IRC log for #android on 20080829

00:50.18*** join/#android Guest4337 (
00:50.42Guest4337wooo found an android channel .. maybe I won't feel so lonely preaching the good word of android anymore...
00:51.15romainguy_DJTachyon: welcome then :)
00:51.43DJTachyonthanks! .. *sigh .. it is an uphill battle with the masses it seems ..
00:51.56DJTachyonbut I have faith..
00:54.20jastaDJTachyon: don't get too excited ;)
00:54.36DJTachyonheh, no?
00:55.09DJTachyonI will probably be switching to T-Mobile from Verizon for that first phone ..
00:56.21jastathere's just a lot of "???" to get too excited :)
00:56.55jastalike for example, you don't even know if the best app for the platform (obviously, is going to be possible with the 1.0 release.
00:57.14DJTachyonshameless plug? :)
00:57.20romainguy_DJTachyon: don't listen to jasta :)
00:57.32jastaDJTachyon: of course ;)
00:58.18jastabites his tongue
00:58.58DJTachyonI would love to have time to develop for this platform.  It does seem like a pretty steep curve to start developing apps for it.  Even some of the most experianced coders I know said they will wait for a book before starting to code for Android
00:59.24jastaDJTachyon: anything but.  Android is the easiest dev environment i've ever been in.
00:59.27DJTachyonI have gotten as far as loading the SDK, putting in music/video to the sdcard image and taking screenshots and playing around.  Wrote Hello World, etc.
00:59.31jastaexcept that it is buggy as all get-out.
00:59.50jastathough 0.9r1 has improved that (SOME! god damnit)
01:00.23jastaDJTachyon: i don't know what devs you know, but you seem misinformed on that topic :)
01:00.24DJTachyonWell I also am educated in computer engineering.  Embedded C & HDL is my forte.  I wish I knew more CS/SE. I should probably go for my masters in it ..
01:00.38jastano, you should not do that.
01:00.46jastasave your money and just start raping the industry like everyone else
01:01.43DJTachyonindeed ..
01:03.08*** join/#android zhobbs (
01:03.24DJTachyonwell guess i'll idle around here for a bit.  gnight all :)
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01:04.16*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
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01:19.31gamblerhi San
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01:23.48SanMehathey gambler
01:23.50SanMehatwhats up man
01:30.44gamblerworking on some things for when the bluetooth api is published. luckily im in no rush
01:31.34DJTachyonHmm .. I'm assuming the Android Market won't be the only way to install apps on the phone?  Man it's amazing how thick the public is....
01:32.15jastaDJTachyon: no, we do not expect that to be the case.
01:32.37jastai mean, i'm confirming your assumption.
01:33.03DJTachyonThat would baffle me.  And the public just assumes it will be like the iPhone.  Just like the public took the BT & GTalk API as not supporting BT devices or allowing Jabber/GTalk messaging
01:34.13DJTachyonits an open system .. just like windows mobile or blackberry ... you can install what you want.  I'm just asssuming the android market is for helping promote application development and allow easy access by the general public to new applications
01:34.56DJTachyonI think these clarifications are very important for the public, and for geeks in general.
01:35.12SanMehatDJTachyon: your assumptions are correct.
01:35.21SanMehatat least some of them anyways :)
01:35.30SanMehati can't speak to any other assumptions you may have made in the past ;)
01:36.16DJTachyonI'm glad to hear that .. I have quite a rant on discussion forums out there
01:36.31SanMehatplease don't rant at me :)
01:36.36DJTachyonhehe I won't ...
01:36.48DJTachyonIts actually mostly that Google isn't promoting itself well enough
01:37.19DJTachyonand not clarifying what might seem like simple or obvious things, but that the general public rumormill to the point of complete absurdness..
01:37.38DJTachyonthat was almost a sentance ..
01:38.49DJTachyonI am actually getting tired of clarifying what Android is to people.
01:38.53DJTachyonIt's tiring ;)
01:39.53DJTachyonBut I've been waiting for it, I will continue waiting for it, and I will dive in head first!
01:40.16*** join/#android dueynz (
01:41.35SanMehatsweet :)
01:41.52DJTachyonWelp .. time for sleep.  Feel free to check out my rant on my site:
01:41.59SanMehatwill do :)
01:42.05DJTachyongnight all..
01:42.51SanMehatnight man
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02:26.24designs703Hi everyone
02:27.39designs703My phone contract expires in a week, and I really, really want to run Android on my next phone. What are my options? Which consumer phones have been able to run Android so far?
02:28.01f00f-become a t-mobile customer
02:28.10f00f-and upgrade in 2 months to an android device
02:28.29f00f-it's what you can do
02:28.34f00f-unless you want to wait for other operators
02:29.59designs703Have any ambitious folks installed Android, as an actual working OS (not Pod Linux!), and lived to tell the tale online?
02:30.48*** join/#android meoblast001 (
02:31.05designs703I really want to do some advanced phone development, and I can't bring myself to write iPhone apps for the same reason I can't bring myself to learn Flash (besides the fact that it'll be obsolete in a few years except as a cross-platform web codec)
02:33.21f00f-don't be so sure to judge proprietary 'standards'
02:33.55designs703not the case
02:33.59designs703well, sort of
02:34.24designs703I have more problems with Apple's business practices than Adobe's. As I type this into Colloquy on my MacBook...
02:34.42designs703And, funny enough, Adobe is the reason I'm on this computer (Unix + Adobe)
02:34.54designs703GIMP never cut it :)
02:35.25designs703I'm reading up, rumors are that the HTC Dream could be out as soon as September
02:35.56designs703Is this a case of T-Mobile jumping on the bandwagon, or do you think Google is investing in this phone?
02:38.05*** join/#android jimmygoon (i=815dbf8b@gateway/web/ajax/
02:38.19jimmygoonWhat is the activity name, application and package name for?
02:38.30jimmygoonthe "getting started" guide doesn't cover this :/
02:40.15*** join/#android muthu (n=sara@
02:41.09designs703this place is quiet...
02:41.28muthuvery quiet...
02:41.34SanMehattoo quiet...
02:41.49muthupin drops
02:42.10designs703Is the phone in this video the HTC dream? looks very close the drawings:
02:42.23muthuoh the gallery is on..
02:42.54designs703thanks bud, I'm out
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02:58.20f00f-how's your community +/- ?
02:58.34muthuf00f-: how you been?
02:58.50f00f-i've been better :D
02:58.55f00f-congrats to you though
02:59.12muthubut great times ahead
02:59.15muthumarket, adc2...
02:59.20f00f-yeah for sure
02:59.51muthufor all us androids
02:59.58f00f-yeah 90% of my effort will be on the backend now
03:03.12dueynzcongrats muthu !
03:03.20muthudueynz: thanks man
03:03.31dmoffettf00f:  Don't be discouraged, at your age most guys are clueless.  You are well on your way.
03:04.08dueynzmuthu: so i hear you are having a big party and flying everyone in the chan to india for free?
03:04.25dmoffettCongratulations Muthu!
03:04.32muthudmoffett: thanks
03:04.52muthuits been good so far
03:04.56dueynzgood to see not many companies in the top 20
03:05.02dmoffettI do think you owe someone a laptop though.
03:05.16dmoffettDoug maybe?
03:05.18muthuactually he owns me a laptop :P
03:05.25dmoffetteven better.
03:05.43dueynzhe needs to pay the bribes first
03:05.59dueynzyou selling your app or giving it away?
03:06.09muthudueynz: ask my boss :)
03:06.24muthui'm happy to be part of it
03:06.35dueynzyou have a boss ?
03:06.57dmoffettGive the app away with three recipes and then charge for the good ones.  :-)
03:06.57muthumary ann - the brainchild behind CC
03:07.13dueynzyou could just $4.99 it
03:07.17muthudmoffett: it has a great business model
03:07.31muthuyeah, tons of potential
03:07.51f00f-dmoffett: yeah i'm not too discouraged :)  just wanting to launch this but need to think about paying for servers & map data now :P
03:08.20dueynzf00f-: what one is yours?
03:08.22muthuf00f-: isn't the google maps free?
