. but that means you have to be amazingly anal about patches and contributions from teh world - they -must- assign copyright and all interests to you or you can't do the pro ..
15:36.06gdsxd0nets: then derivative works need to be licensed similarly
15:36.11loked0nets: if it's GPL, then you have to license it as GPL too. There is no way around that
15:36.18Disconnectwhats "a gnu license"? gpl? lgpl? some other license? but you have to work within their license
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15:36.35d0netsso i have to use gnu?
15:36.48languishif you use code protected by gnu, yes
15:36.50d0netsmy buddy said its really basic code
15:36.53d0netsand he would be rewriting it
15:36.57d0netsand i could use my own license
15:37.03Delviengpl = gnu public license
15:37.04gdsxd0nets: ask him to pick a more reasonable license?
15:37.15duncanfoodoes anyone know how to tell eclipse to debug as android application all the time?
15:37.23duncanfooinstead of asking me?
15:37.28d0netsso gplv3 will work if i want to make a pro version later
15:37.34d0netsusing the open tuner as a base?
15:37.38Taunod0nets, the code uses javax.sound.sampled.* sure you can work around it in Android that easily?
15:37.40Delviengpl1 gpl3 its all gnu licence
15:37.54d0netshe said so
15:37.57d0netsbut im not sure
15:38.13d0netsbut there are other tuners out there, we can get an idea of it
15:38.20gdsxd0nets: no, by "more reasonable" I meant "not GPL, and not LGPL"
15:38.40d0netsarg so what do you suggest gdsx
15:38.44DisconnectD0nets: "someday i'll not be stealing" doesn't fly in licensing disputes
15:38.54gdsxd0nets: something BSD/MIT/Apache-like
15:39.10gdsxd0nets: it'll likely be informative for you to read some of the licenses:
15:39.11romainguyhmmm BSD \o/
15:39.20d0netsyea im gnub
15:39.32d0netsi didnt know creating a google code page was so complicated
15:39.34d0netscan i change it later?
15:39.49duncanfoohow about you get the app working, and then decide what you want to do with respect to licensing ;)
15:40.19d0netswell like i said, im creating a google code page just for organization
15:40.30gdsxduncanfoo: the parts d0nets uses will dictate what license he uses, if he's using other code
15:40.34d0netsand to claim the comain
15:40.38duncanfoowell, those can be replaced
15:40.39gdsxduncanfoo: which is why it's important to decide licensing stuff now
15:40.41d0netsand it asks what license, but can i change it later?
15:41.08duncanfoothe most important thing is to get something going
15:41.22duncanfooyou can spend all day in talks about licensing, when the important thing the app
15:41.32michaelnovakjrand keep in mind google code is for open source :)
15:41.36duncanfootypical delaying tacting ;)
15:41.39duncanfootactic even
15:41.40d0netslike i asked, cam i able to change the license once i get it working?
15:41.51duncanfooyou can do whatever you like if its your code ;)
15:42.05ieatlinttechnically if you specify a licence on google code, and upload code to it that the public can reach, it constitutes releasing the code under that licence
15:42.19ieatlintso if you "change your mind later" you could run into trouble
15:42.24d0netsright, im trying to figure out what license
15:42.27duncanfoonot really
15:42.28d0netsbut it seams like i need to read
15:42.34duncanfooversion X of the code
15:42.37duncanfoois released under that license
15:42.40duncanfooif you are the only contributor
15:42.56duncanfoothen there is no issue in changing the licensing to whatever you like
15:43.05Disconnectieatlint: you can change your mind for a new version. you can even change your initial terms - remember that gpl (for example) applies to the person distributing. if you otherwise own all the rights, you are not bound by that.
15:43.19duncanfooif you use other components, then you have to be sure your license is compatible with that license
15:43.20ieatlintDisconnect, kinda
15:43.27ieatlintyou can't rescind the gpl
15:43.37Disconnecteg witness spring, which just went "paid" for new patches/versions
15:43.42duncanfooyou cannot change the license of an already released piece of code.. you can re-release hte code under a new version
15:43.49michaelnovakjrthis is kinda a stupid conversation to have for software that isn't written yet
15:43.55duncanfoolike I said
15:43.59duncanfoowrite the code, and then worry about the license
15:44.00ieatlintlicence fights always are :)
15:44.09Disconnectyou can change the license by not distributing it or by changing the terms for NEW DISTRIBUTIONS. what you can't do is tell someone who already has it "btw, give it back"
15:44.28Disconnect(new distributions as new downloads/copies/emails/whatever method its sent by..)
15:45.05Disconnect1.0 gpl .. 1.1 (even with no code changes) MyCommercialRocksLicense .. but you have to own the code, and it sounds like he doesn't.
15:45.31ieatlintcorrect... but 1.0 would still be gpl
15:45.41languishalso, if you cause confusion, you can inadvertantly invalidate parts of your licensing. as someone could claim you weren't comitted to your licensing
15:45.46Disconnectonly for those people who already have it.
15:46.04ieatlintwell, those who have it can redistribute it though
15:46.09Disconnectif i release 1.0 right now as gpl, and nobody downloads it, i can change it with no worries at all. if 1 person downloads it, i can still change it and say "tough luck"
15:46.15Disconnectieatlint: exactly
15:46.26RyeBryeYep. But you could still even have a 1.0 version that was both GPL and also another license - a lot of companies will do the "community" / "enterprise" versions of stuff where they have all contributors give them rights to the code - and they then have the dual license option
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15:46.29Disconnectfor that matter though, and this is fun, i can release 1.0 under the gpl for $200.
15:46.42DisconnectRyeBrye: thats what i hate about libqt in fact.
15:46.44RyeBryesomeone can obviously fork the GPL version
15:46.57RyeBryeYeah, dual licensing gets confusing
15:47.02Disconnectqpe requires per-device licensing.. so your apps are either gpl or you pay something like $25 per installation.
15:47.03ieatlintyeah, i'm not a huge fan of the gpl because of stupid shit like that
15:47.04cbeustThe problem with gpl is that pretty much nobody will be able to reuse your code, especially companies
15:47.21duncanfoothat isn't a probem
15:47.24duncanfoothat is the goal
15:47.26cbeustCompanies have frequently blanket bans on using gpl code and sometimes even lgpl
15:47.31duncanfooyou cannot reuse the code, unless your code is GPL
15:47.43RyeBryeYeah, if you choose GPL you do it because you want only free stuff using it
15:47.54RyeBryeOr... Free stuff + TiVo's
15:47.56duncanfooand the solution for that is dual licensing ;)
15:48.01ieatlintduncanfoo, you can if you don't release it
15:48.07duncanfooyou can what?
15:48.23ieatlintRyeBrye, wrong, you have the option to only sell gpl code
15:48.25michaelnovakjrstill having the same conversation?
15:48.28ieatlinteven if you didn't write it
15:48.32duncanfooand what is the point of code you don't release? :)
15:48.37duncanfooyou can look at the code... wow, that's cool
15:48.37RyeBryeInternal use
15:48.40duncanfoobeatiful code
15:48.45ieatlintthe gpl says the code must be provided for free (or reasonable fee) to your customers
15:48.47duncanfoodepends on the structure of your organization
15:48.53Disconnectgpl doesn't cover web services particularly well..
15:48.58duncanfoomost companies are not flat
15:49.00michaelnovakjrgpl doesn't say the software has to be free
15:49.07michaelnovakjrjust that you have to provide the source to it
15:49.07ieatlintso i can go on the street corner and sell copies of linux for $100 a pop and tell anyone who wants it for free to fuck off
15:49.16duncanfooand you cannot in particular distribute the GPL code to subsiduaries
15:49.25duncanfoowithout violating the license
15:49.26Disconnectso you can take all the gpl code you want, mung it up with your proprietary bits and sell services from it. no problem until you ship actual cds or devices..
15:49.27RyeBryeYeah, but doesn't GPLV3 say that if your web software provides a download link that gets the source of that version, somoen modifying it wouldn't be able to get rid of that?
15:49.27ieatlintand if someone pays me $100, then i am obliged to provide them with the source on request
15:49.40ieatlint(And they can then redistribute that source for free independent of me)
15:49.44languishI respectfully request the respective developers to please return to their applications for the benefit of all and sundry
15:49.53tmccrarySo has anyone got some kind of proxying/tethering setup working yet?
15:50.06Disconnectlanguish: i can't - IP problems. no coding @ work :)
15:50.13dvyjonesGood local time everyone!
15:50.17languishDisconnect haha
15:50.41Disconnect(although i'm  the sysadmin, all the nda/noncompete/etc stuff is for developers. and its doubly dangerous since our main app is java.)
15:50.44RyeBryeDisconnect - set up an SSH tunnel and do the coding on a home computer... place-shift coding! ;)
15:50.52ieatlintanyway, in general, just use the gpl unless you intend to make money off your program
15:50.54Disconnecthasn't so much as looked at the code, but its still not good.
15:51.18RyeBryeAh, gotcha - your main ap does something in the same space as tethering on android would?
15:51.44RyeBryebut your NDA / noncompete is like "Any code you write is OURS BITCH"?
15:51.46*** join/#android andyross (
15:51.50Disconnectits just a very broad non-compete. besides, i'm @ work... any code i write at work, etc..
15:52.07Cedric2ieatlint: disagree. In general, just use any license you want except GPL :)
15:52.19RyeBryeYeah, I gotcha
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15:52.26michaelnovakjrenough license talk :)
15:52.35RyeBryeI telecommute... So I guess... any time I am connected to my VPN I'm at work?
15:52.41ieatlintCedric2, i'd probably agree with a lot of that... i tend to have issues with parts of the gpl
15:52.42michaelnovakjrits an infinite loop!
15:52.58ieatlintmost religious wars are
15:53.02ieatlintnext... vi vs emacs
15:53.04Disconnectnotices that the various lawyers disappeared for this talk :)
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15:53.21Cedric2ieatlint: it's really not that religious, 99% of the industry agrees that GPL is evil :)
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15:53.53ieatlintCedric2, what would you recommend for an open source licence? (and this isn't a bait question, i'm honestly interested)
15:54.25Cedric2ieatlint: Apache and BSD are reasonably safe and leave the door open to a lot of options
15:54.32lokePublic Donain
15:54.41andyrossCedric2: if "the industry" in this context means the cell hardware industry, that's clearly true (although they get over it when needed, c.f. linux).  Outside hardware vendors and carriers, folks are very accomodating.
15:54.46Cedric2I hear the Eclipse license is decent too
15:55.00Cedric2andyross: no I mean the software industry in general
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15:55.17RyeBryeI know a few projects that are using Creative Commons licenses for code - which are a bad fit IMO
15:55.18Dj_Stressluatio sus
15:55.45michaelnovakjrthis conversation >> /dev/null
15:55.49andyrossThen you're off base, in my experience.  The GPL used to scare people c. 1996.  These days it's very well understood and generally accepted.  Only a bunch of BSD fanboien care, for the most part.
15:56.25ieatlintheh, yeah, there's a reason why CC uses non-CC licences for code
15:56.35Cedric2You would have to define "generally accepted", but I have yet to encounter a software company that is fine with having GPL code in its code base
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15:56.53Cedric2In my experience, software companies are deadly scared of the GPL
15:57.11Cedric2because a developer accidentally importing a GPL source could potentially force their entire software to become open source
15:57.12RyeBryeYeah, and even LGPL by association - but some big projets like Hibernate get widely used in spite of the LGPL
15:57.15andyrossWell, duh, because unless the code base is itself GPL, that would be a license violation.  But software companies (*especially* software companies) use GPL code all the time, and tend to like it.
15:57.18DisconnectCedric2: agian, depends on what the codebase is doing. we've most likely got some gpl code, but we don't distribute the app so it doesn't apply.
15:57.23jbqDitto. I've worked at a company that prefered to write equivalent libraries from scratch rather than touch GPL code.
15:57.25Cedric2(I have doubts on how enforceable this is, but it's a separate discussion)
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15:57.33ronnyek-_simma down now
15:57.47Disconnectjbq: ..maybe because libraries shouldn't be gpl?
15:58.01jastaCedric2: my roommates all work for a company that hacks on samba and freebsd to sell distributed storage systems.  theyre quite huge, in fact.
15:58.05andyrossI'll shut up now.  Clearly I've gone and stepped in a religious flame, not a license discussion.  Apologies.  Should have waited for context after connecting.
15:58.21Disconnectand i'd love to see sw companies avoiding gpl stuff like gcc and still do linux dev
15:58.36Cedric2Disconnect: using gpl tool and importing gpl source code are different things
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15:59.02ieatlintDisconnect, using gcc or glibc doesn't constitute them being part of your code base
15:59.20Cedric2Fortunately, compiling code with gcc doesn't automatically make that code gpl :)
15:59.32andyrossCedric2: yes, but fearing/hating the *use* of GPL code and the *import* of GPL code are equally different things.  If you're going to be pednatic, the pedantry cuts both ways. :)
15:59.46jastai actually think that it is very important for you to consider the nature of your project when choosing a license.  any general bias toward one or the other is a losing strategy.
15:59.51languishieatlint, invite your friends to #licensing  it's a great place to discuss the GPL and other fun facts!
16:00.15jastai typically favor GPL when working on end-user applications, to prevent someone from slapping a corporate face on it and charging for it.
16:00.19jasta(for instance)
16:00.19ieatlintwe're not interested in facts, thanks
16:00.25jastabut favor other licenses for other sorts of projects
16:00.29languishappearently not
16:00.51Cedric2jaste: ruling out GPL is never a losing strategy :)
16:00.54ronnyek-_hmm I dont see what the war is about seems like mkost peole are saying is they hate gpl
16:01.01ronnyek-_cause gpl1/2 is shit
16:01.03ieatlintjasta, but a corporate face can do just that, generally
16:01.23Cedric2Let's have a big anti-GPL group hug
16:01.31ronnyek-_personally I dont care what my code is used for at all so long as they dont release an identical project making money off me
16:01.31Disconnectronnyek-_: depends on what you are doing with it.
16:01.51ronnyek-_if they want to make some derivitive works down the road that does 100x what my thing did and serves a diff purpose
16:01.54Disconnectjasta: remember that they can most likely take it, alter it, sell the binaries and provide sources upon request... but only to people who purchased the bins.
16:02.02ronnyek-_say like I write a audio codec and somone wants to allow playback in their media pap
16:02.05jastaCedric2: i don't think you even need to know the context of this discussion to see that you're wrong.
16:02.07ronnyek-_more power to them
16:02.10ieatlintanyway, i'll remove myself from the licence topic per languish's pleas
16:02.12jastayou dont even need to know what the GPL is to know it.
16:02.48Cedric2jasta: you're right in the sense that I bet most people who picked GPL for their software didn't realize the implications
16:02.51jastadon't categorically deny the validity of any idea ;)
16:02.52ronnyek-_I've been in software for 10-15yr
16:03.03Cedric2and they would probably have picked a different license had they known
16:03.09ronnyek-_gpl has and will never be a license of second thought let alone choice
16:03.22morrildlCan we just accelerate ot Godwin's Law and wrap this up?
16:03.36morrildljasta: I categorically deny this idea: "Hitler was awesome and misunderstood."
16:03.42tomgibaraI have a newbie repo/git question. I'm resubmitting a patch, but sync reports there have been intervening commits. Do I need to worry about that?
16:03.46morrildlThere, Godwin's Law invoked.
16:03.47Disconnectmorrildl: with gpl nazi or bsd nazi? oooh or both.
16:03.52andyrossCedric2: certainly not true in my case.  Do you have any actually, y'know, evidence that "most" (!) GPL authors regret their choice?  This is just dumb. Stop being a nazi.
16:03.55andyrossAck.  Simud.
16:04.08Cedric2I guess Disconnect just godwined this for us
16:04.14jastaCedric2: well, i am someone who thoughtfully understands a wide range of open source licenses, and i still choose GPL for many projects because it is appropriate.
