IRC log for #android on 20080810

00:00.19jastai'm getting ready for a party tonight
00:03.36chomchomwell then you have to get over that yawning
00:03.46chomchomwhere you going?
00:04.08chomchomI was at a wedding tonight. Jolly indeed.
00:04.24chomchomSecond in two days! Pretty exhausting.
00:06.09yakischlobatwo weddings in two days
00:06.27chomchomI know, it was pretty luck
00:06.35yakischlobaheh really
00:06.54chomchomI put it down to it being about 'that time of year'
00:06.59chomchombirds and bees
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00:42.03michaelnovakjr__howdy Dougie187
00:48.07Dougie187Hey michaelnovakjr)
00:48.11Dougie187hows it going.
00:48.17Dougie187of course i missed the underscore
00:50.53michaelnovakjr__writing some games :)
00:51.23Dougie187for android?
00:51.30Dougie187are you gonna make a game suite?
00:51.56Dougie187Ohh. thats cool
00:52.02Dougie187have you played any of the new arcade ones?
00:52.06Dougie187like geometry wars 2
00:52.24michaelnovakjr__any of them 3D?
00:52.29Dougie187my xbox live account expired like 20 days ago.
00:53.03Dougie187hey, do you know how to tunnel apt-get or synaptic downloads across socks?
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00:53.31michaelnovakjr__never done it
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00:54.50yakischlobahey there Dougie187 hows it going
00:55.44Dougie187hey yakischloba
00:55.58Dougie187yeah i have to tunnel all my web crap across ssh at work or else I can't check my email
00:56.14Dougie187.and i cant install programs i need at work when i find out i need it, so i wanted to see if i could tunnel apt-get or synaptic too
00:56.35Dougie187there should be a way to do it, i know you can use tsocks for it.
00:56.51yakischlobayou should be able to use ssh too
00:57.12Dougie187but how do you tell it to use localhost on the port you want?
00:57.17Dougie187because I use ssh for firefox.
00:57.20yakischlobaNot sure. there must be a way though
00:57.27Dougie187but i didnt know how to do it with synaptic.
00:57.38Dougie187since synaptic doesnt support socks in its config.
00:57.52yakischlobathere isnt a place to specify server address or anything?
00:58.21Dougie187not for socks proxy
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00:59.09Dougie187i know tsocks works, but i wanted something where i didnt have to set up some other program to do it
01:01.00yakischlobalooks like you can specify your mirrors in /etc/apt/sources.list
01:01.11yakischlobaor wherever it may reside in your distribution
01:01.50yakischlobaso just point it at yourself and setup your ssh
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01:08.14Dougie187I wouldnt think that would work though.
01:08.22yakischlobawhy not?
01:08.25Dougie187if you point it at yourself its just going to not find anything.
01:08.33yakischlobassh tunnel
01:08.35Dougie187becuase like here, i wouldnt have any repos set up.
01:08.57Dougie187but i just want it to point all the traffic to localhost:2200 for example.
01:09.03Dougie187not look for the repos at localhost:2200
01:09.20yakischlobayour ssh tunnel will forward traffic to a repo
01:09.27Dougie187because i still want it to download stuff from or what ever.
01:09.53Dougie187afaik it doesnt work like that though. Like apt-get isnt going to just randomly find a mirror if i point all the mirrors to localhost.
01:10.08Dougie187you know what i mean?
01:10.17yakischlobaNo. Do you know what I mean? ;)
01:10.26yakischlobai thought you said you were already using an ssh tunnel
01:10.41Dougie187yeah i have an ssh tunnel, and socks working with firefox.
01:10.49yakischlobaso how do you use your ssh tunnel
01:10.59Dougie187one sec lemme get an example of how i think you mean.
01:11.05Dougie187but the way i work right now is i do...
01:11.19Dougie187ssh -CD 2200 uname@server
01:11.42Dougie187then in firefox i go into Preferences->Adavanced->neworking and set Socksv5 to Localhost:2200
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01:12.17yakischlobaOhhhh weird.
01:12.19Dougie187ok, now if i understand what you mean. here is an example of my current sources.list file.
01:12.21Dougie187deb hardy-updates main restricted
01:12.28Dougie187you want me to change this to...
01:12.31yakischlobaI didn't know that SSH would act as SOCKS
01:12.34Dougie187deb http://localhost/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted
01:12.44Dougie187yeah it built into ssh.
