IRC log for #android on 20081004

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02:54.59unix_infideldo i need to have the guest additions installed to get my virtual NIC working?
02:55.29unix_infidel(ubuntu guest, windows host)
02:56.49unix_infidelwhoops, wrong chan.
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05:15.43jasta*coding* :)
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05:28.07jastaoh and
05:28.13jastayou got nothin' ;P
05:28.24jastathese are all production servers btw.
05:28.29Kralnyeah, so is mine
05:28.46dueypft 137 days
05:28.49Kralnmy load average is much higher than yours
05:28.50jastaexcept, the 137 is actually my personal server at home.  terabyte raid5 :)
05:28.54Kralnbetter resource usage.
05:28.59Kralnthan any of your boxes
05:29.03yakischlobawow im kind of proud of myself
05:29.08Kralnnow, see, duey's I can respect
05:29.10yakischlobanever would have thought
05:29.12jastaduey ftw
05:29.12Kralnhis machine has been doing stuff.
05:29.22KralnI see it as duey > kraln > *
05:29.41Kralnduey: what machine is that, and what os?
05:29.41dueyit seriously needs a reboot
05:29.46dueybut the uptime is to awesome
05:29.49dueyits debian
05:29.55dueyin a data center
05:30.00yakischlobawonders what uptimes he could find on his network
05:30.00Kralnwhat does it do?
05:30.06dueyits my personal box
05:30.12dueydoes email/web/stuff
05:30.15Kralngranted, but what does it do
05:30.19Kralnto give it that load
05:30.22Kralnor is it underpowered
05:30.29jastaKraln: maybe my systems are just more efficient and need not waste so much time because of poor administration? :)
05:30.34dueyKraln, hosts a few websites
05:30.39dueyfriends etc
05:30.46dueyI think some of them are quite popular
05:31.31Kralnjasta: uh, no? if your system load is consistently low, and you have 2+ machines, you're making poor use of your resources
05:31.48yakischlobaKraln: it's called mission critical redundancy ;)
05:31.58Kralnyakischloba: no, not really
05:31.59dueydoes system load take into account I/o wait?
05:32.04Kralnduey: yes
05:32.17dueyheh then
05:32.21Kralnit's a rough measure of how long things wait to get cpu time
05:32.52yakischlobaWe have two commodore amiga's at our datacenter. If there was any correlation between age and uptime, I'd probably have a winner lol
05:32.57jastasee, good production machines should not be over-utilized.
05:33.09duey(it just had software updates)
05:33.12Kralnthere, that is a server doing its part.
05:33.25yakischlobaI see machines with load averages of like
05:33.33dueythat's bad
05:33.36yakischlobagranted you can barely use a shell on them ;)
05:33.42KralnI had a machine with 4 cores that'd get up to 20
05:33.44yakischlobayeah. thats our customers.
05:33.45Kralnif they got slammed
05:33.54jastabtw, load averages are based on 1, 5, and 15 minute periods
05:34.07jastaso, being 10:30pm on a Friday, it is not hard to see why my work servers haven't seen any action
05:34.13Kralnjasta: protip: load averages are an average cpu load
05:34.14dueyyeah same here
05:34.23dueythey are all fairly low, weekend
05:35.07jastaKraln: it's more complex than that, but its based on averages over relatively short periods of time
05:35.22jastaany reasonable average for a production machine would be based on a monthly cycle, not the last 15 minutes
05:35.22Kralnit's not really even averages
05:35.47Kralnmy average load average is about 1
05:35.51Kraln (see top graph)
05:36.21jastagoes back to hacking
05:38.55umdk1d3looks for small spinning wheel animation
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05:44.13muthu_umdk1d3: progress bar?
05:44.37jastais there any generalization to do a wait for a monitor lock with a timeout not bothered by an interrupt?
05:45.21jastasomething to generalize the timeout -= (now - then) if (timeout <= 0) { timed out! } foo.wait(timeout);?
05:45.40romainguy_look in java.util.concurrent
05:45.44romainguy_there's everything you need
05:46.26jastahmm, i've looked before, but didn't find it?
05:48.15jastawhat i'm wanting to do is Object#wait up to some timeout, but such that the wait is resumable if interrupted before the timeout has been reached.
05:48.40jastaits a simple like 5 or 6 line loop to do, but feels clumsy not to have been generalized somehow...
05:50.09romainguy_if a wait is interrupted, there's probably a good reason
05:50.29jastayeah, probably, but if there wasn't, i still want my code to work as it was designed.
05:50.40romainguy_that feels really weird to me to do this
05:50.55romainguy_but it reminds me of the pattern for wait/join
05:51.12romainguy_where you do use a loop with a condition to protect the wait from spurious wakeups
05:51.29jastaright, which is what you should do
05:51.51romainguy_well reading your code above it seems like you want to ensure you'll wait for a given period of time right?
05:52.21jastathe basic logic is:
05:52.48jastawhile (somethingHappened == false) { somethingHappenedLock.wait(timeout); }
05:53.05jastaactually, that doesn't express it well without all the other junk
05:53.22romainguy_ok, so why the need to check for the timeout if wait was interrupted?
05:53.28romainguy_ah ok I see
05:53.31jastawhat i'm doing is waiting up to 1s for an event to occur
05:53.41umdk1d3muthu_: perfect  :)  progressbar works  i thought there was an animation or something
05:53.42jastaif the wait is interrupted before 1s, and the event has not occurred, i want to *keep waiting8
05:54.00romainguy_which is what you do with the while (!somethinghappened) already
05:54.04jastain particular, if woken up 500ms in, i want to wait with a timeout of another 500ms.
05:54.09romainguy_but you might wait for more than 1s
05:54.22jastaromainguy_: except that if the event DOESNT occur after 1s, i want to abort and give up.
