IRC log for #android on 20080709

00:17.34*** join/#android yakischloba (
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03:24.28michaelnovakjr_what's new
03:25.44muthusame old
03:27.23michaelnovakjr_yea same here
03:31.22michaelnovakjr_when's the deadline?
03:35.11romainguy__19 days left :)
03:35.40muthuits a continuous saga ;)
03:35.42zhobbsdamn, that's like 3 items on my task list a day
03:36.04michaelnovakjr_better get crackin
03:36.38zhobbsyeah, I haven't gone into full crunch mode week probably
03:37.20michaelnovakjr_are you working on it fulltime?
03:37.25muthuwonder what would be the excitement this time awaiting the p2 winners
03:37.43zhobbsmichaelnovakjr_: no
03:37.57michaelnovakjr_that must make it interesting zhobbs
03:39.17zhobbsI went to my boss today to take next week off (without pay)...and he said that I can just work on it at work :)
03:40.00muthuzhobbs: so you don't have much to do at work ;)
03:40.01michaelnovakjr_that works out
03:40.21muthuguess your boss though its better then you being on facebook :))
03:40.31zhobbsmuthu: actually just finished up a big project I was working on, so not much going yet
03:40.39muthugood timing
03:40.44muthunow you can focus on p2
03:45.20*** join/#android Dralspire2 (
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06:54.09anno^dain the first post there is all you have to mention about drama and conspiracy theories in the software world
06:55.37Kralnhe's discovered that reporters are people too
06:57.10anno^daand he mentioned sth. that I recognized here many times
06:57.32anno^dasaying sth. withouth having background knwoledge
06:57.59anno^dajust because wired, newsweek or some other magazine opened new speculations
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07:53.27*** join/#android alex2308 (
07:53.35alex2308good morning fellas
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10:00.59cutmastasomeone here with ads experience for websites?
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10:19.14rwhitbycutmasta: I put the Google Adsense on - is that the type of thing you're talking about?
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10:56.57cutmastarwhitby, mom
11:00.17dcordeswhen will the new sdk with an emulator image arrive?
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12:04.15pjvHi, is this channel about the OHA Android platform?
12:06.53anno^da_it is
12:08.43pjvany useful open source projects for Android that need a hand? (just asking)
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13:00.05davidwpjv, yeah, Hecl
13:16.04pjvdavidw, not my cup of tea, I was thinking more of programs for the end-user
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14:29.46michaelnovakjrhow's everyone doing today?
14:35.01*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
14:38.55alex2308same procedure as every (work)day
14:40.35alex2308i decompiled android.jar, but result is strange
14:42.15anno^da_working for my thesis today
14:42.22alex2308bachelor thesis?
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14:42.51anno^da_no Bachelor
14:43.09alex2308its nearly the same, isnt it
14:43.33anno^da_mmh bachelor is below the Diplomarbeit.
14:43.40anno^da_it is comparable to the master
14:43.41alex2308just slightly
14:43.51alex2308nah, master is above diploma
14:44.28anno^da_but the distance between diplomarbeit and master is smaller than dipl. to bachelor
14:45.15anno^da_But yeah I could do the master afterwards
14:45.45pjvdoing Android stuff for your thesis?
14:45.59anno^da_just a little bit
14:46.05anno^da_more social media stuff
14:46.50pjvheh i made an Android program for my thesis as well, but Im already done
14:47.00anno^da_What did you do ?
14:48.04pjvI did a distributed geotagged photo collection application in the domain of distributed data capture
14:48.34anno^da_A great.
14:48.47anno^da_So I'm leaving now. Playing a round of tennis in the evening now.
14:48.52pjvgot good grades but got bashed in the android challenge (naturally since it was less appropriate for end-usage)
14:49.01anno^da_haha :)
14:49.28anno^da_Enkin got bashed as well and was the greatest app I've seen in the challenge
14:49.42michaelnovakjrhow was it the greatest?
14:49.50pjvoh well, fame isnt everything ;-)
14:49.56alex2308parallelkingdoms is my fav app
14:49.59anno^da_I liked it. Just my opinion michaelnovakjr
14:50.19michaelnovakjri'm a fan of five
14:50.28michaelnovakjri am a nerd about my music
14:50.41pjvactually I dont have a favourite app yet, havent seen anything I would really use or support
14:50.49anno^da_Hmm yeah. But the most applicatins suffered great interfaces.
14:50.55alex2308im creating the first android virus
14:51.29michaelnovakjranno^da: the five interface is excellent
14:51.38anno^da_michaelnovakjr: ahh I'm a music nerd as well. Musics playing all day long.
