IRC log for #android on 20080819

00:00.08jasta"Plug-in was unable to load class"
00:00.21ttuttleTo quote one of my friends, who was a student in a C class I TAed: "Man pages are O(n).  Asking you is O(1)."
00:00.21xavdoh, what version of eclipse are you running
00:00.23yakischlobasteventroughtons: better learn to read it, its hardly any different from any other API doc ;)
00:00.27jastaeclipse 3.2
00:00.31jastafrom Debian etch
00:00.33xavdah yeah sorry, you have to use 3.3 now
00:00.43steventroughtons@yakischloba don't be silly, there are far more legible docs =)
00:00.45xavdwe started using some 3.3 APIs
00:00.46jastaseriously?  Ubuntu doesn't even have 3.3 packaged yet.
00:01.06xavdugh really?
00:01.28romainguy_do you need a special package?
00:01.34romainguy_can't you just grab Eclipse 3.3 from
00:01.35jastai certainly don't think so.  i use ubuntu at work and haven't seen the update come by in the last week or so.  perhaps it's a forked package.
00:01.39ttuttleShit, I don't think Gentoo has 3.3 either. :-(
00:01.46ttuttlewants his Google workstation back.
00:02.04morrildljasta: wow, that sucks
00:02.10morrildljasta: are you using gcj-eclipse?
00:02.15ttuttleWait, why do I need Eclipse again?
00:02.15chomchomI sympathize I work on a platform based off eclipse, the move was sore to upgrade from 3.2 in the build
00:02.21jastayeah, ubuntu packages 3.2 still.
00:02.30morrildlttuttle: you don't, but if you WANT it, compatibility is nice to have
00:02.38ttuttlemorrildl: True.
00:02.45ttuttlehas always preferred the command line.
00:02.50jastathis sucks.
00:03.56ttuttlejasta: Oh, come on.  It's better than this morning!
00:04.05morrildlwow, why are these distros so far behind?  I can understand being on 3.3, but 3.2 is 2 versions back
00:04.14jastai just didn't think i'd have to break away from Debian packages to use this new SDK
00:04.26ttuttlejasta: Is etch testing or what?  (I don't remember.)
00:04.37xavdmorrildl: 3.5M1 was released 10 days ago, it's even older now ;)
00:04.40jastamorrildl: Debian and Ubuntu are not necessarily about being bleeding edge.
00:04.49jastattuttle: etch is stable.
00:04.52ttuttlejasta: Oh.
00:04.57ttuttlejasta: Then why are you surprised?
00:05.05jastabecause not even Ubuntu has this packaged.
00:05.08chomchomjasta: can you not use this:
00:05.10ttuttlejasta: stable doesn't upgrade unless there's a security or stability problem.
00:05.11jastaDebian surprises me less :)
00:05.15ttuttlejasta: Ah, okay.
00:05.21ttuttlejasta: I was gonna say, stable is supposed to be stable ;-)
00:05.51jastayou guys should clarify this on the docs, by the way.
00:05.58jastaa lot of folks will be confused since Ubuntu is hugely popular.
00:06.06ttuttleromainguy_: You should suggest to someone that they put something up about the new SDK on
00:06.25romainguy_jasta: a lot of folks will be confused since Ubuntu is hugely popular << you'd be surprised by how many people use the SDK on Window vs Mac/Linux :)
00:06.32ttuttleromainguy_: It's sad, really.
00:06.42ttuttleromainguy_: Poor lockwood :-(
00:07.07jastaromainguy_: and therefore you should not consider Mac/Linux users?
00:07.16romainguy_I did not say that
00:07.19steventroughtonssetOnKeyListener(android.view.View.OnKeyListener) in android.view.View cannot be applied to (com.steventroughtonsmith.androidnuker)
00:07.27steventroughtonsI guess you cant set the main java class to be a listener?
00:07.29jastahere you were trying to bend over backwards to handhold someone in here and you don't agree that a useful blurb about packaging deserves a place on the download instructions?
00:07.35romainguy_I'm just trying to balance your assertion about Ubuntu being "hugely" popular
00:07.43ttuttlesteventroughtons: Just add "implements android.view.View.OnKeyListener"?
00:08.03romainguy_steventroughtons: you can, you need make the class implements OnKeyListener
00:08.06steventroughtonsthat was simple
00:08.19ttuttlesteventroughtons: Oh, and implement the method(s) in OnKeyListener.
00:08.22romainguy_you can also create a listener in place, by writing new View.OnKeyListener() { ... }
00:08.26chomchomyeah I think there should be an amendment to the docs for ubuntu users
00:08.51ttuttleThere should just be a prominent warning saying "This version of the SDK now requires Eclipse 3.3." with some links to how to get it.
00:09.13romainguy_ttuttle: agreed
00:09.22morrildlyeah, we'll add that
00:09.43ttuttleneeds to start developing actual Android activities.
00:10.29ttuttleWaaaaaah, Settings doesn't work :-(
00:11.00ttuttlehas been spoiled by running fresh development builds for three months on an actual phone.
00:11.52jastarandom thought: the skateboarding android logo is awesome.  you should promote that.
00:12.46morrildlheh, the pirate logo is also quite popular
00:12.56ttuttleThere should be wallpapers available.
00:13.01romainguy_they are
00:13.06ttuttle(By should I mean I think they should do it, not that there are.)
00:13.10ttuttleromainguy_: I mean phone wallpaper.
00:13.45romainguy_just put the 1024x768 versions on the emulator
00:13.47romainguy_that should work ^^
00:13.58jastaromainguy_: what pirate?
00:14.23ttuttleromainguy_: May I Gtalk you?
00:15.32romainguy_jasta: I didn't talk about a pirate
00:15.45jastaoh, morrildl i meant.  my eyes got lost.
00:17.16jastai feel dirty that i just deviated from Debian packages ;)
00:17.20ttuttlejasta: It's okay.
00:17.25jastareally dirty
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00:20.36morrildljasta: maybe that's just on some t-shirts we had made for the team.  There is a version of the bugdroid with a peg leg and eye patch and a hook-hand
00:20.51jastathat would be great.
00:20.57jastai have the skateboarding android shir t;)
00:21.00morrildljasta: I'm thinking we probably won't publicly expose that one though.  Android + Piracy? :)
00:21.01jastamegha sent it to me.
00:21.05morrildljasta: nice
00:21.21jastayeah, my gf sleeps in at night.  hot. :)
00:21.26jastain it*
00:21.37morrildlwell they ARE very soft shirts
00:21.43sbokWhat happened to the eclipse plugin? ""
00:21.43morrildlmy wife stole mine too
00:21.51morrildlsbok: there is no directory listing
00:21.59morrildlyou can still install it per the instructions
00:22.13morrildlthat should load
00:22.19jastahmm, clearly menu stuffs has changed
00:22.25jastareads up
00:22.31sbokokay, thanks
00:22.32morrildljasta: yes, there is a new parameter
00:22.37ttuttlemorrildl: Speaking of those... are there any extras?
00:23.17*** part/#android morrildl (n=chatzill@
00:24.39umdk1d3continues looking around for how to create home-screen widgets
00:24.48umdk1d3anyone already tackling writing a tutorial on it?
00:24.53sbokperhaps the android eclipse plugin page should be updated :-)
00:25.33umdk1d3ive found android.widget.AnalogClock so far, but not sure if that is the home widget
00:25.35romainguy_umdk1d3: you can't
00:25.38romainguy_not in 1.0
00:25.46romainguy_widgets are baked in Home
00:25.48umdk1d3waaaaat :'(
00:25.51umdk1d3not cool  :P
00:25.52romainguy_but you can create custom shortcuts
00:26.05romainguy_umdk1d3: we need to do it right for security reasons
00:26.11f00f-or create a new/better Home :)
00:26.23umdk1d3security hmm
00:26.35umdk1d3they could request always on top and take up the entire screen i guess
00:26.37romainguy_you don't want any app's code to run in Home :)
00:26.58umdk1d3true, they couuld walk up the view heirarchy and try messing with other stuff
00:27.16romainguy_or just use Home's permissions to do bad things
00:27.22romainguy_Home has access to a bunch of things
00:27.24umdk1d3oh yea forgot about that  :/
00:28.21umdk1d3since we are signing things now, is home signed correctly in such a way that we can start bruteforcing its private key?  ;)  lol
00:28.31umdk1d3*the google private key
00:28.59umdk1d3prolly has plenty of bits to make it take forever th
00:29.51jastaromainguy_: there's a lot to learn from Home's source code here :)
00:29.55jastais churning through it
00:30.03umdk1d3chucles wondering how long android will be in "beta"
00:30.05romainguy_jasta: yes :)
00:30.18jastait's this type of meat iwa s looking for since day 1
00:30.18sbokgmail has been in beta for 4 years :-/
00:30.34ttuttlesbok: heh
00:33.53jasta's eagle eye spots a NPE possibility in the Home sample :)
00:34.22jastaif manager.queryIntentActivities(...) returns null from loadApplications
00:34.26romainguy_note that his code has been exercised quite a lot
00:34.42jastamApplications will not be initialized, and therefore onDestroy() will fail.
00:34.58jastaof course, you have bigger problems in that case, but still the symmetry looks bad :)
00:35.01romainguy_for that to happen you need to remove all the applications
00:35.08romainguy_not saying it cannot happen
00:35.15romainguy_just that we don't give a shit :)
00:35.49jastawhy do you initialize it like that, though?
00:36.05romainguy_like what?
00:36.05jastawhy not construct the HashMap statically and just declare mApplications final?
00:36.16jasta(just curious, Java is not my native tongue)
00:36.28romainguy_because that way I can initialize the arraylist with the proper size
00:36.35jastaI'm JSL, Java as a Second Language :)
00:36.36romainguy_it helps a litlte on the first startup
00:36.41romainguy_either way would be fine
00:36.53jastaoh, ok, i thought that might be it since you can learn the size it needs to be in loadApplications
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00:39.58jastacrap, View constructors changed.
00:40.23romainguy_we just removed the Map parameter
00:40.31chomchomI just bought a book on Android today... the peeps who come fresh to android Are going to have a heck of a time when they find so many of the names have been changed
00:40.32jastaoh, that's more convenient actually.
00:40.36ttuttlechomchom: heh
00:40.49ttuttlechomchom: /me thinks it's funny that people are already writing books.  Do they not understand "early look"?
00:41.29romainguy_the fundamentals don't change
00:41.31umdk1d3dances around room
00:41.36romainguy_Intents, Activities, layouts, etc. are still here
00:41.42chomchomNo the fundamentals are the same
00:41.54romainguy_in the scope of a book, the changes we made in this SDK don't really matter
00:41.58romainguy_sure they need to update the samples
00:42.14romainguy_but it's very unlikely to impact the structure or the content of the book in a significant way
00:42.45chomchombut it will still hit them a bit to see that there is no such thing as OnFreeze() and such. They won't necessarily be savy enough to check the JDiff of the versions or the changelog
00:43.11chomchomyeah, thats why I was asking if the author was in here
00:43.11romainguy_I'm pretty sure they'll check the changelogs
00:43.24jastascratches his head
00:43.35chomchomhis publishers will be pretty miffed with him no doubt
00:43.46romainguy_what book are you talking about?
00:43.55romainguy_Mark Murphy is publishing it on his own I think
00:43.58jastaPaintDrawable was changed in a strange way?
00:44.09romainguy_jasta: define strange
00:44.14jastayou removed setPaint? :)
00:44.20ttuttleromainguy_: Do you know where the keycode constants are?
00:44.32chomchomThe "busy coders" android book ?:
00:44.37romainguy_jasta: yup, now you getPaint() instead
00:44.45romainguy_ttuttle: KeyEvent
00:44.55romainguy_chomchom: yeah he's is own publisher
00:44.56jastaoh ok. t hen i modify the paint?
00:45.01romainguy_that's right
00:45.19romainguy_PaintDrawable is now a ShapeDrawable, which makes it much more useful
00:45.40jastai was using it previously to make a tiled bitmap drawable
00:45.47jastai bet there's probably a better way now anyway?
