IRC log for #android on 20080917

00:00.47*** join/#android catzilla (n=catzilla@unaffiliated/catzilla)
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01:01.23mohbanaany idea when android is due in the uk?
01:02.13f00f-couple of months
01:05.33snadgemy flatmate loaded android onto his htc tytn ii
01:06.04snadgeits a little bit buggy as one would expect.. but for the most part, it works
01:06.43snadgei wonder if android is going to be ported to existing phones.. in a supported way, or whether they will always remain unofficial projects
01:07.03umdk1d3well everything will be opensourced
01:07.31umdk1d3so i suppose you could write whatever you need to hack it onto your device
01:07.31snadgeof course, so the decision is left mainly to the mobile phone manufacturers themselves.. as to whether they will port a new operating system to existing phones.. and my guess is, they will not want to do this
01:07.39umdk1d3however, some handware isnt up to the job
01:08.12umdk1d3for example, the n810 doesnt have a good-enough framebuffer
01:08.21umdk1d3which is why it only runs m3 iirc
01:08.27snadgeyeah, so my guess is.. things like android on tytn ii.. will remain an "enthusiast" project which lands you smack bang in the middle of "unsupported" territory ;)
01:09.10snadgebut no doubt, these community projects will continue to improve anyway.. potentially even to the point where you could discard windows mobile from that phone entirely
01:09.32umdk1d3the bootloader is the hardest part probably
01:09.44umdk1d3getting it just right without completely bricking the device
01:09.47snadgeyeah at the moment, he has it stored on an SD card
01:09.57umdk1d3right now doesnt it just "replace" winmo without actually power cycling the device?
01:10.04snadgeand he has to double click the boot loader from within winmo
01:10.08umdk1d3yea  :/
01:10.14umdk1d3which make sense, its the first step
01:10.24umdk1d3and bootloader stuff is hard and custom work usually
01:10.40snadgewell i was assuming as this project matures to the point where its more stable
01:10.54snadgethat you'll be able to install it in place of winmo
01:11.01snadgemaybe even dual boot, that would be cool ;)
01:11.12umdk1d3lol dual boot cell phones
01:11.34snadgeyeah.. turn it off, turn it on.. and it asks "winmo or android" :p
01:11.59snadgelike grub
01:14.33Dougie187what a waste of time though.
01:14.44Dougie187if you could use something else, why would you touch winmo?
01:15.06snadgesimple.. one is supported by your phone provider, one isnt
01:15.18snadgelike anyone who dual boots windows with linux
01:16.02Dougie187noone dual boots windows because the computers don't come with linux on them.
01:16.08snadgechances are, winmo has an application or something you need which android doesnt
01:16.09Dougie187they dual boot because they can't run stuff they want on linux.
01:16.26Dougie187i don't think anyone would find dual booting a cell phone to be useful enough to do that though
01:16.30f00f-i got rid of linux :)
01:16.33f00f-i'm all XP now
01:16.42f00f-well i bought a new lappy
01:16.43Dougie187lol f00f- your a loser.
01:16.45f00f-havent put linux on it
01:16.48snadgeor the situation where somethings not working properly.. and you want to get some support.. you boot into winmo, and then ring up.. and pretend you dont have android on your phone (which is unsupported)
01:16.56f00f-i've spent 10 years using linux
01:16.57Dougie187so you didn't get rid of linux, you just didnt get rid of xp.
01:17.05snadgeif the phone comes with android and android is a supported platform for that phone.. theres is NO point in dual booting
01:17.13f00f-and it's still hit for the notebook/laptop industry
01:17.17f00f-although i have stringent requirements
01:17.28f00f-`it must not crash randomly after updates` being one of them
01:18.01f00f-do you think someone will try to run winmo on their android device?
01:18.03umdk1d3<3 atheros wifi
01:18.05Dougie187snadge: i still don't think it would be useful enough to try t odo.
01:18.13f00f-is it even possible ?
01:18.20Dougie187who knows.
01:18.26snadgemeaning that less people would be encouraged to try android on a phone where its not supported
01:18.46snadgei mean.. what kind of an IDIOT would replace their supported mobile phone platform.. with one which is unsupported, and have no choice to go back easily
01:18.49umdk1d3well android is all java unless you provide some sort of emulation library
01:19.13umdk1d3so doing os-emulation is pretty much out of the question on dalvik
01:19.40Adamantwell there are mini-OS'es written for JVM
01:19.56Adamantbut you can't do WIndows or whatever on it
01:19.57snadgethe fact that you can try android, by booting into winmo and launching the boot loader.. is awesome, means people can try it.. without bricking their phone
01:20.34snadgebut its of limited use if you wanted to use it more often than not.. and inconvenient that you have to boot into winmo first.. hence, a dual boot option not only makes sense.. would be awesome
01:21.41snadgeits not going to happen though :)
01:22.34snadgeim just going to buy a dream when they come out and be done with it.. im not going to stuff around trying to run android on things that its not supposed to
01:22.39Dougie187i still don't see the use in dual booting.
01:22.46Dougie187i think anyone who wants android will just go all out
01:22.59Dougie187or leave the recovery option in their phone so they can flash it back to normal as needed.
01:23.00Dougie187but ionno
01:23.03snadgeunless it doesnt work 100% on that phone
01:23.23snadgein which case, i guess you woudln't be interested in using it
01:23.36snadgebut maybe its an obscure function that you dont often use anyway
01:23.56Dougie187I can't imagine a person dual booting a phone for one app though.
01:24.01snadgeflashing back and forth is not a practical option
01:24.04Dougie187as opposed to windows vs. linux on a laptop i could see it.
01:24.09Dougie187no not flashing back and forth.
01:24.17Dougie187flashing if you need to send your phone in for repair or something.
01:24.22Dougie187otherwise leaving android on it.
01:24.37snadgeyeah i dont see that .. especially on unsupported models
01:24.44snadgeyou're not going to leave android on it
01:24.48snadgeunless it works perfectly
01:24.55Dougie187thats why you leave the flashing method.
01:24.59Dougie187so you can flash it back if you need to.
01:25.06Dougie187defaults back to winmo
01:25.12snadgei guess.. then theres the "coolness" factor
01:25.28snadgebooting into android, just for giggles .. or "because you can"
01:25.34Dougie187dual booting doesn't have a coolness.
01:25.35snadgeto show somebody something, or whatever
01:25.42Dougie187well just boot the emulator on your comp
01:25.51snadgeor to boast that your phone can boot into multiple operating systems
01:25.56Dougie187or go buy a compatible phone.
01:26.54snadgetriple boot with symbian for bonus points ;)
01:27.08Dougie187if you can fit all that stuff on your phone.
01:28.14snadgei guess what i really need to know is.. if i buy a htc dream when im in the uk or usa in november
01:28.25snadgewill i be able to use it in australia
01:28.30Dougie187noone knows yet.
