IRC log for #android on 20080828

00:00.08Dougie187thats good.
00:01.03Dougie187heh do you get geek days on your vacation?
00:01.15jastano :)
00:01.21jastai wouldnt want any anyway
00:01.24Dougie187so no coding i take it
00:01.36Dougie187true. its not much of a vacation if you just do work the whole time.
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00:07.21jastamy hack is going to be the single largest, most complex component in the whole project
00:07.36Dougie187lol is it worth it then?
00:08.01jastai have reason to believe that Google is not going to make the change i require otherwise
00:08.04Dougie187suse is a lot better then i remember it was.
00:08.06jastanot for 1.0, and not after.
00:08.10Dougie187thats too bad.
00:08.12Dougie187then it is worth it
00:08.20Dougie187because otherwise you can't use your app period
00:10.22romainguy_jasta: definitely not for 1.0, but why not after?
00:10.33romainguy_what's the feature you need?
00:10.43Dougie187oh wait.
00:10.46Dougie187no the inputstream thing
00:10.48Dougie187for mediaplayer
00:11.24Dougie187if i am not mistaken.
00:14.18jastawell actually caching would be better :)
00:15.11Dougie187i listen.
00:15.13jastaromainguy_: i need the MediaPlayer to be more flexible, either to support an arbitrary input stream or to support caching the content that it streams.
00:16.30jastaromainguy_: i am hearing that the problem is very deep in libpv, and the engineers responsible for this code don't think it's gonna get changed.
00:17.21Dougie187well after the source is released... couldnt you *attempt* to patch it and submit a patch?
00:17.22jastaDougie187: really though,t he local http server hack wouldn't be too complex if i didn't have to manage the complexity of a synchronized download manager on top of it with seekable content
00:17.33jastathere are 4 major requirements of this design that all add to its enormous complexity
00:17.57jastaDougie187: yes, and i probably will have to.  but then i'd have to go through the headache of getting such a massive hackjob written and accepted upstream
00:18.05jastawith no chance of Five being finished by that time
00:18.36jastait's not all bad, the exercise in complex design will be kind of fun :)
00:18.36romainguy_jasta: ah well, if it's in libpv,...
00:19.06jastathe two most complex pieces aren't even the local http server hack, that just adds to the overall complexity a fair bit
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00:19.39jastathey are: managing downloads which are not necessarily connected to a media player (so not being served) and then suddenly mid way through they may need to be up to serve.
00:19.49jastaand also to manage seeking in this stream proxy.  that will be the real killer.
00:20.23jastaand of course, all of the major pieces of this have to communicate back and forth.  so there will need to be a lot of careful thought on synchronization and IPC (much of which will be through files, i think)
00:20.43jastaand with all this complexity, graceful handling errors will be nightmarish all behind the scenes of a totally transparent music player hehe
00:21.04jastaand, of course, adding yet more complexity is the seeming brokenness of MediaPlayer's buffering listener, which neither behaves sensibly or as documented.
00:22.49jastaoh, and not to mention on top of all this, it will be the bottle neck right behind media decoding/playback, so it has to be as efficient as possible.
00:23.16jastathis, by the way, is why i need unit testing to work for complex services ;)
00:23.24jastai can't even begin to imagine implementing all of this without robust unit testing
00:24.19gamblerteach me about good testing
00:24.34jastauhm, maybe later
00:24.42chouman82hey i am having a little problem with android
00:24.59jastalucky ;)
00:25.01chouman82here is the error
00:25.40chouman82i am trying to use the smack api
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00:26.23chouman82don't know if any of you guys have see this before
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00:26.54gamblermy testing I just write a bunch of testing classes that a main method invokes....I dont know if there is a better way...never tried Junit
00:27.39gambleri dont even know what instrumentation is/means
00:29.06gamblergoogle wasnt helpful last time i looked
00:30.05chouman82i am trying to load a third party jar in android
00:30.15cliff_that's not going to work
00:30.48chouman82they ar enot allowing any third party library?
00:31.37cliff_the issue is that android doesn't use java bytecode
00:32.07herriojrwhy won't third party jars work?
00:32.41gamblercliff ^^ u need to recompile them
00:32.52cliff_right, i didn't know whether he meant without recompilation
00:33.30herriojrso, if it were included in the apk file, it's fine?
00:34.32SanMehatgambler: re:
00:34.42gamblerhi san
00:34.56*** mode/#android [+o SanMehat] by ChanServ
00:35.20SanMehatwhats shaking?
00:35.26chouman82this used to work in m5 but not in version 0.9... did they just take that out now?
00:36.03chouman82and so if i include the source in the apk then it'll be fine?
00:37.12gamblerim re-learning how to deal with concurrency at the moment.
00:37.42xavdthe plugin and the new ant script generated by activitycreator should support external jars
00:38.01gamblerI havent written much code lately
00:38.06gamblerin relative terms...
00:38.15xavdbut if you have issue installing the file, check the logcat output for erorrs
00:39.27SanMehatyou make it sound like the last thing you coded on was a PDP/11... :)
00:39.32gamblerhaha no the gambling took over my life for awhile...I coded a successful commercial app as recently as 5 years ago
00:40.48chouman82the logcat output errors are here
00:41.59SanMehati haven't played poker in sooo long
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00:42.26gamblerive actually got this email today from a reporter here who wants me to go on tv and talk about my experience
00:42.34gamblerthats not really my thing tho
00:43.36gamblerSanMehat, this is the latest thing online:
00:44.41gamblerone of the main reasons I stopped playing
00:45.48gamblerIve talked to some people who have built scary technology around that
00:49.07gamblerthat framework works really good too. Ive written a little bit of code for research and its very solid.
00:49.07gamblerw.r.t. to screen scraping at least
00:49.18SanMehatthis thing is crazy
00:49.37SanMehatmaybe i'll avoid online play
00:50.48gambleryah...the sites secretly love the bots too
00:50.48SanMehatno doubt
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00:59.02SanMehatsure is quiet in here... jasta must be gone :)
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01:05.26chouman82anyone know much about the verifier in android?
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02:03.54tacanyone here, i need a little help
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02:38.12zhobbsjasta: you got any good links for getting android on HTC touch
02:39.28zhobbsI'm going to add a hardware database type wiki to once the source comes out it'd be nice to have a central place to see what devices work, etc
02:39.42taci finally got android hello world working w/ eclipse,,,
02:43.54*** join/#android Razec (n=razec@
02:47.34jastazhobbs: yes, see the link from
02:56.25zhobbsjasta: thanks
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03:15.23muthuhey, big day!!!
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03:20.24muthuhearing a lot of rumors
03:20.35muthuman.. who else on the rumor mill?
03:26.55f00f-everyone and their mom
03:27.34muthuf00f-: what's up man?
03:27.37muthuany news?
03:28.21muthuwaiting on the boss..
03:29.17f00f-not bad
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03:44.54f00f-tu reviens aussi?
03:47.14*** join/#android romainguy_ (
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04:04.29zhobbsanyone here in europe can test something for me?
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04:06.23muthuzhobbs: its a bit early for europeans
04:06.29zhobbsyeah I know
04:25.35snadgei want my.... i want my.. htc...
04:26.03snadge(to the tune of money for nothing, dire straits)
04:29.01muthui want my.. i want my.. dream...
04:32.49snadgewell the htc dream is the only model you could possibly want really
04:32.56snadgeso i found that part redundant :p
04:33.10snadgedoesnt the rest of their crap run windows?
04:33.50muthumostly windows
04:33.55snadgei would've loved to have been a chair nearby ballmer when he found out about htc's decision to go with android
04:34.12muthuyou would've broke!
04:34.37snadgewell it would be very boring being a chair.. and being propelled by steve ballmer in anger, would be relatively exciting ;)
04:34.55snadgean honor even lol
04:35.25muthuhave htc stopped shipping windows?
