IRC log for #android on 20080523

00:00.26jerkface03whats a jasta smash?
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00:09.09jastaHello Jason.
00:09.15jastaHow are you this evening?
00:09.31jastagrins awkwardly
00:09.53Dougie187when are you planning on getting a rhythmbox plugin for five done?
00:10.07jastai dunno, the plugin framework for Rhythmbox is really fantastic
00:10.11jastaso honestly, it could be pretty quick.
00:10.19Dougie187that would be sweet
00:10.22Dougie187i would totally use it
00:10.25jastalike a month, realistically
00:10.31Dougie187then i wouldnt need to waste disk space on my laptop for music
00:10.53Dougie187ff2 rc1 is out.
00:10.59jastayeah, that's an awesome advantage of the Five client on a laptop or desktop machine.  You can just wipe the cache to save space.
00:11.41Dougie187it only caches the music you want to play right?
00:12.07jastawell, the music you have played, more precisely
00:12.32Dougie187i more meant that it doesnt cache everything.
00:13.31jastait will try, eventually
00:13.35jastai mean, if you play everything :)
00:13.38jastaand have the sapce for it
00:13.48Dougie187what does it do if you run out of space?
00:14.05jastathe clients are configured to preserve a minumum free on the hosting disk.
00:14.16jastaso, you could say that you want to always make sure there are 10GB free, or 20% free, or whatever.
00:14.30jastaand the client, when it reaches that boundary, will start deleting from the cache based on an LRU policy
00:14.31Dougie187can you also specify a max for the cache?
00:14.43jastanever, such a feature would be impossible to implement
00:14.52jastai'm joking
00:14.53jastaof course you can ;)
00:15.10Dougie187your name should be jerkface03
00:15.12jastai plan to provide sensible controls, though the default will be some portion of the disk free.
00:15.47Dougie187i would love to use it at some point.
00:15.50Dougie187i think it looks sweet
00:15.55Dougie187first i have to work on installing the server.
00:16.34jasta -- btw, I am mad again today.
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00:16.51Dougie187lol when are you not mad?
00:17.03jastathis platform is fubar'd.  if not all the source is released, then only "official" OHA handsets will even be possible in the wild.
00:17.28jastabecause if you can't compile it all for the necessary target architecture, then hobbyists are screwed.
00:17.48jastathis is exactly why nobody has been able to successfully hack it onto an existing phone already.
00:18.11jastathe set of hardware that can support it is very narrow with a binary-only release.
00:18.22jastaand so, even if 99.9% of it was released open source, that last .1% will kill you.
00:18.47jastayou either won't be able to use it on the port, which may be critical if any of it deals with the proprietary carrier-specific GSM stuff
00:18.51jastawhich it ALMOST CERTAINLY WILL
00:19.05jasta...or, you simply won't be able to port it.
00:19.23jastawhich confirms my suspicion that android will not be the hobbyists dream that has many people excited.
00:20.35Dougie187one sec lemme read this.
00:25.24jastamost of the article is fine, and what many of us know already
00:25.38Dougie187its really long.
00:25.39jastait's just that little bit about 8 of 11 million lines will be open sourced.
00:25.42Dougie187what part makes you mad?
00:25.54jastanot having the ENTIRE project open sourced means that hobbyists will be crippled.
00:25.57jastathe portability will be ruined
00:26.23Dougie187that blows.
00:26.25jastayou can reasonably assume the parts to always remain closed will be the big, important, mysterious pieces of cell phone software.
00:26.51Dougie187why would they not open source everything.
00:26.54Dougie187that seems pointless
00:27.12jastai hope an effort is started to reverse engineer and bust those portions of the code.
00:27.24jastajust to give the finger to the OHA :)
00:27.56Dougie187i bet someone would
00:28.03Dougie187thats really stupid if they dont open source the whole thing.
00:28.10Dougie187because the kinda defeats the purpose of being open source
00:28.13jastaAndroid may well serve as a useful platform for reverse engineering.  With fine control of the platform stack's behaviour, and custom hardware, it may make it very easy to figure out what that code is doing
00:28.21jastaDougie187: Yes, precisely.
00:28.49jastaEspecially, again, if those closed pieces are critical to actually using a phone.
00:28.58jastaSince that's obviously the important part.
00:29.32jastaGoogle has screwed up everything.  They should have never even claimed this project ot be open source.
00:29.56Dougie187they should marked it as semi-open source.
00:30.51rwhitbyjasta: re, why did you expect it to be any different with Google - they are a company solely concerned with increasing advertising revenue, they are not an altruistic open source community project.
00:31.07jastaMy biggest complaint about all of this is that they have outright deceived us now on two very important aspects of this platform.
00:31.18jastaa) that if you lose the ADC, you are barred from being an early adopter.
00:31.35jastab) the platform will spend all its early life as closed source, only to be partially opened.
00:31.55rwhitbyb) was clearly stated from the start by morrildl
00:32.09jastarwhitby: False.
00:32.27rwhitbywhat does a) mean?  are they not doing further SDK public releases?
00:32.35jastaIn fact, I have expressed concerns numerous times to specifically Dan that the platform may not be fully open sourced, and also on the timeline of the source release.
00:32.45jastaHis answers have changed drastically, especially in the last 3 months.
00:33.07jastarwhitby: Nope, the ADC winners had to sign an NDA in order to get access to new SDK updates.  The rest of us are out in the cold with a 3 month old, buggy release from now until launch.
00:33.29rwhitbyjasta: ok, fully agree with a) then.
00:33.52jastajasonchen and morrildl have claimed they will be making an announcement to clarify, but so far all week it has not come.
00:34.06jastadespite those e-mails going out Monday afternoon.
00:34.24jastaI suspect their clarification will be just as infuriating as their silence, though.
00:34.40rwhitbyOn b), I think the problem is that the media took a very carefully worded license and commitment by Google (which was never to open all source, onlt that specific bits would be under the Apache license and GPL'd bits would comply with the GPL) and turned that into an expectation that the whole thing would be open source.
00:34.42jastaThe e-mail sent to the ADC winners claims this was done because the SDK releases will be unstable and with bugs.  CHOKE ON YOUR LIES GOOGLE!
00:34.43Dougie187i agree with you about morrildl's answers changing too
00:35.28jastarwhitby: There was no reason to believe the source would be only partially released based on Google's official comments, and clarifications from morrildl and others.
00:35.44jastaThey have mutated their responses as the process moved along, so as to seem that they were always consistent
00:35.55Dougie187rwhitby: even from what you say, you would expect that all the source would be open. just some would be Apache License and the rest would be GPL
00:35.56jastabut they never have been.  Initially, it was reasonable to expect full disclosure.
00:36.05rwhitbyjasta: depends on the definition of what exactly was to be open sourced.
00:36.25jastarwhitby: The definition was that Google never specified, but did not confirm or deny anyones suspicions regarding a partially closed platform.
00:36.34jastaWhich I would call a lie by omission.