01:28.48Dougie187you'll have to wait and see if they have it released in australia yet.
01:28.54Dougie187or you could call tmobile and see after it comes out.
01:28.58snadgeim assuming the answer is yes .. i mean, google is going on about how android is supposed to be fair and unlocked etc
01:29.02Dougie187though they probably won't be able to help you.
01:29.13Dougie187fair and unlocked?
01:29.22Dougie187ive heard "open"
01:29.30Dougie187unlocked is up to the carriers afaik.
01:29.35snadgewell .. maybe the reporting on it has been confused
01:29.48snadgepeople confusing "open" with "unlocked"
01:30.05snadgesince they have no idea what open really means ;)
01:30.24snadgebut i believe i read a statement saying that google doesnt want it to be locked into providers etc
01:30.33snadgethat you should be able to freely change between network providers
01:30.44Dougie187yeah, but i don't think that call is up to google alone.
01:30.52Dougie187thats something you have to get the providers to agree to
01:30.52snadgeit should be
01:31.10Dougie187or else they won't sell your phones.
01:31.20snadgeit should be a condition of using android that you're not under contract to any particular mobile phone network and have the ability to change
01:31.41Dougie187yeah i can't imaging that happening.
01:31.43snadgebut then they risk providers not using android
01:32.00snadgei personally think its wrong
01:32.09Dougie187but thats a personal opinion.
01:32.16snadgewhat kind of business says.. okay, i'll sell you something.. but on the condition that you only buy from me, and you cant buy from anyone else for 2 years
01:32.24Dougie187and definitely not how the carriers view business practicies.
01:32.25snadgethat should be illegal
01:32.45snadgeits anticompetetive.. and if its not illegal, at the very least its immoral
01:33.00f00f-skip the U.S. market and don't think back! :D
01:33.21snadgecoming back to another point.. most phones, even if they are locked.. can be "unlocked"
01:33.46snadgewhether thats legal or not is irrelevant .. if i can buy a tmobile in america, and then unlock it.. and use it in australia.. i will
01:34.20unix_infidelwell, most of the first generation iphones made in the US were essentially shipped back to where they were made, china.
01:34.31*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
01:34.39unix_infidelomfg, funniest talk ever.
01:35.04snadgeiphones .. first or second gen.. can be unlocked though right?
01:35.13snadgein fact, as far as i understand, its even trivial to do
01:35.40Adamantfirst gen can be unlocked easilyt
01:35.43unix_infidelfirst generation i believe is fairly trivial, second generation i dont think has been done yet.
01:35.44snadgenot that i would ever buy an iphone, which is why i cant speak authoritatively about them
01:35.44Adamant3G cannot
01:36.16Adamantget an ITouch, they're pretty decent as a media player with "extras"
01:36.17snadgeoh.. so theres a good chance that the tmobile wont be able to be unlocked then :(
01:36.18Adamantand no contract
01:36.46snadgei obviously cant buy it unless i can be sure it can be unlocked
01:36.55snadgeeven if theres a "legit" way to do it that costs money .. i'll consider that
01:37.45unix_infidelwell, hopefully you wont need to "unlock" the android phone.
01:37.58f00f-unix_infidel: you were being sarcastic. you fool. you made me watch that!
01:38.31unix_infideli have a feeling that the first generation handset will suck though. android itself is already pretty solid.
01:38.41unix_infidelf00f-: meh, it has it's funny parts.
01:38.49unix_infidelI totally agree on the rails stuf.
01:38.51Adamantunix_infidel: I'm not sure. HTC makes really good handsets
01:39.07Adamantunix_infidel: is that the DjangoCon one?
01:39.11unix_infidelAdamant: agreed, but will they make a good handset this time for an open source OS with no kickbacks?
01:39.15unix_infidelAdamant: yea.
01:39.19Adamantwhy not?
01:39.28Adamantthey get paid for the phone, not the OS
01:39.41Adamantnow they don't even have to license WinMo
01:40.18unix_infidelAdamant: right, they dont have a market edge, any OEM could work with google the next day and compete, do they have an incentive?  maybe.
01:40.36AdamantWInMo is not a market edge
01:40.43Adamanteveryone and their brother licenses it
01:40.55Adamantand not every OEM can produce a HTC quality phone
01:41.04Adamantin fact most can't even come close
01:41.19unix_infidelAdamant: we'll see, I'm cautiously optimistic.
01:41.34Adamantmost of the competition for HTC will be downmarket
01:41.47Adamantcheaper and less featureful smartphones
01:41.57unix_infidelhope the pricing stays under 300-400.
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01:42.20Adamanthigh pricing for some model is fine, if you're getting a really awesome phone
01:42.56unix_infidelagreed, but there are a billion ways for this deal to screw the consumer over.
01:43.16unix_infidelas usual in this market segment.
01:43.25Adamantif they start screwing consumers they won't be able to differentiate themselves
01:43.59Adamantif you want a really nice phone run by a control freak company and carrier, the iPhone already exists
01:44.51unix_infideli need a new phone pretty bad, i'll probably get an android phone regardless.
01:45.30Adamantif they don't keep the quality up on Android, then people will just keep buying WinMo since they can buy that already for less
01:46.06unix_infidelwhat's licensing cost for windows mobile like
01:46.19Adamantno idea
01:46.43Adamantprobably more than getting support for using Android in a phone
01:48.07Adamantone thing I do hope is that Google gets better designers working on Android 2.0's look and feel
01:48.47AdamantI'm pretty much accepting at this point that the UI will not be as nice as the iPhone, except that I can actually type
01:50.54AdamantGoogle can do pretty good design when it wants to.
01:53.27duey<3 chrome
01:53.29unix_infidelmeh, the design is functional enough.
01:53.30Adamantapologizes if I offended any lurking Android UI designers, I'm sure they worked hard
01:54.16dueywhats wrong with the current android ui
01:54.20dueybetter than most
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01:54.24unix_infidelthere's no way to say it's a couple years late, because we dont know when the design aspect was production ready.
01:54.54Adamantduey: it just doesn't look really visually appealing
01:55.06Adamantit's not bad
01:55.11dueyso you would prefer a vista UI?
01:55.15Adamantit's definitely not as ugly as WinMo
01:55.20dueyyou dont wont to overkill the ui
01:55.24Adamantduey: think Apple, not MS
01:55.33dueybecause it takes your concentration away from the task
01:55.43dueysure but you cant blatently copy apple ui
01:55.53Adamantduey: right but you can do one as good
01:56.21Adamantanyway. UI gets really subjective and personal beyond stuff like efficency which you can quantify
01:56.35unix_infideli think the usability principles are all there.
01:56.48unix_infidelthe design stuff really is trivial, as long as the framework is as extensible as they say it is.
01:57.11Adamantunix_infidel: it's so trivial that only a handful of companies get it right
01:57.44Adamantmaking things look really nice is not easy.
