IRC log for #android on 20080718

00:00.07jastaquiet :)
00:00.07dueyyou need a mac?
00:00.31jastaTSchultz55: perhaps android will still delight us all, but again, i strongly recommend that you suspend your interest until the project moves forward.
00:01.10TSchultz55yeah I'm actually no where near a mobile software developer
00:01.34TSchultz55I mostly focus on data portability/semantic web applications
00:02.30TSchultz55but I had a pretty sweet idea for Android....but it requires a lot of ugly low-level hacking that I can't get quite right
00:02.45*** join/#android SanMehat (n=san@nat/google/x-06915e081b001887)
00:03.01jastawhat is it?
00:03.02jastahey San ;)
00:03.11SanMehathey jasta
00:03.14jastaSanMehat: so i hear heat is your neighbor? :)
00:03.20TSchultz55ahhh can't tell can't tell
00:03.50TSchultz55jasta: i guess i'm being exactly what I claim to hate right now
00:03.56SanMehatyeah heats my neighbor
00:04.05TSchultz55but when/if it gets completed I'll certainly share
00:04.29jastai've never met him in person.  is he as insufferable as i imagine? *grin*
00:04.35SanMehatwho heat?
00:04.41jastahehe yeah, but i was joking
00:04.43SanMehatnah he's a good guy :)
00:05.18jastahis name's Dmitri, right?  i can't quite remember.
00:08.52jastaok fine, i'll just try harder to remember :)
00:08.56jastaanyway, going home.  later folks.
00:09.08jastaAttractiveApe: i will get the downoader app built tonight at least.
00:09.28AttractiveApenn jasta
00:09.30AttractiveApeenjoy :)
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01:15.25CVirusI used a rotary-dial phone before at my grand ma's
01:16.45TSchultz55yeah i'm currently devising an Android hack that would let you dial with a rotary-dial device
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01:23.12CVirusI'm boycotting android anyways :-p
01:23.54gamblerjasta has infected this channel with his negativity...hopefully some good comes of it and a new SDK drops
01:24.15dueyare you new here?
01:24.32TSchultz55CVirus: i am too
01:24.33gamblerive been lurking for about 4 months
01:24.53TSchultz55gambler: a new SDK would be like christmas for me
01:27.16gambleritd be nice...the way im developing it doesnt matter, i can port my apps to openmoko or meh Windows Mobile if necessary
01:27.23gamblerbut i dont ahve much gui to do
01:33.09TSchultz55dude i know this sounds horrible
01:33.15TSchultz55i may get an iphone
01:34.05TSchultz55i can't hold out much longer with my current phone, and with no communication about where android is going, i dont feel like waiting
01:34.58romainguy_TSchultz55: just wait a little longer
01:35.17*** part/#android CVirus (n=Satan@
01:36.16*** part/#android muthu (n=sushmu@
01:36.28TSchultz55romainguy_: my current cell phone had an unfortunate run-in with a glass of scotch
01:36.34TSchultz55so it's hurting right now
01:37.31yakischlobaAt least it wasn't a toilet.
01:37.47TSchultz55ah true
01:38.53jastagambler: infect?  do you feel that my attitude and opinions are unpopular?
01:39.32TSchultz55i took it as a joke
01:39.49jastai didn't.
01:40.19jastaand i'd be happy to defend my position, being that I am significantly affected by the current situation.
01:41.02TSchultz55nah i'm with you dude
01:42.43yakischlobaAnyone who can't take the best and ignore the worst of whats said is a tard and hopefully their 'infected' opinion won't matter
01:44.15yakischlobaread: let people rant if they want.
01:47.24yakischlobaas tense as it might feel sometimes, it's good that some degree of accountability is being demanded
01:48.11TSchultz55yeah i agree
01:48.28TSchultz55i mean if we could at least have a changelog or something
01:48.56yakischlobaand I'm glad that someone is stubborn and pissed enough to keep hounding about it
01:49.02yakischlobaeveryone else seems to have let it fall by the wayside
01:49.27haavithat's not true
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01:52.21yakischlobaI don't frequently see other people being vocal about it. Obviously I'm not here all the time and I'm not very involved but...Sometimes anything short of kicking and screaming is not enough.
01:53.37gamblerthe whole open-platform phone thing makes too much sense....phones are headed to become commodity electronics like computers and TVs
01:53.56gamblerso if u get an iphone you probably will only have it for awhile as a stop gap TSchultz55
01:54.09gamblernot that theres anything wrong with it
01:55.24TSchultz55my whole thing is
01:55.50TSchultz55whatever I do NOW may be completely useless in the future
01:56.02TSchultz55when a new release DOES come out
01:56.49gambleryah i get it...that is pretty gay but i assume most of the breakages will be pretty tiny
01:57.04TSchultz55not eventhat tho
01:57.29TSchultz55i'm currently working on a few "work arounds" to get some low-level features working
01:57.45TSchultz55these "work arounds" may already be resolved in a release I've never seen
01:58.05gamblerwhat do they do
01:58.50TSchultz55they dont do ANYTHING yet ;)
01:58.53TSchultz55doesnt work
01:58.57TSchultz55getting there
01:58.59gamblerwell that plusminus guy posted a petition...
02:07.50haavibah, just keep coding.. good things take time
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02:50.41dmoffettHello Muthu
02:50.46dmoffettHow is home?
02:50.52muthudmoffett: yes, back home :)
02:50.58muthuhow are things?
02:51.10dmoffettbusy and you?
02:51.27dmoffettGood to see the family again I am sure.
02:51.36muthuoh yeah
02:51.46muthuit was great
02:51.48dmoffettGet some real food as well.  :-)
02:52.10muthui like different cuisines
02:52.31jastaHa!  I bet the cuisine choices in San Francisco are much nicer than Chennai.
02:52.33dmoffettSame here but there is nothing like home cooking.
02:52.48muthujasta: what's nicer?
02:53.01muthudmoffett: agree, nothing like home cooking
02:53.12muthujasta: its all in your mind ;)
02:53.20jastamuthu: well, what did you think about it?
02:53.41muthujasta: if i agree, then it wouldn't be fun :)
02:53.48jastabut i know that you do :)
02:54.33muthuthere's a lot of choices in SF, i agree
02:55.23muthuone thing i noticed on this trip to SF is.. i did not have much of a food craving as would be the case before
02:55.52muthui mean atleast not the fast food chains
02:56.09muthui couldn't go to ethiopian..
02:56.34muthui loved the pubs
02:56.48muthubut i should say, it was all for the first 15 days
02:56.54muthuthe next 15 days sucked big time
02:57.13f00f-the next week will suck even more
02:57.21muthuoh yeah
02:57.35f00f-i have so much shit coming at me, it's not even funny anymore
02:57.38muthuman, i just hope i can't watch the olympics in peace ;)
02:57.57dmoffettWith no one to hold but Rosy Palm.  :-)
02:59.27muthulot of android rumors floating around
02:59.41dmoffettOf course Muthu probably has a chick in each town.
03:00.13muthuthey are all my good friends
03:00.17dmoffettRumours to us but you know the truth.