00:36.34rwhitbyjust the kernel, the VM, the Java SDK, the google apps, the oha member apps, the codecs, all these things are separate things.
00:37.05rwhitbyah, omission of things that people want to hear but google doesn't want to say is clear
00:37.06jastaI bet that not even elements of the kernel will be open sourced.
00:37.27Dougie187isnt the kernel linux?
00:37.28jastaThe kernel itself, yes, but nothing protects the modules.
00:37.30rwhitbybut that's called "strategic marketing", and you should always expect nothing more from a company with shareholders.
00:37.54jastarwhitby: Well believe me, I had assumed that partial source was in store for this platform.
00:38.04jastaBut despite my best efforts, that was not confirmed until just now.
00:38.08rwhitbyjasta: so did I.
00:38.11rwhitbyfrom the beginning.
00:38.47rwhitbypeople who drank the cool-aid hype didn't want to believe it though, and google wasn't about to clarify cause that would not be in line with the marketing machine's message
00:38.57jastaHowever, to have it confirmed on the wake of my earlier point a) has just further infuriated me :)
00:39.09Dougie187i would have expected that everything google developed be open sources.
00:39.20jastaDougie187: well, that probably will be true
00:39.27rwhitbyDougie187: wow - that's a *really* unjustified expectation
00:39.34rwhitbyhardly anything that google does is open sourced.
00:39.45Dougie187and then manufacturers can make features for use by them not open sourced.
00:39.47rwhitbyit's just that the things they do open source are really well marketed
00:39.52jastai suspect that the OHA members, in particular, are driving more of the proprietary aspect of the platform.
00:40.00jastaThough it does not excuse Google for getting in bed with them.
00:40.34rwhitbyjasta: Google is one of them.  google is a company just like the others - you should not expect any different behaviour
00:40.54jastaFor the record, I suspect that the ignorance of the OHA will be their undoing.  This code is going to be ripped to pieces and many secrets they wanted to protect will become known.
00:41.04rwhitbyjasta: fully agree
00:41.21jastaNot releasing source is insufficient to protect trade secrets.
00:41.26rwhitbyas has happened with every other consumer device that companies wanted to keep secret.
00:41.58jastarwhitby: But the degree here will be different, I think.  Because the puzzle has so many pieces already in place, it will be much easier to complete.
00:42.18rwhitbybut that doesn't stop them wanting to do it to reap the financial rewards of that strategy in the short term.  shareholders expect returns each quarter, and companies respond to that demand.
00:42.19jastaAnd, the reward is great for such a task.  Porting a robust software stack to other GSM-based technology would be incredible.
00:43.00jastaAnyway, I am still mostly pissed about the recent development that the SDK will be protected by an NDA.
00:43.06jastathat only 50 freaking people can access
00:43.09rwhitbyyeah, that's just not right.
00:43.18Dougie187yeah the NDA thing blows.
00:43.20jastarwhitby: Especially given how much energy has been spent by the community already.
00:43.26Dougie187although I havent heard anything new about it.
00:43.31jastaWe worked hard to produce apps for the ADC and ultimately for Android.
00:43.37jastaand then they just slap us down for not winning.
00:43.44rwhitbyjasta: fully agree with that
00:44.02jastamy reason for being an early adopter of Android was because I was excited to launch my application on a real handset.
00:44.13Dougie187now you cant
00:44.14jastaI wanted to be fully ready to go when the launch happened.
00:44.25rwhitbyof course, you could have expected this behaviour, cause the OHA members will want to have better first releases than the community
00:44.41Dougie187i never thought of that.
00:44.49Dougie187although OHA members are in the ADC
00:44.51jastarwhitby: Actually, I did not expect this behaviour.  I had expected, all along, that there were two separate trees.
00:44.54rwhitbyso it's not really a surprise once you realise that google is a company in the OHA, not an altruistic entity for the global good.
00:44.56jastaone with all this proprietary weirdness
00:45.01jastaand another which the community could access
00:45.05jastai figured that was always so.
00:45.08jastaapparently i was wrong.
00:45.38jastabug fixes and new UI and database APIs are not secret.  the community should not be barred from them.
00:45.44jastait makes no f'n sense.
00:45.49rwhitbythe motto is "Do No Evil", not "Always Do Good" ;-)
00:46.09jastarwhitby: This upset in particular could not have been predicted, I think.
00:46.46jastaI was truly surprised to learn that they are discontinuing public releases.  This, btw, was never hinted to despite our countless attempts to inquire as to when the next SDK would be available.
00:47.35jastaThe greatest pain is feeling lead on.  This greatly damages the communities trust, which is essential to uphold if you intend for them to do any work for you.
00:47.36rwhitbyjasta: increasing closedness just before OHA member handset releases was always predicted
00:47.57rwhitbyit's normal market pressures.
00:48.00jastarwhitby: Sure, to some degree.  Not eliminating releases.
00:48.09rwhitbyGoogle as a company will respond just like any other company.,
00:48.18Dougie187i really dont see the benefit of discontinuing public releases.
00:48.28jastaThere are a lot of things broken in the current SDK, and presumably many new improvements otherwise not secret coming between now and launch
00:48.31Dougie187cant they keep proprietary features out of the SDK all together.
00:49.24jastaIt just seems like some retard couldn't figure out branching :)
00:50.07jastaThough, as sad as it may seem, this is the best we've got in the mobile industry :(
00:50.30Dougie187i think the thing that is kinda frustrating about reading that it will be open source, is that dan said earlier this week "We will fully release the source at a later time" or something similar to that
00:50.45jastayeah, i recall hearing that as well.
00:51.24jastaI feel like Google has done a miserable job interfacing with the community on this project.
00:51.51jastaWhich undermines all their attempts to otherwise encourage us to care.
00:52.38jasonchenjasta: we can branch plenty; the problem is overhead in maintaining them
00:52.49rwhitbyjasta: that's why the prize money was required
00:53.07rwhitbythis is not a normal open source project
00:53.19Dougie187jasonchen: if it was open source though, couldnt you adopt some community developers to help in that aspect?
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00:53.41rwhitbyif you need prize money to encourage developers to work on an exciting new platform, then you just know something is going to turn fishy ...
00:54.02jasonchenDougie187: we could if it was open source, but it's not been released as open source yet.
00:54.27jasonchenand to be clear, the source will be released, but not until we get the first devices out the door.
00:54.42Dougie187100% of the source?
00:54.56jasonchenwe want the first devices to really set the bar high for anyone else who might take it and ship phones with it.
00:55.10rwhitby100% of the source that is required to be released by the licensing at least.  You can't expect a company to promise to do more than that.
00:55.23Dougie187i understand that. personally i didnt expect the source to be released until handsets came out.
00:55.27Dougie187rwhitby: true.
00:55.42jasonchenDougie187: yep.  everything that we can release under Apache 2.0, we will.
00:55.53Dougie187jasonchen: what about your NDAs? what if someone who signed an NDA wanted to help maintain Branches?
