IRC log for #android on 20080610

00:00.52*** join/#android SR71-Blackbird (n=nirvana@unaffiliated/sr71-blackbird)
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02:25.05alex211hi there
02:25.20alex211anyone knows how to port a javaeME app to Android ?
02:25.40alex211I know there is this app called ME4Android, but theres no way I can find some help
02:31.41dmoffettyou might ask during the working day US time when more people are active.
02:32.13dmoffettI have seen some j2me developers contribute to the conversation.
02:32.32dmoffettMeanwhile "
02:33.06dmoffettMeanwhile "if 6 were 9"
02:36.45alex211allright thx
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04:58.03*** join/#android jasta (
05:06.43gamblerwhere are the bouncy castle classes in android
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05:14.37blakedany developers extremely familiar with the android sdk PM me
05:14.55blakedim looking for developers for a rather simple but large scale project
05:15.35AttractiveApeWhy not just tell people what you're wanting here?
05:15.56blakedwithout going into specifics
05:16.01AttractiveApeSeeing that android isn't released, and that this is probably a dev channel, that would seem like the best course of action.
05:16.32blakedgps would be a main aspect of the application
05:17.04blakedi can't go into specifics right now
05:17.16AttractiveApeThe current public elease of the android sdk doesn't have the gps api implemented.
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06:33.12foomarkf: ping
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06:46.39*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
07:32.27*** join/#android jscinoz (
07:32.43jscinozjust wondering
07:33.06jscinozwith this Dalvik VM, does android basically need apps to be made specially for it?
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07:33.25jscinozunlike openmoko where its a standard X server and most things *should* work with a recompile (hardware permitting)
07:33.58jastajscinoz: yes, it requires apps specifically compiled to the bytecode.
07:34.11jastaprovided tools translate java bytecote to it
07:34.26jastagiven the platform, though, it would be possible to add support for other languages later
07:34.30jastanot now, since source is unavailable
07:34.39jscinozi'm gonna get me a htc touch pro when it comes out and put either android or openmoko on it
07:34.54jastawhy do you think you will be able to put either on it?  do you know that it is fully supported under linux?
07:34.59jscinozI realise
07:35.26jscinozi don't mind so much about things not working I use an n95 as my main phone it'll probably just be for testing
07:35.35alex133Does anyone know how to port a J2ME app to the Android platform ?
07:35.42jastawhat if nothing works?  like the touch screen?
07:35.48jscinozand there's a linux distro for HTC phones already existing called xanadux so it cant be too hard to get openmoko working
07:35.53jastaalex133: yes, by porting a J2ME app to the android platform.
07:36.07jscinozjasta I'll figure something out, I've fair experience in driver development
07:36.13jastajscinoz: You should research this furtehr.  You are confusing a distro with drivers.
07:36.14alex133hehe thx, I meant not to have to change any line of code
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07:36.24alex133like an emulator or something
07:36.25jastaalex133: that's not porting.
07:36.40jscinozjasta, Agreed, its purely hypothetical at the moment, since neither the hardware nor software is out right now :P
07:36.45alex133whats the real definition of porting then ?
07:37.29jscinozalex133, recoding something so its native to a platform
07:37.42jscinozie what icculous did with quake 3
07:37.52jscinozor however the hell he spells that tag
07:38.00alex133allright so it means rewriting some of the application (at least the user interface) right ?
07:38.12jscinozmost likely
07:38.15jastabed time
07:38.21jastanight folks
07:38.23jscinoznight jasta
07:39.02alex133k, so lets say I dont wanna port but just emulate a J2ME app on Android, how would u guys do ?
07:39.24alex133cuz my boss is asking to port a J2ME app on Android but I have to keep the same interfq
07:39.29jscinozNot sure, i've never really played around much with android yet
07:39.34alex133the same interfaces that the J2ME app, its so twisted
07:39.43jscinozthere could be something useful in the SDK documentation
07:39.46jscinoznot sure though
07:40.27jscinozsorry i couldn't be of more help
07:40.52alex133its okay thank you !
07:41.22alex133by any chance do u know any company that does porting for a business ?
07:42.02jscinozunfortunately no :(
07:42.55jastaalex133: if the interface is trivial, just fork the code and reimplement it on Android.
07:43.05jastayou don't want to copy the interface semantics exactly anyway, since J2ME is crippled.
07:43.33*** join/#android jerkface03 (
07:43.33jastai didn't fork as in copy it.  rather, just branch off those parts of the code.
07:44.48jastaok, night for real now
07:45.31alex133ok thx fot the advice, thats what I told to my boss....
07:46.45*** join/#android dueynz (n=Nick@
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08:39.47alex133any j2me developer here ?
09:00.30*** join/#android borism (
09:38.59gamblerwhat is the status of debugging on android...can eclipse be used for breakpoints etc
09:39.22gambler<--- newbie eclipse/android person
09:45.34gambleramazing that the first program ive written seems to have killed everything
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12:27.05DvyjonesI get the error "the import android cannot be resolved" when trying to create a android project (or rather, when trying to run it)
12:47.43*** join/#android Dougie187 (
12:47.47Dougie187Good Morning
12:53.58buster_Dvyjones: did you configure the sdk in the prefernces?
