IRC log for #android on 20080604

00:14.17*** join/#android inZane-_ (
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04:04.11_Codeman_Where is Android available?
04:05.38dueymy house
04:05.47jastahe means his pants :)
04:06.17dueyI was refering to my android obviously!
04:06.45dueywriting about ethics is so fun
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04:07.04dueyquick survey: is this ethical?:
04:07.29dueyrunning javascript on websites which computes a solution to a problem without the user knowing
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04:53.23jerkface03does anyone know if a standard bt chipset on any cellphone/dongle can support connecting and communicating with more than 1 bt device at once?
04:53.43jerkface03for example could you be using a bt headset and syncing your contacts with your pc using bt at the same time?
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05:16.34jastajerkface03: i believe that is typically possible, but i cannot confirm
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06:37.33cutmastais away (away)
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13:45.59zhobbs_I just wasn't meant to be a blogger...I met some pros at IO with cameras and laptops and crap...I'm just now posting stuff about IO
13:47.55buster_i set up a blog some time ago. it gets updated every year with some random stuff
13:48.49zhobbs_I talked to the guy from and he's a pro (literally)
13:49.00zhobbs_he runs and a ton of other sites
13:49.43zhobbs_he videotaped just about everything and has it on youtube almost instantly
13:50.41zhobbs_myself on the other hand brought a dead camera, took a day to charge it and then only took one pic
14:09.06gambleroh god. i hate choosing what libraries to use. should I use javax.crypto or bouncycastle or a 3rd choice for my android app
14:09.41gamblerneed to do PKCS7 digisig type things..
14:16.45dimsgambler: bc's the best bet
14:17.17gamblerdims, can u elaborate why
14:18.13gamblerhave experience in other langs but im a java newbie ..
14:18.32gamblerseems like i should use the std lib for an embeddd app
14:18.39gamblerif that possible
14:19.55dimsandroid internally used BC
14:19.58dimsandroid internally uses BC
14:20.28dimssource is available, forums to get help as well
14:20.49gamblerah well that is an excellent reason
14:22.27dimshaving said that javax.crypto may be convenient
14:22.53dimsif you get it working quickly...
14:23.21gamblerim not even clear on the whole JCE/JCA thing. basically you have to import com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE that it?
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14:24.29dimsgambler: no, you should not have to..
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15:38.59jastai mean, yawn
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15:43.23jastamorrildl: well, what was the result of yesterday's heckling? :)
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17:57.54jastahmm, firefox3 fucked up my print stylesheets :(
17:58.38wastrelweb design is hard
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19:24.37jastai regret not making a fuss about the next SDK during the Android Q&A
19:24.59muthujasta: you did ask about that?
19:25.06jastanot during the Q&A
19:25.15muthuoh yeah, that was a chance
19:26.06jastai knew they wouldn't have an answer for me, but it would have been a good forum to complain openly
19:26.29muthuthat was the time to ask
19:27.00jastathough i don't think it would have made a difference.
19:27.06jastai'm starting to get the sense that Andy is just a prick :)
19:27.15muthuoh oh
19:27.25muthuhe seems to be a nice guy
19:27.41jastatalked to Dan yesterday and he confirmed that basically the forum when he says he's gonna "find out" about something is that he asks Andy
19:27.46jastaand if Andy says buzz off, he does.
19:28.08jastaSo, from that we can reason that Andy is at the least highest authority we know of that is denying the open source community a reasonable answer.
19:28.53muthuit would be a company decision
19:29.21jastai doubt that the strategy is managed to that level.
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19:29.55jastathough i don't believe that Andy is even in charge of the strategy, I think he is certainly a reasonable person to authorize public statements.
19:30.15muthuhe's the android head right?
19:30.16jastaand he is at least the highest authority that we have indirect access to.
19:30.42jastai'd prefer Dan to give us more information as to where this nonsense is coming from so that we can address those people directly.
19:30.58jastayet another example of where this project fails greatly at openness...we don't even know who's who.
19:31.46jastaBut I bet Andy at least is responsible for the lack of public statement on the issue.
19:32.14muthuthey have some things to sort out
19:32.18muthubut am sure they will soon
19:32.53jastawhat gives you that assurance?
19:33.20jastai have assumed the opposite, and that they would simply hurry this process along to release the next SDK.  but not making any statement in the interim as to why it took so long to come out.
