IRC log for #android on 20080713

00:02.08*** join/#android Dougie187 (
00:02.13Dougie187good evening.
00:02.40yakischlobagood evening
00:02.48yakischlobaplace is pretty dead on the weekends
00:03.46Dougie187im still looking for michaelnovakjr
00:03.49Dougie187but he hasnt been around.
00:07.30*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
00:13.42f00f-he was here yesterday dougie
00:16.29Dougie187yeah, thats what i figure..
00:17.17Dougie187so hows it going f00f-?
00:17.54f00f-just surviving Dougie187, just surviving
00:18.02Dougie187its going good.
00:18.19Dougie187im going to order my new laptop soon.
00:18.22Dougie187probably tonight or tomorrow.
00:19.26f00f-what lappy?
00:19.39Dougie187a thinkpad
00:25.36f00f-toio bad only widescreen
00:25.41f00f-i have a T43p and T60p
00:25.58f00f-T60 has lots of problems
00:26.03f00f-but T61 seems to have improved lots
00:28.31Dougie187thats cool
00:28.36Dougie187i dont really mind the widescreen.
00:28.42Dougie187its 14.1 though, that im gonna get.
00:28.50f00f-ah ok
00:28.59f00f-i've been eyeing an X61s for travel
00:29.03f00f-but havent bit the bullet yet
00:36.34Mieki use the T61 at work, it's nice :>
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00:55.48Dougie187well f00f-
00:56.00Dougie187if you are interested in getting a laptop they have an awesome deal until the 14th
00:56.13Dougie187there is a 10% off coupon for X series, and 12% cash back through fatwallet.
00:56.16Dougie187i think at least.
00:56.20Dougie187lemme check on the coupon part
00:57.09Dougie187the cash back will take a coupon months though, but lenovo has no payments for 6 months on $750 or more.
01:02.22f00f-ok, yeah i get employee discount
01:02.25f00f-probably around the same
01:02.28Dougie187this is better then employee
01:02.31Dougie187employee is 15%
01:02.34Dougie187that was my other option.
01:02.49Dougie187thats why im ordering it now.
01:03.13Dougie187at least its 15% on T series.
01:03.16Dougie187but its 8% on R series.
01:03.24f00f-i've seen 25% off at times
01:03.28Dougie187so it might be a bit more on X Series, but i would assume its the same.
01:05.04Dougie187just ordered actually.
01:05.10f00f-which config
01:05.52Dougie187just the base proc, because i couldnt bring my self to spend $120 on the better cache.
01:05.53zhobbsinfobot: what is android?
01:05.55infobotzhobbs: what are you talking about?
01:06.10zhobbsinfobot: where can I find android
01:06.10infobotmethinks android is an Open Handset Alliance Project by Google or an alleged Open Source phone software stack that's really not open., or if it's sometime actually freed, someone might port it on the neo, but the provided binaries are incompatible
01:06.35zhobbsha, wonder who put that in
01:06.49Dougie187base ram. 14.1 lcd, nvidia graphics, bash hdd, cheapest os, base battery, wireless n, PC slot + media card
01:06.59f00f-how much did it come out to
01:07.57Dougie187959 after tax, but im gonna get like 110 back in cash back
01:07.59Dougie187so about 850
01:08.43Dougie187no bluetooth, i dont use it much and i have a usb adapter.
01:08.49f00f-and no dvd recordable?
01:09.01Dougie187oh hell yeah dvd recordable.
01:09.04f00f-regular battery
01:09.07f00f-or 9 cell
01:09.19Dougie187im plugged in most of the time.
01:09.22Dougie187so i dont need a 9cell right now
01:09.34f00f-no warrant or antyhing special
01:10.35f00f-14.1 WXGA TFT
01:10.38Dougie187whats that?
01:10.48f00f-with nvidia
01:10.54f00f-your confi
01:11.04Dougie187but thats before tax
01:11.10Dougie187then you have to add 60 bucks for tax
01:11.12Dougie187and its about 900
01:11.21Dougie187so mines ~$50 cheaper.
01:12.53f00f-ah yeah it came out to 922.41 with tax and recycling fee
01:13.14Dougie187thats what does it.
01:13.33Dougie187i was calculating it total, because you have to pay taxes on the cashback first.
01:13.40Dougie187then you get the cashback back, but not the taxes.
01:15.11f00f-although 6 months to wait for the money?
01:15.23Dougie187i dont remember how long it is, but its at least 2 months.
01:15.43Dougie187its about 3 months.
01:15.45f00f-if it was 6, then i'd just pay the extra $50
01:15.53f00f-not worth the hassle imho
01:15.59Dougie187i made an order on 4/19/08 and i get the cash back on 7/18/08
01:16.41Dougie187and it works good with the no payments for 6 months too.
