IRC log for #android on 20080701

00:01.28jastaf00f-: his dept is doing a great job :)
00:02.21krosaenmy official title is, "deputy senior vp of strategic synergy"
00:02.39jastagod i honestly cant tell if he's joking
00:02.40krosaenactually i just work on the view system and other parts of the framework
00:02.47jastathe type of person who would have a title that ridiculous are likely to tell it to you
00:03.16jastaalright, heading home
00:03.17krosaenheh, seriously
00:03.21dcordes_cya jasta
00:03.37dcordes_and others
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00:03.41jastai have some exciting e-mails from the libsyncml folks that have given me a bunch of work to do :)
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00:04.15jastaone of the main guys finally recognized that there is a real problem and started doing significant work to fix my issues, and is expanding the API some for me as well
00:07.49zhobbsthings are changing so rapidly in my android project I need to tool to prune unused files in /res/
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00:40.32yakischlobajasta: how was it?
00:45.39jastamy trip?
00:45.47yakischlobacool. gorgeous weekend for it.
00:46.17jastayeah, no kidding
00:46.21jastaill get some geotagged pictures up soon
00:46.32yakischlobaits a little too hot for me right now though. I probably could've wrung a liter out of my shirt after my bike ride home a few minutes ago.
00:47.33jastait was nice being on the cold water
00:47.39jastayou could reach your hand down any time you wanted
00:48.01yakischlobaI was on Bainbridge on saturday, its always cooler away from the city.
00:48.46yakischlobai guess its time to stop procrastinating and buy some more pairs of shorts
00:49.07wastrelmore shorts yes
00:50.00yakischlobathe top of my feet are sunburnt from poolside lounging yesterday. I knew i was forgetting a spot with the sunscreen
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01:05.04jastayakischloba: we're starting to get enough seattle folks that we could have an android meetup and got tossed downtown or something ;)
01:05.49yakischlobajasta: as uninvolved as I am with android, it'd probably be fun.
01:15.55zhobbsanyone know how to edit a ListView's separator?
01:16.24zhobbsor set I should say
01:16.25jastaedit it?
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01:17.09zhobbsjasta: how to specify what separator to use
01:17.42zhobbsthat's not part of the adapter is it?
01:17.52jastano, its in the listview interface
01:17.52jastahang on
01:18.04zhobbsyeah, I've seen it...but can't find it
01:18.19jastaoh wait, or maybe not
01:18.54jastabut when i used this (in M3), it was buggy and broken like you wouldn't believe.
01:19.00jastai should hope its improved, but i dont know
01:19.08zhobbsI was looking for setSeparator
01:19.20jastaright, they call it a divider, but they should call it a separator i think
01:19.22zhobbscause they call it a separator in the desc of some of the methods
01:19.29zhobbsk, thanks
01:19.31jastaespecially since other functions call them separators
01:20.09krosaena divider is an optimization to make it easy to have the same drawable between every item
01:20.24krosaena separator is a view at a position for which ListAdapter#isEnabled returns false
01:20.40krosaenit won't be selectable
01:20.44zhobbsoh ok
01:21.05jastakrosaen: you should note this distinction in the docs, because i didnt get that either.
01:21.26krosaenyeah, it's not an obvious point, i'll make sure we improve the docs on that
01:22.00zhobbsI guess that makes sense now that I re-read this method's desc:, boolean)
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12:44.13Dougie187Good Morning Everyone
12:45.52cutmastahi Dougie187
12:46.03Dougie187Hows it going?
12:46.23cutmastasun is shining :)
12:46.31Dougie187that it is
12:46.33Dougie187but not for long!
12:46.36Dougie187it is hurricane season.
12:46.40Dougie187so it will probably rain soon
12:46.55cutmastai think here in germany not
12:47.08Dougie187well you are lucky then.
12:47.10cutmastaand hopefully not at all in the us
12:47.29cutmastayou have enough hurricanes and rain for years
12:47.41Dougie187yeah not in all of the us.
12:48.29Dougie187but, there is hurricane boris coming in from the west.
12:49.25cutmastaDougie187, sounds not good
12:49.37cutmastaDougie187, i will go to US this month
12:49.46cutmastahopefully no hurricanes then
12:49.47Dougie187where at?
