IRC log for #android on 20080805

00:06.42*** join/#android chomchom (n=chomchom@
00:08.19chomchomhooray an iphone update! 2.0.1 is out. Thank frig because the 2.0.0 release managed to really slow everything down to an unenjoyable lag fest. Pretty hefty at 250meg.
00:09.10michaelnovakjr__hm, i think you're in the wrong room :0
00:10.30jastai do too :)
00:11.37chomchomGreat artists steal guys. You're doing yourselfs a disfavour if you're not keeping an eagle eye on iphone apps
00:12.36michaelnovakjr__i don't need to steal ideas to create good apps
00:12.40chomchombecause they are modern smart phone apps that are carefully engineered and tested.
00:12.43michaelnovakjr__at least i'd like to think so :)
00:12.43jastachomchom: i agree, but still, why would we care about an update that improves performance?
00:12.58chomchombecause you might have a laggy iphone
00:13.03michaelnovakjr__i don't even care to own one :)
00:13.19michaelnovakjr__i like to have a few apps running in the background :)
00:13.19jastachomchom: it was just a joke anyway.  lots of folks here use iPhones
00:13.26jastaand lots of folks talk about the SDK< and bla bla apple
00:13.43chomchomyeah they're excellent.
00:13.53chomchomHow are you doing anyway Jasta? Haven' been lurking around in here much lately
00:14.01chomchomhows your app coming along?
00:14.19jastai haven't worked on it for quite a few months now
00:14.40chomchomstill building that raging frustration?
00:14.56jastawhy are you trolling?
00:15.08chomchomI'm not trolling man :)
00:15.11chomchomjust chatting
00:15.56jastacould have fooled me.
00:16.34chomchomSo have you been leasing your valuable skills out to others recently? Fives got a lot of potential, I hope you'll get some momentum back maybe in time for the next ADC.
00:17.00michaelnovakjr__why submit in another ADC?
00:17.15michaelnovakjr__you'll only be competing with large teams of full time developers
00:17.30chomchomwell whats wrong with that then?
00:17.33jastaYour sincerity could use some work, chomchom.  I'm going to keep my business to myself, thank you.
00:18.32chomchom:0 hey man, I'm not prying! Just bantering, I haven't been hanging around in here for a while and I've missed you guys!
00:19.40michaelnovakjr__your interest in android is obvious from the iphone comments :)
00:19.43chomchommichaelnovakjr__: you could team up with some buddies then for the next ADC
00:19.58michaelnovakjr__not interested
00:20.10michaelnovakjr__i'm doing just fine writing open source apps
00:20.35chomchomthats a shame man, I'm looking forward to it. I loved the dead line looming and everyone slaving away over their secret apps
00:20.55chomchomyou can still make it open source and free man
00:20.56jastamichaelnovakjr__: i'm probably going to participate.
00:20.57michaelnovakjr__i don't really, not a fan of secret projects
00:21.06chomchomnah me neither
00:21.22jastamichaelnovakjr__: but only as a side effect, just as before.  my app is getting developed either way.
00:21.41chomchomI didn't like the secret element, but I did like how devoted and excited everyone was
00:21.47chomchomit felt like a real community
00:21.57michaelnovakjr__makes sense.... i comparing developing now as to during the ADC, i much prefer now :)
00:22.11chomchomjasta: exactly, we may as well submit since we are developing anyway
00:22.15jastamichaelnovakjr__: well, sure, but again my app is going to get developed either way.
00:22.42jastabut i'd rather not make a big production out of this conversation.
00:22.53jastaall things concerning Google's behaviour of the last 6 months should be taboo conversation in here :)
00:22.59michaelnovakjr__haha :0
00:23.28chomchom:) their working on a great kit for us, I'm sure of it
00:24.04chomchomAnd we'll all get the next sdk and be like "waaaaah! Theres so much great stuff for us to play with!!"
00:33.23chomchomBesides I'm sure the google guys all have their reasons. There are a lot of partners in the open handset alliance, I can imagine with that much corporate bureaucracy things could get messy before they get good. I bet all the google guys are mega frustrated too. Especially poor romainguy who has to watch us whine.
00:33.44romainguy_that you do :)
00:33.47romainguy_(whine :)
00:34.28chomchomromainguy: I don't suppose you will be at the London developer day will you?
00:34.41romainguy_unfortunately no
00:34.48romainguy_I'll probably be busy taming ListView
00:35.43chomchomI hope for a significant Android presence
00:36.16chomchomascia tells me that there hasn't been much in the way of a hitech attendance at the London meetup groups
00:36.29chomchomwell I'd like to discuss the platform in depth
00:37.00michaelnovakjr__what's your interest in android?
00:37.44chomchomWell I've been developing on it for neigh on 8 months so its development concerns me a lot
00:37.56chomchomplus I'm hyped to it's potentiol!
00:38.17michaelnovakjr__so why the turn to the iphone?
00:38.30chomchom...because its a great product
00:39.02chomchommichaelnovakjr__:its not an either or competition
00:40.10chomchomwe would do both platforms an injustice to fall into a silly fanboy macs vs window argument
00:41.11michaelnovakjr__i don't see it that way, i just don't have use for a platform that only allows one way to get apps and no background processes, and not to mention no linux support
00:42.15chomchomwell thats cool you don't have to. :)
00:42.29chomchomBut its on a very different path to android
00:42.39chomchomso there is no fear of direct competition
00:42.40michaelnovakjr__how so?
00:42.49chomchomIphone is on the corporate path
00:43.02chomchomGot its sights on mr blackberry
00:43.12chomchomsince windows mobile is laaame
00:43.26michaelnovakjr__its better than the iphone in terms of development freedoms
00:43.39chomchomofcourse absolutely
00:43.43michaelnovakjr__i can do more on my win mo phone than you could on an iphone
00:44.09chomchomMaybe you could
00:44.21michaelnovakjr__its a fact you can :)
00:44.48chomchomBut I very much doubt you experience the same rich client that makes it a pleasure to use.
00:45.58michaelnovakjr__eh, i wasn't blown away by the iphone UI experience
00:46.12michaelnovakjr__and I have been an apple developer for quite some time
00:46.14chomchomIts great man, I'd really recommend it
00:46.30michaelnovakjr__i have no use for it
00:48.28chomchomandroid on the other hand is going for the 'open market'. low -> high spec phones. I'm sure they will very soon have equivalent phones as well as much more affordable ones. Then undoubtedly I'll switch so I can play with it! :)
00:49.26chomchomI can't wait to see what hardware manufacturers do with this new little linux distro
00:50.59chomchomwell android might not be the smallest but its not huge
00:53.46romainguy_I also would not call it a Linux distro
00:55.22chomchomDo you not see it being used as an alternative free, light weight file system on new hardware coming to market?
00:56.58michaelnovakjr__file system?
00:57.00chomchomAndroid strikes me as an ideal mobile platform since so much work has went into developing its integration with the JVM bundled with it.
00:57.15michaelnovakjr__you said you have 8 months programming it?
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00:57.29michaelnovakjr__and all you got out of it is a light weight file system?
00:57.51michaelnovakjr__did you fire up the emulator?
00:58.01chomchom:) I've been learning how to cd up and down directories
00:58.02michaelnovakjr__last time i checked file systems don't come with a dialer
00:59.08chomchomnow whos trolling? :) You know what I mean, its an operating system + bespoke JVM
00:59.31michaelnovakjr__what are you talking about?
01:00.41chomchomnever mind. I was just trying to excite some interest in it potential outside just phone to phone communication.