01:58.00unix_infidelAdamant: well this isnt a company. this is a community of people doing what they want because they can.
01:58.03Adamantotherwise they'd pay good designers less.
01:58.28Adamantunix_infidel: right, I'm not talking about imposing one true UI/look
01:58.36unix_infidelgoogle is counting on good designers contributing to the project.
01:58.36Adamantbut the default one should be really nice
01:58.54Adamantunix_infidel: that's not a bright move
01:59.10Adamantmost designers could give a shit about open source. they want to be paid
01:59.39Adamantthey've happily work on open source if paid to do so
01:59.50unix_infidelreally, that's why there are a bajillion different themes for firefox, windows xp, great open source applications that are well designed.
02:00.30unix_infidelyou create an open market coupled with a marketplace.  you get incentive from both ends.
02:00.41Adamantmost of those themes are craptastic. I don't believe in blocking people from loading them if they want, but that's not an excuse not to have a nice default theme
02:01.08Adamantand you'll notice Firefox 3 is heavily influenced by Safari's theme
02:01.36Adamantwhich was done by designers getting paid by a proprietary company
02:01.40unix_infidelWindows XP's theme is pretty crappy too. Once you hack together extensibility for something designers and engineers could potentially use everyday you are not without involvement.
02:01.56SanMehatAdamant: I've been doing open source since linux 0.99pl13.
02:02.01SanMehatAdamant: and I work on Android...
02:02.30AdamantSanMehat: as a designer?
02:02.52SanMehatAdamant: i do design parts of it. many do.
02:03.18SanMehatNo, more the stuff under the hood.
02:03.31SanMehator some of it... but as I said.. many people are involved with the design.
02:04.12SanMehatanyways, I only bring it up because I take exception to your comment about 'most designers not giving a shit about open source'... at least when it comes to the Android team.. I strongly disagree :)
02:05.00AdamantSanMehat: software designers and engineering type love open source. I'm one of those and I love it
02:05.52gambler<Adamant> most designers could give a shit about open source. they want to be paid
02:06.06Adamantbut I have to admit that most open source UI's are crappy and that work with graphic/UI/usability people is necessary to make a good UI, and those people don't particularly care about open source
02:06.17SanMehathang on, SIGWIFE
02:06.19Adamantnot saying Android UI is crappy, it isn't
02:06.34Adamantit's probably about as good as Firefox's
02:06.43Adamantwhich is pretty good for open source
02:07.16SanMehatsorry back.
02:07.28Adamantgambler: I should have clarified that. I'm not taking about the usual software dev, but graphics types
02:08.10Adamantand I only know a handful of graphics types but none of them I have met care about that sort of stuff much if at all
02:08.22SanMehatyou may want to discuss it with romainguy_ at some point :)
02:08.41Adamantah, he can beat me for my comments then
02:09.36f00f-$SIG{'WIFE'} = undef;
02:09.50unix_infidelSanMehat: going to bug you by email, the on in your /whois ircname is valid?
02:10.17Adamantanyway, I think nobody's yet gotten around having to pay graphic/UI/usability people significant money to make them work on things happily.
02:10.32Adamantand to get really good ones.
02:11.06yakischlobalast I checked the people working on android were getting paid
02:11.11yakischlobaand the UI is pretty outstanding
02:11.35yakischlobaseems to me that the difference between androids UI and the iphones is all personal preference
02:12.07Adamantyakischloba: I'm probably just being a big Apple-design fanboy spoiled baby
02:12.26yakischlobaI thoroughly enjoy Apple's stuff
02:12.33yakischlobai'm a mac user and I wouldn't want it any other way
02:12.39plusminus_I love the login screen
02:12.43plusminus_(from android=
02:12.44unix_infidelyakischloba: as much as I agree that future iterations will have design and usability improvements, you cant rely on the project core to contribute to a project you've made available to the community to play with.
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02:13.34SanMehatAdamant: oh yeah.. i should have mentioned... they *do* pay me :)
02:14.06yakischlobaI think you guys are overanalyzing something that you most likely haven't used for any extended period of time on a device yet
02:14.13yakischlobaand of course neither have I
02:14.15unix_infidelwell I should say you can rely on them, you just cant expect them to always have the best ideas for everyone.
02:14.44unix_infidelyakischloba: I think 90% of us are doing that, whether we like to admit it or not.
02:14.54Adamantyakischloba: that's true. this is mostly first impressions and me putzing around with the SDK
02:14.59yakischlobajudge it when its been your daily phone for a month
02:15.16yakischlobachances are what is going to be released on the phone is significantly different than the latest SDK anyways
02:16.13gamblerwhere is jasta to do some bitch slapping when you need him
02:16.16gamblerall I know is if you worked for me Adamant I'd be sending Terry around to your cubicle
02:16.21unix_infidelno video camera allowed at Developer Day today?
02:16.22yakischlobayeah seriously
02:17.05gamblerthat vid is so f awesome
02:17.22SanMehatgambler: re:
02:17.24SanMehathow you doibg man?
02:18.03gamblerSanMehat, Im going crazy because the elliptical trainer I installed in my home gym is broken and the morons I paid 5K to for it are taking forever to fix it
02:18.08gamblerim on mad sick tilt right now over it
02:19.24gamblerwhats that?
02:20.06Adamantgambler: why would you pay 5k for an elliptical?
02:20.17yakischlobabecause its covered in diamonds
02:20.36Adamantyou could buy a Concept 2 gym grade rower or a gym grade Versaclimber for less
02:20.37gamblerbecause I wanted a really good one...that wasnt supposed to break
02:20.49Adamantboth of which will give you a better workout and not break
02:20.59gamblerI also got a complete dumbell set with that
02:21.20AdamantI just use adjustable Oly dumbbells
02:22.03gamblerI got those hexagonal ones...they are mostly for show though because I F ed up my elbow playing tennis
02:23.04gamblerthe adjustables are ok but I figured it would be a big pain to adjust them
02:23.33plusminus_SensorManager.getSensors() returns 0 within the emulator ...? is that correct ?
02:24.03Adamantbuy 3 cheap set, put good collars on them, and then use Oly plates for both your dumbbell and barbell
02:24.11Adamantmuch cheaper in the long run.
02:25.05unix_infideli need to look into getting a weight vest too.  used to be able to run an 8 minute mile after I trained with that thing.
02:25.08*** part/#android cbeust (
02:25.35Adamantunix_infidel: Vmax is good for max weight, and the SmartVest is good for comfortable lighter weights
02:25.50Adamantfor running only you'd probably want a SmartVest
02:26.34Adamantthose are the fancy ones, you can also redneck-rig a boxing weight vest for jogging and running but it won't be as comfortable
02:27.00Adamantthey're more made for doing cathelstics
02:27.08unix_infidelAdamant: i usually do lighter weights for any jogging and and heavy weights for sprints.
