IRC log for #android on 20080813

00:42.48*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
00:46.23umdk1d4hey there, wondering if anyone else is working on a dbus/dcop-based remote control for android?
00:46.28umdk1d4specifically for vlc and amarok
00:46.51umdk1d4id love to jupm in and help with anything alreayd started, otherwise ill just do it myself  ;)
00:52.48umdk1d4ooh any mythtv too
01:00.10umdk1d4finally found a gem:
01:30.33*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
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01:40.18yakischlobajasta: know any 3 bedroom houses for rent?
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02:54.43gamblerumdk1d4, there is a thing called anyremote u might want to look at. It already does all that with JSR-82
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03:36.46yakischlobaanyone recommend a lightweight graph generator, just for simple line graphs?
03:37.16jastai take it you don't mean gnuplot? :)
03:37.42yakischlobai take it you mean gnuplot is heavy ;)
03:37.58sayersgnuplot :)
03:38.00yakischlobanever used it actually. only done graphs in ruby before.
03:38.02sayersthat name sounds free
03:39.01jastayakischloba: gnuplot is a good choice.  it's very easy to work with, and as light as you're going to get without being crap.
03:39.18jastaspend an hour learning how to interact with it.  and then be glad you did.
03:39.23yakischlobawait, I'm sorry. I meant to be used with android.
03:39.33jastaoh, lord no :)
03:39.43jastanevermind hehe
03:39.52yakischlobaspaced that minor detail ;)
03:41.28yakischlobano suggestion then?
03:41.56jastanot that i can think of.  you will likely have to roll your own.
03:42.19jastaJava on mobile devices is somewhat at odds.  You want your code to be as slim as possible.
03:42.36jastaWhich sometimes means avoiding existing reusable code
03:42.50jastaI would google for Java libraries (assuming you need it to be in Java0.
03:43.01jastaif you find none lightweight, Google harder.  if you still find none, write a crappy one :)
03:44.08yakischlobasounds like quite a learning experience.
03:48.45yakischlobasounds like it might be easier to submit my data and retrieve a graph over http.
03:49.18jastaprobably would be, but then you must consider whether or not your user logically expects your app to work without the network.
03:49.54yakischlobaI intend for there to be a server-side component anyways
03:50.10muthuyou can draw a simple graph yourself
03:50.12jastaplease just consider the implication.
03:50.22muthuusing the android graphics
03:50.30jastai think a lot of android users will be frustrated by the assumptions developers make.
03:51.10yakischlobagotta start somewhere. I don't believe its going to be perfect, I'm positive I'll re-write it at least 3 times, and I don't expect anyone to like it. (yet)
03:51.52muthujfreechart is one option
03:52.02yakischlobaEventually I'd love it if people used my app but for now its just learning.
03:52.32umdk1d4gambler: awesome thanks for that link
03:52.39yakischlobamuthu: do you think its light enough to use on android?..
03:52.51umdk1d4it looks like its pretty flexible, but only talks about using incoming DCOP, and not really sending
03:53.02jastayakischloba: well if you don't care that your app sucks, then anything's light enough.
03:53.03umdk1d4of course, it could always use the command-line dcop to send, but thats an extra step
03:53.17muthuyakischloba: do your own
03:53.31yakischlobajasta: please don't criticize for where I'm at :(
03:53.45muthuits very simple to do some graphs using the built in graphics stuff
03:54.03yakischlobamuthu: ok. thanks
03:54.06muthujfreechart is a bit heavy
03:54.13muthuit does all fancy things
03:54.24jastayakischloba: i just meant that if your expectations are so low, it doesn't matter what you decide :)
03:55.14muthuall my maps related classes are failing to load in dalvik.. any ideas?
03:55.52jastamuthu: if you expect help, you should publish something we can use.
03:55.56yakischlobajasta: I want the best solution within the scope of my abilities. I'll write my own graph thing then. I can't be a perfectionist about programming, UI design and usability while I'm in the elementary learning stages of all 3.
03:56.34muthujasta: publish what?
03:56.40jastayakischloba: if you're trying to just prototype your idea, it isn't necessarily a bad idea to pick some heavy java lib that's easy to work with and replace that piece of your design later.  just don't nail the thing in place.
03:56.49jastamuthu: well, how about some relevant log information?
04:01.23muthuit just says fail to load
04:01.29muthunot much details there
04:01.34jastai don't believe that.
