IRC log for #android on 20081024

00:04.13*** join/#android mikal_ (
00:04.48faddenThe program 'curl-config' can be found in the following packages: * libcurl4-gnutls-dev * libcurl4-openssl-dev
00:05.03fadden(so says Ubuntu 7.10)
00:05.17herriojryeah, I got it, thanks
00:05.22faddenI don't have it installed, apparently.
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00:06.37herriojrhaving other issues....I'm having to build a newer version of git for ubuntu 7.10 as the most recent is 1.5.2
00:07.28androoidhow would I connect to a http website?
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00:08.06herriojrandrooid: what exactly do you through a socket?
00:08.19androoidjust as if I went to a URL through my FireFox
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00:08.37androoidlike http://host/index.aspx?imei=12412424
00:08.38herriojrso you want to know how to use the browser?
00:08.50androoidI want to know how to connect to http
00:08.56androoidbut dont have to read the content or anything
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00:09.19androoidI have something like
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00:10.02herriojrI wouldn't completely know, I haven't used that before
00:10.11herriojrtry the link I sent I guess
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00:11.54androoidI am just trying to do something
00:14.09herriojrdoes anyone happen to have the android source without having to get it through git?  I can't get the correct git version installed
00:14.58shackanherriojr: you're on windows?
00:15.14herriojrwell, I was trying to do it on vmware with my ubuntu 7.10 partition
00:15.41herriojrI don't need to build it, I just want the source so I can finger through it
00:16.18herriojr7.10's current version of git is 1.5.2, so I'd have to build 1.5.4, which when I try, it says it is missing some header files, which aren't there
00:16.32herriojrso in effect, I've given up on trying that
00:17.53languishis there a way to send someone a contact?
00:17.59languishform g1 to g1?
00:19.01*** join/#android Dralspire (
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00:23.48yakischlobamy Email account got deleted again
00:23.48gdsxlanguish: there is one that uses QR codes (and then you read it with the barcode scanner.  It hasn't been released publically yet (I don't think), but I would imagine it will be fairly soonish
00:23.53gdsxyakischloba: eh?
00:24.39dueyI can't believe some people are complaining about the $25 marketplace fee
00:24.45yakischlobagdsx: I told morrildl about this earlier...My account keeps getting deleted from the Email app. I setup an account, read some messages, do something else with the phone, and then come back to it later and I'm seeing the original setup screen again, and the account I setup is no where to be found
00:24.59yakischlobagdsx: it has happened 2x
00:28.22*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
00:28.59yakischlobagdsx: dan said he hadn't heard of that happening before
00:29.03yakischlobaany ideas?..
00:29.37_avataryakischloba: have you tried to do a factory data reset?
00:29.39gdsxyakischloba: not really, though if you can check the log output, it might help
00:29.49gdsxyakischloba: (adb logcat)
00:29.53yakischloba_avatar: I have not...should I?
00:29.58yakischlobagdsx: is that available after the fact, ie, now?
00:30.19_avataryakischloba: not sure, but if it keeps happening and you can't figure it out, it may be worth a shot
00:30.21`viphrm any idea when internet sharing will be an option for the G1??
00:30.49yakischlobaHmm. I'm using the gmail imap servers for the account if that bears any significance
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00:31.27yakischlobamail servers, both imap and smtp
00:32.29gdsxyakischloba: it's basically a circular buffer of some size that I forget
00:32.36gdsxyakischloba: so it's worth a shot
00:33.07yakischlobacan I do that with the adb that is in the 1.0 SDK or do I need something else?
00:33.17yakischlobaI haven't gotten around to plugging my phone in to the computer yet
00:33.24yakischlobaso I'm a little clueless there
00:35.42herriojromg, I'm the only one I see on the internet having the driver issues I'm having
00:36.09herriojr- I'm having
00:36.25gdsxyakischloba: you can use the SDK one
00:36.51gdsxyakischloba: you need to turn on adb on the handset first, though
00:37.01gdsxSettings-> Applications -> Development -> USB debugging
00:37.02yakischlobano wonder not workee ;)
00:39.30wub_Anyone know if there's development homepage for the Homes app?  I see from the about screen Dmitri Plotnikov is the developer and Google has revealed to me that he works for Google -- Perhaps he's even in this channel.... I'd like to suggest some features :)
00:39.41yakischlobagdsx: once you run adb logcat, does it  clear the 'circular buffer'
00:40.09*** join/#android Neverender (n=nbernard@
00:40.12romainguy__wub_: send him an email
00:40.25wub_Unfortunately, Googling things like "homes android application" is giving me a lot of talk about the home button, etc...
00:40.32Dougie187the homes app?
00:40.32wub_Ooh, from the Market screen!
00:40.36romainguy__wub_: yes :)
00:40.37Dougie187like the homes screen?
00:40.41wub_Thanks. :)
00:40.48wub_forgot about that.
00:40.49romainguy__it's an app to look for houses and apts to buy/rent
00:41.01Dougie187...are you kidding?
00:41.07wub_It's cool -- I'm using it and I'd like to ues it to monitor places available in certain areas.
00:41.11romainguy__Dougie187: no, why?
00:41.15romainguy__it's actually a nice and useful app
00:41.19wub_Dougie187: it's useful.
00:41.26romainguy__I used it today, I'm looking for a new place
00:41.35Dougie187is it google branded?
00:41.36romainguy__you can look for places in a certain radius around your current location
00:41.58wub_Dougie187: I'm actually using it and want to suggest features I'd like... or even get involved in development if I can.  It doesn't seem like a big app but I'd love to work on something.
00:42.24volHmm. I'm creating a custom view. I've set onTouchEvent, which works fine, but key events and trackball events aren't responding. Do I have to modify focusableInTouchMode?
00:42.24Dougie187i don't doubt its useful
00:42.55jt436wub_: use the "email developer" link from the Market
00:42.58romainguy__vol: no
00:43.01wub_Yep, doing that now.
00:43.10romainguy__vol: you will get key events when the view is focused
00:43.30gdsxyakischloba: no (sorry, switching back and forth between workspaces)
00:43.53gdsxyakischloba: running `adb logcat` is approx. equivalent to running `dmesg` on a linux machine
00:43.58jt436vol: use setFocusable(true); for your view
00:44.00volMy layout consists of a linearLayout, and my custom layout inside
00:44.08yakischlobagdsx: np. I just ran it once, then ^C out of it, then I ran it again and it gave no output. that's why I asked. replugging the phone solved it.
00:44.27gdsxyakischloba: weird
00:45.14wub_Well, it seems to go to a generic e-mail address but I will provide feedback. :)
00:45.26yakischlobagdsx: if you care to look
00:45.27volThanks jt436
00:45.31volthat was the problem
00:45.54yakischlobagdsx: I don't see anything obvious but I'm not sure what I'm looking for.
00:50.05gdsxyakischloba: no, it doesn't look like Email logs anything useful
00:50.17yakischlobagdsx: yeah. spectacularz
00:50.28gdsxyakischloba: I'd say go ahead and open a ticket on
00:50.35romainguyyou can enable the debug mode in Email
00:50.38romainguyto add more logs
00:50.49waldo_is back (gone 01:12:45)
00:50.52romainguyin the list of accounts, type debug on the keyboard
00:50.55romainguythen check the boxes
00:50.56gdsxromainguy: does that do more than protocol logs?
00:51.10romainguygdsx: I don't know, but it might :)
00:51.14yakischlobaI will, once I get my damn account setup again :)
00:51.17romainguythere are 2 checkboxes
00:51.22romainguyI don't remember what they do
00:51.30gdsxone is debug, the other includes passwords and stuff
00:51.56androoidHow come the line1Number method is returning null?
00:52.03androoidIt was working in the emulator
00:53.26yakischlobadidn't jasta or michaelnovakjr write a remote logcat utility or something?..
00:53.44yakischlobathat would be useful so I could like..capture this without having to be plugged into my computer all day
00:54.06romainguywhen you run into an issue you can press Shift-Menu
00:54.12romainguyit dumps a full adb bugreport on the sdcard
00:54.16romainguyincluding the logcat
00:54.25romainguyso you can analyze it when you're near a computer
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00:54.48yakischlobaI totally forgot I had an SD card until I was poking around in the phone info or wherever it lists the capacity
00:55.49yakischlobaI think the email app..when you are setting up an account and you type, it should check mx for and see if the mail service is hosted by google, so then it can auto-configure
00:56.13yakischlobai keep having to type imap/ and configure ssl etc
00:56.25gdsxromainguy: no, Shift+Menu doesn't work on non-debug builds
00:56.39romainguy__gdsx: why did we disable this?
00:56.43yakischlobaor even just a "This account hosted by Gmail" button
00:58.38yakischlobaIs there a place to submit minor feature requests like that, or is it best to contact the particular developer of for instance, the Email app?
00:59.09gdsxyakischloba: Email is a system app, so you can probably just submit another ticket with "feature request" type or something like that
00:59.15herriojrdoes anyone else have both windows 64-bit and 32-bit on their machine?
00:59.21romainguy__yakischloba: file a bug in the issue tracker
00:59.32yakischlobaOkay, even if it is not a bug eh
00:59.57gdsxyakischloba: for Type, you can likely do "Feature Request"
01:00.30herriojrI still can't get the damn driver installed
01:01.22yakischlobaromainguy__, gdsx: Is there anything potentially useful in the 'sensitive information' logging, or should I not bother?
01:01.33gdsxyakischloba: no
01:01.52gdsxyakischloba: primarily, it doesn't omit your IMAP/SMTP passwords
01:03.28*** join/#android SamSerious (i=d0365e52@gateway/web/ajax/
01:03.52androoidanyone know how to get locationmanager to output the gps into GPRS format?
01:05.15*** join/#android tonyacunar (
01:05.23yakischlobaromainguy__: so since your trick is evidently not in the retail build, should I just pursue the remote logcat deal?
01:07.48SamSeriousYes! i've got the g1 today. posting from it :)
01:08.29androoidmibbit works huh?
01:08.36androoidlet me try
01:09.08*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
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01:10.43SamSeriousnot good, cant see anything without zooming out. hope someone comes up with irc client soon
01:10.58andr00000idnot bad
01:11.19*** join/#android tethridge_ (
01:11.31andr00000idk its pretty bad
01:12.12tethridge_romainguy, did you see this yet?  and
01:12.41romainguyahah nice UI
01:12.49romainguyawesome book
01:13.11romainguyI'm pretty sure the page turning animation would drive me nuts
01:13.20tethridge_you have to make it happen for android.  These guys say their program is iPhone only
01:14.01languishwell let's just bombard them with scotch tape x-rays until they relent
01:14.06languishe someone comes up with irc client soon
01:14.06languish[21:10] <andr00000id> not bad
01:14.06languish[21:11] * tethridge_ ( has joined #android
01:14.06languish[21:11] <andr00000id> k its pretty bad
01:14.06languish[21:12] <tethridge_> romainguy, did you see this yet?  and
01:14.08languish[21:12] <romainguy> ahah nice UI
01:14.10languish[21:12] <romainguy> ooh
01:14.12languish[21:12] <romainguy> Flatland
01:14.14languish[21:12] <romainguy> awesome book
01:14.18languishmy bad
01:14.27yakischlobaromainguy: so since your trick is evidently not in the retail build, should I just pursue the remote logcat?
01:14.28*** join/#android romainguy___ (
01:14.41herriojrwhat was the link to the android windows driver source again?
01:14.42romainguyyakischloba: sure
01:15.01*** join/#android kisu (
01:15.08yakischlobaromainguy: well, that seems like my best/only sure approach. Do you agree?
01:15.28romainguyI don't agree on anything, you do what you want :))
01:15.35yakischlobaof course not.
01:15.47*** join/#android wub (
01:17.13languishthe ultimate reason for market failure
01:17.53*** join/#android romainguy____ (n=gfx@
01:18.03yakischlobayeah I tried to get on some porn vids too, slightly disappointed. That is the first novelty I had to try to show off to my coworkers, and it failed ;)
01:18.04*** join/#android Aleksey (
01:18.16AlekseyI can't sign in into freaking AIM client for days, it says.. NETWORK ISSUE
01:18.25AlekseyI can't use GPS for days, it says... NETWORK PROBLEM
01:18.47languishAleksey, I'm in nyc too. it works for me
01:18.59languishwant a hand figuring it out
01:19.09AlekseyWhat is there to figure out tho? AIM should work
01:19.10*** join/#android matt_c (
01:19.21AlekseyThere are no settings for it i assume?
01:19.25herriojrso if I try and force-install drivers, I get a fatal error
01:19.33languishfirst, were you using wifi or 3g when logging in to aim?
01:19.51languishdid you *try* with wifi?
01:20.09languishsame issue or did it work?
01:20.17Alekseywifi signal is really low by the way, my laptop gets 5, phone gets 3 bars
01:20.35languishyup what
01:20.39Alekseyi can sign in google just fine
01:20.41Alekseysame issue
01:20.41languishit worked on wifi or no
01:20.55languishso it's likely either your account, or the phone
01:21.16languishdid you try logging in to aim via a desktop pc, using the web based aim client?
01:21.27volOk, I'm using onTrackBallEvent, but like it mentions, the values are normalized. I only want to get 1x at a time. Is this possible?
01:22.21Alekseyi tried entering fake accounts
01:22.24Alekseyalways network issue
01:22.44Alekseyyeah.. i can login from desktop man
01:22.56jt436vol: you get a motionevent, just grab the info you need
01:23.04*** join/#android lemonadedrink (
01:23.09languishok, try a soft reset of the phone soft reboot is green+menu+red
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01:23.23languishif that doesn;t work.. I would suggest a full reset
01:23.40languishit worked for me and my wife's g1's to clear up a number of issues
01:23.52Alekseywilll i loose my data
01:23.55*** join/#android terminal (i=rpug@unaffiliated/terminal)
01:23.58languishwhat data?
01:24.08Alekseyphone numbers
01:24.11Alekseyconfigured email accounts
01:24.12languishyour google contacts are saved to the cloud
01:24.29languishit'll take you less than 15 minutes to set up whatever you had befoe
01:25.04Alekseyhow do i do hard reset
01:25.19voljt436: yeah, I just want to "save it" until I have >= 1 for x or y
01:25.29languishAleksey, to reset the G1 completely: 1) turn off the phone.  2) press and hold the HOME and
01:25.30languishPOWER - may only need the HOME- buttons for at least 20 seconds until you see an
01:25.30languishimage with a triangular icon 3) open the keyboard 4) press alt l  (that's an L,
01:25.30languishmay not need this step) 5) press alt w  6) when the process completes on the
01:25.30languishscreen press and hold HOME and BACK keys for a couple of seconds.
01:26.13languishthen you'll have to reinitialize your phone
01:26.16cbeust_Do you want to reboot your phone or reset it?
01:26.20Alekseywhen i got my phone yesterday i had 'welcome to android, enter google name etc' does that mean it was hard reseted before that?
01:26.28AlekseyIf so, what is the point to do it again
01:26.28languishcbeust_, i suggested he reboot it first
01:26.33languishhe asked how to hard reset
01:26.45cbeust_Hard reset: Settings / SD Card / Factory reset
01:26.49waldo_is away: auto-away
01:27.02cbeust_Should rephrase that "factory reset"
01:27.22languishcbeust_, factory reset for some reason, didn't succeed where then roundabout method did on my wife's g1
01:27.41languishnfi what the difference is, of if just doing it twice was the diff
01:27.51herriojrcan anyone make sense of this windows driver install log?
01:28.14*** join/#android kslater (
01:31.29*** join/#android BBHoss (
01:31.32xavdherriojr: you said you use XP SP3 right?
01:31.56xavdI'm going to file a bug internally with your log
01:32.40xavdactually you should file it yourself on
01:32.44xavdthat way you can track it
01:34.20wastrelhi/win 2
01:35.45*** join/#android DannyB (n=dannyb@nat/google/x-4d3bdebfffceda30)
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01:37.53AhtiKHi all! Any ideas if android challenge round 2 will start soon and thereby will be available only to tmobile customers? (considering the fact that only tmobile has device). if it doesn't start quite soon it is somewhat behind the schedule.
01:38.34AhtiKI haven't heard any other telecom announcing android-supported phone and if it would come out in november it would very likely be already announced..
01:39.18yakischlobaAhtiK: You're obviously still able to develop using the emulator. Seems like most developers had no trouble doing that, and then only a little polishing on the device.
01:39.58AhtiKyakischloba, that's true. yet round 2 starting criteria from google was that it starts whenever first devices hit the market :)
01:40.20AhtiKyakischloba, we participated in round 1 but didn't get lucky to win :(
01:40.26languishdevices plural?
01:40.35AhtiKlanguish, I hope so, at least :D
01:40.42AhtiKlanguish, for plural
01:40.57languishsupposedly another device is coming out this year
01:41.20languishand the G1 did just launch, they may be a bit busy
01:41.36AhtiKlanguish, "The Android Developer Challenge II will launch after the first handsets built on the platform become available in the second half of 2008."
01:41.51yakischlobaeh. well, it has been about a day. patience ;)
01:41.55*** join/#android andyross (
01:41.58*** part/#android andyross (
01:42.00AhtiKI wish something looking as sleek as ericsson xperia would be android-based.
01:42.01romainguy____AhtiK: it just says "after", it doesn't say when :)
01:42.05*** join/#android andyross (
01:42.39AhtiKromainguy____, true ;) these "after something" statements are always funny as they promise only that it wont start "before" .p
01:44.21*** part/#android pfft1 (
01:45.10yakischloba$ uptime
01:45.10yakischlobauptime: permission denied
01:45.26romainguy____you can see the uptime in the settings
01:45.31yakischlobaheh yeah I know.
01:48.23*** join/#android OpnSrc1 (i=harisha1@gateway/tor/x-aaebd53f9207fb1d)
01:50.37languishdoes the g1 tack bandwidth usage?
01:50.50languishspecifically 2/3g
01:52.22wastrelspeaking of that - did we get confirmation about the 400 message limit including google talk and email as well as text messages?
01:52.49romainguy____Google Talk and Email don't count towards your SMS
01:53.01romainguy____but AIM/Yahoo/Live Messenger do
01:53.23volIs this a bug? I touch my view via touchscreen, then click the trackball. The click isn't handled until the trackball moves.
01:53.34wastrelromainguy____: thanks
01:53.44romainguy____vol: no, that's because your view doesn't have focus
01:53.51romainguy____you need to move the trackball first to give it focus
01:53.59romainguy____if you write a game, make it focusbale in touch mode
01:54.01romainguy____otherwise, leave it alone
01:54.18volha, I just wrote setFocusableInTouchMode(true) as you wrote that : )
01:54.22volyes, I'm writing a game
01:54.23wastreli still don't have web access :p
01:54.25yakischlobaoh, AIM does use SMS? sigh
01:54.26vol(implementing a Go client)
01:54.28*** join/#android zmedico (
01:55.48*** part/#android Neverender (n=nbernard@
01:57.23volHmm, and now the return button doesn't work, from setFocusableInTouchMode :(
01:58.07yakischlobawhat is the connection open to google server while my phone doesnt appear to be doing anything?
01:58.37yakischloba72.14.247.188:5228     ESTABLISHED
01:58.52volcapture dem packets
01:59.45romainguy____yakischloba: Gmail or Gtalk or OTA updates checker or Calendar, etc.
01:59.54yakischlobayeah i figured as much
02:00.23*** join/#android meoblast001 (
02:01.05waldo_is back (gone 00:34:15)
02:01.33SanMehatoh good, i was wondering where you were
02:02.07volSo, why is it that whenever I click the debug or run button in eclipse, it always tries to run anything BUT the android run configuration? :\
02:02.21vol(just launched unit tests by accident. again.)
02:02.42xavdbecause the project is both an android project and a java project so eclipse does not know how to launch it
02:02.42yakischlobaSay I have a poor 3G signal - do I get a power consumption advantage by using WiFi if it is abundant?
02:03.00SanMehatyakischloba: no
02:03.02xavdI suggest going in the settings and changing the behavior of the button to launch the previously launched configuration
02:03.06yakischlobaSanMehat: wifi always more eh
02:03.17SanMehatyakischloba: yeah
02:03.23volxavd: argh, I thought that was the default? :\
02:03.25SanMehatyakischloba: the transmitter is expensive
02:03.32*** join/#android AhtiK (
02:03.34yakischlobaSanMehat: gotcha
02:03.48xavdvol: this changed in 3.3. Go in the prefs in Run/Debug > Launching, at the bottom of the page
02:04.02xavdchoose "always launch the previously launched application"
02:04.16volfound it
02:06.59Androidzdoes android have support for Java? I tried using a java web based irc client, but it said I didnt have java. But my device says its enabled?
02:07.35*** join/#android covalentbond_ (
02:07.40Androidzalso, does having those 6 back apps running all time kill the battery faster????
02:07.52yakischlobaJust so I know I'm not accidentally deleting the Email account - the only way to do that is to hold down on the account and select "Remove Account", right?
02:07.53SanMehatAndroidz: no, background apps do not kill the battery..
02:08.10SanMehatyakischloba: sorry i don't know man. that makes sense though.
02:08.30SanMehatAndroidz: applications that are in 'the background' do not actually get any resources.
02:08.46yakischlobaSanMehat: that is the only way I can find to delete them. I will be watching my logcat next time it disappears then.
02:09.07AndroidzSanMehat, ok, so the battery life for the G1 just planely sucks
02:09.14gdsxyakischloba: yeah, I'm pretty sure you'd know if you were deleting them
02:09.19gdsxAndroidz: how long does it last for you?
02:09.21yakischlobagdsx: that's what I figured.
02:09.29Androidznot long at all
02:09.39SanMehatAndroidz: are you running applications which use GPS or wifi? those are quite good at chewing through battery
02:09.39gdsxAndroidz: that doesn't really mean anything
02:09.45gdsxAndroidz: do you have an approximate number?
02:09.52Androidzgdsx, I had it fully charged around 4, and it is now 7 with 38 % left
02:10.03yakischlobagdsx: I know I had the phone in my hand a couple time without the screen being locked, but there's no  way it could have happened *twice* like that.
02:10.29SanMehatyakischloba: if that happens to you please take a bugreport.
02:10.39Androidzmaybe more around 3 but still, barely 4 hrs
02:11.05waldo_is away: auto-away
02:11.05yakischlobaSanMehat: yeah I am going to try to get a log before I submit it. romain explained how to enable the 'extra' debugging for the Email app, so I'm prepared with that.
02:11.07gdsxAndroidz: do you have any apps installed that might try to track where you're going or anything like that?
02:11.29Androidzgdsx, where google maps, I do have locale and lifeaware installed
02:12.06Androidzwell google maps*
02:12.08gdsxAndroidz: I haven't used them, but I'd suggest to try uninstalling locale and lifeaware.  I don't know if that will help, but it might
02:12.32gdsxAndroidz: google maps doesn't use GPS when you're not interacting with it
02:12.38Androidzgdsx, eh, I still would assume they would come out with a better battery I mean come on, this is supposed to be on the net
02:12.52gdsxAndroidz: GPS is very battery-expensive
02:13.03AndroidzAND my brightness is down all the way
02:13.17AndroidzStill This phone was made for the net and GPS
02:13.33gdsxAndroidz: it wasn't made for continuous GPS use, though
02:13.35Androidzthey need to fix this , I am very unimpressed with the life
02:13.41Androidzdoesnt matter
02:13.53Androidzand how can you say its not
02:13.57gdsxAndroidz: are you even listening to me? I'm trying to help
02:14.14yakischlobaAndroidz: maybe you could contribute some magical power management patches that all the engineers couldn't figure out how to write.
02:14.22Androidzya I am gdsx , and I know you are. I am just telling you where I come from as a consumer
02:14.33SanMehatAndroidz: we're continually making improvements to the power management infrastructure.
02:14.51SanMehatAndroidz: one of the great things about the G1, is it updates itself OTA...
02:15.19Androidzyakischloba, SanMehat I am not blaming the developers, bad coding could be a part of it, BUT the major problem has to do with the batt itself
02:15.24gdsxAndroidz: the bottom line is that the battery stores a certain amount of energy.  The GPS uses that energy at a rather high rate, which means your battery dies a lot faster than it would if the GPS weren't on continuously
02:15.52gdsxAndroidz: I mean, even dedicated GPS units don't last incredibly long under continuous use
02:15.56yakischlobaAndroidz: maybe you could invent a new kind of battery then. It isn't like this is a battery somehow inferior to others in standard use
02:15.59Androidzgdsx, Ya I know, I am aware of the GPS drainage, all in all its a typical battery
02:16.05Androidzin an UNtypical phone :)
02:16.32AndroidzIphone gets better battery life
02:16.53yakischlobaand such are the problems of creating something like this. Take it back then, it isn't like no one knows it needs improvement
02:16.59wastrelit's totally unfair that batteries suck so badly
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02:17.13gdsxwastrel: :o)
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02:17.33Androidzno need to get defensive yall
02:17.33gdsxAndroidz: regardless, I'd suggest you uninstall locale and lifeaware and see if your battery life improves
02:17.46Androidzgdsx,  I will probably do that, I havent used them
02:18.00Androidzalthough locale is nice to turn off my ringer when I cam at school
02:19.12gdsxAndroidz: yeah, it's tough to find a good compromise, especially since the handset is so new (and the ADC folks didn't have handsets when they were designing their apps, so it was tough to see these problems beforehand)
02:19.57Androidzgdsx, ya I know. I still it's more of  battery issue itself rather then any code
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02:20.30d03boyhow did the big release work out?
