IRC log for #android on 20080702

00:51.43*** join/#android jtoy (n=jtoy@
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01:48.37*** part/#android Dougie187 (
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12:17.12*** join/#android Dougie187 (
12:17.17Dougie187Good Morning Everyone
12:17.25cutmastahuhu Dougie187
12:17.36cutmastayou survived the hurricane
12:17.38Dougie187hows it going in germany?
12:17.49cutmastaDougie187, even hotter than last day
12:18.07Dougie187thats no good.
12:18.27cutmasta88.0 °F
12:18.49Dougie187thats not very hot.
12:20.11cutmastasure, 100 is more
12:20.21cutmastabut 88 in shadow
12:20.23cutmastais hot
12:20.28Dougie187thats how hot it is where my brother lives.
12:20.29cutmastawithout any breeze
12:20.30Dougie187like 110
12:20.37cutmastawhere does he live?
12:21.05cutmastathe highest temp i felt was in brazil
12:21.07Dougie187its probably going to be about 95 here.
12:21.08cutmastasome years ago
12:21.11Dougie187i could see that
12:21.58Dougie187for those who want one, you can get an N810 for $360 now on
12:22.48Dougie187i think thats one that people have run android on.
12:23.24cutmasta360$ is not much euro :)
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13:29.16*** part/#android Dougie187 (
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13:41.47*** join/#android Dougie187 (
13:56.16michaelnovakjrlook what zdnet is running today
13:56.29michaelnovakjris there truth behind that googlers?
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14:56.20alex2308hello world
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15:04.14michaelnovakjrwhat's up Dougie187
15:04.43Dougie187not too much
15:06.38michaelnovakjreh, working with visual studio for the first time in quite a few years
15:07.14Dougie187why not just use eclipse?
15:07.25michaelnovakjri hate eclipse
15:07.59Dougie187but you like visual studio?
15:08.13michaelnovakjrits not the worst thing in the world
15:08.24michaelnovakjri'm just having a pain in the ass linker error
15:09.15michaelnovakjran undefined symbol that is defined just a few lines up :)
15:10.44Dougie187i start my job on monday.
15:10.48michaelnovakjrthe only thing i can think of is that its used in a #define, but declared as an extern unsigned char
15:11.09michaelnovakjrbut then i remember ::linker:: which means its been compiled :)
15:11.40Dougie187i take it your using c?
15:11.57Dougie187are you trying to use visual studio's debugger?
15:12.34alex2308you talking about VS and C in here?
15:12.40Dougie187right now yes.
15:12.41alex2308i thought android is eclipse/java
15:12.57Dougie187later we will be discussion various cheeses, and their applications on toast as crackers.
15:13.09Dougie187android rarely gets discussed in here now-a-days
15:13.09michaelnovakjralex2308: if you haven't noticed android has nothing going on right no
15:13.11alex2308printf("nm. i dont care");
15:13.27michaelnovakjrwithout a new sdk no one is writing software for android
15:13.30alex2308im working on my first android app :)
15:13.35Dougie187just look out.
15:13.41Dougie187its going to be out dated in a little while
15:13.45Dougie187you will have to re-write it.
15:13.49michaelnovakjrbecause when the new sdk comes you'll be rewriting it :)
15:13.51alex2308i hope not too much
15:14.02michaelnovakjrsignificantly out-dated
15:14.11Dougie187well, we dont actually know how much, but according to what we have read it will be quite a bit.
15:14.13Dougie187if not all of it.
15:14.19michaelnovakjrhence why i am working on C code :)
15:14.25Dougie187they are changing it from java to c++
15:14.27Dougie187and then for F90
15:14.31Dougie187then to*
15:14.43Dougie187i bet jasta would enjoy that.
15:14.43michaelnovakjrna, but really... its going to be quite out-dated
15:14.46Dougie187if they did F90
15:14.52jastawhat's F90?
15:15.06Dougie187or do you mean literally what is f90?
15:15.08alex2308i'd do iphone apps, if i'd like apple
15:15.15jastaoh Fortran
15:15.19Dougie187fortran 90.
15:15.20jastadude, that was way before my time ;)
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15:15.29Dougie187what about F2003?
15:15.31Dougie187or F77/.
15:15.35Dougie187dont you know either of those?