19:33.45jastai believe that harrassing Dan is causing questions to be asked up the chain, but those questions clearly are not receiving positive answers.
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19:36.23zhobbs_I was impressed with Andy...I thought he was completely non-technical but he seemed to have some knowledge on technical happenings
19:37.13muthuhe was answering and very receptive
19:37.16muthuto everyone
19:37.42muthuhad a nice attitude
19:38.53jastaDid you guys attend the same conference as me?
19:39.55jastamuch of what I remember from Andy fielding questions was side-stepping.  And the guy in the middle, whose name escapes me.
19:40.24muthui'm not saying he had direct answers to everything
19:44.09muthuwas very impressed with dan though
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19:45.44davidwjasta, someone (i.e *not me*) ought to put together a timeline of what's gone on
19:46.11muthudavidw: what timeline?
19:46.20davidwhas been pretty willing to play along... I don't have anything major going on right now where I'm being damaged by not having a new sdk or something
19:46.49davidwbut it's bad in community terms (which I think Dan understands just fine)
19:47.09davidwsomeone upstairs doesn't get open source
19:47.55muthuwent to a pub near fisherman's wharf yesterday
19:48.08muthuthey had like 63 kind of beer on tap!
19:49.04muthulot of pictures of the taps where taken
19:49.17muthuseems like a popular spot
19:52.08zhobbs_cooking capsules is doomed!
19:52.12davidwwith rents what they are in SF
19:52.18davidwif it's not popular it's out of business
19:52.57dmoffettIf you are in DC check out this place for variety.
19:53.21muthudmoffett: they have this beer magazine
19:53.42muthuand awards and so on.. fascinating
19:53.53zhobbs_dmoffett: that's intense
19:54.03muthuzhobbs_: everyone has to cook now ;)
19:54.06dmoffettHard to choose.
19:54.34muthudmoffett: oh man, how many there?
19:54.51dmoffett1000 I think
19:54.58dmoffettnot all on tap though.
19:55.12zhobbs_I did one of those "drink all our beers and get a plaque and t-shirt thing" at a local ended up being too much like a job after a couple months :)
19:55.24zhobbs_still finished it off though
19:55.36muthuhow long you took?
19:56.03zhobbs_like 4 months, 100 beers I think
19:56.31muthunot bad, 1 beer a day
19:56.36zhobbs_sucks when you get a beer you don't like
19:56.53muthubut you get a tshirt :0
19:57.14zhobbs_yep, and my name is misspelled on the plaque :)
19:57.32dmoffettthis place in Denver for those Scotch lovers.
19:57.38muthugood, after marriage you can claim its not you
19:58.28muthudmoffett: the alcohol varieties in US is mind blowing
19:59.36zhobbs_the american dream
20:01.58dmoffettmuthu: how ever it seems the good stuff comes from over seas.
20:03.01zhobbs_there's some good microbrew in the states
20:03.24zhobbs_I thought that a micro-still pub would be awesome
20:03.36zhobbs_there may be legal probs with that though
20:04.09dmoffettthat would be very cool.
20:04.48dmoffettWhile in high school I worked for a farmer who ran a still.
20:04.53zhobbs_yeah, would be a good gimick because it's rare
20:05.12zhobbs_I used to brew beer a lot...and have been thinking about getting a still
20:05.19zhobbs_(though it's illegal)
20:05.35dmoffettThat stuff would curl your hair.
20:05.42zhobbs_well, it's not illegal to have a still, just to use it for ethanol
20:05.53dmoffettI think if you don't try to sell you can have a still of a certain size.
20:06.02zhobbs_I'd like to make some good gin
20:06.19muthuwhat's a still?
20:06.47zhobbs_muthu: used to distill alcohol out of a liquid
20:07.21muthuzhobbs_: you brew your own beer?
20:07.24zhobbs_so you basically make uncarbinated beer and then remove the alcohol
20:07.27zhobbs_used to
20:07.38zhobbs_it's legal to make 200 gal a year
20:07.51muthuis it easy to make?
20:08.09zhobbs_not too bad, a lot of work though
20:08.22muthuis it worth it?
20:08.59zhobbs_it's kinda fun to brew it then go trade beers at local homebrew meets and stuff
20:09.21zhobbs_but it's a lot of work
20:09.26dmoffettyou can take short cuts like using a car radiator but then you get lead poising which explains a lot of West Virginia.  :-)
20:09.50dmoffettor is that in breeding?