03:08.33f00f-muthu: it is full of restrictions
03:08.40muthuoh ok
03:08.45f00f-which is why we couldn't use it for PedNav
03:08.56gamblerwhat are the alternatives
03:09.03f00f-basically keeps competitors (of google maps) at bay
03:09.12f00f-aggregators like mapquest
03:09.20f00f-or if you're rich just outright buy the data from navteq and/or tele atlas
03:09.35dueynzthere is free data around
03:09.42dueynzthats quite extensive
03:09.44f00f-openstreetmap isn't quite there yet, but looking at it :)
03:09.54dueynzmight be another
03:10.42f00f-openstreetmap is extensive though
03:10.43f00f-90G     planet-080806.osm
03:11.09f00f-parsing that 90 GB XML file will be fun :P
03:11.11dmoffettf00f: Time for consolidation may help with bills etc.  Find like minded projects and maybe you can work something out.  Even if it just means sharing systems until you get enough growth to pay the bills.
03:11.51f00f-dmoffett: yeah, maybe going to try the investment route, not sure yet
03:11.59f00f-i think biggest cost will be licensing map data
03:12.09f00f-hardware is relatively cheap, actually
03:12.38muthuf00f-: content is the problem
03:12.39dmoffettI have a friend who did that for years and might be able to help if you would like me to send him your email.
03:14.07f00f-dmoffett: we're gonna iron some things out in the coming weeks, but i'll let you know if i need some connections but thanks for the offer :)
03:14.19dmoffettTiger data is free but has challenges.
03:14.36f00f-yeah and quite incomplete
03:14.55f00f-i think OpenStreetMap includes TIGER data though
03:15.07f00f-but OSM is questionable, too
03:15.10f00f-since it's wiki-based
03:15.13f00f-anyone can edit
03:15.21f00f-so any users could potentially be sued
03:15.29f00f-if someone mistakenly uploads copyrighted data, etc.
03:15.31dmoffettI have not heard of OpenStreetMap.
03:16.28dmoffettI think my friend was paying like 300k a year for map data plus other things.
03:16.39dmoffettlike demographics.
03:16.59muthuthought google maps had a lot of functionality
03:17.13muthuis that not enough, to begin with?
03:18.07f00f-muthu the key is to get google to license your their data :)
03:18.07dmoffettGoogle probably is restricted from what they can distribute.  Just like stock quotes.  The owners of that data don't want to lose their cash cow.
03:18.31f00f-dmoffett: was that worldwide?
03:18.39f00f-i'm trying to find the magnitude of costs :)
03:18.52dmoffettI think that just US data.
03:19.20dmoffettThe data was not just streets though.   There were additional layers in the data.
03:19.32f00f-okay so that might be a bit pricier
03:19.59dmoffettYeah you would have to talk to him and the prices have probably changed.
03:20.33f00f-what i really should do is load up the OSM data ste
03:20.36f00f-and see if it's useful
03:22.01dmoffettHis company basically ran a service to place businesses like Burger King and they used the data to predict ideal locations based demographics, traffic .....
03:22.33dmoffettbasically don
03:23.27dmoffettbasically don't place Macy's in some two stop light town.
03:24.01f00f-ah interesting
03:24.10f00f-i can see why demographics are useful there :D
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03:48.33gjscongrats to muthu, tom ( & others ) for CC - well done
03:48.45muthugjs: thanks
03:48.51muthugreat team effort for us
03:53.23plusminus_anyone knows the replacement for MapView's setOnLongPressListener ?
03:53.35plusminus_OnLongClick does not provide the screen-coords :(
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04:48.49plusminus_aww no, why is MapView.onDraw() final o_O
04:49.59dmoffettplusminus:  Can you get the onTap, or equivalent for .9,  event grab the coords and then save them for OnLongClick?  Sorry I have not checked out .9 map api changes.
04:50.41dmoffettAlthough you might not get the onTap?
04:51.07plusminus_hmhm.. thats not the proper way I thin
04:51.18dmoffettAre you using Overlays?
04:51.43plusminus_yes, and it should work.
04:52.15plusminus_The bigger problem currently is that they turned MapView.onDraw(Canvas) into a final method................ *grrrr*
04:52.28plusminus_I've had such a nice Rotateable MapView...
04:53.02dmoffettmaybe use the OnTouchEvent to capture the MotionEvent.
04:53.29dmoffettthat should give you the data you need.
05:01.28plusminus_damn DataStateIntentReceiver is said to be NetworkConnectivityBroadcastReceiver/MobileDataStateBroadcastReceiver, but none exists (or I cannot find it neither with autocomplete nor within the Api-Docs)
05:14.51plusminus_zhobbs: You work with TuneWiki, right ?
05:15.00plusminus_damn, congrats !!!
05:52.29*** join/#android romainguy_ (
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06:06.50*** join/#android davidw (n=davidw@
06:08.17jastaromainguy__: do you know if a file stream opened from a FileDescriptor is safe across threads?
06:08.36jastai don't know very much about what java facilities are implicitly thread-safe.
06:08.39*** join/#android Servercrash (n=Servercr@unaffiliated/servercrash)
06:08.51romainguy__what do you mean by thread safe?
06:09.01Servercrashhi everyone
06:09.09jastai mean can the handle opened in one thread be used by another?
06:09.20romainguy__er yes
06:09.26romainguy__but it has nothing to do with thread safety
06:09.39jastawhat do you mean?
06:09.58jastahow can it not?
06:09.58Servercrashtrying to push in my leg into android based application development. I have been more of web developer and html designer, would it be an easy switch, hows the learning curve ?
06:10.02romainguy__the question would make sense if you were accessing the stream from several threads
06:10.43jastaromainguy__: well, i will likely need to close it from the thread that opened it, whilst the other thread is reading from it.
06:11.03romainguy__why? you can close it from the thread that's reading it
06:11.19Servercrashany suggestions ?
06:11.20jastai'm just wondering.
06:11.37jastaServercrash: yes, there will probably be a learning curve, as with anything new that you wish to learn.
06:12.14jastaServercrash: the http request/response model is much unlike the persistent application model.  so your biggest challenge will be in adopting this new paradigm.
06:12.59Servercrashjasta, thanks for replying, i have experince of developing applications in Visual Basica and C/C++ too and had put my hands on JAVA too
06:13.27jastathen in my opinion you should have a fine time working with Android.  just pay close attention to the documentation.
06:13.47ServercrashI was trying to start from something like Android for dummies and then go deep in documentation
06:14.06jastathere are also some helpful general android development tips found somewhere in the documentation index (i forget where).
06:14.21Servercrashjasta, the "Hello World" application gave me some idea but i was not very clean about all that been said in the app
06:14.29jastasome hints about writing efficient Dalvik code, and some common techniques to avoiding blocking the main thread.
06:14.56jastaServercrash: well feel free to ask, otherwise just dig into the ApiDemos.
06:15.08jastabe patient, though, learning should not happen immediately.
06:15.24Servercrashyes, i have planned for 3 months workout
06:15.36Servercrashstep by step...
06:16.31Servercrashwhere can i see code of some simple applications developed on android platform
06:16.41ahaberlachWhat kind of app are you writing?  Is it going to be more forms-based or a game-style thing?
06:16.45jastawell, the ApiDemos is a good place to start.
06:16.46Servercrashsomething more on the lines hello world
06:16.50jastawhich is bundled with the SDK.
06:17.25jastathen once you graduate from there, you can actually check out which has quite a few fully functional programs ranging from simple examples to full utilities that have acutally been used on real phones
06:17.26ahaberlachAPIDemos is good if you want to see all the stuff you can do with layout, and the types of widgets.
06:17.48ahaberlachSnake and LunarLandar show how to draw your own stuff and set up a basic screen refresh loop and game logic.
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06:18.47Servercrashahaberlach, thanks will push myself in there
06:18.57ServercrashI am downloading the Windows SDK
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06:19.17ahaberlachThat's a good place to start.  :)
06:19.17Servercrashwas wondering any good IDE is also there for same
06:19.37ServercrashEclipse i guess...
06:19.54jastaEclipse is the only officially supported IDE, and if you are unfamiliar with Java I strongly advise that you use it.
06:19.55ahaberlachIf you're not using Eclipse, I'd recommend it.  There's step-by-step instructions on setting up the plug-in, which does a lot of templating for you as well.
06:20.54Servercrashthankfully i have some experince with eclipse and JAVA, hopefully that will save my ass burning a bit :D
06:21.17Servercrashalso how do you test gps based application on emulators ?
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06:21.39ahaberlachStarting at and getting into "Developing and Debugging" should step you through the basic dev cycle process.