00:55.58jasonchenwe've released patches already where required under GPL, EPL, and for Webkit.
00:56.10rwhitbyRemember the OHA is not just Google, so even if Google did want to release source for everything, it's not possible to get all the companies in the OHA to agree to that.
00:56.32Dougie187but google could release all the source they develop.
00:56.40Dougie187and leave the stuff the other members dont want to release to them to deal with
00:56.43rwhitbyAs far as I can see, Google has been *very* careful to comply with all licensing, and I would expect that to continue.
00:56.46jasonchenNDAs are for SDK drops; getting source access is much higher.
00:57.02rwhitbyDougie187: since they are part of an alliance, that may not even be possible
00:57.21rwhitby(since there is probably conditions about release timing as part of the alliance agreement)
00:57.24Dougie187any plan when you are going to release what you idea is for the community as far as the NDA with SDK for non-winners of the ADC will go?
00:58.05jasonchenrwhitby's right.  as the article mentioned, we'll be opening up things like PacketVideo's codecs, all of which require legal work between multiple companies to clear up
00:58.58rwhitbySo you can expect Google to push to open up anything which they consider will be beneficial to the company goals on Google.  You can't automatically assume a company will do anything else for more altruistic goals.
00:59.02jasonchenrwhitby: thanks for the compliment.  Chris DiBona from our open source team has been making sure that we're diligent in meeting all of our open source obligations.
00:59.43rwhitbyjasonchen: the google team is smart.  they know that even a hint of non-complaince would be fatal to the project :-)
01:00.01rwhitby(since there are so many people watching so closely)
01:00.23jasonchenDougie187: not sure i can parse your last question.  can you re-state?
01:00.35Dougie187sorry after reading it again it confused me as well.
01:00.55Dougie187Well, so you guys have the whole "NDA for SDK releases for ADC winners"
01:01.13Dougie187and i heard that you guys were going to release a statement about what the rest of the community can do.
01:01.22Dougie187just curious if you had any idea on that yet.
01:01.53rwhitbyDougie187: the rationale behind that may be to ensure that no-one else from the community can create an app which is better than the ADC winners, to remove the risk of the marketing thunder being stolen.
01:02.21Dougie187no, morrildl said earlier this week it was to protect the other OHA members who want proprietary features added into the SDK
01:02.33Dougie187and the ADC winners were the people thought to need the SDK releases the most.
01:02.39rwhitbyDougie187: yep, that too.
01:03.10rwhitby(that would be the valid public reason - the other one I gave may well be an internal reason)
01:04.07rwhitbyYou really have to look at all these decisions from the viewpoint of a corporate decision making machine, involving legal, marketing, sales, OHA alliance relations, etc - you can't look at them from the point of view of an open source developer and expect to understand them)
01:04.25jasonchenDougie187: we're working on that statement.  it's been a little crazy trying to figure out everything around SDK release and also prep for Google I/O :-)
01:04.47jasonchenrwhitby: how ever did you get to be so sanguine about how companies work? :-)
01:05.42rwhitbyjasonchen: I've worked at some big ones and some small ones :-)
01:05.56rwhitbyand am also an open source developer.
01:06.15rwhitbySo I get to see things from both sides, I presume just like you do.
01:06.30jasonchenindeed.  glad you can bring that to the channel.
01:07.13rwhitbyThe only difference is that since I don't work for Google I can make these statements publicly ;-)
01:12.49jasonchengrrr, USB is being wonky on this macbook pro.  i'll be right back.
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01:15.15Dougie187jasonchen: how long do you guys expect until you give a statement?
01:15.22Dougie187not that i care if you give it now.
01:16.36jastajasonchen: it could be very sticky if nothing comes out before I/O.  i for one will not have many things positive to say about Android until this is cleared up.
01:17.09jastaespecially since the timing for I/O is all wrong: Google has thus far sent a clear message that they are not interested in early adopters anymore.
01:17.44jasoncheni would hope by EoD tomorrow, but this being before a long weekend and I/O, it might take until Tuesday EoD (PST)
01:17.59jasonchenjasta: why is the timing of Google I/O wrong?
01:18.25jastawhy expose Android to developers now when you don't expect that any of them will be able to produce software for the platform until much later this year?
01:18.32trigatch4son of a gun... my computer is about to overhead but i don't want to miss any of this conversation... what to do! :)
01:19.15jasonchenwell, how would it look at I/O if there wasn't anything there about Android?
01:19.32jastamuch better.
01:19.46jastait would look less like Google is trying to deceive the development community.
01:20.21jasoncheni would disagree.  it's one of the biggest developer efforts that Google's engaged in and no mention at _the_ Google developer conference?  that would seem odd at the very least, wouldn't it?
01:20.44jastawell then you have a conflict to resolve.
01:21.03jastaeither make a pitch to developers, or don't.  you can't have both.
01:21.21jasonchenjasta: that's not true since you're the one asserting that it would be better if we weren't there.
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01:21.58jastaGiven the situation, I believe that.  I would choose to hide the platform and just try to play damage control until it is launched.
01:22.24jastaHowever, if it were up to me, I would not have created this disaster.  Google has actually "unreleased" a technology.
01:22.39rwhitbyjasta: the environment of a google developers conference, which is made up of a very receptive audience by definition, will not be a disaster that you think
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01:22.49trigatch4I can understand and appreciate the "not completely open source" thing, given the size and quantity of companies involved. Not to mention we're coming from a notoriously closed mobile infrastructure.
01:23.03jastaWe're not talking about the open source nature rwhitby.
01:23.19jastaWe're talking about the fact that you can't introduce developers to an SDK that is already stale and won't see any updates.
01:23.33trigatch4But the unwillingness to release SDK's that are known improvements, to empower the folks embracing android and that will ultimately further the platform, I completely don't understand'
01:23.36jastaIt makes no sense.  Developers can't meaningfully develop against it, and will quickly see through this deception.
01:23.56rwhitbyjasta: there will be many google developers there who haven't even seen the first SDK, and will lap up the current stale one.
01:24.25jastaWell, if that's the case, I will be happy to talk to anyone I can and caution them away from the platform.
01:24.50jastaExplaining that Google has simply lost control for the time being.
01:24.57rwhitbyyes, every developer should robustly put forward their opinions on the platform.
01:25.04trigatch4jasta: isn't that just out of spite? Android still is, regardless of short comings in handling SDK releases, a very promising platform
01:25.33jastatrigatch4: I didn't mean to imply that I think developers should avoid it permanently.
01:25.50Dougie187he is just understandably upset that he cant work on his android app anymore.
01:25.55jastaJust that the timing of I/O was very unfortunate for Android enthusiasts, since they are being introduced to something already old and which will not be updated.
01:26.00jastaAnd so, should not embrace it now.
01:26.02Dougie187at least until he hears the statement.
01:27.02jastaAgain, I would like to make it clear that Google has effectively unreleased Android.  Taken it back into their compound and away from the community.  They can't then pretend to not have done so at I/O.  That is doing a great disservice to enthusiasts.
