IRC log for #android on 20081007

00:02.25*** join/#android duey_ (n=duey@
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00:30.51jastayou gotta be kidding me
00:30.58jastanot once when i was writing any of this code did i bother to test with oggs
00:31.06jastaand of course, it's broken.
00:32.47*** join/#android SUSaiyan (
00:32.58jastaso, if you support playing oggs from is it exactly that you could manage to not support streaming them from an http url?
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00:52.29jasta -- top story is my buddy's app
01:06.28taazis there a good android example of how to do that store/market style of list?  icon + a couple lines of text or ratings and so on.
01:07.55jastashouldnt really need an example of that.  it'd be pretty easy to do with a SimpleCursorAdapter and a LinearLayout
01:08.05jastaor a couple of LinearLayouts anyway :)
01:08.13taazstill a newbie with this stuff
01:08.22taazi figured that was how to do it
01:09.14taazwhat about loading the images from the net lazily?
01:09.23dmoffettApi Demos has quote a few list exampes.  Views/List/
01:09.47jastataaz: that's a bit more complex a topic, but still the algorithm should be prtty intuitive
01:10.37dmoffetttaaz the api demos also has couple of Adapter demos as well.
01:11.56taazi can think of plenty of algorithms... i'm just not familiar enough with the android api to know which one(s) map well to the api
01:13.58jastataaz: set temporary images then fire off a thread doing HTTP/1.1 requests, fiting the responses back into the UI
01:14.02jastathats the best way to do it
01:14.38taazi guessed as much.  was just wondering if there was any magic available.
01:14.51jastafitting the responses back can be tricky depending on your data set
01:15.07jastayou can inefficiently have your adapter fire notifyDataSetChanged() and then everything will be refreshed
01:15.31jastaor you can use a class i constructed called StatefulListView which will be more efficient but perhaps clumsier in some ways.
01:16.10taazalong the same lines of efficiency issues... how to most mobile apps handle large list data sets?
01:16.16*** join/#android woski (n=dleme@
01:16.35jastado you mean presenting them to the user or just operating on large data sets in general?
01:16.46taazlike a music app or store and you list all songs with "rock" genre and get 10000 results
01:16.54jastataaz: ListView handles that properly.
01:17.12jastait reads only so many entries as it needs to display the ones that fit on screen
01:17.31jastaso if you use a database cursor, you will be able to accomplish this effect very efficiently
01:17.54jasta(or some other backing structure which will not require O(n) performance for accessing the set)
01:19.22dmoffettThere is an example of an Efficient Adapter in the Api Examples as well.
01:19.34taazi guess this will all get tricky since i'm looking at the dataset being on a server and you can only load so much at a time
01:19.55jastataaz: then implement paging.  umdk1d3 has a project using this going on right now actually
01:20.06taazwhich i thinking would involve some extra smarts to preload things a bit
01:20.19jastahe attaches a scroll listener and when you scroll to the end of the list it adds a little "loading" bar at the bottom and fetches the next page of results
01:20.23jastathen expands the list when they come in
01:20.43taazjasta: yeah, this all seems like something that will be so common there should be a pseudo standard lib for it
01:20.52jastarepeat for as large a list as the user wants to explore.  you would implement windowed paging so as they scroll down eventually data will roll off from the beginning of the list
01:21.36jastait's not that hard to implement, but it would be difficult and somewhat bloated to generalize it into Android i think
01:21.48jastathe ListView is already bloated enough as it is ;)
01:23.35taazthere are lots of REST apis out there for large datasets that will need something similar.  custom query, offset, limit, class to view items, and some prefetch hints.
01:23.50taazwould be nice to have a common UI for such things
01:24.44*** join/#android thinair (
01:25.39jastawell,maybe you could generalize it then?
01:25.48jastaand distribute something yourself for other devs to use.
01:26.10jastai will need something like that for my project soon, so by all means :)
01:26.29taazok, but don't count on "soon" :)
01:28.27kingkunghad a question about communication between activities
01:29.43kingkungcan an activity which starts another activity via intent communicate with that other activity?
01:33.13jastawhat are you trying to accomplish?
01:33.39jastacommunication directly between two activities is somewhat weak, although there is some information that can be passed.  there are, however, other ways to pass information.
01:40.36kingkunghow do you do it?
01:41.44jastajust explain what youre trying to accomplish and i can offer a recommendation
01:44.01kingkungi getDecorView from the subactivity
01:44.09kingkungto display the view in the main activity
01:44.21kingkungi'm wondering if i can pass in parameters to the subactivity
01:44.33jastayes, through the intent
01:44.47kingkungwhat about after the activity is launched
01:44.47jastaintents can carry arbitrary parameters through extras and to some extent through data.
01:44.52kingkungyes, i know that
01:45.02kingkungi meant after starting an actiity
01:45.17jastaif two activities need to communicate then you probably need a service of some kind.  please try to be more specific and i can be more helpful.
01:45.48kingkungokay, that's pretty much all i needed to know
01:56.45*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
01:59.43jastadoes anyone know how to use SQLite3 transactions with a ContentProvider?  is that concept basically not workable?
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03:38.00Adamantdziuba trolls and gets paid to do it via the Register.
03:40.58muthugood to be paid ;)
03:43.07snadgewhy is that trolling?
03:44.01snadgeit seems like an article, for the most part.. is positive about android, the only negativity i can see.. is saying that it might not succeed because the economy is bad ?
03:45.05snadgeahh i see, it contains profanity
03:45.13snadgei didnt actually notice until i read the comments about it.. lol
03:45.22snadgeamericans are funny
03:46.09muthuIn any event, Google's if-you-build-it-they-will-come approach is probably no match for a slowing economy. The phone will be priced at $179, but Google and T-Mobile will likely be able to flood the market and start eating Apple's lunch if they accept collateralized debt objects in lieu of cash
03:47.00Adamantsnadge: I didn't read the article, I just have read previous dziuba articles, most of which are trolling
03:47.24muthuThe first part of the tutorial is a Hello, World. Once I get beyond that, I want to do something neat. The second part of the tutorial is a notepad application. Notepad? It's a cell phone with all sorts of gizmos. Show me how to make it beep and shit.