01:00.58michaelnovakjr__there is
01:01.06michaelnovakjr__have you not seen any of the top 50 apps
01:01.15michaelnovakjr__they aren't phone to phone communication apps
01:01.34michaelnovakjr__i don't see why you belittle android next to the iphone
01:02.49chomchommicaelnovakjr__: yes of course I have, I'm not belittling anything! I'm developing three apps for Android! Why would I belittle it? I'm just trying to get some chatter :)
01:03.07michaelnovakjr__you called it a light weight file system
01:03.54chomchomYes, part of the android package is a variant on a linux distro
01:04.19michaelnovakjr__its a complete stack
01:04.44chomchomyes it is
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01:30.24michaelnovakjr__jasta: ping
01:31.26chomchomyou'd need a traceroute to find where that got tangled
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03:09.38michaelnovakjr_jasta ping
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03:24.57michaelnovakjr__quiet tonight
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03:46.07yakischlobai spent all afternoon writing a bunch of shit for the job im applying for, so I'm still at work wrapping up.
03:46.17yakischlobaI'll probably be home asking dumb questions again soon ;)
03:49.20yakischlobainterview on thursday
03:49.38yakischlobaso excited to get out of here. I can't stand it anymore :/
03:52.36yakischlobawhere is jasta anyway
03:52.38yakischlobathis is unusual
03:53.05michaelnovakjr__not sure... havent seen him in a bit
03:54.19yakischlobaok time to go home. be back soon.
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04:23.34michaelnovakjr__back huh?
04:23.43michaelnovakjr__didn't miss much
04:24.03yakischlobadidnt' figure I would
04:24.42michaelnovakjr__i'm wrapping up the sms app finally
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04:28.09michaelnovakjr__putting together the wiki page, i'll probably post the download tomorrow afternoon
04:29.11yakischlobawell I got whatever I was working on all fucked up before I went to bed last night, so its time to straighten that out.
04:29.24michaelnovakjr__what were you working on?
04:29.53yakischlobajust redesigning a bunch of parts of my app after discussing some lifecycle stuff with jasta
04:30.15yakischlobabut I slipped up somewhere and I was really tired..had to call it quits before I fixed it
04:30.38michaelnovakjr__it happens
04:30.52michaelnovakjr__i had a nullpointer the other night that was clearly an overtired mistake
04:31.09jastapong ;)
04:31.10yakischlobathere he is.
04:31.20jastamy gf unexpectedly came over today
04:31.33jastaso i played tennis instead of going to the sprint store :)
04:31.38yakischlobai was guessing that was the case
04:31.40yakischlobaah jeez
04:31.43michaelnovakjr__haha fun :)
04:31.44yakischlobayou could have convinced her to swing by ;)
04:31.52jastano, i could not have :)
04:34.59michaelnovakjr__jasta, added the focus to the message boxes when replying or coming from the contacts.
04:37.18*** part/#android andrewlacy (n=andrewla@
04:40.53yakischlobahmm. at least i'm getting faster at finding my retarded mistakes.
04:48.33michaelnovakjr__screenshots of Messages:
04:49.05yakischlobalooks good
05:01.14michaelnovakjr__i'm out, enjoy the evening
05:01.47yakischlobagood night
05:02.39*** join/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
05:25.30jastamichaelnovakjr__: i think you should invert the order of messages in a conversation
05:25.33jastashould show newest at the bottom
05:25.39jastaalso, you should timestamp.
05:25.45jastause the right hand side for that or something
05:29.03jastamichaelnovakjr__: also, you should add a way to pick a contact in the craete new message activity
05:29.09jastaas in, more than just the autocmplete
05:31.31jastahey folks:
05:32.05Darkeye11547Oh man, I can't wait.
05:32.51jasta(that post actually indicates that *WE* might not see android devices in Q4)
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06:23.22jerkface03i gotta start work tmrw :(
06:23.28jerkface03no more being a bum
06:25.57muthuone more day..
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07:53.38chomchommichaelnovakjr__: yeah I agree with jasta. Your messaging looks really cool but I'd invert the ordering.
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09:04.57Darkeye11547That's hillarious.
09:07.20alex2308its awesome
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10:00.18anno^da_Could someone tell me with which XML parser included in Android I am able to parse a XML document that sits in a simple String
10:00.53anno^da_every parser I found needs InputStreams or othe things like that and I cant manage it get my String into the DOM parser or SAX parser
10:01.07anno^da_the xml consists just of two elements
10:05.28anno^da_got iz
10:08.52trichmm, is there any way to access the current context from a class which is neither an activity nor view nor anything else?
10:09.11tricsomething like Application.getContext()? ;)
10:09.33anno^da_Why dont you submit him the context in the constructor ?
10:09.38anno^da_in the parameter set
10:10.00anno^da_myClass(Context cont)()
10:10.21anno^da_then you should be able to use it
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10:11.10tricyes, thats what im currently doing, but i dont like it.
10:18.32tricthis should be accessible in a static way imho. you need it to access R.string.*, or i have to add an adaptor to R.*, which would be kinda stupid.
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12:12.39rainabbaAt current, is there a way to insert pauses when using the dialer? I have a Vouge and can't bring up the dialpad when calling voicemail so I need to include the pin when I dial.
12:13.24rainabbaI see in android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils that PAUSE is defined as int 44
12:13.59rainabbaI don't see how I'd enter it using the dialer.
12:16.14rainabbaAhh well. Sleep time. If anyone knows and would be kind enough to pm me, I'd appriciate it. Take care.
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14:58.49michaelnovakjrhowdy AttractiveApe
14:59.06AttractiveApemornin' michaelnovakjr
14:59.11AttractiveApeHave a good weekend?
14:59.19michaelnovakjrnot too bad, how about you?
14:59.23AttractiveApewas excellent
14:59.38AttractiveApeyesterday was a stat holiday, so was wonderful :P
15:00.15michaelnovakjrcheck this out:
15:00.24michaelnovakjrsome early screenshots of the sms app
15:00.37michaelnovakjrmaking a few modifications and then its ready to be used
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15:02.50AttractiveApelooks nice :)
15:02.53AttractiveApeWhen do I get to use it?
15:03.06AttractiveApeI played with Glance on the weekend, was great :)
15:03.24michaelnovakjri'll mostly likely have it up in a few hours
15:04.33michaelnovakjryou can send an sms through the contacts and dialer apps too
15:11.11AttractiveApecool, looking forward to it :)
15:13.18zhobbs_michaelnovakjr: nice!
15:13.49michaelnovakjrputting a few finishing touches on it
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15:27.23jastamichaelnovakjr: i like seeing the intent system come together and actually work neatly
15:27.44michaelnovakjri'm working on using the intent system to pull the contact picker
15:28.13michaelnovakjrhow can i get the focus of a list view to the bottom?
15:28.19ligianyone knows whats happened to the ADCI Galery - Delayed or Canceled ?
15:29.12michaelnovakjri was searching for a way to pull it down to the bottom of the list view...
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15:29.58jastanah, that would be weird i think
15:30.12jastaligi: or perhaps it was just a lie? :)
15:30.51ligijasta: ^^
15:33.53zhobbs_ligi: what gallery?
15:36.21ligizhobbs_: google anounced that there will be a galery of ADC I Participants which want to be in souch an galery
15:36.24michaelnovakjrjasta, any idea on how get the bottom of the list view to display by default?
15:38.11ligizhobbs_: from the ADC I loosers email: "2. In the near future, we\u2019ll be creating an Android Developer Challenge Gallery where you can showcase your application. We\u2019ll be providing more details shortly on how you can participate in this gallery."
15:38.59michaelnovakjrligi, nothing more has been said about it
15:39.48ligimichaelnovakjr: i noticed - but i dont know if it is canceled or just delayed
15:39.53ligiboth is very possible
15:41.28tethridgeA loser gallery, where do I sign up?
15:42.26zhobbs_I got a couple emails asking if was dead
15:42.45zhobbs_it's alive, I'm just brain dead from ADC
15:42.47muthuis HA dead?
15:43.08zhobbs_nah, I'll try to get it going again
15:43.09tethridgeis ADC over now?
15:43.13jastai must say signing the NDA has been an improvement for muthu
15:43.23zhobbs_work on some more tutorials and news...the nda is a pain though
15:43.33zhobbs_tethridge: yeah, in a couple hours
15:43.35jastanow he isn't even allowed to speculate wildly.
