IRC log for #android on 20081016

00:21.01zhobbswrong window? :)
00:21.12SanMehatyesh :)
00:23.46ttuttleSanMehat: how's it going?
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00:33.08ttuttleSanMehat: cool
00:34.38ttuttleis running around campus searching for his G1's USB cable.
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00:36.26JoeBrainnot proprietary cable right?
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00:37.19ttuttlethe usb cable does not work with other miniusb devices, but the phone takes a miniusb cable.
00:37.39JoeBrainhow about other miniusb cables?
00:38.06romainguy___any miniusb cable works fine with the G1
00:38.15wastrelmy bonus came in <3
00:38.15ttuttleJoeBrain: yeah, theplug accepts miniusb or htc's proprietary cable.
00:38.19wastreli'm gonna get a goooooooooooooooglephone
00:38.21romainguy___I use a Logitech car charger
00:38.26romainguy___and a Motorola wall charger :)
00:39.00JoeBrainI thought moto had proprietary cables for charging their damn phones
00:39.02ttuttle^ not me typing
00:39.17Lazywormhey, any one can tell me how to select text in android? i know i can long click and select all, but how to select one word?
00:40.20Lazyworm:O, can't do that without keybord?
00:40.36ttuttleromainguy___: oh, is there a keyboard shortcut for cut/copy/paste?
00:40.51ttuttleLazyworm: um, that is keyboard.
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00:41.09ttuttleromainguy___: really? that didn't seem to work.
00:42.27wastrelmoto's latest use usb
00:42.32wastrelat least my wife's does
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01:55.13kslaterdoes anyone know how to insert a ctrl key on the G1?
01:55.33jastawhy do you need this?
01:55.38kslateras in ctrl-z to background a process
01:55.45jastatry again
01:55.48gdsxkslater: get a knife and a soldering iron
01:55.50kslaterssh terminal client
01:56.07jastakslater: there isn't a way with that keyboard.  your approach is wrong.
01:56.07kslatersorta one of those keys you end up using a good bit
01:56.25jastahave you used a cell phone before?
01:56.26gdsxkslater: this device isn't really intended to be a terminal
01:56.42kslaterdoesn't matter what it's intended to be
01:56.57jastayes it most certainly does
01:57.00kslaterConnectBot - there's already an ssh client
01:57.11jastaif you want to _send_ a ctrl key, just do so.  implement it in a menu or whatever.
01:57.16kslaterI'm just trying to see if there's a way to get the most out of it.
01:57.17ttuttleOr use the search key.
01:57.28jastayeah, that's pretty clever
01:57.28ttuttleA terminal doesn't need search anyway.
01:57.36kslatertrue enough
01:57.43ttuttleand it's a decent place to put it.
01:58.00jastabut really, i think you should still have it in a menu or somehow invoked another way
01:58.09ttuttlejasta: Why, if you have an extra keyboard key?
01:58.35jastattuttle: because that way you can have both for people who don't want to set their phone on a table to awkwardly push control sequences
01:58.46kslaterand jasta to your point, it matters somewhat what the device was "intended" to be. but smart phones are a move towards a more general purpose device in your pocket
01:58.47ttuttleAlt is right next to it.
01:59.00ttuttleIf it's awkward to use search for ctrl, then it's awkward to use Alt, period.
01:59.13ttuttleYou'd probably want it to be sticky, like Alt and Shift.
01:59.57kslaterthanks for the input guys
02:00.11jastattuttle: btw, you are the only one of us who has actually used a phone, so... ;)
02:00.17ttuttlejasta: ;-)
02:00.26ttuttleOh, yeah, if you're looking for advice on input or stuff, you can ask ;-)
02:00.53ttuttle<3 "ant reinstall".
02:01.09benleydislikes holding down search and hitting anything on the left half of the keyboard
02:01.12yakischlobaI've used ssh on a phone before but I certainly didn't do it thinking I was gonna be able to use ctrl, alt etc
02:01.28*** part/#android DubLo7 (
02:01.41benleyyakischloba: terminals that provide no way of entering ctrl and alt and various punctuation are fucking maddening
02:01.48benleythe hiptop ssh client got that right at least
02:01.57yakischlobabenley: yeah, so is using ssh on a phone in general IMO ;)
02:01.58benleythe android terminal does an acceptable job as well
02:01.58jastaso there you have it ttuttle :)
02:02.08benleyyakischloba: it doesn't have to be unusable though
02:02.26ttuttlebenley: Am I allowed to tell jasta how Dev Tools' terminal implements Ctrl?
02:02.28yakischlobaeh sure. I guess the approach I would go for is a little menu
02:02.37yakischloba"Apply CTRL hold to next key press"
02:02.48ttuttleyakischloba: Yeah, so why not use the Search key to do that?
02:03.00benleyttuttle: hold down the trackball?
02:03.06ttuttlebenley: Yeah.
02:03.16benleyttuttle: I don't see why that should be secret :-P
02:03.18ttuttlejasta: So, the "Dev Tools" terminal uses the trackball as Ctrl.
02:03.27jastayou don't say?
02:03.27ttuttlebenley: Well, I don't want to anger anyone.
02:03.31jastayou're an odd fella ttuttle
02:03.43yakischlobattuttle: I wholeheartedly encourage any efforts to make ssh more usable on the phone. God knows I'll probably end up using it :)
02:04.00jastai plan to use it a lot for irc ;)
02:04.18ttuttlejasta: Well, I don't want to get in trouble for giving out secrets.
02:04.27jastabeyond the ones you've already given out? :)
02:04.30kslaterI plan to use it for when I'm out and have to do some admin
02:04.30ttuttlejasta: And some people's definitions of secrets includes things I wouldn't consider secret, so I figure it's best to check.
02:04.34ttuttlejasta: Yeah.
02:04.43ttuttleOh, and that G1's are secretly robots that will unite to take over the world.
02:04.47benleyif I ever finish my irc thingie for android it may actually be nicer than using ssh
02:04.54ttuttlebenley: I'd hope so :-P
02:05.20jastabenley: i wouldn't use a direct ssh client.  i don't like the idea of having lots of different nicks online.  i guess i could use a bounce...
02:05.24jastabut i'd rather just use ssh ;P
02:05.36jastaerr direct irc client
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02:05.46ttuttlejasta: Yeah, I want a good ssh client too.
02:05.51ttuttlenmaps his phone.
02:06.34*** join/#android Razec (n=razec@
02:06.44yakischlobayeah so whats up with my secret info being sent to Google and receiving shady automatic updates? I haven't heard any talk about that recently
02:06.46benleyttuttle: I guess someone sent you a g1 at some point?
02:06.53ttuttlebenley: Yeah, San did last Friday.
02:07.00ttuttleyakischloba: Um, like most products it receives software updates.
02:07.11jastaback to hacking
02:07.13yakischlobattuttle: Do I have an opportunity to opt-out?
02:07.15ttuttleyakischloba: To the best of my knowledge it does not send your secret info back to Google.
02:07.18ttuttleyakischloba: I do not know.
02:07.29ttuttleyakischloba: Well, I have been prompted in the past with a choice.
02:08.02benleyyakischloba: you can click no to the OTA updates from what I've seen so far
02:08.10benleyyakischloba: just like on every other mobile device I've used
02:08.27yakischlobattuttle: Hmm. I took a peek into an older SDK a long time ago and found that it was sending in crash reports (I believe without my knowledge)
02:08.33ttuttleyakischloba: Hrm.
02:08.50ttuttleyakischloba: So, I wouldn't be surprised (or offended) if it sends back crash reports for Google apps.
02:08.51yakischlobattuttle: which included IMEI and a few other things IIRC
02:08.56ttuttleyakischloba: They are, I am sure, properly anonymized.
02:09.00ttuttleyakischloba: Oh, IMEI? :-(
02:09.24benleythat's valid cause for concern but I'm not sure the older SDKs are reflective of what actually ships :-P
02:09.32ttuttleyakischloba: Try the current SDK.
02:09.49yakischlobattuttle: I don't _actually_ care. I'm not important enough for anyone to be bothering with my private information, just was a curious finding ;)
02:10.08yakischlobabenley: yeah, I haven't looked at anything recent
02:10.10ttuttleyakischloba: Yeah, but there's a whole pile of people itching to say Google's trying to steal their secrets.
02:10.37yakischlobayeah I know. I think it will be unfortunate it someone finds that this crash reporter is still in place and makes a big deal out of it
02:10.48yakischlobaI could give a shit, but someone will be sensational about it
02:11.05benleyturns off the goddamn debate
02:13.03benleywhat data does the crash reporter send?
02:13.20yakischlobaI really can't imagine people who's private business is so important that it would be catastrophic if they were revealed, but happen to be using gmail or google calendar
02:13.38ttuttleromainguy___: Hey, the barcode scanning is working.  And the 1.0 SDK works great!
02:13.41ttuttleromainguy___: Thanks for the help!
02:13.56yakischlobaAnyone who really needs to keep things secret will use a proper system that is suited to their needs
02:13.56ttuttleembarks on the glorious journey to becoming a real Android app developer.
02:14.06yakischlobafor the rest of us, theres Google
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02:14.51benleyyakischloba: oh, like paris hilton?
02:15.04yakischlobabenley: :)
02:15.26benley(I'm sure you remember the OMG LOL PARIS HILTON SIDECAK HAXORD story)
02:15.50ttuttlebenley: Ooh, can we add a feature for that?
02:16.28benleyttuttle: if (user == "Paris Fucking Hilton") {; };
02:16.46ttuttlebenley: Yep!
02:16.59yakischlobasomeone save me from perl pls :(
02:17.13ttuttleyakischloba: Oh, what's the problem?
02:17.15benleyyakischloba: here, have a Python book.  *thunk*
02:17.16ttuttleyakischloba: I don't mind Perl.
02:17.28yakischloba"Here, write this that does that. It must be written in Perl, sorry."
02:17.37ttuttleyakischloba: Oh, what's it for?
02:18.08yakischlobattuttle: oh, just a bunch of systems monitoring junk for internal servers.
02:18.31ttuttleyakischloba: Ah.
02:18.42yakischlobattuttle: checking RAID, making sure certain services are not consuming more resources than they should. god awfully boring business.
02:18.50ttuttleyakischloba: Meh.  Nice to have though.
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02:19.00yakischlobaSomeone has got to do it, I suppose :/
02:19.51yakischlobaI don't think I'll ever like Perl though. So whacky imo
02:20.06benleyyakischloba: heh, that's basically what my primary project is
02:20.19benley"monitoring stuff"
02:20.23benleyonly I don't have to do it in perl :)
02:20.27yakischlobamust be nice
02:20.48yakischloba"Sorry dude, we can't install Ruby on every server."
02:20.59ttuttleyakischloba: Python, at least?
02:21.17yakischlobaI remember taking a quick look at Perl about 5 years ago and deciding I wanted nothing to do with it
02:21.57yakischlobattuttle: They want it to be maintainable by others in the future. Evidently Perl is the be-all-end-all of systems administration languages and must be used as the standard.
02:22.37benleyI am glad that someone at google decided to use python for that back in the day instead of perl
02:22.53yakischlobaI guess the one upside is that I find it so clumsy, I am forced to write more simple and clear code.
02:23.13yakischlobaelse I forget what the hell I'm doing when I look back up the page
02:24.20yakischlobaback to perl misery
02:24.24ttuttleWhat's the right way to do HTTP requests?
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02:49.15*** join/#android thinair (
02:49.26jastattuttle: yes, httpclient 4.x.
02:49.40jastai have constructed a pretty good example of this usage, actually... hang on
02:51.35jastathis shows how you can properly stop the download thread as well
02:51.57jastathere's an example in android-apps that has a gaping bug in its attempt to do so.
02:52.03jastaso i dont recommend you look at that
02:52.27jastayou also could implement my example a bit simpler but i just wanted to be very explicit as to whats going on
02:55.41*** join/#android feig1 (
03:06.32ttuttlejasta: I've got it.
03:06.41wastrelis there a way to ensure i can get a phone on the 22nd
03:06.50ttuttlewastrel: Build a time machine and pre-order one.
03:07.00ttuttlewastrel: Alternatively, find and camp out at your local T-Mobile store.
03:07.00wastreli'm not a current tmob. custy
03:07.10wastreli could go back further in time and become one i suppose
03:07.18wastrelor i could just go forward in time, buy one and come back.
03:07.33wastrelreally i could skip the g1 if i had a time machine
03:08.52ttuttlewastrel: You could go forward and bring back a device with Android 2.0 and tell us about it!
03:12.40wastrelyou really think it'll be necessary to camp the t-mob store?
03:12.47*** join/#android matt_c (
03:16.51jastao/~ i hope, the weather holds / but you don't need the sun to make you shine / these island towns don't care for city folk / but i think we can starve the city from our minds o/~
03:17.05jastai'm in a really great mood tonight :)
03:18.01yakischlobamust be drunk, that is too lighthearted of you ;)
03:18.21jastanah, just feelin good
03:18.26jastacoding up playlist support in Five :)
03:18.32jastalistening to Minus The Bear, of course
03:18.38jastathat always puts me in a good mood
03:19.00yakischlobai over-listened them wayyy too far
03:19.33yakischlobathen I mustn't have truly loved em
03:20.20jastao/~ and so i'm swimming, more like floating / and i'll just stay out here, until the night comes crashing down o/~
03:20.24jastaok, i'll stop
03:20.54jastathat is from my favorite minus the bear song tho.  "I'm Totally Not Down with Rob's Alien"
03:21.02yakischloba"o/~" jasta's emo cave marking
03:21.11wastrelmonkey!!! knife!!! fight!!!
03:21.12jastait's a music note
03:21.23yakischlobaheh yes I understood that ;)
03:21.41jastaif you think Minus The Bear is emo you're a freaking retard btw ;)
03:22.13dmoffettjasta: did you finally get laid?
03:22.25dmoffettI remember my first time.  :-)
03:22.33yakischlobaoo haterade
03:22.38jastayeah, that's not cool dude
03:23.26yakischlobai mean he is only like 26 or whatever after all, its not that late ;)
03:24.03jastathis might be a good time to mention that i will almost certainly get drunk and play minus the bear at the halloween party, yakischloba  :)
03:24.04dmoffettJust never seen him so happy that is all.  Something must be up.
03:24.20dmoffettCan't believe it is all over just a phone and a song.  :-)
03:24.23jastadmoffett: maybe i just don't like you guys?  hehe, ever think about that? :)
03:24.37yakischlobajasta: haha I'll rock out with ya. just because I over-listened doesn't mean I can't enjoy a song every now and again
03:24.53jastamy roommate thinks it's just noise hehe
03:25.15dmoffettjasta: I think you thrive on conflict.  :-)
03:25.49jastai'm complex
03:26.10thinairjasta: the example with the gapping bug is not the panoramio app. Because I have try something similar and I have some problem with the heap... after some 2-3 images load... out of memory..
03:26.35jastathinair: the gaping bug i was referring to was with regard to the way they cancel the download
03:26.39jastai hadn't looked at any other part of it
03:27.17jastathe author of the download example believes that interrupt() somehow breaks a thread out of a wait on I/O.  this is false.
03:27.40jastain fact, interrupt in that context does absolutely nothing at all except set the interrupted flag to eventually be looked at (which they don't ever do)
03:27.47jastait's completely misleading and wrong
03:28.19jastathe proper approach is to close the socket that you're waiting on from another thread.  this will break the waiting thread out.
03:28.30jastaHttpClient does this with HttpMethodBase#abort()
03:30.00thinairI was just believing perhaps the last thread which download the picture from panoramia was not finished and continue to use memory... (I have not the code in front of me.. now)... and the next one which download a picture would have the same problem.. and so on.. until out of memory..
03:30.26jastawell, it'd take much more than a leaked thread to use up that much memory
03:30.31jastayou'd need to be leaking something big, like the picture itself
03:30.35thinairI believe  then, my problem is more related to dalvik and gc for Bitmap... I will continue to make some tests...
03:31.18romainguythinair: when does your out of memory error occur?
03:34.03thinairI must look again at the code... I just see that before leaving ...
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03:34.32romainguythinair: I mean, how does it occur when you use the app?
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03:35.31thinairwith my app I am downloading some pictures from panoramio... but the size medium... to show them full screen in the device...
03:35.46thinairI change the background image every time with an other picture.. (in my view)
03:35.57thinairafter some pictures... I occur...
03:36.32romainguyok the first thing you should do is look at the heap size in DDMS
03:36.43romainguyand force GCs both on your process and the system process from time to time
03:36.59romainguyif the heap content size does not go down, you have a nice leak
03:37.00thinairI was playing with the heap size in DDMS.. and it increase all the time from picture to picture
03:37.12romainguythinair: try to force GCs too
03:37.15romainguyDDMS lets you do this
03:37.19thinairevery time I make a Bitmap b =... I have pub a System.gc() before..
03:37.31romainguyyou should not do that
03:37.36romainguyand that won't help in your case
03:37.44romainguydo what I just said, try to GC your process *and* the system process
03:37.56thinairok... it was a try.. so GC directly in DDMS ? right..
03:38.03romainguyGC your process
03:38.04romainguythen GC system
03:38.07romainguythen GC your process again
03:38.26romainguy(the system process holds onto native references that in turn can hold onto Java objects in your process)
03:38.38thinairok.. its possible to make a GC process only.. it's the option in DDMS ?
03:38.53romainguyjust click on the process in DDMS
03:38.59romainguythen hit the garbage can button
03:39.28gdsxromainguy: you know what they say...
03:39.38romainguygdsx: actually I don't
03:39.41gdsx"If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution"
03:40.02romainguygood thing we're not Java then
03:40.20gdsxromainguy: I'll let danfuzz know he needs to implement that feature
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03:43.07thinairdanfuzz is responsible for the dalvik part ?
03:46.33thinairok I will try tomorrow... thanks ! I let you know then what was the problem...bye
03:48.13*** join/#android muthu_ (n=Android@
03:49.01muthu_eating upma.. yummy
03:50.52muthu_man booker for aravind adiga
03:51.25illusionhi muthu_
03:51.58muthu_hi illusion
03:52.31plusminus_reduced rendertime of AndNav2 to a tenth :)
03:53.11muthu_plusminus_: impressive
03:53.23plusminus_now faster than AndNav1 with GMaps in the bg
03:53.53muthu_plusminus_: have you put Andnav1 in slideme or andappstore?
