IRC log for #android on 20080820

00:00.46TSchultz55Project -> Clean shows 1 error
00:01.03TSchultz55Location: Unknown ...... Type: "Generic ADT Problem"
00:01.22TSchultz55maybe reinstall the SDK?
00:01.33xavdcan you enable verbose build output (in the prefernces under Android > Build) ?
00:01.41TSchultz55I did that too
00:01.50TSchultz55nothing different than normal
00:02.07TSchultz55something aint right
00:02.08xavdsomeone else mentioned that problem, and made sure to reinstall and the problem went away
00:02.19TSchultz55reinstall what exactly
00:02.29TSchultz55and what problem exactly....APK build fail?
00:02.30xavdwhat version of eclipse did you get?
00:02.51xavdyeah apk build fail with "error generating final archive: null"
00:02.58TSchultz55yeah thats it rightthere
00:02.58xavdwhich distrib?
00:03.30xavdI meant Eclipse distribution (Classic, Java, J2EE, ...)
00:04.01xavdhmm this should work
00:04.10xavdwell you can try to uninstall the plugin and reinstall it
00:04.17chomchomDid you update any references to the old SDK you may have as environment variables like ANDROID_HOME?
00:04.20xavdbut I'm not sure really how the first install can file like that
00:04.32xavdenv variables are not used by the eclipse plugin
00:04.42xavdfile = fail
00:05.04TSchultz55chomchom: yeah i dont have an env. var. set
00:05.30xavdthe doc is misleading regarding the env var, we need to fix that
00:08.30chomchomIn the updatemanager, could you sanity check that both the Android Development Tools and Android Editors are at version 0.7.1.v200808141910-98467, unrelated but good to know.
00:08.55TSchultz55yep they are
00:09.36chomchomxavd: so you don't need ANDRIOD_HOME in the ant runtime properties?
00:10.03TSchultz55chomchom: are you using eclipse to launch the emulator?
00:10.39TSchultz55yeah i guess my understanding is that it's not needed
00:10.46xavdchomchom: I was talking about Eclipse, but I don't think ant requires it either. not 100% sure though. would have to check
00:10.50TSchultz55Windows -> Preferences where u specify that path
00:15.05chomchomIts a bit funnny that you get the exact same error on two different machines, it must be down to your install process
00:16.57chomchomTry killing all the adb processes, killing eclipse, starting eclipse with a -clean and setting everything up again in a new workspace. Make sure adb is dead
00:19.34TSchultz55no i only get it on one machine
00:19.51TSchultz55yeah im doing a complete reboot right now
00:20.08TSchultz55i'm going to try Eclipse Classic
00:20.16jastareboot?  Linux?  hehe.
00:20.27TSchultz55it's a crappy lappy
00:21.15chomchomIt may have been an old adb process lurking around, I had some problems where I had to kill it aswell
00:21.25TSchultz55going to try Eclipse says Eclipse Java comes with "Partial" WST support....which is a dep. the Android plugin
00:21.30TSchultz55not sure what "partial" means
00:21.54xavdpartial should be enough
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00:22.01KenBW2how do i run the SDK?
00:22.10xavdeclipse 3.4 anyway automatically downloads dependencies
00:22.16TSchultz55chomchom: yeah I know...but doesn't explain why APK isn't being created
00:22.27TSchultz55oh it does, eh?
00:24.04jastaKenBW2: read the install instructions.
00:24.13KenBW2it mentions Eclipse and such
00:24.24KenBW2i need some other progranm to run it?
00:24.31jastaKenBW2: Read every part that has nothing to do with Eclipse.
00:25.24jastaKenBW2: Eclipse is basically the only IDE they officially bothered to support.  That's all.  It's not required.
00:25.55romainguy_it's also because Eclipse is by far the most used IDE amongst Java developers
00:26.21KenBW2but i cant run it from Vista without extra software
00:26.31TSchultz55KenBW2:you don't NEED Eclipse
00:26.40TSchultz55what do you want to do with it?
00:26.43TSchultz55just test it out?
00:26.49TSchultz55or write software for it?
00:26.55KenBW2take it for a test drive
00:27.01TSchultz55you don't need eclipse
00:27.06TSchultz55download the Windows ZIP
00:27.16xavdjasta: "bothered to support" is a big negative don't you think? It's quite a huge tasks to _properly_ support every IDE out there
00:27.18TSchultz55double click emulator in tools
00:27.43KenBW2ah yea, thanks
00:28.12jastaxavd: I didn't mean anything by it.
00:28.28TSchultz55xavd: what kind of USB support is there going to be for android?
00:28.39TSchultz55could I in theory connect peripherals?
00:28.43jastaTSchultz55: apparently, none available to us :)
00:29.05TSchultz55my project depends on it :(
00:29.09jastabut that's fine by me.  so long as we can rip out all this "officially" this and that junk ;)
00:29.28xavdTSchultz55: not sure... and if I knew, all I could tell you is what's currently in the doc, sorry
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00:43.52TSchultz55reboot -> fresh eclipse install -> fresh android sdk install -> fresh ADT install
00:43.54TSchultz55same error
00:45.00jastaany googlers know what the policy is for most apps when a critical service connection sudden disappears?
00:45.07jastathrow up an error and quit the app?
00:45.38ttuttlejasta: It's more polite to tell the user there's a problem and wait until the connection comes back if you can.
00:45.57ttuttlejasta: And then listen for network connection state broadcasts so you can retry automatically.
00:46.05ttuttlejasta: Lemme know if you want more info, I'll look it up.
00:46.10zhobbsjasta: sometimes I attempt to bind/start the service again
00:46.15jastattuttle: i mean an Android service.
00:46.16ttuttlejasta: (Note, this is personal opinion, not Google policy.)
00:46.18ttuttlejasta: Oh.
00:46.27ttuttlejasta: If it's "expected" to run, I think terminating is fine.
00:46.33ttuttlejasta: Retrying, within reason, would be nice.
00:47.32zhobbsjasta: but usually I just error out, in my case if it happened then somethings wrong
00:47.55jastayeah, that seems reasonable to me i just wanted to check to see if google has some magic :)
00:48.21jastai'm plowing through my activities one by one hardening  and simplifying...
00:48.45jastabasically, over the next 2 weeks i intend to have rewritten a majority of the Android-specific parts of Five.
00:49.03jastato be faster, better designed, etc.
00:49.38ttuttlejasta: What's Five?
00:49.54ttuttlejasta: If we had magic, it'd either be in the docs, or secret.
00:51.53jastattuttle: by magic, i meant "best practice" type stuff.
00:52.11ttuttlejasta: Fuck, that's AWESOME!
00:52.36jastathanks :)
00:52.51ttuttlejasta: /me takes back all the nasty things he's muttered about you while arguing about why Android isn't open source enough yet.
00:52.54ttuttlejasta: ;-)
00:53.06ttuttlejasta: Did you apply for ADC?
00:55.17ttuttlejasta: lol
00:55.17zhobbsjasta: does the server submit your plays, or the client?
00:55.21ttuttlejasta: /me wishes he had been a judge.
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00:55.36jastazhobbs: the client.  it buffers them up until you stop raping your network connection, then submits them all in the background.
00:56.22ttuttlejasta: nice
00:56.25ttuttlejasta: this is awesome
00:56.33ttuttleis so excited about Android.
00:56.35jastathe server actually doesn't do much currently.  just tracks changes on the PC and syncs them to the client when it asks.  and of course streams the music.
00:57.10jastait does of course collect meta data too though.  the server handles downloading album artwork and resizes it nicely fro the client to digest.
00:57.45zhobbswhen does the client digest it?  just periodically in the bg?
00:58.19zhobbs(the album art)
00:58.52jastathe meta data synchronization is a separate service that runs periodically to check for changes and sync them back.  it syncs all that stuff, album artwork including.
00:59.12jastathe music player is actually in a totally separate apk even, and consumes the work that the sync client has done on demand.
01:00.00jastaright now, this design makes first-time syncs kind of painful, because you basically have to wait for it to be done to start doing stuff.  but i plan to rearrange stuff for a more formal launch so it basically collects the main meta data first, then the album artowkr next.
01:00.12jastaso you can start playing around with it before it finishes first time sync
01:00.30zhobbsohh, ok...the first time grabs all the album art too
01:00.43jastayeah, the first time and periodic updates are actually the same process entirely.
01:01.01jastathe server also generalizes it this way.  to either side, nothing is special.
01:01.18ttuttlejasta: You just start with an empty repository on the client?
01:01.19jastait uses SyncML to do all the change tracking/syncing, which is a nice little protocol for this actually.
01:01.29jastait's got all the proper hardening against massive conflicts built into the protocol
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01:01.59jastattuttle: Yeah.  Thanks to Google's secrecy, I remain uncertain how to implement Five as a hybrid between traditional synced music and this new approach.  That is ideally what I'd like to do.
01:02.27jastaSo that users can sync it manually in addition to this networked approach if they want to.
01:02.30ttuttleWhat secrets do you need to do this?
01:02.36ttuttleOh, you mean over USB?
01:02.37jastaBut that's a total black box right now.
01:02.43jastattuttle: Yes.
01:02.46ttuttlejasta: Hmm.
01:02.58jastaBut I don't really care about that yet.  There is way too much work to do anyway :)
01:03.01ttuttlejasta: Okay.
01:03.22jastaI mean, it's just a nicety to let users do both.  The design is very general, so I don't think it should be a problem to add later when I know more.
01:04.13jastaI basically felt like I designed the whole thing "in the dark" though, so there are a few gotchas in the UI that just plain won't fly for a production release.  I'm spending between now and Android launch to iron all that out.
01:05.27jastattuttle: I am quite excited by 0.9r1 because of the inclusion of the sample music player.
01:05.49ttuttlejasta: Yeah, I'm excited about 0.9r1 'cause it's got my code in it!
01:05.58jastaI plan to lift a few of the nice things I like from that, and also it has given me a way to reflect on some of the stupid Android decisions I made early on.
01:06.26jastaLike I had no idea you could hold your service connections in a static context so all your activities don't have to constantly reconnect.  *duh*.
01:07.12jastaanyway, yeah, i'm really excited to have my project launch.
01:07.29jastai've been wanting this thing to exist for the last 2 years now :)
01:08.20jastattuttle: Apple just recently announced that they patented this whole idea hehe.  I'm actually not too concerned.  As an open source software engineer, I don't have to fight patents ;)
01:08.42ttuttlejasta: Apple needs to get a life and just make stuff.
01:09.31jastaanyway back to hacking ;)
01:09.38jastai don't get a lot of "geek nights", so i gotta take them when i can hehe
01:09.44jastamy gf really monopolizes my time
01:10.05ttuttlejasta: ...
01:10.21ttuttlejasta: /me feels *so* sorry for you.  Having a girlfriend must be such a pain.~
01:10.36jastai can't complain too much :)
01:10.41ttuttlejasta: s/too much //;
01:10.42jastait's nicer tahn the alternative.
01:11.01jastawhen i don't have a gf, i can't get anything done becuase i'm spending my time trolling for booty
01:11.08ttuttlejasta: lol
01:11.09jastawhen i do have one, i can't get anything done because then i have to spend time with them :)
01:11.17ttuttlejasta: Find one who likes to code?
01:11.46cbeust... or one who respects your passions
01:11.53jastai don't think that would really help.  then we'd have an impersonal relationship :)
01:12.02ttuttleYou could cuddle while you code!
01:12.28jastaslowly backs away
01:12.59yakischlobajasta: good thing you can geek out all day during work hours, otherwise that might actually be a problem huh? ;)
01:13.50jastayeah, basically my job lets me cheat :)
01:14.13yakischlobaheh. i start my new job on monday, I imagine I'll be absent for a couple months at least.
01:14.22jastathat's sweet, here at?
01:14.29jastaoh right, this is the one in tukwila?
01:14.56yakischlobaSo excited to be moving the hell on
01:15.02jastalet me know how that goes :)
01:15.10jastataht came out wrong
01:16.28yakischlobawell I guess with this SDK release my first excuse to not be working on my app is gone.
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01:19.09yakischlobaSome things about compiled languages are so yucky
01:32.21jastattuttle: let's say i wanted to have some other part of my application modify something about a list entry, say change the text color, what would be the best way to do that?
01:33.03jastathe music app must need to do that when looking at the playlist since the playlist can arbitrarily advance...
01:33.15cbeustIs your list backed by a CursorAdapter?
01:33.41cbeustThen modifying the data should cause a rebind and it should magically work
01:33.42jastai have done this a lot in my app of course, but i keep feeling like my solution really sucks
01:33.56jastacbeust: but the data in question is not a permanent state that should be committed back to the database.
01:34.18jastathe list data is, generally, but this particular change is a stateful change.
01:34.46cbeustIt's not recommended to do that because if you move your list back and forth, the changes not committed to the cursor will be discarded
01:34.58jastaconsider my example above.
01:35.27jastawhen viewing the playlist, it marks the song currently playing.  this state can change, but the data is likely backed by some sort of cursor.
01:35.58jastabut the cursor need not change to indicate this.  that makes no sense.
01:36.39*** part/#android Dougie187 (
01:36.42jastapreviously, i did this by basically using a flag or map in view binder that would just check if the row being collected was the one that the state change belongs to.  if it does, it would draw it specially
01:37.10jastaso some other logic in the app would just add to that mapping, then invalidate the list.
01:37.43jastai feel like there *must* be a better way.  especially if you are doing lots of updates like showing progress of entries in a list
01:38.40jastathe way that views are recycled kinda clobbers the obvious approach of just searching for the row view in question and screwing with it
01:40.32musiquejasta: just wrapper your cursor
01:40.43musiqueand *add* a field and return true if it's playing
01:41.05musiqueyour bind view can treat this transient info like any other column
01:41.23jastabut what about the case of say updating a progress bar?  how can it be the best approach to constantly invalidate the list when the progress changes?
01:41.34musiquedon't invalidate the list
01:41.40musiquenotify data changed
01:41.47jastawon't that cause every row to redraw?
01:42.03jastathat's what i meant by invalidate the list: have every row on screen redraw.
01:42.14cbeustIt will only cause a rebind, if you're careful in this rebind, the graphic update will be minimal
01:42.27musiqueyes make sure your bind is efficient and you should be fine
01:42.35jastahow can i be careful in the rebind?
