IRC log for #android on 20080802

00:06.44*** join/#android aculich (
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01:05.43sayersjasta: I wrote a tip calculator :p
01:05.54sayersjasta: oh and my game is done in 2 more days
01:08.45*** join/#android matt_c (
01:10.10|Phocion|hey all
01:11.01ttuttleromainguy_: hey
01:11.25ttuttleromainguy: (hey)
01:11.43TSchultz55anyone know how Google carries out usability testing for Android?
01:11.57TSchultz55the UI
01:12.19*** join/#android yakischloba (
01:12.22TSchultz55huge differences between now and earlier revisions
01:13.45ttuttleThey probably ask people to try it ;-)
01:13.54ttuttleThat's how most companies test UIs.
01:14.37sayersTSchultz55: They have a SDK with a Emulator in it
01:14.42sayersI do some Android development myself
01:16.49sayersHehehe, wrong channel
01:17.03sayersSo ignore the last , well this and the 2 previous
01:19.03jastabbl, heading home now
01:19.12jastayakischloba: i waited for traffic to clear :P
01:22.52yakischlobajasta: yeah its a fucking mess out there again...even now
01:38.45*** join/#android matt_c (
02:00.09TSchultz55sayers: yeah I know I work with the SDK a lot
02:00.36TSchultz55i was thinking more along the lines of getting non-techie people to play with it and give them feedback
02:01.48dueyTSchultz55, I suspect they probably dont do a lot
02:01.50dueyat this time
02:02.04dueybut romainguy may or may notbe able to clarify
02:02.37TSchultz55awesome thanks i'll shoot him a msg
02:03.01TSchultz55i'm doing HCI for grad school right now and we have to choose something to write about
02:03.20TSchultz55i'm writing about Android
02:07.12sayersTSchultz55: Family & Friends :s
02:07.39sayersnight all
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03:06.43yakischlobaDoes sqlitebdatabase.query() return null if there are no records?..
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03:39.09jastayakischloba: no, it returns null if the query fails
03:39.13jastait returns an empty cursor otherwise
03:39.47yakischlobaYeah I think I discovered my problem after a long time looking in the wrong places...I didn't have a ';' at the end of one of my table creation statements :)
03:39.56jastaan empty cursor can be detected by calling checking eihter cursor.isLast() or cursor.count() == 0
03:40.17jastabut i do not know the performance implications of cursor.count().  Probably O(1), but I don't know that for sure.
03:40.33jastayakischloba: if you use adb logcat, cursor query failures will be logged in detail.
03:40.55jastaI'm sure I've recommended this to you before but I do want to stress that you should always check adb logcat while you're exploring problems.
03:41.06jastaoften information gets printed there that will at least give you a clue.
03:41.06yakischlobamaybe my eyes are blinding it away. I'm using it
03:41.54jastaIt's there.
03:42.27yakischlobaI don't see it :(
03:43.29jastawell actually, maybe only managedQuery prints that.
03:43.46yakischlobaI sure hope so because I just scrolled through the crash about 15 times and I don't find anything
03:44.06jasta(it often appears many lines up)
03:45.46yakischlobawell I've been screwing with it for over an hour, I sure hope I would have recognized it by now
03:46.17yakischlobado I need a more verbose output setting or something? I'm just using './adb logcat'
03:50.47umdk1d4:( i think im doing something very evil
03:51.11umdk1d4im running a search, and my GC is triggered every 1/2 second, and clears a few thousand objects
04:09.06umdk1d4ahahaha this explains why
04:09.32umdk1d4im using #7, which in the next slide he outlines with big red DANGER lol
04:33.50yakischlobajasta: I have a NullPointerException being throw in a sqlitedatabase.insert(). Is this a result of a failed insert? I can't see anything thats null. (and I still don't see any SQLite stuff in logcat)
04:42.59yakischlobanevermind I'm being a fucktard
04:46.58*** join/#android michaelnovakjr1 (n=mnovak@
04:47.12yakischlobahey thurr
04:47.13yakischlobahows it goin
04:47.23michaelnovakjr1not bad yourself?
04:47.42yakischlobauhm. Feeling like a dumbass after fighting with a _stupid_ problem for hours ;)
04:48.26michaelnovakjr1it happens :)
04:48.42yakischlobajust goes to show booze and java don't mix.