12:50.02Dougie187you wont have any there
12:50.07cutmastaok, dont know
12:50.35Dougie187hurricanes don't go that far inland.
12:51.16cutmastai see
12:51.24cutmastashame on my knowledge
12:52.26Dougie187here is a good picture of boris
12:53.20cutmastalooks bad
12:55.07cutmastaso all the best from here
12:55.46Dougie187its not gonna hit here.
12:56.06Dougie187i dont even know where those hurricanes go most of the time, but i don't remember hearing anything bad about pacific hurricanes.
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13:17.47anno^daDoes someone know which role the library layers (in the framework) plays in reference to the Power Management. I know what we have the Power Management class in the APIs and the Power Management implementation in the kernel. Whats the role of the libs in this context ?
13:21.12michaelnovakjranno^da: it deals with power related properties like whether it is awake or not and the screen brightness
13:21.42michaelnovakjrits a high level power management implementation in the sdk
13:23.30anno^daYeah I know that I can access the power management using the APIs. But there have to be libraries in the library layer that encapsulate the power management implementation in the kernel. Right?
13:25.48michaelnovakjrare you looking for something in particular?
13:27.25anno^daNo I'm just looking at the framework at the moment.  And tried to explain for myself how the implemenation of Power Management works through the different layers of the framework. (sorry for my bad english :) )
13:28.23anno^daApplication -> PM API -> PW Libraries -> PM implementation in the kernel
13:28.42michaelnovakjrmy guess is that its either in the runtime or libc library
13:30.07anno^daYeah ok libc would make the most sense
13:30.30michaelnovakjryea or the runtime core libraries
13:30.38michaelnovakjrnot sure how much of that is going to get released
13:30.46michaelnovakjras in source code :)
13:30.58anno^daThe VM will be
13:31.21anno^daOtherwise the coder of the VM wouldnt have said that at the IO
13:31.56michaelnovakjryea, but not sure about all the libraries... especially if they contain proprietary code from network providers or manufacturers
13:33.52anno^dafrom my point of view most of the telephony, gps and 3G related stuff will be closed
13:34.14anno^dabut the whole media implementation (open Core ) will be open
13:34.14michaelnovakjrgps might not be, but certainly 3G related code will be
13:34.52anno^daYeah GPS could be as well. At the Openmoko project it took one year to find an open implemenation
13:35.14michaelnovakjri haven't paid much attention at all to android related code recently because i haven't been working with it :)
13:35.34michaelnovakjrtackling a few other projects while waiting for a new sdk
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13:49.58Dougie187hows it going michaelnovakjr?
13:50.32Kralnanyone else get contacted by a reporter from business week?
13:51.10Dougie187but are you in the top 50?
13:53.59michaelnovakjrhey Dougie187
13:56.02Dougie187you find any sweet deals on your laptop yet/
13:56.18michaelnovakjrnot yet
13:57.10michaelnovakjri did start the native git for windows project though!
13:57.45michaelnovakjrin order to use git you had to install the linux like packages
13:57.54michaelnovakjrthe scm, git
13:58.23Dougie187oh ok
13:58.41Dougie187is git better then svn?
13:58.52michaelnovakjrdepends on what you're looking for
13:58.54michaelnovakjri think it is
13:59.10michaelnovakjrit uses a distributed model to source control
13:59.17michaelnovakjreveryone has their own repository
13:59.35michaelnovakjrand you can have a remote repository that contains all the contributions for each person
14:00.13Dougie187but the remote repository doesnt contain all of the files?
14:00.42michaelnovakjrit doe
14:00.59Dougie187but it just contains all of the contributions as well?
14:01.14michaelnovakjrsvn is a central source control system
14:01.17Dougie187i guess from your description i dont see how its different from svn.
14:01.25michaelnovakjr1 repository and numerous working copies
14:01.29Dougie187yeah but you can do work on your own pull.
14:01.38michaelnovakjryes git is the same way
14:01.45michaelnovakjrexcept you can track commits locally
14:01.54Dougie187and remotely?
14:02.01michaelnovakjrmake patches and then if you have permission push remotely
14:02.10michaelnovakjrpush is like a remote commit
14:02.19Dougie187so its like an svn server pushed to a different svn server.
