IRC log for #android on 20081023

00:00.01jastais proud to be the first g1 user to be "totally hosed"
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00:00.43axi0mWith Apple shooting themselves in the foot with their SDK, I truly think devs will adopt Android.  Apple is worse than MS.
00:00.59mattlaxi0m: worse how?
00:01.27tweaktI think the market will prove or disprove that ;-)
00:01.33axi0mMS doesn't say your app can't be on its platform and then make you sign an NDA.
00:01.35MrSnowflakeaxi0m: i find that too
00:02.04mattlaxi0m: I find Apple, Adobe, Microsoft, etc... all just as bad as each other.
00:02.05jastayour guess is as good as mine
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00:02.24markfjasta might just be the first G1 user on the IRC channel to be totally hosed.
00:02.25axi0mtweakt:  So you want to drop 50k on making an app, only to be told that it's not allowed?
00:02.38After_MathWow I cant believe how awsome the G1 is
00:02.46axi0mAnd then you can't tell anyone that it's been rejected?
00:02.51markfHe should consider himself proud and fortunate, therefore ;-)
00:03.01xavdjasta: we kinda know what happened for the part about the uninstall -k (we failed to provide a way to truly uninstall the app after doing uninstall -k)
00:03.06MrSnowflakewhat is totally hosed?
00:03.12xavdjasta: still no clue why you had to change certificate tho
00:03.27faddenGive us your poor, your tired, your butt-ugly applications yearning to be installed ...
00:03.41jastaxavd: no idea, but i definitely did not change anything on that machine
00:03.42axi0mInstead of stepping aside and letting the iPhone take flight, it's a caged bird.
00:03.59jastaxavd: as evidenced by the fact that i could still reinstall org.devtcg.five
00:04.05jastamerely was affected
00:04.12axi0mWhen you have to hack something to install anything interesting, it's muy malo.
00:04.16jastaso its probably more likely that the signature you guys _expected_ got munged.  not the signature i gave.
00:06.18axi0mI don't believe "the market" exists unless it's a free (libre) one like the Android Marketplace.  AAPL surely does not have a "free market" in any sense.
00:06.40faddenThe cert "index" value, key, and user ID are different for five.apk and
00:07.13axi0mAnd that is why I say:  Thank god MS won the PC wars.  Jobs would have killed The Apple with his draconian pronouncements regardless.
00:07.23jastafadden: what does that tell us?
00:07.34axi0m(Not to say that Mac doesn't rock in some regards.)
00:07.53faddenjasta: I'm not entirely sure, but in theory everything you install with the same certification stuff goes in with the same user ID
00:07.55xavdjasta: did you reset your phone yet?
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00:07.58After_MathIm a little fustrated that they will eventually start to charge for apps
00:08.02jastaxavd: yes
00:08.09faddenHowever, I'm really very far from an expert in this area.
00:08.34jastafadden: well, if it helps at all i noticed this failure only for, and the failure started during adb install -r
00:08.41axi0mGoogle will eventually charge for apps, but only if the devs want to charge for them.
00:08.45MrSnowflakeHow is the paying of market apps enforced? cant we just pull an apk from the phone?
00:08.56jastaso my adb uninstall -k was merely how i shot myself in the foot, but not the error itself.
00:09.08jastafadden: also, these two packages were built and deployed with the same build (mvn install, in particular)
00:09.18axi0mMrSnowflake:  Well, your IMEI number is probably a good way to enforce copyright laws.  :)
00:09.20jastaand they were that way all through my testing today, through several redeploys
00:09.51axi0mYou can't spoof it and have network access, so I think piracy will be a no-go on Android.
00:10.05MrSnowflakeaxi0m: you mean the IMEI is put into the apk? Or it's getting checked at install time?
00:10.14axi0m(Unless you can spoof your WiFi MAC address.)
00:10.25After_Mathaxi0m, true. what do you think the percentage would be for chargers?
00:10.32axi0mMrSnowflake: I have no idea.  That is just how I would personally do it.
00:10.41jastaaxi0m: that assumes no one figures out how to get system-level access on their phone
00:10.46MrSnowflakeaxi0m: you _could_ rewrite android to return a different IMEI to apps
00:11.17jastaand that assumption relies on the fact that all code running as system/root is invulernable to buffer overflows and other exploits.  an unlikely assumption.
00:11.25After_MathWhere can I get a terminal for Android!! I mean come on, this is linux!
00:11.27axi0mHaving been good friends with former cell "crackers", I can tell you personally that IMEI changed everything, and changed it permanently.
00:12.09MrSnowflakecool, but still on the phone itself you still could return a different IMEI
00:12.10sevaAfter_Math: or ssh client at least
00:12.21mattlAfter_Math: GNU, man.
00:12.25After_Mathseva, something
00:12.27axi0mMore accurately, it prevented the spoofing necessary to make free calls on analog cell towers, which is quite easy.
00:12.31After_Mathmattl, GNU?
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00:13.11mattlAfter_Math: "this is linux" -- actually, it's GNU. you rarely interact with linux.
00:13.37ralphtmattl: but much less GNU than most, with a BSD derived libc, etc.
00:13.41After_Mathoh, well I meant it should have a terminal
00:13.44snadgeyou mean theres no way to ssh with a g1 yet?
00:13.44MrSnowflakemattl: I guess there's not much GNU there
00:13.55snadgeyou guys are kidding me right? :P
00:14.19snadgethats the whole reason i want to buy one.. so i can ssh into things.. it has a keyboard.. great
00:14.20axi0mSo, I am probably talking out of my a55 here, but I believe that if we could see a "spoofed" IMEI, it would have shown up by now.
00:14.29After_Mathsnadge, as far as right now no
00:14.33rwhitbysnadge: you need an openmoko phone to get ssh out of the box ;-)
00:14.39mattlyeah, maybe not so much :)
00:14.45After_Mathbut monday is when they will be releasing 3rd party apps for download
00:14.47axi0mEspecially with all the other OSS phone operating systems out there.
00:15.02snadgecan you compile your own version of ssh or something? or just wait until monday ;)
00:15.03MrSnowflake^^ is a ssh client
00:15.05danfuzzseva: you beat me to it
00:15.21sevait's not in the "market" though?
00:15.35umdk1d3nothings really "in" the market yet
00:15.43umdk1d3its not open to third party devs yet
00:15.54After_Mathand will cost $25 for them
00:15.57After_Mathto post apps
00:16.09MrSnowflakeAfter_Math: is the $25 also for open source?
00:16.13axi0mExactly.  Everything in the "market" has been vetted and so forth.  Trial by fire will begin when it opens for real.
00:16.32After_MathMrSnowflake, not sure
00:16.34languishmarkets still buggy
00:16.53MrSnowflakegoing to bed now, cyall
00:16.55After_MathAndroid also has a kill switch :/
00:16.56snadgeright.. but all i need to do is download ConnectBot-100.apk to my G1 phone to run ssh for myself? can anyone confirm this works
00:17.08axi0mMarket, and everything else about the G1 is much more stable than the original iPhone launch.
00:17.10umdk1d3snadge: it kinda works lol
00:17.20axi0mlater, After_Math.
00:17.21After_Mathaxi0m, I agree, my 3g speeds are insane
00:17.25umdk1d3there are some issues depending on the server you connect with
00:17.28umdk1d3ymmv atm
00:17.40umdk1d3hoping to fix over next few days before it "really" launches
00:17.48snadgekind of works ? great .. the reason i didnt get an iphone 3g, is that i was offended that you have to pay $5 per month for ssh
00:17.54After_Mathaxi0m, you leaving too?
00:17.56axi0mAfter_Math: That's probably because TMO is mostly a "virgin" 3g network atm.
00:18.09umdk1d3snadge: if your not happy with it, feel free to jump in and fix it  ^.^  its gplv3'ed
00:18.17sevaaxi0m: when does the market open up?
00:18.28After_Mathaxi0m, true, but I thought there would be at least some servers down at some point, especially when they sold 3 more times then expected
00:18.32axi0mAfter_Math: No, still here being a fanboi.  ;)  The IRC server said you were leaving.
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00:18.36snadgealso, iPhone doesnt have a keyboard.. which would have to really blow for trying to ssh
00:18.47After_Mathaxi0m, oh, I was saying later to mrssnowflake :)
00:18.54axi0mMost consumers don't need/want a kb.
00:19.05After_Mathsnadge, ya it does, I have the terminal app on my Itouch
00:19.06axi0mThis is a device to see if the devs will come out and play.
00:19.08snadgewell ssh is my #1 priority ;)
00:19.22After_Mathaxi0m, you know they will ^^
00:19.25axi0mMost ppl can't touch type even.
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00:19.49After_Mathlook at the beautiful linuxs that have been created and maintained
00:19.57snadgeif i can log into servers remotely using my phone.. sold .. im not buying any of the pieces of junk on the market currently that can do that
00:20.05axi0mYeah, I know the devs will play.  Eclipse was the perfect IDE, and Java language was the perfect choice for devs.
00:20.23After_MathEclipse rocks
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00:20.34axi0mWhoever is calling the shots on Android knows WTF they're doing.
00:20.41After_Mathand I love how you can download the SOURCE and compile it with the SDK then load it to the phone :)
00:20.50unix_infidelwow, so apparently there's a ton of G1's still left at the Dallas locations.
00:21.12snadgedoes anyone know much about the UK release? do you have to show ID to buy one?
00:21.21snadgedoes it have to be on a contract
00:21.33After_Mathwell I dont think there was a lot of publicity for the G1
00:21.40After_MathI havent seen any commercials on tv for it
00:21.47outbrisnadge: I also have the terminal app on my ipod touch. you have to set up shortcuts to get somethings done quick (ie. ctrl-c) but the rest is fairly functional. I ssh into lots of computers to do stuff with
00:21.51plusminus_snadge: In Baltimore they were sold out in about 2 hours
00:21.53cbeust_After_Math: commercials are coming
00:22.08plusminus_on tv ?
00:22.14umdk1d3idk lol they might be more taunting commercials at this point
00:22.16After_Mathcbeust, I would assume :) you seen any?
00:22.21umdk1d3"look what you cant have cuz were sold out"
00:22.41unix_infidelanyone know anything about this restocking fee associated with the G1?
00:22.47axi0mIn OC, California it's not even close to sold out.  Thought it would be.
00:22.58After_Mathunix_infidel, when you return it?>
00:23.18unix_infidelAfter_Math: correct.
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00:23.40After_Mathaxi0m, ya I know, I walked in casually this morning at 10:30, a few people in there, but the ones who were were all buying the G1 ^^
00:24.01After_Mathunix_infidel, what abot it?
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00:24.45axi0mAfter_Math: So are you in Cali?
00:25.00snadgeso now UK news? .. i heard a rumour Nov 1st
00:25.03unix_infidelAfter_Math: yea I suppse I should've asked if it applies to contract extensions vs contract initiations.
00:25.25After_Mathunix_infidel, :)
00:25.36After_Mathwhat rumor?
00:25.56snadgewell maybe not a rumour .. someone mentioned it or i read it on the net somewhere, i cant remember
00:26.10After_Mathwell what was it?
00:27.16snadgethat it was going to be released in the United Kingdom (or England) .. sorry to do that.. i thought maybe UK might be meaningless to some ;)
00:27.25snadgeon November 1st
00:27.37axi0mOrange County, CA is too in love with their status symbol phones to really get into a "movement" like Android will become.  They'll wait for the "cute" Android phones to show up.  Not that there's anything wrong with that . . .
00:27.48After_Mathsnadge, ah, so you are form England eh
00:27.56snadgein case some people wern't aware that there were other countries than the USA ;)
00:28.11snadgeno.. im an Australian, but I will be in the UK in a week
00:28.15axi0msnadge: There are not.  Nor are there any languages besides English.
00:28.21After_Mathaxi0m, lol dont hate on us :P there are more geeks, well coole geeks then you think
00:28.46After_Mathaxi0m, google I believe, is really waiting to sell their phones from word or mouth
00:28.49unix_infidelAfter_Math: one 'i' away from a slur :-P
00:28.54axi0mAfter_Math:  Not hating.  I live in Santa Ana.  I moved here from Ohio, so it's a tremendous improvement!
00:29.01snadgeand theres absolutely ZERO information on when Australia is going to get an android phone or the G1
00:29.21After_Mathunix_infidel, lol from what you said above?
00:29.29snadgeso i've given up on it.. and prepared to accept that google doesnt even realise that australia exists.. even though we have a
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00:29.41cliffwhat's australia?
00:29.46unix_infidelAfter_Math: coole vs coolie geeks.
00:29.54snadgeits only the best country in the world
00:29.57After_Mathaxi0m, ya Orang County is the sh** :)
00:30.03axi0mAfter_Math: I think you're right.  Word of mouth combined with a "cute" phone.  I love my new G1, but it is not "cute" enough to win over consumers.
00:30.04cliffif it's so great why doesn't it have dream?
00:30.06danfuzzi think it's a suburb of new zealand
00:30.17snadgebecause your dream is bankrupting the entire planet, thats why ;)
00:30.19After_Mathunix_infidel, ooohh HAHA! 0_o
00:30.24After_Mathunix_infidel, I missed that
00:30.46unix_infidelAfter_Math: I read that as there are a lot more coolie geeks in UK, meaning a bunch of chinese and indian emmigrants.
00:30.52snadgehtc should have just released it in australia first.. and ignored the rest of the world
00:30.57axi0mAfter_Math: OC is indeed the shiznit.  All the perks of LA without the smog.  Great for riding motorcycles, too.
00:31.00After_Mathhaha coolie
00:31.01rwhitbysnadge: amen to that
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00:31.23After_Mathaxi0m,  no dougt
00:31.31snadgeits incredibly painful that the USA gets special treatment.. i know that google is primarily a USA company.. but, grr
00:31.34axi0mMuch love to LA, though.  No OC without LA.
00:31.42After_Mathaxi0m,  I used to have a 650 Suzuki SV
00:31.50After_Mathwoops Suzuki SV 650
00:32.04snadgei mean.. the US doesnt even have a working 3g system
00:32.05axi0msnadge:  We are accustomed to special treatment.  It's kind of a birthright to many over here.  That and manifest destiny.
00:32.05cliffit's only fair, really. the rest of the world usually gets phones months if not years before us
00:32.09After_Mathaxi0m, cant stand L.A. ^^
00:32.19axi0mAfter_Math:  Why did you give it up?  Bikes rule.
00:32.23After_Mathaxi0m, but you are right, it all started with Bollywood
00:32.25snadgewe have a 3g system here.. thats in use.. ready to go
00:32.27After_Mathhaha Bollywood
00:32.59axi0mActually, LA has been inhabited since the beginning of recorded history.  Not that that's very long, mind you.
00:33.02After_Mathaxi0m, it was either keep the bike or get a new truck for work :/ believe I will get one again soon!
00:33.10snadgeand i've already checked.. the frequencies are compatible, so theres literally zero reason not to sell in australia .. and definitely zero reason not to make ANY comments about if and when thats going to happen
00:33.28unix_infidelsnadge: we also have a larger landmass to cover.
00:33.37After_Mathaxi0m, not sure exactly what you mean. By Native Americans?
00:33.54snadgenot even the australian telcos know about when its going to happen
00:34.04axi0mAfter_Math:  Yes.  North America has been inhabited as far back as we know.
00:34.08trashguyHEY UH
00:34.08snadgewouldn't htc have even bothered to contact them?
00:34.14After_Mathhaha I love that CDW commercial of the guy on the Island
00:34.20trashguywas i not supposed to pull that plastic off the screen
00:34.33axi0mWe just kinda stole TX and CA from the Mexicans.
00:34.38After_Mathaxi0m, ya but L.A. isnt what it was
00:34.41yakischlobatrashguy: depends on how grubby your fingers are
00:34.50trashguyyakischloba, lol
00:34.54After_Maththats the way America rolls no?
00:35.06After_Mathtrashguy, no
00:35.09After_Mathkeep it on
00:35.18After_Mathitll keep it safe and scratch free
00:35.20waldo_is back (gone 02:04:48)
00:35.23trashguyi thought
00:35.24After_Mathgo buy a protector then
00:35.26trashguyit was one of those
00:35.32After_Mathits like an eyeball
00:35.34redpandaCan the classes be applied to a general shape?
00:35.37yakischlobathat you pull off of every one ;)
00:35.38After_Mathhaha ya
00:35.48redpandaOr just a View.
00:36.13snadgeAustralia - 2941300 sq mi .. USA - 3539224 sq mi
00:37.03snadgebut you can ignore 90% of our land mass.. it has next to zero population
00:37.33trashguyleave it to me
00:37.35trashguyhet excited
00:37.38trashguyand tear shit apart
00:37.46trashguyshould of seen me trying to get the battery in
00:37.57After_Mathlol trashguy its soo easy
00:38.01After_Mathread the manual!!!
00:38.02yakischlobagal at the store put in the battery and SIM for me
00:38.14After_Mathyakischloba, same here, she didnt even know how to do it
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00:38.21trashguyim a man i dont ask or read directions
00:38.27After_Mathit shows you how t
00:38.40trashguyi got mine liek a weekagao in the mail
00:38.41yakischlobai have a screwdriver here that seems to fit the phone. since my fucking number isn't ported yet, i'm tempted to start taking it apart
00:38.47After_Mathtrashguy, same here, but when it comes to such a nice thing, you got to
00:39.15After_Mathonce you unlock the G1, you wont need the data plan will you?
00:39.33After_Mathyakischloba, dont do it
00:39.44trashguyJAIL BREAK
00:40.15trashguyim out
00:40.55yakischlobahas anyone reported a hardware failure, ie had to exchange their phone? just curious
00:41.20gambleryakischloba, your phone not working?
00:41.48yakischlobawell, I'm waiting for my number to switch over from my old carrier, but no, the phone is working fine
00:41.59yakischlobajust wondered
00:42.02gamblerhow is it?
00:42.09axi0mVery good.
00:42.25yakischlobauhm. well since you can't do a damn thing with it until you sign in with your gmail account, I have no idea
00:42.39axi0mVoice quality on the G1 is as good as any phone I've used.
00:42.59yakischlobathe keyboard is a little hard to type on. They ought to have raised the keys a little bit and given the slightest more tactile response. when the screen slides out it wiggles a little but doesn't feel too flimsy
00:43.07axi0mIt doesn't drop calls like certain other capacitative touchscreen phones that shall remain nameless . . .
00:43.28After_Math3G is lightning fast, so effin fast
00:43.33axi0mCertain other $300 phones . . .
00:43.33After_Mathlist dsl speeds
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00:44.12languishMy G1 was sitting there, ON, full battery, I looked down at it, and it's off. And, it won't turn back on
00:44.28axi0mAfter_Math: To be honest, 3G is just living up to its potential.  It's not on a saturated network like ATT.
00:44.57After_Mathaxi0m, I know, I still think its going to be really fast
00:44.57axi0mAfter_Math:  If you're in OC, CA, ATT is saturated.  Trust me, I've been on there for over 2 years.
00:45.02unix_remoteaxi0m: agreed, I just stoppd by the store and i got consistent 500-700kbps speeds.
00:45.04gamblerhas anyone accessed the android market yet?
00:45.17After_Mathaxi0m, haha at least they have a family data plan thoug
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00:45.28After_Mathgambler, ya
00:45.33axi0mgambler: I think everyone has.  ;)
00:45.34After_Mathlanguish, any luck
00:45.48languishgonna pull the battery
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00:45.59languishright now, it's a fucking brick
00:46.09yakischlobalooks like I jinxed someone.
00:46.20waldo_is away: auto-away
00:46.38axi0mTMO was the perfect network for this phone, because it's not all messed up like ATT.
00:46.57waldo_is back (gone 00:00:37)
00:46.58axi0m("messed up" == oversold bandwidth)
00:47.00languishaxi0m, here it is
00:47.10yakischlobaaxi0m: just you wait
00:47.12languishhere the signal is unstable as hell
00:47.24waldo_woohoo got the last g1 in the store (& cancelled my preorder)
00:47.47axi0mlanguish:  That is only a limitation of their current deployment.
00:48.15axi0mI live in Santa Ana, CA.  It's not on the list of TMO cities, but we fall under the Los Angeles umbrella.
00:48.25axi0mAnd Santa Ana is *really* far from LA.
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00:48.56axi0mSo when they say they have a city, it basically means they have every high-population area in surrounding areas.
00:49.32yakischlobaok well i'm gonna go get a 6 pack to entertain myself while I wait for this to start working
00:49.33axi0mYou can drive up and down California coastline and not lose 3G.
00:49.57axi0mIf you go inland, you might.  But who lives there???  ;)
00:50.34languishpulling the battery worked
00:50.41languishbut WTF did it just brick itself like that
00:50.51Rob-csyou can be in a submarine on the coast and also get 3G i heard
00:50.53After_Mathtake it back
00:50.55After_Mathget a new one
00:51.00yakischlobalanguish: I used Google's remote bricking feature
00:51.06After_MathRob-cs, really what source?
00:51.17languishdrops a brick on yakischloba
00:51.19axi0mlanguish:  After_Math is right.  My phone has been very solid.  So has my wife's.
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00:51.31languishaxi0m, my wife's is fine
00:51.45axi0mlanguish:  All the more reason to trade yours back.
00:52.02yakischlobayeah. I'd just go get it over with.
00:52.11axi0mTMO is very very cool in terms of customer service.
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00:52.32axi0mI think they have different rules that ATT and Sprint, or something.
00:52.52axi0mTMO reps really seem to try harder than other carriers.
00:53.06axi0mis totally not astroturfing, BTW.
00:53.09After_Mathaxi0m, ya they are, I called to see if I could get a better deal on my dang Partial upgrades, and I couldnt, so the dude hooked me up with a $60 credit to my bill :)
00:53.13languishi've been with tmo since 2000, when they took over my previous carrier, and I was with that carrier when they merged with my carrier before that
00:53.21After_MathMac has an ELITE customer service
00:53.39languishI've been on GSM with tmo since before they were tmo
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00:53.55languishand I know how badly their customer service can suck
00:54.18axi0mI have dealt with all major carriers besides Verizon, and TMO has been the best so far.  I think they understand they have to work harder.  If only Sprint could figure that out . . .
00:54.45After_MathLol Arnold is funny
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00:54.53languishsprint doesn't have customer service
00:55.03axi0mlanguish:  CS can *always* suck.  It's a matter of who picks up the phone on the other end.
00:55.04languishtmo's sucks, but sprint only has customer disservice
00:55.21yakischlobaWhat are the conditions that TMobile will let you unlock it from their service?
00:55.23axi0mThe weird thing about Sprint is that their business CS is really good.
00:55.34languishthat's like dell
00:55.35axi0myakischloba: I believe 3 months.
00:55.50Rob-csSprint WiMax Android Phone Will = Awesome
00:55.55gambleranyone know how sim locks work?
00:55.56Rob-csas long as the hardware is decent
00:55.56After_Mathlanguish, axi0m is all really about social engineering ;) it really is
00:55.58axi0mlanguish: Dell's CS kicks ASS if you have an XPS system.  (I do.)
00:56.19After_Mathaxi0m, lol ya and if you dont mind talking to Indians :)
00:56.19languishAfter_Math, I'm well aware
00:56.20axi0mYeah, it's about talking to ppl the right way.
00:56.41axi0mAfter_Math: XPS CS is all North American operators, actually.
00:56.51axi0mIt's wonderfully refreshing.
00:57.13languishI'd rather people just do their job when I'm nice to them, and not wait until I have to use influence for them to handle simple issues
00:57.19axi0m(Not that I dislike Indians.  Just that calling XPS support gets you someone who can do more than just read a flowchart.)
00:57.44axi0mlanguish:  You just have to BS your way up to lvl 2 support.
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00:58.01axi0mTell them you're a computer professional.  (And I'm guessing you are.)
00:58.28languishI think you miss my point
00:58.35languishI know the ins and outs of the game
00:58.44yakischlobaWe have 2 Indian guys, and 30 white dudes, and people somehow get the impression that their phonecalls are getting routed to India
00:58.46umdk1d3there is no such thing as level 2 support
00:58.54umdk1d3they just transfer you to another random operator
00:58.58languishI just don't appreciate paying for a service where suport has to be a hurdle
00:59.19languishumdk1d3, nah.. I've worked my way to actual engineers
00:59.31languishI justs houldn't have had to
00:59.39unix_remotelanguish: are kernel logs accessible?
01:00.02languishno idea buddy, I'm not deving android
01:00.23unix_remotelanguish: no, but it will help people diagnose your problem and make sure you dont have a systemic issue.
01:00.30axi0mlanguish: You need to understand that the ppl answering the phone are used to the least common denominator.
01:00.32languishI'm just a lowly customer taking a ride on the fun green guy
01:01.15axi0mlanguish: Welcome to capitalism.  ;)
01:01.24languishaxi0m, I'm well aware. I've done CS for a legitimate (yes one exists!) 3rd party reseller/master dealer while learning their business as one of my clients
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01:02.31axi0mlanguish:  Then you understand that the average CS rep can't be described as "average".  Skillsets range from super-overqualified to "has a pulse".
01:02.41languishI sat down for a few months handling inbounds width respect and decency, and learned from the inside just how much I dislike the cellular industry
01:02.47languishI just happen to like the gadgets
01:03.03languishand sadly, the fucktards in the biz come attached
01:03.21axi0mlanguish:  I don't think anyone can "like" an industry once they've truly seen its dirty side.
01:03.40languishaxi0m, my real issue is with the telco policies, more internal than not, that result in poor CS
01:03.57waldo_is away: auto-away
01:04.12axi0mlanguish:  The more you experience, I'll wager, the more you'll see that bad CS is an epidemic.
01:04.25languishof couurse
01:04.42axi0mIt's just bad business to use your smart ppl on CS lines.  Not that it doesn't happen.
01:04.44languishI'm just not interested in sitting by and accepting it
01:05.14axi0mIt's bad business to spend money and good business to receive money.
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01:05.25languish"oh that's the way it is, company policy, business as usual, industry practice"
01:05.35axi0mOnce someone has accepted that, interactions with corporations become much more predictable.
01:06.07wastrellanguish: where are you in NYC?  my web doesn't work over 3g at home or at work  and i have 4 bars in both locations
01:06.12axi0mSo you don't pay your CS ppl more than $15/hr.  You get crap CS, but you are doing the "right" thing as far as your shareholders are concerned.
01:06.45languishI have the knowlege, skills, position and influence to get what I want.  I just don't apreciate having to go past "this is my issues, how can you help me reslove it?"
01:06.47Dougie187I just saw a G1 commercial
01:06.59Dougie187for those who were wondering about it.
01:07.01axi0mI personally would not get out of bed for less than $25/hr.  Even then I would resent it.
01:07.39axi0mI think many of the ppl you talk to on CS lines are probably of the same mindset.
01:07.41languishif you;re talking hourly wage, we're already in different worlds
01:08.02languishWTF brick phone WTF
01:08.07axi0mlanguish:  I'm talking salary divided by 40hrs/wk.
01:08.37axi0mLast job I had was 85k.  I don't think I will take much less than that.
01:09.01languish*sigh* and pac-man still won't download
01:09.56unix_remoteaxi0m: you should probably include a disclaimer somewhere along the lines of, "BTW, I live in LA"
01:09.58languishgotta be something wonky with this handset
01:10.26axi0munix_remote:  BTW, I live in OC and have a condo that *used* to be worth over $300k.
01:11.03languisheven now that's just starting price in my area
01:11.15axi0mlanguish:  It's a small condo.  :)
01:11.26axi0mI'm guessing you're on the coast, too.
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01:11.46axi0mAll the bargains are on the West Coast now.
01:12.02wastrelpac man is in the market
01:12.02umdk1d3dev question: is there a good way of stopping the "beep" when hitting the volume keys in an app?  im overriding the onKey event to capture them for my app, but it still makes the beep at the current ringer volume
01:12.04axi0mYou just have to be rich enough to pay cash, cause God help you if you need a loan.
01:12.37languishwastrel, yes. it doesn't download for me. I get an alert that says "Download Declined"
01:13.10languishthen when I press it, a message that stated it was declind because I haven't purchased it
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01:13.19languishgoogle knows about it
01:13.20waldo_is back (gone 00:09:23)
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01:13.24languishthey're working on it
01:13.34wastrellanguish: just installed over wifi for me :]
01:13.47axi0mlanguish: NYC?
01:13.59languishbut I'd think the one app they showed off over and over again, would have been in the market earlier and been trouble free
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01:14.04languishaxi0m, yep
01:14.24languishit worked on my wife's handset
01:14.29axi0mlanguish:  NYC kicks ass, but the cost of living is the highest in the nation, probably.
01:14.30languishso something's off with mine
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01:14.58languishaxi0m it's actually not the highest, but it's up there, And Tokyo is worse.
01:15.07languishI'm well aware
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01:16.07axi0mI guess when you figure that you don't really need a car in NYC, it's not so bad.
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01:17.36languishDepends on what you do. I'm sure I spend enough on taxi's cabs and limo service each year, not to mention public transportation, to buy a car for both my wife and I
01:18.40axi0mThe subway in NYC is still unique to North America.  Pretty comprehensive.
01:19.19languishI grew up with it, so it's not such a novelty to me
01:19.23axi0mIf only we had a subway here in SoCal.  Everyone needs a car here.
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01:19.46jbq_wishes for a Paris-like transportation system in the SF area
01:20.27languishIt'd be nice if the MTA would figure out how to get some environmental control going in subway stations
01:20.38languishfreezing in the winter, sweltering in the summer
01:21.21axi0mI think Cali was developed after Detroit had *way* too much influence.
01:21.27axi0mThey wanted us to use cars.
01:22.04unix_remotelanguish: you guys have some of the best public transit in the nation.
01:22.05languishWell, it'd be more difficult to build an underground in cali
01:22.14languishplus the earthquake issues
01:22.23axi0munix_remote:  They have *the* best PT in the nation.
01:22.33languishNYC is mostly solid bedrock, with inconsequencial tremors
01:22.39jbq_One of the big issues is population density - when the density is low (like it is pretty much everywhere in CA) public transportation makes no sense.
01:22.47unix_remoteaxi0m: maybe, I personally think Boston and surrounding has better public transit.
01:23.01wastrellanguish: well forget one app in the app store not working, i can't get web or the app store on 3g at all :]
01:23.12jbq_I hated how in Boston the subway doesn't go to the airport.
01:23.17languishjbq, where there is public transportation, population inceases
01:23.23wastreljbq_: doesn't in SF either
01:23.26wastrelor oakland for that matter
01:23.28axi0mwould argue that transportation dictates population density, and not the other way 'round.
01:23.38languishwastrel :(
01:23.40jbq_wastrel: BART goes to SFO.
01:23.49wastrelah that's right it does now
01:24.17axi0mNo expressways == no development.
01:24.52wastreljbq_: i left in 2004 and never used the sfo extension :]
01:24.53Adamantyes, but people just build shittier connecting roads instead at the state level
01:25.01axi0mBut put an expressway in the middle of nowhere and intersect another expressway, and you have a city.
01:25.16jbq_axi0m: interesting theory. Employment definitely does, so why not transportation (since transportation is a way to decouple employment from housing)
01:25.20Adamantaxi0m: sorry man, it didn't work that way
01:25.33Adamantnot historically at least
01:26.01axi0mAdamant:  Then please explain why people live in such God-forsaken areas of the American Southwest.
01:26.05Adamantpeople built shitty connecting roads from existing city to city
01:26.27axi0mAdamant:  Explain Indianapolis, or any other non-organic city, for that matter.
01:26.34Adamantand then later they build better ones with Interstates and such
01:26.41languishaxi0m, not just the southwest, there are small towns in upstate new york.. that are astraight out of a horror movie
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01:26.42axi0mNo waterways used to mean no city.
01:27.01axi0mNow no expressway means no city.
01:27.04Adamantaxi0m: most of the cities in the Southwest have been there forever
01:27.11jbq_interesting case, Reno, NV: saloon and brothels stopped there and didn't go up the mountains after having moved all the way across NV when the railroad was built.
01:27.23axi0mLook at Vegas, for instance.  Who on Earth would build a city there without a road?
01:27.45languishaxi0m, explain the town in alaska Palin is from.  It's so disconnected a ferry or a plane are the only ways in.
01:27.49axi0mNothing special about many cities other than transportation.
01:27.52Adamantaxi0m: gamblers looking for favorable regulation?
01:28.07Adamantthat's the real reason Vegas was located there
01:28.14axi0mAdamant:  Yes, but why *there*.  It hold no value other than it was on Rte. 66.
01:28.17Adamantotherwise it's just ABQ
01:28.23LazShe could still see Russia from there
01:28.24*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
01:28.47languishLaz, we should leave her there to keep them ob their side
01:28.55Adamantaxi0m: because NV was the only state casino gambling was legal
01:29.23Adamantthat's why. and there aren't a lot of nicer spots in NV
01:29.24jbq_mormon settlers were there before US66, and the spanish name suggests that the place was worth naming still before that. There's water, and flat land, which is rare in that area.
01:30.06axi0mAdamant:  But there is nothing special about Vegas other than its proximity to an existing highway.
01:30.14AdamantI give up
01:30.19Adamantbelieve what you want.
01:30.21waldo_is away: auto-away
01:30.25axi0mIf gambling were legalized across NV, then why Vegas?
01:30.43languishsomne hot chick bent over
01:30.48languishthe rest was history
01:30.50Adamantaxi0m: what parts are nicer that are also on the way to Cali?
01:31.17jbqActually, other than Vegas and Reno (and arguably winnemucca (sp?) and elko), pretty much every gambling place in NV is at the border.
01:31.30axi0mAdamant:  You illustrate my point.  *On the way to Cali*.
01:31.42Adamantaxi0m: no road required
01:31.50axi0m"On the way to Cali" == road or passage.
01:31.54axi0mBy definition.
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01:32.17Adamantlet me introduce you to the Conenstoga wagon
01:32.25Adamanta passage is not a Interstate.
01:32.42axi0mYou'd better introduce your wagon to some wagon trails or you won't get far.  ;)
01:32.53jbqAnyway, I'm more interested about the dynamic between transportation and density at the scale of a city (i.e. commuting distance) rather than a state or a country.
01:32.58Adamantaxi0m: right, but people frequently offroaded
01:33.27axi0mActually, they traveled on well-known wagon trails in groups.
01:33.35Adamantaxi0m: again, not always
01:33.41axi0mOtherwise they were vulnerable to all kinds of stuff.
01:33.52jbqif they don't travel well-know roads, they end up e.g. in death valley.
01:33.52Adamantthey were vulnerable to all kinds of stuff anyway
01:34.13Adamantjbq: how do you think it got the name of Death Valley?
01:34.48jbqThey got lost there, one of the travelers die, they said "let's leave this death valley" when they found the pass out (or something like that).
01:35.16jbqall that because they were looking for a shortcut instead of following the established trail.
01:35.21axi0mAdamant:  Maybe the highest temperature record?
01:35.46Adamantaxi0m: yeah, but the temperature is what caused the dying
01:36.42axi0mYes.  My whole point is that natural features beget cities, which beget roads, which beget other cities, which beget population growth.
01:36.52jbqLooking at the american southwest at least, it's not hard to imagine that between the rockies, the wasatch range, the great basin and the sierra nevada you're more likely to get through if you follow the trails than if you don't.
01:37.15axi0mIt all starts with waterways and everything follows from there.
01:37.31JoeBrainrailroad tracks
01:37.36axi0mPeople usually don't say, "WTF?  We'll build a city here."
01:37.42axi0mWell, Mormons did.
01:38.03axi0mUsually there are reasons.
01:38.11Adamantaxi0m: I just think you tend to get Interstates between existing cities more often than cities were created by Interstates
01:38.21Adamantif you get what's I'm saying
01:38.29jbqamusingly, it's explicitly the lack of transportation and accessibility that made the mormons settle in SLC: because nobody else would bother to create a city there.
01:38.56Adamantyeah, hearing about the Great Salt Lake is a good way to dissuade people from settling
01:39.18languishok, the G1/Android collects a lot of information.. such as Kast Time Since Boot, Screen time On, Awake time on battery...etc.  I wonder if it registers how many times the screen has been slid up/down. (aka: keyboard opened/closed)
01:39.35*** join/#android ttuttle (n=tom@pdpc/supporter/student/gentoo.contributor.ttuttle)
01:39.49ttuttleHey, how's it going?
01:39.54axi0mAdamant:  I think we're largely agreed.  However, cities like Washington, Indy, Phoenix, etc, could not have existed save for existing roads.
01:40.13Lenoliumaxi0m: The Mormons built one town every 25 miles in a bunch of different directions so they could be one "community" and get a huge state. Utah was supposed to be a bit bigger than Texas.
01:40.19languishYou know if the G1 tracks how many times the screen's been opened/closed?
01:40.24ttuttlelanguish: Hmm.
01:40.33ttuttlelanguish: I don't think it does, but you could easily write an app to do so.
01:40.48axi0mLenolium:  Interesting.  Most things about Mormons are interesting, though.
01:41.03languishyeah I figured. I just wondered if it was one of the points of data that was collected
01:41.22languishIt'd be a good method of determining wear
01:41.26axi0mThings Scientologists do are REALLY interesting, though.
01:41.41languishuhh scientologists now?
01:41.49axi0mhehe - why not?
01:42.07languishlet's not go /b/tarded
01:42.13JoeBrainI take it there isnt a giant deluge of new G1 owners rushing to the IRC for help :)
01:42.17axi0mThey're interesting.  If you live on the West Coast they're everywhere.
01:42.49languishthey're everywhere here too, they just don't tell everyone about it
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01:43.11languishand I don't find fanatics to be interesting
01:43.14languishjust dangerous
01:43.34ttuttleSo, show of hands -- who got their G1 today?
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01:43.41languish2 days ago
01:43.48languishand it's having issues
01:43.54ttuttlelanguish: oh?
01:44.00jastamarcone: you there?
01:44.04ttuttlelanguish: Like what?
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01:44.11jastattuttle: i already was told i had to factory reset mine.
01:44.19ttuttlejasta: What went wrong?
01:44.33ttuttlejasta: Also, remember, tech support thinks that reboot/reinstall/replace are the three only ways to fix something.
01:44.36jastano clue.  but adb uninstall -k is very dangerous apparently
01:44.39waldo_is back (gone 00:14:19)
01:44.43ttuttlejasta: Er, so you broke it?
01:44.49jastattuttle: no, it was google engineers who recommended i reset.
01:44.57ttuttlejasta: But who ran adb uninstall -k?
01:44.58jastattuttle: no, i didnt break it.
01:45.09jastai did, but that command is not "break your phone"
01:45.16ttuttlejasta: No, it shouldn't be.  Hmm.
01:45.22ttuttlejasta: Did they get a bugreport from you?
01:45.26axi0mTry rm -rf /
01:45.27languishttuttle, today alone... it can't download pac-man.. says I haven't "paid" for it.  And, I set it down.. it was fully charged and on.  I picked it up a few minuted later, and it was off, and wouldn't turn back on.  I had to remove the battery and replace it, to get it to turn on again
01:45.27jastatrust me, we've already hammered through this issue.  the bug is in.
01:46.22ttuttlejasta: Okay, cool.
01:46.22waldo_so what's the latest on having an ssh client
01:46.23waldo_I got mine!!
01:46.23ttuttlelanguish: That's very odd.  I've downloaded Pac-man fine, and I've got a production G1.  Did you try again?
01:46.23ttuttlewaldo_: congrats!
01:46.23waldo_ttuttle thanks... it was on backorder but I went into the store and bought it anyway :)
01:46.23languishttuttle, my wife's downloaded it fine.
01:46.23ttuttlewaldo_: heh
01:46.23languishand yes, i tried again a few times
01:46.30waldo_none of this november 10 bs for me :)
01:46.33axi0mlanguish:  Did you try trading phones with your wife?
01:46.38ttuttlelanguish: Suggestion: try going to Settings > Applications > Manage applications and remove the data for Market.
01:46.49ttuttlelanguish: I do not know if this will work, or break things.  It's just an idea.
01:46.57languishI'll give it a shot
01:47.03waldo_so now I seriously need me some ssh!
01:47.04ttuttlelanguish: Perhaps the Market cached the erroneous idea that Pac-man costs money.
01:47.11languishmorrildl already took some info from me earlier
01:47.13ttuttlelanguish: ah
01:47.22languishthey know somethings going on
01:47.25languishjust not what
01:48.18ttuttlelanguish: SHIT, mine's doing that too!
01:48.42ttuttlelanguish: Mine won't let me buy Pac-Man!
01:48.49jt436languish i still get the error also
01:48.56ttuttlelanguish: Luckily the eng build I have comes with a version of Pac-Man.
01:49.07ttuttlesuspects a server-side issue.
01:49.24jastattuttle: all in all, i'm really happy with the G1 though
01:49.28ttuttlejasta: Good to hear.
01:49.30languishyeah, something about misidentifying the sim card
01:49.36jastaT-Mobile service I could do without, but I think it will be good enough for my purposes.
01:49.40ttuttlejasta: It's rough around the edges, but it's really a cool phone.
01:49.45jastaone thing i can't figure out tho...
01:49.47languishno, it's a cool OS
01:49.50languishthe phone is crap
01:49.54ttuttlejasta: And it shows that Android probably has a future.
01:50.01jastawhen switching between EDGE/3G (which happens a lot in my house), my downloads seem to just suspend indefinitely
01:50.04ttuttlelanguish: Eh, I don't mind it that much.  But I grew attached to mine over the summer coding for it.
01:50.06jastauntil HttpClient4 times out.
