IRC log for #android on 20081018

00:01.02Disconnectisn't finding it :(
00:01.21romainguy__what are you looking for?
00:01.28Disconnecta basic drop-down text list
00:01.37romainguy__it's called Spinner
00:01.40Disconnectahhhhhh cool
00:01.49Disconnectthanks :)
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00:09.59ttuttleromainguy__: Is there a list of all the system drawables and such somewhere?
00:10.37ttuttleromainguy__: Oh, it's just under android.R.*;
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00:29.10VickiWongWow, i have a button that 'should' be parsing in a reaosnable sized XML file from the net, counting certain tags etc and printing out values using System.out
00:29.23VickiWongI have a bunch of catch exceptions with output if anything goes wrong
00:29.32VickiWongbut when clicking the button i get .... nothing
00:29.51VickiWongthe app doesnt even freeze, it just does nothing
00:30.56f00f-did you connect it?
00:31.23VickiWongdid i connect?
00:31.57VickiWongconnect what
00:32.57VickiWongahh yes it's a menu button, and i have it presenting a Toast as well before running my parseXML method
00:33.01VickiWongand the toast shows up fine
00:33.20VickiWongin onOptionsItemSelected
00:34.20f00f-add some debugging or show some code
00:34.52f00f-are you doing it in the toast's callback method?
00:35.13f00f-a toast might be destroyed without.... let me see
00:35.47VickiWongi have catchs for SAXParseException, SAXException and Throwable when trying the XML parsing
00:35.49f00f-no, i'm thinking about an alert
00:36.08f00f-how are you getting it from the network?
00:36.10VickiWongill move the toast to after the method call, make sure the app is making it through the call
00:37.21VickiWongand here is my parseXML method
00:38.02VickiWongim simply printing out some info from the xml file, to make sure i got everything working before i do anything meaningful with the data
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00:38.41f00f-does docBuilder.parse actually fetch the URL ?
00:38.50f00f-i thought it takes in a string of xml
00:39.40VickiWongi got the docbuilder code from a tut so it could be bad code
00:39.45f00f-i would use XmlPullParser though, if it's just rss
00:39.51f00f-but that's secondary
00:40.04romainguyI don't remember if we redirect System.out.println
00:40.18f00f-i know .err is redirected
00:40.28VickiWongI tried displayign the toast afetr call parseXML and the toast displayed fine again
00:40.44romainguyI would replace the System.out.println by Log.d instead
00:40.55romainguyand where are you looking for the results you print?
00:41.10VickiWongbut it seems to be flying through the method call, perhaps im not parsing the URL properly like you suggested
00:41.17VickiWongromainguy: Eclipse console output
00:41.29romainguyyou need to look in the Logcat view
00:41.35romainguythe console output will not show anything
00:42.11f00f-i personally prefer opening up the terminal running 'adb logcat' -- way easier to copy/paste/debug
00:42.18romainguy__works too
00:42.22romainguy__but definitely not the Eclipse console
00:42.28f00f-the logcat view needs some work imo
00:42.47romainguy__feel free to fix it when it's open source
00:43.31VickiWongromainguy: ahh ok, so ill replace system.out with Log.d and I now have the Logcat window added :)
00:43.35f00f-yeah :D
00:44.42VickiWonggotta add tags too :)
00:48.58VickiWongf00f-: parse does accept a URI  public Document  parse(String uri)
00:50.57VickiWongromainguy: I tried making the system outs Log.d, and i have the logcat window open but im seeing nothing : \
01:01.57VickiWongthe code seems so simple as well, and im not getting any errors or exceptions being thrown that i can see
01:04.21f00f-put a log statement right after try {
01:05.51f00f-why does CTRL-F12 stop working
01:07.16f00f-what should screenOrientation be set to in the manifest for my activities?
01:07.27f00f-i want it to be based on if the device is open or not
01:07.29f00f-so 'user' ?
01:08.02VickiWongf00f-: dammit needed to restart Eclipse after adding Logcat window
01:08.22f00f-shouldnt need to...
01:09.01VickiWongf00f-: im getting 'Parsing error uri null, InputSource needs either stream or read' from on of the catch  statements
01:09.29VickiWongwell i restarted Eclipse and the logcat is running fine :) before it wasnt displaying anything
01:10.28VickiWongSo i need to build an inputstream for the URL, and then parse that
01:10.35plusminus_AndNav2-Status: Now routing on OSM-data *DANCE*
01:11.36VickiWongplusminus_: awesome, I have been following AndNav1/2, especially through your forum :)
01:12.10f00f-VickiWong: new URL("http://bleh").openStream()
01:12.14f00f-for a very inelegant solution
01:12.49f00f-plusminus_: what do you use to route on the backend?
01:13.36plusminus_VickiWong: It'll take maybe about a week testing when I get my G1, so I hope to be up with an AndNav2-Beta in around 2 weeks from now :)
01:13.51f00f-are they scalable?
01:13.58VickiWongplusminus_: wish we had G1's over hear i oculd play with it on :D
01:14.19plusminus_I'm currently in the US so I can get one :-P
01:14.28VickiWongahh, we have no such luck in hong kong
01:15.01Disconnectyah but you have brando
01:15.08Disconnectfor whatever thats worth :)
01:15.15VickiWonghopefully when the source is released it'll get ported quick to a device i can actually get hold of
01:15.28plusminus_lets hope os :)
01:15.29*** join/#android winrefund (
01:15.46VickiWongDisconnect: lol, good site
01:16.05Disconnectdoesn't he still have a storefront?
01:16.31VickiWongi believe so
01:17.09VickiWongnot much of a brando fan
01:17.53Disconnectsome is good, some is weird, lots is crap :)
01:18.48VickiWongplus it's expensive
01:19.07Disconnectdepends. got my old c760 for $250 less than expansys so...
01:19.17VickiWongexpensive for locals :)
01:19.28Disconnectwell must be nice for you.. :P
01:19.35winrefundI'm thinking that this kill switch functionality is not in the spirit of the free software community
01:19.41VickiWongwell our wages reflect costs so not really :D
01:20.00VickiWongwinrefund: lol they are getting a lot of stick for it dont worry
01:20.03Disconnectthats frequently the problem
01:20.25VickiWongDisconnect: great for me though, when i bring back GBP i earn in uk :)
01:20.28Disconnectwinrefund: when you can afford to start a wireless carrier, you can subsidize platforms that eat all your profits. until then.....
01:20.28f00f-who's to say they will liberally use it?
01:20.33DisconnectVickiWong: lol
01:20.54Disconnectgbp is a great thing to earn anywhere these days
01:20.56VickiWongf00f-: for many it's not the fear of it being used, just that it exists i think
01:20.58winrefundDisconnect, I don't understand your comment
01:21.08f00f-most consumers won't give a damn about it
01:21.37winrefundf00f-, the "if" doesn't matter. The problem is that the power is in the hands of a 3rd party rather than the user
01:21.39Disconnectwinrefund: it exists to enforce the ToS (both marketplace and t-mob) - things like no voip and no trashing the network.
01:22.01VickiWongf00f-: when trying Document doc = docBuilder.parse(new URL("").openStream()); i am gettign unknown socket errors : \
01:22.02f00f-yeah, if this was a truly open *phone* then i would expect something different
01:22.11f00f-but keep in mind it's still an operator dominated and controlled market/phone
01:22.13VickiWongdocketexception errors *
01:22.36f00f-i've no idea what that means
01:22.53VickiWongsocketexception error* god it's 9:22am and i cant type at all :(
01:23.01winrefundDisconnect, the justification offered is not more important than the user's freedom
01:23.18Disconnectwinrefund: then clearly you aren't interested in android. nice talking to you, have a good one somewhere else..
01:23.46winrefundI am interested in free software
01:23.52winrefundand that's the problem
01:23.52Disconnectand you think this isn't. cya!
01:24.03f00f-hugs all the free software liberals
01:24.27winrefundAndroid is free software due to it's kernel and user space apps that are licensed under the APL but this kill switch seems to be at odds
01:24.27VickiWongwinrefund: it is free software, it's the carrier/hardware people who ask for this stuff
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01:24.30winrefundthat's a problem
01:24.43Disconnectbesides, its apache licensed. isn't that (effectively) similar to bsd? it allows commercial spinoffs. oops. you should be in #handhelds or #maemo instead.
01:24.47winrefundit's a contradiction
01:24.57winrefundoh no
01:24.59f00f-not really
01:25.45winrefunddid you just say "commerical" to describe "non free"?
01:25.45winrefundplease don't do that
01:25.45f00f-they're building on *top* of the platform which doesn't require them to open source their efforts
01:26.07winrefundf00f-, I'm pointing out that the kill switch is not in the spirit of free software
01:26.26winrefundif you don't see that, then you don't understand what free software tries to accomplish all realize he's just hear to troll, right? specializes in it in fact. one of these days he's gonna practice what he preaches by only subscribing to open-source power generation on fully open hardware (oops, no firmware, no bios, no FPGAs...) with fully open network equipment to a fully open internet.
01:26.56f00f-it may be true winrefund, but i don't think t-mobile or htc care about free software
01:26.59f00f-they're in it for the money
01:26.59Disconnectwinrefund: you pointed it out repeatly. what you aren't hearing is nobody here cares.
01:27.02f00f-if OSS helps, that's great
01:27.28f00f-mmm this is some good stew
01:27.29winrefundok, nobody cares
01:27.31f00f-although it's a bit dry
01:27.31JoeAFKin perspective, I think the carriers chances of wiretapping you are probably greater than their chances of killing an application that you're running :P
01:27.32winrefundthat's one thing
01:27.45Disconnectit would be, quite literally, illegal for the officers of any of the aforementioned companies to do something because its right rather than because it benefits the company and stockholders.
01:27.57f00f-umm you people do realize that kill switch is only applicable to android market apps right?
01:28.08winrefundif you don't care about your freedom, that's your choice but don't start trying to dismiss me when I point out the contradiction
01:28.41JoeAFKI'm sure this isn't the only nor biggest contradiction to point out
01:28.41xavdwinrefund: your freedom is to not use Android if you don't like it?
01:28.45Disconnectwinrefund: you pointed it out this afternoon. you aren't buying a device, you aren't developing for a device, you aren't saying anything new, you aren't listening. that is the -classic- example of a troll.
01:28.56winrefundxavd, I'm talking about freedoms 0-3
01:29.09winrefundnot the millions of other freedoms that can be discussed
01:29.30Disconnectis gonna go back to coding. if you stop pissing in winrefund's mouth he'll eventually get bored and leave.
01:29.40winrefundread about them before attempting to add your $0.2 xavd
01:30.23JoeAFKtrolls be rampant!
01:30.24JoeAFKruns away
01:30.55f00f-let's get along
01:30.56winrefundDisconnect, take your ignorant attitude and shove it buddy. All you needed to say was "I don't care" instead of trying to make your ridiculous point
01:33.57gambler<f00f-> umm you people do realize that kill switch is only applicable to android market apps right?
01:34.10f00f-what's going on gambler
01:34.12gamblerdoes this mean it's possible for regular users to turn off the kill switch?
01:34.25f00f-gambler: download an .apk from my site directly
01:34.28f00f-how does a kill switch apply
01:34.34f00f-unless they track .apk signatures, etc.
01:34.36f00f-and have a blacklist
01:34.49f00f-kind of like a CRL in X.509
01:35.01f00f-but lots of ways around that, too
01:35.03gamblerright or OCSP ... just wondering how the kill switch works
01:36.35JoeAFKI tend to feel that maybe I'm the only one that sees the kill switch as a feature?