03:54.13plusminus_not yet
03:54.26muthu_when you put?
03:54.28plusminus_is it seems not to work on the G1
03:54.41muthu_oh ok
03:54.41plusminus_erm when I can debug it :'(
03:54.58muthu_you are not planning for 22?
03:55.10plusminus_I decided not to put any sensor-relating app on there before having tested it
03:55.14plusminus_yeah it sucks hard :(
03:55.27muthu_i know you have a lotta games ;)
03:55.31plusminus_I have some games
03:55.34muthu_how many launching?
03:55.41plusminus_2 definitely
03:55.53muthu_man you are doing it right
03:56.13muthu_you'll be one of the success stories of android
03:56.22muthu_which you already are with anddev :)
03:56.49plusminus_I have 3 other small apps, that I'm not yet sure of if I'll put them on for free
03:56.58plusminus_or for like 50Cent
03:57.06plusminus_is slideme up already ?
03:57.14muthu_haven't tried
03:57.19muthu_andappstore seems to be ready
03:57.54illusiondo we need to buy to put our app there? like apple does
03:58.10illusionbuy some license or sth
03:58.13muthu_no, anyone can upload
03:58.20plusminus_lol someone put and oooooold version of AndNav on andappstore, which will painfully crash because it is not even for sdk 1.0
03:59.11illusioncool i havent known bout that :) is it called andappstore?
03:59.34umdk1d3the question is how many people will install those secondary app stores,
04:00.05muthu_umdk1d3:  a lotz
04:00.15muthu_if your app is listed in many stores, better
04:02.27umdk1d3i slightly disagree
04:02.43umdk1d3think about the audience of those 1.5m phones sold
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04:03.00muthu_ok, the market is bundled
04:03.05umdk1d3most of them are joe-sixpack, and prolly wont even realize there are other stores
04:03.05muthu_so it has a big advantage
04:03.21muthu_but people will slowly get the hang of it
04:03.29muthu_and looks for other interesting apps
04:03.32muthu_its all about choices
04:04.04illusionis that appstore basicly based on the google phone ? or we should download it every desktop than install it to the phone?
04:04.39plusminus_what category is 'Pipes' ? Is it a puzzle :/
04:04.53umdk1d3muthu_: true, choice is good
04:05.08muthu_illusion: andappstore is a website you visit in your browser
04:05.14muthu_then download the apk and install
04:05.18illusionyea im on it.
04:05.26illusionoh gotcha
04:05.29muthu_it will not work now.. on emulator
04:05.34muthu_you need G1 :(
04:05.36illusionoh thats sad.
04:05.47muthu_pretty sad
04:05.50illusioni cant buy so cant test it too..
04:05.53illusioncan u
04:06.09muthu_market works only with G1
04:06.11illusionwill be release in india?
04:06.20muthu_it'll be in dec/jan
04:06.30illusionthats nice.
04:06.34muthu_i'll ask someone to bring from us
04:06.40muthu_once unlocked phones are available
04:06.40illusionwe don have anyyyyyyyyyyy plan for that
04:07.10illusionas  u know korea.. even we unlock it, cant use.
04:07.34muthu_you don't have gsm?
04:07.42illusionwe have sdma
04:07.56illusionthats different issue
04:08.26muthu_i start the emu.. went back to it after 10 min.. it crashed
04:08.33ttuttlemuthu_: lol
04:08.55muthu_guess, its protesting
04:09.04*** part/#android wastrel (n=wastrel@nylug/member/wastrel)
04:09.24unix_infidelmuthu_: different providers have different 3g freqs in india right?
04:09.36illusionkorean telecom company locked every single phone... even we cant change our cell phone to other korean company from that i made contract now.
04:09.48muthu_unix_infidel: there's not 3g now
04:09.58muthu_expected to be rolled out dec/jan
04:10.33illusionwer sharing 2g/3g now
04:10.44illusionchanging it from 2g to 3g
04:10.46muthu_iphone 3g works on 2g for now
04:11.00illusioni know but we dont even have sim card for 2g
04:11.11muthu_right, you need gsm
04:11.16illusionits kinda built-in cell phone
04:12.00illusionevery information in cell phone and cant transfer to ohter cell phone..
04:12.10illusionits really closed market in korea.
04:12.36illusionit sucks!!
04:13.02muthu_closed market sux
04:13.51ttuttle<3 Android.
04:14.13muthu_ttuttle: you working on any apps?
04:14.14ttuttleI nearly forgot how much fun it is to code when a simple "ant reinstall" updates your app on the phone, and you can watch logs in realtime.
04:14.19ttuttlemuthu_: Yeah, I've got a couple ideas.
04:14.25ttuttlemuthu_: Just playing around mostly.
04:15.41illusionmuthu_: so what ru doing with android?
04:15.59muthu_big plans
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04:16.38illusionru planning for android challenge?
04:16.44illusionwill be second
04:17.30ttuttleOoh, I should try for that ;-)
04:17.37ttuttleMaybe I can get some more dreams and or a large pile of money ;-)
04:17.48muthu_yeah challenge 2
04:18.13muthu_who can resist 250k?
04:18.14illusionthats awesome
04:18.24ttuttlewould like 250k
04:18.35ttuttleHeck, my parents would like 250k, as it would pay for college with a nice chunk left over.
04:19.28illusionwhen should it be adc2?
04:19.38ttuttleWhen is ADC2, and what are the other prizes?
04:19.48illusionno more specific?
04:19.49muthu_its along the lines of adc 1
04:20.01muthu_another 5m on the line :)
04:20.06ttuttlemuthu_: Sweet.
04:20.15muthu_ttuttle: can't wait :))
04:20.19dmoffettMaybe they will do one winner takes all!  :-)
04:20.23illusiongo for it
04:20.28muthu_dmoffett: oh no
04:20.33ttuttledmoffett: Nah, I hope not.
04:20.35muthu_the chances are lim
04:20.43dmoffettThat would make for some fierce competition.
04:20.44illusionall or noth
04:20.45muthu_50, then 20 looks good
04:20.52ttuttledmoffett: I'd rather see a dozen developers get a good prize then one person get all of it.
04:21.05muthu_this time i'm going for 250
04:21.23muthu_nothing less ;)
04:21.52muthu_guess, adc2 will ask for NEW apps
04:21.57ttuttlemuthu_: Good luck.
04:22.03dmoffettIt would be more fun to go for all the winnings.  :-)
04:22.04muthu_ttuttle: thx, you too
04:22.09illusionidea makes 250k
04:22.22ttuttlewould be happy to beta test apps, and to let others beta test his (provided they're not working on the same sort of app).
04:22.41muthu_ttuttle: i'll send you an apk, this weekend
04:22.46dmoffettOf course based on past performance I would be doing the congratulating.  :-)
04:22.48muthu_if you can test that on G1, pls
04:22.53ttuttlemuthu_: Sure.
04:22.58muthu_ttuttle: thx
04:23.25muthu_dmoffett: lol
04:23.56muthu_plans to form a 5 member team for adc2
04:24.19muthu_and then kickass with kickass app
04:24.38illusionthats alot. i saw the adc1 winners teams. but there was maximum 4 ppl
04:24.56muthu_look at locale.. its a 5 member team
04:24.59muthu_look at gocart
04:25.03muthu_look at cookingcapsules
04:25.06muthu_look at tunewiki
04:25.09muthu_its all big teams
04:25.22ttuttleSure.  Programming's easier in groups.
04:25.27ttuttleEspecially small ones.
04:25.42muthu_i believe in collaboration
04:25.50muthu_that's the first step to success
04:26.11illusionmuthu_: thats the hardest part too.
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04:26.44muthu_if you are doing it alone, your chances are slim
04:27.01muthu_a team ensures high success rate
04:27.14illusionbut someone good at this have 250k alone!!
04:27.29muthu_there are a few
04:27.33illusionthats the point.
04:27.45muthu_that's pretty rare
04:28.03muthu_adc 2 will have to bigger and bolder
04:28.17muthu_would be tough this time
04:28.27muthu_since its going to be all execution, not just ideas
04:28.54ttuttleIs there a list of all ADC1 entries, so I can make sure nobody's tried and failed at my idea?
04:29.16muthu_ttuttle: that list never came
04:29.24illusionu can find it on the web.
04:29.30illusionwinners list
04:29.33muthu_top 50 is there in
04:30.13illusioneven same idea different intefaces and results!
04:31.43muthu_gocart, and compare everywhere
04:34.28plusminus_First game is up:
04:35.22ttuttleplusminus_: Hold on, does that "developer" icon show a guy with a TIE?!
04:36.01ttuttleplusminus_: on
04:36.19muthu_plusminus_: congrats!
04:36.43plusminus_ttuttle: lol, you are right :D
04:36.46plusminus_muthu_:  thx
04:37.05muthu_ttuttle: lol
04:37.11muthu_weird developer
04:37.28plusminus_maybe its a looong beard :)
04:38.57languishit's also grey
04:39.08languisha black suit wearing grey alien dev
04:39.22languishthey are among us
04:39.36languish(cue x-files theme music)
04:43.39umdk1d3hey google peeps, anybody around tonight with a g1 with the amazon music store?
04:43.51dmoffettromainguy: When is that white paper coming out that discusses best practices for building portrait and landscape layouts on Android?
04:44.35umdk1d3pm works best i suppose
04:45.25romainguywhat white paper?
04:45.42dmoffettwishful thinking I guess.  :-)
04:45.47jastamy friend at t-mobile is getting his phone tomorrow
04:46.06muthu_its already shipping
04:49.41ttuttlejasta: Nice.
04:50.00ttuttlejasta: Are they shipping to customers now, or is he getting it early 'cause he works for T-Mo?
04:50.16dmoffettromainguy:   Do you generally recommend doing a separate landscape and portrait layouts?
04:50.37ttuttledmoffett: (i'm not romainguy, but the answer is likely yes.)
04:50.44ttuttledmoffett: (unless your layout is so simple that it should be identical)
04:50.52plusminus_muthu_: Any idea where to enter Payment-Information to SlideMe ?
04:51.02dmoffettttuttle: thank you.
04:51.06muthu_plusminus_: haven't tried
04:51.19muthu_should be in your account
04:51.22romainguydmoffett: it really depends on your layout :)
04:51.37romainguybut for instance the Home screen's layout files in landscape and portrait are almost the same
04:51.45romainguyI just changed the spacings, paddings, etc.
04:51.46romainguysmall details
04:51.48plusminus_muthu_: there is just a (paypal)donate-mail to be entered (optional)
04:51.56muthu_that should be it
04:52.00muthu_oh yeah
04:52.18muthu_guess slidme uses paypal
04:53.24dmoffettromainguy: thank you.
04:53.39plusminus_hm ok I though andappstore was using paypal and slideme sth different...
04:53.42muthu_does G1 throw up a shocker for each permissions in manifest?
04:53.55plusminus_I should contact Shane then...
04:54.14muthu_andappstore, doesn't deal with payments afaik
04:54.17ttuttlemuthu_: Not really, just a list with little exclamation points for the scary ones.
04:54.29muthu_oh ok
04:54.44muthu_anyways, removing all unwanted permissions
04:54.50ttuttlemuthu_: Yeah, good idea.
04:54.53muthu_no use to be greedy with permissions
05:02.49plusminus_omg, everyone seems to have a G1 already... it sucks hard :(
05:03.01muthu_everyone except devs
05:03.27plusminus_jeff sharkey got even his iTunes-Remote up :(
05:03.54muthu_jeff sharkey is the poster boy of android :)
05:04.13romainguythere's a bunch of reviews of G1 online
05:04.31plusminus_thats what I meant with 'everyone' :(
05:04.43plusminus_I mean, he can up his leisure-time apps and we don't even know the page to upload them to the market :(
05:04.51romainguyit's funny, some people love the keyboard, other hate it
05:04.57romainguysome people love the camera, other hate it
05:05.00romainguybah :)
05:05.11plusminus_romainguy as usual
05:05.19plusminus_hate it or love it ;)
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05:05.36romainguyI just wished they stopped saying "iPhone" every two words
05:05.53muthu_iphone comparsion will never die
05:05.56umdk1d3waaat?  who said i could just "upload" apps
05:06.08umdk1d3im waiting for the market announcement just like everyone else  :P
05:06.23plusminus_everyone is waiting, except some :)
05:06.35plusminus_...privileged ones
05:07.09plusminus_I'll get some sleep, so my G1 is one day closer :)
05:07.12dmoffettSo the market place will have a few invited developers and some google apps?
05:07.14romainguyDavid Poguer about our software
05:07.15romainguy"In any case, it?s polished enough to give Windows Mobile an inferiority complex the size of Australia"
05:07.45plusminus_romainguy grats :)
05:07.45muthu_android is the best software platform out there, right now.
05:08.13muthu_if only we can get source ;)
05:08.16plusminus_n8 guys
05:08.25muthu_nite plusminus_
05:08.32ttuttlemuthu_: It's in the works, don't worry.
05:08.47ttuttlemuthu_: The G1 was clearly at the top of the to-do list -)
05:08.49ttuttle* ;-)
05:08.59muthu_ttuttle: yep
05:09.36muthu_one thing android taught me.. don't mess with UI's
05:09.43ttuttlemuthu_: heh
05:09.43languishThe new Engadget review of the G1 isn't so heartening
05:09.47ttuttleWow, Engadget's got a review.
05:09.50ttuttleJust noticed it.
05:10.12languishThey key items for a "phone" they touch on, doesn't make it sound like a contender
05:10.41umdk1d3just after midnight  rofl
05:10.48muthu_languish: nice
05:10.54umdk1d3i wonder if there was something that said they couldnt release reviews until a specific date
05:10.57languishyep, they've had it ready for the moment the NDA is lifted
05:11.13languishahh crap, forgot about woot
05:11.40umdk1d3wow  "11 hours and 21 minutes of life running the media player on shuffle while connected to a 3G network"
05:12.42muthu_market, im, gmail, messaging
05:12.47romainguyyeah teh battery life is really nice when you don't abuse the sensors (like GPS :))
05:15.01muthu_ha, youtube
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05:15.31ttuttleshould have implemented a long-press menu with a "Delete alarm" option in Alarm Clock.
05:15.36ttuttleEngadget doesn't like the way I did it.
05:16.07romainguyttuttle: I hate you for this every time I try to delete an alarm :)
05:16.17muthu_"The G1 isn't going to blow anyone's mind right out of the gate."
05:17.31romainguy"with the high quality wallpaper images the resolution and clarity is really shown off well"
05:17.34romainguythat's all I'm saying :))
05:18.13muthu_your wallpapers are the highlights :)
05:20.32ttuttleromainguy: Would you like a patch?
05:20.35languishThey complain about spotty 3G connectivity and poor gps connectivity
05:20.49romainguywhich apparently depends on where you are
05:20.56romainguyboth work great in San Francisco :)
05:21.15languishyeah, it doesn't help the g1 though that android is lambasting it
05:21.26languishthat engadget is lambasting it
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05:21.37ttuttledoesn't care...
05:21.39ttuttle<3 his G1.
05:21.40romainguyyeah they don't like us :)
05:21.49romainguyI can bet you that Wired will hate it too
05:22.03languishyeah I saw wireds take on it before, yeesh
05:22.16languishalso, I live in NYC.  I'm hoping for a better experience than engadget had
05:22.47languishbut them, I also know tmo isn't the best deal for indoor connectivity
05:22.59dmoffettIt seems they are fans of that other phone. :-(
05:23.15languishwell, they *are* style whores
05:23.28illusionhey guys, what should i put into xml android:orientation="vertical" then other to make wide-view?
05:26.12illusionoh it was "horizontal"..
05:26.24languishGonna have to get a spotlight belt buckle for poorly illuminated camera shots with the g1
05:28.50umdk1d3holy crap reviews crawling out of the woodwork
05:30.47romainguyzdnet has a very extensive and interesting review
05:33.50languishdoes the contact management on the g1 have fields for a) more than 1 alternate phone #, b) addresse(s) c) full name & nickname ?
05:34.09romainguyI don't remember about nickname but yes to the other questions
05:34.16romainguyyou can try it out in the emulator
05:35.31languishnod. I've avoided getting used to the emu mostly so I don't get attached to a method of use that may differ on the phone itself
05:36.37languishdepending on how I like the g1, I'll be using it for 6 to 8 months, or until an alternative android device with features I prefer comes along. (the lack of flash for the camera really annoys me as it's from HTC and they have it on the touch pro)
05:37.11languishI'm just hoping what comes next doesn't drop features from the g1, like the compass
05:37.45muthu_it would be a mix and match
05:38.11languisha mix and match of the better features without loss of key features is my hope
05:38.40languishbut the industry always seems to manage to make assinine choices in design, leaving one key item out to entice upgrading
05:42.20languishMy wife's sim card is older than t-mobile in the USA itself. It's still either an omnipoint or voicestream sim card.  Could this be a problem for use with the g1?  transferring her contacts and whatnot...
05:43.11languishI'be found some newer devices require a more recent sim card version
05:48.32muthu_notifications is the best part, according to engadget
05:51.03dmoffettReally it is up to the Google developers and third party developers to make Android a success.  Android has some abilities that are not available on the other comparable phones.  in a long race not a sprint.
05:51.18languishI'm rather suprised they didn't go the anti-cloud google knows everything about you tinhat angle
05:51.44languishThe writing looks like it was heading there, but it got cut
05:52.09muthu_we can't emphasize enough: the
05:52.09muthu_pervasive nature of your Google account throughout Android is an
05:52.09muthu_absolute boon,
05:52.40languishnod, plusses of the benefits in modern use outweight the negatives
05:53.16languishthough it doesn't change the dangers of dumb terminal computing
05:53.49languishI've already had a pisseed off nutcase at tmo mess with me a few years ago
05:53.59muthu_Android's Gmail client is, for lack of a better word, amazing.
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05:58.20languishyeah, I'm looking forward to it
05:58.34languishalso looking forward to eventually being able to switch bewteen accounts
06:00.26muthu_Is AmazonMP3 the G1's killer app? Nah, Android itself is the G1's killer
06:01.08_avatarlikes the AmazonMP3 app, but is biased ;)
06:02.20_avatarand yeah, the gmail app is killer
06:06.13muthu_Perhaps the coolest feature here, though, is the security warning for
06:06.13muthu_each app you download.
