IRC log for #android on 20080530

00:06.10*** join/#android yanbe (n=yanbe@
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01:23.35*** part/#android Dougie187 (
01:24.25*** join/#android duey (n=Nick@
01:25.15trigatch4whats up people?
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05:06.33ignu_hello any body can help me out
05:06.56ignu_i have a problem in my android
05:07.08ignu_Application Home not responding
05:09.57ignu_i cant see maps on my android
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06:06.10umdk1d3-iorawr sleep time
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07:14.40NiZoXnew version of android here:
07:17.23Hai-Faidon't make my heart explode saying that.. on this channel it means that you have a new sdk and one can go and download it from there
07:25.55*** part/#android CVirus (n=GoD@
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09:28.56*** join/#android Mathiasdm (
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09:42.27cutmastadoes somebody know if enkin won?
09:42.33cutmastaif not, i know why
09:42.50dueythey didn't
09:43.23cutmastagoogle did nearly the same job
09:43.33cutmastaexcluding real time video capture
09:43.37dueycutmasta, enkin were contacted by google
09:43.41cutmastaperhaps thats the reasion
09:44.53romainguyEnkin was not relying on the emulator alone
09:45.12romainguyand the contest, I believe, required to use only the emulator/SDK
09:45.21cutmastaromainguy, ah yes
09:45.24cutmastayou are right
09:45.28cutmastathats also a possible reason
09:46.14romainguyit has nothing to do with the fact that we have compass support in streetview
09:46.29romainguyespecially since most judges were not from Google
10:41.01*** join/#android maynards-girl (
10:57.08*** join/#android Hai-Fai (
11:23.08*** join/#android maynards-girl (
12:06.37cutmastais away (away)
12:25.15*** join/#android isaac (n=isaac@debian/developer/isaac)
12:28.30*** join/#android SR71-Blackbird (n=nirvana@unaffiliated/sr71-blackbird)
12:47.08*** join/#android Dougie187 (
12:47.57Dougie187good morning everyone
12:48.06volmariasgood morning
12:48.20Dougie187How are you this morning?
13:00.49*** join/#android raboof (
13:05.24Dougie187maybe today we will get our announcement
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14:01.52*** join/#android cant_get_started (
14:02.19cant_get_startedhi I need some help with getting the SDK setup
14:02.36cant_get_startedi get the following error after installing
14:02.45Dougie187are you on windows?
14:02.55cant_get_startedcould not find \android.jar!
14:03.08Dougie187i cant help. sorry. dont have windows around.
14:03.19cant_get_startedty anyway
14:04.59Dougie187what are you trying to run that gives you the android.jar error?
14:05.02cant_get_startedby any chance do you know
14:05.22cant_get_starteddo I need to download and install the SDK and add the pugin to eclipse?
14:05.51Dougie187well what are you trying to do?
14:06.00Dougie187and you dont need to install the plugin to eclipse at all.
14:06.03Dougie187thats just to help develop code.
14:06.06cant_get_startedjust starting to learn
14:06.14Dougie187but are you trying to run the emulator?
14:06.29cant_get_startedI get the error when I just open eclipse
14:07.00Dougie187well. i would say thats something wrong with one of your paths or the way eclipse is set up.
14:07.17Dougie187or maybe your android.jar file isnt in the place its supposed to be.
14:07.40Dougie187did you add the tools directory to your path?
14:08.17*** join/#android mazzen (
14:08.21Dougie187you should try that.
14:08.28Dougie187i dont know if it will fix your issue.
14:08.45Dougie187but it might give you a place to start.
14:08.50Dougie187ill brb i have to make a phone call.
14:14.30cutmastais away (away)
14:14.42cant_get_startedfigured it out
14:14.53cant_get_startedjust downloading the plugin is NOT enough
14:15.08cant_get_startedyou need the sdk (which has the .jar file)
14:15.12cant_get_startedmakes sense
14:21.57Dougie187Oh hah.
14:22.05Dougie187You dont have to use Eclipse at all actually.
14:22.11Dougie187thats just one of the many options to develop code.
14:23.02Dougie187so its all working now?
14:23.06*** join/#android tmarble (
14:30.19cant_get_startedI am use to ecipse from php stuff
14:33.08*** join/#android TopoMorto (n=TopoMort@
14:44.08Dougie187thats good that its working now.
14:50.47*** join/#android TimRiker (
14:53.54TopoMortonewbie question: HelloAndroid + eclipse problem, when i run the program i recive this error "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1", could someone help please?
14:54.54umdk1d3-ioalso detailed pics from dalvik sessn for those who couldnt make it:
14:55.01umdk1d3-ioif ya didnt see the link yday
14:55.58Dougie187are you back home umdk1d3-io?
14:59.46umdk1d3-ionot yet, hanging around the valley and cali for the next week
15:00.25umdk1d3-iothe adc2 private msg board already has like 2 dozen topics lol
15:00.26Dougie187sounds like a nice vacation.
15:00.37Dougie187adc2? as in adc round 2?
15:00.46umdk1d3-iowell adc1.2 or whatever lol
15:00.46Dougie187or actually adc2?
15:00.52Dougie187just making sure.
15:02.47volmariasTopoMorto: That's strange.
15:02.58volmariashave you searched the android discussion groups for that?
15:03.19volmariasAlso, is the eclipse plugin setup correctly?
15:04.36TopoMortovolmarias, i have googled oround with no solotion :((
15:04.53volmariasThumbs.db is a file generated by Vista's Explorer, containing the thumbnails
15:04.53volmariasof the image files in your res/drawable directory. the current SDK doesn't
15:04.56volmariasdeal correctly with these.
