IRC log for #android on 20081025

00:00.09languishDoes the Androidchat .apk from googlecode work for anyone directly downloaded from the site?
00:00.09umdk1d3*get access to, meaning cant borrow them in a user app
00:01.08enfumd1d3: well, you have the source now... you can copy the colors xml file and change it however you want
00:01.22umdk1d3enf: right  :/  but its always better to reference in case something changes
00:01.32languishFor me, it downloads, and I can choose to install it, but nothing occurs when I do. (androidchat)
00:01.42umdk1d3languish: that apk was created back in april--i think its still back in m5 days
00:01.53languishJust wondering if it's another device specific quirk
00:02.08enfumdk1d3: true... but i don't think there's a better way to do it in this case
00:02.24languishumdk1d3, ahh ok thanks
00:02.25enfresource inheritance is just kind of a mess
00:02.35umdk1d3its somewhat cool though  :)
00:02.44umdk1d3keeps people from reinventing the wheel
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00:14.26After_MathI thought that Android would drop the price of phones?
00:14.39After_Math$399 retail does not seem like much of a reduction
00:14.48umdk1d3iphone was 500 retail, yes?
00:14.48After_Mathfor the G1
00:15.02After_MathWell thats Mac, and they are Elite
00:15.13After_Mathand their hardware is superior to G1's
00:15.25Dougie187After_Math: thats not too bad... for an unlocked phone.
00:15.28umdk1d3your face is superior to my fist
00:15.41Dougie187umdk1d3: ... wouldn't your fist be superior to his face?
00:15.45umdk1d3yea yea
00:15.47umdk1d3i just read it
00:15.50After_MathLOL haha
00:15.56Dougie187yeah, and how little sense you made?
00:16.07After_Mathumdk1d3, you dont want to break your fist on my face bro
00:16.09umdk1d3it was a horrible comeback  :P
00:16.13unix_infidelin the world of foot, fist, face, foot and fist always win against face.
00:16.16Dougie187yeah it was.
00:16.40Dougie187yeah. its like rock paper scissors when you replace paper with wet paper.
00:17.21After_MathI dont know, I really dont know what to think of Android and the G1 right now
00:17.38Dougie187what do you want to think of it?
00:17.38f00f-let's go smoke a dougie!
00:17.40umdk1d3carefully separate the software and hardware
00:17.46f00f-well, i'm kind of excited. i should be getting my G1 on monday!
00:17.58umdk1d3f00f-: you didnt get one yet?  :(
00:18.10Dougie187f00f-: did you like just order it?
00:18.12After_MathDougie187, well It seemed way more hyped then what it seem to be
00:18.18f00f-it shipped out today
00:18.19f00f-(or it will)
00:18.26f00f-yeah, got two
00:18.34Dougie187After_Math: it seemed hyped to you? I feel quite the opposite. I think it was not very hyped at all...
00:18.44Dougie187f00f-: thats pretty sweet.
00:18.47After_MathDougie187, commercially no it wasnt
00:18.47unix_infidelDougie187: he's not the masses.
00:19.29After_Mathunix_infidel, no I am not but considering myself as a geek, I intend to be shocked if google thinks its going to come to a new market
00:19.40f00f-so any stats on app downloads yet?
00:19.48After_Mathbut I will say they havent opened up the 3rd party market yet
00:19.50f00f-i saw 50k somewhere
00:19.54umdk1d3there are rough stats in the market
00:19.58umdk1d3for each app
00:20.02Dougie187f00f-: most people are downloading things, but staying away from muthu's apps.
00:20.12After_Mathlol muthu
00:20.23ralfzumdk1d3: you can see the stats on market? where?
00:20.33umdk1d3ralfz: its in the header bar
00:20.37f00f-umdk1d3: so what's your total guesstimate?
00:20.50ralfzulmen: oh.. i though it was on the web
00:20.54After_Maththe OEM apps are basic....
00:21.05umdk1d3no app has broken 50,000 yet, from what i can see
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00:21.14After_MathI expected more control
00:21.22umdk1d3weather channel is most popular right not, and they have 10-50k it says
00:21.23f00f-best apps?
00:21.32f00f-nice, that's a good household name
00:21.38umdk1d3f00f-: there is some magic app that i really wanna hack
00:21.49umdk1d3its an app that automagically gives your phone free wifi at tmobile hotspots
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00:22.09f00f-umdk1d3: slurp the .apk and let the fun begin :)
00:22.11After_Mathumdk1d3, what would you do with it?
00:22.16ralfzumdk1d3: isnt' there already a t-mo wifi finder
00:22.19umdk1d3well, first, you prolly cant reverse engineer
00:22.20waldo_is back (gone 01:06:00)
00:22.27umdk1d3so i would sniff wifi traffic
00:22.47umdk1d3i dont think its as simple as the att user agent string hack
00:23.02f00f-yeah set up your lappy as an AP and transparently proxy it to a nearby T-Mobile hotspot
00:23.09f00f-best done in a coffee shop?
00:23.29umdk1d3i guess they have tmobile here in town at kinko, so i was gonna head over there at some point
00:23.47umdk1d3well, its just wifi, so promiscious packet sniff
00:24.27umdk1d3wonders what the least popular app is
00:24.29ITechJunkieHey guys. Do XML files have the same type of function as a CSS style? Basically for defining properties of elements in the source?
00:25.08umdk1d3ITechJunkie: in a way, yes
00:25.22umdk1d3they can define all sorts of stuff
00:25.23morrildlOkay, time to drink champagne and play Mega Man 9
00:26.17ITechJunkieumdk1d3, I'm only new to programming and want to develop for Android. Can you give me a brief comparison of the two so I can understand a little of the differences?
00:26.25umdk1d3ouch lol ecorio is 3rd from last in popularity, and thats with tmobile promoting them in stores
00:27.04umdk1d3the first xml youll probably encounter in android is in /layouts/ folder
00:27.23umdk1d3its more like xhtml for your gui.  you define the controls/widgets you want to put on your screen
00:27.59umdk1d3for most people, thats good enough.  but you could also abstract some of the settings, like colors and font sizes,etc, but that is fairly advanced
00:31.38ITechJunkieumdk1d3, thanks man. Makes sense.
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00:52.20umdk1d3jasta: you around?  wondering how you resolved that issue with the installer signature issue
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00:55.48ITechJunkieSo does anyone know if Bash has been ported over to the G1 yet?
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00:58.16Ramblurrif i want to make an activty that has some widgets (like an EditText)  above a ListView.. does it have to implement ListActivty?
00:59.17jasonparekhRamblurr: nope, not at all
00:59.36Ramblurrshould i ?
01:01.45jasonparekhup to you.  ListActivity makes something easiers, but not much.  If you do inherit from ListActivity, your custom layout should have a ListView with id="@android:id/list" (the ListActivity will reference that ListView)
01:03.17illuminumis there a hack out yet to see linux boot, initializing system services and such
01:03.22illuminuminstead of a stupid robot
01:04.23Lazthe robot is cool
01:04.34amitavaits not stupid robot. its Android. >.<
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01:04.48illuminumyeah but linux is more cool
01:04.54illuminumlogos are for windows
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01:05.54illuminumalso i'm still fiending for a terminal to get to a shell and a port of vim :-/, wish i had the time to do what it takes to code these things
01:06.42unix_infidelI'm almost certain they've ported vim for debian-arm.
01:06.55illuminumiphone yes
01:07.17illuminumagvim would be nice (android graphical vim)
01:07.40unix_infidelilluminum: iphone?
01:07.53illuminumoh i thought you said darwin
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01:08.24k4jcwAnyone had to reformat their SD card yet?  Either Windows or the G1 totally hosed my SD card when I was syncing MP3s to it.
01:08.34jadamsI just got my 16GB microSDHC card in today
01:08.43jadamscopied files over on the desktop, popped it in, golden.
01:08.56illuminumprobably windows
01:09.04illuminumprobably decided it didn't like utf and made it iso
01:09.15illuminumi'm guessing, pulling that guess out of my ass but it's probably not far off
01:09.36k4jcwI've been using it for a couple days.
01:09.38jadamsis there a good app for saving a day's trip data from the gps?
01:09.46k4jcwHaven't had a problem until just today.
01:09.54jadamsI'm aware of ecorio, but it ate my battery as far as I can tell
01:10.02jadamsalso, stupid question: how do I uninstall an app?
01:10.30illuminumi think thats somewhere in settings jadams
01:10.34illuminumapplications i think
01:10.45unix_infideldidnt know that you could uninstall an app unless it was installed from marketplace.
01:10.50jasonparekhjadams: easiest is Market > My downloads > [app] -> Uninstall
01:10.53jadamsoh yeah
01:10.55jadamsI forgot
01:11.00jadamsmy problem is that ecorio doesn't sho wup in the list
01:11.11jadamsjasonchen, thanks
01:11.54jadamsit shows up in the market list of apps, just not from settings
01:12.14jasonparekhjadams: it's probably in Settings also, just under the package name since they must not have provided a label for the <application> in the manifst
01:12.30jadamshow about closing an app?
01:12.41jadamsit gets sluggish sometimes, and some apps don't offer the ability to close them
01:12.57romainguy_jadams: just press back, this will finish the app
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01:13.38jadamsromainguy, sometimes they're still available if I hold down the home button, in the list
01:13.43jadamsromainguy, err, most of the time
01:13.44mpardohow do i align an image to the bottom of a view?
01:13.50illuminumaye, as soon as a terminal client comes out (i'm assuming android has /bin/sh or something of the sort already on it) we can just ps aux and kill -9
01:13.51mpardoi have fill_parent
01:13.56mpardothen what?
01:14.00romainguy_jadams: that doesn't mean the app is running
01:14.02tparkinI installed an app, then installed a newer version and now the new one crashes due to leftovers of the previous.  Anyone have a solution for this?  I way to clear out the old one completely - even after it says its uninstalled?
01:14.10romainguy_jadams: it's the list of apps recently launched
01:14.15mpardoadb uninstall
01:14.16romainguy_jadams: let the system handle this :)
01:14.33tparkinmpardo, I did that but it fails saying its not there, but some of it is apparently
01:14.35jadamsromainguy, alright, I only ask because sometimes the system gets unbearably slow
01:14.40romainguy_illuminum: no, because you cannot be root
01:14.43jadamsromainguy, that is, it fails to handle it to my satisfaction
01:14.48illuminumhaha what romain?
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01:14.59mpardodid you clean your project?
01:15.07languishIf anyone asks about video for the G1/Video Player  give them this url
01:15.07romainguy_illuminum: if you had a terminal application, you could not be root so you could not kill processes
01:15.20mpardodebug and see where it breaks
01:15.24jadamsromainguy, don't think anyone will figure out how to become root? With physical access?
01:15.25illuminumwhat does the system run as?
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01:15.31illuminumuser android or something?
01:15.36tparkinmpardo me?
01:15.44romainguy_jadams: maybe, but that's not out of the box
01:15.45mpardotparkin yes u
01:15.48tparkinI'm using apks, not my app
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01:15.51illuminumdoes whatever user runs the system have su?
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01:17.04romainguy_illuminum: there's no su
01:17.19wastrelt-mob fixed my internet
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01:18.25illuminumhmm, guess i'll just wait for the hackers to make enough mods and port enough tools to provide a proper linux subsystem
01:20.16*** join/#android thoraxe (
01:20.40thoraxeis there a channel for the G1? or are g1-related questions ok in here?
01:21.03jadamsthoraxe, no one has killed me yet for asking
01:21.04languishwastrel, did they tell you what the issue was?
01:21.17languishwastrel (and congrats!, welcome to the party :)
01:21.20thoraxeso i connected to my home wifi but then no webpages would come up... that seems.. odd :)
01:21.43SamSerious_How long does it take for 3G activation? I still don't have 3G.
01:22.04languishSamSerious_, be sure your area is covered by 3g, not areas are.
01:22.10SamSerious_Yes I am
01:22.13wastrellanguish: no i haven't spoken to anyone since the ticket was put in to lvl 3 support.  i just checked and it's fixed .  i presume they'll call on monday for a followup so they can close the ticket
01:22.48languishSamSerious_, call t-mobile to make sure it's enabled on your account. Even if you think it is, they've had some accounts it needed to be enabled.
01:23.09languishSamSerious_, when you call 611, just say "g1"
01:23.20languish(to the AVR)
01:23.25SamSerious_OK, Calling right away. Thanks for the info :)
01:23.29languishno prob :)
01:23.43languishwastrel, cool.
01:25.35mpardoanyone know how to align a widget to the bottom of a liner layout?
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01:29.51thoraxeare there any vpn clients yet?
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01:31.23wastrelwoo market application crashed :]
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01:33.40landslidewith the anroid stack, how do i get it to build the emulator image?
01:33.49landslideby default it builds a generic image.
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01:36.32waldo_landslide you're using eclipse?
01:38.04landslidenah, i'm talking about the stack
01:38.07landslidenot the SDK
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01:44.56SamSerious_Well no 3G yet in my area. Rep said its gonna take some 48 hrs to expand 3G coverage in my area.. I called twice. One said I already have 3g near my area & another said just opposite.. lol
01:45.00halei'm trying to get .apk files to work on the emulator.  i'm a n00b.
01:45.15haleis there a list of .apk that work with the latest release?
01:45.48languishSamSerious_, give it 3 weeks.. it's t-mobile...
01:46.14languishtil then you always have wifi :)
01:46.31SamSerious_dunno.. Im new tmobile customer. thanks to G1.. :p
01:46.41languishlol you poor bastard
01:46.53thoraxelanguish: i totally couldn't go to any webpages but google when i had wifi on
01:47.03languishget on over to the t-mobile forums to see what you'll be dealing with, good and bad.
01:47.22languish)with regards to t-mobile itself)
01:47.34languishthoraxe, strange
01:47.43languishthoraxe, you were connected to your own wifi?
01:48.08languishthoraxe, or is the issue fixed now?
01:48.13wastrelpicsay is a good program
01:48.27thoraxei was connected to my hoem wifi. i disconnected
01:48.30thoraxei'll try again later
01:48.37thoraxei can't wait till they come out with a vpn client
01:48.41SamSerious_Whats the battery stat. for you guys?
01:48.43thoraxei downloaded connectbot :)
01:49.35wastrelthere's a ssh program
01:49.35languishSamSerious_, it varries wildly
01:49.36thoraxewastrel: i need vpn to access my work email
01:49.36languishSamSerious_, don
01:49.36haleis there a list of .apk that work with the latest release?
01:49.36SamSerious_I cant wait till a irc client which runs at background like gtalk..
01:49.36halei wanted to try some programs on the emulator...
01:49.48languishSamSerious_, don't leave your 3g/wifi/gps enabled all day long when not using it, and the battery WILL last all day long
01:50.34thoraxe3g uses extra battery????
01:50.45thoraxei turned on gps and the location got worse lol
01:50.48languishthere's a setting to just use 2g
01:50.51thoraxebut i was inside
01:50.54SamSerious_Well for me, first run was like 4 hrs with 3 hrs awake time (mostly online over edge)
01:51.12SamSerious_languish: yeah. everything is turned off
01:51.41languishthoraxe, you have to be outside, and give the GPS time (even up to a couple of hours sometimes) to locate satellites.  since it's aGPS it should take less time, but you still need to be by a window.. clear view of the sky.. for the GPS to work properly
01:51.59languishSamSerious_, yes, when I'm using everything, I get about 4 hours.
01:52.08thoraxelanguish: that's what i figured
01:52.16thoraxelanguish: i'm in a major metro so i probably won't need the real gps too often
01:52.19PoohbaLTis eclipse different on linux?  i can't follow the instructions on creating getting started.  start a new android project is not an option
01:52.34languishwhen I manage, and use moderately.. I get about 8 hours, and with meager use.. it'll last me a couple of days
01:52.42languishthoraxe, nod
01:52.58SamSerious_languish: No that was after unboxing with default charge (some 60-70%)
01:53.00languishbut I doubt I'll ever do meager use
01:53.08languishSamSerious_, cool
01:53.35languishalso.. with the G1's battery.. small recharges throughout the day are best.. don't drain and full up, drain and full up
01:54.14languishyou can drain it once in awhile, and full up.. just so it has proper battery life calibration.. once a month or less often
01:54.51languishjust carry the USB cable with ya.. since it charges the G1
01:55.08languishand randomly scare people by plugging in to their laptops
01:55.49SamSerious_I dont do much talking.. may be some 10 min in a day. weekend may be 30 min max.. lol. All i want is data.. :D
01:56.48languishyeap d-d-d-date is the word, the word that you heard, it's got cool.. it's got meaning
01:56.49SamSerious_Now its 30%, 11h:22m up; 2h:35m awake
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01:56.57languish*data :/
01:57.04landslidewhat's the difference between the android simulator and android emulator?
01:57.23languishlandslide, a simulator is just a fake representation that's not functional
01:57.39languishfor demonstration of the interface
01:57.40mpardois there any way to procedurally check if a service is running?
01:57.55landslideahh i see
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01:59.01mpardono? :O
01:59.57languishmpardo be patient, wait for one of the clueful devs to be aware of your question :)
02:00.13languishit's dinner time for most of them
02:00.18mpardolol i'm an impatient american
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02:00.25languishme too buddy me too
02:00.29mpardono but srsly i've asked a million times
02:00.53languishperhaps you need to ask during another time of day.. lol
02:00.58gdsxmpardo: what do you mean by "service"?
02:01.04mpardolike ALL day :|
02:01.05gdsxand yeah, it's sort of friday night in MTV
02:01.18mpardoi extended PhoneStateListener
02:01.31mpardoer wait
02:01.40languishocrap, todays friday?
02:01.46mpardoyea... lol and then i put it in a service
02:01.49languishheads out
02:02.00mpardoi want to check and see if it's still running
02:02.50languishok just kidding. i'm a married guy. i don't need to hit the scene to get laid. life is good, it's cold out. i'm stayin home.
02:03.27SamSerious_cold!! where?
02:03.35mpardoi'm gettin married next saturday :|
02:03.55gdsxmpardo: dunno, sorry
02:03.59SamSerious_wow congratulation mpardo :D
02:04.08mpardoi just had a medium pizza some beer and a cigar... gotta rebel real quick lol
02:04.23languishmpardo, I'm very haqppily married but man.. my condolences.....err congrats :)
02:04.34SamSerious_im having some mexican rice, chips n
02:04.42languishSamSerious_, nyc
02:05.09languishit's not freezing but it's uncomfortably chilly
02:05.09mpardomi here... cooooold too
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02:05.57SamSerious_i miss cold weather...
02:06.27mpardoSamSrious_ until you total your call cuz of black ice
02:06.27PoohbaLTwhat is the best link to use for a speed test on the android?
02:07.18SamSerious_huh mpardo ?
02:07.25mpardoer nvm
02:07.38ITechJunkieI got it mpardo
02:07.48gdsxblack ice sucks when you're on a bike
02:07.57SamSerious_i might not get some of your american jokes since im not
02:07.59ITechJunkieOklahoma had a bad case of black ice last year
02:08.02mpardogsdx and drunk
02:08.11languishPoohba, click 100k then click choose a larger file
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02:08.25languishthen click 1MB
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02:09.29languishI get around 218k on it on i
02:10.59thoraxehow often does it sync the imap folders
02:11.07thoraxecuz i've got some folders i deleted in an email account that are still showing
02:11.23thoraxei really hate that you can't hit the delete key in the gmail app to directly delete an email hehe
02:11.37SamSerious_how do i separate gmail contacts from phone contacts?
02:11.47PoohbaLT649k, 604k, 698k
02:11.52wastreli don't think you can?
02:12.34PoohbaLTis there a way to get a 5min screen timeout?
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02:12.43thoraxePoohbaLT: you mean screen blank?
02:12.57SamSerious_Ah. thats bad. I have like 200 useless contacts in my gmail account.
02:13.12wastreli started fresh with a new gmail account :]
02:13.15thoraxeohhh... don't think so
02:14.08languishPoohbaLT, go in to settings, sound & display, scroll all the way down to screen timeout
02:14.17Ramblurrman i'm having some problems right aligning an image view in a horizontal linearlayout
02:14.52PoohbaLTcan i change who i'm sending mail as, like I can in gmail on the computer?
02:14.54languishah, it jumps from 2 minutes to 10 minutes, no 5 minutes
02:15.01PoohbaLTlanguish: right
02:15.53PoohbaLTon windows at work i was able to do the hello program but at home on windows i cannot.  i can't get eclipse to have the "New Android Project"  why is that?