03:00.22f00f-exactly :D
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03:00.37muthuand everyone has an android phone already ;)
03:01.23muthuadc 2 must be fun.. with the real device
03:02.05dmoffettf00f and Muthu how are your apps coming along?  Are you ready for the second round?
03:02.06gamblerthe java language seems to have grown alot in the last few years
03:02.25muthudmoffett: hell yeah!
03:02.32f00f-dmoffett: mostly a rewrite here, lots of things happening
03:02.34muthugambler: java 5 was the major change
03:02.57f00f-dmoffett: moved lots to the backend for performance reasons
03:03.09dmoffettyoung guys can stay up all night re-write.
03:03.11f00f-need to investigate massive horizontal scaling techniques after round 2
03:03.25f00f-dmoffett: it's taking a toll, i can feel it.
03:03.27muthudmoffett: guess you are talking about f00f- here
03:03.35f00f-muthu is as young as they come
03:03.49dmoffettand doing a re-write.  Bold.
03:03.49muthui'm nearing the dreaded four zero!
03:04.05dmoffettDon't make me laugh.
03:04.10f00f-muthu: better have your mid-life crisis, and make it fast! :D
03:04.19muthuf00f-: its over!!!!!!!!
03:04.31f00f-there are talks about quarter-life crises, too
03:04.33f00f-i might be in one soon
03:04.47muthubut mid-life crisis is real thang!
03:05.01dmoffettMy mid life crisis involved a new bike and a six pack.
03:05.22f00f-dmoffett: six pack of beer, or abs?
03:05.35muthudmoffett: that's all? come on!
03:06.09dmoffettI am whipped man.
03:07.03muthudmoffett: let me hear from you, there'll be only one right?
03:07.23dmoffettI guess my D90 was considered a mid life.
03:07.25yakischlobadmoffett: that sounds like every few months of my life ;)
03:08.14muthuwhat's D90?
03:08.18f00f-not sure waht a D90 is, but maybe i'm too young
03:08.44dmoffettnot mine but similar.
03:08.51dmoffettI sold it though.
03:09.08dmoffettsweet ride but leaked oil all over the place.
03:09.53dmoffettSold it for more that I paid for it.
03:12.07muthudmoffett: what you have now?
03:12.21dmoffett1974 CJ 5.
03:12.30dmoffettFor the mountains around here.
03:12.40dmoffettand an FJ Cruiser.
03:12.52f00f-i could see you in an fj cruiser
03:12.59f00f-my teammate has one
03:13.03f00f-he jsuthad to have it
03:13.06f00f-after graduation
03:13.20dmoffettThey are quite capable.
03:13.35f00f-he has some motorcycle exhaust kit
03:13.38dmoffettProbably bette than the D90.
03:13.40f00f-so it vrooms nicely
03:14.28tkoodais it possible (perhaps through the{AudioSubsystem,MediaRecorder} class?) to record audio received from the gsm+mic (e.g. to record both sides of a phonecall)?
03:14.34dmoffettThe cj is more fun since if I roll it over or hit the bottom I don't care.
03:15.29muthutkooda: i don't think audio recording ever worked
03:15.51tkoodais it supposed to?
03:16.02dmoffettOne of the things that will be fixed we hope.  :-)
03:16.20dmoffettLot's of complaints about media player.
03:16.34tkoodais that funcionality intended/allowed in the final design?
03:17.09tkooda(e.g. recording both sides of a call)
03:17.57dmoffettSorry I don't know.  Some of the google guys may answer that question though.
03:18.58muthutkooda: is that kind of functionality available in iphone?
03:19.39muthuif its a common functionality available in other phones, it might be available in android
03:19.42muthuthat's the logic ;)
03:20.22tkoodamakes sense.  although I hope android's functionality isn't limited to the union of the features of other phones.  ;P
03:22.14muthuright, no one knows what's in final version as of today
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03:34.52*** join/#android Orph (n=orpheusa@unaffiliated/orph)
03:35.28OrphI had a rotary phone when I was a kid.
03:38.50f00f-me too, we started on that
03:39.14yakischlobaI'm not even old and I had a rotary phone at some point
03:40.36f00f-yeah i grew up on one
03:40.39f00f-i loved the rotary
03:40.43f00f-like dial + wait
03:40.45f00f-for it to come aroudn
03:40.54f00f-pulse modulation ftw!
03:41.10f00f-i remember commercials on tv or whatever
03:41.14f00f-you need a touch tone phone
03:41.20f00f-or perss whatever for rotary
03:41.26f00f-'stay on the line' probably
03:43.13OrphUnfortunately, I did not have any coupled modem tho
03:43.25Orphthat would have been awesome, I didnt get a computer till I was 18, so I lost out there.
03:52.13muthurotary phones are great
03:52.34muthuand the way people dialled.. each had their own style!
03:54.07yakischlobaWe had touchtone. We just still had a rotary sitting around in one of the rooms.
03:54.13Orphheh, rotary phone addon for android, is it in the cards?
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04:39.00dmoffettf00f: If you are willing to say, what technology are you using on the back end?
04:40.59dmoffettThey should make tele marketers use rotary dial phones.
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05:19.56jastaWork, Work!
05:20.04jasta...For the king!
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05:42.31f00f-dmoffett: right now for ADC, it's a simple PHP backend talking to MySQL on a FastCGI setup
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07:49.54spykidDoes this interesting to anyone :D
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08:00.41alex2308no, im working for deutsche telekom. nothing new
08:10.40spykidalex2308: Well these rumors were not new to me, but as it seems the become more concrete and the DREAM might become true earlier than most here expected... ;)
08:11.14alex2308well, look at the timeline:
08:11.20Orphis there anything concrete about android on Verizon?
08:11.33alex2308touch diamond: very similar to android emulator / dream. allready on market
08:11.51alex2308end of ADC early august
08:12.06alex2308rumors say oct 2008
08:12.28alex2308enough time to get the SDK release ready
08:13.39alex2308only two things that could go wrong: very bugged SDK and lack of standard software
08:14.52alex2308imho i believe they will launch in oct 2008 and software will be very buggy.
08:17.21spykidalex2308: Like the iPhone 3G :D
08:18.59alex2308decent design, nice hardware (except screen), average battery, aweful price, aweful itunes, aweful company: i'd take it for free, but never buy it
08:19.58OrphI wonder how long before theres a dual touch android device.
08:20.09Orphdualtouch/multi touch
08:20.31spykidOrph: every heard of patents?
08:20.51alex2308atm there is no big advantage in dual touch
08:20.52Orphuh, yes?
08:20.56OrphApple didn't invent multi touch.
08:22.21alex2308dont worry, people always steal apple ideas and improve them
08:22.27alex2308for example: the mouse
08:22.36alex2308the ipod
08:23.38OrphApple stole the mouse from Xerox
08:23.56alex2308they did? i didnt knew
08:23.58Orphand the Diamond Rio came out before the Ipod
08:24.12spykidalex2308: apple got basically everthing from Xerox
08:24.35alex2308well, then apple stole it, didnt improve it and others stole it again and improved it
08:24.36Orphapples not big on doing new things.
