IRC log for #android on 20080826

00:03.18jastamorrildl: what?
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00:20.45jastawhat are you guys talking about?
00:20.54lazany developers in here?
00:22.03laza robot
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00:28.41jastalaz: this channel is almost exclusively developers.
00:28.46jastais full of*
00:28.52jastaso yes, there are developers in here.
00:33.14*** join/#android jasta_ (n=jasta@
00:41.08jastamorrildl: that note about GtalkService is not too surprising.  i had always thought that feature was perhaps poorly thought out
00:51.45lazwhats some good sites/books to learn how to program for android?
00:57.51lazi'm gonna create a p2p gnutella client
01:00.16SanMehatsuch a bad idea.
01:00.38SanMehatkiss your battery life goodbye :(
01:00.54lazbut you will have music heaven in android
01:01.10SanMehatyeah and a dead battery :)
01:02.16npellylaz: i recommend not taking android ideas from simonn :)
01:04.20*** part/#android Acsia (
01:06.36*** join/#android yakischloba (
01:06.54lazwouldnt the battery die just doing normal stuff like aim/browsing/listening to music....
01:06.55herriojrI figured it out....communication problems :)
01:07.41SanMehatlaz: yes, but not as quickliy. a p2p client would be sending and receiving data constantly; something which is a KILLER on the battery.
01:08.08SanMehat(because it costs power to transmit and receive data off the wire)
01:12.08*** join/#android matt_c (
01:12.18lazI want my dream now!!!! :(
01:18.34jastalaz: if you really want to implement something like that, do it with a server-assisted proxy component
01:18.38jastasuch as your home computer
01:18.55jastathe peer-to-peer networks overhead is huge, whereas the overhead of the content delivery is at least well bound.
01:19.46jastaSanMehat: i'm so nervous to see how Five performs.  lately ive' been moving through redesigning and optimizing ;)
01:20.40jastabut there's nothing i can to stave off the fact that it will be transmitting large amounts of data and doing audio decoding/playback (btw, i really hope i get a coprocessor in the first android phone *rin*)
01:21.10jastastill, i expect most usages of Five to be either with short duration, or wall power nearby.
01:21.23jastalike playing music in your home or car, or going for a jog...
01:21.44jastaalso, i expect my users to buy bigger than 1GB storage cards :)
01:34.09*** join/#android meoblast001 (
01:38.28*** part/#android Dougie187 (
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01:48.47jastamorrildl: hey, pretty soon here i'm going to need to do unit testing on a service that requires callbacks to work (or at least, be testable).  can you please look to see if there's something totally simple that i need to do to test this?
02:14.53*** join/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
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02:51.00umdk1d3mmm nice @ morrildl blog post, really helps clear up some things
02:51.16umdk1d3yay for being more open about internal stuff  :)
02:51.31muthuwhere's the link?
02:51.33umdk1d3not sure if it was pasted in here yet
02:51.39umdk1d3a few hours ago
02:53.05muthunice to get some updates
03:14.07gamblerthat is a good post. props to morrildl
03:14.36gamblerbut lets get that bluetooth API happening pls
03:15.52muthuxmpp would be great
03:20.39*** join/#android michaelnovakjr (n=mnovak@
03:28.36romainguy__it's just 1.0
03:28.42romainguy__these APIs will be added in a future release
03:29.48lazcant wait for October 13
03:38.52muthuromainguy__: you work in python?
03:39.42muthuis it a good idea for an android developer to learn python?
03:39.42romainguy__I used to
03:39.54romainguy__it's a good idea to learn Python period
03:39.58romainguy__it has nothing to do with Android
03:40.03romainguy__but it's a good and useful language
03:40.32muthuany python resources you can't live without?
03:40.43romainguy__the official docs :)
03:40.48romainguy__that's all I ever used
03:41.06muthuthat's all we need..
03:41.48muthuwhy goog chose python?
03:41.54muthuinstead of perl or php or ruby..
03:42.35michaelnovakjrdoes it slow you down too much to add the le in there..... goog-le?
03:42.40romainguy__Ruby wasn't popular/very documented
03:42.52romainguy__and PHP is rarely used outside of web servers
03:43.05muthumichaelnovakjr_: yeah it terribly slooooooows me down :)
03:43.21romainguy__and Python is a nice language :))
03:44.52muthupython is better than ruby?
03:45.01romainguy__to me they're the same
03:45.06romainguy__I prefer Python's syntax though
03:45.44muthuyeah, looks cool
03:47.06muthuGAE is influencing me a lot
03:47.36muthuAndroid + GAE = rocks!
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04:17.13*** join/#android trigatch4 (
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04:21.37trigatch4You all see the new post about GTalk Services and Bluetooth 2.0 API being left out?
04:22.33muthuyeah, nice post
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04:25.54jastatrigatch4: yeah, i kind of figured as much
04:26.23jastait's funny to me that they needed their security team to realize that there were problems with allowing remote peers to arbitrarily invoke code on your device :)
04:26.32gamblerthe network operators are scared of the internets
04:26.58trigatch4haha yeah
04:27.06SanMehatjasta: thats not actually what its doing
04:27.13trigatch4but they mentioned that had they included the Bluetooth 2.0 API as is.. .they would be locked into that for years to come
04:27.18jastaSanMehat: that's part of what your official explanation said.
04:27.28trigatch4and.. so... regardless if its a black eye on the process or not, i'm glad they didn't include it
04:27.32jastaSanMehat: however i was just being quippy.  it's funny that you needed your security team to realize any part of why that wouldn't work :)
04:27.57SanMehatthats why they're there.. to catch stuff that us super-humans might miss when we're coding 36 hours a day
04:28.15swetlandsan: 36 hour days are not approved for external disclosure at this time.
04:28.23SanMehatswetland: oops sorry
04:28.37swetlandnothing to see here folks, move along.
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04:28.59jastanot approved to disclose how you bend the laws of spacetime? :)
04:29.14jastaor about how google treats you like slaves? :)
04:29.18SanMehatswetlands my boss
04:29.25umdk1d3halp  =D
04:29.31gamblerit just means the security model was scheduled for 'later'...quite understandable and sensible.
04:30.04jastagambler: that is neither.  security must always be considered throughout the design, never as an afterthought.
04:30.12jastathe latter is Microsoft circa 1995.
04:30.44swetlandsecurity is subtle and having a specific team doing extra review is very worthwhile. I'm happy we've got 'em.
04:31.14SanMehatyeah, I for one am really glad we've got them to quadrouple-check the code
04:31.14jastaswetland: certainly, but the flaws in the gtalkservice as discussed in that post seem painfully obvious, not requiring some specialist to discover.
04:31.38SanMehatjasta: you on a witch hunt or something?
04:31.58jastano, it just tickled me is all.  do you honestly not agree that those were obvious points?
04:32.14SanMehathonestly i've been so busy i hadn't thought of it
04:32.18swetlandsan: we are not confirming or denying the existence of witches on the team or support or non-support for witches in the APIs
04:32.26SanMehatbecause i've got a zillion other more important things to worry about.
04:32.37jastaSanMehat: well, i didn't attack you so don't take it so personally.
04:32.46SanMehati'm not.
04:32.56SanMehati'm cool like school
04:33.00jastasomebody somewhere wasn't thinking, and that made me chuckle.
04:33.06SanMehatit happens
04:33.14muthucool like cuil
04:33.39SanMehatgambler: whats your game of choice?
04:33.57muthujasta_: google treating them as slaves, come on!
04:34.06jastaSanMehat: on a side note, i do think it is kind of interesting how a lot of the android engineers don't get the opportunity to see the platform like we do.
04:35.04gamblerSanMehat, ill bet on which raindrop falls down a window faster, but I spent a few years losing money playing internet poker and options trading
04:35.24SanMehatgambler: options trading is too complicated for my simple mind
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04:35.36SanMehatso is poker, but i play it anyways
04:35.50gamblerSanMehat, stakes?
04:35.59muthui like 5c slot machines.. hehe
04:37.18muthuthey were showing lasvegas highrollers the other day, amazing how much these folks spend gambling
04:41.26jastaSanMehat: *poke*, privmsg
04:51.24jastalame, my new aidl is 400 lines long.  now i have to implement this beast ;)
04:51.27muthushit, tuesdays are so boring
04:51.32jastathere are 4 types of listeners too, *yargh* :)
04:52.14muthu400 lines.. how many methods?
04:53.54jastai don't know, a lot :)
04:54.12jastalots of comments though, too :P
05:04.01SanMehatgambler: $1/2 for fun... $5/10 in vegas
05:10.13trigatch4tuesdays are the best days
05:10.31muthufor what?
05:11.08muthuits not the beginning, not the middle and not the end.. hehe
05:19.10trigatch4the best for business
05:19.30trigatch4mondays people are getting re-acquainted from the weekend
05:19.44muthufridays are the best for business
05:19.48trigatch4tuesday they are concentrated and refreshed and online
05:19.55trigatch4depends what business
05:20.09trigatch4not for online business
05:28.30jastayakischloba: how was your first day? :)
05:29.46yakischlobajasta: the guy that was supposed to train me went home sick before I got there. I spent about 3 hours being taught some basic stuff and the next 5 figuring some stuff out on my own, wandering around the data center looking at stuff, trying not to fall asleep
05:30.33jastaseem like it's gonna be a good gig though?
05:30.43yakischlobayeah it'll be exciting once I get rolling
05:31.20yakischlobaI can see by browsing through the ticket system that the level I was hired for will be a breeze
05:31.22jastagah i really wish i could figure out what was wrong with ServiceTestCase :(
05:31.32yakischlobahopefully move up pretty fast
05:31.50jastayakischloba: excellent, just gotta show the right attitude and it should be easy
05:33.28yakischlobathrilling to have a zillion dollars of fiber networking stuff blowing hot air in my face
06:05.23*** join/#android kennyz (
06:09.59trigatch4jasta: i'm pretty sure you can find your answer to ServiceTestCase by asking on
06:10.07trigatch4;) i kid, i kid...
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06:32.11f00f-how goes it folks
06:33.04romainguypretty well
06:33.44f00f-good good
06:34.06jastaromainguy: do you think you could do me a favor? *grin*
06:34.26f00f-"READ THE ISSUE TRACKER!" :)
06:34.49jastai ran into a small problem using ServiceTestCase where it seems callbacks are not supported.  I doubt this is really true, i'm just failing to set up some part of my test environment correctly
06:34.55romainguyf00f-: haven't you noticed the recent activity? :)
06:35.11jastaDo you know of any tests in Android's framework that use this (callbacks)?  Could you peek into one and figure out if there's some trick?
