IRC log for #android on 20080624

00:00.13umdk1d4darnit my whois gives me away
00:00.32f00f-it does?
00:00.41umdk1d4lol yea montana
00:00.50f00f-if you say so :)
00:01.22f00f-so what app did you do?
00:01.34umdk1d4gahhhh lol
00:01.41f00f-man i am so bad with names
00:01.51umdk1d4trying to keep irc nick and irl name apart
00:02.10umdk1d4i think we met in dalvik sessn
00:02.15umdk1d4i nwas in brown stiped shirt
00:02.19f00f-"if you carry a double-oh number it means license to kill, not get killed"
00:02.25f00f-tall guy
00:02.33umdk1d4thatsme lol
00:02.36f00f-i should have written down your name
00:02.51umdk1d4idk that i  ever told you
00:03.07f00f-i could grep the logs, but not important right now
00:03.11f00f-so what is the interview for? android stuff?
00:03.28umdk1d4its android related  ;)
00:03.44umdk1d4well actually yea it is for android
00:04.04umdk1d4inter viewing with one of teh OHA membarz
00:05.14f00f-probably nvidia
00:05.22umdk1d4hopefully i actually make itt there at a decent hour
00:05.41f00f-interview must be tomorrow then
00:06.40umdk1d4yay almost at front of hourlong line
00:06.48f00f-man i'm having such a hard time picturing an android dev from montana
00:06.55f00f-just the reality of it
00:07.04f00f-good luck
00:07.05umdk1d4im not from there originally
00:20.18*** join/#android trigatch4 (
00:20.39trigatch4sucks for you guys...
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01:06.59jastaumdk1d4: hi :)
01:21.41*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (n=ThePHPJe@unaffiliated/thephpjedi/x-000002)
02:16.36jastayou guys want a mind bender?
02:18.01dueyfun gamethat
02:39.49raidfivesweet, android delays
02:40.16raidfivewhy am I not surprised?
02:43.24dueylike who didn't see that coming :)
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03:38.32pinPointman is android a mistake?!
03:41.11trigatch4no it is not
03:41.20trigatch4but that kloonigames crayon game is SWEET!
03:43.51pinPointhow long before this is over
03:44.06pinPointit looks bad right now, i know its an OS and it will take long.
03:44.13pinPointbut most manuf. are ahead big time
03:57.11buster__what looks bad?
03:57.17buster__there isnt even a phone out
03:57.51buster__and why do you compare android to manufacturers?
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04:34.47pinPointi meant other OS manuf.
04:34.54pinPointsorry, will wait patiently :)
04:34.59*** part/#android pinPoint (n=pinPoint@freenode/staff/pinpoint)
04:35.54f00f-yeah you better, or else you'll get the backhand.
04:36.03f00f-so much misinformation about android, it's not even funny.,
04:36.21f00f-some people think it's a phone
04:36.26f00f-other think it's an OEM
04:36.34f00f-and then some others think it's an API
04:36.48f00f-some even think it's an application that'll run anywhere
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04:38.33jastai know a Google employee who think sthat.
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05:07.00*** join/#android yakischloba (
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05:20.43yakischlobawhat exactly is everyone hububbing/being disgruntled about right now? despite watching the conversation for a day or so I still haven't really understood what the problem is. SDK release is being pushed back or something?
05:49.40*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
06:20.12*** part/#android muthu (
06:20.27jastayakischloba: the news that you heard today is just drivel, reported on by folks who did not read any of the initial news coming out of Google.
06:20.37jastabut we are still hubbubing about past evils ;)
06:21.06yakischlobahah. are they resolved, or is the project heading in a less-than-savory direction?
06:21.16jastawell, long term i think we're fine.
06:21.24jastaread the latest entry on my blog to be filled in,
06:27.16jastayakischloba: this bit of "news" was discored over in mid May, however has not been reported on anywhere major to date.
06:27.45jastaInstead, the news sites picked up this fake drivel that Android is being delayed.  Google's initial committed release date was "2nd half of 2008", and they have simply clarified that date as 4th quarter, 2008.
06:27.57yakischlobaoh. nonsense.
06:28.01jastaSome nitwits interpreted that as a delay.
06:28.43jastaBut, there is still genuine unrest in the community at large over the lame NDA issue, and lack of public releases.
06:29.05jastaAlso, the claims in a lot of the news sites say that developers are frustrated by the unstable SDK.  Bollocks.  To date, we've only had two major releases: M3 was first, M5 came after, with API and UI changes.
06:29.19jastaSo if by "all the changes", they meant the 1, then I guess :)
06:29.46jastaMost devs are upset because they aren't being given the opportunity to have an unstable SDK :)
06:30.19jastaInstead we quietly wait on the sidelines for a release that actually lets us get back to work again.
06:30.34jastaGotta go
06:36.47yakischlobaThanks. cya.
07:07.53*** join/#android anno^da (
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12:38.52*** join/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
12:39.04Dougie187Good Morning.
12:39.11Dougie187ohh a new topic?
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13:02.03*** join/#android Dougie187 (
13:12.08michaelnovakjrhm, did they release an sdk at a developer day?
13:12.58Dougie187yeah right.
13:12.58michaelnovakjrso then i guess no one went?
13:13.23Dougie187i dont know anyone who went.
13:13.45michaelnovakjryea, me either
13:14.16Dougie187i dont even know where they were.
13:14.35michaelnovakjrsame here :)
13:16.15michaelnovakjri'm excited that i have my linux dual booted on mc
13:16.37Dougie187through boot camp?
13:16.51Dougie187thats cool
13:17.34michaelnovakjrit uses a modified EFI loader
13:17.48michaelnovakjrthe linux distro itself worked out of the box
13:17.52michaelnovakjrno configuration needed
13:18.22Dougie187thats really cool
13:21.09michaelnovakjri'm liking it
13:21.24michaelnovakjrespecially since i use linux for a lot of stuff
13:21.32michaelnovakjrand vmware just wasn't cutting it
13:22.39Dougie187if my laptop had a better graphics card, i wouldnt need to switch to windows ever.
13:22.53michaelnovakjrwhat graphics card do you have?
13:22.58Dougie187intel 85225
13:23.00Dougie187or something like that
13:23.09Dougie187good ol' integrated crap
13:23.12Dougie187(its a laptop)
13:23.24Dougie187on my desktop i have an ATI X900
13:23.30michaelnovakjrmy ibm uses ati
13:23.47Dougie187x900 is very old too
13:23.51Dougie187completely out-dated.
13:24.03*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
13:24.03Dougie187they are up to like x1950 or something now.
13:24.18michaelnovakjrwhat kind of processor is in it?
13:24.23Dougie187desktop or laptop?
13:24.50Dougie187Pentium M 2.0 ghz
13:25.04michaelnovakjri have that in my ibm
13:25.08michaelnovakjri have a t30
13:25.17Dougie187t30 is old though, isnt it?
13:25.22Dougie187like 3 years?
13:25.23michaelnovakjrout-dated :)
13:25.27Dougie187this is 3 years old.
13:25.48Dougie1871 gig of ram
13:25.49michaelnovakjrit runs windows just fine, which is all it has to do now :_
13:25.56michaelnovakjryea i put 1 gig in mine too
13:25.59Dougie187its a tablet.
13:26.02Dougie187dvd burner.
13:26.18Dougie187all that jazz
13:26.24Dougie187but i just need a better video card
13:26.28Dougie187if it had that, i would be set.
13:26.35Dougie187i dont really need the tablet anymore though
13:26.44michaelnovakjri here that
13:26.50Dougie187i used it in my undergrad a ton
13:26.52michaelnovakjrgraphics card is important
13:26.59Dougie187but now, i dont use it that much
13:27.14Dougie187all my classes have programming assignments, and i can just take notes in a composition notebook.
13:27.43Dougie187and make new friends at the same time
13:27.55Dougie187then my composition notebook is my SN and my Notes
13:28.57Dougie187either way, i want to get a thinkpad at some point.
13:29.35michaelnovakjrthinkpads are nice
13:29.45michaelnovakjri like the xps 13.3 inch laptop
13:29.50michaelnovakjri'd like to get one of those
13:29.57Dougie187i was going to get one of those.
13:29.59Dougie187like the M1330?
13:31.20Dougie187i thought it was really cool, but the keyboard feels weird, and i read some reviews saying it misses keystrokes about 1/40 of the time.
