IRC log for #android on 20080823

00:08.40*** join/#android andy-on-da-bus (n=stadler@
00:08.57ttuttleandy-on-da-bus: heh
00:09.07ttuttleandy-on-da-bus: WWAN++
00:33.35faddenadb -e shell getprop | grep jni  -->  []: [1]
00:33.58ttuttlefadden: Remind me, is this a good thing?
00:34.17faddenSome would say.
00:36.04faddenThe trick is figuring out how to turn it off.
01:16.47*** join/#android dims (
01:36.27*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
02:16.07gamblerhmmm i cant use my expect script to automatically create opaque cryptographic keys...who knew keytool would be this smart
02:17.33*** join/#android Jakob_the_liar (n=johnny@
02:18.41gamblershe could lose a little weight
02:32.52*** join/#android ralfz (
03:15.17*** part/#android Dougie187 (
03:29.44ani1anybody know of a way to get a CDMA version of android for the HTC Titan? i can boot it from SD but its gsm :(
03:31.10merckani1: CDMA version?
03:31.53merckani1: as i known, CDMA stack does not inclued in Android.
03:33.15f00f-write your own cdma fabric
03:33.48f00f-romainguy_: what happened to the XML layout changes?
03:34.18f00f-showSetButton removed from DatePicker and TimePicker?
03:36.59f00f-and what happened to layout_toRight for RelativeLayout?
03:37.54f00f-the changes overview is incomplete
03:38.37*** join/#android yakischloba (
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04:08.05*** join/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
04:08.37muthuiphone costs 36k in india and its still locked!!
04:09.00muthuyou pay like $800 for a locked phone
04:09.31muthuhope android phones don't do this
04:12.54f00f-sup ramadoss
04:13.03f00f-not worth it
04:13.10f00f-dude, have you done any 0.9 migrations?
04:13.28f00f-their changelogs suck
04:16.01f00f-onOptionsItemSelected ????
04:16.04f00f-new signature?
04:17.11f00f-well, what is Menu.Item now?
04:17.12muthuhey f00f-
04:17.12f00f-MenuItem ?
04:17.35muthulook at the api diff report
04:17.45f00f-their diff report is mainly unreadable
04:17.59f00f-unless it comes in a one page summary?
04:18.05f00f-seems like a lot of clicks are needed
04:18.17muthulot of changes though
04:18.23muthubetween m5 and 0.9
04:18.53f00f-you done porting yours?
04:19.34f00f-118 errors to go :)
04:19.48muthuman, you should have some huge code base
04:20.10f00f-it's  surprisingly small
04:20.25f00f-when jasta was saying his stuff is 20k lines
04:20.28f00f-i was like... shit
04:20.38f00f-i only have lik 8000 lines (at the time)... my app must suck
04:21.52muthuit would be fun to find out a commercial application making a lot of money that has only a few lines of code
04:22.13f00f-there are a couple in the iPhone app store :)
04:22.14muthui would be bummed if someone says, hey i make 100k with my 100 lines of code!
04:22.30f00f-i'm sure there are some 4-line for loop patents
04:22.57muthuam sure there are apps less than 100 lines of code making money
04:23.01f00f-man i have to get rid of crap like this: startActivityForResult(intent, 1337);
04:23.24muthuits painful, but pretty straight forward
04:24.03f00f-ugh, i forgot i have my own class called MenuItem
04:24.10muthui logged one bug, long time back in the issue tracker
04:24.18muthuand now that widget is gone (zoom slider)
04:24.24f00f-that sux
04:33.10muthuf00f-: getting ready for lunch he
04:38.35f00f-i could go for some good indian food
04:38.36*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
04:38.52f00f-we'd be jammin with some gulab jamun!
04:39.33muthufriday night party with gulab jamun :)
04:39.48muthuoh shit..
04:39.52muthuf00f-: lol
04:40.31f00f-what is up with the changes
04:40.40f00f-first PixelConverter wasnt good enough
04:40.42muthuits disabled
04:40.44f00f-now PixelCalculator isnt
04:41.23muthuyou need to use projections
04:41.23muthuProjection.fromPixels .toPixels
04:43.01f00f-so there is now only onDraw(Canvas)
05:02.52*** join/#android BBHoss (
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05:13.55f00f-0 errors!
05:13.56*** join/#android eton_ (
05:14.01f00f-emulator seems faster, too
05:14.58f00f-E/OSNetworkSystem(  265): unknown socket error -1
05:18.20*** part/#android fredbr (n=fredb@
05:28.06umdk1d4lol wow blast from the past
05:28.13umdk1d4wasnt "re" from bbs days?
05:28.31romainguy_I don't know
05:28.34romainguy_we use it on french channels
05:28.59BBHossanyone know if there is a way to grab the current location from the browser?
05:29.22umdk1d4  -->  "Hello Again"
05:30.20muthufor me, re is re-entry ;)
05:31.48muthuandroid cook book is a great idea
05:32.02umdk1d4have you seen the oreilley cookbooks?
