IRC log for #android on 20080907

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04:31.20squeakypantsanyone know how to use SQLiteDatabase.replace?
04:31.34squeakypantsit doesn't have any way to select what row to replace?
04:31.52squeakypantsand the javadoc isn't right, it's a copy and paste of insert
04:34.04squeakypantsaha, i should use update, not replace
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05:27.42plusminus_anyone got MockLocation-Providing working?
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06:58.21squeakypantsif i have files in my app
06:58.48squeakypants(in /data/<package>/files/)
06:59.10squeakypantsis there a way to include an "original" in the apk?
07:02.59romainguyfiles in /data are generated by the app
07:03.13romainguyif you want to put a file in the apk, just put it in the assets/ directory
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07:36.51muthuwhen exactly the market launches?
07:39.20squeakypantsromainguy: aha, thank you :)
07:39.38squeakypantsmuthu: my guess is october 13th when the g1 (supposedly) comes out
07:39.54muthuyeah, somewhere around that date
07:40.06squeakypantsdamn, the preorder is in 10 days
07:40.12squeakypantsi need to get $150 :P
07:40.24muthui can only sit and watch
07:40.43squeakypantsyou're not t-mobile?
07:40.56muthui'm not us :)
07:41.09muthumay b i should move ;)
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07:41.18squeakypantstrust me, it sucks here
07:41.25squeakypantswhere are you?
07:41.26muthuyeah, that's why i moved back
07:41.43muthuhey who won us open?
07:41.46muthufed or rafa?
07:41.47squeakypantswatches "chennai" fly over his head
07:41.54squeakypantsno idea :P
07:41.58muthusqueakypants: where you at?
07:42.02squeakypantswhere's chennai?
07:42.10squeakypantsNJ :'(
07:42.16muthuchennai, IN
07:42.25squeakypants...indonesia? hahaha
07:42.27muthuhey, NJ is cool
07:42.48squeakypantsaha, india
07:42.52muthuandroid is making me seriously think moving to SFO
07:43.09squeakypantssan fran?
07:43.20squeakypantsheh, i don't see why
07:43.43squeakypantsthe american economy is balls
07:43.51squeakypantsdon't even think of coming here if mccain gets elected :P
07:43.52muthuits not about the economy
07:44.02squeakypantswell if it's about the phones :P
07:44.02muthumccain will ban immigrants!!
07:44.13squeakypantseurope's phones are so much better
07:44.18squeakypantsi was checking out t-mobile UK
07:44.19muthui'm counting on obama to let me in :))
07:44.35squeakypantstheir free phones were iphone-likes
07:44.47muthuyeah, europe rocks
07:44.57muthuwant to go there
07:44.58squeakypantsthe best phone t-mobile even offers is the Wing which is an awful WM6 phone that costs $300
07:45.01squeakypantsdo it :)
07:45.06squeakypantsi'd love to go to amsterdam
07:45.26muthui love us becoz i'm familiar
07:45.31muthuwith the US system
07:45.45muthuyeah, whatever
07:46.03muthuand have friends there
07:46.13squeakypantsi've never been outside NJ for longer than a week or so :P and not in a long time
07:46.13muthuand you have siliconey valley
07:46.26muthusqueakypants: i can see that.. hehe
07:46.28squeakypantsand i'd move to europe or eastern asia in a second :)
07:46.42squeakypantsthough being in NJ might be part of why i feel like that :P
07:46.55muthuNJ country side is lovely
07:47.17muthui remember driving through NJ
07:47.39squeakypantswell i'm in south jersey where it's all suburbs :-/
07:47.42muthuwas in bridgeport, doing my masters
07:48.08muthuat that time, it was all lovely
07:48.18muthuUS was innocent and fun
07:48.22muthunot like today
07:48.22squeakypantswhen was that?
07:48.40squeakypantsdaamn :P
07:48.50muthuits surreal
07:49.23muthuand how things changed!!
07:50.05squeakypantsbefore we had a landscape, now our main attraction is a linux phone :P
07:50.56squeakypantsso what kind of android apps have you worked on?
07:51.12muthulet me give you the url
07:51.41muthunow i'm working on a kickass search engine
07:52.59squeakypantsyou won?
07:53.05squeakypantswhich is yours?
07:53.34squeakypantsdamn man, congrats!!
07:53.40muthuthanks man
07:54.20muthui'm going to lock myself the next 15 days
07:55.13squeakypantswhat do you mean?
07:55.23muthuand get mobeegal kick ass
07:55.24squeakypantsalso, where do these "cooking shows" come from?