15:43.58muthuwaiting for the public release.. so we can all be set free
15:43.59zhobbs_yeah, it's hard for me to post news because I'm NDA'd out in every direction
15:44.03michaelnovakjrhaha thank god!
15:44.04tethridgeso muthu signed the NDA?
15:44.13muthuall team members sign
15:44.19michaelnovakjrmuthu you should sign an NDA for the public one too :)
15:44.25jastahehe ;)
15:44.40ligiNDA's suxx
15:44.49jastanormally yes, but not in muthu's case :)
15:45.23muthuandroid is the best mobile development platform
15:45.56tethridgethe best one that you can't use on real hardware...
15:46.26tethridgewait, android is the only platform that has no hardware available with it on there for the public.  :-(
15:46.54jastaquite true, there's even the Neo Freerunner now ;0
15:47.11muthuhope the devices come out soon
15:47.37jastathere is renewed doubt that the consumer market will see them by Q4 2008
15:47.50muthuis there a delay news anywhere?
15:47.57jastain a sense...
15:48.00muthuQ4 has been the target for a while..
15:48.10jastaread more than just the headline.
15:49.16jastai hadn't thought about that particular nuance of the industry.
15:49.21tethridgeI'm only waiting until February, then I'm going to be an iPhone owner.
15:49.47muthuby feb, adc2 will start
15:50.01muthujasta: can't wait to see your app for adc2
15:50.03michaelnovakjrmuthu ...
15:50.08michaelnovakjragain with the speculating
15:50.09jastathe NDA isn't perfect, unfortunately.  it still lets him spew nonsense about the ADC2.
15:50.25muthuthis channel is going to come back alive ;)
15:50.29jastabut i guess we can't be too picky.
15:50.47jastamuthu: why do you assume my app will be part of adc2?
15:50.50michaelnovakjrmuthu, you are too touchy feely for me
15:51.03muthujasta: you can't stay away from android
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16:11.41michaelnovakjrmuthu, that method doesn't exist
16:11.41muthumichaelnovakjr: something like that
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16:11.46jastawhoa, i was on the wrong side of that netsplit :)
16:11.46michaelnovakjrjasta, how can i get focus to the bottom of the list view?
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16:11.47jastamichaelnovakjr: set the last item to be the selected one
16:14.01michaelnovakjrgot it :)
16:14.01michaelnovakjrstupid easy things :)
16:15.29yakischlobawaiting for common sense boot up again?
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16:18.49michaelnovakjrunfortunately yes yakischloba :)
16:18.55muthuwhy isn't there a ListView#displayLastItem() to make it easier
16:19.04michaelnovakjrbecause it is easy :)
16:19.10romainguy__why would there be such a method?
16:19.13michaelnovakjrsetSelection( position )
16:19.35michaelnovakjrsetSelection( listAdapter.count );
16:19.43muthusetting last item seems to be like a common use case
16:19.44romainguy__count - 1 michaelnovakjr :)
16:19.49michaelnovakjr:) yes...
16:19.55romainguy__muthu: I really don't see how it's a **common** use case
16:19.58michaelnovakjrstill i type it wrong when its right in my code :)
16:20.09michaelnovakjrits really not...
16:20.14muthuromainguy_: its common, when you add items to a list
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16:20.31jastaromainguy__: is the engineering team even bothering with the issue list any more?
16:20.39romainguy__jasta: yes why?
16:21.24jastaJust curious if it was a waste of time to post something there.  I'd like to post my HttpClient example and ask that some engineer confirms the bug is indeed gone from the latest builds.  Or at least, confirm it's gone from whatever will be final.
16:21.58romainguy__I doubt anybody will have time just to confirm that a bug is gone
16:21.59f00f-jasta: are you sure it's not an isue for the Apache HttpComponents people?
16:22.31jastaIt is.  But romain claims many patches both by Google and upstream have been provided.
16:22.39jastaAnd also, a new upstream version exists.
16:23.03jastaI could not discover the source of the bug by decompiling Android's included code, so I'd like confirmation directly that the bug is gone.
16:23.21jastaromainguy__: So then it is pointless to post bugs?
16:23.35romainguy__you can post bugs if you need a fix
16:23.48jastaWell I do need a fix in M5.  I have no idea if that fix is in the current build.
16:23.56jastahow could I?
16:26.17jastaHow could anyone posting a bug know if it's been fixed in a newer version or not?  Any bug post would require an Android developer to either fix the bug, or confirm that it was already fixed.
16:26.40jastaSo, it's either pointless to post bugs, or somebody must have time to look at them.  Right?
16:28.28muthuany news on public sdk?
16:28.34romainguy__muthu: non
16:28.45muthutoo bad
16:29.04muthunow that i don't have anything to do ;)
16:29.11f00f-done already eh
16:29.56michaelnovakjrmuthu, let's not start speculating :)
16:30.43jastaromainguy__: You're not filling me with confidence here...
16:31.01romainguy__jasta: what are you talking about?
16:31.37jastaI need to confirm that this issue is gone in the latest builds.  If it isn't, then someone needs to fix the bug.
16:31.43romainguy__then file your bug
16:31.46jastaI did all I can do with the version I have, and no access to source code.
16:32.00jastaromainguy__: So engineers are looking at them, for sure?
16:32.14romainguy__engineers are looking at the bugs
16:32.21romainguy__but I cannot promise you yours will be looked at
16:32.34romainguy__or that if it is looked at that someone will take the time to test your code against a newer build
16:32.51romainguy__especially if you describe your bug like you did to me
16:33.00jastaHow did I describe it to you?
16:33.20romainguy__just file your bug
16:34.34romainguy__f00f-: did you submit your app btw?
16:34.55f00f-we're doing a final submnit in a few minutes
16:35.09f00f-just doing doc fixes :)
16:35.17muthuhow many mins left?
16:37.08yakischlobadown to the wire eh
16:38.12jastai thought you guys had to the 8th?
16:38.31f00f-funny, so did one of our teammates
16:38.51jastais it due today?
16:39.31jastait's incredible how high your odds are of winning.
16:40.47yakischlobawhat is f00f-'s app?
16:41.00yakischlobai've forgotten
16:41.09f00f-i think jasta meant you as in 'the 50'
16:41.12f00f-yakischloba: PedNav
16:41.15yakischlobaohh yeah
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16:47.56yakischlobaHave the majority of the '50' been working on their project full time?
16:49.26f00f-it feels like full-time
16:49.46yakischlobaDo you all have day jobs too?
16:50.09f00f-most of us do
16:50.35yakischlobaso you have been busy eh
16:51.07f00f-.. let's just say in another 9 minutes i'll be relieved :D
16:51.23f00f-still need to do another build with new icon
16:51.33yakischlobabetter hurry.
16:51.41f00f-i have my guy in photoshop as we speak.
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17:00.58f00f-all done.
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17:11.04jastaf00f-: so it is due today?
17:11.42michaelnovakjrjasta, yep :)
17:11.51jastaare you concerned by the way that the judges will be comparing your app against Google Maps (now with public transit info from the very same database you use)?
17:12.06jastaor is it actually dissimilar?
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17:18.51jastahello san :
17:19.48SanMehathey man
17:19.49SanMehatwhats up
17:22.32jastapretty good :)
17:23.17jastagoing out to my mom's to shoot pool tonight.  which is fun, because i'm way better than her :)
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17:26.02SanMehatgood stuff
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17:38.08jastaromainguy_: so, is the next SDK drop expected to be 1.0?
17:38.20jastaas in, very close if not identical to the shipped release?
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17:47.41michaelnovakjrjasta, makes sense, why do an non-NDA before a public release?
17:48.23anno^da_whats up ? :) something new about a SDK ?
17:49.25anno^da_have done the flickr api now and it works perfectly :D
17:50.06anno^da_Now I have to do some UI :-)
17:50.59michaelnovakjrwill you have to choose files from the device?
17:51.19romainguy_jasta: I can't comment on that
17:51.30romainguy_anno^da_: nothing new :)
17:52.02anno^da_Mmh well I'm just recording a image/video and uploading it directly to the media services. So not really choosing.