06:35.31romainguyno I don't know of any test that does that
06:35.45romainguyand I have absolutely no will to look into this right now
06:36.53muthui think monkey is a lot useful than instrumentation
06:37.10romainguymuthu: there are both useful in different ways
06:37.27muthuyeah, but you get monkey for free ;)
06:37.30jastaromainguy: ok, fair enough.
06:37.47romainguybut I don't see why callbacks would not be supported
06:37.53romainguyan instrumented activity is just an activity
06:38.23jastaromainguy: me neither, but i can't see that i am doing anything "weird".  except, i am blocking the test thread.  but i don't think that should have anything to do with it.
06:44.40jastaromainguy: i dunno, i posted to the groups so hopefully someone responds
06:44.51romainguythat's what they're for
06:45.27jastai half expect i'm going to get a "don't use undocumented systems" response, though
06:45.49muthuits 2 different process
06:45.56muthuso callbacks might not work
06:46.18jastamuthu: what do you mean?
06:46.27jastawhat does it being 2 processes have to do with anything?
06:46.58muthumay b threading issues?
06:47.12jastai doubt very much that it is simply broken
06:48.00jastaif the test environment doesn't match the real environment sufficient enough to make recursive binder calls work, then it's not worth very much IMO.
06:50.37muthui dropped instrumentation coz at this stage its a waste of time
06:51.20jastai don't have a clue what you're talking about
06:53.07muthuthat doesn't surprise me ;)
06:54.33jastame either.  i don't know why you would think instrumentation is a waste of time just before handset launch.
06:54.43jastaQA is the most important thing you could be doing right now
06:55.12muthuwithout any documentation?
06:55.36romainguythere's really not much to instrumentation
06:56.10jastaromainguy: right, but it really doesn't work in my case.  there must be some special trick that you have to do to get recursive binder transactions working
06:56.31jastai imagine most of Android is tested with this stuff, right?  tons of code must be using it internally
06:56.54muthudon't think so
06:56.58romainguywe definitely use it for the UI framework
07:01.11anno^dagm guys
07:01.36jastaromainguy: i get the sense that i am doing a lot of esoteric things with Android in my designs for some reason :)
07:01.38anno^daSo I'm leaving for breakfast now. :)
07:11.16*** join/#android Zohan (
07:16.35muthuanno^da: what's for breakfast
07:26.09muthuin chennai, idly sambar is the standard breakfast
07:35.50jastait would sure be nice if you could get aidl to generate you a RemoteCallbackList stub for callback interfaces ;0
07:35.56jastawriting these sucks so much :)
07:37.34trigatch4more pictures of htc dream leaked
07:38.17trigatch4for anyone interested
07:39.52jastaso that little tilt at the bottom is real?  i always wondered why that was there
07:40.01jastait's going to make it fit in people's pockets funny
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07:58.16anno^damuthu: now I'm back
07:58.56anno^daI had bread with cheese and marmelade and some ham.
07:59.07anno^daand fresh apples from the garden
07:59.26anno^daand a big glass of apple juice
08:04.51*** join/#android cutmasta (n=cutmasta@
08:15.32Zohanugly device
08:15.43Zohani wont buy the first one then
08:16.15cutmastaZohan, :)
08:19.14jastai'm not too sure what i feel about this, actually
08:19.34jastathis doesn't seem like it's gonna win any hardware design awards :(
08:19.49cutmastajasta, you talk about the dream?
08:19.55cutmastaare there new pics out ?
08:19.59jastai guess i'll have to wait and see how it feels in the hand and all that, but it looks kind of like recycled HTC crap
08:20.08cutmastaor are you just imagine how it will look like
08:20.12_avatarcutmasta: < trigatch4>
08:20.19jastaHTC makes some good phones, but they've also got plenty of really generic ones.  this sorta seems like one of those more than their really fancy ones
08:20.51cutmastajasonchen, the diamond pro is nice deisgn
08:20.58jastaright, exactly
08:21.02cutmastafuck autocomplete
08:21.14_avatari really don't have a problem with the way it looks. that being said, it doesn't appear to be the most attractive device out there
08:21.44jasta_avatar: -- the same company made this.
08:22.05_avatarpersonally, because I'm a cheapskate, I'd rather buy a functional, slightly ugly phone, than something twice as expensive that does the same thing but looks better.
08:22.12jastaand that device seems much more attractive.  perhaps the face plate will get some love, though
08:22.17_avatarso as long as the handset is decently priced i'm sold, i think
08:22.17cutmasta_avatar, you are right
08:22.30cutmastabut in my opinion they should sell a competitor to iphone
08:22.38cutmastaregarding functionality AND design
08:22.48jasta_avatar: yeah but a phone with wi-fi, gps, huge touchscreen, slide-out keyboard, etc is _NOT_ going to be cheap.
08:23.02muthugps not certain
08:23.08jastaoh and throw in a 3D accelerator chip in there.
08:23.09_avatarjasta: true, but a sexier phone will be more expensive
08:23.23muthui'll go for a reasonably priced phone
08:23.35jastamuthu: for real?  are we also speculating as to whether it will have a cellular radio?
08:24.16jastawhy on earth would there be no GPS?  last i checked google's "my location" was still terribly inaccurate.
08:24.41muthudonno, might be some device constraints
08:24.59_avatarseems like it'd be silly not to have a GPS given the tight maps integration
08:25.11jastayeah, what a clusterfuck that would be to not include GPS
08:25.13romainguystop speculating guys, just wait for the devices and you'll see what's inside
08:25.35romainguy(on the other hand it's fun watching you speculate :)
08:25.42_avatari'm sure it is
08:25.55muthuthis channel would die, if we don't speculate ;)
08:26.05muthujasta would have nothing to do.. hehe
08:26.19romainguymuthu: oh he would
08:26.28duey^I already know whats in the devices
08:26.30jastai could get back to coding, of course.
08:26.31Zohanthe diamond pro is too thick imo
08:26.37Zohanthe diamond touch is nice
08:26.45duey^its an iphone running android
08:26.59cutmastathis would be really cool
08:27.06cutmastapublish an installer for iphone
08:27.19cutmastathat would kick ass ;)
08:27.23cutmastanice device
08:27.24muthuthat would really kick SJ ass :)
08:27.30cutmastawith extremly nice OS
08:27.30Zohancall it "the iphone youve been waiting for" :)
08:27.40duey^dont think I would want to run android on an iphone..
08:28.06cutmastahm, in my opinion the iphone weighs to much
08:28.28cutmastadesign is nice
08:28.33cutmastabig filespace
08:28.40muthuandroid on iphone would be a nice
08:28.48cutmastathe battery runs out fast
08:28.53cutmastaif you really USE it
08:28.57jastahas anyone hacked linux onto an iphone currently?
08:29.36jastaif they have, and the driver status is good, then it would probably be trivial to load Android on there.
08:30.18jastabut i doubt very much that anyone has done that.
08:30.22jastaand i bet the work involved would be staggering
08:30.32muthuyeah, not even rumors around
08:30.36Zohantheyre running some version of bsd
08:30.56jastamuthu: "rumors"?  do you find a lot of open source hackers that don't publish their findings?
08:31.27jastaZohan: Loading a form of BSD onto the iPhone is a much less impressive feat, since the iPhone alraedy runs a form of BSD.
08:31.55Zohanthats what i meant, the osx base is some bsd version
08:31.58*** join/#android duey (n=duey@
08:32.17jastathat doesn't translate at all to loading Linux onto the device with good driver support.
08:32.22Zohanbtw, i dont publish my findings
08:32.25jastaall the iphone drivers are assuredly closed source.
08:33.20jastathe iphone is probably nightmarishly properietary too.  probably no other phones with even similar hardware except maybe the baseboard/cpu.
08:33.48jastaand with it also being the only hardware to run OS X, there are probably no tools to explore the hardware exisitng
08:34.09jastathe task would be incredibly huge for anyone to take on.  it's just not happening...
08:34.18Zohanand noone should support apple by buying an iphone and putting a good OS on it!
08:35.24muthuespecially given the outrageous iphone pricing
08:35.45jastathe iPhone is just simply not an attractive target for tinkering
08:36.02Zohanthe chiphone is
08:36.05jastayou guys seem to think this sort of stuff is magic just because you're used to someone doing all the real work for you.
08:36.24trichmm, any idea how to resolve the path/filename of a raw resource?
08:38.58swetlandembedded systems are embedded systems
08:39.05romainguyyo swetland
08:39.09swetlandthey're not particularly magical
08:39.29swetlandthough sometimes it's a pita to get actual databooks from the silicon vendors
08:39.54romainguyswetland: you're good at yelling at them ;-)
08:40.08jastayelling at who?  us?
08:40.13swetlandromainguy: I mean for joe random third party hacker
08:40.20romainguyjasta: no, sillicon vendors
08:40.25romainguyswetland: ah yes :)
08:40.27jastaoh, of course.
08:41.14swetlandthe hard part is all in the last 5% though. saving 0.1mA here and there, finding the flaky stability issues in the hardware or the modem or whatever
08:41.38romainguyswetland: and then see these @!# framework devs ruin all of your efforts with fancy features :))
08:41.49swetlandbut watch those guys who are getting android (and other mobile linux stuff) fired up on a bunch of existing handsets with no docs
08:42.05jastaswetland: /me was contributing to that effort on the Vogue...
08:42.08swetlanddetermination and an insane amount of free time goes a long way ^^
08:42.18jastaand actually, you're missing something about those folks...
08:42.28jastathey were all using HaRET, an existing tool which basically is doing all the work for them
08:42.39swetlandit's not quite all that simple
08:42.55jastathen just trying to guess at the differences between the code *you*'ve been writing and what is appropriate for the other hardware :)
08:42.55swetlandthough having existing tools to help reverse engineering is a plus
08:43.14Zohanwhere did you change voltages?
08:43.19swetlandjasta: and disassembling the wince stuff and picking it apart, etc, etc
08:43.57jastaswetland: HaRET can actually do most of the work on certain devices.
08:44.08*** join/#android matt_c (
08:44.45swetlandnot sure what you mean by "the work".  I am reminded of people requesting a device driver wizard for beos where you "just punch in the irqs and addresses and it writes the driver for you" ^^
08:45.36swetlandit looks like haret is damn handy for sorting out gpio assignments and so on, which is certainly nice
08:45.36jastaswetland: it was basically that easy.  i know you have no free time to look, but look at the diff for the vogue against your tree ;)
08:46.04swetlandyes, 90% of the diffs are a bitmap for the onscreen keyboard
08:46.18jastawell that's not what i meant :)
08:46.29jastai just meant that much of it is a copy/paste job on your code, modifying the small details that are necessary.