01:36.47f00f-joe it is a feature
01:36.52winrefundno it is not
01:36.53f00f-intended to protect consumers #1
01:36.56JoeAFKMake someone with a reputation to lose do the tedious work for me...
01:37.05winrefundthe user should have that power
01:37.06f00f-but as baggage, operators can control apps based on their internal agenda too :)
01:37.07winrefundnot a 3rd party
01:37.09f00f-so it's a mixed bag of tricks :D
01:37.19gambleryeah I agree its a feature for unsophisticated consumers.
01:37.20JoeAFKThe user has the power to kill tasks does he not? :)
01:38.18winrefunddoes the user have the power to kill the kill switch?
01:38.18JoeAFKunsophisticated ... or people that dont have time to research or keep up with malicious Android app list
01:38.18winrefundso the user does not have control over the phone
01:38.18f00f-we do NOT know enough about it to make judgements at this point
01:38.18f00f-as jasta would say, you are an ignorant fool to judge the feature based on the limited amount of information available about it
01:39.22gamblerpart of my app is designed to make ppl at the telco rip their hair out, so thats my slight worry
01:40.33Disconnectis there a simple way to get the dialpad to pop up for numeric-field input in portrait mode?
01:41.07JoeAFKThe Google Marketplace thingo is not carrier-specific though right? (besides the fact for now there's only 1 carrier that its locked to)
01:41.08f00f-presss green call button and hit dialer
01:41.15Disconnecti mean for application input
01:41.35Disconnectto feed a numeric edittext
01:41.39f00f-not sure if it has an intent that'll return
01:42.46gdsxDisconnect: 1.0 doesn't have a framework for adding input methods.  It's in the pipeline
01:44.06Disconnecthmm. anyone know if a simple 0-9 . and backspace has been written yet? :) if not i'll have to do it (suck) but i'll publish it. too useful to keep :)
01:44.37gdsxanyway, /me is off
01:47.30Disconnectanyone got the url for the java layout builder? eclipse is not agreeing with me today..
01:47.48Disconnectbookmarked it but can't find it now :(
01:47.48f00f-the piece of shit drag and drop garbage?
01:48.14xavdwhat's the problem with eclipse?
01:48.22Disconnectwow seems like half of everyone is super-negative today. weird.
01:48.35JoeAFKangry their G1s havent come yet
01:48.40f00f-wasted lots of time with droiddraw
01:48.41Disconnectxavd: typing on the xml side results in it taking >2 gigs of ram and swapping the hell out of my mbp.
01:48.44f00f-better do the XML layhout yourself
01:48.45f00f-trust me
01:48.55xavdDisconnect: :(
01:49.00f00f-don't use the xml editor, just the plain text editor
01:49.03xavdhow big is your XML?
01:49.11Disconnectunder 30 lines. 5-6 items.
01:49.14Disconnect(so far)
01:49.35xavdhave you done a lot of modification since you opened the editor, or does it happen right away?
01:50.16Disconnectgoes either way. after errors or if i partially type a tag and wander off (eg to do source editing) and come back that seems to make it more likely. but overall its kind of "how can you not see this" more than it is "i found a bad use-case" :/
01:51.33xavdwhat version/distrib of Eclipse? I'll try to repro on my mbp
01:52.42DisconnectBuild id: 1.6.1.v20080919-1135 .. 3.4.1, lemme look @ the web page again and see which ver it is. (unless i'm missing it in the about box)
01:52.58jastaf00f-: as jasta would say? :)
01:53.19f00f-i know you used that line once :P
01:53.23f00f-i felt it was appropriate
01:53.37jastawell, sure.
01:53.48xavdDisconnect: what's th title of the about box? mine says Eclipse SDK cause I downloaded the SDK version. There are so many packages that I want to be sure I try with the same plugins on
01:53.56Disconnectah eclipse platform
01:53.57jastai am so f'ing excited for Wed :)
01:54.08f00f-yeah :D
01:54.11Disconnectjasta: i'm aiming for monday (i'm hoping for tomorrow but..)
01:54.17Disconnectlatest tues it'll be here, so..
01:54.26f00f-i called my t-mo rep, they said they would ship out on wednesday and get to me on friday
01:54.29f00f-let's see if it happens
01:56.36Disconnectxavd: its not 100% reproducible yet (as in i have no map for you) but it is fairly frequent. basically working between the gui(ish) and xml views in layout causes it to get very upset. then it starts thrashing swap and if i get lucky i can save and quit before it gets too bad..
01:57.53Disconnecti know it seems more frequent with lots of typos/errors are entered and then fixed (maybe related to trying to render them? i flip back and forth fairly frequently, and half the objects are added from the toolbar and half by hand) but its -really- small layouts
01:58.30Disconnectmost recently it was a simple nested linear with 4 textviews (basic "foo: bar" "baz: bam" row)
01:58.39xavdit shouldn't try to render until you switch back to the layout page
01:58.50languishI wonder if someone's going to start a service helping devs customize their UI to look more "androidish" and standardized (to give a consistent experience to users)
01:58.51xavdit may have to do with the content assist in the xml page
01:59.21Disconnectfwiw autocomplete has failed me completely on that page today. not sure why. it pops nothingness
01:59.43xavdhmm I'm thinking there is something there.
01:59.47Disconnect....ok i lied. annoying. its back now :)
02:00.20Disconnectit was popping the # default namespace (etc) even after "android:layout_" (you can see it with "android:{ctrl-space}")
02:00.21jastaf00f-: i'm planning to get one Wed morning if all goes well
02:00.28xavdthe content assist "framework" in Eclipse is not exactly great. Lots of hacks to make it work :(
02:00.30jastaif not, as i said earlier, i will burn that mother down
02:00.34Disconnectlast tried it a couple restarts ago
02:00.43f00f-do you have more than one store on your list?
02:00.49f00f-i'm sure you could drive to bellevue
02:00.54jastawell, not yet, but im gonna calla round to check availability
02:00.55f00f-there's a store right by the t-mo campus
02:01.08f00f-and this great sushi place there too
02:01.18f00f-(the only thing i know about bellevue) :D
02:01.20Disconnectawesome combo
02:01.33Disconnectesp if hte sushi place has exposed plugs for charging your new phone while eating sushi :)
02:01.55languishjasta, just make contact with store managers
02:01.55languishbefore wed
02:02.00languishpass 'em a $20 to hold a g1 for you
02:02.14Disconnectanyone know if tmob stores will have the stupid headset adaptors this week? i don't remember if tmob had any htc phones before this. (hmm. at&t did didn't they?)
02:02.32languishwell, a $20 might be too cheap
02:02.52f00f-dude, just wait it out
02:03.02f00f-give it a day or two
02:03.13f00f-i seriously doubt there'll be a rush
02:03.27f00f-perception is still that t-mobile sucks.
02:03.43languishI'm thinking a push, to have tmo give g1 pre- order owners a usbext adaptor free, is in order
02:03.59languishf00f-, perception is sometimes correct
02:04.10Disconnectxavd: when it blows up again, anything in particular you want me to do? (bearing in mind that my laptop will be swapping hard. and if i wait too long/do too much it'll start eating my disk with swapfiles :( ..)
02:04.17languishas long as dotson runs tmo usa, it always will
02:04.51xavdDisconnect: not really, I'm playing with it now and the content assist is having serious issues :(
02:05.02Disconnectfair enough
02:05.40Disconnectwas planning to build views to help solidify the objects.. but it looks like it'll have to be written the other way round (yes, i know objects first is more correct anyway :) ..)
02:06.10languishseriously, most people I know, have no clue what android/htc or the G1 are
02:06.53Disconnectlanguish: but don't you know? a cell company with 10mil or so customers sold a whopping 1.5 million of them in 3 days!
02:07.03Disconnectknows that # is bullshit, don't bother, its a joke :)
02:07.03languishmost news agencies are just treating it like a sideline note "oh yeah, this exists"  along the lines of "you should just be aware of this name, in case your kids mention it"
02:07.16f00f-it's great press for them
02:07.18Disconnecti was surprised that the sis-in-law wanted one. she's not tmob tho
02:07.19f00f-it's a very smart move on their part
02:07.32f00f-but with no press release from t-mobile we can't really be sure
02:07.48languishyeah, someone did say tmo denied the numbers
02:08.01languishforgot where I was reading
02:08.14languishbut they claimed it didn't even come close
02:08.30languishto actual sales that is.  They may have ordered that many phones for the future
02:08.38Disconnectinfo week (iirc) debunked it finally. has the quotes.
02:09.21languishanyone see the pics of boygenius at the tmo g1 launch party lastnight?
02:09.34languishdude walks around like he's a celeb in hiding
02:09.38Disconnectlol funny
02:10.17gamblerdoes he do the vince mcmahon power walk? that rocks
02:18.37Disconnectyah i can't get the stupid activation email resent so i can't see any of that stuff
02:18.43Disconnectmailing admins doesn't help
02:19.49Disconnectand random side note, i found exactly what i was looking for earlier :)
02:36.40*** join/#android leomonadedrink (
02:36.46gdsxwonders why it's so hard for some people to take a non-sucky photo of the G1
02:42.55*** join/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
02:44.39Dougie187man noones around anymore.
02:45.13*** join/#android HappyFunBall (
02:47.33HappyFunBallI had 2 lunarlander samples on my emulator, and used "adb uninstall" to get rid of one.  The other's still there but I dont know its name. How can I list packages to pick one to remove?
02:48.17*** join/#android cfreak200 (
02:48.30Disconnectanyone know if you can tell the eclipse layout renderererer to rotate?
02:48.48Dougie187i hate crank nicolson
02:49.10Disconnectoh. duh. nevermind. dropdown top-right. :)
02:50.11Disconnectbut if anyone is hacking on it, it'd be nice if it produced clean line-broken code
03:02.33f00f-plusminus_: alive?
03:02.38f00f-have you played with OSM dat?
03:02.44f00f-in its raw format
03:02.57f00f-i'm investigating the effort required to implement a geocoder based on the data
03:03.12f00f-so far, i can't really find street addresses (numbers) in the data
03:04.41umdk1d3i think i saw it in the schema somewhere, and maybe in some tiger-sourced data files
03:05.01umdk1d3would have been in their XML dumps
03:05.07umdk1d3theres a nice site that split them by state
03:05.19f00f-i have the dump open in vi
03:07.47gdsxf00f-: that's your problem.  Try emacs 8)
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03:23.27f00f-i found some house numbers in the TIGER edges data
03:24.54f00f-or maybe not
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03:39.38*** join/#android After_Math (
03:40.34After_MathHello everyone, I am the moderator at ##G1, specifically for the new T-Mobile G1, Right now we are recruiting an additional mods, so come on in to ##G1 and let me know about yourself if you are interested thanks
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04:04.32*** part/#android After_Math (
05:00.10KontuusI didin't know g1 is 3g phone
05:05.04languishnow you do? :)
05:05.10languishoh man
05:05.14*** join/#android jt436 (n=jtomlins@ .. look at the comment under the image of the blender
05:08.39*** join/#android DarkriftX (
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05:13.32languishcheck out the comment on the image at man
05:23.29*** join/#android After_Math (
05:23.46After_Mathis anyone in here using Eclipse to create Android apps?