17:52.26anno^da_and adding geo codings to them.
17:52.35michaelnovakjrromainguy_ ... some early screenshots of the sms app i wrote
17:52.44anno^da_At the moment it integrates Twittr, Flickr, Tumblr and Technorati for some Blog Pings
17:52.46romainguy_I saw that :)
17:53.15anno^da_michaelnovakjr: nice ui. Not overloaded :)
17:53.40michaelnovakjrthanks, i try to keep it simple
17:54.02anno^da_It's the best you can do.
17:54.23romainguy_michaelnovakjr: why are you writing an SMS app btw? :)
17:54.47michaelnovakjri wrote it for the htc, really, the sms on there was terrible
17:55.38jastaromainguy_: i'm just concerned that there's gonna be a ton of bugs in the 1.0 release due to a lack of community involvement for so long...
17:56.01jastacan you comment on any sort of software upgrade policy or release schedules post handset launch?
17:56.06anno^da_Now I got a small question regarding my service. At the moment I'm using it just starting the service and it gets killed by him self after doing his job. Now I need some interaction with the service in my UI. Is it right that I have to start the service and then bind to it from the actvity calling methods. (I already did the AIDL files)
17:56.10romainguy_no I can't jasta
17:56.23jastahmm.  *frustrated*
17:57.21jastaanno^da_: The practice that I have adopted is to reinterpret what the service's onStart() call really means.
17:57.24michaelnovakjrjasta, i'm a bit nervous as well. if you didn't deal with android on a regular basis you'd think it was dead
17:57.45jastaonStart() can be thought of as onConnected(), and then through your service interface (defined in AIDL) you should add some type of doWork, stopWork methods.
17:58.00jastaSo you can happily bind to the service, "starting" it, but the service will just sit idly until you instruct it to do real work.
17:58.52jastamichaelnovakjr: well it just seems highly likely that these private SDKs will have lots of problems in areas not well covered by google apps or ADC participants.  and if it is basically 1.0 final, then we're hosed to get fixes in place for handset launch.
17:58.57anno^da_OK great thanks jast.
17:59.01jastaand then we don't know what it looks like to get those fixes incrementally applied?
17:59.05jastayikes, i saw.
17:59.07jastai say*
17:59.43jastaanno^da_: This approach has lots of advantages as well.  Activities can connect to the service and just simply ask it what it's doing, which they can then decide whether to start it doing something else or observe progress.  Whatever you define in your AIDL.
18:00.08jastaanno^da_: Do note as well that you can use asynchronous callbacks so your activity can get meaningful status change notifications as they occur (without polling).
18:00.17michaelnovakjrjasta, i'm not so sure the adc guys are much better off though
18:00.30jastamichaelnovakjr: Well, they at least have a voice where we have none.
18:00.51jastaThey could at least say "hey, what the hell, bug XYZ still isn't fixed?"
18:01.45anno^da_thanks again jasta.
18:02.05jastaanno^da_: By the way, the service stops itself via stopSelf() when it is truly done and ready to die.  But it won't die until all connected activities disconnect.
18:02.19jastaWhich is fine, because remember your service is organized to "live" but happily be idle.
18:02.45jastastopSelf() is more like a flag than an action.  It informs the manager that it's done, and can be killed whenever.
18:03.04jastaIf you don't call stopSelf(), however, it will never die.  Not even after the actvities disconnect.
18:03.15anno^da_Yeah I recognized that.
18:03.28anno^da_At the moment the service is killing its self
18:03.40jastaOne more thing, to note that your service must be thread-safe.  Multiple connecting activities issuing commands against it will all run in separate threads.
18:03.40anno^da_after doing the API interaction stuff
18:03.51jastaerr, do note*
18:03.58michaelnovakjrjasta, getting a device today?
18:04.06jastamichaelnovakjr: Maybe not still, going to my mom's tonight.
18:04.11anno^da_mhhh ok I'm not doing multiple connections at the moment. :)
18:04.22anno^da_(too complicated for me atm :) )
18:05.10jastaanno^da_: Well, anyone can access your service...
18:05.19jastaso if you hope for your code to be reusable, be thread-safe.
18:05.36jastaThread-safety is very simple in Java, and in fact designing the code to be such will likely improve your design in general.
18:05.45anno^da_Yeah that's right. I will note that down.
18:05.53jastaOne approach is to use a Handler and pass messages to the main thread from the method invocations.
18:05.59jastaJust like in activities.
18:06.07anno^da_At the moment I'm improving in java while writting some things :)
18:06.21jastaanother approach is to use the concurrent classes in Java and sychronize appropriately when accessing resources.
18:06.36jastaand/or*, i mean
18:06.54anno^da_is copying all the stuff into my notes :)
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18:07.06anno^da_into his notes :P
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18:08.40anno^da_But I can't wait testing the things on a real device. :)
18:09.46jastareal devices are likely to expose numerous thread safety issues with most peoples applications.
18:10.01jastachanging timing and introducing more obscure error conditions usually does that ;)
18:10.37jastaa good portion of my code even needs to be rewritten with some faulty assumptions i made in my haste to submit for the ADC.
18:10.52jastaassumptions removed*
18:11.45anno^da_:-). The thing is while learning the whole stuff I'm doing so much errors in design. But that's ok I have to get better. :)
18:12.22jastaIf you have the time, I do recommend picking up a book on some of these topics more generally
18:12.55jastaJava in general if you are largely unfamiliar with the language and runtime, and also on concurrency in Java.
18:13.30jastaO'Reilly is usually a reliable publisher.
18:15.05anno^da_Yeah I will do that. At the moment it is just having fun with all the APIs I can get and playing around connecting the services and mashing them up in the mobile area.
18:15.48anno^da_I got some OReilly books already but hadnt the time to dive into them.
18:15.56jastawell just remember, chasing obscure bugs you don't understand is when software engineering stops being fun. ;)
18:16.17michaelnovakjroh yea :)
18:16.20romainguy_jasta: well just remember, chasing obscure bugs you don't understand is when software engineering stops being fun << sounds like my job description some days :)
18:16.45anno^da_romainguy: *laughing*
18:17.12anno^da_btw loves the adam ezra group
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18:39.40michaelnovakjrjasta, your logcat formatting has inspired the conversation view in Messages
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19:20.44jastamichaelnovakjr: glad i helped :)
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19:29.29michaelnovakjrI made the conversation one TextView
19:29.51jastai like to produce a lot of example code...
19:29.52michaelnovakjrline wraps are much nicer now jasta :)
19:31.25michaelnovakjri added the timestamp to the conversation view as well
19:31.36jastai wish you would commit more atomically :)
19:31.49michaelnovakjryea, i'm going to do a commit now
19:32.04jastai try to commit every change independent of the others when possible
19:34.07sayersjasta: I got into another java game, I guess you were right
19:34.22jastaright about what?  i don't remember what i said? :)
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19:35.04sayersI said I'm only going to be game programming for 2 more days, and then you said "we'll see" or something like that
19:35.14sayerswell now I'm working on a huge project :z
19:35.28michaelnovakjrcommitted a new revision jasta
19:35.43michaelnovakjri still have to setup the contacts picker.... shouldn't be hard at all
19:35.57jasta_nice, i'll take a look tonight.
19:36.48michaelnovakjrcool, i should have the contacts thing done then too
19:38.28anno^da_Got a question am I able to set Toasts from my Service ?
19:39.27michaelnovakjryou have to do it on the UI Thread i believe
19:41.22jasta_anno: yes, in fact the main thread of a service is in the ui context.
19:41.52jasta_but only the main thread can do it.  the implemented aidl interface runs on separate binder thread.s
19:41.53anno^da_So the only notification I can do (when my activity is not active) is a status bar notification right ?
19:42.08jasta_this is where a handler would come in very handy.
19:42.32jasta_no, as i said, a services main thread is in the ui context.
19:42.59michaelnovakjri like the handler method
19:44.52jasta_check out uithreadutils if you'd prefer a simplr abstraction.