16:04.26Disconnectfree lunch is here, yay dotcom :) bbl
16:04.43rubyonlinuxdoesn't gpl just ensure that these shady cell companies don't take android and make it a closed piece of crap
16:04.44neekersmorrildl: are you the developer in the google android app video?
16:04.51ronnyek-_gpl is like throwing a hot ass lady in the streets in a glass box
16:04.52rubyonlinuxi think for this use, gpl sounds like the only way to go
16:04.54ronnyek-_blue balls you all day long
16:05.06ronnyek-_gpl3 and shit is moving in the right direction mostly
16:05.11Cedric2ronnyek-_: best analogy of the day so far
16:05.14careorubyonlinux: not necessarily.
16:05.39ronnyek-_gpl is the license of choice for elitests everywhere
16:05.43gdsxhey, all
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16:05.48duncanfooyeah, 'cause I'd want to work my ass off on a project and let some commercial company take it and make money off my work.
16:05.54duncanfooGPL is terrible (rolls eyes)
16:05.58Cedric2Of course, the fact that rms is a douchebag doesn't help :)
16:05.59morrildlgdsx: run away! Save yourself!
16:06.01gdsxI'm sure you're enjoying this discussion, but at this point, you're preventing people with questions from getting help
16:06.10gdsxSo please take the license discussion elsewhere
16:06.20andyrossOh for the love of Stallman please stop.  Can we just all agree to think we're right and shut up about it all?
16:06.33morrildlneekers: which video?
16:07.02neekersthe video decribing how to create a simple android app
16:07.25ronnyek-_duncanfoo: theres tons of other licenses that prevent that sort of thing
16:07.27ronnyek-_like lgpl
16:07.29jastaneekers: he's in it, but he's not the _developer_
16:07.30ronnyek-_or gpl3
16:07.34ronnyek-_I am saying gpl as in gpl 1
16:07.51neekerswell, there is only one developer in it... :o)
16:07.51Cedric2"Asustek to launch Android handset in 1H09"
16:07.53morrildlfadden0 and/or fadden: Have you seen this?
16:08.14morrildlneekers: yeah that one is me
16:08.31neekersoh cool , pleased to meet you
16:08.36gdsxronnyek-_: stop, please
16:08.36tethridgeCedric2, another other manufacturers that you'd like to tell us about?  :-)
16:08.37morrildlneekers: hi :)
16:08.50Cedric2I'm just posting public links, nothing more :)
16:09.02tethridgeI realize that, that's why I'm asking
16:09.18tethridgeyou can private message me.  I don't mind.  ;-)
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16:14.23*** join/#android oavdeev (n=oavdeev@, yeah, there were clearly tons of people waiting in the wings with questions.. :)
16:14.38jastaoff to work later folks
16:15.13morrildlDisconnect: don't look a gift straw man in the mouth ;)
16:15.24languishDisconnect, they failed over to #android-dev
16:15.42RyeBryeYeah, but #android-bs is still open for discussons on licensing
16:16.03morrildlRyeBrye: ...and if that's a joke, it shouldn't be.
16:16.13morrildlgoes to create #android-bs
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16:17.22michaelnovakjrthis licensing convo is going on for like an hour now
16:17.44Disconnectmichaelnovakjr: it was done until you wnet and brought it up again. way to go. :(
16:17.51michaelnovakjrthat is 00:59:59 too long
16:18.50Disconnectit was about 30 mins.. original question was d0nets asking about his app
16:19.23michaelnovakjrso 00:29:59 too long
16:20.00Disconnecthe had a legit question (eventually, once it was dragged out of him) .. although he didn't like the answer so he asked a few more times..
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16:20.31languishwell, he is st0ned
16:22.01duncanfooso wehn are activities destroyed?
16:22.27jt436morrildl: any updates on when the market will keep previous information when you update an app?
16:22.41michaelnovakjror when we can see apps online?
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16:24.57Cedric2duncanfoo: whenever the system needs some resources
16:25.10UKCoderHi all, does anyone know of any audio issues with the android emulator under vista?  I'm trying to play out an MP3 with some pretty straightforward code (basically cut and paste from a tutorial), that shows no errors, however no audio comes out.  The -useaudio flag doesn't seem to work any more and there are no other apps running, so I'm kinda out of ideas at this point
16:25.45duncanfoocedric2: I'm havingt hte same discussion on #android-dev now :)
16:26.04eldenzUKCoder, do you hear other audio stuff? like when you hit the volume up/down buttons on the side of the device-graphics
16:26.08jt436UKCoder: no I haven't come across anything like that, well except when I don't have headphones plugged into my laptop ;)
16:26.59Cedric2On a related note, esr bought a G1 :-)
16:27.01Taunoa total noob question.. what package should my app use if I don't have control of any domain? (hackbod: "you need to use a package name for some domain you have control over.")
16:27.02UKCoder:p if I tune into my radio station via my regular browser, or bring something up in audacity I can hear things just find
16:28.17DisconnectCedric2: speaking of batshit-crazy.... :)
16:28.41Cedric2Tauno: you might want to buy a domain, it's only a few dollars per years these days and worth the investment, even if you never hook it up to a web site
16:28.59neekerstauno: just make one up then, com.tauno.myapp or something like that
16:29.10Cedric2Disconnect: yeah, I feel a bit dirty knowing he bought one of our phones, but well
16:29.47UKCodereldenz: Ya know, I hadn't even seen the (somewhat hidden) volume buttons on the side of the emulator.... let me see what happens
16:30.03Disconnectused to know him a very long time ago.
16:30.04UKCodereldenz: yup, I hear the beep beep
16:31.40TaunoCedric2, so I register and then just use that like I really was a big software vendor with that name? Sounds fun :P
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16:32.09morrildljt436: no specific date, but soon
16:32.11eldenzUKCoder, yeah they aren't too obvious to spot :) stumbled upon them by accident
16:32.29morrildljt436: if you update now, your ratings and such will eventually come back, although not immediately
16:32.31Cedric2Tauno: exactly :)
16:32.42Cedric2And from that point on, you own "com.awesomesoftware", how cool is that?
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16:33.19jt436morrildl: hmm ok is already taken... :o)
16:34.07jt436is going to see all his info vanish ;p
16:34.17michaelnovakjrmorrildl: what about seeing market apps online?
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16:36.03morrildlmichaelnovakjr: ?  I can see them fine right now
16:36.12michaelnovakjrwithout a phone?
16:36.26michaelnovakjron your computer morrildl ?
16:36.30TaunoCan I download the market app from somewhere and install it on my emulator? I guess not but it's worth asking I guess :)
16:36.40morrildlmichaelnovakjr: ahhh, you mean over the series of tubes
16:36.58michaelnovakjrindeed, i don't have a device yet morrildl :)
16:37.30morrildlA UI on the series of tubes is on the Market roadmap, but right now we're focusing on the on-device experience (which is fancy-speak for, "later" :))
16:37.47michaelnovakjrmorrildl: can it run in the emulator?
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16:38.11UKCodereldenz: I've put the really simple code on pastebin
16:38.49UKCoderbasically it's a button that starts up a MediaPlayer instance, loads an MP3 , prepares and starts it
16:40.09morrildlmichaelnovakjr: good question.  It might run, but it probably wouldn't be able to install anything.  And I'm not even 100% sure it'd run, since the current build assumes it runs from the system image.
16:40.24eldenzUKCoder, i'm sorry i don't know anything about it... just asked because that info was missing :x
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16:42.09UKCoderah no worries
16:42.27UKCoderanyone else in here familiar with MediaPlayer?
16:42.56marconea little bit
16:43.23marconewhat do you want to know
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16:44.32UKCodermarcone: I've posted a small code example where I've basically got a button that starts up a mediaplayer, I don't get any errors, but I also don't get any sound
16:45.10marconedevice or emulator?
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16:45.25marconedo you have sound at all from the emulator?
16:45.42UKCoderyup, if I hit the vol up and down button I hear the beep beep
16:45.55michaelnovakjrwhat's your logcat say UKCoder
16:46.09marconehave you tried playing your mp3 in the music player?
16:47.16michaelnovakjrUKCoder: pastebin your logcat
16:47.43UKCodermichaelnovakjr: damn it... ya know, I'm still getting used to using the DDMS view in eclipse :)
16:48.07UKCoderlooks like there's an illegalstateexception being thrown, I'd been checking the console before :)
16:48.38michaelnovakjrcan you paste the whole output.. might make it easier to sniff out the problem
16:48.45jastaoh MediaPlayer :)
16:48.55UKCodersure one sec, let me get a clean run again without me fiddling with anything :)
16:49.26marconeoh, I see the problem...
16:49.38marconeyou shouldn't call prepare() on a MediaPlayer that you got from MediaPlayer.create()
16:49.52marcone(it's already prepared)
16:50.43marconesays so right in the javadoc :)
16:51.24UKCoderthere we go!
16:51.41UKCoderexcellent, thanks for pointing that out marcone
16:51.59jastamarcone: my mediaplayer hacking was sidetracked by email app hacking...
16:52.13jastaso i'm probably going to just let 1.1 changes for ogg vorbis and such slip...
16:52.16geistRegister Me
16:52.20jastabut iw ill be back to them soon
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17:17.00jastadoes anyone know if there are good headphones available for the G1?
17:17.32marconeThere are headphone *adapters* available, so you can plug in whatever good headphones you want.
17:17.38romainguy_I use an adapter
17:17.41jastai mean without requiring an adapter.  just looking to pick up some decent comfortable ones without that stupid microphone piece
17:17.48unix_lappyhows A2DP coming along?
17:18.01jastacomfortable is the key
17:18.29marconegood, comfortable headphones with an HTC usb connector on them might be a bit hard to find.
17:18.30unix_lappyjasta: if you dont mind the adapter, you can use some supra-aural headphones for light use.
17:18.35Disconnectunix_lappy: SanMehat is working on it. then tmob will have to do an update. so .... not good unless you have an engineering device.
17:18.47jhamjasta: Those adapters are tiny
17:19.06Disconnectordered a 2-pack of right-angle ones for $9 yesterday. and a 3-in-one for using in the jeep
17:19.07unix_lappyDisconnect: yea, 2009 is the year of Android ;-)
17:19.26jastahmm yeah, for $10 maybe thats just the way ill go
17:19.33tomgibararomainguy_: I have a question about my patch, can I msg you about it?
17:19.45Disconnecti should really start hitting on root access. but i'd need a friend with
17:20.01Disconnectan engineering bootloader to make it worthwhile.. cuz i mostly want to be able to reflash :)
17:20.22Disconnect(flashing running systems from userspace is an old and well-solved problem in embedded linux..)
17:20.49Disconnectesp since you can flash/test/flash/test.. the bootloader until you are happy. you just can't reset.
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17:21.14unix_lappy thats sim unlock. tmob will do that for me now, all i need to do is call and say i'm possibly going overseas.
17:22.29unix_lappyto bad 3G wont work.
17:24.43unix_lappyhavent heard of people successfully getting a sim unlock before the 90 day period.
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17:25.16Disconnectlong-term good customers can generally just ask
17:26.25androoidzomg unlocked
17:26.52jastaim actually curious to try something once A2DP is supported
17:27.10jastaan A2DP car stereo would be really slick if the sound quality is good
17:27.29jastawould be awesome to just hit a button and set your phone down aywhere in the car and have it playing
17:28.31DarkriftXit was mentioned somewhere in a statement by google (i thought) that unlocking the g1 was supposed to be easier than with other phones (meaning from what I read google asked for the price/wait time to be really low)
17:28.59f00f-unlocking is really useless as i see it
17:29.04f00f-i want an unlocked bootloader
17:29.37jastayeah i had thoguht unlocking opened it up for root access and such.  not sure why i thought that, though
17:29.50f00f-it's the same old game they've always played
17:30.08DarkriftXyeah, always 2 types of unlocking, and sim unlockers play on that
17:30.09f00f-the platform might be as open as the blue sky
17:30.10f00f-but not the device
17:30.11Disconnectjailbreak vs unlock..
17:30.24DarkriftX"we can unlock it for $xx" and everyone pays thinking its the other type of unlock
17:30.48Disconnectwe could start a campaign of tech support calls for people trying to flash android to their g1..
17:31.00f00f-people think somehow magically it'll work on other 3G frequencies
17:31.06andyrossUh... I rather think the marked for SIM unlock is a bit larger than "developer unlock".  The SIM unlockers aren't being shady, we're the ones with the confusing terminology,.
17:31.12Disconnectcuz really, bitching online doesn't affect tmob in the slightest. but tons of people saying "wow i wish i could do this" (devs and non-devs alike) and calling them about it is different.
17:31.43Disconnectandyross: agreed, thats why the iphone hackers went with "unlock" and "jailbreak" instead
17:31.52DarkriftXyou are right andyross but not many of them have statements on their sites saying "this is what you get, nothing else, if you need other features read here" or anything of the sort
17:32.00Disconnectsomeone needs to retheme it and release the flash image .. get people wanting it :)
17:32.24DarkriftXand as much as i hated the "jailbreak" term, i liked how they differentiated the 2
17:32.53DisconnectDarkriftX: it comes from the old days.. chroot jails, vm jails, etc...
17:33.38volso, I discovered that there is a "Brick" permission.
17:33.44volthis is, uh, interesting.
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17:34.06jastavol: yeah i saw that too :)
17:34.09DarkriftXmy app needs permission to brick your phone, do you grant it?
17:34.16jastayou know, regarding the permission system
17:34.22jastaafter several days of using the G1 with the market and such
17:34.30jastai find that the permission system is very hard to use properly
17:34.38jastalots of apps request permissions that are frightening
17:34.49mithroAny one have an  idea on how to get a MediaPlayer from the NotificationManager then?
17:34.52volI haven't had that issue so far
17:34.53jastaand yet, you should "trust" them, even some of the featured apps are using things that make you go "what the hell?"
17:34.59mithroI can't find the code which plays the sound
17:35.02volseems like most of them are reasonable
17:35.17jastavol: almost every single one has "Access location"
17:35.20anno^da_  <- I like guys making money with the bullshit of locked phones :(
17:35.21Disconnectjasta: at the end of the day its no different from the s60 method, or windows - most users will jsut go "oh look stuff to click yes on again this is annoying but whatever"
17:35.35jastaDisconnect: i mean even as an informed user i can't use it to make useful decisions
17:35.46jastabecause app developers go nuts and try to support every stupid feature under the sun
17:35.46DarkriftXApplication "Porn Downloader" Requires permission for GPS and Phone, please hit ok.
17:35.50Disconnectagain tho, same as s60..
17:35.51jastalike i installed this Wikipedia app
17:35.53jastaQuickpedia or something
17:35.56voljasta: I dunno, pacman seemed to be ok w/o access location
17:35.59jastaand it requested to access my location
17:36.08jastai sat looking at it for minutes thinking "what the hell?"
17:36.11Dougie187jasta: thats retarded...
17:36.15Dougie187wtf does it need your location for?
17:36.20f00f-jasta there are geotagged wikipedia entries
17:36.35f00f-so probably by default it checks for nearby things
17:36.35jastaDougie187: i eventually just trusted it and installed it, then it had a "Local" feature to show local news or some useless crud like that
17:36.48Disconnectyah and its "fine (gps)" not network..
17:36.51Dougie187it would be better if that was an optional feature.
17:36.52jastabut i guess what im saying is developers need to be more responsible about their feature sets
17:36.54Disconnectwhen really all it cares about is state
17:37.00jastaif you develop an app to do X, do only X.
17:37.14Dougie187like if you want to write a media player, don't add a calculator into it
17:37.19jastathe permission system is impossible to use because developers are doing too much
17:37.41DarkriftXor the system could change to so that apps could request a feature but not get it
17:37.53DarkriftXdeny gps use to a notepad app
17:37.55Dougie187well hopefully there will be some useful apps out there that don't require all of the access.
17:37.58jastayeah i would love that granularity
17:38.23Dougie187jasta: are you using a lot of the apps in the app store?
