IRC log for #android on 20080902

00:01.17*** join/#android yakischloba (
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01:42.48moccuoi can't wait for the htc dream
01:42.52*** join/#android plusminus_ (i=4421a620@gateway/web/ajax/
01:43.16catzillame neither
01:43.25catzillai hope it's not crap
01:43.29plusminus_hey there
01:43.43plusminus_android:textAlign is gone, anyone knows how it is called now?
01:44.44snadgewell the iphone is crap.. winmo is crap
01:45.00snadgeon that note, apparently v7 of winmo is coming out.. is that an android killer? :P j/k
01:45.18moccuoiphone is nice, imo
01:45.21snadgei do know nothing about it though
01:45.42snadgemy flatmate has a htc tytn ii .. with winmo 6.1 on it
01:45.54snadgewhich is okay.. i'd rate it higher than an iphone imho
01:46.01snadgeexcept for eye candy
01:46.15plusminus_romainguy_ thx
01:46.34snadgeim wondering if they're adding the eye candy to winmo 7
01:46.41romainguy_plusminus_: stop posting the same question over and over on the newsgroup :)
01:46.51catzillado you guys know if all HTC Dream apps will have to be installed from the android "store"?
01:47.18snadgeno, it just makes it more convenient
01:47.36romainguy_catzilla: it's just one way to install them
01:47.54catzillaso not like the iPhone store?
01:47.55snadgelike repositories, you can be sure its a verified app.. and unmodified
01:48.12catzillamore like Maemo?
01:48.19snadgeif you just download a random app from somewhere, you have less guarantee of its authenticity
01:48.35catzillaor palm for that matter
01:49.09moccuomost of the apps would be opensource though, right?
01:49.44romainguy_I just finished my new app
01:50.10plusminus_romainguy_ I could not see it, thats why I added : "PS: This is my third try to post o_O."
01:50.26snadgeandroid itself is open source.. a lot of apps will be, but i dont think its mandatory .. im assuming you can chose your own software license
01:50.27moccuois there any bindings for building ruby/python apps for android?
01:50.50plusminus_romainguy_ an even better Home-Screen ? ;)
01:52.14romainguysomething really simple that's probably be useful only to me
01:52.21romainguybut it was a good excuse to draw in Adobe Illustrator
01:52.40romainguy_let me up a screenshot
01:55.35romainguy_plusminus_: and
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01:59.40plusminus_to make photos with manual-camera-confiuration ?
01:59.45romainguy_lol no
01:59.56plusminus_or view the configuration photos were taken with ?=
02:00.19romainguy_if you take photos in low-light situations, a digital camera cannot give you a good exposure time if you want to use low-ISO and low-aperture settings
02:00.32romainguy_so the trick is to set your camera to high-ISO, large-aperture settings
02:00.46romainguy_then input the exposure read by the camera in the app, and the app will give you the exposure needed for your settings
02:00.55romainguy_in this case
02:01.10plusminus_ah ok, i think i got it
02:01.17romainguy_if the camera tells you that you need a 1 second exposure at f/2.8 and ISO 800, you will need 4 minutes and 16 seconds at ISO 100 and f/16
02:01.59romainguy_but really, what I wanted was to draw the lens :))
02:02.03romainguy_I just made an app around it :p
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02:05.16romainguy_swetland: I actually built a similar app for J2ME a while ago
02:05.20romainguy_and it was useful to me
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02:12.22plusminus_I just ported an app to 0.9 and had a custom view. I did not change its onDraw but everything is about 1000000x times to big o_O
02:13.24romainguy_what do you mean "too big"?
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02:14.11plusminus_My Sudoku Game: , I can only see the upper left corner,
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02:15.40plusminus_I think I got it...
02:15.50romainguy_plusminus_: then there was probably a bug you were relying on
02:16.17plusminus_don't think so, just a small change. I was getting the width in the xml constructor with:
02:16.18plusminus_final String widthString = attrs.getAttributeValue(NAMESPACE_DEFAULT, LAYOUT_WIDTH);
02:16.31plusminus_before 0.9 it returned sth like: "200px"
02:16.37plusminus_now it returns like "200.0px"
02:16.50plusminus_which made my parsing go weird ;)
02:16.58romainguy_why are you parsing this yourself?
02:17.49plusminus_becuase getWidth returned not the acutal value (at least not inside the constructor, where I need it)
02:18.18romainguy_I mean, that's not how you should read the values from XML
02:18.26romainguy_unless that's a custom XML of yours
02:19.09plusminus_how to do it then?
02:19.43romainguy_use TypedArray.getLayoutDimension()
02:20.01romainguy_for instance
02:20.33romainguy_TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attre, R.styleable.ViewGroup_Layout);
02:20.41romainguy_a.getDimension(R.styleable.ViewGroup_Layout_layout_width, "layout_width")
02:22.52swetlandromain: you should write a light meter app!
02:26.27plusminus_romainguy_ Big Thx, works perfect. Even without dangers of parsing ;)
02:28.30romainguyplusminus_: that's how we read all the attributes in our Views from XML
02:30.54catzillasomeone should write a thermometer app too
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02:43.38plusminus_uuh, I just realized, that by tripple(?) clicking within the browser, one can get the magnifying glass ;D
02:44.39plusminus_...  just double-tapping...
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02:52.46plusminus_API-Changes help says that the replacement for DataStateIntentReceiver is MobileDataStateBroadcastReceiver. But it does not exists.
02:53.07plusminus_there is only a MobileDataStateTracker. Is it what was meant ?
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03:03.00muthudo we know who the guy behind the coffee machine is?
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03:04.04muthuthe google dog will be a great mascot for android :)
03:08.15romainguyI hate this dog
03:08.18romainguyit looks like a rat
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03:12.29muthuthe dog is everywhere
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03:57.11plusminus_Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(Telephony.Sms.Inbox.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);
03:59.25plusminus_Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(Telephony.Sms.Outbox.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);
03:59.31plusminus_returns an empty cursor
03:59.36plusminus_even having sent some messages
04:00.02jastaplusminus_: check adb logcat and look for the exact query that was executed.
04:00.08jastashould give you some insight into why there was a syntax error
04:00.22jastaa null cursor doesn't mean an empty set, but rather an error executing it.
04:00.31jastaexecuting the query*
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04:05.51plusminus_cursor is not null, but contaisn zero results
04:06.01plusminus_Columns are correct, I assume: [_id, thread_id, address, person, date, protocol, read, status, type, reply_path_present, subject, body, service_center]
04:06.08jastaoh sorry, i misread.
04:06.36jastaoutbox indicates to me that it is messages which are pending delivery, not post delivery.
04:07.18plusminus_Argh, hti me
04:07.32plusminus_I'm an idiot :D
04:10.50plusminus_I always mix that up...
04:11.39jastaplusminus_: so, what do you think of the images of the HTC Dream/G1 phone?
04:26.56plusminus_I like it :) but i am no t-mobile customer
04:27.10plusminus_so it will take me more time to get it
04:33.56*** join/#android gambler__ (
04:35.53snadgeyou have to be a t-mobile customer?
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04:36.07snadgei was thinking of purchasing one while i was in the usa.. and bringing it back to australia
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04:36.23snadgedont tell me this isnt going to be possible? :P
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04:50.43muthutmobile will keep it locked
04:53.20snadgei thought the whole point of android was that it was supposed to be unlocked and fair for everybody?