08:24.42alex2308that makes apple look even worse
08:24.59spykidThey are good at marketing ;)
08:25.10Orphinstalls Opera mini on android emulator
08:25.36alex2308awesome at marketing
08:26.29alex2308they make you think your balls will drop if you dont have an iphone
08:26.39alex2308some stupid kids even believe it! :D
08:27.33OrphI don't really hold any real ill will towards Apple.
08:29.45Orphwith apple, we wouldn't have "The Incredibles" or "Wall-E"
08:29.53Orphso I see it as a winning tradeoff.
08:31.08Orphwell, I suppose it could have happened, but it would have been unlikely.
08:31.40alex2308i dont know them
08:32.26OrphToy Story?
08:32.32OrphFinding Nemo?
08:39.04alex2308ahh, i know them
08:39.40OrphPixar exists because Steve Jobs bought them from ILM
08:40.12Orphusing money he got by founding Apple.
08:40.28Orphand Now Jobs is the largest shareholder of Disney.
08:41.51alex2308i still dont like apple products :)
08:44.17Orphwell, I cant really fault the Iphone for having several new features and debuting at half of the price of the original.. heh
08:44.23OrphIf I wanted AT&T I would have had one by now.
08:47.59alex2308its not the product itself
08:48.17alex2308its the way its been sold that i dont like
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11:46.05TraX1s^Hi guys, is this a channel for the Linux-based Android for smartphones?
11:46.23TraX1s^Aww, cool.
11:48.01TraX1s^Are you SDK ppl, or are some of you trying to make it work live on smartphones?
11:48.31muthuyou have both
11:49.09TraX1s^I've been trying to get it working on my HTC Touch without luck most of the day ..
11:49.58dueyI wonder why..
11:50.26muthunot released yet
11:51.01TraX1s^Ah well, early releases for testing via HaRET is what i've been playing with, so
11:51.23muthuyeah no official support
11:51.46TraX1s^Nope, but kinda cool to see it up and running live on a phone
11:52.45TraX1s^does any of you know approximately when they launch a version that can be flashed to a phone?
11:53.36muthuwhen the devices come out
11:54.06dueyTraX1s^, they have not been very forth coming with any details, so no one really knows
11:54.38TraX1s^yea i know duey, it kinda sucks ..
12:09.09*** join/#android zhobbs_ (n=zach@
12:19.29davidwOctober 20th
12:21.19alex2308August 23th
12:26.09zhobbs_related to the top:
12:26.36muthugphone will come with a rotary dial ;)
12:27.48zhobbs_so who's working on a touchscreen rotary dial?
12:29.18alex2308mh apple?
12:29.19zhobbs_would be a pretty easy app to make
12:40.05muthua fun easy way to dial would be great
12:40.13muthuyou know like finger paint
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12:52.21alex2308you know, you could do it
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13:23.22michaelnovakjrhowdy folks
13:24.53alex2308howdy michael novak junior
13:26.57michaelnovakjrhow's it going
13:32.31alex2308wouldnt "goes be a right answer?
13:32.43alex2308i though "runs" would be an even better answer then
13:34.21michaelnovakjrinteresting, just never heard it that way before
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13:47.38alex2308english isnt a native language for me
13:47.48alex2308its the third language im learning
13:53.27anno^daSDK at the fith of august is that right ?
13:54.02michaelnovakjrdamn, third language huh.... thats pretty good
13:55.04anno^daalex2308: what are the languages you speak ? I'm speaking english, french and little bit of italian + german as native language.
13:57.16alex2308german bulgarian
13:57.21alex2308english as 3rd
13:57.29alex2308et je sais parler un peut francais
13:58.11anno^daa great bulgarien.
13:58.20anno^daSo now whats are the informations about the SDK :)
13:58.45alex2308the wp-blog of the guy isnt vuln to the exploit i got
13:58.47michaelnovakjrthe deadline for round 2 is aug 5th
13:58.54alex2308so i couldnt manage to hack into
13:59.58michaelnovakjri've got a remote logcat application running for android if anyone is interested
14:00.07michaelnovakjrit works well if you are playing around with a handset
14:00.46alex2308doenst boot on my handset (touch diamond)
14:00.53michaelnovakjrwhy not?
14:01.54alex2308haret not working on it
14:04.06NiZoXanno^da: tu es français ?
14:04.48michaelnovakjrthat sucks :(
14:07.20anno^daNiZoX: No j'habite en allemagne.
14:07.54NiZoXok :)
14:13.44zhobbs_muthu: looks like there is a rotary dialer for the iphone: (3/4 way down, search for rotarydialer)
14:20.07michaelnovakjrdoes it show you the number you hit or is it one of those fun guesses
14:20.27michaelnovakjri'd be interested in doing one for android
14:26.30muthudo it with the sounds
14:28.18zhobbs_gotta have the clicking sound
14:28.47michaelnovakjri'll even record the one i have at home to get a true sound
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14:53.10michaelnovakjrso muthu, have you been contacted by Martha Stewart?
15:01.07muthuhey michaelnovakjr__
15:01.14michaelnovakjrwhat's up
15:01.29muthusorry, was in call with martha ;)
15:02.50SanMehatjasta: ping
15:03.45michaelnovakjrjasta's a west coaster... not sure he's around yet
15:04.54heati'm a west coaster
15:05.09SanMehatso am i
15:05.20SanMehatjust lazy. thats all there is to it
15:07.16michaelnovakjrdamn, you guys start early
15:07.33SanMehatits late for me actually
15:08.00michaelnovakjri can't function at 8 am
15:08.02alex2308start? what time/day is it SanMehat?
15:08.12heatelbows san (while hearing him typing outloud)
15:08.30SanMehatits 8:00 am
15:08.37SanMehator something
15:09.26alex23085 pm here
15:09.35alex2308im nearly in the weekend
15:09.48SanMehatlucky you
15:10.43alex2308y, germany
15:11.08SanMehatbeer woulmmm beer
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15:12.24alex2308oh, ic, youre working like us
15:13.37SanMehatlol not yet... i'm on the shuttle to work
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15:13.51SanMehatanswers yes to the /topic
15:14.32michaelnovakjrlove that shuttle huh?
15:15.31heatshuttle is awesome
15:15.32jastaSanMehat: pong?
15:16.08michaelnovakjrhowdy jasta
15:16.15michaelnovakjr|         .
15:16.24SanMehatjasta: sup
15:16.35jastanot much, just waking up for work.
15:16.46SanMehatalready on the shuttle
15:16.52SanMehatgot tons of stuff to do today
15:16.53jastaand by that i mean sitting in my robe on irc
15:17.00SanMehatuh TMI dude.
15:17.06SanMehati dont need to know what you're wearing.
15:17.19SanMehatjust what you're coding on. :)
15:17.36michaelnovakjrjasta i sent you an email with the info for the remote logger
15:17.57michaelnovakjri just tossed it up on my git server
15:18.11michaelnovakjrthere's the apk, server binary, and source code for both
15:19.11michaelnovakjrits basically like watching adb logcat while running the emulator
15:19.25michaelnovakjrexcept the app is on a device and you are on a remote computer :)
15:20.42michaelnovakjri tested the logger on linux and freebsd
15:21.36tethridgehey guys, what's new with android?