14:51.47michaelnovakjrsame here
14:51.51anno^da_michaelnovakjr: This was just generally speaking :)
14:52.02michaelnovakjri agree with that
14:52.04pjvbut five isnt open source is it?
14:52.12michaelnovakjryes it its
14:52.27alex2308its java (=open source)
14:52.41alex2308at least i dont know any java scramblers
14:53.16anno^da_michaelnovakjr: hmmm five wasnt under the 50 right ?
14:53.25michaelnovakjrunfortunately no
14:53.49anno^da_the interface is nice
14:53.59anno^da_tiny and not too much of wasted space
14:54.07michaelnovakjrplus i love lastfm
14:54.13michaelnovakjri listen to it at work
14:54.19anno^da_haha yeah I do as well :)
14:54.30alex2308first screen was obviously linux. i clicked alt+f4 in panic mode
14:54.32anno^da_Do you know Muxtape? It hast LastFM support now
14:54.49michaelnovakjrhaven't heard of that
14:55.10anno^da_getting back to the roots of music sharing :)
14:55.28anno^da_I bet it will be taken down till the end of the year by the music industry :D
14:55.39michaelnovakjris it mp3?
14:55.46anno^da_It is.
14:55.56michaelnovakjrwhere's the flac support?
14:56.02anno^da_Just walk through some of the "tapes"
14:56.18anno^da_michaelnovakjr: I'm waiting for flac support eben in iTunes :D
14:56.31michaelnovakjri like flac
14:56.58anno^da_I do as well
14:57.15michaelnovakjrit would be nice to be able to even buy flac albums online
14:57.42anno^da_haha thats what I want since the first music stores started
14:58.00anno^da_the russian store had it (lost the name) but it was taken down :D
14:58.17anno^da_I don't know but the industry doesn't care much about quality
14:58.25pjvso, what are you all working on?
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14:58.42alex2308decompiling android
14:59.06anno^da_We are working on an Android music store with flac support. :-)
14:59.21michaelnovakjryour company?
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14:59.32anno^da_That was a joke ;)
14:59.41anno^da_Should we team up with Amazon ;)
14:59.53michaelnovakjri actually was talking to limewire about it
15:00.00michaelnovakjrthey have a music store now
15:00.07anno^da_And what did they tell you ?
15:00.30michaelnovakjrthey were interested, i have to follow up with them. i mentioned the outdated sdk at the moment
15:01.02pjvhow bout ogg?
15:01.08anno^da_Great it would be nice to have a shop that supports open formats and high quality files.
15:01.20alex2308so, how can this code return something "    public static final native int[] getPids(String s, int ai[]);" ?
15:01.37michaelnovakjrwhy can't it?
15:01.53alex2308the decompiled class file seems to have no code
15:01.54pjvtheres native so I suppose it does
15:03.22alex2308i dont get it
15:03.39pjvI generally dont get decompiled code ;-)
15:04.02anno^da_michaelnovakjr: keep us up to date how the thing with limewire is going on.
15:04.26anno^da_michaelnovakjr: what kind of music do they offer or which labels ?
15:04.31alex2308there you go pjv: :)
15:06.08pjvas I said, I think the fact that theres the native keyword means you shouldnt look at it like standard java code
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15:06.32pjvprobably calls functions of a library in a different language
15:06.55alex2308hm, any idea how i could find out?
15:11.20anno^da_michaelnovakjr: great. So tennis is delayed because of rain. :-)
15:11.36michaelnovakjrwhere are they playing?
15:11.46anno^da_at our tennis club
15:11.51michaelnovakjrthat sucks
15:11.58michaelnovakjri'm a fan of golf :)
15:12.13anno^da_Android Golf Simulator (or what was the name :D)
15:13.03RyeGye24this channel is about google android right?
15:13.22pjvor OHA android if you want ;-)
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15:14.18anno^da_OHA Android sounds lame :D
15:14.38michaelnovakjrRyeGye24: have an android question?
15:14.47pjvit doesnt sell, thats for sure
15:14.54RyeGye24not right now
15:14.56anno^da_pjv: yeah :D
15:15.01RyeGye24im sorta getting re-into it
15:15.08alex2308rain? wtf where are you from
15:15.36RyeGye24my computer can't run the emulator correctly, so I really haven't done anything since google released it
15:16.30michaelnovakjrwhat OS do you run?
15:16.32alex2308computer too slow?