06:06.41illusioncan i make my app to stay wide-view always whether the phone vertical or horizontal? ive tried landscape orient but its has some warning and doesnt work.
06:07.05muthu_you can control your layout however you want
06:07.08illusionalso tried android:orientation="horizontal" with the layout
06:07.35muthu_override onConfigurationChange
06:07.40muthu_and then adjust your layout
06:07.52illusionoh thx ill try
06:08.45muthu_you're still buying into one of the most
06:08.45muthu_exiting developments in the mobile world in recent memory.
06:09.28muthu_nice engadget review
06:10.04Lenoliumshakes his fist at the UPS "Billing Information Received" page
06:27.26illusionmuthu_: i tried my config.orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; but still same
06:27.51muthu_illusion: its upto you to draw layouts
06:27.55muthu_as you want
06:28.05muthu_there's no auto layout capabilities
06:28.09illusioni made it also landscape orientation
06:28.20muthu_yeah, now adjust your views
06:28.32muthu_if you don't provide landscape layouts
06:28.37muthu_it will still use portrait ones
06:29.07illusioni has just only landscape layout now
06:29.19illusionand adjusted.
06:29.50muthu_res/layout will be used for portrait
06:29.57muthu_res/layout-land for landscape
06:30.07illusionwhat i want is when the phone is vetically set, wanna show the screen as landscape.
06:30.22muthu_right, then add a layout file in res/layout-land directory
06:30.30muthu_you can have myview.xml
06:30.32illusionits hard man.
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06:30.44muthu_yeah, its easy once you get in
06:31.02muthu_you can have different config files for each configurations
06:31.05muthu_in its own directories
06:31.11muthu_and android auto picks them if available
06:31.24illusionoh .. got it. will try again
06:32.30DarkriftXanyone know some sites with android downloads besides helloandroid?
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06:40.27jastaspeaking of which, i need to think of a design for my player screen in landscape mode
06:40.35jastathinking like artwork in the middle and controls on the left and right
06:40.40jastabut not sure specifically
06:41.49DarkriftXnice, thx
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06:51.47illusionmuthu_: i made landscape layout then when onCreate function calls setContentView i tossed landscape layout but then application crashed.
06:52.10muthu_illusion: have the same name
06:52.16muthu_and then pass it to setcontentview
06:52.21muthu_the switch will happen auto
06:52.35illusion? i supposed to be the filename huh?
06:52.57muthu_yeah, it will pick the right file
06:53.06muthu_based on the current device configuration
06:53.08illusionsame name..
06:54.27illusionoh i picks vertical one... what should i do with onConfigurationChanged function?
06:54.35illusionit picks vertical one.
06:54.42muthu_don't do anything
06:54.43languishhow does the g1/android handle management of installed apps? does it allow the app to remove itself when you delete/uninstall? or does the os keep track of every element an app installs for later uninstallation?
06:54.59illusionpublic void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig)
06:55.03illusioni did like this
06:55.09illusiondont do?;
06:55.15muthu_you can do that if you want additonal stuff
06:55.22muthu_but if you are only flipping layouts
06:55.27muthu_android automatically does it
06:55.37muthu_setContentView will take care
06:56.09muthu_languish: guess, when you delete it uninstalls
06:56.12illusionoh.. u misunderstood.
06:57.03illusioni wanna do as vertical cell phone position with landscape mode which means the string gonna be shown as 90 degree of normal one.
06:57.45illusionbut thx though i didnt know bout layout-land one
06:58.02illusiondo u have any idea with my question?
06:58.11muthu_vertical layout with landscape..
06:58.28muthu_you want a custom layout?
06:58.45muthu_yeah, then put it in your layout
06:58.50muthu_in layout-land folder
06:58.51illusioni mean
06:59.20muthu_oh, only the strings
06:59.32muthu_ok.. you want the text to be vertical
07:00.00muthu_then you'll have to position the textview to be vertical
07:00.13illusionwhether it vertical or horizontal i wanna show same layout with same width and height. if one rotates, it will not be changed.
07:00.26illusionno no whole screen
07:00.31illusioni just test with strings
07:00.37illusionbut now
07:00.38muthu_have two xml files
07:00.47muthu_and define your views however you want
07:01.08illusionoh so whole two same vertical layouts?
07:01.10muthu_make sure inside your landscape xml..
07:01.15muthu_you change to whatever
07:01.46muthu_are you not changing the content of your layout-land/myview.xml?
07:01.53muthu_dont put the same xml content
07:01.58muthu_then it will show the same
07:02.20muthu_inside the layout xml.. change your views to reflect what you want
07:03.28umdk1d3illusion: you mean you want to force your users to always see a landscape or portrait view?
07:03.33umdk1d3regardless of keyboard status?
07:03.56illusionlandscape view
07:04.08umdk1d3you can force an orientation using  <activity ... android:screenOrientation="landscape" ...
07:04.12illusionregardless orientation
07:04.13umdk1d3in your manifest
07:04.23umdk1d3that way it will never show portrait view
07:04.37muthu_yeah, but he wants the view to adjust
07:05.40illusionoh umdk1d3 its what i want;
07:05.51illusionthx both
07:06.11muthu_ha, finally :)
07:06.14illusionwhat i wanted to do was it.
07:06.16illusionand also
07:06.30illusioni got new skills cause of u muthu!!
07:06.40muthu_hang in here more
07:06.44illusionits so nice to do irc with u guys. haha
07:06.46muthu_umdk1d3: will make you an expert ;)
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07:20.39muthu_once a notification is read, does it auto clear?
07:20.44muthu_or do we have to do it manually?
07:20.55umdk1d3there is a persistant flag, otherwise it autoclears
07:20.59romainguyyou have to clear it
07:21.06muthu_how to clear?
07:21.22romainguyread the doc :)
07:21.39muthu_the docs are not clear :)
07:22.10muthu_is that it?
07:22.18muthu_man, android is koolio
07:22.27umdk1d3shakes head in bewilderment
07:22.36romainguyumdk1d3: muthu is lazy :)
07:22.55muthu_i'm using zero icons in my app
07:23.02muthu_all borrowed from android
07:23.12umdk1d3i hate apps that dont have icons for their menus
07:23.24muthu_yeah, android has tons
07:23.25umdk1d3its so easy to just borrow something remotely relateed from android.R
07:24.00umdk1d3there was some discussion earlier about the "legality" of pulling non-public icons from other preloaded packages
07:24.16muthu_using only android.R
07:26.00languishandroid's license should push unfettered freely-licensed use of all icons that are not trademarked logos
07:26.18muthu_why android doesn't clear notification, when the user clicks on it.. is another mystery
07:26.41umdk1d3languish: i think the issue at this point is that they are packaged up, and getting them out involves unpacking their apks, which kinda goes against sdk license
07:26.46languishsometimes an icon one company uses just makes so much sense to use in some other companys application, but you can't
07:26.48umdk1d3that might be cleared up when platform is released, idk
07:27.06languish'eh screenshot copy, paste
07:27.27umdk1d3isnt there alpha channel with some of em tho?
07:27.47umdk1d3also, rumor has it there is a gorgous icon creation guide that will hopefully be released soon
07:28.00languishit's just an issue that's pissed me off in the past on other devices/products
07:28.07languishas an end-user
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07:36.40umdk1d3ohbtw dont forget to give android some digg love with all the reviews coming out
07:38.00umdk1d3heythere  :)
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07:41.52muthu_what's the broadcast, when user clicks notifcations?
07:42.00muthu_want to cancel it, right after click
07:42.36romainguyit broadcasts whatever intent you set on the notification
07:42.55muthu_right, but don't to want to handle in the activity
07:43.08romainguythen create a BroadcastReceiver
07:43.49muthu_doesn't the system broadcast, notificationclick intent or something
07:43.55romainguyI just told you
07:43.59romainguyit broadcasts the intent you want
07:45.03umdk1d3you could send a BroadcastIntent in whatever handles the pending intent i guess
07:45.09muthu_oh right
07:45.29muthu_register a reciever for the pending intent on top of the activity
07:48.33muthu_writes the first receiver
07:48.42muthu_copy the photostream stuff
07:50.02android123anyone working on android porting
07:50.50languishdoes the g1 browser have encrypted proxy connection capability?
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07:51.33languishI'd prefer not to have tmobile watching some of my business interaction, including urls (which ssl doesn't hide)
07:51.42languishhttps rather
07:51.44languishbut yeah..
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07:59.22umdk1d3muthu_: review of cooking capsules
07:59.25umdk1d3"Somehow the pot with steamed brocolli had something flammable on it and I turned around and FLAMES EVERYWHERE"
07:59.44muthu_where's the review?
07:59.47umdk1d3you *did* put an eula on that right?  :P
08:00.25muthu_hope no one drops their G1 in the pot ;)
08:01.55languishoh man
08:02.01languishmy wife's gonna love that app
08:02.13DarkriftXwhat do you guys think about an android download site that actually offers downloads?
08:02.15languishany little device that has cooking instructions, she's there
08:02.44languishDarkriftX, they don't exist yet?
08:03.03DarkriftXi have to do a LOT of searching to find stuff....
08:03.08languishare you talking about just apps, or?
08:03.15DarkriftXi started one, just wanted opinions on the idea
08:03.18DarkriftXapps, games etc
08:03.55languishas I see it, there're gonna be plenty. equivalent to freeware download sites
08:03.56DarkriftXsoem sites offer a couple downloads but you have to hit like 10 sites to get any selection, so ive been scouring and gathering whatever i can to serve in one location
08:04.16languishthe more the merrier
08:04.25languishhopefully yours is the one everyone will love, right?
08:04.31DarkriftXim hoping
08:04.45DarkriftXfrom what i can tell, i already have more choice then all the others ive found
08:05.14languishi suggest...
08:05.35languishyou dev an app, that you put in the android store... that lets users browse your selection
08:05.48languishy helo redundancy that makes sense
08:05.54DarkriftXim listed in about 160th place for "android downloads" but the 159 sites before me have almost nothing.
08:06.06DarkriftXi dont code very well, but i like choice when it comes to apps
08:06.17languishok, since you haven't spammed it, which I appreciate
08:06.28languishwhat site is it, since obviously you'd like to get to that
08:06.36DarkriftXi spent hours trying to find decent stuff to try in the emulator and someone in here told me to try helloandroid, which has more then any other site i found
08:07.01DarkriftXheh, spamming a channel with 108 users wont help me at all, im more worried about what you guys think of the idea then my site
08:07.09languishI also suggest a newegg.coms style user review option
08:07.11languishand rating
08:07.31languishthe domain with a dash in it is likely doomed
08:07.44DarkriftXnah, dashes are better in search engines
08:07.49umdk1d3o.o interesting, there is a myspace app on the side of the g1 box
08:08.22languishthat makes sense, but is scary
08:08.22romainguythere's also my photo ^^
08:08.31languishromainguy, which?
08:08.48languishthe one to the left of the myspace?
08:08.53romainguyno, at the bottom
08:08.54romainguythe sunset
08:09.09languishright, someone mentioned your backgrounds
08:09.13languishcool :)
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08:11.30languishDarkriftX, I know you have a navigation menu on the left, but.. the bar where it says "home" i suggest you put links there too
08:11.47languishi instinctively looked for that first
08:12.08muthu_nice package
08:13.42languishDarkriftX, also.. you don't have links in the downloads section descriptions, back to the websites of the original developers.
08:13.47languishI would like to see that
08:13.49DarkriftXlanguish, that is the breadcrumbs
08:13.54DarkriftXthere is a nav at very top also
08:14.58DarkriftXlanguish, i dont like my download component, but when i get it all fixed, it will have better descriptions, author links and screenshots
08:15.09DarkriftXright now im working on getting the most selection available
08:15.22languishDarkriftX, yeahm I saw it after. (the top menu).  It scrolled off the screen on the home page when I was looking at content.
08:15.37languishThe title image is so large, it makes the home screen top nav menu easy to miss
08:16.48languishjust making my observations, sorry :)
08:17.03DarkriftXno prob, thats what im looking for
08:18.29languishDarkriftX, on the device info..
08:18.30languishStorage: 1gb built in with MicroSD slot for expansion
08:18.33languishis not correct
08:18.57languishit comes with a 1 gig microSD card. that's not 1gig built in
08:19.13DarkriftXahhh, got that from tmobile site :S
08:19.25DarkriftXguess i shouldnt trust them
08:19.27languishyeah, even in the manual and other places, lots of inaccuracies
08:19.45languishlike calling the slot an "SD" slot, without mentioning it's microSD
08:19.55languisha lot of people are going to be confused by that
08:20.06languishand it's typical t-mobile
08:20.07DarkriftXi feel for the poor ppl that purchase huge sd cards from no name companies after reading that
08:21.05DarkriftXStorage: MicroSD slot for expansion with 1gb MicroSD card included <--- better?
08:24.10DarkriftXim hoping to make it more of a "user submitted" download site, and i set the forum up for that purpose
08:24.28DarkriftXi want members to submit new downloads, they will get checked and added to the downloads after
08:25.00languishthat much isn't obvious from what I see
08:25.02DarkriftXi integrated forum into site so it only needs 1 login for both
08:25.32languish"submit app/game" button would be good
08:25.55DarkriftXgood idea... ill make a page with information and a link to the forum
08:27.08languishmake a honkin big button where the "who's online" box is on the front page
08:27.58languish"Submit/Add your app/game"
08:28.33DarkriftXthats doable
08:53.12sujithhey anyone working on android porting?
08:55.40DarkriftXgo look now languish
08:56.28sujithi just wanna ask one question that if a hardware which already supports linux kernel, and if we apply the latest patch to it, will it work fine?
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08:57.33sujithwhat are the things that we should keep in mind while applying the patch ?
08:58.47umdk1d3sujith: you prolly want to make sure that you start with the same base kernel version
08:58.54umdk1d3vanilla, that is, from
08:59.09umdk1d3im not sure, but there should be an entire git tree fork for android
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09:00.00umdk1d3remember that alot of those patches are just adding drivers
09:00.10umdk1d3specifically the framebuffer driver
09:00.27umdk1d3and iirc, if that framebuffer isnt loaded then the rest of the binary android stack isnt happy
09:00.39muthu_is it a good idea to start an activity from a receiver?
09:00.40umdk1d3at least thats what i ran into on my nokia n810
09:01.38DarkriftXyou still around languish?
09:02.51sujithumdk1d3: as you said that kernel version should be same
09:03.22sujithnow the current android is released based on kernel 2.6.25
09:04.29sujithbut i want the patch to be applied on kernel 2.6.23
09:04.38sujiththen will it create any problem?
09:04.54umdk1d3patch is pretty robust, and should let you know of any really bad things it runs into
09:05.05umdk1d3*patch, the cmd line utility
09:05.41umdk1d3i wouldnt be suprised if it didnt patch entirely, or if even if it did succeed if the compile then borked
09:06.04languishDarkriftX  yes
09:06.11sujithno no don't take in that manner
09:06.24DarkriftXlook again
09:06.29DarkriftXi added a BIG button lol
09:06.41sujithsee i got the patch by applying a diff in same linux kernel versions
09:06.53languishDarkriftX, that's a nice big button buddy. But you should say "Submit an app or game" not just submit a file
09:07.14languishremember, many devs aren't native english speakers
09:07.17sujithand now i want that patch to be applied on lower version
09:07.32umdk1d3sujith: right, its not that easy  :/
09:07.35languishyou need to give them very obvious language, and options for comprehension
09:07.45muthu_DarkriftX: what's the repo you talking about?
09:07.48languishso "Add/Submit an App/Game"
09:08.06muthu_add/submit apps?
09:08.24languishDarkriftX, remember you didn't paste the url in the channel
09:08.31languishso they dunno what we're talking about
09:08.34DarkriftXits a site i made for android downloads
09:08.38DarkriftXdidnt want to spam channel
09:08.39muthu_which one?
09:08.49DarkriftXsent you a notice
09:09.01muthu_is it
09:09.12languishyes muthu_
09:09.28sujithumdk1d3: so you meant to say that by taking a patch from the diff of kernel 2.6.25 and android and applying that patch to kernel version 2.6.23 will create problems?
09:09.47sujithsee the code is compiled just fine without any probs
09:10.00sujithbut need to be checked on the hardware
09:10.08umdk1d3oh interesting
09:10.24umdk1d3i would expect there to be some issues moving multiple kernel steps like that
09:10.38sujithso i am asking this because any one of you would have done the same things
09:10.43umdk1d3i guess the android changes werent tied into anyhting that changed between 23 and 25
09:10.53sujithyup true
09:10.56sujithyou are right
09:11.07umdk1d3is there a specific reason you need it .23 based?