01:50.12jastahowever the radio isnt busy, and starting a new download works fine
01:50.14ttuttlejasta: Hrm.  Definitely report that.  It should restart by itself.
01:50.20jastaso i'm not sure what google's "strategy" is for this.
01:50.20languishthe phone has some nice features. but..
01:50.32ttuttlejasta: Actually, I think the EDGE/3G handoff is supposed to keep your data connection alive.
01:50.39ttuttlejasta: That should be handled by the radio stuff.
01:50.40jastattuttle: well actually, i dont think that it should.  these are downloads i control and if the channel they operate over changes they should be restarted at the application layer
01:51.02jastaoh, well, in that case ok.  but it didnt seem to be the behaviour the browser used.
01:51.04ttuttlejasta: I think there's a protocol for keeping the data connection when switching between the two.
01:51.07jastathe browser seemd to have some sophistication to retry
01:51.18ttuttlejasta: Yeah, it's fairly clever.  Does still screw up occasionally.
01:51.24jastaor at least was more resilient somehow than my app
01:51.28ttuttlejasta: I haven't had a chance to test the edge-3g switch, as I only have edge :-\
01:51.39ttuttlejasta: There's a listener you can register to hear about data connectivity changes.
01:51.45languishttuttle, can't clear the market info. no option for it
01:51.50ttuttlelanguish: :-(
01:51.54jastawell, i have worse than EDGE at my house really.  the radio switches so often that it hardly ever works on either
01:51.57languishi did clear the downloads data
01:51.59ttuttlejasta: :-(
01:52.02ttuttlejasta: T-Mobile--
01:52.02languishsee if that works'
01:52.16umdk1d3jasta: just disable 3g radio--also saves battery
01:52.29ttuttleumdk1d3: /me has his disabled, as it doesn't work with AT&T anyway.
01:52.32jastaumdk1d3: well, then i'll have to enable it every time i leave the house
01:52.55umdk1d3jasta: use locale to enable it when it detect you leave the house  :P
01:52.56jastaactually.... hehe
01:53.02umdk1d3actually, i dont think they can do that  :/
01:53.20jastaumdk1d3: i was about to say i could make something fire an intent from the home screen
01:53.25jastabut then i dont think i have the ability to do this.
01:53.30jastai cant request that type of permission i think
01:53.34umdk1d3you could ask for the right permissions
01:53.43jastaright but is that permission available?
01:53.56languishno go
01:53.56umdk1d3its all opensource now, so might be easy enough to find the code that handles it
01:54.08languishmy pac-man is a chevy
01:54.10languishno va
01:54.17umdk1d3nova rofl
01:54.24wastrelanyone used the alarm clock?  what's it sound like?
01:54.29wastrelbaby is sleeping so i don't want to test
01:54.34umdk1d3wastrel: its crazy scary
01:54.38gdsxwastrel: there are a couple alarms
01:54.41languishwastrel, it depends on what ring you use.
01:54.43gdsxwastrel: just turn your volume down
01:54.46umdk1d3default sounds like a smoke detector
01:54.53umdk1d3actually, it disregards volume
01:55.06umdk1d3which is nice, cuz i sleep with it on vibrate
01:55.08gdsx"oh" :o)
01:55.08jbqsuggests;a=tree;f=src/com/android/providers/downloads and shuts up because he's not sure he's allowed to speak about Android
01:55.20languishwastrel, BUT.... if you put it down with the speaker facing down.. it cuts a lot of the sound
01:55.30umdk1d3languish: good point
01:55.35umdk1d3i think thats what that "nub" is for
01:55.36languishyou have to rest it screen down
01:55.44umdk1d3to actually hold it off the table a little bit
01:55.49jastawhat the hell is DownloadProvider?
01:55.52languishi do that when using speakerphone
01:56.16wastrelk, i smushed it down on the pillow and tested :]
01:56.22wastrelgood idea about muffling the speaker
01:56.22languishthe one thing I do like.. is the call quality
01:56.36languishthe background noise reduction is very good
01:56.40wastrelit's much better than my old phone (the call quality)
01:56.45jbqjasta: it's code that handles downloads for several applications in the G1. You can't use it directly (yet) but you can see how it's built. Please don' ask me about it, or I'll get in trouble.
01:56.55umdk1d3okay so question for people: have you noticed the GSM chirping in the built-in speaker during calls?
01:57.14jastajbq: uhm, why?  the source is public?
01:57.17languishone of the worst places in NYC to be on the phone with someone, is walking along 34th street,  between broadway and 8th ave.
01:57.21umdk1d3maybe they forgot to put RF shielding in mine  :/
01:57.28languishand the noise reduction made it bearable
01:57.40jastajbq: i mean, thanks, but i'm confused why you couldn't talk about a public thing hehe
01:57.45jbqis banned
01:58.13jastaok sure.  anyway, thanks, i'll read through this to see if i can find any magic
01:58.45*** join/#android neerhaj (n=chatzill@
01:59.45neerhajcan an app read the /data partition ?
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02:00.46jastajbq: christ, there is a lot of logic here.  but nothing looks to directly relate to what i was seeing (read just blocked indefinitely)
02:00.55jastaso i'm wondering if AndroidHttpClient must contain some more sensible defaults?
02:02.01*** join/#android unix_remote (i=476101e8@gateway/web/ajax/
02:03.02jastaoh interesting, there is a lot of useful defaults here
02:03.16jastajbq: thanks a bunch, this will prove very helpful
02:05.04jastai can't believe the sophistication you have here checking exceptions and all :)
02:05.52jbqis still banned, sorry (working on it)
02:07.08tweakthey, silly question, if I add a shortcut to the desktop, is there a way to drag it to another page?
02:07.47languishok, i just pulled an Alt+W on my G1
02:07.56*** part/#android RyeBrye (n=ryebrye@
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02:08.18languishgo go factory reset
02:08.23*** join/#android BruteForce (
02:08.38wastrelfor serious?
02:08.47jastawhat is Alt+W?
02:08.54languishfactory reset
02:08.58BruteForceawww man all that trouble to get the ndroid kernel was useless cant use te userspace since its yyfs
02:09.04jastait's that easy?
02:09.12languishjasta, no.. there's more to it
02:09.12wastrelwhat's yyfs?
02:09.25umdk1d3yet another flash filesystem
02:09.36umdk1d3at least, he prolly means yaffs
02:09.39BruteForceraw flash
02:09.48BruteForceyaffs ya
02:10.10BruteForceso wha can i do now?
02:10.18*** join/#android RyeBrye (n=ryebrye@
02:12.49yakischlobasigh. i was hoping my number would have been ported over by bedtime so I could at least see the home screen.
02:13.09languishfactory reset and pac-man is still declined
02:13.56languishnumber ports usually are quick but damn if sometimes they don't take over a week or more
02:14.01BruteForcedo i have to change the filesystem in the userspace or is there any easier route?
02:14.25yakischlobaits been about 4 hours now
02:14.38languishhaha only 4 hours?
02:14.48languishhow long did they tell you it'd take?
02:14.50yakischlobai've had 1 person tell me it took an hour, and 2 people tell me it took 4-5 hours
02:14.54yakischlobathey told me
02:15.00yakischloba2-48 hours
02:15.05yakischlobaquite a range there
02:15.07umdk1d3bwhaha android.provider.Telephony.SECRET_CODE is a reference to
02:16.14*** join/#android thesquib (
02:16.57yakischlobaI suppose it wouldn't have mattered much if I got a new number but I've had mine for about 8 years now so I felt it would have been dumb to change it
02:17.30languishi have a pretty coveted phone #
02:17.39languishI'd be pissed to lose it
02:17.57BruteForceso anyoneknow when you can buy dream for full retail and howmuch?
02:18.17languishBruteForce, now, but you still need to sign a contract
02:18.20*** join/#android vbabiy (
02:18.37wastrelthe # they assigned me is godawful
02:18.52BruteForcethat not what i meant
02:18.53languishyou CAN request another number
02:19.03languishBruteForce, I know what you mean
02:19.06BruteForcei meant full retail no contract
02:19.15wastrel347 area code
02:19.17tweaktI got two wrong # calls within an hour of my activation :-(
02:19.32BruteForcei heard only like 30 days since htc isnt gay like apple
02:19.49languishBruteForce, put it this way.. each carrier customizes android for their own network
02:20.09languishah you just want the hardware, no OS?
02:20.38languishor rather no carrier customization
02:20.57languishI wonder if it'd even be useable at that point
02:21.20wastrelheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, web works on 3g now
02:21.29languishcool wastrel :)
02:21.38languishwhat made the difference?
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02:21.52BruteForcelanguish what are you talking bout lmao...its like 3 settings to et network specific stuff
02:22.06wastreloh no i lied, that page was cached. :[
02:22.11wastrel(from wifi)
02:22.20BruteForcejust like any other linux based phone
02:22.24*** join/#android tmarble (
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02:22.37BruteForceplus i use tmob anyways
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02:29.22outbriberwhat's with all the leaving/entering?
02:29.22wastrel"netsplits"  irc servers are having interconnection problems
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02:30.01languishthis is a network of servers connected. different users connected to different servers, all sharing a common feed.  if servers desynch or disconnect you see a split...
02:30.21languishand the users on different sides of the split.. go with the server they were connected to
02:30.43umdk1d3splits your net
02:30.56languishnets your income
02:32.34umdk1d3incomes your dinner
02:32.53*** join/#android tmccrary (
02:32.56yakischlobasplits with your net income
02:33.29tmccraryis there any example code showing how to load data with android? Classloaders appear very broken, so the code I'm porting isn't happy
02:33.38BruteForcei remember my first netsplit.. reagen was in office...
02:33.39waldo_is away: auto-away
02:33.50gdsxBruteForce: :o)
02:33.54romainguy__tmccrary: classloaders won't work
02:34.30tmccraryhmm, looks like Context.openFileOutput?
02:34.37tmccrarythis is going to be some fun refactoring
02:34.57tmccraryinput/output obviously
02:35.12tmccraryis that the "one true way" to load data with Android?
02:35.26BruteForceits good to see geeks are more socially accepted. i wish knowing c and basic wen i was a teen would have gotten me laid
02:36.26unix_infidelBruteForce: still doesnt.  ideas are the currency of the future, not fluency.
02:36.56tmccraryspeak for yourself
02:37.37PoohbaLTis ther a file manager?
02:38.25*** join/#android pfft1 (
02:38.30romainguy__PoohbaLT: not by default
02:38.46romainguy__and it's not very useful because most of the internal storage is read protected
02:38.50*** join/#android cliff (
02:38.57romainguy__the file manager would give you access to only the external memory card really
02:39.29pfft1Could not find AndroidMail.apk!
02:40.09pfft1when debugging the Email app in ganymede
02:40.39romainguy__I've never seen an AndroidMail.apk
02:40.54pfft1I found an Email.apk in the droid code base ... could that be the same thing?
02:40.54romainguy__Email.apk on the other hand...
02:41.09romainguy__AndroidMail.apk does not exist
02:41.23waldo_is back (gone 00:07:44)
02:41.25romainguy__I don't know why you're looking for that :)
02:41.29romainguy__so yes, Email.apk is what you want
02:41.36pfft1I'm not looking for it ...
02:41.40pfft1the Email app is
02:41.44tmarbleis there a BashShell.apk :)
02:42.01pfft1that's the error I get when debugging "Could not find AndroidMail.apk!"
02:42.05jastaromainguy__: nice touch having a menu button to open the notif tray.  i really enjoy that for fast access :)
02:42.11*** join/#android unix_remote (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
02:42.19wastrelnotif tray?
02:42.25wastrelah notification.  what app?
02:42.36romainguy__Menu > Notifications
02:43.04jastaesp if your hands are slightly dirty and you dont want to smudge all over the screen hehe
02:43.11romainguy__pfft1: the debugger or the email app have no reason to look for an apk
02:43.28romainguy__jasta: we tried to make the device entirely usable by trackball
02:43.33*** join/#android Cooldude1922 (
02:43.37romainguy__there are operations you cannot do on Home with the trackball
02:43.49pfft1ok ... then do you have any idea why i'm getting that in the "Problems" tab while running the debugger
02:43.50romainguy__but other than that, you should be able to pretty much never (read rarely) touch the screen
02:43.51Cooldude1922is anyone having issues compiling the kernel
02:44.08pfft1compiled great for me
02:44.10unix_remoteis so glad you guys rolled out the trackball and not the dpad.
02:44.21romainguy__pfft1: it looks like a configuration problem in your Eclipse
02:44.26Cooldude1922i keep getting an error about java, and it's not the one at the end of the tutorial.
02:44.32romainguy__unix_infidel: yeah but a dpad is much better for games
02:44.36gdsxCooldude1922: what's the error?
02:44.37Cooldude1922I mean the kernel not the SDK
02:44.45pfft1romainguy_: imagine that ... an ideas on getting the config better?
02:44.52romainguy__unix_infidel: Quake is annoying to play :))
02:44.56unix_remotethough, forthcoming on screen keyboard should make portrait experience much more enjoyable.
02:44.56jastaromainguy__: i'm really pleased with how this comes together on real hardware.
02:44.59pfft1yes the kernel compiled fine for me
02:45.00umdk1d3romainguy__: saw that same issue in market, where filling an adapter after the listview has layed-out somehow kills the trackball
02:45.02Cooldude1922build/core/ WARNING: adding test OTA key
02:45.02Cooldude1922make: *** No rule to make target `Please-install-JDK-5.0,-update-12-or-higher,', needed by `out/target/common/docs/framework-timestamp'.  Stop.
02:45.03romainguy__jasta: glad you like it
02:45.13jastaromainguy__: i've been tweaking my app all day with small bug fixes and ui changes hehe
02:45.14tmccraryjasta: mine comes in tomorrow, you insensitive clod!
02:45.14romainguy__umdk1d3: yes I know about the Market issue
02:45.17Cooldude1922and I've installed the SDK like a trillion times....
02:45.19romainguy__umdk1d3: but I blame them too :)
02:45.32umdk1d3i suppose if they returned results /fast/ enough
02:45.33Cooldude1922if anyone knows the fix for this please pm me.
02:45.38romainguy__jasta: is your app working nicely on the hardware?
02:45.38wastrelunix_remote: what's the news of the onscreen keyboard?
02:45.46unix_remotewastrel: they are working on it.
02:45.48jastaromainguy__: well, for the most part.  if you're on 3G, yes.
02:45.48romainguy__umdk1d3: that should not matter
02:45.54romainguy__probably a bug in ListView
02:45.58romainguy__ListVIew is a very complex piece of code
02:46.06romainguy__have a go at it if you feel lucky :)
02:46.07jastaromainguy__: but i have pretty dodgy EDGE service at my home and it doesnt work well there.  i've been pointed in a helpful direction tho
02:46.11umdk1d3actually, i was crashing earlier because my api was returning results /too/ fast so that the adapter was changing between getCount() and getView()  =O
02:46.23romainguy__(LIstView + async loading + tuch mode + focus is the worst thing you can have to debug on our platform :)
02:46.31umdk1d3fixed by pushing to UI thread in handler
02:46.31jastait seems that the device when it switches between EDGE and 3G it will occassionally drop a download
02:46.41jastaso if you tighten up the timeouts and retry more frequently it will work better
02:46.41romainguy__umdk1d3: you must always push changes on the UI thread
02:46.47jastaand that is i think the problem im seeing when my service is bad
02:46.53Cooldude1922so nobody knows the answer to this issue?
02:47.03romainguy__umdk1d3: note that I tried to shield ListView against misues of the UI thread/adapter, but it's not possible to do correctly and efficiently
02:47.17jastaromainguy__: but also, i think i'm gonna need to make a concession and have the server re-encode mp3s when the network throughput is bad
02:47.24romainguy__umdk1d3: many many bugs that I've seen in ListView were cause by apps misusing the UI thread
02:47.25jastaromainguy__: down to 128kbps maybe
02:47.27pfft1Cooldude1922: I need to make a better log during my compiles to make sure I'm not seeing that too
02:47.31romainguy__jasta: sounds good
02:47.38umdk1d3romainguy__: i was doing the noifydatasetchanged() in a handler, but i didnt realize i needed to actually /do/ the adapter changes in the handler as well
02:47.40jastawell, i hate that compromise, but i think as a setting it will be fine
02:47.40romainguy__jasta: wish you could encode in AAC 92 :)
02:47.52romainguy__umdk1d3: yes :)
02:47.56jastaromainguy__: well, i could do whatever.  the server is gonna do all this heavy lifting
02:48.17jastaromainguy__: this will just be a generalized feature for format conversion too.  so, FLAC will go down to MP3 for consumption on the device
02:48.24pfft1Cooldude1922: are you _only_ trying to build the kernel or are you building all of droid?
02:48.39jastaromainguy__: but otherwise, on 3G this thing works beautifully
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02:49.13romainguy__now you need to make your server talk with Requiem to support AAC DRM'd files from iTunes ;-)
02:49.45jastathatll be a job for someone else ;)
02:50.42jastaromainguy__: i'm quite pleased that the streammediaplayer hack performs better on the device than the emulator
02:50.51umdk1d3dont support drm, and people will realize they need to get away from it
02:51.57romainguy__umdk1d3: yeah right
02:52.06ttuttle<3 amazonMP3.
02:52.12umdk1d3also <3 amazonmp3
02:52.20gdsx<3 Shazam
02:52.23waldo_is away: auto-away
02:52.34languish<3 u all
02:52.37languish(except you)
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02:56.37pfft1Anyone have any idea about this error ... "Could not find AndroidMail.apk!"
02:56.52romainguy__when does this happen?
02:56.58romainguy__what do you do to see this?
02:57.02romainguy__how did you configure your IDE?
02:57.07pfft1I click ...
02:57.13romainguy__you click what?
02:57.31pfft1i click DebugAs Android application
02:57.35pfft1in eclipse
02:57.42romainguy__and what is the project you are trying to debug?
02:57.48pfft1I configured it to run the Email app
02:57.55romainguy__here you go
02:57.59pfft1its called AndroidMail
02:58.12romainguy__you cannot do it this way
02:58.13pfft1other apps run fine in the debugger
02:58.15BruteForcecan you un normal xapplications in android?
02:58.38romainguy__pfft1: and this one too
02:58.48romainguy__you are asking Eclipse to compile and deploy a new copy of the Email app
02:58.56romainguy__called AndroidMail.apk
02:59.00pfft1no i fails to launch the simulator and gives the error "Could not find AndroidMail.apk!"
02:59.09romainguy__that's what I just said
02:59.12romainguy__you cannot do this
02:59.24romainguy__there's already an Email application with the same package name
02:59.28pfft1romainguy_ yes, i thinks it's trying to deploy a new copy of the AndroidEmail app
02:59.29RyeBryeWhen I try to run the step: " repo init -u git://" I get this error:
02:59.44RyeBryeAny ideas what's wrong?
02:59.57pfft1but there is no email app in the simulator that I am aware of
03:00.20pfft1there is a "messages" app
03:00.25pfft1but no email app
03:00.45pfft1are they the same?
03:04.06BruteForceso can you disable killswitch?
03:04.28covalentbond_is the Market app going to be open sourced?
03:04.40covalentbond_assuming not, but wondering what the official answer is
03:04.42PoohbaLTBut that is what I need access too
03:04.53PoohbaLTI need access to my external memory card
03:05.18PoohbaLTI need to be able to send documents via email and things
03:05.47gdsxRyeBrye: err... I might be wrong
03:06.46gdsxRyeBrye: what if you do `rm -rf .repo` and then try again?
03:07.02pfft1RyeBrye, try running the init again ... do you get the same error?
03:07.14pfft1yes ... gdsx has a better suggestion
03:08.01pfft1anyone else have problems with repo sync ... i had to try it more than once :-)
03:09.22*** join/#android delinka (
03:09.38delinkahow long's it supposed to take to get Android sources for the first time?
03:09.57pfft1it took me over an hour
03:10.06delinkaI'm gettin' there
03:10.14pfft1i did not time it
03:10.23pfft1it a _lotta_ stuff
03:10.25delinkaI think I'll just sleep on it   :P
03:10.26gdsxdelinka: it's O(2GB)
03:10.39pfft1a whole linux kernel ... hmm
03:11.09delinkaplugs in DSL numbers, subtracts wife's torrenting ... carry the 17 ...
03:11.16pfft1he he
03:11.31pfft1$ du -s -k mydroid/
03:11.31pfft14056680 mydroid/
03:11.40pfft1that's after a make, though
03:11.41umdk1d3woa a wife who torrents...
03:11.56delinkais lazy ... -h instead of -k ? :-)
03:12.21pfft1$ du -s -h mydroid/
03:12.21pfft13.9G    mydroid/
03:12.34delinkashe's my lil pirate  ;-)
03:12.38pfft1again that's after the make
03:12.52pfft1which ... on my sad little box ... took about 35 minutes
03:13.09delinkaI think I'll time the make
03:13.23delinkadownloaded!  1.5GB
03:13.32*** join/#android AlekseyKorzun (
03:13.43AlekseyKorzunHey guys, how the hell do I CLOSE running programs?
03:13.53delinkapfft - forget the case-sensitive filesystem ... tomorrow I guess
03:14.25After_MathAlekseyKorzun, Im not sure but I think just going back to home shuts them off
03:14.33After_Mathor is there a way to close programs?
03:14.42AlekseyKorzunNo, when I use task thing it shows EVERYTHING is running
03:14.50AlekseyKorzunI tried doing just that it still in task lisk
03:14.56AlekseyKorzunwhich is... kinda crazy
03:16.02After_Mathanyone know how to exit apps,
03:16.16AlekseyKorzun"As of right now, you can't "Close" any apps.  The only things you can close are web windows.  The G1 automatically keeps 6 programs opened pretty much all the time unless you haven't opened that many since you booted the phone up. "
03:16.19AlekseyKorzun..meh FAIL
03:16.42gdsxAlekseyKorzun: switch to the program and then hit the back button until you get to the home screen
03:16.45After_Mathholy thats a major flaw
03:16.54AlekseyKorzungdsx, that doesnt work mate
03:16.58AlekseyKorzunit still remains running
03:17.07gdsxwell, it'll be GCed if needed
03:17.28AlekseyKorzunWhat's GCed?
03:18.35After_Mathwhere is that task thing at?
03:18.53gdsxAlekseyKorzun: if you want to understand more of what's going on, do `out/host/linux-x86/bin/adb logcat`
03:19.02waldo_is back (gone 00:26:38)
03:19.04plusminus_anyone using slidme already ?
03:19.14After_Mathwhats slideme
03:19.35AlekseyKorzungdsx, question
03:19.39AlekseyKorzun.. is there SSH client
03:19.43AlekseyKorzunand IRC
03:19.47After_Mathnot yet
03:21.02After_MathAlekseyKorzun, where is that task thing located, I cant seem to find it anymore
03:21.16AlekseyKorzunandroid market
03:21.24gdsxI don't see how someone could stand IRC on such a tiny screen
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03:21.32After_Math:) I remmber seeing it, I didnt dl it
03:21.40AlekseyKorzuni standed IRC on shittier screens :)
03:21.41After_MathIRC = IRC
03:22.04gdsxAfter_Math: IRC tends to be high-volume
03:22.24AlekseyKorzunscrollback :)
03:22.43gdsxAlekseyKorzun: yes, but what's the use if you're constantly looking at scrollback?
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03:23.20wastrelis there an offline webpage viewer?
03:23.29AlekseyKorzungdsx, not sure what your argument is. I used IRC on winmobile alot in past on tiny screens, can't see Android being much different
03:23.51gdsxAlekseyKorzun: my point is that I don't see how you could stand IRC on _any_ phone
03:23.57AlekseyKorzunWell I do :)
03:24.00gdsxI certainly wouldn't be able to :o)
03:24.08wastrelpeople irc from iphones, n8xx tablets
03:24.10AlekseyKorzuni'm ircing from Dash right now
03:24.16wastrelpeople are crazy and/or fast thumb typists
03:24.24AlekseyKorzunis lying
03:24.51AlekseyKorzunoh by the way, is there no on screen keyboard?
03:24.55wastrelis there an ebook reader yet?
03:24.59wastrelno, no onscreen keyboard.
03:25.05gdsxfor all you non-unicode folks :o)
03:25.10gdsxAlekseyKorzun: not yet; it's in the works
03:25.13wastrelis there a faq yet ? :]
03:26.14AlekseyKorzungdsx, i assume future updates will be a breath on platform and FREE
03:27.05gdsxAlekseyKorzun: "breath"?
03:27.17unix_infidelyou'll get a taste tomorrow
03:27.17AlekseyKorzunUncomplicated/require full OS flush
03:27.36AlekseyKorzunTommorows update is nothing major, Amazon MP3?
03:28.10snadgehas everyone seen the g1 rap song?
03:28.19snadgei clicked on it expecting it to be incredibly lame.. and its actually awesome
03:28.53snadgehas lyrics on the page too ;)
03:29.11snadgethey should just put that on TV as the ad
03:29.38snadgei'd be very interested to get the opinion of non techies who dont know a thing about android.. because its incredibly effective at getting the message accross
03:30.02waldo_is away: auto-away
03:30.22gdsxwaldo_: could you turn off your away announcer, please?
03:31.27wastrelcalled tmobile and the said my web may not be working because it can take up to 48 hours for my account activation to be complete
03:31.53RyeBryewastrel - can you call and such without the data plan being active?
03:31.58After_Mathwastrel, when did u get it
03:32.02wastrelthis morning.
03:32.08After_Mathhm what location
03:32.14After_Mathmy worked about a hour after i got it
03:32.20wastreli can take & make voice calls, some data works.
03:32.25wastrelgmail works
03:32.44RyeBryeDoes wifi work without the data plan activated? I'm in a non 3G area - so I'm not sure if I even want to sign up for the data plan...
03:32.56After_MathRyeBrye, you need to
03:33.09RyeBryeI had to order if off the web, and when I ordered it, they didn't make me activate the data plan. They just said "be sure to activate the data plan when oyu get it to get the full G1 effect" or something
03:33.09After_MathRyeBrye, and it should, theres a built in wifi card
03:33.23wastreli think wifi should work without a data plan
03:33.38After_MathRyeBrye, from what Ive heard you cant activate it without getting the data plan
03:34.01RyeBryeWhat part of it needs to be activated? I already have a SIM
03:34.06tmccraryAre there any projects working on any console emulators for android?
03:34.55After_MathRyeBrye, not sure, before I could even access the phone, you have to put in your gmail account, maybe at some point form there it checks to see if you have the data plan, and I dont think you can use the gmail without the plan
03:35.05RyeBryeHmm... Interesting.
03:35.18After_MathRyeBrye, no point to get the phone without the plan though
03:35.35RyeBryeAfter_Math - I have wireless everywhere I go, and EDGE chaffes my balls
03:35.52RyeBryebut yeah, I'll probably get the data plan anyway
03:35.53wastrelyou could get the monthly data plan and just cancel after the first month (maybe)
03:36.10RyeBryeYeah, I'm pretty sure that the data plan is a monthly add-on - it usually has been on every other device I own
03:36.23After_Mathwastrel, Ya, theres going to be a lot of unknowns for now untill there is some tried and true
03:36.38After_Maththis isnt any other device though
03:36.55RyeBryeIf I get them to unlock it, I can reflash the whole OS with a new one I build, can't I?
03:37.32RyeBryeI think I remember someone saying that unless the phone was unlocked, I couldn't reflash the OS
03:38.11After_Mathnot sure
03:38.11RyeBryeI've been with T-Mobile for 5 or 6 years and never missed a payment... etc. and haven't unlocked a phone in a couple of years with them so it shouldn't be a big deal to get them to give me the unlock code, from what I hear
03:38.16After_Mathbut im sure that would work
03:38.30After_MathI believe they have to
03:38.32*** join/#android romainguy__ (
03:38.33After_Mathafter 3 months
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03:38.56wastrelAfter_Math: you're a new tmobile customer?
03:38.58RyeBryeI think it's just 3 months per unlock code - so I should be able to get one right away since I've been with them so long
03:39.06RyeBryeanyone here gotten an unlock code yet?
03:39.07After_Mathwastrel, nope, been with them since 04
03:39.17wastrelAfter_Math: but you just added on the data plan
03:39.22After_Mathwastrel, yes
03:39.37After_Mathwastrel, I used to have one for my berry though
03:39.40wastrelmeh.  i want web to work
03:39.52After_Mathits so fast
03:39.57After_Mathat least where I am
03:39.57RyeBryeFor a while, T-zones was the best with blackberrys
03:39.58pfft1anyone else have problems with eclipse crashing?
03:40.07wastrelit doesn't work on edge or 3g
03:40.21RyeBryeuntil they started locking down ports - the $5.99 T-zones was just as good as the $20+ blackberry plan
03:40.31After_MathRyeBrye, shoot, I used to have my razor give me internet to my laptop from that wap thing, or that tzone network for 5 bucks :)
03:40.40BruteForcestill is in most areas
03:40.50After_Mathpfft1, how is it crashing
03:41.03pfft1when I run the simulator
03:41.04RyeBryeyeah - I tethered with the WAP for a while too
03:41.21After_Mathpfft1, did you download it from the website? or form a package manager?
03:41.39RyeBryeActually... I used to tether a Sony Clie to my SE T610 via bluetooth and browse the web to find geocaches while I used another handheld GPS unit
03:41.49RyeBryehaving all 3 functions in one device will be an improvement
03:41.50pfft1from the website
03:42.05pfft1After_Math: from the eclipse website
03:42.08After_Mathpfft1, so Eclipse is crashing the simulator? or when you run the simulator it is crashing?
03:42.11RyeBryeDoes the GPS on the G1's work better than the iPhone at least?
03:42.27pfft1After_Math: when I run the simulator it is crashing
03:42.37RyeBryeI kept asking before release day if I could use a bluetooth GPS with it likeyou can on just about any Windows Mobile or Symbian device
03:42.49pfft1After_Math: I should say ... when I debug as Android application with an app
03:43.00pfft1After_Math: it crashes
03:43.11BruteForcete gps on iphone is emulated
03:43.23RyeBryeOn the 3G's even?
03:43.24After_Mathpfft1,hmm have you checked the net for bugs? you might want to ask in #eclipse
03:43.24AlekseyKorzundamn tmobile 3g kinda sucks
03:43.27RyeBryeI thought it had an AGPS chip in it
03:43.29pfft1After_Math: it crashes before the sim window shows up
03:43.38BruteForceyes even 3g
03:43.44RyeBryebut hearing that it's all simulated doesn't surprise me - considering how badly the GPS on it sucks
03:43.48pfft1After_Math: hmm ok ...
03:43.55RyeBryethe G1 isn't simulated - it listens to actual satellites, right?
03:44.28BruteForceemulated and yes so does iphones, just means its not real gps hardware
03:44.29After_Mathpfft1, start the simulator first
03:45.14pfft1After_Math: how do i do that :-)
03:45.15After_Mathpfft1, do you have the simulator running before you debug or run the app?
03:45.24After_Mathpfft1, hehe, you have the sdk right?
03:45.40pfft1uh yes
03:45.40RyeBryeSo any chance that the G1 will work with an external bluetooth gps unit, or am I going to have to start 'contributing'?
03:45.45pfft1i've only ever run the simulator as I said
03:46.01plusminus_anyone also facing Market-problems ? (That it does not download apps)
03:46.04pfft1After_Math: it runs fine for other apps (like Hello WOlrd :-)
03:46.08After_Mathpfft1, uh well go into the tools dir  and run 'simulator'
03:46.19pfft1After_Math: ok ... loking now
03:46.32After_Mathpfft1, k, I would def have it running before trying out apps
03:46.33romainguythe GPS is not emulated on the G1
03:46.49RyeBryewhat chipset does the G1 GPS use?
03:46.58romainguyit does Assisted GPS to quickly get a coarse location
03:47.03pfft1After_Math: but wait that would be running it without debugging, right?
03:47.10romainguybut after you get a fix with the satellites, it works just like a normal GPS
03:47.18romainguy(which is why it doesn't work inside a building)
03:47.23pfft1After_Math: sure ... i could do that , but what would that help with?
03:47.33romainguy(which is also why it doesn't work very well if you are between very tall buildings, like downtown Manhattan :)
03:47.58RyeBryeyeah... That's why I was thinking a SiRF III would be nice - it gets good locks in urban canyons
03:48.01romainguyI personally had great experience with the GPS on the G1 in various place in California, Utah and Arizona
03:48.04After_Mathpfft1, no it shouldnt. Eclipse does the debugging not the emulator
03:48.18RyeBryeOh - that's right - romainguy - I think you were saying you had it working in Zion :)
03:48.30After_Mathpfft1, you should have the simulator before trying out apps, once you run them, it appears on the sim
03:48.41pfft1After_Math: btw its "emulator" not simulator under tools :-)
03:48.49After_Mathpfft1, :)
03:48.51pfft1After_Math: and it's running
03:48.53*** join/#android lewis (n=lewis@
03:48.55After_Mathnot try
03:49.01pfft1After_Math: it runs fine
03:49.03After_Mathshouldnt eclipse give you errors
03:49.14pfft1After_Math: but I want to debug an app  in eclipse now
03:49.17After_Mathwhat does, the app that was crashing it
03:49.20romainguyRyeBrye: it did work great in Zion, but the data connection... :))
03:49.23*** join/#android jt436 (n=jtomlins@
03:49.28RyeBryeI orderd my G1 today... but I still haven't gotten a confirmation email
03:49.36romainguyalthough I was very surprised by where I could get data connectivity
03:49.42romainguylike in Capitol Reef
03:50.00RyeBryeVerizon 3G is absolutely bonkers with reception in the middle of nowhere
03:50.11RyeBryeor EVDO rather
03:50.38RyeBryeIn the San Rafael Swell, my friends EVDO card had signal when none of our cell phones (T-mobile, Sprint, AT&T) had any signal at all - and Sprint's EVDO card had no signal either...
03:51.12RyeBrye... hmmm.... I wonder if the USB port could ever be used with an EVDO card ;)
03:51.51pfft1when i run the emulator from the tools directory ... why does it find an app that I built from my workspace in eclipse?
03:52.31pfft1which directories(?) is my app getting deployed to that the emulator is able to find it?
03:52.31After_Mathpfft1, maybe it already knows where to look
03:52.50gdsxpfft1: ~/.emulator or something like that
03:53.06gdsxpfft1: basically, it acts like a normal app, and puts stuff in a dot directory in your homedir
03:53.07pfft1After_Math: brilliant!@
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03:54.30waldo_is back (gone 00:24:29)
03:54.44pfft1After_Math: ~/.android :-)
03:54.54After_Mathpfft1, :)
03:56.12pfft1apparetly eclipse created a new ~/.android/SDK-1.0/userdata-qemu.img that contains information about "some" of the apps that I've been building under eclipse
03:56.39gdsxpfft1: it's not eclipse
03:56.43gdsxpfft1: it's the emulator
03:56.49pfft1and the emulator finds this userdata-qemu.img file ... does that sound right to everyone?
03:56.59gdsxpfft1: the emulator creates and uses that directory
03:57.09gdsxeclipse has nothing to do with it, other than running the emulator
03:57.17pfft1how did the emulator find my workspace directory then?
03:57.29gdsxpfft1: your workspace directory? huh?
03:57.44pfft1ok look ...
03:57.54pfft1if i kill eclipse
03:57.58pfft1... done ... killed
03:58.14romainguythe emulator doesn't look for Eclipse
03:58.22pfft1and run the emulator ...
03:58.30gdsxpfft1: the contents should be the same
03:58.42pfft1done ... ok emulator is running
03:59.06pfft1why does the emulator see projects that were built by eclipse?
03:59.16gdsxpfft1: "userdata_qemu.img"
03:59.29gdsxpfft1: the eclipse plugin installs the packages
03:59.39pfft1either eclipse deployed the app somewhere or the emulator found the apps ... which is it?
04:00.01gdsxpfft1: ok, let's take a step back
04:00.19gdsxpfft1: userdata-qemu.img is a filesystem image
04:00.59gdsxpfft1: the eclipse plugin installs packages that you create into the emulator (or a physical device) using adb
04:01.13gdsxpfft1: when it installs those packages, the application contents end up on the filesystem
04:01.23pfft1ok ... i see
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04:01.52pfft1so then ... maybe my problem is that eclipse is not installing one of my favorite packages
04:02.22pfft1because I only see on app from eclipse's projects
04:02.41gdsxpfft1: it's not eclipse's job to install any packages which aren't eclipse projects
04:02.55pfft1so the other app that I've been trying to get installed is not installing :-/
04:02.55gdsxpfft1: you can install them from the web-browser, or by using `adb install <foo.apk>`
04:03.22pfft1so the apk file is use to do the install
04:03.31gdsxpfft1: yes
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04:03.33pfft1:slaps: self
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04:03.58AlekseyKorzunis there password lock for android?
04:04.05AlekseyKorzunthe graph thing is way too weak
04:04.05pfft1anyway ... this package IS an eclipse project
04:04.06romainguyin the settings
04:04.17romainguythen no, just the graph thing
04:04.27romainguy(not that there are more combo with the graph than with a 4 digits password)
04:04.30waldo_is away: auto-away
04:04.42gdsxAlekseyKorzun: weak in what way?
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04:04.45pfft1gdsx: Thanks for the info
04:04.48gdsxpfft1: np
04:05.29pfft1gdsx: so how do i get eclipse (or something) to generate my apk file?
04:05.47romainguypfft1: the apk is generated when you build your application
04:05.47gdsxromainguy: ^^^?
04:06.06pfft1gdsx: my build did not generate it :-(
04:06.07romainguyin Eclipse I mean :)
04:06.25AlekseyKorzungd someone can trace one by one
04:06.33AlekseyKorzuntrial and error
04:06.46AlekseyKorzununless i make it trace 10123992319 dots which is crazy
04:06.46gdsxAlekseyKorzun: you can hit up to 9 dots
04:07.00gdsxAlekseyKorzun: and after 5 failed attempts, it starts doing a timeout
04:07.06gdsx(I presume there's backoff also)
04:07.10summatusmentisthird party devs aren't going to have access to kernel stuff, correct?
04:07.28summatusmentiss/aren't going to/don't/
04:07.37gdsxoh, god
04:07.40gdsxshoots infobot
04:07.51gdsxAlekseyKorzun: what is insecure about this locking mechanism?
04:08.10AlekseyKorzunLimited combinations
04:08.14AlekseyKorzunits 3*3
04:08.17AlekseyKorzunDotted board
04:08.24romainguyAlekseyKorzun: I told you
04:08.25AlekseyKorzunI prefer passphrase
04:08.26romainguywe counted
04:08.27gdsxAlekseyKorzun: you can chose any order of dots you want
04:08.29jastaAlekseyKorzun: don't forget you leave behind a smudge mark :)
04:08.33romainguythere are far more combinations what with a 4 digits password
04:08.37gdsxAlekseyKorzun: so you have 9! patterns
04:08.46gdsx(9! - 3!, to be specific)
04:09.00geistit's a bit more complex than that, but yeah
04:09.07romainguyjasta: only if you don't use the screen after unlocking :))
04:09.11geistsince some have 2 exits, some have 4
04:09.22geistcan you backtrack?
04:09.23AlekseyKorzunBut, I bet if you take some cases alot of humans will use same pattern
04:09.24gdsxgeist: true
04:09.27romainguygeist: no
04:09.29jastaromainguy: hehe, my gf guessed my unlock pattern easily.  in practice, that thing is no real measure of security.  but then, it isn't supposed to be.
04:09.30gdsxAlekseyKorzun: and?
04:09.33AlekseyKorzunBecause of convience i guess, but its true for passwords heh
04:09.36AlekseyKorzunmy argument fails
04:09.37geistso it's slightly more limited
04:09.37gdsxAlekseyKorzun: people choose stupid passwords also
04:09.43AlekseyKorzunOk ok
04:09.47romainguyjasta: right, but again, you can guess a pattern if you unlock and don't use the screen afterwards
04:09.48jastait's just a way to keep dweebs away from your phone if you leave it around.  it'll work for only a short while
04:09.48After_Mathhah just saw the first G1 commercial
04:09.54geistbut anyway, i suspect there are at least 10k tracing combinations as well
04:10.02romainguywe counted
04:10.07romainguythere are more combo than 4 digits password :p
04:10.16romainguygrmbl :p
04:10.20geistwhich is why i suspect there are at least 10k combinations
04:10.30romainguythere's way more than that :)
04:10.35geistinstinct tells me so, and someone has independently verified it
04:10.38jastaromainguy: i turned it off on my phone.  i just keep it in my pocket :)
04:10.38romainguyI should find our test
04:10.41romainguybut it was above 100k
04:11.01geistcorrect, and for the purposes if the argument it only has to be more than 10k to 'beat' the 4 digit thing
04:11.13jastaalso, the number of combinations doesn't matter much when you consider how unbelievably awkward most of them are to input
04:11.15jt436can someone with a  production G1 please msg me, I need to retest something from apps-for-android
04:11.30jastaso i'd bet 95% of folks who use it choose from the same set of maybe 10 patterns :)
04:11.41geistthat would be an interesting test
04:11.41romainguyjasta: which, really, is fine :)
04:11.55geistgoogle probably dumps them all in a database
04:12.01jastavarious positions and orientations of triangles going right up to the edges is what you'll see :)
04:12.01After_Mathjt436, what you need?
04:12.05romainguyno we don't keep your passwords :p
04:12.12geistsome day a bunch of google scientists will go over them, finding patterns
04:12.17summatusmentisgeist: that paranoid about it? read the source :)
04:12.22jastaromainguy: of course, because it's not really a password.  cell phone security should be thought of in terms of how likely you are to be pickpocketted.