02:20.56gdsxAndroidz: I'm not sure I agree, but this discussion isn't going to go anywhere :o)
02:21.13Androidzgdsx, ^^ your right, only time will tell eh?
02:21.27Androidzanyone know where I might pick up some third party source?
02:21.40andyrossOK, finally getting around to trying to build the tree so I can get a bionic library set.  Is there any way to get this building on x86_64 natively, or an I SOL?
02:22.12andyrossAlternatively, is there a way to build just the bionic subdirectory using the prebuilt toolchains?
02:23.10d03boyanyone agree that eclipse is about 3x as slow as it used to be 2 years ago?
02:26.07gdsxandyross: to build on x86_64, you type `make`.  Possibly `make -j N`
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02:28.15gdsxandyross: of course, you could mean something totally different to how I parsed that, in which case, sorry
02:29.39andyrossWhen attempting to build "host Executable: acp", presumably via a custom ld command? (I can't tell because the make is hiding the commands), it's dying with a "can't find -lstdc++" error.  But a g++ -m32 works fine on this box.
02:30.08gdsxandyross: does `make showcommands` dtrt?
02:31.07gdsxandyross: if it's building it as 32-bit, though, you likely need the 32-bit libstdc++-(version stuff)-dev
02:31.54gdsxandyross: hmm... this machine doesn't have the 32-bit one on it, though
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02:31.59gdsxandyross: what gcc version?
02:32.29andyross4.1.2, it's an Ubuntu gutsy box.
02:33.05gdsxandyross: also, did `make showcommands` show the commands?
02:33.20andyrossSorry, in a separate window.  Same deal.
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02:35.13gdsxandyross: hmm... you don't have a newer gcc you can try, perhaps?  I've built it successfully with gcc 4.2.3 and 4.3.2 (on x86_64)
02:35.42gdsxandyross: also, I'm not sure I was clear.  does `make showcommands` show you the command that's failing?
02:35.49andyrossNo, it fails to build.
02:36.03gdsxandyross: reread the question, please
02:36.34andyrossThe build fails at the same point: it's the same "acp" prereq.
02:36.46gdsxandyross: "does it show you the command that is failing?"
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02:37.28andyrossOK, now my turn to get snippy: I told you up above that, no, it does *not* show the command that is failing.  If you're going to snipe at your users, read more carefully.
02:38.50gdsxandyross: sorry.  Regardless, did you try `make showcommands`?  (I can't tell whether you have or haven't from what you've told me)
02:38.53yakischlobasuch hostility
02:41.00andyrossYes.  "make showcommands" fails at exactly the same step as the default make target.  Apparently "acp" is a prereq of whatever showcommands needs to do.
02:42.09gdsxandyross: I guess it's not working, then.  On our internal tree, `make showcommands` shows you what commands make is running before it runs them
02:42.40andyrossOh, OK.  I thought that was a separate target.  Let me look more carefully.
02:43.24gdsxyakischloba: not really.  IRC breeds miscommunication/misunderstandings, which cause people to get frustrated
02:43.27gdsxit happens
02:44.20andyrossAnd indeed, yes: it's a g++ -m32 command.  No 32 bit -lgcc.
02:44.27yakischlobaHas there been any talk of Google utilizing it's live stock quotes on Android?
02:44.47romainguyspeaking of quotes
02:45.05gdsxone sec
02:45.08romainguy does anybody understand what this user wants? :)
02:45.37andyrossSo backing up a few steps, is there any way to get a build of bionic only, using just the prebuilt toolchains (which I've already verified run just fine)?  I really don't want to build the whole platform, I'm just trying to get a native toolchain up and running.
02:45.52yakischlobaromainguy: he obviously wants "streeming"
02:46.15gdsxandyross: at a guess, `make -C bionic`?
02:46.41andyrossNo makefile there, though.  Just an which gets pulled into something else.
02:46.46yakischlobaromainguy: I'd imagine that it opens up a second window or something, that needs to be open in unison with another to be useful
02:47.03romainguysounds like a bug that will get a Decline :)
02:47.10gdsxandyross: yeah... umm...
02:48.53geisthey, dont be squelching the minority that need their streeming
02:49.01geistremember the little people
02:49.27yakischlobaromainguy: I just checked it on my scottrade account. the streaming quotes run in java applets in about 5 different windows. decline ;)
02:49.27romainguygeist: I'm French, so I'm supposed to be arrogant and mean
02:49.35romainguyyakischloba: lol ok
02:49.40geisti bet deep down inside dalvik always supported streeming
02:50.03danfuzzwe on the Dalveek teem are pro-streeming
02:50.35gdsxandyross: looks like `make bionic` DTRT
02:50.47gdsxit might not, though :o)
02:51.25gdsxandyross: yeah, looks like it should do the right thing
02:51.55yakischlobaI take it that this Bank of America online banking thing was developed in strong coordination with BOA?
02:52.30danfuzzthe publisher is listed as "bank of america" i believe
02:52.41yakischlobaah ok
02:52.44yakischlobai missed that
02:53.09yakischlobaIt would be nice if other banks would do that :)
02:53.11wastrelbank of america app yeah.  the reviews all say to just use the website
02:53.19yakischlobahaha really
02:53.20yakischlobathat sucks
02:53.37gdsxwastrel: that works? cool
02:53.40gdsx(it didn't used to)
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02:53.57shackandoes the g1 have Flash?
02:53.59wastreli didn't try the app or the website so :]
02:54.00yakischlobaWhat I think would be nice is a home screen widget that updates every hour or something
02:54.09yakischlobawith the account balances
02:54.27wastreli want the wallpaper of the home app to randomly rotate
02:54.35wastrelalso:  i want to make screen widgets
02:55.07romainguyyou can't do #2
02:55.17romainguyit's gonna take a while before we do this
02:55.25romainguyI mean
02:55.30romainguyit's gonna take a while to implement
02:55.38umdk1d3thats an idea
02:55.53umdk1d3doing widgets using a service that updates the background pic
02:56.02romainguyyeah we thought about that
02:56.03umdk1d3you cant interact
02:56.08romainguybut it sucks :)
02:56.09umdk1d3and its a total hack atm
02:56.21yakischlobaI check my bank balance once a day or so anyway, so I think that would be nice to have it handy at all times
02:56.27romainguyactually I already have a feature for 1.1 that allows to create sort of widgets :))
02:56.30umdk1d3how soon would we see desktop widgets tho, like in prolly 3-6 months down the road?
02:56.45romainguybut to have real widgets, we will need a lot of work in the framework
02:56.56romainguybasically we need a way to display in Home a View that runs in another process
02:57.05wastrelam i noticing a magic parallax effect with the background picture when i switch between the desktops on the home app?
02:57.06romainguywe certainly don't want external code to run in Home
02:57.10romainguy(Home has permissions)
02:57.10danfuzzthat pesky security
02:57.14umdk1d3also could they do some buttons in a notification view?  for example, it would be awsome to play/pause music from ongoing notif box
02:57.17gdsxwastrel: yup :o)
02:57.20romainguywastrel: yes :)
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02:57.53wastrelthat's hella cool.  is it a special image format or are you guys somehow distinguishing the foreground and background of the pic?
02:58.09benleythere's no distortion of the image.
02:58.14gdsxwastrel: the background isn't quite as wide as the virtual desktop
02:58.15benleyit's just the icons sliding at a different rate.
02:58.20umdk1d3think nintendo NES  ;)
02:58.35romainguyalso I had a custom version of Home that was using 3 wallpapers
02:58.43romainguyto get even more parallax magic ^^
02:58.53wastrelthe icons are parallax but the image isn't
02:59.14romainguy(speaking of Home, you should look at the source code of to learn about the magic property that enables the use of motion sensors to switch between screens)
02:59.35umdk1d3wait whaaaaaaat?
02:59.37gdsxromainguy: wait, you mean like the accelerometer?
02:59.50umdk1d3=D  its disabled right now then?
02:59.58romainguytoo bad you can't enable that property on a production g1 ^^
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03:00.12romainguy(at least not without recompiling Home)
03:00.43umdk1d3romainguy: well you could install a second home app, right? just change all the namespaces awway
03:00.59umdk1d3or remove the first home app, then drop replace it with a diff sig?
03:01.09romainguyyou can't remove it since it's in the read only partition
03:01.14umdk1d3ohhh  :/
03:01.33romainguybut yeah, you can just change the package name
03:01.34theCarpenteranyone have one of the actual phones?
03:01.44theCarpenternot just the emu?
03:01.58cbeust_Plenty of people
03:01.58d03boynot until they get 3G here
03:02.50wastreli have one
03:03.03benleythinks it's kinda weird that tmo refuses to sell in non-3g markets, since his g1 worked perfectly fine before there was 3g coverage here...
03:03.06d03boydo you like it
03:03.35wastrelaside from the standard complaints i like it.
03:04.10wastrelstandard complaints being, battery life, lack of onscreen keyboard, not enough apps in the marketplace yet, no headphone jack.
03:04.27wastreli blame google and specifically the android team for not producing absolute perfection
03:04.29benleygive the marketplace a couple of weeks.
03:04.31theCarpenterno headphone jack???
03:04.46benleytheCarpenter: it's got that damn audio+usb jack that HTC likes to use
03:04.50wastrelv. disappointed, disillusioned
03:04.50cbeust_wastrel: guilty as charged
03:05.06romainguyI admit
03:05.07cbeust_I actually filed a bug for this, "Not perfection" but it got postponed to v1.1
03:05.12romainguyI did sleep for a few hours over the past 18 months
03:05.28wastrelno wonder there are bugs
03:05.33geistromainguy: slacker!
03:05.34romainguyI've even seen cbeust_ leave work to go home once
03:05.45geistwhy would anyone leave the google campus?
03:06.00yakischlobathings like the headphone deal are a little ridiculous ;)
03:06.09cbeust_yeah and without the invention of laptops, I might even actually have enjoyed my time home without working
03:06.12danfuzzgeist: to once again experience the joy of arriving at work, of course!
03:06.16romainguygo complain on #htc :)
03:06.19benleygeist: not everybody works in mountain view, believe it or not
03:06.35umdk1d3muhahah i just got +o on #htc
03:06.42umdk1d3rolls eyes
03:06.45geistyeah, but i've seen the android bivouac
03:06.55geistmonkey boys are definitely in the facility
03:08.55wastrelone thing i haven't figured is how to select text.  yes i am guilty of not reading the manual
03:09.09benleyhold down shift
03:09.10romainguyor long press on the text field
03:09.19umdk1d3okay romainguy im open to brainstorming about this home/widget thing
03:09.21cbeust_It's a test of skill
03:09.28umdk1d3lets create a second homescreen that is /just/ for widgets
03:09.35umdk1d3so they still get option when they hit home
03:09.37yakischlobaCan I do shift + tap/double tap to select the whole line/area?
03:09.45cbeust_I'm sure Romain will be delighted to work on yet another home screen
03:09.49umdk1d3and keep nasty permissions out of there, so we dont need to wory about them doing malicious things
03:09.53cbeust_He could do it in his sleep (hell, I'm sure he did)
03:10.03romainguyumdk1d3: that's definitely not the way to go :)
03:10.04danfuzzhow many did we end up going through?
03:10.11romainguythat I know of
03:10.16romainguy4 or 5
03:10.19romainguyso probably more
03:10.35swetlandokay, brave folks who want to try a g1 build externally will want to grab and drop it in their .reop
03:10.39swetlander .repo
03:10.50theCarpenterany way using g1 to detect orientatino of phone relatvei to ground?
03:10.51danfuzzgoodness gracious
03:11.00theCarpenterany gyroscope or anything?
03:11.09romainguytheCarpenter: depends on the orientation of the ground
03:11.30danfuzzaccelerometer does that, more or less
03:11.31cbeust_and on which planet you are doing this on
03:11.44romainguycbeust_: we got that covered with our constants
03:11.51cbeust_So I saw
03:12.04umdk1d3hmm mars needs a gps satellite constellation
03:12.05cbeust_I didn't see the gravity constant for Azeroth, though
03:12.07cbeust_I'll file a bug
03:12.36umdk1d3and you would then need a universal positioning system to tell what planet ur on
03:12.49geisti wonder if the black gate would screw up reception
03:14.42d03boyanyone know if there are some android images that can be used freely for developing community sites and stuff?
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03:20.22danfuzzd03boy: you mean something like this maybe? <>
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03:22.03theCarpentersince the basic unix utilities don't really work, is there a purpose to start porting some of them over?
03:22.11theCarpentergrep, sed, cat, et al f.ex
03:22.49d03boycan you ssh on android?
03:23.34gdsxtheCarpenter: you'd likely want busybox, for one
03:23.42gdsxtheCarpenter: beyond that, ::shrug::
03:23.49danfuzzd03boy: also <>
03:24.01gdsxI don't see myself doing shell stuff on the phone other than as a novelty
03:24.22AndroidztheCarpenter, are you making a terminal app by chance?
03:24.43danfuzzlooks forward to a self-hosted android dev environment. go go squinty-eyed-emacs!
03:25.12theCarpenterAndroidz: That was the plan, but it looks like it'll be easier to throw some tiny GUI on it instead
03:26.43theCarpenterbasically just some simple file upload via post program; syntax would be something like:
03:26.43theCarpenterfupload fname -p mypass
03:27.57AndroidztheCarpenter, aww :( I was hoping to see a full on terminal
03:28.11theCarpenterAndroidz: ooooh lol, no
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03:29.34theCarpenteri think people forget that android at the end of the day is a *phone* platform tbh
03:29.46theCarpenterand there's only so much people will care to do on it
03:29.50wastrelit's better than my old phone for voice
03:30.15d03boyi dont want a phone
03:30.18d03boyi already have a phone
03:30.20d03boyi want an IM
03:30.27d03boyand web surfing computer in my pocket
03:30.40theCarpenter...asus eee?
03:30.42d03boywhich is why I wish it had the dual touch
03:30.51d03boyasus eee hmmm
03:31.16d03boytoo big lol
03:31.58AndroidztheCarpenter, I havent forgetten and I think you are undersetimating the phone...
03:32.14Androidzthanks you d03boy
03:33.51Ramblurrhm, anyone know of a tutorial for creating a static list view
03:34.12Ramblurrsort of like the API Demos app's  list
03:37.22Androidzd03boy, I would LOVE to see that irc client for Android hit the market :)
03:37.25theCarpenterwonder how difficult it would be to create an app that saves a whole call
03:38.02d03boyworking on it :)
03:38.13d03boyim surprised you recognized me
03:38.24theCarpenterand then indexes calls by number and date etc, and lets you play them back later
03:39.35Androidzd03boy, :)
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03:39.54Androidzd03boy, I know all the developers in here... well most. Well not KNOW, but know of :0
03:40.14d03boydo you develop?
03:40.15AndroidzI like to know who creates what :) and im stoked for the IRC
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03:40.36Androidzd03boy, more less. I play around with it
03:40.57Androidzd03boy, I started learning, I have just been side tracked
03:41.03d03boyi know what you mean
03:41.23wastreli made an app where you throw the handset into the air and catch it and it tells you how long it was in the air
03:41.45Androidzwastrel, haha :)
03:41.56d03boyhaha cool
03:41.59mo0620wastrel: didn't that dude from google create that
03:42.02d03boywastrel, does it work nicely?
03:42.10cbeustHere is a challenge: use the device so it can tell you your weight
03:42.28AndroidzI am a newb, but how would I go about creating a terminal for Android? I would love to do that
03:42.36wastrelhow about my bmi
03:43.09Androidzcbeust, maybe by height and dimensions?
03:43.25jastaAndroidz: plug your phone in and run adb shell, you'll see why such an app is pointless
03:43.27cbeustI don't have an answer, I was just wondering if it's possible
03:43.39jastathe phone's linux space is "locked down" for security purposes.  there is hardly any useful operation you could do
03:43.41gamblercbeust, dont think so
03:44.11wastrelwe'll put you on the end of a long rope of known length
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03:44.14Androidzjasta, k
03:44.32Androidzjasta, ooohhh
03:44.40Androidzthats dumb, isnt it open source?
03:44.47wastreland on the other end a reference mass of known weight
03:44.50wastrelthen spin them
03:45.05wastrelmeasure how long it takes to get up to 100rpm
03:45.28Androidzjasta, if not a terminal, how about a way of making a small telnet app?
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03:46.16muthucbeust: nice idea
03:46.29muthubut the user's have to stand on top on G1 ;)
03:46.36gamblerAndroidz, there is already a ssh client you can download - google connectbot
03:46.58Androidzgambler, I saw that last night. I didnt know it was ready for dl
03:47.29gamblerthe G1 has a weight sensor?
03:48.57Androidzgambler, no, it was a suggestion
03:49.00Androidzto make one :)
03:49.59jastaAndroidz: there's an ssh client, connectbot.  don't use telnet for any purpose or i will personally kill you
03:50.00gamblerI think the chumby has a squeeze sensor
03:50.22JoeBrainaka a large button on the top :P
03:50.56JoeBrainI suppose a button is a "squeeze sensor" :)
03:50.59gambleroh its discrete not continuous? thats a little less interesting
03:51.00mo0620if i SSH to the g1 what is username and password?
03:51.06mo0620just root? with no pass?
03:51.08wastrelis there a porting effort for the chumby yet?
03:51.26JoeBrainI had a pre-production one, so I dunno if any hw changes were made, but I doubt it
03:51.43jastamo0620: think again.  you can't access root, there is only a user account which probably has no password that has absolutely no rights to anything useful
03:52.17jastamo0620: plug your device in and run adb shell.  explore as you'd like, but you quickly see how useless it is
03:52.31wastrelgoogle rooted my phone
03:52.39mo0620ah i see.  i did alot of ssh in the iphone jailbreaking days
03:53.00mo0620we need Root access! so we can let the customization begin
03:53.21AlekseyGuys, twitter is already up right?
03:53.25jastamo0620: well, then find a way to jailbreak it
03:53.29AlekseyWhere in applications is it
03:53.31Androidzjasta, lol
03:53.41jastait is possible, certainly.  someone just has to find out where the weakness is.
03:53.51mo0620jasta:  lol na i would not know how to do that
03:54.02jastawell, then there's your answer :)
03:54.17mo0620i just wait for the awesome devs to do it lol
03:54.47jastain the mean time perhaps you could learn Java and start hacking on something more useful :)
03:55.18muthujasta: are you sending in patches already?
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03:55.33jastamuthu: preparing my first actually
03:55.47muthui'm yet to check it out
03:55.50jastai'm trying to submit IMAP IDLE support for code review this weekend
03:55.57muthuhaven't been to work for some days now ;)
03:56.03jastaand i think Romain might be the reviewer, ohh, exciting ;)
03:56.28d03boyjasta, you should install some WTFs first
03:56.39wastrelwhat's WTF?
03:56.40AlekseyWhy do I have my phone NEXT to my wireless AP, and its 2 bars?
03:56.42JoeBrainIf there's no sandbox, what limitations to access are there that you'd need root access?
03:56.57d03boyAleksey, there are deadspots if you're close maybe?
03:57.03wastrelwhy do i have 4 bars of 3g and no web connectivit
03:57.04jastaAleksey: ive noticed that the wi-fi radio is pretty weak in the g1.  not excellent service, but certainly better htan you're seeing.
03:57.14Alekseywifi sucks on this thing
03:57.26Alekseyrouter is next to me
03:57.27d03boyAleksey, what router doyou use
03:57.38Alekseyare you going to suggest its my router..?
03:57.40jastaAleksey: well, certainly your router is to blame as well.
03:57.44d03boyAleksey, certainly
03:57.48jastabut yes, the g1's wi-fi radio is weak.
03:57.49AlekseyMy laptop is full bars
03:57.52jastaagain, not as weak as you are seeing.
03:57.59d03boyAleksey, do you use broadcom card in your laptop? It can cause interference
03:58.05Alekseymy 3 year old HP pda is full bars
03:58.18d03boywhat router?
03:58.22outbriberhow does the g1's wifi radio compare to the ipod touch's? anyone know?
03:58.29Alekseycisco catalyst
03:58.30d03boyWEP or WPA?
03:58.42mo0620anyone know if there are any devs working on a virtual keyboard? i know in the android roadmap they said possibly q1 of 2009, but i was wondering if there was anything unofficially being worked on
03:58.58*** join/#android ptmahent (n=ptmahent@
03:59.01JoeBrainsounds like an exercise in redundancy
03:59.22jastamo0620: i believe that they are.
03:59.29jastathey have commented a couple of times about such a thing
03:59.43wastrelapparently yes they are according to the comment on the blog post i read :]
03:59.48mo0620that would be sweet! i do not even need auto correction lol, i just want a virtual keyboard
03:59.50wastrel100% confirmed in other words
03:59.57mo0620wastrel: which blog?
04:01.40Alekseyheh works
04:02.38*** join/#android G1baby (n=i8860054@
04:03.12G1babysweet connect bot and irssi ;)
04:04.08d03boyanyone want to make a logo for IRCell?
04:04.50G1babywhat you looking for d03boy
04:07.52jastaim starting to think the better strategy for IRC is to just use a bounce and a native IRC client on the phone
04:08.07jastai originally thought ssh+screen would be the way to go, but after trying it, im not sure
04:09.25f00f-people just want to be connected all the time
04:09.29*** join/#android RyeBrye (n=ryebrye@
04:09.40f00f-how much are you paying for G1 service monthly?
04:09.57jastaf00f-: me?  $50+$25 per month for voice+data.
04:10.11f00f-is the $25 an unlimnited plan?
04:10.17jastaunlimited data, 400 sms
04:10.30f00f-what does the $50 get you?
04:10.34jastai use e-mail instead of SMS a lot tho, as most of my friends have smartphones
04:10.50jasta600 minutes + unlimited N+W/E + myfaves
04:10.50Androidzwhat are .war files?
04:10.55f00f-ah cool
04:11.02f00f-Androidz: web application archive
04:11.05JoeBrainmake .love not .war
04:12.28jastais excited to make his first commit to the android tree :)
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04:13.10muthujasta: now you can make romainguy work :)
04:13.25Androidzf00f-, thanks, are they installable on the Android?
04:13.49wastrelhrm i should irc from the phone to improve my thumbtyping
04:13.53jastahe'll probably reject my patches just to be ornery.
04:15.26*** join/#android OpnSrc1 (i=harisha1@gateway/tor/x-0428041bf3f49bca)
04:15.38f00f-Androidz: umm, they're meant for java app servers
04:15.40*** join/#android tmarble (
04:15.45f00f-i hear there's a port of jetty to android
04:15.48f00f-which ain't hard
04:15.52f00f-so yeah why not
04:16.01f00f-just use your brain and common sense in running a servlet container on a mobile phone
04:16.47*** join/#android ttuttle_ (n=tom@MAROON.RES.CMU.EDU)
04:16.57RyeBryehmm... I wonder though about that - even if Jetty will run I doubt it would be able to deploy war files because it's not like dalvik can run java class files
04:17.12*** join/#android nowi (
04:17.19f00f-ok yeah probably not deploy
04:17.24AlekseyFor e-mail client is there an option to only download todays messages?
04:17.25f00f-don't even think about it
04:17.53RyeBryeI don't even know if it would even run anything that used compiled dependencies - maybe it could compile jsp pages or something - or serve static files
04:18.05RyeBryebut I'd be surprised if it could even serve up JSP pages
04:18.43f00f-if you compile everything in
04:18.53f00f-with no dynamic/hot deployment
04:19.55RyeBryeThe G1 has a speakerphone, right?
04:19.58*** join/#android zmedico (n=zmedico@gentoo/developer/zmedico)
04:20.05d03boycrappy one i hear
04:20.06f00f-i hope so, cause i just ordered two
04:20.18d03boyits on the back and a review said its hard to hear
04:20.26d03boybut... you're supposed to set them on a hard surface and they vibrate the surface
04:20.28d03boynot sure if he realized that
04:20.36RyeBryeAh, gotcha
04:22.48Androidzwhats going on with downloading some .apk's thats arent deploying?
04:22.59*** part/#android andyross (
04:25.24RyeBryeT-mobile is seriously pissing me off... I ordered a G1 online two days ago and I still haven't gotten a single confirmation email or anything indicating when I should even expect it
04:26.23RyeBryeI'm guessing it's the batch of the November 10th group - but if I haven't heard anything from them in a day or two I'm going to call them up and cancel it
04:27.26tweaktAre they sold out in stores now?
04:27.32Ramblurranyone familiar with the Android ListView?
04:28.24*** join/#android theCarpenter1 (
04:29.20RyeBryetweakt - they didn't stock any in stores in my area
04:29.23theCarpenter1so suppose i tweak the platform itself - is there some way to reflect those changes in the emulator?
04:29.31theCarpenter1like say i modify the package manager f.ex
04:29.38AndroidzRyeBrye, why not go into the store?
04:29.52AndroidzRyeBrye, what area?
04:30.10RyeBryeNot a 3G coverage area - and none of the stores in Utah apparently are going to have them
04:31.13theCarpenter1RyeBrye: Do you go to BYU by any chance?
04:32.26AndroidzAnyone try RingDroid yet?
04:32.30Androidzpretty sick
04:32.41muthuAndroidz: what it do?
04:33.06jhamIt's even in the Android Rap Song!
04:33.26Androidzmuthu, lets you create your own ringtone on the phone with songs
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04:33.49muthuAndroidz: nice
04:36.25Androidzmuthu, ya, you can get it from the google code
04:38.34waldo_is back (gone 02:27:29)
04:39.47wastrelis there a way to download web pages or ebooks to sd for offline reading?
04:39.56wastrelsome people take the subway to work
04:40.10LenoliumRyeBrye: I never got any sort of a confirmation that my order went through, just frantically checked the UPS tracking site by reference until my package came up.