20:10.05dmoffettprobably both.
20:10.12muthuthe belgian beers are good
20:10.27jastathe tap house in seattle has like 200 on tap i think
20:10.42jastastill, a lot.
20:10.53muthujasta: your favorite beer?
20:11.01dmoffettGuiness is still tops imo.
20:11.13muthuguiness is good for a 4th beer
20:11.19jastamuthu: Mac & Jack's, it's a Pacific Northwest microbrew.
20:11.33jastaprobably not available in SF.
20:11.39muthushould be
20:11.45dmoffettJasta: What kind of beer is in?
20:11.48jastaI doubt it, CA is not considered the pacific northwest.
20:11.52jastabasically because it's not northwest ;)
20:11.57jastadmoffett: Amber
20:12.07muthuyou have all kind of stuff in SF
20:12.19jastamuthu: yes, but it is a microbrew specific to the northwest, so again, probably not there :)
20:12.31muthuamber is usually bitter, right?
20:12.33jastai haven't seen it anywhere other than WA and OR.
20:12.46jastai wouldn't describe amber as bitter, but maybe others would.
20:13.45zhobbs_muthu: best thing about brewing beer is smelling/tasting some of the individual ingredients in beer (different hops, barley, etc), and that helps you pick out those tastes in beer much better
20:14.07jastaGuinness is good, but it is sort of for a different occassion, I think.
20:14.18muthuzhobbs_:  what's the major ingredient?
20:14.38muthujasta: guinness is good for what?
20:15.03jastacasually drinking with friends, without the intention of getting tipsy or drunk
20:15.31jastagenerally not good with dinner, either.  better before dinner, like an appetizer :)
20:15.46muthuoh ok
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20:15.53muthuthen its for me :0
20:16.05jastait's a very dark beer, you know that right?
20:16.17muthui drank it, yeah i know
20:16.24muthuit looked dark & bitter
20:17.13zhobbs_muthu: hops are very distinguishable in lots of beer and give it the bitter or aroma, and barley gives it the color and maltiness
20:18.08zhobbs_muthu: for example, guinness has really dark roast barley so it's dark...and there is very little hop flavor
20:19.04muthuoh that's what hops are huh
20:19.28zhobbs_you tried any IPA's?
20:19.42muthuwhat's that?
20:19.55zhobbs_India Pale Ale, usually extremely hoppy
20:20.09muthuwe have kingfisher beer
20:20.14muthuthat all over india drinks
20:20.24muthuits lager i guess
20:21.11muthuwonder how you folks pick 1 out of 1000?
20:21.32jastayou mean how we can distinguish one beer from another?
20:21.50muthuyeah, how you pick something to drink out of all these varieties
20:22.05jastawell, to me, most beer tastes gross.
20:22.27jastathe remaining ones that don't taste gross, i like and drink :)
20:22.57jastai typically avoid wheaty beers, lagers and stouts (though Guinness is an exception), and light, watery beers.
20:23.02jastawhich leaves, generally, ambers ;)
20:23.14davidwprefers wine
20:23.32jastamuthu: Fat Tire you can find all over the states, and that is a somewhat close approximation to Mac & Jack's.  If you're curious.
20:23.40muthuoh yes
20:23.44jastai say somewhat because it's not as good, but the same basic style.
20:23.54muthuthere's a lot of fat tire signs
20:24.17muthuthere's a german beer festival for the weekend
20:24.28muthushould be good!
20:25.16jastamy dad told me once: never trust a man that doesn't like beer.
20:25.35muthudid obama win?
20:25.45jastathe nomination, yes.
20:25.47jastanot the election
20:26.02muthuyeah the nomination,, is it final?
20:26.07dmoffettBeer + Politics = Fight.
20:26.29jastayou know, geeks just don't have the same triggers as everyone else
20:26.38jastachoice of editor and programming language?  now that will get heated.
20:26.57jastabtw, it's Vim and C.  if you disagree, i will hit you with a chair :)
20:26.58dmoffettWe all know emacs is the only way to go.  :-)
20:27.20muthuthere's eclipse, netbeans, idea
20:27.27muthuthe new generation IDE's
20:28.04jastabut they don't count
20:29.55dmoffettDamn I expected a lot of abuse.  :-)
20:32.18jastadmoffett: I have scheduled you for a beating next time i see you.