15:05.27volmariascan you pastebin what the output is?
15:06.12TopoMortoi'm using ubitu, yes, i will pastebin the output :)
15:08.18TopoMortolook here :)
15:09.21volmariashaven't looked, but make sure it's using the right version of java
15:09.28volmariaslet me see now.
15:09.45volmariasthis looks a lot like this
15:09.49volmariascheck your path
15:13.05*** join/#android yanbe (
15:15.57jastahehe, intense
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15:23.04Dougie187hows it going jasta
15:23.12jastapretty fantastic really
15:23.22jastai had an awesome time at I/O
15:23.26jastaiw as really surprised
15:23.57Dougie187i heard you went to the android sessions as well
15:24.05jastaactually not really
15:24.20jastai went to the Dalvik VM session and that was kind o fit
15:24.32jastai half passed out during the Mobile Mashups one.  I was just sitting there to avoid puking ;)
15:24.48volmariasdrink a lot I see
15:24.59jastaoh yeah
15:25.03jastaWed night was insane
15:25.12jastai was out until 4am
15:25.24jastarolled with one of the Google employees
15:25.26Dougie187hah yeah i heard you overslept for thursday too
15:25.40jastai didnt oversleep hehe, i knew i wasn't gonna be in until 11 :)
15:26.23*** join/#android dims (
15:26.47volmariasTopoMorto: working?
15:27.06jastaduring the fireside chat forum i was tempted to blast them about the SDK madness
15:27.07Dougie187did you complain about android to your google buddy?
15:27.22TopoMortovolmarias, it doen't look ;)) i will look again at it tomorrow :))
15:27.23Dougie187yeah they still havent announced anything as far as public access to the new sdk
15:27.26jastathe forum was just like 6 or 7 android engineer type guys and a bunch of people firing off questions
15:27.54jastabut i honestly have just given up on the issue
15:28.04jastai'm not going to be able to change their mind
15:28.54jastai will say that i was unimpressed that Jason Chen had not prepared any response to me.
15:29.09jastahe specifically mentioned that he'd like to talk to me about the issue to try to clear some things up
15:29.26jastawhich now i realize was disingenuous
15:29.56volmariasMost unfortunate, they've insulted J. Random Hacker
15:30.09volmariasthe wrath of the FOSS community shall bear down upon them
15:30.23volmariasfrom the depths of my parents basement, I curse thee!
15:30.38volmariasfrom the bottom of my neckbeard, I spit at thee!
15:31.34jastai'm honestly just embarrassed fo rthem.  they won't confess to mismanagement of the issue, and yet they won't give any details.
15:31.57jastaand i don't mean they as in Dan or Jason.
15:32.14volmariasthey're under pretty big time pressure, trying to have everything wrapped up so that HTC can launch their product
15:32.25volmariassaid product will probably involve some clever trade secret or another
15:32.38Dougie187but still
15:32.39volmariasand they don't want to deal with some people they've never heard of screaming for a buggy sdk
15:32.48Dougie187we were supposed to get an announcement last friday or tuesday.
15:32.54volmariasinsisting that they'll sign an NDA, of which there may be dubious merit of keeping
15:33.05volmariassurprise, slips happen
15:33.11volmariasthere is no android conspiracy or mismanagement
15:33.19Dougie187they shouldnt have let the winners of ADC1 have access to it personally.
15:33.28Dougie187(thats my opinion)
15:33.41Dougie187i think they didnt think that through well enough.
15:33.42volmariasI disagree, they want the winners to have their apps ready from the moment it launches
15:33.49Dougie187what about the community?
15:33.51volmariasthey've performed a risk/reward analysis
15:33.57Dougie187and all the 1738 apps  that didnt win
15:34.01Dougie187or got into the top 25%?
15:34.07Dougie187none of those will be ready.
15:34.14Dougie187plus, they talk about how the SDK is buggy as hell.
15:34.19Dougie187so how are apps going to be ready with that?
15:34.28volmariasI'm assuming it will be updated as time goes by
15:34.31Dougie187people are going to spend most of their time fixing the bugs rather then finishing their apps.
15:34.50volmariaswith explicit notices "XYZ isn't done yet, don't fucking touch it : ("
15:35.04Dougie187i just think its a poor move.
15:35.12volmariasthey don't want the public to see a shitty, buggy sdk and think that it reflects the software as a whole
15:35.26Dougie187well. they kinda screwed a lot of the public.
15:35.30Dougie187not a lot.
15:35.33Dougie187but the community.
15:35.36Dougie187a good 1738 teams.
15:35.52volmariasI'm going to say 1000 of those entries are crap
15:35.56volmariasbecause I've seen my friend's entry
15:36.00volmariasand it was barely functional crap
15:36.03volmariasand somehow, he's at 50%?
15:36.05Dougie187well then, 738
15:36.12Dougie187well was it a decent idea?
15:36.21volmariasto be honest
15:36.37volmariasI'm willing to bet that there are less than 100 apps, INCLUDING rnd1 winners that are anywhere near ready for prime time
15:37.00volmariaslook at some of the choices they picked
15:37.01Dougie187true, but they should allow all of them access to the new SDK.
15:37.03volmariasFashion closet?
15:37.04Dougie187so they can all get ready.
15:37.32volmariasgiven the time alloted for round 1, I think they've decided that anyone who cares has already made their submission
15:37.42volmariasand that the final entry reflects that
15:37.54Dougie187i didnt make an entry.
