IRC log for #android on 20080710

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02:16.52michaelnovakjr_real quiet in here tonight huh?
02:21.48TSchultz55hey michaelnovakjr_
02:22.00TSchultz55grad school homework :(
02:28.32michaelnovakjr_TSchultz55: what are you doing for it?
02:28.45TSchultz55HCI class
02:29.22TSchultz55and for the individual assignment I'm doing it on Android
02:31.07TSchultz55what exactly is that white thing you can pull down from the top toolbar?
02:31.18TSchultz55kinda like a privacy blind or something?
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02:37.46michaelnovakjr_its the notification manager
02:37.55michaelnovakjr_that is the OS notifier
02:38.32TSchultz55the blank white thing?
02:38.38michaelnovakjr_so if your application registers a notification to the phone the little app icon appears in the bar and when the user pulls it down they see the notification
02:39.05michaelnovakjr_i think i have a screenshot of what one looks like
02:39.43TSchultz55ah interesting
02:40.40michaelnovakjr_its a pain in the ass to operate in the emulator but when actually using a touch device its not bad at all
02:40.42TSchultz55yeah i guess i kind of associated pulling into the bottom and having it "stick" taking up the whole screen as some way of locking the device
02:41.03TSchultz55kind of like that one kind of blind you pull down
02:41.10michaelnovakjr_i hated it at first
02:41.19michaelnovakjr_then i tried it on a device and it is actually neat
02:41.58TSchultz55yeah i guess i misinterpreted the cues
02:42.29michaelnovakjr_i strongly encourage notifier usage
02:42.42michaelnovakjr_that is if you need to update the user while your application is not visible :)
02:43.05TSchultz55yeah I can see how that'd be usefu
02:43.07michaelnovakjr_the notifications are clickable as well
02:43.16michaelnovakjr_it brings up your app
02:43.42TSchultz55sounds cool
02:43.54TSchultz55so has anyone gotten Android to directly interact with a USB peripheral
02:44.03michaelnovakjr_not too sure
02:44.05TSchultz55i think i may have asked this already
02:44.25michaelnovakjr_i just saw 8GB micro cards for my phone online
02:44.40michaelnovakjr_definitely going to be cool when i get android on there
02:44.46michaelnovakjr_flac audio
02:44.52TSchultz55ah yeah
02:45.04TSchultz55how much?
02:45.14michaelnovakjr_89 bucks with the usb reader
02:45.46michaelnovakjr_its a little usb stick that the card slips in to hook it up to the computer
02:46.22TSchultz55ah thats not bad at all
02:46.38michaelnovakjr_hopefully android is nice to my battery
02:46.47michaelnovakjr_if so it'll definitely replace my ipod as well
02:46.58TSchultz55yeah that's what I'm working on now tho - getting a USB device to work if possible
02:47.22michaelnovakjr_are the usb controllers in the kernel
02:47.42TSchultz55yeah see I don't see them right now
02:47.50TSchultz55but some older blog post refer to them being there
02:47.54TSchultz55possibly in older revisions
02:48.18michaelnovakjr_do you have the latest kernel code?
02:48.34TSchultz55i'm assuming with the latest emulator package?
02:49.29michaelnovakjr_hm, the kernel code comes with the emulator??
02:49.55michaelnovakjr_don't quote me but i think the kernel is also at
02:49.58TSchultz55oh the actual source you mean?
02:50.10TSchultz55ah no dont have that
02:50.48michaelnovakjr_i'd check out the kernel code, if usb support is in their it should be registered somewhere in the kernel
02:50.56michaelnovakjr_in there*
02:52.56michaelnovakjr_hey what do ya know!