04:41.13cbeustRyeBrye: the speakerphone works fine
04:41.14waldo_androidz what's ringdroid
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04:42.46RyeBryetheCarpenter1 - no, but I did
04:42.56RyeBryeLenolium - when did you place your order, and when did it show up in the tracking system?
04:44.59wastrelconnectbot has a cute icon
04:45.21Androidzwaldo_, sorry, it lets you edit songs on Android and and make them ringtones
04:45.28Androidzwaldo_, you want the link?
04:47.08wastrelwoo...  on my phone
04:48.15LenoliumRyeBrye: Placed on Oct 2nd, showed up on the 17th.
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04:48.37LenoliumAndroidz: how do you edit songs?
04:48.45AndroidzLenolium, one sec
04:48.55chrismurfHas anybody successfully connected to a Wifi AP with a hidden SSID?
04:49.44Androidzgo here on your phone and download the apk.
04:49.47romainguymo0620: anyone know if there are any devs working on a virtual keyboard? i know in the android roadmap they said possibly q1 of 2009, but i was wondering if there was anything unofficially being worked on <<< you can't really make a good keyboard without adding tons of framework support
04:49.57romainguywhich is exactly what we're doing right now
04:50.40swetlandlies. romain is actually ircing from a beach somewhere
04:51.23AndroidzI would highly suggest creating a app on the SoulSeek.  shit would be tight
04:52.10LenoliumAndroidz: Ahh, I got rings Extended...
04:53.06waldo_androidz-- to chime in on the talk from a few minutes/hours ago-- there IS a telnet client but dont' use telnet
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04:54.06AndroidzLenolium, oh, is that the same thing?
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04:54.35Androidzwaldo_, whats it called? Ive tried using one out there alrady but did not work
04:54.48gdsxchrismurf: hmm... I certainly haven't, and playing around, it seems like it might not work
04:55.16gdsxchrismurf: I presume you did "Add a Wi-Fi network," and now when you tap it, the phone asks you if you want to Forget it?
04:56.25Androidzdamn internet keeps cutting in and out
04:57.19gdsxhaha, the SSID of one of my neighbors: WHYdoALLofYOUhaveSECUREDnetwork
04:57.36waldo_androidz lemme find it
04:58.06waldo_caveat-- i have not tried it --
04:58.59chrismurfgdsx: I enter it all in, and eventually it shows up as a node that it can see
04:59.38chrismurfbut when I tap it and say "connect" it immediately goes back down the list and says "Not in Range, Remembered"
05:00.06theCarpenter1has anyone had any success with hacking the platform itself yet? my main concern right now is trying to simulate modifications to the platform in the emulator... at least to the extent that it's possible
05:00.15chrismurfso, it sorta sees it, but doesn't seem to be able to connect
05:00.22theCarpenter1everthing i'm seeing is about application development, not about platform hacking itself
05:01.00gdsxchrismurf: ok
05:01.01waldo_theCarpenter1 the source for teh whole platform is out... what to hack?
05:01.06gdsxchrismurf: :o)
05:02.08theCarpenter1waldo_: well yes... i mean i'm trying to modify some parts of the platform itself, namely the package manager
05:02.16chrismurfgdsx: I'll try logcatting
05:02.42theCarpenter1waldo_: and i want to see if there's any way to view or simulate any potential modifications other than actually putting them on a physical phone
05:02.47outbriberremote: Compressing objects: 100% (125364/125364), done.
05:02.47outbriberfatal: pack has bad object at offset 170301448: inflate returned -3
05:02.47outbriberfatal: index-pack failed
05:02.47outbribererror: Cannot fetch kernel/common
05:02.51chrismurfI think I saw an on-phone logcat at one point -- anybody know the name?
05:02.56outbriberwhat does that mean? oops, sorry about the many lines.
05:03.29DarkriftXhello everyone, anything super cool happen today in the android world?
05:03.45DarkriftXi held my first g1 today (non workign demo at tmobile store)
05:04.23theCarpenter1outbriber: everything's been getting slashdotted because of the initial flood of people... just keep doing repo sync every few minutes until it works.. that's what eventually worked for me @_@
05:04.29gdsxchrismurf: there isn't one on production devices, unless you're talking about an app of some sort
05:04.48chrismurfthought I saw an app someplace
05:04.56gdsxchrismurf: dunno then
05:05.20outbribertheCarpenter1: okay, thanks man
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05:09.38tmztromainguy: for what device? dzo has had virtual keyboard in the kernel for vogue
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05:11.48After_Mathwhats the easiest way to add wallpaper to the G1
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05:12.06batteryfaceI've got a question regarding network connectivity and the G1.
05:12.44batteryfaceSay for instance I am able to connect to the internet via EDGE or 3G and 802.11.
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05:13.13batteryfaceDoes Android allow me to choose how I wish to connect?
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05:14.48After_Mathbatteryface, i believe only 3g or your network
05:15.07After_Mathd03boy, where might I go to learn how to create something like ircell?
05:15.23After_Mathor can anyone tell me where I might go to learn to code Android?
05:15.24DarkriftXanyone know of an aim app for android besides the built in one?
05:15.38batteryfaceAfter_Math, I want to know whether I can disable the ability to communicate via 3G. I only want to connect through Wifi as any other way would cost me.
05:15.51malaclypsnewbie question: is there a way to either put a new kernel onto the G1, or get root on it?
05:16.07RyeBryeno. bootloader is locked. :(
05:16.19RyeBryeGoogle likes it that way, they want to focus on you writing apps at the higher level that will translate to other devices
05:16.26After_Mathbatteryface, I wouldnt say disable 3g, because for the phone to work (for now) you need to have the data plan
05:16.39batteryfaceBut for browsing?
05:16.45malaclypswell, i'm less interested in what Google wants, and more what I want to use my phone for.
05:16.48RyeBryeif you dont' know what a bootloader is, you shouldn't be thinking of putting a new kernel on an embeded device in the first place
05:16.51batteryfaceI'd only like to use Wifi for something like that.
05:17.13After_Mathbatteryface, ya you can. You just enable wireless, it switches from 3g to your wireless connection
05:17.16malaclypswell, that's very disappointing.
05:17.18RyeBryeYes, I know
05:17.25RyeBryewhen I get mine I'm going to start trying to hack away at it
05:17.31RyeBryeI'm sure others will at all
05:18.07malaclypswell i have one here, which i bought on the understanding that this was an open phone. Huh.
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05:18.35RyeBryeWell, it's open in the sense that the source code for the OS is released
05:18.36malaclypswelllp, i'm sure it will be cracked, but i'd like to actually have a lawfully open phone
05:19.03malaclypsyes, but i can't actually *run* that open source code on my own phone. That means the code is open, but the phone is not.
05:19.12RyeBryeThen buy an Open Moko phone - the neo Free Runner
05:19.23batteryfaceAfter_Math, I wouldn't want my email syncing on the 3G or anything though, as that would cost me.
05:19.24RyeBryethat one IS totally open, and has been out a while
05:19.44malaclypsis there any way of having wider permissions than the adb shell user account?
05:20.06After_Mathbatteryface, I dont understand what you are saying by "as it would cost me". As far as I have been told, you can use the G1 without the data plan
05:21.01gdsxmalaclyps, RyeBrye: note
05:21.03gdsx23:10:35 < swetland> okay, brave folks who want to try a g1 build externally will want to grab and drop it in their .reop
05:21.58RyeBrye? that xml file just has info about the HTC dream ?
05:22.15chrismurfgdsx: ??
05:22.21swetlandit maps in an additional sub-project that provides a build target for dream
05:22.26gdsxchrismurf: hmm?
05:22.36chrismurfis that for testing the G1 build on eclipse?
05:22.40chrismurfwhat's that manifest do
05:23.08gdsxchrismurf: see what swetland just said
05:23.17swetlandit drops into the android 1.0 tree and allows you to build an image for g1
05:23.39chrismurfI see - but you still can't install it on the G1, no?
05:23.40swetlandnote that production g1s do not have a way for you to flash that image, so it is not perfect
05:23.41malaclypsi don't see what this has to do with what we were talking about -- can you clarify, gdsx?
05:23.44chrismurfI see
05:23.50RyeBrye<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><manifest><project path="vendor/htc/dream" name="platform/vendor/htc/dream"/></manifest>
05:23.57gdsxmalaclyps: oh, you're still talking about the bootloader?
05:24.01chrismurfit allows you to generate an image for the G1
05:24.05fadden0Good things come in small XML files.
05:24.08chrismurfwe just have no way to get it on the G1 yet :-)
05:24.10swetlandit adds a mapping for an additional repository
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05:24.14swetlandwhich repo sync will pull down
05:24.18gdsxfadden0: aww man... it should be java
05:24.20swetlandwhich has more stuff in it
05:24.27RyeBryeAhhh - gotcha
05:24.30swetlandfadden: nothing good comes of xml files
05:24.33RyeBryeOk, now things make more sense :)
05:24.39swetlandfadden: but I grit my teeth and make the best of it ^^
05:26.14malaclypsgdsx: just to summarise, this would let you pull down extra files that would allow you to build a full kernel and system for the G1
05:26.25gdsxmalaclyps: it should
05:26.32chrismurfand you put the XML file...
05:26.32malaclypsgdsx: but there's no known way to actually flash that onto the G1 itself
05:26.44malaclypsgdsx: is this a GIT file? or something else?
05:27.02RyeBryein the repo...
05:27.08gdsxmalaclyps: it goes in .repo/manifests/, I think
05:27.18gdsxor maybe just .repo/
05:27.26RyeBryeI'm guessing the bootloader is probably cryptographically signed, no?
05:27.30RyeBryeany knowledge about that?
05:27.43gdsxmalaclyps: true, there's no way (yet?) to flash the thing wholesale
05:28.01swetlandjust in .repo
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05:28.34gdsxswetland: ooh, we should start calling .repo/manifest.xml "the repoman"
05:29.10RyeBryeI hacked my camera's firmware manually by using an exploit to cause it to execute arbitrary code - and then blinking out the entire firmware in 0's and 1's on the autofocus LED - read in by a photo transistor attached to a sound cable plugged into my microphone port - and then put back into 0's and 1's...
05:29.25RyeBryeThen disassembled the ARM9 code in it and worked on porting CHDK to it...
05:29.34waldo_is away: auto-away
05:29.35RyeBryeI'm pretty sure having a whole OS at my disposal should make this a lot easier
05:29.45gdsxRyeBrye: I really hope you're kidding
05:29.48swetlandrye: one of my favorite tricks along those lines was how they extracted the rom from the GBA
05:29.49RyeBryeNo, I really did that
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05:30.21gdsxRyeBrye: that's going in my quotefile :o)
05:30.23RyeBryeAlthough I think that Google engineers are probably smarter than Canon engineers - and probably have more incentive to protect the parts you aren't supposed to get access to
05:30.26swetlandcould not directly read it, but used the swi call for audio dma to dma the contents into readable memory
05:30.27RyeBryegdsx :)
05:30.42RyeBryeswetland - that's cool
05:30.44gdsxRyeBrye: the bootloader isn't ours
05:31.14RyeBryeAhh... well I don't think HTC is all that bright, so maybe there is hope
05:31.57chrismurfsomebody will crack it, I'm sure
05:32.41swetlandthere's a lot of code running on the critter. you only need to screw up once. mind you, we certainly try our best to get it right and usually aren't total idiots. ^^
05:32.42RyeBryeAre there any take-apart image series of the guts of the G1 out yet? Or do people just do that for apple products?
05:32.59swetlandI totally want to see teardowns for G1
05:33.09NewDroidI would like to start developing apps for android, but unclear on where to go from the hello world page on the google android website. Can anyone point me in the right direction?Not sure where to go from here
05:33.12RyeBryeI'm mostly interested in how easy it is to take apart / poot back together
05:33.15RyeBryeerr put
05:33.17malaclypsman, just for once i'd like to have a phone where you didn't have to find buffer overflows to run your own code
05:33.18swetlandI mean, I could take some pictures, but that's totally cheating ^^
05:33.39RyeBryeNo, not cheating! :)
05:34.16malaclypshey can i quote you on the blog piece I'm going to write on this, RyeBrye --- anonymously, if you want :)
05:34.37RyeBryeSure, if you want... quoting the firmware dumping piece?
05:34.46gdsxRyeBrye: yeah :o)
05:35.25RyeBryeI can point you to the CHDK wikia pieces that talk about it in detail... It took about 6 hours to blink the 4 megabyte firmware IIRC - it was going at a really slow bitrate to get very visible '0's' and '1's on the audio
05:35.28gdsxRyeBrye: so, how do you find a buffer overflow on a camera?
05:35.55RyeBryegdsx - if only it were that hard...
05:36.11malaclypsshould i attribute it to RyeBrye, or not?
05:36.16RyeBryeIf you want, fine
05:36.19malaclypsgdsx, i take it you don't want attribution :)
05:36.41RyeBryegdsx - the canons have a magic mode on them - if you write 'BOOTABLE' on byte 40 of the disk partition, then it will be a 'bootable' SD card - and it will boot off of that
05:36.44gdsxmalaclyps: likely not
05:37.01gdsxRyeBrye: ::nod::
05:37.04RyeBryeand it will read and execute a binary file called "diskboot.bin" (but only if the SD card is locked)
05:37.10swetlandanyway, I'm hoping well see developer devices available in the not too distant future
05:37.11gdsxmalaclyps: what about, though?
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05:37.34gdsxshoots infobot again
05:37.52tmztRyeBrye: cool, you ever think about using rockbox kernel on those?
05:38.03RyeBryeSo at that point, it's just a matter of finding the memory address that maps to an LED blinking function - which involves scanning a lot of memory regions and writing a 1 on those
05:38.12swetlandno subsidy, but no lockdown sorta deal.  apps developers have what they need, but open source purists, hobbiests, and system hackers obviously want to be able to blow away everything and replace with their own build
05:38.30RyeBryetmzt - I thought about it - and it would be doable - but to get it to work as a camera still woudl be tough. CHDK works by loading patches to system functions in memory at boot time.
05:39.05RyeBryeso the it just latches on to the camera's existing firmware kind of like Venom and Spiderman
05:39.12RyeBryeonly a bit more altruistically I suppose :)
05:39.22tmztyeah, and I know their mission statement. more of a someday thing when all phones are truely open
05:40.21RyeBryeI may have been one of the last "LED blinkers" - since shortly afterwards some people found some magic functions they could scan for that would write the firmware to an SD card directly - which is obviously a much faster way of doing it... but much less street cred IMO :)
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05:42.00chrismurfalright - I'm enjoying the war stories, but need to sleep
05:42.07chrismurfgnight all ;-)
05:42.15swetlandI have never blinked an led in anger
05:43.10RyeBryeAlthough - in case you are wondering - flashing the LED on a camera a few thousand times in a second exceeds some hardware limits... makes a loud noise... and burns the bulb out... dont' ask how I know... :/
05:43.21RyeBryeErr - not the LED - the Flash I mean
05:43.42theCarpenter1interesting... dose the android emulator not simulate the package manager's operation?
05:44.47RyeBryemalaclyps: describes the LED blinking process that was probably used / perfected over the process of dumping the firmware of about two dozen cameras or so
05:45.04gdsxtheCarpenter1: if by "package manager" you mean "Market", then no, not currently
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05:52.32After_MathAny word on a Process Manager?
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05:53.33LenoliumAfter_Math: Why do you want one of those? Apps just get killed magically when you run out of ram.
05:54.16RyeBryeI thought I read a review that some background apps will suck down battery and the only way to kill them is to hard reboot the phone
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05:57.13After_MathLenolium, to close any running apps
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05:57.35After_MathLenolium, even thought they dont use any battery power in the background, i would still like to close them
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06:02.03rwhitbyswetland: so is there any path from the HTC dream build back onto the physical device?
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06:02.30rwhitbyhey morrildl
06:03.42swetlandrwhitby: not on current production tmo g1 devices
06:04.07rwhitbybootloader only loads signed code I expect ...
06:04.09swetlandthough I'm sure people are hard at work trying to hack things
06:04.53rwhitbyswetland: does go at the top-level or in the build subdir?
06:05.47swetlandtop level
06:06.11swetlandwe'll be getting this into a more official project soon, with some more organized notes
06:06.24rwhitbynah, this way is more fun :-)
06:06.26swetlandone of the purposes of it is to show how to configure builds for different bards
06:06.30swetlander boards
06:06.48rwhitbyimagines shakespeare running Android ...
06:06.50swetlandwhich should be helpful for folks working on ports to other devices
06:07.26geistdont listen to jham_'s lies
06:08.02jham_geist: I'm not lying, just late :-P
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06:37.57malaclypsi wrote a little about the lack of root on the G1: let me know if this doesn't sound right to folks:
06:38.33malaclypsi hope it's fair
06:39.50swetlanddepends what you're looking for really
06:40.11romainguy"So, as is so often the case, those who want to use their own code on their own phone" << that depends on what code you're talking about
06:40.16romainguyyou can install your apps :)
06:40.18swetlandif you want unrestricted app installation out of the box without having to thwart some security, I think the G1 has an advantage ^^
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06:40.39romainguyit also depends on what you mean by "open"
06:40.43swetlandif you want root access and to muck about with the filesystem, hacked iphones have the current advantage
06:40.48romainguyI for one am certainly glad my phone has no root access ^^
06:41.05swetlandor hey, that neo freerunner thing
06:41.05snadgenah.. i want root :)
06:41.18snadgei will hack my G1 .. somehow, someone will ;)
06:41.28muthuroot access is a must
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06:42.02muthuwhy should a mobile device be any different than a pc?
06:42.06systmdoes the g1 require USB 2.0 for Debugging and SD card access?
06:42.40malaclypsswetland: it's true!
06:42.45gdsxsystm: I don't think so
06:43.12malaclypsromainguy: the apps are in a sandbox, so that's a bit like saying you can run any app you want on this internet browser booth
06:43.24romainguyer ok
06:43.26romainguywhatever :)
06:43.32swetlandI'm curious to see if somebody actually finds a useful bootloader or local root exploit before developer devices are available. always fun to watch.
06:43.50malaclypsswetland: the race is on
06:43.52systmgdsx: any particular driver i need for linux kernel config?
06:43.54romainguywants a chan of users who develop apps, not of über geeks :p
06:44.06romainguygood night
06:44.12gdsxsystm: not really
06:44.24systmgdsx its not showing up in lspci
06:44.37gdsxsystm: hmm... what kernel version?
06:45.09gdsxsystm: actually, you might need usbserial
06:45.21systmgdsx: damn i thought i had everything compiled
06:45.58gdsxsystm: actually, no, it doesn't look like usbserial does anything
06:46.12gdsx(I have a couple random USB thingies, so I forget which wants what)
06:47.01systmgdsx i will check my config
06:47.05gdsxsystm: oh, wait
06:47.10gdsxsystm: does it show up in `lsusb`?
06:47.18systmdont have
06:47.29gdsxsystm: cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
06:47.58muthuromainguy_ try #android-dev ;)
06:48.12gdsxmuthu: he's gone
06:48.38muthugdsx: he doesn't sleep :)
06:48.59systmgdsx: oh it shows up
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06:49.23systmgdsx: i want to mount the sd card, so how do i figure out where it is in /dev/
06:49.48gdsxsystm: make sure you enable "Settings->Applications->Development->USB debugging" if you want to use adb
06:49.57gdsxsystm: `dmesg`
06:49.57systmgdsx: i did
06:50.58systmok.. on /dev/sda1
06:51.49malaclypsswetland: it's a good point about the Davlik apps, though, I'll add that
06:56.17systmgdsx: do i need to configure the android.rules file?
06:57.33gdsxsystm: depends on permissions, but likely
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07:58.58systmanyone gotten this?
07:58.58systmThe selected wizard could not be started.
08:04.23systmi actually am dumb and forgot to google, but thank you snp_
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08:48.29DarkriftXsnp_, i think i know you from somewhere
08:48.56snp_DarkriftX: you do?
08:49.09DarkriftXyou on any other nets?
08:49.18snp_not in many years
08:49.31DarkriftXsomeone else has your exact nick, with the _ and all
08:50.04snp_I usually don't use snp_, but is at work now and don't bother to change to "snp"
08:50.13DarkriftXi c
08:50.38DarkriftXwell i guess a 3 letter nick cannot be all that rare
08:50.44DarkriftXthinks he needs sleep
08:51.15DarkriftXsleep, then work, then a weekend of scouring through android downloads, oh the joy!
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09:18.21muthuDarkriftX: how's the site doin?
09:18.52muthuare you getting flooded by hits ;)
09:19.08waldo_is away: auto-away
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09:52.08landslidei'm getting and unrecognized option : 99999 on make any ideas?
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10:32.46landslidelanguish: this is an error during platform make.
10:33.13landslideit's like "host Java: clearsliver (out/host/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/clearsilver_intermediates/classes)
10:33.20landslideUnrecognized option : 99999999
10:33.43landslidemake: *** [out/host/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/clearsilver_intermediates/javalib.jar] Error 41
10:34.22languishlandslide, hang out a while longer, someone with more clue than myself will show up eventually
10:34.39landslidei'm building on ubuntu 8.04
10:35.00landslidei've got JDK 6 too.. not sure if that's a problem.
10:35.03landslideno worries.
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10:59.25landslideah worked it out
10:59.46landslidei just discovered ubuntu's update-alternatives --config java
10:59.50landslidealso needs javac
11:00.07landslidei had like 5 versions of java installed, it was trying to build android with eclipse's
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11:00.53muthuthe java sdk handling in linux is a mess
11:01.47tricwhy you think so?
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11:01.50xl0muthu: And in Windows, is it any better?
11:02.26muthuthere's a lot of people getting stumped by the /etc/alternates/java
11:03.37muthuwe need a jdk settings panel :)
11:03.52Wander_wthere's update-alternatives
11:04.13muthuok, then there it is
11:04.13Wander_wwhich indeed doesn't have a GUI, but it's close in functionality to a settings panel
11:04.42tricwander: oh, and then theres ln -s to set them
11:05.00muthutric: there's like 20 of these links
11:05.43muthuhmm.. what the hell is git?
11:05.56muthuthought everyone used svn.. hehe
11:06.10landslideyeah i've just discovered there is a whole bunch.
11:06.23landslideplus i'm a java n00b.. so that has a little to do with it ;)
11:06.43muthulandslide: its a common trap
11:09.24tricmuthu: git == linus solution for developing the linux kernel
11:09.40trici guess google is using it cause they had to for the kernel part anyway
11:09.41muthutric: ha, right
11:09.59muthuok, makes sense
11:11.08landslidecan i build android with jdk 6?
11:11.42landslidelastly is there a way to force all the /etc/alternatives for java to JDK 6?
11:11.53landslideor do I need to do it individually?
11:12.08muthustep by step
11:12.38muthuthat's why i was saying about jdk settings panel
11:13.38landslideyeah it's a PITA. ;)
11:13.41tricmuthu: but you need alternatives for other things aswell. so you really want a jdk, a editor a ... panel? please dont.
11:13.52landslidei've just done ls /etc/alternatives/j* -l
11:14.00landslideand did update-alternatives for each
11:14.08landslideandroid seems to be building now.
11:15.13Wander_wcongratulations, I hope you have a decent amount of memory installed :)
11:15.18muthuis there a git gui for linux?
11:15.26Wander_wmuthu: probably not
11:15.31BBHossmuthu: gitk
11:15.35Wander_wsince Git is rather new
11:15.36landslideit's ubuntu 32 on esxi.
11:15.38landslidequad core...
11:15.44landslideonly 1gb allocated though ;)
11:15.50BBHossgit even comes with a web interface built into the client
11:16.06muthuyeah, gitk
11:16.08Wander_wlandslide: well.. 1GB is tight... better close firefox
11:16.19muthuthere's something called gitweb
11:16.23BBHossif you have the lighthttpd server installed, you can do git instaweb and a web server will launch
11:16.27Wander_wBBHoss: oh, things have improved then :)
11:16.34landslideit's at 34% utilization now.. so i'll just monitor it.. how long does the build usually take?
11:16.42Wander_wcouple of hours
11:16.57Wander_wlandslide: do you have a multi-cpu machine?
11:17.04Wander_wsorry, quad core :)
11:17.24Wander_wstop your build and do "make -j 5" instead of just "make"
11:17.27landslideonly 2 of them are really used..
11:17.46landslideit doesn't look like the make does anything in parallel
11:17.50landslidevisual studio's pretty cool like that.
11:17.59Wander_wthat will run 5 jobs at the same time
11:18.04landslideah nice ! ;)
11:18.18Wander_wbut keep an eye on your memory
11:18.25landslideyeah ;)
11:19.13landslideholy sheesh, that did the treat.. 100% on all cores.
11:19.43Wander_wyeah, that'll give your machine something to work on :)
11:20.06landslidedoes the build also put qemu together?
11:20.42landslidei have some windowsce hardware I want to try and port it to.. that's the bigger goal ;)
11:21.02Wander_wlandslide: yeah, it does seem qemu gets build as well
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11:25.57landslidethank's for you help guys... ;)
11:26.17muthuis it done?
11:29.41muthugit-gui.. nice
11:43.38BBHosslandslide: which windows-mobile/ce device are you trying to port to?
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11:53.14landslideyeah just finished i think
11:53.17landslidewow that was fast
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11:53.28landslideit's actually my companies own hardware.
11:53.49landslidecompany's i mean .. it's late ;)
11:54.30t_ubuntuhi, Buidnign the Android Open Source, I ran into this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11
11:55.01t_ubuntubut I already have libX11-dev installed on my AMD64 bit system
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11:57.49t_ubuntuso I saw /usr/lib32/ is there.