04:48.58michaelnovakjr1i do it all the time
04:49.06michaelnovakjr1beer though :)
04:49.10yakischlobayeah well..some of us are sharper to begin with than others :)
04:49.46michaelnovakjr1working on anything interesting?
04:49.47yakischlobaI've gotten so accustomed to Eclipse pointing out my obvious problems, I didn't even think of this one.
04:50.04yakischlobaNope heh. Just getting the foundation of my app going. Fumbling around in the dark.
04:50.31michaelnovakjr1how's the new display?
04:51.08michaelnovakjr1yea, they are my favorite :)
04:51.32yakischlobaI watched a bunch of downloaded TdF stages on it last night, it was pretty sweet
04:52.08yakischlobaI don't own a TV, so I've been watching any video on my 13" macbook for the last year or two
04:52.19michaelnovakjr1damn, no tv?
04:52.31yakischlobaNaw. I don't have time for that junk :)
04:54.20yakischlobaI have a hard enough time getting anywhere with none of that leisurely business
04:54.21michaelnovakjr1i don't watch a lot of it myself, but i do enjoy the history channel in HD :)
04:54.21michaelnovakjr1stupid usb
04:54.47yakischlobamm yeah history channel is nice. I enjoy watching TV when I do it at other peoples houses. I just don't want the distraction in mine really
04:56.08michaelnovakjr1i know a few people without one
04:56.14michaelnovakjr1did you see the comcast ruling?
04:56.26yakischlobaNo. Whats it about now?..
04:56.36yakischlobaSeems like I see comcast in the news every other day
04:56.59michaelnovakjr1its about them messing with BitTorrent, and there's another one with Vonage
04:57.37yakischlobayeah. Thats nice.
04:57.51yakischlobaFunny, I have comcast and I never actually noticed that it was happening to me
04:58.21yakischlobaI don't think it was. I don't remember what the technique was but I believe I checked to see.
04:59.11michaelnovakjr1bit torrent user?
04:59.22yakischlobaHere and there. nothing crazy.
04:59.38michaelnovakjr1i used it once, but that was about two years ago
05:01.09yakischlobaarg. Need some more RAM for my desktop, now that I just got new RAM for my laptop..
05:01.42michaelnovakjr1running windows?
05:01.59yakischlobanah ubuntu
05:02.06michaelnovakjr1same here
05:02.23michaelnovakjr1i use ubuntu on all my machines
05:02.30yakischloba512mb doesn't really cut it with eclipse, emulator, a couple terminals and a bunch of Firefox tabs
05:02.46michaelnovakjr1oh yea
05:02.51michaelnovakjr1that's not a lot
05:02.51yakischlobaim swapping bad :(
05:03.06michaelnovakjr1i've got 2 gigs in the laptop and 4 gigs in the desktop
05:03.14michaelnovakjr1memory is dirt cheap now
05:04.10yakischlobayeah except if its old...I'm looking at 2GB for my desktop for like 60 bucks or so, the 2GB for my laptop was only 40
05:04.30yakischlobanot expensive but more expensive than DDR3
05:04.36michaelnovakjr1yea true
05:04.52michaelnovakjr1i almost fell off the chair when i saw the price of sdram
05:04.57yakischlobauhg yeah I'm swapping 500mb right now
05:07.39yakischlobayeah most old parts are really expensive..I was looking at grabbing some better stuff for this desktop but it seems it would be way cheaper to build a way better system
05:07.49michaelnovakjr1oh yea
05:08.01michaelnovakjr1i built a really fast machine for under $400
05:08.19yakischlobaI was looking at like 230 bucks for a mediocre processor in comparison to whats out now. I was like shit, thats most of a new computer these days
05:08.35michaelnovakjr1pretty much
05:08.51michaelnovakjr1i bought my dual core AMD athlon x2 for 100 bucks
05:09.09yakischlobaI think I'm just gonna slap some more RAM in it for now though and wait a while to buy something new. Thats the only thing thats really bothering me for the time being.
05:09.22michaelnovakjr1ram helps
05:09.45yakischlobawell...anything to not swap on a slow 5400rpm ide hdd.
05:11.36yakischlobastill working on your SMS app and file browser?