01:12.50yakischlobathere is generic tunneling for any tcp port you want
01:12.58yakischlobayeah so change it to that
01:12.59yakischlobathen use
01:13.38yakischlobassh -L uname@server
01:13.42yakischlobathat forwards local port 80 to ubuntu port 80
01:14.05yakischlobathrough the remote SSH machine
01:14.12Dougie187ok, but couldnt i just do ssh -L 80:localhost:80?
01:14.30yakischlobaThat fowards local port 80 to port 80 on the remote SSH machine
01:15.00Dougie187how can i forward all port 80 traffic on local machine to port 2200 on local machine?
01:15.33yakischlobawith something other than SSH
01:15.52Dougie187i just dont want to have to mess up my sources.list file.
01:16.04Dougie187because then when ever i want to install something i have to use ssh
01:16.13yakischlobaso you are taking your laptop to work or something eh
01:16.31Dougie187i take my laptop to work, and hardline it so i can ssh to my school server.
01:17.04yakischlobai think it uses the env variables
01:17.29yakischlobaexport HTTP_PROXY=""
01:17.32yakischlobatry something like that
01:18.21Dougie187I'll have to test it at work.
01:18.30Dougie187but yeah the socks proxy thing works great.
01:18.38yakischlobahttp_proxy might be lower case btw
01:18.52yakischlobaand it has to be http://host:port
01:19.07Dougie187also firefox has a setting to route dns lookups to the remote host.
01:19.14yakischlobayeah I've been using ssh tunneling for a long time, I had no idea it could be SOCKS
01:22.00Dougie187its pretty sweet
01:22.08yakischlobayeah thats convenient
01:22.29Dougie187makes me able to actually do productive things at work.
01:23.57Dougie187instead of staring at a wall i can get papers and stuf
01:24.01Dougie187and check my email.
01:29.37yakischlobaso have you started an app yet?
01:31.58Dougie187but i have my idea still. lol
01:32.02Dougie187but thats it.
01:32.27Dougie187i guess i could work on it at work, but its a bit harder to learn stuff there.
01:33.02yakischlobagotta do it somewhere :)
01:37.24michaelnovakjr__Dougie187: you gotta renew your Xbox account
01:37.31Dougie187yeah i know
01:37.43Dougie187you been playing a lot more lately?
01:37.53yakischlobawhat game do you nerds play? ;)
01:37.54michaelnovakjr__i've been playing GTA IV
01:37.59Dougie187how is that?
01:38.03Dougie187lol we use to play halo 3.
01:38.10Dougie187is it good online?
01:38.13michaelnovakjr__and call of duty 4
01:38.21michaelnovakjr__Dougie187: its pretty cool
01:38.35michaelnovakjr__the single player is sweet, i enjoyed it
01:38.51Dougie187have you played the other 3?
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02:08.44RazecPHELPS medalha de ouro
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04:08.27muthuis there a gridbaglayout?
04:18.25muthuwhat the heck is that handball about?
04:18.33muthuis that a game, srly?
04:18.48muthuolympics sports are funny!
04:19.41muthuand its way more funny listening to indian commentators talking about indian chances for a medal!!
04:20.18muthuchina will top the gold this time
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06:33.16muthuthe cuban boxers are good.. what a technique!
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10:13.06anno^da_jasta: Good morning. I got a small question. Is it normal that the HttpClient takes a long time (20 seconds) to open his first connection. After that everything runs without any delay. But the first connection takes such a long time. Or is it just because the whole thing is emulated.
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10:44.33tricanno: maybe its resolving a hostname?
10:48.59anno^da_that could be I have to check that. But ok I cant do sth. against it.
10:50.15tricusing ip only for debugging ;)
10:50.23tricor speedup your nameserver
10:50.45romainguycell phones usually have high latency data connections
10:51.01romainguyI don't know if our emulator emulates that but I would not be surprised it's *part* of your "problem"
10:51.08romainguycheck the emulator options and see if they help
10:54.26anno^da_Thanks guys. I will do it now using ip only.
10:55.17anno^da_But well using URLConnections works without delay. And I have to resolve the host name here as well.
10:56.57romainguythat's strange :(
10:58.59anno^da_Hmm that's strange. I'm using the HttpClient to open some connection to the Flickr API. After that I'm using a new instance for the connection to the Twitter API. Flickr takes 20 secs. Twitter connect is instantly. BUT I can change the order and get the same result.
10:59.31anno^da_So it cant be one special service that is so slow.
11:03.34tricyeah, would be cool if all sources included, you could nicley debug...