05:24.38After_Mathis that a yes or no :P
05:25.56After_Mathcan anyone help with this   Plug-in was unable to load class
05:26.46f00f-what version of eclipse
05:28.19After_Mathlet me chec
05:31.51f00f-that's too old
05:32.22f00f-you need AT LEAST 3.3
05:32.35f00f-just grab 3.4
05:33.39After_Mathok cool thanks
05:34.35After_Mathf00f-, what one should I downlaod off the site to build Android Apps?
05:34.50After_MathI just sudo apt-get installed eclipse for the previuos versiob
05:35.24After_Mathjust eclipse classic?
05:41.26*** join/#android Dralspire (
05:51.59*** join/#android JoeBrain (
05:56.50JoeBrainthinks that a seal bark is louder than a dog bark
06:00.56DarkriftXlanguish, ive been getting some users submitting apps on my forum, i think its from your idea
06:01.36DarkriftXpjv submitted one i had missed (androids fortune) and someone just submitted a tip calculator
06:06.19languishDarkriftX, awesome.
06:06.26*** join/#android coder1 (
06:06.27JoeBraintip calculator was always an odd idea to me
06:06.43JoeBrainthe big dorks would just do it manually & everyone else wouldn't want to look like a dork
06:07.26coder1newb question, i compile hello android, no errors, but nothing happens.  last console message is "launching new emulator"
06:07.52DarkriftXi think my server might have problems sending registration confirmations to yahoo emails, i have 3 ppl that registered and never confirmed and all 3 are emails...
06:10.15languishDarkriftX, set up a 24 hour resend through another mta
06:10.46languishor just use another mta period
06:11.15languishcheck some rbl's also, to see if your server's been blacklisted
06:11.46gdsxcoder1: does the emulator come up?
06:12.33coder1gdsx: no, when i run it, it just says that it's launching the emulator, but nothing else happens.
06:12.34languishT-mobile's G1 support site is up now
06:13.03gdsxcoder1: can you run the emulator by itself?
06:13.15languishholy crap, a t-mobile *forum* for g
06:13.38coder1gdsx: when i execute emulator by itself, it pops up the shell and closes real quick
06:14.31gdsxcoder1: err... shell?
06:14.38gdsxcoder1: I guess, first things first.  What OS?
06:15.02coder1gdsx: my mac is getting a new logic board this week =/ .. on vista now
06:15.17coder1so when i say i'm launching the emulator, i mean i'm clicking emulator.exe
06:15.55gdsxerr... hmm... one sec
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06:17.01gdsxcoder1: does Vista have cmd.exe or an equivalent?
06:17.22coder1yeah i was just looking at that... it's saying i need to specify a valid -kernel file
06:17.34coder1when i execute it from the command line
06:18.32gdsxhmm... sec
06:20.37gdsxcoder1: I'm sort of guessing at this point.  do you have android.jar in the SDK's root directory?
06:20.50romainguyandroid.jar doesn't matter to run the emulator
06:20.59gdsxdefers to romainguy
06:21.16coder1gdsx: yeah, i'm actually re-extracting the sdk now to rule out any corruption
06:21.51coder1i think it's fixed, it will stay open now.. going to run the code again
06:21.59romainguythe emulator files are in tools/lib/images
06:22.14gdsxoh, hey :o)
06:23.35coder1awesome , thanks for the time, it's working.  something must have just been corrupt.
06:23.53coder1the sanity check was finding out that emulator.exe should stay running even by itself.  i appreciate it.
06:59.51jastahehe, do files get "corrupt" anymore?  i mean, are there really broke network stacks, ethernet cards/drivers, and/or routers these days? :)
07:03.31jastawell, actually, other than the TCP window scaling bug found in some routers out there.  *shakes fist*
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07:11.55muthu_Fo' Realz
07:17.09muthu_jasta: yo
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08:08.32DarkriftXanyone here who has a g1?
08:09.24DarkriftXi just read that you cannot install apps on it cept from the marketplace because there is no file browser on a factory install. anyone know a way around this?
08:10.38Kontuuswtf :o can't be
08:11.41romainguyit has nothing to do with having a file browser or not
08:11.58romainguyyou can install app via USB or via any web site
08:13.35DarkriftXim reading about it, and it says windows users are having problems with missing drivers for usb
08:14.14romainguybecause the USB driver is not in the SDK yet
08:15.28DarkriftXdo you have a g1?
08:15.51romainguy(I work on Android btw)
08:16.21DarkriftXim wondering if the link to download the apk has to be a direct link, or if it can be a dynamic type link
08:16.28DarkriftXdont know what they are called
08:16.37romainguythat makes no difference
08:16.46DarkriftXindex.php?download=filename.apk for example
08:17.01DarkriftXill fix all the downloads on my site to get rid of .zip and tar.gz files
08:17.06DarkriftXso users can install them directly
08:17.12DarkriftXty for the help :)
08:17.36romainguythe server must have the right mime type for .apk
08:18.36DarkriftXi can do that in htaccess, do yo know what mime type is required?
08:18.43romainguyI don't remember
08:18.50romainguythere were discussions about this on the mailing list though
08:18.56romainguyyou can look in the archives
08:19.31DarkriftXnice, thx again
08:21.31DarkriftXapplication/ look right?
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08:30.33languishtotally "duh" question at this point, but is there a windows (SMB) network browser either preinstalled or as an app available in the app store already?
08:31.11languish(on the G1)
08:34.07DarkriftXi think i added the correct mime type, now im unzipping all of my archives and adding the .apk's as downloads. hopefully when im done someone will let me know in my forums if it works
08:34.38ttuttlelanguish: I do not believe so.
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08:37.00languishttuttle holy carp what a kick in the pants
08:38.26languishso no streaming video/mp3's over the local network without running a streaming server
08:38.32DarkriftXcould someone with a g1 test this download? just want to see if my mime type is correct:
09:10.58swetlanddark: Cannot download.  The content being downloaded is ont supported on the phone.
09:12.47romainguyswetland: did you enable untrusted sources?
09:13.18swetlandit's "unknown sources" these days
09:13.29swetlanduntrusted, I think, is more accurate, but hey
09:13.48romainguynot necessarily :)
09:13.55swetlandthe mimetype seems right
09:14.14swetlandapplication/octet-stream should work
09:14.22swetlandmaybe the .html suffix is annoying the download manager
09:14.32DarkriftXapplication/ look right? is what i used
09:14.44DarkriftXlet me make a direct link for you to try
09:14.50DarkriftXalso my .htaccess might not have kicked in
09:15.17swetlandwget claims application/octet-stream
09:15.37DarkriftXdid you try in a browser?
09:15.40swetlandI know text/plain for .apk files ends up working (even though it's not "right")
09:15.56swetlandclicked on the link from gtalk and it launched the browser/downloader
09:16.45swetlandin our infinite wisdom we don't allow copy from IM chatlogs (yet) so I can't easily get it into the browser directly
09:16.55swetlandand it's a somewhat long url to type out ^^
09:17.41DarkriftXand ill put a direct link on the front page in 1 minute
09:17.50ttuttlelanguish: So, the Right Way (TM) to stream media is to offer HTTP.
09:18.41DarkriftXswetland, in the first entry is a direct link to test in browser
09:18.54DarkriftXif they still dont work, ill try different mime type
09:19.38DarkriftXi guess the file could also be corrupted
09:20.08ttuttleswetland: hey. how's it going?
09:24.27swetlandhm. downloads now (no error) but doesn't seem to want to install. strange
09:26.12languishswetland, do you have a file you know does install that you can send to DarkriftX to put up, for you to donwload and install from him?
09:26.54swetlandjust threw this up on my personal server (which serves 'em as text/plain but that works) and it doesn't want to install
09:27.00swetlandmight be something to do with this specific apk
09:28.00swetlandW/PackageParser( 3263): /sdcard/download/Android_File_Browser_2-2.0.apk (at Binary XML file line #5): <activity> does not specify android:name
09:28.04swetlandW/PackageInstaller( 3263): Parse error when parsing manifest. Discontinuing installation
09:28.25swetlandfiles a bug about the lack of error dialog or user visible indicator
09:30.04swetlandthink your mimetype is fine but the apk is not is pretty device-unfriendly on gprs/edge, btw
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09:43.15DarkriftXi added a few more .apk files to the front page if anyone wants to test them with a g1 for me
09:43.30DarkriftXpjv, you have a g1?
09:46.28languishthe saftey & regulations section of the G1 "getting started" guide is hysterical
09:46.43pjvwill have to wait till Q1 2009 or beyond
09:46.51DarkriftXheh, me too
09:46.56languishexplosive atmospheres and non-ionizing radiation
09:47.25swetlandmy favorite bit remains the box copy informing us that the t-mobile logo and the magenta color are trademarks of deutsch telecom
09:47.26DarkriftXso there is no way to test the apk download/install in the emulator?
09:47.29swetlandW/PackageParser( 3416): /sdcard/download/zaTelnet_Light.apk (at Binary XML file line #5): <activity> does not specify android:name
09:47.32swetlandW/PackageInstaller( 3416): Parse error when parsing manifest. Discontinuing installation
09:47.40swetlandyou can test installing with adb install foo.apk
09:47.46pjvI reckon an increasing number of people in this room has one by now (18th is getting close to 22nd)?
09:48.15swetlandthe 1.0r1 emulator build doesn't have the settings panel so you can't enabled unknown sources, so web download doesn't work there (known bug)
09:48.36DarkriftXyeah, just didnt know if htere was a work around lol
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09:54.03DarkriftXok, seems like i have a lot of work tomorrow
09:54.07DarkriftXbut i need sleep
09:54.11DarkriftXthx for the help guys
09:58.11swetland is an example of something serving a working apk with a correct mimetype
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12:34.03Disconnectif i want to do a basic scrolling spreadsheet-style list (rows and columns), should I be dealing with tableview or listview? I like listview because I don't need to instantiate the whole mess immediately (afaict) but i'm not sure how best to accomplish the effectively-fixed-width layout inside it.
12:34.26Disconnect(fixed from row to row, not device-to-device or orientation to orientation.. i'm not doing a Bad Thing, honest :) ..)
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13:24.05Disconnecthmm. can sqlite's query() do joins?
13:24.35commonsguyrawQuery() probably can; not sure about query()
13:24.47Disconnecteg "select a.box_name, b.contents from a boxes, b packinglist where b.box_id ="
13:25.26Dougie187i think it has limited joins.
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13:30.30Disconnecti'll find out :)
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13:51.43Disconnectok stupid eclipse question. my app crashed, but i'm in the debugger. how do i get a stack trace that has my app somewhere in it?
13:55.26umdk1d3Disconnect: sometimes the exception stack trace gets dumped to logcat
13:55.46umdk1d3youve found DDMS in eclipse?
13:58.06Disconnecti found the standard run->debug..
13:59.58umdk1d3so in eclipse there are different views, and the DDMS view gives a LOT of helpful debugging information
14:00.11umdk1d3versus the Java view that youre in right now
14:00.23MrSnowflakeDisconnect: Click Window->Open Perspective
14:00.24MrSnowflakethen Other
14:00.31umdk1d3perspectives, there we go  :)
14:00.47MrSnowflakethe one you are looking after is DDMS (obviously)
14:01.21Disconnectooh thats pretty
14:01.50MrSnowflakeyeah, very, as you can change emulator stuff, instead of using the commandline
14:02.01umdk1d3then you can doubleclick the logcat tab to maximize it, and peek through there for exception stuff
14:02.13umdk1d3you can also send stuff there from your app by doing Log.d() or Log.e() etc
14:02.16MrSnowflakeOh, there's a screen capture, never seen it before :)
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14:04.24Disconnectfound my bug, too. for whatever reason it dislikes the date i'm passing. sigh.