01:27.18rwhitbyjasta: the conference will likely be bullet points about future features anyway, rather than looking at fine details of SDK.
01:27.27jastaAnd I think ultimately will hurt their marketing attempt significantly.
01:28.05jastaMy position would be different if the current SDK was anything resembling stable.
01:28.23jastaThe fact that they won't even toss us a bone with maintenance releases of a buggy release is just pathetic.
01:29.11jasonchenjasta: part of the reason why we haven't yet released another SDK is b/c if we did, it would be buggy as well
01:29.12jastaMy project's design is compromised working around the bugs already.  I had suspended my work waiting for the next version so that I need not further perturb my design.
01:29.17trigatch4jasta: so your main concern is that those who did not win ADC Round 1 makeup the vast majority of current Android developers. By not releasing the SDK to them they are crippling development and removing any advantage they had for their initial faith and development in Android buy allowing others to "catch up"
01:29.35rwhitbyjasta: time to take a holiday away from development until the first handsets come out?  or is android development part of your financial base and therefore one can understand your frustration?
01:29.50jasonchenwe want to get to a place where we'll have less bugs and you won't have to work around them (hopefully)
01:30.06jastatrigatch4: That is my main personal concern, yes.
01:30.24rwhitbyhas no financial link to android, so can take a very impartial and dispassionate viewpoint. others may not be in the same position.
01:30.35jastarwhitby: You seem to have missed something.  My frustration should not need a professional or financial justification.
01:30.47trigatch4And if all these developers bail on their Android Apps for this reason, there will be a much, much smaller selection of apps when handsets are released
01:30.49jastaI invested large amounts of my personal time here, and I feel wronged.
01:31.01jasonchenjasta: trust me when i say that we'll release an SDK w/ enough time for people for everyone to be ready before handsets are on the market.
01:31.15rwhitbyjasta: yep, time investment is the same as a financial basis, since it's oppotunity cost.
01:31.34rwhitby(you could have been doing something else to make money with that time)
01:31.34jasonchenremember, there are lots of things involved in getting widgets out to stores.
01:31.48trigatch4jasonchecn: thats a start... but are there any timetables you'll release or is it going to be a very general, open ended "when we feel like it" kind of thing
01:32.04jastajasonchen: I do not accept that argument.  Why then would it be necessary to offer those unstable enhancements to the participants in a challenge?
01:32.10jastaIn fact, the only acceptable reasoning would be the opposite.
01:32.14jasonchenjasta: i'm sorry that you feel wronged, but i'm hoping that you'll see that this is only a temporary hold.  i'm hopeful that you'll restart your development when we release the next SDK.
01:32.18rwhitbytrigatch4: I expect Google has learnt a lesson from Openmoko about giving dates for hardare release :-)
01:32.24jastaThat the ADC members must continue to develop on the existing "stable" platform, while the rest of us can play around in the unstable hell.
01:33.05trigatch4he's got a point...
01:33.20trigatch4if it's available, why force people to use somehting thats crappier than what you have available?
01:33.30jastajasonchen: Do release that my project is far from "done".  I would have needed to be developing from this point until launch to be ready.  I don't see the need to continue knowing that there are massive disruptions to my basic design and approach that are coming in the "next SDK".
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01:33.51jastaerr, realize*
01:34.06rwhitbytrigatch4: there can be many non-technical reasons why something can't be released publicly.
01:34.20rwhitbyit's usually not a technical decision.
01:34.44jasonchenjasta, trigatch4: take into account what rwhitby is suggesting.
01:34.45Dougie187rwhitby: it doesnt make sense to allow the winners access but not the public though.
01:35.13jastajasonchen: I understand his reasoning.
01:35.16Dougie187it does seem vastly unfair to the development community.
01:35.24jastaI can still feel wronged for not having this information when I started 6 months ago.
01:35.32trigatch4rwhitby: but to knowingly penalize the same people who are the first EVER to push your concept forward
01:35.33rwhitbyDougie187: it doesn't make sense from a technical or open source point of view.  From a marketing release timeline and OHA member alliance competitive advantage point of view it may do
01:35.38jasonchenthere are many forces (that we can't publicly discuss) that also influence releases
01:35.40jastaI can assure you, I would never have embraced Android knowing any of this initially.
01:35.49Dougie187rwhitby: i dont think it make sense period.
01:36.09rwhitbyDougie187: the people making the decisions have very different drivers than you or I
01:36.17Dougie187rwhitby: i understand the need for the NDA from that standpoint, but i think they should at least offer the same "option" to everyone involved.
01:36.18jastaMore precisley, I would not have embraced it early.  I would have much prefered to dismiss it and wait for handset launch and all these hideous details to pass me by.
01:36.25jasonchenjasta: you definitely are entitled to feel that way.  however, i'd ask you to consider if the OHA knew 6 months ago that things would happen this way.
01:37.00jasoncheni assure you that we had no masterplan when we started to have things play out like this.  things literally evolve both technically and politically on a week-to-week basis.
01:37.35rwhitbyherding so many traditionally fully-closed companies in the OHA alliance would be an interesting task ...
01:37.39jastaExcuse me for being blunt, but who designed that mess?
01:37.47jasonchenwhat mess?
01:38.03rwhitbyjasta: a committee? ;-)
01:38.05jastaHow can you have as large a project as this truly changing fundamental direction on a weekly basis?
01:38.35jasonchenhopes that some day he'll be able to tell great stories about the birth of Android a la the Mac
01:38.43jastaAnyway, I must digress.  I understnad where Google is coming from.
01:38.45rwhitbyoh man.  the SDK is just the *tiniest* piece of the whole Android project from a market point of view.
01:39.15jastaAnd I understand that they will feign sympathy at every attempt to complain.  I remain unconvinced that Google has done the right thing.
01:39.31rwhitbyimagine the negotiations that are going on behind closed doors between Google and all the OHA members and all the cellular network operators.
01:39.41trigatch4I think Google is just in the precarious position of managing EVERYBODY'S interests. And sometimes they have to compromise because simply put, everyone can't have their way all the time.
01:39.53rwhitbyyou think the people making the decisions really care about what individual developers think about SDK releases?
01:39.54trigatch4carreirs, manufacturer's, suppliers, consumers
01:40.00trigatch4they all have different priorities
01:40.05trigatch4and google has to find the balance
01:40.15jasonchenjasta: you have every right to be a skeptic; i just hope you'll give us a fair shake when things are to your satisfaction.
01:40.32Dougie187rwhitby: no, but the individual developers care. and i would think that the individual developers would be a big portion of the target market for android.
01:40.45trigatch4its tough though, looking at it from an enthusiastic developer who didn't win round 1
01:41.05Dougie187i just wanna hear the statement.
01:41.11Dougie187to see what will end up being done about the SDK thing.
01:41.23Dougie187I would think that if jasta got access he might cheer up.
01:41.25Dougie187at little.
