IRC log for #android on 20080521

00:09.44*** join/#android crib (
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12:42.09Dougie187Good Morning everyone
12:44.59ligialoha Dougie187
12:45.11Dougie187hows it going?
12:45.44Dougie187i dont know if anyone knows this off the top of their head. but is there a library that recognizes faxes?
12:46.56volmariasin android?
12:47.09Dougie187no, just period
12:47.18Dougie187i guess anywhere.
12:47.22Dougie187in android would work as well
12:47.27volmariasI have no idea. Google?
12:47.33Dougie187yeah i was gonna try that too
12:47.39Dougie187i just figured I would ask
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12:59.03Dougie187i got a cool idea for an android app this morning
12:59.08Dougie187but i dont know how realistic it is
13:00.01tale_Dougie187, lay it on us
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13:01.21Dougie187well. i thought it would be cool, to get some sort of library that understands faxes. and then in your phone book you can specify phone numbers as faxes. Then when that phone number calls, your phone would answer it as a fax machine, and save the fax as a postscript file to your phone. And potentially email it to yourself if you have it set up as email.
13:01.50Dougie187the two concerns I have are the size of the postscript file, and the library
13:01.57Dougie187but i think the javacomm api might help
13:02.19Dougie187do you think that is a realistic app to write?
13:04.02tale_I have to question whether people would pay for an extra number just for faxes
13:04.27tale_I'm not sure if phones can have two lines set for one sim card
13:04.39rabooffaxes are so 1990
13:04.59Dougie187no you wouldnt pay for an extra number.
13:05.07Dougie187it would be your cell number.
13:05.25Dougie187just when a specific phone number called, it would answer with this app
13:05.39Dougie187that way, you can receive faxes on the go, or without a fax machine
13:05.47tale_so your normal number plus some digits?
13:05.49Dougie187you can even make it so it can send a fax.
13:05.55Dougie187no. your normal number period.
13:06.04Dougie187but in your phone book you would specify a number.
13:06.06tale_so how would it know if it was supposed to be a fax
13:06.30Dougie187in your phone book, you tag something as "Fax Machine" and then when that number calls your cell your fax app answers
13:06.41Dougie187and you could do it with multiple numbers.
13:06.43tale_I see, based on caller id
13:07.00tale_that's a good idea
13:07.19Dougie187i figured most faxes would send the info as a postscript file.
13:07.26Dougie187and i know there are apps to convert ps to pdf.
13:07.30Dougie187so i could even probably do that.
13:07.36Dougie187so then you would get it as a pdf on your phone
13:08.05tale_I think that there may be an issue with getting the fax to transmit to your phone though
13:08.19Dougie187how come?
13:08.29Dougie187i would think there would be a library that can talk to a fax machine somewhere.
13:08.30tale_I know that you can't hook a fax machine up to a phone service like vonage becasue of the way voip works.
13:08.42tale_I imagine that the cell service would also work a little differently
13:08.52Dougie187possibly. i havent every tried it.
13:08.53tale_no sure though
13:09.13Dougie187the javaphone api seems to say it can handle faxes on smartphones though.
13:09.25tale_sounds like a good idea
13:10.07Dougie187i just thought it would be useful for a lot of business people, and anyone who doesnt have a fax machine but has a cell phone
13:10.19tale_that would be me
13:10.23Dougie187heh me too
13:11.39tale_looks like they have a service to fax, so if you can't do it on the phone, you could access a service like that
13:11.59Dougie187yeah. but i think you have to pay for that.
13:12.07Dougie187it would be cooler if it was free.
13:12.58tale_have you looked at JTAPI
13:13.07tale_that is used for telephone apps
13:13.15Dougie187thats what im looking at now.
13:14.35Dougie187heh the only thing im stuck on, is how would i go about testing my app?
13:14.46tale_very carefully
13:14.52Dougie187since you cant really make calls to your emulator.
13:16.16tale_I think you would have to try to get it working on a windows box with a modem
13:16.19tale_make it modular
13:16.26tale_and wait for hardware.
13:16.36tale_not to mention an updated sdk.  :-)
13:16.42AstainHellbringso I'm curious how's the sdk working for ppl so far can it emulate cameras etc?
13:16.58Dougie187i couldnt tell you
13:17.07tale_from what I understand, they are hacking the sdk to use web cams
13:17.33AstainHellbringwow nice
13:18.24tale_that may get you started
13:18.34tale_at least see how it works to come up with a plan
13:18.38Dougie187nice thanks
13:19.01Dougie187i downloaded the JTAPI documentation and am reading through that as well
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13:39.14AstainHellbringcurious what does android use for an xserver?