20:32.21zhobbs_dmoffett: I'm an emacs man, so no complaint here
20:32.22jastaDon't worry :)
20:32.32zhobbs_dmoffett: you where at IO right?
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20:32.41dmoffettI think you better let me get a bit older.
20:33.27dmoffettlike maybe 20 years.
20:33.38zhobbs_how old are you?
20:33.46jastain 20 years i'd feel bad hitting you.
20:33.50jastaso, i'll just steal your wallet
20:34.53dmoffettI am trained in the ancient art of nintendo.
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21:53.10muthunew article in HA
21:53.21muthuafter a very long time
21:53.30muthuzhobbs: you writing again ;)
21:59.47jastazhobbs: can you update my link to :)
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22:34.24zhobbsmuthu: I still remember how to write
22:34.34zhobbsi rite good
22:34.54dueymy england is the best
22:35.30zhobbsjasta: your link in that story or on your app's page?
22:37.04zhobbschanged on your app's page, I'll change in story if that's what you were talking about
22:37.22muthuzhobbs: that's his new link
22:41.45zhobbsthey need something like this for coders:
22:42.06zhobbsthey need one that takes ebooks and makes it look like source code or something
22:43.09muthuthen you can basically write in a book
22:43.18muthuwe can submit a novel for ADC!
22:44.04zhobbsyeah, turn in a novel for cooking capsules
22:44.10zhobbshelps my odds
22:44.30jastazhobbs: no, i meant in the app db
22:44.36jastai dont care if you link internally to helloandroid
22:44.47zhobbsok, that's fixed
22:44.50muthuzhobbs: a cookbook for cc :)
22:45.26muthucooking and media player can coexist
22:45.31muthuno conflicts there
22:46.04muthui knew a mediaplayer will win, but thought it would be jasta
22:46.23jastazhobbs hoped otherwise ;)
22:46.29muthubut then you came in the final stretch from nowhere and annonced tunewiki
22:46.47jastaTuneWiki was public all along, muthu
22:46.50zhobbsI wouldn't care if Five won, just as long as TuneWiki was in there too
22:46.54muthui didn't know zhobbs was working on tunewiki
22:46.57jastain fact, it already exists for the iPhone, and did all along.
22:47.07muthuyeah, but zhobbs kept it a secret
22:47.14zhobbsdid i?
22:47.16jastahe did?
22:47.32muthuzhobbs: you said you were working on 2 apps
22:47.33zhobbsno, I said openly I was working on a media player
22:47.54jastai remember talking with zhobbs here about his media player at least a month before the deadline
22:47.57zhobbsat least I talked about it with jasta, because we had some of the same probs
22:48.08muthuok, i must have missed
22:48.12zhobbsthe accuweather app I kept a little quieter I though
22:48.27jastazhobbs: btw, chad and that other guy are assholes ;)
22:48.35muthuwho's chad?
22:48.43muthuoh tunewiki folks
22:49.05zhobbsI get along with all the tunewiki guys...we had a lot of fun out there
22:49.20muthuhey you had a tunewiki party?
22:49.26zhobbsnot really
22:51.12jastai met them all at I/O during the after hours thing and frankly, they were less than polite :)
22:51.25jastanot tha ti care, but i was a bit surprised.
22:51.41muthuwhat they did?
22:51.57zhobbswell, I think they took it personally when you came down on chad that one day...and that's understandable
22:52.30muthuwas it during the party?
22:52.32zhobbsyeah, the google party
22:53.07muthudid jasta say something to chad?
22:53.37zhobbshe told chad that he creeped him out or something
22:54.11muthujasta: then why are you surprised?
22:54.33jastazhobbs: Well actually, Chad asked me why I wasn't taking him seriously.
22:54.44jastaAnd I responded initially with other more professional reasons.
22:54.46jastaBut he kept pressing the issue.
22:55.03zhobbsdid you ever straight up say no before that point?
22:55.08jastaSo, I decided he would not stop unless I explained myself, side-stepping professionalism.
22:55.15jastazhobbs: Yes, quite a few times.
22:55.20jastaIn fact, I had said no the day before.
22:55.34jastaAnd that is when he started becoming most aggressive.