19:47.37jastaUIThreadUtilities is the proper class name :)
19:47.40jastai was just on my phone hehe
19:48.12michaelnovakjr:) what client do you use?
19:48.24anno^da_Its working now
19:48.34anno^da_just a little bug in my Handler :)
19:48.47anno^da_thanks guys.
19:55.44jastamichaelnovakjr: some non-free windows mobile program.  it's not great, and when i get android i hope to use ssh instead of a separte instance
19:56.36sayersgo non-free windows!
19:57.01jastamichaelnovakjr: i wonder if you could find an irc client for android :)
19:57.11jastawell, it would be poitnless, since that osk sucks so bad :)
19:58.00michaelnovakjran idea would be to write another :)
19:58.12jastalet's not get carried away :)
20:03.26jastai'm sure plenty of goons will write crummy IRC clients, we don't need to be one of them
20:08.23jastathat said i am writing a solitaire (freecell) game.
20:09.02jastajust to get some familiarity with a different sort of project
20:09.41michaelnovakjri'm doing a game next
20:10.19AttractiveApemichaelnovakjr: wow, what's your day job?
20:10.33AttractiveApeFor Android?
20:11.05michaelnovakjrweb programming :(
20:12.12f00f-jasta: gmaps is definitely a competitor. but we think we have a unique thing or two. ;)
20:12.38michaelnovakjrhopefully a good unique thing or two ;)
20:12.44f00f-trying to solve a problem that's very common amongst all LBS apps
20:12.47f00f-trying to connect disparities
20:12.52f00f-yeah i hope so michael
20:13.42michaelnovakjras someone who takes the subway to work everyday, i appreciate non-network applications :)
20:14.17f00f-current operation needs network, but it's designed to work in disconnected mode
20:14.42jastaf00f-: it'll be interesting to see if google tries to shut you out.
20:14.50jastato avoid confusing consumers, that is.
20:15.19jastaactually, i bet your biggest challenge will come from "unbiased" carriers who will not want to distribute an app over Google's own, unless it's also their own.
20:16.00michaelnovakjrthat could very well be true
20:16.12zhobbs_wonders when/how his adc nda expires
20:16.27jastazhobbs_: In 3 years, didn't you read it? :)
20:17.05jastamichaelnovakjr: i bet carriers will still try to lock down the "default" experience very tightly.
20:17.59f00f-jasta: well if our app offers more functionality/features, then google must play catchup :)
20:18.21jastaf00f-: and they might, or they might just throw their weight at you and nobody will care to use your app?
20:18.32f00f-throw their weight, how
20:18.34jastagoogle, afterall, is going to control the app "market".
20:18.59f00f-i doubt they'll try any tricks
20:19.00jastaalso, carriers and oems control what goes on the phones in the US.
20:19.13f00f-yeah, unless you have a cozy relationship with them!
20:19.19jastaf00f-: Maybe they don't have to?  If they don't intentionally guide traffic away from their own apps, it's unlikely anyone will find/want them
20:19.34jastaf00f-: Are you partnering with OEMs?
20:19.51f00f-not yet
20:19.59jastaCompeting with Google on one of its flagship accomplishments is seemingly impossible.
20:20.13michaelnovakjrescpecially when they power your engine :)
20:20.17jastaThey are a juggernaut, even if everyone wants to see them as the little guy :)
20:21.04f00f-yes, it'll be interesting to see what happens
20:21.33jastaI'm especially curious.  I don't want this platform to have all the same hidden agenda crap that Apple has with the iPhone
20:21.37jastabut it might just.
20:21.38f00f-i'd like symbian, blackberry, and iphone ports too
20:21.56jastaf00f-: The iPhone?  Oh jeez.  You're still competing with Google, and now you've got Apple to answer to ;)
20:22.02f00f-i think ultimately the operators will have the final say
20:22.10f00f-well iphone waiting until the licensing becomes more friendly
20:22.20f00f-not going to sign an NDA to develop and restrict myself
20:22.29jastayou're not?  really? :)
20:22.45f00f-well iphone is public right? ;)
20:22.49f00f-or is the sdk still considered private
20:22.57f00f-it has some legal trings attached to it i thought
20:23.05jastamore public than android, i'd say.
20:23.19jastaf00f-: i was just jabbing at you.  you already signed an NDA to develop :)
20:23.26jastaif one, why not another? :)
20:23.58f00f-niceness(GOOG) > niceness(APPL) == true
20:24.20jastayou have nothing to base that opinion on, however.
20:24.27jastaYou haven't competed with either of them yet :)
20:24.35f00f-yeah, it's a shot in the dark
20:24.38jastaI'm pretty sure both are quite ruthless when you do.
20:24.42f00f-at the very minimum an iphone web app (LBS) would be nice
20:24.47f00f-yeah probably
20:25.28michaelnovakjrf00f-: the google NDA doesn't expire?
20:25.37jastamichaelnovakjr: it expires in 3 years, according to its text.
20:25.56f00f-3 years after the termination of it, i think
20:26.16f00f-but it's to specifics only
20:26.21f00f-so should be a non-issue for most
20:26.47zhobbs_yeah, will be once a new public build is released
20:27.11zhobbs_will be a non-issue that is
20:27.14jastazhobbs_: you're lucky that google has no interest in holding you to that 3 year clause.
20:27.15michaelnovakjrstill not holding my breath :)
20:27.23jastabecause if they did, you are legally required to.
20:27.36jastai think you all are crazy for signing that unammended.
20:27.52michaelnovakjryea, it kind of defeats the purpose of the ADC i think
20:28.05michaelnovakjrit kinda why i have no interest in the apparent ADC2
20:29.38f00f-personally, i think it was a bait and switch
20:29.40f00f-to require a contract
20:29.56zhobbs_f00f-: what do you mean?
20:30.09f00f-well, i didnt know upfront that round 2 was going to be closed
20:30.14jastaf00f-: i agree completely.  i even had dan confirm at one point open source projects would be eligible to compete.  that statement turned out to be outright false.
20:30.17michaelnovakjrwas it as much fun as round 1?
20:30.31jastain fact, i treasure his exact quote.
20:30.38jastaWhen asked about the eligibility of open source projects he said
20:30.50jasta"I'm sure we won't go and do something stupid like bar open source projects from competing."
20:30.55jastaBut they did go and do something stupid like that ;)
20:31.00michaelnovakjrthat is also part of my reason for steering clear of adc2
20:31.23michaelnovakjrwell, they just forced open source projects to be closed source :)
20:31.28chomchomopen projects aren't allowed to compete in ADC 2?
20:31.32michaelnovakjrfor an undisclosed amount of time :)
20:31.42jastachomchom: How can they?  They can't release source.
20:31.48jastamichaelnovakjr: You can't be an open source project and be closed source :)
20:31.56zhobbs_jasta: adc2 will probably be different
20:32.15michaelnovakjrzhobbs_: i'm sure, but it still doesn't seem appealing
20:32.31jastazhobbs_: I'm not holding my breath.
20:32.51chomchomYou can be open with your source but still monetize your binary builds using licensing agreements
20:32.56jastachomchom: I meant ADC 1, and I didn't quite read your "ADC 2" part :)
20:33.13jastachomchom: ADC 1 bars open source projects, by way of an NDA preventing source disclosure.
20:33.41michaelnovakjrjasta, don't forget for an undisclosed amount of time :)
20:33.42f00f-jasta: yeah i remember. it totally sucks for OSS projects in round 2. kinda forces everyone to be closed for a siginifcant amount of time.
20:33.54f00f-michaelnovakjr: fun, yeah i guess, smaller crowd :P
20:34.11f00f-i think they know they poorly executed ADC I, so perhaps things will chnage
20:34.14f00f-have faith :P
20:34.16zhobbs_yeah, less fun because our irc room and mailing list had less people
20:34.54michaelnovakjri just figured i'm happy programming now, and i don't have to worry about google or anyone telling me what i can do with my code
20:35.37zhobbs_I love open source...but that's not to say $$ is a big motivator for me
20:35.49michaelnovakjrtrue, money has a funny way of doing that :)
20:35.58f00f-i mean clearly for round 2, they want profitable apps
20:36.01f00f-it's all about the money
20:36.10f00f-well even for round 1, they wanted a monetary angle
20:36.32f00f-"how can sell/embed ads in this app to increase roi?"
