IRC log for #android on 20080928

00:08.02*** join/#android yakischloba (
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00:16.11rabelaisthink he should be in the sales industry
00:17.39jadamsrabelais, meh, I was already going to buy one :)
00:18.11meoblast001who's making the hardware?
00:18.50*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
00:19.26meoblast001rabelais: i thought it was the HTC Dream?
00:19.38rabelaishtc is the company
00:19.41rabelaishtc dream is the product
00:19.52jham_HTC's web site about the G1:
00:20.00illuminumtmobile g1 is the brand name
00:20.10illuminumlinux is the kernel
00:20.19illuminumandroid is the application platform
00:20.27illuminumsoftware stack
00:22.17ahaberla1hAnd the bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word.
00:22.28meoblast001im lost
00:22.40meoblast001so HTC isnt making the G1?
00:22.45meoblast001if not.... who is?
00:22.55SaxgodYes.  HTC made the hardware.
00:22.58meoblast001or did they drop the Dream for the G1
00:23.03SaxgodGoogle made the software.
00:23.06SaxgodDream was a code name.
00:23.06benleythe dream is the codename for the g1
00:23.15SaxgodT-Mobile is shipping it as the "T-Mobile G1"
00:23.20benleyhtc has a name like that for all their handsets
00:23.29benleyi.e. the tmobile mda is the htc wizard, something like that
00:23.43AdamHI must've been here before.  All my nicks are registered.  :)
00:23.53benleyhi adam :)
00:24.04AdamHMuch like Danger created the Hiptop and then T-Mobile released it as the Sidekick.
00:24.10AdamHHola, Benley
00:24.47SaxgodHeh.  I _MUST_ have been here before.  :)
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00:38.48Saxgodrelurks, apparently.
00:54.24*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
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02:00.53unix_infidelyikes, all the G1's have sold out...
02:01.39tonyacunarI want a G1
02:05.21tonyacunarHi, my name is Frank
02:10.10cbeust_Can I still be Garth?
02:15.01*** join/#android cbeust (
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02:32.02tonyacunari am an Iphone developer looking to switch to the dark side
02:32.11ahaberlachWhat, Symbian?
02:32.49SanMehatahaberlach: hahaha
02:36.44unix_infidelSanMehat: PM real quick regarding AndroidDevCamp?
02:48.37*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (n=ThePHPJe@unaffiliated/thephpjedi/x-000002)
03:12.46wastrelis the iphone devkit java?
03:17.31lokewastrel: no
03:17.37lokewastrel: it's Objecttive C
03:18.21lokeIt's like C with a Smalltalk object model bolted on. Very little type safety and no metamodel. However, it does have some pretty nice features too
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03:36.03wastrelah that makes sense that's what they use for osx stuff
03:36.59benleyand the iphone does indeed run osx
03:41.21*** join/#android saraneya (n=chatzill@
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03:46.12tonyacunarSo since android is open I can sell my apps directlyt from my website?
03:46.29zhobbstonyacunar: yeah, I think apk links will open up install dialogs
03:46.47tonyacunarVery nice.  Much better than damn app store
03:46.57tonyacunarI heard it takes like a month for Apples QA to approve your app
03:48.38jasonleezhobbs: back in FL?
03:49.06unix_infidelwonders what the game plan is for piracy.
03:49.08jasonleenice to be back home..
03:49.53zhobbsjasonlee: yep, got in from the airport, took a nap, and now back to work
03:50.05jasonleezhobbs: same here
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04:40.36PoohbaLTso... what should I really expect with this phone?  i currently have a windows mobile phone and i get push email.  will my mail still be pushed?
04:40.47PoohbaLTi'm using google apps.  will that be supported or just gmail?
04:41.02cbeustYes, your email will be pushed
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04:52.22zhobbsPoohbaLT: depends on how you get email
04:52.34zhobbsPoohbaLT: gmail is push, imap is pull
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05:03.41zhobbsis this serious?
05:03.51zhobbsseems like it would bring a lot of attention to android
05:04.36cbeustAgreed, it would be fantastic for us :)
05:08.47zhobbsyeah, cause I was worred that no one would even know what android was, but if apple runs ads then that's great
05:09.15cbeust"Google said that Android was an open platform, so it couldn't rule out the possibility of a network of phones becoming self-aware and seeking emotions, or forming into human-hating killing machines. "
05:09.43zhobbsI know, that sounds awesome
05:10.22f00f-yeah totally
05:10.28f00f-people don't know what kind of punch android is packing
05:11.19*** part/#android Kruton_Nebulon (
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05:38.28ahaberlachTo say nothing of the roundhouse kicks.
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05:46.04BHSPitLappyhey HuXu
05:46.44BHSPitLappyso you were looking for a dev channel, and freenode wasn't your first guess?
05:47.13HuXuit was, but i think lookin for it, i dunno if i had or not
05:49.52*** part/#android HuXu (n=mitchell@
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06:14.56*** join/#android saraneya (n=chatzill@
06:41.26f00f-oh my
06:41.31f00f-i just did a simple benchmark
06:41.50f00f-of a web service that fetches a URL, parses it (XML), and returns something back
06:41.57f00f-PHP vs Java
06:42.46f00f-191 ms / 97 ms
06:42.57f00f-although i've optimized the java version from the start!
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06:49.20saraneyano way
06:49.41saraneyaso you optimize java version
06:49.49saraneyawrite some bloated php version
06:49.55saraneyaand then compare the two!
06:50.01f00f-well to be fair ;)
06:50.16f00f-the PHP one boils down to being very simple
06:50.30f00f-$x = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents("..."));
06:50.35f00f-iterate $x and then print out one line
06:50.53f00f-the java one is like 50 lines of code to do similar
06:51.00f00f-but true, i'm cheating in java :D
06:51.16f00f-using HttpClient to pool outgoing requests :D
06:51.28saraneyacase closed.
06:51.54f00f-i haven't explored http pooling in php, maybe it'd beat java too
06:51.55saraneyaf00f-: how's your work coming along?
06:52.59f00f-pretty good. mainly porting the PHP backend to Java for deployment/scalability reasons.