02:27.39Adamantwell Vmax goes up to 84pds and is designed for weight lifters and firefighters to get real use out of
02:27.56yakischlobayou mean "calisthentics"?
02:28.08gambleryakischloba, that diamond studded model sounds like pure sex :p
02:28.28yakischlobagambler: yeah man I figured you'd have been all over it. Mine is awesome.
02:28.41yakischlobagambler: it hasn't broken either ;
02:28.48Adamantwhereas the Smartvest goes to 20 or 30 or 40 (I forget), but few people run over 20 pds anyway since it starts getting dangerous
02:28.59Adamantand it's much more comfortable and natural
02:29.23Adamantthey're both adjustable so you can adjust them up and down within limits
02:29.25yakischlobahey if you want some extra weight to run with, take a desk job and start drinking a lot.
02:29.30gambleryakischloba, I need that equipment to deal with the mad tilt I experience every day doing you know what
02:29.40Adamantyakischloba: already done it, that's why I'm working out
02:30.13Adamantand yeah I meant calisthenics
02:30.20Adamantjust can't type today
02:30.30unix_infidelyakischloba: like lawyers?
02:30.51Adamantunix_infidel: they do too much coke and meth
02:31.00Adamantweight doesn't stick around
02:31.25unix_infidelnor do they.
02:34.16gamblerhe went to shoot up
02:34.27unix_infidelmust be one of those bay area nerds.
02:34.38unix_infidela native.
02:34.57*** join/#android Adamant (
02:35.28gamblerstarts tying off
02:39.47gamblerwasn this part of the theme from mallrats
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02:42.07ttuttleahaberla1h, fadden, SanMehat, romainguy, romainguy_: ping
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03:14.28gdsxttuttle: hey; have a question?
03:16.44unix_infidelwhere would one go if they had a question, is the android google group more active?
03:17.35gamblerhere is fine, there are plenty of knowledgeable people here.
03:18.15gamblerI have a question actually, if I write OpenGL code in android, what are the chances that would auto-compile against JSR239
03:18.34gamblerIt says the systems are not identical but similiar
03:22.30f00f-very little i would think
03:22.34f00f-if you abstract it enough, maybe
03:22.44f00f-but doesn't excessive abstraction  hurt high-perf 3D stuff ;)
03:24.06romainguy_gambler: well it's OpenGL ES 1.1 basically on Android
03:24.38romainguy_but for instance you won't find many of the methods based on float/double parameters
03:25.39gamblerok. So the Canvas examples in Customised Component Examples is that OpenGL or something else
03:26.10romainguy_Canvas is the 2D API
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03:27.38gamblerok I see.
03:28.48gamblerromainguy, did you know about
03:29.03snadgeis android going to upgrade to java 7?
03:29.12gamblerI found that pretty handy
03:29.20snadgewhen it becomes available
03:29.49plusminus_is there any info on java7 ?
03:29.55plusminus_I think so
03:30.18snadgeim looking forward to java 7 .. it will be 100% free, and the jnlp support will work with 64bit etc
03:30.21plusminus_Android probably won't remain "as it is"
03:30.47plusminus_Java rulez
03:30.48snadgeso finally the "write once run anyware" paradigm.. might actually start to be slightly more truthful
03:30.54plusminus_Java == Productivity
03:31.14snadgeand we'll see equivalent functionality in mac/linux/windows .. and hopefully mobile platforms to
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03:40.57ElijahIt's almost christmas gang!
03:41.59ElijahUnfortunately though, I have to wait for #2 Sprint to release me gPhone
03:44.52snadgemeanwhile if anyone knows when i'll be able to use an android phone in australia any time soon.. please let me know
03:44.56snadgelegit or otherwise ;)
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03:46.54gamblersnadge, how could it be illegit
03:48.38gamblersnadge, Three has a 3G $39 6GB/month deal. They will allow you to do it no contracts. so you can run any handset on mobile broadband.
03:50.44unix_infidelgambler: hopefully the pricing in the US is near as competetive.
03:51.35unix_infidellikely tmobile will launch 3g on the same date as the android release.
03:52.42f00f-get onewithout a plan
03:53.01f00f-i pay $25/mo for my `unlimited` data plan
03:53.08f00f-i hear iphone lusers pay $30/mo ?
03:53.10f00f-for the same thing
03:54.01unix_infideliphone users I believe are locked into buying a voice plan with data add on.
03:54.13unix_infidel(in the US)
03:54.23unix_infidel+ all applicable taxes on BOTH services.
03:54.29f00f-elijah you better wait long and hard for sprint
03:54.34f00f-it's still bleeding at the knees
04:07.46Elijahf00f-: tell me more
04:09.56f00f-they need to get their act together
04:09.59f00f-in terms of service, etc.
04:10.06f00f-infra rollout for wimax
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05:03.17Elijahf00f-: i see, i am sure android will be succesful without  that for now
05:12.39f00f-we'll see
05:13.51snadgegambler: i know that IF i can unlock a us based android phone.. i can use it in australia, with like you say, Three as an example
05:14.16snadgethe question really is.. how difficult is it going to be to unlock the htc dream
05:15.00snadgebecause if its going to insist upon only connecting to tmobile (for example) .. then that is going to be of no use at all to anyone in australia
05:18.43gamblerwith google driving this, I have to assume they will be anti-simlocking
05:19.04unix_infidelgambler: not true, to get distribution they have to agree to some concessions.
05:19.05f00f-no 3G gabmler down there
05:19.07snadgethats what i thought.. but apparently not
05:19.29gamblerf00f-, haha
05:20.13snadgeim going to use htc and tmobile as examples.. but lets look at it this way.. htc will know how to unsimlock using their own phones.. its the mobile carriers, eg t-mobile.. that stipulate that the sim must be locked to their network
05:20.44unix_infidelsnadge: the easier alternative is to just buy an unlocked dream and put android on it.
05:20.58snadgeyes.. but will there be "unlocked" dreams for sale
05:21.02f00f-the phone is locked to a network list of (MCC, MNC) tuplets
05:21.06snadgeor will tmobile have exclusivity on that
05:21.30gamblerunix_infidel, android is a game changer. they arent looking to suck up to these carriers
05:21.45snadgei dont care if i have to pay $2000 for the phone.. if it means i own it outright and its unlocked.. whether it will be an option to purchase them outright, i would like to know
05:21.46gamblermaybe in the backwards U.S. cellular market but outside there
05:21.49unix_infidelgambler: we're all speculating, only the @'s know what's going on.
05:21.51gamblerim skeptical
05:22.39snadgei understand that locking into a network is done.. so that they can give you a cheaper phone initially.. and recoup the loss on that over time
05:22.41dueygambler, android isn't a game changer
05:22.41gamblerf00f-, the phone  is locked?
05:22.42unix_infidelthere's certainly a market for an open well designed handset that works.
05:22.49dueyits open, if someone wants to lock a phone down, they can
05:22.55unix_infidelif android fills that void, so be it.