04:12.28geisti dont care, as long as they did it anonymously
04:12.35romainguyjasta: actually most of the passwords I've seen were NOT that :)
04:12.38geistof course most folks would freak out, so meh
04:12.39jastaas in, if you're a buffoon that leaves your personal belongings around for people to take, ...
04:12.41romainguygeist: we don't
04:12.47geistyeah, I'm sure you dont
04:12.52TreyBromainguy: we don't care :-)
04:12.52geistafter all, you strive to not be evil
04:13.03romainguyjasta: yes, if somebody has physical access to your phone, the passlock doesn't really matter
04:13.13geistbut, Trey and I know a few of the androids, and they are all pretty shady folk
04:13.18romainguyespecially considering the sdcard is not protected at all for instance :))
04:13.22gdsxromainguy: well, to some extent
04:13.30romainguygeist: especially the ones called Brian
04:13.30TreyBEspecially that swetland dude.
04:13.35geistyeah, that swetland guy
04:13.42gdsxromainguy: if you hand someone a locked phone, they're not going to own it just by virtue of holding it
04:13.50gdsxif they can get it attached to a computer, though, then yeah
04:13.59geisttries to guess if he knows romainguy
04:14.13romainguygdsx: but you wouldn't hand a lockd phone to an untrusted person right? so your argument is totally moot
04:14.25pfft1Maybe this is why noe apk file is generated ... "Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: null "
04:14.32pfft1noe = no
04:14.41romainguygeist: you or swetland?
04:14.43gdsxromainguy: you wouldn't, no, but if someone finds your phone, it gives you time
04:14.52romainguygdsx: time for what?
04:15.01romainguyif someone finds my phone and walks away with it, then what?
04:15.01gdsx(not much time, depending on how malicious they are, but some time nonetheless)
04:15.02geistwell, if you're a android person, there's about a 50% chance i've worked with you
04:15.03TreyBRemote bricking.
04:15.10romainguygeist: I am an Android person
04:15.11gdsxromainguy: change password, for one
04:15.32romainguygdsx: I don't really care about that since they would still have all my contacts and all my offline Gmail emails
04:15.49geistif you were previously dragged through the Be and Danger codemines, then there's almost a 100% chance i've worked with ya
04:15.53gdsxaah, true.
04:16.14jbqwaves at geist
04:16.15gdsxgeist: I presume you know ahaberlacho then :o)
04:16.32geistoh that guy... roommates with him and swetland for a while
04:16.34romainguygeist: then no :) I'm too green to have gone through Be and Danger
04:16.45geistjbq: hey!
04:17.00gdsxgeist: heh :o)
04:17.01romainguyoh god
04:17.01jbqspeaking of roommates...
04:17.10romainguythis is like a gathering of Danger/Be people
04:17.11TreyBUh oh :-)
04:17.15romainguyfeels like the office :)
04:17.29TreyBNot *all* of us ended up at GOOG.
04:17.36jbqquick, someone rename the channel #beos like in the good old days...
04:17.38romainguythankfully :p
04:17.41jbqTreyB: ... yet
04:17.47geistyeah, I call android the great singularity that sucked in most of my old cow-orkers
04:17.53TreyBI tried.  They wouldn't let me work remotely.
04:17.54geisti managed to resist it's pull
04:17.59romainguyat least the Be/Palm people finally released a sucessful product :))
04:18.07geisthey, danger did!
04:18.11TreyBAboutn damn time, too.
04:18.19romainguygeist: that's why I wrote Be/Palm :))
04:18.39geistlooks down at the BeIA shirt he's currently wearing
04:18.43jbqdidn't go the Palm way, though.
04:18.47geist"we have the technology"
04:19.01geisti got pulled into the Apple way, did the iphone, then got the hell out
04:19.05TreyBI have lots of BeOS T-shirts, but no BeIA shirts, I think.
04:19.24danfuzzlooks down at the giant-squid-attacking-san-francisco t-shirt he's currently wearing
04:19.27geistTreyB: you didn't come to the september 28,2000 beia picnic i think
04:19.37TreyBNope :-(
04:19.38jbqI have the BeIA picnic shirt somewhere.
04:19.40romainguygeist: congratulations, quite a product you guys launched
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04:20.03TreyBromainguy: he works for the enemy now.
04:20.06geistromainguy: it was fun. still in an era where you can just sit down and bash out an operating system and a ui on top of it
04:20.16romainguyTreyB: which one? :)
04:20.30TreyBI'll let him out himself.
04:20.38geistwho me?
04:20.47danfuzzhey geist, i hear that Geiselbrecht Heavy Industries is working on a new-new kernel
04:20.53geistjbq: haiku. that thing self hosts!
04:21.17geisti am making inroads with swetland to take over android from the inside out
04:21.24jbqI've seen bga a few times
04:21.25pfft1Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: null
04:21.35danfuzzadd "--debug" to your dx commandline
04:21.42summatusmentishow much access to devs have to kernel?
04:21.49danfuzzit's trying hard to tell you it got a NullPointerException, almost certainly
04:21.53pfft1danfuzz: thanks
04:22.04danfuzzand it very well might be My Fault
04:22.13romainguydanfuzz: I definitely blame ListView though
04:22.15geistoh that danfuzz guy sure is swell
04:22.27PoohbaLTwhat's a good "where are you" program?  one that could be used to find the location of a BB user or WM user.  If they have the software
04:22.30pfft1danfuzz: but i'm not using the command line ...
04:22.32geistoh and what did you guys have to do to get dbort on the video?
04:22.32TreyBY'all didn't lift my ListView code, did you?
04:22.36geistis he drugged?
04:22.50romainguyTreyB: if I did, I hate you
04:22.54pfft1what would a normal command line be for building an andoroid app/package?
04:23.01jbqhe was just so sleepless he didn't realize what was going on.
04:23.05danfuzzpfft1: afraid i can't help, then... but surely there's an ant task or a something-or-other that passes arguments to dx
04:23.17danfuzzand surely that something-or-other can be asked nicely to add another one
04:23.32danfuzzor you can extract the commandline from it and paste it into a shell with mods
04:23.37danfuzzor something like that
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04:23.55pfft1danfuzz: there is no build.xml so i don't think "ant" will work ...
04:24.00TreyBromainguy: You'd have to have stolen the OutlineListView stuff from BeOS or PalmOS 6.  Otherwise blame someone else.
04:24.17geistyeah, i'm sure it was all done wonderfully in cobalt
04:24.24geisteverything else pales in comparison
04:24.34danfuzzthe commandline equiv would be something like "dx --dex --some-other-options-here directory/name/here"
04:24.42romainguyTreyB: I don't hate you then :)
04:24.45gdsxgeist: just to be sure, you didn't do the Tour de Cupcake, did you?
04:24.48pfft1danfuzz: "ant AndroidManifest.xml" maybe?
04:24.56geistnah, i have no idea what that even is
04:25.05danfuzzno, the manifest file isn't an ant build xml
04:25.12geistoh hah, yeah i heard about that though
04:25.15pfft1didn't think so
04:25.17geistbunch of folks at work did it
04:25.23pfft1so how do you build from the cli
04:25.23danfuzzmy apologies; i didn't work on the app build fu
04:25.27gdsxgeist: it was tons of fun
04:25.40geistalas i am still trapped in southbay
04:25.53gdsxgeist: I met a guy there who went to HS with dbort, and whose brother was a roommate with dbort in college,
04:26.01geistwhere Nothing Ever Happens
04:26.25danfuzzpfft1: i never build apps directly; i build the system en masse with "make"
04:26.40danfuzzhence my gaping lack of knowledge in this territory
04:26.43gdsxpfft1: try `mm`
04:27.02geistdanfuzz: you have come to rely on your tools so much you forgot how to build directly? Once the Cleansing happens,  you people will be the first to go
04:27.03gdsxI'm not sure if the OSS build system has that or not, but it's worth a try
04:27.12romainguygdsx: mm is only for our Makefile based apps, not for apps generated with Eclipse
04:27.20geistus that can build on the command line will survive, barely
04:27.40danfuzzgeist: pthtt.
04:27.41pfft1gdsx: ok ...
04:27.44gdsxromainguy: is pfft1 using eclipse? I didn't realize
04:27.56TreyBvim+scons forever!
04:28.11romainguygdsx: and he would have had to write his Makefile, which I doubt is the case
04:28.15After_Mathhow do I delete downloaded apps that havent been installed
04:28.25TreyBBut vim+ant works, too.
04:28.36ralphton the topic of building... is there a way to rebuild framework.jar and test it out without rebuilding the root image, etc.
04:28.44TreyBAnd screen.  We've got to have screen.
04:28.45gdsxAfter_Math: don't worry about it; it'll get taken care of
04:28.48romainguyralpht: yes
04:29.07gdsxAfter_Math: (downloads go to a cache partition that is cleared when needed)
04:29.12pfft1$ mm
04:29.12pfft1bash: mm: command not found :-(
04:29.13romainguyralpht: you can use make framework snod, then adb remount then adb shell stop, then adb sync, then adb shell start
04:29.28AlekseyKorzunpfft1, how did you get into bash?
04:29.29After_Mathgdsx, ah ok cool thanks
04:29.29geistif you shake your device enough the uninstalled apps will eventually make their way to the usb port and fall out
04:29.43geistyou have to open the little rubber door though
04:29.46ralphtcool, thanks romainguy
04:29.55romainguylet me find the alias I use
04:29.58pfft1gdsx: i was trying to use eclipse, but i get the error "Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: null"
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04:30.46pfft1gdsx: so now i'd like to just build it from the command line if I can
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04:31.19pfft1anyone know how to navigate to the "Email" app in the emulator?
04:31.20After_Mathgeist, haha!
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04:32.22After_Mathlemonadedrink, !!
04:32.34romainguyralpht: note that it will work only with the emulator, not a production G1
04:32.35pfft1Is the "Massaging" app in the emulator the same as the "Email" app under mydroid?
04:32.52lemonadedrinkAfter_Math: hi :)
04:33.01pfft1Massaging = mEssaging
04:33.02After_Mathlemonadedrink, get the phone?
04:33.16lemonadedrinkAfter_Math: nope heh
04:33.28lemonadedrinkAfter_Math: you?
04:33.34danfuzzsorry, i gotta head out, but should the dx problem not be resolved, please do go ahead and file a bug
04:33.36ralphtromainguy: there's no way to replace framework, etc on the G1, right? (except by submitting code back to android and having it be OTA'd some time much later...)
04:33.52pfft1anyone know how to navigate to the "Email" app in the emulator?
04:34.20romainguyralpht: private message
04:34.21tmccrarycool, in an hour I've almost gotten the MOS6502 processor architecture mapped into classes
04:34.34ChrisBrown1Hello. Novice question: How would I get my G1 to turn up in the "adb devices" list?
04:34.36pfft1tmccrary: good job!
04:34.54tmccrarythis is a lot easier than I thought it would be
04:34.59mmatticewhat all does the G1 act as over bluetooth?
04:36.40After_Mathlemonadedrink, ya its so awsome
04:36.46romainguyChrisBrown1: enabled USB debugging in Settings > Applications > Development
04:36.51After_Mathlemonadedrink, how do you not have the phone yet??!!!?!?!
04:37.02lemonadedrinkAfter_Math: teh monies
04:37.12pfft1does android have an email app?  is it in the emulator?
04:37.22ChrisBrown1romainguy, Thank you. I have done that. Also this is with Windows SDK and no emulator running.
04:37.25romainguypfft1: yes, no unless you build it from the source and install it
04:37.32romainguyChrisBrown1: you must install the USB drivers
04:37.36romainguy(for Windows 32bits only)
04:37.40After_Mathlemonadedrink, ah, I feel ya, my moms got it for me for xmas and bday :) haha and Im 23
04:37.41ChrisBrown1Ah... Where do I find the USB drivers
04:38.06lemonadedrinkAfter_Math: lucky :)
04:38.39pfft1romainguy: does the g1 have an email app?
04:38.53mmatticepfft1: I believe he said yes.
04:39.24plusminus_pfft1: yes it has and it works :)
04:39.33pfft1ahh ... i think the light is starting to come on ... slowly ... slowly
04:40.24romainguypfft1: yes
04:40.31pfft1lemme guess if it has been built in the mydroid directory here ... i will be able to deploy it with adb install Email.apk?
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04:42.31After_Mathlemonadedrink, dude I love it. Best phone ever made
04:42.52pfft1cool !
04:43.05pfft1$ adb install Email.apk
04:43.05pfft1error: device not found :-(
04:43.16lemonadedrinkAfter_Math: go on... :)
04:43.48ChrisBrown1romainguy, Do you have a link to, or guidance on finding, the Win32 USB drivers? And/Or same question on not finding the G1 from Linux in 'adb devices'?
04:44.07After_Mathlemonadedrink, hehe its sooo fast too, at least right now. I cant wait till the 3rd party market opens monday :) weeeee
04:44.42lemonadedrinkAfter_Math: sounds awesome. you written any apps?
04:45.06After_Mathlemonadedrink, na not yet, Im a newb with java.
04:45.21lemonadedrinkAfter_Math: yeah me too.
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04:46.24romainguyChrisBrown1: the Win32 driver is available at
04:47.23cbeustpft you need to enable USB in the settings
04:47.26cbeustthen you can see it with adb
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04:48.26pfft1so how do i "make" just one package instead of the entire ball of wax?
04:48.58pfft1cbeust: i'm just trying to do this in the emulator for right now ... no g1 yet ... thanks for the info though
04:49.04After_Mathok I downloaded and installed an ap, but I cant seem to find the icon or app anywhere?
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04:49.18ChrisBrown1romainguy, Thank you. I'd overlooked it the first time through... Link:
04:49.54mo0620romainguy:  are you working on any more cool apps for android?
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04:51.43pfft1error: device not found :-(
04:52.04romainguymo0620: given the reviews I get on Market, not really :))
04:52.11romainguybut I have another app I need to finish
04:52.25romainguythe book shelves thingie I showed in one of the Android YouTube videos
04:52.59pfft1romainguy: wow ... you are the bookshelves guy ... cool
04:53.45mo0620what do i search for to view the bookshelves app you talk about?
04:53.45romainguyI really want to Open Source it, there's some interesting patterns in the code
04:53.59f00f-what is this app you speak of romain?
04:54.07unix_infidelromainguy: url to bookshelf video?
04:54.09After_Mathseriously how do you install an App and not be able to launch it, there is no ICon
04:54.17romainguymo0620: f00f- : unix_infidel :
04:54.26romainguyAfter_Math: ?
04:54.47f00f-hahaha dude
04:54.52f00f-romain is that your desktop?
04:54.54f00f-2 screens?!
04:55.00RyeBryeThere was this really cool app on my Sony Ericson P990 - it would use the camera to snap an image of a business card, and it would OCR and auto-parse the card and generate a contact from it
04:55.12romainguyf00f-: lol no
04:55.21romainguyf00f-: but I do have 2 screens (30" + 24")
04:55.42After_Mathromainguy, I downloaded an app installed it but no icon for it?
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04:55.50romainguywhich app?
04:56.21RyeBryeSomeone needs to build that for Android :) - I'd volunteer, but I'm no OCR expert and I don't know of any good OCR engines for java. I also think that offloading the OCR to a webserver is cheating
04:56.24f00f-romain, you're my hero
04:56.36f00f-this is the first time i've seen/heard you
04:56.47mo0620bookshelves looks cool
04:56.54AlekseyKorzunAlarm doesn't sound if phone is set to silent??
04:56.58After_Mathromainguy, its a third party app off the web but here
04:57.17romainguyAlekseyKorzun: I believe it does actually
04:57.18umdk1d3RyeBrye: the barcode app in market decodes 2d barcodes that have contact info embedded
04:57.27pfft1adb install out/target/product/generic/system/app/Email.apk
04:57.28pfft1error: device not found
04:57.29ChrisBrown1It wouldn't be very silent otherwise. :-)
04:57.35romainguyAfter_Math: oh, I don't know anything about non-Market apps, sorry
04:57.48After_Mathromainguy, how might I uninstall them then?
04:57.59romainguyAfter_Math: Settings > Applications > Manage Applications
04:58.20After_Mathromainguy, its not even in there :/
04:58.21RyeBryeumdk1d3 - that's not bad... but I'm talking about real OCR of just printed text... like a normal business card. I'm positive it can be done and it can be done well on a cell phone processor since I've seen it done before - I'm just not positive if  > I < can be the one to make it happen since I'm not an OCR genius :)
04:58.27unix_infidelromainguy: very cool app.  love to see amazon book integration.
04:58.32romainguyAfter_Math: look for a package bane
04:58.41romainguyunix_infidel: I have two versions of the app actually
04:58.47RyeBryeromainguy - that app reminds me a lot of delicious library for the mac - have you seen that app?
04:58.54romainguyunix_infidel: one that uses Amazon and one that uses Google Books Search
04:58.58After_Mathromainguy, sorry to be ignorant, but Im not sure what you mean.
04:58.59romainguybut the amazon version violates the ToS :)
04:59.14romainguyRyeBrye: I've been using Delicious Library since the betas of 1.0 :))
04:59.21RyeBryeromainguy  - Ah... I see the inspiration :)
04:59.26romainguydefinitely :))
04:59.28RyeBryeYeah, I like how it uses the iSight to scan barcodes
04:59.37mo0620After_Math: you can uninstall an app by going into the App market, then go to downloads, from there you may uninstall
04:59.45romainguymy app can actually import data exported from Delicious
04:59.51RyeBryeRomainguy - nice :)
04:59.53romainguythat's how I filled the list of books
05:00.02RyeBryeromainguy - did you write your own barcode scanning library, or is there a good one out there you tied into?
05:00.17*** part/#android hakr (n=bryan@unaffiliated/hakr)
05:00.19romainguyoh no
05:00.20After_Mathmo0620, oh ok thanks
05:00.24romainguyI used the Barcode Scanner app
05:00.31romainguyI just send the intent SCAN and it does the work for me :))
05:00.37RyeBryeoh, gotcha. Cool.
05:00.40romainguythat's what the video is about
05:00.51romainguysimilarly, my Photostream app uses the RADAR Intent that Mike wrote for his Panoramio app
05:00.54RyeBryehas a short attention span and just skipped to where he saw the action taking place
05:01.12After_Mathmo0620, the apps that werent installed from the market arent in there
05:01.18pfft1is there an ANDROID_HOME env that I'm missing?
05:01.31romainguyAfter_Math: the app you installed might have a weird name like com.stuff.constitution
05:01.39unix_infidelromainguy: curse you and your fr I have to clear out cookies!
05:01.55RyeBryeIs there some kind of package manager for intents? Like if you try to install an application that uses intents that no applications provide functionlity for... does it say "hey, download this" or does it fetch depenencies automatically, or does it just error out?
05:01.57After_Mathromainguy, Ive combed through my phone completely :(
05:02.08romainguyunix_infidel: lol sorry, I don't know why YouTube always sends me to the fr subdomain
05:02.14romainguyAfter_Math: then it's not installed :)
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05:02.43After_Mathromainguy, hm, i installed it..
05:02.44romainguyRyeBrye: an exception will be thrown, it's up to the app to manage it
05:02.45unix_infidelromainguy: maybe because you're in france?
05:02.51romainguyunix_infidel: but I'm not
05:02.59After_Mathromainguy, is it possible it could be malicous and hiding?
05:03.03unix_infidelromainguy: yea tim orielly was tweeting about this earlier.
05:03.04romainguyAfter_Math: no :)
05:03.10DarkriftXthis channel sure is picking up
05:03.17After_Mathromainguy, sorry to ask but why not?
05:03.20unix_infidelgoogle DOESNT recognize his US cookies when he's abaroad.
05:03.30fadden0"Total of 215 nicks"
05:03.36fadden0Yes, we're up a bit. :-)
05:03.41romainguyAfter_Math: because if it is installed, it shows up in the package manager
05:03.42DarkriftXyes, i think it was like 150 a week ago
05:03.50romainguyAfter_Math: which leads me to believe that it didn't install
05:03.52DarkriftXlets shoot for 500
05:04.01After_Mathromainguy, ok Ill take your word for it :)
05:04.08DarkriftXmore users = more ppl who get interested in developing = more good stuff for android :)
05:04.09romainguyAfter_Math: you can run adb uninstall com.darkdesign.constitution to uninstall it
05:04.15plusminus_Does Android support ICQ ?
05:04.25plusminus_through AIM ??
05:04.25RyeBryeromainguy (or anyone else): Is it possible to determine form an application which intents it will use or which intents it provides? some kind of "intents reflection"? I can imagine using such information and building a database of it would make it relatively easy to provide an intelligent "intents manger" kind of application that would give you options to fully configure different apps
05:04.31romainguyAfter_Math: I checked the source code, it should have a normal name if installed
05:04.33unix_infidelDarkriftX: meh, there has to be an incentive, so great paid apps are just an extension of great free apps.
05:04.34After_Mathromainguy, from the phone?
05:04.44DarkriftXplusminus_, i saw an app that had icq support but it didnt work
05:04.45pfft1adb install out/target/product/generic/system/app/Email.apkerror: device not found
05:04.45romainguyAfter_Math: from your computer :(
05:04.50romainguyRyeBrye: no, but we are thinking about it
05:04.55After_Mathromainguy, ok maybe it didnt install then, i will try to install again thanks for helping me,I was a bit scared,lol
05:05.05After_Mathromainguy, hm
05:05.08DarkriftXunix_infidel, there are great free apps for linux that dont have paid counterparts
05:05.17romainguyRyeBrye: we would like the manifest to declare the intents the app understands
05:05.25RyeBryeromainguy - is there some kind of manifest where intents could just be listed - and things could declare their dependenies ala OSGI ?
05:05.28lewisAnyone have worked on Android for OM Freerunner? I have Debian installed and to support Andriod apps
05:05.37romainguyRyeBrye: not yet, again, we're thinking about it
05:05.39RyeBryeyeah, manifest makes the most sense to me too
05:05.42DarkriftXit can and will happen for android also, and im sure there will be lots of paid apps too, just gives more choice for hte user
05:05.59pfft1adb install out/target/product/generic/system/app/Email.apk
05:05.59pfft1error: device not found
05:06.15RyeBryeNo problem - probably not a launch day priority - but an intent package manager would be pretty cool once there starts to be a need for that kind of thing
05:06.40After_Mathromainguy, jesus, it says install unsuccessful god!! im so blind
05:06.56romainguyRyeBrye: actually we would even like to let you define your intents dependencies at the market level
05:06.59RyeBryeI'm guessing that there aren't any advanced bytecode scanning or manipulating apps... no CGLIB for Dalvik, or anything, right?
05:07.09romainguynot from your app :)
05:07.19romainguyask that to fadden or danfuzz :)
05:07.54unix_infideldid dan release his business card app yet?
05:08.21fadden0The Dalvik specs just got released two days ago.  Stuff will happen in time.
05:08.42romainguyfadden0: what about a JIT?
05:08.45romainguyducks and covers
05:09.12fadden0romainguy: I'm so entering you on the TSA watch list.
05:09.24romainguyI'm probably already on it
05:09.32RyeBryeI'm going to port HotSpot to Dalvik ;)
05:09.43covalentbond_maybe i'm missing it, but is there a tool to unpack an apk?
05:09.51romainguyit's called unzip
05:10.28*** join/#android arubin (
05:10.38romainguyhey Andy :)
05:10.51fadden0What are the odds? :-)
05:10.57arubinhey romain
05:10.58RyeBryeI was so sad that 1: T-mobile stores in Utah don't carry the G1 (not in a 3G area) - and 2: after I ordered it online this morning... I STILL haven't gotten any confirmation email from them :(
05:11.16romainguyfadden0: management surprises me every day on this team :)
05:11.25gdsxarubin: hey
05:11.45f00f-oh wow
05:12.54RyeBryeJust out of curiosity - how well do java applications port over to Android, and what's the most complicated application someone's seen ported (not for usability sake - just for a "hmm... wonder if I can do this... sake") - anything on the scale of Tomcat or Hibernate, or any of the big projects?
05:13.16romainguyRyeBrye: Jetty was ported
05:13.20romainguyit's a servlet container
05:13.25RyeBryeYeah, Jetty was the next one I was going to ask about
05:13.26romainguyOSGi was ported too
05:13.39ChrisBrown1RyeBrye I got mine here in Utah... by mail.
05:13.53romainguybut any app with a lot of GUI code or with bytecode manipulation will not port well :)
05:14.16lewisthank you
05:14.17mo0620arubin:  are you the Director of Mobile Platforms at Google or is your name just arubin?
05:14.18fadden0e.g. Jython
05:14.20RyeBryeYeah, I didn't think Hibernate woudl do it. I wonder if parts of the Spring Framework woudl work
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05:14.43romainguyRyeBrye: you know, these frameworks are a bit large for a phone
05:14.53RyeBryeYes, of course - I'd never build an app using them on the phone
05:14.57pfft1cool i got the email app running in the emulator works great!
05:15.07RyeBryeThe inner geek in me just likes seeing strange combinations of tech
05:15.12pfft1it supports IMAP out of the box ... amazing!
05:15.13mavi like my g1
05:15.17greendroidmo0620:  both!
05:15.25pfft1who did the Email app? anyone here?
05:15.37romainguyI'm the unofficial maintainer though
05:15.47romainguy(I still wonder why :)
05:15.52jastaromainguy: really?  i'm gonna take a crack at IMAP IDLE support this weekend
05:15.53mavunoffically maintain me some exchange support
05:16.02pfft1romainguy: great job of maintaining, if i do say so myself ... nice app
05:16.20romainguyjasta: feel free, I will certainly not do it
05:16.26mo0620romainguy: working with google sounds fun
05:16.29jastai knew google wouldn't :)
05:16.35romainguyGoogle would
05:16.40pfft1jasta: are you planning on modifiying the Email app?
05:16.44jastaromainguy: does the Email app currently build clean and install onto the emulator?
05:16.51romainguyjasta: yes
05:16.53romainguyeverything does
05:17.00jastaexcellent, then i'll bang that out this weekend for sur e:)
05:17.01romainguyyou guys have the same source and tools we use internally
05:17.12RyeBryecool... even the baseband stuff! ;)
05:17.13pfft1jasta: i just built it and installed it
05:17.25pfft1runs great in the emulator
05:17.44mo0620romainguy:  do you know any details for the OTA update coming in tomorrow
05:17.55*** part/#android arubin (
05:17.55romainguyI know nothing about an OTA tomorrow
05:17.59umdk1d3hmm arubin might be legit--etheric appears to be a fancy bay-area network provider, and he has a static ip
05:18.01mo0620oh i see
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05:18.10_avatari think the update tomorrow fixes an amazonmp3 bug
05:18.12_avatarhangs his head in shame
05:18.33pfft1jasta: have you done any other android apps?
05:18.37mo0620ugh i dont even use amazon,hopefully there will be other bug fixes
05:18.39jastapfft1: hehe, uhh, yes.
05:18.52pfft1jasta: cool which one(s)?
05:18.56RyeBryeumdk1d3 - did you nmap him and figure out what ports he has opened to fingerprint his OS yet ;)
05:19.02NiZoXcan we update the g1 via usb?
05:19.09jastapfft1:, mainly.
05:19.09umdk1d3RyeBrye: lol already tried, its closed tight
05:19.16umdk1d3greps logs
05:19.35RyeBryeHmm... scan his neighbors then ;)
05:19.59RyeBryerealizes he needs to probably zip up his local firewall a bit more...
05:20.11pfft1jasta: nice!
05:20.39RyeBryeIs there an IRC client for Android yet?
05:20.45covalentbond_romainguy: are you guys using Protocol Buffers in any of the Android apps?
05:20.52jastapfft1: if you're feeling adventurous, you can build it yourself.  the INSTALL file is up-to-date.
05:20.52unix_infideljasta: releasing it as free?
05:20.56romainguycovalentbond_: no idea
05:21.05jastaunix_infidel: it's GPL.
05:21.28unix_infidelwhoops, I should probably the words on my screen now and again.
05:21.32gdsxcovalendbond: covalend?
05:21.44covalendbondthat's late-night fat fingering
05:21.49After_MathIf I downloaded a source code for a app, do I just put that in my tools directory and 'ant sourcedir' ?
05:22.07NiZoXit's a client for inspircd
05:22.09pfft1jasta: how long have you been running five on a device?
05:22.09umdk1d3RyeBrye: speaking of irc client
05:22.25umdk1d3RyeBrye: i think they designed the IM client to be plugin-based
05:22.32umdk1d3not sure if irc would fit easily into that paradigm
05:22.42gdsxNiZoX: a client for a specific ircd?
05:22.59gdsxwhat makes that ircd different?
05:23.03_avataranyone know if there's an easy way to change the shadow color of a ListView? the part that is drawn to indicate there are items off screen?
05:23.03NiZoXircd is customized to enable GPS positionning
05:23.16RyeBryeA DCC pluging on the Android IRC maybe for the wArEz pups out there?
05:23.32gdsxNiZoX: err... as part of USER or something?
05:23.46RyeBryeinvisions an annoying auto-announcer that someone writes that posts updates such as "RyeBrye: Moved 3 meters north"
05:23.48umdk1d3lol @ dcc-serving phone
05:24.17RyeBryeI think the LAST thing in the world I'd ever want is people on IRC knowing my location to within 3 meters
05:24.27RyeBryeWell... maybe the next to last thing
05:24.36romainguyand GPS drains the battery :)
05:24.37tmccrarywell I have some bad news for you
05:24.44*** part/#android lewis (n=lewis@
05:24.44umdk1d3ooh has anyone checked to see if the gps in G1 has altitude?
05:24.59gdsxumdk1d3: it does
05:26.01RyeBryeAny chance the GPS on the G1 is designed for producing navigation results above 60,000 feet altitude and at 1,000 knots velocity or greater?
05:26.04RyeBryeNo reason... ;)
05:26.07unix_infidelenvisions an app where unix_infidel sneaks up on umdk1d3 while debugging and the phone measures his z-axis velocity.
05:26.56RyeBryeHow low-level can you get with the USB if you want to go nuts? For instance... could I hijack the USB and make the thing identify itself as a USB HID device and use the dinky keyboard on the thing as a USB keyboard?
05:27.12umdk1d3ooh excellent question
05:27.14RyeBryewould do all his code that way. It would rule.
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05:27.32umdk1d3also, would it be possible to turn the G1 into a usb host instead of client?
05:27.38romainguyumdk1d3: no
05:27.46RyeBryeUSB Host isn't in the chipset?
05:27.49umdk1d3it seems like its just a kernel usb stac right?
05:28.03romainguymy understanding is that there's a missing hardware part
05:28.06RyeBryeI think USB host is typically a feature of the CPU or something
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05:28.12umdk1d3there would be /tons/ of fun to hack if that was possible  :/
05:28.14RyeBryeor maybe not CPu
05:28.18romainguyotherwise I would have hooked up my Xbox 360 controller already to play Quake :))
05:28.21umdk1d3usb chipset maybe
05:28.29After_MathCan someone tell me how to get the Build.xml file created from a downloaded source?
05:28.40RyeBryeOpenMoko's FreeRunner can act as a USB Host
05:30.13RyeBryeRomainguy - get hacking on the bluetooth support so you can use a Wii controller with it then :)
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05:30.23romainguyRyeBrye: or the PS3 controller
05:31.02BHSPitMonkeyRyeBrye, you know, I actually bet it won't be long before we start seeing that.
05:31.26tmztBHSPitMonkey: hi
05:31.26BHSPitMonkeyConsidering how commonplace Wiimote+PC bonding has become
05:31.28RyeBryeIs the bluetooth stack complete enough to support all the crazy device profiles?
05:31.36BHSPitMonkeytmzt, hola
05:31.52tmztps3 is special, pairing is weird
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05:32.00tmztbut bluez should support it now
05:32.04unix_infideloh man, tells me I shouldnt buy the G1 :-(
05:32.14RyeBryeporting Bluez -> Android would be an epic win
05:32.16BHSPitMonkeypushes unix_infidel down the stairs
05:32.49unix_infidelsomehow forgets to add BHSPitMonkey to the manifest....
05:34.18RyeBryeUsing a bluetooth keyboard with the G1 would be pretty sweet.
05:34.19tmztRyeBrye: have you looked at android.git.kernel, they might be using it now
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05:34.34BHSPitMonkeyThere's enough dealbreakers for me to not consider a G1, but I know there will be more, better models to come along with android
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05:35.14RyeBryeI might code up a few apps and see if I can make a couple of bucks on the G1 so pay for the next one that comes out that I like better
05:35.38After_MathI guess the G1 cant download from rapidshare
05:35.48tmztit doesn't support http???
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05:36.12romainguyhey Dianne :)
05:42.34BHSPitMonkeyI can relate;  I can't download from rapidshare, either
05:42.44BHSPitMonkey(Just in general, I can't stand doing it.)
05:45.01RyeBryeDoes the h264 playback on the G4 playback mp4 files encoded for ipods?
05:46.44tmztoh, the bunnies thing?
05:47.53pfft1i'm so glad that android is sooo linux centric out of the box
05:48.07pfft1this is really a FIRST for the cell phone industry ... in soo many ways
05:48.09languishoh shit
05:48.19languishnuther idea for an app
05:48.27pfft1languish: LOL
05:49.37RyeBryeFor the Google android Mac OSX page - it says you need to have a Case-Sensitive HFS+ journaled drive - but the problem is that many apps don't function on HFS+ case-sensitive drives - like the adobe creative suite or other things.... it should mention the option of creating a sparse HFS+ case sensitive disk image and mounting and using that for the android building - since it'd be a lot better than reformatting a hard drive or creating a new
05:49.55languishan local network voip app that when enabled, sets up an "available" flag, and searches for other local available flags.. then uses the camera button like a push to talk/walkie talkie
05:50.13romainguyRyeBrye: that's actually what we all do, we use disk images
05:50.18languishjust for like.. chatting with someone in the next room
05:50.19romainguybut yeah, the page should mention it
05:50.26languishinstead of yelling through the house
05:50.30romainguyunfortunately disk images are also slower
05:50.40romainguyon such a huge source base, you can tell the difference
05:50.47romainguyso if you can spare a drive or partition... :)
05:51.13gdsxRyeBrye: there are apps that don't run on case-sensitive filesystems? wow
05:51.24RyeBryeYeah. I found that out the hard way
05:51.38RyeBryeTry to install Adobe CS3 on a case sensitive drive and it wont even open the installer
05:51.54RyeBryeyou can force it to try to install, but it's too stupid to run
05:52.00romainguyAdobe tools were never developed on case-sensitive systems so that's not very surprising :))
05:52.10*** part/#android pfft1 (
05:52.32RyeBryeWell.... never say never - There WAS a photoshop built for UNIX
05:52.45languishcalled gimp
05:52.59romainguyRyeBrye: oh yes indeed
05:53.03romainguywow :)
05:53.05RyeBryeIt was way expensive
05:53.31romainguy$995 is the price of Photoshop CS4 Extended edition :)
05:54.01RyeBryeTrue, but that's the reduced price of the UNIX version - it was a lot more than the other platforms at the time
05:54.32RyeBrye"We depend on Adobe Photoshop software to produce great images for Tony La Russa Baseball 3 and our other games"
05:54.47tmztunix, not just OSX?
05:54.54RyeBryeYeah, real full on unix - in 1995
05:54.58RyeBryeand probably earlier
05:55.08RyeBryelike SGI Indy's and stuff
05:55.29RyeBryeor maybe just the SPARCs
05:57.28tmztoh, you mean that is less than the old unix version? too hopeful
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06:06.55jastahow in the heck do i get at the SD card slot on this thing
06:07.05RyeBryeI used a chainsaw on mine
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06:07.10RyeBryeoh... wait... I don't have mine yet :(
06:07.11romainguyjasta: ?
06:07.20jastaromainguy: where is the SD card? :)
06:07.33romainguyunder the green key
06:07.35romainguyopen the keyboard
06:07.47romainguyon the right side of the keyboard you'll see a little trap door
06:07.50jastaoh yeah :)(
06:07.57jastathats well obscured
06:07.58romainguyor you could read your manual :))
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06:17.44jastaromainguy: you said you bought an 8GB SanDisk card?  is it class 4?
06:18.42romainguyI also have a 8GB class 2
06:18.50romainguyand the class 2 is fast enough for everything I do
06:18.59RyeBryeromainguy - how big of a disk image do you use for your androind build stuff?
06:19.00romainguy(I have loaded 6 GB of music and 1 GB of photos on both cards)
06:19.17jastawhat is the included storage card, do you know?
06:19.35romainguyRyeBrye: let me check
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06:19.42romainguyjasta: it doesnt' say?
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06:19.58RyeBryeromainguy - I set up an 8GB one, should that be enough you think?
06:20.04romainguyRyeBrye: barely :)
06:20.14RyeBryeOk, I might grow it later
06:20.24romainguyI use a 20 GB disk image
06:20.38romainguybut I have 4 copies of the source tree
06:20.54romainguyI have about 13 GB of source+binaries in the image
06:21.11rcjsuenIs the ADT source code in git?
06:21.22jastaromainguy: doesnt seem to
06:21.28jastabut there is very tiny writing on it i cant read
06:21.57languishthe bottom text says made in china
06:22.13languishican't make out the line above it
06:22.27languishand too lazy to look for digicam or mag glass
06:22.31romainguyjasta: it's probably a cheap card, so a class 2 or class 4
06:22.43languishit's a sandisk
06:22.55languishat least it's got a brand lol
06:23.24philswbut is it genuine sandisk :)
06:23.58languishbetter question is, how does it taste?
06:24.07languishmuncha cruncha
06:24.15languishlike wheaties :/
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06:30.19mo0620is there a way to make a wallpaper that was downloaded to go into the wallpaper gallery folder so i do not have to crop the wallpaper?
06:31.36romainguymo0620: no
06:31.40romainguyand you can resize the crop area
06:32.03romainguyif the downloaded wallpaper is 640x480, then you can select the entire picture
06:32.07mo0620really, how do i resize the crop area
06:32.14romainguydrag the edges
06:32.16romainguyor the corners
06:32.21mo0620oh crap im stupid
06:32.41mo0620lol it worked
06:33.03mo0620i always thought im forced to use that crop size
06:33.06mo0620i was like wtf
06:33.15romainguyhey we're not totally dumb :)
06:33.29romainguybut yeah, maybe we should show the icons always on the edges
06:33.44romainguysame goes when you create pictures frame on the Home screen btw
06:33.49romainguyyou can select any area you want
06:33.57romainguythe only thing you cannot change when cropping is the ratio
06:34.12mo0620ya there are a lot of little tips and tricks for this g1, i just learned that you have to create a folder called ringtones in order for it to appear in the ringtone selection
06:34.35mo0620i think when the memory card is formatted it should already create those folders
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06:35.40RyeBryewhat filesystems does it support on the memory cards?
06:35.51RyeBryeI want XFS straight up! ;)
06:39.48gdsxRyeBrye: FAT16 and FAT32
06:39.55gdsxRyeBrye: basically, it's the GCD of the big 3 platforms (would be nice of OS X supported NTFS, but oh well)
06:40.15deebontfs is closed so..
06:40.16RyeBryeNTFS? Yuck.
06:40.34RyeBryeAnd OSX supports NTFS as well as Linux does - using FUSE
06:41.25philswhas anyone won the race to port android to another platform yet?
06:41.35philswor device, even
06:42.54RyeBryenot that I know of - but I know people are working on porting it to the Neo FreeRuner - but I think the lack of a software keyboard might be a bit of a deal breaker for usability for the time being
06:43.31deeboanyone have any idea when android hardware is surfacing in europe
06:43.37deebog1 was release in the us recently wasnt it?
06:43.39mo0620i really hope a virtual keyboard comes out for quick text messages.
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06:43.59gdsxRyeBrye: Linux supports non-FUSE NTFS
06:45.01gdsxRyeBrye: though admittedly I didn't realize that ntfs-3g used fuse
06:45.11RyeBryegdsx - yeah, but... ntfs-3g is fuse :P
06:45.14RyeBryeoops - you beat me to it :)
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06:45.42RyeBryeMac OSX had read support for NTFS out of the box
06:45.48gdsxRyeBrye: but NTFS would be a big step up from FAT
06:46.03deebontfs would be a step up
06:46.08deeboZFS would bea big step :)
06:46.13gdsxI think there's some inter-server lag somewhere
06:46.45RyeBryeZFS would be pretty sweet - but I don't know how long it will be until the petabyte micro-SD cards come out
06:46.50RyeBryeprobably at least another year or two ;)
06:47.32gdsxI wish ZFS weren't userspace
06:47.55RyeBrye.... I guess the reality is... FUSE on Android would be awesome :)
06:48.03RyeBryesshfs would be pretty nice
06:48.40RyeBryeif 3G were reliable.... just sshfs mount your music directory of your home server... :)
06:48.51gdsxRyeBrye: it'd be a mixed bag.  sshfs chokes pretty horribly when the connection has hickups
06:49.09RyeBryeYeah, I'd probably only want to use something like that in a WiFi area
06:50.05RyeBryeI've not played with sshfs much on crappy connections - but I know SSH itself is pretty robust for bad networks - like I've pulled out the network cable accidently before and plugged it back in a minute or two later and my session wasn't interupted
06:50.17waldo_is back (gone 02:45:47)
06:50.21RyeBrye(it was to another machine in my local LAN - so that may have played a big part of it)
06:51.01gdsxRyeBrye: it works, but it pauses for a while until TCP gets its head back on straight
06:51.49mo0620we need openssh on android so we can skin the phone and customize it!
