IRC log for #android on 20080930

00:02.38chomchomIs it in the proper location in relation to the package declaration at the top of the manifest entry? It could be android:name=".package.Radar"
00:03.02d03boywill byou guys be getting a phone oct 22
00:03.46donomochomchom: yes, Radar is in the main package that is specified in the <manifest> tag, not in a sub-package
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00:35.29donomosolution: <uses-library> should be inside <application> (i had it outside). sheesh!
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00:37.25donomodoes every activity need a onCreateOptionsMenu? is it common to use a superclass so that activities show the same menu?
00:37.42jastaeach activity.  apps do not share menus
00:38.41donomoactivities could share menus if they both inherited from a class that implements onCreateOptionsMenu, right?
00:39.41donomoseems wrong to copy/paste this code to build the menu into each activity
00:40.52gdsxdonomo: I don't actually know, but the "resources can reference other resources" thing comes to mind
00:43.29donomotakes the easy way out with copy/paste
00:46.42donomowhee. i can bounce between two activities.
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01:04.23*** join/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
01:06.37Dougie187Looks like sprints phone is going to be htc as well.
01:07.50jastahow do you know?
01:08.05Dougie187its just speculation. but one sec.
01:08.30Dougie187So, the four manufacturers are LG, Motorola, HTC, and Samsung (in the oha at least)
01:09.19Dougie187those cause me to believe that the sprint handset will be HTC as well.
01:10.14Dougie187probably some version of the G1..
01:10.23Dougie187but ionno about that
01:10.37zhobbstouch hd!!!
01:10.53Dougie187though it doesnt have wifi.
01:11.05Dougie187if it was between the touch hd and the touch pro, i think id go for the pro
01:11.39zhobbsoh yeah, gotta have wifi
01:11.52Dougie187wifi is the thing most people forget with the hd.
01:12.06Dougie187its so hard to imagine it lacking it, since it has such an awesome display.
01:13.54zhobbsyeah, that's weak
01:14.18zhobbssome sites say it has wifi
01:14.29Dougie187ive only heard it doesnt.
01:14.37Dougie187but if it does then it will probably be awesome.
01:14.42Dougie187the only thing its missing then is the keyboard
01:14.56zhobbsyeah, but most say it doesn't have wifi
01:17.12Dougie187yeah, i think the touch pro is pretty sweet looking though
01:17.15Dougie187keyboard and wifi
01:17.17Dougie187but its smaller.
01:17.23Dougie187and chunkier
01:27.54*** join/#android tonyacunar (
01:30.17wastreli like the g1
01:30.39wastrelcouple problems but nothing too serious
01:32.47ttuttlewastrel: Yeah.  It's pretty good for a version 1.
01:33.34wastreland in a year when version 2 comes out i can give it to my wife and get the new one :]
01:33.43ttuttlewastrel: clever
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01:48.37*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
01:48.52donomois there a way to have an activity stay out of the 'stack', ie when it hands off to another activity, the back-arrow button skips over it
01:49.48donomoperhaps im misusing Activity
01:50.33wastrelyou could destroy it when it gets paused
01:50.51wastreler, stopped
01:50.58wastrelbut yeah maybe you want a service
01:51.48donomoi was bouncing between two activities to be the first activity for the application.
01:52.02donomothe startup code that starts the service had to move between these two activities
01:52.24donomoso i thought id make a 'Start' activity that started a service, read preferences, etc, then handed off to one of the 'real' activities
01:52.39donomothe problem is that Back goes back to the start activity which has no UI
01:54.34donomoi wonder if code inside onPause can destroy itself
01:56.21donomofinds Activity.finish()
01:56.47*** join/#android RyeBrye (n=ryebrye@
01:57.01wastreli was just going to suggest that :]
01:57.13donomoha. that seems to do what i want.
01:57.36donomoprops to goog for a featureful API :)
02:01.12*** join/#android Benddd (n=ben@
02:02.00Bendddwonders when the second android phone will be released... hmmm
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02:07.02donomomaybe Apple has one in the works :)
02:07.42ttuttledonomo: I doubt it.
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02:33.39d03boywhy cant g1 have the multitouch screen? thast so lame :(
02:33.48ttuttled03boy: patents?
02:33.50f00f-no need
02:33.54ttuttled03boy: Also it works fine.
02:34.02ttuttled03boy: Multitouch often requires two hands.
02:37.57wastreli'll take a keyboard over multitouch
02:38.10wastrelbut i would like landscape without having to open the keyboard
02:40.28d03boywastrel, why cant you have both?
02:40.35d03boymultitouch + keyboard
02:40.42d03boyi just like the zoom thing in teh brwoser
02:41.18wastreld03boy: because the g1 doesn't have multitouch :]
02:41.29wastreland the iphone doesn't have a keyboard
02:41.59d03boyi hope it is nice
02:42.01d03boybecausei want to ge tit
02:42.17d03boybut I just am not sure how it will compare to the iPhone
02:42.28d03boyany idea how much the voice plan + data plan will be?
02:43.07wastreli believe it's $25/mo for limited sms and $35/mo for unlimited
02:43.39ttuttlewastrel: limited = 400 SMS
02:43.42ttuttlewastrel: correct
02:43.57d03boydo you think it will be possible to tether?
02:44.14d03boyis tehre an easy way for tmobile to know whether you're tethered or not?
02:44.49ttuttled03boy: yeah, they can look at your traffic.
02:45.08wastrelyour pr0n torrents will give you away
02:45.11ttuttled03boy: it's harder to tell the difference between android and a linux laptop than it would be to tell the difference between a plain old phone and a windows laptop, but they could do it.
02:45.15ttuttle== wastrel
02:47.16d03boywell I wouldnt use torrents.. I have a landline connection for that
02:47.41d03boyi just think its easier and quicker to use a laptop
02:49.14*** join/#android matt_c (
03:04.52Adamantd03boy: if you do typical web surfing, use a browser with the right user-agent, and keep the amount of browsing well below the 1G limit
03:05.12Adamantit's doubtful they would catch you, or even care particularly much
03:06.37d03boythere's a 1G limit? oh sheesh...
03:06.44Adamantttuttle: I still don't see how Apple got so many patents. working multi-touch was done in research labs back in the 80's
03:07.08ttuttleAdamant: I'm not sure how much of multitouch they have patented, and how much is legitimately patented.
03:13.38wastreli wonder if they're going to care about the 1g limit at first
03:14.00wastrellater on when there's more people on the network sure but in the beginning i'd bet not
03:15.36wastrelthen again, i wonder how quickly youtube watching would eat 1GB, i'm looking at 2 100MB flv's on my system right now
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03:16.50d03boyi dont think it would be good business to give people bandwidth and then take it away
03:18.02ttuttlewastrel: The Youtube videos on Android are smaller mobile versions.
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03:21.53wastrelah yes that makes sense
03:26.01ttuttlewastrel: I mean, T-Mo doesn't want to pay for eztra network usage either.
03:27.16f00f-operators make boatloads of money on data revenue
03:27.21f00f-wastrel: it's not 1 GB anymore
03:27.24f00f-they retracted it
03:27.49d03boyim really sad that we're stuck wtih tmo
03:29.03muthuG1 needs to find another operator quickly
03:29.28d03boyya.. if they are stuck with just tmo... i'll be very sad
03:29.52muthui'm more for G1 coming to india quickly
03:30.04muthuatleast you folks have something to play with
03:31.22wastrelyou're not paying $1k/mo for rent :]
03:31.34d03boy1195 here
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03:33.22muthunot sure what we'll pay
03:39.53*** part/#android ChunkStyle (n=Bryan@unaffiliated/chunkstyle)
03:45.56*** part/#android muthu (n=saraneya@
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04:11.24gdsxAdamant: I was under the impression that they had silently backed off on the 1GB...err... what f00f said
04:11.46Adamantgood, if they did back off
04:14.16*** join/#android muthu (n=saraneya@
04:14.31muthuwhere to get jdk for ubuntu?
04:14.47muthuthe default repos don't have jdk
04:15.14muthujasta: where you download jdk for ubuntu?
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04:19.18muthulooks like its hidden in synaptic
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04:19.56wastrelhrm i have java5 jdk on my system
04:20.16muthuyeah, its all java 5 anyways ;)
04:21.48muthuopenjdk might be better
04:23.24muthuwhat does goog use?
04:23.26muthuopen or sun?
04:27.30swetlandat least on ubuntu that's what I install for the system build
04:37.42jastame too
04:37.52jastajava6 will work, but you can't rely on java6 semantics/features on android
04:43.22jastagod i love android ;P
04:43.49jastaquickly hacks up a fancy looking seek bar
04:43.58SanMehatyou're winking with your tongue sticking out?
04:44.10jastai'm putting together some demonstration/test code for the basis of Five now
04:44.21jastaunshackling myself from the evils of the MediaPlayer finally :)
04:44.41Kruton_Nebuloni wonder if there will be an IRC client for Android
04:44.44Kruton_Nebulondoes anyone know?
04:44.56umdk1d3Kruton_Nebulon: there were a few google code projects out there
04:44.57jastaactually, i have my StreamMediaPlayer class working now, so I can invoke setDataSource(InputStream ...) and it "just works"
04:44.57AdamantKruton_Nebulon: there will be if you write one
04:45.06umdk1d3not sure if theyve been upgraded to 1.0
04:45.07jastaalthough it turns out the MediaPlayer can't actually stream content (seriously!?)
