IRC log for #android on 20080918

00:01.39*** join/#android yakischloba (
00:02.21unix_infidelwow, everytime i install eclipse I have to defragment :(
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01:41.25kingkunganyone there?
01:45.10Elijahim here
01:46.23unix_infidelhowdy Elijah
01:46.38*** part/#android Elijah (
01:48.30kingkunghi elijah
01:48.38kingkunghave a listview question
01:48.51kingkunganyone there?
01:50.51gdsxkingkung: just ask; if someone can help, they will
01:57.54*** join/#android cbeust (
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03:17.20SanMehatargh! tivo! argh!
03:17.41gdsxSanMehat: what's up with it?
03:17.54SanMehati'm not getting most of the premium channels
03:18.24SanMehatlike HBO
03:19.01*** join/#android unix_remote (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
03:41.31muthu_can android resources used from our app's xml?
03:41.43muthu_something like that?
03:47.25_avatari believe it would be android:background="@android:color/white"
03:47.35_avatari use: android:background="@android:drawable/divider_horizontal_bright"
03:47.38muthu_yup, that works
03:48.04muthu_reusing all android stuff ;)
03:48.20muthu_why bother creating custom, when android has all nice icons/styles etc.,
03:48.41muthu_this gallery view is so cool..
03:48.59muthu_added buttons to the gallery, and now i get this fling left/right for free!!
03:49.57_avatarnice. what are you working on, if you don't mind me asking?
03:50.46_avatarawesome. :)
03:51.00muthu_oh yeah.. can't wait to put it on market
03:52.21*** join/#android cheng (n=cheng@xGagB214.WH1.TU-Dresden.De)
04:08.04plusminus_anyone yet tried to get the address of a contact through the content-provider ?
04:08.25plusminus_i think in m5 it did not yet work, but now ?
04:10.09*** join/#android romainguy (n=gfx@
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04:40.40dmoffettDatePicker needs some love.
04:52.17*** join/#android romainguy (n=gfx@
05:47.26umdk1d3ROFL @
05:47.40umdk1d3iphone app acceptance decision chart
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06:13.50Adamantseeing those guys slag the process is pretty impressive
06:27.02umdk1d3wats this now?  =D
06:27.26romainguy___it's pretty cool
06:27.38romainguy___it shows a radar
06:27.47romainguy___with the distance and bearing to the lat/long you send to the intent
06:27.52umdk1d3does it exist in 0.9?
06:28.03romainguy___no, it's an apk on the Android Market
06:28.59romainguy___it'll probably be released as open source
06:29.03romainguy___Mike wrote it :)
06:29.06romainguy___for another app
06:29.14romainguy___(a very cool app for that matter)
06:29.17umdk1d3gah all these secret apps  :P
06:31.43f00f-nice nice
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06:35.17romainguy___it's not really secret
06:35.34romainguy___just enjoy the updates on Photostream :p
06:36.11romainguy___there's my other app I need to finish too :(
06:36.22umdk1d3the "check daily for updates" is an excellent example
06:36.29umdk1d3sadly i wonder how much of it will fall through the cracks
06:36.37umdk1d3because people saw the app the first time with the blog post
06:36.41umdk1d3and looked at it just once
06:36.46romainguy___ah yes, I know :(
06:38.50romainguy___it's also a good example to show how to use sqlite without a content provider ^^
06:39.38umdk1d3i guess ive always used SQLiteOpenHelper
06:39.45umdk1d3(is that what its doing?)