06:53.06f00f-not much work remaining on the android app though
06:53.13f00f-it's just pending on the new backend
06:53.56saraneyawhen launch?
06:56.03f00f-i'd say within 30 to 60 days if all goes well
06:57.04saraneyagood luck
06:57.45saraneyai'm having dsl connection problem in fedora
06:57.55saraneyaany ideas?
06:58.26saraneyaadsl-start comes back with some null message.. terminated..
06:58.52f00f-no idea. i've never played with dsl/pppoe :/
07:00.21saraneyaandroid.jar is broken
07:00.27saraneyai seen only runtime exception
07:00.42saraneyacan't study
07:02.07saraneyaif everyone is working on location based ringtones..
07:02.43saraneyaandroid market will be flooded by it
07:03.57arctanxWell that's the whole point isn't it? Avoids "duplicates functionality" arguments ;)
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07:04.13saraneyayeah its good
07:04.21saraneyathe better locale ringtone will sell
07:04.33arctanxor be downloaded, as the case may be
07:04.52saraneyayeah.. the price will be 0.10$
07:05.16arctanxscratches his head
07:05.24saraneyaheard warren buffet is buying 5b$ shares in android
07:05.46arctanxpossibly I've messed up how this all works in my head... I thought it was open slather to write apps and share them for free?
07:06.00saraneyafree is welcome
07:06.24saraneyapremium is more than welcome
07:06.49arctanxmmk so there's a centralised store system for that then?
07:06.58saraneyaandroid market
07:07.08arctanxah hah, thanks
07:07.25saraneyai like android market
07:07.30saraneyaeveryone put it free
07:07.37saraneyathen after user get it
07:07.39saraneyayou charge
07:08.00saraneyanice plan
07:08.35arctanxpardon? How do you charge the user after they already have it?
07:08.35saraneyashow ads
07:08.53saraneyaentice them with a better paid one
07:09.49saraneyaalmost eveyoneis working on 2 versions
07:11.21f00f-you could have a self-sufficient ad-funded one
07:11.22arctanxYeah okay, that all makes good business sense. I only wonder if there will end up being high quality free/open-source and ad-less software available that do all the important or interesting things
07:11.43arctanxMaking people not want to pay money for other versions
07:11.55f00f-users don't generally mind ads as long as they're relevant and used sparingly
07:11.58saraneyaits not about not want to pay
07:12.29saraneyaheard people bought 900$ hello world iphone app
07:13.15saraneyausers don't mind ads
07:13.19saraneyathey'll use adblock
07:13.53f00f-i doubt it, especially if they're just text ads
07:13.57f00f-sprinkled in relevant places
07:14.10f00f-for example, some apps show ads in "waiting..." screens
07:14.15arctanxIndeed google's ads are not usually a big deal, and sure some people are quite happy to pay money for software. But look at Linux: a lot of people have put in a lot of work and made it available for free, and without advertising kickbacks. I'm just trying to see if there's any reason the same won't happen on the android platform
07:14.17f00f-otherwise it would be a wasted screen
07:14.20saraneyaf00f-: nice idea
07:14.28saraneyainstead of progress..  show ads
07:14.49saraneyaarctanx: there's tons of paid apps for linux
07:15.42saraneya80% will be happy with free
07:16.06saraneya20% will want paid
07:16.09f00f-paid apps are tough, since it depends on what type of app it is
07:16.21saraneyapaid apps will sell
07:16.24f00f-for location apps, lots of stuff will be free already
07:16.28f00f-games, maybe not
07:16.34f00f-people will pay for entertainment without a doubt
07:16.47saraneyamusic, movies
07:17.10saraneyailluminum: lol
07:17.24illuminumproprietary software for $ will finally be relegated to where it belongs, niche markets
07:17.31arctanxOkay so the answer to my question is really that yes, people will be able to release free software which undercuts paid software if they want to, but the paid applications are going to be cool enough and of high enough quality that there will still be a large market for those?
07:17.50unix_infidelunless there's such a large market for them that they are pirated.
07:17.57unix_infidelthese arent exactly new paradigms.
07:18.11saraneyaits easy to track your users..
07:18.19illuminumno that is wrong unix. if there is a large market then there will also be a defacto opensource standard in the works
07:18.36illuminumwhich will evolve as the leader under natural system dynamics
07:18.39arctanxMm but they're really getting into the impulse-buy price range where that's probably less likely. People who spend $xxx on a phone probably won't mind dropping a dollar on a cool app compared with the trouble of pirating
07:18.59saraneyapeople are happy to pay for their mobile apps
07:19.05saraneyaits a new thing
07:19.14unix_infideluntil such a point where there is a market that makes it just as easy to use pirated apps.
07:19.52unix_infidelsearch for an app, find an app you like, search for said app at pirate marketplace, steal if there, buy if not.
07:20.05illuminumproprietary apps cannot compete in quality/value when an opensource project gets to its critical mass point
07:20.09f00f-plus, most of the apps will be very inexpensive
07:20.30saraneyaless than 10$ is a good market
07:20.43swetlandilluminum: which is why photoshop has totally failed! hm.
07:20.43f00f-people don't generally hesitate when it's only $3-5 per app
07:21.10saraneyayou have a lite version, which is free
07:21.15arctanxilluminum: That's what my thought was. I'm sure many developers are looking at the iphone and saying "sweet, I can make tonnes by making things for the android" but there will be a significant open source movement making all the main cool apps available for free, and community developed to improve their feature set too
07:21.23swetlandf00f: hell, a lot of people pay $1-3 for a 20 second *ringtone*, which still boggles my mind ^^
07:21.37f00f-very true
07:22.03swetlandI think the biggest issue is having a well-integrated payment system without a lot of hoops to jump through
07:22.04arctanxBut really, that's not most people. saraneya and f00f- are quite right in that people will just pop onto the store and buy something cheap which does the job. Money goes to the developers, win-win
07:22.20swetlandat that point, spending a couple dollars for a ringtone or a game or whatever is almost no effort at all
07:22.40saraneyais googlecheckout the default payment?