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16:22.25muthubig yawn
16:23.55muthujasta: any major iphone news?
16:24.04jastawhy wouldi have iphone news?
16:24.20muthuyou are the mobile guru!
16:24.33jastai am?
16:24.40muthui thought so
16:25.00*** join/#android michaelnovakjr__ (n=mnovak@
16:25.21jastai dont know anything about the iphone, so...
16:25.29michaelnovakjr__iphone sucks!
16:25.33muthuthere's this wwdc going on
16:25.44muthuSJ might have pulled some stunts
16:25.57michaelnovakjr__apple sucks
16:25.57jastaright now i'm trying to figure out a way to debug the code i wrote over the past couple of days without actually owning the phone :)
16:26.01jastai might just have to buy one.
16:26.13jastawell, my friend was on stage at WWDC, that was neat.
16:26.53muthujasta: who?
16:27.17muthujasta has high profile friends in google and apple ;)
16:27.25jastaJames Howard, demoing Loopt
16:27.49michaelnovakjr__why do we care about apple again?  have they done something special?
16:28.01muthuoh yeah, loopt
16:28.18muthumichaelnovakjr__: that's what i'm trying to figure out
16:28.26jastai personally don't care what apple does.
16:28.36michaelnovakjr__they annoy me now
16:28.46muthugood they are feeling the heat
16:29.07muthufrom android, and now are adding some much needed functionalities like GPS
16:29.30michaelnovakjr__i dont think its android specifically
16:29.45muthuwhat else?
16:29.46michaelnovakjr__gps is in blackberries and they have devices already :)
16:29.55michaelnovakjr__and that is what apple is after
16:30.04michaelnovakjr__i really don't think they care about android
16:30.11michaelnovakjr__they want enterprise
16:30.17michaelnovakjr__and that is blackberry
16:30.29muthuthey would want consumers too
16:30.36michaelnovakjr__consumers are easy
16:30.41michaelnovakjr__flashy gets you that
16:30.46michaelnovakjr__enterprise is a different beast
16:30.57muthuandroid would be perfect for enterprise
16:31.10michaelnovakjr__in what sense?
16:31.18muthugmail + gdocs
16:31.34michaelnovakjr__::exchange server::
16:32.11michaelnovakjr__i am not disagreeing
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16:32.34michaelnovakjr__just providing some not some high up in the cloud responses to the android platform
16:32.35jastaonce the activesync protocol is documented, i will personally look into implementing it on android.
16:33.14michaelnovakjr__zimbra is where it is at
16:33.33michaelnovakjr__zimbra on android would be killer for enterprise
16:33.34muthuso no major feature steve jobs announced?
16:34.02michaelnovakjr__dude.... 3G iPhone??
16:34.54muthuso that's it?
16:35.02michaelnovakjr__that is a big deal
16:35.23michaelnovakjr__whatever snow leopard is
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16:35.32dmoffettThis is worth paying attention to:
16:35.53michaelnovakjr__that is a bullshit workaround
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16:36.14dmoffettNot sure if it is a good idea but they are not standing still.
16:36.22dmoffettCould be.
16:36.24dmoffettNot sure yet.
16:36.35muthusj is bullshitting on this one
16:36.45dmoffettHow so?
16:36.59michaelnovakjr__forstall actually presented
16:37.11muthuthat's one way of covering up why iphone don't do background services so far
16:37.30michaelnovakjr__apparently they don't have a kernel worth using if it can't handle cpu cycles and battery life
16:37.57muthuhow's the application maintaining internet connection?
16:38.05michaelnovakjr__magic pixie dusty
16:38.45michaelnovakjr__hey jasta
16:38.48dmoffett" technology will be seeded to developers in July"
16:39.08dmoffettfrom the article.
16:39.14michaelnovakjr__i used to be an apple developer member, realized what a waste it was
16:40.15dmoffettI much prefer the open source Android to the iPhone.
16:40.40michaelnovakjr__just as i prefer linux to mac os x
16:40.58dmoffettHowever the iPhone is not a joke and worth watching for a number of reason.
16:41.19dmoffettlinux is better than OSX in some respects.
16:41.43michaelnovakjr__apple === microsoft
16:42.10michaelnovakjr__DRM iTunes must die!!
16:43.00dmoffettI think you are preaching to the choir.
16:43.28dmoffettFights can be had on Apple lists.
16:43.43michaelnovakjr__anyone other than jasta running android on an htc phone?
16:44.31donomoi will if someone mails me an HTC phone :)
16:44.35*** join/#android krau (n=cktakaha@
16:44.36dmoffettanyone have a good solution to pushing to Android.  I could sure use a solution.  I thought xmpp would do it for me.
16:45.35dmoffettApparently xmpp has been dropped from Android.
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16:47.27Dvyjones1I get the error "the import android cannot be resolved" when trying to run an android project
16:48.32Dvyjones1Anyone here that has run android on HTC P3470 / Pharos (same chipset as Touch / Elf I think)?