15:38.01volmariasneither did I
15:38.05Dougie187i was hoping to spend some of the time this summer making an app for ADC2
15:38.07Dougie187but now i cant.
15:38.09volmariasobviously, you don't need the sdk bad enough.
15:38.30*** join/#android krau (
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15:38.43volmariasremember, they're not running contests because that's a sooper neato keen way of giving back to the community
15:39.05volmariasthey're doing it because its an amazingly cheap way to A) get good launch software and B) get a group of people who are ready, willing, and able to do android dev, even with broken software
15:39.05*** join/#android jasonchen (n=chatzill@nat/google/x-6dccb75a3da9dc55)
15:39.18Dougie187theres jasonchen jasta.
15:40.00Dougie187I agree with your reasons. volmarias, but i think that A could be done a bit better.
15:40.03volmariasjasta is very displeased that you ahve personally slighted him by not giving him personal access to the SDK
15:40.12Dougie187thats not what he said.
15:40.16volmariasI know.
15:40.20volmariasI was being humorous
15:40.28Dougie187i couldnt tell.
15:40.46Dougie187he was displeased that you didnt address his issues at IO
15:40.57volmariasjasonchen: The non public sdk has A) broken and B) secret parts, and this is why only the ADC winners are given access, correct?
15:41.16Dougie187totally i know that stuff volmarias
15:41.27volmariasI am suggesting that ADC round 1 was used as a weeding process to choose who to show their dark secrets to
15:41.44volmariasDougie187 believes that everyone should see it anyway, or at least be given the option
15:42.01Dougie187well ive told him that before.
15:42.06volmariasalso, your curly brace style is heresy.
15:42.12Dougie187we have had a discussion.
15:42.25Dougie187im just waiting for their announcement.
15:42.28jasonchenyou don't like our curly-brace style?
15:42.52volmariasI meant Dougie187
15:42.56volmariasbut I'm sure your style is terrible too
15:43.04volmariasI don't know, I can only decompile the bytecode
15:43.15volmariasonly I have the One True Curly Brace Style
15:43.30jasoncheni guess all the apidemos weren't enough, eh?
15:43.42volmariasoh, well, that slipped my mind.
15:43.48volmariasyou win this round....
15:43.57volmariasshakes fist
15:43.58jasoncheneventually you'll have GBs worth of code to look through to see if we're curly-bracing the way you like :-P
15:44.04Dougie187hey jasonchen, any idea about the announcement?
15:45.08jasonchenDougie187: just got into the office, so i need to talk to my compatriots to find out what's going on
15:45.26jasoncheni've been shaking hands and giving talks for the last two days.
15:45.40Dougie187so i hear.
15:45.41jasonchenso i'm a bit out of the loop as to the day-to-day
15:46.01Dougie187it happens.
15:46.50umdk1d3-iohotel wireless sux lol
15:47.20jasonchenumdk1d3-io: hopefully you don't have to pay for it. that's when it sucks the most.
15:47.36Dougie187thats like stupid airport wireless.
15:47.40Dougie187with that sprint crap
15:47.48umdk1d3-iowell i found some free wifi outsided moscone
15:48.00umdk1d3-iolinksys or slomethin lol-
15:48.23umdk1d3-ioeverything wrappen in ssh/ssl of course ;)
15:49.13jasonchenumdk1d3-io: if you're in SF there's a company putting up APs w/ the SSID "Free the Net" that should be open and available.
15:49.34umdk1d3-ioaha i saw one but it was too weak
15:49.42volmariastotally weaksauce
15:49.48volmariasspeaking of sauce, lunchtime
15:50.58Dougie187that it is
15:55.42TopoMortois going to cook a very cool dish "Lasagne" :))
15:56.42*** join/#android dmoffett (
15:57.55jastaumdk1d3-io: sup :)
16:01.14jastabrb, getting ready for work
16:01.26jastaman, i feel more hungover today than on thursday, but that makes no sense :)
16:10.54*** join/#android Jythonroid (n=Yolanda@
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16:16.48jasonchenjasta: i have the same post-conference hangover. must have been something in the air at moscone. :-)
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16:19.11jastai think it was the 4 sake bombs i did at some random sushi bar in the ghetto of SF
16:20.12jastaWed night was so insane
16:20.21jastaI went out with Phil and one of his non-Google friends
16:20.53jastaand my Loopt buddy and his gf
16:21.34jastawe were in this dodgy neighborhood and we had the same idea that Dan presented the very next day
16:21.52jastaabout an app which combines your location with crime data by neighborhood
16:22.01jastato alert you when you should get a taxi and not hang out there drunk
16:22.15jasonchenyou must have been in the tenderloin
16:22.21jastai think the app would have been going mental where we were.  hardly any street lights, nothing open for at least 2 blocks
16:22.29jastawe went to this place called Butter but it was closed down for some reason.
16:22.33jastawe originally hit the Zeitgeist
16:22.40jasonchenjasta: who do you know at loopt?  i've met sam altman and some other folks.
16:22.51jastathen after we realized Butter was closed walked around a bit and hit this Sushi Bar called Dragon something I think
16:22.57jastathen hit the Irish Bank
16:23.03jastaand some 24 hour diner, and finally back to the hotel at 4am
16:23.21jasonchennice.  sounds like you made a good round of places in SoMa.
16:23.22jastaI know Fred Potter, he was roaming around with me at I/O on Thursday.
16:24.13jasonchenah, ok. not sure i've met him before.
16:24.19jastahe used to my roommate and stuff before he moved down there to work at Loopt
16:24.56jasonchencool.  are you still here in the bay area or back home?