06:52.10gdsxRyeBrye: if you're not sending data over the wire when it has issues, then your fine.  if you are (for instance, my irssi counts seconds), then it can take a pretty long while
06:52.27RyeBryethat makes sense
06:53.10gdsxmo0620: openssh is pretty big; 800kB for ssh and sshd
06:53.26gdsxand you'd need to create keys somehow, also, and all that other stuff
06:54.22mo0620or at least a way to view/change files on the actual phone not just memory card
06:54.46outbriberwhat kind of built in memory does the g1 have? does it support sdhc?
06:54.57mo0620it does support sdhc
06:55.03mo0620i think it has 256mb onboard
06:56.43philswthey're not doing too badly
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07:01.04languishoutbriber, microSDHC
07:02.22outbriberI actually didn't know that existed..
07:03.24languishyeah.. t-mobile printed "SD card" many places, and plenty of people went and bought SD cards instead of microSD cards
07:03.32languishoutbriber  here are the specs
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07:09.42gdsxlanguish, outbriber: note that it does work with 16GB micro-SD cards
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07:10.11languishyep, and if 32GB ever come, may work with them as well
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07:13.03coder1hey guys, i need a little direction.  i have an arraylist of objects that i want to populate a view table with, but i can't find good info on how to dynamically create the table as i loop through the array list.  any links in mind for me?
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07:16.45languishWOOHOO! PAC-MAN WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07:18.31languishand the Video Player's available in the Market!!!!!!!!!!!1
07:18.40languishNow we're gettin somewhere baby
07:18.59languishgoogle elves workin into the wee hours 'eh
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07:25.46RyeBryeHey - does the Video Player play back h264 stuff encoded for the iPhone?
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07:30.00rupeshmghi is anyone able to successfully compile android source code from their repository?
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07:32.02rupeshmganybody there?
07:32.28anno^da_Could someone tell me how frequently the app Locale is updating the position of the device? (does it drain down the battery life very much? )
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07:33.21DarkriftXlanguish, is there a way to get apk's from the market?
07:33.46rupeshmg hi is anyone able to successfully compile android source code from their repository?
07:34.02philswcan you use the market on the emulator?
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07:34.23covalentbond_philsw: i have the same question
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07:35.29Rawplayerwelcome all!!!
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07:37.11philswcovalentbond_: doesn't look like it
07:37.31philswi like how the webpage tells us to get a device and start working on it
07:37.37philswpity the device isn't available outside the US!
07:38.08covalentbond_philsw: i've got the app off of the phone, but the filesystem on the emulator is read only
07:38.24DarkriftXgive it time
07:39.00philswif android is ported to another device, will the android market be available on that?
07:39.35DarkriftXshould be
07:39.42DarkriftXthe market is not g1 specific
07:39.51rupeshmganyone from android tech. team here?
07:40.23DarkriftXfrom what i read the apps shown will be determined by the devices capabilities (gps apps will not show on gps'less devices) but that could be a rumor
07:41.00covalentbond_rupeshmg: i'm about to compile it now. going through the process of formatting an external drive to support it (won't compile on a case-insensitive HFS+ filesystem)
07:41.47languishanyone have jham's url for the video player handy?
07:42.02rupeshmgcovalentbond_: i m facing problems while compiling
07:42.13rupeshmgcovalentbond_: do tell me ur experience
07:42.47RyeBryecovalentbond_ - you can just create a disk image in dsk utility to do it
07:43.19RyeBryecovalentbond_ - that's a lot easier than reformating, IMO... that's how I'm doing it now. It's probably a little slower performance wise, but it's a lot better convenience wise
07:43.38covalentbond_um, yeah. sure is.
07:43.45covalentbond_much smarter
07:44.11RyeBryeI mentioned earlier that they should REALLY put that on the instructions page - since it'd probably save a lot of people a lot of hassle
07:44.14rupeshmgRyeBrye: r u able to sucessfully compile it?
07:44.18RyeBryeIt's compiling now
07:44.26covalentbondshould be able to load it into the emulator, right?
07:44.30covalentbondonce compiled, that is...
07:44.40RyeBryeI would assume so
07:45.09DarkriftXoooh, i hadnt thought of that
07:45.14DarkriftXi need an updated image lol
07:45.44RyeBryethat guy talks about launching the emulator once it's built
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07:46.22RyeBryeI also assume that the make isn't parallel by default - so doing make -j4 or so would speed things up if you have multiple cores?
07:46.28DarkriftXhopefully there is a way to get apk files from the market
07:46.49DarkriftXgoes to bed
07:46.55covalentbondi'm about to find out myself
07:46.58DarkriftXgn all, and happy droidhacking
07:47.11RyeBryeHmm.... bluez utils looks like it IS being used in Android
07:47.41RyeBryedamn I hate how long it takes to compile C/C++ stuff
07:48.14RyeBryeIt's interesting that they don't force you to build your own cross compilers, which is nice
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07:51.11RyeBryeThere's some interesting stuff getting compiled in there... dropbear... bluez utils... tcpdump...
07:51.35RyeBryelooks like there should be plenty of stuff to play with :)
07:52.31rupeshmgRyeBrye:: looks u r progressing quiet good on compiling, i m not able to reach that far too
07:53.22rupeshmgfacing problem like this:-
07:53.24rupeshmgbuild/core/api/1.xml:273231: error 1: required string: "method"
07:53.24rupeshmgYou have tried to change the API from what has been previously released in
07:53.24rupeshmgan SDK.  Please fix the errors listed above.
07:53.27rupeshmgmake: *** [out/target/common/obj/PACKAGING/checkapi-last-timestamp] Error 38
07:53.56rupeshmgRyeBrye: Any clue on how to resolve it?
07:56.20swetlandrye: there are a number of different build configurations. "engineering" builds have a lot of extra goodies that are not standard in "production" builds
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07:57.19rupeshmgswetland: i m just clonning it from repository
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08:00.53serialthrillaanyone know where i can find the Maps app in the git source?
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08:01.23RyeBryerupeshmg - hmm... no idea... sorry... I'm just lucky I guess
08:01.34swajakso anyone got the dirt on an VOIP apps coming out?  crappy iSkoot still uses voice/data of carrier
08:01.50waldo_is back (gone 00:01:30)
08:02.19RyeBryeHeck, I want to run a full-blown Asterisk pbx on this little bitch! ;)
08:02.26RyeBrye(my router can do it, after all)
08:02.28swajakand they won't be allowed in the marketplace, i've heard.
08:02.36RyeBryeI thought they would be allowed
08:02.51swajakvoip apps?
08:02.55swajakis what i meant
08:03.05RyeBryeWhere did you hear they wouldn't be allowed?
08:03.15RyeBryeI always heard pretty much anything goes with the market
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08:03.48swajakhe said he had "worked with Google" to make sure Android couldn't run VOIP. "We want to be open in a way that consumers can rely on,
08:04.18RyeBryeYeah, let me see if I can find another one I read about that
08:05.43swajakit does seem like hearsay.  but it seems in line.  google is taking apps through an 'approval' process, and there is a killswitch.
08:06.12swetlandthere's an approval process? news to me!
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08:06.29RyeBryeIs the killswitch implemented in code that is open source?
08:06.36RyeBryeI'll go comment that shit out
08:07.05swajakwell there's a killswitch.  how to they know what to kill and what to not kill/
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08:07.14swajakthere's a process.
08:07.50languishswajak, the kill switch is only fro apps you get from the market
08:08.07RyeBryeyou can load apps from places other than the market, right?
08:08.17languishif you install from microSD or another website, it doesn't apply
08:08.53swajakah, kk.  yes, that's why i asked about voip, because i thought even if they don't allow it, it will probably still be available
08:09.19RyeBryeSkype would have to be nuts to not get their crap on there pronto
08:10.02languishthe rest of the industry is watching to see how this goes
08:10.04RyeBryeAnd I'm kind of surprised this phone doesn't have the Wifi stuff that T-mobile already has in place with some other phones - that will place calls over wifi if it's available
08:10.28serialthrillaanyone know where i can find the Maps app in the git source? if it's even there
08:10.47RyeBryeno, but I'm confident grep could find it for you
08:10.58RyeBryeor find
08:11.08RyeBryeor if it doesn't... it's probably not there?
08:11.20rupeshmgdoesn't look that they had released it
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08:11.35swajaki am all for ditching my $55+ monthly for a $10/month skype since i'm always in Wifi.
08:12.14swajakmaps apps isn't in source, they said
08:12.20swajakanything tieing into googles servers
08:12.21swajaki think
08:12.23RyeBryeif you don't want to take calls - it'd be even cheaper than $10 / month :)
08:12.29serialthrillayea, i wasn't expecting them too... pretty much a money maker for them.. i just wanted to see its AndroidManifest.xml really
08:13.05serialthrillaoh ok thanks, i didn't see that note
08:13.22RyeBryeIf you get the apk file, can't you just unzip it?
08:13.51rupeshmgdoes apk contains source code?
08:14.17RyeBryeno, but I think it's like a jar file - and in jar files the manifest is just in plain text next to the compiled class files and such
08:14.47RyeBryeor does the AndroidManifest get compiled in?
08:15.51rupeshmgstill waiting for first successfull compilation... :(
08:16.05swajakof source, rupeshmg?
08:16.08rupeshmgdont know how many glitches still there :(
08:16.23swajakyeah i ran into several missing libraries during mine
08:16.45rupeshmgr u able to do it successfully?
08:16.54swajakeven loaded up the img into the emulator
08:16.57rupeshmgwhats changes that u did? can u share?
08:17.27swajaki didn't change anything, just successfully built and loaded it up...
08:17.42RyeBryedoes it say anything when it finishes?
08:17.46swajakwaiting on technique for flashing my G1, and then I'll be hacking/testing
08:17.48RyeBryemine just ended, and i don't see any errors
08:18.45rupeshmggetting following error:-
08:18.46rupeshmgbuild/core/ WARNING: adding test OTA key
08:18.47rupeshmgChecking API: checkapi-last
08:18.47rupeshmgbuild/core/api/1.xml:273231: error 1: required string: "method"
08:18.47rupeshmgYou have tried to change the API from what has been previously released in
08:18.48rupeshmgan SDK.  Please fix the errors listed above.
08:18.52rupeshmgmake: *** [out/target/common/obj/PACKAGING/checkapi-last-timestamp] Error 38
08:18.52swajakit dumps everything in an 'out' folder... you'll find an image file buried in there somewheres... and you can overwrite the SDK emulator's image with it and load it up
08:19.43*** part/#android RyeBrye (n=ryebrye@
08:19.49swajakwhat changes did you do, rupeshmg?
08:19.52*** join/#android RyeBrye (n=ryebrye@
08:20.00swajakseems you're conflicting with SDK compatibility
08:20.10rupeshmgno changes.. just followed their instructions
08:20.19swajakon ubuntu?
08:20.28swajakor mac?
08:20.28rupeshmgis it? swajak? nop on fedora
08:20.47rupeshmgand i have installed old version of sdk long time back
08:21.13rupeshmgis it required to unistall old version of android sdk?
08:21.24swajakhmm, i've no clue... i'd guess its the build environment
08:21.31swajakno, sdk doesn't matter (or shouldn't)
08:21.53swajaki compiled mine on Ubuntu, and i didn't get an error like that
08:22.15swetlandwhat version of the jdk?
08:22.27swajak1.5 with latest update
08:22.27swetlandI've seen issues with stuff other than recent sun jdk 1.5
08:22.30swajakoff the sun website
08:22.58rupeshmgJava SE Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 Update 10
08:23.01swajakthere u go, swetland got you
08:23.13swajakyou need 1.5
08:23.24RyeBryeHm... I just got an error " Could not load 'clearsilver-jni' " - and it's late
08:23.27RyeBryeso... I'm off to bed
08:23.29rupeshmglater version wont work?
08:24.11swajakthat was stated in the directions, i think
08:24.16swajakor i thought
08:24.31rupeshmgohh i see.. i think they should mention it on their website
08:25.01rupeshmgquote "JDK 5.0, update 12 or higher, which you can download from" from their site
08:25.16swajaki see where its confusing
08:25.16RyeBrye"JDK 5.0, update 12 or higher"... last time I checked JDK 6 >= JDK5 - so they have to be a bit more specific
08:25.27swajak"update 12 or higher"... higher refers to update
08:25.29swajaki think
08:26.08swajakcould have been better worded
08:26.35rupeshmgso am I required to install 1.5 ?
08:26.38RyeBryeYeah... like "Java 6 wont work"
08:26.50RyeBryeI'm going to set my java home to 1.5 and let it rebuild... I wonder if I have to do a clean rebuild
08:26.55RyeBrye... might as well - I'm going to bed now anyway
08:27.33rupeshmgswajak, what do u suggest ? 1.5 will solve problem?
08:28.00swajaki'd think that's your best bet
08:28.08swajaki did it with 1.5 update 16 i think
08:28.33rupeshmgall rite, let me check out. thanks swajak
08:29.50rupeshmgwhats version no. from sun java site?
08:29.57trichmm, will there be any new build at least of the emulator any time soon?
08:30.34swajaksry i've been saying 1.5 when i mean 5.0
08:30.50swajakJDK 5.0 Update 16
08:30.55rupeshmgi cant find JDK 5.0 at
08:31.04rupeshmgwhere can i get it?
08:31.21swajakits under previous releases on that page
08:31.28swajakthat page you linked*
08:32.23rupeshmgk. thanks
08:33.24swajakim out too, i gotta study for a test, and then go on a farcry 2 binge
08:34.06*** join/#android BoD[] (
08:34.11BoD[]Hello, World!
08:35.10*** join/#android neerhaj (n=chatzill@
08:36.43rupeshmggood night swajak, and all the best
08:40.56*** join/#android digit_ (n=digit@
08:43.24BoD[]Hey I have a silly question
08:43.57BoD[]does anybody know if there is a way to get the sources of the Java framework only
08:44.11BoD[]without having to get the "whole deal"
08:44.31BoD[]and if not, is there any plan to make that available somewhere
08:44.45BoD[]since I suspect 99% of developpers will only care about that
08:46.02BoD[](not that I don't like git and all)
08:46.44rupeshmgu can clone that specific git
08:47.06BoD[](but a simple android-1.0-sources.jar download somewhere would have been a bit easier)
08:48.28rupeshmgyup u can get it from git...
08:48.38rupeshmggo to that particular git
08:48.44rupeshmgaand click on snapshot
08:49.02rupeshmgu can receive it as a single tar ball
08:49.19BoD[]nice! I'll have a look
08:49.32rupeshmgtry above just as a example
08:50.18BoD[]seems to be empty
08:51.50waldo_is away: auto-away
08:52.33BoD[]ok it works! thanks a lot
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09:04.25muthu__anyone tried to build android source on fedora 9?
09:04.43muthu__some of the required lib files are not in yum..
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09:06.21*** join/#android aLeSD_ (i=a1481382@gateway/web/ajax/
09:06.31aLeSD_hi all
09:06.43aLeSD_is it true that Android is now opensource ?
09:06.58muthu__look at the title
09:07.00aLeSD_I mean all the code ... and we can modify it as we want ?
09:07.37languishaLeSD_, there will still be some unreleased code.. but android base code itself is open
09:07.46aLeSD_wow ... that's a really good news
09:08.02aLeSD_languish: what code ?
09:08.08aLeSD_security code ?
09:08.25aLeSD_... let's see ...
09:08.28aLeSD_an example
09:08.33languishwhatever proprietary stuff corps don't want to share, like the gchat stuff
09:08.37aLeSD_can I compile and use isrcrack ?
09:08.41aLeSD_aircrack ?
09:08.56languishnot a dev
09:08.58tmzton g1?
09:09.07aLeSD_on an Android system
09:09.14tmztwhat device?
09:09.22aLeSD_in general ... I don't mind on the hw
09:09.41aLeSD_it's only to know if I could use it
09:09.44tmztit would depend on the wifi driver
09:10.01aLeSD_or the unreleased parts will proibe me to
09:10.14tmztbut you would have to make a frontend for android
09:10.17aLeSD_tmzf you answered to my answer
09:10.26tmztor you could just run a different linux
09:10.26aLeSD_that a rellay good news
09:11.00tmztwifi driver was released, ti.git
09:11.08aLeSD_It's time to earn money to buy a android based mobil
09:13.18hamdroidmuthu__: Haven't tried myself, but there were some patches fixing header includes aimed at getting things compiling on Fedora 9
09:13.46muthu__hamdroid: yeah, searching the web ;)
09:14.20*** join/#android DrTweaker (
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09:18.33jerciahi, everyone android noob here now that it is open source has anyone compiled it in 64bit?
09:18.55BoD[]seeya all
09:20.01snidanyone managed to unlock the tmobile g1?
09:20.47languishsnid, give it another 72 minutes and we'll get right on that for ya
09:20.54encontradoafkjercia, which parts of android do you hope will benefit from "64 bit"?  Do you mean x64?
09:21.14snidlanguish: ??
09:21.29jerciayeah the x64, the emulator.
09:21.46jerciaso I don't have to do multilib or chroot to try it out.
09:21.50snidlanguish: you're joking or seriously looking into it?
09:21.58encontradoafkjercia, so you want the emulator compiled for x64?
09:22.06languishok.. let's put it this way...
09:22.21languish<sarcasm>snid, give it another 72 minutes and we'll get right on that for ya</sarcasm>
09:22.36snidmkay, im gonna start trying now
09:22.50encontradoafksnid, t-mobile is going to unlock the phones for all of their customers after 60 days or so.
09:22.57snid90 days
09:23.03tricjercia: you dont have to chroot the emulator, you only need some 32bit libs maybe. im using it since months on a x64 debian
09:23.04languishimpatient bugger
09:23.09languishat least he has a goal
09:23.11jerciayeah, Maybe someone has already tried it.  I was planning to make a package for it for archlinux.
09:23.15languishbeat tmo to unlocking
09:23.24snidthe cheapest plan is 30 a month
09:23.33snidi dont have that kind of cash
09:23.44encontradoafkthen you can't afford a cell phone
09:23.45languishplus the data plan
09:23.54snidi was willing to pay 399 if i didnt get any plan at all
09:24.05encontradowhat on earth for?
09:24.27languishso he could be the 58th canadian with a g1 on the block
09:24.37jerciaI've also successfully installed it using a 32bit chroot but if I can go all 64bit that would be better.
09:24.42tmztqemu will build on x86_64, don't know if the patches broke that
09:24.48snidno.. so i can use it outside of tmobile coverage
09:25.03encontradoyou can easily buy a linux box with no networking for under $399
09:25.25encontradoOK, maybe it would take a little effort
09:25.25snidthey were telling me the 3g coverage is a special frequency thats in the hardware and cant be changed by software
09:25.48encontradosnid, nice troll
09:26.28snidi think it can prob be changed
09:26.35languishencontrado, what.. ? you took him seriously?
09:26.58jerciaalso will we see a python interpreter for android?  maybe JPython?  I'm no java hacker and i've never tried jpython though.
09:27.13languishsnid, it can already be used outside the US
09:27.20encontradolanguish, only as someone to abuse remorselessly until I pass out
09:27.33encontradobut even that's a fail :(
09:27.34MrSnowflaketmzt: I have the i386 emu running on x86_64 linux
09:27.37*** join/#android matt_c (
09:27.40snidi want it unlocked.. even if that means no 3g
09:27.58languishunlocked you can do
09:28.08languishbuy it with a plan and tell them you're travelling to europe
09:28.14languishding, unlock
09:28.44tmztMrSnowflake: of course there is no reason it won't work with the right libs, I guess
09:29.04MrSnowflakein ubuntu 8.10 it works out of the box
09:29.34MrSnowflakenot sure if you were talking about linux though :)
09:31.14snidso how do you get a root shell on the tmobile g1
09:32.11snidlocal priv escalation for <=2.6.25 ?
09:33.15tmztis rootfs signed too?
09:34.06tmztand, uh, tell me where to get a pda with a keyboard that fits in your pocket
09:34.13tmztother than sl5500/sl6000
09:34.20MrSnowflaketytn 2
09:34.37tmztthat's a phone, was responding to something earlier
09:34.50MrSnowflakek, sorry :)
09:35.13tmztwhy someone would get a smartphone and no plan
09:36.44encontradodefine "keyboard"
09:37.18tmztsnid: there was config file for init in the only image I saw for sdk, I think it could be made to start a shell
09:37.33tmztcan someone get /proc/config.gz?
09:37.37encontradothe G1 falls well short of the pc 104-key standard
09:38.08tmztno, but its better than most in number of keys
09:38.53encontradoI don't accept a priori the idea of "more keys is better"
09:39.20languishi need to feel the touch pro keyboard again
09:39.32MrSnowflakeencontrado: for text messages on mobile devices it's true though
09:39.41encontradoI need to feel the touch of another human being again, before I die.
09:39.48languishsee how much difference i notice now that i've been using the g1
09:39.54encontradobut that's not germaine
09:40.10languishencontrado, my response would be too inappropriate for this channel
09:40.44encontradoMrSnowflake, I don't feel your unsupported assertion merits consideration.
09:41.34MrSnowflakeencontrado: I find it a lot easier to type text messages (or mails) on a 'full' keyboard device instead of a 12 button device
09:41.52MrSnowflakeAs with the 'full' keyboard you (at least me) are a lot faster.
09:42.09dueyI have a simple solution to this problem
09:42.13dueydo not reply to txt messages.
09:42.16dueythe end
09:42.33MrSnowflakeduey: doesn't work if your girl sends them to you...
09:42.48languishtell her to only send picture messages
09:42.58tmztswetland: ok, you are saying its defconfig?
09:43.04encontradoMrSnowflake, then either you haven't used the right 12-button device, or you haven't acclimated yourself to a well-thought-out 12-button device.  See:  20 years worth of research in "wearable" computers
09:43.04MrSnowflakehehe, but those are more expensive!
09:43.21languishMrSnowflake, so? bitch better get a job
09:43.22dueyMrSnowflake, not really, you can say more in a minute than you can with 20 txt messages
09:43.30encontrado8-button device, even
09:43.48tmzt1-button, learn morse code
09:43.49MrSnowflakeencontrado: I had 6 12button devices and all aren't as good as my 'full' keyboard htc wizard
09:44.04tmztbut he said pc-104, the number means something
09:44.23languishyeah, he's an elitist full sized keyboard snob
09:44.24encontradoMrSnowflake, so either you've had 6 crappy 12-button devices, or you're really bad at learning new input systems.
09:44.47encontradotmzt is actually on to something, there
09:44.58languishthat, or he can press teh teeeeny weeeny wittle bwutton one. at. a. time.
09:45.03MrSnowflakecould be, but I still beat my friends using the 12 button devices, with or without t9
09:45.29encontradocompare your input rate with a G1 to a trained, no-longer-existing telegraph operator
09:45.47languishoh they'[re rapid fire mofos
09:46.17MrSnowflakeI was comparing the G1 and a 12 button keyboard, not a I don't know how many buttons typewriter/ pc keyboard
09:47.30encontradoYou were comparing apples and ostriches
09:47.30languishi think the morse code record was like 70+wpm
09:47.30MrSnowflakethan what were you doing?
09:47.44languishthis really is a pointless convo, though I'm sure you both have excellent points
09:48.05MrSnowflakehmm, yeah
09:48.18languishtogether not apart
09:48.28swetlandtmzt: we configure the kernel with make msm_defconfig
09:48.33languishit's not like the g1's gonna proud a buncha new keys
09:49.01swetlandtmzt: if you want to be absolutely sure, check out the android-msm-htc-2.6.25 branch and do that (ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi) and the .config should match production
09:49.18languishso anyway, anyone have jham's url for the video player handy?
09:51.02tmztno UINPUT, odd
09:51.52tricsetland: is there any news on binary snapshot releases the next weeks?
09:52.31swetlandI'm hoping to have the goodies to do a basic build for dream together tomorrow afternoon
09:53.05encontradothere's also the thing where the G1 keyboard is just, well, a keyboard, and not the Standard Android Keyboard
09:53.07swetlandthere's a lot of misery involved in distributing the proprietary qct/htc pieces, so we're probably going to go the "have a script to adb pull them off of a device" route
09:53.48encontradoI guess it's the standard until some other manufacturer gets off their duff, though, eh
09:58.09tmztthat's braile support, not configured but there's no serial port anyway
09:58.48tmztall these tools you guys are looking for to port to android, even though they're c code, they exist for linux cli
09:59.28encontradoYEAH, TAKE THAT, BLIND DUDES
10:00.04languishand it's begun
10:00.18encontradoI'm sorry
10:00.18languishsome idiot spamming #andywarez on another network
10:00.20encontradoit's late
10:00.30encontradooh, I thought you meant me
10:00.36languishwho're you?
10:00.54encontradowho, indeed?
10:00.59encontradowho are any of us?
10:01.09snidanyone know where the sim unlock code is in the android source?
10:01.47encontradoI do.
10:02.06encontradohow much are you willing to pay?
10:02.27tmztpython, is there a python interpreter for android
10:02.29snidyou dont know
10:02.32encontradothen no sim unlock code for you, skippy.
10:03.13tmztjercia asked
10:03.13encontradotmzt, which layer of android are you talking about?
10:04.17tmztthat was a question asked earlier in this channel
10:04.31tmztas well as aircrack, but that needs driver support too
10:10.01tmztjercia: you still here?
10:10.42encontradoQ: is there <my favorite language> for this here java platform?
10:10.49encontradoA: ...
10:11.15tmztok, you asked about layers, what did you mean?
10:11.32tmztbecause I see a java platform (davlik), and a linux platform
10:12.17tmztthe capitalized stuff was configs from the linux kernel configuration .config
10:12.42tmztit means a feature was enabled in the g1 kernel if it is same as production as swetland (from google) said
10:13.03tmztin this case, framebuffer console and virtual terminals are there
10:13.35tmztif init runs as root and it can be configured then a terminal could be launched like any other linux device
10:13.50tmztunless davlik ignores chvt
10:14.19encontradolet's play "count the ifs"
10:14.23tmztthere is security to prevent processes from sending things on the network without permission
10:15.46encontradoI think I've got 5 of them in your reasoning, there
10:17.20snidwhats zygote?
10:18.01encontradozygote is the secret software bundle that gives you root access to any G1 phone, anyhere.
10:18.04*** join/#android jercia (n=user@
10:18.16tmztthat was the msm_defconfig in the commit you pasted
10:18.26swetlandwe yanked fbcon after wasting time debugging the Nth race/deadlock we encountered related to console switching and suspend/resume
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10:18.53tmztmakes sense for a device like this,
10:19.08tmztX has to deal with this for now, but that should go away with kms
10:19.08swetlandconsidering we never use the text console it was easier just to turn the silly thing off
10:19.24tmztfun, so jni to a pty?
10:19.40swetlandand the guy on my team who was the one big textconsole fan was on vacation that week
10:21.59encontradothe thing is, your text-console fan can likely still do all of his work in text consoles, even when he's working on a system that doesn't support them anymore
10:22.41encontradoI know a guy at MS who's been on the kernel team for over 15 years who still spends his entire day in a linux text console
10:23.31encontradodebugging third-party drivers, mostly
10:24.10encontradooften without source
10:25.08rupeshmgswetland: i tried installing JDK 5.0 Update 16, but still unable to build android from sources.
10:25.39rupeshmgerror :-
10:25.40rupeshmgInstall: out/host/linux-x86/framework/apicheck.jar
10:25.40rupeshmgCopy: apicheck (out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/apicheck_intermediates/apicheck)
10:25.40rupeshmgInstall: out/host/linux-x86/bin/apicheck
10:25.40rupeshmgChecking API: checkapi-last
10:25.40rupeshmgbuild/core/api/1.xml:273231: error 1: required string: "method"
10:25.44rupeshmgYou have tried to change the API from what has been previously released in
10:25.46rupeshmgan SDK.  Please fix the errors listed above.
10:25.50rupeshmgmake: *** [out/target/common/obj/PACKAGING/checkapi-last-timestamp] Error 38
10:25.54swetlandno idea.
10:28.20encontradomakes small offering to Teh Gods in thanks of no longer being in charge of a Large Software Build
10:28.42snidwhere is ?
10:29.03encontradosnid, it's on your SIM card.
10:29.06encontradojust clone it.
10:29.15snidmore lies
10:29.24rupeshmgencontrado: thats only thing i can do :(
10:29.41encontradorupeshmg, you have my utmost sympathy
10:30.35Wander_wrupeshmg: I also have about the same error
10:30.39encontradoI can't imagine going back to my days of "I had no idea a makefile could do that, let alone do that without anyone realizing what it was up to"
10:31.21rupeshmgWander_w : wow... so I got the company :)
10:31.25Wander_wInstall: out/host/linux-x86/bin/apicheck
10:31.25Wander_wChecking API: checkapi-last
10:31.25Wander_w(unknown): error 17: Field android.hardware.SensorManager.LIGHT_NO_MOON has changed value from 0.0010f to 0.001f
10:31.25Wander_wYou have tried to change the API from what has been previously released in
10:31.27Wander_wan SDK.  Please fix the errors listed above.
10:31.41encontradosnid, you keep on barfing up the "I want to hack your phones" crap, and I'll keep on barfing up the lies.
10:31.49*** join/#android bgb (n=bgb@
10:32.03tmztis android.hardware even in the public api?
10:32.03rupeshmgWander_w : welcome Wander_w to my party
10:32.09snidi dont want to hack your phones
10:32.13snidi want to hack my phone
10:32.17encontradooh, no, of course not.
10:32.37Wander_wrupeshmg: my plan is to wait until tonight and try again, hopeing some other developer has solved it in the meantime
10:32.42encontradosnid, if you want to hack your own phone, then you're in the wrong channel
10:32.50encontradothis channel is about android-based phones
10:32.54encontradoand you don't own one.
10:33.00snidi have a tmobile g1
10:33.12encontradoI sincerely doubt that.
10:33.16snidgot it today
10:33.34snidhow would you like me to prove it to you?
10:33.48snidim running adb to get a shell as uid 2000
10:33.54encontradoIf you'd really got it today, you'd still be messing around with it, figuring out how everything works
10:34.01snidya i did that already
10:34.21snidi think there needs to be a way to reach the setup wizard again... so you can use more than 1 google account
10:34.27tmztI can see my house!!! ok, done.
10:34.37encontradosnid, there is
10:34.39rupeshmgWander_w :all rite, lets hope it gets resolved
10:34.42snidi had to reset to defaults
10:34.45snidso how?
10:34.46encontradoreset to factory defaults
10:34.50snidya thats lame
10:35.09snidwhy cant you just change google accounts/profiles or something
10:35.21rupeshmgWander_w: in between can u also send it to android-platform mailing list?
10:35.32snidso you still dont believe i have a tmobile g1?
10:35.45Wander_wrupeshmg: no, not really... I'm supposed to do my real job ;)
10:35.59rupeshmgi had already posted it. so that google ppl will come out of sleep... and provide some fix..
10:36.02snidyou want to see the boot log? from adb logcat?
10:36.21encontradornis, the things you're bitching about are all over every message board on the interweb
10:36.28tmztthere is a decorator that says if the api is supposed to be used by an app
10:36.37tmztyeah, that's a python term, sorry
10:36.37*** join/#android tchwbs (
10:36.43tomer_worksnid: why do you care if he believe you or not...?
10:37.10snidjust asking him
10:37.33encontradoif you're asking, you care.
10:37.41snidthe sales person who sold me it told me about 80k phones were sold so far
10:38.23snidso do you believe me or not?
10:38.33encontradowhy do you care?
10:38.45encontradoyou think that 80k figure isn't on some blog somewhere?
10:39.04snidi duno
10:39.15encontradoif I don't believe you have a G1, what difference does it make?
10:39.31snidyou were saying i wanted to hack your phone
10:39.32Wander_wjust make a picture of yourself with the phone, a newspaper of today and the current time
10:39.39snidha no
10:39.53encontradoDo you think you'll have better luck finding help to violate your terms of service in this channel, if I believe you?
10:40.03snidim not trying to
10:40.19snidi just trying to learn more about the android platform on the g1
10:40.23tomer_workWander_w: good stuff
10:40.40encontradosnid, then download the api, and the emulator
10:40.50encontradowrite some non-service-violating apps
10:41.18snidlike how to go from uid 2000 to uid 1001
10:41.24encontradoit will teach you a lot more than you're going to learn fishing for crackz in an irc channel
10:41.39tmztor 0
10:41.51snid1 step at a time
10:42.04tmztanyway, the phone chipset is divided into two cores
10:42.11encontradoyeah, but you're trying to take the 10,000,000th step first.
10:42.17swetlandtmzt: four ^^
10:42.20snidbut all the android source is available right? so where can i read ?
10:42.32tmztone runs the secure amss microkernel form qualcomm and can be used to do evil things with the baseband
10:43.02encontradoback to trolling
10:43.03tmztit is protected from the other one which runs the operating system (such as linux) and the applications (such as davlik and the android .jar)
10:43.16encontradosnid, it's on your SIM card.
10:43.22tmztswetland: yeah, true. trying to simplify here.
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10:43.40tmztthere is a shared memory interface between the two
10:43.48snidencontrado: serious? so why does it load when i use a different sim card?
10:44.04tmztand a fake serial port implementing the AT command set from your old hayes modem with some enhancements
10:44.14encontradosnid, oh, it's on the other SIM card, too
10:44.16Wander_w~/android$ find | grep -i sim | wc -l
10:44.18tmztyou can also walk into t-mobile and get a card to plug into your computer
10:44.34tmztwhich emulates a few usb serial ports
10:44.34snidencontrado: why would it be on a cingular sim card?
10:45.03encontradosnid, it's a mapping, not a hard-coding.
10:45.06tmztyou can send any at command you want to to that card that it supports
10:45.35tmztyou can even connect to the internet and setup a ppp session on one of those serial ports
10:45.41Wander_wpublic class SimProvider extends {
10:45.41tmztthe same is true of the g1
10:45.54swetlandsnid: abd shell getprop
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10:46.28encontradoswetland, don't confuse him
10:46.38snid[gsm.sim.state]: [NETWORK_LOCKED]
10:46.43encontradohe's only read blog comments whining about it
10:46.51BBHossanyone know if it would be POSSIBLE (not easy) to cross-compile for a Intel XScale PXA272 chip?  It's ARM5 but it doesn't have the Jazelle enhancement i don't think
10:47.13*** join/#android Adamant (
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10:48.02snidswetland: []: [tmobile/kila/dream/trout:1.0/TC4-RC19/109652:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys]
10:48.59tmztBBHoss: swetland said yesterday they don't use that.
10:49.18BBHossok good
10:49.45BBHossi have a spare BB 8830 that will never be used again, i'd like to start some experiments on it
10:49.58BBHossi have no idea how the bootloader or firmware on it works though
10:50.02BBHossmight be signed by BB
10:50.30snidso android reads the network provider name from the sim?.... so id need to change that value on my sim using smartcard/jcop or something?
10:50.33tmztanother way might to build .cod from android source??
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10:51.38swetlandtmzt: we don't support cod out of the box. we've run on trout, halibut, goldfish, and sardine though
10:52.09tmztwould be a huge project, replacing all the jni stuff, writing a graphics provider(or whatever)
10:52.55tmztoh, fish. I think this is most similar to what rim did though, except they went from JVM to executable I think
10:56.26*** join/#android `vip (
10:56.41tmztwow, the n95 page actually updated
10:58.24snidthis right ? public void supplyNetworkDepersonalization (String pin, Message onComplete)
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11:35.31mohbanahi, do any of the developers use fedora for development?
11:35.38mohbanaor is it strictly unbuntu?
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11:38.42snidcan someone show me where in the android source that it asks for "sim network unlock pin" ?
11:49.29muthu_mohbana: i use fedora
11:49.40muthu_haven't tried to build android yet
11:52.59mohbanaand what editor do you guys use?
11:56.43*** join/#android szsoftware (
11:58.38Wander_wI use vi
11:58.58tmztand it starts...
11:59.36szsoftwarehello, androids and human. How do I get rootfs for one partition with right permissions, after I built android?
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12:10.00VVernerHi all.
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12:11.20Dougie187Good morning VVerner
12:12.05VVernerGoodafternoon (from my timezone) Dougie187
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12:16.41rupeshmgmohbana: i use it... and it sucks.... :(
12:17.01rupeshmgplanning to switch ubuntu soon
12:17.45Wander_wrupeshmg: There's going to be a new version released this month
12:18.24mohbanait would help if the checkout showed the percentage remaining
12:18.46rupeshmgyup.. might to dist-upgrade once it is stabilised
12:19.08rupeshmgmohbana: i think it does
12:19.23Wander_wrupeshmg: huh? I thought you were going to switch to ubuntu?
12:19.54rupeshmgWander_w : yup u heard rite
12:20.16rupeshmgwill go for currently available ubuntu version
12:20.36rupeshmgand will later do dist upgrade after a month
12:20.54Wander_wah... that's possible as well
12:21.46Dougie187rupeshmg: what do you use?
12:22.06rupeshmgfedora 7.... way old......
12:22.17Dougie187lol yeah...
12:22.23Dougie187that is pretty old.
12:22.24rupeshmgneed some time to reformat system
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12:30.05Dougie187only 7 days for a new ubuntu though.
12:30.45Dougie187i guess OOo 3.0 didn't make it into the release.
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12:37.03mohbanai ran repo init in my home dir instead of in mydroid. how do i reset it?
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12:38.47Wander_wmohbana: rm -fr bionic bootloader build dalvik development external frameworks hardware kernel Makefile out packages prebuilt recovery system
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12:49.40mohbanais setting ANDROID_JAVA_HOME or/and JAVA_HOME required for unbuntu 8.04?
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12:52.09Wander_wI didn't
12:52.32Wander_wbut then again... I am a java developer
12:52.34volI set it, but only because it was mentioned in the docs. Not sure if it makes a difference.
12:53.54dimsmohbana, you'll need sun jdk not ibm
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12:54.15dimsi also needed a "sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev"
12:54.40dims's build is still chugging along
12:54.47`vipaby idea if there is plans for an Internet Sharing app for android any time soon ?
12:54.54`viper any
12:57.29volwhat do you mean
12:57.39voladb seems to provide wireless tethering
12:59.28`viphrm the employees on the Tmobile forum this morning said it's not possible
13:01.33volwell, I haven't tried it yet.
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13:19.54harrdawgDoes anyone know:  if you're .apk has a different name, but contains the same package/signature, will it replace the old version of your application?
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13:21.01szsoftwarehello boys and girls, who did already a build, using the android build system (i call it ABS)
13:26.09mpardodoes anyone know how to put an image in a Toast message?
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13:33.20massiveRobotany one here using the Android Open Sourced builds on a Mac?
13:33.37massiveRobotI can't get wireless to start- wondering how you are supposed to access the network with this build.
13:34.02szsoftwaremassiveRobot: I dont use it on mac, but I use :-)
13:34.22szsoftwaremassiveRobot: did you build, using their build system
13:34.25szsoftwaremassiveRobot: ?
13:34.30massiveRobothi yeah
13:34.50szsoftwaremassiveRobot: for which device?
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13:34.55massiveRobotI pulled the new sources and built it here, according to their directions.
13:35.16massiveRobotI can start the emulator, but it won't connect to the network here, so it's not much use.
13:35.31massiveRobotCan you pick different devices?
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13:36.00massiveRobotI chose the generic product for the '-system'
13:36.47szsoftwaremassiveRobot: ok, I thought you use the rootfs for a real device
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13:37.15szsoftwaremassiveRobot: afaik, there's only one target atm: generic
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13:38.51massiveRobotYeah, the SDK emulator can access the network, I'm wondering what you have to do for this new build.
13:42.28yakischlobawow. so this whole time they just needed my account password for verizon
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13:43.43rcjsuenDoes anyone know where the ADT source code is? The git repository is only for the kernel code...I think?
13:44.21szsoftwarercjsuen: you mean the mighty android repo?
13:44.21michaelnovakjrgit is not only for the kernel
13:44.27massiveRobotit built all the apps for me
13:44.38michaelnovakjrgit at builds everything available
13:44.38massiveRobotstarting the emulator, I see the apps just like on a G1.
13:45.12waldo_is back (gone 04:53:21)
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13:45.38rcjsuenWell, I do see it in project layout anyway
13:45.38szsoftwaremassiveRobot: I use it on real device and figure out, creating rootfs, with no initrd
13:47.36szsoftwarercjsuen: did you download the repo already, using their repo script?
13:47.36rcjsuenszsoftware: No, I didn't, I was going to surf around through the web interface first.
13:47.36szsoftwarercjsuen: ok
13:47.55rcjsuenalthough since i'm not familiar with DVCSes, this web interface seems quite difficult to tame for me
13:48.14szsoftwarercjsuen: my build took a whole night long, and the java-compiler took the system bloody down ^^
13:48.23szsoftwarercjsuen: but now it's built :-)
13:48.51szsoftwarercjsuen: DVCSesß
13:48.56szsoftwarercjsuen: ?
13:50.06yakischlobahow the hell do I delete an account in Email
13:50.20dimsmassiveRobot, what do you do after you run "make"? (to start the emulator)
13:50.27yakischlobaah hah
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13:50.59massiveRobotdims: ah yeah, that was a struggle.....
13:51.05massiveRobotdims: --> $ out/host/darwin-x86/bin/emulator -system out/target/product/generic -kernel prebuilt/android-arm/kernel/kernel-qemu
13:51.21dimsah cool! thanks. let me try that
13:51.25rcjsuenszsoftware: Decentralized Version Control System
13:51.32michaelnovakjrrcjsuen: ??