05:23.15f00f-gambler the subsidized versions
05:23.30gamblerduey, I think the philosophy of where mobiles in general are going is a game changer. We are moving to commodity platforms like i386 PCs instead of specialty devices
05:23.32unix_infidelgigaom, TC have all covered the challenges, it's up to google to respond, and they usually put a up a good fight.
05:23.34snadgewhat it sounds like .. is there will be no option to buy android based phones outright.. inititially.. until such time elapses and everyone has android phones
05:23.37gamblerits just the nature of a scale economy
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05:24.00gamblerduey, IBM PC was a massive game changer because it standardised so much
05:24.21snadgeit also sounds like the US market is more draconian than others
05:24.32dueymaybe, but I doubt you will find android running on an iphone :)
05:24.37unix_infidelalways will be in some segments.
05:24.46unix_infideltoo much profit to be had.
05:25.00unix_infidelbut what do I know, i'm barely past the drinking age :-P
05:25.03dueyIBM was a long time ago and they had pretty big market share
05:25.03snadgeyes well come november.. things will change in washington
05:25.09dueythe phone market share is spread
05:25.10gamblerduey, true dat
05:25.16snadgegoogle and microsoft have both invested a lot of money into barack obama :P
05:25.23romainguy__ \o/
05:25.33dueyyeah if obama doesn't win ill never go to usa!
05:25.41snadgeso america could become communist like the rest of europe ;)
05:25.55dueyromainguy, was that ic of the moon taken with that camera?
05:26.05romainguy__it's the new Canon 5D
05:26.09romainguy__3 years in the waiting
05:26.21dueyown it yet?
05:26.29romainguy__no it's been announced today
05:26.36dueyhow much does it cost
05:27.28dueysnadge, whats wrong with being less corrupt and free healthcare?
05:27.33dueynot to bad
05:28.08romainguy__21 Mpixls
05:28.14romainguy__way too much :((
05:28.22dueyyou will have to get a new computer
05:28.30dueylightroom might crash
05:28.38romainguy__I have 8 GB of RAM :)
05:28.48romainguy__but that requires lots of storage
05:28.52romainguy__and I need a bigger screen now ^^
05:29.00dueyquad 30''
05:29.26romainguy__only 3.9 images
05:29.27snadgeduey: im a lefty liberal communist hippy myself.. i dont see the problem
05:29.45dueysnadge, oh good :)
05:29.47snadgei think most people who support the concept of free software, generally are
05:30.30dueyimo usa is less free than many
05:30.42dueyI think things like free healthcare allow people to be more free
05:30.49dueyand less tied down to corperates
05:31.02snadgeyou kidding.. the US is so free, they can invade other countries without even consulting the rest of the world ;)
05:31.09dueyyeah well
05:31.18gamblerfree healthcare is gay. try living in canada and waiting forever to see a doctor. trust me its not fun.
05:31.31dueyat least you get to see one
05:31.37snadgewell maybe canada should take lessons from the free healthcare in australia
05:31.37romainguy__works in France :)
05:32.03dueywaiting for an hour to see a doctor aint that bad
05:32.11snadgei think its funny.. australia.. like the most insignificant english speaking country on the planet.. except for maybe new zealand
05:32.18romainguy__wow 30 fps 1080p video recording
05:32.18snadgeand even new zealand has free health care
05:32.20dueyand also its not like if you are dying they leave you there
05:32.24dueyim from nz
05:32.28gambleri think that the market needs to be more competitive. Let more companies practice medicine and publish statistics on their effectiveness
05:32.34dueydie in a fire snadge :D!
05:32.35umdk1d3romainguy__: you seen the RED camera?
05:32.42romainguy__umdk1d3: nope?
05:32.47snadgelol duey.. i have a youtube video to show you, one sec
05:32.48umdk1d3ooh! /me links
05:32.54dueyinvasion ?
05:33.15umdk1d3romainguy__: first post there
05:33.30gamblersnadge, the australian version of health care I think works pretty well.
05:33.35snadgeits titled "Beached Whale" .. and its hilarious :p
05:33.41gamblersnadge, thats not purely free though
05:33.54romainguy__umdk1d3: ah yes, well the 5D records 1080p at 30 fps through the lens :)
05:34.01snadgeits free if you're poor
05:34.15snadgebut you have to pay for it kinda if you make some decent coin
05:34.18snadgeand in that situation.. who cares?
05:34.26dueyif i go to a doctor but not much
05:34.33dueyi pay to see a doctor
05:34.42dueyGP that is
05:34.47snadgeeven on 70k.. i can go to a doctor and get bulk billed.. ie, free consultation
05:34.52gamblerthats smart because some people are hypochondriacs and abuse the free visit system
05:34.56gamblerduey, what country?
05:34.58umdk1d3romainguy__: true but the red just looks insane
05:35.05romainguy__it does :)
05:35.19snadgeduey: tell me what you think of beached whale :p
05:35.23romainguy__just a tad more annoying to travel with ^^
05:35.25dueyits not playing properly
05:35.38dueysec ill try another browser chrome fails it on utube sometimes
05:36.46f00f-sux that it can't record in RAW
05:36.49f00f-that's a no go
05:36.58romainguy__f00f-: what can't?
05:37.07umdk1d3f00f-: the RED does 24fps RAW  ;)
05:37.09f00f-the new canon 20 mpx
05:37.13f00f-umdk1d3: i'm sold
05:37.22romainguy__you mean RAW video?
05:37.37romainguy__it's not a video camera :)
05:37.44romainguy__so it kinda makes sense that it's not doing that
05:37.54romainguy__it probably doesn't have the memory and CPU to do it anyway
05:37.57dueysnadge, seen this
05:38.05f00f-but it does MPEG-4 on the fly :P
05:38.24romainguy__that's a lot less data to write ^^
05:39.07umdk1d3mmm mpeg4 /shudder/
05:39.30umdk1d3cant stand single pass encodes lol
05:39.31romainguy__sucks I can't take this new 5D with me on my vacation at the end of the week ^^
05:39.40f00f-where you going romain
05:39.51romainguy__roadtrip in the southwest
05:40.14f00f-oh my
05:40.22*** part/#android Elijah (
05:40.22umdk1d3ooh cacti
05:40.24f00f-gonna eat some cajun chicken
05:57.17snadgeduey: hehe
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06:26.42gdsxromainguy__: you shoot Canon?
06:27.15romainguy__I do
06:29.00gdsxcool; what do you shoot with?
06:29.40romainguy__currently a 30D
06:30.01gdsxwhat sorts of lenses?
06:30.25romainguy__50mm f/1.4, 17-40mm f/4 L, 24-70mm f/2.8 L and 70-200mm f/4 L
06:31.12gdsxdo you shoot a lot of people?
06:31.18romainguy__not really
06:31.24romainguy__mostly landscapes
06:31.39romainguy__you can see my photos at
06:33.02f00f-romain what are your travel lenses
06:33.12romainguy__the ones I just said :)
06:33.24f00f-ALL ?