14:02.39michaelnovakjrits a great model
14:02.45Dougie187ok, i get it.
14:02.56Dougie187is it more efficient?
14:03.04michaelnovakjryea, its fast
14:03.12michaelnovakjrthey have good docs on git for svn users
14:03.34michaelnovakjrbreaks it down and compares the usual daily tasks of git in reference to svn
14:03.57Dougie187thats cool.
14:04.18Dougie187lol is there something like webgit?
14:04.20Dougie187like websvn/
14:04.31michaelnovakjrcomes with git
14:04.50Dougie187is it as cool as websvn?
14:05.05michaelnovakjrhaha i think so
14:05.09michaelnovakjrthere's also trac
14:05.30Dougie187are there examples online somewhere?
14:06.22Dougie187and it works with svn too?
14:06.43michaelnovakjrwhat do you mean by works with svn?
14:06.50Dougie187git-svn - fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (svn interoperability)
14:06.59Dougie187like you could have a local git server backed up to an svn server?
14:07.02michaelnovakjri don't use git-svn
14:07.11michaelnovakjri think git is awesome enough on its own
14:07.19Dougie187well i already have a remote svn server.
14:07.25michaelnovakjri have git and svn running on my server
14:07.25Dougie187but i was thinking git would be cool for the local thing.
14:07.46Dougie187do you have to commit it all the time?
14:07.47michaelnovakjrmy single trac installation handles svn and git projects
14:08.04michaelnovakjronly if someone needs what i'm working on
14:08.12Dougie187well i mean for your local one?
14:08.30Dougie187to keep the versioning going, do you have to commit to your local git repo all the time?
14:08.35michaelnovakjryea, i usually commit when i've completed something that works :)
14:08.48Dougie187heh, i want something that commits when i save
14:08.53michaelnovakjrwell, when you push it takes your local commits and puts them on the remote
14:09.03michaelnovakjrpreserving the author, id, and timestamp
14:09.40michaelnovakjrdo you use trac?
14:10.29michaelnovakjrever checked it out?
14:10.42Dougie187i have svn on my school acct for my homeworks and stuff
14:10.53Dougie187then websvn to look at it online
14:10.53michaelnovakjrtrac is like google code
14:11.15Dougie187ive never used google code
14:11.17michaelnovakjrtrac has a wiki, ticket management, web source code tool
14:11.28michaelnovakjrroadmap, milestones....
14:11.31Dougie187do you have to pay for google code?
14:11.49michaelnovakjrnor do you have to pay for trac :)
14:12.00Dougie187yeah but trac is something you have to manage right?
14:12.04Dougie187google code is on their servers.
14:12.07michaelnovakjrtrac has slightly more features than google code
14:12.12Dougie187so its like extra storage.
14:12.21michaelnovakjrbut there really isn't much managing
14:12.27Dougie187true, but if you have limited space.
14:12.33michaelnovakjri have a hot swap for my source code server
14:12.38Dougie187heh, I dont.
14:12.46Dougie187i have like 11 gigs total storage on my school acct
14:12.54michaelnovakjrand after each commit it tars up the repo and sends it over to the back up server
14:12.58Dougie187do they ever deny google code accounts?
14:13.07michaelnovakjrnot that i have seen
14:13.20michaelnovakjrits implied that you are an open source project thoug
14:13.26michaelnovakjrand its public
14:13.59Dougie187because i started gpging my homework.tar.gz files because of this lazy ass student who likes to steal homeworks.
14:14.16Dougie187do you know how much storage they give you?
14:14.18michaelnovakjrwell, if you ever need any svn or git with trac i have the setup
14:14.22michaelnovakjri don't charge :)
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14:14.49Dougie187ill have to look at trac.
14:15.05Dougie187i think i actually need to get a new desktop and make it a backup server.
14:15.14michaelnovakjrits hands down the best web based scm tool i have ever used
14:15.34Dougie187what does scm stand for?
14:15.50michaelnovakjrsource code management
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14:16.04Dougie187because i have heard other acronyms, never scm though
14:16.07Dougie187mainly cvs.