16:48.43jastadmoffett: gtalk is how.
16:49.07dmoffettI thought gtalk was xmpp?
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16:50.08dmoffettWhat are the implications of having a gtalk connection always on?
16:50.31Dvyjones1battery power?
16:50.45jastaunknown.  perhaps not much if they implement it with particular care for the mobile data network.
16:50.51dmoffettTrying to avoid polling since that would seem evil.
16:51.11jastagoogle is clearly setting GTalk up to be used for signaling and device-to-device communication.
16:52.10jastaunfortunately, they haven't revealed this strategy officially, and i don't think it's even workable until they do.
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16:52.11dmoffettCould Google build it or would it be up the carriers?
16:52.19jastagoogle would and has built this.
16:53.01jastaif you tinker in the dev settings, you will find that XMPP configuration is global, and can be toggled to connect at boot.
16:53.22dmoffettCool, another item I guess will come in time.
16:53.27jastabut what they mean by xmpp is GTalk, which they have said will later be a compact, efficient binary protocol particular to android devices.
16:53.56jasta(probably just a compacted XML document)
16:54.12AttractiveApejasta: any luck with that terminal apk?
16:54.24michaelnovakjr__i setup the HTC with android
16:54.38jastaAttractiveApe: no, i haven't been working in that area yet.
16:54.43jastai'm working on getting USB up instead.
16:55.06jastaUSB would be the most useful thing to make work, as i could conceivably run adb shell.
16:55.07michaelnovakjr__any reason windows mobile is the bootloader?
16:55.24AttractiveApemichaelnovakjr__: because it's shipped as a windows mobile phone?
16:55.59AttractiveApejasta: okay, cool :)
16:56.07michaelnovakjr__obviously... but windows mobile sucks battery life!
17:00.05*** join/#android WorkingOnWise (
17:01.30DvyjonesIs it normal that the first run on the emulator is really slow?
17:02.02Dvyjonesthe red bar bounces forth and back
17:02.08romainguy__yes it's normal
17:03.55jastaAttractiveApe: but it's being a bitch.  the kernel won't even boot with USB enabled :)
17:04.07jastai am trying to get a better dev env set up to debug this stuff
17:04.11jastasetting up haretconsole and stuff
17:08.29*** join/#android Dougie187 (
17:13.02Dougie187Good Afternoon
17:15.46*** join/#android cybereagle (n=cybereag@unaffiliated/cybereagle)
17:16.01*** join/#android AstainHellbring (n=Administ@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
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17:38.46DvyjonesGood afternoon Dougie187
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17:41.37borismis on android n810 now, thanks to
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17:42.04borismnow what? where do I get those wonderful apps?
17:45.27jastayou mean all the wonderful apps that nobody released source code or binaries for?
17:45.58jastayou can build mine if you'd like:
17:46.28jastaborism: if you're curious, the HTC Vogue can also run Android currently and has a working telephony layer up too
17:46.42jastai'm working on adding USB support, though i didn't do any of the original work
17:46.44jastajust building from that
17:46.54jastawith USB, i could meaningfully debug apps and explore the phone
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17:54.51davidwheh, Innsbruck is soccer-crazy
17:55.01borismthis userspace I've got isn't of much use besides browsing the web
17:55.03*** join/#android squeakypants (n=squeakyp@
17:55.40borismgoogle should provide prebuilt images for few devices that are more or less supported now
17:55.42squeakypantsif i want to use eclipse for android, which should i download?
17:55.53Dougie187what are your choices?
17:56.08squeakypantsjava, java ee, c/c++, classic
17:56.09Dougie187on windows?
17:56.36Dougie187i think you just need java
17:56.42borismany will do, you'll just have to download extensions
17:56.55squeakypantswell can the java version do c++ and vice versa?
17:57.05Dougie187they are all plugins
17:57.09jastasqueakypants: Only Java development is supported officially on Android.
17:57.10squeakypantsborism: yeah, i also plan on using python with it :)
17:57.17Dougie187you will have to install the c++ into eclipse
17:57.18squeakypantsjasta: yeah.. i've read :(
17:57.29squeakypantsmmk, i'll get the java version then
17:57.31*** part/#android Dvyjones (n=Dvyjones@wikimedia/Dvyjones)
17:59.22squeakypantsheh, so why did they choose to use dalvik?
18:02.49*** part/#android muthu (
18:03.16jastasqueakypants: a number of reasons.  performance and licensing mostly.
18:12.05squeakypantsjasta: why not allow c++ though?
18:12.31zhobbs_squeakypants: not as portable
18:12.49squeakypantswhat do you mean?
18:13.15zhobbs_some phones might be arm, some intel, etc etc
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18:13.29zhobbs_one apk needs to work on every android phone
18:14.08zhobbs_that's the problem with javame...different versions for different phones
18:14.29squeakypantsi haven't done much with java
18:14.41squeakypantsis a python guy
18:15.43zhobbs_there will probably be python bindings one day
18:15.50zhobbs_if you make them :)
18:15.54squeakypantswell i looked into a bit
18:16.12squeakypantsjython doesn't work on dalvik...