05:12.02michaelnovakjr1file browser is up for download, it has a few bugs i'll be patching up
05:12.08michaelnovakjr1working on the SMS application
05:12.20michaelnovakjr1i have it functioning, just need to improve the UI and add delete functionality
05:12.38michaelnovakjr1i've been using it actually, to get a feel for it
05:13.10yakischlobaCool. I haven't read anything about SMS on android. Are messages stored somewhere by android or is that up to the app?
05:14.20michaelnovakjr1well, Google hasn't shown any SMS yet
05:14.29michaelnovakjr1so I'm handling it all
05:14.45michaelnovakjr1they have actions tied into the contacts, etc. but no actual application
05:16.53yakischlobabah. I'm being bothered by several groups of people to go out but I don't feel like it.
05:17.47michaelnovakjr1yea, im exhausted but i do want to work on the app a bit
05:17.55michaelnovakjr1i'm looking at the UI features
05:23.45yakischlobaI love how simple the Android SDK is. Its really just being unfamiliar with java that hangs me up.
05:24.28michaelnovakjr1yea, android is really a pleasant development experience
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05:30.53yakischlobaalright, gonna head out for a bit. gnight.
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08:14.33anno^da_good morning guys
08:14.35anno^da_lets see how long the internet stays connected now :)
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15:33.29SanMehathow goes?
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17:01.34bleeeeHello Hello
17:01.47acsiahey chomchom long time no see
17:02.00bleeeebleeee dam it
17:02.15bleeeeCould anyone give a good example of using positron
17:02.37bleeeePreferably some source code that I can check out
17:03.05bleeeeHey Acsia rumour has it you are having a hard time getting it set up too?
17:03.38acsiayep, a tutorial would be very nice
17:03.41acsiaany luck anybody?
17:12.22bleeeeIf anyone comes online and could spare 10mins for direction in how the heck to get positron working then it would be much appreciated.
17:18.02bleeeeNever mind its working now
17:32.57*** join/#android Dougie187 (
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17:43.20jastacamping again this w/e
17:43.23jastajust about to leave :)
17:56.25acsiahave a good one
17:58.43*** join/#android anno^da_ (n=anno^
17:59.25anno^da_So I got another question for you.
18:02.50anno^da_I'm trying to upload some video content to Tumblr with the HttpClient (4). I read in the API that I should upload the video via a MultiPart Form. So now I've taken the MultipartEntity and filled it with Parts including the FilePart. The other parameters are filled inside StringParts.
18:04.46anno^da_Authentication works fine but I get back " Please specify a video URL or embed code, or select a video file to upload."  Ok I have to point out the "data" parameter but I dont know where. (
18:05.32jastaI don't have time to look.  Though, what I would do is simply fire up ethereal and observe the difference between what you sent and what your browser sent :)
18:05.49jastaShould you give you some hint what you're missing.
18:05.58anno^da_The point is
18:06.05anno^da_I know that it is the "data" parameter
18:06.09anno^da_thats missing
18:06.18anno^da_but I dont know where to put it into :)
18:06.31anno^da_StringParts are always: Key -> Value
18:06.53anno^da_but FilePart (the data) is just: Filename + File
18:07.35anno^da_So the API doesnt find the "data" parameter and drops me the error :/
18:08.28anno^da_Working with String data only works quite fine. I'm using the UrlEncodedFormEntity for that and included NameValuePairs
18:09.12anno^da_but combining UrlEncodedFormEntity and MultipartEntity doesnt work. (or I dont get it how the whole thing could work)
18:11.26jastasorry, i just dont have time to look
18:13.10anno^da_Yeah np jasta
18:13.20anno^da_I'm getting through wireshark once again
18:14.33anno^da_ahhh I'm getting crazy I can see the upload in wireshark but Tumblr drops the video because it cant find the data parameter :/
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18:37.10anno^da_well I found it
18:37.31anno^da_Just pass an empty StringPart with key "data"
18:37.44anno^da_and its working
18:38.16anno^da_crazy :) but easy
19:03.52zhobbs_jasta: what book did you end up getting on java concurrency?
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19:39.48bleeeethere is a famous hardcore book on concurrency that I've heard good things about from peeps I trust. It has a train on the front cover and its published by addisson wesley.