15:15.40jastaof course not
15:15.46Dougie187i know F77
15:15.53Dougie187and F90, though i know F77 better then F90
15:15.58Dougie187stupid modules.
15:16.01jastaC was basically my first language
15:16.06Dougie187that was mine too.
15:16.08Dougie187and then Java
15:16.09Dougie187and then C++
15:16.12Dougie187and then F77
15:16.14Dougie187and then F90
15:16.28alex2308pascal was mine
15:16.29alex2308no, wait
15:16.31jastai learned BASIC first, but that was just a phase ;)
15:16.41michaelnovakjri didn't bother with basic
15:17.14Dougie187we took this class on OOP. and we had to read these articles on the languages and their benefits, then we got to the section of doing OOP with F90, and it basically said "Don't Do it, this language is complete garbage"
15:17.21alex2308pretty qbasic song
15:17.30michaelnovakjrDougie187: why go through fortran after learning C++?
15:17.44Dougie187because a lot of scientists have legacy code in F77
15:17.49Dougie187so we have to learn it so we can read it.
15:17.51michaelnovakjrgood point
15:18.22michaelnovakjri'm going to kill this linker error if its the last thing i do
15:18.27michaelnovakjr(probably will be)
15:20.05Dougie187you should... not use visual studio.
15:20.30Dougie187i got irritated with it when it wasnt compatible with gcc.
15:21.50michaelnovakjrits a windows project
15:21.59Dougie187i guess, when i found out that it wasnt compatible with gcc.
15:22.04michaelnovakjrit doesn't use GNU C
15:22.11Dougie187windows sucks.
15:22.13Dougie187so ha.
15:22.15jastayeah, isnt that obvious to you? :)
15:22.37michaelnovakjrnot having GNU C isn't too much of a hurdle
15:23.07michaelnovakjrit still has standard c ::cough:: ::cough::
15:23.21jastaactually, it doesn't.
15:23.27jastait violates the standard heavily
15:23.35michaelnovakjrhence the coughing
15:23.51Dougie187lol your coughing to the wrong group of people michaelnovakjr.
15:23.53jastaespecially, it is incompatible with C99, implementing functionality that it has but with different semantics
15:23.56Dougie187we can hear right through your cough.
15:23.59jastaand microsoft doesnt intend to ever fix it
15:24.08michaelnovakjryea, i love that
15:24.22Dougie187i have to sign an NDA for my work.
15:24.31jastai was having this conversation just the other day...
15:24.34michaelnovakjri have an extern unsigned char that is used in a compiler define and the linker is throwing an unresolved symbol error
15:24.52jastai think we're entering an age here where folks can imagine a world without Microsoft.
15:25.00anno^dahaha android got ported to the n810 now easier to install
15:25.04Dougie187<----- this guy can.
15:25.13michaelnovakjr<---------- this guy too
15:25.21Dougie187you can buy an N810 for $360 on right now.
15:25.25jastai mean truly, not just for yourself personally.
15:25.42anno^daDougie187: and send it to germany :D
15:25.49jastapeople are starting to see how Microsoft's offerings are not as compelling and necessary as they once were
15:26.01jastathe last big hurdle, i think, is Outlook and Exchange.
15:26.03michaelnovakjrbecause people have better alternatives now
15:26.10michaelnovakjrjasta, zimbra!!
15:26.11anno^daNo it has no gsm hardware so it is not really interesting
15:26.14Dougie187i wish we would get better thing like one note.
15:26.28Dougie187not that i need it anymore.
15:26.41Dougie187but onenote is seriously like the coolest thing they have ever made...
15:26.55michaelnovakjri thought internet explorer was?
15:27.04Dougie187i should shoot you.
15:27.13Dougie187you sound like my dad.
15:27.20michaelnovakjri saw the opportunity and took it
15:27.27michaelnovakjri hate IE with a passion
15:27.33Dougie187hah, i was thinking the other day about technology, and how it changes over the years.
15:27.47Dougie187and how when i was little i use to think my dad and granddad knew everything about computers.
15:27.54michaelnovakjri love the concept of "super standards mode" when its really just the standards they have chosen to ignore
15:27.59Dougie187and then maybe a month ago my dad was looking for backup software like ghost. and so he went shopping.