02:53.32TSchultz55maybe I will do a build from the most recent
02:55.43michaelnovakjr_that might work
02:55.50michaelnovakjr_and make sure that tree is included
02:56.07michaelnovakjr_i haven't messed with the kernel enough to know what the build is like
02:56.30michaelnovakjr_i do love git though :)
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02:57.45TSchultz55yeah maybe I'll give it spin
02:58.05michaelnovakjr_not a bad idea
02:58.25michaelnovakjr_i have intentions of getting familar with the kernel on android, but not until its more stable
02:59.19TSchultz55i'll let you know how it goes
02:59.51TSchultz55not this weekend tho - this weekend I'll be at Penn State
03:00.09TSchultz55and probably unfit to operate any piece of equipment
03:03.27muthuTSchultz55: even your mobile? ;)
03:04.21michaelnovakjr_oh yes
03:04.25michaelnovakjr_especially that
03:04.49michaelnovakjr_gotta hate when you check your voicemail after a bad night and have messages from people wondering what the hell you were talking about
03:04.58michaelnovakjr_or even worse calling the wrong people
03:05.05muthuhaha.. true
03:05.23TSchultz55muthu: my current mobile recently had a run-in with a glass of Johnny Walker
03:05.28TSchultz55so, i'd say no
03:05.32TSchultz55not even my mobile
03:05.37muthugot it!
03:06.06TSchultz55it somehow miraculously recovered
03:06.11muthuand worse of all you tend to wake up everyone for a chat in the middle of the night, not good...
03:06.53TSchultz55yeah that's the first thing I'd do - check to see how I called and what time
03:07.03TSchultz55and possibly follow up with an apology call
03:07.23michaelnovakjr_a possibly awkward apology cal
03:07.39TSchultz55haha usually
03:08.58TSchultz55alrighty bed for me
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03:30.33michaelnovakjr_how's it going romainguy
03:30.55romainguylots of work :)
03:31.52michaelnovakjr_work is good
03:32.59michaelnovakjr_i'm excited they have an 8GB micro card for my phone!
03:33.10michaelnovakjr_now all i need is android on it and i'm set
03:33.20michaelnovakjr_i've become a fan of flac
03:33.32michaelnovakjr_and the ipod obviously doesn't support it :)
03:33.59romainguyI would use flac if I had the equipment and ears to make it worth it :)
03:35.32michaelnovakjr_file sizes aren't too bad.... 64 songs is 1 gig
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14:23.48kushal_12_27_200Is google building or sponsoring any ''production'' level hardware for the android platform? Where has this process gone yet?
14:25.46kushal_12_27_200openmoko has gta02. maybe we could use that as well?
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14:45.05zhobbs_kushal_12_27_200: google's just making the software
14:46.57anno^daI'm really interested how they want to integrate the phone into the OS of the users. I mean the iPhone is fully integrated into OSX even with the latest 2.0 firmware and  the latest osx updates. Some integration of the Android phones would be nice as well. Does someone know if Google's talking to MS, Apple or even Cannonical or SUSE
14:47.37michaelnovakjranno^da: i don't think that has been announced yet
14:48.23michaelnovakjri wouldn't worry though, there will definitely be integration
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14:55.04anno^daHmm yeah I hope so. I'm looking at the iPhone integration at the moment and it is defintely great. Excluding the knowledge that it's a closed system and just one device.
14:56.05anno^da(and the apps in the app store look very polished due to the great standard UI widgets of the iPhone SDK)
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15:56.58alex2308everything apple sells looks shiny and great
15:57.08alex2308thats how their marketing works
16:01.53anno^daYeah but it is not just marketing, working withe products is fun. Much more than working with a crappy looking app
16:02.21anno^daThats the reason why I switched from Linux back to OSX as my work station.
16:02.39alex2308ill never get an ipod because of itunes
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16:02.50michaelnovakjriTunes blows
16:02.58anno^daiTunes sucks thats right :)
16:03.27michaelnovakjri like rhythmbox
16:03.41alex2308and actually i like windows, because i can play games from time to time
16:03.48anno^daThe problem is that iTunes fits the needs of most of the customers. (ok they dont know sth else :) 9
16:04.01alex2308so, i dont like osx
16:04.14anno^daI'm not playing so that doesnt matter at all :)
16:04.19anno^da(for me)
16:04.22michaelnovakjri don't mind OS X but its not my first choice
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16:04.46michaelnovakjrI can make my Linux UI look way better than OS X
16:04.53anno^daFor video producing and audio production its my first choice
16:04.59alex2308my ubuntu looks much better
16:05.04michaelnovakjraudio production not even
16:05.11michaelnovakjrhave you heard of Ardour?
16:05.16alex2308adobe premiere?