04:01.53jastawhat is "it"?
04:02.55muthujasta: what would be the reasons for a class failing to load in dalvik?
04:08.50jastai'm sure there are lots.  please just answer my question if you want help.
04:09.19muthui don't have enough info there.. its weird
04:10.03jastaagain, where is "there"?
04:10.33muthuthe logcat says "failed to load class"..
04:10.36yakischlobamuthu is being a weirdo.
04:11.44jastai don't believe that the logcat merely says "failed to load class".  please stop hiding information.
04:14.19umdk1d4aww place nice jasta :P
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06:34.47jastatomgibara: you there?
06:39.12jastatomgibara: well anyway, i have some results.  i wouldn't call the difference negligible, although i don't think it would be prohitively slow for the MediaPlayer to implement a user-supplied stream.
06:41.14jastai haven't tested on the vogue yet, though.
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06:43.50rhett_have they given out these top 10 prizes yet?
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08:29.34Hai-Fai is that Dream? :) can hardly wait..
08:33.57anno^da_good monring guys
08:34.27Hai-Faimorning morning
08:37.18tomgibarajasta: What were the results of your benchmark?
08:39.35tomgibaraignore that, didn't notice the pm
08:45.05umdk1d4Hai-Fai: i dont think its the final one by far
08:45.16umdk1d4looks too much like the other demo handsets weve seen
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08:58.27spykidCan anyone confirm Android phone appearance in Germany? Got some infos, that it will happen in some weeks at least as preview :)
08:58.51muthuwho's previewing it?
08:59.11spykidsomeone will get a preview, no names ;)
08:59.20muthuwho's showing it?
08:59.28muthuis it htc?
09:00.09spykidNot much infos yet
09:00.30spykidBut the source is trustworthy
09:00.56muthunothing outside us.. is my guess
09:04.40anno^da_spykid: It I would say yes now the next rumours would be ready for take off. ;)
09:05.37muthuits not previewing anywhere
09:06.44spykidI'm quite cool with rumors, but this is quite sure - at least some OHA Member is previewing it to some selected persons/companies - for Germany T-Mobile would be obvious ;)
09:07.21muthutmobile and htc can preview it within their companies..
09:07.46spykidit's not within
09:08.24muthuhope the device comes out fast
09:08.45anno^da_well it would be cool but I dont believe anything any more untill I get something official :D
09:09.00cutmastathey should release asap a device
09:09.07spykidanno^da_: So do I ;)
09:09.10cutmastathat the iphone gets a goof competitor
09:09.44muthuand also release it for the global market
09:09.53spykidanno^da_: ...and I was asking for a second source :D
09:10.04cutmastai hope they dont make the same stupid release politics as apple do
09:10.27anno^da_spykid: Yeah I know. :D I'm confirming now that there will be a preview. ;)
09:12.26spykidanno^da: ...and now I'm searching for a third and maybe a fourth one outside of the IRC :D
09:13.08anno^da_Well alex is not here :P he could confirm as well
09:13.16anno^da_or jasta will confirm too :D
09:15.03cutmastaspykid, ask moriddl
09:16.54trichmm, is there a way to "bundle" a subactivity to the main activity, so when i press back button ill "close" the main app and not only the sub activity?
09:17.07tricor do i need to use a dialog instead of a subactivity.
09:18.21spykidcutmasta: I expect no one from Google itself to comment as they said it's up to their partners to make announcements
09:18.47cutmastaspykid, yap
09:19.01cutmastasounds reasonable
09:27.44tomgibaratric: Just get the main activity to finish when it observes that the sub activity has finished
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09:34.15anno^da_What is the right Media Content Provider (Photos and Video). On it says "Video.Media...." on it says "Media.Images...".
09:37.34trictomgi: hmm, true, thanks
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09:38.42anno^da_ <- Here I cant find the Media Provider. But I would like to take the right one and not storing my media files just in my own database or plain file.
10:01.04anno^da_got it
10:01.49anno^da_it is Images.Media ... (replace Images by the media type you want to store) Oh I likte wrong docs :D
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10:30.35anno^da_Whats wrong about that:  . I cant get the base URI for storing images. :/
10:43.53muthutry using the URI directly
10:52.21anno^da_I've tried that it fails all the time.