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15:16.51michaelnovakjrthe emulator is far better on mac than windows/linujx
15:17.05RyeGye24windows XP
15:17.10RyeGye24yea its too slow
15:17.19alex2308what was the adb command to clean emulator?
15:17.28pjvits only too slow since the second version
15:17.43michaelnovakjrgeez alex2308 really pushing the limits of my memory
15:20.33anno^da_So I'm out now.
15:21.25alex2308l8er dude
15:21.57*** join/#android SR71-Blackbird (n=nirvana@unaffiliated/sr71-blackbird)
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15:23.52alex2308i managed to get around permission checks on android :)
15:24.21alex2308still no big deal in this early stage of the SDk
15:40.24*** join/#android romainguy__ (
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16:09.58jastaugh, just got back from Idaho
16:10.02jastaBoise, in particular.
16:10.06jastaI hate that place so much :)
16:10.28michaelnovakjris there anything there?
16:11.25jastayes, gas-guzzling suvs and trucks everywhere :)
16:11.41jastai saw 4 hummers in our office park lot yesterday
16:12.36jastai was like "wow, a lot of hummers out here" and my co-worker said "yeah i know, i want one so bad."
16:13.56davidwnorthern idaho is nice
16:14.02davidwmaybe not a place to live
16:15.06davidwbut it's quite pretty
16:15.11davidwnever been to boise
16:15.18jastait was also 98 degrees while i was there
16:15.21jastaso that was quite
16:15.27jastaquite unpleasant*
16:15.35davidwit's pretty dry though, no?
16:15.46jastanot really, no.  not where i was anyway.
16:16.01jastait was just miserable
16:16.03davidwhrm... seems odd to me that it would be that humid there
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16:17.30jastathe weather certainly isnt the worst part about it, though
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16:30.07al2308anyone got a gtalk account for testing?
16:32.56zhobbs_testing what?
16:33.03al2308stealing credentials
16:36.33al2308i created an account and stole my own credentials
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20:35.31jastai just tried out the new VMware Server 2 beta
20:35.42jastathey force you to do everything through this web interface they created and it's awful
20:36.37jastaclumsy, slow, and worse yet, their stupid "server console" firefox plugin crashes with SIGSEGV on my stock Ubuntu 8.04 box.
20:38.47jastai just installed the plugin on a windows machine and it also crashes
20:38.51jastareally cute
20:39.11jastarunning a different version of firefox even
20:42.31davidwthey fired the CEO
20:44.06jastagood thing, this version sucks
20:44.34jastathe old version 1.0.5 doesn't seem to build on this server, i might just look at patching it instead of fighting with this terrible new version
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20:54.33michaelnovakjrjasta how do you like ubuntu 8.04?
20:59.51jastanothing wrong with it
20:59.57jastarelative to other versions
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21:04.06jastaand the vmware console plugin doesn't even install in IE6.
21:04.11jastawhat the fuck did they QA this thing on?
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21:07.42jastajeez, i'll just figure out how to patch vmware server 1.0.5 instead of fuss with this.  this thing is a trainwreck.
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21:13.38michaelnovakjrjasta, doesn't crash on you at all?
21:13.41michaelnovakjrubuntu that is
21:13.43jastano, should it?
21:13.55michaelnovakjrit was doing that to me all the time
21:14.08jastabtw, what is "ubuntu crashing"?  what in particular are you referring to?
21:14.28michaelnovakjrthe system freezing
21:14.44zhobbs_can't get a terminal or anything?
21:15.04jastado you know at what layer this problem exists?
21:15.15jastafor example, did the kernel panic, or did X just stop responding?
21:15.53michaelnovakjri believe it was just X
21:16.40jastabut do realize that Ubuntu is just a distribution.  it's unlikely they patched any component sufficient to cause catastrophic failure of the kernel or nearby components.  it's much more likely your problem was contributed upstream and Ubuntu just exploits it by packaging newer software.
21:17.17michaelnovakjri run the same version of X on another distro and don't have any problems
21:17.20jastaso, it would be your civic duty to investigate the problem so that upstream can look at fixing it.  lest you may find other distros failing on your system in this same way :)
21:17.30jastamichaelnovakjr: then your diagnosis must be wrong.
21:18.33jastayou should at least enable sysrq (is it on by default in ubuntu?) and see if you can recover the video and keyboard.  assuming the kernel hasn't panic'd.
21:18.37jastathat way you can try to figure out what happened
21:18.40jastaon the running system
21:18.56jastaquite likely some problem with your video driver if X is truly responsible.
21:20.23jastaespecially if you have ATI hardware, oh boy :)
21:20.39AttractiveApeI thought ATI hardware was well supported now?