05:55.11romainguy_yeah I got that
05:55.32jastathe logic is really simple.  you just take the current time, measure it after the wait and if the condition is false, and wait the remaining time
05:55.46romainguy_er, yes, that's what you wrote above
05:55.51jastabut it also makes a very simple expression of a timed wait into something much longer.
05:56.02jastaand not very general
05:56.29jastanot really sure how i'd generalize this...
06:00.08*** join/#android anno^da (n=anno^
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06:22.18umdk1d3hmm i think i ran into this before, but is there a way of forcing an activity into touch mode instead of kbdmode?
06:22.26umdk1d3last time i think i didnt find a solution  :/
06:22.50romainguy_umdk1d3: easy, don't
06:23.25umdk1d3well its going into the activity in keyboard mode, which is selecting my footerview by default
06:23.40umdk1d3when i refresh the adapter with the "page" of results, it keeps the original footer view selected
06:23.46umdk1d3which continues triggering ALL the next-pages  :/
06:23.53umdk1d3but in touch mode, it stays at the top of the list
06:23.55romainguy_then set the selection to the position 0
06:24.01romainguy_but do NOT try to force touch mode
06:24.04romainguy_just don't
06:24.15romainguy_or I'll personally come kick your butt :)
06:25.10umdk1d3i should have this finished this weekend at some point and then ill gpl it and throw an apk out there
06:25.18romainguy_your remote?
06:25.21romainguy_or something different?
06:25.25romainguy_have you talked to xav?
06:25.30romainguy_he showed me an app he's working on
06:25.35romainguy_using zeroconf in pure Java
06:25.40umdk1d3ooh nice  :)
06:25.41romainguy_thought you might be interested
06:25.46jastadoes it work over Wi-Fi?
06:25.48umdk1d3yea im borrowing the jmdns pure-java mdns package
06:25.54umdk1d3jasta: yea it kinda /has/ to use wifi
06:25.55romainguy_that's what he's using
06:26.25jastaumdk1d3: well, it doesn't have to.  it could work over EDGE/3G.
06:26.25umdk1d3ive got it pairing with itunes over the air fine now  :)  there was somethign wierd in the hotel with my vmware bridge keeping it from working
06:26.37umdk1d3jasta: lol home stereo control over edge
06:26.50umdk1d3then youd have to tell them all about port fwding, etc
06:26.55jastawell actually, yes.  it wouldn't be that bad, actually
06:27.16jastawell it certainly wouldn't be a bad idea to support it at some point.  remember, Wi-Fi is no guarantee on an Android phone.
06:27.39umdk1d3hm true
06:27.43jastanot every application has to be easy for dolts to use either.  something to keep in mind :)
06:28.27jastaand an easy way to filter out those features is a simple "Oh by the way, check the README for other features." :)
06:28.36jastafilter out those people, i mean.
06:30.05romainguy_umdk1d3: in case you're interested, I added a new feature to Photostream
06:30.15romainguy_it shows how an app can "enhance" web sites by responding to their URL
06:30.40umdk1d3hm so responding to their authority?
06:30.46umdk1d3i could overload!
06:30.53romainguy_in this case, you click a<userid> link and you get to choose between seeing it in the browser or in photostream
06:31.01romainguy_sure, but you will get a dialog first :))
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06:31.04umdk1d3very nice, i was wondering if that was possible for end-users
06:31.12umdk1d3i know the thing is intercepted
06:31.22romainguy_all apps are equal :)
06:37.05umdk1d3so i have my footerview and im View.GONE'ing it, but it still takes up the space in the list
06:37.34umdk1d3might just do removeFooterView
06:38.01romainguy_just set the selection to 0 when you get at least one item in the adapter?
06:38.19romainguy_ah sorry
06:38.26romainguy_yeah ListView doesn't care about GONE
06:38.43umdk1d3yea ive got that part working now, i just selection=0 on the first page of results thats returned
06:40.08umdk1d3yay removeFooter worked  :)
06:41.21umdk1d3hmkay something ive been meaning to write for along time is something that loads http images from a separate thread and fills them in as they arrive (into a listview)
06:41.45umdk1d3currently ive written it as a pair (image->view) that gets thrown off to fetch the image
06:42.09umdk1d3then a handler takes an event back with the image->view pair and updates them
06:42.18romainguy_umdk1d3: UserTask is your friend :)
06:42.22romainguy_it's exactly what Photostream does
06:42.43umdk1d3but this causes an issue when we recycle views, as a recycled view will be filled with a stale image
06:43.03romainguy_how so?