10:52.31anno^da_I will do it now without the ContentProvider
10:52.39anno^da_and switch to it with a new SDK
10:52.56anno^da_Reading through the groups there isnt a solution for that problem
10:53.22anno^da_all the examples given by google fail as well. (that I can access through the docs or in the groups)
10:53.52anno^da_Perhaps romainguy can say something about it
10:58.11muthuwe need an Android Developers Guide from goog
10:59.42anno^da_the problem is that the examples in the docs are not working and thats pretty annoying. Especially for beginners. :-)
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13:12.43anno^dareading through this rumoured TMO blog is pretty funny
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13:14.02anno^da"From what I'm hearing there is no video guys? No video and a 3 MP camera?"  <- haha well too funny.
13:14.37muthuno video?
13:14.39anno^da"I meant the phone doesn't take video with the camera. I'm sure it will play and stream video though" <- ahahaha
13:15.15anno^daeven with the sdk you can do video. This site seems to be veeeery trust worthy :D
13:16.37muthunot sure what;s coming for 1.0
13:18.27anno^dawell even the smallest phones do video recording ;)
13:20.22spykidanno^da: They are trustworthy, but not too techsavy and also there are some guys in the who have absolutely no glue ;)
13:20.51muthuonly oha knows!
13:21.12anno^daspykid thats the problem
13:21.15anno^danot tech savy :)
13:21.49spykidT-Mobile knows...
13:22.44muthuoh yeah
13:22.45spykidtmonews is a good indicator
13:23.06muthuhope its all opened up soon
13:23.45muthuanyone know when's the device launch?
13:23.46anno^daYeah we'll see soon ;)
13:24.01anno^daOctober if the sources are right
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13:26.29muthunext year will be exciting times to be working on android
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13:27.03muthuif android really catches on..
13:31.18anno^daI dont really care about the devices the most importing thing will be how open the system will really be.
13:31.56muthuits a combination of all these things
13:32.39anno^daso I have to concentrate on the next olympic final :P
13:33.38muthuwhat's that?
13:34.01anno^daan well I dont know how it is called in english.
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13:34.11anno^dafencing finals :)
13:34.30muthureally, you are good at it?
13:34.48anno^dalol no :P I have to concentrate on the tv
13:35.27anno^daBut well that would be cool ;). I'm writting with you from my android pre release device directly from the olympics.
13:35.50muthuit would be a reality in london ;)
13:35.56anno^dait will be
13:36.07anno^daand then we wont have censored internet access
13:36.16muthuand no carriers
13:36.22anno^dawell yeah
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13:50.52anno^dais Zattoo also available in the us ? (free P2P IP TV)
13:55.02alex2308US dont have enough bandwidth
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14:03.58spykidanno^da: Not if you try to use it with an US ip
14:12.03anno^daYeah ok so there are no channels available in the us.
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14:28.12spykidanno^da: If you use something like a proxy or vpn it might work
14:29.05anno^daWell haha no I dont want to use it. I was just interested if the service is also available in the us.
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15:09.49yakischlobamorning morning
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15:15.12jastayawn :)
15:22.36yakischlobatell me about it. i layed in bed for half an hour or so after my alarm went off this morning. body did not want to rise.
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16:39.55anno^da_good evening
16:40.50romainguy__good morning :)
16:41.12anno^dahaha well how late is it in the us ?
16:41.41tethridgealmost 1:00 PM on the east coast
16:41.51romainguy__9:40 on the west coast
16:42.01anno^daah :) ok here in Germany it is 7 pm :)
16:42.05anno^damorning :D haha
16:44.44anno^daromainguy: do you know sth about the media content providers in m5 ? (for images video etc) Should they work or are they known to not work?  (an according thread: )
16:45.43romainguy__I have no idea
16:46.05romainguy__unfortunately M5 is so far away from what we use now that it's a bit difficult to say what was working or not back then :(
16:46.13anno^daok no problem then I'm using the normal file saving.
16:46.20romainguy__file saving?
16:46.28anno^dasave it to a normal file :)
16:47.30anno^daBut I can imagine that it is difficult for you to say sth about that very old version.
16:47.42romainguy__I wish I could help more :)
16:48.11romainguy__there are periods during which builds that are 2 or 3 days old are very different already :)
16:48.14anno^dahaha yeah but no problem. Tell us the release date for the new SDK and everything is fine. *laughing*
16:48.43romainguy__I may or may not know
16:48.50romainguy__but whether I know or not, I won't tell :)
16:49.02romainguy__I don't want to spoil the surprise
16:49.03anno^daWell yeah thats what I knew.