07:22.57saraneyai know visa is working on something
07:22.58f00f-i'd say ringtones are an extension of yourself allowing you to personalize your device, so people might pay a bit more for that
07:23.10illuminumultimately the best product for the job is going to be the most popular thanks to community ranking
07:23.22f00f-i found that interesting
07:23.25zhobbswith android you can, in theory, set any song from your sd card as a ringtone
07:23.30swetlandno official announcement on payment details for the market yet, I believe
07:23.35swetlandzhobbs: in reality.
07:23.40illuminumand you're right if the best product currently available at a given time is proprietary then people, myself included, won't hesitate to send 5-15 bucks through the cloud
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07:24.03swetlandin the music player, hit menu, choose "set as ringtone". done
07:24.08f00f-i wish visa partnered up with my bank to do that kind of real-time stuff :X
07:24.27zhobbsswetland: yeah, the api supports it...not sure if there is a way in the music player...
07:24.47zhobbswhich reminds me...another thing for me to do in's getting overwhelming
07:24.50saraneyathe community rating would be interesting..
07:25.05swetlandzhobbs: as I said, there is a way in the music player.
07:25.05zhobbsswetland: oh, missed that in the music player
07:25.41saraneyawho becomes the popular developer in android?
07:25.44illuminumwhen did apple become evil? was it the ipod that gave it its hubris?
07:25.45saraneyawould be fun to watch
07:26.16unix_infidelilluminum: apple has always been good at providing simple well designed products. apple always goes through this.
07:26.38swetlandapple is very product focused and this certainly results in some very nice products
07:26.59saraneyaapple is only for a certain crowd
07:27.00arctanxilluminum: Eh it's not inherently evil. They jumped on a _really good_ business opportunity. But it is hubris -- they're not at real risk of losing money and developers to a more community-based product
07:27.14swetlandmy main complaint tends to be lack of options, as steve is a believer in choice -- everyone should be able to choose to have it steve's way ^^
07:27.16arctanxthey're at real risk*
07:27.16illuminumyeah but at some stage they made a willful decision to engage in lockout strategy in r&d and insulting the user's intelligence in marketing
07:27.35swetlandilluminum: say, since the original mac? ^^
07:28.53zhobbsapple never appealed to me because everything has to be "their way", from the hardware to the software
07:29.18arctanxThe most important thing is that free and proprietary apps are both given equal footing in a convenient way and the user gets a choice. I'm satisfied.
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07:29.55saraneyaG1 is sold out
07:30.28illuminumi lolled when i read ms windows mobile 7 is delayed on slashdot today--the company has its head in the sand
07:31.04illuminumi wonder if they just have really dumb people on the board of directors and can't oust them
07:31.44saraneyathat's how big companies fail
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08:33.36Acsiahello everybody!
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08:43.03zhobbsanyone else have problems with illegalstateexceptions and cursors/sqlite databases?
08:43.26AcsiaI have seen a couple
08:43.42Acsiahave you checked that you always deactivate/close the cursors?
08:44.14zhobbsyeah, it's just tricky to figure out when to do so...I guess onPause()
08:44.57Acsiayou can also use managedcursor and let the activity deal with it
08:45.17zhobbsI've had trouble with that also...don't remember that the problem was
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08:46.02Acsiazhobbs, have you done any kind of syncing with your app?
08:46.10AcsiaI am trying to figure out the best strategy
08:46.24Acsiathey took out all the sync mechanism from the content provider in v1
08:46.26zhobbsno, what are you syncing?
08:46.46Acsiamainly data from a sqlite db
08:46.53Acsialike route and route points
08:47.27AcsiaI guess I ll put a trigger within the db and the iterate throught that
08:50.41zhobbsahh...think I figured out the illegal state stuff...
09:06.56*** join/#android anno^da_ (n=anno^
09:22.19snadgei read somewhere that t-mobile will offer a g1 phone that can be unlocked after 90 days for $300?
09:23.17Acsiasnadge, define somewhere
09:23.43snadgei wish i could remember.. some unauthentic sounding source
09:24.06f00f-$399 i heard
09:24.23f00f-or $300 with only 1 year contract?
09:24.27Acsiaunlocked with contract?
09:24.50AcsiaI ll fly to the US and get myself one
09:25.09Acsiahere it will be available beggining of november most probably
09:26.12f00f-you guys are getting it pretty soon
09:26.19f00f-what app are you working on?
09:26.34Acsiaa running application
09:27.04snadge90 days is a long time to wait though, im only going to be in the USA for 2 or 3 weeks
09:27.41snadgeso what do i do.. wait out the 90 days then call them up?
09:27.59Acsiawhere do you live usually?
09:29.38f00f-i'm sure some will show up on ebay
09:30.33snadgeaustralia, but i'll be in usa at the end of november early december
09:30.43snadgeso it seems like a good opportunity to pick up a g1 while im there :P
09:31.19dueyi bought a g1 one and blendered it
09:32.15snadgemaybe if i say im going back to australia and wish for it to be unlocked and asked really really nicely :p
09:35.08saraneyaand the local carrier must work
09:37.02snadgewell we have several 3g networks .. im hoping they're compatible
09:37.32snadgethey support iphone and winmo on other htc devices
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09:42.52f00f-actually i'm not sure if the U.S. version has UMTS-2100 for europe
09:43.06f00f-since the spec sheet states 1700/2100 for the U.S. version
09:43.24f00f-but it could be a bastardized form of UMTS that uses uplink/downlink in that range
09:44.06AcsiaG1 supposively should arrive in nov in the UK
09:44.18Acsiaand T-mobile is german
09:50.31f00f-yeah but they'll have different devices for different markets
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10:04.30taazf00f-: those are the bands, not the exact ul/dl frequencies.  wikipedia of course has a useful chart for this:
10:05.51f00f-i thought there was another 2100 band
10:05.54f00f-i guess there is only one
10:06.05taazie, 1700 is band IV and 2100 is band I.
10:06.22taazi never really understood this stuff though :)
10:06.47f00f-they really need fewer bands
10:07.22taazor smarter radios
10:08.21taazcertainly would save everyone alot of trouble if there were global standards
10:08.33taazmaybe we can do that on mars
10:09.27illuminumthat's why i don't believe in government in the age of IT
10:10.02f00f-well there are plenty of global/intl standards
10:10.10f00f-but we dont follow them usually :X
10:10.23f00f-software defined radio isn't too far away
10:10.31f00f-already being used in some handsets, iirc
10:12.39illuminumgovernment policies create unnatural systems that ultimately collapse under surrounding pressure from natural dynamic systems
10:13.28illuminumbut in the interim we all suffer with crap like having to subscribe to exorbitant 2-year cell phone plans
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10:53.21sluxsomeone here have a G1 t-mobile phone?