16:05.17anno^daYeah I used it
16:05.34alex2308anyway, workday is over, im heading home
16:05.37michaelnovakjri work on the 'real' ardour os x port
16:05.40anno^daBut I always had problems with the hardware interfaces :/
16:05.43alex2308till friday you nerds ;)
16:05.54anno^dabye alex2308
16:06.01alex2308l8er android dudez
16:06.22anno^daThe problem with Adobe Premiere is that it is far away from Final Cut Pro
16:06.32michaelnovakjri will agree
16:06.45michaelnovakjri am planning a Linux open source competitor to Final Cut Pro
16:07.07anno^daAnd I don't understand why no other company creates nice hardware :)
16:07.19anno^daThats sth I dont understand at all
16:07.23michaelnovakjrwhat do you mean by nice hardware?
16:07.30anno^dahardware design
16:07.42anno^da90% of the notebooks look like crappy industry design
16:07.52michaelnovakjrthe new xps design is nice
16:08.06michaelnovakjras for desktops, i built mine
16:08.06anno^dablown up, full of stickers and so on
16:09.35anno^daSo I'm out now
16:09.40anno^daPlaying tennis :)
16:09.46anno^datoday it is NOT raining
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16:19.17cutmastahu all
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16:50.29jastamorning all
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17:18.21jastait seems that the rest of the community is finally starting to pick up on the fact that this lack of communication is troublesome
17:18.29jastai cant believe it took 6 months ;)
17:31.47zhobbs_it's getting pretty bad
17:34.20zhobbs_they could make the situation a lot better with a blog post on the subject
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17:40.44jastazhobbs_: The post from davidw expressed my opinions quite well.  The most likely culprit here is bumbling incompetency :)
17:40.48jastalikely far away from the engineering staff
17:41.19romainguy_what post?
17:42.24jasta"Inept bumbling is a far more likely explanation in most cases, including this one." -- that quote is what i was referring to ;)
17:43.31romainguysame hold same hold
17:43.43jastai'm not familiar with that expression?
17:45.01romainguynot hold
17:45.26romainguyyou can read Jean-Baptiste's blog entry:
17:46.03jastaromainguy: the only newsworthy event here is that Digit posted his, erm, opinion on the subject.
17:46.18jastabut i just enjoyed davidw summarizing my sentiment so well
17:48.42jastaromainguy: reading this post, all this talk on the application openness being unprecedented is silly to me
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17:48.47jastamost smartphone platforms are currently this way.
17:49.41jastathe real difference is, perhaps, that the community will generate large amounts of example work that demonstrates the flexibility.  combined with Google's hopefully superior documentation, the platfrom can be utilized more openly, but isn't actually more open to third party development technically.
17:49.54morrildljasta: heh heh
17:49.59jastaWindows Mobile, for example, is quite flexible.  The home screen can be replaced or augmented, so too can the dialer.
17:50.01morrildlas usual, it depends on your definition of "open"
17:50.06jastaThird party dev is possible without ceritifcation.
17:50.28morrildlthe issue with WinMo, for instance, is that there are not any free tools for it, at least last time I checked
17:50.32jastaThe big difference that we hope to see is that Windows Mobile has no respectable community exploiting these features in the public.
17:50.51morrildljasta: right, the difference is the total package
17:50.58morrildlthere is no part of Android that will be closed
17:51.17jastamorrildl: Well actually, there are.  They just aren't "fancy", like Visual Studio.  There's a free C# compiler though, that will work to let you write and test Windows Mobile software.
17:51.33morrildlso whether that's "more open" than another platform is a matter of personal inclination
17:51.34jastamorrildl: I don't think that's the difference at all.  I think the difference is what we all hope to happen after launch.
17:51.55jastaThat is, the difference is that Android hopes to rally a community to promote openness in all areas of the platform.
17:52.04morrildlthat's why we know better than to just throw out some source code and expect magic to happen, and why we are spending so much time on the first device
17:52.22jastaWindows Mobile doesn't have that, but is otherwise technically capable of most that Android is.
17:52.46jastaRight, but if the community is the gem, then perhaps it's time to start engaging them? :)
17:52.48davidwI'm still pretty happy with how Android is going, but that SDK business was a speed bump
17:52.48morrildlFrom the carriers' perspective, Android is probably for more technically interesting than it is to an average ISV-style developer
17:53.21morrildlThe SDK business is complicated, sadly
17:53.53zhobbs_I haven't seen that post by Digit before
17:53.57morrildlIt's actually not "inept bumbling", though I am certainly not going to fault anyone for believing that anyway even if I say it ;)
17:53.58davidwmorrildl, well, we're smart people, explain it to us, visibly and publicly.