04:53.43snadgewe dont have tmobile in australia (that im aware of)
04:53.57snadgeit should work with any 3g provider :(
04:54.02muthuthe rest of the world will be different
04:54.13muthuit will boil down to the local carriers
04:54.25muthuin india, mostly its unlocked
04:54.27snadgeas long as theres a hack for it to unlock it ;)
04:54.34muthuyeah sure
05:00.57jastagod damnit
05:01.05jastamy new roommate is really lame
05:01.15muthuwhat happened?
05:01.20jastadamn you craig's list
05:01.52muthuhaha, you should've asked for an android programmer
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05:56.59muthuhey romainguy
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05:57.24muthui know you've been advocating against custom ui design.. any reasons for that?
05:57.48muthuin terms of styles and themes
05:58.44romainguyI'm not advocating against it
05:58.48romainguydo it if it's worth it
05:58.59romainguybut don't do it if you are redesigning all the widgets
05:59.07romainguyjust because you don't like the standard ones
05:59.17romainguyotherwise your app will look different from other ones
05:59.24romainguyand won't work on phones with different themes
05:59.37romainguybut in the end, it's up to you :)
06:00.12muthui'm putting this new app together
06:00.32muthuam going to stick with the default ones
06:00.40muthusince i'm not a designer by any means
06:01.26muthucan the icons bundled with android be used in commercial apps?
06:02.11romainguyI think so
06:02.20romainguythey should be licensed under the Apache 2.0 license
06:02.26romainguybut double-check with the advocates
06:03.06muthui looked at your photostream.. do you always document like that ;)
06:03.18romainguyusually yes
06:03.25muthupretty impressive
06:03.37muthusince javadoc is the last thing in my mind always
06:03.51romainguyit helps when you have time for it :)
06:04.08muthuright, i can see the effort in it. thanks :)
06:04.23muthuyour UserTask can be part of android sdk, i guess
06:04.43romainguywe'll probably have it or something similar in the next version
06:04.45jastai usually spend the effort to document things which are generalized.
06:05.22jastabut not for specialized classes.  i can see the obvious argument in favor of the opposite, but i just don't do it :)
06:05.23muthui document only when others ask for it.. lol
06:05.58jastai always document when i intend for someone to learn from what i've done, as well.
06:06.12muthujasta: i've checked out five
06:06.17muthubut not yet peeped into it
06:06.34jastawell, the current SVN is in non-working order as five-music is radically redesigned.
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06:07.31jastathe service package is finishing up now, with just the local server hack and thorough testing left to go
06:07.48jastathen its into the activities which are now all broken because the service they depend on was scrapped and rebuilt
06:07.56muthudid the instrumentation work?
06:08.12jastaalso, i plan to redo all the UI as i always considered it to be temporary leading up to the challenge anyway
06:08.33muthuyou had a nice ui
06:08.47jastano, as it turns out, services in the Android framework are very poorly tested :)
06:09.05jastathe visual appeal of the UI will remain in most cases, however the real mechanics of it will be changed a lot.
06:09.19muthui'm not sure if the android developers are doing any kind of testing
06:09.27jastathe artist/album screens for example will not really change visually, but the way it all comes together will
06:09.47muthudiggin was impressive
06:09.52jastaunit testing is somewhat common throughout Android, however it's very inconsistent.
06:10.03jastatheir test coverage is probably very low.
06:10.22jastai liked diggin's UI a lot, although it did raise a few critical questions
06:10.55jastalike, it seems that the UI caters to users with very small music collections.  scrolling through your music visually in that way would be very difficult if you had more than even 20 albums or so
06:11.17jastaand lots of users have singles littered throughout, so there would be tons of "empty" albums, which diggin's UI seems to exaggerate.
06:12.00jastaalso, i found out that their streaming media support is such a huge hack that it will probably be removed from the 1.0 build unless Google fixes their crap
06:12.09jasta(i talked to him about it; he used the same hack Five did, which doesn't work at all)
06:12.53muthuthere's a lot of rough edges left in android
06:12.54jastawhat he does is stores the stream to disk himself and points the mediaplayer at it.
06:13.11jastawhich means that he has to "swap out" the mediaplayer reading the local content, which will cause stutters periodically for users.
06:13.18jastaon the order of even just a few minutes of playback
06:13.32jastawhich he felt was acceptable as a demonstration, as did i for five, but will not fly for end users.
06:13.43jastaas of 0.9r1, the MediaPlayer remains too broken to make it work correctly.
06:14.47jastabut all-in-all i am curious about Diggin's UI, though i don't know that there are any elements i can really draw from for my project.
06:15.00jastai just don't know that i agree with the fundamental approach he has.  it would be unruly for large collections.
06:15.04jastaeven with the ability to search the music
06:15.06gamblerI bet you could find an open source java mp3 decoder out there
06:15.36jastagambler: i thought the same thing, but then you'd need to do some major hacking to get access to the audio hardware.
06:15.43jastanone of google's public classes offer you that.
06:16.05jastaonce source is released, i suspect you could figure it out pretty easily, but it's entirely possible that the Java layer doesn't even have that access.  only the native layer.
06:16.19jastaif that's the case, then you'd need to develop a native component yourself which is likely not easy to distribute with an APK
06:16.43jastaso suddenly your app becomes very difficult for users to load, and all just to work around a couple of trivial limitations in a poorly thought out library
06:17.02gamblerso you cant write to the speaker...hmmm
06:17.34jastathe MediaPlayer's issues really seemed like show stoppers to me in M5.  i am surprised that Google did not agree.
06:17.45gamblerI guess the android security model (which I havent looked at) probably isnt yet mature enough to handle that.
06:17.53jastai understand the "we're busy" argument, but still there is some functionality that you just can't afford to screw up, and taht's one of them.
06:20.38romainguyjasta: there are tons of features that we can't afford to screw up, and this was not in the top priority list
06:20.44romainguy(unfortunately so, but that's the way it is)
06:21.38jastawell it's just's unusable.
06:21.57romainguyfor what?
06:22.02romainguyfor streaming/caching stuff?
06:22.10jastafor anything other than playing static local content
06:22.53jastait can't even stream.  regardless of my streaming and caching requirement.  the local http server hack that google now officially recommends also won't work.
06:23.12jasta(i posted a bug, if you're curious to know why)
06:23.54gamblerromainguy, I think the eclipse plugin site is down. Im trying to reinstall it and its not working
06:23.55jastamorrildl alerted the team, but i am not in the loop as to how this is being prioritized.
06:24.09romainguywon't happen for 1.0
06:24.20jastaromainguy: how do you know?
06:24.30romainguybecause I do
06:24.39jastauhh, ok.
06:24.52jastawell, then that means no streaming UI is possible :)
06:25.14romainguyunless the bug has already been fixed ^^
06:25.20jastait hasn't.
06:25.45jasta(i talked to some folks who relayed some questions to the team)
06:26.37jastathe problem is that you get no data useful to display to the user what the buffer progress is, or when audio output has stopped or anything.
06:27.19jastaso if the user clicks something that requires buffering, you can't actually report to the user some reasonable information about when audio output will start.  likewise, you can't notify them when audio output stops.