09:11.20sujithnot like that
09:11.33DarkriftXok languish changed text to say "Submit App Or Game"
09:11.34muthu_lot of downloads available.. nice
09:11.43sujithbut i thought of doing this to check the backward compatibilty
09:11.55DarkriftXthats my goal, got tired of searching for hours for apps to test in the emulator
09:12.15languishDarkriftX, lower case o in Or, otherwise, good'nuff :)
09:12.20sujithif it not works, then its no different from microsoft's other softwares :)
09:13.38languishDarkriftX, ok, after clicking the submit button.. in the text.. (even though you'd think it's obvious) indicate you want them to submit ANDROID apps/games
09:13.47languishor you'll have people submitting all kinds of unrelated crap
09:14.09languishWith a brief explaination of what Android is
09:14.20muthu_haha.. dont want people to submit iphone apps
09:14.32muthu_may be android will run them :)
09:14.36umdk1d3DarkriftX: i would tread carefully--especially since you dont link back to the sources
09:14.47umdk1d3the biggest problem being that you become liable for bad apps
09:14.59languishumdk1d3, yeah, I mentioned linking back to the original devs to him
09:15.06umdk1d3someone could come back and blame you for a bad app, when it really wasnt your fault
09:15.17DarkriftXumdk1d3, that will be done soon
09:15.26DarkriftXits still new and im working out the kinks
09:15.32umdk1d3also, as a developer seeing some of my apps on there, it boils the blood a little bit
09:15.40umdk1d3i dont like sending dmca notices  :/
09:16.00languishDarkriftX, I suggest you lock the site down, until it's ready to go live
09:16.02umdk1d3but i suppose i cant do much when i opensouced them
09:16.21languishgive people you want to review it a p/w
09:16.24DarkriftXeverything on there was downloaded from other sites and i tried to make sure none were non freeware
09:16.25muthu_yeah, but closed apps will be a problem
09:16.35DarkriftXi wont be offering those
09:16.44languishopen source != freeware
09:16.48languishbeware that misconception
09:16.56umdk1d3DarkriftX: another issue would be versioning
09:17.09umdk1d3its going to be a mess for you to keep up on versions released in other places
09:17.21umdk1d3if you add apps that developers dont "claim"
09:17.25umdk1d3then you end up with stale content
09:17.57muthu_unless a bot constantly checks for updates
09:18.10DarkriftXlike i said, my goal is to have most of it user submitted (devs would be great sources)
09:18.40DarkriftXi will be checking to see if the developers offer downloads without paying, not creating a warez site with it
09:18.40muthu_DarkriftX: if you list free apps, it shouldn't be a problem
09:18.54DarkriftXall of those were on sites claiming they were free
09:19.11muthu_good, since a free android download site is required
09:19.21muthu_most of the markets now claim both free and paid
09:19.37muthu_a complete free market will be in great demand
09:19.54DarkriftXpaying should be done to developers not hosts
09:20.04languishheads up
09:20.15languishsomeone out there is trying it too
09:20.32DarkriftXyeah, they have like 20 downloads though
09:20.35DarkriftXi have 56
09:20.38languishand they have balls
09:20.41languish"Welcome to the one and only Open Directory of Android freeware! "
09:20.46DarkriftXand my sites a little over a week old
09:20.47umdk1d3sigh i fear this will all be a mute point in a few weeks
09:20.53languishumdk1d3, agreed
09:21.08languishvery few will bother with anything but android market
09:21.32umdk1d3unless market turns out to be restrictive somehow
09:21.42languishit will eventually have to be
09:21.44umdk1d3in a way that a third party "market" could step in and help
09:22.13umdk1d3but that would become obvious only after we see how the original market holds up
09:22.25muthu_market cannot hold everything
09:22.30umdk1d3i could see there becoming an "elite" type market
09:22.46umdk1d3i looked through the ipod app store and it was all... junk
09:22.50languishwell, product type dedicated markets
09:22.57languishbusiness apps specific
09:23.03languishgames specific
09:23.08umdk1d3languish: sure, excatly
09:23.20umdk1d3like geared towards sysadmins, versus social networking, etc
09:23.36languishit'll be a fun ride
09:23.41umdk1d3and the key would be *not* taking just any apps
09:23.49umdk1d3only letting quality stuff in, and keeping it simple
09:24.09umdk1d3maybe like a bundle type think
09:24.12muthu_who decides quality?
09:24.24umdk1d3but you could kinda offer bundles even using market i suppose
09:24.37umdk1d3because i assume there will be intents to launch into a specific app
09:24.49umdk1d3*specific app's entry in market
09:25.18languishmuthu_, there will be some glaring differences between quality apps and non
09:25.38languishover time, user reviews will determin the wash outs
09:25.50languishwell for example, apps that cause conflicts
09:25.57languishapps with poor UI
09:26.05languishwouldn't be quality
09:26.06umdk1d3but i think the user ratings can only help so much
09:26.18languishumdk1d3, that's why i said, over time
09:26.35muthu_if there's 1000's of apps
09:26.35languishinitally apps would be judged based on the individual sites review process
09:26.36umdk1d3well, i mean seprate from that, good-rated apps can become stale over time
09:26.43umdk1d3i could see something like digg maybe
09:26.45muthu_wonder how an user can find what's good or bad
09:27.03languisheventually, there will be sites a user will trust
09:27.08muthu_yeah, market is digg like
09:27.12languishit'll take time for those to wash out
09:27.31muthu_latest, popular, favorites
09:27.54muthu_so for example popular, featured etc., might have some limits
09:27.54languishdoes google have some type of certification process/program for apps?
09:28.01DarkriftXfeatured implies "the author paid me $50 to post this on front page" type of deal
09:28.02umdk1d3languish: nope
09:28.10languishI'm sure certification groups will pop up
09:28.14muthu_DarkriftX: exactly
09:28.18muthu_kinda sponsored
09:28.20DarkriftXi want to stay away from that
09:28.34DarkriftXthen it becomes a bid way, not ratings
09:28.38DarkriftXbid war*
09:28.49languishthat's part of the vetting process for sites
09:28.56muthu_yeah, and market will make money
09:29.06DarkriftXi want users to be able to come, find the apps they want and download them. not have to search 12 different sites
09:29.27languishif someone's taking money to push apps, instead of an honest review process. and the app they push is crap.. the site will lose user confidence
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09:29.57DarkriftXfeatured apps on my site would be apps that get massive attention in a forum post or something close
09:30.02languishlike, engadget is fun to read.. and I love the site.. but I take anything they say with a a dumptruck of salt
09:30.25languishthey're just a bit too apple-loving for me
09:30.58DarkriftXand umdk1d3 let me know which apps of yours you want removed
09:31.02languishand they don't correct all the inaccuracies of their articles at times
09:31.02DarkriftXor edited
09:31.33DarkriftXi dont mind links to authors sites, I just havent had time... i copied and pasted what i could find for basic descriptions for now
09:31.36languishDarkriftX, put up a section that lists but doesn't host, apps that have been requested for removal.
09:31.51languishthat way you remain a source for info
09:31.58languishwithout pissing off those devs
09:32.29umdk1d3DarkriftX: are most of the apks you have signed correctly by their original devs?
09:32.41umdk1d3remember that the devices are going to be much more picky about signatures
09:32.53umdk1d3most of those apks prolly still have dev sigs, which will expire in the next year
09:33.08DarkriftXim hoping they will all be updated by then
09:33.28languishthat might be a good field to add
09:33.33languish"signature confirmed"
09:33.35DarkriftXim not creating an archive, just the latest version of each download
09:34.12languishlater on it may not be so necessary, but in the first year of android it will
09:34.32DarkriftXim still waiting on users to download, comment etc on what works and what doesnt
09:35.41DarkriftXim trying to make myself wait a while to get an android device, but i might splurge soon for the g1
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09:35.41DarkriftXso for now it will be user tested
09:35.41DarkriftXand emu of course
09:36.30DarkriftXi want to add fields to each download to rate specifics of each, like: installation, ease of use, features all with a 1-5 star rating
09:36.52DarkriftXinstall 4/5 ease of use 5/5, features 1/5 etc
09:39.31DarkriftXill make a form where devs can request removal, only thing i would require is email reply from domain that app comes from, or link to something on their site saying they dont want their files hosted elsewhere. would that be acceptable for most devs?
09:40.36languishdark, indicate the email should come from the contact address on the devs site
09:40.48languishand when you get it, check the headers
09:40.52languishmake sure it's not spoofed
09:41.20DarkriftXwhat id do is send an email to the address at that domain and require a reply
09:41.30DarkriftXthat would prove they can recieve email there
09:41.38umdk1d3or just a link with random md5 or something
09:41.49umdk1d3automation makes the world spin  ;)
09:41.57umdk1d3grr im starving, /me goes to store
09:42.08DarkriftXalmost bed time for me
09:42.14umdk1d3heh 4am here
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09:42.24DarkriftXfeel free to register and comment on my forum ;)
09:42.37DarkriftXid love to have some developer released apps
09:43.39languishdamn you
09:45.25languishyou spelled submit as sumbit
09:45.45languishover the button :)
09:46.42DarkriftXgood catch lol
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09:49.20DarkriftXok, its bedtime
09:49.23DarkriftXthx for the input guys
09:49.33languishl8r man, good luck with the site
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09:49.34DarkriftXill let you know how its going in a week or 2
09:51.30languishah crap
09:51.54languishI did register my usual nick on freenode, and have no idea what email address I registered it with
09:55.30DarkriftXan oper can tell you
09:57.03languishnod, I may end up having to ask
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10:14.22umdk1d3well wbxml officially sucks
10:14.33umdk1d3at least libwbxml
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10:38.13umdk1d3loool im sshing at a stoplite
10:38.34umdk1d3yay gprs
10:38.41muthu_look for any nearby patrols ;)
10:39.05languishnow to ssh from a stop light using txt2voice and voice commands
10:39.11umdk1d3thats why ya got cruise ctl
10:39.36umdk1d3lol im txting an dringng 3
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11:51.08JoeBrainhrmmm read that as you're txting & drinking; not a good idea either
11:51.41languishgoogle txt goggles :/
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12:15.54umdk1d3it was driving :P
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12:40.46dd94300PC Word G1 Review:
12:43.45Dougie187theres one at engadget too
12:45.14languishlikely not news in here, but engadged's saying there's a google controlled remote application kil switch
12:45.46languishnow, does google alone control it, or does t-mobile have that ability too
12:46.05languishand if tmo doesn't want an app on their network.. like say.. skype...
12:46.16languishcan they enforce a remote kill
12:46.29languishnot happy about this news
12:47.52dd94300sorry but what is kill switch?
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12:48.56triclanguish: and this is proven by? any source? or just a rumor?
12:53.46Dougie187languish: google said they would use it if an app on your phone violated the developer agreement.
12:54.08Dougie187so basically if you had an app that was against the ts and cs of the SDK i would assume.
12:54.23Dougie187it also said that they would try to get your money back for your phone
12:54.43Dougie187and they mentioned that with the app store, you can "return" any app within 24 hours for a full refund.
12:58.54languishDougie187, if a kill switch exists, some company is going to attempt legal action at some point to get google to use it beyond currently stated intent
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12:59.17Dougie187I don't think it will be easy to do though.
12:59.26languishalso, does the kill switch work on apps NOT purchased from the *google* apple store?
12:59.30Dougie187and i can't imagine google doing that a lot.
12:59.47languishDougie187, easy or not, the path shouldn't exist.
12:59.54languishno, not a lot
13:00.12languishbut if it happens one time inappropriately, that's one time too often
13:00.50Dougie187languish: i guess its something you'd have to live with.
13:00.52Dougie187its not a huge deal
13:01.06Dougie187I can't imagine google just using it for anything.
13:01.17Dougie187having some company request the use of it or whatever.
13:01.17languishI disagree. I think it is a big deal.
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13:01.24languishAnd google is a corporation
13:01.35Dougie187I don't especially since they are going to help try to get your money back for your phone.
13:01.45Dougie187they are just saying, don't use things your not supposed to.
13:01.53languishI don't assume what they'll do. I assume if they have the power to do it, they may be forced to use it
13:01.59Dougie187Apple has one, and they are far less nice about how it works.
13:02.01languishlook at how google operates in other countries
13:02.15languishi don't care about apple
13:02.19languishI don't like apple much
13:02.21Dougie187other countries like what?
13:02.25Dougie187Lol i don't like apple eihter.
13:03.01languishI do like google's services, but I do not like a remote kill capability for applications on my device
13:03.13Dougie187i don't think its for applications.
13:03.16Dougie187i think its for your phone.
13:03.17languishthe carrier can disconnect service. but they should not have remote access to anything on my device
13:03.23Dougie187from my understanding.. it basically bricks your phone.
13:03.39Dougie187why would they have to get your money back for your phone then?
13:03.42languishit's not a kill switch for the phone
13:03.51languishit's a kill switch for an individual application on the phone
13:04.10languishnot for your phone, for an application you buy through the google market
13:04.18Dougie187oh ok. so they give you the price back for your application.
13:04.25Dougie187well then its probably just for applications bought from the app store.
13:04.39Dougie187Google then claims that it will make "reasonable efforts to recover the purchase price of the product ... from the original developer on your behalf."
13:04.40languishthey *try* to get your money back from the developer
13:04.52languishthey don't automatically refund your money if they kill an app on you
13:05.04Dougie187yeah, but they try to get your money back.
13:05.09Dougie187thats better than nothing.
13:05.09languishso what?
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13:05.17languishThey have the ability to kill apps on my device.
13:05.28Dougie187an app that isn't supposed to be there.
13:05.34Dougie187I would assume its only apps from the app store though.
13:05.36languishI'd like to know if they can kill apps that are NOT purchased through the google app market
13:05.52Dougie187I would assume not. personally.
13:05.58languishif they have remote access to my hardware, I'm not happy
13:06.15languishbeyond what I explicitly allow that is
13:06.34tricand i wonder if its legal in all countries
13:06.43Dougie187i think its for a case like this. Lets say some developer makes an app that violates their developer agreement. Then they dump it into the app store, and 20000 people download it. Then google realizes that it violates the developer agreement, rips it from the store, and kills the app on everyones phones.
13:07.18languishttuttle, well, when you buy a mac, you're really paying for the next 3 or 4 macs you return and they replace on the spot
13:07.30ttuttlelanguish: heh
13:07.40ttuttlelanguish: I presume you've had a less-than-reliable experience with one?
13:07.58ttuttlelanguish: (We have a lab here with some Macs approaching 3 years old, and the failure rate is 3-5% per WEEK.)
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13:08.10languishpersonally, no. Have I helped others with their less than reliable expeiriences, yes.
13:08.33languishttuttle, lol
13:08.45ttuttlelanguish: ah
13:09.49Dougie187languish: either way, i personally don't think its a huge deal. and i think in using one of the phones you are allowing that access to your phone.
13:10.28languishDougie187, yes, I assume that's how it works. However, having that capability, say some patent troll company whines to the courts about an app that violates their patent, and even though it's an "obvious" idea, and should never have been covered by a patent, the court issues the C&D
13:11.05languishdoes that mean the app that's completely legitimate, will get killed over an inappropriate application of the law?
13:11.13ttuttleYeah, the trouble with having that feature is that it may get used in bad ways.
13:11.19languishor worse, google determins an app is "immoral"
13:11.21ttuttleI hope Google reserves it only for truly malicious apps.
13:11.22languishand they kill it
13:11.35languishgoogle may not have a choice
13:11.37Dougie187ttuttle: it is my understanding that they will, but who knows.
13:11.40languishthat's my point
13:11.42tricwell, is there such a feature, or is it only in those legal statements?
13:11.58languishtric, supposedly there is such a feature.
13:12.24languishit's unlikely google would publish said legal statements without one
13:13.08ttuttlelanguish: Have you seen some legal statements?
13:13.09Dougie187tric there is a feature.
13:13.28ttuttlelanguish: When I signed up with American Airlines, they required me to agree that I wouldn't upload viruses using their frequent-flier program site. WTF?
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13:13.56dd94300that is funny................
13:14.55Dougie187ttuttle: my opinion of it, is that it will not very likely get used in a "bad way" because that would make it hard for google to maintain a good reputation with the user community.
13:15.08Dougie187if they went around killing every app they felt like, noone would want an android phone.
13:15.33Dougie187also, i would assume they could only tell what apps you have bought from the app store, so it would then be restricted to those apps.
13:16.16ttuttleDougie187: Yeah.  They very specifically want to avoid looking like Apple with the "Gee we do not like your app.  *ZAP*"
13:16.31Dougie187i think thats why they are going to try to get your money back and stuff.
13:16.39languishThere's another consideration. If the app is something you use to store important personal/business information...
13:16.42Dougie187and you can get a full refund within 24 hours.
13:16.44languishand google remote kills it
13:16.53languishwho cares about the refund
13:16.58tricdougie: well, your link only assumes that there is one, because of this legal statement
13:16.59languishwhat about the data
13:17.05ttuttlelanguish: /me mutters something about the cloud.
13:17.20languishthe cloud doesn't back up everything
13:17.31ttuttlelanguish: It should ;-)
13:17.48trici wonder if this "kill switch" will be open sourced ;)
13:17.54snadgeand what happens when someone decides to turn off your cloud.. or manipulate the contents of it to frame you for a crime you didnt commit
13:18.02languishbackups should be made as a stateful device image to my storage card
13:18.09snadgepats his tin foil hat
13:18.11ttuttlesnadge: Um...
13:18.23ttuttlesnadge: You are emphatically NOT the tarket market for the G1 then. ;-)
13:18.25Dougie187snadge: lol.
13:18.39languishbeing the key word there
13:18.42ttuttlelanguish: yeah
13:19.12languishanywya, I've had 2 experiences where google has failed in the "do no evil" mantra
13:19.32languishpersonal experiences
13:19.44Dougie187languish: please elaborate.
13:20.34ttuttlebeta China and AdSense.
13:20.36snadgei'll be getting a g1 phone.. just i won't be storing all of my personal data in the "cloud" .. im sure i'll be keeping local copies of my data, and not putting anything too sensitive on the net
13:20.54ttuttlesnadge: You can do that, but there's no other (provided) way to back it up.
13:21.16languishI made a purchase with an online vendor, using google checkout.  The vendor claimed that because I used google checkout, the advertised price could not be met. Google Checkout help, was no help. They didn't understand the issue at all (some offshore support plebe I assume).
13:21.21snadgebut someone will write one surely.. or i could
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13:21.40ttuttlesnadge: Yeah.  A SyncML client would probably be useful.
13:21.43snadgeshould be able to back up to sd card, or usb, or whatever
13:21.55ttuttlelanguish: Um, that's the vendor's fault.
13:22.15languishAnyway, after repeatedly trying to have google address the issue, to no avail. I finally just used my business connections to get an exec at the online vendor to call me and settle it
13:22.46ttuttlelanguish: Was it a "minimum price" thing, or they just didn't feel like giving you the lowest price for some reason?
13:22.49languishttuttle, yes it is the vendors fault, but I google checkout was my payment method and their excuse for not honoring the price.
13:23.10languishttuttle, they just didn't seem to like to have to accept google checkout
13:23.33Dougie187thats pretty dumb, but i wouldn't fault google for that.
13:23.35languishwhich is baffling as they offered it as a method of payment
13:23.44Dougie187it is baffling.
13:24.01languishwell, in order to get my money back for the purchase, the vendor said I had to go through google checkout.
13:24.12languishand google checkout claimed I had to go through the vendor
13:24.22languishneither wanted to deal with the process of the refund
13:24.32languishand google checkout DOES have policies addressing it
13:24.37languishand they didn't follow their own policies
13:24.48languishI got it settled.
13:24.52Dougie187thats good.
13:24.59languishand never used google checkout with that vendor again
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13:25.53languishfroogle (google shopping/product search) was being used to screw kids out of $
13:26.05languishit was a scam a fake vendor was using
13:26.17languishclaiming to sell them low cost xboxs
13:26.56Dougie187did you try to buy one?