04:35.52snadgei dont think so no.. but just the mere admission that they were releasing an android based phone.. when they specialise in windows mobile phones
04:36.31muthuyeah, that's a big downer for ballmer
04:36.35snadgeyou wouldn't bother doing that if you were happy with windows mobile
04:37.31snadgeso .. it can be interpreted as an admission by htc, that windows mobile is inferior .. compared to an untested, and unreleased, non-existant platform... ouch ;)
04:38.35muthuthey might have plans to drop windows in future
04:38.56snadgeif the dream is successful for them, you can count on it
04:39.10muthudream will be a huge hit
04:39.23snadgeits all i want for christmas
04:39.43muthui'll buy the first one that hits India
04:40.08snadgehtc make great phones too.. my flatmate has a htc tytn II
04:40.22snadgeand even though it runs windows mobile 6 .. and i hate microsoft with a passion
04:40.32snadgei'd have to say its better than an iphone
04:40.38snadgemore functional
04:40.44snadgemaybe not quite as "pretty"
04:40.50muthucould be
04:41.15snadgewithout a doubt.. the iphone is just a glorified ipod
04:41.22snadgethat just happens to have a couple of phone like features
04:41.32muthuhates apple
04:42.08snadgei've decided i hate them more than microsoft.. at least microsoft doesnt try to restrict what hardware you can run their software on.. and doesnt try to limit what developers can and cant do with their software
04:43.09muthumicrosoft is a lot better than apple
04:43.49snadgehave you downloaded the api yet?
04:43.55zhobbsis on suicide watch, found out that a feature of Tunewiki doesn't work in some countries...
04:44.07zhobbsno chance in adc.....
04:44.29muthuzhobbs: hang on
04:44.38muthusnadge: what api?
04:44.50*** join/#android jerkface03 (
04:45.33muthuhey goog, can adc 1 winners enter adc 2?
04:45.34snadgemuthu: android 0.9 :p
04:45.46muthusnadge: hell yeah!
04:46.06snadgei think im going to make an android based game
04:46.14snadgethat insults iphones and windows mobile
04:46.15muthudo it
04:46.39snadgei'll make it fun and addictive and hopefully it will be available for launch :P
04:47.02muthuthe key here is to make it available at launch
04:47.05muthuthen you never know
04:47.17f00f-i still dont see a good sms app
04:47.19f00f-how is the stock one?
04:48.13zhobbsf00f-: have you seen the one in 0.9?
04:48.18snadgehow good is the emulator?
04:48.23muthui would not do anything that is already in built
04:48.42muthusnadge: jump right in, developing in android is a pleasure
04:48.45snadgeis it not much trouble to boot up 0.9 in it and play around?
04:49.14snadgeim at work at the moment, but i'll have a look this evening
04:49.25zhobbssnadge: just download the SDK and run "emulator" in the tools folder
04:49.38snadgelinux? (ubuntu)
04:50.27snadgeahh yes i386 .. sweet
04:51.48muthuubuntu would do
04:51.51muthuor get fedora 9
04:52.00muthueclipse ganymede
04:52.05muthuandroid sdk
04:52.07muthuthat's it
04:52.20*** join/#android gambler (
04:58.01snadgeim going to have to learn opengl programming quick smart
04:58.15romainguyOpenGL is pretty easy
04:58.39snadgeit'll either be a game that involves bill gates' face.. and cream pies
04:58.59snadgeobjective being to pie as many bills in the face in the shortest amount of time.. something like that ;)
04:59.13romainguyI remember playing such a game on Windows 95
04:59.16snadgeor perhaps a chair throwing game
04:59.22romainguyit was lame then, I'm sure it's still lame now :)
04:59.41snadgechair olympics.. with steve ballmer
05:07.18f00f-zhobbs: no i havent
05:07.43f00f-oh yeah
05:07.46f00f-i remember the bill game
05:09.08f00f-man it's all about CSV api's
05:09.11f00f-lean and mean
05:09.30f00f-some data can't be put into the CSV model
05:09.33f00f-it's a pretty harsh schema
05:09.45f00f-so just stuff key-value pairs into HTTP headers and you're good
05:09.47cliff_you mean like, data with commas?
05:10.33snadgeok .. so im running the emulator.. wow ;)
05:10.40f00f-although i wonder how much efficiency i gain by using CSV versus JSON parsing
05:11.57cliff_just the question alone is too much thought
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05:41.14gamblerhe looks like he is doing karaoke
05:41.58snadgei like the web browser.. what is it?
05:42.14snadgeand can i run it on ubuntu? :P
05:43.15muthugambler: lol
05:49.08*** join/#android romainguy__ (n=gfx@
05:52.30muthuhaha.. karaoke
05:52.41muthuwonder what he's singing :)
05:58.15*** join/#android romainguy_ (n=gfx@
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06:12.32f00f-what to use to encode entities in html?
06:12.45f00f-like Uri.encode but for XML
06:13.26muthuthere must be some helper in .net package
06:13.58f00f-wow, didnt even notice before
06:14.25muthuyeah, that should help
06:15.09romainguyit's not in the SDK 0.9
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06:24.17muthureally? thought i saw it in there
06:24.38romainguyif it is, it is not part of the public API
06:24.45f00f-it's not usable it seems
06:25.13f00f-so romain you get to take your phone home :P
06:25.40romainguymake that my phoneS
06:25.41muthubet they are already using some of the apps ;)
06:26.01romainguyI have 5 devices right here :p
06:26.13muthuall different?
06:26.53romainguyjust 5 versions of the same prototype
06:27.02muthuoh ok
06:32.38*** join/#android BBHoss (
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07:09.30f00f-why is it so hard to use HttpPost
07:09.45f00f-i want UrlEncodedFormEntity but way simpler
07:13.41anno^dawell actually it is pretty simple
07:17.43f00f-extend a class?
07:17.45f00f-give me a break
07:17.49anno^da  all you have to do. I think it is not possible to make it eveb more simple
07:17.53f00f-for key=value pairs
07:18.44f00f-oh my
07:18.55f00f-i misunderstood the javadoc
07:19.03f00f-that is simple anno^da :P
07:19.28f00f-ugh i already implemented a solution, but it's not future-proof
07:19.30f00f-this is ^^
07:20.00anno^daYeah it is :) I've used it several times. If you have to do multipart messages it is a bit more complicated since the multipart entity is gone. But with the right external libs it is easy as well.
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07:37.28umdk1d3yay /me claps hands
07:37.36umdk1d3my adapters are working flawlessly  ^.^
07:38.01umdk1d3muthu: when do you sleep?  :P
07:38.05f00f-hmm i'm getting a 417 http error code, it must be me
07:38.08muthuits noon for me
07:38.11muthujust finished lunch
07:38.16umdk1d3oh lol, 130am here
07:38.25muthuits the same.. except pm
07:38.35muthunot getting sleep huh ;)
07:38.37umdk1d3crazy lol
07:38.47umdk1d3i switched my schedule around to work nights now
07:38.54muthui'm repeatedly counting from 1.. 20
07:39.44umdk1d3ill tell ya one thing--its nice to grab groceries in an empty store
07:39.51umdk1d3nobody around and you can take your time
07:40.00muthuare you sure it was groceries.. lol
07:40.18umdk1d3waaaat?  /me lost
07:40.33f00f-i know umdk1d3
07:40.39f00f-that's how i used to shop in college
07:40.51f00f-but you dont want to go in there when they're doing inventory
07:41.00umdk1d3hmm true  :/
07:41.11f00f-so 2am & later probably work well :)
07:41.12umdk1d3i hear the most awesome idea the other day--coffee pot ramen
07:41.14muthuwhy changed to work nights?
07:41.34f00f-oh dude
07:41.37f00f-that is a killer idea
07:41.50f00f-if i am ever that cheap again, that will be on my list!
07:42.15umdk1d3i just wonder how well it would work
07:42.29f00f-very little ramen
07:42.34f00f-unless you have a big pot
07:42.39umdk1d3muthu: less distractions, and my adsl works better in the cool evening
07:42.56muthuumdk1d3: true, you can get a lot done
07:43.20muthubut kinda lonely
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07:43.37umdk1d3heh its 48\degr F right now 9 C
07:43.51snadgehmm.. that could actually be the killer application
07:43.53romainguyumdk1d3: ill tell ya one thing--its nice to grab groceries in an empty store << I used to do this :))
07:44.04snadgeif my android phone can make me coffee in the morning
07:44.13umdk1d3snadge: BSD TOASTER!!  XD
07:44.19snadgemaybe as part of the alarm clock applet?
07:44.23*** part/#android red_alert|w0rk (i=c229d89a@gateway/web/ajax/
07:44.32umdk1d3romainguy: lol was that before you had a gf tho?
07:44.36f00f-anno^da: wtf... it seems HttpPost is somehow adding an Expect header?!
07:44.37umdk1d3im female-less atm, which makes this easy
07:44.49snadgei dont mind if i have to rig up a bit of interfacing between the phone and the coffee machine somehow
07:45.05snadgebluetooth is out of the question for launch.. maybe usb or something?