20:36.33michaelnovakjryea, i'm not really all about that.... for me it takes away the fun feeling
20:36.52zhobbs_michaelnovakjr: there's room for both...I think we'll see a nice open source community
20:37.14michaelnovakjri end up using the apps i write, so for me to release the source and give it away free its all good because i still see benefits of getting to use my app
20:37.19f00f-yeah i guess money is an initial motivator, but the end result, if you're successful, is that you'll have an app with millions of users, which is the 'high' many people look for in the end.
20:38.45michaelnovakjri kind of laughed when romainguy asked why i was writing an sms app
20:38.45zhobbs_I'm looking forward to the results of round 2, I feel like we made a pretty good app and I want to see what other people are up to
20:38.45michaelnovakjri was thinking, there isn't one now...... and there's no signs of when one will be available... so why wait?
20:39.31zhobbs_michaelnovakjr: I think it's awesomw
20:39.32michaelnovakjrzhobbs_: there will definitely be room for both, i just hope the open source community is bigger, and more than that of better quality
20:39.39f00f-screens michael?
20:39.57zhobbs_I just like seeing open source projects emerging of any kind
20:40.00michaelnovakjri'll be putting updated ones up tonight
20:41.48michaelnovakjri modified the conversation view slightly
20:43.30michaelnovakjrthanks zhobbs_
20:43.53f00f-okay, yeah it's a start
20:44.00f00f-i'm looking for bubbles :D
20:44.12f00f-i think text needs to be bigger too
20:44.18f00f-for readability on a real device
20:44.26f00f-yeah like iPhone
20:44.28f00f-so you know who is who
20:44.40michaelnovakjrdid you forget who me is?
20:44.45*** join/#android davidw_ (n=davidw@
20:44.53f00f-ok how about
20:44.55f00f-like google talk
20:45.00f00f-if you send many things in  a row
20:45.03f00f-dont have a new entry for it
20:46.05zhobbs_I think I'd want separate entries
20:46.15zhobbs_to know time frame
20:46.44f00f-customizability !
20:46.45michaelnovakjryea, i didn't want to get fancy with bubbles and all that because it seems a bit overkill
20:47.10f00f-i think it's needed though
20:47.29michaelnovakjryou and the other person are different colors as well
20:47.44f00f-well how about
20:47.47f00f-you justified on left
20:47.50f00f-other on right
20:48.05f00f-so you can kinda see a 'back and forth' convo
20:49.09michaelnovakjrto me i do see a back and forth convo.... i see Me: and then the other person :)
20:50.38michaelnovakjri guess you could jazz up text messaging.... but i am not sure the extra baggage is necessar
20:50.59michaelnovakjri think the only reason the iPhone has it is because of iChat
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20:51.21michaelnovakjrand with Android, I don't have an iChat like program i need to mimic
20:52.28michaelnovakjrand f00f- by the way.... i'm using it on a real device :)
20:52.52chomchomthats hardcore
20:52.52michaelnovakjrthe vogue android port
20:53.00michaelnovakjrthe only reason i wrote it :)
20:55.50michaelnovakjrso getting the UI to work on a device was important :)
20:57.05f00f-someone pre'd a handset for you?
20:57.05michaelnovakjrthe vogue
20:57.12f00f-never heard of it
20:57.16f00f-who makes it?
20:57.17michaelnovakjrthe htc touch
20:57.26f00f-same thing
20:57.31michaelnovakjra guy has android booting off of win mo
20:57.45michaelnovakjrwith the data connection, calling, and text messaging working
20:58.00f00f-that is awesome
20:58.01michaelnovakjras well as obviously the browser and maps applications
20:58.02f00f-is it fast?
20:58.11michaelnovakjrdefinitely faster than the emulator
20:58.13AttractiveApepretty fast and smooth.
20:58.18michaelnovakjri like it
20:58.37michaelnovakjrits pleasant to use
20:58.46f00f-flicking list views up and down must be nice
20:59.00michaelnovakjrand the notification manager is much easier too :)
21:00.06michaelnovakjrAttractiveApe: in a few hours i'm going to be posting the apk on the downloads page
21:00.17michaelnovakjrjust have one more item to add
21:00.20f00f-will the apk run on my emulator ;p
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21:00.25michaelnovakjryes f00f-
21:00.36michaelnovakjralthough it doesn't complete the sms send
21:00.43michaelnovakjrthe app just acts like it does
21:01.30f00f-hax into HTC labs to get launch handset
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21:39.02jasta[13:39] <zhobbs_> I just like seeing open source projects emerging of any kind
21:39.09jasta<-- then maybe you should create one :)
21:39.19jastastupid linebreak ;)
21:40.16michaelnovakjrjasta, created a menu option to call the sender in the messages app
21:40.25jastavery nice
21:40.31*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
21:40.41michaelnovakjrfigured it would be easy.... and it was :)
21:40.49michaelnovakjrit makes sense too
21:43.34michaelnovakjri'll be back later... i'm going to post the apk later once i add the contact picker
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21:55.09rainabbaStill trying to get the hang of Android as a project (primary systems, compiling, etc...); I've got a Vouge and a couple working copies of Android for it (with a few bugs of course) and I am hearing about "newer" versions. I can't grab just any initrd.gz because each would have drivers appropriate for a given device, right?
21:55.45jastarainabba: software isn't magic.
21:56.01rainabbaDamn, there goes my bubble :)
21:56.35rainabbaSorry if my question wasn't worded so well. Likely a reflection of my ignorance on the subject.
21:57.24rainabbaWorded another way: initrd.gz is device specific for releases of Android correct?
21:57.53rainabbaIOW, I couldn't just grab one from the SDK and drop it on my HTC VOuge and expect it to run.
21:57.58f00f-i love when people are humble
21:59.00rainabbadodges the oncomming sarcasm
21:59.21rainabbaI'm not humble, I'm honest.
21:59.39rainabbaI'm quite arrogant actually, but only where I can justfy my right to be.
21:59.58f00f-i was being honest :)
22:00.11rainabbaIn that case, thank you. My point stands still :)
22:00.20f00f-well it's great that there are adventurous people running the SDK on real devices
22:00.24f00f-i'd love to do that
22:00.43f00f-as far as your question, i think every device needs customizzation no?
22:00.50f00f-not sure how the initrd is organized
22:00.57f00f-and what modules you need for your arch
22:01.08rainabbaWith haret it appears to be pretty harmless. I couldn't do it on my own either. A gentleman at Massey University is responsible for my fun I think.
22:01.21f00f-tax dollars at work!
22:01.39rainabbaIsn't that a "private" school?
22:02.23rainabbaI know there are some patches he released that must be applied to an older version of the SDK, but I'm thinking someone figured out his underlying logic and applied them to a newer version. Just dunno where to get the latest, or how to do it myself.
22:02.39rainabbaGetting nearly all my info from:
22:03.09*** join/#android brunokbcao (n=brunokbc@
22:03.26brunokbcaoIs this channel about "Google Android"?
22:03.50rainabbaDo you want it to be?
22:03.58rainabbaLife is what you make of it.
22:04.00f00f-depends on the objective
22:04.10f00f-we talk about a vast range of topics
22:06.58rainabbaSo I still say the idea that we have a massive black hole in the middle of the milkyway, but it's lying dormant, completely contradicts the general idea of a black hole.
22:07.39f00f-depends on the extent of event horizon
22:08.03*** part/#android brunokbcao (n=brunokbc@
22:08.43rainabbaIn any case, it diminishes the fear-factor that they had before this 'discovery'. If the galaxy is in balance with it or expanding, it's not really a threat.