01:42.37musiqueviews are re-used in list view
01:42.44cbeustonly update the views impacted by the transient change
01:42.47musiquejust don't do slow stuff like lookup an image in a content provider etc...
01:43.55*** part/#android musique (n=cmendis@nat/google/x-f25ead70bff5aa94)
01:44.20jastacbeust: but won't they all need to rebind?  how would i known which rebound views i can ignore?
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01:44.43jastaeven if i tracked it myself, this wouldn't work because i'd need to somehow find the difference between the underlying cursor changing and my manual change.
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01:45.00romainguy_musique: notify data changed << this is actually expensive
01:45.06romainguy_it causes a full layout
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01:45.34chomchomI don't suppose anyone in here is looking for some contractual android work?
01:45.43jastai am confident the approach i used throughout five is sloppy and inefficient :)
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01:45.50chomchomIf anyone is interested please send an email to
01:46.18jastaromainguy_: any suggestions?
01:46.57romainguy_grab the view and change it?
01:47.25jastai'm looking for a good generally efficient paradigm for arbitrarily altering particular rows in a list.
01:47.46romainguy_if you change the underlying data, change the adapter and notifyDatasetChanged
01:47.47jastaromainguy_: how can i grab it?
01:47.56romainguy_if you just change the UI representation of the data, just grab the view
01:48.09romainguy_ListView.getView(positionOfItem - ListView.getFirstVisiblePosition())
01:48.44jastaok, do you suppose it makes sense to do both to protect this data from vanishing during scrolls/view recycling?
01:49.09jastaby both i mean to grab the view and make the update immediately, but also mark some flag that this row has some special state data so that the binder will also keep that state in tact.
01:49.45romainguy_as long as you don't change the number of items in the list
01:50.01romainguy_note that most of the time a notifyDatasetChanged is efficient enough
01:50.05jastawell if its backed by a cursor i can just key uniquely with the data set
01:50.21romainguy_if you don't do it frequently (every XX milliseconds)
01:51.52romainguy_that's assuming your adapter reuses the convertView
01:52.03jastaromainguy_: your one-liner above, ListView doesn't have a getView method?  getChildAt?
01:52.12romainguy_ah yes sorry
01:52.20romainguy_< tired
01:53.06jastawhy would you subtract getFristVisiblePosition?
01:53.40romainguy_to convert the adapter position into a view index
01:54.05jastahang on, i gotta digest how this will come together :)
01:54.18romainguy_what exactly are you trying to update on screen?
01:54.30romainguy_because it might be enough to do a notifyDatasetChanged
01:54.37jastain this case, i have a list of service sources and i'm updating their progress as they do stuff.
01:54.57jastabut in general, i would like a better general strategy for this type of arbitrary manipulation that is both clean and efficient.  ia m searching mostly for that :)
01:54.58romainguy_ok so don't notifyDatasetChanged :)
01:55.13romainguy_but in the general case, for infrequent updates, use notifyDatasetChanged
01:55.22romainguy_there's one easy optimizations with this
01:55.30romainguy_if you don't add/remove an item
01:55.37romainguy_and if the updated item(s) are not visible on screen
01:55.45romainguy_then don't call notifyDatasetChanged at all
01:56.07romainguy_the range of visible items is obtained with getFirstVisiblePosition() .. getFirstVisiblePosition() + getChildCount()
01:56.32jastahow do i get the adapter position for your original one-liner?
01:56.43jastai merely have the CursorAdapter's row id.
01:56.57romainguy_that is your problem :)
01:56.59jastawould i just maintain a map myself?
01:57.42jastaextend the adapter or the view binder and just track what views i'm handing out for which rows?
01:57.53romainguy_no, don't do that because they are recycled
01:58.15romainguy_can't you just keep the position of your items somewhere?
01:59.00jastawell, most of the data i work with is backed by a cursor, so it wouldn't be a good idea to lock the data set in i wouldn' tthink.  also, that fails to be a general solution as i'm looking for :)
01:59.35jastacouldn't i pay special attention to the recycling possibility?  if i hand out a view that was already marked by another row id, remove it from my mapping
02:00.00romainguy_you do whatever you want but I strongly advise against this
02:00.00jastathat would also allow me to track what isn't on screen for a very fast opt.
02:00.26romainguy_the recycling thing can be quite surprising
02:00.38jastaromainguy_: i don't understand why?  shouldn't it be simple?  i have a map of row id to view, but i also mark the views with the row id they last had mapped.  when i get a view, i check if it's been marked by another row id and remove it from the map first.
02:02.14romainguy_because we don't guarantee that we will have only one view for one row id
02:02.45romainguy_it would theoretically possible for the recycler to have two views that were bound to the same row id
02:03.17jastahmm, that certainly would be problematic.
02:03.56romainguy_that's why we usually base as much as we can on positions
02:04.36jastabut the problem here is that since my data is mostly backed by cursors, i would have to iterate through the entire cursor to build a map once on init, and any time the cursor changed
02:04.42jastain order to get a mapping of id to position.
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02:11.05jastawait, i feel like i'm being silly here.  the number of items on screen at any given time should be pretty small.  couldn't i just search the listviews children and then just store that View until such time as the viewbinder updates for any reason? this would probably be the least overhead of all strategies
02:12.27jastathat is, on each progress update check a mapping of id => View for the row view that corresponds.  If it fails, search for it then set it in the map.  Meanwhile, if the ViewBinder is asked to bind a new View for any reason, clear the map I was using.
02:13.04jastathat way if the user scrolls during progress updates they're gonna take a hit (but a constant hit) in performance, but when they stop the performance will go back up.
02:13.09jastaas it can just do map lookups
02:13.31jastaany gotchas with this approach?
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02:43.34ttuttle-> sleep.
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04:26.08meoblast001romainguy: google should make a game console
04:26.11meoblast001it might actually be good
04:26.15meoblast001i gave up on sony
04:26.24romainguyI actually like my PS3 more and more
04:26.27romainguymore than my xbox 360
04:26.51meoblast001well... it cant even play GBA games at top speed
04:26.55meoblast001in PS3 Linux
04:27.03meoblast001game boy advance
04:27.06romainguythe PS3 wasn't really meant to do this
04:27.10romainguyyes I know what the GBA is
04:27.15meoblast001and they destroyed backwards compatibility
04:27.17romainguy(I worked as a GBA game developer :))
04:27.26romainguybackward compatibility is fine on my PS3
04:27.37meoblast001i  have an 80 gig original
04:27.44meoblast001doesnt play the old games that i like
04:27.47romainguyah the 80 GB
04:27.57meoblast001sony's poor marketting does that
04:28.04meoblast001and yes it was intended to play GBA games
04:28.05meoblast001"It was fully intended that you, a PS3 owner, could play games, watch movies, view photos, listen to music, and run a full-featured Linux operating system that transforms your PS3 into a home computer."
04:28.18meoblast001my home computer plays GBA games
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04:28.31romainguythat's not quite Sony's fault I'm sure
04:28.33meoblast001plays them perfectly fine... at 100% framerate 95% of the time
04:28.37meoblast001yes it is
04:28.39romainguythe Cell is quite different from regular CPUs
04:28.45meoblast001they place PS3 linux under a hypervisor
04:28.55romainguybecause it's a freakin' game console
04:29.00meoblast001to make piracy impossible
04:29.10meoblast001but the PS3 linux is basically a piece of crap
04:29.12romainguycan't blame them for that
04:29.17meoblast001cant do anything other than high level math operations
04:29.32romainguyas a console, movie/photo/music player, I find the PS3 great
04:29.38romainguyI don't give a shit about running Linux on it
04:29.42romainguyI have computers for that :)
04:30.02meoblast001well... everytime i have a good idea for my ps3.... it cant do it... every time i want to play a good game on my ps3.. it cant do it
04:30.08meoblast001ps2 games were great
04:30.11meoblast001a few ps3 games are good
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04:30.51meoblast001Google should get into more markets... i actually voted a few years ago that google would come out on top that year because they were doing a lot of stuff
04:30.59meoblast001on top of all other companies for that year
04:31.12romainguybecause Android is not going into more markets? :)
04:31.40meoblast001it is
04:31.44meoblast001but i think there are a lot more
04:31.52meoblast001Google Linux would be awesome =P
04:32.06michaelnovakjrLinux is Linux
04:32.19meoblast001true.... but a Google distrubution
04:32.32michaelnovakjri'm not sure that is worth the time
04:32.51romainguyI don't quite see what we could really add
04:33.20michaelnovakjryea, there are plenty of distros that are excellent
04:34.04meoblast001i guess
04:35.04michaelnovakjri think Google should focus on Android for the time being :)
04:36.13meoblast001android is scaring me
04:36.30meoblast001i keep getting affraid something is going to happen and the project will be dropped
04:36.33meoblast001or delayed
04:36.47meoblast001wait... i forgot... google isnt sony. they dont delay things
04:38.11yakischlobagod damnit
04:38.33meoblast001michaelnovakjr: go look up "Sony Home Delay" on google
04:38.37romainguymeoblast001: why would we drop or delay the project?
04:38.47meoblast001i heard stuff on the internet
04:38.51michaelnovakjrromainguy: i believe its jibberish
04:38.51meoblast001saying the project is like
04:39.07romainguyyou "heard stuff on the internet"
04:39.09romainguymust be true then :))
04:39.12michaelnovakjrromainguy: did he get the memo about the new SDK :)
04:39.29romainguyI have yet to read one article about android that gets the facts right :))
04:39.43romainguyeven articles about the new SDK contain mistakes, errors or forget stuff
04:39.44michaelnovakjrromainguy: its all these stupid fanboy sites :)
04:40.02meoblast001i want a gphone
04:40.06meoblast001i hope its not expensive
04:40.19michaelnovakjrwe need an organization on internet journalism ..... we need to publicly ban this terrible sites
04:40.45romainguythe problem with the web is that anyone can pretend to be a "journalist"
04:40.48michaelnovakjrmeoblast001: it looks like the first device is going to be a high end device
04:40.51romainguythe quality is WAAAYY low
04:40.55michaelnovakjrromainguy: yes that is the problem
04:40.55meoblast001high end?
04:41.18michaelnovakjrromainguy: if you can follow the wordpress instructions well then you can be a "journalist"
04:42.03yakischlobaromainguy: The problem isn't that anyone can do it, its that the dumb eat it up.
04:42.03meoblast001i can do that
04:42.06meoblast001i have wordpress
04:42.09meoblast001its easy to install and use
04:42.18michaelnovakjryakischloba: that too :)
04:42.29yakischlobathat 100% i think
04:42.38meoblast001who wants me to make a wordpress?
04:42.51michaelnovakjr <<< perfect example
04:42.53yakischlobahonestly everything I read on those bullshit sites I figure half of it is nonsense
04:43.27yakischlobaits easy to tell whos out there for hits and attention
04:43.41yakischlobawhich is most people
04:43.54michaelnovakjri'm going to record a blurry video of my win mobile phone and call it the unreleased Android UI
04:44.15yakischlobaanyone who does 'journalism' on flakey things like tech are just attention whores
04:44.20michaelnovakjras confirmed by my close sources... the Android UI Engineers :)
04:44.20muthuif only google can have an official blog and they can update news regularly
04:44.32michaelnovakjruh muthu they do :)
04:44.41muthuyeah but they don't update
04:44.45muthuhence the rumors
04:44.47meoblast001type 735 if you work for google
04:45.03yakischlobaas far as tech stuff, I'll believe it when I see it.
04:45.10michaelnovakjryakischloba: exactly
04:45.15yakischlobameoblast001: enough of that
04:45.26meoblast001i was just curious
04:45.33meoblast001so i took the AOL user's approach
04:45.36swetlandthese blurry videos are great. I think I saw bigfoot
04:45.49yakischlobameoblast001: mature grownups shouldn't do things like that.
04:45.49michaelnovakjrswetland: yea, he's an Android fan
04:46.05michaelnovakjrswetland: i hear he's part of the "test" team
04:46.07meoblast001since when is 15 mature grownups xD
04:46.12meoblast001i try to be mature
04:46.15yakischlobawell work harder.
04:46.17meoblast001and grownup'd
04:47.33meoblast001what is LiMo and why should i not like it?
04:47.37michaelnovakjri find the fanboy sites extremely annoying
04:48.02meoblast001new picture
04:48.13michaelnovakjrhence why is going to be a tutorial site!
04:48.17yakischlobaunfortunately the suckers of the world now have cultivated interest in higher level things like mobile development, and are happy to propagate anything that is fed to them
04:48.30yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: woo hoo! no speculation on there please! :)
04:48.43michaelnovakjryakischloba: speculators will be shot at the door ;)
04:48.50yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: excellent.
04:49.10meoblast001if you want the facts, come here
04:49.18*** join/#android dueynz (n=duey@
04:49.20michaelnovakjrmeoblast001: that's a bit far from the truth :)
04:49.21meoblast001and ask romainguy
04:49.28meoblast001i know
04:49.30meoblast001it was a joke
04:49.37meoblast001you guys arent allowed to tell us
04:49.38michaelnovakjrthe irc has its fair share of speculation spewing
04:49.54meoblast001is this the official IRC?
04:49.55yakischlobameoblast001: I too, didn't know anything when I came in here, and I sat around and read what other people said for months. You might be better off to do the same.
04:49.58meoblast001is there an
04:50.15michaelnovakjrmeoblast001: think about that
04:50.16umdk1d4meoblast001: this is as "official" as it gets
04:50.22f00f-yeah we noticed a lot of lurkers in here for months
04:50.27michaelnovakjrif there was an why would we be on freenode?
04:50.30f00f-we thought you guys were stealing ideas
04:50.39f00f-but you were just newbin' :)
04:50.41meoblast001hi jasta
04:50.45michaelnovakjrf00f-: don't be fooled.... some were/are
04:50.47yakischlobaThere he is. the yawner.
04:50.56umdk1d4idling isnt a crime  :P
04:51.05meoblast001GoogleBot doesnt like me
04:51.05f00f-it should be :D
04:51.06yakischlobaBeing annoying is
04:51.14meoblast001it crawls at all the wrong times
04:51.44michaelnovakjrjasta, what's new.... dig into the new sdk at all?