08:46.32swetlandbut the work picking apart the quite different shared memory interface and getting the at/ppp channel up was unlikely to be magically done by haret
08:46.34jastamost of those details were discovered from HaRET
08:46.38jastai talked to dzo quite a bit about this ;)
08:47.02jastaoh yes, that piece was damn impressive.  i have no clue how he made that work.
08:47.11swetlandI do.
08:47.16swetlandit remains impressive though ^^
08:47.23Zohanim on jasta's side with this, without knowing both codes
08:47.34jastamy "side"?
08:48.07Zohanthe copy n paste wasnt much work side
08:49.41swetlanddriver work is all about the details. and sorting out those details in absence of actual docs or reference code can be quite time consuming, even if you do have good tools to help.  don't make the mistake of thinking just because there's not a lot of code, it's trivial
08:50.03jastaswetland: i didn't make that mistake.  i am telling you, i discussed this with him :)
08:50.35jastabut regardless, it was still really incredible and that is with good tools.  porting something like the iPhone is dizzying.  you're starting totally from scratch there.
08:50.47jastaby the time you succeeded to get a stable, working stack, the iphone would be old news :)
08:50.56swetlandyet people do stuff like that
08:51.23jastasure, but generally the more interesting hobbyist projects come from more attractive targets than the iphone
08:51.43jastaor maybe not interesting, but usable :)
08:52.05swetlandit's an arm core with flash, ram, standard embedded peripherals, a radio module
08:52.20zooloochi there
08:52.29swetlandnot much different than many other devices people pick apart ^^
08:52.56zooloocat least the iphone has no SD card slot, like the kaiser, where the hackers are struggling with driver issues
08:53.14swetlandI always was amazed at the desire to use SD
08:53.23swetlandthe nand driver was one of the first things we published
08:53.30swetlandthat sdcc is just plain evil
08:54.02jastajeez, i really have to go to bed
08:54.08jastathis is ridiculous being up at 2am
08:55.13Zohancome on over here, 11 am here :)
08:55.35jastai am finally to a place where i have to implement that stupid local HTTP server work-around and i'm just dreading it
08:55.38jastaso i'm not even coding anymore
08:57.03jastaanyway, night folks
09:00.56zooloocswetland: so you're saying the nand driver would be usable for the kaiser as well, even right now? well, and if it is, actually making use of it wouldn't that imply flashing some experimental linux (w/wo android on top) to the rom? but what if it goes wrong? what a bout the bootloader? is there a way back? whereas "playing" with haret booting from SD seems reversible...
09:02.35swetlandnot writing to the onboard flash is certainly lower risk
09:02.54swetlandbut I have to say if we had to get sd working first it would have delayed us impressively ^^
09:03.38romainguy__swetland: I should use the same excuse for ListView bugs :p
09:03.48swetlandyou blame San?
09:04.00swetlanddoes he know?
09:04.04romainguy__I blame myself
09:04.17romainguy__(we nailed another one today)
09:04.26swetland"I don't fear diseases, ListView will kill me first." -- Romain
09:04.51swetlandI feel the same way about the AMSS shared memory interface
09:04.59romainguy__just the name makes me crap my pants
09:05.05swetlandat least we don't have a floppy controller
09:05.09swetlandthank the gods
09:05.55swetlandthough the usb client controller was pretty hateful in its own special ways
09:06.06romainguywell, you used the word USB
09:06.13romainguyso I was kinda expecting hatred to be involved
09:07.03zoolooclol, :) just because a floppy drive would buckle the pocket more than the phone itself
09:08.05swetlandz: at Be, ownership of the floppy driver (which was incredibly hateful) was considered a dire punishment
09:11.02jasta_why on earth did i install an irc client on my phone
09:14.12cutmastabecause its great?
09:16.53jasta_no, not true :)
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09:20.48anno^dayou have to go to sleep :)
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09:42.09anno^daromainguy: you there
09:42.52anno^daI know that you like your mac, have you tested that:  . Pretty funny (ok it is somehow senseless but just a fun app)
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11:57.26tricnice, finally found a way to "deploy" my nativ lib with the .apk, and prolly gonna be killed for that by any android dev ;)
12:03.58buster`_tric: who? you can install native libs with .apk?
12:07.01tricwell. "install", i put them in as raw resource, and on start before loading i check for filename, if its not found i use the resource inputstream and write them to the fs. but of course not in /system/lib, cause ro mount and root permissions, but /data/anr is world writable and System.load(fullpath) can load this lib
12:07.44tricworks only with a single jni lib, so you have to link all your jni libs into one static. else the linker wont find the dependencies
12:08.24tricbuster: but thats of course a hack. prolly wont work with next sdk, and for sure not with a real device (which isnt hacked)
12:08.56tricbut for testing this is nice, finally no need to push before running the service after emu start.
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12:15.55tric.o(i guess i should have told this, i bet next sdk release System.load is removed)
12:18.12anno^dain the next it is open ;)
12:19.26tricbut not in 1.0 or on real devices.
12:21.19anno^dathats true :)
12:22.02swetlandfun fact: the android security model does not depend on the vm for security
12:22.29Zohansome parts do
12:22.33trictrue, it depends alot on the kernel.
12:22.47triczohan: which parts do?
12:23.08anno^daOh after looking at the pictures of the G1 I hate the logo placement. I'd like to have a device without the logos. Even without the ugly T-Mobile one.
12:23.09swetlandno, the security design of the system is around one-uid-per-app and kernel enforced process boundaries
12:23.22tricyou can of course crash your app very easily via jni, but only your app gets killed, i tried that alot ;)
12:24.11Zohanwhats the permission good for, then?
12:24.52swetlandthe system servers can map the uids of calling apps to their package info and use that to enforce whatever
12:25.27swetlanddirect hardware / filesystem access is generally granted by setting additional groups when the app process is launched (for permissions that map to direct driver access, etc)
12:25.33triczohan: ok, true. those INTERNET permissions are good for nothing. but you could add a JNI permission ;)
12:25.54swetlandtric: actually those internet permissions are pretty important
12:26.30tricswetland: well, but you can (currently) use jni to access the net i guess.
12:26.36Zohanwell, a programm could use a internet and jni permission then. and then read the position via native access on the gsm/gps modul
12:27.02Zohanthere are around 2000 native methods. i guess you can do nearly everything native
12:27.05swetlandtric: I think the emulator kernel may not currently be build with CONFIG_PARANOID_NETWORK
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12:28.10tricah, interesting, so those permissions are handed over to the kernel aswell.
12:28.26tricso enable jni support! ;)
12:28.49swetlandthe process start from zygote arranges to put the app in the appropriate additional groups. the kernel merely enforces access with them
12:29.01Zohandrop C code, execute it, exploit some app to gain root privs and install rootkit :)
12:29.24swetlandthere is a reason very few things run as root
12:29.26triczohan: some app, thats the problem, there are only very few ;)
12:30.40Zohanyou can do it if you really want
12:30.44Zohanbut you must try, try and try
12:31.16tricyou dont have to try and try, you have to read alot when the source code is open ;)
12:32.06Zohanthats what some people get paid for
12:32.17swetlandI'm sure even without that people would happily pick through the binaries to look for fun stuff
12:32.21Zohanreading source code, finding exploitable areas
12:33.16swetlandin any case, the point is system security is not designed around the VM being the last line of defense (or even that it be reliable at all, though the vm guys work hard to make it so)
12:34.10swetlandnative code support is more an issue of ABI/API support -- which was a bit out of scope for 1.0, but obviously something we're thinking about
12:34.36Zohannative code support is a must
12:34.46Zohanor else someone will jailbrake the gphone :p
12:34.47tricwell, for my use, only deployment needs to be solved. some local lib path for every .apk.
12:35.01buster`_Zohan: you dont need to jailbreak an open platform
12:35.32swetlandI'm sure if it's not supported people will devote considerable energy to working around that.
12:35.33tricbuster: the platform is open. maybe the phones are not!
12:35.34Zohanif youre bound to a VM
12:36.08tricswetland: yeah, i found a way in 0.9_r1, only a writable directory is needed.
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12:37.07swetlandthe main thing to keep in mind is that it is not supported, and there are no guarantees that even if you do whatever and run native code that that native code will work the same on different android devices, future versions of the platform, etc
12:37.15Zohantric the way you "found" is new File(); ? :D
12:38.02Zohanpeople running native code tend to know this swetland. they arent stupid
12:38.30swetlandI don't recall saying they were ^^
12:39.29triczohan: with input to fileoutputstream, yes. and i never treid System.load before, always used System.loadLibrary
12:40.31tricswetland: yes, there is an issues with different platforms of course. you need to deploys many binaries for every architecture. that sucks.
12:40.54Zohanmost of them will be ARM7/9 anyway
12:42.27tricmaybe for the start
12:42.31swetlandor A11, or Cortex, and A9 may be v4 or v5, etc, etc
12:42.42Zohanarm7/9 or x86
12:43.05swetlandthe main issue is the underlying native code that supports the java frameworks is not a stable api, and I suspect there will be strong temptation to directly call native libraries from native jni code and that's where the real rats nest begins
12:43.10tricthe nice thing about dalvik is, you need only one version of your .apk, at least as i understood it until now
12:43.59swetlandit'd be nice to provide a reasonable base C API for native extensions to use (say minimally libc+libm, maybe some additional useful glue)
12:44.18trichmm, ok, thats not an issue for me, i only call my own lib and some simple libc stuff. and __android_log_print of course ;)
12:44.47Zohanso do i
12:44.57swetlandbut the focus for 1.0 is the java language toolkits. native code and bindings for other runtimes did not make 1.0 as we did have this desire to ship
12:45.00tricwould have been nice to know about __android_log_print in the beginning. would have saved alot of time
12:45.55tricswetland: can you comment about if jni will be enabled or disabled in 1.0? no matter its supported or not?
12:45.55swetlandbut these are obviously interesting things for the platform and life doesn't stop at 1.0
12:46.28lazwhy couldnt they make it like the touch pro...
12:46.29swetlandtric: honestly not sure exactly how stuff's going to be configured in that regard.
12:46.50swetlandmy world tends to end well below the vm and frameworks
12:46.55Zohanor the diamond touch laz
12:47.21Zohanmy world begins at the vm/native code border
12:47.40triczohan: why do you need native code?
12:47.47tricwhat are you working on?
12:48.59lazill still buy it ;p
12:49.59Zohani just dont like restrictions
12:50.13Zohanlaz i wont
12:50.54lazwait for motorlla and see what they have
12:51.16swetlandI'm sure people will port to the openmoko device and whatever else is considered suitably free for their tastes ^^
12:51.38Zohanthe openmoko device is even worse
12:51.41swetlandand nothing stops oems/carriers from shipping devices that are in a wide open configuration
12:52.03Zohani guess ill get a chinese device
12:52.22swetlandzohan: worse in that it's somehow more restrictive than android devices that have not yet shipped?