03:47.34AdamantI don't give the Reg my clicks.
03:48.25muthuSergey Brin wrote a game changing, disruptive application that detects how long the phone stays in the air when you throw it. Fascinating.
03:48.47muthui think its a cool neat idea
03:49.07muthuthrow up in the air and do some fascinating stuff
03:49.22muthuas some was saying, exchange your contacts
03:49.57snadgeyou could do that by throwing your phone at someone
03:50.02snadgehere have my contacts *piff* :p
03:50.43muthuhere's some profanity - WARNING
03:50.50muthuPG 18
03:51.06muthuor remove someones contacts by shoving it up their ass
03:51.19snadgepeople read the article as if he was complaining about android
03:51.41snadgehes just writes in a very rough, casual style.. like a lazy programmer would talk to his mates at the pub
03:51.48muthuits good to read that for a change
03:52.14muthuguess its british humor
03:52.16snadgesaying that he wants to make the phone "beep and shit" instead of the notepad example or whatever.. isn't really even a criticism
03:52.22snadgeits more of a commentary
03:53.03snadgeand saying the phone should give him some kind of reason why he is coding for it instead of sitting on the couch drinking beer.. is also a valid point
03:53.31snadgeagain, i dont think thats criticism.. i can relate to that.. im a lazy nerd
03:53.47wastreli don't think sergey said it was game changing or disruptive
03:53.48wastrelthe app
03:54.01snadgei think that was a sarcastic form of humour
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03:54.12snadgerather than a genuine stab at sergey
03:54.37snadgebeing australian, thats how i interpreted it
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03:56.27poetic_follyliving_sword: oh there it is
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03:58.04gambler_hey ppl, anything interesting been posted in the channel in the last few days? I've been offline.
03:58.31snadgei think its funny all these people got upset about the profanity and posted in the defense of android
03:59.02snadgewhen the article is clearly a tounge in cheek style .. take it or leave it piece, designed to cause the type of discussion that is happening now
03:59.31Adamantsnadge: nobody is upset
03:59.36Adamantat least I'm not
03:59.53snadgei'd even say that it was a pro android article.. and only those offended by "potty mouths" and interpret things the wrong way could see otherwise
04:00.58AdamantI'm just pointing out that Dzibua spends most of his time trolling for the Register, who likes to employ columnists who troll as it's the only way they can keep up getting clicks.
04:01.05snadgekind of reflects poorly on the register.. but oh well
04:01.26Adamantfor Brit-style tech news I like The Inquirer better
04:01.36snadgeexactly .. and thats something that will either make you read the article anyway.. or boycott the register in disgust
04:02.10snadgei found it humorous and got entertainment value from it
04:02.16Adamanthey, more power to ya
04:02.45muthugambler_: you missed the big news
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04:02.58gamblermuthu, lay it on me
04:03.10muthuG1 on Oct 22!!!!
04:05.18gamblerok so...If my Service executes a callback into my Activity when its not in the foreground, I am getting a stacktrace.
04:05.39gamblerIs there a preferred idiom for how to wake up my activity? sure is a hell of alot of boilerplate to do a little IPC
04:07.09jastagambler: to wake up the activity you would fire an intent.
04:07.18muthuand do notifications from service
04:07.37muthunotifications is the recommended practice
04:07.41jastaand when the activity is closed, the IPC is severed.  it is your error that your activity didn't unregister any listeners.
04:08.01jastayes, muthu is right.  you need to consider why you arent to wake up an activity this way
04:08.19jastawhat if, for example, the user is in the middle of a call?  they will not appreciate you slapping them with your activity
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04:08.36jastawhy you want to*, i meant
04:09.16gamblerthe call wont terminate though would it, it will just be a different screen.
04:09.26jastait will be an annoying screen on top of the call
04:09.33gamblerin this situation notification isnt enough
04:09.38jastathat you've designed your UI this way indicates to me that it is wrong
04:10.00jastaif the user has left your activity they have told you something: they aren't interested in it anymore.
04:10.10gamblerjasta: its based on context awareness...the UI fits the geography
04:10.29jastaso why is a notification not good enough?
04:10.54gamblerbecause then they would have to navigate to the app every time. If its running they want to receive the activity not just a notification.
04:10.59jasta(that said, you *can* wake up an activity)
04:11.14jastayou do so through an intent, as i said before
04:12.00gamblerright...ok I can do that, just making sure that was the right way. It seems like errors could occur if there is any lag / ordering problems
04:12.07jastayou'd use an intent-filter actually, which would be the thing that opens your activity
04:12.27jastayou can't use your custom IPC for this, though.
04:12.44jastai mean, your activity registering listeners won't do any good once the activity is closed.
04:12.51jastaand, actually, it's expected to unregister those listeners in onStop
04:14.35gamblerhmm ok
04:15.20muthuuse callbacks only when binding
04:15.28muthuelse use notifications
04:20.07*** join/#android nivardus (n=gontaMal@unaffiliated/nivardus)
04:23.51*** join/#android muthu (n=chatzill@
04:25.36gdsxmuthu: not working
04:25.49muthunot able to see gdsx
04:26.18muthupidgin is crap
04:26.23muthusuddenly crashes
04:26.35*** join/#android mithraic (
04:27.06muthuhow many apps will be featured on oct 22?
04:27.13muthuraise your hand
04:27.18muthuraises hand
04:28.13wastrelhi what is your app?
04:29.31muthuhmm.. slideme launches oct 28
04:29.48muthumarket launches 22nd
04:30.11muthubut the paid apps will go to slideme
04:30.15muthuor handango
04:35.14*** join/#android dueynz (n=duey@
04:36.53muthuphotostream seems to be most popular in apps-for-android
04:38.45romainguyI added a cool new feature btw
04:38.57*** join/#android duey (n=duey@
04:40.05muthuyeah, i check it out everyday
04:40.50romainguyyou should try to open a flickr URL (like and see what happens
04:41.04romainguythat's what Maps does as well
04:41.23muthulet me see..
