IRC log for #android on 20080628

00:15.39*** join/#android Dougie187 (
00:15.46Dougie187Ohhh Dan is around
00:22.14Dougie187but noone else?
00:47.00*** join/#android dueynz (n=Nick@
01:06.36*** join/#android jtoy (n=jtoy@
01:31.56*** join/#android michaelnovakjr_ (
01:36.44michaelnovakjr_howdy folks
01:39.14michaelnovakjr_how's it going?
01:39.24michaelnovakjr_android supports openssl right?
01:41.38michaelnovakjr_apparently the iPhone did not deem it worthy for the phone
01:52.39*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (n=ThePHPJe@unaffiliated/thephpjedi/x-000002)
01:53.52*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (n=ThePHPJe@unaffiliated/thephpjedi/x-000002)
01:56.02f00f-yeah bro
02:53.38*** join/#android foysavas (
02:59.10*** join/#android eton (
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03:08.55*** join/#android yakischloba (
03:12.00*** part/#android Dougie187 (
03:15.31*** join/#android eton_ (
03:31.42*** join/#android Dralspire2 (
03:47.07*** join/#android pombreda (
03:54.22*** join/#android enobrev (
04:26.42*** join/#android maynards-girl (
05:09.04*** join/#android michaelnovakjr_ (n=michaeln@
05:46.51*** join/#android lindever__ (
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06:35.06*** join/#android anno^da (
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07:38.17*** join/#android romainguy__ (n=gfx@
08:56.49*** join/#android eton_ (
09:19.30*** join/#android lindever__ (
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10:56.00*** join/#android Dralspire (
11:16.11*** join/#android eton_ (
11:41.17*** join/#android shoragan (n=shoragan@debian/developer/shoragan)
12:23.20*** join/#android maynards-girl (
12:23.51*** join/#android plusminus_ (i=590e1386@gateway/web/ajax/
12:40.31*** join/#android lindever__ (
12:45.28*** join/#android AhtiK (
12:51.09*** join/#android dfas (
12:56.35*** join/#android dmoffett (n=dmoffett@
12:57.04*** join/#android mypapit (n=mypapit@pdpc/supporter/active/mypapit)
12:58.07*** join/#android soulreaper (
13:01.09*** join/#android dueynz (n=Nick@
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13:05.21*** join/#android yakischloba (
13:24.51*** join/#android matt_c (
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15:45.45*** join/#android anno^da (n=anno^
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16:02.28*** join/#android yakischloba (
16:15.24*** join/#android pandora-- (
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16:55.18*** join/#android Razec (n=Razec@
16:56.33Razechi all
16:56.47Razecjasta hi
17:00.03*** join/#android kennyz (
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17:59.04*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (n=ThePHPJe@unaffiliated/thephpjedi/x-000002)
18:15.48*** join/#android pombreda (
18:40.19*** join/#android Bery11ium (
19:09.48*** join/#android AhtiK (
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19:21.22*** join/#android Dougie187 (
19:21.31Dougie187So.. who else is crapping their pants for diablo 3?
19:22.04romainguynot me
19:22.29Dougie187well thats disappointing...
19:22.35anno^daDefintely even more because it will be available for OSX
19:22.52Dougie187well blizzard games are always working for macs.
19:22.57Dougie187even SC works on macs.
19:23.07anno^daYeah I know
19:23.15Dougie187im hoping it will work on linux.
19:24.03anno^daIt will be easier to get it running on Linux even  beacuse it is working on OSX
19:24.36anno^daWoW and WC3 are running well under Linux
19:24.42Dougie187yeah but only in wine.
19:24.45anno^daso why not D3 and SC
19:24.47Dougie187they dont have native things.
19:24.51anno^daYeah I know
19:24.52Dougie187SC works in wine too
19:25.01Dougie187but none of that is thanks to blizzard
19:25.03Dougie187im talking native
19:25.13anno^daBut it is easier to get it running with Wine
19:25.51Dougie187i dont see how.
19:26.06*** part/#android maynards-girl (
19:32.13*** join/#android lindever__ (
19:32.29anno^dabecause it will be running with OpenGL as well and so it is easier to get it working with wine for the developer team
19:32.47anno^damuch easier than the games that only run with directX
19:39.44Dougie187im just hoping that they go and make the game run natively in linux
19:40.21anno^dafrom my point of view the market is not big enought at the moment
19:40.30anno^dabut in the future they will be forced to
19:40.42anno^da( I hope so :) )
19:40.47romainguyanno^da: keep hoping :)
19:41.10anno^daYeah I'm using OSX and Ubuntu and I hope they will be force in the future
19:41.20Dougie187as do i
19:43.00anno^daand I hope Amarok will be available for OSX natively :D
19:44.54anno^dabecause iTunes is a mess
19:45.04romainguyiTunes is great
19:45.59anno^dawithout the possibility to monitor folders
19:46.07anno^dawithout FLAC / OGG support
19:46.16anno^dawithout NAS support
19:46.16romainguybecause most users don't give a shit about this :)
19:46.22Dougie187"What engine is Diablo III running on? What graphical enhancements are included?
19:46.22Dougie187Diablo III runs on a custom 3D game engine for rendering full-3D characters and environments. The 3D game engine not only simulates advanced animation sequences and sound effects, but also uses a custom physics engine that allows for realistic object dynamics and cloth simulation."
19:46.31anno^daYeah most mass market users
19:46.39romainguyanno^da: I'm happily one of them
19:46.49anno^daBut if you get used to play any format
19:46.56anno^dayou always want that feature
19:47.15romainguyI would if I had songs that were not MP3 or AAC :)
19:47.19anno^daand not be restricted by Apples damn politics :)
19:47.58anno^daThats why I dont use Quicktime it is restrictive
19:48.10anno^daselling a movie player without free fullscreen support
19:48.15anno^dais something to laugh about :)
19:48.26romainguysure, that is stupid
19:49.09anno^daYeah but I dont understand why, they dont live from the money the get from the quicktime licencing :)
19:49.25anno^daThat are politics I dont understand
19:49.34anno^daand no Linux user ever will understand :D
19:51.15anno^daease of use means dropping every file in and it gets played and thats ease of use is one of the goals Apple is looking for
19:51.50romainguyease of use in iTunes means: put your CD and import it in the library or buy on the iTunes store
19:52.03romainguynow, if you always get your music through other means...
19:52.16anno^daromainguy: but thats not the reality
19:52.20romainguyit is in my case
19:52.29anno^daFor sure you have CDs and iTunes
19:53.13anno^dabut you also have the internet and thousands songs that are under the Creative Commons licence
19:53.20anno^dathousands of
19:54.26anno^daand you have different music stores
19:54.34anno^dawith no DRM, no watermarking
19:54.44romainguyyou can buy un-DRMed music on iTunes
19:54.50anno^daAmazon does an amazing job in this case :)
19:54.54anno^dayeah iTunes Plus
19:55.02anno^dawith watermarking in the files
19:55.28anno^daAnd it makes 10%
19:55.31anno^daof alle the files
19:55.49anno^daBut it is getting better
19:58.03*** join/#android Dralspire (
20:14.06*** join/#android Azalar (n=Azalar@unaffiliated/azalar)
20:15.45*** join/#android Azalar (n=Azalar@unaffiliated/azalar)
20:29.50*** join/#android genclay (
20:49.21*** join/#android maynards-girl (
21:53.19*** join/#android maynards-girl (
22:00.52*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
22:06.07*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
22:21.16*** join/#android _avatar (
22:53.04*** join/#android muthu (
22:58.14*** part/#android Dougie187 (

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