04:51.59meoblast001never do qqqqq then I'm feeling lucky
04:52.13jastamichaelnovakjr: oh yes, lots.
04:52.15f00f-does it
04:52.25meoblast001f00f-: your eyes will bleed
04:52.27michaelnovakjrjasta, good bad or indifferent?
04:52.28jastamichaelnovakjr: five builds on it, i'm revising a lot of it now too
04:52.45meoblast001that hack really needs to be fixed
04:52.47f00f-oh my
04:52.47jastamichaelnovakjr: well, i don't know.  there's a lot of stuff in here for me.  but there is still that lame MediaPlayer problem so it's not all sunshine and rainbows
04:52.51meoblast001someone google bombed that site
04:52.57meoblast001with the title being qqqqq
04:53.04meoblast001and well..... its now top on the list
04:53.07f00f-ctrl-w to the rescue
04:53.14jastamichaelnovakjr: i'm mostly enjoying just revisiting some of Five's poor programming now
04:53.16michaelnovakjrmeoblast001: what the hell are you talkoing about?
04:53.18yakischlobaI've heard so much good vibe out of jasta all day that I'm actually going to resume working on my app.
04:53.33michaelnovakjrjasta, that's good... i still figuring out what to work on :)
04:53.34jastayou guys, i never _wanted_ to hate Android.
04:53.38meoblast001micaelnovakjr: nothing.. just pranksters who take advantage of googlebot to make ppl's eyes blee
04:53.55michaelnovakjrjasta, most of my android-random contributions aren't needed anymore :)
04:53.55yakischlobaI thought alex2308 was bad *sigh*
04:54.04f00f-jasta why dont you fix android?
04:54.07jastamichaelnovakjr: you knew that would happen :)
04:54.17f00f-i think google needs to hire a handful of OSS experts
04:54.19f00f-on contract
04:54.20jastaf00f-: because it's closed source.  i promise you, once i can access it, i will.
04:54.21f00f-to fix all the shit
04:54.23f00f-implement all the code
04:54.45meoblast001when does it go os?
04:54.50michaelnovakjrf00f-: that bug list "should" shrink when the source is opened
04:55.14jastaanyway, back to revising stuffs ;)
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04:55.43yakischlobathis release has drawn so many people...too busy for me, I feel like every time I go to take a pee I'm missing something
04:55.52f00f-you bet
04:55.59michaelnovakjryakischloba: its mostly nonsense :)
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04:56.20yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: ahh ok. I'll disregard then ;)
04:56.45michaelnovakjryakischloba: i was hoping more people would be back programming and asking questions and discussing the new sdk :)
04:57.13yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: well that was my dismay..seems like mostly new people and retarded questions often unrelated to the SDK itself
04:58.03meoblast001why isnt google going to make hardware? just curious
04:58.15michaelnovakjrmeoblast001: because they don't have to
04:58.24f00f-it's not their expertise
04:58.33yakischlobaIs google in the hardware business anywhere?
04:58.43michaelnovakjryakischloba: yes
04:58.43f00f-all they make are some servers
04:58.45f00f-but they dont make them
04:58.49michaelnovakjrthey have google minis
04:58.52meoblast001i bet Apple would sell products better if they didnt try to hold customers by the bals
04:58.53yakischlobaOh. the "google app server" or whatever
04:58.56f00f-they just put the software on them
04:59.00michaelnovakjrf00f-: they are branded :_
04:59.05yakischlobathat isn't really hardware development
04:59.21michaelnovakjrf00f-: we have two at work.... blue servers with the big G
04:59.37michaelnovakjryakischloba: not really..... but their ghost support team is who you contact :)
04:59.48f00f-they worth it michael?
04:59.53yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: heh
05:00.27michaelnovakjrf00f-: they are nice... the search feature for the site is awesome.... we had hardware issues and it was a pain in the ass dealing with support.... but other than that pretty good :)
05:00.42f00f-ah, i dont have a need to search anything
05:00.47f00f-good for intranets i bet
05:00.57yakischlobajust google searching for internal documents, correct?
05:00.58f00f-when htdig, mnogosearch, aspsearch wont cut it
05:01.09michaelnovakjrf00f-: we used it to crawl our sites.... good customization
05:01.21f00f-do you get the same < 0.10 sec response times?
05:01.29michaelnovakjrf00f-: its fast
05:02.43meoblast001is googlebot opensource?
05:03.00meoblast001if so, i want a copy
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05:03.06michaelnovakjri am going to regard that as rhetorical
05:03.22yakischlobaspare us..
05:03.31f00f-you didnt get when it was up?
05:03.33f00f-few hundred megs
05:03.46meoblast001is it still up?
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05:04.39michaelnovakjrhalf of it had Microsoft comment blocks at the top of files
05:04.52meoblast001googlebot did?
05:05.30f00f-well googlebot is essentially a glorified wget -r
05:06.39meoblast001f00f-: explain this... wget -r
05:06.42meoblast001i has a wget
05:06.47meoblast001but i never used the wget -r
05:07.01yakischlobaoh for fucks sake
05:07.07meoblast001im sorry
05:07.15f00f-meoblast001: download the entire internet, start with: wget -r
05:07.35yakischlobaI hope someone else gets impatient before me so I don't make an as of myself.
05:07.44michaelnovakjryakischloba: i will :)
05:08.05yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: Maybe you would have by now if you hadn't been absent ;)
05:08.23michaelnovakjryakischloba: definitely :)
05:08.32michaelnovakjrbut then again i was absent for a reason :)
05:08.39meoblast001f00f-: im working on it
05:08.43meoblast001made a file on my desktop
05:08.46meoblast001i mean
05:08.47meoblast001a folder
05:09.02f00f-good luck.
05:09.25michaelnovakjryou should sign off IRC until you're done... you don't want to slow it down or anything
05:09.30meoblast001how long will it take?
05:09.37yakischlobayears or decades
05:09.45meoblast001how does google do it in days then?
05:09.48michaelnovakjrmeoblast001: count 2^n until you get to the last number
05:10.29meoblast001how many T3 lines does google have?
05:10.36yakischlobaa gazillion
05:11.04michaelnovakjrmeoblast001: what kind of question is that
05:11.13meoblast001oh yeah
05:11.16meoblast001im pushing 2 websites
05:11.30michaelnovakjrmeoblast001: for someone who claimed to be a part of the ubuntu project you sure sound like a moron
05:11.51jastawrestles with Subclipse on Eclipse 3.4
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05:12.07yakischlobais 3.4 required for the new plugin?..
05:12.10michaelnovakjrjasta, i'm assuming that is the svn plugin
05:12.22jastayakischloba: 3.3+ is.  i had 3.2 from debian so i upg'd to 3.4
05:12.36muthuanyone know eclipse 3.4 wget link?
05:12.52meoblast001my sister told me it wont all fit
05:12.55yakischlobahmm. I think I may have grabbed 3.3 already in the process of my Ubuntu troubles.
05:13.03meoblast001i was like "dang it.. i forgot.. only 60 gigs"
05:13.08meoblast001how many gigs does google have?
05:13.10michaelnovakjrits getting old dude
05:13.24muthujasta: did you use wget for eclipse 3.4 download?
05:14.12yakischlobaah man its pouring. what fun it will be riding into work in the morning.
05:14.22f00f-on your tricycle?
05:14.39meoblast001i have the whole google main site downloaded
05:14.58meoblast001does it download alphabetically?
05:15.00michaelnovakjri don't know about anyone else but i'm blocking him :)
05:15.07yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: amen
05:15.15meoblast001yay..... i feel special
05:15.36muthuthat looks like it
05:15.47michaelnovakjrmuthu i bet has it too
05:15.52michaelnovakjrand you can click on it :)
05:15.53yakischlobano way
05:15.56yakischlobawget only
05:16.12yakischlobai think you have to use a recursive download from the subdirectory actually
05:16.16michaelnovakjryakischloba: i could download it for all 78 people in here before he figures out wget :)
05:16.18f00f-muthu have you ported to 0.9 yet?
05:16.29muthu0.9 done
05:16.30yakischlobamichaelnovakjr:  :)
05:16.47yakischlobadid ADC guys have 0.9 access before the public did?
05:17.03muthuf00f-:  now i'm working on a big plan
05:17.18michaelnovakjrmuthu: martha stewart integration?
05:17.35michaelnovakjryou'd need an ankle bracelet
05:17.45yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: hey now..
05:17.46muthuyakischloba: we didn't have 0.9
05:17.47michaelnovakjrand don't give her any stock :)
05:18.49meoblast001i get the feeling im going to live a very unsucessful life
05:19.00michaelnovakjryea me too
05:19.16muthujasta: The problem with subclipse on 3.4 is that ‘Subclipse 1.4.x requires Subversion 1.5.0 version of JavaHL/SVNKit’
05:19.57f00f-there is an alternative buddy
05:20.00f00f-not subclipse
05:20.02f00f-it's somtehing else
05:20.08f00f-the non-free one
05:20.11f00f-it's linked from
05:20.20f00f-subversive is a big site
05:20.21f00f-that's it
05:20.46umdk1d4realizes i havent eaten today due to sdk
05:21.10f00f-where u at
05:21.23umdk1d4got app ported easily
05:21.27michaelnovakjrmeoblast001: you officially are annoying the shit out of me.... go away!!!
05:21.29umdk1d4now im working on other fun stuff  ;)
05:21.35yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: i ignored
05:21.38michaelnovakjrmeoblast001: you are officially blocked
05:22.06meoblast001i've been hearing that since the 2nd grade
05:23.27michaelnovakjryakischloba: i just ignored him
05:23.37michaelnovakjrpidgin doesn't like the ignore command
05:23.46yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: yeah my peace of mind increased by 300% after I did it.
05:23.50michaelnovakjrbut apparently right click on the name works :)
05:24.27meoblast001i feel like everyone here hates me
05:24.31michaelnovakjryakischloba: writing an app with 0.9?
05:25.26umdk1d4okay so some speculation
05:25.40michaelnovakjrstop with the speculation
05:25.41umdk1d4i wonder if they dumbed-down the included apps
05:25.54michaelnovakjrplease it just came out
05:25.54muthuwhich one?
05:25.57umdk1d4and are still holding back some wow-factor stuff
05:26.02yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: no, no, not yet. I had started on my app with m5 but I stopped working on it a couple weeks ago due to a combination of things. Mostly busy with getting my new job and suspicion that the next release was going to suck.
05:26.21michaelnovakjr:) yakischloba i hear you
05:26.31umdk1d4we still dont have a youtube player, or email (other than in browser)
05:26.40umdk1d4interestingly google gears is integrated into the browser
05:26.54michaelnovakjrit will come..... for now i'd just work on an app :)
05:27.30muthuumdk1d4: the wow factor might come from tmo apps
05:27.47yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: I think I'm going to pick up on it again now, but I doubt I'll have it ready for handset release. I won't have as much time as I did before. Really I don't care though. It'd be awesome if my first app was popular someday but really I'm writing it for my own use and as a learning experience.
05:28.15michaelnovakjryakischloba: that is the way to go :)
05:28.33michaelnovakjrits always good when you find your app useful!
05:28.55michaelnovakjrplus i find the overall mood of developing is better that way :)
05:29.13yakischlobaheh. thats the only reason I'm writing it. I lurked around for months, not starting to learn anything because I didn't know what my app was going to be
05:29.26yakischlobathen I figured it out and yeah I have a blast when I'm writing it
05:29.27romainguyumdk1d4: interestingly google gears is integrated into the browser << it can even create shortcuts to Gears apps on the desktop
05:29.51yakischlobaI really enjoy imagining how I will use it when its don
05:29.55michaelnovakjryou'd figure in all the speculation that was picked up :)
05:29.58meoblast001i wish i had the power to make ppl suffer
05:30.03meoblast001watching ppl suffer makes me happy
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05:30.46meoblast001hi Rajec
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05:31.37yakischlobaI'm sure other people will find it plenty useful too. I just have to do it right.
05:31.46Rajecguys what you think about popularity of android? Whats the real market potencional? I think it is just next windows mobile and it will have hard time againts iphone.
05:32.04michaelnovakjrRajec: we are developers... not speculators
05:32.16*** part/#android meoblast001 (
05:32.30umdk1d4romainguy: ooh desktop gears shortcuts  =D
05:32.50yakischlobaIt's on the back-burner for the moment though. Starting my new job and I have to get serious now about winter training for next cycling season. I'm just counting on that either no one will develop my app, or they'll do a half-assed job.
05:32.58swetlandI suspect it will be an uphill battle vs the forces of MobileGEOS, AmigaDOS for Phones, and PenWindows
05:33.34yakischlobaMy money is on PenWindows. I got a leaked build and I loaded it onto my Blue Bic with haret.exe and its pretty sweet.
05:34.24f00f-let me get this straight, you loaded it onto your ballpoing pen?
05:34.44romainguyswetland: I still want BeOS on my Phone
05:35.17yakischlobaf00f-: apologies, that sounded like something from meoblast.
05:35.26swetland is actually the only one of those that was a real os ^^
05:35.58yakischlobaswetland: thats funny, I was certain it was the only one that isn't ;)
05:36.35yakischlobaerr. It was the only one I was certain that isn't.
05:36.58Rajecmichaelnovakjr: it doesn mean you dont have opinion
05:37.44michaelnovakjrRajec: for me it does :)... i don't speculate... i code
05:38.06yakischlobaRajec: most of what is to come is uncertain still. For developers, Android is great. As far as how it will reach the public/market, no one knows.
05:39.33yakischlobanight folks
05:49.35michaelnovakjrromainguy, 1.5 still have better support than 1.6?
05:49.41michaelnovakjrjava that is
05:50.43michaelnovakjryou mentioned about two weeks ago that android worked better with java 1.5 instead of 1.6
05:50.58romainguyI said we don't really test it with Java 1.6
05:51.25romainguyit should work though
05:51.30romainguyI know we have a few devs who use it
05:51.53michaelnovakjryea, i haven't had an issue
06:12.04jastaohhhhh, very nice.  System.out is now connected to the logcat.
06:26.15umdk1d4ooh? niiiiiice @ system.out
06:26.22umdk1d4e.printStackTrace()  =D
06:26.36michaelnovakjrjasta did you get subclipse working in eclipse?