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13:50.33tale_AstainHellbring, I'm not sure, but I believe I read that it was a custom application written by the android company before it was acquired
13:50.54AstainHellbringahh ic... hmm fun
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13:57.26Dougie187is jasta in here yet?
14:16.21cutmastais away (away)
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14:47.27Dougie187its so quiet in here
14:48.43ligiDougie187: you haven't signed the NDA yet ,-)
14:48.52ligi=> quiet
14:49.13Dougie187have you?
14:50.15Dougie187are you going to?
14:50.35ligii will decide when i can do ^^
14:51.55ligiwill u?
14:52.16liginice @
14:53.14Dougie187thats pretty cool.
14:53.22Dougie187it is a touch screen keyboard?
14:53.40ligiboth screens
14:53.50ligiare touch and display
14:59.48Dougie187thats awesome.
15:01.27Dougie187i bet its going to be more then 200 bucks though
15:05.32cutmastais away (away)
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15:11.18Dougie187did you hear about my new app idea?
15:11.48Dougie187you should scroll up and read about it
15:11.57jastai have to get ready for work :)
15:11.59Dougie187it was at about 9 am.
15:12.25jastayeah, my job is stupid like that
15:12.29Dougie187i tried to check out your source
15:12.31Dougie187and it didnt work
15:12.33Dougie187i just got a folder
15:12.34Dougie187and nothing in it
15:12.39jastaon the contrary, you didn't work.
15:13.13jastathere is source in /svn/trunk.
15:13.40Dougie187i did this
15:13.50jastathat's not my project page anymore
15:13.52Dougie187from you site.
15:13.58jastaright on the summary it says to go to
15:13.58Dougie187whats your project page?
15:14.01jastagoogle finally gave it to me
15:14.13Dougie187you should change that
15:14.15jastabut i haven't deleted android-five yet
15:14.20Dougie187so people dont try to check out the source from that
15:14.23jastawell i did add a link right at the top
15:14.33jastai can't change the source page.
15:14.53Dougie187why not?
15:15.05jastabecause google code sucks like that
15:15.25Dougie187thats too bad
15:16.10jastai will just close the project page soonish
15:16.21Dougie187well when you get to work i will tell you about my new idea
15:16.24Dougie187i think its pretty cool
15:16.41jastawell, practically speaking, i probably won't leave for another 30 minutes ;)
15:16.53Dougie187well you wanna hear about it?
15:17.45Dougie187so my idea is basically to make your phone have a fax extension. So you can specify in your phone book that certain numbers are fax machines. Then if that number calls you the app will pick up and receive the fax and save it as a PS file. and possibly convert it to a PDF. Then potentially email you that file.
15:18.01Dougie187Also i thought it would be cool to give the app a ps or pdf file and have it send it as a fax to a phone number as well.
15:18.37jastathere are a lot of problems with that.
15:18.41Dougie187like what?
15:19.16jastawell, are yo utalking about implementing a software modem?
15:19.24Dougie187no i was going to use JTAPI
15:19.49Dougie187though i dont think it has support for faxes yet. but its supposed to in 2.0
15:19.51jastais that supported by android?
15:20.01Dougie187i just thought of this idea this morning
15:20.14Dougie187and have been mostly researching if there was a library that would support receiving faxes
15:20.14jastai think there would be a lot of problems pushing that idea into a real implementation
15:20.32jastaand then, you have to consider that maybe all that work isn't worth being able to receive faxes from arbitrary numbers
15:20.41jastabecause basically faxes are stupid and old ;)
15:20.49Dougie187lol but some people need them.
15:20.52dmoffettthere are websites that do that sort of thing you might build an interace or us some api.
15:20.54jastaonly old people
15:21.07Dougie187yeah i saw the websites. but a lot of the websites charge to use their service.
15:21.08dmoffettOld people rock.
15:21.18Dougie187even though they are old and stupid they are still fairly widely used.
15:21.25jastai was sitting next to these two guys in their 60s at lunch the other day
15:21.31Dougie187and this would allow people without fax machines, or who are not near a fax machine to receive faxes.
15:21.37Dougie187and potentially send faxes as well
15:21.40jastaand their entire conversation was about how these young guys are coming into their company that don't know shit and bla bla bla
15:22.09jastai felt like calling my gf on my cell phone and telling her all about how old people are racist dinosaurs that need to just get the hell out.
15:22.17jastajust because it would seem like matched biggotry.
15:22.37jastai was not offended, because their old and i don't care, but i could have been :)
15:22.53Dougie187so you dont think its a useful feature jasta?
15:22.59jastai just thought it was odd that they would have that conversation with a 24 year old sitting 3 feet from them
15:23.03dmoffettNow that is a broad generalization that could be considered a bit biased.
