IRC log for #android on 20081003

00:10.11*** join/#android yakischloba (
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01:06.43*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
01:09.04umdk1d3yay /me snags wifi in seatac
01:10.05wastrelwhat's seatac?
01:10.14jastaumdk1d3: you're in seattle?
01:10.33umdk1d3jasta: yea for like an hour or so
01:10.49jastaoh, crazy.  were you here or just connecting?
01:11.14unix_infidelumdk1d3: on your way back from mountain view?
01:11.17jastai live in Seattle, if you didnt know :)
01:11.51jastawhat flight connects at Seatac i wonder?
01:12.50*** join/#android romainguy__ (n=gfx@
01:14.52umdk1d3so yea the at+t guy gave me all sorts of grief when i added unlim data to my nokia 6xxx series crapphone
01:15.36bricodejasta: SJC->SEA
01:16.39*** join/#android romainguy___ (n=gfx@
01:19.35ttuttlehey, does anyone have a closed-captioned feed of the debate?
01:19.41ttuttleer, wrong channel
01:21.14wastrelare you deaf?
01:21.21*** join/#android romainguy____ (n=gfx@
01:21.32ttuttleI'm in a quiet computer lab.
01:21.53ttuttleMost of the students want to watch it, but the other TAs complained.
01:22.14wastreldon't you people have tv lounges?
01:22.33ttuttleYes, but most of the students want to watch the debate as they code on the lab machines.
01:27.36swetlandI have nonfunctional audio on this box
01:27.41swetlandso a cc feed would be nifty
01:27.47*** part/#android Kruton_Nebulon (
01:29.06wastrelthose would have to be some pro typists to be transcribing on the fly
01:30.21wastrelmaybe get like 10 people typing and choose the consensus output as they type
01:37.06*** join/#android Adamant (
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01:50.24*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
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02:12.31mineralegod, answer the frickin question, Palin
02:12.40mineralestop shouting out to middle schools
02:13.14*** join/#android cbeust (n=cbeust@
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02:21.54muthuidly yummm
02:29.21benleyfinds the vp debates difficult to listen to
02:29.43wastrelall debates
02:29.55benleythis one is particularly obnoxious
02:30.04wastrellie, lie, pander, pander, america, lie, pander, america
02:30.07benley(I tivod it and am an hour delayed)
02:30.16muthuhow's palin doing?
02:30.35benleyshe sounds like a character from Fargo
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02:52.58Adamantwastrel: they're all pretty much that way.
02:53.46benleyomgwtf.  palin says "Nukular"
02:53.56wastrelso does bush
02:54.01wastreli think all republicans do
02:54.15AdamantMcCain doesn't
02:54.34AdamantChange and Hope and Especially Change
02:54.44Adamantdid I mention change?
02:55.37Adamantanyway. it is too much to ask for a US presidential candidate in favor of a balanced budget?
02:55.39ttuttlewill Change Everything (TM). TTUTTLE FOR PRESIDENT!
02:56.04ttuttle(Also I will outlaw Windows Mobile.)
02:56.07wastrelclinton balanced the budget
02:56.11Adamantor that will start paying down the insane debt we've been racking up?
02:56.55Adamantwastrel: both Obama's and McCain's proposed budgets will increase the debt
02:57.16AdamantObama's by 3.5 trillion, McCain's by ~1 trillion
02:57.32wastreli saw different numbers
02:57.59Adamantdo these numbers say that either will balance the budget?
02:59.30Adamantit's like choosing between getting a sucking chest wound and having 4 of your fingers hanging on by the skin, financially.
02:59.40Adamantcan't we choose neither>
03:01.11f00f-21:59 @f00f palin wasn't sure how to pronounce nuclear
03:01.11f00f-22:00 @f00f i thought i heard her say nuclear once, but mostly nucular
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03:35.18muthuis there a toggle preference?
03:35.35muthuno toggle
03:36.10f00f-conceptually that is a checkbox
03:36.20muthuyeah, but toggle looks good
03:36.38f00f-there is an on/off
03:36.40f00f-with a green light
03:36.51f00f-dare i pull out the code
03:37.01muthuright the same thing
03:37.09muthucan it be used with preferences?
03:37.32muthuthx bud
03:37.37f00f-you bet
03:37.37muthulet me copy, paste
03:38.01muthuwhere you get that?
03:38.11f00f-i stole it from ApiDemos
03:38.16muthui'm checking..
03:38.18muthunot found
03:38.29f00f-i hacked into and stole it?
03:38.32f00f-i don't remember really
03:38.56f00f-but it doesn't look all that better iirc
03:39.08f00f-you let me know how it is versus a checkbox
03:39.19muthuits not in apidemos
03:39.23muthuyou hacked it
03:39.59muthuthere's not YesNoPreference class
03:40.50muthuthey removed in 1.0
03:41.12muthuit must be a style attribute for checkbox
03:41.30f00f-yes, that would make more sense
03:41.41muthunot sure which attribute
03:45.25muthuanyone know on/off toggle style for checkbox?
03:45.50muthuf00f-: are you launching 22?
03:46.01f00f-muthu: not at this time
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03:46.13muthupednav should be cool
03:46.28f00f-it will be, but i need to get a phone to try it on
03:46.33f00f-not going to release something without real-world testing
03:46.35f00f-no way
03:46.58muthublame it on google ;)
03:47.04f00f-already did ;)
03:47.22muthui'll release it with a disclaimer
03:47.34f00f-we're shooting for a november launch
03:47.49muthuany feedback call:
03:48.16muthuor ask the user to send his device for testing.. lol
03:48.50muthuha.. should be buttonstyletoogle
03:48.53muthufor checkbox
03:49.58muthui gave up on o/s
03:50.08muthuand decided to write some code instead
03:50.26muthufedora and ubuntu.. both screwed me l-r, t-b
03:56.06muthuok, there's a summaryoff/on
04:00.23f00f-umm okay
04:00.47muthustill not sure, where got yesnopreference
04:01.15f00f-check 0.9 or private builds if you still
04:01.25f00f-i'm pretty sure i copied it from a sample
04:01.27muthuok, might be 0.9
04:01.45f00f-yeah there was a Preferences sample
04:01.47f00f-in ApiDemos
04:01.56muthuright, i'm looking at 1.0
04:02.00muthuand yesno is gone
04:02.08f00f-was it stated in the ChangeLog ?
04:02.14muthulet me look
04:02.55muthuno, they don't write anything about samples
04:03.06muthusummary on/off is cool
04:03.10muthuit does the toggle trick
04:08.48*** join/#android muthu_ (n=chatzill@
04:21.51muthu_i'm beginning to like the content provider concept
04:40.17*** join/#android gabino (
04:59.11f00f-i still haven't hooked on to it
05:05.45*** join/#android muthu (n=sara@
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05:22.00muthuhow to check if network is on?
05:23.10muthufrom a running emulator can we turn on/off network
05:35.48muthuirc testing.. check.. 1 2 3
05:36.44mickrobkcheck out connectivityManager
05:36.57mickrobkidk if theres any good way to test in the emulator tho
05:36.58muthuwhat's the service?
05:37.24muthuwhat's up rob?
05:37.34muthuready for Androgeddon?
05:37.50mickrobklotta work tho
05:37.57muthugetting ready
05:38.06muthunow that 22 is fixed
05:38.10muthualteast got some motiv
05:38.16mickrobkive had to take the week off of android to make sure i dont fail out of school...