06:33.27f00f-what more do you have then
06:33.32romainguy__that's all
06:33.39f00f-oh so you travel loaded :P
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06:35.32gdsxromainguy__: very nice
06:40.43dueythis convo doesnt look good out of context
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12:47.44acemois it possible to download the api or other documentation for android for offline viewing?
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14:00.47hemp77hi guys. what is the best way to push an event (e.g. "start syncing") to an android device?
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14:56.47*** topic/#android by morrildl -> Anyone finding the apps-for-android project to be useful?
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15:02.29hemp77morrildl: it would be more useful, if more apps (for example the wiki) were ported to the new 0.9 sdk.
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15:09.00umdk1d3challenging, but the truth:
15:10.17pjvhere here, albeit a bit opportunistic
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15:58.42anno^da-please get this phone out with Android :-)
16:01.59lokeanno^da-: what is that? a fan-made render?
16:02.34lokeI have to admit, it looks sleek, even though my dream phone would have some face buttons (and a retractable keyboard is an absolute must)
16:03.39anno^da-loke: It is the new HTC Touch HD
16:03.48anno^da-With Windows Mobile :/
16:03.54lokeanno^da-: hmm... is there a keyboard hiding underneath?
16:04.12anno^da-I cant believe they will release the leaked Dream we know from the pics
16:04.32anno^da-hmm dont know let me see
16:04.44lokeanno^da-: sorry... I've always liked the HTV hardware, but the windows ce based os... man... it's such a travesty. I had the misfortune of having to use a motorola one for a few weeks when I was on a trip.
16:04.52lokeman, what a total didaster that thing is
16:05.13lokeanno^da-: why can't you brlieve?
16:06.43unix_lappythe only thing stopping it from being on the touch HD is drivers.
16:06.49anno^da-After all the great designs in the last years I dont believe that they will start the whole Android "project" with such an ugly device.
16:07.13anno^da-Well let me say I dont want to believe it.
16:07.17lokeI think the design is qite nice, except for the botton blob with the buttons
16:07.31anno^da-Well it doesnt look polished at all.
16:07.47lokewell that's true... Are you saying that you think it's a prototype enclosure?
16:08.45anno^da-Well I really hope so
16:08.53anno^da-So Im out now ;)
16:09.21lokehah... well, we still have a few days to hope
16:09.27lokebefore our dreams are shattered
16:10.21romainguy___all I can say is that I stopped using my iPhone a while ago :))
16:10.31romainguy___Android's features are definitely, in my opinion, worth it
16:10.36lokeromainguy_I have never really been impressed with the ihpone
16:11.05anno^da-romainguy_: But the normal consumer will look at the design. Or not? So is it final? :D
16:11.10lokea few colleagues have it, and I must say that seeing them try to use IM-apps, or IRC-clients or SSH-clients is quite tragic
16:11.28lokethe phone rings, or they want to check the address book and they lose all connections
16:11.35romainguy___anno^da-: We haven't announced any phone yet :)
16:11.57lokeone of them use an app that has some sync functionality... of course he can't do anything else while the damn thing syncs
16:12.18lokeanno^da-: romainguy_ works for HTC?
16:12.37anno^da-romainguy_: Grrr :D
16:12.43romainguy___loke: no, for Google
16:12.56lokeromainguy_: oh
16:13.10anno^da-romainguy_: I'm looking forwar to the day you can tell us :D After the release :-)
16:13.10lokeso he's not in taiwan then :-)
16:14.02lokeromainguy_: care to tell us when there is a new SDK coming out? The current version odesn't run on a 32-bit intel mac
16:14.18romainguy___loke: on a 32 bits intel mac??
16:14.21loke(my macmini at home is 32-bit) and it's incredibly unstable on my macbook air
16:14.29romainguy___I use a 32 bits Intel Mac to work on Android
16:14.30lokethe Core Duo based ones
16:14.37lokewell, it doesn't work at all on mine
16:14.46romainguy___what doesn't work?
16:14.53lokeworks on the air (albeit unstably), so I assumed it was because of the 32-bitness
16:14.59lokehold, i'll tell you
16:15.15anno^da-I#m using it everyday on a 32 intel mac and it is stunning stable
16:15.26lokeanno^da-: macmini?
16:15.34romainguy___apart from the emulator, there's nothing native in the SDK
16:15.45lokewell, it was the emulator that failed
16:15.46romainguy___(and adb and aapt :)
16:15.47yakischlobaI use a Macbook 13", it runs fine
16:15.50lokehold. i'm re-downloading
16:15.56romainguy___that's why I wouldn't know, I don't use the emulator anymore
16:16.36unix_lappyromainguy_you just push to the device to test?
16:16.38lokeromainguy_: not even fr development? are you saying that there is a develpmemt workflow to the real phone that is so smooth that you don't need the emulator?
16:16.51unix_lappythat would be amazing.
16:16.56lokeunix_lappy: agreed
16:17.13lokewhen I did J2ME development, the emulator was a complete must
16:17.14romainguy___loke: that's right
16:17.27lokeromainguy_: wow... wired via USB?
16:17.28romainguy___I've been working on the framework and apps without the emulator for 6 months now
16:17.41unix_lappynerds commence salivating.
16:18.04lokeromainguy_so... for a hello world app, how long time from pressing build until you have the app running on the device?
16:18.55lokeCan I plaste 7 lines? or can someone suggest a pastebot?
16:18.58Cedric2You can do on the device everything you can do on the emulator, it just takes a few seconds more to start at worse
16:19.04romainguy___it takes 4 or 5 seconds on my MacPro
16:19.18lokeromainguy_: woah
16:19.27anno^da-loke: for me too
16:19.38anno^da-max of 6 seconds
16:19.40lokeromainguy_: that's sweet... Can I assume it'll work that way for me as well once I get the commercial device?
16:20.04romainguy___it depends on your computer for the compile time
16:20.11romainguy___but it's a fairly smooth process
16:20.37anno^da-So I'm out now. :-) Have a nice day guys.
16:20.40hemp77romainguy___: when we will be able to use apps like mail and a calender with the sdk?
16:20.53lokethat's the error I get when trying to run on my macmini (10.5.5)
16:21.08romainguy___hemp77: the SDK will probably remain as it is
16:22.15hemp77romainguy___: ok.. but the first devices will include such standard apps, or will they be written by third party companies?
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16:22.30romainguy___you'll see when the devices are announced
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16:23.50hemp77romainguy___: ok, ok ;-)
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16:24.36lokeI ran t in the debugger, and it seems like it's crashing in the audio initialisation?
16:24.42lokeany advice?
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16:32.08rob-csWorst day EVER
16:32.29rob-csMy GMAIL, Yahoo Mail, Paypal were all HACKED when I woke up
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16:42.14unix_lappyomfg, devices, PLURAL!