06:27.27snadgehehe.. i dont want to see this, dont tell me i cant stream media for 1.0 ;)
06:27.42jastasnadge: well you can if your users don't mind having no idea what your application is doing :)
06:28.11snadgethats kind of how audacious et all.. already do it
06:28.23jastayou can't control or observe the buffering heuristics.  you only get one shot to know when playback begins (and you get no progress indicator leading up to it)
06:28.29snadgeyou see it load the initial buffer.. it starts playing.. and thats it
06:28.32snadgejust shows a counter
06:28.42jastasnadge: my point is you can't see it load the initial buffer.
06:29.04snadgeright and you can also see if it needs to rebuffer
06:29.11jastafrom the devs perspective, you merely start a stream and you get notified when playback begins.  from then, you get no other status indications other than a fatal error that halts entirely.
06:29.28jastasnadge: but you can't see that either.  in fact, you never know when audio stops or resumes from after the initial startup.
06:30.19snadgewell i agree, that does kind of suck, not sure i would describe it as a show stopper though
06:30.31snadgean iphone cant even send an mms message
06:30.50snadgei couldn't believe that when i first heard it
06:30.51jastayeah, i guess maybe smartphones have low standards ;)
06:31.32snadgewell even if things like this have to be fixed with a 1.1 update
06:31.50snadgeits still a better scenario than from other vendors.. the update will no doubt be a free one
06:31.57jastawell, forgive my bias, but the app i spent the last 10 months working on is a streaming media player :)
06:32.59snadgewell get on these guys asses about fixing it ;)
06:33.02*** join/#android muthu (n=sara@
06:33.09jastasuch a stupid reason it won't work too.  it really ought not be a difficult thing to implement the MediaPlayer as documented.
06:33.19gamblersnadge, that sounds a little gay...could you rephrase it
06:33.52snadgewell you've reported the problem, what more can you do.. apart from try and fix it yourself
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06:39.53umdk1d3grr this new RatingBar is /huge/ and i cant figure out how to make it smaller  :/  its not listening to android:progressBarStyle
06:40.50gamblerwhatever you do, please make sure there is either a pause button or a stop button. Not both.
06:40.55gamblerMCE ships with both and I cant understand why, since no media centres take VCR tapes.
06:41.11romainguyumdk1d3: er... look at the Api Demos :))
06:41.39romainguyumdk1d3: the default size is the right size for a 160dpi touch screen btw
06:42.02snadgewhat? pause and stop have different meanings
06:42.04umdk1d3ahah thats why /me grepped and found i should be setting  regular "style" attribute
06:42.20snadgestop means pause, and seek to the beginning of the currently playing track
06:43.08umdk1d3oh wow  :(  small really is small  lol
06:43.38snadgei hate shared pause/stop buttons ;)
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06:46.42gamblerI dont know if I believe that they have different meanings. The distinction arose from a technical issue surrounding VCR mechanics
06:47.42snadgecassette also has this in a tape deck
06:47.58snadgebut then interfaces like media player and winamp replicate this also
06:48.26snadgeits something we all grew up with.. pause signals your intention to want to resume from where you paused it
06:48.38snadgestop means exactly that
06:48.55gamblermy other pet peeve with my current nokia based mp3 player is that it has no fast fwd or rewind. which makes it hard to listen to e-books
06:49.06snadgewell thats just stupid
06:49.13snadgebut then again, i hate nokias
06:49.32snadgei've always owned an ericsson ;)
06:50.04snadgewhenever i've used someone elses nokia.. it tends to make me violent
06:50.48gambleramazing that people like so many different phone OS....we are so used to a mono culture in the desktop world
06:51.25gamblerI for one love nokia, and would happily code for the platform if it was open source...
06:52.20gamblerIve written some J2ME before though and its painful, you cant do anything.
06:53.07gamblerThats why Im interested in freerunner on debian-arm can do anything. To me android is the successor to the J2ME philosophy
06:56.37muthunokia's dev platform is not that good
07:04.01gamblermaybe they will update it with maemo
07:04.24muthugambler: did you decide on ioc?
07:05.12gamblerI really wanted to get AspectJ working but it introduces a runtime dependency and a number of other problems
07:05.34muthutry spring
07:06.27gambleryeah, ill look again at some of those things you mentioned yesterday. I really like the AspectJ approach because it suits a formalism I am trying to introduce into my code
07:07.11muthuwhat you building?
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07:10.22gamblerIve designed a language for specifying and testing network protocols that generates java code. Im hoping it will save me time later
07:15.57gamblerthere is a funny quote by terence parr thats something like: "Why write in one month what you could spend the rest of your life automating?" :p
07:17.22gamblerah, it's "why program by hand in five days what you can spend the five years of your life automating?"
07:17.43gamblerhe is a better programmer then me
07:19.05muthuyou can get too carried away with automating :)
07:24.54*** join/#android anno^da_ (n=anno^
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07:33.11gambleryah totally. when i see the state of language tools it makes me want to cry
07:34.36anno^da_  <- I like that article. It is the same thing I asking me while looking at the G1
07:34.44anno^da_I'm asking..
07:38.55muthuthere's no doubt goog is rushing to meet Q4 date
07:39.08jastaanno^da_: yeah, i had the same thoughts
07:39.42muthui think getting a device out there Q4 is the right strategy
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07:40.30snadgetrue open source style.. rush to release something thats half baked
07:40.45muthuits not half baked
07:40.46snadgewhy would anyone expect anything different? ;)
07:41.00snadgeyeah but its not a kitchen sink 1.0
07:41.02muthuiphone is half baked
07:41.23anno^da_muthu: The thing is you have to import the device in Q4. From what the HTC guys said at the IFA the G1 will only be released in the US in Q4.
07:41.28snadgeno bluetooth api.. no chat api.. no big deal.. but no streaming media ? yikes ;)
07:41.36muthuanno^da_: yeah, sad
07:42.01snadgei will be in the usa in november so im not worried.. i will buy one and take it back to australia, to find out i cant use it
07:43.17anno^da_One thing is pretty clear to me. With the G1 you wont get the "big bang" entering the market.
07:43.43muthuG1 will sell well
07:44.03muthul ll lll
07:44.06anno^da_We'll see. really really hope so. :)
07:44.40snadgetheres more chance of that, than apple releasing an iphone that doesnt suck... and microsoft releasing a version of winmo that doesnt suck ;)
07:44.59snadgealtho im relatively curious as to what v7 will bring
07:45.59muthuG7 will be fantastic
07:46.58anno^da_Well at the moment I think that we will see a more polished G1 in October.
07:47.08umdk1d3muthu: i think hes talking about winmo v7  ;)
07:47.19anno^da_It will have the size that we know but much more polished.
07:47.43anno^da_Since the only official thing we know are the FCC sketches.
07:48.04anno^da_And romainguy could tell us if we are wrong or right. :-)
07:48.10muthuumdk1d3: ha, was getting ahead ;)
07:48.29muthuanno^da_: yes, it will be polished and nice
07:49.52snadgewill winmo7 have eye candy?