17:38.31Disconnectthat'd be great if there was a way to expand the app storage
17:38.31jastalike if i install a calculator and it says it needs internet access, i should be able to deny it, install anyway, experiment, and then if i later want to turn it back on do so
17:38.40jastafor instance if i go "oh, it has this neat feature to do XYZ online"
17:38.47DarkriftXexactly jasta
17:38.56romainguy_then you'd all be pissed because you'd have to write your app knowing that features may not work :)
17:38.57jastathats really an important feature now that i think about it ;)
17:38.57Disconnectas it is i'm actively jettisoning apps in favor of same-size competitors that have more features
17:39.12Disconnectjasta: that breaks the security model..
17:39.23Disconnect(I disagree with the security model in many places, this being one of them, but..)
17:39.31romainguy_interestingly Java WebStart has this fine-grained model
17:39.31jastaromainguy_: hardly, the "big" ones: location, internet, phone, etc are never guaranteed to work anyway
17:39.38jastaso if your app can't handle the case of them not working, it's totally broken
17:39.38romainguy_either you grant all permissions at install time
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17:39.43romainguy_or you grant permissions as you use the app
17:39.59Disconnectthe only time it gets permissions are when its installed. so its all or nothing. and you can't suborn the app into requesting more perms..
17:40.10jastaromainguy_: i'd like it to b at the time of installation to be able to prune the granted permissions
17:40.12Disconnect(not that it matters when every app out there can send sms's and make phoen calls and such..)
17:40.19jastathen later, add them again if i want
17:40.22DarkriftXthat would be better id think
17:40.31DarkriftXor hell, have a permissions list of all apps
17:40.36romainguy_yeah that's how some J2ME phones work
17:40.43DarkriftXand i can scroll down and tell the wikipedia app that no, i dont want you using gps anymore
17:40.45romainguy_my Sony Ericsson let me do this
17:40.50jastaromainguy_: i legitimately have installed a couple of apps from the market that really had me wondering why it needed permission XYZ...
17:40.59jastabut i endedup installing it anyway because i "trust" them for some arbitrary reason
17:41.05Disconnectromainguy_: implementation wouldn't have to be a mess. each permission has a "disabled" return that can be used in the app interchangably with "not available" (eg no gps hit or no phone service, etc)
17:41.06jastaand i think thats totally against the spirit of thepermission system
17:41.14romainguy_the same way we trust random apps we install on our desktop computers :)
17:41.32pawallsromainguy_, I'm not sure that's a good argument :-P
17:41.34Disconnectromainguy: my desktop computer allows me to run stuff as root..
17:41.38Dougie187romainguy_: true, but those don't generally disclose access as well as android would.
17:41.48romainguy_Disconnect: I know you want root access
17:41.57Dougie187Lol who doesn't
17:41.59DarkriftXbut those dont say "hey, im going to need install permission, format permission and permission to disable your task manager"
17:42.02jastaromainguy_: right but why design this elaborate permission system and then fall short of making it useful?
17:42.09DarkriftXthis is coming right out and telling us, which makes it more scary lol
17:42.18romainguy_jasta: I believe it is useful
17:42.23RyeBryeAccording to this thread: there is speculation that the screen of the G1 is capable of doing multitouch?
17:42.24romainguy_it could be more user friendly, on that we agree
17:42.27RyeBryeis that true?
17:42.34romainguy_(and we didn't wait for you guys to think about all this btw :)
17:42.44Dougie187DarkriftX: exactly. your computer doesn't say, we are going to monitor your traffic 24 hours a day. or anything like that.
17:42.48jastaromainguy_: well, user friendly wasnt really my complaint.  as i said, ive actually encountered cases where i was very confused by why apps were requesting certain things
17:42.59DarkriftXits useful because it tells you not to install stuff that needs to much, but what about all of the legit apps that are asking for it for unknown reasons
17:42.59jastaand there was no explanation from the app developer or any reason why i should let them have that access
17:43.02DisconnectRyeBrye: fwiw the more recent comments say its not hw capable but someday a device might be, and then they'll expand the api accordingly
17:43.07romainguy_you confused means it's not user frriendly to me :)
17:43.12jastaand even, i'd really prefer to be bale to tell the wikipedia app i installed that it can never, ever get my location :)
17:43.23f00f-disabling root access reduces support costs.
17:43.23jastai don't care what feature it has for that hehe
17:43.29romainguy_I think part of the problem is also that some apps simply try to use every single feature they can ^^
17:43.32jbqjasta: the unfortunate part is that with the current SDK you can't really "see" what permissions your application uses, and it's easy to have too many permissions by mistake.
17:43.43Dougie187romainguy_: wasn't that the point of ADC1?
17:43.56jastajbq: in the cases i saw, the permission usage was legitimate, it just wasn't really well explained
17:43.58Dougie187thrown in as many features as you can, and you will win?
17:44.09jastajbq: for instance, this wikipedia app did actually have a feature using my location
17:44.15Disconnectf00f-: thats my point.. if we start calling and writing and generally increasing support costs, chances are we'll eventually get teh ability to reflash.
17:44.20DarkriftXquestion from a non-dev: can you write an app and make it ask for gps permission without writing soem sort of gps use code into it?
17:44.31jastaa feature i dont care about, certainly, but still as you're installing it (before you see what it can do) you have to just guess randomly
17:44.32jbqjasta: the problem with a permission system is that by definition you can't trust the app to tell you what it needs the permission for.
17:44.38DarkriftXmeaning, if it asks for gps is there a possibility its just asking but will never use it?
17:44.52jastajbq: of course, which is why as i said earlier, the feature from android should be to let me conditionally grant permissions at install
17:44.59RyeBryeI had an app ask for permission to sleep with my wife. I thought that was odd.
17:45.00jastaso i could install the app anyway, but say: no, you can't have my location.
17:45.07volRyeBrye: did you grant it?
17:45.15jastathen once im using the app if i see that the location feature could be interesting, i can turn it back on again at a later date
17:45.18RyeBryeSure, it also asked for permission to use my camera ;)
17:45.25DisconnectRyeBrye: yah i'm hoping that works out for me. some of the wives are meh but a couple.....
17:46.02jastajbq: as i said, i've legitimately felt the permission system fail me when i have to stare at this list of requested permissions and just guess at random that this application will not harm my phone
17:46.07jastaor do something i odnt want
17:46.15Dougie187How does the market get updated with the permissions that the app uses? Is that something the dev specifies? or does someone monitor that information?
17:46.31gdsxDougie187: it's in the Manifest
17:46.31jastajbq: but if i could deny things that dont make sense to me, then i would feel much safer
17:46.34DarkriftXits not the market, its the installer
17:46.39Dougie187oh ok
17:46.40jbqjasta: the good news is that there are plenty of ways this can be extended in the future.
17:46.47voljasta: sounds like you want UAC.
17:46.51volhope you enjoy vista.
17:46.53jastajbq: right, and that's what i'm talking about :)
17:46.56gdsxDougie187: so an XML file that's included in the .apk communicates what permissions the app wants
17:47.02stadlerojasta: One way to look at it is, most of the permissions aren't really about harming your phone.  They're more about violating your privacy, or doing things that cost $$ behind your back.
17:47.06Dougie187gdsx: got it.
17:47.19jbq(but it has to be done in a way that doesn't break the assumptions 1.0 developers have made in their apps)
17:47.23f00f-just BRICK it and be done with it
17:47.24jastastadlero: well yeah i didnt really mean harm my phone, i meant harm me :)
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17:47.56jastajbq: which i think could be done pretty easily for most cases.  for instance, deny internet permission and it just fails to connect like it always has.  deny gps, it says "i cant get your location"...
17:48.27jbqjasta: the app still have to be ready to handle the exceptions that would be generated.
17:48.37gdsxjbq: I don't think you can do conditional permissions without breaking 1.0 apps.  I think the best you can do is have a warning "this app was created with the 1.0 SDK, and may not support conditional permissions"
17:49.00jbqgdsx: except if you let apps specify which permissions they're conditionally dependent on.
17:49.04Dougie187jbq: but wouldn't that be something the you would need anyways to be a good dev. For instance, if your app needed internet access but you didn't have access and tried to use the app. It should handle that anyways.
17:49.13gdsxjbq: yeah, that's my point
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17:49.47Disconnectgdsx: if you say no to a perm, a 1.0 app will just get null data ("no data access" "no cell signal" "no gps hit" etc...)
17:49.49gdsxjbq: basically, it shouldn't be too hard to implement, but apps out there already will break if they run without permissions they requested
17:49.49jbqDougie187: it might not be implemented to handle it in a fine-grained way.
17:50.00gdsxDisconnect: no, it'll get an exception and die
17:50.04gdsxDisconnect: if it doesn't handle it
17:50.08Disconnectnot if its implemented correctly
17:50.09Dougie187jbq: i guess im just saying, all of the exceptions that should get thrown should be things that could happen naturally anyways.
17:50.31gdsxDisconnect: the problem is that this change would redefine what "correctly" means
17:50.32Disconnect1.1 allows a nofication. 1.0 allows no-data
17:50.40Dougie187jbq: so a good dev should handle all of those anyways, or else that would be a bug they need to fix.
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17:50.57muthu_the v1.0 apps are not required to handle permission denied exceptions..
17:51.11muthu_since the apps have explicity requested them in the first place
17:51.29Dougie187did you read anything above the last 4 lines?
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17:52.17RyeBryeThe problem is that if you have a permissions denied telling the application that the person doesn't have a certain feature or their internet is down... then the application might lie to the user and piss the user off
17:52.32jbqDougie187: check the list of exceptions that a so-called "good dev" wold have to handle everywhere in a fine-grained way (and that's only the system ones, there might be more...):
17:52.41Disconnectso its ok for a 1.0 app to crash when it tries to read gps data and gets no hit?
17:52.59jbqIt's not gonna get a RuntimeException in that case.
17:53.01Dougie187jbq: i don't think thats too many...
17:53.11RyeBryei.e. "I'm sorry you can't do this because your internet connection appears to be down." - User might not know that they clicked "deny" - and they get pissed "Hell no! My internet is up!!!!" - but if they gave them an accurate message "I'm sorry, you haven't authorized me to do this... Please give me permision to complete this task"
17:53.15DarkriftXthey could just have 2 versions of apps, 1.0 and x.0, 1.0 apps would work as they do but give a warning, x.0 apps would be conditional and we as the public would frown apon new apps using 1.0 permissions and not use them
17:53.50Dougie187jbq: would you design an app that didn't handle all of the exceptions that you could get?
17:54.14gdsxDougie187: at some point, you have to decide between adding tons of error-handling and adding features
17:54.25muthu_Dougie187: why would you handle permission denied, when you know that you got the permission?
17:54.31jbqI most definitely do not try to catch all RuntimeExceptions in a fine-grained way.
17:54.31muthu_that's plain stupid
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17:55.30Dougie187muthu_: read the rest of the conversation before you comment.
17:55.30Disconnectjbq: so don't give it a runtime exception in this case. 1.1 apps can say "i want to know about temporarily-denied perms so i can beg for permission" .. 1.0 apps say "hey, look, i can't get a gps fix."
17:55.30Dougie187gdsx: sure, but features are what is going to start the app, and error-handling should be on-going.
17:55.30Dougie187gdsx: noone is going to use an app that is all features.
17:55.30jbqDisconnect: that'd break source compatibility.
17:55.31Dougie187gdsx: then it would never work.
17:55.35Disconnectjbq: so far every single release of the sdk has broken apps.. how is this different?
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17:56.08Disconnect(and again, you don't have to deal with the perm issue in 1.1, you just have the OPTION of saying "hey, dude, i can't give you the weather icon in this calculator if you won't tell me where you are")
17:56.09jbqDisconnect: so far there's only been a single release of a post-1.0 SDK.
17:56.25gdsxDougie187: that's not what I'm saying
17:56.59Dougie187gdsx: i understand, im just saying that as a comment. A good dev would have the features they needed for their app to function, and then the error-handling they needed to keep the app working for the user.
17:57.46gdsxDougie187: my point is simply that, if there are many error conditions, and you have to handle them in a fine-grained manner, it can become too large of a burden to deal with efficiently
17:58.30Disconnectits pretty easy to look at the permissions list and figure out which ones are generally/always required and which ones are potentially optional. send/receive sms.. optional. gps .. optional. make/receive calls.. optional. change system settings.. required.
17:58.32Dougie187gdsx: sure. But im just saying that personally i can't imagine an exception that would be thrown from the lack of a certain permission that you wouldn't have to deal with already.
17:59.42DisconnectDougie187: he's insisting that it has to be a new exception. without that assumption his argument has no basis..
17:59.54Dougie187gdsx: they should all be things that you would want to handle already for instance, if the signal was terrible in the area you are in and you are trying to get a GPS fix as Disconnect was mentioning. You should already be handling the case where you can't get a GPS fix gracefully, so then just tell the app there is no gps.
18:00.18gdsxDougie187: there is a SecurityException which (I believe) is thrown when you try to do something you're not allowed to
18:01.03gdsxDougie187: you wouldn't normally handle that when you're trying to grab GPS data, for instance, because in the current model, you have that permission just by virtue of the app running at all
18:01.10jbqIf you don't differentiate the exceptions, you don't have any way for the app to display a meaningful message.
18:01.55gdsxnods at jbq
18:02.02Dougie187gdsx: well if you knew that the users could pick and choose which premissions to give the app then you better handle it when ever you are doing something. and thats not even a huge issue, because there are other exceptions that you would need to handle in that same place.
18:02.42Dougie187jbq: its all where the exception occurs for the meaningful message. for instance your not just going to write a generic error routine, you would catch the exception when you are trying to do something you can't and then give a meaningful message.
18:03.18Dougie187and there are always going to be errors that you have to catch there anyways, so it shouldn't be a big issue for other devs to implement these.
18:03.37gdsxDougie187: it's not an issue at all for devs to implement them _in the future_
18:03.44jbqWell, I beg to disagree, but I think we'll have to agree to disagree.
18:03.56gdsxDougie187: I'm saying it's likely that programs _out now_ haven't impelented them
18:04.24Dougie187gdsx: sure. but we are talking about this being a feature in the future. because its not like you can selectively deny permissions right now either.
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18:06.07gdsxDougie187: yeah.  The issue is that, as a platform, we can't break 1.0 apps.  I already proposed one option to support them even after changing the permissions scheme, though, and I'm sure there are others.  So I think we're pretty much in agreement
18:06.08Dougie187gdsx: im just saying noone should be against this issue, because these should be things that would be fairly easy to implement anyways, and it is more user friendly as was discussed earlier.
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18:06.14Disconnecti'm just saying that its not difficult for a current program to be -given- selective permissions on may requests, by simply returning null data. and that future programs would be allowed to either do that or to say "notify me"
18:07.17Disconnect(it would probably be better as a different exception anyway, permissions rather than security.. its not breaking out an rampaging around, its simply the user saying "umm.... no. you can't do that.")
18:07.48Dougie187gdsx: but eventually for a platform to grow they have to break apps. i mean it might not be a good idea to break the apps a week after the platform is released, but eventually it is probably better to have the new feature then keep older apps around.
18:08.14andyrossIsn't that the Vista model though?  "This application is trying to register an Intent, allow or deny?"  Hardly a great user experience.
18:08.33stadleroI'm going to play devil's advocate here for a moment and rebut an earlier statement:  "noone should be against this issue, because these should be things that would be fairly easy to implement anyways, and it is more user friendly as was discussed earlier."
18:08.41Dougie187andyross: i think we are just saying would you rather have that, or have "you are installing this app, and it needs all of this stuff"
18:09.06stadleroI think the implementation is reasonably straightforward.  But you have to honestly weigh the complexities it introduces to the user experience.
18:09.13Disconnectandyross: manage it the same way it is now, with an 'edit' button during installation. and a security manager (either part of the app manager and/or as a separate "this is what you said yes/no, systemwide")
18:09.26andyrossThe latter can be ignored by non-technical users instead of scaring them with stuff they aren't prepared for, so yeah, I guess I'd rather have that.  The idea of user-based authorization of low-level technical details is kinda flawed.