04:41.42romainguyby opening, I don't mean typing it in the browser
04:41.59romainguyyou would need to click this URL in a web page, an email, as a home shortcut, etc.
04:44.03*** join/#android chrismurf (
04:44.38chrismurfIf all I want is a bitmap that I can write to/from, do I want to extend surfaceview, or canvas?
04:44.55chrismurf(complete n00b to android, porting older java App.)
04:45.48muthuah, nice
04:45.54muthulike the progress bar and updates
04:46.00muthustill haven't tried the url
04:46.34romainguychrismurf: use a Canvas
04:46.42romainguyfirst create the Bitmap, then a Canvas tied to that Bitmap
04:46.56chrismurfromainguy, thanks -- Why canvas instead of SurfaceView?
04:47.05romainguybecause that's not SurfaceView's purpose
04:47.37romainguySurfaceView gives you a special surface (or window if you prefer) on which you can draw natively or with special APIs like OpenGL
04:49.00chrismurfOkay - I'm just confused by the docs, it seems like Canvas is a SurfaceView extended to have a bunch of drawArc / drawRect / drawWhatever methods, no?
04:49.08romainguynot at all
04:49.15romainguyCanvas is not a SurfaceView
04:49.25romainguyforget about SurfaceView for now,  just use Canvas :)
04:49.48chrismurfOkay - noted :-)
04:50.14chrismurfRealizing I'm contradicting myself a bit, will I regret it later if I target Canvas and want things to scale when I rotate the screen?
04:50.23chrismurf(I realize that's sort of a limitation of bitmaps...)
04:50.24muthuromainguy: so photostream hijacks the flickr url ;)
04:50.36romainguychrismurf: SurfaceView would not help you more
04:50.41romainguywhat are you trying to do exactly?
04:51.03romainguymuthu: that's actually a nice way to expand web site and enrich them :)
04:51.33muthuusers would love these
04:51.53chrismurfbasically port a java-based emulator.
04:52.05romainguyNES emulator?
04:52.16chrismurfDon't want to give everything away ;-)
04:52.17chrismurfbut no
04:52.21chrismurfI'll dig into Canvas - thanks for the help
04:52.27romainguyok, so you're not who you think you could have been :p
04:52.34romainguyfor an emulator you want SurfaceView
04:53.03romainguythe key difference is that with SurfaceView you have to create a thread that refreshes the screen in a loop
04:53.05chrismurfokay - it's significantly higher performance?
04:53.09romainguyjust like the way games are usually writtent
04:53.21romainguywith a regular Canvas/View approach, you need to use invalidate() calls
04:53.29chrismurfI see
04:53.31romainguythat are expensive (about 4ms per frame)
04:53.36chrismurfouch - yeah
04:53.41romainguybecause it's meant to refresh a full View hierarchy
04:53.41chrismurfI just want to basically have a framebuffer
04:53.44romainguyand it supports animations, etc.
04:54.10chrismurfokay - SurfaceView it is
04:54.16chrismurfpain, here I come :-)
04:54.19chrismurfThanks for the help
04:54.26romainguySurfaceView is not difficult to use
04:54.33romainguygo take a look at the sample called LunarLander in the SDK
04:54.41romainguyit shows how to use SurfaceView for a game
04:54.43romainguyjust what you want :)
04:54.50chrismurfoh how wonderful, one of the tut's actually is useful :-)
04:54.59romainguyslaps chrismurf
04:55.06chrismurfthat's fair
04:55.23romainguyfwiw, I work on Android :)
04:55.26chrismurfshould have read those first
04:55.41chrismurfoh - I'll have to beware disparaging comments then
04:55.51wastreli was busy installing ubuntu & couldn't work on my tutorial today
04:55.52chrismurfso far I'm very impressed with the SDK as a whole
04:55.56muthuromainguy: you've given me some ideas
04:55.57romainguyglad to hear that
04:56.03romainguymuthu: like what?
04:56.07chrismurfand I appreciate that I can get help at 1a in IRC from a Dev
04:56.07romainguybtw, I tried Cooking Capsuls
04:56.09chrismurfso, thanks :-)
04:56.10muthuplanning to hack the built in search.. just like you did for photos
04:56.23muthuromainguy: really, how's it?
04:56.26romainguymuthu: I didn't hack the built in search?
04:56.29romainguymuthu: I like the UI :))
04:56.39muthumary ann did a fantastic job
04:56.51muthuthat's the first thing everyone says - UI rocks
05:01.20romainguyjust saw a couple of comments about Photostream on Market
05:01.25romainguystupid users :(
05:02.16muthuis it public?
05:02.49romainguythey gave very bad ratings because they couldn't add their account
05:03.19romainguybecause apparently they don't know their own user name
05:04.07mickrobkwhile ur there check out fingerpaint /blatent plug :P
05:04.17romainguyI did
05:04.21muthuwhere's the link?
05:04.44mickrobkhow'd u like it?
05:04.49romainguyI liked it
05:04.57romainguythe tools are a bit difficult to use the first time
05:05.26*** join/#android romainguy__ (
05:05.32muthuromainguy: the user name is a bit awkward
05:05.32mickrobkany ideas for making the color chooser more obvious?
05:05.41romainguymuthu: not my fault unfortunately :((
05:05.52romainguymuthu: it's the only option Flickr gives me
05:05.58romainguyyou can only find by user name
05:06.00muthuoh ok
05:06.03mickrobku mean translating icons -> what it will do?
05:06.04romainguywhich is, for many people, not their login name
05:06.06muthuits nice.. once it works
05:06.12romainguymickrobk: yes
05:07.01muthumickrobk: where's your app?
05:07.13mickrobkunfortunatly about to renamed tho....