07:55.29muthuand be ready for the launch
07:55.36muthuthe shows are produced
07:55.40muthuby a professional crew
07:56.01squeakypantsthat you hired?
07:56.09muthunot me
07:56.14muthui'm part of a big team
07:56.31squeakypantswow though... i assume this isn't gonna be a free program? :P
07:56.44muthunot sure
07:56.51muthumay not b
07:58.29squeakypantsi've gtg, good talking to you ;)
08:04.13Adamantdude, get out of NJ
08:04.28AdamantI'd hate America too if I lived there
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08:41.54_avatarcan someone tell me the syntax to use android.R.drawable.divider_horizontal_bright as the background in a view? if it were in my drawable directory i could use android:background="@drawable/whatever"
08:43.42_avatar(in an xml layout, not using java)
08:44.09anno^da_src = "@drawable/..."
08:44.21anno^da_ah yeah romainguy is correct
08:44.37_avatarthats it, thanks romainguy. i've seen it before, but couldn't find it :)
08:53.48_avatarok, so it works, but divider_horizontal_bright/dark doesn't seem to be what i'm looking for. i'm trying to find the default listview separator drawable. does this exist as an accessable resource?
08:54.50romainguyseparator or divider?
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08:56.37_avatarwhat's the difference? what i'm looking for is the single pixel gradient that separates listview items.
08:57.06romainguyit's the divider
08:57.39_avatarout of curiosity, what is the separator?
08:59.15romainguy_anyway, @drawable/divider_horizontal_dark is what you're looking for
08:59.22romainguy_I mean, @android:...
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09:02.41_avatarhrm, that one doesn't seem to draw for me (although the code compiles and runs). i tried a couple other random drawables (i.e. @android:drawable/btn_star) and they showed up fine.
09:03.49_avatar<View android:background="@android:drawable/divider_horizontal_dark" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
09:09.24muthumay be it shows up
09:11.20_avatarbut... it doesn't :P
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09:25.55_avatarmuthu: you were right, hehe
09:26.24_avatarit was nearly invisible on the background / color combination i was using
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10:31.54umdk1d3im doin something wrong maybe
10:32.01umdk1d309-07 04:30:07.231: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2641): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
10:32.08umdk1d3on a mapactivity
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14:27.22umdk1d4i keep seeing this error after awhile
14:27.23umdk1d409-07 08:25:26.522: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(17397): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
14:27.39umdk1d4coming from 09-07 08:25:26.522: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(17397):     at android.view.View.buildDrawingCache(
14:28.15umdk1d4ahh i think i might know why
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15:40.32anno^da_something against the chrome hype:
15:42.49anno^da_I'm curious if the mass media will recognize these facts besides marketing buzz. I'm pretty sure they will not. :-)
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17:45.04romainguyanno^da_: these tests are unfortunately meaningless because they don't take into account the DOM, which is very slow in Firefox compared to Webkit
17:46.48anno^da_Yeah that is true. But even so I dont understand the hype.
17:48.04anno^da_@ rapidology
17:48.25umdk1d4hype would be the word to describe it imho
17:48.40umdk1d4i was suprised how all the major outlets ran with it
17:48.53anno^da_I was suprised how the mass media reacted
17:49.26umdk1d4lol and everyone was like "they are bringing chrome /to/ android" which was saying chrome was the good news
17:49.46umdk1d4i wonder if the android people working on getting gears in android contributed the other direction to help chrome
17:51.20squeakypumdk1d4: yeah, i was confused by that too
17:52.10squeakypgears is cool, but "chrome on android" isn't a big deal
17:54.17anno^da_Well but gears (and the web apps in) cant offer what a Thunderbird for example can. I dont know I cant replace my normal desktop apps with web apps atm.
17:54.52anno^da_In the future they will be able to do that but in the end they will be desktop apps again.
17:55.10anno^da_a browser is a desktop app. :)
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17:57.53anno^da_I dont know the term desktop and web app is fluent.
17:57.53squeakypanno^da: well it's just they make it seem like chrome has a bunch to offer
17:58.09squeakypit's a good backend, but the frontend is nothing special
17:58.22squeakypand the frontend will change completely when it goes mobile
17:58.31squeakypjust like safari did on the iphone
17:58.33romainguyanno^da_: it's not hype
17:58.41anno^da_romainguy: What is it ?
17:58.56anno^da_romainguy: chrome cant offer myself anything new.
17:59.09anno^da_ok the tabs in different processes.
17:59.26romainguyhype is the extreme promotion of a product
17:59.30squeakypanno^da_: if it's as efficient as they say it is (like the tab processes) then it's still a good thing
17:59.32romainguywe certainly did not do that
17:59.36romainguywe just released it
17:59.56squeakypromainguy: we? are you a google employee?