06:40.25romainguy___my other app is interesting because it shows how to properly use managed Cursors in filtered adapters
06:40.27umdk1d3its tempting to always just wipe the database onUpgrade()   ;)  gonna need to break that habit
06:40.43romainguy___updating the data is pretty simple with sql
06:40.56umdk1d3oh yea, ALTER TABLE
06:44.15romainguy___but I really want to open source this one:
06:44.29romainguy___this time not using Amazon
06:45.21umdk1d3the tough part is the API keys
06:45.39umdk1d3i wonder how many people actually changed the key that came with the photostream app
06:45.50romainguy___probably nobody
06:46.07romainguy___but whatever, they don't have the private key to do proper authentifcation
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07:41.53umdk1d3gah i cant sleep
07:42.39gamblerturn off your computer - its the only way
07:42.52umdk1d3i did that an hour ago  :P
07:43.01umdk1d3kept tossing+turning lol
07:43.24gamblerI occasionally have to do do-overs where I stay up 24 hours straight to reset my timeclock so I sympathise
07:57.52f00f-i keep tossin and turnin.. sos.. somebody help me
07:58.17f00f-can you go back in time with these do-overs ?
07:59.33gamblerWell Im GMT+10 so with a very fast jet it may be possible.
07:59.52f00f-that works
08:03.21gamblerumdk1d3, u still there?
08:04.36gamblerthank me later
08:06.05gamblerthere are a bunch of them
08:06.09gambler#2 is Draft day
08:06.21gamblerthey are all pretty awesome
08:06.56umdk1d3rofl @ tps reports
08:08.36gamblerthat is totally how Im going to run my company
08:24.52*** join/#android ken_ (n=user@
08:31.04gamblercan I start a service on system-boot or do I need to start an activity that starts a service?
09:07.00*** join/#android EQU (
09:08.28tricgambler: afaik you still need a "helper" activity that starts on boot and starts your service
09:09.03EQUhello, how to creat Intent, that opens image viewer with my photo ( located at "/files" folder ) ?
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09:21.26EQUromainguy___: hello
09:21.33EQUromainguy___: how to creat Intent, that opens image viewer with my photo ( located at "/files" folder ) ?
10:15.21*** join/#android kanai (n=kanai@
10:17.03gamblerway to force eclipse to regenerate my file? Android-Tools->Fix Project Properties does nothing.
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12:37.21Dougie187you guys see this yet?
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12:37.45muthugr8 news
12:45.12mohbanathe phone looks ugly
12:46.20Dougie187so does your face?
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12:47.49mohbanawhat other phones are due? who else are going to ship android other than htc?
12:48.22Dougie187noone knows yet.
12:48.33Dougie187Samsung is supposed to at some point.
12:48.37Dougie187go look through the OHA
12:48.52Dougie187i would assume any phone manufacturer from there would ship a phone at some point
12:51.38Dougie187Motorola, LG, Samsung, HTC
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13:40.27*** join/#android bravvve (i=fenec@
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13:41.20bravvvehi is android compatibl with nokia?
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13:54.46muthucompatible with google
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13:55.36tethridgebravvve, it may be compatible with nokia, if nokia wants it to be
13:55.42bravvve:-Djust google?
13:56.05tethridgenokia would just have to write the proper drivers
13:56.42bravvvetethridge: i know but is it work on nokia?
13:57.26tethridgeat this time, I haven't heard of android running on a nokia phone
13:57.36tethridgebut that doesn't mean it couldn't in the future
13:57.54bravvvelongue future?
13:58.02tethridgewell hopefully
13:58.41gamblerits already runs fine on the n810
13:59.55bravvvelook i would like that my projet of graduation will be on android,is it good idea?
14:00.58gambleras long as it has a longue future
14:02.11muthubravvve, yeah do your project on android
14:02.20muthuits a great idea
14:02.30Dougie187Personally, I would assume that nokia would never write drivers for android.
14:02.35Dougie187mainly because nokia has symbian.
14:02.39bravvvebu i must devlop an application,and it must run on mobile
14:02.48gamblerwhat drivers...its 90% java
14:03.12Dougie187longue future?
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14:03.30gamblerwe can only hope
14:03.33Dougie187n810 isnt a phone too.
14:03.37Dougie187what about n95?
14:03.55Dougie187and we have heard that it needs hardware drivers to be compatible with the handsets.
14:03.59Dougie187like gps and stuff.
14:04.13bravvveand the auther mobile?
14:04.17Dougie187and they are not generic.
14:04.24bravvvesony ericson
14:04.28bravvvefor exemple
14:05.04*** part/#android ArteK (
14:05.10Dougie187Sony ericson isnt in the OHA
14:05.21Dougie187so possibly, but probably not from them.