02:16.09PoohbaLTand are ther any other good tutorials that you guys know of?
02:16.16PoohbaLTi'm new to java too
02:16.26Ramblurranyone know why the image view in this ui isn't right aligned at runtime?
02:16.31wastrelnew to java you say
02:16.57PoohbaLTyes.  doesn't it use java?
02:17.17umdk1d3hmm is there a good way of forcing z-order when you have stuff overlapping?
02:17.41SamSerious_Ah got it. I can put all the gmail contacts in a group and then unselect that group from syncing..
02:17.52umdk1d3oh i think i figured it out--its based on the xml order.  i thought it wasnt working there for a second
02:21.32Dougie187so, you can get a G1 at costco?
02:21.51Dougie187$350 Mid contract.
02:22.18unix_infidelanyone know of any community tutorials?
02:22.27Dougie187err $229 mid contract.
02:22.29Dougie187(in store)
02:22.55languishunix_infidel community tutorials? besides what's here?
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02:23.14unix_infidelhmm, anddev seems to have really grown since last week.
02:25.06unix_infidelmaybe not the most polished site :-P
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02:26.56wastrelis there a cannonical list of open source apps out there?
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02:27.47Dougie187umdk1d3: you gonna order another one?
02:28.09PoohbaLTlanguish: what program is this using to create programs?  It doesn't look like Eclipse
02:28.21languishwastrel, I don't think there's a single authoritative list or archive yet.
02:28.48galtoidanyone done a camerabutton+power on boot and got the serial to work yet?
02:28.58languishPoohbaLT, ask the devs in the channel :)
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02:30.55galtoid..and I wonder if there's serial running on a few pf the connector pins at that point?
02:31.00umdk1d3Dougie187: dont know  :/
02:31.07umdk1d3i would if i could get it w/o contract
02:31.25umdk1d3or get it under an at+t contract
02:31.34umdk1d3tmobile data doesnt work at all in this town
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02:31.53galtoidor mabe a better question is, where are the g1 hackers at? :)
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02:34.46Dougie187umdk1d3: it says you can get it while in a contract for 229.
02:35.12Dougie187so maybe wait a bit and you can get a new g1
02:36.17k4jcwNow how do you get it out of serial boot mode?  Power key doesn't seem to work.  Take out the battery?
02:36.50eggyI'd buy a G1 if I didn't have to commit to T-Mobile contract :D
02:37.08Dougie187eggy: you can...
02:37.26umdk1d3Dougie187: oh, so you can pick up multiple G1s under the same contract  =D
02:37.36Dougie187umdk1d3: i would assume so?
02:37.57eggyyeah, but its like $350 or something, right
02:38.17Dougie187eggy: yeah. 400
02:38.28eggythought I heard something about 90 days too?
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02:38.47Dougie187eggy: 90 days until they unlock it for you. but the contract is a month by month thing.
02:38.58Dougie187so just do it one month, wait 60 days, get it unlocked and your good
02:39.24eggyAnd I can get a cheep plan for a month? Heh
02:39.33Dougie187yeah, even better.
02:39.38eggyI use AT&T as my primary.
02:39.50eggyI don't really want to switch, but I like the ideas behind the G1 a lot.
02:40.01eggyWell, Andriod in genearl
02:40.07Dougie187well, after the contract breaks, you can't use the phone. just use wifi or something
02:40.11Dougie187and use it to develop
02:40.26eggyYeah, well that's exataly what I'd use it for
02:40.35eggyI don't care about the provider stuff
02:40.40Dougie187you can use it as a mid and developer handset
02:40.50Dougie187but if you reset it or anything you will need to borrow an activated sim card.
02:41.08eggyunless they'd unlock it
02:41.23Dougie187true, this is just what i hear is the easiest way to do it now.
02:41.29umdk1d3what are the typical early termination fees?  or will tmob let you get it with month-to-month contract?
02:41.35eggyWhich is why I'm probably going to wait and see if they'll actually unlock them after 90 days. From what I can tell, its merely hersay
02:41.39Dougie187umdk1d3: the month to month g1 costs more.
02:41.58Dougie187eggy: well, it is of course hearsay right now because it has only been out for 2 days.
02:42.19eggyYeah, I know that :)
02:42.32Dougie187umdk1d3: but etf for most other carriers as i know are 150
02:42.33k4jcwT-Mobile has a good track record for unlocks, however.
02:42.53eggyallrite -- thats good to know
02:43.37eggyPlus, I wouldn't think the concept behind Android and having an "open handset" would promote provider locking for very long.
02:43.54Dougie187true, and i bet users will find a way to unlock them yourselfs.
02:44.11eggyI suspect that's true too.
02:44.15k4jcwLocking and open source have nothing to do with each other.
02:44.21Dougie187but thats that whole activated sim thing.
02:44.43Dougie187if you pop an activated sim card in a g1, add a gmail acct, and swap back to an unactivated sim card you're basically unlocked.
02:44.52Dougie187you just can't make calls, but you can use the phone for everything else.
02:44.56Dougie187(on wifi)
02:45.14eggyYou mean, T-Mobile activated SIM?
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02:45.45eggyhrm - there's a T-Moible store not too far from here
02:45.50eggywonder if they have any G1s
02:45.59Dougie187you have to buy it with a plan from what i know.
02:46.03unix_infidelDougie187: unlocked in the sense that you dont need a t-mobile sim, but you cant use it on any other carrier.
02:46.06k4jcwIf you get one, don't get the bronze one.
02:46.19Dougie187unix_infidel: true, but can you unlock it in that sense ever?
02:46.32f00f-i was on the phone with my t-mobile guy
02:46.36unix_infidelDougie187: meh, maybe.
02:46.38f00f-we only had a choice between brown and black
02:46.43k4jcwSeriously, the keyboard backlighting is much poorer than the black.
02:46.50unix_infidelI'd like a different device to salivate over unlocking though.
02:46.50k4jcwBrown ... bronze... same thing.
02:46.51Dougie187unix_infidel: i thought the data frequencies of the phone were not supported by other us carriers
02:47.17eggyWell, I'm in no rush to buy a G1 at this point in time :-)
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02:47.30unix_infideliirc one of the development G1's were able to get on AT&T
02:47.54mmatticeDougie187: it's a quad band phone.  it'll work on any gsm carrier
02:48.06f00f-it's operator locked though
02:48.10f00f-but you can just get the sim card hack
02:48.12f00f-very easy
02:48.26unix_infidelmmattice: he's talking about the 3G freqs.
02:48.32Dougie187f00f-: or if tmobile unlocks it after 90 days you don't have to worry about it.
02:48.33eggybtw, is it just me or is the Maps application missing from the open source Android?
02:48.42f00f-yes, that'll work too
02:48.46Dougie187and yeah unix_infidel  thats right.
02:48.46f00f-probably that is your best, stress-free bet
02:49.02f00f-unlocking it is pointless since you lose 3G
02:49.04k4jcwf00f-, is your handle derived from the Intel F00F related CPU bug?
02:49.30f00f-k4jcw: yeah, i get a lot of heat for the F0 0F bug
02:49.36f00f-k4jcw: what class are you?
02:50.14f00f-nice, i'm tech.
02:50.55k4jcwah, cool.  What's your call?
02:51.15k4jcwumdk1d3, yes, we're hams :)
02:51.19yakischlobadigs around for his license, not remembering
02:51.35f00f-i don't take advantage of my license at all
02:51.38yakischlobaah, "Technician"
02:51.52yakischlobawow. I got this in 2000
02:51.54f00f-i have this yaesu handheld
02:52.33yakischlobajeez i was like 13 or 14
02:52.57yakischlobaAll I remember is after I got it I stopped participating
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02:53.24k4jcwBummer.  Amateur radio is fun.
02:53.41yakischlobaYeah I had a blast while I was learning it and doing projects with the club. I don't know why I lost interest
02:53.44k4jcwSo many things to do.  HF, satellite, digital modes, emergency services work...
02:54.34eggyAmaeur Radio has allways looked fun to me, its been one of those things I've never gotten around to persuing
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02:54.45yakischlobaah its way fun
02:55.50eggyperhaps one day, I'll have enough inerest to study and take the test
02:55.56trigatch4hey folks how is everyone?
02:55.58trigatch4happy weekend!
02:56.21eggyIndeed, I'm happy the weekend is finally here.
02:56.39f00f-i studied maybe a week for my license and got it
02:56.42f00f-bought radios
02:56.45f00f-used it for maybe 2 weeks
02:56.49f00f-then moved onto something new
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02:57.41yakischlobaa bunch of people happened to join the local club at the same time I did, so they held a weekly class for a month or two for us all
02:57.46trigatch4anyone know exactly where i can find Icon Images in the SDK or elsewhere? Such as... Dialer Icon, Maps Icon, Email Icon, etc... as seen on the G1?
02:57.55f00f-cool, i never had a club to go to
02:58.06yakischlobaah man, that was 90% of the fun
02:58.22f00f-yakischloba: makes sense, i only got 10% of the joy
02:58.27f00f-it pretty much sucked
02:58.35f00f-i talked to one ham on accident
02:58.38f00f-i was trying to use his repeater
02:58.39f00f-and he came on
02:58.50f00f-and said "your signal is too weak, try another repeater"
02:59.03yakischlobaheh. When you join up with a club there are always projects to do, we worked with the local fire and police departments on their systems etc
02:59.49f00f-trigatch4: <sdk>\tools\lib\res\default\drawable
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03:00.40After_Mathcan anyone tell me how I can ssh into my computer form outside the lan?
03:00.53michaelnovakjr_After_Math: by IP
03:01.01yakischlobais this #networking_for_dummies or something?
03:01.08michaelnovakjr_After_Math: and not really an android question
03:01.43gamblerhey what IP address do you guys get. Is the G1 on IPv6?
03:01.50yakischlobagambler: no
03:02.09unix_infidelanyone seen plusminus
03:02.12gamblerfigured as much
03:02.26michaelnovakjr_gambler: wifi gets an IP
03:02.27After_Mathmichaelnovakjr, ya I know but Im using connectbot, just using my outside ip and opening the port on the router?
03:02.43michaelnovakjr_you need to route to your machine port 22
03:02.51michaelnovakjr_and use your outside ip address
03:02.53yakischloba"port forwarding"
03:02.53After_Mathya I think I did tht
03:02.56trigatch4foof: thanks a billion!
03:03.39unix_infidelhis screencasts arent working...
03:03.39michaelnovakjr_yakischloba: yea "port forwarding"
03:03.39After_Mathdoesnt seem to connect, Under the firewall settings i set it open to my comp
03:04.26gamblerso what transport is eg. google mail running over?
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03:04.36gambler(if you are only getting an IP address on WIFI?)
03:04.36yakischlobagambler: 3g uses IP as well.
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03:05.23SamSerious_nice netsplit
03:05.23gamblerso can I ping your phone?
03:05.24SamSerious_OK Im i here??
03:07.56michaelnovakjr_does the market have a website?
03:08.07Dougie187michaelnovakjr_: a demo web site. iirc
03:08.24michaelnovakjr_Dougie187: thanks
03:10.14languishso far, I really love the screen mechanism
03:10.26languishfor sliding it out..
03:10.51languishI drive everyone nuts sitting around snapping it open/closed repeatedly
03:11.25unix_infidelare there any more high quality video tutorials up?
03:11.49languishahh fuck
03:11.53languishmy g1 died again
03:11.57unix_infideli should say screencasts, video presentations / tutorials are hard to present / have people play along with.
03:13.01michaelnovakjr_languish: its all that sliding out and snapping it shut :)
03:13.23languishmichaelnovakjr, yeah.. wasn;t doing it this time
03:14.38languishok yeah, it's really dead, charging light doesn't go on when I plug it in
03:14.46languishf'ing htc
03:15.01languishtime to try removing the battery again
03:16.13wastrelquit hacking it
03:16.16languishthat did it
03:16.16wastrelthen it won't break
03:16.22unix_infidelanyone on screencasts?
03:16.49languishwastrel, i'm just a lowly gadget geek, no hacking involved
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03:19.23jastaumdk: how do i hit alt+number in connectbot?
03:19.25languishDoes the G1 have some type of shock protection? Shuts down when it detects too much momentum or something?
03:19.50jastalanguish: there are no moving parts to stop
03:19.57yakischlobaWhy would it do that? Does it have moving parts to protect?...
03:20.06languishjasta, i know.
03:20.11Dougie187yakischloba: a sensitive compass. :)
03:20.30yakischlobaDougie187: can it be 'parked' ?
03:20.33languishjasta, i'm just wondering if the accelerometer is used in that manner
03:20.44Dougie187yakischloba: hell yeah. don't you like parking compasses.
03:20.55jastano because that would be pointless
03:20.56gamblerit sends a VOID_WARRANTY message off to
03:21.06languishit just did it again
03:21.09yakischlobaHAHAHA gambler
03:21.16languishok I do have to rma this
03:21.23f00f-sux bro, what did you do
03:21.25umdk1d3jasta: you type /window 8  :P
03:21.28yakischlobaDougie187: I haven't actually seen the compass in use yet
03:21.29umdk1d3in irssi at least
03:21.31umdk1d3not fixed yet
03:21.34languishf00f-, just opening/closing the screen
03:21.34yakischlobaDougie187: is it only in streetview or something?
03:21.41wastrel/win 8   works :]
03:21.47umdk1d3also, jasta did you figure out that signature issue with manifest cruft hanging around?
03:21.51umdk1d3on your device
03:21.53Dougie187yakischloba: me either. I have no idea, but thats all i ever saw it used for, and it looked completely useless to me.
03:21.57jastaumdk1d3: support menu shortcuts to custom commands...
03:22.14jastaumdk1d3: no i was told to factory reset
03:22.24yakischlobaDougie187: hmm. Man, I haven't found any streetviews around me yet, somehow. I live in a pretty major area and I've tried on main roads and haven't gotten anything
03:22.41Dougie187you have to stand somewhere.
03:22.44umdk1d3ouch  :/
03:22.44Dougie187in the street.
03:22.52yakischlobaand look around
03:23.03Dougie187and look at a building. then you point your phone at the building.. and see the building on your phone.. incase you can't see it with your eyes.
03:23.10jastayakischloba: no street view in seatown
03:23.22yakischlobajasta: no wonder.
03:23.40Dougie187Go down I5 a ways.
03:23.44Dougie187youll get some eventually
03:23.53Dougie187Down by Toledo it starts.
03:23.56yakischlobalike 500 miles?
03:24.02wastrelwe have it in nyc
03:24.13Dougie187if its worth it to you.
03:24.25yakischlobaI could care less other than for the novelty
03:24.28yakischlobaI know what the damn street looks like
03:24.45Dougie187yeah i know.
03:24.55Dougie187thats why i always thought it was useless.
03:24.58languishcalling 611
03:25.17Dougie187i bet that makes languish a sad panda.
03:25.28yakischlobaI wouldn't mind being able to see the compass in Maps though, for the occasional situation where I've lost my sense of direction on a faraway bike ride or something
03:26.12Dougie187yeah that would be pretty sweet.
03:26.23yakischlobawonder why it isn't like that already?..
03:27.06illuminumif street view offerred some sort of accessibility--visual bralle
03:27.22yakischlobaeh true
03:27.42illuminumor maybe if the image on the phone (street view) was littered with user-supplied tags
03:27.55illuminumlike "don't go here, crackhouse, brothel"
03:28.05illuminumthat would be useful
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03:29.04Dougie187people are going to litter it with too many tags.
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03:29.10Dougie187isnt that what stupid enkin was about?
03:29.19illuminumno i doubt it, there are a lot of places to tag
03:29.20yakischlobayeah. you wouldn't be able to see the building after a few days.
03:29.31ivancrackhouses and brothels?
03:29.31illuminumand you could always filter it
03:29.32Dougie187yeah you are going to just see 8 billion tags.
03:29.33wastreli'm sleepy
03:29.36illuminum30 most recent or whatever
03:29.51illuminumi'm saying it could be a rich experience if you wanted it to be
03:29.54Dougie187possibly if its implemented like that, but that wouldn't be the first thing anyone goes for.
03:30.40Dougie187im just saying it could also be a completely useless experience.
03:30.56Dougie187it could only be useful if it was implemented correctly.
03:32.21illuminumyeh suppsoe like i said before i'm not so interested in any of these apps so much as i am having a terminal and a shell and root
03:32.38Dougie187i think thats how most people feel.
03:32.48yakischlobawhat is everyone so hung up on root for
03:32.55illuminumwhat the hell do you think for
03:33.07illuminumnot having root is almost as bad as running on windows or mac
03:33.23yakischlobawhy don't you go buy some cheapo SBC and run linux on it if you just want to dick around as root
03:33.29yakischlobayou're one of those guys
03:33.33yakischlobaforget I asked
03:33.37illuminumokay i will
03:34.40Dougie187so whats your favorite part of the phone yakischloba?
03:35.13romainguyDougie187: i think thats how most people feel. << you have a very weird definition of "most" :)
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03:35.57yakischlobashit I duno man. I've just been enjoying the novelty of it really, since I haven't had much exposure to the iPhone or anything. From a technical standpoint, I've just poked around in the shell a bit. I scrapped the code for my project a while back and started over, but dropped off quickly, so I didn't really have anything ready to play with on the device like a lot of the guys
03:35.58illuminumwhat is this attitude against having root--i thought android was about openness, not closed systems
03:36.25yakischlobailluminum: android is open, the phone is not. you can build android and run it on your on phone that you build if it pleases you to do so.
03:36.47Dougie187romainguy: true.... i just see it sometimes. possibly not most.. just some.
03:37.07yakischlobailluminum: the licenses are in place so that companies can take the product and lock it down and sell it. The whole project may not have been possible without that provision
03:37.20romainguyDougie187: considering the people I've seen (and met) buy the phone in stores, I would even dare say that a very very tiny minority cares about root
03:37.39fadden0...or even know what "root" means
03:37.41romainguythat said I understand why you would want that
03:37.46Dougie187romainguy: depends on what demographic of users you are talking about though...
03:37.49illuminumwhat they can't sell their telecom service if someone has access to their phone internals?
03:37.50romainguyfadden0: I didn't dare say it
03:37.58romainguyDougie187: like I said, the users who buy the phone in stores
03:38.01romainguyyou know, consumers
03:38.14Dougie187romainguy: i don't care about having it, becuase i don't even have a phone, but yeah. normal customers don't even have any idea what it is.
03:38.18romainguyI for one couldn't care less about being root on my phone
03:38.20yakischlobailluminum: who knows, ask them. You don't have to buy it and feel like you're being oppressed if you don't want to.
03:38.26Dougie187romainguy: i guess what i say most, i am limited my demographic to devs.
03:38.28illuminumi already bought it
03:38.38romainguyI almost feel like some want root just for the sake of being root
03:38.41fadden0I used to be root on my TiVo.  When they built networking into the box and added an eSata connector on the back I stopped caring.
03:38.42yakischlobailluminum: did someone promise that you could have root on it?
03:38.46yakischlobaromainguy: you don't say
03:38.48Dougie187romainguy: yeah, its the novelty.
03:38.59romainguybecause, seriously, it's just a phone :)
03:39.11illuminumi sold my iphone which i had root on, and metasploit and vim, thinking i was coming back to my friend linux
03:39.23illuminumoh well i'll stop whining because it's only a matter of time
03:39.26yakischlobailluminum: I'll take that as a "no"
03:39.37Dougie187what do you even need root for though?
03:40.04gamblerhrrmmm installing a new OS?
03:40.13gamblerI guess Im the only pro-root person here
03:40.18romainguynext time we should make T-Mobile release a phone that comes with a shell and X11
03:40.19romainguyoh wait
03:40.19fadden0What, you want to install WinMo on the G1?
03:40.23romainguythat's OpenMoko ^^
03:40.28yakischlobaDougie187: "#" <--- thats about it
03:40.54gamblerIn my case, I cant screw around with the bluetooth stuff. thats a concern for me.
03:41.15gambler<-- pro tinker
03:41.20djo_Hi, sorry to break in; ;-)  I'm developing on Fedora 8, have a T-Mobile G1 and am having trouble getting my device connected.  I've followed the directions under "Developing on Device Hardware" on Google's web site and no matter what I put in /etc/udev/rules.d, `adb devices` doesn't find my phone.  Thoughts?