07:50.02snadgeor is that something microsoft.. has never been, and never will be able to get right ;)
07:50.18umdk1d3i think the issue is that they cant reinvent their platform overnight
07:50.20anno^da_There are two hearts beating in my chest at the moment. On the one hand I dont believe that we get a prototype looking phone. On the other hand I know that a lot of leaked pictures in the past (from different products) emerged to be true in the end.
07:50.57umdk1d3msft adding an app store is another last-ditch effort to keep people interested
07:51.08snadgei just dont see why its difficult for microsoft to have sliding, bouncing buttons etc
07:51.11umdk1d3they arent doing a major overhaul of their platform (like with .net for the desktop)
07:51.14snadgelike the iphone does.. thats the only reason people like the iphone
07:51.19snadgebecause its "pretty"
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07:51.52snadgewhereas windows mobile is like windows 3.1 trapped inside a tiny screen
07:52.47snadgeasides from that (and my hatred of microsoft) .. i'd rate winmo above iphone
08:01.22moccuosnadge: i actually don't find the iphone that "pretty". i just think the app store has some pretty decent apps.
08:01.52moccuono other phone right now has the functionality it has.
08:05.03snadgeit has a few gimmicks.. but the way i see it, it lacks functionality
08:05.30snadgeiphone pretty but limiting.. winmo ugly but less limiting
08:05.34snadgeand no gimmicks
08:08.48anno^da_have you seen that:,M1
08:13.54gamblerI wish I had the artistic skills to write a comic just to make a point
08:17.05gamblerthis is alot longer than I thought
08:30.35tomgibaraIt's interesting to see how much architectural cross-over there is between Android and Chrome.
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08:30.52umdk1d3tomgibara: yea they even mentioned android in the cartoon
08:31.14umdk1d3and they have gears in both platforms now
08:35.32tomgibaraI wonder if V8 will be appropriate for Android
08:36.07tomgibaraOr even if there could be an even richer crossover between Android and Chrome
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08:44.48zenobhi, how can i send sms between 2 emulators ?
08:51.19umdk1d3zenob: you might try the emulator port numbers
08:51.24umdk1d3i know that works for phone calls
08:51.30umdk1d3the port number should be in the title bar of the emulator
09:01.27anno^da_the fist multi touch display being really smooth
09:01.39anno^da_while using
09:02.11muthuwhy android doesn't support MT, no one knows
09:02.48anno^da_well I think the loveley patent issues
09:05.55muthuwith MT you can lift and drop :)
09:08.07*** join/#android crib- (
09:13.48muthuthe android team has done a great job
09:13.58muthuwith the APIDemos
09:14.06muthuanything you want, its there
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09:38.56cutmastagoogle starts its own browser?
09:39.11cutmastaoh my god, next browser someone has to support for his webapp
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10:26.59zenobhi, i'm trying to send sms from emulator but  SmsManager.getDefault().sendTextMessage(address.getText().toString(), null, message.getText().toString(), null, null) throws some parcel exception :/
10:27.23zenobanobody know why ?
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10:31.44cutmastathis looks awesome
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10:35.54anno^da_something like this I would have expected :)
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10:39.36gamblerguerilla marketing i like it
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11:27.01DJTachyonis chrome or opera in Android?
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11:42.59duey^DJTachyon, neither
11:43.11duey^just uses webit
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12:06.31snadgechrome is awesome :P
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12:07.13snadgei wonder if it will be able to run flash :/
12:07.59sztanphetsure it will, it can run plugins
12:08.22snadgeso i can give firefox 3.0.1 the boot on my linux boxes? :P
12:08.28snadgeits been crashing a bit lately
12:09.09sztanphetif you dont custimize it much then what does it matter what you use
12:09.16snadgei think its flash related.. but it takes out the entire browser, which is really annoying.. sometimes i have one of those moments where you click the opposite to what you meant to click, and end up with a blank browser window and no tabs.. doh ;)
12:10.13snadgei like this process isolation idea
12:11.35anno^da_Well I dont think that chrome can compete with FF 3 including all my add ons
12:11.51sztanphetthats not the point of it tho
12:12.06sztanphetto raise the bar, and get its ideas across
12:12.07snadgei dont use that many add ons.. and it is open source, so presumably these people could make chrome plugins
12:12.29snadgeif its faster than firefox 3.. and doesnt crash.. im converted already ;)
12:12.34anno^da_well they could :) But how long did it take since all the plugins for FF existed.
12:13.00anno^da_Well FF hasnt crashed for 20 days now so I can't argue about that. :)
12:13.04snadgewell they're both open source .. it becomes a question of, are these plugins really worth it
12:13.29anno^da_Well some are. For example Tab Mix Plus. I cant live without it.
12:13.30sztanphetff has an addon interface, chrome does not, just plugins
12:13.31snadgeit has generally been excellent for me.. but firefox 3.0.1 and flash has a known issue (i think)
12:13.37sztanphetor no info about that anyway
12:13.52anno^da_It gives me all the tab possibilities other "new" browser claim to have.
12:14.42snadgei look forward to checking it out anyway
12:14.49anno^da_So we will see what happens in the future.
12:15.50snadgewhat toolkit does chrome use? will there be a linux release tomorrow?
12:16.18anno^da_As long as chrome doesnt have a valuable feed reader integrated I wont change the browser. :) I got used to it having the feed reader inside the browser.
12:16.26anno^da_no linux release.
12:16.52anno^da_It is windows only at the moment.
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12:33.18umdk1d3doh   fail @ no linux chrome
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13:03.17DJTachyonwhat is webkit and how does it relate to chrome?
13:03.31DJTachyonseeing as webkit's website is b0rked
13:04.03umdk1d3webkit is a rendering engine, like gecko
13:04.17DJTachyonso chrome and the android browser both use it?
13:04.29DJTachyonoh wikkid
13:04.30umdk1d3webkit was originally written for safari
13:04.35umdk1d3by apple, then opensourced
13:04.37DJTachyono_O .. really?
13:04.55DJTachyondoesn't iphone use safari .. or did safari fork from webkit?
13:05.15umdk1d3its not necessarily a fork
13:05.39umdk1d3webkit is the rendering engine under the hood--iphone, android, safari, chrome all use it, almost like a library
13:06.03umdk1d3firefox uses gecko under its hood
13:06.10mikez5Actually Apple started with kHTML (the KDE browser engine) for Safari
13:06.22umdk1d3oh cool i didnt know that
13:06.32mikez5They released WebKit as open source, and Nokia got it running on the S60 phone.
13:06.41umdk1d3i remember khtml being a pretty decent engine for its time
13:06.49mikez5And now Google is using it for android and Chrome
13:07.26DJTachyonwell good .. at least there is some consensus ...
13:08.03DJTachyonI was surprised that Apple was so nonchalant about Android, but if they are all using the same code, then I'm not surprised.
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13:08.14mikez5android and Chrome are similar in the sense that they both use processes to keep one bad app (android) or web page or plugin (Chrome) from crashing the whole thing.
13:08.46DJTachyoncool :)
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13:11.38DJTachyonlol incognito mode ...
13:12.11cutmastaDJTachyon, "porn mode"
13:12.25muthuanyone tried IE 8?
13:12.41cutmastadoes it run on linux? :P
13:12.44cutmastaso no option
13:12.45DJTachyonindeed ...
13:12.45cutmastafor me
13:13.18muthume too.. the last one i ran is IE 5
13:21.32Dougie187all IE's suck.