06:21.46Servercrashlike if you want to find whats your current location, is that possible
06:21.55Servercrashahaberlach, yups read that :D
06:22.54ahaberlachThere's a mocked-up LocationProvider available.  I've not used it myself, but I believe that you can specify a track of GPS coordinates for it to "follow"
06:23.41ahaberlach"Providing Mock Location Data"
06:24.21Servercrashahaberlach, hmm thanks
06:27.22ServercrashI am very sure within 1 year there will be android RAD
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06:40.06ServercrashAlso wanted to if there is any device where on which i can load android and test apps ?
06:40.26jastayes, but none officially supported and the experience is not what you might be expecting
06:40.35jastawith handsets coming out so soon, don't bother
06:41.31Servercrashandroid apis remind me Visual C++ days :p
06:46.15jastathey shouldn't.
06:46.24gamblerjasta, I found this the other day when I relearning concurrency:
06:47.08jastai read through almost all of this, and an o'reilly book on concurrency in java, actually.
06:48.26jastabut not covered here, there are some classes in Java which are implicitly thread safe and others which are not.  for isntance, the Socket class seems thread-safe only on certain methods, generally only expected to be so on the close() call.  but it doesn't really tell you this.
06:48.47jastayou just have to know seemingly based on assumptions of both good design and the underlying platform mechanics
06:48.58romainguy__a good rule of thumb is that if the class doesn't explicitly says it's thread safe, then it's not
06:49.44jastayeah that seems to be the best strategy i've come up with so far as well.
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06:50.22jastato my Socket example, the close() call mentions that threads blocking on the socket will get an exception, which suggests that you could have a design where another thread might be waiting
06:50.38jastanone of the other calls say anything about threads, so you have to assume that only the close call is thread-safe.
06:52.19jastamost of the classes by design are re-entrant though, but don't say anything about that.  that's just kind of a side-effect of software design in Java.
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07:29.49anno^dasomeone knowing sth about this
07:30.44swetlandlooks like a 3d render to me
07:31.22anno^dayeah just found that in the news reader
07:31.47anno^dacould be some marketing stuff for this site:
07:32.23swetlandnot sure how incredibly useful the projected keyboard is. seems like a sorta esoteric feature to take the hit of the additional complexity (and thickness) of a slide mechanism for
07:32.42romainguy__is about to release an open source android app :)
07:33.17swetlandI have released an open source android kernel
07:33.48romainguy__well soon I will have released an open source android framework :p
07:34.46swetlandthe laser keyboard feels like the worst of both worlds -- lacks the tactile feedback of a real keyboard, requires a flat surface (can't use it while just holding the device).  not sure how this is a blackberry killer, given how people tend to use their blackberries, etc
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07:57.10anno^daswetland: Yeah I aggree with you in that point.
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08:38.49davidwis curious to see what romainguy releases
08:41.19romainguy__davidw: nothing crazy, but it looks good, shows some cool features of the platform and comes with a really nice API to make threading easier in UIs
08:45.23anno^dascreenshots :-)
08:45.33romainguy__ok 1 sec
08:45.40anno^daah great :-)
08:47.17romainguy__ < Logging onto Flickr
08:47.27romainguy__ < login error
08:47.41romainguy__ < showing the user's photos
08:47.49romainguy__ < viewing one photo
08:47.59anno^dathat looks quite nice :-)
08:48.09romainguy__ < the application and a shortcut to my Flickr photos on Home
08:48.26romainguy__the icon is my Flickr's buddy icon
08:48.34anno^daI've done a flickr integration as well but not that nice :)
08:48.43romainguy__it's even better with the animations :p
08:49.08anno^davideo *cough*
08:49.09EQUromainguy__ this hints are build-in ?
08:49.10romainguy__anyway, I have one last class to comment and I'll put the source code online
08:49.14romainguy__EQU: yes
08:49.55anno^daoh great where will it be online ?
08:49.55romainguy__just use TextView.setError()
08:49.55EQUromainguy: ok :)
08:49.56anno^daah ok then I just have to update the svn later on
08:49.57Miekanno^da: about that 01 phone, is part of future publishing... who host :p
08:50.12EQUromainguy__: how hide hint ?
08:50.25romainguy__the user hides it by moving the cursor/typing something
08:50.27anno^daMiek: yeah I read it. So it is just marketing :)
08:50.31romainguy__you can also call setError(null)
08:52.01EQUroger that
08:53.22anno^daEQU: let him comment the code :D
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08:54.00romainguy__the last class, but the most useful one
08:54.04romainguy__and the hardest one to comment
08:54.17anno^daoh :)
08:54.24anno^daok give us a call when it's online
09:00.07*** join/#android muthu1 (n=sara@
09:05.25cutmastajust saw the winners
09:05.28cutmastaof ADC
09:05.33cutmastacongrats to all you guys
09:06.25muthu1cutmasta: thank
09:06.38cutmastayes, also to you muthu1
09:06.41cutmastajust saw your cooking ap
09:06.51cutmastanow you have enough money to cook :)
09:06.53muthu1the top 20 looks great
09:07.00cutmastareally cool apps
09:07.31muthu1adc2 is going to be bigger and better :)
09:08.43swetlandI'm hoping some of the people who didn't make it through to the final 50 or whatever don't give up and are still building fun stuff.  There were a lot of submissions and I bet there's some cool stuff outside of the top 50 too
09:09.07muthu1now that the market is open
09:09.19muthu1am sure cool apps are getting built
09:09.35swetlandyeah, announcing that should give people a better idea about options for apps dev besides "winning the adc" ^^
09:09.52muthu1yup, its not about adc anymore
09:10.13muthu1this is so much of power to the developers
09:10.22muthu1wow, google is doing something amazing here
09:10.25swetlandit's going to be good
09:10.42muthu1like never before
09:10.54swetlandhaving worked on hiptop, and having been so very disappointed by the hiptop app model being yet another walled garden thing
09:11.01swetlandit's really nice to see this working out the way it is
09:11.23muthu1you have a great platform to write your apps
09:11.36muthu1and then a wonderful open market to share
09:11.51swetlandI have to say, my two favorite reactions from some of the online techpress and blogs are (sarcastically paraphrasing) "OMG android is DOOMED because they will have TOO MANY APPS!" and "OMG they totally ripped off the app store"
09:12.15muthu1they are scared
09:12.30muthu1that their closed walled garden thingy is being taken apart
09:12.34swetlandI am constantly amused by the fact that apple did something erases the existance of that thing from before they did it (danger launched on-device app store in 2002 iirc, and plenty of other devices have done that sort of thing)
09:13.15muthu1all iphone developers will switch now
09:13.22swetland"they let you touch an icon on a grid to launch an app! totall ripoff" "okay, I admit it, we stole that from palmos!" ^^
09:13.28swetlandmuthu: I doubt that
09:13.34muthu1yeah, me too
09:13.38swetlandI bet the iphone market is pretty lucrative
09:13.42cliffit is
09:14.02swetlandyou're looking at a group self-selected for paying a premium for stuff and containing a lot of early adopter types
09:14.09cliffand mroe importantly for 'developers', there's a lot of speculative money in iphone from companies willing to pay tons and tons for iphone app contracting/consultation
09:14.51muthu1when enough money can be made of android
09:15.12muthu1developers will be coming over
09:15.19swetlandnumber of units deployed makes an impact too, of course
09:15.36muthu1gphone is going to be a lot functional and usable than iphone
09:15.41swetlandgiven that right at the moment nobody out there has an android phone (well, some people who've hacked it to run on their vogue, I suppose) ^^
09:15.54cliffkaiser too
09:15.59cliffprobably diamond by now
09:16.11muthu1yeah, but once the device comes out
09:16.17swetlandand some assorted devboards and so on
09:16.18muthu1its going to happen
09:16.21EQUdammm this TextView hint works so smooth :)
09:16.42muthu1developer were pretty upset last month.. now look what happened
09:17.00muthu1they have fallen in love with android again ;)
09:17.01swetlandI'm sure people have found exciting new things to be upset about
09:17.16swetlandbut there's some good stuff going on and hopefully at least some people are happy
09:17.29muthu1every android developer is happy now
09:17.31cliffi think people will be happier once they actually have a device in hand
09:17.49muthu1yup, and now everyone believes its closer
09:17.54muthu1than they actually thought
09:18.01muthu1so people have gone back to coding
09:18.07muthu1to be ready for the launch
09:18.27swetlandcliff: oh certainly. nothing's real until you can buy actual hardware
09:18.39muthu1hope the market has rating etc.,
09:18.41swetlandand I think we did a really nice job with the emulator and tools, but developing on the metal is always more fun
09:18.51cliffi hope operators won't be too much of an issue
09:19.08swetlandluckily the exact same tools everyone uses for the emulator will work with real hardware. I think people are going to be in for a treat there.