05:38.23mickrobkbut no i can work on android again
05:38.32mickrobk:) yea it's good to have a date
05:38.32muthubreak helps
05:38.47muthudate break reely helps
05:39.12mickrobkthink ur gonna lauch with the phone?
05:39.30muthuif the market is open
05:39.36muthuwe open to upload
05:39.49mickrobkhopefully they announce more soon
05:40.02muthuhope hope hope
05:40.21mickrobkive got to figure out if i want to be on other app stores as well
05:40.22muthuhope goog ships gphone to everyone
05:40.33muthumarket will rule
05:40.36mickrobkthat would be nice :)
05:40.36muthuand may be one other
05:40.40muthulike handango
05:40.56muthusince market is free, that's where the crowd would be
05:41.13mickrobki wonder if many will move to handango just b/c of the free thing
05:41.26mickrobkit would make it hard to exist on both for the first bit anyway
05:41.27muthuyup, paid apps will
05:41.41muthuno you can put a premium on handgo
05:41.44muthufree on market
05:41.51mickrobki suppose the real question is if the customers will migrate
05:42.01muthuthis is great for users
05:42.05muthuthey can try free on market
05:42.06mickrobklite version on AM and full on handango
05:42.11muthuthen buy on handango
05:42.31muthuif users happy, they buy
05:42.34mickrobkthat wouldn't be to bad
05:42.39muthuput ad driven on market
05:42.44mickrobku know what handango is changing?
05:42.50mickrobkive got to email that guy back
05:43.10f00f-not worth it
05:43.16muthu70/30 over a mil
05:43.24muthu60/30 over 500k
05:43.30muthu50/50 for anything less
05:44.05muthuso pretty much 50-50
05:44.22muthuregistered, but yet to look at TOS
05:44.35mickrobk500k per annum?
05:44.54muthusorry, revenue
05:44.57muthuyou're right
05:45.19muthuregister, its free
05:45.26muthujust check it out
05:45.43muthuwe have atleast 5 different markets now
05:46.02mickrobkis slideME launching with the phone?
05:46.13mickrobkwho other than them and handango
05:46.15muthuthey're open 22
05:46.23mickrobk(and the official)
05:46.29muthumarket, handagno, slideme
05:46.37muthuthen found a few others in forum
05:46.49muthugibara has some sorta updater
05:46.53muthunot sure if that's market
05:47.23mickrobkon his site?
05:48.49illuminumwhat's the primary android developer's forum, anddev?
05:49.18mickrobkbeat u
05:50.06illuminumgoogle groups is more like a mailing list
05:50.13illuminumi.e. spam-your-inbox model rather than a discussion forum
05:50.48muthuanddev is also popular
05:51.24muthufriendfeed will be perfect
05:51.27snadgeobama has an iphone app
05:51.38snadgesomeone needs to contact whomever made that and port it to android ;)
05:51.39mickrobkits a good idea to just put update reminder as a notification, i was planning on spamming the user with a dialog box everytime they opened it
05:52.06muthunotification is the best
05:54.25illuminumofftopic: work is giving me a free macbook pro and i feel like a dirty whore for accepting
05:54.43muthuyeah you are :)
05:55.04muthureject it and cleanse yourself ;)
05:55.09illuminumi want to see apple burn to the ground but having a platform that'll run software-hoarders apps might have its advantages since they're not going away overnight
05:55.20illuminummy linux laptop is really slow and old :(
05:55.28muthulinux sucks
05:55.33muthuthe last 10 days was hell
05:55.38illuminumwhat do you expect me to run? the hurd?
05:58.18illuminumofftopic again: how can I get into google without a formal cs bachelor's. I've got a bachelor's in accountancy and a masters in accountancy/it management coming up in a semester or so, and I do development and info-sys design/management with NCSA
05:59.13muthuare you friends with sergey?
05:59.38muthuhmm.. then prolly need to send your resume
06:05.00illuminumaye I suppose so, I was just intimidated by the pre-req cs requirement--probabl difficult to get a resume seen when the ERP is hard-coded around things like that
06:05.26illuminumbut whatever, maybe I'll just stick with NCSA and get another degree in CS while i'm here
06:05.35muthuyou can try
06:05.37muthunever know
06:07.26Adamantilluminum: have a EE, CE, or Math bachelors
06:08.22AdamantI'm pretty sure Google will take those in lieu for a CS degree. Also Physics. you just have to have evidence you can code.
06:14.13muthunice team
06:14.27muthu3 girls, 2 boys
06:15.18muthusimple idea, great execution
06:15.41muthujasta: check it out
06:26.45f00f-were any of them at I/o ?
06:27.47f00f-2nd page muthu
06:27.49f00f-of that interview
06:27.53f00f-look at the ON/OFF boxes
06:28.03f00f-that's waht the Yes/No prefernce was like
06:36.06*** join/#android muthu_ (n=chatzill@
06:37.08kazehas returned.. back again ..[gone/21h 53m 25s]
06:41.59*** join/#android davidw (n=davidw@
06:52.43kazeis gone.. autoaway after 15 min ..[cyp(l/on.p/on)]
06:55.25*** join/#android Hai-Fai (
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07:25.21muthu_who's the android architect?
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07:53.06muthu_who let the droid out?
07:54.39gdsx"routers everywhere"?
07:56.30*** join/#android happy (
07:57.08gdsxAdamant, illuminum: fwiw, I studied Math and Linguistics
07:57.32Adamantgdsx: you work at Google?
07:57.40AdamantLinguistics is another good one
07:57.41gdsxyup; I'm on the Android team
07:58.22AdamantI wonder how they feel about Philosophers who work in the Logic arena.
07:59.14muthu_android = the best mobile development platform
07:59.27muthu_gdsx: who's the architect?
07:59.35Adamantmuthu_: for the developer, you can't dispute that, at all.
07:59.41muthu_oh yeah
07:59.49muthu_un beee leeevable
07:59.55Adamantwell, maybe if you like OpenMoko
08:00.08muthu_android is as easy as java
08:00.30muthu_android is the php of mobile
08:00.58Adamantmuthu_: heh, don't say that
08:01.13muthu_that gets the point across ;)
08:01.18Adamantphp has some good points and a lot of very bad ones
08:01.54muthu_android is the vb of mobile
08:01.56gdsxmuthu_: that's like asking who the architect of GNU/Linux is.  It's a team effort, and different people designed different pieces
08:02.15muthu_gdsx: the building blocks are great
08:02.28Adamantmuthu_: well I associate PHP with "omg if I run this my database server will be dumped to the RBN"
08:02.29muthu_a few of them.. but just enough
08:03.09muthu_there's activity, service, contentprovider
08:03.11muthu_that's it
08:05.57muthu_is there an inline edit box preference?
08:12.30*** join/#android muthu (n=sara@
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12:00.44*** join/#android kslater (
12:03.18*** join/#android Dougie187 (
12:09.34Dougie187so.. whats this new market stuff?
12:17.40*** join/#android chumphries_ (n=chumphri@pdpc/supporter/monthlybronze/chumphries)
12:23.18montesluThe last few sentences were difficult to parse.
12:26.32muthu_what? you offer free apps and tmobile charges you
12:26.59muthu_don't think the free apps can survive
12:28.46*** join/#android pardom (n=pardom@
12:31.25montesluI can't see that sticking
12:41.19Dougie187muthu_: i don't think you understood it..
12:41.24Dougie187its not tmobile charges for free apps.