18:16.14romainguy__or you could just use Java :))
18:16.19romainguy__Java is just a language
18:16.35squeakypantsbut python is so.... pythonic!
18:16.43romainguy__but it's also just a language
18:17.23cybereaglei actually quite like both python and java in different situations lol
18:17.43dmoffettOnce you have been spoiled by Ruby or Python C based languages leave a bit to be desired.  :-)
18:18.00romainguy__I disagree
18:18.05cybereaglec was my first language, i'll always love it deep down hehe
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18:18.08romainguy__Python has its annoyances too :)
18:18.15dmoffettWhich is your right.
18:18.17squeakypantsromainguy__: yeah
18:18.18dmoffettof course.
18:18.25dmoffettDon't leave Ruby out.
18:18.30dmoffettIt can be annoying.
18:18.32romainguy__I hate Ruby :))
18:18.37romainguy__But that's purely personal
18:19.07f00f-i like assembly
18:19.13f00f-push & pop
18:19.25AttractiveApeI'm pretty surprised that Google would choose java for android
18:19.27f00f-(if you have the luxury of having a stack)
18:19.32dmoffettf00f: again with a painful perspective.  :-)
18:19.33*** join/#android matt_c (
18:19.35AttractiveApeThey're generally python fanatics I thought :p
18:19.39cybereaglejava seems the popular choice for phones
18:19.43f00f-haha dmoffett
18:19.55romainguy__AttractiveApe: we use Python, Java and C++
18:20.21squeakypantscybereagle: yeah... i guess just cause they can port em
18:20.40cybereaglei like to have a lower level "system" kind of a language, and a higher level more conceptual language laying around my brain
18:20.47dmoffettC++ is an abomination imo.  :-)
18:20.51romainguy__Java is a well known language, it has excellent freely available tools, it's easy to learn... :)
18:21.02dmoffettJava is decent.
18:21.04romainguy__but sure, it's not perfect and not everybody like it
18:21.37cybereagleno language is *waits to get flamed* ;)
18:22.15dmoffettLanguages are like skiing.  10% equipment anyway.
18:22.19squeakypantsromainguy__: besides cross-compatibility, what does java offer vs c++?
18:22.38michaelnovakjr__java has some flaws in terms of objects that shouldn't be objects!
18:22.43romainguy__michaelnovakjr: ??
18:22.56romainguy__michaelnovakjr: if Java has one flaw is that it has primitive types :)
18:22.58cybereaglethis is very debatable, but in some ways java is probably easier for people to pick up fast and not have stuff totally bomb out on them
18:23.10romainguy__squeakypants: in a way it's safer
18:23.28cybereagleyeah, java will baby you more lol
18:23.31michaelnovakjr__why do i need to instantiate a SimpleCalendar just to format a Date object as a String?
18:23.36romainguy__it also has cleaner syntax
18:23.43romainguy__michaelnovakjr: that's an API problem, not a language issue
18:24.04michaelnovakjr__that is something to me that is greatly annoying
18:24.25michaelnovakjr__there should be a method you can call statically to return the result for you
18:24.51romainguy__again, it's an API issue
18:24.58romainguy__nothing to do with the language
18:25.09romainguy__file a bug, join a JSR, etc. if you want to fix it
18:25.20romainguy__(there's actually a JSR to improve data/calendar/time APIs)
18:25.26cybereagletrue, but api's for a large part of day to day usage of languages like java. if they were consistently annoying, it could be said to be a java problem
18:25.32cybereaglei wouldnt say it was all that bad though
18:25.47romainguy__Java has some bad APIs, but it also has some great APIs
18:25.56cybereaglei'll agree with that
18:26.00romainguy__the concurrent APIs are awesome for instance
18:30.27squeakypantsi'm trying to run a sample
18:31.11squeakypantsall i see is a red dot going left and right...
18:31.20michaelnovakjr__yes the emulator is booting's taking a long time
18:31.36michaelnovakjr__it does
18:31.39squeakypantsthere it goes
18:32.11romainguy__get a faster machine :)
18:32.31squeakypantsworking on it
18:32.44squeakypantswow i didn't realize this emu had all the software on it too
18:32.54squeakypantspsh, only 2 bars? :-P
18:35.06AttractiveApeyeah, Google phones have bad reception ;)
18:36.25squeakypantsso that HTC prototype... how expensive do you think it'll be?
18:36.31squeakypantsiphone is only $199 now so...
18:36.46romainguy__but they raised the monthly fee :(
18:37.01tethridgecan somebody tell me the name of the service that has lyrics for songs.  I saw an android plugin somewhere that would fetch the lyrics and move them along karaoke style with the music.  If there weren't there, you could tap the lyrics.  Anybody know the name of that site?
18:37.34squeakypantsromainguy__: yeah and no more jailbreaking
18:37.56AttractiveAperomainguy__: google didn't, AT&T did.
18:37.57squeakypantsif you don't activate with at&t within a month of buying the iphone, they can charge you
18:38.10squeakypantsattractiveape: you mean apple
18:38.10donomosqueakypants: do you think the iphone 3g will be extra-hard to jailbreak?