00:45.47romainguy_no need too
00:45.53romainguy_BitmapDrawable supports tiling now
00:46.00romainguy_launch the maps application
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00:46.18romainguy_it looks like it starts really fast because the theme defines a window background that uses tiling in a BitmapDrawable
00:46.22chomchomah, so he'll be kicking himself
00:46.40jastaromainguy_: can i get a bitmap drawable from a resource and just set its tile mode then?
00:46.42romainguy_<bitmap xmlns:android=""
00:46.46romainguy_jasta: yes
00:46.48hacked_kernelWhere to find the supported devices?
00:47.11*** join/#android morrildl (
00:47.27jastaromainguy_: excellent, that trimmed down a few lines from this project :)
00:47.50hacked_kernelI want to know the requirements that should be found on a mobile phone to run Android OS
00:48.15jastaromainguy_: unrelated to the latest SDK, but what is the defStyle form of the view constructor used for?  would i ever want to worry about overriding that?
00:48.34romainguy_it's very specific
00:48.44romainguy_for instance a Button is a TextView with a buttonStyle defStyle
00:48.52romainguy_you probably don't ever want to even bother with it
00:49.19romainguy_it's also what's supplied when you use style="..." in XML
00:52.31jastagrr, insurance is such a scam
00:52.46ttuttlejasta: lol
00:53.11jastai was in the hospital for less than 12 hours 2 years ago and got slapped with a $3000 bill from the hospital, *AFTER* insurance paid their portion.
00:53.30romainguy_I got that a year ago
00:53.38romainguy_my insurance ended up paying for everything
00:53.50romainguy_but only after a few months
00:53.59dmoffettjasta: it would really make you sick if you knew how much my brother in law makes as an insurance executive.  The salaries are offensive.
00:54.04romainguy_misses France sometimes :)
00:54.13ttuttledmoffett: Feel free to kick some of that back to the channel.
00:54.51jastaoh yeah by the way and it was because of criminal assault.  so i paid $3000 to get beat up outside of a bar.  really cool.
00:55.00ttuttlejasta: That sucks big-time.
00:55.07jastaand i lost $800 in pay from my work for extended disability
00:55.07ttuttlejasta: Did they catch the attacker?
00:55.15jastattuttle: if they did i wouldnt have had to pay anything
00:55.20jastaand it was 5 guys
00:55.21ttuttlejasta: Yeah, I was gonna say.
00:55.23ttuttlejasta: Ouch.
00:55.37ttuttle-> voicemail.
00:57.46jastai just got my latest bill forwarded to me because i was trying to fight it
00:57.49jastathey billed me over 3 increments
00:57.58jastaand i called it a scam so i fought them on the last one
00:58.03jastaand i lost, of course, despite any real documentation.
00:58.13jastai'd have to take them to court over $1k, and its not worth it.
00:58.32ttuttlejasta: Yeah, that becomes a bad deal eventually.
00:58.38chomchomromainguy__: just to let you know, there are a few dead links from the JDiff output:
00:59.09chomchomclick around at the bottom on the right
01:02.18jastanice touch on the calculator app guys
01:04.30jastaromainguy_: may i make a suggestion for the alarm app?
01:04.41jastalet us create "relative" alarms like a "Nap alarm" for +1h.
01:04.49jastaand then keep in the ability to check/uncheck them in.
01:04.58jastaso i could easily one click on a nap alarm
01:05.00jastaand go take a nap
01:05.49chomchomthats a nice idea but does differ from convention
01:05.56chomchomA few classes seem to have completely disappeared from the JDiff output. PixelCalculator isn't mentioned but it looks to have certainly been removed.
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01:10.35jastaromainguy_: did you take any more of the backgrounds in the wallpaper selection?
01:10.53romainguy_all of them
01:11.17romainguy_they're all under Creative Commons on my Flickr account
01:14.08morrildljasta: that would be an awesome use of a Home screen shortcut
01:14.31morrildlcreate a "Now + 1h" shortcut that jumps straight to the new-alarm screen in Alarm
01:15.20morrildlchomchom: hmm, thanks, I will check into the jdiff output
01:16.03chomchomJDiff is awesome
01:23.11*** join/#android meoblast001 (
01:24.01Dougie187morrildl: i bet your happy that jasta is happy with the new sdk
01:24.28Dougie187it sure makes your job a bit easier.
01:25.19chomchomgive him a day and he'll be picketting
01:25.50Dougie187eh, he doesn't tend to to flip-flop that much.
01:30.07Dougie187anyways, im out
01:30.09Dougie187see ya later
01:30.09*** part/#android Dougie187 (
01:30.22meoblast001Dougie lol
01:30.32meoblast001thats a funny name
01:30.50meoblast001well... not really
01:30.53meoblast001just a little
01:34.49chomchomSo is there now no architecture recognition of a sub activity? With the removal of startSubActivity . The system now just recognises it as a sub activity when started form within another?
01:35.15dmoffettFor a row layout in a ListView where you would like the columns to align vertically which layout would be best?  Currently I am using Absolute layout which has broken with the latest sdk.
01:35.40romainguy_chomchom: startSubActivity==startActivityForResult
01:35.56romainguy_dmoffett: AbsoluteLayout should not be broken
01:36.01romainguy_and you should not be using it anyway
01:36.15romainguy_what's broken with AbsoluteLayout?
01:36.20dmoffettso I am taking the opportunity to re-write.
01:36.54*** join/#android morrildl_ (n=chatzill@
01:37.00chomchomAh thx
01:37.04dmoffettSorry I should have said I am using methods that are no longer supported.
01:37.12romainguy_ah :)
01:38.07dmoffettJust getting a nice Eclipse crash loading an xml file btw.
01:38.23romainguy_tell that to xavd :)
01:38.31dmoffettLooking for the bug url.
01:41.37chomchomWith the removal of OpenDatabase and then addition of openOrCreateDatabase(String, int, CursorFactory) does that mean an app is only allowed one DB?
01:41.56romainguy_ask jham :)
01:41.59romainguy_when he's around
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01:45.05chomchomjham eh? I've never even noticed him. Hes a quiet one.
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01:51.23morrildl_jham is here?
01:51.38romainguy_he was earlier today
01:56.58xavddmoffett: do you have the .log for the eclipe crash?
01:57.19dmoffettworking on getting the information together.
01:58.56dmoffettxavd: where is the .log file written on OSX?
01:59.10xavdin your workspace under the .metadata folder
02:00.57dmoffettxavd: I was about to open a bug or would you have me do it another way?
02:01.05xavdbug is fine
02:06.34dmoffettxavd: Issue 797
02:07.20dmoffettxavd: dinner for me but if you need more info let me know.
02:07.58xavdok thanks
02:22.12chomchomI am defeated
02:22.32chomchomits 3:22am, I don't think I've been kept up so late by android since the ADC
02:28.15*** join/#android jott (n=j@unaffiliated/jott)
02:45.02*** join/#android jasta (
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02:57.40muthuany feedbacks on 0.9?
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03:15.59jastaromainguy_: is the official tag for this release 0.9r1 or just 0.9?
03:23.09jasonchenjasta: it's 0.9_r1. if there are point release type updates we'll rev release number
03:23.34jasoncheni think the roadmap doc gets into the naming convention semantics a bit
03:30.59jastaoh boy, diving into this old code is scary :)
03:31.15muthuhave fun ;)
03:31.19jastaphew ;)
03:31.28jastathere's lots more than just updating to M5 that i need to do :)
03:31.38jastathere are quite a few new practices i have adopted.
03:31.49jastai was learning Java for Android, which was a big part of the initial sloppiness.
03:33.52muthunow with the new sdk, you must rock!
03:35.34swetlandit is in the release notes. rocking: mandatory.
03:38.35umdk1d3why wont my videoview play .3gp  :(
03:38.52umdk1d3just gives generic error 08-19 03:36:50.965: DEBUG/VideoView(2000): Error: -1,0
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03:42.04meoblast001anyone here know how to instruct a cd drive to spin backwards?
03:42.41jastalook up SCSI and/or ATAPI commands.
03:43.46meoblast001jasta: thanx :D
03:44.13meoblast001jasta: will that help me read gamecube discs with a PC?
03:44.17meoblast001i want to play mario kart
03:44.53umdk1d3aaaand now im getting 08-19 03:44:28.585: ERROR/MediaPlayer(2081): Error (-4,0)    trying to play local file
03:44.56umdk1d3how cryptic lol
03:50.33dmoffettxavd:  I upgraded to eclipse 3.4.0.  Eclipse does not crash but xml files will not display.
03:53.00dmoffettIs there a version of Eclipse that is known to work with Android .9 on Leopard?
03:54.15umdk1d3dmoffett: with excel, your changing the tabs at the bottom to swtich over to raw xml view right?
03:54.36umdk1d3with 0.9 there are some gui-helpers that can hide the raw xml
03:56.04dmoffettumdk1d3: thank you, let me check that out.
03:56.48jastaawesome, i just wrote a cool deepcd alias in bash for working with stupid java source trees :)
03:57.24jastachanges dir through all the mostly empty directories at once
04:15.08umdk1d3about that 3.5" disk issue
04:15.12umdk1d3we should hack together a solution
04:15.26umdk1d3does sdio support floppys?
04:15.58jasonchenwould pay to see someone carry 3.5" disks along w/ their phone
04:16.32umdk1d3would totally be a battery drain
04:17.47jasonchen5.25" disk support almost made the release
04:17.58jasonchenbut got cut at the last minute too
04:18.42dmoffettWasn't there a lot of discussion about a rotary dial?
04:19.14jasonchenyeah, that and a telegraph interface
04:21.12yakischlobatheres the android killer app. rotary dialer
04:21.21umdk1d3i would buy it
04:28.33jerkface03that may not be such a bad idea? baby boomers and what not?
04:42.58jastahmm, am i missing something.  PhoneSubInfoManager isn't documented?
04:44.47yakischlobamichaelnovakjr: welcome to jasta's world
04:45.00jastamy world?
04:45.05yakischlobayawning ;)
04:45.20michaelnovakjroh, its late here :)
04:45.32yakischlobai see jasta yawn more times in a day than I piss
04:45.51michaelnovakjri'd hope so, otherwise you'd have a bladder problem :)
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04:47.38jastaupdating my project to 0.9r1 sucks
04:47.54jastaforces me to look at all this hideous code.  i think the next couple of weeks should go into major rewrites more than anything else
04:48.29michaelnovakjrits justified jasta
04:54.41muthumigration took 5 mins ;)
04:54.51michaelnovakjryou don't count :)
04:55.32michaelnovakjrdo you have screenshots?
05:01.44michaelnovakjrguess not :)
05:51.48*** join/#android romainguy__ (n=gfx@
05:54.00jastahmm, sqliteopenhelper changed a lot
05:55.32jastaoh nm no it didn't
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06:07.01jastareally, i don't get this PhoneSubInfoManager thing?
06:07.16jastadid someone forget to include it?  or am i supposed to use TelephonyManager somehow?
06:07.33romainguy__what are you talking abotu?
06:07.56jastaYou can now access these phone/subscriber properties through the new PhoneSubInfoManager, using the IPhoneSubInfo interface.
06:08.25jastabut that class doesn't exist.  There is TelephonyManager that has getDeviceId(), but it has no public constructor and has no static methods.  So I don't know how to get a handle to it.
06:08.50jastai don't show that in the documentation.
06:10.50romainguy__yeah, probably a mistak
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06:11.57hacked_kernelCan I install Android OS on Sonry Ericsson K610i?
06:13.21romainguy__jasta: the right way to do it is: (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE)
06:13.47*** join/#android anno^da_ (n=anno^
06:13.55romainguy__with TELEPHONY_SERVICE="phone"
06:14.29anno^da_good morning guys
06:14.31anno^da_everyone needing multipart messages can ask me I got it working right now. :-)
06:14.38jasonchenjasta: is there a reason you want TelephonyMangaer and not the more abstract ConnectivityManager?
06:15.00jastaYes, I need the device ID.
06:15.24jastaI understnad the IMEI to be a good unique key to separate multiple phones.