05:07.17muthui see only like 5 apps
05:08.12mickrobkhas been trying to figure out how to make it easier to learn on the first run for like 11 months now :/
05:08.34muthuthe market is not public yet, right?
05:09.52muthuoh ok.. the 50 apps will be featured
05:10.17chrismurfromainguy, since you asked, I'm curious - has somebody already done an NES Emulator? (I'm not doing one, but I'll want one :-) )
05:10.48romainguyI know of someone who's porting one
05:12.56wastrelwhere are these apps?
05:13.08romainguywastrel: on the Market, if you have a device
05:13.20wastrelcan't get there from the emulator?
05:13.33romainguyat least not for now
05:13.59muthu22nd will be open to everyone, right?
05:14.12romainguyI don't know
05:14.18romainguyit will be on the phones, that's for sure
05:14.35muthui mean, to put the apps on the market
05:14.39romainguyI don't know
05:16.03*** join/#android hamdroid (
05:18.56muthuromainguy what's the best app so far in market?
05:19.25mickrobkhow do u keep serialization working if you rename classes?
05:19.25romainguymy favorites are not public yet :p
05:19.26muthushit, it sucks to be out of loop
05:19.34muthunow i know how jasta felt!
05:20.12muthuwould be interesting to watch the early android apps
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05:44.56f00f-hahaha muthu
05:45.08muthuf00f-: yo
05:45.26muthusend me your device
05:45.32f00f-chillen, just had a glass of red wine
05:45.35f00f-i wish i had one man
05:45.51muthuyou coulda got one
05:46.10f00f-let's put the past behind us
05:46.16muthuyeah, depressing
05:46.23f00f-probably my biggest regret in the past year
05:46.34wastrelmmm, just finished reinstalling eclipse & the sdk and running hello android :]
05:46.34jastaraises an eyebrow
05:46.47muthuwastrel: just finished reinstalling
05:46.49jastaf00f-: you regret winning $25k? :)
05:47.14f00f-actually, maybe not the biggest one :P
05:47.16f00f-no jasta, not at all
05:47.31f00f-i just hope i can get a device on or after the 22nd
05:47.40jastayou didn't get one from the challenge?
05:48.19f00f-no way
05:48.24f00f-i got a t-shirt :)
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05:48.38jastalol, that seems like a terrible runner's up prize ;)
05:48.44jastahell, i got a lousy t-shirt
05:48.57hamdroidWas it the pirate Android shirt? Those ones rock
05:49.01f00f-i hope ADC II is conducted much better
05:49.06f00f-it was a skateboarder
05:49.09jastai got the skateboarder
05:49.10muthuf00f-: was given a choice, and he chose tshirt ;)
05:51.26gamblerlol I <3 f00f- for choosing the tshirt....
05:51.30gambler100 points for style, 0 points for planning ahead
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06:08.49izicohi,anybody who knows how to buy a HTC g1 not from T-Mobile?
06:09.12izicoi want the phone,i don't want T-Mobile's service
06:11.29*** join/#android Yeggstry (
06:11.54muthuthis is the plugin download site right?
06:12.31f00f-existence of  confirms it
06:12.44muthueclipse can't connect
06:18.26*** part/#android izico (n=izico@
06:19.15gambleri had problems a few weeks ago when i reinstalled my OS
06:19.20gamblertry http://...
06:20.40muthui've reinstalled linux like 10 times with varying degree of problems
06:21.19f00f-muthu: welcome :)
06:21.53muthuf00f-: how's the wine?
06:22.06f00f-checks stomach
06:22.10f00f-seems to be doing fine
06:22.24f00f-it's some cheap $7 garbage i use for cooking
06:22.25muthutop it up
06:22.27f00f-but the cork is torn so it's leaking away
06:22.32f00f-i best drink it before it worsens
06:22.41muthuha, good choice
06:25.36muthugood to be in pubs these days
06:25.42muthuwith smoking banned
06:26.03muthugambler: http works, thx
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06:53.37chrismurfromainguy, woo - got a bitmap rendering on a surfaceview.
06:53.46chrismurfone small step...
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07:02.15muthuhow to check if db exists?
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07:14.23muthudo we just check if the file.db exists?
07:15.27muthuha, there's a databaselist method in app
07:16.42muthulooks like context is the goto plae
07:18.13LenoliumSo, are there any good tutorials out there on getting a Android UI going? I have the I/O parts of the app written, and now I need to start building UI... but I'm stumped.
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07:50.54tomgibaramuthu: To check for the existence of a db I used context.getDatabasePath(dbName).exists()
07:52.58muthutomgibara: thx
07:54.07muthuLenolium: ApiDemos,
07:54.29muthujasta: sup
07:54.37jasta(new MediaPlayer()).reset(); seems to freeze the main thread
07:54.48jastaor rather, it just never returns
07:54.53muthuarghhhh... media player is a big mess
07:55.15jastayup, that's definitely what does it
07:56.58jastaor maybe its more complex than that...maybe calling reset() twice does it
07:57.02jastamy logic isn't quite pure ;)
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08:06.05jastadoes ListView#getItemIdAtPosition() identical to ListView#getAdapter().getItemId()?
08:06.18jastaerr, is*
08:07.03romainguyit should be
08:08.29jastahehe, i'm going back through all my old UI code and revising/rewriting it
08:08.43jastaa lot of goofy stuff has been revealed so far ;)
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08:31.40umdk1d3rolls into town
08:31.53umdk1d3jasta: where did you hear no ogg support?