11:58.14BBHosslandslide: thats cool, i'm working on a getting it running on a blackberry, the only one i have is the 8830 world-phone, but it has a PXA272 ARM processor that SHOULD be able to run Android, especially at 624Mhz
11:58.37BBHossanyone know how big the flash file is?
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12:01.57Wander_w-rw-------  1 wander wander  47M 2008-10-23 21:35 system.img
12:01.57Wander_w-rw-------  1 wander wander 2.0M 2008-10-23 21:31 userdata.img
12:02.02Wander_w-rw-r--r--  1 wander wander 134K 2008-10-23 21:32 ramdisk.img
12:02.37Wander_wso a bit under 60 MB
12:03.40BBHossok kool, it should fit pretty well on the 64MB flash on the phone
12:04.10Wander_wfor now, yes
12:04.29Wander_wbut the G1 has 256 MB reserver for the OS iirc
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12:04.46BBHossi could probably load it off of an sd card though
12:05.46BBHossthat might even be able to load the image directly into the memory, but i don't know what kind of protection RIM has on that
12:06.10BBHosskind of like how they do it on the HTC phones that have been ported
12:06.31BBHossthe remote boot thing
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12:28.50Ramzezhi guys, anyone knows how to debug shared library on android?
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12:46.40mpardohey guys, I'm trying to hit a webservice when a call comes in... it works on 3g but not edge. Any suggestions?
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12:47.29andreafhi *
12:47.56jbqIn GSM, that can only be done in base 3G (UMTS), but neither in 2.5G (GPRS/EDGE) nor in higher 3G (HSDPA/HSUPA).
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12:49.41mpardoeven with dtm?
12:49.50mpardoi have it working in GPRS, not edge
12:50.23mpardoEGPRS fails
12:50.35gevermannstupid question: is there any way to re-flash the G-1. I have only just started looking at the Android source. Are there things missing that are needed to re-build the G-1 firmware?
12:50.59jbqAt this point I wouldn't count on DTM.
12:51.43mpardowhy would it work in GPRS but not EGPRS?
12:53.31jbqI'll give a vague answer, of course, "because either the device or the tower doesn't support it with EDGE" - but that's exactly why I wouldn't count on DTM.
12:54.19mpardoso 3G is the only way to guarantee it works?
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12:56.50jbqnope, because in HSDPA it won't (and it won't work on 1xEVDO either, which is cdmaOne 3G).
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12:59.32mpardoso dtm is hit and miss is what you're saying?
12:59.42mpardothat sucks
13:00.12jbqthe only reliable way to do voice+data is to have data go over wifi.
13:00.42jbq(but then you take a double-hit in battery life)
13:00.54mpardoyea... that's one way i got my app to work
13:02.11BBHossmpardo: what are you doing, making adding something to a web app when someone calls?  Is there not a way to do it after the call is finished?
13:02.14mpardothat emulator is tricky though because it worked in all casses
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13:04.23t_ubuntuhi all, i am interested in testing android on an ARM platform. Anyone could recommend a development kit (hardware/board) that I can purchase?
13:04.46BBHosst_ubuntu: OMAP
13:05.28t_ubuntuOMAP. Thanks, is there a web link to that or should I just Google for OMAP?
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13:06.03BBHossnow most of that was written BEFORE the source was released, but if the SDK would run on it i'm sure that you can compile for it :)
13:07.35t_ubuntuBBHoss: is this sounds OK?
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13:08.23BBHosst_ubuntu: i couldn't tell you, i just remember seeing that page the other day
13:08.37BBHossalthough it SHOULD be able to RUN on most archs that run linux
13:10.09t_ubuntuBBHoss: thanks for the info. now I need to find $1500 somewhere :) to get this.
13:10.12BBHosst_ubuntu: right now i am attempting to load it onto a spare blackberry i have
13:10.18BBHosst_ubuntu: just get a G1
13:10.22BBHossmuch cheaper
13:10.56TreyBCan you flash a G1 with custom OS updates?
13:11.09michaelnovakjrTreyB: no
13:11.20szsoftwareTreyB: eventually with wince?
13:11.28szsoftwareszsoftware: :-)
13:11.29BBHossTreyB: not yet
13:11.43BBHossyou just need to get the bootloader if memory serves me
13:11.44TreyBI suspected as much.  It depends on what t_ubuntu wants to do.  If he just wants real hardware to test his app, the G1 makes sense.
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13:11.59t_ubuntuoh, actually I am not really thinking of mobile phone. I am looking to build a "general purpose" hand held device with android platform
13:12.11BBHosst_ubuntu: the n810 is running it too
13:12.13michaelnovakjrwhat for?
13:12.32michaelnovakjrfor general purpose there's other platforms available that also make sense
13:12.34BBHossspeed probably, android seems faster than maemo
13:13.23TreyBSomething like the iPod Touch running Android has a certain utility to it, but perhaps not much of a market.
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13:14.49t_ubuntuhmm iPod touch, good idea.
13:14.51kslaterping kennyz
13:15.16BBHossyeah i looked at the touch, there are nearly NO specs for the HW
13:15.20Zagort_ubuntu: well have fun porting android there
13:15.30BBHossit IS ARM though, but its a custom apple design, so who knows
13:15.55TreyBI meant more as a form-factor/class rather than an actual target.
13:16.13TreyBA capable touch device without phone hardware.
13:16.57linuxstbIs it known that the G1 isn't locked-down against user-created OS updates?
13:17.37xl0linuxstb: I believe it is know that is is locked down.
13:18.24Zagorlocked how? just "flash procedure currently unknown" or something more deliberate?
13:18.27TreyBThey open-sourced the stack for hardware vendors, no Joe-the-Programmer.
13:18.36t_ubuntuI am looking for an affordable way to have a "practice"/development hardware platform. This is to sharpen up my kernel and cross compiling skill more than anything.
13:18.37BBHossZagor: i think thats accurate
13:19.31xl0TreyB: Wrong. The stack is open, just this particular hardware is not.
13:19.35Zagorunless they tivoized it (encrypted) I wouldn't call that "locked down"
13:19.44TreyBt_ubuntu: Quite a few ARM gumstick-type systems exist for far less than $1500.
13:20.15xl0Zagor: I haven't seen it yet, but people say the boot loader required signed kernels to boot.
13:21.17TreyBxl0: You can certainly put the stack on any hardware you have the specs for, but not many devices with phohe radios with specs available exist.
13:21.38t_ubuntuTreyB: is there any particular one that you would recommend?
13:21.41Zagorxl0: that is still not a problem unless the bootloader itself is encrypted
13:21.53xl0TreyB: Freerunner. And even if there we no such phones, you hardly could blame Google for it.
13:22.03Wander_wtomtom's are linux, have bluetooth, and tomtom has a crosscompiler available for their devices
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13:25.41BBHossmotorola's phones run linux, but not sure how accessible it is
13:25.52t_ubuntuthanks all. I think I have enough to go through the whole week end now.
13:28.43TreyBt_ubuntu: no recommendations, as I haven't actually used any of them. reviews them from time to time, though.
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13:29.19ramzez_ukhi, anyone knows how to debug shared library (.so)?
13:29.55Zagorramzez_uk: build it, link it statically and gdb it?
13:30.04TreyBxl0: I don't blame Google.  I just meant to say that as a practical matter, only (mostly) hardware vendors will change the stack components.
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13:30.17michaelnovakjrDougie187: around?
13:30.27Disconnectwhee, its gonna be a bug-filin day
13:30.41ramzez_ukzagor, no plugin for eclipse to auto switch yet?
13:31.11ramzez_ukor maybe xcode?
13:31.12xl0TreyB: I'd say, the only thing that would require significant changes is the Linux kernel. And it is GPL'ed, si they have to open their sources.
13:31.35michaelnovakjrxl0: what sources?
13:31.42Wander_wthey can allway go NVidia-style on the kernel
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13:31.51xl0michaelnovakjr: Their Linux patches.
13:32.05TreyBAnd require signed kernels for flashing the device.
13:32.07xl0Wander_w: You can't add platform support in this way.
13:32.12michaelnovakjrxl0: who's linux patches?
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13:32.34xl0michaelnovakjr: ^^ TreyB> xl0: I don't blame Google.  I just meant to say that as a practical matter, only (mostly) hardware vendors will change the stack components.
13:32.50Wander_wxl0: well, platform patches aren't that interesting.. GSM radio's, wifi and all that sort of things are
13:32.51xl0TreyB: This is a completely unrelated matter.
13:32.56michaelnovakjrxl0: hardware won't be opened.... and it doesn't have to either
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13:33.16BBHossyeah the radio will probably never be opened
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13:33.31xl0michaelnovakjr: That's what I was talking about. Theese are two unrelated things.
13:33.36Zagorthe radio is in hardware
13:33.49TreyBNot any more.
13:33.59BBHossZagor: right, but you have to have the software to control it
13:33.59TreyBRather, not always.
13:34.36ZagorBBHoss: radio interface layer is in git. is it missing something?
13:34.58BBHossZagor: what does it interface to though, the G1's radio?
13:35.34TreyBGenerally, the RIL presents a standard API for any radio.
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13:35.58TreyBThe radio firmware guys implement the API.
13:36.45xl0I'm not sure about other hardware, but I've heard that the freerunner's gsm chip is operated with AT commands over a serial interface...
13:38.32BBHossxl0: that might work
13:39.07blountas I understand it, the g1's radio stack runs on a separate arm-9 core.  it runs qualcomm proprietary code.  the android stack talks to it through a shared memory rpc mechanism
13:39.40BBHossheh sounds dangerous
13:39.44Zagorblount: sounds likely
13:40.06xl0BBHoss: THat's how all modern phones work, actually.
13:40.18blountthere ya go :-)
13:40.37BBHosswell if everything is AT commands, that should work flawlessly
13:40.52Death_Synooh, tethertime!
13:41.18Death_Syni forget if tmobile's ToS allows for tethering
13:41.46volthey're usually pretty liberal about what they allow you to do
13:42.02Landswipeusually they require GSM's CMUX... to support both command and data simultaneously.
13:42.15Landswipedoes RIL do CMUX?
13:42.45TreyBI suspect the RIL hides the CMUX details from the rest of the platform.
13:43.28TreyBThe WinMo RIL does this.
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13:43.43Zagoryes, ril is pretty high-level. RIL_REQUEST_SEND_SMS etc.
13:43.51famastHi, I downloaded a file on the android emulator through my web browser. How do I open it?
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13:44.47Death_Synfamast: double-click it
13:45.00Landswipehow do i get android to build the emulator target?
13:45.37famastdouble click it.. I don't know where it is!
13:46.00Death_Synin the web browser's downloads
13:46.06famasti cleared that list
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13:46.34famastits still on the sd card though, I see it on the eclipse file browser
13:47.01Death_Synoh, hmm
13:47.03Death_Syndunno then
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13:47.18famastthanks for trying!
13:47.19Death_Syni'm still rather new at this myself
13:47.20zeebeehi guys
13:47.32zeebeei saw a post about u on boingboing
13:47.55Zagorreference-ril/atchannel.c deals with AT commands
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13:51.39davidwzeebee, what's 'u' ?
13:51.52davidwis that a successor to the g1?
13:52.25dan_winckleru == #android
13:52.40michaelnovakjrwhat about #android???
13:52.51davidwI tend to avoid variable names with one letter except for i and j in loops
13:53.50michaelnovakjri think that's a load of crap
13:53.52Disconnectbugs bugs bugs.,. wheeeee bugs.
13:54.41dan_winckleri wasn't here when RyeBrye made his claim but i saw what he said leading in that direction...  and i hope it works :)
13:56.59ZagorI say find the signature checking code and work from there
13:57.14Zagorif there even is one enabled
13:58.07dan_wincklerany leads on an OSC library for android?
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14:01.45dan_wincklerOpen Sound Control:
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14:06.12plusminus_can we already upload apps to the market o_O
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14:06.39marconeno, the market opens on Monday
14:07.02plusminus_then check the market-games...
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14:11.27plusminus_he got it in o_O
14:11.49zeebeewhat sort of appsa re being developed right nwo
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14:12.54Zagordan_winckler: if there are linux implementations I don't see anything stopping running it on an android target, once we can update the lower layers
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14:14.41dan_wincklerthanks, Zagor :)
14:14.46ZagorI assume doing it in java might not produce the timing accuracy you are looking for?
14:15.08zeebeedoes the g1 have the same capiblities like the iphone
14:15.13zeebeewill  there be like NES emulators and such
14:15.15dan_winckleri'm not sure -- i haven't done any Java dev yet
14:15.39bstockzeebee: a coworker is working on NES emulator
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14:16.04zeebeewill they be uploaded the market place
14:16.14zeebeeor will it be on private websites
14:16.22bstocki don't know if he plans to put it on the market or not
14:17.01dan_wincklerZagor: i'm working on a port of Mrmr (
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14:21.28Zagordan_winckler: that doesn't sound very timing critical. go for java, I'd say
14:21.47zhobbsplusminus_: where can I find andnav?
14:22.12dan_wincklerthanks! :)  i just found a Java OSC lib, though the site's down at the moment
14:22.17*** part/#android famast (
14:22.30plusminus_zhobbs: not yet, needs some final debugging
14:23.12neerhajcan multiple items be selected in a listview ?
14:23.14plusminus_zhobbs: anyway I've been walking around in the streets yesterday and I was pretty satisfied
14:23.14waldo_is back (gone 05:04:06)
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14:25.47zhobbsplusminus_: cool, looking forward to it
14:25.56plusminus_me too :)
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14:29.40languishstill on RC19 :/
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14:29.47languishcontinues to wait
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14:31.00Disconnectlanguish: me too but at least my wifi works now :)
14:31.39languishwhat was the problem?
14:32.12Disconnecttmob hotspot finder trashes it
14:32.23Disconnectok coffee and breakfast time
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14:45.04rmblris it possible to return my own type with setResult()
14:45.14rmblrwell, i obviously can
14:45.45rmblrcan't with setResult, because an Intent only takes a String as an "action"  but i'd like to pass a user defined type from one Activity to another
14:47.46Wander_wmaybe you can set it as a public static field somewhere?
14:48.07Wander_w(which is the (very) ugly way to do it)
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14:49.07tomgibararmblr: use the the Intent extras
14:49.27michaelnovakjrthe intent extras are the best way to work between Activities
14:50.02rmblrusing a Bundle?
14:50.23tomgibaraThe extras are a Bundle, put in there with under a key
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14:50.53tomgibarathen pull it out with the same key when you get the result back
14:52.04rmblrtomgibara: do i need to subclass bundle and provide my own "putCustomObject(key, object) ?
14:52.46tomgibaraWhat 'sort' of object are you trying to pass back?
14:53.28tomgibaraWhat I'm getting at is that some objects just don't lend themselves to being persisted in the way that the Intent mechanism requires.
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14:54.21rmblrtomgibara: it's a custom type..
14:54.45tomgibararmblr: What sort of state does it contain, eg. is it like a struct?
14:55.05Wander_wstruct? we are still talking about java right?
14:55.09fearphageanyone have even rumors about the next phone to support android? i'm not fond of the g1 but i have an oppurtunity to get a new phone
14:55.11rmblrtomgibara:not one of the primitives (short, int string, etc)
14:55.32rmblrtomgibara: i don't have any idea what the structure of it is.. it's a type from a library i am using
14:55.45rmblrthat represents a "Session" for an authenticated user
14:55.51tomgibaraWander_w: I said "like" a struct - it's not a simple distinction I'm trying to make.
14:55.55rmblrit probably contains some string values
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14:56.44tomgibararmblr: Is this an actual session (that contains the state for the user), or a key for the session?
14:57.16rmblra key, hashed user credentials, a timestamp maybe
14:57.33tomgibaraDoes it implement Serializable?
14:57.55rmblrlet me check, i doubt it
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14:58.53rmblrtomgibara: no it doesn't
14:59.04tomgibaraIs this a third party library?
14:59.31rmblryea, but open source. all of this type's members are strings or bools, so i could make it serializable
14:59.58rmblrbut i'd rather not.. it sort of defeats the purpose of using a canned library heh
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15:00.33tomgibararmblr: If you are going to change the source, and don't mind inserting a dependency on Android, you'd ideally make it Parcellable
15:00.43tomgibaraOtherwise Serializable would do.
15:00.58tomgibaraDoes it have a public constructor?
15:01.27rmblri could use
15:01.57rmblrsince this session will be used all over the place it seems appropriate to make it a "global" application member
15:02.18*** part/#android tale (n=tale@
15:02.25tomgibaraBodging state that should flow between activities into global storage will cause you pain.
15:03.45tomgibaraFor that approach to work, the Application would need to have the capacity reconstruct the Session object.
15:04.05rmblrwhat about "A HashMap of WeakReferences to Objects" ?
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15:04.25rmblrand using the intent extras there
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15:04.47tomgibararmblr: I think you need to study the documentation on the Activity lifecycle to understand why these approaches won't be fruitful.
15:04.52tethridge_jasta, check out
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15:05.21rmblrtomgibara: yea i just found the documentation.. i'm beginning to see why. android can kill/start an app in the background
15:06.16tomgibararmblr: yes, that's right, so it needs to persist the Intents (and all the state the contain) so that it can resurrect the app and its activities
15:07.01tomgibaraThat's the reason for the restrictions that apply to the values that can be 'bundled' with an Intent.
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15:12.12waldo_umk1d3 you around?
15:12.50languishheh was in the wrong channel but hi ;)
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15:13.06waldo_oh, so you didn't even mean it..
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15:13.16languishI meant it, just not for you. :P
15:13.34languishyou can have the hi, the 'lo is reserved sir.
15:14.02waldo_alright I'll take it.
15:14.16languishmost excellent
15:14.21languishI'm sure you'll enjoy it
15:15.08*** join/#android TechJunkie (
15:15.21jcwIs that an Open Source hi?  Can I see the source, please?
15:16.37waldo_chatroom.say("'lo."); // insincere greeting
15:16.58kslaterromainguy_: does / will Photostream handle uploads?
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15:29.31Dougie187Touch pro is coming out this next week.
15:29.53pmacthat will be an exciting piece of tech for android
15:29.55languishon sprint :/
15:30.02pmacis it multi-touch capable?
15:30.13Dougie187I doubt its gonna be multi-touch
15:30.14Dougie187but ionno
15:30.15pmacVZW allows all devices on their network, if i recall
15:30.29languishtouch pro doesn't have the capacitive touch screen, it uses another technology. It doesn't have the compass...
15:30.34summatusmentispmac: not yet it doesn't
15:30.41languishso yeah, it's be cool with android because android's cool
15:30.51languishbut it's be missing some of the functionality of the g1
15:31.15Dougie187languish: thats not a big deal though, some people don't need all of the features the G1 has, like the compass.
15:31.35languishi'd rather see a touch pro 2 android extravaganza blitz ball extreme happy happy fun time version
15:31.41pmacis the compass a specific item of tech?
15:31.46summatusmentistouch pro won't have android, unless the community makes it, yes?
15:31.58Dougie187summatusmentis: yes.
15:32.03jcwSpeaking of the compass, anyone aware of an app that displays a traditional compass face?
15:32.07Disconnecthas anyone taking the g1 apart to see if the touchscreen is multi capable yet?
15:32.13Dougie187summatusmentis: but theres a decent shot of it working since they are both HTC.
15:32.13pmaci thought it was just a part of the ...
15:32.31summatusmentisDougie187: well, we'd need a way to flash it
15:32.36Dougie187summatusmentis: yeah.
15:32.47languishjcw, there was one... it wass demo'd by some peeops @google but I haven't seen the app available
15:32.49michaelnovakjrDougie187: i ordered the XPS 13 inch finally
15:33.02jcwlanguish,  thanks
15:33.03Dougie187michaelnovakjr: oh yeah? what made you decide on that one?
15:33.06pmaci was considering a lenovo 13.3
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15:33.16michaelnovakjrDougie187: other laptop crapped out
15:33.25Dougie187michaelnovakjr: too bad. but no thinkpad for you?
15:33.46michaelnovakjri was thinking about it, i like the specs of the xps and the design is nice
15:33.48summatusmentisurgh... windows laptops :)
15:33.59pmacthe macbooks are just too pricey for me
15:34.02michaelnovakjrsummatusmentis: actually linux :)
15:34.06Dougie187michaelnovakjr: true.
15:34.09summatusmentismichaelnovakjr: ok, slightly better
15:34.21Dougie187summatusmentis: whats best in your opinion?
15:34.22summatusmentispmac: worth every cent though :)
15:34.31pmaci have heard good things about the hardware
15:34.40summatusmentisDougie187: I'm a relatively recent OS X convert
15:34.41Dougie187summatusmentis: lol. depends who you are talking to. that is 100% subjective.
15:34.52pmacbut I wouldnt get a "brick" one until they get the kinks worked out
15:35.07summatusmentisI've yet to find a better OS for a laptop than OS X
15:35.13Disconnectis a fan of his mbp, but then again we got -wicked- distributor discounts
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15:35.25pmacso who has a g1?
15:35.31summatusmentisDougie187: i know it is, but I'm right :)
15:35.32Disconnectthey wanted us to sell a bunch of clusters to gov't..
15:35.39Disconnectwhoops, meeting. bbl.
15:35.42Dougie187summatusmentis: lol, well i don't care much for osx or macs.
15:35.48Dougie187but that is my opinion.
15:35.56michaelnovakjrDougie187: i agree, even though OS X is nice
15:36.02michaelnovakjrLinux is better
15:36.12jcwFor many things, it is.
15:36.14jcwNot all things.
15:36.14Dougie187michaelnovakjr: yeah totally. OS X > Windows. but Linux > OS X
15:36.27waldo_i have to disagree...
15:36.33waldo_OS X > Linux > Windows
15:36.41Dougie187see? 100% subjective.
15:36.46Dougie187its all what you want out of it.
15:36.48waldo_there's not much you can do in linux you can't do in os x... but the reverse isn't true
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15:36.49summatusmentisto be fair * > Windows :)
15:36.55pmacnobody with a g1 on the Android irc?
15:36.56Dougie187summatusmentis: true.
15:36.58jcwoh, that's just bullshit.
15:37.02waldo_pmac we all have 'em
15:37.12summatusmentiswaldo_: I don't :-D
15:37.12Dougie187waldo_: i don't
15:37.13michaelnovakjri don't
15:37.15volI have a g1 :>
15:37.21volpmac: what's up
15:37.36waldo_what's bullshit jcw
15:37.47jcwThis X > Y > Z stuff.
15:37.56jcwSomethings Windows is better at.  Something Linux is better at.
15:37.59jcwI can't speak to OSX.
15:38.13waldo_jcw are you trying to be fair and evenhanded?
15:38.24jcwOh, right.  That's not the IRC way, is it...
15:38.24pmacvol: i was just curious if I should buy one out of contract to play with
15:38.30summatusmentisI tend to agree with waldo_, OS X can do most things Linux can
15:38.49waldo_put it this way-- os x can run windows... not vice-versa
15:38.50summatusmentiswith a prettier interface >_>
15:39.23waldo_os x can run windows and GNOME and intermingle thier windows.. you can't do that with either windows or linux
15:39.51zhobbsis there a way to set the timeout for the keys' backlight?
15:39.58zhobbsseems too short
15:40.02waldo_on g1 or mac?
15:40.03voljcw: you're on irc, pick a platform and defend it to the bitter end, no matter its faults
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15:40.14volpmac: I like mine, you might not like yours.
15:40.22jcwI'm not dissing OSX, but I had a G400 with 10.2 (I think).  I basically liked it, but it was just dissimiliar enough from KDE to cause me headaches switching around.
15:40.25volI'm not sure if it's worth $600 or whatever, but then again I'm an incredible miser
15:40.47waldo_jcw--  10.2 was a long time ago
15:40.47voland my pricing system is stuck in the mid 90s
15:40.51summatusmentisyou had a G400?
15:40.56waldo_jcw give it another shot...
15:40.56volcurses the price of <item>
15:41.02jcwvol, CP/M rules.  All your fancy windows-based graphical systems such.  Give me a Z80 with 64K, 2 1.2MB 8" flops, and a ADM-3A terminal, any day.
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15:41.11waldo_vol I think it's $400
15:41.11jcwOh yea, and a papertape punch for backups.
15:41.23voljcw: no way. cp/m can suck it. altair all the way
15:41.28waldo_jcw ah, cp/m
15:41.39waldo_apple ii forever?
15:41.51jcwYes, but do you still have one?  *I* have an IMSAI in my basement, that's currently powered up and running.
15:41.57waldo_Abacus rul_ez
15:42.15jcwAlong with two Processor Technology SOL-20's with those new-fangled 5.25" 720K floppies :(
15:42.40waldo_Man I wish I had a basement.
15:43.04volbasement? ha! I hope you like flooding! I keep my old equipment in a rusty shed in the backyard!
15:43.15waldo_I live in a tree and eat moss
15:43.24benleyI live in a giant bucket
15:43.26languishi wish I had moss
15:43.29jcwWhat I really want is a PDP/11
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15:43.39waldo_kate moss?
15:43.43michaelnovakjri live in new york city, my basement was invaded by rats
15:43.43languishhell no
15:44.04waldo_I'm dead and have been for at least 100 years.
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15:44.19waldo_In fact, I never existed.
15:44.21languishkate moss used to take the bus near my friends house, standing there chain smoking at getting on the bus with the cig and cursing people out when they told her to put it out
15:44.27jcwUnfortunately, PDP/11's go for decent money nowadays.
