IRC log for #android on 20080726

00:03.02*** join/#android yakischloba (
00:08.02*** join/#android Dougie187 (
00:16.40*** join/#android zmedico (n=zmedico@gentoo/developer/zmedico)
00:28.05yakischlobaAnyone have an example of an InputFilter?
00:31.07*** join/#android Yeggstry (
00:52.17sayersIs there a slider gui widget?
00:52.31romainguy__try SeekBar
00:52.41romainguy__not sure if it's in M5 though
00:52.51sayersromainguy__, I'll try that
00:53.02zhobbssayers: it's not in m5
00:53.09romainguy__then it's not in M5
00:53.17romainguy__sorry for that, you'll have to wait for the next SDK
00:53.19sayersThat sucks...
00:53.38zhobbssayers: I made one for M5:
01:05.43*** join/#android sayers (
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01:23.41*** part/#android Dougie187 (
01:25.29*** join/#android lindever__ (
01:44.23*** join/#android matt_c (
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04:58.07*** join/#android michaelnovakjr_ (n=mnovak@
05:01.42*** join/#android mickrobk (
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05:44.50*** join/#android Elijah (
05:45.13Elijahi just though, hey I wonder if there is a Android channel
05:45.23Elijahand here i am
05:49.05Elijahthanks guys
05:49.13Elijahare you guys excited about the android
05:51.50romainguy__I could say I am ^^
05:54.16michaelnovakjr_i'd hope so romainguy__
05:54.23michaelnovakjr_otherwise i'd be worried
05:55.15ElijahI have never waited in line for new hardware (xbox, iphone, psp) in my life but I think I may for the Android
05:55.52michaelnovakjr_why would you need to?
05:58.52Elijahwhat android is this?
05:59.46muthumobile 0/s from google
06:00.43Elijahwell, when the android phones start shipping they wont exactly be unpopular
06:01.14muthuit'll be a big event
06:01.50*** join/#android davidw_ (n=davidw@
06:02.38michaelnovakjr_you won't need to buy a new phone though ;)
06:03.59Elijahyah but I want a new iphone killer, my phone doesn't have touch screen
06:04.16Elijahand there is no way i can just reflash my phone with android and have 100% support
06:04.27Elijahmy phone is buggy as hell right now
06:04.32Elijahic902 motorola
06:06.44mickrobkbeats my broken ass 3 year old razr ;P
06:07.34michaelnovakjr_i have a vogue
06:10.54Elijahso you guys are saying that there will be reflashing tools for all phones?
06:11.07Elijahi still want a nice new android out of th box
06:11.28Elijahi probably should play with the sdk sometime so i can make my own modifications
06:15.25michaelnovakjr_are you a programmer?
06:26.05Elijahno, i am not a programmer, yet
06:27.48muthudon't become a programmer.. its thankless
06:27.57romainguy__muthu: no it's not
06:28.09muthuunless you work for google ;)
06:28.18michaelnovakjr_what are you talking about?
06:29.04umdk1d3mm it was appreciate-your-sysadmin-day today/yday
06:29.12umdk1d3they rarely get thanked
06:29.45muthusee you need a special day for appreciation!
06:29.52michaelnovakjr_that is pretty lame
06:29.56romainguy__if you need such a day, quit your company :)
06:30.00michaelnovakjr_why do you need to be thanked?
06:30.12umdk1d3sigh these dexdumps arent fun to go through
06:30.26romainguy__why are you reading the dexdumps?
06:30.42muthuno one appreciates programmers
06:30.44umdk1d3trying to figure out how to get driving directions launched/into my app
06:30.54umdk1d3*launched from, through an intent maybe
06:31.08romainguy__the SDK does not provide driving directions
06:32.01*** join/#android eton (
06:32.11michaelnovakjr_muthu, that is a pretty false statement to make
06:32.32muthuwhy not?
06:32.49michaelnovakjr_because that is obviously not a consensus
06:33.16muthugive me one company name, which appreciated one of its programmers in a big way
06:33.53michaelnovakjr_my company does
06:35.24Elijahi am going to learn python someday
06:35.41Elijahprogrammers have the joy of knowing how to do things, who needs thanks
06:35.55michaelnovakjr_setting out to learn just one language doesn't really benefit much
06:36.07davidwmuthu, Google?
06:36.18Elijahyou have to start somewhere right
06:36.18michaelnovakjr_davidw: muthu is nuts
06:36.47Elijahi will eventually learn to write stuff for ubuntu, that is my goal for now
06:36.53Elijahone step at a time
06:37.11michaelnovakjr_what do you want to write?
06:37.16davidwUbuntu's a good place to start
06:59.59*** part/#android michaelnovakjr_ (n=mnovak@
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08:01.16*** part/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
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15:02.04*** part/#android Dougie187 (
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17:24.33*** join/#android yakischloba (
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18:18.12*** join/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
18:35.26*** join/#android _avatar (
19:10.02*** part/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
19:34.05*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (n=ThePHPJe@unaffiliated/thephpjedi/x-000002)
20:32.56*** join/#android michaelnovakjr_ (
20:34.46michaelnovakjr_what's up
20:35.48michaelnovakjr_jasta: **ping**
21:28.56michaelnovakjr_quiet toda
21:39.23*** join/#android soulreaper (
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21:46.02*** mode/#android [+o ChanServ] by
21:54.28*** join/#android dims (
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21:55.58michaelnovakjr_jasta around?
21:57.58*** join/#android Razec (n=razec@
22:04.10*** join/#android Lynx-O (
22:09.42*** join/#android yakischloba (
22:11.10michaelnovakjr_jasta, glance is extremely close to being ready for some use.
22:14.21*** part/#android Lynx-O (
22:22.46*** join/#android egn (
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22:34.27*** join/#android umdk1d4 (
23:01.27*** join/#android Dougie187 (
23:10.19*** part/#android michaelnovakjr_ (
23:42.10*** join/#android umdk1d3 (
23:46.14*** join/#android Miek (n=mike@unaffiliated/mikechml)
23:55.20*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
23:57.34*** join/#android Yeggstry (

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