14:16.44michaelnovakjrcvs is a tool
14:17.03Dougie187yeah but ive heard cvs used as an acronym to describe SVN for example.
14:17.09Dougie187since CVS isnt used much anymore.
14:17.43michaelnovakjrthat would be wrong
14:17.53michaelnovakjrsvn is based on cvs but its not a type of cvs
14:18.07michaelnovakjrcvs stands for concurrent versioning system
14:18.24Dougie187well ive heard cvs meaning content versioning system.
14:18.41Dougie187so thats just how i think of most of these things.
14:19.06michaelnovakjrhm, i don't think i've heard that one before
14:19.37Dougie187well thats cool.
14:19.41Dougie187ill have to look into git and trac.
14:19.54michaelnovakjrdefinitely, excellent tools
14:20.05Dougie187hows your ps3 going?
14:20.15michaelnovakjrnot bad... haven't played too much
14:20.22michaelnovakjrbeen playing euro2008 on xbox
14:20.43Dougie187yeah i remember you telling me that.
14:20.57Dougie187then a day later that guy was like "Who wanted to know about the European Cup?"
14:21.21michaelnovakjrits a cool game on xbox
14:22.12Dougie187thats cool
14:22.14Dougie187i havent played halo much lately.
14:22.25Dougie187i think im going to destroy my own life.
14:22.30Dougie187becuase im going to get back into diablo 2.
14:23.10Dougie187have you heard of time vault?
14:23.24michaelnovakjri might have
14:23.39Dougie187its like a backup system for linux.
14:23.40michaelnovakjrit sounds familiar but i dont remember anything past that :)
14:23.51Dougie187basically a linux answer for timecapsule for max.
14:23.55michaelnovakjrah yes...
14:24.00michaelnovakjrdo you use it?
14:24.05Dougie187no, i had a friend use it.
14:24.09Dougie187and i thought it would be cool.
14:24.16Dougie187but i think its still in beta.
14:24.18Dougie187im not sure though.
14:24.21Dougie187it was pretty good.
14:24.32Dougie187he said it wasnt really useful because his backups weren't backed up.
14:24.38Dougie187it was just on his laptop.
14:24.39michaelnovakjryea, i haven't used it.... but then again i've never used time machine either :)
14:25.08Dougie187do you like mandriva more then OSX?
14:25.12michaelnovakjrfor my scm server(s) i created a backing up system tied in with hooks
14:25.46michaelnovakjrafter commit the file is sent to the other server where the update is applied
14:26.07Dougie187thats cool
14:26.19michaelnovakjrthat way if the one goes under nothing is lost
14:27.12Dougie187thats always good.
14:27.28Dougie187lol i was in this meeting a while ago, with my wife's boss, and their database company.
14:27.43Dougie187and he was like our data is backed up to two remote locations, so if one of them goes down you are still fine.
14:27.52Dougie187and i go yeah, but if both go down, your completely screwed.
14:28.00Dougie187and hes like hahaha..... yeah.....
14:28.12Dougie187it was funny.
14:28.20michaelnovakjrmy second machine backs up to tape :)
14:28.26michaelnovakjrbut not on every commit
14:28.28Dougie187tape is always good.
14:28.34michaelnovakjrso there's a slight hole
14:28.45michaelnovakjronce a day it backs up to tape
14:29.34Dougie187tape is pretty slow isnt it?
14:30.25michaelnovakjrhence why it does it once a day
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14:30.33Dougie187thats the only bad part about it.
14:30.38Dougie187if you need something right now
14:30.43Dougie187you have to wait a while
14:31.16michaelnovakjrmy file server is another story
14:31.20michaelnovakjrthat has lots of data.
14:31.33michaelnovakjrbackups are not as often or as automatic
14:32.02michaelnovakjrand its not raided
14:32.14michaelnovakjrits also my domain controller for the network
14:32.22michaelnovakjr(windows 2003 server)
14:32.54Dougie187your fileserver is your domain controller?
14:33.01michaelnovakjryea :)
14:33.08michaelnovakjrit is a multi tasking machine
14:33.08Dougie187isnt that... not a great idea?
14:33.35michaelnovakjrmaybe, but it doesn't control that many windows machines and its not mission critical
14:34.35Dougie187man. freaking cedega doesnt work at all.