15:44.28languishand yes, she did it almost every time
15:44.47andyrossSomeone has a PDP/11 for sale?
15:44.56jcwThey come up now and then.
15:45.08waldo_VMS = best operating system
15:45.09jcwSome people luck out and find a company disposing of one, and cart it off for free.
15:45.16jcwI am not one of those lucky people.
15:45.18languishmichaelnovakjr, you live in NYC, your basement invaded the rats territory...
15:45.23languishnyc too
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15:46.37andyrossG1 hardware question: is there any documentation on the DSP core?  The qdsp5 directory in the kernel seems to do just command handling.  I presume the GL library uses it, anything else?
15:47.20waldo_I heard the core was nougat.
15:47.49waldo_sorry, kernel questions make my head asplode.
15:48.22andyrossActually more a hardware question than a kernel question, FWIW :)
15:48.32languishandyross, I don't know if this helps, but the htc dream: Special_Features: Harvard architecture, 26/32-bit addressing, Jazelle DBX, DSP instruction extensions
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15:49.39andyrossYeah, that's about the level of documentation I've found too.  It's a SoC thing with the ARM11 core we see, the baseband CPU (also an ARM, I believe, and re: this channel yesterday on the same DRAM bus), and the "DSP" core, about which I know zilch other than that wikipedia claims it can do "4M triangles/sec".
15:50.22CompBrainthats alot of triangles.
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15:51.34andyrossNot in the desktop world, certainly.  The original Geforce 256 in 1999 (? - thereabouts) topped out at 25M/s.  I'm not even sure where it lands among contemporary mobile "GPUs", thus the question.
15:51.58jcwI'm more interested in pentagrams per second.
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15:53.28languishandyross ARM9 coprocessor, Embedded QDSP4000 and QDSP5000 DSP
15:53.45languishfrom the htc specs
15:54.48andyrossYeah, the ARM9 will be the baseband cpu.  But a product name for the DSP isn't really what I'm looking for.  More along the lines of a datasheet: is it a vector FPU that the CPU seeds with data, or a separate CPU with its own firmware, etc?
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15:56.46waldo_as long as I can play ut3 on it, I don't care about the details.
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15:59.08zeebeehey how do I customize my G1's desktop is there a webpage or basic tutorial anywhere
15:59.29marconecustomize it in what way?
15:59.43zeebeeadd icons, change background, remove the clock
16:00.12marconelong-press on the clock then drag it to the trash to remove it
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16:00.28marconeuse menu -> wallpaper to change the background
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16:00.58marconeto add icons to the desktop, just long press and drag them there
16:01.11jastais coming around about the desktop/icon system
16:01.18jastathis could work out pretty well if applications take advantage of it
16:01.28jastai'm gonna add support to Five to let you put playlists on there
16:01.37umdk1d3jasta: its pretty easy
16:01.39jastaand maybe even artists/albums
16:01.44jastaumdk1d3: i know
16:02.02umdk1d3ooh and for the ssh app
16:02.07umdk1d3it really does use the typical ssh uris
16:02.13jastanice :)
16:02.36jastai had problems getting your ssh client to connect through my port forwarding scheme for some reason
16:02.55jastait just hung saying trying to authenticate when i'd connect
16:03.05umdk1d3yea there are still issues
16:03.11umdk1d3never did get any real work done yesterday
16:03.13andyrossDumb java question: seems like a lot of the API is split between "android" packages and "" packages.  Is there any meaning to the distinction?
16:03.24yakischlobajasta: does your guys' remote logcat work on G1?
16:03.41jastaandyross: generally represents things layered atop the platform, whereas android. is the base package space for the platform itself
16:03.47yakischlobajasta: or is that way outdated
16:03.52jastayakischloba: never tried it.  not much reason, as you can just plug it in via usb :)
16:04.07umdk1d3so heres an issue that im seeing
16:04.14jastaalso its not very resilient, if the connection breaks i think it just gives up (stupid)
16:04.23umdk1d3and they dont know jack about adb or getting logcat dumps
16:04.32umdk1d3it would be awesome if we had one single background app service they could install
16:04.40umdk1d3that watches logcat on the device (if that permission exists)
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16:05.00umdk1d3and greps out exceptions from your program
16:05.00umdk1d3then launches a special intent towards your app with the erorr info
16:05.01yakischlobajasta: yeah I know. My problem is I have a recurring bug and I want to make sure I get it recorded, ie, my logcat buffer doesn't get overwritten by the time I get to a computer. and I don't want to just not use the phone or whatever ;)
16:05.06umdk1d3that you could then report back online or something, handle however you choose
16:05.21jastayakischloba: ah, well...
16:05.34jastai think what you want is a way to save a snapshot of the logcat
16:05.45umdk1d3well, the logcat contains personal info
16:05.55umdk1d3which is why you want to grep out just your app's stuff
16:05.56yakischlobaromain tried to tell me that you chould use some key combo to write the current logcat buffer to the SD card, but someone else corrected him saying that was only in debug builds, which I think is a goddamn shame because that's exactly what I need
16:06.03jastayakischloba: i have a package that did that, you could probably modify it pretty easily
16:06.06jastabut who knows if apps can read logcat
16:06.08andyrossPOST the logs to a web server?  Seems like the simplest solution given the platform..
16:06.26umdk1d3andyross: heres the issue--we wouldnt want to give internet permission to this service
16:06.30umdk1d3to keep it secure
16:06.36umdk1d3we would deliver the log back in an intent to your app
16:06.40umdk1d3and you handle however you like
16:06.43t_ubuntuhi all, newb question, don't laugh: I just finished building the Android Open Source from git. I got ramdisk.img, system.img, and userdata.img under out/target/product/generic folder. So what is next?
16:06.52andyrossDunno.  But if it's just a log...  What's the harm in e.g. submitting it to a pastebin and emailing the link somewhere?
16:07.05umdk1d3t_ubuntu: you cant flash it onto the G1 device  :(
16:07.22umdk1d3andyross: sometimes ti contains email address tickles for gmail, etc
16:07.30umdk1d3and privacy info like what other apps are running
16:07.49umdk1d3we can pull out only the logs from a specific processid, which removes that issue
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16:09.12andyrossBut isn't the intent that users are going to submit these logs anyway?  I mean, if you don't want sensitive information in them, isn't the proper solution to not log sensitive information in the first place?  This is a debugging feature after all -- the point is simplicity, not robustness vs. attack.
16:09.26t_ubuntuI do not have a G1 and even if I do I would not flash it (yet). until I know what I am doing first. The question I guess is can I build it into a different target? Say a x86 platform
16:10.18waldo_is away: auto-away
16:10.47umdk1d3andyross: right, but two problems--they dont know how to enable usb debugging and install adb or something, second they dont know to remove any personal info from the logcat dumps
16:11.01*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
16:11.26andyrossMaybe I'm just confused.  My real question was why logs that you intend the user to submit have sensitive information in them at all?
16:11.53umdk1d3the personal info is two thigns:  1) their gmail address, and 2) other apps they might be running
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16:12.45andyrossBut if you don't trust "the internet" with that information, why should the users trust *you* with that information?  Again, security promises work both ways.  It strikes me that you're adding complexity to try to solve something that can't be solved this way.
16:13.15umdk1d3andyross: the issue is that logcat includes /everything/ from the platform
16:13.23muthuwriting personal info to logs is bad idea
16:13.30andyrossExactly. :)
16:13.32umdk1d3if jasta decided to dump IMEI numbers into his logcat for some reason, then that would go over the logs
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16:15.59andyrossWell, yeah.  But if jasta did that, then *any* log submission mechanism is insecure by definition. The place to protect against private information in submitted data is in the *data*, not the submission mechanism.
16:17.00unix_lappynot that you NEED a decent deal on a microSD card if you ended up getting a G1.
16:17.02andyrossAgain, don't assume that a 100% secure transfer (say, via non-network personal exchange of media) to *you* is secure.  The users don't (or shouldn't) trust you any more than you trust them.
16:17.59muthuis a branch always required to work with git repos?
16:18.05pmacdo you guys think a firmware upgrade will change the battery life?
16:18.17pmacor that a longer life batter y is require
16:18.25andyrossA git repository kinda *is* a branch by definition.
16:18.29pmacunix_lappy that is a great deal on a microsd card
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16:19.02Disconnectpmac: i did 2 training sessions on it (run it until it turns off, turn it on, repeat until it won't turn on, then charge 8+ hours straight) and its -much- better now. (well i did that and turned off 3g)
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16:22.14umdk1d3rofl google bought a fighter jet
16:22.33yakischlobais there an RSS reader yet?
16:22.40pmacdisconnect: thanks for the data
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16:24.04jcwYes, there is an RSS reader.
16:24.10jcwOI-News or something like that.
16:24.20Disconnector just google reader :)
16:24.27jcwBy Open Intent
16:25.48jeldhey guys, did you read the "I got my G1 firmware by blinking the camera LCD" story? Tell me it is bullshit :)
16:26.13pmaci didnt see the story
16:26.15pmacgot a link?
16:26.40m|aw|nuJe ne suis pas là mais je serai de retour bientot !
16:26.53bstockRyeBrye was in here talking about it early AM, like 1:00
16:26.54m|aw|nuJe ne suis pas là mais je serai de retour bientot !
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16:27.30Disconnectwas that g1 firmware he got or was that his camera and how he's fighting with the g1? i thought it was "i got my camera firmware, how hard coudl this be"
16:27.38jeldbstock, I know, I am trying to establish if he was serious or kidding
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16:27.50bstockseemed serious
16:28.18jcwAnd where's the autofocus LED on the G1?
16:28.31michaelnovakjri love it when blogs quote an irc channel
16:28.35michaelnovakjrits total crap
16:29.05umdk1d3michaelnovakjr: wheres that at? lol
16:29.09andyrossAnd why a microphone port?  Clearly the right solution would have been to cable the output of the phototransistor to a level converter and use rs232.  Clearly.
16:29.24michaelnovakjrumdk1d3: the boingboing link above
16:29.30ttuttlejcw: It's in software.
16:29.33ttuttlejcw: Try the camera.
16:29.39jcwThat's my point.
16:29.46jcwThere's no autofocus LED to blink the code out of.
16:29.53jcwThat I'm aware of, at any rate.
16:29.58ttuttlejcw: Oh.
16:30.04umdk1d3michaelnovakjr: rooooofl wtf?
16:30.12michaelnovakjri know
16:30.13ttuttleis happy. He has an 8 GB microSD card waiting for him at the mailroom!
16:30.21umdk1d3thats... just epic
16:30.21jcwWhere's your mailroom?
16:30.26ttuttlejcw: University Center.
16:30.27jcwI'll pick it up for you :)
16:30.30ttuttlejcw: (I'm a college student.)
16:30.34ttuttlejcw: You'll need my CMU ID.
16:30.43jcwOh a Colt .45 1911A
16:30.45pmacCan I borrow it?
16:30.52michaelnovakjrttuttle: he used the microphone port to scan and copy your ID
16:30.54andyrossthe time required for a serial transmission of a ~256M firmware image run through an analog translation and sampled with a 48KHz ADC is left as an exercise for the reader.
16:30.58ttuttlemichaelnovakjr: oic
16:31.04jeldwell, actually my first thought was, yes, firmware is closed source, but there got to be a way to dump firmware using adb
16:31.28jeldso blinking megabytes of data using some non-existent LED seems silly
16:31.47jcwandyross, I think they used the microphone port for the previous project to apply filters to the waveform.  That was used even earlier where someone beeped the code out of a PSP or Game Boy or something that didn't have a LED.
16:31.51umdk1d3andyross: you might want some overhead in there too
16:32.16jcwBut I agree, it's not the way I'd do it.
16:32.17umdk1d3for checksums
16:32.22andyrossThe "shell" user available through adb can't, the permissions are locked down.  Clearly the "install" features do more, but probably by talking to privileged software on the box.  You'd need to find an exploit.  I'm sure that as-designed, adb can't touch the bare hardware.
16:32.52andyrossChecksums!?  Real men use ECC.  Clearly.
16:33.23umdk1d3re: installing new firmware, i think it might be signature related
16:33.36umdk1d3those .imgs compiled above would need to be signed with correct key to replace whats on the G1
16:34.02umdk1d3similar to the way upgraded apps behave in market
16:36.18pmacwow, this link is a $15 rebate for this $25 8GB MicroSDHC Card
16:36.19jeldI wonder what dumpsys and dumpstate commands do in adb
16:36.37pmac$10 after rebate
16:36.52jastajeld: dumpsys is quite useful, for instance, try dumpsys meminfo
16:36.59Disconnectis holding out for 16g
16:37.01pmacI wish I could take that back, it is just SD not MicroSD
16:37.06pmacsorry guys
16:37.17jeldI am not gonna brick my phone doing that, am I? ;)
16:37.24jastaalready has his 8GB card on its way :)
16:37.43jastaalthough five's been doing pretty good so far on the default 1GB
16:37.47marconepfff, 8GB. That's so 2 weeks ago...
16:37.53ttuttle8 GB is cheap.
16:38.02jastai dont need much more than 8GB, considering Five should manage this sophistication automatically
16:38.17jastathe size of the card is merely an optimization ;)
16:38.50pmaci suppose if you were inclined to stream the music over your network it would be ok
16:38.59pmacand the lack of a headphone jack isn't helping...
16:39.03michaelnovakjrwhere's the 16gb?
16:39.08ttuttleDon't get me started on the headphone jack.
16:39.31jastattuttle: ugh, no kidding.  no headphone jack + no a2dp = shit music phone :(
16:39.41michaelnovakjrthat's HTC :)
16:39.46ttuttlejasta: /me already broke his earphones' plug.
16:39.56ttuttlejasta: Luckily I'm getting another pair from Google, but everyone can't do that :-\
16:40.05jastaim more upset by the lack of a2dp, since i didnt plan to even use corded earphones
16:40.16jastawireless headphones all the way.  better sound, even if i look dorkier.
16:40.55marconehow do you figure that wireless headphones sound better?
16:41.13jeldjasta, what is Five?
16:41.21jeldjasta, oops, sorry
16:41.48andyrossThey don't get pulled out or tugged on, for one.  Other than that, I doubt sound quality is a big differentiator.  Don't argue about headphone preferences.  No two people think the same about audio hardware.
16:41.58LenoliumIs there any contribution agreement that I need to sign or any copyright reassignment I need to do to contribute code?
16:42.07jeldjasta, heh, your name is in the screenshot :)
16:42.09jastamarcone: i dont know why i just typed that actually.  i meant, more convenient hehe
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16:42.23jastajeld: ?
16:42.50jastaoh yes, through the title i see.
16:42.57jeldjasta, :)
16:43.02jastawell, it's no secret, my name is also on the right under "Project Owner" :)
16:43.29jastaLenolium: yes, there is.  see
16:43.45donomo'USB debugging' is selected in the G1 settings and its connected to the laptop with a usb cable. 'adb devices' shows no devices. any idea?
16:44.01pmacfive is sweet. Cool. Keep up the good work
16:44.11mikez5donomo: mac, windows or linux?
16:44.29donomomikez5: ubuntu linux
16:45.00jelddonomo, when first running adb, run it as root
16:45.07mikez5adb probably does not have permission to talk to the USB driver.  You need to add something to /etc/udev/rules.d/
16:45.11jelddonomo, the adb server has to run as root
16:45.19donomojeld: ah ok
16:45.23andyrossCheck permissions on the device, or run adb as root to verify.  There's a udev hint floating around you can use to automatically set the permissions.  Also: the first time I plugged my phone into my Gutsy box, the (host) kernel oopsed and I needed to reboot before adb would work.
16:45.34jelddonomo, that is after you added the udev rule as the good book says
16:45.35mikez5no, you shouldn't need to run it as root.  let me look up the docs...
16:45.59donomothe daemon is running as root now
16:46.04donomoadb devices shows the device
16:46.10LenoliumI doubt that someone will get around to fixing issue 1056 for me, so I'll probably have to do it myself.
16:46.19ttuttlejasta: Do I need the Python dev package for libsexy, or just libsexy itself?
16:46.27michaelnovakjrLenolium: you want something done, do it yourself
16:46.32jastajust libsexy itself, i do not use python in the server
16:46.33michaelnovakjrthat is my personal stance on thigns :)
16:46.35ttuttlejasta: okay
16:46.37donomoi should add the udev rule so it doesnt have to run as root, but this works for now thx
16:46.42jastattuttle: check the INSTALL file, it is pretty helpful for debian/ubuntu users
16:46.42jeldmikez5, well, I couldn't find any other way, I guess it is all in some sort of root only ioctl()
16:47.04jeldmikez5, I know, I have that rule and the adb server still has to run as root
16:47.05ttuttlejasta: I'm using Gentoo :-\
16:47.06jastattuttle: also, check the issue list if you get confused.  there are a lot of TODO's ;)
16:47.21jastattuttle: gento can build it, but you need to rebuild a few packages as the gentoo package defaults are miserably stupid
16:47.31jastafor instance, libsqlite3 builds without column name support, which i require.
16:47.43jastagentoo*, i meant
16:47.59ttuttlejasta: /me has a Debian etch box too.  Would that suffice?
16:48.13ttuttlejasta: Oh, it doesn't have a GUI though...
16:48.27mikez5jeld: strange, one of the two approaches should work.  Maybe you need to restart udev
16:48.51jeldmikez5, tried that
16:49.49pmacis there a place I can check out devices that people have been successful in uploading Android to?
16:49.53ttuttlejasta: Will libmusicbrainz4 work?
16:49.56jastattuttle: it will build on Gentoo, umdk1d3 has it working.
16:50.13ttuttlejasta: Debian's easier, I think.
16:50.15jastattuttle: no, libmusicbrainz4 is actually a misnomer, it's musicbrainz 2
16:50.27ttuttlejasta: Oh.
16:50.31ttuttlejasta: Damn.
16:50.35mikez5jeld:  you could also try adding yourself to the "usb" group (if your linux distro has that)
16:50.35jastaand debian/ubuntu bundle a broken version of libmusicbrainz3 (3.0.0), you need 3.0.2
16:50.40ttuttlejasta: How do I get 3?  It's not listed.
16:50.47jastattuttle: if you're interested in a quick demonstration, i can just give you my demo server
16:50.55mikez5Actually, it looks like that is what I needed to do on my gentoo machine :-)
16:50.57ttuttlejasta: Yeah, but I want to try it with my music ;-)
16:51.12jastahehe, ok, well, building the server certainly is tricky, but the INSTALL docs are pretty helpful
16:51.19ttuttleforgot his Portage tree at home. (It's on a RAID0 across four 1 GB USB disks.)
16:51.24jastathe server is sophisticated, and has lots of parts to build :)
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16:51.38michaelnovakjrfor now...
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16:52.32michaelnovakjrserver install will become easy :)
16:54.11jastawell, building the server is tricky, of course at some point it will be built for you :)
16:54.17jastaby debian, ubuntu, etc :)
16:54.31ttuttlejasta: You should offer it as a LiveCD ;-)
16:54.37jastano, i shouldn't.
16:54.50gdsxjeld: having permissions issues accessing the device?
16:54.53ttuttlejasta: Someone should.
16:54.59jastai'm not one of those developers who likes to waste my time doing a job someone else can do better.  in this case, packaging and distribution.
16:55.18ttuttlejasta: Let me rephrase: It should be made into a LiveCD by someone other than you.
16:55.31jeldgdsx, not really, I just had to run the adb server as root
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16:55.51jastattuttle: ok, cool ;P
16:56.01jastattuttle: but ultimately, i expect it to be as simple as apt-get install five-server
16:56.02gdsxjeld: not ideal, but ok :o)
16:56.07ttuttlejasta: It'd be cool if you could pop a CD and a USB HDD full of music into a box.
16:56.20languishandyross see if you can reference this book somewhere  (library or.. lulz..)
16:56.24jastattuttle: server _setup_ is not hard, although right now UPnP isnt supported so you'll need to punch through your firewall to access it from the public internet
16:56.28languishfor the details you were seeking earlier
16:56.36ttuttlejasta: Pfft, UPnP is a security hole.
16:56.51jastaof course it is, i dont freaking have it on on my network
16:56.57ttuttlejasta: Heh.
16:56.57languishIf you're in NYC, the main branch might have it
16:57.02jastabut joe idiot does, and joe idiot is exactly who it should be made easy for
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16:58.14andyrossThat looks nice, thanks.  I've partially puzzled this out.  All the DSP interaction, it seems, goes through the library (a Qualcomm product, I think -- not part of the android source), called by the OpenGLES implementation, called by the "skia" 2D graphics library which is wrapped via JNI in
16:58.52andyrossBut the hardware is all in the qualcomm library.  Here's an OpenGL parameter dump I found for almost identical hardware in another phone: KS20
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16:59.13jastattuttle: there are a few bugs im squashing this week that i noticed when using a device as well, so keep that in mind
16:59.29jastafor instance, the UI sometimes doesnt present itself properly for the rotated screen (d'oh)
16:59.31andyrossAnyway, it looks like there's no software exposure of this part at all, not even to google (except maybe as a source dump -- someone had to build it for the android libc).  They're just calling a library qualcomm wrote.
16:59.32ttuttlejasta: Okay.  I'm not up to installing it quite yet (I'm in class).
16:59.44jastaand also, failed streaming downloads don't retry or detect choking, which was just me being stupid
16:59.48jastaof course they'll fail all the time :)
17:00.01jastaalthough thats an easy fix, resume/partial caches is already supported
17:00.20tmccraryIs there any support from google for putting small bits of adsense text in applications?
17:00.21jastai just havent had much dev time yet.  this weekend, for sure :)
17:01.12andyrosstmccrary: Surely you could hack that together via the appropriate HTTP and HTML display, no?
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17:01.29tmccraryyeah, good point, I just thought there might be some sort of built in api or something
17:01.32andyrossAlthough maybe that violates the adsense contract, if it's supposed to be page-specific.  No idea.
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17:02.05muthuandyross: yeah, you can't hack adsense like that afaik
17:03.16muthutmccrary:  you got to wait until google supports adsense in android
17:03.52jeldhmm... there seems to be a su command included in the android source...
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17:04.32andyrossBut no su installed on the device that I can see. Having the source doesn't allow you to set the suid bit you need.
17:05.25andyrossThe sad thing is that google did this *right*.  The security domains on the box are really tight, every app runs in its own account, etc... Nothing has root access for command issue.  Sigh...
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17:06.05Disconnectcan you get root for anything else? (eg an openvpn wrapper would require openvpn to run as root, but the gui can happily continue being user)
17:06.09jeldandyross, yes. good to see SOMEONE implement security well
17:06.40andyrossExcept that the security model views the owner as a threat, but yeah.
17:06.43Disconnector s/openvpn/* vpn/ (thats the 2nd most common question i'm getting @ work and similar places - does it do vpn)
17:06.45tmccraryDisconnect: I hope google or someone will get openvpn working soon, it's would be really convenient
17:06.55jeldandyross, looking at the ps output, there are some userspace processes running as root
17:07.13Disconnectjeld: fun ones or just the usual suspects?
17:07.15Disconnecthasn't looked
17:07.50jeldDisconnect, that depends who are your usual suspects, root     26    1     724   144   c0127154 afe0b50c S /system/bin/sh
17:07.59Disconnectoooh neat
17:08.00andyrossYes, but they aren't shells.  And downloaded code gets its own uid, nothing gets to elevate in the model as far as I can see.  We need an exploit for one of those root processes, or a flash/bootloader hack.
17:08.02ttuttleDisconnect: That would be implemented as a system service, and, yeah, it could have root.
17:08.11Disconnectandyross: thats a shell :)
17:08.21jeldandyross, yes, I noticed, just don't be so pessimistic :)
17:08.48jeldroot     29    1     652   132   c0196bf8 afe0c0bc S /system/bin/debuggerd
17:08.57andyrossOh, I'm not pessimistic exactly.  I have confidence that this will be cracked at some point.
17:09.10jeldand hedgehog cannot be debuggerd at all!
17:09.36jeldandyross, I am just poking around looking at things :)
17:09.47Disconnectso the basic model is "the user can't be trusted with their own device, thats why its so open"? :( the other in-model option is to pull some capabilities back down (add routes, virt network devices, etc) and make everyone rewrite their apps
17:10.21andyrossThe security model is more about preventing one downloaded app from compromising user data, or the device.  The fact that the shell user is gimped is a side effect, I'm sure.
17:10.24Disconnectisn't gonna trust an openvpn daemon he had to write tho.. better to use upstream security software :)
17:10.38jeldDisconnect, well, they COULD have provided root access (they just didn't)
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17:10.54Disconnectandyross: so allow suid+chroot only. or go the (ugh) selinux route..
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17:11.29andyrossBut then they'd have to write an authentication layer, to prevent someone from just plugging in a USB cable and rooting your phone.  I don't blame them, there's no upside in it.  And carriers don't like the idea either, I'm sure.
17:11.33Disconnect"this app is perfectly ok to use stuff it brings with it and nothing else" memory protection isn't too hard (well, dunno on arm..) so it can only see it's own process space and it's own files. its a bit bulkier that way but..
17:11.56Disconnecter, should be "nothing else". period. new sentence: memory :)
17:12.28wastrellanguish & any other NYC ppl.  - can you confirm for me that you've had zero trouble browsing the web?
17:12.32wastrelwith 3g
17:12.47languishzero trouble? no of course not.
17:12.54wastrelsorry but it's functional
17:12.55languishbut it works for the most part
17:13.07andyrossNot in NYC, but I think you have to qualify that "zero".  In portland, I see it drop to EDGE every once in a while.