17:59.58romainguyso it can be something else if you want, but it's not hype
18:00.04anno^da_romainguy: I havent blamed google for producing a hype.
18:00.05romainguysqueakyp: I work on Andorid
18:00.15squeakypromainguy: oh nice
18:00.18anno^da_It is the mass media that hyped the product.
18:00.19squeakypgets one knees
18:00.36SanMehatromainguy: :)
18:00.50anno^da_And that is something I dont understand. Why do the mass media hype a beta product with a lots of security flaws?
18:01.00squeakypanno^da: i wouldn't really call it hype
18:01.13romainguyanno^da_: now you're fudding, lots of security flaw is an overstatement
18:01.15anno^da_Well if the biggest tv stations review the browser it is a hype.
18:01.46SanMehatugh fuck i hate being sick
18:01.47romainguyanno^da_: it seems Chrome is not for you, and that's fine :) just don't use it
18:01.51romainguySanMehat: still?
18:01.54squeakypanno^da: but the media is looking for iphone-like stories, and since chrome got so big so fast, they figured it was a good deal
18:01.57SanMehatstill have a fever
18:02.12SanMehatgoing to doc but might be pneumonia
18:02.23squeakypsanmehat: ah sucks
18:02.32romainguySanMehat: you chose the hottest week to get a pneumonia?
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18:02.46SanMehatromainguy: i know.. i'm dying in my apartment... its like 40c in here
18:02.53romainguysame here
18:03.05swetlandwhat in the world is it with the weather
18:03.17SanMehatI'm dying
18:03.20swetlandit's frickin' september. should not be miserably hot.
18:03.43swetlanddying not allowed. go see your doctor.
18:03.49SanMehatyes sir!
18:03.55Miekit's certainly not hot here :(
18:04.06SanMehatMiek: i'll trade you
18:04.08anno^da_romainguy: Well I'm using some browsers side by side so I'm just testing. And trying to understand the mass medias reaction. :-)
18:04.42MiekSanMehat: are you sure? we've got floods in places
18:04.53SanMehatMiek: where is that?
18:04.56romainguyanno^da_: see it this way: it's a browser that does only that, browsing, it's light, relatively fast and Google branded
18:05.03romainguyso yes, it appeals to people :)
18:05.21squeakypheh, i do find it odd that it's got such an animated, fluid GUI
18:05.31romainguy1 hour till I surrender my computer
18:05.34squeakypdoesn't that hurt efficiency?
18:05.36anno^da_ok well. :)
18:05.37romainguySpore is coming out today
18:05.42squeakypah right
18:05.45romainguysqueakyp: no, not when the animations are kept short
18:05.50anno^da_romainguy: Do you know if it will get a cocoa interface for OSX ?
18:05.53squeakypi already killed a pc with another game a week ago :P
18:06.00Miekit wasn't out already?
18:06.03romainguysqueakyp: animations actually help a lot getting a sense of what happens
18:06.10squeakypMiek: just leaks
18:06.28romainguyMiek: I have the misfortune to buy all the games I play
18:06.36romainguyor in this case, that my girlfriend plays
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18:06.46squeakypanno^da_: just like itunes got a windows interface? :)
18:07.03squeakypromainguy: heh, nice
18:07.05Eli_is this the official android channel?
18:07.19squeakypEli_: nope, this is alcoholics anonymous
18:07.20Eli_i would think there would be more users in here
18:07.31romainguysqueakyp: at least I'll get the PS3 back that she was holding onto to play Civilization
18:07.31Eli_Official or unofficial
18:07.39Mieki will buy it too, they deserve it :)
18:07.44squeakypeli_: official
18:08.33squeakypromainguy: nice! i need a 360... the ds version has no civilopedia so everything that was different from civ4 totally confused me
18:08.56Eli_I read a rumor about an announcement today, any word?
18:09.21squeakypeli_: today? i didn't hear of anything
18:09.32squeakypgaaah why am i squeakyp?
18:09.39Eli_yeah the 7th i read
18:09.49Eli_maybe it was 17th
18:10.20squeakypants17th is when the (rumored) G1s go on preorder
18:10.53squeakypantswho here is gonna get a G1?
18:11.34anno^da_If it works in european networks I will import one :)
18:11.59squeakypantswhere you located?
18:12.20anno^da_in Germany
18:13.47squeakypantsheh, you can just get an iphone :P
18:14.14Mieki just want to get android running on my kaiser
18:14.26anno^da_Well no I dont want to get one with a contract at the moment.
18:14.41squeakypantsi don't think they're selling the g1 w/o one either :P
18:14.49anno^da_So I'm leaving now. Have a nice sunday gusy.