07:45.14umdk1d3snadge:  just home ip network
07:45.34snadgebut then i have to add an ip stack to my coffee machine which seems a bit extreme
07:45.36umdk1d3digs up a home automatuion android app
07:45.41f00f-just use the coffeepot control protocol
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07:45.44f00f-it's published in an rfc
07:45.52umdk1d3seriouiusly??  rofl
07:46.24snadgei really do need coffee in the morning.. seriously.. currently i have to get up and out of bed, to make the coffee.. i consider this to be a serious weakness ;)
07:46.33umdk1d3snadge: these guys do home automation and have an android app out there
07:47.35*** join/#android cutmasta (
07:47.50f00f-highly compatible with HTTP
07:47.58f00f-can be proxied through your favorite proxy server, too
07:48.04umdk1d3LMAO   http error code "418 I'm a teapot"
07:48.15f00f-access remote coffee pots with ease
07:50.01snadgeok so we need an rfc2324 implementation for android :P
07:50.31snadgeit looks reasonably feature complete .. and sufficient for coffee making purposes
07:50.37umdk1d3waohh (mind blowing)    why doesnt the coffee pot /run android/?
07:51.28snadgeyeah.. i can see that, but my first thought was
07:51.49snadgeare people going to want to port android to x86 and try and run it on pcs
07:52.17umdk1d3well porting shouldnt be too bad
07:52.24umdk1d3its just the linux kernel, which is already x86
07:52.35snadgeits obviously inappropriate .. but theres a reasoning for it
07:52.48snadgeif you have a low resolution, lowly specced legacy machine
07:53.04snadgea stripped down gui with efficient applications .. sounds like a good idea
07:53.16umdk1d3wait a sec tho, you can still do powerufl stuff tho
07:53.26umdk1d3this /couuld/ be googles entrance into the desktop market
07:53.42umdk1d3since everything is replaceable, just replace it with desktop-style apps
07:53.42snadgeof course.. theres many situations where the full blown X desktop with compiz etc.. is just overkill
07:53.52umdk1d3<3 compiz
07:54.14snadgeeven if you have 8 cores and 4 gigs of ram.. you dont necessarily want your X server and browser etc to gobble it all up
07:56.06snadgeits off topic and out of scope, but i bet im not the first to consider alternative applications for android :P
07:56.20f00f-Google TV will come in 2009 or 2010
07:56.28f00f-or whatever u want to call it
07:57.25snadgef0 (clear interrupts) 0f (halt and wait for interrupt)
07:59.13snadgef00f_bug      : yes
07:59.44f00f-my own catch-22 ;)
08:00.02f00f-well whatevr they call it
08:00.07f00f-android will run on it
08:01.48*** join/#android dasilvj (n=dasilvj@
08:08.49snadgehalt and catch fire
08:09.03snadgeis my favourite cpu instruction :p
08:09.56muthudoes it work?
08:13.15muthuha, interesting
08:15.33gamblerf00f-, what is google tv
08:18.32f00f-gambler, refer to entry "Apple TV"
08:20.18f00f-it's getting late
08:20.19f00f-good night folks
08:20.32muthunite f00f-
08:23.51muthuiphone is a massive failure in India
08:24.29muthugoog, look at iphone launch in India and please avoid everything they tried to do
08:25.47snadgei tried to get excited about the iphone
08:26.00snadgeuntil i realised it was just an ipod, with a crippled phone attached to it
08:26.11muthuterrible news floating around regarding iphone
08:26.19*** join/#android Zohan (
08:26.19muthuemails are flying asking everyone not to buy
08:26.37snadgecant send mms messages? as well as other little bugs
08:27.29muthuthere's a huge list of things that iphone doesn't do
08:27.42muthuor does it in its own way
08:27.59muthuwhich is annoying a lot of people here
08:28.23Zohaniphone ftl
08:29.12snadgei think its greatest flaw is that its an apple product
08:29.27snadgeand all the other flaws basically relate back to that one single massive flaw
08:29.58snadgegoogle could take a dump onto a circuit board, and it would be better than the iphone ;)
08:30.34Zohangoogle sucks, too
08:30.43snadgethey would have to be happy about the competition surely.. i mean.. sure, its pre-existing and established.. but *cough*
08:31.04snadgeif google succeeds with this, it will be in part because everyone else failed
08:31.39snadgeby no means a small accomplishment regardless
08:34.03snadgei shouldn't be this desperate for a phone that doesnt suck
08:34.31snadgei have an old brick piece of crap.. simply because i refuse to purchase anything more modern until i can get a phone with android on it ;)
08:34.42muthume too
08:34.57muthusnadge: where you from?
08:35.00snadgemaybe if iphone sucked half as much as it does.. i might be tempted to have one in the meantime
08:35.06Zohani have an iphone and a htc touch diamond and nokia n95
08:35.25snadgeits not like i cant afford an iphone.. i dont want to waste my money
08:35.34Zohanbut ill return them all today, except the touch diamond
08:35.55snadgemuthu: australia
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08:37.15snadgea mate of mine has a 3g iphone, and told me he paid $5 so he can run ssh on it
08:37.42snadgethat both saddened and amused me at the same time
08:38.20snadgegoogle will give an entire phone operating system and api away for free
08:38.30snadgebut apple wants to charge you $5 for the privilege of running ssh ;)
08:38.55snadgeon a crappy phone that doesnt even have a keyboard hehe
08:39.15muthuapple want to squeeze in every $$
08:39.31snadgeits not so much im against charging for software
08:39.40snadgebut openssh is free software
08:39.57snadgesure someone had to package it for the iphone.. but so what
08:40.29gamblersnadge, syd?
08:40.37snadgei work in brisbane, live on the gold coast
08:41.10gamblertrain commuter?
08:41.21snadgedrive.. which reminds me.. its home time :P
08:41.53gamblernow that rush hour is over :p
08:42.36snadgeyeah.. i come it at about 10, 10:30 am.. and leave at 6/6:30
08:43.09snadgecuts the commute time in half roughly
08:45.43umdk1d3speaking of ssh for android
08:45.57umdk1d3 looks like its coming along well
08:46.07umdk1d3theres a video demo with some sweet animations between consoles
08:46.56muthuumdk1d3: is that yours?
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09:19.45Zohansweet @ connectbot
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09:58.34umdk1d3so i have some Views in a ListView
09:59.05umdk1d3when i setLongClickable() on an individual view, it no longer seems to be longclickable from the ListView's perspective
09:59.49umdk1d3is the individual view not passing the onTouch()'es up the tree correctly to the parent ListView?
10:00.11umdk1d3im trying to detect a gesture on a individual list items
10:00.29umdk1d3and still have them clickable/long clickable from the overall ListView's point of view
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10:32.27trichmm, was the current emu armv5b or armv4?
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11:43.18hapHi. Has someone a link to an online article about how Google is linked to other companies and can t make decision alone
11:43.24hapi can t put my hand on that again
11:45.23hapoki found it
11:46.44anno^daafter working 2h with Gimp I know why Photoshop coasts 1000€. I'm starting to hate it. :-)
11:46.55hapanno^da: you bet...
11:48.03anno^da:) bet ?
11:50.20anno^daI'm giving Gimp a chance from one version to the next but it's as unusable as at the beginning. (just looking at it from the user point of view)
11:52.45tricanno: what is missing?
11:54.52anno^dawell a lot of things are there but the whole workflow is pretty annoying. Just one example you select sth. Why do you get a big square around the selected area? And not just your real selection.
11:56.44anno^daThere are a lot of this small things that get annoying when you try to create sth. . For small things it is ok. Some small image corrections etc. but real work I dont know. :)
11:57.37anno^daAnd yeah it is open source and yeah I know that it is a lot of work to get to the point where they are at the moment.
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12:10.09tricanno: and maybe those dev have another workflow ;)
12:10.16tricusually thats the main problem.
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12:46.47anno^datric: thats right. They often dont fit together with the people that use the applications. That is always a problem between someone who creates sth. (designer, layouter etc) and someone who designs the software.
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12:58.23Dougie187hey anno^da have you played with ubiquity yet>
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13:16.57snadgewhat is the web browser called?
13:17.27muthuandroid web browser
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13:28.06anno^daDougie187: Yeah I've played with it
13:28.16anno^daIt is quite nice for a alpha 0.1 version
13:28.17Dougie187its pretty neat.
13:28.35Dougie187i don't know how much I will use it, but im sure its really useful for some people
13:28.47Dougie187i couldn't get map-these to work right.