09:19.19muthu1wow, cool
09:19.30swetlandwhat we did for development at danger was totally barbaric in comparison
09:19.42cliffactivesync is barbaric in comparison :P
09:20.01anno^da  <- thats what I love open source software for.
09:20.33muthu1android can take a huge chunk of india/china market if they do it right
09:20.41muthu1that'll give them a big user base
09:20.45cliffthose markets are very very complicated
09:20.52tomgibaraAre there any suggestions for developers outside of the US who want hardware too?
09:21.11muthu1yeah, when's the device coming for the rest of the world?
09:21.35cliffyou don't actually expect an answer to that do you?
09:21.48muthu1there's some nice goog folks here..
09:21.59muthu1they can answer :)
09:22.25swetlandwho won't be here for long if we start speculating on unannounced products and schedules and whatnot
09:22.44tomgibaraI was thinking more along the lines that - if I get a phone, can I test my apps on it w/o a plan?
09:23.01tomgibaraI was thinking more about the technicalities
09:23.02swetlanddepends on what your app does
09:23.43swetlandif you want to test something involving cellular voice or data that's unlikely to be very doable ^^
09:24.11tomgibaraWould wifi be doable if the phone supported it?
09:24.11muthu1can we mock it up, in that case?
09:24.39swetlandit's all going to depend on exact oem/carrier decisions -- it's a platform and you could set it up in many different ways
09:24.57tomgibaraok, I guess I'll have to wait and see.
09:25.20muthu1if it requires a carrier plan for building/testing apps it would suck bigtime
09:25.23swetlandhell, you could build a locked down, closed, walled garden device with it.  I'm hoping people will avoid that, but it is an open platform, and we mean that -- we're not going to prevent people from doing whatever with it
09:25.43tomgibaraIf non-US developers get locked out of developing against real devices then that will create a lot of bad will
09:26.12cliffto be fair, it's not really announced whether US developers can even write applications :)
09:26.17tomgibaraI appreciate it's not Google's domain, I'm just stating my prediction
09:27.06muthu1cliff: what do you mena?
09:27.20muthu1is infobot on vacation?
09:28.02cliffi was being a bit extreme
09:28.10tomgibaraTo many, being open means having a level playing field. Developers will feel otherwise if they can't test their apps just because they don't live in the US.
09:28.21cliffthat didn't stop iphone from succeeding
09:28.41muthu1not sure why people say iphone is succeeding
09:28.51cliffand you know that realistically if there were barriers someone would eventually hack the device
09:29.01tomgibaraThe iPhone had hardware available before they released their SDK
09:29.01swetlandpeople are buying 'em. apple's making money. sounds relatively successful
09:29.24muthu1yeah, but mostly in US
09:29.32tomgibaraPlus, Android has a pledge of openness that the iPhone never had
09:30.09swetlandI doubt iphone is going to own 90+% of the smartphone market any more than osx is going to own 90+% of the desktop pc market.  on the other hand, I don't think that's a requirement for "success"
09:30.30romainguy__let's upload the code
09:30.52swetlandI think the days where a single player can dominate a market that large are past -- the world has moved on since the original ibm pc era
09:31.12muthu1romainguy__: busy uploading,huh?
09:31.24muthu1swetland: agree
09:31.33tomgibaraswetland: Probably, there are too many consumers now with very diversified needs
09:32.06swetlandand the OEMs and the carriers and the consumers are all more informed and wary now
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09:33.12muthu1there's a huge market waiting to be tapped
09:33.55cutmastathis thingy cost some dollars :)
09:37.02zhobbsthe LHC rocks
09:37.14cliffyeah that thing is aewsome :)
09:37.20cutmastaoh yeah
09:39.57fariseoi wouldnt install any of these :)
09:40.43cliffreally? i think there's some really cool stuff there
09:40.59fariseowhich ones?
09:41.48EQU_PhoneBook 2.0 is usefull
09:41.55cliffshareyourboard is really cool
09:42.09cliffi've always wanted to be able to have a whiteboard while i'm talking to someone
09:42.25clifflocale is really interesting
09:42.44clifflike, what if i want to be logged into IM when i'm away from my computer
09:42.50cliffbut not when i'm at my computer
09:43.24cliffor, what if i want to get an alert when i get near someone -- like, lets say i have to give my girlfriend something she left at my place, and i keep forgetting
09:43.47romainguy__application uploaded
09:43.49cliffi just setup an alert that detects when her phone comes close to mine (via bluetooth or gps or whatever)
09:44.00tomgibaraTo try and convey the situation outside the US, I'm in the UK, I took the opportunity to put the general Android proposition to a someone who's in IT. He was sufficiently interested to want to learn more about the roadmap and what it could mean for his business. I showed him the Android developer timeline and he just snorted with derision.
09:44.07romainguy__I *really* encourage you guys to look at :
09:44.44romainguy__and the way it's used, for instance in
09:45.09muthu1checking out..
09:45.58muthu1so PhotoStream is the new app
09:46.12zhobbstomgibara: what about the timeline turned him off?
09:46.58romainguy__muthu1: yes
09:47.04romainguy__muthu1: I posted screenshots earlier
09:47.12muthu1cool, thx
09:47.32tomgibarazhobbs: I sold him well, he could see the benefits and would consider investing money in developing apps for it. His only question was when would the handsets be available in the UK?
09:47.44cliffis this targeted against 0.9?
09:47.56romainguy__good question
09:47.57romainguy__I hope it is
09:47.59zhobbstomgibara: ahh, I see
09:48.04romainguy__there is one method I'm not sure will work on 0.9
09:48.05tomgibaraWhen I told him that no one knew, he was of the opinion that it's not the way to do business
09:48.07romainguy__in fact, two
09:48.12romainguy__but they're easy to remove
09:49.07tomgibaraI appreciate that this is anecdotal, but it gives some feedback on what people think when they meet the platform fairly fresh
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09:53.21muthu1romainguy__: what does UserTask do?
09:53.30tomgibararomainguy__: Apart from forgetting my flickr username, it works great
09:53.48romainguy__tomgibara: what do you mean forgetting?
09:53.56tomgibarame forgetting :)
09:54.08romainguy__ah :)
09:54.15romainguy__that's why I populate the field with my name by default :)
09:54.35muthu1felt lazy to start emulator.. starting now..
09:54.35cliffuh lol
09:54.38romainguy__muthu1: look at LoginActivity
09:54.41cliffwhen you say 'with your name'
09:54.47cliffyou mean baked into the image?
09:54.49EQU_romainguy__: "android:columnDelay="25%" " it is possible to define dimen as a percent :) ?
09:55.02romainguy__EQU_: it's a duration
09:55.08romainguy__and yes :)
09:55.08tomgibaraUnfortunately the emulator is too slow (in my machine at least) to get the proper effect of the animations
09:55.17romainguy__tomgibara: on the device it's great :))
09:55.20cliffi can't make your name go away :(
09:55.36romainguy__muthu1: UserTask  is an easy way to perform operations on a background thread and post the result on the UI thread
09:55.41romainguy__without using a Handler or a Thread yourself
09:56.16cliffoh weird, there it goes
09:56.16romainguy__tomgibara: go on the Home screen, long press an empty space, then choose "Shortcut > Flickr photos"
09:56.16tomgibararomainguy__: To lazy to read the code, are you preloading the "next" thumbnails? It seems instantaneous
09:56.23romainguy__tomgibara: no I'm not
09:56.28romainguy__the thumbnails are really small
09:56.32romainguy__it kinda sucks on EDGE
09:56.38romainguy__but on WiFi and 3G it's very very fast
09:56.41tomgibarahigh latency?
09:57.58cliffoh nice
09:58.06cliffit's -sliiightly- skippy in loadin, but you know that :)
09:58.17romainguy__you mean when the images slide in?
09:58.31romainguy__yeah, there's not much we can do about it unfortunately
09:58.36romainguy__the CPU is busy downloading and processing bitmaps :))
09:58.46cliffyeah, just overclock the cpu while it's doing that
09:59.02muthu1there's no login button?
09:59.08cliffhit enter
09:59.14muthu1yeah, did
09:59.16romainguy__muthu1: just click enter or touch the text field
10:00.13EQU_romainguy__: .psd is a picture format ?
10:00.18cliffi wish i could do gestures!
10:00.19romainguy__EQU_: Photoshop
10:00.25tomgibararomainguy__: The home icon doesn't feature my buddy icon, is that correct?