22:55.39jastaWhich, I find creepy.
22:55.51jastaPerhaps you did not see this because you said "yes" :)
22:56.27jastaBut why others working for him would take personal offense to a dialog that did not concern me is, ...not understandable.
22:56.48muthuthey were being loyal i guess
22:57.25jastaLoyal to him personally?  Do they hate the girlfriends that broke his heart too? :)
22:57.43muthuor may be you pissed off everyone
22:58.06jastaMaybe.  But I believe my arguments made perfect sense.  His unwillingness to accept them did not.
22:58.44jastaUltimately, I refused on the grounds that I prefer my application, and at least one music player in particular, be open source.
22:58.56zhobbswhich is fine
22:59.03jastaHe took that to mean that I was "against making money", his words exactly, despite my current and previous gainful employment as a software engineer.
22:59.20jastaOne of the members of TuneWiki reiterated that unusual, illogical conclusion at I/O, too.
22:59.21zhobbswe've asked others who were not interested and there wasn't any problems
22:59.45muthuwhat did you ask jasta?
22:59.51muthuto join your team?
22:59.59muthuoh ok
22:59.59jastaI didn't ask to join their team.
23:00.09jastaOr was that a typo?
23:00.19muthujasta: it was for zhobbs
23:00.29dueylooks like a bit of a rant
23:01.02muthumornin duey
23:01.11muthuhow is nzzz today?
23:01.21dueycold, sunny and i have a test :(
23:01.23jastaduey: I was just surprised, is all.  Usually folks are not quite so rude within the first 3 seconds of meeting them.
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23:01.43jastaNot regarding Chad, mostly the taller, older guy standing next to him, who had not previously interacted with me.
23:01.55muthuwhat he said?
23:02.11zhobbshaha, muthu loves drama :)
23:02.18dueyad break
23:02.20muthuif you thought he was rude, did you tell him?
23:02.26muthuzhobbs: :)
23:02.28jastaHe was just awkwardly reiterating Chad's argument that I was "against making money", and had suggested that I was not employed, nor have I made any significant contributions in the software industry.
23:02.48muthuoh oh
23:02.50jastamuthu: I commented to Zach, and then left.
23:03.21muthuhmm ok
23:03.32muthuyou could have told the old guy directly
23:04.25jastaI might have, if not for having the graceful option of having another beer and talking to someone interesting :)
23:05.04muthuzhobbs: i missed out on the tunewiki team
23:05.10zhobbsmuthu: yeah I know
23:05.18zhobbsnot sure how you missed us at the party
23:05.20muthuyou could've introduced man!
23:05.34muthuthe party was very small for me
23:05.41muthuwe have like 10 folks and that's it
23:05.43jastazhobbs: Did you guys go inside at all?  I noticed a lot of the Android nerds were sitting outside :)
23:06.01zhobbsin the birds of a feather area?
23:06.12muthuwhat's that about?
23:06.13zhobbsno, we were inside
23:06.15jastaI think that's what it was, right outside the main entrance.
23:06.16muthui did not go there
23:06.31jastaJeffrey was out tehre, and that's where I noticed Zach et al.
23:06.40jastaand a few other folks I recognized, including Dan and Jason.
23:06.56zhobbsyeah, that was the "birds of a feather" area
23:07.04muthui somehow thought that's a boring event
23:07.10muthuand never went there
23:07.10zhobbsno, we were inside...nearer to the stage in anticipation
23:07.28jastazhobbs: Really?  I didn't meet you guys inside.
23:07.43jastaThat was hours into the after party, I thought.
23:07.49jastaI left shortly after that
23:07.57zhobbswe walked out there to say what's up to all the android people, but went back out to the party area after we talked to you
23:08.27jastaI think a bunch of people were out there mostly to talk to Dan, but I dunno why he was out there all night :)
23:08.38jastaI was sick of talking to Dan.  He had nothing new to say :)
23:09.53jastaThe after hours thing was sort of lame for me because my friends left.
23:11.14muthuwhere they went?
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23:30.57jastamuthu: Phil went to have dinner with his non-Google friend, and the rest of them went home
23:31.06jastathen I had to leave at 8 to meet my friend, and meet back up with Phil after that
23:31.22muthuoh ojk
23:48.42jastai just hung out inside having a few beers and shooting pool

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