01:41.29Dougie187until he had to sign the NDA
01:41.36Dougie187and then he would forget while he was working on five.
01:42.08jasonchentrigatch4: i completely understand how that could color your view of things.
01:42.37jastajasonchen: I have to go, but I will leave you with my central conclusion: We all can appreciate Google's reasons here, what we cannot accept is the lack of communication on these important topics.
01:43.26jastaSo make your statement soon and let us chew on that :)
01:43.44rwhitbyDougie187: developers are only a small part of the equation for Google
01:44.28Dougie187rwhitby: but i would think they would be a key one as well, even if a small one.
01:44.36Dougie187granted there are many more parts.
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01:44.54jasonchenjasta: read you loud and clear.
01:45.10rwhitbyDougie187: I assume it's #1 priority when talking to developers, but far from that when making the high-level decisions
01:45.25Dougie187heh. well. assuming they are the ones making the highlevel decisions.
01:45.44Dougie187if its other OHA members, then I could easily see the "Screw individual developers" idea.
01:45.50rwhitbyDougie187: you can be sure that the people involved with the developers are probably *not* the ones making the decisions :-)
01:46.12Dougie187well, i feel bad for them, as they get the short end of the stick with that aspect.
01:46.36rwhitbyabsolutely - the google staff in this channel would have a very hard life
01:47.10Dougie187they are PR, Crowd Control, and Developers at the same time.
01:47.16rwhitbybut it's their job, so you can't feel too sorry for them.  And they get free food.
01:47.41Dougie187well. i feel sorry for them if their idea of the way things should go doesnt click with the way things end up going
01:47.48rwhitbyjasonchen: you guys still get free food, right?
01:47.49Dougie187i dont like delivering news i dont agree with
01:48.29jasonchenrwhitby: of course!
01:48.47rwhitbythere ya go - you can't feel sorry for people who get free food.
01:49.03jasonchenDougie187: communicating w/ the developer community on good or bad news is how we earn our keep
01:49.22Dougie187im just anxious to see the statement.
01:49.39Dougie187lol hey jasonchen let me picth an idea at you.
01:49.50Dougie187i pitched this the other day, but got mixed feed back.
01:49.58Dougie187first off, do you use faxes?
01:50.43jasonchenwell, we have fax numbers
01:50.44jasonchenand they're virtual (i.e. they get turned into PDF)
01:50.44Dougie187lol, i mean do you ever have to send or receive faxes (not by choice)
01:50.49Dougie187this is similar to that then.
01:50.55jasonchenand i think we have copiers around that can send faxes.
01:51.00jasonchenok, let's hear it.
01:51.32Dougie187my idea, was to make an app, that would allow your android phone to accept faxes and save them as PDF then email them to yourself (to free up space). and Potentially send a fax from a PDF. Using JTAPI (but i dont know if android will support it)
01:52.18Dougie187it would work by specific phone numbers in your phone book as fax machines so when they called your phone the app would automatically know to answer it as a fax.
01:52.56jasonchensounds interesting.  do many people use faxes now, though?  (other than lawyers and construction folk?)
01:53.19Dougie187Lol, i have to with student loans, and mortgage documents.
01:53.35Dougie187and i know there are web services to do the same thing, but those cost money. and this would only cost you minutes on your phone
01:53.57jasonchenthis is true; minutes or KB consumed from your data plan.
01:54.13jasoncheni would think, though, that the long term trend is away from paper.
01:54.39Dougie187i just thought it would add a useful feature (that would be potentially indispensable to the right audience). and could improve the aspect of android for business men
01:55.03jasonchendefinitely true. there'd be a niche that would really use that sort of thing.
01:55.04Dougie187I agree the long term trend is away from paper. but it would give a free alternative to buying a fax machine and paying for a phone service, or paying for a web fax service.
01:55.33Dougie187but i dont know if JTAPI would be supported by android either.
01:55.35jasonchenespecially if you could take pictures of docs and turn them into PDF (thereby turning your camera into a doc scanner as well)
01:55.47Dougie187that would be cool as well.
01:55.52Dougie187heh make your phone a PDF sender.
01:56.25jasonchennow there's a way to change things
01:56.35Dougie187whats that
01:56.39jasonchenmake every android phone also a fax machine, copier, and scanner
01:56.58Dougie187copier would be difficult.
01:57.06Dougie187unless you can attach a printer to your android phone
01:57.40jasonchenbluetooth printer, perhaps?
01:57.46Dougie187ohh perhaps.
01:58.01Dougie187Do you have any idea about JTAPI?
01:58.08jasonchenhonestly, i don't.
01:58.18Dougie187i had heard that android wouldnt support and JSR's
01:58.26Dougie187but im not sure about that.
01:58.31Dougie187granted JTAPI doesnt support faxes yet.
01:58.46Dougie187but its supposed to in the future.
01:59.55jasonchenyeah, remember that Android apps are written in the Java language, but the platform is *not* a "Java(tm) Technology Platform)
02:00.02Dougie187this is basically jut in the idea phase right now.
02:00.13jasonchenit's an idea w/ potential.
02:00.17jasonchenyou should explore it
02:00.25Dougie187i may in the future.
02:00.34Dougie187i have two ideas i want to work on.
02:00.46Dougie187that and the electric fence idea, but that idea is a lot more simple.
02:01.18jasonchenanyway, i have to get out of the office
02:01.24Dougie187have fun.
02:01.25jasonchenand go see the S.O.
02:01.27jasonchenwill do
02:06.17trigatch4nice... now i can finally copy/paste this whole thing and restart my computer hehe
02:07.50trigatch4back in a bit!
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02:25.54rwhitbyFrom "The recent version 2.6.24 of the Linux kernel has about 8 million lines of code, but about 8.6 million lines of Android's 11 million are open-source, Rubin said."
02:26.16Dougie187thats what jasta was upset about
02:26.20rwhitbyDoes that mean that only 600K lines of non-kernel google code out of 3 million are open source?
02:26.45Dougie187i think that would be the assumption?
02:27.24rwhitbyIf so, it's a great marketing achievement.
02:28.37rwhitbyI guess that's the figure today, rather than what it will be when handsets are released.  That makes sense.
02:29.00rwhitbyi.e. the SDK is not open souce today, and has never been promised to be open source before handsets are shipped.
02:29.00Dougie187the idea is, when handsets are release so will the other 2.4 million
02:29.16rwhitbyDougie187: I highly doubt it will be the full 2.4 million
02:29.33Dougie187well, morrildl said it would be completely open source after handsets release.
02:29.43rwhitbyThe SDK (which I believe is the only thing that has been promised to be open sourced) is not the whole thing
02:30.11Dougie187i may have misunderstood, but i understood it to be the platform that was going to be open source.
02:30.14rwhitbye.g. the codecs that were mentioned before are not part of the SDK source
02:30.24rwhitbydepends on your definition of "platform", doesn't it?
02:30.34Dougie187but i think you understand what i mean by platform.