15:28.21Dougie187and he chose the software based on which one had the highest version, and which one had a sticker saying "Best of..." on it.
15:28.30Dougie187then hes like, you know it has to be good, they have gone through 10 versions!
15:29.11Dougie187that was when i knew he didnt know anything about computers.
15:29.25Dougie187and when he had to ask my mom (computer moron) to set the jumpers right on his harddrive.
15:30.19michaelnovakjranyone see this?
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15:31.08anno^daYeah but thats nothing new
15:31.42anno^daEvery big company has thousands and thousands of little, less paid, not very interesting jobs
15:32.48michaelnovakjrthey also mention programmers at the bottom
15:34.06anno^daand the lack of carreer developement depends on what goals you have for the future.
15:34.20michaelnovakjrnot necessarily
15:34.25anno^daThe job is not everything I would say but thats just my point.
15:35.44michaelnovakjrif its a dead end job it doesn't matter how good you are at it
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15:37.03anno^daYeah ok thats an argument.
15:40.16Dougie187i have returned.
15:40.31Dougie187so michaelnovakjr did you have a moment when you found out your parents knew nothing about technology?
15:40.50michaelnovakjrwhen they bought a compaq
15:41.12Dougie187i like when they try to advise me what laptop to buy
15:41.28Dougie187and they are like, "you shouldn't spend $1000 on a laptop when you can get one for $400!"
15:41.38Dougie187but they dont know the difference in the laptops, or what i need with a laptop.
15:41.39romainguyI disagree :)
15:41.51Dougie187lol to what?
15:41.58Dougie187or with what i should say.
15:42.00michaelnovakjrthe article probable
15:42.02romainguy$1000 to $400
15:42.10Dougie187oh yeah, i disagree with that too.
15:42.13romainguyin my experience, expensive laptops are much better :)
15:42.15michaelnovakjri'd say spend a thousand
15:42.30romainguyI'd rather buy an expensive laptop every three years than change a cheap one every year :p
15:42.44Dougie187the $400 laptop has little to no L2 cache, the processor is probably a single core 2 ghz. hdd is probably 4200rpm with like 60 gigs.
15:43.02Dougie187it depends on your use though.
15:43.04michaelnovakjri killed the damn error!!!!!
15:43.14Dougie187if you just browse the web all the time, it doesnt matter about any of that stuff.
15:43.32jastaromainguy: i buy in the $1000 ballpark and replace it every 2 years.
15:43.36michaelnovakjrapparently with the VS C compiler you have to declare a variable locally before using extern on it
15:43.45jastaand it has served me great
15:43.50Dougie187thats because VS blows michaelnovakjr.
15:44.04Dougie187this laptop cost me $1400 3 years ago.
15:44.07Dougie187and its been working great so far.
15:44.34Dougie187im looking more for a nice portable performance laptop now.
15:44.40Dougie187because i program a lot more then i use to.
15:44.55Dougie187i use to just play games and take notes with my laptop, which is why i got a tablet.
15:44.57michaelnovakjrme too
15:45.07Dougie187granted, right now all im doing is playing games.
15:45.11Dougie187but come the end of august.
15:45.12michaelnovakjri like the 13" xps
15:45.16jastai typically don't go for portability
15:45.19Dougie187yeah its pretty sweet
15:45.20jastai prefer large screen size
15:45.25Dougie187im going more for performance then portablilty.
15:45.28michaelnovakjri priced it at $1400
15:45.36Dougie187but im gonna get a 14.1" thinkpad r61
15:45.44tethridgedells seem to get really flimsy as they age
15:45.47michaelnovakjrDougie187: how much are those going for?
15:45.56tethridgethe thinkpad would be my choice
15:46.01Dougie187i think i priced my ideal one at about 800-900
15:46.07tethridgevery strudy
15:46.08Dougie187thats with discrete graphics too
15:46.29yakischlobaI'm getting tired of working on a laptop all day :(
15:46.39tethridgefor a thinkpad or an ideapad?
15:46.44Dougie187for a thinkpad.
15:46.52Dougie187ideapads are like 1500 - 1800
15:46.52michaelnovakjrthat is a good price...?
15:46.59Dougie187something ridiculous.