16:49.11anno^daBut it was worth a try.
16:49.20anno^daSo it will be tomorrow. :)
16:49.41anno^daOr with the pre release of the HTC dream in september.
16:50.03romainguy__Haha, you've been reading too many rumors on the web :p
16:50.23anno^daBut it must be fun for you hearing all the rumours and knowing it better.
16:50.52anno^daHaha yeah reading for sure but not really believing. :-)
16:50.57romainguy__in a way it's fun
16:51.01romainguy__but it's also scary
16:51.12romainguy__because if the other news are of the same quality...
16:51.18tethridgeI don't expect you google employees to weigh in on this issue, but it does make me worry a little if T-mobile launches a phone in Sept.
16:51.22anno^dathe other news ?
16:51.30anno^dawrong news ?
16:51.33romainguy__what's impressive is that when *one* web site talks about a rumor with no source, every web site in the world quotes that web site
16:51.40tethridgethere won't be very many apps for it compared to the likes of the iPhone or winMo
16:51.55romainguy__tethridge: iPhone came out with 0 apps
16:52.02anno^daThats right.
16:52.09anno^daIt took one year for the app store ;)
16:52.21anno^daand the 3G phone
16:52.46anno^daand even that is not capaple of the easiest things. (but no bashing I do like it)
16:52.49tethridgewell, I've been waiting a year already.  I don't want to wait another year
16:53.04romainguy__just remember that Android is NOT one product
16:53.10romainguy__it's a platform and an OS
16:53.34anno^daromainguy: but thats what happens when no offical information is offered.
16:53.47anno^daEverey news site writes about every littler rumour.
16:53.48romainguy__anno^da: except that "journalists" should know better
16:53.54anno^daThats right.
16:54.14romainguy__I worked as a tech journalist for years and this kind of quality just disgusts me
16:54.21romainguy__these people are not professionnal
16:54.27anno^daWell thats something I'm with you.
16:54.33romainguy__it's impressive to see how they copy/paste each other
16:54.45romainguy__they don't even try to rewrite the news
16:54.50anno^daYeah it is. When you look at the Google News for Android :D
16:54.54zhobbs_"journalists" on TV news aren't professional can you expect bloggers to be
16:55.05romainguy__it's not just bloggers
16:55.07anno^da10 topics and every topic is the same.
16:55.16romainguy__it's also tech news site
16:55.20romainguy__or even more generic sites
16:55.27romainguy__for instance
16:55.33anno^daFrom my point of view a lot of tv stations are less professionel than some bloggers.
16:55.33romainguy__monday, android was delayed till 2009
16:55.38tethridgewell, at least cnet spelled "interasting" correctly when they copied and pasted.
16:55.41romainguy__and tuesday, Android will be released in september
16:56.13tethridgeso it wasn't a literal copy and paste.  :-)
16:56.33romainguy__probably was but CNET must have editors :)
16:57.03SanMehatromainguy__: :)
16:58.12anno^daBut it is fun to see that. Normal people wont see that
16:58.26anno^dabecause they only know the news from their favourite news site.
16:58.27tethridgeyesterday I happened to look at pandora for mobile devices
16:58.35zhobbs_google/t-mobile could put the rumors to rest anytime they want
16:58.42anno^da(pandora :( not available anymore in Germany :((( )
16:58.54tethridgethey have a free version for the iPhone, but for my piece of crap Samsung they want me to pay a monthly fee.
16:59.00tethridgego figure
17:03.56tethridgehave you guys seen any mockups of how android will handle user entry?  I'm curious if it will do something similar to the iPhone for stuff like combo boxes and the keyboard (with predictive typing).
17:04.15tethridgeall I've seen is the keyboard in the sdk
17:05.55anno^dawell android is capable of doing it in different ways
17:06.32anno^dabut what in detail we will see. In the future there will be a lot of new methods once the system is open.
17:06.58anno^daWhen you look at Openmoko there are more than 10 ideas for doing user input without a real keyboard
17:07.23tethridgeI do like the "magnified" combo boxes from the iphone
17:08.02tethridgeI don't really want a dedicated keyboard either, so I hope the software keyboard is pretty good
17:08.26tethridgeanno^da, do you have a link to those?