02:30.39Dougie187for my understanding.
02:30.56rwhitbynot really.  it could mean the kernel, or the kernel plus dalvik, or the kernel plus dalvik plus sdk.
02:31.19rwhitby has four different levels which could be referred to as a "platform"
02:31.22Dougie187i would assume everything that would be required to put android on a handset and develop software for it
02:31.41rwhitbyah, but what software? ?
02:32.01Dougie187well i wouldnt aspect the same things to be open source that OHA members would get.
02:32.06rwhitbysee this is the grey area that marketing can play with.
02:32.10Dougie187i would think some aspects have to be proprietary for their points.
02:32.26Dougie187true. but i wouldnt think those "modules" would be included in the definition of the android platform.
02:33.06rwhitbyI wonder how big the SDK is in lines of source
02:33.56rwhitbyWhenever I've seen morridl mention it, he's always been careful to word his statements to only refer to the SDK.  But of course I haven't seen everything he's said, and haven't seen much recently.
02:34.38rwhitbyAnd BTW, when Google says "Open Platform", be aware that that specifically does not mean "Open-Source Platform"
02:35.07rwhitbythey are talking from the viewpoint of the cellular application ecosystem, not from the developer source code viewpoint.
02:35.16Dougie187well what he said the other day, at least if i recall correctly, didnt include anything that referred to the SDK specifically, but i do agree they tend to carefully word things.
02:35.37rwhitbythey are well trained to carefully work things.  it's their job ;-)
02:35.40Dougie187i understand.
02:36.20rwhitbyand it's clear that the reporting by the media never understands the specificity of Google's statements.
02:36.47rwhitbyand so you get people thinking the whole source code for everything on the phone will be released.  which is certainly never going to happen.
02:37.23Dougie187i agree, but personally, i would think the things that wont be release will be the proprietary aspects that are specific to different vendors.
02:37.38rwhitbyon what basis do you make that assumption?
02:37.59Dougie187i guess the different articles i have read, and the conversations i have over heard.
02:38.04rwhitbyI would it would be whatever benefits the revenue-raising corporate mandate of Google.
02:38.10rwhitbywould expect ...
02:39.07rwhitbyand there's nothing wrong with that - companies are companies purely to make money.  otherwise they would be non-profit spinoffs or charities.
02:39.18Dougie187i understand.
02:39.35Dougie187i guess i would expect a bit different from google though.
02:39.39Dougie187but thats a personal stand point.
02:39.56rwhitbyah, that just shows how good Google's recruitment marketing arm is :-)
02:41.07rwhitbyand that's as it should be too - a company needs to hire the best to make the most money.
02:42.35Dougie187either way.
02:42.43Dougie187i wont end up giving up on android.
02:42.50Dougie187i think the SDK issue is a bit disappointing.
02:43.44rwhitbythe small number of developers that this disenfranchises will be minimal compared to the number of new developers when the handsets are released.
02:44.17rwhitbyso whilst I agree it's disappointing, I can see why Google may make that hard decision if other factors are pushing it.
02:44.47Dougie187i think it wont end up disenfranchising many developers at all. because this is a promising platform.
02:45.01Dougie187and can have a lot of benefits as far as the mobile industry is concerned period.
02:45.08rwhitbyThere are only 68 people in this channel.  Google's marketing deparment can easily send geeky toys to all of them to make up for it.
02:45.22Dougie187haha, i dont think that will happen though.
02:45.32Dougie187theres usually like 80 some people in this room too.
02:45.53rwhitbywell I'm expecting a free handset from Google - they just don't know about it yet ;-)
02:45.54Dougie187but what about that 1738 "teams" who lost ADC1 phase 1?
02:46.13Dougie187i think a lot of developers are expecting free handsets from google.
02:46.31rwhitbythey may be disappointed, cause Google doesn't make handsets :-)
02:46.31Dougie187and have made it blatantly clear.
02:47.13Dougie187heh yeah
02:47.21Dougie187but i think they tried to make that clear from the get go
02:49.23Dougie187but im not going to even consider starting to develop until the next SDK is out,
02:49.32Dougie187(im not actively a developer yet)
02:49.37Dougie187(and didnt participate in ADC1)
02:50.49Dougie187either way.
02:50.52Dougie187im out for tonight
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02:54.06rwhitbygoes for lunch
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08:45.02jastahey, thats my move
08:45.29dueyI was feeling like a pirate
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12:02.20Dougie187do any of you have an idea why a laptop would freeze on the bios loading screen?
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12:17.37davidwDougie187, because it sucks.
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12:38.16volmariasDougie187: bad bios?
12:38.24volmariasdid you update firmware recently?
12:38.27volmariashas any hardware died?
12:38.30Dougie187they did when i sent it in.
12:38.33volmariasdid you pee on the laptop?
12:38.35Dougie187i think i figured out what it was.
12:38.44volmariaspeeing on the laptop generally has detrimental effects
12:38.47volmariasI learned this the hard way
12:38.54Dougie187after you wait about 5 minutes staring at the bios loading screen it says "IDE #0 ERROR"
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12:39.18volmariasyeah, I think you found the answer.
12:39.24Dougie187pretty awesome huh?
12:39.32volmariastotally rad.
12:39.37Dougie187how do i get pee out of my laptop?
12:39.56volmariaswith a straw and an iron stomach
12:40.05Dougie187does a dog work?
12:40.18Dougie187it will probably take a bit longer.
12:40.26Dougie187but ill give that a go and see if it helps.
12:44.11Dougie187at least i can use ubuntus live cd
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12:58.41Dougie187damnit. now i have to go back to stupid windows for another 3 weeks.
12:58.46Dougie187while i send in my laptop to get fixed.
12:58.48Dougie187this is gay.
12:59.38ligiDougie187: you have my condolence
13:00.15Dougie187lol i just want a new laptop.
13:00.16Dougie187but oh well
13:01.46ligiDougie187: insert some Linux - LiveCD
13:01.57Dougie187i cant on the windows one.
13:02.14Dougie187i probably could, but it would take a long time to get it to work.
13:02.24Dougie187i dont think it would be worth using a live cd.
13:02.31Dougie187im going to use a live cd on my laptop before i send it in though
13:04.18Dougie187maybe muthu will buy me my laptop soon.
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13:13.43davidwok, this has bugged me long enough
13:14.06davidwhrm... never mind
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13:45.52Dougie187good morning jasonchen
13:46.06jasonchenhowdy Dougie187
13:46.21Dougie187hows it going?
13:47.14jasonchenit's early; but i'm about to go have some tea, so it'll get better right quick
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13:47.36Dougie187that sounds like fun.
13:47.48jasonchenhow about you?
13:47.57Dougie187lol well, my laptop hard drive failed this morning.
13:48.03Dougie187so i have to send it to the depot again.
13:48.05jasonchenthat's not good
13:48.08Dougie187and last time that happened it took 3 weeks
13:48.42jasonchenwhat brand laptop is this?