21:22.11jastawell, as i said, it's quite unlikely (and in nvidia's case impossible) that Ubuntu has patched something sufficient to cause such a failure.
21:23.42AttractiveApemmm, I've had some instabilities on my rig that I haven't been able to track down yet.
21:24.10AttractiveApeSound stops working, about 5 minutes later, terminal's freeze, then apps just stop launching
21:24.17AttractiveApeKind of odd, haven't been able to find the cause.
21:24.28jastathat should be a pretty easy one to diagnose ;)
21:24.38michaelnovakjrAttractiveApe: i had the same issues
21:24.49michaelnovakjri just didn't have the time to sit down and look it it
21:24.50AttractiveApemichaelnovakjr: heh, congrats ;)
21:24.55AttractiveApeAny idea, jasta?
21:25.29jastawell my first thought would be to figure out why sound stopped working the moment that it happens.  because theyre probably related if the causality youve observed is correct.
21:25.40jastato do that, i'd first look at the state of the ALSA modules, assuming you're using alsa.
21:26.16jastaand i'd try using lsof to see what's accessing the device (see the ALSA init.d scripts for a handy little oneliner)
21:26.49jastaand i'd skim /var/log/daemon.log and /var/log/kern.log
21:27.00jastacertainly firing up tail -f when this problem happens
21:27.11jastaand just trying to restart alsa using the init.d scripts would be a good thing to try
21:27.20jastafiring up alsamixer to see if it can report any meaningful errors as well
21:27.43jastaand i'd also try piping something through /dev/dsp just to see if the failure is maybe at a high layer
21:28.08jastaas for "apps not launching", i'd drop to console and run DISPLAY=:0 xterm and see what happens both on stdout/stderr and in X.
21:28.37jastaif nothing unusual, then i'd take a look at the state of the GNOME tool you're using to launch apps, like the panel
21:29.00jastaand i'd try killing it that process if alive to see if that somehow corrects the issue (this is just a diagnostic approach to figure out what component is faulty)
21:29.28jastaas for terminals freezing, i have no idea what you mean :)
21:29.53michaelnovakjrwhen you fire up a terminal it doesn't finish opening
21:30.10michaelnovakjryou get the window and the black (or whatever color background) and it stops
21:30.19michaelnovakjrno menu bar or text anywher
21:30.32AttractiveApeAnd all of the open terminals get shaded grey.
21:32.54jastaare you using compiz?  if yes, i'd look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to figure out why your textures are being fubar'd.
21:33.35jastaalso, first thing i'd try is disabling compiz when all this starts happening to observe the behaviour without it.
21:34.13jastabut still it sounds like launching your terminal app using DISPLAY=:0 ... from a console would be helpful to see what state the process gets itself in
21:34.39jastaif none of this proves helpful, my next step would be to install the terminal app with debug symbols and attach gdb to it when this happens
21:34.50jastathen you can see where its hanging, which is likely some X function which will help you determine what the issue is
21:37.57AttractiveApeYes to compiz, I just ran an instance of xterm to see if that freezes as well when it happens.
21:38.21AttractiveApeI find that if I keep the alsa system busy playing music on a loop, it happens either less, or not at all.
21:38.43jastaand are you using another, competing sound system?
21:39.05jastadoesn't GNOME have some lame one it includes?  ESD, I think?
21:39.37jastamy first thought would be to just simply disable that, because it sounds like your sound driver doesn't handle hardware mixing as well as it claims to.
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21:43.11jastabut nothing you've reported seems like it would be especially hard to recover from.  had you ever even tried restarting alsa from the init.d script?  that reloads all the drivers, and can help you identify offending applications.
21:43.17jastahang on, let me find that usingsound script i have
21:45.14jastalsof +D /dev -F rt | awk '/^p/ {pid=$1} /^t/ {type=$1} /^r0x(74|e)..$/ && type == "tCHR" {print pid}' | cut -c 2- | uniq
21:45.33jastathat will list all the pids that are currently using the sound device(s)
21:45.45jasta(i got it from the alsa init.d scripts)
21:45.53jastait is very useful for crappy sound cards (like mine) that don't do hardware mixing well
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23:55.35TSchultz55Hey all.....anyone ever run into the issue where Android simply hangs booting up?
23:55.54AttractiveApeAre you in the emulator?
23:57.06TSchultz55watching it with -debug-kernel, it gets to "binder_mmap: 567 ...... (4096 K) vma 71 pagep 5f"
23:57.29TSchultz55little red progress bar just keeps going, CPU going at 100%

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