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11:04.02anno^da_hmm well yeah
11:04.35anno^da_Using the IP results in the same problems :/
11:08.56anno^da_Wireshark shows me the same result. It takes 20 seconds and after that the communications starts
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13:10.33tomgibaraanno^da_: This delay in making the first connection is a known issue
13:12.09anno^da_tomgibara: thank you for your response.
13:12.25anno^da_So I cant leave the code as is and just wait for a new SDK. :)
13:12.35anno^da_can leave
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14:02.13Dougie187good morning
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17:07.19anno^da_romainguy: we found the problem with the httpclient it is a known issue.
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18:21.44jastaanno^da_: this bug is caused by the SSLSocektFactory initializing
18:22.14jastait can be worked around by creating your own scheme registry and excluding https
18:23.18jastait's quite clear if you break the blocking thread
18:24.36jastawhen i saw the bug, i recall saying "jesus, didn't anyone at Google test this?"
18:27.59jastai gotta get ready for hiking with my dad
18:28.06jastai'm a little hungover ;)
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19:04.30anno^da_thanks jasta
19:04.34anno^da_for the info
19:10.47romainguyjasta: when i saw the bug, i recall saying "jesus, didn't anyone at Google test this?" << no, we don't test anything
19:11.10jastaand that was romain's original response, too.
19:11.37jastadespite this being nonsense because google offered up no known bugs section as most software with such outstanding bugs would do.
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19:12.29romainguyjasta: we wouldn't know since we don't test anything
19:13.04anno^da_how much effort is it to write an own scheme registry ? (take in consideration that I'm quite a noob :) ) I have found the SchemeRegistry class but well thats it :D
19:13.51anno^da_lol the HTC Dream made it to Engadet
19:15.20tomgibaraanno^da_: you'll find an example in jasta's CancelHttpGet example
19:15.38anno^da_ah I will look at it
19:16.28tomgibaraanno^da_: (a well-stocked issue tracker is your friend)
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19:24.23anno^da_tomgibara: thanks now it is working just fine :)
19:25.05tomgibaraanno^da_: great, what is "it"?
19:27.23anno^da_ah just some app for posting text,videos, photos etc on Tumblr. But saving the pictures at flickr, videos at vimeo and advertise the posts at twitter. And combining the whole posts with geo data. Just some test app playing with different APIs
19:29.28anno^da_But well the UI is missing at the moment. And I'm trying to add it at the moment. :D (the stuff in the background works fine now and now without delay of the faulty HTTP Client
19:30.41tomgibaraanno^da_: Apart from the occasional bug, I've found Android to be very rapid to develop with - both for connecting to webservices and creating UIs.
19:31.45tomgibaraThough I feel that I really need a phone to test on because I'm bound to have errors of judgement in bandwidth/latency on one side and touch/flow on the other.
19:32.51anno^da_Well if I take in consideration that I havent done much programming till this little app it is definetly great. It took me 5 days to implement the whole stuff connecting to twitter,flickr,tumblr and integrating their APIs. And it is just fun. Even if jasta sometimes cries to god what dumb questions I'm asking. :D (I know that and I'm sorry for that :) )
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20:57.31zhobbswonder who leaked this:
20:59.17michaelnovakjr__is that a homebrew OS?
20:59.26zhobbslooks like android to me
20:59.31yakischlobakind of?..
20:59.55yakischlobahard to see really
21:01.12michaelnovakjr__doesn't look like android to me
21:01.40yakischlobame either
21:03.09tomgibaraThe list dialogues you see towards the end of the video look like those of Android - to me at least
21:04.03yakischlobait looks like hes selecting programs or something from the window with a bunch of icons, but that doesnt look like the android home screen at all
21:04.37tomgibaraHow not? It looks fairly consistent with what I saw from Google IO
21:04.52tomgibaraIt also looks like Romain's landscape photography.
21:05.00yakischlobatelltale sign ;)
21:05.28yakischlobaall I see on the desktop is one icon
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21:05.31tomgibaraa signature android feature to-date
21:06.34tomgibaraFrom memory, the demo at IO showed a desktop-like screen that was accessible by sliding the home screen horizontally.
21:07.15zhobbshard to tell
21:07.17yakischlobaI guess I haven't actually seen a device implementation other than a few random videos. i'm just looking at it from my experience in the emulator
21:07.38tomgibaraMy memory might be failing me, but if I'm right, the desktop metaphor demonstrated in the video adds credence to the suggestion that it's android.