14:05.35Dougie187your best bet would be Samsung, LG, HTC, and Motorola
14:06.31gamblerhe love you longue time
14:06.44gamblerbravvve, :p what country?
14:07.42gamblervery good
14:08.19gamblerbravvve, australia
14:08.35bravvvevery good to
14:09.58gamblerok great...I went for my first run in forever tonight
14:10.40gamblerall this coding is making me antsy
14:12.37bravvveand with lg mobile,is android work
14:13.24Dougie187don't know yet
14:13.26Dougie187but they are in the OHA
14:13.32Dougie187so one would assume that at some point it will.
14:15.08gamblertry a little experiment here:
14:15.08gamblerربما مدرستك المشروع ينبغي ان يكون التطبيق على استخدام من العربية الى English
14:15.43gamblerthe input was: "maybe your school project should be an application to use from english to arabic"
14:15.58gamblerbravvve, did it work?
14:16.35bravvveyes ,but am not in school
14:16.59gambler<bravvve> look i would like that my projet of graduation will be on android,is it good idea?
14:17.29bravvveyes,project to get ingeniring diplom
14:17.58plusminus_gambler: this is the wrong place to ask such a question, because 99% in here love Android :)
14:18.56plusminus_oh it was bravvve asking that *oops*
14:19.19bravvvewell i know that android is the future,but i have 1 yer to terminate my project,not all the future
14:19.22gamblerno problem. we are just chatting now with bravveheart
14:19.58Dougie187... that was cheesy gambler
14:20.03plusminus_if you ar not using BT, you could finish it with SDk 1.0
14:20.38*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
14:21.45gamblerDougie187, your right ofc. I blame in on not enough recreation.
14:21.56gamblerim not used to working this hard like ever
14:23.10Dougie187take a nap.
14:23.21bravvveare there books for the android
14:23.36Dougie187check amazon
14:24.30muthubravve, android docs is good enought
14:25.03muthuyeah, and 1001 other android sites ;)
14:26.09Dougie187muthu: you guys know how much CC is going to cost/
14:26.41muthuDougie187, a free version is getting ready
14:26.48Dougie187Ohh, a free version?!
14:27.03muthuyeah, will launch at market
14:27.04Dougie187that's exciting.
14:27.13Dougie187what about the non-free version?
14:27.46muthuno idea
14:27.57Dougie187you took your money and ran?
14:27.58muthuyou must ask the CEO of CC ;)
14:28.13Dougie187... theres a ceo?
14:28.20Dougie187of an android app?
14:28.27plusminus_its somehow crazy the android market will be released the day the devices come out...
14:28.43muthuhow do we get the app to the market?
14:28.50plusminus_no clue !!
14:28.52muthuis there a registration?
14:29.08plusminus_half a week or so would be definitely enough
14:29.24Dougie187Lol. what a professional email...
14:29.58Dougie187you guys couldnt think of anything... less jackass'ish?
14:30.19muthuDougie187, now i'm working on mobeegal
14:31.24Dougie187hah. i like how you have "Matrimony" listed as some of the "Stuff" that you find closer.
14:31.57muthuyou find anything and everything
14:32.08Dougie187so you are catering to those who want a quick wedding?
14:32.28muthuif you are lucky enough to find
14:34.42Dougie187so you  guys are going to charge for this one i take it?
14:34.43unix_infidelDougie187: he's indian, totally different paradigm for the word "Wedding"
14:34.56*** join/#android jasonlee (n=chatzill@
14:35.09Dougie187i guess, but i wouldn't think it would be towards "quicky" weddings.
14:35.13gamblerunix_infidel, please elaborate
14:35.21muthua wedding is a wedding
14:35.47unix_infidelgambler: you gotta see it to believe it.
14:36.00gamblerwhat are we talking here? dowries?
14:36.08unix_infidelinfintely more complex.
14:36.15unix_infidelas are most marriages.
14:37.09unix_infidelsufficing to say, he does have a market in the matrimony segment.