17:54.06morrildldavidw: exactly.  I *can't*
17:54.13morrildl...which is the issue.
17:54.22morrildlthere's no one here who doesn't know exactly what hte cost is
17:54.22davidwmorrildl, ok, that's what I view as inept bumbling then
17:54.29morrildlno no
17:54.38jastaI do sincerely believe that Android has a chance to be different, but only in spirit and by convention.  The biggest reason that Linux development is so much easier and more exciting is because of the folks that are coalescing around it.  The collective thought process of those individuals makes it so great.
17:54.38morrildlit's not that I am not permitted by some fool in upper management
17:54.47morrildlwe *cannot* really talk about it
17:54.56morrildlbut as I said, the why is irrelevant :)
17:55.43morrildlFor instance, PR tried the tack of saying "it's too buggy" basically, but we put the kybosh on that
17:55.45zhobbs_I think it boils down to manpower...I don't think they have the spare manpower to work on the public sdk
17:55.49michaelnovakjrmorrildl: so you should just hire us!
17:55.56morrildl...because it's demonstrably false: it's not so buggy that we can't give it to some people
17:56.09davidwzhobbs_, ok, that's fair enough, come out and say something
17:56.11jastaSo, my point is simply that the community is the important key.  A wealth of open sharing of ideas, solutions, and projects is very important ot the success of a platform which is not technically any more capable than existing products.
17:56.19zhobbs_davidw: I agree!
17:56.22morrildlI'm probably skirting a little close to what I should not be saying here, but...
17:56.47morrildlManpower is a component of it, but not the entire story
17:57.17davidwgoes to have another glass of wine and make silly faces at the baby
17:57.32michaelnovakjrmorrildl: so why not hire us? :)
17:58.04morrildlmichaelnovakjr: I can certainly enter anyone who's interested into the recruiting system ;)
17:58.24davidwmorrildl, ok, but these things just get me more and more confused, and whatever the "why's", in an open source community, you can't have secrets like that
17:58.28michaelnovakjrwho better than your hardcore android nerds?
17:58.40davidwmorrildl, we're willing to wait for it to be 'truly open source', as I wrote
17:58.44morrildldavidw: yup, and like I said I realize it doesn't make any difference
17:58.54morrildlthis is not me explaining stuff
17:58.57jastamorrildl: you once said early on in these discussions that you wondered if it would have been better for Google not to call this an open project yet.
17:59.03morrildlthis is me having a conversation with developers
17:59.13jastaI hope you realize now that you were thinking in the right area ;)
17:59.33davidwso we're ok with compromises and explanations and 'not yets', but weird communications are suboptimal.  But I guess if you guys realize that and can't do anything, there's no use belaboring the point
17:59.45morrildlWe agree that the communications are weird.
17:59.50jastaTo claim openness is to imply a contract of openness.  There is no such contract.
17:59.54michaelnovakjri can understand that communications are weird
18:00.02morrildlWe don't want them to be weird.
18:00.08michaelnovakjrof course
18:00.13morrildlAnd yet... they continue to be weird.
18:00.13jastamorrildl: Who is "we", exactly?  You?
18:00.19michaelnovakjrand they probably wouldn't be if the word open wasn't used
18:00.24morrildlWe is Android, everyone up to and including Andy Rubin
18:00.30davidw... but our alien overlords stole our tinfoil hats and we can't escape the mind rays forcing us to be weird ...  ?;-)
18:00.39morrildldavidw: ;)
18:00.47davidwok, wine, wife and 'mohrs'
18:00.49morrildlthat's actually.... funnier than you know :)
18:01.07zhobbs_I'm assuming that Google is being gagged by an OHA member...probably t-mobile or HTC
18:01.19jastamorrildl: The collective of powers responsible for decision making at Google and on this project do, in fact, demand that communication is weird.
18:01.23michaelnovakjri think call it open was the a bigger issue than one could have not predicted
18:01.26jastaIt is, ultimately and all things considered, what they "want".
18:01.42jastaSo don't presume otherwise just because you and your immediate peers are displeased.