18:10.37Dougie187andyross: well as was discussed earlier, you wouldn't be choosing if the app had permissions when it needed them, you would decide when you installed. then if you realized that it canceled a feature you would really like, then you reinstall the app with that permission allowed.
18:11.04Disconnectandyross: security and users will never mix in a good way. the best you can hope for is a default that won't kill -all- the users and will allow the better ones to do what they need/want.
18:11.07RyeBryeAnyone taken their G1 apart yet? I'm surprised I haven't seen any tear-down images yet
18:11.21Dougie187RyeBrye: most people love theirs too much.
18:11.32stadleroMany, many features are easy to implement.  But for a consumer product, the bars for (a) useful and (b) understandable need to be set far differently than consensus of a room full of people like us.
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18:11.54RyeBryeThe same could be said about the iPhone - but those have been gutted open with their internals posted all over
18:12.14RyeBryemy G1 will probably be here within the hour
18:12.17Dougie187RyeBrye: probably by some apple haters.
18:12.22gdsxRyeBrye: people get free iPhones all the time
18:12.32androoidi wished there wus more good aps
18:12.46Dougie187im just kidding by the way. i don't know why noone has torn their phone apart.
18:12.47RyeBryeIs there a factory service manual floating around? I wont mind ripping mine open - but I would prefer to know how to do so the proper way first :)
18:12.51wastrelthe iphone didn't get apps for what, a year?
18:13.06RyeBryeofficial apps, or jailbroken apps?
18:13.07DisconnectRyeBrye: not yet but afair tmob usually leaks them pretty quick
18:13.28androoidgiven there was over 1000 submitted for the google's challenge, i was hoping there would be more apps that was final on launch day
18:13.52Disconnectwastrel: but everyone forgot that now, and its all about how they've had apps just FOREVER, and look at how many 10s of thousands of useless apps they can install...
18:14.00Dougie187androoid: i think most of those stopped development after they lost.
18:14.11faddenOr they're waiting until they can sell the apps.
18:14.13androoidi submitted a app that i worked on for 5 days and seemed like it was better than some of the apps that is available on the market :(
18:14.51Dougie187androoid: did you see the apps that won the challenge? most of them were useless.
18:15.05androoidDougie187: no i did not
18:15.06romainguy_useless *to you* :)
18:15.26androoidshazaam is probably the coolest app ever made!
18:15.28faddenWhy didn't the tip calculators win?
18:15.40Disconnectromainguy: locale is great. if you only ever want to turn your volume up and down.
18:15.52Dougie187romainguy_: sure, but even if you are talking about the general public, they had quite a few repeat apps win. which are useless. noone needs 4 different media players.
18:16.01androoidohh is that what locale does
18:16.14romainguy_Dougie187: yeah but you can choose the one you prefer
18:16.18romainguy_take the wikipedia apps
18:16.21romainguy_there are 3 or 4 of them
18:16.25RyeBryeLocale could do so much more... like SMS everyone in the neighborhood when a sex offender drives by ;)
18:16.37romainguy_the one I prefer to use it apparently not the one (according to the comments) other people prefer
18:16.41RyeBrye(if the sex offender had a G1 and enabled it, of course)
18:16.43romainguy_I'm certainly happy I was given the choice
18:16.46androoidromainguy_: i agree, quickipedia is so much better than the other ones
18:16.48Dougie187romainguy_: sure, but the challenge would have been better to give 50 good unique apps. rather then 25 unique apps and 25 repeats.
18:16.49volThat's an awesome idea, especially for the guy on the sex offender list for public urination.
18:16.56RyeBryeI wonder if I should make a sex offender pinpoint app with google maps overlays :)
18:16.59romainguy_androoid: that's not the one I use :)
18:17.07volit's already done, and those maps are generally useless
18:17.18DisconnectRyeBrye: locale would be awesome if - for example - you could change mail account notifications. or notify volume. etc. its really only got 2-3 things it can control, its kinda sad..
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18:17.31romainguy_Dougie187: you know very well that repeats are bound to happen
18:17.33Disconnectis prolly talking to the locale author without knowing it, but whatever.. :)
18:17.35RyeBryeAre the ADC apps OSS?
18:17.35gdsxDisconnect: locale is still under development
18:17.45androoidRyeBrye: doesn't isafe have sex offenders on there? haha
18:17.51gdsxDisconnect: I mean, I know 4 of the 5 folks on the team
18:17.56volRyeBrye: no, pretty sure they're not
18:18.01Dougie187romainguy_: sure, but i just wouldn't expect a challenge to award a bunch of repeats.
18:18.09volADC was just a way to get devs intersted
18:18.10romainguy_if the apps are good...
18:18.12Disconnectgdsx: so is everything.. but its been (in programmer time) a -long- time since adc ended.
18:18.16RyeBryeThere should be an application that shows you your likeliness of being mugged based on your location and a camera image of what you are wearing
18:18.18Dougie187and RyeBrye: the Sex predators tool kit is PhoneBook 2.0.
18:18.25Dougie187romainguy_: but they aren't....
18:18.27volThere's that too, RyeBrye
18:18.28romainguy_iSafe keeps telling me I'm gonna die
18:18.33volshows how dangerous your area is
18:18.39romainguy_Dougie187: according to you... apparently the judges felt they were good
18:18.43Dougie187here are the apps for anyone interested.
18:18.48jbqromainguy_: what, you're immortal?
18:18.51androoidi am still too scared to turn on JOYity
18:18.58romainguy_jbq: I live the last street before the Tenderloin
18:19.00androoidi'm scared of some rapist coming up to me randomly
18:19.11romainguy_jbq: so the app is freaking out :)
18:19.14RyeBryeromainguy_ - is it shareware and you haven't registered it yet? ;)
18:19.25voljoyity seems to require that you already have friends or something
18:19.27RyeBrye"You will die. Please register and I can ensure your safety"
18:20.05gdsxDisconnect: so it has.  Don't forget that these folks have actual lives.  Also, people don't necessarily do a release every week
18:20.39Disconnect..$275k can't buy any new features in 2 months? I think google got jacked.
18:20.50Dougie187Disconnect: true. lol
18:20.55androoidthx for htat link Dougie187, i am going to check all of those out
18:21.25Dougie187androoid: np. read some of the descriptions first though.. some are rather humorous.
18:22.10Dougie187androoid: my personal favorite is for phonebook 2.0 in the 100k group
18:22.22DarkriftXthere is a guy in here who wrote a really good app that might have won in the adc if he had submitted it in time (or written it in time)
18:22.38DarkriftXand he makes it sound like he might not release it (hope he does)
18:22.49Dougie187DarkriftX: what app was it?
18:23.10DarkriftXyou text your app a pin# and it texts you its gps location back (for finding lost or stolen phones)
18:23.14DarkriftXno idea
18:23.38DarkriftXhe was writing it and showed screenshots of it
18:23.38Dougie187thats cool.
18:23.46DarkriftXsounds like one of the must haves for a lot of ppl
18:23.50DubLo7I've done that for windows mobile
18:24.04androoidmore games!!!!!
18:24.17androoidi was expecting a emulator for SNES to be out by now
18:24.27DarkriftXthat will take a while androoid
18:24.36DarkriftXthose are always finicky on new hardware
18:24.42DarkriftXlet alone new OS
18:26.39RyeBryeI've been peeking at how hard it would be to port one of the java emulators over, but haven't done much because my day job keeps me pretty busy
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18:28.10jt436androoid: games are on the way, you don't expect the big companies to release great games for free do you?
18:28.16oinkboinkis there a tag/attributes overview for main.xml?
18:28.43oinkboinkon the inet
18:30.37androoidThere are attributes  in eclipse
18:31.16romainguy_if you want to have fun you can also look for the file  common/res/values/attrs.xml in the source code
18:31.21romainguy_that's where we define all the attributes :)
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18:36.04oinkboinkwell, i search the tag for button-pressed-color and button-not-pressed-color ^^
18:36.44DJTachyonAndroid Gear Anybody?  Any Requests? :)  ..
18:37.02romainguy_you got the authoriztaion then? :)
18:37.55DJTachyonwhat authorization? ... its got a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License :P
18:38.18DJTachyonand I state that in the stores :P
18:38.35romainguy_I thought there were restriction on the use of the Android logo
18:38.42romainguy_(not the green droid, the android text logo)
18:39.06DJTachyonwell they were all on the same page with the license
18:39.16yakischlobai am obviously buying the panties.
18:39.28yakischloba(for jasta)
18:39.55DJTachyoni actually took the wallpapers and rerendered them .. i dont have that font
18:40.03romainguy_here you go
18:40.04romainguy_"The Android logo may not be used."
18:40.15oinkboinkso where i can see the possibe attributs e.g. for the Button-tag in main.xml?
18:40.21romainguy_so basically you can use the green droid but not the text logo
18:40.32romainguy_oinkboink: there's a doc somewhere with all the attributes
18:40.39DJTachyonhmm conflict there then ..
18:40.50DJTachyonbecause the wallpapers say they are free to remix
18:41.07jt436Android logo and the custom font may not be used
18:41.38greencookieWhere would be a good place to read on how to get started on making apps for android?
18:41.56tmarblefor those of you lucky enough to have an actual G1... what's the deal with the USB port?  Is it a "host", a "client", or OTG?
18:42.13greencookiethnx jt436
18:42.20volit's a client I think
18:42.24volI haven't tried using it to host anything
18:42.28romainguy_tmarble: no host
18:42.42volit'd be awesome if it could though : )
18:43.05tmarbleah, ok, thx... i couldn't find a definitive answer from
18:43.05romainguy_I still want to use my ps3 controller to play quake
18:43.28jt436quake *bah* ;P
18:43.29DisconnectDJTachyon: that page says "except as noted" and the page ( talks about trademarks and such. so the android images are under the branding license...
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18:54.15eldenzquake with a controller *bah* ;P
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18:57.00KrangHey all, I'm trying to get a feel for ease of development on Android vs Windows mobile. Any good resources you can point me to?
18:57.53volandroid is by far the most delightful dev experience I've had
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18:58.08volthere's a plugin for eclipse made by google explicitly for development
18:58.12volshit just works
18:58.17volthere's no fucking around with dev keys or signing
18:58.21vol(as long as you use eclipse)
18:58.26jt436vol: lets see what happens once multiple devices hit the market
18:58.31Krangvol: so you've developed of WinMob before?
18:58.33jt436and your app starts to break
18:58.58volKrang: I work at a company that does mobile dev. I haven't done other platforms yet (except j2me ugh), but I've heard cries of torment and horror from other devs
18:59.06volusually "well at least it's not symbian..."
18:59.13Krangouch :-)
18:59.47volI found it extremely easy compared to developing for the blackberry
18:59.51voldebugging flat out works
18:59.57volthere are no mysterious segfaults
19:00.11volI have yet to have my phone freeze up, let alone the emulator
19:00.14jt436ok, well blackberry isn't much fun
19:00.28volno, it's really not : (
19:00.32jt436had to give a talk last week at the BlackBerry dev conf saying how great it is
19:01.03volso, from personal experience, I can tell you that it's easier than developing for a blackberry
19:01.22KrangSo the platform (so far) seems to be more stable than the average? I have very little experience of any and am trying to get a good feel. I've never seen a WinMob device crash, but neither have I seen one with anything more than a default configuration
19:01.34Krangvol: Cheers
19:01.36volyeah, the platform seems to be very stable
19:02.08KrangAnd as a developer, it's easy to use. Has anyone here done WinMob development before?
19:02.11volthe application lifecycle will be different than what you're used to
19:02.16volbut you'll figure it out :)
19:02.27RyeBryeWho the hell is and why is my new G1 trying to get into his gmail account?
19:02.37vol"your" new g1
19:02.37jt436ha, someone returned it
19:02.46volsteal his stuff!
19:02.51RyeBryeI don't know his password :(
19:02.57vollearn it!
19:03.03RyeBryeIt looks new, and I got it straight from t-mobile
19:03.07RyeBryelooks like he just typed gibberish
19:03.12RyeBryeI'll see if I can recover it though :)
19:03.13jt436well someone has used it
19:03.23RyeBryeYeah, lame
19:03.37RyeBryeDoes everyone else's G1 have that "new shoe smell"?
19:03.47RyeBryeThe foam from the box makes it smell like a pair of nikes
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19:04.01volRyeBrye: .... no
19:04.22RyeBryebegins to wonder what T-mobile sent him :)
19:04.40Krangvol: I'm actually trying to decide what would be best to deploy company-wide if we want to develop our own apps internally
19:04.54Disconnectfwiw on platform stability.. it doesn't "crash" as such. and apps seem reasonably good as well. but it gets 'unstable' on a regular basis (30-60 second hangs getting to the home page, etc)
19:05.02volKrang: you're figuring out if you want to buy everyone G1s?
19:05.06DisconnectSanMehat is working on that tho
19:05.36volDisconnect: I haven't had that happen to me
19:05.46Krangvol: No, more deciding what OS to recommend for including on a phone being developed for a new 4G network
19:05.53RyeBryeI'll email him and ask him if he had a G1
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19:06.35jt436Disconnect: it could be one of the apps you have installed running in the background
19:06.42waldo_hey is there any reason why I couldn't send someone an .apk file out of /apps?  licensing-wise?
19:06.45volGood lord, what are you asking us for then?
19:06.47jt436doesn't imagine a lot of apps in the market behave correctly
19:07.03volyou have engineers, don't you?
19:07.06zhobbswaldo_: some apks are locked to the device I think
19:07.11zhobbsforward locked
19:07.31waldo_but there's no licensing problem
19:07.50Disconnectwaldo_: most licenses don't allow redistribution. just like "what can i release my code under" its a question thats specific to the app.
19:08.16waldo_hmm..  I'm trying to figure out what this app is:  Vending.apk
19:08.29waldo_is that the market?
19:08.51waldo_oh yes it is!
19:08.55zhobbswaldo_: it is
19:09.08zhobbswaldo_: I tried to pull it and run on the emulator but it won't work
19:09.46muthu_send me the vending.apk.. need that ;)
19:09.52Krangvol: nope, I was asked for my opinion and want to get a good picture. We outsource our stuff :-)
19:09.56zhobbsmuthu_: doesn't work on emu
19:10.01waldo_ahhh  okay
19:10.08RyeBryeis there a dalvik decompiler yet?
19:10.13RyeBrye... no reason :/
19:10.26Krangvol: Besides, hiring one engineer and asking him isn't nearly as good as asking a bunch of people
19:10.47jt436Krang: depends who you trust more
19:10.48RyeBryeExcept for the fact that a bunch of people don't usually care too much
19:10.56waldo_is the market not open-sourced itself?
19:11.07volKrang: we're slightly biased ;)
19:11.11jt436and it depends "which" bunch of people, look what channel you are in
19:11.13KrangRyebrye: They express their opinions pretty freely
19:11.31Krangjt436: It's not the only channel I'm in, you know :-)
19:11.32RyeBryewhat was your original question?
19:12.02jt436Krang: but answers may be biased
19:12.10RyeBryeand people may lie
19:12.12KrangHow does Android shape up vs windows mobile for application development, and how stable is it as a platform?
19:12.17RyeBryeWindows mobile sucks
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19:12.19RyeBryethere is your answer
19:12.30michaelnovakjryea WinMo is hell
19:12.30Krangjt436: yeah, bias is kinda expected :-)
19:12.31gdsxRyeBrye: regarding your "new shoe smell," question, that's actually what happens when plastics de-gas
19:12.43RyeBryegdsx - so my phone is passing gas?
19:12.46volKrang: One thing to keep in mind right now is that Android doesn't have a JIT compiler for apps, so it's "lawl java is slow" slow
19:13.05gdsxRyeBrye: I think that's for you to decide.  Your phone is made of plastic, though
19:13.06RyeBryeWill android ever have a JIT?
19:13.10volas opposed to more recent J2/5SE java apps where Java is nearly/actually on par with native code
19:13.16gdsxRyeBrye: ask andyross
19:13.33RyeBryeandyross - will Android ever have a JIT?