04:45.24jastaMediaPlayer can only play from HTTP URLs where Content-Length is set.
04:46.19SanMehatumdk1d3: yo
04:46.24umdk1d3SanMehat: hey there  :)
04:46.34SanMehatumdk1d3: whats going on?
04:46.51umdk1d3finished 5 'views today and have a few more tomorrow
04:47.12*** join/#android Tinyboom (
04:47.18SanMehatnice, i saw you being paraded about
04:47.24umdk1d3orly?  lol
04:47.34umdk1d3thats not fair, because i dont think ive met you  :P
04:47.48SanMehatno you havent :)
04:48.05umdk1d3i think im in another building all day tomorrow tho  :/
04:48.13jastaumdk1d3: well, you've seen him paraded about.
04:48.22ttuttleSanMehat: hey, how's it going?  (no I'm not asking)
04:48.35SanMehatumdk1d3: well you should have someone call me for lunch
04:48.44SanMehatttuttle: its cool
04:48.45umdk1d3jason wanted me to do a video interview thing at some point, so maybe ill be back tomorrow/weds at some point
04:48.47ttuttleSanMehat: cool
04:48.49SanMehatwatching tv with the fiance
04:48.58ttuttleSanMehat: yay
04:49.07swetlandwhat we're letting developers in the building now? madness
04:49.20ttuttleswetland: developers?
04:49.32ttuttleswetland: jeez, next thing you'll be letting *interns* in, and we all know how that'll foul things up...
04:49.44ttuttleumdk1d3: Are you in MTV?
04:49.44umdk1d3i got to walk past the big "employees only past this point" sign  ^.^
04:49.51umdk1d3ttuttle: yea
04:50.04ttuttleumdk1d3: You *must* try Pintxo 47 (in Building 47, hence the name).
04:50.08ttuttleumdk1d3: It is extremely yummy.
04:50.17umdk1d3wonders what building i went to today
04:50.22umdk1d3it was across street to east
04:50.26umdk1d3*for lunch
04:50.39ttuttleWhat place?
04:51.27umdk1d3went to 45 today looks like
04:51.43SanMehatumdk1d3: Pintxo is bollocs
04:54.20ttuttleSanMehat: What?
04:55.28ttuttleSanMehat: You're clearly mistaken :-P
04:56.12muthuumdk1d3: heard goog cafes are the best
04:56.19muthuand its free!
04:56.52umdk1d3muthu: the free is the best part imho, not because its freefood, but because then you dont have cachiers and a checkout line
04:57.01umdk1d3*best part of their cafes
04:57.01f00f-buffet style?
04:57.16umdk1d3f00f-: yea kinda
04:57.29muthuagree, the checkout lines are the worst
04:57.35umdk1d3its like they optimized the lunch experience to remove any performance bottlenecks  ;)
04:57.56f00f-O(1) Lunch
04:58.03umdk1d3exactly  ;)
04:59.11jastaI'd say it's more like O(log n), where n is proportionate to BMI :)
04:59.40f00f-a true reality
04:59.51jastaand a worst case of O(n^2) maybe ;)
05:00.32d03boymy fav
05:03.27muthulove how nokia is changing tunes
05:03.36muthunokia loves android now
05:04.02muthuto be fair, they said we'll wait and watch
05:04.19muthunow that android is kickin ass.. they are paying attention
05:05.02SanMehatumdk1d3: well hit me up tomorrow
05:06.04muthumotorola hiring anroid devs is THE news today
05:06.09f00f-muthu: you applied?
05:06.16f00f-see i told you they were hiring :D
05:06.46muthui'm stuck in chennai
05:06.49f00f-"We are a new start-up division within Motorola with strong executive level sponsorship, a 50M+ budget for our Android platform. Our new CEO, Sanjay Jha, has been in the forefront of the formation of the Android Open Handset Alliance!"
05:07.26*** join/#android covalentbond_ (
05:07.27f00f-damn, dns is very slow here today
05:07.43muthui'm sure nokia, verizon everyone follows suit
05:07.54f00f-you mean switch to android?
05:08.04muthunot switch
05:08.10muthubut start
05:08.18muthuin parallel
05:08.26AdamantMotorola was in bad shit. The move to Android makes great sense for them
05:08.33Adamantnot sure it makes sense for everyone else yet
05:08.42muthuand if motorola turns around.. man!
05:08.48f00f-android is like their only card left
05:08.50muthuthat's the kind of success story android needs
05:08.55f00f-they were looking for a buyer of their mobile unit
05:09.00f00f-or were rumored to have
05:09.07muthuif motorola hires me
05:09.13muthui can turn it around in 3 yrs
05:09.16muthuwith android
05:09.25f00f-pats muthu
05:09.26f00f-for sure
05:10.08muthu700B bailout is blocked, heh?
05:10.20f00f-$1.2T lost in market this fnie day
05:10.54muthuandroid is released when the economy is in bad shit
05:11.00muthuthis will be a good test
05:11.16f00f-google down 9.5% too today
05:11.25muthuits only the beginning
05:11.43f00f-hopefully the next bill will give economy a little boost
05:11.54f00f-inflation out of control almost
05:12.00*** join/#android tonyacunar (
05:12.01f00f-i mean
05:12.13f00f-it's great not to be jobless right now
05:12.18d03boyim watching cspan
05:13.27muthuwhat were the congress thinking?
05:13.55summatusmentisin not passing the bailout?
05:14.10Adamant"my constitutents will crucify me if I vote in favor of giving Wall Street taxpayer money"
05:14.19AdamantI think that is what they were thinking
05:14.32summatusmentismaybe that bailing out banks that put themselves in the position to fail in the first place seems counter-intuitive?
05:14.47d03boywhy would you want them to pass a 700b$ bailout?
05:15.03d03boyyou might as well ask them to take away %5 of your income
05:16.14*** part/#android Kruton_Nebulon (
05:17.05snadgei dont understand this economic situation.. its bizarre
05:17.18d03boywhy is it bizarre?
05:17.26snadgerepublicans wanting to use tax payer money to bail out companies
05:17.41f00f-$700 billion will be nothing compared to what wall street is going to lose
05:17.46f00f-if this doesn't get passed
05:17.50dmoffettsnadge: I think you mean Democrats.  :-)
05:18.01f00f-dmoffett: did you see the news today?
05:18.03summatusmentisI hate the fact that our stock market is so dependent on things that don't immediately affect it
05:18.07snadgegeorge bush was almost in tears about it.. please please pass this bill
05:18.08dmoffettRepublican voted it down.
05:18.28summatusmentiswell, yeah, because their constituency was up in arms over
05:18.47swetlandneither party likes it much and neither wants to pass it themselves. long term I think it's likely to cause plenty of grief
05:18.50dmoffettReally it is a bi-partisan screw up.
05:18.54snadgethey should have just let wall street collapse
05:19.01dmoffettI agree.
05:19.19d03boydemocrats voted it up
05:19.21f00f-emotions over country
05:19.32dmoffettThe last thing I want to is to fund some CEO's golden parachute.
05:19.35d03boyonly about 60 reps voted for it
05:19.38swetlandI do think they ought to do something rather than just let everything implode, but what I've heard so far is not particularly encouraging
05:19.52summatusmentisswetland: agreed
05:20.41swetlandI'd rather it drag out longer in hopes of a less braindamaged solution than rush to pass something nobody likes with limited accountability/improvements
05:20.58snadgei heard on our aussie news today.. this whole problem is caused by the lack of regulation in that segment of the market place anyway
05:21.12snadgeand that banks and other areas of the market are already havily regulated.. and have been for a long time
05:21.18d03boyswetland, propping up the gambling game isnt going to help
05:21.25snadgethat the assumption that the free market should sort itself out.. was wrong
05:21.37d03boythere are problems with the fundamental idea of how our economy works
05:21.45d03boysnadge, thats because its not free
05:21.55d03boyits highly regulated with little oversight
05:21.58snadgewell in australia.. only 1% of our market is futures or whatever they're called
05:22.08snadgein the usa its more like 15% .. which is apparently much more of a problem
05:22.10d03boysnadge, its a global economy
05:22.36snadged03boy: kind of.. another comment was that whilst the usa suffers, others will potentially benefit
05:23.04d03boysome will
05:23.06snadgethe global economy and the us economy whilst they're interlinked.. are seperate concepts
05:23.08d03boybut not very much
05:23.46ismellif you guys want a detailed explination of whats going on check out the first question
05:25.00snadgenice :)
05:25.31f00f-``To pay for them it creates the $40 billion out of nothing, merely with keystrokes on a computer.``
05:25.37f00f-i like that.
05:26.02f00f-literally it's an increment
05:26.06f00f-they're the only ones allowed to do it!
05:26.08d03boyuh huh
05:26.17d03boyben bernanke is a piece of poop
05:26.48*** join/#android eton_ (
05:26.52snadgeits all just wrong.. when can we riot against the system?
05:27.00snadgeand replace it with something fair etc
05:27.03f00f-now is as good a time as ever
05:27.07f00f-energize the populace
05:27.36ismellits starting to happn
05:27.44snadgehow can these dickwads play with peoples lives like that .. pull money from thin air.. create panic, then calm etc
05:27.46ismellamericans are finally waking up to whats been going on
05:28.02d03boyismell, most are clueless
05:28.28ismellmost are, true. But theres a small majority thats atleast starting to go out and do some research
05:28.40f00f-actually creating it out of thin air is fine, but keep a cap on it
05:28.50d03boyf00f-, why is that fine?