12:41.36Dougie187its tmobile charges for free apps that use more then 15MB of data per month
12:41.47muthu_let me read again..
12:42.03Dougie187and i think the bandwidth they are trying to limit is in app bandwidth
12:42.03montesluhow do they distinguish its an app instead of the browser using bandwith?
12:42.10muthu_Meanwhile, T-Mobile at least will be levying a $2/month fee on developers of free apps expected to use more than the (somewhat arbitrary) amount of 15MB of data per user per month, though how they'll be keeping track of that data outside of their own content stack is unclear -- our guess is that they can'
12:42.11Dougie187so like turn by turn directions.
12:42.11montesluand why do they care?
12:42.24Dougie187monteslu: thats what they said they don't think they can do that.
12:42.32muthu_per user per month
12:42.35montesluvery confusing article
12:42.48monteslu"fee on developers"
12:42.52Dougie187monteslu: probably because they get some commission from apps.
12:43.12Dougie187i still think its a cap for in app use.
12:43.24Dougie187not from people downloading free apps from the store.
12:43.26Dougie187but ionno
12:43.30Dougie187it is a very confusing article
12:43.33muthu_this is basically saying, dont give apps for free
12:43.54monteslumaybe they mean 15mb worth of their bandwith in distributing the free apps
12:44.00tomgibaraThat article is totally without sources - I'll wait until there's some actual news to read.
12:44.21montesluI'm liking engadet less and less every article I see
12:44.22Dougie187one of the comments below it says that they only charge for apps bought from tmobiles app store.
12:44.26Dougie187not android, but ionno
12:44.50Dougie187"Whether T-Mobile's bandwidth charge is enforceable or not is irrelevant for Android developers. The charge applies only to applications sold via T-Mobile's Applications Store and that store doesn't contain any Android applications - they are specifically excluded! For Android applications, go to other places, such as Google's Android Market. Therefore, no Android developers should be subject to T-Mobile's $2 bandwidth charge - at least for now. E
12:45.55muthu_oh ok
12:46.02muthu_tmobile store will feature only paid apps
12:46.15montesluI didnt realise there were two stores
12:46.34montesluI'll make a guess at which one will actually have usage
12:50.51muthu_android market and one more
12:50.55muthu_not sure about the second one
12:52.28muthu_tomgibara: moseycode on 22?
12:53.55tomgibaramuthu_: Moseycode late december (earliest)
12:55.15muthu_the non availability of device is pushing the release dates for a lot of apps
12:55.36gamblerall us chumps who are going to be peddling or giving away apps should create our own app store
12:57.18tomgibaramuthu_: that's true, but how much does that matter?
12:57.28tomgibaraIt might matter more to the OHA, than us.
12:57.29muthu_it matters in the media
12:57.50muthu_the look at all kinda numbers
12:58.36tomgibaraI think the Google/OHA can spin a perfectly reasonable story that you can't judge the success of the platform by the number of apps that are available in the first month
12:59.50muthu_the constant comparison with iphone
12:59.59*** join/#android plusminus__ (i=81020c44@gateway/web/ajax/
13:00.38tomgibaramuthu_: People are shortsighted about that... as soon as there are 3/4 phones with android, people won't obsess about that.
13:00.55*** join/#android yakischloba (n=jake@
13:01.02davidwlooking forward to lots of phones being out there
13:01.22muthu_me too
13:01.59muthu_davidw: how's your app coming along?
13:02.02pardomany suggestions on how to search for a contact by number programatically?
13:02.27davidwI just updated Hecl to 1.0 yesterday
13:02.31davidwhaven't done a lot otherwise
13:03.29muthu_the user ratings.. can that be scammed?
13:03.47muthu_in the market that is
13:03.49tomgibarawhy, are you planning to?
13:04.16muthu_my plan is to first release ;)
13:05.15tomgibaraGoogle have lots of experience with rating systems (amazingly trick in my experience) I hope they can produce a good system.
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13:05.53muthu_yeah, but their captchas etc., have been broken
13:06.07tomgibarawhat's that got to do with it?
13:06.39muthu_hackers will break whatever good system there is
13:07.43tomgibaraThose are different things, gaming a system is different from hacking a system
13:08.01muthu_would be interesting
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13:10.00gamblertomgibara, I just read your moseycode webpage.
13:10.27gamblerI think you are describing DNS for objects
13:12.58tomgibaragambler: It's certainly true that the barcode isn't the meat - it's the candy :)
13:13.23tomgibaraYes, the repository of chambers that define the content of the barcodes is key
13:13.48yakischlobai personally found it too abstract to grasp when i glanced at it a few months ago ;)
13:13.49gamblerwell i hope you take it further. I think alot of app developers would appreciate a well managed alternative to DNS
13:14.01tomgibaraIt provides much stronger semantics than barcode typically do (limited to URLs, contact details etc.)
13:14.13gamblerthat fetches a little more than just ip-addresses and MX records
13:14.30tomgibaraThe good news is that companies are already looking to adopt it
13:15.13gamblerthats good. Is it a global namespace?
13:15.20tomgibaraIt is abstract, but it needs to be, it's basically an infrastructure project
13:16.29tomgibaragambler: It's based on the idea that a developer/individual registers a chamber id, then within that chamber, they can allocate (trillions) of their own ids.
13:19.08tomgibaraI have a few android apps to release before moseycode though (much smaller thankfully)
13:19.39gambleri think you could make it attractive to developers if you also added in support for RFID lookups within the same chamberspace
13:21.09tomgibaragambler: Yes, there are many potential mappings that I can layer in, unfortunately, they'll have to wait a little while - since my focus will be returning to the android client-side
13:23.39gamblerive had similiar but more wild ideas...I think youve picked a good niche though.
13:26.49muthu_is there an email example anywhere?
13:27.36gamblermuthu_, what are you looking for
13:29.41muthu_email from android
13:31.15gamblermuthu_, google javamail...there is at least one really good GPL+w/classpath exception implementation
13:31.34muthu_there must be an android api
13:33.38tomgibaramuthu_: android.intent.action.SEND
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13:35.29muthu_tomgibara: thx
13:35.35muthu_checking out SEND
13:40.13muthu_ACTION_ATTACH_DATA looks interesting
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13:42.20muthu_don't think its for email attachemnts
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13:46.26gamblerdoes anyone by any chance know what BT chipset the G1 is using?
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13:57.22gamblerObama has released an iphone app.
13:57.41gamblerI guess apple thought it would be a little too Jim Crow for them to censor that...
13:58.58gamblerin related news Sarah Palin has released a beauty accessory kit
14:12.51montesluobama made a comment that sarah's app used too much memory, calling it somewhat of a pig
14:13.00montesluof course the right wing took it wrong
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15:04.34mohbanahi, is t-mobile that will ship android in the uk?
15:05.25ttuttleYou mean the G1?
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15:07.14mohbanattuttle: is that the htc phone?  will anything else be available?
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15:11.55summatusmentishi SanMehat
15:12.35summatusmentiscongratulations, btw
15:12.54ttuttleSanMehat: morning
15:13.07ttuttlemohbana: the G1 is the only Android phone that has been announced to date.
15:13.24ttuttlemohbana: There will hopefully be more.
15:13.27mohbanattuttle: ok then ... so g1
15:13.41mohbanaonly t-mobile will ship that right?
15:13.49ttuttlemohbana: I don't know.