14:05.07JoeBrainI had the same problem with apricots
14:05.11JoeBrainprolly not enough fibre
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14:09.06MrSnowflakeI know integer math is adviced, but how about the Matrix class, it only uses floats, should we avoid using this class?
14:09.11MrSnowflakeIt's for 2D gfx
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14:21.43Disconnectarm platform in general sucks a -lot- at floating point math..
14:22.12Disconnect(well, sucks as in can't-do-it and the sw fp sucks, although not as much as it used to. 10.5*.9 no longer drags it to a screaming halt :) ..)
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14:22.49snadgethe price you pay for low power consumption ;)
14:25.11MrSnowflakeYeah I know that, but as I probably need the Matrix class to draw rotated and skewed bitmaps, should I also use it for translation
14:32.44cbeustHey San
14:32.51*** topic/#android by SanMehat -> Four.
14:32.58SanMehathey cedric
14:33.00SanMehatwhats up man?
14:33.17cbeustMy dog woke me up at 6a, great way to start a weekend :)
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15:42.31SanMehathey man
15:42.43SanMehathey i'll brb, gonna get coffee
15:42.46ttuttleSanMehat: kk
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16:03.26After_Mathcan anyone guide me to where I can get good beginners tutorials on Android please?
16:03.58languishAfter_Math, programming, or just how to use tha G1?
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16:04.50After_Mathlanguish, programming in Android. I am all set up with Eclipse and the ADT plugin which works nicely, I just need to learn how to program in Android now :)
16:05.59languish and there's an intro guide in pdf, looking for it now
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16:06.29After_Mathlanguish, cool thanks
16:12.04languishalso  this whole forum
16:12.05After_Mathawsome! thanks languish !
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16:19.33VickiWonganyone see an obvious issue with this basic attempt at parsing XML from a URL?
16:19.54VickiWongI am getting a SAXParseException error saing InputSource needs either stream or reader
16:21.55DarkriftXahhhh.... time to figure out my apk file/mime issues
16:23.35commonsguyVickiWong: off the cuff, looks like its not fetching the URL
16:24.47commonsguywhen I used DocumentBuilder, I elected to fetch the data myself and feed it in through an InputSource wrapped around a StringReader
16:25.06commonsguythere may be more efficient approaches, though -- this was just a book example
16:25.44DarkriftXanyone here have a g1 and a few minutes they could spare me?
16:25.52VickiWongfetch the data at runitime right? not storing it to file?
16:26.32VickiWongcommonsguy:  im using book exmples too :) the android specific examples i can find seem overly complex or dont work with the latest SDK :(
16:26.43commonsguyyou picked the wrong book... ;-)
16:26.54VickiWongapparantly so :D
16:27.18DarkriftXsomeone needs to write a "Droids for Dummies" book
16:27.43commonsguyeh, I had to pick a different title -- "for Dummies" has nasty trademark protection
16:27.53DarkriftXbut it does sound good lol
16:28.09DarkriftXdo "Dummies for Droids"
16:28.26VickiWongthere does seem to be little non-official documentation, especially when it comes to tut's or sample code, but hey it's early days
16:29.01commonsguyit's partly due to the looooooooong time we had M5 and partly that what's out there is scattered around
16:30.10commonsguyI've toyed with putting together some site to catalog it all, but haven't had time
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16:35.52muthu_check the topic
16:36.57VickiWong4 days to go?
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16:42.48DarkriftXdamn, i wish i had a g1 right now
16:53.00VickiWongcommonsguy: did you say you got the info about fetching the xml data and using it with inputsource on the net?
16:53.15commonsguynot exactly
16:53.29commonsguyit's from an example in my book
16:53.38commonsguynot sure where I figured it out originally
16:53.57commonsguy -- choose Version 1.3 tab, click on Source Code to download a ZIP
16:54.17commonsguythe Internet/Weather project in there uses DocumentBuilder
16:54.23VickiWongoh wow you have written an andorid book?
16:54.40VickiWongdont suppose you do shipping to hong kong? :D
16:55.52commonsguyebooks are available
16:57.47DarkriftXlol, the for dummies convo starts to make sense now
16:58.04VickiWongDarkriftX: just what i was thinking :D
16:58.31DarkriftXwow.... "Droids for n00bies"
16:58.41DarkriftXstart a for n00bies series
16:59.03DarkriftXuntapped resource right there
16:59.45commonsguysorry, was just wrapping up a call
17:00.16commonsguyyeah, i'm that Mark Murphy guy you see hanging out on the Android Google Groups
17:00.31commonsguywrote the Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development
17:00.50commonsguyhad totally forgotten about this IRC channel until yesterday
17:00.56VickiWongand kindly offered everyone here free copies...
17:01.12muthu_hey commonsguy
17:01.19commonsguycommonsguy's gotta eat!
17:01.33commonsguyhowdy muthu_
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17:01.40muthu_nice job mark
17:01.48muthu_appreciate your postings in the forums
17:01.56commonsguyhappy to help
17:02.08muthu_wonderful, thx
17:04.53After_MathOnce I have deployed the emulator for android to run a app, do I have to close it and rerun it everytime with a new different app?
17:05.16muthu_just keep it running
17:05.18After_Mathsweet thx
17:12.29VickiWongcommonsguy: well i've implemented what i think I needed from your code, ended up with a 'unknown socket error -1'
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17:28.48umdk1d3yay!  /me jumps around room
17:28.59muthu_hey umdk1d3
17:29.06muthu_whats up?
17:29.07umdk1d3i just got a huge ugly magic query string tamed, after like 6 hours of fighting with it  =D
17:29.29muthu_nice :)
17:29.34umdk1d3magic is the /only/ way to describe it  ^.^
17:29.43umdk1d3hugs google
17:30.06umdk1d3someone there was thinking /way/ ahead
17:30.35muthu_google is super
17:30.47Dougie187muthu_: you find that article yet?
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17:32.34VickiWongcommonsguy: well i've implemented what i think I needed from your code, ended up with a 'unknown socket error -1'
17:33.19commonsguysounds like permissions -- do you have the INTERNET permission in your AndroidManifest.xml file?
17:34.53VickiWongcommonsguy: nearly didnt find it then was like 'wth' but yeah it's there
17:34.55VickiWong<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
17:35.17commonsguycould you pastebin your AndroidManifest?
17:35.23VickiWongsure thiing
17:37.37VickiWongjasta: have coffee :)
17:39.08jastat - 1h and coding :)
17:39.08commonsguyVickiWong: well, that looks fine...not sure what's going a proxy server or anything that interferes with network access?
17:39.49jastayou wouldn't get socket error -1.  check adb logcat.
17:40.23jastasocket error -1 is when android arbitrarily blocks you before it gets to the BSD socket layer
17:40.52jastai dont see why they dont make a PermissionException that extends SocketException, but hey :)
17:41.00VickiWongjasta: that was the error in logcat : /
17:41.10jastaVickiWong: i mean search higher up when your package is being deployed.
17:41.17VickiWongahh gotcha
17:41.46jastait's possible your manifest didnt get updated into the APK (especially if you use the clunky eclipse plugin)
17:42.05VickiWongI swear Eclipse hates me
17:42.15VickiWongrestarting Eclipse solved the issue, seems to be working fine
17:42.26VickiWongthats the 3rd random problem restarting eclipse solved
17:42.45jastadid you edit AndroidManifest.xml outside of Eclipse?  That is what I do, and when I update it I need to hit F5 on the project folder to refresh it
17:43.10jastaalso, before you try restarting Eclipse, I'd typically run Project -> Clean.
17:43.15jastaor just rm -rf bin from a shell.
17:43.59VickiWongjasta: I didnt restart eclipse to try and solve the issue :D but ill make sure to try these things everytime i get an unusual issue lol
17:44.16VickiWongcommonsguy: thanks for the help :) your example code seems to be what i needed :)
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18:10.47DarkriftXanyone know what androids browser reports itself as? does it show up as chrome?
18:11.07jastajust run nc -l -p 5000 and point it at <your-ip>:5000
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18:12.38umdk1d3ive seen the following user agent in the past:
18:12.39umdk1d3"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 1.0; en-us; dream) AppleWebKit/525.10+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0.4 Mobile Safari/523.12.2"
18:13.34jastahehe, the network error page is funny looking
18:13.46DarkriftXi wonder if its showing as chrome or safari in my analytics
18:13.56umdk1d3google analytics?
18:13.56jastawhy would that show as chrome?
18:14.08jastachrome isn't mentioned anywhere on it, so how silly would that be
18:14.16DarkriftXbecause i thought it was based on chrome
18:14.21umdk1d3LOL no
18:14.22jastawell you thought wrong
18:14.45umdk1d3idk how that rumor got started
18:14.57DarkriftXwell, both are webkit based
18:14.59umdk1d3ive seen it all over the place tho:  "android now has chrome" or something
18:15.08umdk1d3right, they both have the same base code
18:15.28DarkriftXso if you had to put it in one category or the other, chrome or safari?
18:15.31commonsguyAndroid's browser has been described as "Chrome Lite" by Google execs
18:15.37commonsguythat might be the source
18:15.45umdk1d3sigh lol @ execs
18:15.57jastayeah, execs don't know what the hell they are saying
18:16.10jastaAndroid and Chrome went off in two different directions from the same basis of WebKit
18:16.16jastathey share only that similarity
18:16.30jastaso, in that way, Android's browser is no more Chrome than Safari or Webkit is.
18:16.40DarkriftXim not talking about usability
18:16.43jastaafter the fact some devs thought "huh, that might have been better to share code." :)
18:16.46DarkriftXim talking from a websites point of view
18:16.53umdk1d3android might have borrowed from chrome tho
18:17.01umdk1d3we first saw "gears" integration in 0.9
18:17.20jastaumdk1d3: yeah, but i think it's a lot of copy/paste hackjobs.  it would be totally stupid to call it Chrome at this point i think
18:17.23umdk1d3they might have had gears support working first in chrome, and brought it over
18:17.31jastaDarkriftX: you mean from a web standards point of view?  then they are all webkit.
18:17.37romainguyumdk1d3: not really
18:17.44umdk1d3oh i agree, but they could have brought over the people who knew where to hook stuff into webkit
18:18.13romainguyit's mobile WebKit with Java frontend for Linux vs desktop WebKit for Windows
18:18.30DarkriftXmy analytics has: ff2, ff3, ie6, ie7, chrome, safari, opera, ie8 and konq..... g1 users ARE being counted, and they are being placed into ONE of those groups. im trying to figure out which, i dont care about the technicalities
18:18.54jastaDarkriftX: why don't you just ask whomever runs your analytics instead of guessing randomly?
18:19.09jastaperhaps they are putting it into Chrome wrongly, and then you should slap them for it and ask that they create a WebKit group
18:19.11DarkriftXit started out as a very general question
18:19.47DarkriftXi was just wanting a quick opinion or educated guess
18:20.05DarkriftXi guess i know how to check
18:20.11DarkriftXcompare numbers vs apple visitors
18:20.18romainguyDarkriftX: you can use the emulator to open a webpage that prints out the user agent
18:20.29jastaromainguy: we've already done that.