06:43.22umdk1d3peeks at usertask first
06:43.35umdk1d3so i pass off the imageurl->view to a separate fetching thread
06:43.58umdk1d3if the user scrolls past and that view happens to be recycled, the thread will shoot off the first image to the now-recycled view
06:43.58romainguy_you should pass the position instead of the view
06:44.16romainguy_and then do something list getChildAt(position - getFirstVisiblePosition())
06:44.19romainguy_to get the View
06:44.43umdk1d3oh and check to see if the incoming request is outside of view
06:44.50umdk1d3*outside of the visible scroll range
06:45.12umdk1d3okay cool that should work
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06:46.25anno^daGood morning guys. :-)
06:52.07umdk1d3oh usertask is AWESOME
06:54.40romainguy_umdk1d3: told you :p
06:55.43umdk1d3why hasnt it been rolled into the framework yet?!  :P
06:55.55romainguy_I wrote it too late for 1.0
06:56.00romainguy_but it's on my list for 1.1
06:56.15romainguy_I just need to rename it, clean up the doc a bit and it should be good to go
06:57.39umdk1d3ohbtw i couldnt get any of that caching stuff to work  :/
06:57.44umdk1d3webkit appears to be jealous
06:57.53umdk1d3*android.webkit.CacheManager  that is
06:58.12romainguy_just make your own cache :p
06:58.27umdk1d3well yea, i have that written already, but i dont think theres anyway it could use the /cache partition
06:58.40romainguy_no you probably can't
06:58.45romainguy_use /sdcard if available
06:58.59romainguy_or use Context.getCacheDir() or something like that
06:59.10umdk1d3ooh!  maybe we can write to cache then
06:59.38romainguy_getCacheDir() returns a path to /data if I remember correctly
06:59.40romainguy_but give it a try
06:59.42romainguy_maybe I'm wrong
07:00.18umdk1d3oh ouch  :/
07:01.02romainguy_at least the cache dir is managed by the system
07:02.07umdk1d3yea getCacheDir() is in /data
07:02.18umdk1d3unless its some sort of transparent symlink over to /cache
07:02.24romainguy_I doubt it
07:03.00umdk1d3that doesnt make sense tho--we should avoid caching on /data, and yet getCache returns there  :P
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07:03.44muthu_another day.. another ubuntu problem
07:03.53muthu_scim refuses to work.. any ideas
07:04.13muthu_man, my hours are spend looking at linux
07:04.29muthu_install / update / remove / reinstall
07:04.48muthu_fedora / ubuntu / back to fedora / again ubuntu
07:04.58umdk1d3muthu_: thats kinda why i swtiched to gentoo
07:05.11umdk1d3i was always having apt repos get into broken states
07:05.23muthu_woah gentoo
07:05.24umdk1d3was a huge headache, esp because i liked to stay on cutting edge of stuff
07:05.35muthu_gentoo is debian based
07:05.45umdk1d3umm lol gentoo is gentoo based  :P
07:05.59romainguy_umdk1d3: you can cache on /data with getCacheDir because the cache dir content is cleaned up by the system when storage runs low
07:06.13umdk1d3but probably not recommended?
07:06.34romainguy_taht I don't know
07:06.36romainguy_ask Dianne
07:06.39umdk1d3im thinking ill just use getCacheDir()
07:06.46umdk1d3if it changes to use /cache in the future, perfect  ;)
07:06.55romainguy_I use the sdcard in my books app
07:06.59romainguy_works fine :)
07:08.09umdk1d3for the image cache i wrote, it had a db and code to handle deleting old stuff, but i could just rely on getCacheDir() to handle all that
07:08.53romainguy_db + sdcard is what the pictures app does
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07:13.45romainguy_that was a nice game
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07:21.22umdk1d3gah /me wishes java had tuples
07:21.35romainguy_it's not as good
07:21.41romainguy_but you have varargs :)
07:21.48romainguy_doesn't work for return values though
07:22.02umdk1d3exactly, im trying to pass the position+image as a Result  ;)
07:22.12romainguy_use an array
07:22.17romainguy_or a custom class with 2 public fields
07:22.18umdk1d3Object[] true
07:22.36umdk1d3i was writing it as a new class with 2 fields, but object[] might be faster
07:22.48romainguy_not necessarily
07:22.54romainguy_it's less readable :(
07:23.02romainguy_I don't think it's worth the speed different
07:23.09romainguy_but in the end it's really up to you
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07:29.04anno^daromainguy_: How much does using GPS drain the battery in the G1. Or differently how much differs the battery life of GPS off vs. GPS on in the G1. In the end is it possible to use apps that need GPS all the time.
07:29.31romainguy_swetland could give you precise numbers
07:29.42romainguy_but having the GPS on all the time drains the battery pretty quickly
07:29.50jastaanno^da: i doubt the G1 is terribly different than other devices with GPS.  GPS drains a lot.
07:30.03romainguy_and I mean *quickly* :)
07:30.06anno^daWell yeah I thought so. :-)
07:30.07jastathe 3G radio is also a massive drain on battery life
07:30.20romainguy_3G is also really not that bad
07:30.26romainguy_at least the G1 does very well
07:31.03jastai'm not sure i buy that...i've had quite a few devices with 3G radios and it's significant for sure.
07:31.10anno^daI'm just thinking about some apps for example Locale. They are partly based on GPS so how do they save battery life? Setting up profiles based on your location.
07:31.41anno^daThey need your current location all the time.
07:31.50romainguy_they could poll from time to time
07:31.55jastaanno^da: well, Locale probably uses triangulation and periodic polling.
07:31.59anno^daWell ok.
07:32.02romainguy_location based on the cell ID is probably enough
07:32.03jastagoogle's "my location" is pretty cheap, actually.
07:32.17jastait's just triangulation with data the cellular radio has anyway
07:32.40jastathe only piece that the radio can't tell you is the location of the towers, but since you aren't often moving between towers, it won't need to update that often either.
07:32.54anno^daYeah thats true.
07:33.20jastagoogle's "my location" almost certainly works by measuring the delay in communication between the cell towers that the phone is communicating with, then triangulating.
07:33.28anno^daHow long does the G1 take to get a position? (cold starting GPS)
07:33.28jastaso simple math on top of numbers that are always available to the radio
07:33.29umdk1d3so i had a genius moment
07:33.41umdk1d3with mickrobk the other day
07:33.52umdk1d3we freaking realized how google is doing some of their triangulation stuff
07:34.01romainguy_anno^da: it varies
07:34.13umdk1d3all of their streetview vehicles were wardriving!  :evilgrin:
07:34.21umdk1d3it TOTALLY make sense
07:34.44umdk1d3they would have an internal database of all the wifi networks to get better detail in certain areas  =D
07:34.50jastaumdk1d3: actually, they did it with devices that had both GPS and GSM radios and mapped out the cell tower locations.
07:34.51umdk1d3no need to lease it from someone else
07:35.15umdk1d3jasta: well gsm cellid has been around for awhile, and i think you might just license that from the cell providers
07:35.21umdk1d3yahoo has had an api for years iirc
07:35.25jastathis is not new technology by any stretch.  my friend worked with this at Intel research *years* ago.
07:35.43jastain fact, he had a functioning version of it on early Windows Mobile phones in the Seattle metro area.  we used it all the time.