15:14.14summatusmentismohbana: for the time being t-mobile/g1 are the only android phone/provider
15:14.38summatusmentismotorola just hired a bunch of devs, so they'll probably be releasing an android phone at some point
15:15.00summatusmentisrumor has it there will be an android phone on sprint in 2009
15:15.08summatusmentisor possibly before the end of 2008
15:15.23mohbanai;'m asking about the carrier in the UK
15:15.36mohbanait's not going to be capped like apple did with the iphone is it?
15:15.52summatusmentisoh, UK... that I don't know
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15:27.36Disconnectthats a question for your carrier more than for the platform developers. like asking microsoft who is going to produce the next winmob phone - even if they know they can't say, and chances are they dont even know
15:30.01Disconnectso anyone know if you can have different google accounts for mail/contacts and calendar on the g1?
15:30.57summatusmentisDisconnect: I'm pretty sure it has to all be one account
15:34.06Disconnectdamn. i've got some integration to do then :(
15:34.41summatusmentisI think you can reset the device to get to a different google account, but...
15:35.00ttuttlesummatusmentis: There's no easy "switch accounts" option.  It really is intended for a single account.
15:35.16Disconnectthats gonna be inconvenient when switching between my calendar (and the spam-filled disaster of the account there) and my personal email..
15:35.18muthu_this single google account requirement will be a big pain
15:35.29ttuttleDisconnect: move your calendar?
15:35.43ttuttleYou can use other email accounts with Email (not Gmail).
15:35.54anno^dais waiting for a totally different google independent PIM for Android :D
15:36.16zhobbscan't you get your gmail via imap?
15:36.23ttuttleanno^da: I'm actually interested in what happens.  I hope someone makes an Exchange client, as then corporate users will be potential Android users.
15:36.26Disconnectttuttle: moving the calendar is great except for the invites, sharing permissions, etc etc that are all set in the formerly-main account (basically everything except email)
15:36.44ttuttlezhobbs: Yeah, but then you're not using the Gmail interface.
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15:36.57ttuttleromainguy__: greetings
15:40.44Disconnecthmm. is google login supposed to be busted on the emulator? allows for username input but i can't select hte password field
15:40.57zhobbsI'd really like to know what app_thumbnails is in my app's data folder (/data/data/<package>/app_thumbnails)'s getting huge, and I'm not the one writing to it
15:41.52ttuttleDisconnect: Where's the login field?
15:42.08Disconnectdev tools -> google login service
15:42.30Disconnectclear, require google, it prompts
15:42.44ttuttleworks for me
15:42.46ttuttlepress the down arrow
15:42.57ttuttlei was just about to type my password into irc
15:43.00Disconnectahhh. i tried tab, i tried clicking, etc.
15:43.05Disconnectthat'd be pretty funny
15:43.19ttuttleYeah, on the G1, I'd use the trackball.
15:43.45Disconnecttapping should prolly work too, at least if thats a prompt that is shipping on the device somewhere :)
15:43.56ttuttleDisconnect: I'm pretty sure it works.
15:44.00ttuttleDisconnect: (on the device)
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16:22.41herriojrso, as it turns out, they have no current plan on supporting plain xml for creating an AttributeSet
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16:34.28muthu_herriojr: how do you specify attributeset now?
16:35.19herriojrwhat do you mean by that?
16:35.41herriojrI filed a bug and that's what they told me...I was trying to create a view from plain xml
16:36.00muthu_right, was wondering if you are work around with code
16:36.38herriojrEssentially, I did the following:
16:36.50herriojroh, yeah, I'm going to do a work-a-round
16:36.55herriojrit's possible to do it
16:37.09herriojrI just have to build the view via java code instead of precompiled xml
16:37.45zhobbsherriojr: it's an interesting idea...are these views going to be interactive in any way?  how will that be handled?
16:38.39herriojryeah, I was going to try and figure that out...I was going to maybe make a service that I could handle it, but I can't have multiple programs with the same service
16:39.21zhobbsyou can have multiple activities connected to the same service
16:39.38herriojrno, I want a single activity connected to multiple of the same service
16:39.46herriojrwhich I can't do :)
16:40.08herriojrbasically, I am trying to make it so my program allows addins
16:40.50herriojrwithout having to support a scripting language
16:40.58muthu_doesn't bind let you do multiple?
16:41.27herriojrso, lets say I have multiple of the same aidl files in different apk's
16:41.38herriojrand I have one program that wants to access them all
16:41.53herriojrso they all have a common interface in which to interact
16:42.11herriojrthat's what I'm trying to figure out next
16:43.28herriojrI might just have to have a subset of actions that may be performed to start with
16:43.39herriojrand just call the activity directly
16:43.55herriojrso on a button click, go to so-and-so activity
16:44.01herriojrin another apk
16:45.38muthu_you mean through an intent?
16:46.04herriojryeah, I don't know android all that well, I'm just trying to see if I can do what I want before I start :)
16:46.51herriojrso I just create really simple test applications to start
16:47.11muthu_i don't think you can interoperate with apks
16:47.38herriojryou can't start another application from your own?
16:48.27muthu_you can only raise an intent to do something
16:48.28herriojrI think you can, because their permission architecture seems to allow it
16:48.35herriojryeah, that's fine
16:48.49herriojrI can create my own intents, correct?
16:49.47herriojryeah, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem
16:50.47muthu_but you can't be sharing aidl
16:51.14herriojrwhat do you mean by that?
16:51.28herriojryou mean multiple with the same aidl implemented?
16:52.39herriojrI was expecting I couldn't do that
16:52.50muthu_are you saying you'll have multiple services running in different apks?
16:53.14herriojrI was thinking about doing it that way, but I found out that they don't seem to have any support for that
16:53.24muthu_why would you do that?
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16:54.38herriojrso, from my main program, I obtain an xml description of the view which may have different actions that may be performed on that view
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16:54.51herriojrso I would have those other apk handle that
16:55.00herriojrand the view comes from one of the other apk's
16:55.15herriojrI'd have to have a common interface for all the apk "addins" in order to do this
16:55.18herriojrbut it isn't possible
16:55.31herriojrso each addin would have implemented the same service
16:56.29herriojrbasically, I'm trying to allow an apk to run in my main apk
16:57.01herriojrwhich as far as I know, android doesn't support, so I have to hack a way around it
16:57.21herriojrso it might not be the most ideal solution, but I'll use whatever works at this point
16:57.44muthu_why do you want to run an apk inside an apk?
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16:58.25herriojrso, lets say I have a very basic mail program that just sends and receives emails and allows you to read and write them
16:58.39herriojrnow lets say I want to allow anyone to write a filter that my program will use
16:58.51herriojrand I want the mail program to allow multiple filters
16:59.31herriojror any other type of feature you may want someone else to be able to implement
16:59.37herriojrwithout having access to your code
16:59.45zhobbsherriojr: yeah, I'd like to come up with a good system to allow people to write plugins...
16:59.58herriojrthat's what I'm trying to create at the moment
17:00.04herriojrit might be hackish, but if it works, it works
17:00.14herriojrI guess plugin would be a better term for it :)
17:01.03herriojrEven BREW allows you to do this in some respects :)
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17:02.25herriojrI can easily create a program to allow plugins in's not hard at all
17:03.32ttuttleherriojr: Blasphemy!
17:04.11wastrelwhat's BREW?
17:04.30herriojrit's what verizon uses on its phones for programming
17:04.45herriojrcingular uses j2me
17:04.50herriojrBREW is an API written in C
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17:05.59wastrelso you want to be able to have a richer interface between the plugin and your program than you would have if the plugin were just another activity?