15:21.45tethridgeany word on a new sdk?
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15:22.23alex2308bsd <3 <3
15:23.06alex2308jasta put on him robe and wizard hat
15:23.35alex2308jasta cast lvl 3 eroticism. SanMehat turn into real beautiful woman.
15:23.56SanMehatthanks. i think.
15:23.57jastaLevel 3?  For San?  No, no.  You need a much higher spell for that :)
15:24.14michaelnovakjris this now?
15:25.08zhobbs_don't get me started on alt.*, time warner stopped providing usenet servers
15:25.29alex2308michaelnovakjr this is
15:25.33alex2308i thought at least you know
15:25.51alex2308well, you knew pong, guess one quote per day is the limit
15:29.31alex2308im off into weekend
15:29.38alex2308cya monday android dudez
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15:39.26AttractiveApepokes jasta
15:40.12AttractiveApemorning michaelnovakjr
15:40.13AttractiveApehow goes?
15:40.14michaelnovakjrAttractiveApe: i've got the log apk
15:40.26michaelnovakjrnot bad, yourself?
15:40.32AttractiveApeApparently Martin fixed the sdhc driver
15:40.33AttractiveApegonna test now.
15:40.50michaelnovakjri wrote an apk that pushes the logcat to a server
15:41.07michaelnovakjrin realtime, so as you use it the server is getting the log streamed
15:41.20AttractiveApeyeah I saw you talking about it last night
15:41.20muthunice idea
15:41.29AttractiveApeIt's a great idea :)
15:41.51michaelnovakjri posted the stuff on my git server
15:42.02michaelnovakjri included the apk, server app and the source
15:42.26michaelnovakjrstill has a few glitches, like stopping....
15:42.28AttractiveApeoh rly.
15:42.39AttractiveApeDoes the apk allow you to configure what IP you're sending the log to?
15:42.41michaelnovakjrbut you can start the service and navigate away and use the phone
15:42.47michaelnovakjrAttractiveApe: the ip and port
15:42.57michaelnovakjrip or domain name
15:43.21michaelnovakjrthe serverside updates in realtime so you see it the sameway you see adb logcat output
15:44.19AttractiveApeCan I have your git url?
15:44.31michaelnovakjroh yea, duh
15:44.33muthuyou write it as text file?
15:44.44michaelnovakjrmuthu: you can redirect output to a text file
15:44.47AttractiveApeyay, sdhc card works.
15:44.54michaelnovakjror have it go to stdout
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15:45.14michaelnovakjryou have git right?
15:45.43AttractiveApeNope, new install.  sudo apt-get install git =)
15:45.56michaelnovakjrsudo apt-get install git-core
15:46.08AttractiveApeyeah that one too
15:46.22michaelnovakjrif more people want to use it i'll put up a trac page with a tarball
15:46.31muthumichaelnovakjr__: that should be more like a log library
15:46.33michaelnovakjri just got lazy at 8am :)
15:46.44muthuprobably an extension to Logcat
15:46.55michaelnovakjrwhat do you mean by log library?
15:47.05muthua jar file
15:47.09muthunot an apk
15:47.25michaelnovakjrwell it has a UI
15:47.36michaelnovakjrso you can type in a server addr and port numbe
15:48.31michaelnovakjrit was really simple so i just stuck it all in an apk and ran the logger as a service
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15:49.44michaelnovakjrthere's a default port i chose, but both pieces can specify an alternative
15:52.12AttractiveApemuthu: I don't use git, what's the command to checkout?
15:52.26muthui use svn
15:52.29michaelnovakjrgit clone
15:52.45muthuneed to probably use git
15:52.46AttractiveApeUh, apparently I need a password?
15:53.00michaelnovakjrreally? for read access?
15:53.30AttractiveApeThat's what your command tells me.
15:53.34AttractiveApeis clueless with git.
15:53.42michaelnovakjrsorry one sec
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15:54.59michaelnovakjrtry git clone git://
15:55.23AttractiveApefatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
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15:55.34AttractiveApeWanna just send me a tar?
15:57.12michaelnovakjrgve the last command another try... if that does work i'll get you a tar
15:57.49michaelnovakjri forgot to turn on public read access when i restarted it last week
15:59.29michaelnovakjrthere's precompiled files there
15:59.46michaelnovakjrsaves the 2 seconds it takes to run ant and gcc :)
16:00.06AttractiveApeinstalled the apk, booting
16:00.23AttractiveApenew version boots much faster than the old ones, btw.
16:00.29AttractiveApeabout 5s boot, I think.
16:00.36AttractiveApeWinMo is much longer.
16:00.38michaelnovakjrsweet, i have to get the new one on my phone tonight
16:02.10AttractiveApeYou have a Vogue, michaelnovakjr?
16:02.24AttractiveApeaha nice.
16:02.44michaelnovakjrits not my primary phone at the moment, but i like it
16:03.39AttractiveApeToo bad, this file browser someone released doesn't seem to show up in the menu.
16:06.19michaelnovakjrapk load up?
16:06.38AttractiveApeDid you test your app on a live phone yet?
16:06.45michaelnovakjrnot yet
16:06.55michaelnovakjri have to install android again on it
16:07.21michaelnovakjrdid you connect it to a remote machine?
16:08.13AttractiveApeNot yet.
16:08.21AttractiveApeTurned android off, need to tidy my memcard.
16:09.11michaelnovakjri'll be back in a half hour
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16:21.23jastaAttractiveApe: just about done with the downloader.
16:21.26jastaprobably have it before lunch
16:22.14jastaand the reboot app :)
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16:24.14AttractiveApepidgin crashed.
16:37.00muthuAttractiveApe: what device are you running it on?
16:37.25muthugot anything working?
16:38.07AttractiveApeWhat do you mean?
16:38.12muthuthe apps
16:38.32AttractiveApeJust been playing with jasta's stuff lately.
16:38.46AttractiveApeThe android time program is pretty cool, browser works, gmaps works
16:39.13AttractiveApeWhy do you ask?
16:40.15muthucurious.. on the progress
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17:18.00michaelnovakjrAttractiveApe: i was actually writing a file manager for android
17:18.07AttractiveApeAh cool
17:18.10michaelnovakjrreally simple.... just an interface to commands
17:18.12AttractiveApeI'd like yours better then ;p
17:18.24michaelnovakjrlike browsing files and/or creating dirs
17:18.35AttractiveApeAll I really want.
17:19.27michaelnovakjrit'll create a default user directory when you open it for the first time
17:19.35michaelnovakjri'll have it finished tonight
17:20.15michaelnovakjri wonder if jasta knows there's a download directory in the data directory
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17:59.45jastamichaelnovakjr: ?
18:00.11jastaa download dir?  for what?  the browser?