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19:43.28romainguybleeee: this is a very very good book indeed
19:43.54romainguyit was written by some of the people who worked closely on the JVM memory model, the concurrency packages and some other APIs in the JDK
19:43.58romainguyhighly recommended
19:46.49bleeeeThats the one
19:47.27bleeeeYeah a friend of mine is just hardcoring through the java exams and hr said that ones the bees knees
19:54.25chomchomIs anyone here planning on going to the Google code day in London?
19:54.35chomchomThere will be loads of Android type banter to be had
19:56.16chomchomThere is also an Android Meetup:
20:02.24anno^da-Someone here that knows something about HTTPClient and uploading stuff via MultipartEntities ?
20:03.06michaelnovakjr1anno^da- there's some HTTP stuff at
20:03.19michaelnovakjr1Jasta's stuff though, so I'm not all that familiar with it
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20:04.22anno^da-yeah jastas busy at the moment. I dont want to disturb him now
20:04.57michaelnovakjr1did you take a look at the code?
20:05.10anno^da-I will now
20:05.34michaelnovakjr1i can help, if you have questions. i had briefly looked at it during the beginning of the week
20:06.23anno^da-It is just one small problem. I dont know how to set a NameValuePair that consits of a key (string) and a value (multipart/form-data)
20:06.50michaelnovakjr1how is your form-data stored?
20:07.48anno^da-hmm well thats the API: . Posting regular text messages is no problem. I'm just using a normal UrlEncodedFormEntity with an Array of NameValuePairs.
20:08.41anno^da-But posting the video content I don't know if I understand it right. Thats why I tried to get it working with a MultipartEntity and an Array of Parts. Using String Parts and one FilePart.
20:09.31anno^da-The StringParts get recognized perfectly.
20:09.46michaelnovakjr1what does it say about the file part?
20:09.50anno^da-(I'm getting authenticated so the String Parts work)
20:11.00anno^da-Well if I define String Parts for username, password etc. they get recognized. The FilePart doesnt get recognized. I'm getting : "Please specify a video URL or embed code, or select a video file to upload."
20:11.15anno^da-back from the tumblr service
20:11.30anno^da-I can see that the content gets uploade in Wireshark
20:11.41anno^da-but Tumblr cant find the "data" parameter
20:11.49anno^da-and drops the whole request
20:12.02michaelnovakjr1it needs a parameter named data?
20:12.17anno^da-yeah I think so looking at the API description
20:12.17michaelnovakjr1is it looking for a key named data?
20:12.51anno^da-yeah I have tried to add a StringPart named "data" in front of the FilePart
20:13.05*** join/#android Dougie187 (
20:13.10Dougie187good afternoon
20:13.21Dougie187hows it going michaelnovakjr1
20:13.27michaelnovakjr1not bad
20:13.37michaelnovakjr1anno^da- is it a key?
20:13.49michaelnovakjr1is data the key and the filepart the value?
20:14.04anno^da-now I'm getting a different error. Cant uplod video. So I assume that it looks for the "data" finds it, but doesnt find the content because String and FilePart are note connected to each other.
20:14.17anno^da-thats what it should be
20:14.34anno^da-but StringPart offers just STring,String as constructor
20:14.39*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
20:14.41michaelnovakjr1can you pastebin a code snippet?
20:14.47anno^da-yeah sure
20:14.51anno^da-one moment
20:16.23anno^da-I'm pasting you a short form to understand it because the code is more complex (a lot of different methods)
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20:23.13michaelnovakjr1cool, one sec
20:23.30anno^da-in this line: #
20:23.34anno^da-oh sorry
20:24.02anno^da-I've tried to give him the parameter but that leads to Tumblr finding the parameter but not finding the content :)
20:25.40anno^da-It is the same problem for video, audio and photo upload :)
20:26.31anno^da-and flickr photo upload as well. So I have to find out how the whole thing works. *g*
20:29.42michaelnovakjr1using a StringPart obviously won't work :)
20:30.01anno^da-yeah :)
20:30.14anno^da-It cant work but it was worth a try :D
20:30.46michaelnovakjr1for the FilePart creation, why not drop the last two parameters
20:30.51michaelnovakjr1did you try that?
20:31.04michaelnovakjr1actually wait
20:31.15michaelnovakjr1you are using file.getName() as the key
20:31.18michaelnovakjr1not data
20:32.12michaelnovakjr1hold up, sending you code
20:33.22anno^da-I've tried to set the filename to "data"
20:33.30michaelnovakjr1you tried that?