05:32.06umdk1d4they are goldmines  :)
05:32.18umdk1d4we probably couldnt compete on that level
05:32.18muthuany cookbook, i buy
05:32.41muthuam sure, oreily is already on it
05:32.53umdk1d4the apis are still in flux  ;)
05:38.30muthuwhich one appeals to you?
05:39.32umdk1d4Geeks and their Tweaks + Anti-iPhone    ;)
05:42.49f00f-nice! .apk down to 400k!
05:43.04f00f-removed a lot of cruft and round1 code
06:37.05*** join/#android yakischloba (
07:14.21*** join/#android Acsia (
07:14.43Acsiagood morning
07:27.58*** join/#android davidw (n=davidw@
07:46.06*** part/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
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08:56.28*** join/#android Acsia (
09:01.15anno^dagm guys
09:10.43*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
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10:00.53*** join/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
10:15.39muthure yo
10:29.38anno^daI got a question about onSaveInstanceState(). I'm doing some work in a bacbkground thread started from my activity. Now a call comes in while the background thread is running, onSaveInstanceState() gets called. After hanging up onRestart / onResume gets called. But what do you need onRestoreInstanceState for and why is the whole state of the UI saved (I havent set some parameter flag for my activity) and why is the background thread doing everyt
10:29.53anno^da(I mean the background thread is interacting with my activity)
10:30.41anno^daIt is nice to see that the state gets restored but I dont really now why. (just like to understand it). After going so much times through the docs I dont get the point there.
10:30.41Acsiais the background thread a service?
10:33.28anno^daWell I'm starting a backrgound thread in my activity and from that point I'm binding to a service yeah. In this background thread I'm getting some pictures and set them to Image Adapter thats connected with a ListView in the activity. After every received picture I'm sending a message to my activities handler and let him notify my adapter to update.
10:34.05anno^daWhen I'm getting a call (while the downloading takes place and only 3 pictures are in the List View from 20) I can accept it and hang up
10:34.22anno^daAfter haning up all 20 pictures are in the ListView.
10:35.10Acsiawell that s probably because you are not calling onFreeze
10:35.14Acsiawell the new name
10:35.23Acsiain the sense that your app is still running
10:35.31anno^dayeah I know what you mean.
10:35.44anno^dabut onSaveInstanceState (onFreeze) gets called
10:35.52AcsiaI think it will be problematic if you have several app running
10:36.00Acsiathen the background thread will be stale
10:36.36anno^dayeah thats why it would be interesting to understand the whole system and really I've tried several times but I'm getting confused now again :-)
10:38.28anno^daI'm just wondering why no onRestoreInstanceState is called
10:38.53AcsiaI can not find the gif about app life cycle
10:39.40Acsiaok I have it
10:40.22Acsiahave yougone throught this:
10:40.36Acsiait looks thought that it s not updated for 0.9
10:41.24AcsiaI have not used onRestoreInstance and the like so can not really comment tbh
10:43.55anno^dayeah I know it. In M5 I understood the whole thing a bit more but now I'm confused.
10:44.43anno^daIn addition now you have that added flag
10:44.59anno^daWhich makes it even more complicated to understand
10:47.23Acsiaso you are saying that you have the call to onSaveinstance
10:47.26Acsiabut not the restore?
10:50.01anno^daYeah I can see from my logs that onSav.. is called but after hanhing up no onRestore is called
10:50.52Acsiamaybe the onSav is called by the onPause while the restore is for the onCreate
10:51.12Acsiaoh yes
10:51.22Acsiaif you look at the life cycle diagram
10:51.38Acsiayou have the onPause() which would call the onSav
10:51.53Acsiaif other applications need memory then it kills your activity
10:51.58Acsiaand we return onCreate
10:52.07Acsiawhile otherwise, it is onResume that is called
10:52.15anno^daFrom what I see now it goes the following way:
10:52.17Acsiaand I red the onrestore is called by the onCreate
10:52.28Acsiayou should try
10:52.44Acsiaget a call, open up several apps, and check again
10:52.55Acsiaor stop your app
10:52.58Acsiaand check again
10:54.06anno^daonCreate -> onStart // RUNNING APP with background thread running // Now incoming call -> onSaveInstanceState -> onStop gets called because more memory for call is needed -> // hanging up// -> onRestart gets called. (and no onRestoreInstanceState because onStop got called)
10:54.31Acsiawhy would onStop get called?
10:54.35Acsiacan you see it in the logs?