15:47.00tethridgeyou can get it preinstalled with linux and save a few bucks
15:47.05michaelnovakjrany thinkpad i priced is way over 900
15:47.07Dougie187not with a discrete graphics card.
15:47.32Dougie187afaik you can't get a thinkpad with linux and discrete graphics.
15:47.38Dougie187it might be cheaper come the 6th.
15:47.39jastamichaelnovakjr: we buy thinkpads for work and we usually get them around $1000 excluding office and some other business accessories we buy
15:48.09michaelnovakjri still have a t30 thats kicking
15:48.10tethridgeI bought my wife a thinkpad about 3 years ago and it's still going strong
15:48.16tethridgeit's a t42
15:48.22Dougie187i might spend a bit more on it though.
15:48.25michaelnovakjra bit newer
15:48.27Dougie187for the extra cache.
15:48.33michaelnovakjrmine is a pentium m 2.0
15:48.36Dougie187especially if they have coupons and more cash back out by that point.
15:48.39michaelnovakjrwith 1 gig of ram
15:49.25Dougie187I also have a friend whos parents work with IBM
15:49.29Dougie187so i can use their EPP
15:49.43jastamy mom works for IBM
15:49.59jastai got my lenovo 3000 n2 for $600, and i love it.
15:50.10jastathat was almost 2 years ago
15:50.19Dougie187so its about time for a new laptop
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15:50.31jastamaybe.  i'm thinking about buying a new laptop and keeping both of them
15:50.34jastajust for different purposes
15:50.46jastai travel more for work than i used to, and it'd be nice to have a laptop i could use on the plane
15:50.52jastaso i'd need an ultraportable
15:50.57Dougie187x300 here you come.
15:51.00jastabut when i work anywhere else i greatly prefer the large screen
15:51.12Dougie187or MBA
15:51.54Dougie187i have a friend who has a MBA
15:52.00Dougie187i dont like them much though.
15:52.14Dougie187he said the remote cd thing is a pain in the ass
15:52.18Dougie187but he almost never has to use it.
15:53.37michaelnovakjrDougie187: you price thinkpads through ibm?
15:53.55Dougie187but you can use ibm EPP if you have login stuff.
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16:18.41michaelnovakjri've always wondered why 64-bit on windows sucked.....
16:18.51michaelnovakjrmaybe following the standards would make that better
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17:20.40Dougie187good afternoon morrildl
17:21.11jastai feel like my co-workers are judging me when I listen to Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow
17:24.25morrildljasta: well why not, I just judged you right now
17:24.46*** topic/#android by morrildl -> I want this ported to Android: Any takers?
17:25.07morrildljasta: I judged you "eclectic" :)
17:25.47dcordesmorrildl: holy crap
17:26.04morrildldcordes: YES. IS IT NOT AWESOME?
17:26.49dcordesI could start learning to code in LOL
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17:27.32Dougie187hey morrildl
17:27.39Dougie187if we agree to port it do we get SDK access?
17:27.48morrildlDougie187: heh
17:28.07morrildlI'm not sure Andy Rubin would sign that particular SDK license if I put it in front of him :P
17:28.29Dougie187its worth a try though
17:29.35romainguy_morrildl: I actually wrote a lolcode to Java bytecode compiler :)
17:29.45morrildl"What's this one for?" "Making the LOLCODE port of Brainfuck run on Android."  "They made LOLCODE?"
17:29.57morrildlromainguy_: somehow that doesn't surprise me ;)
17:30.06dcordesDougie187: reverse all the blobs and make it LOL on your own
17:30.25romainguy_morrildl: I was very bored that day
17:30.46morrildlromainguy_: clearly you need to update it to generate Dalvik bytecode
17:33.17muthuthe output can be converted to audio for more fun :)
17:34.16muthumay be even the LOL coding
17:36.12jastamorrildl: is the dalvik bytecode expected to be very stable across releases, or is it still evolving?
17:38.55morrildljasta: yeah, Dalvik isn't changing much at this point
17:39.03morrildlmostly bug fixes and additional performance tuning
17:39.15morrildlI think the bytecode format hasn't changed in months now
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17:39.38morrildlto whatever extent that Dalvik bytecode needs to evolve, it will do so in a structured way according to releases
17:39.39jastathat's good, i think you're gonna find a lot of folks implementing other languages, targeting the dalvik bytecode.