03:41.29illuminumso i can put my own package management system on it, run services, etc and yeah how are you supposed to kernel hack and develop drivers and such if you're into that if you can't get inside the phone
03:41.36yakischlobaah, haven't I heard something about developer hardware being under consideration?
03:41.51gamblerpro tinkering I should say
03:42.06fadden0Driver development?
03:42.09romainguyilluminum: well there are tons of stuff you can do without writing kernel hacks
03:42.13illuminumdjo, mount -o iocharset=utf8 /dev/sdXn /mnt/foo
03:42.21fadden0Are there devices in the G1 for which drivers are not provided...?
03:42.30romainguyilluminum: why not just write apps to begin with?
03:42.45romainguyfadden0: it's Linux based, so you never know what could be missing :))
03:42.45fadden0bluetooth runs as a non-root daemon.
03:42.49illuminumwhatevs i won't settle for anything less than full control--i'm sure it'll come, if it came to the iphone it's inevitable for this platform
03:42.50romainguy(sorry :)
03:43.03fadden0illuminum: very likely
03:43.14yakischlobailluminum: it is also my understand that a large part of the security architecture of the whole platform s dependent on it being locked down. I doubt they would cast that aside so you can have 'full control'
03:43.21djo_illuminum: hmmm; actually FUSE is doing that sort of thing for me right now.  Maybe that's the problem?
03:43.42djo_Let me umount the drive and see if adb finds my device...
03:44.18illuminumright yaki, i accept that it comes with a certain amount of locks
03:44.37yakischlobailluminum: I think OpenMoko would have been better suited to your desires
03:44.38illuminumand ultimately i'm not sore as long as some niche community of hackers breaks through and opens it
03:45.00fadden0illuminum: the easier path would be to install Android on an unlocked device
03:45.11yakischlobaunless of course, you're just the guy that wants to have a linux phone with root, rather than actually doing serious development on it.
03:45.11fadden0Given the number of complaints I hear about the G1 form factor, I'm surprised that isn't the focus.
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03:46.01djo_illuminum: OK; I can mount the device as a disk fine.  What I can't do is remotely control it from the debugger.  Thanks, but any other thoughts?
03:46.05Dougie187fadden0: the G1 is hardly the focus of this room..
03:46.21Dougie187fadden0: if it were, it would probably be called #G1
03:46.34illuminumno idea
03:46.41languisht-mobiles answer to the g1 dying randomly "keep it for a few more days to see if it keeps happening and we'll call you back to see if you've had further problems"
03:46.52languishthe rep himself is decent
03:46.57illuminumlanguish it stops dying
03:47.01yakischlobaI'd take it back to the store and demand an exchange.
03:47.05illuminumlanguish mine did that too for a couple days
03:47.07illuminumthen it stopped
03:47.10illuminumi think its a battery issue
03:47.14illuminumthat resolves itself
03:47.18yakischlobahow assuring
03:47.26tparkinat least the battery wont explode like some unmentioned companies..
03:47.26Dougie187i would take it back too...
03:47.27languishilluminum I think the battery in mine shakes a little loose
03:47.28Dougie187but thats me.
03:47.31illuminumbatteries are probably too fresh
03:47.37illuminumthats what i thought languish
03:47.43illuminumbut trust me it stops after about two days
03:47.50yakischlobayeah they need to ripen like bananas
03:47.57illuminumyeah they do
03:47.59languishit's been 4 days :|
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03:48.06waldo_is away: gym. back in an hour and that's when sshkey is working, right?
03:48.32djo_Thanks illuminum, anyone else have any ideas?
03:48.39illuminumturn off the auto screen turn off feature
03:48.52languishilluminum, that's what I said.. the rep told me not too
03:48.52fadden0djo_: does "lsusb" find the device?
03:48.53illuminumthat mightve been the point at which mine stopped turning off
03:49.15languishthe rep suspects the battery too
03:49.20illuminumwell it was definately correlated with when my phone stopped borking
03:49.39languishhe doesn't want the display timeout disabled
03:49.44languishso it doesn't stress the battery
03:49.48illuminumdisable it and ignore him
03:50.08illuminumi would see if i could drain it all the way through
03:50.12illuminumthen recharge it
03:50.14illuminumsee what happens
03:53.13djo_fadden0: It's found as 0bb4:0c02 High Tech Computer Corp.
03:53.49tweaktSo how can I get the source of android.jar now that everything is published? Is it somewhere in Git? I couldn't locate it yet after browsing a bit...
03:53.58romainguytweakt: it's in git
03:54.09illuminumthats vague, wheres the repo
03:54.13illuminumdoes google code do git
03:54.18romainguyit's basically;a=summary
03:54.29romainguyilluminum: no
03:54.32tweaktAhh, thank you
03:54.41romainguytweakt: what are you looking for?
03:55.21fadden0djo_: so the computer can see it, but somehow adb isn't talking
03:55.25tweaktsource of android.jar ;-) java docs are vague in some areas. I tend to learn APIs quicker when I can confirm my understanding by looking at the source
03:55.38romainguygood luck :)
03:55.44djo_fadden0: yep
03:56.02fadden0You have "enable usb debugging" set on the phone, right?
03:56.03djo_I've been mounting/unmounting it since I got in on Wed to load pics/music, etc.
03:56.06languishilluminum, yeah.. the rep's calling me back in a few days. They're basically hoping the problem will just go away
03:56.22languishif not, then they'll "do something"
03:56.26djo_"enable usb debugging" - triple-checking...
03:56.45illuminumi didn't know it wsan't an isolated problem in my case but judging from my isolated experience it seems that the problem does indeed go away for many at least
03:56.54tweakt27MB.. yeow
03:56.55djo_usb debugging on == true
03:57.11romainguytweakt: the repository?
03:57.29fadden0djo_: only other thing I can think of is disconnect the device, kill any running "adb" processes, reconnect it, and try "adb devices" again
03:57.29tweaktI got base-HEAD.tgz I think that's what I wanted
03:57.35tweaktnot 100% sure
03:57.36djo_mhm; maybe reboot the phone and see if that fixes it?  More likely Fedora needs a different udev  file...
03:58.06tweaktOk, looks like: base/core/android
03:58.10fadden0djo_: also run "dmesg" and see if anything is freaking out in there
03:58.30fadden0But yes, it's possible that the udev file has a different format.
03:58.40yakischlobawhat kind of driver does it use for the USB connectivity anyway?
03:58.49fadden0It sounded like some people had success without the udev file when they ran "adb" as root, but I'm not sure about that.
03:59.19waldo_is away: auto-away
03:59.20fadden0yakischloba: it doesn't need a driver; Linux just needs something to help it set up the /dev entry
03:59.20djo_fadden0: dmsg output looks normal.  It finds the device, then finds the file system on the flash card...
04:00.15djo_...then FUSE automounts the file system normally.
04:00.34Dougie187im out guys.
04:00.35Dougie187see ya later.
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04:00.51fadden0djo_: not sure where to go from here.  You can see the device numbers in the "lsusb" output, so if it needs some other magic in the udev rules you'll need to puzzle that out (possibly by looking at other stuff in that directory)
04:01.08illuminumif you had root you could see whats happening in the phone
04:01.17fadden0I believe it changed with the Hardy release of Ubuntu vs. older ubuntu
04:01.24fadden0illuminum: no, you couldn't
04:01.30fadden0because he can't *get* to the phone
04:01.47fadden0You have to connect in first.
04:02.03illuminumif you had root you could put up an ssh daemon
04:02.04fadden0He could run the "term" app and run "dmesg" on the phone, but I'm not sure that'll tell him anything.
04:02.08illuminumand ssh into the phone
04:02.18fadden0illuminum: you can do that without root
04:02.24fadden0Just use a port other than 22.
04:02.33yakischloba> 1024
04:02.43romainguythings are getting clearer :)
04:02.45fadden0yakischloba: yes
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04:02.59djo_Before I RTFM, anyone know what `SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666"` does in a udev rules file?
04:03.17MrSoReadyQuestion: am I able to modify android source and upload it to my G1?
04:03.17yakischlobaI thought you were a Linux fanatic or something. That's pretty common knowledge
04:03.28romainguyMrSoReady: yes and no
04:03.39djo_It's creating some device file, mode 0666, but what device name?
04:03.39fadden0djo_: are you in group "plugdev" ?
04:03.39romainguyMrSoReady: at least not with the G1 sold in T-Mobile stores
04:03.46MrSoReadyoh ok
04:03.56MrSoReadyWhere do you get one that you can modify the source
04:04.03djo_fadden0: Nope
04:04.11romainguyMrSoReady: you don't for now; but you can test on the emulator and contribute your patches back
04:04.39fadden0djo_: I think you need to be.  Alternatively, become root, kill adb, and run "adb devices" -- should allow access then.
04:04.45fadden0(maybe *that's* what running it as root meant)
04:04.53yakischlobafadden0: negative.
04:04.56MrSoReadyRomain if I wanted to write my own Dialer, does the App SDK provide that capability or is that too low level?
04:05.41romainguyMrSoReady: lemme check
04:06.27romainguyMrSoReady: yes you can; you cannot, however, start emergency calls, you will have to invoke the system dialer for this
04:06.43djo_finds nothing.
04:07.08djo_I'll try becoming root; good idea.
04:07.08yakischlobaromainguy: that would be 'dangerous' according to some. Is replacing the Dialer allowed, then?
04:07.27romainguyyakischloba: you can write another dialer
04:07.35romainguyit won't replace it in the firmware
04:07.36yakischlobaromainguy: ah, but not replace the existing one. gotcha
04:07.38romainguybut you can have another dialer
04:07.44romainguyin practice you replace it yes
04:07.49fadden0Interesting... the online instructions don't have the ', GROUP="plugdev"' part.  Not sure what the default is.
04:07.50romainguyjust like you "replace" Home
04:07.53encontrafkCan I write a dialer that sends out tones that T-mobile's voice-mail system can understand?
04:08.05MrSoReadyinteresting.  I was looking at the android SDK optional apis and none of them seem related to a Dialer
04:08.07fadden0Might be an ubuntu thing.
04:08.07romainguyyou can already do so with the current dialer actually
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04:08.23romainguy(for isntance a comma in a number will be interpreted as a pause)
04:08.49romainguyMrSoReady: a dialer is just a matter of sending a CALL intent and/or showing the list of Contacts
04:08.55encontrafkThe voice-mail thing... it, well, it disappoints me.
04:09.08MrSoReadyI use and it is kinda cool
04:09.09romainguyencontrafk: well it's a standard voice mail :)
04:09.12unix_infidelencontrafk: no visual voicemail?
04:09.32encontrafkIf there's visual, I haven't found it yet.
04:09.34MrSoReadyyeah Google didn't take it as far as they could have with the G1
04:09.41romainguythere's no visual voicemail
04:09.50fadden0djo_: look in /dev/bus/usb -- use the bus and device number from lsusb
04:10.04djo_Running as root doesn't find it.
04:10.07unix_infidelMrSoReady: obviously.  but most first iterations don't.  otherwise they'd never get to the first iteration.
04:10.08encontrafkbut even if there's visual, why can't I press 7 to delete message, while I'm listening to voicemail?
04:10.11romainguyMrSoReady: hey, the G1 is not Google's phone, we just work on the Adnroid platform
04:10.17djo_Checking /dev/bus/usb...
04:10.19romainguyencontrafk: er... yes you can
04:10.31encontrafkromainguy, no, I'm afraid I can't.
04:10.34romainguyyes you can
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04:10.39encontrafkEr, no.
04:10.49romainguyjust click the number 7 on the dialpad?
04:10.50encontrafkI can press 7 all I like, and T-mobile just ignores it.
04:10.58romainguyI just used it today
04:11.02romainguyon T-Mobile voicemail
04:11.14romainguyseems like you have an issue with your phone/account
04:11.17encontrafkyes, press 7 on the touch-screen dialer
04:11.25encontrafkvoicemail acts like it didn't hear it
04:11.27yakischlobaencontrafk: are you trying to say that voicemail is inoperable from the G1 or something?
04:11.40yakischlobaencontrafk: you don't think someone else would have noticed this by now?..
04:11.51romainguyencontrafk: contact T-Mobile, there might be an issue with your unit or your account
04:11.53encontrafkyakischloba, no, I can access voicemail
04:11.54tparkinyakischloba: i think hes just experiencing the problem
04:12.01tparkinencontrafk: do a hard reboot?
04:12.03encontrafkdial in, hear the message
04:12.15encontrafkI just can't give it any input
04:12.56djo_fadden0: /dev/bus/usb doesn't exist.  Instead, I have a slew of /dev/usbdevx.y[_ep00] device files...
04:12.59romainguycontact T-Mobile encontrafk
04:12.59encontrafkIf "hard reboot" means turn off the device, remove the battery for over 30 seconds, then fire it up again, then yes, I've done that.
04:13.27tparkinI would call tmo then
04:14.26encontrafkhave you ever called their customer service line?
04:14.41yakischlobaencontrafk: yes
04:14.49fadden0djo_: at this point I'm staring at the adb sources (system/core/adb)
04:15.11encontrafkOK, what's the first thing you have to do, after you dial the number and something on the other end picks up?
04:15.28fadden0djo_: the confusing part is that it has both host and device all mixed together
04:15.30yakischlobaheh I get it. Looks like you'd need to use another phone then :(
04:15.45fadden0usb_linux.c seems to want /dev/bus/usb
04:15.45romainguyencontrafk: go to a T-Mobile store
04:15.52romainguyor call from another line
04:15.55MrSoReadyHow difficult would it be to write an App to sync with Picasa
04:15.59fadden0djo_: what kernel do you have?
04:15.59encontrafkI'll do better than that, I think
04:16.01romainguyMrSoReady: not difficult
04:16.08landslidehow do I get the android stack (not the SDK) to compile out the emulator?
04:16.13tparkinencontrafk: you said your problem is with 7, if so you can stlil call support
04:16.17MrSoReadythis is really exciting!
04:16.22encontrafkI have a friend who has a friend in their corporate offices
04:16.23tparkinencontrafk: is it with ALL numbers?  then specifiy
04:16.35encontrafkI'll just "stovepipe" the complaint, I think
04:16.40fadden0djo_: I'm on 2.6.22, so we're not far off
04:16.50fadden0djo_: I also have /dev/usbblah
04:16.52unix_infidelMrSoReady: the hard part is replicating viable features for picasa within a mobile framework within the limitations of a mobile framework and it's inherent environment :-P
04:16.56fadden0do you have /dev/bus at all?
04:17.01encontrafktparkin, it's not just 7
04:17.11encontrafkit's like the tones just aren't getting sent
04:17.19djo_fadden0: no /dev/bus at all.
04:17.22tparkinencontrafk: their system should timeout and send you to operator
04:17.30fadden0djo_: how about /proc/bus/usb ?
04:17.34tparkinencontrafk: try?
04:18.19encontrafklike I said, though, I'll just put a bug in the ear of someone at corporate
04:18.20djo_fadden0: I have /sys/bus/usb/devices/...
04:18.30MrSoReadywhatever that means unix_infidel
04:18.44fadden0djo_: yeah, I have that too
04:19.11unix_infidelMrSoReady: yea.  true dat foo.
04:19.55fadden0djo_: unfortunately we've reached (and possibly surpassed) the depth of my USB knowledge
04:20.17fadden0In particular, I don't know why /proc/bus/usb would be present or absent
04:20.38romainguyask swetland :)
04:20.57djo_fadden0: I *do* have /proc/bus/usb, but not /dev/bus/usb...
04:20.57fadden0romainguy: yeah
04:21.08fadden0djo_: sorry, I meant /dev/bus/usb
04:21.25fadden0If you look in system/core/adb/usb_linux.c, you can see it searching through that directory
04:22.22djo_fadden0: it probably couldn't hurt to try a symlink from /sys/bus to /dev/bus...?
04:23.00fadden0% ls -l /dev/bus/usb/001/022
04:23.01fadden0crw-rw-r-- 1 root plugdev 189, 21 Oct 24 20:42 /dev/bus/usb/001/022
04:23.02illuminumbecause it's fedora
04:23.05illuminumand fedora is foobar
04:23.25fadden0I don't have anything in /proc/bus/usb -- the directory exists but is empty
04:23.48djo_illuminum: Point taken. :-)
04:24.34fadden0I'm guessing adb needs a tweak to make it look somewhere else, or something magic needs to happen with the udev file.
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04:26.22fadden0I have to sign off for now.  Back eventually. :-)
04:26.27djo_fadden0: Probably.
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04:43.06landslidehow do I get the android stack (not the SDK) to compile out the emulator?
04:48.41waldo_is away: auto-away
04:49.40landslideso is the generic target for the emulator?
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04:51.59BruteSourceokay my friend patched our kernel for excalibur and got the userspace to init but all we get is a flashing green man? any ideas?
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04:55.29landslidewow i got it working... 'out/host/linux-x86/bin/emulator -system out/target/product/generic -kernel prebuilt/android-arm/kernel/kernel-qemu'
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04:57.09BruteSourceon an emulator?
04:59.37landslidei thought i required another build other than generic.
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05:01.24BruteSourcewhat arch type?
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05:01.59landslidei think so.
05:02.20landslidei found a doc in build/core/build-systemhtml
05:02.25landslidebut some of the information is out of date.
05:03.24landslideit's using the arm kernel.. so it must be arm right?
05:03.42BruteSourcenice, my friend is trying on a excalibur an omap850 phone, he has the kernel pacthed and working, got the userspace to init but the android man just blinks
05:04.00f00f-press escape
05:04.04landslidecan't you get some debug out of a serial port or something?
05:04.04f00f-to see what's going on behind the scenes
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05:05.33DarkriftXwow, never thought to hit escape during boot
05:05.45DarkriftXkeep forgetting this isnt a standard mobile os
05:06.23BruteSourceya he is using strace
05:07.26BruteSourcegiving somekind of loop about function not implemented
05:07.37BruteSourcevery fast hard to read
05:09.45languishWhat would the proper term be for the device's abruptly turning off uncleanly, and seizing/locking up/not responding to keypresses, charger..etc until the battery is reseated.  I don't want to say it's "bricked" because it's recoverable with the reseating of the battery
05:10.19landslidemaybe stoned?
05:10.21languishsoft-bricked, lol
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05:10.43BruteSourceno one has seen errors like this?
05:10.56landslidewhat hardware is it?
05:11.04DarkriftXtoo much tweaking languish?
05:11.31languishDarkriftX, zero teaking
05:11.42DarkriftXaww, thats no fun
05:11.48TreyBlanguish: buggy?
05:11.58languishTreyB, undoubtly, lol
05:12.06DarkriftXid be tweaking the *#&% out of it :S
05:12.15DarkriftXid prob brick a few before i finally stopped :S
05:12.35landslidecan't u just jtag it?
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05:12.58DarkriftXnever read if g1 has jtag connections or not
05:13.05BruteSourceits omap 850
05:13.07TreyBThe G1?  They didn't leave the jtag port active, did they?
05:13.25landslidedo they fuse it or something?
05:13.44landslidethey'd have to have it for manufacturing.
05:14.00TreyBOnly until they QA test it
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05:14.21TreyBOr QC, probably, but hey.
05:14.40waldo_is back (gone 00:25:58)
05:14.40DarkriftXi went into the tmob store again
05:14.46BruteSourceany ideas i can pastebin the piped strace if anyone will look...
05:14.48DarkriftXppl everywhere were grabbing the last couple g1's
05:15.04certronAny recs for an android book or really long tutorials?
05:15.24DarkriftXnot a single person in there looked like they even knew what they were buying... trend buyers :(
05:16.05landslidethat's a GOOD sign.
05:16.06certronDarkriftX: maybe they will be pleasantly surprised... although I have to say, I've only seen 2 ads on TV for it.
05:16.22DarkriftXthey dont have to advertise it, everyone knows lol
05:16.25BruteSourcei cant even buy one unless i do from ebay for like 700
05:16.26TreyBSome folks just want a non AT&T iPhone-alike.
05:16.36DarkriftXthe tmobile store had a huge cardboard sign about them
05:16.39BruteSourcewhich this is not
05:16.42DarkriftXi almost stole it
05:16.47DarkriftXit was a 4ft tall g1 lol
05:17.15TreyBThey have 4ft tall iPhones on the Apple campus in Cupertino.
05:17.16BruteSourceno it has no multi touch o h capacity built in hdd
05:17.21BruteSourceits not an iphone
05:17.25BruteSourceand thats good
05:17.37TreyBAt least they have 4ft tall monitors dressed up like iPhones.