10:54.30sluxi want know the boot time of android :p
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11:32.53javapadawanhi, i have a problem with activity list, setting text color.
11:33.24javapadawanI am downloading an XML message via HTTP server, and i've parsed and displayed it.
11:33.48javapadawanI want to be have a sort of Priority Identifier for the message that I received
11:34.14javapadawanfor example if value is 1, the font color is green, if 5 yellow, and if 10 red.
11:34.31javapadawanI've tried the following...
11:34.32javapadawanView view = getListView().getChildAt(i + getListView().getFirstVisiblePosition());
11:35.06javapadawantextView.setTextColor(Color.rgb(255, 0, 0);
11:35.16javapadawanbut it does not get updated.
11:35.51javapadawani tried to place the color rendering on onStart(), onPostCreate(...), onStop(), but it just does not get rendered.
11:35.54javapadawanAny ideas?
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13:13.59PoohbaLT1if i have never done any serious programming and wanted to start with writing for android.  where would i start?
13:21.34ulmeni'd say, just learn java with some book or online-manual
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14:28.40illuminumyou know one thing that I think yahoo understands that google doesn't is that even "in the cloud" services can be open-sourced
14:32.29gamblerill bite - what does that mean
14:33.39ttuttlegood morning.
14:35.29gamblerhi ttuttle hows tricks
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16:08.12plusminus_hey guys
16:09.14plusminus_I'm doing a cacher for maptiles, would it be better to:
16:09.30plusminus_*OR* store and manage in database
16:11.02plusminus_I thought that it might fillup the memory, as SQLite is inMemory :/
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16:15.51gdsxplusminus_: I'm pulling this out of thin air, but I would imagine that SQLite does something to avoid pulling the entire database into memory, since that pretty much puts a (low) hard cap on how much data you can store
16:16.36plusminus_yeah thats likely
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16:29.39eleftheriosone can develop apps for android in JavaScript and Google Gears, right?
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16:40.46ahaberlacheleftherios: I'm not sure if all of Google Gears is supported.
16:41.07ahaberlachBut that should be the case (you might have to poke around with the emulator -- I'm not a Gears Wizard)
16:53.04eleftheriosok, I will try to get it running on Ubuntu
17:03.15*** join/#android tmccrary (
17:05.33tmccraryI'm trying to include a java project as a dependency in my android project
17:06.06tmccrarybut trying to instantiate any of the classes at runtime causes a crash apparently. I assume the class files are not being converted/exported properly for android
17:06.24tmccrarybut I don't see anything in the android plugin config to ensure the dependencies are exported (or whatever its called for android)
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17:07.12tmccraryDo I have to build a jar and add it to the android project or something?
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17:11.08eleftheriosanyone knows about jruby or rhino (javascript interpreter done in Java) coming to Android?
17:13.10gdsxeleftherios: I'm probably going to poke at jruby at some point -- I love ruby :o)
17:13.22gdsxI haven't heard anything about any current efforts to get it going, though
17:13.41eleftheriosI see, me neither
17:13.58eleftheriosrhino minus the DOM related parts may be an easier task as JavaScript is a small language
17:16.08tonyacunarWill Android ever be 100% java compliant?
17:18.32tmccraryDo any of you know how to make java project dependencies work with android?
17:18.38tmccrarywith an android project rather
17:18.54tmccraryI've included the project dependency in the android project, it appears to compile okay
17:18.59trictonyacunar: J2EE J2SE J2ME? all? whats 100% java?
17:19.13tonyacunarCall it J2SE
17:19.16tricjava == some vm + javac + some libs
17:19.25tmccrarybut when I look at the packages in the android browser app (in emu), I don't see those packages showing up
17:20.23tricare you actually using those classes?
17:21.09tmccraryyeah I'm trying to use one
17:22.02ElijahSprint better not wait until the first bloody quarter
17:22.11tmccraryI get "The application has stopped unexpectedly"
17:22.17tmccrarybut there is no error output anywhere
17:23.40Acsiais there any way to programmatically call adb pull?
17:27.13tmccraryah, it looks like the android plugins don't support project dependencies
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17:44.32Daremonaido you guys know if android will work on Imate Ultimate 9502?
17:45.04tmccraryprobably not
17:45.23Daremonaibased on what exactly?
17:45.52Daremonaithe only reason am keeping the phone is because of android..
17:46.17anno^da_  <- Thats great news for Openmoko
17:46.26tmccrarypartially because android's still kind of a pos
17:46.43DaremonaiI read that android is compatible with the chipset the ultimate uses.
17:49.52Tinyboompiece of shit :p
17:50.51tmccrarysorry, I'm just venting because of the stupid hoops I have to jump through to develop for this pos :)
17:51.00tmccrarythat said, it will probably get better in the future
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17:54.44Daremonaihehe! well, i really am hating my phone now, but its potential is great, i cant believe how lame that company (imate) is.. meh..
17:55.10lirakishey everyone
17:55.52tmccrarygreat, now I can't used LinkedList, which must be due to some incompatibility with Android's "Java" stack
17:56.13lirakisim attempting to do some thing really simple ... get the last known location from the phone.  I am using location manager, and I have "access_fine_location" set in the manifest... but I still keep getting a security error.  Can some one take a quick look at my code and point me in the right direction
17:56.28lirakisThe paste contains, error, project class, and manifest
17:56.33DaremonaiI should start developping on android.. stupid time hehe!
17:56.57tmccraryyou don't want to, believe me
17:57.04tmccrarythis Gava BS is getting old
17:59.10Daremonaihehe.. well I dislike Java as it is.. am a C/C++ person myself.. But, android shows promise. or hoping that it would.