17:06.49muthu_service already lets you bing by interfaces
17:07.04herriojrI want my plugin to be able to be inserted into another activity
17:07.16herriojrso if I want to display a list of activities, I could
17:07.30herriojr*list of plugins
17:08.04muthu_you write an activity
17:08.12muthu_and make it available through intents
17:08.23herriojrso an activity can be placed inside another activity?
17:08.28herriojrfrom another apk?
17:09.00wastrellike you can call the maps app from within your activity and get a location back
17:09.00herriojrI thought activities take up the whole screen
17:09.03wastreli think there's a tutorial
17:09.20wastrelno you can have non-fullscreen activities. there's also a multiple activity activity i forget the name.
17:09.25wastrelsubclass of activity
17:09.32ttuttlewastrel: Tabs?
17:09.45herriojrI thought the maps stuff is a API
17:09.57zhobbsActivityGroup lets you embed them
17:10.06zhobbsthough not sure if you can embed them from another package
17:10.32herriojryeah, if I can't embed them from another package, it can't really be considered a plugin, I'd have to bake them into my app
17:11.49muthu_plugins are provided by intents
17:12.52zhobbsmuthu_: that just launches an activity though
17:13.04kslaterdoes anyone know if you can somehow key in a ctrl+key code into the emulator?
17:13.55herriojrmuthu: I don't want it to launch an activity in another apk, but instead display its activity inside my activity
17:14.40muthu_android doesn't support that
17:14.55zhobbsherriojr: might want to try ActivityGroup
17:15.07zhobbsit might work across packages...who knows
17:16.19herriojrok, I'll try taht
17:16.54zhobbshere's some code, just change the intent to one in another package:
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17:22.57herriojrwell, if it works, our plugin problem should disappear :)
17:23.47herriojrwell, somewhat
17:24.07muthu_android system is full of plugins
17:24.34muthu_for example: openintents is all about plugins
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17:33.31herriojrawesome, great link muthu
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17:43.18herriojrmuthu: this definately looks to be what I was looking for
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18:02.16an_devcan anybody tell me, for testing purpose can i chnage the language, like from english to spanish, in emulator?
18:02.21an_devand if yes, then how?
18:02.31zhobbsyou can't yes
18:03.25pjvtomgibara: ping
18:04.42an_devthanks a lot zhobbs
18:05.08an_devbut i saw the language folder in my sdk folder :“\android-sdk-windows-1.0_r1\tools\lib\res\default”
18:05.14an_devunder this directory
18:05.17tomgibarapjv: here
18:05.26an_devwhy is this folders are there if they don't support it
18:05.46zhobbsan_dev: I'm sure they will soon
18:05.51pjvtomgibara, I'm looking to use veecheck in my app
18:05.54romainguyan_dev: they are supported
18:06.00romainguythe system can be built with a locale for instance
18:06.11pjvthe sample app zip you made seems to miss veecheck.util
18:06.32tomgibaramiss how?
18:07.19pjvah I see now, they belong to the jar
18:07.25tomgibara(it's quite possible I missed something, when I zipped it all together - I haven't put together a publish script)
18:08.10tomgibarapjv: Yes, maybe I should make that clear - the sample app depends on the veecheck library
18:09.05tomgibaraAlso I realized that I forgot to inform potential users that they can register for boot completed events (to make sure the polling starts on a device restart)
18:09.21pjvalso, I'm somewhat confused about the roles of the VeecheckReceiver and the VeecheckService
18:09.53herriojrmuthu: actually, it may not be what I'm looking for
18:09.54pjvat least the createSettings() and createNotifier() methods aren't well-chosen (as names)
18:10.10pjvmaybe rename them createVeecheckSettings() etc?
18:10.41jastawhats Veecheck?
18:10.49tomgibarawell a method called createSettings on a VeecheckReceiver class that returns a VeecheckSettings object doesn't need another Veecheck does it :)
18:11.16pjvsee, I'm confused because SampleService doesn't contain a great deal of code
18:11.22tomgibarajasta: just this:
18:11.36pjvit just implements the createNotifier method and returns a notifier that is already another class
18:12.01jastaneat, but hopefully android provides this mechanism itself
18:12.01tomgibarapjv: It contains only the code the needs to be done on the main thread
18:12.02pjvSampleNotifier which extends BaseNotifier
18:12.12jastai hate when application developers have to fuss with distribution
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18:12.42pjvmy gut feeling here is that you could save a lot of these inheritances
18:12.55pjvbut then again I should look into it deeper ;-)
18:12.58tomgibaraback soon
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18:29.49chouman82quick question regarding the map functions in android
18:30.10chouman82is there a method in map that searches for business around a certain location?
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18:42.53tomgibarapjv: I was going to say that producing a java library like this for android strikes me as a bit tricky - creation of the components is delegated, but there's no mechanism (eg. JNDI or IOC) for customizing them at the Java object level.
18:43.45pjvI see what you mean
18:44.22pjvthe package is of very good quality actually (as well as the docs)
18:44.37pjvit's also a 'good' black box
18:44.45tomgibaratricky is a relative term here - this library was very easy to write quickly, but it is lacking in its API. I couldn't quickly see a clean way to make it customizable and clean
18:44.57pjvjust that the interfacing with it could be a little smaller
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18:45.26pjvwell, what do I want for version checking in my app?
18:45.51pjvI suppose I want to have a way to tell your lib to do a version check (an intent can do that)
18:46.10pjvI want to tell it what to check and where -> via the preferences
18:46.30pjvand thridly I might want to supply a message for the notification
18:46.36pjvbut thats it
18:46.45tomgibarapjv: and that's just what I provide for isn't it?
18:46.50pjvyour lib is capable of much more (thats also a good thing)
18:47.17pjvwell, do *I* need to provide the BroadcastReceiver for this?
18:47.53tomgibarayes, if you want periodic background checking
18:48.12tomgibaraif you don't, you don't, you can just use the service
18:48.38pjvok, I'm starting to see the why's now:
18:48.41chouman82hey u guys know if there is a map related service that i can search for business around a certain geolocation?
18:48.59pjvyou couldn't put the BroadcastReceiver in the lib because of android?
18:49.49tomgibaraThe base class for the BroadcastReceiver is in the lib, but my only option for allowing the client code to customize its settings is by allowing them to extend it
18:50.39pjvso I don't need to extend into a SampleRetriever?
18:51.38tomgibaraYes you do, because you need to supply an implementation of createSettings. I could have implemented that to return a PrefSettings by default, but I decided not to in the end
18:51.42tomgibaraIt was a close call
18:53.02pjvI'm not going to fight your call because I lack the insights for good judgement atm
18:53.05tomgibaraMy reasoning was that: I can't avoid extending the service (so the API will involve some extending anyway), the default implementation makes it less clear what is required of the extended class and since you need to register the receiver in the Manifest anyway, it seems cleaner that you are only registering your own components
18:54.28jastahmm, i just had a novel thought
18:54.33tomgibaraThis library was written at great haste - and I may regret some of the judgements, most were just based on intuition gained by practice.
18:54.39jastai'm going to prototype a few UIs before i actually functionally implement one
18:54.43jastathat will save lots of time :)
18:55.13pjvthe docs say: createSettings: Supplies the settings that govern the operation of this BroadcastReceiver within the given context.