14:39.26muthuoh yeah, big market
14:39.33muthumatrimony is huge in india
14:39.50muthumost asian countries.. that is
14:40.43*** part/#android Dougie187 (
14:41.44bravvveis the drivers of LG mobiles included in android?
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15:42.27muthuthe buttons lose their selection, if they are put in a grid
15:42.35muthuany idea how to show them in selected state?
15:47.28*** join/#android summatusmentis (
15:48.13summatusmentisis this a dev channel only?
15:49.43zhobbslots of devs in here, but not a dev only channel
15:52.20summatusmentisoh, ok. I'm just an excited potential user :)
15:54.24*** join/#android cheng (n=cheng@xGagB214.WH1.TU-Dresden.De)
15:57.27mazzen_does anyone knows, if htc's dream will only marketed in US when they release it?
15:58.09muthuinitially in US
16:01.01summatusmentisthere's apparently a device coming for Sprint :D
16:01.22summatusmentisaccording to BGR
16:02.30*** join/#android chab7 (n=kvirc@
16:03.28loke_mazzen_: for US? so it will be operator locked?
16:04.28mazzen_loke_: i do not know, but i don't think so.
16:04.44loke_mazzen_: good. then I'll be able to buy it in the stores here the next day :-)
16:06.24mazzen_loke_: t-mobil has the only right to sell apple's iphone here in germany and so there are people who think, that t-mobil will wait to sell htc's dream in germany to make no competition to the iphone.
16:06.47loke_mazzen_: but how can they stop them?
16:07.29summatusmentisif t-mobile deciddes whatthey carry
16:07.31mazzen_sry, i don'T get you
16:07.57mazzen_the iphones are operator locked
16:08.10loke_somehow I have a feeling I'll be able to pick it up off the shelf here in Singapore within a few days after release
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16:21.51tethridgethat htc touch hd is really sweet
16:22.06tethridgeI just watched the french youtube video
16:22.45tethridgeit makes me wonder if android will require more buttons along the bottom of the screen
16:22.55tethridgeI really like the form factor as it is
16:23.00tethridgefour buttons are enough for me
16:23.44tethridgeI'm thinking that it shouldn't matter because the up/down/left/right/select buttons can be done using the touch screen
16:26.40mazzeni hope it's possible to buy it soon without a contract all over the world
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19:12.52donomo'Error inserting crash: ...SQLiteException...: attempt to write a readonly database'
19:13.05donomoany idea what file its writing to so i can check its permissions?
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19:18.38zhobbsanyone know how to make an activity full screen, ie, no status bar
19:19.20_avatarzhobbs: you can define a new style and set <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
19:19.35_avataroh, no status bar. sorry. dunno
19:20.02zhobbsyeah, I've killed the title, just wondering about the status bar
19:20.09qvarkah, ok
19:20.32qvarkoops... I don't  thinks that's even possible...
19:22.02plusminus_getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);
19:22.20zhobbsgreat, thanks
19:22.39qvarkwow, great :)
19:22.54plusminus_thats "No StatusBar"
19:23.07plusminus_"NoTitlebar" is:
19:23.11plusminus_requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);                requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS);
19:23.22*** join/#android Hai-Fai (
19:23.29plusminus_may have changed slightly in 0.9
19:23.41zhobbsgreat, worked like a charm (no status bar)
19:34.44plusminus_fine :)
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20:18.04unix_infidelis the android editor commonly used?
20:18.11unix_infidelif so for what tasks?
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20:53.09donomowonders what the android editor is
20:53.49Terdhexdoes anybody know how to make DrivingDirections work on 0.9?
21:09.26f00f-it's not supported :)
21:09.39f00f-in fact, it probably shouldn't even exist there anymore
21:11.35morrildlIt should not
21:11.38morrildlIt will be going away
21:20.41unix_infidel*sad face*
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21:50.51umdk1d3hmm can you have duplicate columns in the SimpleCursorAdapter  from String[]?  /me tries
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22:12.50umdk1d3yep it works  :)
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