12:52.45Zohanno, i meant the design
12:53.58lazfunny thing... its the same phone they being showing in the videos
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13:03.22Zohanwe all know the phone
13:04.15laznow you see it again
13:04.36Zohani could turn left 30cm and see it again
13:05.15michaelnovakjr_this sounds productive
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13:06.06Zohanits not
13:06.10Zohanjust papers
13:06.38Zohaneven the fcc information was new to me
13:06.56michaelnovakjr_are you guys programmers or fanboys?
13:07.17Zohanworking for deutsche telekom
13:07.57michaelnovakjr_so fanboy?
13:08.39swetlandwow that is some shaky video
13:08.46Zohanwhen i need some code i order some indian to do it
13:08.46swetlandand an ancient build of the system
13:08.47michaelnovakjr_what's the other 50?
13:08.59Zohanshittalking :)
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13:09.18buster`_who wouldve guessed..
13:10.01michaelnovakjr_i am a little nervous about the developer community, i haven't really seen many quality applications for android yet
13:10.05swetlandthe checkerboard makes me all nostalgic for the weird windowmanager and surfaceflinger bugs it was brought in to help hunt down
13:10.30Zohanmichaelnovakjr i believe the bigger companies will wait for a stable release
13:11.04michaelnovakjr_i don't care for the bigger companies
13:11.27michaelnovakjr_i'd like to see some quality open source applications, that is what I am developing :)
13:11.50swetlandI expect things will pick up when hardware starts shipping
13:12.10Zohanack @ swetland
13:12.26swetlandemulators are fun and all, but running apps on real devices that people can buy and use is more fun
13:12.58swetlandsome might argue we did it backwards, shipping the sdk first ^^
13:13.03michaelnovakjr_swetland: that is why I did a few apps for the vogue version for android :)
13:13.26Zohanthats why no professionals are developing apps for android ^^
13:13.30michaelnovakjr_it was also when programming for android was pointless
13:13.33swetlandbut I think it's good to get stuff out there and get some feedback and let people start mucking about with things.  it'll just get better when it all becomes more solid
13:14.13Zohan"get stuff out there"? the sdk was kept back secretly.
13:15.07michaelnovakjr_for obvious reasons :)
13:15.14michaelnovakjr_Zohan: it was buggy as hell
13:15.35swetlandthe first sdk release was done what, almost a year ago?  and then M5, and then 0.9, and more to follow?  You're welcome to bitch and moan, but I'm certainly not the guy responsible for these decisions ^^
13:16.09michaelnovakjr_i actually think not releasing one was a good idea
13:16.20michaelnovakjr_it probably would have created more bitching and moaning
13:16.33swetlandinvariably people are going to be unhappy
13:16.48Zohani really dont care much
13:16.54Zohani get paid, thats what i care about
13:16.58michaelnovakjr_you aren't a developer :)
13:19.23lazDream has GPS confirmed
13:19.50gamblerwhat were the chanes the first android phone wouldnt have location services
13:20.07michaelnovakjr_who said they will
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13:35.05Zohanmichaelnovakjr and proud of it
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13:35.27Zohan[15:16:58] <michaelnovakjr_> you aren't a developer :)
13:35.59gamblermore grist for the mill
13:36.19michaelnovakjr_we really should petition dan to setup an android developer irc channel
13:36.54gamblermichaelnovakjr, shouldnt you be in #iphone ?
13:37.11michaelnovakjr_:) not developing for the iphone
13:37.48Dougie187did you get your iphone yet michaelnovakjr_?
13:38.00michaelnovakjr_this week Dougie187
13:38.07Dougie187traitor. lol
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13:38.27michaelnovakjr_probably going to have to go after work.... you'd think with three apple stores in NYC it wouldn't be so bad...
13:38.43michaelnovakjr_4 if you count the one way out in the middle of nowhere :)
13:39.07Dougie187lol we don't even have 1 here i dont think.
13:41.08Zohani didnt knew there are apple stores
13:41.27Zohanbut apple isnt as popular in germany as in the US
13:42.11michaelnovakjr_Zohan: why not?
13:43.19Zohanpeople dont get manipulated as easy by marketing
13:43.25Zohanthey compare specs and prices
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13:50.39gamblerGermans don't get manipulated as easily by marketing? hmmm
13:51.13gamblerFrom what I've seen of the Eurovision song contest, that doesnt hold true :p
13:51.39Zohanat least it true for the apple marketing
13:51.53michaelnovakjr_Zohan: are you saying apple products aren't good?
13:52.04Zohanim saying theyre expensive
13:52.10michaelnovakjr_because they are good
13:52.36Zohanlets compare the ipod shuffle to the chipod shuffle :p
13:52.37michaelnovakjr_a honda doesn't have the same performance as a bmw.... there's an obvious price difference :)
13:55.09Zohanmy chipod looks the same, doesnt need itunes, sounds the same and costs 1/10th of the ipod
13:55.42Dougie187lol but it has a retarded name.
13:55.44Dougie187it just sounds cheap.
13:55.51michaelnovakjr_Dougie187: the interface blows
13:55.54swetlandthey're expensive because people will pay a premium for the brand in many cases (their desktop PCs in particular are not much different from stock PCs any more).  they do make some nice consumer electronics.  I'm not personally fond of their laptops, prefering a nice boring thinkpad. ^^
13:56.17Zohantrue swetland
13:56.24michaelnovakjr_swetland: i like the apple laptops, because you can run all three operating systems on it
13:56.32Dougie187im not big on apple laptops.
13:56.36Dougie187because i dont need 3 oses.
13:56.46michaelnovakjr_i use mac/linux/windows
13:56.49Dougie187and i hate the single click.
13:56.52michaelnovakjr_so its definitely nice for me :)
13:57.07Zohanim on a thinkpad atm. looks ugly. works fantastic. cheaper than an apple. cheaper to upgrade. rock solid case.
13:57.21Dougie187im on a thinkpad. i don't think its ugly.
13:57.24Dougie187but everything else is true.
13:57.31Dougie187it was cheaper then a dell for a better computer for me too.
13:57.32Zohanmichael you can run all OS on every laptop ;)
13:57.44Zohanfor half the price of an apple
14:01.37Mieki'm also on a thinkpad :D
14:02.11Zohanseems like people know whats good in #android :p
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14:05.15Zohanwhat kind of thinkpads are you guys on? im on a X31, having a T61 and X20 at home
14:06.12Dougie187i have a T61
14:06.27gamblerI bought an X60 because it was the only one I could find without a touchpad...pretty disappointing level of processing power
14:06.40anno^da(Oh I love such a discussion people comparing notebooks like cars and theirs houses *laughing*
14:06.45Dougie187you didn't want a touchpad?
14:06.56Zohantrackpoint ftw
14:07.00gambleryah i prefer the trackpoint too
14:07.03Dougie187i use them both.
14:07.08Dougie187but the trackpoint drifts sometimes.
14:07.10Dougie187and its slower.
14:07.13anno^dahates the touchpad as well as well as a trackpoint :>
14:07.20Dougie187but i dig the middle click on it.
14:07.31gamblerI find it way faster...but I usually bring a mouse if I am using my laptop and travelling
14:07.58Dougie187i always have a mouse with me, but i like the touchpad, and sometimes i enjoy the trackpoint/
14:08.22gambleri hate that big space between the edge of the computer and the keyboard that a touchpad forces...
14:09.22gambleron the upside that computer is very light
14:09.43gamblerand v good battery
14:10.25Zohanits amazing small and lightweight
14:10.37Zohanand the battery is perfect
14:10.56Dougie187i am enjoying my t61 so far.
14:11.01Dougie187ive only had it for about a month maybe.
14:13.54Zohanits a good device
14:17.20michaelnovakjr_Zohan: mac os x obviously doesn't run like it does on a mac anywhere else
14:17.44Zohanisnt mac using intel chips?
14:18.01michaelnovakjr_but that doesn't mean anything
14:18.10gamblerdoes anyone here know bouncy castle well? I have a bouncy question.
14:18.17Zohanhave you tried running it on similar hardware (e.g. scsi vs ide)
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14:18.52Zohanand it runs the same :)
14:19.06michaelnovakjr_very buggy
14:20.45Zohanan ironic "of course"
14:21.04michaelnovakjr_so then obviously its worth the money for a mac :)
14:21.17Zohanthats what i was thinking youre up to
14:21.54Dougie187only if you need mac os.
14:22.00Zohan"apple hardware is actually better. because its branded an apple on it. thats why its so expensive. its not that im dumb and kiss steve jobs ass. no. its really different. think different! har!"
14:22.01Dougie187and i mean *need*
14:22.33michaelnovakjr_Zohan: i have never had an issue with my mac.... but my pc... well that has issues all the time
14:23.03michaelnovakjr_and that pc has hardware issues.. and doesn't run windows
14:23.15Zohanits an error on layer 8
14:23.16anno^daI have to aggree that an apple is not better in hardware than any other pc or notebook
14:23.30Zohanthank you anno
14:23.37michaelnovakjr_you germans are all alike
14:24.03Zohanyou cant prove it, we can ;)
14:24.10anno^da( michaelnovakjr_ I'm using a mac so :) )
14:24.12Zohanyoure steve jobs brainwashed hehe
14:24.20Dougie187I have to say, apples are nice, but i don't think they are worth the money.
14:24.32michaelnovakjr_they are that much more money
14:24.35anno^dathe Macbook is not expensive
14:24.37anno^danot at all
14:24.44Dougie187but its not great at all either.
14:24.46michaelnovakjr_you make it sound like you have to mortgage your house :)
14:24.55Dougie187just about.
14:24.56anno^daBut it is as ugly as every notebook for 800 bucks
14:26.04Zohanwere just clever and count our money ;)
14:26.24anno^daSo comparing my Macbook Pro to every other notebook I had is very funny. It is the first nootebook that hibernates and wakes up nicely.
14:26.49anno^daBut it is something very very subjective.
14:26.56anno^daSo I dont care what others buy.
14:27.13anno^daI'm using it with every 3 os'es on it and thats fine for me
14:27.25michaelnovakjr_me too
14:28.01Dougie187do you guys triple boot?
14:28.02anno^daOn OSX I can do cutting (I love Final Cut Pro) and audio recording which I cant do that well and comfortable as on any other system.
14:28.03Dougie187or virtualize?
14:28.15anno^daWindows virtualized
14:28.28anno^daand Linux native.
14:28.43Dougie187you use fusion?
14:28.48Dougie187or just vmware?