18:20.30DarkriftXahhhh, see, there we go
18:20.35DarkriftXgreat idea
18:20.39DarkriftXmy analytics are real time :)
18:20.42jastaDarkriftX: that's exactly what i told you to do
18:21.01DarkriftXdoesnt see that
18:21.18jasta[11:11] <jasta> just run nc -l -p 5000 and point it at <your-ip>:5000
18:21.55DarkriftXsorry, i had no idea what you were saying
18:21.59jastaand then umdk1d3 pasted you the exact useragent the g1 is using
18:22.38umdk1d3i think the g1 useragent is different than the emulator
18:22.41languishAppleWebKit/525.10+  ?
18:22.49jastaumdk1d3: hardly, i checked.
18:23.01romainguy(Linux; U; Android 1.0; en-us; dream)
18:23.03jastaumdk1d3: the difference is the g1 says "dream" instead of "generic"
18:23.11DarkriftXi c
18:23.20jastathats why i didnt say anything, because what i got from the emu was the same
18:23.21romainguythat one should not change on the g1
18:24.09jastabut i still think you should contact whoever does your analytics instead of this silly approach.  if they are lumping it into Safari or Chrome then they are completely wrong.
18:24.27DarkriftXit will be fixed, they fix stuff like that fast
18:24.27jastaand your analytics will be forever useless to track mobile users
18:24.36DarkriftXchrome was showing as safari for the first 2 days
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18:27.16DarkriftXok, emu is showing as safari 3 unknown platform
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18:29.45jastaand you should have them fix that
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18:30.20DarkriftXsoon little androids will be all over, wouldnt be good to give safari all that credit
18:30.44DarkriftXjasonchen, do you have a g1?
18:31.03jastai do not
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18:35.15lemonadedrink`y/j #blackberry
18:35.29ttuttlelemonadedrink: traitor!
18:36.44jasta*yargh*, ContentProvider work today
18:36.49jastashoots himself instead
18:37.20lemonadedrinkit was empty.
18:37.32jastawell, this is freenode :)
18:37.58lemonadedrinkoh yeah that would figure it :)
18:39.26lemonadedrinkactually there's 1 guy in it :p
18:39.48jastaprobably just a freenode bot :)
18:39.53ttuttlelemonadedrink: Is he ChanServ?
18:40.20lemonadedrinkttuttle: no, LinuxMafia
18:40.35DarkriftXleave the poor guy alone, he probably joined hoping blackberry was open source and now he is in there with his broken dreams
18:40.38ttuttlelemonadedrink: oh
18:40.56lemonadedrinkDarkriftX: :p
18:42.07jastayou mean like how all of us joined #android?
18:42.26lemonadedrinkI already knew it was OS. :D
18:42.33jastaandroid isn't open source
18:42.41lemonadedrinkI mean...
18:42.46jastaright.  that was the joke.
18:44.35lemonadedrinkactually check out the bottom of
18:44.54jastahehe, that page looks neat now
18:45.01ttuttleOoh, it is pretty.
18:45.19jastathe jet pack android is great
18:45.31lemonadedrinkQuote: Q4 2008 Source code to be released.
18:45.36jastalemonadedrink: but yes, we know this already
18:45.45jastai think you missed my comedy
18:45.51lemonadedrinkyeah I totally did
18:45.54lemonadedrinkI do that
18:45.56jastawe all thought the source was going to come "soon"...a year ago
18:46.53jastathat was the joke.
18:47.17jastayou must be new around here :)
18:47.20lemonadedrinkso if they go open source, does that mean that somebody could fork it?
18:47.29lemonadedrinknot that I would wan to of course
18:47.41ttuttlelemonadedrink: yep, you could.
18:47.43jastait's a complex topic.  think about it critically for a few hours.
18:48.30DarkriftXwell thx for all the help guys, im off to go work on my site some more
18:51.40commonsguyanyone up for an ugly coding question?
18:52.16commonsguyi'm still on my quest for a unique device ID for each Android phone
18:52.41commonsguyeverything I find either requires a permission or doesn't seem to work in the emulator
18:53.55commonsguyTelephonyManager#getDeviceId() requires READ_PHONE_STATE and might not work on non-phones
18:54.01ttuttlecommonsguy: Generate a UUID?
18:54.08commonsguyyeah, but where to put it?
18:54.14commonsguymultiple apps might need it
18:54.21commonsguyand i don't know the apps in advance
18:54.24ttuttlecommonsguy: Hrm.
18:54.57commonsguythere's no /etc or registry or other spot for morons like me to clutter up with UUIDs and such
18:56.28commonsguytried a MAC address, but it too requires a permission and might not work on devices without WiFi
18:57.12DarkriftXtry a combo, look for a, if not look for b etc
18:57.38commonsguythen I need *2* permissions
18:57.51DarkriftXcreate the uuid based on whichever is found first, and store a key (like a salt) on the end of it telling which it was based on
18:57.59pjvcommonsguy: try to use the gmail account as a unique id?
18:58.19DarkriftXnot a bad idea
18:58.21commonsguypjv: that's a unique user value, not a unique device value, and raises privacy issues
18:58.39commonsguyand i probably need a permission for that too
18:58.47commonsguyleast, i would hope so
18:58.55muthu_how about android:sharedUserId?
18:59.06pjvwell, the device tries to be user-oriented (linked to 1 user exactly)
18:59.08commonsguymuthu_: where is that?
18:59.18pjvI don't think it's possible what you are trying
18:59.21muthu_check out security model
18:59.36jastacommonsguy: *ahem*, IMEI.
18:59.38muthu_you can specify a shared user id in your manifest
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18:59.55commonsguyjasta: requires READ_PHONE_STATE, might not be there on non-phoens
18:59.56pjvjasta: IMEI? and what if android ever runs on something not a phone?
19:00.11jastawell, good point.
19:00.26jastai currently use IMEI in my app, however.  i'm not all that interested in fixing that assumption at the moment.
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19:00.37commonsguymuthu_: raises security issues -- don't want to force all apps using this library to run as one user
19:00.40pjvcommonsguy: as I see it, the notion of a "device" is something burried in layers that have been abstracted away
19:00.53pjvyou should orient towards a user
19:01.15commonsguypjv: yeah -- prob is, i'm porting something originally on iPhone, which has a UUID or something available
19:01.31commonsguyand it's not my call -- it's my customer's
19:01.33pjvwell, thats your problem, don't port
19:01.33jastawell, not necessarily.  in my case i need to know the device because if the user gets a new device the internal storage would be wiped and they'd need to resync.
19:01.39pjvandroid works differently
19:01.51jastabut i suppose that won't work if the user master resets because a sync would also be necessary
19:01.56jastadamn, i hadn't really thought about this well enough
19:02.11commonsguyjasta: sry if i just caused you more work
19:02.11jastaoh wait, no, that would work just fine implicitly.  nevermind :)
19:02.44jastai forgot that SyncML already gaurds against this.  it couples a unique id with an anchor point, and if the client can't produce the right pair it syncs from scratch
19:06.13VickiWongsomeone should port itunes, just to poff iphone users
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19:11.27VickiWongis there an easier way to store a value (in this case last date a user ran my app) rather then storing the date in a file on it's own?
19:12.00commonsguyVickiWong: SharedPreferences?
19:13.29VickiWongcommonsguy: thanks that looks good
19:13.46VickiWongthe naming 'preference' is what put me off
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19:16.17jastaVickiWong: it's just a persistent storage mechanism shared by a package.
19:16.22jastakey/value pairs
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19:17.17VickiWongjasta: I see, makes sense now, but i do not like that naming :D
19:19.09jastaneither do it, but...
19:20.50VickiWongif it works it works
19:22.36jastaspeaking of, at some point i feel like i must rewrite my sync engine on the android side :)
19:22.39jastait's such a horrible mess.
19:26.17VickiWongthings are going to get so interesting once that code gets released
19:26.47DarkriftXi just wish the emulator was more like the g1
19:26.51DarkriftXso i could test stuff better
19:26.52jastaonce what code?  android's code?
19:27.01VickiWongjasta: yah
19:27.08jastawell, we'll see.
19:27.15romainguyDarkriftX: it's pretty close
19:27.43DarkriftXwell, i need to use it to test apk installs over the internet and it wont do that :(
19:27.56romainguyit's because you don't have the settings app
19:28.07VickiWongI think the emulator is pretty darned good, sure it's no G1 but for an emulator it's good
19:28.16DarkriftXits good, but just doesnt do what i need
19:28.22jastaromainguy: i assume that once the phone launches the emulator is going to get a big update to include all the apks right?
19:28.34romainguyI don't think so
19:28.39romainguythe emulator is not the G1
19:28.52romainguythere's no reason to include all the apks
19:29.03romainguy(Settings is different though :)
19:29.16Dougie187so would the emulator have settings then?
19:29.18jastaexcept that it makes integration applications possible to develop
19:29.36jastafor example if you want to test how your app can send e-mail or whatever.
19:29.52jastai guess you could just extract the apks yourself and load them, but ugh, silly.
19:29.53romainguyhey, if the apps are not in the emulator you'll have the source code
19:29.57romainguycompile them and install them
19:30.13jastaromainguy: uhh, it was my understanding that we would not get source code to google branded apps
19:30.21romainguyyou won't
19:30.31romainguybut e-mail is not a google branded app
19:30.48jastai see, so the decision has been made officially that e-mail will be open sourced?  i have been asking about that for a while now
19:31.04romainguyyou'll see when the source is dropped :)
19:31.09jasta*rolls eyes*
19:31.37VickiWongjasta: itsa secret...
19:31.39jastasecrets right up to the bitter end :)
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19:38.29Dougie187jasta: would you expect anything more?
19:38.36jastano, not at all
19:39.30Dougie187flash 10 is awesome btw.
19:39.30jastait's just silly to me that all of the Google folks have this smug attitude about all the things they know that we don't.  as if to say "how absurd that you don't know the secrets i won't tell you."
19:39.36Dougie187not sure if you have played with it
19:39.53Dougie187jasta: true. i know what you mean.
19:39.57jastawhat's awesome about it?  the only thing i'd like to see FLASH do is get more efficient.
19:40.17Dougie187i like how it is not always on top now
19:40.29jastaoh yes, but that was a Linux only bug for a LONG time
19:40.30Dougie187so when you go to sites like bestbuy and cbs you can actually use the menus on their sites.
19:40.38jastabut that certainly is a great fix (which should have come years ago)
19:40.39Dougie187and it was a pain in the ass
19:41.23jastabbl, lunch
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19:47.00yangIs the HTC G1 only limited to T-mobile provider in the usa or can it also be used on European providers?
19:47.23Dougie187there is an unlocked version, but its going ot be 400
19:47.29Dougie187and it has limited frequency ranges
19:47.31yang400 meaning what?
19:47.36Dougie187$400 USD
19:48.32VickiWongim hanging on for new device news
19:48.49yangwell in the worst case I will be able to upload and play with the software over USB/Bluetooth ? If it won't work on my carrier?
19:48.54VickiWongwe need some love over here
19:49.24VickiWongall we have is a cheaply put together development kit made by a chinese company :( and it costs a lot of money
19:49.33Dougie187Its going to be released in Europe later this year.