17:13.11wastrelzero trouble compared to "it doesn't and has never worked not even once"
17:13.22wastreldon't care about portland, they said there are towers out in the city and that's why i can't get on
17:13.22languisheven on edge I don't have too much trouble
17:13.35Disconnectwastrel: make sure the tmob hotspot app (and the hotspot it installs) are uninstalled
17:13.39wastrelwhen i was standing next to someone yesterday with a g1 and he could browse, i couldn't.
17:14.20languishwastrel, did you go to settings -> Wireless contreols -> Mobile Networks -> Operator selection.
17:14.20languishit'll search, then choose Select Automatically
17:14.20languishalso, enable data roaming
17:14.24wastrelDisconnect: i did a factory reset
17:14.39wastrelyes i've tried edge & 3g no web but email works
17:14.48andyrossCheck T-Mobile and verify that your plan is set up properly?  Certainly the carrier can block you if they want, I have no idea what policies are.
17:14.56languishwastrel, that sounds like a dns issue
17:15.34andyrossAs stated, if you're getting email, you're getting data.  It's not a hardware problem.
17:16.03wastrelyes that's what i said on Wed. when i called. they said wait 48 hours for the account setup to complete.
17:16.06wastreland yesterday
17:16.13umdk1d3wastrel: what kind of email are you getting--the gmail email?
17:16.39languishwastrel, do what I said there. then open the browser and go to  INCLUDE the www.  don't just put the domain
17:16.39andyrossPoor service from a phone company?  Shocking, truly.
17:16.39wastrelgmail yeah
17:17.26wastrellanguish: it's on their end, it's not the handset.
17:18.03languishwastrel, i get it, but try that anyway
17:19.10wastrellanguish yeah, it's the same as always ...  4 bars of 3g, see data go up, some come back, the progress bar is about 1/10th filled, the spinner is spinning
17:19.13wastrelno web
17:19.36wastrelif i leave it long enough it'll time out and i'll get "web page not available."
17:19.49wastrelwith a cute upside-down android logo
17:20.17languishwastrel, change the APN setting to port 8080, or one of the alternative tmo servers
17:20.28languishyou can dig those up on
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17:23.15wastrelkk, changed to 8080, still
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17:24.04languishahh well, change back, wait for tmo to get their shit together
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17:24.33languishI'm suprised you can't access the edge network though
17:24.42languishor rather, it doesn't work with
17:24.44wastreli can access edge
17:24.56wastrelyeah i think they're blocking me in their gateway or proxy or whatever it is.
17:25.13wastreli have zero understanding of how mobile internet works
17:25.35andyrossHeh, as much as I might grouse about the hidden DSP, wince users apparently have it worse:  -- broadly identical hardware to the G1.  But they didn't bother to ship the GL drivers?
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17:26.15Chainfirenope they didnt
17:26.23Chainfireand they were a bitch to hack together.
17:26.42languishthat was the reason I didn't get the kaiser
17:26.47languishand man was I pissed
17:26.55languishlike everyone else.
17:27.16Chainfirehey now im here
17:27.23andyrossFound that site while searching for what docs exist on the MSM7x00 DSP
17:27.28Chainfireis it still only possible to use java for android apps, or is c++ now also possible?
17:27.38kazethanks chainfire for your great work
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17:28.26andyrossChainfire: the SDK supports only java, but you can hand-load a JNI library, and the toolchain in the source drop seems to work.  I'm trying to piece together a framework for doing that right now.
17:29.46andyrossThe trick seems to be to write out a physical file from the package on first start (because package resources aren't stored unpacked in the filesystem) and load it via JNI.  The C/C++ library set seems reasonably robust, specifically the GL library looks like it will interoperate just fine.
17:30.06Chainfireso its not officially supported
17:30.38Chainfirebtw anyone know if a G1 will work on 'proper' HSDPA networks, or just the T-Mobile ones? (I need one here in Europe)
17:30.42andyrossNo.  fadden here mentioned that there will be a native SDK at some point in the future.  Not sure if that will be supported on the G1 (with or without flash update) or not.
17:30.55DisconnectChainfire: voice and edge should work everywhere. 3g is tmob-usa only
17:31.10Disconnect(well, for reasonable definitions of everywhere :) ..)
17:31.21jastaromainguy: you there?  i've got some concerns about how to implement IMAP IDLE given the way the app is designed right now.
17:31.21zhobbs3g should work in europe also
17:31.33Chainfirebah, really cant wait til they release EU version. i know my competition in the US is already cracking...
17:31.48Chainfireis it simlocked, then?
17:31.54andyrossUMTS/W-CDMA is (I thought) reasonably standard, no?  Is T-Mobile US running a weird version?
17:31.56jastaromainguy: in particular, the listener system depends on the service running in the same process as the activity, which means that with IMAP IDLE the entire email app process would need to persist indefinitely.
17:32.16jastaromainguy: i dont think in practice it will be a big deal, but i dont want to submit patches that get rejected for this reason...
17:32.34zhobbs"The G1 operates on UMTS channels I and IV. Channel I is commonly used Europe, Africa, and Asia. Channel IV is really only used by T-Mobile in the US. AT&T uses channels II and V for their UMTS network."
17:32.35DisconnectChainfire: yep simlock although (haven't tried g1) tmob is generally good at providing codes, either after 90 days or (if you are a long-term good customer) immediately upon request
17:32.35jeldHave anyone heard any word on those promised updates? Did they do them transparently or did they put them on hold?
17:32.36Chainfireandyross> T-Mobile is the only HSDPA operator in the world using the 1700 mhz frequency.. this isnt supported by many phones out of the box. the question is if this G1 supports the 'proper' frequencies
17:33.15Chainfirei should say UMTS operator
17:33.40Chainfirehey thanks zhobbs... that'd mean I may get it to work here
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17:34.06romainguy_andyross: skia does not use OpenGL ES
17:34.09Chainfirejust gotta find out which channel dutch T-Mobile uses... if I can't get it 'unlocked' that would be an issue, though
17:34.19romainguy_andyross: there's preliminary support for that, but it's not enabled and doesn't work, so it's not used
17:34.23gdsxChainfire: HTC's website has a list of freqs that the handset supports
17:34.47andyrossOh.  So the 2D graphics is all software then?  I saw the SkGLDevice stuff and assumed that was the native implementation.
17:35.04romainguy_it's all software
17:35.08andyrossMaybe that explains the videos showing the choppier scrolling vs. the iPhone then.
17:35.19romainguy_that's not just about the software rendering
17:35.24romainguy_we also run at only 385 Mhz :)
17:35.30romainguy_we started working on a GL implementation of Skia
17:35.41romainguy_but OpenGL ES 1.0 makes it very hard if we want to be feature complete
17:35.56romainguy_(like gradients, paths transformations, shaders, etc.)
17:35.58andyrossSo the $64k question then, is does the GL implementation actually ... work?  Does anything on the device use it?
17:36.13romainguy_we removed the public APIs to enable it in 1.0
17:36.17romainguy_it was available in 0.9
17:36.20romainguy_Home runs fine with it
17:36.26romainguy_but there are performance and stability issues
17:36.34romainguy_then there are drivers problems
17:36.39romainguy_only one GL context can exist at a time
17:36.44romainguy_makes things a lot more difficult
17:37.02jbqI can still hear mathias banging his head on his desk.
17:37.04andyrossThat's a little upsetting.
17:37.06romainguy_so we are punting on this until we have OpenGL ES 2.0
17:37.17romainguy_so that we can at least have a 1:1 mapping of Skia features to OpenGL
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17:38.35f00f-so G1 won't have 3D acceleration at all
17:39.38romainguy_f00f-: except it does
17:39.43romainguy_for OpenGL
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17:40.08f00f-for public applications?
17:40.13romainguy_er yes
17:40.14faddenG1 has OpenGL and Skia APIs.  Skia != OpenGL.
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17:41.35zhobbsf00f-: the opengl samples in ApiDemos work pretty well on the device
17:41.53f00f-ok great
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17:42.21andyrossQuestion wasn't about the APIs, though, but about layering.  So GL sits on the hardware acceleration, but doesn't actually get exercised by much (which worries me, along with the fact that looks like a binary blob from Qualcomm).  It's starting to sound more like a checklist feature than a well-integrated part of the core.
17:42.35zhobbsthe Translucent GLSurfaceView is pretty neat actually, could do some cool stuff with something like that
17:43.00romainguy_andyross: it is well integrated, certainly not a checklist feature
17:43.09romainguy_andyross: SurfaceFlinger for instance uses OpenGL
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17:43.42romainguy_and there is 2D hardware acceleration performed by SurfaceFlinger
17:44.05romainguy_OpenGL ES 1 is very limited and it's not practical to hardware accelerate a complex API like Skia with it
17:44.33zhobbsromainguy_: what's holding us back from OpenGL ES 2.0?
17:45.05zhobbsok, so the G1 hardware won't support it
17:45.05andyrossRather than try to puzzle this out, I'll just ask the dumb question: SurfaceFlinger is the touch scrolling API?
17:45.09romainguy_OpenGL ES 2.0 is very different from OpenGL ES 1.0
17:45.14romainguy_especially because of shaders
17:45.20romainguy_it requires a shaders compiler for instance
17:45.25romainguy_andyross: not at all
17:45.56romainguy_andyross: it's the low-level graphics buffer manager if you will
17:46.22romainguy_it does the compositing of the windows for instance
17:46.52jeldwhat the hell is qemu doing inside my G1 I wonder
17:47.11faddenYou have qemu running on your G1?
17:49.29jeldfadden, hmm... I was sure I saw a process named qemud just a few minutes ago, but I guess I was wrong
17:49.29gdsxjeld: it's the first step toward self-hosted development
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17:49.29jeldgdsx, ?
17:49.29gdsxjeld: we can't run our apps on the real handsets yet, so we have to test on the emulator
17:49.31gdsxjeld: it's more realistic when the emulator is running on the handset, though
17:49.49jeldgdsx, :) :) :)
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17:50.22xavdjeld: do you have an emulator running?
17:51.15jeldxavd, no
17:51.21jeldnever mind, guess I was mistaken
17:51.38faddenmuthu: you have the power to fix that :-)
17:51.55xavdjeld: I ask because the emulator has a qemud process
17:52.36ttuttleis filling up his 8 GB microSD card. It's nice.
17:52.42jeldxavd, no, I thought I saw that on an actual G1 and wondered about it
17:52.43muthufadden: yep, am sure lot of great apps are being worked at
17:53.23jeldwell, I have to say that lack of common apps on the default install is mildly annoying
17:53.28ttuttlejeld: It's in the image but it doesn't run.
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17:55.05ttuttlejasonparekh, morrildl: greetings
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17:55.18andyrossOK, so more GL questions then.  So SurfaceFlinger is the broad X server equivalent, and composites the windows onto the actual display using an GL context.  So how do I square this with "there can be only one context" from earlier.  Does that mean that apps need to disable it somehow before using it?
17:55.52andyrossusing "it" == their own GL context, if that wasn't clear
17:56.12romainguy_SurfaceFlinger doesn't use OpenGL for everything
17:56.17romainguy_I wasn't clear before
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17:56.24morrildlhowdy, tu
17:56.31morrildlttuttle even :)
17:56.33djsiegelHey, everyone, I played with the G1 yesterday -- awesome work!
17:56.33romainguy_it's SurfaceFlinger who talks to the OpenGL drivers and provide the GL context, etc.
17:56.51djsiegelHas anyone caught wind of Android running on iPhone yet?
17:56.55djsiegelI can't wait to flash mine.
17:56.57andyrossOK, so it manages the single shared context or whatnot, then?  That makes sense.
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17:57.30jeldlack of file manager is also annoying as hell, anyone knows of a good one?
17:57.50zhobbsdjsiegel: there's probably easier targets than the iphone
17:58.15djsiegelwell, that's what I'm working with...
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17:58.24romainguy_jeld: it won't be of much use except to look at your sdcard
17:58.33zhobbsjeld: not sure if those apk's are for 1.0 though
17:58.40zhobbsyeah, plus the G1 is locked down :(
17:58.47osmosisIf I answer a call on my bluetooth speaker phone, and then transfer the call back to my doesn't recognize that the usb headset is plugged in. I have to unplug and replug my usb headset to get it to work.
17:58.51zhobbsI'd really like to figure out how to enable root
17:59.02jeldromainguy, that would be the point, if you clear the downloads list the only way to deal with files on the SD is using a computer
17:59.59jeldromainguy, or if you copy stuff to SD from your computer
18:00.53jt436people that download free stuff are so demanding
18:00.54faddenzhobbs: well that is the challenge, isn't it?
18:01.08fadden(we have a betting pool on how long it will take)
18:01.30andyrossYeah, I'm with jeld here.  I know that the modern notion is that users don't use "file managers" any more, they use per-application data and manage it with the application.  Except that enormously complicates what should be simple tasks like "grab this picture and make it your desktop background", or "put this song on your friend's flash drive".
18:01.42faddenWe think we did a pretty good job of securing the phone, but this being reality, nothing is impregnable.
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18:01.53andyrossThis isn't a ding against android specifically, most devices have the same disease.  It's a groupthink issue more htan a bug.
18:02.12romainguy_"grab this picture and make it your desktop background" << that's not true in our case :)
18:02.20faddenandyross: sounds like an exciting third-party app development opportunity
18:03.03andyrossI meant of your desktop computer, actually.   And yes, a third party file manager would be very well received.  I'm just grousing at what I think is a misfeature on modern devices.  It's OK to simplify, but it can be taken too far.
18:03.10marcone"grab this picture and make it your desktop background" is pretty easy on android, no file manager needed.
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18:03.57jastamarcone: the file manager would be useful for exploring your sd card
18:04.07jastabut im sure someone in the community will produce that
18:04.11jastaits an obvious project
18:04.14jeldmarcone, not if you download a wallpaper using your computer and copy it to G1 over USB
18:04.14romainguy_and a file manager is fine for users like people on this channel
18:04.36romainguy_but you can at least admit that a file manager is just a user un-friendly way to display the data
18:04.44eTiger13does anyone know of a soft keyboard app that works yet?
18:04.47jeldmarcone, G1 only allows to set wallpaper from the camera storage directory or from the "Picture Gallery" whatever that is
18:04.51marconejeld: after you copy it on to your card, it will show up in the "pictures" app, and from there you can set it as your wallpaper
18:04.51wastrelusers are bad
18:04.56romainguy_I really don't think the target customers of the G1 need to know about /data, /system etc.
18:05.05gdsxjeld: long-press on the desktop
18:05.09jeldmarcone, even if I put it in an arbitrary location?
18:05.14gdsxjeld: you can set wallpaper from any image-provider
18:05.14romainguy_jeld: yes
18:05.21andyrossHere's a good example (pretty sure I have the details right here): go to settings and change you ring tone.  You only get a few choices, so blah, I guess you can't have a song as a ring tone.  Except that if you then browse to a song in the audio player, you can choose "use as ringtone".  Which is insane, and a misfeature caused by the fact that there's no single place to go to look at the song.
18:05.29jeldhold on, I gotta try this
18:06.33ttuttleIt's true...
18:06.35romainguy_andyross: that's a usability bug, but this has nothing to do with a file manager
18:07.03marconeandyross: nothing to do with managing file, and easily addressed by using "Rings Extended" instead of the standard ringtone settings.
18:07.04jeldwell, no, it doesn't work
18:07.10andyrossSome data types are inherently multilingual, they need to "belong" to more than one app.  But inevitably those apps have different UIs for dealing with them, and users get confused by what should be simple tasks.  Non-file UIs make the simplest tasks simple, but have problems with slightly-less-simple-but-still-simple tasks.  I'm not sure that's a good tradeoff.
18:07.52jeldmkdir /media/G1/XXX cp image.jpg /media/G1/XXX, unplugged my phone and I couldn't set that picture as wallpaper
18:08.07andyrossmarcone/romainguy_: yes, but that's a per-application-per-data-type hack.  You can do that if you're careful, but you certainly don't get it for free like you do with a file metaphor.
18:08.17gdsxjeld: out of curiosity, did you unmount first?
18:08.20jeldandyross, you can get the replacement ringtone management app
18:08.30jeldgdsx, oops, no :)
18:08.44jeldgdsx, stupid me
18:08.47marconejeld: are you sure the picture exists on your phone? "unplugged my phone" sounds like it might not have made it on to the card
18:09.00jeldmarcone, yes, I know, trying again
18:09.07ExpiredPopsicleDamn. I'm starting to regret having ordered my G1 now. Hope someone's figured out how to hack it by the time it arrives.
18:09.15andyrossMeh.  OK, enough said.  It's a deeper point than just android features anyway.   But "the way everyone does it today" doesn't equate in my mind with the best way to do it.  I think a lot of folks here are defending the apps they know instead of worrying about the right UI decisions.
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18:09.35marconeExpiredPopsicle: "hack it" in what way? What do you want to be able to do?
18:09.53wastrelok it's been an hour since t-mob said they'd call me back in 10 min, shall i give a try calling again? :]
18:10.13gdsxandyross: I think it was a decision between "do what folks are used to" and "try to improve the experience, though it might be uncomfortable at first"
18:10.17ExpiredPopsicleOkay, arguably this is all because of the seemingly ambiguous spectre of T-Mobile's "lockdown" on it which I'm not entirely clear on yet...
18:10.50ExpiredPopsicleBut I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed root access on my own hardware.
18:10.51gdsxandyross: I think ContentProviders are a better way of doing things
18:11.10ExpiredPopsicleActually, I do see why, but it all ends in "profit for T-Mobile".
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18:11.23jeldOK, works
18:11.38jeldfreaking magic
18:11.42eTiger13does anyone know of a soft keyboard app that works yet?
18:12.01zhobbsExpiredPopsicle: do you think tmobile's profits would be decreased by allowing root access on the device? not sure I see how they tie in
18:12.42f00f-just wreakin havoc on the networks
18:12.51morrildlExpiredPopsicle: not having root access on the device is the security model, it has nothing to do with the carrier or locked devices
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18:13.32ExpiredPopsicleHmm... point taken.
18:13.48ExpiredPopsicleBut still, can someone clarify this "T-Mobile lockdown" for me?
18:14.11Ike150what exactly is locked down on the android?
18:14.17marconesimple: the phone will only work with a T-Mobile SIM
18:14.47ExpiredPopsicleOh. That's it? Do developers still have access to all the cool features like GPS and things?
18:14.54Dougie187marcone: from what i hear it doesn't have to be an activated sim though...
18:15.01zhobbsExpiredPopsicle: yes
18:15.18zhobbsExpiredPopsicle: and you can install any app you want from any source you wnt
18:15.20marconeDougie187: but without an activated sim, you won't be able to make calls. What good is a phone that can't make calls?
18:15.39eTiger13its good for those of us not on TMo
18:15.40Dougie187marcone: its like an MID
18:15.41andyrossHas anyone called T-Mobile about getting their phone unlocked?  I know that with other carriers and devices, they're usually not too sticky about it -- just explain that you're travelling, etc...
18:15.42ExpiredPopsicleBecause I had a couple of Sidekick phones that, even with a developer key, you couldn't access a lot of the cool hardware features on.
18:15.44Dougie187you can use wifi still
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18:16.16andyrossWell, explain that you're travelling, and make sure it's somewhere they don't have service. :)
18:16.18jcw   Anyone else think that's *NOT* a G1 there?
18:16.51Dougie187its a bb
18:16.58Ike150what's a bb?
18:16.59Dougie187or a treo. something like that
18:17.03jcwI *know* that.
18:17.06jcwI was being faceitious.
18:17.19Dougie187have you seen any "REAL" G1 accessories?
18:17.27jcwStupid companies can't put real products in product photos suck.
18:17.42Ike150have the headphone adaptors come out yet?
18:18.00morrildlIke150: it's just the usual HTC standard adapter, you can find them online pretty easily
18:18.01jcwLike that one?
18:18.03marconeThere were headphone adapters even before there was the G1
18:18.03Miekthey've been out for ages
18:18.09Ike150talk about "the stupidest" design feature htc could have thought of...
18:18.16unix_lappyandyross: according to T-Mobile they are instructed to do it without question in 90 days.
18:18.22unix_lappynot sure if you do it now.
18:18.40ttuttlegrumbles about the adapter.
18:18.47andyrossOK, so there's a waiting period to prevent gray market reselling, I guess.
18:18.50Dougie187unix_lappy: t-mobile actually does it for you? and isn't that only for non-contracted phones?
18:19.24ExpiredPopsicleOkay. Here's another question. What is included in the T-Mobile G1 service that's not in the Internet Unlimited plan? And is it possible to use the G1 with the latter? Sorry for the weird questions. I'm just curious.
18:19.35eTiger13does anyone know of a soft keyboard that works yet?
18:19.40ExpiredPopsicleAnd I can't wait for my phone to arrive to find out. ;]
18:19.43Dougie187ExpiredPopsicle: its listed on their website.
18:19.46ttuttleeTiger13: It is not possible to make a soft keyboard yet.
18:20.11ExpiredPopsicleWhere on the site?
18:20.11andyrossCarriers are stingy, but they're not insane.  They know you're just going to use a local phone in out-of-service areas and won't be paying the roaming anyway.  Doing "nice" things for customers like this is a classic way to build cheap customer loyalty.
18:20.36JoeBrainSounds like this place is getting a bit more popular :)
18:20.53unix_lappyDougie187: yes. no.
18:20.57unix_lappyin that order.
18:21.00eTiger13ttuttle: why not?
18:21.22michaelnovakjreTiger13: the SDK doesn't support it as input
18:21.45eTiger13michaelnovakjr: doesnt or cant?
18:22.00michaelnovakjrcurrently it supports the slide out on;y
18:22.01Ike150JoeBrain: yeah the channel was posted on this morning...that's how i found out about it
18:22.15michaelnovakjrthere's no need for a soft keyboard
18:22.58jcwThere are those who disagree with you.
18:23.05jcwAnd one is supposed to be out in Q1 '09
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18:23.38JoeBrainI think he meant for the G1 specifically
18:23.42JoeBrainnot the Android platform
18:23.54eTiger13there is a need for one. what about devices with no hardware keyboard? or for those who want to enter something quickly without sliding out the keyboard?
18:24.14jcwEven the G1 needs one now and then.
18:24.14michaelnovakjrcurrently android is only on the G1 :)
18:24.18osmosiswhere do I search for and file bugs ?
18:24.22michaelnovakjrmaybe at some point there will be support
18:24.35michaelnovakjr osmosis
18:24.57JoeBrainI dunno, I haven't played w/ my G1 all that much yet
18:25.30eTiger13michaelnovakjr: you would be mistaken about android only on the g1
18:25.37JoeBrainBut I dont believe it'd make it more 1-hand friendly; just less sliding it around
18:25.38michaelnovakjreTiger13: officially?
18:25.50eTiger13michaelnovakjr: officially it is open source
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18:26.04kingkunghow do i write an image into a contentprovider?
18:26.05eTiger13which means it can be on any device and is and has been since april
18:26.11michaelnovakjruh yes, but that doesn't mean its not only available officially on the g1 :)
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18:26.23nemiki wish a non trouchscreen 'dumb' phone with candybar form-factor had android/linux on it
18:26.27kingkungi'm getting an unsupportedOperationException when I attempt to do so
18:26.33kingkungis there a way to do this?
18:26.35michaelnovakjreTiger13: you do realize not everything is open sourced?
18:26.40kingkungor is this illegal in Android 1.0?
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18:26.55kingkungthis shouldn't be a very difficult probley
18:27.01michaelnovakjrkingkung: image in a content prodiver?
18:27.02eTiger13michaelnovakjr: like what isnt?
18:27.11kingkungimage in a contentprovider
18:27.13michaelnovakjreTiger13: hardware level code
18:27.17JoeBrainnemik: I'd figure we'll get our pick of a big litter in 2009-2010
18:27.17kingkungor even image in the file system
18:27.19michaelnovakjreTiger13: go look it up
18:27.26kingkungi don't get it
18:27.36nemikJoeBrain: yea hopefully
18:27.37michaelnovakjrkingkung: do you have a code example, pastebin?
18:27.47kingkungi do, what's pastebin?
18:27.55michaelnovakjrgoogle it
18:28.07eTiger13michaelnovakjr: i thought the whole project was open sourced?
18:28.08unix_lappyIke150: not a big fan of rumors without timeframes.
18:28.17michaelnovakjreTiger13: not everything is
18:28.50Disconnectaww. romainguy is picking on me and closing my bugs.  :P
18:28.52unix_lappyespecially when it's a terrible rumor to begin with.
18:28.58kingkungokay i see it
18:29.04kingkunghow do i hook it up to mirc
18:29.05eTiger13michaelnovakjr: how do you figure that? looks like everything open source to me according to
18:29.25michaelnovakjreTiger13: device level code is not
18:29.34eTiger13Ike150: that would need a soft keyboard as well
18:29.39Disconnectkingkung: paste something there, then copy/paste the URL to mirc. instead of pasting all the text.
18:29.46michaelnovakjrkingkung: paste the url
18:30.43umdk1d3o.o did gmail's web composer get a facelift?
18:31.10JoeBrainIs the G2 a slide keyboard?
18:31.10kingkungsimple, direct code
18:31.32marconeJoeBrain: what's a "G2" ?
18:31.52JoeBrainmeh URL above; basically HTC Touch HD but w/ droid on it
18:32.22michaelnovakjrkingkung: what is cv?
18:32.24eTiger13michaelnovakjr: thats not part of the platform according to wikipedia. how did we get on this topic again?