14:28.55Zohani have tripple boot (win, linux, bsd)
14:29.11anno^dano at the moment I'm using Virtualbox
14:29.13Zohanand some VMs, like win2003 server and others
14:30.27anno^dabut in the end it is all about subjective things.
14:30.31michaelnovakjr_win2003 virtual? what for?
14:31.09anno^daI'm the more visual guy and I hate the windows user interface. It is overloaded ugly and just not comfortable to work in. But as you see it is subjective.
14:31.26Zohanmichaelnovakjr: testing IIS
14:31.52michaelnovakjr_IIS is the worst webserver ever made
14:32.21Zohani dont care, i just needed to see the default log config and how its beeing changed and tweak it a bit
14:32.33michaelnovakjr_for what?
14:32.49Zohantracking users using webservers
14:34.06Zohanive setup a test environment where i was able to track users on different servers and see which content they read and long how
14:34.24michaelnovakjr_and you needed IIS?
14:34.43Zohanusing standard http on apache/lighttpd/iis and php/mysql/javascript
14:34.56michaelnovakjr_yea, its called logs :)
14:35.05Zohansure, i need to compare the major deamons
14:35.15Zohanapache, iis and lighttpd
14:35.23michaelnovakjr_we use logs all the time at work... its easy :)
14:35.54Zohanhow would you track me on, and
14:36.07Zohan(its not hard)
14:36.14michaelnovakjr_why would i do that?
14:36.41Zohancreating user profiles
14:37.06michaelnovakjr_profiles for what? i don't see the purpose
14:37.33Zohanlike michael reads cnn daily. he is interessted in sports. not politics. he prefers comparing prices on xyz. he googles most brands and often looks for benchmarks etc.
14:37.43Zohanknowledge about users is money
14:37.58Dougie187knowledge about users is also creepy as hell
14:37.59michaelnovakjr_hm, i'd say that is a bit hairy
14:38.07Zohanit is
14:38.15Dougie187and completely stalkerish.
14:38.25michaelnovakjr_yea, what gives you the right to do that?
14:38.25Zohanthe worst part is: its legal
14:38.43michaelnovakjr_i highly doubt in the US it is
14:38.53Dougie187i think it is if you put it in your ToS
14:39.00Dougie187but if people read them they won't sign up.
14:39.04michaelnovakjr_yea :)
14:39.10ttuttleDougie187: but nobody reads them ;-)
14:39.10Zohanits a demonstration how someone can create a profile. goal is to ring the alarm bells.
14:39.19michaelnovakjr_i read them
14:39.23Zohanmichaelnovakjr in the US it is. in germany i may be not
14:39.29Dougie187but average people don't read them.
14:39.32ttuttlemichaelnovakjr_: I mean nobody statistically.  I usually at least skim them.
14:39.41michaelnovakjr_Zohan: again what is the purpose of this
14:39.41Zohanno, you dont have to sign ToS. just visit the pages
14:39.50Zohanmichaelnovakjr: ringing alarm bells
14:39.51ttuttleZohan: oh, those sites :-(
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14:40.22Dougie187so basically, you want to make web based spyware.
14:40.34michaelnovakjr_Dougie187: yea, basically he's an ass
14:40.55Zohanmichael and me are on a private war
14:41.15ttuttleOoh, spyware?  Can I help?  ;-)
14:41.16Dougie187you trash his mac, he trashes you
14:41.26Zohanhe is the good guy, writing open source software, providing for free, keeping private data private
14:41.29michaelnovakjr_Dougie187: i just can't stand people who create shit like spyware
14:41.36Dougie187me either.
14:41.38Dougie187im just kidding.
14:41.42Dougie187spyware is retarded.
14:41.48Zohanme selling software, never giving something away for free, beeing the bad guy, gathering data
14:42.05Dougie187the bad guy thing only comes from the last part.
14:42.06michaelnovakjr_Zohan: selling software is one thing... creating spyware is another
14:42.09Dougie187nothing else matters.
14:42.15Dougie187gathering the data is what makes you a bad guy.
14:42.31michaelnovakjr_and a douche bag
14:42.35Zohani dont, i dont even own many webservers (only 3)
14:42.46Dougie187and each of them collect data?
14:43.22Zohanits considered illegal to log ip addresses
14:43.25Zohanin germany
14:43.32michaelnovakjr_Zohan: uh
14:43.35ttuttleZohan: wow that's hilarious.
14:43.42michaelnovakjr_then what the hell does it matter
14:43.50Zohanits not quite sure if it really is. but it might be
14:43.50michaelnovakjr_obviously you can't pin data back to me at that point :)
14:44.05michaelnovakjr_you'd need an ip
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14:44.20Dougie187or a user name...
14:44.30Zohanlogging the first 3 octects if ok. if i combine traceroute information (first hop) and the first 3 octects, its legal and i can trace you
14:44.37Zohan*is ok
14:44.58ttuttleZohan: but traceroute won't tell you anything else.
14:45.02Zohanand i didnt even start the cookie part..
14:45.06gamblerI would like to get some naked pictures of Angela Merkel
14:45.07ttuttleZohan: It's really rare that the *last* octet decides the routing.
14:45.12ttuttlegambler: Try Google.
14:45.22ttuttlegambler: But don't forget to turn off SafeSearch.
14:45.44gamblerttuttle, really? she must have had a long career
14:46.03ttuttlegambler: I don't know who she is.
14:46.13ttuttlegambler: I was just suggesting a starting point for your internet voyage.
14:46.16gamblerttuttle, chancellorette of germany
14:46.23ttuttlegambler: ah
14:46.27ttuttlegambler: that might be difficult then.
14:46.43Dougie187bbl class time. but Zohan that is retarded. you shouldnt do that.
14:46.50*** part/#android Dougie187 (
14:46.59Zohannot logging ips? you mean i should log ips?
14:47.12ttuttleZohan: everyone logs IPs.
14:47.14michaelnovakjr_no meaning... i'll catch you :)
14:47.23ttuttleZohan: Just make sure you throw out the logs after you parse them.
14:47.30Zohanttuttle: no, i could sue you in germany if you do
14:47.38ttuttleZohan: Well I don't live in Germany :-P
14:47.45ttuttleZohan: But that's crazy ;-)
14:47.58ttuttleotoh, it eliminates the whole subpoena issue for a large class of websites.
14:48.00Zohanits privacy ^^
14:48.39michaelnovakjr_Zohan: its a good thing i work for the US gov't cyber crimes :)
14:49.12Zohanmichaelnovakjr_: the idea is to prevent crimes without logs :)
14:49.46Zohanyou dont need webserver logs to prevent cyber crimes
14:50.06michaelnovakjr_not trying to prevent them
14:50.14michaelnovakjr_looking to squash douche bags like youself
14:50.20ttuttleCYBER IS NOT A WORD
14:50.32Zohanwhat are the logs good for then?
14:50.37gamblermichaelnovakjr, did they give you a gun?
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14:50.45michaelnovakjr_gambler: yea yours
14:50.50ttuttleZohan: Seeing what your users do on your site, I guess.
14:50.55michaelnovakjr_ttuttle: yes
14:51.01michaelnovakjr_but not other sites
14:51.08michaelnovakjr_Zohan: is a moron
14:51.09gambleri dont understand
14:51.19ttuttlemichaelnovakjr_: Yeah, I know.
14:51.26ttuttlemichaelnovakjr_: (Unless you share the data.)
14:51.32michaelnovakjr_ttuttle: yes
14:51.40michaelnovakjr_which obviously isn't the case
14:51.51Zohanit is okay to pseudorandomize the ip address to see what users do
14:52.27ttuttleZohan: oh, cool.
14:53.06michaelnovakjr_Zohan: that is bullshit
14:54.22*** join/#android trigatch4_ (
14:54.32mikez5morning san
14:55.00jastawoo, *sleepy* :)
14:55.15SanMehatMy 'cyber' alarm went off this morning... somebody is apparently using it in channel
14:55.37SanMehatmorning mike, jasta, michaelnovak, ttuttle, gambler..
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14:56.13Zohanmichaelnovakjr thats german law
14:57.13SanMehatzohan: do you have an ANDROID related question?
14:57.34michaelnovakjr_no.... we need to have better banning abilities
14:57.38Zohani think noone has
14:58.25jastai do, actually
14:59.09Zohan5pm, work done. im off :) cya everyone
14:59.21michaelnovakjr_don't come back douche
14:59.32Zohanhaha, i will mi amor, i will
15:01.31*** part/#android zoolooc (
15:16.02triczohan: you have no clue, nobody can sue anyone for logging ips. but you can ask a provider to hand out your ip info to you, and/or delete them. unless its a isp/email provider.
15:16.56SanMehat15 mins too late
15:17.43jastattuttle: *poke*, *jab*
15:23.52tricsanmehat: true, but maybe someone else was interested in it
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15:27.59mohbanahi, where can i upload a doc that i want shared on google?
15:28.46jastagoogle docs and spreadsheets.  is this an android related question somehow?
15:35.31trigatch4any update on when the ADC Winners will be announced?
15:35.36trigatch4or is that still up in the air?
15:38.47SanMehatmmm coffee
15:39.26jastagod i hate the mornings ;)
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15:39.35jastaesp after our dumbasses stayed up talking about nothing the night before :)
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15:40.57tricjasta: think about .... different timezones!
15:41.22jastaSan doesn't live in a different timezone
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17:02.26anno^dalol is taking every incoming mail and shaking it to a rumour device
17:03.31anno^daif there will be noch 3.5mm jack or a line output it will be a deal breaker for me
17:04.11anno^daandroidguys AT  to send in some new rumours :P
17:09.16jastathose guys are morons anyway
17:12.02morrildlwhois SanMehat
17:12.11morrildloops :)
17:12.12SanMehati'm me!
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17:16.38muthuupgraded fedora and x went crazy
17:20.29muthuubuntu might be better than fedora 9
17:20.39SanMehatfedora is up to 9?
17:21.15muthuexcept for this x fonts screwup.. looks nice
17:21.39SanMehatcool, i always used to run fedora
17:22.19muthuits stable
17:22.44muthuupgrade also mostly goes through fine
17:23.36muthui'm playing with a few things before i get serious next week
17:24.00muthuubuntu vs fedora, who wins?
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17:26.59fariseoi hope htc will make a version, without the hw keyboard and that joystick
17:27.24muthui hope too
17:27.48michaelnovakjr_muthu ubuntu is better than fedor
17:28.24muthumichaelnovakjr_: heard ubuntu upgrades are a big pain
17:28.44jastamuthu: you heard wrong lol
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17:28.50michaelnovakjr_very wrong
17:28.59jastaDebian was literally designed to smoothly upgrade from release to release.
17:29.06fariseodoes it need that joystick, or can android be all touchscreen?
