IRC log for #android on 20080804

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01:38.56yakischlobagood evening
01:40.38yakischlobaheh. eventful weekend?
01:47.40jastanot realy
01:47.41jastawent camping
01:47.48jastawith some old family friends
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01:50.16yakischlobawhere at?
01:52.28yakischlobaI'm trying to use android:visibility on a Button. Is this wrong? Eclipse is giving me "Error: Integer types not allowed"
01:52.43jastanot 0-
01:52.58yakischlobaOh. So i don't get the 3rd option?
01:53.16jastaerr, i'm being dumb
01:53.25jastayeah i think it's invisible/visible/gone
01:53.31yakischloba0, 1, 2
01:53.39yakischlobauhm. ok
01:53.45jastano, you can't or at least should not use the integer form.
01:54.20yakischlobadoh. I guess I read that table wrong.
02:00.09yakischlobaWhat does the 'back' button do as far as activity lifecycle?
02:03.48f00f-yakischloba: yes by default unless you override onKeyDown
02:09.31yakischlobaAm I correct that onFreeze() is skipped when ending an Activity with finish()?
02:11.26yakischlobaor is it called but the Bundle is just discarded?
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02:53.28jastayakischloba: it is probably still called, but i'm not sure.
02:54.11yakischlobai looked through the docs for a while, i couldn't figure it out.
02:55.06yakischlobawhatever. Is there general consensus on how the back button is supposed to be handled? is it up to me to give the user some idea of whether or not the state will be saved?
02:59.19jastayakischloba: the user is going to assume state is saved, because all other applications will do that.
02:59.56jastait's a convention, not a rule, but one that user is likely to expect and take for granted.
03:04.38muthuyou save, onpause
03:05.20jastaactually, you save state in onfreeze, but you persist in onstop.
03:05.37yakischlobaI thought I was supposed to persist in onPause.
03:05.48muthudepends on your flow
03:06.32jastayakischloba: well yeah, that would depend on your application.  onPause happens when something is displayed over your activity
03:06.39jastalike, a translucent window or what-have-you.
03:07.00jastafor some applications, onPause and onStop would represent basically the same case, so onStop might make most sense for readability.
03:09.08yakischlobaI need to handle data validation on entry then I guess? I can't have data errors if I must persist in onPause(), and I don't get an opportunity to validate it and notify the user..
03:09.29yakischlobaI guess i've mostly been doing that anyway.
03:09.34muthuyeah, validate immediately
03:09.39jastawell, you could layer validation, actually.
03:09.53jastaso, for example imagine you had an application which required they enter a dollar amount
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03:10.34jastaand they had typed "1.", then got a call, did some other crap, and came back.  under this scenario, "1." would probably not validate, but they do not expect the "1." to go away.
03:10.44jastaeven though it would fail validation, you should still store it and recall for them in the Bundle.
03:10.50jastabut you wouldn't want to necessarily persist the "1."
03:10.57jastasince it wouldn't validate.
03:11.35yakischlobayeah. this gets complicated.
03:11.42jastaagain, to highlight the difference, saving state is just a way to recover if your process disappears.
03:11.52jastapersisting is a way to recall even after the phone reboots
03:12.07yakischlobayeah of course. I'm just trying to wrap my head around implementation.
03:12.14jastaso, in this example it might make sense to save state regardless of validation, but only persist when it validates.
03:12.33jastathe best strategy in general though is to imagine all the possible ways the user can interact with *YOUR* activities, and design for those cases.
03:12.50jastaDon't presume to have a good general purpose solution.
03:13.09jastaEvery application will want to maintain and recall state differently, and to persist data objects differently.
03:13.24jastaJust imagine how the lifecycle actually translates to usage of your application, and cover those cases.
03:13.47jastaThat is, the user is in the application one moment, and may navigate away indefinitely to do some other task, expecting to return to some reasonable state.
03:14.07jastaSometimes that reasonable state requires nothing is saved/recalled.  Other applications may have to be quite aggressive.
03:25.36yakischlobaIs there a way I can get at the value set in setResult from the Activity setting it? (getResult?)