20:33.39anno^da-BUT after that I get a NullPointerException
20:33.56anno^da-yeah thats what I tried
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20:34.19michaelnovakjr1and you get a nullpointer?
20:34.22anno^da-dropping a NullPointerException when executing the method
20:34.31anno^da-by the HttpClient
20:34.32michaelnovakjr1what's the null value?
20:34.40michaelnovakjr1did you debug to see what's null?
20:35.24anno^da-hmm thats the charset
20:35.41anno^da-Yeah the thing is the "name" is the name of the file
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20:36.18michaelnovakjr1the charset.... just set it to something
20:36.21michaelnovakjr1like utf-8
20:36.56anno^da-yeah I have done that
20:37.12anno^da-if I#m giving null it takes the default value
20:37.31michaelnovakjr1did you run the debugger
20:37.42michaelnovakjr1that probably is what is causing the nullpointer exception
20:37.46michaelnovakjr1is not*
20:38.07anno^da-I did run the debugger several times
20:38.24michaelnovakjr1and the charset throws the null?
20:38.31anno^da-putting the file name into the "String name" field everything is fine
20:38.50anno^da-putting "data" or something else inside the field I get the Nullpointer
20:39.07michaelnovakjr1so the file object is null then?
20:40.05anno^da-So I don't think that I can pass the "data" parameter inside the FilePart
20:41.13michaelnovakjr1hm, i'd like to see the log output, i find that hard to believe, there's gotta be some reason
20:41.20michaelnovakjr1data is just the name of the file part
20:41.31michaelnovakjr1you have an apk i can run?
20:42.13anno^da-I can give you one. One moment lets try if I get it.
20:42.22anno^da-setting the "data" parameter ?
20:42.28anno^da-inside the name field
20:42.35anno^da-one sec
20:42.45michaelnovakjr1add a few log lines to what the values of stuff is
20:43.07michaelnovakjr1including all the parts of the filepart
20:43.45*** part/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
20:45.57anno^da-yeah it takes some minutes :)
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20:52.40anno^da-How should I send it to you Skype, Mail, IRC ?
20:52.54michaelnovakjr1you can email it....
20:53.25f00f-im in ur lab stealin ur acidz
20:55.51anno^da-sent it
20:56.40anno^da-I dont know if you can do something with it :)
20:57.17anno^da-ah well clicking Transfer/ Start Service
20:57.22anno^da-starts the posting :)
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20:58.14anno^da-you will see the notification
20:58.27anno^da-and after that you will see the Null Pointer :D
21:00.28michaelnovakjr1where's photo.jpg? is it on the device
21:00.34anno^da-ah well yeah
21:00.38anno^da-it should be
21:01.10anno^da--> /data/data/packagename/files/photo.jpg
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21:21.52anno^da-So well you get the NullPointer as well right ?
21:22.30michaelnovakjr1yea, i'm setting up the debugger
21:23.17anno^da-What can you see from the APK using the debugger ? Just the log messages ?
21:23.43michaelnovakjr1i can see exactly where the null is thrown
21:24.11anno^da-Yeah but without the source code hmm well I'm too much of a noob :-)
21:26.04anno^da-So you cant see the source code but you can see just the excat point. Oh I'm getting wired :D
21:28.29michaelnovakjr1E/        ( 3181): Aug 2, 2008 4:28:10 PM org.apache.http.client.methods.multipart.MultipartEntity getContentLength
21:28.35michaelnovakjr1i'd start looking around there
21:28.47michaelnovakjr1make sure a file is actually getting put in the FilePart
21:30.39anno^da-it is defintely put inside the FilePart. Using Wireshark I can see the bytes flying to Tumblr. And that bytes are too long for being just a bunch of StringParts :)
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21:39.03anno^da-Hmm but ok I have to go to bed now. My eyes getting tired.
21:39.22anno^da-I will try that tomorrow with fresh power :-)
21:40.59anno^da-But I can say that the SDK works fine for noobs like me. Developing a little Twitter Client and being able to post to Tumblr via a Service which sends notifications in 3 days is quite cool.
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23:03.49chomchomOk guys
23:04.02chomchomI've got a really serious question
23:05.33chomchomHow does one persistently filter out the compiler warnings introduced by the automatically generated Service files
23:05.41chomchomdead serious.