18:14.56anno^da_squeakypants: Well we will see.
18:15.10anno^da_In the US the wont sell it w/o contract that is true.
18:15.32squeakypantsmiek: aren't there ways already? though it's not a complete OS yet
18:15.57anno^da_Well ok I could get an iPhone wo contract in France since they have to offer it without contract there.
18:16.21anno^da_Beacuse of the laws there.
18:16.21romainguy_French laws
18:16.48anno^da_Yeah but it is common practice in Europe to sell phones wo contract.
18:16.55anno^da_(except the iPhone)
18:17.00romainguy_I miss taht
18:17.04Mieksqueakypants: sort of, there's problems with the sd driver at the moment though
18:17.21anno^da_Sooo I have to go now. :-)
18:17.23romainguyand there's none of that SIM-less phones crap
18:17.30anno^da_romainguy: true.
18:17.53anno^da_You go in a store buy a sim card put it into your phone and thats it. :-)
18:17.58squeakypantsyeah, well the economy in europe isn't godawful like it is here
18:18.33squeakypantsanno^da_: lol every time i talk to someone from europe i want to move more :)
18:18.51anno^da_haha well not everything is better here over.
18:19.19anno^da_But you dont have to leave your fingerprints when you enter Germany ;)
18:19.19squeakypantslike what?
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18:19.47anno^da_That is something I really really hat about flying to the us.
18:19.59anno^da_I am no criminial and I dont want to be treated as such.
18:21.17anno^da_But ok there are a lot of things that I dont understand in that field and that could be a very intersting discussion since I just know the european view.
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18:21.45anno^da_But today I have to leave. Playing tennis in 20 minutes. :-) So bye.
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19:06.39squeakypantsromainguy_: putting the file in assets didn't work :'(
19:08.06romainguywhat doesn't work?
19:08.58squeakypantsif i do
19:10.07squeakypantsWHAT THE FUCKKKK
19:10.29squeakypantsmy code didn't save?????
19:10.54squeakypantsoh thank god, it did... lol that scared me...
19:12.00squeakypantsif i do openFileOutput("nums", 0)
19:12.12squeakypantsor openFileInput("nums")
19:12.29squeakypantswhere can i put that file so that it's in the apk?
19:12.49romainguysqueakypants: I don't understand what you're trying to do
19:13.39squeakypantsopenFileInput("nums") opens the file "nums" local to the app
19:13.48romainguyare you trying to write a file inside the .apk while your app is running?
19:14.17squeakypantsno, i want to have a file but placed there at install
19:14.28romainguyplaced where?
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19:15.05squeakypantsi tried the "assets" folder to no avail
19:15.26romainguy_what do you mean you tried the folder?
19:15.28romainguy_what did you do?
19:15.41squeakypantsput the "nums" file in it
19:16.04romainguy_and then what did you do?
19:16.13romainguy_that's it, you just put it there?
19:16.18squeakypantsheh, yeah
19:16.37romainguy_you have to copy the file yourself :)
19:16.47squeakypantswhat, like in the code?
19:16.48romainguy_with the file in assets, it won't be processed by the resources compiler
19:16.58squeakypantshow do i do that?
19:17.05romainguy_then you can use openRawResource to read the file and copy it into /data/...
19:17.17squeakypantsis that the only way?
19:18.55squeakypantsokay so just
19:19.05squeakypantsin onCreate
19:19.15squeakypantstest if the file exists, if not copy it from assets?
19:19.38romainguybut why do you want to do it?
19:19.49romainguywhy do you need to copy a file you already have?
19:20.36squeakypantswell resources are read-only, so i used openFileInput
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19:21.01squeakypantsbut there's nothing there :P
19:21.06romainguyyes but why does the file contain that you can't entirely generate from your code?
19:21.29squeakypantsi can generate it from my code :P i just though i could preload it manually in the package
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19:24.08squeakypantsthanks :)
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21:45.49plusminus_you know this picture: BatMan vs Joker. >
21:46.00plusminus_it makes my day at work :-D
21:47.56umdk1d4i cant seem to set the strikethrough stroke width  :/
21:49.02plusminus_up to now I have never seen any app where it was possible...
21:49.43umdk1d4setStrikeThruText(boolean strikeThruText)
21:49.57umdk1d4works great, but is fixed width line strikethrough
21:50.11umdk1d4that function is in TextView
21:50.19umdk1d4ohwait in the Paint
21:50.34umdk1d4ive been usign   title.setPaintFlags(title.getPaintFlags() | Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG);
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23:00.31jota-is there a view suitable for displaying trees in android?
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