15:23.20jastaDougie187: Well, I can't say that I would use it.  In fact, I do everything I can within reason to make sure nobody uses fax machines, for anything.
15:23.29dmoffettAssholes come in all ages.
15:23.55dmoffettthere was at one time a site dedicated to open fax.
15:24.10Dougie187i only found one site this morning.
15:24.11dmoffettbut I only dealt with that a long time ago.
15:24.16Dougie187and it was charging for it
15:24.25Dougie187plus i thought it would be cool to get it on your phone
15:24.31Dougie187that way its like your fax machine
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15:24.54jastaDougie187: you have to really consider what audience uses faxing heavily versus who would use Android.
15:25.02Dougie187business men
15:25.02jastai don't think they intersect much.
15:25.09Dougie187business men use smart phones
15:25.15Dougie187android will run on smart phones
15:25.24dmoffettunfortunately there are still people out there that require faxes.
15:25.30jastaactually, most younger business men use e-mail (with scan to e-mail features of copiers/printers)
15:25.35dmoffettTry to buy a house with out having to fax something.
15:25.38Dougie187heh yeah
15:25.41Dougie187its a pain in the ass
15:25.48jastadmoffett: Sure, my brother has done it twice.  You just use e-mail.
15:25.50Dougie187i had to fax a whole crap load of stuff when we bought my house
15:26.11jastaWhen they say "fax this here", you say "Actually, what is their e-mail address?"
15:26.11dmoffettdepends on the people involved.
15:26.12Dougie187what if you have to receive something and they wont email it to you
15:26.41dmoffettHopefully faxes will go away soon.
15:26.48jastaDougie187: One of our largest customers, Platt Electric, just recently shut off all their fax machines and said "If you need to fax us something, get a computer and put Outlook on it."
15:26.52dmoffettDigital signatures would help a lot.
15:27.35Dougie187dmoffett what do you think?
15:27.40Dougie187do you think its a useful feature?
15:27.45jastaand platt is an electrical distributor, so their customers are contractors and stuff.  and they refuse faxes.
15:27.51jastaif that is any indication of the times.
15:27.59dmoffettOf course there are a lot people still need to fax.
15:28.11jastayeah, but most of them are old and won't be around for long ;)
15:28.18Dougie187lol at least you hope
15:28.21Dougie187look at john mccain
15:28.30jastano, i am very certain faxing will go.
15:28.37jastathe telcos don't wish to support it any longer.
15:28.51jastasince they want their entire business topologies to move to IP telephony.
15:28.52dmoffettIt will and I hope it is today but that is not reality.
15:29.23jastaand faxing is the one last beast they can't gracefully convert since it requires a real POTS line.
15:29.26dmoffettPisses me off when I have to fax something but that is the breaks.
15:30.49Dougie187lol jasta, this way if you HAVE to receive a fax you dont have to go out and buy a fax machine.
15:30.54Dougie187and you can just get it on your cell phone.
15:31.13jastawell it would be helpful for a rare and declining corner case, sure :)
15:31.24jastabut that hardly justifies the cost of your time to develop it :)
15:31.37Dougie187well its only rare and declining for you.
15:31.41Dougie187a lot of people still use it
15:31.49jastawell, it's only rare for me.
15:31.51Dougie187especially as an alternative to mail
15:31.52jastait's declining for everyone.
15:33.26Dougie187i have used it quite a few times recently
15:34.05jastawell right, but it was common 15 years ago to find offices that did not have computers or e-mail.
15:34.23Dougie187i find it common to find things people wont receive in an email
15:34.26Dougie187so you have to fax it or mail it
15:34.31Dougie187and i would choose fax rather then mail
15:34.38jastalike large attachments not well suited for either? :)
15:35.52AstainHellbringfax blows
15:36.04AstainHellbringfax = terrible
15:36.09Dougie187i wonder if google uses faxes
15:39.11muthuDougie187: here's an idea
15:39.12dmoffettI think we all agree that fax blows but so does winders and we have to deal with both.
15:39.31Dougie187whats up muthu
15:39.36muthuDougie187: i like your fax idea
15:39.41muthubut what you do is
15:39.48muthufinally convert it to voice mail
15:40.04dmoffettand send them all to Jasta
15:40.17AstainHellbringefax will do all you are wanting with fax
15:40.35Dougie187thank you for pointing that out like the 5 other people who did already
15:40.52muthuyeah, finally to voice
15:40.59muthuthat's the perfect ending!
15:41.12Dougie187AstainHellbring: one problem with that, is it costs money.
15:41.28Dougie187heh muthu. i dont think people would want to listen to all of their faxes.
15:41.38Dougie187do you want a voice mail thats a 36 page fax?