08:33.17jastahear?  no.  i confirmed :)
08:33.46umdk1d3srsly?  >:/  that sucks
08:33.55umdk1d3i had been telling people that it supported ogg
08:34.03umdk1d3which was a BIG deal to me
08:34.12jastawell, you were lying! :P
08:34.27jastano, actually, it supports local playback of oggs, but for some bizarre parallel universe reason it can't stream oggs
08:34.37umdk1d3oh whew
08:34.44jasta(it's never been able to, actually)
08:34.57jastabut to Five, that means it doesn't support oggs ;)
08:35.13jastai'll need to have the server transcode them on the fly *lame*
08:35.14umdk1d3yea i was gonna say because i thought some of the ringtones were ogg
08:35.32jastathis one really makes no sense.  ogg is a streamable format, so how you could support it reading from disk and not reading from a url makes no sense to me
08:36.33umdk1d3i get the feeling that a group at google will be assigned to rewrite media player
08:36.43umdk1d3*rather, the codec implementations under the hood
08:36.58jastahopefully, it's apparently in bad shape
08:37.24umdk1d3im wondering how it will handle youtube uploading (assuming that will be supported at some point)
08:37.37umdk1d3it wouldnt try encoding mp4 on the phone (would it?)
08:37.50umdk1d3maybe upload low-cpu versions like mjpeg or mpeg1
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09:16.22tomgibaraI think it would be folly to throw away an implementation that's as far progressed as the MediaPlayer is- you would just be swapping one set of bugs for another.
09:20.30jastai agree in principle, but it seems to be that it is so terribly put together than just sitting down and figuring out what went wrong and largely rebuilding it would help
09:20.46jastarewriting code is often a lot less work than it was to write it in the first place, remember.
09:20.57jastare-using the bits that aren't awful, and just refactoring the hell out of it
09:21.07jastaand above all else, testing it this time.
09:21.21jastathe MediaPlayer clearly suffered from a terrible set of test cases, if tehre were even any at all
09:22.00jastaalso, the underlying audio mechanism should be exposed to guard against critical limitations of a future design
09:22.46jastathis is ocming from someone who has spent a *lot* of time wrestling with MediaPlayer.  trust me, it's very, very broken :)
09:27.30muthuagree.. that's one reason video recording is absent
09:27.38tomgibaraI trust you that it's very broken! I wasn't including 're-using bits' and 'largely rebuilding it' when I said "throw away" - I call that salvaging.
09:27.55tomgibaramuthu: You don't know that
09:28.03jastaok well in that case, yes i think salvaging it is certainly sensible
09:28.24muthuwe don't know.. but looking at the current media player woes.. looks like the android team is behind in terms of video
09:28.25jastabut still, a major effort is necessary to get it in decent shape
09:28.50tomgibaramuthu: It's possible, but perhaps the G1 doesn't have the hardware capacity, or the processor speed (i don't know what's required)
09:29.56tomgibarajasta: probably, it's the apparent lack of robustness that concerns me: it's very hard to put robustness into a project that never had it
09:30.36jastawell, it's biggest problem is that it's a black box design.  robustness exists inside of it, but it doesn't make it out
09:30.41jastait's clearly very sophisticated
09:30.45jastait's just designed wrong
09:31.49tomgibarablack boxes buy you time to get your implementation correct
09:32.58jastathat was not what happened here, clearly.
09:33.22jastathe stupid thing doesn't even *work*.  it doesn't fulfill it's own very simple contract.
09:33.30jastahardly any part of it behaves correctly
09:35.02tomgibarathat it behaves badly is a good reason to keep it as a blackbox, if you expose a lot of unproven code via a set of APIs, you're creating a lot of pain for the implementors and the consumers.
09:35.10jastacan't stream ogg vorbis files, seeking forward doesn't properly estimate stream byte offsets, buffer fill percent listeners are implemented as download progress listeners, there's no way to feed it with an arbitrary stream, its errors are undocumented and useless, ...
09:35.14jastai could even go on!
09:35.38jastatomgibara: what i'm saying is that it wasn't being paid attention to.  it has hardly received attention since M3.
09:36.17jastaoh and my new favorite, calling stop/reset multiple times causes it to block indefinitely
09:37.00tomgibarathere has been little progress, perhaps it received attention and sucked up development hours due to some bad weaknesses
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09:37.42jastaat least the only problem with the main API is that it doesn't accept arbitrary input streams
09:38.16jastaeverything else at some point could conceivably be fixed
09:38.26jastajust sad to see a 1.0 release with this thing so broken
09:38.35tomgibarathough as they go, a media player that's fussy about its input stream isn't good
09:38.38jastabut hey, i've worked around nearly every issue so far
09:38.56tomgibaraat great time cost to you and a loss in efficiency
09:39.30tomgibaranot what you want from a core API
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09:39.51tomgibaraWhat is particularly irritating about the media player is that it's one of the few APIs that you can't sidestep
09:40.16tomgibarapjv: I didn't get a chance to say thanks yesterday: thanks
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09:41.20pjvoh hi, np
09:42.04jastahere's to 1.1 :\
09:43.31jastahonestly though, i am happy i was able to make my work arounds fit :)
09:43.42jastai was concerned that it wouldn't even be possible
09:43.58jastaand there are still some big issues, but...
09:44.09jastaseeking forward being broken is particularly annoying :(
09:45.37gamblerthat seems like a common problem with alot of codecs. Their wacky compression schemes make random access really difficult
09:46.23jastawell, that's why most implement key frames and an index...
09:46.33jastabut in the case of mp3, it's obvious they're not even trying.
09:46.41tomgibarajasta: do the android apis allow for sparse files? are RandomAccessFiles necessarily sparse?
09:46.43jastayou can feed it constant bitrate files and it still won't get it right.
09:47.28jastatomgibara: not sure how you mean.  Linux supports sparse files, and FileChannel/RandomAccessFile won't clobber that support.
09:47.41gamblerpretty strange there is no api to multiplex the speaker.
09:47.44jastabut all that translates to is just seek().
09:48.30tomgibarajust wondered - I might need to do something similar w/ media player in the future (cache&stream)
09:49.02jastatomgibara: well, all my code is quite generalized
09:49.02tomgibaraI was thinking that I would use ranges to pull data in and just write them to a file
09:49.17jastain fact, i have demo code that is totally generalized
09:49.20tomgibaragah, this probably wouldn't be open source :(
09:49.31jastathen you can't use my code, suckah.