01:16.49Dougie187so you should get your cashback before you have to pay it off.
01:25.41Dougie187but yeah.
01:25.51Dougie187im all about saving money.
01:50.17*** join/#android yakischloba (
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02:25.39Dougie187hows it going yakischloba
02:25.56yakischlobagood good. watching some TdF coverage
02:26.49yakischlobaI'm going to stay with a friend in Portland who has cable TV. I know what I'll be doing while shes at work ;)
02:27.09Dougie187thats cool
02:27.11Dougie187do you live in oregon?
02:27.15yakischlobaNo I live in Seattle
02:27.23yakischlobaI'm just going down to visit for a week or so.
02:27.28Dougie187thats cool
02:27.57yakischlobayeah I think it'll be relaxing.
02:28.05yakischlobagive me some time to get started on android
02:28.43Dougie187i use to live in oregon.
02:29.25yakischlobaI used to think I might wanna move to Portland but I think its so similar to Seattle it might not be worth it.
02:30.04Dougie187well.. no sales tax.
02:32.56Dougie187but its got a higher income tax doesnt it?
02:36.07yakischlobaYes there is a state income tax.
02:36.19yakischlobaI've never bothered to see how it balances out
02:36.33Dougie187its 18% if i remember correctly.
02:36.52yakischlobaOw. Well sales tax in Washington is only 8.something%
02:38.08Dougie187and sales is like 6?
02:38.10Dougie187or 7?
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02:46.19yakischlobaThere is no state income tax in Washington I don't believe? or at least I haven't had to pay it
02:47.30Dougie187ohhh ok sales tax in washington though.
02:47.36Dougie187florida's sales tax is 7.5
02:49.30yakischlobaI buy a lot of food at wholesale cost from work
02:49.35yakischlobaI think I sneak by paying sales tax on that
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03:15.22yakischlobahowdy muthu
03:16.25muthugot any apps?
03:17.17yakischlobahah no
03:17.27yakischlobaI read a bunch last night and I just got home..reading now.
03:18.11yakischlobatrying to figure out the whole content provider with something other than sqlite thing
03:18.57yakischlobaeverything I see assumes you're using sqlite
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03:22.24yakischlobaI'm thinking hard to see if I can avoid using a content provider
03:22.35muthudo a orm
03:22.49yakischlobaI'm completely new to java and android :(
03:22.59muthuwhy you are avoiding sqlite?
03:23.25yakischlobabecause I think its too much messy work to write all your own queries
03:23.33yakischlobaits 2008, shit should be easier than that.
03:24.04yakischlobaORM is the way of the future
03:25.45yakischlobalooks like that might be beyond my capability at this time though
03:28.47yakischlobacall me crazy ;)
03:28.49muthuwhat other database are you thinking?
03:29.15muthuthe data access is a mess
03:29.20muthucan't argue there
03:29.33yakischlobaI meant to say that I'm avoiding using SQLite in the way everyone else seems to be doing
03:29.54muthuthere's no other way to do it
03:30.05yakischlobaWhy not? Aren't there ORM's for java?
03:30.33yakischlobaI saw db4o which uses its own database but i havent seen many other things
03:30.53yakischlobawell whats wrong with them? is everyones application so light on data access that they dont bother or what?
03:31.46muthudon't bother for now
03:32.13muthuthere's too many other things to focus on for now ;)
03:33.21muthuthat's the first thing that stuck me btw
03:33.35muthuand i'm sure everyone thought of it
03:33.40muthubut no one did anything
03:35.30muthusince everyone was busy building stuff
03:39.21yakischlobanow would be a perfect time, while everyone is bitching about not having anything to do :)
03:39.46muthuoh yeah
03:41.58Dougie187lol i think they have stuff to do.
03:42.07Dougie187they just dont care enough to do anything for android right now.
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03:42.34muthuguess, not much resources
03:52.13Dougie187anyways, im out
03:52.14Dougie187see ya
03:52.15*** part/#android Dougie187 (
04:04.26romainguyyakischloba: ORM is the way of the future << except ORM is expensive stuff to do on a cellphone
04:04.44yakischlobaromainguy: yeah I kinda figured.
04:04.59romainguyand expensive means less battery for the user :)
04:05.11muthuwould still be intersted in some lite frameworks
04:05.33yakischlobayeah. it doesn't have to be crazy.
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04:06.37romainguyno but do you really need an ORM?
04:06.47yakischlobayeah if you're a pussy
04:08.53muthuwe are all droids ;)
04:17.36muthuis jbq here?
04:17.46muthugreat guy
04:18.02muthulove him :)
04:18.41muthugave a lot of insight from your side
04:18.49muthureally helpful
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05:18.02zhobbsinteresting post:
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08:27.52anno^damichaelnovakjr: you there ?