06:17.34jasonchenah, right. in that case, what romainguy__ said :-)
06:20.47jasonchenalso, you might need the android.permission.READ_OWNER_DATA permission to get the IMEI
06:21.09jastaok, your changes-overview doc is all wrong on this topic.
06:22.21jasonchenyeah, i was just talking to morrildl about that
06:22.23romainguy__it was probably an explanation of the internal implementation :(
06:22.30jasonchenwe'll check into it more in the morning
06:22.54jastai assume you guys worked on the custom parcelable stuff and all the AIDL troubles with that?
06:23.10jastai see in the new docs that at least the blurb about it was not removed.
06:24.52jastaand so far in my tests, it does not work.
06:25.21jastaback to modifying the global framework.aidl in order to build my project?
06:27.18jasoncheni haven't played with the AIDL stuff myself
06:27.24jasonchenso i can't really say
06:27.46jasonchenbut if you spot problems, please file them (or follow up on bugs that you've arleady filed)
06:27.59jastalook at the "Pass by value Parameters using Parcelables" section in the Android IDL docs.
06:28.17jastaThis was a known bug back in M3, and carried through to M5, and now surprisingly to 0.9.
06:30.36jasonchenhmmm, i'll have to ask our tech writers about the status of this page in the morning.
06:30.47jastai just teste dit.
06:31.02jastait still applies.
06:31.11romainguy__what's the bug?
06:31.12jastathat's a bad bug to be in 1.0.
06:31.25jastaromainguy__: you can't create custom parcelables and still use the Eclipse plugin to build.
06:31.42jastabecause the .aidl "header file" that describes it will be compiled, which won't work.
06:31.50romainguy__tell that to xavd :)
06:32.07jastathe work around i have used for M5 is to modify the global framework.aidl but i'm a bit disappointed this didn't get attention.
06:33.14romainguy__because we had thousands of bugs that needed as much attention
06:33.26jastaalso, the example code there is old and wouldn't build
06:33.27romainguy__do you have a bug filed in the tracker for this?
06:33.47jastaromainguy__: i just filed one, but i didn't originally because it was clearly called out as a known bug
06:37.39jastaparcelable has also seemed to change in hard-to-guess ways but isnt part of the changes overview
06:38.08romainguy__what changed?
06:38.26jastawell, it seems that readFromParcel was removed, but I think I can understand how that should be handled.
06:38.48jastawriteToParcel was seemingly changed to take an extra int param that can be flagged as PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE, but no clear instructions on what that means?
06:42.20romainguy__weren't we using a Creator already in m5?
06:42.40jastayou were, but i swear i thought you also required a redundant readFromParcel, but that's not the part that has confused me.
06:43.02jastaPARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE doesn't seem to tell us anything.  even the "typical implementation" as described in android.os.Parcelable doesn't use it.
06:43.43romainguy__well, the documentaiton says: "Some implementations
06:49.35jastajasonchen: seems to be that i need READ_PHONE_STATE permission (too?)
06:55.52jastahehe, unknown socket error -1 when you don't request INTERNET permission
06:56.46anno^da_  <- Last week it was dead and now it is ready for primetime :D
06:57.06romainguy__news web sites have no shame :)
06:57.47anno^da_On another website I read today that with the new SDK it will be the hardest competitor for the iPhone :P
06:57.51jastaalright, five-client works ;)
06:58.22anno^da_Nice jasta. I'm feared of porting :/. (have ported now the whole Multipart Messages)
06:59.26jastait's mostly just search/replace.  it's not been hard.
06:59.41jastaalthough i am scared that now there is TONS of functionality in my app that can be gutted
06:59.45anno^da_Really ? Has a lot changed in the services ?
06:59.49jastabut i'll never know until i dig thoroughly into the docs ;)
06:59.55jastano, not really at all.
07:00.18anno^da_Oh well I'm testing that out later on on a Virtual Machine.
07:00.55anno^da_But now I have to get some breakfast. :-)
07:01.42jastai'm actually mostly happy with it.
07:01.47anno^da_romainguy has to confirm that nothing happens while breakfast. Yesterday we had barbecue in the evening and after it the SDK was out. :-)
07:01.56jastai have a lot of work to do just updating to new things i learned from M5 (nothing to do with 0.9)
07:02.07jastabut there are some really important ones to me that didn't make it to 0.9 *sigh*
07:02.41jastathe MediaPlayer problems Five had are still all there.  all the kludgey work around will have to remain.
07:02.49jastarather, not romain, but be rewritten even kludgier :)
07:02.54jastanot remain*
07:03.11jastaand quite probably so inefficient that it will just fail entirely :(
07:07.05jastaromainguy__: is android:gravity="center_horizontal" a straight replacement for android:textAlign="center"?
07:07.19jastak, thx
07:07.27umdk1d3will it center text with \n's though?  or just block-center the widget?
07:07.30romainguywe used to have textAlign for horizontal placement and gravity for vertical placement
07:07.33romainguyit was kinda silly
07:07.52romainguyumdk1d3: android:gravity centers the content
07:07.57umdk1d3oh cool
07:08.02anno^da_now everything is done with gravity ?
07:08.07romainguyin TextView yes
07:08.12anno^da_great thx.
07:08.33umdk1d3so my question for tonight is: how coarse is ACCURACY_COARSE?  ;)
07:08.46romainguythe answer is: coarse
07:08.51romainguyand now, bed time for me
07:08.54romainguygood day/night all
07:08.54*** join/#android Rajec (
07:09.21Rajechi what is the situation with android web market, where I can sell mz application ?
07:09.37umdk1d3Rajec: still no definite word yet
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07:09.51romainguyalso remember that .apks can be installed form the web browser
07:10.02romainguyif you want an easy way to share your apps right now
07:10.11umdk1d3true, but that means you need to roll your own micropayment system
07:10.25umdk1d3ooh /me wonders hwo it handles permission granting
07:10.27romainguyumdk1d3: sure, I'm just saying that's one option you have right now
07:10.31jastaumdk1d3: no one will buy an app that doesn't load onto a real phone :)
07:10.38umdk1d3jasta: true lol
07:10.41romainguyumdk1d3: it just goes through the package manager
07:10.51umdk1d3we have a package manager?  =D
07:11.00umdk1d3goes to try
07:11.02romainguywhat do you think adb sync/install do?
07:11.17romainguythe package manager is a service btw :)
07:11.18umdk1d3well, thats emulator related tho
07:11.23jastawell, adb install copies a file to /data/app ;)
07:11.30jastait's literally the same as adb push to /data/app hehe
07:11.34romainguyand then what happens?
07:11.36jastayou have inotify watching ;)
07:11.45romainguyyou think that's all it does?
07:12.00jastano, i'm just pointing how many layers of abstraction you were off target :)
07:12.09umdk1d3well it unpacks the .dex to cache it
07:12.10jastapointing out*
07:12.54Rajechi what is the situation with android web market, where I can sell mz application ?
07:13.04jastaRajec: no information has been revealed yet.
07:13.06romainguyjasta: then you have a poor understanding of adb install :)
07:13.13jastaromainguy: I don't think that I do at all.
07:13.17romainguysure jasta
07:13.36jastaWhat is so different about adb install that adb push to /data/app doesn't do?
07:13.48umdk1d3it probably fires events to the home screen
07:13.56jastano, the inotify service does that
07:13.59jasta(through the package manager)
07:14.22jastaif you all remember, i wrote an app that installs apps by copying them from the web to /data/app.
07:14.30jastaand nothing more
07:15.00umdk1d3yea one thing ive noticed about 0.9 is its a lot more locked down
07:15.05umdk1d3no more /tmp  :/
07:15.12jastaif adb install does anything at all not handled by just copying files there then it is simply an optimization.
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07:16.11jastaor maybe they changed all this in 0.9 for some reason?
07:16.21Rajecjasta: It wont be like with Iphone where you can have only one oficial store no ?
07:16.25jastabut in M5 there was an inotify service glueing it all together
07:16.36jastaRajec: No information has been revealed, period.
07:17.40Rajecjasta: it should be writtend in sdk lincece or something no?
07:18.14jastaRajec: Well, not if there are other distribution mechanisms.
07:18.27jastaIn Android's case, I doubt that a "store" will be the only way to distribute apps.
07:18.40jastaFor example, on Windows Mobile you can just download them from the web browser to install them andt here's no signing or any junk like that.
07:19.02jastaAnd that's basically the only way to distribute your apps for WM.  Android will probably support that, in addition to the store.
07:19.53romainguy__as I said, you can just point the Browser to the .apk
07:20.01swetlandalso, toggling your application in by clicking the HOME button in morse code in the bootloader
07:20.06umdk1d3"Cannot download. The content being downloaded is not supported on the phone."  <-- messsage when downloading an APK from web
07:20.22swetlandumdk1d3: check out Settings / Applications
07:20.23romainguy__stupid SDK
07:20.50umdk1d3"Unsupported action: That action is not currently supported."  <-- when trying Settings  :P
07:20.58umdk1d3oh in browser settings?
07:21.22swetlandor is that panel not in the SDK
07:21.32romainguy__swetland: apparently it's not
07:21.45swetlandromain: doh!
07:21.50romainguy__it's the one to allow unknown sources?
07:21.51umdk1d3nope, no "Settings" or "Applications"  :/
07:22.06umdk1d3yea this was just an APK generated by eclipse
07:22.08swetlandumdk1d3: I mean the settings menu from home
07:22.09umdk1d3which is self-signed
07:22.24umdk1d3yea, that error above is what settings from homescreen says (under menu button)
07:24.13jastais not sure about this new setResult() API.
07:24.22jastashould i just send back the same action that I was given?
07:24.34jastathe NotePad application seems to treat the action as just some arbitrary string like setResult() was before.
07:24.40romainguy__only if you have a result
07:24.42jastabut that doesn't seem quite right, especially when i'm passing back a URI string
07:25.07jastamy app used to call setResult(RESULT_OK, uri.toString());  so a good replacement for that seems like setResult(RESULT_OK, new Intent(originalAction, uri)); right?
07:25.21romainguy__you don't care about the action in that case
07:25.30romainguy__the Intent is just a container for your data
07:25.42jastaso (new Intent()).setData(uri)?
07:27.43umdk1d3jumps up and down
07:27.52umdk1d3<3 sdk
07:29.55jastai don't even remember writing half the code i'm updating :)
07:30.16jastai must have been in an intoxicated daze, rushing to get my app ready for ADC 1 :)
07:31.18dueyare there lots of changes
07:31.27dueydoes the gui look different
07:31.43jastaa lot of polish, that's for sure.
07:31.55dueyromainguy must of been busy
07:32.11umdk1d3duey: there are good overviews of changes onlin
07:32.13swetlandthat is what interns are for. they make sure you can see your reflection in the pixels
07:32.27romainguy__Home certainly kept me busy on top of the UI framework stuff
07:32.32jastawhat the hell happened to TabHost.TabSpec?
07:32.43romainguy__swetland: last I checked interns were writing cryptic shell tools :p
07:32.47jastasetIndicator became much less general?
07:33.01dueynotes never to be an intern at google
07:33.06swetlandromain: kernel interns! don't you guys have interns too?
07:33.17romainguy__swetland: I'm the only one I know of
07:33.19dueysounds like build scripts
07:33.22romainguy__or rather, I was the only one I know of
07:33.34umdk1d3duey: lots of screencaps here
07:33.56dueyI would hate to be the person writing build scripts
07:34.02dueyI can't think of anything worse
07:34.11romainguy__swetland: apparently you write build scripts for a living :))
07:34.14dueybuild scripts and installers
07:34.20swetlandromain: it's a hard life being a kernel engineer
07:34.32romainguy__I'll hand you that one
07:34.52dueyis kernel engineer a thancy name for build script writer?
07:35.00romainguy__it's like the life of a UI toolkit engineer: hated by kernel engineers for wasting resources, hated by app developers because you don't waste enough resources
07:35.07swetlandduey: not in my experience ^^
07:35.24dueyI really like a range of tasks at work
07:35.30ligiis starting 0.9_beta first time now - hoping my old adc apk will work
07:35.31dueyI work on heaps of different things
07:35.36dueyfrom edis to websites
07:35.55romainguy__ligi: not a chance :) at least not without recompiling
07:36.51tricwow, lot of traffic in here ;)
07:36.55jastaromainguy__: any code that calls setKeepANimations() can just be removed now?