06:26.40jastawell, you could always do Log.d(TAG, "foo", e);
06:26.43jastamichaelnovakjr: yeah
06:26.54michaelnovakjrusing 3.4?
06:27.43jastajust had to restart eclipse or something.  i don't know, it's a strange beast.
06:30.44jastahmm, i am confused though.  my ServiceActivity class never seems to be able to re-use the connection.
06:30.51jastaeverytime the activity is destroyed i get:
06:31.06jastaE/ActivityThread( 1809): Activity org.devtcg.five.activity.SourceList has leaked ServiceConnection org.devtcg.five.activity.SourceList@43383930 that was originally bound here
06:31.08jastabut for some reason the music player doesn't get that.  so they must be doing something different.
06:31.23jastaalso, each time the activity starts it up gets a new context, even though the service is still running and the process is the same.
06:32.59jastabut romain you say it keys this connection pool by context.  hmm, i must be missing something...
06:33.10romainguythe Music app unbinds the service connection in onDestroy
06:33.49jastathen there must not be an efficiency improvement here like i thought there was.
06:34.09jastayou were saying you thought it was a static reference to the connection because it kept it lingering around until the process died?
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06:36.46jastathat can't be true then.  it must just be taht this app waits for the service connection before it calls setContentView.  and that's how it achives the illusion of being instantly connected
06:37.07jastathat's pretty disappointing.  i thought there was some great trick here to avoid the constant overhead of service connection
06:48.53jastawhy shouldn't this be possible, i wonder?
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06:59.40umdk1d4bah ontouchlistener only response to touch-down, and not again on touch-up
07:00.15umdk1d4on a linearlayout with focusable and android:focusableInTouchMode both set true
07:01.34umdk1d4works fine with a imagebutton
07:03.42umdk1d4the linearlayout needs to be android:longClickable="true" so that it processes and fires hovering touch events
07:06.30muthujasta: Out of memory during array extend at /usr/local/bin/ line 314, chunk 1.
07:06.48jastaclearly, they changed the format.
07:07.01jastai mean, i looked into it and came to that conclusion
07:07.11jastanot that it would be obvious from that message hehe
07:07.22romainguyjasta: that can't be true then.  it must just be taht this app waits for the service connection before it calls setContentView.  and that's how it achives the illusion of being instantly connected << no it doesn't wait before setContentView
07:07.38jastaromainguy: some dude from Google was just in here claiming that it does.
07:07.46romainguywas it marcone?
07:08.02romainguythen he knows what he's talking about :))
07:08.05jastahe said they defer the UI until service connection in some cases
07:08.12jasta(not all, but some)
07:09.24jastalook at the "Now playing" activity
07:09.39jastawhen it opens it clearly seems to draw its initial UI different than other activities
07:09.50jastabecause it has to draw with that icon indicating which song is playing, which must be coming from a service
07:10.03jastaso it must be waiting for service connection to draw anything at all, right?
07:10.18jastait probably even gets the playlist itself from the service.  so maybe it just fires up an empty list then populates it really fast?
07:11.20jastasame goes for the albums screen it seems
07:11.29jastaand artists and songs :)
07:11.52jastai don't know how exactly they are deferring the UI (i'd like to know *grin*), but they certainly are.
07:12.30jastai have been experimenting with calling setContentView after service connection and it does mor eor less seem to accomplish the effect you see in this app (notice how you don't get UI fade-in on some activities in the music player?)
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07:13.33romainguyon a device
07:13.39romainguyif there's any delay I cannot tell
07:14.03muthuyeah, you call set content view when your UI is ready
07:14.03jastait's clear that they wrote code different than your typical Hello World to make this work.
07:14.29jastaromainguy: as i said, you can notice that the ui doesn't fade-in on lots of screens.  normally, it would.
07:14.42alex2308hello world
07:15.12romainguythe order of setContentView/bindService/etc. won't matter
07:15.12muthujasta: what's hard on in deciding when to call setcontentview?
07:15.12jastaromainguy: i'd like to know specifically what they are doing in some of thoses cases.  like the "Now playing" screen.  what is the path it takes to layout/draw from onCreate?
07:15.16romainguyit's the UI thread
07:15.25romainguyso anything that block onCreate will "defer" the drawing
07:15.56jastaromainguy: it odesn't block.  i mean defer as in it schedules a service connection.  when that connection comes, you can then call setContentView.  onCreate finished well before that happened.
07:16.12romainguywhen I looked at the code of the home activity
07:16.16romainguythere was clearly no such thing
07:16.19romainguythe code really was:
07:16.30romainguyand that's pretty much it
07:16.46jastaand what service did you bind to?  did that service drastically affect the UI?
07:17.20romainguyit just binds to whatever service the media player uses
07:17.27jastayou see what i'm referring to right?  when the service connection will change your UI in a way that a sudden stutter in front of the user will be detectable.
07:17.49jastathen you can't just simply setContentView, wait for the connection, then adjust the UI.
07:18.03jastaand it's pretty clear that the Music player included here is not doing that assuming that the gap will be so small it can't be seen.
07:18.15jastabecause it clearly is doing initial layout/drawing differently.
07:18.23muthuthat depends on UI design
07:18.29jastajust look at the code.  you should be able to see that the "Now playing" screen for example is doing something special
07:18.38jastai'm just asking to know what it is...
07:18.55muthujasta: where's the code?
07:19.02jastamuthu: we don't have it.
07:19.05romainguymuthu: jasta is just speculating
07:19.23jastai am not, i talked to marcone today
07:19.49jastahe confirmed that they do some sort of UI deferral based on the service connection.  but i didn't get any details about what they are doing.
07:19.54romainguyfirst thing the now playing activity does
07:19.57romainguyis setContentView
07:20.10umdk1d4hugs gestures
07:20.10muthuguess that's the right thing to do
07:20.13jastabut the view is a list.  does it start empty until service connection?
07:20.39muthuyeah, then populate the list when you have content
07:21.08umdk1d4romainguy: thoughts on the easiest way to implement strike-through text?
07:21.11jastamuthu: i think it waits to populate until after the service connection, even though the content would otherwise be available immediately in onCreate.
07:21.32jastabecause i think they have intentionally deferred the real UI construction until they have every piece of the puzzle known.  and that is why the activity seems to start differently.
07:21.40muthujasta: yeah, possible
07:22.09romainguyjasta: what do you call the now playing activity?
07:22.19jastait's title is "Now playing"
07:22.29jastait's the activity launched when you click the playlist icon in the player window
07:22.46romainguyI was looking at the player window
07:22.51umdk1d4aha!   STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG
07:22.54jastait draws a little icon next to the currently playing song, which i assume it gets from a service.
07:23.03umdk1d4hugs grep
07:23.45romainguyjasta: this activity just binds to the service then calls setContentView
07:23.48jastabut i want to confirm that what is really happening there is that it sets "empty" content (a list maybe, but nothing in it) and waits until service connection to populate.
07:23.56romainguythat's all it does
07:24.03romainguyI guess the bind to service is blocking
07:24.08jastabind doesn't block
07:24.30jastawhat happens in onserviceconnected?  anything exciting to do with the UI?
07:24.43romainguynope nothing
07:24.49jastaif you watch it open, you'll notice that unlike all other normal activities, it doesn't "fade in"
07:24.59jastait just poofs into existence suddenly.  it must be doing something different.
07:25.30jastaromainguy: well where does it populate the list?
07:25.39jastait should just be a listactivity
07:26.13romainguyjust using a cursor
07:26.27jastain onCreate?
07:26.48romainguyafter the bind to service
07:26.50umdk1d4yay me claps hands @ elegant code    title.setPaintFlags(title.getPaintFlags() & ~Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG);
07:26.53romainguyand just before the setContent
07:26.53jastaromainguy: a-ha!
07:26.57romainguyit just gets a cursor
07:27.02romainguyand puts it into an adapter
07:27.16jastaoh, you mean after bindService() is called?  bindService doesn't block :)
07:27.42jastaunless maybe they are doing something unusual i don't know about?
07:27.42romainguybut that's what it does
07:27.56jastaso how does it decide which entry to put the label on?
07:28.06romainguyI have no idea
07:28.12jastait affixes a play icon to the next of a listing
07:28.13romainguyand I don't want to read you the entire code :)
07:28.34romainguybut if I remember last time I saw this code, it just queries the service in the adapter's getView
07:28.47jastawhoa, really?
07:30.13jastathat is very bizarre.  i cannot guess how they guarantee the service connection to be around at that time.
07:33.56muthujasta: what's the class name you are looking at?
07:34.10jastai don't know.  it's somewhere in the music player app.
07:35.06jastai'm just so confused how it is possibly doing this.
07:35.45jastai'll just ask marcone if i ever see him again i guess.
07:35.59muthuwhy you confused?
07:36.16jastamuthu: did you follow the conversation?  do you know how it is doing this?
07:37.34muthuit looks pretty straightforward, unless i missing something here
07:38.03jastait is if you think that bindService is either immediate or blocking, which it is neither.
07:41.11jastamuthu: hypothetically, let's say you made the service's onStart block for about a second.  You would now have a 1 second delay after onCreate before your service connection finished.  if your UI assumed that couldn't happen, it should fail badly.
07:41.42muthubindservice should be blocking
07:41.51jastaNPE most likely.  If not NPE (because you checked for it), then it will just simply miss data that it needed from the service, so it would display wrong for a second.
07:41.57jastamuthu: it most certainly is not and should not be blocking.
07:42.36muthuhow can bindservice not be blocking?
07:42.41jastaservice connections are threaded.  you create a binder thread and start the connection, immediately returning from bindService to your main thread.
07:42.48jastaonServiceConnected() runs in that binder thread.
07:42.52jasta(not your main thread)
07:43.20jastathat is why you have to carefully consider this case as your activity starts.
07:44.07muthuright, that doesn't mean bindservice is not blocking
07:44.11jastaapparently everyone seems to ignore it, but i found if you are quick enough, you can exploit it in practice.
07:44.26jastamuthu: uhm, yes it does.
07:44.43jastawhen bindService returns, onServiceConnected very probably was not called yet.
07:45.06jastait might have been just because the scheduler can do funny things sometimes, but it's much more likely that it wasn't.
07:46.24tricyes, you shouldnt depend on it. its multithreaded, maybe you run on 2 cores
07:46.29jastait's easy to test this behaviour.  just make a service take a really long time to start.
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07:46.46jastatric: we know that, i'm trying to demonstrate why this race condition has to be handled and not ignored.
07:47.09jastaand also that the built-in Music player with 0.9 does seem to handle it correctly, i just don't know how it handles it.
07:47.22jastai have other mechanisms for handling it, but i think that it does something different than i do since its UI seems to draw weird.
07:48.29muthuthe build in media player waits for the service.. is it?
07:48.45jastait looks like it.  but Romain was basically just saying that he doesn't see that from the code.
07:49.08jastaall i have to go on is the way it seems to behave.  Romain obviously has the code, so i'm even more confused now.
07:49.55jastaFive had this race condition in for the release to the judges, and I know for a fact a user could trigger it if they were very fast to click on UI elements before the service connected.
07:50.02jastayou'd have to click like a wild monkey, but you could do it.
07:50.27jastaso i obviously want to find a good solution for this
07:50.39muthuwhy are you enabling the clicks?
07:50.45muthuif the functionality is ready
07:50.46jastaugh, whatever.  i'll get marcone's contact info somehow and just ask him for more information.
07:51.03jastamuthu: because i didn't realize that this race was possible initially.  i didn't fully understand the problem.
07:51.23jastai do now.  it's because service connection is threaded, and completes whenever it feels like it not necessarily before your UI is ready.
07:51.35muthuthat's why it returns a boolean
07:51.49jastathat's why i now am revising my code to call setContentView *after* service connection when necessary.  but i want to know that this is the "right" way to do it, by using the music player in 0.9 as a guide.
07:52.17muthubetter to show a view upfront
07:52.21muthuthen update is as required
07:52.35muthuwe don't want to be starting at a black screen!
07:52.45jastayes, you do.
07:53.00jastait's much better than starting with a UI that if the user clicks on will do nothing.
07:53.18muthuoh i remember
07:53.28muthufive takes like 15 mins to load ;)
07:53.33jastathe delay is very small.
07:53.51muthuthat was a while back..
07:54.01jastaFive doesn't take 15 minutes to load, what the hell are you talking about?
07:54.13muthui mean to sync up with server..
07:54.31jastathat has nothing to do with the problem we're discussing, muthu.
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07:55.06muthucan you just show a progress dialog or something
07:55.10muthusaying media is loading...
07:55.25jastathere is no need, the delay is so freaking small that the user won't even be able to detect most of the time.
07:55.44muthuno, you can fill that small delay with a progress dialog
07:55.48jastabut it's that you're protecting against the rare times that they CAN and you don't want them clicking around so fast it breaks your app
07:56.01jastamuthu: by small, i mean normally a fraction of a second.
07:56.26jastait would actually add to the delay to run code to make and show a dialog
07:56.47jastaanyway, nevermind.  i will just get marcone's contact info
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08:38.23anno^da_lol I like the picture that is taken by the emulator camera :D
08:38.27anno^da_whose that :D
08:40.49jastahow do you take a photo?
08:41.53anno^da_ah well I'm just using the Camera API
08:42.19anno^da_and you get a byte stream with the photo date back.
08:42.32anno^da_This byte stream is something emulated :>
08:43.02anno^da_it is the jpeg stream lets see what they have in the raw data stream :D
08:43.40alex2308i bet its porn
08:43.50jastai like the way the UI looks these days
08:43.56jastait is starting to feel like a phone now :)
08:45.03anno^da_well yes I like the widgets a lot more than in M5
08:45.34anno^da_the EditText looks fine now
08:45.51umdk1d4anno^da_: its the boss from office space  ;)
08:46.02jastaumdk1d4: nice :)
08:46.25umdk1d4it freaked me out first time i saw it
08:46.30jastahmm, what the hell.  the phone is locked...