17:39.48jastaso that access to the UI framework is natively available
17:39.51morrildljasta: yes, please!
17:40.05jastai saw a post some time ago from Miguel about porting Mono even.
17:40.54muthuyeah, porting from existing mobile applications to dalvik would be happening
17:41.48muthujasta: what if we have a programming language for mobile?
17:41.53muthuwouldn't it be cool?
17:42.23jastamuthu: you mean a programming language particular to mobile phones?  that doesn't seem necessary, although it seems to be what davidw is working on with Hecl
17:43.34muthujasta: right, a common language for all mobiles
17:44.19muthumay be its android :))
17:47.11jastaandroid isn't a language.
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17:47.47muthuok, android the platform and java the language
17:48.20jastastill, i doubt android would become so common.  the mobile industry is unlikely to unify at any point in the near future.
17:48.32muthuyeah, that's frustrating
17:48.32jastathe PC and server markets are much older, and still are not well unified.
17:49.06jastamobile phones moving toward Java development as a common paradigm would be nice, though.
17:49.42muthusome common development platform
17:50.47zhobbs_I've always dreamed of a world with common platform/standard for EVERYTHING...but in reality that might slow inovation
17:51.11muthuzhobbs_: not necessarily
17:51.34zhobbs_firewire makes usb faster, etc
17:52.03zhobbs_OS X makes windows better
17:53.14zhobbs_and now android will make iphone/symbian better
17:53.16muthumay be one common development platform.. but different vendor adapters
17:53.29muthuzhobbs_: haha.. yeah iphone has gps now!
17:53.31jastamuthu: that makes it not a common platform.
17:53.57muthujasta: may be you should create one :)
17:54.09zhobbs_muthu: yeah, gps, 3g and an sdk
17:54.24zhobbs_wonder if the sdk would have happened as fast if android never came out
17:54.56muthui believe its all the android effect..
17:55.02muthusymbian foundation for example
17:55.44zhobbs_the 2 linux phone orgs merged too
17:56.40muthuandroid has done a smart thing.. by not doing a gphone
17:57.09muthumay be everyone will adopt it
17:57.23zhobbs_I of those android guys had an editorial saying the opposite...I think he's way off
17:58.01muthuhope android can force the others (oem's and carriers) to change their game
17:59.45muthui'm waiting for the android for iphone hack ;)
18:00.44zhobbs_it's funny, everytime I see a GUI anywhere (PoS, cable box) I think, man I would write that using android
18:01.03zhobbs_I just like the UI toolkit a lot in android...normally UI sucks
18:03.38muthuyeah android programming is plain easy
18:03.45muthukudos to the dev team
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18:46.32zhobbs_anyone think we're going to see a mobile mini-bubble here soon?  with some mobile startups getting rich because of smarter phones? I could see it happening...
18:47.01muthuyeah, mobile 2.0 coming soon
18:47.11zhobbs_shit, are we at mobile 1.0 yet?
18:47.30muthusaw mobile 3.0 preview just now ;)
18:47.54zhobbs_you can probably get rich by coining the term mobile 2.0 and running with it
18:49.52muthuHello world.. Mobile 2.0 is here to stay!
18:51.59michaelnovakjrmuthu, this is going to be  a big bubble
18:52.14michaelnovakjrinvestors flooding the industry and then leaving startups high and dry
18:52.19michaelnovakjrhappens all the time
18:52.36muthuits the web 2.0 carrying over to mobile
18:52.56michaelnovakjrwhich is not really good for some
18:53.22michaelnovakjryou can't build a company around one single mobile application
18:53.51muthuyou can
18:53.59muthumany such companies exist
18:54.06michaelnovakjrwhat happens if me, mr nobody, comes along and writes a competing app and give it away for free
18:54.15yakischlobathen I'll go with you
18:54.21yakischlobabut not everyone will
18:54.30zhobbs_michaelnovakjr: you can give it away for free and build a product company
18:54.43muthucompetition will always come
18:54.45muthuthe better one wins
18:54.46yakischlobathe same people that do things like pay 30 extra dollars a month for the novelty of low-res televesion on their phones
18:54.47zhobbs_if enough people use it you win (esp with social apps, because they just require a large audience)
18:54.50michaelnovakjrzhobbs: yes, with more than one product
18:55.24zhobbs_if you have the killer social cell phone app and it really caught on you win...but that'll be 1 in a 1E6
18:56.44michaelnovakjryou are implying social apps won't ever get old
18:56.48muthuif you can survive with one product on the web, why not on mobile?