17:59.52tmccraryno, Java itself is fine
17:59.59tmccraryits the half ass "Google Java" that sucks
18:00.30tmccraryits giving me horrible J2ME flashbacks already
18:01.31gdsxDaremonai: keep in mind that Android likely won't run on any hardware without some hacking first
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18:01.58Daremonaihehe tmccrary.
18:02.37gdsxDaremonai: for Linux, for example, it doesn't run on tons of platforms just because -- lots of people put in lots of work to add platform support
18:02.44lirakissoo... no takers on the security issue ??
18:03.29Daremonaigdsx, I see.. but I already read that android has the drivers for my phone's chipset, I read it a while ago, can't remember the source or how reliable it was.
18:04.16Daremonai"Qualcomm MSM 7200" That's the chipset's name, if am not mistaken.
18:07.53gdsxDaremonai: I'm not sure what has and hasn't been announced, so I'll err on the conservative side, but here are some issues you'd need to find solutions for: 1) communication (USB? other?), 2) bootloader, 3) partitioning
18:08.58gdsxDaremonai: I have no idea how easy or hard it might be to find those solutions for your specific phone, but until you get them, Android isn't going to run on your phone
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18:09.25Daremonaigdsx, I see...
18:09.29lirakisARG!... this freakin error is driving me insane
18:10.01lirakisive very explicitly set the uses-permission ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION  in the manifest.. yet i keep getting an error saying the app needs that permission
18:10.06gdsxDaremonai: by "partitioning," what I mean is "you need to be able to store data on a filesystem that's on some sort of permanent storage on your phone.  You need to figure out how to create that partition and get Android stuff pointing at the right place.  Also, the kernel needs to know how to access the partition"
18:10.36Daremonaigdsx, noted.
18:10.45gdsxlirakis: can you find the source to an app that works correctly?
18:11.13lirakisgdsx: no .. ive found this but he doesnt talk about the manifest or permissions
18:11.13gdsxlirakis: if so, I'd compare Manifests, and if that isn't helpful, maybe send the author an email
18:12.02lirakisgdsx: like i said .. the error is ultra clear.. and i have it set (see )    .. i just dont know why its not seeing that I have given that permission
18:12.31gdsxlirakis: that's exactly why you should find an app that works and try to figure out what's breaking
18:12.49gdsxlirakis: you might be missing something that's not intuitive, or it could be a bug, or any number of things
18:13.35lirakisgdsx: so .. do you write apps for android?
18:13.44gdsxlirakis: not yet, no
18:13.53gdsxthere are a couple I want to write, but haven't gotten around to it yet
18:14.03lirakisgdsx: did not think so.
18:15.09gdsxlirakis: if you don't think I'm being helpful, just say so.  Good luck.
18:15.50lirakisgdsx: i dont think your being helpful.
18:16.27wastreli did the hello world tutorial
18:16.46jastalirakis: what do you need help with?
18:18.00lirakisjasta: I keep getting a security error for a ultra simple app (  i just create a location manager and then get a location from last known location).  I have set the proper uses-permission in the manifest... but i keep getting the same error.  I have a paste with code, error, and manifest here
18:18.36lirakisjasta: i have read several "tutorials" and the docs, but I just cant get the app to run without giving me a security exception
18:19.17jasta<uses-permission> goes outside the <application> scope.
18:19.41lirakisjasta: yeah .. i tried moving it around a couple of places... i will move it outside and see what happens
18:19.54jastait's not just a suggestion, i know the scoping :)
18:20.09jasta<manifest><uses-permission /><application>...</application></manifest>
18:20.10lirakisjasta: no no.. i appreciate the help
18:20.43lirakisjasta: does it matter if its before or after the application?
18:20.53jastano, i just prefer it there
18:20.59wastrel<manifest><uses-permission /><application>...</application></manifest>
18:21.14wastrellooks like xml
18:21.45ttuttlewastrel: It is XML.
18:22.41lirakisjasta: ok .. ive updated the manifest.. to starting up the emulator
18:22.55jastayou dont need to restart the emulator each time you deploy an apk
18:23.09wastreli just learned that from a video
18:23.28lirakisjasta: ahhh! thank you! .. finally some progress
18:23.57lirakisjasta: is this information clearly documented anywhere?? b/c it didnt seem clear to me in the security part of the getting started doc. (the scope part i mean)
18:25.05jastanot sure, i mustve read it somewhere tho :)
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18:25.44lirakisjasta: right .. im sure ill encounter it eventually... this is only the second day ive been playing around with the sdk
18:25.53lirakisjasta: thanks again
18:26.51jastawell good luck :)
18:27.36jastait's a very thoughtful platform, although it is huge and in some areas quite complex
18:28.08lirakisjasta: im sure ill have more questions ;)
18:28.08jastalirakis: i have a small repository of lots of little simple apps if you would find that helpful (in addition to Google's own examples of course)
18:28.28jastait's at:, tho most of the code is for M5 (it's easy to adapt to 1.0)
18:28.49jastaalso, if you wish to dive into more complex code, my project is open source:
18:28.57lirakisjasta: that would be great.  Example code is always good.  And google doesnt have much geo code stuff... its mostly graphics and general app stuff
18:29.31jastawell, i haven't done any geo stuff yet, but i've got a good general grasp on android so i might still be able to help you there
18:29.37lirakisjasta: cool
18:29.42jasta(geo doesn't interest me *grin*)
18:29.44lirakisill def. check out your stuff
18:29.51lirakisjasta: WHAT!?
18:30.06lirakisjasta: for me android is all about geo spacial apps
18:30.12wastrelmonkey knife fight
18:30.16lirakisjasta: to each his own
18:31.13jastawell, it's not, so you're wrong ;)
18:31.13wastrelnice jasta.  more projects to cache data locally <3
18:31.22jastawastrel: ?
18:31.43wastrelperhaps i'm missing the point of your project ?
18:31.52wastrellocal cache of metadata yes?
18:32.23jastawell, that's not "the point".  it passively synchronizes your music's meta data and then actively streams and caches content on demand
18:32.54jastathe bottom line is that it's a way to have access to your full music collection without physically syncing your device or ever having enough storage at any time to fit it all
18:33.18jastautilizing Wi-Fi and 3G coupled with intelligent preemption and aggressive local caching to make that possible.
18:33.31lirakisjasta: your name isnt realted to wwi german fighter squadrons is it?