08:46.45umdk1d4i was expecting a snapshot of the grey bouncign square
08:46.48jastahehe, i was able to unlock it by rotating it
08:47.28jastahah yeah, there it is
08:47.30jastaohhh, this is nice
08:47.36jastaif you try to set a wallpaper, itlets you crop it right in the phone
08:47.56romainguytry setting a picture for a contact
08:48.02romainguyand admire the face detection
08:48.10jastalol, i set the office space guy as the wallpaper :)
08:48.14jastathis is fun to play with
08:48.46anno^da_umdk1d4: ahhh :D
08:48.46jastaromainguy: whoa.  fancy.
08:48.59jastait seems to work great on the office space guy :)
08:49.01anno^da_eastereggs all around :P
08:49.29anno^da_umdk1d4: do I have to expect something different when taking the raw stream ? (and dont say surprise :DD )
08:49.30jastaromainguy: hey, so i created that widget i was mentioning much earlier tonight
08:49.30romainguythe cool thing about the cropper and the face detection is that you can ask for them with a simple intent
08:49.41romainguyyou can also use circle crops if I remember
08:49.49jastaromainguy: to "efficiently" lookup row views in a listview by dataset id.
08:50.14jastait seems to work great, actually
08:50.36jastaif you want to see what i meant:
08:51.59romainguy" Only "visible" views
08:52.00romainguythis is not true
08:52.12romainguyListView has a two-stage recycler
08:52.24romainguythere's the active set and the scrap heap
08:52.34romainguythe first one is views we know we can put back on screen directly
08:52.44romainguythe scrap heap contains views that might be used later, for another layout
08:52.56jastaand those are all children?
08:52.56romainguyand there's no guarantee about the number of views in the scrap heap
08:53.04romainguythey are "detached"
08:53.10jastawhat does that mean?
08:53.19romainguythey are not children of the ListView but kept around and they have some ties to the ListView
08:53.31jastaright, so those wouldn't be searchable with this either then.
08:53.52anno^da_Ah and romainguy I want to thank you guys for all the work. Now I'm having more and more fun with the SDK :)
08:53.53jastai assume that only children of listview are actually being drawn in this code...
08:54.18jastathat is, they are not recycleable views: they really are getting drawn.  it only searches those.
08:54.24romainguyah sorry I thought your cache kept the views
08:54.31romainguythat would be wrong
08:54.33jastano, the cache just maps to row positions from dataset id
08:54.49romainguyyes that's the right way to do it
08:54.55umdk1d4speaking of listviews, i wonder if ontouchlistener is fired to individual children list items, and also to the parent listview
08:54.56romainguythat's why I didn't want you to keep the views in the cache
08:55.02jastaand its just a cache: it has to search at least once for each dataset id, but it only searches the children of the list.
08:55.06romainguyumdk1d4: use onItemClickListener
08:55.16romainguyalso there's another issue with your listview
08:55.22romainguyyou never unregister the dataobserver
08:55.25umdk1d4mmm but i really want to use touch to detect a gesture
08:55.30romainguyit's probably fine in your case
08:55.34jastaromainguy: yes, i went a different route than dealing with views directly.  i realized that searching was a good approach beacuse the set of visible children is pretty small really
08:55.43romainguybut you could easily leak the entire activity if you kept the adapter around somewhere
08:55.43jastait would search in constant time, so the worst case scenario is still good.
08:56.06jastai wondered that.  i didn't know where would be proper to unregister.
08:56.10romainguyanno^da_: thanks :)
08:56.24romainguyusually we do that in setAdapter() and onDetachedFromWindow()
08:57.40jastaromainguy: in general, does this strategy seem like the right thing to be doing?
08:57.46jastai mean, my whole StatefulListView
08:58.09romainguyI would not say that it's the right way to go in general
08:58.27romainguyListView being ListView, I strongly advise against any form of messing with it other than with the adapter :)
08:59.10jastai suppose i am inspecting some of its behaviours by assuming its children represent all the views it will draw (and no more)
08:59.26jastabut what i want can't be done with adapters alone...
08:59.57romainguyin your case
09:00.05jastaand this is very efficient for both common cases and esoteric ones.  much more so than scanning the entire cursor to figure out these positions or firing notifyDataSetChanged all the time
09:00.10romainguyin all the apps I've seen so far, the position was enough
09:00.52jastaromainguy: my application often use services to instruct of events that the activity is monitoring
09:01.01jastathese events are rightly keyed by the database id of the thing being monitored
09:01.05romainguyyeah I got that
09:01.09jastaso the only key into the UI is the dataset id.
09:01.19jastathis, by the way, must be exactly what the "Now playing" scree of the music player does.
09:01.39jastait gets, from the service, the current playing song.  it has to then mush that into the UI.  it probably does it very inefficiently, where i do not :)
09:02.20romainguybut your code in return is now a premature optimization :)
09:02.40romainguynot that it won't work
09:02.42jastanot in an 0.9r1 release ;)
09:02.56jastain M5, yeah ;)
09:03.19romainguywhen you fling a listview, it basically does the equivalent of tons of notifyDatasetChanged
09:03.29romainguyand it's fast enough
09:03.54romainguyso most of the time, the simplest optimization is to fire a dataset changed if the affected position is visible on screen
09:03.54jastaand the advantage with this abstraction is that it centralizes very neatly all the code with assumptions.  it would be trivial to disable all this and just have it always return null and then the usage would have to fire notifyDataSetChanged anyway.
09:04.24jastadidn't you say earlier that for progress updates, that wouldn't be a good idea? :)
09:04.25romainguyagain you do whatever you want
09:04.39romainguybut you seem to want to use this for any update
09:04.40jastawell, that's what the activity does that uses this ;)
09:04.42romainguyand that's a bad idea
09:04.50romainguyI know ListView very very very well
09:05.08romainguyand believe me when I say that it can be very tricky to try to alter the way it works
09:05.15romainguynot that it's not possible
09:05.36romainguybut I've seen many applications try to do fancy things that ended up triggering very subtle issues
09:05.58romainguyvery often as we changed the implementation of ListView
09:05.59jastaat least mine degrades nicely :)
09:06.10jastaif it had to be thrown away entirely it would not be hard to do
09:06.20romainguyI just don't think that your "optimization" is worth the risks
09:06.26jastasince all it's doing is adding code to replace the need to call one simple function: notifyDataSetChanged
09:06.28romainguy*if* you try to use it for any update
09:06.52romainguyif you just change the rendering of the views, that's fine
09:06.59jastaromainguy: how could the risks be acceptable in one usage and not in another?  the code must be correct if used often or just once.
09:07.00romainguyjust don't do that when you change the actual data
09:07.29romainguybecause when you update the progress you just update some visual feedback, not the number of items in the adapter
09:07.35romainguynor the actual data content of each item
09:07.52romainguyin these cases you really want to let ListView know about the change
09:07.52jastabut that can be updated regardless.  its backed by a cursor which can change at any time.
09:08.34romainguyas long as ListView gets its notifyDatasetChanged when the data changes, that's fine
09:08.51jastais there a case that it won't!?
09:09.14romainguyit's an answer to your question about using your fancy ListView in generic cases
09:09.19romainguyI'm telling you it's no always okay
09:09.59romainguybed time
09:10.06jastawhen i say general in this case, i don't mean to update both the backing data and the UI fluff alike.  this class is only for updating UI fluff not backed by the cursor.
09:10.12jastanon-persistent stateful data
09:10.33jastashit like progress of syncs, current playing song, bla bla.  no other usage is valid by my own contract.
09:10.53jastaso i'd have to misuse my own code to misuse yours ;)
09:20.11jastaohh neat, Gears seems to be included in 0.9r1 :)
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09:30.24anno^da_romainguy: Just for your info. The video recording is not supported in the current SDK. That's why the MediaRecorder fails while being started.
09:31.51jastaanno^da_: what are you working on? :P
09:33.13anno^da_haha always the same :). Recording audio,video,pictures and creating text content on the go. And getting it directly on flickr, tumblr, twitter, etc. Just some mobile blogging app with as less as possible interface or settings you have to take.
09:33.38jastaneat :)
09:33.40anno^da_Just decide video/text/audio/image
09:33.42jastahow well along are you?
09:35.18anno^da_Well at the moment it is possible to take a picture/video (ok video is faked after the broken recorder :) ) /audio/text get it on Tumblr, save the pictures at Flickr, save the videos at Vimeo and announce your post on Twitter and setup a ping for the new Blog post at Technorati.
09:35.57anno^da_So the centra point is Tumblr at the moment. And for saving the content Flickr, Vimeo. And announcing is done by Twitter, Technorati.
09:36.19anno^da_the Tumblr post embedds the Flickr pictures or Vimeo videos.
09:36.56anno^da_and the pictures get the actual Geo location added. :)
09:37.41cutmasta_if gps chip is in the device
09:37.49anno^da_Thats it. :-)
09:37.56cutmasta_but without
09:38.01anno^da_and if the lastknownLocation is good enough
09:38.05cutmasta_the whole device with android makes no sense
09:38.26cutmasta_location based services is a must have to compete with iphone for exmaple
09:38.27anno^da_has someone asked why the removed the getCurrentLocation?
09:39.31cutmasta_good questions
09:40.05jastahmm, yo ucant double tap the screen to zoom in on maps?  that sucks
09:40.27anno^da_hmm what is the easiest way to get sth on to the sd card ?
09:40.38jastajust put it there.
09:40.58anno^da_hmm well it says that its just read only
09:41.26anno^da_or do I have to create one again? (I've just seen it in the DDMS view)
09:41.27jastait isn't.  check the permissions of your faked sdcard img
09:41.32anno^da_ah ok.
09:41.39jastabut don't hardcode /sdcard
09:41.44anno^da_just thought it is included now.
09:41.47jastathere's some property somewhere to give you that path
09:41.50jastai forgot how
09:41.54jastabut its there
09:42.10anno^da_just wanted to test the sample apps :)
09:42.18anno^da_image viewer of media player
09:43.20tricanno^da: audio recording into a stream is working in current sdk?
09:44.08anno^da_no faked it.
09:44.14anno^da_oh well
09:44.18anno^da_I dont really no
09:44.26anno^da_at the moment I have faked it
09:44.36anno^da_but havent tested audio
09:44.42anno^da_video doesnt work.
09:44.46tricok. me too. and i didnt try with new sdk. and prolly wont unless i know for sure its working
09:45.03anno^da_I will test it later on today
09:45.24anno^da_just have to update my normal system now to 0.9. After I haveported my app on the virtual machine.
09:46.47anno^da_(btw Virtual Box is not that bad :) )
09:47.33jastai have stayed up til 3am 2 nights in a row now ;)
09:47.38jastasuucccky times at work tomorrow ;)
09:48.35anno^da_have you seen the firefox mobile video ?
09:48.47cutmasta_anno^da_, ?
09:48.51anno^da_I really like the way to use the browser
09:49.13anno^da_ <- third post
09:51.20tricanno: i still dont understand why you use virtualbox to develop for android
09:51.55anno^da_I need the application for a presentation.
09:52.03anno^da_And wasnt sure of porting or not.
09:52.13anno^da_Dont want to lose that much time.
09:52.39anno^da_So I've given myself one day to port it.
09:53.04anno^da_And didnt want to destroy the M5 environment.
09:55.59tricah ok
09:57.12anno^da_and now it is ported after a lot of hours that I replaced all the multipart things :)
10:05.07*** join/#android plusminus_ (i=590f7045@gateway/web/ajax/
10:05.54plusminus_hm, anyone knows how often the Android SDK has been downloaded? Do I remember something like 700.000 correctly?
10:06.53anno^da_has eclipse found the update or did you reinstall the plugin? Updating hmm doesnt really work here at the moment :)
10:07.15plusminus_did not yet reinstall, too busy
10:09.17*** join/#android tomgibara (
10:11.25tricanno: i updated on 2 boxed. but on one of them i cannot create new android projects anymore. even after un and reinstalling
10:13.50anno^da_What does it mean you can not create ? I had the problem that R didnt get updated anymore but I found the solution for that.
10:14.34plusminus_how many active Android developers are out there in the whole world? What would you guess?
10:15.38plusminus_30k-50k ?
10:15.52cutmasta_active max. 10k
10:16.13plusminus_because of the Android-Google-Groups count?
10:16.41cutmasta_no, just a quick thought
10:21.37alex2308even less i believe
10:22.10tricanno: NPE in the plugin while building the project
10:22.45alex2308and most developers are beginners or students or hobby programmers
10:23.06cutmasta_alex2308, think so too
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10:34.26anno^da_has someone has an "unknown socket error -1" while executing something with the HTTPClient?
10:35.01anno^da_<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
10:35.51tricyes. exactly ;)
10:36.11anno^da_working now :D
10:36.18anno^da_so the port is done *g*
10:36.57alex2308anno^da_ do you use HTTPClient to get data from the internet?
10:37.17alex2308(do you read the response stream?)
10:37.57anno^da_Yeah I'm getting it and I parse the responses.
10:38.05anno^da_JSON,XML, PLAIN everything
10:38.45cutmasta_anno^da_, does the httpclient performs well?
10:38.50cutmasta_and the json parser also?
10:39.01cutmasta_i also work with an json http interface
10:39.04alex2308may i have a look at it? anno^da_
10:42.03anno^da_cutmasta_: well I like it. It works very straight forward and is really simple to use.
10:42.36tomgibaraDoes anyone know what replaces the attribute <Gallery android:spinnerSelector=""> ?
10:42.40anno^da_alex2308: later on. Please remind me in 20 minutes. Having to recreate my database funcionality.
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10:42.51anno^da_at the moment.
10:43.02cutmasta_anno^da_, sounds very good
10:43.10cutmasta_is also https working?
10:43.21cutmasta_with self signed certs etc.
10:43.30anno^da_ho havent tested https now.
10:43.36anno^da_But I will try that.
10:43.53anno^da_Will implement the Delicious API later on.
10:43.53cutmasta_would be interesting to get your test result :)
10:44.10anno^da_and it uses https
10:44.14anno^da_yeah no problem :)
10:44.28alex2308anno^da_ no prob, will try to
10:47.06tricanyone got a notifications example with 0.9 for me please?
10:48.03anno^da_look at the AlarmService example tric
10:48.06Dougie187so is the nda over now that 0.9 is out?
10:48.33Dougie187or is it still going?
10:49.05anno^da_you have to implement all methods tric mentioned in the sample.