19:49.45Dougie187maybe like a month of so. i don't remember the time frame
19:50.11yangok, i am gonna wait for the european version then
19:50.12VickiWongDougie187: was it November? or Q1 09
19:50.26Dougie187lemme check
19:50.43VickiWongearly novemeber
19:50.55Dougie187Q1 09
19:50.58VickiWongdunno why i was htinking q1 09
19:51.02Dougie187some in November
19:51.10Dougie187UK is November
19:51.16Dougie187everyone else is Q1 09
19:51.24VickiWonglol i thoguht it was Q1 09 :D
19:51.36Dougie187you in UK?
19:51.44yangI home that our carrier might put it for the special price offer
19:51.50VickiWongme? Im in hong kong
19:52.13Dougie187Hong Kong isn't even set up yet.
19:52.23VickiWongDougie187: tell me about it :D
19:52.25Dougie187Q1 09 is just for more places in eurpoe.
19:52.45VickiWongno idea what we will get or when we will get it
19:52.53yanghow big is actually the device - measures
19:53.25yangfrom the pics its quite a piece
19:53.47Dougie187Are the dimensions in that last link i sent?
19:53.50VickiWong# Dimensions: (LxWxT) 117.7 mm x 55.7 mm x 17.1 mm # Weight: 158 grams
19:53.52romainguyit's about the same size as an iPhone 1st gen
19:53.54romainguya bit thicker
19:55.31jastaromainguy: and a smaller screen i think
19:55.35jastasam resolution, higher dpi
19:55.45yangAnother question, are there any other manufacturers also getting ready to produce an android phone in the near future?
19:55.47romainguybecause the device is narrower
19:55.57Dougie187yang: check out the open handset alliance.
19:56.37Dougie187Motorola, LG, HTC, and Samsung
19:56.45Dougie187Nokia is working on something but who knows.
19:56.59VickiWongChina Mobile
19:57.09Dougie187is China Mobile hardware?
19:57.11Dougie187or carrier?
19:57.28yangDougie187: so, the unlocked version should be able to work outside T-mobile?
19:57.37Dougie187Check the frequency ranges.
19:57.39jastayang: check the frequencies it supports
19:57.53yangOur provider is on 900&1800
19:58.32yangit supports them all then:)
19:58.58Dougie187you have to buy it through tmobile.
19:59.06Dougie187it's basically just contract free
19:59.16Dougie187and then after 90 days they won't care if you unlock it
19:59.28Dougie187though there isn't much stopping you from doing it before then
19:59.46jastachinese food in the US is so freaking disgusting
19:59.46yangwhat i dislike on HTCs are silly small knob keyboards :) it has a touchscreen so who needs buttons
19:59.58jastaeating some leftovers (my gf wanted it last night) and i can barely choke it down
20:00.06jastabut when i was in Ireland chinese food was so f'n good
20:00.14VickiWongjasta: chinese food anywhere outside of china tends to be bad, and usually completely different to what we eat here
20:00.16Dougie187yang: some people don't like touch screen keyboards, like <--- this guy.
20:00.23yangDougie187: we don't have t-mobile just vodafone
20:00.41jastaVickiWong: i dunno, when i was in ireland there were lots of chinese restuarants (as popular if not more than any other type of eatery) and they were all stellar
20:01.01yangDougie187: but i can get one off EBAY eventually
20:01.13jastaVickiWong: the main difference was that the quality of the meat was way higher.
20:01.31Dougie187well here a lot of it is like cat and dog.
20:01.36VickiWongjasta: yeah you can have good quality, but still probably 'wester' chinese food
20:01.37jastabut that was a theme all over the country.  Ireland had great tasting meats
20:01.58VickiWongfor example no one out here eats sweet&sour, chow mein things like that
20:02.07Dougie187there are no good chinese food restruants that I have been to in this town.
20:02.19VickiWonga lot of 'western' chinese food i had no idea what it was :D
20:02.19Dougie187VickiWong: what do you guys eat?
20:02.25jastaVickiWong: what's your favorite dish then, for instance?
20:02.29yangVickiWong: you cannot get proper spicy curry in our chinesse restaurants
20:02.43VickiWongjasta: wow hard, probably cheese stuffed lobster
20:03.01VickiWongyang: chinese dont eat very spicy, thailand do
20:03.14jastai have actually heard that Thai food in certain parts of the US is actually better than in Thailand
20:03.28jastai was talking to some chef about this once who had been to thailand many times
20:03.36VickiWongyang: in fact we dont eat much curry at all
20:03.54VickiWongwe eat lots of sea food especially
20:03.54yangjasta: most of the stuff has to be imported from asia, this is sometimes hard for the cooks here
20:04.13VickiWongwe dun really eat much fried rice
20:04.30yangVickiWong: Yeah I know that curry is mostly an indian and thai spice, but we don't have such restaurants , only chinesse
20:04.45jastawell, this chef i was speaking to specifically mentioned the west coast of the US as having top notch thai food.  possibly because it is easier to import ingredients from asian countries.
20:04.56VickiWongCome to Hong Kong and try the food, thats best way to learn why cantonese food is famous :)
20:05.40jastaactually, i don't think i'll be doing that.
20:05.45VickiWongjust like western food tastes like crap over here :D but in the west it tastes great
20:05.51jastai have a serious political aversion to China which id ont think we should get into right now :)
20:06.05Dougie187lol who doesn't?
20:06.12VickiWongjasta: herehere, thats why i said Hong Kong :)
20:06.15yangyou guys must of got a FREE delivery of G1 testing phones *giggles*
20:06.18VickiWongwe are currently independant
20:06.35VickiWonguntil 2049 we have not been handed over to china
20:06.36jastais that like how Taiwan is independent? :)
20:06.49VickiWongno chinese laws/govenrment rulings count here
20:07.05VickiWongand we have freedom of speech and things like that, China hates us for it
20:07.21VickiWongand freedom of press, which we abuse daily! :D
20:07.41Dougie187do you guys have an equivalent of star magazine?
20:07.42jastainteresting.  i did not know Hong Kong was that different.
20:08.08VickiWongjasta: a lot of people dont seem to understand it
20:08.11jastawhat did you mean by 2049?  is there a current plan to expire your sovereignty?
20:08.51VickiWongjasta: our handover agreement between UK + China gave us 50 years of running ourselves first
20:08.55Adamantbasically HK'er have to hope China is democratic enough by then
20:09.18VickiWongAdamant: i dont think we will be handed over either, our government is working like crazy to make sure it doesnt happen
20:09.33AdamantVickiWong: good luck, but it probably will
20:09.38jastathat you would even have such a condition tells me you're not sovereign.  maybe i'm just being narrow.
20:09.38VickiWongthats the main reason we asked UK to include this 50 year period, to give us time to make our seperation permenant
20:10.12Adamantjasta: they're not perfectly sovereign, but China has no intention of killing the goose that laid the golden egg
20:10.26languishChina will end up going to war with the west before then. Which means korea, japan, hong kong..etc will be up shits creek
20:10.28VickiWongjasta: oh trust me China has no say down here :) and they hate us for it
20:10.37jastaVickiWong: what does the UK have to do with this by the way?
20:10.49AdamantHK is huge for their economy, it's a very convenient port to the West and the rest of Asia
20:11.08jastaso its foreign pressure keeping it this way?
20:11.19Adamantjasta: no
20:11.37Adamantjasta: HK is one of the main places where foreign capital comes into China
20:11.39VickiWongjasta: umm Hong Kong was under UK's rule until 199
20:11.48Adamantit's a major banking hub for asia
20:12.03languishAdamant, that's not why china hasn't taken it over
20:12.19languishForeign pressure is exactly correct
20:12.34Adamantlanguish: it's one of the reasons. Foreigners want some seperation between themselves and the Chinese gov
20:12.36VickiWonglanguish: no, it is in the terms of the handover that they do not take over until 2049
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20:13.02VickiWongthey havent taken over HK because they cannot as per the terms
20:13.05jastaVickiWong: well the only reaosn China would care about the agreement is because they dont want to anger their powerful foreign friends :)
20:13.20languishChina only respects the terms of the handover because they currently value foreign investment and are trying to join the int'l community.
20:13.21jastathats how i understood the situation with Taiwan as well
20:13.23Adamantjasta: breaking treaties is bad for any country
20:13.40AdamantTaiwan they have no control over
20:13.48Adamantit's de facto independent
20:13.51jastaAdamant: yeah, for fear of retaliation from powerful ones.  when you become powerful enough, and your society is sufficiently militant, you can ignore them.
20:13.57jastaas how world wars start
20:13.57VickiWongTaiwan + Hong Kong are very different things
20:14.03Adamantjasta: not really
20:14.20languishAs soon as China's faux middle class buildout fails economically, China will have to go to war to keep its internal forces from ripping it apart. When that happens, all bets are off.
20:14.45Adamantlanguish: I'm not sure it's going to fail.
20:14.49VickiWonglanguish: China...failing economically? haha
20:14.58VickiWongI hate China but common
20:15.06Adamantwell, it's going to have a depression at some point
20:15.15languishAdamant, it'll fail, the question is will Europe, the US and Russia bail China out together.
20:15.15Adamantmight be in this current round, or later
20:15.31AdamantRussia is in no shape to bail out anyone
20:15.36jastaChina scares the crap out of me, i will admit :)
20:15.39VickiWongAdamant: true but i dont see economic failure beocming an issue for them, certainly not in our liftime
20:15.40Adamantthe US isn't in good shape to either
20:15.47languishIt'll be in another 25 years.. which is basically when the effects of China's current buildout are expected to fail
20:16.08Adamantlanguish: again, for what reasons will it fail?
20:16.24VickiWonglanguish: lets put it this way, if it were to fail, good luck rest of the world's economy
20:16.46Adamantbasically VickiWong is correct. it's getting close to being like a US failure
20:16.56Adamantand will surpass it at some point
20:17.06VickiWongAdamant: plus so many economies rely on China's
20:17.15AdamantVickiWong: right, same as .us
20:17.19jastathe US especially :)
20:17.40languishChina needs to establish a strong middle class to succeed. They're state supporting a buildout of cities, education, and business. They're too large to support that for long, and the effects of utilizing their resources in the manner they are, will come back at them in about 15 to 20 years.  5 to 10 years after that their people will be ready to revolt or fight eachother.
20:17.42AdamantChina's having problems right now because the US economy is in the shitter and Europe is going with it
20:18.00languishThe only way to stave off internal strife, will be to go to war, to unite military factions.
20:18.03Dougie187man from muthu  bashing to politics in 24 hours
20:18.11VickiWongbut yeah to summarize, China sucks, HK != China, and China have no say down here for the time being
20:18.12Dougie187that is quite a variety of topics
20:18.28jastaDougie187: muthu bashing is just an overarching theme.  Nothing to do with the current topic.
20:18.40Adamantwhy do we hate muthu now? he's cool
20:18.46Dougie187hes a douche
20:18.48VickiWonglol yeah what was with the muthu bashing :D
20:18.49Dougie187nothing about him is cool
20:18.59Dougie187he is about the polar opposite of cool
20:19.13AdamantDougie187: did he piss in your wheaties or something?
20:19.17languishAs soon as China has to go to war with the west, say goodbye to korea, japan, taiwan as it is now, hong kong, and other locations they have claimed in the past
20:19.32Dougie187Adamant: he talks out of his ass all the time.
20:19.37VickiWonglanguish: umm why Hong Kong? they are more tied to UK then China for now
20:19.40Adamantlanguish: SK and Japan would have no problems making nukes
20:19.46Dougie187anyways. im out
20:19.51Dougie187talk to you guys later.