18:38.27AttractiveApesqueakypants: ah, yes.
18:38.36squeakypantsdonomo: well, i've heard the sim card won't be as easily accessible. still, i doubt it will be too hard
18:38.48AttractiveApeapple wants to drop the price now so it can take over the phone market.  AT&T just wants more money :p
18:39.13donomoim just glad non of this crap affects me and my non-apple phone :)
18:39.13squeakypantsi can't give my contact a picture?
18:39.14f00f-it'll be a looong time before the operators see profit from iPhone
18:39.38AttractiveApesqueakypants: one what phone?
18:40.22squeakypantsattractiveape: in the emu
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18:40.44donomoalso, the FIC FreeRunner phone (hardware for the openmoko project) is in mass-production. should be for sale about the same time as the iphone 3g
18:40.45squeakypantslol i have to say
18:40.53squeakypantsthis emu is pretty rough ;)
18:41.07squeakypantsdonomo: is openmoko any good?
18:41.08romainguy_what do you mean rough?
18:41.20squeakypantsromainguy_: besides slow, the interface is messy
18:41.26donomosqueakypants: i havent used it beyond the emulator, so i cant say really.
18:41.35squeakypantsof course the interface shown at google io was awesome
18:42.00michaelnovakjr__its a beta emulator for building apps
18:42.00squeakypantswow the webkit browser is in the emu
18:42.13michaelnovakjr__not a consumer test of what the phone will really be like
18:42.13squeakypantsmichaelnovakjr__: yeah i know, i'm just messing around ;)
18:43.16squeakypantsaww the mirror thing isn't in the emu... that was awesome
18:44.30romainguy_the mirror ?
18:45.13jastasqueakypants: it's not the emulator which is missing it.
18:45.28jastasqueakypants: the public SDK release is quite old (released in early February)
18:45.40jastawith no expected updates in the near future.  the version that Google is operating on is much newer.
18:46.30jastaromainguy_: so, do you have your h1b?
18:47.29squeakypantsjasta: ah gotcha
18:47.37squeakypantsromainguy_: my bad, meant magnifying glass :-P
18:51.39jastasqueakypants: i wouldn't expect an SDK release containing the features you saw at the I/O keynote until handset launch later this year.
18:52.12jastadespite the unconvincing assurances google employees are giving to the contrary.
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19:16.40Dougie187yeah, the google employees tend to get your hopes up and squash your dreams.
19:25.10borismcan I just upgrade userspace without upgrading the kernel?
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19:35.35jastaborism: upgrade what userspace?
19:35.37jastato what?
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19:49.15jastaAndroid has /dev/ptmx :)
19:49.30jasta(moving on to the terminal emulator app, for those that are curious)
19:50.06michaelnovakjr__have you been using android jasta?
19:55.11jastausing, as in like it's a working phone?
20:01.18jastahell no :)
20:01.29jastaAndroid, as it is released, would make a terrible phone.
20:01.35jastait has basically nothing but a web browser.
20:02.12michaelnovakjr__have you installed apps on it yet?
20:03.21jastawhat apps?  nothing exists.
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20:06.54jastait is occurring to me that allocating a pty in Java may not be natively possible.  i will have to glue this with JNI
20:06.59jastabut that sucks :(
20:07.23michaelnovakjr__jasta i meant anything you've created
20:07.32michaelnovakjr__you wrote five and an rss reader that i know of
20:07.47jastaoh yeah, i loaded those
20:07.52jastaFive breaks horribly
20:08.05jastathe app hangs the UI thread on invocation, for some reason.
20:08.32jastai dont know why, but rather than guess and check, i'd rather get USB support working and just do logcat ;)
20:08.43AttractiveApeprobably due to lack of writable memory.
20:09.00jastaalso, Five ultimately won't work since there is no main speaker support, and no writable memory
20:09.08jastaAttractiveApe: no, because the app does not attempt to write anywhere on startup.
20:10.13tomgibarajasta: how do you think performance compares to the emulator?
20:10.29jastaperformance was frankly amazing.
20:11.16jastathe base platform certainly felt nice, and that it was certainly attainable to meet iPhone standards
20:11.50tomgibaraI strongly suspect that moseycode's performance will suffer very badly from the Dalvik interpreter
20:12.06jastaas opposed to?  why?
20:12.12tomgibaraBut that any apps using all of the native goodness (graphics APIs etc) will perfom well
20:13.06jastawell the native APIs are likely to have better performance not because they are not interpreted with Dalvik, but rather because they are not generating as bloated a bytecode at all :)
20:13.13tomgibaraSimply that the interpreter overhead is (I believe) very great on the hotspot in Moseycode - the image processing
20:13.44tomgibaraThe more efficiently you write your code, the greater the overhead of the interpreter as a percentage of execution time
20:14.03tomgibaraMoseycode's image processing code is very very efficient
20:14.08jastai doubt that very much, but in your case it makes sense in either case to implement image processing natively and use JNI
20:14.23tomgibaraWhat do you doubt?