14:35.12Dougie187here is that timevault thing.
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14:59.32michaelnovakjrtrust me when i say subversion has its issues
15:04.00Dougie187i dont use it very often.
15:04.03Dougie187just to backup my homework.
15:04.13michaelnovakjrwe use it at my office
15:04.21michaelnovakjri can go weeks without a commit
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15:04.44michaelnovakjrjust to not flood the repo with non-working versions
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15:08.23jastamichaelnovakjr: that's a pretty bad policy, actually
15:08.29michaelnovakjri know
15:08.36michaelnovakjrthat's what they want
15:08.45michaelnovakjrwhich is why i said git would be better in that case
15:08.52jastai commit very atomically :)
15:08.56michaelnovakjrbecause i can keep my local commits if i need to revert
15:10.20michaelnovakjrDougie187, that is weird
15:10.29Dougie187yeah. that kid is crazy
15:11.13michaelnovakjrjasta, the more i use git the more i become a fan of it
15:11.20michaelnovakjrit has its clear advantages
15:11.41gamblerhave u tried the git eclipse plugin
15:11.58michaelnovakjri don't use eclipse
15:12.54michaelnovakjri don't usually go for scm pluginss
15:12.55gamblerlucky you
15:13.23michaelnovakjri like the command line utilities.... they are straight forward
15:17.08Dougie187that is ridiculous.
15:17.13Dougie187did you watch that video michaelnovakjr?
15:17.28michaelnovakjryou find some weird shit
15:18.18Dougie187its on msnbc
15:18.29cutmastaDougie187, lol
15:18.34cutmastaguitar hero is soo cool
15:19.07Dougie187and that kid is insane.
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15:19.10michaelnovakjri have it and never have played it
15:19.14Dougie187i cant even play that song on hard.
15:19.17Dougie187i like it.
15:19.31Dougie187i have it for the wii though
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16:56.22michaelnovakjri wanted to kill myself just now
16:56.29michaelnovakjrsomeone at work quoted phandroid
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16:57.08michaelnovakjrit was about the photoshop contest
16:57.23michaelnovakjrhe sent me the link and everything !
16:57.31Dougie187what do you win with the contest?
16:57.40michaelnovakjranother beer!
16:57.52michaelnovakjrhaha, sorry... couldn't help it
16:57.58michaelnovakjri don't think you win anything
16:58.32michaelnovakjroh yea, it says it right in the title :)
16:58.50michaelnovakjrlong day
16:58.57michaelnovakjrand its only half over
17:00.45jastamy family sends me things they read about Android, and i wish they'd stop
17:00.52jastait's always stuff i already know, or it's stuff i know to be wrong
17:01.12michaelnovakjrand always from fanboy sites
17:01.55Dougie187lol the ones they go to
17:02.03morrildl_you guys have it easy
17:02.20morrildl_my family always sends me the negative articles and asks if they're true ;)
17:03.04Dougie187and you are like "afraid so!"
17:03.42michaelnovakjrmy only beef with google is with the new sdk
17:03.57michaelnovakjrother than that its business as usual... can't expect any more than that
17:04.12michaelnovakjrdid i just say beef
17:04.18michaelnovakjri need a nap
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17:13.03jastai just wish we could get this moving again :)
17:18.12jastamorrildl_: did you read all that backlog i sent you yesterday?
17:18.33morrildl_jasta: I did read it, yes
17:18.37morrildl_very good points, thanks
17:19.07morrildl_I'm told that the current thinking is closer to ASF than to Ubuntu or Debian
17:19.35morrildl_...and of course we have lots of ASF expats in the Google open source office, and Google's preferred license is ASL 2.0, so that probably says a lot too :)
17:23.07jastawell, the license and the organization are two different things ;)
17:24.23muthuhey morrildl_
17:25.06jastamorrildl_: so do i understand this correctly that a big roadblock at present is just figuring out how to manage the project?
17:25.06muthufor adc2 next year, can the adc 1 winners participate with a different app?