18:32.34kingkungdon't worry about that last line
18:32.35michaelnovakjreTiger13: i have no idea
18:32.37eTiger13JoeBrain: no. it would have to be a soft keyboard
18:32.40kingkungit's the insertImage that's throwing the error
18:33.08JoeBraincouldn't tell by pictures.. HTC seems to looove sliding keyboards
18:33.12unix_lappyif you look at the code for the various drivers on git there's nothing that really gives you hints on what hardware would be ready to go EARLY q1 09.
18:33.15nemikjust wish everyone would stop calling it an 'open phone'
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18:34.02JoeBrainso open source except for things not part of the platform :)
18:34.16michaelnovakjrkingkung: you are passing a bitmap
18:34.22michaelnovakjrkingkung: not the path
18:34.40michaelnovakjrthat is the docs on the method you are calling
18:34.52kingkungthere's two functions
18:35.00kingkungone takes in a String as arg1, one takes in a Bitmap
18:35.04kingkungotherwise my code wouldn't compile :)
18:36.03kingkungdoes anyone here know how to correctly store an image into a contentprovider/file system?
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18:36.41michaelnovakjrkingkung: if you are getting a runtime error post your logcat to pastebin
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18:40.27Disconnectromainguy_: so should i just keep reopening that bug until i get the fix, since its a closed platform?
18:41.33michaelnovakjrkingkung: your URI is wrong
18:42.37Disconnectromainguy_: (obviously i wouldn't do that :) but i did add a comment to #1050 because its not just a missing-notifications thing.. it really doesn't have an updated message list)
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18:44.19tricdisconnect: why is it a closed platform?
18:44.36kingkungi don't even declare a uri, the uri is automatically referenced through the insertImage() call.
18:44.39unix_lappyhmm, lots of new phones coming to verizon.
18:44.53kingkungis this function just entirely useless?
18:45.40Disconnecttric: #1050 is closed-fixed because its been fixed in source. but i can't fix it on my device..
18:46.01Disconnectwow. so the bot will do stupid s/1/2/3 replacements but it won't resolve bugreports to urls.. thats ... classy.
18:46.08tricwell, its a open _platform_
18:46.19tricand the issues are not for the g1/hardware afaik
18:46.22kingkungso... what's the correct URI?
18:46.56Disconnecttric: yes and no.. when the google apps only use published apis, then you can get closer to 'open platform' thing.. but yah, i meant 'hardware platform' when i said that.
18:47.21nemikwhat good is an 'open platform' if you can't put the changes you made to the platform on your device?
18:47.31Disconnectnemik: ..right.
18:47.41Disconnectthats the point a lot of people are making.
18:47.48tricnemik: its good for hardware sellers ;)
18:48.11Disconnecttechnically i can rename the email app to and such and install a second copy (into the very limited onboard storage) and then just tell the system to always use the new app..
18:48.23Disconnectbut thats rather a pita and not really a 'solution'
18:51.58kingkunghi, i was wondering if anyone here knows how to store an file into a contentprovider or the file system
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19:00.23wasabiso whens the second android device going to be out? :)
19:00.43benleyI'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess next year
19:00.52jelddamn, eclipse tells me that I spelled "fucked up" wrong :)
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19:02.16Ike150naw...hopefull right before christmas!
19:03.11androoidDo I center a textview via the ui or java code?
19:04.09marconekingkung: did you look at the way the camera app does it yet?
19:04.44androoidlooks like I found it
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19:16.29Ramblurrdoes anyone know of an example of a singleton class that wraps an Application object?
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19:17.04waldo_is back (gone 00:11:28)
19:17.18ExpiredPopsicleApparently my G1 order never actually went through. Blargh.
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19:18.17ExpiredPopsicleT-Mobile's phone upgrade system went down around the time I hit "submit" apparently a couple of days ago. Or something.
19:18.50andyrossApparently they were having volume problems at one point.  You didn't get a confirmation?
19:19.28andyrossOn that subject, is anyone privy to sales or production numbers?  How many G1's are there so far?  I've noticed T-Mobile advertising on TV (good ad, FWIW), so one assumes they're actively pushing it...
19:19.35unix_lappyjust cancel and go pick up one up in store, there are plenty.
19:20.30waldo_ExpiredPopsicle if you live near an TMO store you can probably get a phone instantly.
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19:22.30VickiWonganyone know if UK price plans have been released forG1?
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19:27.13kingkungmarcone: no, i have windows
19:27.39an_dev1how can we start a service without an application
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19:29.30wastrelwhen i do a factory reset the phone comes back up to an error icon and it's unresponsive to button or touchscreen
19:29.46wastreltriangle !  icon
19:29.52wastrelhave to pull battery then i'll boot
19:30.32wastrelah alt-w will boot it
19:30.40wastrelfun i should read the manual this weekend.
19:30.59RyeBryeThe locked bootloader really makes the "open OS" functionaly useless for me.
19:31.01largosdoes anyone know where I can report bugs in the calculator app? (it's not clear that the android bug list at: is the place for application-level bugs..)
19:31.11kingkunghello, any android experts here?
19:31.35kingkungi'm trying to store an image into a contentprovider or in the file system
19:31.52RyeBryeBut on the T-mobile G1, I'd have to find the bug, fix it, test it in the emulator only (since I can't test it on my phone) - submit a patch - and then wait for 2 things... 1: Google to accept the patch, and 2: T-mobile to decide that they want to push out an update
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19:32.24RyeBryeOne of the main benefits of having an open source device is completely gone since I can't replace the OS with one that I patch myself.
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19:32.47largosRyeBrye: this is probably not much consolation, but you could likely get around all this by building Android for the OpenMoko Freerunner (I believe this is now possible...)
19:33.09RyeBryeYeah, I was telling people who had the same complaint that same thing
19:33.16largossince the FreeRunner is, truly, an open device.
19:33.17RyeBryebut since there is no software keyboard, that's not really an option
19:33.32RyeBryeI suppose I could lug around a USB keyboard :)
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19:33.41largoshm.. there *are* software keyboards out there, but I don't know how well they would work on such a device
19:33.45RyeBryesince The FreeRunner also supports USB host
19:34.10RyeBryeI thought the software keyboard for Android wasn't slated until Q2 or Q3 of 09?
19:34.27kingkunghi, i was wondering if anyone knows how to store an image in the contentprovider
19:34.28DisconnectRyeBrye: if its an app bug you can rename the app and build/install it as a new app.
19:34.29largosoh, of course -- sorry, I was thinking about plain X keyboards
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19:34.39Disconnectit'll happily ask which one you want to use (and accepts the 'always use this' button)
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19:34.47Disconnectnot ideal but..
19:35.13largosDisconnect: do you know where I can find bugtrackers for the packaged applications?
19:35.29Disconnectafaik its all part of the master android bugtracker
19:36.05largosah, ok
19:36.22largosI didn't see any app-specific bugs in my initial scan, and didn't want to push something to that tracker if it was the wrong place
19:36.52jastalargos: i created a couple
19:37.06largosjasta: ok, cool
19:37.44largos(fwiw, the calculator's parser seems a little *too* lenient.. eg: 9(+2) = 12
19:37.56largoser, sorry 9(+2)=18 ;)
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19:38.15faddenToo lenient or too not what you were expecting?
19:38.30RyeBryeWait are you saying 9(+2) comes out 18 on the calculator or comes out 12?
19:38.36Disconnectcreated a bunch and they've all been handled as correctly-filed (ie nobody said "dumbass that goes over here" :) ..)
19:38.40RyeBryeif it comes out 12, then someone who wrote it failed HS algebra
19:38.46largosRyeBrye: it comes out 18
19:38.49RyeBryeIt should be 18
19:38.55largosit's doing implicit multiplication and unary addition
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19:39.22RyeBrye9(+2) = 18 last time I checked... did they reorder the number line on me again?
19:39.24largossorry, another test I was using was coming out 12, and I had a brain-fart typing
19:39.57TreyBRyeBrye: they re-order it weekly, to fit the Fed's requirements.
19:40.12admin7106_318it this about google android?
19:40.22largosIMO, unary addition is a bad idea on a device like this
19:40.26RyeBryeIt's about the character Data on star trek
19:40.42admin7106_318ok :) any idea what the google android channel is?
19:40.43faddenWe're all Spiner Femmes.
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19:40.55androoidwhat does "Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method getSystemService(String) from the type Activity" mean?
19:40.56Disconnectadmin7106_318: try #freenode
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19:41.16largosbut, if that's the way people want the calc. then I can always tweak my own build :)
19:41.18TreyBPlay nice, children.
19:41.18faddenDon't forget to check the "topic" line when you get there.
19:41.27RyeBryeandrooid - it means you need to learn Java :P
19:41.55faddenrecommends Eckel's _Thinking in Java_, currently in 4th edition
19:42.03RyeBryeandrood - or you need ot use the getSystemService(String) method on an instance of the Activity not on the ACtivity class istself - since the method isn't static
19:42.08fadden3rd edition was available for free online last I looked
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19:42.54androoidwow that was awesome
19:42.57androoidthanks RyeBrye
19:42.59tmccraryandrooid: you have to create an instance of the class that implements that method, using the new operator
19:43.06michaelnovakjryea learn java androoid
19:43.13androoidyeah i should
19:43.18tmccrarylook up static references regarding java
19:43.27michaelnovakjrits really not that hard
19:43.30RyeBryeandrooid - the second comment or the first one where I was being an asshole? if you would like, I can be more of an ass ;)
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19:43.59TreyBYeah, but learning Java take up precious resources you could use for something *really* useful.
19:44.08androoidcopy and paste code FTW
19:44.27admin5015_275Is this the Googel Android Channel?
19:44.41michaelnovakjrandroid robots
19:44.56donomomoves his arms about in a robot-like fashion
19:45.03admin5015_275no kidding, guys, is it?
19:45.09michaelnovakjryes it is
19:45.10donomoadmin5015_275: check the topic
19:45.12TreyBLook at the topic ;-)
19:45.19RyeBryeadmin5015_275 : if you have to ask, the answer wouldn't help you
19:45.30donomoRyeBrye: thats so zen
19:45.32kingkungadmin5015_275: i really can't tell, based on the conversations
19:45.43danfuzzhow 'bout them mets?
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19:45.50RyeBryedonomo: I'm working up to be a truly legendary Ass of IRC. I've learned from some of the best
19:46.03romainguy_Disconnect: told you, it's been fixed
19:46.10michaelnovakjrkingkung: seems fine to me
19:46.19RyeBryeWhere is this admin generator coming from?
19:46.41admin8652_242ok, if this is the Google Android Channel, I like to ask something. Where can I downloads that r not on the android market?
19:46.59TreyBdanfuzz: I think I might have done one of the interviews with you (back when I thought about joining GOOG).  Did you previously live on the east coast?
19:47.02plusminus_i.e.: filename: .apk
19:47.13Disconnectromainguy_: you said notifications were fixed, but this wasn't a notifications bug.. if its all been fixed thats great.. (and as I said, i was kidding about opening bugs about it until its actually installable.. well mostly kidding anyway :) ..)
19:47.24danfuzzTreyB: i did
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19:47.30romainguy_Disconnect: it's fixed :p
19:47.33danfuzz(grew up in florida)
19:47.36admin8652_242heay great, thx!
19:47.41wastrelt-mob's given me a ticket number and assured me that i'll be contacted within 1-5 days about my problem :p
19:48.14TreyBdanfuzz: I seem to recall a New York office or some such, but one forgets after a couple of years :-)
19:48.19tmccraryWhat's your problem?
19:48.25wastrelno internet
19:48.36danfuzzno. i've only ever worked for goog in mountain view
19:48.38wastrelgmail works, contacts sync.  no internet.
19:48.38RyeBryeis there no mechanism that T-mobile uses to push updates to the phone other than over the air?
19:48.41danfuzzi've visited the nyc office though
19:49.07largoswastrel: oh, I think I had that problem on Wed.
19:49.08Disconnectromainguy_:  maybe i should open a dozen or so tickets with tmob about it being broken, since its a tmob app (well, or so most people would think :) ..)
19:49.08danfuzzand i went to college in the suburb of ny known as "rhode island"
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19:49.27largoswastrel: I had a lot of trouble doing google searches, for example, but the non-web services worked fine
19:49.49largoswastrel: I connected to a wifi AP, and everything has worked since then (even when just using g3)
19:50.11TreyBdanfuzz: The interviewer had interesting ARM performance questions and asked my opinion about security in VMs.
19:50.15volRyeBrye: I'm sure that if you sent the phone back they could do it via USB.
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19:50.49danfuzzvery well could have been me!
19:50.50wastrellargos: i've never been able to get internet with edge or g3.  wifi works fine
19:50.57RyeBryevol: but they will likely never send out a USB udpater in the wild...
19:51.05largoswastrel: ah, strange :(
19:51.07wastrellargos: and maps, yahoo, marketplace, don't work either.
19:51.14volno, very much doubt they would.
19:51.52RyeBryeI'm guessing the whole OTA thing is for security? i.e. they want security through obscurity by not letting people sniff any update process any other way?
19:52.14romainguy_RyeBrye: the phone can be updated via the sdcard
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19:52.23romainguy_but OTA is just the best way to ensure everybody gets it
19:52.26wastreler, yahoo=youtube
19:52.28waldo_rye it's probably for convenience
19:52.29romainguy_and without having to use a computer
19:52.31RyeBryeAhhhh - gotcha
19:52.40andyrossAnd any OTA update architecture would need to buffer the files somewhere.  It's not hard to stop it in the process and see what's happening.
19:52.45danfuzzyeah, updates are signed by a private key, so the security doesn't in fact rely on obscurity
19:53.02fadden(other than the obscurity of the private key :-) )
19:53.07andyrossJust on the PKI implementation no the device, which judging from history is weaker than obscurity :)
19:53.09waldo_has anyone here used "the invisible shield" from ?
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19:53.14waldo_and  if so is it worth it?
19:53.46capuchinnoobie question.... just run 'repo sync' then 'make' ... how do i run the android now?
19:54.25donomoshould i be concerned that my G1 hasnt got the update
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19:54.50andyrossMine has no update either, unless it was silent.
19:55.45RyeBryeIs the update mechanism that T-mobile uses for G1 in the android code that's been released?
19:56.49faddenPoke around in the "recovery" directory.
19:56.56RyeBryewill do, thanks
19:58.29kingkungi'm having trouble inserting images into a content provider
19:58.50kingkungcan somebody help me out?
19:58.52jastakingkung: don't use BLOB columns in sqlite3.
19:58.57kingkungi'm not
19:59.00kingkungi'm using Media.images
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19:59.17kingkungand it's throwing an unsupportedOperationException
19:59.29jastanot sure about that specifically, i havent used that code
19:59.40jastayou might try checking the source code now thats its available, could give you an idea
19:59.46kingkunghow about just storing an image in a file system?
19:59.49kingkungyeah, i have windows though
20:00.03Disconnectdonomo: according to the faq, no. and no and no and still no and even after a week, no..
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20:02.47kingkunghey guys
20:02.53kingkungdoes anybody know how to store an image in a contentprovider?
20:03.05kingkungor have none of you ever, ever had to do that in any of your apps?
20:03.22jastaof course we have
20:03.38jastabut the contentprovider you're looking at is code already written by google.  it expects certain input that you clearly are not providing
20:03.48jastathat's why i suggested you look at the source, to see what it expects you to do.
20:03.54unix_lappyhmm, gitweb doesnt have syntax highlighting?
20:04.00jastathe documentation may also help, but quite frankly i bet it's out of date.
20:04.03RyeBryereally stupid question: I assume that it doesn't just want a signed update image - it wants one signed by a trusted party, correct?
20:04.40kingkungjasta: if this helps
20:05.03kingkungjasta: i would if i had a mac osx/unix box
20:05.22faddenRyeBrye: production devices will not accept updates that aren't signed with the right key
20:05.48RyeBryefadden: ok, I figured as much... but had to ask :)
20:05.54michaelnovakjrkingkung: browser the gitweb
20:05.54donomocurrent version: kila-user 1.0 TC4-RC19 109652 ota-rel-keys,release-keys
20:07.39waldo_so no one has experience w/this "invisible shield" thing then?
20:07.55waldo_hmm...i guess maybe I'll give it a shot..
20:09.35Disconnectwaldo_: i love mine
20:09.44Disconnectwant to help me out? order from associate link :)
20:09.49waldo_disconnect oh okay great that's all I needed to hear :)
20:09.50Disconnecthas it on the mbp and had it on the e90
20:09.59Disconnectand the wif stuck it on her bb screen but not the rest
20:10.13waldo_and it works nicely?
20:10.14Disconnectits hit or miss how you'll like it on a touchscreen but its awesome as a case protector
20:10.16waldo_difficult to put on?  or take off?
20:10.30waldo_what's the "miss" part on the touch screen?
20:10.36Disconnectits slightly easier to put on than most screen protectors but only slightly. so you'll need a dust-free area nad patience
20:10.56Disconnecti liked it well enough on most things (eg n800) but not so much on my mbp trackpad
20:11.05waldo_really?   Does it make it harder to use?
20:11.23waldo_it's 100% transparant yah?
20:11.24waldo_wonder how it would work on the g1?  Any thoughts?
20:11.36Disconnecti'm gonna put it on and if i don't like it, it comes right off
20:12.00waldo_hard to remove?  It has some kind of spray or something that makes it stick?  What is that and how do you take it off?
20:13.17Disconnectit just peels off, or the spray to make it easier (peeling might stretch it)
20:13.25Disconnectafaict the spray is 90% water. might even be 100% water ..
20:13.31waldo_hmm okay...
20:13.31Disconnectbrb tho work
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20:22.17RyeBryeIn theory - say the chip of the G1 was flashed outside of the device by some means to have the flash image replaced with one that was built from the source but not signed by T-mobile - would it boot, or does it only run signed code (in addition to only applying signed updates)
20:22.27Disconnectback now (sorry, i broke an entire production subsystem. stupid typos.)
20:23.14RyeBryeI suppose I can dig throug the code now to find my own answer - but I figured I'd ask
20:23.19DisconnectRyeBrye: if they're smart, it won't boot. but the google guys seem to expect it to get broken fairly easily/quickly, so my bet is that either you can subvert the bootloader more easily than reflashing the OS (and then just flash an unsigned image) or that it doesn't check signing
20:23.21faddenDisconnect: "kill -1 9" and "kill -9 1" can produce very different results.
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20:23.35Disconnectfadden: so can forgetting to tell apache which mod_jk worker set to use..
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20:24.06mib_fdu9exI am having troubles taking pictures using the 1.0 SDK
20:24.18voluse a camera instead
20:24.26Disconnectprobably only impacted what, 5,000 live users? :(
20:24.26mib_fdu9exhow's the callback for takePicture supposed to work...
20:24.48tmccraryRegarding the term "Android," does google care if you put the word in your app's name?
20:26.02mib_fdu9exAnyone has some sample of saving picture to the phone using camera..
20:26.11RyeBryeI hope not. I'm planning on naming my application GoogleGmailFroogle_iGoogleAndroidAdsenseBloggerCitizenTubeYouTubeFeedburnerFeedflareicassaPanoramioOpenSocialOrkutZingku helper
20:27.03RyeBrye has their list of ways they will let you and not let you use their trademarks
20:27.11RyeBryeprobably wont let you put it in the program name, but that's just a guess
20:30.24mib_fdu9exis confused
20:30.54voloh god
20:30.55volthe name
20:30.57volso long D:
20:31.29donomowhy would you want to?
20:32.03donomoremember how windows 3.1 apps would all start with 'win'? winpoker windraw. it was lame :)
20:32.04SamSeriousI like it! (:
20:32.18mib_fdu9exdonomo: or gnu
20:32.22waldo_One thing I love about google is the legalese in their trademark policies:  "One of the conditions for all uses is that you can't mess around with our marks."
20:32.24waldo_that's awesome
20:32.24tmccraryI found a better answer
20:32.55jcwmib_fdu9ex,  what are you wanting?  To see a picture taken with a G1?
20:32.57waldo_yeah that's pretty clear :)
20:32.58tmccraryso the answer is, yet they will release the hounds if you use android in your title, unless it's "For Android(tm)"
20:33.09tmccraryThe funny thing is that they don't want you to use their font
20:33.27mib_fdu9extmccrary: they spell norad with their font.. funny
20:33.42tmccraryI can see the android thing, but the font "restriction" is stupid.
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20:34.31romainguy_tmarble: it's branding
20:35.04donomoandroid-ish words seem popular. TwitterDroid.
20:35.47RyeBryeThe page should read: "The custom typeface may not used. If you WANT to use the typeface, you have bad taste in fonts and should stick to 'comic sans' - which is inevitably your second choice"
20:36.10jastaromainguy_: hey that branding page tmccrary links to has a typo.  the hex color is A4C639
20:36.20romainguy_yeah we're on it already
20:36.24VickiWongwe cant use the typeface? ouch :(
20:36.34romainguy_VickiWong: the typeface of the android logo
20:36.37romainguy_not the Droid font
20:36.43Disconnectumdk1d3: lemme know when you get a new connectbot for testing
20:36.45faddenWe have top men searching for the missing 6.
20:36.55RyeBryeBut it's interesting that you can do whatever the hell you want to the droid logo - poor guy.
20:36.57umdk1d3getting there  :)
20:37.10mib_fdu9exbtw.. has anyone here managed to save image from camera to phone?
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20:37.39waldo_disconnect there's a new one this morning
20:37.41tmccraryfadden: What kind of men?
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20:37.49faddenmib_fdu9ex: packages/apps/Camera ?
20:37.55romainguy_tmarble: the top kind
20:37.57faddentmccrary: top. menu.
20:38.09fadden(I hate it when I step on silly jokes)
20:38.10Disconnectwaldo_: ahh ok i'm behind then :)
20:38.32mib_fdu9exfadden: I had been looking at it.. the source from ... seems like that's the best choice
20:39.19waldo_disconnect I think it fixes the install probelm but I haven't tried it.. only one line changed in the manifest
20:39.28jcwmib_fdu9ex,  your question, to me, isn't making sense.  Are you talking in software?  Simply saving a picture so you can do seomthing with ir, or what?
20:39.30Disconnectah well it installed fine yesterday :/
20:39.36waldo_disconnect oh it didn't for me
20:39.39waldo_not the svn version
20:39.49Disconnecti've been running whatever umdk1d3 posts
20:40.06VickiWong"similar to ‘Android’, e.g., 'Droid', may not be used in a name" words similar to android may not be used? that seems like it may be a bit hard to enforce no?
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20:40.14mib_fdu9exjcw: I had a working code in m5 that took a picture from camera and saved to a location in phone..
20:40.33jcwOK, so you're asking about a software method to do it.  Sorry, can't help you there.
20:40.43faddenVickiWong: enforcement of trademark infringement is not a new problem.
20:40.53mib_fdu9exjcw: isn't this dev group?
20:41.12jcwYes, but it doesn't mean I know how to do that.
20:41.59donomoVickiWong: yeah trying to protect 'droid' seems like a stretch
20:42.20VickiWongdonomo: yeah, excluding names 'similar
20:42.26VickiWongseems a stretch
20:42.33languishMy wife's benn telling me every time she exits an area with no signal (elevators..) her G1 doesn't reaquire a carrier (t-mobile)
20:43.16umdk1d3Disconnect: btw there are ppl idling in #connectbot for updates
20:43.27donomoprays the update gods will send a blessing down to my G1
20:43.33RyeBryewhat is #connectbot?
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20:44.51Stefaninsalve @ll
20:44.55wastrelRyeBrye: ssh client
20:45.02jcwI hope they have something to entertain them, because TM says updates will be running through the 31st.
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20:46.26donomoare there release notes?
20:46.27waldo_umdk1d3 -- newest svn63 or whatever it was also does not install successfully over 1.0
20:46.38waldo_connectbot is the ssh client
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20:53.04kslaterwaldo: I built r62 of connectbot and it installs and runs fine
20:54.13RamblurrDalvik's implementation of the org.w3c.dom doesn't include  a method to grab the content of a Node
20:54.39Ramblurri.e., getTextContent()
20:54.41Disconnectgot r62 off the web, it installs fine (not over the old one but remove the other one and then install) at least via adb. but it doesn't connect :(
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20:55.23kslaterCan't speak to the r62 build off the web
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20:55.54mpardoare short and long the only durations you can set for Toast messages?
20:55.55mpardocan you set a custom duration?
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20:57.58mpardoreally what i need is the toast to show and cancel when i tell it to
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20:59.29unix_lappyi think you guys missed national caps lock day by a smidge.
20:59.59jcwEveryday is national caps lock day when you have an AOL account.
21:00.35unix_lappydo most googlers use git internally as well?
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21:01.04jbqwe use a variety of tools
21:02.00jasonparekhmpardo: if you want to control its visibility, you're better off creating a Dialog using the background of a Toast.
21:02.27unix_lappyjbq: i assumed, looking for a spread essentially. "I would say most of us use SVN, a lot of new projects have moved to git...becuz itz the new hawtness"
21:02.31unix_lappysomething along those lines...
21:03.08RyeBryeWhat? No Visual Source Safe?
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21:03.50vologad D:
21:03.54voldon't say the word VSS
21:03.57volI used it at my last job
21:04.27RyeBryeI wouldn't take a job if they wanted me to use VSS - and fortunately the market is hot enough that you can make decisions based on stuff like that
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21:07.40jeldI wonder why speech recognition is not in the reference documentation...
21:08.07RyeBryeIs it true speech recognition - or just like most phones do and it's matching noises to pre-recorded sounds?