18:02.00morrildljasta: uh
18:02.20morrildljasta: I don't name-drop idly.  I actually talked to Andy Rubin about this yesterday
18:02.31morrildlheh heh
18:02.39jastamorrildl: It is a simple process of behaviour.  If I want X, and you want Y, and we decide on Z, then we WANTED Z, all things considered.
18:02.40morrildlanyway this is what I was whining about in my blog
18:03.07morrildlI can say stuff and people don't believe it, but having been there I understand why, now :)
18:03.59morrildljasta: that's assuming a closed system
18:03.59morrildl...and that probably is just about as far as I can go. :)
18:04.25jastamorrildl: no, it's not.  It's assuming the collective of all individuals capable of providing input.
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18:04.41zhobbs_well, I feel for you morrildl...I think you're probably in a touch spot for a couple months until more is said by the vendors/carriers
18:04.55jastaBecause obviously, we aren't in that collective, and I think that people you don't know are.
18:05.32morrildlthat's also funnier than you know :)
18:05.44jastaI don't see the humor, Dan.
18:05.53morrildland I realize at this point I am being gratuitously mysterious, so I'll stop :)
18:06.10jastaI see you trying to excuse the project using your team as the only proxy.  That excuses nothing, and appeases no one.
18:06.22morrildlbut the takeaway here is that there's no one involved who doesn't want an SDK.  but some gears are turning, and it's going to take some time to turn
18:06.38jastaThat statement is logically false.
18:06.42morrildljasta: with respect to your position, I think you need to not assume you know what the team looks like
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18:11.59jastaYou put forward that the collective of powers has reached a consensus but is unwilling or unable to agree to their consensus.  That is a false condition.
18:11.59jastamorrildl: I don't need to assume what the team looks like.  I need only assume that I understand the definition of the word consensus.  Where you do not.
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18:11.59jastaEither a consensus has been reached, or it has not.  If, as you say, it has been reached and the consensus is to release an SDK now, then it would be so.  That consensus was not reached by the governing bodies.
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18:12.00jastaThis is a simple exercise in semantics and logic.  You are not permitted to avoid it by asserting claims which contradict reality.
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18:12.00jastaUnless of course you expect for us to disbelieve you, and are not being sincere.
18:12.00jastaI'd be happy to defend my assertions after what is not known becomes known.  I am confident my logic will remain correct.
18:12.45zhobbs_wonder why this didn't come up at the fireside chat...I'd like to have seen Andy respond to some of these questions
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18:14.05jastai actually wanted to have said something, but i ultimately became discouraged by prior events.  also, i had to catch my flight.
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18:15.37jastaThe answers demonstrated by the fireside chat, and also combining conversations with Dan and Jason prior to that, led me to a reasonable conclusion that I would get a run-around answer and it would require extremely elevated hostility to get my point across to the audience.
18:16.46jastaWhich I felt would have been unnecessary and inappropriate.
18:20.29morrildljasta: you're pretty much over the top now
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18:25.16zhobbs_morrildl: blink once if there is an internal struggle between google and another OHA member
18:25.30morrildlHmm?  no
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18:26.46morrildlthere's certainly no conflict of that sort
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18:59.09jastamorrildl: I'm "over the top" now?
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19:07.39davidwjasta, like sylvester stallone
19:08.25davidw> starring Sylvester Stallone, produced and directed by Menahem Golan about a long haul truck driver who tries to win back his alienated son while becoming a champion arm wrestler.
19:10.26davidw> Although not highly regarded for its cinematic merits, it has been suggested that Over The Top falls into the "so bad it's good" category
19:20.51jastaI'm just getting so frustrated by all this tongue-in-cheek secret nonsense.
19:21.25jastaAnd I'm especially irritated that he speaks from this blameless superior position, as though it isn't really Google who is making this situation it's bad, it's some unknown deity.
19:21.36jastathis situation so bad*
19:22.18jastaAnd we're just supposed to accept that reasoning as valid and sensible.
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19:29.47jastaActually, it's a lot easier to just be complacent with him not saying anything at all.  Unless there is real news to report, just be quiet to keep the peace.