07:37.18romainguy__I don't remember
07:37.25romainguy__whatever the docs/changelogs say
07:37.28jastathe docs say the method is gone
07:37.30umdk1d3ligi: sadly i think there is very little chance of binary compatability with an older apk
07:37.37jastabut no mentio nof what to do about that? :)
07:38.01romainguy__then don't bother
07:38.25ligiromainguy__: umdk1d3 ok ur right INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED#
07:38.28romainguy__my memories of the changes I made in the animation APIs are very fuzy
07:39.07ligigood that i stopped developing 4 android till this new sdk
07:39.53ligianyone knows if bluetooth api is working now?
07:40.12umdk1d3hmm multi-lined app names show okay in the large app list, but are trimmed to only one line with "..."s when dropped as shortcuts onto the home screen
07:40.18umdk1d3ligi: actually bluetooth was removed  lol  :P
07:40.28ligiumdk1d3: removed?
07:40.35umdk1d3yep, its in the release notes
07:40.40romainguy__the public API was
07:40.45umdk1d3oh, true
07:40.48romainguy__the system still supports bluetooth
07:40.51romainguy__there's a huge difference
07:41.00umdk1d3system=firmware=not us developers though, right?
07:41.39swetlandfirmware makes me think about code for microcontrollers in toasters ^^
07:41.45swetlandI much prefer systems
07:42.03romainguy__umdk1d3: hmm multi-lined app names show okay in the large app list, but are trimmed to only one line with "..."s when dropped as shortcuts onto the home screen << yes
07:42.06umdk1d3well, its FOTA right?  :P
07:42.20umdk1d3FOTA=firmware overtheair
07:42.39umdk1d3romainguy__: oh well, thats a bummer  :/
07:42.46umdk1d3not too big of a showstopper tho
07:43.07umdk1d3i suppose users will be looking for icons anyway
07:43.07jastawhoo, almost got five-music compiled :)
07:43.12*** join/#android Zba_Phy (n=none@2a01:e35:8a13:a2b0:21c:c0ff:fe25:ff68)
07:43.20jastathis has taken me all damn night :)
07:43.23romainguy__umdk1d3: it's a matter of screen real estate
07:43.42ligidam 31 errors when recompiling with new SDK
07:43.52jastajust 31?!
07:43.53umdk1d3romainguy__: but the desktop icons take up the same space as those in the full-app-list
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07:44.09umdk1d3including the app text name
07:44.21umdk1d3i suppose it keeps it looking unclutters tho
07:44.36romainguy__umdk1d3: believe me, I worked days and nights on this application :)
07:44.39jastaprevents it from being Windows Mobile.
07:44.48umdk1d3kk  :)
07:45.08umdk1d3romainguy__: its sexy, believe me  :)
07:45.20romainguy__glad you like it
07:45.27romainguy__kudos to the designers for the original idea
07:46.31ligiimages class has no height() with() - are these attributes now - no more methods?
07:47.12romainguy__what class?
07:47.32romainguy__getWidth() and getHeight()
07:47.42ligiromainguy__: thanx a lot
07:47.57jastathat type of change was made all over, ligi.
07:48.07ligijasta: dam
07:48.13jastagetters without "get" prefixing them had it added.
07:48.29jastascratches his head
07:48.38jastai apparently used some method i have no idea what it did and it's gone now
07:48.42ligiis there a regex to fix this ^^-)
07:48.44jastagetVirtualChildCount?  what?
07:48.53romainguy__why are you using this? :)
07:48.59jastai have absolutely no idea
07:49.05jastamaybe i was just tired and meant getChildCount?
07:49.07romainguy__this is used in LinearLayout but it's for support of TableLayout
07:49.18jastanope, i also use getVirtualChildAt?  *confused*
07:49.19romainguy__it will return the same value unless you have a TableLayout involved
07:49.50jastaso it's safe to translate this to getChild*?
07:50.41romainguy__it's used by TableLayout to support empty/spanned cells
07:51.00jastai made a lot of stabs in the dark with M3.  that could be what that code was leftover from
07:52.58jastahmm, Cursor#moveTo(int) is gone?
07:53.02dueyno wonder handycalc didnt win!
07:53.07ligi5 errors to go
07:53.29jastaduey: there is a functional graphing calculator and solver.
07:53.39jastai dont remember what it wa scalled, but it was awesome
07:53.56romainguy__duey: this calc app wasn't even written at the time of the ADC I think
07:54.25jastaoh moveToPosition, duh
07:55.30jastaone more module left to go, then it compiles! :)
07:56.11dueywhy do all the pics have (c) anddev on them
07:56.23jastaduey: because he thinks that's how copyright works.
07:56.25dueydoes it really matter if someone copies some screenshots
07:56.44jastahe doesn't own the copyright to those anyway, and the label he affixed is simply wrong.
07:57.09dueyif i make the exact same screenshot i must be breaking his copyright
07:57.47dueyi wonder how long it took to put that text on all the images
07:58.03jastahe might have used ImageMagick
07:58.12jastaor worse yet, some custom tool.
07:58.13dueyI would hope so lol
07:58.22jastahonestly, i am not sure which he would have done.
07:58.23dueyor photoshop for each photo
07:58.50dueythere are some draganddrop water mark tools on osx
07:58.54dueywhich are quite nice
07:59.33jastaromainguy__: ShapeDrawable#setShader is gone?  do i need to use the factory now?
08:00.04trichmm, so all javax.sound.* got wiped?
08:05.35alex2308is there any free tool to compare two files (text) and display the changes?
08:05.46alex2308i dont know how to google that, is there any keyword?
08:06.04jastaromainguy__: ContextMenuInfo used to have an id member I could access?
08:06.13jastaalex2308: lol, diff.
08:06.23ligialex2308: diff - but its a *nix tool
08:06.41tricand its prolly already asked, but adb push something /system doesnt work anymore. any chance to mount this fs rw?
08:06.57swetlandadb remount
08:07.23ligianyone has an example of the usage of this BitmapConfig thing?
08:07.24swetlandbut on production hardware /system is going to be RO, so it's probably worth getting used to that
08:08.51tricswetland: i know, there is no way to deplay this. but its only for my thesis and i gonna write about this problem aswell ;)
08:09.10romainguy__what's your thesis?
08:09.29romainguy__ligi: sure, what's the context?
08:09.39alex2308romainguy__ voip on android
08:10.03tricmore exactly, testing voip on android
08:10.04ligiromainguy__: my old createBitmap fails  Bitmap.createBitmap(getWidth(),lcd_lines.length*lcd_tiles_img.getHeight()+100,false);
08:10.22ligiromainguy__: the new version wanna have a BitmapConfig param
08:10.39romainguy__what's the problem with using BitmapConfig?
08:10.39umdk1d3ligi: there are some static values taht work well iirc
08:10.49ligiumdk1d3: null?
08:10.56romainguy__it's an enum
08:11.14romainguy__is your image opaque or translucent?
08:11.41romainguy__then you probably want BitmapConfig.RGB_565
08:11.51ligiromainguy__: thanx a lot
08:11.57jastafive fully builds now
08:11.59jastatime for bed
08:12.11ligijasta: nice! good n8
08:12.12umdk1d3ligi: if it needs transparency, you might want to look at ARGB_4444
08:12.18romainguy__no no
08:12.34romainguy__don't use ARGB_4444 unless you know what you're doing
08:12.45umdk1d3well its just 4-bits-per channel right?
08:12.48romainguy__otherwise you'll be all complainy about rendering issues :)
08:12.54romainguy__and 4 bits is not much
08:13.02umdk1d3hm true
08:17.13jastaCaused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to bind to service...?
08:17.35jastatrying to bind to five-client's service from five-music?  some sort of permission relationship i have to set up here?
08:17.58alex2308security increased a lot in the current sdk
08:18.21romainguy__alex2308: will be greater on actual devices
08:18.28alex2308hope so
08:18.30jastaromainguy__: any thoughts?
08:18.37romainguy__jasta: none, I never wrote a service
08:18.55romainguy__are they in the same process?
08:19.12jastano, not even in the same APK
08:19.35romainguy__I guess you do need some permission then
08:19.43romainguy__or they need to use the same user id
08:20.01jastai dont want them to use the same user id.  the whole point is that five can be extended by other folks than me, in other source trees than mine.
08:20.52ligimuhaaaahaa: DUBwise is compiled now with 0.9 beta
08:21.01ligithanx 4 all your hints
08:21.45jastaromainguy__: looks like the security docs were updated.  *reading*
08:22.04jastaligi: read the installing blurb about keytool
08:22.20ligijasta: jeah i will
08:22.43alex230837 Errors <3
08:22.48tricjasta: hmm, damn, looks like i need to read that aswell
08:22.57jastaromainguy__: looks like i must define an arbitrary permission that is required to use the service.
08:23.01jastawhich seems fine i guess
08:23.17romainguy__it's pretty easy to declare a permission
08:25.49romainguy__don't use android.permission, use your own package name :p
08:26.38jastai wonder how this will be enforced on Android.  users tend to not give a shit about these types of dialogs.
08:28.08jastawell, this is probably why /system is mounted ro :P
08:28.20jastalet them screw up their phone, factory defaults are just a button click away :)
08:28.33jastaalex2308: what?
08:28.41alex2308hehe jk
08:36.51alex2308Access restriction: The type IPhoneSubInfo is not accessible due to restriction on required library E:\ANDROID\android-sdk-windows-0.9_beta\android.jar
08:37.01jastaalex2308: you need to declare READ_PHONE_ something
08:37.01jastahang on
08:37.15alex2308<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_PHONE_SUB_INFO" />
08:37.17jasta<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
08:37.25jastaalex2308: no, the changes-overview doc is totally wrong.
08:37.54alex2308the documentation is totally crap imho
08:38.05jastai wouldn't say it's totally crap, but it certainly hasn't been fully updated
08:39.21alex2308still cant access phone data
08:39.40jastawell, i already did exactly this to access IMEI.
08:39.44jastawith getDeviceId() ?
08:41.00jastano, use getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE).getDeviceId()
08:41.15jastaerr, of course you must cast the result of getSystemService to TelephonyManager
08:43.28trichehe, i still like those IPhone interfaces ;)
08:44.25jastauhm, what the hell
08:45.51jastasigh, i giv eup, i can't make this permission crud work
08:46.08tricjasta: you have to, i need it aswell!
08:46.21jastait tells me i am denied a permission that i requested
08:46.31jastabut the UI gave me no chance to do anything useful
08:46.43jastaand the logs don't seem to suggest anything
08:49.25alex2308hm, they removed the possibility to set IMEI
08:49.37jastaas they probably should :)
08:49.52jastaif you want to go around changing your IMEI, you'd better learn how to open the phone up a bit :)
08:49.55alex2308but i had a bogusdatacreater class for testing
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08:50.26alex2308i changed the imei on my nokia (was stolen), isnt hard
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08:58.49jastaok, night time
08:58.53jastahopefully someone figures out this permission issue :)
08:59.00liginow where 0.9 iss there - I WANT A ANDROID-PHONE
08:59.11ligijasta: sleep well
09:02.29alex2308which permission issue jasta?
09:02.47tricbinding to a remote service
09:03.14tric10:17:13 < fn~jasta> Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to bind to service...?
09:05.26alex2308i have some permission issues, too. will see if i find a way round
09:05.31alex2308btw ty jasta
09:05.39alex2308but still 29 errors hehe
09:09.29tricim error free, only have to sign all, and prolly fix the same permission issue as jasta
09:12.15alex2308most of them are httpclient related
09:15.41inZane-did someone already found out how to use the PixelConverter?
09:15.48inZane-its only package visible
09:23.58anno^da_In startService() kann ja kein Bundle mehr übergeben werden. Soll  die Übergabe von Inhalten nun über die Extras des Intents geschehen ?