10:49.21anno^da_Otherwise it will fail. I've got that problem 2 hours ago :-)
10:49.41tricah thx anno
10:50.28alex2308anno^da_ whats clients class? GoogleHTTPClient?
10:50.58tricdougie: i bet there are still nda
10:57.31anno^da_alex2308: it is the normale DefaultHttpClient
10:57.42alex2308ill try this one then
10:59.05alex2308this is what i tried (but it doesnt work)
11:00.09cutmasta_alex2308,  does not work?
11:00.21cutmasta_also with DefaultHttpClient =?
11:00.22alex2308it says this thread forbids http requests
11:00.28alex2308didnt try, will do later
11:00.29cutmasta_use defaulthttpclient
11:03.15tricbtw, the emu is still single threaded, or is there some flag to enable smp or something like that?
11:09.45anno^da_plusminus_: will you be in munich at the developer day ?
11:12.02trichmm, android dev day?
11:12.14plusminus_nope, I'm in U.S. for an Internship the next 6 months, startign netx week
11:12.14anno^da_yeah in munich
11:12.27Dougie187damn, where is your internship at/
11:12.29plusminus_not Android-Dev-Day just "Google"
11:12.36anno^da_yeah I know
11:12.43anno^da_perhaps there will be sth about android :-)
11:12.47plusminus_Maryland, College PArk
11:12.55plusminus_Fraunhofer INstitute for bla...
11:12.55Dougie187i mean what company.
11:13.06plusminus_Experimental SOftware Engineering
11:13.06Dougie187for bla?
11:13.29Dougie187i'm sure they appreciate the advertisement.
11:14.51Dougie187"(07:12:55 AM) plusminus_: Fraunhofer INstitute for bla..."
11:14.54Dougie187thats all.
11:15.02Dougie187i thought it was humorous.
11:15.20Dougie187Do you know what kinda stuff you will get to work on?
11:19.13tomgibaraPerhaps I'm being dumb, but I can't see where to get the IMEI number - has done this in the new SDK?
11:21.30*** part/#android Dougie187 (
11:29.04alex2308ill be in munich end of sep
11:29.09alex2308to get drunk
11:30.02plusminus_i hope before you'll be eating all snacks :D
11:30.37alex2308i never poke if you meant this
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11:32.11alex2308btw free snacks in frankfurt today
11:32.35alex2308hochhaus am park, 14th floor, starts 6.30 pm
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11:42.52anno^da_Could someone tell me what is wrong with that: . I'm trying to get a row (for service = tumblr) out of the database but if fails all the time. With M5 this worked. The database looks like this:  so there must be a service = tumblr.
11:45.38plusminus_maybe a result.first() before testing !result.isFirst()
11:45.50plusminus_seems like its moveToFirst() in v0.9
11:46.06plusminus_This method will return false if the cursor is empty.
11:47.20alex2308zwei dumme ein gedanke
11:47.28alex2308überhaupt finde ich die abfrage eigenartig
11:49.57anno^da_ahh plusminus_ :) I've converted the first to the wrong method
11:51.09anno^da_working now :)
11:51.20anno^da_next time I will use the raw queries again
11:51.41anno^da_Without them I'm producing sooo much errors :)
12:04.15alex2308wann fliegst du hisbollah plusminus_?
12:04.52plusminus_^^ in 6 tagen osama
12:05.39tricnu wirst nimmer reingelasse
12:06.27alex2308bomb white house kill bush
12:06.44alex2308ich muss gespoofte packete absenden mit anddev als absender
12:07.32alex2308omg, look, links to!
12:07.40alex2308there must be a connection
12:07.53plusminus_I'm so dead now...
12:10.09plusminus_Registrant Name:Alex Georgiev Registrant Street1:Tacitusstr. 68 Registrant Street2: Registrant Street3: Registrant City:Frankfurt Am Main Registrant State/Province: Registrant Postal Code:60439 Registrant Country:DE
12:10.59alex2308its not updated, i transfered it to Nicolas Gramlich, Mannheimerstr 25, 69198 Schriesheim
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12:24.36anno^da_cutmasta: you are using the LocationManager right ? Did you get a location through "lastKnownLocation()" ?
12:25.16anno^da_I'm always getting a Nullpointer there and dont really know why. I've added all the permissions. With M5 I did get some Location. :)
12:26.16alex2308anno^da_ im getting a security exception (didnt gave permission)
12:28.50inZane-_i have a similar problem with requestLocationUpdates()
12:29.58anno^da_inZane-_: have you added "<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION" />"
12:30.12anno^da_But even with that permission it doesnt work for me
12:30.18alex2308join hisbollah forces and ill tell you the right code
12:30.22inZane-_yeah same problem
12:35.21alex2308join hisbollah. you get free email ( if you join within next hour!
12:37.02*** join/#android tomgibara (
12:39.01cutmastaanno^da_, no, i dont use location manager
12:39.14cutmastai just wanted to know if https with defaulthttpclient works
12:45.17anno^da_yeah thats what I know just thought that you were the guy with the lM as well :-D
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13:04.15inZane-a google guy postet a "LocationSample" in the files section
13:04.24inZane-lets check out if it works :-D
13:07.06inZane-same problem
13:07.08plusminus_looks simplier than in m5
13:07.11inZane-no location updates
13:07.47inZane-08-20 13:06:34.220: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(49): setMinTime 0
13:07.47inZane-08-20 13:06:34.289: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(49): startNavigating
13:07.50inZane-and thats it
13:09.01inZane-yes its much simpler
13:09.06inZane-but it doesnt work :-D
13:12.14anno^da_argh no updates again ?
13:13.47tricyou have to move your emu around!
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13:22.14anno^da_a haha tric
13:23.30inZane-i hate new sdk
13:23.35inZane-one problem follows another
13:23.43inZane-i cant abort the sms broadcast :-(
13:24.19plusminus_there are always problems in the first days of new sdks
13:25.33inZane-"BroadcastReceiver trying to return result during a non-ordered broadcast
13:26.02alex2308haha, and i cant receive sms messages
13:26.21inZane-receiving works
13:26.31inZane-at least for me
13:26.41alex2308ive to check the service registering part
13:26.59muthufor location updates:    public void requestLocationUpdates(String provider, long minTime, float minDistance, LocationListener listener)
13:27.16muthuyou might want to change the minTime, and minDistance to something other than 0
13:27.50inZane-i already changed the values
13:27.54inZane-but nothing
13:28.08inZane-getLastKnownLocation doesnt work either
13:28.55inZane-the map application supplied by android also has this problem
13:29.18inZane-if you click the "My Location" menu item
13:29.19inZane-its like
13:29.21inZane-"trying to resolve your location..."
13:29.38inZane-and some secs later "unable to bblabla"
13:31.14Acsiadoes anybody know where driving direction has done?
13:31.21Acsiahey muthu how is it going?
13:31.30Acsiahow s your cooking app?
13:42.27plusminus_muthu: the 0 comes from the official example. Maybe it means give me every single damn location-update ;)
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14:03.23inZane-Acsia: can't find DrivingDirections either
14:03.45inZane-maybe their were removed to avoid applicatino like AndNav :-)
14:04.14muthuoh yeah
14:04.19muthuyou need to push the updates
14:04.44tricwhere were the /tmp directoy moved to? any simple location?
14:16.41swetlandit's gone
14:19.33plusminus_inZane-: The Android-Built-In DrivingDirections Class was not working properly! Therfore I created my own implementation:
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14:21.19alex2308swetland: where do we drop files now
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14:44.21muthujamaicans rule the tracks!
14:51.17anno^da_I dont believe him :-)
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15:27.03anno^da_oh my good I have something for all the german readers here: "Android soll wohl eine Touchscreen-Unterstützung haben, mit GPS klarkommen und auch im Bereich “Ajax” gut da stehen. "  One more buzzword needed? Touchscreen,GPS AND Ajax. Wow Android must be the killer os. :P
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15:30.43muthuis there a way to connect to the emulator sqlite db?
15:34.17cbeust_adb shell sqlite3
15:35.42muthudoes that work?
15:35.55muthulooks like sqlite3 is removed from adb shell
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15:48.14morrildlyeah sqlite3 was removed from the emulator system image
15:48.23morrildlthat might have been intentional, I'm trying to figure it out
15:48.40morrildlthe BIG problem is that due to an oversight we didn't ship the sqlite3.exe binary in the Windows SDK
15:48.42morrildlwe are working on that
15:48.49muthuok, the only way right now is to use adb pull
15:50.43inZane-morrildl: do you know what happened to DrivingDirections in the new SDK?
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15:51.05zhobbsmorrildl: doh, I used sqlite3 all the time in adb shell
15:51.22jastaoh boy
15:51.28jastasoooooooo tired :)
15:52.45jastawhy don't you guys just compile it and throw it back on there?
15:53.03jastaor, hell, i'm sure the ELF format hasn't changed.  just copy the old one.
15:53.05morrildljasta: we are definitely going to provide a Windows build of sqlite3.exe
15:53.30morrildljasta: I'm not sure we CAN include sqlite3 in the emu image without rebuilding the system image, which would be a whole new SDK release
15:53.35morrildlanyway we are looking into it
15:54.04jastayou can't, maybe, but we could.  it's not a custom sqlite3 AFAICT.
15:54.27morrildljasta: correct
15:55.17muthuwhich port does the sqlite db server run on?
15:56.05muthucan we use sqlmanager to connect direct to the emulator db ?
15:56.27jastamuthu: sqlite does not use sockets for communication.
15:56.40jastathere is no server.  it just opens the file and locks it.
15:56.53muthuin that case
15:57.00morrildlthat's why it's "SQL-lite" :)
15:57.11muthuagree ;)
15:57.25muthuso how to access the db file from outside emu?
15:57.49morrildlmuthu: adb pull /data/app/<package>/databases/<table>.db
15:57.53cbeust_adb pull it
15:57.57morrildland then run sqlite3 on it on
15:58.02muthuwithout pull..
15:58.08morrildlmuthu: you cannot
15:59.04jastamuthu: just put the binary back on.  the damn thing is probably statically linked.
15:59.24jastaif not, download sqlite3 and build a static one
15:59.28muthuyeah, that might work
15:59.33morrildljasta: probably
15:59.40jastaif its static, muthu, i know that it will work.
16:01.22jastaif not, it still probably will.  id oubt they tore up that much in the standard C library :)
16:01.52morrildljasta: actually there were quite a lot of bugfixes, it wouldn't surprise me
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16:02.54jastabug fixes wouldn't cause a shared library to become incompatible.  the two don't need to be EABI compatible.
16:03.26jastanot internally, i mean.  only the interfaces between the two do.  those interfaces are defined by ANSI C, so i doubt Google has elected to change the contract :)
16:03.47morrildlwell, part of it is ANSI C, part of it is POSIX
16:04.28jastathat's true, i was oversimplifying.  but regardless, sqlite3 ain't using Google interfaces, just a Google implementation of existing standards
16:04.42morrildlyeah, but bionic doesn't support 100% of POSIX
16:04.53morrildlif you ask me what parts, I couldn't answer that :)
16:04.56jastamorrildl: wouldn't matter, so long as you supported at least as much as you did last time you build sqlite3
16:05.20morrildland anything that would have been removed would not have worked anyway (which is why it would have been removeD)
16:05.36morrildlanyway this is all academic
16:05.43morrildlthe thing to do is to try :)
16:06.17jastais not unsure of himself in this area :)
16:07.05jastai don't need to do any speculation when it comes to UNIX and C :)
16:07.29jastaanyway, off to work.
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16:27.12muthuGTalk is gone!
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16:27.51muthudevice to device communication now boils down to sms..
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16:32.04jastamuthu: i noticed that.  i am very confused.
16:35.15tethridgethe "pinch" gesture is patented, right?
16:36.20tethridgemy guess that is why the finger swipe can't be done on the full screen image viewer
16:36.55tethridgebecause of the way the interface uses the single figure to zoom
16:37.05tethridgewell, not zoom, but to move the image once zoomed
16:37.27tethridgewhat does "re" mean?
16:38.09romainguy_french way to say "I'm back"
16:38.36tethridgeromainguy_, are you french?
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16:41.47zhobbsso can we do anything with the homescreen now?  like create widgets/shortcuts?
16:42.46jastai heard we can create shortcuts to intents, but nothing more.
16:42.52jastano custom widgets
16:43.25romainguy_tethridge: yes I am
16:43.33romainguy_zhobbs: you can do two things
16:43.41romainguy_install/uninstall shortcuts
16:43.43morrildla Widgets API is likely appear in a future release
16:43.51romainguy_or, and that's mor einteresting, expose a shortcut creation activity to Home
16:43.54zhobbsmorrildl: post 1.0?
16:43.56morrildlbut there are no concrete plans as to when
16:43.58romainguy_zhobbs: post 10
16:44.01morrildlzhobbs: yes
16:44.21romainguy_zhobbs: for instance if you do Menu > add > shortcut > contact
16:44.25romainguy_then pick a contact
16:44.27morrildlis amused by the one article whose reporter somehow concluded that the Home widgets are written using Gears
16:44.46romainguy_what happens is: Home asks the system for all activities with the intent filter CREATE_SHORTCUT
16:45.06romainguy_then Home launches the Contacts one with the CREATE_SHORTCUT intent
16:45.17romainguy_then Contacts set its result to be an Intent
16:45.25romainguy_that Intent contains an Intent, a name and an icon
16:45.33romainguy_and Home puts all that on the workspace
16:45.35zhobbsromainguy_: awesome
16:45.47romainguy_the idea is that you would use that to create shortcuts to things INSIDE applications
16:45.56romainguy_imagine shortcuts to locations in maps
16:46.12romainguy_or shortcuts to a folder in a file manager
16:46.31romainguy_and the icon can be either a resource from the app or a Bitmap
16:46.41zhobbsgreat, will put a tutorial for this on :)
16:46.50romainguy_for instance, if your contacts have a photo associated with them, the photo shows up on Home
16:47.18romainguy_you can also send the Intent INSTALL_SHORTCUT to Home to directly add a new shortcut
16:47.20zhobbscool, deleting shortcuts is nice
16:47.25romainguy_this requires a permission though
16:47.32romainguy_Gears uses this feature
16:48.33zhobbsthanks for the info
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16:56.16jastadoes anyone know of a way to try to figure out what would be thrashing the disk on Linux?