13:27.12languishI contacted google about it, and they really weren't interested. After working to get *someone* at google to even listen to the issue (emails were ignored), I finally got someone in PR to look in to it
13:27.17languishthey determined I was correct
13:27.23languishno, I did not
13:27.31languishI knew it was a scam, it was pretty obvious
13:27.40languishbut I knew kids that had fallen for it
13:28.18languishthe hassle, to get anyone at google to deal with google's services being misused for fraud was... well, that's evil in my book.
13:28.43languishplus the pr guy offered me a t-shirt and hat for my effort, asked my size, and never sent them :|
13:29.19Dougie187true, they should be more interested in fixing issues like that. and that does suck that you never received your shirt and hat.
13:29.35languishanyway, google is just like any other company
13:29.47languishand the longer they operate, the more they'll reflect it
13:29.49Dougie187but keep in mind too, you were probably talking to some punk bottom feeder at google who doesn't care about his job at all.
13:30.08languishDougie187, incorrect
13:30.10tethridgeeither that or he was in a hurry to go get some free food
13:30.32Dougie187not the shirt guy. i mean the people who ignored you.
13:30.56languishI was dealing with someone that handled...what's the term for wealthy stock investors...
13:31.01languishahh yeah
13:31.41Dougie187either way.
13:31.42languishwell I made multiple attempts.. including contacting the corp offices and emailing various dept heads
13:32.05Dougie187yeah but the dept heads emails probably get screened by someone else.
13:32.18languishlikely, but so many of them ignoring it?
13:32.31umdk1d3hmm ars technica review was a tough read
13:32.46languishsounds like they just don't have time or inclination to deal with anything negative with respects to google products
13:33.25languishthis is why I have no faith in their handling of this application kill switch
13:33.26Dougie187my wife was actually just upset by youTube's top 10 videos.
13:33.54Dougie187i guess they are basically soft-core porn. and she added the "Fun Bundle" to her google reader that contained them.
13:34.07Dougie187but she didn't know it had them. and was upset when she saw what it was.
13:34.27languishthere's nothing illegal about legal porn :|
13:34.38languishat least in the US
13:34.49Dougie187true, but some people don't like it, and most people expect some sort of disclosure of material.
13:34.49tethridgethat does sound like a "fun bundle"
13:35.51languishDougie187, so she never went to a news stand?
13:35.51Dougie187tethridge: lol not when the other contents include Daily show clips and Colbert Report clips.
13:35.51Dougie187languish: no.
13:35.51languishNo Playboy on the stand? or maxim?
13:35.51yakischloba_Dougie187: it is not at all uncommon to find such media on mainstream internet sites
13:35.51Dougie187languish: we don't have news stands here.
13:35.51yakischloba_Dougie187: myspace for example, is full of shit like that
13:35.54Dougie187yakischloba: lol one of the many reasons i don't use myspace.
13:35.55languishheck, cnn sometimes has a racy shot or two
13:35.57yakischloba_Dougie187: and honestly my mother might be offended but I'd expect anyone younger to be accustomed to it by now ;)
13:36.20Dougie187yakischloba_: lol. well not everyone who is younger appreciates it like some of the other people.
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13:36.32languishsenses a religious individual
13:36.37Dougie187lol nope.
13:36.49Dougie187not religious at all. hah I would never have married her if she was.
13:36.55tethridgeDougie187, be sure to warn her to stay off  NSFW!
13:37.03yakischloba_Dougie187: I don't "appreciate" it, I just try to passively ignore it and I accept it as a consequence of services provided to me for free
13:37.07languishman, she must hate her email
13:37.28Dougie187yakischloba_: as do i. i think she just expected something saying that you might want to be over 18 to add it.
13:37.38languishthen againm, google's pretty good at filtering spam
13:37.44Dougie187especially from google.
13:38.05languishwere the chicks in it actually nude?
13:38.12languishor just scantily clad and being sexy?
13:38.25Dougie187i have no idea.
13:38.28languishbecause youtube does have adult content controls
13:38.34Dougie187i don't even think she knows either.
13:38.45Dougie187i think she just saw the "Preview image" and got freaked out.
13:38.46languishthen she may be wanking over nothing
13:39.14Dougie187oh, it also wasn't the top 10 videos on youtube it was the top viewed videos on youtube.
13:39.15yakischloba_I can't even find a top 10 videos section on youtube
13:39.16languishthis nation is uptight enough as it is
13:39.34Dougie187and it was what google reader picked up for those
13:39.40languishgetting uppset over the human body is just nuts
13:40.02Dougie187lol languish some people might say getting upset over an android application kill switch is just nuts.
13:40.24languishand android kill switch is a potential inhibition to my freedoms
13:40.37languishnot to mention, it threatens use of my device as I wish
13:40.45languishsomeone seeing bare flesh doesn't
13:40.47Dougie187everyone has their reasons.
13:40.52yakischloba_lets not have this discussion. everyone has their personal views about sexuality and they are best left outside of here because they are not relevant
13:41.04Dougie187yakischloba_ i think thats my point.
13:41.17languishyakischloba, where do you think the concept of open source comes from?
13:41.21Dougie187everyone offended by different things, so you can't really say "you dumb for being offended by that"
13:41.23languishsupport of our freedoms
13:41.31zer0her0Dougie187: you're dumb for saying that
13:41.41Dougie187zer0her0: thank you.
13:41.43yakischloba_but on the same note I don't think it is reasonable to suggest that youtube has any responsibility to shield or censor content like that
13:41.48zer0her0glad to be of service
13:41.50zer0her0tips hat
13:42.05yakischloba_the Internet is a crazy place and not for the feint of heart ;)
13:42.08languishyakischloba, they do. and they do censor what they're required to
13:42.13languishor at least they try
13:42.24Dougie187yakischloba_: true.
13:42.35Dougie187languish: i think it was she wanted more info through google reader about it.
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13:43.06yakischloba_shrug. I'm not the guy either who writes a letter to his local grocery store demanding that they  carry product XYZ and thinking that they have some obligation to do what I want
13:43.33yakischloba_The way I look at it, organizations or people offer services and I can take them or leave them
13:43.43Dougie187yakischloba_ true.
13:43.50yakischloba_and they don't have any responsibility to conform to my whim
13:43.57languish'eh, some thinks are so in your face, it becomes intolerable.  youtube however, not so
13:44.51Dougie187either way.
13:44.51languishI don't like the guys standing on street corners shoving porn postcards in my face
13:45.02windowsrefundlanguish, the term "Open Source" comes from an attempt to exploit the momentum of the Free Software movement without discussing the ethics
13:45.03Dougie187yeah. like they do everywhere in vegas.
13:45.06Dougie187they had that shit to kids.
13:45.23languishwho determins ethics?
13:45.34windowsrefundas it relates to software?
13:45.38languishmorality, ethics...
13:45.40Dougie187i like how thats the word you picked out of that.
13:45.44languishas it relates to anything
13:45.56languishI know how ethics get defined
13:45.59Dougie187ethics is 100% subjective.
13:46.03windowsrefundas it relates to software, the Free Software movement has very clearly defined freedoms 0-3
13:46.24languishand who are the free software movement?
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13:46.56windowsrefundlanguish, see that's the shame of it all. The fact that you speak about "Open Source", yet have no idea what the Free Software movement is
13:47.14ttuttleOh god, not this.
13:47.18languishit's like asking who the steering commitee for postgresql is
13:47.30Dougie187ttuttle: you working on any new apps yet?
13:47.34ttuttleDougie187: yep
13:47.36Dougie187you get started on that fax receiver?
13:47.50languishit's a few nice guys who just want to dev their code. and a few other guys who are complete assholes who want to make money
13:47.57yakischloba_Dougie187: i'm excited for next week :)
13:48.05Dougie187yakischloba_: you getting a new phone?
13:48.06umdk1d3RMS \o/
13:48.11ttuttleDougie187: I told you, it's not possible with the current SDK.
13:48.15yakischloba_a certain type in particular
13:48.21Dougie187ttuttle: try to get them to add this.
13:48.21yakischloba_some google thing
13:48.28umdk1d3RMS is my homeboy
13:48.30Dougie187yakischloba_: i haven't head about it. what is it?
13:48.40yakischloba_Dougie187: droid something or other
13:48.44ttuttleRMS is a jerk.  I've met him in person, and he's perhaps one of the worst spokespeople ever.
13:48.47yakischloba_Dougie187: supposed to be the hot new shit
13:48.53Dougie187yakischloba_: ohh. sounds interesting. please go on.
13:49.05Dougie187I'm getting a new digital camera for my birthday.
13:49.07ttuttleHe's got cool ideas, and I'm happy he started the free software movement, but he doesn't know how to talk with people in a reasonable manner.
13:49.08Dougie187it comes next week.
13:49.09windowsrefundmany of us have met RMS. He's a living legend that deserves much respect
13:49.10ttuttleDougie187: yay
13:49.16yakischloba_Dougie187: hehe. I just hope they don't sell out or something, i wont be able to get there til afternoon
13:49.27Dougie187yakischloba_: you know they will.
13:49.40Dougie187they will probably only have like 10 per store.
13:49.42languishSomething I've found about living legends. Most deserve their reputations. both good, and bad.
13:49.50Dougie187since 1.5 million have already sold.
13:49.50yakischloba_Dougie187: hopefully perhaps they will have some the next day or something..I'll have Thursday off, so I can go hunting if need be
13:49.51ttuttlewindowsrefund: So, I respect him for his work in free software, but I feel that in interacting with people, he does the movement a disservice.
13:49.58windowsrefundttuttle, wrong
13:50.07ttuttlewindowsrefund: Well, right, for at least one person.
13:50.08umdk1d3aww but hes so cute  ^.^   loool
13:50.16windowsrefundttuttle, if he makes a person think about the issue, he's doing his job
13:50.21ttuttlewindowsrefund: Um, wrong.
13:50.33yakischloba_ttuttle, don't feed this fire ;)
13:50.44ttuttlewindowsrefund: He didn't make them think about the issue, he made them walk away because he started yelling at them for saying "freeware" by mistake.  (Yeah, I know it was wrong, but he was a total ass about correcting her.)
13:50.46Dougie187ttuttle: have you heard about this new droid whatchamacallit?
13:50.47windowsrefundthe free software movement isn't about making buddies. We've got facebook for that
13:50.51umdk1d3yay flamewar!  =D
13:50.59windowsrefundFS is about freedoms 0-3
13:51.03languishwindowsrefund, there's getting someone to think about an issue, and getting someone to think negatively about the issue because your position is being presented offensively.
13:51.39ttuttlewindowsrefund: Sure, I know that.  But if you guys presented it in a less fanatical fashion, you'd actually get more supporters.
13:51.58ttuttlewindowsrefund: Saying "we don't want to make buddies" is a great way to ensure nobody cares after a while.
13:52.04Dougie187its like the guy on the corner who throws bibles at you because you sin.
13:52.10ttuttleDougie187: exactly
13:52.18windowsrefundttuttle, sounds like the "Open Source" movement would be a better fit for you
13:52.20Dougie187and he has the bull horn and pours holy water on you.
13:52.34ttuttlewindowsrefund: No, I do know the difference, and I like the idea of free software.
13:52.40Disconnectmy phone finally has a tracking #
13:52.46languishwindowsrefund, put it this way.. when you're fanatical about the issue, we see you as being just like those xbox fanatics, or apple iphone fanatics that just offend everyone that doesn't *already* agree with them
13:52.49Dougie187Disconnect: you pre-ordered?
13:52.54ttuttleDisconnect: congrats
13:53.10windowsrefundfanatical is just a silly word. We could easily replace it with "conviction"
13:53.36ttuttlewindowsrefund: So, define "fanatical" as "so enthusiastic that most people who interact with them find it disturbing".
13:53.47languishwindowsrefund, there's a reason the word fantatcism exists, and convictionism doesn't.
13:55.16windowsrefundtuttle, do you support freedoms 0-3?
13:55.22ttuttlewindowsrefund: Yes.
13:55.26windowsrefundok then
13:55.31windowsrefundyou're part of the solution
13:56.09languishthat type of talk is nazism
13:56.14yakischloba_spare us
13:56.17yakischloba_it's too early for this shit
13:56.43windowsrefundthe only question is whether or not it's too late
13:56.52ttuttlewindowsrefund: It's too late.
13:56.54languishWhat the fanatics do, is annoy everyone that's not like them, until they all leave
13:56.59Dougie187i think i just got freedoms 0-3 thrown at my face.
13:57.00ttuttlewindowsrefund: Everyone and their dog runs Windows.
13:57.11languishso what I'm going to do now is employ /ignore windowsrefund
13:57.16ttuttlewindowsrefund: It's tragic, but likely irreversible.
13:57.32windowsrefundttuttle, it's not about "windows"
13:57.33Dougie187soon ttuttle is going to have to join that list unfortunately.
13:57.40ttuttleDougie187: nonono please don't
13:57.42windowsrefundthere's a bigger war being fought
13:58.06languishanyway, I have grave concerns and more questions about this application kill switch. Particularly, can they kill apps that weren't downloaded from the google app store.
13:58.19Dougie187languish: i said i don't think so.
13:58.27Dougie187im not sure though.
13:58.31languishDougie187, what you *think* is immaterial to a solid answer
13:58.41Dougie187but from my understanding no, especially since it is in the Terms of service of the app store.
13:58.45Dougie187not the phone.
13:58.52languishI'm not seeking guesswork. I'm seeking a factual answer.
13:59.03ttuttlelanguish: Nobody has one yet.
13:59.10languishttuttle, incorrect
13:59.16Dougie187and it has to violate the developer distribution agreement with the app store.
13:59.21ttuttlelanguish: Well, nobody here is willing to share it, then.
13:59.22languishquite a number of people have g1's
13:59.27Dougie187so if you don't use the app store you are not required to abide by those.
13:59.35Dougie187thus, they are not allowed to kill an app
13:59.36ttuttlelanguish: I do.  How do I know if it can kill random apps?
13:59.52languishttuttle, i don't know. But we have some google devs in the channel.
14:00.00languishHopefully they'll be able to tell us.
14:00.05Dougie187languish: ttuttle was one.
14:00.07ttuttlelanguish: Sure, but until Google says anything public, they're probalby not allowed to say.
14:00.16ttuttlelanguish: intern
14:00.27ttuttlelanguish: I have no knowledge of the kill switch other than its existence.
14:00.28Dougie187languish: just look up the app store terms of service.
14:00.32languishttuttle, nod
14:00.37ttuttleAlso, %s/app store/market/g
14:01.05ttuttleIt's a prettier name ;-)
14:01.10Dougie187ttuttle: don't muthu me.
14:01.19ttuttleDougie187: ?
14:01.24Dougie187thats something he would do.
14:01.27ttuttleOh.  Sorry.
14:01.45Dougie187where can we get the TS for the market?
14:01.53ttuttleDougie187: Dunno.
14:01.58languishthen again, Dougie187 refers to open source software as "freeware"
14:02.04ttuttleDougie187: Get a G1, turn it on, tap "Market".
14:02.06Foxdie<--- excited ^_^
14:02.12ttuttleFoxdie: Getting a G1?
14:02.18languishFoxdie, me too buddy
14:02.20Dougie187ttuttle: are the terms of service in there?
14:02.30ttuttleDougie187: There's a click-through agreement of sorts.
14:02.33ttuttleDougie187: I don't know if it covers that.
14:02.35ttuttleFoxdie: Nice!
14:02.39Dougie187read it.
14:02.40ttuttleFoxdie: /me hopes you like it ;-)
14:02.51ttuttleDougie187: Hrm, I've clicked through already (several days ago).
14:02.55ttuttlereally has to go.
14:02.57ttuttleBe back later.
14:03.01FoxdieI've always been up with mobile computing and technology, especially since I used to work for Vodafone, but I don't think I've eagerly anticipated a handset more than the G1
14:03.11Foxdietake care ttuttle
14:05.26Foxdiecan someone explain to me how android works behind the scenes?
14:05.38Foxdieis it essentially a embedded linux system?
14:05.47Disconnectthere's a ton of highlevel docs, but i can give a brief version :)
14:06.04Disconnectembedded linux, framebuffer, custom daemons, custom java jvm.
14:06.12Foxdiewill it come with a console to acces lower functionality, will there be an ssh client / server etc? :)
14:06.53Disconnect"come with" ..? no. and the jury is still out on whether (eg) adb shell from the sdk works
14:07.19Disconnectpeople have already written ssh clients and such
14:09.21Foxdieawesome, one of the things I'd like to use android / G1 for is to administer a series of linux servers when I'm on the road
14:09.34Foxdiebut it'd be nice to have a local, usable sshd as well
14:09.49Foxdiebuild software for it too if possible with a cross compiler
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14:10.14dd94300does anybody know how to get fancy buttons like in calculator application?
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14:17.50zhobbsdd94300: I was wondering the same thing
14:21.17dd94300seems like they are using APNG framing after onClick event
14:21.55languishbeing able to ssh IN to my g1 would be nice
14:22.21languishespecially if I can access certain functionality through it
14:22.29languishthen again, ssh hijacking, not so fun
14:22.40languishwe need an ssh3
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14:23.04languishoh shit
14:23.25languishstatic ip's on a g1 would make me so happy. damn you limited cell carriers
14:23.40pi31415is it easy to use an android device as a pda without paying a monthly phone fee?
14:23.55languishpi31415, not yet.
14:24.02FoxdieOne thing I've found is T-Mo in the UK allow VPN connections over their GPRS / 3G network
14:24.10languishafter some pda style apps are dev'd, perhaps
14:24.13muthu_hey, did someone say my name?
14:24.30Foxdieso if there was a VPN client on a G1, you could say, tunnel to a server and have a 1:1 NAT mapping, and have your own IP address :)
14:24.35muthu_i'm going home now.. come back and talk to you :)
14:24.37languishmuthu_, unfortunately for you, it was only Dougie187. so when you say "someone" no, not really
14:24.52FoxdieAnyone know if there's a VPN client for Android?
14:25.04pi31415languish: my brother used his pda to check email and look things up on the web
14:25.11pi31415languish: can android do webmail?
14:25.33Foxdiepi31415, no offense, he should really get one of the gazillion other devices out there that have wifi
14:25.34languishpi31415, there are reviews of the g1, and android...