05:29.08snadgemy mind is exploding trying to comprehend this
05:29.08f00f-you don't always need the capital on hand
05:29.13f00f-you want to be able to stimulate the economy
05:29.17snadgehow do you create 360 billion out of nothing
05:29.21f00f-but only up t oa certain point
05:29.29d03boyf00f-, what should that point be?
05:29.38d03boyuntil our economy collapses?
05:29.40snadgethis whole 10% then reloan 10% thing.. is not only confusing.. it just seems wrong
05:30.04f00f-i guess that's what the whole bailout plan is trying to consider
05:30.05snadgeit seems to violate the laws of thermodynamics or something
05:30.10f00f-to control that
05:30.16snadgeits like the laws of physics and the laws of the economy contradict each other
05:30.26d03boyf00f-, did you know that this is like.. the first time congress has actually been given a vote for this plan?
05:30.34d03boythe fed was just bailing them out on their own before
05:30.52f00f-i was not aware
05:30.58jastascratches his head why suddenly gravity doesn't behave like it used to
05:31.02f00f-peoplein congress don't even read the bills mostly
05:31.04snadgeanother thing i dont get.. this $700 billion.. is this tax payers money.. like. your taxes are being diverted towards this
05:31.11snadgeor is this money that just gets pulled out of "thin air"
05:31.18wastrelit's added to the deficit
05:31.23ismellno its not tax payer money
05:31.27f00f-remember it's $700bn in loans
05:31.32f00f-idea is that tax payers eventually will get a return
05:31.40f00f-loans being 11% or so interest
05:31.48ismellwe are technically paying for it by inflation tax
05:31.49snadgeright.. so let me get this straight.. the government is borrowing money that doesnt exist.. to bail out companies which are going broke, because they loaned out too much non existant money?
05:32.28ismellyep, does the great depression sound familiar ? ;)
05:32.28f00f-well, the laws allowed banks to create 90% out of thin air, if i'm reading this article correctly
05:32.28d03boyits inflation
05:32.28f00f-i better fact check
05:32.28wastrelrepublicans are bad for the economy
05:32.36f00f-politicians are bad for the economy
05:32.40snadgeall i know is.. if things go to crap like this.. i will remove myself from the economy
05:32.45ismellf00f, imagine what 700billion will do with the same logic
05:32.53snadgego live out on a farm with my parents.. and grow my own food etc
05:33.04snadgeand have several shotguns to defend myself :p
05:33.05f00f-better say bye bye to android dev ;)
05:33.27ismellif the bailout doesn't pass, everything should stabilize within the year
05:33.44ismellif it does pass, then we will be ok for a year and then get hit even harder and longer
05:33.54d03boywastrel, saying its just the republicans is probably one of the most naive things you could've said
05:34.07d03boy+1 ismell
05:34.19wastrelit's the republicans who dismantled the regulatory apparatus
05:34.24wastreland allowed this to happen
05:34.32ismellits not just repubs, its the whole fiat currency
05:34.37wastrelit's the republicans who have put the nation into debt
05:34.40muthuif the bill passes, you can hope the economy gets back to normal
05:34.49wastrelthe bill is dead
05:35.11ismellthe whole pointing of fingers doesn't help
05:35.21ismellWith one socialist “bailout” bill apparently on the way to passage by Congress, two more are pending¯both of them sponsored by Senator Barack Obama. One is the Jubilee Act, which would cancel as much as $75 billion worth of Third World debt, and the Global Poverty Act, which would cost an estimated $845 billion. Total potential cost: $920 billion.
05:35.22d03boywastrel, democrast have held the congress for the past couple years buddy
05:35.28ismellif you want something againt the demos
05:35.49wastreld03boy: a year and change, yes
05:36.07wastrel50/50 split in the senate
05:36.08muthugood, the nuclear bill got passed
05:36.14wastrelwith joe lieberman the tiebreaker
05:36.19f00f-nuclear bill?
05:36.19summatusmentisnuclear bill?
05:36.24muthufor india
05:36.26wastreljoe lieberman who is currently campaigning for mccain
05:36.39wastrelit's not a democrat problem
05:36.42wastrelthe republicnas did this
05:36.51summatusmentismuthu: oh, thought I'd missed something big in the US :)
05:36.51wastrelclinton left office with a surplus
05:37.02d03boywastrel, you're retarded I think
05:37.11f00f-muthu: i think we need nuclear here, though
05:37.12muthusummatusmentis: no, it helps india's quest of nuclear energy
05:37.19wastrelno i am just sick and angry at what the republicans have done to this country
05:37.25ismellwastrel, clinton was the one that orderd fannie and freddy to lower the morgage standards
05:37.34summatusmentisf00f-: we need a place to put the waste first
05:37.43f00f-ismell: in times of economic boom and surplus... why shouldn't they?
05:37.49wastrelfannie and freddy have nothing to do with subprime.
05:37.52d03boywastrel, you're just another idiot that is completely ignoratn to the fact that dems and reps are the same damn thing
05:38.12summatusmentisd03boy: I suppose you have a candidate that will change things up
05:38.14wastreld03boy: would a democratic administation have invaded iraq?  no.
05:38.15ismellsure it does, that $$ circulates in a big circle
05:38.25d03boywastrel, obama wants to attack iran
05:38.33ismelland afganistan
05:38.48wastreld03boy: where do you live?
05:38.50ismellits not a want to, its going to happen
05:38.54f00f-get your facts straight. no one wants to attack anyone.
05:39.21muthui dont think US can afford to attach anyone now
05:39.26ismellthe banks do, they the ones that make all the $$ durring war
05:39.39muthuthe banks are gone!
05:39.59wastrelWI, ok safe blue state
05:40.03wastrelvote for who you want
05:40.03ismellnot really, they have all just merged into larger banks
05:40.30muthuand we all know what happens to large
05:40.31f00f-defense spending is also out of control
05:40.40d03boywastrel, i'm voting 3rd party
05:40.51summatusmentisd03boy: green?
05:40.53d03boyf00f-, defense is probably the only thing that should be out of control
05:41.07wastreldonomo: sorry.  d03boy ^^^
05:41.09ismellvote chuck baldwin
05:41.30d03boywastrel, they dont have any weapons
05:42.13muthupaul kruger writes wonderful columns
05:42.18muthuguess he's with NYT
05:42.38wastrelyeah he's good
05:42.56muthuvery insightful
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05:45.33muthuhope goog has a long time strategy for android given the bad economy
05:46.08jastadefault pixmaps for the seek bar are ugly :)
05:46.19jastathe bar should be smaller, and the "knob" a circle ;)
05:46.20romainguy_always complaining :)
05:46.22umdk1d3doesnt seem to have a position on that
05:46.47d03boydidnt NYT endorse barack?
05:46.48umdk1d3would kinda like a vertical seekbar ;)
05:47.07romainguy_umdk1d3: create a RotateLayout that rotates the canvas & motion events :)
05:47.12f00f-ron paul? he's a bit old.
05:47.12f00f-i wonder who google is endorsing :)
05:47.12f00f-take 51% of employee opinion, and endorse that
05:47.13muthud03boy: not sure, but krugman support obama
05:47.29umdk1d3romainguy_: is it really that easy?  =D  /me peeks at docs
05:47.29d03boyf00f-, younger than mccain
05:47.42muthuf00f-: most tech support dems
05:47.49romainguy_umdk1d3: I'm sure it's doable, that's how I wrote the rotating MapView in the ApiDemos
05:47.49f00f-both frail, next plz
05:47.52d03boymuthu, did you do a poll?
05:47.54umdk1d3umm romainguy_ no suck thing as RotateLayout  :/
05:48.02romainguy_umdk1d3: I meant, write a RotateLayout :))
05:48.17muthud03boy: poll on what?
05:48.26d03boymuthu, you say most tech support dems.....
05:48.31d03boythats a statistic
05:48.32umdk1d3oh lol
05:48.40d03boyjust wondering where you came up with that
05:48.42umdk1d3adds to the neverending todo list
05:49.03muthud03boy: that's my guess
05:49.21jastadamn, i just realized a big hole in my StreamMediaPlayer hack :(
05:49.51jastaeww, i have to do cleanup in finalize() i think :(
05:51.20muthuThe program 'svn' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:
05:51.20muthusudo apt-get install subversion
05:51.20muthubash: svn: command not found
05:51.26muthuubuntu is fantastic!
05:51.32d03boymuthu, sudo
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05:51.50muthuyeah, like the fact that ubuntu tells you what to do
05:53.57umdk1d3hmm /me wonders if there is a permission for a java app to get full dump of logcat
05:55.33romainguy_there's a DUMP permission
05:55.44romainguy_but I don't think it's for logcat
05:56.02romainguy_jasta: eww, i have to do cleanup in finalize() i think << you shouldn't rely on finalize() being called though
05:58.21umdk1d3romainguy_: so someone had asked about getting crashdumps from their apps
05:58.38umdk1d3and we thought about creating a single watch service that sits aroud watching for crashes
05:58.51umdk1d3and feeds back the crash through a specific intent if that app was interested
05:58.56muthuwow, another holiday
05:58.59muthulove india!
05:59.07muthuoct 2
05:59.26Adamantwhat's this one for?
05:59.59muthuOct 02 - Gandhi Jayanthi - Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi - Father of India
06:00.22Adamantrather like President's Day here
06:00.23muthuthe public ban on smoking comes to effect oct 02
06:00.36Adamantmuthu: they're banning it in India?