18:00.20michaelnovakjrnot sure
18:00.24michaelnovakjrits in /data/download
18:00.30jastai doubt it is helpful or works for anything useful
18:00.50jastamichaelnovakjr: i added you to android-random btw
18:01.48michaelnovakjri'm whipping up a quick file browser
18:02.02jastathat will be helpul :)
18:02.03jastahelpful :)
18:02.13jastamake it nice, though.  that is something that can be used long term even.
18:02.21jastause icons and stuff :)
18:02.26michaelnovakjryea, i'm doing a list view and icon view
18:03.11zhobbs_I thought anddev might have a file browser
18:04.16jastai just committed the HTTP GET tool to android-random
18:04.20michaelnovakjrgot a link?
18:04.25jastahaven't test it yet though, i'm gonna finish packaging it up first
18:04.36jastai mean, that's not what i meant :)
18:04.48jastai have to finish some small features.
18:05.27michaelnovakjris it like a package manager?
18:05.47michaelnovakjrit would be nice to start an apk repo to quickly download from
18:06.24jastayeah, but i don't think that's a good investment of time
18:06.27zhobbs_so I'm out of the loop, is android useable on the vouge yet?
18:06.48jastazhobbs_: it's come pretty far, yeah.
18:06.51michaelnovakjrit doesn't have to be fancy
18:06.54jastawrite support is in there now, using the sd card.
18:07.43zhobbs_cool, maybe I'll have to pick one up
18:08.13michaelnovakjri'm installing the latest updates to my phone tonight
18:08.55jastai had troubles with the data connection, but it did work sometimes
18:09.01jastaothers seem to report better success
18:09.29jastathe screen resolution is different though, so some things don't look quite right :)
18:09.37michaelnovakjri installed it like a month or two ago and it was cool
18:09.40jastabut thankfully your own app can be adjusted to work nicely on other resolutions
18:09.50zhobbs_what's the res?
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18:10.30zhobbs_does it work on a bunch of htc's?  any of them ATT or unlocked?
18:11.15michaelnovakjri have the touch by htc through sprint
18:11.28michaelnovakjrit was working nicely
18:12.38jastaAttractiveApe: i dont know if a reboot app will be possible
18:12.57michaelnovakjri had to do a hard reset every time
18:13.02jastazhobbs_: only the htc vogue works well
18:13.06jastawhich is the phone michaelnovakjr mentioned
18:13.18jastaAttractiveApe: the reboot command seems bunk, and the provided init has no runlevels
18:13.29jastai could maybe punch through with JNI.
18:13.52michaelnovakjrjasta can you go low level?
18:14.19michaelnovakjrdoes the shell have a reboot command?
18:14.29jastaAttractiveApe: try booting into a shell using the android stack and invoking reboot.  if that works, then we're good, but i dont think it will.
18:14.39jastamichaelnovakjr: yeah but in my tests with the emulator, it seems defunct.
18:14.49michaelnovakjryea, i just tried it
18:14.51jastaperhaps just because the emulation is thin, but there's an easy-ish way to test.
18:15.10jastaas i said, just boot the stack but use init=/bin/sh and invoke reboot with the OSK
18:17.25michaelnovakjryea, it gets hung in the emulator
18:17.48michaelnovakjrit actually freezes my running emulator
18:22.49jastaso modify default.txt and test it that way
18:24.59AttractiveApemkay, I'll try that in a sec.
18:35.56AttractiveApehmm, it seems to ignore the init= parameter.
18:38.38jastawell, then just edit /init :)
18:38.51jastadrop it to a shell from there
18:42.42AttractiveApeI used the broken kernel to get commandline
18:42.46AttractiveApewe have busybo
18:43.03*** part/#android naick (
18:43.07AttractiveApebut reboot doesn't do anything :(
18:43.49michaelnovakjrgooglecode svn is sllloooowwww
18:44.02AttractiveAperunning init just locks the term
18:44.06AttractiveApeerr, tty
18:44.17AttractiveApeThe lack of a Ctrl key makes this hard to exit.
18:46.07jastaAttractiveApe: thats what i thought
18:46.22michaelnovakjri put up the RemoteLogger apk and server app to the downloads on android-random
18:46.27michaelnovakjrand the code into the svn
18:46.52jastanice :)
18:47.26michaelnovakjri'll have something of a file browser done tonight
18:47.30michaelnovakjri've already started :)
18:47.53michaelnovakjrthe wonders of busy work.... keeps you from pulling your hair out
18:48.13michaelnovakjrits felt like a year since the adc round 1 deadline
18:49.34jastayeah, it was a different world, eh?
18:49.48michaelnovakjroh yea
19:00.07AttractiveApemade a new initrd that exec's /bin/sh
19:00.26AttractiveApeHave any more questions about directory layout jasta?
19:02.23jastano, i can examine the data.img without a device :)
19:02.37AttractiveApewell, or anything else.
19:02.41AttractiveAperunning top on this is funny.
19:02.52jastayeah it looks silly heeh
19:03.09jastayou could do that to the emulator too ;)
19:03.23AttractiveApethe lack of me accessing the pipes with the OSK is very annoying
19:04.49michaelnovakjrAttractiveApe: you can download the remote logger from the android-random project site.  no need to checkout code
19:05.20jastaAttractiveApe: the downloader is almost done, so hang tight :)
19:08.08AttractiveApehah, one of the guys opened vi on the phone, I can't exit it.
19:08.25AttractiveApemichaelnovakjr: link?
19:08.46michaelnovakjrits under the downloads section
19:09.33AttractiveApeI think I have it on there, it's not displaying in the android menu
19:11.49jastaromainguy_: anything special you need to do to convert an indeterminate progressdialog to determinate?
19:12.04jastai called setIndeterminate(false) on the dialog, but it seems not to have affected it's animation or drawing.
19:13.49jastaactually seems to be indeterminate no matter what i do, hmm.
19:15.00jastalet me guess, fixed in the next version? :)
19:16.19AttractiveApehmmm, when you mount a vfat partition under Linux, it's normally showing up as vfat, yeah?
19:16.35AttractiveApeor rather, mount a fat32 under linux, shows as vfat
19:17.02AttractiveApeThis is showing up as msdos, has 8 letter filenames
19:20.56jastaAttractiveApe: maybe ill write that solitaire engine i had planned to keep you entertained with your shiny new android phone
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19:39.56jastaAttractiveApe: ok, done.  i'm uploading it now...
19:41.41jastagooglecode is sucking bad today
19:43.28michaelnovakjrreally really slow
19:46.56jastait's not fancy, so be careful with it :)
19:47.03jasta(it overwrites without asking)
19:49.06jasta(note, you need to install that to /system/app)
19:50.09jastahmm, hang on, i'm having a problem using it to write to /data/app even still
19:50.50jastalooks like installing to /system/app doesn't do what i thought (run as root)
19:51.04jastayou might need to chmod /data/app
19:51.54jastalame, that is necessary.
19:52.11jastachmod 0777 /data/app on your data.img, then i guess you can install this apk into /data/app if you want since it doesnt seem to matter
19:52.28jastahang on, let me see if i can figure out how to get the app to run as system or root
19:53.38michaelnovakjrhm, voice dailer
19:54.17michaelnovakjrsome interesting apk names popup as  not found if you type runtime in the shell
19:55.25jastayeah, i can only imagine how bad-ass their stack looks :)
19:55.27jastacompared to ours
19:55.35jastaprobably usable, even.