18:55.19pjvthat's not at all clear
18:55.30tomgibaraWhat should it say?
18:55.50pjvand then the implementation is "return new PrefSettings(context);", and I don't even *have* to know about PrefSettings
18:56.31tomgibarapjv: which class's docs are you looking at?
18:56.36pjvI have no idea, I haven't figured out what it does (or allows to do) yet, I would just copy this
18:56.49chouman82anyone know what function i should use if i want to search for businesses around a certain location?
18:57.11chouman82how can i do that with map activity?
18:57.22pjvand the implementation in SampleRetriever (should that be "receiver" btw?)
18:57.46tomgibarapjv: yes ideally for consistency it should, I changed the name at one point
18:57.56jastahehe, the demo of TuneWiki shows a god awful music collection :)
18:58.10jastai hope that was just a made up set for the video.  blech.
18:58.12pjvtomgibara, I really can't tell it was written at haste, there are good prospects for it, just some rough edges since it's just released
18:58.23tomgibarapjv: I'm not clear what you expect the documentation of the createSettings method to tell you
18:59.13tomgibarapjv: :) don't worry about providing criticisms, those rough edges demonstrate how hasty it was
18:59.33pjvlet's see
18:59.58pjvPrefSettings implements VeecheckSettings (which is a package down??)
19:01.14pjvah ok
19:01.15tomgibaradoes that confuse you? (btw the package structure in Java nominally heierarchial, but technically flat)
19:01.57pjv(it does confuse)
19:02.14tomgibaraIt's a pretty standard idiom in java library design
19:02.25pjvok, I see in createSettings() I can somewhat provide my proper source of preferences
19:03.42pjvit's not packages by themselves that confuse me, but I would expect the interface and the implementation class in the same package, at least for a simple lib like this
19:04.12pjvwhat's "util" about PrefSettings, that's not "util" about VeecheckSettings?
19:04.37pjvI think they are both util
19:04.47tomgibaraAs I said it's idomatic java - the util package is providing you with helper classes that the main library doesn't require
19:04.57pjvah ok
19:05.04tomgibaraIn that sense they are strictly utilitarian
19:05.44pjvback to the createSettings()
19:06.06pjvsuppose in my app I already have a PreferencesActivity and a source/file for preferences
19:06.31pjvthen I would need to implement VeecheckSettings?
19:07.31pjvand then I would supply that to the receiver
19:07.47tomgibaraby extending it, yes.
19:08.10pjvisn't there an easier way? like..
19:08.25pjvlike just passing on the name of the preferences file?
19:08.52tomgibaraIf you want to force the library to use a preferences file, yes, you could do that.
19:09.12tomgibara(I mean a SharedPreferences)
19:09.28pjvthat would save me from 1) extending the receiver 2) implementing VeecheckSettings and somewhat 7 methods 3) probably some more stuff
19:09.55pjvany disadvantages with this?
19:10.27pjv1) impossibility to save preferences in a "manual" way
19:11.08tomgibarapjv: you could argue that it's an error to assume in the implementation of PrefSettings, a particular name (though I think I've made the right call there), but I don't agree that its a good trade off
19:11.29tomgibaraYou have forever constrained the library design for what?
19:12.02pjvif you're making a black box you're always constraining at some level
19:12.36pjvwhen developing for android it would be reasonable to expect that people save their preferences in a SharedPreference
19:12.38tomgibarapjv: Yes, in principle the least constrained library is the one that does nothing - not a helpful argument :)
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19:13.35tomgibaraThese aren't entirely user preferences - and in some apps they may not be expressed as preferences at all.
19:14.10pjvhmm, ok, fair argument
19:14.50tomgibaraOne could regard storing the CHECK_URI in the preferences as an abuse of the preferences - it's belongs in the application 'domain', not preferences.
19:15.12tomgibaraagain it's a convenient trade off, but I don't want to force it onto the client code
19:17.42pjvand I suppose this discussion can be repeated for the notifications in the service?: rather than constraining to just the message of a notification, the lib currently allows to do *any* form of notification
19:18.21tomgibarapjv: Yes, though the need to customize the notification programmatically is more pressing
19:18.55pjvtomgibara, I would just stick with this design then
19:19.09pjvbut maybe you could add some of this reasoning to the documentation?
19:19.18pjvdifficult to put in the api doc
19:19.25pjvbut maybe in the sample app comments?
19:19.50pjvbecause it's just not clear from the docs
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19:20.04pjvit's quite clear to me now because of your effort (thx btw)
19:20.44pjvdocs often fail in the "what do they expect of me?" (regular behaviour) part
19:20.59pjvat least the android docs do fail there too sometimes
19:21.03tomgibarapjv: Gauss: "no self-respecting architect leaves the scaffolding in place after completing the building"
19:22.00tomgibara(I quote ironically)
19:23.41pjvthus far my feedback ;-)
19:24.24pjvthanks for your explanations, hope it was still useful
19:24.49tomgibaranp, sure
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19:25.32pjvoh, and I'm pretty sure Gauss didn't draw or build buildings ;-)
19:26.58tomgibarapjv: He had eyes and knew the scaffolding got removed when buildings were finished :)
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19:53.28ishmal2hi all
19:53.46ishmal2hey, im looking all over the site, and cant find any post-1.0 roadmap
19:55.42zhobbsishmal2: this is the only one afaik
19:56.03herriojris it possible to return an activity from an intent?
19:56.59zhobbsherriojr: don't think so, unless you're using a LocalActivityManager
19:57.07herriojrhmm, ok
19:57.20herriojrI don't think the link mushu gave me earlier will work
19:57.38herriojrI think it's just a package with a bunch of pre-defined GUI structures, so you don't have to build them
19:58.15herriojrI don't think it allows for other application activities to be displayed in my activity group
19:58.24ishmal2wondering when in the future i can dig up my app's code that used the GtalkService, and port it to whatever replaces it in the future
20:03.15jastai'm really glad i avoided the gtalkservice ;)
20:04.12ishmal2i know i can do it with a tcpip xmpp client, but the always-on part was the charm,
20:04.24ishmal2and not impacting the user's monthly bandwidth
20:04.34jastathe "always-on" part was just that it was a service that tried to stay connected forever.
20:04.51jastawhich you could write yourself
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20:09.04ishmal2i've done a couple of xmpp clients.   also, Smack works wonders
20:09.12ishmal2but i'll wait
20:10.04Disconnectis a fan of openfire actually, but havne't worked with smack (except as part of spark, which is .. meh..)
20:10.12ishmal2they said "don't despair,"   so i won't   :-)
20:14.33ishmal2the only thing i dont like about Smack, is that the api for extending <message>s is kinda clumsy
20:19.11ishmal2well, not "don't like"  .   just it could be better
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20:39.29pjvtomgibara, I incorporated it into my app, and I think I covered everything, yet I see no notifications
20:39.49pjvany pointers on debugging this? (like: how can I check if it fetches the xml?)
20:41.40wastrelwhat does the m in front of some variable names in the Notepad tutorial mean?
20:41.42tomgibarapjv: two things
20:41.51wastrelfor example    private final Context mCtx;
20:42.52tomgibaraI forgot to cover in the documentation that the receiver can be registered for the BOOT_COMPLETED intent - that will kick off the scheduling of checks when the device boots
20:43.53gdsxwastrel: (guess) it's a class member variable
20:44.02pjvok, to narrow things down I have the follwoing in my main activity's onCreate(): sendBroadcast(new Intent(VersioncheckBroadcastReceiver.ACTION_CONSIDER_CHECK));
20:44.27pjvso a check should be made at the start of my app
20:44.49pjvand I am starting it
20:45.34pjvthe SampleNotifier was complete wasn't it?