15:41.49AstainHellbringso does having any kind of fax system
15:41.49Dougie187though i dont know if you can store a 36 page fax on your cell phone
15:41.59Dougie187not my idea
15:42.00Dougie187it would be free
15:42.02AstainHellbringewww fax to voice?
15:42.24AstainHellbringthe only point of fax is if you need signed documents in a hurry
15:42.47Dougie187and what if you need a signed document if your not close to a fax machine
15:42.50Dougie187and you have your cell on you
15:43.23AstainHellbringfax to email
15:43.25Dougie187for free?
15:43.39AstainHellbringfax will always cost something wiether its minutes or anything it will always cost you something
15:43.47Dougie187not if its after 7pm
15:43.49Dougie187or on the weekends.
15:43.50AstainHellbringyou have to have something somewhere that receives the fax and that costs minuts
15:44.14Dougie187and what would you rather spend.
15:44.20Dougie187a couple of minutes on a fax.
15:44.27Dougie187or buying a fax machine and a phone line.
15:44.35Dougie187or 17 bucks a month for a web service
15:44.49AstainHellbringbuy a pc with fax modems in it, install hylafax and go
15:45.04AstainHellbringfar better
15:45.15*** join/#android jasta_ (
15:45.16Dougie187i think you are missing the point.
15:45.21Dougie187either way.
15:45.26Dougie187i think it would end up being useful
15:45.28Dougie187for a lot of people.
15:45.57AstainHellbringI must have missed the underling idea too what is it again?
15:46.10dmoffettbeing able to send a simple fax from your phone would come in handy at time.  Especially if you can sign right on the phone.
15:46.22Dougie187get like a pdf editor
15:46.26Dougie187sign with a stylus
15:46.27Dougie187send a fax
15:46.50Dougie187AstainHellbring: its basically a fax extension for your phone. it would allow you to receive a fax from specified phone numbers in your phone book, and allow you to send faxes.
15:47.19AstainHellbringhow would you get the phone hardware to properly accept it and not just send it out over the speaker?
15:49.31Dougie187its basically just in the idea phase right now. I just wanted to see if people thought it would be useful
15:49.41Dougie187granted, i thought it would be useful
15:50.10Dougie187a couple other people thought it was usefu
15:50.19Dougie187jasta didnt like it but hes a nay-sayer
15:50.22jastawell, it's your time ;)
15:50.35Dougie187lol yeah. now i have two apps to write.
15:50.39Dougie187+help you if I can.
15:50.55Dougie187though I dont know if I can write my fax program yet.
15:51.01Dougie187because i dont think JTAPI handles faxes yet.
15:51.08Dougie187not until 2.0, and thats not out yet
15:51.15jastaor that android supports this API
15:51.29jastawhich is probably that it does not
15:51.57Dougie187why would it not?
15:52.33jastaandroid doesn't support any JSR APIs, IIRC.
15:53.13jastaalso, you could check very easily if there is an implementation in Android or if there is an implementation that could be ported to android
15:53.42Dougie187that was the only thing i had found really this morning.
15:53.43jastaanyway, off to work
15:53.47Dougie187have fun
15:53.58jastahopefully we see a new android blog post today explaining that we're all screwed
15:54.11jastaexcept for an arbitrary few
15:54.50Dougie18750 to be specific
15:55.12AstainHellbringyou also have to hope that the underlying device access to the phone devices will be capable of faxing too
15:55.36dmoffettThere are probably more in the OHA that are allowed access.
16:22.10davidwDougie187, it sounds kind of cool
16:22.18davidwmaybe not useful for most people, but really useful for some people
16:22.43Dougie187thats what i thought.
16:22.55Dougie187i dont know when i will be able to implement it
16:23.04Dougie187because i think it will be a while before JTAPI supports faxes.
16:24.02Dougie187and it would provide a free way to fax
16:24.14Dougie187so people dont have to use those stupid online fax service providers
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16:45.34jastadoes anyone have any experience with VoIP over DSL?
16:46.22volmariasno, and I find it humorous that you're reimplementing telephony over a telephone network
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17:23.36trigatch4Holy crap... I just slept for 16 straight hours...
17:24.01jastaDepressed? :)
17:24.08trigatch4A little bit
17:24.19cutmastabye all
17:24.22jastatrigatch4: Me too :)
17:24.25trigatch4And after I have a coffee I'm going to be insane with energy
17:24.32cutmastais away (away)
17:24.37trigatch4why are you depressed?
17:25.32jastai'm sure i'll get over it.
17:25.39jastai just poured a lot of energy into Android so far
17:26.01jastai was bummed that i didn't win the ADC, but it just seems like they've been piling on the disappointment ever since.
17:26.14trigatch4With the SDK thing?