14:25.45Foxdietell him to look at the Asus EEE PC laptops
14:25.55pi31415foxdie: you mean like a Dell mini instead of a Google android?
14:25.57Dougie187pi31415: you should really go read some stuff about android.
14:26.02Foxdiethey're cheap, and will do most regular things
14:26.19Foxdiesurfing, music, email
14:26.44Dougie187Foxdie: do you know if they have sd card slots on any of them?
14:26.52Foxdiethere isn't much point getting an android handset if you're not gonna get a data service with it, thats my impression anyway
14:26.57FoxdieDougie187, most do
14:27.01FoxdieSDHC slots
14:27.11Dougie187Foxdie: cool. thats helpful for the hdd size issues
14:27.14pi31415Foxdie: my brother would check his email free wifi at the coffee shop
14:27.20wastrelsupposedly you'll be able to buy the hardware without a cell plan, for $400ish
14:27.22pi31415Foxdie: does that count as data service?
14:27.31Dougie187pi31415: look up an MID or a Netbook.
14:27.33Foxdiepi31415, dell mini / eee pc come with built in wifi
14:27.36Dougie187tell him to get an n810
14:27.52Foxdieand the theory is you can buy a G1 with wifi and use that for the net connection
14:28.00Foxdiebut its a waste imho
14:28.06Dougie187Foxdie: a total waste.
14:28.21pi31415he doesn't need anything, i am just tossing it out as an example non-cell-plan use
14:28.35Dougie187pi31415: look up n770 n800 or n810 if you want  something small
14:28.37Dougie187or any MIDs
14:28.46Dougie187or any UMPC
14:28.51languishwere all g1's supposed to be shipped 3-day?
14:28.59languishbecause min was shipped ground
14:29.00Foxdiepi31415, eee pc is about half the size of a normal laptop, has a good cpu in it, wifi, SD slot, it'll do everything he needs, can even run xp / vista if he needs it badly
14:29.06Dougie187languish: well they are supposed to be here by wednesday
14:29.15Foxdieumpc's are $rofl
14:29.23pi31415thank you for your time
14:29.40Dougie187but they are tiny as hell
14:29.42languishDougie187, I know. but some people are getting 3-day shipping, and will have theirs by tomorrow/monday
14:29.48Foxdiemind you, I admit I got a semi hearing about the sony UX series modded to have a ULV Core2Duo chip in it :)
14:29.54Dougie187languish: some have shipped earlier than today though
14:30.08languishI'm wondering what makes the difference between those who got 3-day, and those who got ground delivery
14:30.21Dougie187Foxdie: that is pretty sweet.
14:30.32Dougie187languish: maybe they paid for it?
14:30.37Foxdiecan't wait until the netbooks get the dual core atoms next year
14:30.43FoxdieI might actually buy one
14:30.44languishDougie187, yes, but how. We were't given the option.
14:30.45Dougie187hell yeah.
14:30.49Foxdiebut my next investment simply has to be a G1 :)
14:31.01Dougie187no G1 here...
14:31.06Dougie187not until it's out on sprint.
14:31.14FoxdieI hope they fix A2DP on it though, I have bluetooth stereo on my cars headunit, would be nice to not have lots of wires in my car
14:31.24benleya2dp will show up sooner or later
14:31.38Foxdieoh I have fait in that benley
14:31.43FoxdieI just hope sooner :)
14:32.02FoxdieG1's make-or-break will be its ability to self-update
14:32.07dd94300zhobbs: did u find anything helpful?
14:32.33FoxdieI like the idea that I don't need to reflash rom's to fix bugs
14:32.55zhobbsdd94300: no
14:33.04zhobbsdd94300: haven't really looked
14:33.07Foxdiehas come from a WinMo background, has flashed too many cooked roms in his life x.x
14:33.08languishShipped/Billed On:  10/15/2008
14:33.16languishwell at least that's something
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14:33.44FoxdieI'm slightly jealous of those getting their G1's now, I can't until the end of the month when they're released in the UK
14:33.59Foxdiebut I wish those who get one that they enjoy it :)
14:34.03languishFoxdie, but in the .uk, you get them free :|
14:34.16Foxdieyeah, if you get a $80/month contract
14:34.30languishsame here too
14:34.30Foxdieand the contracts here are 18 months on average, 24 months in some cases
14:34.33languishPLUS we have to pay
14:35.00dd94300may be plusminus cab help, but he is not here yet
14:35.02languishyes, 24 momnth contract and minimum $25 data, PLUS a calling plan
14:35.11unix_lappyplus taxes on top of 80/month.
14:35.15FoxdieI'd happily pay for a G1 providing it wasn't kidney-black-market territory
14:35.23languishthough, I understand you can get a 20$ per month data plan
14:35.33FoxdieI think I paid £300 for my HTC Universal sim-free
14:35.39VickiWongFoxdie: G1's are on a 40 quid contract? :-o
14:35.40Foxdie($600 US)
14:35.44benleyFoxdie: fwiw the self-update stuff works just fine from what I've seen
14:35.46languishFoxdie, let's see if my wife even likes hers
14:35.57FoxdieVickiWong, yep, £40 contract and you get it free
14:35.59benleyFoxdie: they've tested the hell out of the OTA update method
14:36.17Foxdielanguish, she better, no one likes an ungrateful wife :)
14:36.31Foxdiethat being said, no one likes an ungrateful husband either
14:36.34unix_lappyno one likes a husband who doesnt like their tech either :-P
14:36.35languishnah, it was her idea in the first place to get 'em
14:36.36VickiWongFoxdie: and the unlimited data plan is an extra 10 a month right?
14:36.44Foxdienah, I think its 40 quid all in
14:36.47languishI was languishing over the htc touch pro's
14:36.58unix_lappyfunny ;-)
14:37.06Foxdiemy contract for FlexT 35 + web'n'walk was something like 42.50 a month
14:37.18Foxdiefor my htc universal
14:37.20VickiWongFoxdie: thats more acceptable then :D
14:37.27languishanyway, she wanted a g1, and I took a hard look at what was available about it
14:37.29languishand got one too
14:37.37FoxdieI have no intention of paying that much.
14:37.48Dougie187I like the touch pro more then the g1 personally.
14:37.50FoxdieI've got 2 phones with t-mo
14:37.53VickiWongi just wish the G1 was a lil prettier of a device
14:38.08Dougie187but i think the g1 is pretty sweet still
14:38.14Foxdienumber 1, which is due for an upgrade, is on a £25 a month contract with web'n' walk
14:38.24Foxdienumber 2 is web'n'walk on discount, 12.50 a month
14:38.38languishwhat I want, is a touch pro design with a few of the g1 extras (like the compass) running android
14:38.38FoxdieI'm gonna upgrade number 1 and try and keep the 25 quid month contract, and stick the sim from number 2 in it
14:38.48VickiWongFoxdie: im currently using a PAYG k550i, cost me 30 quid and got 20 credit with it :D
14:39.07Foxdieheh :)
14:39.19Dougie187well it's time for class.
14:39.20Dougie187im out
14:39.22Dougie187see ya
14:39.23Foxdiewhere you from vicki? you're clearly british
14:39.23VickiWongso these monthly contracts seem daunting to me
14:39.34*** part/#android Dougie187 (
14:39.38languishi figure, i'll have the g1 for 6 to 8 months before t-mobile gives us the MDA Vario IV, or some new better device comes along
14:39.49VickiWongFoxdie: actually im chinese, live in HK :) but i studied in uk the past 4 years, south coast (chichester/bournemouth) yourself?
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14:40.14VickiWongim hoping we will have a lot of choice for devices by mid-09 for android
14:40.23languishheh, vicki you must have an awesome accent
14:40.36languishbtw this isn't a come-on
14:40.45FoxdieBirmingham :)
14:40.58languishI just love the accent the asian women get when they live in the .uk for awhile
14:41.05Foxdieand it must be cool living in HK, I would love to visit
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14:41.12VickiWongFoxdie: I went to a Cadbury village up near birmingham once..
14:41.18Foxdieno kidding
14:41.24FoxdieI live about 4 miles from there
14:41.29Foxdieand drive past it every day I go to work
14:41.37languishthough for some reason, I don't appreciate the .uk women's accent after living in asian countries for awhile
14:41.41VickiWongFoxdie: wow, nice bit of england up there :) very different from south coast
14:41.42languishfunny how that goes
14:41.50VickiWonglanguish: lol, you live in asia?
14:41.56Foxdiepersonally I think the area I live in is dull and run down :)
14:41.57languishvicki, haha no.. NYC
14:42.00Foxdiebirmingham as a whole that is
14:42.11languishI deal with many people from all over however
14:42.24VickiWonglanguish: lucky you :) I loved NYC when i visited
14:42.30languish:D  me too
14:42.42languishI've tried to move away. I always come back
14:42.44jastai'm way too tired
14:42.56languishjasta, lol... what'd you misread/
14:42.57dd94300yeah, what is going on?
14:43.02VickiWongFoxdie: i like the UK overall, minus the chav culture of course
14:43.12Foxdieugh, don't remind me
14:43.15languishdamn rudeboys
14:43.18Foxdiewe have chavs next door
14:43.45Foxdielast weekend they came home from clubbing at 6am, were really noisy, then decided to play drum and bass really loud
14:43.51VickiWongi lived next door to drug dealing, weed smoking 12 year olds, dog fighting in backyard chavs in bournemouth ><
14:44.08Foxdiesounds a lot like my neighbours
14:44.08zhobbsseems to me that a lot of this stuff isn't going to work with the G1:
14:44.35Foxdiealthough their dog just barks a lot, we (me and my boyfriend) think its because they don't take the dog for a walk
14:44.49languishzhobbs, haha yeah
14:44.55Foxdieand although we've smelt weed, never actually seen them selling it to others
14:45.18dd94300zhobbs , did u read the reviews?
14:45.30Foxdiemind you, weed isn't bad, its the coke thats making a heavy comeback in the UK
14:45.50zhobbsdd94300: reviews of the G1?
14:45.57Foxdieweed isn't bad because it calms you down, sedates you. coke however, pumps you up and makes you an uberwanker
14:46.07Foxdiebut alas, thats a discussion for another time and channel :)
14:46.48FoxdieI guess I shouldn't complain, our neighbours aren't too bad :)
14:47.09Foxdieand I'm glad you had at least some positive experience when you were here vicki
14:47.27dd94300zhobbs: yes
14:47.38VickiWongFoxdie: oh yeah chavs aside i like UK :) will be back at someitme to finish my degree
14:48.18zhobbsdd94300: I skimmed them....what's the verdict? unfinished?
14:48.26Foxdiewhat were you studying?
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14:49.27VickiWongFoxdie: BSc Software Engineering
14:49.33Foxdieooh fancy :)
14:50.12VickiWongtrying to find a work placement currently
14:50.13FoxdieMost I got was a national diploma in comp sci, couldn't afford uni, just started working straight after
14:50.37dd94300zhobbs: Android is good, hardware is not
14:50.51VickiWongFoxdie: lol i can tafford uni either, I pay 9k a year for being international (rather then the 3k rate for uk students)
14:50.51FoxdieIf you like bournville (where cadbury world is), there's a major IT contractor there called "Serco", maybe ask them? :)
14:51.01zhobbsdd94300: that's good news actually....much better than if android sucked and hardware was good
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14:51.29VickiWongzhobbs: a bit worried about what it'll make the general populus htink abotu android thugh
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14:51.53VickiWongFoxdie: didnt know Serco were based there, thanks for the tip :)
14:52.12Foxdiethe hardware on the G1 isn't all that bad is it?
14:52.27FoxdieI know the camera isn't latest spec, but if I wanted high quality photos I'd buy a digital camera
14:53.09FoxdieVickiWong, funny story, they used to be the IT dept of Cadbury world, then grew exponentially, they're office is right behind cadbury world
14:53.42zhobbsVickiWong: as long as the OEM's adopt it the public will come around (whether they know it or not)
14:54.04VickiWongFoxdie: wow
14:54.13VickiWongzhobbs: true
14:54.13dd94300zhobbs: exactly
14:54.59FoxdieMy thinking is, people haven't experienced a phone like the G1 before
14:55.09Foxdiethey're still using symbian based handsets
14:55.30Foxdieso even if we're being overly picky about the G1's specs, to the average person it'll be a major improvement in functionality
14:56.19unix_lappyanyone here looked at the specs on the screen?
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14:56.56Foxdie480x240 transreflective screen with capacitive touchscreen isn't it?
14:57.09Foxdie480 or 420, one of the wtwo
14:57.20unix_lappywe all know it's capacitive, and it's being touted as non "multi-touch" is that because HTC used only couple electrodes or because IP law is still fuzzy on the patents pending for multitouch interface application?
14:57.39FoxdieI reckon it'll have the functionality there but isn't coded in software
14:57.56Foxdiebut I could (and probably am) wrong
14:58.03Foxdie*could be
14:58.20unix_lappyCurrently a lot of new media attention on the lack of multi-touch.  Generally tech media is good about due-dilligence.
14:58.30Foxdieit makes sense to add it now and possibly be able to activate it in future if IP can be arranged
14:58.42unix_lappyBut in this case the details are still fuzzy.  Most capacitive screens are only marginally more expensive to make them multitouch.
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15:00.24VickiWonganhyone know what call quality is like on the G1?
15:00.48VickiWongi cant find a review where they got to test it
15:01.13unix_lappyWhich really gives credence to the notion that a more "involved" device will be available late FY08 Q1 or early FY09 Q2
15:01.19cbeust_With all the reviews out there (check out, you would probably have heard if the call quality was not good....
15:02.20VickiWongcbeust_: nice answer :)
15:02.47cbeust_See how I refrained from saying "the call quality is the best I have seen in a cell phone in fifty years"
15:03.43Foxdiesomeone actuall said something similar
15:03.53Foxdietthat the call quality was great
15:04.07Foxdieread it someplace on
15:04.07unix_lappyAs far as hardware is concerned the major gripes are bezel, nav panel, sub par camera (and no video), keyboard isnt raised, lack of multitouch (pending), battery life is abysmal (but standard for it's class)...
15:04.13VickiWongcbeust_: yes i did like how subtle you were ;)
15:04.32languishengadget gave the call quality a decent but middling review
15:04.34unix_lappyre nav panel: getting in the way of typing.
15:04.52Foxdievideo will be added, battery life is better than the iphone
15:05.05Foxdieplus 3rd party double capacity batteries will spring up soon
15:05.19Foxdieat least with the G1 you can replace the battery :)
15:05.40languishand yes, google reps at an event stated that the hardware and android itself was multitouch capable.. but hinted that IP issues were the reason it wasn't implimented
15:06.06languishif you absolutely need the reference I can find it
15:06.17languishit's in a video up on g1tube
15:06.32languishbut don't make me just outta random curiosity
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15:07.12unix_lappyiirc, when asked if there was multitouch / multitouch gestsures, their response was patent issues.
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15:07.28michaelnovakjr_romainguy, around?
15:08.03languishmike, was your dad a global studies/history teacher?
15:09.38unix_lappymeh, all in good time, i'm sure the source tree will have some hints that it's coming ;-)
15:10.26zhobbsyeah, maybe we can pirate multitouch into android
15:10.39VickiWong'Google Maps on G-1 feels like a poor cousin of the iPhone-based Google Maps and Microsoft Maps on Windows Mobile'
15:10.42VickiWongthats suprising to hear
15:10.55languishjust don't put your pirate stuff on the android market
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15:11.06languishphear teh google kill switch
15:11.26languishVickiWong, sounds like whoever was using it, was on edge
15:11.37languishor didn't have a good 3g signal
15:12.06VickiWonglanguish: thats what i figured, other google map reviews seem to be positive
15:12.37languishbasically the majority of negative reviews have been from people with no, edge, or poor signal
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15:12.53languishand the positive ones, while mixed, were mostly from those with solid 3g
15:13.07languishgo figure
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15:14.02Disconnectcourse, the majority of users are gonna be on edge until tmob gets their rollout done.
15:14.07Disconnectwhich i'm not holding my breath for...
15:14.26languishit'll be interesting to see if the radio in the g1 is firmware reprogrammable and if google gets their wish for use of the white space in 2009, will the device as old as the g1 by then, get an update to use it for whatever google has in mind
15:14.47languishDisconnect, uhh, the majority of the phones were sold to people in 3g regions
15:14.49languishsome edge sure
15:14.59unix_lappyzhobbs: i was hinting at some interesting multitouch being in the codebase, but if there's only a couple electrodes on the conductive layer of the screen then there's not much to be hacked.
15:15.07unix_lappy(for future devices)
15:15.09languishand only tmo stores in 3g areas are supposed to have the phones
15:15.19Disconnectlanguish: is that actual numbers or is that because of the stores?
15:15.40languishDisconnect, it's from comments by tmo reps
15:15.51languishand alsop because of the distrobution to the stores
15:16.25Disconnectso might be actual numbers :) but then again, i've been considered "baltimore region" because of where I live (basically in the triangle between b'more, annapolis and dc) but 99% of my time is dc metro
15:16.27languishit'd be pretty stupid for non developers in non 3g areas to get the g1 anyway.
15:16.41languishgranted, unless they plan to spend a lot of time in a 3g area
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15:16.56languishDisconnect, nod
15:17.08Disconnectis it -that- bad on edge? :/
15:17.26languishfrom what I've seen, people get frustrated with some of the apps on edge
15:17.59languishparticularly google maps
15:18.02Disconnecthmm. damn. well.. it does have a j2me runner, right? so worst case is that i load the j2me gmail/maps apps - they work fine on my e90 in edge, so i won't expect that to be too different on the g1
15:18.53languishyeah, it's not about people being reasonable at this point
15:19.09cbeust_There is no Java ME runner
15:19.13languishthere's hype and they want in, then get in, but they're put out
15:19.49languishyeah, I was just looking for info on j2me for android
15:21.58languishit needs some more time in the oven
15:22.00languishbut cool
15:23.55Disconnectyah i saw a brief mention of it on the list, didn't follow the thread deeply enough to realize it wasn't part of the sdk already :/
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15:25.17languishI wonder if the g1 is going to get product placement in tv shows/movies
15:25.44languishit really doesn't seem to be sexy enough, other than maybe some geek reference to some cool app or teen show with a kid pounding away on it
15:26.17languishit's not ugly in my opinion, but it's not sleek
15:26.37languishI can see it in an ep of Eureka
15:26.48languishand maybe Chuck
15:30.15cbeust_languish: :)
15:32.17Disconnectdoesn't nokia have chuck all locked up?