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13:56.59muthucan a view be built in a separate thread and then merged back to main thread when done?
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15:00.59jastawoo, i am super tired
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15:42.43muthuis chrome out yet?
15:43.15muthuthat's it.. msft is done!
15:47.43jastaare you predicting the demise of Microsoft based on competition in a segment where they are giving away their product for free?
15:48.26jastamy follow-up question is then, are you an idiot?
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15:49.18muthuonly idiots ask other such a thing ;)
15:55.53muthuhope chrome comes out with a linux version
15:57.37sztanphetyou will be quite disappointed methinks, google chrome wont change the world and its not revolutionary
15:57.55zhobbsI've never heard of it
15:58.12muthuwe need to wait and see
16:00.26muthujudging by android standards.. chrome would be fantastic!
16:00.35jastabecause android standards are low?
16:00.56muthujasta: why is the android standard low?
16:01.12muthuits the best mobile development platform available as of today
16:01.20jastawell, the way you phrased that made no sense
16:01.53jastaif you say judging by <x>, <y> will be great!  you are implying that <x> has a low bar set, so <y> will easily beat it.  otherwise, you wouldn't make the comparison.
16:02.17muthuha, again you picking on the grammar
16:02.22muthuthat's not i meant
16:02.27Cedric2Jeez Jasta, can you chill out?
16:02.28jastathis isn't grammar, actually, it's just how you think
16:03.18jastaCedric2: chill out?  i'm not really wound up.
16:03.25zhobbsI took it as muthu intended it, android is fantastic, so you can assume that chrome will be
16:03.46muthujasta is weird and crazy
16:04.01Cedric2I know, but there is no need to be so confrontational with everyone
16:04.02sztanphetattack of the fanbois
16:04.29jastasztanphet: i'm anything but a fanboy.
16:04.46sztanphetyes, i didnt mean you
16:05.00muthujasta: he meant the attack is on you
16:05.15muthufrom us fanbois :))
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16:05.35jastaahh yes, well in that case you certainly are.
16:07.55jastahey muthu, do they still have the caste system in India?  i mean, is it still a strong social force?
16:08.21muthuthe caste system is still there.. yes
16:08.36jastaand which were you born into?
16:08.37muthuhowever things are changing slowly
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16:09.47muthuthere's religion.. then caste.. then subcaste.. then groups within them.. then subgroups
16:09.53muthuand so on and on and on..
16:10.18jastawell, i'm curious where you fit into it.
16:10.31muthujust like the many languages and dialects
16:10.53muthujasta: what do you know about the caste system?
16:10.56bricodeIs there any plan to have Android move to kernel 2.6.26?
16:11.06jastamuthu: hardly anything, really, but i am curious about it.
16:11.38jastai'm not sure i trust wikipedia to give me a complete picture of it, either :)
16:11.45zhobbsanyone using the sdk with kde?  I can't get sound to work in the emulator if arts is around
16:12.14muthuzhobbs: me too
16:12.31muthubut anyways i'm planning to get rid of kde
16:12.37muthujust stick to gnome
16:12.42zhobbsesd with kde seems to work, just was a pain to setup last time
16:13.53muthujasta: as an example, this was my last tweet:
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16:39.47muthuis mark murphy here?
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16:50.25jastasigh, i left my personal laptop on my desk at work and someone decided to pile a bunch of boxes and shit on top of it
16:50.31jastascratched the hell out of the surface
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17:32.11zhobbsjasta: you were wanting to be able to pass in an InputStream to MediaPlayer right?  guess there is no way right?
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17:42.46jastazhobbs: basically, yes.  the local HTTP server workaround will not work except in very special cases.
17:43.24jastabasically it can only work for computed audio streams, not for anything based on the network
17:44.16zhobbsI'm trying to figure out how to parse out shoutcast meta data and just pass the mp3 data to media player:
17:44.19jastaactually, that's not accurate.  it can only work when buffering is unnecessary, so the audio can be provided in real time
17:44.40jastazhobbs: Diggin did that, but of course the hack is just as broken as Five's.
17:44.48jastahe strips it out and write to disk, then points the mediaplayer at that file
17:44.56zhobbsyeah, that's what I was thinking about doing
17:44.57jastathen rotates them every X bytes
17:45.10jastabut it's totally pointless to waste your time on this.  the user will be furious.
17:45.13zhobbsthen you gotta pay attention to the buffering status and stuff
17:45.28zhobbsjasta: what do you mean?
17:45.28jastathe audio will stutter.
17:45.52zhobbsthe audio stutters with diggin's implementation?
17:46.10jastathink about it, you don't have unlimited storage on disk, you have to rotate out those temporary files
17:46.19zhobbsohhh...I see
17:46.28jastawhen you do, the MediaPlayer will need to tear down and reinitialize on a new file.  this isn't a realtime OS, so it won't b seamless.
17:46.35zhobbsyeah, that's bad
17:46.41jastaalso, if the stream chokes (playback stops because the buffer is empty), you will have no way to tell the user "uhh, sorry, buffering."
17:46.48jastabecause the mediaplayer is just SIMPLY TOO FUCKING BROKEN
17:47.03zhobbsyeah, need to be able to just pass an input stream
17:47.27jastayes, and also the buffering strategy needs to either be moved to the user's control in this case, or it needs to be much better documented and implemented correctly
17:47.41jastathe buffering strategy right now is a big part of the problem.  its why the local HTTP server hack won't even work.
17:47.57jastaof course, the local HTTP server hack is a terrible mess anyway and shouldn't be the recommended strategy in the first place
17:48.27jastaanother thing to think about, the MediaPlayer when streaming from HTTP caches its own content to disk, so that it can actually buffer ahead of playback
17:48.44zhobbshmmm, so for shoutcast sounds like just don't fetch the meta data
17:48.59jastaso you get simultaneous writes to disk in my case (and in other similar ones), which will destroy performance
17:49.12zhobbsjasta: exactly, I was wondering if there was a way to buffer to disk somehow without having to rotate files
17:49.28zhobbsthey are doing it somehow
17:49.28jastazhobbs: save your sanity, wait for 1.1
17:49.58jastaIf you really want to pursue it, you can talk to the Diggin author but it is clear to me from my conversations with him that he is using the same hack Five used.
17:50.08jastawhich i tore out because the user can detect the problems with it
17:51.49zhobbshmm, might just not deal with the meta data for now
17:52.14jastamy plan is to just reduce granularity of buffering progress from 0 to 100 (nothing in between), and fail to detect choking.
17:52.24jastabut also not release Five officially.
17:52.44jastai'm unwilling to support a program that is designed this way
17:52.53jastaso, when source is out, i will just fucking fix it myself
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17:53.01jastaand hopefully Google will accept these patches
17:54.09zhobbsyeah, that's a pain....
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17:55.12jastai'm also designing my local HTTP server in such a way that it can be torn out once the MediaPlayer works as expected
17:55.21jastai'm encapsulating most of its logic in an InputStream
17:55.38jastabut seriously, stay the hell away from streaming audio :)
17:56.13jasta*maybe* they will fix the buffering update problem for 1.0, in which case the local http server approach becomes somewhat workable, albeit inefficient
17:56.29jastabut there's simply no way we're going to see anything in the way of a better API for 1.0
17:57.27zhobbsjasta: how big does the diggin player let that file get?