13:51.46szsoftwaremassiveRobot: oh that information is useful for me too
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13:52.16massiveRobotyeah, that took about 20min of hunting for a kernal.....
13:52.22michaelnovakjrrcjsuen: git is a distributed version control system
13:52.33massiveRoboti don't think it builds one on the mac, at least, I can't find it.
13:52.58rcjsuenmichaelnovakjr: right, decentralized/distributed, I've used them interchangeably myself anyway :o
13:53.14dimsmassiveRobot, thanks! works!
13:54.26michaelnovakjrrcjsuen: the best way to understand git is that every copy is its own repository
13:54.43michaelnovakjryou commit locally and push to a remote repo
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13:55.05michaelnovakjrits a great system
13:55.25rcjsuenmichaelnovakjr: I've never used one but I have heard good things about git/mercurial/bzr, yeah
13:55.38michaelnovakjri prefer it
13:56.23rcjsuenin any case, that's not what's on my plate right now, I just want to find the ADT tree through the web interface ;)
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13:57.01massiveRobotanyone know what the log names are?
13:57.41massiveRobotTrying to view logs, and the adb command logcat wants a 'filter-spec' - is that asking for the name of a logfile on the emulator?
13:57.52michaelnovakjrrcjsuen: you can also just download it
13:58.08rcjsuenmichaelnovakjr: you mean as a tarball? yeah but i don't wanna do that :)
13:58.59rcjsuenThey've had the ADT tarball for a while but I've always wanted to just surf around the source code online and then get it from the repository if I so desired. And now it's finally in a repository according to you folks so I want to find it.
13:59.17massiveRobotah nevermind
13:59.33massiveRobotyou can start  shell using ADB from the SDK.
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14:14.16`vipquestion, what's the difference between the Total Internet add-on I have with my Wing ... and the data package I have to get for the G1 ?
14:14.20igorvanyone having any success debugging a shared library c++ code on using gbd?
14:15.08igorvI am using remote debugging using localhost:1234 and it stops in c++ code after the shared library has been loaded but if I set the breakpoints, none of them is getting hit
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14:17.44dmoffettigorv:  make sure the lib is compiled with debug symbols.
14:18.13Dougie187`vip: did you look up the G1 data package?
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14:18.44`vipnot yet, just got off the phone
14:18.50famastWhy does android require hint tracks for progressive downloaded movie streams?
14:19.04dmoffett-g I think.
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14:21.18igorvdmoffett: yes, I tried, -g and also -ggdb, the execution stops in the lib code when I do gdb but then none of the breakpoints are getting hit.  Also, step or next have the same effect as just hitting continue
14:21.35Dougie187`vip: the total internet add-on only add's data, where as the g1 data package is data+messaging.
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14:22.37`vipok Dougie187 ... so why would I have to cancel what I have ... I already have unlim messaging and Total Internet
14:22.48`vipand the tech said it's the same price ... so why have a special plan ?
14:22.54Dougie187because you have to use the g1 data package to use the g1.
14:23.09Disconnect..because you need to call 611 and ask them
14:23.22gamblerim converting an app from M3 to 1.0, It has UIThreadUtilities.runOnUiThread() calls everywhere
14:23.34michaelnovakjrgambler: oh shit
14:23.38michaelnovakjrm3 to 1.0??
14:23.42michaelnovakjrjust start over :)
14:23.45Dougie187`vip: we aren't tmobile representatives. i don't think there are any in here either. so if you want a clear answer you should probably just call the,
14:24.10vol`vip: Dial 611 and press 3 3 2
14:24.11yakischlobaDougie187: my phone works now! it kicks ass!
14:24.14umdk1d3gambler: the overall strategy your looking for is using Handler and sendMessages
14:24.23Dougie187yakischloba: oh yeah? you in love with it too?
14:24.41Dougie187yakischloba: whats your favorite part?
14:24.45yakischlobaDougie187: yeah its pretty awesome. of course I just got it running about 30 minutes ago so I'm thrilled
14:25.02yakischlobaoh I duno the whole thing is fairly sexy
14:25.22Dougie187well thats good. i remember the discussions of how "un-sexy" it looked before it came out.
14:25.44yakischlobaeh. The hardware design could be better but I won't complain unless it breaks
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14:26.05Dougie187but you love the software?
14:26.11yakischlobayeah its pretty rad
14:26.20Dougie187thats good
14:26.25michaelnovakjrrad, huh?
14:26.27Dougie187glad to hear you finally got it working too
14:26.32michaelnovakjri haven't heard that in a while
14:26.37yakischlobajust settling in to spend the rest of my live entangled with google services. adding all my contacts to my gmail account etc
14:26.38Dougie187michaelnovakjr: people on the west coast say that a lot more then you would think
14:26.39Disconnecti love the 5 hour battery life and the frequent crashes and hangs, its been awesome so far. not to mention the refusal to connect or stay connected to any secured wireless networks.
14:26.50volHmm. I'm making an app with a game board and I'm making a custom view. The only requirement is that the view is square, and takes up as much space as possible. Is it possible to write something like this?
14:26.55Disconnectno wonder everyone said its half-useless without 3g - its on edge the whole time
14:26.56Dougie187Disconnect: isn't there an update today?
14:27.08yakischlobaDougie187, yeah it was stupid. the number port was just waiting on my verizon account password, which they neglected to ask me for at the tmobile store and didn't contact me about needing afterwards
14:27.11DisconnectDougie187: there's a staggered rollout starting today
14:27.17yakischlobaDougie187, apparently you have to call them to take care of it
14:27.26Disconnectalthough if any tmob types want to push me to the first wave i'd love to give it a try, see if it gets better
14:27.28Dougie187Disconnect: well hope you get on it first and it fixes all your issues.
14:27.35volwhat? I thought that the ota update was for everyone
14:27.42Disconnectvol: but not all at once
14:27.56Dougie187yakischloba: that sucks. at least you got it fixed though.
14:27.58Disconnectover the next week or so
14:28.04Dougie187vol: it is for everyone. just staggered.
14:28.12yakischlobaDougie187, yeah. Now I wish I could have two gmail accounts under the 'gmail' application
14:28.23Dougie187yakischloba: maybe the update will add that?
14:28.27volah. But if your request the OTA update, you'll be one of the first.
14:28.30yakischlobawho knows ;)
14:28.41Dougie187yakischloba: but you could always specify the account in your gmail account.
14:28.46Dougie187and have gmail pull the emails for you.
14:29.04Dougie187vol: who knows?
14:29.12Death_SynI've got 3G service here and teh device is quite nice
14:29.25Dougie187im excited for the sprint release.
14:29.28yakischlobayeah. I think I'll have to use the 'email' app anyway though, so I'll probably just add it there (i have my person address, and two work emails :/ )
14:29.34Dougie187even if its a different phone.
14:29.48tethridgeDougie187, is there news about the sprint release?
14:29.52Dougie187yakischloba: thats too bad.
14:29.58Dougie187tethridge: no.. but its supposed to be out by the end of the year.
14:30.09Dougie187tethridge: im just waiting....
14:30.12tethridge:-(  I was hoping for some news
14:30.17Dougie187me too
14:30.24michaelnovakjrDougie187: that is if sprint is still around...
14:30.26Dougie187slip in some big news under the radar of the g1 release.
14:30.44Dougie187michaelnovakjr: im sure they will be. They just placed 1st in the country for customer service response times.
14:30.48languishSweet. My wide and I have our google calendars setup up in different domains, but to update eachothers calendar when we make changes on our own
14:30.49volthe 3g coverage in my area is kind of sporadic, but I knew that going in
14:30.53voland it's nice if you have wifi around you
14:30.54tethridgemichaelnovakjr, supposedly they have the best customer support now.  They are trying to make improvements it seems
14:30.59michaelnovakjrDougie187: is that because they have less customers?
14:31.12Dougie187michaelnovakjr: possibly. but thats always a good place to start getting more customers.
14:31.20voltmo customer service has always been great for me
14:31.28Dougie187michaelnovakjr: regardless of their customer support (which i have had horrible experiences with) i like their mobile service.
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14:31.41szsoftwarehello guys, who did make a rootfs from the android build (built with repo) ?
14:31.43michaelnovakjri just didn't like the cell service, i couldn't get a signal in most places
14:31.49michaelnovakjratt i get signal every where
14:31.53Dougie187i can't find a place where i don't get a signal
14:32.02Death_Synatt does win on being able to get a signal everywhere
14:32.04Dougie187att placed last in customer service, just so you know.
14:32.16Death_Synbut the speeds available on att vary widely
14:32.22Death_Synthey oversell their network quite heavily
14:32.25michaelnovakjrDougie187: good thing this iPhone kicks ass and i don't need customer service......
14:32.32michaelnovakjrbecause then it would suck :)
14:32.42Death_Synat least in my area (Dallas/Fort Worth)
14:32.44Dougie187at my old school, the ATT towers would be down for weeks on end constantly
14:32.59Dougie187i had friends on att, and they couldn't use their phones at all for whole weeks.
14:33.01Dougie187it was terrible
14:33.04michaelnovakjri get excellent 3G coverage in NY
14:33.14Dougie187im sure, because that is a huge area
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14:33.16languishSprint lost me as a customer forever due to their blatant persistent billing errors on multiple accounts and complete lack of interest in working to fix them even after admitting they were significant errors
14:33.20michaelnovakjrstreaming is awesome
14:33.38Death_Synlanguish: yeah, they screwed me up bad 8 years ago
14:33.38Dougie187languish: i found emailing their customer support gets far better responses than calling the people.
14:33.42Death_Synwith billing issues
14:33.59Dougie187languish: when you call, they are idiots and can't help you at all. but if you email they fix your problem right away
14:34.19unix_lappyDeath_Syn: i've found Tmobiles 3G coverage here in DFW to be exceptional.
14:34.35covalentbond_Anyone having trouble getting apps to download?
14:34.40unix_lappyDeath_Syn: also check the topic re: AndroidDevCamp here in Dallas ;-)
14:34.42covalentbond_I haven't had one app install successfully yet
14:35.08Death_Synunix_lappy: I'm slightly on the edge here at my office, I get 2 bars on a 3G tower and there's an edge tower 2 miles away that's giving me 4 bars
14:35.16Death_Syni get 3g depending on how I orient my phone
14:35.17languishDeath_Syn, yeah.. I had to go to corporate through my business connections to get the issues resloved *each time* which was turning in to every 3 to 4 months, with sudden discrepancies of over $1000, and the accounts getting suspended when they had CREDIT overpayment from previous corrections
14:35.20Death_Synat home I get 3g all the time, though
14:36.15languishjust e-mailing or phoning results in a recognition of the problem, not a correction of it
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14:36.19unix_lappyDeath_Syn: what speeds are you usually getting?
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14:37.41unix_lappy(non flash)
14:37.47weilaweiSo.. android runs on dalvik. The entire phone isn't open. I'm buying a G1 on friday if I can. But... android's telephony provider seems to puil in .. a telephony provider? What I;m getting at is.. this seems a lot like what Apple did. "It's open! (but only a little bit of it)"
14:37.56Death_Synunix_lappy: let's find out!
14:38.04weilaweiDo I really get access to the lower levels of the device? Can I?
14:38.19weilaweiI mean without jumping through serious reverse engineering hoops
14:38.27Dougie187weilawei: i take it  you haven't been around the android community for a while?
14:38.48weilaweiDougie187: nope. Just started looking and my initial impression from scanning the source was that something was missing
14:39.19Dougie187eh, i think the only thing missing from the source are some google branded apps and some proprietary hardware drivers
14:39.39languishand htc's bootloader?
14:39.40weilaweiwould it be possible to write new hardware drivers?
14:39.49Death_Synunix_lappy: 168kbit/sec on edge, working to get on the 3g real quick to test that one
14:39.49Dougie187weilawei: why not?
14:39.50unix_lappylanguish: bootloader should be up there..
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14:42.10weilaweiDougie187: is there an FS browser available yet? I heard (in a review of the G1) that there was no way to access files directly.
14:42.33yakischlobai got 723k/s with 2 bars of 3G
14:43.05Dougie187weilawei: i don't think so.
14:43.12Dougie187but i'm not sure.
14:43.26michaelnovakjri have one i can update weilawei
14:43.40michaelnovakjri wrote it on an earlier sdk
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14:43.50michaelnovakjrdefinitely broken :)
14:44.07neerhajdoes rotation of phone to horizontal position count as landscape mode or is it when the keyboard is visible ?
14:44.22Dougie187neerhaj: i think its just when the keyboard is open
14:44.34Dougie187neerhaj: but someone with a g1 might be able to clarify
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14:44.43Dougie187err.. confirm
14:44.53michaelnovakjrso there is no file manager for the phone then?
14:44.55Dougie187class time!
14:44.58Dougie187see ya
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14:45.13weilaweimichaelnovakjr: good to know.. i may hit you up to help with that when I buy one and settle down to develop for it
14:45.22weilaweiaka tomorrow if they aren't sold out
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14:45.40michaelnovakjrsure weilawei, it'll be straight forward to update the existing code
14:45.46michaelnovakjri hope :)
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14:48.07weilaweii saw Android and my first thought was.. maybe we can finally have a phone that can be reasonably tailored to match what a person wants. although im slightly more skeptical about that now but I want to see about the nitty gritty of device drivers and interacting with the carriers network. i hope it isnt something like calls from signed code using the carriers key to authenticate >_<
14:48.26weilaweiopen firmware is what i'd like to see
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14:50.35gdsxweilawei: good luck with that
14:51.01gdsxweilawei: it's certainly unlikely to happen in the US because of FCC restrictions
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14:52.41michaelnovakjrweilawei: don't hold your breath on the device drivers :)
14:52.47weilaweithe thing is..
14:52.58voldon't expect it to happen anytime soon
14:53.04weilaweiif a carrier's security relies on validating the source of the input, not the content of the input
14:53.07weilaweiit's got a huge flaw
14:53.12volget an openmoko and enjoy using the CLI to dial a number
14:53.23michaelnovakjrweilawei: they obviously aren't going to release that if its the case
14:53.30michaelnovakjrthats a no brainer
14:56.41gdsxweilawei: one of the problems is that the companies that get FCC approval are responsible for ensuring that their devices remain compliant with FCC specs, even given people who want to do things like crank the radio up if they have a bad signal
14:57.39gdsxweilawei: and if a bunch of handsets get misused because random folks don't read the FCC specs, that's the company's fault (At least in part)
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14:58.21mikez5The firmware that does all the telephony stuff runs on a separate core than android.
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14:58.37gdsxmikez5: that's not what we're talking about
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14:59.22weilaweimikez5: thanks, good to know
14:59.52waldo_hey all any news on the update.. anyone get it yet?
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15:03.20weilaweicheck it out
15:03.29weilaweiit basically says
15:03.37weilaweithey have to provide security around their software defined radio
15:03.46weilaweibut an independent party, on his own time, can do whatever he wants
15:03.47weilaweiof course
15:03.59weilaweihe still has to stay legally compliant
15:03.59languishno firmware update yet for me. but a number of problems were fixed lastnight
15:04.17weilaweibut it does leave open the possibility of changing your cellphone to be say.. a ham radio. (if its physically possible)
15:04.20waldo_what problems lang?
15:04.28weilaweiyou just cant market it without re-certification
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15:05.55languishwaldo_, pac-man download was being blocked as nit having been paid for (yes it was supposed to be free, and is, but that was the error), 3g signal was fluctuating wildly for the past 2 days, it's become far more stable now.
15:06.08gdsxweilawei: cool
15:06.09waldo_languish--  I d/l'd pacman no problem last night
15:06.13waldo_it's great incidentally
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15:06.30languishwaldo_, I know, not everyone could. That's been rectified. And yes, it's awesome
15:06.47gdsxweilawei: though I still wonder how likely it is that random folks would crank up their radios without knowing the tradeoffs or consequences
15:06.50waldo_i can't believe it was written in java
15:06.50languishMy wife was able to d/l, but many I, and many others couldn't
15:06.57languishnow we can :)
15:07.01weilaweigdsx: probably likely if it was easy enough.
15:07.06waldo_languish well that's an improvement
15:07.17weilaweibut it really grates that I'm being offered a toy and can't tinker ;)
15:07.23languishwaldo_, it's just nice to see problems are being addressed steadily
15:07.25waldo_one thing I haven't figured out yet-- how do you remove an APK?  I can't find any delete under Settings/Applications or under Settings
15:07.28waldo_languish yup
15:07.36Penguin2Is update pushed yet
15:07.38fadden0weilawei: "no user-servicable parts"
15:07.49weilaweixD i'm not a user. im a developer >_>
15:08.04weilaweior rather, i wear two hats ;)
15:08.09gdsxweilawei: yeah
15:08.14gdsxweilawei: are you a ham?
15:08.22gdsxSanMehat: buenas
15:08.26waldo_weilawei could you develop a nice ssh port that works with sshkeys? ;)
15:08.30SanMehatgdsx: hola man
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15:08.43weilaweigdsx: im not a ham, but my best friend is crazy into it. so im often dragged into that subject area
15:08.55weilaweii prefer neural nets and statistics >_>
15:09.05gdsxweilawei: aah, cool
15:09.23weilaweiwaldo_: could and will are two different things. are you telling me theres no SSH on the phone?
15:09.26weilaweithe G1
15:09.46waldo_there's connectbot but it only supports passwords..
15:09.48languishI'm looking forward to a method to switch to different android configurations, like switching primary users on the device.
15:09.56volwaldo_: Settings/Applications/Manage Applications
15:10.00waldo_vol thanks
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15:10.04volyou kind of have to know which one you want :P
15:10.05waldo_vol I tried that
15:10.12volotherwise, adb shell and rm it? :\
15:10.41CompBrainwaldo_: have you gotten ctrl keys working in connectbot
15:10.53volhooray, connectbot works?
15:11.01voldownloads furious
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15:11.41umdk1d3anyone doing dev work on connectbot lemme know
15:11.52umdk1d3ill be spending most of today fixing bugs in it
15:12.19waldo_compbrain I haven't tried connectbot on the actual g1 only teh emulator... I have the g1 here just havent' installed it.  incidentally a 1.0 version came out 24 hours ago.
15:12.36volI'm going to see if I can get it working on the actual device
15:12.46volthough I dunno if anything will even work with GPRS speeds (office is quite the dead zone)
15:12.50umdk1d3there are still some buffer issues
15:13.07waldo_.9 worked fine on the emulator.. dunno what's new in this 1.0
15:13.08weilaweivol: you have an actual G1 already?
15:13.14volI got mine on monday
15:13.15waldo_<- has actual g1
15:13.17weilaweinice :)
15:13.23weilaweihow fast did they ship?
15:13.27weilaweiim ordering mine tomorrow
15:13.34waldo_I had preordered but there was one left at the t-mobile store ;)
15:13.38waldo_try the stores
15:13.38volnot sure, I preordered
15:13.47weilaweii dont have a tmobile store locally
15:13.52waldo_I canceled my preorder and walked out with it...
15:13.56weilaweieven though they have good coverage
15:14.00volalso, is there a way to see a numeric indicator of battery life?
15:14.01waldo_otherwise I would have been waiting till nov 10
15:14.14waldo_vol I think there is something under settings/about this phone
15:14.21waldo_something like that where it tells you numerically the charge
15:14.30weilaweiin joules!
15:14.31waldo_but there's lots of chatter about shitty battery
15:14.40waldo_in calories, amazingly enough
15:14.46weilaweiogod xD
15:14.55weilaweihows the battery though?
15:15.05waldo_well...  I haven't had it long enough literally to know
15:15.09weilaweiim pretty committed but if theres a huge flaw i dont know about >_>
15:15.10waldo_but there's a thread here kinda ripping i..
15:15.27volWould love a longer battery life
15:15.39volusing conectbot, trying to authenticate...
15:15.44vol(should take an hour w/ gprs)
15:15.51waldo_that's the battery discussion
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15:16.02waldo_vol password only right?
15:16.14volno, sorry
15:16.16volI meant the handshake
15:16.43volit just told me that the key is unknow, accepting for now.... and then the next line is "trying to authenticate"
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15:17.32covalentbondI can't convince my phone to download an app, no matter what network I'm on. Anyone else have this issue?
15:17.33waldo_vol hmm i guess I can go try it on my end....  but all my ssh servers use sshkey.. hmm
15:17.49volis there a network I should try?
15:17.52waldo_covalentbond...  did you turn on "accept unknown APKs" or whaever
15:18.01volcovalentbond: from the market or from the webwebs
15:18.09covalentbondfrom Market
15:18.13covalentbondthe app
15:18.31volThere's a known issue of downloads stalling when switching networks (3g to evdo) if I recall
15:18.35covalentbondi get the message that the app is queued to download and to check notifications, but then they never install
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15:18.46covalentbondthis happens on wifi or 3g
15:19.01volcall t-momo
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15:19.07covalentbondi haven't been able to download a single app yet no matter what config i use
15:19.27covalentbondare they trained enough to be able to debug this kind of thing?
15:19.31gdsxcovalentbond: do you see folks in gtalk?
15:19.34volno, but they can probably send you to someone who is
15:20.22covalentbondgsdx: doesn't look like i can.
15:20.45umdk1d3vol: there might be a buffer issue
15:20.51umdk1d3when you see "trying to authenticate"
15:20.56umdk1d3try hitting enter a few times
15:21.01umdk1d3also, sshkeys arent written in yet
15:21.06umdk1d3but hopefully coming by monday
15:21.19gdsxcovalentbond: if you go to Settings->Sync, has it synced recently?
15:21.24covalentbondgsdx: i see my contacts list but everyone is offline
15:21.35volok, I'll try that
15:21.55gdsxcovalentbond: ::nod::
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15:22.08covalentbondgsdx: wow - now apps are downloading
15:22.20covalentbondgsdx: selecting gchat did something
15:22.40gdsxcovalentbond: cool
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15:22.50waldo_umdkld3 are you the author?
15:22.53covalentbondgsdx: lots of queued download icons just appeared in the status bar
15:23.05volok, that got me a password prompt, but now it does not accept my password.
15:23.11gdsxcovalentbond: drag the bar down; are they making progress?'
15:23.11volI am prettu sure I'm typing it right
15:23.16vol( a local echo would be nice )
15:23.24covalentbondgsdx: yes
15:23.36covalentbondgsdx: they weren't even there previously
15:23.42gdsxcovalentbond: ::nod::
15:24.18gdsxcovalentbond: basically, there is some notification stuff involved.  So that probably got wedged in a way that opening gchat was able to unwedge it
15:24.33covalentbondgsdx: funky, good to know
15:24.34yakischlobaCan I not have a signature in the Email app?
15:24.42volumdk1d3: is there a jailed shell somewhere that you know works that I can test against?
15:24.56umdk1d3vol: lemme create one somewhere on a vps
15:25.13umdk1d3ive tested against my home debian box, but i know ppl have had issues with other openssh hosts
15:25.20umdk1d3still need to debug all of that
15:25.25umdk1d3sets aside most of today
15:25.32umdk1d3also need to get custom kbd shortcuts working
15:25.35jastaumdk1d3: i'm so jealous of your copious free time :)
15:25.42umdk1d3for example, mapping the serch key to ctrl+a
15:25.44umdk1d3jasta: lol  :)
15:25.50gdsxcovalentbond: do you have the source tree compiled, or an SDK handy?
15:26.02covalentbondgsdx: yes to both
15:26.03waldo_...and sshkeys!  Don't forget the keys!  :)
15:26.27umdk1d3waldo_: i use sshkeys everywhere, so its high on my list too
15:27.09waldo_umk1d3-- who are you guys-- involved with Android/Google directly?
15:27.20umdk1d3lol no im just a random dev
15:27.30gdsxcovalentbond: cool, can you plug your handset in, then run `.../out/hopst/<yourarch>/bin/adb logcat| tee foo.log`, then just ^C it when it stops and send me the logfile?
15:27.41waldo_well seriously-- ssh is so fundimental... it should be included w/the bare g1 imo ;)
15:27.54gdsxcovalentbond: actually, you can try `...adb bugreport` also; I'm not sure if it'll work
15:27.57umdk1d3waldo_: tbh it is on mine i think
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15:32.14yakischlobaHas someone written a ping utility or is there one included anywhere?
15:32.51waldo_yakischloba...  interestingly I haven't seen anything.  But if someone does ping maybe they should do a bunch of common network tools--  ping/traceroute/nc... nmap :)
15:33.20gdsxwaldo_: you forgot wireshark :o)
15:33.30waldo_oh yeah wiresharek too but that needs x11
15:33.42waldo_so we'll need to rewrite x11 in java too
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15:34.29ttuttlepunches HTC.
15:34.34yakischlobaaww why
15:34.34covalentbondwireshark mobile would be worth at least a small part of one of my kidneys
15:34.41Disconnectwaldo_: just do it with the text frontend
15:34.41languishagrees with ttuttle
15:34.42ttuttleTheir @#%^! stupid ExtUSB jack just broke my @$%^ headphones.
15:34.52languishttuttle, wut?
15:34.54Disconnectnot lol mean, just .. that thing is such a terrible idea
15:34.58waldo_does wireshark have a text front end?
15:35.01ttuttleWARNING: Do *not* put your G1 in your pocket with headphones unless you are wearing baggy pants.
15:35.06ttuttleDisconnect: It breaks!
15:35.20waldo_ttuttle... i hope you meant the headphones break.
15:35.20ttuttleDisconnect: It bent a couple of times, and now it just broke completely.
15:35.21languishttuttle toit pants syndrome
15:35.24ttuttlewaldo_: yeah
15:35.28ttuttlelanguish: lol
15:35.34ttuttlelanguish: these aren't even particularly tight pants.
15:35.48umdk1d3the issue with wireshark is that it requires lowlevel net stack access, which isnt possible without adding a native lib
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15:36.01languishyeah, the headphone jack being on the bottom of the device is just poor design
15:36.11ttuttlelanguish: That, and it not being a headphone jack.
15:36.18languishthat most certainly
15:36.20rob-csmichaelnovakjr: are you around?
15:36.31Disconnectgiven that the thing can't even stay on a (solid, stable, strong) wireless network for more than 90 seconds, i'm not sure wireshark will be that useful.
15:36.34waldo_umdk1d3 yeah you're right.
15:36.35languishrob-cs, I think he's aoval
15:36.54gdsxDisconnect: that's not really true
15:36.54languishperhals aellipsoid
15:37.15gdsxDisconnect: it does take wireless down 2 minutes after the screen turns off, though (for power-saving)
15:37.38Disconnectgdsx: i literally just told it "connect to the wep network @ work" and it did. then i opened the browser and and .. back on edge. this is, i'll point out, sitting no more than 8" from the laptop i'm currently on that same network with.
15:38.24Disconnectok so thats part of my problem - it'd be really nice if it hung on in low-power mode for more than 2 minutes. wifi has a low-power mode for just such a reason. 1sec or more beacons is not a big deal.
15:38.31languish*sigh* I really should connect my G1 to my wifi, but I'm too lazy to dig up the wpa2 key I used
15:38.44waldo_I don't know how reliable the wireless bars are, but I was like 2 feet from the router and it was saying "weak"... but I did have a signal so I'm not really complaining
15:38.57michaelnovakjrrob-cs: yep
15:39.19gdsxwaldo_: hmm... that doesn't sound right
15:39.39waldo_gdsx...  Well this was when I first got it... maybe I was reading it wrong or something...
15:39.43michaelnovakjrrob-cs: what's up?
15:40.00waldo_gdsx  I haven't had it long enough to really be making any kind of definative evaluation on anything...
15:40.07Disconnectditto. at home i have a WAP downstairs that covers 3/4 of the house. when i'm in the room with it, it'll connect. when i go into the kitchen (1 wall away, everything else gives at least 38mbps) it just goes ...oops, edge again.
15:40.17Disconnectthats no more than 15 feet and 1 wall
15:40.31languishwaldo, I had a problem with a wifi router sitting on a high shelf, about 3.5' from me, with poor signal.  It turned out.. the problem was the shelf was totally scattering the signal
15:40.38Disconnect(not even a proper drywall-wall, its a lovely painted fake wood panelling wall left from the old owners :/
15:40.45gdsxDisconnect: well, I've got to run
15:40.52waldo_lang metal shelf or wood?
15:40.57gdsxDisconnect: but walking around with `adb logcat` running should be informative
15:41.02Disconnectnote that i can hit that same AP with my e90 from the far side of the house (3 more walls, about anohter 50 feet or more, and at a slant through some long walls)
15:41.13waldo_...nothing but net?
15:41.13gdsxDisconnect: if you see things that still seem squirrely, let us know
15:41.18Disconnectwill do
15:41.19languishwaldo_, it looked like composite board, but turned out to have a metal mesh in it
15:41.27Disconnectquick q, where's the bugtracker? got a bunch to put in from yesterday
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15:41.37waldo_damn faraday cages
15:41.41Disconnectlooks at the topic.. nope, no faq, no bugtracker links
15:41.42michaelnovakjrDisconnect: ?
15:42.01languish/b/droid ? oh noez...
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15:42.46Disconnectmichaelnovakjr: thanks, that looks a lot more like a bugtracker than the resources/members page did...
15:42.46mlesterhey I am trying notepadv1 and it crashes in the emulator
15:42.52waldo_so I've been giving XMPP a lot of thought
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15:43.03mlesteris there something done I am not doin
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15:44.01waldo_if XMPP were working not only could you do phone to phone messaging & RPCs, but run many of the clients like IM and email off the phone and save a whole butt-ton of battery....
15:44.21waldo_this is probably obvious but i'm slow.
15:45.03waldo_I'm talking 3rd party obviously... since google does this already.. would apply also well for calendar updates...
15:45.31gdsxwaldo_: note that if you move from XML to a binary protocol, you save on bandwidth _and_ CPU
15:46.03waldo_well maybe a compressed xmpp then :)
15:46.18waldo_I did read some threads about how google was kind of tweaking it
15:46.32waldo_but yeah, it would be great to have this as a standard feature..
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15:47.49gdsxwaldo_: well, there is a phone-to-phone messaging API that we dropped for 0.9 and 1.0, but folks are working on bringing it back
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15:48.01gdsxwaldo_: it just wasn't ready for launch, though
15:48.06gdsxanyway, I'm off
15:48.26waldo_gdsx k...
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15:50.55volumdk1d3: have an account I can test against?
15:51.20umdk1d3ohsry got distracted holdon
15:51.52volthx :>
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15:52.26volactually, I'm about to head out to lunch
15:52.36Disconnectumdk1d3: got more app for testing? :)
15:52.37volI'd test it on the road, but I'd need ssh to get to my irc shell
15:52.39voland, well....
15:52.44umdk1d3Disconnect: lol not yet sigh lol
15:52.48umdk1d3going thru issue tracker now
15:53.00umdk1d3then will spend restof day coding on it  ;)
15:54.17languishso, how are individual application updates handled?
15:54.32languishfrom an end user perspective
15:54.51umdk1d3languish: your app can launch an intent over into market, but its up to you to do version checks
15:54.54umdk1d3see also:
15:55.03languishnod, thanks
15:55.24languishsome apps I'd like to see automatic updates. It would make sense
15:55.25umdk1d3but from user POV, they arent notified or anything.
15:55.39umdk1d3in market it shows "update" when one is avail and looking at app details
15:55.39languishlike the video player's addition of codecs
15:55.51umdk1d3but it doesnt check or alert you
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15:56.14languishI understand why.. if the users happy, why bother them
15:56.22languishif they're not, they'll look
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15:58.19languishhrm, need to get f00f and romainguy on the same sife of these splits as us
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16:05.17mlesterso whats the best place to get help with the tutorials google groups?
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16:06.03languishmlester, have you hit any of the forums like anddev ?
16:07.15michaelnovakjrso how is installing on the device
16:07.31michaelnovakjrdo you have to have signed apk's? can you get them outside the market?
16:08.04mlesterok no I haven't I'll try it out
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16:10.59andyrossAm I right that an APK is stored zipped on the device, it's not unpacked into files?
16:11.13umdk1d3andyross: its unpacked somewhat
16:11.18umdk1d3i think the dex is moved somewhere central
16:11.39umdk1d3but other stuff remains zipped until used (res/raw in particular)
16:11.40andyrossOK, but, say, a shared library is left in the archive?
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16:12.17andyrossis still trying to figure out what should be the canonical native code paradigm.
16:12.24fadden0andyross: the full contents of the APK remain, and can be accessed like a Java JAR through the "get resource" calls
16:12.43andyrossRight, but not mmaped and executed. :)
16:12.48fadden0andyross: whatever you come up with will probably be replaced with the official version once the official version is made official
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16:13.23fadden0You would want to extract native .so files from the archive before attempting to execute code in them.
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16:13.53andyrossYeah, that's what I figured.  Is there a standard path where output files go?  The API doesn't allow a full path, just a name.  I suppose I could just look for it myself...
16:14.02fadden0Which API?
16:14.30andyrossContext.fileOutputWhatever(), I think.  Gotta check the docs...
16:14.48andyrossYes: Context.openFileOutput()
16:15.08languishoh man...
16:15.28Lenoliummichaelnovakjr: You have to jailbreak the device first. Which involves going to a system setting and checking a box labeled "Allow installations of apps from outside the market", which the installer will point you to if you attempt to install an app from outside of the marketplace.
16:15.43ttuttleLenolium: It is not jailbreaking!
16:15.50ttuttleLenolium: There is no jail, and you are not breaking out of it!
16:15.54michaelnovakjrdoesn't sound like jailbreaking :)
16:16.01yakischlobaWhy did my Email account disappear? I didn't delete it
16:16.07Disconnectttuttle: its got jail, but yah, thats not breaking out
16:16.09LenoliumIt's almost as hard as getting custom ringtones on the device.
16:16.22umdk1d3lol that jail was pretty easy to break out of
16:16.23andyrossHeh, I was just about to say the same thing.  If it's a checkbox in the UI, it's not much of a jail. :)  A jailbreak would be something like a root shell or ability to reflash the main filesystem.
16:16.36jeldI upgraded from 0.10 to 0.11, now everybody seems to be having troubles staying logged in, after a few clicks the system logs them out
16:16.36LenoliumYou have to go to a song, bring up the menu and select "Set as Ringtone"
16:16.45jeldwrong channel
16:17.00yakischlobamy damn email account just disappeared
16:17.04languishI was just thinking about the augmented reality games.. such as parallelkingdom.  And, how something like a simplified HMD would work with them, perhaps connected via wifi/BT to stream visual overlay data to the HMD/video glasses.
16:17.28ttuttlelanguish: Don't forget the barcode scanner, GPS, and wifi.
16:17.31harrdawgHas anyone done any work with horizontal scrolling?  Is there built-in functionality, and/or libraries that people have built?
16:17.44ttuttlelanguish: I predicted over the summer that Android would become the best platform for alternative reality games.
16:18.06harrdawgI'm going for something similar to the Android home screen.
16:18.07languishttuttle, well the augmented reality games use gps and the video camera
16:18.29languishalong with google mapping, such as parallel kingdom is doing
16:18.54ttuttlejasta: ...
16:19.11languishbut the addition of a lightweight set of glasses to overlay the visuals...
16:19.18andyrossAnd fadden0: while I'm sure the official SDK will be better, it won't actually work on (as of right now) 100% of shipping devices without a reflash.  Once stuff is in the field in the wireless world, it's kinda too late to add features; native code on G1's needing some level of hackery seems inevitable to me.
16:19.31delinkahour and three minutes to compile ... will android build happily with distcc?
16:19.35jastattuttle: yes?
16:20.27yakischlobaHas anyone else had an account disappear from Email?
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16:22.17yakischlobaWell, that's annoying. I hope it doesn't happen again ;(
16:23.24languishyakischloba, check your build number
16:23.28languishmaybe your phone updated
16:23.34ttuttlejasta: oh, you were just yawning.
16:23.37languishlook for the letters RC
16:23.40yakischlobaAh. Would that clear everything out?..
16:23.50languishif it says 23 next to it, maybe that was it
16:23.57ttuttlehas 28 ;-)
16:23.59yakischlobaAre OTA updates evident to the user? I didn't notice anything
16:24.01languishif it's a lower number (19?)  then likely not
16:24.04languishttuttle hush you
16:24.19yakischlobaWhere do I check the build number
16:24.20languishyakischloba, dunno.. go look, and maybe we'll find out
16:24.31languishttuttle provide the path please?
16:24.58languish(you can unhush now)
16:25.14yakischloba1.0 TC4-RC19 109652
16:25.26languishok so it wasn't the update
16:25.34jastareads about how to contribute to the android tree
16:25.38ttuttlelanguish: Path to what?
16:25.45languishttuttle, n/m he found it
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16:26.37yakischlobawell that blows. hopefully i get the OTA update and it fixes ;)
16:26.37morrildlyakischloba: you will get a prompt that will quite obviously be asking to update
16:26.42yakischlobaOh. ok
16:26.58ttuttleyakischloba: patience
16:26.58morrildlif you ignore it long enough (e.g. if it happens overnight) then it will eventually just update and reboot anyway
16:27.00LenoliumHow do you find the version number?
16:27.08ttuttleyakischloba: it doesn't prompt you until it's done downloading anyway
16:27.14yakischlobamorrildl: have you heard anything about that issue? (Account being removed from Email)
16:27.32morrildlLenolium: Home>Menu>Settings>About phone>Build number
16:27.53morrildlyakischloba: hmm, no
16:28.03morrildlyakischloba: what do you mean "disappear"?
16:28.16Lenoliummorrildl: Cool, thanks.
16:28.23yakischlobaI setup my account, played around with it for a few minutes. Then I closed the phone for a while, and when I opened it back up and opened the Email app, I was back at the setup screen
16:28.39morrildlyakischloba: no
16:28.42morrildlyakischloba: that's a new one
16:29.12ttuttleCan we have a way to vote off dumbass reviews in the Market?
16:29.34morrildlyakischloba: if it happens again let me know, that's kind of disturbing
16:29.34andyrossIs there a prebuilt arm-eabi bionic anywhere?  I'm trying to get the toolchain up, but there's no distributed crt0.o that I can find.
16:29.35languisha "confidence" vote would be cool
16:29.46ttuttleLike the "I am an idiot I can't use this app" sort of reviews.
16:29.52morrildlttuttle: No, think of 5 stars as an asymptotic goal :)
16:29.54yakischlobamorrildl: indeed. My phone also just took about 7 presses of the button to 'wake up'. that is also disturbing
16:30.09morrildlyakischloba: also abnormal.  Which button?
16:30.16ttuttleHmm, Market says Video Player is not correctly signed.
16:30.17jastamine does that occassionally too
16:30.21jastait doesnt seem to wake up right away always
16:30.26jastai just hit the menu button until it comes up
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16:30.46languishHow/where do we submit market reviews anyway?
16:30.51ttuttlelanguish: In the Market.
16:30.53gamblerlooks like ive got sip-communicator ported to 1.0 ...
16:30.58ttuttlegambler: Link!
16:30.59yakischlobamorrildl, red button
16:31.44gamblerttuttle, its massive
16:31.49ttuttlegambler: :(
16:31.56gamblerbuild system is all ^&*UH@#
16:32.09gamblertime to go 2 sleep now
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16:32.56solcahi! i finished the repo sync, now making...
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16:33.20solcabut where to point to use an arm cross compiler
16:33.25solcaand where to tune the CFLAGS
16:33.29solcafor all projects?
16:34.11andyrosssolca: There's a prebuilt arm-eabi toolchain in the git tree.  I'm currently trying to figure out how to use it without doing a full platform build, though.
16:34.29morrildlttuttle: did you have a previous copy installed?
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16:34.43solcaandyross: where it is? and how to activate it so it build for arm?
16:34.59ttuttlemorrildl: Yeah.
16:35.04ttuttlemorrildl: Why?  Do I need to uninstall?
16:35.04languishahh nan, I'm such a bonehead. I was scrolling down right past the review option immediately
16:35.04morrildlttuttle: uninstall it
16:35.13morrildlttuttle: the key for the Market changed
16:35.15ttuttlemorrildl: Okay.
16:35.16ttuttlemorrildl: Ah.
16:35.31morrildlso the device is saying "B is trying to replace A, but B was not signed with the same key as A"
16:35.42ttuttlemorrildl: gotcha
16:35.57andyrosssolca: in platform/prebuilt.git.  There are pre-built toolchains (just gcc and binutils -- no libc unfortunately) there for linux and OS X, targetting "arm-eabi".  Are you familiar with how gcc cross compilers work?
16:36.46jastamorrildl: so i had heard some rumor about a OTA update today?
16:36.56solcaandyross: thx!.. btw i'm familiar with cross-compilers, what do you want to do?
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16:37.43morrildljasta: there is an update pending, but I am not familiar with its timeline, etc.
16:37.55andyrossBuild "int main(){return 0;}" at the moment.  The libc on the device (obviously) doesn't have the crt.o startup code, so I need to build bionic.  I'm bouncing around trying to figure out how to do that without waiting for a whole platform buid.