22:09.18rainabbagoes to edit his default.txt
22:11.47f00f-grep -v O_BLACKHOLE /dev/universe0 > /tmp/univ2 ; mknod c 6 23 /dev/universe1 ; mv /tmp/univ2 /dev/universe1 ; cat /dev/null > /dev/universe0
22:13.05rainabbaEeek. In that case, I want to exist in /dev/universe1. Do I have a choice? Also, do all realities exist in /dev/universe0, or is there only one reality with count(/dev/universe*) > 0?
22:13.46f00f-universe0 becomes invalid the moment you null it, but the UniverseManager shifts the context to /dev/universe1 so you get everything but the black hole
22:14.02rainabbaGood thinking
22:14.36rainabbaSOmeones goes to run across this on Google from IRC logs some day and seriously scratch their head.
22:14.50romainguy_I am scratching my head right now
22:15.29f00f-he's gonna patent that s***, better run for your lives!
22:16.02yakischlobaSorry I already hold an ambiguous patent that covers such a concept.
22:16.36rainabbaYah, and who's going to help you enforce that patent; God?
22:17.14f00f-whoever manages multiple unvierses
22:17.16f00f-could be null
22:17.20f00f-in which case you're in big trouble
22:17.26rainabbaI WILL NULL YOUR UNIVERSE and pass the UniverseManager a parameter so that O_BLACKHOLE shifts with your context.
22:17.55rainabbacan no longer stand the geekyness of this joke
22:18.05rainabbageekyness? Hmm.
22:18.40rainabbaJust realized we have a crowd.
22:19.08chomchomTheres always a lurking few.
22:20.47jastarainabba: i did not have the opportunity to finish my thoughts...sorry
22:21.02jastarainabba: but the kernel is not modular with Android, so the zImage contains all the driver code
22:21.22jastathe initrd is just the ramdisk image that boots android, it contains significant code to power Android, system libraries, init scripts, etc.
22:21.47jastathe system and data images are just a more formal structure for Android to lay onto, and to store its runtime/framework stuffs.
22:22.01rainabbaconsiders "system libraries"
22:22.19rainabbaSo which of those two files are device specific?
22:22.25rainabba... or both?
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22:32.10jastarainabba: both of them, potentially.
22:32.19rainabbargr. ty
22:32.20jastafor example, there are dev entries in the initrd
22:32.27jastafor devices that the kernel implements
22:32.35jastabut mostly the kernel in this case, being that iti s not modular
22:32.46jastathe Android release, however, depends heavily on both for obvious reasons
22:33.06jastauserspace must communicate with kernel space, so given al the voodoo going on with Android in the linux kernel there is quite a lot of that communication
22:33.26rainabbaOf course :)
22:33.33rainabbasmiles like he really understands
22:33.36jastastill, i woudln't go around just randomly plugging in files and try to boot them without knowing what the hell you're working with
22:33.48rainabbaThat's what I'm taking from this.
22:34.10rainabbaHave to rely on others for now. I'm not even remotely capable of such wizardry.
22:34.30rainabbaErr, That's what I'm coming to understand now from what you're saying.
22:35.58jastaso what brings you here, then?
22:36.59rainabbaInterest. I've got the SDK, I've got the emulator, I've got enough experience with C languages and varies IDEs, and I've got a phone capable of and currently running Android. Just trying to learn and explore.
22:37.42rainabbaIn large, I'm trying to determine if and how I can maintain an up-2-date zKernel and initrd on my own.
22:38.01rainabbazImage I mean
22:38.15jastayou mean keeping up with the changes that the google developers are making?
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22:38.25rainabbaDaunting, but I'm not feeling hopeless just yet.
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22:40.49jastaactually, i don't think you even know what the hell you want.
22:40.55rainabbajasta: Not really. I think I'm too far behind the curve to absorb that yet.
22:41.14jastayou don't even know what initrd does or contains, or what a zImage is, do you?
22:41.42rainabbaGot a vauge idea and wikipedia.
22:42.04jastathen i highly recommend that you give up.
22:42.25rainabbaYou're right! I just better then. Lord knows I'm not up for a challange.
22:42.26jastayou don't even know what you want to do or why you want to do it.  so don't do it.
22:42.35rainabbarolls his eyes
22:43.17jastarainabba: let me explain something to you.  no new Android release has been made in 6 months.  The kernel changes being made by the Google employees are not especially helpful to your Vogue.
22:43.28rainabbajasta: Please don't talk to yourself too long. I'm not up to arguing with idiot and nay-sayers and thus use /ignore freely.
22:44.12rainabbaresumes listening and learning
22:44.29sayersjasta: I don't know where that came from, but... ouch :)
22:44.49chomchomyeah man a bit harsh
22:45.09rainabba" then i highly recommend that you give up." " you don't even know what you want to do or why you want to do it."
22:45.28rainabbaI'd say the attitude behind that comments far exceeds mine.
22:45.55rainabbaLet me quote myself as well: "Interest. I've got the SDK, I've got the emulator, I've got enough experience with C languages and varies IDEs, and I've got a phone capable of and currently running Android. Just trying to learn and explore."
22:46.12jastarainabba: If you aren't interested in talking to me, I'd ask that you not talk about me as well.
22:46.18Dougie187hows it going jasta
22:46.24rainabbaNot looking to start a fight though so if an appology will keep the peace, jasta has it.
22:46.29jastaBy the way, I also have experimented heavily with the Vogue.
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22:47.12jastaDougie187: good, you?
22:47.16Dougie187pretty  good
22:47.20Dougie187trying to get wireless n working.
22:47.22jastaDougie187: i still haven't gone to the Sprint store hehe
22:47.45Dougie187i thought you were going to go there yesterday
22:47.57jastai was, but it's hard to get away from the gf.
22:47.58Dougie187i just imagined you driving there peeing your pants the whole way.
22:48.04jastayeah, i would have
22:48.17jastai tried to even convince her that i would go there, pick it up, and i wouldn't play with it at all that night
22:48.25jastabut she's smarter than that hehe
22:48.28Dougie187you should have taken her with you.
22:48.32Dougie187made it a date.
22:48.35Dougie187thats what i would od.
22:48.47Dougie187then go to the mall with her or something
22:48.48jastahehe, i did take her with me to the apple store when i played with the iPhone for like 2 hours getting interface ideas for Five
22:49.05jastai think she thought it was going to take 5 minutes :)
22:49.55jastai told her that Romain was poking fun at how much Five looked like the iPhone/iPod, and she was like "well i should hope so after two hours at the apple store."
22:49.56Dougie187ok.. well lets see if this works..
22:50.09Dougie187sounds like shes a little bitter
22:50.17jastashe's just happy the ADC is over :)
22:50.28Dougie187well its going to start back up again soon....ish....
22:50.31*** join/#android michaelnovakjr__ (n=mnovak@
22:50.40Dougie187good evening michaelnovakjr__
22:50.45jastaDougie187: yeah but that should meet me a bit differently, since my app already has a substantial base.
22:50.56Dougie187and following by that point.
22:50.57michaelnovakjr__hey what's up?
22:51.10Dougie187not much. how bout you?
22:51.18Dougie187i hope this doesnt break my laptop!
22:51.24michaelnovakjr__eh, not too much... just got home a little while ago
22:51.32Dougie187sounds cool.
22:51.44Dougie187i got home about an hour and a half ago.
22:51.45jastamichaelnovakjr__: not much, i was looking over Messages...
22:51.55michaelnovakjr__what do you think?
22:52.03Dougie187jasta: are you going to get  the thing today?
22:52.04jastaI like it, but there are still some UI tweaks i would do
22:52.16michaelnovakjr__what did you have in mind?
22:52.16jastaDougie187: no, today i'm busy.  shooting pool with my mom tonight
22:52.29Dougie187ill brb one sec. have to reboot.
22:52.30*** part/#android Dougie187 (
22:53.07jastamichaelnovakjr__: hey, did you not commit your .project?
22:53.13jastaor is this not an eclipse project?