18:57.06michaelnovakjrdifferent platforms
18:57.13michaelnovakjrwindows vs win mobile?
18:57.23muthuoh yeah, you need it all mobiles
18:57.27muthuthat's what everyone does
18:57.47zhobbs_michaelnovakjr: by the time it gets old you'll read about it struggling in the paper...from the Caribbean
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18:59.06zhobbs_I don't know how that facebook kid turned down $12 was probably smart, but that's enough for me to call it a day
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18:59.41michaelnovakjryou aren't going to be seeing those offers forever
18:59.43zhobbs_oh, maybe it's valued at 12B now...he turned down less
18:59.56michaelnovakjrit doesn't make that much money
19:00.05michaelnovakjrin relation to its operations costs
19:00.25muthuzhobbs_: not 12B
19:00.41muthuit was like 2B
19:00.50AttractiveApeYes, because that matters :/
19:01.05zhobbs_yeah, I'd probably take it
19:01.07AttractiveApeI would take the money and run, facebook feels like a sinking ship now.
19:01.10michaelnovakjrits not profitable at the moment
19:01.22michaelnovakjrit costs just as much to run as its makes
19:01.22muthuAttractiveApe: agree
19:01.33muthuMark Zuck made a mistake there
19:01.40muthugot caught up in the bubble i guess
19:02.02michaelnovakjri think it would be best for everyone if social networking went away
19:02.25muthuoh no
19:02.30muthuSN is fun
19:02.35michaelnovakjroh yes
19:02.40muthuoh no
19:02.42michaelnovakjroh no its not
19:02.50muthuoh yes
19:02.54michaelnovakjrits a lame excuse to sit in front of the computer
19:03.05michaelnovakjrlive with the real world people!
19:03.19muthuyou are missing the point
19:03.23michaelnovakjri have a facebook profile
19:03.35michaelnovakjrand i am a 25 year old body building model in beverly hills
19:03.36zhobbs_michaelnovakjr: it's good for kids
19:03.45michaelnovakjrand i have 10,000 friends
19:03.52michaelnovakjrand a really sweet car
19:04.14michaelnovakjrand hell on its not good for kids
19:04.22michaelnovakjrpredators, bullying....
19:04.27zhobbs_michaelnovakjr: ok, not good for kids, but kids love it
19:04.29zhobbs_like TV
19:04.34zhobbs_and youTube
19:04.35michaelnovakjrtheres a difference
19:04.53michaelnovakjryou can harass a kid directly on facebook, but not through the TV
19:04.58michaelnovakjrand its easier
19:05.25michaelnovakjra kid killed herself over it
19:06.03michaelnovakjri just don't see how it contributes to the greater good of mankind to have this close of contact
19:06.07muthuyeah, its also bad in that way
19:06.11muthulike everything else is
19:06.12michaelnovakjrits more than just one big white pages
19:06.38michaelnovakjrwhy does facebook have to list everything short of your social security number?
19:06.46michaelnovakjrwhy can't it just be an email directory?
19:07.12michaelnovakjrsomeone you don't know comes up to you in the street and kicks your ass because they know what you look like and don't like your profile
19:07.38zhobbs_michaelnovakjr: ha, speaking from experience?
19:07.43michaelnovakjri can see the need for a directory of lost friends from years ago...... but how about email directorys
19:07.47michaelnovakjrzhobbs:  :)
19:07.58michaelnovakjri did say i was a body builder :)
19:09.09michaelnovakjrits all just way too overkill
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19:20.14muthupeople are making a kill over SN
19:24.35michaelnovakjrand that makes it cool or good?
19:25.21michaelnovakjrjust because some people make a killing doesn't mean everyone has to jump on the bandwagon
19:25.32michaelnovakjrare you trying to grow tobacco?