16:38.00jastawill be nice to see that system flex its muscle so soon :)
16:38.19morrildljasta: you can be that it will be flexed EXTREMELY conservatively this first time though :)
16:38.36jastai hear we can thank _avatar for this :)
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16:39.29solcaandyross: let me check the bionic build process
16:40.09andyrossI wasn't actually asking for help -- I included the question to see if I needed to explain that "just gcc and binutils" meant. :)  But please do let me know if you get bionic building in isolation. :)
16:41.43solcaok, I'll let you know, now back to build the whole thing for arm
16:41.55_avatarjasta: yeah, i *think* it fixes a bug in our app, but i'm not entirely sure. i also heard there are a couple other small updates (again, could be wrong)
16:42.02andyrossJust out of annoyed curiosity: why is it that the build process requires a 2 year old version of python *and* a bleeding edge git? :)
16:42.32jastaeyeballs FastScrollView in the contacts app
16:44.06yakischlobathere ought to be a wikipedia widget like the google search thing
16:44.36unix_lappyyakischloba: that is wikipedia had decent search.
16:44.46unix_lappyif wikipedia*
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16:46.12jbqthere's decent search for wikipedia: go to, search on
16:47.31Disconnectok there is something seriously wrong here. (filed a bug #1017) .. i picked the local public wifi ("PUBLIC", good connection, no encryption) .. it connects, gets an IP pretty quick. {Home}-Browser .. it starts reloading for about 5 seconds, then drops back to edge and reloads.
16:47.45Disconnectis there something in that list of actions that is incorrect? :(
16:50.23umdk1d3Disconnect: no, that shoudl work fine
16:50.29umdk1d3might be interesting to see logcat
16:50.36Disconnectyah rebooting, then logcatting
16:50.56umdk1d3ive noticed that sometimes the wifi indicator doesnt "really" mean there is a dhcp lease under the hood
16:51.06Disconnectthinks the 2min timeout is ridiculous, but this was even worse - never idle more than 10 seconds
16:51.14Disconnectyah i watched it to make sure it got an address
16:51.17umdk1d3specifically regarding WPA handshaking
16:52.09Disconnecthmm. that might explain probs at home, but the corp wlan is wep (sigh) and the public is.. well.. publick
16:52.12Disconnecter, public.
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16:53.29Ramblurrmy g1 just arrived!
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16:54.19RyeBryeWhen I try to do my build on my Mac, I get an error: "Could not load 'clearsilver-jni'" - a few lines leading up to the error are here:
16:54.23RyeBryeAny idea what's wrong?
16:54.36romainguyttuttle: Hmm, Market says Video Player is not correctly signed. << uninstall it first if you already installed it before
16:54.53RyeBrye(other than the obvious answer: it can't load clearsilver-jni....) - I guess the question is - how can I fix it so it can load clearsilver-jni ?
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16:55.14_avatari asked this last night, but going to ask again because there are different people around...
16:55.54_avataranyone know if there's an easy way to change the shadow color of a ListView? the part that is drawn to indicate there are items off screen?
16:56.05umdk1d3_avatar: its done in photostream
16:56.06romainguyit's not a shadow
16:56.25romainguyit fades automatically with the background
16:56.37romainguy(at least when the cacheColorHint is 0 :)
16:56.43romainguy(otherwise, change the cacheColorHint)
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16:57.13_avatarnice, thanks, let me try :)
16:58.33Disconnectlogcat is added to the bug report
16:59.59andyrossumdk1d3: Dumb terminology question: "photostream" ?
17:00.20umdk1d3andyross: its romainguys application in apps-for-android
17:00.59andyrossOh, OK.  I read that as meaning it was an alternative API or whatnot.
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17:02.04_avatarromainguy: colorCacheHint worked, thanks!
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17:05.13romainguy_avatar: if your background is not a solid color (like in Photostream), use cacheCholorHint=0
17:05.26romainguythat will go through the more expensive but more generic code path for the fade
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17:06.12androoidis it me or does the phone not last long when browsing on the internet
17:06.24michaelnovakjrtmo store down the block didn't have a working demo
17:06.29michaelnovakjrbut did have handsets
17:07.50_avatarromainguy: in my case the background is a solid color, but thanks for the heads up
17:07.59unix_lappymichaelnovakjr: buzz != cash on the table.
17:08.28michaelnovakjrkeyboard is a bit low
17:09.28jastaumdk1d3: you there?
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17:10.39jastaumdk1d3: have you played with the contacts app?  it has a neat alphabet indexed list effect that i really like.  i'm digging through the design right now and it's quite tidy.
17:10.53umdk1d3i havent lookat that yet
17:11.00umdk1d3its part of the source drop, right?
17:11.09jastathe actual widget doing this is a FrameLayout which contains only a ListView.  it then gets the index by an interface which the adapter must implement
17:11.17lokeare there any news about any android phones becoming available any time soon which does not have some exclusivety contract connected with it? (i.e. one that I'd be able to actually use)
17:11.21jastaand they've generalized all the cursor magic in AlphabetIndexe
17:11.23jastavery nicely put together
17:11.25jastaumdk1d3: yeah
17:11.29umdk1d3they had that accelerated scroller in 0.9 somewhere, but then it disappeared
17:11.36jastai'm looking at lifting this for Five.  i like the way it looks and is coded
17:11.46umdk1d3oh cool
17:12.01umdk1d3is it a shared class, or would you have to borrow code?
17:12.06jastait gives me a few ideas how to redesign some of my other widgets as well
17:12.23jastai had never really thought to interact with a ListView by just wrapping it in a FrameLayout
17:12.26jastarather than extending ListView
17:12.34jastaumdk1d3: i'd have to borrow code
17:12.46andyrossloke: I read somewhere somewhen (maybe here?) that someone had found a $350US price from T-Mobile for a bare phone.  No idea if that's real or not.  Note that subsidized phones are just the way the industry works.
17:13.01umdk1d3well thats how that crossing-items thing works--it wraps listview in aa custom framelayout
17:13.11michaelnovakjri was told $450
17:13.15michaelnovakjri was just at a store
17:13.25lokeandyross: true, but so far only iphone and the G1 have been _only_ subsidised (i.e. not available normally)
17:13.43andyrossOr here's one for $550 you can buy right now:|39%3A1|66%3A4|65%3A12|240%3A1308&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
17:14.01lokeandrooid: the ones that are out now are not operator locked?
17:14.19volI thought they were locked, but you could get an unlock code after ~2 months
17:14.22andyrossNo idea if there's a lock or not.  I only have a T-Mobile SIM.
17:14.27loke(once they show up here though they won't be locked, since it's illegal to operator-lock phones here)
17:14.36lokebut... they haven
17:14.42lokebut... they haven't shown up here yet :-(
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17:15.20xl0morrildl, jasonchen, SanMehat: Guys, may we maybe have an official android-dev channel?
17:15.53jastaumdk1d3: ahh, well, you had a much more sensible approach than i :)
17:16.23xl0Ah, sorry, you got it already. Wan't there yesterday. ;)
17:16.30hamdroidjasta: There are plans to roll that fast scroll stuff into the platform, but feel free to use that code from contacts for now :-)
17:17.57jastaumdk1d3: they solve problems in a pretty interesting way.  i'm really enjoying looking at this source :)
17:18.46umdk1d3same here--some of this stuff is pure gold  ^.^
17:18.52michaelnovakjrin a good interesting way jasta?
17:19.14jastai'd never used this AsyncQueryHandler either, but it looks like i should start
17:19.28jastamichaelnovakjr: yes, definintely
17:19.35hamdroidAsyncQueryHandler is your friend
17:19.42jastathis code is very nice to have.
17:21.04jastait would have been hard to know about any of these things, considering no public code used it until 2 days ago :)
17:21.19jastathe source drop opened up a whole new world here.  very exciting.
17:21.36umdk1d3jasta: youve seen UserTask, right?
17:21.48Ramblurranyone know if the calendar app can pull in other calendars i've created under my google account?
17:22.00Ramblurrit's only pulling in the default calendar.
17:22.02VickiWongany good place to catch up on developments etc since code release? long #android logs are looong
17:22.06jastayes, i saw that.  i appreciate the elegance of the design, but i think the abstractions are a bit heavy for my usage.
17:24.00jeldI am still giggling at the whole Amazon MP3 store on a phone without stereo playback thingie, hopefully that will get fixed soon
17:24.01languish<Ramblurr> anyone know if the calendar app can pull in other calendars i've created under my google account?
17:24.13Ramblurrlanguish: how?
17:24.32languishRamblurr, you have to set it to show in your calandar settings on the website, then wait a bit.. it takes some time to sync up
17:24.37jastaumdk1d3: are there any good IRC/SSH apps yet?
17:25.43languishMy wife and I each have custom google apps for your domains hosted with google apps.  Our calendars are on different domains (purposeful repetition there).  We have them set up, so we can each see and edit eachothers calendars, and it works on our g1's
17:25.43hamdroidRamblurr: You can go to Calendar > menu > more > My Calendars
17:25.46stadlero(ssh - I haven't tried it so I can't attest to the "good" part)
17:25.51jastaI said good, not written by Jeffrey :)
17:26.03hamdroidRamblurr: Then menu > Add Calendars
17:26.04umdk1d3ohsnap  =O
17:26.24Ramblurrhamdroid: ah thanks, i didnt think of hitting the menu key  on that screen
17:26.30solcahey! what 'target thumn' means?
17:26.40umdk1d3jasta: i havent looked around much for irc apps tho
17:26.49solcas/target thumn/target thumb
17:26.50jastaumdk1d3: hows ConnectBot work?
17:26.53umdk1d3was wondering out loud earlier today if they might fit into the IM plugin pattery
17:26.54Ramblurrhamdroid: what about pulling in gmail/calendars from other google accounts?
17:26.59jastaohh you screen irssi, thats exactly what i wanted to do
17:27.10umdk1d3yep, i live in screen+irssi   ^.^
17:27.15hamdroidsolca: It's compiling c/c++ code for the Thumb instruction set
17:27.22jastaso connectbot works pretty good for that case? :)
17:27.29umdk1d3lol its getting there  :/
17:27.33languishRamblurr, you can do it. you need to configure them on the website to show in your calendar
17:27.35umdk1d3all the terminal emulation stuff works decently well
17:27.42solcahamdroid: for ARM? I though it was compiling for x86
17:27.43umdk1d3but there are still some connection issues to sort out
17:27.48jeldwell, so far the connectbot connected succesfully to 2 out of 3 hosts I tried
17:27.51umdk1d3during the loginprocess
17:27.53hamdroidsolca: More recent ARM CPUs have the 32bit ARM instruction set as well as the 16bit Thumb instrcution set
17:28.07hamdroidsolca: The target means it's compiling for a phone/emulator
17:28.15jastaumdk1d3: one thing that must be supported: the ability to run a series of commands after connection
17:28.29umdk1d3auto-typing or something
17:28.29jastaso you can setup a profile to simply ssh foo screen -dr
17:28.32hamdroidsolca: If it says host <...> then it's compiling for your desktop
17:28.41jastaclick a button and sign onto irc, that type of thing
17:28.43umdk1d3ooh jasta we have desktop shortcuts working  ^.^
17:28.48michaelnovakjrjasta, definitely
17:28.50solcahamdroid: by default make it compiles for both x86 and arm qemu?
17:29.06jastaumdk1d3: bleh, i'm just gonna install this.  should i build myself or install ConnectBot-10.apk?
17:29.34umdk1d3jasta: 100 is pretty stable
17:29.52umdk1d3its not happy with wierd passwords tho
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17:29.56umdk1d3that contain symbols
17:29.57hamdroidsolca: It compiles some tools and qemu itself for x86, and most of the rest of the code for ARM/Thumb
17:29.59umdk1d3at least from some reports
17:30.06michaelnovakjrumdk1d3: define weird passwords
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17:30.46andyrossThumb is a joke.  It's only worth it if (1) you have a *lot* of binary code to store and (2) don't mind the lower performance (and battery life).  And maybe somewhere there's an algorithm that can run from L1 icache using thumb but not arm.  Maybe.
17:30.53umdk1d3idk i havent experienced any issues, but ive only used a test acct with lowercase+numbs
17:31.19rob---does this happen to anyone else: when changing the orientation using numpad 7, it restarts the app?
17:31.33andyrossEvery ISA has some level of insanity, this is ARMs.  "Hey, I have an idea!  Let's take this tiny core designed for embedded use and add a second instruction decode unit to it!  Yes!  Go with that!"
17:31.39faddenandyross: it saves space on flash storage, and requires fewer pages to be mapped
17:31.51hamdroidandyross: It depends. Often times the instruction stream gets smaller, which means less time spent reading instructions from flash, which tends to be slow
17:32.07andyrossJust barely though.  When I was doing this stuff, the savings was about 20% or so.
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17:32.21fadden20% of 10MB is not something to sneeze at
17:32.45faddenAssuming, of course, that you find sneezing an appropriate way to express yourself in the first place.
17:32.48solcahamdroid: and what if I want to compile for ARMv6 with CFLAGS like '-Os -funit-at-a-time' and compiler gcc-4.2.4 binutils-2.18?
17:32.54andyrossRemember that it's not free though.  Again, you're looking at battery power to drive all those extra cycles.
17:32.55solcawhere I overide that?
17:33.20hamdroidsolca: I'm not certain which file, but it's certainly in build/... somewhere
17:33.30faddenandyross: look at dalvik/vm/
17:33.42hamdroidsolca: Note that the emulator (qemu) we're using only supports ARMv5T
17:33.55faddenLOCAL_SRC_FILES has the list of .c files.  Note that some of them have ".arm" appended.
17:34.10faddenWe use this to build the stuff that needs to be fast (or must be ARM for some other reason) in ARM.  Everything else is THUMB.
17:34.30faddenThe idea is to get the performance benefits of ARM and the size reduction of THUMB all at once.
17:34.57stadleroandyross: I think the argument about extra cycles doesn't quite hold water.  The Thumb instruction set was designed around the most-used instructions.  Put another way, a lot of the instructions you lose are in the "never used" category.  They did *a lot* of code analysis when they were designing the Thumb opcodes.
17:35.08solcahamdroid: I want to run it on a different qemu but I'm not familiar with the dir layout yet
17:35.21andyrossSure, if you're willing to do all the benchmarking.  I'm not saying "never use thumb".  I'm saying that the feature was a mistake, it shouldn't be on the core, and those transistors should be used for something more useful (like cache).
17:35.31rob---heh, why is onCreate called again when changing orientation?
17:36.03romainguy__rob---: because your activity is restarted
17:36.03solcahamdroid: maybe with the env vars TARGET_ARCH & TARGET_OS?
17:36.17faddenandyross: Jazelle was a mistake.  THUMB has its uses.
17:36.32rob---is there anyway to just change the layout without calling oncreate again?
17:36.46plusminus_Al Sutton out there ?
17:36.52solcaand modifying build/core/combo/ ?
17:36.56andyrossstadlero: thumb is a 2 operand instruction set, arm is 3.  thumb has 8 (well, 7), arm has 16 (er, 15).   The limited scope of thumb means that you're spending more time copying temporaries and spilling/filling registers to memory.  Those are all wasted cycles.  It's not about which instructions are fast or slow.
17:37.04romainguy__rob---: no, and you should really stick to this, it's not an issue; all the system Android apps do this
17:37.17romainguy__rob---: this guarantees that you will get the resources that correspond to the current configuration
17:37.27andyrossAnd yes, Jazelle is clearly a bigger mistake.  But I don't know anything about it because they don't actually document it, so I can't flame as convincingly.
17:37.29Disconnectso a factory wipe will take out all my info (obviously) and installed apps. what about sms's? will they be pulled from google or are they local to the device?
17:37.29rob---problem is it starts a new thread and a connection to the server
17:37.34RyeBryeOk, I think I found the solution to my problem. Perhaps it might make a good addition to "known issues" - I was getting this error: - and even though I had my ANDROID_JAVA_HOME pointing to Java 1.5 - it looks like it was pulling javac straight out of my PATH - because once I changed the javac in my path from java 1.6 to java 1.5 this error went away
17:38.01romainguy__rob---: these are things you should stop in onDestroy() or pass to your future self to keep a reference to them
17:38.14romainguy__rob---: when your activit is restarted, the savedInstance Bundle is != null
17:38.23rob---oh i see
17:38.24romainguy__rob---: you can use this to avoid reloading things you already have
17:38.31rob---cool, thanks
17:39.05RyeBryeThe easiest way to get Java 1.5 to be used by default on the mac is to use the "Java Preferences" installed by default at /Applications/Utilities/Java/ - and dragging J2SE5 (64-bit) up to the top of the "Java Application Runtime Settings" - and then confirming it's working by executing `javac -version` and seeing that it's reporting 1.5
17:39.33RyeBryeI thought that it would pull javac from ANDROID_JAVA_HOME, but I thought wrong (obviously)
17:39.47hamdroidsolca: Look for TARGET_GLOBAL_CFLAGS and TARGET_GLOBAL_CPPFLAGS in build/
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17:40.23RyeBryeThis is a minor build issue - I could put a check for it in the makefile to confirm that javac is a 1.5 version and give a warning if it isn't - but would such a patch be deemed valuable?
17:41.06romainguy__RyeBrye: this is weird, because the build works with Java 1.6
17:41.10romainguy__might depend on the verison of Java 1.6
17:41.15faddenwindow show 3
17:41.26stadleroandyross: I think the point about Thumb is that "make code faster" is not always the primary constraint in small system design.  I'm sorry you don't agree with the design of Thumb, but a lot of system designers do, and the feature has been generally well-received.  You're welcome to compile all of your code in ARM (that choice is one of the nice aspects of the design, in my opinion).
17:41.32romainguy__RyeBrye: you could try with javac 1.6 and the flags -source 1.5 -target 1.5
17:41.40RyeBryeromainguy: I THOUGHT it should work with Java 6 - but last night someone told me it was only java 1.5
17:41.52michaelnovakjrRyeBrye: if possible, use 1.5
17:41.57michaelnovakjri was using 1.6 but its a pain
17:42.05michaelnovakjrbecause of certain things
17:42.11RyeBryeromainguy: I've been too lazy to install the latest apple update for java
17:42.12michaelnovakjri went back to 1.5
17:42.22romainguy__RyeBrye: ah Apple... Apple's Java suck :)
17:42.32RyeBryeYes, yes they do
17:42.41romainguy__besides, our code base is Java 1.5, and Java 1.6 has a language change that we don't want to see in the code
17:42.50romainguy__so it's best to use Java 1.5 just to make sure this change doesn't slip in :)
17:43.03RyeBryeromainguy_ which change are you referring to?
17:43.03solcahamdroid: thx! looking... but it seems to me the wrong file to edit, build/combo/ seems better though
17:43.13romainguy__RyeBrye: @Override on interface implementations
17:43.26RyeBryeromainguy_ - gotcha.
17:43.52hamdroidsolca: Ah, yes, that one does look like a better place to make that kind of change :-)
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17:44.36andyrossDid Java 1.6 change something at the .class file level?  I thought it was all compiler-side modifications, no?
17:44.44faddenThe classfile format changed.
17:44.53michaelnovakjryou need the @override in 1.6
17:45.02romainguy__you don't need it no
17:45.11michaelnovakjrit throws an error doesn't it?
17:45.12hamdroidsolca: I don't know our build system very well, but if you're interested in getting thigns building for ARMv6 and submitting the patch I suspect it would be best to add somethign new like in there
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17:45.28hamdroidsolca: And then getting the build system to use that one instead, though honestly I don't know how to do that
17:45.36romainguy__michaelnovakjr: @override is always optional
17:45.42xl0Ugh, guys. Could you probably remplace "To build the Android source under Linux, you will need Ubuntu." on the "get sources" page with something more neutral?
17:45.46romainguy__michaelnovakjr: but if you use it on interface implementations it won't compile with 1.5
17:45.53hamdroidsolca: You could try mailing the android-platform mailing list, I think some of the build system maintainers are on that list
17:45.54michaelnovakjrthat is what it was
17:45.58michaelnovakjri remember having issues with that
17:46.26solcahamdroid: I was thinking the same, to add a new file, I just searching how to override the TARGET_OS and TARGET_ARCH without touching too many things
17:46.32RyeBrye@override on interface implementations that aren't inherited? that seems stupid
17:46.44xl0Like, "We have tested it wuth Ubuntu, but probably any sufficiently recent Linux distribution would do".
17:47.40hamdroidxl0: When that was written it didn't compile on other distros ;-) Seriously though, I'll ask someone to update it
17:47.40romainguy__RyeBrye: it actually makes a lot of sense
17:47.40faddensolca: have you seen ?
17:47.53stadleroYou have to be careful;  The less specific about the build environment, the more lost time spent by people whos distro didn't, in fact, work.
17:48.26RyeBryeI would appreciate some blatant anti-windows jabs on hte "get source" page
17:48.39solcafadden: last time I checked that blog was when the guy tried to build for the neo
17:48.54solcafadden: it seems there is the info I need
17:49.00solcafadden: thx!!
17:49.40xl0hamdroid: Thanks.
17:50.08RyeBryeThings that are outright insulting to windows users would be wonderful - like "Android source is not available on windows platform at this point. This is because anyone who chooses to develop on windows is clearly a _________ with ________ and would not be capable of _______ _______ ______."
17:50.20unix_lappyanswers many questions ;-)
17:51.07RyeBryeDoes the G1 require a new SIM card for t-mobile, or will existing ones work?
17:51.24andyrossIt worked with my existing card that I've been using for 3.5 years now.
17:51.35ttuttleRyeBrye: Works with my AT&T SIM ;-)
17:51.50unix_lappythe second wave of G1's should be hitting around november 10th?
17:51.52andyrossI guess that answers the "are they locked?" question too, then.
17:52.04RyeBryettuttle - does it really?
17:52.19romainguy__RyeBrye: he has an engineering device
17:52.23RyeBryeAh, gotcha
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17:53.07michaelnovakjrromainguy__ so where can we get those :)
17:53.07RyeBryeaside from being unlocked - are there any other differences between the engineering and production ones?
17:53.42romainguy__you can't
17:54.04romainguy__RyeBrye: yes, most of our engineering devices are crappy prototypes with hardwares bugs :)
17:54.10RyeBryeI wouldn't want a G1 engineering device anyway...
17:54.16romainguy__and with huge laser-etched serial numbers everywhere
17:54.21michaelnovakjri wouldn't mind :)
17:54.23ttuttleRyeBrye: Yeah, but I've got an unlocked one ;-)
17:54.26RyeBryeI'd want an engineering device for some new phone that they can't talk about because it's under NDA
17:54.27romainguy__but ttuttle's is the same as the production G1
17:54.34ttuttleromainguy__: Nah, mine doesn't have the etched numbers.
17:54.49romainguy__ttuttle: I said "most" not "all"
17:54.54ttuttleromainguy__: It's a real production one, just with an unlocked radio and bootloader.
17:54.57ttuttleromainguy__: Oh, I didn't see that bit.
17:55.01romainguy__I know what it is ttuttle
17:55.12ttuttleromainguy__: <eek> Okay!
17:55.17xl0Is the bootloader locked too on the G1?!
17:55.22ttuttlescampers away.
17:55.26RyeBryehmmmmmmm..... unlocked radio?
17:55.36ttuttleRyeBrye: Yeah, as in lets you use any SIM.
17:55.40romainguy__xl0: you can't flash your custom build
17:55.43ttuttleRyeBrye: By "radio" I mean the cell chip.
17:55.50michaelnovakjrttuttle: that is slick
17:55.52ttuttleRyeBrye: It can't transmit on any frequency I choose ;-)
17:55.52mikez5There are two separate locks
17:55.54xl0romainguy__: That sucks.
17:56.01ttuttlemichaelnovakjr: Yeah, it's nice.
17:56.02xl0romainguy__: How is it enforced?
17:56.05RyeBryeyeah, I wasn't thinking FM radio or anything - I was thinking you could turn it into a pretty sweet GSM sniffer
17:56.08mikez5One in the bootloader (for reflashing) and one in the radio FW (for SIM lock)
17:56.12michaelnovakjrttuttle: i just want a device to develop with
17:56.23romainguy__xl0: no idea, I'm a UI guy, ask swetland
17:56.25ttuttleRyeBrye: Nah, you'd have to reverse-engineer Qualcomm's firmware to do that.
17:56.29mikez5The two locks are completely independent of each other
17:56.29n3rdboiHi all, I'm having trouble getting the ApiDemo sample app to run on the G1.  It seems to work fine under the emulator.  Is this the right channel for that kind of question?
17:56.40romainguy__n3rdboi: what is your issue?
17:57.02xl0swetland: Would you tell us how to break the G1 lockdown mechanism?
17:57.10ttuttlexl0: :-P
17:57.11RyeBryeHmm...  So in order to reflash our T-mobile G1's with custom builds, we'll have to hack it first...
17:57.13RyeBryeoh well...
17:57.15ttuttlexl0: swetland probably wants to keep his job.
17:57.33michaelnovakjrhaha xl0 you actually asked haha
17:57.41ttuttlemichaelnovakjr: Never hurts to ask.
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17:57.50n3rdboiHi, romainguy_ when I run "ant install" to install to the device, I get a single app icon instead of a folder and when I tap it, it just prints hello world.
17:57.54michaelnovakjrhe could say yea sure :)
17:58.04romainguy__n3rdboi: then it works :)
17:58.15michaelnovakjrhello world is the demo :)
17:58.19romainguy__n3rdboi: more seriously, where are you typing ant install?
17:58.19RyeBryehe could report him directly to the DMCA and MPAA and RIA and whoever else is enforcing the thought police these days though! ;)
17:58.31romainguy__n3rdboi: it seems like you're installing the default Eclipse project
17:58.45n3rdboiUnder the emulator I get a folder that allows me to select a whole bunch of different subapps.
17:58.52xl0michaelnovakjr: I'm sure we will get unlocked G1's quite soon anyway...
17:58.54RyeBryeWhat kind of bootloader does the G1 use? or is that not released?
17:58.58stadleron3rdboi: the build and install steps should be identical for device & emulator
17:59.02romainguy__n3rdboi: where are you typing ant install?
17:59.19RyeBryexl0 - sounds like there are 2 locks though - the sim lock and the bootloader lock... so even 'unlocked' G1's might not really be 'unlocked'
17:59.20n3rdboiI just used the activitycreator script from the command line (x86 gentoo).
17:59.20plusminus_AL SUTTON ?
17:59.22plusminus_PM ME !!
17:59.29n3rdboi"ant install"
17:59.43stadleron3rdboi:  what directory were you in
17:59.51W4-2008All you guys who hav gotten your own copy, hows the phone
18:00.07n3rdboiis checking...
18:00.18andyrossRyeBrye: carriers and manufacturers never release docs on things like bootloaders.  Google may not even have written it.  What you need to hope for is for someone to crack it a la the iPhone jailbreak stuff.
18:00.25tethridgeI guess I'm going to get an iPhone.  The roadmap states that the input method framework won't be worked on until Q1 2009.  I assume that that also means no sexy HTC hardware without a physical keyboard until about Q2 or Q3
18:01.14n3rdboiI did:
18:01.18n3rdboiactivitycreator --out ApiDemos ../android_tools/android-sdk-linux_x86-1.0_r1/samples/ApiDemos/AndroidManifest.xml
18:01.18RyeBryeandyross - I'm not surprised that they haven't released it - just curious if they said "it uses redboot on x" - anyone taken one apart to see if it has jtag headers on it?
18:01.43andyrossNot me certainly.  Reverse engineering makes my eyes cross.  No doubt someone will, though.
18:01.47n3rdboito create build.xml, then ran "ant install" from the same dir that had build.xml in it.
18:02.02RyeBryeandyross - and I'm not probably going to wait for 'someone' to do it... The second I get my phone I'll be starting my quest
18:02.05DisconnectRyeBrye: the 2 stage unlock is why iphone types talk about 'jailbreak' and 'unlocked'
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18:04.03RyeBryeDisconnect - kind of - but 'jailbreak' is more of a software level thing which isn't necessary on the G1 AFAIK - and 'unlocked' is a SIM level thing - which on the iPhone can be done via either a hardware sim modification (i.e a sim piggy-back thing) or at the device level AFTER the phone is 'pwned' and the bootloader / baseband can be flashed
18:04.07stadleron3rdboi: The build steps should be the same for emulator & device, and the output should be ApiDemos.apk.  I don't use "ant install", but I do use "adb install path-to-apk" and maybe you can try that.  (Protip:  Use adb -d for device, adb -e for emulator.)
18:04.10Death_Syngot into 3G land at lunch, got 829kbps on bbr speedtest
18:04.18RyeBryeSo in Android terms - we want Pwn'ed not jailbreak so we can flash our own crap on it
18:04.44unix_lappytethridge: I've been back and the jest of many here ;-)
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18:06.16herriojrhas anyone delt with making a contentprovider return a file through a helper function?
18:06.24jasonchenmarcone: Marco should go through /lastlog jasonchen
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18:06.34jasonchenstupid buffer
18:07.19Penguin2was update pushed yet
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18:08.04n3rdboihmmm... do I need to be building release. "ant" -> builds ApiDemos-debug.apk. "ant release" ->ApiDemos-unsigned.apk, and I get a warning that it will need to be signed.
18:08.20romainguy__that's fine
18:08.25romainguy__it needs to be signed if you distribute it
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18:11.02jastaanalyzes Email app code...
18:11.04n3rdboiThe unsigned .apk doesn't install on the device:
18:11.08n3rdboiadb -d install bin/ApiDemos-unsigned.apk
18:11.08n3rdboi53 KB/s (2899 bytes in 0.052s)
18:11.26umdk1d3n3rdboi: umm right, you need to sign it lol
18:11.29umdk1d3or sign it with debug cert
18:11.51umdk1d3the -debug.apk should be signed with your debug cert
18:12.08romainguy__oh yeah sorry, install the -debug.apk
18:13.07jastaromainguy__: the app code here is very well documented.  nice job ;)
18:13.16jastai mean, nice job google hehe
18:13.40romainguy__have you read Home's code??
18:13.48jastawell i didnt read any of _your_ code yet.
18:13.54stadleroI think he's reading email
18:14.05n3rdboiRight, the -debug.apk installs fine but behaves differently on the device than the emulator. i.e. I get a single icon which when clicked prints "Hello World, ApiDemos" on the device,  but shows a folder of subapps on the emulator.
18:14.07jastai'm digging through the Email app and there is a broad overview of the entire system design in here
18:14.19jastaand an overview of how it synchronizes, how it deals with IMAP versus POP, etc.
18:14.21jastavery detailed
18:14.24romainguy__n3rdboi: then you didn't build ApiDemos, but a Hello World of some sort
18:14.32umdk1d3aww we didnt get the new Home in the source dump?
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18:14.38romainguy__jasta: ah yes, the guy who wrote Email is really goood
18:14.42romainguy__umdk1d3: yes you did
18:14.47tethridgejasta, the contractor wrote that code
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18:14.57stadleron3rdboi: I know that this is a bit of a sidetrack, but is there any reason you're not using the Eclipse SDK to build & install?  It automates more of these requirements.
18:15.16ttuttleEclipse is bloated and annoying.
18:15.21jastaromainguy__: unfortunately to support IMAP IDLE, i will need to tear down some of these abstractions
18:15.29andyrossNot knowing eclipse is kind of a handicap, though.
18:15.31romainguy__well don't tear down too much
18:15.33n3rdboiwhat ttuttle said.
18:15.38jastathe problem with generalizing IMAP and POP3 as the same system is that one is much better than the other
18:15.44geisthave you noticed that the IMAP part of the email app doesn't sync changes back to the server?
18:15.46stadleron3rdboi: your choice.  I was just asking.
18:15.54jastaso you cant generalize perfectly.  for instance, IMAP IDLE will need an entirely different execution model to work than POP3.
18:16.00geistdeletes or marking as read dont get pushed back for me
18:16.03umdk1d3romainguy__: im not seeing the new Home on was it renamed to something else?
18:16.10umdk1d3ahh its launcher now  :)
18:16.18Ramblurranyone know of a weather widget?
18:16.24jastaromainguy__: of course not, but i will need to break up the MessagingController a bit to not consider an IMAP IDLE sync as a "command" to execute.
18:16.35stadleroRamblurr: Aren't there some weather apps in the market?
18:16.47Ramblurryea, but as far as i can tell none of them come with widgets
18:16.51umdk1d3Ramblurr: you might use tango desktop icons for weather
18:16.59stadleroWhat exactly would a weather widget do?
18:17.00jastathe service also will need to break up how it deals with checking for new mail for IMAP.  i suppose we can schedule commands on the boundary of the IDLE wait.  but still, the design will be less general once i'm done here.
18:17.03ttuttleRamblurr: You cannot develop custom widgets yet.
18:17.04umdk1d3oh by widgets you mean desktop widges
18:17.26Ramblurrstadlero: show me sun and the temp if it's hot.. or a rain cloud and temp if it's raining.. etc.
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18:17.35romainguy__desktop widgets are built in Launcher/home
18:17.37Ramblurrttuttle: ah, limitation of the sdk?
18:17.42Dougie187Ramblurr: isn't that what a window is for?
18:17.43ttuttleRamblurr: Yeah.
18:17.53romainguy__we have plans for that but it requires extensive changes and news features in the framework
18:17.53jastaromainguy__: the biggest change is that the service will no longer be woken up to run, it will always run when there are IMAP IDLE-supporting accounts.
18:17.56stadleroYou meant desktop widgets, yes?  Sorry, I thought you meant UI widgets in the SDK.
18:17.57ttuttleRamblurr: It's difficult to display parts of one app in another app.
18:19.15Ramblurrwhich would explain why a 3rd party touch screen keyboard
18:19.18Ramblurrwould be hard to make
18:19.53romainguy__the problem with soft keyboards is that the framework lacks support for them
18:20.04romainguy__and I'm not talking about displaying a keyboard and sending events to TextViews
18:20.11unix_lappywill be interesting to see some of the 3rd party stuff that comes out of IME.
18:20.28romainguy__I'm talking about how to deal with resizing the application to make room for the keyboard
18:20.41romainguy__anyway, we're working on IMF, our support for IME
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18:21.10tethridgeromainguy, have you guys already started on IMF?
18:21.53tethridgeyou're giving me hope
18:21.55n3rdboihmmm... so it looks like there's something messed up in my build environment.  The ApiDemo app should work the same on the emulator and the device.  I'll dig into my build setup.  Thanks for your help.
18:22.32umdk1d3romainguy__: it kinda does support software keyboards, for accented chars, but yea doesnt adjust the activity size
18:22.46romainguy__umdk1d3: no, the accented chars are not a soft keyboard at all
18:22.51romainguy__it's just a trick in TextView
18:23.04umdk1d3ohh ic
18:23.33enfit's just a Dialog
18:23.40ttuttlewants a Facebook client for Android.
18:23.48Dougie187ttuttle: .....
18:23.54umdk1d3ttuttle: same here, altho theyve pretty much said they dont like android
18:23.59ttuttleumdk1d3: They're jerks.
18:24.01umdk1d3will have to be thirdparty
18:24.03Dougie187good. who likes facebook?
18:24.08Dougie187facebook is stupid.
18:24.08androoidi do
18:24.11ttuttleDougie187: Many of my friends happen to use it.
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18:24.18jastai use facebook
18:24.18Dougie187same here, but its stupid still
18:24.20muiroall social networking is pretty much on the same level of failure
18:24.21jastaits better than myspace
18:24.23BBHosswants someone to send this broke startup-developer a G1 so he can develop on real hardware
18:24.24ttuttleDougie187: Frankly I'd prefer if they all just used email, but it's a necessity of college life.
18:24.26muirothey're just probably apple fanboys
18:24.27Dougie187all anyone does on facebook is stalk people.
18:24.44ttuttleDougie187: who + finger + Facebook = scary
18:24.47Penguin2Commooon I need a client for IRC, SSH, Facebook, Twitter.
18:24.59androoidi vote for client for irc
18:25.01muiroPenguin2: there's a shitty ssh client
18:25.03BBHossDougie187: but you must admit that its useful for that
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18:25.06ttuttleDougie187: See someone at a computer, find out their username, look up their real name, find them on Facebook, suddenly you know everything about them.
18:25.08muiroPenguin2: connectbot
18:25.13umdk1d3muiro: oh be nice  :P
18:25.13ttuttleandrooid: Yeah, I'd prefer IRC to Facebook.
18:25.14Penguin2how shitty
18:25.16ttuttleandrooid: I use IRC more.
18:25.30BBHossi've never been a big fan of irc on a phone though
18:25.32Dougie187ttuttle: yeah, thats why i think its stupid.
18:25.41muiroumdk1d3, Penguin2: ok, not "shitty", but "poor" and "featureless"
18:25.46umdk1d3muiro: if you want a better ssh client, feel free to jump in
18:25.49Penguin2does it support ssh keys
18:25.53muiroumdk1d3: I intend to
18:26.02muiroPenguin2: it actualy looks like it does, but Ihaven't bothered t otry
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18:26.09languishirssi will end up on android
18:26.10Dougie187ttuttle: its dumb that its so easy for people to stalk the crap out of you, and thats what most people use it for. if you look at the uses of facebook hardly any of it is for actually social networking, most of it is creepy stalking
18:26.12umdk1d3muiro: Penguin2 it doesnt atm, but coming soon
18:26.16languishit ended up on the sidekick
18:26.21ttuttleDougie187: So, the problem is that most people post stupid shit.
18:26.21muiroumdk1d3: you're the dev?
18:26.30Dougie187ttuttle: yeah. exactly.
18:26.36ttuttleDougie187: Eh, I'd disagree.  I've never had any trouble with stalking, and none of my friends have ever mentioned it.
18:26.41Penguin2umdk1d3, hurry up :)
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18:26.47Dougie187ttuttle: would you tell people if you stalked people?
18:26.52ttuttleDougie187: I'd say I don't care about over half of the stuff I see, but it's still useful to find stuff.
18:26.56volis watching you masturbate
18:27.05Dougie187ttuttle: would you go home to you friends and say, "Hey, i stalked these girls last night. it was awesome"
18:27.11ttuttleDougie187: If somsone posts personal stuff, and others read it without saying anything... who cares?
18:27.27languishDougie187, that sounds like half of EFnet
18:27.27ttuttleDougie187: Facebook stalking only works if someone "asks to be stalked".
18:27.29Dougie187ttuttle: i just think its dumb. thats all.
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18:27.44ttuttleDougie187: Eh.  I don't really mind.  I don't put stuff up I don't want to share.
18:27.56languishspeaking of which, here's jerkface03
18:28.15Dougie187ttuttle: me either, but imo its significantly different then what it should be.
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18:28.24Dougie187facebook vs. social networking
18:28.30ttuttleDougie187: How would you change it?
18:28.38Dougie187take it back a couple years.
18:28.40ttuttleDougie187: Anything done to "limit stalking" would also limit legitimate use.
18:28.42languishjerkface03 is a bot, for what purpose I don't know.. logging or spamming  It's on efnet too
18:28.53Dougie187before everyone started making retarded apps and when only college students could get accts.
18:29.05ttuttleDougie187: Oh, yeah, get rid of apps.  I agree.
18:29.13ttuttleDougie187: Also, I'd like college and high school to be separated.
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18:29.30ttuttleDougie187: Actually, I'm not sure.  I find it useful to communicate with my friends who are still in high school.
18:29.34muiroumdk1d3: hope I didn't hurt your feelings
18:29.35andyrossThe difference between "stalking" and "social networking" is about intent, not software.  The same actions done by two people mean very different things.  You can't fix that like a bug.
18:29.44Dougie187ttuttle: totally. i wish you were by default restricted in the networks you could join. or had some basis that you were required to have to join.
18:29.45ttuttle== andyross
18:30.04Dougie187ttuttle: but you could be in the network for your town or something to talk to them. you don't need to see all of the other highschoolers.
18:30.05ttuttleDougie187: Yes.  That was the big thing that made Facebook not suck.  You were representing some group (school, college, employer).
18:30.20ttuttleDougie187: True, but location networks creep me out.
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18:31.11Dougie187ttuttle: i was actually having a similar discussion with the lover of all SN a while ago about this, i think SN shouldn't be so much about entertaining people, it should be more about networking.
18:31.19Dougie187ttuttle: but most people disagree with me about that i gues.
18:31.23ttuttleDougie187: I totally agree.
18:31.26jastaon connectbot
18:31.47DisconnectDougie187: so use linkedin and ignore the rest
18:31.48ttuttleDougie187: I mean, I'd rather use Facebook to talk to friends than play games or do stupid shit.
18:31.58Dougie187Disconnect: yeah, i hear thats a good one for it.
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18:32.09ttuttleDisconnect: LinkedIn is bad because it's not free for many uses.
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18:32.27Dougie187ttuttle: yeah, or use facebook to keep track of them (contact info) and email to talk to them.
18:32.33ttuttleDougie187: Yeah.
18:32.47Dougie187ttuttle: like facebook as an online address book.
18:32.51ttuttleDougie187: Other bits are useful, though, like Groups.
18:33.00jastadamn.  this ssh client aint too bad
18:33.00ttuttleDougie187: And, again, you *could* do that elsewhere, but it's less spontaneous.
18:33.06ttuttlejasta: ConnectBot?
18:33.15Dougie187ttuttle: yeah, but there are quite a few stupid and useless groups on there.
18:33.18ttuttlejasta: Does it support ctrl/alt+keys, or pgup?
18:33.25Dougie187ttuttle: like, "I can pee in two directions at the same time"
18:33.25jastasome rough edges, but its doable
18:33.30ttuttleDougie187: Yeah.  I created the "Anything But x86 Fan Club" the other day.
18:33.35ttuttleDougie187: Yeah, but that will happen anywhere.
18:33.43ttuttleDougie187: Have you looked at the jokes people send by email lately?
18:33.46kslaterjasta wasn't it you who was busting my chops about doing ssh on the g1?
18:33.51davidwso how is the phone?
18:33.58Dougie187ttuttle: yeah. thats what happens when stupid people get online. no i have not see the jokes.