07:36.10jastaumdk1d3: yeah, but you don't *have* to license it from them.
07:36.31jastabesides, the licensing from the carriers is absurd.  or, it used to be.  you'd have to pay a fee *per* lookup.
07:37.00jastathis is what inspired Intel research to start figuring out a way to subvert them.  I mean really, this technology was functional in 2003.
07:37.15anno^daromainguy_: Hmm whats the average. What would you say.
07:37.41jastathere were two big problems though: the cell radios were black boxed so you couldn't get this data on most phones, and the cell tower database was huge and hard to map.
07:37.56romainguy_anno^da: I honestly don't know, I've seen fixes obtained with a delay of a few seconds up to a few minutes
07:38.03romainguy_depends on the place :)
07:38.06jastathe former i think is still true, but the latter is a problem google can solve with its army of interns
07:38.16umdk1d3lol army of interns
07:38.20anno^daok thanks. :-)
07:40.25jastawonders if he was actually supposed to talk about the fact that Intel research was doing this
07:40.39jastai guess i never thought to ask if that information i got was through a breach of NDA :)
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08:17.44umdk1d310-04 02:16:26.016: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(8570): java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException
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08:26.53anno^da <- has also some nice hardware specs.
08:28.14umdk1d3i wonder if there is a good way to figure out if a getView() from an adapter is really "important"
08:28.25umdk1d3like if its going to be in the final landing spot of a fling
08:28.47anno^daI know it is Symbian but 3,5mm jack, 8GB card included etc. sounds pretty nice.
08:28.47umdk1d3so that i coudl skip loading images for "in-between" views
08:30.46romainguy_umdk1d3: use the OnScrollListener for this
08:30.56romainguy_I use this for this exact reason in my books app
08:31.02romainguy_there's an API demo of it too
08:31.06romainguy_that shows exactly this use case
08:31.24umdk1d3and should i be using WeakReferences to try creating an inmemory cache instead of reading from disk each time?
08:31.41umdk1d3trying to figure out Weak vs Soft
08:31.58romainguy_no, soft references for a cache
08:38.24jastaumdk1d3: sounds like youre working on something interesting over there :)
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08:48.38umdk1d3holy CRAP!@!!!  this thing is **FAST**
08:48.42umdk1d3thanks romainguy_   =D
08:48.51romainguy_what is fast?
08:49.03umdk1d3im pulling album covers as part of the itunes search thingy
08:49.09romainguy_ah :))
08:49.10umdk1d3and with both disk+memory caching it sings  ^.^
08:49.24umdk1d3its unreal how fast its working
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08:54.07umdk1d3LOL its faster than the ipod touch
08:54.15umdk1d3the touch looks choppy next to it  :)
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08:55.48romainguy_umdk1d3: awesome :)))
08:57.08romainguy_what are  you comparing?
08:58.04umdk1d3yea scrolling through lists that have album cover art in them
08:58.09umdk1d3both fetched from same itunes on the backend
08:58.13romainguy_yay for ListView :p
09:03.07jastai'm really happy with what ListView lets us get away with
09:03.17jastalike that SEARCH intent is so easy to provide knowing how efficient ListView is.
09:03.35jastajust toss up a list with everything your app supports and use a filter query.
09:04.03jastavery tidy for both user and dev
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09:05.41romainguy_at some point we even played with a ListView of WebViews for Gmail
09:05.52romainguy_that was a bit too much though :)
09:06.10romainguy_(the initial layout of a WebView is too expensive for nice scrolls in a ListView)
09:06.22jastaof course itw asnt listviews fault :)
09:06.36romainguy_not at that time
09:06.43romainguy_you have no idea how much work went into ListView :p
09:07.10romainguy_but when the initialization of a WebView takes several hundred milliseconds, it's hard to get a smooth scroll
09:08.03jastai can imagine, actually.  i've attempted something like it a long time ago
09:08.17jastaa fast, "windowed" list view...i failed, however :)
09:08.19muthulist view is great
09:08.32romainguy_muthu: still needs some work though
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09:08.48muthuthe default scroll bar coulda been better
09:08.58romainguy_well that has nothing to do with ListView :)
09:09.02jastai sort of like it being small and sexy, actually
09:09.31jastaand i like the fade to show you that there are more items at the top/bottom
09:09.41muthua lot more built in layouts for listviews would be nice
09:09.49anno^daumdk1d3: do a screencast :-)
09:09.51romainguy_the fade was fun to implement
09:10.13tomgibararomainguy_: Are there any plans to allow adapters to invalidate at a more granular level?
09:10.15jastaromainguy_: it's actually great because it's both visually rich and informative.
09:10.16romainguy_and a nice headache to make it fast during a ListView fling
09:10.32romainguy_jasta: my favorite feature about it is how it grows smoothly
09:10.50muthuthe invalidation is a bit buggy
09:10.50romainguy_tomgibara: it's in a bug somewhere, but very low priority
09:10.56romainguy_muthu: er, no
09:11.03jastahehe, romain will kill you
09:11.07romainguy_jasta: go to the top of a list, then scroll slowly
09:11.13romainguy_you will see the fade gradually grow
09:11.18romainguy_it doesn't toggle
09:11.47tomgibararomainguy_: understandable, it hasn't actually caused me any performance problems
09:12.01romainguy_tomgibara: we'd rather make a full screen invalidation fast first
09:12.15romainguy_and then add a fine grained invalidate :)
09:12.33romainguy_the problem with the fine grained invalidate is when the adapter is backed by a database
09:14.12muthuhey, noticed that the cursor adapter does not auto update the list view
09:14.16muthuwhen the content changes
09:14.27muthudo we have to request layout?
09:14.43romainguy_you have to call notifyDatasetChanged
09:14.51muthuwhy is it?