17:29.07jastaRedHat was not.
17:29.24muthufedora upgrades are stable
17:29.26jastafariseo: play with the emulator; it can function mostly find with just the touch screen.  except that you nee the menu and back buttons
17:29.27muthuand works great
17:29.38muthuubuntu fails a lot during upgrades
17:29.41michaelnovakjr_fariseo: you don't want a small touchscreen only device
17:29.44jastamuthu: Regardless, it was part of Debian's design philosophy to do this well, and it has done so always.
17:29.48michaelnovakjr_especially from HTC... trust me
17:30.45muthujasta: how's five shaping up?
17:30.54muthugetting ready for release huh ;)
17:32.04fariseoso what would be your dream hardware for android?
17:32.27jastafariseo: my hope is that android lives up to its promise and actually runs on lots of different types of handsets
17:32.30jastaso we all can get some choice
17:32.52jastabecause i honestly have to admit, the G1 as its been shown to us so far doesn't look that attractive to me.
17:33.06fariseowhich one is G1?
17:33.12jastafariseo: the only one you've been looking at.
17:33.25fariseothat white thing with the small screen?
17:33.42muthuG1 looks good
17:33.42jastai actually like phones like the MOTO Q9H.  Nice comfy keyboard, at the cost of a smaller screen.
17:34.03jastafariseo: The screen is actually pretty damn big.  320x240px resolution.
17:34.10fariseoi like my iphone, except i feel gay owning any apple product :)
17:34.13michaelnovakjr_iphone ::cough:: ::cough::
17:34.24michaelnovakjr_fariseo: you are gay for feeling gay about that
17:34.45jastacorrection: 320x480px :)
17:36.12muthuG1 will rock with all those gps enable social networking apps
17:36.24fariseowhich one is G1?
17:36.36jastafariseo: go to it's that one.
17:37.36muthunot that
17:37.42fariseothis would be nice
17:37.43jastafariseo: lol, *NO*
17:37.52jastathat was the damn prototype handset :)
17:38.26fariseook, htc dream = g1?
17:38.38muthuTMobile G1
17:38.47jastathe dream was never the branded version.  the g1 is what it seems to be branding as.
17:38.53fariseono hw keayboard for me
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17:41.08elbacIs gears/webkit integration in the latest SDK?
17:41.39jastagears is, webkit needs no client support.
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17:41.55jastaassuming you mean webkit as gwt
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17:42.49jastamuthu: remember how you argued that Gears was just to add offline support, and i kept insisting that they were going to add geo-stuffs to it?  well, they did.
17:43.36muthujasta: yeah, so that supports my point
17:44.42jastano, it wasn't your point.
17:44.52jastayou were just simply wrong :)
17:45.13elbacjasta/muthu, is there a releases notes or something that says something to that effect?
17:45.36muthuwe get our release notes from this channel :)
17:47.38muthuelbac: its in upgrade notes
17:49.27michaelnovakjr_elbac no we dont
17:49.39michaelnovakjr_this channel doesn't provide release notes :)
17:50.10elbacI think you know what I mean :)
17:50.56michaelnovakjr_elbac, the release notes are at the google code page for andriod
17:51.09elbacyup, I got it.  thanks
17:51.57michaelnovakjr_muthu's release notes tend to be wishful thinking :)
17:53.44muthuthere was some pretty hard comments about the android UI in general
17:54.11michaelnovakjr_what do you mean.... hard comments?
17:54.52muthumost people doesn't seem to like the UI design
17:54.53michaelnovakjr_its a nice UI i think
17:55.09michaelnovakjr_not the home screen as much... but i like the UI widgets
17:55.18michaelnovakjr_i liked the m5 home screen
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17:55.26michaelnovakjr_or the private SDK home screen actually
17:55.44tethridgescreen shot?
17:58.43muthujasta: you can get a lot of inspiration from diggin for five UI design
17:59.13michaelnovakjr_muthu, i don't like that UI
17:59.45michaelnovakjr_its a bit overkill
17:59.58muthumichaelnovakjr_:  that's the best Android UI design i've seen so far
18:00.11fariseoit's skinnable, no?
18:00.12michaelnovakjr_that one?
18:00.12muthuits perfect for a music player
18:00.19michaelnovakjr_oh boy
18:00.46michaelnovakjr_that has way too many moving parts
18:00.47muthufariseo: not much info about skins now
18:00.57michaelnovakjr_muthu, a good media player UI is the iPod
18:01.03michaelnovakjr_simple simple simple
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18:01.54muthumichaelnovakjr_: you are the only one who have not like diggin so far
18:02.05fariseoany idea how much will g1 sell for? without a contract...
18:02.13fariseoiphone is 500 euro without a contract
18:02.22michaelnovakjr_fariseo: expect the same :)
18:02.28muthuwill be less than that
18:02.30michaelnovakjr_in the US its 300 just like the iPhone
18:02.44romainguy_no pricing has been announced
18:03.13michaelnovakjr_i hate bloggers
18:03.14fariseo500 euro isnt that bad, the top nokias and ericsons are that much too
18:03.48jastalisten to romain, no pricing is announced.
18:03.53fariseoand symbian is crap
18:04.06jastamuthu makes stuff up
18:05.10muthu499 euro is what i heard
18:05.23jastabut what you hear is nonsense
18:05.27jastaand what you say is nonsense
18:05.28jastaso just shut up
18:07.19muthuangry jasta!!
18:07.26jastaif you want to suspect something say you are doing so so you don't confuse these poor folks that don't know anything about how much of a liar you are
18:07.47muthueveryone listen to jastapedia
18:07.54fariseoi would idealy want a 100g device with slightly smaller then iphone
18:07.55michaelnovakjr_its the truth
18:08.19michaelnovakjr_muthu, saying it will be less than that.... you aren't basing that on anything
18:08.19jastafariseo: 100g?
18:08.27fariseoeh, wtf did i write there :)
18:09.02fariseoyes 100g, iphone is 133g and its heavy :)
18:09.17michaelnovakjr_muthu thinking it will topple nokia..... its all gibberish
18:09.20jastaoh, weight.  yes.
18:09.53fariseoand 100x60x9mm :)
18:10.03jastafariseo: well, just realiez that materials and manufacturing costs $$$ ;)  you will probably only get cheaper, lighter, or smaller, not all 3 ;)
18:10.29michaelnovakjr_i absolutely hate the HTC vogue touch screen
18:10.29fariseowait, 90x60x12mm :)
18:10.36jastamichaelnovakjr_: lol, yeah, it is terrible.
18:10.55fariseonot sure if 90mm is enough for a good touch screen 'experience' :)
18:11.04michaelnovakjr_overall, its a disappointing device if you want to use it for anything useful
18:11.20jastamichaelnovakjr_: yeah.  even the official OSK in WM is bad :)
18:11.28jastaunusably bad, really
18:11.52jastamicrosoft loves to solve complex problems with quick hack-jobs that don't fool anyone :)
18:12.04fariseoHTC vogue < what about its touch screen? the software of hw?
18:12.56fariseoif HTC makes just a touchscreen device, can the fck that up?
18:12.57jastafariseo: there's some backstory here hehe
18:13.19jastathe HTC vogue is a phone currently on the market that can run Android pretty well (radio, touchscreen, etc)
18:13.41jastabut it's basically a really terrible phone on its own.  small touchscreen and no kb.  it just really doesn't work at all :)
18:14.41fariseoandroid has a 'pop.up' kb, just like the iphone, no?
18:14.56jastafariseo: no in the current SDK< NO.
18:15.04jasta, no.*
18:15.24jastaor, if it does, i don't how to call it up? :)
18:16.20michaelnovakjr_yea me too
18:16.24jastabtw, has anyone figured out what the "Star" button does yet? :)  see emulator -help-keys
18:16.31michaelnovakjr_but overall the vogue is a terrible device
18:16.48fariseoso without that support..., how can i expect just a touchscreen.only device? :)
18:17.02jastafariseo: well, the google team seems to be kind of iterating through Android this way
18:17.10michaelnovakjr_fariseo: i'm sure if there's a touchscreen only device... it will support it otherwise there won't be one :)
18:17.14jastait's likely that they have already begun working on intrinsic support for other types of devices
18:17.24jastabut they just haven't shown us that work yet.
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18:17.46tethridgejasta, the NDA doesn't allow it
18:18.08tethridgeof course
18:18.18fariseokind of iterating through Android this way < i dont get that :)
18:18.28tethridgeI asked a question a while back and got an answer to the effect of "I'd tell you if I could".
18:18.41tethridgethis was after the new release of the software
18:18.54michaelnovakjr_you mean about the keyboard?
18:19.08tethridgeabout switching pictures using swipe
18:19.22tethridgeI was told that the logic behind the design couln't be told
18:19.34tethridgebut that there was a good reason
18:19.47michaelnovakjr_i have no idea what you are talking about
18:20.04jastafariseo: what i mean is they are kind of focusing on one device at a time it seems
18:20.16jastaso it is hard to realize how android will be adapted to other devices because they haven't adapted it yet :)
18:20.17tethridgejust that they are surely working on features specific to stuff that they won't disclose
18:20.21jastabut i believe they do plan to
18:20.21michaelnovakjr_jasta: agreed
18:20.32michaelnovakjr_with that said.... one provider too :)
18:20.45jastayeah, but i dont think that's really the wrong way to go.  it can be looked at as an efficiency :)
18:21.00jastaif they know only one device is coming out every x months, why not optimize engineer's time to support the next-up device? :)
18:21.05michaelnovakjr_its either that or sprint really has no customers so no rumors spread :)
18:21.20jastamichaelnovakjr_: my work uses sprint :)
18:21.29michaelnovakjr_i do for now...
18:21.30tethridgeI use it.
18:21.35jastai'm excited for some hacker to come along and integrate that Exchange ActiveSync support "no strings attached" from microsoft
18:21.38tethridgeuntil Feb.  when my contract expires
18:21.56michaelnovakjr_i'm heading to the apple store after work
18:22.10tethridgejasta, I didn't hear about that
18:22.26michaelnovakjr_jasta, what does "no strings attached" mean?
18:22.37tethridgeare you saying that you want somebody to do that or that some developer has already done it
18:23.14michaelnovakjr_zimbra offers exchange support
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18:23.53tethridgeI'm still shocked that gps isn't on the list of features for the g1
18:23.59michaelnovakjr_the guys at work have the zimbra exchange hooked into the iPhone
18:24.04michaelnovakjr_definitely slick
18:25.22fariseoi am not so sure anymore, that this will be an iphone killer :)
18:25.57michaelnovakjr_let me show you my aim status message:
18:26.04jastahow is it that no one has heard of this?
18:26.07jastaare you all living under rocks or something?