13:31.32Dougie187so it skips 1 out of 40 keys.
13:32.05Dougie187they had one at my sams club, and i couldn't get use to typing in the 30 seconds i was standing there, but thats not saying much
13:32.24*** join/#android trigatch4_ (
13:32.54Dougie187i found you get more for your money with the thinkpads too, but it all depends on what your looking for
13:32.58Dougie187you dont get the hdmi out on the thinkpad
13:34.03Dougie187but i didnt even know if the hdmi would work in linux.
13:34.28michaelnovakjrnot sure
13:34.35michaelnovakjrhaven't tried it
13:35.08Dougie187dell offers redhad and novell now.
13:35.39michaelnovakjrand ubuntu
13:35.57Dougie187yeah i knew ubuntu
13:36.00Dougie187i didnt know the other two
13:36.12Dougie187they have been supporting ubuntu for like 2 years now
13:36.26Dougie187lol, they arn't shipping with hardy though
13:36.29Dougie187its still gutsy
13:36.41michaelnovakjrthats annoying
13:36.55Dougie187one thing you might look at too
13:37.01Dougie187is price the one with windows to see if its cheaper.
13:37.17Dougie187also, you can get the nvs card with that
13:37.52michaelnovakjrwhy would the windows one be cheaper?
13:38.11Dougie187it was when they came out.
13:38.23Dougie187the m**30 series at least
13:38.26Dougie1871530 and 1330
13:38.31Dougie187i was like what? thats retarded.
13:38.37michaelnovakjryou don't have to pay for a dumb windows license
13:38.41Dougie187i know
13:38.49Dougie187but you are paying for the "dvd capabilities"
13:39.08Dougie187so someone doesnt have to do "sudo apt-get install libcss"
13:39.12Dougie187or what ever it is
13:42.41Dougie187well, i think its time for me to switch to windows and play some video games.
13:42.44*** part/#android Dougie187 (
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13:49.04trigatch4wow... you guys see the news today?
13:49.10trigatch4not android... but effects android
13:50.48Dougie187a new mobile platform?
13:50.58michaelnovakjrit costs 1500
13:50.59michaelnovakjrscrew it
13:51.14Dougie187no, thats for members to join the foundation
13:51.23Dougie187for like corporations.
13:51.28Dougie187like all the people at the bottom
13:51.51michaelnovakjri see
13:52.05michaelnovakjrit doesn't give dev specifics though
13:52.07Dougie187thats why they say low annual fee.
13:52.15Dougie187no, but look at the members.
13:52.19Dougie187a lot are in the OHA
13:52.30michaelnovakjrnot carriers
13:52.43michaelnovakjrah there's tmobile
13:52.50Dougie187the only two carriers they have afaik are ATT and Tmobile
13:52.53michaelnovakjrlogo is two light
13:53.01Dougie187they have Vodaphone too
13:53.10*** part/#android Dougie187 (
13:53.17trigatch4how insane is that?
13:53.27michaelnovakjrthey don't have anything yet
13:53.35trigatch4iPhone, Android, Limo, Symbian
13:53.37michaelnovakjrno dev resources
13:53.40trigatch4a whole bunch of "me too"
13:53.49trigatch4yeah they are a LONG way away
13:53.56trigatch4but its very interesting news
13:54.16michaelnovakjri'll believe it when i see it
13:54.25michaelnovakjrthat's early to make an announcement
13:55.44*** join/#android Dougie187 (
13:56.03michaelnovakjrcoffee time
14:00.32*** join/#android dmoffett (n=dmoffett@
14:03.20trigatch4well there is a press conference today
14:03.36trigatch4you can watch live... i'll dig up the link if you want it...
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14:06.20michaelnovakjrwho's conference?
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14:24.55spykidWho was doubting that Android comes to Germany?
14:25.11cutmastaspykid, why do you ask?
14:25.15cutmastai am from germany
14:25.19cutmastabut id never doubt
14:25.29spykidYesterday someon doubted it ;)
14:25.34michaelnovakjrno one doubted
14:25.48cutmastawhy should it not come to germany?
14:25.50michaelnovakjrjust said that it isn't certain that it will be among the first
14:26.01cutmastabut thats normal
14:26.01michaelnovakjrgoogle hasn't announced anything
14:26.07cutmastawith new technics
14:26.16michaelnovakjrfor all we know the whole world will be supported from day one
14:26.43michaelnovakjrunlikely, but there is no comment from Google on the matter
14:27.18spykidGoogle said that the partners will announce it when they are ready
14:27.36spykidNow learn german...
14:27.58michaelnovakjrGoogle's SDK is going to have the international support not carriers
14:28.11michaelnovakjrthat wouldn't make sense
14:28.13spykidT-Mobile Germany, Q4 2008
14:28.39michaelnovakjrare you programming for android
14:29.04spykidI've looked at it and will be doing more in the future
14:29.23michaelnovakjrare you a programmer?
14:29.31spykidI think so
14:30.56michaelnovakjrwhat have you written so far for android?
14:31.41spykidOnly small things, because of the sdk issue ;)
14:32.14michaelnovakjrwhat do you mean? what sdk issue?
14:32.47spykidThat they didn't release a newer one.. - but I was expecting this
14:33.00michaelnovakjrdid you enter the ADC?
14:33.23michaelnovakjrnot interested?
14:33.50spykidNo idea what to do...
14:34.07spykidNo good
14:34.29michaelnovakjroh boy, if you only knew some of the ideas that were submitted
14:34.42michaelnovakjri'm sure anything would have done fine
14:34.54michaelnovakjri'm not even maintaining mine anymore
14:35.24spykidBut you still believe in it otherwise you would be here... ;)
14:36.03spykidJust a little bit disapointed and perhaps you had too high expectations
14:36.39michaelnovakjrnot really, just want a new sdk
14:36.53michaelnovakjri like the platform
14:38.48spykidI'm amused about all this Nokia/Symbian news today: this could be a good idea or maybe a really bad one - I believe it's a bad idea for Nokia :D
14:39.44michaelnovakjrit might be good
14:40.02michaelnovakjrcan't speculate yet because they haven't released any development resources yet
14:40.34spykidIf those members stand by it yes, but if SE says: "Good bye and thanks for all the fish"
14:41.18michaelnovakjrits open source
14:41.27michaelnovakjrno need for those members
14:41.37michaelnovakjrthey don't control the fate
14:41.51michaelnovakjrthe community could develop drivers and software that would be great for the platform
14:42.18spykidNo, but Sony Ericsonn owns a part of Symbian at the moment and Nokia buys this part and afterwards...
14:42.22tethridgewhat nokia news?
14:48.25*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
14:53.17trigatch4this will compete head-on with android
14:53.52michaelnovakjrhow do we know?
14:53.59trigatch4look at the members
14:54.02michaelnovakjrthey haven't said a thing about it yet
14:54.02trigatch4and look at their "goal"
14:54.20michaelnovakjrwhat is the dev platform like? how open source is it?
14:54.36michaelnovakjrthat's like saying msn search is a real competitor to Google
14:54.41trigatch4With this in mind, industry leaders are coming together to establish Symbian Foundation, to bring to life a shared vision and to create the most proven, open and complete mobile software platform - available for free.
14:54.49trigatch4thats a quote
14:54.59michaelnovakjri believe google said the same thing
14:55.04trigatch4my point exactly
14:55.13*** join/#android AstainZZZZZZ (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
14:55.15michaelnovakjrbut google is not completely open source
14:55.35michaelnovakjri think its a bit premature
14:55.54trigatch4symbian has 40% of the freakin smartphone market
14:55.55michaelnovakjrwhen they release development specs then the picture will be clear
14:56.07trigatch4they aren't all of a sudden going to crash and burn by opening it up
14:56.18michaelnovakjryes, but what does open sourcing it mean
14:56.22michaelnovakjrlook at java
14:56.32michaelnovakjrthat is a good example of moving to open source
14:56.39michaelnovakjrits not eas
14:56.51trigatch4it sure isn't
14:57.06trigatch4but if you ask me, this is a direct response to iphone, android, etc...