13:48.56Dougie187i want to get a lenovo, but i cant fork up the cash right now.
13:49.25jasonchenthose thinkpads are good stuff.
13:49.54Dougie187the sad part, is i just got my laptop back on tuesday.
13:50.01Dougie187and they had replaced the HDD while it was in service.
13:50.08jasonchenthat really is no good
13:50.29Dougie187either way i think im goign to run it over to the drop off really quick.
13:50.54Dougie187ill brb
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14:07.19zhobbs_is Dalvik based on an OSS project?
14:22.25jasonchenzhobbs_: dalvik contains code from the Apache Harmony project.
14:22.59jasonchenhowever, it's not "based" on it, per se.
14:23.26jasonchenthe tech lead for Dalvik—Dan Bornstein—will be talking in detail about the VM at I/O next week
14:23.39zhobbs_jasonchen: yeah, looking forward to that
14:23.45zhobbs_jasonchen: thanks for the info
14:24.11jasonchenbtw, we will be contributing code back up to Harmony (if we haven't already) when Android is open-sourced.
14:24.13zhobbs_these guys are confused a bit on this story:
14:24.23zhobbs_jasonchen: great
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14:25.44zhobbs_Ruben says "about 8.6 million lines of Android's 11 million are open-source"...and they took that as "will be" instead of "already is"
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14:26.40jasonchenyeah, i saw that in the article and thought it might be confusing.
14:26.58jasoncheni'm checking with andy to get clarification on what he meant and to see if he wasn't mis-quoted.
14:28.40zhobbs_I'm assuming he meant that the 8.6 million lines are from open source projects and are already available
14:28.59zhobbs_linux, misc apache, sqlite, etc,etc
14:29.56zhobbs_oh, they modified the post now
14:30.46jasonchennice work, zhobbs_
14:30.46zhobbs_webkit is probably pretty big
14:31.11jasonchenanyway, i should have more clarification about that statement soon-ish
14:32.02jasonchenyeah, there's probably a lot of code in a browser engine
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14:33.22Dougie187hey jasonchen i have a question about android becoming open source.
14:33.46Dougie187Is it going to be completely open source (SDK and all) except for proprietary modules for various vendors?
14:33.56Dougie187or am i mistaken in understanding it that way?
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14:35.25jasonchenyou're correct in understanding it that way.
14:35.51Dougie187is google developing any of the modules for the vendors?
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14:35.57jasonchenthe sdk, the tools, the app framework, everything short of some hardware specific drivers will be open sourced.
14:36.19jasoncheni'm not sure what you mean by modules.
14:36.33Dougie187well i am just calling the hardware specific drivers modules.
14:36.35Dougie187i guess.
14:36.47Dougie187im thinking that they might not be completely hardware specific.
14:37.04Dougie187i would think they might develop some app or feature that would then be specific to their phones or handsets and they wouldnt want to release those.
14:37.20Dougie187but i would expect those to be handled by the vendors 100%
14:37.44jasonchenwe're working with our hardware/semiconductor partners, sure.  hard to say where google does the work and where another company is doing it, since the effort is so colloaborative.
14:38.12Dougie187are some of the hardware specific drivers going to be release? or are all of them going to be closed source?
14:38.53jasonchenalso, remember, if there's a hardware specific feature, it also has to be exposed up into the system via the app framework or system services.  and to do that, the Android team will be creating generalized interfaces—for hardware sensors, for example.
14:39.18Dougie187yeah, that was my understanding of why the new SDK required a NDA
14:39.36jasoncheni don't know the exact tale of the tape, but there will likely be some hardware drivers that might be released as binary-only.
14:39.38Dougie187because there were interfaces that would then give the public hints as to cool hardware features that vendors are releasing.
14:40.22jasonchenbut i do know that the Alliance has released Linux drivers for Qualcomm's MSM 7000 series boards (a first for Linux)
14:40.38Dougie187thats cool
14:40.46Dougie187im excited for ADC2.
14:40.51jasonchenso in some cases, there may be source for the drivers released.
14:40.55Dougie187and to hear what we can do to get into the SDK.
14:42.20jasonchengtg for now.  early morning meeting.
14:42.31Dougie187well have fun!
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15:21.41trigatch4jasta: you around?
15:22.07Dougie187lol whens he not around?
15:23.18trigatch4when he flips out about SDKs and forces himself to take a walk around the block before he crushes his entire desktop comxputer in the palm of one hand
15:24.27Dougie187with a jasta smash?
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15:26.09trigatch4it sounds like....
15:26.32trigatch4I just picture Blanka when he gets mad hehe
15:26.36trigatch4from Street Fighter
15:26.48Dougie187hah yeah
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15:27.04trigatch4Do you know much about J2ME Dougie?
15:27.13Dougie187do you?
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15:42.19trigatch4unfortunately not
15:42.36trigatch4Dougie you have an android blog right?
15:42.41trigatch4I always mix up whose is whose
15:44.04Dougie187lol no
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15:55.15trigatch4oh dang
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15:58.19Dougie187good morning jasta
15:58.49jastai'm working from home today.  sweet ;0
16:01.19Dougie187more time to spend in the android chat
16:01.38jastaactually, my friend has the day off, i'm bbqing at noon ;)
16:17.54jastawell, that was the plan until i looked outside
16:17.57jastacrap, it's gonna rain all day
16:21.36Dougie187same here
16:22.11trigatch4its beautiful here
16:23.28trigatch4jasta: i meant to ask you, earlier (last week) you mentioned something about J2ME and how you wondered how they will prevent Android from becoming fragmented in the same manner. Hoping you could explain that a bit if you don't mind?
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17:14.31Dougie187man this room is quiet lately.
17:14.35Dougie187except for arguments.
17:19.07Hai-Fainaah, it's your imagination
17:19.22Dougie187what makes you say that?
17:20.50dmoffettJasta: I have been curious for a few days.  What exactly is an AssHat?  :-)
17:21.37dmoffettI will probably be called one soon so I better know what it is.
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18:13.08jastatrigatch4: actually i didn't say anything about J2ME.
18:13.23jastathough i do have ideas on why Android won't fork: because the OHA won't permit it.
18:14.07trigatch4jasta: yeah yea did... i was asking for interview questions for Rich Miner and you said, "ask him what they will do to keep the platform from being fragmented like J2ME"
18:14.15trigatch4but, i already had my interview
18:14.24jastano, i'm sure that i did not say that.
18:14.39trigatch4wasn't with rich miner though, it was with Eric Chu
18:14.44jastamaybe i said it with everything minus the "like J2ME", because i would not have called J2ME fragmented.
18:14.59jastaJ2ME was designed to be fragmented.  It was also designed to be sucky.
18:15.52jastabut at any rate, it's clear why Android won't fork: because users will not have the option to install forked versions themselves, and handset manufacturers will never accept anything that deviates from the main tree.
18:15.52trigatch4I'm pretty sure you said that, I may have written it down wrong but I wrote it down
18:15.56trigatch4Oh well, it's a moot point
18:16.19jastatherefore there is no reason to fork.