17:08.50zhobbs_I think I'd like a dedicated keyboard on the XPERIA
17:09.07anno^daah I have to search for them they are covered in the openmoko wiki
17:11.47tethridgezhobbs, what is xperia?
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17:13.42anno^da  <- I have to eat now. But I will search the unknown methods later on. Some E17 (windows manager for linux)  guys tried very funny methods of user input.
17:14.23anno^daBut I dont know if they are covered in the wiki.
17:15.40anno^daHere it is :)
17:15.54anno^daA lot of methods :D
17:15.57tethridgethat helps.  There is a lot of information on that site
17:16.45anno^daand why not port some methods to android
17:16.53anno^daeven for the non keyboard devices
17:18.28anno^da  <- I've tested this one on the pc and it works really well with a bit of training
17:19.11anno^daI really like the design of the Xperia
17:19.16anno^da(hardware design)
17:19.57zhobbs_this input method is kinda cool:
17:20.28zhobbs_looks kinda hard though
17:22.33tethridgezhobbs, that does look slick
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17:23.05tethridgeI'm just thinking about how much thinner it could be without the keyboard.  I'll have to see how I like the phones when I can get my hands on them.
17:24.53jastazhobbs_: when are you guys expected to know the judging results?
17:26.34zhobbs_jasta: not sure
17:26.46zhobbs_saw some people saying they haven't been getting hit yet
17:26.49jastatethridge: keyboards don't add much more depth than the physical size of the buttons themselves.  the circuitry involved is very, very simple.
17:27.18jastathe hardest partof the design is that the whole shell must be able to separate, so there's double the plastic.
17:27.30tethridgejasta, interesting
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17:28.33jastaand also they have to design the layout differently since they can't have anything thicker than each of the halves
17:28.44jastawhich is probably their biggest challenge making a shell that can split to reveal a keyboard
17:29.08zhobbs_that XPERIA is actually made by maybe we'll see something cool like that
17:29.35jastaHTC makes some pretty cool phones, I don't doubt that they can pull off something spectacular for Android.
17:29.54tethridgeI sure hope so.  Either a diamond or xperia would be nice
17:29.58jastaalthough it depends entirely on how much enthusiasm and money they want to put behind an untested product like this
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17:30.30jastaHTC currently holds the title of the only smartphone maker to create a smart flip-phone.
17:30.52jastai didn't mean anything by that, just some cool smartphone trivia ;)
17:30.54SanMehatwhat are you, wikipedia?
17:31.32tethridgewikipedia bot
17:31.41SanMehatahhh that makes sense
17:31.48tethridgejasta, weather LAX
17:32.01tethridgeslow bot at that
17:32.09SanMehatprobably written in python
17:32.27tethridgeor java.  :-)
17:32.45jastaNo, COBOL.
17:33.05jastaAnd it's currently 74 degrees and sunny.
17:33.05SanMehatit *is* an interesting bot though.. see how it tries to play along?
17:33.09jasta(i guessed, was i right?)
17:40.08tethridge71 and cloudy
17:40.16tethridgeyou suck.  :-)
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18:59.53jastathis morning really sucked to get up
19:00.22yakischlobathats what i was saying earlier. i felt like shit for the first 4 hours or so i was awake.
19:00.34yakischlobanot enough sleep i guess
19:05.30jastai got plenty, i just couldn't get up or something
19:06.53jastaI just committed a functional project demonstrating somewhat non-trivial JNI with Android.
19:19.58*** join/#android yakischloba (
19:35.18yakischlobaif I had any idea what any of that meant beyond 'JNI' I would comment.
19:37.13jastayakischloba: JNI is how you interact with Java from other languages, most notably C/C++.  It allows other languages to interact with the Java runtime.
19:37.26jastaMuch of Android is coded in C/C++ and just linked to from Java this way.
19:38.41yakischlobamaybe I phrased that wrong. I meant I was familiar with what JNI is ;)
19:40.44jastaoh, well all i was doing was trying to benchmark some native stuffs on Android.
19:41.03jastain particular, the difference between natively reading a file versus using a FileInputStream poked through to C.
19:41.21yakischlobagotcha. is this the way of the future for complex android applications?
19:41.24jastaHaving C invoke the read(byte[]) method, extract the bytes, and use them for some purpose inside the JNI library.