19:13.42volThough, that said, you can still use JNI to load C libs
19:13.50volwhich is the approach my company is taking
19:13.53RyeBryeYeah, but how do you get those C-bits on there?
19:13.58RyeBryeoh, you just bundle them in the apk?
19:14.10volyeah, you can stuff them in the apk for one thing
19:14.17volor just leave them flopping out on an sd card
19:14.29andyrossAsk me?  I was flaming about that last week, but I'm happy with JNI right now.  FWIW: I firmly believe that a low-hanging-fruit JIT would be an important feature.  Just mapping the 1:1 instructions and leaving the rest (field access, java function call, etc...) as-is would still be a big improvement.
19:14.48zhobbsvol: that's interesting, so you package them in apk and save them to the /data/data/ area?
19:14.54GooseyIs there documentation about stuffing c-libs into the apk? I had no idea you could do this
19:15.27RyeBryeI've not done a lot of JNI - but what kind of security model is there? i.e. could you conceivably go trouncing around the phones memory in C-code and spit the results out to JNI?
19:15.28Lenoliumvol: Are there any calls you can make to determine what architecture you are running on, so you can load the correct libs?
19:15.44gdsxGoosey: basically, it will likely work, but it is currently not supported.  Changes we make in the future could definitely break apps that are built/packaged like that right now
19:15.58andyrossyeah, basically.  Write out a file and then call System.load().  The tricky bit is getting the prebuilt toolchain operating.  I put this up yesterday: -- it does some syscall and libc stuff and logcats it.
19:15.58jbqRyeBrye: Android doesn't rely on the VM for security.
19:16.09faddenandyross: less so on ARM than on something with deep pipes and fancy branch prediction.
19:16.14gdsxGoosey: basically, since we're not advertising the JNI as a public API right now, we can break it if we see fit
19:16.26RyeBryethat makes sense
19:16.29faddenSee also JamVM 1.5.x's implementation of what you described.
19:16.32gdsxGoosey: so if you want something that's guaranteed to not break, you should wait
19:16.50faddenIn particular, he didn't enable it for ARM.
19:17.45andyrossfadden: We went down this road before, but the brief summary: if you have an interpreter and want to execute an dex instruction, you must (1) fetch the opcode into a register, (2) find the jump target via (at least) an array indirection, (3) branch there (4) execute the instruction (5) branch back.  So that's five instructions at least to do the work of just one.  For CPU-bound applications, that's huge.
19:18.08volzhobbs: Actually, i'm not quite sure. I start doing real work on android tomorrow. some other guys here have been working the C side of things for a couple weeks, and finally got the toolchain they need from HTC
19:18.16faddenandyross: no; if you speak arm, see the stuff in dalvik/vm/mterp/armv5
19:18.35faddenandyross: each instruction handler is 64 bytes exactly, so we just multiply the instruction number
19:18.41volLenolium: /me shrugs. I'll find out tomorrow
19:18.46jastalooks into WifiLocks for Five...
19:18.50faddenwe use "threaded" execution, so the tail end of each handler does the fetch+branch
19:18.51jbqyeah, dalvik vm is optimized a bit more than a plain jump table.
19:19.07faddenThere's no jump table, no double-branch.
19:19.54stadleroyay barrel shifters
19:20.11andyrossMeh.  I'll get benchmarks for you guys at some point.  Not an issue for me currently.
19:20.26faddenThe "portable" C implementation also uses threaded execution to avoid the double-branch, but there's no getting around the jump table there.
19:20.38jbqandyross: don't forget to include the disk and RAM usage in your benchmarks.
19:21.09andyrossDisk? :)  Look, I understand that there are things other than CPU cycles that affect performance.  But that doesn't mean that CPU bound applications don't exist, either.
19:21.25faddenandyross: what you described as your basic JIT is JamVM's "inline-threaded interpreter"; see
19:22.25muthu_what's this active-installs thing from market stats?
19:22.43jbqandyross: No, I mean, various VM and JIT strategies require to store more or less data in RAM or on disk, and those can't be ignored in a super-contrained environment like a phone.
19:23.39muthu_anyone know how many apps in market as of now?
19:23.48faddenSee the "NEWS" file, which lists performance improvements due to the inline-threading and stack-caching.  300% on P4, 200% on AMD 64.  70% on Core 2 Duo, 30% on PPC.  It's *very* architecture sensitive.
19:23.56Disconnectthinks its nuts that this phone is super-constrained, at least as far as disk :(
19:24.05faddenThe small cache on ARM makes it not as useful, though getting stuff into the I-cache vs. the D-cache can help.
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19:24.50faddenBottom line: "cheap JIT" is very likely not a win on ARM.  You really need to go all-in.
19:24.52jbqDisconnect: those are high-volume devices in a price-sensitive market.
19:25.22Ritzeriskanyone know of a good sip stack to use
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19:26.30Disconnectjbq: nokia and dell managed to sell e90's for $900 in the usa, and without even the -possibility- of 3g or any sort of carrier support.
19:27.17Disconnectbut it comes down to the "our users are too dumb to be allowed to have our devices" security model that doesn't allow expansion onto the sd card (i know, "yet"..but there are barely any apps out and -already- you can fill all storage with a reasonable app load...)
19:27.18jbqI'd rather be (again) on the side that sells millions of units a day, not dozens.
19:27.34andyrossfadden: Maybe you can enlighten me, because I'm getting confused.  The actual CPU cycles required to do something like load two numbers, add them, and store the result (4 instructions in native code) are what in dalvik?  You've got four interpreter instructions in memory and a pointer to them in a register.  Now what?  "Cheap JIT" will map those to four real instructions and see no penalty.
19:28.20faddenandyross: that's not a *cheap* JIT, wherein you just assemble interpreter fragments.
19:28.55jbqDisconnect: if that's the way you take it, there's no point discussion this with you.
19:29.54Disconnectjbq: a security policy that defends against rogue -apps- allows users to issue exceptions. this security policy defends against rogue -users-.
19:29.57Cedric2Disconnect: there are a lot of tricky problems associated with apps running from the sd card
19:30.08andyrossYeah, that's what I thought.  What I described wasn't what you heard.  But it *is* cheap to implement.  Just emit the obvious instructions for the obvious candidates and emit calls to handler functions for the hard java stuff.  That won't get you to gcc performance, but it'll be a factor of 3-4 for cpu-bound code, which is nothing to sneeze at.
19:30.30muthu_if the apps decide to put their storage in sdcard, that might help
19:30.34tmccraryHas google sent any rough goals for JIT capability in Android?
19:30.34jbqThere's some DRM in there, we have to defend against rogue users.
19:30.40jbq(that's literally the law)
19:31.03Disconnectjbq: you have to defend the radios. (and its not a law, its a regulation.)
19:31.29jbqThat too, but it's not my domain.
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19:31.35faddenandyross: I have somewhere a distribution of the most popular Dalvik instructions over some modest sample.  The most popular was pulling a value out of a field.  Basic math ops were much lower.
19:31.38tmccraryits a regulation from the organization that says whether your device is legal for use in the US or not
19:31.42tmccraryso its a law at some point
19:31.58gdsxDisconnect: we have to defend our users against social engineering
19:31.58faddenWe can come up with arbitrary examples that lean one way or the other, of course.
19:32.50andyrossIs that a sample over instructions in files, or of instructions actually executed?  CPUs in the real world tend to spend most of their time in CPU-bound code.  But even so: the goal here would be an interpreter environment that doesn't make stuff like game development suck.  Games are rather more likely to be CPU-bound than GUI display logic.
19:32.51faddenBut I don't think there's value in sinking too much dev effort into a partial win.  The compute-heavy stuff is best done in JNI anyway (and maybe not with gcc as your compiler).
19:32.57Disconnecttmccrary: laws and regulations are -very- different things. despite what the fcc and tsa and so forth would like to convince you.. (for one thing, laws are passed by politicians of some sort.)
19:33.02Disconnectin any case.
19:33.13faddenandyross: in android.os.Debug there's some interpreted instruction count hooks.
19:34.02Disconnectsocial engineering is a straw man here, because - as was discussed earlier - most apps request all -SORTS- of weird perms in the current env, and people are going to be trainde to just say yes no matter what.
19:34.04andyrossDisconnect: completely off topic, but laws and regulations really aren't that different.  Regulations are laws written by the executive branch.
19:35.11gdsxDisconnect: yes, that's still a problem.
19:37.31Disconnectandyross: but yah, its rather OT :)
19:38.15Disconnectgdsx: pretend i'm just as slow as you think i am :) and explain how preventing me from installing openvpn (jni aside) somehow protects me or my grandmother from social engineering.
19:38.43Disconnecti'm seriously curious here, because i don't think its the right answer
19:39.34RyeBryeThe G1 is pretty sweet... I'm installing about a dozen apps right now :)
19:40.15gdsxDisconnect: is this fundamentally a question about not being able to get root?
19:40.29gdsxDisconnect: otherwise, I'm not sure exactly what you're asking
19:40.51Disconnectyah. i accept (provisionally) that tmob wants to restrict flashing. beyond that....
19:40.53Disconnectbut i'll bbiab
19:41.37Cedric2RyeBrye: don't forget to install Translate, it's indispensable
19:42.47gdsxDisconnect: basically, if an app has root, it can subvert other apps, use their permissions, etc.  So the problem is that an app with root can grab all of your data from all of the services that the phone can access, and then send them to places you don't trust
19:43.23RyeBryeTranslate? What does it do?
19:43.24Disconnect-if- you do something to grant root. and bear in mind, with the current method, users are going to grant all those permissions -anyway- if the app asks for it.
19:44.07RyeBryeis the t-mobile hotspot connector still screwed up?
19:44.20Disconnecti agree that removing the possibility removes the accidental, but what -added- bonus does that give? i can write an app right now that requests a bunch of info and sends it somewhere unsafe. and if i have even a vaguely plausible reason for the perms request, nobody will question it.. they'll just click yes.
19:44.43gdsxDisconnect: but you can't trust the vast majority of users to know whether an app needs root or not.  Admittedly, the same is true with the current permissions stuff, but that still doesn't open up unrelated applications to attack
19:45.04Disconnecthell there were devs in here the other day urging me to say yes to the wildcard perms (broken cert?) that itunes remote wanted. developers, who should have known better..
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19:46.46Disconnectgdsx: except there is a big conflict here - apps with private data should store it in flash, but apps with important or large data should store it on sd... and anything on sd is available to anyone. so i suspect i don't think thats as big a protection as you do.
19:47.40gdsxDisconnect: I'm pretty sure that there's nowhere suggesting apps store data that is sensitive in any way on the sd card.  Yes, there are space issues that we're looking at ways to alleviate.  But sd card is wide open
19:48.35Disconnectgdsx: so i've got an app that generates 5 megs of data an hour (say, detailed gps tracking with images) .. where do i save all that? its potentially sensitive (location and images)
19:48.54gdsxDisconnect: you upload it somewhere with SSL
19:49.02faddenOr encrypt it before saving it.
19:49.04gdsxDisconnect: or you encrypt it
19:49.07ttuttlehelp! how do I type Escape in ConnectBot!
19:49.13Disconnectgdsx: that'll quickly run into tmobs bandwidth caps.
19:49.15umdk1d3ttuttle: double tap trackball
19:49.21gdsxttuttle: up, up, down, down, square
19:49.35gdsxDisconnect: do it over wifi
19:49.44ttuttleumdk1d3: thanks!
19:49.47Disconnectand if there is encryption on the device then we're back to where i started - the data is already either as protected or as open as its gonna get, regardless of root or perms.
19:49.49gdsxDisconnect: I mean, there are going to be limits to what you can do, no doubt
19:50.13LenoliumDisconnect: Store the data encrypted on the sdcard, store the encryption key protected in main memory.
19:50.17Disconnectgdsx: if i've got wifi chances are i've got much more local computing power than a g1 and wouldn't be doing this to begin with.
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19:50.54gdsxDisconnect: at this point, I've got to get back to work, and I dont' think the discussino is really going anywhere
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19:51.25gdsxDisconnect: it's easy to come up with situations that won't work with what's there right now.  you get to deal with it, or find creative solutions
19:51.36Disconnectgdsx: i still don't see what i gain there, as a corporate user (or as a developer) vs what i lose..
19:51.46gdsx(or wait for other stuff to roll around)
19:52.02Disconnectfair enough, but that solution is simple (and istr there's an app out there that does that sort of thing already) - gps track and/or routing with pictures..
19:52.18gdsxpanoramio, but anyway...
19:52.19Disconnecter, that problem i meant
19:52.39Disconnectis there a built-in encryption method?
19:52.41LenoliumSo, is it much of an issue to let my G1 run the battery all the way out?
19:53.14volno, doing so will give you better battery life it seems?
19:53.36Cedric2Lenolium: it's actually recommended in the beginning. Drain it out, recharge it completely, repeat a few times
19:53.41Lenoliumvol: Yeah, I don't think it will give you better battery life, just better battery status reporting.
19:53.48DisconnectLenolium: ...which translates to battery life
19:53.52Disconnectsince it shuts down based on that status
19:53.56andyrossLenolium: clearly yes: your phone will fail when the battery runs out. :)
19:53.57Disconnectand stops charging based on it too..
19:54.48Disconnectthis isn't nicad country anymore :)
19:55.30volthis is flavor country
19:57.06Disconnectdoes know what flavor the g1 is leaving so far.. :( but at least most of it is software related.
19:57.56LenoliumDisconnect: Hey, no complaining about the software until I release my Netflix app, then you can really start complaining.
19:58.07Disconnectdoesn't use netflix.
19:58.28Disconnectbut do me a favor - cache full-size movie posters on the app partition, since its app-specific data that shouldn't be exposed on the sd card :)
19:59.03RyeBryeI accidently the entire android market?
19:59.12volyou accidentally what
19:59.19RyeBryebad joke...
19:59.24Cedric2Disconnect: there are probably copyright issues with that
19:59.45LenoliumActually, Netflix allows you to keep the downloaded data for only 24 hours.
19:59.48DisconnectCedric2: depends. but thats why they have to be cached off the sd card, keep them inside the app thats allowed to use them.
20:00.06Cedric2Disconnect: yes I misunderstood what you said, sorry
20:00.20DisconnectLenolium: but if its a netflix app certainly it'll have a queue manager.. and that queue manager can legitimately download a few dozen movie posters to the onboard storage...... :)
20:01.06RyeBryeDoes anyone else find it ironic that there is no "search" in the Google app market?
20:01.12Cedric2There is
20:01.14RyeBryeNM :)
20:01.23RyeBryeextracts foot from mouth and clicks "menu button"
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20:01.58wastrelgoogle is terrible about search ;]
20:02.14Disconnectthey were when i was searching for anycut... :)
20:02.31RyeBryeIsn't there some kndof GPS tools application?
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20:04.51LenoliumSo, the other question i have is hardware related: How bad is the compass on your G1? mine is fairly useless.
20:05.03RyeBryeI can't tell yet
20:05.09RyeBryeIs the compass just GPS based?
20:05.24RyeBryefor those to work, in my experience, you have to walk in a straight line for a meter or two and then stop so it has some idea of your orientation
20:06.13Disconnectno its supposed to be a proper compass
20:06.15waldo_no it's a compus
20:06.37Disconnectand mine is .. not good. part of that may be orientation tho, not sure whether its flat (like a physical compass) or if its vertical
20:06.50pawallsLenolium, Try waving the phone around in a figure-eight for a while. Works well for calibration (for whatever reason).
20:07.02waldo_i havent checked mine for accuracy, but it does work where you spin it around in google's street view and the image rotates
20:07.03RyeBryeUmm... UNless they reversed the earth's poles on me in my sleep - mine is saying South is directly north?
20:07.12pawallsDisconnect, Should work correctly when held vertically.
20:07.23pawallsBut like I mentioned, sometimes you have to shake the phone around for it to behave correctly.