13:29.16anno^daI like this idea. I'm using some kind of the same idea with Quicksilve on OSX already.
13:29.46anno^daYeah well it has to be integrated with the normal desktop apps. (talking about the email features for example)
13:30.12anno^daBut searching something or getting a translation is pretty nice.
13:30.27anno^daA command "map city to city" would be nice
13:30.38anno^daBut that should be easy to implement.
13:31.25Dougie187and they have that example for purchasing plane tickets
13:31.30Dougie187that one is pretty cool looking.
13:31.33Dougie187though i haven't tried that either.
13:32.06anno^daWell thats just a mockup for the future :)
13:32.15anno^daThats how it should work in a few years
13:32.36Dougie187oh. i didn't realize that. i thought it was a feature already implemented. but it will be cool later when they get it i guess.
13:32.40anno^dajust saying: "I want a ticket for the next Knicks game" :)
13:32.50anno^daand the ticket gets booked
13:33.25Dougie187well today the touch diamond is supposed to be out on sprint.
13:34.33Dougie187they are selling the touch for 99 bucks now.
13:34.38Dougie187trying to ditch all of them
13:35.49anno^da:-) Well I'm curious about the next rumours about the Dream. I don't believe any of theme since I can see the device on a real official picture. :)
13:36.01anno^dawith official spec.
13:36.09Dougie187i didn't know any of that stuff had been out yet.
13:38.51anno^daoh well there is a lot of stuff out but it is not official.  Some things will be true and some wont
13:39.24Dougie187yeah but you said official picture and specs.
13:41.04anno^daoh there is nothing official just wanted to say that I will not believe the rumours untill the day I can see official specs.
13:41.18Dougie187oh ok
13:41.34Dougie187i get it.
13:41.53anno^dathere are just the sketches from the FCC and one leaked sketch available atm.
13:45.41Dougie187it will be cool to see once it comes out though.
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15:05.49gamblerDoes anyone know if if a client and server have a common parent (eg, both keys are signed by the same CA) does the server trust the client as a verified peer?
15:06.19gamblerIn java terms the server hasnt seen the client before (the key is not in his trust store), and he has clientAuthentication enabled.
15:07.34gamblerQuestion #2 is, if anyone knows of a reasonable CA mgmt utility that can easily interact with java keystores, I'd love to hear about it.
15:08.37jastaare you just asking a general question about this type of key-based authentication/encryption?
15:10.35gamblerI could easily test it, my real problem is dealing with the CA side of things. keytool cant sign CSRs
15:10.48gambleropenssl doesnt play nicely with keytool.
15:11.06gambleractually openssl is fine but keytool is a bit restrictive
15:11.19jastathe reason a certificate authority improves matters is because the client already has the CA public key, so no man-in-the-middle attack can possibly begin.
15:11.48jastaso when the server says I am <X>, and <Y> agrees.  the client can check that <Y> truly agrees without fear of forgery from <Y>.
15:11.52gamblerright i get that part.
15:12.14jastathe server trusting the client has nothing to do with it
15:12.29gamblerit does if your also trying to authenticate the client
15:12.46gamblerthere are verified peers and unverified
15:17.30jastayeah but without a mutually trusted CA involved, there is no defense against MITM, for example.
15:18.31jastaany place where a public key must be transmitted with no separate out-of-band verification, MITM is possible.
15:19.01jastaso for places where MITM is possible, you had best have a healthy bit of skepticism built into your server
15:19.45jastaalso, "trust" should never be implicit based on how your users have authenticated.  for instance, you'd never want to have privilege elevation possible even after you know who the user is.
15:20.31jastabut plenty of poorly thought out systems are vulnerbale to that.  somewhat recently a demonstration of this was put into motion by way of a web browser virus which hijacked authenticated sessions to try SQL injection attacks.
15:20.43jastathe attack was hugely successful because of this bad assumption of what "trust" means.
15:21.13gamblerthx for those nuggest of wisdom jasta
15:21.33jastaplease don't patronize me.  i was only trying to be helpful.
15:21.46gamblerok ty sir
15:22.08gamblerkeytool sucks :p
15:23.25jastait's part of the JDK, what did you expect?
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15:24.52gambleri dunno. all i know is im testing my 3rd set of C.A. utilities and I really hate this non-corework fiddling
15:25.50jastai'm honestly surprised to find that you actually have a project going on.
15:26.11gamblerim not here for my health
15:26.17jastai mean, if you have no problem patronizing me, then i have no problem admitting what i think of your abilities.
15:26.52gamblerim the first one to admit that i am a crap sw engineer
15:28.48anno^daOh guys there is more than being a good or bad sw engineer. :-)
15:28.53gamblerthough i am pleasently suprised at how nice some of the stuff ive been working on has come out
15:29.11jastaperhaps it only seems nice.
15:29.29gambleri am biased
15:29.29anno^dawell in the end the user decides :-)
15:29.50jastaanno^da: hardly.  sometimes hackers get to decide :)
15:30.22gamblermy problem is I move at a snails pace due to over maximizing. I would give anything to be a satisficer
15:30.37anno^dajasta: But to be honest if the users of my application (which I dont have) would be pleased with it I wouldnt care about some hacker blaming me.
15:31.54jastaanno^da: i don't mean "blaming" you.  i mean defeating weak security measures to affect performance, reliability, etc.  or worse, stealing sensitive information from your users.
15:37.45gamblerjasta, can I get a postcard from ireland pls
15:38.03jastano, you cannot
15:39.43gamblerwell im going to miss you when your gone from the internets
15:40.03jastagod you are so annoying
15:41.45muthuthis channel will miss jasta
15:41.51muthuwhen he's on vacation
15:42.33gambleri predict traffic will drop 60%
15:42.43muthumore than that
15:42.46jastaintelligence, too.
15:43.57muthuthat'll shoot up!!
15:44.08jastaright, i'm sure you believe that.
15:44.31dmoffettThe asshole factor will go way down.
15:44.45gamblerding we have a winer
15:48.27jastawe're not here to be nice :)
15:48.48dmoffettor an asshole
15:48.50anno^dalol whats up here :-)
15:49.30gamblerthe channel is giving jasta some tough love
15:50.04anno^dacmon guys brace yourself. It is pretty absurd what you do here...
15:51.54anno^daSo I'm out here for a moment. That childish bullshit pisses me off.
15:52.39gambleryou might want to wait until i post a funny absurd video
15:53.03jastayou mean disgusting and offensive?
15:58.47gamblerwhy you got so much sand in your vagina today jasta?
15:58.53gamblerbtw I cant find anything good atm
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16:07.50trigatch4whattup folks
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16:28.00anno^daIt is amazing how stupid some people can be. But ok /ignore should do it.
16:31.22jastatwiddles his thumbs hoping hackbod will someday get to his google groups questions
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16:31.47muthujasta: his/her
16:32.26jastano, i am certain i'm male.
16:32.45muthusorry, my poor english again
16:33.20jastai was the subject in that sentence :)
16:36.18trigatch4will google announce ADC winners already
16:36.26muthuis it announced?
16:36.30jastayeah no kidding.  that's been like a month right?
16:36.40muthuresults expected anytime now..
16:38.49trigatch4everything has always been expected "any time now"
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16:38.56trigatch4i grow impatient!
16:39.06trigatch4too bad nobody cares haha
16:40.08trigatch4muthu, jasta, do you guys run FF3?
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16:40.43anno^dawell yeah I do
16:40.44jastafirefox3?  i run ubuntu 8.04 at work so yes.
16:40.58muthuFF2 keep reminding me
16:40.59jastabut debain etch at home, so no :)
16:41.21muthubut not yet, planning to upgrade anytime now
16:41.24jastamorrildl: find anything out for me? :)
16:41.46jastatrigatch4: i trust my distro to make all those types of decisions for me :)
16:42.23trigatch4anyone familiar with NicEdit?
16:43.05trigatch4copy/paste and stuff doesn't seem to work in FF3 and apparently its a security protection in FF3 but even the "patch" or fix via altering user.js doesn't seem to work
16:43.27trigatch4effing pain in the butt cause i gotta use fck editor which is just heavier
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16:44.03anno^dacopy/paste doesnt work? It works on Ubuntu 8.04 as well as under OSX for me.