18:33.39jastasure isn't
18:33.40lirakis/me is randomly curious
18:34.16lirakisjasta: see
18:34.33jastatruthfully, it was a handle chosen by my 12 year old self to immortalize Josta cola, a briefly lived soda marketted in the US.
18:35.03jastaand i've kept it for more than a decade for some reason ;)
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18:43.49km-is there a way to turn off the app install protection in the emulator?
18:44.07gdsxkm-: not currently; that was an oversight
18:44.13km-ah drats.
18:44.25*** join/#android Ward1983 (n=w@
18:44.30km-I found a website that had a spacewar clone.
18:44.36km-wanted to get my spacewars on
18:44.50gdsxkm-: yeah, will be fixed in the open-source release, which should be happen when handsets hit customers' hands (~oct 22)
18:44.55gdsxkm-: :o)
18:45.05km-is there a beta version of the market available?
18:45.21km-hmm, I assume I'd be in the same quandry
18:45.32km-how would I even get the binary loaded in the emulator
18:46.09gdsxkm-: you can use `adb install`
18:46.23gdsxkm-: so, you should be able to download it on your host machine and `adb install` it from there
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18:46.58gdsxkm-: (sorry, that part slipped my mind at first)
18:47.14eleftheriosgdsx: it is impressive you know all these things without having done an app.
18:47.37gdsxeleftherios: I work on the Android team.  Not having written an app doesn't mean I don't know anything
18:47.58eleftheriosgdsx: definitely not.
18:48.26eleftheriosgdsx: I didn't know you are on the Android team. I thought you are some well-read Android fan.
18:48.37eleftherioswho likes to help :-)
18:49.05gdsxeleftherios: well, I am :o)
18:49.13km-gdsx: do you know if there's a beta of the market floating around somewhere where the lay-person could putter with it?
18:49.21gdsxI just happen to have more interesting stuff to read than some :o)
18:49.31gdsxkm-: I don't think so
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18:50.20km-and how do I go about firing up a shell ;)
18:50.46km-ooh, adb shell
18:50.48gdsxkm-: well, `adb shell`
18:51.20km-... ooh.
18:52.11km-gdsx: 1.0 sdk, is that going to be the version shipping on the phones?
18:52.26jastanot exactly, 1.0 is more of an API freeze
18:52.40jastabut bugs are still eligible for fixes right up to the end
18:52.43km-I'm eyeing up the fact that there's a gre interface in the kernel
18:53.23gdsxkm-: 1.0_r1, no.  The stuff that's in the open-source release will be as close as we can muster to the software on the phone (minus stuff on the phone that we can't release, of course)
18:53.31gdsxnods a jasta; plus bugfixes
18:54.07eleftheriosgdsx: so, what stuff on the phone you can't release?
18:54.15gdsxkm-: I don't think there is, but I'm not positive.  I'm going to be looking at ip6 at some point, but I recall hearing it's not in the kernel right now
18:54.27km-ip6 would make me extremely happy
18:54.30gdsxeleftherios: IM software, AmazonMP3, Youtube, among other things
18:54.42km-but in the meantime seeing gre there makes me hopeful for a vpn client
18:54.46eleftheriosgdsx: application level stuff only?
18:55.14eleftheriosgdsx: will you release any code that talks to GSM hardware modules?
18:55.21gdsxeleftherios: I don't know, really.
18:55.26eleftheriosI see.
18:55.39gdsxeleftherios: we don't have the source to the radio code, we get it from (someone) and load it
18:55.47gdsxeleftherios: but all we have is a binary
18:55.50eleftheriosgdsx: yes, that's what I thought
18:55.57km-yeah, I'd imagine they just get binary modules for those things
18:56.05jastaeleftherios: look at the current git repository.  you'd be surprised how much code is in there already
18:56.20eleftheriosjasta: I didn;t know there was a public repos
18:56.25jastasan confirmed earlier that all the Qualcomm drivers will (and are currently) be open sourced
18:56.27km-now if only I could talk t-mobile into not raping me for this phone
18:56.31eleftheriosI will take a look at it sometime soon
18:56.43km-they want me to pay $299 for the G1
18:56.46jastaeleftherios: pretty exciting, it's looking like they will release much more than expected
18:56.47km-since I'm not in the "upgrade window"
18:56.55eleftheriosgreat :-)
18:57.23eleftheriosshame we can't develop in Python or some other nice dynamic language...
18:57.37jastaitll be just a matter of time...
18:57.45eleftheriosJava is so 90s
18:57.46jastaall you have to do is compile to dalvik
18:57.52tmccraryYeah Jython should work
18:58.01jastaactually, it shouldn't ;)
18:58.02tmccraryassuming to fancy classloader problems
18:58.06jastaJython is a cheap hack
18:58.23tmccraryOh yeah?
18:58.33jastayeah, there's a thread about this somewhere.
18:58.41eleftheriostmccrary: there is a project to port Jython to Android, it is called Jythonroid. I am not sure how good Jython is though.
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18:59.11eleftheriosI think Jython was not active for some time
18:59.18km-gdsx: gtalkservice.jar is on the filesystem, but there's no app immediately available.  Is it there for dependencies or is it something that could be instantiated if you find the right command? :)
18:59.42tmccraryWhats sad is that Jython handily beats CPython in performance
18:59.46eleftheriosperhaps something like Rhino would be a better choice to port, minus the DOM/browser related stuff
18:59.48km-wow.  maps on the emulator is *snappy*
19:00.05eleftheriostmccrary: really? I didn't know that.
19:00.21tmccraryyeah, pretty much all the Java-based ports of dynamic languages do
19:00.47tmccrarythere are reasons why Adobe is trying to make Flash's internals more like Java
19:00.47ahaberlachThe Gtalk Service is used by other parts of the system, but there's no supported and user-visible API.
19:00.56gdsxkm-: ^^^
19:00.59km-heh, its funny, I can see my truck parked next to my house on streetview
19:01.07km-ahaberlach: ahh.
19:01.19km-ahaberlach: i.e., xmpp is used somewhere inside the software?
19:01.31ahaberlachPush mail notifications.