09:50.25tomgibaraanyway, that's my first thought
09:50.40tomgibarathen maintain an index file recording which bits have been downloaded
09:51.06jastai don't go quite so far for my usage.  in particular, i don't support forward seeking
09:51.29jastathe MediaPlayer, however, does have a "short range" forward seek capability because it maintains a read-ahead cache
09:51.55jastaand i support forward seeking anywhere into the received portion of the stream
09:52.04jastabut not beyond, because i don't care to implement yet another hack
09:53.18muthuits a total waste of time hacking all this.. coz they will fix this eventually
09:53.29jastamuthu: actually, they probably won't.
09:53.55pjvjasta, you said 1.1, did you mean a new version of Five?
09:53.57jastathe route i expect them to take is to implement arbitrary input, but not to implement permanent caching.
09:54.01jastapjv: no, of Android
09:54.21jastaso if they implement arbitrary input, we'll still have to have elaborate, complex systems to deal with it
09:54.41jastaimplement only*
09:58.05muthuthe weak us economy will make G1 available faster to the rest of the world
09:58.42muthuso i better have that killer app ready ;)
10:00.43muthuhere's the deal:
10:01.14muthua % of the profit goes to US banks!!
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12:20.05rwat--hi android folks - is there a simple route for creating android apps with jython - I checked the mailing list but all I could find was "this might be possible". I'm happy to try it out myself if this is true, but would rather cut to the chase if there's a tried and tested method.
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13:07.21kim0Hi, once the full sources of android are released
13:07.45kim0and I buy a HTC dream (I don't live in the US), can I install the software (android) myself on the HTC dream ?
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13:16.21muthukim0: yes
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14:53.46tethridgedid you guys see that the touch hd wasn't coming to the US?
14:54.12tethridgehopefully the upcoming "cool" stuff is the same hardware running android
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14:55.13jastaD/dalvikvm(  388): GREF has increased to 201
14:55.18jastaanyone ever figure out what that meant?
14:55.37tethridgeGREF is no longer 200
14:56.05unix_lappywell, they likely couldnt get it to the US in time for the Holidays and / or couldnt justify shipping the Touch HD when they have another device on the way.
14:57.28unix_lappywhich is why I'll be peeved if a better device comes out as Android Compatible (erm, Touch Diamond Pro), but I'll likely get the G1 regardless.
14:58.00jastai don't mind collecting devices
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15:09.13wastrelmaybe in november i'll get one.
15:09.24wastrelassuming they're available.
15:10.32unix_lappyheh, "collecting devices" is a waste.  been waiting almost 2 years to get a proper smartphone.
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15:11.50thinairhello, which view should I use if I want to draw (text and icon) additionnal information on a loaded ressource image ? SurfaceView/ImageView.. I would like to be able to stretch/scale the image
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15:12.59thinairlike the name of the person, we see on the image...
15:13.37thinairthe user should be able to touch the name and move it to an other head (on the image)...
15:14.37jastastarts working on some fancy animations
15:14.46jasta*crosses fingers there are no animation cache bugs left*
15:15.58thinairno idea ? for the view ?
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15:22.42jastaneat, that worked easily
15:23.05jastafaded out the secondary progress by using a viewswitcher and two identical progress bars
15:23.17jastabut with one having no secondary progress
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16:14.51Poohba2hey all.  i need to get my bookmarks and downloads.  Where is the best place to get software for android?  I want to load it up asap bc only have 14 days b4 i can send it back if i don't like it
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16:31.20jastaPoohba2: i don't think you'll get a very good sense of what's out there based on what's out there now
16:31.42jastathere's lots of unreleased software
16:31.43wastrelhandsets are shipping?
16:31.50jastamore unreleased than released, i'd imagine.
16:32.03wastrelmy hello world app hasn't been released yet
16:42.00Poohba2i'm looking for a place i can find "real", not "my brother's friend thinks this will work" software
16:44.10jastaPoohba2: as i said, most of it is unreleased.
16:46.30jastalook at this dx output i just noticed:
16:46.31jasta[ERROR] warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class that doesn't come with an associated EnclosingMethod attribute. (This class was probably produced by a broken compiler.)
16:46.48jastarepeated about 50 times building my project
16:46.48jastajavac 1.5 is a broken compiler?
16:46.57romainguy_there are bugs in every compiler ;)
16:48.48jastais this a known bug in javac 1.5?  if not, it's a bit easier to suspect a bug in dx
16:48.59romainguy_could be both
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16:51.44wastrelmy central point remains, i thought handsets weren't shipping yet
16:52.24pjvPoohba2: you could try and you would do me a favor with it
16:52.52jastawastrel: they are not
16:53.16jastai think he just wants to try stuff out to decide if he wants to buy an android phone
16:53.21jastabut the emulator is not good at that
16:53.59wastrelwell i still haven't ordered and am waiting for my quarterly bonus
16:54.33unix_lappyjasta: point being that people dont have the money to "collect devices"
16:54.41pjvno harm in a bit of shameless self-advertising ;-)
16:55.05jastaunix_lappy: oh i'm sorry, i thought we were all software engineers here *wink*
16:57.04Disconnectwastrel: fwiw the bill won't come until after the phone does (which is nov or later at this point)
16:57.11Disconnectso order now, then hope for te bonus later
16:57.58wastrelDisconnect: the problem is i don't know how much it will be
16:58.06Disconnectnot tmob?
16:58.11wastrelcould be zero - it's performance based and that's in the hands of management
16:58.18unix_lappyjasta: lol, disposable income is a terrible thing.
16:58.39Disconnectdid once have a job that was - no joke - 60% paid in quarterly bonuses and a big end-of-year bonus
16:59.08wastreli should quit chatting on irc and perform i guess...
16:59.27Disconnectwhen i left (partially because of that) they had to hire 2 guys to replace me, and they weren't having any of that crap. word is it came out about 25% more than my max yearly, PLUS they wanted (smaller) bonuses.