03:26.02jastayakischloba: from the activity setting it?
03:26.18jastaHow is it that you lost the value? :)
03:26.52yakischlobaWell I've been drinking. Let me re-think and see if I didn't need to ask that question.
03:26.52jastaThe general pattern puts setResult and finish very close to each other :)
03:27.38yakischlobaI'm trying to check the result in onPause()
03:28.28jastait would not be appropriate to set the result in onPause or onStop, since the user has made no choice yet.
03:28.47yakischlobaI'm not setting. I'm *checking*.
03:29.00jastaonly call setResult() just before you finish().
03:29.12jastaThere is no need for any other arrangement.
03:29.18jasta[that i can see]
03:30.48yakischlobaHeres my scenario: I have the included 'back' button, a Save button and a Cancel button. If the user clicks Save or uses the 'back' button, I want the data to be persisted. If they click cancel, I don't want it to. So I want to setResult, then finish() in my Save/Cancel buttons, and check it in onPause() to see whether I should persist or not.
03:31.46jastacan you give me an idea what sort of data you're opreating on here?
03:31.52jastawhat user interface are you trying to create?
03:32.00yakischlobapretty simple stuff. Age, height, weight, gender
03:32.22jastaare you sure you understand what setResult() does?
03:33.01yakischlobaMaybe? Is it inappropriate to think I could use it for two things here?
03:33.33yakischlobaI understand that its supposed to be for the 'parent' Activity to know the outcome of its subActivity
03:33.55jastaNo.  It is designed only to return information to the calling activity.
03:34.11jastaNo to your first question, yes to your second ;)
03:34.37muthuuse setResult if you had started a subactivity
03:34.51jastayakischloba: But you don't use setResult to save your state.
03:34.58jastaYou do that independent of the result you plan to give to your caller.
03:35.07muthucalling finish is something you might want to again check your flow
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03:35.55yakischlobaThey are one in the same. I want to have onPause() check as to whether the data should be persisted or not, and I want to inform my calling Activity as to whether it was or not
03:36.24jastayakischloba: You can't inform your caller of anything until finish is called.
03:36.34jastaThe onActivityResult method will only fire when the sub activity exits.
03:36.44yakischlobasince I'll be validating the data prior to any of this, there shouldn't be any reason why the save would fail
03:36.54jastaThat was my point, so in onPause or onStop, you haven't finished yet, and thus setResult does nothing useful.
03:37.41jastaSo, as just as a measure of good design I would find another way to persist this data and call setResult only when the user has elected to leave this subactivity.
03:37.58jastaBy the way, I am sensing that you are not using sub activities correctly here...
03:38.26jastasub activities are for things like choosing a contact, a bookmark, or a file location.
03:38.38jastaThen whent he user makes a choice, the activity finishes and gives the choice back to the caller.
03:38.59jastaFor persistent data part of your application's logic, a sub activity would seem inappropriate to me.
03:40.00muthujasta: are you sure setresult is called only after finish?
03:41.48jastaIf I said that I meant before finish.
03:42.11muthuright.. no i'm not pickin on you
03:42.29muthuis it called before finish
03:42.37muthuor everytime an activity is hidden?
03:42.38jastaBut I am certain that the result is only received by the caller until after the subactivity finishes.
03:42.57jastamuthu: You can call it as much as you'd like.  It will only be picked up the by the parent when the activity finishes.
03:43.05jastaThat was my point.  Calling it often makes absolutely no sense.
03:43.24jastaand is just likely to catch your application in an inconsistent state.
03:43.37muthuok.. was wondering about the defaults here
03:43.52jastathis isn't a question of defaults.  i don't even know what you mean by that.
03:53.13yakischlobaIs it a good idea to close() databases onPause() and open() onResume?
03:54.53muthubetter to open/close when you need them
03:55.32muthuand do databases in background
03:56.51yakischlobaI think I need to KISS for now and re-do bad parts later when I know what I'm doing :)
04:23.38jastalol, sweet
04:23.56jasta3.2MB/sec from Adobe :)
04:24.00jastaat work
04:25.09jastajust bursted, but still ;)
04:25.30jastahehe, 94MB in 1m2s :)
04:46.03pawallsjasta, yo
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11:28.28anno^da_Hello guys.