20:46.53wastrelgdsx: ok that makes sense.  m(ember)
20:47.06wastreland the exampels i have are all declared private
20:47.16pjvok tried the different entry point, got an exception now, let's see
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20:49.00tomgibarathe other thing is that there is debug under the "veecheck" tag
20:49.18pjvthats useful
20:49.28tomgibara(I forgot to check loggability before making verbose calls - that's another rough edge)
20:52.45dd94300can i modify string.xml from my java code?
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21:00.30f00f-Disconnect: i used to get lots of crashes (VM deaths) with openfire until recently.
21:00.44pjvtomgibara, ok getting something at system startup:
21:00.48pjv10-03 23:00:01.164: DEBUG/veecheck(158): Receiver called
21:01.04pjv10-03 23:00:01.184: VERBOSE/veecheck(158): Receiver called with action: android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
21:01.10pjv10-03 23:00:01.184: DEBUG/veecheck(158): Registering checks with alarm service
21:01.15pjv10-03 23:00:03.534: VERBOSE/veecheck(158): Check period is 1000ms starting from Fri Oct 03 23:00:02 GMT+02:00 2008
21:01.42pjvbut no notifications
21:03.52pjvI should be getting a notification (in the status bar) every second now right (since the xml file I uploaded specifies the same version and an intent for it)?
21:05.30herriojrzhobbs: I got a reply back about creating plugins
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21:11.27zhobbsherriojr: looks like that's using an ActivityGroup, getLocalActivity() is a method of ActivityGroup
21:11.36zhobbsgetLocalActivityManager() I mean
21:18.09herriojryeah, which I'm excited about
21:18.47herriojrI'm glad I can actually do it without doing some hocus pocus
21:18.58herriojrnow I'll actually start building my app :)
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21:38.31mohbanaso the android isn't going to restricted to only t-mobile?
21:39.16anno^daWhy should it be restricted to T-Mobile ?
21:39.17jasonleeandroid no, the G1, maybe..
21:39.31anno^daEven the G1 is not.
21:39.39jastawell, in the US it basically is
21:39.54jastaif you want 3G anyway, and even still it could only go unlocked to AT&T (sans 3G)
21:40.11jastathe issue of locked-in control is largely hardware compatibility, in my mind.
21:40.21mohbanai'm talking about in UK
21:40.23jastait's so much easier to lock consumers in when the devices largely are not interoperable
21:41.15jastamohbana: well, who knows.  the t-mobile CTO claims unlocked phones will be available, but it was not officially announced as an option so i dont know how to interpret that
21:41.49jastadoesn't much matter for me tho, my gf's brother is a low-level executive at T-Mobile with just enough power to get me unlocked and sometimes free devices ;)
21:42.04jasonleei was pretty sure the t-mobile said the G1s were locked to t-mobile?
21:42.37gdsxwhat I've heard is that T-mobile will give you an unlock code after 90 days if you request it
21:42.41jastajasonlee: and they are, but then the CTO is quoted the day of that announcement as saying that unlocked phones will be available.
21:42.41anno^daWell the CTO mentioned that unlocked phones will be available for 399
21:42.47jastaand that consumers can unlock them themselves after so much time
21:43.14jastabut its really hard to interpret because he might have just been uninformed or something
21:43.25anno^daYeah. And for people in Europe this would be perfect beacuse it is no problem to get sim cards here without a contract and with the possibility to use 3G
21:46.23anno^daBut jasta is right we dont really know anything official.
21:46.37anno^daBut well eBay will have lots of unlocked phones. ;)
21:46.48jastawell they have to come from somewhere to be on eBay
21:47.02jastaso that will depend on who can get unlocked phones and how? :)
21:47.06zhobbsebay already has lots of g1's on there
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21:48.36jastazhobbs: theyre not unlocked tho, theyre just selling the presale ones
21:48.45jastaand theyre "no contract" but not unlocked
21:48.50jastaa really huge difference
21:50.56jastai wonder what HTC's cost is on this device.
21:53.02anno^daI would assume that it is cheaper than the iPhone
21:53.15unix_lappywell it's certainly not as well built as the iphone
21:54.15unix_lappyand i've been hearing really bad things about the G1's battery life, about equivalent to the iphone 3g
21:54.29zhobbsunix_lappy: at least it's replaceable
21:54.32jastayeah, it has less battery than my current winmo phone, and that thing dies all the time
21:55.01benleythe g1's battery is less godawful than what was in my last winmo device
21:55.03unix_lappyzhobbs: well it'll obviously be easier to turn 3g on and off on the android phone.
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21:56.12gdsxjasta: note that pre-production and production G1s will likely differ as far as battery lifespan (and, thus battery life) goes, due to some issues that were ironed out
21:56.57jastagdsx: i just meant in terms of the mAh of the battery
21:57.04jastaso its a smaller battery than my current phone, at least
21:57.10jastawhether it is more efficient i dont know.  probably is :)
21:57.18gdsxjasta: aah, ::nod::
21:57.40gdsxjasta: basically, the capacity of pre-production devices will drop faster than that of the production devices
21:59.58unix_lappywell the g1 and the iphone are about 1400mAH.  though the iPhone is underclocked.
22:00.47unix_lappynot sure how to compare power management though across devices.
22:00.50dmoffettIn an effort to make it easy to change text, back ground colors etc in my app.  All the color definitions are in a string file.  These colors are referenced in the code to but when referenced in layouts I get a crash at runtime.  Does anyone know if this concept is possible?
22:00.52jastaunix_lappy: uhh, i read 1150mAh
22:01.40zhobbsdmoffett: why not use <color /> ?
22:02.35unix_lappyjasta: whoops, yea the iphone is around 1400, the G1 is around 1200
22:02.50dmoffettzhobbs: you mean in the layout?
22:04.12unix_lappyhonestly thinks that coming out with the Touch HD and the G1 simultaneously as Android Devices would've garnered a much better release.
22:04.38romainguyunix_lappy: g1 is underclocked as well (the CPU is)
22:04.43zhobbsdmoffett: <resources><drawable name="black">#FF000000</drawable></resources>
22:05.24dmoffettzhobbs:  thank you. I iwll study that for a bit.
22:05.36zhobbsbut I think there is <color> / @color also
22:05.48romainguythere is
22:05.55zhobbsI define those in res/values/colors.xml
22:09.18dmoffettthese xml files can make your life easier if you know what the hell you doing.  :-)
22:10.58unix_lappyromainguy: from 528mhz to?
22:11.08romainguyswetland can give you the real number
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22:12.34romainguyunix_lappy: but it's something like 384 Mhz
22:12.43benleythat low?
22:12.57romainguyit's not that low :)
22:13.01romainguyit's just a phone after all
22:13.23unix_lappymeh, it's likely on par with the iPhone.
22:13.56zhobbsit's underclocked for power consumption?
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22:14.39romainguythe CPU is also throttled dynamically
22:14.44romainguybut again swetland knows that stuff :))
22:17.43swetlandyeah, we run at 245-384MHz. 528 draws a good bit more power for not a huge performance gain.