17:26.33jastayeah, and just other stuff surrounding it
17:26.54trigatch4Sorry dude
17:27.08trigatch4The good thing is
17:27.25trigatch4The market can prove that the judges were stupid
17:27.32volmarias(or right)
17:27.33jastai mean, it's only a little bit depressing.  i'll be fine, it's not like my wife left me or something :)
17:27.52jastaor, even worse, i had a wife.
17:28.02volmariasor even worse, you were married to a judge
17:28.05volmariaswho saw your app
17:28.08volmariasand then left you
17:29.14trigatch4Theres also a 2nd ADC so, you never know
17:29.21trigatch4what do you do as a Full Time job?
17:29.49jastai hate my job, and that's what i meant by other stuff surrounding Android
17:29.59jastaever since i got fired up to work on Android, i have become increasingly unhappy at my current job
17:30.05jastato the point now where i feel very adrift just sitting here
17:30.21volmariaswell, here's a thought, float your resume around and find a new job
17:30.26volmariaswork for google! :D
17:30.56jastai plan to get a new job, i'm just not sure that the timing is right yet
17:31.24jastai feel like if i may miss out on a better opportunity that would come my way *after* my project gets some public attention.
17:31.52Dougie187that sentence doesnt make a lot of sense.
17:32.14volmariasHave you considered applying for a job at a company that writes mobile software in particular, and see if they have an android strategy?
17:32.20jastawell, i work on Android very aggressively now because it's basically all i want to work on
17:32.35jastaif i find some other interesting job it may tug me in that direction and my project probably will be significantly delayed to launch
17:32.53Dougie187hey have any of you used Xen versus virtualbox?
17:32.57jastaso it would screw up my timeline for potentially getting a more exciting opportunity
17:33.31jastai dunno, it's just my dismissive thinking because of all this recent disappointment
17:33.40jastai'm sure everything will be fine
17:33.53volmariashonestly, waiting for the perfect job to fall into your lap doesn't work well.
17:34.03Dougie187nope it doesnt.
17:34.05volmariasI kind of did that at my last job, thinking "it'll get better, I'll find a reason that google will hire me"
17:34.13volmariasthen I got sick of it and stuck my resume on monster and dice
17:34.20volmariaswithin a month I was gone with a 40% rase
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17:37.23Dougie187so do any of you know a difference between virtualbox and xen?
17:38.27jastai will admit i want to work with android in particular, hopefully at one of the OHA members :)
17:38.41jastathough, i don't know if that would turn into a conflict of interest with my personal project
17:38.50volmariasDougie187: sorry, no.
17:39.02volmariasI've used vmware like once :D
17:39.14jastai love vmware :)
17:39.20Dougie187i just spent all morning installing vmware
17:39.27Dougie187only to find out it was slower then ass on my computer
17:39.28jastawe have two virtualized servers at work, and i use vmware-player on my desktop.
17:39.30Dougie187it was terrible
17:39.37Dougie187and i used to use virtualbox and it worked great.
17:39.44Dougie187i just figured that vmware would be better.
17:39.47jastaactually, i have had bad performance problems when using vmware on the same disk as my host OS.
17:40.02jastai now buy separate physical disks to support the guest OS, and everything runs *much* faster.
17:40.13jastanot surprisingly, since disk access is a major bottleneck in modern computers
17:40.18Dougie187what about a laptop with one hdd?
17:40.32jastaoh, well, i wouldn't really think vmware would be a good fit for a laptop anyway
17:40.45Dougie187ill stick with virtualbox i think
17:40.46Dougie187its easy.
17:40.57jastai have not [recently] used vmware on a machine with less than 2GB RAM total
17:41.08Dougie187yeah i only have 1GB
17:41.12Dougie187in my laptop
17:41.17volmariaswhy are you using a VM on a laptop?
17:41.26volmariasthat sounds like you're asking for problems
17:41.42volmariasplus the only 1GB of memory sounds like a great way for performance to be terrible
17:41.53Dougie187to have windows.
17:42.02Dougie187in case i need it for anything
17:42.08Dougie187like small games that dont run in linux.
17:42.12Dougie187or different applications
17:42.16Dougie187just so i dont have to dual boot
17:43.09jastaif you require windows for your day-to-day personal computer use, you should probably just put windows on as the main OS
17:43.20jastai use vmware at work for Outlook and that's pretty much it.
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17:43.25jastabut certainly nothing at home
17:43.39jastai used to do Windows Mobile development, and for that i just had a separate computer entirely on a KVM
17:43.47Dougie187I do not require windows very often.
17:43.55romainguy_I actually used VMWare a lot at Sun to work on Java SE 6 on my Mac
17:44.01romainguy_it worked really well, even on a laptop
17:44.15Dougie187for some reason its running like crap on this laptop
17:44.18Dougie187but you had a mac...