10:54.45anno^daI see it in the logs
10:55.19AcsiaI would say onStop -> onRestart() - > on Start
10:55.25Acsiafrom the diagram
10:55.51AcsiaI don t think that 1 call would require enought memory for your app to get killed
10:56.06Acsiait s like any other app, you would need with 5 apps to see somethign
10:56.22anno^dawell it could be beacuse I'm downloading big pictures
10:56.52anno^daWell I can see that onStop gets called so it is definetly the point :)
10:57.22Acsiawell from the diagram it says that onStop is called when your activity is not visible (you receive the call)
10:57.40AcsiaonRestart is called when your app is visible again
10:57.45Acsiait has not been killed in between
10:57.57Acsiait will get kille if the sys need memory
11:00.36muthuyou might want to check if oncreate is called
11:01.19muthuthe restore state from there
11:03.46anno^dathats what I see in my logs
11:04.14anno^daFrom my point of view onRestoreInstanceState is left because onStop got called.
11:04.58AcsiaonPause -> onStop gets called because more memory for call is needed
11:05.06Acsiathis is incorrect imo
11:05.32AcsiaonStop gets called when your activity is not visible anymore
11:05.51Acsiait deos not kill your app
11:06.38*** join/#android lindever__ (
11:07.10anno^daok yeah. you're right.
11:07.36anno^daBut no onRestoreIn.. beacause of onStop seems right ?
11:07.57AcsiaonRestore is called by the onCreate
11:08.28Acsiawell you need to see the onStop and onRestart from a 'user' perspective
11:08.54Acsialike if you are playing a game, you would stop the game at that specific position in the game
11:09.00Acsiaand restart it when the call is finished
11:09.08Acsiayou did not kill the game while u were speaking
11:09.25Acsiait s not the onStop as in stoping the activity from a dev pers
11:09.29Acsiathat s how I c it
11:10.04anno^daok I got your point
11:11.17anno^daAnd now it would be interesting how this: fits into the picture. I wasn't able to get it to work.
11:11.56anno^daI'm always coming back to my initial screen after going to the home screen and restarting the app.
11:12.15anno^daNo matter if I set that parameter for my activity to be true or not.
11:33.49*** join/#android eton (
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12:02.04*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
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13:28.35anno^daI've got two LinearLayouts nestes in one LinearLayout. The two inner elements have "android:gravity="center""  why arent they centered vertically ?
13:29.44anno^daIn the end it looks like this:  (the two colors are the 2 inner Linear Layouts)
13:32.37anno^daok got it.
13:57.37*** join/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
13:58.04muthure er
14:30.10*** join/#android Dralspire (
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14:44.33*** join/#android Dougie187 (
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14:56.15*** part/#android Dougie187 (
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15:14.15ttuttleSanMehat: greetings
15:18.05SanMehathey man
15:18.07SanMehathow goes?
15:18.31ttuttlejust bought groceries, and is enjoying the benefits of a RIAA-free, native-Ethernet-speed campus filesharing network ;-)
15:29.08*** join/#android BlackBsd (n=brian@
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15:39.19davidwttuttle, anyone trading android source code on the filesharing network?
15:39.27ttuttledavidw: Nah, not yet.
15:39.39ttuttledavidw: (And no, I don't have any proprietary google code to share.  I left it at work.)
15:50.06*** join/#android eton (
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17:16.59*** join/#android BBHoss (
17:29.55Acsiahow can I connect to a listening socket on the emulator?
17:29.59Acsiaanybody know?
17:39.52*** join/#android xtreme (
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17:41.47xtremeanybody there?
17:50.11xtremecan somebody refer me to Basic tutorial to write programs using Android SDK
17:51.04Dougie187just go to the web site.
17:51.12Dougie187there are demos and stuff on there. has some too i think
17:52.08xtremeDougie187: Hi
17:52.26xtremeDougie187: i just wanted to make sure that somebody out here lol
17:52.54Dougie187its the weekend so its hard to find people in here
17:53.00Dougie187maybe later tonight it will be a bit more full
17:53.04Dougie187but for now its going to be fairly dead
17:53.26xtremeDougie187: i thought Weekends are full
17:53.39xtrememuthu: Hello
17:53.43xtremeMiek: Hello
17:53.57xtremeDid anybody here write cool Android App?
17:54.05muthuwe write android apps
17:54.11muthucool or not
17:54.36muthuthat's something the users need to decide
17:54.38xtrememuthu : send me link to at your apps
17:55.01muthuunfortunately most of them are closed as of now
17:55.10xtrememuthu: no problem
17:55.25muthuthere's tons here: might also have a lot
17:56.06xtrememuthu: thanks
17:56.21muthuxtreme: what you work on?
17:56.32xtrememuthu: what are your expectations on Android
17:56.43muthui have big expectations
17:56.49xtrememuthu: Cool
17:56.52muthulike android completely taking over the mobile market
17:56.55Dougie187lol thats a rather odd question.
17:57.08xtremeDougie187: Iphone killer?
17:57.12Dougie187muthu: you know that expectation is comepletely unrealistic.
17:57.28Dougie187100% unrealistic.
17:57.34muthuyou can be 100% sure
17:57.43xtremeDougie187: what do you think?
17:58.15Dougie187i dont even think google expects it to completely take over the mobile market.