06:00.48AdamantI thought you guys smoked like chimneys
06:00.55muthuthe current health minister is really health conscious ;)
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06:01.17muthuhe wants to smoke tobacco, alcohol et al
06:01.34Adamantthe bans were easier here because a lot of people had already quit smoking
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06:01.44Adamantbanning alcohol isn't gonna work
06:01.45muthuAdamant: really?
06:01.45Pradalvrcan i save my text messages on my gmail account ?
06:01.53muthuthought there's a lot of smokers in US
06:02.05Adamantmuthu: yeah, the US rate of smokers is one of the world's lowest now
06:02.17Adamantpart of the reason we got so fat
06:02.39Adamantoh well, there's always meth
06:02.54Adamantno, that's going out of the frying pan and into the fire.
06:03.04muthuthe health minister wants to convert wineshops into ration shops
06:03.29Adamantmoderate alcohol intake is good for you
06:03.32muthuhe's vehemantly against smoking and drinking
06:03.55muthuyup, beer is gooood
06:03.58Pradalvryou can not even smoke in hardly in Los aAgeles or California for that matter, muthu
06:04.05AdamantI can understanding smoking but he's wrong about moderate drinking and health studies have proven that.
06:04.27Adamantnow working with alchoholics and binge drinkers would be a good idea.
06:04.44muthuyeah, alcohol banning in india is a bad idea
06:04.57Adamantmuthu: we tried it in the US too, it doesn't work
06:05.08muthuyup, that never works
06:05.21muthuPradalvr: everyone was smoking in SF
06:05.30Adamantyeah, but they smoke outside
06:05.34Adamantnot in buildings
06:05.45romainguy_umdk1d3: and feeds back the crash through a specific intent if that app was interested << Shift-Menu :)
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06:06.01Pradalvrcan anyone tell me if i can save my text messages on my gmail account ?
06:08.10swetlandyou need to be in group "log" to read from the logs, which appears to be associated with android.permission.READ_LOGS
06:08.24umdk1d3romainguy_: is that for developers though?  they were looking for something to get those crashes from any random users out in the real world
06:08.36romainguy_ah yes, that won't help you
06:08.36umdk1d3diane had talked that this wasnt implemented yet because of privacy concerns
06:08.54PradalvrI am assuming a person can not
06:09.06Adamantyeah, there would be serious issues with crashdumps
06:09.36umdk1d3well there is a difference between hard crashdump and just unhandled exceptions
06:09.43Pradalvrthat is F****** stupid if you can not
06:09.45swetlandprobably would want something where the user is given the option to submit a crashlog (and the ability to review the log first)
06:10.03umdk1d3this might just handle exceptions, which should be a harmless stack trace
06:10.09romainguy_swetland: you mean the dialog box you always reply no to on Windows and Mac OS X? :))
06:10.18swetlandexactly ^^
06:10.36umdk1d3usually (from a dev perspective) if you know the rough neighborhood of a bug you can usually find it, even if you cant replicate it entirely
06:10.47swetlandthough if the crashlog were going to the actual developer and not the system vendor
06:11.00swetlandI might sometimes say yes, if I thought the developer would actually do something with it
06:11.43umdk1d3romainguy_: oh awesome @ MapViewCompassDemo
06:11.57umdk1d3useless in the emulator tho, so not sure how many people "get" whjat it does right now
06:12.13umdk1d3but your right about having to translate the touch events
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06:35.01ttuttleOh, wow.
06:35.17ttuttleRandy's Last Lecture has made WP:List_of_Internet_phenomena, just a few list items up from 2girls1cup.
06:36.27Adamantwe need more internet phenomena like the former and fewer of the latter. minus the dying part.
06:37.33ttuttle== Adamant
06:38.04ttuttle"== Adamant" roughly means "I agree with Adamant."
06:38.19ttuttleI didn't realize irssi rearranged my channels ... this was supposed to go to a CMU channel.
06:38.31AdamantI've only seen != used.
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07:19.58hamdroidromainguy_: Did you release new sample code?
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07:30.44hamdroidnotices that people have filed bugs in the apps-for-android project with patches to get things compiling in the 1.0 SDK. Cool.
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08:16.42zenobhello :), is there any way to install apk file from net (browser) ? I get error - "For security reason, your phone is set to block installation of applications not sourced in Android Market "
08:22.11gamblerare you using an actual handset?
08:25.12zenoband i can't access settings activity
08:25.47gamblertry reinstall? the one apk i downloaded (connectbot) worked fine for me.
08:27.47zenobbut how can i reinstall apk ?
08:28.09gambleremulator -wipe-data
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13:16.50snadgei read somewhere $399 unlocked
13:17.07snadgeor you could bail after 90 days or something
13:17.43snadgei want to take mine back to australia
13:17.47km-is there PAYG data on AT&T?
13:17.53tethridgesupposedly t-mobile will unlock any of their phones if your account is in good standing after 90 days
13:17.54snadgethats if i can even get it.. hopefully
13:18.19Dougie187km-: i heard it was already sold out.
13:18.28snadgei've heard that if you're american.. theres not much point unlocking it because pretty much t-mobile is the only carrier that will take it?
13:18.30Dougie187and tethridge thats only for non-contract
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13:18.56Dougie187snadge: thats what ive heard too. i heard the frequencies for data are only supported by tmobile
13:19.31snadgebut in australia, i have no choice but to somehow get one unlocked or unlock it.. im presuming it will work with the 3g providers we have here
13:19.45snadgelike three (orange telecom) and telstra, and vodafone
13:19.55Dougie187whens it even coming out in australia?
13:20.05snadgei dont know, but i will be in the usa in november
13:20.22snadgethere is zero information with regards to australia and android based phones
13:20.27Dougie187do any of the carriers in australia support the data frequency?
13:20.34snadgenone of the providers have made any announcements whatsoever
13:20.49Dougie187i would look into that before you buy one.
13:20.58snadgewell i know you can use the 3g iphone here
13:21.03Dougie187you might want to wait and get a different phone.
13:21.08snadgemy friend has a htc tytn ii with windows mobile 6.1 on it
13:21.33Dougie187yeah but thats a different freq range (for the iphone) and i dont know abou the tytn
13:21.46snadgeso i cant really see why dream wouldn't work.. unless it uses some magical 3g standard thats incompatible with every other 3g standard
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13:22.44Dougie187well, from what i hear its not going to work on att 3g.
13:22.47Dougie187only tmobile 3g
13:24.23km-snadge, fyi, australia's wifi frequencies are different than america I think
13:24.30km-the wifi may not work.
13:25.07snadgeyou mean the 802.11 part or the 3g part?
13:25.50Dougie187here are the specs snadge
13:25.54snadgeok.. so t-mobile is using 2100/1700 MHz
13:25.57km-802.11 part
13:26.19snadgekm: no.. they're the same (mostly)
13:26.24snadgeat the very least, they overlap
13:26.26Dougie187in us its using 1700/2100
13:26.57km-wow, 7.2mbps?  That's pretty sweet.
13:27.18snadgeumm.. hangon, according to the htc specs
13:27.20snadgeits supports everything
13:27.31snadgeahh.. operator dependant
13:27.42Bendddmy iphone is having some issues, so I'm hoping to a) fix the issues for free or b) get a new android-based phone soon
13:27.52Bendddanyone have a clue when the next phone might hit?
13:28.08Bendddthe g1 looks okay, but I bet there will be some nice hardware that comes out...
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13:28.56Dougie187Benddd: sprint will have a phone by the end of the year
13:29.19Dougie187but its probably going to be another htc
13:29.21Bendddewww sprint... I want gsm.. love my sim card
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13:31.02snadgeis the standard g1 uses called umts?
13:31.30snadgebecause apparently its at 2100mhz in australia.. jointly owned by three and telstra.. telstra also have one at 850mhz
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13:32.01snadgeso if i can unlock it.. doesnt that mean i can use it at 2100mhz on three or telstra?
13:32.34pardomanyone know of a good example for sqlite db stuff in 1.0?
13:32.37snadgeor does it require the 1700mhz part as well?
13:32.47snadgebecause theres no mention of that anywhere
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13:57.19tethridgeDougie187, can you give me the details on the sprint version?
13:57.29tethridgeI thought that it wasn't going to be available until next year
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14:04.31tethridgeDougie187, must be getting some coffee
14:04.54Dougie187sprint version doesn't have any details out yet
14:05.08Dougie187im just speculating that htc will release the first sprint phone
14:05.10tethridgewhat are you basing your info on?
14:05.19tethridgethe timeframe?
14:05.21Dougie187but sprint has said that they will release a phone by the end of the year with android on it before
14:05.26Dougie187yeah, time frames
14:05.34Dougie187and the OHA members
14:05.45Dougie187OHA members are LG Motorola Samsung and HTC
14:05.58Dougie187LG and Samsung are not releasing android phones until Q3 09
14:06.08Dougie187Motorola reportedly just started working with android
14:06.11Dougie187so that leaves HTC
14:06.19tethridgeI could have sworn I heard that Sprint wouldn't have a phone out until q1 2009.  I hope you are right though
14:06.30Dougie187i heard sprint will have a phone out by 09
14:06.39Dougie187one sec ill get the report in a minute
14:07.12Disconnectheard rumours that sounded like 4q08/1q09 - more likely later than earlier. fwiw. :)
14:09.55km-dougie: that article is pre-announcement
14:10.23Dougie187pre- tmobile announcement
14:10.23km-you're talking about the sprint rollout
14:11.08tethridgeDougie187, I hope that is right
14:11.21tethridgeOtherwise I have to wait until Feb when my Sprint contract is up
14:11.24Dougie187i don't see why it wouldnt be.