16:43.35unix_lappyemails gizmodo!
16:44.15unix_lappythat Touch HD looks like a fantastic headset, though, hopefully it's made the shortlist.
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17:10.08umdk1d3deviceS?  =D
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17:10.33umdk1d3well there was that at+t rumor
17:11.29umdk1d3at+t and foxconn
17:11.53umdk1d3does anyone recognize that red swirl logo in the status bar?
17:12.28umdk1d3if it wasnt for that odd logo, i would cry 'shopped
17:12.42umdk1d3also the "PM" is unnaturally streched
17:13.12umdk1d3oh but yea good point further down that thread:  neither at+t nor foxconn are part of OHA
17:13.12mikez5That's where the battery icon should be.
17:13.31umdk1d3so is that the dead battery icon?
17:13.37mikez5I can't remember what it looks like when the battery is almost dead.
17:13.47umdk1d3jumps into frameworkres
17:14.40morrildlThe red swirl is the icon indicating low battery.
17:15.18morrildlDon't interpret that as a confirmation of rumors.  We don't comment on rumors
17:15.27umdk1d3yep there we go
17:15.50umdk1d3just looked like a swirl from that angle
17:16.11umdk1d3stat_sys_battery_0 icon
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17:17.54mikez5If that picture is real, maybe they don't have battery status working on that HW yet.
17:18.24umdk1d3oh true
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17:18.54umdk1d3out of all the manuf in the oha, which one does that handset look like?
17:19.43umdk1d3i cant tell if that one would have a keyboard
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17:49.02muthuwhen's the market launch?
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17:54.13unix_lappyI know those guys.
17:54.28unix_lappymet rylan the other day.
17:54.50morrildloh awesome
17:54.57muthugocart is pretty cool
17:55.10unix_lappyyea, did they change the name in the last week or so?
17:55.24morrildlyes :)
17:55.26morrildlI believe they did
17:55.33muthuoh ok.. then i'm right
17:55.54muthumorrildl, when the market launch?
17:56.13muthuneed to get the app ready.. on time for market
17:56.35morrildlWith devices
17:56.52muthuok.. so in october
17:57.11muthugood, give us some time to develop
17:59.11plusminus_morrildl: 'market' updates the client version when we update the ones on the "market-servers" ?
17:59.21plusminus_... of our apps
17:59.53plusminus_so we do not need to consider a kind of self-updating?
18:00.34muthuplusminus_, the update is more like reinstall
18:01.42plusminus_yeah doesn"t matter in the end
18:01.50plusminus_except databases/prefs
18:02.30muthudon't think they would wipe data
18:07.42morrildlWe aren't yet sure whether automatic updates will be used.  There are pros and cons and technical considerations that we are working through.
18:09.05muthuthen the apps need to sync the client data with server.. to be safe
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18:14.48morrildlmuthu: it depends on the mechanism
18:15.00morrildlby definition, an uninstall wipes all application data; a reinstall does not
18:15.11Dougie187morrildl: are you gonna be at the thing on tuesday?
18:15.21morrildlthat is directly equivalent to 'adb uninstall <package>' vs. 'adb install -r <apk file>'
18:15.31morrildlDougie187: yes
18:15.54Dougie187sounds like fun.
18:16.01Dougie187are you excited for it?
18:16.47muthuok, if its reinstall then no issues
18:16.59morrildlDougie187: Press events are always a mixed bag :) least, for an engineer ;)
18:17.21Dougie187well.. do you know when the next sdk is coming out?
18:17.27morrildlPersonally I just hope there's food somewhere
18:17.28Dougie187supposed to be this month right?
18:17.34morrildlI do know.
18:17.34Dougie187Im sure you will get some food.
18:18.02Dougie187I take it by your very informative answer that you can't tell when its supposed to come out?
18:18.31morrildlActually there's not much mystery, really
18:18.36Dougie187Do you know if you guys will still keep secrets like this after android is actually out?
18:18.49morrildlIt's being actively worked on and we hope to get it out quite soon
18:18.50morrildlIt's in QA
18:18.58morrildlBut I don't have an exact date for you
18:19.03morrildlbetter to not rush it
18:19.11Dougie187thats pretty cool.
18:19.38morrildlDougie187: the Roadmap we published will become increasingly detailed about this sort of thing, yeah
18:19.47Dougie187thats cool.
18:20.23Dougie187are you excited to release android finally?
18:21.05morrildlI am incandescent even at this moment
18:21.12morrildlWe all are :)
18:21.44Dougie187well thats always good.
18:22.52plusminus_probably like getting a child ;) *unexperienced in getting children*
18:23.24Dougie187lol getting a child?
18:23.35Dougie187i don't think i have heard it put that way before.
18:24.03plusminus_in germany we use it often, maybe more like:
18:24.18plusminus_"its been a long hard birth"
18:24.41plusminus_hi romainguy_
18:25.07plusminus_you know if Jason Chen is on holiday or something?
18:26.41plusminus_because its not only me, fighting with the Android/MapsAPI ToS, also BreadCrumbz which is a ADC Top20 app...
18:27.04plusminus_probably even more...
18:27.25plusminus_so he is not responding to my request :(
18:29.51muthuplusminus_, how's your apps coming along?
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18:34.34unix_lappyanyone, what does WST / Android Editors allow you to do?
18:34.57xavd_it provides custom editors for most XML files used to develop android app
18:35.08xavd_(android manifest, XML value files, XML Layout files)
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18:35.39plusminus_muthu: fine, some new features with the working geocoder
18:35.44mohbanaany idea when android is due in the uk?
18:36.17plusminus_not seen anything except the "official launch" somewhere near to October 13th
18:37.42muthuplusminus_, how many apps are you launching?
18:39.02mohbanaplusminus_: what carrier and phone?
18:40.46plusminus_t-mob/htc ^^
18:40.48plusminus_a couple
18:40.51plusminus_about 7
18:40.56plusminus_2 games
18:41.04plusminus_3 small
18:41.10plusminus_+ 1 unfinished
18:41.27Dougie187hey plusminus_ what about this one.
18:41.52Dougie187i guess thats still not uk.
18:41.53plusminus_Dougie187: yeah that one that is in the news every day
18:41.54Dougie187but oh well
18:42.12plusminus_somewhere I hear Germany may also be on of the Early-Countries
18:42.24Dougie187thats interesting.
18:42.32Dougie187i wonder why germany would be one of the early countries.
18:42.46plusminus_t-mobile is also pretty big here
18:42.55Dougie187i guess i could see that then.
18:43.21Dougie187are these all your apps?
18:43.31plusminus_yes, all what starts with "and
18:43.38plusminus_" is probably mine ;)
18:43.44Dougie187hah, i like how the and on andpipes looks like a 3rd grader wrote it.
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18:44.15Dougie187thats cool though.
18:44.17Dougie187are these free?