17:25.17morrildl_jasta: roadblock for what/
17:25.42jastamorrildl_: for releasing the source and/or next sdk?  you made it seem yesterday that the launch of source and the next SDK were not actually logically related to handset launch
17:25.56morrildl_muthu: rules for ADC2 are not yet written, but I hope that should be the case
17:26.03jastaand i was skeptical, if you recall :)
17:26.09muthumorrildl_: cool, thanks
17:26.21morrildl_jasta: the source release and the SDK release are two separate efforts, with mostly-separate teams
17:26.40morrildl_the source release is more or less gated on handset availability, yes
17:26.48morrildl_the SDK release has other unrelated blockers
17:27.03morrildl_I am involved in the SDK team, and I lurk on the open-source team
17:27.24Dougie187lol any idea when the sdk is coming out?
17:27.39morrildl_Dougie187: no :(
17:28.02michaelnovakjrit would be nice to know if it will be before devices are available
17:28.19jastait would be nice to know what "unrelated blockers" means too ;)
17:28.23morrildl_michaelnovakjr: as far as I know, yes
17:28.45michaelnovakjrhopefully not a week ;)
17:28.57morrildl_michaelnovakjr: the point being that we ideally want the 1.0-final SDK out far enough in advance of 1.0-final devices to be useful
17:29.02jastathat would be the most absurdly stressful week ever ;0
17:29.18michaelnovakjrhaha morrildl_ that seems fair enough
17:29.31jastamorrildl_: far enough in advance would mean at least a month for most of us.
17:30.09morrildl_jasta: I do know now what the "unrelated blockers" are, but they are one of those things I can't talk about
17:30.55morrildl_hopefully we'll get more than a month
17:31.20michaelnovakjrmorrildl_ that's cool..... but if you see those "unrelated blockers" do me a favor and kick them in the shins :)
17:31.24morrildl_the 1.0 final might not be out, but the current SDKs are relatively stable now
17:31.28morrildl_michaelnovakjr: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
17:31.40morrildl_michaelnovakjr: you have. *No.* *Idea.*
17:31.48jastamorrildl_: by current you mean internally?
17:32.03jastasurely not m5, right?
17:32.04morrildl_jasta: basically yes
17:32.09morrildl_certainly not M5
17:32.14michaelnovakjrjasta, i'd hope he doesn't mean the one from march :)
17:32.23jastamichaelnovakjr: *February*.
17:32.31morrildl_The delta from M5 to current is pretty significant
17:32.31michaelnovakjrah yes
17:32.47jastamorrildl_: which is what we'd all assumed.
17:32.48michaelnovakjrhence the hault on development :)
17:32.54morrildl_conceptually not that much has changed (meaning we aren't going to change how Activities work out from under you or something), but there are a lot of tweaks
17:33.00jastayeah, as michaelnovakjr said, we assumed that to be true, and stopped development in response.
17:33.11morrildl_jasta, michaelnovakjr: indeed, perfectly reasonable.
17:33.21morrildl_I would do the same in your shoes
17:33.27michaelnovakjri figured less headaches later on
17:33.48michaelnovakjrfiguring out a solution is never fun with broken code :)
17:34.11jastateehee, just looking at a calendar now
17:34.21jastait's been 5 months since the last significant public release
17:34.22morrildl_don't do that!
17:34.34morrildl_has become afraid of calendars
17:34.45jastaalmost half a year
17:34.46Dougie187id like to see morrildl's calendar
17:34.53michaelnovakjri wouldn't :)
17:34.54morrildl_Dougie187: you can have it, if you want it :P
17:35.06morrildl_jasta: yup
17:35.35michaelnovakjrwell jasta when you put it like that.... damn
17:35.41morrildl_I think back on the conversations we had back in the day when we were planning on bimonthly releases
17:35.47morrildl_ahhhh, youth.
17:36.10michaelnovakjrthat's a crankin' release schedule
17:36.18michaelnovakjrsome real optimistic developers huh?
17:36.25morrildl_well, the SDKs are generated as part of the build
17:36.26jastayeah, or like how you said you guys would definitely get a bug fix release out a month before the Apr 14th deadline
17:36.47morrildl_that's what RC37 was
17:36.49Dougie187i think we can go on and on about things they have said.