22:18.10swetlandwe're working on improving the dynamic cpu scaling stuff and may boost the top speed once we're happy with the power/performance tradeoffs
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22:20.50romainguyso, again:
22:20.51romainguydumb GC
22:20.55romainguyinterpreted VM
22:21.03romainguynon-hw accelerated graphics rendering
22:21.08romainguy384 Mhz
22:21.18romainguythere's room for improvement in future versions of Android :)
22:21.36romainguyit's actually pretty cool to see how fast our stuff run
22:25.51jastaromainguy: i love that, seeing huge opt potential and yet, reasonable performance
22:25.56jastabut don't get complacent ;)
22:26.30romainguywe don't
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22:28.05jastahow do you mean by interpreted VM?  no JIT?
22:30.38jastahey, does the IMAP client support IMAP IDLE?
22:30.51jastafor push e-mail?
22:31.36herriojrI can't seem to get permissions to work properly, how do I set it up so I can start another apk?
22:31.47gdsxjasta: that's not really "push"
22:31.54herriojrI tried creating my own permission, but that doesn't seem to work
22:31.58gdsxjasta: that's just using the IDLE as a poll
22:32.20gdsx(unless the server can send an IDLE, I guess)
22:32.56romainguyjasta: yeah, no JIT
22:33.00herriojrin the calling package, I do <uses-permission android:name="com.mycompany.MYPERMISSION" />
22:33.09jastagdsx: how does that compare with "real" push?
22:33.16romainguyherriojr: did you declare the permission in your manifest?
22:33.27romainguysomething like this:
22:33.30jastai understood push e-mail to be just a really light connection that is maintained to the server, which reacts when new mail arrives
22:33.57herriojrromainguy: yes
22:34.31gdsxjasta: in "real" push, the server sends a notification packet without the device polling for it
22:34.57gdsxjasta: afaik, the mail itself is never actually pushed, so it's sort of a misnomer in that sense
22:35.17herriojr<permission android:name="com.mycompany.MYPERMISSION" android:protectionLevel="normal" android:label="com.mycompany.MYPERMISSION" />
22:35.19gdsxjasta: but it does mean that the device doesn't have to poll (as long as it has some method to make sure the connection is up)
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22:35.39jastagdsx: i don't see the difference between IMAP IDLE and this.
22:36.32gdsxjasta: does the server send IDLEs to the clients?
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22:37.21herriojrI still get java.lang.SecurityException: Requesting code from (with uid 10018) to be run in process androidtest.test (with uid 10017)
22:37.29jastagdsx: it is a client-side command that instructs the server to leave the connection open indefinitely (permitting small keep-alives).  the server will respond when a new message arrives.
22:37.35herriojrromainguy: is there another permission I need to include to run another app?
22:37.59jastathe client thus can make a connection, set it idle, and just wait indefinitely for the server to say something.  the overhead involved is merely that of maintaining a TCP connection to a remote peer
22:38.22gdsxjasta: yeah, ok; I didn't realize it worked that way
22:38.24jastai understood this to be push e-mail.
22:38.30jastathat basic strategy, i mean
22:38.36gdsxjasta: yeah
22:38.44jastagdsx: -- look at the "Example:"...
22:38.58gdsxhaha; not feeling like RFCs right now :o)
22:39.02jastaso, i ask again, does the G1's IMAP client support this? :)
22:39.11jastagdsx: it's just a simple command session, it will make it obvious how it works
22:39.13gdsxjasta: I don't know
22:39.50jastaIMAP IDLE is supported by Exchange, so that would be a really quick win to support users who are forced to use Exchange mail
22:39.59jastawithout having to do polling
22:40.33zhobbspolling IMAP isn't a big concern for me really....
22:40.45jastaIMAP IDLE is really simple too.  it's just an extra IMAP command tacked onto the protocol.
22:40.51gdsxzhobbs: polling costs battery
22:40.53jastazhobbs: it's much worse for battery life.
22:41.09zhobbsI guess if it's set to do it every 5 mins that probably adds up quick
22:41.30jastaeven 30 minutes will have a measurable impact on battery life versus IMAP IDLE with infrequently received mail
22:41.32gdsxzhobbs: the problem is that, without push, you have to balance battery life and mail delivery latency
22:41.51jastathat would be super lame for Google to skip such an obvious feature :(
22:41.53jastaiPhone's mail app did :(
22:42.05jastaIMAP IDLE is supported by like every IMAP server i've ever encountered
22:42.24gdsxzhobbs: so if you poll every 30 minutes, and someone sends an email right after the window starts, you wait 29 minutes rather than hearing about it when it gets there
22:42.26jastahell i mean the RFC that added it was published in 1997
22:42.30zhobbsI think Android's IMAP client will be open source at least
22:42.50jastazhobbs: really?  i would've thought not, actually
22:43.49zhobbsmy understanding is that "google" apps won't be (gmail,youtube, maps), but android apps will be (email, alarm clock, etc)
22:44.02zhobbsbut I could be wrong
22:44.07jastazhobbs: will email and gmail actually be that different?
22:44.19jastain that they are two truly separate apps?
22:44.43gdsxjasta: they are two separate apps
22:44.57jastawell, that would be great if its open source then.  IMAP IDLE should be a sync to add.
22:45.01jastaerr, i meant sinch :)
22:45.27wastrelwe report - you decide
22:47.30herriojrromainguy: here's what my manifest files look like
22:47.44herriojrthe first is the application being called, and the second is the calling application
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23:09.20herriojrI can't find an example at all
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23:22.31herriojrwhat permissions do I need to run an activity with a different uid?
23:24.11pjvcan I cheer up somebody's day with a little Android's Fortune?:
23:24.48herriojronly if it tells me what permissions I need to start another app's activity :)
23:24.49pjvmore explicitly this is a project (the well-known fortune program) I have been working on for some time
23:25.07herriojrhave any screen shots?
23:25.20pjvherriojr, ehm you don't need permissions to do that afaik
23:25.29pjvsure just a sec
23:25.54herriojrI keep getting permission error when I try to display it as part of a ActivityGroup
23:27.36herriojrbut it doesn't inform me of what permission I need
23:27.39gdsxherriojr: I believe the answer is "you can't"
23:28.00gdsxor, not without being a system process
23:28.07gdsxI might be completely wrong, though
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23:29.17gdsxherriojr: yeah, the upshot is that you can get the different bits to run under the _same_ uid
23:29.42herriojrcan I make multiple applications have the same UID then?
23:29.57pjvjasta, I said I would have more information today
23:30.01gdsxyes, I forget exactly how, though :o)
23:30.51gdsxherriojr: I know it involves them being signed with the same dev key, and you have to do something in the manifest also
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23:33.49herriojrok, I found that thing
23:34.05herriojrso how can I give third party developers the ability to sign with my dev key?
23:34.51gdsxherriojr: I'm not sure, but I believe the plugin thing is something we're still working out (in that you wouldn't want other folks to be able to sign with your dev key)
23:34.59gdsxherriojr: romainguy likely has more info
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23:35.50herriojrmaybe they can ship me their package, and I can sign it for them?
23:36.08herriojrso they can't just sign anything with my dev key
23:36.51gdsxherriojr: that's still not good
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23:37.20gdsxherriojr: if something bad happens (bug/malicious), it's Your Problem
23:37.36herriojryeah, I know, but there should be some way to allow me to include other applications' views in my application if they give me permission
23:38.00gdsxherriojr: again, I'm not really the person to talk to about this
23:38.05herriojrok :)
23:38.13herriojrwell, anytime romainguy wants to jump in :)
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