14:57.13trigatch4they realize where the market is heading
14:57.29michaelnovakjriphone isn't in the same category
14:57.31trigatch4and understand if they don't adjust, and try to copy this concept, they'll be left in the dust
14:57.37michaelnovakjriphone is as closed as you can get
14:57.44michaelnovakjrwithout taking the phones away from people
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14:58.06trigatch4conceptually speaking
14:58.12trigatch4with 3rd parties able to develop for it
14:58.21michaelnovakjrhaha, they always have been able to
14:58.33michaelnovakjri wrote a mobile app like 5 years ago :)
14:58.43michaelnovakjrit wasn't the same but the idea has been there
14:59.06trigatch4shift in thinking though
14:59.34michaelnovakjrapples third party support is terrible at best
15:00.17michaelnovakjreveryone touts these great concepts and visions and yet none have materialized yet
15:00.56michaelnovakjrthe iphone could, but their paranoid senses are just overshadowing the quality
15:01.41michaelnovakjrbasically its all speculation until people get phones in their hands and we see if it takes
15:01.56michaelnovakjruntil then we should be writing the apps that are on the phones otherwise no one will care!
15:21.31spykidSo now i bugged T-Mobile Germany a little bit :D
15:25.31Dougie187what did they say?
15:25.51michaelnovakjrda, don't know
15:27.07spykidDougie187: I've bugged them only about some preorder page. in the article I mentioned before they said Q4 if you haven't read it ;)
15:28.51Dougie187wtf is magenta flag?
15:29.09spykidMagenta is the color they think they own :D
15:29.35Dougie187i dont get it.
15:30.25Dougie187does Magenta Flag insinuate Germany?
15:30.49spykidNope, go
15:31.16Dougie187where is this flag.
15:31.47spykidIn front of their buildings...
15:32.07Dougie187so Magenta Flag = Tmobile.
15:32.22spykidYes, all their shops, everything Magenta
15:32.37Dougie187I guess I think you mis-understood our discussion yesterday. But in addition to that, i dont see anything here that says it will for sure be brought to germany by the end of the year.
15:32.50michaelnovakjrall i have to say is wow
15:32.57Dougie187i mean all it says is this "T-Mobile Germany explained to us now, however, that the market launch of the first Android phones under magenta flag as planned for the fourth quarter of 2008. "
15:33.21Dougie187It just says Tmobile will be releasing an android phone Q4 08, not where it will be.
15:33.45Dougie187thats kinda what we were trying to say yesterday.
15:33.53Dougie187we dont know where they are releasing these things.
15:34.00spykidT-Mobile Germany doesn't speak for T-Mobile USA
15:34.13Dougie187but Magenta Flag doesnt imply tmobile germany.
15:34.29spykidYes but they asked T-Mobile germany
15:35.01Dougie187Also remember, we weren't doubting that they would release a phone in germany.
15:35.28Dougie187first, the discussion was with anno^da telling them that it might not be as easy to get an android phone as they thought it was.
15:35.28spykidYou were doubting Q4 and Germany
15:35.31michaelnovakjrt-mobile released iphone only in germany not in america
15:35.33Dougie187No we werent.
15:35.38michaelnovakjrdon't forget that :)
15:36.09Dougie187spykid: we were simply saying, there is a rather large lack of knowledge on our part (and yours) and its hard to speculate anything at this point, since all of our speculations have been wrong up to here.
15:36.13spykidYep and T-Mobile USA and T-Mobile Germany now said Q4
15:36.26michaelnovakjrdo you have a link to both?
15:36.42Dougie187I have just heard T-Mobile said Q4.
15:36.51Dougie187not in what countries it would be dropped.
15:37.13Dougie187hell, i dont even know if it will be in the US.
15:37.16Dougie187maybe the US launch of android won't be until 2010.
15:37.34Dougie187we dont know anything, its not like we are trying to squash your dreams of getting an android phone.
15:37.54Dougie187we are just trying to bring a bit of realism to the conversation.
15:38.02Dougie187especially with everything google has done to us so far.
15:38.10michaelnovakjrwe learned to be realistic here the hard way
15:38.33spykidWhen T-Mobile Germany says Q4 it will be out Q4 in Germany...
15:38.37trigatch4Android will launch in America first, I would assume
15:38.40Dougie187in situations regarding android, its probably best to be overly pessimistic, and then be suprised then it is to be overly optimistic.
15:38.52Dougie187trigatch4: but we dont know, thats all we are saying.
15:39.02trigatch4that is true
15:39.09Dougie187spykid: how does tmobile even know android will be released by Q4?
15:39.15Dougie187google might delay it more.
15:39.37Dougie187Its not out yet, ADC1 is still going, the SDK still requires an NDA.
15:39.46trigatch4dougie187: to "delay it more" they would have had to "delay it some" already, which they haven't ;)
15:39.57Dougie187depends what site you read.
15:40.08Dougie187but they have pushed back dates already.
15:40.13Dougie187ADC1 dates first off.
15:40.24trigatch4android hasnt pushed back any dates as far as the release of the OS
15:40.34trigatch4what carriers DO with the OS is a completely different story
15:40.38Dougie187they pushed back the original submission dates, and the submission dates for round 2 submission
15:40.57michaelnovakjrthe carriers are obviously going to brand the OS and put their own shitty software on the phone
15:41.03michaelnovakjrso they need time to do that
15:41.05Dougie187and they say that android won't be out until the ADC1 is over.
15:41.18trigatch4ADC1 is over by August
15:41.18Dougie187michaelnovakjr: and try to lock it down.
15:41.30Dougie187but then ADC2 has to start when they get handsets out.
15:41.34Dougie187and we dont know when that is.
15:41.47Dougie187google is floating past august.
15:42.09Dougie187the only point we were trying to make yesterday was that we dont know anything.
15:42.24trigatch4i agree that you don't know anything
15:42.27trigatch4hehe :)
15:42.30michaelnovakjri really hate speculating
15:42.42Dougie187thats what round 1 was..
15:42.46trigatch4that should be the new channel subject
15:42.54trigatch4Dougie187>the only point we were trying to make yesterday was that we dont know anything.
15:43.03trigatch4taken out of context, that is a beauty
15:43.58Dougie187lol, i guess spykid gave up.
15:44.02spykidDougie187: T-Mobile is an OHA member, why should they know when they can/will release someting?
15:44.27Dougie187spykid: we dont even have a solid date for when android is coming out.
15:44.34Dougie187we know android is comign out 2nd half of 08
15:44.42Dougie187maybe that is going to end up being November 30th
15:44.46michaelnovakjrwhy does it matter
15:44.49spykidDougie187: why should you have one before the OHA members?
15:44.53michaelnovakjrmy god this is getting annoying
15:45.03Dougie187i dont get your question.
15:45.33Dougie187good morning jasta
15:45.44Dougie187welcome to speculation, round 342
15:46.11michaelnovakjryea, my god it doesn't stop
15:46.39Dougie187i dont feel like arguing anymore. ok spykid, germany will have an android phone by december.
15:47.55Dougie187hows work going michaelnovakjr?
15:48.11michaelnovakjrnot bad
15:48.19Dougie187glad to hear it.
15:48.25michaelnovakjractually germany will have one next wee
15:48.32michaelnovakjrbut enough of that ;)
15:48.49michaelnovakjrDougie187 how's video games going?
15:49.18Dougie187pretty good.
15:49.23Dougie187i owned some kids at dota earlier.
15:49.34Dougie187got lanaya going.
15:49.39Dougie187i was hitting for over 700 damage.
15:49.41Dougie187it was sweet
15:50.07Dougie187jasta: you playing tonight?
15:50.27michaelnovakjrjasta is gearing up for the german release :)
15:50.27jastayeah, probably
15:51.27Dougie187you play any awesome games yet michaelnovakjr?
15:51.48michaelnovakjri was playing euro2008
15:51.57Dougie187wtf is that?
15:53.07michaelnovakjrits a soccer game
15:53.20michaelnovakjrcentered around the european cup
15:53.37michaelnovakjri forgive you that you don't know what it is
15:53.45michaelnovakjryou're american... its not expected :)
15:56.22Dougie187you play any pc games?
15:56.46Dougie187theres like 20 out.
15:56.58Dougie187ohh you like the old school
15:57.06Dougie187good ol orignal
15:57.07michaelnovakjrby the way.... jsp and tomcat can go jump off a damn bridge
15:57.31Dougie187ill let them know later today when i hang out with them
15:58.14*** join/#android romainguy (n=gfx@
15:58.27Dougie187good morning mr. romainguy.