11:28.31anno^da_someone here ?
11:31.03EQUyes :)
11:33.33anno^da_Oh great. I think my question could be easy for you. :-) I'm trying to replace something in a String and can't find out how to do it the right way. I tried the replace functions of the String class but cant get it to work.
11:33.52anno^da_I'm getting the following String back from the Flickr API: jsonFlickrApi({"stat":"fail", "code":96, "message":"Invalid signature"})
11:34.22anno^da_To use it as a JSONObject I have to get rid of the "jsonFlickrApi(" and the enclosing ")"
11:35.04anno^da_Do you know how to achieve that ?
11:35.50EQUno :(
11:41.32tricanno: is it always this string? use String.substr ;-)
11:42.14anno^da_yeah it is
11:42.22anno^da_it is always this string
11:42.50anno^da_and I dont know why they enclosed their JSON response with that String
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11:43.35tricso check for starting "jsonFlickrApi(" and use substr()
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11:48.27anno^da_well thats to easy to be true :)
11:48.41anno^da_Thanks tric
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14:03.03gamblerandroid competitor newsworthiness
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14:52.44SanMehathow goes.
14:52.54jastaok :)
14:53.01jastabrb, shower time
15:08.40jastahehe, weird, my cell phone interferes with my wireless keyboard and mouse
15:08.51jastai would not have expected that
15:09.15michaelnovakjrwhat does it do to it?
15:09.35jastait causes keys to be missed or repeated.
15:09.56jastawhen the phone is transmitting, and the speakers are picking up the interference, i basically can't type
15:10.14jastai have to move it away from the kb/mouse receiver.
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15:11.21jastamichaelnovakjr: i started working on my solitaire engine hehe
15:11.33jastacoding up a quick freecell game
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15:13.07michaelnovakjri'm finishing up the Messages apk
15:13.12yakischlobagross waste of time :/
15:14.23yakischlobaheh. working as kind of a supervisor for the last couple years i have learned to hate solitaire and freecell, as i've caught people playing that shit countless times on the clock ;)
15:14.29SanMehathates MMC
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15:15.06yakischlobai regularly go around and uninstall solitaire. people actually go to the trouble of bringing it in from home and reinstalling it
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15:35.59trigatch4whats up
15:36.55jastanot much
15:40.12jastathe ADC round 1 deadline is fast approaching...
15:40.20jastaso we'll possibly get to see the results from that soon
15:41.23michaelnovakjrand maybe an SDK
15:41.31jastai wouldn't count on that
15:55.09zhobbs_fast approaching for sure
15:55.53jastaapproaching for sure.
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16:38.16michaelnovakjrwhat's up
16:38.28jastanot much, just got to work
16:38.38jastadrinkin coffee ;0
16:39.29michaelnovakjrmy girlfriend dropped her macbook pro this weekend
16:39.35michaelnovakjrdestroyed the hard drive
16:40.13michaelnovakjri just happened to get a 320gb hard drive on friday, so i wiped mine and put it in her computer and installed the 320gb in mine, wasn't planning to have to do that this weekend
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17:38.32michaelnovakjrquiet today
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17:45.54jastawhat are you working on today? :)
17:46.03SanMehatis working on SD bugs
17:47.15michaelnovakjrjasta, trying to figure out if i can tie my app to the standard sms send action
17:47.36jastasurely you can?
17:47.39michaelnovakjrso if you are in your contacts list you can send an sms message through my app
17:47.49jastathat's just an intent, i'm sure.