19:59.27jastaAttractiveApe: -- fixed some stupid bug
19:59.37jastaanyway, you will want to chmod /data/app apparently.  lame.
20:00.02michaelnovakjrjasta, you can write in any subdir of /data right?
20:00.20jastamichaelnovakjr: nothing happens when i start your service it seems
20:00.27jastamichaelnovakjr: apparently not, no.
20:00.29jastanot as an app
20:00.44michaelnovakjrjasta you started the server app?
20:01.05jastano, but i have nc -l -p running
20:01.09jastaand i saw no connection
20:01.16jastaim debugging it now
20:01.26jastabtw, i installed your app using the downloader hehe
20:01.50jastaW/ActivityManager(  516): Unable to start service Intent { }: not found
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20:02.46michaelnovakjrhm, looking into it now
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20:04.46jastamichaelnovakjr: i'm gonna remove auto-generated stuff from the RemoteLogger svn, is that cool?
20:04.50jastathe bin and stuff, i mean
20:05.11michaelnovakjri modded that version, i have the original if you just want to do your debugging
20:05.16jastai also added maven build hooks
20:05.25jastanah, i just like svn projects being clean :)
20:06.01michaelnovakjri think i see the issue
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20:09.01michaelnovakjrcommtting fix
20:10.42jastamichaelnovakjr: i applied my Make-foo as well.
20:10.44jastasvn update :)
20:12.21jastainit: HOW ARE YOU GENTLEMEN
20:12.24jastahmm, interesting.
20:12.29jastai wonder hwo wrote that? :)
20:14.48michaelnovakjri've got output
20:15.03michaelnovakjri'll replace the apk on the download page with the updated one
20:15.25jastayou need to send the freaking LF from the client to the server :)
20:15.37jastaso nc will actually work hehe
20:15.56jastabut yeah it does work, neat :)
20:16.09jastaAttractiveApe: you there?
20:17.01jastamichaelnovakjr: it does seem to block, though?
20:17.16jastai mean, it works, so whatever
20:17.18jastabut the UI does block
20:17.27michaelnovakjrit shouldn't
20:17.37jastai have had to force close it every time ive used it
20:17.52jastaand the only way i can navigate away as a result is to press the home button
20:17.53jastanot back
20:18.01jastasince it doesnt respond well enough to invoke onStop()
20:18.19michaelnovakjryea, i have to fix that
20:18.34michaelnovakjryou can get it running and navigate away though
20:18.35jastaplease do :P
20:18.49jastayeah i can do that.  but i dont think on a vogue that would work well
20:18.53michaelnovakjrworking now
20:18.57jastabecause there's no home button is there?
20:19.41michaelnovakjrhm. i think the left directional pad goes home
20:19.51michaelnovakjri can't remember for certain though
20:20.14michaelnovakjrha, i fixed the LF issue
20:20.21michaelnovakjrnow i'll fix the hang
20:20.22jastait's obvious why it blocks :)
20:20.42jastayour server has an idly loop as startTheCat, which the UI waits for it to respond.
20:20.45jastaor rather, return.
20:20.46jastait never will.
20:20.51jastaso the UI waits indefinitely
20:21.08jastaerr idle, not idly :)
20:21.21michaelnovakjryea, i am fixing that now
20:21.26jastastartTheCat() should return quickly and just fire off a thread.
20:21.41jastaoh ok, i'll leave you alone then :)
20:21.55jastawe're starting to have a real repository here :)
20:24.30jastai added a maven pom.xml in the client btw
20:24.37jastai prefer using maven for building/packaging
20:24.38michaelnovakjri noticed, cool
20:25.05michaelnovakjrit'll be nice to have the file browser on the list
20:25.29jastahehe, we're ridiculous.
20:26.05jastaanyway, i gotta go do some forensics on this server hard drive that bit it.  bl.
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20:47.04jastahehe, i occassionally try to trick our Sprint account reps with questions about android
20:47.17jastai'm hoping some low-level goon slips up one of these times ;)
20:48.09AttractiveApesorry back now
20:48.16AttractiveApewent for lunch queitly.
20:49.54jastaAttractiveApe: we're ready to try out the downloader and the logcat utility
20:50.02AttractiveApeoh cool
20:50.05AttractiveApe is the most recent?
20:50.14jastayeah, but you need to chmod the /data/app dir
20:50.20jastasince it doesnt run as the system user
20:50.23jastajust 0777 it
20:50.34AttractiveApeWhy not install in /system/app then?
20:50.37jastaand then download the RemoteLogcat apk found there as well.
20:50.42jastaapparently /system/app isnt as magical as i thought.
20:50.44jastait didnt work
20:50.49AttractiveApeoh damn
20:52.33jastafor the remote logcat tool, configure it to connect to, on the default port, but let me know before you run it
20:53.05jastaalso, due to some current bugs, it will appear to hang.  just press the home button to back out
20:53.21AttractiveApe'home button'?
20:53.43michaelnovakjrone sec
20:53.50michaelnovakjri can upload a way totally better version
20:53.57jastaAttractiveApe: nm, wait for michaelnovakjr to fix it :)
20:53.59michaelnovakjrwith better LF's and a threaded log writer
20:54.06michaelnovakjrits going up in 5 minutes
20:54.23AttractiveApek, lemme know.
20:56.55jastaAttractiveApe: you should be able to use the downloader to get it...
20:57.12AttractiveApeOh, good idea.
20:57.13jastaoh btw, the downloader remembers the last src and dst url (that was successful)
20:57.30jastaso if you point it at bla bla, you wont have to retype all that later :)
20:57.46AttractiveApegood, nice
20:59.02AttractiveApehuh, I wonder if bluetooth is working...
20:59.15jastahighly unliekly
20:59.49AttractiveApeThere's something mentioned in the kernel init messages.
21:00.34AttractiveApeHmmm, do you have to specify the app to install with this http downloader?
21:00.40AttractiveApeOr will it fetch a listing?
21:02.27jastayou type in a URL, and a destination.
21:02.32jastaall it does is download files and place them on the device
21:02.39jastainstallation of apps is simply done by placing an apk in /data/app
21:02.42jastainotify takes care of the rest
21:02.51jastawell, and some credit to the android stack :)
21:02.55AttractiveApewell, the app is running, and I've gotten a few 404's so it's working
21:03.10jastayeah, it attempts to report errors nicely
21:05.50michaelnovakjrjust one more second... testing one last piece
21:07.34AttractiveApenp take your time
21:09.32jastano, hurry! :)
21:12.17michaelnovakjrcan i delete files from the downloads page?
21:12.24michaelnovakjron googlecode that is :)
21:14.49michaelnovakjrnew version uploaded
21:15.29michaelnovakjrthat fixes the hanging issues and LF's in the remote output
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21:16.12michaelnovakjrAttractiveApe, jasta **poke**
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21:21.52michaelnovakjr^^ link above ^^
21:21.59jastamichaelnovakjr: yes, its a delete button in the download view
21:22.00michaelnovakjrposted the two fixes
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21:23.25michaelnovakjrnow the remote output looks identical to logcat
21:24.07michaelnovakjrjasta, can i use the googlecode svn as a working repo for the file browser?