20:14.56jastathat your engine will see a drastic improvement in performance simply by translating the algorithm to C.
20:15.35jastathough i think that, beyond translation, C will offer you some significant opportunities to optimize your code furtehr that will make the greatest difference.
20:16.23tomgibaravs JIT/AOT compiled Java, no. But the Dalvik interpreter will carry a significant overhead for my code - I'm sure of it
20:16.50jastaas i said, there is an argument in either case to implement your image processing natively and i would recommend that route.
20:18.13jastathough it is yet to be seen how applications written that way will be distributed.
20:18.23tomgibaraCasting the code into C would be fairly easy work - it's one complex method with just integer arithmetic. But I've seen no indication that anything other than Dalvik bytecode will be permited for applications
20:19.00jastatomgibara: permitted in what sense?  technically, JNI is functional now.
20:19.32tomgibarapermitted in the sense of installable via an APK or other application deployment bundle
20:19.32jastathe distribution model that Google has come up with so far doesn't support it, but that is not to say it cannot be changed or replaced.
20:20.21jastaand i think that it certainly will be.  apks should be extended to allow installation hooks and other functionality which would permit you to do also distribute extra pieces in your bundle and install them appropriatley.
20:21.16jastalikewise, /data/lib should be created and honored, in addition to /system/lib, but perhaps with specail care taken to enforce linker precedence.
20:22.46tomgibaraWe will see, but I wouldn't expect that sort of extension to happen unless there is a real and evident demand for it.
20:24.41chaosvoyagerI highly suspect that Dalvik will have JIT in the future. It's gonna need something like that or native exe distribution to keep up with the competition.
20:25.25tomgibarajasta: If you get an opportunity, I'd be interested in knowing if Moseycode runs on your phone - or if it dies like five :-(
20:26.08tomgibaraI don't think it needs a JIT, better would be a selective AOT compiler that is targetted using annotations
20:26.57zhobbs_does it have a camera?
20:27.37tomgibaraI think a JIT would have very poor performance characteristics within the context of Android
20:27.40jastathe camera stuff is very strange on the HTC Vogue.  it is that same dummy image we see with the emulator
20:27.52jastaexcept with lots of drawing bugs, and ultimately freezing the phone
20:28.31tomgibarajasta: Oh well, nevermind - one day some device somewhere will run my app :-/
20:35.08jastabeing patient is very frustrating :)
20:35.25chaosvoyagertomgibaba: Since the biggest cost of JIT is memory, it's not useful on memory limited phones. Hmm, perhaps something between a JIT and an annotation targeted AOT, where only the annotated code gets JITted.
20:38.02tomgibarachaosvoyager: JITs also have a performance overhead - they need to profile before compiling - and then they need to do the compilation. That's fine on a desktop where an application might run for at least several minutes. On android applications may be starting/stopping very frequently
20:43.21chaosvoyagertomgibara: So? If the app is used frequently, then Android can used the compiled version generated by the JIT. Again, mostly memory related. And the performance hit is usually quite small. Heck, even WebKit uses JIT for it's Javascript engine now, and the same concernes as you mentioned were brought up. So far, it doesn't seem to be t bad, and that's with running cde that's typically run ONCE.
20:44.14chaosvoyagersay This POS keyboard is dropping letters >_<
20:46.19chaosvoyagereh, and I meant "its", not "it's". The heat must be getting to me.
20:47.27tomgibaraThat's a good point, but what needs to be remembered is that it's the relative trade-off that's important. I anticipate that a JS JIT in Webkit will 'earn its keep' much more quickly than a JVM/Dalvik JIT because the performance of the latter is already so much better.
20:48.02tomgibaraie. A JS JIT can make very quick wins in a way that a Java JIT can't
20:48.28tomgibaraI'm no expert on JITing, but that's my intuition
20:50.47chaosvoyagerYou're right about those quick JS wins. Much of its slowness was due to lazy design :) However, I'm not so sure that Dalvik would not see similar quick wins.
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20:52.15dmoffettjasta:  When adbd starts up it opens a socket on port 5037.  Is this port available on the  device you testing?  No problem if you don;t have time to check.
20:53.00romainguy_chaosvoyager: have you even tried Dalvik on a real device? :)
20:54.11f00f-hey tomgibara, did we meet at i/o ?
20:54.53tomgibaraf00f-: I can be certain that we didn't because I was stuck in Birmingham UK :-)
20:55.08f00f-ah, hehe
20:55.28tomgibaraf00f-: Why, have I mastered Astral projection and not realized it? I was there in spirit
20:56.03f00f-i thought so
20:56.08f00f-are you a big fan of Astral Projection ?
20:56.12chaosvoyagerromainguy: No, but as a rule of thumb, memory optimized VMs tend to suffer in comparison with performance optimized JIT VMs when it comes to performance. And I was under the impression that Dalvik was designed *specifically* for memory constrained devices.