17:48.08michaelnovakjryea, it looks like they are tied to standard Android actions
17:48.19michaelnovakjrjust have to figure out what that action is :)
17:48.52jastaI/ActivityManager(  514): Starting activity: Intent { action=android.intent.action.SENDTO
17:49.04jastai just use adb logcat to find that
17:49.21michaelnovakjrah good idea
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17:49.41michaelnovakjrits monday :) common sense is still booting up :)
17:49.45jastathe data section is the mobile
17:49.57jastabut it's sms:number actually
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17:53.24jastalet me know if it works.  that would be cool ;)
17:53.36michaelnovakjri'm putting it in now
17:54.13michaelnovakjrthe app is coming along nicely... because of the way the keyboard is onscreen, i couldn't accomplish my idea of adding a small edittext under the message thread
17:54.34michaelnovakjrso there's a reply menu option that will pull up the send activity with the number populated
17:54.37jastai wish we had android up on a phone with a traditional keyboard :\
17:54.59jastaor if android had a built-in soft keyboard we could play wit
17:55.06jastainstead of the crummy one martin wrote hehe
17:55.18michaelnovakjrdesigning interfaces would be a bit easier
18:16.48michaelnovakjrhm jasta, are you familiar with the Fallback apk?
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18:32.59zhobbs_jasta: did you submit this, or did they find you and add it?
18:34.42michaelnovakjrzhobbs_: they have a googlegroups i think jasta submitted to
18:34.53zhobbs_oh ok
18:41.56michaelnovakjrjasta: pint
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18:58.47michaelnovakjri tried setting an receiver for that action...
18:58.48yakischlobajasta_: I see its lunch time
19:00.08michaelnovakjrjasta, fallback keeps getting called on that action
19:01.42jasta_do you need to request permissions?  any interesting notes in logcat during installation?
19:02.15michaelnovakjrit shows my receiver during installation
19:02.27michaelnovakjrnothing out of the ordinary
19:02.56michaelnovakjri wonder if the fallback apk is listening for the intent
19:02.59jasta_commit and i'll take a look.  maybe we can find something here...
19:03.08michaelnovakjrmostly because there's no apk for sms
19:03.26jasta_probably but isnt the point that you can override?
19:03.59michaelnovakjryep, its definitely listening
19:05.54michaelnovakjri'm going to commit in a minute, testing something out
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19:10.35jasta_ok, im not at a computer anyway
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19:36.47jastai am now ;)
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19:39.17jastamichaelnovakjr: so does Messages actually work on a real device now?
19:39.29michaelnovakjroh yea, its been working :)
19:39.38jastai think i'm gonna pick up a device todya ;)
19:39.42michaelnovakjri use it as often as possible to get a feel for it
19:39.46michaelnovakjrsweet :)
19:40.03michaelnovakjrit interacts with the Contacts, has reply, create, etc
19:40.16michaelnovakjrand has the threaded view... still working on some of the UI aspects though
19:40.37michaelnovakjrintent-filters can have a priority?
19:40.37jastanice :)
19:41.13jastaseems that way
19:41.27michaelnovakjri'm looking at the fallback apk
19:41.33michaelnovakjrit registers the sendto action
19:42.10michaelnovakjrand the wallpaper settings
19:42.12michaelnovakjrwhich makes sense
19:42.15jastaand how are you looking at that? :)
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19:42.44jastaare you making sure to include that you handle the sms scheme?
19:43.02michaelnovakjryea, i'm looking at it through the Manifest
19:43.16jastai know, i'm joking.  you're using my reverse engineering :)
19:45.44jastai just got a build error on latest svn of messages
19:47.27michaelnovakjrwhat's your error?
19:47.28jastahang on, let me make sure it's not my fault
19:47.51michaelnovakjri'm pretty sure the last commit built cleanly
19:48.53jastait's complaining that you're using @Override in your anonymous implementation of OnPopulateContextMenuListener()
19:48.58jastaerr, -()
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19:50.36jastait looks like this is expecte dbehaviour.
19:51.41michaelnovakjryea, for the context menu
19:51.56michaelnovakjrwhat's weird is that is setup in the code
19:52.18michaelnovakjri might be doing it different;y
19:53.31romainguy_@Override works on interface methods with Java 1.6
19:53.33romainguy_but not with Java 1.5
19:53.39romainguy_you must be both using different compilers
19:53.41michaelnovakjri am using 1.6 i think
19:53.47romainguy_you should stick to 1.5
19:53.51romainguy_that's what we use here
19:53.58romainguy_1.6 is supposed to work but... :)
19:53.59zhobbs_damn, that's why some people have to delete my @Override's
19:54.06michaelnovakjrwill do :)
19:54.19romainguy_you can just setup your 1.6 compiler to compile in 1.5 mode
19:54.23romainguy_use -source 1.5 -target 1.5
19:54.27michaelnovakjrromainguy_ it does work as expected :)
19:54.30romainguy_in Eclipse you can set the source level compatibility
19:57.32jasta_i use 1.5, michael.