17:58.24Dougie187they just want to give a good alternative to the other choices.
17:58.37muthugoogle wants to dominate mobile market
17:59.04xtremei think they do advertise business on mobile phones :-)
17:59.07Dougie187sure they want to. but they don't expect to.
17:59.27xtremeDougie187: do you write android apps?
17:59.49Dougie187not yet, but i plan to.
18:00.06Dougie187muthu: keep in mind. there are 3 other options out there that already have pretty large followings.
18:00.15muthuwhich 3?
18:00.21Dougie187rim winmo and apple.
18:00.37muthuwhere's symbian?
18:00.45Dougie187how many symbian phones are there?
18:01.04muthudefinitely more than apple and rim
18:01.40*** join/#android meoblast001 (
18:01.59Dougie187i dont think if you talked to a lot of people you would get a feeling that there is a large following for symbian
18:02.13Dougie187i bet you would have a hard time finding someone who was a business man who even knew what it was actually.
18:02.57muthuwhat does nokia run?
18:03.04xtremeDougie187: i agree
18:03.14Dougie187muthu: symbian, but how many people know that?
18:03.26Dougie187also, how many carriers carry nokia phones.
18:03.44muthunokia has 40% market share
18:03.45Dougie187granted, i enjoy nokia phones a lot. but i dont even think sprint and verizon have 1.
18:03.45xtremethey don't have market in USA
18:03.53Dougie187yeah like nothing in US.
18:04.19Dougie187my only point. is you can't expect it to completely dominate the market.
18:04.34Dougie187hell, id be willing to bet you not as many people even know what it is as you would hope.
18:04.48muthui expect android to completely dominate the mobile market worldwide
18:04.58Dougie187and that is a completely unrealistic expectation.
18:05.11muthuthey can execute it right
18:05.22Dougie187what time frame are you looking at?
18:05.28Dougie1871 year? or 10 years? something like that?
18:05.40muthunow is the beginning
18:05.45muthuand there's a long way to go
18:06.05Dougie187so you are saying that you expect android to dominate the mobile market at some point in the future?
18:06.29Dougie187thats ridiculous.
18:07.13xtremelet's talk about programming
18:07.28muthuxtreme: we talk anything but android here ;)
18:07.30Dougie187xtreme: i expect android to be a decent-great mobile os that has a lot of promise. granted that is based on how they finish it up.
18:07.44Dougie187we tend to psychoanalyze ourselves here a lot too.
18:08.18xtremeso, it's not to talk about android programming?
18:08.37Dougie187about a week ago someone was getting a java tutorial in here and a lot of people got irritated.
18:08.55Dougie187i would say this is used for help.
18:09.04Dougie187so try to go through the tutorials and stuff. then come here if you have questions.
18:09.18Dougie187but again, that is my personally opinion.
18:09.34*** join/#android anno^da (
18:09.57xtremeDougie187: thanks
18:21.12*** part/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
18:28.50AcsiaO man
18:29.01anno^dasomeone here that worked with overlays ? (FrameLayout)
18:29.06Acsiaeclipse 3.4 is rubish
18:30.11anno^daI'm guessing it crashed again ;)
18:30.56anno^daoh well 3.3 crashed even more
18:31.14anno^daon osx 3.4 seems more stable but you have to touch it very cerafully :D
18:31.34anno^danot clicking to often if it's doing something :)
18:36.29f00f-check your JVM
18:37.08f00f-i run 3.4 for weeks without restarting it
18:37.10f00f-but that's on windows
18:42.58*** join/#android tethridge (
18:51.25anno^daoh well support for osx is not really great so I dont mind if java things are crashing.
19:08.54*** join/#android jaccus (
19:11.02jaccushello everyone, this is probably a common question but why do I get 'Could not find HelloAndroid.apk!' trying to run my app?
19:12.25Dougie187probably because it can't find it.
19:12.31Dougie187its probably in the wrong place or something
19:12.56jaccusI was doing everything according to google tutorial with eclipse ide
19:13.03jaccusthere is no such file
19:13.21Dougie187which tutorial were you going through?
19:13.23jaccusbut how to create it with ide?
19:13.41jaccussimple HelloAndroid
19:14.24Dougie187and how far did you get through it?
19:14.52jaccusThat's it — you're done! Click the Run button, and the Android Emulator should start. Once it's booted up your application will appear. When all is said and done, you should see something like this:
19:16.52Dougie187did you just copy and paste everything?
19:17.28jaccusI just followed the instructions, there's nothing to copy in this tutorial...
19:17.34*** join/#android yakischloba (
19:28.42Dougie187ionno what to tell you. maybe ask someone who has gone through that one before.
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19:46.33anno^daI got a problem. I'm binding to a service. Starting in the onBind.. a new thread so do some work with the service. After the work is done I'm sending from the worker thread a message to my main thread to unbind the service. Now I'm getting "service not registered all the time". Someone an idea ?