16:59.53Disconnectbut performance went up, since they had actual funding instead of daily-wtf-style dying desktops running openserver :)
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17:21.21thinairI have builded a custom class herited from SurfaceView. In this view, I am drawing two images (from ressources)... The size of my image are about 500k. So 1meg. Actually I have an OutOfMemoryError. Do anyone has a similar problem ?
17:23.51thinairThe camera from the G1 should be a 3 megapixel. So I suppose the device will be able to show this image on the screen. How is it possible to do that without an OutOfMemoryError ?
17:24.51dmoffettVery cool plusminus.  :-)
17:25.05plusminus_if the images are 500kb as jpeg, they are a lot larger as bitmaps
17:26.17thinairyes I believe bitmap will be bigger... ok, how should I process to be able to show these image..
17:27.45thinairmy goal is to load two images, superpose them. One should be like a map for the image... the user should be able to put the map himself at the right position on the other image... by just touching it..
17:28.45thinairbut actually, I am just able to load one image. Normally they should'nt be as big. But I tried with big image to be sure about allocation.
17:29.42thinairso to be able to show both. How could I process ? I put this image in an herited surfaceview..
17:30.06plusminus_maybe the PhotoStream app includes some code you could use
17:30.12plusminus_in apps-for-android
17:31.00thinairok, thanks I will look at it now.
17:32.03muthuplusminus_: where to submit apps for testing?
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17:35.04plusminus_he talked of PMs but please provide (non secret ;) ) results back to the community/
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17:54.42dd94300Does anybody know if Android or HTC G1 support TTY features?
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17:56.16DisconnectTTD or TTY?
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17:59.18chomchomIs there a way I can leave in my Android logging statements while running my Junit tests apart from commenting them all out?
18:00.04jastarun your junit tests through Android instrumentation
18:00.17jastathen you can just leave them in and even read them with adb logcat
18:01.16chomchomAh dear ok
18:01.33chomchomIf I solely run them via the instrumentations I lose out on the quick response time of debugging within the IDE
18:01.54chomchomHopefully this will be addressed in future eclipse plugin implementations
18:10.13muthutextview can show html?
18:10.26romainguy___simple HTML like <b> for instance
18:12.05muthua major design flaw in android is the orientation switch lifecycle
18:12.19muthulike changing for portrait to landscape for example
18:12.34romainguy___how is that a flaw?
18:12.47muthuthe state transition must be auto
18:13.17romainguy___which it is
18:13.25romainguy___yes, it is
18:13.28muthuhave a button checked in portrait
18:13.38muthuswitched to landscape, its gone
18:13.47romainguy___ah, that
18:13.55romainguy___probably just an oversight in the button code
18:13.57stadlerthat sounds more like a bug than a flaw
18:14.19muthuoh ok
18:14.19romainguy___normally every view with an id is automatically saved
18:14.28zhobbsmuthu: I find it easier to handle the orientation changes manually
18:14.36muthuright, saw this then assumed the state is not carried over
18:14.42romainguy___zhobbs: and you should not ;)
18:15.02muthuzhobbs: would rather let the system do it for me ;)
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18:17.03muthuthe <b> is displayed literally.. in textview
18:17.15muthudo i have to decode?
18:18.18romainguy___try setting the buffer type to spannable
18:19.05tomgibaramuthu: where are you pulling the text from?
18:19.24muthufrom the server
18:19.37muthuit sends the html block
18:20.03tomgibaraokay, I think I've tried using Spannable objects in the past
18:20.18tomgibaraI've not tried setting the buffer type before
18:20.21muthuyeah.. trying spannable now..
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18:28.53_avatarmuthu: did the setting the buffer type work? i'd like to know for future reference :)
18:29.23muthudon't understand how spannable can turn text into html
18:29.50_avatarit was my understanding that to get HTML formatting working in a textview the string had to come from a resource
18:29.58muthuromainguy spannable doesn't work
18:30.05muthu_avatar: hmm.. right
18:30.17muthumine is not in resource
18:30.27jastai use spannable all the time
18:30.56muthujasta: how to display html?
18:31.18muthuit must be an easy hack somewhere..
18:31.25jastauhm hehe
18:31.27jastaspannable isn't for HTML
18:31.38jastaso you don't use it to display HTML.
18:31.45muthuthat's what romainguy said
18:32.03jastaromain probably meant that you could parse a snippet of HTML yourself and translate that to a SpannableString or something
18:32.26muthuhe said to set the buffertype to spannable
18:33.22jastathe buffertype of what?
18:33.35muthujasta: textview
18:33.40muthurayado: checking..
18:34.21jastamuthu: that would not make it magically parse HTML
18:34.37jastathough i think spannables do have *very* crude support for shit like <b> and <i>
18:35.38muthuha, Html must do the trick
18:35.42jastathere is an example of this in the ApiDemos, but it's *very* crude, i certianly wouldn't rely on it
18:35.43muthurayado: thx
18:35.50muthujasta: which one?
18:36.03jastaif i was you, trying to parse legitimate HTML spans, I would develop my own crude parser so that i wouldn't rely on poorly documented Android behaviour
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18:36.18jastaconsidering that Spannable is actually quite flexible, and could be layered easily
18:36.34muthujasta: you and me are extremes
18:36.44muthui rarely write anything new ;)
18:36.57muthuyou on the other hand......