19:38.15morrildljasta: as I've said several times, I don't expect you to change your opinion
19:38.27morrildlI am a developer, shooting the shit with other develoeprs
19:38.30morrildlthere are things I can't say
19:38.54morrildlthe business world is sometimes silly and obnoxious, and this is one of those times
19:38.58morrildlI'm not "excusing" anything
19:39.41morrildlbut it's a little over the top to start arguing about semantics and "reality"
19:40.23morrildlWhether it's intentional, ineptitude, or unavoidable circumstances is irrelevant, since it doesn't change the fact that rightt now there is no SDK
19:40.45morrildlbut if just chatting and hearing as much as I can tell you isn't worth it to you, then just leave it alone
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19:43.14jastamorrildl: I wasn't arguing about the SDK, I was only arguing semantics because I was frustrated by what *YOU* were saying.
19:43.27jastaDon't excuse Google, the OHA, or the platform just because you don't agree with the situation.
19:43.38jastaIt isn't truthful or genuine, and it's frankly annoying to hear.
19:44.06morrildljasta: You've missed the point.  I have not told you anything that is untrue, in ingenuine
19:44.27jasta[10:59] <morrildl> We agree that the communications are weird.
19:44.28morrildlI will say it again, point blank and straight up: everyone involved realizes that the lack of an SDK is problem for developers, and it's a bad situation
19:44.32jasta[11:00] <morrildl> We don't want them to be weird.
19:44.49morrildlthat is everyone, from me, through Andy Rubin, the head of the project
19:45.02morrildlThe reasons why are unfortunately something we can't talk about
19:45.03jastaI told you, "We" to us doesn't include that group.
19:45.16michaelnovakjrhe said it did before
19:46.10morrildlI'm sorry that doesn't sit well with you, but that's the reality.
19:46.19jastaWe see Android only as a single, concrete entity.  We don't see Google, your peers, the OHA, we see the thing that it is.  Whoever makes this decision, someone decided it ought not release a new SDK now.
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19:47.06jastaAnd that no one should communicate formally with the public about that.
19:47.58jastaWe know which group doesn't support this decision, and we know that you're in it.
19:48.13davidwbeing content to wait for hardware, I'm actually a bit more confused by the communications than the actual SDK, but this is going around in circles
19:48.30michaelnovakjrits all speculation though
19:48.38michaelnovakjrno one knows except google
19:49.00jastamorrildl: My point is, Android as an entity does not sit blameless simply because you can find a group of people who thinks this is stupid.
19:49.02michaelnovakjrassuming dan is in the group is as good as a guess as what he had for lunch
19:49.31jastamichaelnovakjr: Well, he has said that he doesn't like it.  I assume he wouldn't lie about that :)
19:49.31yakischlobahe had hot dogs.
19:50.03morrildljasta: you keep getting hung up on this blame thing
19:50.12davidwwho *would* like being continually pestered by jasta?:-)
19:50.20morrildlI'm not trying to tell you that OMG there really IS an SDK out there somewhere, hiding from you
19:50.27morrildlI'm not saying it doesn't suck
19:50.50morrildlI'm just saying that we wish we could release one publicly, but we haven't been able to do that
19:51.08jastaI'm telling you that is only true for certain values of "we".
19:51.24morrildl...which you are not in a position to say
19:51.43yakischlobaand theres some silly shady reason that no one can offer an explanation as to _why_?
19:51.49jastaYes, I am.  This goes back to my earlier logical assertion independent of the particulars of this conversation.
19:51.53morrildlyakischloba: basically, yes :)
19:52.50yakischlobamorrildl: that sure makes poor relationships with the developer community and depletes trust in the conglomerate that is responsible for Android :/
19:53.08morrildlyakischloba: yeah, it's definitely not ideal
19:53.39jastamorrildl: Do you understand why I got "over the top" with my logical assertion?  It makes no sense to claim that "we" have reached a consensus and yet "we" do not agree with it.
19:53.59jastaThe only way what you say is true is for certain values of "we" which doesn't include folks making decisions about Android!
19:54.23jastaMeaning, we sub 1 has a consensus that we sub 2 doesn't have :)
19:54.24michaelnovakjrcan you prove that
19:54.28yakischlobamorrildl: How could someone feel comfortable investing their time into a package that they can't get a straight answer about?
19:54.31jastaYes, it's an easy logical proof.
19:55.15jastamichaelnovakjr: By the definition of consensus, it is an agreement reached by a group.  That group cannot both agree to behave one way, and simultaneously disagree to behave that way.
19:55.24michaelnovakjrwhy not
19:55.32michaelnovakjrpeople shouldn't smoke but they still do
19:55.34jastaBecause it fails the definition.  An agreement is not a disagreement.