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14:14.48summatusmentisI'm really excited about sprint's android phone assuming it's touch screen
14:16.00Dougie187im assuming its going to be some modification of the g1
14:16.26summatusmentisI don't know, early android videos were using a device without a touchscreen...
14:16.35Bendddi'm kind of amazed that htc didn't put a 3.5mm headphone jack on the phone... i mean, really... in this day and age...
14:16.58Dougie187well the give the usb adapter.
14:17.05Bendddadapters suck
14:17.44Bendddwhat's the storage/expansion situation like on the g1?
14:17.45DisconnectDougie187: they give it unless you preorder
14:17.52DisconnectBenddd: sdhc microsd
14:17.57Dougie187Disconnect: true
14:18.10Miekthe adapter really isn't that bad
14:18.22Disconnecteven nokia (eventually) learned not to use the adapter.
14:18.39Disconnectbut i was expecting it, friend was a long-time htc fanboy (until he got the iphone 3g)
14:18.47Bendddi hope the price of an unlocked g1 is reasonable in a month or so
14:19.07Bendddhtc does make nice hardware
14:19.11Dougie187i don't think 400 is that bad.
14:19.34DisconnectBenddd: it won't be reasonable for at least 90 days, at which point unlocked used units will start turning up
14:19.42Disconnect(90 days from release)
14:25.43Bendddi'm interesting in doing some app development for the phone... i know that you can publish an app to their store, but is there a way to distribute your application w/o using the store?
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14:46.42rwhitbysnadge: going by the specs on, it won't work on Telstra Next-G
14:47.34snadgethats okay.. next-g is mainly for rural areas, the capital cities all have 2100
14:48.13rwhitbykm-: wifi in Australia is just a superset of the channels in the US.  The freqs for the common channels are the same and fully compatible.
14:48.59rwhitbysnadge: yep, 2100 should be fine for non-next-g 3g stuff here in .au
14:49.54snadgewhat do you mean non-next-g .. you still get reasonable internet i take it?
14:51.26gamblerhi rwhitby suprised to see you in here
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14:51.41rwhitbygambler: why surprised?
14:52.45gamblerrwhitby, I thought you were mostly working on maintain MokoMakeFile right?
14:53.27rwhitbygambler: I do, but I keep an eye on all "open" (to various levels) phone technology
14:55.13km-rwhitby: anyone working to put android on the freerunner?
14:55.35rwhitbykm-: bit difficult without the source code, since FR is armv4
14:55.58gamblerthat makes sense ....well I hope I can get a G1 soon. Some friends are visiting from Cali in 6 weeks so hopefully they will bring with
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14:58.53Disconnectgambler: and then what, mug them? :)
14:59.41muthu_we need a charlie rose for G1 ;)
15:03.02gamblerDisconnect, no :)
15:03.14Disconnectjust checking
15:05.00gamblernp...I couldnt really think of a clever response. Its 1am and my build files are driving me crazy
15:05.48gamblertime to wrap it up soon and go watch an episode of Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles
15:06.09tethridgeit was a strange episode last night
15:06.16tethridgegood though
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15:07.10gamblerleaves evil computer
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15:24.56Disconnectanyone here actually have one yet?
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15:25.09jastaquite a few people.  googlers, for instance.
15:26.01Disconnectthats why i said 'here' :)
15:26.18jastathere are googlers here :)
15:26.27jeffbwhat's a google?
15:26.51zer0her0a unit of measure?
15:26.57Disconnectfair enough. anyone try google reader with it yet? (or will we be reduced to the iphone theme?)
15:27.23jeffbi dont personally use reader, so, no :P
15:27.46jastagoogle reader sucks, frankly ;)
15:28.02jastaway better RSS aggregators out there
15:28.04Disconnecthmm. without having to get too neck-deep in relearning java ;) is there an emulator/sdk edition for testing webapps?
15:28.20jastaDisconnect: there is no special "editions" of the SDK
15:28.22cbeust_jasta: web based?
15:28.24jastathere are*
15:28.33jastacbeust_: no, web based aggregation is stupid :)
15:28.34Disconnectjasta: i was a big fan of ttrss but converted for the iphone/javascript-enabled mobile version of google reader.
15:29.01jastaespecially for mobile devices.  you want passive synchronization, although i guess now with gears you can have that
15:29.03cbeust_jasta: over the week, I use about four different computers. Online rss readers are a necessity
15:29.14jastacbeust_: i just use my cell phone for RSS
15:29.16Disconnectjasta: web-based (or at least servre-side) aggregation is great depending on your use-case. (I want to read it once, from multiple places,m without missing stories because my latop was turned off overnight)
15:30.41Disconnectjasta: and (backtracking a bit) I know there aren't special editions. i'm just asking if there is a suggested (or even workable) way to test webapps and sites for the device before we -have- the device. (partially for me, mostly for work - we're adding a mobile view and it'd be nice if it worked on something other than the half-dozen iphones floating around)
15:31.25cbeust_Disconnect:  the emulator should give you a very good idea of what the pages will look like on the browser
15:31.54Disconnectif i could show s60 emulator, nokia web tablet and android using the same backend view then chances are good i could convince the powers that be that an iphone app is the wrong way and a js-enabled mobile view gains us more (and i've got the s60 emu, 2 s60 phones and the tablets already..)
15:32.01jastathe emulator includes a web browser, so, uhh, yeah.
15:32.20Disconnectcool. diving waist-deep into the docs to get the emulator+browser working is much more doable :)
15:32.22Disconnectok wasn't sure
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15:32.49Disconnectlots of times the sdks don't include any proprietary apps (so even if there is a bare-bones browser it won't have flash, for example) so i thought i'd ask before i got deep into it
15:33.15cbeust_Disconnect: it's indeed the case for the sdk, but the browser is part of it
15:35.19Disconnectlol. for the record, it looks like google reader is sent in the iphone flavor (at least using the sdk browser)
15:35.41Disconnectand our site @ work renders pretty well without modification, so (sigh) taht might hurt my case
15:35.43cbeust_How does it look? (never tried)
15:36.04Disconnect basically
15:36.12Disconnectrounded and touchable
15:36.16Disconnectits pretty nice actually
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15:37.03Disconnectand its interactive 'enough' with ajax
15:38.04Disconnectshows headlines, then stories expand in-place (and you can click out to the full page in a new window)
15:40.37cbeust_Actually I just tried Reader on the device and indeed, it works well. Nice.
15:44.58benleythe iphone reader interface works great on the android browser
15:45.03benleyI use it a _lot_
15:45.14jastadoes it use gears?
15:45.22benleyit doesn't seem to
15:45.30jastaboo :)
15:45.51jeffba *wicked* lot
15:46.01benleywell, there's no gears for iphone and afaik they didn't make any changes for android
15:46.08Disconnectyah it looks identical
15:46.11benleythat sort of stuff is coming, I'm sure
15:46.34jastai dont like active rss...i dont want to wait for my phone to download my stories, i just want to go read them
15:46.36Disconnect(which, for the record, also works on nokia's new phones - i use it on e90 all the time. the standard mobile site is a basic html-forms mess, totally annoying)
15:47.00benleyoh cool, I wonder if the fancy ajaxy reader works on my e61 now too
15:47.19Disconnectjust use the same url (
15:47.20cbeust_jasta: agree, but I still think that fully in sync whatever the computer I'm using is more important than instant access
15:48.08benleysame here
15:48.19benleyI don't mind loading rss articles as I read them
15:48.32benleythe benefit of the reading list being in sync with my desktop machine's is more than worth it
15:48.45cbeust_Particularly fast especially with the newly deployed 3G TMobile network in the Bay Area
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15:51.38jastahow fast is their 3G network?  has anyone benchmarked?
15:51.42jeffbits too early for work :(
15:51.53benleyin boston it seems to be 'fast enough that I don't bother with wifi' generally
15:51.53cbeust_It varies a lot
15:51.54jastaAT&T's in Seattle is typically around 400-600kbps.
15:52.00cbeust_from 300 to 1200k
15:52.08jeffbis there a benchmark site i can test on?
15:52.09cbeust_probably because it's in the early stages and has very few users
15:52.13jastajeffb: yes, there's mobile speed test
15:52.20cbeust_jeffb: yes, hold on
15:52.22jeffbwhats the url
15:52.26jeffbill test in boston
15:52.30benleyheh, yeah ... I wonder how bogged-down the network will be when it's full of users
15:52.43cbeust_Here is one:
15:52.57benleywas about to bust that out but sees that jeffb is already doing it
15:53.43jastamy app needs anything over 128kbps ;)
15:54.01jastaalthough i bet my app will get throttled/shut down by T-Mobile.  what a bunch of ass hats.
15:54.07benleyI've been streaming 128k mp3s via http with the phone in my pocket, if that means anything useful
15:54.28jastabenley: well i do that currently on my AT&T phone all the time
15:54.32cbeust_jasta: yes, streaming is frowned upon
15:54.37jastain fact, i wrote a test app that is basically a trimmed down Five client for Windows Mobile
15:54.43benleyjasta: yeah, in theory that should work with EDGE too
15:54.56jastabenley: yeah, but with EDGE the connection is too unstable.