09:26.38anno^da_oh lol I have to translate that :D
09:27.26anno^da_In startService you cant submit a Bundle anymore. Do I have imitatet that funcionality using the Intent for starting the Service and his extras?
09:27.59anno^da_And why is there a bundle available in the onStart method of the service ?
09:34.00inZane-"Various parts of the API cleaned up to use Intents instead of Bundles; Intent itself improved to reduce the need for separate payload Bundles."
09:39.09anno^da_ah yeah it is working now
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09:52.47tricoh, seems like my activity could startup the remote service without problems
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09:56.59triconly my helper activity to only startup the service gets a permission denied. hmmm
10:00.15tricand those permissions really need doku:
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10:11.21anno^da_Hmm the autogenerated file from the service AIDL shows a lot of errors. I've tried to delete it but it doesnt get recreated? What am I doing wrong?
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10:37.11alex2308the new SDK sucks. i want a newer SDK! ;)
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10:38.04buster`you suck. i want blackjack and hookers! ;)
10:38.22buster`in fact
10:38.27buster`forget the blackjack
10:39.19alex2308will there be a blackjack app for android? ^^
10:42.45anno^da_whats the right thing to get the current location? (it has been removed but I dont see the alternative. I dont want to get the location all the time)
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10:43.53inZane-it looks like we have to use getLastKnownLocation
10:44.07inZane-i have the same problem
10:45.24anno^da_oh but thats kind of sucking. Hmm ok.
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10:58.41anno^da_Well and now it would be interesting how to get the I<ServiceName>.java file created
11:00.23tricanno: problems with aidl? i deleted the old .java files and those were regenerated.
11:00.32tricjust like with old sdk
11:00.37anno^da_Yeah I deleted it as well
11:00.46anno^da_but it doesnt get regenerated
11:00.56tricyou can run aidl on the shell
11:01.01tricmaybe there is an error
11:01.30anno^da_ah well ok. Shell and windows I love it. I'm in the virtual machine right now for testing the port :)
11:03.59tricport of?
11:04.28trichmm, but damn, i get "unknown error" when running new DatagramSocket(port);
11:09.11anno^da_tric: well port of the m5 app
11:09.27anno^da_And I'm getting crazy about the not generated java file :D
11:10.50tricthere is a commandline in windows aswell tu run aidl tool
11:11.03tricor try to restart/refresh eclipse
11:12.05trichehe. i want doku about all those android.permission
11:17.18tricahh, udp socket need permission.INTERNET aswell. maybe this shold be split up. you need the same permission for connect and opening socket.
11:20.33tricand the next security exception. cool
11:29.07ligithe new version throws an INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS when installing again
11:29.15ligim5 did this well
11:29.56ligiand google has no hint on INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS
11:31.34ligiah -r
11:34.34anno^da_Now I'm getting the next error. After having restarted my project I'm getting "R can not be resolved" in every activity. I've changed nothing :/
11:35.03tricadd the correct R class to the imports
11:37.01alex2308how can i completely wipe the emulator?
11:37.24tricwipe? the user data?
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11:38.22tricoh, funny, i get a permission denied when starting a activity with a empty <intent-filter>, adding a dummy filter works
11:39.07tricalex: completly should be rm -rf ~/.android; rm -rf android_sdk
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11:43.51tricok. anyone successfully ported notifications? i get exceptions calling NotificationManager.notifiy
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11:51.02anno^da_oh it is a dream the whole elcipse plugin starts doing its job :/
11:51.15anno^da_-starts + stops
11:51.31ligiit's working again with 0.9 ;-)
11:51.38ligithanx for all hints here
11:54.49alex2308i cant get my sms receiver to work
11:54.56alex2308anyone else?
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12:06.32anno^da_What can I do except creating a new project and putting the sources in it ? It is not recreating the R file anymore. :/ And I dont really know why. I dont want to do that by hand all the time.
12:07.09tricright click on project, android->fix project properties. no idea whats that for, but...
12:09.06tricok, looks like all but notifications are working now again. nice
12:10.38anno^da_tric: yeah that thingh crashed the whole project :)
12:18.41anno^da_ooh after the third attempt the AIDL java file got created
12:18.49anno^da_now lets hope to get R back as well :/
12:19.06spykidFor all those germans - SPON once again:,1518,572913,00.html
12:21.01ligispykid: danke ;-)
12:21.34alex2308danke (aber schon per rss aufs handy gekriegt) ;)
12:21.40alex2308exiting ->
12:22.40alex2308this is where i got it from
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12:29.01tricalex: hmmmm
12:29.46spykidtric: You see an error -right?! :D
12:30.17ligidam @ "Due to significant API changes in the upstream open-source project and due to the timeline of getting certain Bluetooth profile implementations certified, a comprehensive Bluetooth API will not be possible or present in Android 1.0."
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12:39.50tricspykid: yes
12:42.46alex2308should write AndroidAntiSpy
12:43.34anno^da_tric got it working now
12:43.53anno^da_the faulty layouts blocked the recreating
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13:39.38tethridgeI know this has to be something simple, but I can't figure out how to send a sms message to the emulator
13:39.59tethridgeI'm looking at the docs and it says to just use sms send <senderPhoneNumber> <textmessage> but I'm not sure where the sms command is
13:40.49trictelnet localhost 5554
13:40.53buster`use the emulator control in eclipse
13:41.14tethridgeI'm not running elipse, so I have to use telnet I guess
13:42.42zhobbstethridge: run the "ddms" application in the tools folder
13:42.55zhobbsit has an emulator control tab to call/sms
13:43.26tethridgeok, let me check that out
13:43.56tethridgeI haven't been able to lock the screen.  Is that a bug.  I thought that I just needed to press the power button to lock it.
13:45.22trici have to press hangup to lock it.
13:45.47tethridgethat works
13:46.15tethridgeI guess the nice little unlock app isn't included in the emulator that we saw a few months back where you connect the dots
13:46.20alex2308anyone experienced with ?
13:49.30tricno. but you app need permission.INTERNET ;)
13:53.26alex2308youre good
13:55.04alex2308"This thread forbids HTTP requests"
14:00.16trichehe, i had same probs. like unknown error opening udp socket ;)
14:05.03alex2308Keine Ergebnisse für "This thread forbids HTTP requests" gefunden.
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14:12.38tricalex: start another thread for those requests. are you trying to connect inside the ui thread?
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14:13.57tricalex: dont do it. start another thread, so you dont block your activity
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14:14.14alex2308never worked with threads, any advice/tut?
14:14.44trichehe, yes. and use Handler to talk from the thread to your ui thread/activity
14:16.48tricdamn, im sure i read something today how to retrieve the tmp path, but i cannot find it again. sucks
14:28.32alex2308hmm. prob
14:28.39alex2308i need the http response
14:28.53alex2308how would i block my app until i get the http response using threads?
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14:34.49steventroughtonsgreetings people
14:39.02anno^da-whats the easiest way to create the raw byte array into Bitmap ?
14:47.20ttuttlegood morning!
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15:02.12steventroughtonshey ttuttle
15:04.28dmoffettalex2308:  The thread that is getting the http response should notify the main thread using a Handler.
15:05.27dmoffettSomething like this from the http thread to the main thread;
15:08.40alex2308ive created a container, where info from the thread can be stored
15:08.55alex2308the main thread waits 500ms for the "subthread" and checks the container for info
15:09.03alex2308its ugly, but easy
15:11.11anno^da-How do I decide if the database has been created for the first time or was available if I use the openOrCreateDatabase(...) command ?
15:11.17tricalex: thats wrong.
15:12.16dmoffettalex2308: check out android.os.Handler
15:12.21ttuttlealex2308: you want to use either a return message, or startActivityWithResult.
15:12.28tricalex: your ui thread should display some progress dialog. and the http thread should notify the ui thread about success using a Handler, you can send a message and attach objects aswell
15:12.50trictuttle: starting another activity doesnt help here
15:12.53alex2308the prob is, the new thread isnt allowed to do http requests, too
15:13.25dmoffettRun the http request in a thread and let your main thread do like tric said.
15:14.03dmoffettUse the Handler to notify your main thread when the request is done or failed.
15:14.04alex2308how can i create a thread, that is allowed to do http requests? am i missing something?
15:14.29ttuttlealex2308: Just create a Handler.
15:15.27alex2308ttuttle how can i create a thread, that is allowed to do http requests
15:15.43dmoffettWhy do you think a thread is not allowed to do an http request?
15:16.06alex2308because it raises an exception which says so
15:16.17dmoffettcan you send the excpetion?
15:16.29dmoffettI do this all the time but Ihave not ported to .9 yet.
15:18.25alex2308thats the code:
15:18.41alex2308line 12 raises: This thread forbids HTTP requests
15:19.40ttuttleWow, that's frighteningly specific.  If you have the permissions, I'm not sure why it's doing that.
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15:23.50alex2308the only permission i added since 0.9 is INTERNET
15:24.20alex2308i guess i have to implement a specific thread
15:24.27alex2308maybe a httprequestthread :p
15:24.28dmoffettalex2308: This http request worked from your main thread?
15:24.47alex2308no, the main thread forbids http requests, too
15:25.01dmoffettthen there is some other issue not threads.
15:25.16dmoffettOf course I have not tried my code on .9 yet.
15:26.54dmoffettMaybe someone that has ported to .9 can help, sorry.  It will suck if the method described does not work though.  :-(
15:32.28triccool. the code that was working at work is generating this on one of my projects: Error generating final archive: null, UnknownGeneric ADT Problem
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15:35.43tethridgeis there going to be an official email client?
15:35.59tethridgeI was checking to see how easy it is to send a photo via email and I couldn't do it
15:36.10tethridgeI assume that is because there isn't an email provider
15:36.21tethridgeam I missing something?
15:36.26romainguyalex2308: ttuttle how can i create a thread, that is allowed to do http requests << did you request the NETWORK (or INTERNET) permission?
15:37.30dmoffettromainguy: INTERNET I think
15:37.32ttuttletethridge: there will be an email client.  it's not included in the SDK, apparently.
15:37.41ttuttleromainguy: Yeah, it's INTERNET.  I remember when rlove changed it.
15:38.30tethridgeso is that the reason why I couldn't email the photo?  I sort of assumed that gmail support would be built in for sending photos
15:39.02ttuttletethridge: It will, on phones.
15:39.15ttuttletethridge: Or, at least, some sort of email client.
15:39.21romainguytethridge: this is the SDK, not the bits for an actual phone product
15:39.53tethridgeI understand, I'm just trying to see how so use cases will work
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15:43.54alex2308romainguy i did add the INTERNET permission
15:44.21tricdamn, this "Error generating final archive: null" error sucks
15:44.39tethridgeI was able to crash the media player in landscape mode.  Plus it didn't show cover art when in landscape mode and some buttons didn't render correctly.  Should I file bugs?
15:45.07alex2308attach a virus if you do
15:45.35alex2308mac virus, because the google folks use osx
15:47.42anno^da-_did the services run without big changes when you ported your apps ?
15:48.11alex2308i dont use services
15:48.55tricanno: yes
15:54.11ttuttlealex2308: why would you attach a virus?
15:54.47alex2308to demonstrate anger :)
15:55.27ttuttlealex2308: in the unlikely event you managed to infect someone's computer, do you think that would make them more likely to want to fix your bug?
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15:57.16alex2308id force them to
16:00.32ttuttlealex2308: how?  (I'm really interested now.)
16:00.48ttuttlealex2308: I mean, if your virus contained an AI smart enough to fix the code, I think you could just *sell* it to Google.
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16:01.48al2308i could encrypt personal data and ask for a bugfix in order to decrypt them
16:03.10dmoffettthat might be hard when bubba from cell block C is giving you the old heave ho.
16:06.03ttuttleal2308: Um, /me is not even going to go in to the dozens of reasons why that would be ineffective.
16:07.18anno^da-_Well I'm starting my service. It starts the onCreate and onStart method. In onStart I'm starting a thread to do the heavy work that has to be done by the service. But the start fails all the time. The application crashes I get no error message in the emulator. Just a black screen remains. What could that be? With M5 everything works fine.