16:44.03jastait probably isn't firefox's fault.  however the thing was designed is probably wrong
16:44.28jastaerr, that made no sense. i'm tired
16:51.18trigatch4firefox 3 disallows copy/paste for these editors apparently so that hidden divs with forms can't randomly paste whatever you have on your clipboard and send it over the interwebz to phisher
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16:52.03trigatch4its a flaw - some would say protection - in firefox 3... i guess a better editor might have a work around but given the nature it doesn't seem likely
16:52.23trigatch4anyone know any lightweight editors similar to NicEdit... lighter than fck editor?
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16:55.25zhobbsmorrildl: is an op, big announcement coming?
16:56.06anno^daDoes someone know if someone is developing an Open Sourc multi IM client for Android? (something like Adium or. Pidgin) Only XMPP would be nice as well.
16:56.24anno^dahaha zhobbs yeah he is up very early :-)
16:57.18anno^daBecause the integrated IM client seems not really valuable for me since I dont care about MSN or AIM.
17:02.15chouman82anyone know much about the verifier on android?  i am running into verifyError
17:06.56muthuzhobbs: is it coming?
17:07.08zhobbsdon't know
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17:08.08anno^daIt is coming to start some rumours.
17:08.27muthuthe blogs will be busy today
17:09.25jastaraises an eyebrow
17:09.26muthuanno^da: there were a few IM's in top 50
17:09.40jastamuthu: none of which were or will be open source AFAIK.
17:10.00jastai doubt very much that any of the top 50 winners ever will be.  *leers at umdk1d3*
17:10.13anno^dain the top 50 I must have went over them
17:11.21anno^daI havent seen one simple multi messenger that is open source and I aggree with jasta that we wont see much open source apps from the top 50
17:12.15muthuyeah, mostly the top 50 were closed
17:12.36jastamuthu: not mostly, exclusively.
17:14.04anno^daAnd I havent found one that does simple multi messaging
17:15.10anno^daLocation awareness would be a nice add on but I dont need it neccesarily
17:19.26jastaanno^da: at present, the open source community seems very bored by Android.
17:21.03muthuthat's because android source is not open yet
17:21.08muthuso hopefully things would change
17:23.02jastamuthu: i think it's much more than that ;)
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17:23.20jastabut yes i also hope it changes.  i put a lot of stake in it changing.
17:23.39jastafirst we'll need to get rid of all the muthu's out there ;)
17:23.41SanMehatahh jasta is awake
17:24.01jastait's true :)
17:24.10muthui know, that's the sad part :)
17:24.16morrildlI know this isn't what you guys are talking about, but:
17:24.30jastaohh, is that new?
17:24.38morrildljasta: yes
17:24.46jastadigs in
17:25.55jastalol, its shipping in beta? :)
17:25.57jastaoh google! :)
17:27.21morrildljasta: is that like "O SNAP"?
17:27.28muthuwow, the store!
17:27.32morrildlmuthu: !!
17:27.36morrildlmuthu: NO!
17:27.43jastaohh, see permissions listed in there
17:27.46morrildlmuthu: the /MARKET/
17:27.54morrildlgotta run be back in a bit
17:27.57muthuoh yeah, open market
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17:28.08jastamorrildl: i appreciate the clarification on unpaid applications.
17:28.10mikez5Cool, my name is in one of the screenshots :-)
17:29.07jastaso, am i reading this line right about "soon after launch"?  paid content won't be in the first version?  versioning won't be either?
17:29.43jastai hope that this is not for certain values of soon :)
17:31.47jastaotherwise, excellent to see some stuff coming out of the android camp.  screenshots too, nice :)
17:32.57dmoffettWhat do the icons along the top left mean?
17:33.08dmoffettof the screen shots.
17:35.10f00f-you have voice mail, you have email, and your printout is ready
17:36.22dmoffettf00f: Good call.
17:36.46dmoffettnot sure about that last one though.
17:38.43krosaeni think the last one means 'download complete' for a market app
17:39.27zhobbsthere needs to be some level of versioning support at launch, or will we just have to update all applications after the market is updated?
17:41.20chadkousezhobbs: what are you doing in here
17:41.37zhobbschadkouse: what are you doing in here?
17:41.48chadkousejust got back from lunch... waiting on a conference call
17:42.14chadkouseshouldn't you be at a saki bar or something ?
17:42.41zhobbsno one speaks english here!
17:42.50chadkousemaybe they speak engrish though!
17:43.11chadkousejared says "tell him to go get a shave and a haircut"
17:44.13chadkousei'm just kind of shocked they allow IRC traffic behind the great firewall of china
17:44.53zhobbsactually, taiwan is uncensored...and apparently somewhat sovereign
17:45.22tethridgetaiwan is not china.  :-)
17:45.51zhobbstethridge: even though the name of taiwan is "The Republic of China"
17:45.54morrildlf00f-: LOL
17:46.06morrildlf00f-: that rightmost notification icon is actually "your download is complete"
17:46.23morrildlf00f-: but yes, I can see your point
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17:59.56dmoffettTangible progress from Google is exciting, we have been through a really long dry spell with only rumors for motivation.
18:00.38muthuwonder, when ADC2 is going to be...
18:00.51jastathey said they will announce Q4.
18:01.00jastaannounce details anyway, i dont think the challenge will begin instantly
18:01.41muthujasta: right as always :))
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18:03.23pawallsoh come on.. like jasta really needs the ego inflation ;-)
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18:04.59_Marvin_nice android developers blog entry
18:06.22plusminus__Marvin_: ?
18:06.26zhobbsyes, keep the updates flowing
18:06.42plusminus_got it
18:08.40plusminus_the last screenshot shows a "Text 2 Speec Library"
18:09.56plusminus_is it a dummy?
18:10.36chouman82anyone know anything about the verifier on android?
18:10.44romainguy_all the applications you see on the screenshots are working apps that we wrote
18:11.39EQUi have a question. All of this application are using basici widgets ( TextView etc. )  for drawing ?
18:12.42chouman82i have been running into VerifyError
18:12.53chouman82and the verifier rejecting my classes
18:13.49plusminus_romainguy_ how to interfere with the T2S-Lib ? Is there already sth in the new SDK (had no time to check it)
18:15.45jastapawalls: do you just lurk waiting to jab at me? ;)
18:16.14anno^dazhobbs: I told you something will come today :-)
18:18.24romainguy_plusminus_: there's nothing of the sort in the SDK
18:21.14EQUromainguy: how ViewSwitcher works on real device ? I have two ListView with ~15 rows ( every row is drawn by self ). Switching beetwen them is not smooth.
18:21.46EQUon emulator
18:22.46romainguytoo many views
18:23.05romainguyand your emulator seems slower than a real device
18:23.36EQUok, which drawind cache will fix it ?
18:23.52EQUAnimationChache or DrawCache  ?
18:24.08EQUhow do they works ?
18:24.10romainguythe caches are enabled by default
18:24.51morrildljasta: pawalls is actually a Zerg, he burrows under the ground waiting for you to pass by
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18:25.50EQUromainguy: it's possible to program somthing better than ViewSwitcher ? how it works ?
18:26.05pawallsjasta: of course.
18:26.09Dougie187morrildl: hes a zerg lurker.
18:26.17EQUromainguy: it makes a 2 bitmaps, a switch them ?
18:29.49EQUromainguy: I think ListView is bad. I made fake ListView using LinearLayout with vertical gravity adn focus as a selected View. Using this fake i see more smooth and clear animation
18:31.17EQUusing ViewSwitcher...
18:35.13umdk1d3details on market
18:41.10zhobbsromainguy: have you seen the diggin video?  I thought the UI programmer did a pretty good job
18:42.04zhobbs( )
18:44.58EQUzhobbs: are they ussing basic widgets ?
18:45.20zhobbsEQU: don't know what they're doing
18:45.43EQUzhobbs: i think it is possible
18:45.43zhobbsEQU: if they're using the built in stuff it's heavily customized
18:45.47muthudiggin UI is great
18:46.07zhobbsthey will probably do well in ADC
18:50.49muthuyeah, think so
18:50.59jastai like diggin's UI quite a bit.  i sent him a couple of messages back and forth about a few things in his implementation and stuff too
18:51.13muthunite fellas
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18:51.26jastai don't know how practical it will be though since i can't really use it
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18:51.48jastalike for instance, his demo has very little music.  most people have a much bigger collection than that and wouldnt really appreciate always have to scroll through the entire list like that
18:52.19zhobbsi'm not sure I understand the drawing feature
18:52.51zhobbsI'm just impressed by the animation effects
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18:53.43jastazhobbs: i think its to just make visual tags and apply them to music
18:53.51jastaso you can sort your music by these arbitrary tags, rahter than playlists
18:54.18jastawhich is a pretty fun way to do it, i think, but actually it would be super lame to have to build all your playlists manually like that
18:54.22jastaand on the phone exclusively.  eww ;)
18:54.42jastai'm sure there's loads of potential here, but from the demo it is not clear how must users can interact with it
18:55.13jastahow most*
18:55.26zhobbsI'd rather just name my playlists with text (handset or pc)
18:55.40zhobbsbut I'm not really the artist type
18:55.44jastaright, i think for me it's more that i'd rather make playlists on a computer
18:55.45EQUmaybe they will do karaoke :)
18:55.59jastai mean, i like having the option to construct them/manipulate them on the phone, but that certainly shouldnt be the main way.