15:54.59jastai tested that too
15:55.48jastacbeust_: i'd be happy to develop an app that intentionally uses right up to their limits every single month ;)
15:56.43jastabbl, off to work
15:56.44jastalater folks
15:57.26jeffbmy device measured 460kbps on cbeust's test
15:57.36cbeust_Sounds right
15:57.47jeffbtried again and it got 497kbps
15:58.16jeffblets try the other one
15:58.54Disconnecthey the opened-in-new-window animation is pretty slick
15:59.16cbeust_Yup, tab browsing ftw
15:59.21benleyyeah, I'm sure people will be all "AAAA NOT AS SHINY AS IPHONE" though
16:00.30jeffbthe other one is 435kbit on a 1mb file
16:00.31Disconnecti haven't seen anything with the apparent crispness of the iphone display yet (although i don't have a g1 so...) except maybe the new psp.
16:01.56benleyjeffb: you have an iphone and a g1 on your desk, compare :)
16:02.03jeffbwhich is funny because apple blurs the shit out of their text
16:02.07jeffbannoys the shit out of me
16:02.09Disconnectyah i know
16:02.28Disconnectpeople talk about using it as an ebook reader (i've got a cybook, fyi don't get one, they are -way- too fragile for release into the world..) but ugh
16:03.31ttuttlejeffb, benley: morning
16:05.25Disconnect..unclear on the concept. "Requires: Win 2K/03/XP/Vista" -
16:05.34benleyI dunno, both displays are nice and sharp
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16:05.59jeffbbenley and i just compared iphone vs g1 head to head, you really cant tell the difference except for the size difference
16:06.04benleythe iphone's is a lot more yellow (they set the color temperature somewhere around 6500k, whereas the android one is more blue)
16:06.15benleythe iphone's screen is bigger, which I didn't realize until just now
16:06.19benleybut they're both nice and sharp :)
16:07.08Disconnectevery time i've seen them close they looked like the same size screen. i should go dig out dimensions.
16:07.18ttuttlejeffb: how are you?
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16:07.43ttuttleromainguy: hey
16:08.10ttuttleromainguy: how's it going?
16:08.37gdsxjust got 1099kbps on
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16:10.52Disconnectdamn. esato has a great phone comparitor (including sizes and such) but its not updated for g1 yet
16:13.19Cedric2gdsx: I've made a few measurements at 1200 as well, but it's not going to last I bet
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16:22.34Disconnectis in DC - no 3g love here :(
16:23.46gdsxCedric2: yeah, probably not
16:23.57zhobbsanyone notice SAX acting differently in 1.0?
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17:01.39jastajeffb: those benchmarks are just about what i et with AT&T...
17:01.45jastamaybe a hair worse
17:02.23jastai was secretly hoping since T-Mobile's network was new they might have some augmented bandwidth :(
17:02.45lesceilDisconnect: what about verizon 3G?
17:03.12Disconnectverizon is pretty fast out here yah
17:03.22jastaSprint devices I've seen get up to 1mbps.
17:03.25fearphageare their detailed hardware specs for the g1 anywhere?
17:03.34jastafearphage: what level of detail are you after?
17:03.47fearphagethe chipset that it uses for wifi connectivity
17:04.38fearphageor perhaps my question has been asked numerous times already, does the g1 support monitor/promiscuous mode?
17:05.07Disconnectanyone gotten a shell running yet? (and for that matter, is tmob/google really gonna be -that- hands-off in their marketplace approval? shell tools, sim unlockers, etc...)
17:06.08jasonleethe t-mobile network is kind of annoying.. they do some tricks on port 80
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17:09.23benleyyeah they have fancy transparent caching proxies and such
17:10.30jasonleebenley: yep, we were trying to pull down a chunked response for ShopSavvy, and their proxy was buffering everything up and wouldn't flush the pipe until the remote connection closed.
17:12.12hagnaI bet it seemed like a good idea at the time
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17:15.26Disconnectanything public yet about shopsavvy's expected pricing? (i'm hoping for "free but sponsored" of course :) ..)
17:15.58jastaumdk1d3 originally said his AndroidScan (now renamed) was going to be open source
17:16.05jastawe'll see how his good fortune has corrupted him :)
17:16.56pjvanyone here have a standard reusable about dialog lying around?
17:18.42jasonleeshopsavvy will be free, but not opensource afaik
17:20.15pjvI take it the silence means "no", Ill develop one myself then
17:21.11pjvI think we should start to collect some standard components, dialogs and apps though, I find I'm developing them myself far too often
17:21.45pjvanyone agree or know about such an effort?
17:22.17Disconnectpjv: don't most other dev kits start with a simple "here's an app, here's a main window, fill in the about page, here's the menu" etc..? maybe a new "new app" template for eclipse is needed with all that stuff covered.
17:22.34fearphagejasta: ?
17:23.02pjvDisconnect, yep, an app that has the most-used components already
17:23.18jeffbjasta: it may be because im sitting in an area with crappy reception (5th floor of a 15 story building)
17:23.24jeffbsurrounded by other buildings
17:23.26pjvlike a menu, a texview and an edittext in a linearlayout, a preferences window, etc
17:23.37Disconnectistr the palm sdk (back in 98/99) pretty much started as a "hello world" app with the event loop and such all stubbed out
17:25.31pjvan about dialog that is reusable would be useful for lots of people for starters I believe
17:25.47pjvas gnome/gtk has too
17:26.26pjva main window on the project/app, a list of people who contributed, license info, etc
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17:28.05Disconnecthmmmm wonder if thats a decent place to start relearning java (and learning android)
17:29.53pjvDisconnect, I'm not sure what you mean, are you looking to start/translate a project in/into Android?
17:30.04Disconnectpondering porting that over is the best java learning resource
17:30.34Disconnectcuz once a decent terminal is available its -really- open
17:30.53pjvI'm not sure if a terminal is the app you want on a phone
17:31.38pjvI might be proven wrong very soon but in my phone-universe there is no place for a terminal currently
17:32.38pjvDisconnect, I think there are lots of (atomically) small but very useful projects possible though for Android
17:33.00Disconnectesp with a keyboard, terminal turns it from a shiny phone into a small linux laptop.
17:33.46pjvthe nice thing about Android is that the about dialog in itself could be an app for example
17:33.50Disconnectinstead of porting a bunch of preexisting apps (think ssh) the commandline versions work and the ports and new app 'effort' can go into the gui
17:33.55pjvI was just thinking about that
17:34.23pjvisn't ssh written in C?
17:35.26ulmenthere are several ssh clients written in java
17:35.29Disconnect(there are java ssh apps but effectively yes, there iare a couple of nice fast arm-friendly ssh apps in C)
17:35.34Disconnectincluding sshd
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17:37.00thinairwith SDK 1.0, is it actually possible to communicate with tcp between two emulators (one should be the server, the other the client) ?
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17:41.58tricha, finally someone reviewed the -qemu bug/issue
17:42.37tricthinair: telnet to your emu and use redir or somthing, so you can forward the ports
17:44.09thinairok, i will try..
17:44.10thinairreal device should support it ? communication between two devices.. and one as a server ?
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17:46.12trici hope so ;)
17:48.01thinairtric : thanks it help me a lot ! I was not sure to go in a bad direction..
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17:59.23Disconnectnot to ask a stupid question, btu does chris haseman hang out here?
18:00.01Disconnectwants to find out if 'pro android' will have an index or if it'll go the road of 'pulling strings with puppet' (diff't author, same pub) and be effectively worthless after the first read :/
18:01.06Cedric2Is that a book?
18:01.31Cedric2would stay away of any book coming up too quickly after 1.0
18:02.16Disconnectapress is famous for having fast, reasonably good books that on cutting-edge tech. but (according to auth of the puppet book) they cut corners if they don't expect huge sales.
18:02.32Disconnect(wanna buy a puppet book? cheap? great intro, then useless cuz of lack of index :( ..)
18:02.41Cedric2We've changed so many API's in the past months that I would make sure the book is at least covering 0.9
18:02.50Cedric2which is reasonably close to 1.0
18:03.16dipen$35 Annual Subscription for Commosware Mark Murphy's book.
18:03.40Disconnect not sure which sdk ver it covers.
18:03.44Disconnectobviously not 1.0 :)
18:04.08muthu_Mark Murphy is the best
18:04.26Disconnectdoesn't pay "subscription fees" for books
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18:06.32muthu_murphy keeps the forums alive
18:06.36dipenAndroid Essential is M5 base
18:08.49Acsiawhat would be the best way to wait a couple of seconds during functional instrumentation?
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18:09.38dipeni followed jasta's advise ......using only Mark Murphy's Busy Coder Guide, and
18:10.24pjvwhy do you need books when the docs are great? (afaik these books just somewhat copy the docs)
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18:10.52herriojrhow come we can only declare two applications to have the same user id?
18:12.41DD94300agree pjv, i don;t know about others but as beginner I am finding docs difficult to understand......
18:13.05DD94300or i should say difficult to follow
18:14.35pjvread most of the links on the lefthand side of the android site and you'll probably know as much or more as from the books
18:15.23pjvif you've done the Notepad tutorials (and the api demos version) and can explain why everything is done that way, then that's it basically
18:18.34tricwell, i would have loved some books covering the internals, like dalvik vs sun vm. background of jni and stuff.