05:17.48landslidehey it shouldn't have a problem with 800x480 right?
05:17.55BruteSourceya all apple stores have those
05:18.06muthuhey, so the core android project is frameworks/base?
05:18.55TreyBBruteSource: I don't recall seeing them at my local Apple store, but I did see them in Cupertino.
05:19.05BruteSourceanyone here know about the actual kernel and userspace or is this like a g1 fanboi room?
05:19.18TreyBPerhap my local Apple store just sucks ;-)
05:19.19BruteSourcethey have them at the apples stores i have seen
05:19.20geistoh snap
05:19.32landslidethe more i look at the platform.. the more I realise that windows ce/windows mobile won't be around for much longer.
05:19.43TreyBHowdy geist.
05:19.48landslidei've been a windows ce guy for a long time, and boy is it a cluster fsck
05:19.50geistit's teh TreyB
05:19.56DarkriftXme too landslide
05:19.58TreyBlandslide: I read an article today that said the same thing.
05:20.10landslidece is designed for calculators.
05:20.11TreyBCringely at PBS, I think.
05:20.14DarkriftXi was a winmo fanboy till i first installed linux on one of my handhelds
05:20.20DarkriftXand i wanted something more since then
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05:20.33landslidei'm looking at porting this to my companies own hardware.
05:20.33DarkriftXi got debian on a mobilepro 900c :)
05:20.37landslideas a side project.
05:20.50invainwow... It's surprise..
05:20.56TreyBlandslide: can you tell us who you work for and about the hardware?
05:21.23BruteSourcethats all ya need to know lol
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05:21.39landslidei work for touchstar, our uk office makes the hardware... The device i'm looking at porting is the raven.
05:21.58landslidei'm out of their sydney office and deal mostly with software for verticals.
05:22.48certronthat looks really cool, landslide
05:23.12unix_infidelwould a POST be just the dead simplest / easiest way to move data from the phone to a webserver without havint to run a webservice?
05:23.23BruteSourceso anyone know whats going wrong or a better way to debug it?
05:23.37michaelnovakjr_unix_infidel: sure, you could do a REST type interface
05:23.40TreyBAndroid for that looks like overkill, but it might simplify your life to rely on an open stack.
05:24.08landslideoverkill, in what way?
05:24.35michaelnovakjr_unix_infidel: you should check out axis, its a pretty cool service that can accept query string calls to methods and return a soap envelope
05:25.03TreyBDepends on how fancy (and how many) end-user apps you need per device.
05:25.23romainguymichaelnovakjr: axis is a big huge for a phone app
05:25.25landslideah i see what you mean, we have pretty specific applications.
05:25.31unix_infidelmichaelnovakjr_: I'd like to avoid a SOAP stack and the associated overhead altogether.
05:25.31michaelnovakjr_romainguy: not on the phone :)
05:25.40TreyBlandslide: yeah, really vertical.
05:25.43romainguyoh sorry then :)
05:25.53michaelnovakjr_its a good server side system
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05:26.15michaelnovakjr_unix_infidel: you could just call a straight up page then
05:26.47unix_infidelmichaelnovakjr_: yea, there are inherent detriments i'm trying to figure out if they matter or not :-P
05:26.48michaelnovakjr_unix_infidel: really depends on your goals and what data you'll be working with
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05:28.36muthunever rely on notifications.. that's the lesson i've learned so far
05:28.50muthuuser's are simply stumped
05:29.07muthuthey don't even know they got a notification waiting.. and then click on it to see something
05:29.55umdk1d3muthu: well
05:30.02unix_infidelmichaelnovakjr_: yea, I'm thinking a simple post would work to start off with but I might move to XML RPC if things get out of control.
05:30.07umdk1d3youve been using them for your search results, right?
05:30.15muthuumdk1d3: yes
05:30.32umdk1d3thats just... wrong  :/  sry dont mean to offend
05:30.45umdk1d3notifications are meant for background events
05:30.57muthuyep, the search in that context is background
05:30.58umdk1d3and users arent running those searches in the background
05:31.32umdk1d3muthu: heres a hint, look at the other apps on the phone and how they handle search results
05:31.44umdk1d3emulate the user experience provided by the other apps as much as possible
05:31.49umdk1d3im doing the same thing
05:31.54muthuumdk1d3: i know what you are saying
05:32.01muthubut it depends on context
05:32.04umdk1d3because that way users wont be confused when they visit your app
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05:32.16muthuthe other apps are not doing bulk searching
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05:32.41muthuwhen you search a single topic, mobeegal does it in foreground just like google search
05:32.54muthui shoulda made the single topic as the default
05:33.03umdk1d3also, i found it odd that you were overriding the default http browser intents
05:33.12muthuits not odd
05:33.30muthuandroid intents are meant to be overridden
05:33.51certron"Android intents... They do what you mean."
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05:35.06muthuthe beauty of android is the choice that you can present for a given intent
05:35.09invain나는 입력가능하다.
05:35.17invainThis is korea language..
05:35.24muthuinvain: ha, good to know
05:35.28muthuwhat does it mean?
05:35.29umdk1d3muthu: just because they are designed to be overridden doesnt mean that you /must/ override them
05:35.37romainguyseconds umdk1d3
05:36.07invainthis means that google not opne  compiler source like toolchain.
05:36.34romainguywell it certainly is open source
05:36.37romainguywe did not modify it
05:36.52invainCan we download  open source about toolchain to build android opensource in private?
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05:37.08romainguysure but why do you want to download the compiler's source code?
05:37.14umdk1d3muthu: do one thing, and do it well  :)
05:37.16romainguyyou don't need it to compile Android itself
05:37.25muthuumdk1d3: haha.. thanks
05:37.28invainIn my case.
05:37.40muthuumdk1d3: nice feedback, appreciated
05:38.13invainI think that
05:38.34invainyou will adjust  another embedded products using android full source.
05:38.40invainso i need
05:38.49invainandroid compiler source.
05:39.11romainguyinvain: it's just gcc
05:39.25muthuumdk1d3: sent any patches to source?
05:40.01invaingoogle  used  bsd c library without glibce  to build gcc tolchain.
05:40.13invaintolchain --> toolchain.
05:40.28umdk1d3patches to android source?  lol no, ive just been browsing through online git right now--lots to soak in
05:40.41muthuyeah, git is a learning curve
05:40.41romainguyumdk1d3: hey now you can fix your Listview bug
05:41.04muthunow we can just send patches, instead of bug reports :)
05:41.19Disconnectok so all my tables have id columns called _id. how come I'm getting a 'no such column _id' error?
05:41.48romainguyDisconnect: it's not projected by your SQL query?
05:42.16muthuumdk1d3: any good git docs you found?
05:42.23muthuam trying to get some decent overview on git
05:42.31muthuromainguy: thx
05:42.51invainanyone have  gcc-toolchain source by google.?
05:43.14BruteSourceits in the bootkit
05:44.10invainin general,
05:44.36invainIf google is using gcc toolchain with glibce, I don't need  gcc toolchain source of android.
05:44.53invaingoole is using gcctoolchain with bsd libc without glibc or uclibc.
05:45.13invainin android software stack,
05:45.28invaingood is calling bionic library.
05:45.35BruteSourcegogle doesnt use gcc
05:45.48invainhelp me...
05:46.10invainno.. goolgle is using gcc for android.
05:46.39invainyou can download android toolchain (Exectuable binary files).
05:46.52BruteSourcegoogle uses a custom compiler
05:46.56invainbut, I want to download android toolchain source..
05:47.10invainyes... i thinks so.
05:47.19invainso i need  android toolchain source..
05:47.45invainperhaps... dou you have android toolchain source using bionic(=bsc c lib)
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05:48.23invainknock.... knock..
05:50.39romainguyBruteSource: it's not a custom compiler, it's g++ for ARM archiectures
05:51.21Disconnectso.. anyone know whats wrong with my sql? _id is in my table but its still throwing no-such-column exceptions at runtime
05:51.25waldo_google doesn't use glibc according to the video I watched a while ago
05:51.34Disconnectis there something weird about the _ in sqlite?
05:51.37romainguyDisconnect: did you check that your project contains the _id column?
05:52.01Disconnectsqlite> .schema boxes / CREATE TABLE boxes (_id integer primary key autoincrement,
05:52.06romainguyumdk1d3: I meant the projection in the query
05:52.21invainwaldo.. i think so.. google is using  bionic library(=modified netbsd c library).
05:52.24umdk1d3Disconnect: thats the table def, not the query
05:52.53invainand current android toolchain is for C , C++
05:53.01invainrefer to below description.
05:53.10romainguyinvain: looking at the toolchain, you need the source of gcc 4.2.1
05:53.43romainguyso what's the problem with getting the source of gcc 4.2.1??
05:53.43invaini need modified gcc 4.2.1 by google for android.
05:53.46Disconnectquery runs in sqlite - select b.box_column .. c.weight from boxes b, content c where c._id = b.content_id
05:53.53romainguyinvain: but we did not modify it
05:53.58romainguyat least not that I know of
05:54.00invain[invain@fedora9 bin]$ ./arm-eabi-gcc -v
05:54.00invainUsing built-in specs.
05:54.00invainTarget: arm-eabi
05:54.00invainConfigured with: ../../toolchain/android-toolchain/gcc-4.2.1/configure --prefix=/android/mathias/armdev/toolchain-eabi-4.2.1 --program-transform-name=s,^,arm-eabi-, --prefix=/android/mathias/armdev/toolchain-eabi-4.2.1 --target=arm-eabi --host=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-libstdc__-v3 --disable-libssp --enable-threads --disable-nls --disable-libmudflap --with-float=soft --with-fp
05:54.01invainu=vfp --with-arch=armv5te --enable-target-optspace --with-abi=aapcs : (reconfigured) ../../toolchain/android-toolchain/gcc-4.2.1/configure --prefix=/android/mathias/armdev/toolchain-eabi-4.2.1 --program-transform-name=s,^,arm-eabi-, --prefix=/android/mathias/armdev/toolchain-eabi-4.2.1 --target=arm-eabi --host=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-libstdc__-v3 --disable-libssp --enable-th
05:54.08invainreads --disable-nls --disable-libmudflap --with-float=soft --with-fpu=vfp --with-arch=armv5te --enable-target-optspace --with-abi=aapcs
05:54.11invainThread model: single
05:54.13invaingcc version 4.2.1
05:54.31invainoh... romainguy... you are google staff? it it correct?
05:54.56umdk1d3Disconnect: that query, shouldnt it be "b._id"?
05:55.05umdk1d3according to your table def earlier
05:55.07invainWhen i see above gcc version.
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05:55.17romainguyDisconnect: your query doesn't contain the _id column :)
05:55.18Disconnectbox contains a content_id that lines up to content._id
05:55.20wub_anyone using connectbot?
05:55.41umdk1d3wub_: yes, sup?
05:55.46invainok..  romainguy... Can you give me  arm-eabi-gcc toolchain build script ?
05:55.55umdk1d3wub_: were idling in #connectbot actually
05:55.59PoohbaLTugh.  i thought u would be able to use the internet and phone calls at the same time.
05:56.00wub_ah cool
05:56.11Disconnectromainguy: yah thats somewhat an issue cuz i'm building a cursor with the above, and then feeding a listview. query runs fine. (lemme log.d it again and triplecheck but..)
05:56.12romainguyPoohbaLT: you can on 3G
05:56.49PoohbaLTthats what i thought
05:56.59PoohbaLTbut i didn't get any emails.  i was just on the phone for 1hr
05:57.05PoohbaLTthen when i get off they came thru
05:57.11Disconnectalthough i think i just found a problem. i'm pulling out "datetime" "size" etc.. but i'm handing up "b.size" and "c.datetime" and .. ugh. maybe thats it. (or at least, thats probably also broken)
05:57.19invainum... romaingu i have one more question..
05:57.19romainguyPoohbaLT: with Email or Gmail?
05:57.29wub_umdk1d3: is there any key combo that maps to alt?  I'm trying to switch between screen sessions ;)
05:57.51umdk1d3not yet, but its coming  ;)
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05:57.52wub_umdk1d3: can't find much documentation on the google dev page
05:57.56wub_cool cool
05:57.59invainmathias is   staff  for android toolchain with bionic library. is it correct?
05:57.59wub_I like the app so far
05:58.01umdk1d3yea its still under heavy dev before monday
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05:58.10umdk1d3wub_: did you get latest svn from a few hours ago?
05:58.17invainknock romainguy...
05:58.21wub_umdk1d3: I tried but they wouldn't install on my G1.
05:58.29invainCan you answer me about my above question?
05:58.35umdk1d3wub_: yea we need to write up a better guide
05:58.36BruteSourcewhats a futexe?
05:58.38BruteSourcewhats a futexe?
05:58.38BruteSourcewhats a futexe?
05:58.40umdk1d3the key situation is a mess
05:58.47invaini know futex
05:58.56wub_umdk1d3: I don't have the SDK installed on this computer so I can't dump anything for you to debug.
05:58.57invainfutes is Fast userspace Mutex..
05:59.31invain2.6 linux kernel consist  of futex features for faster mutex locking mechnism.
05:59.47umdk1d3wub_: if you cant get it installed, then its most likely an APK signing issue
06:00.05umdk1d3try uninstalling any version you currently have before installing a new one
06:00.10wub_umdk1d3: How freaking cool would it be to map the screen swiping to ctrl-a-n and ctrl-a-p to switch between screens ;)  I know currently it switches between connections
06:00.16wub_umdk1d3: Ok, let me try that.
06:00.22umdk1d3wub_: oh awesome!  =D  didnt think of htat
06:00.31umdk1d3might be a menu option or something
06:00.41invainI you are interested in  FUTEX features, Read white paper at by Ulrich drepper.
06:00.43umdk1d3wouldnt get the animation
06:00.49invaini --> If
06:00.53wub_umdk1d3: I don't care! :)
06:01.55wub_umdk1d3: is issue #15 resolved in any of the new svns?
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06:02.25invainok.. nice meet romainguy..
06:02.30invainhave nice day..
06:02.49umdk1d3wub_: rumor has it someone just finished writing a fix for #15
06:02.51BruteSourcewill someone look at this strace output we get after init for the android userspace
06:02.54umdk1d3might be checked in shortly  ^.^
06:02.55invaini have to go vips store.. bye.. see you again... (here is PM 3:02hehe)
06:03.12wub_umdk1d3: Cool :)
06:03.17muthuinvain: is it AM?
06:03.53muthuoh no.. korea should be afternoon
06:03.58Disconnectok so i was looking at the wrong query :) but i still can run it in the shell with no errors (no rows, but no errors)
06:04.46BruteSourcecan someone look at that pastebin please?
06:04.53invainmuthu.. yes..
06:05.03invainand  brutesource i read  above site...
06:05.15invainconfirm your file system for normal mmap2 syscall.
06:05.44BruteSourcewe are not using yyafs, could that be the problem?
06:05.56wub_umdk1d3: you were right about the signing issue -- just installed r75
06:06.06invainye.. at leat,  in my experience...   bye.. see you again...
06:09.14Disconnectdamnit. simplecursoradapter expects _id thats why it was hating me
06:10.35BruteSourcedisconnect could you look at this strace output please?
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06:11.03BruteSourcehappens right after init we are getting a flashing android man thats it
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06:11.50wubG1sweet - this is the smallest thing i've irc'd on i think...
06:12.26BruteSourceim irc'n on a smaller device than a g1 lol
06:12.44wubG1what are you using?
06:13.09BruteSourcean exclibur
06:13.23BruteSourcewhat client are you using on the dream?
06:14.15ihateuid2000woe is me
06:14.22PoohbaLTromainguy: gmail
06:14.58PoohbaLTi have my gmail set up to get mail from other mail accounts and i have it to reply as who the mail was sent to but that doesn't follow on the android
06:15.04wub_BruteSource: I was ssh'ing into a shell account and running an irc client from there...
06:15.32BruteSourceshould be able to just run irssi from a terminal
06:15.41BruteSourceif you can get it to run
06:16.08swetlandinvain - you still looking for gcc source?
06:16.16wub_BruteSource: directly on the device?  ...I'm not so sure.
06:16.50BruteSourceits linux its possible
06:16.52wub_Has someone ported bash or something?
06:17.00BruteSourceshouldnt he hard
06:17.01swetlandwub: you could. I would prefer to have a native client that used a proxy backend myself
06:17.10swetlandwub: ash is included as /system/bin/sh
06:17.29wub_So, how do I get at it... heh.
06:17.35ihateuid2000i tried bash-static from lenny for arm and it segfaulted
06:17.44ihateuid2000busyboc works though
06:17.45BruteSourcealot of people dont realize android is linux lol
06:17.49ihateuid2000erm, busybox
06:18.00swetlandwell android *isn't* linux
06:18.17swetlandbut the android stack does run on top of a linux kernel, and includes a number of libraries common to linux distributions
06:18.29wub_I'm a software developer but I have not delved into the SDK at all.  I knew Google was working on Android but I didn't really follow things closely.  When I heard that the G1 was coming, I eagerly preordered to dump my broken Blackberry.
06:19.27BruteSourceyes it does run on top of a linux kernel lmao
06:19.39BruteSourcewhat do you think they run on?
06:20.26wub_I'm pleased for the most part.  The possibilities for this platform are so exciting.  I'll admit, it's got my little geek heart longing to poke at some code for it.
06:20.33BruteSourceIf they didnt we wouldnt be able to run patched kernels
06:21.36wub_BruteSource: From what I've read, swetland is correct.  Yes, it's running on a Linux kernel but things are locked down.  It's pretty abstracted for developers.
06:21.56swetlandyes, I'm correct.  I'm the systems/kernel lead for the project ^^
06:22.03wub_I don't think you can hack your kernel ;)
06:22.06wub_swetland: ha.
06:22.32BruteSourceno its completely open, thats why its already running on other devices
06:22.43BruteSourceoh now he works for google lmao
06:22.58wub_*cough /whois swetland *cough*
06:23.01BruteSourceirc is great
06:23.40BruteSourcebrian swetland?
06:24.44BruteSourceso i can make my whois say bill gates, wanna see?
06:24.49BruteSourcewhats your point?
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06:25.40waldo_is away: auto-away
06:27.10wub_umdk1d3: I like the fix for the password/keyboard issues altho the inconsistency is confusing.
06:27.35umdk1d3wub_: true, but we kindof needed the "confidence" of the password edittext
06:27.40waldo_is back (gone 00:02:00)
06:28.18umdk1d3oh, and we werent handling special chars correctly from what peopel reported
06:28.59wub_As in?  I didn't try very much since I couldn't resume my screen session.
06:29.04wub_Or go to bed. ;)
06:29.26umdk1d3umm someone was saying the special chars (alt+something) werent working all the way
06:30.09BruteSourcewhat needs to be pressed to return to home screen, wened to map it
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06:57.09mib_33yhjbare there any plans now that the source tree has been released to remove the license from the sdk binary?
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07:18.39coonstaIt is too late.
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07:26.57muthugit community book is great
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08:03.19jimmygoonHow much physical size would it actually add to have 2 microsd slots instead of just one?
08:03.43jimmygoonAnd congrats on the OSS release (obviously a lot late, there were mixed feelings, expectations last time I was here :D)
08:04.36f00f-jimmy, i'd say it'd add quite a bit
08:05.41jimmygoonf00f-: Hm, I just think a few extra slots and then having them work in raid or something (raid would make it hard to "hotswap" theem) would be awesome.
08:06.07jimmygoonbut obviously, there would have to be a spring mechanism, terminal contacts, circuit board access etc
08:06.33f00f-i dont see  the purpose
08:06.44f00f-just get  a larger card
08:07.08jimmygoonf00f-: they don't make 32gb cards yet :)
08:07.22f00f-ok let's wait until they do :)
08:07.25f00f-it's around the corner
08:07.42f00f-there's a bunch of hardware that needs changing
08:07.53f00f-plus, the board is routed optimally already
08:07.58jimmygoonhaha, fair enough. I just hope by time a verizon/cdma handset is on the horizon the 16gb become more affordable
08:08.05f00f-you might need to redo layout if you want to add more stuff
08:08.12f00f-due to noise and what-not
08:08.31f00f-might be a nice hobby project if you work at htc and have axx to the board layout files, etc.
08:08.32jimmygoonyeah it obviously wouldn't work to jsut "throw an extra one in there"
08:08.38muthuheard 64gb card is coming soon
08:08.51jimmygoonmuthu: microsd?