21:08.19tomgibaraI'm not particularly bothered one way or another - I don't think it tells me much.
21:08.43zhobbstomgibara: yeah, looks like android to me...we'd know for sure if he wasn't moving the camera around so much
21:08.47yakischlobayeah. honestly I could care less until theres an android device in my hand.
21:09.39tomgibaraYou can see the status bar at the top - it looks like android's
21:09.47yakischlobathat it does
21:09.56tomgibaraand the screen rotation semantics look consistent w/ the SDK too
21:10.31tomgibarasemantics is a useless word there, I meant mechanics
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21:12.17tomgibarazhobbs: I've never tried filming one phone w/ another and given that he might have been hiding in a store cupoard to film it, I think it's hard to criticize
21:14.03tomgibaraAnyway, I find the duplicity of people who leak things like this distasteful. I'd prefer it if the video hadn't been published.
21:17.12f00f-video is garbage
21:17.19tomgibaraWhen I work for a company, there is a mutuality (usually explicit or perhaps implied) in that agreement. Leaking information against the wishes of the company is a betrayal.
21:18.22f00f-doesnt stop people though
21:18.49yakischlobaAgreed, and I abide by the same idea. there are however, worse evils in the world. When was the last time a hot product came out without having some grainy video leaked on youtube first?
21:21.06f00f-10 years ago, probably
21:21.19tomgibaraI don't care about the magnitude. This person (assuming they aren't making a prank, which is a different thing) made a personal decision to do wrong against the company that employs him and by extension, in my opinion, his colleagues. It's that I find distasteful.
21:21.51tomgibaraWhether it's materially damaging is a separate question.
21:22.32yakischlobait certainly is distasteful.
21:23.41f00f-i'd fire the guy
21:23.51yakischlobaof course
21:24.34tomgibaraI would find out the facts and base my actions on all the circumstances. But I would certainly view it very harshly
21:25.03yakischlobaWhat would be a circumstance that wouldn't merit firing the person?
21:25.13anno^da_But no matter if it is wrong or right to leak that device. I dont thinkt that this will be the final design of the device.
21:25.57tomgibaraIf say, the person was having mental health problems or if they had been put up to it by a more dominant member of staff who could use them as the fall-guy.
21:26.30tomgibaraOn the other side, were there other factors such as renumeration, that might make it criminal.
21:26.49yakischlobaIMO if the person has mental health problems to the point of losing their judgement like that, they shouldn't have been working for me anyways
21:26.56f00f-too much speculation
21:27.59tomgibaraf00f-: I'm not speculating, I'm engaging in a discussion about a hypothetical circumstance.
21:28.11yakischlobayeah I was just curious
21:28.23f00f-dont discuss too much until you know the facts !
21:28.32f00f-we cant jump to conclusions
21:28.35yakischlobaf00f-: We obviously aren't talking about the guy who leaked it.
21:28.36f00f-innnocent >> guilty, etc.
21:28.41f00f-who are you talking about
21:29.00yakischlobaa hypothetical employee who leaks product information
21:29.05tomgibarayakischolba: I'm not the sort of person who would just fire someone because they were having health problems - also the law might have something to say about it.
21:30.36tomgibarayakischolba: None of this detracts from our shared opinion that it's an extremely serious breach - and only comensurately serious circumstances could justify it.
21:31.57yakischlobatomgibara: of course. I guess if someone's bizarre mental health issues compelled them to leak product information and then return to normal I would at the very least demote them to a position where they are not exposed to any private info
21:32.09tomgibarayakischolba: (I only meant to imply that the first part was our shared opinion, run-on sentences are so easy in IRC)
21:32.20anno^da_f00f-: What are we doing in the last months except speculating :) ?
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21:32.48tomgibarayakischolba: agreed
21:33.13yakischlobaanno^da_: some of us don't have to speculate as much as others, as a portion of the blanks are filled in
21:33.16tomgibarayakischolba: One always has to consider one's reponsibility to employees and shareholders too.
21:33.50tomgibara*other employees
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21:35.14anno^da_yakischloba: true. But the most time we are speculating because there is nothing really new since hmm march..may?
21:36.19yakischlobaanno^da_: i try not to speculate. there are too many unknowns in this world to spend time thinking about ;)
21:37.20yakischlobai just work with what I have and if I can get some hints that might save me time i'm happy to hear them
21:40.49tomgibaraI really don't care about the video, but I love puzzles: I reckon the photo is of Death Valley.
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