18:19.09faddenThere's a 1-hour talk on the android site for Dalvik vs. JVM
18:19.30faddenJNI is generic (and not officially supported as a mode of development in the 1.0 release).
18:20.59trici know this talk. and well, not only jni, but discovering the c api to logcat earlier would have helped me alot
18:22.19tricand btw, jni is not supported. but in those talks developer are adviced to actually use jni for cpu intensive tasks
18:23.02faddenI believe it states that JNI *is* used for CPU-intensive tasks, reducing the need for a JIT for common apps.
18:23.40faddenI don't think they actually recommend that you plan on using it.
18:24.47romainguyJNI is not supported in 1.0, wait for the official support
18:25.32tricromainguy: what are the reasons for the missing support. cause it seems to work in sdk just fine
18:26.01romainguywhere do you put your .so?
18:26.27tricinto the apk and local app paths.
18:26.36tricworking really great
18:26.45romainguycompatibility is not guaranteed
18:26.51romainguyyour app will probably break with the next update
18:26.55romainguywhich sucks both for you and the users
18:27.23tricyeah, i first thought that is a showstopper, im putting it as a raw resource into the apk and "extract" it into the app writable directory.
18:28.05tricromainguy: well, my app is for research only. and i needed jni. its just for my interested why you didnt include it.
18:28.46faddentric: using System.load() to pull it in manually from an absolute path?
18:29.03romainguytric: because we didn't have time to get a native SDK ready for 1.0 and it wasn't a priority
18:29.11romainguyagain, compatibility is not guaranteed
18:29.13tricromainguy: ah ok. ;)
18:29.58tricfadden: lamme check, i wrote it months ago ;)
18:30.11tricok, weeks
18:31.54tricfadden: yeah, exactly System.load(context.getFileStreamPath(jniLibName).getAbsolutePath())
18:33.16jastapawalls: yo, you around?
18:33.42tricone disadvantage using this method, the lib exists twice on your device, in the apk and in the filesystem. but mine is small anyway
18:33.56romainguytric: that's a nice way to quickly run out of internal storage :)
18:34.15jastatric: you could design a system to download the library from somewhere else
18:34.26jastabut your approach is possibly better.
18:34.43jastaromainguy: how much internal storage is there btw?  i've heard some conflicting answers...
18:34.55jastai thought it was 192MB + 1GB SD included?
18:35.22tricjasta: my lib isnt public, so loading it from somewhere is no choice, and it extends needed bw aswell
18:35.46romainguymy device tells me I have 76 MB in /data
18:35.52romainguy25 MB of which are free
18:36.24herriojris it possible to display an activity inside another activity?
18:36.31tricromainguy: yes, sadly. i used adb push to /system/lib before, but that sucked for my dev process ;)
18:36.43romainguybesides, you can't do that on an actual phone
18:37.17tricbut unless you send me one, i dont think ill "ever" get one.
18:37.29romainguybuy one on October 22nd :)
18:38.13trichehe, im not in the us. i dont have 400$ for spare, and my android work will prolly be over December 27th ;)
18:39.14tricbut actually in my dreams my company buys me one end of october, we will see
18:41.01Acsiais it possible to start an Activity instrumentation with an Intent?
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18:44.22Acsiathe Acticity seems to be initialized within the constructor so there isn't any way to do append an intent directly from ActicityInstrumentationTestCase
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19:25.06tethridgenow that you guys have had a chance to really get to know android, is it possible to intercept calls before the phone starts ringing and have some business logic run to determine whether or not to send the call straight to voice mail?
19:25.29tethridgemaybe one of you google guys will have to answer that?
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19:29.00tethridgemaybe locale will have some of this functionality?
19:30.46pardomyou can listen on a call... i don't know about hanging up on it
19:31.29tethridgeI don't want to hang up on it, just block the phone from ringing by sending it to voicemail
19:31.57tethridgesay it's after midnight and unless it is an emergency I want all calls to go to voicemail so it doesn't wake me up
19:32.02pardomthat feature is in the contacts
19:32.32hagnapardom: what about procedurally generating a ring tone based on who is calling?
19:32.32tethridgehow does it determine if it is an emergency?
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19:33.08pardomah... didn't see your "emergency" scenario
19:33.25pardomhow would you determine an "emergency" anyway?
19:33.48tethridgeromainguy, can you answer my question?  You seem to have a good grasp on the capabilities of android
19:33.58faddenI have an extremely urgent need to sell you an auto warranty!
19:33.58hagnapardom: that's what he just asked :)
19:35.06tethridgeone other question I have is about "visual voicemail"
19:35.18tethridgedoes android have that capability with the g1?
19:35.30tethridgeI know it's possible, I just don't know if it is implemented
19:37.06hagnatethridge: idk what is visual voice mail?
19:37.19hagna<-- not a google
19:37.20tethridgeit's a feature of the iphone
19:37.30hagnathat narrows it down
19:37.35illuminumis anyone developing any social games for android
19:37.36illuminumlike tag
19:37.37pardomtethridge: tmob would have to implement that on their end
19:37.43tethridgeyou can see a listing of all your voicemail and listen to them in whatever order you wish
19:37.50tethridgenot necessarily
19:37.50summatusmentisgives you a list of all voicemail messages, so you can decide which to listen to
19:37.54hagnatethridge: ahh ok cool
19:37.54pardomor you could develop an app, but it wouldn't be reliable
19:38.20tethridgeif you phone implemented an answering machine it could do it
19:38.47pardomit would take up storage on your phone
19:39.17tethridgeyeah, but not much.  I think the bigger problem would be when you are without service
19:39.36pardomyea for the 1 - 5 minutes they leave a message ha
19:40.11pardomi dunno if tmob does call forwarding, but it could be forwarded to a service that handles that
19:42.23Disconnecttmob does forwarding but charges minutes (might be 2x minutes, i don't recall)
19:42.43pardomi figured. my carrier does the same
19:43.41pardomone ghetto way of doing it is:
19:44.00pardomstore all missed calls in a sqlite db and show them in the list
19:44.18pardomclick on the 3rd one in the list i calls your vm and dials 1-7-7-7
19:44.29pardomor whatever keys it needs to get to the message
19:44.57Disconnectthat makes the pretty strong assumption that not only did everyone leave a message but you don't mind blindly deleting the ones in your way :)
19:45.30pardomwell... you should get a notification of a vm
19:45.47pardomdunno if you can listen for that but maybe
19:46.05Disconnectright but htat just says "there is a message waiting" it never says "now there are 2"
19:46.41pardomso clear it when a message comes in and show a custom Notification
19:46.46tethridgeI guess the google guys are still at lunch
19:46.53pardomthat way you get a count
19:46.59pardommeh, i said it was ghetto
19:47.12Disconnectcan you clear it from the phone? i thought the network would reassert it periodically
19:47.48pardomi dont see why not... i can manually clear it on my crappy LG flip
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19:51.39Disconnecti could also, 'way back when' but istr that tmob resent it every 6-24 hours regardless of message count
19:52.24Disconnect(a few times it resulted in the 'new message' alert in the dark hours while i was on call :( ..)
19:53.34pardomeh, well i guess the idea of visual voicemail is non-existent on android until carriers provide it then
19:56.08tethridgeI was thinking earlier that to have a an equal amount of space as an iPhone for your music you are going to have buy another microSD card which makes the g1 more expensive
19:56.29tethridgeat least for the 8gb iPhone
19:56.48pardom8gb micro sd is less than $30 online
19:56.48tethridgemost 8gb cards are about $30 - $40 I think
19:56.57pardomfroogle that shit
19:56.58romainguyI bought an 8 GB micro sd for about 25$
19:57.02tethridgeless than 20?
19:57.18tethridgeromainguy, hey
19:57.26zhobbsis 8GB the biggest?
19:57.34pardomon the g1 yes
19:57.34benleyyou can get 16gb ones now.
19:57.35tethridgecan you answer my question about the ability to intercept calls?
19:57.36romainguyand the plan is still cheaper than iPhone's
19:57.36pardomyou can get 16
19:57.39romainguyso on the long run...
19:57.51tethridgelong run the g1 is better
19:57.55zhobbspardom: 16's don't work on the G1?
19:57.57benleyand 16gb sandisk cards do indeed work in the g1
19:58.06benley(others probably do too, but I haven't seen any of them)
19:58.14pardomi dunno... tmob said you can expand it up to 8
19:58.46zhobbsbenley: 16gb does work?
19:58.47benleypardom: they said that probably because they thought >8 didn't exist :-P
19:58.51Disconnectpardom: thats cuz nobody is official with 16 yet
19:58.58benleyzhobbs: yeah, I've heard directly from someone who tested a 16gb card.
19:59.17Disconnectand afaik if it supports 8 then it will support 16, the sdhc spec is kinda all-or-nothing
19:59.23benleyyeah, pretty much
19:59.26romainguytethridge: what do you want to do with phone calls?
19:59.42Disconnect(supposedly if it supports 4g but there are some non-sdhc 4g that work in things like the nokia 770, a non-sdhc platform..)