21:24.47jastaby all means
21:28.17michaelnovakjryou should be all set with that RemoteLogger
21:28.32jastamichaelnovakjr: stop logigng doesnt work :)
21:28.47michaelnovakjryea, that is the one thing i have left to fix
21:28.53michaelnovakjron my list that is :)
21:28.58jastaotherwise, perfect
21:29.00michaelnovakjrbut it doesn't mess up the UI thread
21:29.04jastaAttractiveApe: i guess we're reayd to do this then
21:29.19michaelnovakjrgetting output on your server jasta?
21:29.46michaelnovakjrit shouldn't be one big block anymore
21:30.33jastayp :)
21:30.34jastayup :)
21:30.49jastanow i just need AttractiveApe to fire it up...
21:30.50michaelnovakjri'm heading home... i'll be back late
21:31.01michaelnovakjrgood luck
21:43.53jastaAttractiveApe: *poke*
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21:57.54jastaheat: i just reworded the five description so hopefully it looks less illegal :)
22:04.49jastaheat: are you going to the Download Festival in Mountain View next week?
22:05.24jastatapes n tapes, mutemath, and airborne toxic events will be there
22:05.34jastaalthough it's lame and outdoors, boo.
22:05.36jastai hate outdoor concerts
22:06.20heati was thinking about it, but probably not
22:08.09heatgonna just hang out in the city
22:08.15heatcheeel if you wil
22:10.52jastaairborne toxic event is my new favorite little band hehe
22:11.19jastatheyre playing at the capital hill block party the day after the download festival, which i am going to
22:11.24jastabut thats because Seattle does concerts right :P
22:13.11jastatheyre playing on an indoor stage
22:16.07AttractiveApehah sorry
22:16.09AttractiveApehuge meeting
22:16.49jastalet's get this moving! :)
22:20.45AttractiveApedownloaded the new apk, it's not showing up I think
22:20.50AttractiveApeOr maybe it is, so I'll give this a go...
22:21.21jastawe need the logcatter most of all, but you should get the downloader working too
22:21.24jastajust to simplify this right?
22:22.07AttractiveApedo you have a connection open now?
22:22.51AttractiveApemichaelnovakjr__: there should be a single button, start logging, and then when you tap it, stop logging.
22:22.55jastaon the logcatter, no?
22:23.10jastaif you are using the old logcatter, it won't work
22:23.14jastamake sure you have installed the 0.03 version
22:24.39AttractiveApefew moments, need to add it to data.img manually
22:25.31AttractiveApehmmm, well, the downloader worked
22:25.33jastadoes the downloader not work?
22:25.38AttractiveApejust didn't pop up with a new menu item.
22:25.49AttractiveApeAnd running the one that was in the menu, I think was the old version.
22:25.51jastatry rebooting.  it probably just doesn't work on the phone.
22:25.54jastainotify, that is.
22:26.01jastaoh wait
22:26.11jastathat's a "feature" in Android
22:26.25jastatwo apks with different names that implement the same manifest won't work
22:26.28jastathe new one will be ignored
22:26.44jastaso you need to make sure if you download RemoteLogger0.03.apk, that you download it to overwrite.
22:27.23*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
22:27.43jastaa file manager would help here, of course.
22:27.48AttractiveApethat's the problem
22:27.56AttractiveApeas the filenames were different.
22:28.37jastai'll make sure to keep the apks named consistently from now on
22:29.59AttractiveApek booting
22:34.10AttractiveApejasta, am I connected?
22:34.25AttractiveApeI saw data transit when I connected.
22:34.49AttractiveApeYeah I think it's working
22:37.20jastayeah, its working!
22:37.28jastabut hang on, i'm not set-up yet
22:37.46AttractiveApewell, I synced with five client, and five just crashed again.
22:37.46jastalets start this fresh...
22:37.50jastareboot the phone ;)
22:38.01jastai need to be paying attention as you start up five music
22:38.04jastaand i wasnt :)
22:38.14AttractiveApemichaelnovakjr__: you need to add to your app, that it saves the last url entered
22:38.26jastayeah i thought the same thing
22:38.36jastahe has it in my svn repository, maybe i could just add it for you :)
22:39.07jastaok, let me know before you open up five music
22:39.16jastait's important that i mark it in the log so i can filter out all the noise.
22:39.23jasta(it's very noisy!)
22:39.51AttractiveApek, booting via haret...
22:40.20AttractiveAperugh rouh
22:40.26AttractiveApeCard looks like it needs a sec.
22:40.29jastasorry ;)
22:40.31AttractiveApefsck, just a sec.
22:40.57AttractiveApesd card looks like it needs a fsck. minute
22:41.54jastathats weird, ok hehe
22:42.03AttractiveApewow, data.img is not happy.
22:42.09AttractiveApedata.img: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY.
22:42.20AttractiveApeReaaaaaaaally need that clean reboot method ;p
22:42.58jastahehe, well, actually
22:43.00romainguy_adb shell reboot? :)
22:43.01jastayou know what we could do?
22:43.10jastaromainguy_: it doesn't work, either in the emulator or on this real device.
22:43.11AttractiveAperomainguy_: that'd be nice :(
22:43.22jastawe could enable Magic Sysrq, and write an app to force umount, then reboot.
22:43.31jastaeven if reboot doesnt work, the sync and forced umount would be nice.
22:43.31romainguy_jasta: it works just fine for us
22:43.43romainguy_guess it was b0rked in M5
22:43.53AttractiveApe:O I like that idea jasta
22:43.56jastasysrq really might be the best way to go.
22:44.09jastai'll look at that this weekend
22:44.24jastait may involve building martin's kernel, though :)
22:44.32jastahopefully his patch set is accurate
22:46.46jastahmm, what process logs as
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22:49.23jastaraises and eyebrow as he spies /system/bin/ioctl
22:49.43AttractiveApeThat was a lot of angry messages on boot that time.
22:49.52AttractiveApeI might have to do something later.
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22:51.35AttractiveApe(problems with mounting)
22:51.50jastadid it actually work?
22:52.03AttractiveApek, connected.
22:52.09AttractiveApelemme run the sync first
22:52.11jastanice, ok, hang on.
22:52.43jastathats SOOOOO rad ;)
22:52.53jastaW/MemoryDealer(  439): madvise(0x44d93000, 1048576, MADV_REMOVE) returned Invalid argument
22:53.01jastathis occurs a lot...
22:53.23jastago back to the home screen and idle
22:54.11jastaok, there?
22:54.48AttractiveApeidling with no windows open
22:54.56jastaim ready for you to load five music
22:54.59jastabut JUST load it.
22:55.03jastawait for it to idle, then let me know
22:55.19AttractiveApeit's loaded...
22:55.22AttractiveApelooks frozen.
22:55.40jastaok, idle
22:56.29jastawhoa, interesting.