18:16.43jastain the open source community, forks work because you can appeal to other open source enthusiasts to get your version accepted over another
18:16.57jastafor example, Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat, etc.
18:17.36jastaIn this case, handset manufacturers replace distributions, and those companies do not otherwise apply the open spirit.  You will not have the same level of appeals to them, and they won't care what you have to say.
18:19.18jastaThat said, with Android being as flexible as they claim, there is little need to fork.  You should be able to accomplish much with just patches and third party apps.
18:22.12jastadmoffett: someone who has their head up their ass ;)
18:22.43dmoffettah self deflation.
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18:24.46dmoffettjust another way of saying head up ass
18:25.03jastabut a better way :)
18:25.38dmoffettI like asshat.
18:36.31jastawell it sure was fitting
18:42.08Dougie187who did you call an asshat jasta?
18:42.30jastai dunno, everyone.
18:43.34jastaprobably just at Google in general
18:43.46jastaor maybe Dan, for the unfair reason that he represents them :)
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18:45.57Dougie187i havent heard much from dan lately
18:46.02Dougie187just jasonchen
18:46.11dmoffettHe's trying to take off that hat.
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19:36.29jastaanyone wanna take bets on when the blog post is coming out about the SDK debacle?
19:36.43jastai say Tuesday, very late.
19:36.56jastalike, maybe even after the normal close of business
19:37.08Dougie187i dont know about that late.
19:37.10jastaso that people attending I/O have as little time to chew on it as possible
19:37.13Dougie187i would say... around 4pm
19:37.29Dougie1874pm PST
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19:55.03Dougie187hey jasta
19:55.08Dougie187did you hear about my ordeal this morning?
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19:57.04Dougie187so, i got my laptop back on tuesday right?
19:57.09Dougie187and i got ubuntu all set up on it and what not.
19:57.14Dougie187today i wake up. and turn on my laptop.
19:57.18Dougie187to find out it has a dead HDD
19:57.24Dougie187which they just replaced when i sent it in
19:57.34jerkface03you people and your ubuntu
19:57.44Dougie187it sat at the bios screen for 5 minutes and proceeded to tell me "IDE #1 ERROR"
19:57.50jastaperhaps your laptop has another problem you did not realize ;)
19:57.51Dougie187or #0
19:57.52Dougie187something like that
19:58.02jastacheck the hdd in another laptop
19:58.12Dougie187then i tried to install both ubuntu and windows, and they couldnt find any harddrives.
19:58.15Dougie187pfft, i sent it back
19:58.18Dougie187i only have one other laptop.
19:58.27Dougie187and the hard drive is barely usable in that one
19:58.54jastawhy did you send it in to replace the HDD, btw?
19:59.03Dougie187before i never told them to replace the HDD
19:59.11jasta5 minutes and a screwdriver can do that.
19:59.12Dougie187they did it themselves because they couldnt figure out how to clean off grub
19:59.24Dougie187+paying for a new hard drive.
19:59.27Dougie187its still under warranty
19:59.29Dougie187so they replace it for free
19:59.32jastawell you can make them send you a hard drive
19:59.43jastainstead of giving them the whole laptop
19:59.47jastathat way at least you can use a live cd ;)
20:00.09Dougie187true, but its 2.5 years old. and typically if you send in your laptop 3 times for repairs you can coax them into sending you a comepletely new laptop
20:00.21jasta2.5 years old?  just buy a new one.
20:00.31Dougie187i dont feel like throwing money at the issue.
20:00.35Dougie187nor do i have enough yet.
20:00.44Dougie187i need to save up more for a laptop before i buy it
20:00.52jastathat's all i do with technology anymore
20:00.54jastai'm so done futzing with it
20:01.03Dougie187i enjoy futzing with it.
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20:01.11jastayeah, and i used to
20:01.26Dougie187i guess i get irritated with it after doing it long enough
20:01.34Dougie187but then a break makes me enjoy it again
20:02.02Dougie187the thing i dont like doing though
20:02.36Dougie187is helping a computer illiterate person work their way through a problem.
20:03.05Dougie187time to go board my dog.
20:03.07Dougie187ill bbl
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20:35.05f00f-Water Boarding -- For Dogs and Terrorists(TM)
20:35.54jerkface03not funny
20:36.02jerkface03not the dog part anyways
20:38.33f00f-then i dont want to even know what he is doing with his dog
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21:31.57jastasomebody pulled that Cc my boss stunt on something i forgot to do
21:32.22jastaso i just blasted them in the response.
21:32.43jastai really hate when people play that card.
21:37.33zhobbsI'm getting a binary xml error I can't figure out...says that I must supply the layout_width attribute
21:37.47jastacan you paste the relevant section?
21:37.51zhobbsthe View is just a subclass of LinearLayout
21:37.56jastaor actually, pastebin the whole layout if you can :)
21:38.07jastawell any view still needs android:layout_width
21:38.11zhobbsit's inflated from an xml file with 2 textviews...
21:38.12jastaeven if you just want wrap_content
21:38.47zhobbsyeah, I specify that in the xml for the custom view's tag and all the tags in the view's xml
21:39.12jastawell i can't help if i can't see :)
21:39.19zhobbsyeah, one sec
21:43.06jastahang on, let me digest ;)
21:43.37zhobbsjasta: added some more info:
21:43.37jastawell, you have an android:layout_below here?  which references an item not even in this view?
21:43.49zhobbsoh yeah
21:43.59jastathat's only for relative layouts too
21:44.08zhobbswoops...copy/paste slip up :)
21:44.53zhobbsdoubt that will fix it...but trying
21:45.48zhobbsyeah, doesn't fix
21:46.35jastathen i have no immediate ideas.  does "this" have a layout parameter?
21:46.39jastain its usage, i mean
21:46.47zhobbsdo I need to implement onMeasure()?
21:46.57jastanot if you extend a LinearLayout
21:47.40zhobbsthis in the view?
21:48.05zhobbsI've even tried doing this in the constructor of the view class: setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,
21:48.05jastai mean, maybe the problem isn't with that XML file, but rather in the usage of your extended LinearLayout
21:48.26jastahmm, i really don't know then.  that seems strange.
21:48.33jastaand romain is gone for a week :)
21:48.40jastasorry, i have to run though.  gf got off work early
21:49.24zhobbsit might be the way I'm inflating there...I've had problems with the root param
21:50.02zhobbsmaybe I should inflate it on it's own and then this.addView()
22:02.20zhobbswish I would have gotten to romain earlier!
22:10.05_avatarhrm, can i embed an arbitrary file resource into my android app? one i can load later at runtime?
22:12.26zhobbsyou can include a file with your app and read it and stuff
22:13.00zhobbsput it into assets
22:13.08zhobbsor res/raw
22:13.25_avatarvery cool, thanks :)
22:13.47zhobbsjasta: damn, that error must be a bug...the view works fine if I use it in a different layout :(
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