18:44.24unix_lappywow, ganymede isnt nearly as slow as europa.
18:44.40plusminus_the font is handwritten on my tablet :-P
18:44.56plusminus_tried to make it look 'dynamic"
18:45.08Dougie187pipes looks cool
18:45.20Dougie187same with sudoku.
18:45.27Dougie187im a sudoku fan.
18:46.14Dougie187Lol you were a winner of the android dotphone not winner fund.
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18:46.55plusminus_lets not talk about the device I received\
18:46.59plusminus_it sucked HARD !
18:47.34Dougie187the device you received?
18:47.40plusminus_the emulator on a 500Mhz machine would obviously have been faster
18:47.50plusminus_the dev-board from
18:48.35plusminus_if I had paid for it, I would have sent it back immediately
18:48.36Dougie187thats disappointing.
18:48.42plusminus_oh yeah
18:48.47Dougie187well i guess at least you didn't pay for it then.
18:48.50Dougie187didn't you have to assemble it too?
18:49.08plusminus_the screen turned white after every frame (had abotu 1fps on the homescreen!)
18:49.21plusminus_no just 2-3 cables
18:49.27Dougie187oh ok.
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19:03.36f00f-test failed
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19:07.16mohbanai hope the official phone doesn't have the part below the screen
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19:16.07spykidplusminus_: Germany is an early country ;)
19:22.00mohbanadoes google release email addresses that haven't been used for a certain period?
19:27.24plusminus_mohbana: you get not a single spam mail there ??? respect
19:29.31mohbanai meant accounts that have been left idle for a while, i.e., the user hasn;t logged in
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20:04.26unix_infidelis an SD card not built into the emulator?
20:04.38unix_infidelor some sort of storage device?
20:05.43mikez5The emulator has a -sdcard option
20:05.58mikez5emulator -sdcard <file with FAT file system>
20:17.29unix_infidelmikez5: where ,file with FAT file system> is?
20:18.28unix_infidelyou have to specify a partition? or something else?
20:18.46mikez5I think there is a mksdcard script in the SDK.
20:19.01mikez5Or you can create a large empty file and run mkdosfs on it.
20:19.17mikez5Or use dd to copy an actual FAT disk.
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21:49.47_avataris there a way to request a listview to refresh/requery only one of its rows? BaseAdapter has notifyDataSetChanged(), but that causes all visible items to be redrawn. I just want one of the items requeried from my adapter
21:52.20romainguy__avatar: no
21:54.00_avatarok. can i use getChildAt() and tweak the view myself?
21:54.08_avatarListView.getChildAt(), I mean.
21:54.17_avatarwell, I suppose I should just try
21:54.40umdk1d3umm wait
21:54.41umdk1d3i had a way
21:56.05umdk1d3i have been using getChildAt().invalidate() regularly
21:56.11umdk1d3it works as expected
21:56.21umdk1d3even with a cursor-backed list
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21:56.38umdk1d3need to cursor.requery() before that tho iirc
21:56.56umdk1d3also be careful because getChildAt() can return null if you send in bad position
21:57.44umdk1d3continues rambling on to self
21:58.05_avatari'm not using a cursor backed list. let me give it a shot.
22:05.30_avatarumdk1d3: getChildAt().invalidate() doesn't seem to work for me in my non-cursor backed data. i wonder if the cusror.requery() causes the adapter to requery everything?
22:06.14umdk1d3but i remember having those issues you described
22:06.20umdk1d3flashing the entire list when refreshing
22:06.28umdk1d3and thats what ive been doing to get around it iirc
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22:55.48donomoany idea why the log file never shows the 'got fix' messages?
23:08.42dmoffettAre you getting an exception on line 6?
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23:21.16donomodmoffett: no exception. the other log lines are printing.
23:21.33donomogetLastKnownLocation seems to be a black hole
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23:28.12f00f-dont trust it
23:28.14f00f-track it yourself
23:30.06donomotrack what myself?
23:31.02faddenIf it's getting stuck, ask DDMS for a stack trace.
23:32.11donomoit doesnt seem stuck. its a service that runs a thread every 5 seconds. the threads continue to fire, but the last log report never runs.
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23:32.32donomothe list of threads for the process does not show a buildup of threads
23:32.44faddenDo you see the thread appearing, briefly, every 5 seconds?
23:32.54unix_infidelis it just, or whenever you see matt_c you think matt cutts?
23:33.09unix_infideljust me*
23:33.39matt_cis a much less exciting Matt Croydon :)
23:33.40donomofadden: not that i can tell.
23:34.06donomofadden: when the 'update threads' button is 'on' for a process, is that list updated automatically?
23:34.56faddenTry "adb logcat -v thread"
23:35.35faddenYou should see the every-5-second message in the same pid but a different tid each time.
23:35.59fadden(it's pid:tid, with the tid in hex for some reason)
23:36.11donomoi see same pid, and same tid each time. (1331:0x539)
23:36.18donomonice to know what that second number is :)
23:36.38faddenWere you expecting it to start a new thread?
23:37.17fadden0x539 == 1337 ...
23:37.35donomohmm. i guess not. timer.scheduleAtFixedRate( new TimerTask() { public void run() { ... } } ...
23:37.53donomoi guess the same thread could be fired each time
23:38.46faddenNext thing to try would be single-step with a debugger.
23:39.12donomoyeah that sounds good
23:41.02faddenEither you're popping back out, which can only happen in Java with an exception, or what you're calling is somehow ending up back in the timer code, which will cause the stack to overflow before long.
23:41.25faddenYou can double-click on the thread in DDMS to see a stack trace and rule out the ever-growing-stack.
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23:47.54donomoworking my way through a lot of debugger stuff.
23:48.18donomowhen i step over 'get last known location' the debugger doesnt go to the next line of code in my method, it goes into java.util.Timer
23:49.03faddenHow does the stack look at that point?  If you repeat it does the stack keep getting deeper?
23:50.16donomothe stack looks good, if i 'Resume' the stack is not any deeper on the next go-around?
23:50.27donomos/?/./ wasnt a question.
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23:51.01donomounix_infidel: how is that expected? i would expect the next line in my bethod to be the next stopping point.
23:51.19faddenHow sure are you there's no exception getting thrown?
23:51.30donomoas far as i can tell, there is not.
23:51.44donomoin the precss list under what i think is the version column, it says 8612/8700.
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23:51.52donomoinstead of a single version #
23:52.13faddenThose are DDMS debugger ports.
23:52.32faddenThe current app can always be connected to on 8700; you can also connect to it on 8612 even if it's not the current app.
23:52.41fadden(you can debug multiple apps simultaneously)
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23:54.42faddenYou can try wrapping the instruction with a try{} catch(Throwable t) and see if anybody bites,
23:55.02faddenor catch all caught/uncaught Throwables in the debugger and see if it breaks.
23:55.31faddenFailing that, I'm not sure why you're not seeing that log line appear.

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