16:56.43jastai have gkrellm running and i can clearly see that trivial things like opening terminals and stuff result in lots of I/O on my main disk
16:56.54jastavmware, which is normally hosted on a separate drive, also has tons of I/O on the main disk
16:56.59jastalike the disk is swapping
16:57.06jastabut i can see no evidence of swapping.
16:57.19ttuttlejasta: tempfiles?
16:57.33jastai've only ever seen this behaviour on my crummy Dell workstation at work, but still i want to figure out what tools i can use to diagnose this
16:57.46jastattuttle: i thought that, so i scanned through lsof and /tmp but couldn't find anything useful
16:58.10ttuttlejasta: run top, look for processes in D state?
17:00.17jastathat's a good idea, but i don't think that's what's happening now
17:00.19jastahang on, ill try
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17:05.55jastattuttle: well, during the heavy I/O, i do see vmplayer, kjournald, and pdflush
17:06.01jastabut the latter two i expect as a result of the I/O
17:06.13jastaand generally i would trust that vmplayer is doing I/O as well
17:06.18ttuttleSo VMware is doing a lot of I/O.
17:06.28jastathe problem does seem to be exaggerated by vmplayer, but i don't know that it's directly causing it
17:07.00jastai just opened urxvt, and gkrellm reported about 4MB/s on /dev/sda for a second or two, then opened the terminal
17:07.05jastaand it took forever compared to normal
17:07.45ttuttlejasta: Sounds like your disk cache and throughput is being thrashed.
17:08.08ttuttlejasta: If I'm copying or otherwise reading a lot of files, it normally takes a *lot* longer to start programs, as they're out of cache, and have to wait in the disk queue longer to load.
17:08.24jastayes, it does.  but i don't have any good tools to diagnose for sure.
17:08.31jastai dont know of any i mean
17:10.29jastaexperiments with /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
17:10.42jastahell, maybe the disk performance is just really bad in general and linux is doing it's job just fine
17:10.56ttuttlejasta: Maybe you're running out of I/O bandwidth in general?
17:13.31jastawhat do you mean?
17:14.13jastainteresting.  adjusting swappiness to 0 seems to have a profoundly positive effect
17:14.37jastadisk I/O still seems higher on sda than i would expect, though, but dramatically reduced none-the-less
17:16.29jastaspoke too soon i think
17:16.41jastastarting up vmplayer fresh still has tons of disk I/O on /dev/sda
17:16.47jastadespite the image booting off /dev/sdb
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17:52.20jastattuttle: i just rebooted which is what i normally do to fix this issue
17:52.33jastaand then i fire up vmplayer when i get back into the ssytem, and the behaviour is entirely different
17:52.37jastaas it always is
17:52.45jastathere's hardly any writes to sda, all of the I/O to fire up vmplayer is in sdb
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18:34.40jastait's so funny how this channel exploded with googlers after you guys launched 0.9 :)
18:34.55jastaRomain's the only one that weathered the storm ;)
18:35.09SanMehathey i'm still here lol
18:35.13jastaI honestly respect that.
18:38.02jastaSanMehat: hey is there some dude named Marco Nelissen on the team?  i'd like his e-mail address if possible :)
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18:39.16SanMehatjasta: if you send me your email, i'd be happy to pass it on.
18:39.18SanMehatemail addy rather
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19:08.47jastafiddles with Eclim to make it work with Android better
19:08.50jastathis thing is so f'n cool :)
19:12.14morrildljasta: holy shit
19:12.26morrildlbursts into tears
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19:14.02jastamorrildl: say what?
19:14.14jastaoh yeah, i've been using it for months you know
19:14.25morrildlit works?
19:14.33jastait's just that the Android specific integration was basically the suck.  because i hacked it together and i didn't do a very good job :)
19:14.38jastai'm working on doing it better now :)
19:14.48jastaalso, i was using a super old version of Eclim (because i needed one that worked with 3.2)
19:15.05jastabut now that i upgraded i decided to take another crack at better Android support, and with 0.9r1 of course
19:15.09jastabut yeah, it works fuckin awesom e;)
19:15.12morrildljasta: word
19:16.10morrildl"The first, Vim, is arguably one of the best text editors in existence."
19:16.20morrildlInsufficiently assertive! ;)
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19:16.49jastaleft Vim for the first time in years to even dabble with Android
19:17.07jastaanyway, i'm working on it today so maybe i'll hav esomething to report :)
19:17.09morrildlargh, I didn't need a new toy to play with today
19:17.14jastai'll blog about it if i get it working satisfactorally
19:21.21morrildljasta: one could also write a vim plugin that just calls out to the various Android tools like DDMS, etc.
19:21.47morrildlI wonder if that would be easier than trying to "frankenstein" together ADT and Eclim
19:21.50romainguy_there's an Emacs script in tools/lib
19:22.02morrildlromainguy_: oh yeah I totally forgot to mention that
19:22.04jastayeah, that might be easier.
19:22.05Cedric2thinks that using vi bindings in Eclipse makes you lose too much in terms of other keybindings to be worth it
19:22.18jastamorrildl: i will try that route, actually.  it will be much simpler for me to understand
19:22.23morrildlCedric2: that's why Eclim is awesome.  It's not vi bindings in Eclipse
19:22.34morrildlCedric2: it's vim, with a bridge to a headless Eclipse
19:22.38jastaCedric2: Eclim is Eclipse headless for Vim to prod.
19:22.42Cedric2Yeah, I saw
19:23.36jastai personally like Eclim because i don't use the thousands of silly features it has.  Eclim supports all the big time savers, and then lets me just have an efficient txt editor for everything else.
19:25.41Cedric2I love both vi and Eclipse but getting used to the standard edit commands in Eclipse is really not that hard (it's also reusable to Word and other editors)
19:29.12jastai honestly don't like how bulky it is.
19:29.26morrildlCedric2: emacs corrupts your brain
19:29.47morrildlCedric2: it distorts your neural pathways and the result is that you also write poorer code
19:31.22Cedric2I think I turned out ok.  Ok, maybe not.
19:35.36jastamorrildl: seriously, eclim is awesome though.  it even does the whole auto-correcting your source crap
19:35.39jastashows you errors, suggests fixes
19:35.52jastaoverride/implement methods, generate getters, etc.
19:35.58jastaall the big ones are very nicely integrated.
19:36.12jastait does support ant and maven somehow, but i haven't fiddled with it yet
19:36.21jastait's super polished, though.
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19:36.49morrildljasta: does it do source reformatting and organize imports?
19:38.01jastawell, actually not reformatting (but Vim does that)
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19:40.12jastait even uses vim standrd ^X for code completes :)
19:40.20jastacheck this:
19:41.12xavdfor good ADT support in eclim we'd need to be able to run adt headless. Right now there's no ui/core separation in the android plugins like most of the platform plugins :(
19:41.38jastaoh yeah, and one of the binds they recommend is pretty sweet.  opens firefox and loads javadoc for the class under the cursor
19:41.44jastareally sweet :)
19:42.01jastaxavd: i decided it might be easiest/best to just implement all this myself actually
19:42.27jastaall that i *really* need is a clean way to build/deploy
19:42.37jastawhich i can just hardcode all the comamdns from the real system
19:42.50xavdjasta: look at ddmlib.jar in tools/lib
19:43.11xavdwith some hacking you could run ddms headless from that jar
19:43.24xavdwhich will give you debug support
19:44.00jastaoh tahts true, debug would be helpful
19:44.22jastai wish i had time to make this a real project :)
19:44.30xavdfor building, well the source of the new ADT has been put online, so you could always figure something out
19:44.34jastait could be a huge hit with open source hackers ;)
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20:06.28Acsiajasta have you seen android-bolt? it uses ruby console to use ant under irb so you can deploy/run tests
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21:18.41umdk1d3can we define <scale> animations in xml?  it seems to be giving me errors that android:fromX, etc arent found, and that @android:anim/linear_interpolator is private.  trying to follow the example shown in ApiDemos/res/anim/fade.xml
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21:24.19umdk1d3aha found some stuff in hyperspace_out.xml
21:29.00anno^da_no video recording in 1.0 :/ sounds pretty bad :(.
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21:43.41umdk1d3o.o 08-20 21:43:08.432: WARN/System.err(2046): unknown error
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21:43.56umdk1d3but i have  android.permission.INTERNET  :/
21:44.31inZane-did anyone already found out what happened with DrivingDirections?
21:44.42umdk1d3inZane-: its private to Google
21:44.47umdk1d3it was never meant to be exposed to us
21:44.59umdk1d3with security tigtening up, its now been taken away
21:45.04inZane-oh noes :-(
21:45.13umdk1d3afaik there isnt an intent to launch the mapping app either
21:45.23umdk1d3i realllllly need it badly
21:45.30inZane-me too
21:45.34romainguy_you can launch the Maps app with an intent
21:45.52umdk1d3geo:0,0?from=here&to=there  for dirivng directions
21:46.04umdk1d3would be AWESOME
21:46.27umdk1d3romainguy_: but is there an intent for driving directions?
21:46.36romainguy_I don't know about that
21:48.28inZane-that sucks. my app gets more and more useless
21:48.38inZane-i cant abort sms broadcast anymore
21:48.41umdk1d3goes to advocate to a higher power
21:48.43inZane-and now this ddd thing
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22:10.29tomgibararomainguy: Any reason that the anim resources slide_in_left and slide_in_right were kept public but the vertical ones were not?
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22:14.26romainguy_no idea
22:15.36tomgibarajust seems a bit odd, perhaps the former remain by oversight or the latter were removed by accident?
22:17.30romainguy_most probably the latter
22:17.40romainguy_we just kept public things that were in use in applications
22:17.48romainguy_it's easier to make more things public than the opposite :)
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22:22.12tomgibaraNaturally, fwiw my application was using them which is why I noticed
22:22.35tomgibaraThanks for the pointer to the TelephonyManager
22:22.41romainguy_just create your own animations
22:22.44romainguy_it's pretty simple
22:26.26tomgibaraI've created plenty! But it's always nice to have them premade :)
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22:50.49jastabegins redesigning Five's cache and content services to remove the old MediaPlayer hack
22:50.55jastaand to introduce the new one :(
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22:54.23tomgibarajasta: Have you tried out the localHttpServerStreamDuplicationHack ?
22:54.56jastai haven't functionally made it work yet, but i just started on its design (and a redesign of the content/cache service to support it)
22:55.13jastamy original hack was worse, honestly, but it was only done beacuse it was easier and i assumed it could be removed.
22:55.32jastaactually, when i hacked it that way i assumed that it would be gone within a month or two, once the ADC was over and the next version was out.
23:07.17Dougie187hey Jasta
23:07.20Dougie187hows it going?
23:09.22jastapretty good :)
23:09.34Dougie187i hear your happy about the new sdk
23:10.02jastaoverall, yes.  but it's quite likely that Five can't run well on 1.0.
23:10.10Dougie187thats too bad.
23:10.20jastaSo I probably won't be releasing it officially until they fix the issue that blocks it.
23:10.30Dougie187you mean it can't run well period on 1.0 or, it can't run without some modifications?
23:11.29jastathat's yet to be seen.  i will have to take a performance hit and craete a kludgey local HTTP server to proxy the real requests to the server
23:11.36jastaso that i can both stream and cache at the same time
23:12.14jastathe problem, though, is that it introduces two additional streams for every non-cached song that is played.
23:12.49jastaThe performance overhead may be too great.  it's already sketchy how much work Five has to do.
23:13.05romainguy_as long as you don't measure the performance impact...
23:13.07jastaso it might boil down to a micro-optimization that is simply too much work to do temporarily
23:14.14jastaDougie187: it's also a *LOT* of extra work than what I thought I was getting.  I thought the MediaPlayer was going tos upport caching directly.
23:14.27Dougie187thats too bad.
23:15.10jastaromainguy_: i can't say on a real device, but it's *really* slow already on the emulator.  audio playback, HTTP streaming, and disk access add up ;)
23:15.43romainguy_how many things do you stream at the same time?
23:15.46jastait also could use some major opts, which i will be doing regardless.
23:16.10jastaromainguy_: no more than 1 of each of the three can be active at once.
23:17.00jastai currently can't tell whether it's just a poorly optimized "first try" type solution, or if maybe the emulator is just that much slower...
23:18.12jastaTraceView didn't reveal much, which has me leaning toward the emulator really just being that slow
23:18.12Dougie187i think the new sdk is pretty cool though.
23:18.20jastaor possibly the work load is really that high that Android will struggle
23:18.29jastaDougie187: oh yes, all around it's great.
23:18.37Dougie187i love the new home screen.
23:18.42jastai am so thankful to be seeing some of the "basic" apps and the phone shit polishing out.
23:18.45Dougie187its like 10 kinds of awesome.
23:19.05romainguy_Dougie187: we have more cool stuff for Home, but not for 1.0 :p
23:19.11Dougie187too bad.
23:19.15Dougie187its pretty awesome already.
23:19.24romainguy_I want it to be awesomer :p
23:19.31Dougie187hey romainguy_ are the ADC1 R1 people still under NDA?
23:19.38plusminus_We'll shit bricks again!
23:19.49Dougie187so then basically they are still a step ahead of us?
23:19.53romainguy_Dougie187: at least for everything that's not in the public SDK
23:20.07Dougie187so like they have the same sdk.
23:20.12Dougie187but it just has some other stuff?
23:20.14jastaDougie187: they don't have the "same" sDK.
23:20.18romainguy_they just cannot talk about what they heard/saw/used
23:20.21Dougie187yeah i know.
23:20.24jastain fact, their SDK was buggier, and didn't include the fancy new home screen.
23:20.24romainguy_but now they have the same SDK as you guys do
23:20.39Dougie187thats basically just all i was curious about.
23:21.05Dougie187but yeah, good work on the home screen romainguy_ its awesome.
23:21.23Dougie187its going to be sweet when we get to use it on a real phone.
23:21.31jastaromainguy_: anyway, regarding the efficiency of my app, I am spending the next couple of weeks churning through it redesigning some pieces i now know to be bottlenecks.