20:19.58Dougie187have fun with the politics.
20:20.02AdamantTaiwan either
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20:20.09Adamantat that point nobody wins such a war.
20:20.17jastai don't know that languish's doom scenario is going to happen, but i understand the constructs he's using to support it.
20:20.25languishVickiWong, because as a show of force, China will "take back" what they believe is theirs in the first place. And, take any locations they believe have strategic value.  Hong Kong included.
20:20.44jasta_if_ china were to declare war on western states, then the tiny pockets being protected by foreign pressures and economy will be taken over quickly
20:20.50jastai think you'd be kind of insane not to see that
20:21.01jastabut otoh, china declaring war on western states makes no sense and is unlikely to happen :)
20:21.01Adamantthere is no winning a war with the West
20:21.05jastait would be their own miserable undoing
20:21.05languishChina cannot wage a conventional war against Europe or the US.  So they'll go after everything they can reach.
20:21.11Adamantthe West has nukes
20:21.22languishUS won't use nukes unless threatened by nukes
20:21.29jastaAdamant: i know but look at the point i'm making: languish's scenario would happen if the unthinkable happened first.  that's all he's saying.
20:21.48AdamantJapan, SK, and Taiwan will all make nukes in a heartbeat if they think China is getting froggy
20:21.52jastathe protected "sovereign" nations near China would be once again under Chinese control quickly.  in a war situation, what can they do to stop it?
20:22.09VickiWongin a East v West scenario i cant see either side winning, unless you take the nationality of the last person who looses their life
20:22.13languishIn fact, the US CANNOT use nukes against China, because in the regions the US would need to attack, the jet stream would carry the fallout to the midwest of the USA
20:22.15jastaAdamant: making nukes isn't something you just "do" and nobody notices :)
20:22.57Adamantjasta: I would be surprised if Japan, SK, and Taiwan didn't have everything but the nuclear material ready for such an occasion
20:23.03Adamantand they all have reactors
20:23.11languishIf we nuke China, we're basically just dropping a long slow "dirty bomb" on ourselves
20:23.36VickiWonglanguish: thats the issue with an East v West, it just doesnt work, it's a loose-loose scenario
20:23.46jastaAdamant: well first of all, they would need to get the material.  and the US would never let that happen in this scenario.  they aren't going to let a likely weak target of their greatest enemy acquire nuclear technology.  it could get stolen and then used against the US.
20:23.47languishVickiWong agreed
20:23.53languishVickiWong, but war is not sensicle
20:24.03Adamantjasta: huh? they all have nuclear reactors
20:24.08VickiWonglanguish: thats true, but are either side suicidal?
20:24.16languishVickiWong, absoluetly
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20:24.23jastaAdamant: you think Taiwan for instance has weapons grade plutonium?  uhh.
20:24.38Adamantjasta: I think they can make it no problem
20:24.43jastaand enough of it to critically defend themselves?
20:24.48jastahehe, ok :)
20:24.52languishVickiWong, the Chinese government is one step away from being as fragmented as the russian military
20:25.04Adamantjasta: and they had a nuclear weapon development program up till the early 80's
20:25.10jastayou think that.  and this will take years and no one would pay attention, not even a suspicious, unstable, militant neighbor?
20:25.11VickiWonglanguish: here's hoping it happens, gives us more hope down here :)
20:25.26languishVickiWong, uhh.. that would be bad for hong kong
20:25.38jastabut all i'm arguing is that languish's logic seems valid.  the conditions leading up to his scenario, however, do not.
20:25.42VickiWongthis reminds me, HK elections comign up soon
20:25.59Adamantjasta: NK's managed to get nukes
20:26.00languishjasta, here's what you're missing.
20:26.21languishThe USA sponsored China to the WTO, for only 1 reason.
20:26.28languishIf we didn't China was going to war.
20:26.58jastaAdamant: true, but i do think that was a huge mistake for western states to allow.  i can't believe we did, truly
20:27.09Adamantlanguish: why would we support China in that way?
20:27.15jastaunbelievably frightening that we did not intervene and choke their economy as a result
20:27.17languishChina has two choices, either join the int'l community in world trade through the WTO, or go to war. Why? Their people were revolting and breaking up in to factions.
20:27.39Adamantnow they're just going to have a bigger military and better nuke missile forces
20:27.47VickiWongjasta: umm, anything bad happens to china's economy believe that it owuld hit the west hard
20:27.59languishAdamant, we supported them against our will really. But, we couldn't aford to go to war with china.
20:28.09jastaVickiWong: i was talking about how we let north korea get nukes.  responding to Adamant.
20:28.11languishit's just that simple
20:28.17VickiWongjasta: my bad :)
20:28.18Adamantlanguish: I don't buy your scenarios, at all
20:28.24jastaVickiWong: that was just a side comment, i was saying that was a ____BIG____ mistake to let happen.
20:28.26VickiWongAdamant: +1
20:28.39VickiWongjasta: just read it in context, get ya :)
20:28.54languishAdamant, that's fine. They're not my scenarios. They're the scenarios of a large group of world leaders and macroeconomics and military minds.
20:28.58Adamantlanguish: China would be ridiculously easy to handle in the early 90's
20:29.07Adamantlanguish: which ones?
20:29.33languishThey're the basis for why the USA sponsored china to the WTO, and why we're helping them build out their internal infrastructure
20:29.49Adamantlanguish: you keep saying this and not providing a cite
20:29.59languishAdamant, go look up all the articles from around the time we sponsored China to the WTO. You'll see the reasoning.
20:30.01Adamantis this a CFR scenario?
20:30.21languishI read about all this a few years ago while it was happening. You can do the same google searches I can.
20:30.47Adamantlanguish: technically you're the one proposing this, so it's on you to provide cites. it's IRC so I completely understand if you don't want to.
20:31.16languishI really don't care if you "believe" me or not. I'm telling you how I understand things to be. You're welcome to research it.
20:31.21jastagoes back to Android
20:31.28languishspeaking fo which yeah...cantonese food is tasty (thats how this began lol)
20:31.36Adamantjasta is the only sensible person here
20:31.42languishdamn UPS wouldn't deliver or hold my G1's for me to pick up today :/
20:31.58ttuttlelanguish: That sucks.
20:32.00jastaAdamant: trying to get Five ready for Wed :)
20:32.04languishVickiWong, honk kong women are tasty too. But then you know that.
20:32.05ttuttlelanguish: But it's standard, I think.
20:32.11ttuttlelanguish: Hey, hold on... how are you getting yours now?
20:32.17VickiWonglanguish: you realise i am female right?
20:32.24languishVickiWong of course.
20:32.38languishI realize you say you are at any rate.
20:32.44VickiWonglanguish: oh ok lol
20:32.49languishYou're all really just ascii to me.
20:32.57VickiWonglanguish: meh no interest in having 'that' conversation :D
20:33.08languishYeah, I wasn't going there, no worries.
20:33.22jastalanguish: actually, your IRC client is probably understanding this as iso 8859-1 or some other modern code page.  not ascii. ;)
20:33.23VickiWong'tits or gtfo flashbacks'
20:33.30languishAs I told you before, not hitting on ya, not going to.
20:33.44languishjasta, lol :)
20:33.51languishloves teh unicodez
20:34.24languishsomeone asked me something
20:34.32languish<ttuttle> languish: Hey, hold on... how are you getting yours now?
20:35.38languishttuttle, I ahd the pre-order. They shipped them a bit early to many. Mine is 20 minutes from my house at the UPS depot, but they won't let me pick it up today, as it was shipped ground and they intend to deliver it monday.
20:35.44languishI called them too late today to do it.
20:35.48ttuttlelanguish: Damn.
20:35.51ttuttlelanguish: That sucks.
20:35.59jastaburn that mother down
20:36.09jastai am going to incite riots if i dont get mine
20:36.22jastaalready has a whole cabinet full of molotovs ready to go
20:36.49languishI have one cabinet full of vodka, and another of old rags, does that count?
20:36.59jastathat reminds me, have any of you guys ever seen snow on fire?  it is the coolest thing ever.
20:37.11jastalanguish: you need packing peanuts too.  or some other type of styrofoam.
20:37.21languishsnow No such nick/channel
20:37.24languishpoor snow :(
20:37.39jastayou see gasoline on fire is just gasoline on fire.
20:37.54jastagasoline with a thickening agent such as dissolved styrofoam is just, well, poor man's napalm :)
20:37.59languishjasta, I used wax
20:38.16languishoh for the napalkm
20:38.27languishi used wax to seal the molitovs
20:38.38languishthose were teh good 'ol days
20:38.39jastaif you make a molotov out of that stuff, it will be sticky (which is the point, otherwise its a pretty terrible weapon)
20:39.20languishOne of our science teachers in HS took us out to have fun with all types of home made demolitions and whatnot
20:39.29ttuttlelanguish: nice
20:39.32languishhe's in prison now :(
20:39.39languishbut for unrelated reasons
20:39.44jastatax evasion?
20:39.58languishNo. He pushed a VP out a 4th story window
20:40.25jastafor accusing him of tax evasion...?
20:40.36languishnah, for insulting his educational credentials
20:40.43languishthe VP was a former science teacher
20:40.45jastahmm, pretty hot button guy
20:41.00jastastill, back to snow on fire.  really, try it.
20:41.05languishand didn't believe in allowing students to partake in risky experiments
20:41.06jastait's not obsessively pyro or anything.
20:41.14ttuttlejasta: ...of course not ;-)
20:41.17languishyes, it is, but cool nontheless
20:41.19jastayou just pour some fuel on the snow and light it.  it will burn in a very neat way that is hard to predict
20:41.31jastait's all blue and "dances" around.
20:41.51languishjasta mon, the first step is to admit you have a problem
20:42.06jastai think whats going on is that it melts the snow directly underneath it which mixes the fuel and water so that the fuel kind of slopes downward and moves somewhere else
20:42.56jastai mean, the fuel of course doesnt mix, it just floats on top, but the shape of the terrain underneath changes and now the water drains elsewhere taking the fuel with it
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20:43.07jastaand then repeats over and over until it burns out.  so it seems to move pretty randomly
20:43.34umdk1d3"Four."?  @ topic
20:43.36languishnowdays, I prefer to just bounce pretty lights off mirrors
20:43.59jastathere's a picture of it
20:43.59languishumdk1d3, I assume until the 22nd, official release of the G1
20:44.06jastabut of course a video would do it better
20:44.40jastalanguish: -- fireballs :)
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20:44.59languishI hope you don't think you were larping...
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20:46.22languishwonders if that nick is "tonya cunar" or "tony acunar" from the ident, it might be jose's brother/father/son
20:47.00languishok this comedy segment is over. back to my regularly scheduled whatever I was doing before
20:48.16ttuttlelarping is fun
20:48.20ttuttlenot that i've ever done it
20:48.52AdamantI cast magic missile at the dorkness
20:49.13bgit's acunar, judging by the identd
20:49.15ttuttleblocks with his +5 G1 of awesomeness.
20:49.23bgoh, you already noticed that.
20:49.26bgleaves again
20:52.22languishbg, responding to sentences before finishing reading 'em
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20:52.54bgI write as I read. It's very efficient, albeit prone to error
20:53.09languishyeah, that's what QA is for later
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21:39.27VickiWongIs NotePad the only example that uses a database?