19:59.45tethridgea good use case is preventing drunk dialing.  :-)
20:00.09tethridgelets say that I want to send all calls that aren't from members of my "family" contact list to voicemail if it is after 10:00 PM
20:00.24romainguyI have no idea whether you can do this :)
20:00.30romainguyask on the mailing list ^^
20:00.57pardomtethridge: i assume you can
20:01.24tethridgeyou would have to be able to hook into the software that accepts the call
20:01.28pardomyou can listen for calls, and if you can set contacts to go straight to voice mail through the contacts i assume you can do that programatically too
20:02.00zhobbstethridge: neat idea btw
20:03.18Disconnectshould be able to invert it also - these people cannot call while i'm out drinking and bitching about work :)
20:04.18zhobbstethridge: you might be able to do that without worrying about intercepting calls
20:04.33zhobbsin the contacts list there is a flag for each contact for "go straight to voicemail"
20:04.45zhobbsmight just set/unset those flags with an alarm manager
20:05.31tethridgeI was just thinking something similar
20:05.44tethridgethis functionality would be good to add into the contact list
20:06.06tethridgeso when that setting is requested from the contacts app, it could run the business logic to determine the state
20:06.44pardomno tethridge: the alarm manager would set it at 10:00 to go to vm
20:08.03tethridgeI guess I'll need to play with that some
20:08.48hagnaso what's the path to get my app on a G1?  do I upload it to google's market place and then ppl are free to dl or can it go straight to the phone over usb or something?
20:09.24pardomi have the same question about getting it on the market place
20:09.29pardomwhat's the procedure
20:09.41Cedric2It will be explained in time
20:09.46hagnaahh ok
20:09.48Cedric2You can also make the app available on a web site
20:10.26romainguyI was about to say that
20:10.44hagnaromainguy: both nice
20:11.31hagnaone thing I don't like about cel phones is that they don't work so great when everyone is calling 911 at once
20:11.53Disconnecthagna: yah but neither do land-lines
20:11.57tomgibaraAre there any google engineers here who know about the battery apis/intents?
20:11.58hagnaDisconnect: ham radios
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20:13.07Disconnectzhobbs: (kinda late comment) the only issue with automatically "manually" changing that flag is you need to intercept user changes and alter one fo the profiles ('no-work' or 'last state')
20:13.50Disconnecthagna: ham radios only work better because of the limited number of operators vs number of available freqs/channels.
20:14.27hagnaDisconnect: and there is also the not tied to a repeater/cel tower aspect
20:15.11zhobbsDisconnect: not sure I follow
20:15.26Disconnectso when will you have an android app for controlling a radio via g1? :)
20:16.40Disconnectzhobbs: say i activate profile "no-work" to drop calls from my boss and coworkers. it goes in, saves the prev state of the flag for those accounts and then sets it to "drop". then I say "oh but james might call" and uncheck it on james - does it get saved permanently, on the "no-work" profile or just ignored?
20:17.57Disconnector go the other way - say i check a new account while that profile is active. if you ignore my actions completely it'll never uncheck -- thats suboptimal, I may expect "when i turn off the no-work profile it lets people call again"..
20:18.46zhobbsI would assume it's a one time exception I guess, and if you wanted to change it permanently you'd do it in the profile settings
20:19.44Disconnectthere's a couple of use-cases there though, one of which is just a user who migrates from profile to profile and never "turns it off".. but even with the temporary case, unless you record the flag for each contact entry (and that could be thousands) you need to watch for the state change somehow instead.
20:20.25Disconnectthinks its a cool idea
20:21.05zhobbsyeah, but for when I'm ignoring some calls I don't want it to go straight to voicemail, I want it to ring for a while
20:21.12zhobbsthen go to voicemail
20:21.37Disconnectthats something i had wondered about. although "my phone was off" (or out of range) works for that case
20:21.44Disconnectso long as you never ever tell anyone you are the developer of that app :)
20:21.57Disconnectcuz as soon as you do, anytime you miss a call people are gonna take it personally :)
20:23.29Disconnectooooh and it'd need an (optional) override mode - "if a number calls more than x times, allow it through"
20:23.55zhobbsahh...then you have to monitor incoming calls...and we're not sure if that's possible
20:24.13Disconnectif you flip that flag you don't get a missed-call notification?
20:24.31Disconnecthasn't gotten particularly far into the sdk yet, still just reading the intro docs
20:24.31zhobbshmm, don't know
20:25.33pardomyou could listen for calls and just count them from that number, then when you reach your max change the flag
20:27.05tethridgethen that crazy girl would still get through after calling you 15 times
20:27.36kenyi missed the important part, but this sounds like a very interesting application :)
20:27.45pardomcrazy girl / booty call
20:28.17kenyis this some kind of application that sits on top of the core system managing calls or a replacement for it ?
20:28.31zhobbson the same kind of lines, I was thinking that an app called "DumbPhone" would be makes it so you can just dial/recieve calls
20:28.45tethridgeimagines custom pbx like messages. "If this is a booty call, press 1..."
20:28.55zhobbscause sometimes you're out with people and you get a notification about an email, etc
20:30.50pardomyou would need crazy girl CAPTCHA tho
20:31.02anno^da <- the press is getting better and better
20:31.22Disconnectpardom: "If you want some of {bob}'s hair in a locket, press 3" "I'm sorry, this call is too insane for this caller. Please try your call again saner."
20:34.43Disconnectlikes "I'm sorry, your call could not be completed while psycho. Please try your call again saner." but couldn't find the wording in time :)
20:35.34Disconnectooooh someone needs to start porting asterisk and flite :)
20:35.46Disconnectcourse, there is already a nice fast flite for arm but its in native C
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20:39.20ezakhi anyone using android on zaurus?
20:40.38tethridgeman, that's a product from the past.  I haven't heard mention of it in a long time
20:40.53ezakit was a nice product back then
20:41.05tethridgeyeah, I remember reading about it
20:41.07ezakbeen playing with the an old beta of android on it
20:41.09Disconnectafair its been done but not in any reasonable/useful way
20:41.14Disconnectah maybe that was you i was reading
20:41.35ezakbut I bet we read the same stuff
20:41.49ezakgot a fully patched kernel
20:41.59ezakbut on init > seg fault
20:42.01Disconnecthas a c760 he wouldn't mind charging up again
20:42.10ezakI have c750
20:42.29ezakI can provide working kernel with modules if you care
20:42.43ezakI installed a base angstrom
20:42.58ezaknewer patched kernel on top of it
20:43.31ezakand found a slc3200 android root that I unpacked to sd
20:43.33Disconnectgonna hold off on the biggest efforts until i have my g1
20:43.38ezak0.9 beta
20:43.48Disconnectis prolly gonna focus on a terminal app first.
20:43.49ezakI'm in france
20:43.57ezakso no g1 for quite some long ass time
20:44.00nizoxun français ! :)
20:44.10Cedric2There are a few of us on this channel already
20:44.39Disconnectmight be able to swing an import deal if you get enough people. freqs are prolly wrong (at least for 3g) but..
20:44.55ezakthat's true that zaurus are things of the past it still hasn't finished dding a 80 megs ext2 image since I'm talking there
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21:02.51DD94300quick question, why android.view.Menu has setIcon() method is not available? where android.view.SubMenu does......
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21:11.52AttractiveApetethridge: not really an iphone feature, blackberries have it as well.
21:12.08tethridgewhat feature is that?
21:12.08AttractiveApeyikes, my scroll bar was waaay up.
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21:14.25mazzendoes anyone knows if androids calendar has sync support for evolution?
21:14.42tethridgenot yet
21:14.56tethridgethat should be android does not have support yet
21:15.17mazzenso, there is already a project for that?
21:15.23tethridgeit only syncs to gmail at the moment
21:16.19mazzenk, thanks tethridge
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22:01.14jastawonders if it will be a commercial exchange solution or an open source one that wins out on Android...
22:01.25jastanow that M$ has all the docs open, i can't imagine the latter being that hard
22:03.16unix_lappythey could obviously release their own client as they'd make more money on server, exchange, etc licensing than WindowsMobile.
22:03.19unix_lappybut they wont.
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22:30.50gary|wandering if anyone can help, i'm trying to find out when you should use @+ in the manifest. I read about it before briefly but didnt save the link.
22:31.08gary|manifest/xml layout files
22:33.40jasta@+ creates an id
22:33.56jastait's like of like a directive to the parser
22:34.01jastait's kind of like*
22:34.45gary|do you have a link where ii can read more about it?
22:34.53jastanope, i just know that to be true :)
22:35.06sialivianyone knows who's taken over the development of undroid?
22:35.42sialiviandroid netbeans plugin
22:37.25unix_lappyinteresting...wonder what netbeans offers that eclipse or jedit doesnt.
22:37.49sialivifor android development or in general?
22:39.35sialiviundroid hasn't been updated since january so it doesn't work with the current android release, the website says they've passed it on to a new developer but doesn't mention any details
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22:58.09jastasweet, masa was updated
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23:14.01jastadoes anyone know if MediaPlayer#getCurrentPosition or getDuration are expensive?
23:14.19jastaas in, should i just call them every second to update playing progress or rely on a timer myself?
23:14.53jastaactually nevermind, i have to do that since i can't detect choking
23:14.53Dougie187couldn't you time them?
23:15.26jastaDougie187: i just realized i can't, because if the MediaPlayer playing from a stream chokes then each second will not necessarily represent a change in playback position
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23:23.07*** join/#android RyeBrye (n=ryebrye@
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23:37.53jastalooks at re-styling the seek bar to be much sexier
23:41.13*** join/#android duey (
23:41.48jastawait, i'm no good at this :)
23:47.58*** join/#android Dralspire (
23:52.55*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
23:53.48*** join/#android meoblast001 (
23:59.00*** join/#android Adamant (

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