19:01.38ahaberlachAlso, GTalk
19:01.48ahaberlachwonders if he's saying too much. :)
19:02.05km-information wants to be free
19:02.40km-ultimately it doesnt matter how many beans you spill now -- it's not like you're going to have some competitor swoop in with the same features before oct 22nd
19:02.52ahaberlachAlthough sometimes it's more valuable if left to appreciate a bit.  :)
19:03.31km-maps has in it's about box "Weather by Wunderground"
19:03.37eleftherioswell, regarding JavaScript I found this
19:03.48km-how might I activate such weather-like features? :P
19:03.50eleftheriostitled "Local access to Java functions from JavaScript on Android"
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19:05.07km-see, I just wanna play with some of the cool shit that I know is hiding in there :)
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19:05.53poetic_folly|G5hey all
19:06.13km-hi there
19:08.24Ward1983i would like to try android on my PDA, only my screen broke rifht before i was about to try it... so now i would like to know if SSH is included? because i found some chroot i should be able to use
19:09.36km-android can load on pda's?
19:10.20ahaberlachUmm.  Yeah, curious.  :)
19:10.24km-ward: where are you getting documentation on this?
19:10.34km-digs for a pda
19:10.42ahaberlachI know that people have futzed around with the n800 and some other devices.
19:10.48ahaberlachI'm not sure how much progress they've made.
19:10.58Ward1983im talking about ARM based devices :)
19:11.12km-yeah, I have a couple xscale pda's laying around
19:11.14km-I'd like to try it
19:11.14tmccraryactually Android did run on the n810
19:11.21tmccraryA coworker of mine had it running
19:11.22Ward1983520Mhz PXA272 in my case with 128MB SD RAM
19:11.35km-ward: is there documentation you've found on how to do it?
19:11.50eleftheriosWard1983: is there a site where you are reading how to do it?
19:11.55Ward1983km- that toally depends on your device
19:12.13Ward1983km- what PDA have you got?
19:12.46km-I have five or six laying around, I've been a pocketpc developer for almost a decade
19:12.56km-hmm, this ipaq has an xscale I think
19:13.12Ward1983eleftherios, i have debian running for a while, on my PDA you can boot linux with haret, many ipaqs can also do this
19:13.28Ward1983km- yes most iPaqs can run linux lol
19:13.33Ward1983with haret
19:13.35gdsxnods at Ward1983
19:13.36Ward1983google it :)
19:14.08eleftheriosI see.
19:14.22BBHossanyone know if you can get android running on a nokia N770 tablet?
19:14.29km-I know..  I'm wondering how you got the image for android
19:14.36Ward1983gdsx do you know if ssh or vnc is somehow possible? im planing on using a chroot i found to plavce on my PDA but my screen is broke, so i would need SSH
19:14.36km-I'm familiar with familiar, haret, etc.
19:14.47km-there's a android ssh client called connectbot
19:14.48Ward1983km- aaaah just a sec ill give you the link
19:15.18gdsxWard1983: possible? sure.  You just need to build an sshd.  VNC might be harder; it don't know what the graphics layer is like, but I don't think it's X
19:15.20Ward1983km- its for a zaurus actually but i was wanting to use the kernel and modules for my PDA in combination with it
19:16.12Ward1983gdsx ah damn, then it would have no use to try this :(
19:16.28Ward1983km- i need a server not a client
19:16.36Ward1983km- because my screen is broke....
19:17.18km-hmm, important point to note is that even if I got android loaded on this pda, it would likely not accept input or even come up graphically
19:17.37Ward1983km- i have a USB host on my PDA
19:17.43Ward1983km- i can hookup a USB hub
19:17.50Ward1983keyboard and mouse :)
19:18.49Ward1983also i have a kernel and modules specifically for this PDA
19:18.57Ward1983so touchscreen and buttosn would work also :)
19:19.48Ward1983read that :)
19:20.15km-yes, like I said, I'm familiar with linux on the ipaq, familiar, the other small linux distros
19:20.28km-I was talking about getting an actual android load
19:20.40km-aka, google's kernel, all the fixin's
19:21.04gdsxkm-: I'm sure you can find a gravy recipe to pour all over your iPaq ;o)
19:21.19km-gdsx: hopefully it has 11 herbs and spices
19:22.09Ward1983why googles kernel?
19:22.34km-you guys took out the picture of lumburgh
19:22.36lirakisBBHoss: not sure about 770
19:22.44lirakisBBHoss: i got it running on my n810 a while ago
19:23.06Ward1983km- why googles kernel?
19:23.07km-ward1983: because I'm interested in running android, and the easiest method to get there would be to be as close to their environment as possible and then fix stuff as it's discovered it's broken
19:23.10BBHosslirakis: well they are the same arch just slower right? the 2008 software runs on it
19:23.44Ward1983km- im pretty sure you can use the kernel + modules for your pda instead of googles kernel
19:23.45lirakisBBHoss: the 770 is 2 generations older... the n810 has a keyboard etc.  I think they are different enough that it there may be issues .. but i cant say for sure
19:23.53Ward1983well doesnt matther now i cant test it anyway
19:23.54lirakisBBHoss: but yes.. they both run maemo
19:23.57Ward1983thanx for the info
19:24.02lirakisBBHoss: .. although .. not the same versions of maemo ;)
19:24.33lirakislirakis: i think the latests the 770 can run is chinook (if it can even run that) .. the 810 runs diablo now
19:24.40BBHosslirakis: did anything come up or did it just boot the kernel and die
19:25.05lirakisBBHoss: no it booted up .. and looked like the older android .. with the scrolling app bar at the bottom
19:25.05km-do any of you know what the virtual resolution is of the screen
19:25.12lirakisBBHoss: it was pretty damn rough though
19:25.25lirakisBBHoss: i wiped it and put maemo back on
19:25.42lirakisBBHoss: i do have a g-1 coming though! (.. muwahahaha!)
19:25.59gdsxkm-: which screen?
19:26.53km-the desktop of android
19:27.13gdsxkm-: well, the G1 is HVGA, so 320x480
19:27.24km-that's the physical resolution
19:27.33km-but the screen will scroll if you swipe in either direction
19:27.39km-so are we assuming it's 960x480 total?