20:07.48DisconnectRyeBrye: and you want 'orienteer' for basic/raw gps/compass info
20:07.53waldo_has someone made a simple boy-scout like compass app?
20:08.06RyeBryeYeah, I did get orienteer on now
20:08.39RyeBryeGPS is tied to the data plan activation?
20:09.10RyeBryeapologizes if his n00b is stinking up the room
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20:14.21RyeBryeT-mobile is so nice to sell 2GB microSD cards right from their website to you... for $40
20:16.09gdsxRyeBrye: it's free money.  It's just like Dell selling you memory
20:16.59RyeBryeIf I were to pay $40 for a 2gb microSD card, I'd expect it to have such a fast data rate that it would be capable of catching my phone on fire
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20:17.40Disconnectfwiw bestbuy of all places has 8g for $45. its tagged at almost 2x that (and the various compare-bot apps thought it was too) but they ran a check and i was $45.
20:17.54Disconnectis holding out for 16g tho, once the stupid microusb adapters show up
20:18.12DaMiEn667anyone here wanna talk about the G1?
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20:19.07Disconnecttry #tmobile-g1
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20:19.59RyeBryeyou are cruel :)
20:20.02DaMiEn667yes you are
20:20.06DaMiEn667I'm no newb here
20:20.07tethridgeDisconnect, you suck
20:20.12jeldDisconnect, :)
20:20.39DaMiEn667I got tired of looking at google and xda-developers for answers
20:20.52DaMiEn667so I decided to come ask you guys
20:21.03Cedric2I see what you did there
20:21.04DaMiEn667anyone have any luck getting root access on the adb shell yet?
20:21.27faddenNo, and you NEVER WILL!!!
20:21.27SyntaxNinjaGreetings!  I've been experimenting w/ the emulator and helloWorld type applications. I'm having trouble finding solid information; is there a way to browse the market without the market application that wuld be on the G1 phone? is it possible to get the default setup for the G1 in the emulator with all the applications?
20:21.32faddenWell, you might.
20:21.49faddenWe wanted you guys to have a nice challenge.
20:21.54tmccraryIt's a foregone conclusion ;)
20:22.17kslaterSyntaxNinja: pretty sure the answer is no
20:22.18DaMiEn667all of the sarcasm aside.... I take that as a no
20:22.29RyeBryeyeah, but the question is - did HTC want us to have a nice challenge, and how well did they protect the bootloader?
20:22.33umdk1d3dances around the room I WIN ^.^
20:22.33faddenI'm not aware of a root exploit yet.
20:22.49Cedric2I'm sure that as soon as someone finds a way to do that, it will be all over slashdot
20:23.02Cedric2Not that I'm recommending you to subscribe to the /. newsfeed, which would be cruel
20:23.08DaMiEn667does anyone know if the bootloader resembles anything like the other HTC ones?
20:23.21RyeBryeit looks simlar to other screen shots
20:23.35RyeBryehold down the camera button and the power button when you turn it on
20:23.49RyeBryeit flashes something, then comes up and says "serial 0" - which goes away when I hit the back button
20:23.58DaMiEn667do we get access to it over USB when it's in bootloader mode?
20:24.13RyeBryeso far the answer is no
20:24.41RyeBryeit doesn't appear to show up on the USB bus when it's in bootloader mode
20:25.01RyeBryeI'd take mine apart but there is a little "void" sticker on one of the screws ;)
20:25.23SyntaxNinjais there a Market application I can install onto the emujlator so I can bootstrap installing other stuff
20:25.27tmccraryI noticed that today getting my 3g working :)
20:25.43RyeBryebut wait... if the sticker is there, does that mean the warranty is already void?
20:25.52umdk1d3what happend?  o.o  what do you mean?
20:26.10umdk1d3gah wrong window
20:26.36RyeBryehey, where are the private keys for T-mobile's flash images in the git repository?
20:28.18RyeBryewhat is that thing right next to the sim card that looks like it's removable but is covered witha little flap on one edge of it?
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20:29.12romainguy_the microSD
20:29.15Disconnectthe microsd card maybe? opent he kb, look at the edge of the main body above the talk button
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20:29.44Disconnect(in teh space exposed by the kb open) .. thats the lip of the cover. pull it out and you can see the microsd. prolly there are clearer directions in the docs :)
20:30.06RyeBryei'm pretty sure it's not hte microsd - it's right next to the "void" sticker screw on mine - between it and the SIM card under the back casing
20:30.59Disconnectoh little silver dealy? thats the vibe
20:30.59gdsxRyeBrye: next to the "void" sticker that you're going to ignore? ;o)
20:31.05Disconnectnot a flap
20:31.08Disconnector its the camera button
20:31.10gdsx(note: I'm not suggesting you do that :o)
20:31.13RyeBryeProbably the vibrate thing
20:31.14zhobbsalmost looks like a capacitor
20:31.19gdsxcamera button's on the other side
20:31.23DaMiEn667it's the flux capacitor
20:31.26wastrelcamera is not so good
20:31.34wastreli can't take a decent picture with it anyway
20:31.47gdsxwastrel: try shooting with the battery cover off
20:31.56Disconnectlots of light, very steady shot, no motion
20:32.08RyeBryeI will likely not obey the void sticker once I get a decent service manual describing how
20:32.08wastrelgdsx: srsly?  that's inconvenient :]
20:32.24gdsxwastrel: I've heard it helps; I haven't tried
20:32.25RyeBryebecause service manuals often also describe what to look for to check for signs of it being taken apart before
20:32.57zhobbsbtw, where is the damn quake apk that google will demo but not release?
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20:33.54gdsxzhobbs: we're not releasing it currently because it uses native code, which is not supported right now
20:34.19Disconnect..cuz java isn't fast enough? :)
20:34.32Cedric2Java was too fast, it was unplayable
20:35.47gdsxCedric2: clearly, that means HTC should have installed a Turbo button
20:36.30andyrossgdsx: It was pointed out that the Mandelbrot application on the market is, in fact, using native code via the write-a-JNI-library-to-disk mechanism.  So clearly you're distributing it, even if not supporting it.
20:37.01Disconnectcuz when the fractals went that fast people had seizures
20:39.13RyeBryethis phone should come with a midget to help you change the microSD card
20:39.26jastaseriously, i had to have my gf do that
20:39.47marconewhy would you ever change it? Just stick in 8GB or 16GB and never worry about it again
20:39.59andyrossI used a pair of tweezers.  But yeah: the card cover/flap thing is just not good engineering.
20:40.00marconeOK, maybe next year when 32GB cards are out, you'll want to change it...
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20:40.26jastamarcone: well, everyone's gonna want to change it at least once :)
20:40.30jastai literally couldnt do it
20:40.33RyeBryeI was just going to solder 2 16 gb ones together... probably in series, right? if it were in parallel the capacity would drop in half?
20:40.55marconeandyross: would you have preferred the sd card be located underneath the battery, like in other phones? :)
20:41.00gdsxRyeBrye: quotefiled
20:41.16jastamarcone: well, it would have been easier for programmers :)
20:41.36andyrossmarcone: Maybe.  As stated, it doesn't get changed much.  The frustration with the G1 is that you feel like you're going to snap that flap off trying to get a clear path to the card.
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20:43.32faddenThe G1 is optimized for people with really long fingernails.
20:43.41tmccraryI'm used to it, my Nokia 770 had practically the same exact mechanism for the SD card
20:43.44Death_Synafter I swapped the 1gb card with 4gb, I haven't had to touch the card door
20:43.46marconeit never felt like the flap was coming off, but I did feel like my fingernail was coming off at times
20:43.51Disconnectmarcone: e90 has a reasonable door at the bottom (and its one of the only other ones that allows hotswap)
20:43.52Death_Syni just plug it into my pc to talk to the card
20:44.00volfadden: no, it's not, my fingernail doesn't activate the touchscreen : (
20:44.09ironfroggy_im sure someone here has/does use connectbot?
20:44.20spikebikeI hope I get my 8GB card
20:44.26spikebikeI do, but I'm kinda screwed
20:44.26Disconnectironfroggy_: i'm sure too.
20:44.31faddenvol: okay, "fingernail".  You only need one long one. :-)
20:44.34spikebikeI installed it from the web
20:44.38RyeBryeI was originally planning to have a set of a couple of microSD cards rotate between my mythtv and my phone so I could have it auto-remove commercials and auto-transcode TV shows I record onto my SD card so I could just grab, swap, and go
20:44.45spikebikenow I can't upgrade to the one on the app store because it claims it's signed with the wrong key
20:44.45volfadden: nothing exxcept my meaty finger seems to work :\
20:44.46RyeBryenow I realize that my plan was flawed
20:44.54ironfroggy_anyone know if connectbot maps anything as an escape key?
20:45.03DisconnectRyeBrye: too bad it doesn't play video :)
20:45.15spikebikeis there any way to remove an application installed from the web?
20:45.17RyeBryeVideo player? Doesn't it have hardware h264 playback?
20:45.19Disconnectironfroggy_: do menu-> about .. second page is kb shortcuts. but short version, double-tap the trackball
20:45.23spikebikeor do I have to reset the g1?
20:45.28volspikebike: absolutely
20:45.32volyou remove it like any other app
20:45.43spikebikeany other app I can do through the app store
20:45.56spikebikebut this wasn't installed through the app store
20:45.56volgo to settings -> applications
20:46.03vol-> Manage applications
20:46.10volsorry, assumed you were going through there
20:46.18volyou could also use adb to connect to the device and use adb remove
20:48.14spikebikeah, simple
20:48.20spikebikeI feel like an idiot
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20:48.22spikebikethat worked
20:50.21poetic_folly|G5huh eggy
20:51.24RyeBryeHow much phone storage is available on a new one? I've only got 55 megs left?
20:51.30eggypoetic_folly|G5 ;)
20:52.03romainguy_RyeBrye: that's expected yes
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20:53.25Disconnectneat, a bunch of blank activities in anycut. wonder which of them uses the BRICK permission? :)
20:53.59Disconnectand field test works, neat
20:54.05Tauno(what exactly does this do? :) )
20:54.16jastaman, i really enjoy this gerrit system
20:54.26jastagoogle did a great job on the workflow for community members
20:54.42volDisconnect: Yeah, I discovered Brick the other night.
20:54.48volTried installing an app from the web with it
20:54.58volholy shit it wanted to overwrite the android app
20:55.09vol(app from the web that I wrote and hosted so to see the permission that popped up)
20:55.34Disconnectyah. someone should sacrifice themselves and try it.
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20:55.50Disconnectgooglie-mooglies, i'm looking at you... :)
20:55.59Disconnect(since you can reflash)
20:56.08RyeBryeThat's funny
20:57.14volwell, I did adb install by accident :\
20:57.17volit didn't fuck up my phone
20:57.28volthough I've been having data issues today, but I could use data the other day so I'm pretty sure that's not it.
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20:57.53volcan also get emails.
20:57.57tomgibarajasta: I'm amused to read that after all of your comments along the lines of "Google don't get open source" :)
20:58.24jastayou must have misread my comments, in fact.
20:58.35jastai never once said they don't get it, i said i'm concerned they do not get it.
20:59.00tomgibaraYou must have misread my comment,  I said: "along the lines of"
20:59.28tomgibaraSo far I've only uploaded one simple patch, but it's been pretty smooth sailing.
20:59.33jastathe source drop was impossible to predict
20:59.43jastabut i am pleased with how this is structured, certainly
20:59.55jastaand im pleased with the quality of the product in general, which i also could not have foreseen
21:00.11tomgibaraI was really impressed with the whole organisation.
21:00.13jastadespite that i do think the phone should be marketted as T-Mobile G1 (BETA) :)
21:00.42tomgibaraI felt like a child in a sweet shop, scanning over the source the first day.
21:00.47ttuttletomgibara: heh
21:01.01jastai would say so far, many of my fears have been allayed.  and blieve me, i'm happy about that :)
21:01.07Disconnecttomgibara: don't forget you can't do anything with that source on a production device :)
21:01.30tomgibaraDisconnect: I can commit back to the project :P
21:01.36jastatomgibara: but from the information we all had, it could have just as easily gone the other way, so i don't feel silly for having the attitude i did.
21:01.50romainguy_that'll teach you not to trust us :p
21:01.56jastaactually, it won't.
21:02.14tomgibarajasta: No, I didn't say you were silly, but I was just not as pessimistic.
21:02.17Disconnectyah and they accept code fairly reasonably it seems, which is great. but then they have to issue a platform release, and then (eventually) tmob has to test it (in theory..) and schedule it for an OTA update (which is almost guarantied to brick some devices, so its a risk)..
21:02.22jastait'll just teach me not to categorically mistrust you.
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21:02.49tomgibaraDisconnect: Since I intend to own an Android phone, I'm glad that the carriers will be cautious.
21:02.55SyntaxNinjais there a way to install the "Android market" application itself onto the emulator? I can'T find it for download anywhere.
21:02.57jastatomgibara: well, the NDA business is what raised all of my red flags.  prior to that, i would not have thought anything sinister was afoot :)
21:03.09ttuttleSyntaxNinja: You can pull it off a production device, but it doesn't work on the emulator.  It just dies.
21:03.13ttuttleSyntaxNinja: (I tried.)
21:03.24Disconnecttomgibara: it'd be better if it were possible to do updates/flashes from the desktop. since that alleviates the whole "omg ota failed and now my phone it is paperweight!"
21:03.26jastattuttle: you can't pull it off a production device except for your fancy debug build
21:03.33romainguy_Disconnect: you can
21:03.36tomgibarajasta: I seem to remember saying at the time, the whole NDA thing was pathetic (fairly strong wording for me)
21:03.39romainguy_Disconnect: you can do updates from the sdcard
21:03.44ttuttlejasta: Wait, you can't?
21:03.50SyntaxNinjahm. that's too bad :(
21:03.50jastattuttle: no, /system/app and /data/app are unreadable
21:03.55ttuttlejasta: Do adb pull/push not work on regular... oh. :-(
21:04.00jastain fact, just about EVERYTHIGN is unreadable.
21:04.05Disconnectromainguy_: right.. but if i get creative and turn off my phone mid-update, its bricked. i can't go to or or and get anything to fix it.
21:04.36Disconnectand thats going to happen a small percentage of the time with OTA updates..
21:04.50ttuttleDisconnect: You can't turn it out without taking the battery out.
21:04.54jastatomgibara: well, either way i'm relieved and very excited for the future of this project.
21:05.02jastatomgibara: i saw that you starte dhacking on it already as well hhee
21:05.04ttuttleDisconnect: And it's also got a recovery filesystem that it can boot to if you brick the regular stuff.
21:05.07jastabeen browsing gerrit lately
21:05.10Disconnectnokia's new method (and one that ohter manufs have had in various forms for years) is better.. little win32 app that says "are you allowed to have this update? <read imei> .. ok!" and reflashes it
21:05.21ttuttleDisconnect: nice ;-)
21:05.23Disconnectttuttle: i'm sure that method will come, but for now..
21:05.24jastatomgibara: i'm implementing IMAP IDLE into the e-mail app and some other goodies
21:05.40spikebikedetests anything that requires a little windows app
21:05.41tomgibarajasta: My contribution has been much more modest
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21:05.52Disconnectttuttle: users are ingenious. and "it was blinking this funny symbol so i took the battery out so i could make a call"
21:05.54jastatomgibara: i have a 4 line patch in the tree already hehe
21:05.57Lenoliumjasta: Are you the one releasing K9-Mail? or is that someone else. (Also, has support for invalid SSL certificates in IMAP been added yet?)
21:05.59spikebikejasta cool, as a personal project or as a paid developer?
21:06.05ttuttleDisconnect: Users are generally dumb :-(
21:06.10jastaLenolium: that is someone else, i have heard it is quite poorly written as well
21:06.17Disconnectttuttle: right. but thats why you have desktop flashing as a fallback.
21:06.22Disconnectand as soon as that happens.. bootloader is wide open.
21:06.22ttuttleDisconnect: Yeah.
21:06.26ttuttleDisconnect: Not true.