23:21.52jastagetting the project out of that cowboy coding developer challenge mode :)
23:22.08jastaso hoepfully performance will implicitly move up quite a lot and maybe i can get some real metrics on Five's applicability :)
23:22.08Dougie187are you coding like crazy?
23:22.25jastaDougie187: quite a bit, yes.
23:22.31Dougie187thats good.
23:22.36Dougie187We might get hit by a hurricane tomorrow.
23:23.00Dougie187yeah. Fay is supposed to go right over the top of us tomorrow afternoon
23:23.51jastaromainguy_: I do think that the efficiency loss of the local HTTP server approach will be significant, however.  Also, if the MediaPlayer ultimately absorbs the caching feature than it will have been a huge amount of wasted energy
23:24.10jastasince the forking of the stream is pretty tricky when you look at supporting seeking.
23:24.26romainguy_Also, if the MediaPlayer ultimately absorbs the caching feature than it will have been a huge amount of wasted energy << but not for 1.0
23:24.28jasta-than +then
23:24.38romainguy_which means that then you will have to wait for phones to be deployed on the market with that feature
23:25.13jastathat doesn't force my hand.
23:25.35romainguy_that's not the point
23:25.38Dougie187i still have to look into the electric fence.
23:25.45romainguy_I'm just reminding you of the downside of waiting
23:25.46jastai may decide that targeting 1.0 is not something i want to do.
23:26.02jastaand raelistically, i don't think i'll be able to anyway.
23:26.06romainguy_I'm just telling you that your target might be far away :)
23:26.22romainguy_you can still target 1.0 but ship the app after the first phones are out :p
23:26.22jastaFive is too far away from a production release to worry too much about that :)
23:26.48plusminus_AndNav will probably never be :D
23:27.00jastaplusminus_: never be?
23:27.01plusminus_I'll start an idea-thread of "what could be done"
23:27.22plusminus_GoogleMaps API ToS does not allow Turn-By-Turn apps
23:27.49Dougie187i thought there were some in the ADC top 50 though.
23:27.58plusminus_what qould be if I make the source open and let users do whatever they want to do :)
23:28.08jastaplusminus_: excellent strategy
23:28.25jastasomeone somewhere is likely not to give a shit about Google's ToS :)
23:28.34plusminus_But in the end I would be the complete ass anyway, thats what I fear :(
23:28.37romainguy_jasta: it's also Navteq's
23:28.40romainguy_and *they* might mind :)
23:28.47jastaromainguy_: so?
23:29.06romainguy_so you'd be violating a license
23:29.09plusminus_Prison Break  Season 12, starring plusminus
23:29.16jastawriting open soruce software is currently upheld in the US as a freedom of speech.  You cannot be the target of a lawsuit for the production of software, even if the distribution is illegal.
23:29.34plusminus_sounds great jasta
23:29.43romainguy_that doesn't make it morally acceptable when you know well that you are violating a commercial license
23:29.45plusminus_we should have a closer talk :)
23:29.49jastanot that i necessarily advocate this, i am simply expressing that the law clearly protects software developers.
23:29.52romainguy_you do whatever you want though :)
23:29.56tomgibarajasta: US law maybe
23:30.00romainguy_it's not just about the law
23:30.13jastamorally acceptable?  lol.
23:30.15romainguy_there's a company who invested a lot of time and money in creating this data
23:30.21plusminus_jasta what about a compiled version? --> No, I assume.
23:30.28Dougie187yeah but then you have to think if people care about that romainguy_
23:30.45jastaplusminus_: Compiled versions can be trickier, since the courst are often confused how to define the binaries.
23:30.46romainguy_Dougie187: it's up to plusminus_ :)
23:30.48Dougie187which most people would not have a moral contradiction to doing this.
23:30.48plusminus_but the Nav-APiI is accessible, so not using it is ... WTRF
23:30.59Dougie187that it is.
23:31.05jastaplusminus_: But mostly, the US makes it illegal to use things, not to distribute/possess/author them.  The DMCA is slowly encroaching in this right, of course.
23:31.15jastaon this right*
23:31.18xavdplusminus_: there's a different between providing directions, and real-time turn by turn direction based on your location
23:31.24tomgibaraI agree w/ romain on this, I'm a supporter of open source, but a company has the right to decide how their property is used
23:31.34plusminus_You see, as I said, I'm probably the ass in the end.
23:31.55Dougie187but werent you the ass in the beginning too then?
23:31.59Dougie187since you decided to start it?
23:32.25plusminus_romainguy_ Why doesn't Google create a Turn-By-Turn app themselve ?
23:32.30jastatomgibara: Well, actually, that's the great thing about the US.  Your rights are always balanced by the rights of others, and by the general public.
23:32.33plusminus_I could do it, so you coudl do it 10x better...
23:32.45xavdplusminus_: I encourage you to take a look at under Maps & Location (if you haven't already)
23:32.48romainguy_plusminus_: I have no idea, maybe the license would cost way too much on our scale
23:33.15tomgibarajasta: Can you give an example of what you mean?
23:33.23jastatomgibara: I ahve the right to not be harrassed by you.  But I don't have the right to hit you for it.  For example.  Companies have the right to control distirbution and copyright of their products, but they do not get to tramble on any other rights.
23:33.29jastafor example, the freedom of speech.
23:33.32jastaor fair use.
23:33.35xavdplusminus_: turn by turn requires a special license (this is why you pay $100 to update your gps device to the "new" road every year, or pay $10/month to verizon)
23:33.38jastaeven if they wish to do: they cannot.
23:33.44jastato do so*
23:34.19tomgibaranaturally, but a company that assembles, at great expense,  a large amount of data, is well within their rights to exercise their copyrights
23:34.30plusminus_xavd: "...will allow access to the full MapView API. In this release, ..."
23:34.33romainguy_and that's where the morally acceptable comes into play
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23:34.37plusminus_full access :)
23:34.43jastatomgibara: Sure, but again, the US is designed to balance the rights of everyone together.
23:34.50romainguy_plusminus_: directions != turn by turn
23:34.50Dougie187but the only people they can exercise their right to is the people actually using the product.
23:35.02jastatomgibara: And no matter how much work you put into a product, it does not give you the right to tramble on other inalienable freedoms.
23:35.02tomgibaraBut I don't quite see how that is relevant in this case
23:35.05xavdplusminus_: to the API sure. When you can bet that getting your key will require you to accept a ToS...
23:35.06jastaAnd thank god for that.
23:35.28jastatomgibara: This isn't really up to us to interpret.  The law has spoken on several cases relating to this, by the way.
23:35.40Dougie187tomgibara: hes just saying the person who wrote the software can't get in trouble. the people using the software could though.
23:35.44jastaThey are available publicly as well.  The most publicized cases of course would be the DeCSS.
23:35.52jastaDeCSS project*
23:36.20plusminus_romainguy_ I know but I'm searching for a way not to be my code worthless (except what I learnd by coding it)
23:36.45Dougie187So if they decided to, they could shell out lawsuits to the users who are using the software that violates their licenses.
23:36.46jastatomgibara: despite the money and energy put into protecting DVDs, no company has the right to imprison the author of the software which reversed their work.  As I asid, no one has the right to tramble on another's rights in order to exercise theirs.
23:36.47plusminus_plusminus_: that grammar sucked
23:37.13tomgibaraI understand these points, and agree with them.
23:37.27tomgibaraBut I still think there is a moral point to answer
23:37.28plusminus_jasta thats true
23:37.38jastatomgibara: The freedom of speech is exceptionally important here, even if in the short term it can damage technologies or markets.
23:37.39Dougie187tomgibara: personally, i don't think there is a moral point.
23:38.05Dougie187tomgibara: i sort of think of it as options... or balancing the market.
23:38.06plusminus_it is also not morally ok to crack CSS and publish an app that can crack
23:38.10jastaDougie187: i just thought the "moral" argument was humerous.  Comapnies operate within the letter of the law (SOMETIMES!), not a general moral code.
23:38.17Dougie187heh yeah i know.
23:38.19jastaAny moral code they do adopt was simply defined by them.
23:38.39jastaSo using the argument that a company has rights and taht you morally ought not interfere is laughably ironic
23:39.00jastaThe company limits themselves by the law, and so should you.  Period.
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23:39.08Dougie187because saying that you should develop something because some company wasted a lot of money and time into developing the same thing isn't a moral issue. thats just playing the market how you want to. i mean look at microsoft vs. linux. its sort of the same issue.
23:39.33Dougie187microsoft vs. linux isnt worded well.. but lets say canonical for example.
23:39.36romainguy_Dougie187: in this case the data doesn't belong to you...
23:39.40tomgibaraI'm not quite seeing this in the context of plusminus's problem
23:39.47Dougie187well what if he created his own data?
23:40.14tomgibaraThen that would be fine wouldn't it
23:40.48Dougie187but also, by developing software that "uses" the data that he doesn't own, he isn't doing anything wrong. the only people who are are the people who actually "use" the data...
23:40.57tomgibaraI understand that too
23:41.01Dougie187though i guess you could technically argue that he had to use it at some point to test it.
23:41.02Dougie187but still.
23:41.09romainguy_Dougie187: that's where the moral point gets into play
23:41.12jastaDougie187: you can't argue that, actually.
23:41.18jastaDougie187: the alw doesn't permit you to
23:41.31Dougie187im not saying argue in the legal sense.
23:41.41Dougie187im saying argue in the "he did it" sense.
23:42.04Dougie187its not really going to help them "jail" him. but everyone knows he did it..
23:42.33jastaPersonally, I respect the freedoms that US law guarantees.  I would never condemn their usage.  Ever.
23:42.55Dougie187Me either.
23:43.49Dougie187I'll ask a question before i sound ignorant.
23:43.57jastaby the way, Lawrence Lessig is my personal hero :P
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23:43.59jastain case anyone cares
23:44.09romainguy_that's extraneous ;-)
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23:44.23Dougie187so for this turn-by-turn direction stuff. it limits software that can be used on android?
23:44.28Dougie187or just software that can access this data?
23:44.34jastai would happily refer you all to listen to some of his lectures or read some of his many free publications.  pure genius.
23:45.38Dougie187noone?... ok
23:46.04xavdDougie187: I would think just software that uses this data. If you can get different data that you're allowed to use in this way (or same data with a different license), you should be able to do turn by turn direction on android
23:46.41romainguy_you could probably go buy a license and do turn by turn :)
23:46.52plusminus_for 1-2 dollars
23:47.00plusminus_and some zeros behind
23:47.14plusminus_(finite amount)
23:47.24tomgibarajasta: I'm afraid that I still see a moral dimension to the decision for plusminus to distribute such an app.
23:47.36xavdyeah, I think there's a reason updating maps for gps devices cost 80-100 *per device*
23:47.42plusminus_\me did not yet decide to do anything
23:47.42romainguy_tomgibara: which is not incompatible with freedom of speech :)
23:48.32Acsiawhy not use openstreetmap?
23:48.33jastatomgibara: I didn't argue that he should ignore the moral dimension.
23:48.56plusminus_acsia, map data is incomplete
23:49.05jastaI only reminded him that there is no legal dimension as far as the US is concerned.  I believe he is German, which IIRC has recently enacted laws which could actually punish him for this.
23:49.11Acsiasure but free and you could help build it up
23:49.14Acsiathat s the point
23:49.35jastaI mean, Germany has recently done this :)  But I can't confirm that for sure.
23:49.42Acsiasimilarly, the postcode info in the UK is held by the post office and you have to pay in order to get accurate data
23:49.46Acsianow you have openpostcode
23:49.53tomgibarajasta: Then it was a misunderstanding, because I was only trying to point out that, just because something is legal doesn't mean it's right
23:50.21jastatomgibara: I think that point can be well appreciated by anyone here.
23:50.52jastaHowever, please everyone do appreciate that only law has a definition, not morality.
23:50.56Dougie187but that can be thrown at anyone.
23:51.01jastaSo, don't be so presumptuous as to impose youreslf on others :)
23:51.18jastaThere are lots of justifiable reasons to violate another man's moral code.
23:51.43jastaWe all do it daily, I'm sure.
23:51.45Dougie187yeah and companies do not typically use a moral compass that individuals would appreciate.
23:52.00plusminus_Acsia: but maybe openstreetmaps are the last solution...
23:52.12Acsiahave you checked
23:52.16plusminus_merging it with live-contribution to opensteetmaps could work
23:52.36Dougie187plusminus_: it might be worth it just to be able to release your app.
23:52.56plusminus_but will increase the work to be done by infinity
23:53.02plusminus_yeah :(
23:53.07jastatomgibara: the debate on basic freedoms is very important to me, and i try to fan the flames whenever possible, that's all.
23:53.08plusminus_we'll see
23:53.14plusminus_2am got to get some sleep
23:53.21tomgibaraI was passing no judgement as to whether it was morally right or not. I did assert that a company has the right to exercise control over its data (with what is "reasonable")
23:53.22jastatomgibara: especially true in this modern context
23:53.26plusminus_thx for your comments :)
23:53.53tomgibarawith -> within
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23:54.33jastaI have personally trampled on quite a few companies' "rights".  And I think msot of you have too.  Anyone play a DVD on Linux?
23:54.34umdk1d3openstreet map is mostly just an imported version of TIGER data files in the US
23:54.45Dougie187hells yeah.
23:54.49jastaOr how about used hinted anti-aliased fonts on Linux?
23:55.01Dougie187ionno about that one.
23:55.05jastaDougie187: Yes, you have.
23:55.10Dougie187lol.. used napster when it came out?
23:55.13Dougie187mr. gnapster.
23:55.27jastaDebian and Ubuntu ignore Apple's patent.  Both organization ignore hundreds of software patents at their disgression.
23:55.55umdk1d3jasta: most of the time they have it there to cover their butts if people go after them
23:55.59jastaDougie187: Even to produce Gnapster was to step on Napster's "rights".  I am not allowed to "steal" their technology from them.
23:56.18Dougie187lol something i think is 100% "morally" wrong is freaking patent squatters.
23:56.25Dougie187i hate those guys.
23:57.59Dougie187though thats similar to domain squatters.
23:58.01jastaLet's put this argument to bed: if any of your decisions are justifed exclusively by law or your sense of morality, you have failed :)
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