15:58.44Dougie187how are you doing?
15:58.44infobotDougie187: peachy
15:58.54michaelnovakjrgo to hell infobot
15:59.40Dougie187you got a lot of new stuff on your plate romainguy?
15:59.49romainguyalways :))
16:00.13romainguyand this morning I just thought about a tool I'd like to write
16:00.23Dougie187oh yeah?
16:00.23michaelnovakjra new tool :)
16:00.26Dougie187do share.
16:00.36romainguyif/when it's writtent :)
16:00.50romainguyhopefully in the next SDK :p
16:01.06Dougie187sad panda.
16:01.20Dougie187how come dan and jason don't come around much anymore?
16:01.32romainguythey weren't in the office for the past few weeks
16:01.33michaelnovakjrthey don't want to hear all this speculation bs
16:01.48Dougie187they dont like talking to us?>
16:01.56romainguythey were busy
16:02.03Dougie187so we smell bad?
16:02.21Dougie187it must be bad if they can smell it over irc.
16:02.24Dougie187either way.
16:02.24romainguyand michaelnovakjr might have a point ;-))
16:03.08Dougie187lol i wonder if jason ever came up with that announcement.
16:03.09Dougie187i doubt it.
16:03.10Dougie187either way.
16:03.34Dougie187what do you do for fun romainguy?
16:03.45romainguyI like to take photos
16:03.57Dougie187what do you take photos of?
16:04.04michaelnovakjruh Dougie187
16:04.13michaelnovakjrbackgrounds for Android homescreen :)
16:04.20romainguyfor instance :)
16:05.04Dougie187do you have an android phone yet?
16:05.22michaelnovakjrno he is testing on an iPhone
16:05.31romainguyI have a few development phones yes
16:05.39Dougie187do you carry one around with you?
16:05.48Dougie187and show it off in the bars to get the ladies?
16:06.41Dougie187your like "Hey Sweetie, Wanna see my new phone?"
16:07.09Dougie187you would have to think of a better pick up line.
16:07.10Dougie187but still.
16:07.11michaelnovakjryou're weird :)
16:07.12Dougie187you get the idea.
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16:07.36Dougie187michaelnovakjr: Im trying to lighten the mood!
16:08.11Dougie187we have speculation, mixed with android phone bar pickup lines.
16:08.27Dougie187what would you rather talk about?
16:09.37Dougie187what kinda food do you like romainguy__?
16:09.46romainguy__the French kind
16:09.56Dougie187such as?
16:10.01Dougie187French Toast?
16:10.04Dougie187and French Fries?
16:10.10michaelnovakjrFrench Fries
16:10.18michaelnovakjreclairs are french right?
16:10.26Dougie187and Escargot
16:10.32Dougie187but that stuff is nasty.
16:11.27Dougie187are there any more food types that we have that start with French?
16:11.31Dougie187those are all i can think of.
16:13.29jastafrench cuisine is quite sophisticated.
16:13.57michaelnovakjri'm irish, don't know much about cuisine
16:14.01michaelnovakjri like potatoes
16:14.36Zba_PhyDougie187: français ?
16:15.19Dougie187potatoes are good.
16:15.30Dougie187Mash em' boil em' stick em' in a stew.
16:15.48Dougie18710 points to who ever gets that quote.
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16:16.10Dougie187maybe dan will
16:16.26Dougie187with his refreshed mind, after his nice vacation.
16:16.34morrildlI need to just not come here anymore
16:16.42morrildlYou'd figure I'd learn
16:16.46michaelnovakjrwe are actually talking about food
16:16.47morrildlbut I just keep. coming. back.
16:16.49Dougie187hey dan, what is this quote from?
16:16.50Dougie187(12:15:29 PM) Dougie187: Mash em' boil em' stick em' in a stew.
16:17.03romainguy__morrildl: they've been waiting for you for a long time :))
16:17.27morrildlDougie187: I am without clue.  I am a clue-free zone.
16:17.35morrildl(bonus points if anyone gets where THAT quote is from.)
16:17.38Dougie187seriously? a room full of nerds, and noone gets it?
16:18.16Dougie187this is disappointing.
16:18.43Dougie187what kinda food do you like morrildl?
16:19.04morrildlDougie187: the edible kind
16:19.08Dougie187we are cooking you guys a dinner, to entice a new sdk release.
16:19.20Dougie187but, the downside, is you have to travel to different parts of the US to get it.
16:19.26michaelnovakjrcan we make the topic, "the only thing we were trying to say yesterday is that we don't know anything"
16:19.35michaelnovakjrnot in NYC :)
16:19.47michaelnovakjrNYC has all different types of food from everywhere
16:19.56michaelnovakjrand i mean everywhere
16:19.57Dougie187but hes no in NYC is he?
16:20.09Dougie187and i mean not.
16:20.27Dougie187(btw, my quote is from Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring)
16:20.37michaelnovakjrah that is where its form
16:20.54Dougie187good Ol' Homo Sam says it
16:21.28Dougie187morrildl: what do you want for dinner?
16:21.41morrildlDougie187: I just had a breakfast burrito & a Naked juice
16:21.46morrildlIt's too early to think about dinner
16:21.51Dougie187i can make a mean lemon chicken.
16:22.00morrildlSo can I.
16:22.03morrildlI am unswerved.
16:22.09Dougie187mine is meaner.
16:22.12michaelnovakjri make a mean Tripe
16:22.15morrildlbelieves it.
16:22.16Dougie187it will destroy your intenstines.
16:22.36michaelnovakjrwhat my tripe?
16:22.38morrildlI make lemonade syrup that we point into sparkling water to make sparkling lemonade.
16:22.39Dougie187how about boxed mac and cheese?
16:22.47morrildlTripe *is* destroyed intestines, I thought
16:23.04michaelnovakjrmade the italian way, it is soooo good
16:23.13Dougie187are there potatoes?
16:23.30michaelnovakjryou can have it with pototoes
16:23.36Dougie187what kind?
16:23.44michaelnovakjrbut if you haven't had tripe you should really try it
16:23.56Dougie187boiled potatoes?
16:24.05Dougie187do you put cheese on them?
16:24.19michaelnovakjryou can
16:24.29michaelnovakjri put the tripe juice, when i have tripe :)
16:24.46Dougie187i am a fan of cheese
16:25.34Dougie187sometimes at the grocery store, i will stage a fight before the cheese and the meats, just so i can make the cheese win and cheer for them. Then i give them a Toilet paper trophy.
16:25.49Dougie187then security comes.
16:26.09michaelnovakjrwas this before or after you lost your mind?
16:26.16Dougie187right in the middle.
16:27.07Dougie187how come noone ever asks "Was that before or after you got your mind back?"
16:27.17Dougie187or rather "Found your mind"
16:28.08Dougie187well i think we have throughly vanquished the conversation of food.
16:28.19Dougie187now what shall we talk about?
16:28.47michaelnovakjrhow about music?
16:29.03Dougie187that always starts fights.
16:29.37Dougie187food doesnt, because people arn't too partial to their food. For instance, romainguy__ wouldn't kill me if I said "French food is garbage!"
16:29.48Dougie187but he might if I told him his favorite band was garbage.
16:30.08romainguy__no I don't care either way
16:30.22michaelnovakjrwhat's wrong with garbage?
16:30.34Dougie187their lead singer...
16:30.36Dougie187i mean comon..
16:31.05Dougie187well.. i guess they do have that "Cherry Lips" song, and thats rather catchy.
16:31.33michaelnovakjrits all about minus the bear!
16:31.37michaelnovakjrits good stuff
16:31.46Dougie187im still a SP fan
16:32.08Dougie187Smashing Pumpkins + Pink Floyd + Led Zeppelin
16:32.16Dougie187and in the corner i would whisper Journey and Boston
16:32.19Dougie187but not in public
16:32.52Dougie187Good ol' steve perry.
16:33.05trigatch4you guys wanna see a musical genius who has GREAT music for listening to while you work?
16:33.19Dougie187do tell.
16:33.27trigatch4dude is off the hook
16:33.27Dougie187so basically.
16:33.32Dougie187i shouldn't click that if im at work?
16:33.36trigatch4no, its fine
16:33.39trigatch4swear on the holy bible
16:33.40Dougie187its nsfw?