15:36.38languishproducers love better offers
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15:42.21henrihi all! What can I use to develop applications on android, C# and/or Java?
15:43.08wastreldownload the sdk it's easy,
15:46.04VickiWongneed to get Exchange on there soonish i think
15:50.33tethridgeI'm confused by one of walt mossberg's statements in his review.  He says, "It also doesn’t automatically change the orientation of the screen from portrait to landscape simply by turning the phone."  If the g1 has an accelerometer then why doesn't it switch from landscape to portrait when you tilt the phone.  My canon point and shoot can do that.
15:51.02wastreli read somewhere that people didn't like it during user testing
15:51.10wastrelbut don't take my word for it :]
15:51.20wastrelit's something i'd like to see enabled if possible.
15:51.30tethridgethat's strange I've never heard anybody complain of that feature
15:51.55wastrelwell i just read it on a web site somewhere - no idea if it's true :]
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15:52.16mgc_what happens one the 22nd?
15:52.35Cedric2tethridge: because it's annoying
15:52.49languishon the 22nd, t-mobile stores within 3g areas start selling the T-mobile G1
15:52.51Cedric2anyone who's played a bit with automatic screen rotation knows that it's very unreliable
15:53.14Cedric2It tends to rotate when you don't want to
15:53.19languishalso on the 22nd, the sun rises, reaches its zenith, and sets
15:53.23Cedric2or behave just erratically on horizontal surfaces or near big monitors
15:53.34VickiWonglanguish: i heard thats just a rumor...
15:53.41languishyeah, I hate auto screen rotation on digial cameras
15:54.16languishVickiWong, yeah.. it is. The truth is the sun doesn't go anywhere, we just sit and spin.
15:54.41VickiWonglanguish: good catch :D
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15:57.22living_swordhow much of the internal memory is available for the apps ?
15:57.33VickiWonganyone noticed on review videos the G1 seems to take quite some time booting up?
15:57.49Cedric2VickiWong: it's true for the very first times, it goes faster after that
15:58.12VickiWongCedric2: ahh cool was going to ask if it got better
15:59.24VickiWongI wonder how many people are going to use the 'big g' unlock pattern
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16:00.37mgc_big g unlock`?
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16:01.47languishI wonder how many people are gonna whine about needing their phone reset because they can't remember their lock pattern
16:01.57languishor is there a password back up
16:02.04Cedric2There is not
16:02.09languishwhich of course, they won't remember anyway
16:02.29Cedric2You don't solve people the problem of people forgetting something by asking them to remember a second thing
16:03.15languishright, you just shoot them in the head. Like I deserve for forgetting which email address I used to register my nick on freenode back in '06
16:04.31wastrel06 eh, newbie
16:04.49languishwastrel, no, just oldschool elsewhere
16:05.08SanMehatlanguish: on furnet? :)
16:05.12languishhellz no
16:05.14SanMehat(sorry i couldn't resist)
16:05.23languishyiffs SanMehat
16:05.33SanMehatruns for the hills
16:05.58languishso you run TO where there's more furry creatures?
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16:09.06languishso, has anyone dev'd or come across a polyhedral dice rolling app for android/g1?
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16:11.32muthu_some critical reviews there
16:12.10Cedric2languish: there is actually such an application on Market :)
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16:24.13languishCedric2 cool
16:24.19languishi figured there would be
16:24.26languishbit better to ask :)
16:24.59Cedric2It's called TableTop, try it when you get your phone
16:26.33languishlikely will
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16:48.31jastaso when do we get details on just how to put apps on the market?
16:51.38muthu_it has to come this week
16:53.46jastai would think so, but then...i have no idea
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16:53.57jastayou'd think they'd release documentation early so folks could get ready
16:54.05jastaso you'd be all ready to go
16:54.18muthu_but so far everything is a surprise
16:54.28muthu_so on friday market arrives ;)
16:56.47jastahey does anyone at google know if there are some performance benchmarks on SparseArray versus HashMap?
16:57.24jastadoes it contain any magic i wouldn't expect or is it just a binary search tree?
16:59.49Cedric2jasta: how about doing a google search? :)
17:00.34SanMehata what search? :)
17:01.23tethridgedid you guys see the article talking about the unlock program may be easily defeated if the user has an oily finger?
17:01.50tethridgemake sure you wipe your screen before you leave it.
17:02.40muthu_if that's the case indians can't use it :))
17:03.11muthu_pass the G1 here and steal our passwords ;)
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17:12.42jastaCedric2: Your search - sparearray versus hashmap - did not match any documents. ? :)
17:12.47jastaerr typo :)
17:13.07jastabut i'm not looking for a general comparison of the idea of a SparseArray
17:13.20jastai want to know what it's android.util.SparseArray, specifically it running under Dalvik
17:13.51romainguywhat abotu SparseArray?
17:14.11romainguySparseArray performance is on par with HashMap
17:14.16romainguysometimes better
17:15.44zhobbsromainguy: should this work? <TableRow android:background="@android:drawable/list_selector_background" android:selectable="true" android:focusable="true"> ... </TableRow>
17:16.00zhobbsI want the whole row to give visual feedback when touched
17:16.08romainguyandroid:selectable doesn't exist afaik
17:16.27romainguyother than that, yes it should work
17:16.32romainguyI know several people have done it already
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17:17.56jeldhello all
17:18.36jeldanybody knows whassup with the eclipse plugin repository?
17:19.24jeldjasta, get a "Not Found"
17:19.33jastamaybe theyre updating to a new version soon?
17:19.39jeldjasta, ?
17:19.46zhobbsit's always given a 404 in the browser
17:19.50zhobbsbut works in eclipse
17:20.14jeldzhobbs, eclipse tells me there is no repository on this URL
17:20.15umdk1d3yea its working fine
17:24.28ttuttleHey, if I want to do an HTTP request in the background, do I just spawn another thread?
17:24.51ttuttleAnything special to do?
17:25.47muthu_jeld: try http
17:26.00muthu_https fails for some weirdo reasons
17:26.22zhobbsromainguy: my TableRow has an ImageView and a TextView in it, and using that selector as a background for the ImageView or TextView works, but not on the TableRow
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17:41.18muthu_zhobbs: there's this selection/focus problems, that no one understands
17:51.06romainguymuthu_: it's simple, no selection/focus in touch mode
17:51.29romainguyzhobbs: you have two solutions
17:51.54romainguy1. set the row focusable/clickable and set its children non focusable
17:52.01romainguy2. keep everything the way it is
17:52.05romainguyand add a new attribute on the row
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18:00.45zhobbsromainguy: great, thanks!  I'll have to remember that "addStatesFromChildren" attribute
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18:01.06romainguy___there's the opposite as well
18:02.08zhobbsok, good to know
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18:08.48umdk1d3yay got thinkpad back from repair
18:09.03umdk1d3settles down to a nice afternoon of gentooing
18:09.25f00f-not working umdk1d3 ?
18:09.39umdk1d3well i can multitask  ;)
18:09.44f00f-oh hahaha
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18:19.01zhobbsumdk1d3: I used to do the source based distros....just don't have time anymore
18:19.17zhobbsmight have to go back to it though
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18:23.00umdk1d3i did debian for the longest time, but really got fed up with breaking my repos
18:23.13umdk1d3always seemed to get horridly stuck with some unworkable config
18:23.21umdk1d3and any time you needed to really get under the hood, it was hard
18:23.28zhobbsit seems like a pain to compile stuff from source in ubuntu...maybe I just don't know enough about ubuntu
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18:23.47umdk1d3like a custom kernel option, or compiling a package with a patch
18:23.56umdk1d3isnt there apt-src or something?
18:25.04zhobbsdon't really know...ubuntu doesn't force you do do anything under the hood, so I feel like I never learn the internals
18:25.37gdsxhas a very strong dislike for ubuntu
18:25.52gdsxit tries to hard to be helpful and gets in the way while doing so
18:27.01umdk1d3zhobbs: yea ubuntu is awesome if you just need linux
18:27.34f00f-just tar zxvf ; make bleh
18:27.38f00f-override the .deb
18:27.48f00f-i think you can install some metapackage
18:27.53f00f-to have it ignore kernel updates from repo's
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18:28.20gdsxoh, for kernels? I just remove all the kernel packages and do things myself, yeah
18:30.35VickiWongdoes android store the users home country? and are we able to get at that info
18:30.57gdsxVickiWong: what do you mean by "home country"?
18:31.03michaelnovakjr_what's up with the kill switch?
18:31.19VickiWonggdsx: the users home country, the ocuntry where they live
18:31.44VickiWonggdsx: basically im trying to look out for when the user leaves their home country
18:32.14VickiWongie travelling abriad
18:32.16gdsxVickiWong: I could see a SIM having a home country (in which case, I don't know), but I don't think a phone would.  If you're actually asking "can I tell when the phone is roaming?", then I don't know
18:32.39VickiWonggdsx: ahh thought maybe they might have rehistered a country when making an account
18:33.13romainguy___michaelnovakjr_: imagine there's a bad application out there that destroys or steals people's data
18:34.14michaelnovakjr_amazon mp3 is slick
18:34.26jastahey michaelnovakjr_
18:34.33michaelnovakjr_how's it going?
18:34.58jastagreat, almost got playlist sync support in
18:35.13michaelnovakjr_i've been plugging away at the win server
18:35.36jastaexcellent, i think that umdk1d3 may be interested in your work
18:35.50jastaalthough he is apparently totally insane so i'm not sure if he will be able to help at all :)
18:35.51michaelnovakjr_he needs a win server?
18:35.59jastahe wanted to work on that too, i think
18:36.18jastalooks over at umdk1d3 for a moment
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18:36.28MrSnowflakehow can i make a view grow with an animation and keep it's size like it is after the animation
18:37.25VickiWongis the google account you have to register when using android just a standard google account?
18:37.44Dougie187afiak its a gmail account
18:37.58Dougie187i believe i read that somewhere
18:38.22VickiWongif thats the case then the user does enter a lcoation country, just need to find out how to access that info now :)
18:38.23Disconnectall google accounts are gmail accounts, basically.
18:38.43VickiWongDisconnect: good news :)
18:38.59Dougie187Disconnect: what if you just setup an account with google calendar.
18:39.08VickiWonganyone know if we are able to access this data in our apps or not?
18:39.34Disconnecti'm sad tho - can't move my google reader stuff over to my other account. and i'm with (gizmodo reviewer maybe?) on the need to integrate multiple google accounts for (eg) personal and work
18:40.25DisconnectDougie187: its still and gets email
18:40.52Dougie187well you don't need a gmail account to setup a google calendar account
18:41.02Dougie187so your google calendar account might not be
18:41.04michaelnovakjr_Dougie187: and vice versa
18:41.08michaelnovakjr_it is actually
18:41.12unix_lappyobviously someone has thought of that and decided against it for this iteration.
18:41.29Dougie187michaelnovakj_: what if you use a campus email or hotmail account to setup a google calendar account?
18:41.36Dougie187or even yahoo.
18:41.41unix_lappythough, i'd be surprised if no more than a couple people have multiple gmail accounts.
18:42.16Dougie187unix_lappy: heh yeah. i mean i have 3 of them... and my wife has 2.
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18:43.41wastreli have 1
18:43.45_avatarmichaelnovakjr_: out of curiosity, where did you try amazonmp3? do you have a device?
18:44.00michaelnovakjr_i didn't try it, i saw the app in screenshots .... zdnet review
18:44.03_avatarah ok
18:44.54michaelnovakjr_awesome idea
18:45.00michaelnovakjr_i prefer amazon mp3
18:45.12_avatarme too.
18:45.17_avatarbut i wrote the app so i'm biased :P
18:45.39michaelnovakjr_you wrote the amazon mp3 app for android?
18:45.49michaelnovakjr_who do you work for?
18:45.57morrildlVickiWong: You can use a gmail account, or a Google Apps for Your Domain account
18:45.59michaelnovakjr_ah cool
18:46.21_avatarhey morrildl, how goes? :)
18:46.24morrildlVickiWong: for instance, I use mine with my account
18:46.31morrildlBusy as hell this week, _avatar  :)
18:46.43VickiWongmorrildl: ahh cool, do you know if we can get the users google account? ie their registered location
18:46.45_avatari'll bet!
18:46.54VickiWongmorrildl: ahh cool, do you know if we can get the users google account? ie their registered location
18:47.39muthu_morrildl: when's the market launch?
18:47.56morrildlVickiWong: I'm not following what you want to do, can you explain in more detail?
18:48.03morrildlmuthu_: soon
18:48.19muthu_this week?
18:48.39VickiWongmorrildl: yeah sorry that was pretty bad (late here :D) I am trying to get hold of the user's home location(country). I know when a user registers a google account for the phone they input their location
18:48.51VickiWongmorrildl: im wanting to find out the users registered location
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18:49.32morrildlVickiWong: Ahhh, I see.  I don't believe that information is available via API
18:49.56VickiWongmorrildl: i was worried about that :( would have saved the trouble of asking the user to input it again for my app
18:50.04morrildlVickiWong: yeah :(
18:50.14VickiWongmorrildl: thanks anyway ;)
18:50.31morrildlVickiWong: np
18:54.36umdk1d3goes to pester _avatar ;)
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18:54.53umdk1d3_avatar: ive been trying to find someone at amazon to figure out what intents your app responds to
18:55.08umdk1d3say, for instance, we wanted to send someone over your way to find a perticular artist or album
18:56.07umdk1d3i found one instance of someone launching an intent that your app /might/ be picking up:
18:56.13umdk1d3{ }
18:57.50_avatarumdk1d3: i'm not sure what i can and can't say at this point (NDA's are fun!), but if you go poking around you may be able to find an intent to invoke searching ;)
18:58.32romainguy___umdk1d3: adb shell dumpsys might list all the intents
18:58.35romainguy___I'm not sure though
18:58.49umdk1d3i dont even have the mp3 app  >:/
18:59.38morrildlromainguy___: yes, the amazonmp3 is only on the G1 system image :)
18:59.51morrildlStop taunting our developers! :)
18:59.53umdk1d3kicks eng builds
18:59.55romainguy___I thought umdk1d3 had a G1 :)
19:00.10romainguy___ah doh
19:00.14romainguy___eng build :p
19:00.54umdk1d3someone /could/ pass me an apk tho  ;)
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19:03.02|Robhi, is there anyway to listen for the enter button to be pressed with a edittext? I'm not sure which listener would do the trick
19:04.49unix_lappywonders if umdk1d3 got an extra special PM ;-)
19:05.38VickiWongthis is probably a dum bquestion, but is there a way to get two buttons side by side to fill the parent? fill_parent works fine for one button
19:05.55VickiWongbut when using two buttons sidebyside seems i can only give it definate sizes
19:06.04VickiWonggive it = give them
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19:06.47wastrelgiving them weights doesn't work?
19:06.53romainguy___VickiWong: give them both a width of 0dip and layout_weight="1.0"
19:06.59romainguy___if you are using a LinearLayout that is
19:07.23VickiWongromainguy___: using a relative
19:07.36romainguy___you can't really do that with a RelativeLayout
19:07.52VickiWongyeah thats the conclusion i reached to, was hoping i missed something :D
19:09.09VickiWonggoes off to look into linear layouts
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19:17.23|robtried a onkeylistener, but now I cant enter any text
19:17.54MrSnowflake|rob: I tried calling view.onKey... in the onKeyListener, but it crashed my program.. :s
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19:19.37VickiWonganyone else find the emu takes forever to get past the booting phase? or is this laptop not powerful enough
19:20.15MrSnowflake@VickiWong: it takes a while but not that long (@1.5ghz c2d)
19:20.15|robmine fails on the first try but loads like a champ on the 2nd go
19:20.17umdk1d3VickiWong: the first time ive noticed that, as its unpacking the system image
19:20.26|robit always happens, since I tried it heh
19:20.31unix_lappyVickiWong: it's about 10 seconds.
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19:20.50unix_lappy(on a 2.4 ghz c2d w/ plenty of memory)
19:21.06MrSnowflakeunix_lappy: showoff :p
19:21.07|robyay, setOnKeyListener did the trick
19:21.31|robfor my edittext issue
19:21.55MrSnowflakewhen you do setonkeylistener?
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19:22.31|robview foo = (view) r.find.byid(some_resource); foo.setonkeyListener....
19:23.39VickiWongtakes around 22 seconds for me, and i have only changed a buttons width since last running the emu, (AMD turion X2 TL-58 and 2GB ram)
19:24.07unix_lappyMrSnowflake: 50 bucks in processing power does not a show off make.
19:24.42unix_lappyi like my 1.7 ghz T42 a lot better than this T61 anyhow :-P
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19:25.22tomgibarahi all
19:26.00zhobbshi tomgibara
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19:27.39VickiWongromainguy___: I tried adding (android:layout_width="0dip" and android:layout_weight="1.0") to both buttons in a LinearLayout however that makes both buttons vanish : \
19:29.56jastacan we see the full layout?
19:31.24VickiWongjasta: let me just put it on a pastebin site
19:31.56jastak, great
19:32.30|rob:s, if I use TextView.append(someText + "\n"), I can't add anymore text to it
19:32.39|robthe \n causes problems, any ideas why?
19:34.06VickiWongi probably borked something transitioning from Relative to Linear layouts
19:34.06jastaVickiWong: well, obviously, this is a vertical LinearLayout
19:34.12romainguy___VickiWong: is the layout horizontal?
19:34.17jastaso what you think weight is going to do for the horizontal dimension i dont know
19:35.19jastaweight is to take up available space along the orientation of the parent.  since the orientation of this parent is vertical, weight would only be applicable to height.
19:35.26jastaif you want the button to be as wide as the parent, use width=fill_parent
19:36.52VickiWongone second
19:38.32VickiWonghere's what im aiming for the app to look like but with two buttons side by side where the 'Convert
19:38.37VickiWongbutton is
19:38.56VickiWongand for them to toegtehr fill the screen (so 50% each)
19:39.32jastaso next a horizontal linearlayout there
19:39.33VickiWongI figured it owuld be a relative layout as apposed to a linear one
19:39.38jastaand pack two buttons with weight=1 width=0
19:39.48jastaerr, nest, not next
19:40.05VickiWongjasta: mah nesting layouts, now theres an idea.... lol
19:40.07jastado realize that you can nest layouts to achieve more sophisticated effects.