16:25.06jastaback home now
16:25.19jastai left thu night, i actually had to skip early on the android fireside chat
16:25.39jasonchenah, you missed out.  we had andy, steve, and 6 tech leads there.
16:25.48jastano i was there for a good chunk of it
16:25.59jasonchenoh, right.  didn't quite grok that.
16:26.18jastai thought about causing trouble and asking about all this evilness
16:26.36jastabut i decided i'd not make a memorable impression with Andy that way :)
16:26.43jasonchenyou should have. andy, et. al were there to answer tough questions.
16:27.26jastawell, it didn't seem like it.
16:27.44jastamost of the tough questions that had a lot of unknowns got kind of dodged answers
16:27.57jastalike "well, the OHA can do what it wants." which is basically "no comment."
16:28.44jastai do appreciate the general strategy, though.  a heavy handed approach would never work against the current US telcos
16:28.57*** join/#android morrildl (n=morrildl@
16:29.26jastabut i think we all know what that means for Android right out of the gate
16:30.21morrildloh goodie
16:30.32morrildldid I come in the middle of another "fun" discussion? ;)
16:30.42*** mode/#android [+o morrildl] by ChanServ
16:30.57jasonchenjasta: what's that?
16:30.59dmoffettjasta: are you going to leave us hanging?
16:31.00*** topic/#android by morrildl -> How are you people still awake after Google I/O?
16:31.55jastai was brushing my teeth
16:31.59dmoffettApple seemed to be able to get things from AT&T.  It seems like Google would have some leverage as well.
16:32.12jastajasonchen: that Android will just be another software platform running atop the very traditional business model of existing carriers and manufacturers.
16:32.36jastaThat it would be reasonably locked to a particular carrier, would not have a shot of otherwise extending openness of the network or its features, etc.
16:33.13Dougie187nice im back
16:33.15Dougie187now i get to catch up
16:34.17jastamorrildl eluded to precisely that while i talked to him at I/O.  Android is not in the business of clubbing the industry into openness, merely by hoping they adopt it naturally from their "good" example.
16:34.50jastaSo, it would not be reasonable to assume Android, as it starts, will have changed much.
16:35.31dmoffettInternet access outside of the cell networks will force the cell companies into more open access
16:35.41jastaEventually, yeah I think that's likely to happen.
16:35.54jastabut I don't think Android will be an immediate catalyst to any great change in the industry at large.
16:36.19dmoffettMarket forces are even more powerful than even big companies as we have seen.
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16:36.36morrildlyes, Google is not a telecom company, we don't pretend to know how to be one, and we don't really aim come out of the gate and destroy business models. We're in it for the long haul
16:37.02muthugood IO
16:37.14morrildlbesides, historically revolutions have a high risk of replacing one bad status quo with another
16:37.14jastaRight and as I said, that is why I think we can all reasonably assume what Android will be out of the gate.
16:37.19muthuandroid chat was cool
16:37.27jastaA phone, nothing remarkable otheriwse.
16:37.40morrildljasta: well, a phone and a ton of source code, at least :)
16:38.06jastai was disappointed to hear that Google apps would not be part of that source.
16:38.15jastawhat about all the other utilities?
16:39.14jastabbl, heading into work
16:44.50morrildlWhether the Google apps will be open sourced is not a decision that's made yet. It could go either way
16:45.15*** part/#android Dougie187 (
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17:02.12jastayou were the one that said they were in a separate source tree and are not otherwise being considered when you say that the platform will be open sourced
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17:20.35volmariasActually, I've got a few questions that i'd like answered.
17:20.56volmariashow will the OHA prevent the balkanization of the platform in the same way that J2ME is
17:21.14volmariasprogramming for j2me involves tons and tons of ifdefs because no one has the asme standards
17:21.27volmariasmeanwhile, manufacturers and vendors will actually be CUTTING parts of the sdk
17:21.54volmariasAlso, for touch screen only phones, how does the keyboard work?
17:23.14jastathe short answer is that there is no protection against the evils of this industry
17:24.00jastathe long answer is that there REALLY is no protection against the evils of this industry :)  Google is just releasing it for the carriers and manufacturers to butcher and abuse to their whim, which will certainly yield a less than satisfactory result.
17:26.11volmariasso, the keyboard
17:26.15volmariashow does that one work
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18:01.01jastalol, i have 50 voicemails at work
18:01.09jastadon't these fools know that i never check my voicemail?
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18:21.17jastahey romain, we missed you at I/O :)
18:21.28jastahow was/is vacation?
18:21.31romainguygood :)
18:23.08romainguydid you enjoy I/O?
18:23.19jastayeah actually i did
18:23.35jastait was fun, which was most important of all to me
18:23.57romainguycool, glad to hear that
18:23.59jastaobviously i learned nothing about Android, though.  the sessions were pretty elementary.
18:24.19romainguyit's not obvious, but sure :)
18:24.28romainguy(for instance the Dalvik talk :p)
18:24.32jastathe free food and drinks sure helped with my hangover on Thursday, too ;)
18:24.42jastaactually, the Dalvik talk was the main one i wanted to catch.
18:24.52jastaand i did, but it was much more obvious and generic than i expected.
18:25.10jastait started out strong, with details about the file format and execution approach
18:25.37jastabut ultimately the pieces i was intrigued about, how it fits in particular into Android handsets, was generalized.
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18:26.27jastathe advice section boiled down to: "don't allocate unnecessary and iterate intelligently", which should be obvious to anyone.