16:33.43trigatch4its safe
16:33.50trigatch4its a guy playing piano/keyboard
16:34.22trigatch4i bought the CD
16:34.24trigatch4its sick
16:34.33trigatch4listen to "disorganized fun"... its insanely good
16:34.53trigatch4i know... he seems like a real douche and a huge nerd... but the guy is a freakin maestro
16:35.01Dougie187he looks like someone i would punch in the face.
16:35.04trigatch4no man
16:35.09trigatch4he is mad chill
16:35.14jastalol, you swear on the holy bible?
16:35.29jastawhat portion of this channel, do you think, cares about that particular swear? :)
16:35.51trigatch4well... does it matter if YOU care about the bible or if I do if I am swearing on it
16:36.04Dougie187well if you and i both dont.
16:36.08Dougie187then your swear is garbage.
16:36.19Dougie187you could be swearing on the gum on the bottom of your shoe.
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16:36.34trigatch4you would swear on a Journey album
16:36.40Dougie187no i wouldnt.
16:36.45Dougie187(ps. yes i would)
16:36.47trigatch4you know how i know your'e gay? because you know what other gay people like.
16:37.00trigatch4i love that scene (40 year old virgin)
16:37.03Dougie187you know how i know you're gay?
16:37.15Dougie187you like to have sex with men.
16:37.20trigatch4you know how I know you're gay? you play second life.
16:37.55trigatch4well seriously, Ronald Jenkees is amazing
16:38.00trigatch4watch this one instead...
16:38.01Dougie187it was decent.
16:38.44trigatch4about 45 seconds in it breaks down NASTY
16:38.46Dougie187i just watched that one.
16:38.51trigatch425 seconds actually
16:39.03trigatch4tell me thats not some "in the zone" type work music
16:39.05Dougie187lol, he plays it similar to my cat.
16:39.10Dougie187as she walks across the piano
16:39.19trigatch4oh hush
16:39.27trigatch4you are musically impotent
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16:40.07jastai swear on the bible he's not
16:40.08Dougie187i said it was decent.
16:40.24Dougie187i also enjoy the FF7 soundtrack.
16:40.26trigatch4jasta: i am going to drop the torah on your foot if you keep it up
16:41.08trigatch4so you think 99.9999995 of all "programmer" types are atheist?
16:41.11jastai just thought that expression was cute :)
16:41.13trigatch4% sorry
16:41.32jastatrigatch4: i dunno, i haven't ever surveyed the religious beliefs of my peers.
16:41.54Dougie187trigatch4: they can be a lot of stuff and not give a crap about the bible.
16:41.59jastabut, since we're more easily bated into an argument over which editor to use, i'm guessing many think similarly to me.
16:41.59Dougie187atheist isnt the only option
16:42.42jastabut i didnt mean any social commentary by it.
16:42.45trigatch4or non-christian... but there seems to be more hatred for catholics than for christians in general
16:42.48jastai just thought it was cute that you said it :)  hehe
16:42.56jastayou swear on the bible.  i haven't heard that since i was 8.
16:43.00trigatch4cute... not the look i'm going for but i'll take it!
16:43.04Dougie187you know how i know your gay?
16:43.46trigatch4you know how I know you're gay? you're a catholic priest.
16:44.09Dougie187yeah but your cute.
16:44.14Dougie187and cute can never be good.
16:44.43trigatch4cute is never good when you're in the company of catholic priests
16:44.55Dougie187... or ever....
16:45.28trigatch4yeah right...
16:45.38trigatch4if a playboy bunny called you "cute" would you object?
16:45.49trigatch4no... you would erect
16:45.59trigatch4so cute can be good
16:46.23trigatch4hey jasta: most opinionated soul on the earth. what do you thinkn of the symbian announcement
16:46.24Dougie187i would object.
16:46.30trigatch4you would object?
16:46.40trigatch4you know how i know  you're gay?
16:46.42Dougie187i would be like I beg to differ.
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17:21.44jastatrigatch4: just because i have strong opinions about Android doesn't mean i am strongly opinionated.  i don't know of, or care about, the Symbian announcement :)
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17:24.47muthuCC coverage - cool!
17:25.57Dougie187lol i like how you say "I dont know of the Symbian Announcement" but you are talking about it.
17:26.10michaelnovakjrwhat do you know! the only android apps still in development
17:26.21jastaDougie187: i dont have any idea what i'm referring to, though :)
17:26.29jastahe just said "the symbian announcement", so i parrotted :)
17:26.41muthujasta: check out that wired article
17:26.52michaelnovakjrjasta, symbian is going open source
17:27.13muthuDougie187: michaelnovakjr: you too.. check it out
17:27.29michaelnovakjri did, there's not much there
17:27.45jastayeah, i'm getting sick of reading the same old crap i already know ;)
17:27.59michaelnovakjryea, the slogan same shit different day fits in well
17:28.36michaelnovakjrcoverage of the four apps allowed to still development for an open source platform
17:28.50michaelnovakjrcoverage of four apps*
17:29.09trigatch4phandroid gets mentioned in that article ;)
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17:29.28michaelnovakjrwow, they are reaching for coverage huh? :)
17:30.07muthutrigatch4: which page? will become available for projects when they actually release another sdk
17:30.19michaelnovakjrotherwise what's the point
17:31.23trigatch4muthu: page 4...
17:31.27trigatch4"The virus was spreading. At an event the next day in Israel, the local Google office had to switch locations to handle the overflow crowd. In London, registration for the developer's conference filled up in two hours. Fanboys were putting up sites for the platform: AndroidGuys, Phandroid, Planet Android."
17:31.35f00f-reading article now
17:31.36muthuwow, cool
17:31.52jastai didnt realize this article was as long as it is
17:32.01trigatch4yeah, its a good read actually
17:32.04michaelnovakjrhaha you got called a fanboy!
17:32.12trigatch4i sure did
17:32.16trigatch4the robot made me his bitch
17:32.19jastai wonder if they actually bothered to look into the SDK issue :)
17:32.31michaelnovakjrhaha of course not :)
17:32.50michaelnovakjrdont be silly now jasta :)
17:32.53trigatch4there are only 1788 people who care about that, jasta
17:32.59trigatch4(or 1788 groups of people)
17:33.03michaelnovakjruh less than that
17:33.24michaelnovakjrtry again
17:33.39michaelnovakjrlike 100
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17:33.50michaelnovakjrthat is my gues
17:34.16trigatch4i feel like Billy Madison... when Veronica Vaughn is questioning him in the tent.... "Spanish Armada"
17:34.23trigatch41817..... "no"
17:34.29trigatch41863.... "no"
17:34.36trigatch4haha i love that part
17:35.04trigatch4i think a lot more than 100 people SHOULD care... but you're probably right
17:35.18michaelnovakjrothers will care when we can download a new sdk
17:35.23jastathe libsyncml developers are so annoying ;)
17:35.35michaelnovakjr:) don't like your modifications?
17:35.44jastano, they're friendly and everything
17:35.54jastait's just frustrating to work with them.  they don't respond to anything in a very timely manner
17:36.00jastaand none of them like IRC, so i can't get a real time dialog going
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17:36.17michaelnovakjrhm, must be the end of the universe kind of nerds
17:36.23jastait feels like we're hand-writing letters to each other
17:36.25michaelnovakjrno public contact sort of thing :)
17:37.02michaelnovakjrchange your nick to yodaisyourfriend and then go back into the irc room
17:37.24f00f-good article to share with the team
17:37.37michaelnovakjrf00f- what team? the a team?
17:37.52f00f-ya bro
17:40.06michaelnovakjrmuthu looks like he stalked wired for this
17:40.18michaelnovakjrits got your sappy spin all over it :)
17:40.23f00f-not surprised
17:40.36muthui didn't even meet dan in IO
17:40.40muthunot sure if you folks did
17:40.46f00f-yeah you did
17:40.46michaelnovakjri did
17:40.54f00f-we all met him
17:41.18muthuhe might have read my stories though ;)
17:41.41michaelnovakjrin all 7 pages they don't even bring up the fact the sdk is an elder now and there's no new version available
17:42.15f00f-cause that's immaterial at this point
17:42.27michaelnovakjrhow so?
17:42.33f00f-it's available for select few
17:42.35michaelnovakjrwithout a new sdk how can we develop
17:42.38f00f-that's all that matters at this point
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17:42.58muthuIn Chennai, India, attendees at a Nokia developer conference compared notes on Android's coding kit during the presentations.