19:42.02jastaI was merely trying to get a better sense of performance implications.  In particular I'm looking at why the MediaPlayer doesn't have a way to feed it from Java using a stream.
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19:44.02jastaOne thing I can't quite get my head around is why Android would force us to be efficient at a great loss of flexibility.  When possible, I can't see a reason Android couldn't offer simply optimized alternatives.
19:44.27jastaFor example reading from a FileDescriptor instead of an InputStream.  But still supporting both.
19:44.40jastaMediaPlayer is a bit trickier, of course, since it must support all manners of seeking.
19:44.48*** join/#android DreyX (n=fake@nat/microsoft/x-180195fbe9f7b75b)
19:45.14jastaboo, microsoft ;0
19:45.40DreyXMood Swings
19:45.43DreyXWork is work :)
19:46.00DreyXThankful to God to even be here
19:46.06*** join/#android Dralspire (
19:47.08DreyXHonestly my first time in an IRC server in like 3 years :)
19:48.06DreyXU r riding a horse full speed, a giraffe is beside u and u r being chased by a lion. What do you do....???
19:48.18DreyXU get ur drunk ass off the carousel !!!
19:48.32DreyXWow, guess people just really idle in these things
19:49.21DreyXLife or Work or Whatever you're at must be really boring
19:50.36jastaHe sounds like a troll already.  I was only joking about the Microsoft crack.
19:51.36DreyXjasta, got a great sense of humor
19:52.14jastaUnless you're a 15 year old girl, please stop typing like you are texting your girlfriends.
19:52.26jastaIn fact, even in that case, just stop it.
19:52.38DreyXWow, someone's on their period
19:54.19davidwDreyX, I think the 'u r' style of writing is passe.
19:54.37davidwand jasta's always that way
19:55.11DreyXOh my bad
19:55.59DreyXHe's from Seattle so can't hate on him :) Just a fellow as I am
19:56.11davidwmoldy washingtonians
19:56.49bdjnkI believe that's pronounced seattilites.
20:02.53tomgibarajasta: I recall Romain saying that calling through to native code in Dalvik is fast (at least for code that forms the native part of the application framework)
20:03.10tomgibaraIt's possible that they have a mechanism other than JNI for calling through to native code.
20:10.47romainguy_no we use only JNI
20:21.47jastatomgibara: "fast" is relative.   a call to a Java method and extracting a byte array is quite simply not going to beat a call to fread or read.
20:22.11jastathe only overhead of that read is a to-user copy.
20:22.53jastai expect, actually, that the byte array extraction is the expensive piece.  i didn't verify that a copy had been made.  if it had, that would obviously destroy performance.
20:23.02jastaSilly Java programmers assume copies are cheap ;)
20:24.05jastaI should actually check.  the last arg to GetByteArrayElements will tell me if it copied...
20:25.05jastai am also curious what exactly Call<Type>Method() is doing.  GetMethodID seems like it would perform the lookup, where Call<Type>Method would simply be a jump and copy for the arguments.
20:25.15jastaBut I don't know what sort of voodoo is going on here.
20:27.29tomgibarajasta: I know very little about this stuff, but would guess that a copy needs to be made otherwise the GC might reclaim your array, or move it, while the C code executes.
20:29.04jastai would think the GC would be signaled to stay the hell away from it once I request it from C code.
20:29.41tomgibaraI was thinking that, but was trying to reason how that would work in practice
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20:30.47tomgibaraReleaseByteArrayElements implies just that.
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20:35.16jastawell, that relationship can also be a malloc/free.
20:35.22jastadepending on isCopy
20:35.28jastaI guess I'll just need to change that from NULL and check.
20:36.33tomgibaraYes, just read the docs, you can choose between copying and pinning
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20:43.31jastayou can choose?
20:43.33jastai thought it chose for you.
20:44.11tomgibaraI think where you call:
20:44.11tomgibaraGetByteArrayElements(env, b, NULL);
20:44.24tomgibarathe last parameter can be:
20:44.35jastayeah i'm reading now
20:44.55tomgibaraJNI_TRUE for copying or JNI_FALSE for pinning
20:46.09jastai think i used the wrong function, actually
20:46.26jastaGetPrimitiveArrayCritical may be the right choice.