18:26.41romainguyunfortunately it is not obvious
18:26.55romainguy(to everyone I mean)
18:27.09jastabut all in all, yeah, i had a great time.
18:27.21jastameeting pawalls was a big highlight for me, i went out drinking with him wed night
18:27.28romainguy << when I see that kind of bug report... @!#
18:29.36jastahehe, i don't even understand what he's hinting at.  what did he expect, that 60% of the time would be spent in his code doing trivial processing of the data?
18:30.11romainguymy take is that when you parse an XML file that occupies 4 MB when gzipped and that file is read across the network, all that on a cellphone, you are in big trouble
18:30.12jastaalso, seriously?  a 4.4MB gzipped XML file?  christ ;)
18:30.56jastaromainguy: right, but the more suprising point is that he otherwise did not expect the gzip and XML parsing routines to dominate the CPU usage.
18:31.33jastabecause the layering of his problem probably looks like gunzip -> XML parser -> trivially index or store.
18:31.49jastahow he would not expect the first 2 steps to be the most demanding is odd.
18:32.32romainguyArsTechnica got the Home shortcuts description right:
18:32.36jastaromainguy: i ultimately was well behaved at I/O, if you're curious
18:32.39romainguyit's the only correct description I've read
18:34.00jastai did not quite "get" the keynote.
18:34.23romainguyhow so?
18:34.27jastai mean, the Android part in particular.  everyone is so excited by what they saw of the phone, but it doesn't seem hardly different from M5 that we saw running on reference boards?
18:34.50jastathe home screen UI is barely different, and the introduction of sliding around to various workspaces is neat but otherwise not very huge.
18:34.57jastaother than that, all the UI looked the same to me
18:35.00romainguythe Home screen is very different :p
18:35.05jastaand he didn't demo much.  just maps?
18:36.16jastai dunno, maybe i'm just not impressed by the demo approach.  we didn't see much new meat.
18:37.22davidwjasta, so how'd google IO go?
18:38.26jastait was good
18:38.28jastavery fun
18:38.47jastathe conference itself was not anything special, though
18:38.53davidwI was impressed by this:
18:38.54jastabut meeting people, hanging out, that was great
18:39.21jastasee, i just don't get the demo of the andorid phone
18:39.24davidwGoogle is betting on browser over time for mobile devices; it will be the entry point for many applications.
18:39.26jastai was happy to see a real phone being shown
18:39.29jastabut they showed VERY little
18:39.40davidwI was kind of floored by that
18:39.53jastaoh well
18:40.03davidwimagine having the resources to think one thing, but tear off on a very serious effort in another direction 'in the meantime'
18:40.15davidwor maybe android is there way of getting the browser there faster
18:40.17romainguyjasta: well it's Google I/O, not Android I/O :)
18:40.22davidwbut damn... that's a lot of money
18:40.58jastai didn't dislike what i saw, i had just hoped to see something other than maps
18:40.59davidwromainguy, these kinds of conferences always seem to cater to the entry level
18:41.06jastalike, something we havent seen yet
18:41.08jastamaybe calendar, email, etc.
18:41.26davidwI was actually impressed by Dan and Jason in Munich in that they left plenty of time for questions about *intereting* things, rather than just hello world
18:41.45jastaDan and Jason kind of pissed me off at I/O.
18:42.03jastaThey prepared nothing to field my concerns, despite assurances to the contrary.
18:42.39jastaJason in particular claimed last week to be looking forward to talking with me personally about some of these details at I/O.
18:42.55jastaThen when I had the platform to ask, he just gave me the "we have no details" answer that we've been given before.
18:43.14jastaAnd regarding the announcement that was promised on Tuesday, he just simply reiterated his boiler plate "we have no details" answer.
18:43.57jastaI suppose it was naive to expect otherwise, but I wish they would not further deceive us.
18:44.50romainguyit's not necessarily on purpose jasta
18:44.52jastaDan did, thanfkully, clarify where the line was in the sand between open source and closed with the release.
18:45.03romainguyGoogle/OHA is big
18:45.05jastaand it is where i expected.
18:45.26jastai can appreciate that, but if their position is generally uninformed then there is no reason to pretend otherwise.
18:45.37romainguythings might just change...
18:45.48romainguyanyway, dinner time
18:50.37davidwjasta, they do have Corporate Overlords, you know
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20:04.27Dougie187Any news yet?
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20:05.54Dougie187the announcement.
20:06.08jastaoh, lol, that won't be coming :)
20:06.14jastaJason just made all that up, I think
20:08.21jastaumdk1d3-io: *poke*
20:13.54Dougie187well that makes me a sad panda.
20:15.42jastayeah me too ;)
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20:17.15Dougie187do you know what timezone kentucky is in?
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20:24.29wastrelhihi.  is there an expectation that android phones will sync with linux PIM's (kontact, evolution, other?)
20:29.21muthuwastrel: what do you mean by sync?
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20:30.10muthuanyone confirm that the linux version is working?
20:30.13wastrelmuthu: contacts and calendar syncronization
20:31.04muthuwastrel:  dont know about that
20:32.01muthui just put the new sdk together in linux, but nothing seems to work
20:32.20Dougie187i think umdk1d3-io used it.
20:32.21muthuromainguy: is the linux version working?
20:32.24Dougie187and another guy.
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20:32.35muthuDougie187: is it on linux?
20:33.09Dougie187i think
20:34.09muthuok.. got a reply
20:34.15muthuthe emulator needs a flag
20:34.24muthuan option to set system dir
20:34.36muthuwhy can't it just work like before?