17:43.03michaelnovakjrif phones come out in december than that means we have less than 6 months of dev time
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17:43.30muthuif only there's a forum to support a public sdk, i'll gladly sign it
17:43.33f00f-they have 50+ apps ready to go
17:43.36michaelnovakjri'd say that isn't fair
17:43.44f00f-michaelnovakjr: right, life is not fair.
17:43.54f00f-but it's enitrely their decision.
17:43.59michaelnovakjrwell we are talking about an open source project
17:44.05f00f-don't bite the hand that feeds you.
17:44.05michaelnovakjri agree its their decision
17:44.19michaelnovakjrbut don't call yourself open if you make people sign an SDK
17:44.43f00f-Closed Handset Alliance
17:44.58jastadan once commented in here that he wondered if it would be better to not have hyped the "open" part until it became true.
17:44.59michaelnovakjrif they called it that it wouldn't be a problem
17:45.02jastai agreed.
17:45.31michaelnovakjrand maybe should have taught branching too
17:45.45jastaor at least, being clear about when and what would be open.  it took many months for them to first announce that code would come with handset launch.  then more months to announce what exactly was going to be open.
17:46.19f00f-yeah they shouldnt have
17:46.21michaelnovakjrto be honest, i wouldn't get a phone with those 50 apps available
17:46.26michaelnovakjri want to see more options
17:46.26jastathe upsetting problem here was that THEY knew (and know) what their schedule is, they just don't like sharing it.
17:46.30michaelnovakjrat release time
17:46.38f00f-but you people need to stop beating this topic to death
17:47.01michaelnovakjrits an issue when you have to halt your development
17:47.16jastait just makes no sense why they could not have been up front about it.  they make it seem like it's no big deal to wait for the source and all that, and defend it as an entirely rational rollout process.
17:47.27jastaand yet, they didn't feel it was appropriate to mention?
17:47.44michaelnovakjrforget the source for a moment, all we need is an updated SDK
17:47.47jastait wasn't part of any of the initial discussion on android, that makes no sense.
17:47.51michaelnovakjrthey won't even give that
17:48.00jastamichaelnovakjr: right, but i am just speaking generally.
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17:48.07jastagenerally, their strategy of secrecy makes no sense ;)
17:48.19michaelnovakjryes i agree, it is quite strange
17:48.20muthuthere wasn't a plan
17:48.32jastamuthu: if true, then how pathetic.
17:48.45michaelnovakjrthat is project management 101
17:49.09michaelnovakjrwhat is included, when it will be out, how will it be available....
17:49.25muthubut am sure, a public sdk will be out soon
17:49.27michaelnovakjrobviously the process isn't perfect, but starting out with a plan is really the only way to go
17:50.07jastayeah, no kidding.  if they truly had no approximate guess when the source was going to come, what would be available, etc, then they had no business launching or announcing the project at all.
17:50.29michaelnovakjrthey should have kept it under wraps for a bit longer
17:50.36michaelnovakjrthey weren't getting industry pressure
17:50.56jastaagain, i'm speaking generically about their strategy.  the source of course is not our current pressing issue, but it just says something about their bizarre public relations approach here.
17:51.41muthu"I hope it's Android," Page says. But either way, Google wins.
17:51.46jastalike, why leave doubt for months?  if you are confident that your decision to release source only when handsets launch (or whenever), why not just say so?
17:51.48muthuI hopt its Android too
17:52.29jastai mean, confident that your decision is rational*
17:52.30michaelnovakjri am curious about this symbian going open source
17:52.48michaelnovakjri hope it doesn't end up like java
17:52.50jastaanyway, this all returns to my one central conclusion i have drawn.
17:53.09michaelnovakjrshit or get off the pot?
17:53.10jastathat Android has been woefully mismanaged.  no sinister evil, just incompetent management.
17:53.30jastagreat engineers, working with a braindead marketing team :)
17:54.02jastaas evidenced, i think, by the "news" we all saw a couple of days ago
17:54.05muthuunderstandable, since this was their first major effort
17:54.14jastaevery major publication picking up "ANDROID DELAYED!" is generally a sign of braindead marketing :)
17:54.15spykidjasta: Basically you forget that the OHA has 33 more members which might have something to say
17:54.16michaelnovakjrthis is google muthu
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17:54.27muthumichaelnovakjr: everyone makes mistakes
17:54.52michaelnovakjrunderstood, but come on... every news outlet reporting delays of the original date?
17:54.53f00f-nice, glad to see symbian being opened up
17:54.53jastaspykid: That doesn't mean the process changes any.  Before you announce a product, you'd better have arrived at a decision on how it will be managed.
17:54.56f00f-that wad of shit needs rewriting
17:55.04jastaspykid: If you haven't, again, you had no business announcing it yet.
17:55.10jastaIt just makes you look like a dopey, incompetent fool.
17:56.21spykidjasta: In the end it's all about contracts and lawyers
17:56.32jastaspykid: In the end, as I said, it's all about mismanagement.
17:57.07michaelnovakjrjust wait, there will be a true open source mobile platform that will destroy android
17:57.21jastai doubt that very much ;)
17:57.37spykidjasta: So it's just normal
17:57.51jastaspykid: Well sure, incompetent management is common.  But that doesn't excuse it.
17:57.58michaelnovakjrjasta, why would you doubt that?
17:58.22jastamichaelnovakjr: Just because Android has all the right stuff to get traction in the mobile industry, and no other truly open initiative does.
17:58.47jastaFor example, LiMo is open only under one uncommon interpretation of the word :)
17:59.11michaelnovakjrjasta, but there could be a project out there no one is aware of yet
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17:59.28jastaSure, but I doubt it.  Again, getting traction in the mobile industry is really hard.
17:59.33jastaAnd Google has the right stuff to do it.
17:59.37muthusymbian opening up is great
17:59.59spykidmuthu: But it won't help
18:00.01jastabtw, for anyone interested in my honest opinion, I do think Android will be a huge hit.
18:00.21f00f-yeah right
18:00.23jastaI just think it's being fumbled right now.  A lot.
18:00.52jastaThat doesn't mean they'll lose the game, though.
18:00.57jastaTo continue my lame metaphor :)
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18:02.25michaelnovakjri don't think android will fail
18:02.42michaelnovakjri just have a gut feeling a true open source platform will make itself available
18:03.07jastalike OpenMoko?
18:03.17jastaor the Ubuntu Mobile thing?
18:04.37michaelnovakjrthe Ubuntu mobile is for small laptops not phones i thought?
18:08.56michaelnovakjrthat is interesting, open source and how sun just doesn't handle it well
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18:16.57f00f-java is going open source fyi
18:17.18michaelnovakjryes, and its not going easy :)
18:17.41michaelnovakjrmoving to open source is not easy
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18:20.50f00f-just read
18:20.56f00f-they're rewriting the sound
18:21.01f00f-then they'll open source it before the end of the year
18:26.48romainguythe JDK contains (contained) several libraries that Sun licensed
18:26.56romainguythe rasterizer for instance
18:27.10romainguyand some parts of the sound system
18:28.27michaelnovakjri'm not saying the won't open source it
18:28.39michaelnovakjrit just shows how hard it is to go to open source
18:29.11romainguythey didn't have that much issues with
18:29.37romainguy(they just open sourced it without the licensed parts, like the grammar corrector)
18:32.03tethridgeromainguy, openoffice had the benefit of not being a library that other apps depend on
18:32.29tethridgeI imagine that they would have issues with adoption if they left out the sound parts that are closed source
18:33.38romainguyI agree
18:33.49romainguyI'm just saying that going Open Source is not necessarily very difficult
18:33.53romainguyit just depends on what you open source
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18:40.24jastahey romain
18:40.53jastajust saying hello
18:40.58romainguyoh, hi :)
18:43.06jastaromainguy: do you know anything about the method tracing limits?
18:43.15jastai was tinkering with something yesterday and ran into this again...
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18:43.26romainguynope but I never hit that limit myself
18:43.37jastait seems to be hit at 57s.
18:43.47jastabut i can't tell where the limit is coming from
18:44.09jastai'm writing to /tmp, which is not full after it stops collecting data, and the trace file isn't even very large at that point.
18:44.36jasta57000msec seems like it would be an arbitrary place to stop otherwise.