19:49.01*** join/#android bluerive1 (
19:52.18umdk1d4hmm  08-23 19:52:00.423: WARN/ResourceType(749): Requesting resource 0x1010208 failed because it is complex
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20:23.58anno^daI'm totally confused now. I'm binding to a service in onCreate, after that onServiceConnected gets called and in that method I'm unbinding. After that I'm starting a background thread and  call a method in the service with the binding which should be null. And it is working. onDisconnect gets called as well. *crazy*
20:29.28*** join/#android BlackBsd (n=brian@
20:30.49jaccushow do I simply create an .apk file using Eclipse IDE?
20:43.12anno^darigh click
20:43.15anno^daon your project
20:43.30anno^daAndroid Tools
20:43.37anno^daExport Unsigned Package
20:43.49anno^dain order to give that package away you have to sign it
20:43.57anno^dasigning is explained in the docs
20:44.03anno^da@ jaccus
20:45.15jaccusanno^da: failed to export ... *.apk doesn't exist
20:45.28jaccusthe missing step is creating .apk file
20:48.06anno^dawell after you run your programm on the emulator one time it should work
20:48.44jaccusbut to run it .apk file should be sent to the emulator
20:50.10anno^dawell eclipse does send that to the emulator
20:50.17anno^dayou dont need to do that yourself
20:50.25jaccusbut shouldn't eclipse create that file?
20:50.41jaccusit just compiles my project so I get some .class files and others
20:50.47jaccusbut .apk is missing
20:51.19jaccus.apk is like .jar - it should be created after compilation (at least that's how I understand that)
20:51.30anno^dahow did you compile it ? Righclicking on your project and run as android application ?
20:52.13anno^dathats the way you shoud do that. After that the emulator gets started and you can test your app
20:52.31jaccusI ran it exactly like that:
20:53.08anno^dadoes the emulator start ?
20:53.21jaccus|[2008-08-23 22:52:32 - HelloAndroid] Android Launch!
20:53.21jaccus|[2008-08-23 22:52:32 - HelloAndroid] adb is running normally.
20:53.22anno^dawhen doing it that way ?
20:53.22jaccus[2008-08-23 22:52:32 - HelloAndroid] Could not find HelloAndroid.apk!
20:53.32jaccus-sorry for scissors-
20:55.03jaccusand no, emulator does not start
20:56.13anno^dahave you setup the location of the SDK ?
20:56.31anno^dain the eclipse prefs
20:57.02jaccuseverything according to google tutorial
20:57.22jastajaccus: try launching it from the command line
20:57.39jastaits probably a permission thing if you're on Linux (stupid SDK distributes with zip, which doesn't preserve permissions properly)
20:57.49jaccusI'm Vista right now
20:58.05jaccusdownloading linux SDK on my VM right now thought
20:58.15jastawell still, try running the emulator manually
20:58.30jaccusI can run emulator without any problem
20:58.37anno^dathat should solve it
20:58.41jaccusI just don't have .apk file from my project
20:58.49jaccusso what can I run? ;)
20:59.04anno^dayeah read the thread
21:00.49jastawhy do i get all these unbind failed messages, i wonder?
21:00.53jastaW/ActivityManager(   56): Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@43524fa8
21:01.49jastai guess i'm supposed to unbind in onStop()?
21:02.31anno^daunbinding from your service ?
21:02.41jastacurrently i bind/unbind in oncreate/ondestroy
21:02.42anno^daI'm getting the same
21:02.55jastai thought that was the correct behaviour, actually
21:03.16jastabecause when the user leaves my activity i still want the service connected and the UI state updating.  or maybe i don't, actually.
21:03.49anno^da  <- thats what I got several minutes ago and dont really understand.
21:04.32jastawhy would you unbindService() in onServiceConnected?
21:04.57jastaServiceConnection is tied to the bound and unbound state of the service.
21:04.57anno^dajust testing
21:05.21jastathe reason it probably works is because the binder permits abuse.
21:05.33anno^daLook at the second case why does that happen.
21:05.35jastaprobably kernel panic the damn thing if you keep doing it ;P
21:06.05jastai honestly don't know
21:06.41anno^daIt is sooo wired. :)
21:07.24jastawhat pisses me off is that there's not a really good example of like "ok, here's really how you should manage an activity that critically depends on a service."
21:07.49jastainstead of letting us just kludge together our own buggy mess every time
21:08.30anno^dathe crazy thing is if I'm calling "stopSelf()" from the background thread and after that unbinding is working.
21:08.49jastawell, stopSelf() is kind of interesting.  it's like a flag basically.
21:09.05anno^daYeah even onDestroy doesnt get called
21:09.10jastaa service CAN'T stop/destroy until all connected endpoints (activities in this case) are disconnected.
21:09.22anno^daThats right.
21:09.28jastaor rather, BIND_AUTO_CREATE makes this behaviour happen.