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20:56.36tomgibaraf00f-: It's useful for escaping boring meetings
20:59.50zhobbs_tomgibara:  I heard someone talking about you, called you "tom the brain" or "tom the genius" or something
21:00.29zhobbs_Mary Ann is impressed
21:00.37tomgibarazhobbs_: ha - I have no idea where these epithets come from
21:01.06chaosvoyagerromainguy: On the other hand, if you know where I can get an actual Android device, I'll be glad to make an empirical comparison ;)
21:01.20f00f-zhobbs_: you still in SF?
21:01.21tomgibaraOnly one person out of me and Mary Ann produced a winning application and it wasn't me :-)
21:01.26romainguy_chaosvoyager: there's a couple on my desk :)
21:01.45f00f-tomgibara: how do you know each other, are you on muthu's team?
21:02.01zhobbs_well, I agreed with her...projects like moseycode are beyond my ability
21:02.17tomgibaraf00f-: Yeah, I'm just helping out.
21:02.20zhobbs_f00f-: nope, but I'll be back in 2 weeks for work
21:02.34f00f-sweet, we should try to organize a meetup
21:02.51f00f-the metosphere guy was talking about it, but looks like he hasnt
21:03.13zhobbs_well, I'll be in Napa Valley, not sure how far that is
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21:03.52f00f-drinking/making wine, i see
21:03.58f00f-it's not exactly a tear drop away
21:04.01dmoffetttomgibara: I don't think losing the ADC shows a lack of intelligence.  At least I hope not.  :-)
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21:05.56zhobbs_f00f-: yeah, on a tight schedule too...I'll let you know if I do find some time in SF
21:06.38tomgibaradmoffett: :-)
21:07.09f00f-all right
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21:07.57chaosvoyagerromainguy: Are you offering me one, or just teasing?
21:08.07romainguy_I'm just teasing you
21:09.38f00f-romainguy_: pics of the devices or it's not true
21:09.47romainguy_ha :)
21:10.41chaosvoyagerI believe him because I can find no reason NOT to believe him.
21:13.01romainguy_jasta: yes I do have my H1B, but I've had it for quite a while now
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21:13.53romainguy_(sorry I'm answering so late, I didn't see the question :)
21:14.13chaosvoyagerDoes anyone know if Android's WebKit supports plugins?
21:16.08jastaromainguy_: my friend just got denied for the 4th time.  he has only 1 more shot and then he'll have to leave the country.
21:16.24romainguy_what visa does he have right now?
21:16.39romainguy_(and yeah, H1Bs are hard to obtain nowadays with the quotas)
21:17.09romainguy_I actually got my H1B in 2005 when I was working for Sun
21:17.56jastahe just has a student visa now, i believe.
21:18.07jastahe went to grad school to stay in the country, but is about to graduate.
21:18.14romainguy_ah yes
21:18.36romainguy_another easy way to get a work visa is to work abroad for a US company for one yearr
21:18.42romainguy_then you can get the L1 visa
21:18.47romainguy_which is more or less like the H1
21:19.43jastanone of our female friends will participate in a green card wedding either ;)
21:20.12chaosvoyagerTry Craigslist.
21:20.27romainguy_jasta: :))
21:20.48jastanow that gay marriage is legal in CA, there is a strong possibility that my friend Fred will do it ;)
21:22.56jastaeveryone says that green card weddings are hard to fake, but i doubt that very much.
21:22.57romainguy_hmm I wouldn't be surprised if the US gov was very rigorous about it
21:23.02jastagiven the intelligence demonstrated by any other segment of this government... :)
21:23.13romainguy_(given how painful it can be to just get a stupid student or H1B visa)
21:23.18jastai'm sure they would be rigorous, but filling out paperwork and showing up to meetings is not hard.
21:31.09blakedWomen can't drive.
21:31.30blakedWomen should not be allowed to drive anything but 3-wheeled cars.
21:32.13jastaromainguy_: i might be wrong.  looks like they do require a lot of crazy things ;)
21:32.32romainguy_I can't wait to ask for my green card... it will be so much fun...
21:32.34jastawedding photos and love letters
21:32.53f00f-postcards, etc.
21:33.02jastathough i don't know who writes love letters anymore :)
21:33.12jastathey want hotel and plane receipts to show you visited each other
21:33.33jastathough all of this would be easily fakeable if you were friends with the person.
21:33.52jastathe only tricky part would be wedding photos.  but you could just dress up nice and take pictures of you and your family and stuff
21:34.04romainguy_and hope the govt doesn't find out :)
21:34.31f00f-the kiss and stuff
21:34.33jastacertainly better than going back to mother rusia ;)
21:34.51f00f-they'll ask for the pope
21:34.54f00f-the ...
21:35.00blakedNIGGER GO AWAY
21:35.12f00f-the preacher i guess?
21:35.15f00f-the guy who marries you
21:35.18f00f-to prove it
21:35.21jastathat would be easy to fake.
21:35.33jastayou dont need a preacher to marry you.
21:35.44f00f-just some fat lady in an office can sign off on it
21:36.03f00f-best thing is juts go to vegas and do it
21:37.01jastathe reality is, he has less than a year to stay here, and he isn't going to meet someone and get married for real in that time.