16:07.38ttuttleanno^da-_: Did you check logcat?
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16:10.05al2308threading seems to be a popular problem :)
16:11.18anno^da-_Well yes but I'm not getting the error. :/
16:13.35anno^da-_I'm checking again now :).
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16:28.22jastaanyone around that can help with my service permission issue?
16:34.55jasonchenwhat are you trying to do?
16:35.31jastacreate a service in one APK and use it in another.
16:36.02jastai figured i might need to create a permission to use the service from external APKs, which I did, but the problem remains.
16:36.21jastaI get a permission denial because the client APK apparently doesn't have the custom permission that it requests.
16:36.27jastathe two manifests are here:
16:38.26jasonchencan i assume that you're signing both APKs with the same key?
16:38.35jastano, you can't.
16:38.45jastathe two APKs are logically separate on purpose
16:39.05jastathey represent an unprivileged modular arrangement.  any other developer should be able to extend five exactly as five-music does.
16:42.00anno^da-_Do I need a permission to start the MediaRecorder ?
16:42.21jasonchenanno^da-_: android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO
16:42.34jasonchenwhen in doubt, check
16:43.08anno^da-_Well Im recordin video
16:43.15anno^da-_and there is no permission regarding that
16:43.43anno^da-_in M5 it worked fine now I get no error in code but the MediaRecorder fails with an Exception
16:44.08jasonchenjasta: re: what you're trying to do--i'm poking around to see if there's an example that I can reference
16:44.28jasonchenanno^da-_: what's the exception?
16:45.27anno^da-_runtime exception -> start failed
16:45.36jastajasonchen: what's weird is it claims clearly that i get permission denial for org.devtcg.five.permission.CONTENT_SERVICE
16:45.59jastabut five-music declares that it uses this permission.  so it is Android just telling me to buzz off that i can't have the permission i ask for?
16:46.08jastaso is*
16:46.41jastai was pretty tired last night tho, so maybe i missed something stupid :)
16:49.08jasonchenjasta: it looks like you're declaring uses-permission in both client and music
16:49.44jasonchenyou want to delcare a permission in <service> on the five-music side
16:50.31jasonchen(this is of course, assuming that my morning coffee has kicked in and i'm making sense)
16:51.26ttuttlejasonchen: sounds right
16:51.46jasonchenbasically move lines 15-21 in five-client/AndroidManifest.xml into the <service> entry for five-musis/AndroidManifest.xml
16:54.27jasonchenttuttle: cool. didn't realize that you were hanging out here. are you back in school?
16:57.40jastajasonchen: hmm?  i don't follow?
16:58.11jastafive-music is the real client to these services.  the <permission> declaration should remain in five-client, no?
16:58.34muthuservice declares permissions, clients says uses-permission
16:59.24jastaright, so i don't see what i did wrong here?
17:01.47muthulooks like you are doing the reverse now
17:02.04muthuas jason said, move the permission declaration from client to server
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17:03.57jastafive-client implements the service.  ignore the name of the project in this context.  five-client is a client to the five-server, a C program running on the user's PC.
17:04.46jasonchenok, ignoring the name, you need to move the the <permission> under <service> regardless
17:05.09jastai thought you did this by declaring android:permission="..." to specify which permission you use?
17:05.53jastafor example, what if i wanted to consolidate CONTENT_SERVICE and META_SERVICE permissions into FIVE_SERVICES?
17:06.00jastaand have content and meta service both require FIVE_SERVICES permission
17:06.20jastathen if i put <permission> under <service> it wouldn't make any sense.  i'd have to declare FIVE_SERVICES permission twice.
17:06.23jasta(or more, for more services)
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17:13.26steventroughtonsout of interest (and i'm checking, but are there any Terminal apps for android?
17:13.53morrildlsteventroughtons: do you mean a terminal onto the local device, or like an SSH client?
17:14.09steventroughtonslocal device, commandline access to the OS
17:14.13morrildlsteventroughtons: a terminal onto the local device will be largely useless on production devices due to the security policies
17:14.25steventroughtonssecurity policites?
17:14.28morrildlsteventroughtons: you can run 'adb shell' to get a command line though
17:14.44steventroughtonssure, that part i'm doing atm, but it would be nice to have a terminal app
17:15.15morrildlsteventroughtons: we had one but I think it's bit-rotted a little
17:15.30steventroughtons'we' being google?
17:16.24morrildlsteventroughtons: yes
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17:16.45jastasteventroughtons: on a real device, this would not be as useful as you imagine.
17:16.47steventroughtonsoh that would be super to see out in the wild, has it been pulled?
17:17.18steventroughtonsI'm only working off the sdk, and i've found terminals to be useful on iphone, but what 'security policies' did you mean?
17:17.24jastasteventroughtons: we thought about creating one for the vogue, but didn't for a couple of reasons: a) to write a proper terminal we would need to write some stuff natively, b) the vogue had no hardware keyboard
17:17.37jastafor a real device, a terminal will be exposed through adb.
17:17.40jasta(i bet)
17:18.11steventroughtonscould one access the adb shell from a java activity?
17:18.39jastano.  i'm having a hard time understanding what exactly you're wanting to do?
17:19.14steventroughtonsjust want a shell prompt in the os, that's all
17:19.37muthusteventroughtons: you can talk to the adb from activity
17:19.38steventroughtonspoke around the filesystem, run commands, etc?
17:19.50jastasteventroughtons: you can plug the phone into USB and run adb shell for that.
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17:20.04steventroughtonsthat means i have to plug it into a computer
17:20.07jastano reason to do it through an android activity.  that makes no sense at all.
17:21.08jastawell, whatever, you won't be able to do it without defeating android's built-in security (that being that you won't be able to run ELF binaries without being privileged more than regular applications can be) anyway.
17:21.23jastaor at least, certain ELF binaries.  those in /system.
17:21.54steventroughtonssure, but that wouldn't stop me installing busybox in /data for example, and using it to work with the fs
17:21.59jastafor exploration, the SDK and developer tools (adb) will be much more than you need.  and also, much more than you get on the iPhone.
17:22.05steventroughtonsas i've been doing with the adb shell
17:22.28jastai just don't see why you would want to explore with the phone.  do you believe you can learn something new that way?
17:22.42jastaor just frustrate your fingers and eyes?
17:23.07steventroughtonsi've used a terminal on iphone for many different reasons
17:23.24jastaby the way, Android's "security" is likely to be a very thin layer, unable to stop most seasoned linux hackers.
17:23.44jastaif you are one of them, you should be able to defeat it and create/install a terminal app.
17:24.23steventroughtonswell currently i can create elf c binaries to run with adb shell, but then can't make a UI one i dont think
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17:24.31jastaAndroid's security, in fact, will be entirely based on the notion that you won't be reflashing the image.  If you do, all bets are off.
17:24.39jastasteventroughtons: you can make a UI terminal.  or rather, *one* can. ;)
17:24.50jastamaybe that's you, or maybe it isn't, I can't say.
17:25.33jastabut do realize that a proper terminal will allocate a UNIX pty, which is not functionality Java can natively do.  You would need to write a small JNI layer, or try to fiddle with their ioctl binary (I did, unsuccessfully)
17:26.17jastaregardless, it would not be a hard project.  as i said, a seasoned hacker should be able to do lots of things like this, asusming you can reflash the device.
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17:26.38jastamost of Google's security, as is the case with any embedded device, is based on the notion that you aren't going to just simply reflash the thing.
17:27.10jastamaybe they have extra hardware checks or softare checksumming to prevent this from being easy, but i doubt it.  most embedded devices can't afford to do that type of thing.
17:27.31steventroughtonsbut that's assuming i have one of these theoretical 'devices' :P i have but the emulator, and won't be getting any device under contract
17:27.46steventroughtonsI'm interested in seeing what the system can do
17:27.50jastathen why do you care to develop software to run on a phone you won't buy?
17:27.51steventroughtonsnot the first device that runs it
17:28.04jastaare you just trying to crudely compare the iPhone to Android?
17:28.07steventroughtonsbecause I'm interested in the platform
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17:28.38jastathe platform itself as designed by Google will prevent you from constructing a meaningful system terminal.  that is your answer, then.
17:29.03jastathe iPhone probably needs to be jailbroken to support this as well, which makes the comparison void.
17:29.08steventroughtonsright, so it's no less restrictive than iPhone
17:29.27steventroughtonsI'm not trying to compare anything, I was just hoping to have a native app terminal instead of using adb all the time
17:29.35ttuttleThe restrictions are really there to prevent security problems.  Would you give an app on your phone a root terminal?
17:29.48steventroughtonsnot my 'phone'
17:29.56steventroughtonsbut if it were another device, perhaps
17:30.20steventroughtonsso long as anything distasteful could be undone
17:30.23ttuttleor, rather...
17:30.26romainguy_steventroughtons: what exactly do you need to do with a terminal?
17:30.27steventroughtonsvia a reflash or dfu
17:30.39ttuttlewould you trust your average user to manage a device where apps can have a root terminal?
17:30.47steventroughtonsI don't *need* anything, I just asked if there was one around
17:30.50jastasteventroughtons: distasteful could be undone?  the device has a wireless radio directly tied to your bank account.  oh yes, there is a LOT of distsateful things to be done.
17:30.52steventroughtonsand this is what I get :P
17:31.01steventroughtons@jasta I said not a phone
17:31.14jastathis meta conversation is boring me.
17:31.21steventroughtonsbecause you don't read? ;)
17:31.22morrildljasta: then don't participate :)
17:31.26ttuttlejasta: == morrildl
17:31.35jastattuttle/morrildl any insight on my permission issue?
17:31.44morrildljasta: permission issue?
17:31.51ttuttlejasta: plz to see your Manifest(s)?
17:32.10jastathe "client":
17:32.18jastathe "server":
17:32.19morrildlsteventroughtons: the emulator is somewhat less locked down than devices will be, but you still won't find a terminal particularly useful
17:32.23morrildlsteventroughtons: but yes, one can be created
17:32.35morrildlyour best bet is still just 'adb shell' though
17:32.45steventroughtonsthat's all i was asking, thanks
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17:33.18jastamorrildl: the client (five-music) gets permission denial trying to bind to either the content or meta services defined by the "server" (five-client)
17:33.39morrildljasta: oh I think jasonchen was looking at that
17:33.42jastadespite that i created the permission relationship as android seemed to require.  before i had any permission stuff in place, it also failed with permission denial.
17:33.56jastahe was, but his suggestion did not make any sense.
17:34.02jastaand then he wandered off :)
17:35.27jastaactually, perhaps my axml2xml tool still works and i can just find this out from the system apks
17:36.46morrildljasta: and what are you trying to do?  protect your Service via a permission other apps have to request?
17:37.07jastamorrildl: no, all i'm trying to is use my service.  i tried adding permissions because that didn't work initially, citing a securityexception.
17:37.25jastait was suggested to me that i no wmust create a permission relationship to make it work, which also doesn't seem to work.
17:37.39romainguy_morrildl: the service and the app run in two different processes, different user ids, and different apks (in case this matters)
17:38.13jastajust like all the system services do, so this should be supported, right?
17:38.22ttuttlejasta: are the services offered by the client or "music"?
17:38.40jastattuttle: the services are in five-client.  the nomenclature here is confusing because there is a larger role being described there.
17:38.41ttuttlejasta: I think you need to declare the permission in the other manifest.
17:39.07jastattuttle: that makes no sense though.  why would the apk using the service describe in detail the permission it wants?  with human readable decriptions and the like?
17:39.15ttuttlejasta: IT doesn't.
17:39.19ttuttlejasta: *It
17:39.31ttuttlejasta: It should be described in detail in the apk *offering* the service.
17:39.38ttuttlejasta: The one using it just has <uses-permission android:name="..." />
17:39.39jastawhich is five-client, where they are defined.
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17:40.03jastaby the way, i also have <uses-permission> in five-client, the host of the services, because it was required after i added permissions.
17:40.11jastathat seemed stupid to me, though, as you can see by my comment immediately above:
17:40.30ttuttlejasta: Oh, I was reading this wrong.