10:00.28cliffit lends itself so well to gestures
10:00.41romainguy__tomgibara: it should if you had one
10:01.00romainguy__cliff: there are reasons why I didn't do gestures but I cannot explain why
10:01.11tomgibararomainguy__: I do have one, but I got a grey square face instead
10:01.19romainguy__tomgibara: if there was a network error you will get this icon
10:01.27romainguy__unfortunately the Flickr servers are kinda flaky
10:01.37cliffwell, it makes sense since it wouldn't respond instantly to touch
10:01.41cliffwith the loadin
10:01.46clifffrom the server
10:01.50romainguy__similarly you might sometimes (often on EDGE) see question marks instead of pictures
10:02.14muthu1there's a lot of question marks
10:02.28romainguy__then you are getting crappy results from Flickr
10:02.33romainguy__it does that a lot sometimes :((
10:02.33cliffother than the loadin it works super well
10:02.43cliffcould you preprocess the images and then do the animation after?
10:02.44muthu1and only your account works
10:02.51romainguy__cliff: that's what I do
10:02.58romainguy__but while an animation is playing, another image is loading
10:03.00tomgibararomainguy__: A small usability issue on the homescreen, in landscape mode, it's quite tricky to remove a shortcut without inadvertently scrolling right.
10:03.09cliffoh.. can you load them all at once is what i meant
10:03.16romainguy__tomgibara: not an issue on actual devices :)
10:03.18cliffor are you just trying to use this as a code example for async tasks :)
10:03.30romainguy__cliff: no, on EDGE its way too slow to do all at once
10:03.34romainguy__but you can start loading a page
10:03.36romainguy__go Home
10:03.38romainguy__wait a while
10:03.40romainguy__go back to the app
10:03.41tomgibararomainguy__: One day I'll  find out for myself :)
10:03.48romainguy__and you'll see everything animate at once
10:04.50romainguy__anyway, this is mostly a demo :)
10:04.59muthu1romainguy__: dodges a lot of questions by saying it works well with the device ;)
10:05.11cliffare these images coming from flickr or my device?
10:05.18romainguy__from flickr
10:05.25cliffyou wrote the home screen, heh
10:05.29romainguy__I did
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10:05.38tomgibararomainguy__: Not bad romain, I only have two bugs to report :)
10:05.38romainguy__it shows how to use themes, activity aliases, create shortcuts, set wallpaper, user the UI thread properly, use styles, custom layouts, attributes, etc.
10:05.46cliffi love the path picture
10:06.00romainguy__tomgibara: fire away :p
10:06.29tomgibaraAdding a shortcut in landscape mode never displays the buddy icon, portrait mode always does (repeated this 3 time to make sure)
10:06.36romainguy__ah yes
10:06.39romainguy__there was a bug we fixed
10:06.54romainguy__at some point Home didn't like to be rotated when creating shortcuts
10:07.10tomgibaraThat's the second bug I found
10:07.21romainguy__and what's the other one?
10:07.47tomgibaraThe one above refers to getting the grey square instead of my buddy icon
10:07.51romainguy__ah yes
10:07.58romainguy__well that is not necessarily a bug
10:08.06tomgibaraIt seems pretty consistent
10:08.08romainguy__because it definitely works for all the contacts I try
10:09.03romainguy__what's your user name on Flickr?
10:09.11tomgibarajust: gibara
10:09.29romainguy__yeah it fails for you
10:09.37romainguy__but it works for 10 of my friends
10:09.47romainguy__stupid Flickr
10:09.55tomgibaraWell, put that down to flickr then
10:10.07romainguy__I'll try to investigate that tomorrow
10:10.20tomgibaraThere may be a memory leak in the home app too, it just failed with java.lang.RuntimeException: can't alloc pixels
10:10.23romainguy__maybe your icon is on a different serverl
10:10.28romainguy__tomgibara: yeah, fixed
10:10.38cliffseriously -- the path picture is awesome, i keep it set all the time as my wallpaper
10:10.45cliffit looks so nice
10:10.46romainguy__cliff: I'm glad you like it :)
10:11.07cliffwhen i first found it with the new homescreen i just swept the screen back and forth for like half an hour
10:11.12cliffthe parallax is so neat
10:11.30romainguy__well on my Flickr account you can grab the full res version
10:11.37tomgibararomainguy__: Thanks for the code, I'm sure it will be useful to learn from
10:11.44romainguy__tomgibara: hopefully
10:11.53romainguy__tomgibara: I sincerely think that UserTask will be helpful
10:13.21cliffthe picture on flickr looks a lot orange-r
10:13.52romainguycliff: there are two versions of the photo
10:13.58romainguyThe Path and The Path (Original)
10:14.04cliffyeah but both look orange-r
10:14.05tomgibaracliff: I think the word you're looking for is orangy :)
10:14.16cliffit's oranger than the one on android
10:14.33clifflike i have the two sitting right next to each other
10:14.35romainguyprobably a side effect of the 565 conversion
10:14.37cliffone is like pinkish
10:14.43cliffthat's quite different
10:15.11anno^danice app and nice animation. But it doesnt like my flickr name either :)
10:15.24cliffoh, i guess i can test this theory heh
10:16.01EQU_romainguy__: what haapens with DrawingCache after child view is removed ?
10:16.06muthu1ha, nice
10:16.12muthu1finally remembered my login
10:16.50muthu1romainguy__: good job
10:16.54muthu1simple and useful
10:16.55cliffromainguy: that's exactly what it was
10:16.58romainguyEQU_: it just gets garbage collected
10:17.01romainguycliff:  :)
10:17.03cliffit's weird..and i actually prefer the 565 version :)
10:17.35cliffit contrasts better since there's already orange on the screen with like the contacts icon
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10:18.34romainguymuthu1: thanks
10:18.53muthu1photo cannot be set as wallpaper
10:18.58muthu1is that a known issue?
10:19.04romainguyyeah it happens when the download fails
10:19.08cliffthat's cause you haven't paid for it yet
10:19.10romainguyagain, stupid Flickr servers
10:19.19muthu1cliff: ha!
10:19.47cliffseriously though, flickr store for wallpapers = win :)
10:20.03romainguyor better yet
10:20.04romainguyfree :)
10:20.16romainguy(all my photos are under Creative Commons license fwiw)
10:20.40cliffjust saying, an amateur photographer could potentially make some cash from android
10:20.47cliffi'm all for free though :)
10:22.31cliffblah my ONLY complaint on the home screen is the focus issues with moving certain stuff around
10:22.39cliffhard to click down sometimes
10:22.57romainguyit's a lot easier with a finger
10:23.14zhobbsthat's what she said
10:23.16romainguyno I'm telling you it is :)
10:23.18cliffi mean when there's an edit box
10:23.26cliffsometimes it gets confused
10:23.39romainguyyou can long press the edit box itself
10:23.45romainguybut there was a bug too in there that we fixed :)
10:23.47cliffyeah i just figured that out as i was talking to you :)
10:24.22cliffsometimes you have to try a couple times though
10:24.36cliffi think it tries to like, hold out to see if you're doing a gesture
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10:39.35cliffandroid should beep or something when it crashes, so that you don't keep hitting it trying to get something to happen
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12:33.55AcsiaAnybody has problems with opening raw files and character encoding?
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12:46.34Acsiaanybody has an exemple of reading a file line by line as a raw resource?
12:46.43AcsiaI get giberish when I try with input stream
12:47.56DJTachyonhey guys ... is there somewhere to get the android logo gimp/ps files or the android fonts?
12:49.00Acsiayou can get the font from system/font I believe
12:49.31DJTachyoni figured :P
12:50.17DJTachyonYeah I was hoping for a scalable vector image of those with layers or something
12:50.18DJTachyonnot that it is hard to create
12:50.58DJTachyonsdk\tools\lib\fonts :)
12:56.43swetlandnot vector, sadly
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13:45.04Acsiao man
13:45.20AcsiaI ve been instrumenting the wrong package
13:45.28Acsiaso whenevre I tried to read the raw.file
13:45.33Acsiait opened rubbish
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14:15.27tsudot1i was developing a sms notifier application, so android.telephony packages is what i should consider right?
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14:36.45DJTachyonanybody know what font that is on the main android logo?