18:56.07zhobbsEQU: that's what TuneWiki is for!
18:57.22anno^daI'm with jasta in that point. It doesnt make much sense to create the playlist on the mobile device. (Looking at a library with more than 6000 songs)
18:58.02zhobbsanno^da: it's not bad to make playlists if you can add entire artists/albums with one long click
18:58.24anno^daWell the making is not that bad
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18:58.37anno^daBut browsing through your library will be
18:59.36anno^daBut even more I'd like to see flac support :). I'd like to get my mini amp connected to the phone and not convert a lot of my library.
18:59.53anno^da+to some lossy format
19:00.06zhobbsanno^da: how much storage do you expect?  or are you talking streaming remote ?
19:00.26anno^daWell I'm expecting a lot of storage in future devices.
19:00.51anno^daNot in the first devices but later on therte will be a lot of storage.
19:00.59zhobbsanno^da: that'd be nice
19:01.07anno^daI'm used to mobile players with 60GB+ :)
19:01.19SanMehatSanDisk should have their 16 gig microSDHC cards out soon but thats not quite 60 :)
19:01.28anno^da(I know it is not realistic for the beginning )
19:01.44anno^daSanMehat: Yeah not in the near future :)
19:03.08anno^daBut even browsing through 16GB of music isnt that funny
19:04.21zhobbsanno^da: if you're just browsing artists it's not that bad...ListViews can fling pretty far
19:05.21anno^daYeah ok.
19:06.45anno^daI'm curious about the battery life. Playing music, GPS, wifi, UMTS etc.
19:07.26anno^daI'd like to see some solar panel on devices in the future. :)
19:09.10plusminus_what turned MapPoint into in 0.9 ?
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20:04.13anno^daoh the interface doesnt get any good feedback in the comments you can read all along the news sites  that write something about the app store.
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20:09.16trigatch4OH MY GOD!
20:09.28trigatch4who saw the Android Market post?
20:10.01Dougie187ome android market post?
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20:11.09jastatrigatch4: old news.
20:11.22trigatch4i fell asleep
20:11.23*** topic/#android by morrildl -> You don't have to use it, but we thought it might be useful:
20:11.24trigatch4just read it
20:11.47trigatch4old news as in earlier today? or assumed when android was announced?
20:11.58umdk1d3somewhat assumed, but now we have details
20:12.11trigatch4i'm just incredibly, incredibly happy they aren't going to suffocate the development comxmunity like the iPhone App Store has
20:12.18trigatch4at least, it sounds like they won't based on the blog post
20:12.26umdk1d3actually goes to read
20:12.35trigatch4i was somewhat worried about that
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20:13.14trigatch4but i think security and malicious applications needs to be addressed... which is what I'm sure they're working on... any thoughts on that morrildl?
20:13.50umdk1d3there is that one screenshot that handles permission-granting
20:14.03umdk1d3and i assume there is a "report this app" option
20:14.30anno^daWhy should they. In the desktop space you dont have that either.
20:14.47anno^daYou have millions of download sites
20:15.01anno^daAnd no one is protecting you from the evil :-)
20:17.53anno^daA rating system is all you need. I dont like it if someone tries me to protect from everything and everyone.
20:18.07anno^datries to protect ... :-)
20:18.19morrildlyeah there will be various security mechanisms in place
20:18.32morrildlthe most important of which is: make sure the OS is secure by design :)
20:18.41morrildlbut there are other mechanism as well
20:19.00Dougie187is there symantec for your phone?
20:19.10Dougie187or ClamAV.
20:21.39anno^damorrildl: How will they look like except the OS security ?
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20:59.08tomgibaraThe application installer should allow a user to deny one or more permissions to an app, but still let them install it.
21:00.10f00f-i disagree tomigabra, sinceusers wont know about permissions and some apps will horribly fail if requested perms arent given since error handling needs to be intense
21:00.32tomgibaraThe manifest should probably allow an application to mark a permission as optional, suggested and necessary
21:00.56tomgibaraf00f-: Users are already being exposed to the permission lists
21:01.10f00f-so i saw and i'm thinking is it proper
21:01.18f00f-probably, as long as the language is clear and simple
21:01.27tomgibaraNone of my apps assume they have any permission
21:02.19tomgibaraThat is, they fail as gracefully as they can in the absence of any permission so long as it's not completely necessary to the app (like the new NETWORK one)
21:10.23morrildlf00f-: yes, the explicit decision is not to push too much choice onto users, because the more choice, the more complex repercussions you have to think about.  The worst case is that the app is coded poorly and crashes or something for certain configurations of permission grants
21:11.02morrildlWe don't want to see threads like "Application XYZ crashed, it sucks." "No no, you just have to not deny it the EAT_CAKE permission."
21:12.50f00f-i was just thinking "Development tools" and maybe "System tools" should have a warning in red... most users will NEVER install apps that need those perms
21:12.56f00f-morrildl: right
21:13.12tomgibaramorrildl: I can see that argument, but its extreme conclusion (which will probably occur) is that as an application grows within its niche to interact nicely with all the apps on your phone, you will be left with lots of the most popular apps requesting every permission. Then you end up rendering the whole concept a waste of time.
21:13.35f00f-even if users are given choice, most blindly just Next-Next-Next it away or do Accept All or equivalent
21:17.58tomgibaraI'm basically predicting that most apps will fundamentally require a small number of permissions, and that many (especially of the successful ones) will evolve to require lots of permissions that aren't fundamental, but useful.
21:19.16tomgibaraI would go as far as to say that the permissions system will become totally unworkable without giving users the option to refuse certain permissions to applications and still install them.
21:21.02umdk1d4lol @ EAT_CAKE
21:21.31morrildlumdk1d4: contrary to popular belief, the cake is NOT a lie.
21:22.14umdk1d4that game was awesome  ;)  now if only they would port it to android
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21:29.45dmoffettBased on the top apps at the iTunes store permissions will not be a big problem.  Three of the top paid apps are ambience apps.  Not sure what this says about iPhone users.  :-)
21:31.49anno^daI will do some of this apps as well :-)
21:33.58tomgibaramorrildl: I think the question of application permissions is very important. Developers need clarification on the semantics of <uses-permissions>.
21:34.30tomgibaraDoes it mean that an application demands the permission to run? or requests it? There's a huge difference for the developer.
21:35.01morrildltomgibara: well there's not much to clarify.  All permissions are enforced at installation time
21:35.09morrildlthey are enforced as a set
21:35.18morrildlif the user doesn't grant permission, the app is not installed
21:35.40morrildlthe Market will parse out <uses-permission>s from the Manifest in the .apk and use that in the UI that you see
21:36.02morrildlAre those the details you were looking for?
21:36.18tomgibaraThat is not stated at all in the documentation
21:36.28morrildlokay then that is a docs bug :)
21:36.39morrildlgoes to enter it
21:36.43tomgibaraWhat I mean is that it's silent on that question
21:36.54morrildlyeah that's still a docs bug :)
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21:37.44tomgibaraFrom the docs: At application install time, permissions requested by the application are granted to it by the package installer, based on checks with trusted authorities and interaction with the user.
21:37.54morrildltomgibara: ahhhhhhhhhh yes
21:38.12morrildlyeah the hedge there was b/c we weren't sure if there would be a sort of plug-in API for "security providers"
21:38.34morrildllike, say, your employer installs a component that prevents the user from granting like contact book permissions or something
21:38.45morrildlthere is no such API in 1.0 so we need to update that to remove the hedge
21:39.07tomgibaraand strengthen "granted" to something like "granted as a set"
21:39.15umdk1d4s/employer/verizon/g  OHSNAP
21:39.22tomgibaraI still think it's a bad mistake though
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21:43.12romainguy_tomgibara: fine grained permission grant is a pain in the *** for apps developers though
21:43.18tomgibaraIt creates a stupid situation where developers must weigh-up adding a feature against the security concerns of a possibly small set of their users, without any sensible way of resolving the problem.