21:06.30jastaspikebike: well, personal, but it won't take me but a couple of weekends to finish
21:06.38ttuttleDisconnect: The bootloader can know how to verify digital signatures ;-)
21:06.38jastaso i wouldnt call it a project
21:06.43spikebikecool, just curious
21:06.50jastaspikebike: my project is
21:06.51pawallsLenolium, I'm told that selecting "SSL (if available)" will make it accept self-signed certs.
21:06.53spikebikeheh, well it sounds like it might just grow into one ;-)
21:07.00Disconnectanyway its gtime to go home
21:07.02ttuttlepawalls: yeah, by just not doing SSL :-P
21:07.09Disconnecti'll be on later tho, got some coding to do
21:07.19jastaspikebike: no, i have other greater responsibilities :)
21:07.26Disconnectpawalls: s/self-signed certs/any certs at all/
21:07.35Disconnectand evidently (recent comment) it doesn't work for smtp
21:07.36pawallsttuttle, Are you certain that's the case?
21:07.39jastai'm just trying to get as much hacking done as i can before Diablo III and StarCraft II come out
21:07.42ttuttlepawalls: No, but it sounds very likely.
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21:08.11tomgibarajasta: Anyway, I have yet to see if my patch is acceptable - but I produced a small animation test app that could be useful in the right context. Maybe that will find a home somewhere.
21:08.12pawallsttuttle, I thought so initially as well, but I was informed otherwise.. I suppose one could test by firewalling 443 and leaving only imaps port open.
21:08.16faddenjasta: too late -- Fallout 3 is already out
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21:08.24ttuttlepawalls: 443?  443 is HTTPS!
21:08.26romainguy_jasta: what part of StarCraft 2? now they decided to split it in 3...
21:08.28pawallsgah.. sorry.
21:08.29romainguy_fadden: and it's good!
21:08.43ttuttlepawalls: ah
21:08.44pawallsttuttle, :-P
21:08.47jastaromainguy_: well, i'll play all 3, but of course i'm most excited by the Protoss campaign
21:09.21pawallsYou'd need some logging/instrumentation from your imap server (or some tcpdumping) to determine how it works for starttls though.
21:09.41ttuttlepawalls: Nah, just packetsniff and look for STARTTLS.  It'll be plaintext until then.
21:09.55pawallsttuttle, Right.. which is why I said "some tcpdumping" :-P
21:10.03DJTachyonthinks he should grab some old Wii games and go trade them in for Fallout 3
21:10.07ttuttlepawalls: Oh, didn't see that bit.
21:10.15LenoliumDJTachyon: That's the right decision.
21:10.27michaelnovakjrDJTachyon: >> /dev/null >> #android-bs
21:10.30DJTachyoni pre-ordered it .. but then I got a G1 :P
21:10.33romainguy_too bad that this Fallout is really just an Oblivion with guns
21:10.41pawallsttuttle, imaps is a little more black and white.. because if you firewall the port, it will simply not work if your assumption is correct.
21:10.47DJTachyonwell it is the oblivion engine
21:11.04romainguy_DJTachyon: sure but the whole gameplay really feels like Oblivion
21:11.13romainguy_not as much Fallout as I hoped it would be
21:11.17DJTachyongood thing I didn't play much oblivion then ;)
21:11.24faddenromainguy_: war never changes.
21:11.43DJTachyonhmm .. Red Alert 3 I pre-ordered too
21:12.02DJTachyonwhich should I get first?
21:12.24DaMiEn667So... anyone use AnyCut to create a shortcut to the manual button that checks for uptdates?
21:12.26DJTachyonhahah! Check it out:
21:12.34DJTachyonMy stamp is on the Best of the Day :)
21:13.13DJTachyonmust be some Android fans at Zazzle :P
21:14.00DJTachyonoops and just got another beta email from Skyfire .. don't need that browser anymore ..
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21:14.32wastrelcutest stamp ever
21:16.19DJTachyonugh i need to rework those blue ones to get the font off it now
21:17.32DJTachyonagh i left the xcf's at work .. guess ill do it tomorrow during lunch :P
21:17.48DJTachyonromainguy: thanks for the head's up on that btw
21:18.41DJTachyonit seems as long as it isnt in that font it is okay though
21:18.44volHaven't played Fallout 3 yet, hope you fuckers are lying about it being oblivion
21:18.47vol: (
21:18.54vol(oblivion was the worst elder scrolls game)
21:19.16DJTachyonwhat does metacritic have to say?
21:19.54DJTachyonw0w .. 93 so far
21:20.43DJTachyonthat is enough to get my hopes back up
21:20.58jastaromainguy_: so you once said that because the email app cant be build against the 1.0 SDK, i should fix any hidden classes its using?
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21:21.49jastathinking about doing that so i can build it cleaner, rather than having to copy files into the project from android's tree
21:23.31RyeBryeOk, the G1 officially sucks at playing back video
21:23.36tomgibarajasta: I was wondering, with such substantial changes, how would your improved email app get QA'd / accepted
21:24.07tomgibaraRyeBrye: What video, and what sucks?
21:24.17jastatomgibara: not my problem
21:24.23RyeBryejust a simple h264 video file encoded via handbrake with iphone HighRes setting
21:24.32tethridgeRyeBrye, why is that?
21:24.36RyeBryeand the fact that it doesn't play it back at all and just shows a black screen
21:24.36jastatomgibara: i'm hoping to launch my modifications onto the market tho, so at least it can get user tested that way
21:24.52DJTachyonRyeBrye: My videos are awesome
21:25.04DJTachyonRyeBrye: i don't know what you are doing wrong
21:25.20RyeBryeI'm probably trying to make it play back videos that are beyond it's capaibilities
21:25.37RyeBryewhich isn't hard to do since there is nowhere the damned capabilities are listed
21:25.55DJTachyondid you read the video player description?
21:26.08tomgibaraYou could browse the source, that might give you some hints
21:27.09RyeBryeThe description says 480x352 or smaller
21:27.13RyeBryebut that doesn't say shit about bitrate
21:27.21DJTachyonMPEG4 or 3GPP w/ H264 or H263, and audio in mp3, aac, or amr.  480x352 or smaller
21:27.27DJTachyonoh well try 768k/sec or lower
21:27.43DJTachyoni do 512-768
21:27.53DJTachyonwhat audio do you use?
21:28.00RyeBryeIt's not a huge deal, it's just annoying that it can't handle the vast library of h264 videos already encoded for the iphone
21:28.07RyeBryeThe audio is fine
21:28.10RyeBryeI can hear the audio
21:28.19RyeBryeI think it's using aac audio
21:29.05romainguy_jasta: if you can do it, yes
21:29.13romainguy_if you can't, or if it's too much work, forget it
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21:29.55DJTachyonalso, the video player app is just using existing API calls.
21:30.09DJTachyonI would love to see what an optimized version of VLC or TCPMP could do
21:30.09foobar``people with G1s -- does t-mobile forbid you from tethering in the contract?
21:30.20DJTachyonfoobar: I don't think so
21:30.33RyeBryeI've tethered with T-mobile and much cheaper data plans than this one
21:30.39RyeBryetethered over bluetooth
21:30.46DJTachyonfoobar: But an app for it hasn't come around yet, not to mention the "soft" transfer limit
21:30.49foobar``yeah but legally?
21:30.52RyeBryeYes, legally
21:31.03RyeBryeIt was a few years ago, so their terms may have changed
21:31.12DJTachyonbut isn't the BT API a bit limited ATM
21:31.13volI didn't see any language forbidding it
21:31.31voland there's a tethering option in ADB
21:31.35RyeBryeIhad to explicitly tell the guy I wanted to tether before he would even turn on the good internet plan on my piece of crap pohne - since my phone had no browser or anything in t
21:31.38romainguy_DJTachyon: I would love to see what an optimized version of VLC or TCPMP could do << I met one of the VLC guys last weekend
21:31.39waldo_apparently tmobile "looks the other way" on tethering, from what I hear
21:31.40romainguy_they want to do something
21:31.47DJTachyonoh awesome
21:31.56RyeBryeT-mobile is a really cood carrier, in my experience - they don't sweat much stuff
21:31.56DJTachyonyeah TCPMP on windows mobile was amazing
21:32.02DJTachyonThat would be really exciting
21:32.33RyeBryeAnd as far as normal GSM stuff goes - they have the exact same "bars" as AT&T does since you roam on their towers seemlessly and for free... (I know their 3G stuff isn't compatible - which is a shame :( )
21:33.01waldo_RyeBrye: agreed.. they are pretty great
21:33.22waldo_RyeBrye: no one else unlocks phones for you after 60 days for example
21:33.36RyeBryeSpeaking of which, I should get my G1 unlocked today :)
21:33.40RyeBryeJust to see if I can
21:33.49DJTachyonshould have got a G1 from Walmart :P
21:33.57RyeBryeDo they have them in there now?
21:34.03RyeBryethe T-mobile retailers near me dont' have them in stock
21:34.07DJTachyonyeah $149 :P
21:34.08RyeBryeor don't stock them rather
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21:34.23RyeBryeso if the walmart near me does, I'm going to be a little upset that I paid $179 and waited for them to send me one
21:35.03waldo_oh it's $30...  we're helping the economy :)
21:35.16waldo_AND we're also gaining the pleasure of not shopping at Walmart
21:35.40waldo_which is easily worth $30 IMO
21:35.51DJTachyonat least it wasn't the orig iPhone thing of $600 vs $400 vs $200
21:35.52waldo_and we got it early
21:37.11DJTachyonhey ryebrye
21:37.20DJTachyoni just did a test with AAC audio .. that may be the problem
21:37.31RyeBryeoh, interesting. I'll look into that too
21:37.34DJTachyonmy video lags hard with AAC
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21:41.42unix_lappyDJTachyon: the difference is you can still find PLENTY of G1's, not so with the release of 1st generation iPhone.
21:42.16DJTachyonwell I think the Apple Tax still had something to do with it
21:42.26DJTachyonhence the $200 rebate
21:43.30tmccraryunix_lappy: that's more truthful than you probably think
21:44.04volI heard the 2nd gen iphones were shitty though
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21:46.14DJTachyonfinally android source is building
21:52.13DJTachyoni love my computer .. build android on a VMWare Workstation instance of kubuntu while rendering video for the G1 :P
21:52.25unix_lappytmccrary: ?
21:52.41jastaDJTachyon: you could've built it faster if you stopped the video and used make -j
21:53.06DJTachyon-j =?
21:53.34DJTachyonseeing as I gave the VM 2 cores .. I think I'm okay
21:54.51unix_lappyhmm, you "gave" the vm 2 cores?  i'm pretty sure vmware workstation can only use one host core.  so you're virtualizing the second.
21:56.04DJTachyonit let me select 1 or 2 cores
21:56.04DJTachyoni have a quad ...
21:56.13unix_lappyyea, that's fine.  you're likely still only using 1/4.
21:56.17jastaDJTachyon: make -j is for parallelizing the build to take advantage of multiple cores.  android's build system makes efficient use of it.
21:56.32jastain a virtual environment tho, as unix_lappy points out, it probably won't do anything useful
21:56.36DJTachyonhmm interesting .. because two of my cores are going crazy and the other two are fairly tame
21:56.49jastabut if you were building on a native quad core machine, it would dramatically speed up the build
21:56.54DJTachyoni bet :P
21:57.00DJTachyonbut im too lazy to dual boot
21:57.22DJTachyonill remember the -j though .. could make things faster
21:57.26jastawell, if you were sensible you'd use a competent host os and windows as guest.  not the other way around :)
21:57.42unix_lappyDJTachyon: vmware workstation can utilize multiple cores, the process that operates the VM only works on one, so its very possible that 2 cores are going crazy, but only one is being used for the VM.
21:57.43DJTachyonindeed sir
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21:57.56DJTachyonoh interesting okay ..
21:58.11DJTachyonwell actually all 4 are spiking .. but two are definately more active
21:58.11unix_lappyjasta: heh, that's only viable on a desktop most of the time :-P
21:58.45DJTachyonmaybe I shouldnt have been stingy and given it 2 of my 4 gigs instead of 1
22:00.06unix_lappywishes virtualbox would put out a roadmap citing that they will have threaded VM processes soon.
22:00.24unix_lappyso he could decide on core2duo vs core2quad.
22:00.24spikebikejust uses xen
22:00.49spikebikeyou can dynamically change the number of CPUs in use in a domU
22:01.45romainguy_make -j 10 == 10 minutes to do a clean build of Android from the git tree on a MacPro :)
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22:02.40unix_lappyromainguy_: you get a new unibody one? :-)
22:06.07JoeBrainHows'it going guys
22:07.00DJTachyonhey ryebrye?
22:07.23JoeBrainI'm getting rumours of all these people selling unlocked G1s.  These all imports from Euro?
22:07.33DJTachyonTry MPEG4/MP4 @ 256k and FLAC AAC @ 96k  .. that seems to run okay
22:07.40JoeBrainAnd wouldn't the 3G not work w/ ATT SIM anyways?
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22:09.26TerdhexHi all, I have a question, After compiling the source, how could I create android.jar???
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22:11.02spikebikejoebrain correct, g1's 3g isn't going to work anywhere else
22:11.43gdsxspikebike: that's not really true
22:12.00gdsxspikebike: it won't work on AT&T's 3G network, but it does work on other, international 3G networks
22:12.27gdsxspikebike: the freqs that the handset supports are listed on HTC's website
22:12.48jastaTerdhex: android.jar is in...erm, hang on
22:13.19waldo_has anyone here gotten an OS update ota and if so did it tell you or just show up?
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22:16.13jastaTerdhex: the analogy in the source output is out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/framework_intermediates/classes.jar
22:16.29jastabut do keep in mind that this is not the same as the one distrbuted with the SDK>
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22:16.56jastathat one is trimmed (contains only public classes) and has no code (every function throws a RuntimeException)
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22:18.04jastawhereas the framework jar that the source produces is really just a compilation of frameworks/base/
22:18.51zhobbsjasta: ahhh, so if we use that jar to develop we can access all the private apis
22:20.04jastai dont think this file is interchangable with the SDK's android.jar for some weird reason
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22:20.20jastaas in, if you just replace android.jar with it, the Eclipse plugin seems to break
22:20.27jastago ahead and try it tho, i really dont remember why it broke
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22:21.15Terdhexthanks, I was about to try...
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22:21.35ironfroggy_im going to be very disappointed if i have to return my G1 :-(
22:22.46Dougie187so wait... G1 on att?
22:22.53Dougie187or is that just a hoax?
22:23.28jastag1 will work just fine on at&t i'm sure, just no 3G
22:23.38Dougie187whats this unlocking site?
22:23.39Cedric2Jasta is right
22:24.05jastaand without 3G, it's a useless piece of junk :)
22:24.14jastaat least for my purposes hehe
22:24.17Cedric2I used it on Edge for 1+ year, it's okay
22:24.18ironfroggy_you need to unlock for at&t? the option is right there in the settings to connect to at&t if you've got a compatible sim card.
22:24.27Cedric2hard to go back once you start getting used to 3G though
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22:24.44sisco[03:23:43PM] <jasta> g1 will work just fine on at&t i'm sure, just no 3G
22:24.45Cedric2Gmail is fine on Edge, Maps is probably the one that's most impacted
22:24.47jastaCedric2: yeah ive had 3G with AT&T for over a year now
22:24.48Dougie187well, whats this?
22:24.49siscowhy? att has 3G :/
22:24.58Cedric2sisco: different bands
22:25.01siscoya me too, i have 3G on my crappy att phone right now
22:25.04ironfroggy_i cant seem to get maps to work. period. i dunno if the network is that incomplete around here or what.
22:25.07zhobbsDougie187: I've used works
22:25.10jastasisco: because the hardware supports t-mobile's freq, and the more popular 2100 freq.  not at&t's.
22:25.21ironfroggy_i had to find my way home just now and it took the whole way and i still hadnt gotten directions pulled up. 20 minute drive.