18:45.26romainguymaybe it's a RAM issue?
18:45.49jastaperhaps, i hadn't looked at that.
18:46.12jastabut my initial thought is that with a file only 7MB on disk, there must not be that much buffering...
18:46.16jastaosmething might be leaking, though.
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19:06.03jastamichaelnovakjr: have you heard of the airborne toxic event?
19:06.17jastayou should check 'em out :)
19:06.33jastathey're gonna be in NY at the end of July, with what i believe is their first tour :)
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19:07.18jastatheir first CD is coming out in August, exciting stuff :)
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19:15.28jastahey phil
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20:23.12muthuAndroid international developer day - is it coming to India?
20:23.26muthumorrildl: did it happen in India?
20:24.28muthuGoogle alert for GPhone is all coming in with news about 'delays'..
20:24.54muthuhaha, how the blogosphere can sometimes really get going
20:26.25jastai think this news lit up so quickly because a lot of people are rooting for android to fail
20:26.29jastabad news is going to carry far :)
20:27.35muthumay be
20:27.47muthupeople seem to like bad news better
20:28.04muthuwhat's up jasta?
20:28.39jastanot too much, just beating my head against libsyncml again today
20:29.34muthuwhat's your plan for ADC 2?
20:29.47jastano plan
20:30.05muthui know you should have something up
20:30.38jastai have no plan, not that i won't submit for it.
20:30.53jastaright now, i can't really develop a plan for anything, since i know not when anything will happen
20:31.07muthudevice out late this year
20:31.11jastai don't know that
20:31.15muthuthat means android open sourced early next year
20:31.19muthuthen adc2 starts
20:31.22jastai'm not assuming squat :)
20:31.52muthuadc2 on real devices should be really exciting
20:32.36jastai doubt very much that you'll be eligible, though.
20:32.52muthuadc2 is completely different from adc1
20:33.02jastaat least not eligible with the same app of course, that would make no sense.
20:33.20muthumay be
20:33.52jastaalthough i won't hold my breath.  google is a miserably stupid company, apparently ;)
20:34.03muthunot really
20:34.07jasta*cough* Weather Channel is a partner of Sprint *cough*
20:34.29muthuandroid is their first major initiative with the community
20:34.30muthuso lessons learned will do good in future
20:34.51muthui know what i'm doing for adc 2 ;)
20:35.15muthubut this year its all CC
20:35.26muthuand its going great!
20:36.48jastayou know, summer of code folks were not eligigle, muthu.
20:36.54f00f-i agree with jasta
20:36.57f00f-we won't be eligible
20:37.05muthuf00f-: i don't think so
20:37.18f00f-i actually hope the winners of round 2 won't be eligible
20:37.18jastai really doubt that anyone who has already had a relationship with google on this level will be eligible.  it defeats the fair spirit of competition.
20:37.43f00f-they're giving out money for a rason
20:37.46muthui agree if its the same app
20:37.59muthuthe winning apps will be not eligible, of course
20:38.05f00f-jasta: that's the great thing about entering as a company ;)
20:38.08jastawith a different app maybe, but their legal dept might just nix the whole idea.
20:38.09f00f-just form a new company and submit
20:38.33muthuthat's why they would just eliminate winning apps
20:38.38muthuanything else must be fair game
20:38.56jastaf00f-: yeah, but if they specifically stipulate that no prior winners are eligible, and you are still the benefactor of both winnings, then the IRS will have a real problem with you ;)
20:39.07f00f-well hopefully the successful apps will have good deals going by that time, so they won't have time to deal with the little prize monies from ADC II
20:39.14jastanot that you're likely to get caught, but messing with the IRS is unwise business ;)
20:39.18f00f-jasta: hehehehe yes ;P
20:39.40jastaone of the few types of financial crimes in the US that will land you in jail for a long time
20:39.55f00f-white collar ftw
20:40.04f00f-are you planning to enter ADC II jasta?
20:40.08jastameh, probably
20:40.19f00f-with same app idea?
20:40.23jastai'm still working on my app, of course.
20:40.30jastathough i have been focusing on other areas
20:40.41muthujasta: what's the problem with IRS?
20:40.49jastaand so if it happens that the ADC2 is convenient for me, sure.
20:40.51jastathe ADC1 was.
20:40.55f00f-muthu: watch the simpsons episode
20:41.04muthusimpsons to the rescue
20:41.15jastamuthu: you mean lying to them about dubious earning sources?
20:41.22muthuwhy would you lie?
20:41.43muthuonly the winning apps will not be eligible
20:41.47jastaif google stipulates in the rules that you may not participate if you have won, but you formed some new company to which you were the benefactor
20:41.57jastathat would be a blatant violation, and the IRS would have a really big problem with that.
20:41.59michaelnovakjrmuthu, adc1 winners won't be eligible
20:42.10muthuadc1 winning apps will not be eligible
20:42.13muthuthat's the right wording
20:42.21michaelnovakjri don't think that is how it will work
20:42.30jastamuthu: honestly, i'm not in the mood for your assertions today.
20:42.42muthujasta: come on, you can't back off ;)
20:43.08muthuget some irish cofee to get back into the mood
20:43.43f00f-assert(jasta == muthu);
20:43.56jastayou know how i feel about pseudomathematical gibberish
20:44.15muthuassert muthu > jasta;
20:44.54michaelnovakjri just can't see why muthu would think adc winners would be eligible
20:45.01michaelnovakjrwhat would be the point?
20:45.14muthumichaelnovakjr: what you mean?
20:45.19jastaoops, shit.  i'm late for an appointment
20:45.28muthui can see your point on the winning apps
20:45.35michaelnovakjrno on the winners
20:45.35muthujasta: where you going?
20:46.24michaelnovakjrwinners won't be included in adc2, i'd be shocked if it did
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20:48.21muthuwinning apps will not be included
20:48.28muthuthat's the right thing to do
20:48.46michaelnovakjrmuthu not including winners is the right thing to do
20:49.34michaelnovakjrwhat would the challenge gain from that?
20:49.34muthuwhy would you be penalised for winning something?
20:49.45michaelnovakjryou wouldn't, you already won
20:49.57muthuthat's challenge 1
20:50.04muthucompletely unrelated to challenge 2
20:50.11f00f-you're saying the samething
20:50.12f00f-15:48  muthu winning apps will not be included
20:50.12f00f-15:48  muthu that's the right thing to do
20:50.13f00f-15:48  michaelnovakjr muthu not including winners is the right thing to do
20:50.19f00f-there is no argument there
20:50.44muthufinal muthu says ();
20:50.55michaelnovakjrthose aren't the same
20:51.08f00f-close enough
20:51.09michaelnovakjrif you are comparing what i say to what he says
20:51.26muthuf00f-: what you saying?
20:51.30f00f-winning app is made by a set of winning people
20:51.44michaelnovakjrand those winning people should not be included
20:51.48f00f-thus it's the question of winning people
20:52.09f00f-where people is a set of persons
20:52.18f00f-and a person can be any legal entity, natural person, company, etc.
20:52.41michaelnovakjrthe entity responsible for the winning application
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20:52.43f00f-it becomes difficult to enforce that
20:52.51michaelnovakjrthe entity that receives the prize
20:52.54f00f-sure the same company can't resubmit
20:53.00f00f-what if they form a new company and submit a new app
20:53.05f00f-what then?
20:53.13f00f-they have no recourse
20:53.25michaelnovakjryou'd have to file with the gov't at that point
20:53.27TFGBDIs it possible to run Android on a kernel other than linux?
20:53.37TFGBDSuch as Windows CE or QNX or something?
20:53.38f00f-michaelnovakjr: filing with the government? done.
20:53.56michaelnovakjrwho's your top 3 people?
20:54.01michaelnovakjrsame as the other company?
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20:54.07f00f-let's say it is
20:54.24michaelnovakjrthen it would be the same group responsible for the winning application
20:54.30muthumichaelnovakjr: you can't just eliminate people like that
20:54.34f00f-unless they specifically state that the board members cannot have been board members of a prior winning awardee, then it wont work
20:54.34michaelnovakjrwhy not?
20:54.46f00f-but the contract legally is between google and the company
20:54.47michaelnovakjrthat would be a given if they went that route
20:54.48f00f-not the people behind the company
20:55.14michaelnovakjrnot saying also the same people would win too
20:55.24michaelnovakjri actually would see it go differenlt
20:55.35f00f-yes, we are talking about extreme scenarios here!