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18:00.21jastazhobbs: i don't know, probably quite large so that he can hide this fact from the judges
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18:13.02Dougie1872 days jasta
18:14.27jastaugh, yeah
18:14.55jastai'm really disappointed though.  one of my friends didn't get his passport in time, so he isn't coming
18:15.10jastanow it's just my girl and i, and my roommate.  so it's kind of a weird third wheel type thing
18:16.44Dougie187and your roommate is moving out soon too right?
18:16.48zhobbsdoh, that happened to me last time I was in vegas
18:17.58jastaDougie187: no, nothing about him moving out
18:18.21jastai'm just so irritated that Devon waited until the last f'n minute to deal with something like his passport
18:18.32Dougie187that does kinda suck
18:18.32jastafuck, that's the thing he should have dealt with in January when we bought tickets
18:18.37Dougie187you should slap him.
18:18.45Dougie187at least you don't have to give him back money?
18:19.01jastano, of course not
18:19.11jastahe bought all his own tickets and stuff so he's just go to find some way to reuse them if he wants to
18:19.18jastaif not, he just blew $1500
18:19.32jastabut now he's probably going to go alone
18:19.41Dougie187thats too bad for him.
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18:19.49Dougie187have you read much about chrome yet?
18:20.25sztanpetpress conf is on now
18:20.40sztanpettheres a stream too
18:20.46jastaDougie187: i looked at the lame little comic they put together
18:20.57Dougie187im reading through the comic.
18:20.57jastaDougie187: sure, it sounds like an improvement, but nothing revolutionary
18:21.12Dougie187but it sounds like it would be resource heavy.
18:21.34Dougie187a separate process for every tab, with its own memory and data?
18:21.54sztanpetbig deal
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18:26.22jastaDougie187: above all, i don't understand why they produced a comic strip to demonstrate this.  google is losing it :)
18:26.39DJTachyonomg what is the xml to get two buttons next to each other in linearlayout?
18:26.44Dougie187and the comic strip is retardedly long.
18:26.57Dougie187i don't want to read a 37 page comic about a web browser.
18:27.01jastaDJTachyon: make a linearlayout with orientation=horizontal and put them in it
18:27.36Dougie187do they have like a demo of it or something?
18:27.45jastawho knows
18:27.49jastaprobably doesn't even work or exist.
18:28.31DJTachyonwell i want like textview (i use gravity center) then next line: 2 buttons, next line: 2 buttons, next line: 2 buttons
18:29.33jastaDJTachyon: ok, so make a bunch of linearlayouts.
18:29.47jastaviews are composable, DJTachyon.  you next them.
18:30.56DJTachyonohh interesting
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18:50.52tethridgewhen is it that the verizon android phone is supposed to go on sale?
18:50.58tethridgesept 9th?
18:51.14Dougie187noone has even mentioned a verizon one.
18:51.16zhobbsfeb 31 I thought?
18:51.21tethridgeI guess
18:51.32zhobbsyeah, t-mobile supposed to in a couple weeks right?
18:51.35sztanpetand chrome is out btw
18:51.52Dougie187i don't think there is a release date for the t-mobile phone yet.
18:51.53Dougie187but ionno
18:52.35jastaDougie187: T-Mobile employees are hearing rumors of Oct 13th
18:52.44Dougie187thats pretty cool
18:52.48Dougie187too bad im not with t-mobile
18:52.57Dougie187but again, those are rumors.
18:52.58tethridgerelease date or date that it goes on sale?
18:53.13jastatethridge: what's the difference for a carrier?
18:53.28tethridgeno difference for me.  I meant to say t-mobile
18:53.38tethridgeI get t-mobile and verizon mixed up
18:53.43tethridgeboth services I don't have
18:54.19Dougie187i wanna know sprints release date
18:54.26tethridgejasta, is that the rumored date it will go on sale?
18:54.31jastatethridge: yes.
18:54.59jastacurrently, i'm not considering switching to T-Mobile.
18:55.09jastai'm just hoping that the phone is a world phone and i can toss an AT&T sim in it.
18:55.15jastai really don't care if that breaks the Android market, either.
18:56.10tethridgeyou guys been able to download chrome yet?
18:56.33tethridgethe server must be getting hammered because I click the accept and install button and it disables and nothing happens
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18:58.12anno^da_I will try later on
18:58.20anno^da_perhaps there will be some torrents up
18:58.32anno^da_all mass media site informed about that new release
18:59.12anno^da_even the biggest TV stations informed about it
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19:19.00jastahmm, interesting
19:19.12jastaread the 3rd comment from SciFoo Camp Invitee
19:19.19jastagod i hope that's tru e:)
19:19.47anno^da_I really really want to believe that
19:20.24jastame too, and the source at least doesn't seem ridiculous
19:20.33anno^da_Just my experience in the leak of other hardware products in front of the release makes it hard to believe that.
19:20.39jastahe at least gives us reasonable evidence ;)
19:21.09anno^da_Yeah well
19:21.25anno^da_it is a comment so it is not more evidence then the rest on this site
19:25.13anno^da_But jasta it has to be true. :-)
19:25.22anno^da_How was Ireland ?
19:27.00zhobbswait, what are you hoping is true?
19:28.24anno^da_read the 3rd comment from the above mentioned news entry by the android guys
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19:30.16zhobbsjust hoping that the final G1 is cleaner than the ones we've seen?
19:38.53DJTachyonwhy can't i add xml elements anymore? wtf
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20:12.53anno^da_zhobbs: Yeah thats the point.
20:13.27anno^da_Because we only know some sketches but havent seen real pictures. Except the leaked ones from which we dont know the source.
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21:07.34km-does anyone here know if there will be push e-mail support with activesync for android?
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21:13.51jastakm-: highly unlikely.
21:14.13jastathey could do it a number of different ways, but given that they shaved off so many luxury items already, i really doubt they did this.
21:14.28zhobbshighly likely, just might be done by a third party
21:14.32zhobbsfor now
21:14.32km-I'm a blackberry addict
21:14.44km-I'm thinking of preordering the G1 because I have faith in android as an awesome platform
21:15.00km-but I still want to be able to do what I do with my existing smartphone, like have enterprise class e-mail that "just works"
21:15.46zhobbsthere will be an imap email client
21:15.55km-shipped with the unit or as an addon?
21:16.23zhobbsI think there's gotta be one on the handset out of the gate
21:16.26km-or rather I should say, one authored/QA'd by google
21:16.42km-I'm sure people will write George's IMAP Client v.0000004 or whatever
21:16.52km-and the fun will begin with debugging that ;)
21:17.32km-I'm wondering, has anyone had a handle on the HTC Dream or G1 and tried typing on it?  Is that side thing really awkward to type over?
21:17.46jastakm-: ActiveSync is a publicly documented protocol now, and open soruce devs can implement it free of patent enforcement.
21:17.59jastabut that will require that someone do that.  that said, it is impossible to tell if someone cares enough to do it.
21:18.08jastaor if google will take the project on themselves and pay the license fees
21:18.37km-interesting project to hack on
21:20.21jastait would be a very difficult project to hack on, subject to Google's good design as well.