22:25.32ironfroggy_what sucks is i really did need those directions!
22:26.48jastaCedric2: AT&T's network was better, i'm a little disappointed having switched to T-mobile
22:26.56jastabut it's not hopeless, t-mobile's network is OK for my needs
22:27.14ironfroggy_then why did i see so many people wanted to get their iphones running on tmobile?
22:27.16jastabasically because i'm a snob and prefer not to leave the city
22:27.19Cedric2Never used 3G on AT&T so I can't comment. 3G speed on TMobile was amazing in the first days of the roll out, but it was probably because nobody was on it yet
22:27.26jastaironfroggy_: the original iphone did not even support 3G
22:27.36ironfroggy_well, i didnt say original.
22:27.53jastaCedric2: AT&T's speed is about the same, but its coverage and signal strength is substantially better
22:28.00DJTachyon_god d@mnit
22:28.11DJTachyon_my new G1 won't be here til next week unless they ship express
22:28.28jastaCedric2: for instance, in my house in Seattle proper i have EDGE only, and even that signal is weak.
22:28.38DJTachyon_my company's stupid address won't resolve because they are PO Box only and UPS wont ship to PO boxes
22:28.44jastaon T-Mobile, I mean.  On AT&T, it was of course 3G and solid signal strength
22:28.54ironfroggy_im going to have to call tmobile about my service here. tmobile only recently started service in this area, so i dont know what affect that has.
22:29.17Cedric2TMobile only started rolling out 3G about a month ago, so it's really brand new
22:29.27jastaCedric2: but again, it's fine for my needs.  i never leave the city and so far my house is the only 3G deadzone i've encountered that i would have wanted
22:29.39ironfroggy_how do i figure out if im even in edge or g3?
22:29.49jastaironfroggy_: look at the G1 status bar, it tells you
22:29.51ironfroggy_ugh, right now, neither.
22:29.51Cedric2ironfroggy_: little icon in the status bar
22:29.55ironfroggy_no service.
22:29.58Cedric2it will say 3G or E
22:29.58jastaE means EDGE, G means GPRS, 3G means, erm, you can figure it out.
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22:30.26Cedric2Yeah, just to be clear: "G" alone is not a good sign :)
22:30.26ironfroggy_and if i have none of those?
22:30.41fadden'X' means no signal
22:30.48ironfroggy_i have bars, but no letters.
22:30.48jastaas a side note, i have noticed a lot of developers incorrectly use RelativeLayout to put right-hanging icons/text in list rows
22:30.50faddenWiFi looks like 4 horizontal lines
22:30.56DJTachyon_oh looks like android built .. :)
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22:30.58ironfroggy_i know the wifi is a different icon
22:31.02Dougie187that sucks that it costs 29 bucks to order a code to unlock your g1.
22:31.03zhobbsjasta: what's wrong with that?
22:31.04jastathe text in the center when it gets long will touch the icon
22:31.20jastazhobbs: if you dont do it properly, long text in the main area of the row will draw over the icon
22:31.22DJTachyon_less than 45 min for a build
22:31.24jastainstead of wrapping
22:31.27DJTachyon_not sure when it finished though
22:31.32zhobbsjasta: that's true
22:31.38jastazhobbs: this is present in the application list hehe
22:31.41jastaand ConnectBot
22:31.50jastaand quite a few other apps i've played with
22:32.00michaelnovakjrnot mine :)
22:32.15DJTachyon_so now how to I test the build on the emulator? :P
22:32.31jastaDJTachyon_: google around, some dude gave instructions
22:32.45ironfroggy_i dont get this. i can understand when the service goes between nothing and one measely bar, but mine jumps from none to 2 or 3.
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22:33.36DJTachyon_iron: mountains? weather? copper piping in the walls? :P
22:34.28ironfroggy_wheather has been decent. its been like this since i got it yesterday. im on flat land.
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22:38.11ironfroggy_so my phone status says data services are disconnected..
22:38.25jastawell, did you pay for them? :)
22:38.26Cedric2Badly configured APN?
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22:38.37ironfroggy_course i paid for it!
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22:38.44jastaironfroggy_: t-mobile can help you with this, im sure
22:38.47ironfroggy_you cant get the thing from tmobile without an unlimited data plan.
22:38.48Cedric2ironfroggy_: you should take it up with TMobile
22:38.49ironfroggy_im sure.
22:38.52sevahave any apps been pulled from the market? i can't seem to find shareyourboard anymore
22:38.53ironfroggy_im just saying. wtf.
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22:40.08oinkboinkhow to use variables in main.xml? and how to define them in the code?
22:40.14ironfroggy_and it also says edge :-/
22:41.12jastaseva: the developer might have removed it
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22:41.26jastaoinkboink: variables?  huh?
22:41.45jastaif you want string literals, put them in values/strings.xml (for internationalization)
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22:41.53jastaif you want dynamic data bound to views, use code.
22:42.13oinkboinksomething like: android:background="variable"
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22:43.03sevajasonchen: thanks, i've emailed the dev
22:43.07sevaer jasta: ^
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22:44.02jastaoinkboink: that makes no sense to me.  if you want to conditionalize the background, do so in code.
22:44.13jastaif you want to abstract the values, use values/strings.xml, values/colors.xml, etc.
22:44.59jastasee the ApiDemos, it covers a large spectrum of what the xml resource system in android can do
22:45.54herriojrwow, a lot of the permissions were changed for the filesystem as compared to the emulator
22:46.01oinkboinkok, thank you ...
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22:51.24michaelnovakjrany device people wann test my app?
22:52.46kslaterwhat's your app?
22:53.01herriojryeah, depends on what it is
22:53.10michaelnovakjrGlance -- file manager...
22:53.22michaelnovakjrsupports basic file operations
22:53.35herriojroh, it's a file explorer?
22:53.36ErikTSame here, I got an app that need hardware testing. - It's a simple tip calculator.
22:53.56michaelnovakjrherriojr: yea, with file operations as well
22:53.56marconeI'm working on a kickass flashlight app
22:54.09languishmichaelnovakjr, I'l; be happy to
22:54.22michaelnovakjrthanks ^^ link above
22:54.25herriojrok, give me about a day, I have stuff I'm working on for a deadline on Tuesday
22:54.44herriojrI'll give a list of errors and reports if I get any
22:54.57michaelnovakjrcool... i have a reporter...
22:54.57herriojremail me at, so I can get back to you about it
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22:55.48languishany f the googlers, if stadlero is near you, poke 'im and ask him if it was important?
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22:57.54ironfroggy_tmobile forgot to add the required data plan i paid for to my account.
22:58.05Dougie187ironfroggy_: that has been a common theme
22:58.15cbeust__ironfroggy_: glad you resolved it
22:58.47ironfroggy_thats common? jeeze.
22:58.58ironfroggy_so android cant run "regular" java ME stuff right?
22:59.32ironfroggy_just noticing that the maps app calls itself "Blackberry and Java ME versions" in the legalese
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23:00.43languishi read someone's working on a j2me emulator
23:00.59languishto run midlets on android
23:01.02andyrossHeh, so we can run all those must-have J2ME applications? :)
23:01.09languishseemingly, lol
23:01.10andyrossJ2ME died.  Let it rest.
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23:01.32languishhey, didn't you guys just release a gmail update for j2me :/
23:01.35waldo_wasn't there a doom4android demo a while ago?
23:01.45languishwaldo_. i
23:01.47cbeust__It was Quake actually
23:01.57languish, i've seen ference to a quake port
23:02.19andyrossThe glquake sources are available.  I'm sure someone else could do another port.
23:02.34ironfroggy_there is some emulator that opera mini used to port to android
23:02.49ironfroggy_tho they havent updated it since then and it doesnt work on the current api, of course.
23:04.40waldo_hmm..  funny there isn't a 1st person shooter on the market yet
23:05.13herriojrhow do you reset the android eclipse logcat plugin if for some reason it stops displaying logs?
23:05.22herriojrwithout exiting eclipse
23:05.26andyrossblames some of that on the quality of the OpenGL examples...
23:05.49andyrossherriojr: Use "adb logcat" instead? :)
23:07.09ErikTSo no takers on testing my little app? ;-)
23:07.58languishErikT, I think there's a discernable disinterest in tip calculators after so many hitting the market lol
23:08.12ErikTThat could be. ;-)
23:08.31andyrosshas an infant son at home, so isn't likely to be in a restaurant in the near future.
23:08.44languishI'll test it for you in a few
23:09.00f00f-too bad 802.1x EAP-TLS is not supported :/
23:09.19languishthough, i'm currently keeping BistroMath or whatever it's called, for those moments when I'm too slogged to do my own math
23:09.49ErikTThanks, Languish. I didn't work on cbeust phone, but he's not using a production version.
23:09.54languishdamn t-mobile, 3g's down *again*
23:10.03marconeI don't really see what a "tip calculator" offers over the regular calculator that's already included
23:10.20faddenmarcone: regular calculators do regular calculations.
23:10.24faddenTip calculators calculate tips.
23:10.47languishmarcone, when you're slogged, it's easier to just fill in the fields, so you don't forget to consider the tax rate of your locale among other things
23:10.52ErikTWell, I'd agree fadden, except it becomes a little complex when you need to exclude the tax from the tip calculation, etc.
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23:10.58cbeust__Erik, to make your calculator competitive, you should add a flashlight to it
23:11.10languishcbeust_ haha
23:11.22cbeust__and then it can be added to the Flashligh comparison
23:11.23oinkboinkin main.xml i have the line: android:layout_width="@string/field_width" and in strings.xml the line: <dimen name="field_width">40px</dimen> ...but i get an ressources found...
23:11.31DisconnectErikT: it needs gps so it can go reverse-polish in poland
23:12.11marconeif you're so strapped for cash that you have to exclude the tax from the tip, then you probably can't afford a G1 to begin with...
23:12.11Disconnectis tempted to build a simple app that requests almost all the perms just to see how many people say yes..
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23:12.37cbeust__Hey, at $150 everyone can afford one!
23:12.42cbeust__It's the Model T of phones
23:12.57ErikTmarcone, why should you pay tip on taxes, taxes neither goes to the waiter or the restaurant.?
23:13.00zhobbsmarcone: I was thinking the same thing
23:13.02mocsroxcbeust__: re walmart phone?
23:13.27Disconnect...why are you tipping so low that w/ w/o taxes makes a difference?
23:13.31mocsroxword .. requires activation + 2yr contract but oh well
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23:15.38marconeErikT: suppose you go out to dinner with your date, and spend $100. If you're in California, you'll end up paying an extra $8.50 or so in tax. Then you tip 20%, to further impress your date. If you tip on the tax, your total will be $130.20, otherwise it will be $128.5
23:15.55f00f-you don't need a tip calculator if you don't tip. simple.
23:15.58marconeDoes that $1.70 make that much of a difference?
23:16.19faddenWell, my date would be impressed an extra $1.70.
23:16.39ErikTMy wife wouldn't. ;-)
23:16.46marconeexactly. So double the tax, round up, and throw in few extra $. Done.
23:16.56andyrossNot sure I agree with the criticism there: clearly the point of the tool is to be correct, and the point of the tip is to reward the wait staff, not the state.  So tipping without tax seems like proper, if pedantic, software behavior to me.
23:17.22stadlerodouble the tax only works here because 2x CA tax ~= standard tip
23:17.32stadlerotip calcs are more useful in other states
23:17.39stadleroalso, most people suck at math
23:17.52andyrossSeems like this discussion is an existence proof that all those tip calculators folks are laughing at are actually useful gadgets. :)
23:17.53languishmichaelnovakjr, problem with downloading the app that I've encountered before. Every time, it's been an issue with the browser/webserver, not the .apk itself. T get the "warning" after it downloads, that installing will replace another application.
23:18.14languishI think it has to do with transferring as the wrong mime type
23:18.17Disconnectdivide by 10, double. round up or down depending on service. or if its that bad, just divide by 10.
23:18.39michaelnovakjri'll look into that languish thanks
23:18.49f00f-is it customary to tip if service is bad?
23:19.09marconeDisconnect: given that some people can't figure out how to exit ToddlerLock, maybe even such simple math is too much for the average user... :)
23:19.18languishmichaelnovakjr, usually it's fixed by prepending "www." to the domain, but in this case that didn't work.  (bug in the browser)  it also occurs when a file's location is being redirected
23:19.29Disconnectmaybe i need toddlerlock for giving demos
23:19.45michaelnovakjrah ok
23:20.26languishf00f-, it depends on the place. but if service is bad, you say WHY you left a reduced or no tip.  Keep in mind, if you have a watress and a buboy/girl, or anyone else helps you, they split the tip.. so if any one of them provides poor service.. try not to screw the others
23:20.30ErikTTipping a percentage is flawed to start with. Say, I drink water, and get a few refills, the waiter will get no tip for that. Now, if I get beer, he gets a tip. Tip should be based on the actual 'work', not a percentage. But people do suck at math.
23:20.53languishErikT, that's called common sense.
23:20.59languishwhich most people don't have
23:24.13ErikTAnyway, I was just looking at Bistromath, etc. Neither of them seem to over a way to input the amounts on the screen, you have to use the keyboard. That's kinda weird.
23:25.20ErikTThat's something I never liked about the J2ME version I wrote many years ago, and why I decided to write one for android.
23:25.22languisherik, my version of bistromath has an on-screen calc
23:25.32languisherr on screen number pad I should say
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23:25.48ErikTNice, that must be new, I just watched a review of it, and it didn't have it.
23:30.08ErikTlanguish, I see it, I just install it on the emulator.
23:30.17ErikTInteresting interface.
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23:39.51waldo_Quick poll-  Has anyone here experienced strangeness like being logged in as someone else to a google service (or other cookie weirdness)?? the browser that is.
23:40.54andyrossIf you're actually logged in as someone else, that's a bug on the server end...
23:41.08waldo_yes I was.
23:41.22waldo_and T-Mobile just brushed me off big-time on their online chat-help.
23:41.47andyrossDunno.  But a client can't magically synthesize authentication for someone else.  Could be a proxy bug, maybe?
23:41.52waldo_I logged into and was logged in as someone I've never heard of.  I should have written it down, but I was at a restaurant and demoing google docs.... so didn't.
23:41.59geistoh wow
23:42.03kingkungi have a question
23:42.04waldo_yeah no kidding wow!
23:42.05Lazthat would rock
23:42.28waldo_I logged out and when I tried to log in it said my cookies needed to be turned on!  I double-checked and sure enough it was on.
23:42.43waldo_Finally after solving a captcha it let me log in as me...
23:43.02waldo_I thought I remembered someone else somehwere online saying something similar had happened to them too.
23:43.21waldo_But if this is common it's a major major configuration bug.  I was on the g3 network incidentally
23:43.29waldo_major security problem I mean.
23:43.50geistyeah, like it's tied to the ip address, or some proxy thin
23:43.52ironfroggy_the g1 includes broken link bookmarks. thats kinda sad :-/
23:44.08andyrossCould be.  Get a screenshot if it happens again.  Which brings up a question: is there a screenshot application for the device?
23:44.15waldo_that's a good question too
23:44.43scootleywhat does "adb ppp ..." do? the documentation on it is sparce
23:44.44mickrobkandyross: i think there's an option for that in ddms, but im not sure
23:44.46waldo_well I'm putting it out there in case anyone else has a similar problem
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23:44.54waldo_scootley i think it's ppp over usb or something
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23:45.41waldo_wonder if it could be used for tethering...
23:45.47scootleyppp over usb is what the adb documentation says, but is the local machine the ppp server or client?
23:47.09waldo_ah.. good ole 'ppp...
23:53.11kingkungi have a question
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23:57.51jaeki'm having trouble with the android mail app... it is failing authentication... and it seems because my password has a space in it
23:57.54kingkunghow do i restore the alpha values of my png file when I store it into the content provider?
23:58.46ironfroggy_coincidentally, i like the mobile gmail website better than the gmail app...
23:59.02ironfroggy_might it be possible to actually get taken to the site instead of the app?

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