08:08.55f00f-well yeah they have 32/64 gb cards probably
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08:08.58f00f-in research
08:09.00f00f-not i nmass market
08:09.54jimmygoonfun fun
08:10.20jimmygoonany news/rumors of cdma/verizon android handsets?
08:11.02spikebiken800 has two slots
08:11.26spikebikejimmy search youtube for android on verizon
08:12.35jimmygoonspikebike: I just saw someone with it running on an old htc phone :/ I hope Verizon doesn't pull a Verizon on android :(
08:12.38f00f-experiments with runOnUiThread()...
08:12.58f00f-ok muthu, major improvements in error handling
08:13.14f00f-if a web request fails or times out, i throw up a dialog
08:13.20f00f-allowing the user to "try again" or cancel
08:13.38f00f-i don't ever expect to have such a dialog pop  up
08:13.48muthuf00f-: nice
08:13.49f00f-but in case a network request times out or server is overloaded
08:14.16muthuyeah, the user's just want it to work
08:14.24muthuthey dont care about notifications and all that shit
08:14.33spikebikeI was kinda shocked how many videos there are of android on a butload of different phones
08:15.49muthuspikebike:  yeah, looks like every phone can run android
08:16.03DarkriftXxda-developers had a thread linking to my site about porting android to wm phones, i found it from my analytics and read it a little
08:16.08DarkriftXwas interesting to say the least
08:16.09jimmygoonHow were they managing this before the source was available ..... :/
08:16.26DarkriftXtaking the image and runnign it with haret
08:16.33jimmygoonand how soon before it is stable on touch hd :) (still not in the US though :()
08:16.58spikebikeya, the touch HD looks pretty nice
08:17.02DarkriftXcheck xda-developers forums, they would be the place to find out
08:17.21spikebikequite a few phones are coming with very g1 like hardware (except for the compass)
08:17.31spikebiketreo pro
08:17.37spikebikeat least a few of the htcs
08:18.24jimmygoon:) Except, the Touch HD is surely GSM anyway :|
08:20.04spikebikeI think even the iphone is pretty close (no keyboard of course)
08:21.10jimmygoonoooh. there is diamond cdma variety
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08:26.45parmasterhtc blackstone
08:27.03parmaster(aka htc touch HD)
08:29.59jimmygoonwell it looks like there will be cdma touch pro and diamond, maybe one of those would work out? Hopefully HTC will stay on their game and release something like the touch hd here with android :) that would make me happy
08:32.55parmastermaybe you could just wait for 'opentrout' lol
08:35.13BruteSourceanyone know why our build keeps setting its date back and freakig out about it?
08:35.58parmasterhi BruteSource
08:36.16parmasteri have no idea about the htc hardware clock
08:36.40parmasterbut clocks working ok in winmo right?
08:37.31BruteSourceya it a consistant error on 2 seperate devices with same hw
08:39.18BruteSourcewe finally got the userspace to init but now we have this crazy problem with the hw clock
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08:46.04parmasteri couldn't find anything in the xda-developer forums about the hardware clock for any of the phones at all
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08:50.53BruteSourceya im sure penguinz will figure it out dude is like a ninja
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09:22.40BruteSourcewhats with the bots?
09:27.21malcom_hello guys, is normal that Android Emulator is so slow? In fact if I want to debug an app of mine I need to start it each time (eclipse don't use an opened istance of it) and it's a pain
09:27.42malcom_What wrong? It's a mistake of mine or the right way?
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09:32.24NarOwmindanyone still awake?
09:32.31gdsxNarOwmind: moo :o)
09:32.42gdsxmalcom_: you're not supposed to start it each time
09:33.04gdsxmalcom_: you're supposed to run it once, and then the Eclipse plugin is supposed to interact with it
09:33.12NarOwmindI was looking at the ContentProvider interfaces
09:33.34NarOwminddoes any one know the plan around those..
09:33.54NarOwmindI would like to sync some of my apps data to the google account
09:34.14NarOwmindsince gmail offers so much storage
09:34.36gdsxNarOwmind: dunno, sorry
09:34.55BruteSourceask the founder of google he is here
09:35.13BruteSourcelmao just making fun sorry
09:35.32NarOwmindfounders dont much anyways
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09:35.41NarOwmindits a better joke to say project manager
09:36.47waldo_is away: zzz
09:37.14BruteSourcewell his title is ever changing
09:38.35BruteSourcethe thing is google devs sign a non disclosure agreement which says they can not reveal who they re in a public media while adressing current project information
09:38.50BruteSourceso we know he is full of it
09:39.52muthuBruteSource: what do you mean? you can't say projectmanager of gmail for ex?
09:41.11swetlandwe also are required to cover our faces in public. it is true.
09:41.51BruteSourceit just means you cant say hi im john smith from google and we are doing this in the next release of gmail.. it has to go through a press release
09:42.16AdamantBruteSource: there are a lot of Google devs on here
09:42.23BruteSourceyou can find this information on the net lol
09:42.53BruteSourcei am sure there are, but none that say there names and give out future development specifics
09:44.32BruteSourceanyways believe what ya want its  free net, im not trolling
09:45.35muthuBruteSource: isn't that like a general company policy everywhere?
09:45.56muthunot to talk about specifics..
09:46.06BruteSourcei dont know, but i do know its onefor google
09:46.24AdamantBruteSource: given that Google is open sourcing Android and relying in significant part on outside contributions from this point on
09:46.44BruteSourceonly with applications
09:46.46swetlandgiven that we've done the kernel development out in the open for the last year
09:46.51AdamantI wouldn't be surprised if some form of limited waiver is given to talk about certain things
09:46.53BruteSourcenot kernel development
09:47.23Adamantswetland: good point
09:47.40waldo_is away: auto-away
09:47.44BruteSourceand so its opensource... you ever seen linus come on irc and talk about whats up in the next kernel release?
09:47.58AdamantBruteSource: he talks about it on LKML all the time
09:48.05Adamanthe's old, he doesn't use IRC
09:48.29BruteSourceno google has developed then release developed then released, see he has no clue what he is going on about
09:48.38NarOwmindya he whistles 2400buad for nttp
09:48.39Adamantok. whatever.
09:49.19BruteSourcelmao this kid has you all eating out of his hand its great
09:49.36BruteSourcewhy dont you share with us your @google email?
09:50.26BruteSourceand ill email you something and you can relay it here...
09:50.33BruteSourceill cc it as well so we can know i sent it
09:50.46swetlandmy email address has been public knowledge for well over a year, since we started contributing kernel work to the outside world for android
09:50.47BruteSourcei dont care about that whatd the email...
09:51.06BruteSourcejust type the damn address
09:52.02muthuBruteSource: why you want his email?
09:52.16BruteSourceso i can prove he is bs
09:52.44BruteSourceif he is who he says he is he will have a google email and can read from it
09:52.47swetlandit's in the commit linked to above, from 2007. please feel free to send me an email
09:53.10BruteSourcejust type it id, i mean look how he beats around the bush
09:53.32BruteSourcetype the address here, what do you have to worry about
09:54.15BruteSourceexactly there you guys go he has no access to any google email
09:54.48Adamantdude his email at google is the same as his screenname here
09:54.48BruteSourcesorry to sound like a troll guys but he had to be weeded out
09:54.56muthuhe's using hotmail :)
09:55.01Adamantif you check the post
09:55.21BruteSourcewhy cant he simply type it here?
09:55.21muthuBruteSource: are you saying someone is impersonating swetland?
09:55.50BruteSourceim saying swetland is impersonating a real google dev
09:56.01muthuyou been drinking too much
09:56.12BruteSourcewell then why wont he prove it?
09:56.24NarOwmindwhy do we care
09:56.36BruteSourcei sent an email to the address read the 3 words...
09:56.53NarOwmindlittle brown fox
09:56.54BruteSourcelmao, you guys are so gullable
09:57.02swetlandthis is such a fun game
09:57.19BruteSourcelmao i bet it is fun for you
09:57.40BruteSourceyou cant login to that email account and you know it
09:58.10BruteSourceor else you would just shut me up and read the 3 words
09:59.01BruteSourcelmao keep believing what you want guys, but i promise its just some android fanboi
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10:02.38swetlandbased on the lack of new mail, I can only assume you want to ensure your "victory" or your mail is unreliable or eaten by spamfilters. ^^
10:03.07muthuBruteSource: is having friday fun
10:03.29swetlandof course you certainly win by having me even bother to check, so there ya go
10:03.45DarkriftXBruteSource, whois him
10:04.10BruteSourcelmao, now the email didnt come, good thing I cc'd and will post the copied email from the inbox i cc'd it to, i knew he would try that
10:04.16DarkriftXalso whois jasonchen and SanMehat
10:05.07Adamantswetland: did you really believe your dastardly plot to impersonate a Google developer would work?
10:05.08BruteSourcewhat else woulhe say?
10:05.18BruteSourcehe is persistant though
10:05.23DarkriftXBruteSource, how did he get behind a google firewall with 2 of the ops?
10:05.44swetlandadamant: of course not. I could never stand up to such impressive scrutiny
10:05.48BruteSourcewhat firewall? you mean a lame psybnc?
10:06.04DarkriftXyeah, with a computer inside a google domain?
10:06.12BruteSourcei an do the same thing... should i show you?
10:06.28muthuBruteSource: how?
10:06.33BruteSourceits a vmask lol basic stuff, not a real google domain
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10:06.45DarkriftXi want to see you join with the same vhost then
10:07.05DarkriftXsee? he avoids my challenge
10:07.09BruteSourceyou can make it say microsoft, fairyland, fsf whatever floats your boat
10:07.19DarkriftXhe is impersonating an accuser of an impersonator!
10:07.28BruteSourceim on a mobile phone lmao
10:07.37DarkriftXi c
10:07.38swetlandI thought the "I'll send you an email thing" was pretty cute.
10:07.43DarkriftXsee how he beats around the bush?
10:08.30rwhitbygets out the popcorn ...
10:08.32BruteSourcelol this is great he has you eating out of his palms, oh i give up. much respect for being such a good puppet master
10:08.46DarkriftXyou give up because you cannot do what you say you can do
10:08.56DarkriftXi know bnc's and you arent going to get a google ip/domain on a bnc
10:09.17swetlandrwhitby: I'll try to get trolled more often in the future! Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all the week.
10:09.23BruteSourceno matter what i prove to you over and over, itall your perception when it comes down to it. so have fun
10:09.36rwhitbyswetland: it is quite amusing :-)
10:09.50DarkriftXi also know that the devs to in fact hang out in here so why is it so hard to believe he is a google employee?
10:10.13BruteSourceal gogle devs spend theretime in an irc channel ya know
10:10.13DarkriftXBruteSource, want me to send you an email at a address? thats a large company
10:10.58BruteSourcei said @google fool no one but staff get those adresses, go read a book
10:11.10DarkriftXi know
10:11.24DarkriftXi didnt say you didnt say
10:11.39BruteSourceno you didnt obviously you idiot
10:11.49DarkriftXlol, now he is mad
10:11.53swetlandrwhitby: gotta admit he's pretty good.
10:11.55DarkriftXhe cant prove his point and hes pissed
10:12.00BruteSourceoh yes im so mad
10:12.08BruteSourceim impressed actually
10:12.12swetlandwell, he seems to have trouble sending email too. life is full of hardships.
10:12.17*** part/#android snappy (
10:12.32BruteSourcethis script kiddie has fooled some pretty intelligent people
10:12.33rwhitbyswetland: perhaps it's a windows mobile phone he's using ...
10:12.42DarkriftXthat would explain it
10:12.48DarkriftXwm and pop dont work well together
10:13.00DarkriftXhe should get an exchange server
10:13.04BruteSourcewow mommy teach you to ctcp version? what a big boy
10:13.23DarkriftXlol, and he says he isnt mad
10:13.24BruteSourcei dont use pop god your brilliant
10:13.40rwhitbyDarkriftX: no mad, just a teenager probably.
10:13.52BruteSourcenow he thinks gmail only supports pop, so clever
10:14.08swetlandyou know, it is getting late.  can't exactly stay up all night waiting for email from trolss ^^
10:14.09DarkriftXpop, imap take your choice
10:14.15DarkriftXi also know wm sucks even worse with imap
10:14.28rwhitbyhave a good night swetland
10:14.52DarkriftXBruteSource, find a real computer and send your email so he can prove you a troll
10:15.02swetlandoh I'll be around for a bit. but I doubt I'll ever see an email from the brilliant man who unmasked me as a foul imposter ^^
10:15.02BruteSourceyes teeager but somehow i was alive logging into bbs's sharing fortran and basic over a 28k baud modem when you were sperm in daddies balls?
10:15.07DarkriftXand we can laugh at how mad you get and blow up
10:15.18DarkriftXi had a 300 baud modem little boy
10:15.21rwhitbyit's quite ironic really, someone who doesn't give his real name in IRC saying that someone else is modifying his identity :-)
10:15.42swetlanddark: makes me a youngin' getting started in the 1200 baud days
10:16.02DarkriftXbut none of the bbs's supported 1200 or 2400 when i was on them
10:16.08BruteSourceby the time you touched a keyboard it had broadband kid
10:16.32DarkriftXthat was on my trash 80 and then the 8088 i later built
10:16.48BruteSourcename one bbs net you used?
10:16.55rwhitbyDarkriftX: loved that trash 80
10:16.57swetlandyou know what I miss. isdn.
10:17.00DarkriftXso did i
10:17.02DarkriftXbasic FTW
10:17.02swetlandthose were the days
10:17.15rwhitbyswetland: too expensive here.
10:17.16swetland128kbps was this unbelievable thing
10:17.18DarkriftXi had pacman and et on cartridge
10:17.21BruteSourcewrite me a hello world right here in basic
10:17.34swetlandrwhitby: uiuc offered residential isdn data service to students when I was an undergrad
10:17.36DarkriftXlol, yeah, that will prove something
10:17.38BruteSourcecome on big shot
10:17.45DarkriftXthat was 15 years ago
10:17.46DarkriftXor more
10:17.48BruteSourceya your full of shit ee
10:17.58BruteSourceyou never forget basic
10:18.00DarkriftX12 yr old that got proved wrong
10:18.05swetlandunlike email
10:18.05DarkriftXi remember cases thats all
10:18.11swetlandpeople forget that all the time
10:18.20DarkriftXcase 1 do soemthing, case 2 do soemthing
10:18.32DarkriftXi remember f5 ran the program
10:18.35rwhitbydon't forget to increment by 10 so you can insert statements at 5.
10:18.40BruteSourceyes im obviously 12 your just upset because the first machine you touched was a p3 and mine was an altair
10:18.45DarkriftXand i had to have a cassette player to save my code
10:19.02spikebikeimsai 8080 here
10:19.19swetlandtimex sinclair clone and C64.
10:19.33BruteSourceall e can do is repeat insults while he is schooled how sad
10:19.35swetlandand here we fall victim to one of the classic geek conversation traps
10:20.11rwhitbyit's always a classic sign of a troll being the first to resort to profanities
10:20.26BruteSourceactually that was him
10:20.28muthuBruteSource: how you find this channel?
10:20.33swetlandI just want to know what's wrong with his email client
10:20.50DarkriftXno, lets wait for the nazi declaration.... hes gonna call someone a nazi soon, its a law of nature
10:21.15swetlandactually, maybe he's that guy that used to go on and on about how we weren't open source and were a giant trick back on the android lists after the sdk release. he was entertaining.
10:21.22DarkriftXswetland, hope hes not using a g1, if so theres a major bug.... g1's cannot send email to an domain!!
10:21.32BruteSourcei built the android kernel for my phone and had userspace questions, but i thought there was actually devs here, was my mistake
10:21.46DarkriftXdevs here?
10:21.51DarkriftXwhy would they come here?
10:21.59DarkriftXyou must be crazy, there arent any devs here :S
10:22.01BruteSourceya stupid thought
10:22.13DarkriftXok, run along! maybe #googledevs has some!
10:22.23swetlanddark: I honestly don't know why romain keeps coming back to answer questions everyday. he's far too nice
10:22.34rwhitbyand morrildl
10:22.36DarkriftXim sure its taking a toll on him
10:22.45DarkriftXhis patients seem to be wearing down
10:22.57swetlandwell morrildl is a dev advocate, technically it is his job to answer questions.
10:23.04BruteSourcejust crazy people who think thos projectisnt just some crappy linux kernel with some poor vm tacked on top, and shitty java to boot
10:23.07swetlandromain is just kinda hearted I think
10:23.17muthuromainguy is the most consistent replier on this channel
10:23.18DarkriftXthat can get you killed..... being too nice
10:23.31DarkriftXheart attack from troll infestation on irc
10:23.34muthuhe might be burn out by now..
10:23.39rwhitbyremembers chatting to swetland and morrildl on Nev 05 last year.
10:23.59swetlandrwhitby: well that was probably the *real* swetland and morrildl, not these imposters we have nowadays
10:24.18BruteSourcewho was he then? linus trovalds?
10:24.27rwhitbyswetland: yeah, those two were far more reserved about what they said in public, so they must have been real Google employees ...
10:25.20BruteSourcehalf the people here dont even understand how this os even works
10:25.34DarkriftXof course not, we have no devs to help us with that
10:25.40DarkriftXsucks to be us
10:25.45BruteSourcerunning around claiming its not linix and posix doesnt exist
10:25.53DarkriftXyou should leave before the lack of knowledge infects you also
10:25.55swetlandconsidering that the channel is largely enthusiasts and app developers, that's not super surprising, really
10:26.01*** join/#android Dialekt (
10:26.07DarkriftX<--- enthusiast
10:26.12BruteSourcesaying its all java
10:26.15swetlandmind you, the app developers and enthusiasts tend to be less absusive
10:26.20swetlandso I don't mind them all that much
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10:26.40DarkriftXslaps Dialekt upside the head
10:26.41BruteSourceit will never boot on anything but a dream till google wants is what you want to believe
10:26.49DarkriftXhey Dialekt did you know there are no google devs here?
10:26.49Dialektdroid bores
10:26.52swetlandthat would be dumb to believe
10:26.58BruteSourceits far too complicated for us linux devs to port
10:27.03Dialektdoesn't car
10:27.03swetlandsince it booted on non-dream hardware months ago
10:27.13BruteSourcelmao oh no it only took 3 hours lmfao
10:27.15Dialekthugs his iPhone till Blackberry storm
10:27.17swetlandthe guy who did the vogue port was particularly impressive
10:27.20DarkriftXits booting on wm devies all over
10:27.27swetlandbrute: excellent. working as intended.
10:27.28DarkriftXusing haret
10:28.04BruteSourcevouge?... you mean vox tard
10:28.04swetlandI think somebody is a bit confused as to why exactly we released the source code
10:28.09swetlandoh come on, you were more entertaining before you resorted to name calling
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10:28.42BruteSourceyou didnt release it, its copyleft you used a linux kernel you had no choice
10:28.42swetlandgive you 5 minutes to actually send me an email, before I drop you on /ignore and forget about it
10:29.02DarkriftXyou going to show him how to email?
10:29.02swetlandbrute: there are a few million lines of apache2.0 and bsd licensed userspace code out there too, but, hey, details
10:29.11BruteSourcei sent the email the proof is posted on the xda general forum firstthread first post
10:29.16swetlandnah, if he can't figure it out on his own I doubt I can help
10:29.36rwhitbyssshhhh, the troll is sleeping ...
10:29.45DarkriftXoh, you didnt put that in public... you poor thing
10:29.48BruteSourceuserspace not kernel
10:29.52DarkriftXyou are going to get bastardized
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10:30.24rwhitbyDarkriftX: this is in public too - Google visits the IRC logs of this channel quite often :-)
10:30.34DarkriftXnot the REAL google
10:30.38BruteSourceyou used a gpl'd kernel... you had to release the source, it wasnt  choice, do some research kid
10:30.59DarkriftXyou talking to him like he is part of google?
10:31.07swetlandbrute: indeed, and as I pointed out we've been releasing it for roughly a year prior to the product shipping ^^
10:31.08DarkriftXyou are a confusing one
10:31.41DarkriftXso he believes you are a google employee but doesnt want to admit it
10:31.45DarkriftXbecause then he would be wrong
10:31.59swetlandI apparently fail at forums too, because I can't find this post. it's late though
10:32.00DarkriftXhe probably knew right before he sent the email, just in time to fake it
10:32.00BruteSourceyour the one who jut contradicted yourself, you just said google made the choice to release the soure
10:32.34DarkriftXno, he knows he is not google, thats all that proves
10:33.12BruteSourcepwnt again
10:33.48DarkriftXDialekt, been by a tmob store to play with a g1 yet?