18:37.09jastayou mean in that i like deterministic, maintainable code and you like sloppy crap? :)
18:37.52rayadoThat class isn't sloppy crap (imho), it just doesn't support all of html
18:38.05rayadoit could be documented better which tags it does support though
18:38.07jastaanyway, see  looking at this now, i think that getText() may be doing something clever to parse the "html" into a proper Spannable
18:38.17muthuoh cool
18:38.52muthuremembered seeing somewhere.. thanks for the pointers
18:38.53jastabecause CharSequence is an implemented interface of Spannable, so i bet getText() is actually handing you back a SpannableString, which setText() picks up on and then renders differently
18:39.06jastayou could check pretty easily with a debugger
18:39.18jastato figure out where all this magic resides and how to access it
18:39.48jastai do not believe, however, that TextView contains any of the logic directly
18:40.03jastaand actually, i think that only <b> and <i> are supported :)
18:40.30jastaso if you want to call that HTML, fine
18:40.51jastaunless you're getting HTML from the user (like AIM or wherever), i would strongly advise you just toss out HTML and construct your own SpannableString
18:41.32muthuHTML works.. am testing only simple stuff
18:41.44rayadothis is the list:
18:41.44muthunot sure whether it can handle full blown html
18:42.35rayadobr, p, div, em, b, strong, cite, dfn, i, big, small, font, blockquote, tt, a, u, sup, sub, hN, img
18:43.05tomgibararaydo: It supports img?
18:43.15rayadothink emoticons
18:43.22rayadoiirc that's why it was added
18:43.23tomgibarawhat sort of evil does that require?
18:43.28rayadodon't ask
18:43.55muthuman.. img should be real cool
18:44.10tomgibaramuthu: I can only disagree
18:44.36muthuhaven't seen it yet
18:44.44muthumay be it sux
18:45.28jastayeah what the hell.  so a TextView can draw images?  *ugh*
18:45.58tomgibaraIf img elements are generally supported it means that if I ever use externally sourced HTML, I'm not going to trust it and will have to do some very careful vetting :(
18:47.06jastawell actually, it may be simpler than that at least
18:47.26jastabecause it gives you a built up Spannable, you can just prune through that interface
18:47.38jastacollect a list of all the spanned styles and just eliminate ones you dont like
18:47.46jastaactually would be simpler ;)
18:48.05jastathough i still don't like the idea of using something so magical with untrusted input
18:48.21jastathings like that need proper documentation of their internals.
18:48.53tomgibarayes, maybe it's crippled and only displays images that are from data URIs?
18:52.32muthushit, sqliteman crashes like every 5 mins
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19:38.37unix_lappymuthu: find a killer alternative let me know.
19:43.12romainguy___TextView doesn't support the <img /> tag
19:43.25muthuunix_lappy: that's the only one so far
19:43.42muthuromainguy___: dang!
19:43.54muthuwas already planning some evil text view stuff
19:45.41muthu01:15 AM here.. nite folks.
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20:07.11unix_lappymuthu: check out the sql explorer plugin for eclipse.
20:07.23unix_lappyer, fail.
20:17.58jasonleeanyone know what the intent is to launch the marketplace?
20:19.35dd94300Disconnect, I am referring to my question,"Does anybody know if Android or HTC G1 support TTY or TTD features?"
20:28.26benleydd94300: I haven't seen apps for that
20:28.43benleydd94300: however, such a thing would be quite easy to implement, so I bet someone will do it very soon after launch if they haven't already
20:29.28benleydd94300: (assuming you mean the TTY relay services)
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20:45.44TimRikernow that the G1 is allegedly available, is any android source available?
20:46.01gdsxTimRiker: the G1 will be released on Oct. 22nd
20:46.30TimRikerah. just pre-orders then I presume. will source get released then? any word from google folks?
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20:46.58gdsxTimRiker: around then, yeah
20:47.21TimRikerI know a peripheral manufacturer that could really use source level access. What avenues do they have?
20:47.33romainguy___TimRiker: contact Google
20:47.38TimRikerie: they need more than kernel source, which is all I know of that is available.
20:48.09TimRikerromainguy___: uh, yeah. I was looking for a person, not a company.
20:48.40gdsxTimRiker: I mean, what do they need that's not going to be open-sourced?
20:50.21TimRikergdsx: you presume everything actually will be open sourced.
20:50.38gdsxTimRiker: not proprietary things, but most things, yes
20:51.24TimRikerthey could just wait and see, but it would be useful to have some more information.
20:51.57gdsxI would suggest "be patient, it's not actually that much longer"
20:52.21LenoliumIf you're a company wanting to do something with Android, I'd find that person at Google, not sit around and hope for roses.
20:52.23TimRikernods. heard that one a few times before.
21:09.48herriojrhow do I access an content provider from a different application if I defined it?
21:10.35herriojrI'm trying to test a content provider I made
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21:38.40anno^da_Have you read that:
21:44.03tethridgeanno^da_, that wouldn't be for the US though
21:44.08tethridgeI know you don't care
21:44.15tethridgearen't you in Germany?
21:44.46anno^da_Yeah right.
21:45.00tethridgewhere do you live?
21:45.01anno^da_Just thought it could be interesting for some.
21:45.09anno^da_In Germany near Munich.
21:45.33tethridgethat is the phone I want
21:45.43anno^da_Well it is a rumour but the G1 rumours turned out to be true so I hope so for the HD rumour as well. :-)
21:45.49tethridgeadd Android and let it go for about the same price as the G1 and I'm so there
21:46.13anno^da_Well I'm there for every phone I can test my Android apps at the moment :-)
21:46.26anno^da_But for personal use I prefer the HD too
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21:49.43gdsxPersonally, I'm a big fan of a physical keyboard
21:51.24anno^da_Thats true but I'm also a fan of built in memory and a 3.5mm port :D
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22:11.21nichojoAndroid hates me.
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22:24.53KenBW2is this lack-of-PC-sync as bad as they make out?
22:25.16nichojoQuick question. Is there a way to remove my application from the stack so when I re run it in the emulator, it calls the oncreate once again?
22:26.24fadden_One approach: leave the app and hit the "kill" button in DDMS.
22:29.35romainguy___KenBW2: as a user, I would say no, because all the contacts and calendar stuff are synced to my gmail account
22:29.46romainguy___which I can then sync to my desktop apps (Apple's Mail and iCal)
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22:31.56KenBW2what about things that can't be
22:32.02KenBW2like to-do's, notes etc
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22:41.18jastaKenBW2: maybe google will add a service for that too? :)
22:41.31jastaour someone will write some outlook conduit crap over the internet
22:41.37jastaor exchange support, even
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