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15:06.43jastahalf day today, then no work monday, wooo :)
15:06.47jastathen ireland on thursday :P
15:06.53jastahappy times
15:07.39DJTachyonsame here, except europe isnt til sept 18th for me :P
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15:43.15jastawhenever i leave the emulator running for a w hile then go back to it, it is always "stuck" for several minutes
15:43.47jastaW/SurfaceComposerClient(   56): lock_layer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) layer=1, lcblk=0x4228c0a0, state=00000012 (was 00000012)
15:45.03mikez5benley: yes please write one thxkbye
15:45.22mikez5oops, wrong window
15:45.48mikez5Hey San
15:46.50SanMehathey mike how goes?
15:49.18mikez5I'm having fun with Python
15:50.39jastaoff to work
15:50.42jasta*woo*, half day!
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16:18.53jastadamn, i ran a 1400 byte payload ping repeating every half second to our portland office all day long yesterday
16:18.59jastaaveraged to 28ms
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17:11.02plusminus_what is the common replacement for MapView's OnLongPressListener ?
17:12.37plusminus_making an Overlay ?
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17:45.48anno^daOh I love this kind of comments: "I hope the winner of the Android challenge has ensured that he is in good terms with the patent holder for location-based switching of device settings of the profile. If the location-switching is based on the network infrastructure such as A-GPS then Ericsson holds the patent. If the switching is done based local radios such as WLAN, Bluetooth, or other near-field radio solutions, then Nokia holds the patent."
17:45.58anno^dafucking software patents.
17:50.08chouman82hello there
17:50.16chouman82got a question about the verifier in android
17:50.22chouman82anyone is familiar with that?
17:50.50f00f-state your question
17:51.34f00f-anno^da: yeah, patents probably won't be a big issue for free apps imho
17:51.56f00f-unless they start to rake in loads of cash
17:52.04f00f-and that's when the patent holders will raise an eyebrow
18:01.50jastaf00f-: actually, i disagree.
18:01.59jastaif google distributes free apps, there will be a BIG issue with patent infringement
18:02.04jastathat's how these matters work.
18:02.13jastaif there is a target with deep pockets somewhere, it will be attacked.
18:02.32jastathat's why software that openly violates patents or copyrights can never be commercially adopted or supported, though it can still exist.
18:02.43romainguyjasta: did you see the Open Source app I posted last night?
18:02.51jastawhere at?
18:03.10romainguythe Photostream one
18:03.33romainguyyou might want to take a lose look at the class called UserTask
18:03.37jastaohhh very cool
18:03.39romainguyit would probably be useful in your app
18:04.46jastathat's pretty cool, but i have a pretty good general solution for this these days
18:04.50DJTachyonso what kind of gps is gonna be in this thing? and actual receiver or just tower triangulation?
18:05.06romainguyDJTachyon: you'll see when devices are released
18:05.12DJTachyonindeed .. indeed ..
18:05.24jastaromainguy: that's cool though i'd really like to dig in to your code :)
18:05.39romainguyfeel free
18:06.12DJTachyoni wonder if T-Mobile will give me a data plan with no voice/text plan ;)
18:06.20muthujasta: any favs in top 20?
18:06.24romainguythe app could be improved by making sure worker threads are properly cancelled when the app goes in the background though
18:07.27jastai appreciate the generalization.  my normal solution is to create a separate handler class which just wraps all the things like sendProgress, sendBegin, sendFinished, etc.
18:07.36jastawhich actually i am happy with
18:07.47jastabut its hard to reuse that code
18:08.00romainguy__yeah, my code was to make handlers and thread go away
18:08.14romainguy__it's largely inspired from Swing's SwingWorker
18:08.31muthuthen why we need handler?
18:08.40jastamuthu: he uses a handler as well, he just abstracts it
18:08.51romainguy__muthu: it's implemented with a Handler
18:09.01muthuoh ok
18:09.36muthuin the java world, i'm bitten by the frameworks more than once :(
18:10.01muthutoo much of abstractions!
18:10.16romainguy__tell me about it
18:10.20romainguy__I used HttpClient for this app
18:10.33romainguy__I don't think they could have made it more convoluted to send an HTTP GET request
18:10.36muthuj2ee is complex for this exact same reason
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18:11.03romainguy__some of them are actually nice
18:11.06romainguy__like Guice and Wicket
18:11.29romainguy__the author of TestNG works on Android, we share the same office :))
18:11.43romainguy__he's actually here on this channel right now
18:11.44muthucedric, he logs in sometimes
18:11.56romainguy__tickles Cedric2
18:12.26muthuwhat happened to cedric and hani?
18:12.47muthuthe last i know, they were writing a book together
18:12.53romainguy__they published the book
18:13.12romainguy__but these days they seem to be mostly playing World of Warcraft :p
18:13.27muthuhani totally disappeared
18:13.34muthucedric now i know is with android
18:13.57muthutestng is pretty cool
18:14.06muthuit was not easy to challenge junit
18:14.19muthuand cedric did it with great style!
18:14.44romainguy__yes TestNG is nice
18:15.01muthui like it just for the fact that it challenge junit
18:15.13muthueveryone was so into junit
18:15.20muthuuntil testng came along...
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18:16.20muthuso i figured out why good is heavy on python
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18:17.13muthucoz you have the python guru with you ;)
18:17.37romainguy__I think it's the other way around
18:18.16bricodeHowdy all.
18:18.24muthubricode: what's up?
18:18.44bricodemuthu: Not much. Just poking around Android land :)
18:18.54muthubricode: welcome!
18:19.02bricodemuthu: Thanks.
18:19.04muthuthis is the best place to be right now
18:19.22bricodemuthu: Mostly Google employees, or enthusiasts in this chan?
18:19.34muthubricode: we have all kinds
18:19.46bricodemuthu: Good.
18:19.53muthulots of goog folks lurk around
18:20.18muthuand we talk almost anything but android ;)
18:20.19jastaromainguy__: httpclient is meant to be an http client, not a simple subset of an http client as the URL class is.
18:20.30muthubricode: meet jasta
18:20.39SanMehatbricode: mainly we listen to jasta bitch :P
18:20.47jastaromainguy__: they also implement it in such a way that it can be gracefully aborted, where URL cannot.
18:20.51romainguy__jasta: I know, but even though, I would like if there was an easy way to do simple tasks easily
18:21.08romainguy__just doing a GET / is ridiculous
18:21.09bricodeSounds exciting.
18:21.15romainguy__but it works well :)
18:21.25jastaromainguy__: yeah, i tend to agree but it is difficult to come up with a very general, flexible API, and then destroy it with some "easy" helper class :)
18:22.43muthui made some great friends during IO
18:22.49muthulots of emails pouring in..
18:23.00SanMehatmuthu: I was at IO too, sorry i missed you
18:23.07muthume too
18:23.15muthui just didn't get organized at IO
18:23.18muthuwas too early for me
18:24.05muthuwe'll meet next time ;)
18:24.24muthujasta: what's the plan for adc2?
18:25.14chouman82anyone has came across VerifyError when trying to use the java bean package?
18:28.03muthumobile search is sooo broken
18:28.31muthuis goog innovating in mobile search?
18:30.39muthuandroidguys has become the numero uno android news site
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18:31.21chouman82anyone know what the verifier on android allows and diallows?
18:31.37muthuchouman82: when you get that error?
18:33.37muthuanyone know when paid apps get into the android market?
18:33.46Dougie187after launch.
18:33.58Dougie187didn't you read the blog?
18:34.05muthuDougie187: after launch
18:34.13muthuyou mean in 2009?
18:34.26Dougie187probably not.
18:34.30Dougie187probably by december.
18:34.35muthuyeah, prbly
18:34.42Dougie187it says an update will be released shortly after launch.
18:34.55muthuright.. so we don't know
18:34.56Dougie187but how soon that is depends on your definition of short.
18:35.12muthuwhat's goog definition of short?
18:35.21Dougie187google define:short
18:36.08romainguy__please note that the Market app shown in the blog post is not the *only* way to distribute apps
18:36.25romainguy__3rd parties can create their own Market-like apps
18:36.33romainguy__you can still install from your computer
18:36.34Dougie187but how would you distribute those apps?
18:36.34f00f-you think operators won't block unsigned/unauthorized .apk's ?
18:36.36romainguy__or from the web browser
18:37.07Dougie187what's the point in making a market like app if there is already one from google?
18:37.27romainguy__Dougie187: why would write a new Home screen then? or a new SMS app?
18:37.36Dougie187obviously 90% of users would chose the google one over any other one just because its by google.
18:37.39romainguy__you do whatever you want, that's the point :)
18:38.19Dougie187are you still working with the home screen?
18:38.59muthuthe point is, there'll be many markets and most of them from the carriers
18:39.41muthubut gmarket will be the most popular market
18:39.41romainguy__Dougie187: yes
18:39.53Dougie187you get any super cool new features for it done?