10:33.55Dialektdon't need to
10:33.59Dialekti'm passing on it
10:34.04BruteSourcetime for sleep night script kittens have fun with your make believe world
10:34.07Dialekthey there's no pop up text is there?
10:34.10Dialektfor sms messages
10:34.22rwhitbynight BruteSource, thanks for the laughs.
10:34.25swetlanddark: we should be so lucky!
10:34.54DarkriftXit was too good to be true
10:35.11rwhitbyreckons was BruteSource's forum post ...
10:35.13BruteSourcethe laughs come from the logsi poted on the google code forums... lmao oh no maybe swetland will delete them since he owns google
10:35.31DarkriftXsorry guys, guess you have to keep your google bnc's on a little longer
10:36.29DarkriftXnot sure
10:36.31DarkriftXhavent used it
10:37.03rwhitbywaits for BruteSource to post URLs of all these forums posts - searching is sooo tedious
10:38.33DarkriftXsearched xda for "swetland" (would be in the email header he was sending) and it wasnt found in that context
10:38.44DarkriftXso that was 2 lies
10:38.54DarkriftXhe didnt even try to cover his second lie up with a third
10:39.19DarkriftXwas hoping he would bite on that email thing...... that would have been funny
10:39.31rwhitbyDarkriftX: swetland owns the xda forums too, and deleted the post there as well
10:39.43DarkriftXyeah, i figured as much
10:40.43swetlandI was expecting some impressively ginned up screenshot of an email or something proving how fake I was
10:40.52swetlandit was a bit of a letdown for there to not even be a thread
10:41.21swetlandI totally was trolled by somebody who's heart isn't even in it
10:41.37DarkriftXfunny thing is, i knew better then to get into that
10:41.41DarkriftXonce you do, you cannot get out
10:41.50DarkriftXinternet fights are addictive
10:41.51rwhitbyswetland: he couldn't find the BBS gateway to the forum
10:42.17DarkriftXwrite me a hello world in basic
10:42.29DarkriftXthats proof to everything
10:42.32swetlandyeah, as soon as I took the bait and pointed him at an email address I knew I was going to lose this little game
10:42.45rwhitbywrite me one in Z80 machine code.  C3 for absolute jumps.
10:42.47DarkriftXremembering a programming language that died 10 years ago
10:43.40swetlandin my defense it was late and I was bored, but honestly, should know better by now
10:44.31DarkriftXi didnt say it wasnt fun, but it lasted longer then id have liked
10:44.34swetlandI was then hoping he would call me out on the discussion groups, because I'd totally be hearing about it at work all next week
10:44.39DarkriftXand he never did bring up nazi's....
10:45.41nebino godwin's law ? :(
10:45.59swetlandwell, points for avoiding cliches I guess
10:46.03DarkriftXthats what its called
10:46.06swetlandanyone seen any particularly cool apps recently
10:46.07DarkriftXgodwins law :)
10:46.18DarkriftXswetland, no but if oyu do, let me know so i can put them on my site :)
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10:46.55swetlandget your download issues sorted out?
10:47.11DarkriftXfor now
10:47.18DarkriftXstill working on moving it back out of the forums
10:47.21DarkriftXbut for now its doing good
10:47.28DarkriftX250 members in 3 days
10:47.55DarkriftX500-800 unique visitors a day and the site is barely 2 weeks old
10:49.28DarkriftXok, goodnight all
10:49.33DarkriftX4am here and im supposed to be up early :S
10:52.59DarkriftXi just had a funny idea
10:53.22swetlandut oh!
10:53.31DarkriftXyou should post on a blog somewhere about the "fun conversation we had with BruteSource about how there are not enough Google devs on irc"
10:53.49DarkriftXjust enough to have his name on there and prove him a jackass
10:54.18swetlandI don't blog.  I restrict making a fool of myself to irc and assorted mailing lists.
10:54.44swetlandand honestly he totally wins for getting me to even respond to his ranting about email addresses and such, so hat off to our troll
10:54.49geistand internet spaceships
10:54.57swetlandgeist: foul lies
10:55.09DarkriftXwell the idea gave me a giggle so it was worth it in that regard
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12:54.30Delvienanyone find a working irc client for android (g1)
13:01.36CompBrainwaves to rwhitby -- long time no see
13:01.46rwhitbyhey CompBrain
13:02.57CompBrainrwhitby: how many projects are you working on these days?
13:03.21rwhitbyclose to none.
13:03.36rwhitbylots of following, very little working (apart from real life working)
13:07.17*** join/#android plusminus_ (i=4421a620@gateway/web/ajax/
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13:11.35CompBrainI'm waiting for your obligitory photo of a buildfarm of G1s
13:12.28*** join/#android jbq (n=jbq@
13:16.29thoraxedoes the email application ever bother to refresh the imap folders?  because I deleted some folders from an account and they are still in the phone.  do i need to re-create the account?
13:37.15*** join/#android annodomini (n=lambda@wikipedia/lambda)
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13:47.55calmfuryhas any got this running on an x86 system yet?
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13:59.00calmfur1anyone got this running on x86 yet?
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14:11.01calmfur1anyone running this on x86?
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14:13.16Dougie187calmfur1: running what on x86?
14:13.49Dougie187well.. android source? or what?
14:14.03Dougie187i know the SDK runs.
14:15.01michaelnovakjr_i have it running on x86
14:15.07michaelnovakjr_i replaced my linux distro with it
14:15.33Dougie187omg, i want the sdk to be my default boot too!
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14:17.19Dougie187michaelnovakjr_: hows your weekend so far?
14:20.48michaelnovakjr_not bad
14:21.05Dougie187not too bad. i have to go to the doctors today.
14:21.18michaelnovakjr_that is always fun
14:21.57Dougie187yeah, i might have some sort of throat infection, like strep
14:22.07Dougie187yeah. but ionno
14:22.29Dougie187otherwise we have to do some grocery shopping
14:22.33michaelnovakjr_i'm getting back into android development
14:22.52Dougie187you're helping out with five right?
14:23.04Dougie187thats cool
14:23.28Dougie187are you working on anything else?
14:23.51michaelnovakjr_i'm writing an RSS app
14:24.00Dougie187good ol' feed reader?
14:24.23Dougie187i need to write that electric fence thing at some point, but i don't know when im going to get around to it.
14:24.31Dougie187so much other crap to do, with homework and research and all.
14:24.42michaelnovakjr_yea, i've been quite busy myself
14:24.53Dougie187oh yeah?
14:25.02michaelnovakjr_yea work has been nuts
14:25.07Dougie187thats no good. heh
14:25.14landslidethe maps application seems to be missing from the stack...
14:25.23Dougie187well hey we are going to run to the doctors now. so i will talk to you later.
14:25.30Dougie187have a good saturday.
14:25.31michaelnovakjr_good luck
14:25.34*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
14:34.41Disconnectwho was it who was working on a libspark xmpp client?
14:34.55Disconnectcould use a jabber client pretty bad now that ssh is covered by connectbot
14:37.13*** join/#android AhtiK (
14:37.21michaelnovakjr_Disconnect: is exchange support in the mail client?
14:37.31Disconnectthe mail client is a total disaster
14:37.53Disconnectit doesn't post any changes to the server, most of the time. and it never (ever) posts deletes.
14:38.07michaelnovakjr_oh nice
14:38.11Disconnectyah real nice
14:38.20Disconnectand no, even if it worked its just imap/pop
14:38.36Disconnectand you have to select "ssl if available" (or tls if available) to force ssl/tls with untrusted certs.
14:38.47Disconnectooh that reminds me. 2 more bugs to file about that half-written mess.
14:39.17michaelnovakjr_can you put the market on the emulator?
14:39.19|Jeff|Which Eclipse package is best to download? Does it Matter? ie. for Java EE Deveopers vs. without EE vs. Classic ...
14:39.42michaelnovakjr_I use Eclipse EE but i don't think it matters
14:39.52*** join/#android igorgue (
14:39.53michaelnovakjr_just do yourself a favor and use Java 1.5
14:40.46michaelnovakjr_Eclipse EE includes J2EE packages, so no not needed
14:40.50igorguethis is a right place to ask non-developers questions (I'm a developer but can't find a way to do a "user" thing ;))
14:41.05|Jeff|I have never programmed in Java, but looking to play with Android. Just have experience with VB and tiny bit of C along time ago. Can you explain using Java 1.5 michaelnovajr
14:41.07igorguealbum art...
14:41.28michaelnovakjr_|Jeff|: its the version of Java Android uses
14:41.29|Jeff|eclipse is harder?
14:41.32igorguewhere do you put it to add it with an album?
14:41.42michaelnovakjr_|Jeff|: Eclipse is just an IDE
14:41.51Disconnect|Jeff|: headfirst java is a good book for learning/relearning java
14:42.12|Jeff|thanks Disconnect.. I was going to ask that also
14:42.37michaelnovakjr_Effective Java is also a good book
14:43.01igorguewe can list a thousand of good Java books here :)
14:43.34|Jeff|I find the problem with alot of books is they either only show you the very basics (so you can't do anything useful) or they get really complicated and you can't figure out what they are saying.  Hopefully I can find good examples to learn from and learn by trial and error. lol
14:44.25Disconnect|Jeff|: headfirst uses the same methods as the 'dummies' books and similar, but with advanced topics. makes it real easy to learn quickly.
14:45.10|Jeff|cool.  I have heard Java is very similar to C. I also have heard Java is slower then C... So why is everything Java???
14:46.19michaelnovakjr_java really isn't like C
14:46.19igorgue|Jeff|: optimization is not the must important thing...
14:47.02|Jeff|Is Java easier then C? Better libraries? More open?
14:47.09igorguewith platforms like .NET or Java you can develop software really fast... avoiding a lot of mistakes you make in C with things like a garbage collector for example
14:47.26igorgueanyone? album-art -> songs?
14:48.07*** join/#android anno^da_ (n=anno^
14:48.09igorgueI'm googling now... sorry for asking before searching :P
14:48.28michaelnovakjr_sorry, haven't looked at the music player yet
14:48.52igorguemy very same question
14:49.35Ramblurrdoes anyone know how (or know of an example) of a paging listview, where the datastructure in the backend contains more items than what's displayed?
14:49.47Ramblurrand as the user scrolls more items are retrieved
14:50.01michaelnovakjr_Disconnect: so it looks like i found my project to work on.... write a better mail client with exchange support :)
14:50.30Disconnectsuits me, the old one is a mess. although i'm already out of space and i've barely got anything installed.. maybe write a mail client that uses sd card for storage too
14:50.51Disconnect(that'd be a good place for browser cache too..)
14:51.02michaelnovakjr_it doesn't use it?
14:51.27Disconnectmichaelnovakjr: nope. according to app manager its 18 megs on main storage, clearing cache wiped that out.
14:52.36Disconnectseems like a "dump replacable things" call would be useful, instead of making me go into browser and dump cache every time it warns :(
14:53.02michaelnovakjr_yea, kinda like garbage collection :)
14:53.21Disconnectyah for storage items tho
14:53.29michaelnovakjr_like browser cache
14:53.42michaelnovakjr_geek attempt at a joke :)
14:54.29Disconnectprobably wouldn't have gotten the phone if he'd realized how locked down it was.
14:54.45Disconnectits one thing to prevent hackery. its another to prevent (eg) removing and replacing the shipped apps...
14:54.59jbqwhat can't you replace?
14:55.09michaelnovakjr_i'd like to get it running on n810
14:55.13Disconnectaccording to romainguy_ the imap problems are fixed in dev. but short of renaming it and reinstalling it (see above note about storage..) its not gonna do any good.
14:56.40*** join/#android Dralspire (
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14:57.05jbqIf you could remove it, you couldn't do a factory reset any more and get back to the original state. me, thats not an issue. i'd be fine with a factory reset that just had platform (after all, easy enough to install the rest off the net)
14:58.36*** join/#android Adamant (
14:58.50calmfur1sorry should have been specific has anyone got the dalvik source compiled and running on an x86 platform
15:00.29jbqGoing back, FWIW, there are 2 different mechanisms that apps can use to automatically free up some storage space. I don't think that the browser currently uses any of them.
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15:07.40Disconnectbug #1068 filed
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15:23.45Disconnectyaaah how do i get gmote server to f'ing die??
15:24.25Disconnectit just sits there playing music at me and hiding
15:25.45Ramblurranyone know where in the source tree the GMail app is?
15:26.08Disconnectits not
15:27.52Ramblurrhmm you're right, it's not in the "core"
15:27.59Disconnectits closed source
15:28.17michaelnovakjr_Disconnect: ??
15:28.20Ramblurri wanted to see how they implemented the paging listview, so when you scroll to the bottom of the list it loads more emails on the fly
15:28.28michaelnovakjr_is that different from the Email app?
15:28.31*** join/#android Adamant (
15:28.31DisconnectRamblurr: email app does that on occasion
15:28.36Disconnect(and occasionally not)
15:29.49Ramblurris the email app OS?
15:30.04michaelnovakjr_its in packages/apps
15:30.10Disconnectmichaelnovakjr: ?
15:30.31michaelnovakjr_Email app is in packages/apps.... theres a GMail app in addition to that?
15:30.44Disconnectooh i can use shazam to figure out what song this is and lsof to find it. then i get the axe.
15:31.02Disconnecton the phone, gmail app. its similar to the j2me version, only better (except it only does one account)
15:31.13michaelnovakjr_ah i see
15:31.23michaelnovakjr_they need to ship the emulator with all these apps on it
15:31.45Disconnectunlikely to ahppen
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15:31.46michaelnovakjr_i don't see the issue with it
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15:32.02Disconnectugh. all morning its on edge. stupid f'ing thing. i can stream video to/from my mbp but the phone can't even stay barely connected
15:32.57Disconnectoh thats just brilliant. the song doesn't seem to exist on my laptop. (wtf?? sigh)
15:39.14Disconnectand its in loop. i'm gonna throw this thing through a window.
15:39.31SanMehatwhats going on?
15:39.45Disconnectgmote started something playing, and won't stop or change or anything. even when its killed off.
15:39.53Disconnectand i can't find it in the ps list
15:40.02SanMehatits playing audio?
15:40.03SanMehatps -t?
15:40.28SanMehatoh. its playing audio on what.. the device?
15:40.30Disconnecti just went over everything, no luck. and i can't even find the file
15:40.32Disconnecton the mbp
15:41.34Disconnectok its officially found a song that is not in my itunes library. and 'locate' can't find anything like it either. and its definitely looping
15:41.53SanMehatsorry man, i dont really know much about macs :)
15:42.31*** join/#android FRITZ (
15:42.31Disconnectoh neat. it can play 2 songs at once. this is not better.
15:43.15Disconnectoh thats lovely. the -new- song is playing via itunes. kill that off.. old song is still playing.
15:43.19Disconnectand there was only one itunes proc
15:43.31Disconnecti refuse to reboot to get this thing to stfu but .. might have to.
15:43.58*** join/#android mazzen (
15:44.10SanMehatso you cant find *anything* in ps?
15:44.24SanMehatyou can't query to see who has the audio device open on macos?
15:45.17plusminus_doesn't sth lik android:columnSpan exist for TableLayout ?
15:45.22plusminus_or TableRow...
15:45.27illuminumis there a shell application yet?
15:45.31illuminumeven in development?
15:45.36illuminumsome kind of terminal app
15:45.58illuminumdoesn't work for me, plus i'm interested in localhost
15:46.04wastrelno shell.
15:46.13illuminumi.e. the android shell itself, though i'd be semi-content with connectbot if it worked
15:46.22illuminumever or just for the time being?
15:46.35wastrelcurrently or in the near future afaik
15:47.41illuminumso connectbot works for you guys?
15:47.54wastrelto connect to remote hosts yes it's worked
15:48.33illuminumic, i never get the rsa fingerprint prompt
15:48.36Disconnectilluminum: 'adb shell' from the sdk
15:48.37illuminumjust a blank screen
15:48.47Disconnectilluminum: it doesn't prompt. and it only supports password auth :/
15:49.02illuminumpassword auth? how do i do that?
15:49.15illuminumlogin:pass@host ?
15:50.04illuminumor do i put my public key string in character for character somewhere?
15:50.42*** join/#android ahti_ (
15:51.20Disconnectno the server can offer 'password' auth which is cleartext password wrapped with ssl
15:51.57Disconnectmost servers use 'interactive' which is a challenge-response
15:55.47*** join/#android malcom_ (
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15:56.55*** part/#android Fiyuri (n=Alex@
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15:59.01theCarpenterwould there be anything stopping me from converting the package manager (Marketplace) into a regular installable app you can simulate in the emulator?
16:01.47illuminumcool i got in
16:01.54illuminumhad to mod my sshd_config
16:02.03illuminumvim works
16:02.29illuminumanyone know where the escape key is on a g1?
16:03.26illuminumargh is there no escape key
16:08.41SanMehati'm not sure.. you may need to bind another key for your meta
16:08.43*** join/#android batteryface (
16:08.51batteryfaceIs 3G required to operate the G1?
16:09.06SanMehatbatteryface: no, but its preferred.
16:09.26batteryfaceI was told that you could not interact with the phone at all if you did not have 3G.
16:09.41SanMehatyou were told wrong.
16:09.49batteryfaceStupid sales associate. I figured.
16:09.50SanMehatit works over EDGE, but just not as fast obviously
16:10.19batteryfaceI'm not looking to use the browser...etc on any kind of cell network. I only wish to use it on my wifi network.
16:10.45SanMehatwhat do you want to use it for?
16:10.45batteryfaceI'll use EDGE for the phone though. I am just intrigued by Android. I really don't care about anything else.
16:11.36*** join/#android AmericanM (i=0c1e4702@gateway/web/ajax/
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16:19.40batteryfaceThose mobile vendors really need to think about who they hire.
16:19.56batteryfaceThey probably lose a ton of customers because of false information.
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16:27.07outbriwhat do you do in eclipse when you get this error? Android Editors (0.8.0.v200809220836-110569) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui".
16:28.01Disconnectbatteryface: correct info costs more than incorrect
16:28.20Disconnecthiring-wise that is
16:30.27outbri^ I get that error when I try to set up the plugin.
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16:40.30romainguyRamblurr: i wanted to see how they implemented the paging listview, so when you scroll to the bottom of the list it loads more emails on the fly << you can look at the source of the Email application for this
16:41.02Ramblurrromainguy: hey thanks, i'll have a look
16:41.17Ramblurrromainguy: you're the/an android dev working on listview right?
16:41.41romainguy(gotta run, see ya)
16:41.46Ramblurrthanks, later
16:42.30illuminumsucks i can't map shit to : from insert mode in vim
16:42.46illuminumcrapcrap sucky sucky oh well i guess i cant code on the shitter just yet
16:43.13illuminum:o zodttd
16:44.04Disconnectdamnit its still playing
16:44.45SanMehatDisconnect: reboot man!
16:45.02*** join/#android FRITZ (
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16:45.16SanMehati know i know
16:45.17SanMehatit sucks
16:45.22SanMehatbut you gotta think of your *sanity*
16:45.45SanMehattenacious bastard :)
16:49.30Disconnectok so a datetime picker in eclipse is .. just awful. huge and a half. total mess. is it that bad in the device or is it ok? hoping it would have reasonable defaults
16:50.35waldo_is back (gone 07:02:55)
16:50.51SanMehatwhere were you? :)
16:52.31Disconnectclearly we should all be deeply concerned about his idles and unidles :)
16:53.41yakischlobai am
16:53.47*** join/#android VickiWong (
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16:55.32theCarpenterso, would there be anything stopping me from converting the package manager (Marketplace) into a regular installable app you can simulate in the emulator?
16:56.02SanMehathey VickiWong
16:57.01VickiWonghello SanMehat :) how are you?
16:57.03*** join/#android waldo_ (
16:58.28SanMehatgood :)
16:58.32SanMehatoh *theres* waldo
16:58.39SanMehat(that *never* gets old for me)
16:58.58waldo_or me.
16:59.58SanMehatsorry.. :)
17:00.20waldo_no worries
17:00.23waldo_used to it
17:00.42Disconnectyay yay yay i found the problem. it opened something in a web browser somewhere that was playing tuneage
17:01.05*** join/#android jasonparekh (
17:01.49Disconnectooooooooh damn its not gmote's fault. thats right. i found a TOS violating site @ work and it had an autoplay. doh. (it was a hooker advertising various massages, all with "sensual release".. and "tasteful" nudity on her pics.. neither of which we allow..)