20:55.52michaelnovakjrof course
20:56.10TFGBD<michaelnovakjr> windows < Was that in response to me?
20:56.24michaelnovakjrthe android system hasn't been released yet
20:56.28michaelnovakjranything you attempt is a hack
20:56.31muthuTFGBD: you need linux kernel
20:56.36michaelnovakjrso there's no official support
20:56.47michaelnovakjrmuthu, a kernel image
20:56.50f00f-we need a FAQ for this channel
20:57.00michaelnovakjri have a kernel image for win mobile that runs
20:57.10michaelnovakjrbut its pointless
20:57.16muthu37signals is hiring - good to know
20:57.16michaelnovakjrthere's nothing to do with it
20:57.54f00f-you think  they would hire you muthu
20:57.57TFGBDWhat do you mean, michaelnovakjr?
20:58.09TFGBDIt runs on top of Windows CE?
20:58.11muthuf00f-: they send me that
20:58.32TFGBDOr it runs on hardware designed for CE and boots into linux?
20:58.55muthuf00f-:  i have my own shit to take care,, back home
21:00.12michaelnovakjrthere is no point in using android because it doesn't do anything useful
21:00.27TFGBDOh. I thought so.
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21:00.37michaelnovakjrits the sdk emulator code
21:00.49michaelnovakjrits meant for development testing not for consumer testing
21:00.58muthuhope goog really frees up android, in a way its useful to small players
21:01.10TFGBDI'd still like such thing.
21:01.13TFGBDto see*
21:01.27TFGBDThere are a few 3rd party apps for it now, though.  Aren't there?
21:01.34muthuthe real success of android would depend on how it enables the smaller folks to realize their dreams
21:01.35michaelnovakjrit hasn't been released
21:01.43michaelnovakjrso there's stuff only in development
21:02.04muthuwhere the hell jasta went?
21:02.11TFGBDThen what of
21:02.52TFGBDFor something not released, it sure seems to have a community of developers already.
21:03.06michaelnovakjrnever heard of it
21:03.21michaelnovakjrbut the application is not in use
21:03.30michaelnovakjrit can't be deployed yet
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21:04.17TFGBD<michaelnovakjr> i have a kernel image for win mobile that runs
21:04.27TFGBDWhat is it that you have exactly?
21:04.48michaelnovakjrits the emulator code running on a kernel image
21:04.54michaelnovakjrit is nothing useful
21:04.55muthuTFGBD: are you running android on win mobile?
21:05.08michaelnovakjrmuthu, it doesn't work right
21:05.18muthuoh ok
21:05.19TFGBDCan you send it?
21:05.20michaelnovakjrtime, battery, signal
21:05.27michaelnovakjrnone of those indicators work
21:05.32TFGBDI could care less how well it works.
21:05.48michaelnovakjrso then why do you want to run it?
21:05.57TFGBDWhy not?
21:06.00michaelnovakjrit doesn't save anything either
21:06.11michaelnovakjrso once its powered down everything is lost
21:06.13TFGBDNeither does the desktop emulator seem to.
21:06.19michaelnovakjrand there's only radio drivers for HTC
21:06.29michaelnovakjrthe desktop emulator does save??
21:06.34michaelnovakjrof course it saves
21:06.37michaelnovakjrit has to
21:07.01michaelnovakjrradio drivers are only available for HTC
21:07.10michaelnovakjrso the cell signal itself won't even pick up
21:07.17michaelnovakjrso the three things it has can't be tested
21:07.22AttractiveApeAs cool as having android running on my phone, TFGBD, it's pretty useless.
21:07.31michaelnovakjrbrowser, maps, and phone
21:07.31TFGBDSo what is it you have exactly?  A flashable rom or an .exe application port of the desktop emulator?
21:07.47michaelnovakjrits a kernel image with the android software
21:07.48TFGBDI'm still not clear there.
21:08.00michaelnovakjrits basically the emulator on a phone
21:08.10michaelnovakjrwithout the functionality
21:08.18AttractiveApeTFGBD: it's a kernel image, with an initrd holding the Android OS
21:08.20michaelnovakjrare you testing an app on it?
21:08.25AttractiveApeand there's a windows mobile app that'll boot the kernel.
21:08.39michaelnovakjrthe windows mobile app acts like a bootloader
21:08.47TFGBDOh, so it bootstraps from CE.
21:08.56TFGBDIs it only for certain PDA models?
21:09.20TFGBDOkay, so I get ya.  That does not seem to interesting.
21:09.30michaelnovakjrnot yet
21:09.41michaelnovakjrit will once it is officially released
21:10.40TFGBDAre android apps completely managed like J2ME or am I mistaken?
21:10.59michaelnovakjrwhat do you mean by managed?
21:11.10muthucompletely managed by android, yes
21:11.26michaelnovakjrwait, what do you mean by managed?
21:11.34TFGBDprocessor independant, complied to bytecode
21:11.56michaelnovakjrthe apps are built off an android SDK..... they won't port
21:12.00TFGBDAre they not Java apps running in a VM?
21:12.14michaelnovakjryes they are java apps, but they are using an Android library
21:12.15michaelnovakjrand runtime
21:12.29TFGBDYeah, obviously.
21:12.39TFGBDIs Android more of less just a more advanced J2ME MIDP then?
21:13.12TFGBDDo you think it is possible the runtime will be ported to other OSes in the future once it is released?
21:13.16muthuandroid might be similar to j2me
21:13.26TFGBDOr aren't these details even clear yet.
21:13.38michaelnovakjri don't get the need to port the runtime?
21:13.50TFGBDWhat is the need to port the J2ME runtime?
21:13.56TFGBDSo other OSes can run J2ME midlets.
21:14.14michaelnovakjrandroid is not j2me
21:14.24TFGBDI'm aware of that.
21:14.28muthugoog is not going to work on porting android
21:14.35michaelnovakjrdefinitely not
21:14.36muthubut ports might be available
21:14.43TFGBDThat is what I'm saying.
21:15.01TFGBDCE has about 10 MIDP compliant VMs from 3rd parties alone.
21:15.09michaelnovakjri am not sure about a port
21:15.18TFGBDWill it not be open source?
21:15.18michaelnovakjrjust the runtime wouldn't help much
21:15.25michaelnovakjrsure parts of it will
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21:15.37michaelnovakjrnot as a whole though
21:15.52TFGBDIs most of the GUI itself written in Java too?
21:15.59TFGBDLike the browser and such
21:16.11michaelnovakjrthe browser is based on WebKit
21:16.20michaelnovakjrno one outside google has seen code for the GUI
21:16.23TFGBDI know.  So I can't imagine that being ported to java
21:17.16michaelnovakjrthese are all unknown details at the moment
21:17.29TFGBDOkay, sorry then.
21:17.44TFGBDSomehow I thouht more was known about it then I realized.
21:17.52michaelnovakjrcheck out
21:17.59michaelnovakjrthat is what is known
21:19.04michaelnovakjrthere's even an faw
21:21.21muthuNokia buying Symbian is the big news today
21:21.56michaelnovakjrthat has been beaten to death already
21:22.17muthuiphone brings the prices down
21:22.21muthunow nokia opening up
21:22.27muthuwow, the android effect
21:22.39michaelnovakjri'm not sure that is android
21:22.44muthunokia is taking this seriously
21:22.46michaelnovakjrbeing as its not released yet
21:23.01TFGBDAccording to Wikipedia "It allows developers to write managed code in a Java-like language that utilizes Google-developed Java libraries,[2] but does not support programs developed in native code."
21:23.04michaelnovakjriPhone is bringing the price down because it will replace the iPod
21:23.08TFGBDSo, that answers that...
21:23.54TFGBDpatiently Awaits Android>J2ME Personal Profile wrappers in the future...
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23:06.19jastaDougie187: you there?
23:06.25Dougie187whats up?
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23:33.05romainguyyou guys can talk to krosaen, he works on Android's UI framework too :))
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23:49.21spykidromainguy: Is the Android team based in SV, Boston or mixed?
23:49.57spykidSilicon Valley ;)
23:50.13romainguythere are Android engineers in various places :)
23:51.34f00f-it's secret
23:52.34spykid"the seventh floor of a Kendall Square office tower" - secret?
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