21:43.20romainguy_I remember using this with Java WebStart
21:43.50tomgibararomainguy_: I am sensible to the counter problem too
21:44.17romainguy_at least there's no way for an app to request ALL permissions in one line :)
21:44.21romainguy_slaps Java WebStart
21:45.12tomgibaraSadly, a natural inheritance from Java's desktop traditions
21:47.21tomgibaraThe situation I can forsee is that something like a game developer might think it's great if it uses my contacts to make it easier to play with friends, and I as a user I think I'd love to install a game for my commute to work, but I don't want to risk exposing business contacts to a game
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21:49.55tomgibaraThe game developer can only drop the feature, lose sensitive business users, or ship two versions - an option that naturally becomes very problematic
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22:11.34gamblertrigatch4, try tinyMCE if your still looking
22:12.23trigatch4thanks gambler, i'll give that a whirl. off to the grocery store for now.. bbl
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22:42.04jastawow, really getting it together today huh?
22:42.20morrildljasta: well, we'd wanted to spread these out over a couple days, but hey
22:42.29morrildlholiday weekend and whatnot
22:44.31f00f-nice !!!
22:45.30morrildl...and like /that/, I'm gone.
22:45.40morrildlsee y'all next week, after the US holiday weekend :)
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22:47.13jastai feel like i haven't even heard of some of these?
22:47.22jastadid a lot of them change names or something?
22:47.26f00f-many did
22:47.40f00f-are there 50 on that page?
22:47.58jastacab4me looks neat, but i still wonder where in the hell it gets its data
22:48.55f00f-2 bar code apps in the top 10
22:48.57dmoffettf00f u were in the adc final right?
22:49.08f00f-yeah non-winners
22:49.15f00f-bottom of the page
22:49.18f00f-VERY bottom lol
22:49.21jastathat sucks :\
22:49.31jastabut i'm not surprised given the conversation we had earlier.
22:49.38f00f-me neither
22:49.40dmoffetthey you should be proud.  A lot of us are on the side lines.  :-)
22:49.42jastaGoogle flexing its muscle a little bit...
22:49.47f00f-data is what is our big struggle :P
22:49.59f00f-yeah, well i'm so glad we have a good community
22:50.09jastawhich is also why i cant figure out how cab4me works
22:50.14jastaif it works great, that is a HUGE service
22:50.15dmoffettbesides the real judge is the market.
22:50.23jastabut i dont understand how it will.
22:50.44jastayeah wait a minute, what the hell.  two bar code apps in the top slot?
22:51.02f00f-also 7 judges total ;P
22:51.07dmoffettReally?  I was just in Chicago and getting a taxi is easy but I don't spend much time in the city...
22:51.54jastadmoffett: well, it would be nice to be able to call one then go wait outside and try to snag one that drives by
22:51.58jastaat lesat you know one will get there at some point
22:52.00Dougie187damn. thats cool to see the apps
22:52.05dmoffettI see.
22:52.08Dougie187f00f-: did you win?
22:52.21jastaohh, click on the app
22:52.24jastait talks lots more about them
22:52.33_avatarer, wrong window, sorry ;)
22:52.43f00f-man some of these winners are really polished
22:52.55_avataryeah, there are some really impressive UI's in there
22:53.01gamblerf00f-, which one is yours?
22:53.16f00f-gambler: PedNav
22:53.50gamblerso you solved the TSP? :p
22:54.06dmoffettecorio is the one I don't really understand?
22:54.08f00f-TSP ?
22:54.15gamblertravelling salesman problem
22:54.26f00f-we solved it for round 1
22:54.32f00f-but it was too specific so we genericized it
22:55.19f00f-ok so jasta question for you
22:55.25f00f-which ones of the top 20 would YOU install on your device :)
22:55.41jastawell, i thought jeffrey's app was cool, but now since there are two that do exactly the same thing i dont know
22:55.46jastaand if the taxi app works, i'll use that
22:56.29Dougie187i don't really see the point of the taxi one, though i haven't read it yet. but it seems like Googling taxi's near...
22:56.59jastai thought it would let you call them to your location automagically?
22:58.08dmoffettLocale seems like a very simple idea that would be useful.
22:59.16jastayes, i like Locale
22:59.18jastai think that would be cool too
22:59.24tomgibaradmoffett: I raised on this channel, when the 50 were first announced that Locale's simple idea is actually patented - probably the reason you haven't seen it on a phone
23:00.00jastastill wonders how TuneWiki is not a copyright violation.
23:00.01dmoffettGuess they will have to just spend the 250k in Vegas.  :-)
23:00.05tomgibaraIt's a problem with the competition - Google don't really have a way of ensuring that IP issues are addressed
23:00.25tomgibaraTom wonders the same thing
23:00.42tomgibaraurgh tired
23:00.47jastai talked briefly with the TuneWiki guy about this, and he just simply assured me it was without any justification
23:01.08jastamaybe it's just because the "big dogs" haven't sat up and taken notice yet.  the shut stuff like that down all the time.
23:01.30tomgibaraincidentally it's IBM who own the patent, so they can enforce it if they want to
23:01.42jastai always thought the legal implication was publicly discussed by Apple a while back and why the iPod and junk never had those features centralized for the user
23:01.46Dougie187wtf... this one sounds like rape waiting to happen. PhoneBook 2.0 " Ideally suited for teenagers willing to share their mood and location"
23:02.04jastaDougie187: yeah, an open letter to parents:
23:02.08Dougie187granted, this is just from the little blurb. i didnt read anything else.
23:02.08dmoffettThe big guys can shut you down just by the weight of their lawyers.  They don't even havve to be right.
23:02.10jasta"Do NOT buy your child an Android phone!"
23:02.26jastadmoffett: yeah, but it helps when they are. :)
23:02.32jastadmoffett: it costs less.
23:02.50dmoffettquite true.
23:02.55Dougie187i dont get the point i guess. i just read that and though "Teenage pregnancy rate THROUGH THE ROOF!"
23:03.03tomgibaraI wouldn't anyway, there's no way of limiting permissions on what your child can install or even visit on the browers
23:03.27Dougie187Thats where Electric Fence comes in!
23:03.30Dougie187Right Jasta?
23:03.37jastayes, god damnit.
23:03.43jastasomebody write that, it would be a smash hit :)
23:03.43Dougie187if i ever get around to it...
23:03.51tomgibaraElectric Fence?
23:04.06Dougie187yeah. its the app im supposed to be working on.
23:04.13jastatomgibara: i had this idea a while back to let you specify parameters of your connection and/or parental control limits
23:04.19jastaand the phone would "zap" you when you near or hit those limits.
23:04.24jastalike text message, data usage, voice minutes...
23:04.35dmoffettThe virus and anti virus programs are sure to make money as well.
23:04.41jastaand could do things like warn you after you end a call "Hey deadbeat, that call just cost you $4.95!"
23:04.55Dougie187or warn you before you make a call
23:04.59dmoffettthat is a good idea.
23:05.02Dougie187and say "Hey you don't have any minutes left"
23:05.08tomgibaraNice idea, couldn't work on Android though :(
23:05.10jastaand i think "Electric Fence" is a good name for it.
23:05.18dmoffettI need that for my wife and her credit card.
23:05.18Dougie187and you could make hard limits. like for your kids.
23:05.43jastaalso, i had an idea to let you make secret contacts and automatically ignore incoming calls/text messages from them, and automatically remove outgoing communication from the logs
23:05.53jastawith a special gesture to open up the app and get access to those things
23:05.56Dougie187yeah but thats a different prog.
23:06.05jastayeah but im just brain dumping :)
23:06.12Dougie187thats the "hey i wanna hang out with my ex girlfriend" creepy app
23:06.22tomgibaraI recall that one, for cheating spouses wasn't it?
23:06.37Dougie187for jasta you mean.
23:06.40jastait's for whatever you want it for
23:06.51jastai would use it to hide the random drunk dials from my ex-girlfriend
23:07.00gamblerdmoffett, good luck with that
23:07.01jastabut then still keep a log of them, for my own record ;)
23:07.25tomgibara:) Not something I would want to log, but each to his own
23:07.58Dougie187yeah i wouldn't want to log it either.
23:08.28tomgibaraI think the competition did produce a lot of excellent apps and everyone should be commended for their effort
23:08.59Dougie187are you in there tomgibara?