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17:40.46ttuttlejasta: Looks like it should work.  Where are you getting the error?
17:41.07jastattuttle: in five-music as it attempts to construct its playlist service which binds immediately to the content service.
17:41.45jastathe security exception doesn't describe the permission denial specifically, however the logcat a few lines above the exception says that there is a "Permission denial", because I need "org.devtcg.five.permission.CONTENT_SERVICE".
17:41.57jastawhich i clearly request, as you can see in five-music's manifest.
17:41.59ttuttlejasta: ...but you request that.
17:42.01ttuttlejasta: Yeah.
17:42.14ttuttlejasta: And you're sure everything's up to date and such?
17:42.25jastamy only thought is that somehow the project wasn't getting rebuilt with the right manifest?  but i tried cleaning it several times :\
17:42.41jastai can try one more time now building on a totally separate host, but i do think there is a problem here other than that.
17:42.44jastahang on, i will try anyway
17:42.47ttuttlejasta: Okay.
17:43.24jasta(i have to go through all the hassle of installing eclipse 3.4 manually hehe)
17:44.21romainguy_jasta: have you tried moving the <users-permission/> after the <persmission/>? :)
17:45.06jastaromainguy_: the problem is not in the manifest you're reading.
17:45.21jastafive-client works fine.  five-music can't use five-client's services, though.
17:46.01jasta(btw, i would prefer to remove all these permissions completely, but that doesn't seem possible either)
17:46.26jastaalthough i guess there's no harm in adding that layer
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17:48.31morrildljasta: I'm confused, how many apks are involved here?
17:49.26jasonchenjasta: did you try adding android:exported="true" to your <service>s when trying to do this sans permissions?
17:49.46jastamorrildl: 2.
17:50.07jastajasonchen: no, i didn't.  i'd never heard of that attribute before.
17:51.33jastait seems like, had i had an intent-filter, that android:exported="true" would be set automatically?  am i reading this documentation right?
17:51.59jastadoes a service having intent filters make any sense though?  not really sure what that would be for
17:52.24jasonchenit doesn't particularly make sense--hence the existence of the attribute, methinks.
17:52.49jastahang on, i will try this (still setting up eclipse 3.4)
17:54.43jastaafter reading the changes-overview, this does seem like the likely culprit though.  thanks.
17:55.43jasonchenyw. sorry it took a bit to get to this.
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18:13.08jasta*groan*, finally got it up and building again :)
18:13.22jastai need to fix the anrdoid maven plugin so i dont have to use Eclipse to build anymore hehe
18:14.48jastajasonchen: thanks, android:exported did the trick.
18:15.09jasonchenjasta: great to hear
18:15.21jastatime to start digging in and rewriting most of this crap ;)
18:16.07jastawell, no, but it will be time when im off work hehe
18:24.28tricdamn, still this Generic ADT Problem with a project
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18:25.17dualWill it be possible to code applications for android in Python anytime soon?
18:25.38tricerror generating Archive: null. any hints how to debug this?
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18:30.03jasta_sup homie :)
18:33.50xavdtric: what's the context?
18:34.53fpotternot much :)  trying to figure out what the proper setup is for testing (regular unit testing, tests w/ instrumentation) on android.  I noticed the ApiDemos project with 0.9 came with several tests under a 'tests' dir, but not sure how to kick them off, or what the right way is to build them along with the main ApiDemos project.
18:35.00tricxavd: its a Error of a project. prolly happens while building it
18:35.26herriojrfpotter: did you get it working on a device?
18:35.33xavdtric: it shows up in the console?
18:36.09tricxavd: there is nothing in console, it shows up in Problems View in Eclipse 3.4
18:36.46fpotterherriojr: I got the regular ApiDemos running on the device.  That part was fine.  Just not sure what the right way is to build the tests themselves.  They have their own AndroidManifest file, that defines no activity.
18:36.50tricbut i discovered it shows up for all new android projects, so i guess my adt plugin is broken
18:37.15xavddid you try doing a clean?
18:38.50jasta_fpotter: i can help when i get back to the office, though i haven't done any sophisticated testing myself yet.
18:39.09jasta_it does seem that instrumentation was improved in 0.9 tho
18:39.29herriojrwhat devices are you guys running 0.9 on?  I thought it broke a lot of stuff
18:39.52herriojrI'll check the manifest in a second to see what you're talking about fpotter
18:39.53fpotterjasta: yeah... it looks kinda _awesome_.
18:39.58jasta_herrior: none currently.  i think the vogue is no more...
18:40.14herriojrah, ok
18:40.34tricxavd: yes, i tried several cleans. reinstall of both plugins fixed it.
18:40.36jasta_fpotter: it certainly is an improvement.  i finished getting five compiled this a lot more work left tho
18:41.06jasta_especially since now apparently i have to produce a kludgey work around to the deficient mediaplayer.
18:41.07xavdtric: well that was strange. glad to hear you got it fixed
18:41.14jasta_i doubt ill be able to target device launch
18:41.43fpotteris it even possible to have two AndroidManifest files referenced in the same project?  I kinda feel like the intention with the 'tests' under ApiDemos was to have them be a totally separate project, but not sure...
18:42.57jasta_i dont believe it is possible.  im heading back now so ill be back on to look in about 10m.
18:43.06jasta_(at lunch right now)
18:43.12dualI asked earlier, but I ask again: Will it be possible to run python apps on android?
18:44.22herriojrdual: it all depends on how open the carriers let android be when it launches on a device
18:44.34romainguy_dual: not with the 1.0 SDK
18:44.46romainguy_but you could have a Python interpreter in Java
18:44.51romainguy_like Jython
18:45.07tricxavd: hmm, looks like there is still something broken. accessing the main android preferences view or the child build view hangs
18:45.09anno^da-_romainguy: Do you know sth. if the MediaRecorder is broken ?
18:45.16dualherriojr: It should be possible to compile Python if android allows it
18:45.32dualBut how open source is it really to end users?
18:45.33romainguy_anno^da-_: no idea
18:46.00herriojrandroid is just a specification, the carriers can remove any and all features if they deem necessary before it launches on any devices on their network
18:46.22trichmm, strange, it works again. something is fishy here
18:46.25herriojrthat's one thing I don't think people have been taking into consideration
18:46.34xavdtric: what version of eclipse are you using?
18:46.45dualSo they wont let me install and change whatever I like?
18:46.57herriojrthey may not
18:47.02xavdtric: any information the eclipse log?
18:47.08tricworks well at work, worked without problems till this evening here. and since some hours it is broken.
18:47.38dualThen I bet people wont call it open source
18:47.51herriojrcarriers are free to modify android any way they see fit
18:48.04herriojrso android may be a subset of what it should be when it launches
18:48.07dualBut it wont be open source to the users
18:48.32romainguy_dual: yes it will, since they will be able to grab the source
18:48.36herriojroh, it could be open source, but they might implement some type of signing that doesn't allow you to install new firmware
18:48.47tricxavd: hmm, yes ;-)
18:48.49herriojrI've seen it done on Motorola devices
18:48.56dualWell, Ok
18:49.04herriojrwhere the source is open source, but you can't install it on the phone yourself without it being signed
18:49.25dualI bet someone will crack it some time.
18:49.31herriojrI hope so :)
18:50.20tricxavd: and this was the trace from my problem before reinstalling the plugin:
18:50.24xavdtric: that's strange
18:51.01xavdtric: I'll check that NPE
18:51.25xavdbut it's a bit strange, and migth be due to an install issue.
18:51.25trichaha, the the NPE is back again
18:51.33dualAny other than HTC who has confirmed that they will make android phones?
18:52.06xavdtric: damn
18:52.25xavdtric: can you enable the verbose build output (prefs > android >build)
18:52.43xavdI'd be interested to see what's the output before the npe (so that I can figure out where it happens)
18:53.07herriojrdual: probably any device manufacturer part of the open handset alliance
18:53.38herriojrhtc, lg, motorola, and samsung are all part of the open handset alliance
18:54.30dualAnd Sony Ericsson and Nokia are still sticking with Symbian? (which will also be "open source")
18:55.28herriojrI don't know for sure
18:55.46herriojrNokia just recently started making BREW phones again, so I wouldn't say they are completely tied to symbian
18:56.13dualOk, I didn't know that
18:56.22herriojrbut interestingly, qualcomm is part of the open handset alliance
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18:56.32herriojrso BREW might go the way of the dinosaurs
18:57.10herriojrI look at it this way: manufacturers will support whatever operating systems the carriers enforce
18:57.30herriojrotherwise their phones won't get sold :)
18:57.36dualMaybe a little beyond this channel topics but: Will Nokia/SE let people install new versions of the open source symbian on phones with for example UIQ2/3 and S60 etc?
18:58.14dualBetter check #symbian
18:58.30tricxavd: lemme try to isolate the problem. eclipse is logging again after a restart ;)
19:01.07herriojrlong day jasta?
19:01.17jastalate night, more like it :)
19:01.26jastawas up getting my app to run on 0.9 (which it does now)
19:01.32herriojryeah :)
19:01.37herriojrI was up late watching olympics
19:02.56herriojrbtw, did they finally implement class loading?
19:03.11herriojror do you still have to do it the dex file way?
19:03.54jastafpotter: it does look like they set up instrumentation to be a separate project, but obviously unit testing would not work this way
19:04.05jastaromainguy_ may be able to comment more intelligently on how they do this internally
19:07.04tricxavd: ok, i started eclipse without any open android project, and created a new Android project (AndroidTest). this is the eclipse log, is the console output
19:07.07jastafpotter: unit testing and instrumentation doesn't seem to be a well understood problem by anyone working with android
19:08.35Cedric2Yup, we think testing is a waste of time
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19:10.06jastaCedric2: huh?
19:11.19jastaromainguy_: are you around?  i have a few more questions about the static service connections in the music player and other apps?
19:11.25romainguy_jasta: fpotter: unit testing and instrumentation doesn't seem to be a well understood problem by anyone working with android << wtf are you talking about?
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19:11.46jastaromainguy_: by anyone that doesn't work at Google, I meant.
19:12.09jastano, not still.  where is a working example of this done correctly?
19:12.35umdk1d3jasta: i would say that 80% of android code written by outsiders is still closed source at this point
19:12.43xavdtric: looking
19:12.47jastahow do we build the ApiDemos tests and run them ourselves, for example?
19:12.48umdk1d3so we are only looking at a small sample of apps
19:13.08fpotterI'm just trying to understand how to build/run these cool instrumentation tests that come along with ApiDemos, so I can understand how to use them with my own project.
19:14.03romainguy_what's the problem with building it?
19:15.26jastahow do you build a project with multiple manifests?
19:15.48romainguy_you don't
19:15.50romainguy_you build two apks
19:15.50fpotterromainguy: it's probably just me - i'm a little new to the scene.  There's a directory full of tests there under tests/src that reference code under src/, another AndroidManifest file there that defines not activity.  I'm not sure where to go next...
19:17.05jastaromainguy_: does the included activityCreator generate ant build environments which can make this work or will we have to hack that up ourselves to do testing outside of the Eclipse environment?
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19:24.37anno^da-_Am I able to invoke the callback of the camers takePicture somehow ? Or does the user have to click the button that is fixed by the hardware vendor ?
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19:24.59fpotterromainguy: it's probably supposed to be obvious, but for whatever reason, I don't get how to build that second apk with the tests in it.
19:26.10jastafpotter: actually, Android's documentation is missing lots of stuff.  Their own examples kind of gloss over certian details simply because they're well understood internally.
19:26.38jastaIt's a huge project, sure, and the general quality of the docs are great, but there are certain corners where it's incomplete, or just plain wrong
19:27.12jastaand i've always thought testing was one of those areas.  i was certain they used unit testing and instrumentation internally, but never bothered to say "oh by the way, ..." :)
19:27.23jastaapparently Romain thinks i'm crazy for saying that, though.
19:32.50tethridgeI know why he's not responding...  :-)
19:33.01tethridgelet me help
19:33.05tethridgeromainguy,  :-)
19:34.31jastaromainguy_: so, another problem i wrestled with on Five for quite a while that seems to be solved your music player here (and probably other apps of course) is how to deal with processing UI events before the necessary service connection has been made.  There seems to be a small window between when the UI opens for the first time and the service is available to do stuff where if the user clicks an action, there is no way to fulfill the request.