23:05.50chomchomIts the only smell in my repo
23:06.10chomchomand it smells like defeat
23:06.14michaelnovakjr1uh, what compiler warnings?
23:06.26michaelnovakjr1i don't usually get any warnings for auto generated services
23:06.46chomchomreally? I get tons
23:06.52chomchomloads of imports were never used
23:06.54michaelnovakjr1what do they say?
23:07.01michaelnovakjr1what compiler are you using?
23:07.22mickrobki get tons too
23:07.24chomchomjvm 1.5.0 on the mac
23:07.37mickrobki just ignore them though...
23:07.45michaelnovakjr1what do they say?
23:07.47chomchomI can't they haunt my dreams
23:08.08chomchomthey say "argh chomchom your codes all broken"
23:08.39chomchomThe import "android.os.Binder" is never used
23:08.43chomchomis a popular one
23:10.09chomchomits only the aidl files
23:10.48michaelnovakjr1hm, do you use eclipse?
23:10.54chomchomand they have the notice of : This file is auto-generated DO NOT MODIFY at the top
23:11.12michaelnovakjr1well, yea... because the build process creates them :)
23:11.16chomchomyeah I'm using 3.3
23:11.33michaelnovakjr1hm, do you have a build.xml file for your project?
23:11.57michaelnovakjr1try building with at
23:12.17michaelnovakjr1try with ant, eclipse puts a warning out for some stupid stuff
23:12.47chomchomInstead of the auto android build...hmm
23:13.10michaelnovakjr1if you put a build file... you can just run ant at the root of your project
23:13.28michaelnovakjr1if you create a blank android project it comes with an ant script
23:13.34michaelnovakjr1without eclipse that is :)
23:13.42michaelnovakjr1i stopped using eclipse
23:13.46chomchomthats a new idea, I like your thinking jr.
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23:14.07chomchomYeah I can see why people do
23:14.14chomchomintelliJ is pretty appealing
23:14.15michaelnovakjr1you can create a new android project to get the build.xml file
23:14.24chomchomI'll do so now
23:14.26michaelnovakjr1and then change any relevant vars
23:14.32zhobbs_if you are launching an activity by ActivityName.class, and supply extras should it reuse the already running activity (even if the extras are different than when it ran the first time?)
23:14.34michaelnovakjr1so they can be used with your existing project
23:15.11michaelnovakjr1zhobbs_: it might go to an onResume....
23:15.19michaelnovakjr1if it finds a running instance
23:15.24michaelnovakjr1never tried it
23:17.47chomchomHmm build.xml? I must be doing something wrong because eclipse does not generate a build.xml when using the new > android project"singleInstance" in the manifest forces it to reuse the activity
23:19.08michaelnovakjr1chomchom, you have to use: --out myproject
23:19.22michaelnovakjr1--out puts it in the directory
23:19.33michaelnovakjr1and the last part is the package and main activity
23:19.45michaelnovakjr1but that isn't really important, you need the build.xml
23:28.35chomchomAh I see, thanks Michael you've certainly been eating the helpful berries today
23:28.50chomchomIt was actually on like ht efirst page of "how to install the sdk"
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23:30.58ttuttlechomchom: mmm, berries.
23:31.55chomchomthrows berries upon all the boys and girls
23:32.20ttuttleis not a boy, I'm a full-grown intern!
23:32.24chomchomshouts "take that boys and girls"
23:54.50haaviwhen do we get our phones?
23:55.07michaelnovakjr1we they are ready :)
23:55.12haaviwhen will that be then?
23:55.19michaelnovakjr1Q$ 2008
23:55.29haavioh yeah
23:55.49haaviwhere did you get that info from?
23:56.10haaviin the US in Q4 right?
23:56.45michaelnovakjr1Google has stated that q4 2008 is when they will be available
23:57.24haaviokay, yeah I hope I can get one soon
23:57.37haaviI'm getting pretty tired of the emu
23:57.42michaelnovakjr1what kind of phone do you have now?
23:58.05haavia Sony Ericsson T610 =)
23:58.26michaelnovakjr1i was going to say, some of us are playing around with Android on the HTC Vogue
23:58.58haaviyeah HTC will be the ones releasing a phone first right?
23:59.14haavidunno if those will be available in Europe
23:59.15michaelnovakjr1i believe so
23:59.24michaelnovakjr1vogue is not in europe?

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