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09:06.06muthuGPhone is a good idea
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09:15.25davidwI want one:-)
09:15.49muthudavidw: next year may be ;)
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10:03.03sgbirchis anyone able to help with an N810 install of android?
10:03.41sgbirchI have the deb and the image on the micro-sd but cant see them at all from the file manager or application manager
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12:59.06kirktlooking for an opensource project to work on while learning the android sdk along the way... anyone knows any or manages one and needs help..?
12:59.21romainguykirkt: ask jasta
13:00.08muthukirkt: another easy way to find is do an android search in
13:00.30kirktyea i've spent about 4 hours yesterday night looking for an opensource project
13:00.50kirktits really hard to find one thats nice and that needs help
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13:01.07muthujasta had a project
13:01.10muthucalled 'five'
13:01.29muthunot sure if he's looking for help
13:02.23kirkti see
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13:02.55muthualso check forums
13:08.50kirktyep just did, nothing for opensource there. i'll just stay here and hope jasta will come around.
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13:17.52anno^damichaelnovakjr: you there ?
13:22.44muthuanno^da: still searching for michaelnovakjr__?
13:22.59anno^dayeah just want to ask him something
13:23.13anno^dagot a new idea for an android application :)
13:23.40anno^dawhich includes his addiction to music
13:43.42*** join/#android aksyn (
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14:14.59*** join/#android Dougie187 (
14:16.24Dougie187good morning.
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14:37.55Dougie187hows it going?
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18:09.30anno^daSomone experiences with NAS devices ?
18:11.30soulreaperi am on a constant search for a good one
18:17.36anno^dahmm yeah :)
18:17.58anno^daMine needs to run a Slimserver, consuming less power
18:18.03anno^dathats it :)
18:18.33anno^dathe problem is that the slimserver will serve a music library with round about 8000 flac files
18:26.09soulreaperthat is something i am constantly searching for... a device which consums very little power
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18:26.49soulreaperbtw... i am in love with this case:
18:26.54anno^dathe thing is I've found devices which need round about 5-8 W
18:27.16soulreaper5-8W? the entire system?
18:27.19anno^dabut they are too slow to fit my needs
18:27.43anno^dawait a minute I'll post you the link
18:30.15soulreaperhard to find? i guessed so ;)
18:31.04anno^dahaha it is hard to refind it in the forum again :)
18:31.18anno^dajust had the thread open 2 hours ago
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18:34.01anno^dagot it  :)
18:34.13soulreapertoday i read an article about the new AMD Athlon 64 2000+. it beats the atom system in power usage
18:35.06anno^dayeah that could be
18:36.23soulreaperthe system sounds okay
18:36.30soulreaperpropably quite affordable
18:36.53soulreaperbut i am missing some features like gigabit lan and customizable ram
18:37.49soulreaperalso the S in NAS is pretty limited ;)
18:38.31anno^dayeah thats right
18:38.59anno^dayou could plugin an external storage but that consumes power
18:39.08anno^davia USB2.0
18:39.11soulreapervia usb you mean?
18:39.18anno^daeSata would be better
18:39.36soulreaperbut that is not what i am looking for... a raid 5 or 6 is something i am searching for
18:39.42anno^daYeah ok
18:39.53anno^dathats another possibility in this class
18:40.50soulreapertrue. but not what i am looking for
18:40.56soulreaperyou are in search of some kind of music box?
18:41.45anno^daI will use a Squeezebox
18:41.53anno^daas a receiver
18:42.11anno^daand the SqueezeCenter (Slimserver) for serving the music
18:42.26soulreapersounds good i think
18:42.41soulreaperwhat i want is storage... a lot of storage
18:42.50anno^daYeah I recognized that :D
18:42.53soulreaperand a running linux system for downloads etc
18:43.02anno^dahaha :) yeah
18:43.15soulreaperbut the box should also support streaming if necesarry
18:43.27soulreaperlooks interesting
18:43.49anno^daand the server is under the GPL
18:43.57anno^dawhich makes it even more interesting ;)
18:44.07soulreaperyeah... i vagualy remember
18:44.25anno^daYeah it was formally known as Slimdevices
18:44.37anno^daLogitech bought the whole company
18:45.15anno^daI really like the multiroom feature. You can control the musik in every room with one remote.
18:45.28soulreaperthat is pretty cool
18:45.44soulreaperi would also like a system which plays the same music in every room
18:45.48soulreaperin sync
18:46.20anno^daAnd if michaelnovakjr would be here I would propose him to write an remote for android for the slimserver
18:46.32anno^daThats possbile as well.