09:14.55romainguy_and one of the constructors of CursorAdapter allows you to setup auto requeries
09:15.04muthuhmm, ok
09:15.04romainguy_muthu: to notify ListView that something has changed
09:15.12muthuright, but thought that's the default
09:15.40muthuthis view/adapter/cursor thing is nice
09:15.48muthuvac patter
09:16.44muthuavc rhymes more with mvc
09:17.17umdk1d3hmm with expandablelists, can we use getChildAt(int) where the int is a packed position?  (packed positions are long though  :/)
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09:17.42muthuyeah, the expandlist demo shows that
09:17.47romainguy_there are methods to do the conversion between packed/unpacked positions
09:19.10muthu$1.50 house on ebay
09:19.31umdk1d3right, but packed posititions are long, and getChildAt() takes an int, and there doesnt seem to be a nice getChildAt(group, child)
09:19.41romainguy_that's what I just said
09:19.44umdk1d3aha getFlatListPosition
09:19.45romainguy_use the conversion methods
09:19.55umdk1d3sry i need food
09:20.01muthuthat's a bummer
09:20.11muthuyou coulda added some comfort methods
09:20.36umdk1d3muthu: it looks like i can put something together tho
09:20.44muthuoh yeah
09:20.46muthuexp list is nice
09:20.55umdk1d3with getChildAt(getFlatListPosition(getPackedPositionForChild(group, child)))
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09:21.49muthuwhy the ui guys don't think about adding comfy methods.. no one knows
09:22.04romainguy_what are you talking about?
09:22.43muthua convenience method to get a child item from a group
09:22.45romainguy_but there are such methods...
09:23.02muthugetChildAt(getFlatListPosition(getPackedPositionForChild(group, child)))
09:23.39muthugetChildAt (group, child)
09:24.58muthushit, another day lost updating linux
09:24.58romainguy_well we did not because usually you don't need to go grab the view this way
09:25.15romainguy_the view is handed to you in click and selection listeners
09:25.20romainguy_which is most of the time what you care about
09:25.45muthuyeah, but you need the parent too
09:26.17muthuhow's the _id tied up to the view?
09:26.32romainguy_what is _id?
09:26.41muthudatabase id
09:27.02romainguy_it depends on your adapter...
09:27.06muthudoes the cursors bind them to the rows?
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09:27.20muthuusually i requery from cursor
09:27.35muthubut that's not right
09:28.09romainguy_I don't understand what you're getting at :)
09:28.20muthuyeah, me too :)
09:28.26muthujust remembered reading some docs
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09:30.27muthupretty cool
09:31.01muthuumdk1d3: how's gentoo?
09:31.16umdk1d3lol its awesome
09:31.23Miekhigh-fives umdk1d3
09:31.28muthuhehe.. ok gonna try that
09:31.39umdk1d3muthu: beware, youll spend the next week learning it  ;)
09:31.41umdk1d3but its worth it
09:31.52umdk1d3and btw dont use genkernel  :P
09:31.54muthuif it doesn't crash, fine with me
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09:32.04Miekhe speaks the truth, genkernel sucks :(
09:32.08muthuwhere's the distro?
09:32.15umdk1d3muthu: do you have multple boxes, so you can atleast web+irc?
09:32.29umdk1d3google for gentoo minimal  ;)
09:32.37umdk1d3i think there is a 2008.0 torrent out there
09:32.37muthuok.. minimal is what i want
09:32.43umdk1d3like 60mb iso  :P
09:32.48Miekboot the minimal cd, start ssh on it and install from another machine :)
09:33.07umdk1d3and get ready to spend a lot of time walkign through the docs  ;)
09:33.08muthufedora and ubuntu screwed me over the last fortnight
09:33.21umdk1d3muthu: gentoo doesnt have ANY gui  ;)
09:33.31Miekubuntu screwed me over a few years ago, just before i switched to gentoo
09:33.35umdk1d3im serious tho
09:33.52umdk1d3Miek: kinda same here, got fed up with ubuntu+debian and breaking apt all the time
09:33.55muthuhmm.. so you don't run any xserver?
09:34.04Miekjust not during the install
09:34.04umdk1d3muthu: oh sure you can install xorg
09:34.09muthuubuntu sucks bigtime
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09:34.26umdk1d3muthu: you essentially get a root shell on that cd and do everything yourself to bring the box up
09:34.31umdk1d3there is no "setup wizard"
09:34.41umdk1d3thats what i meant by no gui
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09:34.48romainguy_no GUI /o\
09:34.57umdk1d3also, you really learn alot about how linux works under the hood in the process
09:35.19muthuguess i'll do it after 22 ;)
09:35.34Mieki'll give you a cookie if you get to the reboot step without forgetting anything
09:35.45Mieki always forget something :(
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09:36.33muthuapt is the worst
09:36.41muthuguaranteed to break
09:36.41umdk1d3muthu: do you have a dual/quad core?
09:36.54umdk1d3in gentoo the package manager compiles everything by hand
09:37.05umdk1d3and its pretty hard to get into a broken state
09:37.15muthuwhat's the package manager?
09:37.18umdk1d3just make sure to liberally apply use flags before emerging stuff
09:37.23Miekmy first install was on a 333MHz amd k6
09:37.34muthuis it rpm?
09:37.37umdk1d3how many days did xfree take?  :P
09:37.48Miekit was a server, luckily :p
09:37.51umdk1d3muthu: there are no .deb or .rpms
09:38.00Miekthere's tarballs
09:38.45muthusounds good
09:39.00romainguy_has bad memories of gentoo :))
09:39.12muthuoh oh
09:39.14umdk1d3also muthu there are overlays that make it super easy to jump into subversion copies of projects
09:39.17romainguy_it was great
09:39.24romainguy_just that the install was loooooong
09:39.36Miekinstalling it on my core2 was lovely
09:39.43Miekso fast!