22:53.33michaelnovakjr__i'm not using eclipse.... but i should start generating the projects anyway :)
22:54.05michaelnovakjr__make it a little easier for people unfamiliar with ant
22:54.11michaelnovakjr__or that don't like it :)
22:54.42jastai prefer maven to ant
22:54.47jastai put a pom.xml there too :)
22:55.07romainguy_Maven is not quite the same thing as ant
22:55.10jastait's nice because it resolves dependencies from a remote repository
22:55.11jastalike CPAN
22:55.15michaelnovakjr__what UI tweaks did you have in mind?
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22:55.29Dougie187sad panda.
22:55.31jastaromainguy_: well, they're analogous as build tools.
22:55.39jastaDougie187: hehe
22:55.40romainguy_not really
22:55.53jasta*AS* build tools, not analogous build tools :)
22:56.28jastaDougie187: latest commit fails to build
22:56.43jastaerr, michaelnovakjr__
22:56.53Dougie187i just installed a new kernel which was supposed to have n in it. and it doesnt.. :(
22:56.56michaelnovakjr__i haven't done the 1.5 thing
22:56.58jastamichaelnovakjr__: You're missing an import in
22:57.19romainguy_michaelnovakjr: and that's why IDEs are nice :)
22:57.33Dougie187IDEs are for pansys.
22:58.25michaelnovakjr__jasta, that was a change I made as I was leaving
22:59.00jastaam i seeing the latest feature set or no?
22:59.28michaelnovakjr__fixed Conversation class
22:59.45michaelnovakjr__i still have stuff I'm working on.... but that is my copy of the project
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22:59.59michaelnovakjr__that is i am at a clean r87
23:00.13jastak, building
23:00.34jastathe more i look at the M5 UI the more i like it
23:00.37jastasoft buttons and everything
23:00.42michaelnovakjr__its nice
23:00.55michaelnovakjr__i'm a fan of it
23:01.17michaelnovakjr__i am curious to see the UI changes romainguy_ says were made
23:01.31michaelnovakjr__m3 to m5 was a significant improvement :)
23:01.46romainguy_have you seen the autocompletetextview in M5?
23:01.59michaelnovakjr__i use it in my app
23:02.07jastai think the timestamp should float on the right side
23:02.10jastaand be a darker color
23:02.13jastamaybe a gray
23:02.16romainguy_well that guy is still using the M3 style
23:02.39michaelnovakjr__i noticed that, i wasn't sure if that was intentional/meant to be that way
23:02.53jastawhat guy?
23:04.02michaelnovakjr__jasta, i was thinking in terms of information processing, you see the time and person first and then read the message.
23:04.53jastai'm not sure I agree.  also, i would organize the sender on a line by themselves
23:04.57jastaon the top line
23:05.09jastai can mock it up how i think it should look if you're interested
23:05.58michaelnovakjr__sure, that sounds good
23:06.07michaelnovakjr__it would be nice to see them side by side
23:06.28michaelnovakjr__i was going more the IM route with this layout
23:06.34jastaok, but i won't be able to now
23:07.31michaelnovakjr__i still want to put the contact picker intent in there, so i'll be working with that
23:08.05jastamy change shouldn't mess with that too much
23:08.12jastaif it does i'll resolve conflicts
23:08.42michaelnovakjr__cool, it should be a separate piece... it will deal with the CreateMessage class
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23:20.30michaelnovakjr__hey romainguy_ is there a way to get the resource for the dialer icon?
23:20.52ttuttlemichaelnovakjr__: it's not your icon!
23:21.11ttuttlemichaelnovakjr__: why would there be a way to get it then?
23:21.23michaelnovakjr__because its a resource
23:21.30ttuttlemichaelnovakjr__: yeah, but it's specific to the dialer app.
23:21.47Dougie187do you know if the dialer app is open sourced?
23:21.53michaelnovakjr__if i am going to give users access to the dialer i feel it would be appropriate that the icon associated with that menu item be the dialers.
23:22.01ttuttlemichaelnovakjr__: oh
23:22.03ttuttlemichaelnovakjr__: hmm...
23:22.09ttuttlemichaelnovakjr__: maybe there's a way to get the icon of an application.
23:22.21ttuttlemichaelnovakjr__: I don't think you can just grab the dialer's icon directly though.
23:25.00ttuttledownloads SDK.
23:25.19romainguy_you can access the dialer's icon through the PackageManager
23:25.24ttuttleromainguy_: ah!
23:25.30ttuttleromainguy_: yeah, I figured there was something like that.
23:25.34romainguy_however, if we ever change the file name or remove it...
23:25.35ttuttleromainguy_: also, boo, I didn't get any cupcakes!
23:25.49romainguy_ttuttle: it's because you didn't fix enough bugs :p
23:26.14ttuttleromainguy_: no, it's 'cause I'm too busy fixing bugs to eat cupcakes.
23:26.24romainguy_I saw you on video
23:26.29romainguy_you were playing with your phone
23:26.34ttuttleromainguy_: I was stress-testing the graphics engine!
23:26.40ttuttleromainguy_: Also I was paying attention!
23:27.11ttuttleromainguy_: I'd prove it to you, but it's all conf :-(
23:28.12ttuttleromainguy_: Does the PackageManager let you retrieve the icon for a particular activity?
23:28.49jastamichaelnovakjr__: you could also just copy it out, but the PackageManager is a better approach for sure
23:28.51ttuttlemichaelnovakjr__: Do you need to know the name of the icon, or just the activity?
23:29.04michaelnovakjr__the package
23:29.19michaelnovakjr__the package name to be more exact
23:32.12ttuttleromainguy_: ping
23:33.56ttuttleromainguy_: /me thinks we should bring real cake next time.
23:34.14romainguy_at Sun in the Swing team we used to have the chocolate cake Friday
23:34.19romainguy_that was good
23:34.34ttuttleromainguy_: cam had mango mousse cake yesterday at lunch :-)
23:35.18ttuttlebrb, The Simpsons are on.
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23:36.22f00f-oh my
23:36.25f00f-i need a cushy job like that
23:36.39f00f-eveyrone thinks google employees drink while working
23:36.49f00f-and of course romain sneaks in a chocolate cake or two
23:37.06jastai bet there are a lot of unlikely jobs out there cushier than google
23:37.22michaelnovakjr__we drink on friday afternoons at work
23:37.27michaelnovakjr__its a bit overrated
23:37.49chomchomI don't think working at google would be 'cushy', working for the coucli is weeellll cushy
23:38.11chomchomloads of fat types sitting around eating, drinking and reading the paper
23:38.11jastai dream for a government job in a forgotten agency
23:38.27jastadream of*
23:38.35chomchomhonestly its a joke
23:39.34chomchomSometimes I think to myself, "Why the hell don't I just get a job where I'm presumed to be useless"
23:40.25jastai have a job where i'm presumed to be so important that no one can fathom asking me to do any additional work.
23:40.38chomchomyes, thats the alternative
23:40.40jastawhich is far better than being presumed to be useless :)
23:40.46jastasince i keep getting raises and stuff
23:41.08chomchomalthough you probably shouldn't state it on a public forum if you want it to stay that way :)
23:41.25jastaprobably not :)
23:41.41jastaperhaps i'd be more careful if i were in the industry, as it were.
23:41.45f00f-as long as you do the work prescribed. nobody can question.
23:42.26jastaYes, sometimes you just get lucky and have managers who have unusually low expectations
23:42.44chomchomThey exist?
23:42.50jastaApparently, I have one.
23:47.01*** join/#android sayers (
23:47.30romainguy_f00f-: and of course romain sneaks in a chocolate cake or two << no, that was Sun
23:48.20f00f-ha, i bet you still do it :P
23:48.31romainguy_no need to, food is provided for us here
23:48.53romainguy_my favorite part is the fridge stocked with Mexican coke in the office next to mine :)
23:50.07*** join/#android AttractiveApe (
23:53.15michaelnovakjr__icon lookup worked
23:57.05jastaMy Android blog is at if anyone is interested to see
23:57.16jastai didnt mean to paste that

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