19:55.39michaelnovakjrand they know they shouldn't
19:55.46davidwyakischloba, I think he and supposedly others get that... but the alien mind control device won't let them talk about the reasons for keeping secrets
19:55.52jastaActually "people shouldn't smoke" is not a consensus, because it's not an agreement reached by all.
19:55.54davidwso this discussion is basically at an impasse
19:56.07michaelnovakjrbut the people that make the decision feel that way
19:56.09jastaYou demonstrated why morrildl is wrong.  Because one group believes people shouldn't smoke, but not everyone capable of smoking is in that group.
19:56.24michaelnovakjrthink of the people who smoke
19:56.34michaelnovakjrthere are people that feel they shouldn't but still do
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19:56.51morrildlyakischloba: You asked rhetorically perhaps, but yes that's the key issue.  I'd also be skeptical.
19:56.54michaelnovakjrif i was to say smoking is bad i shouldn't do it, but then in 5 minutes i go downstairs and light one up
19:57.11davidwI think most people would smoke - if you heat them up enough.
19:57.13michaelnovakjri agree i shouldn't but i still do it
19:57.18jastamichaelnovakjr: That isn't a genuine expression, though.  They only say that from socila conditioning.
19:57.23morrildlThe best I can say now is that it is temporary, and once a few stupid obnoxious business gears grind out, it'll be full speed ahead
19:58.03yakischlobaJust goes to show that money talks and anyone without it will always come in second on the priority list.
19:58.20jastayakischloba: Hey now, don't forget sex.
19:58.46yakischlobaMoney buys sex
19:58.47jastaThere are a lot of different types of currency ;)
19:58.54yakischlobaSo like I said, money comes #1
19:59.35jastaWell, no, my priority list is often going to favor sexy women over rich men. :)
19:59.57yakischlobaAs a rich man you'd more often attract sexy women :)
20:00.00morrildlAnyway, I'll agree to disagree with jasta over certain matters of specifics ;)
20:00.15jastaI think you'll agree to reject sensible logic, then.
20:00.29jastamorrildl: You do realize the point of all this right?
20:00.40morrildljasta: killing time waiting for a new SDK? ;)
20:00.43jastaI'm trying to demonstrate that we only care what decisions are possible, not that you didn't make them.
20:00.51morrildljasta: I understand that
20:01.04jastaSo that "we" nonsense bothers me, since it is only true for certain values of "we".
20:01.06morrildlLike I said, I don't expect yo u to go home tonight full of rainbows and sunshine
20:01.17morrildlI'm just telling you as much as I can
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20:01.32morrildltake it or leave it :)
20:01.54jastaI choose to leave it, and I think by this conversation I hope to convince you to stop giving us this type of exchange.
20:02.10jastaReal information or avoid the subject entirely.
20:02.15yakischlobamorrildl: Makes me wonder why you get into this at all, with what you're 'allowed to say' always falling short of what people want to hear.
20:02.33jastaExactly, why not just say nothing?  Please!
20:03.14michaelnovakjrbecause people bring it up
20:03.27michaelnovakjrif we talked about the trees it wouldn't come up :)
20:04.13f00f-jasta is back
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20:06.40jastaExisting in the mobile industry is such a bitch.
20:07.47morrildljasta: word
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20:15.04f00f-why is eveyrone so tight-lipped about the ADC
20:15.24jastawhat about it?
20:15.24yakischlobagreedy toads
20:15.33mickrobk_u mean about the one in the spring?
20:15.52f00f-i mean the current one
20:16.08f00f-re. SDK
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20:17.51michaelnovakjroh boy here we go again
20:18.46yakischlobaIts ok one of these days I'll actually start learning this stuff and bother the channel with noob questions all day.
20:22.24jastayakischloba: it would be preferred to this nonsense
20:28.11jastaf00f-: how is the ADC going, btw?
20:28.31jastai get the sense that you guys haven't been working very hard, but maybe that's just because we're no longer in the same boat.
20:28.58f00f-jasta: i slacked the 1st month, and now we're really ramping up
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20:30.07f00f-i'm really excited about publishing the app, i'm already being convinced that it'll be useful
20:30.50jastai should hope so :)
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20:48.53anno^dalook close at the screens ;)
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