09:39.53romainguy_Miek: last time I installed it was on a 200 Mhz or something like that ;-))
09:40.04umdk1d3i had the privlidge of installing gentoo on a nice 8-core xeon box the other day  ^.^
09:40.22romainguy_umdk1d3: I should try on this machine then :))
09:40.39umdk1d3watcha got?
09:41.02romainguy_8-cores Xeon MacPro
09:41.05romainguy_with 8 GB of RAM
09:41.09umdk1d3LOL mac  :P
09:41.38romainguy_umdk1d3: what can I say, I like UIs :)
09:41.50muthuactually i remember setting up gentoo some years back
09:42.01muthuit ran like days
09:42.07muthuthen i pulled the plug
09:42.07umdk1d3muthu: yep thats gentoo  ;)
09:42.27Mieki have a printed and bound copy of the handbook :>
09:43.32romainguy_umdk1d3: that's a sweet machine, I have Photoshop and Lightroom always open ^^
09:49.25umdk1d3ouch this parsing is slow  :/  all 800 albums
09:49.42romainguy_what are you parsing?
09:49.55umdk1d3all the albums in the itunes library
09:49.59umdk1d3in 50-album chunks
09:50.08romainguy_you're parsing the library's XML?
09:50.13umdk1d3no way lol
09:50.18umdk1d3their custom binary format
09:50.23umdk1d3that comes over http
09:50.31romainguy_oh good :)
09:50.37umdk1d3ive got a nice abstract parser, but its horridly slow when working with large things
09:50.47romainguy_did you profile it?
09:50.53umdk1d3creating a hashtable for the entire tree  :/
09:51.06umdk1d3no i havent yet
09:51.11romainguy_could you use a SparseArray instead?
09:52.31umdk1d3well not really in this case--its more that im decoding an entire tree of the format:
09:52.43umdk1d3and im creating a hashmap for each branch
09:52.53umdk1d3its inefficient i know, but makes for fast coding
09:53.02umdk1d3because the tree comes across in all sorts of odd formats
09:53.14umdk1d3so its good general code, but in this case im creating tons of unneeded objects
09:53.26romainguy_do you get a lot of GCs during parsing?
09:53.48umdk1d3tons  :/  about 3 during every 50-albums
09:54.00romainguy_how many objects are collected during each cycle?
09:54.01umdk1d3each one freeing about 10k objects
09:54.07romainguy_here you go
09:54.20romainguy_that probably hurts you a lot
09:54.21umdk1d3im also treating all integers as BigInts  :P
09:54.34romainguy_yeah that doesn't help :p
09:54.35umdk1d3because some of them are, well, big
09:54.47umdk1d3eh ill just have to write a faster parser
09:54.47romainguy_can't you just use a couple of longs instead?
09:55.02jastabigger than a long?  what are the values?
09:55.07romainguy_well to make it faster you can try removing as many allocation as you can
09:55.17romainguy_given that a GC pause can easily be in the 200-300ms range...
09:55.22umdk1d3yea :/
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09:55.48umdk1d3jasta: apples guids are 16-bytes
09:56.15umdk1d3or wait, 8-bytes, but they need to be unsigned
09:57.03jastaso why not just use a byte array?  BigInteger is for a very different purpose
09:57.30umdk1d3well i do need to decode it at some point, and bigint takes care of all that math
09:57.47jastaumdk1d3: why?
09:58.24umdk1d3or maybe i dont now--i think i can set the playlist using just strings  /me checks
09:58.37umdk1d3ouch nope, need that guid to play an album
09:58.49jastaumdk1d3: btw, java's longs are guaranteed to be 64 bit signed integers, so you almost certainly can fit your data in there.
09:58.58jastafor the love of god don't use Strings to represent those guids
09:59.02jastause either a long or a byte array
09:59.10jastaand certainly don't use BigInteger unless you are really doing _MATH_ on it.
09:59.37umdk1d3jasta: the key is /signed/
09:59.42jastauhm, so what?
10:00.17umdk1d3i need them as unsigned strings at some point, and i was too lazy to look at the bit twiddling needed to get what i needed out of longs
10:01.09jastasignedness is just a representation of a decimal number.  the data can be represented in other ways if you know how it is encoded (you do).
10:01.19jastait's got nothing to do with some immutable property of the data
10:01.24umdk1d3besides, there isnt any native type bigger than long that could store the value while twiddling it
10:02.04umdk1d3goes to find food
10:02.09jastawhy are you "twiddling" with a unique id?  what does twiddling mean? :)
10:02.39jastaa unique id is for storage and lookup, you need only be able to represent and supply the same data you were given originally.  for this, byte[] is probably most appropriate.
10:03.30umdk1d3okay jasta how do i get my nice unsigned string representation out of that byte[]?  they already wrote the code in bigint, so im using that
10:03.35jastaand id on't mean store the number as an encoded string, that is absurdly wasteful (with each character holding only 10 possible values when in the same storage space you could hold 256)
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10:04.13umdk1d3jasta: the point is that itunes wants me to send back the guid as an unsigned string, even when it sent it to me in raw bytes
10:04.49umdk1d3the bottleneck isnt biginteger, its that im creating all these recursive hashtables
10:05.04romainguy_yeah, stop allocating :))
10:05.06jastai know that, but you still shouldnt be this silly :)
10:06.05umdk1d3also it appears that getFlatListPosition() will throw a nice exception if the group isnt expanded
10:06.32romainguy_umdk1d3: do we have a isGroupExpanded() at least?
10:07.03umdk1d3yea its there ;)
10:07.11umdk1d3im just gonna catch the exception and ignore tho
10:07.13romainguy_I think the problem comes from how it's implemented
10:07.24umdk1d3cuz the album art will only be requested when something is expanded anyway
10:07.44romainguy_I mean, the reason why we throw an exception
10:07.47umdk1d3and it was happening where i expanded/collapsed quickly and the UserTask tried updating something that disappeared
10:07.57umdk1d3oh right
10:08.09romainguy_I don't remember exactly how ExpandableListView works but it probably doesn't have the data it needs
10:08.31umdk1d3starving, goes shopping at 4am bbl
10:08.53muthuumdk1d3: get me a beer!