21:09.34jastaand its the proper behaviour, if you think about it.
21:09.47jastayou don't want a service being finished to also disconnect.  then you couldn't tell the difference between success or error easily
21:10.03anno^daBut binding and unbinding must work :)
21:10.16anno^daAnd I dont have a clue why it doesnt. :/
21:10.57jastawhat's sos tupid is that all their examples have this paradigm where you have to click to start/bind services
21:11.06jastawhich is a totally unrealistic demonstration
21:11.21jastaeveryone else needs to bind/unbind through the activity lifecycle
21:11.44*** join/#android umdk1d3 (
21:12.23anno^dawell I need clicking :)
21:12.31anno^daone click :>
21:13.02jastayou shouldn't ever have a case where you want to start the service connection in response to a click on an existing activity
21:13.22jastabecause the state of the button must obviously depend on the state of the service, which you can't know until you connect.
21:13.33jastaa "do work" button, for example, would be "cancel work" is work was already being performed.
21:13.55anno^dahmm well
21:14.14anno^daI'm starting the service from a click and after that the user can leave my application.
21:14.27anno^daThe uploading is done in the background.
21:14.56jastaahh, i see it.  well yes, if your service can do multiple pieces of work at a time with no ability to cancel, then that makes sense...
21:15.20anno^dayeah it is just one way. No possibility to cancel
21:15.55anno^daBut I aggree with you your case is much more common for the usage of a service.
21:16.53jastaanno^da: by the way, i just started tinkering to move my service connection to onresume and disconnect to onpause
21:17.13jastaonServiceDisconnected() isn't called afte runbind.  which i think is probably correct behaviour.  helps distinguish error vs expected behaviour
21:18.32jastai created a simple little ServiceActivity abstraction to test/solidify this behaviour in my whole application
21:18.36anno^daonServiceDisconnected() isn't called afte runbind  <- ? But from the docs it should be called or not ?
21:18.43jastait's just a convenient wrapper which "properly" binds an activity to a service always
21:18.54jastaand it makes it easy to abort the activity gracefully if something goes wrong
21:19.07jastaanno^da: i don't know, but it's clearly not.  and i actually would expect it not to.
21:22.22anno^daI got another question that I ran into yesterday. The same setup mentioned in the link above. Activty bound to a service doing some work in the backrgound thread using the service.
21:22.23jastait wouldn't be helpful for it it do to that.
21:23.47anno^daNow the user clicks the back button. How do I nicely stop the thread without running into some exceptions like "service not registered".
21:24.11jastawell that's the whole point of what i was trying to tell you earlier :)
21:24.18anno^daYeah :D
21:24.21jastait's much better to bind an activity to a service permanently.
21:24.25anno^daI thought that :D
21:24.28jastaso long as the activity is visible, the service should be there.
21:25.03jastaso that way, onStop() in the activity could use the active service connection to terminate a worker thread with some API
21:25.19jastasomething like that
21:25.49jastahowever, i don't think that's the right beahviour for your app anyway
21:25.53anno^daBut when the user clicks the back button the Worker thread (backgrond thread) should end as well and how is that done ?
21:26.00anno^daOr do it get something totally wrong
21:26.02jastathe user should be able to click "upload", then press back and i think it should still be uploading
21:26.31jastaanno^da: your service obviously needs more symmetry.  imagine if you wanted to create an activity which monitored the progress of all your worker threads in the service
21:26.35jastaand possibly let the user cancel them
21:26.43ttuttleAnyone at Google around?
21:26.44jastawould your API be sufficiently flexible to make that possible?
21:27.34anno^daYeah it could be possible but I have to think about that. At the moment it is a mess to handle that :>
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21:29.51anno^daBut now I'm recognizing what I should and should not do in a service. :)
21:31.16jastaby the way, if you really intend for the background work to terminate when the user leaves an activity, maybe you don't really want a service at all?
21:31.46anno^dathat's what I recognized now. :)
21:31.54jastathe point of a service is be able to do some work totally independent of an activity.  like my music player uses a service to playback audio.  the user could back out completely of the app that launched the playback and they expect playback to continue.
21:32.12jastaif that's not what they expect, then a background thread that you manage directly with your activity lifecycle may well be the most appropriate solution
21:32.15anno^daI need the service for othe things and there I really need it. But in that case your right it is tottaly non sense.
21:32.28jastathe other thing to remember is that the user should always have some way to control what's happening in a service
21:32.40jastaif they user wanted to cancel some long-running background task, they must be able to
21:32.56jastamy system implements lots of services, and i have to give the user some way to manage all of them
21:33.02anno^daYeah ok.
21:33.40jastai'm moving through my project these days trying to update stuff i do to make it textbook correct :)
21:33.45anno^daI'm getting very slowly into the right direction. Well it is my first real application so I'm running into this errors but it's ok.