17:01.59Disconnecti withdraw all the terrible things i said about it :)
17:03.28Disconnectdidn't think about it - found it last night, still had the thing muted
17:03.37*** join/#android muthu (n=mobeegal@
17:03.37Disconnectthen today when i loaded up gmote, i hit play before i unmuted...
17:04.32*** join/#android milos_ (n=mikici@
17:06.12jadamsis there a way to transfer files to the G1 over the wireless network?  Do any apps exist for this?
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17:06.57Disconnectget it via browser
17:08.02*** join/#android Surye (
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17:08.35SuryeHmm.. so is there no way to develop on hardware using 64bit Vista?
17:08.40Surye"If you're developing on Windows (32-bit only), you need to install the USB driver for adb: "
17:09.14muthuyo yo yo
17:10.56*** join/#android qvark (n=qvark@
17:11.36Disconnectsure there is. get a virtualbox 32bit ubuntu box :)
17:12.00SuryeIncidentally, that's is booting as we speak :P
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17:14.17Disconnectand for the record, again, i hate xml layouts. or they hate me.
17:14.30Disconnectcalmfur1: not you
17:14.31malcom_someone can tell me what's the best book around for Android development (
17:14.32*** join/#android dglazkov_ (n=dglazkov@
17:15.33malcom_Professional Android Application Development seems to be a great choice
17:15.51malcom_but it's not released yet
17:16.52*** join/#android frsk (
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17:20.55mpardoI have an activity that i want to display a toast message in and then immediately close the activity. how do i do this?
17:22.05mpardothis is what i have and it's not working...
17:22.14mpardoToast.makeText(this.getBaseContext(), "Contact added", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
17:22.45qvarkmpardo: why not?
17:22.51mpardodunno... lol
17:23.30qvarkmpardo: but the activity is finished right after the toast is shown
17:23.49mpardothe toast doesn't show... the activity just finishes
17:24.46qvarkmpardo: you can send yourself a delayed message and call finish() when received
17:25.08mpardoexplain plz
17:25.32qvarkmpardo: let me  2 min to find an example
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17:33.02qvarkmpardo: something like:
17:33.04qvarknew Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
17:33.24mpardook thx
17:33.28umdk1d3that isnt duration in MS
17:33.33umdk1d3its either a constant SHORT or LONG
17:33.43umdk1d3thought that was related to the toast
17:34.17umdk1d3needs more coffee
17:35.14mpardoand on the topic of toast duration, can you set the duration to a custom time besides short or long?
17:36.04qvarkI never have managed to do it
17:36.20qvarkif you find a way I would like to know
17:36.55umdk1d3by design you can only choose between SHORT and LONG
17:37.19Disconnectdidn't i see an amarok remote somewhere?
17:37.54kunthecronosops sorry :S
17:38.01Ramblurris not in the latest sdk?
17:40.03yakischlobaHrm. In my apartment in the supposedly rich service area my signal is so bad that I'm actually missing calls.
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17:46.59muthuyakischloba: welcome to shitty carrier networks
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17:51.06jaek_anyone know if there is an ssh client?
17:53.34umdk1d3ill check it
17:54.10jaek_seems like nobody ported a ssh client to android?
17:54.32spikebikehow is connectbot not a shh client?
17:54.49hrhrhi, anybody have experience to run android on nokia n8x0 builded from latest opened sources?
17:55.00*** part/#android penguinz (
17:57.04tparkinjaek_: did you see the links I posted?
17:57.44jaek_oh that was for me? checking...
17:58.03jaek_ah sweet, thanks
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18:00.17jaek_hmm i don't get the name... why connectbot?
18:01.02tparkinjaek_: ask in #connectbot probably
18:01.03umdk1d3jaek_: at least its not qtpfsgui  :P
18:01.18spikebikeI'm unclear if it can handle ssh keys
18:01.30umdk1d3spikebike: still work in progress
18:01.48spikebikeah, saw the button
18:02.00spikebikebut it was greyed out, I thought it was my fault
18:02.23*** part/#android theCarpenter (
18:02.32umdk1d3weve got scripting now ^.^
18:02.40umdk1d3so that it can "screen -dr" when you login or something
18:02.44benleyah nice
18:02.52*** part/#android wakingrufus (
18:04.52jaek_hmm now that i have a ssh client... the only thing left is vpning in ;)
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18:07.15Disconnectjaek_: good luck. it'll require jailbreaking - vpns don't work so hot without root
18:07.46spikebikeoh, g1 protects root?
18:07.47jaek_lol was just kidding, it would be sweet if sun ported their punchin client to android
18:08.30benleydammit I need to get a hold of a regular retail phone so I can figure out what all these restrictions are
18:08.32Disconnectcould use openvpn reall ybad
18:08.45benleyDisconnect: grab the source, start hacking it in :)
18:08.53Disconnectbenley: can't flash retail phones
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18:09.09benleyDisconnect: yes, but I expect that if such a feature goes upstream it will eventually show up in retail devices
18:09.11Disconnect(for fscks sake will someone stick that in the topic already?? its not like it doesn't come up about once an hour... :/ ..)
18:09.25benleyDisconnect: and I also expect that you'll be able to get a flashable phone sooner or later
18:09.29Disconnectfirst google has to approve it. then tmob - and thats unlikely, they want to charge for vpn access..
18:09.42umdk1d3Disconnect: seconded, it should be in topic
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18:10.18jaek_is there a repo or something for opensource free apps not in market?
18:10.21Disconnectbenley: and for the record i'm not annoyed about you asking, since its not actually posted anywhere :)
18:10.35Disconnectjaek_: tons. .. others. (google it..)
18:10.41benleyDisconnect: oh I know you can't flash retail phones
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18:10.55lokewhat sucks...
18:11.04benleyDisconnect: (well, you can actually, but only with firmware that's been signed with the appropriate key)
18:11.18Disconnectand you can't even overwrite existing apps.. so the totally fucked up and broken email app is stuck until tmob bothers to fix it.
18:11.42benleyyou could still put a different email app along side the existing one.
18:11.47benleyjust change its namespaces around.
18:12.01lokeDisconnect: thanks for making sure that I don't ever get one of the tmobile phones then :-)
18:12.19Disconnectyep. except its got basically no onboard storage for apps.. i've got hardly anything installed and the browser is filling it up all the time (20M cache.. so then i get a notification about out of space and an option to uninstall stuff..)
18:12.21lokegoes back to waiting for a non-branded one to come out form HTC
18:12.34Disconnectloke: its a disaster, it really is.
18:12.52benleywonders why he doesn't run into the disk space issue very often
18:12.53lokeDisconnect: it's a US phone company, I didn't expect anythign else really
18:12.56Disconnectfiled something like 25 bugs yesterday, most of them of the "makes this app/function/phone useless" variaty
18:13.08Disconnectbenley: on a phone or on the emu?
18:13.12benleyDisconnect: phone
18:13.33benleyDisconnect: I've run out of space a few times, but each time I go and find that I have an app I'm not using that eats a couple of meg, so I remove it
18:13.37Disconnectdunno. i've got a bunch of apps but most of them are under a meg. doing some image-heavy web browsing tho (dailystrips comic strips)
18:14.12benleyif the browser is breaking the whole OS by filling up the disk, that's a problem :-P
18:14.33Disconnectyep. not 'breaking' but certainly 'causing notifications and warnings'...
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18:14.54gdsxDisconnect: note that the partition that the browser uses to cache things and the partition that apps are installed onto are separate
18:15.35gdsxjham_: hey
18:15.37Disconnectthats good.. but 'manage apps' shows 20M (sometimes more) of "browser data" that shrinks when i hit 'dump cache' .. adn the notifications stop
18:15.47jham_gdsx: Hey
18:18.02gdsxDisconnect: if you do `adb shell`, does `df` show anything useful for you?
18:18.08Disconnectyah lemme get it real quick
18:19.20wastrelok i ported my number over to my g1
18:19.52Disconnectits an ok phone. speaker feels weirdly placed to me (i know its mostly centered) but otherwise not bad.
18:21.10spikebikeis pleased with the g1
18:21.21spikebikeI wanted an n800 with a cell connection
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18:22.06spikebikeI got a nicer looking framework, better devel tools, and other fun stuff like an accelerometer, compass, etc.
18:22.14spikebikeoh and a keyboard
18:22.18gdsxDisconnect: I'll talk to some folks.  I don't know why the browser would be storing stuff in /data, though
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18:28.12mpardoi have a question for those of you who own a g1
18:28.23mpardowhen a local call comes in does the area code show?
18:28.45benleympardo: think so, yes
18:28.52Disconnectgdsx: maybe its not fixing it, but the notifications go away..
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18:29.00benleympardo: callerID on gsm networks in the US always seems to include the area code
18:29.18spikebikempardo yup
18:29.23mpardook cool
18:29.24spikebikeeven includes the 1
18:29.32mpardoah nice
18:29.37benleyyeah - the number should always be call-back-able :)
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18:30.23mpardoi've tested at work with a colleagues g1 but his area code is not local so i wasn't sure
18:31.05spikebikeis now sure
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18:33.41nicknamehi, I want to buy a G1 but I cannot see BioWallet in the market
18:34.02nicknameany of you has found that application?
18:36.32mpardoomfg i'm retarded... who was here when i asked about the toast message not showing when i did activity.finish()
18:37.51mpardoqvark: the toast wasn't showing because i didn't tell it to... look at the code i posted and you'll see it's missing
18:38.19nicknamewastrel: ops! I checked their site looking for a "Download" section but I didn't notice this... I guess I need more coffee
18:39.38nicknameI thought the ADC finalist have received a G1 some weeks ago to do some testing
18:39.56Disconnectyou'd think so....
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18:40.58nicknamethat would explain why not all the ADC apps are in the market
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18:43.03mmu_manoh, crowded here :)
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18:46.02mpardois there an Eclipse shortct key for collapse all?
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18:48.49Earlobesshould I learn java before I learn Android?
18:49.02defconoijava is android
18:50.57Earlobesk thanks
18:53.08mpardowhat formatting can i apply to toast strings?
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19:01.00spikebikeany news on the rumored RC28 g1 release?
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19:05.26defconoiwhere did u see this rumor
19:05.49tweakthow do I reference my main activity from a broadcast receiver? I need to update the view based on received events
19:06.13spikebikeumm, dunno, just saw it mentioned that it was due about now
19:06.37defconoiI wish I could manually update and install a ssh server on this thing with a freakn rootshell
19:06.55tweaktoh wait, the Context supported in onReceive is my activity right? Should I just downcast to get at my internals?
19:07.40spikebikesupposedly all g1s will get it within the next 48 or so
19:07.44tweaktor should do it all in code, with  registerReceiver ?
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19:16.24ivantisis this for the google android thing?
19:17.05jastabut this channel is generally developer oriented
19:17.07ivantisinfobot: info
19:17.20michaelnovakjr__what up jasta
19:17.26michaelnovakjr__how's the phone?
19:17.30jastanot much, really sore from the gym :)
19:17.35ivantisyou could call me a developer
19:17.53michaelnovakjr__jasta, liking the phone?
19:17.56jastamichaelnovakjr__: good, i'm doing some experiments right now to test how to get a persistent keep-alive connection going even after the phone sleeps (for IMAP IDLE)
19:17.59cannedfisheh this _network_ is developer oriented :)
19:18.11ivantisfreenode, yes
19:18.14michaelnovakjr__jasta, i'm going to mess around with the Email app actually
19:18.28jastamichaelnovakjr__: me too, i already am.  i've been reading the code for days now, and am ready to hack
19:18.43michaelnovakjr__same here
19:18.47jastaunfortunately, because of its design i will need to do some major changes just to get the code base prepared for my feature
19:19.02jastain particular, the MessagingController paradigm is all wrong for
19:19.02michaelnovakjr__working on imap features?
19:19.05jastafor IMAP IDLE.
19:19.24jastabecause the idea is that the service and activity cannot be separated into multiple processes.  they communicate over the same thread (not using IPC)
19:19.46jastaso this must be changed in order to support IMAP IDLE, this way the background idling service can be separate from the activities
19:20.27spikebikeer isn't keeping the network alive contrary to the idea of sleeping?
19:21.37cliffyou can keep a socket open while keeping a PDP context closed
19:21.49cliffas long as both sides know how to deal with it
19:21.53cliffthis is how exchange activesync works
19:22.32cliffIMAP IDLE doesn't know directly how to deal with this
19:22.38defconoicreate an irc app
19:22.39cliffyou'd need a proxy server that can
19:23.03michaelnovakjr__i believe there already is one
19:23.13michaelnovakjr__i'm pretty sure
19:23.22michaelnovakjr__your google skills must not be sharp :)
19:23.37michaelnovakjr__check out or
19:23.41defconoifound it
19:23.42michaelnovakjr__they have an app list i believe
19:25.13spikebikeThis project currently has no downloads.
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19:26.26wastrelso i called to have my number ported to the G1, about an hour ago - but my g1 is still showing the old num. in the phone info
19:26.30defconoia root shell would make me more happy with andoid
19:26.34wastrelshould i reset the phone or call t-mob?
19:26.46ttuttlewastrel: Call T-Mobile first.
19:26.49defconoiit would be funny if it uses apt with repo's lol
19:27.08mmatticewastrel: my phone didn't show the new number until after my old phone was disconnected
19:30.06Disconnectok i've never had a device that had anywhere -near- this much trouble with wifi :(
19:30.10wastrelthat's one vote for call and one for wait.  wait is less effort :]
19:30.12jastaspikebike: there is a special way to keep a connection alive that the carriers support to do push e-mail and other things
19:30.48mmatticewastrel: try calling something to see if tmo has switched it in their system
19:30.49wastrelmmattice: will the number just change eventually?  or will i have to do something on the device?
19:31.18mmu_mananyone checked for a possible port to the OpenMoko FreeRunner yet ?
19:31.22mmatticeI got an sms that welcomed me to tmo after it was changed and after that I looked and it was changed in the settings
19:31.34mmu_manthere is a qemu diff to emulate it partially
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19:31.38wastreli got the sms but it hasn't changed in the settings
19:31.39Disconnectmmu_man: its being worked on evidently. but you need a usb keyboard.
19:31.51Disconnectwastrel: restart?
19:31.56mmu_manDisconnect I don't have it anyway, just qemu :p
19:32.02wastreli've turned the phone off but haven't done a reset
19:32.07mmu_manI'll be working on porting Haiku to it someday...
19:32.10mmatticeI actually got a couple of those messages
19:32.32mmu_manDisconnect do you mean it's been started or not yet ?
19:35.12mpardohow can i disable an item in a listview? or gray it out?
19:35.42Disconnectok the itunes remote is slick
19:36.03Disconnectwishes he wasn't struggling with simple layouts and interactions :( but there ya go..
19:36.15spikebikejasta ah interesting, figured in the interest of power that in sleep mode you'd just send a close and then re-establish on wake up
19:36.24spikebikeI have to say the g1 multitasks well
19:36.54spikebikeI was using gtalk... sent a MMS... took a picture... sent a MMS, continues the gtalk
19:37.21spikebikedefinitely multitasks (or gives the appearance of) better than anything else I've used
19:37.35Disconnectit actually multitasks
19:38.34spikebikewell hard to tell between a good suspend/restore and multitask
19:39.04cannedfishmultitasking is a good suspend/restore :)
19:39.24spikebikewell without top/ps it's hard to see if things are actually running and taking up ram
19:40.53spikebikethe nokia 800 for instance runs linux and doesn't do nearly as well
19:43.48spikebikeI'm kinda surprised I've not heard more about dalvik
19:43.57romainguyspikebike: that's what made me drop my iPhone
19:44.12Disconnecthold down home. last 6ish items.
19:44.17spikebikeyeah, everytime I thought of something cool to do I ended up wanting to run in the background
19:44.32mpardois there anyway to disable or gray out a listview item?
19:44.34Disconnectwith sdk you can run a shell over usb.
19:45.31spikebikeoh sweel, thanks disconnect
19:45.54romainguympagano_: yes, look at the methods in the adapter
19:45.58Disconnectwith sdk ddms shows all -sorts- of good things about whats running inside the java vms
19:47.18Disconnectok time to get clean and go to the butcher. its a huge-steak kind of evening.
19:47.44spikebikeI wonder if any other languages will target dalvik
19:47.55spikebikehas anyone seen a dalvik vs anything else benchmark?
19:48.13romainguyspikebike: you can't really compare without running the same OS/hardware
19:48.54romainguyif you want good news:
19:48.55waldo_is away: auto-away
19:48.57spikebikeor the same emulator
19:48.58romainguy- Dalvik is interpreted
19:49.06romainguy- 2D rendering is not hardware accelerated
19:49.14romainguy- the Garbage Collector is very simple
19:49.23romainguyso basically there are tons of things we can do to make apps even faster
19:49.27spikebikewow, I assumed 2d used the bitblt hardware
19:49.34spikebikeit feels pretty good to me
19:49.41geistthat assumes bitblt exists
19:49.43romainguythe windows compositing is hardware accelerated
19:49.44spikebiken800 doesn't either, despite support on the cpu
19:49.56romainguybut the drawing onto the windows is not
19:50.14geistusing the gpu gets a little hairy on power constrained devices
19:50.23geista lot of times you dont want to use it, even if it looks better
19:50.34geistbecause spooling up all that silicon costs battery
19:50.34spikebikebitblt should take less power using a gpu than the cpu
19:50.44geistnot necessarilly
19:50.54spikebikedepends how long you bitblt
19:51.02romainguygeist: in this case it's more because the hardware is not easy to use for our 2d library
19:51.08geistromainguy: yeah
19:51.23geistbut even if it was, it's not always a slam dunk in these things
19:51.33geistit really depends on how good the gpu does it's own power management
19:51.39geistand how fast it can get out of suspend
19:51.44spikebikeobviously the g1 cpu/gpu combination works pretty welll.... unfortunately this leads to laptop like utilization.... which leads to draining the battery pretty quick
19:52.13geistand for folks like android they always will need the software fallback, and have it be good performance
19:52.15romainguythe gpu is not used unless you use OpenGL basically
19:52.18Disconnectspikebike: part of that is that the default battery calibration is junk on most units
19:52.25geistsince they can't design for any given piece of hardware
19:52.27spikebikeoh, interesting
19:52.38spikebikeis there a possible fix or just replace the hardware?
19:52.42Disconnectmore than tripled his battery life by just training it twice (drain till it won't turn on, then charge 8+ hours continuous)
19:52.47Disconnectjust retrain it
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19:52.55spikebikeah, I'll try that
19:52.58romainguyyeah the battery suck to indicate us the charge level
19:53.05Disconnectalso, if you are out of 3g areas turn off 3g
19:53.09spikebikealready did that
19:53.14Disconnectromainguy: can i get that in english? :)
19:53.23geistit probably has it's own coulomb counter on the battery microcontroller
19:53.26spikebikealthough office mate didn't and watched his battery die pretty qucik
19:53.32geistand those need calibration, yeah
19:53.34romainguyDisconnect: the battery sucks at indicating its charge level
19:53.38Disconnectah. yah.
19:53.40spikebiketo be honest for most things the edge performance is pretty good (even youtube, streetview, and maps)
19:53.43Disconnectstandard problem these days tho
19:53.50spikebikenot sure I'd run 3g all the time even in a 3g area
19:53.50romainguythere are hardware solutions
19:53.53romainguybut they cost money
19:54.00Disconnectyah well
19:54.02geisthey, beats not having it at all. back in my day we had to guess the battery capacity based on voltage
19:54.09geistand that suuuuucks on li-ions
19:54.20Disconnecthaving a vaguely correct calibration is something most devices manage out of the box tho...
19:54.40Disconnectruns shazam and itunes remote, lets them fight it out
19:56.26DarkriftXthat would be a great program to have or even use that one location based program to turn off your 3g when you leave 3g ranges
19:56.44Disconnectadd it into locale
19:56.50DarkriftXthats waht its called..
19:56.57DarkriftXdoesnt it support plugins?