21:08.37jeldRyeBrye, I don't know, I just found it in the sources
21:08.39RyeBrye(i.e. you record the noise "padoummmabbooom" to call home and whenever you say somethign close to that it does your action regardless of what word you are trying to do)
21:08.43RyeBryejeld - interesting
21:08.57jeldRyeBrye, voice dialing uses it, so I went out looking for docs
21:09.11jeldRyeBrye, and found that it is nowhere in the reference
21:09.19RyeBryeThat is strange
21:09.30RyeBryeFor voice dialing - you do have to record a sound first before you can say that word, right?
21:09.36romainguy_RyeBrye: no
21:09.45RyeBryeOh... really? it does actual voice recognition?
21:09.48jeldunder the source home it is in frameworks/base/core/java/android/speech/recognition
21:09.59RyeBryeThat IS pretty sweet
21:10.39jeldRyeBrye, judging from the file names it might actually be real recognition :)
21:10.40RyeBryeOf course, why wouldn't it have that... I'm sure the phone is typing up everything it hears you say and sending it to Google so they can better serve adwords to you :)
21:11.08RyeBryeVersion 2 of Android will have a screen with suggestions for you:
21:11.16jeldRyeBrye, a question, did you really do the whole "get firmware by blinking LED" trick? What did you use to execute the code?
21:11.34gdsxRyeBrye: as a linguist, I'm offended that they didn't use Unicode IPA symbols :o)
21:11.47languishyou cunning linguist you
21:12.05languishgoes back to his hole
21:12.08jeldgdsx, Unicode Indian Pale Ale?
21:12.12gdsxlanguish: I'm also quite masterful and fishing and baiting
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21:12.26gdsxjeld: international phonetic alphabet
21:12.33jeldgdsx, just kidding
21:12.42RyeBryejeld - Yes, I really did that. The real trick was that the Canon cameras have a recovery kind of feature where it will run compiled code off of a "bootable" SD card from a file with a special name - usually Diskboot.bin - so it was just a matter of cross compiling a simple C program that scans through to find the memory address of the different LEDs - and then once you find the memory addresses you want to use, using a another program to blink out
21:12.42RyeBryethe firmware
21:13.13Disconnectso it was more of a feature than a crack :)
21:13.27RyeBryeI guess you could say that
21:13.45jeldRyeBrye, there seems to be quite a bit of misinformation floating around, people seem to think you got the G1 firmware that way
21:13.52RyeBryeOh - I didn't get teh G1 firmware - no
21:13.56RyeBryeThat's hilarious
21:14.08jeldRyeBrye, yes, that would involve installing a focus LED first :)
21:14.16RyeBryeI don't even have a G1 yet
21:14.24RyeBryeso... no, I most definitely have NOT extracted the G1 firmware yet
21:14.25jeldRyeBrye, and buying a G1 :)
21:14.28RyeBryeI bought one
21:14.29languishpeople need to learn that reading is fundamental, but reading comprehension is essential
21:14.35RyeBryeT-mobile just hasn't told me when they are sending it to me yet
21:14.41jeldlanguish, you said it
21:14.53jeldRyeBrye, easier to go to a store I guess
21:14.53gdsxRyeBrye: watch out; you might become the Paul Bunyan of the 90's children
21:15.24languishor worse, the shoemaker...
21:15.24RyeBryeYeah, but they don't have stores that sell them in Utah :(
21:15.38languishwho killed 7 G's with 1 blow
21:16.07languishRyeBrye you realize how ironic it is that they don't sell G1's in Utah?
21:16.39languishParticularly with the tmo upper echelons being devout mormons
21:16.42plusminus_--> AndNav Live-Photos:
21:17.09RyeBryeYeah, that is sad
21:17.25languishRyeBrye, I find it to be hilarious
21:17.43romainguy_plusminus_: what data set is this?
21:17.45languishthough you have my empathy
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21:18.15RyeBryeYeah, it was a canon camera that I blinked the firmware - and given an entire OS with source code I think that using a blinking light would be a bit ludicrous considering the thing probably has a lot faster ways to get the firmware out of it
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21:19.30RyeBryeEven if the production firmware doesn't have debug symbols in it - I imagine reverse engineering it and doing function signature scanning would be pretty damn easy considering the source code is all released
21:19.58plusminus_romainguy this is still GoogleMaps-Data but it is NO realtime turn-by-turn navigation BUT static, just like the Android-Maps app.
21:20.03languishYeah, we could just consult the "intersect" and send Chuck to retrieve it all from HTC :|
21:20.42*** part/#android kslater (
21:20.50RyeBryeIDA pro is wonderful for scanning an unknown binary chunk of ARM instructions and searching for known method signatures, and then labeling them for you
21:21.07romainguy_plusminus_: but the Google logo doesn't appear :)
21:21.32romainguy_the ToS says that the Google logo in the bottom left corner must remain visible
21:21.37plusminus_aw it does
21:21.37romainguy_you're hiding it
21:21.42plusminus_ah that..
21:21.47plusminus_wait a second..
21:22.05RyeBryeno waiting
21:22.08RyeBryethe helicopters are there now
21:22.19plusminus_omg I'm gonna die...
21:22.20RyeBryeironically, they used a beta version of your application to find you
21:23.27jbaileyGood beta, 'eh?  You like?
21:23.41RyeBryethe andnav? looks cool
21:23.46wastrelv. annoyed that t-mob can't manage to provide me with internet for my internet phone.
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21:25.34RyeBryewastrel - I'm annoyed that tmobile wont even tell me when to expect my phone
21:25.34f00bar80i want to know how to write mini chat application between adnroid mobilephones in a p2p, can i use xmpp or it's not supported currently based on android ?
21:26.20languishplusminus_, mayhap some transparency
21:26.36plusminus_romainguy That GoogleMaps "Logo" appears when the Maps-App starts...
21:26.57romainguy_plusminus_: but the ToS says it has to remain visible on the map itself
21:27.37romainguy_ << the logo that appears in the bottom left corner
21:27.43languishthey basically want a station ID visible at all times
21:28.31languishthen we can use an app that removes the station id during use :D
21:28.34RyeBryeI can see why
21:28.50RyeBryeotherwise people will think you bought your own satellite system to create a mapping thing
21:28.57plusminus_romainguy xD maybe I can print that Google-String to another location, maybe vertical on the left side?
21:28.57languishthough we love google, so we'd never ever do such a thing
21:29.17RyeBryeplusminus_ is it going to be open source?
21:29.27plusminus_parts of it yes
21:29.33plusminus_...they are already
21:29.42RyeBryeplusminus_ - just put the logo on there... but comment out the line that makes it display without the logo
21:29.49RyeBrye... problem solved! :)
21:29.51f00bar80ppl any comment ?
21:29.58jaikumarjasta: I heard you had some 2g/3g interaction problems ?
21:29.59RyeBryeall those who violate the TOS do so at their own peril
21:30.03romainguy_plusminus_: check with the advocates
21:30.15plusminus_romainguy JasonChen ?
21:30.43tmarblewould like turn-by-turn navigation :)
21:31.56tmarbleromainguy_: slt... ça va bien?  is it normal that different -dpi-device settings do *not* result in the icons showing up as different shapes in the emulator?
21:32.07jbaileytmarble: Your bathroom is up from your chair, down the hall, and to the left.
21:32.17jbaileytmarble: Further directions not available on maps ;)
21:32.20romainguy_tmarble: different shapes?
21:32.20tmarblejbailey: hahahaha
21:32.51tmarbleromainguy_: first of all, kudos for all the work on resolution independence!!!  I remember discussions of that dream from the good ol' days!
21:33.03romainguy_we're not quite there yet though :)
21:34.44romainguy_it should have the same physical size
21:34.55romainguy_at least the text
21:35.25tmarbleok, so iiuc, on a 100dpi device 100px = 1 inch, on a 200dpi device 200px = 1 inch, right?
21:35.54romainguy_that's right
21:35.56jbaileytmarble: Right, but your bitmap images suddenly get way smaller.
21:36.13romainguy_jbailey: which is why we try to use ninepatches and dip instead of px dimensions wherever we can
21:36.19romainguy_but Home is not fully there
21:36.29romainguy_for instance it makes all icons 48x48px, not 48x48dip
21:36.43romainguy_that's where it's useful to use alternate resource directories
21:36.53romainguy_like drawable-whatever/
21:37.15tmarbleso i've launched the emulator with  -dpi-device 100 /  -dpi-device 200  / -dpi-device 300 but the icons are the same
21:37.25tmarbledonc voila! 48px <-- that's why!
21:37.46*** join/#android DannyB (n=dannyb@
21:37.56f00bar80i want to know how to write mini chat application between adnroid mobilephones in a p2p, can i use xmpp or it's not supported currently based on android ?
21:38.00tmarbleis that an easy hack -- or are icons really tricky?
21:38.23romainguy_it's tricky
21:38.42romainguy_and the quality of the result will vary greatly on the resolution of the original bitmap
21:39.08romainguy_if your icon is 48x48px in a PNG file but we need to stretch it to 96x96 to keep the same physical resolution, we're in trouble
21:39.14tmarbleromainguy_: how hard would it be for me to make a Home replacement with dip icons, no status bar, and a "folder" metaphor instead of a "pull tab"???
21:39.36romainguy_tmarble: look at the SDK samples, there's the code of the M5 Home screen
21:39.44romainguy_the status bar is not part of Home
21:39.46tmarblein my case I can make big icons (then scaling down isn't a problem)
21:39.56romainguy_but scaling down has issues
21:40.00romainguy_it takes a lot of memory
21:40.08romainguy_which doesn't help with lots of apps installed
21:40.15romainguy_and it slows down startup by a lot
21:40.21romainguy_Home has to do quite a lot of work when it starts
21:40.22tmarbleright, but i'm dreaming of a device with more memory than the G1
21:40.45romainguy_you will still be generating tons of garbage and triggering GCs that will slow down things even more
21:41.05fadden"no work" is always faster than "not much work"
21:41.06romainguy_that's why, again, it's better to use resource directories adapter to various config
21:41.11tmarbleso I pay a startup tax... got it.... once the DVM is hot then I'm good, right?
21:41.19romainguy_er, no
21:41.43romainguy_the DVM doesn't get "hot"
21:41.56romainguy_there's also another issue
21:42.09romainguy_if you scale an icon by more than half its size, the result will be crappy
21:42.22romainguy_so again, you really want to use specific resources
21:42.34tmarbleso when do you support SVG icons?
21:42.42romainguy_that doesn't help either
21:42.46faddenwas beaten to the punch by tmarble
21:42.48romainguy_it's actually probably worse :)
21:42.57romainguy_I don't know if you can do it, but I hope can just create drawable directories for various dpis
21:43.03romainguy_like drawable-200dpi
21:43.14romainguy_and you have several versions of your icon
21:43.15tmarblei see -- with *.png icons for each?
21:43.18faddenowes romainguy_ for a JIT remark. We all have our 3-letter acronym burdens.
21:43.34romainguy_but then you increase the size of the .apk :))
21:43.47tmarblegot it... now can i get rid of the status bar and/or have a "full screen" activity?
21:43.58romainguy_fadden: I'm gonna cry next time someone asks me if Skia is vector-based :)
21:44.09romainguy_tmarble: use the theme Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen
21:44.33tmarbleromainguy_: merci!  I'll rtfm
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21:45.10faddenI hear Skia uses a JIT to convert SVG to OpenGL 2.0 textures!
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21:45.50romainguy_fadden: we use generational mark-and-sweep-compact SVG textures actually
21:46.16jastajaikumar: yes, but i found the DownloadProvider you guys have and got quite a few ideas of how to improve my interaction with the [unstable] network
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21:46.48jastajaikumar: in particular, i'm pulling back my read timeouts to just 15s and triggering a retry when that fails.  this way the system can switch networks pretty easily if something isn't working optimally
21:47.23jastajaikumar: but it does seem to be that if you frequently switch between 2G/3G, network connections will just stall rather than automatically pick up on the new frequency
21:48.14jaikumarso when does this happen .. when u r downloading something or when u browsing the web ?
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21:49.12jastawhen my application is downloading a file over HTTP.
21:49.56jaikumaror u switching b/w 2g and 3g on ur own or is it the tmobile network thats doing it ?
21:50.25jastait's t-mobile doing it because the 3G signal is lost
21:50.34jastaand then suddenly reappearing.  service is terrible in my house.
21:51.04jastai was just testing it walking around my house with large downloads and they would inevitably stall
21:51.25jastamy read timeouts were high, though, so it wouldn't restart itself until the timeout was reached and the connection was retried from scratch
21:51.46androoidwow 1 MB/s only to transfer
21:53.09jastajaikumar: is this not supposed to happen?  should the radio handle this automatically?
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21:56.41jaikumarjasta:  well 3g / 2g should transition seamlessly..
21:56.58jaikumarit might take time depending on how good the signal is
21:57.32unix_lappyjaikumar: transparent to the OS or the user?
21:57.33andyrossSeamless?  I'd expect that at least there'd be a new DHCP negotiation done on the new network, which would down the interface on the phone and cause the existing sockets to drop (although that wouldn't explain a hang....)
21:57.38jastajaikumar: well, how much time?  because i waited for minutes
21:57.44jaikumartransparent to the user..
21:58.12unix_lappyi'm guessing transition on other devices is handled via increasing the TCP window?
21:58.14jastajaikumar: this behaviour is pretty easy to reproduce in my house.  just walking around will do this...
21:58.34unix_lappyWhich is likely done using some 3rd party software, that way it's totally transparent to the OS.
21:58.34romainguy_I'd file a bug against jasta's house
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21:58.59RyeBryeAssign it to Ty Pennington and the extreme makeover team?
21:59.37jastajaikumar: i can hack up a simple downloader app and ask it to download something huge then walk around to try to debug if you'd like.  in the meantime, i'm adjusting my code to reel in read timeouts so that it can detect this case at the network layer
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22:00.51jaikumarjasta: thanks .. it works for me right now .. so let me look into it .. will get back to you
22:03.26jastajaikumar: do you have something that tests this i can load onto my phone?
22:03.40RyeBryeSo the G1 has h264 accelerated playback I've read - but never heard yet if it will like files that are created for the iPod or AppleTV
22:03.47RyeBrye(i.e. encoding formats, bitrates... etc)
22:04.14languishEmail App crashed
22:04.33faddencheck "adb logcat" ?
22:04.48languishI don't have it set up
22:05.04gdsxRyeBrye: It can't play DRMed files, no
22:05.12gdsxRyeBrye: beyond that, I'm not really sure
22:05.49languishI received a fall while writing, it saved as draft, I took the call, went back to continue, finished the email, hit send.. and process stopped unexpectedly error
22:05.50RyeBryegdsx - I wasn't thinking of DRM'ed files... just wondering what kind of bitrates and such it likes since I already have encoded a bunch of stuff using handbrake's "ipod High Rez" setting
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22:06.34jaikumarjasta: one more question:  When the device transitions b.w 2g and 3g, does the download never restart and restarts after a long long time ?
22:06.34gdsxRyeBrye: I'd say "try it and see"
22:06.43languishthis was a google e-mail addy, but in the e-mail not gmail client
22:06.50Ch0p_anyone have any word on the sprint phone?
22:06.51RyeBryethinks the word 'unexpectedly' should be be banned from use in exceptions
22:06.56gdsxRyeBrye: (I can't remember if the media player's in the SDK, but it might be)
22:07.05RyeBryeI'll check and see
22:07.11gdsxRyeBrye: haha
22:07.14faddenRyeBrye: unfortunately there are expected exceptions, e.g. during class loading
22:07.22jastajaikumar: well, of course my socket eventually times out and then my application logic triggers a new connection
22:07.40jastabut the timeout is HttpClient default, which is really high.  2 minutes or something.
22:08.09jastagdsx: it is.
22:08.19RyeBryefadden - point taken... but it should at least be removed from the display :) It's like "Oh, you weren't expecting to crash right now? That's refreshing"
22:08.32jastaRyeBrye: look at external/opencore
22:08.46RyeBryejasta - for the media player?
22:08.55jastayes, thats where the PVPlayer is.
22:09.20jastai show that it supports avc h264 and m4v h263 just by a quick ls :)
22:11.07RyeBryeI know it supports those formats - but it no doubt has limitations on what it can playback... i.e. It obviously can't play back a 720p 13.5 megabit h264 videoclip
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22:11.46RyeBryebecause if it could, it would be better than most desktop computers out right now
22:11.48gdsxoh no, it's DannyB
22:12.20donomopictures a G1 over each eye for 3D vision
22:13.55waldo_is away: eating
22:15.37*** join/#android DragonLord (
22:16.28LenoliumCurses, no bookmarklet support in the Android browser.
22:18.51andyrossHeh, I'd settle for a better bookmark UI first, much less active stuff.
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22:20.23tmarbleromainguy_: i've been reading about (the lack of) an on screen keyboard, also issue #578 ... do you know if there is any effort to have an OSK which will work for any app (i.e. not it's own activity, but could provide input to any activity)?
22:21.27Laz1Q 2009
22:21.44trigatch4hey question: is it possible, based on the SDK, to make an application that only uses the locking feature on an App-By-App, user selected basis?
22:21.48tmarbleLaz: any more pointers?
22:21.53unix_lappytmarble: it's due out with the IMF due out in early 2009
22:22.09romainguy_tmarble: we're working on it
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22:29.12illuminum16gb micro sd will work yes?
22:29.47andyrossIf you can find one, I believe the answer is yes.  I have one on order, but no direct experience.
22:30.00languishI'm in messaging, reviewing messages on the sim card. I choose one, press and select copy to phone memory.. go to the browser, or the Quiklist app, and try menu-v to paste, and it doesn't work...
22:31.24languishah, it copies to the messaging app
22:31.30*** part/#android jof (
22:32.00illuminumquestion about market and android system software updates--it seems market has no built in display of when an app was last updated, so this brings the question to light--does the system notify you when updates to apps or updates to android itself are available?
22:36.25romainguy_"select copy to phone memory" << that's not copy to the clipboard
22:37.27languishromainguy, nod. I've come to realize it
22:38.32languishat least once in memory, I can get the url in that message to open in the browser
22:38.42languishwhich was what I was attempting to accomplish
22:46.09*** join/#android annodomini (n=lambda@wikipedia/lambda)
22:46.59tmarblejbailey: where's the right place to ask why even a binary, closed is not included in the repo?  romainguy_ made it clear that it's closed  so how do we get to the mash ups... scavenge bits from the SDK/android.jar?
22:47.49jbaileytmarble: I can't recommend that, since I think that violates the clickthrough.  I'd ask on-list.
22:47.51romainguy_you won't find it in android.jar from the SDK
22:49.04tmarblejar tvf android.jar | grep -i maps     shows  com/google/android/maps/MapActivity.class
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22:49.57tmarblejbailey: on android-platform?
22:50.24RyeBryewhere is android.jar?
22:50.33donomoE/MapActivity( 5239): Couldn't get connection factory client
22:50.35romainguy_android.jar just contains stubs
22:50.51donomoany idea how to fix that? itsa MapActivity that was working fine in the emulator.
22:50.53jbaileytmarble: Yep
22:50.54RyeBryeso disassembling it wouldn't even matter anyway
22:51.08umdk1d3hmm so i have a textview with autoLink and it discolors the non-linked text--is this a bug, or is there a good way to fix it?
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22:51.24jbaileythinks that this is a good time to look at another windows. =)
22:52.00jasonparekhandrooid: yup, it doesn't set the selected item?
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22:52.16androoidit's throwing a exception
22:52.36enfumdl1d3: discolors in what way?
22:52.50markfilluminum: there's some work underway to provide a mechanism to get updated when there's a update available for a Market app.
22:53.15androoidand to set the settings...          editor.putInt("timeInterval", ((Spinner)findViewById(;
22:53.33tmarblejbailey: you are right... clause 3.3 says you cannot modify the SDK.... (and it's stubs anyway) all-righty
22:53.47jasonparekhyou're missing a .commit() on the end of your editor... line
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22:54.25androoidi have it after that
22:54.29androoiddidn't want to paste the full code
22:54.55jasonparekhandrooid: k, what exception are you seeing?
22:55.15androoidlet me try to pull it up
22:55.43androoidcan't copy and paste from logcat :/
22:56.47jasonparekhandrooid: what's the type of the exception?
22:56.48androoidjava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.String
22:57.09jasonparekhthere should be another chained exception
22:57.13jasonparekhthat's more meaningful
22:57.20androoidthere we go
22:57.30donomodo i need a gmaps key of some sort? the mapactivity shows a map in the emulator, but a blank grey grid on the G1
22:57.34androoidCaused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String
22:58.25jasonparekhtry clearing your data.. looks like you had a string value for that key previously
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22:58.31jasonparekh(that app's data I mean)
22:58.44androoidthat is right
22:59.49androoidnooo it's doing it again
23:01.05androoidi think this method is brokens
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23:01.08waldo_does a podcast reader exist for android yet?
23:01.26jasonparekhandrooid: the SharedPreferences.get/putInt are used by others without the exception you're seeing
23:01.26waldo_or podcast subscriber or whatever...?
23:01.26waldo_podcast viewer?
23:01.26jasonparekhandrooid: are you sure you're not writing a strign value to it somewhere else in yoru code?
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23:01.41romainguy_androoid: try getString("timeInterval") and see what value it returns
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23:02.31androoidromainguy_: i think i do have a getSTring("timeInterval") somewhere
23:02.43androoidI was using editbox before i found out how to use spinner
23:02.54Herr-TAmperti jsut landed here
23:03.06Ramblurrhm, should i be creating a new activity for every screen of my app?
23:03.15Herr-TAmpertI am the anbdroid called TAmpert
23:03.28Ramblurror minimizing the # of activities and just use setcontextview() more often
23:03.38Herr-TAmperttechnical room ?
23:03.44Herr-TAmpertrouting ?
23:04.02Herr-TAmpertmust be sree ya
23:04.27androoidi happened to read about it earlier
23:04.57Ramblurrandrooid: ah thanks :)
23:06.05osmosiswhere do I search for and file bugs ?
23:06.07osmosisIf I answer a call on my bluetooth speaker phone, and then transfer the call back to my doesn't recognize that the usb headset is plugged in. I have to unplug and replug my usb headset to get it to work.
23:06.44androoidi just did
23:06.53androoidand it gave me 60, instead of the int position
23:10.00*** topic/#android by morrildl -> Open Source Release: | Known Issues: | Check out the updated contents of Apps-For-Android:
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23:16.18waldo_is away: auto-away
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23:22.55umdk1d3enf: with white text on dark background, touching "normal" non-linked text causes it to go dark grey
23:23.26umdk1d3could it be because im setting  android:textAppearance to ...Small?
23:25.07*** join/#android yang (
23:27.52enfumdk1d3: yes, it's because of the textAppearance... unfortunately in the default styles, small implies dim
23:28.14umdk1d3ahh  :/
23:28.47donomogmap key fixed the problem. :)
23:30.21*** join/#android cavaughan (n=ndsfrbl@
23:31.25cavaughanI've compiled android and am running the emulator on a linux box. However, there is no networking for the emulated android. I know I saw something about this yesterday on the net, but now I can't find it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
23:32.02umdk1d3sounds like qemu might not be NAT'ing correctly
23:33.19Ramblurrdoes android support svg graphics?
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23:33.59andyrossPretty sure webkit does svg, so my guess is yes.  Haven't tested that in the browser though.
23:34.21cavaughanif i bring up the terminal and issue an ifconfig, there is no info
23:34.28Ramblurri was thinking for for ImageView
23:34.51cavaughanSo, I'm not certain that it is even recognizing any sort of network device.
23:34.51Ramblurrso i could use icons, buttons, etc, made from SVGs that i could resize on the fly
23:35.03Ramblurrto fit various resolutions
23:35.06cavaughanIt is also difficult to parse files as using grep results in an error
23:36.33andyrossRamblurr: I see that the source to calculator includes an svg file, so one would presume the answer is yes.
23:36.35cavaughanoh! there is no greg or less command
23:36.55Ramblurrandyross: cool.. i'll play around with it
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23:43.45umdk1d3enf: so im trying to track down the exact definition of textAppearanceSmall
23:44.08umdk1d3ive found the framework base.git, but dont really see the xml definitions in there of android.R.attr
23:45.04umdk1d3wait i think im getting warmer now
23:45.33umdk1d3aha! i found the attr definition, but now need to find the style itself
23:46.30umdk1d3yay i found it!  =D
23:46.50umdk1d3line 443 of core/res/res/values/styles.xml;
23:47.10mchunganyone working on porting python or ruby to android?
23:48.15dueydoes jython work
23:50.39androoidis the widget ToggleButton still there?
23:53.01enfumdk1d3: yeah, sorry, you have to bounce back and forth between styles.xml and themes.xml
23:53.24umdk1d3grr so aparently some of these colors are private  :/
23:53.42umdk1d3so i cant copy over core/res/res/color/secondary_text_dark.xml to make slight tweaks in my app
23:54.39umdk1d3is that the expected behavior though?  "pressing" something makes it go inverse?
23:54.51umdk1d3i suppose if these styles are also used by buttons maybe?
23:55.10enfyeah, the buttons are where the color changes really make sense
23:56.49umdk1d3hmm is is possible to have some sort of inheritance with styles?  so i could inherit and override just the pressed to be non-inverted?
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23:57.57enfwell, with styles proper it is, so if you have one named Foo.Bar.Baz, it is supposed to inherit the styles from Foo.Bar
23:58.05enfbut color resources don't have any inheritance
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23:59.22enf(like the way Widget.Button.Small inherits from Widget.Button in styles.xml)
23:59.51umdk1d3but i still would need a complete color definition, which i cant get access to some of those private colors

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