18:46.42anno^daYou can sync the music
18:46.44soulreaperi heard the n800 is already running android?
18:47.01anno^daSo every room plays the same music in sync :)
18:47.11soulreaperthat is good
18:47.30anno^daYeah it is already running and even the wifi is working. But it is some m3 based setup.
18:47.49anno^dathe old SDK
18:48.08soulreaperah ok
18:49.15gamblerthere is a guy who has written a JSR-82 bluetooth remote that works with alot of phones
18:49.21gamblerits suprisingly easy to setup
18:49.56soulreaperthat are also the logitech remotes which can controll everything
18:50.10anno^daYeah but they are so expensive.
18:50.19soulreapersad and true :(
18:50.23anno^da300 $ for one remote
18:50.37anno^dayou could buy an iPod touch for that
18:51.00anno^daand use that
18:51.04soulreaperor anything else which costs 300$ ;)
18:51.13anno^dait is a remote written for OSX controlling the slimserver
18:51.54anno^daand thats what I want for Android as well :-)
18:51.58soulreaperbut it doesn't support every decice on earth
18:52.18anno^daYeah thats true :-)
18:52.41anno^daBut I'd like to fit my needs and not every devices need :-D
18:52.54soulreaperi prefere world domination ;)
18:54.48soulreaperspeaking of world domination... soon there is nothing left to conquer since the iphone reigns in terror
18:54.59soulreaperso hard times for the android
18:55.10anno^dahmm I wouldnt say that :)
18:55.26anno^dait feels like that at the moment
18:55.34anno^dabecause of the marketing wave
18:55.51anno^daevery tv station, blog, news site is writting about it atm
18:55.51soulreapereven i feel tempted by the dark side
18:56.04anno^daOh I feel as well but thats no problem :)
18:56.25anno^dait looks clean polished and I like the fancy UI widgets
18:56.35anno^daso no problem about that.
18:56.55anno^daJust the Android UI guys have to work hard :-)
18:57.02soulreaperi also like the eas of use and perceived speed
18:57.48soulreaperbut there are a lot of things i don
18:57.57soulreaper't like so there is still room for the android :)
18:58.16anno^daI hate the closed system
18:58.42soulreaperclosed and very limited. especially since you can't run apps in backgroud or multiple apps
18:58.44anno^daeven if I use the Macbook Pro here. But there are a lot of things that I really hate
18:59.10anno^daYeah this limitations save battery power on the other hand
18:59.19soulreaperyeah true
18:59.37anno^daHaving services running all the time can be very battery consuming
18:59.41soulreaperand also protects the phone companies because people can't properly run im voip apps
19:02.26soulreaperbut... i do like the idea of the app store. such a repository is a great resource
19:06.45anno^dayeah but from my point of view it has to be more open
19:06.59zhobbsand should be optional
19:07.05anno^daI dont like the idea of subscribing to be able to write apps and so on
19:07.08zhobbsI should be able to install an app from any source if I want to
19:07.14anno^dayeah that as well
19:08.34soulreaperit is the central idea which is good. there is no other place so you are not going to miss any cool app ;)
19:11.25soulreaperthere should be something similar for android where you can specify sources of applications like the sources list in debian
19:11.55anno^daYeah thats what the Openmoko guys have
19:12.08anno^dathey've setup repositories with apps
19:12.22anno^daand you just install them by something like apt-get install ...
19:12.29soulreaperthat is cool
19:12.37zhobbsthere already are a couple of package management apps for android
19:12.39soulreaperalthough i don't belive in openmoko
19:12.51anno^daYeah Tracktroid for example
19:13.18anno^daI dont believe it as well because they arent backed up by some big carriere
19:13.42soulreaperthat is their problem
19:13.49zhobbswhat license is the openmoko OS ?
19:13.57anno^datotally GPL
19:14.06anno^daevery driver
19:14.19anno^daeven the CAD files of the case are under ther LGPL
19:14.36soulreaperbut how many devices use it? one
19:14.54anno^daand a system that is not really stable
19:15.21anno^daand a system with 3-4 framework iniatives
19:15.24soulreapermaybe the new open symbian is a good alternative
19:52.40*** join/#android cybereagle2 (n=cybereag@unaffiliated/cybereagle)
19:54.28davidwI had a look at an early version of openmoko and wasn't all that impressed
19:54.37davidwI think Android is nice because google has some muscle and dollars
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20:28.32Dougie187good afternooon
20:33.48yakischlobagood afternoon Dougie
20:33.55Dougie187hows it going?
21:10.03yakischlobapretty good
21:10.17yakischlobatried to take a nap but couldnt fall all the way asleep
21:10.59yakischlobagood enough i guess, cant waste the whole afternoon.
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21:14.21yakischlobatime to swing by work. cya.
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