23:09.11gamblerhow many apps were submitted total? I imagine it was <100 making this a very +EV contest
23:09.17tomgibaraDougie187: I helped out a little on Cooking Capsules
23:09.22Dougie187gambler: have you been around for very long?
23:09.30Dougie187Oh, so your one of muthu's buddies?
23:09.58gamblerDougie187, a little while
23:10.17Dougie187gambler: here this is for you.
23:10.47tomgibaraDougie187: Your question made me pause, I've never used the word buddy to describe anyone.
23:11.20Dougie187like you want to know what buddy means? or you just didn't get it at first?
23:11.27tomgibaraI'm English, "acquaintance" is the word the came immediately to mind
23:11.34Dougie187not friend i take it?
23:12.16tomgibaraWell, I'm hesitating to answer, because to Americans this will sound like a snub - which it isn't, but no
23:12.30tomgibaraOnly because I reserve the word friend for true friends
23:12.53Dougie187so your friend is what the ladies would call. "BF"
23:13.25Dougie187either way.
23:13.32tomgibaraPerhaps, but I've never knowingly met a woman who used the expression
23:13.36Dougie187hes just someone you know then. and you were helping him.
23:13.54f00f-a buddy
23:13.59tomgibaraIt's slightly more than that :)
23:14.05Dougie187hes your buddy.
23:14.18Dougie187buddy is less then a friend.
23:14.48f00f-city slikkers looks/seems cool
23:15.00f00f-as long as it's a smooth and quick UI
23:15.01tomgibaraOkay, well, I'll be educated by your superior understanding of American English and say Muthu's my buddy
23:15.22Dougie187a lot of the pictures are good.
23:15.29gamblerwhat does cooking capsules do that has to do with mobility
23:15.54Dougie187its mobile shopping lists!
23:16.02tomgibaragambler: That strikes me as a slighly odd question
23:16.03Dougie187and mobile cooking shows!
23:16.10Dougie187and its on a mobile phone.
23:16.15tomgibaraYes, it's more media focused
23:16.19Dougie187all signs point to mobility.
23:16.22gamblerah I just saw the shopping list part. That makes sense
23:16.27f00f-i love the concept of the Cooking Capsules app, but not sure how consumers will react to it
23:16.41tomgibara"Watch, Shop and Make" is the tagline
23:16.44Dougie187well. i mean, you have to hook your phone up to a printer to use it. and you have to hard line it.. and plug it in...
23:16.46Dougie187but still..
23:16.55f00f-printer... lol
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23:17.08Dougie187thats how you get the shopping list!
23:17.11tomgibaraSee a cooking show, buy the ingredients, follow the steps
23:17.11dmoffettI guess they need to add that icon.
23:17.54tomgibaraI personally think Cooking Capsules is the best app idea on that list, and probably the only one I would install onto my phone.
23:18.06Dougie187i don't
23:18.16Dougie187i might install it. but i don't know how useful it would be for me.
23:18.26tomgibaraNaturally, everyone will have different personal views
23:18.30dmoffettOn the iPhone the app I use most outside of normal mobile apps is RottenTomatoes app.
23:18.37gamblerId install it on my wife or girlfriends phone :p
23:18.39jastadmoffett: whats that?
23:18.54dmoffettrates movies and dvs.
23:18.59Dougie187i would give diggin a try
23:19.14Dougie187and the bar code ones might be useful at some point too. but i dont know how much i would use them.
23:19.26tomgibaraI do most of the cooking for our family, so that's one reason it appeals
23:19.55f00f-perhaps the most useful app is Locale, i think
23:20.06f00f-since i change my ring profile many times a day
23:20.06tomgibaraI'm concious that most of the channel members here will be younger than me - I think Cooking Capsules appeals to a very wide audience
23:20.14f00f-sleep, office, out
23:20.24f00f-would be nice to automatically do it
23:20.26Dougie187true. that would be really useful
23:20.39Dougie187then i don't need to have my phone on silent all the time.
23:20.49tomgibaraExcept, presumably you need GPS on
23:20.51dmoffettLocale is the one app I am ashamed I did not think of.  So simple so useful.
23:21.08f00f-yeah although even Cell ID would be good enough usually
23:21.32tomgibaraHow much battery power does that consume?
23:21.39tomgibaraTrangulation I mean
23:22.00Dougie187i wouldn't think too terribly much.
23:22.01f00f-far less than GPS
23:22.03jastadmoffett: my friend wrote that for Symbian s60 for his undergrad project.
23:22.04Dougie187especially if done efficiently.
23:22.08jastadmoffett: exactly Locale. ;)
23:22.32f00f-just get nearby cell towers' LAC/CID info and signal strength, send to a server and get back a location with a degree of accuuracy
23:23.27tomgibaraI'm interested to see of how well any of the location based apps will work in practice
23:24.10dmoffettf00f the accuracy of cell tower triangulation on the iPHone is not really good enough for Locale imo.
23:24.35tomgibaraFailure rates for ad-hoc locational devices (not specicalized sat-navs) are high in my limited experience
23:24.39f00f-well it depends really
23:24.53f00f-how you set your Locale triggers
23:24.56f00f-if they are spread apart
23:25.01f00f-then a 5 mile radius might not matter at all
23:25.13f00f-Cell ID can give you several hundredmeters to few km
23:25.14dmoffettIt would be worse if Locale turned your phone off/on  at the wrong times.
23:25.22f00f-ya :D
23:25.54f00f-tbh many of these apps can be consumed and combined
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23:26.02f00f-especially the LBS ones
23:27.40tomgibaraf00f-: The problem is that it will only take one or two missed calls for many users to ditch a Locale-like app
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23:28.02f00f-so i hope the top 20 polish them with a good chemical
23:28.16Dougie187well you know some of them are done.
23:28.17f00f-and i'm sure they will
23:28.37f00f-practice might be a bit different
23:28.38Dougie187the one's that didn't deserve to win, they are just going to take their money and run.
23:29.48gamblerwhat will the GPS resolution be like? Ive heard the GPS on the Freerunner can have a 50M error
23:30.13dmoffettOne thing a few of have noticed from the iTunes store is simple apps and games seem to be the most popular.  It will be interesting to compare the winners to the apps that win over the market.
23:31.12Dougie187but i think these apps are going to get a decent amount of usage, even if they end up sucking.
23:31.19Dougie187just because they won't the first comp
23:31.56dmoffettSome of the apps have a chicken and egg problem.
23:32.18Dougie187i'll be intersted to see how they turn out.
23:33.29tomgibaradmoffett: Being winners helps them a lot with that
23:34.03dmoffettCould be.
23:44.30trigatch4ADC Round 1 winners announced?!??!???!?!
23:45.00trigatch4am i late again?
23:45.28gamblerancient news internet time :)
23:47.19Dougie187trigatch4: you tend to be late on everything.
23:47.24Dougie187you should just assume you are late.
23:47.32trigatch4son of a BITCH
23:47.58trigatch4can't even go to the bathroom around this place without missing crap
23:48.04trigatch4i sit around for 3 months and nothing happens
23:48.10trigatch4then i take a piss and the universe flys by
23:49.55Dougie187were you in the top 50 trigatch4?
23:50.07dmoffetttrigatch4 I think you just found an app to write.
23:50.38trigatch4dougie187 i'm not even a developer
23:50.49Dougie187but you own a forum?
23:51.00trigatch4dmoffett what app is that? SMS notification upon universe flying past?
23:51.08trigatch4i own a forum, yes...
23:51.13trigatch4more for consumers
23:51.23trigatch4people who want the phones, have android enabled phones, etc...
23:51.41dmoffettor maybe just when google announces things you want to announce.  :-)
23:52.46gamblertrigatch4, do you own other forums or is this your first foray into the forum business?
23:53.09trigatch4i have a couple other
23:53.11trigatch4why do you ask
23:53.19Dougie187what are your orthers?
23:53.37trigatch4 is a more general one based around mobile industry
23:53.43trigatch4biggest area there is on the LG Dare
23:53.55trigatch4I started this whole forum facination with
23:54.02trigatch4which amazingly took off... I didn't expect it...
23:54.20Dougie187how long have you had this one?
23:55.08gamblertrigatch4, some friends of mine just started a forum for gamblers
23:56.40trigatch4sounds degenerative
23:56.45trigatch4the type of place i would hang out
23:56.48trigatch4and never escape
23:56.58gamblerhaha i have that problem too

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