21:20.25km-are there any other devices available that can run android?  I'm assuming the software isn't necessarily limited to cell phones.
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21:20.37jastakm-: it is officially.
21:20.50jastathe platform is very immature right now, so don't get too excited.
21:21.24km-hopefully it's at least feature complete for 1.0 at this point, since phones will be available in a month with it
21:21.42jastawell, it's feature complete for certain definitions of feature and complete.
21:21.50jastai'm sure it will work as a phone :)
21:21.57jastamaybe it'll make a pispoor smartphone, though :)
21:22.39km-that would be pretty damning for them
21:23.03km-it's being marketed as a smartphone, right?
21:23.25jastayes, but please just realize that we know hardly anything at this point.  the most concrete information available is the SD Kitself, at 0.9 right now.
21:23.38jastaso downloda that, experiment, and if you have any questions you can direct them to /dev/null since nobody knows anything :)
21:23.39zhobbskm-: it'll be better than jasta is making it out....
21:24.07jastai'm not making it out to be anything.
21:24.25zhobbskm-: you can download the SDK and run the emulator if you want to play around with a stripped down version
21:24.25jastanone of us know, *at all* what it will be like.  so we might as well say that.
21:24.46km-yeah, I tried installing some apps off for it and they said that the .apk was for a different version of android or something
21:25.06km-my guess is the one on the site was for 0.5 and not recompiled since or something.
21:25.18km-was downloading eclipse at home so I could just recompile it and try again
21:25.24zhobbsyeah...I haven't even started with the porting to 0.9 yet....
21:25.41km-I was happy just to see someone writing an ssh app
21:26.14jastakm-: just wait until it comes out.  don't preorder it or anything.
21:26.25jastago play with it for yourself when it lands in a t-mobile store or wherever.
21:27.14km-definitely interested in seeing whether the keyboard is comfy
21:28.13km-anyone talk at all about multitouch on android?
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21:28.21jastaalso, as for the apps, browse through the top 50 winners.  those are definitely going to be the most mature apps initially (other than google's, of course)
21:28.22km-cant really attempt to try that in the emulator
21:28.38km-and I doubt the G1 has it since I only see people single-touching the screen in the youtube vids
21:28.41jastakm-: nope, we don't know if there is multitouch on android.
21:28.54jastait seems there is not
21:29.03km-yeah, I was kinda bummed GoCart won so much money
21:29.18km-I've been juggling that idea for the past couple years
21:29.22km-it coulda been me!
21:30.00jastamany of those apps have already been done, as evidenced by the numerous patents they violate :)
21:30.19jastabut none of them have had any public manifestations, so this is still good news :)
21:30.23km-violate patents?
21:30.40SanMehatjasta always looks on the 'bright-side' of things
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21:30.49km-I'm curious where you are hearing that writing an app like GoCart violates patents
21:31.03jastakm-: GoCart violates none that I know of, but for example, Locale violates several :)
21:31.23jastaowned by IBM, Nokia, and even M$ I believe (haven't verified the latter)
21:31.49jastazhobbs: i've been meaning to ask you again about the copyright infringement problems assoicated with TuneWiki as well.
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21:32.14jastawhere do your lyrics come from and how do you ensure the right to distribute them?
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21:32.32jastai can't figure out why this app won't be barred for distribution in the US.
21:32.49SanMehatbecause zhobbs types in all the lyrics manually
21:33.05km-zhobbs is feverishly transcribing Love of Polka 5 as we speak.
21:33.25km-Now That's What I Call Riverdance! Volume 27.
21:34.18km-I guess I should learn java and come up with a killer app
21:34.49DJTachyonany way to access audio data files directly, and change the playback speed?
21:35.55jastaDJTachyon: Unlikely.  The MediaPlayer is pretty much WYSIWYG.  As far as I can tell there is no audio or codec subsystem directly exposed to Java programmers.
21:36.01km-I think android needs a cooler media player, if they're planning to go-to-market with the one in the emulator.
21:36.19jastakm-: Well, TuneWiki is shaping up to be an excellent default.
21:36.41km-there would have to be an audio subsystem for games and stuff
21:36.44jastaBut as I said earlier, I don't see how it can be set for US distribution.
21:36.49DJTachyontunewiki? they made their own media player?
21:36.51jastakm-: No, it's all through the MediaPlayer.
21:37.06km-the games use the media player to render sound?
21:37.32km-I find that extremely difficult to believe, why would that be the case?
21:38.04DJTachyonwell maybe b/c the "media player" is for playing media .. not to be a huge mass of garbage code and features like windows media player
21:38.13DJTachyonso that is all it does ...
21:38.28km-MediaPlayer class, not necessarily the full-blown Media Player Application.
21:38.30DJTachyonthe thing in the emulator is just a front end to the emulator
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21:39.10DJTachyoni want to be able to load all the data from an mp3 into memory as raw audio and just around the data as i see fit
21:39.10km-can you extend MediaPlayer and do what you want?
21:39.19km-then just have your app use the extended mediaplayer?
21:39.23DJTachyonwell there isnt much to do ..
21:39.25DJTachyonbut yes
21:40.25DJTachyonthere is a code sample in the APIDemo sample
21:40.41km-is the android OS itself open-source?
21:40.59km-the API document does make it kinda simplistic.
21:41.03DJTachyonafter 1.0/G1 release it is suppose to be
21:42.06km-Speeding up or slowing down samples would be relatively easy audio-wise in the code, but if you're stuck only working with what the API document is giving to you, you're kinda screwed I guess
21:42.15DJTachyonyeah ..
21:42.20DJTachyonim gonna explore the class some more
21:43.13km-time to implement your own audioplayer class :)
21:44.11plusminus_the date-field used for Sms-Storage is strange, it got values like:
21:44.28plusminus_which is not a unix timestamp
21:44.46plusminus_anyone knows what it is?
21:45.39km-I dont know if this issue exists in java, but are you looking at the value such that the program assumes it's an integer value when it should be a time value?
21:45.51plusminus_yeah its a long field an I used int...
21:46.11plusminus_i just thought about that when I typed the above ^^
21:46.32km-cool, glad you figured it out
21:46.42km-ok, time for me to make the commute home, catch you guys later
21:47.38DJTachyonhmm i wonder how fast the media player is
21:47.56DJTachyoni could do crazy stuff with the seek function  to try and get a pitch bend :P
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21:54.02DJTachyonis there a msec wait function?
21:54.29romainguy_DJTachyon: Thread.sleep()?
21:54.50DJTachyonprobably .. need to put it in a for loop
21:55.04romainguy_why do you need to sleep in a loop?
21:55.15dmoffettThere is a class called Timer you might want to check.
21:55.38DJTachyonor that
21:55.41DJTachyontimer is good too
21:56.18DJTachyonim a procedureal embedded C expert, I havent done OO in years..
21:59.59jastasorry had to step away
22:00.54jastaactually, you probably want to use Handler instead of a timer.
22:01.18jastaa timer requires a thread, whereas Android's internal event loop can do crude timing in the same thread as it processes other events
22:01.36jastalook at Handler#sendMessageDelayed
22:07.32DJTachyonman im so lost :P
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22:10.17jastaDJTachyon: let me explain at a high level...