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19:34.53jastaI thought the best strategy seemed to be to queue messages for all UI commands until the service is connected, and use a Handler to catch that cas.e
19:35.01jastabut that seemed like a bit of overhead to kill a race condition
19:35.08jastahow does the music player solve this?
19:36.15jastatethridge: i think the problem is really just taht their build/deploy/test environment is way different from ours, and they haven't really translated it yet :)
19:36.51tethridgeyou have a test environment?
19:37.10tethridgeI thought that was what users were for
19:38.35marconejasta: the music player solves that in mainly two ways: either don't put up the UI until the service is up, or don't respond to UI if you're not connected to the service
19:38.44umdk1d3hmm is there a reason this isnt working?   android:drawableTop="?android:drawable/divider_horizontal_dark"
19:38.59umdk1d3it comes back with lots of exceptions
19:39.09jastamarcone: hmm?  how does it do both?
19:39.30marconesome of its activities do it one way, some the other way
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19:49.36umdk1d3with the drawableTop xml definition, is there a way to force it to behave like a 9patch and strech to fill_parent?
19:58.41umdk1d3gaaaah i cant make an ImageView stretch a 9patch
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20:09.26jastamarcone: how do you block the UI?  just defer calling setContentView?
20:10.08jastawhat will display in its place after onCreate?  a blank view?
20:10.33ttuttleA black screen.
20:10.40ttuttleI believe.
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20:11.52jastait would be nice to have a way to defer the window loading.
20:12.18jastawell, maybe.  it would be interesting to be able to experiment with the two approaches
20:12.57marconehow is "defer window loading" different from deferring the call to setContentView() ?
20:15.20zhobbshmm....anyone know offhand how to search for links to a specific filename in google?
20:16.21zhobbsgreat, thanks
20:17.07jastamarcone: i mean, the window animates into existence, but would display a black view for a moment
20:17.13jastawhy not defer allowing the window to even appear?
20:17.22jastaor have that ability some other way, at least.
20:17.47jastabut i'm not confident that would be better.  i'd have to see it side-by-side i think
20:20.39marconepostponing the window animation would make it appear as though your app didn't launch.
20:21.18inZane-_did anyone got the gps provider running with the new sdk?
20:21.21jastamarcone: what activities ignore the user's input?
20:21.25inZane-_the docs say the gps provder simulates a journey as in the old release
20:21.29jastaversus which ones wait?
20:21.33inZane-_but i dont get any updates :-(
20:21.40jastamarcone: trying to get a better sense of how my app should behave...
20:21.47jastawhat a good base guideline is for this behaviour
20:22.20jastamarcone: also, romain tells me the service connection is maintained statically so the activity need not reconnect while the service (and thus process) is still alive
20:22.53jastabut why is that a HashMap of Context to ServiceConnection?  Why not just a static reference to the ServiceConnection?
20:22.56marconeI don't think there is one that waits for its entire UI. The main screen displays part of its UI only after its bound to the service (it doesn't actually postpone calling setContentView)
20:24.01jastaerr, not the serviceconnection, i meant to the service connection binder itself, as given by onServiceConnected()
20:27.11jastabut still, why the HashMap?
20:27.17marconethe hashmap is just there to support some convenience methods to bind/unbind the service
20:27.25jastai'm exciting to implement this paradigm into my app :)
20:28.08jastawhat do you mean?  is it something abstract you guys use internally?
20:29.48marconethe music app has a class with a bunch of convenience methods for its various activities (getting a list of songs, starting playback, binding to the service, etc), and one of those methods uses that hashmap to keep track of who has bound to the service
20:30.12marconeit's really just something internal to the music app
20:31.36tethridgeis the finger swipe patented for navigation between pictures when viewing in full screen mode?
20:33.15tethridgeI'm just curious.  The home screen uses the finger swipe to move across desktops, but in the photo viewer you have to click on the arrows to the left and right
20:33.25jastamarcone: is the HashMap shared by each Activity, or does each implement the field itself?
20:33.29tethridgethe lack of consistency is what confuses me
20:34.13anno^da-_Does someone know how the "replace(..)" method in the SQLiteDatabase works ? I don't see the funcionality of it.  Where do I define which row to be replaced ?
20:35.09umdk1d3anno^da-_: it might be based on the current row selected by the cursor
20:35.32umdk1d3oh hmm in SQLiteDatabase idk
20:35.40romainguy_tethridge: we have good reasons
20:36.01marconejasta: assuming you are talking about the same HashMap as I was, then it's private to the MusicUtils class, and only accessed by some of its methods
20:36.09tethridgeI guess you aren't going to tell me?
20:36.51umdk1d3tethridge: not sure about any patents on that
20:38.31tethridgeromainguy, I guess a new photo view could be written to use the finger swipe if somebody wanted, right?
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20:41.17SUSaiyanwhy wouldnt you use finger swipe for the photo viewer?
20:41.26tethridgethat's my point
20:41.43tethridgecurrently you have to click on two arrow on the left and right to navigate
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20:45.05ligiis there a way to use MapView without network?
20:45.28ligiwith cached content
20:46.34jastasweet!  it's finally been made official so i can talk about it hehe
20:46.46jastaGoogle invested a truckload of cash in my girlfriend's startup company, AltaRock Energy :)
20:47.10jastashe doesn't own it or anything, but she's gonna make mad cash from this still :)
20:47.42davidw_give her a ring before she gets away
20:47.58davidw_what do they do?
20:48.56jastageothermal energy
20:49.40jastathey're just getting started too, they don't even have a facility built yet.
20:49.51jastabut Google dropped a ton of cash on them to build a demo site
20:50.05jasonchenpictured larry & sergey in some victorian jules verne adventure to the center of the earth when he heard about that investment
20:51.01marconejasta: so technically, they're supposed to use that cash to build a demo site, not to give lots of its to your girlfriend :)
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20:51.44jastamarcone: *pssh*, technicality
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20:52.29davidw_hopefully they don't come up with any bright ideas like drilling under Crater Lake...
20:52.37davidw_someone wanted to do that a number of years ago
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21:29.04tethridgeromainguy, can you tell me why that decision was made?
21:34.44tethridgeI guess some stuff is still covered by an NDA...    :-)
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21:55.33jastaromainguy_: that new fancy application crash dialog that pops up on fatal exceptions...can it be thrown intentionally to represent a fatal condition in your app?
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21:56.39jastai'd like to throw up a kind of "aww crap" dialog and finish() on fatal conditions
21:58.52zhobbsthrow RuntimeException() ?
21:59.10zhobbsthrow new RunetimeException("message")
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22:07.06davidwthis is going to be a slog
22:08.26romainguy_tethridge: if I could tell I would tell :)
22:09.51jastazhobbs: well, but i want to call finish() as well, and i want to ensure that my app is not restarted when the user clicks the button
22:10.06jastasince i plan to use this for cases where i know the fatal error is going to just happen again
22:10.37marconewhy not just show a dialog yourself then? It's not *that* hard...
22:11.26jastano, i know, but i was hoping there was just some nice ErrorDialog class or somethin :P
22:11.44zhobbsthe wind/rain is picking up here...I'm going to be stuck home until this hurricane passes tomorrow evening
22:11.47romainguy_there's AlertDialog jasta
22:11.57romainguy_that's what the Sorry! dialog is
22:12.12jastareally?  what about the icon?
22:12.19romainguy_the triangle thing?
22:12.24jastai thought it extended AlertDialog to do that.
22:12.34romainguy_jsut use AlertDialog.Builder
22:13.16jastaok, what's the icon that's used by the standard one?
22:13.48*** part/#android ozarka (n=elineber@
22:14.19romainguy_oops no
22:14.20romainguy_not this one
22:14.33romainguy_let's start over
22:14.38romainguy_what icon are you talking about?
22:15.46jastaam i imaginging the icon in the "Sorry!" dialog?  I thought it was a triangle with an exclamation point in it.
22:15.57romainguy_ah yes
22:16.03romainguy_then it's ic_dialog_alert
22:16.08romainguy_just wanted to make sure that was the right one
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22:16.25dasunsrule32What is android?
22:16.46romainguy_so just call setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_alert_dialog) on AlertDialog.Builder
22:16.59f00f-loves Builder's
22:17.01dasunsrule32I rememer
22:17.04*** part/#android dasunsrule32 (
22:18.05jastaromainguy_: yeah, it's simple enough.  i was just thinking a nice way to centralize this in Android itself would be cute.  but it's not a big deal. more ArrayListCursor
22:19.06f00f-it's a MatrixCursor now?
22:20.29zhobbsyeah, guess so
22:21.46zhobbsI don't really understand Parcelable.describeContents()
22:22.03romainguy_it's only if you use file descriptors
22:22.08romainguy_for now
22:39.20chomchomdavidw: yeah, its such a slog!
22:39.37chomchomthats me finished real work at 23:39
22:39.50chomchomnow onto the 42 remaining errors
22:51.19chomchomI'm trying to make a notification like this : Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.stat_sample, text, System.currentTimeMillis());
22:51.26chomchomis that right?
22:52.56chomchomAh yeah
22:53.04chomchomyou just use it in the notification manager
22:56.19jastadoes anyone know if there's a lot of overhead associated with IFoo.Stub.asInterface(ibinder)?
22:57.38jastai'm trying to implement a generic re-usable service connection activity to base a lot of my activities on
22:57.58jastaand i'm thinking about storing statically the IBinder result and just simulating onServiceConnected() when the connection can be re-used.
22:58.18jastaso when it is reused i'd be calling IFoo.Stub.asInterface() on it each time
22:58.36jastaI wonder if it's even safe to keep a lingering reference to the binder object given to me by onServiceConnected
22:58.43jastai really wish i could see this code that the music app uses ;)
23:01.41ttuttlejasta: patience
23:01.50ttuttlejasta: remember, all will be open-sourced in time
23:02.42jastado you really want us to have patience?  isn't it better for Android if we are writing code rather than waiting for you? :)
23:03.12ttuttlejasta: No, I want you to write code *while* waiting patiently for Google to finish it and then open-source it.
23:03.56jastamy app's rewritten, more elegant design depends on knowing this information now.
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23:06.36gamblerjasta, I doubt there is much overhead. as little as they could manage for that anyway
23:09.13gamblercan you use the lingering referenc and code a re-connection thats exception oriented?
23:09.49jastawhat would that do for me?
23:11.23gamblerlet you use the reference?
23:12.14jastawhat i was wondering is whether it's safe to keep a reference to the object given in onServiceConnected, or only if its safe to linger the IFoo.Stub.asInterface() result...
23:12.23jastabecause i bet they do the latter, since they aren't  trying to be quite as general
23:12.40jastai was trying to create a solution like theres but completely general
23:19.18gamblerdid you see linkToDeath
23:20.39gamblern e way im not experienced enough to discuss this well
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23:32.52chomchomNow that the Overlay controllers are gone
23:33.02chomchomAnd we have these itemizedOverlayItems
23:33.10chomchomhow abouts do we use them?
23:33.31chomchomJust generally will do
23:41.47jastaponders if SQLiteCursor's are thread-safe.
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23:55.23TSchultz55Anyone having issues with the new SDK in Linux?
23:55.43TSchultz55It won't generate the APK
23:56.27TSchultz55"Error generating final archive: null"
23:57.01jastai am not having problems
23:57.16TSchultz55are you using Eclipse 3.4?
23:57.23jastaon Ubuntu and Debian (2 machines)
23:57.27jastamake sure you clean your project in Eclipse
23:57.40TSchultz55clean Eclipse install too
23:57.50jastadid you install the ADT?
23:57.59jastathe Eclipse plugin, i mean.
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23:58.32xavdI'm surprised you're actually getting this error with no ADT plugin installed
23:58.35TSchultz55wait no I did
23:58.50xavdanything interesting in the .log file?
23:59.11xavd(in the workspace, under .metadata)
23:59.52TSchultz55no log in that folder

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