20:47.06jasta"These restrictions make it more likely that the native code will obtain an uncopied version of the array, even if the VM does not support pinning. For example, a VM may temporarily disable garbage collection when the native code is holding a pointer to an array obtained via GetPrimitiveArrayCritical. "
20:48.03tomgibaraDepends on your app's profile I guess.
20:48.19jastaif you can fit it into a critical section, then you should apparently.
20:48.44jastastill, i don't see what you're talking about being able to control pinning in J2SE 1.5
20:49.03jastaisCopy (the last param) simply indicates what the VM did, but does not (according to these docs) give you control over it.
20:49.24jastaGetPrimitiveArrayCritical simply gives you a greater chance because the semantics make it easier for the VM not to have made a copy
20:49.52tomgibaraYou're right - I wasn't reading very carefully
20:50.21jastai'm going to still just test whether a copy was made in my example.
20:50.28tomgibaraEven then it may need to make a copy, say if the array isn't stored contiguously
20:50.44jastaright, i'm curious to find out if on Android this is true or not
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20:51.43tomgibaraIt would depend somewhat on the nature of the GC in Dalvik I guess
20:54.07tomgibaraWas there any information given about the Dalvik GC at IO?
20:54.27jastaNot really.  It was very disappointing.
20:54.32jastaStill, we can test this now :)
20:56.42tomgibaraPerhaps a heap-compacting stop-the-world kind of GC
20:56.43jastainteresting, isCopy was true :)
20:57.02jastaperhaps we can squeeze some performance out of this afterall.
20:57.12jastabtw, this is on Sun's Java 1.5 that I just tested.
20:57.17jastaso I don't know what Dalvik did just yet
20:57.41tomgibaraokay, I'm going to guess false for Dalvik :)
20:57.48jastai can't easily test this from Dalvik.  I'd need to poke through and call Log.d :)
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20:58.05tomgibaraOn the basis that the GC implementation will be much simpler.
20:58.52jastatomgibara: Well, what's interesting is that the performance difference on Sun's JVM is roughly the same as Dalvik's running in the emulator.
20:59.05jastaSo... ;)
20:59.10jastaBut anyway, I will confirm it.
20:59.11jastaHang on.
20:59.31jasta(It's very hard to confirm because I have to somehow report on the value of isCopy...)
20:59.49jastawell, not very hard ;)
21:08.18jastaGetPrimitiveArrayCritical now is not copying.
21:08.28jastaSo, now to find out what Dalvik's behaviour was.
21:09.01jastathe difference without a copy being made is EXTREMELY minimal on Sun's JVM :)
21:09.27jastaas in, it must be slower because I know that it must be, but the margin is undetectable by these numbers.
21:09.51jasta0.0978 versus 0.1012
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21:14.19tomgibarayes, possibly insignificant
21:23.37jastai certainly hope so, it would make it an awful lot easier to convince Google to implement this ;)
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21:29.26cyrus__anyone here use android on an n810
21:32.53jastai don't think so.  haven't heard anything here.
21:33.02jastamany folks here have used it on the kaiser and vogue, though.
21:44.33jastamike hasn't been here in a while...hmm..
21:45.52umdk1d4yay freewifi on mah n810
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21:52.16jastatomgibara: ok...
21:52.35jastaactually, one more test, then results ;)
21:56.32jastatomgibara: you there?
21:59.51rhett_hey, when does adc1 phase II end?
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22:01.03tomgibarajasta: am here now
22:06.55jastatomgibara: So, what I have learned is that Dalvik does not copy using eihter GetByteArrayElements or GetPrimitiveArrayCritical, and the usage of either doesn't seem to have an effect on performance otheriwse.
22:07.28jastaOn Sun's JVM on my Ubuntu machine, GetByteArrayElements does copy, and as such changing to GetPrimitiveArrayCritical (which does not copy) is substantially faster, narrowing the margin between the two functions to a miniscule difference on a desktop PC.
22:07.44jastaOn the emulator however, the performance difference is massive with the same code running.
22:08.36tomgibarahow massive?
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22:11.45tomgibarajasta: from the last figures, you concluded that the difference might still be small enough (as a proportion of the total playback time) to make it feasible, are the figures unchanged and is that still the case?
22:11.49jastaThis tells me that actually that it could simply be a deficiency with Dalvik more than an inherent problem with JNI
22:11.54jastatomgibara: Well, you saw the benchmarks I posted yesterday.
22:12.08jastaThat massive.