19:57.47michaelnovakjrmakes sense then :)
19:57.54michaelnovakjri'll update the code accordingly
19:58.15jasta_it only affects interface implementations.
20:02.59jastahehe, where'd you get the fancy icons?
20:03.57michaelnovakjronline, i have the page bookmarked
20:04.07michaelnovakjri want to make the thread view icon much smaller
20:04.14michaelnovakjrclean that up a bit
20:04.24michaelnovakjrit bothers me
20:05.47jastaone thing i've noticed...
20:05.51jastaif you're watching your messages app
20:05.55jastaand a new message comes in, it doesn't update the UI
20:06.11michaelnovakjryea, i have to fix that
20:06.28michaelnovakjrif you delete a thread the UI updates
20:06.36michaelnovakjrjust have to add that in when a message comes in
20:07.40jastaSeems to do a lot of work when you navigate around?
20:07.53jastai went from conversation view back to the main screen and logcat went very noisy
20:08.24michaelnovakjryea, i still have lots of log messages in there
20:08.48michaelnovakjrit could use some cleaning up
20:11.57michaelnovakjrassuming i can get this intent working, i'll be cleaning it up tonight
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20:14.29michaelnovakjrhow's the interface?
20:16.57jastai like it, actually
20:17.02jastaexcept some small things
20:17.21michaelnovakjrprobably the small things that bother me :)
20:17.22jastalike for example when replying on a thread, the text message box should be focused first
20:17.25jastanot the number
20:17.41michaelnovakjryea, i'm going to make that the focus
20:17.50jastaand the Send/Cancel buttons should be horizontally aligned, i think
20:17.55jastaand should have greater padding between each other
20:17.59jastagreater margins, i mean
20:18.47michaelnovakjrthat makes sense
20:19.58michaelnovakjri put the buttons there so it would fit on the vogue screen
20:20.08michaelnovakjrdifferent resolution than the emulator
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20:24.15jastamichaelnovakjr: does it resolve numbers to contact names?
20:24.29jastabecause i added my number as a contact then sent a message to myself from ddms but it shows as the number
20:24.33jastanot the name
20:24.35michaelnovakjrits probably a bit of a hack way right now :)
20:24.36jastaone has hyphens in it, the other doesn't.
20:24.55michaelnovakjryou were able to add two numbers to the contacts in different formats?
20:25.23michaelnovakjrthat's one of the things on my todo list.... i have to properly use the contacts provider
20:25.39michaelnovakjrright now i am just going through the cursor returned myself
20:25.41jastadude, you seem to be searching the list of contacts iteratively
20:25.53jastathere's lots of optimizations that need to happen here :)
20:26.01michaelnovakjroh yea ;)
20:26.20michaelnovakjrthere's interfaces i can work with in the contacts
20:26.41michaelnovakjrcertainly takes a performance hit currently
20:26.42jastaalso, i question whether or not you should refresh the conversation adapter in onResume().
20:27.06jastai would imagine that you could just use a managedquery and let a cursor adapter manage itself.
20:29.27michaelnovakjri actually started writing the adapter today using the managedquery method
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20:33.51michaelnovakjrromainguy_ around?
20:36.09michaelnovakjrany idea how to override the SENDTO action?
20:36.10michaelnovakjrcurrently the fallback keeps getting called
20:36.10romainguy__what do you mean?
20:36.31michaelnovakjrin the Contacts apk when you click the sms number it attempts to run the intent for the SENDTO action
20:36.45michaelnovakjrcomes up as unsupported, which is the fallback apk
20:36.55jastamichaelnovakjr: i wish you'd commit what isn't working so i can review it :)
20:37.04jastayou must just have a typo or something hehe
20:37.04michaelnovakjri'm going to do that now
20:37.07romainguy__do you have an intent filter for SENDTO in your application?