19:57.03p1mrxwell, I imagine someday everything will be 3G, and they'll turn off GSM like the US recently did with AMPS
19:57.13Disconnecti'd hope so for as much as google paid out in prize money on it :)
19:57.19spikebikeyeah I talked to the locale folks
19:57.30spikebikeit really needs a if connected to this access point do X function
19:57.31DarkriftXwell the prize money hopefully will go to making it even better
19:57.40spikebikei.e. turn off 3g when in my office and I can't get 3g
19:57.43Disconnectspikebike: it needs more than 2 "x function" options :)
19:57.50spikebikethey sounded very ammendable
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19:58.04spikebikethey sounded very ammenable
19:58.05Disconnectlike "change my message notifications on these accounts when i'm at work" (it already handles "turn my ringer to X volume @ work")
19:58.13Disconnectok bbl
19:58.31DarkriftXor it should have groups of stuff
19:58.47spikebikehey, does anyone know of a technical limitation of the hardware that would prevent UMA from working?
19:58.57DarkriftXlike have a home group, and 10 tasks inside it and when you go home it would execute that group
19:58.57spikebike(with a software implementation)
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20:08.26tweakt"10-25 16:03:51.323: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2936): java.lang.RuntimeException: Binary XML file line #2: You must supply a layout_width attribute."
20:08.44tweaktHmm, I have layout_width set... what's up?
20:08.57romainguylooks like you don't ;)
20:10.36tweaktI think I know what it is
20:11.01tweaktI set a default namespace, instead of android:xxx for every attribute... is that a problem?
20:11.09tweaktseems redundant
20:12.39tweaktyep, that fixed one problem, now some other errors to figure out ;-)
20:14.15michaelnovakjr__will the Email app run in the emulator?
20:16.57tweaktahh, it's working! sweet!
20:17.22tweaktugly, but working
20:21.25*** join/#android mpagano (n=mpagano@gentoo/developer/mpagano)
20:21.46mpaganoif I buy a new memory card, do I have to reinstall all of my apps?
20:23.32spikebikeI wish you did actually
20:23.35jastampagano: android installs all apps to internal storage, not the sd card.
20:23.40mpaganojasonchen: sweet
20:23.49mpaganojasta: nice, thanks
20:23.58mpaganojasonchen: sorry, nm
20:24.14p1mrxwhich also means that buying a new memory card won't let you install more apps
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20:24.47tweaktyou could always copy all the data over to the new one on a PC anyway
20:24.50gdsxjbq: bonjour
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20:36.37waldo_is back (gone 00:47:42)
20:37.54spikebikeoh speaking of which I need to buy 4 8GB cards
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20:39.29jaek_is there a DUN profile for the g1?
20:39.31outbriWhat do you do with 4 cards?
20:41.40spikebikeput em in 4 g1s of course
20:41.51jaek_sdptool records does not show DUN
20:41.56commonsguyjaek_ : i don't think so
20:42.40jaek_oh sweet, now i have to carry around my old phone too
20:43.13spikebikebonus ;-)
20:43.17outbrispikebike: can I have one? :P
20:43.34spikebikesure, hand over $30 ;-)
20:43.51outbri$30 for a g1 doesn't sound too bad :P
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20:44.54spikebikeSecurity Flaw Is Revealed in T-Mobile’s Google Phone
20:47.58outbriBy the same dude that found them in the macbook air
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20:49.42spikebikeI'm kinda curious how tmo and google will handle jail breaking
20:50.15CompBrainCan some else try downloading the eclipse plugin from
20:50.22CompBrainI'm getting errors in eclipse 3.4
20:50.51tparkinCompBrain: I also got errors trying to upgrade to sdk 1.0 using that link
20:51.05tparkinso I gave up on eclipse, downloaded it manually and am using ant
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20:55.06ivantisdoes android come with perl installed?
20:55.14commonsguyivantis: no
20:55.30tparkinanyone here been working on jruby on android?  seen a few blogs about it..
20:55.30SanMehativantis: port it
20:55.53ivantisis there a perl port for android?
20:55.53FRITZputing my nose in forum... Huuu!!!! and the dance of shit started..
20:55.59commonsguytparkin: AOT mode *might* work out of the box; JIT probably needs work for bytecode generation
20:56.32tparkincommonsguy: thanks but I have no clue what you said, I'm just a ruby coder looking to code on the phone :)
20:56.58commonsguytparkin: sry -- AOT = Ahead-Of-Time compilation (creates Java classes out of Ruby code)
20:57.01tparkinI've heard it doesnt work and has to be converted to dex and only seen one blog with some success
20:57.07ivantisdoes android have stuff for C/C++ like stdout, stdin?
20:57.10commonsguyJIT = just-in-time (runs Ruby scripts on the fly)
20:57.22tparkinthanks for the clarification
20:57.36commonsguyinvantis: not really, since this isn't a PC
20:58.57spikebikejython would be cool
20:59.19spikebikeI wonder if dalvik will get a non-android port
21:00.22cannedfishit runs on linux which is a portability layer by itself
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21:00.49gdsxivantis: your question isn't very clear.  I will say that native apps should work, but are not supported right now (since the package format has no way to communicate what hardware the package will work with, and there's no good way to include different binaries for different hardware)
21:00.57mpardohey, I made a service and i start it manually. what's the best way to see if it's running?
21:02.24commonsguympardo: ummmm...have it log something?
21:04.39mpardonot sure what you mean. My app needs needs to display the service's activity state in a textview. How do i check to see if the service is active.
21:05.20commonsguysame way you do any communication with a service: either IPC using AIDL or have the service broadcast intents that the activity picks up
21:06.04commonsguyif it's all in one app, i think you can bypass that and used shared data, but i'm not a big fan of that
21:06.21mpardoit is in one app
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21:26.04mpardois there any type of text formatting that you can do for the string used int Toast.makeText() ?
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21:36.06scootleydoes the SDK work ok from both Vista 64-bit and Ubuntu 64-bit?
21:36.11After_Mathis it better for Android to know how to create Java Apps or Applets?
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21:38.43commonsguyAfter_Math: probably apps, but neither are exact matches
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21:39.12After_Mathk thanks
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22:30.03DarkriftXwelcome back languish
22:30.16DarkriftXhow goes day 4 of the droid trials?
22:30.31languishhahah don't ask :)
22:30.52languishno question QC failed to reject mine
22:30.58languishbut my wife's is just fine
22:31.24DarkriftXtake it in and tell them you want a non refurb
22:31.31DarkriftXtmo is pretty good about that if its very new
22:31.34languishalready dealing with is
22:31.48DarkriftXwell, great time to tweak the hell out of it
22:31.53DarkriftXtake it to its knees
22:32.10DarkriftXmy site is doing great as im sure you can see
22:33.03DarkriftXI really want to get a g1 now
22:33.14DarkriftXall this watching ppl download stuff and test it is making me really jealous
22:33.47*** join/#android jaek__ (
22:34.19languishi just sent some people your way
22:34.36DarkriftXthere is this geeky girl at my work who is actually pretty hot.. she saw me on my site and asked about it and when i was explaining it to her she seemed to be getting off on it
22:34.48DarkriftX"omg!! wow, I gotta get one!" and shivering
22:35.13DarkriftXthe power of a nerd phone!
22:35.21languishMy response would be inappropriate for this channel :/
22:35.36DarkriftXmine too lol, i kept it to myself
22:38.02*** join/#android mpardo (
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22:47.14jota-hey whats the easiest way to implement a tree browsing view? like a multi level ExpandableListView ?
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22:50.59tomgibaraI have a vanilla content provider that exposes a single table. I now want to expose 'meta-data' about that table (eg. number of rows, number of rows added today) via the provider. Is there an established paradigm for this?
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22:55.19donomowhy does the mapView not show the zoom controls?
22:55.37jastadoes anyone have any specifics on how the phone actually falls asleep?
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22:55.59jastai'm trying to implement an idling connection that persists after the cpu sleeps, but im getting unusual results
22:56.24jastaobviously google sync does this, but of course google is unlikely to release those details :)
22:58.31jastai'm reading online that one typical strategy to prevent timeout at the carrier level is to just send a NOOP command every 10m or so, but then i'm wondering if the phone even sleeps in that amount of time
22:58.42geistoh definitely
22:58.49geistit'd get no where near the battery life if it didn't do that
22:59.08geisti dont know the specifics of how android does it, but usually these kind of things you sleep as much as possible
22:59.31geistlike, a second after the last thing that happened, or even when the cpu idles
22:59.40geistbetween context switches
22:59.45jastawell in this case do we mean sleep as in the CPU suspends and the kernel just rests waiting to be woken up?  so you could conceivably just be waiting in your read() until somehow the radio wakes up the cpu and then you continue working just fine?
22:59.51tparkinanyone have a fix for the "no repo at" error in eclipse?
23:00.13geistusually you tune your design to go to sleep as much as possible without clobbering responsiveness
23:00.22jastageist: right, so why then after like 20m or so does the TCP connection reset and my code doesn't get the opportunity to come back
23:00.27geistgiven that usually it takes a certain amount of time to actually put the cpu to sleep and wake up
23:00.46geisti would assume that sockets would stay open
23:00.47jastathe code is just a loop to set up a new connection and idle on it
23:00.55geistby 20m you mean minutes?
23:00.58Ramblurrhm if i have an EditText and a Button in a RelativeLayout.. with the Button to theLeftOf the EditText.. how can I get the EditText to stretch sideways to fill the screen, without knocking the Button off the edge?
23:01.02jastait sets SO_KEEPALIVE, although i'm not seeing that the keepalive probes are coming
23:01.06jastageist: yes, minutes
23:01.07geistthat may be a cell thing, like it drops the data call after a certain amount of time
23:01.12tparkinthe fix is to "Add Site" with this url: ""
23:01.18Ramblurralso, without hard wiring a pixel width
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23:01.26jastageist: well it seems like my attempts to come back and make a new connection fail or something
23:01.27geisti doubt it has anything to do with the actual host cpu going to sleep. that should probably be transparent
23:01.58jastaright and thats what i'd expect actually
23:02.38geistbut i dunno the specifics of this. I dont work on android, i just work in these kinds of things
23:02.41jastaso i wonder why this connection gets torn down after so many minutes and doesn't want to come back
23:03.00jastai think actually that SO_KEEPALIVE isn't tuned to work properly on Android
23:03.05geistcould be the connection gets torn down at the kernel level
23:03.11jastaits default in the Linux kernel is like a 2h interval between probes
23:03.12geistbut it gets set back up again at a higher level
23:03.14jastawhich would be way too long for the network
23:03.26geistso that using sockets at the kernel level doesn't autotrigger a new data call
23:03.36jastai'm gonna fire up wireshark on my PC side to see when keep alive probes come out
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23:03.56geisti'm sure the right android person would know it, you'll just have to find one
23:03.56jastageist: well perhaps, but my code is designed to reconnect, but what i see is that after so many minutes it just stops trying
23:04.09geistyeah but your code is doing socket level stuff only, right?
23:04.15zanberdo_I've just downloaded the android SDK for linux and plan to do some development using eclipse 3.4.  I'm relatively new to development under linux and would like a suggestion for where in my enviroment I ought to install the SDK
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23:04.25jastayes, it's just a loop doing socket connection and implementing an echo reader
23:04.25geistthough i guess through the java layer... seems like it should trigger a data call if it didn't already have it
23:04.34mmu_manhey geist
23:04.38mmu_manworld is small
23:04.39jastaright, and it would i'd think
23:04.42geisthey mmu_man
23:05.16jastageist: i'm gonna analyze with wireshark to get a better sense of exactly what the phones behaviour is
23:05.18geistmmu_man: lots of Be folks here, via android...
23:05.20jastathanks for the help tho
23:05.22mmu_mandoes android master relativistic timers yet ? ;)
23:05.23zanberdo_I'd thought I might install it to /opt, but as that's owned by root it does not appear to be the appropriate location.  I've got it handing off my home directory, but that seems somehow wrong.  Any suggestions?
23:05.32mmu_mangeist yes BGA told me
23:06.20geistthough being that it's the weekend, they're probably all hard at work
23:07.11shackanBGA works on android too?
23:07.12jastageist: maybe its a sensible strategy to just send a probe every 10 minutes or so at my application layer
23:07.28geistshackan: i dont think so, but he's at google
23:07.49jastageist: i have found in my tests that periodically sending data over the connection causes the phone to keep it active for much longer
23:08.03geistthough of course you pay for it
23:08.30geistwould be interesting to trace how the gmail thing works
23:08.42geistassuming it does that all via tcp, and not some out of band notification
23:08.43jastaof course, i'm just trying to find a strategy that works optimally, as i imagine gmail does.
23:08.59jastageist: i bet it's just all TCP.  microsoft's activesync, for instance, is all TCP.
23:09.13geistpretty sure too, or you wouldn't be able to use it on non tmo networks
23:09.21jastawhat is likely happening here though is that T-Mobile has given them some helpful details about their network and such to optimize
23:09.39mmu_manshackan no, he said he wanted to but he'd have to move as the whole team was held in secrecy at the same place
23:09.50mmu_man(likely a creapy basement)
23:10.05jastageist: but i was hoping this was handled at the platform-level by just using TCP keepalive probes
23:10.43geistguess you can also tell if it's heartbeating by sticking it next to your speaker
23:10.49geistwhile on an edge network
23:11.17jastawell, wireshark at the server is going to tell me if its doing keepalive probes as well
23:11.20geistdont think mine does or i would have thrown it across the room
23:11.23jastaalthough itll only show successful probes, i suppose
23:12.11mmu_manTCP ?
23:12.26mmu_manlast time I checked activesync was some bastardized PPP
23:12.41jastai dont think so...
23:12.43mmu_manbut that was long ago with Jornada stuff
23:12.51geistyeah, i think the owa stuff is new
23:12.55jastayou might be thinking of the desktop activesync protocol
23:13.17mmu_manWinCE... that had to be rebooted quite often :)
23:13.18jastaexchange activesync is the protocol that the phone communicates with the exchange server using, and that is OWA and is just TCP based
23:13.41jastaand it has keep alive support
23:13.43geistyeah, and it seems to work pretty darn well actually. my crappy centro does a pretty good job syncing
23:13.50jastatheir keep alive is at the application layer tho
23:13.56jastaim betting i have to do the same
23:14.17jastawhich is fine really, since i'm implementing IMAP IDLE and they have NOOP for this reason
23:14.37f00f-jasta what is IMAP IDLE really, just a long poll?
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23:14.50jastaf00f-: no, its not a poll at all
23:15.16jastayou just select a mailbox and say IDLE.  the server will remain silent until a change is made to the selected mailbox, which it will then tell you about
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23:15.38jastathe client can periodically send NOOP commands during IDLE, which will do nothing but check that the server is still there
23:15.41f00f-so IDLE won't return a numeric response until a change is made?
23:15.52f00f-oh ok
23:15.58jastait will say absolutely nothing until a change is seen
23:16.09jastaand of course so long as the client doesnt continue talking to it
23:16.26jastaso it would look like
23:16.28jastaSELECT "INBOX"
23:16.32jasta* 4 EXISTS
23:16.38jastaOK ...
23:16.43jasta+ idling
23:16.48jasta[ time passes ]
23:16.49jasta* 5 EXISTS
23:17.21f00f-i assume IDLE is canceled anytime you decide to retreive headers or body of a msg
23:17.30ivantisso, is android running on anything besides a phone?
23:17.42ivantisnot including the tester thing i mean
23:17.53jastaf00f-: the client cancels idle by saying DONE
23:18.47jastageist: hmm, just caught a RST from the phone...
23:18.53f00f-very surprised that the built-in imap client doesn't have IDLE support
23:19.01jastaf00f-: are you really? ;)
23:19.03donomoive seen the gmail app say i have (-1) new emails. :)
23:19.20f00f-heh, not really i guess lol
23:19.28geistthe built in imap client doesn't even properly sync stuff back to my server for some reason
23:19.40geistit's almost like it's just doing a fetch over imap
23:20.14geistbut i think others have said it works, so must be some compatibility with my server (courier imap)
23:20.23geistguess i should file a bug...
23:21.40jastageist: oh interesting...i am doing a sleep between retries...
23:21.50jastaand i think this sleep is sleeping much longer than i asked it to
23:24.21jastabecause as soon as i wake the phone back up by pushing buttons and stuff the sleep() breaks and my connection is retried as my logic expects
23:25.47ivantisare there any bots here?
23:26.18Dougie187i think ChanServ is a bot.
23:26.19Dougie187but ionno
23:28.24geistso it's not a real time sleep?
23:28.40geistit's a sleep as long as it's on
23:29.02geistthat's a common thing too. thread level sleeps are frequently interrupted by cpu sleep
23:29.14geistusually you have to schedule some sort of real time alarm if you want it to break a cpu sleep
23:29.42ivantisi guess not
23:30.34jastageist: like what?  use a Handler or something?
23:30.49geistno idea, i dont know the android api
23:31.04jastaill experiment...
23:31.12jastathanks for the help, i have a much better idea of how this should work now
23:31.42geisttake whatever i say with a grain of salt, i'm just thinking what i would do had i designed the android platform :)
23:33.14SanMehatgeist: hehehehe
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23:33.36languishI keep getting random crashes
23:33.37geistah good, real android people
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23:39.11geistit's teh fuzz
23:40.03danfuzzit's teh geist
23:40.11danfuzzwhat's shakin'?
23:40.19jastageist: yup, you're definitely right.  the issue is my sleep() is not waking up the CPU...
23:40.21ivantisshould i get a G1 phone?
23:40.23ivantisshould i?
23:40.27ivantisi cant decide
23:40.43danfuzzlikes his, fwiw
23:40.56danfuzz<- biased
23:40.58tparkinivantis: you should
23:41.02geistyeah but you're a member of the dalvik conspiracy
23:41.16tparkinivantis: I pre-ordered right away but was afraid it would suck after all the e-rants
23:41.20tparkinivantis: but it rocks my socks
23:41.26ivantisi want it
23:42.11spikebikeworks for me, depends on what you need and expect.
23:42.33ivantisi think i want to write some software for it maybe
23:42.38ivantisthat would be so cool!
23:42.40ivantison my phone
23:43.17tparkinyes, that's the biggest selling point imo
23:43.24spikebikeit's a pretty decent phone... even for non programmers/geeks
23:43.40spikebikemy wife likes it
23:43.42tomgibarajasta: I think you'll need to use AlarmManager for that sort of thing
23:44.08jastatomgibara: probably.  i'm fiddling now...
23:44.11spikebike(she has one)
23:44.52danfuzzi still haven't done any *app* programming for it
23:44.55danfuzzsome day
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23:46.05danfuzzgreetings, other-dan
23:46.34donomoivantis: the battery life is less than i expected, but the background tasks, always-on gtalk is freaking great.
23:46.53ivantisthen that settles it
23:46.56ivantisim getting one
23:47.11ivantiswait, how is the plan that they give you?
23:47.59DannyBhello fuzzy dan
23:48.20spikebikeheh, yeah
23:48.45spikebikeI was chatting with another g1 used on gtalk
23:49.04tparkinanyone have a fix for JUnit error in eclipse: Internal Error (classFileParser.cpp:2924), pid=5528, tid=1648
23:49.05donomoivantis: $30/mo for 300 mins. plus $25/mo for "unlimited" data
23:49.07spikebikeended up sending a MMS, discussing a movie, and clicking on a url in gtalk to bring up a movie review
23:49.15shackandanfuzz: how many googlers does it take to make a dalvik?
23:49.16ivantisunlimited data?
23:49.18ivantiswhats that?
23:49.18spikebiketurned out the chat was 400 messages or so
23:49.24donomospikebike: i love using gtalk with other G1 users. no SMS charge.
23:49.25danfuzzabout six
23:49.32spikebikeiphone doesn't have MMS, nor anything always on except SMS
23:50.09donomospikebike: yeah thats huge(-ly bad) for the iphone
23:50.10spikebikenor does it allow apps to run in the background (so you can't surf, take pictures, or send mms) during a chat
23:51.10donomospikebike: have you tried 'wikitude' in map mode? its a bit gimmicky but it looks like its image processing and putting dots where buildings are
23:51.16spikebikeI would have blown my entire sms budget last night if I had an iphone
23:51.29spikebikeno, I'll have to check it out
23:51.39tparkinany JUnit users here?
23:51.59shackandanfuzz: and how long?
23:53.13danfuzzabout three years
23:53.37danfuzzthe vm work started in late 2005
23:54.16spikebikewhere is wikitude?
23:54.23spikebikeI search the app store for wiki and found zilch
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23:57.34Ramblurrwhy would my OnKeyListener be called twice when i push "enter" once?
23:58.30tparkindoes it get called for down and up?

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