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22:12.41jastatomgibara: Oh, my overall conclusion in the context of MediaPlayer is still the same.  The overhead of allowing this type of JNI interface is not so great that it significantly affects the bottom line.
22:12.43tomgibaraIt could be an artifact of the emulation
22:13.01tomgibaraor was this on a real device?
22:13.03jastaBut it is still unusual to me that we see such a close margin in performance on Sun's JVM and a drastic margin for Dalvik.  Dalvik is possibly doing something lame here.
22:13.12jastathis was in the emulator, i'm hoping to try it on a real device now.
22:13.15jastaAnd fortunately AttractiveApe just arrived :)
22:13.24jastaAttractiveApe: willing to try something for me?
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22:16.24megapowerhi all
22:17.38megapowerI want to build android for arm how i can select the board and the processor and the how to install the cross compiler?
22:18.06jastamegapower: be warned that android is closed source, and so cannot be recompiled for different platforms.
22:18.29jastasome existing hardware just so happens to have a compatible target architecture, but not all.
22:18.43jastaARM has lots of different architecture versions
22:18.56AttractiveApejasta: wee bit busy for now, maybe later :(
22:18.59AttractiveApewhat do you need done?
22:19.29megapowerbut it's linux based and just i need to configure the make file isn't it?
22:21.42jastamegapower: Android runs the Linux kernel, but there is an enormous amount of middle-ware compiled from C++ sources specifically for a particular target.
22:22.00jastaOr rather, Android runs atop the Linux kernel.
22:22.17jastaAttractiveApe: I need some JNI stuffs tested, I can e-mail you what I need.
22:22.24jastajust a .so loaded onto the phone and an apk to test it.
22:22.27jastaJust performance benchmarks.
22:22.39jastaI'm not quite ready to send it yet, though.
22:23.06megapowerso where i can find a list of the supported architectures and boards?
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22:24.28AttractiveApeiirc, they've told us it's designed for one platform, the HTC Dream, which uses the MSM7500a chipset.
22:24.51AttractiveApeThere may be more platforms supported, but that's the only one they've shown us.
22:25.06AttractiveApejasta: email me what you need me to do, I gotta go again
22:29.45jastamegapower: well, as for supported boards, that is going to be a very small set officially, and will be observed from the Linux source found at
22:29.54yakischlobayay i got my job :)
22:30.15jastamegapower: for supported archs, i think it's ARMv5T, but i can't remember.
22:30.28jastayou can just check the binaries that are on the system image
22:30.51megapowerok, thanks a lot for ur help
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22:44.52Dougie187good afternoon everyone
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22:45.33gamblerw.d. yakischloba
22:46.13jastahey Dougie187
22:46.23Dougie187hows it going jasta?
22:46.43jastapretty OK.
22:48.25Dougie187did you play any more last night?
22:48.59Dougie187too bad.
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22:52.03jastaDougie187: I've just been so enthralled in Android again for some reason.
22:52.08jastaRight now I'm fighting with Dalvik hehe
22:52.47jastatrying to figure out why my benchmarks show negligible difference on Sun's JVM (1.5) between native file I/O and using an InputStream.
22:53.12jastaBut significant difference on Dalvik.
22:55.52jastaMight be just the emulator being stupid, though.
22:57.30romainguy_there's something that can slow down JNI calls called "CheckJNI"
22:57.36romainguy_the emulator has an option to turn this off/on
22:59.05jastawhat does it do?
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23:03.02Dougie187Sorry my dad called.
23:05.12acsiahow is he?
23:05.55acsiato much tea for this hour
23:06.51Dougie187hes good.
23:10.21jastaromainguy_: interesting...
23:10.28jastai'm reading up on what it does in Sun's VM
23:11.48jastaromainguy_: -- where does all this information come from?
23:12.14jastai can't imagine this is reverse engineered?  it references googles apparent android build tree
23:19.26tomgibarajasta: yes, interesting
23:20.34romainguy_jasta: Ask morrildl
23:20.52jastaabout this information?
23:21.46*** join/#android jasta_ (n=jasta@ indie tag radio is great :)
23:50.54Dougie187you gonna be on tonight jasta?
23:53.45jastaprobably not
23:54.12jastai won't be home until like 9 tonight
23:54.21Dougie187well i think im gonna get some dota on.
23:54.29*** part/#android Dougie187 (

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