19:27.02muthumichaelnovakjr: socialnetworking is a big hit with people
19:27.11muthuwe are not talking about a minority here
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19:51.01jastaim so glad GNOME moved to gvfs
19:51.20jastathis is so much better than the GIO crud they were using before
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20:50.42mncomexist any device to run android?
20:50.57jastasort of, but not officially, not stable, and not featureful
20:51.27jastai recommend thaty ou wait until the end of this year, when the handsets will be launched officially
20:51.33mncomat the moment we only have a emulator to try?
20:51.40jastabasically, yes.
20:51.52jastathe point of the emulator is not to "try" android.
20:52.02michaelnovakjri <3 the emulator  :)
20:52.30jastait is to develop for it.  if you are not a developer or an experienced linux kernel hacker, you've nothing useful to be doing until handsets launch at the end of the year.
20:52.53mncomyes, i'm trying a SDK
20:53.16jastado realize that the current SDK is pretty old.  5 months old, to be exact.
20:53.48jastait is presently unknown when a follow-up release will be made, but many of us fear it is not "soon"
20:53.59f00f-yeah it'll be soon
20:54.03f00f-in the comin months
20:54.08Dougie187if you call that soon.
20:54.18jastayeah, i dont call "some time in the coming months" soon
20:54.31Dougie187soon would be a week or two
20:54.34jastaif anything less than a month before handset launch, it isn't soon at all.
20:54.49f00f-dont worry it'll be soon by your def then
20:54.52f00f-it'll pre before handset launch
20:55.00jastaf00f-: i didn't define soon, i defined what isn't soon.
20:55.08Dougie187i defined soon.
20:55.22jastaf00f-: i described what isn't soon.
20:55.25Dougie187but handsets wont be out until the end of the year.
20:55.26jastai defined nothing.
20:55.43Dougie187and i doubt it will be out by my definition of soon
20:56.10jastaDougie187: agreed.  i have doubts that even my condition for soon will be met.
20:57.19Dougie187i doubt even morrildl can say it will be out at least a month before handset.
20:57.19Dougie187he just would hope it is
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20:57.25jastamncom: what you may be noticing here is that there are precious few details on the platform, the SDK, etc.  proceed with caution :)
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20:59.41mncomok, i will do it
21:00.40jastai laugh that i once had the idea the source would be released in January.
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21:00.47Razechi all
21:00.55jastabecause surely, an open source platform wouldn't go nearly a year without source code
21:01.02jastaoh what a fool i've been :)
21:01.10Dougie187anyone need a wireless n router?
21:01.14Dougie187$70 on newegg
21:01.33f00f-i need a WRT54GL
21:01.46Dougie187WRT is linksys right?
21:01.54Dougie187whats the gl?
21:01.56f00f-fiddy fou'
21:02.21jastahas the discont. WRTSL54GS
21:02.25jastait's AWESOME :)
21:02.35jastaNetgear just released a nice new router that should have openwrt support very soon
21:02.43jastacurious to buy a few of those
21:02.47Dougie187this one is WRT160N
21:03.36f00f-oh my dude
21:03.42f00f-it's a steal
21:04.07Dougie187thats pretty cool
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21:07.07Dougie187thats the copy i meant.
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21:08.20nighthawk06I got imate pda, can I use the android on it?
21:08.43Dougie187probably not.
21:08.59Dougie187no. not yet.
21:09.10nighthawk06will there be a port to it?
21:09.21Dougie187who knows.
21:09.24Dougie187wait until its released.
21:09.26Dougie187then you can ask away
21:09.43nighthawk06when is it due to be out?
21:09.53Dougie187"By the end of 2008"
21:10.24Dougie187no problem.
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21:16.49f00f-ok will have it next week
21:18.59Dougie187the SDK will be out next week?
21:21.00jastahe will probably have his version :)
21:21.18jastahe's expected to get it 3 weeks prior to the ADC due date, which is at the end of july
21:22.04jastareally hopes that the round 1 winners step it up and actually make their applications good and usable.
21:27.40f00f-no i meant my WRT54GL
21:28.12f00f-jasta: i am having trouble stepping it up
21:28.16f00f-but i will try very hard
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21:30.18jastai fear the entire lot of these ADC round 1 apps will feel very crude and undeveloped
21:30.54jastamine feels like that, but i havent worked on it in months
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