22:56.43jastathis is much lower level than i thought
22:56.54jastaso it hung at the ArtistList right?
22:56.59jastait basically drew the screen, then froze?
22:57.06AttractiveApedidn't draw it
22:57.08AttractiveApethis time was different
22:57.51jastaactually the log supports that, but that surprises me it would behave differently.
22:58.16jastaE/Process (  439): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: in loader android.lang.PathClassLoader@402c3198
22:58.41jastaand quite a few other things before that, describing that the dex opt process croaked
22:58.53jastaD/dalvikvm(  612): DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x06c5 at 0x124 in Lorg/devtcg/five/service/MetaService$SyncThread;.run
22:58.56jastaD/dalvikvm(  612): DexOpt: not optimizing mystery class 'Lorg/devtcg/five/service/MusicMapping;'
22:59.09jastaok, go ahead and force it closed
22:59.50jastafire it up again, lets see that it behaves the same.
22:59.59jasta(this remotelogcat tool is great btw!)
23:01.12jastaAttractiveApe: ?
23:01.17jastai dont see anything on the server
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23:03.40AttractiveApeit died again
23:03.40jastadid it draw this time?
23:03.46jastait seems pretty clear that the process is alive
23:03.49AttractiveApeI need to turn it off, it needs juice
23:03.52jastabut some child is dead, and it doesnt know how to behave.
23:04.10jastathis is all really interesting.
23:04.18AttractiveApeYeah, I think this dev tool is create.
23:05.02jastaI/runtime (  439): Binder driver not found.  Processes not supported.
23:05.06jastawhat the hell? :)
23:05.13jastaim reading the log from the beginning hehe
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23:05.36jastathat could be a problem :P
23:05.46jastaactually, that might be THE problem.
23:05.53jastathe binder is what my app relies heavily on
23:06.02jastawe should do some testing with some of the apidemos using services
23:07.08jastai think your SD card might be fried or something
23:07.14jastaD/dalvikvm(  438): DEX prep '/system/framework/framework.jar': unzip in 1135ms, rewrite 7335ms
23:07.18jastaE/dalvikvm(  438): DexOpt: failed reading opt header: I/O error
23:07.18jastaa lot of I/O errors in here
23:07.45jastaW/        (  439): <eglQueryStringConfigANDROID> not found in
23:07.45jastaW/        (  439): can't access 3D hardware (No such file or directory)
23:07.50jastahehe, aww, that must be what romain was talking about
23:08.04AttractiveApeI'll take a look at it.
23:08.06jastai'm gonna e-mail this to martin.  he might be interested in perusing this if he hasn't already.
23:08.52*** join/#android michaelnovakjr_ (
23:09.21jastamichaelnovakjr_: success ;)
23:09.25jastayour app worked great, thx a bunch
23:09.30jastaits very slick too
23:09.49michaelnovakjr_find what was holding up five?
23:09.57jastano, but i think his SD card may be borked
23:10.07michaelnovakjr_ah, i'll try it with mine tonight
23:10.08jastabut i did find one thing that struck me as troubling
23:10.13jastaone of the first log lines is:
23:10.27jastaI/runtime (  439): Binder driver not found.  Processes not supported.
23:10.32jastawhereas the emulator says:
23:10.35jastaI/runtime (  503): Binder driver opened.  Multiprocess enabled.
23:11.11jastayeah, exactly
23:11.22michaelnovakjr_how's my app work then?
23:11.23michaelnovakjr_i use binder
23:11.32jastafine, apparently.
23:11.36jastasee, that's what makes no sense.
23:11.45jastai'd like to get some log output going for some of the apidemos using services
23:11.50jastajust as a benchmark
23:12.26jastaW/BatteryService(  439): Failed to read '/sys/android_power/battery_level'
23:12.44jastai wonder if the git repository is missing something, or if martin accidentally disabled some stuff?
23:12.50michaelnovakjr_yea, on the phone the battery meter doesn't register
23:13.13jastai am going to e-mail this log to martin to see what he thinks ;)
23:13.37michaelnovakjr_good idea
23:14.08jastathis error occurs a lot too:
23:14.09jastaW/MemoryDealer(  439): madvise(0x4406b000, 1048576, MADV_REMOVE) returned Invalid argument
23:14.51jastathere seems to be something goofy with threading
23:14.59jastaany app taht explicitly threads throws this exception a lot:
23:15.02jastaW/ActivityManager(  439): Exception trying to set priority of application thread -1
23:15.06jastaW/ActivityManager(  439): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Given thread does not exist
23:15.10jastaincluding google's apps, in this case it was the phone app that did that
23:15.36jastaE/ProcessState(  437): Binder driver protocol does not match user space protocol!
23:15.37michaelnovakjr_is mine throwing that anywhere?
23:15.39jastaE/ProcessState(  437): Binder ioctl to set max threads failed: Bad file number
23:15.48jastai havent gotten into the app space yet, still going through boot/loading
23:15.54michaelnovakjr_seems like something with the Binder isn't loaded
23:16.00jastaohhhhh, you know what...
23:16.07michaelnovakjr_maybe some dependent jar file
23:16.09jastahe patches against a newer kernel.
23:16.24jastai wonder if the binder driver has changed since M5, so thats a part of this problem
23:16.41jastathe userspace stuffs is incompatible somewhere
23:16.48jastathats something that we could look at easily
23:16.58jastajust tracking git changes since m5 was released looking for binder driver changes
23:17.03jastaand checking if martin compiled the changes in
23:17.36michaelnovakjr_maybe we can compile the kernel image that came with the sdk?
23:17.54jastawell, we'd need to port his changes back to it, which would be challenging.
23:18.53michaelnovakjr_are they that dependent on the newer kernel?
23:19.30jastayour remote logger throws the setthreadpriorirty exception
23:19.45jastamichaelnovakjr_: well, his patches are against it, so he obviously used new code.
23:19.52jastafor example, i dont think m5 had the SDHC driver working
23:20.23jastait would make more sense, i think, to just look selectively at certain kernel space components and see how theyve changed since m5
23:20.37jastato validate whether our idea is even right
23:21.57jastaok, i pasted all the things that popped out at me
23:22.07jastait definitely seems to me that there is something up with th ebinder.
23:22.20jastaat least it's worth looking at, but i dont have time now
23:22.20michaelnovakjr_i wonder if thats some of the new sdk changes
23:22.22jastathis weekend for sure
23:22.28michaelnovakjr_well obviously it must be ;)
23:22.32jastaactually, i wonder if San would know
23:23.23jastaanyway, i gotta run
23:23.29jastayou gonna be around this weekend?
23:23.38jastacool, me too
23:23.54michaelnovakjr_i'll be working on some projects... i have been meaning to play around with OpenGL
23:24.01AttractiveApehmmm, Martin/dzo just got the sdhc support working I thought, I'll use the 1GB card in the future
23:24.02jastai'll e-mail the log when im home
23:24.05AttractiveApealright, I'm out for a bit.
23:55.49zhobbsdoes flash suck in linux for everyone else? brings my box to a halt randomly
23:55.58zhobbsmy browser at least

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