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20:39.19jastamuthu: umdk1d3-io told me at I/O that the linux version seems busted at least
20:39.22jastamaybe the others work
20:39.41muthujasta: david said they fixed it
20:39.49muthumay be i'll try downloading again
20:40.00jastawastrel: i don't think google has it in their mind to do much physical synchronization with Android.  i think they're going to do much more network-based syncing of data.
20:40.50jastamuthu: did you notice that f00f disappeared pretty early on the first day?
20:41.02jastai saw him once and only for about those 30 minutes we were all standing there
20:41.19muthuf00f-: was there at the party
20:41.27jastathe google party?
20:41.34muthuyeah, he was looking for you
20:41.40jastai left that at 8 to meet back up with pawalls and my friend
20:41.55jastai didn't intend to stick around for long
20:42.04muthuso how did it go?
20:42.14muthulate night party!!!
20:42.33muthueven yesterday we got together
20:42.34jastaoh my god man
20:42.37jastai was so f'ing wasted ;)
20:42.45jastai didnt get back to my hotel until 4am
20:43.15muthuwhere you went?
20:43.19jastawe left I/O at like 8pm, met pawalls in front of the moscone and headed to Zeitgeist
20:43.55jastaa few pitchers there, then we went to this place called Butter but it was closed
20:44.52jastaso we wandered around for a bit and stopped into this place for a quick refresher round
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20:45.00jastaturned out to be a fancy sushi bar in the middle of nowhere
20:45.04jastaso we ordered sake bombs
20:45.12jastabut we were so drunk and the waitress didn't relaly understand us
20:45.19jastaso she brought us like 4 times more booze than we expected
20:45.26jastaso we just hung out there doing round after round of sake bombs
20:45.31jastathe waitress even came in and did 1 round with us
20:45.39jastait turned out to be totally awesome.  we were very popular at this place :)
20:45.49jastathen we rolled to the Irish Bank and drank until they closed
20:46.02jastathat bar is awesome btw.  they have this hollowed out confessional booth that has a table in it
20:46.09jastathen we went to the naan and curry
20:46.16muthusuggest me some bars
20:46.18jastaand then back to the hotel
20:46.22wastreljasta: i'm used to PDA, not had a smartphone yet.  I expect to be able to enter contacts through a desktop app and sync them to my mobile, and vice-versa
20:46.54jastawastrel: yeah, and that may or may not be supported.  what is more likely, though, is that your e-mail, calendar, and contacts will all be synchronized from some other source on the net.  through google services most likely.
20:47.01jastaor perhaps from other sources, like exchange.
20:47.27jastamuthu: well, i don't know if your night life style would mesh with mine
20:47.35jastazeitgeist was cool, they have this whole outside section
20:47.41jastabut it's super dirty and ghetto, like a good bar should be
20:47.47jastaand the cook will yell at you.
20:48.00muthugreat, that's where i'm going
20:48.16jastabut the irish bank was a pretty typical irish pub.  it was a cool vibe.
20:48.26jastait had*
20:48.39jastathere was this Thai restuarant and bar near my hotel too that i went to the first night
20:48.45jastaseemed a bit trendy, but pretty cute girls there
20:48.47jastaboth working and not
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20:49.00jastai forgot what that was called, but it was really close to the marriott
20:49.32jastaand Phil (pawalls) was at some Mojito bar before he met up with us after the conference.  dunno if that was any good
20:49.49muthuis good
20:50.00jastabut oh man, we got so crunked up on wed.  it was a great time
20:50.14muthuwe had a good time yesterday
20:50.14jastathis is the first time i've ever met Phil in person, but i've known him online for almost a decade
20:50.31muthuit was good to meet a lot of faces
20:50.48muthustill i guess, missed a few
20:50.53jastaapparently everyone expected me to look "angry" somehow.
20:51.12muthuyeah, we were all waiting for the angry young man
20:51.22jastai'm not angry at all, btw.
20:51.44muthuyou were cool
20:51.48jastai just don't like being pushed around, and i'm willing to say something about it.
20:52.03jastai finally met Jeffrey Sharkey
20:52.03muthuyou had some discussions going on
20:52.08jastahe was pretty cool
20:52.24wastreljasta: i guess the open standard for sync is "SyncML", do you know if android is going to support that?
20:53.43jastawastrel: well, i don't know but i wrote a Java client-side SyncML library using WbXML
20:53.52jastamy project uses SyncML to get data to and from the server
20:57.48Dougie187hows the plugin going for rhythmbox jasta?
20:59.33jastapretty good, i am not al that near a functioanl test though
20:59.36jastalots of code to get in order
21:00.02jastait's one of those things that since there's no UI, it will basically just start working all of the sudden
21:00.05Dougie187hopefully i will get my laptop back soon.
21:00.06jastaand be sort of done :)
21:00.12Dougie187then i can help you out if you want.
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21:22.40f00f-so muthu how long did you guys end up hanging out at the v-whatever
21:22.44f00f-at north beach?
21:23.03muthuuntil like 2
21:23.46muthugood time
21:24.27f00f-good good
21:24.30f00f-how long are you here for?
21:24.36muthua month
21:24.37f00f-end of june?
21:24.53f00f-ok cool, we should try to organize another meetup
21:24.57f00f-after i come back from amsterdam :)
21:25.04muthuoh sure.. when would that be?
21:25.19f00f-june 9th or later
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21:32.08jastasup f00f
21:32.24f00f-hey man
21:32.28f00f-where did you disappear last night
21:32.39jastai went out drinking with phil and my friends in SF
21:32.49f00f-phil ?
21:32.58jastapawalls in here, when he's here.