20:37.54romainguy__maybe you did not do it correctly in your manifest :)
20:38.16michaelnovakjrim guessing
20:39.34jastamichaelnovakjr: just commit
20:39.37michaelnovakjrjasta, i committed it, its definitely a hack, once i get this working i plan to clean the whole thing up
20:40.01michaelnovakjri've tried many variations
20:40.03jastahehe, this is wrong :)
20:40.05jastai'll fix.
20:40.12michaelnovakjri figured
20:40.26michaelnovakjrdoes it need a receiver?
20:41.00michaelnovakjri had it in a receiver before, i haven't added the file to the repo.
20:41.21romainguy__can you paste your manifest?
20:41.37jastai already fixed it
20:41.48michaelnovakjrdamnit, i knew it would be simple too
20:42.17jastayou had to register the sms scheme.
20:42.41jastabut i didn't handle it for you, i just got your activity up.  you'll need to process the intent's data.
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20:43.12jastai set a priority, tho it's not necessary.
20:43.15michaelnovakjri plan to clean that up a bit
20:43.37michaelnovakjrthe createmessage activity uses that bad contacts code too :)
20:45.56michaelnovakjrthanks for the help jasta
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20:46.38jastano problem, i knew exactly which one would make it work already :)
20:47.23michaelnovakjrnow to clean up the code a bit, so it doesn't run so slow
20:47.44michaelnovakjrgranted it is faster on the device than in the emulator... it could still use some cleanup
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21:15.15michaelnovakjrjasta, i'll be on later finishing up the apk
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21:25.20jasta_cool, im just working on my solitaire engine to keep busy.
21:25.30jasta_probably be done with that by the weekend.
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21:41.03jastahey Dougie187
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21:41.09Dougie187Hey jasta
21:41.10Dougie187hows it going?
21:41.13jastapretty good
21:41.43Dougie187whats going down?
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22:04.10jastaDougie187: not much, gonna buy the touch today :)
22:04.11jastaafter work
22:04.51jerkface03how much?
22:05.08jastawell, i'm renting it ;)
22:05.15jastalong story hehe
22:15.06jasta_hehe, no :)
22:15.54Dougie187your getting a touch?
22:23.56Dougie187when are you getting it?
22:24.07Dougie187today? or are you just "ordering" it today?
22:24.47jasta_picking it up at the sprint store today.
22:25.07Dougie187your borrowing it from the sprint store?
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22:25.48jerkface035 finger discount?
22:27.38jerkface03that's what they'll say when they see the touch missing from the store!
22:37.40jastano, i'm buying it with service and returning it w/in the 30 day period ;)
22:38.41Dougie187are they going to take it back with android on it?
22:38.50jastaandroid doesn't permanently install onto the device
22:38.53jastait boots through haret only
22:38.59Dougie187oh ok.l
22:41.39jastait[s still gonna cost like $70 for the service for 1 month, tho
22:41.45jastabut that's fine :)
22:42.02Dougie187thats pretty expensive to play with it.
22:42.32jastayeah, but i really want to play with it.  i want to play with it $70 worth :)
22:42.46jastai want to make my app work on it ;)
22:43.16Dougie187hows that rhythmbox plugin working?
22:43.21Dougie187i take it no d2 for about a month?
22:43.40jastathe rhythmbox plugin has gone slow because i've been fixing so many bugs in libsyncml to work client-side
22:43.47jastabut as of about a week and a half ago i think i have them worked out
22:44.08Dougie187im excited for that.
22:44.21jastame too,it's been bothering me not having it more and more every day at work
22:45.25Dougie187yeah, thats when i always think about it, though... at work they are bastards and limit the internet usage so i dont think it would work at my work work, but at my school work it will
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23:14.26michaelnovakjr__howdy jasta
23:22.34michaelnovakjr__not much, cleaning up the messages code
23:25.20michaelnovakjr__yea, definitely needs it
23:25.32michaelnovakjr__still getting a device?
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23:38.36jastaok, heaidng home
23:38.38jastalater folks.
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