22:10.27DJTachyonim editing the play local audio file demo to try an seek to say 10000msec into the file, then once every 2 msec seek to 10000+i .. where I increments every 2 msec
22:10.39jastaAndroid applications have a "main" thread which can interact with the UI and process other Android events.
22:10.59jastaThis thread is constantly waiting in an event loop processing these events, as implemented by Looper.loop() though you need not worry about that.
22:11.03jastaIt was setup for you.
22:11.37jastaYou can inject and handle arbitrary events in that event loop by using a Handler (a way to both deliver and receive messages on the loop).
22:11.56jastawhen you create a handler with new Handler() it automatically associates with the event loop on the thread in which it was made.
22:12.23jastaa feature that you can use here of the Handler and the event loop is that you can send "timed" (delayed) messages.
22:12.36jastayou can, for example, say "send my message in 50ms."
22:12.37anno^da_Afer using Chrome I dont understand whats so special about it. (besides the fast JS Engine and the process for each tab) I cant open a new Tab while entering a new adress and pressing enter. So it fails for me. :) There is no possibility to setup any tab behaviour. Or am I just spoiled by TabMix Plus + FF :D
22:12.53jastaand your handler will be woken up to deal with your message in that time, at least as granular as android's event loop can guarantee.
22:13.15DJTachyonwell seeing as the seekto function is down to the msec, thats all i can hope for
22:13.37DJTachyonim not opposed to scheduling a thread if I can figure out Android implementation of Timer
22:13.39jastaso, if you need to have timed events, you can abuse the main android event loop (with the Handler) and pass dleayed messages then handle them
22:13.57jastait will be far more efficient than creating a separate thread to wait and fire events like a timer.
22:18.01zhobbsanno^da_: chrome fails for me without mouse gestures....we all use our browser so much that we are stuck in our ways
22:21.54anno^da_zhobbs: true. I'm missing NoScript, Adblock, etc etc etc :-)
22:22.36romainguy_the only thing I miss is adblock
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22:23.02anno^da_romainguy: Well it really depends on the things you use.
22:23.20anno^da_I could mention 7 plugins in addition that I'm missing
22:23.20jastai don't get what the excitement is behind Chrome.  is it really just a mild architectural improvement that is generating all this buzz?
22:23.32anno^da_it is.
22:24.05hpmanybody have any experience getting oprofile to work on android?
22:24.29DJTachyonchrome wont even run where I work, there is a conflict with Symantec Endpoint, and Chrome crashes over remote desktop when loading mendu options
22:24.32morrildljasta: it's a "mild" architectural solution that is extremely overdue in browsers and a real bitch to implement, without breaking existing browser JavaScript conventions
22:24.50morrildljasta: aside from that, you're more or less right :)
22:25.15morrildljasta: FF 3.1 will have tracemonkey or Tamarin or whatever it's called today, so other browsers are definitely stepping up.  Should be interesting
22:25.33morrildlOnce IE is the slowest JS engine by an order of magnitude, it'll be interesting to see what MSFT does :)
22:25.52morrildl...or perhaps they'll surprise us with a fast JS engine of their own, who knows
22:25.54jastaNothing, probably.  The slower they move, the more it hurts companies like Google :)
22:26.16anno^da_morrildl: But I dont think that the JS performance is the most important point if you look at a browser. (for me)
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22:26.38anno^da_if you look for
22:36.12DJTachyonandroid mplayer does not like what im trying to do :P
22:37.04jastaDJTachyon: i will caution you that the MediaPlayer class really sucks ;)
22:37.12DJTachyonyeah it does ..
22:37.15jastai would say you are quite likely to encounter problems with it
22:37.58DJTachyonwell I dont know if it is my code or media player not doing what I want .. I thought it was a pretty easy thing to try
22:38.30jastawhat are you trying to do?
22:39.53DJTachyonpitch bend a track by seeking .. wait a msec, seek forward two msec ..
22:40.02DJTachyonshould play twice as fast ..
22:40.20DJTachyonif the mediaplayer is fast enough
22:42.38DJTachyonso i need to schedule the code to do a mMediaPlayer.seekTo(10000+i); where i increments by 2 every 1 msec
22:43.25jastawell, there's a couple of problems here.
22:43.30DJTachyonim trying to do this in the file
22:43.34jastaa) we don't know the precision of the MediaPlayer.
22:43.46jastab) we don't know the precision guaranteed by the emulator
22:43.58jastawe know that Linux should give us precision at least as good as 1ms.
22:44.03DJTachyonyeah, its more of an academic excercise
22:44.42DJTachyonwould the Java Timer be the best bet? or should I try making a handler message?
22:44.44snadgeto pitch bend you've either got to resample the audio .. or play it back at a faster/slower sampling rate
22:44.48jastaso, in order to eliminate a and/or b without source, i'd try devising a simple test that seeks it forward very small increments in a tight loop, and then also try a repeating message loop
22:44.57jastaDJTachyon: you should definitely use a Handler.
22:45.00jastaand sendMessageDelayed
22:45.05DJTachyoni know snadge
22:45.10DJTachyonbut we work with what we got ;)
22:45.11snadgei'm failing to see how seeking forward by a millisecond will pitch bend ;)
22:45.28jastayeah i can't actually validate whether your alogirhtm is inherently workable :)
22:45.33snadgetime stretch maybe
22:45.34jastai can only speak to the timing issues you require :)
22:45.39DJTachyonwell time stretch sure
22:46.00DJTachyonwhich is more what i want anyway
22:46.24DJTachyoncould playing the same msec twice each time also not 1/2 the speed?
22:46.35DJTachyoni wouldnt mind preserving the pitch anyway
22:46.45DJTachyoner 2x the speed rather
22:46.55DJTachyonim confusing myself
22:47.06snadgeplaying it twice would have the speed.. skipping 1ms every 1ms would double it
22:47.17DJTachyonright :P
22:47.25DJTachyonthat what im trying to do
22:47.44DJTachyonand seeing as we dont have direct access to the decoded audio data
22:47.57snadgeits going to sound a bit dodgy though.. and dont ask me how you change the speed that way, in non multiples of 2
22:48.14snadgethat would probably involve resampling as well
22:48.45DJTachyonim just doing this as an exercise
22:49.01snadgei should go to work :(
22:49.11DJTachyoni should leave work
22:54.09jastaregardless, you can detect the timing of both Android's event loop and the MediaPlayer as i mentioned above.
22:54.13jastaif you're stil curious
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23:03.08DJTachyonyeah handler doesnt seem to be working for me
23:03.35DJTachyoni load up 10000 events, each a ms apart, and the handler increments the msec by 2
23:03.40DJTachyonand seeks there
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23:03.47DJTachyonno luck tho
23:04.36DJTachyoni should play twice as fast for the first 10 sec
23:05.06DJTachyonmeh done for today
23:05.06DJTachyonlater all
23:09.44jastaif you post sample code i can help
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23:12.18herriojrok, so when I include a jar file that was built into the apk, do I need to make sure it is compiled differently in some way?
23:18.22jastajust make sure it was compiled into a bytecode format dalvik can consume
23:21.14herriojrand if it is having issues validating certain classes, has anyone narrowed down the exact cause?
23:21.18herriojror how to fix it
23:24.46hpmanybody have any experience getting oprofile to work on android?
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