19:28.15gdsxkm-: oh, yeah, you get 3 workspaces.  And there's likely some way to get at the default wallpaper just to check
19:28.24km-ah, the youngun is fussing, bbl
19:28.27km-gdsx: thanks!
19:28.53Acsiahas anybody managed to play around with ActivityInstrumentationTestCase
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19:36.40ITechJunkieWhats goin on guys?
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19:37.49Darkrift2anyone know any places with android downloads (apps,games) ?
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19:39.31Darkrift2nice, ty
19:39.37zhobbsbut that'll be depreciated when marketplace comes out
19:40.18chomchomIs there anything I should know when using content providers within a service?
19:40.27chomchomcontext.getContentResolver().insert(query, null); keeps throwing null
19:40.38chomchombut works in instrumentation unit tests
19:41.09chomchomHas anyone used content providers successfully within their service?
19:41.39chomchomSomeone that could point me to some code would be a star
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20:15.56chomchomI have a service that is running and trying to access my content provider to insert new daa
20:16.15chomchomIt looks like I need to specify some permissions for the service
20:16.22chomchomAs it keeps throwing nulls
20:16.54chomchomwhere as content provider interaction done from within my applications normal running process works fine
20:17.18chomchomHow do I go about permissioning up the service?
20:17.33jastathere is no special permission necessary for your application to access other parts of your app.
20:17.49jastaif they are two separate applications, however, then you will need to give permission.
20:18.16jastaor rather, you should.  i dont know that you must for sure
20:20.04chomchomyeah its "strongly recommended" that you use the <grant-uri-permissions> tag
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20:48.01hansengelHi, Android noob here. I'm trying to make an app that contains tabs and, inside those tabs, ListViews. I can't figure out how to do this, because I need to extend TabActivity and ListActivity at the same time, somehow. (Java noob, too.)
20:48.53hansengelHow can I do this?
20:48.58f00f-it's all in the layout
20:49.02f00f-just have an Activity
20:49.37hansengelf00f-: But then when I call getTabHost() or setListAdapter() I get undefined errors
20:49.46f00f-you need
20:49.58f00f-private ListView list;
20:50.15f00f-list1 = (ListVieW) findViewById(;
20:50.29f00f-look at some samples, they do this perfectly.
20:50.48f00f-you should be able to do this without any code in the activity at first
20:51.07f00f-i can't explain that well today
20:51.20hansengellol, okay, I'll check out the samples :)
20:51.43f00f-the FlavoredActivity's are not that helpful when you need to do compelx things
20:52.32f00f-setListAdapter ==> myListView.setAdapter(myAdapter);
20:58.05hansengelAh, so I need to use Intents..
21:02.17zhobbsListActivity doesn't really do that much for you, just use activity
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21:19.12pedro_mghi, JRuby success on Android ? Is it possible ?
21:26.14gdsxpedro_mg: of course it's possible.  The questions are (1) how hard will it be, (2) how slow will it be, and (3) how do you use the Java API?  I don't know the answer to those questions, but they'll give you a good idea of whether it's worthwhile.
21:27.06gdsxpedro_mg: keep in mind that Android's VM runs Dalvik bytecode, which isn't quite Java bytecode.  So depending on how JRuby works, it might end up being "rewrite so that it outputs this other bytecode"
21:28.03gdsxpedro_mg: I'm a big ruby fan, though, so if you find things out, I'd be interested to hear
21:28.30f00f-not sure *why* you would want ruby or other heavy scripting language on a mobile device
21:28.34f00f-maybe you need to analyze your requirements, first
21:29.08f00f-if you want scripting, maybe take a look at embedding Lua or... some guy in here was working on a simple scripting language
21:29.19f00f-forgot what it was called, the one where the operators were kinda mixed up :P
21:29.39gdsxf00f-: the advantage, as someone else put it, is that you can reasonably write the code on your device
21:30.09f00f-gdsx: well in that case it's just for development fun? so performance is probably not a concern
21:30.15gdsxf00f-: you're not going to write java on a tiny keyboard.  But you could pretty easily hack up some useful 1- and 2-liners that would make your life a lot easier
21:31.06gdsxf00f-: it all depends.  I don't have a specific use-case in mind, but there are definitely situations where it'd be useful, and other situations where it wouldn't
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22:17.13eleftheriospedro_mg: Dalvik is often referred to as a Java Virtual Machine, but this is not strictly accurate, as the bytecode on which it operates is not Java bytecode. Instead, a tool named dx, included in the Android SDK, transforms the Java Class files of Java classes compiled by a regular Java compiler into another class file format (the .dex format).
22:27.49zhobbswow, operapluginwrapper was just using 349% of my cpu
22:30.08onanismthat's alot zhobbs
22:30.32zhobbshehe, quad core cpu's rule, still had 50% of one core left :)
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22:37.05onanismjeez oh man that woulda sucked on my laptop
22:40.47gdsxzhobbs: do you have any memory left?
22:41.37zhobbsgdsx: yeah, memory is fine, just something weird with opera + flash..
22:41.56gdsxzhobbs: I've found that on my machine, firefox and/or nspluginwrapper starts allocating memory as fast as it can until I'm out, and then it releases it.  It happens about every 30 seconds, and will allocate and then release 500 megs in a few seconds
22:42.21ttuttlegdsx: ah
22:42.27zhobbsflash causes a lot of problems for linux users
22:42.30ttuttlegdsx: 64-bit?
22:42.36gdsxttuttle: yup; I hate flash
22:42.45ttuttlegdsx: me too
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23:40.18plusminus_Made a new Android-OpenStreetMapView Demo...
23:43.12ulmenplusminus_: nice work
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23:49.21zhobbsplusminus_: awesome!
23:49.28mohbanawhen is android going to be available in the uk?
23:49.58zhobbsmohbana: november I think
23:50.25mohbanazhobbs: do u have a link, i presume i could preorder right?
23:51.25zhobbsno, just going off memory of the press conference
23:56.17chomchomQuestion: I have all my content providers giving out data from one over arching provider that delegates to the others based on the contents of the URI pattern matcher
23:56.45chomchomBut I seem to be having problems registering them within the manifest
23:56.55chomchomHas anyone else used this approach?

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