17:37.00morrildl_or whatever the most recent one was
17:37.07morrildl_I mean it's WHY we extended the deadline :)
17:37.18michaelnovakjrwhich was a good thing :)
17:37.33michaelnovakjri wasn't very proactive
17:38.02michaelnovakjrwell i was, but wrote the whole back end first so the client was starved a bit
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17:38.52jastamorrildl_: rc37?  that's m3.  m5 had only 1 significant release, and it was early Feb.
17:39.15jastathere was some trivial security bug fix release after that in Mar or something, but it contained no functional changes.
17:40.49morrildl_okay that must be what I was thinking of :)
17:41.13muthumorrildl_: get the devices out fast ;)
17:41.56yakischlobajasta: give em hell ;)
17:42.31Dougie187and the flood gates are open.
17:42.55morrildl_yeah I guess you're right, rc15 had docs changes
17:43.04morrildl_I thought there were a couple emulator fixes in there too, but I guess I was wrong
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17:43.51Dougie187lol trust jasta. he has obsessed over this for a while
17:43.51morrildl_this is why I don't need to remember anything, I have people to keep me honest
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17:44.19morrildl_I'm taking the open-source "many eyes" thing and turning it into a distributed memcache ;)
17:44.34yakischlobajasta has the world in check.
17:46.39jastayou people have a funny opinion of me
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18:20.51jastammmm, new APIs :) is awesome
18:22.57jastayeah, and their new APIs look to simplify a lot of things i was trying to do
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18:24.47michaelnovakjr:) integration was genius
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21:09.54jastammmm, this is like the most brilliant lyric ever
21:10.24jastao/~ That night he found the key / to decode you, Tokyo / Between warm sake / And street lights caught in the falling snow o/~
21:12.31jastaMinus The Bear, naturally. ;)
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21:16.47f00f-yes, quite naturally.
21:20.14jastaman im excited by these new APIs
21:20.22jastathey geocode the venues now
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21:27.18jastaromainguy_: are there long term plans to change the way this notification system works on Android?
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21:27.44jastaas in, before handset launch?
21:27.52jastai think its one of the weaker parts of the Android UX...
21:28.16jastaits very awkward to have to "drag it down", it should just be able to pop up on its own from a press in the status bar
21:28.28zhobbsjasta: you can fling it
21:28.31jastaand it should be a little less generalized
21:28.32zhobbsit's kinda cool
21:28.46jastaso that the information can be specialized, such as posting a generic View to it
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21:29.25jastaand it should maybe not even exist when there is only one notification.  for example, if you get a calendar reminder, why not just make pressing the bar go right to the calendar event?
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21:30.15jastazhobbs: even at the keynote you saw Andy struggling with it.  he had to press twice to get it to slid eright.
21:30.23jastait's an awkward and unintuitive interface
21:32.26jastaeven if you change nothing else, it should not be necessary that you "slide" it down.
21:32.31jastapressing the title bar should open it
21:33.52jastaperhaps it could still "slide out" visually, but without requiring that gesture
21:33.52michaelnovakjryea, i've tried it and don't really like that
21:34.02jastaive even tried it on a physical handset
21:34.09jastaand it felt even more awkward there than on the emulator
21:34.31michaelnovakjrthe other thing was deactivated touch screen while call was in progress
21:34.37michaelnovakjrdon't like that
21:34.53jastayeah but that has to be the case
21:35.03michaelnovakjrit should at least be a preference
21:35.04jastaotherwise people will hang up on each other all the time
21:35.21jastai think the strategy there is to just have physical buttons to end call
21:35.24michaelnovakjrnot when your screen turns off
21:35.36jastawell thats true
21:35.56jastaor perhaps they could implement a proximity sensor ;0
21:36.07jastato determine when the phone is near your head
21:36.14jastathat would be slick as hell hehe
21:39.23michaelnovakjri like that idea
21:44.01jastaprobably not good for costs :)
21:44.52jastaactually, you could probably do it with a simple light sensor
21:45.09jastawhen the surface of the phone becomes very dark while in a call, its probably against their face
21:45.15f00f-N95 has a proximity sensor
21:45.20f00f-to adjust screen backlight
21:45.33jastaf00f-: are you sure that's not an ambient light sensor?  my phone has one of those.