21:37.12jastahe's been here for 6 years and that hasn't happened, so :)
21:37.23jastaso it's time to start thinking of crazy plans hehe
21:38.03f00f-why would he want to move to the US anyway?
21:38.13f00f-must be the money!!!!!!!!
21:38.21jastahe's lived in the US for the last 6 years
21:40.21jastaalso, he'd be forced to serve 12 months of military service in Russia if he went back
21:42.38davidwI knew a guy who got married to stay in the US
21:42.47davidwapparently they are pretty detailed in their questioning:-/
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21:43.47jastayeah i was just reading some stuff that seems pretty tough.
21:43.53jastaalthough, our friend Carolyn could totally do it.
21:43.58jastabut she refuses
21:44.09davidwwhat a bunch of horse shit, though
21:44.23davidwif someone's not mooching or in trouble with the law, they should be able to stay
21:44.24jastashe knows a lot about dmitri, they talk and hang out just the two of them.  there's lots of basic stuff taken care of already.
21:44.32chaosvoyagerHmm, the Newlywed Game as run by the federal government. That would make fine TV.
21:44.54davidwyoooooooou just won a fabulous trip to ..... prison!
21:45.07jastathat would be sucky if he had to go back to Russia.
21:45.21jastadavidw: you think visa fraud would wind the US citizen in prison?
21:45.29jastai would be surprised, honestly.
21:45.39dmoffettIf you want some very crazy stories related to just this subject check out "This American Life" episode: #353
21:46.17davidwjasta, who knows
21:46.39davidwthe people that run that crap are a bunch of bozos
21:46.52dmoffettBe sure to do it after Bush is out of office.
21:47.07jastai imagine the steepest penalty the US govt would be willing to levy against a citizen would be annulment of the fake wedding.
21:48.02jastasince there could be a massive political backlash putting a US citizen in jail or anything that extreme simply because they failed to cough up lough letters and "sufficient" wedding photos.
21:48.17jastaerr, love*
21:48.21jastanot lough ;)
21:53.19dmoffettthe govt does not give a crap about love letters.  They check to see if you are doing things like buying a house in both names, filing taxes in both names, Sharing checking and saving accounts.  Making the spouse a beneficiary of your life insurance, having kids.  Stuff a typical married couple does.
21:55.54jastawell, having kids certainly isn't a necessity.
21:56.02jastaor shouldnt be
21:56.13jastalots of people dont have kids until their 30s.
21:56.38dmoffettof course not, it is the whole picture.  Does it add of to a married couple.  Of course all that can be faked and probably has been many times.
21:57.20jastai suppose.  it seems like one of the overarching themes here is that you have to trust the person you do this with.
21:57.25dmoffettBut if doctor up a bunch of pictures and lover letters I think your case will be difficult.
21:58.15jastawell hmm.  this is gonna be a real problem in the next year or so.
21:58.41dmoffettAs dumb as you might think these guys are this is thier job and they have probably seen a gambit of schemes.  Just like any police type officer.
22:00.03jastai think the scheme can only work if the person involved has an existing relatiosnhip
22:00.14jastaas in, there was some reasonable way that they could have fallen in love and wanted to be married
22:00.26jastawhich is why i'm kind of pissed that my friend Carolyn won't do it.
22:00.37jastashe hangs out with him all the time.  hell, we all think they slept together too
22:00.54dmoffettThe trick is get the rules they follow from some govt site and follow the rules and you will probably not have a problem.  Assume they are dumb and just wing and I think there might be deportment.  :-)
22:00.58f00f-afraid of getting caught by the feds
22:01.05f00f-it's all public law, too
22:01.16f00f-maybe not "law" but you know what i mean
22:01.28davidwjasta, can't he go to canada or someplace with less screwed up laws?
22:01.32jastalike i said, i dont think the penalty for US citizens could be too steep.
22:01.39jastabut it would be worth investigating.
22:02.00jastadavidw: apparently Canada is more screwed up.  it will require that he return to Russia first, which will begin his mandatory service.
22:02.06jastaafter which, he will be free to move to Canada.
22:02.07dmoffettI think they just deport the illegal alien.
22:02.34jastadmoffett: right, so that's why i can't figure her motivation for refusing to try this.
22:03.06dmoffettAt least that is what happened to the spouses of the people on "This American Life".
22:03.10jastai would do it, if it was legal and did not involve kissing him.
22:03.19davidwI went through all that shit in Italy... wasn't legal until we got married (which was, however, for real:-)
22:03.40davidwjasta, maybe she wants to be able to get married to someone else
22:03.43f00f-move to cali jasta ;p
22:03.53jastaFred already lives there.  I'll make him do it :)
22:04.19jastadavidw: of course, but what is the term requirement of this fake marriage?
22:04.49jastasurely there must be a route to pursue permanent residency while in the fake marriage.
22:04.59f00f-have an affair
22:05.04f00f-have kids
22:05.22jastacarolyn is 22, so it's not like marriage should be right around the corner.
22:05.43jastaanyway, i have a doctor appt to check out why my arm has hurt ever since I/O
22:05.45jasta(what the hell did i do!?!)
22:05.54jastalater guys
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