21:33.09jastasome google guy
21:33.16f00f-ooh ok
21:33.36jastai stuck around the after hours thing for an hour or two, though
21:33.39jastawas shooting pool :)
21:33.49jastaand prefunking on google's free beer
21:33.58f00f-yeah for sure
21:34.02f00f-that day
21:34.04f00f-i took the train home
21:34.11f00f-and realized how wonderful it is to be tanked
21:34.12f00f-going under the bay
21:34.16jastayou live in the bay area?
21:34.17f00f-you can totally feel the acceleration
21:34.20f00f-yeah, san jose
21:34.29jastai didn't know that
21:34.46jastayou must've bounced early then?  train stops running at like 11?
21:35.13f00f-i think i left around 10:30 or so
21:35.26f00f-well they stop running at around 12
21:35.38f00f-but it's a real bitch to get home if you take one of the last ones
21:35.45f00f-have to sit somewhere in oakland for 30 minutes
21:35.46f00f-to wait
21:36.07jastadude we were so messed up that night
21:36.11jastastayed out until 4am
21:36.29jastai didn't get in to the conference the next day until 11:30 hehe
21:36.40f00f-hahaha nice
21:36.54f00f-did you even stay for the concert on wednsedsay?
21:36.58f00f-'concert' heh
21:37.01jastano, i wasn't interested in that :)
21:37.14jastalike i said earlier, a big part of the reason i chose to go to I/O was because my friend lives there
21:37.24jastaso it would be super lame to not spend a significant amount of time with him
21:37.30f00f-yeah for sure
21:37.42jastaand Phil turned out to be much cooler than i expected
21:37.59jastai've known him for years online, he worked on an open source project i started a while back
21:38.09jastamet him in person for the first time at I/O
21:38.16f00f-oh on the gift stuff?
21:38.30jastanow he works for google
21:38.34f00f-nice... never underestimate people :D
21:39.07jastai was hanging out with mostly Google employees the first day, actually
21:39.09jastathat i met through him
21:39.15jastaand some that i knew already
21:39.56f00f-you know.. i had a complete different impression of you
21:39.57f00f-before we met
21:40.16jastahehe, well, that makes sense ;)
21:40.24f00f-i'd even go far to say... a 180 degree opposite view
21:40.25jastaIRC isn't a great "first impression" medium ;)
21:40.53f00f-but yeah, i definitely agree with all the points you brought up with dan
21:41.04f00f-they really seem clueless as to what's happening 3+ months down the road
21:41.17jastai was in on the Android Fireside Chat Q&A thing and i elected against bringing them back up there
21:41.34f00f-probably a wise decision :)
21:41.40jastajust because i knew i'd get a run-around answer, and i frankly don't want to turn into some enemy of the energing team.
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21:41.50jastaengineering* (my brain exploded apparently)
21:41.51Berylliumenergon team?
21:41.54Dougie187i really wanna hear about the SDK thing.
21:42.12jastaDougie187: basically what i got out of Dan is what i expected to get out of Andy and the other folks up on stage.
21:42.19jastaand that's that "we have no information".
21:42.36jastathey appreciate that it's all fubar'd, but that they do not intend to explore a resolution
21:43.04jastathough i think that from their position it is impossible to fully appreciate the gravity of this decision
21:43.37jastabut, meh, they clearly won't be fixing it ;)
21:44.26jastaf00f-: yeah, what's frustrating about the situation is that somebody obviously has this grand scheme and road map.
21:44.37jastathat information just needs to find its way into the public
21:45.06muthuthere were a couple of information
21:45.12muthu1. adc 2 is next year
21:45.17jastaDougie187: one thing i did learn while i was there is that they clearly intend to produce some type of app store or distribution system.
21:45.25muthu2. sdk is opensourced end of this year
21:45.35jastawe knew those 2 things already, though
21:45.42Dougie187yeah i saw the app store thing on engadget
21:45.56muthuadc 2, i thought would be this year
21:46.16f00f-yeah, but someone will make their own app repo before google
21:46.32f00f-apt-get goodness but completely on-device browsing of apps
21:46.36jastaDougie187: several times it was asked and confirmed that they will have an app store, though
21:47.13jastamuthu: well, it wouldn't be before launch, and when a company says "second half of <x>", they mean december usually ;)
21:47.23jastaand first half of <x> means June :)
21:47.33muthuhaha, right
21:47.55jastaplus they're going to want to let the platform have some time to gain traction before they start
21:47.59jastawhich will be at least 2 months
21:48.27jastaanyway, regarding the source i was happy to learn that the full platform stack will be open sourced.
21:48.56muthuyeah, thats good
21:48.56jastaalthough i believe that most if not all google apps will be closed, and of course all of the hardware drivers will be closed as well
21:49.19jastai was concerned that there would be pieces that would prevent open source enthusiasts from rolling their own completely
21:49.34jastabut it looks like that won't be true, although they won't get much help from Google in that the Google apps may be unavailable.
21:49.51muthuthe feeling that i got is , google has the correct intentions
21:49.57jastathough i can't imagine why most of the google apps would be closed.
21:50.03muthuthey're just taking their time to do it right
21:50.07jastai mean, they must be releasing MapView source, so why protect Google Maps?
21:50.20jastaand why protect the browser since it's just that chrome layer on top of webkit?
21:50.34jastabut meh, the apps aren't really as important as 100% of the platform stack
21:50.55jastathe drivers are disappointing, of course, but perhaps with time the platform will encourage open source adoption of that hardware.