10:09.32jastaaww, we can't get beer that late here
10:11.45muthucan't you buy it krogers?
10:11.48jastayeah, beer can't be served after 2, and liquor after 9 or 10pm
10:12.02muthuindia closes at 11
10:12.03jastaerr, can't be *bought*
10:12.07muthunothing after 11
10:12.13jastabeer and liquor can be served up until 2am both
10:12.32muthuright, in SF there are places open till 4
10:12.58trichere places are open 24/7 to buy beer
10:13.12muthutric: that's the place to be
10:14.33tricand some places serve beer 24/7 as well
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10:43.12jastagod, why does my project stop randomly building all the time
10:43.49jastajust lame ADT bugs i guess
10:43.59jastathis time it now is claiming therse a problem with one of my services, even though it reports no build errors
10:44.02jastathe manifest just says its bogus
10:44.05jastaand i didnt even change it
10:45.18jastaPlaylistService does not extend is the error
10:45.22jastareported in the manifest
10:46.07jastarm -rf bin apparently does something more than Project -> Clean, because now it works
10:46.49muthuyeah, periodic rm -rf bin will keep android happy
10:47.08jastaugh what the hell is this
10:47.11jastanow the apk wont start
10:47.18jastaunable to instantiate one of my activities now
10:47.51muthua compile error?
10:47.52pjvhmm, yeah, some bugs I guess
10:47.55jastaand now a Project -> Clean, and it works.
10:48.14jastaso that was Clean, rm -rf, Clean to get it building :\
10:48.14pjvhow do you guys cope with using CVS/svn/bzr for android projects?
10:48.20jastaafter not changing anything
10:48.26jastapjv: just like any other project?
10:48.44pjvmostly the is a pain in the *** because it is regenerated
10:48.53muthuexclude R
10:49.11jastayeah, you dont commit anything autogenerated
10:49.18jastathats the golden version control rule.
10:50.00pjvwill need to work on my bzr filters then
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13:38.07plusminus_hey guys
13:38.29plusminus_anyone basically interested in becoming a moderator for ?
13:38.57anno^daWell I would be intersted.
13:39.14plusminus_do you already have an account?
13:39.24anno^daFor which parts of the forum ? Yeah we talked about my app last time.
13:39.44anno^da(in german :-) )
13:39.46plusminus_android_coding ?
13:39.53plusminus_great :)
13:41.22anno^daI'm just mixing my identities. :D
13:41.23plusminus_give me a minute...
13:41.32anno^daYeah sure.
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16:27.44yogeshsdfdhows power management of android phone ?
16:31.04yogeshsdfddoes anyone knows how power management is there on android ?
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16:38.46dob1hi, i am trying the helloword example from the google android site, i follow all the instruction but, on eclipse, when i try to run the helloworld, i have this error [2008-10-04 18:37:52 - HelloAndroid] Could not find HelloAndroid.apk!
16:39.33dob1i am a beginner, and i don't know how to resolve
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17:22.28dob1there is no one here?
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19:24.02meoblast001romainguy_: my linux-hating freind was talking smack about linux cuz the linux version of chrome wasnt released the same day the windows version was
19:24.25meoblast001he said "you see... the wonderful thing about windows is you get what you want NOW"... those are almost his exact words
19:24.47benleytell him he should talk shit about google in that case
19:25.05meoblast001benley: he would ask why
19:25.22meoblast001should i bring up googlebuntu or whatever it's called?
19:25.24umdk1d3just point out how many new kernel versions you got between xp->vista  ;)
19:25.38meoblast001ah yes thats it
19:25.52benleygoobuntu sucks.
19:25.58meoblast001gOS has nothing to do with Google
19:26.11meoblast001gOS is Good Operating System which is made to look like a mac and run like Ubuntu
19:26.20umdk1d3oh true, i thought they had a lot of google apps integrated
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19:26.25meoblast001they do
19:26.42meoblast001thats why they have (had) a thing at the bottom indicateing they are not affiliated with Google
19:26.43kim0Should I be expecting a python sdk soon ? :D
19:26.54meoblast001and explain the XP->Vista thing?
19:27.16meoblast001oh... how i get krnel updates and he doesnt?
19:27.25meoblast001his kernel is infected with Spore lol
19:42.16dob1i repeat my question
19:42.33dob1hi, i am trying the helloword example from the google android site, i follow all the instruction but, on eclipse, when i try to run the helloworld, i have this error [2008-10-04 18:37:52 - HelloAndroid] Could not find HelloAndroid.apk!
19:43.05dob1i read on google that this can be cause about the file
19:43.15dob1but i don't know how to resolve
19:43.43dob1i just started with android
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19:53.13kim0if anyone has news about a python SDK, plz let me know
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19:53.24davidwkim0, you could use Hecl
19:53.52kim0that's a separate language ?!
19:54.43romainguy_kim0: there's no python SDK
19:55.00davidwkim0, yeah
19:55.06kim0but there will be ?
19:55.12romainguy_I don't know
19:55.13kim0I'm sure I read that somewhere
19:55.16romainguy_it's not on our roadmap for now
19:55.31kim0romainguy_: r u working on the android team
19:55.35romainguy_I am
19:55.48kim0oh .. that means it's not really gonna happen :(
19:55.54romainguy_I didn't say that
19:56.02romainguy_I said it's not on our planning for now
19:56.09romainguy_there are tons of more important things to do first
19:56.18kim0pff :D
19:56.28kim0is that roadmap public ?
19:56.39romainguy_one of the biggest issues with supporting Python for instance is that all the applications API are in Java
19:56.52romainguy_it's certainly possible to interop but it's not trivial
19:56.56romainguy_and probably not efficient :)
19:56.59kim0jython ?