18:40.21romainguy__the Home screen you have in the SDK is feature-complete for 1.0
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18:40.38Dougie187but are there features that will be thrown in later?
18:40.43Dougie187with... lets say... an update?
18:41.05Dougie187i would assume you are not at liberty to discuss said features?
18:41.16romainguy__there's nothing planned yet
18:41.25romainguy__but we'll probably try to come up with a widget API
18:41.37Dougie187thats cool.
18:41.42romainguy__although that will require quite some work in the framework, so I really cannot say when we can expect this to be delivered
18:41.58Dougie187but that would be pretty neat.
18:42.00romainguy__there's another cool feature that I definitely want to make happen for the first update
18:42.07romainguy__but I won't say what it is :p
18:42.15Dougie187you won't? or you can't?
18:42.24romainguy__I won't, for now
18:42.32Dougie187I have a question.
18:42.44Dougie187Is it going to incorporate google calendar?
18:42.47Dougie187android in general.
18:43.04Dougie187or would an app have to be written for that.
18:43.31DJTachyoni just found nuevasync for finally syncing google calendar directly through an exchange server for windows mobile .. what a pain .. it will have google calendar support built in Dougie
18:43.36romainguy__Dougie187: wait & see :))
18:43.38Dougie187i guess i answered my own question.
18:43.55romainguy__Dougie187: All I can say is that the SDK is not a phone
18:43.59Dougie187i know
18:44.00DJTachyoni would be baffled if it didn't ..
18:44.01romainguy__it's just an SDK
18:44.01Dougie187thats why i ask.
18:44.06DJTachyonbut wait and see is right :)
18:44.13Dougie187the sdk doesn't contain that locking feature from the demo either, right?
18:44.19Dougie187at least from what i have seen...
18:45.44romainguy__hmm I don't know
18:45.52muthuis there a gears example in android?
18:45.54Dougie187do you know what im talking about though?
18:46.06romainguy__it might be there but since you cannot set your own "password" in the SDK...
18:46.09romainguy__muthu: yes
18:46.13romainguy__muthu: any Gears web site :)
18:46.20romainguy__ for instance
18:46.27romainguy__it will create a shortcut with a nice icon on your Home screen
18:46.30Dougie187isn't there an app for that?
18:46.38Dougie187on the top 50?
18:46.54muthumost of the opensocials are web based now
18:47.02muthuso am thinking of webkit/gears
18:47.42muthuandroid examples are lacking in webkit/gears section
18:48.08Dougie187hey romainguy__ did you guys write the little blurbs for the top 50 in the ADC Gallery? or did you let the dev's write them?
18:50.53romainguy__I have no idea
18:51.12muthuDougie187: why?
18:51.38Dougie187some of them seem to not advertise the app's in a positive way.
18:51.53muthuthey were just lazy and tired
18:55.33jastaromainguy__: that's very cool that you released this :)
18:55.41romainguy__glad you like it
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19:01.15jastaromainguy__: it's just so important that there are non-trivial samples out there
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19:27.51umdk1d3so im still trying to get this gesture stuff working with ListView children
19:28.17umdk1d3when i setLongClickable() on the child so i can get onTouch() events, it seems to not broadcast the touch events up to the ListView
19:29.20umdk1d3specifically, the ListView doesnt do its longclick detection on the items to fire onItemLongClick() events
19:30.23umdk1d3even though im returning false on my per-item onTouch() events (which says i didnt consume the event, right?)
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20:15.33umdk1d3is there any way to decrease the sensitivity of the ScrollView on how quickly it will take over touch events?
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20:29.01umdk1d3ooh  requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent()
20:36.13romainguy__umdk1d3: you should not have to do any of these things
20:36.18romainguy__what exactly are you trying to do?
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20:41.45DJTachyonIs there a way to mount sdcard.img in cygwin?
20:54.17DJTachyonDougie187: should tell you something
21:04.20DJTachyonyou yawn and bitch a lot jasta :P .. and i've only been here a couple days ;)
21:04.53jastathanks for commenting.
21:05.01jastashould i, now?
21:05.58jastaromainguy__: i'm seeing some weird dithering in the photos on photostream in the emulator.  is this present on the device as well?
21:06.32romainguy__yes it's because of the scaling
21:06.34romainguy__I know how to fix it
21:06.41romainguy__I just didn't get around to do it yet
21:07.34jastai noticed that you rotate the images using the canvas.  is that 3D accelerated where possible?
21:07.53romainguy__in the SDK 0.9 you can enable the hw acceleration for that
21:08.00romainguy__but we removed the feature for 1.0
21:08.23jastainteresting.  are there plans to reintroduce acceleration?
21:08.43romainguy__after 1.0 certainly
21:08.57romainguy__but our current implementation has some bad bugs left
21:09.06romainguy__and mapping Skia to OpenGL ES 1.x is very difficult
21:09.16romainguy__the 2D library
21:09.22jastai thought it was called SDL?
21:09.25romainguy__Skia Graphics Library
21:09.29romainguy__we call it Skia
21:09.31jastaerr yes, SGL :)
21:09.40romainguy__OpenGL ES 2.0 with shaders will make this feature a lot easier to implement
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21:13.49jastaromainguy__: what the hell is that "..." syntax you use here?
21:13.56jastachecks his eyes
21:14.06romainguy_it's varargs
21:14.18jastai had no idea java had that
21:14.23romainguy_void food(String.... bar) can be called this way: food("a", "b", "c")
21:14.39romainguy_it just gives you an array
21:15.20jastathat surprises me a lot that such a feature would be added
21:15.45jastait just seems against the grain to most Java design ideas.
21:15.51romainguy_I disagree
21:16.01romainguy_that's how they were able to add String.format() or even printf()
21:16.04romainguy_it's useful and nice
21:16.12jastawell, first of all, it must have created an entirely new type of signature.
21:16.25jastawhich seems very counterintuitive to Java.
21:16.29romainguy_because it becomes an array
21:16.39jastaoh that's true
21:16.52romainguy_it's just used as a hint for the compiler
21:16.53jastawhat happens if you pass an array then?  does that decompose for you?
21:17.03romainguy_no, no need
21:17.08romainguy_String... params is an array
21:17.12romainguy_you do this in the code:
21:17.16romainguy_params[0], etc.
21:17.20romainguy_what you cannot do is:
21:17.20jastai'm asking what *if* you do
21:17.34romainguy_food(String[] a) -> food(a, v, c)
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21:19.36umdk1d4hmm i have my "extends FrameView {}" class, but its onTouchEvent() isnt getting fired
21:19.49umdk1d4ive tried setClickable() and setLongClickable()
21:19.55umdk1d4which has kinda worked in the past
21:19.59romainguy_use onInterceptTouchEvent
21:25.37jastaromainguy__: this getLastNonConfigurationInstance usage in it to optimize for rotation only?
21:25.50romainguy_not necessarily just rotation
21:25.55jastawhat else?
21:26.01romainguy_it's used when the activity is torn down and recreated immediately
21:26.04romainguy_so for now, it's rotation
21:26.08romainguy_it's very useful
21:26.15jastayes i agree
21:26.15romainguy_I need to add it in the PhotostreamActivity as well
21:26.29jastathere is a lot i am learning from this code
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21:26.56romainguy_glad to hear that
21:27.43romainguy_alias activities are really cool too
21:27.45romainguy_in the manifest
21:28.18romainguy_I also enjoyed using styles to adapt my layouts to portrait/landscape rather than maintaining several layout XML files
21:29.08jastayou really have a nack for this stuff :)
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21:29.55romainguy_I love UI development :)
21:31.43jastamy area of interest is...different ;)
21:31.52jastai'm no good at designing or implementing UIs, it seems.
21:32.36jastai prefer systems architecture and optimization, especially with regard to network programming.
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22:05.05umdk1d3if there is a getChild() that will find a child at x,y coords
22:05.54umdk1d3similar to hit-testing
22:06.21umdk1d3easy enough to iteratre through all children if there isnt a method there
22:12.45umdk1d3hmm and it might be even harder for a ListView
22:12.53umdk1d3maybe im just interested in asking the adapter for its object
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22:16.08umdk1d3maybe i could let the MotionEvent trickle down the tree with a custom getAction()
22:16.47umdk1d3oh wait, but it wouldnt get all the way to the final ListView child item
22:16.53umdk1d3if it triggers the scroll before then
22:18.22umdk1d3AHA!    public int pointToPosition(int x, int y)
22:19.40umdk1d3hmm does position or rowid relate back to the adapter?