21:51.33jastawe should detacth from this rumor mill for a while
21:51.56Dougie187if we do.
21:52.02Dougie187we wont get our announcement!
21:52.05f00f-well drivers can contain proprietary IP anyway to control the radio, baseband, etc.
21:52.35dmoffettIt is worlds better than what iPhone is offering and hopefully that will give android the needed boost to compete with the iPhone.
21:52.52dmoffettmore than a few of the developers I talked to are porting to iPhone.
21:53.32Dougie187i dont know that the iPhone should be the focus of competition.
21:53.57Dougie187i mean it is a big competitor, but it doesnt make up the majority of the market.
21:55.12muthuthe new sdk looks like the demo one
21:55.18dmoffettPhones like it and the iPhone are going to be choices for the Android market.
21:55.35Dougie187and phones that dont even have a screen.
21:55.39Dougie187or blackberries.
21:55.58Dougie187they will be choices, but not the choice.
21:58.01dmoffettHeaded back to Colorado.  Later.
22:01.56Dougie187hello romainguy
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22:02.35muthuhey romainguy, is that your wallpaper again in the new sdk?
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22:02.51muthucool, like it
22:03.13muthuwas looking for you at IO, then realized you are on vacation
22:03.24muthulike me :)
22:03.29romainguyI am a little bummed I missed IO but vacation is better :p
22:03.39muthuoh yeah, vacation any time
22:09.43Dougie187how much longer is your vacation?
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22:21.03f00f-rofl @ errors
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22:28.35muthuf00f-: how many?
22:29.26romainguyf00f-: ?
22:29.36f00f-every activity :)
22:30.00romainguyyeah we did change a few APIs
22:30.05f00f-gladly, in my main business logic class, only one line has an error :)
22:30.28f00f-it would be nice to have  achangelog
22:30.36romainguywe're working on it
22:30.43f00f-btw is there an IRC channel for round 2?
22:30.48romainguynot that I know of
22:30.50f00f-should/can we create one?
22:30.58romainguyyou definitely can
22:30.59f00f-or is the group the only one allowed
22:31.17f00f-well, what i'm asking is, would the google people join it :)
22:31.22Dougie187are you going to password protect it?
22:31.30romainguyif you tell Dan, I guess so
22:31.32f00f-Dougie187: well that would be a requirement
22:33.17muthuare we allowed to talk about the sdk here?
22:33.38romainguyit's a public channel and you are on an NDA...
22:33.45muthuoh oh
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22:36.05muthuthen what do we talk here :)
22:36.33muthuweather and cooking goes hand in hand
22:36.47muthuMr. Weather and Ms. Cookies - that's funny!
22:37.12muthuf00f-: i see
22:37.20jerkface03i don't get it.
22:37.44muthudid you create it already
22:39.00jastaromainguy: lol, looks like you guys made a mistake extending the NDA to muthu :)
22:39.03f00f-muthu: oh officially register it?
22:39.19romainguyjasta: :)
22:39.29muthujasta: yeah, true
22:39.49Dougie187he has the SDK posted already.
22:40.16muthuin a secret location
22:40.21jastahe assumed it would be appropriate to give a copy to his immediate and extended family, as well as co-workers and passer-bys on the street.
22:40.26Dougie187the ADC round 2 chat room
22:40.39Dougie187and since hes still in san fran.
22:40.41Dougie187thats quite a bit
22:40.58jastai did not pick up my free Google t-shirt hehe
22:40.59Dougie18710 Google employees already have received access from him
22:41.22jastai just found that little "coupon" hehe
22:41.23muthuthey signed an NDA with me
22:41.40Dougie187lol yeah. you are liked hey, you wanna sign this petition?
22:41.53Dougie187heres your copy of the top secret SDK from Google Android for signing it.
22:41.55muthuf00f-: add me to your gmail buddies
22:41.55Dougie187DONT SHARE!
22:42.22f00f-muthu: dude, check your private message lol
22:42.40Dougie187so... how about that laptop muthu?
22:42.51muthuyou should've come to IO :)
22:42.59Dougie187im too por.
22:43.01muthubought the laptop..
22:43.08muthuyou were not there.. hehe
22:43.10Dougie187otherwise i would have gotten the laptop myself
22:49.39jastagoogle maps public transit mode is great
22:49.40jastai love this
22:50.05muthujasta: the transit is real helpful
22:50.12Dougie187where do you get it?
22:50.21jastaits just a sort of tab on the left hand side
22:50.27jastaget directions then choose public transit
22:50.44jastaits very neat.  it even puts like the bus number as a bubble on the map
22:50.54jastaso if youre familiar with the transit system you can just head out the door with that info alone
22:51.25jastawhen i was in SFO it gave me prices for the BART too
22:51.31Dougie187I dont see it.
22:51.39jastaits there on
22:51.58Dougie187thats where i am.
22:52.02Dougie187i went to get directions.
22:52.15jastamaybe there is no public transit data in your area?
22:52.23romainguyat the top of the directions list there's a choice between Drive and Public Transit
22:52.43Dougie187well i tried it with the example they give.
22:52.49Dougie187SFO and 94526
22:52.49jastai keep wondering why google maps for mobile doesn't have this data
22:53.05jastaor rather, doesn't use it
22:54.08*** join/#android The_PHP_Jedi (
22:54.19Dougie187what is an example Start and End Address that you have the gives the option.
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22:57.12Dougie187my town is not covered
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23:31.09Dougie187It is rather quiet in here.
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23:50.53jastawell, what's to talk about? :)
23:53.36dueyso jat
23:53.43dueywas IO ok?

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