19:57.06unix_infidelyou'd likely just have to use a bridge.
19:57.15romainguy_hence the not efficient part
19:57.40kim0I'm just not a java dev .. and wanted to create some smallish apps
19:57.45kim0python suits me fine
19:57.47romainguy_just learn Java
19:57.52romainguy_programming languages are just tools
19:57.57unix_infidelagreed, especially when every mhz counts.
19:57.58romainguy_there's no reason no to learn them :)
19:57.59wastreli'm learning java
19:58.01kim0Java is a bit huge :D
19:58.04davidwno they aren't... they're toolsheds
19:58.13romainguy_kim0: the language is very simple
19:58.27davidwromainguy_, you're looking at it from the point of view of someone who spends all his days hacking:-)
19:58.36davidwfor many people, they just want to learn one and use it to do a few things
19:58.51unix_infideldavidw: which is why python is so attractive to that user group.
19:58.53davidwfrankly, even most of us who spend our days hacking don't use more than 2 or 3 at a time
19:59.00romainguy_davidw: that's why you created yet another language? :))
19:59.04romainguy_davidw: I agree
19:59.15kim0why can't python be compiled to dalvick bytecode
19:59.20davidwromainguy_, most existing languages wouldn't work where Hecl does
19:59.21kim0and run natively
19:59.29davidwkim0, now you have a weekend project;-)
19:59.30romainguy_but if I need/want to write apps for a new environment, I just learn whatever tool I have to learn
19:59.37kim0hehe maybe
19:59.41romainguy_kim0: that doesn't solve the problem of accessing the APIs
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20:01.10kim0any efforts to get android running on x86 ?
20:01.51davidwnot without source code?
20:02.25kim0wonder why google isn't releasing the rest
20:02.39romainguy_the source code will be released when the phones are available
20:03.21kim0btw ... I don't find the hardware of the G1 particularly sexy .. but I wanna get an android phone soon .. any other expected models soon ?
20:03.36romainguy_kim0: G1 is the only phone that has been announced at the moment
20:03.44kim0that much I know :)
20:04.31kim0I'd just hate it to buy one .. and a month later an iphonish model comes out
20:04.44davidwthe last guy who he told anything interesting to got disappeared by men jumping out of the G-copter
20:05.06kim0that's funny
20:05.13unix_infideli'm beginning to think that in order to maximize ROI that they wont release a new phone either late Q2 2009 or VERY soon after the G1 launch
20:05.19romainguy_kim0: honestly, G1 might not be the best looking phone out there, but it's definitely really nice to use every day
20:05.21kim0abducted by Galiens
20:05.36romainguy_I don't care anymore about its looks, it's just really cool to use ;)
20:05.44davidwwould love to know what the internal politics are like regarding gphones vs iphones
20:05.58romainguy_that's easy, gphones don't exist :)
20:06.37kim0romainguy_: once G1 is out, and all the code is out, can I expect to run androidy on x86 easily ?
20:06.37unix_infidelkim0: the only current model out on the market that comes close to the Iphone is the HTC Touch HD.
20:06.38davidwlet gphones == phones that run android
20:07.05romainguy_kim0: not easily :)
20:07.09kim0unix_infidel: yeah .. why can't I flash that
20:07.41kim0unix_infidel: it's probably very similar hardware to the G1 not ?
20:10.14unix_infidelwell the HD, has the same CPU, but it's a quadband device, and it has a larger capacitive screen, 2 cameras, etc.
20:10.48unix_infidelIf I was a gambling man...
20:11.14kim0if I were* ;)
20:12.57unix_infidelI think the logic being lets get a community of developers behind a pragmatic device, and then we can push out with a more broad base consumer oriented device.
20:14.36kim0that's not how marketting really works
20:15.49unix_infidelwell you could do it the iPhone 3G way.  But Google / %DeviceManuf% aren't Apple.
20:17.02davidwkim0, anyway, if you want to play around with a simply language, Hecl runs on Android, although it is still fairly alphaish there
20:18.52davidwi.e. you'd need to be patient, ask questions on the mailing list, and work with me to fix any bugs that pop up:-)
20:19.35davidwromainguy_, I think one option that you guys ought to consider is to find a way to make the javascript interpreter on the phone do double duty
20:19.48davidwpeople would probably be happy enough with that
20:21.12tomgibaradavidw: I definitely agree with that
20:21.36tomgibarahaving a simple way to call through to the javascript engine would be an excellent way to add scripting to applications
20:22.02tomgibaraand the engine in Webkit is already a separate module AFAIK
20:22.33benleyI'm not sure it's a safe assumption that the android javascript interpreter is the same as the one in safari
20:23.33tomgibarabenley: I'm not assuming that, what I'm saying is that at at an architectural level, the interpreter is a separate 'pluggable' entity within webkit
20:24.05tomgibaraas such one could expect it to be separately invokable
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20:35.19romainguy_javascript can already call to Java
20:35.26romainguy_there's a video about it on youtube
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20:39.22tomgibararomainguy_: What I would like is Java calling javascript without the cost of a WebView tagging along
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22:26.43fhobiaso in eclipse, you can't press F3 on android classes like TextView to see the source code? you just get class file for android classes ?
22:28.49umdk1d3fhobia: right, because the android framework source hasnt been released yet
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22:29.48fhobiaah, i see, umdk1d3
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23:04.04jastafreaking power went out :)
23:05.01pjvin your city?
23:05.02umdk1d3no ups?
23:05.14umdk1d3pats apc backup
23:05.50umdk1d3hmm so i have this footerView on a listview, and im trying to figure out a good way to make it not selectable
23:05.58umdk1d3ohwait lol
23:06.12umdk1d3there is  public void addFooterView(View v, Object data, boolean isSelectable)
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