17:44.37Dougie187VMWare also has fusion for macs. and that stuff looks sweet
17:44.50romainguy_it's really nice indeed
17:45.07Dougie187i wish they would get that out for linux
17:45.43Dougie187so you used vmware at sun instead of virtualbox?
17:45.55romainguy_that was in 2005/2006
17:46.11jastavmware has done a very good job marketing their products too
17:46.15Dougie187Oh ok
17:46.23Dougie187before they acquired it.
17:46.32romainguy_and before there was a Mac OS X version too :)
17:46.34jastaoffering lots of functionality for free, and then selling corporate support and more advanced products.
17:46.44romainguy_I was using Parallels before VMWare
17:46.47Dougie187did you use server or player?
17:46.49romainguy_but VMWare works much better
17:46.58romainguy_Dougie187: neither, the workstation version
17:47.02Dougie187oh ok
17:47.07Dougie187i had server earlier.
17:47.14volmariaswait, these are games that you need windows to run
17:47.18volmariasas in don't work adequately w/ wine?
17:47.26volmariasmaybe you should just dual boot? :\
17:47.31Dougie187well not just games.
17:47.38romainguy_I successfully ran a few games with VMWare
17:47.38Dougie187some other apps if i need windows i want to be able to run the apps i need to
17:47.42volmariasOpenoffice! :D
17:47.44Dougie187but some games dont run in linux.
17:47.49Dougie187and i dont want to waste space for dual boot
17:47.50romainguy_Max Payne 2 was really smooth on my laptop with VMWare
17:47.50jastacan games really work in vmware?
17:47.59jastai figured advanced 3D acceleration would not work well through vmware
17:48.00romainguy_jasta: if they use DirectX 8.1
17:48.01Dougie187jasta: yes. some can
17:48.02jastaat least, it never did before
17:48.02volmariasyeah, jesus, I can't imagine how bad the performance is w/ vmware
17:48.05romainguy_and now some DX 9 work
17:48.12romainguy_but it really depends on the game
17:48.22romainguy_but again, I played a few games and they ran really well
17:48.22Dougie187lol i doubt you can get crysis to work.
17:48.24jastai use cedega (winex) for gaming and it works great.
17:48.25Dougie187but i bet  thats dx10
17:48.36romainguy_Crysis doesn't even run fine on my 8-cores, 8 GB of RAM MacPro
17:48.38jastai have been able to play every game i have wanted to
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17:48.44Dougie187its freaking insane.
17:49.22Dougie187i had dualboot before.
17:49.36Dougie187and i didnt want it. so i did all ubuntu. and now want a vmwareish solution to have windows when i need it
17:50.38jastafor my day-to-day personal use, i just simply never need windows :)
17:51.01Dougie187i dont either.
17:51.04Dougie187this is just incase i do
17:51.17jastawhy waste so much time provisioning for that case? :)
17:51.35Dougie187because then it wont take so long when i need to use something on it.
17:51.42Dougie187like maybe a website that only supports IE.
17:51.50Dougie187i could install IE in wine i guess. but this is easier.
17:53.11volmariasyeah, you can run IE7 w/ wine or something
17:54.39tale_Dougie187, I use virtualbox on a dell d600 from about 2004.  1.6 ghz cpu and 1 gb or ram.  I use it to run windows xp in a vm with 512 ram for reason you are describing.  It works great
17:55.08Dougie187yeah thats what i use to use.
17:55.12Dougie187i just figured i would try vmware.
17:55.15Dougie187and vmware sucked.
17:55.19Dougie187and a friend recommened Xen
17:55.27Dougie187so i thought i would see if anyone knew a difference between the two.
17:55.32tale_vmware works good too, but I think that virtualbox has the advantage for a workstation
17:55.33Dougie187but i think im just going to use virtualbox again
17:55.46tale_I was using vmware server and it has limitations
17:55.56Dougie187vmware server was slower that crap on my laptop.
17:55.57tale_I still use vmware server at work
17:55.58Dougie187it sucked.
17:56.10tale_we have esx servers and I have vmware server installed on my workstation
17:56.21tale_for me the speed is about the same
17:56.30tale_vmware is a bitch to setup
17:56.39Dougie187that it is
17:56.58tale_I usually run the latest version of ubuntu and it's common to have to patch header files to install vmware
17:57.14tale_virtualbox being gpl'd is in the repositories
17:57.19Dougie187yeah i found a thread that did vmware.
17:57.26Dougie187and it had a script to install it.
17:57.34Dougie187took me about 2 hours this morning to get vmware installed.
17:57.36Dougie187it sucked.