19:40.22VickiWongsorry it's 3:40am, my mind isnt exactly workign at it's peak
19:40.28jastaand in fact, it is absolutely necessary to do for a good portion of your UI :)
19:40.30michaelnovakjr_i thought only birds lived in nests?
19:40.52|robanyone have any clue about my \n problem?
19:41.00VickiWongthanks jasta & romainguy___ :)
19:43.19romainguy|rob: how is your TextView defined?
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19:44.45|robanother problem i have is it's inside a scrollview, but i cant get it to scroll down
19:44.57romainguybecause you use a specific height
19:45.06romainguythe height should be wrap_content
19:45.31jasta|rob: never hardcode dimensions like this unless you really know what you're doing
19:45.33romainguythe width should be fill_parent too
19:45.43romainguyand the layout_x and layout_y are useless in a scroll view
19:45.52|robi'm using a absolutelayout, and it seems to need them
19:46.03ttuttleIs there any advantage to using a ContentProvider as opposed to my own specialized "view" class?
19:46.05jastadon't use an absolutelayout either
19:46.07romainguyyou just said TextVew was in a ScrolView?
19:46.31jastattuttle: a content provider allows other apps to access your data.
19:46.36jastattuttle: any other solution does not
19:46.55jastaexcept, i suppose, storing your data in a public way but that would be very clumsy
19:46.56ttuttlejasta: Hmm.
19:47.03romainguythat plus it gives you a framework for data manipulation
19:47.12romainguyand several APIs can take advantage of it
19:47.21romainguylike the ContentObserver
19:47.21jastayes, such as ImageView which is convenient
19:47.48MrSnowflakeguys, I want to scale an ImageView but I want to keep it's size after the animation the same, how should I do this?
19:48.29romainguyMrSnowflake: set fillAfter to true on the animation
19:48.35jastattuttle: i use ContentProviders even if i don't expect my data will be of interest to anyone
19:48.40jastajust to have that option without a redesign is nice
19:48.51MrSnowflakeRomainguy: I believe I tried that..., I try again for u :)
19:49.07jastahehe "for u" romain :)
19:49.13ttuttleromainguy: Should I wrap it in my own class that returns things in a more convenient form?
19:49.19romainguyContentProviders are also really nice for possible future integration
19:49.58jastathe major disadvantage of ContentProviders, however, is that they are very clumsy to implement generally.
19:50.14romainguyI didn't find so
19:50.20romainguyat least when you have a database behind
19:50.28romainguybut you can always rely on ArrayListCursor for instance
19:50.59jastawell, in my case, i have loads of stupid specialized content uris to get various degrees of efficiency out of my queries
19:51.50jastafor example, there is a way to query songs, but sometimes you want a query that left joins songs to artist and album tables to get all the info at once
19:51.54jastasame with playlists
19:52.21jastabut you dont want the general query to do this join.  so you have to conditionalize the hell out of things either based on lots of contenturis or by checking the "where" clause and figuring out what columns were requested
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19:52.43MrSnowflakehmm strange, it did work (obviously as romain said it), I'm pretty sure I tried something like that.
19:52.57MrSnowflakebut the something wasn't good enough aparently...
19:53.09|robjasta: what layout would you recommend?
19:53.27jastai use LinearLayout almost exclusively throughout my applications.
19:53.38romainguyRelativeLayout is also very useful sometimes
19:53.41jastaRelativeLayout ocassionally, and subclasses of FrameLayout when i need fancier things
19:53.45romainguyto flatten a hierarchy
19:56.16jastamost every type of intuitive layout can be thought of in terms of LinearLayout, and so that's a great place to start.
19:57.01jastabut christ, do not use AbsoluteLayout for non-static layouts.  that should only be used when you truly wish to restrict the dimensions and positions of logical items, such as images or something when you dont want stretching
19:58.44|robthe reason im using it is because the layout is static, it wont change, but the text will scroll
19:59.15|robgah, when i press enter, the event gets sent twice to the system
19:59.55jastano, you're wrong
20:00.23jastaif i get a phone with a screen twice as wide, should your app sit in a small corner of my screen?
20:00.33jastalikewise, if i get a phone with half the screen width, should your app be unusable?
20:01.13jastathis is why static layouts are a terrible idea.  you are binding your app to very particular screen configurations, and users will kill you when the crop of android devices becomes more diverse
20:01.17zhobbsI like RelativeLayouts a lot
20:01.50umdk1d3here goes  /me crosses fingers for getting kernel right on first try
20:03.45umdk1d3yay panic free, and most everything appears to be working  ^.^
20:06.41Disconnectanyone want to answer a g1 question? wondering if sms's are backed up to gmail or not.
20:07.13jastagod i hope not :()
20:07.14jastaerm :(
20:07.17|robjasta: good point, I didn't think of that >.<
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20:08.03Disconnectalternately, does it ship with a backup/restore app? cuz if not.. thats a big gap
20:08.34umdk1d3if they implemented sms stuff as a contentprovider, it wouldnt be hard to write a backup app
20:09.30Disconnectfor backup/restore i'm thinking everything, not just sms. the basic standard "i'm going to format you and then expect to come back where i left off" backup app..
20:09.33TerdhexDoes anybody has a sample email application for android?
20:10.39tomgibaraRegarding layouts, I find you can go a really long way with one linear layout and judicious use of padding, margins and gravity
20:11.14jastaTerdhex: google wrote one, you'll see it when you get the phone :)
20:12.05Cedric22 actually
20:13.44jastaCedric2: so, i've bene trying to find out if your e-mail app either supports IMAP IDLE or is open source
20:13.49jastado you know either? :)
20:14.05jastaExchange supports IMAP IDLE, and i can't figure out why no one bothers for that quick fix to support push e-mail from exchnage
20:14.59jastai feel like every smartphone in existence refuses to support IMAP IDLE solely to sell whatever other branded e-mail they have
20:15.29jastaWindows Mobile doesnt support it so they can claim only Exchange can do push, Blackberries make you use their crummy centralized system, ...
20:15.58tomgibararomainguy: When you drag an icon over the 'thumb' to prompt a trashcan, the red fade animates in upwards, it looks slick, how did you approach that? Google different? :)
20:16.58jastatomgibara: looks to me like its an animation involving a gradient centered in the middle
20:17.28jastamaybe im wrong though.  it does look cool, i hadn't noticed it before really
20:17.32jastalooks like an alarm siren somehow
20:17.36romainguy___tomgibara: what are you interested in? the fade or the translate up?
20:17.43romainguy___and actually if you look closely
20:18.02romainguy___if you take the cursor out of the thumb, the animations plays in reverse, but it picks up where it stopped
20:18.10romainguy___changing the duration of the fade out accordingly
20:18.29tomgibaraI had noticed :) (messy to do that with animations, I've found)
20:18.39romainguy___actually it's in the framework
20:18.43romainguy___but for one specific animation
20:18.48romainguy___I plan on adding this for all animations later on
20:18.52jastayeah, that's actually a disappointing problem with thxte framework
20:19.00tomgibaraI suppose I wanted to know if you'd used an animation, or a fancy sort of drawable in the background
20:19.05romainguy___there are 3 things going on:
20:19.16romainguy___- the All Apps thumb translates down with an alpha fade out
20:19.25romainguy___- the "delete zone" translates up with an alpha fade in
20:19.38romainguy___- the "delete zone" animates its background drawable
20:19.47romainguy___the background drawable is a TransitionDrawable
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20:20.26tomgibaraha, that's what I didn't know about
20:20.38romainguy___<transition xmlns:android="">
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20:21.10romainguy___that's an
20:21.22tomgibaraThanks for that, somehow I'd totally missed that class
20:21.24romainguy___you can call things like startTransition() or reverseTransition() on it
20:21.50zhobbsis that how the calculator buttons are done?
20:22.00tomgibaraSo you use that for making the list items glow on a long click too?
20:22.49romainguy___that's correct
20:22.56jastaa transitiondrawable?  i'd never seen that either
20:22.58romainguy___zhobbs: no :)
20:23.11tomgibararomainguy___: :) mystery solved, thanks
20:23.17romainguy___I also used that transition drawable in my yet to be released bookshelf application
20:23.23romainguy___when you scroll I show dummy covers
20:23.26jastaso i wanted to run something by you romain...
20:23.30romainguy___when the scroll stops I transition to the real cover
20:23.41jastain my stream progress bar, i have the secondary progress bar "fade out" when the download is done
20:24.05jastai accomplish this with a ViewSwitcher and two identical ProgressBars, except the bottom one has no secondary progress, then switch with fade_out/fade_in.
20:24.19jastabut that seemed pretty aggressive to me, is there a simpler way i could accomplish this?
20:24.38romainguy___let me check something
20:25.20romainguy___yeah so you could just create your own progress drawable
20:25.25romainguy___it's a layer-list of drawables
20:25.29jastai already have, actually
20:25.46romainguy___then you could just fade out the drawable that represents the secondary progress
20:26.29jastahmm.  i created the drawable using XML
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20:26.40jastait's just a <shape>?  would i need to subclass ProgressBar to get at the drawable to fade it?
20:27.00romainguy___the layer drawable, if I recall correctly, lets you find a drawable by id
20:27.10romainguy___so you could just grab it without subclassing ProgressBar
20:27.26jastahang on, let me play with the API for a minute to get a handle on what youre saying :)
20:27.41romainguy___it's after all what ProgressBar does
20:27.49romainguy___it finds the sub-drawables to change their levels
20:28.52ttuttleromainguy___: /me wants wireless adb so I can listen to music on my Dream while I develop.
20:29.06romainguyttuttle: just buy a USB splitter
20:29.12ttuttleromainguy: Yeah, I should.
20:29.19romainguyor better yet
20:29.26ttuttleImplement wireless adb?
20:29.29romainguyenable USB mass storage
20:29.39ttuttleromainguy: Yeah but I don't have headphones for my computer, just the HTC headphones.
20:29.40romainguyand listen to the G1's MP3 from your computer...
20:29.51ttuttles/HTC headphones/HTC earphones/;
20:30.06|robEclipse seems to have a bad memory leak, ram usage went from 100MB to 1.2GB, and still on the same project
20:30.38jastaoh, duh
20:31.28ttuttle|rob: Funny, vim, bash, and ant don't do that :-)
20:32.09VickiWong+1 for vim
20:32.17ttuttlevim rocks.
20:33.25ttuttleis really enjoying hacking on his laptop with his ##### G1 attached by USB. It's a great workflow.
20:33.42VickiWongbleh @ G1 owners
20:33.50VickiWongwhen do we get the G1 in HK :D
20:33.55ttuttleVickiWong: Oh, be patient.
20:33.59ttuttleVickiWong: Or get someone to mail you one.
20:34.07ttuttleVickiWong: You know how often the US has to wait for cool gadgets?
20:34.47VickiWongttuttle: meh i dont think we are even going to get the G1 out here
20:35.12wastrelwell i don't even know if i'm going to be able to get one :]
20:35.24wastrelthe guy at the store said the open at 8 and he expects to sell out
20:35.32unix_lappyVickiWong: in all liklihood you'll get a better device :-P
20:35.40unix_lappywe'll get stuck with the G1, heh.
20:35.44VickiWongunix_lappy: muahaha thats the hope :D
20:36.03VickiWongonce China Mobile get their act into gear
20:36.48Lenoliumttuttle: Hey, can you point me to some docs on how to get ant going for these android projects, I'm an emacs guy so eclipse is really bothering me, and I've never done any real java before so ant is very foreign to me.
20:37.50jastaromainguy: how can i leverage the existing AlphaAnimation class to make a drawable animate?  I'm looking at AnimationDrawable here as a reference and it seems like a lot of work to build this up?
20:38.14jastai'd have to schedule each frame of my drawables animation myself?
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20:42.46ttuttleI'm looking at the Notepad example on how to create a ContentProvider, and I'm confused at the QueryBuilder stuff.  In particular, what is the use of the "projection map"?
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20:44.40morrildlttuttle: it defines the query projection
20:45.11tomgibaratuttle: as in the relational calculus
20:45.26morrildltomgibara: I thought it was "relational algebra"
20:45.36morrildlWikiPedia will tell us!
20:46.11jastattuttle: it's a lame way to translate what column was requested of the contentprovider to what column the contentprovider should request of the database.
20:46.32morrildltomgibara: hmm, wikipedia has entries on both and I can't parse either, right now :)
20:46.37VickiWongis there a way to give an EditText a default value in XML? i oculdnt find an obvious property
20:46.54unix_lappyalmost 4PM, most of our brains are fried at this point.
20:47.01morrildlVickiWong: android:text="..."
20:47.07jastafor example, "SELECT foo FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON ..." might be ambgiuous if both a and b contain foo, but the ContentProvider has to somehow give a response for "foo", regardless of this ambiguity.  so a projection map lets you say that "foo" => ""
20:47.18tomgibaramorrildl: Google tells us: "relational algebra" wins over "relational calculus" by 53,000 to 143,000
20:47.34jastait's just a super lame way to "flatten" a relational database to match the ContentProviders design
20:47.40tomgibara(er numbers wrong way round)
20:47.46VickiWongmorrildl: see i was looking for android:value :D
20:47.54morrildlVickiWong: heh
20:49.39|robanyone here about this remote app disabling google has in their app store?
20:49.57VickiWongmorrildl: youll know this, when setting an edittext with android:numeric="decimal" are we able to set how many decimal places are allowed, in xml? I have done it in code but wanted to move it to the layout
20:50.00unix_lappyresolves to get some more android work in today!
20:50.26VickiWongunix_lappy: good news :)
20:51.34unix_lappyyea, gotta try out zxing tonight, lot of ideas ;-)
20:53.36tomgibarajasta: Isn't the projection map's primary functionality in this context to ensure that only the data that's required is retrieved?
20:53.50tomgibaraI think it's very harsh to call it "super lame"
20:54.13jastait is super lame, god the whole idea of the contentprovider squishing relational data drives me nuts
20:55.05jastatomgibara: why would it need to be a map for that? :)
20:55.55tomgibaraI need to reacquaint myself with the API, I haven't written a ContentProvider for absolutely ages
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20:59.00tomgibarajasta: Okay, my mistake, I was thinking of the projection array that's passed in to the buildQuery method
20:59.44tomgibaraI'm confusing my abstractions (that is what a projection map does within the relational algebra)
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21:08.57morrildljasta: uh, no
21:09.13morrildljasta: it's a way to let the developer pick which fields he wants out of a query to a CP
21:09.20morrildlat least, if you're talking about hte method I think yuo are
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21:17.38|robim having a slight issue with this layout, I have a relativelayout with a scrollview inside it. The scrollview has a textview child. I tried to set the set android:layout_alignRight to align it with another element, but it gives an error.
21:18.07|rob"ERROR Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'layout_alignRight' with value '@id/sv2')."
21:18.32|robthe other element definitely has the id sv2
21:19.03|robatm, the scrollview extends over the other element
21:23.58VickiWongwth's a G2? :D
21:24.24VickiWongim hopign a joke
21:30.19|robcourse it is, see his profile: " am a famous actor, world renound singer, CEO of a fortune-100 company, jet-setting playboy, and all around fake. But I can code."
21:30.56VickiWonggood spot
21:31.07unix_lappyanyone remember the links to the Tmobile data + voice pricing plans for their new 3g network?
21:31.16VickiWonganyone know of an XML parsing example in the API Demos? Im not sure there is one
21:35.22VickiWongnope i dont think there is one, nevermind :D
21:37.08LenoliumVickiWong: The XML libraries are just standard java XML libraries, so you can use any XML tutorial out there. (I know I did)
21:37.41VickiWongLenolium: see I tried that, and ran into issues with current sdk
21:37.50unix_lappyhmm, looks like 3g coverage in texas is going to be spectacular.
21:38.14unix_lappy(as to compete with at&t)
21:39.14VickiWongLenolium: I have toruble with getElementsByTagName and getChildNodes if I remember correctly
21:45.39morrildl129 members, 131 earlier today
21:45.49morrildlI wonder how big this channel will get when source is released
21:46.35VickiWonganyone else have this issue when tryign to parse xml? The method getChildNodes() is undefined for the type Element
21:46.56VickiWonghappens with every XML parsing example i can find, mind you i have only tried 5 or 6
21:46.58jastamorrildl: No, it's not.  If it were, it wouldn't be a map of String to String.  If you didn't have this ability it would be Very, Very Broken (TM) to use contentproviders and joined tables.
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21:47.36VickiWongsame with getElementsByTagName(String
21:48.10LenoliumVickiWong: But the Document element has those.
21:48.45VickiWongLenolium: as in  doc.getDocumentElement ().normalize (); ?
21:49.19LenoliumVickiWong: Just doc.getElementsByTagName(string);
21:50.50VickiWongLenolium: most of the Java examples I can find seem to be trying to use it with plain Elements as well as the document element, strange
21:52.11morrildlVickiLong are you importing the right Element?  There is android.sax.Element, which is different from org.w3c.dom.Element
21:52.28morrildlOops, that was for VickiWong
21:53.00jastaromainguy: i'm pretty confused about how to fade out a Drawable without essentially reimplementing all the abstractions of AlphaAnimation?
21:54.08VickiWongmorrildl: im importing both android.sax.Element and org.w3c.dom.*
21:54.15VickiWongmorrildl: could this be causing the issue
21:54.34morrildlVickiWong: Yes
21:54.48morrildlVickiWong: the more specific import will mask the wildcard
21:55.05morrildland indeed, android.sax.Element has no getElementsByTagName(String), etc.
21:55.29VickiWongsee and  i have my imports collapsed so i never spot things like that
21:55.58morrildlI'm going to guess you are doing a cast to (Element) from somewhere
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22:42.38donomoanyone have an example of parsing JSON in an android app? the package documentation is lacking.
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22:52.59dmoffettdonomo:  This is all I had to do to parse a buffer from an input stream
22:53.08dmoffetttry {
22:53.08dmoffettJSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(strBuf.toString());
22:53.09dmoffettreturn jobj;
22:53.09dmoffett} catch(JSONException x){
22:53.09dmoffettLog.e(TAG, x.getMessage());
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