21:33.49jastaso i'm tinkering with the minutia of android dev a lot hehe
21:36.16anno^daby the way on monday the threading book will arrive
21:36.48jastagood, this is an important topic to learn correctly to write good GUI programs.
21:41.30anno^dabecause I'm getting the job done but I've recognized that I'm having so much problems designing it the write way. So a good example is the leaving of threads at the moment, My design makes it so difficult to do that.
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21:46.04anno^dalol I meant the "right" way :)
21:46.11anno^dagetting tired now... :D
22:02.13jastai hate when code really, really seems correct...but isn't ;)
22:02.15jastasomewhere hehe
22:10.27anno^daoh it is great you opened my eyes *g Now I can nicely close my threads and dont abuse the service in some situations any more
22:11.07jastado note that "closing" threads is not as simple as most beginners assume.
22:11.25anno^dayeah :) Well my simple threads are simple :D
22:11.28jastathreads can't just be destroyed on a whim.
22:11.59jastafor example, are your threads doing some type of blocking I/O?
22:12.17jastaand how are you stopping them?
22:13.32anno^daYeah thats a point in my case the I/O takes 10ms so you dont really recognize that. I let the thread finish its IO and he is just running out then
22:13.48jastahow do you know it takes 10ms?
22:14.00anno^daWell thats right :)
22:15.17anno^daHmm well I try to to explain it. My thread is just checking account data and after that some parsing and giving back if the account is valid or not.
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22:15.58anno^dathe checking (post a POST method) is instant
22:16.09jastaso its accessing the external network?
22:16.52jastawhat would happen if, say, the network was extremely slow where the was at, to the point that it basically didn't work but android hadn't yet given up and flagged that it's totally gone.
22:17.20jastathe connect and I/O would probably take several minutes, up to whatever timeout you have set (probably none, and i think the default is several minutes)
22:17.45jastaand so if some time in that process you wanted to cancel the would you?
22:18.07jastait's blocked in some I/O somewhere.  if you just wait for it to die, you could be waiting a really long time in actually a pretty common case.
22:18.29anno^daOk :). You're right and I dont know how I would handle that. :-)
22:18.33jastathat's why i said thread cancellation must be well understood else it isn't possible.
22:18.44jastalet me show you something i wrote to help folks with this problem
22:19.31jastaby the way, on a mobile phone, the safe assumption is that the network is either unavailable or EXTREMELY slow.  design for those cases intrinsically.
22:19.52jastaRead this.  And then download the sample code at the bottom.
22:20.01anno^daoh great
22:20.21jastaThis represents an excellent general purpose strategy to handling blocking socket threads.  The example is using HttpClient, but the concept is general.
22:22.58anno^daI will compare it to what I did. I did some handling for the blocked IO but the timeout is default. :-)
22:24.20jastawhat do you mean "handling for blocked IO"?
22:24.42jastabtw, the bug that i discuss in the sample code in HttpClient#execute no longer exists on 0.9r1.
22:29.09anno^daWell with handling I meant handling the case that the timeout gets reached and no data connection is available
22:30.09jastaanno^da: that's not what my example concerns itself with.
22:30.37jastain my example, stopDownload() will immeidately trigger the release of any blocking I/O calls, so that the thread can react quickly and die.
22:31.26jastathis is a vastly superior and more general approach to cancellation of blocking threads (when sockets are involved)
22:31.34jastaand it's not any more complex.
22:32.42jastalol, some dude plugged his book in my blog's comments.  i took a look at his so-called similar example and it's fucking wrong
22:32.44anno^daOk thats great I dont have any clue how to handle that :-). So I will read that tomorrow.
22:32.56anno^daBut I have to got to bed now. It was a looong day :)
22:36.44anno^dagood night guys.
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22:57.26jaccushow do I run my app in the emulator from eclipse? 'Run' starts the emulator with plain android text only.
22:59.46jastaplain android text?
22:59.53jastais it...booting the emulator?
23:01.01Dougie187hes trying to run the "Hello Android" example app
23:01.12Dougie187and keeps getting a ".apk not found" error.
23:01.20Dougie187though i dont know what gives him the error..
23:01.42jaccusthat problem was solved Dougie187
23:01.57Dougie187ohh it got solved.
23:02.05Dougie187now what are you trying to do?
23:02.11jaccusI had j2ee jdk and both jre/jdk v5 and v6
23:02.22jaccusso lets say a little mess with versions
23:03.23jaccusright now I just don't know how can I see my app on emulator, I got the apk file and emulator is visible
23:03.45Dougie187what app are you trying to run?
23:03.53Dougie187an example? or one you wrote?
23:04.07jaccusboth hello android and notepad
23:04.33Dougie187and when you hit run in eclipse the android emulator gets loaded right?
23:04.44jaccusjust nothing else happens
23:05.36jaccusI'm guessing "hello android" is what I should see :-)
23:05.46Dougie187i would assume so.