18:26.24michaelnovakjr_Do you think that every time someone proclaims some new phone to be an “iPhone killer” Apple engineers tape it up in their lockers, Michael Phelps-style, for motivation? I do.
18:26.24mikez5tethridge: you mean GPS is not on the list of rumors for G1
18:26.32jastaMicrosoft released a shitton of documentation to the general public on just about every proprietary network protocol they have.
18:26.45tethridgemikez5, yes
18:26.46michaelnovakjr_jasta, do you have a link?
18:26.50jastaand they added a pledge in all of it that they claim not to enforce patent infringement cases against not-for-profit open source hackers
18:26.53jastayes, hang on
18:26.57tethridgeI remember what jasta is talking about
18:27.04jastathey did this in jan, then in june released exchange docs and activesync
18:27.09tethridgethe samba guys were enjoying the docs
18:27.10jastaits FULLY disclosed.  i looked at them, they're legit.
18:27.36tethridgeso wtf doesn't my evolution work right yet.  :-)
18:27.47michaelnovakjr_eh tethridge what is your mail server :)
18:28.09tethridgeevolution "works" with exchange, but it crashes a lot
18:28.37tethridgeI'd just use imap, but I want the shared calendar
18:29.26jastamichaelnovakjr_: -- this, and others.
18:29.33jastait's well documented on the web, just do some googling yourself
18:29.46michaelnovakjr_slick, thanks
18:29.50jastalook for their open source pledge or whatever yadayada they use to describe it
18:30.11fariseois there an android demo somwhere, that i can play with?
18:30.14jastaprobably a large part of the reason this hasn't "caught on" is because open source engineers are somewhat jaded by this
18:30.25jastaand are unwilling to trust them until some time passes
18:30.29jastafariseo: there is only the SDK
18:30.37jastawhich is hardly a demo of the real phone, but more a demo of the platform
18:30.38romainguy_fariseo: you can download the SDK which contains an emulator, at
18:31.02SanMehatjasta: the only person that seems jaded in here is *you* :)
18:31.30Dougie187SanMehat: if you haven't been around a lot you will learn it comes and goes in cycles
18:31.33SanMehat(notice i said in *here*)
18:31.37SanMehatDougie187: LOL
18:31.42Dougie187not just with him.
18:31.54romainguy_SanMehat: you should go around a lot then
18:32.01SanMehatromainguy_: :)
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18:33.04jastaSanMehat: well, except that my friend wokrs on the samba team and told me all about their reaction.
18:33.30jastaSanMehat: why do you assume so much about what i have done and who i've talked to?
18:34.26SanMehati'm your stalker
18:35.20jastawell that would hardly be an assumption, then you'd literally know everything about what i've done and who i've talked to :)
18:35.53jastastill, some of the folks on the samba team feel kind of slapped in the face with all this.  they painstakingly reversed all this information that is now public knowledge from the source :)
18:36.12jastatheir designs are all broken and half assed because of all this really hard work, so now it all just suddenly looks like they can't code and follow a spec :)
18:36.46jastai can appreciate how this good faith gesture from microsoft can be seen as a mixed blessing from folks in that camp
18:37.03jastabut i'm really excited about the exchange activesync release
18:37.12michaelnovakjr_me oto
18:37.15jastaAndroid's in a great position to really implement that!
18:37.19jastaI hope it's on Google's radar!
18:38.34michaelnovakjr_that would be nice
18:39.25jastayeah, although i probably will abandon Exchange stuffs once i get Android.  still, they could move into a massive new market with really not much work and no financial investment
18:39.36jastajust because android can be structured as a real open source organization
18:39.44fariseoha, that andorid emulator 'device' looks good :)
18:40.01fariseonice thin bezel :)
18:40.02jastait does? :)
18:40.13fariseoto me it does :)
18:40.20fariseono space wasted :)
18:42.40jastamichaelnovakjr_: i just hope that android's built-in apps are really as composable as they tout the platform to be.  it would be awesome if you could just install an activesync service that populated some email app or whatever
18:42.44jastaand it all just worked :)
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18:55.16cliffhi -- is it possible to hook into an intent before other applications?
18:55.30clifflike, i want to process an sms message before it gets handled by the messaging app
18:55.40cliffand potentially drop it
18:56.02npellycliff: sendOrderedBroadcast()
18:56.33cliffoh interesting okay
18:57.39cliffso that requires the sms service to call that instead of just sendBroadcast right?
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19:09.42npellycliff: yep, you cant prevent the intent getting to other apps unless it was sent with sendOrderedBroadcast()
19:09.52cliffthat's okay
19:10.03cliffnow i'm looking into how to define precedence of a receiver
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19:39.54tomgibara_Can anyone tell me how to fix an INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES error when running an apk via eclipse?
19:41.24tomgibara_It's accompanied by this logcat line: ERROR/PackageParser(55): Package com.tomgibara.blossom has no certificates at entry res/drawable/flower_lavender.png; ignoring!
19:41.24romainguy_clean/rebuild your app
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19:42.21tomgibara_I've tried that, and restarting eclipse and -wipe-data on the emulator
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19:49.09tomgibara_romainguy_: I've narrowed it down to the inclusion of a specific png in the res/drawable folder
19:49.17tomgibara_Known bug?
19:50.24cliffbe careful of file names
19:50.29cliffthey screw me up a lot
19:50.37tomgibara_The name is fine
19:51.49tomgibara_okay I retract that :)
19:53.01tomgibara_What's wrong with the name: ls_cloud_out.png
19:53.24michaelnovakjr_its weird
19:54.30jastatomgibara_: is there an ls_cloud_out.somethingelse?
19:55.05tomgibara_jasta: no
19:55.19tomgibara_Eclipse is reporting no errors
19:55.20jastawell, try building the project manually and read more carefully through the output
19:55.24jastaaapt should be saying something
19:55.36jastathe eclipse plugin is fuckin useless when aapt fails.  it doesn't bubble up tons of errors it gets.
19:55.50jastai always move out to ant/maven to figure out what wen't wrong
19:56.10tomgibara_jasta: Yes, I'd noticed that, but the error is coming out during verification within the emulator
19:56.40tomgibara_It implies aapt is working - I'm definitely getting a fresh apk out of it
19:56.52michaelnovakjr_did you try renaming it?
19:57.01tomgibara_yes - it works fine then
19:57.29michaelnovakjr_any other names have two underscores
19:57.41tomgibara_(broken) ls_cloud_out -> ls_cloud_outx (fixed)
19:57.53tomgibara_also ls_cloud_in works too
19:58.52_avatareven though you did a clean, and that failed, maybe try to rm -rf your project/'bin/ directory
19:59.02_avatarer, minus the apostrophe
20:00.14jastai really would try to build it with ant if you can :)
20:00.28jastai don't trust the eclpse plugin anymore when builds fail
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20:07.31cliffokay i see, intentfilters have a priority value
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20:29.05tomgibara_jasta: Exactly the same symptoms
20:29.35tomgibara_is _out reserved for any reason?
20:31.24michaelnovakjr_i would have just renamed it and called it a day :)
20:31.36tomgibara_michaelnovakjr_: pah! :)
20:31.45michaelnovakjr_its only a resource :)
20:32.07tomgibara_understanding is extremely precious
20:32.11tricjasta: switch the plugin to verbose build. you should see most output and errors
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20:35.03tomgibara_tric: No errors - nothing odd whatsoever
20:38.18tomgibara_wtf - it seems to be specific to a certain set of drawable resources
20:38.30tomgibara_remove any one of them and there's no problem
20:40.04jastatric: oh, thats useful
20:41.10tomgibara_doesn't help in this case - this is totally bizarre and completely replicable on my machine
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20:47.43tomgibara_This is fun... I create a new android project, make seven copies of the default icon.png with names specific to my project - it generates an apk (via ant or eclipse) that won't verify correctly on the emulator.
20:48.03jastai'm doing some testing with MediaPlayer to see how things have changed/improved
20:48.35xavdtomgibara_: wow this is strange. did you file a bug yet?
20:48.39tomgibara_jasta: don't forget regressed
20:48.45jastaand it seems that maybe streaming is still pretty fucking broken, by design?
20:49.16tomgibara_xavd: I'm collecting data to produce the tightest report I can
20:49.25xavdtomgibara_: great
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20:57.09jastawith the mediaplery, i'm supposed to just call setDataSource(), prepareAsync(), then in onPrepared(...) call start(), right?
20:57.22jastathat is what i gather from the documentation.
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20:59.38anno^da(seems to be as easy as audio recording but the docs always seem to be easy and in reality it gets a mess doing it :D)
21:00.26jastawell, i get a buffer update deal that fires but it seems like its really telling me the total download progress of the file
21:00.34jastaand that it's not even attempting to buffer
21:00.47jastaif this is seriously as broken as i think it is, i fucking give up
21:03.35jastalol, onPrepared gets called after it buffered 25% of the entire file
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21:09.18xavdtomgibara_: thanks! I'll look at it today
21:10.37tomgibara_xavd: I think that's the weirdest android bug I've hit yet
21:11.25xavdyes it's very strange
21:11.32xavdhow do you copy/rename the files? using eclipse?
21:12.12tomgibara_Initially when I tripped over it, by saving directly into the directory using GIMP and refreshing
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21:12.26tomgibara_subsequent to that, yes - using eclipse
21:13.16tomgibara_but I've verified it on two separate projects in eclipse, and I've verified it in a totally seperate ant based project
21:15.53xavdthat's interesting. I was wondering if it was eclipse not properly picking up new files.
21:16.43xavdwhat this means is that it's the code building/signing the package that someone fails to add the manifest entry for one of the point
21:16.49xavdsomeone = somehow
21:16.59tomgibara_It doesn't seem to be eclipse since the ant build was a completely independent project created with the activitycreator tool
21:17.24xavdboth eclipse and ant use the same tool to build/sign the same apk
21:17.49tomgibara_I understand that, I was responding to the query about picking up files
21:17.55xavdoh right
21:18.28jastapunches his fist through a nearby wall
21:19.20tomgibara_xavd: Incidentally used aapt to list the contents of the apk - it didn't complain
21:19.24jastaMediaPlayer is officially too broken for me to use, even with the local server work-around.
21:19.30jastain fact, especially with the local server work-around.
21:19.44jastaHTTP streaming is simply not something it can properly do.
21:19.48xavdtomgibara_: aapt does know about the signature
21:20.25tomgibara_xavd: I did wonder that, since I couldn't see any relevant output
21:21.09tomgibara_jasta: can you explain in a bit more detail? - streaming is something I was planning to add to my app
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21:23.41jastai honestly can't deal with this right now
21:23.44jastai am going to fucking murder someone
21:24.29tomgibara_Hmm, I'm sorry I asked.