17:57.40tale_well, vmware comes with a nice install script
17:57.49Dougie187yeah and it errored out every time i used it.
17:58.01tale_it's just that they don't update it to work with the latest kernels
17:58.13tale_they are targeted more at enterprise distros
17:58.40Dougie187either way. im just using virtualbox again.
17:58.52Dougie187If anyone got Wii Fit today its going on Ebay for ~130-150
17:59.10Dougie187i still have to go grab my copy later today
17:59.50volmariaswii fit inside you
18:00.02Dougie187and.... you crossed the line.
18:00.06Dougie187good job
18:03.41Dougie187hey jasta do you pay for cedega?
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18:24.57trigatch4That thing looks absolutely miserable
18:25.07trigatch4They could have done SO much more with it
18:25.31trigatch4The Balance Board should have come out as a premiere product with the WiiFit being it's first game
18:26.05poffyThey should've done a snowboarding game
18:26.11trigatch4I mean, honestly, a Tony Hawk game using the WiiFit Balance Board as your skateboard would be SICK. Same with a  snowboarding game.
18:26.24romainguy_trigatch4: it's been announced
18:26.29romainguy_it's called Skate It
18:26.36romainguy_EA is doing it
18:26.40trigatch4Using the WiiFit Balance Board?
18:27.16trigatch4So how do they differentiate? Are they using the "balance board" or the "WiiFit Balance Board" or using the "WiiFit"?
18:27.29Dougie187Its not a WiiFit Balance Board.
18:27.34Dougie187its the Wii Balance Board
18:27.45Dougie187Its basically what you are saying it is.
18:27.52Dougie187The balance board is mainly what you are paying for
18:27.55Dougie187+ you get wii fit with it
18:28.08Dougie187which is its first game.
18:28.23Dougie187thats like saying you are buying the "Wii Play Remote"
18:28.48trigatch4alright gotchya
18:28.55trigatch4well then i don't think they marketed it properly
18:29.13romainguy_trigatch4: except they are selling millions of it...
18:29.18trigatch4because i've kind of followed the wiifit since they announced it in like december
18:29.21romainguy_you're just not the target (yet)
18:29.53Dougie187yeah its all sold out.
18:30.02Dougie187i think they marketed it pretty well
18:30.19Dougie187they never really advertised the fact that you can do more with the balance board when it comes out.
18:30.29Dougie187but thats just to your imagination.
18:30.33Dougie187its basically another controller.
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18:31.42Dougie187Hey romainguy_ do you use faxes? heh
18:31.55romainguy_all the time
18:31.58romainguy_stupid visa @!#
18:32.05Dougie187Do you know if Android will support JTAPI?
18:32.13romainguy_I have no idea
18:32.31Dougie187because i had an idea for an app this morning. to allow your cell to receive and send faxes.
18:32.40Dougie187to and from a file.
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18:33.05Dougie187and JTAPI will support sending and receiving faxes in the future.
18:35.17Dougie187do you think that would be useful?
18:44.10jastaDougie187: yes, i do pay for cedega
18:44.19Dougie187Oh ok
18:44.49Dougie187what kinda games do you play in it?
18:51.07jastamost recently, I was playing a lot of WarCraft III, Half-Life 2, and Heroes of Might and Magic 5.
18:51.41f00f-i'd say bloody gory games are good stress relievers
18:51.49f00f-except the high last for only a few minutes, for me
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18:52.23volmariasGrr. I wish there was a way to broadcast synchronously, so that I can do unit tests involving broadcasts more easily.
18:52.52Dougie187i think i might have to install warcraft 3 soon
18:52.57Dougie187so i can get some DOTA going down
18:53.33Dougie187i love dota. that game is so fun
18:53.39Dougie187anyways. its time to go pick up wii fit
18:53.45Dougie187see you guys later.
18:53.46*** part/#android Dougie187 (
18:54.12jastalol, i play a lot of dota ;)
19:10.10jastai'm surprised taht blog post jason was referring to yesterday hasn't come yet.
19:10.16jastai figured they'd want to respond to this relatively quickly.
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19:33.04trigatch4Hey Douigie187 you around?
19:39.25f00f-he is not around
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19:44.01jastaf00f-: have you guys received the new SDK already or are they still going to make you wait? :)
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19:48.04f00f-jasta: wednesday at the earliest
19:48.12f00f-had sign a bunch of stuff and drop it in the mail
19:48.26f00f-well wednesday i guess more info
19:48.29f00f-not sure about when we get it :/
19:49.25romainguy_I wonder how you guys can report bugs under the NDA
19:49.52f00f-maybe we'll be emailing you directly romain :P
19:50.05romainguy_Sure you can :)
19:50.26romainguy_Now, getting your email to be read is another matter ;)
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20:49.06jastai'm really curious what they will do here
21:01.17dmoffettHopefully the delay is Google getting their ducks in a row for releasing the SDK to all of us.