21:39.27VickiWongmost examples online i can find are for pre-current sdk
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21:48.19jastaVickiWong: look at apps-for-android
21:48.26jastait's a repo linked to from the official blog
21:49.40VickiWongjasta: thanks for the link :)
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21:51.35pjvI'm getting pretty confused here. Anyone know how (Context.)getContentResolver() determines which ContentProvider to address for an activity?
21:53.07jastapjv: it does so based on the authority of the provider that your egister in your manifest
21:53.27jastain particular, the ContentResolver looks at the URI requested and figures it out.
21:54.19jastaso what do you need to know more than that?
21:56.03pjvsorry jasta, just confused
21:56.15pjvtrying something with multiple contentproviders
21:56.57jastaspecifically, it reads your request for content://AUTHORITY/foo and looks up in a registry of all registered providers authority declarations.
21:57.13jastaso, every apk that says <provider authority=foo> becomes an entry in that registry.  pretty simple :)
21:58.01pjvI know, I have to set net.lp.collectionista.genericcollectionprovider as authority
21:58.06pjva bit stupid really
21:58.34pjvany reason why I can't make a difference deeper: like net.lp.collectionista/collections/generic ?
21:59.02jastano, the authority part is everything between content:// and the first /.
21:59.12pjvyeah, but why?
21:59.18jastabut i dont see why you couldnt do net.lp.collectionista.collections.generic
21:59.24jastapjv: arbitrarily.
21:59.40jastathe ContentProvider design totally sucks.  i dont know what to tell you other than that :)
21:59.56pjvanyway, thats not my problem
22:00.16pjvit's that managedQuery returns a null cursor
22:00.29jastathats because your query is broken (sqlite3 said it can't compile it)
22:00.40jastacheck adb logcat (it will explain)
22:01.06pjvI'm guessing because that (managedQuery) isn't called like getContentResolver().managedQuery(...) while all the other stuff before it works and is called like that
22:02.26jastawhat?  i assure you, managedQuery is the same as getContentResolver().query()
22:02.40jastajust that the activity then takes over manaigng the cursor for the activity lifecycle
22:02.56jastaif the query returns null, it's because something you did is broken.  check adb logcat, as i said earlier.
22:03.39pjvok thx, will do
22:22.14jastawonders what he should make the playlist screen look like
22:22.28jastadoes anyone know what the iphone's playlist screen looks like? :)
22:23.21umdk1d3checks i might have screenshots
22:23.42jastado you have any other thoughts as well? :)
22:23.46jastanow's a good time to speak up hehe
22:23.54jastai got five syncing all the playlist data in, so now it's time to just put a face on it
22:25.38umdk1d3jasta:  several shots from iphone
22:25.59jastanice, this is very useful :)
22:26.05jastawebsucking... :)
22:26.17umdk1d3the playlist is pretty similar to all those trackviews
22:26.31umdk1d3those are all the ones i took when i had access to one
22:28.38jastaoh yeah ok, theirs looks a lot like my VA album listing
22:28.43jasta(oh yes, Five has special support for compilations)
22:29.51jastatheir translucencies are a lot "softer" than mine.  more opaque and more colorful
22:31.49jastahehe, their default album art sure does look nice compared to mine :)
22:31.58jastabut, hehe, i have an issue filed about that
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22:32.19bollydoes android run on x86?
22:32.36jastauhh, it might.  there's no source tho, so who knows.
22:35.47pjvnight all
22:35.53bollynight pjv
22:36.20jastabolly: well thats exactly what i just told you
22:36.52bollyso what platform do you run the sdk on
22:37.24jastathe SDK includes an emulator, which runs the native stack on an emulated ARM processor.
22:37.31bollyoh great!
22:37.39bollyi was wondering how you debug
22:37.56jastaperhaps you should just read the instructions and get started.
22:38.25umdk1d3bolly: are you interested in low-level programming (linux kernel or c++)?
22:38.27bollythanks i think i will
22:38.55umdk1d3or just high-level apps development
22:39.01bollyi have no experience with the linux kernel other than compiling it as it comes
22:39.09bollyhigh level apps yeah
22:39.11bollywell tbh
22:39.31umdk1d3okay cool, the high-levle stuff is all java and you can easily play with it
22:39.34bollyi want to listen to music from my pc at home on my phone at work
22:39.45bollyand i managed to get android on my phone
22:39.46jastathats ironic
22:39.46umdk1d3points at jasta
22:39.54jastabolly: is my project.
22:40.17umdk1d3bolly: jasta already has it mostly written and working  ;)  i know hes looking for more interested devs tho
22:40.45bollyoh nice too
22:43.03bollyi can't believe the chances
22:43.15jastapretty strange :)
22:43.38jastathe project is open source, and if you are interested, you can take a look at the issue list
22:43.45bollyproves how badly we need mobile music
22:44.15bollyi will mention it to my friend who was also after something similar
22:44.36jastado either of you have experience writing code?
22:45.03bollywe were dabling with a wm6.1 player with on compact framework
22:45.16bollybut then all this android news figured might as well make it for android
22:45.20jastai did the same a while back.
22:45.31bollynothing really good for the windows mobile world is there
22:45.44jastai think that my project is a bit more sophisticated than you realize, too :)
22:45.44bollyand all the streaming sites arent the same as accessing your own music
22:47.20bollyhow are you gonna deal with the local cache of music
22:47.28bollydays since last listened to?
22:47.31jastawell, get yourself started with the Android SDK and once you're familiar with it i can show you how to build and install Five.
22:47.43bollyno point reinventing the wheel
22:47.45jastabolly: hehe yes, Five is definitely more sophisticated than you realize :)
22:48.26jastaFive is 9 months old at this point.  Approaching a 1.0 stable release in the next few months.  Usable fundamentally right now though.
22:49.04umdk1d3jasta: i still havent heard back about doing that video  :/
22:49.13umdk1d3even tho they prolly dont care at this point
22:49.32jastayeah actually, i know somebody that has already received their device legitimately
22:49.39jastaas a consumer, i mean
22:49.55umdk1d3like, in your area that could do a vid with?
22:50.19jastamy girlfriend's brother is a low level T-Mobile exec, but he's not under NDA or anything junky like that.  he just put in an order like everyone else but got the shipping switched to next day air
22:50.28jastano, he lives in Virginia or something
22:50.43jastahis arrived Friday morning i think
22:51.15jastahe's the way i'm getting my phone unlocked.  he's temporarily adding my SIM to his own account, getting it unlocked, then releasing it back to mine
22:52.15jastai'm sure he doesn't have a decent camera tho
22:54.25jastaalright, got all the mechanics committed to SVN, time to butcher the UI :)
22:54.36jastathis is gonna be an exciting feature to get in there
22:54.42jastaramps usability way up
23:02.00_avatarjasta: five is a very cool idea
23:02.30_avatarit's very similar to a program i've been working, we allow music libraries to be created locally, and shared over the internet
23:02.40_avatarworking = working *on*
23:03.22jastashared as in, with other people?
23:03.45_avatarwell, it will be hard to advertise it that way, but yeah
23:03.57_avataryou start the server, users are authenticated and can connect and listen to your music
23:04.17jastawhat is the client mechanism?
23:04.39_avatarshows what it looks like from the client's perspective
23:04.44jastaahh yes, well that is not just similar but exactly what Five does.
23:05.05_avataryeah, but we don't do any sort of synchronizing yet
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23:05.24jastawell, and that's something you can get away with when you're assuming a fast network connection :)
23:05.25_avatarbut we have a pretty robust, extendable client
23:05.44After_MathIs there any tutorials out there about writing Android apps using the command line in linux?
23:05.53jasta_avatar: well, i kinda wish we had met a long time ago :)
23:05.56_avatareventually we'll want to implement some sort of caching, or syncing mechanism
23:06.03_avatarjasta: me too :)
23:06.15_avatarbecause i was thinking "man, it'd sure be nice to write an android client"
23:06.21jastai wonder if we can adapt these two technologies to each other somehow
23:06.36jastais yours open source?
23:06.42_avataryeah, BSD license
23:06.50jastamine is GPL.
23:06.53jastawalks the other way
23:06.55jastahehe, just kidding :)
23:07.16jastawhat is the network protocol like?
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23:07.30jastaright but i mean specifically
23:07.38_avatarwe just have a very simple homebrew HTTP server using boost::asio
23:07.50jastaso you make RESTful requests to get XML or something?
23:08.02_avataryeah, pretty much
23:08.20_avatari can't answer anything more specific than that, work asked me to stop coding for it a while ago citing conflict of interest
23:08.30jastahmm, Five is quite similar, it's just that it also implements SyncML through the same HTTP server to do the syncing.
23:08.35_avatari'm still acting as project manager, but am not really allowed to get my hands dirty :(
23:08.44_avatarah, nice
23:09.26jastaso the big difference is that Five assumes a very slow, unstable network connection and requires efficient network access
23:09.47jastathat is, it syncs only changes between connected sessions and things like that.  otehrwise, you just make an HTTP GET request to download a music file
23:10.26_avatarhow does it decide what to sync?
23:10.41jastaso whats the projects status right now?  i'm very interested in bringing this dev team together at this point
23:10.54jasta_avatar: the server is sophisticated.  it knows what has changed since the last sync
23:12.01_avatarjasta: pretty active at the moment. we're about to hit a milestone. we have 1 really dedicated developer, and a few that help out when they have time. and i work on the underlying UI layer
23:12.12jastaso your server and client are Windows only?
23:12.41_avatarjasta: we only have windows clients, but the server and library code is all cross platform
23:13.02jastachecks out svn
23:13.23_avatarif you want to get the streaming stuff, grab the filestream_implementation branch
23:13.24jastahow is the server UI cross platform and in C++?  Wx?
23:13.45_avatarserver client is windows only, but the server itself (the daemon) is cross platform
23:13.54jastai see
23:14.03_avatarthat said, i'm not sure if we've tested compiling on other platforms, but it uses only cross platform components (mostly bost)
23:14.07jastamy server is currently Linux only, but only because only a GTK UI is built
23:14.24jastaeverything else is written using GLib and is quite portable
23:14.35_avatarour windows clients use a custom abstraction of the win32 api we're working on
23:14.54_avatarbtw, if you're interested we should take this conversation to #musik on this server, that's where the devs hang out
23:15.22jastaok, sure
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23:47.42After_MathOk, I am following this tut, and in it it says I have to do this, Give path=
23:47.42After_Mathc:\winNT\system32;c:\jdk1.5\bin;e:\ant1.6\bin, but that is for windows, and I am using linux, how would I do that in linux?
23:48.12Dougie187After_Math: it depends on the path to the things you are looking for.
23:48.15Dougie187and your shell
23:48.43After_MathDougie187, I see, is there a tutorial out there that does command line programming with linux?
23:49.32Dougie187java should be in your path if you setup java correctly.
23:49.39Dougie187same with "system32"...
23:49.43Dougie187though that doesn't exist.
23:49.49Dougie187but ant1.6 might be different
23:50.21Dougie187to add ant1.6 you need to find the path for the ant1.6 binaries
23:50.26Dougie187they if you use bash, type something like this
23:50.42Dougie187export PATH="${PATH}:antpath"
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23:52.04Dougie187antpath is going to be the path to the ant binaries.
23:52.06Dougie187no problem.
23:52.17Dougie187you should be able to follow most of the tutorial though.
23:52.35Dougie187you can also type "export $PATH" to see what your path contains.
23:52.40After_MathYa it seems pretty simple, this just mademe stummble a bit
23:53.08*** join/#android DarkriftX (

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