21:45.54f00f-ok maybe it is
21:47.45tethridgethe proximity sensor is a big deal for me.
21:48.11tethridgeif I can't perform the use case that stevo did while on a call, then I'm not getting an android phone
21:48.31tethridgeyou know, on a call, check for movie times, send email with picture, etc
21:48.54tethridgeif I have a touch screen phone, I expect it to be just as fancy as the iPhone.
21:49.01tethridgeI'm sure most users will feel the same way
21:49.35tethridgeif android is just the software, then it should allow manufacturers to add the sensor if they want
21:49.43jastatethridge: doesn't the iphone also disable the touch screen while in a call though?
21:49.47michaelnovakjrand mod the os
21:49.53michaelnovakjrnot sure
21:50.01michaelnovakjrwin mobile doesn't :}
21:50.06tethridgejasta, no
21:50.17jastaoh, it looks like thy have a sensor for this as well
21:50.23tethridgeif you pull it away from your face you can continue talking on speaker phone while you surf
21:50.38tethridgecheck email, etc
21:50.40jastayup sure enough, it has a proximity sensor
21:50.44romainguy_the iPhone turns off the touch screen with a proximity sensor
21:50.46jastaweird, i just made up that solution :)
21:50.58jastai had no idea real hardware ever used something like that
21:50.59tethridgeI thought you were joking
21:51.10romainguy_jasta: even digital cameras use that now
21:51.44jastathe iphone also seems to have an ambient light sensor
21:52.00jastai didnt know any of this when i was talking just a minute ago hehe
21:52.27romainguy_you must be a genius then
21:55.10jastaim not usually very good at sensible user experience design, so i just surprised myself by guessing at the design the iphone has ;)
21:55.38jastaromainguy_: do you know if visual voicemail is planned for any android devices?  is there a patent problem here?
21:56.09tethridgeI think that there is patent issues, but I've heard of other companies rolling it out already
21:56.26jastahmm, looks like apple was sued over patent infringement for the feature
21:56.32tethridgeI can't remember what company it was, but I remember it being a big one, like sprint or verizon
21:57.33jastait seems as though you could do it third party though
21:57.50jastai used to use YouMail, for example, and it seems like using that service you could hack something very nice together
21:57.55jastaor even cooperate with them to natively support it
21:58.26romainguy_jasta: unfortunately I can't answer that kind of question until the answer is public :)
21:58.36jastathat means yes
21:59.01romainguy_jasta: no, that means I cannot answer the question, no matter what the answer is
21:59.28jastai'm taking it to mean yes, whether you want to clarify or not ;)
21:59.51jastaglances over at his phone with 65 "new" voicemails
21:59.56romainguy_you speculate and guess way too much based on way too little information
22:00.06romainguy_it's a very bad habit that you have :p
22:00.33jastathat's a matter of opinion
22:00.38jastaif i did not, then i would not have adopted Android.
22:00.40jastanor would anyone have.
22:01.03jastaSometimes, people refer to this bizarre, unhealthy habit as "faith".
22:01.30jastaAnd I think you might find a crushing wave of people who don't think it's such a bad habit at all.
22:02.34romainguy_there's a huge difference between having faith in Android and deciding whether Android will have visual voicemail based on the fact that I cannot answer the question
22:03.03jastaromainguy_: right, but you assumed i wasn't joking
22:03.25romainguy_aah... the joke argument :)
22:03.39jastait isn't an argument, i was joking.  you just didn't know that.
22:04.04jastathat said, there's not such a huge difference between faith and speculating way too much based on way too little information.
22:04.35dueyi won adc
22:04.44jastathe danger, of course, is that you can misplace your faith, as I have likely done so.
22:05.19tethridgecongrats duey
22:05.23jastaduey: ?
22:05.23dueyi was joking
22:05.39tethridgeso, care to share something with the group?
22:05.41dueyruns away
22:05.47jastathat was odd
22:05.48tethridgesay an updated sdk?
22:06.02dueyneeded some stress relief
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22:09.38tethridgeduey, which project?
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22:23.26jastasquashes yet another libsyncml bug
22:23.39jasta*tsk tsk*, using g_strndup on binary data ;)
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