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22:23.09umdk1d3position goes back to the adapter  ;)
22:23.35umdk1d3dances around room
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22:40.34umdk1d3hmm how to make a listview refresh one of its children without setAdapter()'ing the whole lsit
22:43.19umdk1d3invalidate() doesnt work, but invalidateViews() does
22:43.35umdk1d3it makes all the list items flash as it redraws tho  :/
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22:48.08umdk1d3if only i had access to the internal cached views in the ListView
22:48.16umdk1d3so i could pick a specific one and .invalidate() it
22:51.21*** join/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
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22:57.27yxz97Hello, !
22:57.58yxz97How can an Image resource be included in an Android project in Eclipse ?
23:00.32umdk1d3you can right click on the res/drawable folder in your project and import
23:00.43umdk1d3then it will be added to R.drawable.(filename) automatically
23:00.56umdk1d3*click import, then import from filesystem
23:01.57yxz97umdk1d3, You aim good ;)
23:03.40yxz97however which option choose to import ?
23:04.05yxz97I cannot import a single picture file ?
23:04.08yxz97an image ?
23:04.33umdk1d3import:  general/file system
23:04.42umdk1d3then select a folder on your computer where the image is
23:04.51umdk1d3then checkbox that specific image and next/finish to import it
23:05.04xavdjust drag and drop the file into the res/drawable folder of your poject, that's the easiest way
23:05.30umdk1d3oh lol i suppose that might work too
23:05.37xavdit will *copy* the file into the folder, it won't simply link to it
23:05.43umdk1d3you mac people and dragging and dropping everything  :P
23:06.29yxz97I'm linux guy
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23:06.41yxz97sorry be careful :-|
23:06.52yxz97sorry be careful ;-)
23:06.57yxz97sorry be careful ;-(
23:07.00xavdwell drag and drop should work anyway
23:07.48yxz97I made a new File, and lynk to an existence file, and the new entry in was created, however I see anlittle arrow in the tree for my new image.
23:08.15yxz97where is taken the hex number how is compute ?
23:09.09xavdthe number is just computed automatically by aapt during the build process. It just allows android to map the R.drawable.myimage value to the actual image bundled in the application package
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23:10.12yxz97just is an ID, simple ?
23:10.27yxz97has anysense, the file content, or filename ??
23:10.43yxz97or file format, even ?
23:11.15xavdthe filename is used to compute the constant name, but file content has no impact
23:11.41yxz97xavd, ok!
23:11.59yxz97can I save my emulator state as with Windows Mobile Emulators ?
23:13.02xavdnote that you can keep your emulator running, and just push new version of the app (just launch the app from eclipse)
23:13.09yxz97Hope get here to Costa Rica, the new TMobile G1 with google OS quick ;-)
23:13.10xavdit'll replace the previous version and launch the new one
23:14.05yxz97apps in android, platform can be killed ? or Finished, they have some kind or process life cycle ?
23:14.25jastayxz97: see the documentation for the Activity class
23:14.44xavdas a user you don't explicitly quit an app. as a developer if you want to kill it, use the DDMS perspetive in eclipse and you can kill them
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23:15.00xavdbut yeah read the documentation on Activity life cycle. Lots of info in there
23:15.31yxz97is possible integrate /android/docs with Eclipse ?
23:15.42yxz97Would be nice have, at the hand, for quick review..
23:16.00yxz97faster, moreover...
23:16.01xavdjavadoc for classes/methods should be in eclipse.
23:16.22xavdthe rest is not integrated that true
23:16.43xavdalthough the custom editors have some links to parts of the docs
23:17.21yxz97I'm using Eclipse..I like..I think is about the better choice...
23:17.50yxz97I liked netbeans, however, like Eclipse has a community far long than NetBeansIDE
23:18.20yxz97Also, android can just be use in option..then.
23:19.47xavdwell you could use the ant script and import it in a NetBeans project
23:19.57xavdbut we are only providing full support for Eclipse at this point
23:21.10yxz97Who is we ? xavd are you official Android creator ?
23:21.40yxz97Who are we ? xavd are you official Android architect from google ?
23:21.51xavdI'm a google employee yes
23:22.06yxz97hehe, cool.
23:22.16jastathere are a lot of 'em about, you know
23:22.28Dougie187yeah i am always surprised when someone says they work for google.
23:22.28yxz97I would work there.
23:24.36jastaromainguy_:, why is that not a break there?
23:24.44yxz97have a good paid ?
23:25.31yxz97seems like is a great enviroment to relax and programming at the same time!, counter parts!
23:25.52jastait's always greener, yxz97.
23:26.50yxz97jasta, Do you too ?
23:27.13yxz97jasta, What do you mean, a good nature too ?
23:27.23cbeustJust look at the whoinfo, there are quite a few of us working at google in this channel
23:27.31jastabut i still think you should be careful idealizing something you don't know about :)
23:27.32yxz97Because here the nature is soo good!
23:27.55jastayxz97: I was paraphrasing an expression, "the grass is always greener on the other side."
23:28.12yxz97jasta, and that what means ???
23:28.22Dougie187basically you always want the other thing.
23:28.35jastayxz97: basically it means you want what you don't have, but it may not necessarily be better.
23:28.53yxz97we are never satisfied, soo...I think that is the translation..
23:29.11jastaFor instance, I'm sure Android team members are not getting a lot of sleep these days.
23:29.17yxz97human behavior!
23:29.35yxz97hehehe, but always there is a reward!
23:29.52jastaUhm, no.
23:29.58yxz97deadlines, deadlines, make us became mad!
23:30.01Dougie187nothing more then pay.
23:30.19jastaYou're missing the point of the saying, but that's fine.  I'm going back to coding :)
23:30.30yxz97("All work and no fun makes a jack a dull boy") ... ... ...
23:31.06yxz97bye luck guys I'm here without a job!
23:31.13yxz97I need program!
23:31.53dmoffettyxz97 you don't lack enthusiasm.
23:32.03dmoffettThat counts for something.
23:32.43yxz97dmoffett, yes, that's our light that keep us always looking for something more to give and do :D
23:33.05dmoffettWhere are you from yxz97?
23:33.13yxz97I hope get a new job soon,
23:33.15yxz97Costa Rica
23:33.37dmoffettOptimistic as well.
23:33.55yxz97I was developing for Windows Mobile, and I liked the developing for Mobile devices, is interesting and edge technology too..
23:33.58dmoffettI can't help you though.  I need to much sleep to work for google.
23:34.14plusminus_you know a easy replacement for MapView's OnLongPressListener ?
23:34.30yxz97But I prefer open source technology...
23:34.32romainguy_umdk1d3: hmm how to make a listview refresh one of its children without setAdapter()'ing the whole lsit << just call getChildAt()
23:35.01yxz97hehe, I can make the effort!
23:35.40dmoffettromainguy has been on since like 3:00am MDT.  I think he must camp out at his desk.
23:35.57romainguy_I have several computers connected
23:36.46romainguy_jasta: er yes, this should be a break
23:37.09jastaumdk1d3: i have a strategy you may find useful for applying UI state to a listview's children.  you should note that romain does not agree that it is the correct approach in general, though.
23:37.18jastaromainguy_: what?
23:37.21yxz97I be back in some time..
23:37.24romainguy_jasta: romainguy_:, why is that not a break there?
23:37.34plusminus_romainguy_ what should be MapView's OnLongPressListener be replaced with ?
23:37.36jastaoh, yes.  i wondered about that.
23:37.49romainguy_plusminus_: with the one in View?
23:37.56romainguy_jasta: late night hacking :)
23:38.18plusminus_romainguy_ myMapView.setOnLongPressListenr(new ...)
23:38.21plusminus_its gone
23:38.47dmoffettromainguy: I think you use a Mac Pro right?  Have you tried using iSight for audio input over firewire for the emulator?  Or what do you use for audio input to emulator?
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23:39.00romainguy_dmoffett: I don't use audio input
23:39.04romainguy_and I haven't used the emulator in months
23:39.16dmoffettrub it in why don't you.  :-)
23:39.37romainguy_plusminus_: it's called onLongClickListener in View
23:39.50plusminus_it got no x/y coords
23:40.29plusminus_so is the workaround with a Overlay the ony way ?
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23:42.26plusminus_-ony + only
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23:43.56plusminus_.. :(
23:44.44xavdplusminus_: did you try posting on the groups? somehow with better knowledge of the MapView api might know
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