21:24.42romainguy_maybe he got back to do his real job :)
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21:50.13chomchomman I wish I could do that sometimes
21:50.31chomchomAnd then revert it back like in "the sands of time"
21:50.49chomchomBecause I wouldn't want to hurt my lovely imac
21:50.58chomchombut sometimes I just want to boot it
21:51.28gamblerman is genetically unprepared to deal with the challenges of the modern world
21:51.39gambler15K years of fight or flight are hard to shake off
21:51.41f00f-i sir, am a gambler
21:52.29chomchomTrue, at my work they cunningly give out stress squezzies for everyones desk.
21:52.41gamblerf00f-, great...lets make some bets
21:52.43chomchomThey're all ripped to shreds around the office
21:52.45anno^daWhy was Google making such a HUGE fuss about their revolutionary breahthrough webkit browser, when it doesn’t even support flash. Why is everyone calling this a phone “geared for mobile internet navigation”?  <- Thats a question we will hear very often by the normal end users. :_)
21:53.29f00f-agree anno
21:53.40f00f-no flash == epic FeatureFail
21:53.46tethridgewell, the iphone doesn't do flash either
21:54.04tethridgeflash is too resource intensive to do desktop type flash rendering
21:54.09anno^daI dont care about flash but the browser is definetly NOT revolutionary
21:54.17romainguy_doing Flash correctly on embedded device is not simple
21:54.22f00f-nokia n95 does Flash Lite
21:54.23tethridgewindow mobile is a "mobile" version of flash that doesn't support all the features of the desktop version
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21:54.35romainguy_especially doing hardware accelerated Flash
21:54.37f00f-i dont see why iphone or androiddevice dont do it
21:54.43red_alertno flash = brilliant!
21:54.45romainguy_besides, if Adobe wants to port Flash to Android...
21:54.48chomchomflash isn't the future anyways its an intermediate technology. I'll forgive them on this one. It is a shame though.
21:56.10anno^daromainguy: sure but give me feature or unique point that the end users would prefer in G1 (or any other Android device) about other phones. (the normal end users doesnt care much about the os itself) I'm just looking at it from the marketing perspective now :-)
21:56.44romainguy_well something I really enjoy on my Android device is how applications work together
21:56.45anno^dachomchom: agree
21:57.04romainguy_for instance when I visit a Google Gears enabled web site, it can create a shortcut to this web site on the Home screen
21:57.06romainguy_with a custom icon
21:57.10anno^daromainguy: yeah definetly a point but you have to explain that to the customer.
21:57.18red_alertanno^da: the cheaper price for the same value, probably?
21:57.29romainguy_anno^da: just like iPhone explained touch feature through ads
21:58.03anno^daWell ok that's a point.
21:58.36anno^daI would highlight the responsive UI
21:58.44romainguy_switching between apps is really fast indeed
21:59.05f00f-no task manager like symbian?
21:59.12romainguy_no need for a task manager
21:59.20romainguy_we're doing a phone, not a computer
21:59.24romainguy_we don't want task or file managers
21:59.27romainguy_you could write one
21:59.37romainguy_but that's just exposing the underlying implementation
21:59.38f00f-how do u know what is running. u accidentally switch away from an app.
21:59.44f00f-and u forget what u were doing.
21:59.52anno^da(just thought about this while reading through all the rumours and their comments. From that point you get a total different view. You can hear the needs of normal end users that dont care about the technical background)
21:59.55romainguy_you just open the app again f00f-
22:00.00romainguy_and it should be in the state you left it
22:00.10f00f-but how dou know WHAT is running and what is not?
22:00.13f00f-if something is sucking up battery
22:00.17f00f-how will a user know
22:00.56romainguy_don't write apps that suck the battery :)
22:01.08anno^daf00f-: But the normal user doesnt care about that.
22:01.23SanMehatromainguy_: maybe we should direct f00f- to the app model documentation (ie: services vs bakgrounded activities)
22:01.25f00f-i feel there should be some visual cue in an icon to see if it's runnin
22:01.31anno^daf00f-: he cares about battery life but not about the internals.
22:01.46f00f-SanMehat: perhaps the activity lifecycle diagram needs to be updated, too ;)
22:01.57romainguy_f00f-: why? why do you want to expose the inner workings on the OS on the user interface? there's no reason to do so, apps should just behave correctly
22:02.00SanMehatf00f-: perhaps :)
22:02.01anno^da(and the search index)
22:02.01romainguy_that's why we have this lifecycle
22:03.06f00f-but it's true that something can be 'running' while not in the foreground
22:03.26SanMehatthose are services
22:03.35SanMehatromainguy :)
22:03.44tomgibara_or an activity that's spawned a worker thread
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22:07.27chomchomno I agree with romainguy, there is no need for a user to know of running processes. They only care about the task at hand on a mobile device.
22:08.00tomgibara_It's true that android provides plenty of useful architecture to help developers do it right - but I think f00f- is right to be concerned, though I don't think adding a task manager is a solution - there may be no solution
22:08.43f00f-perhaps a "recently used apps" list
22:08.46f00f-is all that is needed
22:09.00romainguy_there is one
22:09.05romainguy_long press the Home key
22:09.17f00f-haha, one of those magic things, okay
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22:10.13tomgibara_The fundamental problem is that any platform thus invented, that is sufficiently useful to a programmer lets them mess up
22:10.27tomgibara_No amount of pestering the user avoids that problem
22:10.46chomchomFrom a users point of view they may want to know about currently running services
22:11.01chomchomand they can see that from the top notification bar
22:11.06chomchomand the pull down tray
22:11.33chomchommp3s, calls, motion tracking stuff like that
22:13.07tomgibara_Is there anything in the framework that allows an application to discover which other applications/services are currently running?
22:13.57anno^daanother question that comes to my mind will be: "Why the hell doesnt that phone (I know it is about the OS, but the user doesnt care) video recording. My 80 bucks phone does that..."
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22:14.41gambleranno^da, are you talking about the HTC dream or android in general?
22:14.43romainguy_anno^da: no phone has been officially announced with specs
22:15.07anno^dagambler: in general
22:15.30anno^daromainguy: but it wont be in 1.0 I got confirmed that in the Groups
22:16.30Miekare devices going to be available globally in Q4?
22:16.48tomgibara_What prompted that question was the idea of very intermittently polling to identify what was running, measuring the battery level and performing a linear regression analysis to estimate the relative power usage of given apps. At least that's useful information for a user who can't tell what's draining the battery.
22:16.58anno^daAnd I hope that no matter what phone it is that at least one will have a 3.5 mm jack :D
22:18.12gamblertomgibara_, there u go...there is your android app. Call it "Battery Chew Analyzer" ...but there would def be better ways than thru polling
22:18.51tomgibara_gambler: polling means that can avoid sucking the battery
22:19.41gamblertomgibara_, isnt there a process accounting kernel interface?
22:21.26tomgibara_gambler: good luck calling that from an app :)
22:24.26gamblerwell /proc is there. maybe it is in there somewhere
22:33.58gambleryah that reminds me....they will be releasing the linux kernel sources, so im guessing you probably could do ship binary kernel module(s) that would be reasonably portable
22:34.03gamblerinteresting to see how that will be handled
22:44.07cliff_kernel source is already released
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22:52.55gamblerno one had to die I hope?
22:54.42f00f-just a few kittens and lolcats
22:56.16gamblernot these guys
22:59.47chomchomwhat permission do i need to write to the DB in the new SDK?
22:59.51jastaconstructs an effigy of MediaPlayer and sets it ablaze
23:00.03jastachomchom: "the" DB?
23:00.10chomchoma DB
23:00.19jastato write to *a* db, you need write permission to the flat file that backs it.
23:00.34chomchomah I see
23:00.38jastastandard filesystem permission is all
23:00.54cliffwhats wrong with mediaplayer?
23:01.32jastaseveral things.  most recently i have discovered:
23:01.56jastait is so wrong it is unusable.
23:02.27jastathe heuristics for choosing when the song can play is also seemingly very bad and unreliable.
23:02.37jastathat is, when the buffer is said to be "full" and playback can begin.
23:02.49jastait's unpredictable because the API is wrong, and it's unpredictable because the heuristic seems bad :)
23:03.11jastai also filed issue 831 to ask for documentation on just what the hell its heuristic is
23:04.44cliffi've run into trouble with http streams
23:04.59jastaalso, did netspeed/netdelay defaults change or something?  i am seem to be able to detect a huge difference between network performance within the emulator using MediaPlayer versus my local machine
23:05.10jastait takes quite a long time to initiate a connection (several seconds)
23:05.28cliffi dont think so but it's easy to check those variables
23:05.33f00f-that's how it was in m3 with
23:06.07jastai remain dumbfounded at the lack of quality of this class
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23:12.17cliffthe API itself seems okay, it's more that the implementation isnt stabilized yet
23:12.42jastathe API desperately needs the ability to be fed from an InputStream
23:14.31jastaany googlers present?
23:14.54romainguy_jasta: yes
23:15.17jastacan you check to see if there are any instrumented tests for SensorManager?  this service requires callbacks to do anything.
23:15.39romainguy_no, I'm busy right now
23:16.45zhobbsguess no one has figured out dex -> class right?
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23:43.40jastawhen do you guys think SENSOR_TRICORDER will be implemented? :)
23:43.48jastait says "when this sensor is available and enabled" ;)
23:44.03jastai bet we could get androidguys to blog about it actually
23:49.46anno^dajasta: just send in some rumours :D
23:50.06anno^daThey will believe all the things you tell them :)
23:51.14jastathe have like ...a  lot of sensors they list here :)
23:52.00jastathey actually give you the defined gravitational constants for planets in our solar system
23:52.16jastaand for convenience they include the gravity of Death Star I
23:52.35jastawhich is apparently very small
23:53.28anno^dacombine them with some top secret sketch and you will get the top story :-)
23:53.33jastamore seriously, they do include calibrations of their light sensor for various states of outdoor weather
23:53.41jastacloudy, full moon, no mon, overcast, shade, sunlight, sunrise, etc.
23:53.43jastawhich is very useful
23:54.10anno^daYeah thats nice.
23:56.23zhobbsthey include the gravitational constants for other planets?
23:56.32jastazhobbs: oh yes, and the death star, and even "the island"
23:56.45jastathe island has gravity somewhat like mars, which probably makes it pleasant.
23:56.52jastathe death star is in microgravity
23:57.17jastathey do mention that it is Death Star I, however.  we don't yet know what Daeth Star II will be like.
23:58.41jastaperhaps they will invent artificial gravity.  it's all just speculation at this point.
23:59.30anno^dagn8 guys

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