18:34.00romainguy__hey kslater :)
18:34.02ITechJunkieHey guys, i've been looking around online, maybe someone here can answer my question.
18:34.07andyrossOoh, good point:  has someone hacked up an ssh client for the G1 yet?
18:34.22kslaterandyross yes
18:34.23ITechJunkieIs there a way to access the linux shell while using the g1
18:34.31ttuttleITechJunkie: Not on a production device yet.
18:34.32ITechJunkieandyross, yes they have
18:34.45andyrossLink? :)  Didn't see it in the market, but maybe that stuff would never appear.
18:34.46ttuttleITechJunkie: (I think.)
18:34.53romainguy__ttuttle: adb shell works :)
18:34.58ITechJunkieandyross, google connect bot
18:35.01ttuttleromainguy__: Oh, true.
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18:35.12ttuttleromainguy__: That's not doable without a computer though.
18:35.16ITechJunkieandyross, "connectbot"
18:35.20ttuttleITechJunkie: Did you mean on the device, or with a computer attached?
18:35.27kslaterromainguy_: I grabbed your flickr app, but I'm not sure I grok it
18:35.36ITechJunkieadb shell?
18:35.42romainguy__kslater: how so?
18:35.44ITechJunkiettuttle, on the device
18:35.46kslateror was it more just test bed for ui effects?
18:35.50ttuttleITechJunkie: Yeah, adb shell won't do that.
18:35.59jastaumdk1d3: dude...use a wakelock....
18:36.01ITechJunkiettuttle, bummer
18:36.05romainguy__kslater: it's a very simple viewer and a sample for UI code and visual effects :))
18:36.10ttuttleITechJunkie: adb is a tool that comes with the SDK.  "adb shell" opens a shell on the device, but you use the computer to access it.
18:36.47voladb shell works on the device, too
18:36.54volunless I'm mistaken : (
18:36.59jastait does
18:37.05ttuttleHow do you launch it?
18:37.09jastabut it does noithing useful
18:37.09ITechJunkieworks on the device?
18:37.14ttuttleI mean, it works on a device, but you can't type into the shell on the device.
18:37.15vol"adb shell"
18:37.22ttuttleI meant device vs. PC, not device vs. emulator.
18:37.24volyou mean a program to load the shell
18:37.27volon the device itself
18:37.32volyeah, I dunno about that one
18:37.41volI'm sure one is coming, I thought I heard someone making a project like that
18:37.58Disconnectwow. so the j2me gmail app can do stuff that teh huge googlephone can't (like 2 gmail accounts) :(
18:38.38romainguy__Disconnect: but the offline support is very limited
18:38.55Disconnectthats all well and good, but the multiple account thing is huge
18:39.18ITechJunkieI'm sure someone will mod the program to where you can do that soon.
18:39.28jastathey cant
18:39.33jastaits not open
18:40.09romainguy__ITechJunkie: it's no trivial matter
18:40.11romainguy__ask Cedric2 :)
18:40.14Disconnectand istr it uses the 'master' google account info. so even if you convinced it to install under a diff't name it would still pull auth from teh same place :(
18:42.00ITechJunkiewell. being the optimistic person I am. I'm still not gonna lose hope that someone can change something, whether it be in android's source or whatever, that will fix that problem.
18:42.21ttuttleITechJunkie: THERE IS NO HOPE
18:42.23ttuttleITechJunkie: :-P
18:42.28Cedric2Disconnect: it's easier for the JavaME app
18:42.35Cedric2since having multiple accounts only impacts that app
18:42.43Cedric2having multiple accounts on the G1 impacts the entire stack
18:43.21Disconnecthaving multiple -master- accounts impacts the entire stack. multiple accounts in general is no worse than the current setup, where gmail uses 1 account for mail/cal/contacts/etc and email uses ohters for just mail, which may or may not be gmail accounts
18:43.33Cedric2Think about it for a second, Disconnect
18:43.44Cedric2if you can have multiple accounts just in Gmail, people will start wondering what it means to calendar
18:43.45Cedric2and talk
18:43.56kslaterhey, has ConnectBot made it up onto the app Market?
18:43.58ITechJunkieHow much power does the public have over making changes to android itself? How hard would it be to actually make changes to the stack?
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18:44.11Dougie187Cedric2: not if you have one master account like hes saying.
18:44.12volwell, android just got open sourced
18:44.14ITechJunkiekslater, I don't think so
18:44.15DisconnectITechJunkie: its very easy. its running the changes thats hard.
18:44.16Cedric2ITechJunkie: suffice to say it's not trivial :)
18:44.23volit doesn't compile to a version that will run on the G1 yet
18:44.26Cedric2You guys crack me up
18:44.30volbut that will be fixed iirc shortly
18:44.45kslateryeah, just checked
18:44.58kslatervol, I'm using it on my G1 already
18:45.00jastahey, i just had a fun thought....
18:45.09kslatersir yes sir
18:45.23jastacan we post modified apps to the market?
18:45.38Disconnectmodified stock apps? doubtful
18:45.45jastaas in, modify one of the base apps like email
18:45.47Dougie187jasta: as long as it doesn't violate the developer agreement?
18:46.02Dougie187i haven't read through it yet, so ionno....
18:46.07Disconnectsuspects it'll run aground of copyright before it gets posted. iceweasel-style.
18:46.08jastawell it might.  whats the agreement?
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18:46.37Dougie187Maybe this?
18:46.37mpardohow can i check to see if a particular service (foo) is running?
18:46.50gdsxDisconnect: (IANAL) sure; note that the vast majority of the open-source stuff is Apache 2-licensed
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18:47.10Dougie187jasta: im talking about the agreement that google has the "kill-switch" for.
18:47.18jastai know
18:47.26romainguy__Dougie187: Disconnect : you modify the stock apps
18:47.29romainguy__we welcome patches
18:47.39Disconnectgdsx: so is firefox. its still gotta be called 'iceweasel' and such if you make changes - nothing to do with the source license, everything to do with the copyright on images/icons/text/etc.
18:47.47jastaim modifying email as we speak...would be cool if i could upload to market
18:47.54romainguy__jasta: you can't
18:48.02michaelnovakjrjust patch it
18:48.03gdsxDisconnect: what graphics are there in the stock apps?
18:48.04romainguy__jasta: because the package name will be the same as the installed app
18:48.14romainguy__jasta: so you will get a conflict at install time
18:48.15Dougie187jasta: plus you have to pay $25
18:48.19zhobbsjasta: what are you changing in the email app?
18:48.22romainguy__(and the signing key will be different)
18:48.26jastawell not if i just pp during build
18:48.35Disconnectgdsx: dozens of icons for one
18:48.52daniell@Disconnect: You may modify the source
18:49.00jastazhobbs: right now, imap idle
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18:49.05daniellwithout having to rename it to iceweasel
18:49.17Disconnectdaniell: you can't distribute it without renaming it
18:49.20gdsxDisconnect: true, I guess, though they're used infrequently
18:49.30zhobbsjasta: nice, I think I'll need to set that up on my IMAP server
18:49.45gdsxDisconnect: btw, doesn't firefox use the MPL?
18:49.52jastaall major imap server vendors support it
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18:50.16jastaby default
18:50.25daniellso does ubuntu
18:50.26zhobbsjasta: awesome
18:50.35zhobbsI'm using dovecot
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18:51.13romainguy__jasta: make that feature a setting btw :)
18:51.17Disconnectdoesn't get why so many 'mobile' email implementations skip imap idle
18:51.42Disconnectits bad with things like seven beta (server-side push) but it just wastes effort on their servers. its terrible for things like cellphones..
18:52.25RyeBryeAre boot times on an actual device faster than in the emulator?
18:52.28eburnettehi guys what's up?
18:52.38michaelnovakjr:) what's up
18:52.39daniell@RyeBrye: yes
18:52.41romainguy__RyeBrye: depends on what machine hosts the emulator
18:52.44andyrossProbably because it's not in the IMAP RFC itself.  IMAP has a lot of design-by-committee in it, and a lot of the important parts are technically peripheral.
18:53.02RyeBryeI'm on a Core2Duo at 2.33 Ghz
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18:53.39eburnetteBoot time seems to be about the same as emulator for me
18:53.56andyrossTo be fair: the G1 doesn't boot terribly fast.  Felt like something like 45-60 seconds to me, although I didn't time it.  My old A780 (linux phone, 2.4.something kernel and Qt-based UI) boots in about 15.
18:54.20Dougie187RyeBrye: does it matter that much? how often are you going to be powering down your phone and powering it back up?
18:54.37RyeBryeYou'd be surprised
18:54.38eburnetteI haven't had to reboot it since I got it Tuesday (the G1)
18:54.39romainguy__androoid: it can greatly vary from boot to boot
18:54.49romainguy__andyross: it can greatly vary from boot to boot
18:54.57andyrossWhenever you change the SIM or the battery.  For some people, that's not uncommon.  But yes, for typical usage boot time is not what you want to optimize first.
18:55.00Disconnectandyross: its as much of an 'official' rfc as most everything else is. and older than a lot of stuff (1997 according to the header)
18:55.01romainguy__andyross: on the first boot, the system does tons of stuff
18:55.24romainguy__eburnette: how's the book going?
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18:55.49eburnetteif by staying up till 4am doing final edits you mean great :)
18:55.58romainguy__I know what it's like :)
18:55.59Ramblurrhm, i can't figure out where to copy pictures to make them show up in the Pictures app
18:56.07romainguy__Ramblurr: anywhere on the sdcard
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18:56.34tethridgeromainguy__, have the developers considered an android level sleep concept that would shutoff any multimedia after a period of time so that it doesn't kill the battery?  That way each app wouldn't have to implement the sleep functionality and there would be one central place to set the sleep timer.
18:56.34eburnetteQ: has anybody done a file explorer that runs on device yet?
18:56.43michaelnovakjreburnette: finsihing it now :)
18:56.50michaelnovakjrupdating from another version of the sdk
18:56.51jastaromainguy__: sure, it'll be a part of the "how often to check" setting
18:57.07romainguy__eburnette: it's pretty much useless since an app can read only its own data directory and that's all
18:57.10romainguy__jasta: ok cool
18:57.13andyrossDisconnect: I know, that was kind of my point.  There's nowhere to look up what "IMAP" means.  You need to know the way the standard grew and how it's used in the market to write a good implementation.  It's big and complicated.
18:57.38volromainguy__: I thought that you were allowed to read outside of that directory if you were given permissions.
18:57.40Disconnectandyross: ahh. but if you don't know imap idle is a Good Thing, maybe you shouldn't be speccing out an email client :)
18:58.08romainguy__vol: you can read the sdcard but that's about it
18:58.14ITechJunkieRamblurr, they'll show up after you disconnect your device from the computer or you disable the storage option in the settings
18:58.24jastaDisconnect: i suspect they didnt implement IMAP IDLE on purpose.  if google didnt have Gmail, their Email client would have supported IMAP IDLE.
18:58.26andyrossIsn't the discussion here that the builtin Android client does not support idle, though?  I agree, that it'd be nice to have experts do everything right the first time.  But in the real world, it sometimes helps to have sane standards to help the novices along.
18:58.44romainguy__jasta: I think it's more about time than anything else
18:59.03RamblurrITechJunkie: ah yea, i had to d/c the device first
18:59.07romainguy__jasta: it has nothing to do with Gmail being there or not
18:59.20romainguy__Ramblurr: when the sdcard is mounted on your computer, applications don't have access to it
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18:59.32Ramblurrmakes sense
18:59.45andyrossNot sure how much time it would take to implement -- it's not a completely separate feature, just a different code path for receiving a message on a socket you're already listening on.  I'm sorta with Disconnect that this is something you really want to get right the first time.
18:59.48jastaromainguy__: well, fair enough, but had they not spent so much time on Gmail, they would've had time for one of the most obvious features for a mobile IMAP client :)
19:00.06jastathis argument has lots of facets, no point having it :)
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19:00.08Disconnect is in fact a long, ugly mess. but.... (fwiw it looks like apple did it right in their mobile imap, with idle and such done out of the box)
19:00.24Disconnectbut then again, they did that in mail too (recently? don't recall) so it was already on the radar -soemwhere- internall
19:00.49RyeBryeWhat's the break key in the terminal emulator on the emulator?
19:00.53romainguy__jasta: but that's totally different teams, so what you're saying is meaningless :)
19:01.34romainguy__Disconnect: Apple's Mail app drives me nuts, it updates the server very infrequently
19:01.38romainguy__it's freaking annoying
19:01.51michaelnovakjrromainguy__ still using an iPhone?
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19:02.08jastaromainguy__: well, IMAP IDLE doesn't "update frequently".  it's just like how Gmail works.
19:02.08Disconnectyah but at least it updates - fwiw all the messages i deleted last night on my phone were just marked read this morning when i got to work (sigh)
19:02.08romainguy__it's gathering dust on my desk
19:02.10michaelnovakjrdone already?
19:02.19RyeBryenm. I found it
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19:03.04Disconnectimap idle isn't for updating the server, its for notifying the client. i think he was talking about infrequently sending local changes to the server.
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19:03.36eburnetteQ: My sound example isn't working right, can somebody help? I thought it was just an emulator problem, but no.  See .
19:03.40romainguy__Disconnect: correct
19:03.52jastaoh, sorry, i was popping in and out of the conversation
19:04.02herriojrso, when creating a contentprovider, I don't understand how I implement the openInputStream which the content resolver calls...
19:04.14jastaherriojr: you implement openFile()
19:04.29jastanow that android is open source, you'll have plenty of examples ;)
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19:04.46herriojroh yeah, I forgot to download and look at that
19:04.50eburnette@jasta if you can get the source
19:04.54herriojrI'll look at the phonebook implementation
19:05.39michaelnovakjreburnette: you can now :)
19:05.57jastaeburnette: if?
19:06.39eburnette@michael can't get it if you have Windows
19:07.02jastawell what would you do with it on windows anyway?  you can't double-click it :)
19:07.04eburnetteI'm restaging an ubuntu machine now so I can look at it
19:07.08romainguy__eburnette: git and repo don't work in Cygwin??
19:07.15enfeburnette: you could still browse it from the web interface, even if you can't download the whole thing
19:07.24eburnette@enf one file at a time, eek
19:07.45enfok, good point
19:08.13romainguy__eburnette: have you tried in Cygwin?
19:08.20Dougie187romainguy_ or a vm.
19:08.21eburnette@romainguy might work under cygwin, haven't tried
19:08.32romainguy__eburnette: here you go :)
19:08.44xavdshould work on cygwin, my cube mate managed to get it. need to have cygwin in binary mode though
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19:10.14eburnetteI started to try on msys, then ran into python requirement, figured it'd be less hassle to just find an ubuntu machine
19:10.57zhobbsno one has put up a tarball of the source yet? would probably be convenient for people who just want to peek around in it
19:11.26tmccraryit's official now, android rocks
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19:11.36Death_Syntmccrary: i'm loving it so far
19:11.45Death_Synhad it just a bit over a day
19:11.50tmccraryme too, very nice. I just got mine 2 hours ago
19:11.59tmccraryI prefer it to the iphone immensely
19:12.01Death_Synwant to add FLAC support to the media player and get a working irc client going, though
19:12.18Death_Syni'm having to transcode my tunes into ogg to play here
19:12.25eburnettecheck this out: I'm installing the android source on this machine Eric built:
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19:12.43gdsxDeath_Syn: what's the FLAC decode CPU cost? expensive?
19:13.14Death_Syngdsx: my treo 600 could do it, barely.  the 700p doesn't have trouble doing it, and palm os doesn't even multitask well
19:14.23daniellis there a openstreetmap based application already?
19:14.56CompBrainHas anyone found a B&M store that sells  3.5mm headphone->extusb adapters?
19:15.06jastaDeath_Syn: you may be interested in my project, which will automatically transcode FLAC...
19:15.45andyrossCompBrain: Ordered one from, but no, no physical source that I'm aware of.
19:16.19eburnetteWhat was htc thinking when they designed that headset?
19:16.29CompBrainYou'd think people would stock them, since other devices use that connector too.
19:16.33unix_lappyCompBrain: the local mall should have one.
19:16.58unix_lappyB&M will be at a premium regardless.  Mall, Radioshack, Fry's / Microcenter, etc.
19:17.01andyrosseburnette: My thought too.  Not pleasant at all.  The huge brick at the chin is just ... yuck.
19:17.05CompBrainunix_lappy: T-Mo doesn't seem to list them as accessories for any of their devices
19:17.12CompBrainRatshack doesn't list it online
19:17.21unix_lappyCompBrain: they are standard HTC mini-usb to 3.5 converters.
19:17.41DisconnectCompBrain: some/many at&t stores carry them.
19:18.01zhobbsI don't mind the design of the G1...not elegant (at all), but seems functional
19:18.05CompBrainunix_lappy: Yeah, I was just having issues finding them online -- not indexed as extusb perhaps?
19:19.28andyrossThe phone is fine.  The keyboard is really nice.  A lot of the peripheral details are pretty iffy.  The covers for the extusb and sd card seem like they're going to snap off within a month.  As mentioned, the headset is just plain awful.  And the sd card itself is frustratingly hard to get out without a pen or other tool.
19:19.43unix_lappyCompBrain: well i said mini-usb, they arent really mini-usb in the sense that they arent usb-a
19:20.28zhobbsandyross: ohh, the headphones? those are really bad
19:20.37eburnetteWonder if this works: "This all-in-one adapter allows you to connect a 3.5mm headphone, a HTC EMU headset and a sync and charge cable. Sync data, charge and use a headset all at the same time!"
19:20.45andyrossI had to look this up after getting confused when the power adapter didn't seem to fit the port: the name of the port is "extusb", and it's reasonably standard on HTC phones.
19:20.52unix_lappyandyross: they are really testing my will with this device. I know I SHOULDN'T just go and get an iPhone, but the G1 as a device makes it really tempting.
19:20.54CompBrainunix_lappy: Yeah. I tried "(htc|extusb) adapter" with no results
19:20.55zhobbseburnette: it does, I have one
19:20.56romainguy__eburnette: people at the office use similar splitters
19:21.19gdsxandyross: I've been using my usb cover for 2 months, probably opening it and closing it more than a normal user would, and it's been fine
19:22.07andyrossTo be truthful, that's the stuff Apple is always going to do better than other vendors.  The iPhone would never have shipped with that headset, or those snap-off parts.  I'm sure they're fine under typical usage, but all it takes is for one to get hooked up on a keychain or whatever and it's gone.
19:22.47ttuttlehas already broken his earphones' plug.
19:22.49eburnette - extusb to 3.5mm
19:22.55Death_Synjasta: ooh, thanks
19:23.04zhobbsandyross: apple makes great hardware
19:23.04gdsxandyross: there's a big advantage to using a standard connector, though
19:23.24Death_Syneburnette: i found some good stuff on to adapt to extusb
19:23.33gdsx(I mean, apple gets away with nonstandard connectors because they sell such high volume)
19:23.34andyrossStandard in the way that USB and 3.5mm audio ... isn't? :)
19:23.49gdsxandyross: I'm talking about USB
19:23.50ttuttleGoogle, while I am *logged out*: "Customized for Pittsburgh metro area, US. More details"
19:24.05ttuttleWow, that's creepy.
19:24.19gdsxandyross: you can use any old USB cable to connect to the handset; it's just that the functionality is overloaded if you have the special cable
19:24.33gdsxandyross: which is a creative way to go about things, IMO
19:24.50ITechJunkieI haven't gotten a chance to use the headset that comes with the Android. Is it decent?
19:24.56andyrossOh, you mean that the iPhone doesn't have an actual USB plug.  Yes, I agree.  The extusb thing isn't much of a complaint.
19:24.57volyeah, good enough
19:24.57ITechJunkie*with the G1
19:25.08volthe headset isn't special but it's good enough
19:25.32ITechJunkievol, decent sound quality/
19:25.34gdsxITechJunkie: I use it and it's decent.  I prefer real headphones to earbuds any day, though
19:25.43volI guess? I'm not really an audiophile
19:25.43eburnetteAnybody know if the G1 extusb supports video out? (
19:25.50volI could understand the person on the other end at any rate
19:25.53andyrossThe lack of an actual plug for audio, though, is I think more of a disadvantage.  Everyone has favorite headphones, it's a hugely personal decision.  None of those headphones work on the G1 without tracking down an obscure adapter.
19:25.54covalentbond_FYI:  Android Market vs. iPhone App Store: The First 24 Hours:
19:25.59ITechJunkiegdsx, agreed
19:26.09volandyross: Oh boy, yet more fucking holes and peripherals
19:26.20volLet me track down power adapter #3724b
19:26.28voloops, lost it when I moved, guess I can't use this.
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19:26.52solcai already compile android
19:26.59ttuttlevol: That's why you can charge the G1 with any miniUSB cable or charger!
19:27.01andyrossAll of which might have been OK if HC had shipped a top-shelf headset instead of the clunker that was in the box.  It's all about overall experience.   A user unboxing this thing and intending to use it as an audio player is going to be really disappointed vs. even midrange stuff like the ROKR.
19:27.05solcanow there is some easy command to run the emulator?
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19:27.16ttuttlesolca: "emulator".  It's in tools.
19:27.18trigatch4michaelnovakjr: you still there?
19:27.26gdsxandyross: yeah, not having to use an adapter would be nice.
19:28.04volandyross: honestly, I don't even know people who use headsets.
19:28.14andyrossWhen compared with the iPhone "feel" as an audio player, it's really not even close.  And a lot of the details are really simple things like choice of plugs and headset OEMs.
19:28.18voleveryone I know either has a bluetooth headset or just goes without
19:28.18ttuttlevol: I did, until it broke.  It was nice.
19:28.32jeldttuttle, well, not any miniUSB charger will work well, you need one with right output
19:28.49solcattuttle: can't find it
19:28.50gdsxjeld: I think the point is that they all work, however
19:28.54ttuttlesolca: hmm
19:28.57jeldttuttle, and there are some rumors that not every miniUSB cable works
19:29.05ttuttlejeld: USB provides a minimum of 500ma, and the phone will charge off of that.
19:29.16gdsxjeld: uhh... that rumor is (almost definitely) false
19:29.18romainguy__jeld: all the USB cables I've used so far (about 10 different) worked
19:29.33gdsxjeld: the handset is a USB device just like a digital camera is a USB device
19:29.35jeldthats good, I used 2 different ones with no problem
19:29.37ttuttlejeld: Certainly any y cable will work.
19:29.46ttuttlejeld: A significantly underpowered charger may not.
19:29.53andyrossFWIW, the charging hardware seems really robust to me.  I've spent the last three years with an A780 that, when dead, can't charge of an actual USB port and needs to be plugged into the wall.
19:30.04ttuttleandyross: Wow, that's dumb.
19:30.38andyrossNo doubt it's because the bootstrap charger tries to draw more current than the USB spec allows, or somesuch.  Once the software-controlled charger is live, it's fine.
19:33.43jeldttuttle, I cannot seem to locate the link, but I read yesterday, that some of the common miniUSB chargers ouput something like 50% of what G1 charger does
19:34.02ttuttlejeld: That's okay.
19:34.13ttuttlejeld: The G1 charger probably outputs more than is required so the phone can charge faster.
19:34.19jeldttuttle, I am not sure I will ever use the charger anyway
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19:34.41ttuttlejeld: I only use it at home.  I just keep the miniUSB cable with me and plug the phone into my computer when I'm using the computer.
19:35.01jeldttuttle, charger output supposed to play a big role in battery lifetime
19:35.12ttuttlejeld: What do you mean?
19:35.34ttuttlejeld: If anything, I would assume charging more slowly would be gentler on the battery.
19:35.45jeldttuttle, supposedly charging the battery with wrong output (even if it is less then spec) will reduce battery life
19:36.00ttuttlejeld: Where did you hear this?
19:36.22andyrossA lot of the "battery lifetime" vooodoo is just that.  LiON cells don't have the kind of weird chemistry that people remember from the days of NiCd or NiMH.  The only thing that's known to reduce your battery's lifetime is using it.
19:36.40solcattuttle: i find it: ./host/linux-x86/bin/emulator and runs fine, thx!
19:36.49ttuttlesolca: Cool!
19:36.51Death_Syni'm using a wall charger from a HTC PPC6800 on my g1 and it works fine
19:36.57Death_Synhaven't tried usb charge from pc yet
19:36.59Death_Synneed to do that
19:37.07Disconnectwow. 5 hour delay in outgoing gmail from my phone. thats -nice-.
19:37.10ttuttleDeath_Syn: It should work, albeit more slowly.
19:37.13volDisconnect: nice
19:37.25volI haven't even tried the wall charger yet, just been using PC USB connection
19:37.26Death_Synttuttle: nothing new to me.  treos do the same thing
19:37.27Disconnectand no, its not on my end :)
19:37.32RyeBryeandyross - LiONs reduce battery lifetime gradually over time -starting the day they are manufactured and regardless of if they are used or not
19:37.46Death_SynBBs are able to turn themselves up
19:37.47RyeBrye(I mean capacity, not lifetime)
19:37.52Death_Synor ask the computer to do so
19:38.16andyrossNot sure I've read that one, but I'm not a battery chemist.  Lithium cells *do* leak charge more rapidly when stored relative to other technologies.  Are you sure that's not what you're thinking of?
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19:38.52Death_Synwonder what spare batteries are going to cost when the time comes
19:39.10RyeBryeandyross: first sentence under disadvantages: "A unique drawback of the Li-ion battery is that its life span is dependent upon aging (shelf life). From time of manufacturing, regardless of whether it was charged or the number of charge/discharge cycles, the battery will decline slowly and predictably in capacity. "
19:39.31RyeBryeSo... If you are buying a new battery for your cell phone - always check the datestamp on it....
19:41.00RyeBryebut you are right about the lack of memory thing - they don't have a memory effect and don't require you to use any kind of strange battery-life voodoo where you alter your normal charging behavior to try to benefit the life of the battery
19:41.15RyeBryeunless of course you are normally charging your battery in an oven or something
19:42.24Disconnectlate to the party, but they do have - if not memory - 'bad training' wherein the charging circuit can be convinced the capacity is much lower than it really is
19:42.58andyrossRyeBrye: amusingly, I actually followed the reference for that toe the site.  The only support I can find for that statement is one throwaway sentence in an unrelated paragraph: "A typical life of a lithium-ion is 300-500 discharge/charge cycles or about three years from time of manufacturing."  I'm not saying it's wrong, exactly, just maybe over-interpreted by the wiki author.
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19:44.41volspeaking of which, what's the word on the battery life? Is the OTA update going to do anything about that?
19:44.49mohbanahi, does anyone know if the natural language parsing engine google calendar uses was built in-house?
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19:45.12cyrus__which kernel version is the latest release of android built on?
19:45.47andyrossG1 /proc/version reports: Linux version 2.6.25-01828-g18ac882 ( (gcc version 4.2.1) #1 PREEMPT Thu Sep 11 23:18:27 PDT 2008
19:46.32cyrus__so u got the G1 phone? how is it?
19:46.48ttuttlecyrus__: It is the best phone ever. <-- Probably not true.
19:46.52ttuttlecyrus__: It is awesome though.
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19:47.04mohbanai'm going to wait for the htc touch
19:47.28cyrus__i want to port android over to the n810
19:47.46Dougie187cyrus__: let us know when you get it to work.
19:47.55Dougie187cyrus__: im sure a bunch of people want it.
19:48.12davidwI want one:-)
19:48.22davidwI really want to see how Hecl runs on a real one
19:48.28Dougie187davidw: whats that? and n810 with android? or a g1?
19:48.38eburnetteAny idea what next (non-bugfix) version of SDK will be called and when it will be out?
19:48.38davidwa real phone
19:48.50Dougie187why not go get one?
19:48.59Death_Syndoes anything need to be done to trigger grabbing the 1.1 update?
19:49.06Dougie187eburnette: Sdk 1.1?
19:49.07andyrossHuh, and while I'm in /proc on the device.  Specs floating around on the web say the box has 192M of DRAM, yet I see only 101M available.  Where's the rest?  Much too big for a framebuffer.  Flash cache or something?  Or are the public specs wrong?
19:49.21davidwis on 2.1 already
19:49.38Dougie187davidw: you're a punk.
19:49.48romainguy__andyross: ask swetland :)
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19:50.45ralphtandyross: probably for the baseband
19:50.57eburnetteDougie187: What's the time frame for sdk 1.1, any guesses?
19:51.06romainguy__ralpht: a large chunk of RAM is allocated to the baseband
19:51.14andyrossThey're on the same memory bus?  I guess I always thought that the other cores had their own memory.
19:51.21Dougie187eburnette: some time before november 2009.
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19:51.35romainguy__Dougie187: :))
19:51.40andyross91M is pretty beefy for something that's basically just a router. :)
19:51.41eburnetteum, thanks
19:51.46Dougie187eburnette: google likes to keep you guessing
19:52.42eburnetteAm I alone in thinking the G1 has far too little internal flash for applications?
19:53.02Dougie187eburnette: probably?
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19:53.31eburnetteDougie187: really? I ran out the first day
19:53.40Dougie187i don't know.
19:53.54Dougie187i don't even have a g1
19:54.09Dougie187so <--- is probably not the right person to be answering your questions.
19:54.09gdsxeburnette: no
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19:55.06andyrossHrm, indeed.  The .apk files all seem to live in /system/app, whose filesystem has only 5M available on my phone.  Is there an alternative installation location?
19:55.33romainguyandyross: /system/app is the firmware, it's not for external apps
19:55.36andyrossOr, no, that's an RO filesystem.  Must be somewhere under /data
19:55.40romainguyapps you install from Market or with adb go in /data
19:55.49gdsxeburnette, andyross: short answer, it's being worked on
19:55.52andyrossWhich is --x to the shell user, sadly :(
19:56.11wastrelanyone else have a 48 hour wait before their web will work over 3g?
19:56.13eburnettegdsx: worked on how? bootstrap from sd card perhaps?
19:56.13Dougie187who wants a RBOC from woot?!
19:56.17Dougie18732% left.
19:56.24gdsxandyross: you don't need +r to access stuff under the directory
19:56.34gdsxandyross: that's why you've got +x :o)
19:56.41wastrelthe cust. svc rep said my web won't work because it can be 48 hours before the account is fully activated
19:56.45wastrel(gmail works.)
19:56.45andyrossI do to list it, though.  Can't discover what I can't see.
19:56.46gdsxeburnette: don't know, and probably couldn't go into it anyway
19:57.05gdsxandyross: well, yeah.  that's sort of the point, though :o)
19:57.25andyrossI know, which is sad.  Someone will crack it though, I have faith.
19:58.43RyeBryeSo is the statement that T-mobile worked with Google to make sure that the G1 "wouldn't be able to do VOIP" a lie?
19:59.20kslaterDougie187: you have to shout out earlier
19:59.30Dougie187yeah. its all gone now.
19:59.37Dougie187their servers already crashed as well.
19:59.51kslaterdid you get anything?
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20:00.47RyeBrye' When I talked to Cole Brodman, the CTO of T-Mobile, after the event about what would stop something like Skype from designing a program that could run on the phone, negating the need for a massive voice plan, he said he had "worked with Google" to make sure Android couldn't run VOIP. ' - what kind of work would this involve?
20:00.51Dougie187i clicked buy and the site broke.
20:00.54Dougie187then it came back sold out.
20:02.17kslaterRyeBrye - what does that make iSkoot?
20:03.06RyeBryeYeah, I'm aware of iSkoot - I'm just baffled by WTF the CTO of T-mobile could be referring ti
20:03.07RyeBryeerr ot
20:03.12RyeBryeerr TO
20:03.40kslaterI guess I haven't actually used it yet so maybe it doesn't work. ;-)
20:03.43Disconnectis anyone else having severe wifi problems? pondering a reset to factory :(
20:03.57kslaterDisconnect: what sort of problems?
20:04.12Disconnectwon't stay hooked up for more than 10-15 seconds
20:04.13kslaterlike wifi hotspot that should show up don't?
20:04.17Disconnectno exaggeration :(
20:04.33Disconnectbeen getting progressively worse, pondering a reset-to-factory and more careful control over which apps i use
20:04.57romainguy__did you install the T-Mobile Hotspot app?
20:05.14GooseyDisconnect, I ran into that problem with 2 networks within range that were both setup. If this is the case with you try 'forgetting' one of the networks
20:05.17kslaterI have been seeing some funkiness with wifi. there's a t-mo hotspot just out of range, kept picking that rather than my own local one
20:05.41romainguy__the T-Mobile Hotspot app will try to always connect to a tmobile spot if there's one nearby
20:05.45romainguy__no matter what the signal strength is
20:05.46GooseyIt seems to have some issues with just picking one and sticking with it, especially the 'strong' one
20:05.51kslatercouldn't make the t-mo hotspot stop from connecting. so I did what romainguy_ suggested and nuke t-mo connect
20:05.54Disconnectromainguy_: i did, but then i removed it
20:06.04Death_Synhmm, there's an iskoot for skype app in the android market
20:06.37kslaterseems to be better now that I dumped that app Disconnect. FWIW
20:06.47Disconnecti forgot to dump the AP it added.
20:07.22kslateris it actually needed to connect to t-mo hotspots?
20:07.31Disconnecthope not :)
20:07.39Disconnectbut i can always install over edge, use tmob, then remove.
20:07.59kslaterme too. I'll ping my bud that's on the way up to Canada since he was going to be making use of that quite a bit
20:08.12Disconnectawesome btw, that seems to have ixed it (so far)
20:08.22Dougie187Disconnect: check this out
20:08.45DisconnectDougie187: posted that earlier, thats why i wanted a primary and secondary/email-only option in the g1
20:08.48Dougie187oh ok
20:08.54Disconnectsince a 5 year old blackberry can do it :)
20:08.55Dougie187i just got to it in my reader.
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20:10.07eburnetteDougie187: what's the appeal of the RBOC?
20:10.42Dougie187its Random crap.
20:10.49Dougie187you could get awesome stuff.
20:10.53Dougie187you could just get... well... crap
20:10.58kslatercould end up getting something really great though
20:11.06kslaterlike a monitor or a tv
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20:11.28Dougie187or an ipod.
20:11.31Dougie187anything like that.
20:11.38Dougie187or you could get a thumb drive and 5 condoms.
20:11.40eburnettesomebody needs to write a crap alert for android then :)
20:11.41kslaterwhatever they have left over
20:11.55kslatercrash the servers even faster
20:12.16Dougie187im sure someone will write a woot notifier
20:12.31eburnettemaybe it could auto-buy for you
20:12.33mohbanahi, does anyone know if the natural language parsing engine google calendar uses was built in-house?
20:12.36Dougie187the description was especially funny.
20:12.43Dougie187eburnette: i don't think they support google checkout
20:13.09Dougie187if you could talk them into that then you could probably get it done pretty easy.
20:13.12languishthat gmail for mobile is better than gmail on the g1
20:13.18kslateranyone used ZAGG on a device? thinking about buying it for my G1
20:13.19Dougie187languish: thats the point.
20:13.40languishis sad
20:13.50Dougie187languish: so is the rest of the world who has G1's
20:14.07languishwell i can return my g1 within 30 days or some shit
20:14.10languishmaybe 14
20:14.27kslatergo for it, but don't be surprised to see that functionality make it to andriod
20:14.28languishgoogle just ruined my excitement
20:14.51languishkslater, it shoulda been exclusive to android for a month or two
20:15.02Death_Synlanguish: 14 days
20:15.11Dougie187or at least available in android.
20:15.15unix_lappy+ $10 restocking fee.
20:15.18languishthat 3
20:15.30RyeBryewhat isn't available?
20:15.32languishthey can restock a brick of shit
20:15.37Dougie187gmail mobile 2.0
20:16.02unix_lappyisnt there a j2me emulator?
20:16.07Death_Synisn't there a j2me env?
20:16.10Death_Syngmta: unix_lappy
20:16.12languishgoogle I lobe you, but you've made me despondant
20:16.14kslateris pleased with his new Android overlord
20:16.15Dougie187im going to install it on my Katana!
20:16.43Dougie187languish: are you more sad now?
20:16.52Dougie187i get gmail 2.0, but you don't. and i have a shitty sanyo katana.
20:16.56languishi was all happy being able to show off my supuerb google integrattion to pplz without g1's
20:17.04languishbut now they're gonna have bettar shitz
20:17.05Dougie187yeah true.
20:17.17RyeBryeI doubt they will all install it right off the bat
20:17.21Death_Syneh, id on't have multiple google accounts yet, so I'll be okay
20:17.31Dougie187I do, but they are all forwarded to one.
20:17.44languishplz, get sailboat, i cry u a river
20:17.59Death_Synboards the failboat
20:18.26Death_Syni'm just happy to have a mobile browser better than Blazer at this stage
20:18.41Death_Synmobile IE and the BB browser weren't even THAT good
20:19.14languishbut i havet o say
20:19.21Dougie187yay. gmail 2.0 on my katana!
20:19.25languishthe google calendar setup my wife and i have is elite
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20:19.41unix_lappyDeath_Syn: you do tend to have a lot of devices...
20:19.43RyeBryeOh. iSkoot is NOT really VoIP - it uses airtime minutes to call into a gateway that it then uses to VOIP out from there
20:19.45RyeBryewhat a piece of shit
20:19.53languishRyeBrye, indeed
20:20.04languishRyeBrye, it saves long distance
20:20.05Death_Synunix_lappy: eh, i"ve had a few in my current job
20:20.12languishby using minutes
20:20.13Death_Syni got to be the early adopter of a lot of gear
20:20.19Dougie187im out. see ya later!
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20:20.29languishsomething wrong with that kid
20:20.35Death_Syni always wound up going back to treos because while they can't multi-task, they were quite reliable
20:20.37RyeBryeI guess you could make the number it dials one of your fave 5's - but still...
20:20.39RyeBryeThat's a bit strange
20:20.54languishRyeBrye, that's what people do
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20:21.05RyeBryeAlthough.... now that I think about it... I should just set up my own voice dialing gateway that does the same thing
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20:21.36eburnetteSo is non-wifi android skype possible or not?
20:21.53RyeBryePlus I can spoof my own caller ID so my outbound calls are still free (or one of my "fives") and look like they come from my cell phone
20:22.12Death_SynRyeBrye: that sounds like a lot of fun
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20:22.29RyeBryeIt's pretty trivial to do
20:22.57ITechJunkieRyeBrye, How would you do that?
20:23.28languishfun with asterisk
20:24.00Death_Synmmm, asterisk
20:24.08Death_Synthat's going to be a significant part of my next job
20:25.00ITechJunkieLooks cool
20:25.27ITechJunkieWhat kind of connection speeds would you need for that?
20:25.45RyeBryecable modem would be fine
20:26.33RyeBryethe voip stuff uses different codecs  - and you can run astserisk on pretty low-powered stuff for simple applications like this. I could run it on my router if I really wanted to
20:26.33ITechJunkiei'm running a 1.5Mbs at my house I think. Just the cheap $20 cox stuff
20:26.41unix_lappyDeath_Syn: expensive title early adopter is.
20:26.54RyeBryeBasically... If you can do skype out - you have proven that you can do voip over your line
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20:27.27ITechJunkieRyeBrye, I see. Is that different from skype to skype voip?
20:27.44RyeBryeProbably not
20:28.03Death_Synunix_lappy: it can be.
20:28.07EQUIs there any way to block sms reciving by build-in service  ?
20:28.50illuminumwhat's the proper way to sync files to android? i tried mounting the drive and copying mp3s to the music folder but only one of them showed up in the playlist, the rest were magically erased when i remounted to inspect if the files were there
20:29.10illuminumi.e. i'm on linux, this was just a straight mount -o iocharset=utf8 /dev/sdd1 /sdd1
20:29.15ITechJunkieI wonder if DDT-WRT will include some asterisk stuff
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20:29.16RyeBryeAlthough how cool would this setup be... - Have 4 or 5 numbers set up that you assign all your contacts to route to one of those piles - and then have them set up as your Fave 5's - they dial into your gateway which redirects them to your cell phone number using one of those 4 numbers based on a category (so you can see if it's a family member, coworker... etc. calling)  and then every inbound call becomes one of your fave 5's
20:29.18illuminumcp -R thisdir thatdir
20:29.40ttuttleRyeBrye: Against the rules.
20:29.45ttuttleRyeBrye: Fave Fives must be actual people.
20:29.49RyeBryettuttle - ahh, I figured they'd thought of that
20:29.52ttuttleRyeBrye: (Unfortunately.)
20:30.05RyeBryettuttle - so everyone setting up iSkoot as a fave 5 is violating TOS
20:30.11RyeBryeand will be easily detected
20:30.32illuminumanyone know
20:30.54RyeBryeI'm surprised that T-mobile doesn't allow for wifi hotspot dialing with the G1 like they do with many of their other phones
20:31.52ttuttleRyeBrye: It's complicated.  I assume it will come out in a later Android version.
20:32.03ttuttleRyeBrye: It's basically 2x the telephony work, plus extra to integrate the two.
20:32.06RyeBryettuttle - although going back to that scenario - technically the fave 5 numbers could still be actual people - that all inbound calls happen to get trunked on
20:32.30RyeBryeyeah, I'm sure it'd violate TOS
20:33.08Death_Syni could trunk my landline that way, certainly
20:33.24oinkboinkis it possible to run a server on android listening on a port waiting for lets say http packets?
20:33.36RyeBryelike jetty?
20:35.19oinkboinkwell its easy to program your own minimal web-server...