21:01.46dmoffettthat scared them off.  :-)
21:04.12jastadmoffett: i honestly doubt it :(
21:04.48dmoffettjasta: right you are.  :-)
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21:08.53jastai bet theyre just trying to figure out if they should extend the NDA offer to the top x winners of the ADC, which has a host of other problems
21:09.04jastalike, revealing who the top x winners were :)
21:09.08jastaand choosing x.
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21:12.10jastahey dan, how's it going? >:)
21:29.11jastait's like he has a trigger
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22:02.09davidwjasta, he's probably taken to drinking heavily with all the people hassling him;-)
22:10.11jastai would not want his job ;)
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22:16.11f00f-i'd take his alcohol though
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22:46.13Dougie187man wii fit is cool
22:46.59dueyare you fit now?
22:47.08f00f-lose some weight dougie
22:47.24Dougie187im trying.
22:47.30Dougie187i dont need to lose weight.
22:47.33Dougie187i need to gain weight
22:47.59Dougie187the yoga is really cool so far
22:52.56jerkface03whatever fatty
22:53.21jerkface03Dougie187: did you buy it? how many bills?
22:53.31jerkface03it looks like it'll be atleast 1.5
22:53.41Dougie187its 90 bucks
22:54.28jerkface03Dougie187: does it say how much weight it can support?
22:54.43Dougie187330 lbs
22:55.08Dougie187lol they increased it from the japan release
22:55.24jerkface03i can imagine
22:55.30jerkface03most americans are fattyboombas
22:55.36jerkface03too much mcdonalds
22:55.37Dougie187japan was 299
22:55.52Dougie187mcdonalds is so gross though
22:55.58Dougie187i hate eating it
22:56.09f00f-i just had baja fresh folks
22:56.10f00f-i'm stuffed
22:56.12jerkface03it tastes ok, i get a bad case of the shits whenever i eat it tho
22:56.13f00f-and full of water
22:56.15Dougie187that stuff is good
22:56.22Dougie187i love baja fresh
22:56.26Dougie187i like Moes more though.
22:56.33Dougie187and Qdoba
22:56.35f00f-it's slow fast food
22:56.42Dougie187semi-fast food
22:56.43f00f-never heard of those, like moe's bar?
22:56.50Dougie187lol no. not quite
22:57.04f00f-but most of all, i like chipotle also
22:57.06f00f-big portions tho
22:57.50f00f-not bad
22:57.53f00f-looks nice
22:58.00Dougie187its awesome
22:58.04Dougie187i love it
23:00.35f00f-i need an exercisve app for android
23:00.40f00f-like Nokia Sports Tracker
23:00.59f00f-WTF IS this disk activity about
23:02.35jerkface03NTFS is indexing your pornographic vidoes for faster access times
23:03.25f00f-there is no porn on here
23:04.35f00f-you were right
23:04.35jerkface03indexing porno
23:04.35f00f-but not OS or NTFS
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23:15.50Dougie187man. wii fit is cool
23:15.53Dougie187you guys should get it
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23:33.16f00f-i should get a wii
23:33.23f00f-i'd do more android coding
23:33.33f00f-man, i am dozing off
23:33.38AstainHellbringhuh hows that make sense?
23:33.39f00f-severe fod comar
23:35.11Dougie187the wii is really cool.
23:35.15Dougie187i enjoy it f00f-
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23:35.52f00f-you're obese, so i guess they make it fun to lose weight?
23:36.02f00f-i am joking
23:36.19f00f-i guess it's more interactiive
23:36.27jerkface03i don't think there's a person in this channel who isn't over 200 lbs
23:36.30f00f-i dont like punching on a controller key pad
23:36.45f00f-so... what are ya saying buddy?
23:36.47Dougie187<--- is not even 150.
23:38.00f00f-je pense qu'il ny a personne qui pese plus de 200 lebros
23:38.18Dougie187and... i dont know what you just said.
23:38.59jerkface03he just admitted he's a fatty in french
23:39.05Dougie187oh ok
23:39.13jerkface03je es tres tres grande
23:39.16jerkface03or whatever
23:39.21jerkface03i don't remember any french from highschool
23:39.37jerkface03tu means you, right?
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23:41.27f00f-jerkface03: graduated from high school or college in 2003?
23:42.16f00f-le guy du romain
23:43.35romainguythat doesn't mean anything :p
23:44.30f00f-i'm surprised i can still kind of talk/understand french
23:44.34f00f-yeah i know :)
23:44.47f00f-i really should get back into it

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