23:05.51Dougie187since thats what the picture says
23:07.17jaccusalso in tutorial there's black console screen emulator, I get red cell phone emulator
23:07.30jaccusnot sure why ;)
23:08.14Dougie187well maybe they changed that in the new sdk and didnt update the example.
23:09.58jaccushowever, tv.setText("Hello, Android"); setContentView(tv); should result in this text displayed 'somewhere'
23:11.04_avatardid you check the logcat outpu?
23:11.33jaccusoh wait, how long it takes for app to run?
23:11.42jastajaccus: uhm, setContentView may not be what you think it is.
23:11.59jastayou should not be using it in a hello world, for example :)
23:12.21jastai mean, not like that.  use setContentView(int) in onCreate().  and don't call it any othre place.
23:12.24jaccusum lmao, it looks like I closed the emulator before it started
23:12.46jaccusso it takes ~1 min to run this, true?
23:14.11_avatarrun what? are you asking if it takes a minute to boot the emulator? probably.
23:14.32jaccusyes, emulator
23:14.49jastathat would depend quite a lot on your computer, obviously
23:14.58Dougie187mine takes quite a while to run.
23:15.20jaccusc2d 2.2ghz & 2gb ram should be fine
23:15.30_avatara minute seems reasonable, then
23:16.22jaccusthen the problem I occured was my impatience
23:16.33jaccussolved now ^_^
23:23.39jastahmm, something must have happened with recently
23:23.44jastaall my album covers are really low quality now
23:24.32Dougie187thats too bad.
23:25.21jastathey released a new version of their protocol, maybe theyre punishing apps that don't upgrade
23:25.27jastawhich would be lame, but whatever
23:26.06_avatarjasta: if that's the case, you can always try to grab album art from's mp3 store. they have pretty high quality images.
23:26.35jastaactually, i can't.  amazon's terms explicitly mention that no mobile application can use any of their web services
23:26.59_avatarthat's pretty crappy
23:27.01ttuttleAlso, it's generally a bad idea to screen-scrape stuff without asking, as it can vanish or the company can get annoyed.
23:27.27jastattuttle: i don't think he meant to screen scrape.  amazon has lots of web services for this type of thing.
23:27.33ttuttlejasta: Ah.
23:27.38_avatarright, i meant the web services
23:27.44ttuttlewonders what problem they would have with mobile apps :-
23:27.45_avatari didn't know there were explicit restrictions on mobile devices tho
23:27.47jastabut still, you definitely can't use them from mobile apps
23:27.58ttuttleThat's sorta lame.
23:28.06jastattuttle: they are clearly positioning themselves to one day be able to charge into the mobile space and monopolize the hell out of their services there
23:28.13jastabut they so far have done absolutely nothing.
23:28.43jastabut it makes no sense.  either shit or get off the pot :)
23:28.59_avatari'm sure they will eventually
23:29.16jastayeah, probably
23:29.29jastabut's data used to be good, i will just look into their new api and see what's up here
23:29.32jastai should update to the new api any damn way
23:32.12jastaoh, lol, they fixed a bug.  before, small, medium, and large cover art all pointed to the same large image
23:32.18jastai apparently had a bug where i just snagged the first one
23:32.28jastabut now that they fixed their bug, i need to fix mine to grab large :)
23:32.42ttuttlejasta: Oh, that's a good feature for them to add ;-)
23:33.55jastai love so freaking much
23:34.02ttuttlehas never really gotten in to using it.
23:34.08ttuttle(I play my music with mplayer on the command line.)
23:34.20jastayou've seen my Android app, right?
23:34.24ttuttlejasta: Five?  Yeah.
23:34.33ttuttleI haven't run it, but I looked at the site.
23:34.35jastait will/does integrate heavily :P
23:34.47ttuttleI'll use it then, once I get an Androidphone.
23:35.25jastaonce i get my footing back with Five and Android 0.9r1, i am going to start working on a feature which automatically checks for concerts posted by your favorite artists
23:35.37ttuttlejasta: Ooh, that's cool.
23:35.38jastaand throws up an android notification letting you place it on yoru calendar
23:35.51ttuttlejasta: /me drools over the awesome level of integration. has all this data for you.  It has concert stuff, and it also of course can easily figure out what your favorite artists are.
23:36.18jastaThe best part is: the user does nothing.  Android will figure out where they are, will figure out what they like, etc.
23:36.23ttuttlejasta: Heh.
23:36.25jastaSo they just use the app to play their music and that feature becomes available.
23:36.27ttuttlejasta: Terrifying automatic.
23:38.33jastaalso, this is really important to me because i hope this type of thing can drive concert ticket sales
23:38.58jastastrongly encourages concert tickets over album purchases :)
23:39.32jastaevery time i want an album, i look up the record label that produced it and if they don't give a high enough portion to the artists, i steal the album.
23:39.37jastathen make a point to go to shows :)
23:41.45jastamusic is really important to me.  helping to pay for executives' third vacation home is not.

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