20:35.38RyeBryeI've heard someone got jetty to run on android
20:35.54RyeBryenot sure if it was on an actual device or just the emulator
20:35.57ITechJunkieIsn't the 1.1 release of Jetty already out?
20:36.13ITechJunkieI've downloaded it onto my device but I haven't installed it yet
20:36.28ITechJunkieSo I don't know how functional it is
20:36.59oinkboinkbut im not sure if the client-packets will be forwarded to the android-server by the provider...
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20:37.34ITechJunkieoinkboink, thats what i'm trying to figure out as well
20:38.11ITechJunkieseems like the android server would have to use some sort of proxy to forward packets between the two.
20:38.13RyeBryeyou mean OTA?
20:38.32RyeBryeI imagine your phone is behind some kind of gigantic NAT
20:38.40ITechJunkieI don't know enough about Jetty either. But i don't see how it would work on say Edge
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20:38.56Sundarjust built my maiden android i hv access to the uncompressed target filesystem?something that i could attach using nfs?
20:40.33jastaromainguy__: is there any way to sms messages keep beeping until i read them?
20:40.51jastato have*
20:40.53faddenSundar: only if you have YAFFS built into your desktop kernel
20:41.25romainguyjasta: nope
20:41.58jastaromainguy: hmm, by design or should i submit this as a feature request?
20:42.16romainguyno iea
20:42.17michaelnovakjriPhone beeps i think two times
20:42.22romainguyprobably by design
20:42.26jastasms messages are typically more important than my e-mails, and i like to answer them quickly.  but if my phone only beeps once i'll forget them
20:42.42jastalike maybe every 10 minutes or so remind me until i do
20:42.43zhobbsso if someone ports Android to another device can they just slap the Market/Gmail apk's from the G1 onto the other device?
20:42.49oinkboinkwell i think NAT is the problem, maybe theres no way to send data directly between two mobile phones???
20:43.00jastaoinkboink: definitely not
20:43.15oinkboinkdamn ;)
20:43.16jastano carrier network i've seen will let you bind an arbitrary port on a phone and receive connections on it
20:43.31oinkboinkmaybe in the future?
20:43.37RyeBryejasta - you can do outbound though, can't you?
20:44.05RyeBryeif ssh is installed, you just need a computer you control on the outside to do allow you to set up remote port forwarding
20:44.22jastaRyeBrye: yes, of course.  but that was not his question.
20:44.27jastaoinkboink: no, certainly not.  they do this by design.
20:44.28michaelnovakjryou can use sockets to connect to a server on a port
20:44.30RyeBryeyou'r right
20:44.52jastaoinkboink: phones are both protected by NAT and intentionally firewalled to discriminate certain types of communication.
20:45.06jastaso its highly unlikely a carrier will change this design in the future.
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20:46.32oinkboinkwell but were talking bout gsm/umts right?    mphone <- wifi -> mphone will work?!
20:46.57jastaoinkboink: uhm, obviously the carriers do not have any control over your wi-fi network.
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20:49.03rob---i can't get my head around this
20:49.16rob---how would i save a thread which maintains a server connection :/
20:49.50oinkboinkso all the blocking is done on the provider-gateway (umts<>internet) ?!  the phone itself has nothing to do with that
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20:51.31languishi'd like something like this for my google contacts/g1
20:51.38languishwrong url
20:51.43languishthe current item
20:52.06languishan android co-branding for some products would make sense to me
20:53.16languishnote, woot changes items, so the if this item sells out, it may bot be the same item later
20:53.39zhobbslanguish: the scanner?
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20:54.02languishwell, a system for scanning and importing business card contacts
20:55.06RyeBryeMy Sony Ericsson P990 did OCR'ed business cards on the phone itself
20:55.09languishthat type of scanner just makes it easier. but any scanner will do
20:55.10RyeBryewith amazing accuracy
20:55.28languishRyeBrye, yeah, that would work
20:55.39eburnettewhy does it take so long for g1 camera to focus on barcodes?
20:55.39zhobbsseems like you should be able to use the camera
20:55.51zhobbseburnette: seems like the camera kinda sucks
20:55.58languisheburnette which barcode app are you using?
20:56.11languishshopsavvy focused on barcodes for me rather quickly
20:56.18tmccraryDo you need the barcode app for shopsavvy to work?
20:56.19languishas long as I had the right angle and lighting
20:56.19zhobbsthe scanning part in all of them is the same though right?
20:56.21romainguy__eburnette: it depends on the light and the distance to the barcode
20:56.26zhobbstmccrary: no
20:56.27eburnettetried shopsavvy, compareeverywhere, and the generic barcode reader one
20:56.30romainguy__I have no trouble with scanning barcode
20:56.37tmccraryok cool, it seemed superfluous
20:56.46languishand stood on one foot, whistled dixie while patting my belly and rubbing my genita...head
20:57.27languishbut yeah, it worked just fine, and rather quickly for me with shopsavvy
20:57.39romainguy__afaik, they all use the same scanning engine
20:57.42languish(they might not want me endorsing them now)
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20:58.20RyeBryeOCR'ing business cards would be a killer android app - I think that feature single-handedly sold most of the P990's that were sold
20:58.21wasabiwoh. android dev camp... right down teh street.
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20:58.56Disconnectand its official, removing the stupid tmob app resulted in wifi working again :) time to enter a review in appmark
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20:59.23wasabihey so... i'm probably the 800th person to ask these questions in the last few days...  G1, unlockable? How hard? Codes easily available?
20:59.30wasabiAny gotchas with making it run on like, AT&T?
20:59.54RyeBryethe major gotcha being that the 3G wont work because the networks use different frequencies
21:00.01wasabithoguht tiw as tri band
21:00.05Disconnectin theory tmob unlocks phones for good customers after 90 days. in practice, they do it sooner lots of the time (esp for long-term customers). in reality, i don't think anyone has gotten their production g1 unlocked yet
21:00.12Disconnectbut i'll prolly try it this weekend just for S&G
21:00.18Disconnect(it helps to tell them you are going overseas, etc)
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21:00.37Disconnectwasabi: tri-band for voice, 3g tmob-usa != 3g att-usa != 3g eu != (iirc) 3g ja
21:00.55wasabioh. thought it was hsdpa now.
21:00.59wasabiand that that was the same thing
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21:01.01waldo_oo new connectbot to try..
21:01.04languishyeah, it'd be handy
21:01.16waldo_slashdot is running a story on how the g1 is a failure
21:01.20waldo_F them.
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21:01.34languishthe g1 is fail.  android isn't
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21:01.43umdk1d3>:/ @ /.
21:01.57wasabithere was no hype like the iphone. google did not promote it in any fashion related to their own services.
21:01.58waldo_how is the g1 a failure?
21:02.06waldo_but it's a great phone so far
21:02.16unix_remoteI dont think anyone discounts the platform.
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21:02.33waldo_platform aside, the g1 sold out at the t-mobile store near me...
21:02.40waldo_no lines around the block but still
21:02.50rob---is there anyway to make tabs appear at the bottom of the screen? the styleable doc is missing stuff for tabs
21:02.59languishwaldo_, sorry, but when you stick a headphone jack where my hand is supposed to support itself to type, and then put a "chin" on the phone so my right thumb is uncomfortable, then have all these great camera based apps coming our way and put a crappy camera and no flash/led light...
21:02.59wasabiso, what are the technical specifies on this? 3G == What, umts, hsdpa?
21:03.10languishthe g1 has some nice features
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21:03.28zhobbst-mobile/google don't seem good at marketting...that press conference for the launch was embarrassing
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21:03.33languishbut as a total design for general audiences without android bolstering it.. it's a fil design
21:03.35zhobbsseemed unprofessional
21:05.20wasabiSo it's quad band gsm, hspa on 1700/2100
21:05.25languishi like the screen, I like the touch/keyboard/trackball integration, I really like the screen slide up mechanism
21:05.27delinkaso ... who's gonna build a hardware clone of the iPhone (plus the features it lacks) running Android?
21:06.03dueyI've already seen hardware clones of iphones...not running android though
21:06.03delinkasigns up to import it
21:06.06languishbut if this hardware had winmo/symbian..etc, it'd get horrible reviews and die
21:06.21tmccrarythat's because it would be horrible
21:06.26languishyes it would
21:06.30tmccrarythat's usually a clincher
21:06.43wasabiHmm. So the HSPA frequencies are just for t-mobile. Oh well that sucks.
21:06.46languishok, even if it had the iphone os
21:07.17waldo_Any chance connectionbot will support port forwarding?  Cuz that would be great.
21:07.28tmccraryyeah, so far I like the G1 waaaaaaaaaay better than the iphone
21:07.32omegix_workI see that #andriod was credited on the ircell page, anyone in here working on it?
21:07.45languishtmccrary, you know what? me too
21:07.54languishI don't like the iphone in the first place
21:08.02tmccraryme either, huge let down
21:08.06dueyapple haters
21:08.13tmccraryit has a lot of cool features, but apple just bungled it some how
21:08.35languishapple didn't bungle it, it sells like hotcakes
21:08.45languishthat's the point. revenue
21:08.48gdsxwants some hotcakes
21:08.53dueythey can't create a device to suit everyone...but it is certainly pleasing many
21:09.01michaelnovakjri love my iPhone
21:09.03delinkaI see this kind of stuff lots "I don't like Linux", "I hate Windows", "OS X sucks", "I'm never owning an iPod", etc ... and no one explains why
21:09.05tmccrarynone of the apps are really worthwhile, it's locked down (thus old school) like a verizon phone
21:09.16tmccraryall the really good apps that are useful, you have to jailbreak for
21:09.23tmccrarywhich is annoying as hell to have to deal with
21:09.24languishI can explain exactly why i don't like the iphone
21:09.29tmccraryterminal app
21:09.39tmccrarynes emulator
21:09.40michaelnovakjri have an SSH client
21:09.45delinkaso tmccrary's complaints are all software-based
21:09.52tmccrarymainly, its hardware is nice
21:09.55tmccrarythat's part of the let down
21:09.58languishtmccrary, the iphone has some decent apps
21:10.05waldo_If Android supported ical/itunes/Address Book syncing... that would be a good argument for current iphone users to switch.. but maybe by the time their current phones wear down that will be available.
21:10.06tmccrarypoor software on great hardware
21:10.11dueypoor software?
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21:10.11languishi like the polyhedral dice rolling app the iphone has
21:10.20SanMehatwaldo_: excellent third party opportunity :)
21:10.21dueypoor software is the shit thats on my nokia
21:10.27dueyor my blackberry
21:10.38delinkawaldo_: not to mention the current two-year contract lock-in  ;-)
21:10.39tmccraryokay, that's true. The iphone is better than those
21:10.54languishanyway, sorry, i didn't mean for this to become yet another meaningless off topic discussion of other devices
21:10.55tmccrarybut it still just doesn't live up to its potential, due to bungling
21:10.56waldo_delinka yeah..
21:10.58waldo_there's that
21:11.06dueyand to be quite honest at this stage, if i had to pick between android and iphone i'd be picking iphone
21:11.06delinkaplyhedral dice rolling?  wtf ...
21:11.10languishlet's praise or bitch about the g1
21:11.15waldo_duey-- it's very early still
21:11.22waldo_I hate AT&T which is why I don't have one.
21:11.23languishdelinka, "role playing dice"
21:11.30dueywaldo_, thats why i said "at this stage" :)
21:11.31tmccraryduey, have you had both?
21:11.39tmccraryI mean actually had one
21:11.42delinkalanguish: what? just so I don't have to carry dice around in my pocket?
21:11.43waldo_duey I think android holds more potential...
21:11.46languishforgets he shouldn't use big words
21:11.48dueywaldo_, probably
21:11.55dueytmccrary, I haven't used android on a device
21:11.58waldo_duey *IF* developers start to use it
21:12.04tmccraryok yeah, you don't know what you're talking about
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21:12.20languishdelinka, no.. so when the rules of the game get out of hand and require 20 varied dice rolls, you don't make the group wait for you to sit there and do it
21:12.39dueytmccrary, I am well aware it is better on the device
21:12.44dueyand I take that into consideration
21:12.59delinkalanguish: I see a ripe opportunity for cheating
21:13.01zhobbsromainguy__: haha, the reviewer comments on "Shutter Speed" are funny....bunch of morons :)
21:13.18romainguy__zhobbs: yeah... stupid users :)
21:13.36romainguy__my favorite comments are the one who accuse the app of breaking the Camera button
21:13.36languishdelinka, i play with people I trust, who appreciate the luck fo the draw and random consequences
21:13.57languishand if someone cheats consistently, it eventually becomes appearent
21:14.11delinkapick your RNG wisely
21:14.47delinkacooperative dice rolling-- I'd trust that
21:15.10delinkabut I digress from channel topic ...
21:15.30andyrossMeh.  Isn't one of the joys of tabletop play the visceral die-rolling experience?  Not sure that it'd be as much fun if I had to click on my phone...
21:15.45languishyeah it's not intended for every roll
21:16.17andyrossMind you, a VoIP-enabled RPG virtual tabletop client would be a *great* app.  But a lot more work.
21:16.20languishonly when you're sitting there and dealing with 3 clerics doling out turn undead to 18 hit dice each
21:16.30languishit gets messy
21:16.53andyrossadmits he hasn't played an actual D&D game in 15-20 years. But he reads rules now and again.
21:16.59delinkaI remember a version of monopoly that ran in DOS on your 386 - dull as hell to play because the computer did everything for you except decide to buy property. forced you to play by The Rules *every time*
21:17.21languishyeah, last year i encountered some people that play and after 15+ years got back in to a game
21:17.28delinkahalf the fun is your opponent not noticing you're sitting on his property with a hotel
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21:18.00languishdelinka, agreed, and i remember that
21:18.24languishthe tools are there when you need them, not to replace your every decision
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21:27.09zhobbswhy does the Term app fail to compile because it can't find android.os.Exec?  is that a private vs public API thing?
21:27.46chrismurfanybody know of any emulators (any platform) that are already ported to Android?  Looking for some amusing games beyond what's in the Market so far.
21:28.28zhobbsalso, where's quake?
21:28.47jt436who needs quake
21:28.51jt436has something better ;P
21:29.02chrismurfoh? :-)
21:29.25tmccraryI have a partially working NES emulator
21:29.26zhobbsjt436: duke nukkem forever?
21:29.49jt436you have to wait
21:29.56zhobbsyeah, nes emulator would be awesome
21:30.02chrismurfhaha - it IS duke nukem forever
21:30.05tmccraryWhat's the story with quake on android?
21:30.09chrismurfheaven knows we have to wait there...
21:30.15tmccraryThey showed it off like a year ago
21:30.26rob---has anyone here got view.scrollTo/By to work?
21:30.46chrismurftmccrary: partially working?
21:30.48romainguy__rob---: yes
21:31.02rob---romainguy__: this problem is driving me nuts
21:31.03romainguy__chrismurf: it works just fine, we even played deathmatches I believe with it
21:31.11rob---i have a scrollview which has a textview child
21:31.14tmccrarychrismurf: yes, I have most of the cpu implemented and part of the PPU
21:31.20zhobbsromainguy__: where's the apk? :)
21:31.23rob---but no matter what I do, I cant get it to scroll down
21:31.32tmccraryyes, where is the quake apk? :)
21:31.47romainguy__rob---: can you show your XML?
21:31.54rob---sure, sec
21:32.27chrismurftmccrary: nice - mind sharing an APK, or isn't it quite there yet :-)
21:32.33chrismurfcertainly looking forward to that one
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21:33.22tmccrarychrismurf: it really only executes code now, more work needs to be done with the PPU
21:33.35tmccraryit's like the "video card" for the nes
21:33.43chrismurfright - fair enough
21:33.46rob---the textview id TV is the problem one
21:33.47tmccraryhandles rendering tiles
21:33.52tmccraryshouldn't be too long though
21:33.59chrismurfanyplace I can track progress, or is this the place? :-)
21:33.59romainguy__rob---: the geight of your TV textview should be wrap_content, not fill_parent
21:34.18romainguy__rob---: then you should be able to call scrollTo/By with no problem
21:34.47tmccraryyeah for now this is the place, I'll be putting some stuff on our website before long though
21:34.54tmccraryour goal is a kind of "virtual console" app
21:35.02VickiWongis there a good place to check up on android ports?
21:35.03chrismurfcool - which site's that?
21:35.06tmccrarywith a few different emulators
21:35.08rob---should I call the method on the scrollview or the textview?
21:35.12tmccraryI'll keep you informed :)
21:35.15zhobbsjasta: does the Email app use any private API calls?
21:35.26chrismurffair enough :-)
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21:36.06enfrob---: TextView.scrollBy() will scroll the text within the TextVIew, which is probably not what you want unless you have more text than it can show at once.  ScrollView.scrollBy() is what to call to bring the TextView into view
21:36.13romainguy__rob---: on the scrollview
21:36.54rob---hmm, ok, still not working
21:37.09rob---this is the line: sv.scrollBy(0, tv.getHeight());
21:37.28romainguy__that won't work
21:37.32romainguy__you're scrolling by too much
21:37.50jastagrr, Ubuntu fail.  they just pushed me gcc 4.2.4 but gave me a kernel built with 4.2.3
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21:38.15umdk1d3eek anybody have that link handy for usb-debugging instructions on google code?
21:38.20umdk1d3greps scrollback
21:39.06umdk1d3yay!  thanks  ^.^
21:40.19andyrossAnyone know why that's required?  Shouldn't the sane policy be to allow access to the USB bus to the user logged into the console by default?
21:40.24rob---sweet, it works! cheers romainguy__. You won't believe how much headache that has been for me >.<
21:41.52jt436get a mac, is does usb logging by default ;)
21:41.54jeldwaldo_, anyone knows of a good file manager for android?
21:42.02jeldanyone knows of a good file manager for android?
21:42.08zhobbsfadden: nice link
21:42.32zhobbsI debug on the device all the time and I don't have android:debuggable="true" in my Manifest
21:43.23jastaromainguy__: is the normal issue list a good place for end-user defects?
21:43.53faddenzhobbs: "on the device" meaning G1, or on an emulator?
21:44.02zhobbsfadden: G1
21:44.12jt436same here
21:44.18chrismurfback to my original question, any good games ready which aren't on the Market? :-)
21:44.47jt436who knows ;p
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21:45.01xavdzhobbs: what debugging are you actually doing?
21:45.11chrismurfjt436: you are quite cryptic today
21:45.20jt436is tired
21:45.29jt436i need a stiff drink
21:45.52zhobbsxavd: just attaching a debugger in eclipse adding breakpoints/watch expressions, etc
21:46.38mikez5zhobbs: that shouldn't work on production devices without debuggable="true".  Perhaps eclipse set that for you by default?
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21:46.58mickrobkits diff for prod devices vs eng devices?
21:46.59faddenzhobbs: can you debug the system_server process?
21:47.00xavdmikez5: EClipse doesn't change the manifest automatically
21:49.02waldo_any connectbot developers here?
21:49.14waldo_jeld_ no sorry
21:49.15umdk1d3waldo_: yes  :)
21:49.27waldo_umk1d3 ah, there you are-- the latest .apk isn't installing
21:49.41umdk1d3right, because whoever made it didnt sign it correctly or something
21:49.45umdk1d3the svn right?
21:50.06umdk1d3there isnt too much new in that svn
21:50.23zhobbsumdk1d3: who is the keyholder for connectbot?
21:50.29umdk1d3zhobbs: lol dont go there
21:50.33umdk1d3were still trying to figure out that mess
21:52.16waldo_umdk1d3-  btw-- you said sshkeys monday...  any chance of port forwarding (ideally where if it drops it'll auto-reconnect) which I need for secure POP... (don't ask)
21:52.49umdk1d3lol port fwding isnt really on my list, but if you want it, feel free to write and submit a patch that we'll include  :)
21:53.18umdk1d3*merge into the svn tree
21:53.19waldo_okay...  that means rolling up my sleeves...  I only wrote my first simple little android app like 3 days ago.
21:53.24umdk1d3hehe  :)
21:53.33umdk1d3waldo_: i would highly recommend looking for other examples
21:53.38umdk1d3were using a well-known ssh library
21:53.46umdk1d3so others might have already written some of the code to make it happen
21:53.57dipe1how to launch HTML viwer?
21:53.58umdk1d3really its just the GUI side of things that we need to figure out
21:54.01waldo_yeah... I checked into the library you were using
21:54.07umdk1d3oh actually
21:54.18umdk1d3waldo_: if you have time, ive been meaning to do a diff against the trusted sources
21:54.20waldo_also how to check if the connection drops and reconnect... i don't onw how that works
21:54.35umdk1d3just to be sure we're working with pure sources
21:54.43waldo_umdk1d3-- why wouldn't you be?
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21:54.51waldo_umk1d3 I saw you updated to the latest last month
21:55.07umdk1d3there is one other dev on the project.  i trust him, but would be good to have third party verification
21:55.31languishmmmm... salt & vinegar chiiiiipss
21:55.46waldo_umk1d3 hmmm
21:56.02waldo_umk1d3 yeah it would be bad to go to market w/a trojaned app
21:56.09ralfzumdk1d3: sounds like a fun project management
21:56.22umdk1d3i didnt add anything malish, but it doesnt hurt to check
21:56.32umdk1d3lol yea
21:56.35unix_lappylanguish: that's cruel dude.
21:56.40unix_lappyit's late afternoon in the US.
21:56.49*** part/#android daniell (n=daniel@
21:56.50unix_lappyand not all of us work at google.
21:56.58umdk1d3waldo_: also, i did add ~12 lines of code to make PTY resizing work, but that should be pretty easily verifiable
21:57.04languishI don't work at google
21:57.05waldo_umk1d3 hmm
21:57.13waldo_umk1d3 let me see how hard it is to do this :)
21:57.19unix_lappylanguish: meaning we dont have easy access to snackage.
21:57.34languishI just plan ahead. It's called shopping.
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21:57.42waldo_pulling source from svn...
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21:57.57waldo_umdk1d3 how well do you know your co-developer?
21:58.28umdk1d3waldo_: not at all outside of this project
21:58.30zhobbsI heard umdk1d3 is logging all the hosts/passwords :)
21:58.32jeldcannot seem to get G1 recoghnized by adb on my Fedora 9 system :(
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21:58.58umdk1d3sigh zhobbs   :P
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21:59.30umdk1d3waldo_: none of the code in org.theb is being used anymore afaik
21:59.37waldo_umdk1d3 I wish there was a recursive diff...
21:59.45waldo_I've got the two src directories side by side here..
21:59.52umdk1d3find with sed?
21:59.57voljeld: are you root?
22:00.06volyou need to start the adb server as root
22:00.07waldo_but that's not to say there couldn't be bad code anywhere else capturing pw input or whatever but let me look at least at these directories....
22:00.08jeldvol, nope
22:00.11volor something something /etc/something
22:00.17volI forget the other step to do it as a normal user
22:00.20voladb kill-server
22:00.23volsudo adb start-server
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22:00.27umdk1d3waldo_: patch!!!!
22:00.34umdk1d3patch is kinda like recursive diff
22:00.49waldo_patch applies diffs (?)
22:00.56umdk1d3it can also create them iirc
22:01.00waldo_checking manpage
22:01.12jeldvol, thanx
22:01.20umdk1d3oh hmm, i guess patch only applys them
22:01.27umdk1d3theres gotta be a way to create them recursively tho
22:01.33umdk1d3everybodys doin it lol
22:01.34waldo_maybe a little script
22:01.37zhobbsthere's some ubuntu specific usb permissions info on there...not sure if any of it applies to fedora
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22:02.37*** join/#android Androidz (n=i8860054@
22:02.44faddenAlways start with "lsusb" to make sure the device is being seen by the computer.
22:02.57faddenAfter that it's a software fight.
22:03.10enfumdk1d3: diff -r will create recursive diffs
22:03.57AndroidzOk, I downloaded some source for a app from a website, and I am pretty new to Android and java, but was wondering if there is not any build.xml file with the source, How do I go about creating it for that certain source?
22:04.08waldo_enf your'e right
22:04.11waldo_I asked for it and there it is
22:04.24jastaAndroidz: the author probably expects you use Eclipse and the android plugin
22:04.47jastaAndroidz: download the SDK and read the getting started documentation to, well, get started.
22:05.13dipe1i just downloaded source and created new images, and I do not see some of the application; such as HTML viewer. But i do see it under settings-applications- manage application. So how do i launch it?
22:05.29xavdAndroidz: you can call activityCreator from the SDK and give it the AndroidManifest.xml as a parameter and it'll create build.xml for you
22:05.34Androidzjasta, I see. Well I have Eclipse and the plugin, and have created simple apps such as the hell world app, but I wanted to try this app and im kind of stuck.
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22:06.07Androidzxavd, ok, and does it matter what the --out folder is called?
22:06.17xavdAndroidz: ok with eclispe, create a new Android project using the option to specify the source folder and select the folder of the app. it'll just create a folder for them
22:06.30xavderr it'll create project for them
22:06.50xavdactually the option is called "create project from existing source" :)
22:07.05Androidz./ --out myproject
22:07.24xavdif you use activity creator I think you should use --out with the actual folder of the app
22:07.45AndroidzI see
22:07.49*** part/#android Terdhex (
22:07.58AndroidzI will try the Eclipse option that you stated, seems easier
22:08.00xavduse the "activitycreator --out outdir [--ide intellij] path/to/AndroidManifest.xml" version
22:08.09xavdor Eclipse :)
22:08.10dipe1jasta: could u help? i just downloaded source and created new images, and I do not see some of the application; such as HTML viewer. But i do see it under settings-applications- manage application. So how do i launch it?
22:08.20Androidzxavd, thaks :)
22:08.23waldo_what's a good pasteboard web site?
22:09.06Androidz that actually
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22:10.17waldo_umdk1d3 -- here's a diff of the ssh2 directories from the source to your version:
22:10.37waldo_obviously the .svn's can be ignored..
22:11.48waldo_I don't see anything obviously evil.
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22:12.58Androidzxavd, hm cant seem to find the project name, cant build the projeect wihtout it
22:14.22xavdwith Eclipse?
22:14.35davidwwonders when the *next* batch of phones will come out
22:14.41xavdyou chose the folder containing the manifest file?
22:14.51davidwsleep time though
22:15.09xavdso in the wizard it failed to fill the fields at the bottom?
22:15.16xavdwas there an error message at the top?
22:15.27umdk1d3waldo_: awesome  ^.^
22:15.33umdk1d3thats a load off my mind  :)
22:15.45umdk1d3the resizepty stuff should be contributed upstream at some point
22:15.50Androidzxavd, it filled in the package name on the bottom, but that was the only field filled in
22:16.12tomgibaraWill the capability for applications to observe incoming SMS messages be restored in future releases? There's a permission, but no public API.
22:16.23xavdprobably your app has no activity. We fixed it for the next plugin :\
22:16.27zhobbsif there is something missing on should I file a bug about it, or contact someone about it?
22:16.37Androidzxavd, actually when I try to give it a Poject name, it gives an error about the Activity name
22:17.00tmztxavd: you are working on userspace issues?
22:17.00Androidzxavd, ouch, Command line should still work right?
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22:17.11xavdYeah that's the problem. The current wizard requires project name, activity name.
22:17.15xavdyes command line will work
22:17.20xavdsorry :(
22:17.31Androidzk I will give that a try thank you:) no worries :):)
22:17.58androoidis getLine1Number working for anyone?
22:18.31androoidit works in the emulator but does not work on my g1 device
22:22.31waldo_umdk1d3 glad to help in my small way :)
22:23.47Androidzxavd, what could this possibly mean? ERROR: Too many arguments: intellij]
22:24.07xavdjust don't use the intellij option (unless you use it)
22:24.27xavdactivityCreator --out <path to folder> <path to manifest>
22:25.24Androidzxavd, if I have the folder in the tools dir, would it work doing thing      ' activitycreator --out NetworkTest NetworkTest/AndroidManifest.xml
22:25.46xavdyeah it should work
22:26.13AndroidzI get this ERROR: missing <activity android:name="..."> in 'NetworkTest/AndroidManifest.xml'
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22:26.23Androidzthats something with the source?
22:26.48xavdwhat source is that? I'm guessing this is an old source that use a different attribute name (it used to be label in older SDKs)
22:27.01Androidzone sec
22:27.16tmztoh, there's a lot of google people here, I see that now
22:27.39rob---well, nn people.
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22:27.41tmztcan't see HSAH without somekind of secure link between a9 and wifi/sdio
22:28.11xavdAndroidz: hm it was posted 10 days after the very first SDK was released
22:28.22xavda LOT of APIs have changed since then.
22:28.24Androidzxavd, ya it has android:labal=  in the source
22:28.47AndroidzOk, I guess I have to get some of the newer source for apps then :)
22:28.54umdk1d3gah /me not getting any real work done today
22:28.55xavdyou could create an empty project with eclipse, and then just copy the sources/resources/manifest into the new project
22:29.04xavdthen spend some time fixing all the API/XML changes :)
22:30.35Androidzhaha ya, but Im sure there will be more like this coming out. Any word of terminal apps coming?
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22:34.22umdk1d3whines about competition
22:34.28umdk1d3its always about one-upping the other guy
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22:34.37umdk1d3goign to waste my night now adding new features
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22:37.21herriojrhow do I sign my app, so I can debug it on a phone?
22:37.55xavdare you able to debug it on the emulator?
22:38.10herriojryeah, just like I normally do
22:38.22zhobbsmight need that flag in the Manifest
22:38.23herriojrcool thanks
22:38.29xavdthen it's signed with the debug key and you have nothing special to do to debug it on the device
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22:38.45xavd(zhobbs link is correct, I was only talking about signing)
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22:42.01languishoh crap
22:42.12languishi figured out why the phone died lastnight
22:42.39languishfrequent opening/closing of the screen makes the batter shake loose
22:42.41herriojrok thanks
22:42.52benleylanguish: wtf?  I've never had that happen
22:42.59benleylanguish: is your back cover on wrong?
22:43.45languishback cover's secure, battery is snug in its slot, but it's got just a bit of give
22:43.57languishwhen I shake the phone with my hand it doesn't come loose
22:43.59waldo_someone made a telnet client for android?  Do people still use telnet?
22:44.20marconesure, I telnet to port 80 on all the time
22:44.33vinsenot everything has a video driver
22:44.34languishbut when i open/close the screen a number of times.. snapping it open/closed.. it seems to just barely lose contact
22:44.36Androidzhow can eclipse add apps to an actual G1?
22:44.44zhobbsumdk1d3: weren't you working on an amarok remote?
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22:45.28languishnow i wonder if I really should return this one for a new one.  I'll have to test this on my wife's later
22:45.29romainguy__languish: frequent opening/closing of the screen makes the batter shake loose << Oo wow, I play with the hinge a lot (I open/close it a hundred time a day) and it never happened
22:45.29umdk1d3it kinda works
22:45.34andyrossI was pointed at ConnectBot earlier:  It's an ssh client, and appears to work amazingly well.  Unfortunately a little after my first login I discovered the lack of either Ctrl or Esc on the G1's keyboard, so I need to figure out what to use for an editor...
22:45.37waldo_marcone you must be a fan of raw http
22:45.37umdk1d3would really prefer to write a DACP server for amarok tho
22:45.47Androidzxavd, thanks
22:45.57waldo_anyross I think you can use the trackball button for either escape or control I forget which
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22:46.05aLeSDhas someone buied a G1 ?
22:46.09aLeSDhow is it ?
22:46.14andyrossOh?  Maybe that's documented somewhere, I should look.
22:46.15aLeSDhi all ... fisrt
22:46.16waldo_i can has g1?
22:46.51waldo_andyross yeah there are workarounds and sshkey will be supported by monday I hear... from umdk1d3 here, who's one of the two developers
22:47.10Meeso_OSis the google phone worth the money? :D
22:47.16waldo_meeso i think so
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22:47.26languishromainguy, yeah, I was.. uh... doing it absentmindedly while thinking...
22:47.37zhobbsumdk1d3: ok, found the amarok tarball...going to try it out
22:47.47romainguylanguish: I'm doing the same all day long :)
22:47.51umdk1d3zhobbs: youll need the python server running on the desktop too tho
22:47.58zhobbsumdk1d3: yeah, I saw that
22:47.59languishyeah, I'll see if it happens on my wife's
22:48.10umdk1d3zhobbs: also, it doesnt give you library access to pick songs
22:48.12umdk1d3only basic controls
22:48.14chrismurfandyross (or anybody else): you using the 100 or the svn r61?  One better than the other atm?
22:48.17languishmight just be something about my unit that seems to get all the wonky shit
22:48.23zhobbsumdk1d3: isn't there a web remote control plugin for amarok?
22:48.26waldo_svn doesn't install
22:48.35andyrossThe devel version that was on the site as of a few hours ago.  I forget the version
22:48.36languishsomeone gets hit by a car every 8 seconds. i'm that guy.
22:48.37herriojrso, if my computer already recognizes it as a mass storage device (on Windows), how do I get it to use the android driver for debugging?
22:48.46umdk1d3andyross: chrismurf the svn only has like 1 or 2 new tiny changes
22:48.51umdk1d3and it isnt signed correctly afaik
22:48.54romainguy__herriojr: that should not matter
22:48.56chrismurfumdk1d3: thanks - I'll stick with 100 then ;-)
22:49.02romainguy__herriojr: you can use USB mass storage and USB debugging at the same time
22:49.03AndroidzMeeso_OS, hell ya
22:49.14andyrossIt installed, so I presume it's signed adequately.  Or maybe I clicked something off while browsing the settings?
22:49.43umdk1d3hmm andyross svn installed for you?
22:49.51umdk1d3i havent tried here, but lots of ppl have said no
22:50.03waldo_didn't install for me.
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22:50.21flagg0204svn installed for me too
22:50.26andyrossFWIW, if you want bug reports: there's some "noise" pixels along the bottom of the screen that I can't figure out.  (Yes, the svn APK file installed just fine with adb, but I *think* I remember clicking on some debug/devel options in the settings -- maybe one of those elides signature checking?)
22:50.27umdk1d3flagg0204: ah good to know
22:50.30herriojrromainguy: the issue is that it isn't saying that I need a driver
22:50.59waldo_andyross oh you used adb-- i tried straight from the web
22:51.03romainguy__herriojr: well did you install the adb driver?
22:51.37aLeSDhas android an usbether driver ?
22:51.38herriojrno, I figured it out, I'm retarded
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22:52.33aLeSDI mean could I connect by an usb cable and find an ethernet interface and a ssh server ?
22:52.45andyrossaLeSD: not out of the box, AFAIK.  I wouldn't mind finding such a thing either, or better still a modem-like gadget that runs over bluetooth.
22:53.08herriojrit can't find the driver, and I specified the unzipped
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22:53.22herriojrwhich contains the .inf .sys and .dll
22:53.35andyrossThat's one of the nice things I liked about my old A780.  You plugged it in, and not only were the VFAT drives available as storage devices, there was a network interface available with a samba server running.
22:53.46aLeSDandyross: i don't understand a thing? is Android a linux based ?
22:53.58tmarbletime to try a new build...  seems like I'll need to do a "repo sync", can it handle now python2.5 as the default? (I can tell from the backlog I better use Java 1.5 and not 1.6)
22:53.59aLeSDso all the driver in the linux kernel works
22:54.00herriojraLeSD: yes
22:54.19aLeSDso ... I could connect every device linux recognizes
22:54.39herriojrit depends on what drivers are built into the kernel
22:54.40aLeSDand ... if I want install a CORBA framework
22:54.41Dougie187aLeSD: probably not.
22:54.46andyrossThe G1 doesn't have a interface exposed to modify the kernel, unfortunately.  You can get a shell with a limited UID, but not load kernel modules nor reflash the device.
22:55.29aLeSDand use an Android terminal to control the ... don't know .... something of searius
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22:56.36aLeSDI mean has Android the same potencial of linux? no?
22:56.46jastai just had my first real experience with the browser on the g1
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22:56.52jastaworks great
22:56.53Dougie187jasta: first real experience?
22:56.57jastaseems very fast
22:56.59Dougie187aLeSD: no?
22:57.04jastaDougie187: i mean, i had to go to some web page that i needed to get something from
22:57.10herriojrromainguy: yeah, it doesn't detect the driver when going through the Found New Hardware Wizard
22:57.12jastai used to to do more than just tinker :)
22:57.23romainguy__herriojr: the driver is available at
22:57.24xavdherriojr: OS?
22:58.01aLeSDok ... one easy thing ... like an ssh terminal ?
22:58.10xavdoh for some reason I thought you were on linux.
22:58.16herriojrI downloaded this one:
22:58.18xavddid you follow the steps:
22:58.26herriojrI wish I was, but I have to do a lot of BREW development as well
22:58.32aLeSDsorry ... uf I'm silly ... I'm only tring to understand what Android is
22:58.50herriojrxavd: yes
22:58.53Meeso_OSthe emulator doesnt work on windows
22:58.59Meeso_OSI tried to launch it
22:59.00xavdMeeso_OS: yes it does
22:59.10Meeso_OSI double click
22:59.13herriojrmy emulator works as well
22:59.14aLeSDMeeso_OS: good reason to pass to linux
22:59.15Meeso_OSand it doesnt do anything
22:59.19Meeso_OSI hav elinux :D
22:59.25Meeso_OS*have linux
22:59.35Meeso_OSkubuntu to be exact :D
22:59.45xavdherriojr: so the wizard does not find it when you give it the folder you unarchived?
22:59.45aLeSDgood choise
22:59.55aLeSDbut I will use gentoo
22:59.56herriojrxavd: correct
22:59.59xavdMeeso_OS: to be honest I never click it, always launch from a command line
23:00.06aLeSDto crosscompile sw for the Android kernel
23:00.13xavdMeeso_OS: also "emulator -verbose" might show you why it fails to launch
23:00.17herriojris the usb driver open source?
23:00.24xavdherriojr: what version of windows?
23:00.40herriojrXP SP3
23:01.02herriojr32-bit windows running on 64-bit hardware
23:01.10xavdhmm that's strange
23:01.23aLeSDintel core 2 herriojr ?
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23:01.52herriojrIntel Xeon CPU 3.00GHz....2.99GHz, 3.00GB RAM
23:02.23xavdherriojr: I have no idea. source here:;a=tree;f=host/windows/usb;hb=HEAD
23:03.54herriojrok, thanks, I'll try that
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23:06.18waldo_is away: auto-away
23:06.41lemonadedrink says C/C++ aren't supported, but says "Android includes a set of C/C++ libraries used by various components of the Android system. These capabilities are exposed to developers through the Android application framework." so whast
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23:06.55lemonadedrinkso what's the deal?
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23:07.14cbeust_lemonadedrink: they are exposed in Java
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23:07.53lemonadedrinklibc is exposed throught Java?
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23:16.14herriojrok, someone with an identical computer could do it...I'm just going to try the old windows method of resarting and trying again :-/
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23:17.06dysingershould it be in the faq that you need "sudo easy_install readline" on os x before "repo" will work ?
23:18.04waldo_is back (gone 00:11:46)
23:19.28Ramblurris it possible to have 2 google accounts associated with your android phone?
23:19.36Ramblurri'd like to read email from 2 accounts
23:19.57marconeyou can use the 'email' app for your 2nd and other accounts
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23:21.49kingkunganybody home?
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23:22.28zhobbsumdk1d3: what's taking so long for those requests on that amarok app?  is the dcop slow or something?
23:22.45zhobbsor that python web server or something
23:22.47kingkunghi, i have a question about inserting images into the Images ContentProvider
23:22.57kingkungnamely... how do you do it?
23:23.24kingkungI tried Images.Media.insertImage(), but that gives me an UnsupporedOperationException
23:26.31marconedid you check to see how the camera application does it?
23:26.48kingkungwhere is that code?
23:29.44languish'k 1 sec
23:31.15kingkungin the android open source?
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23:31.59tmztkingkung: you called that on the class?
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23:32.52kingkunglet me check
23:38.04waldo_is away: auto-away
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23:39.16herriojrdoes anyone dual-boot windows 64bit and windows 32 bit?
23:39.47herriojrI'm trying to eliminate some variables as to why I can't get the driver installed
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23:43.40t_ubuntuhi, any one see this (after download the source from git and "make"? external/clearsilver/cgi/cgi.c:22:18: error: zlib.h: No such file or directory
23:44.03faddenDo you have /usr/include/zlib.h ?
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23:44.57fadden(or do we use external/zlib/zlib.h for that part of the build...?)
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23:46.08marconeclearsilver is a host tool, so it probably wants the host OS to have the zlib headers
23:46.48t_ubuntuwell I did not. I do now and it is going again. Should have look there first. thanks
23:46.49faddenI don't see it including the external/zlib copy, but we do build our own HOST_STATIC_LIBRARY copy of zlib.
23:47.08faddenOh wait, I misread that.
23:47.20faddenWe build libunz both ways, not libz.
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23:50.27t_ubuntuon my ubuntu: apt-get install zlib1g-dev
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23:55.18kingkunghey guys
23:55.27kingkunganyone have a G1 yet?
23:55.49zhobbskingkung: lots of us do now
23:56.06kingkungi imported my gmail contacts to my g1
23:56.15kingkungbut i accessed the people contentprovider
23:56.25kingkungand it looks like all of my "suggested contacts" (all 309 of them)
23:56.28kingkungwere added as well
23:56.31kingkunganyone else have that problem?
23:58.08herriojrdoes anyone know what package curl-config is install with libcurl3 doesn't seem to have it
23:59.13t_ubuntuok. I got further. now I am stuck at: Checking API: checkapi-current. (unknow): error 5: Added public field android.content.Intent.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED

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